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Full text of "History of the counties of Argenteuil, Que. and Prescott, Ont., from the earliest settlement to the present. --"

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23 AND z:; Sr. NICHOLA!; 8rREET. 


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Entered according to Act of Parliament of Canada, in the year one thousand eight hundred and 
ninety-six, by C, THOMAS, in the office of the Minister of Agriculture and Statbtics at Ottawa. 

\ 1.... 
{\\ 1\ 



In a volume of ordinary size it would be impossib[e, of course, to give 
a sketch of all the pioneers in a district of much extent; in the outset of the 
present work, therefore, it was the intention of the \\ riter to give biographi- 
cal sketches of only the very eady pioneers and those who) in different ways, 
had become prominently identified with the history of the two Counties, It 
was in pursuance of this plan that a few of the longer sketches were written 
but among so many of the early settlers who arrived Í-n the country about 
the same time, it was no easymatter to decide which was the more justly 
entitled to notice. To obviate this difficulty, and to avoid the very common 
complaint against Local Histories-that they mention only the rich and 
fortunate-it was determined to notice, by giving shorter sketches, all who 
evinced sufficient interest in the work to subscribe for it. But in pursuing 
this plan, we have by no means neglected to mention any individual or 
event whose history is at all likely to add interest to the work. Numbers of 
individuals, therefore, who have passed away, leaving no descendants in the 
country, have been accorded quite as much space as those sUf\riving, In OUr 
desire to do justice to all, and record every incident brought to our notice 
which seemed worthy of preservation, we have enlarged the book considerably 
beyond our intention at first, and, beyond the size stated in the prospectus. 
In a book of so many and varied subjects, it would be scarcely less than a 
miracle should not errors be found and, especially, when the writer in several 
instances has discovered serious mistakes ia notes \\ hich the individuals who 
gave them regarded as perfectly correct. It is believed, however, that what- 
ever errors may yet be discovered, if any, will be of so trifling a nature that 
they will not seriously affect the value of the work. 
That the work has been a very laborious one, the reader will at 
once perceive,-indeed, the writer, from ill health, has more than once almost 
despaired of completing it ; but He who tempers the wind to the shorn lamb 
has enabled him to persevere through many discouragements and brinJ' 
it to completion. He would acknowledge himse
f profoundly grateful for 
the assistance rendered by the different clergym
n whose contributions 
appear in these pages, as well as for that exten.led by \V, J. Simpson, :\r.p. P. ; 



G. W. Parmelee, Secretary of the Council of Public Instruction; G. F. Calder, 
Esq., Cols. Shields and Higginson, Sheriff Hagar, G.}, \Valker, Esq., Colin 
Dewar, Esq., Duncan Dewar, Esq" T. T, Higginson, Esq" and several 

., He that writes 
Or makes a feast, more certainly invites 
His judges than his friends; there's not a guest 
But will find something wanting or ill-drest." 

However true the above lines, the value of local history increases with 
the progress of culture, and Its benefit no one wiN deny. This volume is 
presented to the public with the belief that it will be accorded a reception 
sufficiently cordial to save the author the unpleasant reflection, that his labor 
has been performed in vain. 


Page 109, line 6, the legal Tight of any protestant clergyn1'1n except tho5e of 
he established churches of Eng\and and Scotland to keep registers of civil status or 
to officiate at marriages. 
Page 12 3, line 8, The late James Middleton. 
Page 125, 4th line from bottom, Lord Reay. 
Page 147, line Ig, For Catherine McLean, read Catherine McLaurin. 
Page 222, last line. read Mr. \Valker's present dwe1lÏng. 
Page 223, line 25, for an Elder read Manager. 
Page 4 61 , 1st line, for \Vestern read Eastern, 
Page 4 6 (J, line Ig, for this çompany, read their company. 



The Ottawa..,. ,. . . , .. . , . . . . . " . , .. ..,. 
Champlain's Astrolabe. . " ,...,. , . , .. , , , , 
The Heroes of the Lon
 Sault.,.... ....,. 
The Indians descent o(the Ottawa with furs 
do do do 
Opening of the fur trade on the Pacific.". 
Mr, Philemon Wright's ascent of the Ottawa 
Navigation on the UUawa... .....,...... 
Places of interest on the Ottawa..". ...,. 
County of Argenteuil. . .. ..",....., . . . . . 
Census of 1891 .,. , ,. . . ., , . . .. .......,. 
Geology of Argenteuil.,..... . . ,. . . .. .", 
Representati yes . . ,. . . . . . . . .. . . ,. . . . . . . . . 
Sir J. J. c. Abbott...... ...... ..... . .. .. 
Agricultural Society. . . . ,. ",.. ....'. , . . , 
Count y Council, . . . . . . , , . , .. ,.. . .. ,.",. 
A rgenteuil Rangers..,. . , , , . , . . , .. .." .. 
Fenian raids.",. . - ,.,.., ...' . . . , . .. . . . . 
The Schools of Argenteuil...,..... . . ., .. 
Inhabitants of Argenteuil...... ....,. .,.. 
Scotch settlers of Argenteuil. . . . . . ,. ".." 
Seigniory of Argenteuil.., ",. ,..", 
Sir John J olmson . . , . " . , . . . . . . .. . . . . , . , 
St. Andrew's Parish..,." . . ., ".". 
do Village. . .. ".", . '" . . , 
Churches. . .. , . " . . .. .". .", . , ., ,..... 
Anglican Church. . .. . . , , ,. . , .. .,., ".... 
Presbyterian Church. . . . ..,. ."..,...,.. 
Roman Catholic Church..,. . . , . . . ., .... . 
Baptist. . . , .. , , . , , . . . . , . , . , . . . . . , ,. ,." 
Congregational. . , . . , .. . . , , . . . . . , . . . . . . . 
Methodist, . ., . . . , , , .. ",."." . , ,. . , , . 
Bible Society,. . , ,. , . ,. , . . . .. . . . ..." .. 
C. E, Society,.".. ...,.. ..,.., .,., ..,. 
'V. C. T. U. Society, '" .. , ". . , ., ."... 
'V oman's Missionary Society.., ,. ,...... 
11asonic Lodge. , " ,. .. .. , , . " .. . . . . . , . . 
Mercantile. , ., , . . , .. ..,...' , , " ..,.', .. 
Cote du Midi and the Bay. . . . . . . . , ., . . . , . 
River Rouge.",.. . , .. . , . " . . , . .. ",." 
Beech Ridge.,.", ...... ,...,. .",., . . . 
Geneva. , " . , .. . , . , . . " ..., . . . . . ., , . . . . 
Carillon, , , , ., ".... . , ,. . , . . . ...... .... 
Employees on Carillon Canal. . . , .. . . . . , ., 
Municipal Council...... ...... ",.,. . . . . 
The Dam, . . . .. ""., ,... ,. ,.,. ",. .... 
Isle aux Chats. , .. . , .. . , .., ,....",.,.. 
Town of Lach ute.. .. .. . . ... . ...... 
Reminiscences of early days",. ,..... ..., 
Professional. . , . . . .. . . " ..,..", . ,. ,... , 
Rise and Progress of Education. ,.. . . . , . ,. 
Lachute Academy..".,...,...... .",.. 
Rise and Progress of Religion. , ., ".. .... 
Presbyterian Church.,...".....,." ,.., 

3 2 
4 2 
4 8 
4 8 
7 0 
10 3 
10 3 
10 4 
12 3 
12 3 
12 3 
12 3 
12 4 
13 1 
13 8 
15 1 
15 6 
19 0 
19 1 
21 3 
23 8 

Henry's Presbyterian Church. . , . ... . .. . . , , 
Anglican Church..,. ."... , , .. , , . . . , " . 
Baptist. , ,. . , , , , , . . , . . 
 . .. . , ,. .,., . . , . . 
Methodist. , ,. .. ,. . . . . . , . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . , 
Roman Catholic Church....".",.,...., 
W. C. T. U. and C. E. Societies.......... 
Mechanics Institute, , , . . . ., . , .. ...... ... 
Manufactures, . , . .. .",..... ,'.,., ".", 
Paper 1Iills. . ,. .,., . , ,. , . . . . . , , . . , . . , . . 
Newspapers, . ., , , ,. ".", . , , . .. . .. . , .. . 
Bridges and railroads, , , . . . .. . . ,. . . .. ... 
Mercantile establishments. . . . .. . , . . . . . , , . 
Hotels. , . . . . .. .,.. . . . . . . . . . ,. ... , .. . . , . 
Parish of St. Jerusalem d' Argenteuil... .. . . 
East Settlement.", .".,.............. 
Bethany. . . . . . . . . , ,. .. .. ...."... . . .. . 
V idesac , , " . . . . . . ' . . , , . . ,. . , . , . , . . . . . . . 
Hill Head , . . . . . . . .. .". .... .....", 
Chatham., ., ., .,., . . ,. . . . . ... . .. ".. 
Cushing. . .. . . .. . . . . .. .". . , " . , . .. . . . , 

t. :\I
 Church. .. ..".,.,.."..... 
Greece s POInt. , ,. ."... ""., . . . ,. . . ., . 
Stonefield. . " ,.,... . , , . . . , ., .." . . . . . , 
St. Phillip....,' ..., ..., .,.., .... ,.,.., 
Roman Catholic Church".." . . , .. .."., 
Stavnerville,." ..""...,. .". ..", .... 
Brö'wnsburg, _ . . .. .".., . , ., ." . " . , ., .. 
Dominion Cartridge Factory. . . . . . , ,. , , ,. . 
f\fount Maple,.,. ..., ,.,. .,. .... .,.... 
DalesviUe . , . , .. .,.,., . . .. ..,. ....". . , , 
Baptist Church.". ..,.", ....,. ",. .,.. 
Edina. . , . .. . , " , , .. ...... .,."....... 
Grenville. , . . . , . . . , .. ."". , . . , . . , , . . 
Grenville Village.. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. ... ... . 
Angl ican Chu rch. . .. .. .. . , . . . . . . . . . , . . , 
Presbyterian. . ,. ..",."..,...,...",. 
Roman Catholic.". .,.,., ..,." . . . . . .. , 
1f ethodist , . ., .,. , " , . . , . , , . , , ,. .,..... 
Baptist, . ., ,.,. . , ,. . . .. ."", ,..,. . . . . , 
Mercantile, . .. , . . . . . , " . . ,. ... . " ....., 
La Belle Falls.." , , . . . . . , , . , . . , ., ,.,. , 
Calumet. . " . . ,. ..". .. ., .. .."...". 
Augmentation of Grenville. . , ,. . , . , 
Point au chêne . , " . . " ... . . , ., . , ., "" . 
A voca , . .. . . . , " ..., "., . , ,. ., , , . , . . . . 
Harrington. . .. .", _ . ., . . . . ..", . . .. . 
Lost River,... ... . ,. , . , . .. . . . 
Lakt> View. , . , .. ... . .. ...... . 
The Glen, . .. . , " . , ,. "., . . " ..... .". . 
Wentworth.... ..,....... .,.. ..., ,.. 
Louisa. . , . ., . , " , . , , , , ,. .. . . . . . . . . , . . . 
\Ventworth Glen,. . . . . o' ..... , . ,. . . .. , . 
Laurel. . .. , , ., .." . . . . .. , . . . , , " . . . . . , 
Montfort, . .. , . .. . . .. . , , . ,. .",.,....., 

24 2 
24 6 
24 8 
24 8 
25 0 
26 3 
26 3 
26 9 
27 2 
27 8 
3 02 
3 0 7 
3 0 9 
3 1 3 
3 16 
3 22 
3 2 4- 
3 26 
33 6 
3 6 5 
3 66 
3 6 7 
37 8 
3 8 3 
3 8 4 
3 88 
39 6 
39 8 
4 0 3 
4 0 4 
4 11 
4 16 
4 18 
4 21 
4 2 2 
4 2 4 
4 2 5 
4 28 
4 z8 



Gore. . . . .. . , . . . . ,. . . ., ... , . .. , . ,. . . .. 43 0 
Lakefield . . . . . . . .. ...,....,........... 432 
Shrewsbury. . . . , . , . . . . . .. . , ,.. ..,..... 436 
Mille Isles ..........,. .."..."..,. 43 8 
Canl bria. , .. . . " .. ,..... ....,.,..",., 44 I 
Morin. , ., .... . .'. , .. ., ..,.. . . .. . . .. .. 444 
110rIn Flats. . . . . . " . . . , . . . . ,. . , " ..,... 445 
Arundel. . .. . . ., . ,.. . . ,. . .,.....,.. 447 
Montcalm. . , . ,. ...". .". ,..", . . ... 4 60 
Howard. , .. ., . , , ,. . , ,. ., , , . 460 
Prescott.. .. . , .. . . . . . . .. .. . . . . ., ., ., 461 
Census of 1891 . . . . .. . . .. ...,.. . . . . . . . ., 461 
Representatives of Prescott. . .. .,.. .,. . .. . 462 
Inhabitants. . . . .. ...... ...,'. .... . . . . .. 464 
Militia ufficeJ s of 1838.... . . " .. 467 
18th Battalion of Militia.... ......... .... 467 
Schools of Prescott. , ., .... . , ., .' . , .. ..,. 468 
Progre<;s of the timber industry. ."... ..... 471 
Agricultural Society.... ...... ..... ...... 475 
Point Fortune...... .,..........,.-.. 477 
The H. H. and N. W. Companies..... ..... 485 
A Canadian IIeroine.... . ... ...... ..,... 495 
Longueuil. , . , . . .. ...... .".....,.... 5 02 
L'Orignal. . .. . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . " .. . . . . . .. 513 
Methodist chure h. . . . - , . . . . . . . . . ., ...", 5 1 5 
Presbyterian. , . , . . .. ... . .. . . ., . . . . . . . ., 517 
Roman Catholic. . " ...... ...." ... .". 520 
Anglican Church. ,...,...........,.... 520 
Professional Men and Officials...... '" . .. 520 
Mercantile and Business Men. . . . 524 
Ne\\spapers..." .,... ..,... .,.,...", 528 
Cassburn. . . . . . .. . .. . .... . .. . . .. . , .. . , " 529 
Hawkesbury Mills.,. . ., ....., '" . ., . . ,. 533 
Churches. " , " .,..., ...... ...... ". . ., 542 
Presbyterian Church. , ., . . ., . , . . . . , " . , .. 54 2 
Anglican Church.... ., .............. 543 
1\Ianufacture!> . .. . .. .." .. ...,.....,. . ,., 547 
11ercantile. . ,. .,..".,.".",.,.",... 549 
Evandale .,. . .. . . .. . - . . .. . . " . .. . . . . ,.. 551 
Green une.,., . . .. ...,.. . . ., ., .. .. . .. 553 
West Hawkesbury.. .. . . .. . ... . .. . .. 554 
I-Ienry. . . . ., . , .. . . . . . . , ., . . . . ,. .... , , " 563 
Vankleek Hill.... ...... . ... ....... .. ... 564 
Presbyterian Church. , . . . , . . . . . .. . . . . . , ., 570 

Anglican Church....,..... ...... . , .. . ., 571 
Methodist Church...... ... .......,..... 572 
Baptist Church. . . , ,. ...,., ,.,.., . . , , . ,. 573 
Roman Catholic Church.. 
. ..,. ...... . . _ 574 
Schools. . , . , , .. .. . . '. . , '. . . ., .." . . . ., 575 
Hotels. . " .".,. , , ,. . , .. ........ . '...., 577 
!\I anufactories. . .. .".. . "...,........ 5 7 8 
Newspapers. . ., . . . . . , " . . . , . . . .. .", . ., 580 
East Hawkesbury,...,. ",.., .,.. ,..... 588 
Chute au Blondeau.". . . .. .",...,..,., 5
Little Rideau....,' ...... .,... ,....... 597 
Stardale . . . . .. ...,.. .".. . . . . .. . . ,. . , ,. 604 
S1. Eugène . . . . .. ....,. . . , . .. . . . . . .. .". 60 9 
do R. C. Church.... ...., ....... 610 
BJ.r b . . . , . . . ... ..... . ..........,..... 6 I 5 
Caledonia. . . . '. ..., . , .. .... .. .. . . . . .. 621 
Fenaghvale.... .,., .."., ...... .....,..622 
do St. Paul's Church,... 62 5 
St. Amour ., .,......."..,....,...". 62 7 
Caledonia Springs.... . . ,. . . , . ,. ...,.. .. 628 
Alfred.,...... .,..',....."..... ,."..63 0 
do R. C. Church.".,. ... . '. .. . , ,. .. 630 
Lafaivre.. ,. . . . . . . . , ., ....,.. . , . , ., . . .. 631 
Holmes Settlement. . .. . . , . . . , , . . _ " . ., ., 635 
Alfred Village..., . ,., , , , , ,. . . .. . . .. . .. 635 
T ames Settlement . . .. .. . . . . . .. .... 63 8 
North Flantagenet. . " . . " . . .. . . . , ,. 638 
Plantagenet Mills........ ......... ...... 638 
do chUl ches. . ., ....,. " . . . . . , " 641 
do Hotels. ,. . .. . . . . ,. .. . . . . . . .. 642 
Treadwell... ,.. .,.,.. ,..... . . . . . 644 
Hughes Settlement...,.. '.. . ... .... ..., 645 
Jessup's Falls. , . , ,. ..,... . , . .. .,...... 645 
Curran..,... .... ....., ..., ,.. .". ..., 64 6 
CeDterfield ...,..""..........".,.,.. 647 
Rockdale. , , . . . . . . . .. ..,.,...", . , . , . . .. 649 
Pendleton.... .... "., ".... .... "., ....65 1 
Smith Settlemen
. . . . . . ,. .. , . . . .. ,...,.. 653 
do Prest. Church.. , , . . . ., ... 654 
South Plantagenet.... ... .......... 655 
l<.icevillc. . .. . . .. .......,.,...". "... 65 6 
Franklin's Corners. , .. . . . . . . . . . " .." . " 662 
Len1Ïeux. , ,. . , . . . , ,. . . .. "......".... 663 
Fournier. . , . , . .. ....,. ,."" .......... 663 




GJ, \
S this noble river is the dividing line between the two Counties to the history 

 of which this volume is devoted, and, moreover, is the stream upon which 

 thousands of their inhabitants have toiled for the maintenance of them- 
 selves or families, it naturally deserves more than a passing notice, 
Fine, charming, beautiful, lovely, wonderful river, are expressions anyone 
or all of which may be heard daily on the steamers which ply its waters; and ex- 
travagant and ridiculous as seem these adjectives when applied to many objects, no 
one ever regards them inappropriate when applied to the Ottawa. 
Corning from the far North, from regions almost unknown, there is a certain 
mystery about it, which awakens our curiosity and engenders a spirit of romance. 
'Vhile its beautiful islands and the picturesque scenery of its shores are continually 
demanding our admiration, as we ascend its current, its breadth is an ever-present 
source of wonder. 
From the moment we leave Lake St. Louis, where it unites with the S1. Law- 
rence, till we have plssed two hundred miles beyond the Dominion Capital, we 
look in vain for any perceptible decrease of its breadth and volume; there is the 
same oft-recurring change from river to lake, from lake to river. The Ottawa is 
emphatically a river of lakes, and of the la5t fifty miles of its course, they form no 
small proportion, 
Scarcely have we left Lake St. Louis, ere we enter the beautiful Lake of Two 
Mountäins, every rood of whose shores is replete with historic interest. Leav_ 
ing this, we are soon on the expansive bosom of St. Placide Bay, and anon on 
Rigaud Bay, each vying with the other in beauty and area, as well as in the importance 
of its historic associations. And thus we may sail, seeing river after river, and some 
of them large in size, r.dùing their waters to those of the mighty Ottawa, without 
causing the slightest apparent differeU(;e in its size; indeej, it is saiù that it is broader 
280 miles from its mouth than it is artt::r 
ecei ving twenty tributaries, and several of 
them such streams as the Gatineau, the Lièvre, the North and South 
ations, the 
Rouge and the River du Nord. Wonderful indeed! But our interest increases as we 
cast our eyes along the history of the past, and see the important events with which 
the Ottawa has been connected. It was the highway of the early French explorers, 



traders and missionaries who brought the first tidings of the Gospel to the natives of 
New France. It was traversed by the red man when he first in peace bartered the 
products of the chase with the whites at Montreal; also, when he stole stealthily upon 
them to dye his tomahawk in their blood. This was the route pursued by the coltrClIrs 
du bois, as they went to and from their far-off haunts for game, and many decades 
later the Ottawa bore the canoes _of the Nor' \Vesters, and returned them with rich 
cargoes of peltries. 
The earliest event with which the Ottawa is associated, which we find mentloned in 
Canadian history, is its ascent by Champlain, in 1613, on a wild goose chase, to 
discover the North Sea. A person named Vigneau had accompanied him on se'"eral 
visits to the Indians, and spent a winter among them. He reported that the river of 
the Algonquins (the Ottawa) issued from a lake connected with the North Sea; that 
he had visited the shores of this sea, and there witnes::,ed the wreck of an English 
vessel. The crew-eighty in number--had reached the 
hore, where the inhabitants 
had killed and scalped them all except a boy, whom they offered to give up to him, 
with other trophies of their victory. Champlain had this decìaration made in writ- 
ing, and signed before two notaries, at the same time warning Vigneau that if it were 
false, he would be liab1e to punishment by death. Vigneau adhered to his statements, 
and Champlain, having learned that some English vessels had been wrecked on the 
coast of Labrador, no longer doubted, and prepared to depart for the North to 
explore that section of the country, 
\Vith two canoes containing four Frenchmen-including Vigneau--and one Indian, 
he proceeded up the Oltawa, during which voyage he experienced severe hardships 
and encountered many difficulties. Owing to frequent rapids and cataracts, they 
were obliged, often, to carry their canoes and stores overland, and sometimes this 
was impossible, on account of the dense forests and undergrowth. The latter diffi- 
culty was overcome only by dragging their boats through the rapid current, where 
their lives were in constant jeopardy. Another danger, also, continually menaced 
them,-that of meeting wandering bands of Iroquois, to whose ferocity they would 
doubtless have fallen victims. At last they were obliged to abandon their corn and 
trust entirely to their success in hunting and fishing for provi<;ions. 
They finally reached the habitations of Tessonat, a friendly chief, whose 
country was eight days journey from that of the Nipissings, where the shipwreck was 
said to have occurred. He received them courteously; but in a council which was 
heJd later, he promised, only on the most earnest entreaty, to comply with Cham- 
plain's request for an escort of four c
.noes. Findmg the Indians still reluctant to 
fulfill this plOmise and averse to accon:pany him, he demanded another meeting, in 
which he reproached them with their intendfd breach of faith; and to convince them 
that the fears which they expressed were groundless, referred to the fact of Vigneau 
having spent some time among the Nipissings. 
Yigneau being then called on to state whether such was the case, after some 
hesitation and evident reluctance replied in the affirmative. The chief immediately 


1 [ 

called him a liar, asserted that he had never been beyond the limits of theirowncountry, 
and declared that he deserved torture for his dis
one5ty. Being submitted to a rigid 
examination by Champlain, Vigneau was obliged to admit that what the Indians said 
was true, and that his tale, by which Champlain had been led to encounter such hard- 
ships, and neglect matters he had so much at heart, was a fabrication. Leaving him 
with the Indians as punishnwnt for his perfidy, Champlain returned to Quebec, and 
soon afterward to France. 
In 1867 no little interest was awakened among antiquarians by the finding of 
an Astrolabe, which there very is go od proof was lost by Champlain on his trip up 
the Ottawa which is described above, 
'Ve are indebted to :\Ir. Colin Dewar, of Ottawa, for the account which follows. 
He says:- 
I have a distinct recollection that an article appeared in the Montreal 1Vitllus, in the summer 
of 1867, giving an account of the findingufan Astrolabe near Porlage du Fort, on the Ottawa. 
This was a most interesting relic, on account of its heing (as was conjectured) the one used by 
Champlain on his voyage of exploration up the Ottawa in 1613. In order to ascertain the truth of the 
report, and to obtain, If possible, the fullest information regardint; it, I instituted a vigoruus search 
(for a time with very little prospect uf success) ; but considering that no trouble would be too great to 
secure the proper information legarding such a valuable relic, "I persevered in myendeav ors ,an-1 
ultimately was rewarded by finding a very complete account in pamphlet form, from the pen of the 
late A.J. Russell, Esq., Crown Timber Agent in Ottawa, whose son, John Alex. Russell, Esq., of the 
Public \Vorks Department, has also contributed some exceedingly valuable information. The account 
given by Mr. Russell is so ,'ery interesting, and deals with the subject in such a scientific manner, that 
it will be both pleasing and profitable to the readers of these sketches to ha\e it faithfully transcribed. 


LOST ON THE 7TH ]urm, 1613. 

 AUGUST, 1867. 

In the preface, Mr. Russell says: "This brief treati
e was not 01 iginally WI iUen with a view to 
" publication; but as the subject is connected with the early history of Canada, and throws a little 
"additional light on an obscurity in a part of Champlain's journal of his first voyage up the Ottawa, 
" I have been induced by the flattering recommendations of a few friends to have a '"ery limited edition 
" of it published, trusting it may be in some degree interesting to Cånadian readers." 
l\Ir. Ru!'sell now goes on to wy: "The Astrolabe which is the subject of this treatise was 
" she\\n to me by Captain Ovelman of the Ottawa Forwarding Co. lIe afterwards gave it to R" W. 
" Cassells, Esq., then President of that Company, now of Toronto, who obliged me with the loan of 
" it. Knowledge of the Portage on which it was found led me to believe that it was the one that 
"Champlain's journal contains evidence of his having lost there, in 1613' 


"This Astrolabe, of which a photo is prefixed, was found in 1867, on the rear half of lot 12, in the 
"second range of the township of Ro
s in the county of North Renfrew, Province of Ontario, on the 
"river Ottawa, by Captain Overman's people in cultivating a piece of ground, at a 
manlake near the 

] 2 


" road from the Onawa to Muskrat Lake, and is believed to have been lost by Champlain in traver- 
" :;ing that portage on his way up the OUawa in the year 1613, "-" '1 he follo\\ ing particulars lespect- 
" ing it, and reasons for believing it to be Champlain's, may perhaps be found intere
ting to Cana. 
.. dian readers. Its diameter is 5
 inches, of plate brass, very dark with age, and }8 of an inch thick 
.' above, increasing to 6)f,ç of an inch below, to give it steadiness when suspended, which apparently 
.. was intended to be increased by having a weight on the ring at the bottom uf it, in using it on ship 
,. board. Its suspending ri ng is attached by a double hinge of the nature of a universal joint, Its 
.. cirCle i:" divided into single degrees, graduated from its perpendicular a},.is of suspension. The dou. 
h ble bladed inde},., the pivot of which passes thlOugh the centre of the A
trolabe, has slits and eyelets 
.. in the projecting sights that are on it, and by turning the index directly to the sun at noon, so that 
" the same ray may shine fully through both eyelds, while the Astrolabe hangs freely. The sun's 
.. MC:lidian altitude, and thereby the latitude of the place of observation, can be taken to within 
"about }.( uf a degree, or even less, which is as close as Champlain's latitndes generally were taken. 
., The d:tte of 1603 is engraved on the face of the Astrolabe. 
" Champlain made his first voyage up the Otta'wa in 1613, and his journal contains conclusi\e 
" evidence that he lost his Astrolabe on the 6th or 7th June of that year, in passing through the por- 
.. tage on which this Astrolabe was found, It is singularly remarkable that this evidence lies chiefly 
.. in an elfor in Champlain's latitude of what is now the village ufPembro1..e, which attracted the spe- 
.. cia] attention oi our Canadian histÐrian, 1\Ir. Ferland, and is the subject of a copious note on page 
., 3)7 of the splendid illustrated edilÎon of the works of Champlain, edited with copious and interesting 
h notes by ALbé Laverdière of the Laval 17niversity, and publi!>hcd by Mr. DesLalat in 18 7 0 , while 
" it is equally worthy of remark that the loss of his Astrolabe accounts sufficiently for Champlain 
I' not afterwards detecting and correcting this error of his hy subsequent obsel vat ions, and his having 
"lost it accounts alsu for his having made no more observatiuns for latitude on that vuyage, which he 
'. certainly othelwise would have done. It will he 
een on examinatiGn that Champlain's error in ob- 
., servation of latitude took place near Gould's Landing, beluw Portage du Fort (which seems to have 
,. e
capfd the notice of Mr. F er1and and others), and that his error in speaking of the latitude of Pem- 
"broke is :,imply a continuation of his first error, mising from its being merely an estimation or rough 
" dead rec1..oning of his Ncrthing from Gould's Landing, in consequence of his not having the means of 
" determining it by actual observation owing to his having lost his A!;trolabe. 
., This will be more clearly apparent by following the course of Champlain, and noting what he 
ays about his observations for latitude. 
" He left the Island of Ste. Hélène, where his barque lay at anchor, on the 27 th May, 161 3, with 
,. a party of four Frenchmen and one Indian, (There was no Montreal in those days,) Being delayed 
"by bad weather, he did not leave Sault St. Louis till the 29th. On the 30th he took an observation 
" for latitude at Lachine. His words in the Frcnch of his lime are: 'J e prius la hauteur de ce lieu, 
" qui est par les 45 degrez 18 minu
es de latitude,' \\ hich is only about five minutes less than the true 
"latitude of the place, a very insignificant error when it is taken into consideralÎon that the Vemiers 
" we now have On all scientific instluments for reading the sub-divi
ions of deglees were not then in 
"common use, though invented about that time. Giving a brief but vivid and highly intelesting 
" description of the danger he experienced in towing his own canoe up the Long Sault Rapids, of the 
" fair and spacious tributary livers, the beautiful islands and magnificent woods as he passes along, 
" and exchanging one of bis Frenchmen for an Indian of a war pal ty that he met at an bland near 
" what is now the site of the antique-looking and picture
quely situated manor house of the late Hon. 
" Louis Joseph Papineau, and passing the Rideau Falls, 
hich excite his admiration, he reaches the 
"great' Asticon,' as his Indians called it, and which in their language meant 'Chaudière,' and des- 
"cribes that great waterfall of the Ottawa, in all its native grandeur, which all old Bytonians so well 
U remember, though now impaired and desecrated, On passing it on the 4th June, he took an ouser- 



"vation for latitude at what is now the overgrown busy village of Hull. He says; e J e prius la hauteur 
"du lieu, et trouvay 45 degrez 38 minutes de latitude,' that is only about I2J{ minutes in excess ofthe 
"true latitude, whieh is 45 0 25' 33" N. Passing the Chaudière Lake and the Eardley mountains on 
" the 5th, and the gre:t fal!s of the Chatts, where, singularly enough, they left their provisions and part 
" of their clothing, to avoid the fatigue of carrying them, he ascends the Chats Lake and camps on an 
Cc island at the head of it, where he first meets the Ottawa red pine trees, and admires their beauty. He 
c e there erected a cross made of one of them with the arms of France cut upon it, Lea vin
 it On the 
" 6th he paddled up the Cheneaux Rapid. The reader who has passed th:ll way will remem ber the 
H narrow between the rocky islands and the lofty precipitous rocks, whose shadows darken 
I'theswi{t and surging waters through which the steamer sways and struggles before entering the pic- 
" turesque reach of smooth water leading to Portage du Fort. 
e' Here Champlain says he crossed to the west side of the river, 'where it turns to the "orth, 
II and landed for the purpose of taking the route by the Muskrat portage and lake to Pembroke, by 
Ie the advice of his Indians,-to avoid the many rapids and fans on the main river. The place of his 
" landing is very (definitely apl-'arent on the sketch with this, which is copied from the plan of the 
" Ottawa canal survey, and here he says he took an observation of the latitude: e Nous traversames 
" dunc à l'ouest la rivière qui courait au nord, et pris la hauteur de ce lieu qui estoit par 46 0 2' 3" 
'e de latitude.' 
" It is here that he makes the error of a full degree, in additio'1 to t he usual amount of error due, 
" to the imperfection of the instrument, for the latitude of hi,> landing place is only about 45 0 3)', and 
" this, it is to be observed, is the last ohservation that he says he took during the voyage. He then 
" says: 'We hacl much hardship in making our way by this land route, being loaded, for my own 
" part, only with three Arquebuses, as many paddles, my capot and some little bagateIJes. I 
" encouraged my people, who were a ltttle more heavily loaded, and more harasse,l by the mosquitoes 
" than by their burdens. Thus after having passed four small lakes or ponds (fetits itangs), we were 
" so fatigued that it was impossible for us to go further, as for nearly 24 hours we had eaten nothing 
" but a litde rO.lsted fish without sauce, for, as I have said, we had left our provisions; we rested en 
II the banks uf a little lake, which was pleasant enough, and made a fire to drive away the mosqui- 
"toes. The next day, June 7th, we passed this pond, which may be a league in length, and then made 
'e our way by land for three leagues through a more difficult country than any we had yet seen, owing 
II to the wind having blown down the pines one ovel the oHler, which is no small inconvenience, 
" h'lving to pass s
metiml's over and sometimes uncier these trees, Thus \\e came to a lake 6 
" leagues long (Muskrat Lake).' 
" The four little lakes that he p:lssed on the 6th are shown on the sketch, and his di"tance made 
H that day of 2J/z leagues from the Ottawa is very nearly correct, so also is the length of the lake he 
"traversed on the momin
 of the 7th, hut th
 dIstance from it to the Muskrat Lake is estimated by 
" him at nearly double what it really is, hut that is exactly what might be expected from any persOn 
" little accustomed to the woods in !>trugg1ing through windfalls. The small lake near whid.. I was 
e, informed hy Capt. Overman, the Astrolabe was fuund, and which is most accessible at that end, 
" would be a most suitable halting place. He reached Muskrat Lake early enough in the d IY to 
" be entertained formally with the pipe of peace and friendship in Indian fashion, followed by a 
" speech and refreshments from Nehachis, the chief of the Indians, who cleared and cultivated lanri 
" there, aml hari field;; and gard",ns which they took him to see. 
" Nebachis had a couple of canoes equipped, and took him down Muskrat Lake, and across the 
" short portage of three miles by a welI beaten easy path (now the stage route to Pembroke), to see 
"the Chief Tessonat. He arrived there on the 8th June, so early that after visiting Tessonat, and 
" some :Jrrangements with that chief, he had time to go over to Allumelte Island, the chief 
" abod
 ani stronghold of that branch of the Adgonl}uin,> called the' Kichsipim' (men of the Grand 



.. river). characteriled in 'Les Relations des Jésuites' as ex/rf11le1llcll/ suþerbe. There examin- 
" ing at leisure their land and burying grcunds, he conferred with their chiefs and principal men, and 
.. invited them to attend the feast or public dinner that the' bon deux Capitaine Tessonat' was to 
" give on the 9 th at Pembroke, on which day, after Tessonat's formal state dinner had come off in 
" its various courses, such like as tiley were, attended by the chiefs and great men, each bringing with 
.. him his own wooden howl and spoon, and after solemn smoking and speechification, Champlain, 
'0 to pass the rest of the day, walked about in their gardens. But neither during this time nor the day 
,. after, nor indeed during the remainder of the voyage, does he speak at all of taking any more 
"observations for latitude. What he says of Pembroke is simply that it is ahout the 47 th degree of 
.: latitude: · Elle est par les 47 degrez de latitude,' that is, in speaking of Allumetle Island and the 
" foot of Al1umette Lake. In noticing this as an error of fully a degree in the absence of any other 
" means obvious to him of accounting for it, M. Ferland, in page 1 6 4 of his · Cours d'Histoire du 
" Canada ' 
ays: · P:lreil1e erreur n'a rien qui doive surprendre. Gan:> une expédition où il lui devait être 
" difficile de faire des observations exactes.' But we cannot accept of this explanation as adequate 
" to account for the difference between the true latitude of Pembroke, which is about 45 0 50' \V. 
" and that of 47 0 given by Champlain, for in examining his errors in latitude in the cases quoted, 
" and those made on his voya
e to Lake Huron two years later, after having been again in France (if 
.. it be right to designate as errors differences, his instruments were not graduated minutely enough to 
,. indicate), we find that they are comparatively insignificant, 
eldom amounting to the third part 
.. of a degree, which conesponds closely with the c Ipacity of the Astrolabe found. \" e see there- 
" fore that this error of a degree in the latitude of Pembroke could not arise from imperfect power of 
" his instrument, as 1\1. Ferland's explanation seems to suggest. In fact, a little further consi:iera- 
" tiun enables us to see that ,he circumstance of this great error of a degree having been originally 
" made below POItage du Fort, demonstrates conclusively that -he took no ob-ervation at all at 
" Pembroke. For we all know, e!'pecially those of us who are accustomed to the use of instruments 
" for the observation of altitudes, or have even the ordinary knowledge of the doctl ine of chances, that, 
" as Champlain knew well that he was travelhng northward, the certainty is, that if he had made an 
" observation of Pembroke at all, he would have assuredly detected his elror made on the 6th, for by 
" it he would be necessalily made to appear to have been going south. \Ve are not at liberty to 
" suppose he would have made the error of a degree a 
econd time accidentally, for we know that on 
"the common principle of chances, the probability \\ as more than ten thousand to one that he 
" would not make the same accidental el ror twice in succe!'sion. Also, as we see that he was in the 
"habit of taking observations for latitudes of less important points, as he went along, and very 
" formally noticing his observations, we may be very well assured that he would not have failed to 
" determine, hy actual observation as usual, the latitude of a position so important as the extreme 
" point he had reached, if he had had the means of doing so, and no other cause that can le assigned 
" accounts sufficiently for his not having the means of doing so, and for his having taken no observa- 
" tion on this voyage after the 6th of June, excepting the loss of his Astrolabe on th
 portage where 
" this one was f0l1.nd. 
" Taken altogether, therefore, there is strong circumstantial evidence that this was his Astrolabe, 
" and that his loss of it, there and then, was the cause of the extraordinary error in his latitude of 
" Pembroke which attracted the attention of his commentatOiS. 
" \Vhile we look upon this Astrolabe as a relic of the founder of civilized society in Canada, her 
" greateiit man and most daring explorer, the fuunder of her most ancient cities, of her great com- 
" mercial metropolis; anù while we regard it with additÍ'>nal interest as a memento of early adven- 
" ture on what was even then Canada's great interior highway of commerce, and is by the same des- 
4. tiny now the site for her great Pacific Railway, we may also look upon it as a relic of ancient and 
.. even pIe-historic scienc
 and civilization. 



" The day of Astrolabes, like that of the men who used them, has long gone by. This was pro- 
U bably One of the la
t of them that were used. One of the la'lt works on them is Clavius' · Treatise on 
" Astrolabes,' printed at 
hyence in 1611. They were soon after superseded. Vernier, the inventor 
" of the Vernier scale now in use on the indexes of all scientific instruments for reading 
"of degrees, publi
hed a tract on 0 La Construction, l'Usage et les Propriétés du Quadrant 
"Nouveau de !\Iathématique' at Brussels en 1631. In it the nature and use of the Vernier is 
" explained, and it had indeed been known for a number of years before. It will be readily under- 
co stood by all acquainted with scientific instruments that the' Quadrant Nouveau' with its Vernier 
" would speedily supersede so imperfect an instrument as the Astrolabe before us. The Astrolabe 
c, was found in general use among the Southern Arabians by Yasquez de Gama, when he discovered, 
" as it is commonly held, the way round the Cape of Good Hope to India, known in the days of 
" Pharaoh Necho. The origin of the use of it by them is I )st in the remote past. From the days 
" of de Gama back to the earliest notices of commerce in existence, the commerce of the Arabians 
" and their predecessors, the Cushite Arabians, extended to every coast, and almost to every island of 
CI the Indian Ocean · from India to Abyssinia,' as Rawlinson says in his work on Herodotus. Our 
Cf · Alchemy,' , Arabic figures,' · Almanac' and' Algebra,' indicate the channel through which our 
" sciences came." 

Champlain returned to Canada in 1815, and the same ye
r, in company with his 
Huron and Algonquin a])ie
, once more ascended the Ottawa, and explored the 
country towards Lake Nipissing, and thence to Georgian Bay and Lake Huron. 
The most important event, however
 associated with the Ottawa is the brave 
defence on its shores by the "Heroes of the Long Sault," The exact site of this 
heroic fight is unknown-different parties locate it in different places, and all sup- 
port their olJinions with argumen ts equally good. But there are strong reasons for 
believing that the fight occurred in what i<; now known as Greece's Pt., or at a spot 
nearly opposite, in the township of Hawkesbury, Ont., traditi<}n, and the finding of 
many Indian weapons there, strongly sustaining the claims of th
 latter place to 
this honor. 
The following account is taken from "The Old Régime in Canada II by Francis 
Parkman :- 


In April, 1660, a young officer named Daulac, commandant of the garrison at 

fontreal, asked leave of Maisonneuve, the Governor, to lead a party of volunteers 
against the Iroquois. His plan was bold to desperation, It was known that 
Iroquois warriors in great numbers had wintered among the forests of the Ottawa, 
Daulac proposed to waylay them on their descent of the river, and fight them with- 
out regard to disparity of force; and Maisonneuve, judging that a display of enter- 
prise and boldness might act as a check on the aud of the enemy, at last gave 
his con.sent. 
Adam Daulac was a young man of good family, who had come to the colony 
three years before, at the age of twenty-two. He had held some military command 
in France, though in what rank do:;s not appear. He had been busy for some time 
among the young men of Montreal, inviting them to join him in the enterprise he 



meditated. Sixteen of them caught his spirit. They bound themselves by oath to 
accept no quarter; and having gained Maisonneuve's consent, they made their wills, 
confessed, and received the 
After a solemn fareweIJ, they embarked in several canoes, wen supplied with 
arms and ammunition. 1 hey wer
 very indifferen t canoe-men, and it is said that 
they lost a week in vain attempts to pass the swift current of Ste. Anne, at the head 
of the Island of Montreal. At length they were successful, and entering the mouth 
of the Ottawa, crossed the Lake of Two Mountains, and slowly advanced against 
the curren t, 
About the 1st of May they reached the foot of the formidable rapid called the 
Long Sault, where a tumult of waters, foaming among ledges and boulders, barred 
the onward way. It was needless to go farther. The Iroquois were sure to pass 
the Sault, and could be fought here as well as elsewhere. Just below the rapid, 
where the forests sloped gently to the shore, among the bushes and stumps of a 
rough clearing made in constructing it, stood a palisade fort, the work of an Algon- 
quin war-party in the past autumn. It was a mere enclosure of trunks of 
mall trees 
planted in a circle, and was already in ruin, Such as it was, the Frenchmen took 
possession of it. They made their fires, and slung their kettles, on the neighboring 
shore; and here they were soon joined by forty Huror1s and four Algonquins. 
Dllulac, it seems, made no objection to their company, and they all bivouacked to_ 
gether. Morning, noon and night, they prayed in three different tongues; and when, 
at sunset, the long reach of forest on the farther shore basked peacefully in the level 
rays, the rapids joined their hoarse music to the notes of their evening hymn. 
In a day or two their scouts came in with tidings that two Iroquois canoes were 
coming down the Sault, Daulac had time to set his men in ambush among the bushes 
at a point where he thought the strangers likely to land. He judged aright, Canoes, 
bearing five Iroquois, approached, and were met by a volley fired with such precipita- 
tion that one or more of them escaped, fled into the forest, and told their mischance to 
their main body, two hundred in number, on the liver above, A fleet of canoes suddenly 
appeared, bounding down the rapids, filled with wanion eager for revenge. The 
allies had barely time to escape to their fort, leaving their kettles still slung O\"er the 
fires, The Iroquois made a hasty and desultuy attack, and were quickly repu1sed, 
They next opened a parley, hoping, no doubt, to gain some advantage by surprise. 
Failing in thi
, they set themselves, after their custom on such occasions, to building 
a rude fort of their own in the neighboring forest. 
This gave the French a breathing time, and they used it for strengthening their 
defences. Being IJrovided with tools, they planted a row of stakes within their pal- 
isade, to form a double fence, and filled the intervening space with earth and stones 
to the height of a man, lea\.ing some twenty loop-holes, at each of which, three marks- 
men were stationed, Their work was still unfinished when the Iroquois were upon 
them again. They had broken to pieces the birch canoes of the French and their 
aJ1ies, and kindling the bark rushed up to pile it bJazing against the palisad
; but so 



brisk and steady 'a fire met them that they recoiled, and at last gave way, They 
came on again, and again were driven back, leaving many of their number on the 
ground, among them the principal chief of the Senecas, 
This dashed the spirits of the Ircquois, and they sent a canoe to call to their aid 
five hundred of their warriors, who were mustered near the mouth of the Richelieu. 
These were the allies whom, but for this untoward check, they were on their way to 
join for a combined attack on Quebec, Three Rivers and l\1ontrea
, It was madden- 
ing to see their grand project thwarted by a few French and Indians ensconced in a 
paltry redoubt scarcely better than a cattle-pen j but they were forced to dige
t the 
affront as best they might. 
Meanwhile, crouched behind trees and logs, they beset the fort, harassing its 
defenders day and night with a spattering fire and a constant menace of attack. 
Thus five days passed, Hunger, thirst, and want of sleep \\ rought fatally on the strength 
of the French and their allies, who, pent up together in their narrow prison, fought 
and prayed by turns. Deprived as they were of water, they could not swallow the 
crushed Indian corn, or "hominy," wbich was their only food, Some of them, under 
cover of a brisk fire, ran down to the river and filled such sm<J,ll vessels as they had; 
but this pittance only tantalized their thirst. They dug a h
le in the fort, and were 
rewarded at last by a little muddy water oozing through the clay. 
Among the assailants were a number of Hurons adopted by the Iroquois, and 
fighting on their side. These renegades now tried to seduce their countrymen in the 
fort. Half dead with thirst and famine, they took the bait, and one, two, or three at 
a time climbed the palisade, and ran over to the enemy, amid the hootings and exe- 
crations of those whom they deserted. Their chief stood firm, and when he saw his 
nephew join the other fugitives, he fired his pistol at him in a rage, The four A 19on- 
quins. who had no mercy to hope for, stood fast with the courage of despair, 
On the fifth day an uproar of unearthly yeUs from se-;en hundred savage throats, 
mingled with a clattering salute of musketry, told the Frenchmen that the expected 
reinforcemen t had come j and soon, in the forest and on the clearing, a crowd of war- 
riors mustered for the attack. Knowing from the Huron deserters the weakness of 
their enemy, they had no doubt of an easy victory. They advanced cautiously, as 
was usual with the Iroquois before their blood was up, screeching, leaping flOm side to 
side, and firing as they came on ; but the French were at their posts, and every loop- 
hole darted its tongue of fire. The Iroquois, a&tonished at the persistent vigor of the 
defence, fell back discomfited. The fire of the French, who were themselves com- 
pletely under cover, told upon them with deadly effect. Three days more wore away 
in a series of futile attacks, made with little concert or vigor, and during all this time 
Daulac and his men, reeling with exhaustion, fouóht and prayed as before, sure of a 
martyr's reward. 
The uncertain, vacillating temper common to an Indians now began to declare 
itself, Some of the Iroquois were for going home, Others revolted at the thought, 
and declared that it would be an eternal disgrace to lo-;e so many men at the hands 



of so paltry an enemy, and yet fail to take revenge. It was res3lveð to make a general 
assault, and volunteers were called for, 10 lead the attack. No precaution was 
neglected. Large and heavy shields, four or five feet high, were made by lashing to- 
gether, with the aid of cross bars, three split logs. Covering themselves with these 
mantelets, the chosen band advanced, followed by the motley throng of warriors. 
In spite of a brisk fire, they reached the palisade, and crouching below the range of 
shot, hewed furiously with their hatchets to cut their way through. The rest followed 
close, and swarmed like angry hornets around the little fort, hacking and tearing to 
get in. 
Daulac had crammed a large musketoon with powder and plugged up the muzzle, 
Lighting the fuse inserted in it, he tried to throw it over the barrier, to burst like a 
grenade among the crowd of savages without; but it struck the ragged top of one of 
the palisades, fell back among the Frenchmen, and explojed, killing or wounding 
several of them, and nearly blinding others. In the confusion that fol1ow
d, the Iro- 
quois got possession of the loop- holes, and thrusting in their guns fired on those 
within. In a moment more they had torn a breach in the palisade; but, nerved with 
the energy of desperation, Daulac and his followers sprang to defend it, Another 
breach was made and then another, Daulac was struck dead, but the survivors kept 
up the fight. 'Vith a sword or a hatchet in one hand and a knife in the other, they 
w themselves against the throng of enemies, striking and stabbing with the fury of 
madmen; till the Iroquois, despairing of taking them alive, fired vo1!ey after volley, 
and shot them down, All was over, and a burst of triumphant yells proclaimed the 
dear-bought victory. 
Searching the pile of corpses, the victors found four Frenchmen still hreathing. 
Three had scarcely a spark of life, and, as no time was to be lost, they burned them 
on the spot. 1 he fourth, less fortunate, seemed likely to survive: and they reserved 
him for future torments. As for the Huron deserters, their cowardice profited them 
little. The Iroquois, regardless of their promises, fell upon them, burned some at 
once and carried the rest to their villages for a similar fate. Five of the number had 
the good fortune to escape, and it was from them, aided by admissions made long 
afterward., by the Iroquois themselves, that the French of Canada derived all their 
knowledge of this glorious disaster, 
The story of the Heroes ofthf L01lg Sault has been admirably told by Mr. George 
Murray, B.A., F.R.S.C., in his celebrJ.ted poem, How Canada was Sa v td. 

Daulac, the captain of the fort in manhood's fiery prime, 
lIath sworn by some immortal deed to make his name sublime j 
And sixteen soldiers of the Cross, his comrades true and tried, 
Have pledged theil faith for life and death, all kneeling side by side. 
And this their oath, on flood or field, to challenge face to face 
The mthless hordes ofIroquois-the scourges of their race- 
1'\0 qualter to accept or grant, and loyal to the grave, 
To die, hke martyrs, for the land they had shed their hlood to save. 



Sofe was the breath of balmy Spring in that fair month of May) 
The wild flower Lloomed-thp. Spring bird sang on many a budding spray- 
A tender blue was in the sky, on earth a tender green- 
.\nd peace seemed brooding, like a dove, o'er all the sylvan scene, 
When loud and high. a thrilling cry dispelled the magic charm, 
And scouts came hurrying from the woods to bid their comrades arm. 
And bark canoes skimmed lightly down the torrent of the Sault, 
Manned by three hundred dusky forms-th
 long expected foe. 
H Eight days of varied horror passed; what boots it now to tell 
How the pale tenants of the fort heroically fell ? 
Hunger and thirst, and sleeplessne"-s, Death's ghastly aids, at length 
Marred and defaced their comely forms, and quelled th
ir giant strength; 
The end draws nigh-they yearn to die-one glorious rally more, 
For the saI..e of Ville-Marie, and all will SOon be o'er; 
Sure of the martyr's golden crown, they shrink not from the cross, 
Life yielded for the land they love, they scorn to reckon loss." 
The fort is fired. and through the flame, with slippery, splashing tread, 
The Redmen stumble to the camp o'er ramparts of the dead. 
There, with set teeth and nostrils wide, Daulac, the dauntless, stood 
And dealt his foes remorseless blows, 'mid blinding smoke and blood, 
'Till, hacked and hewn, he reel'd to earth, with proud unconquered glance, 
Dead-but immortalized by death-Leonidas of France! 
True to their oath, his comrade knights no quarter basely craved- 
So died the peerless twenty-two-So CalUTda was saz'ed. 

A visit by the French to the scene of this obstinate fight confirmed the story of 
those Hurons who had escaped, and for many years, subsequently, Daulac was re- 
membered by his countrymen in Canada as their deliverer, and his name was rever- 
enced as that of a hero and martyr. 
The fact that the Iroquois, after this fight, returned to their homes without mak- 
ing their contemplated attack on the cities, also confirmed another report of the 
Hurons, viz., that the Iroquois were comlJletelr disheartened with their victory, and 
had no relish for another contest with the French. If twenty of the latter without 
support or co:nfort-J.lmost without food and water-could perform such a prodigy of 
valor, what m:ght they expect when confronting hundreds sl
pplied with abundant . 
stores of food, arms and ammunition? Such was the question pondered by the 
Iroquois, and the consideration of which induced them to abandon the war-path 
and seek their homes. 
But to the shame of Canada, be it said, no monument marks the spot of this 
memorable defence, and even its location is now a subject of conjecture. Indeed, it 
is surpri
ing to finà how great the numher, even in this section of Canada, who declare 
that they never heard of the event. \\'e can well understand why Daulac's cúntem- 
poraries failed to mark the spot with an appropriate monument, as they were few in 
number, :1l1d waging incessant warfare with poverty, as wen as Indians. For a cen- 



turyafter this event, also, its site was remote from civilization, in an unbroken wilder- 
ness; and anything of the kind erected there would, doubtless, have been destroyed 
by the savage. But for a century past, no such obstacle to a proper recognition of 
this gallant band has existed, and every pa triotic Canadian should desire to show 
to the foreign visitor who passes up and down the Ottawa, that Canada has her Ther- 
Let him read on enduring material, the fact, that on the shores of this beautiful 
river, long ago, died twenty heroes, as brave as ever Spartan mother nursed, as patrio- 
tic as those of whom Roman or Grecian poet ever sung. 
The French are proverbially proud of their heroes, and ever ready to perpetuate 
the fame of their honored dead. They point with pride to the statues adorning their 
galleries of history, and gladly expatiate on the deeds performed by their great and 
good. But let the patriot Frenchman, when he points to the monumelllS of Maison- 
neuve, Montcalm and Chenier, remember that Daulac and his nineteen comrades, 
deserving the highest niche in the temple of fame, have never been duly honored;- 
that for nearly two and half centuries, the only reminder of the hallowed 
pot where 
these martyrs fell has been the swift, roaring, turbulent waters of the Long Sault. 






'Ve are indebted to Parkman, also, for the account of the two following incidents 
with which the Ottawa is connected. 
During the second administration of Frontenac as Governor of Canada, he left 
Quebec for a visit to Montreal, at which place he arrived July 3 1st , 16 9 0 . 
A few days after his arrival, the officer commanding the fort at La Chine sent 
him a messenger in hot haste, with the startling news tha t Lake St, Louis was "all 
covered with canoes." Nobody doubted that the Iroquois were upon them again, 
Cannon were fired to call in the troops irom detached posts; when alarm was sud- 
denly turned into joy by the arrival of other messengers, to announce that the new- 
comers were not ene n 1 i es, but friends. They were the Indians of the upper lakes 
descending from Michillimacinac via the Ottawa to trade in 
lontreal. Nothing 
so auspicious had happened since Frontenac's return. The messages he had sent 
them in the spring by Louvigny and Perrot, reinforced by the news of the victory on 
the Ottawa and the capture of Schenectady, had had the desired effect; and the Iro- 
quois prisoner, whom their missionary had persuaåed them to torturc, had not been 
sacrificed in .vain. Despairing of an English markt.t for their beaver skins, they 
had come as of old to seek one from the French. On the next day all came down 
the mpids and landed near the town. There were fully five hundred of them- 
Huron", Ottawas, Ojibway:;:, Poltawtamies, Crees, and Nipissings, with a hundred and 
ten canoes laden with beaver skins to the value of nearly a hundred thousand 
crowns. Nor was this all, for a few days after, La Durantaye, late commander at 

Iichillimacinac, arrived with fifty-five more canoes manned by French traders, and 



filled with valuable furs. The 
treal11 of wealth dammed back so long was flowing 
upon the colony at the moment whet! it was most needed, Never had Canada known 
a more prosperoüs trade than now, in the midst of her danger and tribulation. It 
was a tri 1 1mph for Frontenac. If hi<) policy had failed with the Iroquois, it had found 
a crowning success among the tribes of the Lakes. 
Four or five years later, when the country was again i!i a great state of destitution 
on account of the frequent raids of enemies, which compel!ed the settlers or colonists 
to neglect the implements of agriculture for those of war, another arrival of furs quickly 
changed the country from misery and destitution to happiness and plenty. 
It was shortly after the repulse of Phipps at Quebec, and some other sucr.::esses of 
the French, that " the Governor achieved a success more solid and less costly." 
The indispensable but most difficult task of all remamed : that of opening the 
Ottawa for the descent of the great accumulation of beaver skins which had been 
gathering at Michillimacinac for three years, and for the want of which, Canada was 
Iore than two hundred Frenchmen were known to be at that remote post, 
or roaming in the wiJderness around it; and Frontenac resolveå on an attempt to 
muster them together, and employ their united íorce to protect the Indians and the 
traders in bringing down this mass of furs to Montreal. A messenger, strongly es- 
{'orted, was sent with orders to this effect, and succeeded in reaching Michillimacinac, 
though there was a battle on the way in whi
h the officer commanding the escort was 
Frontenac anxiously waited the issue, when, after a long delay, the tidings reached 
him of complete success. He hastened to Montreal, and found it swarming with 
Indians and coureurs du bois. T\vo hundred canoes had arrived filled with the coveted 
beaver skins. It is impossible, says the chronicle, to conceive the joy of the people 
when they beheld these treasures. Canada had awaited them for years. The mer- 
chants and the farmers were dying of hunger. Credit WJ.S gone, and everybody was 
afraid that the enemy would waylay and seize this last resource of the country. 
Therefore it was that none could find words to praise and bless him by whose 
care all this wealth had arrived, Father of the Peoþle, Preserver of the Coulltry, 
seemed terms too weak to express their gratitude. 

Few, comparatively, are aware of the fact, that the Ottawa was the route pur- 
sued by one of the partners and his voyageurs, in the great enterprise of opening up 
the fur trade on the Pacific, The following account .of this enterprise is of interest 
to the citizens of Argentcuil, from the fact that Capt. McCargo, a pioneer of Beech 
Ridge, 8t. Andrews, before settling here was connected with one of the expeditions 
to the Pacific, described below. 

III 1810 articles were entered into between John Jacob Astor of New York, and 
four other gentlemen-Alexander McKay, Duncan McDougal, Donald McKenzie 
and Wilson Price Hunt-for the purpose of prosecuting the fur trade on what was 



then almost a terra illcogllita-the Northwest coast of the United States; the company 
was chartered under the name of" The Pacific Fur Company." 
In prosecuting his great scheme of commerce and colonization, two expeditions 
were devised by 
lr. Astor,-one by sea, the other by land, The former was to carrr 
ou t the people, stores, ammunition and merchandise requisite for establishing a forti- 
fied trading post at the mouth of the Columbia river. 
The latter, conducted by 
Ir. Hunt, was to proceed up the 
liswuri, and across 
the Rocky Mountains to the same point, exploring a line of communication across the 
continent, and noting the places where interior trading posts might ue established. 
A fine ship called the" Tonquin " was provided, carrying an assortment of mer- 
chandise for trading with the n3.tives of the seaboard and the interior, together with 
the frame of a schooner to be employed in the coasting trade. She was commanded 
by Jonathan Thorn, a lieu:enant in the United States Navy, on leave of absence. 
The ,e Tonquin," after a long voyage around the Cape, and much trouble between 
the captain and his passengers, and an interesting though dangerous visit to the Sand- 
wich Islands, arrived at the mouth of the Columbia, Several days were spent io 
attempting to cross the bar and effect an entrance into this river, and some of the 
crew were lost. 
The object, however, was finally accomplished, the men and stõres hmded, and 
then the" Tonquin," according to instructions, put to sea with the purpose of sailing 
to other more northern coasts to obtain furs, before returning to the mouth of the 
Columbia and thence to New York. She arrived in a few days at Yancouver Island, 
and very much against the advice of his Indian interpreter, who warned him against 
the perfidious character of the natives of that part of the coast, Captain Thorn 
anchored in the harbor of N eweetee. He was a very harsh, headstrong, conceited 
man, though brave and a thorough seaman, and regardl
ss of the cautions to him 
by Mr. Astor, that he should Tlever allow but a few of the Indians on shipboard at a 
time, he allowed boat-load after boat-load with furs to approach and clime on deck, 
No' was this all-he spread his wares before them, making a tempting display of 
blankets, cloths, knives, beads, fish-hooks, etc., expecting a prompt and profitable 
sale. But the Indians were not so eager and simple as he had supposed, having 
learned the art of bargaining and the value of merchandise from the casual traders 
along the coast. Finally, angered at the insolent way in which they reproached 
him for not trading with them according to their ideas of the value of articles, he 
kicked their furs to the right and left, and ordered them from the ves...el. They 
accordingly left, scarcely concealing their vengeful feelings for the indignity with 
which Captain Thorn had treated their chief, The next morning they returned, 
apparently in a pleasant mood, seemingly unarmed, and soon the deck was once more 
swarming with them. The interpreter noticed that many of them wore sho t mantles 
of skins, and intimated his suspicions that they were secretly armed; hut the captain, 
pointing to his cannon and muskets, merely laughed and made light of any iÒtlmation 
of danger from a parcel of filthy savages. A brisk trade was opened, and the Iudians 



were soon all supplied with knives. Meanwhile the crowd had been constantly increas- 
ing, and seeing that other boat-loads were putting off hom the shore, Captain Thorn 
became alarmed, and ordered the vessel to be cleared and put under way. At this, 
a yell frum a savage gave the signal; the Indians fell upon the crew with knives and 
war clubs, and a terrific fight ensued. But greatly out-numbered and taken unawares, 
the latter were soon nearly all slaughtered, 
Capt, Thorn fought bra \ ely, and being a powerful man he laid several dead at his 
feet, but at length, weak from his wound
, he was stabbed in the back and then thrown 
over the side of the vessel, where the squaws dispatched him with knives and hatchets. 
Four of the sailors had the good fortune to escape into the c
bin, where they found 
1\1r. LewIs, the ship's clerk, badly wounded, and barricading the cabin door, they broke 
holes through the companion way, and with the muskets and ammunition which were 
at hand, opened a brisk fire that soon cleared the deck. The survivUls now sal- 
lied forth and discharged some of the deck guns, which did great execution, and drove 
all the savages to the shore. 
After this, the four who wÇre still alive endeavored to persuade Mr. Lewis to 
attempt with them to escape in a boat to their friends at the mouth of the Columbia, 
He refused, saying that his wounds would not permit him, and that he was dder- 
mined to entice as many savages as possible 011 board and then blow up the ship. They 
Idt him, therefore, but they were captured the next day, and put to death with the 
most terrible torture
. The following morning after the trclgedy on the "Tonquin," 
everything appearing quiet on her, a boat-load of the Indians drew near. Mr. 
Lewis was on deck, and made friendly signs for them to come on board. 
After a considerabl.e interval of time, other canoes having joined them, they did 
so j the decks were soon crowded and the sides covered with clambering savages, all 
intent on plunder. No one was to be seen on board, for lVIr, Lewis, after Ì11\'iting 
them, had disappeared, In the midst of their eagerness and exultation the ship hlew 
up with a tremendous e:xplosion. Arm
, legs 
nd mutilated bodies were blown into 
the air, and dreadful havoc was made in the surrounding canoes. Upwards of a 
hundred savages were destroyed by the explosion; many more were shockingly 
mutilated, and for days afterward, the limbs and bodies of the slain were thrown 
upon the beach. The fate of the" Tonquin," and allthe details connected therewith, 
were made known to the whites by the interpreter, who, being an Indian, had been 
spared by the n3.tives, and was therefore a witness of the destruction of the vessel 
and her crew. 
As before stated, the land expedition of the Pacific Fur Company \\as in charge 
Ir. \Vilson Price Hunt, About the end of July, 1810, he, in company with his 
coadjutor, Mr. Donald McKenzie, an experienced Nor'wester, and a capital shot, 
repaired to :\Iontreal, the ancient emporium of the fur trade, where everything requi- 
site for the expedition could be procured. One of the first objects was to recruit a 
complement of Canadian voyageurs from the disbanded herd usually to be found 
loitering about the place. The Northwest Company, howevu, who maintained a 



long established control at Montreal, and knew the qualities of every voyageur, 
secretly interdicted the prime hands from engaging in this new service; so that, 
although liberal term') were offered, few presented themselves but such as were not 
worth having. From these :\lr. Hunt engaged a number sufficient for present pur- 
poses, and having laid in a supply of ammunition, provisions, and Indian goods, 
embarked all on board one of these great canoes at that time Ul
iversally med by the 
fur traders for navigating the intricate and often obstructed rivers. The canoe was 
bel ween thirty and fony feet long and several feet in width, constructed of birch bark, 
and capable of 
lIstaining a freight of upward of four tons, yet it could be readily 
carried on men's shoulders. 
The expedition took its regular departure as usual from St. Anne's, near the 
extreínityof the island of Montreal, the great starling place of the traders to the 
interior. Here stood the ancient chapel of St. Anne, the patroness of the Canadian 
voyageuas, where they made confession and offered up their vows previous to 
departing on any hazardous expedition. Mr. Hunt with the crew made his way up 
the Ottawa liver, and by the ancient route of the fur traders, along a succession of 
small lakes and rivers to Michillimacinac. Their progress was slow and tedious. 
1\1r, Hunt was not accustomed to the management of II voyageurs," and he had a 
crew admirably disposed to play the old soldier, and balk their work, and ever ready 
to come to a halt, land, make a fire, put on the great pot, and smoke and gossip and 
sing by the hour. It was near the end of July wì1en they reached Mackinaw, the old 
French trading post. Here Mr. Hunt spent some time in obtaining recruits for the 
eJ\.pedition, and when supplied, they followed the Fox and Wisconsin rivers to the 
Mississippi, descended to St. Louis, thence up the Missouri, crossed the plains, 
went overthe Rocky Mountains, and after many months of the severest trials reached 
the members of the other expedition at the mouth of the Columbia. 
For a detailed account of these expeditions the reader is referred to " Astoria," a 
10llg and intensely in teresting narrative to be found in the works of Irving. 
The approach of the war of 1812 prevented the carrying out of the plans of Mr. 
Astor, and he lost heavily in this first effort; but with characteristic energy, he subse- 
quently pushed his plans to a successful issue, 
The following sketch of Mr, Philemon \Vright's ascent of the Ottawa, and his 
pioneer labors, together with the comments of the editor, is taken from The Ottawa 
Free Press: 
'I The north shore of the Ottawa. river deserves more than a passing glance or 
reference as we gave at the outset, It was the beginning, the centre, the very soul 
and life of the whole settlements of the Ottawa VallFY. The belt of table-land be- 
tween the river and the mountain range is perhaps not surpassed in b
auty and fer- 
tility on this continent. The rich deep alluvial soil with its clay bottom, protected on 
the north by the Laurentian hills, 1,750 feet above the sea level, with easy available 
passes into the back country, so likely to reward the toil of the cultivators, must have 
appeared to one brought up in the hills and narrow valleys of New England as the 



shadow at least of an agricultural paradise. It was an untouched, unbroken forest of the 
finest samples of lumber; white pine, oak, elm, ash, white walnut, spruce, cherry, poplar, 
basswood, with vast groves of maple, bird's eye and curly, must have delighted the eyes 
and filled the mind of a sharp lumbermaü with dreams of wealth absolutely incalcul- 
able. This was the enchanting scene presenting itself to the eye and mind of Mr. 
Philemon "Tright, a man of mature judgment, and in the very prime of life, verging 
towards 40. His practised eye, his keen intellect, took in the whole as equalling the 
broad acres of an English dukedom. The value of the timber on the stump was 
equal to twice the expense of clearing the lands. The ashes of the refuse to be burned, 
when converted intn potash, would realize enough in Montreal to cover the erection 
of the necessary buildings for all farming purposes in those days. There were many 
obstacles in the way, all to be got over, that would have appeared fatal to many a 
ce But a descendant of heroes that fol1owed Harold the Second to the defeat of so 
many foes, and made such a stand on the field of Hastings, giving so mighty a work 
to the Normans-yielding at last, it is admitted, but not so much vanquished as 
wearied out with slaughtering-was not to be deterred by difficulties and trials, and 
\Vright was of Kemish descent, though now Americanized. The courage has not 
been lost in his postelity, as everyone knows the late M.P., the Gatineau's monarch, 
if exposed, would sway his sceptre with as undaunted unconcern as any other, in calm 
defiance of his foes, 
" The squire had made several explorations of the St. Lawrence on both sides and 
above and below Montreal, but pitched on Hull and the Chaudière Falls, at last, as the 
field of his future operations, delighted equally with its forests, its soil and its river. 
It was not easy to induce men, even for a large reward, to enter his employ and settle 
down to labor in the woods 75 or 100 miles from civilization of any kind. In October, 
 Mr. \Vright i5 said to have reached Hull with two trusty neighbors from \Voburn, 
:Mass., and having explored the township returned and reported progress, Four fami- 
lies united with his own, and with twenty-five men, seven span of horses, four yoke of 
oxen, and probably a cow or two, sleighs, implements and provisions, began their jour- 
ney to Montreal on 2nd February, 1800, and passed through it and the settlements 
above it, cut their way in the woods and deep snows for some days, camping out at 
night, till they met an Indian, who, becoming their guide, took them by the ice on the 
river till they reached the Chaudière Falls on the 7th March,-33 days. It is said that 
every man took a hand chopping down the first tree. 
"Thus the clearing away of the woods commenced and continued, The sounds 
of the axes and the falling trees brought the Indians from their sugar-making on the 
sunny slopes of the hill sides, to wonder and ask themselves what brought these 
destroyers of the forest into their hitherto quiet and silent retreats? This led to a long 
pow-wow, Mr, \Vright had plenty of the Jamaica spirits on hand, treated them all to 
a 'good horn,' as Conroy would have said, and they returned-some full, others 
glorious. Gifts blind the eyes. A season was spent in friendly intercourse, exchanging 



presents, and there being no old Anchises to interpose hi5 'Timeo Danaos et dona 
ferentes,' the Indians con tinued to come with sugar and venison and get in return 
what rare things to them the new comers freely gave them. The unlimited maple 
forests ran sugar for the evaporation, and deer flocked in plenty to be shot for the 
occasion. This pleasant condition of things was not
of long duration, for the Indians, 
beginning to see that their sugar groves would disappear: and the deer probably follow, 
took an interpreter, Geo. Brown, who was a Nor'wester, and had married a squaw, and 
marched in grand procession to demand the reason for all these new things. The 
negotiations began, and the proceedings were sometimes amusing, at others thl eat- 
ening. Mr. \Vright, as the chief of his party, was up to the exigency. and gave his 
authority for everything. They expressed their amazemEnt that their Great Father, 
King George, would permit, without consu1ling them first, any men to cut clown their 
sugar plantations and chase away tlleir game. 'I hey were assured that all was done 
by authority; that if any harm came to his men, Sir John Johnson, the Indian agent, 
would hold back their rations; so with firm maintenance of his dignity, as well as his 
rights, using soft answers,the Indians were brought to terms on payment in cash being 
promised for all the sugar they could spare, and they would not have to carry it to 
"The nearest market had its attractions for the Indians, as well as for the Grit, 
who hates to portage to England, and compete there with the whole world; so to 
save their backs and limbs, and especially their rations, they agreed, So they were 
plied once more with the Jamaica, and went back happy. They soon brought im- 
mense quantities of sugar, and asked only $5.00 for what was perhaps worth ;C5 o . 
They were promptly paid, treated again, and returned home in high good humor 
after a long palaver. Afterward they demanded a small payment for their lands, but 
that was refused till Sir John of Montreal would be consulted. They regarded their 
lands as merchantable as the sugar. Mr. \Vright on coming from Montreal delivered 
them Sir John's reply that they must not disturb the colony. 
"The redskins now took a new turn, made Mr. \Vright their chief, and we suppose 
put him through all the ceremonies of a barbarous coronation-the squaws a
e said 
to have all kissed him. The chroniclers do not say how much Mrs. \Vright herself 
admired the ceremony. But the braves buried the hatchet, and feasted Mr. \Vright 
and party for a week on all the delicacies of an aboriginal cuisine, from roast dog and 
muskrat to boiled rattlesnake and skunk." 
The author of this extract must have been an expert in natural history, or the 
tribes, like St. Patrick, must have exhausted the stock, as rattlesnakes have never 
been very common in the Province of Quebec, since or before, as far as we are aware, 

For the following history of navigation on the Ottawa we are indebted to the 
late R. ,V. Shepherd, sr., president of the Ottawa River Navigation Company:- 
The first steamer on the route between Lachine and Carillon was the "\Villiam 
King," Captain De Hertel. This steamer began to run about the year 1826- 2 7. A 



year later, the "St. Andrews" was built-Captain C. J. Lighthall-who had been 
captain of one of Judge McDonnell's Durham boals, th3t were employed carrying 
freight and passengers between Montreal and Puint Fortune. I remlmber one of the 
old settle] s nameà Parsons saying to me, a few years since, that his family came to 
1\Ionlreal from the north of England, having sailed from 
Iary Port in the county of 
Cumberland in the year 1829. They were going to juin friends in Cote St. Charlc
county of Vaudreuil, not far from where the village of Hudson is now, The family, 
after landing in Montreal, took passage by Captain Lighthall's Durham boat, and were 
hnded in a couple of days at Harvey's Point near the village of Hudson. The 
steamers ,. \Ym. King "and "St. .\ndrews" were owned by merchants in :Montreal 
and St. Andrews; during high water they ran between Lachine, Carillon and St. 
Andrews, and during the low water season the ,. 51. Andrews" ran between Lachine 
and St. Ann's, and the "\Vm. King " between St. Ann's and Carillon, [n the year 
18 33, the Carillon and Grenville canal was opened for traffic, and in the meantime a 
company was fOi med, cailed " The Ottawa & Rideau Forwa.rding Company." The 
stockholder;; numbered among others Hon. John Molson, father of the present Mr. 
John Molson, Thomas Phillips the brewer, John Redpath and Emery Cushing, who 
formerly owned the stages that formed a line to St. Andrews by St. Eustache. 
This company, knowing the difficulty of the St. Ann's channel in low water, had 
arranged with H()l1. R. N. Howald of Vaudreuil for the right to build a lock near 
where the Grand Trunk R. R. now passes. This lock was finished and ready for work 
in the spring of J 833. In the meantime, the new company had built the steamer 
"Ottawa,"-Captain Lyman, who carne from Lake Champlain. About this time 
the company built a steamer called the "Shannon," to ply between Grenville and 
Ottawa with other small steamers forming a through line to Kingston 'i'ia the Ottawa 
River and Rideau Canal. Stages from Montreal to Lachine, boat from Lachine to' 
Cari]]on, thence to GrenviHe by stage, and from Grenville to Ottawa and Kingston 
by steamer. The trip to Ottawa occupied two, and from Ottawa to Kingston about 
three days. The freight was generally carried in barges towed by these steamers. 
Previous to 1833, the steamer " Union" plied on the route between Hawkesbury I 
and Ottawa; this boat was built in the year 1819 and was commanded by Capt
Grant; Thomas Johnson, afterwards M.P., an extensive merchant at Yankleek Hil1, 
was the purser. This steamer was owned by some Montreal and Hawkesbury mer- 
 ; she had two heavy marine engines, side level s that had been imported by the 
Hon, John Molson, grandfather to J. H. R, Molson of this city (Montreal). Emery 
Cushing was the first agent of the Ottawa & Rideau Forwarding Company. In 
1837 Messrs, MacPherson and Crane became the managers, In 1835 Captain Light- 
hall from the Island of Arran commanded the steamer "Ottawa," and Archie Stewart 
WaS pilot; Kenneth McLeod, an old man-of-wars man, was second pilot-both good 
In 1836 John Crossman was captain of the "Ottawa;" in 1837, R. S. Robins 
was promoted to the command of this steamer, He had been captain on one of the 



Rideau Canal steamers in 1835-36. In 1834 the Company built a steamer called the 
" Non-Such"; and she was well named, for there never was one of the sort before or 
since. She was built square, with recess in the stern for the wheel to ply. This boat 
was built at Ottawa, and was taken through the Rideau canal to Kingston, and down 
the St. Lawrence. It was supposed she would draw l
ss water and be able to take 
the route in low water. The engines of the "Union" were placed in this boat. It 
need hardly be 
aid she proved a failure, After being kept in commission three or 
four years, she was used as a boarding house for the men, in spling. A few years 
later, she was laId on the beach near the present house of the late Sir Antoine Dorion 
at Yaudreuil, and served as wharf for some years under the management of McPherson 
and Crane. Nearly all the carrying trade passed by the Ottawa, the barges being 
towed by the steamers of the Ottawa & Rideau Forwarding Company. I may men- 
tion that the "Non-Such" was commanded by Capt, J ames Greaves, afterward chief 
of Rural Police at Vaudreuil, whose headquarters were in the old seigniorial Manor 
House on the site of the 'V. Lotbinière hotel, lately destroyed by fire, 
Captain Robins continued to command the "Ottawa." The writer joined that 
steamer under him in J 83 8 , and remai ned three yeals in the service. In the year 
184 1 , I engaged with Messrs. H. & S. Jones, and Hooker & Henderson, as captain of 
one of their steamers. In April of that year I was appointed to the steamer "St. 
David," then being built at Brockville, and was ordered early in May to proceed to 
Brockvi11e to superintend the finishing of the steamer, Late in the month of June we 
made a trial trip to Prescott and back. 'Ye had no regular CI ew, bu t picked up some 
men for the purpose. One Russell, a clerk in Messrs. Jones' sto re, insisted on acting 
as pilot. 'Ve managed to get to Prescott all right, and went alongside the steamer 
"Canada," property of the late Hon. John Hamilton of Kingston. This steamer was 
about finished, and intended to ply between Dickinson's Landing and Kingston. She 
was afterward commanded by Captain lawless. On our way back to Brockville, 
Russell was steering and taking the Maitland stearn mill for a steamer, he kept to the 
light hand side, and I only discovered the mistake just in time to save the boat 
from running high and dry on the Maitland shure. I made up my mind never to 
start on a trial trip again without having a proper crew. 
In the month of July we left Brockville, this time with a full crew from Lachine, 
:Mr. Sidney Jones, .one of the owners (a fine old gentleman of the olden times), was 
on board. After running all the rapids successfully, we arrived at Lachine the 
same evening. The next day, I started for Ottawa by the St. Ann's route, and picked 
up all the barges belonging to the different owners, and made the first trip by steamer 
with barges through the Grenville canal. After this, the company placed the 
steamer" Albion II on the route between Grenville and Ottawa, so that we were em- 
ployed on the route betwe
n Lachine and Carillon. 
Early in September, 1841, I towed the first raft on the Lake of Two 
belonging to Messrs. Hamilton and Low. John 'Vaddel, who managed that part of 
their business, acted as pilot, as I had no pilot on board that knew the route towards 
the "Dutchman's (raft) Channel." 

Towards the middle of August the water became so low at St. Ann's that we 
had to get another steamer, the ,; Grenville," Captain John Fraser, of Prescott, com- 
mander. The "Grenville II towed the barges between Lachine and St, Ann's j the 
steamer" St. David" between St. Ann's and Carillon. However, the water became 
so low, by the end of August or beginning of September, that we could not get an 
empty barge up through the gap that had been left outside the darn by Mr. H. 'Vil- 
kinson, who had the contract for the lock, The New Company was at a stand still; 
the barges and steamer were idle. I had an idea that there was a channel outside 
of th
 old lock at Vaudreuil, so, after waiting for a day or two, I decided to run my 
boat over there and try to find a channel. After a hard day's work sounding and 
buoying out the passage, I became convinced there was a good channel. 'Vhile we 
were delayed at St. Ann's, a barge from Perth came aìong,-Captain McQueen, I think. 
After we left for Vaudreuil he sailed over there and begged of me to run his barge over 
the rapids; she wa,> drawing tlHe
 feet of water. I replied that I would not run the risk 
but if he would assume the responsibility, I would do mybe,>t. He agreed to this 
arrangement, alJd I steered the barge over; we nearly touched on one side, but did no 
damage. Of course, the channel was an accomp1i
hed fact, and that evening I left 
for Mcntreal to inform my employers. I ca11ed on l\Ir. Sidney Jones at the Exchange 
Coffee House, then one of the best hotels in l\1ontreal, kept by Doolittle & 
This was on a Sunday morning, just as Mr. Jones \vas getting ready for church; he 
attended the old church Cathedral on l\otre Dame street, "ftcr telling him of my dis- 
covery, he sc(med n.uch pJeased, and invited me to dine with him at six o'clock, 
"hich I did, and returned on Monday morning to Vaudreuil, 
Ir. Jones and Mr. 
Holton were to leave en Tue
day with the steamer" GrenviJIc" and t\\"o harges for 
Vaudreuil; the barges Wtre not to draw over three feet of water. They reached 
uil in the afternoon. 1 had attached a rope to an anchor dropped at the 
head of the rapids with a buoy attached to a rope at the foot, to be ready to fasten to 
the capstan of the barge. I got all my crew anù the crews of the balges on the one 
barge, attached rope to the capstan, and in less than half an hour had the barge 
safe alongsiùe the "St. David," and within another half hour had the second barge 
up also, This, of course, showed that we could take barges up outside, with same 
depth of water that they had in t 1 1e lock, which was private property. 'Vithin a few 
days, alfangements wele made between the old 2.nd new companies to a11o\\' the new 
company's barges to pass the lock by the payment of a to]) of eight do])ars for each 
Large, and further, that the old company should tow aU barges with the steamer 
"Ottawa," between Vaudreuil and CaliJIon, and the new company would have all 
the towing between Lachine ar,d Vaudreuil. A few days later, I received a letter 
from Messrs. H, & S. Jones, saying that I had been promoted to the steamer 
" Oldfield." 
This, I considered the greatest promotion I ever had. I was ordered to take the 
steamer "St. David II to Lach1l1e, which I did without delay, and transferred my 
crew to the" Oldfield," Captain John Chambers taking command of the " St, David." 


3 0 


'Ye continued to tow between Lachine and Vaudreuil, the remainder of the season of 
]841. In the winter of ]841-42, I was employed fitting up the "Oldfield" as a 
passenger boat. 1 n the spring of 1842, we began a regular passenger line between 
Montreal and Ottawa j the ., Oldfield" plying on the bwer reach between Lachine 
and Carillon, and the steamer "Albion," Captain Johnson, on the upper reach 
between Grenville and Ottawa--a daily line (Sunday excepted). This was the first regu. 
lar passenger line on the Ottawa; steamers running without barges, This continued 
till 184 6 , when the St. L
wrence canals were opened, and the old proprietors wanted 
to carryon their business by the St. Lawrence route. I with other friends pur- 
chased the ., O:dfield " in 1846, and began business on my own account. 
The St. Ann's locks were opened in 1843. 'J he proprietor:. of the steamer 
" Oldfield II were Sir George Simpson, A. E. Montmarquette, J. J, Gibb and the 
writer, who was appointed captain and manager; this was not a joint stock company, 
but the ship owners registered at the Customs D
pL1rtment as to their r.:spective 
The business cont;nued profitable, and, in the autumn of 1847, it was decided to 
d a new steamer for the route between Lachine and Cal illon. A contract was 
made with 
Ierritt, shipbuilder of Montreal, for the hull of a new steamer, J So 
feet keel and 26 feet beam. 'Ve also made arrangements with 1\1 r. George Brush 
(fathel to the present G. S. Brush) for a beam engine 34 inch diameter cylinder and 
10 feet length of stroke. This steamer, a very fast one, was called the ." Ottawa 
Chief," and made a trial trip to Carillon in November, 1848. This boat after it trial was 
found to draw too much water for Sl. Ann's channel. The contract called for 3 feet 
3 inches, and instead it was 4 feet 8 inches, much to the disappointment of all the 
proprietOls, as we:I as the travelling public. In the spring of 1849, we decided to 
sell or charter this boat and build another one suitable. In March of th>)t year, 
the Hon. John Hamilton of Kingston came to Como to see the ., Ottawa Chief" j 
he was much pleased with her, and made us an offer to ch:uter her for fi-..e y
ars, but 
would not buy her. Arrangements were finally completed, and a charter was passed 
bdween our company and the Hon. John Hamilton of Kingston, who then controlled 
the steamers of the mail line between Montreal and King.;ton, 
The next thing to do was to arrange for the building of another steamer for the 
route, On the 11th of April, 1849, I started from Como for Montreal on hor.,eback, 
the only way to travel at that time of the year, owing to the bad state of the road:;. 
I had to cross two ferries, viz., Vaudreuil and St. Ann's. It took me all day to reach 
Lachine, where I called on Sir George Simpson to arrånge the finances for the new 
boat. This done, I proceeded to 
lontreal, and bargained with :\[r. A. Cantin for the 
building of a hull of a sleamer to draw only 3 feet of water, with wood and water on 
board j also, with M r, George Brush for an engine of 32 inch diameter cylinder 
and 8 feet stJoke, all to be ready by the month of August of the same year. 
Ho\\ever, we made a trial trip in October, 1849. This boat W.IS called the "Lady 
Simpson," after the wife of Sir Geo. Simpson, She was laid up for the winter- at 


3 1 

Como, and the j.)iner work was finished and the boat furoished during the winter of 
18 49-5 0 ; the joiner work was all done by hand, by the day, and Mr. James Shearer, 
the well-known manufacturer of Montreal, \Va') the foreman. This boat, the ,: Lady 
Simpson," answered every purpose. She drew 2 feet 10 inches aft, and 2 feet 6 
inches forward, and could run during the lowest water, and was a great favorite with 
the travelling public. 
In the spring of 18::0 the "Lady Simpson" too k the route between Lachine 
and Carillon, and the" Oldfield" was put on the Lake of Two Mountains to tow rafts, 
which at that time was a profitable business. In 1852, I contracted with Mr. Cantin for 
a new huH to take the place of the "Oldfield," ] 50 feet long, 25 feet beam; and with 
1\1r, Geo, Brush for a new engine, 32 inch cylinder, 8 foot stroke; this boat carne 
out in 1853, when we sold the "Oldfield" to Captain S1. Louis. The new tow boat 
was caned the" Atlas," and pJOved to be a splendid boat; Captain Jos. Blondin, 
formerly of the " Oldfield," was her captain, and a good faithful man, exceUent pilot 
and good manager for the towing business. Mr. A. E. Montmarquette, one of the 
owners, acted as agent for the towing business at CariUon. I continued to command 
the" Lady Simpson II tiJ1 the faU of 1853, when I letired, partly from ill health and 
partly from a wish to visit my native country, which I did in 1854. My brother 
'William, who stiU commands the" Sovereign," was appointed to the command of the 
" Lady Simpson"; having served nine years under me on the different steamers, he 
was qualified for the promotion, He has now been forty years commander, and a 
very popular and exceedingly fortunate one. 
Afler my return from England, in the fall of 1854, I had to undertake the 
management of the estate of my late father-in-law, P. F, C. Delesdenier, as well as 
the 110mestead farm. Between the farm and the estate I \Vas fully occupied. In the 
year 1857, Sir George Simpson, who was the financial agent of the company, asked 
me if I would take charge of the company as general manager. 'Ve h'id now 
become owners of the upper portion of the JOute, by the purchase of the steamer 
" Phænix," formerly the property of MacPherson & Crane, 
I agreed to undertake this work, which I performed until the spring of 1882. 
In 1859, we began to build the steamer" Queen Victoria," to replace the " Phænix;" 
also to build the steamer "Prince of 'Vales" to replace the "Lady Simpson," 
Captain Bowie, who had been purser on the" Prince of 'Vales " since 1854, was in 
1857 or 1858 promoted to the captaincy of the "Phænix," afterward to the "Queen 
Victoria," and in 1873 to the " Peerless," now caUed the "Empress." In 1865 the 
market business hecame EO important a factor in our business, that we built the 
steamer" Dagmar " for the trade. Captain Peter McGowan was promoted from the 
"Prince of \Vales," where he acted as pilot to the command of the" Dagmar." A 
few years later, we built the steamer" Maude" as an extra boat; Thomas Ryan, 
formerly engineer of the" Prince of Wales," was appointed captain. In the year 
1864, we purchased the shares of the Cari1l0n & Grenville Railway from Hon. 
John J. C. Abbott, afterward Sir John J. C. Abbott, Judge Cross and Courtland 

3 2 


and Freer, and formed a joint stock company under an act of Parliament. The Hon. 
John Rose, afterward Sir John Rose, took charge of the Act, and procured the char- 
ter. The company was, and is to this day, called The Ottawa River Navigation 
Company. On my giving up the management of the company, my son, R. 'V. 
Shepherd, jr., was appointed gellerai manager, and has continued as such until the 
present time, Mr. John McGowan was appointed manager of the Carillon & 
Grenville Ry., in 1860 or thereabout; and has continued so to this day, and has 
been a faithful servant to the company
 as I may say of all our present captains and 
.The principal b03.ts for the Ottawa River Navigation Company, which have been 
in use in recent years, are the "Sovereign," "Empress," "Princess)' and ".Maude," and 
during the summer 1895 a new boat, the" Duchess of York," has been constructed. 
The" Sovereign," which succeeded the " Prince of 'Vales," has been running but 
a few years, She is a fine boat commanded b) Capt. '''m. Sheppard, and during 
the season of summer travel plies between Montreal and Carillon. 
Passengers are conveyej from Carillon to Grenville by and thence to Ottawa 
by the commodious steamer" Empress," commanded by Capt. A. Bowie, Capt, 
Bowie was born in Montreal; his father was a railway contractor, and besides many 
other railroads, he constructed lhat from St. Johns to Laprairie, the first one built in 
Canada. The Captain engaged as Purser on the "Lady Simpson" in 1854, and has 
held the position of Captain since 1859. 
The" Princess," commanded by Capt. Peter :\IcGowan, has been both a market 
and passenger boat for many years. Under the present arrangeme11l for the Fall of 
18 95, the" Princess" makes a weekly return trip from Montreal to Ottawa, and the 
" Duchess of York," commanded by Capt. John McGowan, makes a semi-wcekly trip 
between Montreal aud Carillon. 


Brief mention is here m 
de of a few places along the lower QUa wa, besides those 
described in the succeeàing page", which are locatej in Argenteuil and Pr
The first point ofint
rest after leaving L3.chine is St. Ann's, which contains many 
beautiful residences and is a favorite summer resort, Rapids in the riyer at this 
point necessitated the- C()llstruction of a canal and lock. The canal is about an 
eighth of a mile in length, and was constructed in place of one built early in the pre- 
sent century. It was rebuilt by the OUawa Forwarding Company, but, as they 
claimed the right of use: thus causing much inconvenience, the Legislature of U)Jper 
Canada took the matter in hand, and constructed the present canal. At St. Ann's, 
also, are the costly and imposing iron bridges of the C.P, R. and G.T, Railway Com- 
p:mies. Here, too, is the chapel of St. Anne, the patroness of the Canadian voyageur, 
where, as stated above, they made confession and offered up their vows before start- 
ing on a dangerous expedition. 



The shrine formerly, it is said, was decorated with relics and votive offerings, 
hung up by the voyageurs to propitiate her favor, or in gratitude for some signal 
It was here that Tom Moore witnessed enough of the fur-trading vocation and 
the voyageurs to gain inspiration for the writing of the" Canadian Boat Song." 
Under the French régime, a fortification was erected here, which did service ill 
repelling the attacks of the fierce Iroquois. _-\ brief account of one of their raids 
will be found in this volume, in the history of Calumet. The remains of this 
fortification are still to be seen here. 
Some distance farther up the river is Oka, celebrated not only for being the 
residence of the Oka Indians-a remnant of the Iroquois and Algonquin tribes-but 
also of the Trappist monks. An imposing Roman Cathúlic church, with beautiful 
grounds and stately trees, is in the foreground, and at a short distance in the rear 
rises .Mount Calvary, whose summit has several shrines to which devout Catholics 
often make a pilgrimage. The occupation of these monks is the cultivation of a large 
farm and orchard; their life is one of seclusion, and their rules are of the strictest char- 
acter. Fema]es are not admitted to the monastery, nor are the monks permitted to 
converse with each other. They rise at 2 a:m., and soon afterward breakfast, this 
being their only meal during the day; and they retire at sunset, 

Iany of the Indians at Oka are Protestants, and have a chapel in which they 
attend divine worship. 
Still further up the Ott3wa, and on the opposite side from Ok a, is Rigaud, its 
mountain at a little distance from the village forming a prominent landmark f:u up 
and down the river. Rigaud College, also, which is an institution of consicierable note, 
occupies an elevated plateau, and can be seen from a long distance. 
On the slope of this mountain is a Itts ' lS Ilatllræ of great interest to visitors and 
scientists, This is a spot embracing two or three acres, entirely destitute of soil, and 
filled to an 11nknown depth with stones about the size of a man's head, and smaller. 
It is said that certain parties, prompted by curiosity, explored this singular spot to the 
depth of forty feet, and finding nothing, still, but stones, abandoned their undertaking. 
'Vhat is still more remarkable, the stones, chiefly, are of a character entirely diffèrent 
from the mountain rock, Geologists class this curiosity with Moraines, but it is 
generally known as " Ðevil's Garden," and it is often visited by picnic parties and 
The next place of interest after passing beyond the counties of Argenteuil and 
Prescott is Montebello, the town of the great patriot, Louis Papineau. 

County of Argenteuil. 

The territory embraced by this county was formerly included ill the county of 
York, subsequently in the county of Two Mountains; but, in 1855, the county of 
Argen teuil was formed, which is bounded on the north by the county of Terrebonne j 
on the east, partly by the county of Terrebonne and partly by the county of Two 
Mountains; on the south by the Ottawa River, and on the west by Ottawa county. 
It comprises the following municipalities: 
Villages.--Grenville and Carillon. 
Parishes.-St, André d'Argenteuil, St. Jerusalem de Lachute, Mille Isles. 
To'Zullshps.-Arunde1, Chatham, Gore, Grenville, Howard, Montcalm, 'Vent- 
worth and Harrington. 
Part of a Towllshzþ.-Morin. 
Chif-Licu,-St. Jerusalem de Lachute. 



21 7 
1, 62 3 
4 1 8 
29 6 
37 2 
5 1 4 

Argenteuil. " ... .."... ........,.. 
Arundel.,.... ",... ...... .,.... ... 
Carillon (Village) ...... ....... . ... .. 
Chath anI. . .. . . .. ... ....", ..,... . . 
Gore "., ...... .,.... ...... ....,. ., 
Grenville".... .." .." ...... .... 
Grenville (V ilIage).. . .., ...... . . .. .. . 
liarr ington . . . . . , , . . " .,.." .... . . , . 
Howard ."..,..... ..,.,.......,.. 
Lachute (Town) .." ,." . , " ..."" 
r.IiHe Isles..,... ...... . ."". ,..... 
r.lo rin . . . . .. "".. . . . . , . , , , . , ,. . , , . 
S1. Andrew's..,' ,.., '" ...., 
St. J t:rucalem . . . , . , . . . . . . 
'Vent worth and Montcalm...... .... .1 

... . 
.... t.Q 
::: c 

. c 

.0 .:- 
If> - 
CI) CI) 

13 1 
3 1 4 
3 06 
3 0 
27 0 
3 6 

7 20 

, .;, 



1 m';' 

c c 
o .S 

CI) . 
If> CI) 




34 8 
3 6 
53 6 
5 08 

25 1 
19 K 
3 0 


7 1 3 53 212 
13 ...,.. 


39 1 
3 8 



I 9 
I ..,. 
I . . . . . 


9 0 
I ,.".. 

4 2 

CENSUS OF 1891. 



::; ::> 

ö c 




Argenteuil. , " . , . . .. . . .. . . .. I 15. I 5 h I 2,i 14 
ArundeL... ............. .... 743 123 
Carillon (Village).,., .,., .". 255 4
Chatham...... ...... ........ 3.37 1 1 5
Gore. . . . .. . . . . ....... . . .. . . . 533 100 
Gren\.ille.... ............... 2:183 3 6 4 
Grenville (\ïnag-e).,.. . . ., . . . 5 02 94 
Harrington.. .. . ... ....., .. .. 7 20 12 5 
Howard........,....., 44 8 19 
Lachute (Town)........... ... 1,75 1 344 
Mille Isles..........,.,.,.... 519 8:\ 
l\lorin...... .'....... .... .,.. 47 1 9 8 
Sr, Andrew's..,' ,..... ...... 1,7 02 334 
St. Jelu
alem.... ........ 1,062 19 8 
'Ventworth and Montcalm...,.. 
98 137 

5 65 
34 2 
19 2 
13 0 

CEXSUS OF 1891. 




297 ! 


48 I 


!2 g 

I U') rñ 
- E 
I _:::::: 

849 I 
16 1 
20 9 
12 9 

7 ...... 


If> . 
.... ... 
c CI) 
o 0 
\0 C 


4 ...... 




2, 26 3 
9 1 

9 6 
12 4 
13 0 

5 1 


9 0 







. If> 
. lö' 
]..; '
iL; .
 B.;, ü 0 ë:::ü z.ê 
 {} I 
,- ::; 
 ë r: g ;. - If> 
 :ü g. I c:: 

 (.);:: .": 0 = 
 - 0 _ 0 I 
 8 '"d'" ,:J.. g... ... (.) 

o:ð Æ 0.... 2 :::
a.I::3(.) _ :::
Argenteuil. -,..... 2:42, 
 -;-' 666 - 
 tO.041 1 8S,t04 53,633 1 I4I,8I 
i l,00
Arunde1...... ..........1 118 1 114 4 40 33 1 5.928 4, 02 9 1,8/ 2 16,533 37 
Carillon (Village)..".... '3 II 2 2 I 4501243 19 6 215 II 
Chatham......... ...... 522 442 79 145 55 3 9 ,0 93 1 22,22tJ 16,5
91 25,
82 3 08 
Gore".,.... .,.". ..... 1 III 106 .'5 40 21 8,5 0 5,4,3 6 4 4. 08 9 9.354 52 
Grenvï:le................ 302 275 26 83 55 15,126110,3
914,953 26, 08 9 74 
ille (Village) ......' 54 .p 12 I 812 495 3 12 .. 3 2 4 ) 5 
Harnngton.... ......... 132 126 6 48 19 ;,086 5,271 l,i9 2 12,4 1 4 23 
Howard.... ............ 78 77 I 23 21 2,803 1,953 83
 10,651 17 
La.chute (rown).. .... 3fJ4 193 / III 4 2 1,373 879 33:;( 882 1 159 
Mllles Isles............. 88 87 I 49 16 j.079 4,929 2,14 1 8,3i9 8 
Morin.................. 95 94 I 25 9 4,981 2,S64 2,079,6,281 3 8 
St. Andrew's.... .... .... 274 233 40 65 I 26 18,3 2 5 12,9 68 5;212 5,062 145 
St. Jerusalem..... ...,.. 198 186 I 12 80 I 39 22,13 6 11.4 1 6 10.626 5,4 1 7 94 
Wentwolth and Montcalm. 136 135 I 62 13 6,034 3,378 2. 62 3 q,6.p 33 


From 1M G
ologiCll/ Sltr'i'C)' of 
ir Hï/litllll Lf'gal1, 1863. 

The intrusive masses of the L:lurentian serie; cons:st chiefly of syenite and green-tone. They 
occur in many parts of the country, hut their relative ages have been ascertained almost altogether 
by investigations in the counties of Ollawa and Argent
uil. \Vhat appear to be the 01de,t intrusive 
masseS are a set of d} kes of a rather fine-grained, dark, greenish grey greenstone or dolelite," hich 



weathers greyish white, and consists of greyish-white feldspar mixed with pyroxene, occasional scales 
of mica, and grains of pyrites, Their width varies from a few feet to a hundred yards, and they possess 
a well marked columnar structure. Their general bearing appears to approach east and west, but 
the main dykes occasionally divide, a branch striking off at an angle of from twenty to forty degrees. 
One ofthe
e dykes cuts crystalline limestone on tI-e thirteenth lot of the fourth range of Gren- 
ville. Its breadlh is about thirty yards, and it has been tr3ced aCross the limestone and gneiss for a 
mile and three-quarters, in which, with a ft:w moder3te zig-zags, it maintains a courSf' of N. 85 0 E., 
until it :s interrupted by a mass of syenite on the eighth lot of the range already mentioned. Across 
the limestone it forms a ridge i but acroSS the gnf'i
s it is usually found in a depression, sometimes a 
very dt ep one. "'hen it mounts the side of any hill which I uns \\ ith the stratification, the columnar 
structure gives it the asJXcl of a flight of gigantic steps, well plesenting the character from which the 
Swedish name of /1 ap is derived. The columns ale so tl uly at right angles to the plane of the dyke, 
that they are a sure me3ns of determining the under lie, which is towards the north. A branch strikes 
off from the dyke on the eleventh lot of the range, and, after proceeding about a quarter ofa mile in 
the direction S. 300 E., it turns S. 500 E., and continues for three-qumters of a mile more. chiefly 
acrms limestone. in a remarkably straight line, to the eighth lot, where. having giadually diminished 
from the width of eighteen yards to five, it seems to split up into a blUsh-like arran
emel,t of small 
dykes, and is lost. In a we
ter1y direction from the thirteenth lot of the fourth range, the main 
dYke has bet:n traced between fonr and five miles, and in its whole course from the s}enile, the bear- 
ing is about five degrees north of west. 
Another dyke of the same character, with a widlh of twenty-five yalds. occurs in the eleventh lot 
of the fifth range of Grenville, and runs for ahout a mile in the bearing 
. 67 0 E., when it is inter- 
rupted by the same mass of syenite as before, on the eighth lot of the same lange. .\ prohable con- 
tinuation of lhe d) ke in an opposite direction is seen crossing thc gntiss on the fifth range. reaching 
the seventeenth lot, wIth a bealing K. 75 0 \V., and thence cros<;ing the River Rouge. 
From the sixth lot of the fourth range of Chatham Gore, i.vhere it cnts the crp,t:dline limestone, 
another oftheæ dYkes has been tracèd for upwards of two miles to the first lot of the third range of 
'Ventworlh. Its width vaIies from fifly to a hundred )ard,:, but it appears to maintain a very uniform 
course, and though an interval of seven miles is a long one at which to recogniæ it again, yet an 
exposure of greenstone on the front of the first langc of \\"entworth, in the di,ision between the 
twentieth and twenty first lots, is sufficiently near the line to make it probablf' that it is a continuation 
of the same d}ke. At the latter spot it is from 110 to 120 yards wiùe, ami about eleven chains to the 
t ward it is cut off by the syenite. It has becn met with again, however, on the western side of it, 
and traced aclOss the northwest comer of Chatham into Grcnville, and is probably continued to the 
t\\elfth lot of the ninth range of the latter township, where there is a d) ke of the same character. 
The whole di"tance from Chatham Gore ii about fifteen mile;o. and the bearing about fi\'e degrees 
south of weH. Still another of these dykes has been ob
crved in the seigniory of Argenleuil-, about a 
mile and a half from the Xorth Ri,'er, 011 the road from Lachute to Chatham Gore. It appears to be 
about twenty-five or thirty yards wide, and it bears N. &,0 \Y., for about a mile and a half to the 
town line of Chatham, which it crosses towards the rear of the ninth range; and nlthough it would 
requile a change in its course to bring it to a dyke seen on the road between the seventh and cighth 
ranges on the ninth lot, it appears probable that the two will be found to be the same. Running west- 
ward from the latter spot, it comes against the syenile in the eleventh lot of the seventh range, and is 
there cut off. These greenstone dykes being always interrupted by the syenite, when they have been 
found to come in cantact with it, it is plain the syenite must be of posterior date. This mass of 
intrusive syenite occupies an area of about thirty-six square miles in the townships of Grenville, Chat- 
ham and Wentworth; and a glance at the accompanying m:>p, showing the distribution of the crys- 
talline lime
tone, in the counttes of Ottawa and Argenteuil, will show its shape and clistribution. 



In its lithological character, the rock is very uniform, being composed for the mo!òt part of orthoclase, 
either of some tinge of fle or a dull white, with black hornblende, and a rather sparing quantity 
of greyish, vitreous quartz. The red tinge prevails more on the west siùe, the white on the east. In 
the spur which runs into \Ventworth, mica is occasionally found accompanying the hornblende. 
The rock is rather coarse -grained in the main body. but dykes of it are sometimes observed cutting 
the limestone and gneiss, in which the grain is finer; these have not as yet been traced to any great 
distance from the nucleus. 
The ,syenite is cut and penetrated by masses of a porphyritic character, which are therefore ofa 
still later date. The5e masses belong to what has been called felsite porphyry, hornstone porphyry, 
or orthophYle, having a ba
e of petro!:ilex, which may te regarded as an intimate mixture of onho- 
c1ase and quartz, colored by oXJd of iron, and ,>arying in colors from green to valious shades of 
black, according to the oxydation of this metal. 1 hroughout the paste, which is homogeneous and 
conchoidal in its fracture, are di
seminated well-defined crystals of a rose-red or flesh-red fddspar, 
apparently orthoclase, and, although le!'s frequently, small grains 01 nearly colorless translucent 
quartz. The larger masses of this porphyry have a fine-grained, reddish-buff base, in which well 
defined crystals of flesh-red feldspar of various sizes, from one-eighth to three-eighths of an inch, are 
thickly disseminated. J n addition to the crystals of feldspar, the base often contains a multitude of 
lagments of gneiss, greenstone and syenite, varying in size from small grains to masses several feet 
in diameter. These are occasionally so abundant, as to give to the rock the character of a breccia. 
\\'hen the base is green, it is rather more compact, and it does not usually contain so many imbedded 
crysta Is of feldspar. 
The principal nucleus of this porphyry occupies a pear-shaped area, the small end pointing south, 
on the tt.lId and fourth lots of the fifth and six ranges of Grenville, frum which, on the eastern side, a 
portion projects into the second lot of the fifth range, This mass is wholly surruunded by syenite, 
and a large part of it constitutes a mountain or group of hills intersected by one or two ravines. In 
about the centre of the mass on the summit of one of the hills, there is a circular depression of about 
a hundred yards in diameter, nearly surrounded by a tufaceous porphyritic rim, of about thirty feet in 
height. In this deplession there is a turf bog, supporting a grove of good siLed evergreen trees. On 
sounding the depth of the bog with a boring rod, the rock beneath was found to present the shape uf 
a cup, with the depth of twenty-five feet in the centre; so that, including the rim, the depression 
would be about fifty feet deep, with the exception of a break down to the level of the bog on the east 
5ide. The nature ofthe rock constituting the rim gives to the depre
sion, in some degree, the aspect 
<of a small volcanic crater. nut if it be the remains of one, it can only represent some deep seated 
}Jart of the vent; for there can scarcely fail to have been here a great amount of denudation of the 
ancient Laurentian surface, while the ice groves in the neighborhood shew that there ha<; been much 
erosion OYer the whole country in comparatively recent times. In this vicinity, some entangled beds 
of gneiss occur, one of which, running N. 80 0 \V. for upwards of a hundred yards, is completely 
surrounùed by the porl-'hyry. 
From this pOlphyritlc nucleus, one or two porphYlitic dykes can be traced, culling the syenite 
for 5holt di!:tances; and Some of a similar character are met with at such a distance as to make il. 
probable that there are other porphyritic nuclei. One of these dyhes, about seven yards \\ide, COn- 
taining beautiful red feldspar crystals set in a black base, occurs on the sOllth side of the road between 
the seventh and eighth ranges of Chatham, on the eighth lot. Its bearing S. 85 0 \Y. would carry 
it to the south of the porphyritic mass above described, flOm which the position in which Ole dyke 
cuts the gneiss is removed seven miles, though it is not more than one mile from the sycnite. 
;\notl1er d} ke of this aspect is seen in the ninth range near the Ime between the thir tcenth' and 
fourteenth lots; but in adllition to the elements mentioned, it holds disseminated grains of transparent, 
colorless quartz. Its course appears to be S. 44 0 \V., and it inter
ects a mass of porphyritic rock of 

3 8 


the same color and texture as the porphyry of the pear-shaped nucleus, which, however, like the dyke, 
contains grains of vitreous quartz. Grain> of this mineral are also observed in another porphyritic 
mass, whusecourseis N. 10 0 \V., about a quarterofa mile from the front of the twenty-fifth lot in 
the seventh range. A porphyritic dyke is observed on the road bet ween the sixth and seventh ranges 
on the twenty-third lot. It encloses grains of quartz and crystals of flesh-red feldspar, some of them 
half an inch in diameter, in a reddi
h, finely granular base. Of tl e tufaceo porphyritic rock a lenticu- 
lar noass CI o
ses tt e 
event h and eighth lots, clO!;e upon the rear oflhe fifth range of Grenville. It has 
a It:nglh of neady haIr a mile by a breadlh of about 150 yards in the miè(lle, and lies between gneiss 
on the north and syenite on the 
In the vicinity of the pear-sllaped porphyritic intrusion, there are met \\ ith two veihs of a special 
character, cutting the syenite, that de
erve to be noticed. They consist of a white, yellowish-bro.....n 
or flesh-red cellular chert, the coims in some cases running in band.,. parallel to one another, and 
sometimes being rather confusedly mingled, giving the aspect of a breccia. The cells are unequally 
distributed, some parts of the veins being nearly destitute of them, while in others, they are very 
abundant, and of various size
, from that of a pin's head (0 an inch in diameter. On the walls of 
some of these cells, small transparent crystals of quartz are implanted, and in some there me the Im- 
pressions of cubical fOlm!', resulting probably from crystals of fluor spar which have di
The stC're has the chemical characters and the composition ùÍ flint or chalcedony. 
One of these veins is on the nOlth half of the hrst lot of the sixth range of Grenville, where it was 
traced for about a hundred) ards, running about ea
t and we
t, and the other in the south half of the 
first lot of the sixlh range, belonging to Mr. James Lowe, who was the first person who drewatten- 
tion to it as affording buhrstone. On his ground, the vein has been more examined than ehewhere ; 
it appears to run in a very straight nearly east and west bearing, and stands in a vel tical attitude, 
while us breadth valie3 from about fourto seven feet. Where the vein is banded, the colors run parallel 
with the sides. The altitude and associations of the mass clearly show it cannot be of sedimentary 
origin, and its composition, taken in connection with the igneous character of the district, suggests 
the probability that it is an aqueous deposit which has filled up fissUles in the syenite, and is similar 
in its origin to the agates and chalcedony which, in smaller masses, are common in various rocks, 
For a distance of perhaps 200 yards on each side ofthese vein'> of chert, while the quartz of the 
syenite remains unchanged, the feld!'par has been more or less decomposed, and been converted into 
a sort of kaolin. As this plOcess involves a separation of silica from the feldspar, it is not improbable 
that it hils been the soun:e of the veins of chert. 
The intru!>ive rocks which have been described have a date anterior to the deposit of the Silurian 
series. None of a similar character have been met with breaking through this series, and the rela- 
tions of the base of the Lower Silurian group along the foot of the hills composed of the syenite are 
such as to make it evident that the Silurian beds in some places overlie eroded portions of the intru- 
sive rock. But all these intrusive masses are cut by a set of dyhes whose relations to the SilUlian 
series are not so cel tain. 'These d) kes are composed of a fine granular base, with an earthy fracture, 
consisting of feldspar and pyroxene, and having a dark, bro\\ nish-grey color. In this base are 
imbedded rounded masses of black cleavable augite, varying in size from a pin's head to se\"eral inches 
in diameter. These are associated \\ilh various size 1 nodules of calc spar filling cells that do not 
attain the diameter of the largest masses of augite, and with small scales of mica, grey in fresh frac- 
tures, but weatheling brass yellow on the sides of cracks and joints, Small crystals of sphene and 
grains.of titaniferous iron occur in the rock. 
One of these dykes, having a width of from three to ten feet, is traced from the first lot of the 
sixth range of Grenville, near Mr. Lowe's buhrstone, where it cuts the syenite, to the third and fourth 
lots of the same range, where it cuts the pear-shaped mass of porphyry; thence, it crosses to the 
eighth lùt of the fifth range, where it cuts both syenite and porphyry, and farther to the tenth lot of 



the same range, wher e it intersects the quartzite and the limestone. The whole distance is UP" ard s 
of two miles and a half, and the bearing S. 82 0 \V, Another dyke of this description intersects the 
limestone on the thi, teenth lot of the same range, and is traced for half a mile running east. These 
dykes bear a striking resemblance to some of the dolerites which intersect the Lower Silurian group in 
the neighborhood of the mountain of Montreal, and may possibly be of the same age, but none of 
them have yet been traced, continuously, from the Laurentian into the Silurian rocks. 


:Names of the members of the Legislative Assembly of the County of York, 
Two Mountains and Argenteuil-the latter having been detached from tbe former. 

I. COUNTY OF YORK, 31 c Geo, II I, Chap. 3 I, 
From 179 2 to 179 6 , Mr. C. de Lotl.Jinière, :\1r. p, A. de Bon ne. 
" 1797 to 1800, Mr. H, Lacroix, Mr. Hetien (}.), 
" 1801 to 180 5, Mr. J. Bédard, 
lr. L, C. Foucher. 
" 180 5 to 1808, l\1r. J. l\Iure, Mr. E. L. Dumont. 
180 9, ðlr. J. l\1ure, Mr. J. J. Trestler. 
1810, l\lr, J. 1\1 ure, 
Ir. St. Julien. 
From 1811 to 181 4, Mr. F, Bellet, Mr. St. Julien. 
" 1815 to 18 I 6, Mr. E, L. Dumont, 1\1r, \V. Forbes. 
" IS 1 7 to J S 19, Mr. Dumont, Mr. J. B. Fare. 
1820, Mr. E. L. Dumont, Mr. A. Perrault. 
From 1820 to 182 4, Mr. E. L. Dumont, Mr. A. Perrault. 
" 182 5 to 182 7, Mr. E. L. Dumont, Mr. J. Simpson, 
" 182 7 to 182 9, Mr. J. L. Labrie, Mr. J. B. Lefebvre. 
II. COUNTY vF Two MOUNTAINS, 9c Geo. IV, Chap. 73. 
From 18 3 0 to 18 3 4 , 1\1 r. J. Labrie, Mr. \Y. H, Scott. 
" 18 34 to 183 8 , 
1r. J, '1, Girouard, Mr. \V. H. Scott. 
" 184 1 to 1844-, 
Ir, C. Robertson, Mr. C. J. Forbes. 
" 1844 to 18 47, Mr. \V. H. Scott, 
" 1848 to 18 5[, Mr, \V. H. Scott. 
" 18 5[ to 18 54, Mr. Mr. \V. H. Scott, Hon. Louis J. Papineau, 
III. COUNTY OF ARGENTEUIL, 16 Vict., Chap. [52. 

From 1854 to 1857, S. Bellingham, his election declared null, 
Re-electcd in J 855-election again declared null; re-elected in 1856. 
From 1858 to 1861, S. Bellingham. The name of J. J. C. Abbott is sabsti. 
tuted for the name of S. Bellingham in 1860, 
From 1861 to 1863, Mr. J. J. C. Abbott-re-elected as Solicitor in 1862. 
From 1863 to 1866, Hon, J. J. C. Abbott. 
Sidney Bellingham was elected by acclamation 27th August, 1867-rc-e
23rd June, 1871, and re-elected by acclamation 30th June, 1875, 

4 0 


Robert J. Meikle of Lachute was elected 1St May, 18 7 8 . 
\Vm. Owens was elected 2nd December, 1881; re-elected by acclamation, 7th 
October, 1886; re-elected 17th of June, 1890, and resigned. 
\Villiam J. Simpson elected 8th March, 18 9 2 . 
Biographical sketches of several of the representatives named above-Colin 
Robertson, C. J, Forbes, R. J. l\leikle, \Vm. Owens and \Vm, J. Simpson-will 
be found on succeeding pages of this volume; of three others-Scott, Papineau and 
Bellingham-the sketches given below were gathered in part from Borthwick's 
" History and Gazetteer of Montreal." 
\V, H. Scott was the son of a baker, who was located on St. Lawrence street, 
Montreal, very early in the present century. The son engaged in mercantile busi- 
ness in St. Eustache, and was one of the prominent rebels of 1837. He was arrested 
and indicted for high treason, but after remaining in prison some time, was dis- 
charged. Like several other rebels of that time, he afterward became a supporter of 
the government he had attempted to subvert, and endeavored by his devoted loyalty 
to alOne for the errors of the past, In the latter part of his Parliamentary career 
he became a great admirer and friend of Sir George E, Cartier. 
Louis J. Papineau was a man of almost world-wide fame, and he is one of the 
t prominent characters in Canadian history. Few men outside the circle of 
royalty have been the 
ct of more pen pictures than he, and none, perhaps, are 
subjects of sketches so widely different in character. Eulogy and anathema have 
been bestowed on him in turn; he was a helO or a coward, a patriot or a traitor, a 
statesman or a demagogue, just accOlding to the views or political tendencies of his 
All, however, concur with the opil
ion, that he was a mau of brilliant talent, 
possessed of great personal magne tism, courtly manner, and was an orator. As time 
recedes, also, from the stirring events which called him into prominence, and animosity 
and prejudice give place to reason and justices he is no longer regarded as the 
rash, selfish, irrational being that he once was, and even his bitterest foe= are inclined 
to denounce his methods rather his aims, and even admit that we to-day are reap- 
ing some benefit from both. The more charitable even of his political adversaries 
endeavor to find excuse for all that he did, and ascribe to his efforts and that of his 
followers aJl that is good in our government to-day. 
He was born in Montreal, 17th October, 1786, and was the son of Joseph 
Papineau, a prominent notalY, and for many years a member of the Legislative 
Assembly, in which l.e was distinguished for his ability and eloquence. 
The H on. Louis J. Papineau, after receiving his education chiefly at the 
Seminary of Quebec, studied Jßw, and was admitted to the Bar of Lower Canada in 
1811. Two years previous to this, or in 1809, so popular had he become, and so 
flattering were his prospects, that he was elected to the Assembly for the County of 
Kent, now Chambly; and in 1815 he was appointed to the responsible position 
of speaker, which position lIe retained with little interruption till 1837-a period of 


4 1 

twenty years. In November, 1827, when Mr. Papineau, according to the custom of 
the Assèmbly, had again been chosen speaker, Lord Dalhousie, the Governor of 
whom Papineau had spoken disrespectfully, refused to ratify their choice. Some 
days of excitement and trouble ensued, the Assembly would not yield, and, in con- 
sequence, its members were sent home. The Governor soon afterward returned to 
England, and became Governor General of India. He was succeeded in Canada 
by Sir James Kempt, whose conciliatory policy allayed, in a measure, the bitter 
feelings in the Province towards the Government. This was only a delay, however, 
of the corning storm; troubles which had long since commenced between the 
different branches of Government continued to increase, till they culminated in 
the Rebellion of 1837-38. The important part which Papineau played in all these 
events is well known. 
After a residence of two years in the United States, whither he had fled in 1837, 
he removed to Paris, where he lived till 1847, when the issue of the proclamation of 
amnesty permitted him to return to Canada, He was again elected to Parliament, 
in which he remained till 1854, when he retired from political life-his last years be- 
ing devoted chiefly to horticultural and literary pursuits. 
He died at Montebello on the Ottawa, 23rd September, 187 I, at the age of 
SIDNEY ROBERT BELLINGHAM, who was long a popular figure in Argenteuil, was a 
son of Sir Allan Bellingham of Castle Bellingham, Louth County, Ireland, and was 
born 2nd August, 1808. He was educated in Ireland, and married to Arabella 
Holmes, the daugh tcr of a citizen of Quebec. He was a loyal actor in the Rebellion 
of 1837-38, and, as a magistrate, accompanied the valiant Co!. \Vetherall to St, 
Charles, whither he had been sent in command of a few soldiers. In 1841, Mr. Belling- 
ham was called to the 13ar of Lower Canada, and, some years subsequently, he was for 
a long time political writer for the press of this Province, chiefly of the Montreal Times 
and Daily Ne'lfIs. lIe became endeared to the people of Argenteuil County, not 
only from his association with them as their representative, hut in enterprises with 
which he was connected, He was interested in the construction of the Carillon & 
Grenville Railway, and in colonizin
 the northern section of the County. 
His residence for many years was on the north brow of Mount Royal, where he 
purchased a valuable tract of land, beautifully located, and erected a dwelling. Not 
long after his last election to the Legislative Assembly, in 1875, he returned to Castle 
Dellingham, Ireland, where he was living in December, 1895. 


From 1867 to 1874, 
" 1874 to 1875, 
" 1875 to 1880, 
" 1880 to 1886, 
" 1886 to 1890, 
" 18 9 1 to 1895, 

Hon, J. J. C. Abbott. 
Lemuel Cushing. 
Hon. J. J. C. Abbott. 
J. C, \Vilson, 
Thomas Christie. 

4 2 


(From the Watchma1l of Nov. 3, 1893, Lachute.) 
The tidings that have reached the homes of the County of Argenteuil, this week, 
cause great and deep sorrow. The greatest of our sons, the truest friend this county 
ever had, has passed away. None but an old resident can fully appreciate what he 
was to the County of Argenteuil. In almost every good and public work which had 
for its object the interests and progress of our people, Mr. Abbott was there with his 
advice-always golden-and with his financial aid. The Agricultural Society has 
lost perhaps its oldest and best friend, for whether in Parliament or out of it, Mr. 
Abbott's liberal donation was always forthcoming, 
But while his services to public objects have been innumerable, what must be said 
of the kindness, the patience, the ability and readiness which he displayed in listening 
to the private troubles and difficulties of a long list of his Argenteuil brethren? The 
legal advice which he gave to his County gratis would have been worth a small for- 
tune to any lawyer. The widow and orphan, the poor and friendless, always had in 
him one who would lay aside for a few moments the most weighty affair of State to 
listen to their wants and clear away their difficulties. 
But in no way did his character shine out more brightly than in his treatment 
of political opponents. The same kind word, the same free advice, the same pains- 
taking comideration of the case before him, was meted out to Argenteuil men, irre- 
spective of whether they were political friends or opponents. In this respect his 
example is one that should never be forgotten. The retention of political spite and 
animosity is very unfortunate, not only because of the harm it does, but because it 
is foolish and senseless. On several occasions, when the flames of political excite- 
ment had been fanned by hot-headed partisans on both sides, Mr. Abbott was heard 
to plead with the people not to quarrel with their neighbors over politics. He 
declared that his opponent and himself would remain good friends, and why should 
others make their battle so personal as to be unneighborly? 
The history of the life ùf the first Canadian born Premier will form an impor- 
tant chapter in the history of our Dominion. But there is one fact that is perhaps 
overlooked, viz., that to Mr, Abbott, more than to any other man, do we owe the Cana- 
dian Pacific Railway. There is no doubt that the scheme of a great trans-continental 
railway was originated in the fertile mind of this gentleman, and the success of the 
enterprise, the opening up of the North 'Vest, and all the great benefits arising there- 
from, arc due in a great measure to Sir John Abbott. 
It has been said that he was a greater lawyer than a politician. Such was the case, 
for he was at the very head of the legal profession in Montreal, and, consequen tly, 
did not spend the greater portion of his time in studying politics. At that time, there 
was the old chieftain, Sir John 
Iacdonald, to conduct the affairs of the party, and 
time a.nd again did he show the confidence and dependence he placed upon 
the advice and counsel of Mr. Abbott. But, had the occasion a.risen, Wè feel 



SIR ,J. J. C. .AHBorr. 



sure that Mr, Abbott posses
ed the qualities, tact, discrimination, foresight and 
cleverness which would have made him the peer of his great leader, Sir John 
Macdonald. \Vhen that gentleman passed away, how instinctively the party fell 
back upon him in the hour of need; and he did not fail them. Never was there a 
time in the history of the Conservative party when its success was more doubtful, 
and where a strong, courageous hand was more needed to turn the tide than at the 
time when Sir John Abbott became Premier, But age was upon him, and, burdened 
with the cares of State, the old man felt his strength going. It was hoped that rest 
would make a change; but the only rest that came was the long last rest, upon which 
he entered on Monday evening, October 30th, at half-past eight, 1893. 
Any attempt to estimate the loss Argenteuil has sustained would prove utterly 
futile, but we are sure th3.t, from the most remote corner to the Ottawa River 
boundary, the general feeling is one of the deepest sorrow, Looking at the 
past and gazing into the future, we feel like saying :-" 'Ve shall never see his like 
Sir John Abbott was born at St, Andrews, in the county of Argenteuil, Lower 
Canada, 12th March, 1821. His father was the Rev. Joseph Abbott, M,A., first 
Anglican incumbent of St. Andrews, who emigrated to this country from England in 
1818, as a missionary, and who, during his long residence in Canada, added consider- 
ably to the literary activity of the country. He had not been long in Canada before 
he married Miss Harriet Bradford, a daughter of the Rev. Richard Bradford, first 
rector of Chatham, Argenteuil County. 
Sir John was Dean of the Faculty of Law in the University of McGill College, 
a D.C. L, of that University, and Lieut.-Colonel of the" Argenteuil Rangers," known 
in the Department of Militia as the I I th Battalion, a corps raised by him during the 
patriotic time of the ., Trent JJ excitement. He was also president of the Fraser 
Institute of Montreal, and director, or law adviser, to various companies and corpor- 
ations. Sir J olm's name came twice before the public, in a manner which gave him 
great notoriety. He was a prominent figure, aftc:r Sir Hugh Allan, in the famous 
Pacific scandal episode, Being the legal adviser of the Kn ight of Ravenscrag, all 
transactions were carried on through him, and it was a confidential clerk of his who 
revealed details of the scheme, which culminated in the downfaJI of the Macdonald 
cabinet. His second conspicuous appearance on the public stage was iT! connection 
with the Letellier case, when he went to England, in April, T 879, as the associate of 
the Hon. H. L. Langevin, on the mission which resulted in the dismissal of the Lieut.- 
Governor of Quebec. In 18-19, he married :\[iss Mary Bethune, daughter of the 
Very Rev, J. Bethune, D.D., late Dean of Montreal. 
Sir John's political life may be said to have commenced in 1857, by the 
contest of the County of Argenteuil, at the general election held in that year. He 
was elected a member of the Canadian Assembly, but was not returned until 18 59' 
He continued to represent the constituency in that Hous.e until the union of 186 7, 
when he was returned for the Commons. He was re-elected at the general eJections 



of 18 7 2 and 18 74. In October of the last named year, he was unseated. Mr. L. 
Cushing, who had been his opponent at the preceding election, again became the 
Liberal candidate, but Mr. Abbott retired. Mr. 'VOl, Owens ran against 
Cushing, and was defeated. Upon Mr. Cushing's election being contested and void- 
ed, Dr, Christie was chosen by acclamation. At the gener=11 election of September, 
18 7 8 , he was again a candidate, but sustained defeat at the hands of his old antagonist, 
Dr. Christie. The latter, however, was unseated in February: 1880; Sir John was 
again elected for the County. Then followed the most celebrated election trial in 
the history of Canada. It lasted about three months, the ellquête being one of the 
longest ever presented to a judge. The Court was presided over by Justice Belanger. 
Mr. N. ,V. Trenholme, now Dean of the Law Faculty of McGill, conducted the case 
for the petitioners, Thos. Hickson et al. Mr. Tait, now Judge Tait, and Mr. Lacoste, 
now Chief Justice Sir A, Lacoste, were associated with Mr. Abbott himself in the 
defence, The result was that the election was annulled, and 1\1r. Abbott was re- 
elected by acclamation, and sat until 1887, when he retired. In f 862, he was made 
Solicitor General in the Sandfield- Macdonald-Sicotte Administration, and prior to his 
acceptance of office he was created a Q.C, In 1864, while in opposition, he was 
instrumental in introducing two bills, which have added greatly to his legal fame, 
The first of these was the Jury Law Consolidation Act for Lower Canada. Its 
principal provisions were, to simplify the system of summoning jurors and the pre- 
paration of jury lists. The other law which he added to the statute was the bill for 
collecting judicial and registration fees, by stamrs. This was the most complete 
legislation that had taken place on the subject, and, as in the case of his other 
measures, the main principles have been retained in the subsequent legislation which 
has followed. Sir J olm's political labors also consist of meful amendments to bills, 
suggestions and advice as regards measures affecting law and commerce. His 
advice at such times always proved of the greatest value, and in this department 
it was that he achieved the most success. Upon the death of Sir John Macdonald, 
May, 18 9 1 , Sir John, then Mr. Abbott, was chosen to succeed him in the leadership 
of the Conservative party and as Premier of the Dominion, The onerous respon- 
sibilities of this high office were accepted by Sir John as a duty to his Party and 
the country, His services in this connection, ifnot brilliant, were able and conserva- 
tive, and, added to his weak state of health, doubtless helped to shorten his life. 
In the fall of 1892 he retired from active politics, and sought by foreign travel 
and the services of skilled physir:ians to banish the disease that racked his frame; 
but it '\-as too late, and he grew gradually worse until the er.d. 
In 188 7, Mr, Abbott was elected Mayor of Montreal by a majority of about 
2,000 votes over his opponent, Mr. Rainville. In 1888, he was re-elected by accla- 
mation, and the same year was appointed president of the corporation of the Royal 
Victoria Hospital, an institution which has recently been endowed withahout $1,100,- 
000 by Lord Mount-Stephen and ::;ir Donald A. Smith, in commemoration of Her 
Majesty's Jubilee. The construction of the stately hospital building, costing about 
$5 00 ,000, was conducted under :Mr. Abbott's supervision as president. 




Sir John was also president of the Citizens Insurance Company, and director 
of the Bank of Montreal and of the Standard Life Insurance Company. 


It is to be regretted that the records of this Society have not been kept, 
so that a connected history of it could be given from its formation, Fortunately, a 
little pamphlet, 6 by 4 inches in size, and em bcacing four pages, has fallen into our 
hands, from which we learn the date of the birth of this Society. This relic has 
on its cover the following :- 


Then follows a picture-emblem of Agriculture-and underneath, the words- 
Below, we give the entire contents, verbatim: 
At a general meeting of the Inhabitants of the COllnty of York, held in St. 
Andrews on the 2nd February, 1826, Mr, John Mc:\lartin being called to the chair, 
the purpose of the meeting was explained, and the following Resolutions were un- 
animously adopted, viz.:- 
RESOLVED, 1st. That the persons present form themselves into a Society, to be 
called the U County of York Agricultural Society," the. object of which will be to im- 
prove the mode of Agriculture in the said County by every mea'1S ill their power, 
RESOLVED, 2nd, That the officers of this Society shall be a President, two Vice- 
Presidents, a Treasurer and Secretary, and that a Committee of ten shall manage the 
business j all which officers shall be elected annually. 
RESOLVED,3rd. That James Brown, Esq., be President, Mr. John Mc
lartin and 
Thomas Barron, Esq., Vice-Presidents. 
Edward Jones, Duncan McNaughton, Henry Chapman, \Vm. Tennison, Jacob 
Schagel, Stephen Burwash, Thomas Cooke, John M'Ewen, Doctor C. Rice were 
elected to form the Committee, 
Mr. Guy Richards,- Treasurer. 
:\Jr. James :\lurray,-Secretal]'. 
RESOLVED, 4th. That the Committee draw up Rules for the better Regulation of 
this Society. 
RESOLVED, 5th. That those present immediately enter their names as members 
of this Society, 
'Vhich Resolution was unanimously complied with. 
(Signed), J A:\IES 
IURRAY, St,cy, 

4 6 


On the 25 th March, 1826, pursuant to public notice, a general meeting took place, 
when the following Regulations were unanimously adopted :- 
1St. The object of this Society is to promote, by its efforts and example, the 
science of Agriculture throughout the County; to give premiums in money or pieces 
of plate, agricultural publications or implements, to the practical farmers who shaH 
excel in the art of ploughing, cropping, raising stock of all kinds, in the dairy, plant- 
ing of fruit trees, and the general improvement of Farms and Home Manufactures, 
2nd. There shall be a general meeting annually, on the Twmtieth day of 
Jar.uary (or day following if it should fall on a Sunday), for the election of a Presi- 
dent, two Vice-Presidents, a Secretary and Treasurer, and ten members for a Com- 
mittee to superintend the general interests of the Society, and six of these with the 
President, or one of the Vice-Presidents, will be sufficient to proceed to business, 
call extraordinary meeting, etc. 
3 rd . The Committee shall remain in office for one year, and one-half of those 
comprising it may be re-elected, but may retire after serving one year, then the Com- 
mittee may elect others in their stead. 
4 th . The said Committee shall meet quarterly, or oftener, if required by the Pre- 
5 th . Any practical farmer or gentleman in the County may become a member 
of the Society, by paying the sum of five shillings, annually, No expulsion can take 
place unless at a general meeting, when two-thirds of those present may expel any 
member for misconduct towards the Society. 
6th. No person, unless a practical farmer, within the County) can partake of 
the benefit of premiums. 
7 th . All decisions to be made by a majority of members present, and the Presi- 
dent to have the casting vote. 
8th. The rules of competition to he similar to those adopted by the Highland 
Society ûf Scotland. 
9 th . The judges shall be named by the Committee from among the members, 
who shall determine in all cases. 
loth. At the annual general meeting of this Society in January, the proceedings 
of the year shall be read, a statement of the funds exhibited, the list of subscribers 
read, and the annual subscription received previous to the election of officers. 
J Ith, No member entitled to vote on any subject, till the preceding article is 
complied with. 
12th. That the general meeting in January shall serve for the first quarterly 
meeting; the second quarterly meeting will take place on the second Tuesday of 
March; the third, on the second Tuesday of June; the fourth, on the second Tues- 
day of September, At a general meeting of the inhabitants of the County of York, 
held on the 21st January, 1828, the following additional resolution was agreed to :- 
RESOLVED,- That in order to extend the benefits to be derived from the Associa- 
tion, ten new members from the neighboring Parishes be added to the number of 



the Committee, and that the twenty do constitute, in future, the number of the Com- 
mittee, exclusive of the president, two vice-presidents, the secretary and treasurer, 
JA:\IES BROWN, Jr., Seey. 
From this time onward for many years, the records are lost, but the Society con- 
tinued to exist, and" Cattle Shows II and plowing matches were held annually, Com- 
missary C. J. Forbes was president for some years, and Wm. Beaton, a teacher and 
bailiff of St. Andrews, was s
cretary, succeeded by Errick Harrington, who in turn 
was succeeded by Henry Howard. 
The eårIiest records we have been able to obtain after the above were those of 
a meeting held in Lachute, 31st DecemIJer, 186 9. 

Pusidelll, Edward Jones; Vice-Preside/d, John Hay; Secretary, Henry Howard, 

Wm. Albright, John :\lcGregor, Thos. Noyes, Geo. B, Hooker, \Valter l\IcOuat, 
\Vm. Gordon, Wm. McOuat, 
In 18 7 0 there were 95 members. Amount subscribed, $II3. In December, 18 74, 
John Burwash was appointed president, and \Vm. McOuat, vice-president; Gavin 
1. \Valker, who was appointed secretary in Decemb
r, [875, still holds the office, 

FROM 1876 TO 1895, 
Wm. l\IcOuat. 
Nelson Albright. 
Geo. B. Hooker, 
Geo, Morrison. 
John Martin. 
p. Lane. 
N, Albright. 
Ceo. Fraser, 
. 1880.-No, of members [91, amount subscribed $335. 00 . 
1890.-No. of members 240, amount subscribed $495,00, 
[886.-Amount paid {or premiums $743-75. 
I894.-Amount paid for premiums, $950.00. 
A Government grant of $2.00 is now received for every $1.00 subscribed. 
The grounds and buildings which are leased to the Agricultural Society for its 
exhibitions are neat and spacious, and their annual fairs are second only to those of 
the large cities of the Province, and invariably attract a large concourse of people. 

John Hay. 
Geo. B. Hooker. 
John Morrison. 
John :\Iartin. 
P. Lane. 

4 8 



On the 23 rd July, 18 45, a meeting was held in a room at M. D. Beattie's. The 
councillors acting at this time were John \Vainright, Charles Macdonnell, Alexis 
Cameron, Stephen Burwash and Andrew McGregor. John Wainright was unanimously 
elected Mayor of the Municipality of Argenteuil. 
Copied z'erbatim from the Records, 
On 23 rd August, 1855, the first meeting of the County Council of Argenteuil 
was held, at which meeting the follow:ng councillors were present :- 
Edwin Pridham, Esq., Mayor of Grenville. 
Lemuel Cushing, Esq., Mayor of Chatham. 
Robert Simpson, Esq., Mayor of St. Andrews. 
Thomas Christie, Esq., Mayor of St. Jerusalem Parish. 
George Rogers
 Esq., Mayor of Township of Gore. 
Andrew Elliott, Esq" Mayor of Mille Isle. 
Samuel Smith, Esq., Mayor of \Yentworth. 
George Hamilton, Esq., Mayor of l\Iorin. 
Thomas Christie was elected "Yarden, and served to March, 18 5 8 . 
Thomas Barron, sen., was then appointed, and served to March, 186 4. 
Richard D. Byers, from March to December, 18 6 4. 
Lemuel Cushing, to March, 1868. 
Thomas ]
arron, jr., to March, 1881. 
Alexander Pridham, from March, 1881, to March, 18 95. 
James B. Brown, from March, [895, to the present. 
The names of the present County Council are :-Patrick A. Dunbar, Joseph 
Derrick, John Chambers, Wm. D. Graham, jr., Oliver \Voods, John 'Vade, 1\1. 
Desjardins, Hugh \Valsh, James B. Brown, James Millway, Ed. Christie, Matthew 1. 
Strong, George Seale, 


The County of Argenteuil is deservedly proud of her rangers, though, like for- 
tresses scattered here and there in our land, once regarded as a bulwark of safety, 
they are now less an object of necessity, and serve more as a reminder of dangers we 
have escaped than of those anticipated. 
A troop of cavalry was organized in this County by McRobb in 1816. He had 
served in the British Army, and held the rank of sergeant, and on petitioning Gov- 
ernment for a grant of land, as a reward for his service, he was granted two lots in 
Chatham, which are now owned by John Kelly, He was always known as "Sergt. 
McRobb" , he died not many years after forming the Troop and becoming captain. 
Since that period, the command of the S1. Andrew's Troop has devolved on the [01- 



lowing :-Capt. Donald C. McLean, Capt. John Oswald, Capt. John Burwash, Capt. 
Martin \\"anless. 
IcLean had been a Nor'wester, and lived on Beech Ridge. He was a 
prominent, public-spirited, brave man, and was a J. P. of St. Andrews. During the 
disturbances of 1838, he marched with his company to St, Eustache, on the day that 
the rebels were vanquished. Some years later, he sold his property on the Ridge, 
and moved to Quio, where he died. One of his sons, a prominent business man, still 
resides there. 
Ca{.>t. Oswald, who was afterwards promoted to the rank of lieut.-colonel of l\Iili- 
tia, was 111 command of this troop several years; his home was in the County of 
Two Mountains, During the Rebellion he was one of the most active of the Loyalists, 
in consequence of which he was particularly obnoxious to the rebels. 
In 1879, the St. Andrew's troop and several troops were formed into a regiment, 
which afterward received the name Duke of Connaught Royal Canadian Hussars. 
Another troop of cavalry was formed in this County a number of years ago by 
Co!. John Simpson of Lachute, but the organization was not of long duration. 
The Argenteuil Rangers were organized in 1862, the Hon. J. J. C. Abbott, it is 
claimed, being instrumental in the formation of th e Ba ttalion. He was lieut.-colonel 
of it for several years, and was succeeded by James B. Cushing, who still holds the 
Henry Abbott, brother of Sir J. J. C. Abbott, was sen, major till 1866, when he 
was succeeded by Allen McDonald, who, in I8R3, was succeeded by 'Villiam Hoy. 
First Jun, l\Iajor, Sam Rogers. This position was vacant from 1883 to 1888, 
when Isaac Jekyll was appointed, succeeded in 1893 by Geo, B. l\Iartin. 
Paymaster, Archibald McDonald, tilJ 1872, succeeded by Thomas Lamb, 
Batt, Surgeon from 1862 to the present, Dr. Mayrand. 
The Companies were as follows :- 
Co. No. I, by Capt. John ::\IcDúnaid, St. Andrews. 
Co. No.2, by Capt. \Villiam Smith, Gore ('Vest). 
Co. No. 3, Ly Capt. Geo. McKnight, Gore (West). 
Co. NO.4, by Capt. A. Cleland, Lachute, 
Co, NO.5, by Capt. Sam Rogers, Gore. 
Co, No.6, by Capt. Geo. Sherritt, Gore. 
Co, NO.7, by Capt. Edward--"'JSridham, Grenville. 
Co. No.8, by Capt. John PoHúck, 1.Iille Isles. 
The following changes have occurred among the captains of the different com- 
panies since the Battalion was first organized: 


Co. No. I. 
Capt, John .McDonald died in 1864, and was succeeded by his brother, Allen 
McDùnald. In 1866, the latter became Major, and his brother Samuel McDonald 
succeeded him as Captain, He was afterwards promoted to the rank of Adjutant, 



and H. \\" Kempley succeeded him as Captain; and after the latter left St. Andrews, 
Archibald LeRoy held the captaincy till 1883, when he was succeeded by Capt. 
Thomas Weightman. 

Co. NO.2. 
Capt. \Vm. Smith was succeeded in 1866 by Capt. Jas. Smith, who, dying in 
1891, had as successor Capt. 'Vm. Good. 
Co. NO.3. 
Geo. McKnight was Ca!Jtain till 1882, followed by Capt, Isaac Jekyll, who dying 
was succeeded by his own son, Henry J ekyll. 

Co. No.4. 
Capt. A. Cleland was Captain till 1866. From 1866 to 1883, Capt. John Simp- 
son. Since 1883. Capt, Geo. D. \Valker. 
Co. NO.5. 
Samuel Rogers was Captain till 1866, The Company was disorganized this year. 
o. 6 became NO.5 at this time, NO,7 was disbanded, and No.8 became No.6. 

o. 7 (FOR:\IERLY No, 9)' 
Capt. Wm, T. Forbes till 1872, Cart. 'V. Hoy till 1883, then Capt. Edward 

Co, No.8 (FORMERLY No. 10). 
Capt. Jas. B. Cushing till 1883, then Capt, Geo. B. 
Iartin till 1887, Capt. John 
]gton till 1890; from 1893 to the present, Capt. John Earl. 
The first camp was held in 1868, at the Roman Catholic Church, St. Andrews, 
eight Companies and the St. Andrew's Troop present, In 1869, the camp \\as at 
Hill Head, 
In 18 7 0 , the Battalion, on account of the Fenian excitement, narrated elsewhere, 
was divided and sent to different places. 
187 I, Camp at Laprairie. 
1872, Camp at St. Andrews. 
1874, Camp at St. Andrews. 
1875, Camp at Bellevue, Carillon. 
18 7 6 } 
i8n Local drill
 at Head-quarter
 of the different Companies. 
18 7 8 
1879, Companies J, 4, 7 and 8 (part of Rut.), at L3.chute. 
1880, Companies 2, 3, 5 and 6 (part of Batt.). at Bellevue. 
188 r, Camp at St. J olms. 
1883, Camp at St. Johns. 
1884, Camp at St. Johns. 



1886, Camp at Richmond. 
1888, Camp at Sherbroöke. 
1891, Camp at East Farnham. 
1893, Camp at Laprairie. 
1895, Camp at Laprairie. 
\Vhen the second camp was at BeUevue, on the suggestion of the late Lemuel 
Cushing, l\I.P., a tent was erected by the Y. M. C. Association, and ever since, this 
has been an important feature in the camp. The opportunity thus afforded the V 01- 
unteers of obtaining good reading matter and attending religious exercises in the 
evening has been improved by many of them, and it is to be hoped that good has 
resulted. At all events, the suggestion of 1\1r. Cushing was a noble one, anù the 
custom which resulted from it cannot be too highly commended. 
In the years 1872 and 1874, when the camps were at St. Andrews, there were 
present besides the usual companies of the Battalion J the" Prince of \Vales Rifles," 
"Victoria Rifles," the 6th Reg..of Cavalry, 6th Fusiliers, and three independent 
companies from the region of the Gatineau. 
\Vhen at Richmond in 1886, the Rangers were presented with standard colors- 
Queen's and Regimental-by the ladies of Argen teui!. 
The Rangers have gained no little celebrity for their success in competing for 
various prizes. On the 25th May, 1885, a tug-of-war contest occurred at Lachute, 
between the Range::rs on one side, and the 5th Royal Scots and 6th Fusiliers on the 
ether. The prize was an ornate silver cup. Ten or a dozen men were chosen from 
each party, and after â vigorous contest, the Rangers were awarded the prize. In 
1893, when the camp was at Laprairie, a magnificent and val
able silver cup was 
offered by Sir Donald A. Smith to the Regiment displaying the best proof of pro- 
ficiency in the qualities essential to a soldier. The prize was again borne off by the 
Rangers, In i 887, on the occasion of the Queen's Jubilee, another tug-of-war 
contest OCClll red between two different companies of the Battalion. A l hallenge 
was made by Co. No.8, to any other one in the Battalion, and was accèpled by Co. 
No. I, commanded hy Cap!. Thomas Weightman. .\ prize ofa silver cup W3.S offered 
to the victor Ly Jas, Johnson, a lumber merchant living near Quebec. Five men 
were st::lected flOm each company; the team \Vas commanded by 
apt. \Veighlman, 
to whose company the cup was awarded. 
In 1866, the first Fenian invasion uf Canada occurred. For some years certain 
Irish demagogues in the United States, with the object of gaining notoriety and filling 
their pockets, had been concocting a scheme whereby-so they persuL\ded the ignoran t 
-Ireland would be released from British thraldom. The plan prop0sed was to raise 
and equip a grand and invincible army in the States, walk over and subjugate Can_\da, 
and after England had thus heen crippled, J.nd the Irish patriots had acquired ter- 
ritory on which to plan and prepare for future operations, the people of Ireland were 
to rise in their majesty, and declare themselves forever free from the:: yoke of English 



Such was the ridiculous scheme proposed and advocated by these demagogues, 
under the name and pretence of patriotism. Numerous individuals-generally the 
ones most blatant in their advocacy of the scheme-weré appointed to receive contri- 
butions towards its furtherance; and, forthwith, money began to flow into their coffers 
from the pockets of their deluded followers. Many a poor servant girl contributed 
to this hare-brained project the wages for which she had toiled for years. 
The disbanding of the Federal armies, at the close of the American Rebellion, 
gave an impetus to the cause of Fenianism. Thousands of men were thrown upon the 
country without occupation or means of support, and many of those whose social 
status is fitly described by the term vagabond were only too glad to enlist in any 
crmade, which promised food and raiment and an opportunity to plunder. "The 
.-\rmy of Ireland," as it was ostentatiously called, afforded the desired refuge: and to 
this they hied. Their number was augmented by mány from the cities-loafers and 
tramps-who had never seen a day of military service, and who, in their ignorance, 
had been led to believe that it would be but pastime to conquer Canada, and that 
they would riot in the spoils, 
It is but just to say, that the Fenians who crossed the boundary, and made a 
raid into Ontario, seemed to have more the appearance of men, and displayed more 
of the .bravery of soldiers. But the description given aoove is a true one of the 
majority of the Fenians who crossed the Line into the Eastern Townships in 1866. 
The discarded Springfield muskets of the Federal Government of the States pro- 
\"ided the Fenians with cheap arms, and in the month of June, 1866, several hundred 
of this fraternity suddenly appeared on the Frontier on the northern boundary of 
Vermont, and crossed into St. Armand, Que. So quietly had they done their work 
for a while, and so quietly had they gathered, that our people had no idea they were 
so near, until they were actually crossing the border. Notwithstanding all the 
boasts and threats of invasion made by the Fenians, the people of the Townships 
never reaily believed that it would be attempted, and, consequently, had made no pre- 
parations to meet them. Great was the surprise and consternation, therefore, when the 
news flashed through the country, one Sunday afternoon, that 2,000 Fenians had 
crossed the border, and were marching toward the village of Frelighsburg, about three 
miles distant from the Line in the parish of St. Armand East. 
Most erroneous impressions were current among our people, both as to the 
number and character of the Fenians. It was firmly believed, for a while, that the 
first detachment comprised two or three thousand, that this would be speedily aug- 
mented, and that they were the veteran soldiers of the Union army-men who, in 
every way, would prove formidable foes to British soldiers on the field of battle. 
Great was the mistake; their number was less than a thousand, and that number 
was largely composed of mere boys and such men as we have described. 
It took but two or three days to undeceive the people of the Townships and 
restore confidence. The Fenians soon gave evidence that their chief object was to 
obtain what they could eat and drink, and what booty they could ca:-ry away with 



They were careful root to venture far into the Province, but camped near the 
border, and spent their time between robbing stores, drinking the liquors found in 
groceries and hotels, and slaughtering such animals of the far mers as they found 
necessary for the sUlJply of their commissariat. Horses were taken in consIderable 
numbers, both from farmers and from such travelers as had the misfortune to meet 
them. But these marauders were not destined to prolong their carousal on Canadian 
soil. Only a few days elapsed, when the red coats marched into the west end of St. 
Armand parish, and simultaneously the Fenians 
ade their exit from the east end; 
not even stopping to get a glimpse of the British soldiers, much le
s did they atttmpt 
to wrest Ireland from their grasp, Several stragglers were taken prisoners and tried 
as criminals, but were finally released-it being the general impression that the Govern. 
ment d
emed it more generous, in view of their insignificance, to release them, after 
some months' imprisonment in jail, than to mete out to them severe punishment, 
and thus give them an opportunity to pose as martyrs, 
The raid made simultaneoùsly with the above, on the Niagara Frontier under 
General O'Niel, was of larger proportions, and resulted in more serious consequences. 
It was the design of the Fenians to assail Canada from three points-one from 
Chicago and places on the Lake Huron coast, a second from Buffalo and Rochester, 
and a third from Ogdensburg. The latter, which was to be the most formidable of 
these undertakings, was to threaten Ottawa, capture Prescott, and overrun the country 
toward the Eastern Townships. They soon found, however, that their plans were far 
too great for their resources, and ere they could put the least into execution, the places 
proposed to be captured were well protected by th ousands of our loyal Volunteers. O'Niel had crossed the Niagara frontier with a large force, a body of Can a- 
dians-I 800 men-composed of 750 regulars and the rest of V olunteers, with a Battery 
of Artillery, all under command of Co!. Peacock, took post at Chippewa, and awaited 
the arrival of Lieut.-Col. Booker. The latter was a Volunteer officer, with a force of 
nearly 900 men, composed of the Queen's Own-chiefly college student
 and other 
patriotic young men of Toronto,-the 13th Hamilton Volunteers, and the York and 
Caledonia Volunteer Companies, 
\Vhile marching toward Chippewa to join Peacock, this force under Booker 
uneJl.pectedly met the Fenil11s at Limeridge, where they were strongly fortified. As 
Booker had no military experience, and possessed more bravery than skill as a 
commander, he immediately commenced an action with this largely superior force. 
The Queen's Own was thrown out in skirmishing order, and gallantly drove back 
O'Niel's advanced line on his main body. But the Volunteers were all inexperienced; 
there was no force to support them; mistakes were made in the orders; a panic 
ensueJ, and the force was soon in full retreat. The V olun teers lost in killed, one 
officer and six men; while the dangerously as well as slightly woq,nded comprised 
four officers and nineteen men. The Fenian loss was known to be larger than our 
own, though it was never accurately ascertained, as they had possession of the battle- 
field, and buried their dead there. As several of the killed on our side were college 
students anù members of good families, their loss was greatly deplored, 



Soon after this, 0' Niel retreated to Fort Erie, which post he found in possession 
of Lieut. Col. Dennis, with seventy Volunteers. A little before this, Col, Dennis had 
arrived from Port Colburne with a tug-boat, in the hold of which were stowed sixty 
Fenian prisoners. An action at once ensued, which, as might be supposed, ended in 
the defeat of the sm
dl company of Volunteers, thirteen of whom were wounded and 
forty made prisoners. 
But O'Niel had been disappointed. Instead of finding any in Canada to join him, 
as he had anticipated, the inhabitants rose as one man to drive him and his mar- 
auders from the country. The spirit displayed by the few Volunteers he had met 
showed him what he might expect when they had all gathered, and he lost no time 
in returning to the States, where he was arrested by order of the U.S. Government, 
and his followers disbanded. 
rl'he trial of the Fenian prisoners took place in Toronto in October following, 
Many were discharged, but true bills were found against a large number, and several 
were convicted, and sentenced to death; but their sentences were afterwards com- 
muted by the Queen to imprisonment for a period in the Provincial Penitentiary. 
But the lesson had been a useful one to Canadians. The great expense to which 
the Fenians had put their country, and their wanton acts of robbery and cruelty, 
incensed our people, and confirmed their resolution not to be caught again unpre- 
pared, The next two 
or three years, consequently, the Yolunteer companies, raised 
in different parts of the Dominion, were tho!"oughly drilled and exercised in target 
practice, till every company, when occasion required, could turn out a full complement 
of sharp shooters. 
In 1870 the Fenians, encouraged, no doubt, by their previous pleasant sojourn 
in the Eastern Townships, again paid us a visit. As before, also, no one knew they 
were coming till they were near the border, They assembled in a large body in the 
town of Franklin, Vt., and intended to enter Canada by the road leading to St. 
.\rmand East, on which they had formerly encamped. Although no Volunteer com- 
panies were just at hand, the telegraph had conveyed the news of their approach, and 
before they reached the Line, our Volunteers were hastening from every point of the 
compass to meet them, 
The road enters the Province at this point by a somewhat lengthy and gradual 
descent, at the foot of which is a brook of considerable size, then several rods of 
comparatively level road which soon crosses the slope of a hill. On the left of the 
road, coming from the south, the hill rises to quite an altitude, and, at that time, part 
of its summit, which is broad and uneven, was l'artially covered with a grove oflargc 
trees, while its southern slope, towards Vermont, contains several huge boulders, 
affording admirable breashvorks which our men were not slow in lìtilizing. This is 
known as Eccles' Hill; and on the d:1Y in question, about sixty members of the 
Home Guard, \\ ho lived in that section, and who comprised leading farmers, mer- 
chants and business men of the locality, took possession of the hill. Co!. Asa 
'Vestover, an influential and intelligent farmer, who lived contiguous, usually com- 



manded the Home Guard, but on this occasion, all placed themselves under the 
command of Col. Brown Chamberlain, one of the proprietors and editors of the 
.J.Jlontreal Gazette, who had leceived information of the intention of the Fenians, and 
hastened to the defence of his former home and friends. 
On the same side of the road that the Home Guards occupied, a little more than 
half a mile distant on the V trmont side, stood at that time the house of a Mr. Rhicard. 
In the road in front of this house, the Fenian general drew up his men in two columns, 
and ordering them to cross the line on the double quick, and obtain possession of 
Eccles Hill, he withdrew to the house of Rhicard, ascended the stairs, and prepared to 
observe with his field-glass from a chamb
r window, the result of his orders. Rhicard, 
who was born and reared in Canada, promptly followed him, and ordered him from 
his house. "You have brought these poor fellows here," he said, " to invade Canada 
without any cause, and now, instead of facing the danger with them, you come back 
and seek refuge in my house. You cannot stay here ;" and the General of the" Army 
of Ireland" walked out. 
Another incident, related by an eye-witness, deserves notice. Before the general 
in command had formed his men to cross the Line, one of his captains, a soldierly- 
looking man, approached him and addressed him thus: 
"General, you have deceived us. You said we were to meet a regular army, 
and here I see no enemy. I claim to be a soldier; as you know, I have been in many 
engagements, and I do not shrink from danger, but I have not yet sunk so low a
make war on women or children or defenceless farmers. I tender you my sword! " 
handing him which, he jumped into a buggy near at hand, in which a man was sitting, 
and drove off. 
The incident shows that there were some men among the Fenians, and there is 
no doubt that many others felt that they had been deceived, 
The Fenians, according to instructions, went down the decline: on the double 
quick, crossed the bridge, and still went on, without hearing even the report of a 
pistol to warn them of any obstacle to their triumphant entra.nce into the fair fields 
of the Eastern Townships, They crossed the line, when 10 ! from the summit and side 
of the hill before them, a sharp and loud report and the messengers of death fell rapidly 
among them. They halted and returned the fire; but they might as well have fired 
at the moon,-trees and rocks being the only enemy in vie,,'. 
Soon came another volley, and then another, and by this time the valor of the 
" Army of Ireland" was on the wane. "Discretion i3 the bettt r part of valor," and 
Ireland might take care of herself; they were not going to stand longer on the road 
to be shot at, and taking their wounded and dead, with the exception of one poor 
fellow, who was left in the road, all, save a few who sought shelter beneath the bridge, 
made a rapid movement toward Vermont. 
The second Fenian raid into St. Armand was euded One of the Fenians, on 
getting back out of rifle range, remarked to the bystanders who had followed to 
witness the "Invasion," that he had been in several engagements in the great 



Rebellion, but had ne\'er been in one where the bullets fell faster than they did 
from Eccles Hill. 'VeIl might he so remark, as every man on the Canadian side was a 
crack shot, 
The writer with a friend drove on the battle ground that day, but the firing had 
ceased. 'Vith a glass we could see distinctly two Fenians who had been shot-one 
lying in the road and another in the field in the rear of Rhicard's house, where he 
was shot while running across the fie ld, 
Sp.veral reporters of the New York papers were present, and many companies 
of Volunteers had now arrived, and others were constantly coming, till orders were 
given them to return, 
It was never known what the casualties among the Fenians were during this raid, 
as they carried away their wounded, some of whom died subsequently, It is also 
stated that they carried away some who were killed. 
Toward nightfall, our Volunteers buried the Fenian who was shot on the 
Canadian side, He was a young fellow, and the next day his father and mother 
arrived, nearly heart-broken, from their home in Burlington, Vt" and took back with 
them his remains. They had made every effort to dissuade him from coming to 
Canada, but without avail. 
In March, 1866, the 11th Battalion, being called out on account of an anticipated 
Fenian invasion, assembled at St. Andrews; Companies I and 7 were sent to Ottawa; 
2 and 5 to Lacolle, As the other companies were not properly officered, having been 
newly re-organized, they remained at St. Andrews. 
The companies that were ordered to Ottawa roåe up in sleighs, and remained 
there a month; on their return in April, they went to Prescott, where special cars 
were to meet them. As they were boarding the two cars, they noticed eight men- 
strangers-occupying seats in one of them, As the cars were designed specially 
for the Volunteers, some one objected to taking other passengers, but the strangers 
maintained their seats, and expressed their determination to do so till they had 
reached their destination. 
The cars went on to Cornwall, when, on arriving there, to the surprise of the 
Volunteers, their two cars were quickly surrounded by soldiers of the Prescott Bat- 
The civil authorities at Cornwall had received a telegram from Toronto, inform- 
ing them that there were Fenians on the train. The Mayor and Sheriff of Cornwall, 
therefore, visited the train, and informed Capt. McDonald of the telegram. Believing 
that the eight strangers must be the Fenians referred to, he stationed Sergts. Thomas 
Lamb and Timothy Fitzgerald at one door of the car, Martin Weightman and 
another man of his company, at the other door, with strict orders to let no one enter 
or pass out. The Sheriff and one_or two others were soon admitted, and the strangers 
-much to their astonishment and chagrin-were arrested on the charge of being 
Fenian spie s. 
They loudly disclaimed any conn ec tion wit h the Fenian Order, or knowledge 



of it, but on being searched, everyone was found to be armed with two revolvers, 
and their valises were packed with ammunition and cartridges, They finally ac- 
knowledged themselves Fenians, and were marched off in irons to Cornwall jail. 
Care was taken by the officers engaged in the arrest to conceal the matter, as far as 
possible, from the Volunteers, being apprehensive of violence to the prisoners, such 
was the hatred borne toward Fenians by the V olul1teers. These, it is said, were the 
first Fenian prisoners taken in Canada, but they afterwards escaped from jail. 
In June, 1866, the Battalion was again called out, and the companies arrived at 
St. Andrews on Saturday evening. The following Monday night, they took a special 
boat to St. Anns, and the next day went to Cornwall, from which place they were 
sent, the next Sunday, to St, Johns, Que. After remaining there several days they 
About the first of August, 1866, two companies, I and 4, which were formed 
from Volunteers from all the companies of the Battalion, went to Cornwall, to relieve 
two companies of Prescott Volunteers, that for some time had been stationed there, 
The relief companies were there till November. 
In April, 18 7 0 , the Battalion was again called to St, Andrews, and from that 
place to Montreal, where they were despatched to different parts of the Eastern 
In the month of May following, they were once more called together at St. 
Andrews, but many of the officers and men being absent to aid in suppressing the first 
Riel Rebellion, the companies were not in proper condition to be sent out, Cot 
\Volsey, who was then captain of the Prince Consort Rifle Brigade, came to drill them; 
but when they were prepared, the trouble in the Northwest had subsided, and they 
were sent home. 
A rifle match was formed in connection with the Battalion, several years ago, 
It is held annually at St, Andrcws, and receives for prizes a grant from Government 
of about $5 0 yearly, and this is increased to $120 by private subscriptions, These 
matches are always well attended, and have been the means of developing many 
young men into crack shots. There are six different matches: the" Nursery match," 
" President's," "Vice-President's," "l\lilitary,"" Association," and "Extra-Series,JJ 
for each of which there is a special prize. 

Liat!- Co/, 
James B. Cushing. 

\Villial11 Hoy, 

George B. Marlin. 

John Pollock. 
fhomas 'Veightman. 
Geo. Dunbar 'Valker. 

Albert E. Hodgson. 
John Rogers, 
\Villiam Gurd, 

Henry J ekyll, 
\Villiam \Villiamson. 
John Earle. 



John McMartin. 
Lemuel Berron. 

'Villiam Watchorn. 
Samuel E, Smith. 

Isaiah Dows. 
Robert Evans. 

_\br, 'Vatchorn. 
John A. Morrison. 
Adley Shirrin. 
Pay maslt r. 
Thomas Lamb. 
Quarter J[ aster, 
\\'illiam Pollock. 

2nd LieutCllc11Zb. 
Andrew Rathwell. 
Walter A. Brown. 
E. J. 'Villiamson. 

Osmond Le Roy, 
F. Cushing. 

\\ïlliam 'Villiamson. 

'Ym. H. l\Iayrand, M.D. 



The history of education in Argenteuil begins with the struggles of the first 
settlers in the county. All efforts to provide an education amongst the early inhabit- 
ants were, as in all other parts of Canada at that time, purely voluntary. '''hen a 
number of inhabitants felt the need of a school, a subscription list was opened, for 
the purpose of raising sufficient means wherewith to pay the salary of some person 
who should be selected to conduct the proposed school. Such school was often held 
in the homes of some of the people, who gave the use of a part of their house as a 
contribution for the support of education, Another form of assistance was the prac- 
tice of boarding the teacher for a period in turn, according to the number of pupils 
the person sent to the school. Still another plan of supporting the school was by 
supplying wood for heating the school room. There were also other ways of contri- 
buting to its maintenance. Instead of paying cash, subscriptions were often paid in 
produce, especially when the teacher was a householder with a family. There was 
always a part of the salary paid in cash. In this way an exchange of services 
was made, and while the pupiis 0)1 the one hand received an education, the teacher 
on the other hand obtained a living, which is about all those who become teachers 
receive at any time. Under such circumstances the continuance of a school was 
very uncertain and irregular, but such was the practice which obtained for many 
years, until a system of education was provided by government. 
In these early days there were no diplomas to guide in the selection of a teacher, 
yet in most cases a person could be found who had sufficient education to conduct 
the school. Such persons kncw little of the method" of teaching, and often adopted 
inferior methods, yet many of their pupils were successful in study, and later, in their 
life's occupation. 
'1'he subjects taught in these early schools to which most attention was paid 



were reading, writing and arithmetic. Geography and grammar were taught,-the 
former without maps, the latter as a series ofrules of speech and composition,-a prac- 
tice too common at the present time. 
In these days of which we write, it was quite necessary that the teacher should 
be able to rule the school in every respect, since there were no school laws and no 
authorities to whom the teacher could appeal for assistance. Hence, we find that 
as there were many difficulties hard to overcome, especially in the discipline of the 
school, most of the teachers were masters, who é.re fittingly described by Goldsmith, 
when he writes of the master of Lissoy, thus:- 

" A man severe he was, and stern to view, 
I I I knew him well and every truant knew; 
-, \Vell had the boding tremblers learned to trace 
" The day's disasters in his morning face; 
," Full well they laughed with counterfeited glee 
" At all his jokes) for many a joke had he ; 
" Full wen the busy whisper, circling round, 
" Conveyed the dismal tidings, when he frowned; 
II Yet he was kind, or if severe in aught, 
" The love he bore to learning \\ as in fault." 

The experience of many of these men was very difficult and trying, and they are 
most properly characterized by the last two lines of the above quotation, The build- 
ings provided for school purposes were often small, cold, unhealthy, and poorly pro- 
vided with furniture and appliances for teaching; nevertheless, much of the work 
done was noted for thoro\!ghness, 
This condition of things, however, gradually improved, and was finally replaced 
in 1829 by a voluntary system of education. Under this system a community which 
desired a school had to provide a suitable building for school purposes, and had to 
pay a fee of admittance for each pupil attending the school, while the Government 
paid the teacher directly, upon the joint certificate of the clergy and the member for 
the county. 
This system was abolished in 1841, and the present educational system estab. 
lished, whereby taxes are imposed for the support of education, while the Government 
expends annually a large sum of money, paid to schools in proportion to the latest 
census returns, By the system of 1841, all teachers were to be examined and certi- 
fied, and although such test of scholarship was but simple at first, the examination 
for diplomas at present is a fair test of proficiency in the work prescribed. ì\[uch 
opposition was offered to the introduction of the new school system, chiefly owing to 
the taxation, and in some of the municipalities considerable physical force and threats 
were used to prevent the establishment of public schools. The better cause pre- 
vailed, however, and public schools have for many years been in operation in each 
township of the county. 
Some of these schools in the more populous parts are well attended, and accomplish 

6 0 


good work j others in less favorable parts are not so well attended, yet the work of 
the less favored school is often equal to those which have greater advantages. One of 
the great hindrances in the establishment of an elementary school system in our pro- 
vince was the difference amongst the people in race, language and religion. Many 
efforts were made to devise a suitable system, but none succeeded until 184 1 , when 
the present system was established, giving to Protestants and Roman Catholics alike 
the right to provide an education for their children, Thus we have what may be 
called a Dual System of education and two classes of elementary schools. For many 
years in the earlier days of the country's history, the inhabitants were entirely Eng- 
]ish-speaking, but for some years past the remaining portions of the county have been 
occulJied by people of French origin, and thus we have both kinds of schools estab- 
lished. There are at the present time 19 Protestant school municipalities, cont:âning 
60 elementary schools, and 13 Roman Catholic municipalities containing 18 elemen- 
tary schools. The total number of schools therefore is 78, while the total enrollment 
of pupils last year ( 18 94) was 3,403, giving an average of 43 to each school. The 
total value of the school buildings of the county is estimated at $64,79 0 , while the total 
assessment of taxable property is $1,903,624, The amount of taxes collected in 18 94 
was $16,576, to which must be added the Government grant of $2,63 1 , making the 
total cost of education $[9, 20 7. 
The average salary of elementary teachers in English schools is placed at $13 1 , 
and those of the French schools at $127 per year. Of the teachers in the elementary 
schools, 6 were without diplomas,-2 being in the English schools, and 4 in the 
French. Such is a brief outline of the efforts which led to the establishment of our 
elementary schools supported by public contributions and Government aid. 


Less than a centNry ago, the ancestors of the present inhabitants of Argenteuil 
were chiefly beyond the sea. Bravery and determination are qualities which, at all 
times and in all nations, have deservedly been admired, but usually they are so as- 
sociated with war, or rendered conspicuous by impending danger or serious calamity, 
that we are apt to disregard their presence in the peaceful pursuits of life. The Scotch 
are proverbially a brave people; their deeds of valor have been commemorated in 
sculpture, history and song. No more striking examples of heroism are recorded than 
those of Scotia's sons, when they gathered to repel Edward's invading hosts and 
rescue their country from a foreign yoke. 
From that to the present time, the martial glory of Scotland has not been 
eclipsed, The annals of a thousand battles fought in the wide domain of the British 
Empire attest the stoicism with which Scottish clans have marched to death to 
uphold the prestige of St. George's cross. 
And have the sons of Erin no share in martial fame? Are there no fields whereon 
Irish valor has vied with English and Scottish prowess to sustain the glory of Britain's 



flag? Every British engagement, from the days of Cromwell to the present, refutes 
the imputation, Side by side, in India, Afghanistan, the Crimea and Egypt, have 
Scotch and Irish soldiers with equal bravery marched to victory or defeat, 
\Vas the spirit of these men wanting in those of their countrymen who crossed 
the ocean to become pioneers in the wilderness of this distant and strange land? Did 
it require no bravery, determination or self-denial to sever the dearest associations, 
and leave for ever the home of their fathers, to engage in new struggles in foreign 
wilds? \Vas there no act of heroism in all this, which would compare with that of 
their brethren, who had volunteered to fight the battles of their country? 
Let us reflect. A sea voyage in those days was widely different from what it is 
in 1895. From two to three months was the time required for a sailing vessel to cross 
the Atlantic, and those vessels were but poorly constructed, compared with the 
staunch steamers of to-day, to resist the shock of the billows and storms of the deep 
During all this time, the hapless emigrant had naught to engage his mind but the' 
sorrowful recollection of the loved ones and scenes left behind; naught to attract his 
eye but the dreary waste of waters around
 which became more and more mono- 
tonous as day succeeded day. 
And when, at last, weary and dispirited from his long voyage, he reached port, 
a week or more was required for the conveyance of himself and family to the cabin of 
a friendly countryman contiguous to the wilderness, where he was to pitch hie:; 
tent, and, doubtless, remain for life, Here he leaves his family till he can erect a 
cabin on his own land, or take steps to secure a place that he can call his own. But 
what a change from the comforts and appearance of an old and populous country to 
that presented in the wilderness I Comforts of almost every kind were wanting. But 
what seems to lIS of the present as the greatest impediment to the happiness of the 
emigrant was his total ignorance of the work it was necessary to do-his destitution 
of the knowledge on which all his future success depended. Everything had to be 
learned, and comforts-unless he had money-he was obliged to forego. As very 
few had money, their lives, for many years, were a period of privation, and when we 
know that hundreds of these emigrants-chiefly Scotch, uut many Irish-
ndured all 
this privation\vith fortitude i that year after year, through tropic heat and arctic cold, 
they persisted in their endeavors to subdue the forest and transform the land they 
occupied into productive fields, we can but regard it as a display of bravery and 
determination of a most exalted character. 
It was the same spirit which animakd their ancestors to chivalrous deeds a 
Bannockburn, and at a modern date compassed the downfall of Sebastopol and the 
reiief of Lucknow. Indeed, many of the pioneers of Argenteuil, as will be seen on 
succeeding pages, were battle-scarred veterans, who had won laurels in India, in the 
Peninsular war, or on the field of \Vaterloo. 
Argenteuil, the legas:y which they bequeathed to their descendants, is the object 
of our present survey. 
Though distant from the seaboard, her frontage upon one of the broadest and 



grandest rivers upon the continent brings her into easy communication with the 
chief cities of the Province and the markets of the world. Two railways now cross- 
ing broad sections of her territory increase still further her commercial facilities, 
,1l1d bring together the people of districts that were remote. 
The strength and fertility of her soil compensate in part for the roughness of 
her exterior, while the beau ty of her scenery is a scource of wealth mOre lasting 
than that of the mines and the productive plains of the \Vest. The marvellous beauty 
of her inland lakes, the picturesqueness of her mountains, the wild gorges and water- 
fa11s of her rivers, are but in the infancy of their attraction, \Vhen they are better 
known, and the facilities for reaching them are improved, they will form a permanent 
magnet for visitors-the mountains will be dotted with villas, and the lakes with skiffs 
and yachts. 
Though Argenteuil has some good grain-growing sections, and usually produces 
good crops of oats, corn and potatoes. it is evidently a country better adapted to 
dairying and stock-raising than to other purposes. 
She has cheese factories and creameries, the produce of which holds fair rank with 
tiny in the Province. Her cattle, sheep and horses are of the best, and the annual 
fairs which are held at Lachute, the cllef-lieu of the county, exhibit a variety and 
quality of animals, as well as farm products of all kinds, that would be a credit to 
any agricultural district. 
The inhabitants of Argenteuil still retain the prominent characteristic"ì of the 
1 aces whence they sprang-thrift, honesty and hospit
 iity forming striking features in 
their character, which a stranger will not fail to observe. The farmer of Argenteuil 
is determined to live within his means, consequently there is but little, either about 
his home surroundings, his wearing apparel, or his travelling equipage, that savors 
of a love of display or extravagance in the use of money, If, now and then, one is 
in the enjoyment of an expensive dwelling or a fine carriage, it is conclusive evidence 
that he has been blesssed with fortune or shrewdríess above his neighbors, and that 
what he enjoys is paid for. It is not exaggeration to say that a11, or nearly all, are 
in comfortable circumstances, far better than the inhabitants of some sections of the 
Province where there is more outward display of wealth. Honest dealing, and a 
desire to observe the Golden Rule of doing as they would that others should do to 
them, is a prevalent trait. Hospitality is a quality found in every household. Into 
.. hatever family the stranger enters, he is welcome at the board, and a refusal 
to partake of refreshment, which is immediately proffered, is very likely to be 
attributed to fastidiousness or to .want of geniality. cautious and exacting 
our subject may be in making a bargain, he never wants sympathy for the needy or 
. ffiicted; and let him once become assured that a petitioner for help is deserving, 
,tssistance is never delayed. An additional quality of the inhabitants of Argenteuil 
is the love of their homes and their native land, 
It may be a knowledge of the alacrity with which their fathers responded to th
call to arms in J8I2, or the eagerness with which they raBied to the loyal standard 



in 1837, and their fr,lntic rush to arms to pre5erve their hearth-stones from Fenian 
touch, yet one cannot resist the impression, that a patriotic class is that which inhabits 
the hills and valleys of Argentellil-a danger menacing their homes and freedom would 
call forth a class of patriots as brave as ever responded to the call of Lib
" Princes and lords may flourish or may fade, 
A breath can make them, as a breath has made; 
But a bold peasantry-their country's pride- 
\Vhen once destroyed can ne\"er be supplied." 
'Vhile the yeomanry of .\rgenteuil are brave, hospitable, moral and industrious, 
a want of facilities for education in past years shows too plainly its baneful effect, 
especially in a few secluded rural districts; but the present encouragement given to 
schools will preserve the rising generation from the bane of illiteracy. 
While speaking of the inhabitants of the County, we should not omit notice of 
the French, who, through constant increase during recent years, have become no 
inconsiderable part of the population. It is generally conceded that the habit/lilt 
is a good citizen. 
He is simple in his habits, plodding and industrious, with little ambition save 
to supply the immediate needs of his family and to be regular in his attendLtnce at 
his church. 
Of his brethren who possess a little more education or ambition, many develop 
into able business men, and become prominent farmers, shrewd speculators or man- 
ufacturers, )Iany embark with success in commercial life, and become popular 
through their affability and the courtesy with which they supply the wants of their 
customers. Another class who fill the higher positions of 1ife-public offices or 
professions-are those who consider and discuss the social and political problems of 
the day, and desire the progress of their race. The representative of the latter 
class, like the natives of his mother-land, is proud-spirited. If the situation of his 
countrymen in Canada is subordinate, he knows that it is an exception to the parental 
stock-he springs from a land that acknowledges no superior. If piqued-as he 
somdÎmes is-at Anglo-Saxon boasts, he consoles himself with a glance at the fields 
whereon the cross of St. George has bowed before the jlclIr de lis of St. Denis. 
Whatever chagrin he may feel at the recollection of Quebec is dispe!led by a 
longer Hight of memory to the battle of Hastings. The Englishman may sing the 
L. >ngs and boast the exploits of :\Icrrie England, but the Frenchman has equal com- 
fort in the deeds and dilties of La Be!le France. 

.-\ renl1rkable feature of th
 Scotch selt
er:{ of the county was the distinct sep- 
Llration of the two faces: the Efighl/Ulders settling on the banks of the Ottawa 
river and around St. Andrews, while title LO'il/lalldtrs settled at and around Lachute, 
where fo:" ye.lrs the names of the B \rrons. J),)igs, Drenn.U1<; LlI1d Bllchanans, to



with the McOuats, McKimmies, McGregors and McClures, and a host of other equally 
worthy names, are remembered as household words. 
The early settlers in that part of the county, before the arrival of the Scotch, 
had very little knowledge of farming, their chief dependence for a living being in 
the manufacture and sale of potash; but when the timber was all cut off their farms, of 
course, the supply of material was exhausted, and then they had to pay more attention 
to their farms; but as the soil was of a light, sandy nature, and their facilities for 
cultivating it very few and of the most primitive character, they had uphill work. 
Their only implement in the shape of a plough, during the first and second decades of 
this century, was very properly called the II hog plough," which, as its name indi- 
cated, was not conduche to a successful course of farming, and in a short time their 
farms were completely worn out and exhausted. 
About that time, a few Scotch emigrants came to the place, and finding that farms 
could be bought cheap from these men who were glad to get rid of them at any 
price, secured their own, and wrote for their friends to come, and in a short time a 
sm,lll colony of thrifty, industrious farmers was established, who brought not only 
hnowledge of the, best system of agriculture known and practised in the Lothians, 
-which even at that time was considered the best in the United Kingdom,-but who 
also brought the best and most improved agricultural implements, and also the best 
tradesmen, representing the different handicr3.fts required in a new country, and 
heing careful and frugal, as well as of the most industrious habits, a marked change 
waS soon visible in the appearance of the country, and in a short time the "desert 
rejoiced and blossomed as the rose." 
In addition to all these worldly possessions and thrifty habits which they brought 
from their native land, they also brought the love and veneration for their religious 
institutions and privileges in which they had been nurtured and brought up. The 
remembrance of those blissful associations, with which they had been so familiar, 
particularly in the rest and observance of the Sabbath, was something they were very 
thankful for, as a Scottish Sabbath, as it was known to them, was a day of rest and 
gladness, a day wherein man held converse with his Maker, free from worldly cares 
and anxieties; and as they wended their way to the Kirk, which to them was the very 
gate of heaven, and the morning psalm went up in a grand, slow surge, perhaps to the 
tunc of" Elgin " or "Dundee" or plaintive ,I Martyrs, worthy of the name," there 
\\ as a sense of hallowed days in the very air, and in the words of the Psalmist they 
could say, " I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the 
Lord. " 
In their new homes they had to forego these pleasures for a time; Zion was not 
forgotten, and in due lime they had the extreme pleasure and satisfaction of having 
their religious privileges as they were wont to have them in their native land. Manr 
a time, no doubt, their hearts ached with a home sickness and longing, as they listened 
to the words of a simple hallad written by one of their own poets, " 0 ! why left I my 
hame ? " one of the most plaintive and pathetic ballads in the Scottish dialect, begin- 



ning with a wail in the minor key, in which the home life, the family and social rela- 
tions are bemoaned, and closing with a wild, weird burst of sorrow, in which their 
religious privileges are lamented, The foJIowing story, which was published many 
years ago in one of the leading Scottish journals, illustrates the power of music and 
the effect it has on the Scottish peasant :- 
An emigrant vessel lying at the port of Leith, bound for Australia, was visited 
before sailing by one of these ballad singers, and the above-named simple ditty was 
sung as only could be sung by one of these singers, and the result was, that in a 
short time the greater part of these emigrants were weeping and wailing at the thought 
of leaving their native land, and it was only that better counsefs prevailed, or they 
would have deserted the vessel, their feelings were so wrought upon by this simple but 
touching song, 
Scotland is famed for a class of national airs of a peculiar style and structure, 
and the m
rtial music possesses a wild, spirited, strongly marked expre
sion of char- 
acter, which has often turned the tide of victory on many a bloody field of battle. 
Some of the descendants of the Scotch farmers are living in comfort and afflu- 
ence on the old homesteads, others are occupying positions of trust and responsibility 
in different parts of the Dominion, while others have left home and friends and native 
land to carry the glad tidings of salvation to heathen lands, and it does not require 
a great stretch of imagination to connect these devoted workers, who have given their 
lives to spend and be spent in the Master's service, with the religious training of their 
forefathers and their lo,'e of the Sabbath and Gaspel ordinances. 
" If thou tum away thy foot from the 
abbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day, and call 
.' the Sabbath a delight, the holy ofthe Lord honorable, and shalt honour him, not doing thine own 
(, ways. nOT finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words, then shalt thou delight 
"thyself in the Lord, and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed 
" tl1ee with the hel itage of Jacob, thy f..ther, for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.': 
l\Ir, Dewar also pays the following compliment to the French :- 
A tradition exists, which, in the main, is supported by history, that Argenteuil w.1.s 
chosen as the trysting place or relldtz-'lJvlIS of American emissaries (or Bostonnais. as 
they were called by the French Canadians), who endeavored to fan the flame of dis- 
content among the French habilallls, with a vit.w of helping the American nation in 
their subjugation of Canada, 
They did not succeed in their mission, especially in the rural districts, as the 
Indians remained firm in their allegiance to the British, and the French Canadians, 
to tht:ir honor be it narrated, remained equally firm alld true, as was witnessed a 
few year:; afterwards, during the war of 1812- I.J., when the 1l0wer of their best hmilies 
withstood and repelled with great loss, the invaders of the Province at Chaleauguay 
and Chrysler's Farm. On this subject, the Archivist's report for 1888 says :- 
" But the appeals (of these emissaries) to the better class of French Canadi.1.I1s 
"had little effect, as ic; strikingly shown by the list sent by Carleton to Lord George 
"Gtrmain on the 9th May, 1777, in "hich there does not appear the name of one 



I. French Canadian. Those of that nationality who took part with the Bostonnais 
,. were of the lower class in the rural settlements." 
The term " Rlstonnais" seems to be a corruption of the word Bos/0ll1lais, as 
Arnold's expedition was known to have starteà from Boston, and the corruption has 
extended to our day, for up to the last forty years, in speaking to old French Cana- 
dians in reference to the American invasion, they would invariably designate it as 
"la guerre des Daslonnais." We like these national solecisms, and we have retained 
this one. 


On the 15th of June, 16Hz, a promise of a grant of this fid to Sieur Chas. Jos. 
D'Aillebout was signed at Quebec by Count d
 Frontenac, Governor of Xe\\" France. 
The grant was to include" a tract of land lying on the north side of the Ottawa, 
e\.tending from the foot of the Long Sault two leagues towards 
lontreal, and four 
leagues back from the Ottawa, including all the islands, points and sand-bar
,)f which the island named Carillon forms a part." 
In 1697, Sieur D'Aillebout and his wife, Catherine Le GLHdeur, "old the grant 
to their son, Pierre D' Aillebout Sieur d' Argenteuil. The latter in I7 25 took the oath 
of fealty, and fyled the promise of Count de Frontenac. The heirs of Loui:5e Denis, 
widow of Pierre D' Aillebout Sieur d'Argenteuil, sold this fief to Louise Panet, who 
took the usual oath in 17 8 1. In "I 800 Panet sold to :\Iajor Murray, who suld to 
Sir J.ohn Johnson in I8q, and the only SeigIliorial c;aim against .\rgenteuil now 
existing is held by his heirs. 
Thi::. Sc:igniory was erected into a parish by proclamation of loth :\Iay, [822, 
The following i<.: a description of the Seigniory copied from Bouchettt s Topo- 
..;raphy of Canada puhlished in 1815 :- 
"The Seigniory of Argenteuil is on the north bank of the Ottawa, in the county 
.)f York. It adjoins the seigniory of the Lac des Deux Montagnes on the eastward, 
,le township of Chatham on the westward, and a tract of waste Crown land" on the 
northward; its front extend:) two leagues along the river, by four ill depth. It was 
granted 7th 
Iarch, [725, to Mons. D'Aillebout. The present proprietor is Sir John 
Johnson, Rart. Perhaps through all the upper part of the district of Montreal, no 
tract of equal extent will be found of preater fertility, or possessing more capalJilitiès 
of being converted, within a few years, into a valuable property, The land is lu
iantly rich in nearly eve,y part, while the ditTerent species of soils are ')0 well varied 
as to afford undeniable situations for raising abundant crops of every kind. The 
lower part bordering on the Ottawa is tolerably well c:eared of wood; there are 
large patches of fine meadows and pastures; from hence the ground rises with a 
gradual ascent towards tl:e rear, In the back parts the wood" rUll to a great extent, 
and yield timber of the different kinds of first
rate size and goodness, which hitherto 
have he en very little thinned hy the labors of the woodman. The Rivière dll 



crosses the upper part of the Seigniory in a direction f[Om east to west, discharging 
itself into the Ottawa, about four miles below the great falls, and nearly half way 
between the lateral boundaries; it is navigable as high up as the fir:;t mill-a distance 
of three miles, There is a small stream called Rivière Rouge, running in the same 
direction across the lower part of the grant as the Rivière du Nord, and falling into 
the navigable part of the latter, The settlements that are already formed in Argen- 
teuil hardly amount to a third part of the whole; the remainder, however, presents 
many temptations to agricultural speculation. Of the present concessions, some are 
situated on the bank of the Ottawa, where they seem to be the most numerous as 
well as the best cultivated; others on the Rivière Rouge, in a range between it and 
Rivière du Nord, and along both banks of the latter; all showing strong indications 
of a thriving industry in their occupiers. There are two grist mills, two saw mills, 
and a paper mill, the only one, I believe, in the province where a large manufacture 
of paper in aU its different qualities is carried on with much success, under the 
direction of the proprietor, .\Ir. Brown of Montreal. Not far below this mill is a 
good bridge, over which the main road to the township of Chatham and the upper 
townships upon the Ottawa leads. On the left bank of the Rivière du Nord, upon a 
point of land near its mouth, is very pleasantly situated the residence of Major 
.Murray, formerly owner of the Seigniory; this stream and the bays uf the Ottawa 
that indent the front abound with a great variety of excellent fish, as do the low 
lands thereabouts with wild fowl and game of several sorts. The island of Carillon, 
three miles long by three. quarters broad, is very good land, but not put to any use; 
this with a smaller one near it, and another at the entrance of the Rivière dll Nord, 
are appendages to the grant. If fertility of soil and easy access to water conveyance 
be deemed of influence in the choice of situations wherein to clear and breJ.k up 
new lands, probably it will not be easy to select a tract where these advantag-.s ar"" 
better combined than in the S
igniory of Argentcuil." 



Sir John was a son of Sir 'Vm. Johnson, an officer in onc of the King's regi- 
mcntg in the then Province of New York, and who re ded at "Johnson Hall:' in 
the beautiful valley on the ùanks of the Mohawk, when.. he had [) large tr,lct of land, 
and where many of his cOl
ntrymen and othcr
 had s
ttlcd and lived together in 
peace and harmony for many years, Sir 'Villiam had alst) receivLd the d.ppointment 
of Superintendent of Indian Affairs, which doe:, not app....,u to h.lve been much of a 
sinecure, as his letters or despatches are dated from diITcrent parts of th
from Johnson Hall to Oswego, Niagara and Lake Champl.tin, tl1U
howing that h
trave]]ed e>.tensively. On the breaking out of the troubles which eventually ended 
with the gaining of their independence, many ()fhis ncighh,)f't (under his ad\": c nd 



influence, no doubt) refused to join the movement, preferring to sacrifice all they 
possessed, and remain loyal to what they called their king and country; and as it 
was impossible to remain neutral, the only alternative was to flee to Canada, which, a 
short time previously, had passed into the hands of the British. 
Arrangements were therefore made by which they were escorted by Indians to 
Oswego, whence they went to different parts of the country. 
I would not have dwelt so long on this subject were it n
t that I am descended 
from one of these so called U. E. Loyalists, my mother's grandfather, Arch. 
McDeirmid, having left his comfortable home on the Mohawk river, and, after suffer- 
ing almost incredible hardships, arrived at Caldwell's Manor, on Lake Champlain, 
where he had to begin life anew, without deriving any substantial benefit for his 
loyalty to his king and country. 
To Sir \\'m. Johnson belongs the honor of capturing Fort Niagara in 17 59-and 
on the 8th September, 1760, the whole of Canada was surrendered to the British, 
Sir \\'illiam has been accused of being the instigator, if not the actual leader, of 
the raid made by Indians on the peaceable inhabitants of the vaIley, when so many 
were ruthles
ly massacred, Indian fashion, and their houses and property destroyed by 
fire. There is no proof whatever, that he was in any way connected with that raid; 
besides, his influence and actiQnsJwere always on the side of clemency and mercy. 
However, it is a weIl authenticated historical fact, that a raid by Indians and others 
was perpetrated in that place, as above described. There could not have been any 
glory or honor attending it, as Colonel Guy Johnson, St.. Claire and Brant all deny 
having any part in it. 
Sir 'William's intimacy and connection with Mollie Brant, which has furnished 
material for writers of fiction as well as history, may have been an advantage to him 
in his dealings with the Indians, but it 
must have been a root of bitterness in his 
own family, as she lived with him as his wife, and was always regarded as such by 
the Indians, and arrer his death was treated as his relict, (Archivist's Report B. II..J.- 
As a woman, she had great influence among the different tribes, and one word 
from .her is more taken notice of by the Five Nations than a thousand from any 
white man without exception. (Ibid.) 
Sir \Villiam died in July, 1774, after a few months severe illness, and was much 
and deservedly regretted by a]] classes, and especially by the British Government, 
who had great confidence in him, both as an officer in the army and in filling the 
important office over the Indians, 
His son: Sir John Johnson, was also an officer in the 28th Regiment of New 
York, and shortly after. his father's death was appointed to the position which his late 
father had held, as Superintendent of Indian Affairs-a position which he faithfully 
filled for many years, even to the detriment of his own private business. 
He was at one time nominated for Lieut.-Governor of Upper Canada; and 
Lord Dorchester, in a letter to the Home Secretary, also recommended him, but 
before the letter arrived, Simcoe had been appointed. 



In 1808, he wrote to Mr. Granville, stating that he wished to resign his office of 
Superintendent, and asking that his son, Lieut.-Co!. Johnson, be appointed in his 
stead; but the Home Government did not entertain the application, as they consi- 
dered Co!. jJ ohnson was not sufficiently acquainted with the peculiarities of the 
Indian tribes, It was, therefore, given to Co!. r;lans, a son-in-law of Sir Wm. John- 
son, who had been for some time acting as Deputy Superintendent. It was a great 
disappointment to Co!. Johnson, as his father, 
ir \Villiam, considered that this 
appointment was to remain in his f.1mily. (Ibid, 311-11.) 
About the year I8J 4, Sir John Johnson purchased the Seigniory of Argenteuil 
from Major Murray, and built the manor house on a beautiful spot on the left bank of 
the North River, near where it flows into the Ottawa, It was built on the same 
model (only of smaller dimensions) as "Johnson Hall," the residence of his father 
on the banks of the Mohawk, In that manor house he resided for several years, 
surrounded by cGmforts and luxuries far in excess of what might be expected in a 
comparatively new country, and was very free and affable in his deportment, and was 
noted for his kind ann hospitable treatmen t to all who sought his acquain tance. 
The "dinner bell " that hung in the belfry of his coach house, and which was 
used ot summon the family ar..d guests to the spacious dining room, he presented to 
the Rev. Archd. Henderson, who placed it on his church, where it was used to sum- 
mon his congregation to worship, but after a few years was taken down and placed in 
the care of the late Guy Richards. 
As he had decided to leave St. Andrews, he appointed an agent to look after 
the business of the Seigniory, and went to Montreal, where he resided until his death. 
Tassé, in his life of Philtmon \Vright, mentions these facts: "In 1774, Sir John 
" Johnson was appointed Superintendent of Indian Affairs, a position which his late 
"father, Sir \Vm. Johnson, had also held. He had won the entire confidence of the 
" Indian tribes, dnd was highly esteemed among them, a3 was witnessed at the time 
" of his death in January, 1830, when a great number of Indians went to Montreal to 
"take part in the funer
l services which were held in the Anglican Church. An 
" Iroquois Indian chief even made an oration in his mother tongue on the virtues 
., of the deceased. At St. Regis, the Indians, when informed of his death, went 
"around the village, uttering cries and lamentations, and the whole population 
" followed them in a crowd, giving signs of the greatest sorrow." 
His eldest son, Gordon Johnson, never assumed or inherited the title, as he had, 
years previously, incurred the displeasure of the family, by his marriage with a 
French Canadian woman. After the death of Sir J olm, the Seigniory came into pos- 
session of his son, Co!. Charles Christopher Johnson, who held it for many years, 
and was succeeded by Capt. Johnson, the present proprietor. 

St, Andrews 


St, Andrews was erected into a Parish in 1822, and at that time it embraced the 
entire Seigniory of Argenteuil. In IR52, the parish of St. Jerusalem d' Argenteuil 
was formed, which-much to the dissatisfaction of many of the inhabitants of St. 
Andrews-inciuded consÍderable more than half the original seigniory, leaving the 
northern boundary oí St. Andrews about five miles from the Ottawa instead of 
twelve-the distance from this river of its original northern boundary. 
At some time, about or during the fifth decade of the present century, another 
small tract of territory-a mile in width from the Ottawa, and two miles in length 
from the east line of the Seigniory-was taken from St. Andrews, and annexed 
to the parish of St. Placide. 
The surface of this parish is somewhat uneven though its diversities are not 
abrupt, nor does it contain any land that is not adapted to cultivation, Its soil is 
good, scenery attractive, and its different sectio!ìs-especially the River Rouge, 
Beech Ridge, and the Lachute Road-present many fine, well tilled farms. 
It was here that the first settlers of this County pitched their tents; indeed, St. 
Andrews, more especialJy the River Rouge settlement, seems to have been a sort of 
preparatory place for settlers before going elsewhere, the number of those born 
there, or whose ancestors were born there, and who are now settled throughout the 
Dominion being legion. 
It is said, that so little did the first settlers on th e Rouge know of the topo- 
graphy of the country, or understand the way of economizing space, that 111 reaching 
the St. Andrew's Mill, for' a long time they conveyed their grain to the Ottawa, 
thence by boat to the North River, and up that to the mill. Major Murray, the 
Seignior, happening at this time to visit the settlement, and learning this custom, 
pointed out to them the amount of toil they were needles'Sly expending; and then, 
showing a map of the Seigniory, convinced them that, in a direct course, they were 
about as near the Mill as they were when they-had reached the mouth of the North 
River, After this, they opened a road through the woods to the mill. 


Few, if any, country villages or parishes in the Province are more widely or 
favorably known than St, Andrews, 
Settled at a comparatively early period, and possessing among its inhabitants 
many of intelligence and refinement, it naturally soon enjoyed a distinction seldom 
attained in the early llistory of country localities, Many of its business men, also, 
were those who had gained experience and formed an extensive acquaintance in 
other places, and their journeying to and fro na turally helped to extend the fame of 

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7 1 

their thriving village, But not least among the things which contributed to make it 
widely known was its location. Situated near the Ottawa on the Korth Ri'"er, which 
is navigable a portion of the season as far as this village for most of the craft which 
ply the larger stream, it is visited by many who, either in the course of business or 
pleasure, sail up and down the Ottawa. \Vhen the water in the North River is too 
low to admit the passage of steamers, they stop on the Ottawa at the nearest avail- 
able point to St. Andrews. The sail up the North River is extremely pleasant, and 
the passenger who has never before made th!s journey wonders, when the steamer 
turns flOm the broad Ottawa towards a forest of willows and alders, whether she is 
about to make a trip overland; but as she soon glides into the smaller stream, he 
finds sufficien t interest in observing the various farms that lie along the shore with 
their flocks, herds and diversified crops. Just before reaching the imposing iron 
bridge which spans the stream and connects the east and west sections of the village, 
the steamer glides to her wharf. A half-dozen or more skiffs, drawn up on the stony 
beach on the one hand, and a garden descending to the water's edge on the other, 
contribute, with surrounding objects, to form an attractive picture. 
Back a little on shore, are a fancy dog cart, a newly painted buggy, and a more 
pretentious two-horse carriage, all in readiness with their drivers to receive the two 
demoiselles, petite madame with her two children, and the portly, elderly m1n, his wife 
and daughter, all of whom are just returning to their homes after a visit to the city. 
Nearer and closer to the edge of the wharf are several habzta/lts, some of whom 
are waiting to convey freight to the freight house, while others have come to carry the 
valises and parcels of lady passengers who reside in the village, while two or three 
are present to drive home the cows and young stock which the portly old gentleman 
has purchased for his country domain. 
Though the quantity of freight landed here by the boat is not quite so extensive 
as the cargo brought by an ocean steamer to one of our city wharves, yet that the 
quantity delivered at St, Andrews is not insignificant is proved by the length of time 
that it takes several active hands to discharge it. But the last article-a coop con- 
taining a dozen brown Leghorns-has been transferred to the wharf, and the gang 
plank is about to be drawn in, when a loud .c HaIIoo II stays proceedings for a little time 
and attracts aU eyes shoreward. An express, containing two moderate-sized boxes, 
drives hurriedly to the wharf, a gentleman, evidently a merchant, alights, throws the 
boxes out with no little excitement, and then t urns to inform the purser that those 
stupid employees of Smith & Jones have sent him the wrong goods. Scarcely has 
this message been delivered, when another middle-aged merchant, in a smart 
suit, arrives, and desires to know if the hardware he ordered last week from Messrs. 
Dobbs & Ferguson has arrived, On being assured that it has not, he sends a mes- 
sage, which is calculated to sharpen the wits of Dobbs & Ferguson, then hurries 
a way, 
The steamer is soon at right angles with the cllrrent, and just as the passenger 
imagines that she is about to butt head foremost into the opposite bank of the river, 
she gracefully swings into mid-channel, and, anon, is once more on the Ottawa. 

7 2 


Such is a scene that may often be witnessed on the arrival of the steamer at St. 
Andrews,-an even t which is always regarded with pleasure, relieving, as it does, the 
monotony of village life, and affording to the inhabitants for a time a much desired 
That the channel of the North River will some time be deepened, so that it will 
be navigable for steamers the whole season, there is little doubt. But until the pro- 
per interests are awakened and the proper capital invested, this work of public 
utility will be unaccomplished, 
It seems strange to us, who know so well the various stages through which a new 
settlement passes before it engages in important manufacturing enterprises, that St. 
Andrews, in the very outset of her history. should ha ve had a paper mill; yet that such 
is a fact is shown by ,e Bouchette's Topography of Canada," as well as the testimony 
of many still living, who saw the mill in operation. The following account of this 
manufactory is given by Colin Dewar :- 
" The paper mill was started by a company of Americans, who obtained a 30 
years lease from tht 3eignior for the necessary water power; but as James Brown 
was the owner of the lanà where they intended to build the milJ, it is quite probable 
he was a partner from the start, as it was always spoken of as 'Brown's Paper Mil1.' 
The canal was dug to provide water llower, and a dam built across the river from 
the shore on the east side to a point near the foot of the little island, and as a large 
quantity of timber and lumber would be required in the erection of the paper mill, 
they first of all built a saw mill at the head of the canal and extending along the river 
bank, thus giving plenty of room for the piling of the lumber and storing saw logs; 
and as business increased, the space between the canal and the main road, now occu- 
pied by the railway depot, was utilized. The paper mill was built on the site whtre 
...\lex. Dewar's store now stands, and had sufficient water power to drive the machin- 
ery required for doing a large business, and employment was given to many girls and 
boys, as well as men. One of the foremen for some time was Mr. G. A. Hooker (father 
of the late Mr. G. A. Hooker), and who was ably assisted by the late "'i11iam Zearns. 
"These industries continued for several years, and were of great benefit to the 
village, in giving employment to many hands,-besides, there was no other saw mill 
nearer than Lachute; and it was regarded as a public loss, when the business of both 
mills came suddenly to a stop in the spring of 1834, by the darn giving way, owing 
to the high water and ice, During the summer, preparations were made to rebuild it ; 
but as the Seignior protested against it, and threatened all sorts of litigation if per- 
sisted in, it was deemed advisable to suspend operations. After two or three years' 
cross-firing between them, the trouble ended by the Seignior's making an offer to :\Ir. 
Brown for the purchase of all his property (which was accepted) ; extending from Lot 
29 to Lachute Road, and from the Beech Ridge lots to Davis' line, and including 
both mills and dwellings. Some of the machinery was afterwards used, when the 
River Rouge saw mill was erected." 



Among the very first of the pioneers who settled at St. Andrews wcre a number of 
Americans. 'Vhether one of them came first and induced the others to follow, or 
whether they carne together, it is now impossible to say, but it is quite certain that 
there was very little if any difference in the time of their advent. 
They were Peter Benedict, who arrived in 1799. Benjamin 'Vales, John Harring- 
ton and Elon Lee, who was always known as Captain Lee. All that is known of 
his military career, however, is that he had been a Drum Major in the American 
army during the recent struggle for independence. Two at least of the other 
Americans mentioned above had served in the same army j and it strikes us, as an 
incident somewhat peculiar, that these men had no sooner seen the object accom- 
plished for which they were fighting, than they again sought a home beneath the 
British flag. 
CAP1. LEE bought the lot, and built a hotel on ground now occupied by the 
Congregational Church, He purchased all the land between the village and the 
present Roman Catholic Church, lying between the road to Carillon and the Ottawa. 
His house was quite a rendez-volJs for Americans who desired to escape military 
service during the war of 1812, and it is said that" jolly times " often occurred here 
while they remained, 
CalJtain Lee had the reputation of being a Christian man, and of keeping a good 
Public House. In the absence of any church building, it was sometimes found con- 
venient to hold religious meetings at his house. when he generously opened his rooms 
for the occasion, and otherwise did what he could for the encouragement of 
religion. But, financially, he was not successful-his debts having accumulated, after 
a number of years, to an extent that rendered the surrender of his estate into the hands 
of his crcditors necessary, and he soon afterwards left the country. 
BEN]Al\IIN \V ALES, who marricd Susan, a daughter of Peter Benedict, had also 
been a musician in the Americ.:111 Army, He '''as extremely fond of music, and sought 
to encourage its study among the young people of St. Andrews, a number of whom 
he taught vocal music. He was a paper maker by trade, and for a number of years 
was foreman in the paper mill in this village. He was retiring in habit, and has left 
to us the reputation of being an earnest, consistent Christian; he died in 1836. By 
his marriage with Susan Benedict he had five children-Henry, Lemira, Charles, 
Elizabeth and Mary D. In [839, 28th August, Charles 'Vales was married to Lætitia 
Platt, daughter of Nathaniel Hazard Treadwell, Esq., of whom a sketch will be 
found in the history of L'Orignal. Mr. 'Vales, like his father, W.lS a Christian man. 
and his influence was always on the side of morality. He Oi)ened a store, where 
his son Charles now trades, and nearly his whole life was given to the mercantile 
pursuit, He was a Justice of the Peace, Commissioner for the trial of small causes, 
.1l1d for forty years a Major of Militia. Owing to his position as magistrate, his good 
judgment and pacific disposition, he was often consulted by those in troubl(;, and his 
advice oft
n resulted in the amicable settlement of disputed accounts and contro- 
versies, which otherwise would have ended in serious trouble and litigation, 



In the Rebellion of 18 37-3 8 , when there was a great scarcity of money in the 
community, he and A. E. Momnarquette, of Carillon, issued private notes,-or " shin 
plasters," as they were called-payable at their respective stores, which, being freely 
circulated in the community, proved at once a great convenience and a blessing. 
1\1r, Wales died 3 0th May, 1877, and it was said of him :-"The fngrance of 
his memory can never die, and many a man and woman will cherish it, as that of a 
sympathizing friend and an honest man." Mrs, Wales, who survives him, inheriting 
the characteristics of her ancestors, is in every way a worthy partner of such a man, 
and is still active in temperance and all other Christian work. I hey h d six child- 
ren who grew up,-two sons, Charles Treadwell and Benjamin Nathaniel, and four 
daughters, Margaret Susan, Anna Lætitia, Mary Maltbie and Grace Platt, Charles 
follows the mercantile business in the store occupied so long by his father, whose 
reputation he well sustains. He was married 21St July, 1875, to Martha \V. Stowe, 
of Sheffield, Conn., who has been an important acqUlsition to the temperance and 
Christian workers of St. Andrews, 
Benjamin, the second son of Charles \Vales, sen" studied medicine, taking his 
degree at McGill University in 1874. A few years later, he took up his residence 
in Robinson, Que., where he still remains in the enjoyment of an extensive practice, 
He was married 19 th Novembu, 1878, to Emma T. Osgood, at Sawyerville, Que, 
i\largaret S, is married to Thomas Lamb, merchant of St. Andrews. Mary M. 
married \Vm, Drysdale, publisher of Montreal, 1st January, 1880. She died in 18 9 1 , 
lamented by a large circle of friends, her amiability and deeds of kindness and bene- 
volence being widely known. 
Anna Lætitia, married to Rev. D. 'V. Morrison, 15th September, 1881, resides at 
Ormstown, P .Q. 
Grace Platt was married 6th February, 1895, to Mr. Kilgour, furniture dealer, of 
Beauharnois, Q. . 
The descendants of few men have reflected more credit on their fathers than 
have those of Chas. \Vales, sen., of St, Andrews. 
The following sketches of two more of the American pioneers named above 
have been contributed by Colin Dewar. 

OTTAWA, 7th February, 18 94. 

'Vhen the American Revolution broke out, Mr. Peter Benedict left his studies 
in Yale College, and entered the Army as oråerly sergeant, and went with Gen. 
Montgomery to Canada, to the reduction of St. Johns. Returning to his native 
place, he was promoted to the rank of 1st Lieutenant in the 3 rd New York Conti- 
nental Regiment, and remained some years in the service, but declined further pro- 
motion. The pension laws of the United States were not as strict then as now ill 
regard to the place of abode, as Lieut, Benedict Ii \"ed in Canada and drew a pension 


for his services from the U.S. Government up to the time of his death in 1830, and 
afterward his wife drew the pension allowed to officers' widows up to the time of 
her death in 1846. 
He was originany from North Salem, N.Y., where all his family were born, but 
carne from Burlington, Vt., in the spring uf [800, with his wife and family, consisting 
of three sons and two daughters, and settled on a farm, where he resided till his 
death, 20th May, 1830. He was a man of superior abilities, of a strong, cultivated 
and reflective mind, wen qualified to fill any position; and it was only a short time 
before he was appointed a Justice of the Peace, which office he held for nearly twenty 
ars. Of his family, one daughter married Dr: Beach, and the other married Benj. 
Wales; his two eldest sons died shortly after his arrival. His youngest son, Charles, 
born 22nd October, 1785, lived with him and carried on the work of the fa.rm for 
many years. Having formed a partnership with his brother-in-law, Mr. 'Vales, as 
builders and contr actors, they continued for several years to carryon the farm and 
their other \vork to their mutual advantage. 
Mr. Benedict, on the lIth May, 1812, was married to Damaris Capron, daughter 
of Nathan Capron, of Keene, N.H., and after t}:e birth of their eldest son, George, 
removed to the Bay, on what was known as the last farm in the Seigniory. After 
several years' residence there, he removed to St. Andrews, to a property purchased 
from Mr. Nolan, where he resided until his death. He always took an active part 
in all public matters, having held the office of Justice of the Peace for many years, 
and was a Commissioner for the trial of small caust:s, and for apprehending fraudu- 
lent debtors, as well as for administering the oath of allegiance. He was appointed 
arbitrator on a streams case in the Parish of Cote St. Pierre, which proved to be both 
difficult and complicated, but was finally surveyed and adjusted to the satisfaction 
of all concerned, He also took an active part in church matters, and was for many 
years one of the Elders of the Presbyterian Church, He resided in the County for 
72 years, and died on the 31st May, and his wife on the 1st June, 1872, having lived 
together for the Ion g space of over 60 years; and in death they were not divided, 
His family consisted of four S011S and three daughters, that lived to grow up. 
His eldest son, George, born 4th July, 18I4, was the only one who settled in his 
native place; he married, 14th February, 1844, Eliza Beattie, daughter of Mr. 
DLl.vid Beattie of St, Andrews, by whom he had a family of five S011S and five 
daughters. He removed from St. Andrews in 1869 to Ogdensburg, N,Y., where he 
died 2nd December, 1892. His three other sons left home, when quite young, and 
settled in the United States, where Peter died in October, 1892. Chas. and IIenry 
are still living in New York, His eldest daughter, Susanna, married George G. 
Sharpe in J842, and died 16th January, 1858, in the 42nd year of her age, leaving a 
family of three sons and two daughters. The eldest and only surviving son, George, 
lives in the State of Nebraska. The eldest daughter married \he Rev. Dr. Paterson 
of St. Andrews, and the youngest married 11 r. Robert Stewart of Ottawa. 
The following is an extract from a diary kept by NIr. Charles Benedict, of what 



7 6 


was long remembered as the" cold summer": "Sunday, 12th May, 1816, heavy rain 
began to fall, and contir.ued without cessation all night, turning cold, but still raining 
all day Monday. On Tuesday, very cold, with snow squalls, ground almost covered with 
snow. 'Yednesday, so cold, obliged to wear mitts and great coat ploughing; heavy 
frost at night. Thursday, rather fine sowed wheat and began planting potatoes; kept 
cold with hard frost at night up to the 28th. when another cold rain set in, 29 th , 
ground frozen two or three inches deep; 30th, 3 [st, finished planting corn and pota- 
toes; June 6th, cold with snow; 7th and 8th, cold not abated, ground covered with 
snow, dressed the same as in winter; cold all through the month; woods and fields 
turned a pale green; July 1st, frost killed cucumbers, etc., then cold rain set in; the 
6th, 7 th and 8th, very cold, had to put on mitts and overcoat, hoeing potatoes; loth, 
lIth, hard frost; and so on through the greater part of the month." 
It must have been very discouraging for them to go on ploughing and sowing in 
such very unseasonable weather, but they relied upon God's promise" that seed time 
and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night should not cease" 
-and the promise was fulfilled by the ingathering of a good average crop. 
There is no record of any such cold s
ason, as above recorded, known in the 
history of Canada since that time. 
JOHN HARRINGTON, sen., was an American by birth, and carne to Canada early in 
the first dècade of this century, when quite a young man. He married a daughter of 
1\1r, Peter McArthur of Carillon Hill, and had a family offour sons and five daughters. 
He was a first class millwright and an excellent mechanic, and superintended the 
erection of mills in various parts of the country, and especially those mills erected by 
his son-in-law, D. McLaughlin, at By town and Arnprior. He settled on the farm 
known by his name, and built that large, substantial, brick residence that has stood for 
so many years, and is, to all appearances, as sound as ever. He died about the year 
184 6 , and his wife aLout twenty years after. Of his sons, John, the eldest, carried on 
the farm for many years before and after his father's death, and was a pattem of 
neatness and thrift to all the farmers in the vicinity, and it was a pleasure to walk 
around his large farm, and see the convenient farm buildings, all in good order and 
condition, clean, neat and in good taste. He held many important county and muni- 
cipal offices, which he was well qualified to fill. 
'Yilliam, the next son, left home when quite a young man, went to :\lontreal, and 
entered a hardware establishment, where, in a short time, he became a partner, and 
married Miss Laura Seymour, and had a family of one son and four daughters, 
After a time, he left Montreal and took up his abode in St. Andrews, where he 
received the appointment from Capt. Johnson as acting agent for the Seigniory, which 
position he filled up to the time of his death a few years ago; his estimable wife died 
a few years previously. 
The other sons, Eric and Armand, also left home early, and began business in 
Arnprior, where they have remained to the present. 
His eldest daughter, Sarah, never married, but kept house for her brother John, 



at the old homestead. She was an excellent woman, an exemplary Christian, a kind 
friend, and charitable to those in need, and her death was sincerely regretted by a 
large circle of friends. The third daughter married Dr. Van Cortlandt, one of the 
leading medical men of the days of old By town, The second daughter married 
Daniel l\IcLaughlin, one of the leading lumber manufacturers of his day, and who 
also represented the County of Renfrew, both before and after Confederation, The 
fourth daughter married Nathaniel Bnrwash, merchant of Arnprior. The youngest 
daughter died in the spring of 185..J. after a short iliness. Her death was a great 
shock to the family and to her large circle of young friends, 
Of the chilãæn of \VilIiam, his only son, Bernard, as is well known, is one of 
the Professors in McGill College; he is a young man of more than ordinary ability, 
as his position in life fully demonstrates. 
The three eldest daughters died within a few years of each other, and some time 
prior to the death of their parents. 
The youngest daughter, Laura, resides within a short distance of her old home. 

C. D. 

Of those who lived in St. Andrews in the early days of her history, probably no 
one did more for her advancement or was more noted for enterprise than JA:\IES 
BROWN. He was a Scotchman who had been engaged in the printing business in 
Montreal, where he published a weekly paper called the Callada Courallt. 1q 
1812, after coming to St. Andrews, he organized a company of militia, of which he 
became captain. Among the first, if not the first, of his acts on coming here was to 
purchase the paper mill. He enlarged it, as he did, also, the canal on which it was 
located, built a new saw mill and a new darn across the river, below the old one, just 
at the lower end of the island. Owing to his enterprise, a good many found employ- 
ment not only at his mills but in other branches of his business, He purchased five 
lots of land along the North River running northward from the River Rouge, some 
distance along the Lachute road. He also purchased several village lots on the 
opposite side of the river, where he had a house and store. both in one building, 
which occupied the sIte of the present brick house of 
f!rs. E. Jones. 

Ir. Brown is remembered by many 01 the oldest citizens of this section, and all 
aver that he was a clever and an upright man. He was a Justice of the Peace, and 
discharged the duties of his office in a manner which enhanced the respect which 
e commanded in hs varied intercourse with his fellow-men. On(" of his d3ughters 
was married to Royal, a son of Moses Davis; another in 1829 to C. H. Castle, 
cashier of the Bank of Montreal. The Earl of Dalhousie, who was then Go\'ernor of 
the Province, was on a tour to this section to inspect the work on the Grenville 
cdnal, then in process of construction. Being a friend of Mr. Brown, he cheerfully 
complied with his request to him to be present at the marriage of his daughter, 
which occurred in the house now owned and occupied by Alexander I>ewar. A few 

7 8 


years after this marriage Mr. Brown donated to his son-in-law, 
Ir. Castle and his 
wife, a lot of land, No.1 King's Row, which he himself had purchased in 1809, 
It is said that some regarded Mr. Brown imprudent in pecuniary matters, and 
accused him of extravagance. \Vhether there was valid ground for this accusation 
or not, it is certain that in his later years he was in much poorer circumstances than 
he was in earlier life. One work, especially, which he performed, was referred to by 
some as proof of his extravagance: this was the building of an expensive stone wall 
around the Island above the grist mill, and anotlJer along the Lachute Road on his 
farm. It was his design to make a park of the Island, and with this design, he paid 
out no little money, But from the removal of the trees near the margin, so that the 
wall might be constructed, their roots soon decayed, the water undermined the wall, 
and the whole work was soon destroyed. Mr, Brown left St. Andrews after the 
Rebellion of 1837. 
MOSES DAVIS, from Chesterfield, N.H., was one of the very early settlers here, 
his advent being in 180 I. Soon after his arrival, he opened a store, where the shop 
of Daniel Sutherland now stands. Though it would doubtless bear little comparison 
to similar establishments of the present day, yet it l.:ontained what the community in 
those days demapded, and, like many another, possibly laid the foundation for a 
broader and more lucrative business. 
That Mr, Davis was a man of enterprise, and one who was ready to see and 
take advantage of an opportunity, is obvious from the way in which he started, and 
engaged in manufactures of which the new settlemen t stood in need. There being 
no tannery in the place, he opened one, soon after beginning his mercantile venture, 
on a site near the present house of Thomas Fournier, and this he kept in operation 
till 1847, 
Harness making and shoemaking were other industries in which he engaged and 
continued for many years. In 1806, he purchased a lot of ninety acres of land, and 
subsequently added one hundred and fifty more, \VhiIe these different branches of 
business no doubt repaid him for the trouble, expense, and attention they required, 
they must have been a blessing to many others, especially to those laborers to whom 
they gave employment. 
In 1832, he built the stone house in which his son Theodore now resides. It 
will be recollected that this was the year in which the cholera made sllch ravages in 
the Province. A man named Pitt, who was employed in the construction of this 
house, in going to his dinner, while crossing the bridge in the village, was. seized with 
pain which portended the dread visitor, and at three o'clock the same day he was a 
corpse. During the troubles of 1837-38, this house, on account of its size, was se. 
lected by the military authorities for a barracks, in which the soldiers were quartered. 
The family of Mr. Davis patriotically granted it for the purpose, and found a tern. 
porary domicile in a smaller house in the village. 
Mr. Davis was for many years a Justice cf the Peace, and a Commissioner for 
the trial of small causes, He was married in April, 1806, to Lurena MacArthur, 


daughter of another pioneer. He died at St, Andrews, 12th Dec., 1851, but Mrs. 
Davis Eurvived him nearly thirty years, having lived till 13th June, 1881. They had 
a large family of children, two of whom died in childhood; six sons and two 
daughters grew up. Three of the former left this section long ago, two at a more 
recent date, while Theodore, th
 fifth son, remained on the homestead. Nelson, the 
eldest son, served as cornet in the Volunteer Cavalry Company of Capt. McLean, 
during the Rebellion of 1837-38, and, like his comrades, cheerfully performed the 
duties demanded of him during that stormy time. In 1841, he removed to :Montreal, 
where for some time he was employed as customs and shipping agent. Crosby, the 
youngest of the family, was for many years engaged in mercantile business in St. 
Andrews. In 18S7 he removed to Ottawa, where he still resides, filling a responsi- 
ble position in one of the largest establishments in the city. He married Margery, 
daughter of\Villiam McEwen, Esq., of River Rouge, 5t, Andrews. Their only son is 
residing in Chicago, where he is established as a dentist, and is doing an extensive 
and lucrative business. Their second daughter married Mr, Paton, well and favor- 
ably known in Montreal in connection with the y, M. C. A. work, and who is now 
filling the same position in the city of \Vinnipeg, Two of the daugh ters reside with 
their parents, and one is at present in Chicago, 
Lurena, the eldest daughter of Moses Davis, married Robert Simpson, of whom 
a sketch is given on a succeeding page. Eliza, her sister, married Joseph Kellogg, 
for a number of years a merchant in l'Orignal. In 1843, they came to St. Andrews, 
where they lived on a farm till 1857, when they removed to Illinois, where Mr. 
Kellogg died. His widow subsequently moved to Iowa, in which State she still 
Theodore, as stated above, has always remained on the homestead, his unim- 
paired physical and mental powers after threescore and ten years of service testify- 
ing not only to the healthfulness of the climate in this section, but to the fact that 
temperance, morality and industrious habits are infallible aids to longevity. In the 
late Rebellion, like his elder brother, he also enlisted in the Volunteer Company 
of Cavalry commanded by Capt, McLean. After acting as School Commissioner for 
many years, he accepted the position of secretary-treasurer of the School Board. In 
1845 he married Helen, daughter of Duncan McMartin, a pioneer on the River Rouge, 
They have had eight children, Moses their eldest son is in Montreal, having suc- 
ceeded to the busi-nessJollowed by his uncle, Nelson, that of customs and shipping 
agent, His youngest wn is in business in Tacoma, \Vashington. 
THEODORE DAVIS, a brother of Moses Davis, who came to St. Andrews in 1801, 
must been here pI evious to that date, judging from the fact that records refer to 
a sun'ey and prods-verbal of S1. Andrews, which he made in 1799. But whether or 
not he was a citizen of the place at that date, it is certain that he was at a short 
period subseque11lly. Being for some years the only surveyor in this section, his 
services were often called in requisition, and possessing an enterprising spirit, he soon 
became an important addition to the business men of the place. 



When steamboats began running to Carillon, they found great difficulty in get- 
ting up the rapids at St. Ann's, and to overcome this difficulty, Mr. Davis constructed 
locks at VaudreUlI, which were in use for several years, after which the route was 
changed to the north side of the river, and locks at St. Ann's were built, thus making 
the route mOle direct. The remains of these old locks at Vaudreuil are stilI visible. 
Another work of public utility he performed was removing boulders from the Ottawa 
abovc Carillon, so as to facilitate navigation. He marricd a daughter of Colonel 
Daniel Robertson, who was the widow of - De Hertel, and the mother of Colonel 
De Hertel of 
t. Andrews. l\Ir. Davis purchased a lot of land on the west 
side of the North River, and on it erected a two-story hOLIse on the site of the present 
residence of Mr. De la Ronde, advocate. He sold this property, not many years 
later, to Guy Richards, and removed to Point Fortune, where, in company with a 
man named Tait, he opened a store. They traded there for a few years, when Mr. 
Davis, having purchased the farm of J\IcRobb in Carillon, now owned by Mr. John 
Kelly, removed thither, and lived here till his death, which occurred in Hull, 16th 
March, 184[, at the age of 63 years. 
The following sketch of other members of the Davis family has been sent to us 
by Colin Dewar:- 
" SU1EON DAVIS, with his wife and family of four sons, Roswell, Asher, Lyman 
and Asahel, together with his two brothers, Theodore and Moses, came from Mas- 
sachusetts, and settled at St. Andrews in 1801, where he remained ft)r several years. 
" Roswell, the eldest son, married Miss Annie, daughter of N"athan Capron of 
Keene, N.H" by whom he had a family of six sons, viz., Edward, Alfred, \Vhitcomb, 
Simeon, Roswell and Nathan. About the year [840, he removed from St. Andrews 
with his family to the Township of Osgoode, which at that time was opened up for 
settlers. He purchased a farm on which he and his wife resided until their death in 
a good old age, about the year 1866, 
" His son Edward, who is now in the 84th year of his age, and in possession of 
an his faculties, can recount many stirring incidents of the early days, and remembers 
quite distinctly when the first steamboat made its appearance at Carillon, and as a 
stage driver on the route between 
1 ontreal and GrenvilIe (mf'ntioned in another 
part of this work) has had a varied experience in both summer and winter travel. He 
relates with pride and satisfaction, that he never met with an accident in crossing tht' 
rivers on bad ice, and although he had to drive thrûugh bad roads on dark nights, 
not one of his passengers ever received an injury. In relating this part of his experienc
which is not given in a spirit of boasting but in that of gratitude to the Father úf 
mercies for His watchful care over him, he attributes his part of the success to his 
habits of sobriety, which could not be said of some of his c;ollfrères. 
., After his father left St. Andrews, 
Ir. Davis went up the Ottawa river, and 
engaged in the lumber business for some years, and being of an active, pushing spint, 
was engaged in several important public works, such as opening up new roads, build- 
ing bridges, etc., besides having considerable experi
nce in mining and boating. 



" He married comparatively early in life, and had a family of four sons and one 
daughter, all of whom are married and have families of their own. He has resided for 
the last thirty years at Quio, Province of Quebec, where th
 greater part of his 
family also reside. 
.. About four years ago, a sad misfortune overtook him, in the destruction of his 
house by fire, together with the greater part of his household goods, which was a great 
loss; but, sad to relate, his wife, who had returned to her room to get, as was sup- 
posed, some valuable papers, was prevented by the rapidity of the fire from returning, 
and was not missed, until it was too late to render any assistance. 
"Roswell's third son, \Vhitcomb, took an active part in suppressing the Rebellion 
of 1837, being a Yolunteer in the Lachute Road Company, under Captain John 
Dennison, He marched to Grand Brulé with the other Volunteers and Regulars 
under the command of Captain Mayne, of the 24th Regiment, to meet those coming 
from Montreal on the 14th December, 1837, He served in that Company until it was 
dishanded in 1840, when he joined the rest of the family, and settled on a farm near 
his father, where he and his wife brought up a large family of sons and d
and where he died in July, 1894, aged 77 years. 
" Roswell's other sons are still living in the immediate neigh Lorhood of the old 
" Asher, the second son of Simeon, was brought up to the blacksmithing business, 
which he rarried on for several years, at Carillon, where he resided until the death of 
his wife in 1872, when he removed to Trenton, where he died in the year 1880. His 
wife was a Mrs. Cameron, a daughter of \Vm. Atkinson, who resided for nuny years 
at Carillon; they had no family." 
The following obituary is copied from the Belle7Ú/lc bl/tlligmar, of :\[a rch, 
188 4:- 

"LY11 1 an Davis died at the residence of his son in Trenton, on the 24th :\hrch, 
1884, at the advanced age of 90 years, 2 months and 6 day
,. Thè subject of this notice was born in Massachusetts, U.S. .\., on tne 19th 
January, 179.J. He came with his parents to Lower Canada in [80[, and located at 
St. Andrews in the C.ounty of Argenteuil. At the breaking out of the war in 1812-15, 
he was drafted, a.nd served three years. At the expiration of the war, he was dis- 
charged with the other :\lilttia. About 1825, he again removed with his parents to the 
village of Hop
, where he worked with his t:lther at the blacksmithing trade for three 
years, and at the expiration of that period he removed to that part of the Township 
of Hope no\\' called POIt Britton, where he still worked at his trade till 1830, when 
he gave lip hIs business, removed to the Township of Clark, and commenced farming. 
And two years later (in 1832) he married Catherine Babcock, a dJ.ughter of \Vm. 
Bahcock of Ameliasburg. In 1840, he removed his Llmily to Ameliasburg, 
and continued farming till T 848, whe.1 he removed to Trenton, five years before the 




dllage was incorporated, where he continued to reside till his death. 1\1r. Davis had 
many warm friends, was very unassuming, and never took an active interest in 
public affairs. 
" He leaves a widow 72 rears old, two sons and three daughters to mourn his 
loss, all of whom are comfortably situated. 
" Mr, Davis was a pensioner, and has regularly drawn his pension since the grant 
was made. Thus, one by one, our old veterans pass away." 
In r804, two brothers named Peter and Duncan Dewar from Glasgow, Scotland, 
made St. Andrews their horne, and many of their numerous descendants are still in 
the County of Argenteuil. 
Duncan Dewar, the younger of the two brothers, pnrchased a hundred acres of 
laud which is known at the present time as the Harrington Estate, but believing he 
could add to his income by a modest venture in the mercantile line, he built a store 
on the site of the present store of Mr. La Fond. Not finding this suited to 
his taste
, however, he sold his stock, and, during the remainder of his lite, confined 
his attention to farming. He was a man much respected, very quiet, and so domes- 
tic in his tastes, that he kept aloof from politics and everything calculated to attract 
him away from home or the care of his domestic concerns. He died in 1869, leaving 
six sons, Peter, John, Duncan, Donald, Hugh and Alexander, and two daughters. 
Three of the sons, John, Duncan and Hugh, the only ones who had children, settled 
in 51. Andrews. The latter, after living on the homestead till 1856, sold it, and two 
or three years later went to Ottawa, where he still resides. His eldest son, William, 
is manager of the large mercantile establishment of John McDonald & Co. in 
Toronto. John, another son, is book-keeper for an extensive lumber company in the 
same city. 
Mary, one of th
 daughters of 1\1r. Dewar, married JOHN LA:\IE, foreman in a 
manufactory of Judge Hamilton of Hawkesbury. Possessing considerable ingenuity in 
the way of invention, Mr. Lamb devoted much of his time to this work, and invented 
a water-wheel, which is now in use in various p
lTts of Canada. Afterwards, he became 
the originator of several other machines, which are in popular use. Soon after his 
marriage he removed to Ottawa, where he died in [894 ; 
. Lamb died in [887, 
They had six children-three sons and three daughter.:;. The sons, James E., 
\Villiam and John H. Lamb, engaged in the occupation followed by their father, and 
seem to have inherited much of his skill at invention. 
Janil) a daughter of Duncan Dewar, sen., married \Villiam Kneeshaw, and settled 
on Beech Ridge; both are deceased, They had one s')n, Robert, and one daughter, 
Sarh, who now reside in Illinois. 
Alexander, the youngest son of Duncan Dewar, sen., met his death by a sad acci- 
dent in the spring of 1837. He and a young man named Abner Rice, who was 
studying for the notarial profession, when together one day, were asked by a citizen 
to aid him in getting a heavy canoe over the mill dam. The water was high, and the 
work was one invol..-ing no little risk. They brought the bO:1.t down, however, but 



in the act it upset, and Dewar swam to the shore. Rice clung to the boat and 
endeavoured to Tight it, but seeing he could not, Dewar jumped in and swam to his 
assistance. It was no easy matter, however, to handle the boat in that boiling caul- 
dron, and with the view, no doubt, of getting it into more quiet water, they both 
clung to the bow. As it glided along with the swift current, it had acquired no little 
momentum by the time it reached the bridge, and the young men being forced against 
the middle pier were both killed. 
John, the eldest son, purchased land in Buckingham, and in company with his 
brothe r Donald, was preparing for himself a home, when circumstances occurred 
which led him to make his home in St. Andrews, In January, 1836, he was married 
to Elizabeth \Yales, and her father dying some months later, her mother prevailed 
on the newly married couple to make their home with her, and take charge of the 
farm. The fol1owing obituary published at the time of Mr. Dewal's death, 23rd ^ pril, 
1875, expresses the popular sentiment in the vicinity of St, Andrews, and shows that 
the lives of this couple were not spent in vain :- 
" Died at St. Andrews, on the 23rd inst., after a few days' il1ness, Mr. John 
Dewar, aged 69 years, the eldest brother of Duncan Dewar, Esq., J.P., of that vil1age, 
leaving a family and a large circle of friends to wrestle with a sorrow, which wuuld 
be infinite if they sorrowed as those who have no hope. 
" .Mr, Dewar was converted when a young man, and soon after, while living in 
Buckingham, embraced Baptist views, and was immersed by the Rev. John Edwards, 
sen., the pioneer Baptist of the Ottawa Valley. He married Elizabeth \Vales of St, 
Andrews, a lady of great amiability, whose soul was in lively sympathy with his own 
in respect to every good work. About a year after his marriage he removed to 5t, 
Andrews, where he united with several kindred spirits in forming a Baptist church, 
He was chosen one of the Deacons, and continued faithfully to discharge the duties 
of his office till caned by the Captain of his sa.lvation from the field of labour to the 
rest that remaineth for the people of God. 
c. Brother Dewar was a man of large heart and warm sympathies, and while he 
loved God supremely, he loved men universally. Abhorring every evil way, he pitied 
evil doers and laboured for their recovery from ..ill. He was a man of peace, much 
more willing to endure wrong than to do wrong. From the commencement of the 
temperance enterprise, he was a consistent and warm advocate of the cause. He 
has left an afflicted widow, three sons and three daughters, with a large circle of 
friends to mourn his absence, but to rejoice in the helief that he has gone to serve 
God day and night in his temple,-\V. K. A." 
Mrs. Dewar died in 188r, Their children were Duncan \Vale
1 Henry, Charles 
Alexander, John Edward, Mary Lemira, Esther Jane, Elizabeth, and Susannah, 
Two of the sons, John and Henry, lived on the homestead tilt 1889, when they sold 
it to J. A. N. l\lackay, Esq. Those of the children now alive widely scattered; 
the only ones living in this County are two daughters, 
[ary and Jane, whose good 
works are a reproduction of those of t'leir patents. The former is the wife of Mr. A, 
L. Sharman, a most estimable citizen of Carillon. 



Duncan 'Vales, the eldest son of Mr. Dewar, died in 1873, two years before the 
demise of his father. He left a widow and two sons, Ethelbert and Ford, who are 
honourably employed in Duluth, Minn, 
Dm,cAN, the third son of Duncan Dewar, sen., was born May, 1807, and, as he 
has been a prominent figure in his native village through nearly all of his active and 
useful life, he is entitled to more than a passing notice in these pages, It is but fair, 
also, to acknowledge that, but for his great age and retentive memory, many of the 
incidents herein recorded would have been lost to the future. His birthday was 
rendered memorable by the eJection of the first bridge that was ever built across the 
1\orth River at St. AndrEws. Until the age of fourteen, he regularly attended the 
village school, which was a building occupying the site of the present town hall, his 
first teacher being il young man by the name of Joseph 'Vhitcomb, son of a mason, 
who had been brought to the village by Thomas Mears. At the age mentioned 
above, the subject of this sketch was seized with an ambition to take care of himself: 
A man nam
d Timothy Bristol had a wheelwright and blacksmith shop, in a 
long building which stood on ground now occupied in part by the post-office, \Vith 
this man young Duncan had become we]] acquainted, and as he was frequently in his 
shop, he soon formed the opinion that the lot of a mechanic was more pleasant and 
pJOfitable than that of a farmer, hence he besought hi.. father to peJmil him to learn 
the trade of blacksmith, a trade for which his sma11 stature and delicate constitution 
seemed scarcely- fitted. After due consideration, his father consented to his ploposal, 
and apprt'nticed him to Bristol for the term of three years. 
ome of the neighbours 
pronounced the arrangement foolish, declaring that he would get tjisgusted with the 
work, and \\ ish to return home within two weèks, but Mr. Dewar, knowing his boy's 
qualities better 1han they, said he knew that if he began the work he would stick to 
it--the correctness of which statement was proved by the sequel. 
In those days muscular strength and ability to defend one's self by physical force 
were in high esteem, while those who lacked these qualities, the young especiaHy, 
could not forbear feeling that they were destitute of some of the essential elements 
of manhood. ::\ow, though young Dewar had no reason to repine at his want of 
strength, he fdt that public opinion, on account of his slight form, would naturally 
n him to the weak class, and he retained this :mpressian, till one day, being 
assaulted in the shop uy a burly habital/t, he soundly thrashed him. DoulJtless he 
was indebted for this victory to strength acquired at the anvil; hut be this as it may, 
from 11lat time onward he seemed to hold a higher place in the esteem of his com- 
panions. But before he had completed his apprenticeship, another incident occurred, 
which was fraught with much rnore important interests to him, and which to the 
present has had much influence on the actions of hi.. life. 
-\. few prominent m
n of St. Andrews
 having heard the noted Evange1i;t, Rev. 
Mr. Christma
, preach in Montreal, invited him to hold a series of meetings in St. 
Andrews-which invitation he accepted, It is said that, as a result of these meetings, 
twenty-eight individuals, a few of whom were of profligate character, were reclaimed 



from the error of their ways. Mr. Dewar was one of the converts, and henceforth 
his feelings and aspirations were far different from what they had been. It is usual 
for the new-born Christian to cherish respect and love for the clergyman under whose 
preaching he has been converted. This feeling, in part, induced .Mr. Dewar to seek 
employment in Montreal, where he might enjoy the acquaintance and preaching of 
the Rev. 1\[r. Christmas. He soon found work in an iron manufactory, where he 
remained several months, during which time he was a regular attendant at the church 
of Mr. Christmas, and he induced a cousin of his to go with him, who, in the end, was 
also converted. A chance to obtain better wages next led him to Grand Isle, Ver- 
mont, and after working there nearly a year he came home to attend school. He had 
always been anxious to obtain an education, and he determined to devote what 
money he had earned to this end. After this supply had been exhausted, he went 
to Ottawa, and procured work in a government shop at $1. 2 5 per day, making irons 
which were used in the construction of canal locks. In the society into which he 
was there thrown, hi3 temperance principles were pretty strongly tested. In the 
afternoon of his first day in the shop, he sa\v one of his fellow-workmen collecting 
money from the others, and presently he carne to him. Asking the purpose of the 
collection, he was told that it was to purchase liquor. He replied, " I do not drink, 
and it is against my principles to encourage it." "\Vell," was the answer, " no man 
can stay here unless he joins us." Mr. Dewar then gave them money to a%ure 
them that he was not actuated oy parsimony, out expressed his determination not 
to taste any spirituous liquors. They never asked him for money again, nor did they 
invite him to drink, although they all continued to use liquor themselve
, and often 
to excess. One thing, however, they would not permit, but doubtless they were 
prompted more by a spirit of fun than of ill-wilL A milkman came around daily, 
and raising a window of the shop, passed a pint of milk through it to 1\[r. Dew.u, but 
soon, before he could get it, a sly tap would send the contents on the floor, and after 
this had occurred several times, the attempt to obtain milk was abandoned. \Vhen 
he haJ earned $100, he once more returned to St, Andrews, and attended school, 
and in this manner secured a degree of scholarship rather above what was accorded 
at that time to the young men of his age. 
Auout 1828 he entered the store of 
1r. Guy Richards as clerk, and remained 
with him six years, and he attributes much of the knowledge of business and moral 
bencfit he received to the wise instructions and good example of 
Ir. R iclnrds. In 
18 34, he and John Richard Hopkins, nephew of Mr. Richards, bought Richards' stock 
of merchandise, and 1\1r. Dewar for many years followed the mercantile business, 
though, as his means increased, he added other branches of business, yet without 
much ready profit. About 1850, he built a tannery, and then a oark mill. The 
following year he received a diplonn from the Provincial Industrial Exhibition in 
Montreal, for the best specimen of harness leather manufactureJ in Canad::t. In 18 5 6 
his tannery was burnt, and his insurance policy having lapsed, it was an entire loss, 
but he immediately rebuilt. He met with various other losses during his earlier 
c..:areer,-one of a boat for \\hich he had paid $()



In December, 1836, :\lr. Dewar was married to Margaret Treadwell, daughter of 
Xathaniel Hazard Tr
ad\Vell, Esq., 5eignior of Longueuil. \liss Treadwell and a 
sister had been for some time livin
 at L'Orignal with their brother, Charles, and 
they often came to 
t. Andrews to visit the family of Mr, Riclnrds. It was thus that 
Mr. Dewar became acquainted with his future wife. After a courtship of two years, 
they married at her father's residence in Plattsburgh, N.Y. 

lrs. Dewar possessing much of the ability of her family was a help-m1te in the 
most significant sense of that word-a woman whose counsel was wisdom, whose 
example was virtue. Her father and her distinguished sister, Mrs. Redfield, often 
visited them at their home in St. Andrews, and these w
re occasions of no little 
enjoyment, for no man could better appreciate cultured society than Mr. Dewar, 
In his youthful days, he was a schoolmate of the late Sir ], J. C. Abbott, though 
some years his senior. Though they differed widely in political principles in after 
years, a warm friendship alway
 sllbsisted between them, and letters that Mr. Dewar 
received from Mr. Abbott, which he still retains, show that the statesman esteemed 
him as an honorable and able political foe. 
Some years ago he was instrumental in obtaining a grant of L900 from Parlia- 
ment, for the purpose of improving the navigation of the North River; but owing to 
some political chicanery, this sum was diverted from its proper object, and used for 
other purposes. Though a confirm
d Liberal, he has never sought political office; 
the only public position he has held being that of magistrate, in which office he acted 
ably and conscIentiously for nearly a quarter of a century. His attention during the 
last fifteen years has been chiefly confined to his drug store, the first and only one 
ever opened in this village. 
He has three sens now living; Guy Richards, his second son, has been postal 
clerk for the last sixteen years between Montreal and Toronto; the two others, Dun- 
can Everett and Alexander, have long been engaged in mercantile business, the for- 
mer in Aylmer, Quebec, the latter at St, Andrews, where he has followed his present 
vocation many years. Retiring in habit, he has never sought public positions, and is 
respected for his moral Christian character. He has two children,-a son and daugh- 
ter ; the former, Alexander, is studying for the ministry, and for the past three years 
has e&rnestly devoted himself to Christian work, spending some months in this work 
in N ew York in the summer of J 893. He is president of both the 5t, Andrews and 
Argeuteuil C.E. Societies. 
In the beginning of the present century, JOHN McMARTIN of Genlyon, Perthshire, 
Scotland, decided to try his fortune in the New \Vorld. His wife having relatives at 
the Bay of Chaleurs, on the north of New Brunswick, thither he went, and prepared 
for himself and family a home. A year or two subsequently, learning that two of 
his brothers, farmers in Scotland, were about emigrating to Canada, he deci ded to 
seek with them, when they arrived, a more suitable place for agriculturists than could 
be found near the Bay of Chaleurs. In that locality the inhabitants subsisted almost 
wholly by fishing j but as this method of procuring a livelihood was not congenial to 



his tastes, and the land there was generally sterile, he gladly availed him'\elf of a 
chance to dispose of what he had purchased. This he exchanged with his wife's 
uncles for land which they had received for service rendered the Government, and 
which was situated in the County of Huntingdon, Quebec. On reaching Montreal, 
however, he learned that his estate in Huntingdon was in an unbroken wilderness, 
and that should he settle there, his nearest neighbour would be thirty mil;:s distant. 
At this time Major Murray was in Montreal, endeavouring to obtain Scotch set- 
tlers for his Seigniory on the Ottawa, and Mr. McMartin was induced to sell his land 
in Huntingdon, and with his brothers take up his residence in the Seigniory. Accord- 
ingly in 1801, or the year following, he came hither, and purchased two lots on the 
south side of the River Rouge which are now owned by the family of the late Geo. 
Hyde. The inevitable log house and small clearing were here on his arrival, but in 
a few years, about 1810, he built another house, which, with Some alterations and 
additions, is still standing and occupied by the family of Mr. Hyde. Mr. :McMartin 
added another lot to those which he first purchased, and with the help of his sons 
cleared up the greater part of these three lots; he died in 1847- Four of his sons, 
Finley, Duncan, Daniel and Martin, joined the Cavalry Company of Capt. McLean 
in the Rebellion of 1837-38, and all remained in it, till advancing years induced them 
to yield their places to younger men. Mr. MC.Martin had fifteen children, thirteen of 
whom arrived at maturity; eleven of them settled on the River Rouge; the youngest 
son, Martin, lived and died on the homestead. 
FINLEY McMARTIN, the sixth son, after living and working on the homestead till 
he was about thirty-four years of age, entered the store of Mr, Charles \Vales, sen., of 
St. Anshews, as clerk. 
At the expiration of a year, believing that trading on his own account would be 
more profitable than his present work, he hired the store across the street opposite 
that of :\1r. \Vales, which was occupied by Frederick McArthur, and purchased his 
stock of goods. Subsequently, he purchased the store and house, boti1 being under 
the same roof; but in about ten years from the time he began to trade, this building, 
together with his entire Hock of goods, \vas burned. He then hired another store, 
in which he traded till 1858, when he built a large brick store, which is now owned 
by \Vm. D. Larmonth, and is used as a boarding house. 
In 1868 he disposed of his store, and the next year purchased the grist mill and 
three hundred acres of land adjacent. At the expiration of fourteen years he sold 
the mill to Mr. \Valsh, its present proprietor, and since has confined his attention to 
his farm, Although an octogenarian, he is so well preserved physically and mentally 
that few would imagine him to be more than sixty. His honesty, sobriety and dili- 
gence in business have won the respect of his fellow-citizens, yet, the only secular 
office he has accepted at their hands is that of School Commissioner,-a position he 
has held for many years. He was secretary of the Baptist Church Society for a long 
time, as well as a member and generous supporter. He has been twice m uried,-the 
first time in 1847 to Christy McFarlane, who died in 1865. His second marriage 



was to Amanda 'Vales. By the first marriage he had three children,-John F., 
Elizabeth and Kate. Elizabeth married E. 1\T. Kneeshaw, and Kate, J. S. Buchan, 
a rising young lawyer of Montreal, son of 'Vm. Buchan, Esq., of Geueva. Mrs. 
Buchan died in 18 94. 
IARTIN at the age of sixteen engaged to a firm in Montreal as clerk, 
and subsequently became a commercial traveller, a position for which his rectitude, 
affability and fine address eminently fitted him. After an experience of eight years 
in this line, he entered the firm of J. 'V. 
lcKeddie & Co., on Victoria Square, as 
GUY RICHARDS was another man prominent and influential in the youthful days 
of S1. Andrews. He was Lorn ill Norwich, Conn., on 8th November, 17 8 7 ; he went 
from there to New York, and after a few years came to Montreal. His ability soon 
secured him many friends among the Americans in that city, and through them he 
became established in a thriving business as merch3nt. In the war of J 8 12, believing 
that be could make much profit by providing clothes for the Volunteers, he invested 
largely in woollen fabrics, paying a high price for them; but just after he had embarked 
in this venture, peace was declared, his scheme collapsed, and if not financially 
ruined, he was at least in embarrassing circumstances. Previous to this, he had 
formed the acquaintance of a Miss Graham from .Massachusetts, who was on a visit to 
an aunt residing in Montreal, and the acquaintance ripened into friendship, and 
finally terminated in marriage. 
\Vith the view no doubt of improving his financial condition, Mr. Richards 
removed to St. Andrews; here he also engaged in trade. He hought the property of 
Theodore Davis, the surveyor, enlarged the house, and used one part of it as <l: !"tore. 
After trading here for about thirteen years with good success, and doing considerable 
business meanwhile as a lumber merchant, he sold his real estate, and then, about 
J827, built the brick store which is now occupied by 1\1r, La Fond, He was very 
successful, financially, while he lived here, yet, owing to his benevolence and severe 
lcsses, it was found at his death that he was not worth as much as had been supposed, 
He was highly esteemed as a citizen, and his purse was always open to encourage 
evety good work. One young man was educated for the ministry through the means 
of money that he sup(JIied ; he died 21st September, 18 39. 
Cynthia Graham, a. sister of Mrs. Richards, born in Conway, .Mass., 17 th I>ecem- 
bel, 1800, carne to St. Andrews to live with her sister in I8H). \Vhile living here, 
she became acquainted wid1 HENRY BENEDICT 'VALES, and in 1829 they were mar- 
rieù. Soon afterward they moved to Pt, Fortune, and purchased the farm about a 
mile beloú' the village, now owned by Mr. 'Vi11iamson. A quarter of a century later, 

Ir. 'Vales sold the farm, and built a steamer, known as the "Buckingham," which 
for seven years did duty on the Ottawa under his own management. 
He then sold it to his brother, and purchased a farm in Alfred, Ontario, which 
he also sold in a few years, and returned to St. Andrews, where he died in 188 9. 
One of the daught
rs of 1\[r. 'Vales married the Rev. John Dempsey, a Baptist min- 



ister, who labored many years in Sf. Andrews, and another was married to Finlay 
1 artin, with whom her mother, :Mrs. \Vales, who has just celebrated her ninety- 
third birthday, now lives. 
It is impossible to speak of this iady, who still retains her mental faculties to a 
remarkable degree, without pondering for a moment the mighty changes that have 
taken place in the world's history within her recollection. She was seven years old 
when Robert FlIJton made a voyage from Albany to New York in the first steam- 
boat the worlJ had ever seen. She had attained an age when the events of the war 
of J81 2, the battle of Lundy's Lane, Queenstown Heights and Platts burgh must have 
aroused her imagination and stamped themselves upon her memory. She was bud- 
ding into womanhood when the ba ttle of 'Vaterloo was fough t, an event which oc- 
curred nearly two decaùes before the birth of those who are now threescore years of 
age. Statesmen and warriors whose achievements have startled the world have 
begun and finished their parts in the drama of life since the days of her childhood. 
She was nearly thirty years old when the first railway in America was con- 
structed, and forty before the invention of the electric telegraph, and, yet, she has 
lived to see the social and commercial world revolutionized through the mighty agen- 
cies of steam and electricity. * 
IPSON, from 
rascouche on the S1. Lawrence, was another man who 
may be classed with the pioneers of this section, as he was here and keeping store as 
_early as 180 7, in a large WOJd house, occupying the site of the present dwelling of 
1\1r, Howard, notary, His career, however. was soon terminated by death. 
Trustees of his estate apprenticed his son Robert, eleven years of age, to James 
Brown, who had a printing house in Montreal, to learn the trade of printer, After 
finishing his term of apprenticeship-seven years-youn
 Simpson engaged to work 
for Mr. Brown another year, at the expiration of which time he returned to St. 
Andrews, and purchased a farm on the River Rouge, now known as the Blanchard 
About this time, Mr. Moses Davis being occupied with his plan of erecting a 
tannery, accepted 1\Ir. Simpson as partner in the work, and, henceforth, the 
latter was one of the enterprising spirits of St. Andrews. In] 82 4, he formed a closer 
alliance with Mr. Davis, having entered into a contract of marriage with his eldest 
daughter. .\ few years afterwards, deciding to fngage in the business of tanning on 
his own account, he erected a building for the purpose, on the site of the present 
tannery which is in disuse. Some years later, this having fallen a prey to fire, his 
sons built the one mentioned above, which is now standing. Mr. :Simpson, like his 
father-in-law, in addition to his business of farming and tanning, added that of harness- 
making and shoemaking. He seems to have been a man of much influence in the 
place, one of those whose advice is sought by neighbors in the troubles and disputes 
into which they sometimes fall, and one who by force of character is able to sway 

*.l\Irs. 'Vales died a few months after the above was written. 

9 0 


He was a Tustice of Peace, Commissioner for the tri.ll of small causes, and for 
some time Mayor of the Parish. 
At one period, during the construction of the Grenville Canal, he had a con- 
tract for supplying the Royal Staff Corps at Grenville with beef-a contract which, 
on account of the distance and state of the loaùs, involved, in summer Especially, 
no little hardship. The beef must be in Grenv]le before 9 0' clock a.m. daily, 
thus necessitating constant worry and watchfulness on the part of 
lr. Simpson, lest 
the man he employed to carry it should oversleep, and trouble arise in consequence. 
A few years later, during the Rebellion, be took another contract to supply the 
soldiers stationed at Carillon with bread. The carrying out of this contract, though 
not without its vexations, was less irksome, on account of the shorter distance to be 
travelled, During this exci\ing period, l\lr. Simpson's services were called in 
requisition in many ways and on various occasions, He was especially serviceable 
in obtaining the restitution of such property as the belligerent parties took from each 
other at the time of the greatest excitement. 
Being well acquainted in the neighborhood of St. fustache and St. Benoit, and 
having friends there among the Radicals, he was often visited by scme of the latter, 
and solicited to use his influence in securing the restoration of articles which, in those 
days of rLcklessness with regard to the laws of meum and tuum, had suddenly changed 
hands. More than once, also, he was solicited to visit the above localities to secure 
the return of property which had mysteriously slipped from the possession of some 
of his loyal neighbors. On one occasion, however, his mission was a higher one, 
His old employer, James Brown, who now Eved in St. Andrews, and Montmarquette, 
a merchant from Carillon, while returning from Montreal, were taken prisoners by the 
imurgents, and held at St. Benoit. 1\1r. Simpson's object was to obtain their release; 
and having been successful in his purpose, he returned in company with them t'J Sf, 
Andrews, where they received quite an ov.üion. It has been stated that the dweH;r,g 
of 1\1r. Davis was used as a barracks for soldiers who were qu::trtered in the vilbge. 
Another large building used for the same purpose was the house already mentioned, 
which was formerly the house of Mr. Simpson, and which stood where Mr. Howard's 
brick hOllse now stands. 
Several prisoners had been taken at St. Eustache and in that vicinity, and they 
were tried for treason by court martial, the sessions of which were held in this house, 
K othing very criminal being proved again st them, they were relea
ed; but such 
was their fear of being ill-treated by the crowd gathered there to listen to the pro- 
ceedings, that they earnestly entreated l\Ir. Simpson to escort them some distance 
beyond the village-a favor he cheerfully granted. 
Mr, Simpson died 24th May, 1870, but his widow sur\Tived till I9
h September, 
18 95. She was a woman of much intelligence and activity, and though she attained 
the age of eighty-eight, her mental and physical faculties were well preserved. 
They had eight children, of whom cne died in infancy. Robert, the eldest son, 
spent some years in New Zealand, engaged in mining. He returned, married, and 


9 1 

died in St. Andrews, where his widow still resides. Moses Davis is one of the enter- 
prising farmers of the parish. He has been twice married: first, to a daughter of the 
late James Barclay, the second time to Lucinda, a daughter of Martin l\fcMartin. 
Emer}., the fifth son, married Rebecca Kempley, and after many years spent in 
farming has retired. 
Lester F., the youngest son, is a prosperous farmer near Ottawa j he has been 
twice married; first to Miss Aylmer of Montreal, and next to Lizzie Ewen, daughter 
of Dr. Ewen of Hawkesbury. Of the two daughters of the late Robert Simpson, 
Phæbe married Edward Jones, and Mary Ann, now deceased, nurried David Suther- 
land, both gentlemen of St. Andrews. 
GEORGE SIMPSON, the eldest son, always took an active interest in pab
ic afftir=" 
and besides being Mayor of the Parish Council, Was for some years superintendent of 
the Carillon and GrenviJIe Canals-a position which ill-health induced him to resign. 
In 18 77, he was nominated as candidate for the office of Represen tative of Argenteuil 
in the Dominion Parliament; but the follo\ViI
g letter shows that he declined the 

ST. ANDREWS, 23rd l\Iarch, 18 77. 
To iIII'. IV. J. SimþsoJl, S:creiary Lib
ral-CoJlservativt! AssociatioJz, L:Zt:hltte. 
After mature consideration, which, unfortunately, I did not give the subject before 
allowing myself to be nominated for a candidate, I have come to the decision that 
It would be ruinous foJr me in my business position to go ill for Parliamentary 
honours at present. I exceedingly regret that such is my position, but I can assure 
the Conservative party of my hearty Support for the candidate who mar be 

Yours truly, 

impson was married 5th September, 186r, to Eliza, daughter of Thomas 
Higginson, Esq., of Vankleek Hill. She died 6th January, 1881, leaving eight 
George Herbert, the eldest son, a gentlem:m of much energy and geniality, was 
employed nine years as commercial traveller, and was one of the first of that frater- 
nity who visited British Columbia and the North West. He was appointed to the 
Ílion which his father resigned-Superintendent of Canals, November 1st, 18 93, a 
postion he still holds. 
Robert S. is a dental surgeon in Montreal. 
Thomas Crawford, the third son, received his degree as Veterinary Surgeon 
from McGill, in 18 9 2 ; he Won the Gold l\Iedal, and graduated with high honors. He 
has quite an extensive stock farm in St. Andrews, known as ., Craigwood Farm " 
\Vm. H, and Bernard, two more SOl1s of the family, are employed in l\Iontreal- 
the former as commercial traveller for D. l\Iorrice & Co., the latter in the wholes.tle 

9 2 


hOllse of J as. McDougall & Co. The youngest of these brothers, George F., is still 
at school, and of t he daughters, Agnes L. and Jane Klyne, the former was married 
16th March, 1895, to D. A. McIntyre, of Calumet, and the latter resides with her 
brother at The 'Villows, their home in S1. Andrews. 
MARTIN JONES was one of the very early settlers at Carillon Bay, and tis advent 
must have been about the beginning of the pre!:ent century; he settled on land now 
owned by - Raymond. I t is related that one winter, while he resided here, he 
found it necessary to go to Lachine for prcwisions, and so destitute was the country 
at that time of means of travelling, that he was obliged to go on foot. Taking a 
neighbor, a habitant, with him, and a hand sled to convey his supplies, he performed 
the journey by way of the Ottawa on the ice. 
The cold was excessive, and they suffered severely, the potatoes being frozen 
before they had accomplished.half the distance; but their return was hailed. with far 
more delight by their families than is the one who now returns in a palace car, with 
numerous boxes of presents and delicacies for the Christmas cheer, In 1803, Mr, 
Jones purchased lot 1\0.3 on the east side of the North River, where A. C. 
Robillard now lives, which had been granted by the Seignior, 17th May, 1793, to 
Ignace Samson, He lived here till his death in 1838, leaving one son and three 
daughtt:rs, The eldest of the latter wa
 married to \Vm. Le Roy; the second, in 
1820, to Thomas \Vanless; but the third never married, The son, Edward Jones; 
spent many years of his life in keeping a public house-the building used for the 
purpose being one opposite the store of Me. 'Vales, In 1843 he purchased 
Carillon Island, in the Ottawa, comprising about J 000 acres, since which it has 
generally been known as ., Jones' Island." He never lived on it himself, but his son 
d resided there for many years, and then leaving it in possession of his own 
son, Robert, he came to St. Andrews and Jived in the house still owned by his 
widow, till his death, 17th June, 1890. He was quite successful in financial 
ers, and was a man of respectability and influence. He was Justice of the Peace 
for several years al
d a member of the Local Council. 
THOMAS 'V AN LESS mentioned above came from Yetholm, Roxburyshire, Scotland, 
and settled in S1. Andrews about 1812, and did business here as an artisan many years. 
He had twelve children) but only one son now remains in this section. One of 
his sons was living in Denver, Colorado, and while on a visit to him, Mr. 'Vanless 
died in February, 1873. 
The son, :\fARTIN \V ANLESS, now living here, has been one of the aClive citizens of 
the place, and prominent in both civil and military afflirs. He was a member of the 
village Council eight years, and one term its Mayor, and has officiated as Secretary 
Treasurer fourteen years. After acting nine years as chairman of the School Board, 
he was chosen as its Secretary-Treasurer, and has held the position seven years. 
In 1849, he joined the St. Andrews Troop, and in 1867 became its Lieutenant, 
In 1880, he received his commission as Captain, and in 1890 was promoted to the 
rank of Major. 



Early in the present century a young man whose home wa!õ: in Bath, England, 
decided to visit Canada with the view of settling h
re, eventually, should the 
country please him. A confectioner by trade, it is quite probable t1lat he designed 
establishing his business in the new colony, provided conditione;; were fa\'orable. 
Howe\'er this may be, influences more potent than pecuniary interests induced him 
to remain. He formed the acquaintance of a young German lady in l\Iollh'eal, who, 
like himself, had recently left her native lal
d, so John Teasdale and Mary Dock- 
stadter became one. He engaged in his former business of confectioner, and pros- 
pered; then he bought a fin
 house with a large garden attached, and this was "u,d
to contribute in no small degree to his income, He planted a nursery, sold stock, 
cultivated choice flowers, imported rare plants, and thus gradually swelled his coffás, 
till he was reputed well off in this world's goods. But if his business expanded, SO 
likewise did his family, and in time he became, in the language of Grecian mytho- 
logy, the father of a beautiful offspring. In consequence of too fully realizing this 
fact, however, and thus becoming an over-indulgent parent, he was destined to ex- 
perience much sorrow. His eldest son, 'Vil
iam, and another one, John, were young 
men of romantic nature, with a strong predilection for fashionable and gay society; 
they had received good advantages, and were passionately fond of music, as the 
number of musical instruments provided for them through paternal kindness abund- 
antly attested. But notwithstanding all this indulgence, parental wisdom was not 
entirely inert, and it was decided that the sons must have something to do,-some 
useful occupation to employ their minds and provide means fur future requirements. 
A little more parental discretion and authority at this juncture of affairs might have 
prevented misfortune, but, unfortunately, the choice of vocation was left to the 
younger minds, and for them nothing short of mercantile life would suffice. St. 
Andrews was the location selected for this mercantile venture, and, forthwith, a build- 
ing was erected for this purpose. This stood on ground now occupied, in part, by 
the cottage of Mrs. l\Ieikle; it was a long structur
, design
d not only for a stOle, but 
for one or more tenements. 
In this, then, the young men were soon established as merchants; Lut whatever 
their success and habits at first, it was soon evident that the store was of secondary 
importance and that their minds were "on pleasure bent." The country at th:1t 
period being new, and the forest abounding in game of various kind'.), presented great 
attractions to one inclined to sporting, The pleasure thus afforded to the two 
younger brothers was one they were not likely to i
nore. But in order to pursue 
it in becoming style, they mu<;t have horses and dogs, and thes
 were soon provided. 
While they were employed with the delight of the chase, business did not thrive ; the 
interests of those left in charge of the store were not identical with those of the pro- 
prietors, and t,he losses thus sustained, added to expenses incurred in the rounds of 
pleasure, presented in the end a discouraging spectacle in the account of profit and 
4\S may be supposed, and as the citizens of St. Andrews had prophesied, the new 



mercantile firm soon failed ;- but parental pride and affection willing to give another 
trial, their debts were paid, the store restocked, wholesome reprehension and advice 
were given, and the sons started anew. But they had not had that experience 
necessary to success. It is an admitted fact that very few men are quaiified to 
handle money unless they have earned it, The second trial was begun, no doubt, 
with good resolutions, which for a time were carried into effect, but the final result 
was failure more disastrous than the first. 
The elder Teasdale, collecting together what remained oC his property, moved to 
St. Andrews, deciding that he could support his family at II.uch less expense here 
than m the city: while the SOlIS now adopted a course which developed their latent 
energies and ability, and properly fitted t
1em for the battle of ]ife. 
\YILLLU[, the elder son, studied with Col. Fortune, a provincial land surveyor 
and civil engineer, who at that time was also agent for the Seigniory of Argenteuil, 
ard lived at the Manor House at the Bay. His pupil being an apt scholar, thoroughly 
masteled his profession, and for years was employed in surveying lands in this section 
of the Province, He surveyed much in Argenteuil, and it is said that he named 

Gme oCher beautiful lakes. But he finally suffered from an affection of the eyes, and 
eventually became blind j he died at Rigaud about 1862. JOHN, his brother, studied 
mldicine with the late Dr. ,V olfred Nelson, and subsequently settled in Rigaud. In 
the commel
CEment of his last illness, he visited Montreal for treatment, and died 
tl:ere in 18jo. H is obituary says: "Dr. Teasdale has been living and practising 
in Rigaud for the last forty years, where he was mllch esteemed by a large circle of 
fl iends, 110t only as a physician, but as a true friend, His los
 will be deplored, not 
0I11y by the people of his own parish, but by all the surrounding district, and the 
name of Dr. Teasdale win be remembered for generations to come." 
The father for a time traded in the store which his sons occupied in St. Andrews, 
and died there in 1830. Mrs. Teasdale survived till 1870, Julia, their sixth child, 
mE, a notary, 8th February, 1829. 
de la Ronde, who was born in St. Anne, descended from a lineage that might satisfy 
tf1e most ambitious, ancestry on the maternal side running back through illus- 
trious families to the King of Portugal, and on the other, through hOllses equally 
famous; the last of his distinguished paternal ancestors being General de la Ronde, 
who, connected with the army of Burgoyne, fell at the battle of Ticonderoga in 
Gaspard de la Ronde stuùied for the notarial proîession in 
Iontreal, and 
immediately after passing his examination came to St. Andrews and practised. He 
had an extensive business for many years, and besides attending to the dllties of his 
profession, often acted as counsel for litigants, pleading their cases in the lower 
courts. He died 8th June, 1882, at the age of 78, His widow is still at St. Andrews, 
and, though fourscore years of age, her mental faculties are intact. They had ten 
children-1Îve sons and five daughters, who lived till past the age of twenty, though 
but few of them are now alive. 



J. T. de La Ronde, the eldest son now living, after spending some years in the 
States, employed in com mercial business and as proof-reader ir.. a newspaper office 
in Plattsburg, 
.Y., returned to Canada, and now resides at St. Andrews. 
R. P. DE LA RONDE, his brother, in his youth learned telegraphy; he then studied 
law in the office of Ch1pleau, Ouimet & Mathieu, and was admitted to the Bar in 
186 7, and the following year Wa'ì married to 
[artha McMartin, daughter of Duncan 
,rartin, J.P. He lives at St. Andrews, where he has built up an extensive prac- 
tice as an able and honorable barri.;ter. 
Stewart E., another son of the late Gaspard de la Rúnde, has been engaged f')r 
ast nineteen years in the commission business in Ottawa. :Margaret, a sister of 
the above, I1nrried J. H. P. BROWN, son of Dr. E. B. Brown of St, Anne. 
Brown has for several years been a mail clerk, and is now employed as sucn on the 
Canada Atlantic between 
Iontrêal and Ottawa. 
Hn-my ALBRIGHT, a Gernun, was one of the U. E. Loyalists who sought an asy- 
lum in Canada at the beginning of the :\.merican Revolution, In :\Iontreal he engaged 
to Dr. :i\Ieyers to take charge of a farm, which he owned on the opposite side of the 
St. Lawrence. But he soon experienced much trouble with Indians, whose thievish 
propensities seemed likely to leave him but little personal property, and after he had 
one day driven away several of them, a friendly chief advised him to leave the place, 
Believing this to be judicious counsel, he fonowed it, and engaged the friendly chief 
to convey his family across the river in a canoe, His young boy, Martin, on the 
voyage across, fell out, and was saved on Iy by the activity of the chief, who caught 
him by the hair as he rose to the surface. 
:\Ir. Albright came to the Bay, and settled on land until recently occupied 
by .l\Iatthew Burwash. Not long afterwards, he purchased the Jots on the North 
River no\v owned by Alphonse Dorion and Charles Hunter, where he lived until 
he died in 1820; he left two sons and tour daught
rs : Valentine, one of the former, 
lived and died on the homestead, Martin, another son, who owned a farm adjacent 
to his brother's, sold it, and moved to the farm now 0wned by his own son Nelson 
He spent the greater part of his life here, and dild in 1872. He married Jane Hyde, 
and their ten children have helped to swell Canadian population, and extend the fame 
for thrift and industry of Canadian citizens. Nelson Albright, mentioned above, is 
one of the leading men of the parish j he takes a lively interest in the Agricultur
Society,. and his fine farm, on which he has recently becn awarded a silver medal, 
always di...plays, among other things, a choice stock of cattle. 
ANGUS MCPHIE came with his family from Fort William, Invernessshire, Scotland 
in 1802; two brothers, Ewen and Ronald, also nuking the journey with him. He 
first went to Pte. Claire near Montreal, and lived there a few years, learning to speak 
French fluently, and then settled in Chatham, on land now owned by the Fitzgeralds, 
While living there, he was, in company with Noyes and Schagel, carrying freight from 
Carillon to Grenville. He had three sons and three daughters: John, the second 
son, bought a farm on Beech Ridge, and lived there till his death. He was married in 

9 6 


182 7 to 
Iary Cameron, sister of the Cameron who first settled at Pt. au Chene, 
and had five sons and five daughters i-three of the former and four of the latter grew 
up, Besides his military and other offices, Mr. 
lcPhie was president of the AgricuL 
tural Society several years, He was an extremely enterprising man, taking a deep 
interest in farming, and improved his own land to such an extent, that he was awarded 
three medals by the Agricultural Society, besides gaining several prizes; he died in 
18 74. 
JOHN MCPHIE, jun., the fourth son, in his younger days spent three years m 
California, then travelled a few years in the commercial line. In 1872, he bought 
the farm of 27 0 acres where he now lives, and was married the same year to a 
daughter of Charles Albright. Mr. McPhie has been School Commissioner several 
years, and is one of the influential and respected citizens of St, Andrews, 
The following leller may properly be in
erted here, as it treats of the early 
history of St, Andrews: 

OTTAWA, 18th Januarr, 1894. 

::\Ir. C, THOMAS, 
DEAR SIR,-In writing a sketch of St. Andrews, as well as of the inhabitants before 
my time, it may as well be said here, that the information given is partly from tradi, 
lioll and partly from personal observation, and is written entirely from memory. 
Before the advent of steamboats on the Ottawa river, between Caril10n and 
Lachine, 1t was no easy matter to travel between these poin ts, and paddle your O'WII 
calloe. A decided improvement was made, when a line of covered stages (each drawn 
by four horses) was started to run from Montreal via St. Eustache and St. Andrews 
to Grenville, The trip was intended to be made in three days-or two trips per week 
each way. They also carried the mail, and the stage driver's capacious hat contained 
what letters and newspapers were to be delivered between the differen t offices, and 
which were usually thrown out in passing. The stage house in St. Andrews (where 
they changed horses) was kept by a Mr. John Russell, and was a large, two-story 
wooden building next to Mr. Guy Richards' store, and about where Janvier Soulier's 
house now stánds. After a time, he removed across the river to premises situated 
between Rout. Slmpson's garden and Edward Jones' house, where he died, His widow 
kept the house for a time, when she l11aITied a Mr. Bowman, and removed to Buck- 
ingham. The arrival of the stage in the village was always heralded by the dri\'er's 
horn, and was as great an event to the gossips and idlers then, as the arrival of a fast 
train in these days at a rural station. After the steamboats were fairly established, 
the trade was diverted from the land route, and the st
ges were taken off the through 
line, and placed between Carillon and Grenville, and between Point Fortune and 
L'Orignal. There ".as also, for many years, a winter line of stages on the same route 
from Montreal to St. Andrews, and at certain seasons of the year the trip was not 
accomplished without great difficulty and frequent loss, as many fine horses were 
drowned crossing on the treacherous ice at St. Eustache. 
The industries of St. Andrews consisted of two general stores, an ashery, a 




tannery, with 
addlers' and shoe-makers' shops, a paper mi1J, saw mill and grist 
with the usual village blacksmiths, The taverns were also there, but they could not 
be properly classed among the industries. 
One of the stores was kept by Mr. Guy Ricbards in a large, two-story frame build- 
ing, next to John Russell's stage hotel (which was afterwards occupied as a residence 
and registry office by Col. D
After the main street, as it now stands, was opened up, past where the Baptist 
and Episcopal churches are situated, down to where the bridge span;) the river, Mr, 
Richards removed his store, up to a large, two-story stone building (which is stIll 
standing), where he did a large and prosperous business for many years, retiring 
from active life a short time before his death in September, 1839' 
The other store was kept by 
Ir, ,V. G. Blanchard, who also conducted the 
ashery, where the ÏIJhabitants could send their ashes and get a fair price for them, 
And as the country was new, each farmer would have a good many bushels of ashes 
saved up after burning his log heaps. Many a poor family enjoyed little luxuries, 
such as tea and sugar, and other articles: from the sale of their ashes, that they 
otherwise would have had to do without, Mr. Blanchard was a kind-hearted, easy- 
going man, who put too much dependence on some of hi s unscrupulous lJeighbors, as 
it was currently reported that he paid more than once for the same ashes. 
1\1r, Davis' tannery was a long, lûw building nearly opposite where D. Sutherland 
has his tailor's shop; the saddlers and shoemakers were on the other side of the 
street, and a brisk business was carried on in aU of them. 
The Seigneur had at one time a saw mill situated on the west side of the island, 
but it was either burnt or otherwise destroyed several years previous. The grist 
mill was a short distance above the present one, and was one and one-half 
tories high, 
built of cedar logs and dapboarded; the water wheel and (,ther machinelY were of a 
somewhat primitive construction, perhaps as good as it was possible to get in those 
days, but they could not compare with the" Lamb" or Leiffel of these days. 
The corn was ground, but not bolted or sifted ;-that had to be done at he me 
with a sieve, made from a partially tanned sheepskin, stretched over a hoop, and r er - 
forated. The miller who presided over that institution for many years was cert.1Înly 
not in advance of his surroundings. He was a Highlander from Argyleshire (not far 
from that celebrated spot where the horrible "Glencoe II massacre was perpetrated), 
by the name of MacCallum, but who rejoiced in the not very euphonious sobriquet 
of" Goch-cum-ga'W." 
The blacksmiths, in the earlier days, were not noted for fine work, and the hoes, 
axes and forks made by them, and which have come down through several decades, 
to say the least, had no scarcity of material in them, But later on, there was a great 
improvement in aU farming tools, and a large business was done in making axes, 
which were then in great demand, one firm having a U grindstone" run by \\ater 
power to grind, polish and fir:ish them up ready for use, 
The members of the medical profession, as they styled themselves, had nothing 


9 3 


to Qoast of in regard to ability or skill, and it would be difficult to tell what college 
they graduated from. All diseases were, for the most part, treated with liberal doses 
of calomel and jalap, together with the free use of the lancet, and, in cases of sur- 
gery, heaven help the poor wretch who required their services! After a few years, 
a better educated c1aS5 5ettled in the country, viz., Drs. Beach, Ellis, and Rice; 
the last named also carried on 3. farm, which is now owned by 
Ir. T. Davis, and 
he lived where George Simpson's hom;e now stands. 
\bout the 
ame time Dr, Rae 
came to the village; he was a young Edinburgh graduate of high standing and pol- 
ished manners, and in a very short time was a general favorite and a successful practi- 
tioner, being consulted in all serious cases, and sent for from Lachute, Chatham and 
In those dJY', wheel carriages were not in use, the only means of travelling was on 
horseback, consequently, a country doctor had a hard life, and required a good strong 
constitution to stand the wear and tear and exposure to all weathers, so that in a 
short time Dr. Rae's health began to give way, and at his death he was much 
He resided for many years in the house which is now occupied by Dr. Mayrand, 
and, after h
 death, his wife and family went to Montreal. Shortly bt::fore this, another 
young Scotchman by the name of McCallum, a graduate from the same college, 
opened an office and began the practice of medicine, and very soon had the reput:).- 
tion of being very skilJful and energetic. He enjoyed a large and growing practice, 
and when the cholera broke out in 1832, he did good service among the poor, and 
was very successful in his treatment of all those infected with that terrible disease, 
His career of usefulness W,lS brought to a sudden termination by an accident which 
in a short time carried him off. During his residence in the county he made many 
warm friends; and as he was a single man, and had no relatives in the country, he 
was well and tenderly cared for in his last illness, and his untimely death was much 
There W1.S not a single representative of the legal prof:
ssion in the county in 
early times, not but what there was plenty of law going on, but it was all carried on 
through the 
Iagistrates' Court, which had plenty to do with some of the residents Of 
Chatham, who spent a good part of. the proceeds of their potash in law. 
There were several notaries in the county before !\ir, Nolan came; he practised 
for many yeals, and was regarded as a careful, reliable man in his profession. He 
owned and resided on the property;which he afterwards sold to Charles Benedict, 
About the time Mr. Nolan left St. Andrews, two other young notaries-Larue and 
Goudie-opened aT: office on the corner" where Mrs. Caution's house now stands. 
Yours truly, 

In order to show the difference between the prices of articles eighty years ago 
and the present. the following al e copied fron a well preserved Day Book that was 

used in St. Andrews in 1814. The items are drawn from several different accounts, 
as there is not a single account in the book in which four.fifths of the items charged 
are not for liquors of various kinds, by the glass, gill, half-pint, pint, quart, etc. 
This is not surprising, when:we reflect that traèers all sold spirituous liquors, and 
their patrons al1 used it, 
The charges were all made, of course, in pounds, shiHings and pence, but 
have been changed into dollars and cents. The merchant seems to have sold every- 
thing from a jews harp to a Jog cabin :- 
I8q.Feb. 6 To BmhelCorn ...,................. at $200 
.. Pro Soc1.s.. . ,.. .,.. ...... ....., .. " 
Pr. Scissors.., . " . ... ,..... ...,.. " 
 Lbs. Loaf Sugar...... ..,... ...... " 
Bush 6 Sa It. . .. ...... . . .. . . ... 6 . . . . " 
I -:\1 ug Cider...... ...,.. .."., . . ,. . 
J2 Lh. Chocolate.. .. .... ... . . . .. ..... .. 
2 Bushels Rye..., ".. ..., .". ,.,.., ,. 
1 Pint of Rum. . . . . , . , . , " ,...., . , ., " 
I Lb. Tobacco. . .. . , . . . , ., ,.. , ,." ., 
I "Raisins.. .. "....,.,. . , . . '.. " 
I l. Tea............... ..... ...... I, 
I " Po\v<ler..... ...... . . .. .. . . . . .. ... " 
I "Shot. . . . .. .. ............ .... . " 
1 Pint Gin...". ....,. . . . . . . .. "....... 
6}4 Yds. Cambric, at 74c........ .... ...... 
I Lodgingand}
heetPaper...,.. ...... 
J 2 lint Rum, I supper. . . , . . .. ..,. , , . . . . . . 
" I Alman3c. .. ...... ....... 
 . .. .. .. .. ..... .... ..... 
29" So BoardN'ails,."".. ..,....,.,........ 
" 2 500 
hingle N 
 ils. . . , , . ,_ . , " . . . . . . .. ..,.. 
3000 large Nails.."...,.", ...". ..,. , , . . . 
5 Vd!'. Linmg, at Soc.... ....,. ...... ..... 
3 "S heet ing . .. ...,............,.... 
100 Board Nails _.............,........... 
5 Yd!'. Blue Colton.... .... , _. ... .. .. . _.. 
1 Gill Peppermint. . . . . . . . . . . .. ..."..,., 
1 Set Cups and Saucers..,.., . . . . .. ...... 4 
I "rum bIer blokt-n.,..., . . " .". . . , , . . ,. . 
2 Cand les , . .. , , ., . . . . " . . ., ..,,'. .,.", 
f Lb. Putty.,., ,,'... .',. .... ". .. 
1 J; Bush. Ùats. . . . " .........,.,........ 
I Quart Brandy. . ". . ,. "........""., 
2 Slings. . . . .. "..,..,...........,.,.. 
I S1.ein 
il1....... ..., .,....,.. .,.",.. 
6 Vds.Co.ton...... ...... ......at5octs. 
Glass Bilters. . . , ,. .....,.,...,.,..,.. 
1 2 Pint Pepp,:,rmint . , . , .. ....,.".,., ... 
Bush. Barley.... . . . . " ."", ."..... 
Hair COD.b..., .,.. .... .... .,.. ."",. 
Spelling Book. . .. .... . , .. . , , . .. . . . . .. 
Lb. Rice (by \\ ire).... ... . .. .... ...... 
D07. Plates and 2 Tumblers.... " . .,. '" 
2 Bowls and I Pepper Box.... . . . , . ., . . .. 

 Lb. Pepper.,......,. . . , .. ... ... . . .. .. 
I " S pi Ce . . . . .. ..... ......._ 
Yard Ginghan1.... .. ., .... .. .... .... . . 
(2 t . Beer.,...,.".,......,..... 
J'lnt fort \\'ine.... ........ .......... 

I 8 I 5 lkt. 

I!; q .\f'ril 5 




. , 



, . 








Jur.e 21 




. . 


" " 













" " 


-:\Iay 4 

. . 



I 40 
2 40 
5 00 
4 0 
I So 
4 0 
3 0 
5 00 
I 50 
9 00 
2 50 
I 50 
4 0 
3 00 
1 00 

3 00 
2 GO 
3 0 
3 0 
4 0 

181 4 June 7 To 10 
" " " I 
" " " 2 
<. I 
" 9 J/z 
" 17 J/z 
" IS " I 
, I 'I I 
.. I 
,t " 2
" " ,I I 
Xov. 9 By 6 
" .. 16 9 
" " 600 


Yd!'. Ca1ico...." ... .... ,.,..,.. 
Paper Pins. . . . . . ., ... ......., ,.,..,.. 
Ozs. Cinnan1on. . .. . , ., , . .. .. . . .. .,..... 
Dinner(St.John'sDay).. ".. .......,. 
Lb. CoppeJas (by Betsy).......... .... ... 
" .. (hyJack).................. 
Pair Overalls.", . . . . .. ., . . .. ....,. .... 
Stick 'rwi!it.. .. ."". .,.." ". . .. . . .. .. 
Scythe.. . . .. ,..... . . , ... . .,...". . .. 
Y d!'. Cotton. , . , . . . . . . ...., . , ., .. . . . . . 
Lb. Dried Apples... . , , . " .",.,..... . . .., 

$5 20 
3 0 
I 00 
3 7 0 
1 50 

Bushels Onions, at $ 1.50. . . . .. . . . . .. . . ,. 9 00 
Lbs. Beef, at jc.......... ...". .. . .. I I 83 
" Pork, at I8c.... .,.. ",... .. .,.... 10

The earliest physicÏans of this place have already been mentioned in the letter of 
Mr. Dewar, 
Among the other prominent men belonging to the medical profession who have 
lived in the parish was DR. THOMAS J AMES HOWARD. 
He was born at Exeter, Devon County, England, in February, 1796, and in his early 
life entered the Royal Navy as midshipman on His 
lajesty's frigate" Canopus." 
He was in active service three years in the Mediterranean, during the wars with 
France, Turkey and other powers, but was obliged to retire from the 
avy on 
account of ill health, Subsequently, he held the commission of Lieutenant under 
Colonel Rolle in the South Devon Militia, and afterwards practised as physician and 
surgeon in Devonshire. In 1844, with his wife and twelve children and maid servant, 
he sailed for Canada, a part of the vessel being fitted up for their special use and 
accommodation. After a voyage of seven weeks, during the months of April and 
:\lay, this sailing vessel rarrived in Quebec. The following summer DI, Howard 
spent in l\Iontreal and in travelling through Ontario, seeking a desirable place for 
location; but he finaJly settled in St. Andrews, and began the practice of medicine, 
His COllfrères were Dr. Pyke, Dr. Lawrence-succeeded by Dr. \\Y m . Robertson, Dr. 
Fenwick and Dr. Mayrand, Having purchased a farm on the River Rouge, he 
retired to it after a practice of three or four years, and thence removed to Lachute, 
where he died in 187 I. 
HENRY HOWARD, his second son, born in 1828, was fifteen years of age 
when he crossed the Atlantic with his father's family; he remained two years in St. 
Andrews, and then went to study French and the Notarial profession in tile office of 
::\lr, T. J. Girouard at St, Benoit. Mr. Girouard had been one of the active promo- 
ters of the Rebellion of 1837-38, and the village of St. Benoit, which had been burned 
by Sir John Colborne, had then just been rebuilt. Travelling vehicles were of a 
primitive and rustic style j a buggy being a thing unknown, while homespun tuques 
and beef-skin moccasins were articles deemed indispensable in the attire of the habi- 
tant, Very few understood a word of English-an advantage, no doubt, to the young 
student, in view of the object at which he aimed. 



On receiving his commission as notary public for the Province of Quebec, in N ov- 
ember, 185 It he settled in St. Andrews, with which place his history since has been closely 
identified. He has filled many responsible offices, some of which have been either 
removed or abolished. Active in the formation of the County Agricultural Society t 
he was appointed Secretary-Treasurer, and held the position for twenty-three rears, 
when the office was removed to Lachute. He has at different times been Deputy 
Clerk of the Circuit Court, has been Deputy Coroner, Official Assignee of the Coun- 
ties of Argenteuil and Ottawa, and Secretary-Treasurer of the Local Council; in all 
of which he has sustained a reputation for efficiency in business, while commanding 
respect as an intellig-ent, public-spirited citizen. 
1\1r. Howard was married in 1853 to l\Iarie Aurélie Clouthier, of St. Ellstache; 
they have three sons and one daughter. William Henry, the eldest son, a graduate 
of McGill, is now superintendent of the Pueblò Smelting and Refining Company, 
Colorado; Ernest, the second son, is a member of the Montreal Stock Exchange; 
Herbert, the youngest, is a bank clerk, and the daughter, unmarried, remains with 
her parents. 

DR, ROBERTSON is a name that has been familiar to the inhabitants of the Ottawa 
Valley for two generations; Dr, Patrick Robertson, who has won honorable distinc- 
tion during his life-long residence in this county, being the son of a doctor who was 
in successful practice here for more than a third of a century, 
The latter, Dr. \Villiam Robertson, a graduate of King's College, Aberdeen, 
Scotland, and of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, London, came from 
Perth, Scotland! to this country about 1834. He first practised a year in 'Villiams- 
burg, Dundas Co., Ontario, and then, for the purpose of looking after the business of 
his half brother, Colin Robertson, who represented the people of thi
 County in Parlia- 
ment, he removcd to Lachute. Soon after this, he opened an office on Little St. 
James street, Montreal, and practised there a year. About 1842. he was married to 
Miss Tiernay, daughter of a gentleman connected with the Customs Department, 
and in Ü
47, he rem oved to St. Andrews, where he spent his remaining days, dying 
6th March, 1871; 
lrs. Robertson died 6th February, 1890. They had two sons 
and four daughters. DR. PATRICK ROBERTSON studied medicine, and graduated at 

lcGill in 1868. He then settled in St. Andrews, where, with the exception of one 
or two yeals spent in England, he has since resided, and built up an extensive and 
successful practice; he has recently removed to 
Of the remaining children of the late Dr. Robertson, William, the second son, 
became general manager of the London Life Assurance Company, and died in 188 9' 
One daughter was married to Co!. MacDonald, Indian agent of the North 'Vest 
Territories; another married Bruce Harman of Toronto; a third wedded Chas. Handy- 
side, of the firm of H. & A. Allan, Steamship Co. of Montreal; and one died when 
but ten years of age. 



DR, GEORGE FLANIG<\N SHAW, a rising young pmctitioner, associated with Dr. 
Rovertson, is from a family in the Dominion Capital whose members are represen- 
tatives of the most honorable occupations and professions. 
He was born in Ottawa in 1862, and is a son of Charles Shaw, one of the oldest 
officers of the Post Office Department. Henry S. Shaw, one of the brothers, is also 
an official of the same department; and of his three remaini 19 brothers, the eldest, C. 
S. Shaw, is one of the prominent business men of Ottawa. Dr. \V. F. Shaw is G. T. R, 
physician, located in Gravenhurst, Ont. j and Rev. J. Arthur Shaw, M.A., of 
Bishop's College, Lennoxville, is Rector of Cobden in the Diocese of Ontario. 
The subject of our sketch was educated in Ottawa, and at Bishop's College, 
Lennoxville, and graduated with honors at 
1:cGill University, :\Iontreal, taking his 
degree of M.D., c.
f., and while there, was for a year editor of the iI/cGil! Fort- 
He has travelled extensively in Europe, visiting hospitals both in England and 
on the Continent, and thus keeping pace with the rapid advancement in knowledge, 
which of late years has signalized the march of medical and surgical science, He is 
a member of the Montreal Medical S:>ciety and of the Coll.;ge of Physicians and Sur- 
geons úf Quebec 3.nd Ontario. 
Since the writing of the above, Dr. Shaw has dls
olved partnership with Dr. 
Robertson, on account of the latter's departure for Montreal, and is now established 
in St. Andrews upon his own re
ponsibility ; he has recently been appointed Health 
Officer of the parish, and church warden, to fill place
red vacant by the depart- 
ure of Dr, Robertson. 
\VILLIAM H. l\IAYRAND, M.D., is another of the physicians who have earned 
a livelihood and reputation in St. Andrews ar,d vi2inity, and he is one of the few 
remaining who were prominent in the generation past. He was born at Louiseville, 
Rivière du Loup, and is a son of the Hon. Eti
nne .Mayrand, who for several years 
was an M,P.P. After spending two years at St. Hyacinthe College, he went to 
Nicolet College, and remained five years. On leaving that Imtitution, he studied 
medicine a year with Dr. Morin of Qu
c, and then entered the Medical Depart- 
ment of McGill University, and graduated there in :May, 1847, in the sam
 class with 
Dr, Christie of L3.chute. He imm
diately settled in 5t, Andrews, and in April, 1848, 
was married to Catherine Sophia Pecco, a daughter of the late Commissary General 
Pecco, of Corfu, Ionian Islands, and a niece of Commissary G
neral Forbes of Carillon, 
The social qualities of the doctor, united with his skill as a physican, soon pro- 
cured a good practice, and for nearly half a century he h
s been a familiar' figure in 
this section. Though preferring to give over his practice to younóer m'::l1, he is still 
the dependence for medical treatment of ma'1Y households. 
Mrs. Mayrand died August 8, 1888, leaving two sons. Henry Wellington, one of 
these, is employed in the .Merchants BJ.nk at Halifax; Geo, C. is in business in 
Nelson, B.C, 
A recent addition to the medical men of St. Andrews is Dr. \VALTER'V. A YLEN, 


10 3 

who \\-as born in 1865 at Aylmer, Que. He received his early education in Aylmer, 
Ottawa and Galt. In 1885, he entered the Medical Faculty of McGill College, and 
received his degree of M.D., C.M., there in 1889. In 1890, he went to Sheldon, N. 
Dakota, and dunnci his stay there enjoyed an extensive practice. In 1391 he was 
married to Eva, daughter of Finley McMartin, of St. Andrews. In 1895, desiling to 
come East, he sold his practice in Sheldon, and bought that of Dr. Robel bon of this 
place. Dr, Aylen is a worthy son of a clever family, the Aylens of Aylm
r having given 
the medical and legal professions some of their most gifted members. 
, who has also but lately visited St. Andrews pn{ession- 
ally, was born in Montreal, his parents coming from Nottingh..uD, Eng" where his 
mother, Jane Stanley, belonged to on
 of the leading families. He was left an 
orphan at the age of four years, and while still very young, began life as junior clerk 
for the Canada P.lper Co., 
[ontreal. A year later, he became private secretary to 
John Macfarlane, Esq., president of the Company, in which position he remained two 
years, and afterward acted as:private secretary to Jas. Bfyce, Esq., superintendent of 
the Canadian Express Co. He was indentured to Dr. J. B. \
osburgh, Montreal,a.n d 
began the stud} of dt:ntistry in the fall of 1891, and also took a partial medical course 
in the Univefsity of Bishop's College, ).Iontrlal; he received the degree of L.D.S. in 
October, 1895. 
Dr. Allen is a young m.m of much geniality as wdl a<; enterprise, and a., his pre- 
sence in St. Andrews fills a long felt want, it is to ue hoped that he may meet with 
descrved success. 
Dr, Legault is another physician who has been here for the bst six or eight 
years, and ha
 practised very successfully during the time. 


Though considerable pains were taken to obtain a more complete history of the 
.\nglican Church here, they were fruitless. For the sketches of the remaining 
churches, we are chiefly indebted to the courtesy of others; the biographical sketches 
of thcir pac,tors ueing, of course, from our own pen. 
Itinerant ministers visited St. Andrews, and preached in the early years of her 
history; but the first church fvrmed was the Church of England, by the Rev. Richard 
Bradford, as earl y as 18 r l. 
The first resident clergyman was the Rev. Joseph Abbott, who was b.Jrn in the 
north of England, and who graduated at a Scotch University. He arrived in St, 
Andrews in 1818, and the services, until 1821, were held in a school-house. The Rev. 
Mr. Henàerson, a Presbyterian clergyman, who came about the same time that l\fr, 
Abbott did, also held services in the same school-house j but as Mr. Aubott had littie 
regard for dissenters of any creed, it is not surprising that these different services 
did not continue in the same building in the strictest harmony. Serious diff..:rences, 
however,. were avoided by the withdrawal of the Presbyterians to a private dwelling, 
and both clergymen were provided with church e,jifices the same year, 1821. 

1 0 4 


After remaining here a few years, the Rev. Mr. Abbott removed to a field in the 
Eastern Townships, which, from his own name, is now known as Abl>ottsford, and left 
the church at St. Andrews in charge of his brother, the Rev. William Abbott. The 
latter remained here till his death, which occurred in 18 59. 
Not long after corning to Canada, the Rev. Joseph Abbott was married to 
Harriet Bradford, a daughter of the Rev. Mr. Bradford of Chatham, and their descen- 
dants are among the most influential citizens of the Province, The late Sir J. J. C. 
Abbott, their eldest son, was born here 12th March, 182 J, The Rev. Mr, Abbott 
exchanged his property in Abbottsford with his nephew for that in Chatham, lately 
owned by his father. the Rev. Mr. Bradford, and returned to this section, settling in 
Grenville, accepting the pastorate of the Anglican church there, till he went to Mon- 
treal. He was appointed Bursar of the McGill University in that city, in 18 43. 
The Rev. Richald Lonsdell, M.A., accepted the charge in St, Andrews after Mr, 
Al>bott's death, and held it for many years; he won the esteem of his parishioners, 
and the number of communicants increased during his ministrations. He removed 
in pctober, 188 5, and was succeeded by the Rev. Mr. O'Sullivan, but an affection of 
the throat caused the latter's resignation in a few months. 
The Rev. F. N. Bourne was the next clergyman in the field, who, after supplying 
it till thp. fall Of1893, relinquished it forthe rectorship of Dunham, Que.; he has also 
since accepted the princip..llship of Dunham Ladies' College, 
In January, 1894, the Rev. J. \Y. Dennis became incumbent, and his ability, geni. 
alit}' and courtesy have secured for him much popularity, 



The finit recorded move ment towatds the establishment of the Presbyterian 
Church in Argenteuil is embodied in the foIlowing document, which is without date, 
but evidently a copy made at the time, and btlonging to the year 18i6:- 
"\Ye, the subscril>ers, inhahitants of the Seigniory of Argenteuil, deeply impressed 
with a sense of our destitute condition with respect to the regular ordinances of divine 
worship, and sensible of the important benefits which we and our families would derive 
from the labors of a faithful mini:iter of the Gospel, have agreed to use our endea- 
vors in order to attain this desirable object, tru5ting to the Great King and Head 
of the Church for crowning our endeavors with success. 
" As we are under the paternal care of the British Government, and are therefore 
strictly connected with Great Britain in politics, commerce, and similarity of 
manners, so it is natural for us to look to that quarter for a pastor who may take 
the oversight of our spiritual concerns, 
" \Ve appoint the following gentlemen to be a corresponding committee, with 
such friends and promoters of Christianity in Britain as may be deemed by them the 
most active and influential in promoting a design of this nature, to wit, Rev. 


10 5 

Robert Easton, John and Phineas Hutchins, Benjamin \Vales, and \Vm. G. Blan- 
And they promise, the document further says, to pay to the clergyman who 
should come the 
ums opposite their names, yearly; and at the end it is stated that 
the number of subsctIbers was sixty-four, and the H sum total subscribed, L;.IOI ;" 
but unfortunately the names are not given. 
The Rev. R. Easton was minister of the Presbyterian Church in St. Peter street, 

Iontreal, then in connection with the Associate (or Burgher) Synod, of Scotland; 
lessrs, Hutchins belonged to Lachute, and Messrs. \Vales and Blanchard to St, 
':\[r. Easton, to whom doubtless the original document was sent, wrote to Dr. 
James Hall, of Edinburgh, a leJ.ding minister of the Associate Synod, who brought the 
matter before his Presbytery. At the same time, a similar application was sent by the 
Presbyterians of Rideau in Upper Canada; and the Preshytery, in compliance with 
these requests, appointed the Rev, Wm. Taylor of Falkirk to Argenteuil, and Mr. 
Wm. Bell, a probationer, to Rideau. A pplication was m:lde to the British Government 
for assistance, and as that government was desirous of encouraging a good class of 
emigrants to settle in Canada, a salary of ;[100 stg. a year was promised to each 
of those ministers, "in addition to such provision as might be made for them by the 
settlers," * 
In due course, Mr. Bell was settled at Perth in the Rideau district; but l\fr, 
Taylor, instead of coming to Argenteuil, went to Osnabruck on the St. Lawrence, and 
pitched his tent there. On learning of this, Dr, Hall corresponded with the Rev, 
Archibald Henderson, 1\1. A., of Carlisle in England, wh0, after due consideration, 
accepted the appointment thus vacated (the same provision being made for him by 
the Government, as had been for Mr. Taylor), and came to St. Andrews in the 
summer of 1818. 
:\Ir. Henderson was born at Daune near Stirling, Scotland, on the 27th September, 
17 8 3. He attended the Grammar School of Stirling under the famous Dr. Doig, from 
whom he imbibed that love of learning and that accurate scholarship by which he was 
distinguished. At the age of 16, he entered the University of St. Andrews, the most 
ancicnt of the existing seats oflearning in Scotland. Pl'here he studied under another 
enthusiastic scholar, Dr. John Hunter, whose editions of Virgil and Horace and other 
classics used to be so familiar in the Scottish grammar schools. Mr. Henderson was 
an able mathematician, as well as scholar, and was advised by the Professor of that 
branch of science: to devote himself to it. He had, however, higher views, and went to 
Selkirk to attend the Divinity Hall of the Associate Synod, which was presided over 
by the well-known Dr, Lawson. That great man was Principal and Professor of all the 

* As stated in a despatch to Dr. Hall from Earl Bathurst, Secretary of State for War, the adminis- 
tration of Colonial affairs being at th:lt time in the hands of the \Var Department. The salary was 
paid out of the Military Chest at Quebec, afterwardi at Halifax, when the British Garrison had been 
removed from Quebec. 




departments of Theology, in his single person, and trained an able and well-furnished 
race of ministers. 1\1 r. Henderson had thus the advantage of sitting at the feet of 
three teachers of the very first eminence in the country, and he showed himself a pupil 
worthy of them. Dr, Hall, in a lener to Mr. Easton, in September, 1817, says of 
rson : " If he will come, I could not point out one in all the Synod better quali- 
fied. He is pious, mode!Et, active, and persevering. He composes elegantly, pro- 
nounces the English language unexceptionally (a rare thing, I suppose, for a Scotch- 
man in those days), delivers himself with a manly fluency and grace, and, lastly, is an 
admirable classical scholar, and completely fitted to superintend an academy. I can 
stake our credit on him." 
He had been settled in 1810 over a church in the City of Carlisle, and from thence 
he came to this country, at the call of the inhabitants of Argenteuil, to take the 
oversight of their souls and preach to them the Gospel of the Grace of God. 
He sailed from Greenock at the end of 
Iay, 1818: and arrived in Canada in 
July. He brought with him a letter from Earl Bathurst to the Governor General, 
Sir John C. Sherbrooke, by whom he was kindly received. Lea ving his wife and 
three small children in Montreal, he came to St. Andrews, and preached to the 
people, who were much pleased with him, even beyond their expectations. He was 
speedily recalled 10 :Montreal by the sickness and death of of his children. "îth a 
sorrowing heart he returned with his family to the \'illage which was to be the scene 
of his labors and his home for nearly fifty-nine years, St. Andrews, beautifully 
situated at the foot of a rapid, on both sides of the North River, was a smail place, 
and, to the new comers from the crowded Old Country, scarcely visible. Mrs, Hen- 
derson used to tell how she asked on arriving and looking round: "\\There is the 
village? " and received the reply: "It is on the other side of the river," "Then on 
that side, she still asked: "But where is the village?" Again the answer came: 
"On the other side of the river." 
The district was in much need of Gospel ordinances, no minister having ever 
been settled in it. Mr. Easton of Montreal occasional1y came to attend to the Pres- 
byterians. An Episcopal minister preached once a fortnight to the people of that 
body, while a good man, Hugh Cameron, of Cote du Midi, was wont to exhort the 
people, and even, it is said, sometime to baptize children. He was usually spoken of 
as " Hughy the :\linister," and his descendants are still distinguished by the cognomen 
of " the minister." 
There was now, however, an abundance of clerical provision, for on the same 
day with Mr. Henderson, and in the 
ame buildin& the Rev. Joseph Abbott of the 
Church of England began his labors. For a time, the two congregations held service 
at different hours on the Lord's Day in the village schoolhouse, the Presbyterians 
meeting in the forenoon and the Episcopalians in the afternoon, 
The people who formed l\Ir, Henderson's congregation weIe cliiefly of two 
, both of vigorous and reliable character. The greater part were Scotch settler


10 7 

mostly Highlanders; the other families were chiefly of United Empire Loyalist stock. 
or who had mOle recently cr03sed the lines from t!1e nei 6 hb 8ring Republic in the 
same spirit, 

On the 26th January, 1819, a meeting of :\Ir. Henderson's congregation was held 
in the schoolhou!'e, to consider" the necessity of building a place of public worship." 
Capt, Elon Lee was appointed i\[oderatnr, and Guy Richards, Secretary, It was 
motioned, seconded and unanimously \"oted, that a church ought to be built, and 
:l committee was appointed to determine whether it should be built of wood or stone, 
and to t'xamine various proposed sites for the cJ- urch. The committee consisted of 
:\Iessrs. John Brush, James Bro\\ n, Charles Story, Duncan Dewar of Chatham, \\'m. 
Blanchard, Judah Center, John McMartin, Hugh McLachlin, John !\IcLean, 
Davis, Charles Benedict, Phineas Hutchins,1'h05. Barron, G. A. Hooker and Peter 
Dewar. They wisely decided on stone, and ill the fall of that year, the people were 
busy quarrying near the Red House, and in drawing the stone and other materials.* 
In 1820-21 the chUlch was built, on a site given by the Seigneur, Sir John John- 
son, Bart" on the west side of the North River. It was a plain but solid structure, 
which still stands as strong as ever, but enlarged and greatly improved in appearance, 
The builders appear to have been A. Graham for the stone work, and Archibald and 

Ialcohn McCallum for the wood-work, and they built faithfully and well. Friends in 
Montreal gave generous assistance, a subscription list being headed by the Seigneur 
with Æ.25 in money and material, and \V. l\IcGillivray with Æ.IO, and amounting in all 
to ..t 148 I 2S 6d, It is interesting to see on the list the IJame
 of families still flourish- 
ing m 
Iontreal, prosperous and liberal, such as Torrance, Frothingham, Ogilvie,. 
Johnstone, Gibb, and that of George Pyke, afterwards one of the judges of the King's. 

One of Mr. Hendenwn's first acts on settling in the country was to get an oflicial 
register for the due recording of "Acts of Civil Stat
s," according to the law3 of 
Lower Canada. It \Vas authen ticated on the first page in the following form :- 
" This boo].., con taining eighty-eight folios or double pages, was this day presented 
by the Reverend Archibald Henderson, minister of the Presbyterian Parish Church, 
St. Andrews, A rgenteuil, to serve as a register of the Acts of Baptism, 
Iarriage and 
Burial, to be by him performed, and the same was this day paraphed by me, the H on. 
James Reid, one of the Judges of l-!is Majesty's Court of King's Bench for the Dis- 
trict of Montreal, pursuant to the Act in such case made and provided. 
"MONTREAL, 12th day of August, 1818, 

h J. S. REID, J.K.B." 
*The ., Red House" was fln old post of the Hudson's Bay Co., and stood in a conspicuous posi. 
tion on the shore of the Ottawa River, some di!>tance higher up than the Manor House. .Both these 
houses have disappeared. 



Marriage of 

Five days later the first entry was made: it was of a marriage, in these terms :- 
Daniel de Hertel of St. Andrews, Argenteuil, Esquire, 
and Lydia Brown, minor daughter of James Brown of the city 
of l\Iontreal, Stationer, were married by License on the seven- 
teenth day of August, in the year of Our Lord one thousand 
eight hundred and eighteen, in the presence of the undersigned 
witnesses, by me. 

T. DAns, 


The next entry is of the baptism of a child a month old, as follows :- 

Baptism of 


A son of Zechariah Whistle and his wife Eve, born on 
the twenty-third day of July, in the year of Our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred and eighteen, was baptized on the 
twenty-third d3Y of August following, by the name of Samuel, 
in the presence of the undersigntd witnesses, by me. 



J he next en try is of the baptism of George, son of George Robertson of St. 
Andrews, papermaker, and his wife l\Iargaret. It is not till a year after, that the 
maiden surname of the mother is given, as well as her Christian name. Nor are the 
names of the parents of the parties recorded in the entries of marriages, as has to be 
done now, and the want of which has caused disputes in matters of property. The 
first burial en tered is not till a year has passed, when on the 13 th August, 1819, occurs 
the burial of a child who had died the day before, viz., James, the sixteen month old 
" son of the late Amos Blanchard of Montreal, cabinet-maker, and his wife Susan,:' 
'Vhile deaths were so few, Mr. Henderson in the first year baptized fifty children 
and married twenty couplts, people coming to him for those services from consider- 
able distances all round, from Lachute, Chatham, Rigaud, River du Chêne, and even 
from Mon treal in several instances. Lachute is called "the Chute," or " the Chute 
settlement," and our familiar River Rouge is translated into" the Red River." 
These fifty marriages were all "by banns " or "after proclamations of banns," 
except two, which were" by license," The number of marriages by license gradually 
increased, engaged couples apparently growing in shyness or pride, as the country 
grew in wealth and society developed itself. At length, about 1846, banns and 
licenses balance each other, and a dozen years later, marriage by license had become 
general, and for more than thirty years banns are almost unknown to the record, very 
few being willing to have their matrimonial intentions publicly announced in church, 


10 9 

Not one has been so announced sin12e the law was authoritatively declared to mean 
that where banns are published they must be published on three successive Sundays 
and not, as had been the ususal practice, three times in one day. 
The Register is very carefully kept aM through in regard to marriages; but it is 
less so for a few years after .824, in regard to baptisn:s and burials. At that time 
there were some who questioned the legal right of the clergy of the E:hurch of 
Scotland to keep registers or to officiate at marriages, and in a particular case the 
Court of Appeals decided against them. .\Ir. Henderson took an active part in 
vindicating the rights 
of himself and hIs brethren. A Bill was brought before the 
Legislature of the Province, "for the Relief of Ministers connected with the 
Associate Synod," and when the Legislative Council desired infornlation in regard 
to that body, he drew up a Memorial setting forth the history and principles of 
the Church of which he was a minister, and its high stall ding in Scotland. The Act 
was passed, and the disabilities which it had been attempted to impose on him and 
others were ca<;t aside, and their claim to " Equal Rights" publicly recognized. 

A Presbyterian Church is not completely organiæd without Ruling Elders. 
Accordingly at an early period three were chosen and ordained to that office, to wit, 
Messrs, \Vm. G, Blanchard, Benjamin \Vales, and - Cummins. Other Elders 
appointed in after years were in August, 1832: \Vm. .\IcEwen, John McConnell. \Vm. 
Cook and Guy Richards; in May, 1836, Charles Benedict and Peter 
lc:\Iartin; in 
1\1arch, 1863, John McGregor and Alex. 
IcLachlan ; in March, 1877, James :\[iddle- 
ton (formerly an Elder in Stanley St. Church, Montreal), Charles \Vales (son of 
Benjamin \Vales above named), and James 
IcOuat; in February, 1881. John 
Rouertson (formerly an Elder in the Free Church of Scotland, and subsequently, 
after completing his theological studie') at Queen's College, Kingston, ordained Dec., 
188 4, as :\Iinister of 
[ill Haven and Ernestown in the Presbytery of K.ingston) ; 
in 1887, Charles T. \Vales* (son of Charles Wales above named), David Rodger* and 
John F. K.. McM
Lrtin. * Thus in the \Vales family there ha\'e been three generations 
of Elders in succession, a circumstance not unprecedented, but yet not common, 
although it ought to be of frequent occurrence, the sons walking in the footsteps of 
their Godly fathers. 

Mr. Henderson labored, as Presbyterian 
\Iinister of the Seigniory of Argen- 
teuil, with much activity. Uesides his work at St. Andrews, he preached regularly 
at Lachute, where he established a Temperance Society; at Chath.1m also, tra\.elling 

'*' Those whose names are marked with all asterisk (-) fUIm the pre
ent session along with the 
Rev. Dr. Paterson, the Moderator. 
Tr. :\liddlcton, a man much beloved, died at the age of 86, while 
this book was passing through the pless, all the rest hating gone before c:!I.cept 
Ir. Roùeltson. \\ho 
lives in Kova 



the seven or eight miles to those places by road5 which were mere bridle paths through 
the forest, beset somdimes with wolve') and bears. He had service also in the dis- 
tricts round the \.illage on the S lbbath afternoons, as there was only one diet üf 
worship in the church on that day. Through his pastoral care and fidelity the 
Presuyteri 1l1S of his wide field were nourished and strengthened till, in 183 2 , a separa"e 
congregaliùn was formed at Lachu'
. One of the few minutes of Session ex!ant 
of the early period relates to this matter. It is dated St. Andrews, I nh July, 18 3 2 , 
and bears that: "A petition WJS presented from the following church members re- 
t Lachute and the l;eighuorhood, v
z.: [tLe names are not givenl, pray- 
ing the Session to disjoin them from this Church, that they may be formed into a 
distinct church of the same de 10mination under the pastoral care of the Rev, \Vm. 
Brunton, who now ministers amung them. The Session agreed that the prayer of 
this Petition I;e granted, and the petitioners are hereby disjoined." 
.\fter some years, the congregation (Æ Lachute divided into two, one of them 
becoming connected with the Free Church. .-\ third was formeu at Chatham, in 
connection with the Church of Scotland, and at a bt
r period, a church was built at 
Pt. Fortune also, for the accommodation of the memuers of the Chatham congrega- 
tion res;ding there. Thus the St. Andrew's Church grew after the manner of the 
banyan tree, the b:-anches of which stretch out on aU sides. and by and by rea.h 
to the ground, where they take root and grow u!) into so many distinct trees, at a 
distance from the parent stem, yet vitally connected with it and with each other, and 
spreading one wide uml.>r;lgeous !.helter. Although of three different sections of the 
Presbyterian Chll1"ch, yet al1 these congregations were alike in doctrine, government, 
and worship, and they were all united again; three of them at the union of th
Church and the United Presbyterian Church in 186 [. and the others at the memorable 
and happy union of the J 5th J line, 1875. when all the Presbyterian b )dies in the 
Dominion, with the exception of a few congregations here and there, were formed 
into one, under the name of " the I'reshyterian Church in Canada:' 

In the meantime, although 
lr. He1lderson and his congregation were Presby- 
terians, they were for many years without the oversight (,f any Pre
uyter)'. He, how- 
ever, had heen in thehabit of meeting with his mini...teri:ll brdhrèn for mutual fdlow
and counsel. In 18
3, the "
lissionary Presbytery of Eastern Canada" was formed 
by authority of the United Secession Synol of Scotland. It con:;isted of, the Rev. 
Andrew K.ennedy of L1.chute and the Re\'. Alex. Lowden of New Glasgow,_ with 
their respective Elders, :\Iessrs. John i\IcOuat and John :\lurray, h was strengthened 
in 1845 by the accession of the Rev. Dr, Wm. Taylor, of Montreal, and his con- 
gregation in Lagauchetière street, which lnd been organized in 1833, but had hitherto 
been in Presbyterial connection with Upper Canada. 
en this Presuytery was form
d, Mr. Hendèr
on ùe5ired to become a member 
of it, .1.nd sent a memorial to the SyrìOd in Scotland, stating his position, and request- 



ing to be admitted, with the condition that he should be allowed to retain his annual 
grant from the government, But the Voluntary Controversy had been agitating the 
Churches of that country for a number of years, the ministers and people of the 
Secession generalIy taking strong ground against the establishment and endowment 
of the Church by the State, They were, therefore, unwilling to admit him unless he 
gave up the government salary, but offered to guarantee him an equal amount. He, 
ho\vever, did not wish to be a burden on their 
Iission funds, and declined the pro- 
posal, c.:>ntinuing in his former isolated condition till the }'ear 186

In that year, failing sight and strength compelIed him, now in his 77th year, to 
seek assistance in his work, and he made application for a preacher to the United 
Presbyterian (formerly the United Secession) Presbytery of Montreal. They were 
not able at the time to send one, and he applied to the Montreal Presbytery of the 
Presbyterian Church of Canada, which was in connection with the Free Church of 
Scotland. In due course, he and his congregation were received into that body, and 
a preacher was obtained from them, who gave satisfaction to the congregation and 
was duly called; but his settlement did not take place. In the same week in which 
he was expected to be ordained, the present pastor arrived ilJ Montreal from Scot- 
land. He was at once sent up to St, Andrews to supply the vacancy, and preached 
on the next two Sabbaths, 29th July and sth August, 1860. Having received an 
appointment to preach in another place, he left for five weeks, and returned to begin 
his regular work on the 16th Sept., and has continued ever since, through the help of 
God, to go in and out among the people till this day. He belonged to the United 
Presbyterian Church, but the two bodies were to be united shortly, a basis of u;lion 
having been mutually agreed upon, and he had no conscientious difficulty in antici- 
pating the Union by a few m,)nths. He therefore put himself under the care of the 
Free Church Presbytery, and on the 24th October he was ordair;.ed, "by the laying 
on of the hands of the Presbytery," to be 
\ssistant and Successor to the venerable 
servant of God, who had been himself ordained, just fifty years before, at Carlisle, and 
had borne the burden of pastoral duty at 
t. Andrews for two and forty years un- 
aided, save by the grace that is promised 
o every true worker, and by the sympathy 
and help of the able and fJ.ithful Elders and other members of his church, who had 
m05tly grown up under his ministry. 



[r. Henderson now practically ætired, the work b
ing le[[ entirely to the young 
minister; but he retained the status of Senior Minister and his po-;ition as a member 
of the Presbytery. Only three weeks after this happy settlement, as it was to him, a 
great sorrow came upon him in the brief sickness and death of his wife, She was the 
daughter of the Rev. Mr. Morton, the Relief Minister of Leslie in Fife, and a "oman 



of piety and shrewdness and kind-heartedness, with a touch of racy humor, in which 
her husband also abounded, and a spirit of hopefulness which was a strong support 
to him in tr.e despondency to which he was somewhat prone, She died on the 16th 
November, being witI-in a month of eighty-one years of age. 
Two years later he lost the only remaining member of his family, his son Peter, 
who was a physician in Ottawa, and died unmarried, 26th November, 1862, at 
Burritt's Rapids, where he l'ad some property, and to which he had gone for his health, 
He was 44 years old, 

lr. Henderson preached occasionally in the absence of the pastor, usually tak- 
ing part also in the quarterly communion services and in the prayer meetings. His 
91st birthday happening on a Sabbath, he preached an earnest and affectionate dis- 
course to the young, addressing them as from the borders of the eternal world, and 
testifying that it was only the fear of God and the faith of Christ that could make 
their lives truly useful and their end happy. Towards the end of 1876 his health 
rapidly declined, and on the r9th January, 1877, he suddenly passed away, having 
lived ninety-three years and nearly four months, He died in the house of his col- 
league, where he spent the last eight years of his life. He had been very reticent, 
like most of his countrymen, as to his inward thoughts and feelings, but a day or 
two before the end he began to open his mind a little, saying in reference to his hopes 
for eternity: "I cast myself, as a sinner ready to perish, on the mercy of Him who is 
mighty to save." He did not remember when or where he had "cast his first an- 
chor," to use an expression of John Knox's, hut he had cast it long ago on safe 
ground, and his hope was sure and steadfast and entering into that which is within 
the veil. 


The history of the Congregation had been one of harmony, except at one period, 
in the 30's, when misunderstandings arose between the minister and some of the peo- 
ple, resulting in a number of them leaving the Church; but, in course of time, most 
of these returned to their former fold. With that exception, the Church had a 
peaceful and prosperous existence, their accomplished pastor feeding them with 
knowledge and und
rstanding from the stores of his biblical and theological learning, 
and his deep, though unobtrusive, spiritual life. Liberal himself and large.minded, 
he taught them to take an interest in Bible Society and missionary work, having a 
weekly prayer meeting, alld, once a month, a "monthly concert" or missionary 
meeting, which has been kept up to this day. The money raised was sent for many 
years to the American Board of 
ommissioners for Foreign Missions i but when the 
Canada Presbyterian Church established foreign missions of its own in Formosa, 
China, India, the New Hebrides, and other parts of the world, the members thought 
it their duty to give their contributions to the support of their own Church missioll
The Congregation still has over sixty families connected with it, although its field 



has been contracted by the establishment of other four or five Presbyterian congre- 
gations within its original bounds, besides a number belonging to other d
tions ; and, although there has also been a constant drain of the young men to the 
ever inviting and largely promising 'Vest, besides the frequent removal of families to 
other localities, lessening the Protestant }Jopulation in its different branches. 
The membership has increased to above one hundred and forty, through the 
occasional incoming of new families and the steady growing up of n1.lny of the young 
(why should it not be so written of all?) into a solid Christi3.n life. On several occa- 
sions, through means of special service3, larg
 additi )ns were made to the number of 
The Congregation has grown in the grace of liberality in giving to the calIse of 
God, Before 1860, they gave little for the support of the Church, the salary which their 
minister received from the military chest seeming to them to relieve them from almost 
all responsibility on this behalf, By their enjoym,=nt of G.)spel ordinances with so 
little charge to themselves, they lost the privilege of exerting themselves for th
port of Christ's cause and the blessing which is promised to those who are faithful in 
this duty; and when, all at once, the whole burden of supporting their mini3ter was 
laid upon them, som
, faint-hearted, were ready to shrink from it. T,le greater part, 
however, stood manfully forward, 3.nd by bearing became stronger to bear. "For to 
him that hath shall be given." TI-:.ey found a new pieasure in new duties and 
new relations, and were ready to acknowledge that Christ's way was the best, viz., 
that they who preach the Gospel should live of the Gospel. They undertook to give 
their new minister $600 a year, and in 1861 their contributions to all church purposes 
were $728, a large sum for a people that ha -j probably not gi 'len more than $150 in 
anyone year before. 
Since that time the stipe:1d has been i:1creased twice, while the contributions to 
the schemes of the Church have also increased. In 18yo they raised $[,233, includ- 
ing subscriptions for some special objects, and for the last four years the congregation 
has contributed, for all purposes, from $[,100 to nearly $[,300 each year, being an 
average of $20.00 per family. This may seem large to some, but it is less than the 
average over the whole Presbyterian Church in Canada, which was in thè bte')t report 
$22.82. But what is that to what i') still due to God? If all the tithes that are 
unpaid were brought into His storehouse in the spirit of consecration, the world 
would soon be changed. The truth is that the Church of Christ has only be;ull to 

In r877 th
 church building wa') greatly improved from its form
r unadorned, 
barn-like appearance, by having a new and handsome front erected, with corner 
tower, and much work done inside, costing in all $2,500. Four years later, in 1881, 
the manse al!'o underwent a much needed renovation, at a cost of nearly $600. In 
both cases the Ladies' Association contributed a large proportion of ti\e expenses. 
The manse, with garden and small meadow attached, is the house which 
[r. Hen- 



on huilt for himself shortly after his arrival here, and which he made over before 
his death to the Congrrgation, as their property for the use of the minister. 
The Congregation has, doubtless, much to lamen t over in its history and experi- 
ence, whi:e there is much for which to give God. thanks. Many men and women 
who Iuvè been brought up in it, now scattered over the Dominion and the United 
States, are in their spheres, some of them prominent, supporting the cause of truth 
and righteousness; and thus its influence is wide5pread. It has helpe:1 to keep the 
Gospel light shining here for seventy -seven years, and borne its part with other 
churches in testifying for Christ and in training the people for His K.ingdom." 
The REV. DANIEL PATERS1N, D.D., was born in Greenock, Scotland, and studied 
at the Grammar School ofthat place, under the tuition of James Lockart Brown. LL.D., 
an excellent teacher and scholar. He next went to the University of Glasgow, where 
one of his professors was the great scientist, "Tm. Thumson, now Lord Kelvin, and 
there recei ved the degree of A. 
L He studied theology in the U ni ted Pres by terian 
Divinity Hall, Edinburgh, and came to Canada in the summer of 1860, and was 
ordained at S1. Andrews, October 24th of that year. He has been connected with the 
Presbyterian College of 
ince its commencement, as a trustee and member 
of the Board cf Management, as one of the examiners for eight years, and as a member 
of the College Senate for thirteen He received the degn:e of D.D. from the 
College in 18 9 2 . He was appointed one of the representatives of the 
I()ntreal Pres- 
bytery in the Campbell heresy case, to defend the action of the Presbytery before the 
Synod of Montre3.1 and Ottawa, and did so with the other representatives, who were 
Ic 'Ticar, Scrimger. and Robert Campbell. 
Dr. Paterson is one of those quiet, unostentatious men, whose godly life is a more 
powerful sermon to the unconverted than usually falls flOm the pUlplC. Though schol- 
arl) and thoroughly well-informed respecting current events, his sermons are anything 
but pedantic; he preaches only Christ, and Him crucified, in a simple, convincing man- 
ner. He is, in short, a minister whom the unregenerate man would prefer at his bed- 
side, when he feels that he is drifting out upon the great unknown. 
It is but just to add that, in his many years of faithful labor at St. Andrews, 
Dr. Pdterson has been ably assisted by Mrs. Paterson, who is devoted to temper- 
ance, benevolence, and every Christian work, 


"About midway between the villages of St. Andrews and Carillon, at an angle 
formed by the king's highway, and a few rods from the noble Ottawa River, rises a 
modest stone church. The solitude of its position seems to invite to meditation and 
prayer. The young but sturdy greenwood about it is a proof of the rt'spect with 
which it is regarded; it is the Catholic Church of St. Andrews parish, where meet in 



prayer the Catholic populatio'1 of St. Andrews, Carillon and Point Fortune; the date 
of it:; con<;truction is 1835. Prior to that period, the Catholics of the locality were 
ministered to by the parish priest of Rigaud. Their 1111mber having sufficiently in- 
creased to claim a resident curé, in 1830, they applied to 1Igr, Jean Jacques Lartigue 
to obtain permission to erect a church. The pro::eedings were not a little protracted, 
however; but in 1835 work was fuHy under way, and 'Iessrs. Owen, Quin, Gaspard 
de la Ronde, \Villiam Byrnes, A. E: Montmarquet, O. de Hertel and Edouard Dorion 
Igr, Lartigue to send a delegate to bless the corner-stone and the cross 
of the new church. 
The church tl-.en built wa') sixty feet in length and forty-one in breadt.h. It \Vas 
blessed on the 17th of March, 1836, by the Rev, 
I. Archambault, arch-priest, curé 
of Vaudreuil. The text of the Act is as followf. : 
. On the 17th day of March, onc thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, in the 
, forenonn, we, arch-priest and curé of St. :\lichel de Vaudreuil, have solemnly 
, blessed a church dedicated to St, Andrew the Apostle, built in the Seigniory of 
, Argentellil, and for the use of the inhabitants of the said Seigniory ; in the presence 
, of )Iessrs. Pierre Jacques de Lamothe, parish priest of St. Anne du Bout de l'Ile 
, de \(ontréll; of Nicolas Dufresne, priest of St, Sulpice, missionary at the Lake of 
. Two :\(ountains j of Jacques Janvier Vinet, parish priest of Ste. l\Jagdeleine de 
, Rigaud; al1d of Edouard Montmarquet, E<;q'Jire, m
rchant of the said Seigniory of 
, Argenteuil, who have signed with liS. the day and the year as above.' 
It is this sam
 church that still exists, with, however, an extension of thirty feet, 
and a sacristy added to it. 
The registry of the parish begins in 1833. The first act mentioned therein is that of 
the lllan iage of Eustache Perrault and Sophie Mahtu. According to these acts, we 
find eighteen priestc; who hC'.\"e discharged the functions of parish priest up to the 
present time. There are actuaIly 260 Catholic families, wit h a population of 14 00 
souls. Seven Catholic schools are in steady, active work, The best attended are: 
1st, th
 St. Andrews village school,-120 children are inscribed on the roll-call; 2nd, 
the Carillon school, whose roll-call numbers 85; 3rd, the convtt1t, with 40 boarding 
pupils. These three institutions are undn the direction of the Sisters of rro\'idence, 
Behind the church, and to\Valds the Ottawa RivEr, rises another substantia 
building in stone, three stories high, wi th mansa I'd roof; it i, Fa:her Ronill's College 
If the Province of Quebec be visited, and the question asked: WilO were the founders 
of all the educational establishments noticed in so many pari
h('s? the answer would 
almost il1\"ariably ue : it is the work of our par i
h priests. 
By economical living, Father Ronin had been able to Jay :lsid
 some savings; 
and, like so many of hi..; brother priests, his desire was to advance the cause of the 
education of youth. Therefore on t!1e 9th of August, 18...S, the Rev. F.tther 
Bonin, an ex-Sulpician, the parish priest uf St. Scholastique, proposed to the members 
of the Fabrique of Saint 1\ ndrews, that they grant him land whereon to build: and 
he promis,:d to erect, at his own expense, a college for the instruction of }outh. His 



wish was to procure for the children of the place the advantages of education with- 
out obliging them to leave their homes and their parents. There was not, at that 
date, any establishment of the kind in the neighborhood, This proposal of Father 
Bonin was accepted on th
 13th of August, 1848. The ground W,lS given to him 
on which he built the house. occupied by the Sisters of Providence. 
At its inception, this Institution was confided to the Clercs of St. Viateur. It 
was very prosperous for some seven or eight years, cuunting, in fact, as many as 150 
to 200 pupils, who ft'ceived a superior education, and even a classical course was 
int roduced. A college had been built at Riga-ud one year after the opening of the 
Bonin Academy; these two houses were in too great proximity to both flourish. The 
number of pupils decreased rapidly in the Ronin Academy. Classes were continued, 
however, up to the month of ,\ pril, 1878; then, there were not more than 20 young 
boys in attendance. 
The Reverend Father L. Z. Champoux, at that time parish priest at St. Andrews, 
saw that Father Bonin's generolls gift to the parish would benefit a larger number, 
and that the bequeather's intentions would be more truly carried out, if the college 
were transfurmed into a convent. He therefore called the 
isters of Providence to 
the place, with the permission and authorization of the Bishop of Montreal. The 
Reverend Sisters tc ok possession on the 14th of September, 18 7 8 . 
Father Champoux had wisely consulted the best interests of St. Andrews: to- 
day, the Sisters have 25 0 pupils in their classes, and it may be said without exaggera- 
tion, that they perform admirable work in the varish, both by education and by the 
relief of the siÜ:. 
The priest's residtnce was successively the sacristy of the church, Father BOI
house, and, since 1889, the actual handsome presbytery, 
.\ fal:t worthy of note, and which proves the good will of the Catholics of St. 
Andrews, is, that all that has been done by them was by voluntary contribution; 
 has never been had to the legal means provided uy the statutes." 
Rev. F. .\. Dugas was born at St. Jacques de l' Achigan, Co. of 1Iuntcalm. He 
took a classical four years' course at the College of l'Assomption, and afterwards, 
till July, 1878, was professor of Belles Lettres in the same institution. He was ordained 
priest, 7th February, 18 7 8 , and was vicar of St. Roch de l'Achigan from July to 
October of the same year; and of Chambly from the latter date till 
Iay, 1884' 
During t8S4 and 1885, he was for a year Director of the Classical College of St. 
Boniface, )lan., and tht:11 curé of the Cathedral till July, 1889. After this, he was 
employed as lecturer in behalf of colonization till February, 1890, since which he has 
been curé of Sr, Andrews. 
The Rev. Mr. i5 a courteous and affable: gentleman, and is respected by 
all. He is devoted t) his work, and is a stlOng advocate of temperance among his 




(Copied chirfly þ'011l the Church t'ccords.) 
"The Baptist Church at St. _\ndrews, Lower Canada, commenced in the follow. 
ing manner: 
" In the year 1835-36, Mr, Gilmour, having resigned his charge at Montreal, 
spent some time with the people at St. Andrews, and preached the Gospel much to 
their satisfaction, and, it is hoped, not without some success, either as to the awaken- 
ing of the careless or the comfort and edification of believers. 
,( But in June, 1836, Mr. Gjlmour left on a mission to Boston, to procure assist- 
ance to the newly formed Instituti
l at Montreal for tIle education of young men 
for the ministry, and for the more general diffusion of religious instruction through 
the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada. 
(' In the month of July, the same year, the Rev. :\lr. Tapscott, who had just 
arrived from England, was directed by the providence of God to visit this place. 
The meetings held here, and in surrounding neighborhoods, were well attended, and 
some good seemed to be effected. 
" There were several persons, members of the Churc'l of Chatham, who were 
regular worshippers with liS; some others had been baptised by Mr. Gilmour-three 
on the loth, and two on the 15th August, in the North River, 
"August 15th. A discourse was del:vered relative to the nature ofa Christian 
church, after which those present, who had been baptized on a profession of their 
faith, gave to each other the right hand of fellowship, in token of their union with 
each other as the Church of Christ. 
"The church being formed on the principles of frèe communion, two persons 
were received, the same evening, without being baptized. The church, at present, 
consists of sixteen members, May we walk together in the fear of the Lord and the 
comfort of the Holy Ghost, and be multiplied. 
Iarch 12th, 1837. .1\[r, Tapscott having received an invitation to spend some 
time in Toronto as an evangelist, and conceiving it his duty to comply with it, 
signified his intention of leaving us as soon as the term of hi:; engagement expires. 
" March 26th. A letter to the Ottawa Association was read, asking to be received 
into the Association. 
Iarch 29th, 30th. The Ottawa Baptist Association held its second annual 
meeting with us at St. Andrews, and we were received into the Association according 
to our request. 
" The meetings were well attended and were interesting. The letters contained 
little information of an animating nature; in some of the churches unhappy differ- 
ences exist; in others, great apathy. !\luch important business was transacted, and 
great harmony prevailed. 
" April 2nd. At a church meeting it was resolved: that an invitation be sent 
to Rev, John Edwards, jr" requesting him to spend one half his time as a minister 
of the Gospel among the people of St. Andrews. 



" The records show that Mr. Edwards accepted the call, and began hi:; regular 
labors on the 7 th day of May, 1837, and continued till October, 1843. After his 
resignation, the Baptists attended the Congrt'gational Church, of which building they 
werf' joint owners with the Congregationalists; but in 1849, the Baptists became 
sole proprietors of the church, and the Congregationalists prepared
to build a new one. 
" In J line, ] 8.4 8 , in compliance with an invitation from the Baptist Church, the 
Rev. John Dempsey arrive<.l, and on the fourth day of that month began his regular 
I" A difficulty of rather 6rave import stood in the way cf Mr. Dempsey's becom- 
ing their pastor. The ChurLh was open communion in practice, and 
he majority of 
its members in principle. He, on the other hand, was a c!ose Communionist, and 
could consent to be nothing else. 
" .\ meeting was called on Friday evening, 1st September, 1848, to consult on 
what plincip!e the Church could proceed in future with respect to the subject of 
communion, In this nleeting, not on1y the members of the Church, but all the 
baptized who attended, took a part. The question was then put whether the Church 
should proceed in future on the open or close communion principle, and a vote being 
taken, it was carried In favor of close by a majority of one. 
" After the departure of 
f r. Dempsey, the Baptist Church seemeJ never to reach 
the degree of spiritual healih and firmness t]13.t she h3::1 before possessed. A decline 
began, numbers decreased, and after a few spasmodic efforts to rekindle the early 
zeal and establish vigor, the church as an org.mizatlon ceased to exi:a. 
.. Early in the year 1865, the Rev, J. 'V. :Manning was eng
ged as pastor, and his 
pastorate continued to 1869, when another minister officiated ti:118 72. The Church 
was supplied the next six years by students, when the Rev. 
Ir. Moyle accepted a 
call. His pastoral services terminated in about a year, however, and with them ended 
all regular services in the Baptist Church of St. Andrews." 
The following sketch of Rev. Mr, Dempsey is an extract copied from the 
Canadian Baptist of May 18th, 18 93 :- 
lr. Dempsey was born near a small hamlet, called Resharkin, in the county 
Antrim, Ireland, December 28th, 1822. 'Vith his parents he came to Canada, and 
settled in the township of Oxford, county of Grenviile. From his earliest years, his 
religious training was of the stern, unlovely kind, which was, unhappily, not uncom- 
mon in Scotch Presbyterian famihes of an earlier day. Though trained in a rigid 
morality, diligent in the study of the Bible, and strictly attentive to all the .externa's 
of religion, God was to him a God of terror rather than a God of love. At seven 
teen years of age, his eyes were opened to the necessity of the spiritual change by 
which alone he could become a child of God, After weeks of intense mental strug. 
gle and anguish, I the graciolls Father sent him the light, and joy came to him,' so 
real and gladsome, and peace so full and sweet! 
" Being fully persuaded of the necessity for thorough preparation for the great 



work before him, he entered Mon
real Baptist College, took the full four years course, 
and graduated June 1st, I g48, having made a record for earnest, patient and sucCt'ss- 
ful work. His tìrst field of labor after graduation was St. Andrews. Entering upon 
the work under great difficulties, caused by divisions and bitter contentions which 
had been going on in the church for years, he finally got together a little band of 
sixteen, over which he was ordained pastor on September 18th, 1848. For si
years he continued in St, Andrews, being in
tan t in season a
d out of season, preach- 
ing the word of life. He baptized there over 400 people. During all these years 
he did the work of an evangelist throughout the neighboring country, He left St. 
Andrews in 1864. having received a call from the church in Port Hope. 
" A sketch of Mr. Dempsey's life would be incomplete without some allusion to 
the evangdistic work he accomplished: apart from his regular p3.s
oral duties, While 
pastor at St. Andrews, he travelled on foot or on horseback, alone, or in company 
with brethren King, Edwards, McPhail or Anderson, throughout the entire region of 
the old Ottawa Association, Breadalbane, Notfield, Osnabruck, South Gower, Aug- 
mentation, Riceville, Lanark, Kemptville, O;;;g'Jode, Kenmore, Ormond, Clarence, 
Thurso, Papineallville, and many other places from Quebec to Kingston, have listened 
to his earnest preaching of Christ. These preaching tours involved much hard work 
and hardship, yet it was g!adly engaged in, and God abundantly honored it. 
" !\1 r. Dempsey, besides being pastor and evangelist, was intensely interested in 
all denominational matters. Dr. Fyfe found him a steady friend to the work in 
\Y oodstock. He was secretary of the Ottawa Association; secretary of the East- 
ern Convention from 1858 to ]864; secretary of the Superannuated Society from the 
beginning. He has been officially connected with our missionary organizations irom 
their inception; and perha ps to no man among us has been given a larger share of 
responsibility and work, in connection with the planning anl advocacy of the united 
work of the churches." 


By REV. J. McADlE. 
" The Congregational Church in St. Andrews, which is the only represen tati \ e of 
this denomination of Christians in the county of Argenteuil, was organi.æd in 1838. 
In its early history the Church was beset with many difficultiec;, and its subsequent 
career has been a chequered one j yet, here have been nurtured m
n and women who, 
for steadfastness of purpose, )oyalty to principle and to conscience, intelligent in. 
terest in the welfare of the community, and activity in the service of Chri::;t for the 
propagation of His kingdom, will not be easily surpassed. 
The Rev. 'Vm. McKillican of Indian Lands, one of the pioneer Congregational 
ministers of Canada, and a devoted servant of Christ, had for many years paid an 
annual or Li-annual visit to St, Andrews, preaching. not the special beliefs of his own 
denomination, but the sim pIe Gospel of a full and free salvation; and, at length, he 
had the joy of forming, in what was then one of the OlOSt thrivin
 villages in the 
western part of Lower Canada, a Church of his own faith and order. 



In a house, that has since disappo..ued, on the east side of the North River, 
occupied by Mr. Blanchet, the Church was formed; the only cler
yman present being 
the Rev. Mr, McKillican. The little Church shewed signs of vigorous life, and was 
soon engaged in building a house for the worship of God. But scarcely had their 
meeting house been completed, when trouble arose, owing to some arrangements for 
a joint occupancy and ownership with the Baptist denomination, and it was not 
until a separation had been effected, that harmony was restored. This took place in 
1848, the Baptists retaining the building. 
On October 25th, 1845, the Church, on the outlook for an under shepherd, called 
the Rev. Charles McKay, who had just graduatoo fron1 the Congregational Theolo- 
gical Institute in Montreal,-as the Congrcgatignal College was then called. That 
most interesting and solemn occasion, when the minister is set apalt for his work, 
which is losing much of its meaning amid the innumerab!e pastoral changes, now so 
common, i.; one never to be forgotten uy the young p1eacher. It forms a cli
and a turning point in his life. It is for this he has struggled and hoped a:1d prayed. 
Amid the discouragements of later years, he often looks back for inspiration to that 
h3pPY occasion. There wae prc.;ent, bcsides the Church and Congregation, the Rev. 
Thomas Bayne, some day to become successor of Mr. McKay; the Rev. Mr, Mc- 
Killican, that aged so]dier of the Cross, and sainted father of the Church; the Rev. 1. 
J. Carruthers of Gosford street church, !\Iontreal, so sympathetic and eloquent. They, 
with due solemnity, set the young man apart with the laying on of hands to the 
ministry of the word, and the Church rejoiced in the newly formed relation. 1\1r. 
McKay endeared himself to all hy his straightforw.ucl and manly conduct, his inde- 
pendent bearing and his faithful preaching of the Gospel, and his name is still held 
in loving remembrance by some of those who heard the Gospel from his lips. Never 
robust in body, it soon became evident that he could not long sustain the strain of 
the severe climate of this new country. He was advised to try the sea coast, and 
left St. Andrews at thc close of 1848 for St. John, New Brunswick, and was pastor 
of the Congregational Church there for a number of years. 
The Church was three years without a pastor, when the Rev. Thomas Bayne, 
who had been in charge of the churches of Hawkesbury and Vankleek Hill for several 
years, was called to fill the vacant office. He did so in the beginning of 1849, and 
remained until 18 5 2 ; but did not lay hold of the affections of his people, as did his 
or. During this period th(:; Church was engaged in choosing the site for 
their new meeting house and in its erection, which was not done without some in- 
ternal disturbance. A beautiful site was chosen on the west bank ofthe North River, 
and the church, a beautiful brick edifice, was, for the time, one of the best appointed 
village churches in the Ottawa Valley, Its erection was not completed until 1851. 
For a year after Mr. Bayne left, the Church was supplied by the Rev. Mr, Chase, 
Rev. John McKillican and the late Mr. Hibbard, until in 1854. when the Rev. Alex. 
Sim, M.A., was called to the pastorate. Few records remain of the spiritual con- 
dition ofthe Church during this period, but the membership is said to have been 3 2 ; 



some of these res'ding in Point Fortune, Lachute Road, Beech Ridge, River Rouge, 
Cote du Midi, Cote St. Pierre, as weli as in St. Andrews, Mr. Sim, who was a gra- 
duate of the University of Aberdeen and of the Congregational Theological Academy, 
Glasgow, was ordained to the" Ministry of the \Vord," at Aberdeen, on the 12th 
day of July, in the year 1853. He came to Canada to fill a position as Professor in 
Gorham College, Nova Scotia j but that institution was reduced to ashes before he 
arrived, and has never been rebuilt, 1\1r, Sim remained for about eleven years, and 
during this period the Church exercised an extended influence throughout the cum- 
munity. In addition to his ministerial duties, he added others of a scholastic 
ter, as teacher of a private and al
o of the public school. On leaving St. Andrews, 
he went to Franklin Centre, where he stayed for a short time, and finally took up a 
section of land in Western Ontario, where his family still reside, Mr. Sim passed 
away a few years ago to his final rest. 
From 1868 to 1885 is a long period, but f
w records remain to tell its story. The 
shepherdless flock held together for a long time, though diminished in numLers. The 
Sunday School was faithfully conducted by Mr. De\var, the senior deacon of the 
church, who remained true to the cause, amid storm and sunshine, in good and evil 
report, Among the studellts who supplied the pulpit during college vacations, we 
may mention Mr, Nighswander and Mr. Cossar. 
At length, in the summer of 1885, prospects brightened, and the little company 
were encouraged by \he Rev. Thomas Hall to make another effort. The Church was 
supplied during this and the succeeding winter by students of the Congregational 

, and in the fall of 1887, the Church called a graduate of the College, who had 
spent the previous summer as student supply, to be its pastor. In the presence of 
many beloved fathers and brethren, Mr. McAdie was set apart for the ministry of the 
""ord. During this period the church was renovated and partly rebuilt, at a cost of 
over $1600, all of wh:ch, save about $100, has been paid. 1\1r. McAdie's relation 
to the Church, first as student supply, and then as pastor, continued over six and one 
half years, But other events are too recent to be discussed at the present time, and 
must be left for a future historian. One member of the Church remains who saw its 
bl'ginning, \Ve trust he may not see its close." 
MR. McADlE still lives in St. Andrews, where he has nnny warm friends. His 
time is devoted to teaching and literary work,-chiefly to writing for religious period- 
icals. Mrs. McAdie also has displayed ability in the same work, and during the 
past year or two has delivered an occasional lecture, which was both interesting and 
Since Mr. l\IcAdic retired from the pastorate, the Church has been supplied by 
students, FREDERICK LEITCH being the first. He officiated for nearly two years, with 
much ability and popularity_ He graduated from McGill in 1894; and is now pastor 
of a church in Portland, Maine. 
He was succeeded hy CHARLES ASHDOWN, a clever young man, earnest in Irs 
work, and discharging hid duties to the great satisfaction of his congregation. 



:\Iethodists, like the Baptists, were once very numerous in St. Andrews, and 
this place was the head of the circuit j but, after this honor was transferred to 
Lachute, the church at the latter place increased in numbers, while that at St. 
Andrews steadily diminished, though there are still a goodly number in the parish- 
the census of 1891 giving it as 19 8 . 
This denomination erected a church here in 1845 or 184 6 , The most active con- 
tributors to this work were Hugh Stewart, a tinsmith, of St, Andrews; John Scofield, 
merchant; Adam Burwash, -- Rarber, of the East Settlement; and Richard Knee- 
shaw, of Beech Ridge. Thele is now neither Methodist Church building nor 
:Methodist service ;n St. Andrews, aU belonging to this denomination a
services at Lachute, The church was used till about the year 1880, when it was sold, 
and afterwards transformed into a schoolhouse, and is the building still occl:pied by 
the schools of this village. 
The following is a list of the ministers and their assistants, who were appointed 
to the St. Andrews Circuit, the number of membus, and contributions to different 
funds from.the year 184 1 to 18 6 5 inclusive: 

I S,p John ArmstlOng, \\' m. Dignam...... ..... . ... ...... 
184 2 John Alm!-trong, \Ym. MOlton.....,...........".. 
1 8 43 Wm. H, Williams. John Gemley. .... ",. ...... .... 
1844 Wm. H. Williams, 1 homas Hanna...... . . .. .',. .. .. 
1845 J, Hughe
, M. 13aÀter, J. Annstrong.... . . .' . .. . , ... 
IS46 'Michael13axte r . Charles Taggalt. ...... .... ",. ,.., 
I X 47 IDavid B. Madden, David C. :McDowell. .... ........ 
48 IDavid B. Madden, Richø.rd WIlson. .". ,." .... "., 
1849 Francis Coleman, John A\ mstrong 2nd. .,. . . " ...... 
18 5 0 Francis Coleman, Erastus Hurlhurt.."..." , , " . . . . 
1 8 5 1 Francis Coleman, Richard M. Hammond".. ,... .... 
18 5 2 Ihomas W. Constable, Richard:M. Hammond........ 
18 53 I Thomas \V. Constable, Silas Huntington"".,., . . , . 
. 18 54 Thomas \Y. Constable, Wm. Scales. ...' ,... .... ,... 
18 55 James H. Bishop, Andrew ArmstlOng. , " . , ,. . ,. . , .. 
1 8 5 6 IEd\\ard H. Dewalt, Edmund E. Sweet.... .... ....., 
18 57 'IEdward H. Dewart, J.:dmund E. Sweet,... .... ...... 
 IRobert Brown, Henry F.Bland.... ...... .... ...... 
18 59 Robert Iho\\ n, Henry F. Bland. , " .", . , . . , .., . , , , 
1860 \ Alfred Andrews, \Vm. M. Coo)y.... .." .... .... "., 
1861 Alfred Andrews.... ,... ...." .,. ".. ."... ,.,.,. 
1862 Wm. n. Brown, Alex.Campl,ell,2nd...... .......... 
18 6 3 Wm. D. 13ro\\n, Richard Robinson,..,.",. ",. .... 
1864 ICornelius A. Jones..... ".". ........ ".. .,.. .". 
186 5 ,Now called Lachute Circuit...", ...... ".. ".. ,." 

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.....,\ ..... . . . ,. ,. . .... .. 
3 1 5 ..,... '$7 ï O ...... $1 79 
3 6 5 \...... 9 12 .,.,.. 2 50 
377 ...... 9 20 ."... 3 7 6 
3 1 9 6 83 ",." 2 63 
27 8 I...... 7 53 ..... 'I 3 00 
264 . . . . . . S Où ..... 3 7 2 
280 I $8 56 16 00 ....,. 8 50 
26 7 \ 6 94 12 38;......! 13 3.2 
277 6 23, 12 90....... I I .48 
280 6 27 13 01'...... I II ö8 
33 0 64 6 13 27'.,.... 12 00 
353 6 50 12 37 ......I 12 co 
44 0 II 501 12 9 81 ......\ 7 00 
35 1 8 301 13 75 1 $5 001 7 37 
164 3 3 1 7 3 2 r.... - I 5 25 
175 7 45 10 12 3 50 7 3 0 
1 6 7 4 12 1 7 16\ 3 00 4 75 
2-18 4 25 7 75 3 501 8 co 
244 4 501 S 75 4 00 10 00 
266 3 58 7 24 2 45 13 26 
25 8 2 33 I 01 14 15 
260 2 97, 2 83 1 60 II 00 
21 7 3 301 5 00 2 06' 12 00 
220 3 35 5 JO 2 10 12 50 


12 3 

Besides her generous support of churches, St. Andrews has been active in the 
formation and maintenance of Christian societies. The Bible Society was formed in 
1841, and ever since has been in a fairly prosperous condition. The first officers 
chosen were as follows: 'V. G. Blanchard, president; Chules Benedict, vice- 
president; Charles 'Vales, treasurer; J, Edwards, jun., secretary. Duncan Dewar 
was appointed depositary, and has filled the office ever since, with the exception of 
a few years. 
The succeeding officers were :-The late John :\Iiddleton, president; Thomas 
Lamb, vice-president; C. T. \Vales, treasurer; and Rev. Dr. Paterson, secretary. 
The late Rev. 1\1r. Henderson was president from 1850 until his death in [877, 
and was succeeded by Mr. Finlay Mc).fartin, who was in turn followed by Mr. 
Middleton. The latter held the office until his death. 

A Christian Endeavour Society was organized here in 1887, the first in the 
County of Argenteuil, and one of the first formed in the Province. 
It was organized tluough the efforts of Miss H. Hibbard, who has ever since 
labored assiduously to promote its growth and the success of its object. Beginning 
with a membership of eight, it increased till its members numbered eighty; but, owing 
to removals from the place, it is not now so large. The meetings are held in the 
Congregational Church, though its members represent an the different Protestant 
denominations of the Parish. 
der D. Dewar, president of the County Union, is also president of the 
Local Union at St. Andrew's. 

The \V. C. T, D. organized a Local Union in St. Andrews in \[arch, 188 3; the 
first president was :Mrs. (Rev.) 
Ioyle ; she was succeeded by Mrs. Finley McMartin, 
who held the position several years. 1\lrs. Chas. T. \Vales followed, and three years 
subsequentlY-1894-she was succeeded by Miss Julia E. Davis. 
St. Andrews has also supplied three presidents for the County Union-
Angus McPhie, 
liss Julia E. Davis and Mrs. \Vm. Barclay. 

On the afternoon of \Vednesday, December 8th, 1875, a meeting of the ladies of 
St. Andrews wa') held at the Presbyterian Manse, in accordance with the notice given 
from the pulpits of the several churches in the place, for the purpose of organizing an 
Auxiliary to the :Montreal Branch of the \VomJ,n's Board of 
Iissions in Boston. 
There were present : 
Irs, Paterson, !\Irs, C. \Vales, Mrs. A, McPhie, !\Irs, C, T. 
'Vales, Miss Clare, 
Iiss Barclay, Miss H. Davis, Miss M. Sharpe, Miss A. 'Vales, 
Miss :\1. \Vales. 

12 4 


The following officers were chosen: 
President, Mrs. A. McPhie. 
V . P . d { Mrs. C. \Vales. 
Ice- rest ents, Mrs. Paterson. 
Secretary, Miss \Vales. 
Treasurer, Miss Barclay. 
In November, 1891, the Canadian \Voman's Board (of which the St. Andrews 
had been an .-\uxiliary for sixteen years) disbanded, having accomplished the object 
for which it had been organized; leaving the members free to enter more fully into 
the missionary work of the Churches with which they were connected. 
\Ve decided, however, not to disband, but continue as a Union Society, working 
together in the cause of Foreign Missions, \Ve have raised, each year, sums varying 
from $12.21 to $83,79; the average being, in the first six years
 $21.5 6 , and in the last 
six years, $73.20. Some years ago we adopted the plan of placing Mission bags, 
marked "For the Lord," in each family, asking the women to put one cent a week 
in it, which had the effect of increasing the subscriptions. In this way, we have 
been enabled to send sums, yearly, to tbe Missions of the Pre
byterian, Congrega- 
tional and Baptist Churches. Although never a large Society, it has been a means of 
ëontributing something towards the spread of the Gospel abroad, and has been 
found vety helpful to the members themselves, 

.5 ccretary. 
A Masonic Lodge was organized in St. Andrews in 18'3; the following record 
of the event is copied from the old Masonic Register :- 

March 1 st, 18 [ 3. 
MURRAY LODGE No. 17, Register of Lower Canada, 
This day being appointed for the formal installation of this Lodge, the Petitioning 
Brethren having assembled at the house of Brother Benjamin \Vales in the village of 
St. Andrews, at 1 p.m., the \Vorshipful Javez D. Dewitt, Past Master of St. Paul's 
Lodge No, 12, accompanied by the \Vorshipful J, D. Turnbull, Master of Union 
Lodge No, 8, Montreal, arrived from that city, and produced the authority of the 
Grand Lodge of Lower Canada, as below specified. 

QUEEEC, 20th February, 1813. 

You are hereby authorized and directed to ,install this \Vorshipful Master of 
Murray Lodge, No. 17, agreeably to ancient custom, and to deliver over to him the 
warrant of Constitution, etc. \Vith brotherly regard, 
I am yours in truth, 
(Signed), \VILLA!\I DowKs. 
To BRO JAB EZ DEWITT of Paul's Lodge, No, 12, Montreal. 

.J. A. 


12 5 

Lodge opened in the first Degree of :ì\Iasonry by 
\Vorshipful Jabez D. De 'Vitt, M. þro tCIIl. 
\Vorshipful J. D. Turnbull, J. W,þro tem. 
Brother S. GoodriIl, J. \V. þro tem. 


\VorshijJful B. 'Vales, 
Iaster Elect. 
Bro. Elon Lee, S. \V, Elect. 
,. Reub
n French, J. \V. Elect. 
" Ames Matthews, Treas. Elect. 

Bro. J, Masham, Sec'y, Elect. 
Arthur Jackson, S. D. Elect. 
" Gust. A. Hooker, J. D. Elect. 
" D. FJin t, Tyler,þro !elll. 

_\t a meeting held 6th Jan., 1824, "It was moved, seconded, and unanimously 
"agreed that the thanks of this Lodge be given Brother Thomas Barron for the faith- 
"ful di.5charge of the duties of his office in the Provincial Grand Lodge," 
Br,-)ther Thomas Barron was unanimously elected to be sent to the Provincial 
Grand Lodge at Montreal, to assist in framing By-Laws for the government of that 

\mong the m
mbers of this Lodge previoLB to 1826 appear the names of 

\\'m. Beaton 
J olm Harrington 
Timothy Bristol 
.\rchib:llJ Rae 
Peter F. Le Roy 
Daniel Foss 
Wm. Streeter 

\Vm. Streeter, jun. 
James Proctor 
James VoIla 
Richard Mears 
Benj. \Vales 
Andrew Simmons 
\Vm. McDole 

John :McArthur 
Elijah Kellogg 
Judah Center 
Justus Barnet 
\V m, Dixon 
P. F, Peabody 
\V, G. Blanchard. 

Later, appear the names of \Vm. Zearns, John Oswald, Hugh Dunlop, D, Beattie, 
This was called "Murray Lodge No, 5" until April, 18 z5, after which it was 
caIled "St. Andrews Lodge NO.5." 
J. A. N. MACKAY is the only representative of the legal fraternity in St, Anùr
lr, de La Ronde. He was born 1840, in St, Scholastique, and educated in 
coIleges in Montreal, Ottawa and St. Hyacinthe,-the latter being the place where 
his studie,; were completed. 
The ancestors of 1\1r, Mackay were men of military proclivities, and distinguished 
in the service in which they were engaged. Francis Mackay, who was a near relative 
of Lord Roe, had three sons-Stephen, Francis and Samuel; the two former in their 
youth served under the Prince of Orange, as lieutenants of The Guards. Samuel, 
who was then too young for military service, subsequently, distinguished himself in 
Hungary. in the service of Maria Theresa. In 1756, the three brothers all entered the 



"Royal American Regiment," which afterward became the 60th Reg. of Co!. 
Alexander l\1ackay j Stephen, the eldest, died while captain in this Regiment, before 
the Conquest of Can3.da, The two remaining brothers served during the Conquest, at 

Iontreal, where they remained. Samuel served at the blockade of St. Johns, and 
was with Burgoyne during his unfortunate expedition to the States. He was buried 
at the foot of :ð[ount Royal, Montreal, near the garden of the Seminary, where he had 
formerly commanded a picket at the taking of Montreal. 
The brothers all married French ladies belonging to the most prominent anå 
aristocratic families of Canada. Samuel 
Iackay left two sons-S,uuuel and Stephen; 
the former settled in the States; the latter, as captain and major, served in the war of 
1812. He married Miss Globensky, settled at St. Eustache, and died there in 18 59. 
He left several childïen, of whom one son was Augustus 
Iac kay, who practised the 
notarial profession for forty-seven years, and died in 1872. J. A. N. 1\fackay, one of 
his sons, and the subject of our sketch, studied law under the Hon. "ïlfrid Prevost, 
the late Hon. L. T. Drummond, and the Hon. Louis Belanger, Judge of the 
Superior Court. During the year 1862, he practised with Mr. Drummond, and the 
same year was admitted to Ü:e Bar. The prospects for business at that time being 
much better in St, Andrews than in the city, he settled here, and Ius since practised 
with much success. 
He has been employed in several murder trials, in which h is success has given 
him no little celebrity, The following are the most important of these cases with 
which he has been connected-Queen 'lJS. James and John Byrne, for the murder of 
Valiquet in 186 7 ;-this trial was conducted at St. Scholastique, before Judge 
and lasted fifteen days; Queen 'lJS. B:.Hnard Cain, for the murder of James I'\agle; 
Queen vs. Pierre Durocher and wife, for the murder of John Mullin; Queen vs. Mrs. 
Lacroix and daughter, for the murder of a child, 
In most of the above cas :s, and especially the first, Mr. Mackay was the only 
lawyer for the defence, and in every case he wa<; successfu1. [n 18 9-1-, he went to 
England, and argued before the Judicial Committee and Privy Council of Her 
Majesty an important w:uer-power case between Hamelin & Ayre and the Banner- 
mans, Sir RIchard \Y ebster, Attorney General, was l\[r. Mackay's Counse], with 
Vernon Smith, Q.C.; the former argued the case personally with \{r 
He was married in 18 6 4 to Miss Papineau of Montreal; she died in 18 7 0 , 
leaving one son Alfred, now a barrister in Montreal. In 1874 he married :\[iss 
Desjernier of St. Hennas; they have three son..: the eldest, Adolphe, is in the 
employ of Messrs. Hodgson, Sumner & Co., !\lontreal ; the other two 3re in college. 
Mr, Mackay has an attractive residence surrounded by well laid out grounds in St. 
Andrews, and a fine farm near this village, which he ha<; brought to a high state of 
COL. D'HERTEL was, for quite a number of years, Registrar of the County of 
Argenteuil, and rdinquished the office when it was removed from ;:;t. Andrews to 
Lachute. He enlisted at the age of eighteen, and was in the battles of Platts burgh 


12 7 

and Chry
ler's Farm. Deserving promotion, he W.lS eventually rewarded with the 
commission of Colonel. He came from .:\lontreal to St. Andrews, and during h:s 
residence here w!\S esteemed for his intelligence and probity. 
A t the time of the Fenian Raid in 1866, several companies of Volunteers having 
been called out, they assembled at St. Andrews, preparatory to their depalture for 
other points. Col. D'Hertel, on account of his position and military experience, 
naturally was requested to address them. He was a fine, soldierly-looking man, 
full six feet in stature, but the days of his military prowess had passed. In fu)) 
uniform, but trembling from weakness and age, he spoke a few words, and then closed 
with the remuk: "You know [ cannot always be with you, boys." He then 
returneù to his home, which was the present residence of 1\1r. De la Ronde, 0arrister, 
and had scarcely reached the thrc:.hold when he expired. 
In 18 37, l\IR. AVA1\! DRYSD-\LE and Mary Black were married in Montreal at the 
house of James Roy, merchant, and they immediately removed to St. Andrews. The 
father of Mr, Drysdale, who was a retired sea c1ptain, having for many years sailed 
between Glasgow and Montreal, came with them. While living at St. Andrews, 
Capt. Drysdale taugh t J. J. C, Abbott, afterward" Premier, the use of the compass, 
astronomy and higher ma!hematics-subjects for which young Abbott, in his thirst 
for knowledge, had a great liking. 
Adam Drysdale was a wheelwright by trade, and a good c:upenter and builder. 
He was engaged ill manufacturing plows while he lived here, and as they prüved vcry 
satisfactory, many were sold to the farmers in Argenteuil. In I R42, he returned to 

[ontreal with his family-then increased by three children, Adam, ThGmas and 
Margaret. One of hi" daughters -Grace-was married in J 879 to Joseph D. Taylor, 
of Isle aux Chats, Argenteuil County; she died a few years since, 
l DRYSDALE, another son of this family, is the well-known bookseller 
and publisher of Montreal. He married a lar]y of St. Andrews, as stated el3ewhere ; 
and it is no ùiscredit to Argenteliil that in the phala
1x of prominent and worthy men 
with whose associations she is blended may be numbered \Vi\liam Drysdale, He 
has had large experience in his presen t business, and has cver takeiJ :t lively interest 
in the development and promotion of Canadian literature. 
His establishment on St, James Street, 112 X 20 ft. in dimensions, and four 
stories high, is fitted up with an the requirt'ments of the trade, and every varidy of 
useful books may here be found. I )avid Drysdale, i is brother, who is also much 
respected in 
Iontreal, has a large hardware store on Craig street. 
\VILLLUI R, HIBBARD is another of the esteemed citiæns of St. Andrews, 
Many years of his life have ueen devoted to railroad aff,lirs, and he is now connected 
with the Canada 
\tlantic. In 18 53, he purchased a farm for his parents in St. 
Andrews, where they spent the remainder of their days. \Viliiall1 R. was married in 
18 5 2 to S:uah Cameron, of :\[ontreal; thcy have had six children, of whom one died in 
infancy; two sons and three daughters are now living. The SOilS 
re in bu



and of the daughters, the eldest, the widow of George May, sen., rejides in Los 
.\ngeles, California, and thp. two others live with their parents, 

1r. Hibbard came with his family to St. Andrews in 18 7 6 , and dllling his 
residence here he has heen an earne::t advocate of temperance, and a:;tive in 
Christian work. 
lrs. Hibbard and her daughters have also won the esteem 0f 
Christian peop1e by their acts of benevolence, and the earnestness with which they 
have encouraged and aided every mor<ll reform. 
HUGH WALSH, the present 
Iayor of St. Andrews, and proprietor of the flourish- 
ing gri
t mill, came to this village from Ormstown, Quc., in 18 8 3. 
His grandfather and two of his sons enlisted in the British Service, and lost their 
lives in the PeninsuLu \Var. His father, R, J. "Talsh, was educated in Dublin, 
entered the British Navy as midshipman, and after serving seven years, came to 
Canada, and was one of the early settlers in Chateauguay. He was in Montreal at the 
time of the Riot of 1849, and was writing in the Parliament House when it was 
mobbed and set on fire; he died at Orm<;town. He had seven sons and twO daughters 
that grew up. 
Hugh, next to the youngest son, was married 16th Febluary, 186 9, to Catherine 
M. Camí,bell of Ormstown, and was engaged in mercantile business in that place for a 
number of year
, He l'lHchased the grist mill on coming to St. Andrews, and has 
improved it and increas
d its c<lpacity for work. It ij now one of the best equipped 
manufactories in its line in this part of the province, and it docs a large business. 
Mr. \Valsh is a public-spirited, enterprising gentleman, and takes much interest in 
local affairs"; he has been mayor of the Parish, anå chailman of the 1\Iodel School 
Board several years, 
IARTIN from the County Down, Ireland, came with his f.lmily to Montreal 
in 1828, and after living there till 1830, he settled at S1. Andrews on the River Rouge. 
In the fall of 18 3 8 he removed to a small farm on the Lachute Road, hut as he was 
a carpenter by trade, his time was almost constantly devoted to this occupation. 
Iartin died with the cholera in 1832, leaving three sons-Edward, Charles and 
James, and three daughters-
lary, Martha and Jane. 
Edward died in Illinois in 18 94; Charles ij still living in l\[arquette Co., Mich.. 
and James died in I854-aged about 22. Mary married John 
lartin of the River 
Rouge; :Martha married George Powers, and died in Ottaw.,,; Jane married John 
Parker, and after living io S1. Andrews a number of years, they removed to Ottawa, 
lr. l}arker died, 
1rs. Parker now lives in St. Andrews with her sister Mary, 
the widow of John !\Ic:\lartin. 

Ir. Martin's second marriage W..1S, in 1835, to Clarissa Flint, daughter of a 
merchant of St. Andrews, whose store occupied the site of the present dwelling of Mr. 
Hibbard, They had five sons and two daughters-two of the fJrmer and one of the 
latter died in childhood; the other daughter died at the ag.: of 20. Of the remaining 
e SO:1S, TholU 1.5 B. lives in California; G:::orge H., the younge..,t, in Yandalia, 


12 9 

Ill. J uh n, the eldest of those living, remainrd on the homestead, and adùed to it till 
it éomprises about 120 acres. 
:\lr. Martin having also become joint owner with A. Le Roy of the Harrington 
estate, ccmprising 240 acres, has recently removed to the commodious brick dwelling 
on th:s estate in the village. He is one of the leading men of the parish, is a J. P., 
and ..;ecletary of the Model and Elementary School Boards. He joined 1\laj. 
Simpson's Troop when it was organized, and after serving in it eight years joined 
the S1. _-\ndrews Troop, with which he was c )nnected sixteen year:), and was at the 
front during the Fenian RaIds. 1\Ir. 
Iartin has taken a lively interest in the County 
Agricultural S )ciety, of which he wa;; vice-president four ye:us, and president five years, 
during which period the Society was in a most prosperous condition. He has been 
hrice m;Híied-fir
t, to Ann McIntyr
, 6th August, 1864; she died 19th October, 18 9 0 , 
and he was next married to Kate McIntyre-his first wife's sister-in December, 
189 [. Since the above was written, 
Ir. l\l:1rtin has sold his property and removed to 
TH(HIAS TURNER, fro:-n London, Eng., came to Montreal a short tim
 previous to 
the Rebellion of J 837, and was married there, 22nd l\Iay, 1837, to Ellen \Valker 
from Ðunbarton, Scotland. A few years later, they removed to Toronto, and after 
living there and at Stowville and Claremont about a quarter of a century, they 
removed to this section, b
ing interested in the settlement of the estate of 
lr. Walker 
-1\1 r
. Turner's father-who had lived near Belle Rivière, and had recently died. 
They settled in St. Andrews, where 1\lr. Turner died 11th February, 1875, and 
Turner 9th December, 1878. 
They left three daughters-Elizabeth, Mary and Helen. 
Iary married John 
\Vehster, and Helen was married, 25 th November, 1884, to \Vm. Somerville, a 
fal mer of S1. Andrew:); Elizabeth lives with her 
ister, :\lrs. Somerville; these sisters 
are a
nong the respected Christian ladies of this locality, 
PETER \VEnSTER from Leeds, England, settled in St. Andrews in 1839. He was 
a tailor, and after plying his trade here eighteen years, he conducted an hotel at 
Cushing for a year, in the present stone dwelling of R. Hartley. 
lIe then returned to 
t, Andrews, and about th ree ye" rs later purchased the 
lot and erected the brick house where his son J. \V. now lives. During the later 
years of his life he was much interested in religion, and was active in religious work. 
He died 21st March, 1891, at the age of 
2; 1\1rs. \Veuster died 16th June, 1877' 
aged 65. They had eight childrèn ; three sons and two daughter:; grew up. 
William, the eldest son, a steamboat engineer of long experience, died in Turonto 
in August, 1890. 
Thomas, a merchant tailor in Montreal for nBny years, died 28th June, 1890. 
John \V., who has long been a popular tailor and citiæn of this place, was 
matriel 15th May, 1873, to Mary Turner. He joined Co. No, I of the Rangers at 
its furmation, and served seven years. He then joined the St. .\ndrews Troop, and 
served in that, also, seven years. :\[r. \Veuster has a good farm of auc)lIt 200 acres in 
Bethany and another of 100 acres 011 Beech Ridge, 

13 0 


DANIEL SUTHERLAND was born in 1819, in Cromarty, Rothshire, Scotland, 
where his father, \Villiam Sutherland, was a contractor, and owner of a granite quarry, 
In his youth, the younger Sutherland had the good fortune to enj:>y the friendship of 
the celebrated geologist and author, Hugh Miller, who worked in the quarry; Mr. 
Ross, who built the St. Ann's Bridge, was 
lso his school-mate in Cromarty. 
Mr. Sutherland's brother-in-law conducted a large military tailoring establishment, 
and it was here that Daniel learned his trade. He came to Cana.da in 184 2 and 
settled in St. Andrews, opening a shop in the brick building opposite thé hotel; he 
afterwards built the house in which he has since resided. 1\1r, Sutherland was married 
April 11th, 18 5 2 ) to 
Iary Ann, daughter of the late Robert Simpson. 
lr:,. Suther- 
land died in 188 7, leaving two sons and one daughter j the youngest son, \Villian1 E. 
D., died 18 94 in Pasadena, Cal., whither he had gone hoping to benefit his health, 
leaving a widow and one child, He was interred in St. Andrews' cemetery, The 
eldest son, Robert S., is a commercial traveller in Chicago, and the daughter, 
Catherine :\Iary, is living in St. Andrews with her father. 1\1r. Sutherland is one of 
the respected citizens of St. Andrews; owing to advanced 3ge he has retired from 
business. . 
, from Perthshire, Scotland, came to Canaùa in 1843; he was 
a cabinetmaker by trade, also a carpenter, In 1851 he was married in Point 
Fortune to Agnes, daughter of the late John Pitcairn, and the s tme year he settled 
in St. Andrews, He opened a cabinet shop here, and did an extensive business as 
contractor and builder, employing many men and s
veral apprentices. He died in 
March, 189 [, aged 70 ; his widow still Ii ves here, 
They had four children-three sons and one daughter, but only one son and the 
daughter are now living. 
Alexander, the son, residing here with his mother and sister, still industriously 
 the business followed by his father. 
,V. J. MORA\\", second !>on of John Moraw, wa!> bOJ n 24 th July, 18 5 6 , in Center- 
ville. He remained on the farm until twenty-fi\Oe years of age, when he started in the 
cheese business with Thomas Ross, at Point Fortune, and remained with him a year. 
He has continued in the business ever since, and has bought one factory and built 
four in this count)'. 1\1r. Moraw has also a creamery in this village, which hao; been 
in operation four years, He was married September 7th, J 837, to Mary, daughter of 
Martin Funcheon;of Beech Ridge. They have one son and one daughter. 
JOSEPH ROBINSON, from the County of Antrim, Ireland, came to St. Andrews in 
18 45 ; he was married 23rd Ju1y, 1852, to a widow
 .\lrs. Elizabeth CoHigham. They 
have had five children-three sons and two daughters, Joseph, one of the former, 
when seven years old met a sad death by the destruction of the St. Andrews bridge, 
an account of which is given elsewhere, 
Margaret, the eldest daughter, \Vas muried [5th June, 18 8 7, to John Henderson, 
a brass finisher by trade, of Montrea1. He died May, 1891, leaving one child, a 

13 1 
boy three years old. :\Irs, Hender
on resides in a fine: commodious, brick dweHing, 
beautifully 10c.1ted on the bank of the 
orth Rivêf, where she ably entertain., summer 
 was born 9th April, 1809, in Cortachy, at the county seat of 
Lord Monboddo, Monboddo House, parish of F JrJen, Kink:udineshire, :)-.: )tland. 
After leaving school, he received tlnrough training in agriculture and arb3riculture, 
and was yet a young man when he managed these departments of an estate at Castle 
Semple. Mr. Middleton left Glasgow in March, 18,p, on the sailing ship " \[o
and with his wife and family reached l\1ontreal after seven w
eks. A short tim
his arrival, he took the position of superintendent of Judge Reid':; house, property 
and grounds, on the spot where Sohmer Park now stands, remaining here until 18 4 8 , 
He then came to St. Andrews and farmed for five years, after which he entered into 
the managemen t of the late 
lr. William Lunn's estate, taking charge of it twenty- 
three years. His reputation a5 an arboriculturist may be somewhat appuent from 
the fact that, from 1847 until he ceased active labors, he had gained (ISO priz
s. In 
grape culture, he almost invariably won first prizes, and had no superior in Canad]. 
He was one of the earliest members of the Montreal Horticultural Society, and wac; 
one of their judges for m
ny years. 1\1r. l\1iddleton possessed luuch ingenuity in 
handicraft, and some articles of furniture:: made in his spare moments-especially a 
finely carved clock and a centr
-table, which was made from 1500 different piecc:s of 
wood, and a diminutive summer house-are well worth seeing. 
He died at his home in St, Andrews, 2nd 
ovember, 1895, leaving a widow, one 
son, M... J. Middleton of Point Fortune, and a d1ughter, Mrs. Snule, of .\loatreal. 



The men who in past years were for some time connected with merc lIltile busi- 
ness in this place have already been mentioned, as well as 
lr. Dewar and \[r. \r J le
who are still trading here. 
Besides the stores of these two gentlemen, which are oflong standing, especi:tlly 
that of Mr. 'Vales, which is almost coeval \vith the village, there are the. stores of 
Thomas Lamb, J, H. LaFond, the groc
ry of Chas. Laiouceur, and th
 tin shops of 
Dorion and Ladouceur. 
THOMAS LAME is a son of the late \Vm. Lamb, noticed in the history of Point 
Fortune. He came to St. Andrews as clerk for the late Chatles \\Tales, in 1856, :lnd 
remained in tIns position five years, In 1866, he entered into partnership with .\Iex- 
ander Dewar, and in 1877 became a partner of Charles \Vales, jr., in the present store 
of Mr. 'Vales. In 1886, he commenced trade on his own account, in the store occu- 
pied for some years by the late Thomas Meikle, and where he still continues the 
business. Having the unqualified respect and confidence of the public, he a 
good share of public patronage. He is also Postmaster, having been appointed to the 
position in 1870. He joined the Rangers in 1862, at their organizJ.tion, and \\ as 

13 2 


promoted to the rank of 2nd Lieut. iu 1866: to that of Captain in 1870, and to the 
rank of 
lajor in 1880; he has been Paymaster of the Battalion since 1870. 
He was married July 15th, [869, to Margaret S., daughter of the late Chas. 
".al*:s, sr. Like her husband, Mrs. Lamb is well known for her interest and activity 
in Temperaace and Christian wurk, and esteemed for her deeds of kindness and 
benevolence. Their only son, \V, H, Lamb, is assistant in the ston hnd post office. 
lEIKLE, mentioned above, was for several years a prominent man in 
this place. On his monument in the cemetery is the following: 
., Thomas Meikle-a native of Glasgow-was for many years Postmaster and 
merch:mt at St. Andrews. He perished with his aged father by the burning of the 
steamer · 
Iontreal ' near Quebec, 26th June, 1857. He was 45 years of age." 
F. H. LAFo:\D is comparatively a newcomer, having opened his store in this 
plJ.ce in [893. He is a native ofS1. Hermas, and after spending some years as clerk 
!ontreal, he began trade in Lachute in 1887, where he remained till he came to 
St. .\ndrews. He has quite an extensive stock of merchandise, and seems to be pros- 
pering in his business, 
The sto;.e he occupies is that built and occupied so 100Jg by Mr, Guy Richards, 
Frank Farish also was a merchant in the same store for n'any years. He took quite a 
prominent part in local affairs, and was secretary of the School Board for some time, 
Some of his letters, which are 
till extant, show elegant penmanship, and are also very 
Correctly written, It was he who built the present dwelling of 1\1r. l\-IcKay, advocate. 
CHARLES LADOUCEUR who has a grocery here, has been in the grocery business 
and a successful dealer in live stock for the twenty years. 
lIE.RCULE LADOUCEUR is proprietor of a bakery, which he has stlccessflllly 
conducted for many years. His father, Joseph Ladouceur, carne to St. Andrews from 
the county of Two Mountains nearly sixty years ago, and died hcre about 1867, He 
had four sons and six daughters who grew up, 
Hercule, the third son, spent several years of his youth on the Ottawa, after 
which he.found employment for four years in the States. Returning in 1865, he took 
up the mason's trade, which he followed a number of years, erecting, besides the brick 
hotel of John Kelley in Carillon, many other good buildings in this part of the coun- 
try. .-\s 
Ir. L
douceur has always been inclined to work, whenever he had oppor- 
tunity, during the winters of the period when he followed the mason trade, he was em- 
ploycd in different ways, and sometimes as clerk in a store. 
In 1878, he opened a bakery, with which he is still engaged. He was married 
larch, 1864, to Esther Haspeck, whose grandfather, from Germany, was one of 
tLe early settlers of St. Andrews, Of thcir four children, three are married. Mr. 
ladollceur has been 
lunicipal Councillor nine years, and Churchwarden three. 
\\". A. LaFond, who came from St. Hennas in 18
4, is the only barber in the 



EDWARD DORION was one of the active business men of St. Andrews in the 
generation past. He came here a young man from St. Eustache, and married a 
Miss Ladouceur of this village. He was by trade a tinsmith, and followed this 
through life, much of the time doing quite a prosperous business. He had four sons 
and two daughters that grew up, 
Ferdinand, his third son, learned the trade of his father, and has followed it vcry 
successfully for many years. During the last decade. he has emploYéd several hands 
in the work of furnace setting, plumbing, roofing, etc. His house is one of the most 
attractive in the village, and his shop contains a good stock of tinware and a \"ariety 
of stoves and other hardware. He was for several years a member of the local 
Council, but, owing to the demand of his business, he declined further service. He 
was married 8th April, 1861, to Margaret Hanigan j they have had six sons and 
seven daughtels, but three of the former are deceased. Their eldest daughter is a 
nun of PlOvidence of the Sacred Heart at Great Falls, Montana. 
St. Andrews has not been fortunate in her efforts to obtain a railway-the first 
one which was to have passed through this parish never having approached nearer 
than Carillon, 
In 18 9 1 , the Parish Council granted a bonus to C. N. Armstrong, for the construc- 
tion of a railway from Lachute to some point on the Ottawa near St. Andrews, and a 
railway station within half a mile <.f the iron bridge. It was supposed that this would 
form part of a railway crossing the Ottawa not far from St, Andrew
, and thence 
running to some point in Ontario. The road was constructed from Lachute to St. 
.\ndrews, but the other terms of the contract were not fulfilled; and as the amount 
of travel and freight to be carried between the two places is insufficient to pay the 
expense of running a train and keeping the road in repair, especially in win ter, there 
are only a few months in the year at present when St. A
drew') has railway accommo- 
A daily stage conveying the mail runs between Carillon and Lachute via St. 
Andrews j this line hC1s been in operation for the last fifteen years under the proprie- 
torship of l\lagloire Campeau of this village, who also has a contract for carrying the 

The Town Hall, a fine, brick building, was erected in 188 I. 
:\Iembers of the Municipal Council of 18 55-the first under the present municipal 
system; the meeting was held in Jones' " white house" :- 
Robert Simpson, John Hoy, Carillon; Edw. Jones, jun" La Baie; John ßur- 
wash, River Rouge; John l\IcPhie, Fred. H, McArthur, La Baie j Thomas Jefferson, 
Lachute Road. Robert Simpson was elected Mayor, and Thomas Wanless appointed 
Among the different enterprises which have been started in St. .\ndrcws was 
that of a new
paper, Ihe Progress, which was first published in 18]3, edited by 
- Ch
mbers ; Thomas Dorion, proprietor, :\Ir. Chambers subsequently W.15 con- 




nectel1 with The Chronicle (Quebec). During the early part of its existence TIle 
PI ogress was Co
servative in politics, but afterwards it came under the editorial 
management of R. P. de La Ronde, advocate, when it became politically identified 
with the Liberal party. It appears to have been a lively, well conducted, local 
sheet; but owing to the removal of the printer, its publication ceased in J 87 6 , 





A :Mcdel School was established in St. Andrews about 18 5 0 , Adam 'Valker 
being the first teacher. For some reason this school did not prosper in after years; 
the Gavcl nment grant was withdrawn, and the school closed in 187 6 . It was 
. reopened in 18 9 1 , in a substantial, commodious brick school building, since which it 
has been in a flourishing condition; many good scholars having been fitted here for 
the higher institutions of learning, the counting-room, or other business vocations. 
The teachers who have officiated since the opening of the school in 18 9 1 are as 
follows :-John Proctor, A, E. Rivard, Thos. E. Townshend and F. ,V, Vaughan. 
FREDERICK 'V. VAUGHAN, the present Principal, was born in Coaticook, Stan- 
stead County, Que., in 18 75. He attended the village school in Ayer's Flat, to 
which place his parents moved in 1876. Until fifteen year') of age, his academical 
education was acquired at Hatley Model School and Coaticook Academy, from the 
latter of which he graduated, and matriculated at l\lcGill. He received his Academy 
diploma in 18 94, and has since been teaching in St. Andrews with a marked degree 
of success, the standard of scholarship under his tuition having materially advanced. 
:Mr. Yaughan's energy and ability give plomise that he will be an important addition 
to the educators of the Province. 
fhe village was erected into a separate school municipality in March, 18 9 1 , and 
the :\lodel and Elementary Schools are taught in the same building, 

II. Colill Dewar contributes the following history of the bridges:- 
.. The maintenance of the bridge across the N
rth River at St. Andrews has 
always been a heavy tax upon the inhabitants, especia.lIy since some of the adjoining 
parishes wel e released from their liability to contribu te to it. 
The first bridge was erected in 180]; it was a bridge of very moderate dimen- 
sions and primitive design, consisting of five spans, supported on four trestles, and 
occupying a much lower level than the present structure; as the country was not 
then cleared up and drained, the spring freshets were not so great. 
Tbis bridge, with occasional repairs and renewing of portions in whole or in 
part, supplied the wants of the inhabitants until 1833, when a new one was erected 
alongsid<: of the old one, higher up the river. 
It was on this old bridge that a sad accident occurred, by which a man lost his 
life; it was caused by two of the strÙI
ers slipping off the trestles, taking a portion of 
the covering with them, leaving a large open space, which, unfortunately, was left 
unguarded, A tanner by the name of Daggett (who was the owner of the first 
tannery that started working in St. Andrews) was coming home late on Saturday 



night, and not knowing that part of the bridge had fallen down, fell through the open 
space, striking his head on a boulder, and was killed. On Sunday morning, there 
was quite an excitement when his dead body was discovered by individuals on their 
way to church. The testimony of at least two living witnesses confirms the above 
facts, and places the date of the occurrence at about 1817. 
In 1832-33 a contract was given to a man by the name of Pierce, for the con- 
struction of a new bridge of larger dimensions and different design, consisting of four 
spans resting on three mt stolle piers and abldl/leJlts. The plan and specifications 
were drawn up by a well-known land surveyor; but they, unfortunately, exposed his 
ignorance of architecture, as the specifications were in the main points ver}' defec- 
tive, and, in consequence, the work was not well done. 
The bridge was opened for traffic in the summer of 1833, and in the spring of 
1837 a large portion of one of the piers was broken up by the action of the ice and 
high water, causing the bridge to topple down. It was temporarily repaired to allow 
traffic to be carried on, and in the month of September a heavy trestle was substi- 
tuted fur the pier, and with other necessary improvements and occasional repaiJ.; it 
stood until the 19th March, 1859, when it was swept away as before. A temporary 
foot bridge was made by stretching three strong chains across the open space, ower- 
ing them with planks, where people could cross in safety; while a ferry above the 
mill dam, and another at Mc
Iartin's, served for horses and carriages, until the bridge 
was ready for traffic on the 27th August the same year. 
It was not for any great length of time that the rate payers were exempted from 
further expense, as in the early part of March, 1863, a large portion of the bridge was 
again swept away; this time, unfortunately, attended with loss of life, two yonng 
lads who were on it at the time being drowned. A temporary structure for the con- 
venience of people on foot was placed opposite Mr. Duncan Dewar's and l\lr. 
Edward Jones', whi
e the ferry was again opened above the mill dam, and at Col. De 
Hertel's for horses and carriages. This arrangement continued until 1865, when a 
lIew bridge of a more pretentious anù diffaent style of architecture was built by 
Messls. Moody of Terrebonne. It was supported on piers of dose crib 'Work filled 
tones, and strengthened overhead with short trusses, and was opened to the 
public in September of that year, and lasted until the present beautiful light iron 
Slructure was completed in 188 5." 
The present bridge was erected at an expense of $,10,200 ; the iron part of the 
structure costing $5,950, and the abutments and approaches forming the balance ot 
the cost. 
The following, the writing of which was suggested by another letter in The Star, 
\\ as copied from that paper :- 
'. Your reminiscences, of course, deal principally with the Rebellion, as it existed 
in another part of the country from where I was living at the time: but I have a 
distinct recollection of the events (being about 14 years of age) from reading the same 
in the public journals of the day, and your account brings all these scenes very vividly 
back to my remembrance, 

13 6 


(; I see that you mention the attack and burning of the village C)f SI. Benoit. I 
may state in this connection, that seven or eight companies of Volunteers frum St. 
Andrews and vicinity were there at that time, having been ordered to meet those 
coming from Montreal, as you relate, As you may not know why there were so many 
companies of Volunteers organized in St. Andrews, a short statement may not be out 
of place. The viHage at that time was largely settled by English-speaking people, 
not many French being among them; but on two sides-the east and south-were 
the :French parishes of Cote St. Pierre and Les Eboulies, In the latter place, they 
were red hot' Patriots,' meeting, drilling and getting ready for the fray; and on a 
hill a short distance from the Ottawa River, not far from St. Placide, on Point Aux 
Anglais, they had formed a barricade or fort, with trees and brush, which would have 
been of great service had a small number of men come against them. Early in the 
month of Nov
mber, [837, a courier came gaUoping up to St. Andrews with the intel- 
ligence that the' Patriots' were preparing to make a raid on the village and 
country adjoining. 'Ve well knew they meant to plunder, burn and kill; and well do 
I n....1ember hearing him cry out, 'They are in the Bay; will be here in a short time! 
Anything you have put it out of the way!' etc. In less than an hour, aU who were 
able were marching into the village, and such a crowd! Among two or three hun- 
dred men, there were not even fifty fowling pieces. The remainder were armed 
with pitchforks, clubs, broken scythes, etc., and nothing but an overruling and kind 
Providence saved us from attack, If they had come on, as was intended, they would 
have had their own way, as there was not sufficient force with suitable arms to stop 
them. There was at that time a small detachment of the 24th Regiment stationed 
at Carillon, under the commnnd of Capt, Mayne, w
o supplieå a few old, flint-lock 
muskets; and with these, all the roads leading out of the village were guarded, night 
and day. Companies of V olunteer3 were formed as quickly as possible, SO that by 
the loth or 12th of December seven or eight companies were regularly enrolled, armed 
and drilled, and, as already stated, were marched to Grand Brulé, according to orders 
from headquarters. The expEdition was not attended by any loss oflife, the' Patriots' 
wisely keeping out of tne way, but it was attended with a great deal of hardship and 
exposure to the rigors of a Canadian winter. Owing to inadequate clothing and want 
of proper food and shelter, many of them were not the better of that trip for many a 
day. A few of the companies were disbanded and al10wed to return to their homes, to 
be ready, if wanted, at a mon:ent's notice; the rest were kept in barracks and thoroughly 
drilled, so as to be ready in case of another outbreak, which, happily, did not occur 
in our palt of the country. I think the few remaining V olllnteers of that period 
who took up arms to defend their country are entitled to some compensation for 
service which ought to have been acknowledged long ago. I have no personal 
interest in this movement. 
Iy father and two brothers who took an active part in it 
have long since passed away to the silent majority; but I have an old friend who 
was among the first to join th
 ranks, and on his account, as well as on that of others, 
I should like to see them paid a small sum in cash, to sustain their declining years. 
"Yours truly, 


Cote du Midi and the Bay. 

The above localities arc in the parish of S1. Andrews, between the River Rouge 
Settlement and the Ottawa, Cote du Midi being, as its name indicates, a hill or 
ridge of land lying north of the Bay Settlement; the latter settlement is generally 
designated as "The Bay," bordering, as it does, on a very pretty bay formed by the 
Ou a wa. 
Though the land is considerably diversified in both these localities, and the roads 
hillr, there are some fine farms which are comparatively level, and the scenery in 
certain parts is romantic. The farm of Charles Hunter, a prominent and respected 
citizen on the Bay road, with its neat buildings, is attractive, and another large one 
adjoining it, owned by A. C. Robilhrd, one of the ex-Municipal Councillors of the 
parish. "Glencoe," the estate of I\1r. John McGowan, the old homesteads of the 
Hydes, Btlrwa
hes and Albrights are all valuable farms located at the Bay. "Silver 
Heights," and the farms of J olm 1Ic:YlartÏn and Archibald Graham, are among the 
most attractive and valuable estates at Cote du Midi. 
CAPTAIN JOHN \Y AINWRIGHT of the Royal Navy, came to Canada with his 
family in J 833. He was bo:-n in \Yickharn, Hampshire, England, 3rd May, 1800, 
his father also being a captain in the Royal Navy. \Vhen he was only eight years 
of age, his father took him on his ship to India; but while there, he was ordered to 
proceed up the Persian Gulf, and thinking that the mission might be attended with 
danger, he sent his son back to England on an East Indiaman. Soon after this, he 
was sent to a Na"al School, from which h.e entered the service as midshipman, and 
passing the different grades of promotion, in time, secured a Lieutenant's commission, 
'''hile holding this rank, he sailed with Captain (subsequently Admiral) Beecher, 
who was sent, in the interests of science, on an expedition to the Pacific and Arctic 
oceans, On this voyage they came neu a small island in the Pacific, which some 
of the young devotees of science insisted on visiting. A heavy surf rendered the 
approach to it dangerous, and their boat was smashed in the effort to land, though all 
leached the shore in safety. But now a difficulty arose as to the manner ofreturning 
to the ship. One boat only remained, and this the Captain positively forbade his 
men to lower, fearing that this, too, would be ruined; but he gave orders to construct 
a raft with which to bring the men off, and when it was finished, Lieut. \Yainwright, 
with some others, went to the relief of their stranded friends. They had to remain 
for some time a little distance from. the shore before all were embarked, and mean- 
while Lieut. \Yainwright, stripped to the waist, had to Etand in the water exposed to 
a boiling surf. The exposure was more than his constitution was able to bear, and 
he was soon seized with a severe illness, from the effects of which he never entirely 
recovered. Eventually, he was awarded a medal for the part he took in this expe- 
1\ot long after his return to England, he was married to Elizabeth Powers, 
daughter of Samuel Powers, Esq., of Harley street, London, and soon afterward he 



sai'ed for the Mediterranean in His Majesty's ship "Melville." Within a year, 
however, he was again taken ill from the same cause, it was believed, that gave rise 
to his former i1lness, and invalided home. During his absence at sea, 20th December, 
182 9, his eldest son, John '\Vroughton, was born. Though he received his commis- 
sioe. as captain, l\Ir, \Vainwright, on account of the debilitated condition of his health, 
never accepted command of a vessel. In 1833, through the influence of Commissary 
C. J. FNbes, who was then in England, and of whose wife Mr. '\Vaínwright was 
cOllsin, he came with his family to Carillon. After remaining a year with !\Ir, Forbes, 
he purchased of Archie McVicar, a Nor' \Vester, for ,ÆI001, the farm of 400 acres 
known as "Silver Heights," which is now owned by his son John '\Vrought0n \Vain- 
\nigh 1. 
This spot, which he chose for his home, possessing naturally rare features of 
beauty, he adorned in many ways which characterized it as an English homestead. 
P Jssessed, as he was, of English ideas with regard to social status, and having been a 
naval officer, it is not surprising that he should have formed one of an exclusive circle, 
and been regarded 
n aristocrat. But whatever may have been his ideas of social rank, 
he performed the duties of Justice of the Peace, for many years, with strict impar- 
tiality, careful consideration, and to public approval. 
James Francis Ballard, the youngest brother of Captain \Vainwright, became 
Rear Admiral in the Royal Navy, and was in command of the "Black Prince," a 
vessel which formed the escort of the ,: Great Eastern" when she was laying the Atlantic 
caLle. In 185 1 , Captain \Vainwright visited the Great Exhibition in London, and 
later he removed with his wife and daughters to England) where he died; Mrs. 
Wainwright died in 1881. They had six children-two sons and four daughters. 
fhey were John \Vroughton, Emily, Harriet Forbes, Mary Elizabeth, Charlotte 
Catherine, and George Hadden Richmond. 
Emily, the second child, died at the age of 8; Mary Elizabeth, the third, was 
married to Lieut, Penethorne, of the Royal Artillery, but died soon afterward, 
George H., unmarried, is a broker in Montreal. 
JOHN 'V., the eldest of the children, has always remained on the homestead; 
content with the society of his family and with the enjoyment of his rural abode, he 
has had little to do with public affairs, He was married May 1 [th, 186 4, to Amelia 
Elizabeth CarolIne Carter, daughter of the late Dr. Edward Carter, of Sorel, P.Q. 
They have had seven children-three sons and four daughters, Of their sons, 
J. E. R. is employed in the Merchants' Bank at Calgary; J. G. R., who graduated 
with honors from McGill in 1892, is a civil engineer in Hamilton,Ont., and S. F. A. 
is a student in the Medical Department of McGill University, 
FINLAY MACMARTIN was born in Perthshire, Scotland, in 1812, and came to 
Canada with his father, Donald MacMartin, in 1827, and settled in Grand Fournier, 
near St. Eustache, The following interesting letter, written by his sister, was 
copied from the British Whig (Kingston), of October 28, 18 9 0 :- 



 OF 18 37-3 8 . 
" MONTREAL, October 23, -. 
"To THE Em roR,-
Iy brother, Finlay l\Iac
Iartin, served as a YolunteerUl;der 
Captain Globensky, of St. Eustache, County of Two 
Iountains. He was at the 
battle of St. Eustache, 14th December, 1837, and was one of the party finding the 
body of the rebel leader, Dr. Chenier, shot down trying to escape, his followers 
having taken refuge in the Catholic church, hoping thus to save their lives. I well 
remember my brother's tale of the exciting times they had, while wailing at the vilJage 
of St. 
lartin (nine miles from 51. Eustache): for the ice to become strong enough to 
enable soldiers to transport their cannon and ammunition across the Rivière du 
Chêne, a branch of the Uttawa. The Regulars were commandcd by Sir John Colborn<:>, 
who aftel wards became Governor-General of Canada. After impri:-oning all who 
surrendëred, the troops fired the church and village of St. Eustache, then marched 
to the, ilJage, twelve miles west, St. Benoit, another stronghold of the rebels. Here 
lived Dum!Juchdle, a noted rebel, father of the late Senator Dumouchelle, of Two 

[ountains. Although only 5ix years old at the time, I well remember passing 
through St. Benoit, when it was a heap of smouldering ruins. 
[y mother, bLing 
very nervous, left home with the younger members of 
he family, to reside with an 
uncle at St. Andrews, where the English population was more numerous j my two 
elder brothers were enlisted as Yolunteers. 
ly father, then moer sixty years of age, 
;ll1d a farmer, located in the vel y centre of a reLel comIl1unity, was placed in a trying 
position. He could hardly leave home, and by remaining would be forced to jilin 
the rebels, or be put under arrest by them. He and my only surviving brother, 
James l\Iacl\Iartin, now living on the homestead at St. Eustache, betook themse!ves 
to the woods, then pretty dense, and made dismal by the howling w()lve
, which they 
kept off by burning fires day and night. As the night advanced, they would venture 
out as near home as they deemed safe, then my sistcrs, aged respectivclyeighteen 
and twenty, who had brave:y volunteered to remain at home, would 
et out a signal, 
when it was safe for them to come to the house. 
Iy father finally got things satis- 
factorily arranged, such as putting all his threshed wheat into barrels, and concealing 
it whele the rebels never thought of looking for it. There was not much to conceal, 
as threshing was a slow precess in tho:,e dap. All had to be done with the flail. an 
implement of which the farmers of to-day know little. He placed his highly prizl d 
gun (after taking it apart) in an o:d metal pot, and buried it in the earth. No \ ile 
lebel would eyer get that into his hands. He then stalted off, accompanied by my 
brother, who was thcn a young boy, to rejoin mother and family at S1. Andrews, 
They had to keep under co\-er of the wood
, ac; they were sure to be arrested if they 
ventured on the highway. The hard
hips and sufferings they encountered were 
terrible, wending their way through snow and- half-frozen swamps, up to their knees 
in water. My brother was taken ill with inflammator
' rheumatism shortly aftl
r, and 
has been a martvr to that disease in a chronic form ever since. 
\fter wandering for 


14 1 

two days and a night, they reached L'1chute (instead of St. Andrews) in the early 
part of the second night, well nigh exhausted by fatigue, hunger and cold. They got 
a hearty welcome from the loyal-hearted Scottish f.Hmers, who attended to their wants, 
and sent them on their way rejoicing to St. Andrews. Of the sisters who remained 
at home and attended to the cattle, the youngest, 1\1rs. Alex. Patton, County Bruce, is still living; the o:her, Mrs. 
Iax\VeH, mo
her of John Maxwell, barriste; 
and Crown .\ttorney br Prescott and Rus<;elJ, also of Rohert 
lax\VelI, carriage builder, 
of Eden Grove. Eruce County, Ontario, died ten years ago. Finlay 
Iartin, whose 
service as a Y olunteer is ahove recorded, died sixteen, and his brother 
ied nine 
yea! sago. 
"Shortly before the b:tttle of St. Eustache, a party of rebels canie to o

r home, 
while my sisters were alone, and asked wh
re my father and b:others were. They 
were very civil, with the exception of one, who shoved his old rusty gun through the 
window, for which he was sharply reprimanded by his leader. They asked for fire- 
arm'), money, etc.; not getting this, they went to the stables, took the best horse, 
harness, and an old train
au,--for sleighs were not in use in those days. From the 
sheep pen, they took of the f.Htest. Return ing to the hause, they gave my sisters a , 
note to the effect that payment would be made when the 'Republic of Canada was 
declared and established.' 
,. The leader of this party, named Jerod, was recognized by my sisters on the 
morning of the b;wtle of St. Eust1che, 111 lking his escape on horseback, without 
saddle or bridle, but a halter made of his mililary sash. 
" Respectfully your

Finl.!y :\Iac
lartin came to Cote du Midi "in 18-1-8, and settled on a farm which 
he b.Jugh
 from .\rchibald :\lcCalIum, one of the first settlers here. He was married, 
April 9th, 1850, to Christida, daughter of Donald l\1cKeraclter, of D.llesville, the first 
settler of that place. They had four sons and four daughters. 
Ir. Mac:\Iartin dIed 
1 [th December, ISj 4. acie I sixty-two; :\Irs. \lac \lartin still survives him, living on the 
old homestead. Of the children, :\largery .\., the eldest, married to 'v. G. Cameron, lives 
in Unlario j Jean 0., married to:\1. L. Foley, in British Columbia; Maggie L., married 
to J. E. Playfair: in Ontario; and Eugenia, who is a teacher, is also in Ontario. 
James A. P., the second son, learned his trade as bridge builder, and was a contractor 
in that line; he was last heard from when in New 
Iexico, six years ago, Geo. D., 
after spending four years with :\Ir. Chas. \Yales of St. Andrews, in the mercantile 
business, went to 
Iontreal and spent six years-part of this time in traveBing-in 
the same line of business. In 18 9 1 , he went to Chicago, and now has charge of the 
office in that city of J. \V. GoddJ.rd & Sons, wholesale woollen merchants of New 
York. While in Montreal, he was a member of the Yictoria Rifles, and was cham- 
pion shot of Quebec for two years, Colin B., the youngest son, lives at home. 

14 2 


JOHN F. K., eldest surviving son, was born in Cote du Midi. It was his inten, 
lion to prepare for business or a profession; but the father dying when the family 
was young, it became necessary for him to take the management of the farm, in which 
he is still engaged. Being a teetotaler from infancy, he early became an active 
temperance worker, taking a prominent part in attempting to secure the passing of 
the Dunkin and Scott Acts, and also by working as a member of the Sons of Temper- 
ance, I. O. G. T., and Royal Templars of Temperance, having filled the leadin
offices of the different societ:es for various terms in succession, He was Master of 
St. Andrews L. O. A., No. 52, for a number of years, and was also an officer of the 
County L. O. A. of Lachute. He became a member of the active militia of Canada 
at an early age, and served as a private and Ilon-commissioned officer; in 1880, he 
went to a Military school, and, having obtained a certificate, was given the commission 
of Second Lieutenant in No. I Company, Eleventh Battalion, A, R., and three years 
later, the commission of First Lieutenant; he is also a commander of the Colors 
He early took an active part in religious ma
ters, hecame a member in full com- 
munion of the Presbyterian Church, and, a few years later, was elected to the Elder- 
ship, Since the introduction of the Patrons of Industry, he has been President of one 
of the Associations, and has successfully organized a number of Associations through- 
out the County and Province. 
In the summer of 1817, ALEXANDER MCGREGOR, of Breadalbane, Perthshire, 
Scotland, came to Canada, and found employment at Chute au :êlondeau, Ontario. 
On the last day of the following April, he crossed the Ottawa on the ice, and made his 
way to Cote du Midi and purchased the two lots now owned and occupied by his son 
John. He was a weaver by trade, and with that thrift characteristic of his country- 
men made a hand loom earn many a penny during the long winter evenings and days 
when he could not wage war on the forest with which much of his land was covered. 
Owing to the scarcity of cloth manufactories, his loom was an implement of great 
utility to his neighbors, for whom he wove many of the fabrics then in common use, 
In the Rebellion of J837, he and his eldest son, Alexander, promptly enlisted in the 
Company commanded by Captain Robert Simpson. 
He had eight chil,Jren, but only two of the sons, Alexander and John, respected 
citizens, live in this section. The latter, who lives on the homestead, is a prosperous 
The history of THOMAS H\ DE, whose descendants are numerous in this section, 
is replete with romantic incidents. His home was in Exeter, England, and his father 
was a captain in the Royal Navy. 
Thomas had spent some years on the ship of .\dmiral Rodney, and in company 
with a young friend named Ramsey he left the service and came to New York. Both 
had money supplied them by their parents, and they purchased a stock of goods, and 
went to the North \Vest to trade with the Indians. But they met different tJeatment 
from what they had anticipated, and learned the treachery and barbarity of the 



savages; they were robbed of their goods, and soon saw that their lives were in 
danger. H}de made good his escape, but Ramsey was captured, bound, and then, 
according to the custom of the Indians, was subj{cted to torture. \Vhile lying on his 
back, stripped, his tormentors amused themselves by pricking his body with their 
knives, and then wiping the blood from them on his lips. But his revenge was at 
hand, They had been drinking, from the effects of which they were soon in deep 
slumber, leaving him, as they supposed, securely bound, When he saw their uncon_ 
scious condition, however, by great exertion he freed himself from the thongs, seized 
a tomahawk, dispatched fourteen of his captors, and escaped. He final1y reached 
England, but not receiving the welcome from his family which he desired, and induced 
by that love of adventure which young men having once experienced, seldom abandon. 
he colored his red hair, can 1 e to America, and once more mingled with the Indian... 
H is disguise, however, was not so complete as to prevent recognition, but by some 
means, of which we are ignorant, he gained the esteem of the Indians, married a. squaw, 
and was granted by her tribe a large tract of land in the vicinity of the Great Lakes, 
Some years subsequently he corresponded with his old friend Thomas Hyde, who 
was then ë:lt St. Andrews, and made him liberal offers of land, if he would go out and 
set tie near him; but having too vivid recollections of his former experiences among the 
Indians, Hyde d{clined the tempting offer. After escaping from the Indians, Hyde 
went to Michilimackinac, and was there employed by the superintendent of Indian 
affairs, as clerk in tÍ1e Indian Store. 'Vhile there, he married Margaret Anderson, a 
young weman who had been ind
ntured, when quite small, by her mother to the 
superintendent, and whose term of indenture had now expired. Her father lived, at 
the opening of the American Revolution, on the Susquehanna River; and being 
an U. E. Loyalist, his property W_1S confiscated, and he came to Can ldJ. in com- 
pany, it is sai<.l, with two flmilies nam
d Ogilvy and Glassford-both having been 
exiled hy the same fate-and whose descendants are no ,v prominent citizens of 

[ontrea1. These loyalists were at 
Iichilimackinac, and the celebrated Indian chief, 
Brant, was al
o there at the same time. 
Brant, knowing .1\Ir. Anderson, borrowed of him a sum of money, which WJ.S 
counted and delivered in presence of a number of I ndians. Whether incited to the 
(;rime by the sight of the g.)ld, or whether they were led to it by some other motive, 
is unknown; but soon afterward, they shot \[ r. .-\.ndel son between the crevices of the 
logs in the house where he resided. Being unwell at the time, he was lying on a 
couch when the dastardly act was committed. 
Irs. Anderson being thus left a 
widow with her young children, was prevailed on to inrienture her eldest child, 
:\Iargaret, to the superintendent, and it WJ.<; to her, now arrived at worn 1I1hood, that Hyde was wedded. 
A few years after this marriage, som
faction having ari-)en between the 
superintendent an..} the Government, he left hi" position, and thou
h he offcr
 1 Hy(le 
the u
e of his house, furnished, if he would rennin at Michilimackinac, on account of 
his dislike and distrust (f the Indians, he declined the offer, and with his wife 3,11(1 



two children with the superintendèllt to 
Iontrea1. There he W.1S introduced 
hy the superintendent to Sir John Johnson, Seignior of Argenteuil, these two gentle- 
men heing cousins; and by Sir John he was ind ceù to purchase two lots of land at 
St. Andlen-s Bar, to which place he removed about I i9 2 . 
In the war of 18T 2, he became Captain of a 
Iililia Company, and his eldest son, 
who \\'.\S born at :\lichilimackinac in 1789, was S
rgeant of the sa
lle Company. In 
I8J 5, they \\'
re ordered with the Company to 
Iontreal, but before arri\Ting there 
peace WJ.S declared, and they returned home. 
:\1r. and 1\Irs. Hyde, whosè eady life had been one of so milch rom:1.nce and 
sorrow, livcd here until their death. They had twelve children; George, the eldest, 
bought a farm at the Bay about a mile from the homestead; he also had twelve 
children, who grew up; he died in 1887. Jan
, the eldest daughter, born at l\Iichili- 
mackinac, married Martin Albright; she died in 1879. Sarah, th
 second daughter, 
married Edw.\rd Jones. AJexander, anather son, bought a farm and settled 011 the 
River Rouge; he had eight children,-three sons and five d.ulghters; his own ')on 
George, who remained on the homestead, and still OWI1S it, has recently purchased the 
fine old homestead of J ohn 
lc:\lartin. Charles, another son of Thomls Hyde, pur- 
chased a on the River Rouge near his brother Alexander; but he had no children, 
Xelson, the youngest son of this old family, never married. and rem:\Ïned on the home- 
stead till 1880, when he sold it, and now lives in the villJge of St. Andrews. He is 
another of the octogenarians in this section, who are witnesse5, not only of the salu- 
brity of thè climate, but of the benefit resulting from industry and tempel ance. 
 ca'ne from Fort William, Invcrness-3hire, Scotland, and after 
living a year in Lachine, call1
 to Cote du Midi about 1802. He was a Presbyterian, 
and the first, or one of the first, who preached here,lbout; the reader will find him 
alluded to in Dr. Paterson's sketch of the Plesbyterian Church, St. .\ndrews, as one 
of the early workers for the Christian cause; his sermons were delivered in Gaelic. 
As there were so many of the same name in this section, he was distinguished by the 
name of ,. Preacher Cameroi1," and one of his sans in turn by the same cognomen. 

Ir. Cameron took up the lots of land now owned l>y his grandson John. While 
he was away six we
ks in L:lchin
, on duty as a \'olllnte
r in the war of 1812, a large 
number of his sheep died fro111 cold and starvation. 
His eldest son Hugh, vlho was in Capt. Simpson's Company in 1837-38, lived Oil 
the homestead. He had seven sons and six Jaughters; he died about 1867. 
John and Alexander are the only two living in this section; Hugh, a fann
r, lives 
in Ottawa. 
SDtEO:-J LERoy was the earliest pioneer of whom w
 have received any record; 
he located here as early as I j8S. 
At the olJening of the Amel ican R'
volution, he, with two or three brothers, 
1ived in Genesee County, X.Y.; but their loyalty to the Briti-;h G;:>vernm::nt for 
Lidding their cJ.
tit1g in their lot with those who had thrown off their allegiance, th ey 
felt that safety demand
d a remova1. Simeon first w.:nt to NOla SC0tia, a:ld afte r 



spending a fe\v y
ars ther.e, and ii1 other plac
s, he r:am
 to St. Andrews anJ settled 
on th
 River Rouge, on land now owned by John :\lcG;egor and Stephen Burwash. 
At the time the LeRoys left Genesee County, haste prevented their nuking any 
efflJrt to sell their property, hence they left all, glad to e5cape only with their lives, 
The country then b
ing new, and land worth but little, they probably did not reg,1rd 
the sacrifice they were making as a great one. Since then, however, the same land 
-owing to the rapid growth of villages and cities-!1:ls becom
 very valuable, and, 
I:l)t many years ago, an effort was made to find the heirs to the real estate vaclted 
hy the LeRoys. An agent vi'iited this section of C:lnad.l, and endeavored to induce 
descendants of the LeRoy brothers to bok up their claims to the property; but 
believiug they had no ríght to the improvements which had been mlde thereon, and 
regclrding it of little value when their ancestors abandoned it, they, conscientiou5ly. 
decided to ha';e nothing to do with the matter. 
Mr. Simeon LeRoy lived on the land where he first settled on the River Rouge 
till hi
 death; he had three sO:1s-William, Sim
on, Henry, and two d3.ughters 
-Sophia and Hannah, 
The homesteJd was divided between \Villiam and Sim
0.1 j Henry bJught the 
lot now owned by John l\1c\lartin. He sold out not m:lI1Y years subsequently, 
and moved to Ea5l Ha.wkesbury, where he spent the rem1.inder of his d.lYj. Wiliiam 
was the only one who remained in this section. He married a d.:lughter of :\lanin 
Jcnes, an early pioneer at St. Andrew's B3.Y, and spent his life on the h )m 'steJ.d. 
They had ten children-five sons and five d:lughters j six of these--thre
 mns and 
three daughters -settled in East Hawke5bury, Ont., one son and two daughters in 

Iontreal, and another 'ion, Martin, lJought a farm on the Riv.:r RouJe. He was 
married to 
[ary, daughter of :\Ialcolm :\lcCallum. a worthy pioneer of this locality. 
They had twelve children-eight sons and four daughters. 
Mr. LeRoy died 1st Januuy, 181)3; 
Irs. L
Roy, 1st November, 1889, ()fthe 
children, six settled in the State of :\lichigan; one d,1'Ighter in Manchester, N. H. ; 
::\b.lcolm, the eldest, in C:llumet Island; Archiblld C., and Muy, who married 
Martin Le Roy. in Hawkesbury, Ont. 
ALEXAt'DER is the only one who has remained in the neighborhood of hi:) birth. 
He is one of the highly respected citizens of the parish, whose counsel is sought in 
matters of moment to the IUllnicipJ.lilY ; and he hai serve.J it in the c;,t}Hcity of 
Justice of the Peace for a dec,lde, and ,15 Scho')l C0\11'uis:;io:1cr ab:mt the sal11
He married Hannah, a daughter of Henry Albright. in 187 I. They have three children 
living, and OsmcU1 Edgar, their eldest, is a graduate of 
[cGill and ha; obtained au 
A -ademy Diploma. 
I r. L
Roy h3.'i latdy purc113.-;ed the H uringt)n Estate. 
The BURWASHES, of whom there ar
 many in this section, are am )ng the sober, 
tl,riflY and industrious citizens who do credit to their coun
:r\athaniel B
lrwash WJ.S born i:1 Kent, EngL.1I1J, and his
r dyinJ \Vhi
e he 
W;lS very young, he was adoptcd by ::In u'\cle-captain of a vessel in the 
Marine_ He was employed several years on this \'e'-isel, during which time it wa'i 

14 6 


captured by the French and retaken by the English. Finally, he came to the United 
, marned, and settled in Vermont; but preferring to jive under the British flag, 
and induced by the cheapness of land, in ) 802, he came with his eldest son to Canada 
to prospect for a location. They had but one horse, and this they rode by turn
They came to Carillon, and after surveying different lots, selected three on the River 
After returning home, Mr. Burwash learned that his mother had recen tly died 
in England j and on going there, he received as legacy a sum of money, which p
him in good circumstal
ces, and enabled him to purchase lands in Canada for his 
, Soon after returning from England, he moved with his family to this section, 
and took up his residence on the River Rouge, on land now owned by his greal- 
grandsons, Martin Burwash and Martin Albright, A few years subsequently, he 
divided this farm between his two elder sons, Adam and Stephen, and purchased 
another tract which forms a part of the farm long known as " Silver Heights." Later, 
he bequeathed this to his youngest son, James, who soon sold it to Archie McVicar, 
a Nflr' Wester, and moved to Plattsburg, N.Y., where he died. 
Mr. Burwash, sen., after seeing hi3 sons well settled, made hii home with the 
eldest, Adam, and lived with him till his dca'h, 7th November, 183 J J at the age of 88. 
Adam Burwash had ten children-seven sons and three daughters, but only one 
of these, John, is now living. Four grandsons of Adam Bllrwash are clergymen, 
three of the :\Iethodist and on
 of the Baptist denomi 
Stephen Bunvash, \he second son of Nathaniel Burn-ash, had eight children 
who grew up-six sons and two daughters. Of the sons, l\Iatthew and John stillli'"e 
here,-the former in St. Andrew's vilIage, though still owning his farm; the latter, 
011 the River Rouge. Mr. R
lIwash died 18th January, 1887, aged 60. 
Matthew, the third son of Nathaniel Rurwash, whose farm given him by his 
father was located at 
t. Andrew's Bay, was drafted in the war of 1812, and though 
not a participant in that engagement, was within he:1.ring, marching towarù it, when 
the battle of Chrysler's Farm was fought. Two years previous to his death, he was 
awarded a pension by th
nt. He died 13th September, 1876, ag..?d 87 j 
MIs. Burwash, in 1890, aged 95. He was lllarried to, daughter of Ewen 
McI achbn, who came from Scotland and settled on \he River Rouge in 1802, :\lr. 
McLachlan sold his farm and purclu;;e lone in Point Fortune, on wh 1 ch his great 
grandson, Victor Angus, now resièes. One of his sone:, Ewen, built the mill at Arn- 
prior, which is now owned by his own SO:lS, Hugh F. and Claude 
The only dildren of :\[atthew Burwas'\, sen., now living are Maria in 
Andrews, and 'Villiam at Southampton, Onl. Hi.) son Mau!-.elv remained on 
the homestead, and during his lifetime was one of the influential farmers of this 
section. His widow still lives on the homestead, which is now managed by her son 
Thoma<": a Municipal Councillor, and a member of the St. Andrew's Troop. His 
brother Harry, also a memLer of the Troop, is c'erk in the store of Mr. Banfurd. 
Lachute. Thomas, the fourth son of Nathaniel Bllrwash, though very Yüung, was 
drafted during the war of J 81 2, but he soon died from the mea-ìlcs which he caught 
III camp. 

River Rouge. 

This settlement is an important and beautiful district of St. Andrews parish, 
about five miles in length, commencing about a mile east of St. Andrew's village, and 
terminating at the east line of the county. It embraces two ranges of lots - one on 
each side of the river called the Rouge, a small stream about ten miles in length, 
rising in the county of Two 1\lountains, and pursuing a devious course westerl}' 
in to the North river near St. Andrews' village. The locality is elevated, affording an 
ive view, and as an agricultural section it is rarely equalled, the farms being 
beautifully located and possessing a strong and productive soil. Among the fine 
farms here-many of which are mentioned in the following sketches-is that of R. p, 
De La Ronde, barrister .of St. Andrews, which contains over 30::> acres with good 
\VILLIAM: S, TODD, eldest son of Andrew Todd, was born in 1852, in St. 
Eustache; he was married in 1882 to Agnes, daughter of Joseph Rodgers. In 1890, 
he bought his present farm, the old Peter 1\1c:\Iartin place, on the north side of the 
River Rouge. 
lcEwEN came from Perthshire to Canada in 1818; he was a carpenter, 
and worked at his trade in Montreal for some time, then came to River Rouge, and 
bought the farm now owned by James ::\1cOuat. He was married in Montreal to 
Catherine McLean, of Rreadalbane ; they had thirteen children-eight sons and five 
daughters. Donald, the eldest son, born 1820, always remained in this locality. In 
18 3 8 , he became a member of Captain Simpson's company of Volunteer.., and \\",1." 
married the same year to Elizabeth, daughter of Peter :\Ic
[artin. They hJ.d three 
children,-one son and two daughters. Catherine, the eldest, married John 
and died in Montreal in 1877, leaving one daughter. 
Margaret, the second daughter of Donald McEwen, married to J. C. Lock, IS 
now rving in ::\[ontreal. \Villiam A., the son, remained a.t home; he was married 
June 4 th , 1884, to Catherine, dá.ughter of AlfreJ Center, of Centerville. They have 
four children,-three girls and mJe boy. 
Ir. Donald McEwen now lives on the old 
homestead, his father having retired from active work. 
JAMES, eldest son Of\VALTER MCOUAT, was born [818, in Montreal. In 1825, 
he removed, with his father, to Lachute, and ill 184-1- was married to J eannetle, 
daughter of the late John Christie, of the East Settlement; she died 25th August, 
1888. In 1845, 1\1r. 
lcOuat came to the River Rouge, and bought the farm now 
owned by Mitchel) Fournier; he afterwards sold this, and bought his present fine 
farm of Charles Albright, Mr, :\1cOuat has six children-three of each sex. Of the 
daughters, Eiizabeth, the eldest, lives at home; Jane is the wife of :\Telson Albright; 



and Jeannette, who married Gavin J. Walker (If Lachute, is deceased. Henry, the 
) oungest son, remains at home j John R. is a merchant in Lachute j and James, the 
ddest, li\'es on the south side of the River Rouge; he wa') born 8th November, 1848, 
and removed to his present 
arm, L')ts 28 and 29, in 1876. On the 21st :'\ovember, 
1 SS8, he was married to Agnes, daughter of the late James McAdam j they have two 
children-both boys. 
[cOllat has a good farm, fine brick residence, and all his 
surroundings b
token enterprise and thrift. He cirCllL1ted a petition to have a Post 
Office established here, and that object was accGmplished in July, 1894. The l)ost 
Office, bearing the name of Kilowen, is at the east end of the River Rouge setliel11ent, 
and from it the mail is distributed twice a week. 
[r. George Giroux is postmaster, 
[ARTIN, whose ances:ors were Highland Scotch, C:lme to Çanada 
from Stirling, Scotland, with his family in 1830. They were eleven weeks making 
the voyage across the Atlantic, being shipwrecked durin
 their passage. Mr, 

lc:Martin first began work in Valldreuil, remaining there two years. He then came 
to Carilion HII'. and hired the farm of Peter Mc.-\r:hur, now owned by Henry Bar- 
day, dy;ng there at the end of eleven years. He had five children, of whom two 
daughters, Cathel ine and Elizabeth, and one son, Peter E., are no .\' living. Catherine 
is the wife of Dr. ChrislÍt', 1\1. P., of Lachute, and Elizabeth is married to Donald 
McEwen. Peter \! cMartin, the sen, who was born ISH, October 6th, came with 
the family to River Rouge in 1844, and bought the farm nùw occupied by Andre,\' 
Doig. He afterwards sold ii, and bought his present farm from Thomas Fournier. 
He was married in 1849 to Susan, daughter of the late WiJIiam McEwen, and has 
se".en children four girls and three boys. Peter James, the elde:;t son, after spending 
se\eral years in New York and 1\lontreal, where he was employed three years as 
shipping clelk tOl ,rilliam Johnson & Co., retull1ed home in 1890, and is now man- 
ag:ng the farm; Alfred. the second son. is living in Iowa j and Norman, the youngest, 
is with 'Vm. Johnson &. Co. Montreal. Margaret, the eldest daughter, is in 
Montreal; Charlotte, a teacher, is at home; while Caroline and Priscilla, the 
yo:mger daughters, who are both trained nurses, are working at their profession!'7- 
the former in 1\ ew York and the latter in Massachusetts. Mr. McMartin, their 
father, and the subject of the lauel' part of Ihis sketch, has taken an active l'
rt in 
mi1itary óff.:1irs, having been Sergt.-Major of the 6th Cavalry Regiment, of which he 
was a member Ihirty years, and he was in the Eastern Townships with the Y olunteers 
during the Fenian Raid, 1870. He has Leen Municipal CouncilJor of St. Ar.drews 
Pal ish for seven years. 
G, a S
otchman, was an actor in the American Revolution, and 
r) served unåer .-\dmiral Nelson, as sailor in a British man-of-war, and was in the 
h.Htle of Trafalgar. He relired from a sea-faring life, and came from Stirling, Scot- 
laud, about 1825, first settling in Chathlm j he afterwards sold out here, and went to 
Huron County, Ontario, where both he and Mrs. Young died. They had six sons 
and two daughters,; of these, Elizabeth, married to William Fraser of Bethany, and 
Thomas, the second son, born 182 I in Stirling, Scotland, are the 0 ) ly ones in this 




couDtry. In 1849 Thomas came to River Rouge, and bought hi
 present farm: the 
same year he wa..; married to Jeannette, daughter of John :\IcOuat, of ., Burnside 
Farm," Upper Lachute; she died 26th June, 1886. They had six daughters and (.n
son, of whom all but one daughter are now living. Of the others, Elizabeth and 
Ellen Ii ve in Kansas; the former being the wife of 
-\ lexander Must ard. and the latter 
of James Mustard. Margaret, the eldest, Janet, Mary and William live at home. 
Mr. Young has a large farm, owning one lot on the south side, and two on the north 
side of the river, also one hundred acres bush land in the rear of Lachute. 
NICHOLAS B. McKERRICHER, a Highland Scotchman, was one of the early sett1ers 
on the River Rouge, coming here about 1831. He W..lS twice married-the first tim
to Miss Clark j by this marriage they had one son, who went to :\Iissonri rears ago, 
and has not been heard from since. :\Ir. 
Ic Kerricher married the second time 
Catherine :\IcOuat, and became the father of three children, of whom only one. 
. is n0W living. The iatter, born in 1843, has always remained here; he was 
married in 1385 to Mary, daughter of Ewen CamelOn. Cote du 
lidi; she died fi\'e 
weeks after the marriage. 
Ir. )IcKerricher's father ha\'ing died soon after the b"rth 
of his son Nicholas, the latter lives with his mother Oil the old homestead, where he 
has a fine farm of 270 acres. His grandfather, Donald :\IcK.erricher, came to Canada 
in 1802, settled on the south side of the River Rouge, and afterwards \Vent to Cote 
du l\1idi. 
IES GORDON came from Scotland to this place about 1 S35; he was married to 
CatherilH', daughter of J ohn 
Icl\Iartill j they had thirteen children-seven sons and 
si.J\.. daughters-all of whem are li\"ing. Of these, Peter A., John. and El!en, the wife 
of Charles McGregor, live in this place. Mr. Gordon died 5th :\farch. ISS6, at eight\"- 
six years of age, and his wife died 27th .hmuary, IS86, age j se\'enty-nine. John. on 
of the son.., bought his present fJ.rm on the north side of River Rouge from n e 
Howard about 1875; his brother, Peter .\., the youngest son. born February. IS-H" 
li,'es on the old home5t
ad. I [e was married in IS9-J. to .\nna, daughter of D,l\.iJ 
Paul, of Bethany. 
].UIES :\lcADAM, from Ayrshire, ScotlanrJ, was one of the early settl
rs in this 
place, coming here about 1849. He was mal ried in I .achut
 to C.1lheiine, daughter 
of John :\lcIntyre; they had ten children-eight sons and two d lUghters-aH of wl.ol11 
are living. I\lr. MC.\dam died February 5th. IS8-t, aged se,"enty.three. :\[r:,. 
Mc.\dam died 251h March, I SS8. Of the childre'1, .-\gnes J., married to Jame
)IcOuat, is living on the south side of River Rouge; Alf''.ander, Thomas .\. and 
Elizabeth live on the homestead, and the other sons are in the Western State...- 
David in Kansas, \ViHiam and Andrew in Nebraska. James and Quintin R. in Colo- 
rado, and John in California. 
JOHN FRASER came from Inverness-shire, Scotland, and was one ofth
 first settlers 
here. James, his second son, was married to \nn, daughter of John :\Ic:\Iartin. and 
bought the farm now owned by Alexander, his son, and lived here until his dc,n:l. 



which occUlred 6th January, 1876. Mrs. Fraser died 25th October, 1882. They 
had eight children, of whom three daughters and four sons are now living; the 
daughters and two sons, Angus and Alexander, being on the homestead, while James 
;) nd Samuel are, respectively, in California and Missouri, 
DUNCAN MCGREGOR came from Perthshire, Scotland, and settled in the States, 
On the breaking out of the Revolutionary 'Var, being too loyal to fight against King 
George, he came to Canada, and remained in or near Quebec city until 1802, In 
this year he removed to River Rouge, and bought the farm now occupied by his 
p-andson, John McGregor. Mr. McGregor was a Captain of the Militia during the 
war of 1812; he died in 1819, His son, Gregor McGregor, remained on the home_ 
stead j he was married to Susan Robertson, and had five sons and two daughters j the 
Lltter are both Ii ving j but of the sons, only one remains, Mr. McGregor died in 
18 So, aged fifty-two, and his wife died ten years later. 
JOHN MCGREGOR, their son, now living here, has always remained on t}1e home- 
stead. In 1848, he was married to Miss :McArthur, daughter of Archibald McArthur 
üf Dalesville j they have eight sons and one daughter, Of the sons, Gregor A., the 
elòest, is with Sheppard, Knapp & Co., and Arthur A, is with Oppenheim & Sons, 
both in N ew York city; Robert S. is studying medicine in Columbia College, New 
York; John R. is with J. C. 'Vilson & Co., Montreal; Peter C. is studying for the 
ministry in McMaster University, Toronto j Harold 'V. D. is with Dobson Bros., 

ew York j and Herbert D. and Norman F. are at home, Miss McGregor is attend- 
ing college in Montreal. 
MALCOLM MCCALLUM carne from Argyleshire, Scotland, loc3ted in the River Rouge 
Settlement in 1820, and bought the farm now owned by Mrs. David McAdam, 
Donald, his son, who was born in 1817, always took an active part in the military 
.lffairs of the country, and in 1837 was a member of Captain Jones' Company. After 
the Rebellion, he became a member of the militia, and held the rank of Captain, when 
the soldiers were disbanded. He was married to :Mary, daughter of John McMartin, 
of River Rouge, in 1850. They had two sons and five daughters, of whom one son 
and three daughters are now living. 

Beech Ridge. 

This locality is in the eastern part of the parish of St, Andrews, and received its 
name from the quantity of beech growing here at the time of its early settlement. A 
post office was established here in 1878 i A. B. Bell, who settled here in 1851, being 
appointed post-master-a position he stilI holds, Mr. Bell has also won the e5teem 
of his fellow-citizens-the f,tct b
ing attested by his election as Municipal Councillor 
of the Parish. 
The first settlers here were Nichols, Jacob Minkler, 'Villiam, Stephen and 
DJ.vid Bond, and another, whose surname was Borden. Nichols settled where 
'Villiam Drew now lives; Minkler on the lot noW' owned by \Villiam and Malcolm 
Smith. A man named 'Yard Smith had located on land now owned by G. \V. Bond, 
w;1Ose brother, Stephen Bond, purchased it of Smith. In 1824, the latter sold 200 
acres of bnd to 'VILLIAl\I CATTON, who for some years previous had been in business 
at S1. Andrews. He had been an officer in the British army, and was a good linguist, 
ing able to speak several different languages. He rather astonished the inhabitants 
of this section by the stock of merchandise which he brought, with the view of engag- 
ing in mercantile pursuits-having, besides a lot of fancy goods, a large stock of the 
finest and most expensive silks. A few years later, deciding to engage in farming, he 
sold the land he had bought of Bond, and purchased a tract about a mile further east, 
where his two sons, George and James, now live. The old log house which he erected 
in the days of his pioneer labors is still standing. He remained here till his death, 
and his sons, who are among the industrious and respected citizens of the locality, 
have continued the improvements he began, developing good farms with corresponding 
In 1825, the improvements made by Borden were purcJused by THO
who in company had been engaged in the jewelry business in London, Eng. The 
firm was known as Cook & \Valker, and they had a branch house in Montreal. Mr. 
Cook, however, did not live long after his removal to Beech Ridge, for in 1832, while 
on a visit to l\IontreaJ, he was suddenly seized with the cholera, and died, His son 
Thomas remained on the farm at Beech Ridge, and cleared much of it. 
In 1834, DONALD LOYNACHAN, from Argyleshire, Scotland, came to Canada, and 
in 1837, bought a lot on the Ridge, now owned by John \Vebster of St. Andrews. 
There were only two acres cleared on it at the time of his purchase, and Mr, Loyna- 
chan, in common with the other pioneers, endured many hardships in clearing it and 
providing for the wants of his family. Bears were not numerous, but wolves made 
frequent raids on the cattle and sheep, rendering it necessary that the latter shauld be 
kept in folds, from which they were not released till late the next morning. Wood, 
as may be supposed, was not of much value, Mr. Loynachan in those days bought 

15 2 


a cow valued at $30, agreeing to pay thirty cords of hard
 wood for hcr, and 
deliver it at the village of St. Apdrews. AboUl twenty y
ars after he came here, one 
of his small boy
, one day in summer, finding a large wasp's nest in a stump near the 
house, and little knowing the consequ
nces, set it on fire. The wind soon blew the 
fire ;nto another stump, which in turn kindled others, from which the fire was com- 
munie<Hed to the wood
. It continued to rage for six weeks, covering a large area of 
forest land, deslJoying much timber, balk, shingles and cordwood, :\lr. Loynachan 
died in 1886 ; his widow still lives hcre. 
ANGl s D. LOY;\IACHAX, one of his sons, an intelligent farmer, married the 
daughter of Mr. rj homas C. Cook, and until lecently livtd at the Ridge, his time 
being emp!oy\.d betweu1 the d!,ties of farmer and that of auctioneer; he removed to 
:\lontreal about a ) ear since. 
Through the influence of Dunald Lo)"nachan, a friend of his, n.1Iued AXGCS 
LJY;'IJACHAN, also originally flom ArgJleshire, 
cotland, settled at Beech Ridge in 
184 2 . He anived in Canada in 1837, and a short time subsequently joined the 
Glengalry Volunteers. In th
 fall úf 1838, he joined a Yolunteer company or artil1elY 
in Montreal. On coming to the Ridge, he purchased two lots of land, where he still 
reside..:. Through strict industry, integrity and good judgment, he added to his 
estate, and provided a compttency for his decJining years. His wife dÍ<:d in 1889 amI 
he now li\"es with his 
on-ill-Iaw, R. l\Iorin":
 He has had ten children, six of whon - 
four sons and two daughter
-are nc.w living. 
The eldest 
 on, Duncan, and s
cond, John B., are with the Shedden Company, 

Iontreal; the third, Angus A., is in company with Ford, and thcy are milk dea'ers, 29 
Coursol street, :Montreal; the youngest, Donald H., is in company with Scriver, and 
they ale wholesale con. mission lllcrchants, 32 J and 323 CommissiOl
ers street, in the 
same city. Mary Jessie-second in the family, now 
Irs, RoLert C. "ðlorin-liycs 
on the old homestead; Flora Jane, fourth in the family, lives in the same place with her 
.\s above m 
ntioned, one of the first settlers in Beech Ridge was STEI'HE
 nOì\ v, 
who came with his family, among woom wel e three sons-- \\ïlliam, David and 
Stepher.-from Randolph, Vt., about 1797, and bought five hundred acres of land on 
the roarl from St. .\ndrews to the Ridge. He afterwards returned to Vermont, and 
died there. Stephen, the youngest of the three sons, was bOIl1 in I]f)2; he W
married in 1827 to Miss Dorind.l. Powers of Bethany, and took palt of his father's 
farm, which is now owned by John L( ynachan. He lived there a number of yems, 
and afterwards sold it, buying the lot opposite, where he died in 1858, aged si
rive; Mrs. Bond died in 1844, aged thirty-eight. 
Ir, Bond was drafted into the 
militia in the war of 1812, and was stationed three months on Isle aux Koix; he 
served a year altogether. M r. and "ðlrs. Bond had two daughters and four sons; of 
these, George \V" the second son, is the only one of this family now living in Quebec. 
He was born 11th June, J 835, and has always lived in Beech Ridge; in 1860, he was 
married to Eliza, daughter of the late \ralter :\lcVicar, of Chatham. They have two 
--- M r. Loynachan died 2nd Feb.. 1896. 



sons, George ,V. and Franklin, who are both merchants in New Mexico, the former 
being in Wagon Mound, and the latter in Espanola, about 185 miles ap:ut. 
SAMUEL RENNIE came from, Ireland, to Canada in 1838. He was an 
engineer by occupation, and was employed as such in )lontreal for seventeen years; 
during that time he was with 'William Dow, J. H. Molson, Handyside and \Vm. 
Johnson. He was also a distiller, but owing to ill-health was obliged to give up this 
business. He came to this place in 1851, and bought the farm now occupied by his 
son, with whom he is living, still active at ninety-three. George, the yoangest son, 
born 1852, who remained at home, deals extensively in live stock, taking it to the 
Montreal market. He was married in 1879 to Jennie, daughter of the late John 
Oxley of 
Iontreal; they have one son aud one daughter, Mr. Rennie is 
Councillor of St. Andrews. 
THO:\IAS SMITH was born in Dundee, Huntingdon Co., Que., May 24 th , 
1829. He was twice married-the first time, to Catherine Stewart of Huntingdon; 
by this marriage, they had two sons, Malcolm and \Villiam Scott. In 1855, Mr. 
Smith came to this place, and bought Lots Nos. 4 and 5. 
lrs, Smith died in 1867, 
aged 37, of diphtheria-one of the first cases known in the country. 
Ir, Smith was 
married the second time in 1864 tJ Mary Ann Ford, of Huntingdon; Mrs. Smith 
died in 1875, aged 37, alld Mr. Smith died ten years later, on his 66th birthday; 
they had two sons and one daughter-one son is now deceased. Janet L., the 
daughter, married to F. McArthur, lives in Montreal; and Thomas F., the son, is 
in the milk bUòiness in the same place. 
l\IALCOLM, the eldest son, born June, ÜiS5, remained at home, and was married 
in June, 1887, to Jane, daughter of Hugh Cleland, jun., of Jerusalem; they have three 
children, Mr. Smith lives 011 Lot 4-the old homestead; he has taken an active part 
in the County Agricultural Society, having been director of it for several years. He 
is also licensed auctioneer for the District of Terrebonne and agent for the Canada 
Carriage Co. He has a fine farm, on which he has this year been awarded a silver 
medal; he has also engaged extensively in fruit growing, having an orchard of about 
700 trees; 25 difft.:rent varieties of fruit from these wcre shown at the County in 
18 94. 
\VILLIA:\I SC(lTT, second son of Thomas Smith, was born r 2th September, 1858, 
and was married loth September, 1884, to Ellen, daughter of Captain Kenneth 
Urquhart, of Glengarry; they four children,-all boys. Mr. Smith live;; on Lot 5, 
half of the old homestead; he also takes much interest in fruit-growirg, having an 
orchard of several hundred trees. 
JAMES COWAN was born in Co. Antrim, Ireland, in 1792. On first coming to 
this country in 1823, he settled in Jerusalem, and in 1841 removed to Beech Ridge, 
where hc lived for eighteen years on a farm owned by David Bond. He then bought 
the farm, Lot 
o, I, now owned by his son Thomas. !\lr. Cowan took an active part 
in the movements of the 
Iilitia, being with them at St. Eustache in 1837-38. He 
died in 187 I, aged sevel1ty-nine; he had five sons and three daughters, of \vhom three 



sons are now living. James is living in New York State; William in Yermont; and 
Thomas, the youngest son, born 1833, remains at home, He was married in 1'-63 to 
Isabella, daughter of the late Francis Carson of East Settlement; they have three sons 
and one daughter, all at horne, 1\1r, Cowan has been Municipal Councillor and School 
Trustee for several years, also a member of the St, Andrews Troop cf Cavalry for 
eighteen years. 
JOHN FRANCIS MITCHELL was born in Brussels, Belgium, and when 10 years of 
age came to Canada with his father's family, He was married to Hannah M. Lawson 
of Sheffield, England, and came to this place, hiring the farm, Lot 22, on the south side 
of Beech Ridge. This he bought a few years later, and has since put it under a fine 
state of cultivation, making many improvements, and building a new residence; he 
keeps a stock of sixteen head of cattle and three horses. 1\1r, Mitchell has three boys 
and three girls; Hannah, the eldest, married to 'Vi11iam Hume, lives in Bethany; 
Harriet is in 
Iontreal ; Hugh B., the eldest son, in Minnesota ; John F. is in 'Montreal; 
and the two youngest remain at home. 
The following sketch of pioneers of this locality was prepared at our request by 
a former citizen of the place: 
" About the year 1829, Beech Ridge was inhabited chiefly by New Englanders, 
whose habits of neatness and thrift, with fair practical knowledge of farming, resulted 
in giving the locality a prominent position in the county. 
"The Pecks, the Bonds, the 
Ijnklers, the Greens, Centers, l\IcArthurs, Coles and 
other pioneers of that comparatively olden time had cut away the forests, erected 
comfortable dwellings and substantial out-houses, planted orchards, Jaid out gardens, 
and, generally, created one of the prettiest rural settlements in Lower Canada. The 
very few who remember the widow Peck's residence and surroundings, some sixty- 
seven years ago, will have difficulty, even now, in finding an equal in all respects even 
in progressive rural Ontario, The homestead with its immense barns, byres, stables, 
sheep houses, cheese room, corn house, swine pen, driving sheds, and all necessary 
bui\dings, large orchards and gardens, well tiHed and fenced fields, and fine sugar 
bush, was too attractive to remain long without a purchaser, after the owner had 
decided to cast her lot in the embryo village of Chicago. The new proprietor, 
anxious to have early possession, had already sent in some servants with furniture, 
before the widow, her two sons, and old" Uncle Bill" had fairly started for the new 
home in the far 'Vest. 
"Capt. McLean about this time bought the Dr. Green rroperty; Thomas Cook, 
Esq., the farm opposite Peck's, besides the disposal of several other farms to new 
comers, among whom were Mr. Catton, Capt. McCargo and Major May; but the 
Yankee settler made no objection to this foreign invasion. 
" No man could be more respected and beloved by his neighbors than James 
Kennedy Johnstone, Esq., of Ayreshire, Scotland, who succeeded .:\1rs. Peck. Though 
highly educated, by birth an aristocrat, and son of an aspirant to the titles and estates 
of Annandale, yet he apprecia ted the quiet, honest, pious, respectful people among 



whom he had come, and in their religious meetings and Sunday School he took an 
active part, thus gaining the affection of old and young, especial1yof the latter, upon 
whom his smiling countenance and pleasant words of advice made an indelible im- 
pression. In religion, Mr. Johnstone was Scottish Episcopalian; in politics, Conser- 
vative. At the time of his death in March, 1833, he had arranged to visit Scotland, 
during the summer, with the object of pushing his claim to the Marquisate and estate 
of his forefathers in Anllandale, Five sons and two daughters with their mother were 
lefl to mourn his death. The sons were James Kennedy, \Vel1esley, Quintin, Samuel 
and \Vashington Joseph, and the daughters-Ylatilda and Elizabeth, 
" James, without issue, died at St. Andrews, after ha ving long retired from active 
business; \Vellesley, with a family in the \Vest-his son James being inspector of gas, 
Toronto,-devotes himself to the political press, favoring responsible government and 
every real reform, entire free trade, beginning with the Mother land, standing in the 
front. He sometimes expresses serious dissatisfaction 
vith the ignorance (Æ political 
economy evinced daily by Canadians in the House of Commons, who claim to be 
statesmen, Quintin adopted the profession of land surveyor, He died at Thorold, 
Ont., leaving a family; one son-James Kennedy Johnstone, M.D. Samuel had long 
resided in New Orleans, where he died leaving a family. \Vashington and his son of 
the same name entered the Civil Service-the former as inspector of wei!5hts and 
meaSìures, the latter in the Post Office D
partment. Matilda and family reside in the 
Slate of New York. Elizabeth died early, at the old homestead on Beech Ridge, 
deeply regretted. Like her mother, she never sent the beggar away empty-handed or 
hungry. Her chief happiness in the absence of children of her own was in doing 
good, and not refusin; , the cup of cold water' in His name. 
"The residence of \V. J. Johnstone, Esq., with its orchard and well laid out 
grounds, still helps to preserve the f,lÌr name long enjoyed of Bonny Beech Ridge." 


This is the name of a Post Office established in 1860, neculy midway between St. 
Andrews Village and Lachute. It is on the road connecting these places, and which 
has always been designated as the ,; Lachute Road "-the name being much more 
frequently used to distinguish places, even in proximity to the Post Office, than Geneva. 
The Lachute Road settlement has always been an important district, both in the 
parish of 5t, Andrews and in the County--from the fact that it possesse
agricult ural qualities, and for t \vo or three generations has been inhabited by a class 
of most mtelligent, upright and thrifty fanners. There is neither a poor farm nor a 
poor farmer on this road, in 51. Andrews parish; and a drive a
ong this route in 
summer is one of intere
t to any inèividllal interested in agriculture. Those of 
whom the followin 6 sketches are given reside in St. Andrews, and have good farms, 
and besides these are the fine farms of William Todd, - Wood, Jas. Bradley and 
some others. 
Early in this century, GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS HOOKER, a young man who had worked 
in a paper manufactory in Boston, came to St. Andrew
, and was employed for a 
number of years in the paper mill in that village. He was born in Boston, 3 rd 
April, 17 8 4, and was the son of one of the revolutionary heroes, whose name \Vas 
Zibeon Hooker. History informs us that the latter was born in SherLurne, :\lass., 
12th February, 1752, and that he was one of a company of" Minute men" organized 
in the place of his nativity, who proved themselves deserving the title a'isumtd, by 
proceeding to Lexington on the 19th of April, 1775, as early as intelligence of the 
battle at that place reached them. They were not in season, however, to aid the 
inhabitants in defending their homes from the invading foe. Erom the same source 
we learn that Mr. Hooker commenced his military career at the age of seventeen, as 
a musician. DUling the engagement at Bunker Hill, the drum which he carried was 
pierced by a shot of the enemy. Divesting himself of this now useless instrnment, 
he seized the musket of a fallen companion and rushed into the heat of the battle, 
This c:irCllmstance attracted the attention of the commanding officer, and he was 
raised above the rank of a common soldier, from which appointment he eventually 
succeeded to a l
utenantcy. Having joined the ContÏnenLÜ army under General 
'Vashington, he never grounded his arms until peace was concluded in 1783. From 
a sermon delivered at his decease, we copy the following: 
" As a man, our departed father possessed great moral worth, the strictest inte- 
grity, uncommon purity of character, and in the most exemplary manner discharged 
the relative duties of life. Such was his peaceful disposition that, during an unusually 
protracted life, never was he known to be at variance with any human being. Of him 
it can with truth be said, he had not an enemy in the world. Above aU, our 



departed father was a sincere ChristiJn; no man entertained a more becoming sense 
of his own unworthiness than this Israelite, indeed." 
Not long after, his son, Gustavus Adolphus, came to St, Andrews, he purchased a 
gore in this parish, known as Lot 5, comprising about 200 acres, and a part of which 
is now owned and occupied Ly the family of his son, G. A., Hooker. 
On January 6th, 1808, he was married to Pamelia McArthur, daughter of Peter 
McArthur of Carillon Hill, After the paper mill was closed, he gave his attention to 
his farm, and, like the other pioneers of those days, he made many a barrel of potash, 
with which to procure the necessaries of life, He was Captain of Militia many years, 
and in the troubles of 1837-38 was a member of the Home Guard, It is quite 
probable, therefore, that, had the opportunity been given, he would have emulated the 
bravery of his father, He died 7th April, 1870; Mrs, Hooker, 1st April, ) 876, 
They had twelve children who grew up-six sons and six daughters, One son, George, 
and four daughters are now living, Of the latter, Mrs, Giles resides in Lachute, one 
in Illinois and two in Glengarry, Ontario, 
George in his younger days bought a farm in Centerville, Chatham, on which he 
lived till a few years since, when, selling it to his son George, he moved to St. 
Andrews, He has been one of the substantial men of Chatham, has served as Muni- 
cipal Councillor, two or three times as Assessor, and as President of the County 
Agricultural Society. He was married June 14th, 1845, to Sarah Jefferson from the 
North of England, by which marriage he had eight children, Mrs. Hooker died 
15 th November, 1870, and he was again married in September, 1873, to Annie M. 
Hoare, from Surrey, Eng., and by this marriage has three children. 
Gustavus Adolphus, who remained on the homestead, preferred to give his atten- 
tion to his farm rather than to public affairs; he, however, was a School Commissioner, 
and accepted the position of Post-Master when the post-office was established, holding 
it until his death. It was at his suggestion that the office received the name Geneva. 
He was married in 1864 to Alice, daughter of Peter McMartin of the River Rouge 
Settlement; four children-two daughters, twins, and two sons-were born to them. 
.Mr. Hooker died 20th August, 1895, and his loss was deplored by a large community, 
JAMES BUCHAN, with his wife, his son David and three daughters, from Perthshire, 
Scotland, settled on the Lachute road in 181 7. taking up a large tract of land, part 
of which is now owned by his grandson, \Villiam Buchan, :md the balance of it by 

fr. R. \V, McGregor, who still occupies the stone hùuse built on it by Mr. Buchan. 
He was followed, in 1823, by his son, John Buchan, who settled on part of the land 
taken up by James Buchan, and which part is still in the possession of the family. 
John brought with him his wife, four sons, Thomas, Peter, James and Andrew, and 
one daughter, Andrew died soon afterwards. Thomas and James went to Ontario 
and settled near Hamilton j the former died in 1895, James is still living. Their 
father, John Buchan, died in 1876, and their mother in 1873, both of them being 
upwards of ninety years of age. 
David, some years after thcir arriv aI, purcha
ed land at L'Orignal, which is now 
in the possession of his son Andrew. David married Flora McLachlan, sister of 

15 8 


Hugh McLachlan, Esq., of Arnprior, and had a large family, of whom two, David and 
Daniel, died, the former early in 1896, and the latter about 1877. Another son, 
'Villiam, lives at \Vhite Lake in Ontario, and Andrew and a daughter, Mrs. Campbell, 
still live in L'Orignal. William, the youngest son of John Buchan, and his sister 
Mary were both born in Canada, and both have remained at the homestead. In 
r, 1851, \Villiam married Katherine Stewart; they have had five sons and 
four daughters, but four of the sons are deceased. Peter, aged twenty-one, died 
July 2nd, 1875, 'Villiam, aged eighteen, died April 21st, 1882; Andrew, aged 
sixteen, died at Los Angeles, California, the 28th of November, 1888, and another 
died in infancy, 
John S., the only son now living, graduated from McGill University in 1884 and 
is now a successful Barrister in Montreal. He married on the 15th September, 1885, 
Katherine, second daughter of Mr, F, McMartin, of St. Andrews, She died in 
August, 1894, leaving two children, John Stuart and Katherine McMartin Buchan. 
Katherine, the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, 'Villiam Buchan, married David 
Todd, and lives on the farm adjoining the homestead. Annie, another daughter, 
married Duncan McGibbon, and lives in Brownsburg. Mary and Margaret, the two 
remaining daughters, live with their parents. 
Mr. Buchan is one of the thrifty, intelligent and highly respected residents of the 
county, and for a number of years filled several public offices with great ability. 
Among the early residents of the parish was" Johnny JJ Blais, who was for many 
}'ears almost the only French speaking settler in Lachute Road, He owned the farm 
next to that belonging to John and afterwards to 'Villiam Buchan, where he lived 
with a large family until his death, about the year 1860, Bi"s funeral was attended 
by alm03t the whole of his neighbors, by whom he was held in the highest respect 
in his lifetime, 
Walter Galloway lived on the farm adjoining that of 1\Ir. G. A. Hooker. He 
was a typical Scot, and very popular with his neighbors, Hi
 son James lived for 
some years in Carillon, but died in middie age, His daughter Isabelh married J, A. 
Sharman, who lived until the time of his death, in 1874, on the Gl110way farm, 
where he also carried on a tailoring business. After his death his son, Walter G. 
Sharman, lived in the same place, and carried on the business until about the year 
1884, when he sold the farm and removed to Montana, where he is now living. 
Thomas Jefferson was a typical English Squire, He owned the large and fertile 
farm now the property of Mr. Robert \Vatson, where he employed a large number 
of people, and prospered from year to year. He always practiced the best metho::ls 
of farming, and by his success dem
)l1strated the truth that business methojs pay in 
farming as in any other pursuit, After selling his farm to Mr. 'Vatson he lived for 
some years on a piece of land opposite the homestead, which he reserved, and 
eventually removeJ to St. Andrews, where h
 died. This sketch would be incom- 
plete without a reference to James Foley, long the trusted foreman for Mr. Jefferson. 
" Jimmy," as both young and old loved to call him, was capable, hard-working, and 
of sterling integrity. \Vhen the Jefferson farm was sold he moved to Point Fortune, 
where he purchased a Íarm, and farmed it with the success which he well deserved. 




IIN CùLE, from New Hampshire, was one of the earliest settlc::rs on the 
Lac'hute Road, and he lived here till his death. 
Willard, one of his sons, bought the lot on which his own son Benjamin now 
lives; he was marrir:d in 1818 to Susan l\IcLaughlin, of St. Andrews. They had two 
sons and seven daughters-of whom only one son, Benjamin, and three daughters 
are now living. Benjamin lives on the homestead with one of his sisters, Isabel Cole; 
neither of them has ever married, :Mr. Cole is very particular respecting the care of 
his cattle and horses, of which he always has a superior quality. 
RICHARD 'VILSON l\1CGREGO}{ was born in Perthshire, Scotland, in October, 
IS I 5; he thtre learned the carpenter's trade, and followed it untIl the spring of IS41, 
when he came to Canada, remaining for a time with his brother on the Lachute Road. 
He worked at his trade in this locality, St, Andrews and Carillon, for five years. In 
184S, he was married to Jane, daughter of the late Dr. 
1cGregor, of Lachine, and 
came to live on his present farm, which he had bought from David Buchan, two years 
Mr, and l\Irs.:McGregor have had three sons and fi\ e daughters, all of whom are 
living. Margaret, the eldest daughter, and Anna, are both in Califomia; 1\lary, mar- 
rieà to 'Vm. Elliott, grocer, lives in :Montreal; Isabella, married to "'m. \1 cOuat, 
lives in Brownsburg; and Catherine is at home. Norman P. is a Commercial Traveller 
in Minneapolis; John and Andrew live at home. 
Mr. McGregor has taken an active part in the affairs of St. Andrews Parish, 
having been Councillor several terms, Chairman of the Board of School Commis_ 
sioners fifteen years, and Justice of the Peace and Commissioner for the trial of small 
causes for hvtnty } ears; he was also a member of the Militia for a number of years, 
and held the rank of Sergeant when the Militia was disbanded; he was Quartermaster 
of the Argenteuil Ral1gers, and retired with the rauk of .Major, 
JOHN FRASER came from Banffshire, Scotland, to Canada, in 1834, with his wife 
and eleven children. He first settled in Thomas' Gore, remaining there one year, 
and then wc::nt to Hill H ead
 \\ here he lived seven years; he afterwards came to 
Lachute, and bought the place now ownt.d by his youngest son, Hugh, After this, 
he s}Jent seven years on a property near Back River, .l\1ontreal, returning at the 
end of that time to the Lachute farm, where he and 
1rs. Fraser both died. '''hile in 
Hill Head, l\fr. Fraser conducted a distillery five years. 
George Fraser, the third son, b(/rl1 1824, remained at home until sixteen, at 
which age he went with his father to Montreal, remaining on the farm at Back River 
seventeen years. During that time, he had opportunity to help back to hc::alth some 
of the victims of the terrible ship fever raging in 
fontreal, by supplying them with 
buttermilk, canying to them 140 gallons, daily. He was a
ked one day by the doctor 
who attended the emigrants If he was 110t afraid; Ul on his answering ":\0," the 
doctor remarked-I. I do not want to stop you, for taking the buttermilk means life 
to them. II As is well known, hundreds, e\'en thousands of these poor people perished j 





l\lr. Fraser says, he has seen them die by the dozen in thp ]arge emigrant shed. He 
at last gave up supplying with buttermilk from fear of spreading the disease. He 
was married in 1848 to Miss E. Carmichael, daughter of Donald Carmichael of St. 
Eustache, and in 1864 came to Lachute Road, and bought from the late Andrew 

cGregor his present farm, (In which he has made many improvements. Mr. and 
Mrs. Fraser have had three sons and three daughters, of whom only two sons are 
living,-Daniel, the elder, is farming on the Island of Montreal, and John. the younger 
son, remains at home. Miss Jessie CaImichael, sister of Mrs. Frac;er, a1so makes 
her home with them. 
ANDREW TODD, third son of the late \Vm. Todd of East Settlement, was born Au- 
gust, 1 8 3 I, at Lachute. .When sixteen years of age, he commenced learning the black- 
smith's trade with John McAllister of East Settlement. He was married in 1851 to 
Margaret: daughter of the late David Roger of the same place, and first started in 
business for himself in St. Eustache. He opened a shop there. remained two years, 
and was afterwards in Lachute ten years, and in Beech Ridge the same length of 
time, In 1874, he bought his present farm from John McConnell, but still has 
found time to work occasionally at his trade. Mr. and Mrs. Todd have six sons and 
four daughters; Robert, the youngest of the family, and Jennie, are at home. The 
former, having taken a course in the Military School at Quebec, is 2nd Lieutenant in 
Captain \Vanless' Company of Cavalry at St. Andrews, 
DAVID, third son of DAVID RODGER, was bom in East Settlement in 1838, In 
1868, he bought his farm here, and in 1869 was married to Alice Young, adopted 
daughter of the late Dr. Barr of Belle Rivière. Mr. Rodger has been one of the 
prosperous farmers of Argenteuil, bringing his farm Ï11tO a fine state of cultivatilJn. 
Mrs, Rodger died in 1878, and her death was followed, twelve years later, by that of 
the oldest son, David John, The latter was an exemplary young man in every 
respect, and his early demise at the age of twenty years was deeply deplored. 
Agnes H., the daughter, was married in July, 1895, to David Taylor of Isle aux 
Chats. William George is attending Military School in Toronto, and holds a com- 
mission in the St, Andrcws Troop. Mr. Rodger has retired from farming, having 
sold his farm to his brother in 1893. 
JAMES AR:\ISTROl'\G was born in 1803, and came from County Monaghan, Ireland, 
to Canada about 1825, and died 
Iay 7th, 1873. Mrs. Armstrong died in 1878, at 
the age of seventy-five. 
JAMES, their second son, was born April 17th, 1836, in the 8eigniory, and 
remained at home until about twenty-six years of age j he was married Feb. 25 th , 
1862, to l\largaret, daughter of the late James Scott of Lakefield, and after living ten 
years on the fal1n given him by his father, sold it and bought his present one from 
Dr. Christie. Mr. Armstrong has erected several new out-buildings since coming 
here, and made other improvements; he has always been a liberal supporter of the 
Presbyterian Church, and has been Elder in Henry's Church, Lachute, for the past 



twenty-five years. :\lr. and 1\lrs. Armstrong have had four sons and six daughters; 
of whom two sons and five daughters are now living. James, the elder son, has taken 
an active part in the Y. P. S. C. E. of Lachute, having become a member soon after 
the Society was organized, and was President of it for a year j Bella teaches the 
Geneva school j Catherine A. attends the Lachute Academy; and Mary, Elizabeth E., 
Lucinda J. and George S, remain at home. 
The following sketch is contributed by Colin D
NISON was the man chosen for Captain by the Volunteers of Lachute 
Road at the breaking out of the Rebellion in 1837 j he was a cooper by trade, which 
at that time was a good paying busine3s. He was a man in the prime of life, active 
and intelligent, and although moving in the humbler walks of life, was well fitted for 
the position to which he had been chosen, and which he filled to the complete satis- 
faction of his commanding officer, as well as that of his Company. He was passion- 
ate1y fond of hunting and fishing, a circumstance he turned to good account, as wolves 
were very numerous and a great nuisance to the farmers; and he was successful in 
capturing quite a number, for which he received the Government bounty of ten dollars 
He left St. Andrews a few years after the close of the Rebellion, and as the 
part of the country he went to had few postal facilities, there was very little heard of 
him, and in a short time he was in a measure forgotten. About the year 1880 or 1881, 
I noticed an article taken from a Renfrew paper mentioning the death of J olm 
Dennison, and giving some details of his previous life, which sufficiently identified 
him as the former Captain of the Lachute Road Volunteers. The article went on to 
say that Mr. Dennison, although well up in years, still kept up his habit of hunting, and 
had left to visit his traps at some distance from his house, and not returning at the 
usual time, search was instituted, with the terrible result, that his dead body was found 
very much mutilated, and every indication of a fearful encoun:er having taken place, as 
the dead body of a large bear lay close beside him! 'Vhat a fearful struggle that must 
have been to a man n'::arly eighty years of age, and at what a cost! 
:\1r. Dewar says: "The summer of I 847 brought that terrible scourge, the 
'Ship Fever,' into Canada. A few emigrants from an overcrowded steamer going 
westward landed at Carillon, and two of them, a man and his wife, left there to seek 
friends living beyond Lachute. They got as far as Andrew Shield's house on 1.3.- 
chute Road, and being unable to proceed 3.ny farther, were cared for by his wife, 
who, with the help of some of the neighbors, placed them in a nice, clean, airy build- 
ing, and nursed them for many weary weeks, But with all their care, the husband 
succumbed to the disease, and was decently buried in the cemetery on Carillon Hill. 
His wife eventually recovered, and was sent on to her friends. In this case, those 
who nursed and cared for this suffering pair, fur so many long weeks, were those 
who had their own daily tasks to perform, which at times were none of the lightest, 
but they never shirked the duty, faithfully attending them, night and day. Truly, it 



was a labor of love, for there was no reward in prospect, only the satisfaction of a 
(rood conscience' and it is worth y of remark that none of them took the disease" 

JOH:"J \V ATSON came from Glasgow to Canada, and started in business in Mont- 
[(ai, in the tJoot and shoe trade. He was married in this country to l\1iss Janet 
Cmnduff, by whom he had three sons and three daughters. After leaving Montreal, 
he went to Fast Hawkesbury, and vought the Island at the foot of the Long Sault, 
now owned hy Henry Ste\'en
. He afterward removed to :\Ielbourne, Que., and 
became superintendent of the slate quarry in that place. 
Robert Watson, his eldest son, born in 1845, remained with his father until 18 73 ; 
e was married in that year to Jane, daughter of :\1r. George Hooker of St. Andrews, 
and went afterward, with his wife, to California, where they remained six years. On 
his return, Mr. '\Tatson bought the old Jefferson farm on the Lachute Road. His 
father lived with him until his death, which took place in 1883; his mother is still 
:\[r. and Mrs. \Vatson have four sons and three daughters all living at home, with 
the exce;:'tion of Roy, the eldest son, wh3 is in the milk busi!1es5 in Montreal. 


This place, the name of which in French denotes a chime of bells, is located on 
the Ottawa, two miles west of St. Andrew
, and is famed for the beauty of its scenery, 
It is a part of 81. 
\ndrews' Parish, and was incorporated as a village in 18S7. 
Land here had been granted to individuals by the Seignior previous to 1800, but 
there is no evidence that they ever settled on it. Peter Mc_-\rthur was undoubt- 
edly the first actual settler in the limits of what is now the corporation; hence we 
are tù understand that the subject of the following sketch was the first in what is 
genlfally regarded the village, i.e., the most populouI) part. 
CAPT. JACOB SCHAGEL is said to have been the first settler, and to luve built the 
first house in Carillon; this house (of course a log one) was located on the river's 
bank, just in rear of the present hotel of John Kelly; this occurred about the year 
1804. He came from the States, alld lived a while in Stan bridge, one of the Eastern 
Townships, before coming to Chatham. Sùon after this, he sent to Stanbridge for 
his brother Samuel, who, on joining him; erected for an hotel the long,. low building 
new uwned by Mr. Kelly, which stands a little to the west of his present hotel. This 
building he used as a lJUb1ic house for a number of years; he died at Carillon in 1839. 
:\Ir. Jacob Schagel, soon after his arrival, took a contract from Government for 
carryir.g freight between Carillon and Grenville,-a business he followed several years. 

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16 3 

In 1809, April 2nd, he married Polly, a daughter of Captain Noble. The latter 
came from England, where he obtained his title from having command of a militia 
company, and had settled in Chatham on a lot of wild land, a few miles from Caril- 
lon. Quite a good sized creek crossed this land, and on this he erected a saw mill; 
he died some time previous to the Rebellion of 1837, This farm became the property 
of his' son-in-law, Captain Schagel, who spent many years ef his life on it, and died 
there, 16th May, 1874, at theage of88, Captain Schagel's military title was conferred 
on him a short time previous to the Rebellion, he having been appointed Captain of 
Militia; his Company was ordered to the front, and he gained much credit for his 
activity during the troubles of that period, Before his death, he was promoted to 
the rank of Major, 
In the early part of his residence in Chatham, he purchased a tract of land ad- 
joining that of Captain Noble, and which is now owned by William Graham; he lived 
on it till he sold it in 185 r, That Captain-or, more properly, 
Iajor-Schagel was 
much respected, and a man of influence, is evident from the manner in which his 
name is always mention
d by those who still remember him, and its association with 
every important local event of the generation past. He had fourteen children, of 
whom one son and eight daughters grew up. 
Jacob D, Schagel,* the son, was married, 17th December, 1850, to PhiIlippa Grace 
Mount-Stephens, and in 1856, or the following year, he bought the homestead on 
which he stilI resides. He built a new saw mill on the site of the old one erected 
by his grandfather, Captain Noble, and it answered its purpose well for several years; 
but owing to the partial drying up of the stream, as the land was cleared, the mill 
fell into disuse, and the only vestige now remaining is the dam; this is a stone struc- 
ture, and now, covered with soil, makes an admirable bridge, Mr, Schagel ably 
sustains the fair reputation of his ancestors, and while giving due attention to the 
cultivation and improvement of his farm, he has not neglected those things tending 
to the moral and intellectual growth of his family. He has had ten children-five of 
each sex; two of the sons are deceased, Of the daughters, Charlotte Amy, married 
to \Villiam Nichols, lives in Ottawa; Julia Agnes, married to \V. S, Gliddon, also 
lives in Ottawa; Alice Phillipp:!, the wife of George \V. Bixby, resides in Steele 
county, Minnesota; George S., one of the sons, living on the homestead, was mar- 
ried 6th September, 1894, to Justina Elliott; he was licensed by the Methodist Con- 
ference as a Local Mi nister, 2 2nd February, 1892 ; he is also Secretary of the A rgen- 
teuil Count}" C. E, Union, 
I)ETER McARTHUR was one of the very early pioneers in this section, having 
located on Cari])on Hill. His house, which was a large two-story building, occupied 
the site of the present residence of Henry Barclay, The hospitality of the family 
was well known; and for a number of years this house often afforded a home for 
Scotch immigrants until they could secure homes of their own. 

.. Mr, Schage1 died in December, 1895, since the above was written. 

16 4 


:Mr, MC.\rthur had lived in the States previous to coming here, and had married 
ill Vermont, Phæbe Lane, a sister of Jedediah Lane, who purchased the tract of 
land in Lachute known as "Lane's Purchase." 
They had six sons-Lane, Royal, Peter, Erick, Armand and Arthur; and four 
daughters, Lurena, Charlotte, Phæbe and Pamelia, 
Of the latter, Lurena was married to Moses Davis; Charlotte, to John Harring- 
ton; Phæbe to Robert Simpson; Pamelia to G. A. Hooker. 
Erick McArthur remained on the homestead tin he sold it to James Barclay in 
18 35, when he went to Ottawa, opened a public house, and remained there until he 
died. Lane 
lcArthur, the eldest son, erected a large building in St. Andrews, 
where he kept hotel for a number of years, and owned a stage line. 
Hi:; two sons, Crosby and !Frederick, followed mercantile life-the former in 
Ontario, the latter in St, Andrews, having purchased the store of 'V. G. Blanchard, 
whose adopted daughter he married. He was killed by accident, in Montreal,leaving 
one son, \VilJiam, now living in St. Andrews, and a daughter who married \Villiam 
Larmonth, a merchant in Montreal. Arthur McArthur, the youngest son of Peter, 
bought a lot in Lachute, and lived there some years; but he finally sold out and left 
the county. 
Royal, another son, studied surveying, moved to Ohio, and surv
yed Illllch of 
the wild land of that State. 


OTTAWA, January 23, 1894. 


A hÜ,tory of Argenteuil would be incomplete 'without more than a passing notice 
of that lovely spot welJ known as CarilJon Hill. 
In point of situation, nothing can surpass its love1iness. Standing on the brow 
of the hilJ, and taking a survey up and down, whit:hever way you turn, your eyes rest 
on the natural beauties of both land and water-the view of the Rapids and country 
away to the west, the lovely appearance of the country to the south, the course of 
that magnificent expanse of water, as it flows on until it seems to be lost or shut in 
by the Rigaud Mounta
ns, and the pure invigorating breeze as it rises from that 
majestic stream of water, always spoken of in early days as the" Grand River." 

o wonder this lovely spot could always boast of an intelligent and industrious 
class of honest yeomen; and if it be true that " he who makes two blades of grass 
to grow instead of one " can be called a benefactor, so well might they be called by the 

ame name, as alJ of them did their best, not only to beautify their homes, but also 
to benefit future generations (and it was from no fault of theirs that, in after years, 
their labors were destroyed), 
This thrift could be witnessed by the splendid gardens and orchards surrounding 
their homes-the shade trees and cherry trees growing along the highway, the pastures 


16 5 

filled by nm-bearing trees, as the hickory, oak, beech and butternut j all of this, and 
more, could be seen in the first decade of this century, when such men as my grant....- 
father Dewar, 
Iajor Muir and Auer Mathews occupied the property now known a<; 
" Bellevue "-Pekr McArthur owned where 
Ir. Barclay lives, Peter Benedict ",he:e 
Benj. Wales, and in later years John Dewar lived, and !\Ir. Donnelly was on the !anu 
now held by Hugh Robertson. 
It was a sight well worth witnessing for one to pass through their gardens and 
see the beautiful flowers and vegetables, and to go through their large and extensive 
orchards and see the lovely and delicious apples and plums growing in such rich pro- 
fusion, scarcely a vestige of which i5 to be seen now. Scientists mav be able to explain 
the cause of the destruction which came upon the fruit trees in that locality-th
remains that they have nearly all disappeared. 


From the deck of a steamer ascending the Ottawa, the traveller notices as she 
rounds a headland, away on his right, a high ridge, or bluff, descending abruptly to 
the river. Cultivated farms with good looking dwellings and white picket fences in 
front stretch along the brow of this ridge, and these, with the fruit and ornamental 
trees around, give the impression that the proprietors are well-to-do as well as per- 
sons of taste. The river, still presel ving its noble breadth and volume, flows quietly 
on; but just ahead are rapid, tumbling waters, and, beyond, the imposing Darn of Car il- 
lon, stretching from shore to shore. On the left, the land, for the most part pasture 
and meadow, and clothed here and there. with groves of trees, rises gently as it 
recedes from the river. 
The steamer now draws nigh to the wharf, yet the traveller is scarcely conscious 
of the fact, so engrossed is he with .the scenery around him. The ridge above re. 
ferred to, receding at this point a little farther from the shore, leaves a level space of 
ground near the river, at the eastern end of which is Carillon Park, shaded with a 
thick growth of hickory, oak and maple. Standing vis-a-1.!is on opposite sides of the 
river are the small, quiet villages of Carillon and Point Fortune, the white cottages 
of which, with their green fields and evergreen trees in the background, form, es[c- 
cially at sunset, a mo')t beautiful picture. 
A number of substantial brick and stone houses are also found in each village, 
and especiaHy the Government houses in Carillon, in which dwell the officials COIL 
nected with the canal, are attractive, as well as the grúlll1ds around them. .\t the 
steamer's wharf is a long, low building, which serves as station and freight house for 
both steamers and the railway. Several rods distant, and the first structure at the 
entrance to the village from the east, stands a very large and imposing stone building 
which a sign proclaims is the "Sovereign Hotel," but which for several dec.lrles 
has been known through all the country side as II The Barracks." 



But directly hack of the station, on the brow of the ridge, one hundred feet or 
more above the river, is a clump of buildings to which the traveler ascends in order 
to enjoy the wide view which their location commands. But his attention is soon 
engrossed by the buildings and surrounding objects; everything has such an evidence 
of care and prosperity in years bygone, that he wiiI inevitably wish to know the 
history of the early proprietor. 
A delightful grove of pine, butternut and acacia trees, in which squirrels chatter 
and gambol, nead}' approaches the buildings on the east, Passing through this, one 
enters an extensive pasture, where a number of horses, sheep and cattle are grazing, 
or seeking shelter from the sun, in the shade of gigantic elms, oaks and maples. A few 
yards in front, a lakelet, formed partly by nature and partly by art, sends its waters 
in a babbling stream down through a deep gorge, rendered dark by overhanging trees 
J.cross the park to mingle with the Ottawa. On the farther side of this gorge, located 
in a bower of evergreens, stands the cottage of Mr. John Halsey, the engineer on the 
Carillon &. Grenville Railway. Twenty yards in front of this are the roofless walls 
of a stone structure, enclosing trees whose tops shoot many feet above them. 
And thus one may wander for a day, over a tract ofland stretching from the Ottawa 
half a league back to the North River; and at every step will be discovered some 
memento of a time when energy and wealth were expended with lavish hand to render 
this a beautiful and productive hi Jmestead, Here and there tumble-down stone walls 
:Ire found in woods where once were cultivated fields. Here, the last decaying timbers 
of an old mill; and there. in the forest, are moss-covered mounds, which tradition 
says are the resting place
 of the servitors of the Ce Lord of the :\1 anor "-the toilers 
who helped to clear these lands and rear the struct
res now in ruins.; 
During this survey of so many vestiges of the past, the impression has been stead- 
ily growing, that the early proprietor of this estate must have possessed means far 
exceeding those of most of the early pioneers, and th3.t he used it in opening up busi- 
ness, the extent and character of which seem unique in the features of a new settle- 
ment. The researches incited by our curiosity develop the following facts ;_ 
One hundred and six years ago, or in 1790, the lot on which the house and out- 
buildings stand was granted to a man named L'Olive. In May of the same year, 
however. it was reunited to the domain, by a judgment of the Court of Common 
Pleas j and on the 3rd of May, 1792, it was granted anew to M. J. Ladouceur. It 
seems, however, that it must have once more returned to the Seignior, as it was again 
granted, Jan. 7 th , 1800, by Maj. Murray to J. \Vhitlock. Eight years later. it was 
sold to Peter Dewar, who retained it till the year 1819, when he sold it to Maj. Muir. 
On the 27 th 
lay, 182 7, Maj. Muir conveyed it to Commissary General C. J. Forbes, 
during whose ownership the buildings-house, barns, hotel, brewery, malt house and 
saw mill-were erected, and the large improvements made, the place receiving the name 
ce Rellevuc," by which name it has been known for more than three-score years. By 


16 7 

request, the folJowing interesting sketch has been prepared by one familiar with the 
history of 


"CHARLES JOHN FORBES was born in Hampshire, England, Feb. loth, 17 86 , and 
during his life on the Ottawa, the loth of February was as wen known to his large 
circle of friends as Christmas or New Year. At an early age he was sent to the 
College of Altona in Denmark, and when only fourteen, was wrecked in returning to 
England, on the coast of Holland. While waiting for a ship to carry them to their des- 
tination, he was taken by the Captain to a coun try Fair, and such was his wonderful 
memory and genius for picking up languages, even at that early age, thathe learnt there 
a song, sung by the peasantry, and afterwards di<;continued by ord
r of the Govern- 
ment, but remembered and repeated by him in a visit to HoUand in his seventy-third 
year. On his return to England, he entered the Navy; but when he was nineteen he 
went into the army, and first saw active service in that unfortunate affair in Egypt 
under Sir J olm Stuart. He was taken priso
:er and confined in the dungeons of the 
citadel of Cairo: but was fortunate enough to attract the notice of Mahomed Ali, and a 
friendship struck up between the English boy and the pO\verful Pasha. The following 
year, he again served under Sir John Stuart, at thè battle of Maida, and then the English 
arms was victorious. For several years he saw service in the Mediterranean, being 
present at the taking of the Ionian Islands and the taking of Sicily, He was also 
daring enough, on one occasion, to swim out under a heavy fire with despatches to 
the Admiral of the fleet, for which service he recei\'ed the thanks of Government and 
a gold snuff-box. He served in the Commissariat department through the Peninsu. 
lar war, where his knowledge of languages made his services very useful. From 
there, he was sent to join the army under Sir James Packenham, and W1.S present at 
the battle of New Orleans. In a l
tter, now in possession of his family, written to 
an uncle in England, immediately after the battle, he describes that unfortunate affair 
and the misapprehension of the feeling in the Floridas and Louisiana, which led to 
such a small force being sent; but he always retained a profound respect for General 
liOn his return to England, the following summer, he married Miss Sophia Mar- 
garet Browne, and their bridal tour was from the church door to \Vaterloo, Imme- 
diately after that decisive victory, Mr. Forbes, accompanied by his wife, was sent to 
Vienna, to take charge of the money lent by the Rothschilds to the British l;overn- 
ment for the payment of the Prussian troops. .Mrs. Forbes often described the 
heart-rending scenes they witnessed; whenever they stopped to change horses, they 
saw women who, having heard of a great battle, were hoping to get news of husb,mùs, 
fathers and sons. 
I. The peace of Europe being now established. they went to Florence, where they 
continued to reside for some years, their eldest children being horn there, During 
their sojourn in that dc1ightful city, they made acquaintance with some very cde- 



brated people,-among them, the Countess of Blessington, Lord Byron and the Abbé 
M ezzofanti, known as the greatest linguist of his own or any other day, being able 
to speak and write seventy diff
rent languages, In I 825, 
Ir. Forbes \Vas ordered to 
cotia, leaving Mrs. Forbes in England. She followed him as soon as possible 
under the escort of an old friend, whose son was afterwards Principal of the Lennox- 
viIIe College. From Halifax, Mr. Forbea was transferred to Montreal, but as that 
town was not healthy for his children, they decided to buy a place where they might 
be sent. Accordingly, they bought the property known as Bellevue at Carillon, on 
the Ottawa, from Major :\Iuir. They liked their home on the Ottawa so much, 
that they bought two other farm
, one from :\Iajor Burke and the other back of the 
village of Carillon from l\Ir. Cameron, which was ever afterwards known as "Cam- 
eron's Land. 
.. The societr of Montreal was at that time exceedingly good, as, besides the mili- 
tary, there was the old aristocratic French element,-the De l\Inntenachs; the De 
Lotbinières, whose daughters inherited the seigniories of Rigaud, Vaudreuil and 1>e 
Lotbinière ; and many more uf the old French families who formed at once the most 
exclusive and charming of societies. There were, besides, the Scotch merchant 
princes of Montreal, whose dignified hospitality added so much to the delight of 
Canadian life. 
.. This pleasant style oflife continued, partly in ÞtlolItreal and partly at Bellevue, 
till 11 r. Forbes was ordered to the \Vest Indies, at the time of the emancipation of 
the slaves. While there, he had two attacks of yellow fever in three months, and 
was invalided home. He returned to Canada, and took up his abode permanently. at 
BelIevue. H is only official duty from that time was acting as ad viser to Sir John 
Colborne, Governor General and Commander of the Forces, during the Rebellion in 
1837-38. He also acted for many years as Paymaster to the old pensioners, and was 
once unanimously returned as Member for the county of Argenteuil. A curious 
thing happened in connection with his election. At a dinner gi\ren at Bellevue to 
his constituents, a quantity of silver was stolen, but was shortly afterwards returned 
by the priest, who requestl'd that no questions should be asked, as it was restored 
under the seal of confes5ion. Families of old friends and relations hat.'!, in the mean- 
time, come out from England, and settled in the neighborhood; the society was 
delightful: Mr. Wainwright, R. N., bought a place which he named ,. Silver Heights," 
from the \\ hite daisies growing on the hill at the back of the house; Mr. Cunning- 
ham, afterwards Sir Francis, at l\IilllecrJ.ig, caned after the fami:y residence in Scot- 
land, and whose house-as they insisted on being their own architects-was found 
to be minus stairs or a support for one of the gables, which had to be built on a 
heavy beam through one of the bedrooms; Mr. Stikeman, at Rose Cottage, across 
the river, one of whose sons married 
Ir. .Forbes' second daughter, Florence; and M r, 
\Villiam Abbott, the genial clergyman of the parish, without whom no festivity in the 
neigh borhood was complete, His still more talented brother, the Rev. Joseph Abbott, 
was also a constant visitor, while his son-aíterward Sir John Abbott-spent a great 



deal of his early life at Bellevue. Prior to this, the building of the canal from Caril- 
lon to Grenville brought a large military force into the neighborhood, the officers of 
which generaliy made their headquarters at Bellevue; and for many years afterward, 
soldiers were stationed at Carillon for the protection of the canal-the military ele- 
ment adding much to the social enjoyment of the neighborhood. In connection 
with military matters, may be mentioned that, during the RebeBion, BeUe".ue became 
the' House of Refuge' of the ladies who were left defenceless from their male relatives 
going off to join the volunteer companies then formed. Some of these ladies thought 
the cellars, which run the entire length of the house, would be a hiding place, in 
which no adventurous rebel would ever find them, and insisted on dragging bedding 
and other things down there. Mrs. Forbes, however, who felt the warlike spirit strong 
within her, remained on deck, spending one whole night casting buBets, as .Mr. 
Giraud, one of the leaders, and who had been tutor to her sons, knowing how well the 
place was victualed, declared his intention of eating his Christmas dinner there, His 
intentions, however, were frustrattd by the determined defence made by our Volun- 
teers. Mr. Forbes' son-in-Iaw,1\1r, Edward Jones, immediately formed a Cavalry 
company, in which l\1r. Forbes' eldest son, Carlo, served as cornet. They did va- 
liant service, both at Grand Brulé and St. Eustache. Many deeds of valor were done 
by heroes from that section, a son of Judge McDonell, of Point Fortune, driving down 
on the ice and capturing some of the enemy's cannon, and dragging them up behind 
his sleigh. Quiet was at last restored, and Mr. Forbes, who always had a mania 
for builJing, was able to pursue his favorite occupation in peace. 
" His fancy for building and agriculture never proved profitable, the brewery, 
which was built in 1833, being a constant bill of expense, and the Barrack, which was 
buil t in 18 30, became useless after the troops were removed ; the powder magazine 
bad only the advantage that it blew up without hurting anybody, and the saw miU 
only led to a feud with his old friend, Col. Johnson; the Seignior. In right of the 
seignioriallaw as at that time established, he prevented his using his saw mill for 
anyone's benefit but his own. The agricultural arrangements were not much more 
profitable, except so far as it enabled unbounded hospitality to be at all times exer- 
cised. Arthur Young, the great English authority, was constantly consulted; but what 
might have suited English farming did not suit Canadian, aU rùot crops had to be 
transplanted; a lime kiln was built, to keep a constant supply oflime on hand for the 
land; large holes were dug in the bog to extract the marl at the bottom; and though 
the farm included 5 00 acres of woodland, a number of Irish laborers were constantly 
employed to make peat to burn in the house, 3S the ashes were supposed to be good 
for turnips. However, all these theories gave constant employment to the p
around there; those who wanted work were never denied it; and if sickness overtook 
them or their families, they were always generou",ly provided for. All this tim', the 
social life was of the pleasantest: people of distinction constantly corning there to 
stay. Sir John Colborne, the Earl of Dalhousie, Sir James Kempt, Sir Charles Rigor, 
Sir Charles :Metc
lf and Lord Sydenham-all Govanors of Canada-have been e.lter- 

17 0 


tained at the old homestead. Sir George Simpson, Governor of the Hudson Bay 
Company, was a frequent visitor, while Monsignor Forbin de Jonson, the Catholic 
Bishop, who put up so many of the crosses on tl
e Catholic churches in Canada, 
staytd at BelIevuc, and even claimed relationship, as he said his family were origin- 
ally Forbes, but the French pronunciation had changed it to Forbin. Of the Epis- 
copal Bishops, Stuart, Mountain and Fulford always made Bellevue their stopping 
place on their paro<..hial visits up the Ottawa. 'Vhile, in spite of political differences, 
Mr, Papineau was a welcOlr.e guest, his courtly French manner being delightful. 
.' Of the children of Mr. and Mrs. Forbes, only four are alive. The oldest son, 
Charles, or Carlo, became a civil engineer, and is now Jiving at St. Paul, Minn. 
The youngest, Frank, is in the City Engineer's office in Chicago. The second 
daughter, Mrs. Stikeman, removed after her husband's death 10 California, as did the 
youngest daughter, Elizabeth; while of the two nieces of Mr. Forbes, whom he tuok 
as children and brought up as his own, the eldest married Captain Powell,ofthe 
9 th Regiment, and the youngest married Dr. Mayrand, ofSt. Andrews, who is related 
to some of the old French families. Bellevue, as a home of the Forbes family, has 
long ceased to exist; and the life in the old homestead is only a pleasant memory 
of a by-gone time to many scattered in various parts of the world." 


1r. Forbes died 22nd September, 1862; Mrs. Forbes died 23 rd June, 186 9. 
The latter had been on a visit to " Silver Heights," accompanied by one of her 
nieces. In returning, the horse, a spirited animal, took fright, the carriage was over- 
turned, and 1\1 rs. Forbes being thrown violentiy against a rock was instantly killed, 
Her untimely death was the cause of much sorrow in the community, especially 
among those who had experienced her kindness and benevolence, She was a 
woman of excellent judgment, active temperament, generous and kindly disposition. 
Mrs. Palliser, now living in Carillon, spent several years of her early life in the 
service of the Forbes' family, and has many interesting reminiscences of BeUevue. 
She remembers particularly the benevolence of Mrs. Forbes, and how generously 
she always supplied poor families with fruit at the season of fruit-gathering, 
In those early da}"s, serious and bloody fights were of frequent occurrence among 
the raftsmen on the river, which were usually followed by the arrest of one or more 
of the most vicious combatants on their arrival at Carillon. 
The culprits were usually brought before Mr. Forbes for trial, and a strong-room 
in the basement of Bellevue confined the prisoner till the hour of his trial arrived, 
The door of this "lock-up," together with a padlock, which looks as if it might have 
done service in the Bastile, still remain as mementoes of those rude scenes which, 
happily, no longer occur, 
In 1864, the Bellevue property, consisting of 700 acres of land and four houses, 
was purchased by the Ottawa River Navigation Company, of which the late R. \V, 
Shepherd, sen., was president, and his son R. 'V, SHEPHERD, jun., is now manager. 


17 1 

The latter left school in 1865, and entered the office of the Company as clerk. 
During the time thus employed, he overlooked the building of the steamer" Dagmar," 
in the Company's shipyard, learned much about boats, their speed, construction, etc., 
-knowledge which was of much service to him in after years. In 1866, when the 
" Dagmar" commenced running. he was appointed purser on her, and remained two 
years, when he became purser on the mail steamer " Prince of \Vales," and held the 
position till 1870. In February, 1871, he made a trip to Europe, and on his return, 
the same year, wa3 appointed assistant manager of the Company-a position he 
occupied till 1882, when he became general manager. 
The construction of the palatial iron steamers" Sovereign " and" Empress" was 
entirely under his control and supervision, and the designs for them were prepared 
by him, after several trips to the States to obtain the most modern and suitable plans 
for river steamers designed for pleasure travel. That he attained his object is abun- 
dantly proven by the fine appearance of these steamers and their populaTity with the 
traveling pu IJlic. 
Mr. Shepherd was married 26th June, 1879, to !vliss Margaret A, Robertson, 
daughter of Hugh Robertson, of" Milncraig," Carillon Hill, Quebec. 
Military affairs have also engaged a share of his attention, and during the Fenian 
raids, he was ensign in the Como Rifles, and was stationed with his company to guard 
the approach to the bridge at St. Ann's. For eight years, he was an officer in the 
Prince of , Vales Rifles: 1st Battalion, and retired with rank of Captain, He saw 
active service when connected with this Battalion, during the Fenian excitement, the 
Guibord interment, and the Bread Riots in Quebec, in 1878. 
He has taken great interest in horticultural matters and fruit growing, and for 
several years was director and vice-president of the Montreal Horticultural Society, 
and is now vice-president of the Pomological Society of the Province of Quebec-a 
Society indebted chiefly to him for its formation. Fruit growing has engaged much 
of his attemion for more than twenty years, especially the cultivation of- the best" 
table apples, and his fine nurseries at Como are now well known in this part of the 
Dominion. He was assistant Commissioner of this Province for the \Vorld's Fair at 
Chicago, and the fine collection of fruit sent from Quebec was collected under his 

Carillon, even for a country village, is remarkably quiet; a bakery and a carpen- 
ter shop comprising all its manufactories. It has neither church, minister, or lawyer, 
and but one store. The Roman Catholics attend their church at St. Andrews, and 
the Protestants the different denominational services of the same place, or the service 
held occasionally at the residence of !vIr, Sharman in this village. 
But notwithstanding the Jack of mills and stores, there is considerable travel 
through thè place even in winter; and when the spring opens and the boats begin to 
run, the aspect of Carillon, as a business place, is greLl.tly improved. Thi
 being the 
terminus of the steamboat line from Montreal, as well as that of the railway running 

17 2 


to Grenville, it is a depot for both passengers and freight; and when summer advances, 
and people seek the refleshing air of the country, numbers flock to Carillon; its 
beautiful and expansive water front and othenvise channing scenery attracting num- 
bers which, through July and August, greatly enhance the life and gayety of the 
The store referred to above is worthy of notice, not only on account of its anti. 
quity, but from the event') which have therein occurred; more than one of the occu- 
pants having acquired a competency, while others have experienced the lot of bank- 
It w..:s built, sometime in the third decade of this century, by A. E. Montmar- 
quet from 
lontreal. Having no competitOls in the place, he soon became forehand- 
ed, and possibly, it may have been from the opportunity he had, of making what the 
Scotchman called" four per cent," profits, really four times the cost. However this 
may be, he acquired much influence in the Coun ty, and the following letter, copied 
from one in the archives of Quebec, shows that he was not devoid of public spirit. 
CARILLON, Sept. 16th, 1846. 

To the Supt, Schools, 
Canada East. 
SIR,- \V e have received a l)etition from the inhabi tants of the school district of 
Carillon, asking for help towards erecting a school-house in said district; and as we 
are not aware that there is any money in the Government hands to be appropriated 
to this district, we would feel extremely obliged if you will let us know whether you 
have any to spare, and what wiI] be the amount you will be able to grant them. An 
answer will greatly oblige the inhabitants of Carillon school, particularly Mr. A. E. 
Montmarquet, who is taking great interest in having a school-house erected in said 

\Ve are, sir, 

Your obedient servants, 

Secretary- Treasurer. 

When Mr. Montmarquet left Carillon, rumor claimed that he was worth the snug 
sum of $100,000; it is said that he was one of the founders of the People's Bank at 
In 1837, his store was the scene of a startling occurrence. At the time when 
the greatest excitement prevailed in St. Eustache, many of the inhabitants of that 
place fled from their homes, leavi
1g them to be plundered by any who might feel so 
disposed. Very soon, therefore, the work of pillage began. Stock was drawn off, 
hen roosts and pig stIes were rifled, houses broken open, and their contents carried 
off or scattered along the street. In such a condition of things, it was quite natural 
that many who would scorn to be the first to cnter a house to appropriate its effects, 
should pick up and carry off things which they well knew would otherwise soon be- 
come the Plcy of others. 



On the Saturday night following the fight at St, Eustache, a man named Hoyle 
was in the store of 1\lr, Duncan Dewar of St. Andrews, declaiming loudly against 
those who would appropriate the property of the absent proprietors. At that moment 
l\Ir. Jamieson, a brother-in-law of C. J. Forbe5 of Carillon, ani who lived on the 
Forbes' estate, chanced to pass with a single 
leigh load of the confiscated prolJerty 
from St. Eustache, The opportunity was favorable for Hoyle to advertise his hon- 
esty and achieve notoriety; and abruptly leaving his auditors, he rushed oat, caught 
up with the sleigh on the bridge, seized the horse by the head, and launched into a 
furious philippic against the astonished Jamieson, The latter merely replied that he 
deemed himself quite res(Jonsihle for whatever property he had taken, and drove on. 
On the succeeding Monday, Hoyle inquired at the store of 
Ir. Dewar for a 
quantity of his favorite brand of tobacco, and Mr, Dewar having none, he informed 
him that he could procure it of 
lontmarq net, at Carillon. To the latter's store, 
therefore, Hoyle proceeded, and Jamieson, in whose breast the insult recently offered 
him was still rankling, seeing him pass, and divining that he had gone to the store of 
l\lortmarquet, followed. His first words on entering the store and seeing Hoyle 
were: "How dare you II1sult m
, sir, as you did Saturday night in St. Andrews?" 
and at the same moment he 5truck him across the back with his cane. \Vithout a 
word of warning, Hoyle instantly drew a pistol from his pocket and shot him. A 
crowd soon collected, in which there were three physicians, who pronounced the 
wound fatal. 
Hoyle quickly placed himself under the protection of Maj. 
layne, commanding 
the two companies of soldiers at the Barracks, who refused to deliver him to the in- 
dignant citizens clamoring for his trial, according to the code of Judge Lynch. "You 
do not know," I:e said to them, "that Hoyle has committed murder; Jamieson may 
yet recover; " and he did recover. 
Forty-one years afterwards, when he died, the bullet and a p
l.rt of a suspender 
buckle which it carried with it were found in his body. 

LlCS OF 1837. 
Mr. Jamieson, of Point Fortune, Quebec, who died in this village on Monday last, at the 
residt:nce of his sister, Mrs. Cunningham, requested a few days ago that if the attack of heart disease 
from which he was suffering should prove fatal, his body shouh\ be opened before burial, amI a search 
made for a pistol bullet and a portion of a brace buckle which he h"d been carrying somewhere 
within him for about forty-one years. 
In I
.H, the memorable year of the Rebellion in Cana(la, 
Ir, Jamieson, then a young and 
strong man, re
ided at Ca1Ïllon in the Lower Province. One day in the post office there, he got to 
argui':g politics with a rebel, whose language became so insulting or otherwh.e provoking that at last 
Mr. jamie!'on struck him, whereupon he drew a pistol and fired at his loyal opponent. The;: bullt:t 
broke the iron buckle of the right Htspender, and then entered his breast, inflicting a wound which 
nearly pwved fatal, and from which he was laid up for 
ix weeks. At the expiration of that period, he 
was neally well again, anù never afterwards felt any ill etTect;; from lh
 hurt; but as the bullet had nClt 



been extracted, and as it "as believed to have taken the missing part of the buckle with it, Mr. J amie- 
son often expressed the wish during his last illness, that, after his death, the locality of the ,. foreiglt 
bodies, II as medical men would call them, should be ascertained; and Drs. Allen and Bryson searched 
for and were successful in finding them on Monday last, 
They were near together and close to the spine-the bullet resting on the diaphragm, and entire- 
ly enveloped by a cartilaginous formation of considerable size, while the other article was partially 
hidden by a deposit more nearly resembling flesh. The bullet is for a pistol of rather large size, 
and was originally round, but is much damaged at one spot, no doubt where it struck the buckle, which 
was broken by the blow, The part with the tongue or tongues attached probably remained fast to 
the suspender. The portion driven in by the bullet formed three sides of the buckle, Rnd is of the 
simplest description, being merely a piece of iron wire about two inches long and bent at right angles, 
a little more than half an inch from each end. It is only rusted in spots, and not deeply, and the mark 
made by the blow of the bullet is still plainly visible. 
Mr. Jamieson died 28th December, 18 7 8 . 

After two weeks, Hoyle was sent to Montreal to be tried, but received bail the 
same day, and nothing further was heard of the case. 
A. E. MO
TMARQUET sold his store and other property in Carillon to 1\1r. Schnei- 
der, and left the place in 1860. In 1871, Schneider sold to John Fletcher, a young man 
from Rigaud, who had spent the four previous ye,us in Scotland in acquiring a know- 
ledge of mercantile business. He died, however, a short time subsequently, and his 
brother, \Vm. L. Fletcher, became his successor in the store and post office. The 
latter was married in June, 1872, to Miss O. Charlebois, daughter of the postmaster at 
Rlgaud. During the few years that he survived, Mr. Fletcher was an active citizen, 
and filled municipal offices. He died 23rd November, 1877, and Mrs. Fletcher was 
appointed postmistress, a position which she still retains, assisted by her daughter 
Five or six years ago, the l\1ontmarquet store was purchased by M. Dwyer, of 
Kingston, who had been in trade in this village for several years, Success attended 
him, and after sixteen years' residence in Carillon, he left in the Spring of 1894 for 
Kingston, several thousand dollars better off than he was when he came here. As he 
had always dealt fairly with his customers, and on leaving touk spécial pains to 
accommodate his debtors, the good wishes of the community w<;nt with him. _\bout 
two rears before his departure, he sold his store and stock of goods to R. V. Gauthier, 
a young gentleman who had acted as clerk for him during the six preceding years. 

Ir. Gauthier springs from stock whose energy and loyalty form an heir-loom of 
honor to their descendants, His grandfather, JOHN BAPTISTE GAUTHIER, was born 
21 st October, 1796, at Montreal Junction. At the ag
 of 18, he enlisted at Montreal 
in a regiment ofVoltigeurs, and took an active part ir. the battle ofChateauguay. for 
which service he subsequently received a pension. In the Rebellion of 1837, he 
joined a company ofloyal Cavalry, and was often employed in carrying dispatches. 
After the Rebellion, he settled at St. Anne, where he died in 1886, upward:; of 90 
years of age. He left two sons and two daughters. 
Victor, one of the former, a man of much enterprise and intelligence, learned the 



trade of carpenter, and for some time was employed by the Great 
orth \Vestern and 
Montreal Telegraph Company. In charge of a number of men, he erected many of 
the lines of this Company in Ontario, and in 1872, as a stationary mechanic of the 
Company, settled in Cuillon, In 1867, he was married to Hermine Crevier of St, 
Anne. During his life in this VilJage, he took an active part in whatev
r promoted 
its prosperity. He was a member of the 
Iunicipal Council, and also of the Board of 
School Commissioners; in the latter, owing to his desire for the encouragement of 
education, he was particularly active, 
He seems to have been one whose natural endowments and powels of observa- 
tion compensate for the lack of a liberal education, and his charts display no little 
skill as a draughtsman, He died in 1890, leaving a family of childr
n whose modesty 
and politeness reflect no small degree of credit on their parental training. 
His eldest son, R. V. GAUTHIER, took a commercial course at Rigaud College, 
from which he graduated in 1887. 
While there, the same devotion to duty which has characterized his subsequent 
career, enabled him always to take either first or second place in his classes, and win 
hon')rs of which a young man less modest might sometimes boast. He won the 
highest prize offered for proficiency in the study of commerci"l law, political economy 
and bookkeeping; the first prize in science, grammar, analysis and themes; and in 
188 7 he won the silver medal offered by Messrs, Fogarty & Co., of Montreal, for pro- 
ficiency in the study of commerce, èesides the $30 prize awarded by the Institution, 
Since his purchase of the store in 1892, his trade has steadily increased, custom- 
ers being attracted, not more by the fair prices than by the probity and courtesy of 
the merchant. His younger brother, Thomas, entered the boot and shoe store of 
James Leggatt of Montreal, in 1889, as clerk; he has been their manager, and is now 
traveLing for the same firm. Donat, a brother still younger, is the assistant of R. V. 
in hi
JAME.5 BARCLAY, who lived for many years in Carillon, was one of her most 
enterprising and influential citizens, and was well known and p.:>pular throughout the 
County. His father had taken an active part in the political troubles by which 
Scotland was agitated, and his radical principles incurring the animosity of the Gov- 
ernment, his property was confiscated and a price set on his head. But he succeeded 
in escaping, and in 1820, with his wife by a second marriage, and his only surviving 
son James, then 17 years of age, came to America. He remained two or three years 
in Montreal, and then removed to New Glasgow; but the place, at that time especially, 
offered but little encouragement to men of enterprise and ambition: and after a 
residence there of three or four ye,us, the father and son decided to go to South 
America. \Vith this design they had gone as far as 
Iontreal, when, by one of those 
simple even ts which sometimes effçct great changes, they were led to throw up their 
plan and remain in Canada. 
The younger Barclay happened, unexpectedly on the street, to fall in with a 
man named John Wanless, whom he formerly knew in Edinburgh, but who then lived 

J7 6 


in St. Andrews. On learning Barday's intention of going to South America, so 
eloquently did he portray the risk he was incurring in going to that semi-barbarous 
and tropical country, and so effectually did he plead the advantages afforded by Canada, 
that young Barday and his father decided to return with him to St. Andrews. 
One Sabhath morning, while living in this Village, James strolled out on the road 
leading to Carillon, and as he passed over the" Hill," and saw the beautiful gardens 
and the fine orchards just then gorgeous with a profusion of blosmros, he thought he 
had seen no other spot in this country so attractive, or one which reminded him so 
forcibly of Scotland; and he then 
aid to himself that, if he ever purchased a farm in 
Canada, it would be on Carillon Hill. After a residence of a few years in St. Andrews, 
he removed to Carillon Village, where for a long time his enterprise contributed to 
the activity of the place, Besides opening a boot and shoe shop, he started a stage 
lit:e between this Village and GrenvilIe, which at that time, before the construction of 
the railway, was an enterprise of great utility. 
In accordance with his determination mentioned above, in 1835, he purchased 
the farm on Carillon Hill which had been owned by Peter 
fcArthur. It was some 
time, however, before he lived on this farm, though he employed men to cultivate it. 
He was for some years agçnt for the McPherson & Crane Forwarding Company. 
When the Carillon & Grenville Railroad was completed, he was the first conductor 
un it ; but soon afterward, advancing age compelled him to resign this position, and 
his last years were spent in quietude .on the pleasant farm still occupied by his 
During the Rebel1ion of 1837, his knowledge of the country and extensive 
acquaintance with its inhabitants, added to his good judgment and activity, rendered 
him a very useful servant of the Government, and he was frequently employed to 
carry despatches between Montreal and St. Andrews. One night, having occasion to 
stop at a wayside tavern to have his horse fed, he found there a number of rebels 
who suspectld him, and intended to take him prisoner; but one of their number, who 
some time previously had, been in his employ, followed him to the stable, revealed 
the plot of his fellow rebels, and advised him to escape. Trusting the man, and 
deciding to follow his advice, he mounted his horse, and putting spurs to him, was 
soon dear of the place, but only in time to escape the volley of shots fired after him. 
It is perhaps needless to say that he did not draw rein until he was well out of their 
reach. The despatches were carried between the soles of his boots. 
In politics, he W.1S a staunch Conservative, being a warm admirer of the late Sir 
John A. l\lacdonald, and his influence in behalfof Conservative candidates was always 
displayed, in no small degree, in times of elections; indeed, he was one whose abilities 
were worthy of a broader field of action. He was a man of sterling integrity and 
inflexible will, yet he possessed a great fund of humor, and enjoyed a good practical 
Mr. Barday was twice married: the first time, in 1832, to Ann Hayes of Limerick, 
Ireland, who died in 1839, and he then married her sister, Joanna, who died in 1866, 



By the first marriage he had four children, but only the eldest, J
hn, is now alive ;- 
he is engaged in an extensive commission business in Glasgow, By the second mar- 
riage, he had a large family of children; but of these, only four sons and two daughters 
are now alive. 
William, the eldest of these, and a man of ability, is a commercial traveller fo1' 
the house of Frothingham & 'Vorkman, Montreal; he was married in 1873 to Adria 
Haines of that city. His family resides in St. Andrews, where the influence of Mrs, 
Rarclay in support of temperance and Christian work is strongly exerted. Hanam, 
their eldest son, is pursuing a course of study in mining and engineering, in Chicago, 
George, the 5econd son of James Barclay. is engaged with 
[CLaughlin Bros., 
lumbermen, in .'\rnprior, Ont, Henry, the third son, after spending some years in 

lontreal as machinist, returned to Carillon; and now lives on the homestead with 
his sisters, Joanna and Florence-all, like their parents, deservedly esteemed by the 
community around them. Colin CampLeIl, the fourth son, is in Rico, Colorado-a 
dealer in hardware and mining supplies, 
ALEXANDER l\I CINTOSH, from Lochaber, Scotland, spent part of his early life in 
England, and in 1850 went to Australia, being in the latter country while the gold 
fever was at its height. He aftenvard returned to Scotland. and in 1866 came to Can- 
ad.! and bought the "PriOlY" on the "Field Farm" in St. Andrews. This building 
was then the property of Mrs. Abbott, widow of the late Rev. 'ViIlia.m Abbott. 
Mr. McIntosh was ma.rried in England to Miss 'Vard, and they had three 
children-all daughters j he died in St Andrews in 1884, Mrs. \Içlntosh survives 
him, living with her daughter, Mrs. :McNaughton. 
The latter, who is the youngest of the three sisters, married Dr. Donald 
Naughton of Hudson; they removed to Carillon, and purchased the present pro- 
perty of Mrs. McNaughton, "D,ll1derav," formerly known as " 
[ilncraig.JI a beau- 
tiful place on the road leading from Carillon to St. Andrews. 
Dr. l\Ic
a\lghton died in December, 1888, leaving a widow, one son and five 
The eldest daughter, Anna, married to C. V. De Boucherville, lives in Ottawa j 
Eliza, married to Martin S. Albright, lives at Prospect Place, La Baie; Eleanor, 
married to James Machan, lives in Grenville; Grace 
L and Flora are attending 
Dunham Ladies' College; I )unc:m, the son, is in the 
MISS AGNES TAYLOR, of Carillon Hill, has been a resident of this place for several 
Her parents, James and Elizabeth (Beattie) Taylor, came to this country from 
Scotland in 18 37, and first settled in St. Andrews. l\Ir, Taylor was employed, soon 
after his arrival, as foreman on the estate of Commis..;alY Forbes, Carillon; and as the 
Rebellion was then in progress, in going to and from his work he w.l.'; daily chal- 
lenged by sentinels posteà between the two villages, and compelled to give the pass- 
word. He afterwards removed to Isle aux Cha.\s, whele he died in 18 8 3; 
Taylor died in 1888. 'J hey had four sons and six daughters. 

17 8 


James. the eldest son, is the propJietor of a fine farm in East Hawkesbury; 
David, the second son, is in Independence, Oregon; Joseph, third son, lives on the 
homestead; and Robert, the youngest, in British Columbia. Of the daughters, five 
married, and all who are now living remain in Canada. 
Iary A., one of the 
daughters. married to James Taylor, lives at Isle aux Chats. 
6-\gnes R., who is the fourth daughter, came to this place in IS89, and purchased 
the residence of her brother David, who was about leaving for the 'Vest, Miss Taylor 
has made maI
y improvements, and her pretty residence, known as "Rosebank 
Cottage," with its fine view of the Ottawa and profusion of flowers in summer, adds 
much to the attractiveness of the street. 
JOHN A. SHARMAN, a native of Norfolk, England, a tailor by trade, came to 
America in 1830. He soon returned to his native country, but came back again in 
18 33, and before 1849 had crossed the Atlan tic with his family nine times, on a few 
occasions as super-cargo, thus 
aving the expenses of the voyage, On one of these 
trips, the vessel, when returning to England, heavily laden with lumber, encountered 
a severe gale, and sprang a leak. The storm continued three days; the hands were 
all set at the pumps, ar
d to enco'Jrage them, the captain supplied them liberally, as 
well as himself, with rum, till, with the exception' of the carpenter, they were all 
drunk. Mr. Sharman, seeing the condition of things, and knowing that their escape 
from death depended entirely on the ability of the sailors to work the pumps, assumed 
command, and with the aid of the carpenter managed, with much difficulty, to keep 
the sailors at work. So badly did th
 vessel1eak, that for some hours he could not 
see that the water in the "essel diminished. Concealing this fact, however, from the 
sailors, and exhorting them to persevere, the ship out-rode the storm, and even- 
tually, badly water-logged, reached port, 
During the year that Mr. Sharman lived in this country, he plied his trade in 
different places: New York State, East Hawkesbury, Ont., Chatham and 51. Johns, 
Que., and lastly on the Lachute Road, St. Andrews, where he died, 24th January, 18 75, 
aged 79. . 
He lived in New York about the time the Canadian Rebellion was approaching; 
and his outspoken English opinions were not calculated to make friend., in that 
locality, hence he came to Canada. Mrs. Sharman, his second wife, died qth 
November, 18 5 2 , aged 44. He married a third time, but had no children, save by 
the second marriage; these were two sons and two daughters. 
ALONZO L., the eldest son, followed the trade of his father, which he still pur- 
sues in Carillon. He was married 26th October, 186 5, to ::\Iary Gordon. She died 20th 
June, 18 75; they had two sons and a daughter. He nurried a second time, 25 th 
}'ebruary, 18 7 8 , .Mary L., dc1Ughter of the late John Dewar; they have one son and 
one daughter. 
lr, Sharman is a Christian man, and an earnest advocate of temper- 
ance. In the fall of 189-1, aided by Mrs. Sharman, he organized a Sabbath School 
in this village, which is held at his residence, 



'1'h e Carillon & Grenvi\1e Railway IS only a section of a road which was to be 
built from l\lontreal to Ottawa; and though it commenced \\ith a fair prospect of 
success, it ended disastrously for its projectors. 
It was begun in 1857 by two brothers from E T'gland, 'Villiam and Samuel Sikes, 
both skillful mechanics, and one, at least, being a mechanical engineer. The money 
for the enterprise was to be provided by an English banking firm, Sike!', DeRerg & 
Co., of which firm, Alexander Sikes, a brother of the two m'lmed above, was a 
Labor on the road was commenced at different points, 
lontreal, St. Eustache, 
St. Andrews, etc., a steam mill being erected at the latter place, near the River 
Rouge, to saw lumber required in the construction of the road, and artesian wells 
were sunk to provide the mill with water. 
The work had progressed favor3bly for nearly two years-the men employed 
had been promptly paid, and the money to pay the last sum of indebtedness for 
labor had been sent from England, when a sad accident abruptly terminated the 
whole project. 
Immediately after the last instalment of money had been sent, Alex'lnder Sikes 
took passage on a vessel for America, with a view, it is sUI'posed, of inspecting the 
work in which his company had invested so much money: but the vessel, with all on 
board, was lost. \Vhen this sad accident became known in England, the company of 
which the deceased, Mr. Sikes, had been a member sent to their repH.sentative here, 
requesting him to return the money he had lately received. 
The order was obeyed, and thus the Sikes brothers on this side of the Atlantic 
were without means to accomplish their object. Unwilling, however, to abandon the 
work, they invested what little capital they possessed, which being soon swallowed up, 
the work, from necessity, was abandoned. 
Others be5ides the Sikes brothers lost heavily in this unlucky venture; none, 
perhaps, more largely than Sydney Bellingham, M.P.P. for Argentcuil. 
The completed portion of the road was th:\t between Carillon and Grenville, 
and this coming into possession of the late Hùn. J. J, C. Abbott, solicitor for its 
managers, was, by him, sold to the Ottawa Ri\er Navigation Company in 18 6 3. 
JOHN :\IcGOWAN, the ptcsent superintendent of the ab Ive Railway, and one of the 
prominent citizens and uusil1ess men of Carillon, was born in B3lmagh parish, Scot- 
land. He carne to Montreal in 184 2 , and was first employed by a fanner residing 
Ilear the city, with whom he remained two years. He then engaged as cler\.. to 
Thomas Masson, Notre Dame street, Montreal; but at the e:"piration of three year!', 
declining health compelled him to ab':l11don the store. IIis father's family was then 
in this country, and in connection with his father, he bought a farm at Hud50n, P.Q., 
where he was engaged till about 1 8 5 8 . In the year previous, hc was married to Jane 
McCuish, who died in 18 7 0 , leaving eight children. Four of these died in infancp 
and two more after reaching the age of eighteen. In 1859, ::\lr, :\1cGowan engaged 
to the Ottawa River Navigation Company, and for fi\'c years W:1S 10c.ltclI at Ottawa. 



In 186 3, the Company purchased the Carillon & Grenville Railway, and the following 
year he came to Carillon to act as superintendent for the Company. 
'\"hile thus engaged, he has not been indiffere!lt to the public affairs of the 
village, anJ has t.\ken sp
ci1.1 intereit i1î" schools. He was Secretary-Treasurer of the 
School B.>ard when living in Hudjon. and is now Secretary-Treasurer of the dissen- 
tient school of this vilhge. He W.lS :\byùr of the village in 18 93, and once since has 
been elected to the same office. In 1874 he went to Scotland, and while there was 
married to Jane Edgar. Mr. McGowan is a man of much energy and activity, and a 
very proficient and careful man,lgcr of the interests committed to his charge. John, 
his eldest son. who W.lS employed several years as purser on the steamer" Princess," 
the duties of which position he discharged to the unqualified approval of the Com. 
pany and the public, has recently been aPPJintcd Captain of the new steamer 
,. Duchess of York." 
George, the only son by his second marriage, wh.:-> has lately attended a Com- 
mercial Collegc in :\[ontre3.I, is now al home. 
Isabella, his only daughter, was married in :May, f 893. to Ernest Howe, of the 
firm of Howe & McIntyre, commission merchants of Montrèal. 
 HALSEY, the engineer on the C. & G. Railroad, was born uf English 
parents in Dublin, and cam
 to Canada in 1870. His father and grandfatha had 
been in the Na\ry, and the f<<;>rmer servçd at the blockade of Kid, and in Egypt won 
three medals for his proficiency and bravery, He afterward entered the Coast Guard 
service, and moved to Dublin. 

[r, John H:J.lsey served his apprenticeship as locomotive fitter on the Great 
Southerr:. & \Vestern R.R., and received the mOjt flattering testimonials from the 
r\f;er going to Montreal, he worked two years in the Grand Trnnk shop5, then 
three years in Brockville for the Can. Centr.\1 R. R., after which he worked another 
year in th
 Grand Trunk shops at :Momrea1. He then accepted the position of 
Locomotive Engineer for the Ottawa River Navigation Company, and hac; held it, to 
their great satisfaction, for eighteen ycars. He was married, 22nd June, 18 7 6 , to 

largaret, eldest daughter of James B
aton. of Her Majesty's Customs, Stornoway, 
Island of Lewis, Scotiand. They have had nine children - eight sons and one 
daughter, of whom six sons are living. The eldest, Robert, who is learning the trade 
of machinist, has been with th
 Ingersoll Sergeant Drill Co. of St. Henri, since 
:\larch, 1893. 
KELLY'S HOTEL, which has bten known to the public for nearly fifty years, is the 
only one besides the Sovereign, in Carillon. L3.1 ge as these two houses seem for so 
small a place, they arc inadequate ill the summcr season to accommodate the number 
applying for hoard, 
 KFLLY, the oldest English-speaking resident of Carillon, is a son of J. 
Kelly, one of the early seulers of Grenville, and he came to Carillon in 1848. Patrick 




1fufl!hy, \:ho .had kept a public this village, was now deceased, and :!\fro Kelly 
marned hIS wIdow, and became propnetor of the hotel. Being active, and pos.iessed 
of an enterprising spirit, as well a
 shrewdness, he engaged in whatever kinds of 
ines;) beside3 hotel keeping presented to him an oPPQrtunity of making money. 
In those days, before the advent of railways, the travel through Carillon far 
exceeded w;1at it has since. The large number of lumbermen who were employed 
on the upper Ottawa and its tributaries all passed to and fro through Carillon, and the 
lumber manufactured at the Hawkesbury and other mills, which now is borne off by 
locomotives, all came down the Ottawa in rafts, manned by a number of men whcse 
patronage added not a little to the profits of the hotel-keeper. At that time, the 
business of towing, in which Mr. Kelly largely engaged. was not the least profitable 
source 0f his income, and, besides, he also became a dealer in wood. He had several 
horses, and their constant employment in conveying travellers, towing and drawing 
wood and freight, together with his farm, secured to him a good income. ""hile 
others slept, or whiled away their time to no purpose, Mr. Kelly was hard at work- 
three and four o'clock in the morning being not an unusual hour for him to begin, 
In those days of greater financial prosperity, his income from different SOurces 
often exceeded $15 0 a day - $80:) sometimes being realiæd betwt:en 
morning and Saturday night. To the credit of Mr. Kelly it can also be said that, 
while he was economical, his economy never bordered on penuriousness, his purse 
always being ready to enco'Jrage charitable objects or public improvements. 4C Money 
is power;" and when to this its possessor adds shrewdness and affability, he exerts 
an influt:nce among his fellows which those who seek favors at the hands of the 
public are always sure to court. For this reason, the aid of Mr. Kelly has not infre- 
quently been sought in election campaigns j and a history of the scenes of political 
excitement and political chicanery he has witnessed would alone fill a volume. In 
18 75, he was induced with some others to place a steamer on the Ottawa, to run in 
opposition to the old line between Carillon and Montreal, he advancing the money 
for the purpose. The first boat purchased wa5 the" Manitoba," at a cost of $. 4,000, 
which, after running fcr four years, was condemned by the in<.:pector. The company 
then purchased the " T. B. MaxweIl," but after a while financial difficulty arose, in 
consequence of which the shareholdas-with the exception of Mr. Kelly and Nelson 
Burwash-withdrew, Mr. KeIIy again advancing money to purchase the shares of 
the retiring partners. After running the boat five years longer, and not finding it a 
remunerative investment, they sold out to a company in Toronto. 
Mr. KeIly was a member of the Municipal Council of St. Andrews for a period 
of fifteen years, but seeing the necessJty of sidewalks and other improvements in his 
own village, he took steps to have it incorporated into a separate municipality, which 
event was secured in the faU of 1888, against determined opposition; he was 
the first four years after its incorporation, and has recently been elected Mayor by 
acclamation. In 1874, he erected his present hotel, which is of brick, and the finest 
building in Carillon; he has retired from active business, having gi\en the manage- 
ment of his business affairs to his son, T. P. K ell}'. The latter was married 5 th 



Ft:bruary, 18 9 0 , to Emma Burrows, of PlOspect, Ont. They own considerable real 
estate in this section, the taxes on which amount to a large share of all levied in the 

lr. Kelly's first wife died 19th September, 1870 j he was married, 27 th OctobefJ 
18 7 S. to Julia, second daughter of the late'Villial11 Lawler, Esq., of Hawkesbury; 
she died 18th October, 188 9' 
The "SOVEREIGN HOTEL," which, as stated elsewhere, has long been called "The 
Barracks," is a fine commodious stone building located near the Ottawa. Though 
erected for an hotel in 18 3 0 by Commissary Forbes, it was found to be too large and 
expensive for that period, and has not been used as a public house until recent years. 
For the la,>t three years it has been under the management of N. L. LADOUCEUR, all 
active young n11n, who has discharged the òuties of his calling efficiently, and to the 
satisfaction of his pa
rons. He is the youngest son of Odilon Ladouceur, noticed in 
the succeeding sketch. In his early days he learned the trade of machinist, which 
trade he followed ten years, and then conducted a grocery for a while in Ottawa. He 
was married, 17th January, 1893, to Victoria Clairmont of Rigaud; she died 24 th 
::\Iarch, 18 94 j and :\lr. Ladouceur was next married, 15 th July, 18 95, to Helen 
Deschamps of Montreal. 
In 18 5 8 . ODILON LADOUCEUR came from St. Scholastique, his native place, to St. 
Andrews, where he still resides. He is a builder and contractor, and has followed 
this occup.nion throughout this section ever since his arrival. He married l\1dlIe. 
::\Iathilde Lalonde; they have had seven sons and three daughters that have 
arrived at maturity. 
One of the sons, EDMOND A, B, LADOUCEUR, is a member of the ðlontreal Bar. 
He was born at St, Andrews, 8th October, 1866, received his early training at the 
school of the Viateur Brothers in that place, and entcred the Bourget College. at 
Rigaud, in 18 79- His course there was a very successful one j he was at the head 
of his classes, and thus, naturally, won the approbation of his professors. He also 
displayed a taste for literary work, and several of his essays, some of which were in 
verse, secured for him many compliments. 
In 1885, having completed his studies, he settled in Montreal, where he was suc- 
cessively attached to L' Etemlard and Liz Patrie. 
In 1886, he was admitted to the study of law, took his law course at Laval 
University, being attached at the same time to the office of Hon. J. J. Curran, now 
judge of the Superior Court, and to th3.t of 
Ir. J. L. Archambeault, the Crown Pro- 
secutor, While a student, 1\1r. Ladouceur wrote for several publications, contributing 
to the Afoude Illustré, under the 1l0"l de plume of Lorenzo; several of his poem s 
were accorded much credit. 
He is a fluent and ready speaker-a talent that he has used effectively on the 
political hustings in behalf of the Libera I cause. 
He has spent some time in the New England and Western States, and, while in 
Michigan, took part in the presidential campaign of 1892. He afterward settled in 
y City, where for a time he had editorial charge of the French newspaper 

r ;í 
I "! 
". , 

E. \. B. L.\DOn'JTH 



18 3 

Le Patriote. Attachment to Canada, however, led him back to :\Iontreal, where he 
was admitted to the Bar, 13 th January, 1893. 
DENNIS GAHERTY, a gentleman well known among contractors and business 
men, is at present a resident of Carillon. He carne from Dublin with his father about 
1827, when he was but three years of age. In 1843 he was given an important 
Government contract on the Ottawa, and since that time has been employed 
chiefly with large contracts of various kinds. His extensive experience and correct 
judgment with regard to labor have cau,;ed his services to be largely soughtj 
and many difficult and dangerous jobs given up by other3 have been brought by 
him to successful completion. He has also engaged quite extensively in running 
boats and in boat building, h3.ving at different tim
s owned thirt een boats which 
plied between Quebec and Kingston. In 1879, in company with two others. he 
received a contract on the new canal at Carillon, and lived here ten years; he returned 
in 1891, and was superintendent of repairs on the Dam-a structure in which he 
had before made extensive repairs on account of breaks, For nearly a year he has 
been employed at Lachine and 51. Anns. 
Mr. Gaherty has been twice married j the last time to 
liss EI:E.n Davis, a 
sister of his first wife. By the first marriage, he had two sons and three daughters; 
one of the former is deceased; the other, D. G. Gaherty, is an 
L D., who, on 
account of ill health, gave up an extensive practice in :\lontreal, and now resides in 
Though Carillon has no important manufactory, this want is in a great measure 
supplied by the Canal-a goodly number of men having found permanent employment 
on it, ever since its completion, sixty year3 ago; and while this benefit, added to that 
of its aid to commerce
 renders it a work of great public utility-its value to the place, 
as a work of art, is a matter not to be ignored-its massive cut-stone locks, the trees 
that adorn its margin, with the pleasure always afforded by running water along a 
traveled route, make up a feature in the landscape of which the visitor never tires. 
It W;tS the hope of the writer, th3.t he would be able to publish so:ne of the corres- 
pondence and documents relating to the canal at its beginning; but, as will be seen 
by the following letter, such papers are not in existence. The letter was written in 
reply to an application of Mr. Colin DewJ.:-, on b
half of the writer, for inform.ltion 
respecting the subject in question :- 

OTTA\\A, 20th July, 1894. 

A t the request of 
Ir. Brophy, I send you some inforI1ntion reg.uding the canals 
in front of the County of ArgenteuiJ, the: most of which was extracted from printed 
reports in this office. 
Mr. B. says some valuable papers which belonged to his late f.lther, and which 
would have given many details not now available, cal1not b
 found; but h.= trusts 
that some of the dates furnished nny not be too late for the object :\Ir. Thoma,> ha:. 

in view, 

Yours truly, 

18 4 


Enclosed with the above letter \Vas the following brief but valuable history of the 
canals :- 
,. The Grenville Canal lies on the north shore of the Otta.wa, and carries naviga- 
tion around the' Long Sault Rapids.' It is excavated partly through solid rock and 
partly through earth; the locks are of cut-st0ne. It was designed and commenced 
by the Royal Staff Corps, for the Imperial Government, in 1819; but owing to the 
limited amount appropriated to this work each year, its progress was very slow. As 
in the Carillon and Chute au Rlondeau canals, the original designs contemplated locks 
corresp(.nding in size to those of the L3.chine Canal. 
"Three of the lo
k'i were commenced and completed on these dimensions; but in 
1828, the enlarged scale of the Rideau locks was adopted for the four remaining. 
" All records relating to the establishment of these three canals-the Carillon, 
Chute au Blondeau and the Grenville-were kept in the Ordnance office in Montreal, 
and were destroyed by fire in 1849, It appears, however, from information given by 
parties engaged in the construction of the works, that the Grenville canal was 
completed in 1829, the Chute au Blo:1deau in 1832, and the Carillon in 1833; and, 
further, that on the 24th of April, 183+, the canals were opened, and the steamer 
, St. Andrews,' with two barges in tow, the first passage through them. 
"These canals were transferred to the Canadian Government about forty years 
ago, and since that time their capacity has been greatly enlarged." 
It will be seen by this that there were three different canals, though the Chute au 
Blondeau has not been used since the erection of the dam. Two of them-the 
Carillor. and Chute au Blondeau, however, are short, the former not being more than 
half a mile in length, and the latter about one-third of a mile, The Grenville Canal 
begins at Grenville and terminates at Greece's Point, the distance between the two 
places being six miles. 
Previous to the erection of the Carillon D..lm, in order to incre..lse the depth of 
water in the canal, a channel was dug from the North River, near the Isle aux Chats, 
about a mile to the canal. This ingenious device, to augment the value of the canal 
to commerce, was aptly termed the "Feeder," a name that still not infrequently 
rouses the curiosity of stranger::. 
After the dam was constructed, a new canal also was made, a little shorter and 
nearer the river than the first; and as the water hlS since been quite sufficient in 
quantity, the ,e Feeder" has fallen into disuse. 

\s státed above, the canal was comtructed by the British or Imperial Govern- 
ment, the Canadian Government at th3.t early day scarcely being able to afford the 
outlay for such public WOI ks. Two companies were enlisted in England for this 
purpose, composed chiefly of sappers and miners, and were called the Royal Staff 
Corps-a name that will often be mentioned on succeeding pages. Besides these, 
many other transient laborers were also em;)loy
d on the canal. L3.bor was firs t 
commenced on the canal at Grenville, and it was several years before work was begun 
at Carillon. The present Sovereign Hotel, formerly known as "The Barracks," was 


18 5 

occupied by the officers of this Corps during the time they were in C,nillon, hence 
the name "Barracks." 
Mementoes of those days and those who were employed here, and of which few 
of the present inhabitants of Carillon have ever heard, are stIli to be seen. On the 
shore of the Ottawa, at a point nearly opposite that where "The Feeder" formed 
a junction with the old canal, are the stone foundatio:ls of an old building, now, 
owiug to the encroachment", of the river on the land, almost perpendicular with the 
water. Trees and bushes ha\Fe grown up so thickly in and around these wans, that 
they may easily be overlooked. 
Here, about the year 1824, a Scotchman named Hugh Chisholm erected a dis- 
tillery. Farmers, in those days, found a good market at this for the little grain they 
raised; but, unfortunately, they nearly an accepted, as compensation for it, the 
whiskey into which their grain was converted. It is stated as a fact, that men 
sometimes took a quantity of grain there, hoping to obtain with it.a little muney, 
and, meeting congenial companions, would begin with a social glass, and before 
leaving, would exhaust not only the price of the grain, but be in debt to tht: pro- 
prietor. But though he had such patrons, the business of 1\1r. Chisholm did not 
prosper; and, after a period of four or five years, he abandoned it, went to Bucking- 
ham, and became the partner of 
lr. Bigelow, a lumberman, In this vocation, he was 
more successful, so that in a few years he was able to retire, During the last years 
of hi:; life, he was a Christia'l and an active supporter of the cause of temperance. 
l\ir, C. Dewar thus writes :- 
" At the time of giving .you the sketch of :Mr. Chisholm, I forgot to mention an 
incident that occurred when he li\Fed at the Old Distillery, and which goes to show 
the instinct and sagacity of the brute creation, and their wonderful powers of compre- 
hension, l\lr. Chisholm always lived alone, and was in the habit of talking to his 
pets as if they were human beings, a fine collie dog being his constant companion. 
'lOne day he had been at work in the hayfield on the Island with my father. 
and on his return home found that he had lost the key of his house. He had small 
hopes of finding it, but, calling the dog, told him he had lost it, and ordered him off 
to find it. The dog started off, but returned in a shoTt time, very dejected and crest- 
fallen; he was scolded and sent off again, his master repeating over and over the 
words 'filld it.' In a short time he came bounding over the hill with every demon- 
stration of joy, having the key in his mouth, thus performing a feat that a human 
being could 110t do." 
The building used as a distillery by Mr. Chisholm was afterward occupied by 
members of the Royal Staff Corps, during the time they were employed on the canal. 
A rough frame work for a bell tower was erected near it, and a bell was rung to warn 
the men of the hour of beginning and closing work and to call them to their meals. 
In proximity to this distillery was a log building, which was originally used for a 
house, and subsequently for a blac!{smith shop. It was \.acant at the time the 
canal laborers came here, an] they used it as a hlacksmith shop in connection with 
their own work till the completion of the canal. 
- 1




JOHN FORBES, who had been in the British service, connected with an Artillery 
Company, came to Carillon about 1842, and soon afterward was appointed Lock 

[aster; he died about 1860, leaving three sons and three daughters. 
"rilliam n., one of the former, succeeded his father as Lock Master, and, later, 
was promoted to the position of Superintendent. A short time before his death, 
which occurred in 1889, he purchased the homestead of the late Lemuel Cushing, and 
repaired and embellished it at much expense. He left one son, John William, who 
was married to Alice Rodger. 
George Thomas Forbes, brother of William B., succeeded the latter as Lock 
Master. He died April 26th, 1872, leaving a widow (who, before her marriage, was 
chneider) and three children-two sons and a daughter. Of the former, George 
Archibald, the elder, married to Elise Bissette, of Quebec, is employed as Bookkeeper 
with James Whitham & Co., boot and shoe manufacturers, of Montreal. Arthur 
Thomas, the second son, has Early in life attained a responsible position, being 
manager and buyer in the retail department of J. Eveleigh & Co., wholesale trunk 
and bag manufacturers of Montreal. He was married 14 th June, J 894, to Margaret, 
daughter of the late Captain J. H. Leslie. 
DANIEL MURPHY, the present C01lector of Tolls on the Canal, is a son of Patrick 

[urphy, who was born in Kilkenny, Ireland, in 1774 j the father became a sailor 
early in life, and came to St. John, N.B., in 1798, and was for some time Captain of 
a fishing vessel connected with that port, He aftenvard returned to his native land, 
entered the navy under Nelson, and was in the battle of TrafaJgar, Subsequently 
he came to Quebec, where he was stevedore, and then conducted an hotel till about, 
1 8 4 0 , when he came to this section and lived on a farm a while, in Chatham, which 
he left to keep hotel in Carillon, He died here in J 848, leaving one son, Daniel. 
His widow, a woman of much tact and energy, married Mr. John Ke])y, who con- 
tinued the hotel business. 
After his school days were ended, Daniel became manager in the hotel. Business 
at that time was most lively in Carillon, and his activity and faithfulness in the dis- 
charge of his duties being noticed by Mr. Sipple, chief engineer on the Canal, the latter 
gentleman suggested that :Mr. 
Iurphy should apply for his present position, that 
of Collector. After some deliberation, he acted on the suggestion, and, aided by the 
innuence of 
[r. Kelly, received his appointment in 1872. It will thus be seen that 
he has held the p03ition twenty-four years, and during this long period has dis- 
-charged his duties faithfully, and to the approval of commercial men and the public; 
he has also served several times as Assessor for this municipality. He was matried 
28th January, 1891, to Emma Jane, daughter of Patrick Kelly of Grenville. 
'\YILLlA:\1 BROPHY came from Queen's County, Ireland, to Montreal in 1823, 
About two years later, he went to Hawkesbury, Ont., where he remained three 


18 7 

years, and then removed to St. Andrews, in \\"hich village he worked several years at 
his trade of shoemaker. About the beginning of the Rebellion, he moved to L3.chute, 
and enlisted in Capt. Quinn's Company of Volunteers. He went with thé1.t Company 
to Cornwall where he became ill, and died in 1838; he left one son and four daughters. 

Iargaret, one of the latter, taught school in Lachute for a number of years. John, the 
son, at an early age, went to live with an uncle in St. Andrews, and remained with him 
until his marriage to Mary Banfield in 1864. Miss Banfield's father was a sergeant 
in the Royal Staff Corps, and after the canal was completed, he was appointed Lock 
Master of Lock No.2, Carillon. He died in 1841, leaving two sons and three 
daughters; the sons are now deceased, and the two sisters of :\lrs. Brophy, Anna 
and Susan,-the former married to Rufus Lamkin, and the latter to 'Viniam ::\IcKeever 
-live in Cambridge, Mass. 
:\lr. Brophy is a carriagemaker by trade, to which he has devoted many years 
of his life; in June, 1872, he was appointed Lock Master at this pla
e, and s till holds 
the position. He has most carefully provided for the education of his childrel1, who 
have proved themselves worthy of h is solicitude, 
John C., the eldest son, received a thorough training at the private school of George 
'Yanless of C:lrillon, and then attended Montreal College, from which he graduated 
in J885 with the highest honors: winning the L'lnsdowne ::\ledal, and taking first 
prize in every branch of the curriculum. After' a few years' study of Philosophy and 
Theology, he received his degree of Bachelor of Divinity, and in 1890 went to Rome, 
where he pursued his studies for two lears, and received the degree of D.D. Refore 
returning to Canada, he visited France, England, Ireland, and other countries of 
Europe. On his return, he accepted a Professorship in his Alma 
Iater: and is now 
Professor of Theology in the Grand Seminary. 
The two remaining sons of Mr. Brophy-Thomas J. and \Yilliam P.-are both 
employed in the General Post Office at Montreal, the former in the ::\loney Order, 
and the latter in the Registry Department. 
:\Iary J., the daughter, attended the Convent of the Sisters of St. Ann's, at 
Lachine, where she also received the Earl of Derby Medal, in 1893. 
JOHN MASON of \Volverhampton, England, at the age of 18, enlisted at Charlton, 
on the 24th April, 1820, in the Royal Staff Corps. He was made a corporal in his 
COl1'pany, which was commanded by Co}. Duvernay, ::\lrs. Duvernay accompanied 
her husband to Canada, and her maid was a girl named .Mary Ann 
lcCue. Between 
this maid and John :\lason, an attachment sprang up after they had arrived in 
Canada, and, in time, they were married. The young couple were deservedly esteemed 
by the Colonel and :\Irs
 Duvernay, who, cherishing the best wishes for their 
prosperity, advised them. when the canal was finished, to remain 111 Canada, Hut 
John Mason had decided to return to England with a number of his Corps, who 
could not be induced by the offer of free grants of land to remain. .After vainly 
endeavoring to dissuade him from his purpose, his wife appealed to her mistress and rt'e 



Colonel to intercede more vigorously in her behalC so her husband was finally induced 
to remain. The Colo\lel offered him any position on th
 canal, not already filled, that 
he might choose, and as a Lock Master was required at Chute au Rlondeau, he accepted 
that appointment. He remained there until his children were old enough to attend 
Scll('ol, when, for the pm pose of 
iving them better educational advantages, he 
ren!oved to Carillon. He act ed as Lock l\Iaster at the latter place for a number of 
years, and then \VaS sllccedt.d by his son Henry, who still occupies the position. He 
died 23 rd November. 18 73 j 
Irs. Mason died in the January preceding. They had 
eight children-two sons and six daughters. John. the tIdest of the children. is in 
the employ of the Government, 

s a mechanic, in Cttawa. One of the daughters 
married James Barron of Grenville, Theresa, the youngest daughter, was married 
m 1866 to Joseph Bryarton, bailiff of Carillon. 
HENRY, the youngest son of Mr. and 
lason, after being employed many 
years on the Ottawa, was appointed, 1st August, 18 71, to his father's position as 
Master of Lock NO.2, Carillon. He was married 16th February of the same year 
to Agnes Doyle of Hawkesbury Village, l.ike his father, :Mr. Mason is desirous of 
educating his children, and has sent his 
on Herbert to Rigaud College. 
P. GiRARD, who lives in Carillon, is foreman on the canal, and also S
Treasurer of the Yillage Council and Board of Schuol Commissioners. His native 
place is Point Levis, Quebec, and there he learned the trade of his father who was 
a boat builder. In connection with him, he built many of the fine boats now plying 
the rivers and lakes of Canada. In the faU of 1871, he came to Carillon to build the 
steamer ,. Princess," and in the following May was married to Mary Boyer of this vil- 
lage j they have eight children-four of each sex. Since tÌ13t period, his horne has 
always been at Carillon, though for a year he worked in Ottawa, an d was also three 
years in the North \Vest, building boats for the North \Vest Navigation Company. 
In 18 8 4, he was appointed foreman on the canal, and after the Superintendent, 
Mr. George ::5impson, was incapacitated through illness, Mr. Girard performed the 
duties of the office for sixteen months, or until the appointment of the present superin- 
tendent, Mr. Herbert Simpson, 
'Mr. Girard ic; a careful and efficient business man, and possesses the geniality 
and courtesy of the people of his nationality, 
, who has a farm and a fine brick residence in Carillon, has 
been an employee on the can:ll for many years; he was formerly foreman of the 
mechanical department; he married Miss Boyer of Carillon. Godfrey, his eldest 
son, is employed in the boot and shoe store ofMr, Mallette, McGill street, Montreal. 
Alphonse, his second son, is checker for the Richelieu & Ontario Kavigation Co. 7 
JOHN HODGSON, a native of the county of Vaudreuil, has been employed as 
mechanic by the Government. for several years j he has recently erected a good 
residence in Carillon. Mr. Hodgson was married 15th June, 188j, to Elizabeth, 


18 9 

daughter of the late James Begg;, of East Hawkesbury, Both Mr. and Mrs. Hodgson 
are staunch and worthy memuers of the Methodist Church. 
\V ALTER :\ICGREGOR, a young man of industrious habits, has been a faithful 
employee here for the last eight years. His parents formerly lived in Carillon, but 
remO\-ed to Ottawa in 1889, where his father has since died. 
, who owns the stone residence formerly known as the \Vanless 
Academy, is employed by the G
nt as diver; it often being necessary to 
descend to the bed of the can:!l to make repairs, A water-tight rubber suit, supplied 
with life line and hose, through which air is pumped to the diver, renders the occu- 
patio:ì a comparatively safe one, though somewhat gruesome to the novice. 
ALEX. BERNIQUIER and C. RAlo'FERTY are lock-men at No.3; the former has 
been employed on the canal 10 During this time, he has spent his winters 
in the lumber-wood5, where he formerly worked. 
The river boats, also, obtain sewral employees from Carillon. 
ISIDORE LEFEBVRE has been an engineer on the Ottawa 32 years. His eldest 
son, Isidore, is assistant engineer on the steamer" Han," and his second son, 
Florimond, holds the same position on the" Olive ;" Olier,another son of Mr. Lefebvre, 
is one of the noted cheese-makers of Argenteuil. 
ALFRED BOILEAU, a very industrious and skilìful mechanic of this village, has 
been in the employ of the Ottawa" River Navigation Co, fJr 3 2 years. 
Carillon, besides being supplied with three mails a day in summer, and two in 
winter, has a telegraph and a telephone office. The for.ner is in the house of N, 
Raymond; his daughter, Miss Donalda Raymolld, being the operator. The telephone 
is in the office of the Callal SUIJerintendent. 
J. B. GAUTHIER,'"a brother of the late Victor Gauthier, has long been in the employ 
of telegraph companies as a mechanic, and is now in the employ of the G, N. 'V, 
Company. He came to Canllon from New Brunswick in 1889. leaving there his 
two eldest sons, Edmund and Joseph; the former has succeeded to his father's 
position, and the latter is engaged quite extensively in the electric light and telephone 
business. Victor and John, two younger sons of l\Ir, Gauthier, who live at Carillon, 
are also in the employ of the G. N. 'V. Telegraph Co. Victor, besides possessing 
much mechanical ingenuity, is also quite a slcillful taxidermist. 
The succeeding paragraph or two, and account of the robbery at Carillon, are 
sent us by Colin Dewar. 
· The water was very low in the North River during the summer of 184 0 , and 
considerable difficulty was experienced in passing heavily laden barges through the 
canal, as the ., Feeder" could not get the supply, To remedy this, a large sum of 
money was expended on the dams at the mouth of the "Feeder," in the spring of 
184[, which, however, was not of permanent benefit. 
In 18.p, John Brophy, Esq., C. E., was appointed Superintendent oftl1<: Carillon 
and Grenville canals, a position which he held for many years. 

19 0 


Owing to the-constantly increasing traffic through the canals, the old-fashioned 
system of working the lock gates by means of a capstall was too slow and tedious, 
Ir. Brophy had them removed, and the 'willdlass introduced instead" hich 
proved a great benefit. Under his directions the dams on the North River were 
greatly improved by filling up, and preventing the waste of water, thus keeping up 
a uniform height. It was also under his directions that the Upper Locks were taken 
down and rebuilt, a d
fect in the "fuddlillg" when they were constructed causing a 
continual leakage. 
On the night of the "Cattle Show" in September, 1844, the Government office 
at Carillon was broken into, and robbed of a large sum of money. The robbers had 
procured an old ricketty ladder, which they placed against one of the upper windows 
in the rear, and entering the cashier's office, secured the small iron chest, which at 
that time contained over one thousand doHars, as pay day was near at hand. They 
threw the chest out of the window, where the marks were visib
e, and carried it down 
near the locks, where it was found in the morning, broken open anù empty. 
Three or four suspected persons were arrested, and sent to Montreal; but as 
nothing could be proved against them, they were discharged, and that was the end of it 


Mayor, John Kelly; Councillors, Mercien Desjardins, ex-mayor, André Yi\'arais, 
Fred. Poulin, Gédéon Thibodeau, Emile Rochon. 
M. DES]ARDlN.3, owner of a pleasant brick cottage in this village, has long kept 
a boot and shoe shop here, assisted by his son Gédéon; the latter received a two 
years' course in the Commercial Department of Rigaud College. Hilaire Desjardins, 
father of the ex-mayor, now 88 years of age, lived at St, Eustaclte durivg the Rebellion 
of '37, and was wounded in the leg while watching the combat. 
:Mr. THIBODEAU was engaged in te3.ching [or many years; he was also Secretary- 
Treasurer of the School Board at Hochelaga, previous to coming to Carillon. A few 
years since, he married Miss Boyer, of this viHage, sister to l\Irs. Poulin and :Mrs. 
E. ROCHON has tong been a skillful blacksmith in this village; he has a penchant 
for fine horses, of which he always has one or more, 
DRE YIVARAIS, eldest son of André Yivarai
, was born in Brown's Gore. Ar- 
genteuil County, in 1f!48; he lived there until March, 1886, when he sold his farm, 
and bought from Robert \Vhite the one on which he still lives in Carillon. He has 
been twice married, first to .\gnes Ploof, who died in 1883, leaving two sons; and the 
second time in 1885, to Adèle Beaudry, widow of Baptiste King. Mr. \Ïvarais has 
been Municipal Councillor of Cari1lon for the past five years. His father died here 
in ) 894, and 1\1 rs. Yivarais, sen" resides with her son, who is one of the industrÏa'.J.s 
farmers of the community. 


19 1 

 is proprietor of the bakery referred to elsewhere. He is a 
native of Como, and was married 1st June, 1880, to "Miss Louisa Parsons, of Hudson. 
He has lived in Carillon but four years, during which he has prosecuted his business 
with a good deal of energy, and the productions of his manufactory have given general 
satisfaction. Mr. and 1\1:-s. Manson have three children, son and two daughters, 
Among the several fine stone dwellings of Carillon is that ofT. Fagan, This was 
erected about 1830, by Rinaldo Fuller, contractor, for an academy, and soon after- 
wards was bought by John \Vanless, who lived in it, and conducted a private school 
many years. 
Mr. 'Vanless was from Scotland, and was a graduate of one of the Scotch U ni- 
versities. On coming to America, he was first employed in teaching in New York, 
and afterward, about 1827, came to St, Andrews, and for a year or two conducted a 
private school in the building which is now the Anglican parsonage. ""hile there, he 
married a cousin named 'Vanless, and moved to Carillon. He was a fine scholar, a 
strict discíplinari3n, and his school was highly popular, being patronized by the sons 
and daughters of all the leading citizens of this section, the late Hon. J, J. C. Abbott 
being of the number. He died in 1882, and his former pupils, from respect to hi
memory, erected at their own expense a tombstone at his resting place in the 5t, 
Andrews cemetery. 


The Carillon Dam, across the Ottawa, is one of the great works of art and 
triumphs of engineering s kill of the present century. It was built by the Canadian 
Government, in the interests of commerce, to increase the depth of water in the 
canal, constructed at this point to overcome the obstruction of rapids in thc river; 
it cost 
h,350,ooo, On account of the great expense, tlll
re was much opposition to 
the project, and for this reason, during the McKenzie administration, work on the 
structure was wholly suspended j but it was resumed when the successor of McKenzie 
came into office. 
The Dam is 2,4 00 feet long and 12 feet high; its construction was commenced 
in 18 73, the engineer being Horace l\1errill, late Superintendent of the Ottawa River 
\Vorks; and the contractors were F. B. 
lcNamee & Co. It was made of cribs fined 
with stone, which was supplied by the neighboring farmers, at 45 and SS cts. per 
yard. Near the middle, is a slide for the passage of timber; this is 28 feet wide, 800 
feet long, and approached by 2800 feet of boom; an apron, at the top and foot of 
the slide, regulates the quantity of water required, and "stop logs" sel ve the same 
purpose in the passage of timber. A house, painkd red, covering the entrance of the 
slide, is quite a conspicuous object on the 1>.1.01, and serves to attract the curio
of strangers. 
The structure was completed in the faU of 1881, and when the sluirc_ were 
closed, and the w.Her had reache j its full height, it wa
 fouml that i! rai:, I the 
water at Greece's Point-six miles up the river-two feet. 

19 2 


In 18 8 3 a portion of the Dam gave way, and was repaired at an expense of 
$20,000, Although the bed of the river, where the Dam crosses it, ii entirely of 
lOck, it was found to be so soft in character, that the water had undermined the 
Dam, thus causing the breakage. Since that, much money and labor have been 
eXI'ended to add to its strength and durability, and it is believed it will now 
effectually withstand th
 assaults of water or ice. 
Mr. )01111 Middleton, of Pt. Fortune, sl:de master, reports that in 1882, 73 rafts 
passed through the slide j in the years following, the number varied considerably, and 
in 18 95 0l11y 6 passed through, But the rafts of hte years have been much larger 
than formerly; one composed of 50 cribs used to b
 regarded a raft of gooj size, 
while now one of 210 is not uncommon. 
Kotwithstanding the large number of men employed for so long a time, and the 
danger of the work, only one serious accident occurred during the construction of 
the I )am, On the day the sluices were closed, a man named Dernier, who had been 
employed un the work, slipped as he was walking on the Dam, fell into the river, and 
was drowned. 
/\. few years later, however, an accident occurred, which, though not attended 
\\ ith loss of life, eseape from so sad a result seems due to nothing short of a miracle. 
Late one summer night, a steam tug came down the river, having in tow sevt>ral 
barges laden with lumber. Just as the tug entered Lock No.2 at the Dam, tIle nearest 
barge struck the end of the pier j the tug gave a vigorous pull, but instead of bring- 
in6 the barge into the lock, the tow line parted, and the barge swung outward into 
the swift-flowing river, a few rods above the Dam. Capt. Smith, the owner of the 
ill fated barge, and his wife, both quite aged people, were on board. 
Like an electric shock, news flew through this little fleet that Capt. Smith and 
nis barge were going over the Dam. Quick hands seized ropes, and soon the men 
were on the broad pier running at right angles to the Dam, and several feet above it, 
Through the vapor and darkness, they descried the outline of the barge fast hasten- 
ing to its doom. But there was no need oflight to show them where to direct their 
aid, the cries of Capt. Smith and his frantic appeals for help defined the spot. A 
rope throw11 by dexterous hands falls on the barge at the Captain's feet. He is safe. 
_\las! he is not; h
 sees it, but the roaring of the grim monster, now but a few yard
distant, which he feels will in a few seconds devour him and all that he holds most 
dear, has filled him with an awful dread, and rendered him powerless to act. The 
barge is gliding on, and the rope falls into the water, astern; but still there is a 
moment left, which the anxious, beating hearts on the pier are determined to 
improve. Again the rope shoots out, and, fortunately, this time rests on the Captain's 
shoulder; now, surely, he will grasp it and be saved, but no, he sees it slip downward, 
glide across the deck, and drop into the water; he is too paralyzed to move. His 
last chance h
1.') flown, the awful moment has arrived, yet, strange to rdate, his facul- 
ties return,-reason resumes her throne. He knows that his wife has descended to 
the caLin, and believes it to be the most dangerous place, He calls ner, and then, 



throwing himself flat on the deck, he thrusts his arm through a large hole in an 
upright plank before him, bends his elbow, and to this ohject clings with desperation, 
The other arm encircles the waist of his wife, who has thrown herself beside him. They 
were not kept long in this awful suspense. Fortunately, the water was low; the barge 
struck the Dam, and quickly swung around, so that she lay broadside against it. 
The water, thus checked, raised the opposite side sufficiently to throw her entire 
deck load of lumber, consisting of many thousands of feet, into the abyss below, 
The barge, now buoyant, rose to the surface, and so quickly followed the lumber, 
that it rested fairly on it, and thus was prevented from being submerged. The boil. 
ing waters, however, soon carried away the lumber; the barge, borne down twenty 
yards or more, struck broadside against a large rock, and there, nearly broken into 
two parts, remained. The Captain and his wife retained their recumbent position, 
till they found the barge moored against the boulder, when they rose to take notes of 
their strange situation, and calculate the probabilities of once more seeing New York. 
It is to be presumed, however, that, like Christian people, their first act was to thank 
God devoutly for their late miraculous escape from death. 
But like the novelist, we must now invite the reader to another scene in this 
story, After the barge went over the Dam, the men on shore hastened to the 
nearest point whence they could see the barge, and shouted to ascertain if it con- 
tained any living occupant. No answer being returned, they turned away with sor- 
rowful hearts, to ponder and discuss the awful doom of their companion and the 
sad tidings they must bear to his friends. But not 10nJ afterward, Mr. 
1ason, the 
Lock Master, who had been roused from his sleep, discovered, as the mists from the 
river rose occasionally an::l floated away, that there were living people on the wrecked 
barge; but, to his surprise, he could obtain no answer to his shouts. The next 
morning, he and one or two more with a skiff rescued the ship-wrecked couple, and 
then learned that their shouts had not been heard, every other sound having been 
drowned by the roari ng waters of the Dam. 
\Ve may add that Capt. Smith made two or three trips up the Ottawa, after hi') per- 
ilous adventure. His barge was insured, but the lumber it carried was a total loss. 


The Isle aux Chats is a small island in the North River, located about a mile 
from Carillon. It contains no inhabitants, but the fact that it has been the site of 
mills for many decades, and that there is a small settlement of intelligent farmers 
near it, has rendered the locality quite noted. The Island itself is in Chatham, but 
the settlement, which is always called" Isle aux Chats," is in 51. Andrews. The name, 
it is said, was given to the Island on account of the number of wildcats infesting it 
when the country was new. It is quite evident, also, that Indians used to frequent 
it, as many In3ian relics have been found here 



HUGH ROBERTSON came to Canada from Glasgow, with his wife and family, in 
18 57. After spending some time in Quebec and Three Rivers, he came to Carillon, 
and bought the property owned by Mrs. McNaughton, giving it the name of" Ottawa 
Lodge." Later, he came to Isle aux Chats and bought the Island, and the saw, grist 
and woollen mills, which did quite an extensive business, giving employment to a 
number of hands. l\Ir. Robertson had six sons and two daughters, cf whom all but 
one son are now living. Hugh \Villiam, the eldest son, born June, 184 8 , in Glasgow, 
was nine years of age \Vh en his father came to Canada. He was educated in 
Bishop's College, Lennoxville, Que., and afterwards took the mills and farm from his 
father, who went to Owen Sound, where he still resides. Mrs. Robertson died there 
16th :\Ialch, 1895, and was interred at St. Andrews. Hugh, the subject of our pre- 
sent sketd1 was married in 1874, to :Miss De Hertel, daughter of Daniel De Hertel, 
of Centerville. They have six sons and three daughters, all of whom, with the excep- 
tion o(the eldest son, are still at home, The son, also, Hugh \Villiam, after spending 
some t:me in the office of Molsons Bank, .:\lontreal, went to Owen Sound, where he 
has a position in a bra nch office of the same Bank. 
Mr. Robertson continues to keep his mills in operation, and also manages his 
farm, which compri
es Isle aux Chats and half a lot in Centerville. 


of Lachute.* 

This place, the chif-liell of the county of Argenteuil, is located on the North 
River, 9 miles from the Ottawa and 44 north of Montreal. It is also on the line of 
the Canadian Pacific Railway,-formerly the Q. :\1. O. & O. Railway. Its location 
is very pleasant, level, high, the center of a good agricultural district, and the scenery 
around, especially along the river, is picturesque. The name was first derived from 
the fall or clllt/e, and was forrneriy written L3. Chute (The Falls), but afterwards the 
two words were united, hence the name L::tchute. No one seems to kn0W how the 
name of the Parish-St. J erusalc111 d' Arg enteuil-of which Lachute forms a part, 

 Lachute. Tow.n 
hall be that portion of the parish of St. Jerusalem in the county of Argenteuil, 
contmned wlthm a Ime drawn as follow!', to wit; 
Commencing on the line dividing the 
aid parish from the to\\nship of Chatham, at a point due 
west of the south.west cnrn-=r of lot 1419 of the official plan and book of reference of the said parish 
(IOJle-walk), thence northerly, along the 
aid line to where it intersects the base of the mountam on 
Jot 1692, and on said plan, eight hundred and fifty.eight feet English, from the centre of Chatham 
road n<<;>r\.h.ö thenceTeas\wa
d, along the ba

 of the said moumain (east of Leggo's farm house), to 
le It Jlllns the North Rlv
r, tl
ence a
cend111g the Centre of said river, to a point formed by the inter- 
ectJon or the northerly contllluatlOn of the ea!ttel n boundary line lIf lot 329 A on said plan with the 



originated; but it has been stated-we know not on what authority-that the name 
was suggested by Governor Metcalfe. 
As the place has grown up chiefly within the last quarter of a century, it natur- 
ally has a youthful appearance, nearly aU the best buildings being new. From no 
one part of the corporation can a view of much of it be obtained, hence, on tra\'eJing 
over it, one finds it much larger than he had supposed. 
The main street, from the \Vest End, through Upper Lachute is two miles in 
length, and there are several shorter streets well populated. Many of the private 
dwellings, both from their location, and architectural neatness, are attractive, while 
some of the public buildings-the Registry office, Ville Marie Rll1k, Argenteuil 
Hotel, the Academy, the establishments of J. Rob)' and J. A. Bedard, besides the 
immense structures of J. C. \Vilson, are most imposing in appearanc(
Fortunately for us, nearly half a century ago an effort was made to collect a few 
facts with regard to the early settlement of this place, and preserve them for future 
use. Commendable as was this act, and valuable as are the few facts thus trans- 
mitted, it is to be deplored that the researches were not far more thorough and 
e xtens i ve, 
While we are told that, :n 1796, a man named Hezekiah Clark came from 
Jericho, Vermont, with his family, and planted the first cabin here, the antecedents of 

I r. Clark, and his motive in coming so far into the wilderness, are ieft as matters 
only for speculation, It would, indeed, be interesting to know why he s0ught this 
particular place for a home, inasmuch as many leagues of land just as fertile, covered 
by forests just as dense, with scenery equalling it in beauty, lay between this plac.e 
and Jericho. \Vithin half the distance from that town to L:lchute, lay a great part of 
what is now the Eastern Townships, but then an unbroken wilderness. Why, then, 
did he come so far? \Vas he a fugitive from justice? Not at all for we are inform- 
ed that he was soon followed by a number of others, and that all were obsen"ant of 
Christian ordinances. \Ve can no more answer the question, than we can tell why 
some of the piop-eers located on rough, stony, rock-bound land, when they coulù ju
as easily have procured the finest land in the country. 
The most proùable reason that we can assign for the course he pursued is. thnt 
he calculated the chances for getting to mar ket, and found that, compared with other 
places, they were decidedly in favor of Lachute. In no other unsettled section, did 
he find such a natural highway to other settlement') and to 
lontreal, as was present- 
ed by the North River and the Ottawa. It is possible also, that with that prophetic 

said centre of Ii ver (
lorrisol1's Bridge); thence somherly, along the said last mentioned line to tlw 
main road; thence to a point on the south side of s:lÎ.l road, where it is joined by the lines, between 
lots 3 12 and 3 2 5 of said plan (Vme's); thence sourherly, along the conrinuarion of the said 
tionetlline, to a point formed by its intersection with the easterly continuation of the 
entre hne. of 
Henry street on plan B of said parish; thence westerly, along the said last mentioned hne to a pomt 
forme(1 by its intersection with the centre line of Isabella street on said plan B (Barron', bush) i 
thence southerly, along the last mentioned line. to a point due east of the point of commenceml nt. ! 
tht"nce to said point of commencement. 

19 6 


vision which characterized, now and then, one of those early settlers, he foresaw some- 
thing of what really has occurred-the rapid opening up of the country along the 
great river, the utilizing of the admirable water-power, and decided that no other spot 
presented such a fair prospect to himse:f and posterity. But whatever were the in- 
ducements, the fact that he came is unquestioned, and we can judge only from 
that fact, that he was a man of superior energy, great endurance and courage, and 
\Va') skilled in woodcraft. Withùut these qualities he never would have come, nor 
could he have nuintained his family, while surmounting the difficulties frequently 
His family, consisting of his wife, three sons and two daughters, came through 
the woods with an Indian sled from St. Andrews, Dot even a cow path, at that time, 
leading to the place of his future home. No house, not even a bark shanty was there 
to J eceive them, and the first night was passed beneath the sh elter of a few Ilranches 
of trees hastily gathered. The next day, with that tact and energy characteristic of 
a woodsman, Mr. Clark constructed a hut, or wigwa.m, which answered the purpose 
of a domicile, till opportunity was given to er
ct a better one. fradition claims, as 
the site of this habitation, a spot near the present Lachute mills. 
But who does not envy the lot of this pioneer? \Vhat a chance for enjoyment! 
On the threshold of summer, when nature has donned her richest garb, and we are 
entranced by the melody of her voices, what seeIl1s more akin to paradise than a 
home in the boundless forest? The woods in summer! \Vhat visions of undisturbed 
retirement, blissful solitude, do they not suggest? 
Hardship and privation are ascribed by general repo..t to the lot of a pioneer. 
But what life is there among the laboring class free from those perplexities and sor- 
rows incident to a life of toil? Though the first settlers had to work hard, and 
sometimes, especially in the beginning of their career, were saddened at the small 
stock of provisions in the hrder and the condition of their wardrobe, yet, who ever 
saw a pione:?r that did not look back on his life in the woods as a pleasant one? 
Who did not regard with pride every acre of land reclaimed from the forest, and 
brol1ght to a state of cultivation? And how many pleasant memories are associated 
,,:\h those early struggles? \Vhat stories the old man will tell of the feats of labor 
in chopping or logging in this spot or that on his farm. \Vith what pride, too, he 
will recount the number of bushels of corn or potatoes he raised on yonder acre- 
the first crop produced by the virgin soil. 
"Y e are not favored with an account of Mr. Clark's experiences while he lived 
heJe, yet we cannot forbear thinking that he had many pleasant ones, even though 
there might have been many discouragements. Of one thing, at least, he had an 
abund:mce, and that was fuel. Then, too, past his door flowed a fine stream, 
whose waters teemed with fish, and the forest was alive with a variety of game-all of 
which not only prevented the possibility of famine, but provided means by which the 
ta:.te, ev
n of an epicure, might he gratified. The seed planted in the new soil grew 
as if by magic; alld the crops were of a quantity well calculated to satisfy and glad- 
den the hearts of their possessor. 



How different, too, must have been his emotions when, in the morning, he stepped 
forth from his cabin to begin his daily task, from those of the laborer dweHing in a 
dilapidated tenement on a narrow street of a city. No vitiated, smoke-laden air for 
inhalation here; no sound ùf cars or carts rattling over the pavements. but the pure
of heaven's air, exhilarating from its burden of ozone, and fragrant with the odor of 
many trees and forest flowers. No discordant sou nds, but, instead, the songs (If 
birds,-solos and duetts, and then the whole choral harmony, amusing and cheering 
through all tbe summer day. 
And what relief from care! No watching for callers at that cabin. No feverish 
anxieties with regard to the toilet, or fears that mesdames wi11 find too much dust 
collected in the parlor; 011 the con trary, the inmates realize their emancipation from 
the bonds of fa
hion. \Vhat liberty! \Vhat comfort I Pelfect abandonment to ease. 
The wild animals, though giving no real cause for apprehension, suggested enough 
of danger to relieve this life from monotony, and tinge it with romance. :\nd withal, 
how much to encourage and spur to renewed exertion! No surly employer to issue 
orders, and growl at the manner and amGunt of work performed, and then, at night- 
fall, to dole out with grudging hand the wages of their toil. Free from restraint, no 
one but themselves to please, in the most beautiful locality, labor itself was a recrea- 
tion and pleasure, giving as it did strength to the muscles, vigor to the whole framè, 
and, consequently, buoyancy to the spirits and happiness to the mind. Every day, 
the expandiug clearing encouraged to another day of labor, and gave promise of the 
pasture, the meadow, the flocks and herds, and We II fi\1ed barns. 
But what of the Sal
bath? Could there be any moral growth in this isolated 
spot, far removed from church and the sound of church-going bell? Ah! yes, the 
Sabbath t But perhaps they attended church, Seven miles only, intervened between 
this and St. Andrews, and women, as well as men, often performed longer journeys on 
bot, even though the labors of the previous week inclined them on the Sabbath 
to take a needful rest. \\'ho can doubt that people of moral habits, distant from every 
scene of vice and wickedness, in communion with the fairest scenes of nature, should 
': be led through nature up to nature's God? J' Wh
 can doubt if, in thcir early 
years, they had been taught to respect things divine, that in their present abode, their 
6ratitude to the Author and Giver of their blessings increased, and that they remem- 
bered the Sahbath to keep it holy? 
Hezekiah Clark has no descendants 
n this part of the country, but report says 
that they are an intelligent and repntable class who occupy responsible positions in 
distant places. 
According to a brief History of Lachute referred to above, which was compiled 
by Mr, John Meikle, sen., "Mr. Clark remained the sole inhabitant of Lachute for two 
years, when he was joined by six more families from the same place." nut a sketch 
of Lachute, by F. C. Ireland, published in Titc IValch1/lll1l of 3 rd September, 1886, 
mentions but one family which carne within two years after the arrival of Clark. 
He says: " The next pioneer was also one of the hardy sons of Vermont, who 

I9 S 


came about two years later, or in 1798. His name is familiar to most of the resi. 
dents of Lachute to-àay. 
"JOHN S. HUTCHIXS had married Miss Cutter, in their native State, and migrat- 
ed to Canada, to join hands as neighbors with the Clarks at Lachute. They endured 
J.ll the hardships, privations and vicissitudes incident to such a journey and such a 
life. They worked hard on a coarse diet, but the labor brought sweet rest, and the 
diet gave strength to the constitution, as they and their children have proved, for 
whele is there to be found a family with more active frames, better developed 
muscles, firmer limbs and stronger minds than the desce'udants, who s till live and 
move among uc;, of these early piorJeers. The organ of continuity was so laJgely dev- 
doped in this family, that they remained on the site of their early choosing, and 
brought up 
ons and daughters, many of whom became the first men and women of 
the place, in position as well as in point of time." 
There are none, probably. who will deny, that the above tribute to the Hutchins 
family is well deserved. Two brothers, John S. and Phineas Hutchins, seem to have 
settled in Lachute about the same time, The former located on a lot now owned by 
David McF'ulane; the latter on one owned by Mr. McGregor. Both have transmitted 
to US the reputation of being energetic, intelligent, Ch
istian men, with a strong desire 
to encourage whatever promised to enhance the physical, social and moral progress 
of their adopted country. 
John S. Hutchins had learned the printer's trade in Boston, and OD first coming 
to Canada, he engaged as compositor in the office of The Courant, in Montreal. He 
soon began to write articles for that journal, and for some time was a regular contri- 
butor to its columns. After coming to Lachute, he took an interest in religious 
\\'01 k, and it was through his efforts that the Rev. Mr. Osgoode, mentioned an an- 
other page, came here and organized a Sabbath School. He was a member of the 

lethodist Church, and his house was always a home for the ministers who, from 
time to time, visited the place, For many years, he was Clerk of the Circuit Court 
which held its sessions here. In 180 1, his wife died, and it being the first time death 
!-tad visited the new settlement, we can well imagine the gloom his advent created. 
:\[r. Hutchins had one son at this time, whose name was Osman. He married, 
..1I1d after living some years at Hawkesbury, Ont., moved \Vest. iiis father also 
ma.rried again, and by this marriage had thl ee sons and five daughters: Hawley, 
Phineas and Benjamin; Eliza, 
laria, Catherine, Matilda and :J\Iary Ann. Of the 
latter, Eliza was married to :Milo Lane, Maria to Geo. Glines, Catherine to Lemuel 
Cushing, and 
lary Ann to Geo, Holland, Matilda, who never married, died a few 
years since in Montreal. Mrs, Cushing and l\1rs, Holland, both widows, reside in 
that city. 
Hawley R. Hutchins, the eldest son by the seco nd marriage, married J 5th Octo. 
ber, 18 35, Harriet, a daughter of Dr. Rice, of St. And rovs. He engaged in trade 
3. \\'hile at Lachute, then at Carillon, and finally was in business in Montreal. He had 
but one child, which died, and this was followed by the death of his wife; he then went 
to California, and died there 12th June, 1:882, at the age of 62. 



Phineas R., his brother, married Jessie \\'alker of Lachute, 4th May, 1838. They 
had eight children, the most of whom, at the present time, are said to be in prosperous 
cilcumstances in California. :Mr. Hutchins always remained on the homestead and 
engaged in farming un til he moved with his family to the Golden State, where he died 
15 th January, 1875, aged 75 years. 
Benjamin, the third 50n of John S. Hutchins, has spent nearly all his life in busi- 
ness in 
Iontreal, where he is much esteemed. He is at present a broker in real 
estate, having an office in the I\ew York Life Insurance building. He was but 14 
years old \vhen he came to Montreal, and he worked for some time witho
t salary, 
but he soon made his way upward. He was a Candidate in 1867 for tbe office 
of Representative for Argenteuil County in the Dcminion Parliament, and was 
defeated only by a small majority. l\Ir. Hutchins has been twice married; 
first, in 1841 or 1842, to Miss Felton, of Sherbrooke; the seconù time, to Miss 
Sherwood, daughter of Adiel Sherwood, Sheriff of Brockville, and an U. E. 
John S. Hutchins, the father of the children above, was born 15th August, 
1776, and died 4th May, 1865, at the age of 8ß. 
Phineas Reed Hutchins, like his brother last named above, took a prominent 
part in every important public movement, soon after coming to Lachute. We first 
hear of him as Captain of a Volunteer Rifle Company, which he organized during the 
war of I8! 2. 'Ve next find him assiduously laboring to erect a church edifice at St. 
Andrews, and contributing liberally towards the cost of its erection. Evidently, he 
was a man with the requisite energy and ability to push to completion whatever work 
he commenced,-one of the kind who, with better opportunities, broader fieldc; for 
action, have won for themselves enduring names. He was thrice married, and had 
one son and six daughters. James Reed Hutchins, the son, married Elizabeth Ross 
of :\Iontreal; and, for a number of years, was in mercantile business in that city, 
He died 28th June, 1856, leaving one son, Joseph Ross Hutchins, who is also engaged 
in trade in :\IontreaJ. 
" * .\mong other settlers from the American side was a young man, han dsome and 
strong, whose services were secured by Mr. Hutchins in clearing away the forest and 
in building up a comfortable and prosperous home. This was GEORGE GLINES, whose 
engagement with l\Ir. Hutchins was severed by an engagement with one of his most 
beautiful daughters, and resulted in a long, felicitous life, and a large and beautiful 
family, whm,e record is a credit to any community. In fact, it would be difficult to 
find a new settlement peopled with a better class of residents than first made their 
homes along the vanks of the North River at Lachute." 
In the year 179 6 , JEDEDIAH LA
E, al
o from Jericho, purchased a tract of land 
comprising several thousand acres, on which Lachute is located. Having a sister .1.t 

* From a 
ketch by F. C. lreland in TIte 
Vt1lch11lt111 of 17th September, IS8u. 



Carillon, the wife of Feter :\lcArthur, he doubtless had been here before, and selected 
the tract he desired to huy, as, at the time he maáe the purchase, he came on horse- 
back, according to the custom C'f those days, with saddle-bags, in which was the gold 
to pay for the land. All that we know respecting this pioneer, m3Y be summf'd up 
in the few following facts, He was a prosperous farmer, had a good education, 
was tall and prepossessing in appearance, a widower and the fat her of seven sons 
and two daughters; only two of the SQIlS, however, settled in this country. He was 
a college gr3duate, and for a number of years after coming here taught school 
in the school-house occupying the site of the one near the store recently burnt of his 
grandson, P. H. Lane. He also taught in St. Andrews, but how long it is impossible 
to say j it is certain that he taught there in the years 1837-38. 
Although so brief is his biography, he has an enduring memorial in the tract of 
land which he first bought in Lachute; for" L,me's Purchase" * is familial' to the 
citizens of Argenteuil, and will continue to ve" while trees grow and water runs." 
His fame was also enhanced, no doubt. by a famous law-suit to which his purchase 
gave rise. By the terms of the contract between him and Major l\Iurray, the Seignior. 
of whom the land was purchased, this p.uticular tract was to be exempt from the rent 
imposed on other lands in the seigniory j but not so understauding the agreement, 
the succeeding Seignior, in 1807, brought suit against the settlers for the amount of 
the unpaid rent. The time in which this suit was dragged through the Courts has a 
parallel in the case of U Jarndrce & Jarndyce," described by Dickens in Bleak House. 
After seven years of litigation, it was decided in favor of the Seignior. The settlers, 
however, satisfied that their case was one of equity, appealed it to the higher court, 
by which, after five years more, the decision of the lo\'rer court was re\'ersed. 
Catherine, the eldest daughter of Mr, Lane, was married to John N. Hutchins: 
1., the youngest child, married \Villiétl1l Gibson, a contractor j she is now a 
widow, and resides in Montreal. 
}edeùiah, his eldest son, settled in St. Andrews, and died there. 
MILO, the second son, born in Jericho, Vt., 18th J lIly, 1800, married Eliza, the 
eldest daughter of John S. Hutchins, in 1825- After living a few years on a farm, he 

", Records which we have examined 5-ince the above sketch of Mr. was written show that he 
}.IUTchasrd his tract from Major Murray, .seignior. 3rd December, 1796. The following shows the 
names of several who pUlchased, the quantIty purchased, anù date of the transaction. 
J. I ane sold (0 :- 


61h Dec., 1797 
28th Feb" 1820 
I Ith Sept., 1799 
15th Mar., 1800 
" " 

Æ 2 5 

5 00 
15 00 
14 6 9 

P. Mc.-\rlhur. ...., ...... 

Dudley Stone...... ... , .. 


...... ...... 
r oel Leonard. . ,. . . . . . . . , 
'If. Clark,."..., .. " . . . 
Roger Lane. _.. ..... ... 
Joel Bixby.. .. .. . .. . .. .. 
N. lliItings.. . . . . .. . .. ... 
r. Bolù ry . . . . .. . , . ,. ... 
\V. Thompmn. . . ., . . . . .. 

17th Nov" 1800 
7th '1Ir., 18.)1 
2ht Apr, " 
18th June ,I 
29th Feb.. I80
th Aug.. 18q 



opened a grocery and hotel in the west end of the village, and gave his attention to 
these until his death, which occurred 6th April, 1857, at the age of 56. He had eight 
children, but only one son and three daughters arrived at maturity; Eliza, the eldest 
daughter, was married to Archibald R, Cameron, who owned the "Struan Farm " 
but he died four years after marriage, leaving one daughter, Margan;t Ellen, who w
married to Thomas Cushing. 
Mrs. Cameron, by a second marriage to \V, H. Quinn, a surveyor of much cele- 
brity, had five children-two sons and three daughters. Of those now living, the 
eldest daughter married John R, McOuat, a merchant of Lac hute ; one son of Mrs. 
Cameron is a compositor in Ottawa, and another is in mercantile business in Buffalo, 
New York. 
Catherine, another daughter of Milo Lane, married John Taylor, a Scotchman, 
who con.jucted a store many years at what is now Lachute Mills. He removed to 
Montreal, and opened a fur store; his wife died there about 1887, and he afterward 
went to Ottawa, where he is at present conducting a Gold Cure establishment with 
much success. 
A third daughter of Mr. Lane married, 18th June, 1867, the Rev, Richard 
Robinson, a 
Iethcdist clergyman; she died 31st August, 1880. 
Phineas Hutchins, the youngest son of Milo Lane, and the only one who sur- 
vived the age of childhood, is a gentleman of ability, and possesses rare business tact 
and qualities. In his youthful days he was clerk 
íx years for Mr. Cushing in Chat- 
ham. In 1857, he opened a store in Lachute which belonged to his father's estate, but 
which had been rented for a long time to John Brunton, and then to his sister, Mr. 
Lane traded here for twenty-nine years, doing a most successful business, and then, in 
1887, sold the store and stock to Mr, \Villiam Banford, and retired from mercantile 
life, He has taken an active interest in local affairs, and held different responsible 
positions, among which was the presidency of the Agricultural Society for several 
terms, out that of Mayor, which was offered him, he declined. He married Miss 
Charlotte Owens, a sister of Senator Owens; she died 17th March, 1890 ; their chil- 
dren died in infancy, but they adopted Charlotte Maria, only daughter of Senator 
Owens by his first marriage, her mother having died when she was an infant. She 
married Farquhar Stewart McLennan, a prominent and successful barrister of 

l\1r. F. C. Ireland gives the following sketch ;- 
"Two years after the Hutchins family came, and four years after the Clarks had 
settled here, another hardy son of Vermont came to join his friends by the b.lI1ks of 
the River du Nord at Lachute, This was 'VILLlA
1 POWERS; he held married another 
Miss Cutler, and sister of Mrs. Hutchins. They started out on their married tour 
with aspirations as full, and hopes as bright, as a modern newly married couple could 
enjoy on a trip to some of the most fashionable resorts of the present day. [heir 
journey through the uncleared woods combined all the novelty and int.:idents ex- 
perienced by those who had preceded them along the <;ame rugged pathway. The 



reader can fancy the joyous meeting of the two sisters at Lachute. The incidents Of 
the journey were recounted in. detail; numerous enquiries of the friends in Jericho 
were made and am,wered with pleasurable gusto j and so the days, weeks and months 
passed; the two sisters were as happy as sisters could be. The two men sought out 
a homestead for the new comer with as much interest as if it were to belong to both. 
Place after place was minutely examined, resulting in a home for the Powers upon 
the site now occupied by Mrs. Paul in Bethany; this was in the year J 800. 
" It was spring time, and all nature was beautiful around the wilderness, or so it 

eemed to these pioneers, for they were contented. Though a little late. Powers 
commenced vigorously to clear a small garden spot for vegetables, and succeeded in 
planting quite sufficient, as they turned out, for the frugal wants of the small family. 
A house also was built as soon a
 possible, and became the residence of as happy a 
couple as ever lived. The summer and early autumn passed without either doors or 
windows to their habitation. This afforded them plenty of light and air, which only 
seemed conducive to their health and vigor. As autumn advanced, there had to be 
a change, and so Powers started off in search of windows and doors, which would be 
necessary to thdr winter safety and comfort. Mrs. Powers, during his absence, spent 
the nights with her sister; but on the third evening, as she expected her husband back, 
she remained alone in the open house, where their sleeping apartment was in the 
loft, which they reached by means of a rudely constructed ladder. On this occasion, 
Mrs. Powers waited and watched until long after dark, 
nd had ascended to the loft 
pulling up the ladder after her, feeling safe though very lonely. She had not been 
long in her seclusion, until she heard the noise of wolves howling in the distance. 
They carne nearer and nearer to the house, howling in their dismal way around the 
dwelling, until they actually made bold to enter, and prowled through the lower apart- 
ment, howling dreadfully with rage at being unable to find their human victim, which 
their keen scent told them was so very near, Mrs, Powers, in breathless fear, covered 
herself ill bed, holding her beating heart lest it should break, or its 50und tell the 
wolves where she was, Hours passed in this way, and that lor.g and dreary night 
seemed to have no end; but as the light of morning broke, the wolves disappeared, 
but it was late in the day when Powers returned, finding his wife still in the loft, but 
happy and jo}'ou
 to greet his protection, and relate the experience she had gone 
through. No wonder she received a gentle chiding for venturing to stay alone. Such 
were some of the ordeals of pioneer life in Lachute. This account ()f the wolves in 
the house was frequently related ùy Mrs, Powers to her children and grandchildren, 
down to her latest day, and always wi
h a pathos of untiring interest to both grand- 
mother and children." 
About 1801, prices of produce were so low that we cannot doubt the new settle- 
ment was lJlessed with food in plenty; and, doubtless, the chief discomfort was the 
trouble experienced in reaching mIlls and market. The market report of 1801 is as 
follows; Pork, $7.00 per cwt, ; beef, $4.00; butter, 25 cents per pound; cheese, 12
cents; corn, 7S cents per bushel; wheat, $1.00. 


20 3 

Roads, there were none; the North River afforded communication with St. 
Andrews, yet the rapids and other obstructions rendered frequent þortages necessary, 
so that, conveying grain to mill, and returning with the products thereof, required, 
even with the aid of the river, strong backs and firm muscles. 
'Ve have shown what a circuitous route the settlers on the River Rouge pursued 
to reach St. Andrews, until a much shorter route was pointed out to them bv the 
Seignior. The mistake committed by the inhabitants of Lachute was no less sll
ing or amusing. To reach St, Eustache, which, beside5 St, Andrews, WclS the only 
place where they went to mill or store, they travelled to Gralld Bru/é (St. Benoit), 
thence to Belle Rivière, and from that place to St. Eustache. Accident revealed a 
shorter route. 
A man named Uriah McNeal lost his cow, His sympathizing neighbors at once 
instituted a search, and after having travelled miles through the woods on their gen- 
erous errand, they ran across a few cattle grazing. Uncertain as to their where- 
abouts, they determined to wait till nightfall, and follow the cattle to their owners. 
pursuing this plan, they were led to the French settlement in Cote St. Louis. On 
inquiring of the settlers there, if they could show them the way to the North River, 
they were kindly led back by an Indian path, four miles north, to the river. Descend- 
ing this, they soon reached home, and ever after used this route instead of the old 
and long one via Grand Brulé, 
In 180 3, the settlers had increased in number to thirty families; and for several 
succeeding years the population was increased by the arrival of Americans. During 
the war of 1812 especially, fear of the draft and consequent military service caused 
no small influx of settlers from the New England States; but as they were generally 
of a class not likely to remain long in any place, they soon departed from Lachute. 
" At the time of the war of 1812," says Mr. Meikle in his chrollicles of Lachute, 
" the 
lilitia Roil numbered 1 So able-bodied men; these were formed into three com- 
panies, two of which were regular militia, commauded respectively by Captains 
Bixby and McNeal, the other a Volunteer Rifle company commanded by Captain 
Phineas Hutchins." 
As in all the new settlements of this country, the making of potash was about 
the only means by wh:ch the pioneer could obtain money, and as this required a 
great amount of wood, the land was soon denuded of fbrest, and, as the timber for 
potash grew scalce, the inhabitants who relied on its manufacture for their subsistence 
removed to other parts. 
In the years 1810 and 181 I, a severe famine occurred, and the prices of provi- 
sions went up to a degree that must have occasioned anxiety ill the heart of many a 
þater familias. Pork at that time was $30 per barrel, beef $14; providentially, 
there was a corresponding advance in the price of potash during the same years, 
otherwise the circumstances of the settlers would have been much worse. 
About this time also, the land which first had been cleared began to } ield more 
scanty crops, and this impediment to prosperity, united with the scarcity of timber 



and the period of famine, induced many to emigrate, But their places were soon 
filled, as will be seen by the following paragraph, copied from F. C. Ireland's sketch 
of Lachute in The fVatchmon of 24th September, 1886:- 
" It was in 1809 that a few Scotch settlers joined the Americans at Lachute, and 
they continued coming in for many years, until about 1818, a lot of Paisley weavers 
others joined the settlement: These were a hardy, industrious class of people, who 
took well to the new country and new employment, and succeeded in building up 
comfortable homes along the North River, reminding them of the little Cart which 
flowed through their own Renfrewshire at home; but the contrast was great-Paisley, 
Glasgow and Grcenock were not close by; the factories for shawls, thread, gauzes, 
velvets, flannels, cottons, with their dye-houses, printing calicoes, foundries for iron 
and brass, distilleries, soap works, alum and copperas works, and timber yards were 
not here. The pursuits of business were new; the country was new; everything was 
new. But the stirring life of Paisley had awakened, as it still awakens, an honorable 
f inquiry and a desire for improvement, and these Scotch settlers plodded on 
with increasing success as farmers, and soon became masters of the soil and owners 
of everything necessary for its cultivation," 
About one of the first of the Scotch settlers was THOMAS (afterwards COL.) 
BARRON, a title he received from holding the rank of Lieut.-Co!. of Militia, He cam
from Morayshire, and lived a while after his arrival with his uncle James at Hawkes- 
bury, He came to Lachute in 1809, and by the possession of those qualities which 
always bring a man to the front, in whatever community he may be placed, he was 
soon a leading spirit among those with whom he had cast his lot, 
He was married to Eliza Hastings, sister of Guy Hasting
, who was one of the 
prominent citizens of Lachute in early days; but they had no children. He seems 
to have soon become quite prominent in military affairs, as in 1812, as Adjutant, he 
took command of two companies of Militia under Captains Bixby and McNall, and a 
Volunteer company under Captain Phineas Hutchins, and marched with them to 
Point Claire, where they were given over to the charge of Col. Kell, who commanded 
the Division enlisted in Lachute, Chatham. Grenville and Petite Nation, 
About the year 1825, he was appointed Justice of the Peace, which office he held 
for many years, discharging ir"s duties with a faithfulness that won the esteem of good 
men, and instilled wholesome fear into the breasts of evil doers. For many years, 
also,.he was Crown Land Agent for thi:; place, Chatham, Gore and \Ventworth; later, 
also, for Morin and Howard, In 1836 hI:: erected, and chiefly at his own expense, a 
bridge acrosS the North River near his own dwelling, which has ever since been 
known as" Barron's Bridge." In like manner, he performed many other acts which 
contributed either to public or priV,1te benefit, and which secured to him the gratit!.lde 
of his fellows. He died in January, 1864, lamented by a large community. John 
Balron, a brother of Co!. Thomas Barron, came from Morayshire, Scotland, to 
Lachute in 1832. He lived with his brother, and found employment in the manage- 
ment of his estate till his death, which occurred in 1866. 


20 5 

Thomas Barron, jun., and Robert, two of his sons, still live here; the former 
being Registrar of the County of Argenteuil, and the latter, his assistant in the Regis- 
try Office. 
THOMAS BARRON, jun., was born in 1832, the year in which his father arrived in 
Lachute, and in the house in which he now resides, the residence of the late Col. 
Barron. Like his uncle, he has taken much interest in all the affairs of his native 
parish-moral, political and social; and in the varied positions he has filled, has 
acquitted himself to his own hunor and to the satisfaction of the public. 
In 1858, he was appointed Clerk of the Circuit Court and still holds the office, 
In March of the same year he was appointed Deputy Registrar of Argenteuil, and in 
1866, on the death of Co I. D'Hertel, the former Registrar, 1\1r, Barron succeeded him 
in office. He has also been :Municipal Councillor and Mayor of the parish many 
years, On the 9th August, 1858, he was married to Harriet Cushing, eldest daughter 
of the late Lemuel Cushing, Esq., of Chatham, by which marriage he had three chil- 
dren-one daughter and two sons. 
Thomas J., the elder son, after receiving his degree of B.A. from McGill, took 
a course at the Presbyterian College, Montreal, and is now engaged in the ministry. 
Lemuel C., the second son, is in California, Mrs. Barron died in February, 1864, 
and in August, 1866, Mr. Barron was married to Grace Jane, eldest daughter of the 
late Rev, Thomas Henry. Ten children resulted from this marriage, eight of whom 
are now living. 
Robert H., the eldest of these-a graduate of McGill-was the Gold Medallist at 
the Law Examination of that Institution in the spring of 1895, and at his final examin- 
ation at Quebec in September last, before the Board of Notaries, he stood first in 
honors. He is now one of the Notarial firm of Cushing, Dunton & Barron, :\[ontreal 
JOHN MEIKLE, another Scotchman, for many years shared with Col. Barron 
the enjoyment of social and judicial honors. He was a native of Glasgow, Scotland, 
and in 18.'
o, with his wife and three boys, left that city to make his home in Lachute. 
He purchased a few acre;; of land of Col. Barron (at that time Major), on which he 
erected a building designed for a general store. In this he b
gan a business which, 
faithfuHy continued, secured to him a competenc
 for his declining years. In the 
early part of his mercantile career he was assisted by his two brothers, Rob
rt and 
Thomas, who came to this country with him, 
Long after he began trading, there wac; very little money in the country, his tran- 
sactions wi th his custom
rs consisting chiefly of barter, as he accepted p.lY from them 
for his goods in the products of the farm, but m03tly in potash, of which at that time 
there were large quantities manufactured, The making of this article afforded him a 
chance to take up a little additional business, by which he doubtless increased the 
number of his customers, and won their esteem. A large part of his patronage wac; 
from the new settlers in Thomas' Gore, North Gore, 'Ventworth and the rear of 
Chatham, who in clearing their land turned all the timber possible into potash. To 
make this, they required leaches, kettles, coolers, barrels, etc., and 
Ieikle pro- 



vided these, placing them in suitable locations, and charged the individuals using 
them a small fee for each barrel of potash they made, In this way, though he charged 
barely sufficient to remunerate himself for the wear and expense of the materials 
provided, he put many a poor fellow in the way of making a little money which he 
otherwise could not have made, After the potash was brought to Mr. Meikle, he 
sent it to Inspector Stone in Montreal, and, as soon as the quality was ascertained, he 
paid the full market price for it in cash, 
In 18 3 6 , Mr. Meikle was appointed Postmaster, and held this position for half a 
century, and was also Justice of the Peace for many years. He was a liberal supporter 
of Henry's Church, of which he was long an Elder, and felt a deep interest in the 
College, to both of which in his will he left a legacy, 
He is held in kind remembrance by his old custom ers and acquaintances-all 
believing him an honest, upright, Christian man; he died in August, 1877; Mrs. 
Meikle in August, 1870. They left five sons-] ohn, 'Villiam, George, Robert and 
Thomas, and one daughter, Mrs. J. D, 'Yells. John and Robert reside in Merrick- 
ville, Ont.; \Villiam in Manitoba; George, Robert and Mrs. 'VeIls in Lachute. 
After conducting the business some years, Mr. Meikle, sen., sold out to his two 
sons, George L. and Robert G., and retin:d from active life. The sons prosecuted 
the business in company till 1878, when Robert retired and entered politics, being 
that year elected Representative of Argenteuil in the Provincial Legislature, in the 
intere5ts of the ]oly Government. He was a candidate for the House of Commons 
in 1887, but was defeated by J. C, 'Vilson, 
The business which was established by his father in 1830 is still conducted by 
George L. Meikle and his son-in-law, H, M. Gale, G. L. Meikle was appointed 
assistant postmaster in 1844; he now has had charge of the office fifty years. 
among the quite early pioneers of Lachute. They came from Vermont, and located 
in what is known as the Hill Settlement. Stearns, having a family of four sons and 
three daughters, procured five hundred acres of land, with the design of providing his 
sons with farms from the homestead. The realities of pioneer life, however, he found 
quite different from the view enjoyed in anticipation, and in about a year after his 
arrival he had become so thoroughly disheartened from his hardships and spare 
diet, that one day he abruptly started back to Vermont. After a year's absence 
from his family, he returned and resumed his labors, but died a few years subse- 
quently, His children all settled in thIs section. One of his daughters, Mary, mar- 
ried Alvah Stephens, and Mrs. Emslie, one of the well-known citizcns of Lachute, is 
a daughter resulting from this union. 'Ve may remark incidentally, that the mother 
of Mrs, Emslie was a cousin of Senator Stearns, 
Mrs. Emslie remembers many of the tales of hardship and destitution related 
by her mother, and one incident especially, the sale of her side-saddle, which was a 
source of much grief to her mother. 



In the early part of their residenre here, there was a great scarcity of provisions 
in the settlement, and a still greater scarcity of money, The family of 
lr. Stearns 
were not the only sufferers, and, fortunately for them, Miss Stearns had a valuable 
.ddle, on which she had ridden all the long distance from their former home in 
Vermont, which could be exchanged for provisions. The sacrifice was an unpleas- 
ant one; the 
addle had become endeared by many associations,-but what woman 
would hesitate to part with any inanimate object, in the necessity of procuring food 
for her family? The late Co!. Barron wanted the saddle, and was willing to exchange 
corn for it, so the bargain \Vas concluded, and discomfited famine, shame-faced, re- 
1\[rs. Emslie also relates an incident which occurred within her own recollec- 
tion, that illustrates the manner in which the early settlers surmounted little dif- 
ficulties that were often occurring. Her father was obliged, unexpectedly
 to go 
to Montreal, and an examination of his wardrobe, by his careful helpmate, revealed 
the fact, that a pair of drawers was needful to its proper completion,-in fact, they 
were of the utmost necessity,-the journey could not be uEldertaken without them, 
and he must go to-morrow. \Vhat could be done? Recollect, kind reader, that in 
those days one could not jump into a buggy, rid
 down to !\feikle's, McOuat's or 
Fraser's, and buy drawers at socts. a pair. But trust a thrifty housewife of those 
days to get out of such a dilemma, Mrs, Stevens had the cotton warp in the loom, 
waiting for the woof to be woven into cloth; but, unfortunately, the latter part of the 
web was not at hand. But Mr. Stephens had that morning killed a lamb; his active 
spouse soon denuded the skin of its fleece, and then made ready her hand-cards and 
trusty spinning wheel. 
l\f rs, Emslie, who, though young, was an adept at spinning, received the plump 
rolJs as they fell from her mother's cards, and soon transformed them into the woof 
desired. It will suffice to say that before the mother and daughter retired that night, 
the cloth had been woven, the drawers cut out and made, and the next morning 
they were ministering to the physical comfort of the husb.l.nd and father, on his way 
to Montreal. :Mrs. Emslie is the widow of James Em')lie, who for 4.t years was an 
earnest, faithful and successful teacher; sixteen years of this time he taught in Quebec, 
the rest in L3.chute, Her mother and two of her sisters were married to three 
brothers named Stephens, The two named above, Philander and Ebenezer, en- 
gaged in the manufacture of brick in the early part of their pioneer life, and each 
built a brick hOllse for himself, which is still standing. Having no mill or any 
utensils for grinding, neither horses, they used their oxen as substitutes, tramping 
instead of grinding the clay. 
Philander Stephens seems to have been well versed in the requirements of pio- 
neer life, and to have been well fitted for it by nature. He brought a shoem,lker 
with him from Vermont, who, besides doing the work required by 
Ir. Stephens' own 
family, suppiied the wants of neighboring families, and thus brought to his employer 
some profit. 



!\Ir. Stephens being skillful in the use of tools, and quite ingenious, found am- 
ple opportunity to exercise these abilities in his new home. First, he made a full 
set of farming tools for himself, then his wife lamenting the want of a loom, he set 
to work and made one, even to the shuttle. These utensils would appear crude, no 
doubt compared with the machine-made articles of the present, yet they answered 
' . 
every requirement. saved the maker many a dollar, and Illustrated the adage, 
ecessity is the mother of invention." 
The fo]Jowing article is contributed at our request: 



In the summer of 1817, an emigrant ship sailed from Belfast, Ireland, and after 
a thirteen weeks' voyage, arrived at Quebec. On board the ship was James Orr, 
a respectable Scotch-Irish farmer and Methodist local preacher from Downpatrick, 
with his wife Sarah Swail, and their sons, James, Samuel, John, Edwards and 
'Villiam. A daughter, Sarah by name, had married Matthew Coulter, and remained 
in Ireland. James Orr came to Canada with his family, with the hope of bettering 
their fortunes; but was not destined to remain long at their head. The family set- 
tled on a leased farm at Laprairie, where the husband and father died about 181 9' 
after a short illness (inflammation of the bowels), aged 2bout 56. Samuel, the 
second son, being" lame on both his feet," was unfitted for farm work, and became 
the apprentice ofa Montreal shoemaker, named Kiest. Earl}' in the twenties, the widow 
and four of her sons removed to ArgenteuiI, and settled in Thomas' Gore, Samuel 
remaining behind in Montreal. The shop where he acted as salesman, at the cor- 
ner of Little St. James Street, is, or was lately, still standing. My father was well 
acquainted with old Montreal, and pointed out to me many places of interest, as he 
knew them. He told me that he helped to clear out the second place of Methodist 
worship, when the workmen were done with it. It stood on St. James street, and 
was long known as the "Medical Hall." I remember being in it when it was still 
used as a place of worship. Rev, Robert L. Lusher was the first minister who 
occupied the pulpit ( 18J 9). SO lopular was 
Ir. Lusher, that though the church 
was comparatively large, people \'.1:0 could not get in were oftentimes listening on 
he outside. About 1839, I saw :\1 r. Lusher at an evening service in the third 
Methodist place of worship; he was :1 broken-down, trembling paralytic; my father 
said it made him sick at heart when he saw him, and contrasted what he then was 
with what he had been. All of James Orr's sons except Samuel moved to Upper 
Canada about 18 3 6 ; they have all passed away, but some of their descendants are 
still in Toronto and H3milton. About 1826, Samuel removed to St. Andrews, where 
he entered the employment of Messrs. Davis & Simpson, tanners and shoemakers. 
In 1828, he commenced business for himself at Lachute, where he continued to live 



till his death, 29th March, 1875, when he had nearly completed his seven ty-third y('ar. 
Some time after the Orr family came to Canada, another emigrant ship brought 
among its passengers the family of William and Fanny Hicks, of English origin j 
they came from the County Fermanagh, and settled for a while in the East Settlement, 
but were attracted by the good reports ofIands in Upper Canada, where they went 
about 1831. The Hicks family consisted, I think, offour sons-John, George, 'ViIliam 
and Robert, and three daughters-Francis, Mary and Jane. Samuel Orr and Jane 
Hicks were married by the Rev, 'Villiam Abbott atSt, Andrews, 6th August, 1828, 
and their wedded life lasted nearly forty-seven years. Their home was one where 
piety and industry ruled the lives of the inmates. They were both members of the 
::\Iethodist Church, and were always ready to entertain Methodist preachers as their 
guests. I have seen in that home, Carrol], Poole, Black, Adams, Pbyter. Arm- 
strong, :Musgrove, Taylor, the two Barbers, Hatman, Shaler, Willoughby, McIntyre, 
Constable, Greener, Brownell, Hun tingdon, and the two .:\lcDowells, and others 
whose names do not now occur to me. 

Samuel Orr was for several years superintendent of the Oid Union Sunday 
School, for many years the only Sunday School at Lachute. The attendance often 
amounted to a hundred at nine o'clock on Sunday mornings, gathered from points six 
miles apart. Presbyterians and Methodists worked cordially together, they being then 
the only denominations who had an organized existence in the place. Samuel 
Orr was also, for several years, a Class and Prayer leader, I remember that he 
used to take dry wood in a bag before him on his mare's back, to kindle fires 
with for prayer meetings. My father was a trusted friend and favorite of the 
settlers in the North Gore. I remember that such was the scarcity of money among 
them, that they often asked and got the favor of the loan of a few pence to "release 
a letter from the Post Office." Their payments were made to a considerable extent 
in maple sugar and oatmeal. In the Rebellion, my father's house \\'a
 a kind of 
annoury. Two Yolunteer companies, commanded by Captain Evans and Captain 
Johnson, used to come to Lachute to drill; most of the men left the heavy "Brown 
Bess" muskets in our garret from week to week, to save carrying them so great a dis- 
tance. In the faU of the year, a report was started, without foundation, that a party 
of rebels intended to invade Lachute. Guards were sent to the "dl1gway," where 
the road lies between the hill and the ri ver, to intercept them. 
[y father, feeling 
alarmed for the safety of his small family, harnessed up the mare and cart, and with 
some bedding and provisions, drove into the woods on the Hicks' farm, where we re- 
mained the greater part of the night; but finding that no invasion had taken place, we 
returned to the house again. Afterwards, we spent a fortnight at the house of Mr. 
'VilIiam Clark, in Ch:ltham, whose wife was a cousin of my father's, 'Vhile we were 
there, an alarm was raised, which caI!ed 
lr. Clark and his hired man-whose name, 
1 believe, was Husten-away from home. After they had been away some time, 
Husten came back for food, A large pan full of doughnuts was hastily f'mplicd out 



for him, III m\" presence. I thought the horrors of war were considerably miti- 
gated by the chance of getting such luxurious fare. \"hen the cruel war was over 
we returned home, and on the night of our return we saw from Carillon the flames of 
the burning church of St. Eustache. It stood in ruins for some years, and I 
remember seeing the ruins as I went to Montreal. Dr. Chenier's death occurred at 
the battle of St, Eustache, and I remember a gruesome report, that his body was cut 
open, and his heart laid on the counter of Addison's hotel; but I think the story was 
likely without foundation. In the winter of 1848-49 a sad calami ty happened to the 
family, The smallpox was communicated to them by a French family living at 
Vide Sacque, from whom they bought some onions, a vegetable which never after- 
wards was used in the house. The first three children had been vaccinated; only 
one of them was at home, and he escaped,-a most convincing proof of the efficiency 
of vaccination. All the other children, six in number, took the disease, and Sarah 
Phebe, the pet of the household, in her fifth year, died. I was then living at St. Andrews. 
I came home to attend the funeral, but did not enter the house, I saw through a bed- 
room window the scarred and bloated face of the little darling. 
My father died in his seventy-third year; his funeral service was conducted by 
Rev. S. G, Phillips. When I went home to the funeral, I call ed on John Meikle, 
Esq., who said in all sincerity, that my father had not left his equal behind him in 
Lachute; this referred of course to his reputation for honesty, morality and religion, 
My mother died in her sixty-seventh year; her funeral service was conducted by 
Rev. :\Ir. Robson. 
The family consisted of eight sons and two daughters: Elias Samuel, born 
in 182 9; Wesley Fletcher, born in 1831; James Edwards, born in 1833; George 
:Matthe w , born in 1835; Priscilla Jane, born in 1837; Adam Clarke, born in 18 39; 
William Edgerton Ryerson, born in 1842 ; Sarah Phebe, born in 1844; 'Vatson Coke, 
born in 184 6 ; and Marcus Arthur, born in 1851. I will briefly mention some events 
in my own life, 
)1y education was limited to the common school; my first teacher was Jedediah 
Lane j another, a 11r. MacPherson; another, Lachlan Taylor j another, John ,Yo H. 
Brunton; another, Adam Walker. I attended also, for a little while, a French school 
at St, .\ndrews, taught by Antoine Moret. 
On the 25th day of October, 1839, being the centenary of Methodism, a prayer 
meeting was held in the old school-house led by Mr. Taylor; he prayed that some 
who were present might remember the blessings of the day, fifty years afterwards, 
The prayer has been more than answered in the case of my brother, \V. F., and myself, 
as we have been spared nearly fifty-six years from that day, In that month of October, 
18 39, revival services were held at Lachute, as a result of which, several young persons 
joined the !\lethodist Church. Hen!"y Shaler and 'William 'Villoughby conducted 
the meetings; they both lived for over half a century after, 
Ir. ShJ.ler died at 
Kemptville, Ont., less than a year ago, aged over ninety. 



There are but few living now who joined the Church at the time I reft r to. 
Robert Kneeshaw, Esq., of Ingersoll, Ont., my brother and myself were among them. 
Of myoId scpool-feUows, Dr. Christie, G. L. Meikle and Thomas Barron yet survive. 
In the year 1843, my brother, W. F., and myself assisted in drawing bricks from the 
front of Cha
ham to St. Andrews, for the Methodist Church j a church in which I 
afterwards worshipped and preached for thirteen years. On the 8th day of March, 
18 47, I entered the service of the late Charles ""ales, as clerk in his store. In 1854, 
I became the junior member of the firm of Charles 'Vales & Co., which was dissolved 
in April, 1864. On the 9th September, 1856, I was married at No. 10 St. Joseph 
Street, Montreal, to Miss Jane Colclough '''hite, daughter of 
[r. John D. \Yhite, 
The issue of that marriage was \ViIliam Arthur, who died in 1860, aged 2 years and 
10 months; James Edward, who alsJ died in childhood; John S::m1l1eJ, who died at 

-\namosa, Iowa, in his 29th year j Alfred Elias, now known as Dr. A, E, Orr. of 
:\Iontreal ; and Florence Lilian, teacher and artist. In 1860, I left St, 
\ndrews for 
Sawyerville, P. Q., where I carried on a country trade till 1868. In 1869, I received 
the appointment of County Registrar, which I still hold, 
Wesley Fletcher, next in age to me, left home early for St. Laurent, where he was in 
the employ of the MacDonalds j he went to Ontario many years ago, where he carried 
on for a while the manufacture of saleratus. He was engaged in country trade and 
lumbering at Lynden, Barrie: and elsewhere. He subsequently went to Alberta j he 
now resides in Calgary, of which city he was, and is stilJ, the first :\Iayor, He is 
married, and has two daughters and one son. James Edward also left home early; he 
entered the employment of Chas. D. Proctor in Montreal, was also in the employ of 
Finley McMartin at St. Andrews, and the late Mr. St. Denis at Point Fortune. He 
was also engaged in country trade in Ontario, at Lynden and elstwhere j he now resides 
in Calgary, is married, and has a son and daughter living. (

orgc Matthew spent 
some time as clerk for Chas. \Vales & Co., at St. Andrews, and also in the store of 
Thomas Meikle. He removed to Cookshire, P,Q., where he carried on trade for 
some time; he now resides in St. Catharines, ant.; he is married and has two 
daughters living. Priscilla Jane studied at the Normal School in 
(ontreal, and taught 
at Rivière Rouge and in the Lachute Acad
my. She did not marry, but spent her 
time in loving ministrations to the declining years of our parents. \fter their death, 
she occupied the old home for some years. then went to 
Iontreal and to Ontario j 
she now resid
s in Chicago with Adam C. Orr. Adam Clarke, named afler the 
celebrated commentator, was noted for his early love of books and pursuit of knowl
edge: he read the New Testament through at a very early age. When very small, the 
Rev, James Musgrove called on the family; the children wen asked their names; 
Adam replied, I, Dr. _\.dam Clarke j" the reply caused the minister to smile. .\ pro- 
found discussion arose Letween Adam and a younger brother on the origin of evil, 
and the opposite forces of God and Satan. The younger Loy 1'1 opounded the question. 
" Why does the Lord not kill the devil?" Adam's reply was : " I f he did. the Jews 




would have no father." At the age of 18, Adam was a successful teacher at Hill 
Head, Lachutc. He has lived for many years in Chicago, his portrait and biographi- 
cal record appear in an American publication, from which I will make some extracts: 
" Adam C. Orr is one of the highly esteemed citizens of Park Ridge. His home is 
the centre of sociability, and there men of culture delight to gather and discuss topics 
which tend tomental advancement. On the paternal side, our subject came from the old 
McLean family of Scotland. iu length, however, the family became divided in the 
Scottish feuds, and those who located in the Lowlands took the name of Ayrs, which was 
subsequently changed into the present mode of spelling. In the Co..1mmon school of 
his native country, Adam C. Orr acquired a good English education, In his father's 
country store, he received his first lessons in business, but he left mercantile pursuits 
to engage in teaching, which prcfession he successfully followed for thirteen years in 
Canada. In 1863, he spent a term at the Normal School, affiliated to McGill CoIlege, 

J ontreal, and 
ubscquently, while engaged in teaching, read the Art!\ Curriculum of 
that University, and made translations of the Satires of Juvenal and Odes of Horace 
into English verse; the manuscripts of which were destroyed in the Chicago fire. He 
was for some time employed as teacher of the French language and literature in 
Lachute College, P.Q., and later, as principal of the Central School, St. Mary's, Onto 
It was in 1870 that he came to Chicago, where soon after he engaged as superin- 
tendent with the Cillet Chemical \Vorks. On the 1St October, 1876, Mr. Orr was 
united in marriage with Miss Cleo Petne. To l\Ir. and !\I rs. arr \\'as born a son, 
Samuel Henry, who died at the age of thirteen lears. He was a boy who attracted 
almost universal attention because of his perfect physique, fine intellectual attain- 
ments and gentlemanly bearing. He was a member of a company of Zouaves, in 
which he held the highest offices, and was laid to rest in their unifurm. Both Mr. 
and 1\1rs. On hold an enviable position in social circles, where true worth and intelli- 
gence are received as the passports into good society. They have made their home 
in Park Ridge since 1881. Socially, .Mr. Orr ij connected with the Independent Order 
of Odd Fellows and with the Royal Arcanum ; he is also a member ofthe Astronomical 
Society of the Pacific." 
William Edgerton Ryerson, thus named after two members of the celebrated 
Ryerson family. It is seldom that Sweet \Villiams blossom in midwinter, but this one 
dId, as he was born in the month of January. He had the good fortune to be taught 
WI iting by Mr. Gibson, a teacher of L:lchute, who boarded with the family, and has 
made Bookkeeping the principal work of his life. He was in business at Cookshire 
and at Durham for short periods; he now resides at Teeswater, Onto ; has been twice 
married, and has several children. 
\Vatson Coke bears the name of two distinguished :\[ethodists. He went to 
Ontario early in life, and is now engaged in fruit farming at \Vinona. He sells grapes 
by the ton, and is successful also with many other fruits. 
Francis Arthur, the tenth and last child, was born twenty-one years after the 
present writer. He learned photography while quite young, and has pursued it ever 


21 3 

since. He is at present a resident of Chicago, The family present an instance of 
nine out of ten who grew to maturity, and whose members are at the date of this 
writing still unbroken, For the most part, they have had good health, and all of them 
moderate prosperity. 
For about sixty years, the name of Orr was a familiar one at Lachute, but they 
have all left it, except those who are quietly sleeping in the old cemetery,-that is, 
Samuel Orr, Jane Orr, his wife and ., little Sarah." 



I was born in 1829, and have recollections of some of the early inhabitants of 
the County of Argenteuil who have long since passed away. 
ABIATHAR \V ALDRON was my father's next-door neighbor i he had been a soldier 
of the Revolutionary \Var, I think, on the American side. He must have been one of 
the earliest settlers of Lachute. He used to say that the sun had never found him in 
bed for fifty years. 1\lr. \Valdron's wife was a Hutchings, and was said to have been 
the first white woman at Lachute. The \Valdrons were, like many of the first settk'rs, 
Methodists. A story is recorded by Carroll in his" Past and Present," as follows: (It 
must have occurred about 1816.) There is a beautiful tract of land in the neighbor- 
hood of Lachute, on the North River, which falls into the Ottawa. This was 
originally settled by an interesting class of people from the United States, from 
among whom a large and prosperous society was raised up by the labors of a Sawyer, 
a Luckey and others. But a succession of blighting frosts had caused such a fail Ire 
in the crops for several years, that one family after another had left and sought a 
home in a more genial climate, till the society was not only much reduced in numbers, 
but very few homes were left to shelter the hapless itinerant in a place which had 
always been considered "head-quarters" on the circuit; and the occupant of the I'rin- 
cipal one of the few remaining H lodging places for wayfaring men," " Father \Valdron," 
as he was called, had also resolved to leave, The two preachers (Ferguson and Peel) 
were spending a night under his hospitable roof, but the intention of their host to It- l ve 
communicated to them, had made them sad; they did thcir utmost to persuade him 
to stay, setting before him the evil that 
 ould result to the cause if he left, and the 
consequent good he would be the means of doing if he remained, \Vhen the hoUl of 
devotion arrived, both the preachers engaged in prayer, one after the other, and made 
the subject which lay near their hearts ground of earnest supplication. Ferguson 
prayed first, and earnestly besought the Lord to prevent TIro, \Valdron from guing 
away. To each petition, Peel subjoined the expressive response, " Hedge him up, 
Mighty God!" And when the time came to plead in prayer, he told the Lord tht:y 
could not afford to part with Bra, \Yaldron-besought him to induce him to stay- 
and to reward him for so doing with an abundant crop. He enumerated every J... 'd 

21 4 


of produce he could think of by name, and prayed that Bro. \Yaldron's hay and 
potatoes, and wheat and rye, and oats and peas, and barley, etc., might be abundant. 
Mr. \Yaldron was induced to stay another year, and by a very remarkable coincidence 
with Mr, Peel's request, he had an abundant crop of everything both in field and 
garden, excePli1lg 01lÍOl1S. \Vhen this fact was mentioned to the preacher, ,e Oh," 
said Peel, " I forgot the ONIONS." To my personal knowledge :Mr. \Valdron remained 
many years after this incident at Lachute, -perhaps twenty, His wife above mentioned 
was a second wife, and not the mother of Linus, Silas and Abiathar, his sons. Her 
first husband's name was Clark. It was said that he took a grist to the Lachute mills 
to be ground, and that, while waiting for the grist, he went to fish for salmon, which 
were then to be had below the dam, and was drowned. Mr. and Mrs. Waldron, at a 
very advanced age, finally returned to the States, I think, about 18 3 6 . 
JOHN S. HUTCHINS was a man whose personality made a deep impression on 
my mind. He was small of stature, with partially bald head, the remaining hair on 
which was bleached by many winters' snows; he was Clerk of Court, and I suppose 
po:.sessed a monopoly-of the legal knowledge of the settlement. He used to come in 
a camlet cloak from his residence on the north side of the river, to lead the four 
o'clock prayer-meetings on Sunday afternoon, where I have often listened to his prayers 
and exhortations. \Vhen I knew him, he was living with his third wife. He survived 
till about the middle of the century now drawing to a close, and has been sleeping 
surrounded by his wives in the old burying ground for more than forty years. 
The REV. 'WILLIAM BRUNTON.- This hoary, reverend and religious man is no doubt 
still remembered by some who knew him when they were children. He W3S the 
Minister of the Secession Congregation in the old stone church. I was sent to his 
house on an 
rrand, when I was about six years old. I remember well his venerable 
appearance as he stood in the doonvay and handed me a tract entitled, e, The Spoiled 
Child," which made a deep impression on my mind; it lies before me as I write. 
I have also before me "The Judgment of God-a Call to Repentance," a 
sermon preached at Lachute, lower Canada, on Tuesday, the 26th of June, 18 3 2 , 
which day was devoted to the exercise of fasting and prayer in that settlement, on 
account of the alarming progress of the cholera morbus in various parts of the 
Province, hy the Rev, \Villiam Brunton, Montreal; published by Thomas A. Starke, 
1832. The following prefatory notes are reproduced from the pamphlet :- 
,e LACHUTE, 2nd July, 1832. 
" At a quarterly meeting of the Lachute Temperance Society held here this day, 
the Rev. George Poole in the Chair, it 1fJaS resolved lmanimoltsly: That the Rev. 
\Villiam Brnnton be requested to furnish to a committee of the Society a copy of his 
Sermon preached here on the 26th ult., in order that it may he printed for the 
benefit of the Society, It is now, accordingly, publisht:d by their authority. 
"THOMAS BARTON, Vice-Preside/It, 
"JEDEDIAH LANE, Secretary." 

(Barton is a misprint for Barron.) 


21 5 

" To the Lachute Temperance Society :- 
"The following Sermon, which was hurriedly prepared for the occasion on which 
it was delivered, without any idea whatever of its being printed, being now published 
in compliance with their unexpected and unanimous request, is respectfulìy inscribed 
lJy their obedient servant, 

The text of the sermon was Joel, 2d chap., 12th and 13th verses. An Appendix 
gives an address delivered by Mr. Brunton before the Lachute Temperance Society, 
2nd May, 1832. In this it is stated that the Temperance Society was formed at Boston, 

Iass., in July, 1826. I quote a few words to show the gist of the address: "Your 
abstaining from drinking such intoxicating liquids, though ever so moderately, except- 
ing as a medicine, can do you no harm. Your drinking thus, unless for a medical 
purpose, can do no good to yourself. But your abstaining from them, and becoming 
a member of a Temperance Institution, may do much good, indeed, both to yourself 
and to others." 
Mr, Brunton preached in the old school-house before the stone church was 
built, I may have heard him there, but have no distinct recollection of it. I am not 
sure of the date of Mr. Brunton's death, but think it must have been in the fall of 
18 37, His library with other effects was sold at auction, I have some books which 
formed part of it. One which lies before me now is a collection of tracts; on the fly- 
leaf is a neatly written table 'of contents, dated 28th August, 1809' It was written, I 
was told, with a crow-quill, the kind of pen which he preferred to use, The funeral 
was a solemn event. I remember a funeral sermon preached some time after his 
decease, by whom I cannot say, and the singing of the paraphrase which begins, 
" The hOllr of my departure is come," 
In 1834, came another Scotchman, JOHN HAY, from Inverness-shire. He was an 
e>..cellent mechanic, a stone-layer, and a man of intelligence, yet, like most of the 
new comers in those times, he was obliged to accept the wages that were off
red, hence 
he engaged to Colin Robertson for $5.00 per month. His skill, however, and his 
industry soon attracted notice, and it was not long before he was made foreman of 
the work, with a proper increase of salary. The lot on which he settled and 5pent 
his life is now owned and occupied by his son, John Hay; he was a Justice of the 
Peace many years, Two of his sons, George and \Villiam, now live in Ottawa,-the 
formtr a retired merchant. the latter an accountan t. 
John Hay, the son, who has always remained in L1.chute, is one of the prominent 
citizens of this place, and has always taken an active and important part in municipal 
affairs. He has been a School Commissioner and Municipal COllncillor for thirty 
years, and was :\I.lyor of the parish until he resigned, dèclining longer to serve, In 
18 9 2 , he was a candidate for the Legislative Assembly on the Liberal ticket, but was 
defeated by the election of the Conservative candidate, \V. J. Simpson. '1'\\'0 sons 
Ir. Hay 
re doing a pro
perous business in a flour and fèet.! store on 
[ain street 
in this town. 



J AMES FISH, Postmaster of Lachute Mills, has been a familiar figure in Lachutc 
for half a century, and to-day feels that his life is an illustration of the vicissitudes of 
fortune, A sketch in The Watchmall, that delineates him as he appeared in the days 
of his youth, after having engaged a while in the grist mill of the Seignior, says: 
U His was a hobby to play the c1arionet, and, scarcely ever absent from church, 
he led the choir with this musical instrument for abopt half a century, and was always 
in his place, which, to his mind, was as important as that of the minister." * 
To be explicit with regard to dates and events, Mr. Fish came, when at 
young boy, with his father, \Vm. Fish and family, to Lachute from England in 1832, 
H is father, however, soon moved to St. Andrews, where he was employed in the gl :st 
mill as miller for four years. He then went to Cobourg, Ont., where Mrs, Fish 
James, in 1838, returned to 51. Andrews and engaged to R. King, proprietor of 
the grist mill there, for some years. In 1844, he was married to Ellen, daughter of 
Thomas \Vanless of that village, and, after finding employment in mills at Hawkes- 
bury and other places four or five years more, he came to Lachute, and for three 
years tended the grist mill for Cot :Macdonald, agent for the Seignior of Argenteuil. 
For the nine years following, he acted as superintendent of all Macdonald's mills- 
grist, saw and woollen mills, Afterwards he obtained a lease of them for a term of 
years, and then bought them, his income having been so carefully husbanded that 
he now had quite a snug sum to invest in property, After keeping these mills in 
successful operation some time longer, he rented them to different parties; but the 
carding and fulling mill" were soon destroyed by fire. Mr. .Fish rebuilt them, and 
added another two-story building, designed for the manufacture of wooden-ware. 
Within two years, however, the latter manufactory was burnt, by which fire he 
suffered a loss of $7,000 ; and after this, he sold all the other mills. 
In 1877, with that public spirit wÍÚch has characterized his actions, he built the 
bridge, which is known as Fish's Bridge, at his own expense. Though very indus- 
trious, and much devoted to his business, he has found time to serve his parish in 
different positions; he has long been Commissioner for the trial of small causes, 
Councillor both for the parish and town, Mayor of the latter two years, and post- 
master and mail contractor since 1880. In 1890-91 his real estate was appraised by 
the valuators at $25,525. l\Iisfortune, however, has since deprived him of this pro- 
perty-the accumulation of a life of industry aud economy. 
Mrs. Fish died 2nd JJ..nuary, 1891. Their only child, a daughter, was marri
d to 
F. C. Ireland. In 18 9 2 , 13th January, Mr. Fish was again married, to Miss :\1. E. 
Barley, d:lughter of John Barley of Lachute. 
HENRY HAMMOND, who owns a large farm near the village, 011 which the County 
Agricultural buildings are located, was one of the pioneers of this County. He was 
born in the County of Monaghan, Ireland, ill 1818. His father's family came to 
* From a sketch by F. C. Trela nd. 


21 7 

America in 1831, and settled in the North Settlement; but after living with his uncle 
five years, Henry went with his brother John to Mille Isles, and took up a lot of 
wild land. They were the first settlers in that parish, and their nearest neighbors 
were three miles distant. Settlers soon began to come in, however, and after remain- 
ing there five years, receiving a good offa for their land, in 18.F, they sold it and 
came to Lachute. Mr. Hammond says, even at that d.lle, the only buildings there 
were in what is now the \Vest End of I achute were thp. Seigniorial )'Iills, a part of 
what is now the Victoria Hotel, and a school-house, which answered the avo-fold 
purpose of an educational institution and a place for holding religious worship, 
\V olves still prowled in the surrounding forests, and occasionally made an attack on 
the sheep-fold. l\Ir. Hammond was a Volunteer in the Rebellion ofl837,but has:since 
had nothing to do with either military, public or civic affairs, giving his attention entirely 
to his farm, save at times of election, when he has always voted the Conservative 
ticket. He has added to his farm from time to time, until it now comprises a 
thousand acres. He says that he drew many a load of grain to the Brewery of Com- 
missary Forbes, at Carillon, for the purpose of raising I1l0ney, in the first vears of his 
residence here. 
HIS brother John, who never married, always lived with him till his death in 
1891, and gave valuable assistance in clearing up the falm. Henry I-Iammond was 
married to 
lis') Eiiza Bradford, grand-daughter of the Rev. Richard Bradford, of 
Chatham, Their son, Henry R. Hammonà, who now has the management of the 
estate, after graduating at McGill, studied law, arld was admitted to the B:u; but Lhen 
decided to follow the more quiet and healthful ,.ocation of agriculture. 
DAVID RAITT is another who may be styled a pioneer of L3.chute. He is a 
native of .Fifeshire, Scotland, and in his youthful days learned the tailor's trade, 
and afterwards enlisted at Edinburgh, 23rd October, 1835, at the age of 18, in th
Artillery, in which his services as tailor were called in requisition. He s.1.iled with 
his company from \V oolwich for Montreal, and arrived there 20th Augu')t. 1839. He 
then purchased his discharge, which reads as follows: 
" Gunner David Raitt of the Royal .\rtillery has always borne a gClod char.lctcr 
in the corps, and I believe him to be a sober, honest and i ndrstnous young man, 
and one whom I conceive in every way to be trustworthy. 

" J. rUR
.1 Capt. Royal .\rtillcn.. 

" Discharged in consequence of having paid the sum of f:.z 5 under item 12 of 
the Good Conduct Regulations." 

[r. Raitt previous to his discharge had been master tailor in the garrison at 

On the 7th January, 18,p, he came to Lachute, where he has ever since resided. 
He bought 100 acres of land, on which he lived some years. and then selling it, he 



removed to the village, devoting his time chiefly to his trade, On account of failing 
health. however, he accepted the office of bailiff-thus obtaining ample exercise in 
the open air--and he has held the position over forty years. Although 79 years of 
age, on the loth of October, 1895, Mr. Raitt is still active and intelligent, and enjoys 
relating his early experiences here, and describing the old landmarks and characters 
of Lachute. 
:\Irs, Raitt, also, whose maiden name was Isabella Dixon, and whom he married 
before.coming to Canada, is still alive and active. They have four sons and one 
daughter living, two sons and two daughters are deceased. 
James \V., one of their sons, learne.d the trade of tinsmith, and followed it till 18 9 0 , 
when he was appointed Secretary of L':lchute and Clerk of the Commissioners' Court 
-offices which he has filled to the general satisfaction of the public. He is also agent 
for several :Fire. Life and Accident insurance companies, as well as agricultural 
implements. He was married 5th October, 187 1 , to Janet Isabella \rValker, 
John Raitt, his brother, is also a tinsmith, plumber and roofer, and has a shop 
here on Main Street, in which he keeps a variety of tinware, He married Margaret 
a daughter of .x athaniel Copeland, 
ANDREW MCCONNELL who died in 1893, anJ who had then been living a few years 
in Lachute, was for several decades a prominent and influential figure in Argenteuil, 
His father, Andrew McConnell, came from Glasgow to Canada, with his family. 
of John, l\Iary, Andrew, \Villiam and Agnes, in 1819, and settled on a farm on the 
Lachute Road. 
The son, Andrew, was married to :\lary Jane Bradford, grand-daughter of the Rev. 
Richard Bradford, 31st Octooer, 1851. He settled at Cushing in Chatham, on the 
farm now owned by J. B. Clerihue ; he erected fine buildings, and lived there till 188 7, 
when he removed to Lachute. He was a very successful farmer t and was careful to 
educate his children. He filled the office of Justice of the Peace for many years with 
great ability, and when he died he was the olde
t Justice of the Peace in the County, 
He was also a Commissioner for the trial of small causes, and was appointed Cap- 
tain of militia during Lord Monk's administration. He died in November, 1893. and 
the funeral was one of the largest ever seen in J .achute. He had eight children- 
John Bradford, Gilbert Smith, Richard George, Andrew \VilJiam, Jessie Ann, James 
Quinton, Jennie and Hugh, 
Gilbert, Andrew and James settled, a few years ago, in the North \Vest-first 
at Qu' AppelJe; but they are now residing in Vancouver. Andrew acted as courier 
for General Middleton during the Riel Rebellion, and was one of the nine prisoners 
rescued at the battle of Batoche. Richard G. is a B.A. of McGill College, and now 
holds a prominent position in the Geological Survey of Canada, 
John Bradford McConnell, M.D., C.M., was born at Chatham, 28th August, 
ISSI ; educated at \Vanless Academy, at Carillon; entered on his medical studies at 
:\IcGill in 1869, and graduated in 1873. In 1871, he went through the Military 


21 9 

School at .:\Iontreal, and the same year was appointed Lieutenant in the 11th Battalion 
of Argenteuil Rangers. Subsequently, he was for eight years surgeon in the Prince 
-of 'Vales Rifles. He has taught many years in the 
Iedical FacultyofBishop's College 
-first, as professor of Botany, his collection of plants being one of the largest in the 
Dominion; he has filled several important positions in the University. During the 
summer of 1886, he made an extensive European tour, visiting the hospitals of 
Dublin, London, Paris and Berlin, taking a Course on Bacteriology, under Prof. Koch 
at Paris, He has contributed frequently to the M01ltreal JIedical .Iour1zal, and his 
papers have been read at the !\fedico-Chirurgical Society. He was married in 18 75 
to Th
odora Lovell, daughter of Robert ::\IilJer, publisher and stationer. 

K ATHANIEL BOYD, from tht! north of Ireland, came to this country as a member 
of the Royal Staff Corps. After the canal was completed, he settled in the north part 
of Gore, and died there, not many years since, within a few months of roo years old; 
l\Irs. Boyd died a few years later, at the age of 93. They had six sons and two 
daughters; three of the former and the two latter are still living. Hugh, one of the 
sons, and his descendants live in \Vinnipeg; his son Nathaniel is the present M. p, 
for Marquette. 
Stewart, the eldest son of the pioneer, married Margaret Hammond, aunt of 
Henry Hammond of Lachute; she died about 1890, at the age of 93. They first 
settled in Gore, bu t a few years afterward removed to Chatham, where Mr. Boyd had 
bought 100 acres of wild land. On this land, and at that time, of course, he h:ld all 
the varied rough experience of pioneer life; he earned many dollars in those days, 
drawing wood to Carillon and selling it for 90 cents per cord. But he survived all this 
hardship: reared his family, cleared two farms, on one of which, known as the ::\Iile 
End Farm, a fine tract, he lives with his son James. Though 83 years of age, he is 
still very active and ambitious. So great is his desire for work, that he insists on 
t3.king care of the stock, and threshing grain, daily, with a flail for over a dozen head 
of cattle. He was one of the loyal actors in the Rebellion of 1837 ; he is 
Iaster of 
an Orange Lodge, a position he has held over forty years. His children-three sons 
and two daughters-are all living, James, the eldest son, resides on the homestead. 
'YilIiam S., the youngest, is connected with the Customs Department in Montreal. 
Mary, one of the daughters, is married to John Earl, of Lachute; Sarah, the other 
daughter, married to T. B. Johnson, resides in Lennoxville, 
John 'V., third son, at the age of fifteen, was apprenticed to learn the trade of 
milIer, a trade which-sometimes in connection with lumber business-he has fol- 
lowed to the present. \Vhen about 21, he went to California, and was there engaged 
in lumbering five years. After his return, he and his brother bought the old mills 
known as the "
IiIls,'J at St. Canute, with which they were engaged fifteen 
years, doing an extensive business. They sold out in 1886 for $14,000, after which 
John 'V. was connected five years with the new lumber firm of Owens, Lane & Boyd; 



he, also, in 18 9 2 , in company with \V. J. Simpson, M.P. P., bought the grist mi!l and 
saw mill at Lachute, which, during the past fall, 18 95, they sold to J. C, \Vilson. 
Mr. Boyd was married in October, 1892, to a daughter of Dr. Stackhouse of 
JA\IES HENDERSON, a venerable old gentleman, with kind and pleasant face, 
who lives in a neat cottage near McGibbon's mill, has many recollections of the Ínfant 
days of Lachute. He came with his father, Peter Henderson, from Callander, Perth- 
shire, Scotland, in 1820; his father settled on a lot in St. Canute in the county of 
10unlains, which is now owned by \Vm. Boa. At that time, Mr. James Hender- 
son says, the only buildings where now the village is located were the grist mill and 
saw mill, and two or three houses; one occupied tþe site of the present residence of 
Dr. Christie, a man named Proctor lived near the site of the Rev. Mr. Mackie's 
residence; and there was a schcol-house where G. J. \Valker, Esq., now lives. The 
only road to St Andrews was by way of Beech Ridge. 
::\1r. Henderson, who is 82 years old, has spent thirty-five years of his life in :\1011- 
treal. He gives a graphic description of an election tha.t occurred in this county 
some time during the forties. Among other incidents, he relates that one of the candi- 
dates had a barrel of whiskey rolled to the place of polling; the whiskey was served 
in a wooden pail, supplied with a tin cup, and then carried around, so that everyone 
so inclined could drink to his heart's content, The elder :\1r. Henderson died in 
184 1 , and his son was married in 1843 to Elizabeth Vart, of England, who died 
in January, 1884; they had four sons and three daughters. The eldest, Peter, and 
third son, John, are in business in Montreal; the second son, \Vil1iam, is farming 
near Montreal, and the youngest, James, is also farming in Brandon, Man. Mary, 
the eldest daughter, and Elizabeth, the youngest, ar
 married, and live in Montreal, 
and Jean, the second, lives with her father. 
JOHN SCHOLEFIELD, son of the Rev. \VilIiam Scholefield, a prominent clergyman 
in England, came to this country when quitt young, and labored for many years as 
local preacher. He married Ameiia, a daughter of Robert Kneeshaw, an early settler 
at Lachute. They lived a while at S1. Andrews, and their son \Villiam was born 
there; after this, they removed to Ontario, where :\1r. Scholefield died, not n11.ny 
years later. 
William Scholefi
ld, the son, some years since, became Bookkeeper for his cousin, 
Robert Kneeshaw Summerby, who had erected two lumber mills and a grist mill at 
St. Canute. Mr. Sumrnerby was accidentally drowned in his mill pond 3 1st :\1ay, 
1886; his loss wa" widely and deeply lamented. 
::\lrs, Summerby, his widow, and !\Ir. \Villiarn Scholefleld, were married 18th 
August, 1887, and :\fr. Scholefield continued the business; but he died 9th January, 
1 8 9 1 , :\1rs. Scholefield still owns one of the lumber mills at St. Canute, and ha s 
two lots and a fine brick residence in Lachute, where she lives. She has two 
daughters-:\1innie Summerby and .\rnelia Scholefield, Another daughter by the 



first marriage, Ruby Summerby, a bright little girl. nine years old, and a general 
favorite, was drowned at Lachute, in the North River, 6th June, 1895. 
)'Irs. Scholefieìd if. devoted to Christian work, and has been President, Vice- 
President, and 
ecretary of the C. E. Society, and is now Corresponding Secretary, 
BEl'JAMIN BURCH carne from Vermont to Lachute with the earliest settlers, the 
Lanes, Hutchins. and others, and settled on land now owned by his grapdson, Alfred 
Burch. The maiden name of his wife, whom he married in Vermont, was Annie 
Burch. He took up 3 
 0 acres of land, which he afterward divided among three sons, 
and lived here till his death. He had five sons and two daughters. 
His eldest, N. F. Burch. was killed on the railway at Carillon, loth X Q\'ember, 
Alvah Burch. one of the three sons mentioned above, married Miss Grout. of 
Vaudreuil; she died leaving two sons, and he then married 
ws, by 
which marriage he had seven children-five sons and t\\'o daughters. Soon after his 
second marriage, he sold his farm to the Rev. \Villiam Henry, and bought a village 
lot in Lachute, now occupied by Rodrigue's hotel, and conducted a public house 
here thirty years, He was also engaged quite largely in other business-had a 
bakery, grocery, and dealt extensively in cattle, It is said that, at one time, he was 
wealthy, and was always benevolent and kind to the poor. 
BENJ. BURCH. an account of whose sad death by drowning is given in the history 
of Harrington, was a son of Benjamin Burch, the pioneer. He married Eliza Clark, 
and settled on the farm in Upper Lachute now owned by his son, .\lfred A. Burch. 
Some years later, he went to Harrington, took up land, and was drowned there in 
185ð, He had two sons and three daughters j one of the former died in childhood, 
One daughter, nnrried. lives in -'Ianitoba. the other two in Grenville; one, married 
to David Ogilvy ; the other is the widow of the late Richard, 
Alfred A. Burch, the only surviving son, when quite young, went to the States, and 
was married 7th August, 1873. in Slatersville, R.1., to :\Iargaret Smiley, of C Ilatha.m, 
Que. In 188 3, he moved to )'Ianitoba; his wife died in 1892, and the foilowing 
year he returned to Lachute, and bought the old homestead of about 150 acres, which 
had been the home of his father and grandfather. In 1893, July 4 th , he was married 
to.Elizabeth Fraser, youngest daughter of Amaziah Burch. 
IAS SHEPHERD, who now resides in L:1chute, is a son of \Villiam Shepherd, 
who came from Yorkshire, England, to St. Andrews about 1825, and for a year was 
in the employ, as fanner, of the Rev, Joseph Ahbott. About two years after his 
arrival, he was married to l\1argaret Graham. In 1834. or thereabout, he bought 135 
acres of land in the East Settlement, on which he lived till his d
ath. Mr. 
was one of the loyal actors in the Rebelliol1 of 1837, He had eight sons and four 
daughters. Thomas. the eldest son, remained on the homestead, and was married, 
8th February, 186.1-, to Mary Ann 
haw. They have two sons and six d'llIghtcrs. 



Mr, Shepherd sold the homestead to his eldest son, 'Villiam, and moved to Lachute 
in 18 9 1 , The son was married, 1st of March, 18 9 2 , to Grace Griffith. 
:Mr. Shepherd has been a very successful farmer, and has a fme property in 
Lachute. Before moving here, he was for nine years a member of the Parish Council. 
JAMES CAMPBELL came to Canada in 1823, landing in Quebec city on the 23 rd 
of May; he was accompanied by his wife, two sons, the family of one of the latter. 
and a daughter. 
The married son, SAUCEL CAMPBELL, settled in November of the same year on 
100 acres of an uncleared lot in Gore, on the shore of Clear Lake, but before he 
came to this section, his wife (Nancy 
1cLean) died in Lachine. He remained in 
Gore a } ear and a half, then moved to the 11th Range, Chatham, where he lived four 
years. His father, who resided with him, died during their stay in Chatham, and 
willed to him the lot in Gore, to which he then returned, and lived there for twenty 
years. He then removed to Papineauville, and afterwards to Grenville, dying in the 
latter place at the age of 9 I. He was twice married; by the first marriage he had 
two sons and a daughter, and by the last, two sons and four daughters. 
JOSEPH, the eldest son by the first marriage, was born in Co. Antrim, 4 th Novem- 
ber, 18 1 5; he, also, has been twice married: the first time, 6th April, 18 4 1 , to Jane 
1\lcArthur ; six sons and four daughters were born to them. 
(rs. Campbell died 
6th February, 1888; and Mr. Campbell was again married, 12th July, 18 9 2 . to 
Catherine A. Smith, widow of the late Captain 'Villiam Smith. Mr. Campbell is 
now 81 years of age, and can write steadily, and walk five or six miles a day. He 
has done much work as a mechanic during his long life, and still keeps busy, 
usually in the manufacture of light articles of furniture, which are executed with 
neatness and taste. John Campbell, one of his sons, is proprietor of the mills at 
PETER CA:\lPBELL, another son, lived with his father in Chatham tin the age of 17, 
when he came to Lacnllte to learn the trade of miller, He worked five or six years 
with James Fish j his employer then lea'ied the mill to him for five years, and after- 
wards he bought both grist mill and saw mill; in connection with the latter, he also 
engaged in the IUllluer business. He sold the miHs, however, at the expiration of 
three years, and followed the lumber business till the fall of 1895, when the Lachute 
mills having been purchased by J. C. 'Vilson, this gentleman engaged Mr. Campbell 
to resume his former vocation of miller, in which position he is now employed. He 
was married 13th September, 1876, to Catherine 
[atilda Palliser j she died 4 th Feb- 
ruary, 1892 j he has been a member of the Town Council three years. 
JAMES \V ALKER from Ayrshire, Scotland, came to Lachute in 18 3 2 j he was a 
miller, and was first employed a year in the St. _\ndrews mill, and then a year in the 
mill at Lachute. After this, he purchased of Johnson, a son-in-law of Benj. Durch, 
the farm of 170 acres, which is now OW !led by his son, G. J. 'Valker. A portion of 
:\1r. Johnson's present dwelling was erected by Johnson. 



Soon after settling here, Mr. \Valker met with a serious accident. Patrick 
Quinn-or, as he was usually called, Paddy Quinn-a noted character in Lachute 
in those days, with devoted loyalty, determined to celebrate the birthday of his SO\- 
ereign, Securing an old cannon, he charged it so heavily with slugs and a variety of 
missiles, that it burst, injuring Mr. \Valker so badly, that one of his legs h3d to be 
amputated. He spent his remaining days here, clearing up his farm, and was for 
many years Clerk of the Commissioner's Court; he died 26th .-\pnl, 1868; :\Irs. 
\Yalker died yd November, 1876. They had six children-four sons and two daugh- 
ters; of these, Gavin J. is the only one now living. The eldest, a daughter, born in 
Scotland, died soon after their arrival in Canada; the second, a son, died at the age 
of 18. Two daughters, Je
sie and Eliza, who married, res pectively. G. L. :\[eikle 
and Thomas Patton, are now deceased. 
GAVIN \VALKER has always remained on the homestead, and has been dosely 
connected with all the affairs of the Town and County. The following is a list of 
the positions he still holds and those he has filled: 
Secretary County Council, appointed 
Iarch, 1868 i Secretary Parish :")t. J erusa- 
lem, appointed 1879; Secretary School Board, appointed 1867 ; S
cretary .\gricultural 
Society, appointed 1869; Clerk of Commissioners' Court, appointed 1868. He was 
also Secretary of the town of Lachute for a year after it was formed, and took an 
active part in its formation; he then resigned in favor of \V. J. Simpson, the present 
:\I.P.P. He was Official Assignee for a number of years, is also a Justice of the 
Peace, and has been Curator for several estates, and is agent for different Life and 
Fire Insurance companies. The duties of these different ofrices :\[r. \\"alker has dis- 
charged efficiently, and to public satisfaction. He is a supporter of the Presbyterian 
Church, and for some years has been an Elder. He was married, ::!9th October, 
1873, to Janet 1\IcOuat; she died 25th January, 1890, leaving two sons anù three 

fr. \Valker's commodious residence, beneath fotatel)" trees. with it.. view of 
interval meadows across the road in front, is peculiarly atlr.1.ctive. and suggestÍ\-e of 
the comforts and pleasures of an old-time, model homestead. 
In 1827, two orothers, JA;\rES and JOHN CAIDEP, weavers, from Paisley, 
Scotland, settled in Lachute, on the b.l.nk of the North River, on land now owned 
and occupied by the family of the late James PolIock. Finding that the}" could im- 
prove their circumstances, they soon removed to Chatham, 111 the vicinity of I ).1.les- 
ville, where, in the history of M t. Maple, will be found a sketch uf one of these 
brothers, John Calder. 
James Calder, whose wife was a 
[acfarIane of Paisley, had thre
John, Robert and James, and two daughtcrs,-:\[argaret and Eli.laheth, 
John, one of these SOliS, at an eJrly age, manifested a desire to preach th
Gospel, and had decided to enter the ministl y: but, owing to the circumstance;:) of 
the family, and their hardships in the new country-due, in some measure, to their 
utter ignorance of \Jioneer life-he was compelled to relinquish hi5 cherished d ,,; I . 



.-\.s he was the eldest son, his services were sorely needed at home, hence he re- 
mained. But this did not prevent. his preaching the Gospel; and from that time 
till his death in 1876 he never neglected an opprrtl1nity to make known the glad 
tidings of salvation. In those days, churches were few; and in log school-houses, 
on winter nights, after the day's work was over, and in neighbors' houses, on 
Sunday, he continued to hold meetings and expound the Scriptures, He had a 
natural talent for preaching and singing-the latter gift r.ontributing much toward 
awakening and sustaining interest in the meetings. 
He married Sarah Kerr, daughter of an old Irish pensioner who had passed 
his days in the army fighting the battles of his country. The old veteran often 
boasted of his campaign in Egypt, under Abercrombie against Napoleon, He lived 
until he was 97 years cf age, and died at the home of his daughter. John Calder 
prospered, and became one of the leading farmers in his settlement. For several 
years before his death, he was a colporteur for the Montreal Auxiliary Bible Society, 
travel1ing over a large section of this province, especially in the Eastern Townships, 
preaching Christ and distributing His word. It was on a trip of this kind that he 
contracted the cold which resulted in his death, The sudden death of his eldest 
son. James, and the failing health of his wife induced him to sell his property and 
move to Lachme in May, 1875, In the following winter, while on a trip to Har- 
rington, he fell ill, and retnrning home, was seized with an attack of inflammation 
of the bowels, which, at the end of a week, proved fatal. His wife, who had been 
an invalid for over a year previous, survived him only a few months. Of him there 
was much good and
little ill that could be said. A kind-hearted, generous disposi- 
tion, a sterling Christian._ character, no more fitting epitaph could be written than 
" he was a good man." 
The family consisted of four sons and three daughters. The eldest son, James, 
dropped dead (2nd Sept., 1875) from heart disease, at theresirlence of the late John 
Douglas, Front of Chatham, while waiting for the train which was to take him on a 
\Ìsit \0 his blOther John, then in Tiverton, Ont. The latter married Elizabeth, 
second daughter of the late Finlay McGibbon of Dalesville, and now resides in 

lontreal, where he is City Inspector of the Fire Underwriters Association. George 
F. and Charles, the other two sons, are the editors and proprietors of the Lachute 
Watch mall. Of the sisters, Mary, the eldest, married Archibald Murdoch of 
ville, and dierl in June, 1895, leaving a large family. Elizabeth married Mr. 
\Vm. Heatlie of Stonefield,!and Susan married 1\1r. ,V. J. Thompson, of Lake View, 
r.Q., all of whom are yet alive. 
G. F. CALDFR, B..i\., was born 22nd December, 1862, on the eighth concession 
of Chatham. In his early years he attended school in the old log school-house known 
as ,. Warwick School," being situated near the residence of the late David \Vanvick, 
but now commonly called )Iount Maple. \Vhen the family left to reside in Lachute, 
he commenced to attend Lachute Academy, then under the principalsbip of 1\1r, A. 

Ionroe. It is needless to say, the lad was far behind those with whom he now had 



to study, for it must be remembered that our elementary schools in those days were 
not what they now are. He then learned the printer's trade in the tVatclullllll office, 
which at that time was under the management of D. Kerr, and in 1880 returned to 
the .\cademy, of which C. S. Rolid.lY, B.A., was then Principal. To this gentleman, 
Mr. Calder feels himself deeply indebted for his earnest and painstaking efforts in 
e. Reentered McGill in 1881, matriculating in Arts, recei\'ed 
his degree of B.A, in 1885, and the same ye.\f obtained a first.class Academy 
diploma from the :\IcGill .t\ormal School. He then accepted the principalship of the 
Academy at Aylmer, Que.,.. and after teaching there successfully two yeats, entered 
into partnership with W. J. Simpson (now l\I.P.P.), in the publication of the l1
mall, aad lemoved to Lachute, where he has since resided. In 1892, he was married 
to Miss J. C. Roger, one of the staff of teachers in the Girls' High School, :-'Iontreal, 
and daughter of !\Ir. Jos. Roger, then of 'Vickham, but now of Lachutc. In 18 9 1 , he 
was appointed a Commissioner of the Superior Court for taking affadavits, and in 
18 9 2 was admitted to the Bar for the study of Law. 
In politics. :\lr. Calder has always been an active Conservative, and is able to 
express himself on the platform in c'ear and forcible language. He is a member of a 
tian church, and an earnest advocat
 of temperance and every moral reform. As 
a writer, he has a clear and vigorous style, and when he sets out to answer an oppo- 
nent, he does it wilh an array of facts and force oflogic that are not easily overcome. 
Charles Calder, a younger brother of G. F., and assistant-editor of the Iralch- 
mall, was born [3th May, -;:865. After attending school in Chatham and Lachute. 
he spent four years in the Baptist College at Woodstock, Ont., from which place he 
entered the IValdwlllll office in 189[. He was married 7th June, 1893, to Margaret, 
daughter uf Archibald Graham, Cote du 
lidi, SI, Andrews. In the publication of 
the IValcnman, his labors are confined chiefly to the mechanical work j he is also 
agent for several Fire and Life Insurance Companies. 
The following obituary is taken from The IValchfJIall of 29th April, [8i o . Co), 
Simpson was the father of the present member of Argenteuil, in the Local House. 


" Death has been vel y busy in and around Lachute for the last few' months, taking 
many of lhe old and prominent residcnters. The last to fall under his stro\...e is the 
gallant officer whose name heads this article. 
II CO!. Simpson was born at Auchenterran, parish of Keith, Banffshire, Scotland, 
on 9 th February, 18 I I, and dieù :It L1.chute on 29th April, 1890. He joined the Royal 
Artillery in June, 1
36, and on the brt:aking out of the Rebellion in Canada, sailed 
from Woolwich for this country, on the 7th April, 1838, and arrived in :\[ontreal on 
the 15 th of June, After the close of the Rebellion, in which he too\... an active part, 
he receiHd his discharge, and came and located in Lachute. Here \,e íonned a troop 
ofC.l.vdll'Y, which was reckoned the best disciplined in the Province. and .\t the time of 



its disbandment, the troop presented him with a sword, belt and sword knot, in ac- 
1-.nowledgment of his worth, and the esteem in which he was held by the individual 
members of the Troop. Subsequently, he was urgently solicited to take command of 
the 4 th Company of Argenteuil Rangers, which Company he has been the Captain of 
for eighteen years, during which time he has on every occasion of the calling out of 
the Regiment accompanied it on active service, 
"Colonel Simpson was a gentleman held in great esteem in this community, and 
in his official capacity as a magistrate his judgments were always respected; his 
object being to examine carefuUy into all cases brought before him before deciding 
upon them. We speak open to the corrective when we say that Col. Simpson was 
the oldest magistrate in the County, or it may be in the district of Terrebonne. One 
fact we do know, that in the early days of this County's history no man occupied a 
more prominent position in the administration of local justice, when that administra. 
tion was more in the hands of the magistrates than at present. The Colonel was 
always a warm and enthusiastic supporter of the Hon. ::\Ir. Ahbott and the Conser- 
vative party. 

" Lt.-Co!. Cushing, Command:uH of the I nh B.1ttalion, and all the Oftìcers and 
men in the immediate proximity of Lachute, together with the of the Regiment, 
attended the funeral. Lt.-Co1. Simpson's horse, with his boots fastened in front of the 
saddle, was led by one of the men belonging to the deceased's Company. The pro- 
cession was the largest ever witnessed in Lachute, an evidence of the esteem in which 
the deceased was held in thi> community. Th::: pall-bearers were the Officers of the 
I I th Battalion, and on the coffin were three beautiful wreaths of lilies and myrtle. 
The corpse was taken to the First Presbyterian Church, of which the deceased was a 
member, the Rev. John Mackie, pastor of the church, officiating. A.s the funeral cor- 
tege entered the church, the organist began playing the dead marc!1 in Saul. After 
the people had all got seated, :\1r. Mackie gave out the 276th hymn, a very appropriate 
one, at the do ,e of which the pastor off
reclup a most feeling and impressive prayer. 
Then followed an appropriate address, the preacher's text being taken from 39 th 
Psalm and I sth Corinthians, at the close of which the 23nl Paraphrase was sung, the 
Rev. ::\Ir. Higgins closing with prayer, a very solemn and impres5ive one. 
.1 The officers present were Lt.-Col, Cushing, ::\Iajor Lamb, Captains \"cightman, 
\, Adj. ::\[artin, Lieuts, Pollock, McPhail, l\IcCallum and McMartin, Sergt. 
:Major Earle, and Capt. \Vanless of St. Andrews Cavalry." 
\YILLIAM JOHN SnlPSON, M.P.P. for Argenteuil, has always taken an active in- 
terest in the affairs of the County, and has been a staunch and influential supporter 
of the Conservative party; he was for several years Secretary of the Conservative 
Association, and three years Secretary of the Lachute ::\[unicipal Council. He joined 
the Rangers when quite young, as bugler during the Fenian Raid,,;, and subsequently 
was Lieutenant of the same Company for twelve 






W\I. .,o,,
. :\1./'.1'. 



In 1881, he formed a partnership with Dawson Kerr, for the publication of TIle 
Watchman, which continued till 1St January, 1892, when they sold to Messrs. Calder, 
He was married .\.pril 22nd, 1874, to Miss :\Iary Fitzgerald. 
Mr. Simpson's first experience of political life was when he was Secretary-Treas- 
urer of the Liberal Conservative Association, during which time there were many 
exciting political contests in the County, 'Vhen Mr. Owens resigned his seat in the 
Legislature, the Convention called to select a candidate were unanimous in their 
choice of Mr. Simpson. He won the victory after an e'\.citing conflict, in which the 
united forces of the Liberal party were arrayed against him. The issue seemed for a 
time uncertain, as his opponents had selected a most popular candidate-
Ir. John 
Hay, a man of well-known integrity, and a prosperous farmer-the latter fact enhan- 
cing his chances of success, as two-thirds of the constituency are farmers. 
the Liberals were fresh from a cheering victory, in which they had elected Dr, 
Christie to the Dominion Parliament by a large majority. These considerations 
apparently affected Mr. Simpson's chances seriously, but his popularity over.balanced 
every adverse influence, and he was returned. 
In the Legislature, he has been one of the most useful members in the Pri\ ate 
Bills Committee, and has received, on several occasions, the grateful thanks of the 
Good Government .\ssociation of Montreal for the aid given them in obtaining proper 
amendments to their Charter. He has always supported the legislation popular 
with the temperance people, notably the" Tobacco Bill," the license amendments, etc. 
_-\.mong the measures he has introduced, are amendments to the ðlunicipal Code, an 
act to abolish lotteries, an act to open the meetings of School Commi
sioner,> to the 
public, and the extension of the franchise to spinsters and widows, 
The following notice, which was taken froll'1 the 
Iontreal U"i!/lCSS, was written 
by a Trooper of St. Joseph du Lac. It shculd have been inserted on a former page, 
in connection with the St. Andrew's Troop, but was overlooked:- 
" Having observed, in a January number of the Montreal Daily JVII/lt!s, the death 
of Mr. John Oswald, a native of Stirlingshire, Scotland, aged 86 years and 6 months, 
at S
. Augustin on the 16th inst., and having served as a trooper under his command, 
I feel it my duty to narrate, through your valuJ.ble paper, the following, from official 
documents :-The deceased, John Oswald, when in Scotland, was a trooper in the 
Stirling Yeoman Cavalry, and in 1830 came to Canada and joined the Argenteuil 
Troop of Cavalry. On 1St December, 1837, he was commissioned Lieutenant b\" 
John Colborne, and was in active service during 1837-38. In 1848 he was promoted 
to a Captaincy by the Earl of Elgin. In November, 1856, he was appointed by 
Lord Monck, Lieut.Col. of the Militia, until declining years caused him to retire, 
very much esteemed and respected by all his troopers." 


Ir. John 
Ieikle, sen., says :-" About this time (1831) also, the hr,>t d, rtor 
arrived in the settlcment-Vr. 
lcno\Vel1, who, however, did not TllUain l()ng. But 



IHe\ ious to his coming the settlers had enjoyed the services of a Mr. Ellis, who, 
though not an M.D., had much skill in medicine." 1\1r, Robertson succeeded him, 
but soon remo\'ed to St. Andrews. 
THO)I \S CHRISTIE. :\I.D., and the present member for Argenteuil in the Dominion 
Parli<lment, is doubtle
s the oldest medical practitioner in the County. He is the 
son of the late John Christie and his wife Eliz:lbeth 1\ ichol, both of StirJingshire, and 
was born in Glasgow, Scotland, in 1824. He carne to Canada with his parents in 
182 7. was educated at 
IcGill University, and obtained his degree in 1848. He was 
married in October, 1849, to Catherine, daughter of the late Peter McMartin, of St, 
Andrews, Que. During the terrible ship fever in 1847-48, the Doctor was assistant 
surgeon at Point St. Charles, and the experience amid such constant scenes of misery 
and death must have been severe for one so young, and in the outset of his pro- 
fessional career. Six thousand immigrants, it is claimed, are buried there, who died 
from that dreadful scourge during the years I8-t.7 and 1848. Besides his professional 
duties, and those devolving upon him as a member of Parliament, he has taken a 
deep interest in local affairs, and been c.alled upon to fill responsible local positions. 
He has been Chairman of the Board of School Commissioners of the parish, Secre- 
taryof Lachute Academy, \\'arden of the County, etc. An account of his different 
elections to Parliament will be found in a list of the representatives of the County 
on preceding pages. 
The following sketch of the Doctor, found in F. C. Ireland's "Sketches of 
Lachute," published in The Watchmall, in 1886, will doubtless be endorsed by all 
who know him :- 
., Dr. Thomas Christie commenced his professional career in Lachute under 
discouraging circumstances, owing to the sparseness of the population and the bad 
roads, extending to the far away settlements of the north and west. But trom con- 
stant attention to duty and very moderate charges, he soon entered upon a successful 
career which has continued to the present day. No physician can be held in 
higher esteem for faithfulness in the discharge of his professional duties than Dr. 
Christie; while, as a public citizen, his life and influence have shown an untarnished 
record on the side of morality, temperance and religion. He has reared sons and 
daughters to occupy responsible positions in society, several of the former following 
the profession of their falher, with success shining brightly before them, while they 
all seem to partake of the same sterling principles of character. 
., The first really creditaLle-looking dwelling in Lachute was that erected by Dr. 
tie7 and it still !otands-a most comfortable residence-suitaLle for anyone in 
this last ql'ar ter of the 19th cen tur)". It is sh:.> ded by stately trees, while the grounds 
contain beds of flowers of brilliant hues, and graveled walks; and it needs only a 
fountain ot !>parkling water to complete a most beautiful picture." 
Dr. Christie has had eleven children-seven sons and four daughters; one of 
each sex died in infancy, and the others arrived at maturity. Four of the sons-John, 
Fdmund, George H. and \Vil\iam-
raduated from the 
Iedical department of



John and William also graduated in Arts. The former, who was a clever physician, 
and had secured a large and successful practice in Chicago, died in that city in I 88..J., 
His two brothers, Edmund and \Villiam, are practising in Chicago, and G. H. has 
succeeded to his father's practice in Lac-hute. Thomas, the third son, has a fine 
drug store here, and James P., the fourth, is in business in San Francisco. 
Of the danghters, the eldest remains with her parents; the second is married 
to Mr. Crawford Ross, merchant in Ottawa; and the youngest is married to Dr. .\, 
D. Stewart. of Richmond, Que. 
The following obituary of DR, \VILLTA
nTH, who died at Lachute, 4th 
tember, 1895, is copied from 7 he Watchman (Lachute) :- 
"Dr. Smith was born in the parish of St. Jerusalem on April. 1851, He 
attended school for several years in Brownsburg, being with his aunt, Mrs. Stalker. 
Afterwards, he prepared for McGil1 at Lachute Col1ege. During his course at 

IcGi11, he was characterized by his honest and careful preparation of his work. After 
graduating in 1876, he commenced the practice of his profession here, which he con- 
tinued up to the time of his death. On 5th September, 1883, he was matried to :\bry 
Jane Hammond, daughter of Henry Hammond of Lachute, by whom he had two 
children. In February, 1891, the Doctor sustained a grievous loss by the death of 
his wife. His only regret at going was to leave his two little girls without mother or 
father. Early in his career, he became- connected with the 11th Battalion .\rgenteuil 
Rangers, and, finally, became their medical officer, He always took great interest in 
milital y affairs, and was no mean shot with the rifle. His real entry into public life, 
however, was in the year 1889, when he first became .Mayor of the town. At that 
time municipal waters were exceedingly troubled; the Doctor sought to calm them, 
and his efforts wen
 successful; for, while he never would swerve from a Plinciple to 
please a friend, he did his duty in such a firm and kindly spirit, that he SOdn ,,'on the 
confidence of the public, It was recognized, tint here WL1.S a man who had the cour- 
age of his c
nvictions, and would do what he felt to be right, regardless of the ('on- 
sequences to himself. Such a man is a rarity; and he was continued in office five 
successive years. During these years, he was appointed a Justice of the Peace and 
a Commissioner of the Commissioners' Court, in both of which offices he proved him- 
self a painstaking and careful official. Only hst July, when a ,.aeancy occurred on 
the School Board. the public again turned to him, and he was elected School Com- 
" As a physician, he was frequently called upon bv the poor of this town and 
County, and he never refused to gi,.e his attendance through feLu of not receiving his 
fee. Born among Liberals, for years he followed that party; but there came a time 
when his convictions compelled him to sever his connections therewith, becaus
felt that the course then being pursued by the leaders of that party was not right; 
his alJegiance was to principles first, and party afterwards. He becam
 attached to 
the Conservative party, and was looked upon as one of its coming leaders. 
year, he was dected President of the 
\rgentellil Liberal-Conservative .\ ion; 




but it must not be supposed that Dr, Smith was wedded to the Conservative party 
any more than he had been to the Liberals, He freely criticized the actions of 
the GO\oernment, and was ready again to sacrifice his party ties in order to maintain 
his convictions of what was right. N everthe1ess, the party felt that they would never 
need to look outside for a candidate while Dr, Smith remained with them. 
" Resolutions were adopted by the Town Council of Lachute, exprtssing their pro- 
found respect for the deceased, and sorrow for his death, and all attended his funeral." 
A sketch of the family of Dr. Smith is given elsewhere in these pages. 
] )R. BENJAMIN S. STACKHOUSE, son of the late John Stackhouse, a well-known 
citizen of St. Andrews, has for many years been one of the leading, and, in fact, the 
only Dentist of Lachute. He has a fine residence and office on Main street. Of his 
three brothers, Dr. Charles Stackhouse, who also adopted Dentistry as a profession, 
has his office on Sparks street, Ottawa, and a beautiful residence on O'Connor street, 
in the same city j John Stackhouse, the eldest, who succeeded his father in the chair_ 
making business in S1. Andrews j and Gilbert, the yonngest, who was a photographer 
in the same village, are both deceased. 
DR. L. P. ALEXANDER RODRIGUE, third son of Pierre Rodrigue, was born 
17 th December, 1869, in St. Scholastique, Que. He attended school in Lachute, 
and in 188 3 entered the College in St. Thérèse, After passing his examination 
before the Quebec Medical Board in May, 1891, in Montreal, he entered Laval Uni- 
versity of that city, and graduated in 1895, taking his degree of 1\1. D.; and also 
obtaining his license to practise medicine and surgery at the same time. He then 
came to Lachute, where he has many influential friends, and has opened an office in 
" Rodrigue's Block," on Railway Avenue. 
Jo B. 
IENZIES, M.D., one of the medical practitioners of Lachute, has quietly 
and modestly won the esteem of the people of this section, and built up a good 
practice. He is a son of J, B. Menzies, Registrar of the County of Lanark, Ont., 
from which place he came to Lachute in 1887; he is a graduate of McGill, and 
received his degree in 1879. 
\Y. \V, ALEXANDER, M.D., now occupies the office of the lamented Dr, Smith. 
Dr. AleÀander was born in Prince Edward Island, and received his education at the 
Prince of \Vales College, Charlottetown. In 1887, he entered the Medical Depart- 
ment of McGill University, and received his degree of l\l,D" C.M., therefrom in April, 
18 91. After some months of post-graduate work in Boston and New York hospitals, 
he returned to Canada, and began practice in Hemmingford, Huntington County, 
Que., where he remained till recently, when he came to Lachute. The recommend- 
.ltions he has received, and the interest he takes in religious work, give promise of 
a useful and successful career, 
JOSEPH PALLISER, barrister, is a native of Lachllte; his grandfather, Robert 
Palliser, came from Yorkshire, England, to Lachine, in 1832, with three sons and two 
daughters; he was killed at that place during an election riot in March, 1841. 


23 1 

Thomas, his eldest son, was married in Lachine, in 1838, to Margaret Baird; 
he "as a member of the Lachine Troop of Cavalry during the Papineau Rebellion, 
In 18 44, he settled in Lachute, and lived here tiII 1893, when he visited his son 
Thomas in Morris, lUan., and died there, the 17th December of the same year. 
He had two sons and three daughters, who arrived at maturity. Joseph, the 
second son, attended :Military School in Montreal, and received his certificate in 186 9, 
The year following, while holding the rank of Sergeant-Major in the 11th Battalion, 
he joined the expeditionary force to the Red River. After his return, he studied Law 
with the late Hon. J. J. C, Abbott, being admitted to study in 18 7 6 , taking his degree 
fcGiII in 18 78, and was caIIed to the Bar in 1879. He was married in 18 79 
to Lillian :l\Iargaret McGibbon, Mr. Palliser takes an active interest in all local 
affairs; he drew the Charter when the Town of Lachute was incorporated in ) 885, 
and has been Chairman of the School Board several years. He was the first to 
introduce the electric light into Lachute, and has always been desirous of promoting 
public improvements; he has charge of the telegraph office here. 
G. E. BAMPTON, Q.C., for several years has been one of the prominent members 
cf the Bar in this County. He was born in Plymouth, Eng., and is a son of the late 
Augustus Hampton, Civil Engineer, M. T.C.E., Chief Surveyor of the Corporations of 
the towns of Plymouth and Davenport, England. 
G. E. Bampton was educated at Christ's Hospital, London, and afterward served 
five }'ears on the Pacific, and at other stations, as an officer in the Royal Navy. He 
took a Law course at l\1cGiII, graduating with first-class honors, and was calJcd to the 
Ear in 18 79; he studied with D, Macmaster, Q.C., Bernard Devlin, and others. He 
began practice in Lachute in 1879, and was married 13th August, 188 4, to Ann Louise 
Pollock, third daughter of the late Thomas Pollock, Postmaster at Hill Head. 1\1rs. 
Hampton died 29 th Kovember, 1891, at the age of 27, leaving three children. 

Ir. Bampton was appointed Revising Officer for the County in 188 5, by the 
Dominion Government, and Provir,cial Revenue Attorney, by the Quebec Govern- 
ment, in 18 9 2 . He has always taken a prominent part in politics, being one of the 
effective advocates during election campaigns of the interests of the Conservative 
party, and has been retained in most of the law cases in the county which were 
of public interest. 
TOSEPH EVARISTE VALOIS was born in Vaudreuil, Que. He spent three 
in th
 College of L'Assomption of that place, then went to the College of Montreal, 
and passed his examination for the Notarial Profession in 1878. He was admitted as 
a Kotary in May, 1882, and began practice in St. Scholastique the same year. He 
remained in that village until March, 1890, when he came to Lachute. 'Vhile in St. 
:-\cholastique, he was married in September, 1885, to Corinne, daughter of Joseph 
Langlois, of that place. .NIr. Valois organized a Band in May, 1895; it is composed 
of sixteen members, and he is instructor. 

23 2 


A. BERTHELOT is also a Notary who has practised his profession many years in 
The following history and statistics of schools in this section, during the first 
decade of this century, was recently found among the old pap;::rs ûf J. S. Hutchins 
by his daughter, Mrs. Cushing, of :Montreal, through whose courtesy they are now pub- 
lished :- 

\.TION l

In 179 8 , this Parish contained but five families, numbering about thirty souls; 
in 1800, fifteen families, numbering about seventy-five souls. In this year, one 
school was put in operation, and taught by a female in a private house near the Chute 
:\1ills-numbering about fifteen scholars-for the term of six months. In 1801, a log 
school-house was built, half a mile above the Chute 
Iills, and taught by a young 
man six months, thirty scholars attending daily. [n 1802, the settlement increased 
to more than thirty families, and several small schools were started, located from two 
to three miles from each other, and generally taught by females. This mode of 
education was continued up to the year 1810, when, at the request of the inhabitants, 
a school was established by order of the Governor General, under the Royal Insti- 
tution, a mile and a half above the Chute Mills-a good, substantial, school building 
having been previously erected. John D, Ely was duly commissioned by the Governor 
General to teach in the same, with a salary of sixty pounds per annum. .Mr, Ely, 
being a first-rate elementary teacher, soon raised 111S schooi to a respectable standing, 
and the average number of scholars in daily attendance amounted to sixty. Mr. Ely 
taught this school for four years very successfully, many children being sent to his 
school from the neighboring parishes to receive instruction in the higher branches 
of education. The inhabitants made his salarr nearly equal to one hundred pounds 
per annum; but, unfortunately for him and the parishioners, too, he was obliged to 
relinquish his trust, and Mr. Aaron \V ooù was subsequently commissioned to teach 
the school. The latter continued it for two years, and then resigned his position, in 
consequence of the Bo lrd's reducing their teachers' salaries to twenty pounds per 
annum. They, likewise, multipliLd their schools; and another was established, aLou 
four miles distant, under the name of the Upper Lachute School. Shortly after this 
change by the Board of the Royal Institution, the Government bounty was distributed 
to all the schools in the Province; and its allowance was equal to that of the schools 
under the Royal Institution. 
fr. Carpenter succeeded 1fr. \Vood as teacher, and 
taught for three years successfully. I would here note that, after the salaries of the 
teachers were cut down to twen ty pounds, the trustees were obliged to raise the fee 
of tuition from IS. 3d. to 3S. 9d. per scholar, each month, in order to provide competent 
eachers, The school of which I have been particularly speaking has been continued 



up to the present day by various teachers, generally competent; but it cannot be 
said that it is in as flourishing a condition as when it was under the Royal Institution, 
neither is it so numerously attended. 
The children under the age of fourteen and over seven, belonging to this district 
number sixty-one, but they do not all attend school. There are, at the present time, 
eight school districts in this p.uish, numbering altogether about three hundred and 
fifty children. In the year 18 r 0, the number of children over four and under twenty 
one was two hundred and eleven, male and female. 
The following is a list of the inhabitants) and the number of children between the 
ages of 4 and 2 r, in Lachute, in IS [0, copied from a document founä among the 
papers of J. S. Hutchins: 
1\ umber of children, 2 ( I. 
John Kelly, Abiathar "'aldron, Francis Dureau, Silas Boldry, Samuel Orton, 
Joel Bixby, Osias HosiJton, Benj. Burch, Benj. I. Burch, Asa Kimball, \Vm. Powers, 
\Vm. Evans, Jonathan Burch, Jonathan Hart, Isaac Thompson, John Dunlap, \Vm, 
Powers, jun., 'Yard Stone, Augustus Stone, Benj. Cutter, David Hubbard,-- 
Sampson, Amaziah Church, - Knot, J 01111 S. Hutchins) Nathaniel Davis, Phineas 
Hutchins, Samuel Sanders, Jonathan Burch, jun., Hezekiah Clark, \Vm. Perkin5, 
John Sparrow, D. Hitchcock, James Draper, Richard Dilly, Daniel Pool, Timothy 
Pool, John Blanchard, Philander Stephens, Ebenezer Stephens, Cyrus Calkins, James 
Thompson, \Vm. Thompson, Abiram Boldry, John Jacobs, Nathan Jacobs, Alex. 
Reed, \Vm, McNall, Samuel Thompson, Curtis Stone, E. Blackman, Osias Black- 
man, Charles Ellis, David Bell, James Hubbard, Aaron Stone, Aaron Hamblin, Uriah 
McNall, Elijah \Voodworth, Joseph Herrimon, Rufus Herriman, Benj. Allen. \Vm. 
:\IcGloughlin, David Taslin, Timothy Richardson, Moses Snider, J aIm Snider, 
Samuel Blackman, Isaiah P. Barber, Robert Partlow, Isaiah Hyatt, B. Cramton, Asa 
Sanders, Israel Brooks, Charles Perkins, 
-\sa Starnes, Gideon Blackman, David 
Brooks, Jonathan Brooks, Daniel Starnes, Nathan Brooks. 


Lachute Academy had its origin in the free classes conducted in his own house, 
by the late Rev, Thomas Henry, who felt the necessity of providing higher education 
for the young people of the community, These classes were popular, and the attend- 
ance increased, so that it was soon necessary to remove the school to the basement 
of the Presbyterian Church, of which the Rev, :Mr. Henry was pastor. At a public 
meeting, 23rd February, 1855, the people manifestej their appreciation of such 
instruction, by establishing a superior school governed by five directors. These 
directors organized a school, outlmed a course of study, and appointed a staff of 
teachers, and thus the pastor's pi ivate classes became the well-known public instilu- 
tion, .1 Lachute Academy." 




The Academy classes were continued in the basement of the church until 
proper buildings could be erected. Rev. Mr. Henry was appointed first Principal 
of the Academy, with the fo]]owing assistants: Dr. Thomas Christie and Mr, John 
1\1. GiLson. John Meikle, Esq., was President of the Roard of Directors, and Mr, 
John M. Gibson was Secretary. 
After a year and a half of faithful work, the Rev. Mr. Henry, John Meikle, Esq., 
and Dr. Thomas Christie were successful in obtaining from gO\Ternment, through 
the kind services and loyal support of Sydney Bellingham, then member of 
Parliament for the County of Argenteuil, an Act of incorporation and a government 
grant of .1:75. 
This Act of incorporation was obtained on the first day of July, 1856, when the 
following gentlemen were incorporated a "body poJitic and corporate in deed and 
in name," to be known as "Lachute College," viz.: "John Meikle, Thomas 
Christie, Rev. Thomas Henry, Re\'. \Valler Scott, Rev. James Bishop, Thomas 
Lockie, Thomas PoBock, John McAllister and Thomas Morrison, all of the village 
of Lachute, County of ArgenteuiJ." Thus was Lachute Academy established, on 
23 rd February, 1855, and incorporated by Act of Parliament, passed at Toronto, 1st 
July, 1856, during the second session of the fifth Parliament of Canada, and assented 
to by Sir Edmund 'Walker Head, Governor General. 
The Academy was established in the municipality of St. Jerusalem, which con- 
tained, in 1856, 471 heads of families and 740 children from 5 to 16 years of age. 
The attendance at the Academy in 1855-6 was 210, of which number 94 pupils were 
under 16 years, and 116 pupils were over 16 years of age, These figures prove 
clearly the need of a superior school, and the wisdom of those who labored so earn- 
estly for its establishment. 
The course of study outlined by the directors comprised Latin, Greek, Natu- 
ral History, Chemistry, Natural Philosoph)", Mathematics, English Grammar and 
Composition, Geography, Elementary Astronomy, Drawing, Design and French. In 
1856, the directors purchased a fine set of chemical apparatus valued at ,f,40, and 
later, in 1859, they added a complete set of maps and an orrery to their appliances 
for teaching geography. The public library of the "Mechanics Institute " afforded 
the students many opportunities of reading, and served as an exceBent reference 
library. In the long period of partial leisure from autumn to spring, how pleasant 
and profitable it must have been for the young people to attend such classes, and 
receivc instruction from such disinterested and loyal teachers, most of whom were 
men of zeal for the cause of education, and labored free of charge to the institution i 
the total cost of teaching, in 1856, being only æl20, Rev. 1\1r, Henry continued to 
be connected with the Academy, for several years after its establishment, as teacher 
and adviser, while Dr. Christie labored faithfuBy al1d gratuitously, for many years, 
as demonstrator in chemistry, and the late John Meikle, Esq., continued President 
of the Board of Directors, and befriended the school in various ways. 
On 20th April, 1858, the directors resolved to erect an academy building in a 



central place, and selected the site on which the old academy now stands, in the east 
ward of Lachute town, midway betwcen two of the parish schools, Xos. I and YUI 
These two elementary schools were united by the school commissioners, who buil
the lower storey of the new building, while the directors built the upper part, thus 
bringing the pupils of the two elementary schools, and the classes of the Academy, 
into the same building. 
The new buildings were occupied in 1859, and the Rev. John Mackie was placed 
in charge at a salary of $350 (to be paid in silver at par) and all the fees arising 
from his classes. The staff of teachers in 1858-9, which was the first year in the 
new building, was Rev. John Mackie, principal; Dr. Christie, lecturer; 
[r. James 
Emslie and 1\[r. Adam Orr, teachers. After two years Rev. Mr. Mackie resigned and 
became pastor of the First Presbyterian Church. He was succeeded in 1860 by 
Mr. John Reade, who held the position for three years until 1863. In 1862 the 
Government grant was reduced by one.half, and a still further reduction left the 
institution in debt, and unable to continue its educational W0fk. Under these circum_ 
stances, the directors concluded to amalgamate the academy classes with the public 
schools and make over the Govern ment grant, now Æ44, to the school commissioners, 
on condition that they should engage a head master who was competent to teach the 
classics. This arrangement was made in 1864, and has continued to the present 
Ir, Alex. Stewart was principal 
fter 1\[r. Reade from 1863-...., when he \Vas 
succeeded by 1\[r. George Thomson of Queen's College, Kingston, in 1864. 1\[r, 
Thomson held the position until February, 1867, when he was appointed SchoOl 
Inspector, and Mr. G. H. Drewe became principal until February, 1868, when 1\[r, 
Alex. Stewart was again engaged as principal until 1870. In 1870 1\1r. C. S. Holiday 
succeeded .!\Ir. Stewart, and remained principal untii 1874, when he resigned and was 
followed by 2\lr. 
[urdock Munroe for one year, 18j4-5. Mr, Holiday returned in 
18j 5, and held the position for nine year s, until 1884, in which year he accepted the 
position of principal in Huntingdon Academy, and Mr. H, 
[. Cockfield became 
princilJal of Lachute Academy, which position he filled until 1886, when h
to accept service under the Montreal School Board, and \Vas succeeded by .Mr. J, ,V, 
McOuat, until 1892. In 1892 
lr. McOuat was appointed School Inspector, and 
N. T. Truell, who now (1895) holds the position. was made Principal. Amongst the 
numerous assistant teachers are :\[r. James Emslie and 1\1r, Thomas Haney, two of 
the oldest and best known teachers of the County, 
In 1875 a proposal was made by the directors to the school commissioners, to 
erect a "wing " to the east side of the original building. This suggestion, however, 
was only carried into effect in 1879, when the increased attendance in the elementary 
departments made an enlargement necessary. At the same time an elementary 
school was established in the " 'Vest End II of thc village, thus restoring the former 
school, No. VIII. The upper portion of the c, wing" was used for various purposes 
until a much later date, 1888, when it also became a classroom of the Academy. 
This relationship existed between the two boards (the College Director:; LlI1d the 

23 6 


Parish Commissioners) until the incorporation of Lachute Town in 1885, when the 
parish board withdrew, and re-established their former school, N(I. I, now called 
I' East End SchooL" The directors, however, established the same relationship with 
the school board of the Town, and the whole institution became one school and 
adopted the course of study for academies, In 1891-2 the school commissioners 
unanimously determined to build a new school building worthy of the large attend- 
ance, which was rendering the old buildings far too small. This school board was 
comp03ed ofthe following gentlemen :- Joseph Palliser, chairman; Hugh Fraser, jun., 
Thomas McOnat, Peter Cruise and Rev. \Vm. Sanders, while "'illiam Henry was 
secretary-treasurer, and J, 'v. ì\lcOuat was principal of the school. Four acres of 
land were purchased for a playground, and one of the finest school buildings in the 
province was e
ected thereon, at a cost of $12,000. In this new building, situated in 
the centre of the town, large numbers of students continue to attend from all parts 
of the county and surrounding districis. 
Amongst the benefactors of the school are Sidney Bellingham, the late John 

Ieikle, and, in recent years, J, C. \Vilson, Esq., not to mention the numerous friends 
and students who have contributed to the library, nor the zealous principals who 
devoted many extra hours to prepare students to enter courses of s!udy not in line 
with the Academy work. As a result of the .\cademy's influence, men are to be 
found in every profession who must attribute their start in life and much of their 
later success to the instruction which they received in its classes, while the whole 
county must confess that the school has been a public benefactor and a blessing to 
the community in which it stands. 

WTON T. TRUELL, the subject of this sketch, is the youngest son of Valorous 
Truell, Esq., a prosperous farmer in the Eastern Townships. He was born at "Tays 
.Mills, Stanstead County, 
Iay 8th, 1866, and received his preliminary (ducation at 
Stanstead 'Vesleyan College. At the age of fifteen he wellt to the Collège de St. 
Jij'acÙltlle to complete a course in French, after which he pur sued a classical course 
in St, Francis College, graduating from that institution at the age of nineteen, and 
obtaining, the same year, an Academy diploma for both Engli sh and French schools, 
1\lr. Truell has since devoted himself to the profession of teaching, and has attained 
a high position among the educators of the Province. He was for several years Prin- 
cipal of the St. John's High School, but resigned that position in IS92, to accept the 
l'rincipalship of Lachute Academy, which position he now holds. He is President 
of the Argenteuil Teachers' Association, Vice-President of the Provincial Teachers' 
Association, and a member of the Protestant Committee of the Council of Public 

Ir. Truell is a strong believer in the theory, that the physical nature and the 
mental nature of the child should be developed simultaneously, and he was the first 
head master to introduce an organized system of Calisthenic exercises into any of the 
academies of our Province. On 27th Dec., 1892, he was married to Miss Julia 

laude Fulvoye of St. Johm, Que., second daughter of Mr. I. B. Futvoye, Super- 
intendent of the Central Vermont Railway. 




A sketclz found amo '.r: the þllfers of the late J. S. lIlt/dills. 

In the year 1799, when there were but few families in the place, Dudley Stone, 
an official member from the Congregational SociEty, invited the people to attend 
divine service on the Sabbath. The service consisted of singing, prayers, and reading 
a sermon, and he was generally assisted by others; the place of worship was in a log 
barn, directly opposite the present meeting chapel, on the north side of the river. 
These services were regularly ob3erved for about one year. when an itinerant Metho- 
dist preacher, by the name of Picket, from the Troy Conference, N.Y., found his way 
through the woods to the settlem
nt, and commenced to preach the Gospel to the 
people, formin 6 a circuit emb.acing L'Orignal, E. and \V. Hawkesbury, Chatham 
and ArgenteuiI. A') there were no roads at this time for riding on horseback, nor 
boats for crossing horses over the rivers, he wàlked from place to place, carrying his 
portmanteau on his shoulders. He p reached alternately every fortnight at Lachute 
and L'Orignal, and through the week at the other places above named, as these were 
but thinly inhabited. Thus he continued his labor for six or seven months, when 
the Rev. Elder Jewel came to look after him and his flock, which amounted to a 
considerable number, there being no other minister to dispense the Bread of Life. 
Those who had previously tasted that Bread were not so particular as to whom they 
received it from, as are many at the present day. Elder Jewel was the first who 
tered the sacrament of the Lord's Supper in this place, in October, 1801. 
1\1r. Picket was succeeded by the Rev. l\Ir. Sawyer, who traveled the Circuit for 
two years, when he was succeeded by the Rev. 1\1r. l\Iaòden, and other ministers from 
the same Conference up to the year 1812, when the war ùetween E 1 1g1and and the 
United States broke out, and the ministers, being American subjects: were all obliged 
to leave the Province, leaving the sheep without a shepherd, to do as best they could. 
A Sunday School was foanded in this district, in the year 18IS, by the Rev, 
Thaddeus Osgood, missionary from the Congregational Missionary Society, of Boston. 
It numbered about thirty scholars, a"nd was superintended and taught by the writer 
for seven years, subsequently by other3 ; and it ha
en continued through the sum. 
mer months up to the present time. 
From the time of the first preaching of the Gospel here, up to 1812, the Metho- 
dists had control in religious matters in the above menti01
ed places, there being no 
other denomination, During the war, which lasted more than two years, divine 
service was kept up by a wo rthy local preacher, 
Ir. Kellog, assisted by the official 
members of the Methodist Society, and the Rev. Mr. Bradford, Church of England 
minister, who was situJ.ted in the front of Chatham. He visited this place on several 
occasions, to administer the sacrament to the people, Though the place of meeting 
was in a barn, the reverend gentleman, after the close of one of the services, declared it 
to be one of the happiest seasons of his life. After the close of the war, the preachers 

23 8 


returned to their several circuits to look after their flocks; and now commenced 
great difficulty and damage to the cause of Christianity; however, we are now writ- 
ing for the benefit of generations yet unb::>rn. The5e difficulties need not be detailed, 
Suffice it to say, that they have all been overcome, and that the cause of religion is 
slowly advancing." 




A few families came out from the west of Scotland about the year 1819. One 
young man from Stirlingshire, John l\IcOuat, gave an impetus to the cause of Christ 
In this neighborhood. On arriving at 
Iontreal, he remained some time working 
about the city, but his ambition was to have land, as he had been brought up a 
farmer, and desiring to follow that occupation, he went to St. Eustache, and worked 
there for a short time with a farmer. Hearing that a Presbyterian minister preached 
in St. Andrews, he came to Lachute, and bought a farm on the banks of the North 
river, and sent home to Scotland for his friends. _\1
ny of them came out to this 
country, and settled in and around Lachute; but a great want was felt, as the Sabbath 
came round. They had no church, and their desire for religious in::;truction was so 
great, that many of them went down to St. Andrews-a distance of six miles-on 
the Sabbath to hear Mr. Archibald Henderson, who was the only Presoyterian 
minister at that time in the county. So many of the people waited on his ministry, 
that he was induced to corne up to Lachute, once a month, and preach in the school- 
house, as there was no other place of meeting. 
The people of the neighborhood were drawn together to hear the Gospel 
preached by l\Ir. Henderson, and as the congregation increased, they experienced a 
desire to have a minister settled over them j but that was not ea')ily accomplished at 
that time. In the year 1831, they invited the Rev. William Brunton of St. Therese to 
become their minister; a.nd promised him an annual stipend of $264. He accepted 
the call, and became their pa.stor. The people rallied around him in great numbers, 
so tllat they were encouraged to build a church, and a subscriptio.1 paper was circu- 
lated among them. 
'J here was very little mon ey in circulation among the farmers, and the pe.ople, 
generally, were very poor, many of them having left the Old Country with little 
means. In Scotland, there was great depression among the farmers, after the battle 
of \Vaterloo; they were not able to pay the high rents the landed proprietors were 
accustomed to receive during the Peninsular war, and many of them were forced to 
leave their farms and seek homes in Canada. They had their trials in this new land; 



but by perseverance and industry they overcame them. They reared their homes, 
cleared and cultivated their fields, and were soon in comparative comfort. There was 
one great want-they had no church nor minister, while at home they had churches 
and godly ministers, who labored faithfully among them. They aimed to have the 
same advantages here, but there were many difficulties in the way; they had little 
money; some gave work, and a few gave money, one or two subscribing very 
liberally. Mr. John McOuat headed the subscription list with a hundred dollars- 
a great sum in those days. They were encouraged to proceed in erecting the church, 
and it was commenced without a plan, in the year r833; it was built by \Villiam 
and Andrew !\lcOuat. After the walls were up, they had great difficulty in getting 
the sashes for the windows Ilnde and glazed. :\lr. McOuat came to the rescue. He 
bought the glass and putty, and kept the joiner till he fmished the windows and put 
them in; then the church wac; fit to meet in. Great was th
 joy when the songs of 
praise to God were heard within its walls and the glad tidings of salvation were 
proclaimed. The building was a striking copy of an original Secession Church. It lays 
no claim to artistic b
auty, yet it is a sub3tantial structure, characteristic of the men 
who built it and of the times in which it was built. 
For a number of years the congregJ.tion prospered. 
Ir. Brunton labored 
faithfully and successfully among the peùple, but in a felv years the Lard took him 
up to the higher sanctuary. He died in the 1839. The tombstone erected 
to his memory by his congregation bears the following inscrIption, written by Dr. 
\Villiam Taylor, of i\lontreal:- 
" Sacred to the memory of the Rev. William Brunton, 

linister ofthe United Associate Congregation ofL1.chute, 
who departed this life 12th August, 1839, in the 73 rd 
year of his age and the 45th of his ministry. 
" As a minister it was his chief desire to be found faithful, 
and so to preach the Gospel to save both himself and 
those that heard him, 
" As a Christian, he exemplified, in his daily conduct, 
the virtues which he taught in public, being distinguished 
for the humility of his disposition an ,J the patience which 
he displayed in many trials. 

He being dead, yet speaketh, 
" The Congregation of Lachute have erected this stone 
in testimony of their veneration for his memory. He 
was born in the parish of N ewbattle, County of Edinburgh, 
Scotland, 4th 
lay, 1767. He was ordained to the office 
of the 
Iinistry in 1795. He arrived in this country in 
J 820 and after preaching the Gospel in various othel 
s, undertook the pastoral care of this Congregatio.n 
in 18 3 1 , where he spent the last seven of hi';; 
valuable life." 

24 0 


Af(er Mr. Brunton's death, a dark cloud settled upon tl:e congregation; most of 
the people belonged originally to the Church of Scotland, and they wanted a minister 
of that communion. The few Seceders were strong for remaining in connection with 
the Secession or United Associate Synod. 
A.n inducement was held out by the Presbytery of Montreal, in connection with 
the Church of Scotland, that, if they would join the btler, they (the Presbytery) 
would give fifly pounds a year towards the minister's salary. A meeting of the 
people was called to decide the matter; the Church of Scotland party, being in the 
majority, thought that they should retain the building; and wished the question to 
be decided by vote. :Mr. McOuat, befor
 putting the question to the meeting, re- 
minded them that there was an arrearage of salary, which must be paid before deciding 
the matter. Though the church was crowded before the motion was made, before 
the vote was taken there were very few remaining, principaHy Seceders, and it was 
decided that they should have the church. The party wishing to join the Church of 
Scotland thought it was very hard to lose the church they had helped to build. In 
a most generous manner, John and James McOuat gave the Old Kirk party a vote, 
promising to pay them the sum of fùrty poul1ds- the amount they con tributed towards 
building the church-to be given when they built one in connection with the Church 
of Scotland. 'Vhen they commenced to build the Free Church, they applied for the 
forty pounds, Mr.l\1cOuat said: " N a, na; I promised to give it, when you built a church 
in connection with the Scottish Church." Thus they forfeited not only the forty pounds 
from the Seceders, but also the fifty pounds promised by the Presbytery of Montreal. 
These things caused hard feelings between the two parties. 
The congregation of the First Church was for some time without a minister; 
there was no Presbytery in the Lower Province, hence they were without a preacher. 
Dr. Taylor, of Montreal, the only minister in connection with the United Secession 
Church of Scodand at this time, was about to pay a visit to the Old Country. 
fhey requested him to present their case to the Synod at hon 1 e ; but he was not suc- 
cessful in securing a minister. After waiting for some time, two were sent out: Mr. 
Louden, who was settled at Kew Glasgow; and l\[r. Andrew Kennedy, who was 
placed at Lachute. At this time the congregation was very smaB, and could not give 
him a salary sufficieut to keep him and his family, so the church at home gave con- 
siderable help, which enabled him to remain som 
 time with them; but at length he 
resigned his charge. Thus, again, they were without a settled minister, though oc- 
casionally one was sent to them. At length they gave a call to the Rev. 'Valter Scott 
to become their pastor, which he accepted. He remained a few years, and resigned 
his charge. This was very much against the prosperity of the congregation; a few 
families left the church, as they thought they would never get another minister. The 
small remnant was \'ery much discouraged, but still were sturdy Seceders. True to 
their principles, they stuck firm and fast together, and could not be bribed to leav
their denomination, By this time, a few ministers had come out to Canada; a Pres- 
bytery was formed, and preachers were sent to the vacancies. After hearing a few, 




they gave a call to 1\1r. John 
Iackie, a licentiate of the United PresLyterian Church 
of Scotland, He came to Lachute in the m.:>nth of I, ovember, 18 5 8 , and preached 
to them that wimer. 'Vhen navigation opened, the Presbytery of Montreal-com- 
prising three ministers-came to L1.chute on the 18th day of 
Iay. They met in 
the Church, after hearing Mr. Mackie's trials for ordination, with which they were 
highly pleased, The calI that was presented to him was signed by fifteen members 
and twenty-five adherents. The stipend promised by the congregation W3S forty 
pounds-$I60. The Presbytery hesitated to place 
Iackie on so sm:1l1 a salary, 
He would take nothing from the missionary fund, so he commenced his ministry with 
little pecuniary recompense, and a very small congregation. The people were kind 
to him, and he labored among his litlle flock with some degree of success, preach- 
ing every Sabbath morning in the church at Lachute, and in the afternoon, altern- 
ately at the East Settlement-a distance of six miles-and at Brownsburg-a distance 
of five miles. By faithful preaching, and steady perseverance in visiting the families, 
his flock increased from twenty-five members to two hundred and ten, and the 
salary of $160 rose to $750. Thus, the material success was considerable. The 
regular attendance of the people, and their marked attention to the IIlstructio;1s given, 
showed that they appreciated the ministrations of their pastor. !n this short and 
imperfect sketch, reference has been made chiefly to the material progress of the 
congregation. But who can estimate the spiritual results, or the value and import- 
ance to the peopl
, of the faithful preaching of the Gospel, and witnessing for Christ 
for over sixty years, by the servants of the Lord? 

The REV. JOHN MACKIE, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church at Lachute, was 
born in Hamilton, Scotland, in 18z2, educated at G.asgow University, and received 
his theological training in the United Presbyterian Hall, Edinburgh. He was licensed 
to preach the Gospel by the Presbytery of Hamilton in 1854; a fen. years sub- 
sequently he came to Canada, and was ordained at Lachute in 1859. In 1864, he 
was married to Agnes, daughter of the late Capt. Robert Dunlop, of Greenock, Scot- 
land, who is a faithful helpmeet and a lady highly esteemed in the community, Mr. 

Iackie, during his long pastorate, has become much endeared to the people of 
Lachute; he is a good reasoner, and this advantage is enhanced by his pleasing 
delivery from the pulpit. He is a typical Scotchm::ll1, and, while posses5ing a fund of 
humor, he is quick to feel for the afflicted, and is always a welcom 
 and sympathetic 
visitor at the bedside of the sick. Mr. and Mrs. :Mackie have had nine children- 
three sons and six daughters-the eldest daughter died in infancy; the third son, in 
1888. The eldest son, John l\IcOuat Mackie, is manager of the Gould Manuf..tcturin!; 
Company, Boston, Mass.; the second son, Robert, is an engineer in Kc\V Jer
The second daughter, Mary, was married in 1887 to William Scott, Esq., of the 
lilling Co., Ottawa The four youngest daughters are still pursuing their 

24 2 



The beginning of this church has already been given in the preceding sketch of 
Mr. Mackie, and we have no data from which to compile an elaborate history. 
The Rev. Thomas Henry was inducted in 18....3, and continued to minister to the 
spiritual wants of his people till the year 1862, when he was succeeded by the Rev. 
10hn Eadie, who was pastor for seven years. After his removal to another field of 
iabor, the Rev. \ViIliam Furlong was called to the pastorate, and labored for nearly 
twenty year
. He resigned in the year 1892, and was succeeded by the present 
pastor, RE\'. N. \VADDELI., B.D. 
Mr. 'Vaddell, whose ability and geniality have rendered him popular with his 
parishioners, was born in the township of Osgoode, Carleton County, Ontario, in I8Sï, 
and educated at the Ottawa Collegiate Institute, McGill University, and tÌ1e Presby- 
terian College, ì\Iontreal, graduating in 1887. He was ordained by the Presbytery 
[ontreal, 23rd 
[ay, 1887, and inducted to the charge of Rus5eltown and COyer 
Hill, Que. After a pastorate of nearly six years, he was transferred to Lachute, 
and inducted to his present charge, 9th February, 1893, He was married to 

Iary Jane Fras
r of 
Iorewood, Ont.. in 18SS. 
The REV. THOMAS HENRY descended from the Kenmore Cordons of Lochim"ar, 
was born in the parish of Anwoth, Scotland, in 1798, and was educated at the Edin- 
burgh University; he was married [2th August, 1840, to Helen Dawson of Alloa, 
Clackmannanshire, Scotland. He taught in the family of Hannay, of Rusco, in the 
Parish of Amvoth, and was tutor for several years in the family of John Stein, Esq., 
of Kilbage, Clackmannanshire, one of his pupils being James Duff, nephew of Mr, 
Stein and son of the Hon. Sir Alexander Duff, G.C.H., Colonel of the 37th Regiment 
of Foot. The same James Duff was the father of the present Duke of Fife, son-in-law 
of the Prince of 'Vales. In 1840, the Colonial Committee of the Church of Scotland 
[r. Henry to Montreal, where he resided for a few months in charge of a city 
mission, when he was called to the Church of Scotland congregation at Lachute. .-\.t 
the Disruption in 1844, he severed his connection with that Church, clsting in his lot 
with the Free Church. His congregation, with the exception of one or two families, 
went with him, and, later, everyone of these families joined the Free Church, 
Henry's Church was then formed as the Free Church, of which .Mr. Henry was 
pastor for twenty-four years. He always took a deep interest in education, and was 
the first Principal of Lachute .-\.cademy, commencing that institution in his own 
study, toe room at present occupied by his son, \Villiam Henry, as an office. It was 
stlbsequently removed to the basement of Henry's Church, until suitable buildings 
were erected for it, 
Ir. Henry died in Lachute, 15th July, 1868; 
lrs. Henry, 
also, died in Lachute, 18th June, 1884. They had six children: Robert Hugh died 
in infancy; Grace Jane married '1 homas Barron, Registrar, of Lachute; Thomas 
Hugh died 1889; Helen, a teacher, died 1887; 'Villiam, Secretary-Treasurer of La- 
chute School Commissioners; Katherine Stein, teacher, of Lachute. 




A brief sketch of the Mi5sion of L Lchute, in the County of Argenteuil, mar not 
prove uninteresting to many of our readers. The town itself is beautifully situated, 
lying in a valley of the Laurentian Hills, forty-five miles distant from ::\Iontreal, and 
seventy-six from Ottawa, via the Canadian Pacific Railroad. The population is esti- 
mated to be about 1,7 00 . The first church services were held about the year 181 5 
by a traveIling missionary, who occasionally officiated in a barn or school-house, as 
opportunity presented itself. In the ye3.r 1868, the Rev. ::\Ir, Codd was appointt:d a 
missionary, with headquarters at Lachute, and a number of townships, amung others 
that of Arundel, then in the initial stage of its settlement, under his charge. Let us 
bear in mind this f:lct, that this mission is still in its infancy, so to speak, as com. 
pared with many other parishes in the Diocese of ::\Iont real. Real church life onl
began here, we may say, in the year 1878, when the Rev, H. J. EVclns \vas appointed 
the first regularly constituted Incumbent of the 
Iission. Regular services \\ ere held 
by him at L:lchute, Lake Louisa, 
e\V Ireland, Glen of Harrington, Arundel, Rock- 
away and Ponsonby, He was a man who was highly. esteemed and loved by all 
classes of people, To his untiring zeal and energy, Lach ute may well feel proud and 
happy in possessing such a nice, neat, comfortable church in which to worship" the 
Lord our ::\Iaker." Deep regret was felt at Mr. Evans' departure !rom this ::\Iissior. 
His SUccessor was the Rev. R. W. Brown, M.A., who held the parish for a short 
period, viz., January, 1884, to April, 1885. On the twenty-third day of August of the 
same year, the Rev. 'V. Sanders, B.A. (at the present time, Rural Dean), \\as ap- 
pointed by the Lord Bishop of Montreal, Incumbent. Rev. ,v. S.1nders worked 
hard and zealously for the cause of his ::\Iaster here, and largely through his efforts 
and generous assistance can Lachute offer to-day a very comfortable home to its 
clergyman. During his tenure of office, i.e., in the year 1886, a wise arrangem
was effected-to wit-the fornution of Arundel and parts adjacent into a s
mission, the Rev, 'V. HHris being made the first Incumbent th
reof. This made 
the work somewhat lighter, though arduous enough, and permitted ::\Ir. Sanders to 
concentrate his efforts more upon his work at Lachute, Lake Louis.l. and Edin
 forming, at that date, the pal ish of Lachllte. Owing to poor health the 
Incumbent felt obliged to place his resignation in the Bishop's hand-=. in order to obtain 
the rest which was needful. This was in the spring of 1892. At the same time, the 
Rev, Alex, Boyd Given (the present Incumbent) was appointed to succe
d him, 
The church work go
s on slowiy, but stecldily, we believe, in the name of Him who 
hath said, " My word sh l.ll not return unto 
 void, but shall accompli:>h that which 
I please." Lachl1te itself is not a Church of England town, it is essentially a 
Presbyterian settlement. The church is not strong-it is to be feared, for some tune 
at least, we shall have to depend much upon outside help for assistance to maint.lÌn 
her ministrations. Would that it were otherwise, indeed. fWd services are held 



regularly e,-ery Sunday, with an average attendance of 44. An occasional week-day 
sen-ice is a) so held. Our people do well, on the whole, to maintain the church, 
taking into consideration their numbers and their own plOperty. By the bye, the 
church, which was always considered to be a " U !lion Church II at Edina, was burnt 
down in the rear 1890, and so the services were consequently discontil
ued there. Louisa, in the township of \Ventworth, I 2 
 miles distant from Lachute, is the 
only rC311r out-mission station belonging to Lachute, Here. service is held every 

l1nday afternoon at 3 p.m. \Ve are 
lad indeed to have a church there of our own. 
Largdy, owing to the m:my kind friends in and elsewhere, this has 
become an accomplished fact-built and paid for at a cost of $r :000. A piece ofland 
has also been procured as "God's Acre," wherein the dead may rest until the resur- 
rection morn, when the trumpet of God shall sound-I' Atise ye dead and come to 
J lIdgment." 
Iany thipgs are still needed for this mission -such as a "church bell," 
" font," surplices, etc, \Ye have, indeed. great cause to be thankful for the past. 
:Many have helped us most willingly and ch eerflllly, and for this" we do, indeed, 
thank God for the past, and we do, indeed, take courage for the future." 


Cùpied from Church records. 
LACHUTE, 8th June, 1586. 
For over a year, the Board of the Convention East have been am.ious to have a 
Baptist Church organized in the thriving to\\'n of Lachute. At the earnest request of 
the Board, Rev. ]. Higgins consented to spend two weeks here, in gathering the 
few Baptists together, and preparing the way for the student who has been appointed 
to labor here during vacation. Pastor Higgins came here about the 1st of May, 
and was nearly a month in the field. The L'JrJ was with him, and gave him an 
,. open door." Special services were held in Olivet Hall, twenty-two sermons were 
preached, prayer meetings were held from house to house, and the congregation 
increased from So to 100, as the few Baptists were quickened and refreshed by the 
Holy Spirit. }ive believers applied for baptism, and were baptised by Pastor 
Higgins in the North River, on the last Sabbath of May. Several l,ersons are 
enquiring and searching the Scriptures to find their path of duty, Bro. Alex. Dewar 
has now entered upon his labors, and may the Lord bless him abundantly. 


LA CHUTE, June 4, 1886. 
At a special m
eting held in th
 home of Bro. D. McPhail, for the purpose of 
taking into consideration the advisability of uniting ourselves in a regular Baptist 
Clmrch, it was agreed by the brethren present to h3ld Recognition services in Olivet 
Hall, on Tu.:sday, 8th June. 




The following persons responded to the call to a Recognition meeting :-Dales- 
ville Church, Pastor J,, Deacon P. .!\IcArthur and Bro. John 'Campbell; 
Osnabruck, Rev. J. Higgins; F:rst Church, 
Iontreal, Rev. ilr. Welton, Deacon 
Kennedy; Brethren J. S. Buchan and D. K, 
IcLarin; Olivet Church, Montreal, 
Pastor A. G. Upham, Deacon D. Bentley, \V. 0, Stroud, \V. D. Larmonth, The 
new church was represented in the Council by Erethrell D. 
IcPhail, P. Cruise and 
_\.lex. McGibbon, also the student, Bro. .\lex. Dewar. On motion, Rev. _\. G. Upham 
w3: s 
ppointed Moderator, and D. Bcntley, Clerk. Prayer was offered by Pastor 
Hlggms. The twenty.three persons present adopted the New Hampshire articles, as 
a statement of their faith and practice, believing that to be in harmony with the 
teaching of God's \Vord. There are in all twenty-eight b
ptised believcr-; who ha\-e 
united in forming this Church, The request to Council is herè gi\'en, as follows :- 
\Ve, the undersigned, having been led by God's spirit to receive the Lord Jesus 
Christ as our persorJal Saviour, and having been buried with him in baptism on pro- 
fession of faith, hereby pi esent ourselves before God, and one another, desiring to be 
organized and recognized as a regular Baptist Church, and we do hereby adopt, as a 
statement of our faith and practice, the summary of Scriptural doctrine, the X ew 
Hampshire Confession. 
D. McPhail, Alex. l\IcGibbol1, P. Cruise, Mrs. T. Jackson, 
[iss \[argaret 
. P. Cruise, :\lr. and Mrs. Wm. Ruchan, Miss 
r. Cruise, 
[rs. C, 
Barker, Miss K. 
lcGibbon, Mrs. Ja
. McGibbon, :\Iiss E. Campbell, Mrs. 
. Dunne, 
::\1r. R. S. Stackhousc. :\Iiss L. Stackhouse, l\Ir. A. .McArthur, 
Irs. Peter :\[CGibbon, 

. McGibbon, Miss E. 1\lcGib:,on, 
Iiss Maria :\IcGibbon, 
[rs. .\. \lc.\.r l hur, 
R. Dunne and fohn Cruise. 
After hear
ng this request and the statement of the doctrine by the people, it 
was moved by Dr. \Velton, and seconded by Pastor King, that the Council gladly 
recognize the body of believers who have presented themselves to-day, before this 
Council, as a regular Baptist Church, This was carried unanimously. The folluwing 
committee-Pastors King and Higgin
, and Deacon Bentley-\\ele requcstel\ to 
make arrangements for public Recognition serviccs in the evening, at 7.3 0 o'clock, 
Rev. J. King addressed the Church members on their new röpon::.ihility and dutic<; 
to each other. The 
Ioderator, Pa
tor Upham, gave the I ight hand of fellowship to 
Bro. Dewar (stuùent) in the name of the new Chu:ch, welcoming the L3.chute Church 
into the body of Baptist Churches of Canada, .\fter prayer, the COlincil adjourned. 
During the winter of 188 7, a gracious work was accomplished from special ser- 
vices held by the Pastor, and John Currie, Evangelist, of Montreal. \bout thirty 
persons professed conversion. The present membership is 5 r. . 
Mr. Higgins remained as Pastor of this Church till the faJ1 of 1895, commandmg 
the respect of the peoplc by his able exposition of the Scripture and his consistent 
Christian life, and winning their affections by his kindly, genial manner. 
The late Rev. Mr. King, oÍ DalesviJ1e, in his reminiscences, s
ys :-" John 
Higgins was a remarkable boy. In his early years, by the d
ath of.1 11S parents, .he 
was left a helpless orphan, but the Lord, true to Ills promIses! up for hun 
. He lived in Chatham with Andrew Duncan and hIS wIfe, who were 
childless. Afrer he had been some time with Duncan, he camc to Sabbath School, 
and proved himself a bright and diligent pupil. People felt interested in. him, and 
predicted that, if spared, he would make his mark in the world. It W.:lS wlll
e attend- 

24 6 


ing this school, that he b
came impressed with divine things, and! along with others, 
was baptised and added to the Church. He had a strong desIre to do good and 
preach the Gospel, yet, doubt of his own ability a.nd his. want of means to obtain an 
éducation were obstacles in the way j but these dIfficultIes were overcome, when he 
decided to give himself to the Lord's work-God p
ovided him mean.s and raised up 
friends where he did not expect them. After attendmg school some tIme at Lachute, 
he went to "T oodstock, where he studied the usual time under Dr. Fife, with honor 
to the doctor and credit to himself. During the vacation at 'Voodstock, he went to 
preach at Cote S1. George, wher
 there is a small 
, an
 his preaching was 
blessed to the conversion of souls. After completmg Ins studIes at 'Voodstock, he 
accepted a call from the church at Petite Nation. Between that place and North 

ation Mills, his labors have been greatly blessed of God. He has since removed to 
_\ good many years have passed since Mr. King wrote the above sketch of Mr, 
Hiauins, during which the latter has labofl'd in diffc:rent places, with credit to himself 
andthe good of others. He married a daughter of Mr. McGregor, of Dalesville, who 
has been a worthy partner in his toils-a woman esteemed for her kindness, bene- 
volence and earnest Christian character. 
"Then Mr. Higgins resigned his pastorate at Lachute, a call was given to Rev. 
T. R. Cresswell, RA., who had just completed his university course in Toronto, and 

\'as then in Montreal. 
lr, Creswell was born in Derbyshire, England. He took a 
Theological COUI se at Nottingham Baptist College, completing which, in the spring of 
18 9 0 , he came at once to Canada, and entered Mc
laster University, Toronto, from. 
which he graduated in ] 890. During the time that he remained a student of the Uni- 
versity, he preached one summer in Clarence and Rockland, the next summer in St. 
Catharines, On1., and also the following SUII1mer, after graduating, in Montreal. 
He then visited England, and on his return accepted, November, 18 94, the pastorate 
at Lachute, and was ordained the same month. He was married, 3 rd July, 1895, to 
:\liss 1\1. M. Howell, of Montreal. 11r. Cresswell is highly popular in the community; 
his sermons are clear and logical, diction good, and his delivery fluent and effective. 
.-\ very neat and comfortable Baptist Church building was completed on Main 
street in 1887. It is brick, and possesses all the improvements and conveniences 
found in our most modern city churches. 


 otwithstanding considerable effort to obtain data with regard to the above 
organization, we have gathered but the few fnllowing facts. 
It will be seen by what has already been stated by :\lr. J. S. Hutchins, that the 

[ethodists were the first Christian laborers in this field; a long blank in their his- 
tory follows, and it was not till 1852 that they erected a church edifice. As the body 
was neither large nor wealthy, it is not surprising that in building it, they should have 
ted quite a large debt; but all contributed, as far as they were able, toward 
defraymg the expense-none, probably, more generollsly than the late Thos. Jackson. 
hurch building was erected so far from what now constitutes the main part of 
the village, that another was erected in a more central and convenient location, in 
1882. This is the fine brick church on Main street which this denomination still 
. 'Fhe old c.hurch was destroyed by fire with the store of P. H, Lane, Esq., 
near winch It stood, 111 September, 1894. A substantial and commodious parsonage 
has also been erected contiguous to the new church. 



As !:tated in the history of St. Andrews, Lachute became the head of the 
Circuit ill 18 6 5. The following are the names of the first few ministers who 
came after the change was made, with a table which shows the state of the 
Church at that period. 


'Eß .,ê-V 
::I..... u:...;; 

(!) . 
I ê"'" 

õ . 
d C 
t.I ::I 


I ::l.

186 5 I \V nl. Shaw. B. A . . . . .. ... - -, ....... .",...... , , . . 220 
Grenville united with it. I 
1866 Joseph Kilgour, Wm. S. McCullough, B.A.... ..... . / 234 
1867 r oseph Kilgour * t. . . . . . .. ...... ...... .. , .., .,.,.. 25 0 

335 5 10 I 210 I 12 5 0 
33 6 I 5 1 5 210 12 75 
4 60 5 20 21
 13 61 
I f 

· Korth Gore set off. t Grenville again set off. 

The ministers who have had charge of this Circuit during the last few years are 
th<: Rev. John \Valton, John Armstrong, J. V, McDowel1, B.A., \V. Craig and the 
present pastor, Rev. Mr. Clipsham. 
It should be stated that the late Thomas Jackson, besides contributing liberally 
towards the erection of the new church, also gave the ground for its site. He was 
one of the early settlers of Lachute, was highly esteemed, and died in the spring of 
1895; at an advanced age. He left one son and four daughters j the former, whose 
name also is Thomas Jackson, is one of the prosperous and respected farmers of 
Lachute. l\Ir. F. C. Ireland, in his "Sketches of Lachute," gi\'es the following ad- 
ditional history of l\lethodism in this section of the country, which we règard as well 
worth preserving :- 
I'In 1810, the Rev, Thomas Madden was appointed to the Ottawa Circuit of 
the United States. This Circuit embraced all the territory between Montreal and 
Kingston. !\Ir. Madden had just married a daughter of David Breckenridge, Esq., of 
Brockville, a 11Ian of considerable standing in the communÍly, and his daughter had 
been brought up tenderly, and was accustomed to all the comforts and many of the 
refinements of good society, Mr. Madden took his bride with him on the rounds of 
the Ottawa Circuit-one appointment of which was in the East Settlement near 
Lachute. A few Methodists who had come from the American side lived here, and 
among them was a Mr. Hyatt, whose rudely constructed barn was the first chapel 
in which the settlers from many miles around assembled to hear the Gospel preached. 
In the loft of Mr. Hyatt's new log-house, the minister ar.d his wife found a comfort- 
able 10dg i '1g place for the night. The HyaUs were an intelligent and interesting 
couple, and their house was the home of the itinerates for many years, and was en- 
joyed and looked forward to with pleasing anticipations when traveling for miles, 
through the uncleared country, over the roughly constructed roads and bridgeless 
ri,-ers, from By town to MontreaL" 

Ir. Ireland also records another incident: "The Rev. 1\[r. Luckey, who had 
closed his labors for the year, by preaching his last sermon to the people of the East 
Settlement in Mr. Hyatt's barn, left the next day, to attend the Conference in 
York. In crossing the Ottawa river at Point Fortune, his horse got into the water, 
and was nearly drowned. 1\1r, Luckey also narrowly escaped, but '''as lucky enough 
to get safe on the other side. Being fatigued, he went to a French house, to seek 

24 8 


rest and something to cat, His appearance was not very clerical just at that time, 
His beard had grown out considerably since his last shave, some Wteks previously, 
and when he asked for something to eat, the simple-mir.ded Lut kind French people 
mistook his meaning, and brought him a razor, and it was some time before he could 
get them to understand that he was hungry. Rev. 1\1r. Hibbard was another of the 
itinerates who followed. On one occl!'ion, while attempting to preach at Hyatt's 
barn, and the people had just settled down to hear a good sermon, as they had been 
accustomed to: poor Hibbard suddenly became embarrassed, and" broke down," as 
many a clever young man has done in his first efforts at public speaking. :\lr. Hyatt, 
being a local preacher, took up Ihe text, and held forth to the great delight of all 
present, some of whom had traveled many miles to attend the service." 
The Methodists have always hai a flourishing Sunday SchooL Olivet Hall, built 
by Mr. James Fish, was used for some time by this School, but tinding it too small 
for their accommodation, in 1877, Mr. Fish enlarged it by an addition at the end, 2{ 
feet square. 
REV, \VILLIAM WARNE CLARK, D. D., is a member of an Argenteuil family. 
He is a son of Orange Clark and Ann Warner, his wife, and was born 16th l\Iarch, 
1838. He entered the Methodist ministry when 18, was ordained by Dr. Stenson at 
Kingston, in 1860, went to the United States in 1870, and joined the New York East 
Conference, of which he is still a member. Dr. Clark received his honorary degree 
from the 'Vesleyan University, Bloomington, Ill., in 1880. He is a member of the 
Committee of the Brooklyn .Methodist Hospital, and pastor of Brooklyn Sixth Avenue 
Church. His sermons are illnstrated by large paintings, and among the titles are 
such as these :-" The House that Rum built," " Mr. Tongne of Tattle '1'own,"* 


The first regular Roman Catholic services in Lachute were held by the Rev. 
Calixte Ouimet, curé of St. Andrews, who also erected a church building and pres- 
bytery. This church was destroyed by fire in 1876, shortly after its erection. The 
present church was immediately erected, though it has since been enlarged; it is 
brick, 80 feet in length, 35 feet in width, with seats for 400 péople. 
Rev. Arthur Derome succeeded Mr. Ouimet at Lachute, and was the first resi- 
dent clergyman; he remained here fifteen years, extended the church twenty feet in 
length, and added tlie sacristy. He removed to Montreal, and was succeeded by the 
Rev. Anthirne Carrière, on the 1st of January, 1894, 
The Rev, !\ir. Carrière, who slill remains incumbent, was born at St. Benoit, 
educated at the SeminalY of St, Therese, and ordained in August, 1878. Previous 
to coming to Lachute, he was engaged as assistant in different churches, being thus 
employed ten years in 
Iontrea1. He has recentJy made extensive repairs on the 
interior and exterior of the fine brick presbytery at Lachute. His congregation is a 
large one-the communicants numbering 700. 


The 'V. C. T, U. of Lachute was organized by Mrs. Youmans in Januarr, 1883, 
lrs. ,V. A. Leggo as president; :\11'5. H. Fraser, jun., secretary j and the late 
Mrs. H. :\1. Gall, treasurer
 It was, with the other unions, formed into a Provin- 
cial Union in ::;eptembcr of the same year, 1883. '1 he present officers are :-Mrs. 
Mackie, President; Mrs, A. J. Simpson, secretary; and Mrs. Barley, treasurer. 
'" Contributed by E. S. Orr. 



In October, 1895, Lachute entertained the Provincial Union. 
. !he Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor, a Union one, was organ- 
Ized III 1889; MALCOUI :\IcCALLuM was the first president of the Local Union, and 
James Armstrong, of the Lachute Road, is the present president, The first president 
of the County Union was John Loynachan. 
A short time after the organization of the Y. P. S. C. E., the 
Iethodist Church 
formed an Epworth League, which, after about a year, fell through' but in 18 94, 
was fe-organized, and is still carried on. ' , 
In 1893, a junior Y. P. S. C, E. was formed in connection with Henry's Church, 
The original Christian Endeavor Society has never lapsed, but continues to hold 
meetings each Monday evening in Raitt's Hall. 
_\ Mechanics' Institute was formed in Lachllte, 1st of March, 1855, the trustees 
being Dr. Thomas Christie, John Meikle, and Samuel Hills; John M
ikle was the 
first president. It began with a membership of 21, and the 3.mount subscribed was 
.l3 0 10S. It soon received quite an addition from the District Library Association 
which united with it. From a Report to the Provincial Secretary, 5th January, [856, 
we learn that the Institute had 140 members, and possessed a library of 1,000 vols., 
valued at .;{;200, and that the total revenue was .;{;I60 15 s . 
For a time the records were kept regularly, which shows that the interest in the 
Institute was alive; but later, the blanks that occur grow longer, until it is evidf'nt that 
the organization exi:;ted only in name. An effort on the part of a fe\v individuals has 
been made at different times to resuscitate it, and recently, some interest has once more 
been awakened. The present officers are: Dr. Christie, M. P., president; Thomas 
Barron, vice-pre:;ident and C, D. Dyke, secretary, During the height of its popular- 
ity, it possessed a library of 1,700 volumes; many of these have been lost, but the 
library is still in existence, and contains very many valuable books, 
Lachute has always possessed quite a goodly number of people devoted to tem- 
perance. \Ve have no data to show when the first movement in this direction began, 
but it is well known that it was lon
 before the organization. of the Sons of Temper- 
ance in 1852, 
The erection of Victoria Hall by this Society shows that it mu;;t have been a 
large and flourishing organization, but, as in ail other places, it had its day of progress 
and popularity, and then its period of decline, The Good Templars and other tem- 
pt'rance societies have since followed, and been attended with more or less success. 
But the good work of temperance still goes on, not alone by the influence of organ- 
izations, pledged only to abstain from the use of spirituous liquors, but by those like 
the \V. C. T. U. and Christian Endeavor Societies, which, hand in hand with the 
Church of Christ, lead the erring one to the light which reveals his weakness, and 
shows to him a habitation whose foundation is rock. 
For many years Lachute has not wanted for music to cheer her citiztns on 
days. A Band was formed by the Sons of Temperance, about the year 1855, 
which a similar organization has usucllly been in existence here, though sometImes 
holding to life with a precarious tenure. 
There are now two Bands-one composed of English-speaking members, the 
other of :French; the latter was but recently organized. 
A Masonic Lodge was opened here in September, 1880, called "Argenteuil 
Lodge." \Villiam Hay was the first Master; \V. J. Simpson, M.P.P., filled this 
office three years, and Harry Slater is the present Master. 


25 0 



One has but to gain a view of the \Vest End? or Lachute l\Ii.1ls, as the post o
is named, to comprehend the fact, that Lachute IS a manufactunn
 town o
 no ht.tle 
importance. Its water unsurpassed; 
p and dO\V
1 the r!ver on eIther sIde 
are mills and factories, the dill of whose machmery, combmed wIth the roar of the 
fal1s, is an index of the many industries by which hundreds of families are main- 
By whatever road one ent
rs the west pa
t of the to
vn., the first object t
meets his eye will be the tall chImney and massl\ e stone bUlldmgs-the paper mills 
of J. C. 'VII50n. They rise conspicuo
lsly-a grand wit!less, not only to the possi- 
bilities within reach of a young man's mdustry and energy, but to the progress of 
Canadian manufacturers. 


The first view of :Mr. 'Vilson will assure the most casual observer that he pas- 

esses more than ordinary ability; his clear penetrating eye. and quick, dignified 
movements, at on<..e declare him a business man, and one whose executive ability 
gives him the light to command. He rather enjoys relating the story of his early 
struggles, and is pleased to remember th at, through the blessing of God, his own 
foresight and industry have brought him to his present state of financial indepen- 
dence. He was born in 1841, near Re
halkin, in the County of Antrim, Ireland. 
oon afterward his family came to Montre::!], where his father obtained a 
position as pattern maker in St. Mary's Foundry. 
The taste of the yo
nger Wilson inclining to lI.echanics, he was apprenticed, at 
the age of twelve, to leam the trade of machinist. A severe accident, however, pre- 
vented his completing the full term of apprenticeship, and then, through the kindness 
of friends, he became a pupil for a year and a half in the 
IcGill Normal School. Soon 
after this, the family in which he then made his home moved to Reauharnois, Que. 
On arriving there, not wishing to depend on his friends for his maintenance, he 
at once found employment at painting in a furniture manufactory. 
One evening, soon afterward, when he had finished his work for the day, two 
gentlemen called to see him. Having heard, they said, that he possessed a dipIr,ma 
from the Normal School in Montreal, and having al
o heard of his industrious and 
steady habits, they had come to engage him to teach the village school. the former 
teacher having left. Though reluctant, on account of his youth and inexperience 
in teaching, to accept the position, after some deliberation, he closed with thcir offer 
of t\V

ty dollars per month, for one month, on trial. To op.e knowing him, it is not 
surpnsmg that he was highly popular with his pupils, and that he remained in the 
school for three years. 
. Oue of his greatest anxieties during the first winter was to save money enough to 
e certain debts he had contracted for clothing before leaving Montreal. 

VIth hIS wages and several dollars earned by his mechanical skill during his even- 
mgs! he had enough left, after paying his board, to meet these accounts, and, as soon 
as hIs school closed, he visited the Metropolis and paid them. 
"Never/, said 
Ir. 'Vilson, "have I felt prouder or more happy than I did when 
I fulfilled thIs promIse, and my mind was relieved of these debts." 
. Th
eflection,. that the J;>rofession of teaching gave little scope for the exercise.of 
I11S ambl
l?n, !low 1I1duced h1l11 to abandon it, and going to Belleville, Ont., he obtam- 
ed a positIOn 111 a book store. He rel.l1ained there some time, gaining that experience 

.J. ('. \\ "SUX. 





2; I 

and knowledge of the businEss which equipped him for better positions. He \Va" 
next employed in a large publishing and newspaper house in Toronto, and from this 
in 1863, he went to New York. His pecuniary capital at that time consisted of just 
thirty-four doJlars-a larger sum than that of many other young men who have land- 
ed strangers in the great city, yet not a sum encouraging to one, with neither friends 
nor employment. 
By chance. he fell in w!th anotl'er yo
mg c;anadia!1 of good parentage, but with- 
out money, who for some tune had been III vam seeklllg a position. Ther roomed 
in the same hotel, and spent several days between sight-seeing and looking for 
i\ t last, one morning Mr. \\ïlson received an offer of four dollars per week to 
work in a subordinate position in a warehouse; but resolÙng that he would 110t 
accept this paltry sum until all hopes had failed of doing better, he arranged with the 
manager to keep the place open for him for a week. Fortunately, the next morning, 
as he started out in quest cf work, he noticed the sign of T. W. Strong, pubìisher, 
and he at once entered and enquired for the proprietor. He w
s shown into his office, 
when he made known the object of his visit. 
"You ha,-e seen the advertisement, I suppose, that I I
ut into The IIerald yes- 
terday for an a
sist.111t," said l\Ir. Strong, who, according to :!\Ir. \\Tilson's opinion, 
combintd the qualities of sternness and dignity, "Ko," was the replr. " I came here 
on observing your sign." "'Veil," he said, " I have advertised for a young man, and 
if YOll will come in again this afternoon, I will tell you whethe
 I want you or no1." 
" Very encouraging," thought the young applicant, and, pursuant to the request. he 
was at the office that afternoon. The proprietor had just received a large number of 
letters which he had began to peruse, After reading two or three, he addressed his 
visitor with: 
" 'Vhat wages do you expect, sir? " 
"Twelve dollars a week," was the reply. 
" Here, look over some of these," said :\lr. Strong, h,mding him some letters. 
With many misgivings, perceiving that they were applications for the po::!ition he 
was seeking, Mr. Wilson took the letters and read. The first one did not allay his 
anxiety, as the wriler offered to work for six doJlars per week; still, his crude style 
and bad spelling might counterbalance the effect produced by his moderate dem,llld 
of salary, The ncxt ]ettcr was more assuring, as the writer wanted twenty-five 
dollars per week. After reading two or three more, with the same alternation of hopes 
and fears, he letullled the bundle to Mr. Strong, who had been carefully observmg 
him, and, no doubt, forming an estimate of his capability. "
o you want twelve 
dollars?" he queried, as he took the letters. . 
" I trust I can make myself of that value to you," was the modest reply. 
" 'Veil, J'ou see what offers are made in these letters, 1>üt I can afford to gin
ten dollars per week." Though highly el:üed with the offer, he did not aCCl]>t it 
till after a few minutes delay. On expressing his willingness to begin wOIk at 
that salary, his employer said: . 
" 'V ell, now, this is Friday; you will want a day to look about the cIty; "up- 
pose you come next Monday? " . . 
" Yery well," said Mr. Wilson, "I wIll do so j " he then departed much happIer 
than when he entered. 
His friend who had accompanied him was o
ltside, .anxiolls to hear his .rcpC'rt, 
and was scarcely less pieased at the result than \Vllson hImself. He no\\ deuded t(l 
accept the position first offered to Wilson, which conllnan
ed the salary of four 
dollars per week. Not long after 
lr. \\ïlson entered th
 serVIce of Strong, the 

25 2 


keeper of the estab
ishment was taken sick, and Strong: insiste
t \V
lson should 
manage the books tIll the boo
keeper recovered, To hIs surpnse, In gOIng over the 
books he discovered the startlmg fact, that one account con tamed an error of several 
nd dollars in favor of Strong. The fact was reported to his employer, but he 
was so reluctant to believe it, he asked 'Vilson to go over the account again very 
carefully. Though perfectly satisfied th
t his figures were corr
ct, he did as requ
and with the same result as before, StIll doubtful, the proprIetor now called 111 the 
:lid of an expert accountant, and his labors fully confirmed the truth of \Vilson's 
statement, and Mr. 
trong had the satisfaction of knowin.g !hat he was rich
r by 
several thousand dollars than he had supposed. He now lllslsted that Mr. \VIlson, 
\\ ith a proper increase of salary, should take sole charge of his books, and he shortly 
after lett for a visit to Europe. Not long after his departure, a fire broke out in Bar- 
num's :ðluseum, destroying a building on Fulton street and another on I\nn street, 
both belonging to Mr. Strong. 
'Vith the energy and promptness peculiar to him, Mr, \Vilson at once 
et about 
rebuilding, and, before his employer returned, he had the new buildings, with many 
improvements, nearly completed. During the remaining years he was with Strong, 
he had entire charge of his establishment, enjoying his esteem and confidence, as well 
as that of the other employees. But he married, dming his stay he] e, Miss Jeanie 
Kilgour, of the town of Beauharnois: Canada; and Mrs. .Wilson having a strong love 
for the home of her youth, and being desirous to exchange Ne\v York for 
her husband decided to return to the latter city-a step which he was the more fully 
inclined to take by the solicitations of friends. 
On his return, he entered the employment of Angus, Logan & Co., wholesale 
stationers and paper manufacturers, as bookkeeper. Three and a half years sub- 
sequently, a desire to enlarge his sphere of action led him to begin business on his 
own account, and with the assistance of his employers he Legan to make paper bags 
-the first ever made in Canada by machinery. The business proved a success, so 
[r. 'Vilson soon repaid his old employers for their assistance, and uecame one of 
their largest customers. His business-, begun on a modest scale and sure basis, at 
first required only two flats of a building, but, in process of time, a whole block of 
stores, with six flats each, was secured. In 1880, his business demanded that he 
should make his own paper. He purchased the water power at Lachute, and erected 
the mills-whose history is given below. 
Mr. Wilson has not selfishly confined his time and talents to his own personal 
business; but, whenever they have been called into requisition by the public for a 
salutary purpose, they have never been withheld. The people of the County of 
.-\rgenteuil, in consideration of his ability, elected him to represent their interests in 
the Dominion Parliament. In this new position, fortune, which thus far had been 
50 prodigal of her gifts, did not desert him, and his reputation as a good reasoner, 
debater and politician largely increased. He contributed much toward the reorgan- 
ization of the "Fish and Game Protection Club of the Plovince of Quebec II and for 
twO years was its president. For the same length of time, also, he was pr;sident of 
the Irish Protestant Benevolent Society, and has been an alderman of Montreal, and 
chairman of many important civic committees. He is also a Life-Governor of the 
l, the Protestant Insane Asylum, the Montreal Dispensary, and the 

Iatermty HospItal. He has taken an interest in the educational institutions of 
:\Iontreal, and was for some time a member of the Board of Protestant School Com- 
ners, Religious and benevolent institutions have profited by his generous 
He has always manifested a fondness for tools, a taste enhanced, no doubt, by 





- ...- 
n: - 



I .' 










f .. 



his use of them in his early days, He has quite a number which he then made and 
exhibits them to his friends with no little priòe. Possessed of a.n accurate eve' and 
much mechanical taste, he dislikes to see any work, no matter how trivial, bear the 
appearance of having been done in haste, or with indifference to method. 
The following story, which he sometimes enjoys telling, illustrates how well his 
peculiarity of wanting his work well done is known to his employees :_ 
On a certain occasion he had at his mills, in Lachute, one of his favorite handr 
men, a carpenter whom he had brought from Montreal to do some special work in 
his office. This man, it seems, had been told that .Mr. \Vilson was just as particular 
about his work in Lachute as in :l\Iontreal, and knowing how quick was his eye to 
discern levels and uprights, and that everything must be done by level, square and 
plumb, he thought to have a laugh at !\Ir, \\Tilson's expense. 
The wood-work around a wash-basin needed repairing, and, on being ordered by 

Ir. \Vilson to repair it, the man came into the office with a spirit level under one 
arm, a square over the other, a plumb-bob in one hand, and hammer and nails in the 
,e \Vhat are you going to do with all these tools, Richa
'd?" asked :\fr. \Vilson. 
"Repair the wash-basin, sir," replied Richard. 
" Nonsense, you want nothing but the hammer and a few nails." 
"Indeed, sir, I know when you want a job done, you want it level and square 
and plumb. and, by golly, we OHlst use these tools on every job." 
"Mr. 'Vilson saw and appreciated Richard's humor. 
" Mr. 'Vilson is an ardent disciple of Isaac \Valton, :lnd annually seeks the seclu- 
sion of shady river banks and mountain streams and lakes with rod and line; but 
that he is stren uously opposed to the wanton destruction of the finny tribe, i') witness. 
ed by the efforts he put forth in aiding to organize the Fish and Game Protection 
30cietyof the Province of Quebec."* 
He has five children living-three sons and two daughters. The sons are all 
connected with him in business. 
\Villiam 'V. r.., the eldest, has charge of the pulp mills at St. Jerome, and also 
looks after the manufacturing and the factory, Montreal. 
F. Howard, the second son, occupies the position of a
sistant c:1.shier in the 
Head Office, Montreal. 
Edwin H. is at the paper mills, Lachute, learning the art of paper-making, with 
the intention of having charge of the mills at some future date, 
His daughters are Ethel F. and .-\nnie L.; the three boys being the eldest, and 
the two birls the youngest of the' family living. 


The illustrations represent "Lachme Paper 1\1 ills" as the)' now are, in 18 9 6 
erected at a cost of over $3 00 ,cùo. . 
As stated in the sketch of Mr, Wilson's life, he was seized with the idea in ISj9. 
that, to place his business in a front position in the trade, it would be necessary for 
him to own his own paper mills, and he made several visits to different parts of the 
Country near 
!ontreal, where water-powers exi"t, knowing that a good water-power 
and proper facilities for getting the raw material into the mill, and the prodnct ont of 
it, Wele the first and most essential points to consider. 

'*' For the last paragraph, as well as for some others in the :lh,vt.> <;k_ __ ') of \1 r. \\'il..on, \V :H 
lndebted to "Borthwick's Gazetteer of :\Iontreal." 



The Townships were visited, and the country east and west of Montreal, but 
none of them seemed to suit. 
As the Quebec, 
1()ntreal, Ottawa & Occidental Rai'way had just h
en completed 
from :\[ontreal to Ottawtl, and parties in the parish wae desirous of establishing 
manufacturing industries there, Mr. 'Vilson was led tl) Lachute. "fteT surveying the 
\\'ater-powers, he decided that if a purchase could be made on reasonable terms, he 
would locate his paper mills here. He did not come to this conclusion until he had 
found that there was ample water-power for a mill such as he intended at that time 
to build. Lachute was then a village of about 650 inhabitant-;, and the site on 
which the paper mill stands to-day was a .forest of pines, oaks and mapJes, After 
considerable bantering between the owners of the land, they agreed
with Mr. Wilson in 
the matter of terms. He then made plans for his first mill, and appeared before the 
Mayor and Council of the PMish of St. Jerusalem d' Argenteuil, Tnomas B:uron, 
Esq.. being the :\Iayor. At a meeting convened in the oJd Court House, where 
the Council sat, :\Ir. WiJson exhibited his plans, and petitioned the Parish for exemp- 
tion from taxation for twenty years, providing he built the mills as he designed. The 
Council, with very Iii tIe delay, complied with his request, and, certainly, they have 
no reason to regret their action of the faJl of 1 g79. 
In Jm
e, 1880, the first mill of the four, which the block of buildings now repre- 
sents, was stane1. It was a great task to undertake-excavation.., flumes, wheel-pits, 
tone, and getting the siding in; but the mill-i. e., the building-was com- 
pleted some time in November. The machinery was pldced in it during the Fall of 
1880 and the \Vinter of 1881, and the first pJper run on the machine (which was a 
double cylinder machine, made by Rice, Barton & Fales, of \Vorcester, Mass., after 
:\lr. Wilson's special plans), on or about 1St April, 1881. 
During the years 1881 a:1d 18:-;2, 1\1r. \\'1150n had great difficulty ill procllring a 
proper forem-in for the mill i-he wa:; intent on manufacturing a class of manilla 
papers such as were manufactured in the United States. Not until the winter of 
3 di I he solve the problem, why he did not sllcceed in making the clas') of IXlper 
he wished. and not till he had obtained the second expert from the States. It may 
be a secret in the trade, still it is none the worse for being told, and may help some 
other paper maker placed in the same position that Mr. 'Vlls3n was. The kind of 
lime for boiling the jute stock was the secret of the trouble and the s
cret of the 
success. Lime from :\fontreal, from Hull, and from L:t.chute was tried, but it did 
not prove satisfactory. Not until Mr. Wilson ordered his first carload of lime from 
Dudswe!l (away beyönd Sherbrooke), and bo:led his first boiler of stock with it. did 
he succeed, and then the mystery was unravel1ed. The component parts of the lime 
are a very important maller to consider in boiling jute or manilla stock. 
The Lachute paper mill took a first rank in the Canadian market for manilla 
paper:; from that time forth, and has maintained it ever since. Not onlv did he manu- 
facture maniìla paper, in rolls, for his paper-b:lg machines in Monlrea1; but also made 
"heet or ream paper for his growing trade wilh the grocers and general dealers all 
over the country. 
. In 1885, the business had grown so much, that it was nece
sary to build another 
llllll, or add another paper machine, with all its attendant machinery. That mill 
was commenced in :\Iay, 1885, and was completed in the fall of that year. 
The first pJ.per made on the new machine (which was a Harper Fourdrinier) 
was made on the 7th January, 1886, and after that had been running two or three 
ars, Mr. Wi
son saw that it would be necessary, in the very near future, to add 
sul1 another mill, and of much larger dimensions, The stone was there 0:1 the ground 
waiting to b
 quarried. The cut stone, of course, for trimmings for window:; and 


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corners-lime stone-is from Montrea1. So, in 1891, Mr. Wilson commenced the 
largest add ition, and the completion of th
 block of buildings, a
d in the 
otograph picture of thes
ills, Tail-races were curied out in 1891. In 1892, 
sull further work was accomphc;hed, and the hwer flats of the addition were com- 
pleted. In 1893, the whole mill was finished, and in 1894, 21st May. paller was run 

)Ver the new machil
e. This new machine, a straight Fourdrinier. one of the largest 
In the country, specially adapted for fast running. 
[r. \Vilson prizes very much. 
The business now has grown so much, that he contemplates, in the very near 
futurr, placin þ the fourth macJ
ine in the. mill; .the building is already there (tint is, 
the room for It), and all that will be required will be to place the machine and the 
pulp engines ;-the water"wheels and wheel-pits are all complete and ready. 
The Lachute Paper Mills now have a daily output of about 15 tons, and when 
the amount reaches 20 tons, 
lr. \Vilson's idea of a perfect mill will be accomplished, 

 ot without proper storage could such a mill be carried on, consequently, there 
have been built, on the line of the siding which comes from the main line of the 
Canadian Pacific Railway, five large storehouses and a stone warehouse for storing 
the finished paper. There is also a siding running down in front of the mill, so that 
raw material may be placed in tl,e mill, or in the storehouses, by just handing the 
stock out of the cars, or the finished product from the s tone warehouses or mill into 
them. The facilities for loading and unloading, and for shipping, could not be excelled 
in any mill in the country, 
'Vhen doub1ing the mill, in 1885, Mr. \Yilson conceived the idea, that he was 
going to draw heavily upon the water-power, and as his business up to that time 
was a very exact one, and he could not afford to shut down for any length of time, he 
placed a large steam engine of 250 horse power, \vith boilers to supply steam for the 
same, and this he has found to be a very wise precaution, for in dry summers (such 
as the summer of 18 95), the steam-engine had to be drawn upon to supply the power, 
or, rather, to help the power, and so the business g"Jes on without interruption. 
About three years ago, he conceived the idea of placing not only the paper bag 
machines that were in 
lontreal, but a set of the most impro\ped, to manufacture the 
celebrated self-opening square bag, in the building which he had erected for the 
purpose, that is, for the paper bag factory. at one end of the mill. In thic; paper bag 
factory there are fifteen paper bag m chines, and three flour tubing machines, 
as well as cutters, etc. The paper is brought in from the mill in rolls, and the 
paper bag machines take these continuous rolls and turn out bags, some of the ma- 
chines at the rate of 100,000 per day, others at the rate of 70,000, 60,000,5 0 ,000, and 
4 0 . 000 . There is a capacity in his paper bag factory of about three quarters of a 
million bags per day, aad it is now turnif'g out an average ot about 35 0 ,000 bags da.ily, 
'Vhile all this increase was going on in the way of buildings, of course, the number 
of hands also increased, and to-day there are employed in this manufactory about 
1I0 people. 
The town of L3.chute has grown since 1880 from 650 people to a!:>out 200:>,. 
::\Ir. \Vilson has his private residence on the height of land behmd the mill, a 
beautiful high knoll, and from his verandah a beautiful view can be had of the moun- 
tains and of the town generally, Here he enjoys, with his family, about three 
months every summer. .' 
_\mong the efficient and reliable employes of Mr. \Vllson-and he 
11l not long 
retain any other kind-are his Bookkeeper, Harry Slater, and the Supenntendent of 
his paper mill and bag factory, Robert Daw. 

IR, SLATER was born in Lo"ndon, Eng., and came to Canada in 18 9 0 . He was 
first employed by the ::\foff..'ttt Blacking Company, Montreal, as Bookkeeper, but 

25 6 


eighteen months afterwards, he engaged to 1\1r. 'Wilson, with whom he has since re- 
mained. He was married 2nd Feb., 1880, to Sarah \1ary \Venborn, Upper Hollo- 
way, London. Mr. Slater is a .great reader, is familiar with the Eng
ish authors, and 
withal, an acti ve Mason j he IS the present Master of the Argenteml Lodge. 
ROBERT DAW was born in Bradninch, Devonshire, England, and at the age of 
eleven commenced work in his native place, for Mr. 'Vm. Drew, in K.entham Mills. 
In 18 7 8 , he came to America as Superin.tendent for the Hon. q-eo, 'Vest, a!so a 
native of Bradninch, who had worked hlm
elf up from a machme tender tIll he 
became proprietor of several large paper mills j he is now one of the most extensive 
bag manufacturers in 
his countrr, Mr. Daw came to Canada in 1
93, as the Supe
intendent of Mr. 'VIlson. He IS a devoted member of the BaptIst Church, and IS 
Superintendent of the Sabbath School connected with that church, whose pupils 
number sixty; he was married in 1880, to Elizabeth Crowley, of :\Iilton, N orthamp- 
tonshire, England, 
As one passes up Main street, more quiet scenes prevail, yet here on the left is 
one of the oldest manufactorIes of the place-one which, for many years, has annually 
supplied vehicles of almost every kind to the citizens of the county-the carriage shop 
of A. Mitchell & Sons, 
MR. ARCHIBALD MITCHELL, the senior partner of the firm, was born in Belgium, 
whither his family removed from Scotland. His grandfather was Rev. Hugh Mitchell, 
of Glasgow, a graduate of the University of that city, in which institution he received 
the medal for elocution, and afterwards was professur of elocution. He also pub- 
lished several books and translated others. Mr. 11 itch ell still has copies of books 
written by his grandfather, the title of one of which reads as follows: I, Scotticisms, 
vulgar Anglicisms and grammatical Improprieties corrected." 
"Hugh Mitchell, A.:\I" 
Iaster of the English and French Academies, 
His wife's.maiden name was Emily Nesbitt, and her brother was a surgeon m 
the British Na\y. After the death' of Surgeon Nesbitt, his widow married Nelson, the 
hero of Trafalgar, This lady was also a relative of the Hamilton Brothers of Hawks- 
bury, Ont. 
The Rev. Hugh Mitchell removed to Belgium, and was there, when the battle of 
'Vaterloo was fought. One of his sons was engaged in that conflict, by which he lost 
an eye. The father taught elocution there some time-receiving a guinea for each 
lesson-his pupils coming from France, Germany, England, etc. He had three sons 
and one daughter; the latter was married to Robert Cochran, of whom a sketch is 
given in the history of St. Philippe. 
Two of the sons, Al chibald and Benedict, each erected a factory in Belgium for 
the manufacture of cloths; they failed in the enterprise, and then came to Canada, 
the father of the subject of our sketch arriving in 1848. He settled first at Hill Head, 
then at Beech Ridge, at which place both he and his wife died. They had four 
sons and five daughters. Francis, the third son, still lives at Beech Ridge. 
Archibald, the youngest son, who was eighteen when he came to Canada, worked 
on the farm at Hill Head for a time, but farmers assuring him that he would accom- 
plish little there, on account of the sterile nature of the farm, he turned his attention 
to the manufacture of machinery, for which he had peculiar aptitude, and he soon 
made fifteen fanning mills for neighboring Îarmers. He then learned the carriage- 
maker's trade at Lachute with the Duddridge Brothers, for whoi11 he worked lill18S6, 
when he elltered into partnership with them, the firm becoming Duddridge & 



litchell. This con
inued till 18
8, when tl
e co-partnership was dissolved by the 
death of 
Ir. Duddndge. Mr. Mitchell was 111 busIness alone tiH 1892, when he took 
his second son, John, into partnership, and as another of hi.. sons now works here 
the firm is styled Mitchell & Sons. 1\1r. Mitchell married Grace, a daughter of 
Dewar, of Dalesville. His third son, \Villiam Mitchell, who graduated at :\IcGill in 
1894, is now an M.D., of MansonviIle, P.Q, 

litchell & Sons have a good-sized factory here, employ several hands, and 
make all kinds of carriages and sleighs of the latest style, and their work has won a 
wide reputation for neatness and durability. 
Another manufactory, adjacent to the above, on ::\Iain street, is that of TOH
HOPE, baker and confectioner; he is also proprietor of a Spool, Shuttle and Bòbbin 
Factory at the \Vest End. 
::\Ir. Hope was born in Edinburgh, his father being an officer in the Scotch 
Fusilier Guards. He came to Canada in 1870, and after remaining in :\Iontreal 
seven years, he came to Lachute, arriving on St. Patrick's Day, 1877. He at once 
opened a bakery, and as the railway was then in process of construction. and business 
active, he wa.s very successful in his venture, and his business has been a progressi\"e 
one to the present. He supplies a large portion of the village with bread, and much 
of the surrounding country. In 1889, he bought the Factory referred to above, and 
has since enlarged and improved it, so, that he is prepared to fill orders for shuttles 
bobbins, spools, button moulds, brush backs and everything required for cotton and 
woollen mills. 
He was fortunate in securing the service of trustworthy and efficient assistallts 
in these mills, who have long and faithfully served him; these are E. G. Spaulding, 
manager, \\ ho has recently gone to the States; F. E. Carter, B00kkeeper, and S. Duff. 
Engineer; the ingenuity and skill of the latter in repairing machinery and inventing 
tools for special purposes rendering him a handy man of inestimable value to an em- 
Mr. Hope is a man of great enterprise and energy, one who is determined to push 
to successful issue whatever he undertakes; a typical Scotchman, generous, public- 
spirited, and much attached to the games and sports of his native land. He erected 
a fine curling rink on his premises in the fall of 1893, which is a source of great 
attraction during the winter evenings-the Curling Club now formed, of \\hich :\1:-. 
Hope is president, being a large one. He was Captain of the Team of Argenteuil 
Boys, in the fall of 1894, in their Tug-of- \V ar contest at 
Iontreal with the Hoys of 
Glengarry:" He is a prominent Mason, and has been President of the Argenteuil 
Lodge three terms. He has been a member of the :\Iunicipal Council six years, and 
is a Deacon of Henry's Presbyterian Church. He was married 1 sth September, 
1871, to Jane Ennis, daughter of James Ennis, of Tienland, Morayshire, Scotland. 
Since the above was writter., a copy of the Calladillll jOltrllalof R,brics has 
come to hand, from which we take the followipg paragraphs :- 
" The machine shop is a perfect one. The Factory gives employment to a large 
number of hands, and the output is steadily increasing month by month. The woods 
which are made use of are beech, birch (yellow and white), maple, ironwood, poplar, 
white ash, apple, persimmon and dogwood; the two last named hav
ng to be sought 
for in North Carolina. In addition to the wood obtained from outside markets, be- 

* Names of those comprising the Argenteuil Team which was victOlious: Roht. Sih'erson. John 
Boa, Omer "aquelte, David Black, Eugène Thélien, Edouard The lie
, \Vm. i\Joore, Hiram 
Xiell, Duncan McOuat, Edward Berniquier, Capt, Charles Gardner. Samuel ehnor(l, J . I 
David Lindley, Wm. John Rodgers. 

25 8 


tween 4 00 and 5 00 cords are annually purchased in the vicinity, and are brought in 
in the shape of logs and cord wood, being cut up into stock as required, Before 
being used, it undergoes a thorough process of curing in the steam drying rooms, 
which are most effective and convement. 
., Among the special products of this establisment, we would call attention to the 
shuttles, this being the only factory in the Dominion where these are made. Pre- 
viously: the mills had to look across the border for their supplies of these needful 
articles; but finding that the Lachute works are quite able to compete successfully 
with the Americans, both as to quality and price, the mins are finding it to their 
advantage to patronize the home manufactory," 
HAl\IELIN AND AYERS is a name familiar in every h')usehold, not only in Argen- 
teuil, but in the County of Prescott-their woolen mills being one of the most important 
manufactories in this section. 
IAS HEì'õRY _-h-ERS is a son of the late Thomas Ayers, who, in 1858, came 
with his family from Cornwall, England, to Columbus, Ontario, and was employed 
there, in the Empire \V ooien Mills, till his death in 1891. Thomas, the son, served 
his apprenticeship in the same mills, then worked in different places till 1868, when 
he entered into partnership. in Perth, with Mr. Felix Hamelin. They first conducted 
a carding mill at Perth. In 18 7 0 , they hired the :\icGill \Voolen Mills in Hawks- 
bury, Ont., br eight years. In Ifl76, they purchased of different parties in L:lchute 
about twenty acres of land and water power for their present mills. At that time 
there was no road to the site of their pre5ent buildings-nothing but a thick growth 
of forest all along the river side, where now there is a village, fine dwellings, gardens 
and cultivated fields. In 18 7 8 , they constructed the dam and roads, and erec'ed a 
dwelling j and the following year built the mill, and put it in operation in 1880. 
::\lr. Ayers was married to Olive Paquette, a niece of Mr. Hamelin, in August, 
187 I. He has had four 
(Jl1S, three of whom are living-John Thomas, \Villiam 
Henry and Ernest Francis L. All are active, intelligent young men, and take a 
Ii vel y int crest in the business. 
:\IR. FELIX HA:\IELIN was born in St. Hennas. \Vhen he was very young, his 
father moved to the Seigniory of Longueuil, Ont., where he resided on a farm tin 
April, 1865, when he died at the age of 9 8 , Felix, the eldest son, was early engaged 
in the woolen manufacturing business, and spent some year:; in mercantile pursuits. 
'''hen in the Coun ty of Prescott, he took considerable interest in public affairs, and 
hi5 influence was often courted during election campaigns, He recently spent a 
year in England in connection with his business. That both he and Mr. Ayers are 
rem.ukably intelligent and s
.rewd business men, is obviou.., from the manner in 
which they have enlarged their business and increased their capital. . 'Vhen th
formed a co partnership 111 Perth, twenty-five years ago, each partner 111vested hIS 
entire capital-$20o. Since that period, they have made no division, their earnings 
having been devoted t:'ither to the enlargement of the business, or invested 111 real 
estate. Their property now-including real estate in different localities-is appraised 
at $ 12 5,000, which is unencumbered, They have in their principal mill two roll 
cards for farmers' work, four sets of manufacturing cards, one thousand spindles, 
eighteen looms, and all other machinery n
cessary for finishing and dyeing cloths. 
They manufacture a fine class of tweeds, flannels, blankets, paper and pulp manu- 
facturers' felts, and lllbricatmg and printers' felts. When the l11ill is run to its full 
capacity, it will manufacture 600 pounds of \vool in ten hours. The goods of this firm 
are sold throughout the D.Jminion, from Nova S :olia to British Columbia. They 
also h lve a mill for the purpose of !u
nufacturing pulp from spruce and other light 





, They employ from forty-five tu fifty hands, half of whom are married men 
with families. The pay roll amounts to about $1,000 monthly. They lease water 
power to other manufacturers, and still ha'"e as good water-power not utilized as 
there is in the county. 
On the opposite side of the river from the mills of Hamelin and Ayers is a Rope 
Factory, which was built in 1882 by the late Robert B:ll1nerman, of 
Iontre.1l. After 
being in operation a few years. it was leased for twenty-one years to the COIBumers' 
Cordage Company, by whom it was closecl, and it now stands idle. 
The iron foundry _ of 
[COUAT & )IcRAE hac; gained celebritv in the entire 
County of 
uil. Thomas McOuat is the youngest son of Andrew McOuat, 
mentioned on another page. He was m trried 16th June, 1875, to Annie Higginson 
Fraser, of Ottawa. John McRae was born in Ottawa, learned the moulder's trade, 
and has followed it the greater p:lrt of his life. He was married in the spring of 
1864 to Margaret McLean Johnson, of Scotland. She died the 12th November, 18 74, 
and he was next ma rried in June, 1876, to Elizabeth Scott. 
The followll1g history and de..cription of their business is copipd from The 
Wat.:hman's report of the County Fair held at Lachute in October, 1894. It should 
be stated, however, that since the public1tlOn of that report, this firm has doubled 
the size of their mac.hine and pattern shops :- 
.. The exhibit of l\lessr:;:. McOllat & McRae was a most creditable one, and 
surprised many of our people, who really were not aware to what extent this firm's 
business has spread and developed, since it was first organized in 1879. Messrs. 
lcOuat and John 
IcRae came from Ottawa, in that year, to Lachute. Both 
had been for years employed in the Yictori 1. Foundry, Ottawa, 
Ir, McOuat as fore- 
man pattern maker and machinist, and Mr. McRae as foreman moulder. They 
brought with them not only their experien:e, but reso!ved to retain the name ' \ric_ 
toria ;' so the Yictoria Foundry, Lachute, was launched forth. It was born in a 
building 28 x -1-5, on Foundry street, on the site of the present furniture factory, This 
enclosed the whole foundry and machine shop, and wa., only one stor
y high. fhe 
motive power W.1S neither electricity, then unknown as a motive power, nor was it 
steam, but one of the old-fashioned sweep horse-powers. It was soon evident that 
they had supplied a want in coming to Lachute, and business became so bri
k that, 
before a year had expired, the horse power was cast aside, and a boiler and engine 
"Starting out with the intention of keeping pace with the limes and abreast with 
the ùem:mds of their patrons, the firm has nev
r hesitated to invest their 
arnings in 
the business and extend their works; so when an opportunity occurred, they seized 
it, and two years laier found them building a new and larger foundry on its present 
site. and they commenced to run by water power. "Success attended this new enter- 
prise, and a new era dawned. As the town grew, and more machinery became 
instal ed, the machinery department developed quickly, and the foundry had to be 
again and again extended. X ew machines were obtained, large planers and lathes 
and drills, until now there is here, in Lachute, one of the best equipped jobbing 
shops in the country. Starting in a buildillg 28 X 45, one storey and a horse sweep, 
they no\\' occupy a large, two-storey Luilding of two wings, one extending towards 
the river 84 fed, besides outbuildings 105 feet in length. .1I1d a power house with 
fire engine. Few people have any idea of the quantity of machinery in the paper 
mill, and will be surpri-ed to learn that 
IcOuat & McRae lnve supplied forty tons 
of new work therefor. Besides this, they t:ave done the work for a large number of 
outside mills. They are now speciaUy well adapted for all kinds of castings, Tney 
have also gone somewhat into 
chool desks, and during the past year have supplied 




seats for nine schools, Their specialty, however, is machinery and machine sup- 
plies, a very important thing for the people of this locality, as it is the only place 
between here and Montreal where such can be procured. 
" In thus giving the history of one of our industries here, we de:;ire to show our 
readers that, notwithstanding the croakings of th05e who are constantly protesting 
that the country is going to the dogs, we have here in our midst positive proof that 
Lachute has made good progress as far as her manufactu ring interests are concerned, 
and in the case of this particular firm, it has not done so at the expense of any other 
class of the community, but by energy, hard work and faith in our country." 
Traveling along the LachUle Road, about a mile west of the village of Lachute, 
one reaches a branch road, which leads, as the sign announces, to Earle's :\[Ills. 
Following this road for the distance of half a mile, the traveler comes to the 
River, near which, in a deep gulJy, stand the grist and saw mills of Earle Brothers- 
John, Edward and Harland. 
The grist mill wa" built about 1836 by Geo. Hoyle, who had been agent for the 
Seignior, and had erected mills for him at St. Andrews q,nd Lachute. Through some 
disagreement with the Seignior, however, Hoyle d
cided to put up a mill on his o\yn 
account, and accordingly built one on this site, which is just outside the Seigniory, 
in Chatham. After running the mill some years he sold it to John Earle, uncle of 
the present proprietors, and it was afterwards cond'lcted for 25 years by James Earle, 
their father. This was one of the mills to which the settlers brought grists on their 
backs; the manufacture of oatmeal was one of its principal features, 
J A:\IES EARLE came from Yorkshire, England, and first settled in the County of 
Two Mountains. He was living near St. Eustache at the time of the Rebellion. and 
decided to remain when the other settlers were leaving j but the place soon bec'lme 
too hot for him, and he also was obliged to make his escape. After hiding a day in 
the woods, he started on his journey at night-fa]], and finally reached Lachute in 
safety; here, in a short time, joining Capt, Quinn's Company of Volunteers. He 
afterwards came to the mills
 and died here in :\[ay, 1886, leaving his wife, who still 
survives him, Of their five sons, Charles dIed in Nevada, and James, already men- 
tioned, lives in Bethany ; John, one of the proprietors of the mills, was married in 
18 7 1 to Mary, daughter of Stewart Boyd, of Chatham. :\[r. Earle is Captain of 
Co. No.8 Argenteuil Rangers, and has been a member of the Battalion since J 862 ; 
he has been Municipal Councillor of Chatham for six years, Edward, married to 
Mary, daughter of \Villiam Boyd, 
[ontreal, resides at the mills, and Harland, un. 
married, lives here also; the daughter, Evelyn E., is married to John A. Patterson, 
of Calgary, N. 'V. Territory. 
In 1885 the dam was washed away, and in 1886 they buiit their present on
The lumber bu
iness is one of the important industries of the place, connected 
with which is the steam mill of P. & A, :\IcGIBBON, sons of the late Finley Mc- 
Gibbon, noticed in the history of Dalesville. These two enterprising young men 
engaged in the lumber business here in 1881, having obtained a lease of a mill for 
five years, Ambitious, however, to do a larger business, and in a mill of their own, 
they purchased a mill site, and built their pres
nt steam mill in 1889. They have a 
planing mill also, and prep,:1re a large quantity of lumber for finishing. The number 
of logs sawn annually by this mill is about 20,ooo-three-fourths of which belong 
to the firm, the remainder to customers, Last year, they shipped 100 car loads of 
lumber. The energy displayed by this firm, and their honorable way of transacling 
business, has secured the esteem and good will of the community. 
A blacksmith is a necessity in every community, and when he combine') skill at 
hi!' trade with good judgment and respectability, he acquires no little popularity in the 
place, Such an one is ALEXANDER RIDDLE, 



His father, \Villiam Riddle, was born in Scotland, but he removed to Ireland, 
and several years afterwards-in 184
-came to Canada, and settled in Mille Isle, 
on a farm of 100 acres, which is now owned by his son Robert. He was married 
twice before coming to Canada, and by the first marriage he had six sons and one 
daughter; and by the second, two sons and two daughters. Alexander, the youngest 
of all, began learning the blacksmith trade, at the age of sixteen. After serving his 
apprenticeship, he spent six years in the States, then returned to Lachute, bought 
a house and lot, and has ever since followed his trade with success, and has been a 
member of the Town Council for two years. He was married 6th June, 1877, to 
Margaret Carpenter. 
SIl\lOX McKII\Iì\IE, who has an undertaker's establishment here, came from 
Morayshire, Scotland, with his father, John McKimme, in 1851, The father settled 
not far from the present Lachute Mills, and one of his sons, Joseph McKimme, now 
lives on the fine old homestea.d. )11'. 
IcKimrne died 11th October, 1882; he had five 
sons and six daughters. Simon, the fourth son, followed the carpenter's trade till 
five or six years since, when he engaged in his present occupation of undertaker. He 
keeps a hearse and a full supply of everything connected with his buslt1ess. The author 
of the saying, "Solemn as an undertaker," could never have seen )1r. McKimme, for 
his humor is pleasant, and his greeting a smile. He was married 22nd August, 
1859, to Janet Pollock. 
ANDREW Joss, from Aberdeenshire, Scotland, was one whose histor.y is identified 
with the early history of Lachute. He came here with his wife and three sons- 
William, James and George. He was employed in the grist mill a few years, and he 
then bought a farm in the vicinity of Brownsburg, on which he lived till his death. 
George, the youngest son, learned the cooper's trade, and after following it 
several years, he also opened a brewery in Lachute, which occupied the site of the 
present store of the Giles brothers, He married Mary Jane, a daughter of Patrick 
Rice j they had four sons and two daughters. 
Mr. Joss died 17th July, 1865' Three of his sons now live in Lachute j another 
one, James, resiL 1 es in Nebraska. Duncan, the eldest of the sons, was married 24th 
August, 1875, to Mary E. Hutchins. He is a carpenter by trade, and is now in 
company with his brother George, the firm being known as " Joss Brothers, Contrac- 
tors and Builders." They have a shop here, and supply all kinds oflumber for building 
and house finishing, and they have erected many of the dwellings in this section, 
They also build bridges-the \Vestover bridge, constructed in 1884, and the Barron 
bridge in 1892, are monuments of their handicraft. George Joss was married, 21st 
April, 1886, to Elizabeth Stalker. Daniel Joss, the youngest of the brothers, is a 
painter by trade, and the fact that he has been in the employ of the firm now known 
litchell & Sons, for 28 years, is evidence of his faithfulness and efficiency. He 
has been a member of the Municipal Council of Lachute, and was married 13th 
June, 1888, to Carrie Hutchins, 
E. H. McCoy is proprietor of the Marble and Granite business in Lachute, 
which is well known. His grandfather, John McCoy, carne from Ireland to Hin- 
chinbrooke, Huntingdon County, about 1820, and 
onducted a store there till his 
death in 1852. He had five sons and two daughters that grew up. Matthew S., his 
second son, continued the mercantile business in the same store, located on the Pro- 
yince Line, till 1872, when he removed to Huntingdon village, and was engaged dur- 
mg the rest of his life as Auctioneer and Agent for the Law firm of McCormick & 
Major; he died in 1893. He was married about 1849 to Harriet Howard; they 
had three sons and two daughters. Edmund H" the youngest son, went to Califor- 



nia in 1876, and was engaged in gold mining ten years, He then returned, came to 
Lachute, and entered into partnership in the marble and granite business with George 
L. Moir. Mr. Moir died in 1891, and 
lr. McCoy has since conducted the business, 
Some idea of its extent may be inferred from the fact, that within nine years the 
value of the wOIk he has done in St. Andrews cemetery alone is $22,000. 1\Ir. 
McCoy was married in 1886 to 
lary, daughter of the late John Arnott, of Lakefield ; 
he represents the East 'Yard of Lachute in the Municipal Council. 
Besides the m:1l1ufactories above noticed, O. B. LAFLFUR has quite a large 
Furniture Factory on Foundry street. 
DAVID CHRISTIE is one of the citizens of Lachllte whose faithful industry haS 
supplied him with enough of this world's goods, and whose integrity has secured him 
esteem. His father, David Christie, came from Ireland, and settled 011 a farm in the 
north part of Gore, ahout 1830; he there married Mary Good, also from Ireland. 
He was one of the militia who served in the Rebellion of 1837' He had ten children- 
five of each sex. David, the fourth son, began at the age of 14 to learn the shoe- 
maker's trade, and has followed it successfully to the present. He was married 28th 
September, 1866, to Margaret J. Johnson, daughter of the late C apt. Johnson of 
Lakefield; they have had three children: the eldest, a girl. died when three years old; 
Gilbert D., the elder son, is a clerk in \Tictoria, B.C.; 'Vm. H. is clerk in Lachute 
for J. R. McOuat. 


For the history of the newspaper enterprise we are again ind
bted to the pen of 

Ir. 1 reland. 
He says that a citizen of .c\rgenteuil, living in 
Iontreal, sent a man here from 
that city, with the sum of $50, and letters of introàuction to the principal citizens, 
which resulted in sufficient money being raised to start what was caned the Argenteuil 
A dz'ertiser, 
"The understanding between our 
[ontreal lesident and the Advertiser man was, 
that the paper should be non-politic,,-l and purely independent, and run on these 
principles, so as to be a means of good to the greatest number. 
" The establishment of this Daper caused a pleasant furore of excitem
nt in the 
county. It was the first newspaper started on the north side of the Ottawa River, 
between \lontreal and Ottawa, and was designed to aávocate the interests of the 
Ottawa Valley. and be a welcume visitor, once a week, to every home in this and the 
adjoining counties. 
" It was in June, 1872, that the first issue of the ArgmtelÚI Advertiser appeared." 
But, according to the further account of :Mr. Ireland, the editor of the Ad'l!er- 
IÙer, after a time, abanùoned his non-political attitude and became a most active 
champiun of the Liberal party. In consequence of this, Tile IVàfchmall and Ottawa 
Vahey Ad'lJocafe was established in 1877, with Dawson Kerr as editor and proprietor. 
'Yo J. Simpson (the present M.P.i".) was for some time connected with this 
paper, and, in 1892, it pas;;ed int0 the hands of the Calder Brothers, by whom it is 
still published. As is well known, it was started under the auspices of the Con- 
servative party, of whose principles it has ever been a devoted and able ad vocate. 
In 188 7, or thereabout, another paper, called TIle Indeþendent, was started in 
everal copies which are before us show that it was a vivacious little 
sheet, but decidedly bellicose in character. Its publicLHion was not long continued, 
and the lYatch1llall has remained the only newspaper in the COUlllY until recently. 


26 3 

In 1895, the proprietor of Tnt Ntws (St, Johns, Que.) began to issue the 
Lachute Ne'ltls-a sheet which devotes considerable space to the affairs of Argenteuil. 
The publication of another paper, called the Arl;enteuil Ne'ZtJs, has just been com- 
menced in I.achute, but we have not as yet had the pleasure of seeing it. 
,. There appears no record of how local affairs were administered in Lachute; but 
in 1825, the North River was spanned by the first bridge, and this was away to the 
east where White's bridge now stands. This was a great boon to the Scotch settlers, 
many of whom had located on the north side of the river, and also to the Irish 
who had located in the Gore. This most necessary improvement was not accom- 
plished without opposition and difficulty from persons interested in other parts of the 
river, but had not enterprise enough 10 begin theIr work. In ten years time another 
bridge was built, which was known as Power's bridge. This name \\" as taken from 
the fact that Orlando Powers, whose birth was referred to in an early sketch, lived 
on the north bank of the river directly facing the bridge. The building of this bridge 
was amid opposition and difficulty also. In 1840, a :\1 r. Hoyle, an eccentric but 
very enterprising Englishman, built a bndge at the mills, on tile site where Fish's 
bridge now stands. For twenty-five years there \Va
 not a single bridge across the 
river, \\ hile, fifteen years later, th,ee bridges were built, each one being opposed, and 
a strong and, in some cases, bitter rivalry existing between interested p_uties." * 
For several years, Lachute has had good railway accommodations j there are now 
four passenger trains each way daily, three of which stop nerè regularly, the other 
only occasionaliy, and there are two regular freight trains. 
Phileas :\lonette, the first station agent appointed here, still holds the position. 
The railway first took shape under the name of the Quebec, 
lontreal, Ottawa 
& Occidental Railway. It was graded as far as Lachute, :l11d the stone abutm
for the bridges here were constructed in 1873 and 1874. After that, work wa..; sus- 
pended for some time, but in the fall of 1876 the rails were Liij as far as Lachute. 
The Q. M, O. & O. Railway being unahle to complete the ro3.d, the Quebec 
Government became the owners, and the contract for construction as far as Hull was 
given to Duncan Macdonald, who ran the trains to L3.chute for a number of years, 
_\ dispute arose between the Government and 
lJ.cdonalù, and the Joly gm,-crn- 
ment seized the road and placed all the stations in charge of the Militia, who were 
called out. The Government then sold the road to the C. P. R. 
The County granted no bonus, but the P:nish of St. Jerusalem d' .\rgenteuil, 
which then included the town of Lachute, voted to the Q. 
I. O. & O. Company a 
bonus of $25,000. This was as an inducement to have the road come by Lachute 
instead of through Sr. Andrews. This bonus never \V.1.; paid The ground for 
objecting to payment was, that the Company had failed to carry out their obligations 
in constructing the road, that the bonus was not promised to the Government, and 
inasmuch as public money was being used for its construction, part of which was 
the contributions of this Parish, it would n
)t be fair to ask them to pay this bonus. 
Through the influence of the late Sir John .\bbott, legislation was passed at 
Ottawa exempting the parish from payment. 

Like most other country towns and villages at the present day, Lachute has its 
quota of merchants,-too many, is the general impression of strangers visit;ng tlte 

· From Ireland's sketches. 

26 4 


place j yet, tl
e fact that .they a
e all acco
ded s
fficient p3.tronage to encourage their 
continuance 111 the bus111ess, IS conclusIve eVIdence of the large amount of trade 
carried on here, It is much less, however, than it was a few years ago. Previous 
to the construction of a new railway in 1894, the farmers of Harrington, Arundel, 
and other parts in the rear of the County, all came to Lachute to trade; but when 
the new railway was completed as far as St. Jovite-a place in Ottawa County, 
con:iguous to Arundel-several stores were erected there, affording the farmers 
of the localities referred to a much more convenient market than Lachute; the dis- 
tance to the latter place being more than twice that to St. Jovite. 
" The first store in Lachute," says 1\1 r. Meikle in his history, "was opened by 

Ir, Robertson in 1813." 
The following paragraph is from a sketch of l\Ir. Ireland, published in 1886: 
,. For many years the centre of trade was at St. Andrews. The people from all 
parts of the country went there to do their trading. The principal store at Lachute 
was, as we have already seen, what the people familiarly called 'Meikle's,' until 

1r. P. Lane started at the old stand, where he still resides; but long since retired 
on a competency from many years of incessant attention as a country merchant. 
Shortly after Mr. Lane's store was opened, hi:) brother-in-law, Mr. John Taylor, a 
clever and energetic young Scotchman, began a store in the west end, near the mill, 
and did alaI ge business. Up to this period, the citizens seemed contented to trudge 
on in the old way of doing business by buying goods on CI edit, and selling on credit, 
at very high prices, and allowing accounts to remain for one, two, or more years by 
adding interest, and so, when Mr. Taylor commenced on the cash or ready pay 
system! and gave goods at a moderate protìt, there was quite a revolution among the 
country people in favor of ::\lr, Taylor's store, which became the centre of attraction, 
and was talked of all over the country." 
The stores are chiefly on Main street, and some of them are attractive in appear- 
ance and contain large stockS). 
That of ::\Ir. l\leikie, which has already been noticed, is the oldest one in the 
place, and occupies a commanding position, and doubtless holds as large a stock and 
receives as much patronage, as any in Lachute. 
Xot far from this is the imposing brick store of J. R, 11cOUAT, 
Mr. McOuat, in 1875, entered into partnership in the mercantile line with Hugh 
Fraser, jun., which partnership was continued till 188;, when he purchased the 
interest of Mr. Fraser, and in 1885 erected his present store. This structure has an 
attractive front of plate glass, the first in the place which presented this luxurious 
embellishment. :Mr. McOuat is one of the influential men of Lachute, and is a mem- 
ber of the School Board and Municipal Council. 
A well stocked and neatly kept store is that of HUGH FRASER, JUN. This gentle- 
man was born in Montreal and carne to Lachute when a child, In his youthful days, 
he was clerk for G. & R. Meikle five years, then spent three years in Morrisburg,Ont., 
and after his return to this place was in partnership with J. R. 1\IcOuat six years. 
In 1881, he opened his present store, in which he has since been engaged. He has 
an influence in all local and municipal affairs, and has served as School Comn1'Ïs- 
sioner and Town Councillor six years, 
McFAUL BRos.-James C. and John M. Their great-grandfather, Archibald 
McFaul, came from County Antrim, Irelanà, and settled on the farm now occupied 
by his grand-daughter, Mrs. Hugh Morrow, He lived here many years, and died at 
the home of his son Wïlliam, in \Vallace, Ont.; he had four sons and three daugh- 
ters. Archibald, the eldest son, married Mary, daughter of Jamts Carpenter. and 


26 5 

lived on a farm in Chatham till his death, which occurred 12th February, 1887. He had 
six sons and four daughters, who grew up. James, the eldest, father of the subjects 
of our present sketch, married Janet 
[cPhail about 1868, and settled on a farm of 
one hundred acres at Brownsburg, and has since bought three hundred acres adjoin- 
ing. He had five sons <.Ind five daughters. 
James C. left the farm in September, 1891, and en
ered into partnership in l/lchute, 
with Robert Banford irr the latter's store, remaining here till September. [893. He then 
bought out Banford, and took as partner his brother, John M.; tht'Y are still here in 
John street, duing a good business in general merchandise, dry goods, groceries, 
boots, sllot'!=, etc. John 1\L was married to Annie Stuart, 25th September, 1894. 
ROBERT KETTYLE, SEN., a soldier who fought at \raterloo Ill1der \\' ellington, and 
received his discharge soon after, having seen 2 [ years' service, W.1S l>.>rn in the 
north of Ireland. He come to Canad.l about 1830, and: receiving a location ticket, 
took up a lot in \Venlworlh, but finding that this was poor land, he then bought a 
farm in the north part of Gore, Lakefield. He lived in this place a few years. and 
then moved into the Seigniory where he died. He had one son and two daugh:ers : 
Robert, the son. was a young man when his father came to this country. He j0ined 
the Cavalry in 
lontreal, also married in that city, and had three sons and three 
daughtns. He finaliy settled in Lachule Ilear Hill Head, where he died about 
1885. Robert, his son, followed farming till 1885, when he opened a grocery in 
La{'hute, which he still conducts. He has been married twice, the last time in 
188, to Harriet A. Knox, 
A. J. PERIARD was born at S1. Renoit. He learned the tailor's trade, and spent 
ten years in Montreal and Ottawa; he came to Lachute in [880, and opened a mer- 
chant tailor's establishment, which he has ever since conducted. He was married 
June 22nd, [880, to 
liss Drown, daughtercf James BrowlI, contractor, of ,Montreal. 
.Mr. Periard was reared a Roman Catholic, but was converted to Protestantism about 
t\V.enty yeats ago, since which he has been actively engag
d in Christian w.lfk. He 
has preached, and still preaches, in different parts of the County on (he Sabbath. He 
also did much in the way of Christian labor in Sunday 
chools and like gatherings 
while in i\Ion treal. 
WILLIAM BANFORD is a courteous and public-spirited merchant on 
reet; he i
e eldest son. of \\ïllia
 Banforò, of whom. a sketch 
s given i
hIstory of Lqngnal. 
e was bon.l m 
85I, and began 1115 mercantile life a<; clerk 
for D. J. ]alllIeson, of \ ankleek lIlli, with Wh<:)111 he remained two years. He then 
came. to Lachute, and was cler.k for James FIsH & Co. two years, after which he 
renlamed four years as clerk 111 the employ of P. H. Lane, Esq. About 1880 he 
purchased the:: store of Mr, Lane. This was burnt in the fall of 189.J. and he then 
ren-,oved to 11ls present store. 
Ir, Banford was married in 1879 to E!iza Fraser of 
Bethan y, ' 
X. MCGILLIS & SON, from Lancaster, Ont., have a hardware store on I\Ia' 
street. Norman McGillis, who came with his family from Scotland, was one of tI

early settlers of Lancaster. He had five sons arid five daughters. Neil :\[cGillis, his 
second scn, has been engaged many years in mercantile business in L
ncaster and 
for some years has been one of the Board of Aldermen of that place. In the fall of 
189.l he purchased th
 ?tore and stock of A. J. Fraser in Lachute, which is now in 
arge of Mr, McGIllis' son; they keep a full line of hardware, tinware paints 
oils, etc. ' , 
ROBERT CRESWELL has a fine brick Llock on .Main street, in which he has a flour 



ani! feed store. His father, \Vm, Creswell, came from Donegal, Ireland, with his 
family to Lachute in 1852, being 13 weeks in crossing the Atla
tic-an unusual time 
at that late date. He settled on a farm of 100 acres in the Seigniory, and afterward 
bought a lot in Lachute and erected a house on it, but never resided here j he died 
about 18 6 4. 
'J he following obituary is copied from an Illinois paper, published in 
1 ð93 :- 
., Mrs. Sarah Creswell died here at 2.30 last Saturdav morning after a few days' 
illness. She was hem in Ireland in 1816, and came to Canada in 1852, where Mr. 
CrEswell died about 1864. She moved 10 Illinois with her children in 1872, and 
d <it Randolph; eighteen years ago she moved to H eyworth. She is the mother 
of eleven children, of whom nine are living, viz., William and John in :Montana' 
James at Paxton; Robert in Canad.
; Mrs. Matthew Smith at Lytleville; Mrs. T. :rl 
Minton at Downs; Ì\lrs. Isabella Happins in Ohio j and Maggie and Jennie at l
l\lrs. Creswell belonged to the Episcopal Church." 
Robert, the second son, was married 1st November, 1866, tJ Eliza Miller. He 
followed harness-making teu years, and was also engaged in farming till 1875, when 
he er.gaged in his present business. He has another block near the one in which 
he lrade
. . 
JOHN STEWART is proprietor of one of the meat markets with which Lachme is 
well vrovided. His father, 1?onald Stewart, came from Stirlingshire, near Glasgow, 
to Lachute in IF32. He was III the employ of James Walker about a year, then went 
to Ontario, where he was emvloyed as miller for several years, He returned to 
Lachute, and married Janet McIntyre, whose family carne from the 
ame place in 
Scotland, and at the same time, that Mr. Stewal t did. After his mauiage, he settled on 
the farm now owned and occupied by Edmund Smith, and lived on it till his death 
in 1872. He left five sons and one daughter. John, the eldest, married, in April 
18 77. Margaret Barron, and engaged in farming till 1887, when he bought a good 
house in this village, built a commodious hrick shpp, and has since been engaged in 
his present business. 
DA VID \VILSON is proprietor of a meat market at the west end of Fish's bridge. 
He carne from \ orkshire, England, in 1872. He was married 13 th April, 1881, to 
Agnes McFarlane, fron: Paisley, Scotland, and settled in Lachute in 1838. He was 
employeã three years III the market of Patenaude & MacA(thur, and then, in the 
winter of 189', opened a market himself. 
Besides the establishments above mentioned there are several others, the stores 
D. KERR, BOA, etc. 
JOSEPH AUGUSTUS BEDARD, one of the Municipal Councillors, has an attractive 
boot and shoe store on Main street, where he also sells a variety of musical instru- 
G. ROBY, merchant tailor, who carne here in 1893, during the past summer 
( 18 95), erected one of the finest looking buildings in the place, on Main street, An- 
other attractive place on the same street is the store of T. JOUSSE, jeweller. 
A .very fine builùing also is the hardware store of C. CHARLEBOIS, near the 
R. R. Station. 
Lachute has four hotels, and though the number seems large for the place, they 
are all commodious, respectable looking buildings, and apparently prosperous. 


26 7 

JA)IES Cl:RRIE is proprietor of the Victoria Hotel, the only one at Lachute Mills, 
and the oldest one in the town-a portion of thè building being one in which Milo 
Lal1e conducted an hotel when Lachute was in her infancy. It has a large share of 
the patronage of the trave1ling public, owing both to the correctness of its appoint- 
ments and the popularity and extensive acquaintance of its proprietor, who has had 
an experience of fifteen years in his present hotel. 
l\I r. Currie's grandfather on the maternal side, John 'Villiamson, was a soldier 
under \Vellington, fought at \"aterloo, and \\ as in several other engagements. Aner 
serving twenty-one Yt:ars he obtained his discharge, came to Canada, settled in Gore, 
and served in the Rebellion of J837-38. Mr. Curri
's father, Charles Currie, came from 
Castle Blarney, County of Monaghan, Ireland, in the spring of 1831. He first found 
employment on the " Feeder" at Carillon, on which his brother Isaiah, who had pre- 
viously COTPe to this country, had a contract. In the fall of 1832, he took up a lot in 
the second range of Gore, on which he lived twelve years. In 1837, he was married 
to Elizabeth Williamson. He sold out in 1844, and bought a farm in \Ventworth, on 
which he lived till his death in J879' Hehad three sons and two daughters. James, 
the eldest, at the age of 17 went to the States, where he spent twenty years, Return- 
ing, he purchased a farm on Be
ch Ridge, and engaged in farming, meam\-hile 
three rears in the St. .-\ndrews Parish Council. In 1880, he sold his farm anå 
engaged in his present business in Lachute. He was married in January, 1860, to 
Catherine, daughter of Valentine Swail, of 'Wentworth. They ha ve one son, Valentine, 
married, and living ill British Columbia, and three daughters. 
An imposing building is the "i\rgemeuil House," towards the upper end of 
Main street, of which PIERRE RODRIGUE, the present Mayor of La chute, is proprietor. 
The house is brick, 70 x 40 feet ill size, three stories beside:; the basement, with a 
two-storey extension, 60 x 25 feet in size, flat roof, and encircled by three galleries. 
It has three parlors, two sittinfI rooms, thirty-five bed rooms, a large office, and dining 
room with st:ating capacity for 100 guests. The grounds and stables connected 
therewith are equally spacious. 
Mr. Rodrigue was born in St. Scholac;lique, and his early days were spent on his 
father's farm. He took a classical course at the school of Rev. Father Bonin, after 
which he taught five years in the same school and two years in the public school. 
He was married 17th October, 1853, to Margaret, daughter of the late Alexandre 
Fortier, and spent the following eleven years on his father's farm. After devoting a 
few years to mercantile life and hotel keeping, he sold out in 1871 and bought the " Bee 
Hive "-the hotel of Alvah Burch in L3.chute, This was burnt 7th Jan
ary, 18 9 2 , 
and, the same year, :Mr, Rodrigue built his present hotel. He has been "pery success- 
ful financially since corning here, his real estate, within and outside of the Corporation, 
being valued at $25,000. He has been -in the Council five or six years, and in I89.J 
was elected Mayor, and has b
en Chairman of the Roman Catholic School Board 
since it was established in 1875, and is a trustee of the Roman Catholic Church. He 
has three sons and one daughter, two of the former, E. D., m3.rried to Mary Poitras, 
and L. P. Rodrigue, being employed in the hotel. Alexandre is an M, D, 
The daughter of :\Ir. Rodrigue is married to Charlei Charlebois, proprietor of 
the Lachute .Foundry. 
There are two other hotels near the railroad station, of one of which ALFRED 

AFLEUR is proprietor. This building also is of brick, three stories, 6:> x 40 feet 
111 size. Commodious stables are attached, in which 1\1 r. Lafleur has a good 
number of horses. He is a native of Ste. Adèle, County of Terrebonne, where he 
as engaged in hotel keeping and lumber l>usiness. He spent ten years in connec- 
tIOn with the lumber traffic in California and the ""estern States-three years in 



Marquette, Michigan, where he and his father erecteù several houses. He came to 
Lachute in 1878 and built his present hotel, which he has ever sinc:e conducted. 
The other hotel11ear the R. R. st<:..tion, and also on Foundry street, is that of 
?\IOISE PAQUETTE. Mr. Paquette was born in St, Scholastique, lived on the homestead 
farm till 18 7 8 , when he came with his father to Lachute, built his present hotel, and 
moved into it in 1879. His father, Moise Paquette, died 14th December, ]891, at 
the age of 68, Like the other public houses of Lachute, this is of a good size and 
appearance, and has ample yard and stables attached, H. Paquette, a brother of 
the hotel proprietor, has a barber shop in the establishment. 
About two miles above the Lachute Post Office, toward Hill Head, in a good 
farming section, IS a settlement where, in former years, there was a thriving business 
conducted, of which the tannery of SA)IUEL HILLS was the nucleus. 
Mr. Hills was from New Hampslllre, and after li\-ing two years at S1. Andrews, 
he came, about ] 830, to Lachute. He was a man of much enterprise, and his 
descendants are people of spirit and intelligence. Soon after his arrival, he erected 
a tannery, with which he did an active bU3iness, besides conrlucting a farm, till his 
death, The business thus started grew in importance, until" Hills' Tannery," by 
which name the locality was soon designated, became quite a noted place. Leather 
of different kinds was manufactured here, and shoemakers, harness m:1kers, and other 
men were employed, till it was said the Hills would have a village of their own. 
The founder (If this business had four sons-Frederick, Samuel Scott, William 
Matthews, and Reuben \Vatson. The latter died at the age of 14, and Frederick, the 
eldest, died at Hancock, N.H. Saml
el S. and William, each of whom had a good 
farm belonging tú the homestead, contmucd to
ether the manag
ment of the tanner.v, 
Samuel married Elizabeth Hastings, and 'Vi liam man ied her sister, Frances J. 
Hastings, who died 10th August, 1891. \Villiam was also, for a time, conducting 
quite a business at Portage du Fort; but he relinquished it and confined himself to 
that at Lachute; he is now connected with an extensive luinber firm in Montreal, 
though he still has a residence in Lachute. 
Samuel S. Hills always lived in Lachute, and died here 16th April, 1878; he had 
three sons and two daughters that grew up. 
Frederick 'V., the eldest, lives in the dwelling occupied hy his grandfather; he 
married Miss E. A. Grant, and has two daughters. Watson S. reside. at Brainard, 

linn,; Julia is deceased; and Mary F., married to Albert I Green, resides in ::\Iinnc- 
apolis, Minn. George H. was married 18th June, 1879, to Jessie Muir; they have 
three children, He engaged in farming on the homestead till August, 1882, when the 
farm was sold. After following agricultural life till .888, he bought the brick house 
and lot where he now li\'es, and, in :::892, opened a store. His dwclling and store 
are those elected and occupied by Samuel Orr, noticed on a former page. 
mND S;\IlTH, one of the enterprising and leadin g farmers of Lachute, 
resides in this locality, \Villiam Smith, his great-grandfather, came from Yorkshire, 
England, and was the first settler at what is now Dunany, in Wentworth, He recei\.ed 
a grant of Lot I, Range I, for marking out a road by blaLed trees from Sir John's 
Lake to Clear Lake. He had two sons and three daughters that grew up. 
Samuel, the eldest, married Margaret McDonald. of Gore, about 1828; settled 
near the homestead, and lived there till his death. He was the first Postmaster at 
Dunany, the post office being established there in 1853; was :\Iayor of \Ventworth 
and \[ajor of Militia; he was a loyal actor in the events of J 837, and was at Grande 
Brulé with the Yolunteers. He died 11th June, 1893, aged 96, and so remarkab
healthy had he been, that he never employed a physician till his last illness, HIS 
widow is still living; they had twelve children, six of each sex, that arrived at matur- 


26 9 

ity. Jame
, their eldest son, was married in April, 1858, to Mary Jane McLean, of 
Lachute, and settled in Gore, adjacent to Dunany, Sixteen years later, he bought 
210 acres in Lachute, to which he removed in 1874; this is the farm no,v owned and 
occupied by his son, Samuel E, Smith. He was a School Commissioner for some time, 
and took much interest in the military affairs of the County; he joined the Rangers at 
their organization as Lieutenant, and was promoted to the rank of Major. He died 
24 th January, r887, and was buried with military honors, He had two sons and 
four daughters that grew up. 
Samuel E., the only son now living, was married 30th April, 1890, to Janet 
Pattison, of Lachute, He has always remained on the homestead-a fine farm- 
which he has improved so that it sustains a large stock. 
Ir. Smith is 1st Lieutenant 
in Company No.2 of the Rangers. 
JOHN :\IcGREGOR came from Dumbarton::;hire, 
cotland, to L:lchute, with his 
family, about 1826, and bought 100 acres ofland, which is now owned and occupied by 
Robert Beatty. Sub
equently, he purchased 90 acres adjacent to his first purchase, 
which is now owned and occupied by the widow of his son, John :\IcGregor. He moved 
to the latte farm, and lived there till his death, about 1864, at the age of 87; Mrs. 
McGregor died abou t ten .rears later, aged 97. Six sons and three daughters arrived at 
maturity. James, the fourth son, now living with his son Thomas, has followed the mill- 
wright trade forty-five years in this section, huildil1g and repairing many mills. He 
was married in 1846 to Ellen Hay; she died r6th April, 1885. '\Ir. :\IcGregor's first 
permanent residence, after marriage, was at Erownsburg, where he bought a saw mill 
and carding mill, which he conducted for twel ve years. He then, about 1860, sold 
them, and purchased 80 acres of land in Lachnte, which he sold to David Pollock in 
18 9 0 . He has had three sons and two daughters, who grew up. His eldest son, 
Robert J" lives in Kansas; George is employed in the store of the Hay Brothers; 
and Thomas, with whom he lives, is on a farm which belonged to the paternal estate; 
he was married 2nd January, 1884, to :\[argaret Parker, of Montreal. 
Xear this locality is what may be termed a Ius/IS llaturæ, a singular change 
having occurred in the physical features of quite a tract of territory since the country 
was first settled. A tract two miles or more in length and many rods in breadth is 
nothing but a field of drifting white sand, where, not many decades ago, were culti. 
vated fields. This strip of worthless land extends across the middle of several farms, 
on the south side of the North River. The soil which covered this sand must, of 
course, have been very shallow, but still it is said that it once produced fine crops of 
ryt:. The sand, like snow, drifts with the win.1, and a fence crossing it does not long 
remain visible or effective aga.inst cattle. This stratum, it is claimed, is about twelve 
feet in thickness, succeeded by a substratum of blue clay, beneath which is abundance 
of water. 


This parish, as will be seen below, WLl.S not erected till long after Lachute had 
become a thriving village. As stated in the hislory of St. Andrews, it embraces the 
larger part of the Seigniory of .\.rgenteuil, and besides the town of Lachute, it contains 
other districts de')ignated as the Settlement and Bethany, which will be noticed 
in the proper place. 

· That tract or parcel of Ian:!, situate in the seigniory of Argenteuil, in the County of Two Moun- 
tains, in that part of the Province of Canada called Lower Canada, bounded ami abutted a:; follows, 
to wit: on the south by the southern line of lot numb
r fifteen in th
 we<;t settlement, the rear of the 

27 0 


PATRICK STRACHAN DUNBAR, Mayor of the Parish of St. Jerusalem d'Argenteuil, 
was born in Fones, Morayshire, Scotland, 7th March, 1824. His father was George 
Dunbar, who was a Captain in the Inverness Militia; his mother was Katherine, 
daughter of :Major Patrick Strachan, of Drumduen, Morayshire, who, on one or two 
occasions, was in active service. !vir. Dunbar came to Canada with his parents in 
18 3 2 , and settled in Brownsburg; the family remained there for two years, and then 
came to Jerusalem, wnere the son has ever since resided. He was employed on the 
first railroad ever built in this County, anrl helped to run the first engine that went 
from Carillon to Grenville in 1854; in 1856, he was first mate on the steamer " Atlas," 
plying between Lachine and Carillon. Mr. Dunbar took a most active part in helping 
to secure tne line of the present C. p, Railway-then the :Montreal, Ottawa & Occi- 
dental-through this parish, and, in 1872, took-part with the late Thomas C. Quinn, 
Provincial Land Surveyor, in running a trial line from Grenville Bay to St. Therèse, 
This line proved to be the shortest and most direct, and was afterwards adopted by 
the R, R. Company. Mr. Dunbar has been a Municipal Councillor in t}1e Parish for 
thirty-two years, and has fined the office of Mayor since 1880; he married, in 1852, 
Jessie, youngest daughter of the late Walter McOuat. Mrs. Dunbar is still living. and 
has three daug11ters. Mr. Dunbar has also filled the office of President of the Board 
of School Commissioners, here, since 1885. He is now in his seventy-third year, and 
has been a resident of this parish for upwards of sixty years, 
ROBERT GORDON., from County Down, Ireland, came to the Parish of St. Jeru- 
salem, in 1824, and bought one hundred acres of land, which is now owned ;1.l'd 
occupied by his son Robert. The latter, who is now upward of eighty years of age, 
has cleared up much of the paternal estate, and also another one hundred acres, by 
which he has augmented it. He has been one of those industrious, sober men, who 
exert a good influence, and whose presence as a neighbor is always desired. He has 

middle settlement or Beech Ridge, the southern part of Duel's purchase, and the line separating the 
East Settlement from part of Brown's Gore, and that rear of lot number thirty-five, on the River 
Rouge: on the east by the seigniory of Two Mountains; on the north by the township of Gore; on 
the west by the township of Chatham. Beginning on the line between Chatham and Argenteuil at the 
distance of three miles and three-quarters from the shore of the Ottawa River; thence, along the side 
line between lots numbers fourteen and fifteen, in the west settlement, magnetically south sixty-nine 
degrees thirty minutes east, one mile, eight arpents and six perches more or les" to an angle; thence, 
alo;:g the northerly rear line of lots numbers five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten of the middle settle- 
ment or Beech Ridge, north, 86 degrees east, nineteen arpents mOre or less, to an angle; thence, along 
the rear line from the nOlthwest corner of number eleven, to the north-east corner of number twenty. 
two, or the last lot of the middle settlement, to a point about seven miles and one. quarter from the 
Ottawa River: north 68 degrees, one mile, six arpents and two perches more or less; thence, along the 
Jine between the ea't side of the middle settlement and the tract ofland kno"n as Duel's purchase to 
the southern extremity of the said tract; south eleven degrees and ten minutes east, two miles more or 
less; thence, along the line between part of Brown's Gore and Duel's purchase south, eighty.three 
degrees east, seven arpents and six perches more or less to an angle; thence, along the eastern line of 
Duel's purchase, to the south-western angle of the East Settlement, six arpents more or less; thence, 
along the southern side line oflot number one in both ranges of the East Settlement, till it meets the 
eastern line of the seigniory of Argenteuil, at a point distant about five miles from the Grand or Otta.wa 
River south, sixty-nine degrees thirty minutes east, two miles five arpents and five perches, more or 
less; thence, along the line between the seigniories of Argenteuil and Two-Mountains, to the nor.h- 
eastern angle of the said seigniory of Argenteuil north, twenty degrees thirty minutes east, seven 
miles, eight arper.ts and seven perches more or less; thence along the rear line of the seigniory ot 
Argenteuil, which is also the front line of the townsh'p of Gore, to the north-western angle of the 
seigniory to a point on the Clear Lake north, sixty-two degrees thirty minutes west, six miles and 
fourteen arpents more or less; thence, along the line between Chatham and Argenteuil south, twenty 
degrees thirty minutes west, eight miles and seven arpents more or less, to the place of beginning. 
Approved by Order in Cour.cil of the 15th July, 1852, minus: The limits of the town of Lachute 
by 48 V., c. 72. 


27 1 

been a :\fagistrate for a quarter of a century, and has also been a member of the 
:Municipal Council of his Parish. Although an octogenarian, he is still active, and 
takes much interest in public affairs. One of the latest of his works was to secure a 
grant of $50 from Government, to pay for placing gravel on a low, marshy piece of 
road in this section-a work of much utility. Mr. Gordon has had ten children, 
nine of whom are still living. 
ROBERT CROZIER was born in County Cavan, Ireland,6th May, 18q, and came to 
Canada when four years of age. His parents first went to Montreal, and a year later 
to Chatham, where the son lived for several years, three of which he spent in lum- 
bering on the Black River and Ottawa. He was married 30th October, 1338, to 
Margaret, youngest daughter of the late Andrew \Valker, of Lane's Purchase. He pur- 
chased a farm adjoining that of his fathu-in-Iaw, remaining there until 1848, when he 
bought a farm in this section from Chauncey Davis. He had eight daughters and 
four sons, of whom 3even daughters and two sons are now living. The daughters are 
all married, and Catherine, wife of Simon McGilvray, and John Alexander, are the 
oniy children of the family in this County. Mr. Crozier was at Grand Brulé in 1837, 
and was a member of the Volunteers and Cavalry for over twenty years. He was a 
large land owner in this parish, but in 1894 sold his farm, and so
n afterward went 
to Lachute to live a retired life, but died there 1st June, 1895, after only a week's ill- 
ness. The AEolltreal Witlless said of him in a lengthy obituary notice: "Mr, Crozier 
was a true husband and kind father, and the loss of his presence to sorrowing re- 
latives will not be easily or quickly repaired." His wife still survives, at the age of 
John A., eldest son of Robert Crozier, was born 1845, and always remained in 
this section. On 21st Feb., 1878, he was married to :Miss Ryan, a teacher, daughter 
of Thomas Ryan, who was a ship carpenter, living at the time in Mille Isles. Mr. 
Crozier first settled on the farm now owned by Thomas Black, jun., which he had 
bought a few years previous to his marriage, but he afterwards sold it and returned 
home to assist his father, whù was alone. In July, 1890, he bought his present farm, 
on which he has since made many improvements. He a member of Capt. Bur- 
wash's troop of Cavalry ten ye:àrs, joining it in 1860, after receiving a diploma from 
the :Military School in Montreal. He was Corporal of his company when he retired, 
DAVID THOMAS MORIN was born 8th February, 1820, in Dumfrieshire, Scotland, 
His father, who was a guard in Dumfrieshire Jail, was killed while on duty by the 
notorious thief and pick-pocket, Davie Hagart. He struck ::\Ir. 
Iorin on the head 
with a stone concealed in a s!ocking, intending only to stun him, but the blow proved 
The son, David Thomas, who was a carpenter by trade, came to Canada with his 
mother, about 1833. In February, 1843, he was married in .Montreal to l\Iiss Janet 
Craik, sister of Dr. Craik, Dean of the l\Ieùical Faculty, McGill University. In 18-1-9, 
he came to this parish, acd bought the farm now owned by his son DJ.vid j he died 
here 20th :\lay, 1873, and Mrs Morin 17th April, 1890. They had five sons and 
five daughters j three of the latter are deceased. Thomas, Da.vid, John, Jane and 
Janet, the latter married to \Villiam Davidson, lives in this parish-Robert C, on 
Beech Ridge, and William in Prescott County, Ont. Thomas, born 31st Dec., 1843, 
remained at home until twenty-four years of age, when he went to NevadLt, where he 
remained about five years. On his return, he was married 12th February, 1873, to 

Iary, daughter of the late James Gordon, of River Rouge. lIe then came to Ills 
present farm, adjoining the old Itomestead; he has two daughters and one SOil, 
who allli\'e at home. David, born 7th July, 1850, remained on the homestead j 

27 2 


he married l\[iss Dunbar, daughter of Patrick Dunbar, Esq. ; they have one son. Mr. 
::\Iorin has a fine farm, and in 1890 received a bronze medal and a diploma from the 
Quebec Government in the competition of that year. 
DREW \V ALKER came to Canada from Barrackshire, Scotland, with his family 
in J833, and first settled on Lane's PÜrchase in Lachute, where he and Mrs. \Valker 
both died, on the farm now owned by Henry Drysdale. Tiley had five sons and four 
daugh ters; among those now living are Margaret, widow of the late Robert Crozier; 
Alice, widow o( \Villiam Blow, livÜ1g in Manitoba; and George, living in Ontario, 
ANDREW, the fourth son, born 4th \Iay, :::82 I, was r
larried in 1851 to Catherine 
.\., daughter of Capt. Dunbar; they had e!ght children-five sons ::Ind three daugh- 
ters, of whom all but one son are no\\' living. Mr. \Valker remained on the home
stead until 1895, when his son Andrew bought the farm of his late uncle, Robert 
Crozier, in Jerusalem, and 1\1r. and Mrs. \\Talker, I"dired, are now li"ing with him. 
Mr. Walker has been very active in the affairs of the County, having beèn Municipal 
Councillor of Lachute for twenty-one years; he was ",Iso a member of Major Simp
son's company uf Cavalry, having been sergeant at the time they receiv
d the Prince 
of ""ales at Carillon. George Dunbar, the eldest son, lives in Hill Head; Janet I., 
married to James R:1itt, lives in Lachute; Catherine .\., married to WIlliam Cope- 
land, lives in Lane's Purchase; Andrew is on the farm in Jerusalem; William B. and 
John R. in l\lanitoba; and ì\!aggie, married to D. McPhail, lives in Chatham. 
HUGH CLELAND, son of James Cleland, was born in the parish of St. Jerusalem, 
and lived on the farm now owned by Thomas Black; he was married to Mary Ann 
Cotter, They had five children, of whom two boys and two girls are now living. 
!\Ir. Cleland Lought the farm now owned by his son, \Villiam J" and for the last 
eighteen years has shipped milk to :Montreal, buying from a good many in this 
vicinity. Mr. Cleland is now retireõ, and, with his wife, remains on the old 
homestead with their second son, \Villiam. The latter still continues the milk busi- 
ness; he was born January, 1867, and 23rd June, 1893, was married to Mary, d:wghter 
of \Villiam Brown, of Martintown, Ont. Jant>, the eldest, is married to Malcolm 
Smith, of Beech Ridge; Mary E. to Thomas Smith, lives in Montreal. Robert 
James, the eld
st son, was born 1857, and always remained at home. In [887, 
he was married to Isabella. daughter of Andrew Bell, Postmaster of Beech 
Ridge; the same year he took his present farm of his father. He has since erected 
new builclings, and m 1de many improvements on it; with his brother, he continues 
the milk business commenced by their father. 
., eldest son of James Leishman, was born in Upper 
Lachute, 26th May, 1864; he remained at home until 1886, and then \\rent to Cali- 
fornia, where he remained eight years in the lumber business; on his return he 
bought the farm of John )lcGilvray, Jerusalem, and is now living here with his sister 


_-\. Po
t Oftice was established here in 1871, and given the name of Genoa; James 
Gordon was appointed Postmaster, which office he still ho
ds. !\ir. Gordon COIl- 
ducted a general store here some time, but having to devote his time to his trade- 
that of carpenter-he discontinued the store, in 1890. 
The first school-house was built on the farm now owned by Mrs. Black. In 184 1 , 
a log school-house was built on the site of the present brick one, near the four 



A neat wooden church was erected in 1861, on 13r
d given to the \Vesleyan Metho- 
dist Conference by ::\lr. John Burwash, and it was built by the 
Iethodists of this 
vicinity. Mr. Griffith took an active part in its erection, and has been a staunch sup- 
porter of it ever since. It is used as a Union church now, and services are held on 
alternate Sabbaths hy Revs. Clipsham and Mackie, of Lachute. The Church is 
always open to any Protestant minister who wishes to hold service in it. 
The first settlers known in this place were BarL"'er, Drcl.per, and Hyatt, U. E, 
Loyalists, who came here about the beginning of the present century. Barber was 
quite a large land owner, having ab0ut 700 acres; he built a three-story, stone build- 
ing in 1850, on the fJ.rm no\\' owned hy 
] rs. \Vm. Black, intending that his sons 
should occupy it with him, after being married. They, however, being dissatisfied, 
left Ihls p1rt of the country, and none of the descendants of the above-named men 
now live in this section. 
.-\ few years ago, considerable business was done in the East Settlement by govern- 
ment contractors, who bought several acres of land from Messrs. John Rodger, Arm- 
strong and Todd. A very fine quality of gravel was discovered here, and a side 
track was hid from the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railroad to take away the 
gravel ùug by the large gang of men employed during one summer. Ahout twenty 
miles of the C. P. R, were b..1llasted with the gravel, and a great many carloads w.
taken to 
Iontreal. The gravel pit is quite a treak of nature, being a high ridge with 
leve1land on either side. rhe ridge is about half a mile long and three acre5 wide; 
the centre, where excavated, has the appearance of having been under water at one 
time, there being towards the bottom several feet of fine gravel, and then a layer of 
stone similar to the dry bed of a river. .-\t the bottom is a very fine quality of build- 
ing sand in which are found springs of pure cold water. 
THO;\IAS :\IILLER, a cabinetmaker by trade, was born in Scotland, and came to 
Canada about 1800 j he remained about ,seven years, then returned to Scotland, and 
married ::\liss .\nna Murdoch. He then came back to Canada, and settled at River du 
Loup, Que., keeping store there for several years, after which he removed to River 
lge, rennining several years on the farm of Gregor 
IcGregor. He then came to 
this place, anù bought the farOJ now owned hy his son, Thomas G. :\Ir. and Ml's. 
Miner both died here. THO\IAS G., the eldest son, born in 18.6 at River du Loup, 
was married in 1851 to :\Iary E. Green, from County Sligo, Ireland: they have five 
hters and four sons, all living. Catherine, the eldest daughter, Ii ' in Chicago j 
Mary and .-\manda in Montreal j ð1artha and Eliza are at home. Of the sons, 
Thomas, the eldest, John H. and William, are in California, and James, the YOllngest, 
remains at hom
JOHN GRIFFITH was born in Ireland in 1819, his parents, who were Welsh, having 
previously settled there; the family came to Canada about the year 18 
6, and first 
settled in Sr, Canute. \\'hen about eighteen years of age, John went to Ontario, and 
was employed for two years on the Cornwall Canal; he then returned to St, Canute, 
and soon afterward joined the St. Andrew's V,)luntecrs, Capt. Quinn's Company, 
going with them to St. Scholastique. He was in this Company when orders were 
received to march to St. Eu,tache. :\lr. Griffith afterward went to Thomas' Gore, 
where he was married to Mary, daughter of the late \Villiam Hume
 Hill Head. They 
had eight sons and fOllr danghters, of whom five sons and all the daughter
 are still 
living. William, th
 eldest, is a farmer in Watertown, N, Y.; Henry is mining in 
Nevada; John \V, is Professor in a San Francisco College j Isaac lives at home; and 
Albert L. is in '[ontreal; Eleanor, married to Roderick 
lcDonald, lives in Vide Sac j 
Mary J., married to Henry Hadley, lives in ::\lontreal; Sarah A. is at home j and 
Grace, married to \ViIliam Shepherd, lives in East Settlement. 



JAMES ARMSTRONG came to Canada in 1824 from County Monaghan, Ireland, 
and settled in North Settlement, on the farm now owned by \Villiam 'Valkeï; he 
afterward bought the farm now owned by his son Robert, where he died 7th May, 
18 73, aged seventy-five years, JAMES, the third son, born in 1837, was married 5th 
September, 1856, to Jane Canton, of Lakefield; he then settled on the farm now 
?wned by John Graham, Thomas' Gore, and remained there five years, when he sold 
It, and in 1872 bought his present one from the late 'Villiam Todd. He has three 
daughters and two sons; Julia A, is married to John McOuat, and lives in Lachute; 
l\lary E., the second daughter, after being a very successful teacher for four years, 
is now in the Post Office at Lachute; Alice J., John E., and Albert J. are at home. 
'VILLlAl\I BLACK, born 1830, was a son of Handyside Black, who came from Scot- 
land j \Villiam, who was the third son, bought the farm now occupied by his widow 
and children-the old Barber place, on which was built the large stone house men- 
tioned above. Mr. Black was married in 1872 to Elizabeth, daughter of \Villiam 
Dickson, of this place; he died 22nd March, 1891, aged sixty-one. Mrs, Black sur- 
vives him, and has four children-one daughter and three sons, named respectively 
Aggie, John, 'Villiam and David. Mrs. Black, with her children's assistance, has 
continued to manage the farm since her husband's death. The eldest son, John, 
bids fair to be one of the successful farmers of 
\rgenteuil, having already began to 
purchase thoroughbred stock. 
'VILLIAM TODD was born in Roxburyshire, Scotland, in 1808, and came to 
Canada in 1830, with his wife, Elizabeth \Vilson, and two children; he settled in 
Beauharnois, where he remained five years, then came to Lachute, .and bought the 
farm now occupied by the family of J ames Pollock. He remained in Lachute six 
years, and afterwards-about 1841-cam,= to this place, and bought the farm now 
occupied by James Armstrong, and lived here a number of years. 1\1rs, Todd died 
in 1860. They had four sons and one daughter; the latter is deceased, \Villiam, 
the eldest son, is in \Visconsin ; Thomas lives in Lachute; Andrew, on the Lachute 
Road; and Henry in this place. Mr. Todd was married a second time, in 1865. to 
:l\Iary, daughter of Andrew McLean, of Montreal. After selling his farm to 1\1r. 
Armstrong, Mr. Todd bought the cottage of James Gordon, at the four-corners, :1nd 
died there 18th April, 189
. aged eighty-six years. Mrs, Todd still lives here, 
JOSEPH ROGER, whose father also bore the name of Joseph, was born in Scot- 
hind in 1795. He came to Canada in 1833, and the same year bought the farm in 
this place now occupied by his children i he purchased this of Isaac Hyatt, one of t'ìe 
first settlers in this section. In 1836, Mr. Roger was married to Miss Jean :\IcOuat; 
they had seven children, of whom three sons and three dc1.ughters-Joseph, Janette, 
:\Iargaret, \Villiam, Elizabeth and John-are now living. l\lr. Roger died 18 7 0 , 
ageu seventy-five; Mrs. Roger in I 888, a
ed seventy-seven. Margaret, the second 
daughter, went to India in 1873 as a missionary for the Presbyterian Church of 
Canada, spending eighteen years there, with the exc.eption of one furlough. 
Roger has the honor of being the first missionary sent by the Presbyterians to India 
from Canada. Mr. Roger's children are all living on the homestead. 
DAVID ROGER came from Glasgow, Scotland, about 1833 ; he bought the farm 
now occupied by his son John from L. Barber, :\1r. Roger was married to 
Jane Mc(juat in Scotland, and had two children when they came to Canada. SIX 
more were born to them after coming here j four sons and two daughtel's are now 
living. Mr. Roger died 24th May, 1892, aged ninety-six years, and 
lrs. Roger 
died 1872, aged seventy-six. Joseph, the eldest son, lives in Lachute. Janet, the 



widow of James McClure, and mother of thp. celebrated missionary, Dr. McClure, of 
Honan, Chin
 lives in Upper Lachute. Margaret, married to Andrew Todd, and 
David, live on the Lachute Road, \ViIliam, and John, the youngest son, reside in this 
place. The latter, who was born in 1841, has always remained on the homestead; he 
was married in 1891 to Jemima, daughter of the late Thomas Bilsland; they have one 
JAMES \VOOD, a blacksmith by trade, came, with his wife, from Scotland to 
Canada about 1830; he first worked at his trade on the old Carillon and Grenville 
Canal, and from this work went to St. Placide, from which place he was obliged to 
remove to St: Andrews on the breaking out of the Rebellion of 1837- This journey, 
made on the ice, proved a dangerous one, as the river had but just frozen; :\Ir, \Vood 
was obliged to go 011 foot before his horse, testing the ice. He left his wife and 
children in St, Andrews and returned with the troops to St, Placide. Some time later, 
he came, with his family, to this section: and bought the farm now owned by his son 
Robert, :Mr, \Vood died in 1881, aged seventy-seven, and Mrs. \Vood in December, 
1890, aged eighty-three. They had eleven children, of whom seven sons and two 
daughters reached maturity. 
ROBERT, the fifth son, born 1845, remained at home until twenty-one years of 
age, when he went to Nevada, remaining five years altogether in that State, but making 
a long visit at home durïng the time, After his final return to Canada, he went into 
partnership with Robert Summerby, and erected a ste:1m saw mill on the North River 
at St. Canute. He managed this for two years, then sold out and bought his present 
farm from his father. In 1872, 1\Ir. \Vood was married to :Miss :McGregor, daughter 
of John McGregor, of Lachute Road. They have four sons and one daughter living. 
Mr, \Vood has made many improvements on his farm, and it is now one of the best 
equipped in East Settlement, . 
I ROGER, second son of Da.vid Roger, was born in this Settlement in 
1833, p.nd has always remained here; he was married in 1866 to Miss Ann Robertson, 
of Montreal, whose father came from Aberdeen, Scotland, with his wife and children. 
Her mother died during the voyage, and Mr. Robertson died a year after reaching 
Mr. Roger bought his present farm, which had previously been owned by James 
Draper, from his sister, Mrs. McClure, in 1860, and has since made many improve- 
ments on it, besides building his present brick residence. All the surroundings of the 
place betoken intelligence and industry. :\lr. Roger has taken an active part in the 

-\gricultural Society, having been Director for several years; he has also been Coun- 
cillor of the Parish. Mrs, Roger died in 1890, leaving a family of nine children; 
one son has since died-five daughters and three sons are now living. 
J A;\lES \VILSON came from Roxburyshire, Scotland, to Canada, in 183(', and 
settled here, being one of the first to arrive in this section, 
WILLIAM, his second son, was born in 1842, on the farm where he now lives; 
he has always remained at home, with the exception of one year, which was spent in 
lumbering in \Visconsin. He was married 6th January, 1891, to Jessie B., daughter 
of Simon McKimmie, of Lachute. They have two daughters. In 1892, 1\Ir. \Vilson 
obtained the farm, his father dying in that year. 
\VILLIA:\l TODD, eldest son of Thomas Todd, was born in February, 1858, in East 
Settlement; he has been twice married, first to Margery M., daughter of Thomas 
Young, of River Rouge, by whom he had three sons and one daughter. 
Irs, Todd 
died in March, 1889. In 1881, the father of :Mr. Todd, wishing to retire from active 
business, gave up to his son the management of his farm, which he purchased about 
half a century ago from Milo Barber; he then went to live in Lachute. 

27 6 


Ir. Todd was married the second time, in June, 189 I, to Ida Catherine, daughter 
of Charies McGregor, of River Rouge; he has two sons by this marriage. 
his place in the eariy years of its history, and settled on 
the farm, then entirelv covered with bush, which is now owned by his son Peter, 
The latter was born {n 1855, and has always remained on the homestead; he was 
married in 1876 to )1iss P. Touchette, of Cote St. Louis. They have two sons living, 
l\Ir. Bigras has nude many improvements on his farm, and, il1 1895, was app.:>inted 
Director of the Agri'-:lIltural Society of Argenteuil. He, as was his father, is a mem- 
ber of the Belle Rivière Presbyterian Church. 

The following sketch has been kindly given us by a young friend of l\Irs, Gordon, 
it having been writlen at Mrs. Gordon's dictation :_ 
MR. and :\IRS. GORDON came out from Scotland about 1835, and settled in the 
bush in Geiloa. They had to erect a cabin at once, which was square in shape and 
co-r-ered with "scoops." Their only stove was tin. They had to clear their land by 
first cutting down the trees, and then rooting up the stumps by means of a pry about 
ten feet long. This, of course", was very hard work, and, on one occasion, when )1rs, 
Gordon was helping, she puJled so hard on the pry, that sheecould see "stars," and 
her sight was so injured that, from that time, she has had to use spectacles. The first 
YEar, they cleared only two acres, burning the stumps when they were puJled, then 
nlo\\ ing the land and sowing their seed. As their fields became larger, they 
times worked in harvesting till eleven o'clock at night, binding their grdin and putting 
it in to ., stooks" before the rain came. During the first years of their settlement 
they had but one child-a little girl-whom they carried to the field and home again, 
when they were drawing hay or grain, and put her on the mow till the wagon was 
unloaded. \Vhen they had drawn in all their grain, they threshed it ,,,,'ith a flail, anêl, 
after being ground, it was carried on Mr. Gordon's back to the mill at Lachute. 
"'hen returning home, it was sometimes so dark that he was obliged to hang the bag 
of flour or meal on a tree and return for it in the morning, The only pl.1ce they had 
to keep their potatoes was a hole in the ground, well covered over. Their only means 
of traveJling was with a horse and a little, low, flat-bottomed traineau, with a bundle 
of pea-straw for a seat, and .1F> robes. They had to drive to Montreal with a h >rse 
and cart to sell their produce, and often the roads were so bad that the mud and water 
came up to the axle. Their load consisted chiefly of pork and butter; the genera! 
price of pork was $
.5o per hundred, and of butter I 2 
c. per pound. Whatever 
money they received had all to go in payments on their farm. 
They lived here at the time of the Rebellion, and were often afraid that the rebels 
would come and kill them. Once, while trying to take home some of his sheep, the 
rebels took )1r. Gordon prisoner, and his sheep were killed. The next day, however, 
he obtained a stick, broke the windows of his prison, and escaped. Another time, 
a wolf carne along in the night, and began fighting with the dog, and they thought it 
was some of the rebels trying to set fire to the buildings, and were nearly frightened 
to death. 
\Volves were very numerous, and used to come in crowds every night, so that 
they had to shut up their sheep. One little pet lamb did not want to be shut up, so 
it ran away in the bush and across a ditch. It was never seen alive again; but they 
found a piece of its leg, where a wolf had killed and eaten it. For three or four years 
after they came here, the wolves used to disturb them very much at night by their 
howling. Mrs. Gordon tells of an encounter she once had with a wolf. 



She was :lway from home, and had about t\,penty miles to walk, Sl) she started 
early in the nloming, on a bush road, not very well marked out. After losing her 
way three times, she at length reached a house where her sister promised to meet her, 
and they wa!ked along together until they reached the North River flowing through 
Lachute. There was no bridge, but they got across in a scow with some school girls, 
and in a short time reached the home of her fri
nds, They wanted her to remain all 
night, but she was anxious to get home, so she went out <1gain, till she came to a 
bush where she lost her way, and presently saw a wolf among a loi. of sheep. She 
was about to strike him with the sickle carried in her hand, but save a loud scream 
instead, which so frightened him that he ran off, She then Went on, reaching home 
about 12 o'dock at night. 
In the winter evenings, :\Irs, Gordon often sat up while the others were slceping
sewing and knitting for the chiidren; she often spun one hundred pounds of wool in 
a year. By hard work and industry they cleared up a good farm, put up comfortable 
buildings, and took care of a large family, who are all doing well. When their child- 
ren were all settled in homes of their own, :\lr. and Mrs. Gordon sold their homestead, 
and built a pretty little cottage at the four corners, which is surrnunded by trees. 
They have a small piece of gïOund which they cultivate themselve
, and live very 
happily together in their old age, and delight in talking of the hardships through 
which they have passed. 


This place, so called, it is claimed, because it is "nigh unto Jerusalem," bounds 
Beech Ridge on the east. The ubiquitolls John Smith found his way hen", and pitched 
his tent,. in or about the year 1819, on the lot now owned by J, \V. \Vebster, of St, 
Andrews. A few years later, he purchased the lot now owned and occupied by his 
grandson, \Villiam Burne, Finding clay on this, of the right kind for m::mufacturing 
brick, he purchased the necessary machinery and began the wc:rk. Many of the 
dwellings in this section wel e made from the brick purchased at this yard, and Mr. 
Hume, who ice; still engaged in the enterprise, turns out annually from one hundred 
and fifty to two hundred thousand of superior quality. :\Ir. Smith, evidently, 
\vas an industrious man, and learned, in the most difficult way, the varied hardships 
incident to the life of a pioneer. He cleared up the greater part of two lots. and in 
the early years of his life here, carried his grain on his back to Lachute-three miles 
Among the first settlers here were the PAULS, who came from :\Iorayshire, Scot- 
land. The family consisted of the father, mother, one daughter and four sons, named, 
respectively, Jane, Jame
, Alexander, John and David, They first st.-ttled in Chatham, 
and, a few years later, came to this place. James, who married Janet Ker, afterw.uds 
r('turned to Chatham, and died there.:, leaving children. Alexand.:r, another of the 
four brothers, married Margaret Lowe; and John, 
Iaria Chapman. The latter sur- 
vived her husband, and now lives on Bethany Road with her family. David, the only 
remaining member of the Paul family, married Elizabeth Doig, and also resides on 
Bethany Road. 
DUNCAN, second son of Alexander Paul, was born 9th April, 1856, on the farm 
now owned by Mrs. Jame-; Kettyle. He was married 28th June, 1882, to Isabella, 
daugLter of the late Henry Griffith, of Yide Sac. In 1887, 
fr, Paul went to \\"ater- 
town, N.Y., where he remained three years. After returning, he worked on the old 
homestead until 1893, when he sold it,and bought his present farm ofeighty-fi\pe .teres, 
on which he has erected new buildings and made mallY improvements. 

27 8 


JAMES R. EARLE, third son of James Earle, was horn 14th September, 18 
9, on 
the farm where he now Jives, In 1883, he was married to \Iary, daughter of the late 

\Jexander Paul. They have had two litte girls, who are both deceased; the elder 
dying at the age of one year and nine months, and the younger at the age of five 
years. l\lr. Earle is living on the old homestead. He has been a Councillor of the 
parish during the last eight ye:Hs. 
IAS :\IORRISON W,1.s born in Scotland in 1798, and came to Canada in 1822. 
He was married here to Jemima Brown, They had seven children, of whom four 
sons are now living. After first remaining some time in LJ.chute, 
[r, Mornson 
went to the Hill Settlement, where his youngest son, Robert, was born in 18
 I. In 
1870, the latter bought his present [;um-the old Sleyberg place-in Bethany. He 
was married the same year to Mary Ann, daughter of 
he late \Vm. Barron, of Upper 
Lachute. They have had. five children. Two sons and two daughters are now living. 
The eldest son, Thomas B., is married to Janet, daughter of John Doig, of Hill 
Farro, Upper I.-achute. The other children are at home. Mr. Morrison has made 
many improvements on his Ltrm. He has been Director of the Agricultural Socicty 
of this County for se\'eral years, and also valuator of this parish. Th
 people of 
Bethany and vicinity built a cheese factory, in 1895, on 
1r. Morrison's farm. It 
is man.1ged by J. R. Ro<.:s & Sons, of Hawkesbury. 
JA;\IES K. FRASER, youngest son of \\ïlliam Fraser, was born 
-\ugust 3, 1861, 
and ha<; always rem;1.lned here. In 1891, he was married to Kathleen, daughter of 
\\'m. Henderson, of Arundel, and the same year took his father's farm, known as 
" Highland Farm," Bethany Road, on which he ha:3 made many improvement
. Mr. 
Fraser has served as School Trustee for se\'eral terms. He has kind1\." provided for 
the comfort and instruction of several orphan5, and four have, at diffaent times, 
found a good home in his own family. l\Ir, and Mrs. Fraser have one son and one 


ALEXANDER SMITH, from Ayrshire, came to Canada a short time previous to the 
\Var of 1812, and during that war lived at Lachine, and was employed in the winter, 
conveying artillery between Montreal and Kingston. Soon afterwards, he came to 
Lachute, and a þrods-verbal of the road between that town and Beech Ridge shows 
that he was here in 1816, and owned the lot on which the railroad station and the 
most populous part of Lachute is now located. Sub.,eqJ.ently, he changed this lot 
with Colonel Barron for one Dear Hill Head, on which he lived till his death, He 
had three sons-John, William and Alexander-and four daughters, that grew up. 
Alexander left the country, and no tidings of him have ever been received, John, 
the second son, remained on the homestead. married, and had a large family. 
\Villiam, the second son, in 1848, settled on a wild lot in Vide Sac-a name 
signifying Empty Sack, which was given to the place by the Frenchmen of St. 
Hermas, who came here to clear their land, each bringing his provisions in a small bag 
or sack, which was pretty sure to be empty at night. Mr, Smith spent his days here 
and cleared up a fine farm. He married Janet Henderson about 1845, and died in 
1882, aged 68. They had fi\'e children; two died in infancy, three sons grew up, 
but only one is now living. Alexander, the eldest of the three sons, died, unmarried, 
in California, in January, 1874. 
'Villiam Smith, M.D., another son, of whom a sketch is given in the histcry of 
Lachute, died in that place in September, 1895. 



Mrs. Smith was particularly desirous of having their children well educated, con- 
sequently, both she and her husband \\'01 ked hard to provide the funds requisite for 
this purpose, Walter, the youngest son, after leaving the "Mantreal Business College, 
remained on the homestead, with the exception of two or three years, when he was 
engaged in teaching in Alpena, Michigan. He was married, in 188[, to Janet, 
daughter of John Nicol, of Lachute. He is one of the influential and respected 
farmers in Argenteuil, and takes an interes: in whatever affects ner moral, social or 
political welfare. He is devoted to farming, and, in 1889. was a warded a pi ize on 
his farm hy the County Agricultural Society. He has been a member of the Parish 
Council for several years, twice has made out the'Yaluation Roll for the parish, and 
is President of the County Association and Yice-President of the Provin<:.ial Associa- 
tion of the Patrons of Industry. In Church and Sabbath School work, he is equally 
interested and active, being Elder in the Second Presbyterian Church at Lachute, and 
Superintendent of the Sabbath School. 
AHCHIBALD BOA, youngest son of Andre\v Boa, was born April, 1838, on the 
farm now owned by Paul Smith, Upper Lachute; he learned the trade of carpenter, 
and this in Lachute and other places in the vicinity for several years. In 
1838, he was married to Jessie 1\1. ,,,., daughter of Thomas Buchanan, In 1867, he 
bought the farm now occupied by hi
 son Andrew. 
Mr. Boa died in 1893, aged 55. Mrs. Boa and the five sons and five daughters 
are all living. 
Amelia D., the eldest daughter, married to Frank Bickerstaff, and Flora H., the 
second, live in l]]inois. Lydia H., the third daughter, married to 'VilIiam A. Gurdon, 
Ìives in East Settlement; and Alice \V. and Jessie, the two younger, remain at home. 
ANDREW BOA, the eldest son, after spending f,ome time in Mal1itoba and in 
different parts of the United States, returned home and took the farm in 1893. He 
is an enterprising farmer, and for scver.ll years has taken the first prize at the County 
plowing matches. Thomas B., the second son, is married and lives in Montreal; 
Robert, the third son, resides in Atlantic Highland, New Jersey; and John S., the 
fourth son: dnd Paul, the youngest, are in Illinois. 


This locality, which is located about four miles from Lachute, on the opposite 

iùe of the North River, has fine farms and has always sustained a thrifty and intelli- 
gent population. As shown on a preceding page, Philander Stephens and his 
hrothers were very early settlers here, and he is the only one of the early American 
pioneers now remaining. A Post office was established here in 1880. Thomas 
Pollock, who was the first Postmaster appointed, died in [892, and Mr. Dre\v suc- 
cet:ded him as J'ostmaster. \Ve regret that disappointment in not receiving the 
data necessary prevents our giving a biographical sketch of Mr. PoIJock. 
A cheese factory was erected here, in 1888, by Frederick Cook, and though the 
section is almost wholly an agricultural one, there is a grist and sa\v mill here in a 
romantic litt
e glen. These mills, which were formerly known as the l\1cOuat Mills, 
are now owned by Thomas Hammond. 
About 1820, \VILLIAM DREW, from Sterlingshire, Scotland, came to Montreal, 
and two years later he came to this section. where he married Janet, daughter of 
James McOuat. He Lought 100 acres of Lot 19, 2nd Range, and afterward pro- 
cured 135 acres more, adjacent to his first purchase. He was on military duty 
during the Rebellion of 1837, and faithfully performed all his duties as a worthy 



CItizen till his death, 13th Octoher, 18ó9' He had seven children-two sons and 
five daughters-that arrived at maturity, but two of the daughters are now decraied. 
James. the elder son, has always remained on th: hom
sted.d-a b
auliful and 
productive farm of 235 acres, with commodious, suhstantial buildings. 
Ir. Drew 
was married 17th April, 1862, to Elizabeth, daughter of \Villiam 
IlIir, of Lachut
They have but one child, a daughter, Elizabeth, living, She has a l\Iodel School 
Diploma, and has taught successfully several years. Another .laughter of :'\[r. 
and ::\lrs. Drew, Maggie, died in 1895-a great bereavement to the family and a 
large circle' of friends. Mr. Drew joined the Troop of the lat
 CuI. Simpson, and 
remained in it till it was disbanded, 
James Drew, the other son of 'Villiam Drew, the pioneer, married in April, r863, 
Eliza Pollock. He has a fine farm on Beech Ridge. 
Among other valuable farms at Hill Head are those of Georg'
 .i\10:-riso:1 and 
l\f r. !\1cOuat. 

\djacent to Hill Head is "THOMAS' GORE," a section comprising two ranges of 
lots, which is also inhabited by an industrious class of farmers. Arnone; these are 
James Berry, Thomas Hume, Henry Padgett, John Smith and others. 
Tne most, if not all, of the"e Ii ve on the homesteads selected by t'heir fa thers, 
and ha ve brothers and sisters residing here, and in other part5 of the Dominion. 


(Erected into a township by Proclamation, 13 th July, 1799') 
This township is bounded on the north by 'Ventworth, east by the parishes of St. 
Andrews and St. Jerusalem d' Argenteuil, sou th by the Ottawa and west by Grenville. 
At just what time the first settler located in Chatham, or who he was, are ques- 
tions w
 are unable to answer, uut from information obtained frllm different sources 
we are led to the cunclusion that the advent of the fir::.-t pioneer* must have been 
about the ueginning of the present century. 
\Ve cannot find a more appropriate introduction to the history of this township 
than the following letter of our esteemed friend, Mr. Dewar of Ottawa. 



- ---- 

Pierre L. Panet . , , . . , .... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 5 200 
do . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .. . . . . .' . 2 5 200 
do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5 200 
Guy Richards. . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . 4 5 200 
Pierre L. P anet . . ,. . , , , ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 5 5 200 
do . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . . . . . , . 6 5 200 
1'. A. Stayner and Louisa Sutherland. . . . .. . . . . . . 7 5 200 
'!aria and Louisa Sutherland, . . , " . . . . . . . . . . 8 5 200 
do . . . . . . ... . .. .. . . . . . . 9 5 200 
do ...... ... . . . . . . . . . . . 10 5 200 
do . , , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II 5 200 
do , . . . , ...... . . . . . . . . 12 5 200 
do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 5 200 
do . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 14 5 200 
do . . . . . . . . .... .. . . . . . . 15 5 200 




T. A. Stayner and Louisa Sutherland.".. , . . . . . . 
do , , . . ,. ... , ., .. 
do . . . , ., ..., . , . . 
Daniel Sutherland and John Robertson.,..., , . , , . 
do ...,....... 
T. A. Stayner and Louisa Sutherland...,.. ...... 
Daniel Sutherland and John Robertson. , " . ... . .. 
do , . , , " ., . . , 
do . , . . . . , , . , , 
John l' horn pson . , , . .. ..,. . . ., ..,. , , , . , , " . , . , 
John Thompson, jun. . ., .." . . " "" ...... . , . , 
Daniel Sutherland and John Robertson. ...... . .. . 
do , . , . . . . . . 
T. A. Stayner and Louisa Sutherland. .". ...... . . 
,V m, F ortu ne . , .. .... . . , . , , , , . . ., ...",.." . 
1'homas Barron,.., ...... . , " ",......",.,., 
'\ïlliam Fortune", . " . , . ... . , . . ... , " ,.., "., 
do , , . , " ,.., . , ,. ..,.,. ..,... . . . . 
do , . , , .. . . ., "".. , . , . ,. . . '" , , , 
'1'. A. Stayner."... ...,'. .,.. .... ...,'." ,... 
\V illiam Fortune..., ...,.. . . ... ..."...."." 
do . . . , .. . , , . .. . , ,. .,.,.. . , " . , . , 
Maria and Louisa Sutherland. , , . . , . . . " . .. . . .. .. 
Thomas A, Stayner.", .,. , '. . . ,. . , , . . . , , . . , , . 
do , , . , .. . , ,. , , . . .. .". . , ., ""., 
do , , .. , , , . , . . . . . . , , , .. . , . . . . .. . . 
do . . .. . . . . , , ,. . . ., ,.. ,.,. ., . . . . 
Maria and Louisa Sutherland,. 
do . . , . . , ,. .." , . , . . , . , 
T. A. Stayner. , .. ,.,. . , " ,. .. .... . , . , . . " . , , . 
Daniel Sutherland and John Robertson. . . .. . . . , . . 
do . . . , , . , . . , . , 
d3 , . , , " . . . , , , 
Thomas A. Stayner. .,. ...... .... , . " . " ..... 
Daniel Sutherland and John Robertson. ",... . , . 
do . . , . '. , . , . , , 
T. A. Stayner. ... ..,.,. ,....." ...... .,." 
Daniel Sutherland and John Robertson. . , . , , , . , , . 
do . , . . " ..... 
John Robertson. , . , " ...... .,. . " ,..,.. . . . , , , 
J ames Heat! y . , . , " ..,." , . , ,.. , . .. ."""" 
John Robertson... . ., ".", .,."..,.,.,.,..., 
John l\leikle,... ." , ,. ,.,... ,..,...",...,., 
J ames 'V álker , , . , .. ...... ..".. ,.,... ,. , . . , . 
do ..,.., ...... ...... ..,... .... ,., 
do . , , , ,. .",.. .,.,'. ."... , . .. .. . 
Thomas Barron...... , . , . .. .".,. , , . , . , . . , . , , 
James Walker. , . . " , . . , '. .'" ,. ........., ". 
do . . . . .. ,..... , , . , ,. , , . . ,. . .. . . , 
Ifenry McDowel",... '" . " ...... .. , . , . ., . , . 
James Walker" . . .. .."" """ ...... . . , , . . . 
Maria and Louisa Sutherland .,..,.."..,. ."." 
do , , . , ., """ ",., 
Ma Uhew Johnston. , .. ...... . . ..,...' . . ., . , , . , 
J ames Baxter, , , . ,. ,.. , .. ...... .,.....,.".. 

- - - 
. . . . 16 5 200 
.. .. .. .. 17 5 200 
.. .. .. .. 18 5 200 
.. .. .. .. 19 5 200 
.. .. .. .. 20 5 200 
.. .. .. .. 21 5 200 
.. .. .. .. 22 5 200 
.. .. .. .. 2" 5 200 
.. .. .. .. 24 5 200 
W I 25 5 100 
 25 5 100 
.. .. .. .. 26 5 200 
.. .. .. 010 27 5 200 
.. .. .. .. 28 S 200 
.. .. .. .. I 6 200 
.. .. .. .. 2 6 200 
.. .. .. .. 3 6 200 
.. .. .. .. 4 6 200 
...... .. 5 6 200 
.... .. .. 6 6 200 
.. .. .. .. 7 6 200 
...... .. 8 6 200 
.. .. .. .. 9 6 200 
. . 10 6 200 
.. .. .. .. II 6 200 
.. .. .. .. 12 6 200 
...... .. 13 6 200 
...... .. q. 6 200 
.. .. .. .. 15 6 200 
.. .. .. .. 16 6 200 
.. .. .. .. 17 6 200 
.. .. .. .. 18 6 200 
.. .. .. .. 19 6 200 
.. .. .. .. 20 6 200 
...... .. 21 6 200 
.. .. .. .. 22 6 200 
.. .. .. .. 2" 6 200 
.. .. .. .. 24 6 200 
.. .. .. .. 2S 6 200 
...... .. 26 6 200 
...... .. 27 6 200 
.. .. .. .. 28 6 200 
.. .. .. .. I 7 200 
.. .. .. .. 2 7 200 
.. .. .. .. 3 7 200 
.. .. .. .. 4 7 200 
.. .. .. .. 5 7 200 
...... .. 6 7 200 
.. .. .. .. 7 7 200 
.. .. .. .. 8 7 200 
.. .. .. .. 9 7 200 
.. .. .. .. 10 7 200 
.. .. .. .. II 7 200 
W J 12 7 100 
 12 7 roo 




Maria and Louisa Sutherland,.,.., ,.. , . . .. ,.".. 
Larety Tooley, . , . ., ...... ". . ., . , .. ."". ",. 
Guy Richards"",' .,..,. ...... ..., . , ., ...... 
John NIcE wen,.,.,. . . . . ,. . '" . .. .,.... 
George Brown , . , , ., .,..', """.",...".." 
John Robertson.",.. ...... , . . , , , ,.,."...., , 
do . . . . .. .,.." .",.. . ... . .. ....,. 
'fhomas Phillips. . . , ,. ".,., ,. . . ., .,.,.. ...... 
J ona than P. 1\loss , . , , .. .............'"" ...,.. 
John I{obertson... . .. .".,. ...... . . . , , ,. ...... 
do , . , , ,. .. . . .. ,..... ,..". . , , . , . . 
Lemuel Cushing. . , . . , . . .. """..",.',.,.... 
John I{obertson,..... ..,... ...... . , ,. .... . , . , . 
do . . . , .. "..., .,... .' , . " ,..", 
do , , . . " ,.... . , , , .. .,. - .. ..,." 
James Goodland".,., ..., .".. - ."." . , , . , . , . 
\Villiam Howden..,.,. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. ....,. 
John H.o bertson . , . , . . ., ,. . . .. ,." . . . ... .,. . .. 
do " ..,.. .. . . . ., ."... 
do . . . . .. .",.. ...... , .,. , ., ,... . . 
James 1\1, Perkins...... . . . . " , , .. . .., " ",., , 
Lewis Hreigher". , " ..,... .... . .. ,.,.,. ,."., 
John ltfeikle . , . , ." ,.,.",.".,. ,. , , ., .,.,.. 
Thomas Barron, . , . .. ".... . , ., . . . ...,.. ....., 
\Villiam l{ichardson.."" . . . . . ... . .. , , .. ,...., 
Andrew 1\1 cConnell . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. ...... ...... 
Henry Purse,..... " . . .. ...... .,.",."...,., 
J ames lien. y . . . . ., ..,.., ,.,.., ..,... . , , , , . . . . 
uwis Stalker. . . . ,. ",... ...,.. 
. , , . ,. . . . . ,... 
Slater Clark...... ....,. .... -. .,., .' . .,.,. . . ., 
'fhomas Barron. , . . " "..., ...." ...." . , , . , . , 
enneth McDonald. , . . .. .,..,. , , , .. "",..,.. 
Maria and Louisa Sutherland.... .. . ...... ....,. 
Lewis Stalker.,. , . . . . . .. ...." . . . . .. ........ 
Archie 1\furdoch, , ,. ,..... . . . , ,. .,..., ,. " ",. 
James McKenzie. , , ,.. ."... .,.... ..,.., ...... 
Archie Murdoch, jun.." ..,." "..,. ....., . . . . 
Willian1 Hutcbins. . . . .. ,..... . . , . " . . ,. , . . , . ., 
( -harles Green. _ .. ... . .. ,..... .,.." ...... . , , . 
do , . . , ., .,.... . . .. ".". ,." ...,.. 
Archie Murdoch,...., ,..,.. ".... .,.... .'".. 
James l\1:cIntyre . , . , ., .,.... .,. . . , . , . . . " "..,. 
John I{o l>ertson, . .. ., . , ., , . " . , , . . ",.,. "".. 
do ..,... ......,..,..,....,....... 
do . , . . " ..,. ".. .. . . . . , ,. ,." ,. . , 
J ames Calder. >, , ,. ...... ..,.., .., . '. .",.... 
John Robertson . , , . .. ,.,., . ,." . , , . , " . , . , , , , , 
do . , . . .. .,. , .. ",.,. . . . , ,. . . . , . , , 
Legal Representatives \)f John Quiry............ 
John Robert son, . . , .. . . .. . . .. ".... ..., . , . , . , , 
do . . . . .. ....,. ,."., ,. ., ...,.... 
do . , . , .. , . . . ,. . .. . . . . . . . , , . . .. .... 
Thomas Stayner... . .. ..,.., ..., . . .. ..",..." 
John Roberlsor,... . . .. .. . . . . .,.,..".,.,.,.. 
do , . ., ...... . . . . .. ",. . . . ., .., , , . 


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John Robertson. , ., ..,.,. . , .. , , . . .. . . . .. ",.,. 
do . , . . , . ,.., ... . ,. ...." . . . ,. .,.. 
William and John Roger and Andrew Todd..",.. 
Alex:1nder f\lcGibbon . ... . ,., . . . ., ... . . . 
John Robertson.", ,.., . . . . .. .,.,.,.......,.. 
do . . . . ,. ."....,.".. .., 
M:alcolm McIntyre,..... . . . . .. ,.., . . . , .. ,..... 
Donald 1\1cPhail....... .......... .........._ 
Peter De\\'ar, jr . . . , " .. ., , , ,. . . . . . . , . . .. ...." 
Danie I Dal e . . , . .. .,. . " ... . . ., ,... . . . " . . . 
'''m. young,.,. ...... .,., . ....,. ...... .... 
do . . . .. ...... . . ., . . . . .. ...... . . . , . . 
Duncan :f\lc Arthur. . . . " ...... ..,." . . .. ...... 
John Loggie. . . . . . . . '" ...." ...... ., 
Peter l\lcFarlane... , ., ....... .."..,......... 
John McArthur. . . . .. ,..,.. ".............,., 
Peter Grant. , . . . , . , . . . . . , ,. . . . . . . . . . . .. ...... 
'fhon1as I )uncan , , . . ., . . , . " ....., ,..", .... . . 
Donald :f\lcMartin. . . . .. ......",.", ",... . . . . 
Peter Gilmour. . . . ,. , , ., . . . . .. . . .. . , . . " ,..". 
Francis Duffy. . . . , , . . . , .. . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . 
Thomas Spencer. . . . .. .'. . ., ...... ...... .,.... 
Geo. Blair,.,.,. ....... ...,.,.. .. ...... .". 
W m . Blair, jr ...,. ... . .. . , . , . . ,. ."... ,.,... 
John l\lorrow,... , . . . . . . . . . .. ................ 
Henry IJixon . . . . ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . " .... . . . . . . . . 
do . , , . . . . . . . . . ,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .". 
Frank Connor. . .. .". . . . . . . . . ..., .." ., . . . . . . 

Iathew Connor. . . . . , " .,..,. ...,.. ... . . . . .". . 
Henry Connor. , .. . . .. .... ... .....,.... ...... 
James Kenned y . . , . . . .. ...." ....,........" , 
Allen Cameron, . , , .. ' . . . " . . . . . .. ..,. . . .. . . , . 
I )uncan McCalhnn. , ., , , " . . ,. . . . . . . . . . . .. . , . . 
Robert Mc Naughton. . .. . . . . " ..,. . . .. . ... .... 
Richard Farren.". . . .. .". . . . . . . . ,. . . ., ..... 
Hugh Smith. , .. . . . . . . ,. .., . . . . . . . , . ,. . . . . ., .. 
Peter Tesmin.,.. .... .,.. .... . .,.. .'.. .... .... 
D. Siñclair.,.,.. . . .. . . . . . . . ,. .,.", . . " . . . . . . 
J ames Pinkerton.". . . . . .. ..,... ...", . , ., . . . . 
Walter Kirconnell.... ...... . . .. .. .. . . ., ...,.. 
Hugh McCallum.,. .. . _ . . . ., .,.. . .. . " 
Arch, McArthur. , " . . . . . . .. . . . . " ...... .,..,. 
Alex. l\lcGibbon. ... . ... ....,..............,. 
John McFarlane,... ...... ........ ...... 
Joseph Sale. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . , . . .. ...... .. . . , . . . I 
Duncan McPhail., .. . . . . . . . .. ............ .,. I 
do , . .. .. ...............,.....,. 
::\Ialcolm McGregor,.. '" . . .. .". . _ . . . . , ,. . , " 
John McGibbon........ .... ,... ...... 
Donald McKercher. , , . , . ,. . . . . ,. .........,.,. 
!)uncan f\lc:f\IarlÍn.... ........ .,.", .... .",.. 
do . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. , . . . . , , . . . . . 
GeoTl;e l\1 oncrie ff , , . , , . . .." . . .. ...... . . " . . . . 
Peter McArthur. . .. ...... .....,., , ,. . . ,. . . . . 
Thomas Duncan. . " ,..... . . . . " .,.." .,.. . , , . 


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. 28 3 





,Villiam Blair. . .. ,.,. .,.,.. . . .. . , ,. ,. . . ,. . . . . 
Thomas Carpenter.,...... .... ,.,." ...... .,.. 
T ohn Calder. . . . . , . . . , .. , , .. . . . , " . . .. . . .. . . . . 
} ames S wecney . . . . . . " ,.., . . . .. ....., , , . , . , . . 

Iatthew Connor. . ., . . ., .. , , " " . . " .". .... , . 
Legal Rep. of John Burke. , . . . , .. , , .. . . .. ...... 
John Howe"..,. ".. .."..'",....,.. .,.." 
'V. Anderson. . .. .,., ... ....,."............ 
.;-\rthur McArthur. ,. . " . ,.. . . . .. . . ,. . . ., .",.. 
James Campbell,..... ....... .... .... .... .,.. 
Joseph 1\lcCallum.... .". ..,. .,............,. 
Sarah Eaton, widow W m. Mason. . . . . , . . . . ., . , , . 
John Sinclair..,... ",... ,.,."..', . . .. ",... 
\\1 illian1 Myers.... . . .. . . , . . .... " . . " .... . , , . 
Nathaniel Hammond. . . , . , . , ., . . ., """ ."", 
Legal Rep. W m. Lenthall,.... ..,............ 
John Kein.". ,.., , . . . , , ,. . . , ,. .' . . " .... ,." 

 \ lexander Petillo..,. .,..,..... .", , . " ...... 
'fhomas Barron. . ., ...,.,.,..".....,., part of 
.\ndrew Walker.". ,.., .,.. .... . ... .,., ...... 
'fhomas Barron. . ., . , , . " . , , , . .. ..,. . . , . part of 
Francis Millar. . .. ,..........,....... ... , , . 
Robert Meikle.... .... .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. Sou th 
Peter McArthur. . .. . . . . ,. .. ..., . . . . . North ! of 
Tames Hairshaw. , . . . . .. . . . . . . " . . " ,.,... . . . . 
Thon1as Owens. , ,. . , , , . , , , . ..,. , . . , . , . , , , . . . . 
\Villiam Gaustick. . . . . . . . . ., . , ., . . . ." . , .. . , ., 
Thomas Owens. . . . . . ., . . , .. . . . . . , .. ., . '" . , .. 
Daniel Bonner. , , . . . . .. ,....,.......", -.' , . . 
David Marshall. . ,. , , . . . . . . , . . . , . . . . .. , . .. . , . . 
J ames South (Sergeant) ,... .. . . , .. . . ... .... . . .. 
Samuel 1\lu rphy . . , . ., . . ,. .. . . , . .. "......... 
Patrick Kelly.",.... ,. . . . . . . . . , . ,. . , . . . . 
George Carpenter. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . , , " .. . . . . 
:\lartin Shannon.... .. . . . . . . , . .. . . ..,. .. . . . . .. 
J ames Goff. . . . . . . , , . , . , . . ., . . . . . . . . ,. . . . . . . . - 
James Con nor, . . . , , . , , , ,. . . . . . , ., , . . . . . . . . . . , 
John Barnet.,., ..,.".."............,...... 
Martin Oates. . .. , . . . . . . . . .. . . . . , . . , , , . . .. ,.., 
John F itz patrick. . ., ...... .. . . . . . . . . , . , . , . . . . . 1 
Richard Seddon. . .. . . , , , . " ............,...., 
James Douland . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . , . . . , . . . . , . , , 
Michael Shea".", ...... ..., . . , ,. ..,... ,..,., 
Patrick 110ynack...... . . , , " ,..,.. ...... , . , . .1 
John Kelly",." .'" " . , " , . . , . . , . .. , ,. ".".1 
Tames Kehoe. , .. '" , ., ..,... "" ". , , . ,.,.. . 
j ames Carpenter, , , , " .,.... .,.... ,.",. ...", 
David Bateman. , . . ,. ...... . . , , , ,. ."", . , . , , , 
Samuel Moore."... "., ". ..,......",...". 
Jeremiah O'Brien,..", ,."" ,.....,......... 
Alexander 11illor,..... . ...,.. ."". '" . ., . , . . 
Eliza Holmes,..... ,.,... ., ...", ..",. .."., 
Widow S. \Voods."... ,.....".." ..,....,.. 
1. Perkins,...... ...... .".., .",., ,.., 
Duncan McDougall,.,.,. " . , , , , ,. ,.,.,. ,"'" 
John McDougall. . . . ,. ..",.. ..",..,.....", 


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28 5 

"The front of Chatham was largely settled by Americans, in the latter part of 
the last century; some of them being refugees, who had left their country for their 
country's good, and who were remarkable for nothing but their hatred of British 
institutions and love of Brother Jonathan. This was well exemplified a few years later, 
on the breaking out of the war of 1812, when all th,<: loyal inhabit3.nts of the County 
volunteered as one man, leaving their families and homes, and, amid much suffering 
and privation. marched to headquarters, which Was then at Pointe Claire, where they 
prepared themselves, as best they could, to repel the piratical Ìll'l'aders of the Prov- 
ince. Many of the above mentioned men refused to join the ranks with th e others, 
openiy declaring that they were not going to fight against their own friends. Of 
course, no action was taken against them, but they were mJ.rked for all time, and as 
their principal employment and means of subsistence was the clearing of land and 
making þotash, as the timber began to get scarce, they found it convenient to leave 
for other parts; and, for year:,;, their names have been almost forgotten, and I 
will mention only a few, viz., the Bennetts, Bates, Parchers. and Smiths. Their 
vacant places were soon filled up by a better class of men, many of whose descend- 
ants still occupy the old homesteads, and are a credit and an honor to any country; 
among these may be reckoned the Schagels, Fullers, N oyeses, Br"ldford
l Ostroms, 
Casses and many others, 
,. The early settlers were often put to great straits for breadstuffs; whene\er the 
crops failed from any cause, there were no means of supply, except by the /latural 
ltigh'loay-the Grand River,-and nothing but canoes for transport to and from 
Lachine. The trip was often very much protracted, especially by the boats getting 
" Any scarcity in the matter of cereals was made up by the plenteousness of fish 
and game, In each year about the first of June, the shad (or, as they came to be 
called, 'Carillon Beef ') made their appearance, when each t
lIl1ily, in a short time, 
could lay in their yearly supply, For many years, the North River furnished fine 
specimens of s{1lmo/l, when they regularly ascended that river to spawn; that, of 
course, was before the river was obstructed by dams. 
"The system of agriculture was, for many years, of a very primit ive character. 
While the country was being cleared, all their dependence was on the llew land crop, 
.\fter a time, when the land required breaking up, the 'hog plough' was intro- 
duced j but that implement did little more than cut a,
d co';rer, and it was not until 
the' Scotch' plough was introduced, about the year 1825, that anything approaching 
good farming was done. And from that time, the improvement was ,.ery rapid, so 
that in a few years there were as good ploughmen in the County of .\rgenteuil as in 
any part of Canada. 
" Among the early settlers the state of religion was, for many years, at a very low 
ebb. A Methodist minister, travelIing from place to place, would hold services occa- 
sionally in private houses (no other place of worship being then available), and at 
stated times camp meeting:; were held in the open air, at which all ministers within 
a re3sonable distance were expected to attend. After a time, a large building was 
er(cted, which was intended to be used as a place of worship and also as a school- 
house. The Methodist denomination had the honor of erecting in the township of 
Chatham the first building dedicated solely to the worship of God; this was in 18 3 0 , 
and it obviated the necessity of holding ctlmþ meetillgs, the last of which, I think, was 
held in the year 182 9. 
" _\n Episcopal minister, the Rev. Rich. Bradford (grandfather of the late Sir 
John J. C. Abbolt), resided in Chatham on a farm now occupied by D::>nald 
Dewar, and supplied occasional services in 51. Andrews; this was prior to the arrival, 
in 1818, of the Rev. Archibald Henderson, As you will, n0 doubt, have the as



ance of abler pens than mine, I will not enlarge on this, or the two following subjects, 
:eaving to them the task of completing what I have begun. 
" There is very little that can be chronicled in reference to Sunday Schools. A 
few pious, earnest men had endeavored to establish one in the front of Chatham, 
but owing to the povel ty of the settlers and other difficulties in the way, it was kept 
open only a few months in surÌ1mer, each year. It was different in villages, where 
they had greater facilities, but, still, there were many drawbacks. 
"The temperance question, as we understand it, was scarcely known by name 
until after the year I 820, when a society was formed allowing the ase of wine, beer 
and cider, After a time, more stringent rules were adopted, but for many years 
there was a determined opposition j those known to. be favorable to the cause were 
subjected to all sorts of ridicule, reproach and contempt; but the cause gradually 
increased, many good, earnest, zealous workers kept up the agitation, holding meet- 
ings, and disseminating t.
mperance literature, until a very different feeling was 
brought about, and many strong opponents silenced. 'Ve have not yet got prohi- 
bition, but we expect it j may the Lord hasten it, in His own good time. 
., I do not know whether it was owing to hostility of race, which always had been 
prevalent among the French, a.nd which was the principal element of discord ill the 
whole of Lower Canada, or from some other cause
 but in the early settlement of the 
County, there was something remar kable in the fact that, up to the year 1829. there 
was not one French Canadian farmer in the whole of the township of Chatham. In 
that year, PIERRE ROBERT look up land in the second Concession, and about the 
same time, or perhaps a few years prior, one by the name of MALLETTE settled on a 
farm in the River Rouge settlement, and in my early days was noted as the only 
farmer that held the original deed of concession. It was somewhat different in what 
is now known as the County of Two Mountains, as many old country farmers settled 
down among the French j but it was not until after the Rebellion of 1837 that the 
:French sEttled among the English. 
" The causes which lfd up to the troubles of 1837 are, of course, matters of his- 
tory; but whatever feeling the Liberal party had in common with them, was essentially 
different, because of their loyalty to the British Constitution. 
" The Carillon canal was opened for traffic in 1834, when small vessels could go 
through to Kingston; prior to that date all goods and supplies were brought from 
Lachine-at first by bateaux and Durham boats, and aftenvard by steamer-landed 
at Carillon, and carted by teams of horses and oxen to Grenville, and thence shipped 
to By town. 
" [ will close this rambling sketch by relating an incident which will show the 
past and present modes of transit, and also record an item of history. 
" It was on his visit to the Maritime Provinces in the summer of 1840, that the 
Governor General of Canada, Charles Poulett Thompson, Esq., afterward Lord Syden- 
ham, left Kings
on 'i'ia the Rideau Canal to By town, thence by steamer to Grenville; 
and as the roads the intervening link between Grenville and Carillon were too 
rough for a delicate man like Lord Sydenham, he was taken in a carriage along the 
banks of the c.,nal to Greece's Point, where he embarked on the steamer 'St. 
Andrews' (\\... ;1 was used as a tug for barges between that place amI the upper 
locks), commanded by Captain Lighthall, of Chute au Blondeau fame, and was 
taken through Carillon Canal, at the rate of about tlzree miles all hOltr. Think 
of this, ye votaries of rapid transit, who cannot travel without a parlor, PullllllUl 
and llillÍ'Ig car attached, and bounding along at the rate of fifty miles an hour, 
while the Governor General of Canada was carried along on the deck of a tug 
steamboat, at the rate of about three miles an hour. Truly the lines ha ve fallen 
to us in pleasant places. "Youni truly, 



As the ÐEWARS were as early settlers in this part of Chatham as any of whom 
we have heard, we insert with lJleasure the following letter :- 
" OTTAWA, December 27 th , 1
., _-\s you request me to give a sketch of my ancestors, who were early settlers 
in the front of Chatham, I will endeavor to do so, but will first give the origin of the 
name Dewar, which simply means, in plain English, 'custodian' or ' keeper.' 
"The name is sometimes spelt ' Deor' (which is presumably the Gaelic form) as 
well as 'Deweer,' and is invested with quite a romantic and historic interest on 
account of its origin, which was, that one family of the Clan Macnab was selected or 
appointed to be the custodians of the 'Quigrich' or pastoral staff of St, Fillan, the 
Abbott, w
lO lived about the year of Our Lard 720, and held his yearly festival on 
t:Je 7th January. 
" His principal Church or Priory in Scotland, and which was most closely con- 
nected with his memory, W<i.S in the upper part of Glendochart, in Perthshire, and 
which takes from him the name of Strathjillall, There are well authenticated records 
which establish the fact, tlut the 'Quigrich' has been in possession of the Dewar 
family since the time of King Robert Bruce, and in 1487 the charter was again con- 
firmed by King James II I to Malise Dewar and his successors. The precious relic of 
a bye-gone age has thus come down through successive generations, until about the 
year 1860, the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, having traced it to Canada, found 
it in pos.;ession of Alexander D
war, of Plympton, Ont., who, being then i
 his 87 th 
year, was iaduced by them to execute a deed, transferring the custody of the relic he 
had brought from his native land to that Society, thus disposing of the trust so long 
and faithfully discharged by this Highland family, and of which I am proud to bear 
the núme. 
.. Hêving said this much in reference to the name, I will now give a short sketch of 
the family. In the month of July, 1804, my grandfather, Peter Dewar, his wife and 
faì1ily, consisting of six sons and three daughters, also his brother Duncan, his wife 
and O'1e child, togeth
r with some two or three hundred other emigrants, embarked 
at Greenock on a vessel bound for the port of Quebec, A few days after leaving port, 
the vessel was captured by a French Privateer, who, arrer examining tþe ship's papers, 
and finding there was no \'aluable cargo on board, and being satisfied that it was 
only an emigrant vessel, allowed them to proceed on their voyage j the captain first 
treating the Privateer's men to a liberal supply of Highland whiskey, The passengers 
experienced the truth of the proverb that 'blood is thicker than water,' as the lieu- 
tenant in charJe of the boarding party was a Highlander of the name of McDonald, 
who generously took pity on his countrymen and let them go. A short time after the 
departure of the French vessel, another was sighted bearing down upon them, and 
when the captain saw the' Union Jack' flying at the peak, he cursed hi:; unlucky 
stars, as a British man-of-war was more to be dreaded than a French, on account of 
that abominable sy
em, the' Press Gang,' which was thell in full swing, However, 
as soon as they came within speaking distance, they demanded of the captain whether 
he had seen a strange vessel, and in what latitude. Having received the desired in- 
formation, they crowded all sail and were soon out of sight. On the arrival of the 
emigrants at Quebec, in the early part of the month of September, they learned th<tt 
the Privateer had been captured, and great sorrow was felt for the fate of Lieutenant 
McDonald. On leaving the vessel at Quebec, 
he passengers separated, going to 
different parts of the country. The two families of Dewar, with six or seven other 
families of the Harne of Cameron, were in due time landed at St, Andrews, whence the 
Camerons went to the township of Chatham and settled on farms there, 



C, :My grandfather lived for a time on the farm that is now caned 'Bellevue,' 
afterwards removing to the front of Chatham, on a property purchased from Colonel 
Daniel Robertson, and which is still in possession of his grandchildren, while he and 
all his family have long since passed over to the silent m'ljority. 
" The history of the Dewar family might very properly close here, were it not 
that you particularly desire a further sketch of my father's family. 
" On the first day of March, 1807, he was married to Margaret McCallum, of 
CaldweIl's Manor, and settled on what is known as LQLNo-=.. 4, front of Çhatham, 
which is now in possession of Mr. Fitzgerald. His family of five daughters ana four 
sons, and of which I am the youngest, were born there. :\ly mother died on the nth 
October, 1826, aged 45 years. My father died on the 4th September, 1869, in the 
94th year of his age. I am the only surviving member of his family-the last leaf on 
the family tree, all the others having long since passed away. 
" Of my grandfather's six sons, John, the eldest, was the educated man of the 
family. He graduated from Edinburgh University, and was for some time tutor in a 
gentleman's family in Scotland. A short time after he came to Canada: he received 
from the Government the appointment of teacher in the public school at Chatham, 
and held that position for over twenty years, being the only teacher receiving full 
salary ever appointed by the Government. He was a man of superior abilities, well 
read in :111 the literature of the day, of a reflective and cultured mind; but, owing to a 
retiring disposition, would take no part in the struggles of public affairs. In person 
he was of slight build and delicate constitution, in singular contrast to the rest of his 
brothers, who were all strong and rugged. He married Myra Noyes, and 
ettled on 
lots Nos. I, 2 and 3, his house standing a little in rear of 1\1r. Fitzgerald's house. He 
had a family of two sons and one daughter, and after the death of his wife in August, 
1827, he and his family resided with his brothers until his death, July 16th, 1839. 
As he did not have to depend upon the proceeds of his farm for a living, nearly 
the whole of his large farm was let out in pasture. His eldest son, John, left 
home when quite a young man, taking up his residence in New York, where he 
married, and died in 185
. His son Peter married Ann Gordon in 1849, and died 
in 1851; His daughter Eliza Jane married'Vm. Douglas in 1846, and after a few 
years' residence in Chatham removed to the State of New York. 
e( Of the re
t of my grandfather's sons, Donald and Peter never married, living 
together on the old homestead with their sister Margaret as housekeeper, until her 
death in J 857. Donald died in June, 1854, and Peter in 1872. 
" Alexander. married Agnes Dodd, and settled on a farm, and did a flourishing busi- 
ness with an oatmeal and grist mill for many years, until it was rendered useless by 
the improvements made to the Grenville Canal. He had a large family of sons and 
daughters, who are, for the most part, living in the immediate vicinity of their old 
home. He died in May, 1876, being over 90 years of age at the time of his death, 
"Colin, the youngest son, married Jane :McIntyre in April, 18..J.o, and settled on 
the farm, where his son Donald still resides, He died in September, 1866, in the 66th 
year of his age, 
"As already narrated, Duncan, my father, married l\Iargaret McCallum, a 
descendant of one of those families who left their homes in the valley of the Mohawk, 
at the breaking out of the troubles which led to the separation from Great Britain, 
After their marriage, they settled on Lot NO'4 (next to my Uncle John), which was 
then, like most of the other farms at that time, an almost unbroken wilderness. True, 
the potash makers had been over a good part of the front of Chatham at that time, 
but they had only cut down what suited their purpose for making ashes, leaving the 
rest as it was, 



" \Vhether it was law, or custom only, that gave to the Indians the right to all the 
Islands in the river, it was from an Indian Chief at the Lake of Two Mountains that 
my father obtained, for a yearly rental, the privilege of occupying- and cultivating the 
large island in front of his property, and which was afterward called after his name, 
The produce fwm that island was sufficient for the support of his family, year after 
year, as he raised good crops of fall wheat, potatoes, corn, hay, etc., besides apples, 
plums and other small fruit in abundance, which seemed to be indigenous to the place. 
Having this island to depend on for the support of his family, gave him quite an ad- 
vantage over some of his neighbors, and, also, an opportunity to get his farm cleared 
up. He was what would be called in those days a stock fancier ,. he was not satisfied 
without having the best breed of cattle and horses that could be obtained, and no 
expense or trouble was spared in order to get them. He brought home, at one time, a 
small herd of cattle and horses which he bought in the State of Vermont and Eastern 
Townships, and their descendants graced both his own and his brother's barn yards 
for many years. 
"\Vhen my parents began life together, there was only a small log house and 
barn on the farm, and not sufficient accommodation for the stock. Shortly after, a 
stable of sided cedar was built, and which, a few years ago, seemed to be as sound as 
ever; this is merely mentioned to show the durability of cedar. In that old log house, 
nearly all their family were born, as it was not until the year 1819 that he had finished a 
snug, comfortable, two-storey stone house, where my youngest sister Kate and myself 
first saw the light of day, and where my dear mother breathed her last 11th October, 
"The face of the country is very much changed since then. At that time, the 
main road ran along the bank of the river from Carillon to our place. The view from 
our house was splendid; away to the west, the river and farm houses were in full 
view; down the river could be seen the rapids and part of the village of Point Fortune j 
nearly in front of the house was a most magnificent elm tree, whose wide-spreading 
branches made a very inviting shade on a hot day. 
" .:\Iy mother was a woman of a strong and indomitable will, with much native 
energy and ambition, blended with great mildness and gentleness of character; cool 
and collected in the time of danger, as the following little incident will shúw : 
"While engaged in her domestic duties, it was customary for the eldest child to 
take charge of the younger ones; and one day, as usual, she had taken them out, and 
was amusing them for a time under the shade of the elm tree, whence she got them 
into the canoe, that was always moored at the landing place, In their fun and play, 
the boat was soon loosed frolH shore, and floating out into dangerous water. My 
sister, seeing her danger, made a gleat outcry, which not only brought my mother to 
the scene, but was aìso creating a panic among the younger ones. 
Iy mother seeing 
the peril, at once, spoke to them in a soothing, gentle way, and, by her cool and 
collected manner, quieted the little ones; while she, with the aid of a pole, and by 
wading into the deep water, managed to bring them safely to shore, It was in the 
same place where my youngest brother, Daniel, was drowned a few }'ears afterward, 
.:\fy three brothers were in bathing, and he, not knowing the danger, climbed on a 
sunken rock, and slipped off into deep water, and was never after seen alive. The 
body was recovered in a few days in an eddy, near Carillon. 
"\Vhen the Government expropriated the land required for the canal and high- 
way, and which included his dwelling house, my father sold the remainder of his 
farm to Wm. Cook, a contractor on the canal, and removed in the spring of r830 
to a rented farm, a short distance away, where he resided until 25th June, 1835. 
He then removed to the property he had purchased on the Lachute Road, which 

29 0 


was then almost in a state of nature, so that, for the second time, he began 
clearing up a new farm; and although he was pretty well advanced in life, he 
lived to see it brought to a high state of cultivation, with large and commodious buildings, comfortable dwelling, etc. When the farm was sold in 1862, he 
retired from active life, and spent the remainder of his days on the old homestead 
in Chatham, where he died 4th September, 1869, in the 94th year of his age. 
Of his family of five daughters, the eldest, Christian, born 6th October, 1809, married 
James Fraser, 26th October, 18'54; died loth July, 1858. Mary, born April, 
181 I, married James Thomson, 3 0th December, 18:H, and died 28th September, 18]2. 
Helena, born November, 1813, married Robert Thom'ìon (no relation of 
!\] ary's husband), 2nd January, I 83
, and died 26th November, 1887, leaving a 
family of two sons and two daughters, who reside in Ottawa and vicinity. Margaret, 
born 2nd January, 181S, died February, 1883; Catharine, born 3rd January, 1821, 
died 19th )[ay, 188.3, 
"Of his four sons, John, born 26th April, 18 I 7, was accidentally killed in my father's 
barn, by falling from the top of the hay mow, and was impaled on a sharp stake; he 
lived about twenty-four honr!:, and died 14th AUg'..lst, 18-1.1, He was a young man 
of great promise, of agreeable and gentle disposition, quiet and unassuming manner; 
he had a splendid voice anll was fond of music i heavy, muscular build and splendid 
physique, !!'tanding over six feet in height, and weighing 220 lbs. His sudden, untimely 
and dreadful death was a terrible shock to his father and all his family; and I cannot 
recall the sad circumstances, even now, without a shudder. I Peace to his ashes. 
Honour to his memory.' Peter, his twin brother, lived on the farm with his father 
until his death, 22nd 
:O\'ember, 1847. Daniel, born 28th March, 1819, was drowned 
in July, 1827, as previously narrated. 
" I was the youngest of the family, and was born 12th September, 1823, at the old 
homestead in Chatham, where my uncle John laid the foundation of what little education 
I possess, as I never had the advantage of a classical or college education, but had 
to put up with what was taught in the common schools (and some of them were com- 
mon enough), our text. books being the Bible and Mavor's spelling-book, Those who 
were fond of poetry had the Scottish version of the Psalms to revel in, and when the 
, English Reader' was added 10 the list of school books, it was thought we were 
very extravagant. At that time, the greatest part of the ink used in country schcols was 
made by boiling the bark of the soft maple i we used goose or turkey quills to write 
with. As my father had not the means to pay help in clearing up and doing the 
work on the farm, each one of his sons had to turn in and help, and, in consequence, 
I was taken from school before 1 was thirteen years of age, and never returned. 
-\s [ did not relish a farmer's life, I left home, and served in a store three years; 
but on the death of my brother Jolin, in 1841, thinking it was my duty to help my 
father, I went back to the farm, and after a few years took entire charge of it, and 
relieved him from all responsibility. He deeded one-half of the property for my own 
personal benefit; on the land thus obtained I built a house, and on the 13th Sept- 
ember, 1854, was marriec1. to Elizabeth, the youngest daughter of Charles Benedict of 
St. Andrews, who was born I I th August, 1823' \Ve went home, and lived there until 
the spring of 1863, when, having sold the farm in the fall of I
62 to Charles Albright, 
we remained two years in St. Andrews, and then removed, in 1865, to St, Eugene, in 
the township of Hawkesbury. My wife died there 1 Ith October, 1866, leaving to my 
care four son
, our third son, James, h:1ving died Plevious to his mother, of scarlet 
fever, 24th January, 1
65' During my residence at St. Eugene, I received the appoint- 
ment of Commissioner for taking affidavits in the 
'l s Bench, and was also 
appointed local superintendent of schools, which office I held for two years until I 
left the place in 1868. 


29 I 

" In the spring of 1869, I came to Ottawa, and having obtained a situation in 
the office of Captain Young, lumber manufacturer, sent for my family in November of 
the same year, was married to Esther, the second daughter of Charles Benedict of St, 
Andrews, who was born 1st January, 1819, and died 22nd April, 1892. 
" I remained in the employ of Captain Young for seventeen years, the greater 
part of the time as cashier and confidential clerk, :md remained with his successors 
for over t\\'o years after he sold out; and am r.ow and have been for five years in the 
Water 'Yorks department in the City Hall. I never aspired to municipal honors, 
but represented Victoria ward, as public school trustee, for a period of nine years, 
In politics, I am a Liberal, but not slavishly bound to either party; would support an 
honest government, 1
0 matter by what name it was called, if the men at the head of 
it were men of honor, who could not be bought with the spoils, nor contaminateLi 
with the Imt of office, who have in them that 'righteousness which alone exalteth a 
nation.' In religion, I can worship with any who love the Lard Jesus Christ in sincerity, 
but [1m identified more closely with the Presbyterian denomination, and have endea- 
vored, although with much f
ebleness and faltering, to do my duty in that state of 
life in which it has pleased God to call me. My family of four sons are all married, 
and living in Ottawa. John, the eldest, born 1st November, 1855, served his time as 
a machinist, afterward taking a course of mechanical dr2wing in Richmond College, 
and received an appointment from the Government as machinist and draughtsman 
in the Intercolonial shops at River-du.Loup. He left that place for a situation as 
locomotive foreman at Ottawa, which he resigned to open an office as Insurance 
Agent and Real Estate Broker. He married, June, 1880, Catharine Isabella, daughtn 
ot Ald. :Masson of Ottawa. 
"George, born 28th July, 1857, is now Agent for the Export Lumber Co. of 
New York and Boston. He was married loth December, 189[, to Mary, youngest 
daughter of l\Ir. Wro. Robertson, of Ottawa. 
" Char]e5, born 13th February, 1862, for the past eight years has been local man- 
ager of the Bell Telephone Co. at Ottawa, and is one of the Directors of the Ottawa 
Eiectric Railway. He married Aunie, youngest daughter of Mr. Arch. Acheson of 
Westmeath, 91h June, 1886 i they have three children. 
"Colin, the youngest, born 27th October, 1863: is a graduate of 
College, and has been a practising physician and surgeon in the city for the last six 
years. He married, 1st January, 1890, Laura, daughter of Rufus Fil
r of 
and they have two children. 

"Yours truly, 
"C. DE'V AR." 
'Ve think the mill referred to in the above letter of !\Ir. Dewar de "erves further 
notice, inasmuch as it performed a most important function in its day, and proved a 
at blessing to the inhabitants. Only a vestige of it remains, and the date of its 
erection could not be learned, till it was discovered in the diary of the late Captain 

ridham of Grenville, who refers to it in speaking of the masons who were employed 
10 the construction of his own house; it is thus learned that the mill was built ir 
18 35. Its location was near the Ottawa, not far above Stonefield, on a small 
which was then much larger thl.n at present. It was famed for the excellence of the 
Clatmeal it manufactured, and was patronized by farmers even from Glen 
arry. .A 11 
.Iged citizen in the vicinity remembers that many teams were often waitillg at the 
mill, in the days of its usefulness. 
. Colin Dewar, the youngest of the sons of Peter Dewar, and who is briefly men- 
tIOned in the above sketch of the Dewar family, was three years old wr.en his parents 
came to Canad:1. His father had lived on the Duke of .\rgyle's estate in Scotland, 



and the aged Duchess sometimes called at the house. She took great interest in the 
wee bairn Colin from his birth, and expressed a hope that his hair would be red. She 
presented him with a suit of kilts when the family was about leaving, and hewas in the 
full enjoyment of this Highland costume when the vessel was stopped by the Priva.teer. 
The kilts were long preserved by the family, and we believe that portions are 
still in existence, Mr. Dewar (the happy recipient of this suit) was lieutenant in the 
company of Captain Ostrom, in the Rebellion of 1837, and was an active, esteemed 
member of this community, serving it for some time as School Commissioner, 

Irs. Dewar died in 1895; they had four sons-Peter, James, Duncan and Donald, 
and four daughters-Annie, Christina, Mary and :\iargaret ; Peter lives in this soc- 
tion, James in Minnesota, and Duncan is decea
ed. Annie, the widow of \Vm. Scott, 
lives in California; Christina, widow of Geo. Noyes, in this loca
ity; Mary died in 
infancy; Margaret, married to James Rawring, :ives in British Columbia. 
Donald Dewar resides on the homestead
a fine farm with an attractive brick 
lesidence which commands a beautiful view of the Ottawa. Mr. Dewar was appointed 
commissioner for the trial of small causes in 1892, and soon afterward was appointed 
Justice of the Peace; he married Eliza J. .\fullen, of St. A.ndrclvs parish. 
l\Ir. Dewar in a later letter says: 
" I believe I did not mention the fact of a sawmill having been built on lot No. 
3, a short distance up the river from Mr. Chishl11m's distillery, and a little below my 
father's house; it was the fir
t mill erected in that part of Lower Canada. There is 
no documentary evidence to show when or by whom it was built, or the length of 
time it was in existence, how or by what means it W,lS destroyed, which was, most 
likely, by the ice in the spring. It must have been destroyed in the closing years of 
the last century, as there was not a vestige of the mill to be seen (except a part of 
the mill dam) when my fath
r sEttled on his farm in 1807. ),1r. Duncan Dewar 
remembers seeing the remains of the dam when he was :t boy, and is of the opinion l 
that it was built by Ebenezer Clarke, a well-known millwright in those days, whose 
family resided in the township of Chatham. I also frequently saw the remains of the 
dam in my younger days. II 
Great changes have occurred in the appearance of this I )C.lltty since the days 
when !\Ir. Dewar lived here j the large elm to which he refers has disappeared, as 
well as many other of the old landmarks, 
On the farm of Mr. James Edward Fitzgerald, at a little distance from the high- 
way, on the left, are the ruins of a house, which, judging from its interior finish and 
the grounds around it, was the home of some person of taste and means. At the 
time of its erection the road passed between it and the river, so that the neat fence 
and shrubbery, of which vestiges may stiil be seen, that were then in front of the 
dwelling, are now in the rear of its mins. This house was erected about 1830. by 
'Villiam Cook, a Scotchman, who had been a contractur in his native land. On 
coming to Chatham he took a large contract in the constructiùn of the Canal, made 
money, with which he purchased 500 acres of land, that was formerly owned by John 
Dewar, in this section, and erected the dwelling referred to above. He afterward lost 
heavily on a contract he had taken for the construction of the locks at Chute au 
THOMAS FITZGERALD, one of the pioneers of Beech Ridge, in the Parish of :;1. 
Andrews, received a classical education, preparatory to entrance to the priesthood; 
but, for some reason, he gave up the design of following this vocation. He was a 
nephew of Lord Edward Fitzgerald, who was executed for complicity in the Irish 
Rebellion of r 798, and was himself an exile for nine years in France, for his connection 
with the same Rebellion. But, being pardoned by the British Government, he 

returned to his native land, and, in 1836, came to Canada and settled at Beech 
Ridge. His son, JOHN FITZGE
ALD, came to Chatham, and, in 1868, bought three 
lots of land, on which his sons now live. He was married in 1848 to Elizabeth 
Delaney, and had three sons and two daughters, James, married to Joanna O'Con- 
nor, June loth, 1879; John, who was married to Martha Dixon, of Little Rideau, in 
September, 1881 j and Edward, married in 1880, to Mary Ellen Barron, of East 
Hawkesbury, all live in Chatham. Margaret, the widow of John Lennon, also 
resides in this place; Elizabeth, the other daughter, is the wife of Richard Funcheon, 
of St. Columba. Their father, Mr. John Fitzgerald, after buying his farm, about 1872 
went, with one of his sons, to California, where he earned money to pay for his land, 
returning in 1874. He was an intelligent man, a great reader, and possessed 
a very retentive memory; he was also a man of much energy and industry. The land 
he purchased at this place he divided among his sons, giving to each a good farm. 
He died very suddenly, 6th May, 1894; Mrs. Fitzgerald died 29th January, 1896. 
]A:\IES MILLER came, in 1831, with his family, from the County of Monaghan, 
Ireland, to Carleton County, Onto Four years later, his son, James MiIIer, jun., 
moved to Pembroke, where he remained till 1870, successfully engaged in lumbering 
and farming. He then came to Cushing, Que., and bought the Mair property, which 
he sold in 1888, and, in the spring of the next year, moved to another part of Chatham, 
where he bought 90 acres, known as the "Feeder Farm," on which he still lives, 
liJler has always taken an interest in schools, and was a member of a School 
Board fifteen years. He was married in 1858 to Susannah O'Brien, who has since 
died. They had ten children, of whom only one- James Henry-grew up. The latter 
was married, 28th February, 1894, to Miss Christina McMartin, of River Rouge, and 
is now employed in Montreal, in th e office of the Traveler's Insurance Company. 
PHILABERT F. FILION, a very successful business man of this section, is a son of 
Martin Filion, and was born near Rigauå, Que., and 
ame to Chatham in 1865. 
Previous to this, he attended college in St. Andrews, ar.d worked some time for 
McLaughlin & Son, lumbermen, on the Ottawa, being wi1h them, altogether, as derk 
and foreman, twenty-one years; he was also foreman on the CariIIon Dam, the Lachine 
Piers, and in the stone quarry three years at Port Arthur. He has been twice 
married: the first time in 1866 to Mary Robert, who died about a year after her 
marriage. His second marriage was in 187I to Miss Dinah Sauvie, of Montebello. 
Mr. Filion, for a number of years, has been engaged in the iumber business 
with his brother Joseph, his fine farm, meanwhile, being to a great extent managed 
 rs. Filion. 
ANTOINE ROBERT, who has lived here for nearly thirty years, has the honor of 
Leinc: the son of a centenarian. His grandfather, Joseph Robert, came from France, 
and was one of the very early settlers at St. Andrews. Joseph, the eldest of his 
children, who had lived for nearly fifty years on the River Rouge, St. Andrews, died 
there in 1885, upward of 100 years old. He was twice married, and had one son and 
seven daughters. Antoine is the only son by the last marriage. 
EDWARD BARRON is one of the respected farmers of this section; he is a grand- 
son of the Mrs. Barron mentioned in the history of Chute au Blondeau, who performed 
the ftat of riding on horseback, through the wilderness, to Toron to, to obtain the 
patent for their farm. It is but just to say, that the industry and perseverance of Mr. 
Barron emulate those of his maternal relative, His father, Joseph Barron, lived on 
the old homestead at Chute au Blondeau, and died there a few years since, He had 
six sor.s and three daughters; three, only, of the sons-James, John and Edward- 
live in this section. James conducts an hotel in Grenville ; John is a farmer in the 




same township. Edward B:1rron, in 1882, married the widow of John Thompson, 
daughter of the late John Mason, lockmaster, and s
ttled in 'Chatham. Mrs. Barron, 
by her first marriage, had five children, of whom two sons and one daughter are now 
living. By the second marriage, .Mr. and Mrs. Barron have one son and one daughter. 

1r, Barron's present farm was fOlmerly owned by Dr. Jameson, one of the 
s.ucctssful and pron 1 inent physicians of Waterloo, Shefford County, Que. 
CAPT. JOHN STEPHENS, whose early career was singularly eventful, and who, as 
his various promotions proved, did honorable service in fighting for his country, 
 born in \Vexford County, Ireland, in 1789. He joined the army at the age of 
17, entering the 87th Regt. Foot, in 1806; he was transferred, in 1808, to 4th 
G. B., and, in 1810, to the 66th Foot, commanded by his second cousin, General Sir 
Oliver Nicolls. He was promoted to the rank of Senior Quarter Master, while under 
service at Calcutta, 14th September, 181S. His length of service in the regular army 
was twenty-six years, four of which were spent in India. From India, he 
went to the Island of St, Helena, where he acted as one of the Guards of 

apoleon 1. His family had in their possession for years a ring presented to him by 
the ill.starred Emperor. He left St. Helena in 1821, retired from the 66th Regiment, 
came to Canada in 1827, and in 1830 settled in Chatham. At his own request, he was 
retired on half-pay 9th December, 1831.. III f833, he received a grant of land in 
Litchfield, County of Pontiac, for military service, but did not remove his residence 
from Chatham. In 1837, at the request of Sir John Colborne, he raised a company 
of volunteers, and served as Regiment Adjutant in 1838. It was at this time he won 
his title of Captain. He became connected with the Presbyterian Church, under the 
Rev. \Villiam Mair, in 1839, and was appointed Deacon of the same in the following 
year; he was approved by the session of the Church as Eider, but seems to have 
declined appointment to that office. His death took place 9th October, 1868. 
The REY. RICHARD BRADFORD was one of the most prominent of the early settlers 
in Chatham, chiefly because he was the first to plant the Church of England in the 
valley of the Ottawa, and was the first clergyman resident in the c,)llnty. These two 
facts alone entitle him to a long biographical sketch; but, notwithstanding the efforts 
that were made to obtain more facts with regard to him, we simply learned that he 
came from England to New York about 1782, and was there engaged in a business 
partnership with a Mr. Smith. A few years later he to Canada, and was Chaplain 
in the 49th Regiment, \Ve do not know just when he came to Chatham, but that he 
was here in 1811-12 is evident from the Church Records at St. Andrews. He pur- 
chased from Co!. Robertson his estates on the Ottawa and North River, the first 
comprising 5,000, the latter J ,000 acres. He left two sons in the States; the remain- 
der of his children, four sons, Richard, George, Charles, and 'Villiam, and two 
daughters, afterwards MiS. Abbott and Mrs. Fisk, came with him to Canada. 
George, his eldest son, married Martha Smith, daughter of a neighbor, Captain 
Johnson Smith, and he first !"oettled on the homestead near his father; but, not long 
afterward, he removed to Upper Canada, and there bought a farm. Three years later, 
in 1820, his father died, and he returned to Chatham to obtain his share of the 
patrimony. His brothers, at that time, had all left this section, and his brother-in- 
law, Rev, Joseph Abbott, wh:J was executor of the estate of the deceased, prevailed 
on George to take the 1,000 acres of land on the North River, instead of money. for 
his share of the paternal estate. In consequence of so doing, he had to give U? his 
farm in Upper Canada, on which he had paid ;/';75, and he then returned and settled 
on his new one, his house being located not far from the site of Earle's Mills, in 
Lachute. Here he lived, till near the close of his life. His children, who arrived at 



mature age, were George 
I., Henry, now living in Brandon, 
Ian.; Charles, 
who was accidentally killed on the railway a few years since; and John, now living in 
Lachu te, where he has a lime kiln. The daughters were Eliza and 
Iartha Jane; the 
former was Illarried to Henry Hammond, the latter to the late Andrew McConnell. 
In 1838, George married Matilda Stephens, a daughter of Capt. John Stephens, and 
Henry Bradford married Mary Ann, her sister, These two brothers were members 
of Captain Stephens' Volunteer Company, and went with it to Grande Brulé. 
George, the elder brother, purchased a lot on the Ottawa
 formerly belonging to 
his grandfather's estate, and built a house contiguous to that of his father-in-law. 
About J 84 6 , he opened a store here in a part of the house where his grandsire lived, 
and, in company with his brother Henry, did a large business. George, who is still 
alive, though upward of eighty, engaged in lumbering and piloting at an early age, and 
followed this many years. He employed many men, and, at times, had as many as 
seventy-five in his employ. After opening the store, he still followed his old vocation, 
while his brother Henry managed the store. A few years afterward, George built a 
saw mill, a few miles away from his home, on a stream called 
[udd)' Branch. The 
brothers then dissolved partnership-Henry and his nephew John (a son of George 
Bradford) taking the saw mill, and George prepared to build a large steam miJI near 
his o\\"n dwelli'lg. This he er
cted on a smal
 bay on the Ottawa in 18 7 1 -7 2 , and 
for a few years did a large business manufacturing lalh, shingle, and all kinds of 
lumber, which he sold to dealers and others, These mills were destroyed by fire in 
18 77, when they were owned by the Owens Brothers, of 
tonefieìd. _-\t one tin1P, 
Mr. Bradford owned eighty-six square miles of timber in Ottawa County, which, after 
reserving a strip nine rods wide, he sold for $13,000. 
M r, Bradford has been an ardent disciple of Nimrod, and during IllS lifetime has 
killed over five hundred deer, about a dozen bears and three or four lynxes. Sports- 
men from the cities have often employed him as a guide and companion in their 
huntiJ1g tours, and many times he has spent weeks alone in the forest. 
He has five sons now living-John, George, 'Villiam R., Edmund* and Frederick 
Xorman. Thlee of these live in Hawksbury, one in L:lchute and one on the home- 
stead. Of the three daughters, Edith mélrried to James McAllister, Postmaster at 
Chute au Blondeau ; Gertrude to Jas. Cook, farmer, of Arundel; and Martha to Joseph 
Thompson, a farmer of Portland, Que, The N oyeses ha ve always been acti\"e citizens 
of Chatham. 
..., THO:\lAS NC)YES was a U. E. Loyalist, and before coming to Chatham lived in 

ew Hampslllre. On removÏ1.g to this place, accomp
nied by his wife, three sons 
and three daughters, he bought two lots of land. John, his eldest son, took part of 
the homestead, on which he lived till his death. Clark and \Villiam, his brothers, 
built the large brick house now owned by Edward Barron. This they sold to Mont- 
marque!, and he sold to Dr. Jameson, Both these brothers also died in Chatham. 
John, the eldest son, mentioned above, was married to Lydia Dexter, of Vermont, 
and had six sons and two daughters. 
Of the sons, Thomas, the eldest, married Mary Ann Ostrom, and lives in a pleasant 
brick residence on a fine farm, about half a mile from the homestead. They have 
five sons and three daughters. John, their eldest son, who has spent much of his life 
on the Ottawa, and is regarded as a skillful engineer, is engineer on the steamer " Hall," 
which plies between Montreal and Ottawa, and is much esteemed by the Company by 
which he is employed. His wife was :\Iiss Fanny Roe, of 
IontreaJ. Benjamin, his 
youngest brother, and Ida, his youngest sister, remain with their parents on the home- 

'It Killed in a mill in 18 95- 

29 6 


John, the second son, and Cha.rles, fourth son of John Noyes, sen" live in Butte 
City, Montana, the former being one of the pioneers of that place, \Villiam, their 
brother, lives in Muskegon, :Mich. Benjamin, their youngest brother, when last heard 
frpm was in Africa. 
George, sixth son of the same family, was married in 1868 to Christina, daughter 
of the late Colin Dewar, of Chatham, and moved to .Minnesota, where he died in 
18 7 0 . His widow, with her two children, returned, and bought a part of her family 
(Dewar) homestead, on which she still resides with her son John and daughter 
Of the two daughters of John Noyes, sen., Frances, the eldest, unmarried, lives 
with her brother Thomas. Lydia, the second daughter, married Mr. WilJiams, of 
Burlington, Vt., and died at that place. \Vhen but a young child, Frances was one 
day playing on the bank of the river, not far from the house, and a band of Indians 
ascending the Ottawa enticed her into a canoe and carried her away, By good fortune 
the Indians at Grenville met Mr. Noyes and Mr. McPhie, his partner in the Jt1mber 
business, coming down the river. The child, recognizing her father, gave a joyful 
cry, and was thus rescued from captivity. 
About a mile on the road leading from Mr. George Bradford's, on the Ottawa, 
to St, Philippe, the travelJer comes to a good farmhouse and commodious barns. 
Descending a smalJ hiB, he crosses a bridge over a creek and, at his right, lies 
a small picturesque pond, in a tract of level ground, encircled by gentle hills, and at 
a point where these hills so nearly meet as to leave only a narrow outlet for the 
stream is a mill for sawing wood. Farther off, at some little distance beyond the 
hiJls, the upper part of a wind mill frame looms in sight. The whole surroundings.. 
the creek, the rond, the well-tilled fields, good fences and sleek herds, afford a picture 
and suggest a phase of happy farm life on which the traveller delights to linger, 
This was the home of EPHRAIM FULLER, a pensioner of the United States Govern- 
ment for service in the Revolution, and here he subsequently settled, the earliest 
pioneer, it is believed, in this immediate section. On the spot where now his grand- 
son has his mill for sawing wood, he also had a saw mill for transforming the pines, 
spruce, hemlock, etc., into lumber-a single instance of the enterprise of which he 
was possessed. He had thirteen children-eight sons and five daughters; three of 
the former, Rinaldo, I vory and Calvin, were the only ones who remained in this 
section. Rinaldo lived on the homestead, and had two sons and one daughter. The 
latter, Marion, married to Daniel, a son of their neighbor, John Casso 
Albert, the son, who married Minnie Douglass, lives on the homestead, and 
is engaged in farming on improved plans, He has a silo, cuts his ensilage and 
all h is feed by water power, and the same motor is employed to thresh his grain. 
He keeps a large stock of cattle, and under his able management his farm will soon 
be in condition to sustain more. l\Ir. Fuller is a young man of great energy: and his 
enterprise is a worthy example to the other farmers of Chatham. 
At a little distance farther west-where we saw the wind mill, which is used for 
hydraulic purposes-on a fine farm, resides the widow of [vory Fuller and her son 
Frank. Her maiden name was Marietta Schagel. She is a daughter of Captain 
Schagel, and her married life has been spent on this farm. Mr. Fuller died in Sep- 
tember, 1887. They had eleven children, two sons and nine daughters. 
Albert, the eldest son, is in Carievale, Assiniboia, Frank, the younger, and the 
only one of the children unmarried, remains on the homestead. 
Calvin, the third son of Ephraim Fuller, who remained in the vicinity of his 
ear1y home, married, and raised a large family, but was accidentally killed while 
engaged in lumbering, His family afterward sold their homestead and went to 
the \Vest. 



Passing onwa.rd toward St. Philippe, through a low lying belt of thick, second 
arowth forest, we arrive at another fine level farm, attractive from its intensely rural 

spect and quiet seclusion. This is the home of Mr. John Casso 
JOSIAH CASS, his grandfather, was one of the U. E. Loyalists who left the Genesee 
Yalley at the breaking out of the Revolution, and he first made his home at the Baie 
des Chaleurs, There his wife died, leaving four sons and two daughters. He again mar- 
ned, and some years later, yet previous to 1800, carne to Hawksbury, Ont., and took 
up 400 acres of land at the head of the Rapids. By his second marriage, he 
had one son and three daughters, to whom he bequeathed the bulk of his property, 
at which his children by the first marriage, being displeased, left home. Two settled 
in Treadwell's Seigniory, and Daniel, the youngest, came to the second concession in 
Chatham, and took up 160 acres of ]and, now owned and occupied by his son, 
John. Another man had made a small beginning here, but the great amount of pioneer 
work remained for 1\1r. Casso For twenty years he prosecuted his labors without the 
help and companionship of a wife, but about 1821 he married a widow named Eleanor 
Brundage, who had five children. In 1837-38 he and his stepson, Le,'i Brundage, 
served as volunteers in the Company of Capt. Schagel. 
This locality seems to have been a favorite resort for wolves in early days, as, 
besides the loss of sheep by Leavitt, mentioned elsewhere, they continued to m1ke 
raids on the flocks of Messrs. Cass, Fulltr and others, the former having lost ten, 
and the latter twenty, sheep, at different times, in one night. 
1\1r. Cass had, of his own children, three sons and one daughter. Jacob, the 
youngest of the former, now lives in Illinois. John, another of the sons, who re- 
mained on the homestead, married in August, 1845, to E!izabeth Ramsey, and has 
had nine children, of whom three sons and four daughters are still living. The two 
youngest, Johiel and Amelia, still live with their parents on the homestead, 
Several years ago Mr, Cass sustained a heavy loss by fire, his buildings, hay, grain, 
fanning implements, wagons, five hor
es and five cattle all being burned, without 
insurance. He has the respect of his fdlow-citizens, and has b
en a School Com- 
missioner a number of years, and Assessc,r fifteen. 
It should be stated that the road on which the above mentioned families have 
settled, and which is known as the "Fuller Road," was settled at a very early period; 
the þrocès-vcrbal, which is dated 1821, being the oldest known in this part of the 

1\0 one, who travels the road from Carillon to Grenville will fail to admire the 
section of country through which he passes. The stately trees by the way-side, good 
buildings, well-tilled farms, the neat stone church with its pretty manse, are objects 
that will attract one's attention. But he will soon arrive at a spot which, not only 
frem the beauty of the scenery, but from the elegance of the buildings, though few in 
number, will enhance his interest and arouse his curiosity. An air of profound quiet 
pervades the place, but it is evident, that it was once a locality of business and 
activity. This is Cushing, a name which belonged to its founder, who, for half a 
century, was a leading spirit in the County of Argenteuil. \Ve cannot give a more 
complete biographical sketch of Mr. Cushing, than will be found in the following 
obituary, copied from the .Montreal Herald of .May 20t
l, 1875 :- 
" MR. LEMUEL CUSHING, whose death we announced yesterday, was one of the 
early settlers of the Ottawa Valley, He was born at Three Rivers in 1806, educated 
at Peacham, Vermont, and commenced business for himself in the then lumbering 
district of Chatham, County of Argenteuil, at the early age of seventeen. Like all 

29 8 


the pioneers and settlers of a new country, he had to struggle hard, and to overcome 
difficu1ties which appeared almost insurmountable; but, by active and persevering 
industry and energy, he soon earned for himself a place and position among the people 
of that section of the county, and, for many years, he filled successively the offices of 
Councillor and Mayor of the Township, and \Varden of the County. For more 
than fifty years, he actcrl as Justice of the Peace; his jurisdiction at one time 
extending to, and including the city of Montreal. He took an active part, on the 
breaking out of the troubles of 1837, in collecting and furnishing arms for the use 
of the Militia. Enrolling himseìf as a volunteer, he marched with his fellow settlers 
to St. Eustache, where he was instrumental in checking pillage and devastation, and, 
with shrewd foresight, preserved the records and documents which would otherwise 
have been destroyed in the sacking of the Registrar's Office at 51. Benoit. 
\s a 
business man, he was eminently successfu1. Three times he became owner of the 
celebrated Caledonia Springs, and, about fifteen years ago, purchased the property 
now known as Cushing hland, in Portland Harbor, Me., which soon became a 
fashionable summer resort, and which remained in his possession up to the time of 
his death. He was married in the Spring of 1836 to Catherine, daughter of the late 
Tohn S. Hutchins, of I.achute, by whom he had thirteen children, and he lived to see 
åll his sons- eight in number-established ill business. For several years past, he 
has himself taken no active part in business. Respected and esteemed by all who 
knew him, his death has snapped another link of the chain which unites us with 
the early history of the country:' 
The following extract flOm his funeral sermon is copied from the Argelltcuil 
Adzoertiser, of 9th June, 18 75:- 
The solemn funeral service was conducted in St. Mungo's Church, Chatham, 
by the Rev. Donald Ross, B.D., who, after discoursing on the Resurrection, paid the 
following weB-merited tribute to his deceased parishioner and friend :- 
" In the providence of God, we have come together to-day to pay the last token 
of respect to one whose name has been more closely identified with this district, for 
upwards of half a century, than that of any other one man, who formed a link between 
the present generation and the early settlement of the Ottawa Yalley, 1 hough he had 
not quite attained to the allotted threescore and ten years, he really lived longer 
than many who fill up the term of fourscore years, for his was a life of intensest 
activity, He lived in deeds, not years-in thoughts, not breaths-in feelings, not 
in figures on a dial. If we count time by heart throbs, he longest Ii \ es who thinks 
most, feels the noblest, acts the best. A man of strong individuality of cha:acter, he 
made his influence felt throughout the community, whose development and progress 
he strove to advance His unwearied industry, his indomitable perseverance, his 
shrewd speculative turn, crowned him with great success in the sphere of effort which 
he had chosen for himself. He was fearless in the expression of his opinion, when 
occasion demanded its expression; inflexibly just, scorning anything mean, always 
setting before himself a high ideal of manhood; recognizing and appreciating honor, 
and justne:ts, and uprightness in anyone who exhibited these virtues. As a citizen, 
he occuçied positions of puhlic trust; and how cGnscientiously he discharged the 
duties which these entailed on him you all know. To him this church and parish 
are deeply indebted. From facts which have corne to my own knowledge, and on the 
authority of those who are competent to speak upon the matter, it is due to him to 
say, that this church would, in all probability, not have an existence but for his active 
efforts, his wise counsel, and his generous aid. 
".Throughout its history of forty years, in critical and trying days, he has always 
been Its staunch supporter, always willing to assist in promoting its advancement 



and prosperity, and, so long as these walls stand, they will bear witnesc; to the interest 
which he took in the welfare of the congregation. In him, both my predecessors and 
myself had a warm friend, who, ill reason of his large and v.tried experience, W.1S 
capable of advising us in matters of difficulty. Into his private and domestic relations, 
I would not presume to intrude, though, on these points, I could also speak. But it 
is no breach of propriety to say what you all know-that he was a faithful and loving 
husband, and a kind and affectionate father. 
" He is now gone; quietly he feIl asleep, having finisheå his work, and the place 
o long knew him shall know him no '/lore; but his memory will Ii ve, his influence 
will still be felt. Though dead, he will yet speak to us. May his example of diligence 
and devotion to duty stimulate us all to do with our might whatsoeva our hand findeth 
to do, 'for there is 110 device, 110r work, nor wisdom, in the grave,' to which we are 
so rapidly hastening." 
It is but just to say that, in his marriage, ::\1r. Cushing obtained a companion in 
every respect worthy of the position-a woman, kind, intelligent, pious, active and 
determined; there was no situation in which they were placed during their conjugal 
relations in which she did not act her part with true womanly spirit and devotion. 
She is a daughter of John S. Hutchins, prominent in the history of Lachute: and the 
qualities she inherited from intelligent ance;;tors, combined with her early Christian 
training, eminently fitted her for the station she hac; been called to fill. Mrs. Cushing, 
for some time, has resided in Montreal, where she has a fine residence on Metcalfe 
street. She has been a devoted worker in the cause of temperance, and her benevo- 
lence has gi ven many a poor orphan and widow cause to bless her. 
Of the children of Mr. and 
1rs. Cushing, seven sons and two daughters are now 
James Brock (Col.) Cushing. the eld-=st, has been more closely identified with 
the history of this COU:1ty than any of the other children-as they went to Montreal 
and engaged in business quite early in life. James B. entered his hther's store as 
clerk in 18 5 6 ; about five years subsequently, Mr. Cushing, with his two sons, James 
and Thomas, formed a copartnership in mercantile businesc;; but, a few years later, 
Thomas withdrew, and, not long afterward, the father, entering political life, removed 
to Montreal, and James continued the business alone till 1891, when he also removed 
to Montreal. He was very active and influential while he lived here, and the fine 
stone store at Cushing is but a single instance of his enterprise, In 1866, h
a Company of Volunteers, of which he became Captain, and, on the retirement of the 
Hon. J. J. C. Abbott from military life, the officers of the Battalion unanimollsly 
chose Mr. Cushing for their Lieut.-Colonel. When his father removed to Montreal, 
he resigned his local offices-that of Postmaster, l\Iunicipal Councillor, J, P., etc., 
and Col. Cushing became his successor, and, during the last few years of his re:;idence 
here he was .Mayor of the Township. He was married 31st March, 186 9, to Elizabeth 
T. Hill, daughter of the late Francis l\I. HilI, Barrister, of Kingston; he is now in 
real estate business in MontreaJ. 
Lemuel, second son of the late Lemuel Cushing, was long a B:urister in Mon- 
i.l, and represented Argenteuil County in the Dominion Parliament, He died 
about 1880. 
Thomas, the third son, is proprietor of the Montreal Brewing Company; Francis, 
fourth son, is manager of the Cushing estate, including Cushing Island, l\Ie,; Cha:-les, 
the fifth son, has long been a leading and popular notary in Montreal, and is the 
senior member of the firm Cushing, Dunton & Barron, which does a latge business; 
Fred., sixth son, is a brush manufacturer, and lives at 1.1.3 Metcalfe street, Montreal; 
William M., seventh son, is a merchant, notary and J, P., in Elkhorn, .:\Ian. ; George 

3 00 


the youngest, is proprietor of a gold and silver mine in Mexico, where he has just 
erected a crushing mill. Of the two daughters of Mr, and Mrs, Cushing, one is mar- 
ried to the Rev. Donald Ross, Professor in Queen's College, Kingston; the other to 

1r. Cochran, and lives in Denver, Colorado. 
A factory for the manufacture of edge tools was erected at Cushing about the 
year 18 5 0 by a man named Forsythe. Oil of smoke was also made here, and sent to 
o be used in the printing of calico. The business was conducted for 
some time, with considerable success by different parties, but after a period of about 
fifteen years, the factory was burnt,-supposed to be the work of an incendiary. 
Col. James Cushing also erected a saw mill and grist mill here j the former is still 
in successful operation, but the latter, being out of repair, has fallen into disuse. 
. Y., settled here in the early part of this century, 
on a lot adjacent to that on whIch hIS grandson, John Ostrom, now dwells. As there 
was no road, he came up the Ottawa on the ice, bringing his family and household 
effects on a sled drawn by oxen, His first dwelling-a rude shanty-was built very 
near the river; in this he lived until the present road was established farther back on 
the shore. An incident occurred while the family remained in the cabin, which the 
children and grandchildren of Mrs. Ostrom never wearied of asking her to relate. 
One evening, Mr. Ostrom returned to his humble cabin with a fine string of fish, 
and threw them down outside, with the intention of soon dressing them, Soon after- 
wards, one of the family discovered the glaring eyes of a wolf not many yards distant, 
which, tempted by the scent of the fish, wa
 evidently in anticipation of a dainty 
meal. Mr, Ostrom got his gun, and by the lIght of the lantern held by his better- 
half, soon had his wolfship lying beside the fish he had so foolishly coveted. 
After the road was established and opened, Mr, Ostrom built a large, three-story 
house a few rods from his less pretentious abode, and in this opened a public house 
and general store, in which he accumulated property to an amount which won for him 
the appelation of" rich." Before his death, which occurred in 18 2 3, he had added three 
lots to his estate. He left three sons aI1d three daughters, but John, the eldest, was the 
only son who remained here; and he received, as his part of the real estate, the lot 
on which his own son, John, now resides. The two remaining sons, 'Villiam and 
Derrick, each received a lot, but they soon sold them and removed to Alumette 
Island, where \Villiam is still living. 
The following sketch from the pen of Mr, Colin Dewar gives a more complete 
history of this family :- 
"The old' Militia Act' of Lower Canada, which was in force in J 837, gave to 
the Captains the power of ordering out and compelling all able-bodied men, be- 
tween the ages of 18 and 45, to attend muster, and perform active duty. In many 
instances, these officers had not been appointed on account of their knowledge 
of milital y tactics, but f1 om being in favor with the officer commanding the Bat- 
talion. As a result of such a course, a great deal of dissatisfaction was manifested, 
on the breaking out of the troubles of 1837, when they were called out for active 
service; the men not hankerillg after a military experience l\f1der the com- 
maud of such officers. 
" The Government, knowing well the axiom that' one Y olunteer is worth more 
than ten pressed men,' got over the difficulty, by allowing all enrolled companies of 
volunteers the privilege of choosing their own officers, and all such companies to 
be under the control of the chief officer of the District. Two companies in the town- 
ship of Chatham were quickly formed on these lines: the first, under the command 
of Captain John Ostrom and Lieut. John Noyes; the second, under Captain John 


3 0 [ 

Schagel, and Lieut. Levi Brundage; besides, one company of sixty men, under the 
command of Captain J 01111 Stephens and Lieut. George 
I. Bradford, designed for 
active service, being stationed in Barracks, and thoroughly drilled. The barracks 
was the house now owned by 
lr. Fitzgerald. 
The Government supplied all Volunteers with arms, ammunition and clothillg; . 
the latter consisting of white blanket overcoats, heavy dark cloth trousers, with reJ 
stripe down the scam, beefskin moccasins, bearskin caps, and buckskin mittens, 
Thesecompanies, when on parade or march, made a very creditable appearance, their 
dress and uniform showing off their fine stalwart figures to perfection. 
It may here be stated, that Mr. Ceo. 1\1. Bradford is the only officer of these three 
companies living at the present time, the others having long since pas<:;ed away. 
\Vhen the company in the front of Chatham was organized, JOHN OSTRO
I, a young 
man of great promise, active and intelligent, and in every way well qualified for the 
position, was unanimously chosen captain, a brief sketch of whose life will here be 
given. The Ostrom family are of Dutch descent; they settled in the United :State
, but 
left their homes, and came to Canada with other U. E. Loyalists, at the breaking out 
of the Revolutionary 'Var. On their arrival in Canada, one son settled in H
County, near Belleville; the others were separated, going to different parts of d::e 
country, and they have long since lost trace of each other. The father of the subject 
of tJ1is sketch was Derrick O
trom, who arrived in the township of Chatham, early in 
the first declde of this century, and purchased a block of six hundred acres of land, 
in what was then the "Cùl. Robertson grant," and on which he built a residence for 
himself, which, for many ye:us, was the finest in the township, and fM ahead of Co!. 
Robertson's, which, up to that time
 had taken the lead. It stood on rising ground, 
in a c0'11manding position, on the top of the hill, in a beautiful situation, and was a 
well-known landmark, until it was burnt down a few years after the f.lmily removed 
from Chatham. It may here be mentioned, in reference to Co!. Robertson's house, 
that when it was built, many years previously, sawn lumber was a scarce article, and 
one peculiar feature in its construction was, that it was shillgled allover, from top to 
bottom, and fc-lstened with small flat-he.l.ded. hand-nnde nails. 

Ir. Ostrom not only c:trried on the business of farming, but also kept a general 
country store for many years, in a house afï:env,lrd sold to Mr. John -'lullan. He 
died in 1823, leaving a widow, three sons and three daughters, \'il., John, \Villiam 
and Derrick, Jennie, Christie and Elsie. 
On the settlement of the estate, John, the eldest son, received one of the farms, 
on which he ha:i b
lilt a house and suitabl
 f.lrm buildings, and on 5th September, 
18!9, was nurried to -'lis') Dorcas, dlughter of D
nnis Par:mns, Esq., who Iud 
recently come from the United States and settled in Chlth.un. 
\.t this time, Captain 
Ostrom was eng.lged in the square timber business, and was, for many years, one of 
the most succesiful pilots on the Grand River, that industry being then nearly at the 
zenith of its prosperity. Mention has been made in a previous .uticle of the quantities 
of shad ascending the river in the spring of the year, and, at that season, it was the 
cUstom fur all well-to-do farmers to take adv.l.l1tage of this circumst:tnce, and provide 
their families with a supply of this excellent fish, which was always a treat, either 
fresh or sal ted. It W.l.S while attending to this import.lllt duty that Captain O
lost his life on the 2nd June, 18"'0, at wh:lt was known as the ,. Fishing GrJund"; plat- 
forms, or, as they were called, stagillgs, which were erected at differe'u spac
s along the 
bank, which, at that place, was a perpendicular rock, along the face of which these 
staging,; h,ld to be built and secured, and were thus hanging over the river, and near 
the surf.lce of it, 
Owing to the forll1:ition of the ne\v canal and Jam at tlut place, th
 whole face 

3 02 


of the river is changed, and it is only those who remember it as it was before these 
improvements were commenced, that can form any idea of the dangerous place it then 
was. On the morning of that eventful day, Captain Ostrom had left home very early, 
as usual, and had taken his turn with the others of his gang (as, owing to the heavy 
work of SCJOPillg, they required frequently to change). It was pretty well on in the 
forenoon, when, no doubt, being fatigued with the arduous labor of the morning, as 
well as weak from exhaustion, he was either struck by his scooþ in swinging it round, 
or the breaking of part of the staging caused him to be thrown off, and into the 
surging, seething swell
, as they rushed furiously down those angry rapids. 
The cry was at once raised that Captain Ostrom had fallen in, when those on the 
bank ran down to try to assist him; but he must have been stunned in the fall, or 
perhaps was paralyzed by the action of the cold water on his heated body, as he never 
tried to help himself, and sank in a few moments. His comrades ran down to the foot 
of the locks, and had a boat round 
he pùir.t in a few minutes, hoping he would be 
found floating on the surface. But, alas! he had sunk long before reaching them. 
,\fter long and anxious searching and watching, the body was rEcovered, and the 
news was conveyed to the family, that they would arrive with it in a short time. As 
arrangements had been made for a military funeral, no time was lost in sending out 
notices, and on the day appointed, a firing party was selected from his own company. 
A large concourse of people assembled to pay the last tribute of respect to one who 
was held in the highest estimation, The religious services were conducted by the 
Rev. Wm Mair, Presbyterian minister of Chatham, after which the body was con- 
veyed to the family burial plot, where the usual three volleys were discharged over 
the grave, and all that was mortal of a beloved husband and father was consigned to 
the tomb. Mr. Ostrom left one son and three daughters; the eldest daughter, Mary 
Ann, was married to Thomas Noyes; the other two, Jane and Dorcas, live on the 
homestead with their mother and brother. The latter, John Ostrom, has a fine pro- 
perty here, and is 
n active man; he has been Clerk of the Commissioners Court a 
third of a century, Secretary-Treaslller of the Municipal Council sixteen years, and 
of the 130ard of School Commissioners twenty. 
ROBERT TAIT, son of a "Nor-\Vester" of some celebrity, was a neighbor and 
.warm friend of the late Captain John Ostrom, and both were active in 1837 in encour- 
aging and dril!ing the militia to resist the rebels. At the burning of Grande Brulé, 
learning that a child was lying in its coffin in a church which was on fire, with much 
risk to their own lives they rushed into the building and snatched the coffin, with its 
burden, from the flames, 


St, Mungo's Church (Presbyterian), a solid stone struclUre, built afrer the fashion 
of the old style Scotch country-parish churches, stands in a fine position on the bank 
of the Ottawa River, about midway between the villages of Grenville and Carillon, 
Internally, it is neat, harmonious in all its parts, comfortable and commodious, seating 
easily about three hundred persons. Its large side windows, Gothic in style, are of 
rolled cathedral-stained glass in leaded quan ies, with pretty patterns of sash, and 
harmonizing schemes of color. The end windows, each panel having a beautiful 
floral design and text of Scripture burned in, on a ground graduated from deep yellow 
to white, are exceedingly pretty. Though much has been done of late years, in the 
way of improvement, as to beauty and comfort, the old-fashioned characteristics of 
the edifice have been but little intelfered with. The old-style gallery around three 
sides of the church, the old-style pew-ends, and the old-style pulpit, lowered a little 


3 0 3 

from its former towering height, are as a link binding the present to the past-a past 
full of the hallowed remembrance of the self-d
nying lab3rs, energy, persev
piety, and realized hopes of worthy forefathers, in providing for themselves and suc- 
ceeding generations a fitting hou
e for the worship of Almighty God. The church 
was erected during the year 1836, but though, as soon as possible, used for service, 
it was some time before it was all finished, and some few years later, before the cost 
was all paid. 
The first pastor of this church was the Rev. \Villiam ::\Iair, an alumnus of Glasgow 
University, and for some six years after his Licensure, Sabb
th Lecturer in his college, 
Coming to Canada, he Wd,S ordained and indu
ted to thi:; cha,oge on the 26th July, 
18 33. At the time of his advent to Chatham, a scho ,I-house, fitted up to serve both 
for school and preachin
. stood besid
 the highway, somewhere near where No. I 
District School now stand:;. Here the first congregations gathered to hear the Gospel 
proclaimed by their own settled p:tstor, and who had come to cast in his lot with 
them. The charge was a large one. Grenville and Hawkesbury villages were regular 
preaching stations. c, Eighteen miles in front, and as far b.1ck as I can win," was the 
way in which he usually described hi;; parish. That he did win, far back
 is manifest 
from the church records, for, besides the Elders in Chathc!m, Grenville and Hawkes- 
bury, two, Messrs. John Crawford and 4\.rchibald McCallum, were ord,1Ïr
ed to this 
oftìce, in the Augmentation of Grenville, on the loth August, 18 34; and other two.. 
.Messrs. .Archibald Kelc;o in 1837, and John Doig in 1838, both living in the vicinity 
of Lachute, were appointed as coadjutors in the same office. The first Elders of the 
charge were Messrs. Neil Stuart, Peter Stirling, Farquhar R'Jbertson, and Archibald 
Campbell. To follow out minutely the whole history is not within our present scope, 
but the difficulties overcome, the hardships endured, the discouragements suffered, 
we, in the present, have but little conception of. Suffice it to say, that the long and 
faithful work of the Rev. Mr. ::\Iair, carried on at so great C05t to himself, have con- 
tinued to exert an influence on the religious life of the townships in which he labored 
that cannot be estimated. 
A mural tablet, with the following inscription, occupies a place in the church, to 
the right of the pulpit:- 

REV, \\"ILLIA::\1 ì\IAIR, 
Born on the 29th of March, 1793. 
Died on the qth of October, 1860. 
A man of childlike simplicity, unaffected modesty, sincere piety, and 
high intellectual attainments. 
He was the first minister of this charge, and for 27 years faithfully preached the 
Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ to an attached congregation; and with untiring zeal 
endeavored to imbue their minds with the heavenly spirit of his Divine ::\laster. 
In gratitude for his faithful services, they have erected this memorial of his worth, 
within the walls of this church, for the building of which, they are indebted to his 
generous efforts. 
" Behold an Israelite indt'ed, 'I The memory of the 
in whom there is no guile." just is blessed:' 
jr-.o. i. 47. Pnov. x. 7. 
The Rev. James Black, an M.A., of GI
sgow University, was the next minister of 
this charge. He was inducted on the 4th Septemh
r, 186 L During his incumh

3 0 4 


the present Manse, a large house of true ecclesiastical design, was built. It is near 
the church, in a fine situation, commanding an extensive view both up and down the 
river. Mr. Black, after a short pastorate of three years, resigned the charge and 
returned to Scotland, 
The Rev. Donald Ross, D.D., at present one of the professors in the Theological 
department of Queen's College, Kingston, was the next minister. His education 
both in Arts and Theology was taken in Queen's College, Kingston, of w 1 ,ich college 
he was the first" Fellow" ever appointed. A sad remembrance of the loss of his 
wife, a lady beloved by all the congregation, lies in a mural tablet to the left of the 

IN MEi\10RY 
wife of 
Minister of this Congregation. 
Died 26th :\Iarch, 187l, 
" Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord." REV, xiv, 13. 
Ordained :md inducted to the pastorate of the congregation on the 3rd October, 
186 5, he labored with great success for a period of eleven years. A beautiful little 
stone church at Point Fortune, called St. Columba, was erected during his incumbency, 
by the part of the congregation there. Hawkesbury village had been detached from 
this congregation, and joined to L'Orignal by an Act of the Synod of 1860. In 18 7 6 , 
Mr. Ross demitted the charge. For several years thereafter, he \Vas pastor of St. 
Andrew's Church, Lachine, whence he was called to exercise the duties of professor 
in Queen's College. 
The present pastor of this congregation is the REV. JA
IES FRASER, B.A. In Arts, 
he studied at Queen's College, Kingston; in Theology, at 
Iorrin College, Quebec. 
Called from Litchfield in the Presbytery of Ottawa, he was inducted to the charge of 
Chatham and Grenville in October, 18 77. . 
His ministrations have now continued almost twenty, during which period 
he has steadily gained the affection of his people and the esteem of the public. 
Fraser's sermons are always prepared with scholarly care. He married Miss Tredwell 
-a daughter of tbe b.te C. P. Tredwel1, Esq., of L'Orignal--a lady who vies with 
her husband in self-denying, devoted labor in the :\laster's vineyard. 
The Methodists erected a stone church at Cushing in 1830, size 35 by 50 feet, 
and two stories in height. It was used for service something over thirty years, when 
it was sold to Mr, Cushing, who built another church at a short distance from the 
ROBERT NICHOLS, who has a pleasant brick residence and good property here, 
carne from the County Antrim, Ireland, to Canada in 1844, and three years subse- 
quently, bought the lot where he now lives. In his younger days he followed the trade 
of blacksmIth, and a shop stands by the roadside in which he has done many a hard 
day's work, His industlY and probity have gained for him much influence in trÜ 
locality. About 1846, he was married 10 .Esther Gascon; they had seven childrell. 
of whom six-two sons and four daughters--are now living. The eldest son, James 
who lives in the neighborhood, is Sergeant in the St. Andrews' Troop. One of th{ 
daughters is married to 1\1r. Davison of 51. Philippe, another to Robert Dobbie 0 
I r. Nichol has been School Commissioner, and for many years Sergeant 0 


3 0 5 

SAMUEL 'VEBSTER, one of the aged citizens of Cushing, IS a son of Samuel 
'Vebster, one of the heroes who survived the battle of 'VaterIoo. Not long after that 
famous victory of 'Vellington, Mr. 'Vebster came to Canada, and that he remained 
for a while in Quebec is inferred from the fact that he joined a Masonic lodge there. 
From that city l
e went to N o'1treal, where he was married to Euphemia, a daughter 
of Dr. Spink. In 18":4, he ca'lle to Greece's Point, and as the canal was then in pro- 
cess of construction, he opened a grocery and boarding house, but died about six years 
subsequently. He had four children-two of each sex; but all, save Samuel, died 
young. In his youth, he was clerk in the store of his uncl
, Peter Spink, at St. Denis. 
In 1850, he was married to Amelia Gardner, and the same year he bought the lot at 
Cushing where he now lives; several years of his life have been spent as pilot on the 
Ottawa. He has seven children,-one son and six daughters 
In 1883, Nellie Webster, one of his daughters, wrote the following family sketch 
as dictated by her aunt, Mrs. R. Le Roy, not long prior to l\Irs. Le Roy's death:- 
" My father, Dr. William Spink, who had a w-ooden leg, kept a grocery and 
drug store at our home, on Perth Road, nEar Dundee, Scotland; he was an Elder in 
the Methodist Church at Dundee for thirty years. He had a brother unmarried, who 
died iu the East Indies, where he was surgeon in a British regiment- He also had a. 
sister, Grace, who was married to Mr. Patrick, and another sister, whose name I havè 
forgotten, that became insane, Mother's maiden name was Euphemia 'Vatt; their 
children born at our home on Perth Road, Scotland, were: Andrew, Tohn, Ellen, 
Euphemia, Peter, Jane, 'Villi.'lm, Thomas and Catherine. All these, sa
e Andrew, 
who remained with his uncle, l\f r. Patrick, sailed from Dundee in the brig' Todrls ' 
in 1817. In nine weeks and four days, we came to Quebec. Uncle Thomas 'Vise 
Spink wanted to keep my brother Thomas and myself, when the family were about 
to sail for America, but mot}ler would not listen to it, as she thought leaving one of 
her children was enough. Father had a letter of introduction and recommendation to 
a Mr. Miller, book-binder, in Upper Town, Quehec. \Ve spent a day with 
Ir. :Miller, 
and then sailed to l\Iontreal in the 'Lady Sherbrooke.' Andrew, who was left with 
his unde, Capt. Patrick, while bringing a cargo of whe
 t from France to Dundee, on 
the captain's own boat, was lost; their boat being struck by another vessel in the 
night, sank, and all on board perished. Father and his wife are interred at St. 
Andrews, Quebec; the only ones of my brother's children no\y living are Peter, 
Thomas, Margaret and myself." 
Near the store of.Mr. Cushing, on the left, is " BtHnside COllage," with its beau- 
tiful grounds and 
hrubbery-the home of ED:\IUND NEVE. Thi5 property formerly 
belonged to the late 'V m. Forbes, Canal Superin tendt"n t, and the cottage wac:; a 
work of his own design and erectiop. 
Mr. Neve is a son of the Rev. Frederick S. N eve, who for some time had charge 
of the Anglican Church in Grenville. He came to Canada from Kent, Eng., about the 
year] 840, and first was assistant úf the Rev. 
Ir. \\11itwell at Philiusburg, Que.; he 
then was stationed at Clarendon, Huntington County, and thence, in 1859, came to 
Grenville. He was suptrannuated in 1871, and subsequently resided six years in Sr. 
Andrews; he died in Ig78, in Montreal. He had three sons and five daughters; his 
second son is a melcham in L'Ùrignal. :\[r. Edmund Neve purchased this property, 
consisting, besides the buildings, of about seventy acres of land, and has since been 
engaged in farming. 
Adjacent to this place is the post office in charge of THo
IAs '''ElR. 

[r, 'Veir, who is by trade a machinist, carne to this country from Glasgow in 
1872, in charge of the material for two iron bridges at Ottawa. After the compk 
tion of those bridges, he carne to Grenville in the employ of \\ r. Goodwin, who 
had the contract for the construction of the bridges, and worked on the canal. 

3 06 


He was married to Ì\1!SS Davison, daughter of Joseph Davison, of Grenville. 
In 1881, he came to Cushing, where he has had charge of the post office for the 
past seven years, though he was hOt appointed Postmaster till 1893; he is also 
telegraph operator here, and has a small grocery. 
H:1RATIO E. HARTLEY, who has been quite an extensive dealer in catt1
horses, came to this section with his father, Christopher Hanley, who had served his 
time, and obtained his discharge from the Royal Artillery, in which he was color ser- 
geant. After his discharge he was Lockmaster fl)r :l while on the Rideau Canal at 
Ottawa, and was tl1en appointed Lockmaster at Stonefield, but, after a few years' 
service, was superannuated, and was succeeded in his position of Lockmaster by 
his son, Horatio E., who served twenty-two years, when he, also, was superannuated. 
The father died 4th August, 1877. Horatio was uurried in 1876 to 1\1ary M. 
At the time the factory was erected at Cushing, 
 Scotchman named JAMES 
\VATSON. a brass finisher by trade, who had b
en a soldier in the 93rd Regiment, was 
employed to set up the machinery. Afrer the factory was completed, he returned 
Iontrea1. leaving his two young children at Cushing with a nei!l1bor, :\1r. John 
0' Brien. N" ot long afterward his wife died, and he never returned or sent for his 
children, nor has anyone in this section since heard of him. William, the younger of 
the two children, died when four years old; James, the elder boy, lived with 1\1r. O'Brien 
till old enough to earn his own living. He was married in 1876 to a daughter of 
Samuel Webster of Cushing, and lives in a pleasant cottage near the Presbyterian 

Among the faithful employees of the Canal is ROBERT PINKERTON, who was 
appointed lockman on the Upper Locks at Carillon, in 1889; his home is in Cushing. 
He is son of John Pinkerton, of Chatham; he was married 1st January, 1887, to 
:\Iary J. Sittlington, also of this place, and has three children, all daughters. Mr. 
Pinkerton's residence here is situated opposite the preuy village of Chute au Blan- 
JAMES Roy GASTON came to Canada from County Antrim, Ireland, in 18-t3 ; he 
soon settled in Cha
ham, buying the farm on which his widow and children now live. 
He was married 22nd June, 1858, to 
Iargaret .McFarlane, of Perth, Onto 
That he was a valued and trustworthy Govel nment employee is proved by the 
fact that, for thirty-eight years, he was employed on the Canal; and, in connection 
with this work, he managed his farm. He also had charge of th
 Chute au Blondeau 
lighthouse, and it was while attending to this that the sad accident occurred by which 
he lost his life. On the evening of 24th September, 1884, accompanied by some of 
his children, he proceeded to the lighthouse, near the river, intending to make ready 
the customary signal; and, preceJed by his son, Alexander, started to mount the ladder, 
which is 36 feet in height. The son was lighting the lamp, when he felt the lad Jer 
shake, and, looking down, saw his father lying on Ihe ground at its foot. He imme- 
diately descended, finding that several rungs had been broken; but, when he reached 
his father's side, life was extinct, 
Mr. and Mrs. Gaston had eleven children,-eight sons and three daughters; two 
of the latter died after reaching womanhood. . 
John, the eldest son, is lockman at Greece's Point; James R. is employed by the 
Hawkesbury Lumber Company j George has charge of the lighthouses here; \Villiam 
is in Chicago; Alexander, after spending five years in the same city, returned home 
in 1895. Leonard';\1. and Andrew E. live at home, also the daughter, Eliza L. 
On a lOad le3.ding north frùm the Ottawa, and about a mile distant from it, livè a 
few thriving farmers, one of whom, Jacob Scha
el, has been noticed in the history of 


3 0 7 

Carillon j of the others, two brothers, ANDREW and 'VILLIAM GRAHA:\I, art> grand 
sons of an early pioneer. 
Andrew Graham came from Scotland to Chatham, about the year 1816, and 
bought 120 acres of land, which is now owned by his grandson, Andrew Graham; 
two sons and two daughters accompanied him. 'Vith the help of the former, he 
cleared up the greater part of his land. Tne youngest da.ughter, Jennie, married 
Andrew Grey, of Hawkesbury. The sons, Richard and Archibald, were both enrolled 
in Capt. SChagel's company during the Rebellion. Archibald, in 1841, was married 
to Jennie Black, and remained on the homestead. They had ten children,-five of 
each sex that grew up. The father died in 1863. There are but two sons and one 
daughter now living in this section. Andrew, one of the former, lives on the home- 
stead, which, though stoney, has been made, through Scotch perseverance and in- 
dustry, to yield abl1l1da'lt cropS-3. fact attested by a fine herd of eighteen cows, a 
good number of other animals, and commodious buildings. Mr. Graham was 
nnrricd in 1865 to :\Iary Smith. He and one of his sons, William Archibald, have 
1ately purchased another farm, which they work together, 
"Tilliam, a brother of Andrew Graham, also a thriving farmer, lives adjacent j his 
mother and si- ter, Christina Elizabeth, live with him. 
In this neighborhood al:;o dwell descend:1l1ts of DANIEL BRYNE, who carne from 
:Kilkenny, Ireland, to Ricnmond,Ont., and in 1816, three years later, he came to 
Chatham, and bought the land now owned and occupied by his son \\ïlliam and 
grandson, Daniel J. Byrne. He was married loth October, 1822, to Bridget Roach. 
They had but one son, who has always remained on the homestead. Mr. Byrne 
belonged to Capt. SchageI's company during the Rebellion. He dIed 3rd May, 1879- 
Mrs. Byrne died 3rd 
\.pril, 1852. 
\Villiam Byrne, the son, was married 28th April, 1851, to Catherine, daughter of 
the late John Byrne, of Grenville; they had four sons and three daughters; of these 
ouly three sons and one daughter are now living. Two of the former, Edward and 
John, reside in Michigan. The remaining son, Daniel J., and his sister Bridget, live 
with their father in a pleasant stone cottage amid trees and shrubbery, on the 


Greece's Point, which though but a scattered hamlet, eight miles west of Carillon, 
is at thè western terminus of the Grenville Canal, hence, a place of cdl1siderable 
business importance. .\ line of rLlÍlway, specially for the me of lumuermen, ais 0 
connects the place with Grenville. It is vested with much historic interest, as it is 
suppo:.;ed by many to be the spot, or very near the spot, where Daulac made his 
heroic stand. The sceneryauout is very pretty, an attractive feature being the 
eievated farms across the Ottawa at Little Rideau and Chute aa Dlondeau. 
Greece's Point, from the e3.rliest settlement of the cOllntry, has become an 
important part in its history. 
On the 31st December, 1788, a IOC1.tion ticket, signed by the Surveyor General 
of this Province, W:IS granted to Brig.-General Allan l\I cLean, 84th Regiment, author- 
izing him "to improw and settle certain lots of hnd, comprising 5,000 (tive thousand) 
acres, located in Chatham, County of York." On the 29th l\[ay, 1790, this land was 
conveyed by deed of sale to 
[ajor Lachlan McLeLU1, First Major of His 
60th Regiment of Foot, who, 16th September, 1803, conveyed the same to JOHN 
\VILLIA:\[ GREECE for the sum of .;[1,250, or $1.00 per acre. 
Portions of this land, from time to time, have been sold, until there now remains 

3 08 


but about I,COO acres, which are leased to occupants by the agent employed by 
Greece, grandson of the early purchaser. It would be gratifying to know more of the 
history of one who was so large a land holder in the township for many years; but 
the following story, which is true, will show that he had a penchant for land purchasing, 
whatever may have been his other characteristics. He lived in England, and, one 
day, when strolling aLout, he, from curiosity, entered an auction shop; the auctioneer 
was expatiating on the beauty, fertility and great value of a piece of land he had just 
put up. There were very few present, and the bidding, at first, was confined chiefly 
to the auctioneer himself. Becoming interested, however. Mr. Greece began to bid, 
and the competition was lively for a time between the auctioneer and himself, until, 
most unexpectedly to 
Ir. Greece, it was struck off to him at $600. 
A few days after this he set out to vie,,,- his newly acquired property. which was 
located some distance from the place where he resided. Just at nightfall, he reached 
an inn in a rural hamlet, and made some enquiries of the landlord respecting his 
property. \Vithout giving him the required information, the landlord quietly advised 
him to wait till morning, when he could see it and judge of its value himself. He 
accepted the advice, and early the next morning, in high spirits, walked out to view 
his purchase. Some little time after his return the landlord asked him how he liked 
the property, and his only rep!y was, that he wished he could blow it and all recollec- 
tion of it into oblivion. This same property, however, developing its hidden treasures 
cf Fuller's earth, in the short period of four years paid the owner./; 2.3 00 ; and, in 
1862, it sdd at public auction for '/;10,05 0 , 
CHAS. CLAUDE GREECE, a son of the first proprietor of this estate, lived here 
many years, on the lot now owned by his grandson Thomas \Velden, and died here. 
He was appointed Justice of the Peace, and on this account soon received the title 
of "Squire," by which title he was always spoken of and addressed throughout 
the County. He was much respected both for his integrity and sound judgment. 
his suggestion, the Post.cffice here was established with the name of Stonefield, and 
he also named one in Grenville, Eden Dale; the position of which, and the name abo, 
were sub
equently changed to Calumet. That Mr. Greece was a well educated, clever 
man, is evident from letters he wrote, which are still preserved among the records of 
\nglican Church at GrenvilIe. 
REUBEN \VELDFN is the prtsent agent of this estate for l\Ir. Greece. 
Thomas Welden, his fiither, came from England to Chatham in October, IS.p. 
The winter after his arrival he spent on the North River, above the Isle aux Chats, 
where the antics of wolves must have given him rather an unfavorable impression 
of the new country. 
His son says, that a neighbor of theirs named \Vilson, on rdurning hom
evening with a span of ho:-ses from St. A ndrew
, wa, followed by a pack of these 
marauders. His horses were good ones, and he urged them to their 1itmost speed, 
but tl:ey and Wilson himself were saved only by his two dogs, w!lÍch fell vic i 115 to th.e 
rapacIty of these brutes, In the quarrel which ensued among the wolves over theIr 
feast, \Vilson fortunately escaped. The same winter, wolves broke open the door of 
a stable in which Wilson's sheep were enclosed, and killed several of them. 
1\Ir. \Veldtn, from the North River, moved a few miles farther west in Chatham, 
to what is now known as the Noyes neighborhood. Here, on land owne<l by.the 
 John Noyes, and now occupied by Philabert Filion, he found good clay for m3.kmg 
bnck, and as. that had been his bU'iiness in England, he, in company with 
Ir. Noyes, 
nck yard. Their brick were of superior qua1ity, and most of the many 
bnck buIldJllgs found in !his section of country were made from bricks of theIr 


3 0 9 

About 1846 Mr. \Yelden moved to Grenville, and for a number of years follow- 
ing, took charge of the farm of the late Joseph Abbott. He died in 1872. His last 
years, as well as those of 1\1rs. \Velden, wcre spent in the famiiy of their son Reuben 
in Chatham. They left four ;)ons, James, Reuben, \Villiam and Fred. C. Three of 
these, inteJIigent and re
pected farmers, live in this County. \Villiam is Harbour 
Master at New York. 
Reuben married Rowena, a daughter of the late C. \V. Greece, Esq. She died, 
and he then married Maria Louise, a sister of the deceased. 
By his first marriage he had two sons, Thomas and Henry; the former, as stated 
above, is now proprietor of the maternal homestead, and the latter is in business with 
his father. 
, from L0chaber, Argyleshire, Scotland, W,lS the first s
at what is now Greece's Point. He came here in 1808, and built a house on the site of 
the present hotel of J. Duchesne. A year afterward, however, he moved to the place 
now occupied by his grandson, Allan Cam
ron, His nearest neighbour was l\Lljor 
Macmillan, nearly five miles dÜ,tant, in Grenville; but Indians frcquently Cc:ime here 
on their trips up and down the river. 
He did considerable lumbering, taking his rafts of timber to the Quebec market. 
He sometimes went to mill at St. 
-\nn's, and sometimes to Lachute. It was no uncom- 
mon thing for him to take a bushel of grain on his back to the latter place, and, after 
it was ground, return home with it in the same manner. Mr. Cameron died in May, 
1838. His son Allan remained on the homestead, but was also employed on the 
river, acting as pilot several years for the Hamilton Bros., as well as for others. On 
account of his stature, he was generally called "Big Allan." He died in 
lay, 1882, 
at the age ot 82. His wIdow, who was born on St, Patrick's day, 1805, and is, there- 
fore, 91 years of age, still survive.;;. She usually converses with her son Allan in th
Gaelic tongue. 
[r. and :\Irs. Cameron had five sons and two daughters-Allan, 
John, Hugh, Daniel, Charles, Mary and Flora. D.tl1iel died recently. Flora m:1.rried 
Thomas Johnson, of Calumet, who died suddenly two or three years ago. 
married Donald :\IcVean, and both she and her huslnnd are deceased. Hugh died 
by accident in Montreal. Charles, the youngest, has the homestead, 
Allan Cameron, jun., like his father, has spent his time between the homestead 
farm and the river, having followed the latter as pilot for fifty years, It is a pleasant 
reflection to him that he has been so long a pilot, not only on the Ottawa, but on the 
Gatineau and other streams, in the spring, when swollen and boisterous, without ever 
having lost a man. :\Iany of his winters have been spent in lumbering, and, years 
ago, when the vast wilderness along the tributaries of the Ottawa was first invaded by 
lumbermen, a life in their camps must have combined much of romance, as well as 
hardship and toil. 
:\[r. Cameron says that of the many animals he has seen in the forest, n) sight 
was more b
auliful or interesting to him than the following :- 
He and an Indian, one day, had stroll
d a long distance from camp, when they 
unexpectedly came to a yard containing nine elk. The snow was very deep and 
quite hard, so that the poor animals had no me3ns of cscape. They reared their 
eXIJansive antlers, and with their large lustrous eyes, gazed in wonderment at the in- 
truders. The Indian raised his gun, but Cameron forbade him to fire on the defence- 
less h
rd, and hurriedly passed on, leaving them unmolestcd, 
STONEFIELD is a small village, little more than a mile east of Greece's Point, but 
the fine Canal Locks contribute much toward the business activity of the place, 
besides forming a most attractive feature in the landscape. The large and imposing 
brick store of Thomas Owens, Esq., is also an object which attracts the attention 
of visitors. 

3 10 


About 1819, OWEN OWENS, of Denbigh, \Yales, came to :\Iontreal, and a year or 
two later to Chatham, settling at what is now Stonefield, on land still owned and 
occupied by his son Thomas Uwens. Like all the settlers of that period, in the 
absence of roads, he made his way here by the river, everything he possessed being 
conveyed by batteaux. The canal was then in process of construction, and the pros- 
pect for business appearing favourable, he opened a store and hotel, both of which 
he carried on in connection with farming, for many years. His house was burnt 
about 1847, and he then built the brick one, in which his son Thomas now resides. 
In 1858, a post-office was established here, and Mr. Owens was appointed Post- 
master; he died in 1870. He had six sons and two daughters. One of the former 
was drowned in the canal at nine years of age. Another son, many years ago, went 
to California, since which no tidings have been heard of him. Three sons-George, 
'William and Owen-have always remained in this section. The former resides on 
his farm, about one mi)e from Stonefield. 
\Villiam and Thomas remained on the homesteað, and, in company, engaged 
largely in mercanti!e affairs. A few years since, they purchased the Papineau Seigniory 
in Ottawa County, consisting of 80,000 acres, and engaged extensively in the lumber 
business, They also opened a store at Montebello, in that Seigniory. In 188 4, 
Thomas Owens built the store mentioned above at Stonefield, in which he now trades, 
doing an extensive busines:. He succeeded his father as Postmaster, and has also, 
for some years, been Commissioner for the trial of small causes. He has been 
twice married; the last time to a widow, daughter of Theodore Davis, of S
. Andrews, 
The firm, which was long known under the name of ., T. & ,V. Owens," is now 
designated as that of ., ')', Owens & Sons," John F., the second son of Thomas 
Owens, now being in the store with his father at this place, and Thomas, his elder 
son, in the store at Montebello, H. A. Villeneuve, the proficient and genial book- 
keeper of Mr. Owens, has been m the employ of the firm twenty-five years. 
\Villiam Owens always LOok much interest in the affairs of the township, and for 
a time held the position of Mayor. At the time of the Fenian raids, he was active in 
organizing a company of Volunteers, of which he became Lieutenant and J. Cushing 
Captain. In 1881, he entêred more actively into the political arena, as is sho\\'n by 
the following paragraph, copied from a Montreal paper of 1893 :- 
"A large and influential portion of the Conservatives are hoping that Mr, 
\Villiam Owens, ex-M.P.P. for Algenteuil, will receive the appointment to the vacant 
seat for Inkerman in the Senate. .l\Ir. Owens, in 1881, redeemed the County for the 
Quebec Conservative p:uty in the Quebec Legislature. In 1886 he was re-elected by 
acclamation, and in 1890 carried the county by 700 majority. 
lr. Owens was one 
of the most trusted leaders in the Quebec House. He was true to his party and true 
to his promises, on all occasions and under every circumstance. In all probability, 
Mr. Owens will not press forward for the appointment, as some are doing j but the 
best friends of the Conservative party hope his claims will not, on this account, be 
In the fall of 1895, Mr. Owens was appointed to the Senatorship, rendered vacant 
by the death of the Hon. J. J. C. Abbott. 
MICHAEL DERRICK, from the County of Sligo, Ireland, came to Chatham in June, 
1820, and \Vas first in the employ of Angus McPhie, who, in company with Noyes 
& Schagel, had a contract for transporting all the supplies for the canal laborers- 
provisions, implements, money, etc., from Carillon to Grenville. McPhie lived in a 
log house located bet
veen the present house of the late John Fitzgerald and the 
river; he afterward bUIlt the stone house now occupied by Mrs. Lennon. 
In 1824, ::\1r. Derrick took up 100 acres of Lot II, Range I ; in 1827, he was 


3 11 

married to Alice Shields; they had six children-two sons and one daughter grew 
up, Mr. Derrick belonged to Capt. Ostrom's Company during the Rebellion of 18 37 ; 
he died in December, 1877; Mrs. Derrick died 
ovember, 1874. Joseph, the third 
son, was married in S
ptember, 1872, to Mary 
Ic.-\ndlew, and has remained on the 
homestead. He is one of the well-to-do fanners of Chatham; he has added J 00 acre::; 
to the homestead, and bought 168 acres in East Hawkesbury. He has been Municipal 
Councillor since 1872, four years of which time he has served as l\Ia} or of the town
ship. He was also appointed Justice of the Peace, but has always declined to serve. 
THOMAS FOREl\1AX, a memher of the Royal Staff Corps, was the first Lockmaster 
appointed at Greece's Point, and held the position till his death-a period of about 25 
years. He married Elizabeth Garret, daughter of a British Joldier; they had three 
sons and one daughter that grew up. The scms -John, Thomas and George-are active, 
intelligent men, who, nearly all their lives, have been employed on the canal. 
John, the eldest, succeeded his father as Lockmaster, but a few years after- 
ward was appointed Superintendent of the Canal \Yorks at St. Ann j this position 
he left some years ago, and went to British Columbia. 
Thomas, the second son, succeeded his brother John in 1867 as Lockmaster at 
Greece's Point, and still holds the position; he is also Commissioner for the trial of 
!'mall causes. He was married in October, 1875, to Caroline Douglass; they have 
four children-two of each sex. 
GEORGE FOREMAK, the youngest son, was married September 2nd, 1874, to Annie 
Dinsmore; they have three sons and two daughters living. Lillian Edna, their eldest 
daughter, is teaching the Carillon Dissentient School. It should be said to the credit 
of the two brothers, Thomas and George Foreman, that, like their father, they take 
much pains to educá.te their children. .Mr. George Foreman has spent many years 
of his life in the towing business, keeping a number of horses for this purpose, which 
in winter are usually employed in the lumber woods. A few years since he purchased 
the stone house and 50 acres of land in Grenville, which was formerly the home and 
property of the Rev. Joseph Abbott. 
Irs. Forem
ll1's maternal grandfather, Archi- 
bald Canning, came to Canada about 1825. He was a stone-mason, and followed 
trade many years in Ch3tl1am and vicinity. He die-d in Stonefield in 18SI. His 
widow, 92 years of age, is still living, and, what is remarkable, she has never llsed 
sprctacles. Two of her SO'1S, William and John Canning, farmers, reside near Stone- 
field. Elizabeth Foreman, sister of the brothers noticed above, married John 
Cameron, who is engaged in the lumber business. They leside at SLUnefield 
GEO. LINDLEV, a young man from L-=eds, Yorkshire, England, came to Chatham 
 1830, and bought 100 acres of Lot 10: 1St Range, and soon afterward sent for 
his father's family. His father had been a cloth manufacturer in EngJal1d, employed 
many hands, and when he came to this country, he brought quite a quantity of fine 
broad cluths with him to sell. It is said he was a man of very prepossessing appear- 
ance. Not long after the arrival of the family, George, who was the eldest of the 
ten children -seven sons and three daughters-started with a quantity of wheat to be 
ground, across the river. By some means not well understood, the boat was upset, 
and he was drowned. The occurrence gave a great shock to the little community, 
and especially to his parents, as on him they mainly depended, although, as regards 
property, they were in comparatively good circum
tances. Only four sons and two 
àaughters settled in this country. Michael, the youngest son, married Jane Dowd, 
and settled on the homestead; he belonged to Capt. :::ichagcl's company during the 
Rebellion of 1837. He died about 1874. He had three sons and four daughters, 
David, the second son, lives with his mother on the homestead. He belongs to the 
Rangers, and is one of the athletic young men who, in 1894, won the victory in the 
'I tug-of-war II contest between the 
\rgenteuil boys and those of Glengarry. 

3 12 


EDWARD 'YHELEHAN came from King's County, Ireland, to this part of Chatham 
in 1844. He first worked for Mr. Cushing several years, and, in 1855, bought of him 
100 acres of Lot II, 1st Range. The first setller on this land and the one who cut 
the first tree was John Bowring. Finding a quantity of lime on this lot, he opened a 
lime-kiln, and burned the lime with which, about 1815, he built his stone-house- 
the same that is now occupied by Mrs. Whelehan. When he sold his land to Mr. 
Cushing, he reserved a sma1i piece, and on it built another house, in which he died 
in February, 1856. His wife died in November, 185q. Mr. \Yhelehan was married 
in 1849 to Mary Dunn. He lived here till his death, 24th March, 1894, in the 
80th year of his age. He had nine children, of whom three sons and four daughters 
are now living. 
1\1rs. Whelehan's father, Andrew Dunn, came to Canada in 1826. He lived in 
Quebec till 1830, when he came to St. Andrews, where his wife died with cholera in 
18 3 2 . He then, in 1836, married Ellen, the only child of John Kelly, who had been 
a soldier in the British service, and now lived in the II th Range of Chatham. 1\1r. 
Dunn, after his last marriage, settled on the farm of his father-in-law, where he lived 
till 1845, when he removed to Brownsburg and worked at his trade-shoemaking-till 
186 3, when he went to Montreal, where he died in 1867. Mrs. \Vhelehan's youngest 
son, Edward, and daughter, Margaret, live with her on the homestead. 
CHARLES H. \Y ADE is one of the respected farmers of this section. His father, 
who owned a farm in Hawkesbury, sold it about 1857, and came to Greece's PoinL, 
where, for several years, he kept a public house. He afterwards removed to Gren- 
ville, where he died. He had eight sons and three daughters. Two of his daughters- 
marr:eù respectively to William Kirby and 'Yilliam Cook-live in the township of 
Grenville, Que. One of his sons is a merchant in Grenville village. Charles H. 
'Vade, in his younger days, served as pilot on the Ottawa; but the greater portion 
of his life, thus far, has been spent in farming. The maiden name of Mrs. \Vade was 
Elizabeth McFarlane. They have three sons and one daughter. \Villiam, the eldest 
of the fonner, is one of the trusted employees in the Dominion Cartridge Factory at 
Brownsburg, Que. 
ROBERT SITTLINGTON, V)Ckmaster at this place, came here from the County of 
Antrim, Ireland, in 1857. He was employed on the locks for twenty-three years, and 
in 1882 was appointed to the charge of Lock NO.5, which position he has ever since 
held. He has one S0n and three daughters now living. His eldest son, Capt. John 
Sittlington, died in Stone field in IS88, aged 28. He held the Captaincy of Company 
X o. 8, of the Argenteuil Rangers, and was keeper of the lighthouse at Carillon. His 
early death was deeply deplored, not only by the Rangers, with whom he was 
deservedly popular, a
d his relati .res, but by a large circle offriends and acqu'
He was buried at Stonefield with military honours, His brother, \YILLIAM SITTLING- 
TON, who had been an employee on the locks, succeeded him as lighthouse keeper, 
and is still in the position. His wife was Miss Pinkerton. Robert SÜtlington's 
eldest daughter, Mary Jane, was married 1st January, 1887, to Robert Pinkerton, an 
employee on the locks. 
EDWARD DAWSON, who has for many years been a faithful employee on the 
Soulanges Canal, was born in Mille I
les, soon after that place was first settled, and 
remembers when it was principally forest. His father, \Viniam Dawson, one of ti1e 
early pioneers of Mille Isles, lived near the lake, which was usually designated as 
"Lake Dawson." Mrs. Dawson (mother of Edward) died loth December, 1857, at 
the age of 36; and Mr. Dawson was again married in 1860 to a widow, !\frs, Ryan, 
who survived him. Mr. Dawson's death took place about 1890, in the 68th yeal 
of his age, and that of l\Irs, Dawson in March, 1895. 


3 1 3 

Edward Dawson left Mille Isles at the age of 2 I and came to Si:Onefield, Chatham, 
where he engaged on the Canal works with the contractor, James Goodwin, Esq. 
This was in 1873, "and 1\Ir, Dawson remained in 1\1r, Goodwin's employ till the work 
was completed, being married in the meantime to 1\1iss Lizzie Canning in July, 18 75. 
In 1876 he bought 
., front of Cha
ham, where he still resides, being 
engaged in connectIon WIth hIS fa
rr:mg on the PublIc Works. 
Ir. and 1\1rs. Dawson 
have six sons and two daughters hvmg. 
About five miles north of Stonefield, in Chatham, is a settlement known as 
Ogdensburg-a name derived from an early settler named Ogden, a relativf' of Capt. 
Ogden ofVankleek Hill. Other.early settlers there were the Mullins, Strongs, Fos. 
ter, Hatley, McPhadden and BlaIr, but they have all left, 
J A!\IES HEATLIE and his son 'VILLlAU, Scotchmen, located there several years 
ago. Both are much respected men of Chatham, and the son is a munic
pal coun- 
cillor. He now has the management of the homestead-a fine farm WIth all the 
modern improvements. He married a daughter of the late John Calder, 
A family named TOWNSEND has also lived in Ogdensburg many years, and is 
numbered with its intelligent citizens. JAMES TÚWNSEND, a good farmer, was 
appointed Justice of the Peace, and has held municipal offices, 


This Parish, which embraces quite a portion of the Township of Chatham, was 
erected in 1856. The small vi)]age which bears the same name is located in the south- 
eastern part, in one of the finest farming sections in the County. The land around 
is lexel, free from stone, and some of it, which was formerly marshy, has been 
transformed by thorough drainage, so that the entire section now possesses dry, 
beautiful and productive farms, It will be recollected that Colonel Robertson pur- 
chased a large tract of land in the front of Chatham; Thomas A, Stayner, Deputy 
Postmaster General, married a daughter of the Colonel, and thus became possessed 
of much of the land in the vicinity of St. Philippe. 
The earliest settler who remained here any length of time, of whom we have any 
rt'cord, was a man named LEVI LEVITT. He came from Dunham, in the Eastern 
Towmhips, about the year 1820, and built a house on the site of the present Roman 
Catholic presbytery. He was a single man, anà brought with him only his axe, some 
biscuits, and half a quintal of codfish. There was no road at the time, consequently 
these anicles were brought on his back, and, for a long time after this, his supplies 
were all brought to his home in the same manner. He afterward married, reared a 
family, cleared up a farm, and died here many years ago. 'Volves caused him great 
annoyance, and, about the time of the Rebe)]ion of 1837, they killed thirty-five of 
his sheep in one night. After his death, his family sold the farm and left the country. 
ROBERT ALLEN, whose father lived in Thomas' Gore, was one of the quite early 
settlers here, and he remained and raised a large family of children, but they have 
long since departed. 
One of the oldest settlers still living in this section is MICHAEL BREARTON, a 
native of the County of Kilkenny, Ireland, He landed in Quebec, 12th June, [845, 
and came directly to Carillon, where he remained with his uncle, Patrick Murphy, 
four years. On the 29th April, 1852, he was married to Mary Robert, and the next 
day settled on the farm where he now lives, which contains seventy-two acres, and on 
which, at that time, there were but ten acres cleared. This is now all cleared up, and 
neatly and convcnicntly fenced off into three and five acre lots. He has comfortable 

3 1 4 


Jnd, at different till1e
, has taken a prize on his farm, at the County .\gri- 
culturai Fair. Other land which he has purchased, located not far from the home- 
stead, makes him now a farm of tWG hundred and ten acres. 
Ir. Brearton, in J 838, 
before leaving Ireland, took the temperance pledge from Father .:\Iatthew, and has 
faithfully kept it to this day; and, though his flOsted hair and whiskers bespeak 
advanced age, his fresh complexion, en.ct form and elastic step give evidence of 
youthful vigor, and health well preserved. He is a man much respected, and has 
held the position of School Commissioner eightfen years. He has five sons, but 
only one of them-Peter, who lives on the homestead-remains in this section. 
Many years ago, a boy
 son of a man named Hately, living in the front of 
Chatham, was lost, and, after wandering eight days, he was found in the woods, not 
far from the house of Mr. L
avitt. He claimed to have had no nourishment in all 
that time, sa\"e water and a dozen beech nuts-aU he could find. 
The next setller after Le
l\ itt was Jam
s Smith, a man from the States. between 
whom and l\fr. Stayner a law-suit arose, for non-pa} ment of the money due on his 
land. Others encouraged and aided Smith, and it was some time before he was dis- 
possessed, and his farm, which was then of considerable value, was sold by Stayner to 
1\1r. Cochran came, with his family, from Brussels, Belgium, where he had been 
foreman in a factory, and it was one of his duties to pay the weavers there employed, 
He married there a Scotch girl named Amelia Mitchell, sisler of Archie 
Iitchell who 
was a Commissary in the British service at the time the battle of \\"aterloo was 
fought. The two sons, Columbus and Sidney, and two daughters, Jane and Emma, of 
Mr. Cochran, received a good education in Brussels before coming to this COUll try, 
so that they were regarded by their less fortunal
 neighbors in Chatham with a certain 
degree of awe and respect. They arrived at Chatham about J 824. One of the sons, 
Columbus Cochran, was a man of gre;lt enterprise, and he erected a brewery and dis- 
tillery ht're, bought a large tract of land, and was about carrying out other ],lans 
when he was accidental1y drowned in the Ottawa. Jane, one of tl
e daughters of 
Robert Cochran, was married to James Patton. 
Some years after the death of Columl:us Cochran, the remaining members of his 
father's family sold the homestead, and it is now owned hy \\'lLLlA:\1 DAVIDSON, one 
of the prominent and respected farmers of St. Philippe. His method of f1rming is quite 
in advance of the old style, He has all the improved farming implements; keeps 
only good stock, swine, etc., and the care that he devotes to feeding them makes a 
visit to his premises pleasant to those interested in such matters. Befure coming 
here, Mr. Davidson had considerable experience in market gardening at COle St. Paul, 
and still gives some attention to this industry. While at Cote St. Pa.ul, he was 
married to an intelligtnt Christian lady, the widc\\ of \Villi3m Broml y. 
John Davidson, his father, who lives in this \iicinity, may be classed among those 
settlers who came after the migration of the squatters or potash ma.kers. He anived 
in Canada from Yorkshire, England, in r 833, and n-mained at Cote St. Paul a few years, 
where he married Hannah Bromby. He 
elved in one of the Volunteer companies of 

fontreal in 1837-38, and afterward came to Chatham, He first took up but one 
lot; but has since added two or three more
the last being purchased in 1848. He 
now has a large farm well stocked, which is managed by his son Robert, who is mar- 
ried to a daughter of Robert Nichols, of Cushing. One of his daughters is also married 
Ir. James 
ichols, brother to Mrs. Robert Davidson. .Mr. Davidson has had 
eleven children-eight sons and three daughters-but, besides the children above 
mentioned, George, one of the sons living in Lachine, is the only one now residing in 
this section of Canada. 


3 1 5 

J.UIES PATTON, from St. Andrews, in Scotland, came to this country about 18 34, 
After staying with his brother Robert at Van's Corner a year, and working in different 
places till 18 37, he bought the land at St. Philippe now owned and occupied by his 
son, Robert C. Pallon. He was married about this time to Jane Cochran, but the 
Rebellion soon called him from the peaceful pursuits of an early settler to thuse of a 
Volunteer. There was a log-house and barn, but only a smal clearing on the land 
when Mr. Patton purchased it, so that the work of clearing up a farm of one hundred 
and fifty acres furnished himself, with the aid of his boys, a life-long work. 
He was appointed a Justice of the Peace, but always declined to exercise the 
duties of his office. that of School Commissioner being the only one in which he 
served, and that he held for many years. He had four children-sons; one of these 
died in childhood, another at the :1ge of twenty-eight. His youngest son, Charles J " 
who is a physician, lives in San Francisco, California. Mr. Patton died 26th l\1
18 77 j Mrs. Patton 16th September, 1853, Robert C., the only son in this section, 
has always remained on the homestead, and is one of the respected and substantial 
farmers of Chatham. H,
 has been J\1 unicipal Councillor seven or eight years, and 
a School Commissioner three or four. He was married to Agnes Dobbie in 186 5. 
Besides a small shop or two, there is one good-sized general store at St. Philippe, 
which is the property of PIERRE CARRIÈRE & So
Ir. Carrière came from St. 
Scholastique to this place in 18 55, took his uncle's farm at Staynerville, giving him a life 
lease. Five years afterward he went to California to f'arn money to pay for additional 
land he had bought. Aft
r an absence of nearly five years he returned and paid for 
his land, and once more devoted himself to farming. Believing, however, that he could 
make money faster in other business, in 1868 he sold his personal property, rented 
his farm, and went to the region bordering on Lake Superior. There, at his trade of 
carpenter and by taking boarders, he cleared $2,200 in eighteen months. Returning, 
he worked his farm till 1\1 arch, 1890, when he sold it and bought the store in which 
he is still engaged. The first wife of Mr. Carrière, Bridget O'ReiIly, died in 18 57, 
leaving one daughter, who is now married. In 1865 he married Marie Cyr, by which 
marriage he has four sons and one daughter. His eldest son, Anhur, who is with 
him in the store, received a good academic education at St. Scholastique and Lachute. 
He was married in January, 1893, to Lia FOUCLl.ult. Mr. Pierre Carrière is a member 
of the Dissentient School Board, Board of Health, is .\ssessor, a Director of the 
Laurentian Granite Quarry, and has been Municipal Councillor several years. 
TAYLOR L<\FRAMBOISE came to St, Philippe from St. Scholastique in r879, and 
opened a small carriage 
hop on his arrival, but his business has so prospered that he 
has enlarged his premises, and now usually employs a dozen men. He has a paint 
shop, harness and blacksmith shop, so that he is prepared to make all kinds of vehicles, 
and he annually sells a number of fine buggies of the most impro,-ed and latest style. 
He is also an undprtaker, and agent for all kinds of agricultural implements, besides 
being Manager and Secretary of the Laurentian Granite Quarry Company. The 
enterprise of 1\1r. L...framboise has brought him success, and he has erected 1. neat 
and attractive residence here, 
.\t a distance of about half a mile west from the village of St. Philippe, on a good 
farm, lives B. CHAMBERS, jun. 
His father, James Boyd Chambers, came from the County of Tyrone, Ireland, to 
Chatham in 1841, and settled on the farm now owned and occupied by his son Thomas, 
There was only a rude hut on it and a small clearing at the time, and he soon erected 
a more comfortable house, which is still standing, and he also, with the assistance of 
his sons, c1eared up the farm, Mr. Chambers had received a pretty fair education in 
his early days, which was of good service to him in this country. He was a School 

3 16 


Commissioner for some time j but his principal business was buying and selling 
cattle and sheep- a pursuit he followed for thirty-five years. He died in January, 
18 93, in the 90th year of his age. He had six sons and four daughters; one of the 
latter is now dead. Four of the sons live in Chatham and two are in Montana, 
James B. Chambers, one of the sons, in his younger days was employed in the 
lumber business, and thus earned money, with which, in 1868, he purchased of his 
father the farm of 100 acres on which he now lives. He has. erected fine commodious 
barns, keeps a good stock of cattle, horses and sheep, and everything about his 
premises gives evidence of thrift and prosperity Mr. Chambers was married in 
September, 1873, to Margaret Scarborough. He has been a member of the School 
Board a number of years. 
John Chambers, another son of the late James B. Chambers, is proprietor of a 
good farm adjacent to that of his brother named above, though on another road 
leading from St. Philippe to the fr(lnt of Chatham, He was married loth September, 
18 75, to Nancy Smith, daughter of the late John Smith, of Chatham, 



The following few notes have been gathered, for the greater part, from the 
mouths of several of the most ancient Catholic parishioners of St. Philippe still 
living. Anyone of my successors may, if he wills it, give them a literary form, and 
-complete them. 
The beginning and developments of the Roman Catholic parish of St. Philippe, 
County of Argenteuil, Province of Quebec, would be very interesting to be traced up 
in an historical point of view, the much more interesting, as they would show us how 
were formed through time most of the Roman Catholic parishes situated on the two 
banks of the Ottawa River, in the Counties of Argenteuil, Ottawa, Prescott and 
The parish of St, Philippe is situated in the centre of the County of Argenteuil, 
4 8 miles from Montreal, and 72 miles from Ottawa, reckoning from StaynervilIe 
station. It contains thus nearly the whole of the township of Chatham: from the 
township of , Vent worth to the north, to the Ottawa River to the south, Its territory, 
c0nsequently, as it is shown by the local geographical map, is found half in the valley 
of the Ottawa River, and half in the Laurentide Mountains. 
It is exclusively in the south part of the township of Chatham, from the foot of the 
mountains, that is to say, in the valley of the Ottawa River, that Catholic people have 
gathered up to the present time, where they find themselves mixed with an English 
and Protestant population; but they have managed to live always in harmony with 
them, owing to their remarkable spirit of liberality, peace and charity. 
The parish of St. Philippe is generally known under the name of St. Philippe of 
Argenteuil, from the name of the county, or of St. Philippe of Chatham, from the name 
of the township, or of Muddy Branch (La Branche), from the name of a small brook 
on the Stayner road, to the north of the present village, which brook discharges its 
whitish and muddy waters into the North River, at Lachute, thus forming a branch 
of that much more important stream. Whence follows, that saying that you go to 
St. Philippe, or to Chatham, or to " La Branche," comes to the same thing, and you 
will be understood by everyone in the neighborhood, and even far away, 



The Roman Catholic population of the parish of 5t, Philippe, numbering 
23 0 . families and 1,400 souls, are nearly all of French-Canadian race. Th
re are 
only about a 
core of Irish families
 living, the most of them, in the southern part of 
the parish. The first Roman Catholic families who came to settle in the township of 
Chatham do not trace up the origin of the p:uish of St.. Philippe farther back than about 
threescore years, from the most accurate relations of the old people of the afore- 
said place. The French-Canadian families, for the greater part, came hither from the 
various parishes of the county of Two Moun tains, where they were already too cro\\"d- 
ed, to form settlements, and they fixed themselves, in preference, at the foot of the 
mountain, and in the west of the township, where the land seemed to them better and 
easier to be cultivated. French colonists, generally speaking, are not so very well 
off, although steady, as the English-speaking settlers, because they are not such good 
fanners, and spend more money for their table, clothes and carriages. Let that be 
said tn passant as a piece of good advice, to be fair and impartial, and to furnish 
them with a good opportunity of improving their morals and methods. 
Among the French-Canadian families who came successively and settled in the 
township of Chatham, we may name, specially, the families Trudeau, Sarrazin, 
Leclaire, Saintonge, Poireur, Bellefeuille, Raymond, Labrosse, Bricot, Lamarche, 
Lacasse, Desjardins, Lalande, Latreille, Leblanc, Laurin, Blais, i\1auricette, Laurence, 
Pilon, Foucault, Rochon, Giroux, Ouellet, Carriere, Cleroux, Robert, Morin, Lapointe, 
etc. Some of those families, in the course of time, left the place, but others are 
represented there nmv by a good many members, The most ancient Irish or Scotch 
Catholic families established in the township of Chatham are: the families Byrne, 
Brearton, Cameron, Lennon, Derrick, McCoy, Farrell, \Vellingham, BJ.xter, Hart, 
Kelly, etc. The last three have left the place, or are extinguished at the present 
time, There, as elsewhere, in general, they have not kept the naïve and strong faith 
of their mother-country, In th::tt point of view, the free soil of America was some- 
what harmful to them. 
'\Thence and how were those first colonists attended to in the first years of their 
settlement? According to the testimony of the old people of St. Philippe, quite 
unanimous on that point, during the interval from 1835 to 1836, they were obliged to 
go to Saint André most of the time, to get religious assistance. In fact, the first mass 
was said to them by one of the former missionaries of the latter parish, p05sibly and 
probably, the Rev. L. D, Charland, parish priest of Rigaud, in the house of Joseph 
Larose, in the row of " La Branche," a house rebuilt by Charles Raymond Labrosse. 
There, also, Bishop Guigues put up. when he came to fix the place of the first Roman 
Catholic chapel of the township of Chatham. The Roman Catholic colonists of the 
township of Chatham, during that same interval, from 1835 to 1836, were also attended 
to by the missionaries while passing through Grenville, and holding service in the old 
wooden chapel of that mission, situatèd about a mile below the present village, 
between the Queen's Road and the Ottawa River. You may see still the ruins of 
that old chapel which was burned later on. The records of baptisms, marriages and 
burials, for the mission of the township of Chatham, up to 1856, must be found both 
in the parochial registries of St. André and Grenville, according to the case. 
The Canonic
l erection of the parish of St, Philippe, which had been till then a 
simple mission, took place on the 24th of January, 1856, through a decree of Bishap 
J. E. B. Guigues, first bishop of By town, and the civil erection, on the 6th of August, 
1861, through the means of Mr, Justice Lafontaine. Those proceedings gave it a 
regular anù legal exist
nce, and contributed a great deal to its spiritual, moral and 
material progress. One could guess already what it was to become later on, .\ccord- 
ing to the contents of the decree, that parish contains that part of the township of 

3 18 


Chatham which is limited to the south by the Ottawa River, to [he east by the 
hne that separates the township of Chatham from the Seigniory of Argenteuil, includ- 
ing that palt of" I'Isle aux Chats" which is situated in Chatham, to the north by 
the township of'VentwOlth, and to the west by the hill which is called Broon's Hill, 
a territory of about 27 square miles. · 
The first election of wardens, under the c1lracy of Rev. E. H. Ebrard, curate 
to that parish (the reverend gentleman was drowned some years later in taking a 
bath at :Masham Mills), was held on the 25th of :May, 1856; that document, as well 
as the certifica te of ma rriage between J os. Lacombe and Olive Leclair, dated 2 I st of 
July, 1856, are the two first parochial documents of St. Philippe. The three first 
wardens elected were: :Martin Sarrazin, Amable Trudeau and \Vm. Byrne. The 
warden in charge for the balance of the aforesaid year was Martin Sarrazin. The 
fourth wardt'n elected was Léon Bricot-Lamal'che) on the 6th of January, 1837, etc. 
The Rev. Arthur Mignault, a French-Canadian, was the first parish priest of St. 
Philippe. Appointed in July, 1856, he did not fix his residence in that place before 
October, 1837. He occupied at first, till the following Spl ing, the wooden house at 
the corner of the street, belonging now to Joseph Corbeil, merchant, then the present 
priest-house,-which became his property-for about two months, at the end of 
which he left the parish in 1\1ay, V' 58. He left behind him the name of a great 
preacher of the Roman Catholic faith-dead at the present time, 
The second palish priest of St. Philippe was the Rev. Laurent Jouvent, a French- 
man by biIlh, afterwards a vicar-general of the diocese of By town. He carne hither 
in the first days of June, 1858, and left the parish at the end of 
Iarch or at the 
beginning of April, 1862. He returned to France, in the diocese of Paris, where he 
is still living at the present time. 
The third parish priest of the same parish was Rev. P. S. Mancip, a Frenchman, 
who came here in the last days of March or the first days of April, 1862, and left 
the parish on the 20th Kovembel', 1873. He was afterwards appoin;ed parish priest 
at L'Orignal, where he died and was buried. The parishioners of St. Philippe, who 
were acquainted with him, have the best remembrance of him, aud are unanimous in 
their praise. His departure was deplored by everybody, and people speak still of 
him with emotion. 
The fourth parish priest was the Rev. J. C. Comminges, a Frenchman, who 
ri\'ed here on the 17th of N"ovember, 1873, and left at Michaelmas, 1877, He died 
suddenly in Manitoba some years ago. 
The fifth parish priest was Rev. Gabriel Joseph Motte, a Frenchman, who carne 
here at t\lichaelmas, 1877, and left the parish at the end of October, 1880, now- 
r, I 8
4-a professor at Bourget College, Rigaud. (See reg. fo1. 46, p. 92.) 
The sixth parish priest was Rev. Charles Larose, a French-Canadian, who was 
appointed at the end of October, 1880, and left the parish at l\Iichaelmas, 1886, to 
go to the parish of Wendover, to-day parish priest of " The Brook." He succeeded 
among a lot of difficulties to fix the legal repartition for the C011struction of the present 
stone church. He was esteemed by his people, specially on account of his sympathy 
for sick people. 
The seventh parish Pliest was the Rev. Peter Godin ChatilIon, a French-Cana- 
dian, who arrived here at Michaelmas, 1886. He returned to the diocese of -'10ntrea[ 
on the 3rd of October, 1894. to become a chaplain of the Monastery of the Good 
Shepherd, Sherbrooke stleet. 
The parIsh of St. Philippe, which had grown pretty populous, resolved to build a 
chapel for their own use. A generous citizen of the place:, Joseph Leclair, made a 
gift, at first verbally, of an acre of land for that object; the deed of the gift was not 


3 1 9 

signed till the loth of May, 1859. The contractor of the building was Rinaldo 
fuller, a farmer of the neighborhood. The peW5 were made by J. B. Beauchamp. 
The brick ch3.pel, 45 x 31 outside, built in 1877, and converted into a store by p, 
Carriere & Son, was used as a parochial church up to the 6th of January, 1889, 
e"\.c1usively. The land where it was erected was sold, in part, in 1889 to Telesphore 
Desvoyaux-Laframbroise, carter, and, in part, in 1890, with the chapel itself, to 
Joseph Mathias Dorion, a merchant of the place, for the sum of $1,000, out of whIch 
511m the Trustees' Board of St. Philippe was obliged to pay a hundred dollars to Joseph 
Leclair. The ground where were erected the present church, presbytery and cemetery, 
to the east of thè town, containing 35 acres, wa:; bùught f\'Om the Rev, Ar
Reignault by the trustees, on the 3rd of February, 1859. The little steel bell, bought 
by Rev. F. 1. l\Iancip for the Church Curporation, was sold in 1892 to the mission 
of Eardly, connected with _\ylmer. The wrought iron cross of the steeple i" kept as 
a relic in the small cemetery established in the vault of the present church. 
The mission of Grenville, from July, 1856, up to the appointment of the first 
parish priest, Re\'. D. 1. Foley, in 1871, was attended to by the parish priest of St. 
Philippe, who used to say mass there once or twice a month. The mission of 
Wentworth was also in charge, from July, 1856, to October, 1884, of the parish 
priests of St. Philippe, at first wililOut any curate, and afterwal d5 from :\Iichaelmas, 
18 9 2 , through the meacs of a curate, Mr. Dieudonné Belanger. who went to say mass 
there once a month. The records of l
aptisms, marriages and burials of that mission, 
during those twu intervals, Wère then kept in the parochial registers of St, Philippe, 
The mission of S. Joachim, Chute à Blondeau, wa" attenùed to by the parish 
})riests of.5t. Philipp
 up to 1st Janm.ry, 1887. The records of baptisms, marriages 
and burials of the said mission were also kept, during tl1.1.t perioJ of tim
, in the 
parochial registers of St. Philippe. 
Up to the present time, according to the testimony of the old people and the 
regi<.;ters of St. Philippe, there have been twelve episcopal visits: the first in June, 
57, by Bishop Guigu
s. who put up that time at Joseph Leclair's, whme stone 
hOllse at the entrance of the village is still in existence. It is in that same house that 
the missionaries of Grenvi!le put up and said mass for several years before the con- 
struction of the chapel. The second visit took place on the loth of June, 1861, by 
Bishop Guigues j the third on the 2nd of June, 1864-; the fourth on the 6th of June, 
1866; the fifth 011 the 1st of July, 1872, always by Rishop Guigue5 ; the sixth on the 
3rd of June, 1875, by Bishop Duhamel; the seventll on the 9th of July, 1879 j the 
eighth 011 the 23rd of JUlle, 18
I ; the ninth on the 3rd of July, 1884; the tenth on 
the 24-th of July, 1
87 ; the eleventh on the 28th of Jun
, 189:>; and the twelfth on 
the 23fd of July-all of them by Bishop Duhamel. 

leanwhile, the chapel, that had become too small, called fur a new temple 
worthy of the Divine Majesty, and large enough to contain, for a long period of time, 
the Roman Catholic people of St. Philippe. "he diocesan Bishop, on the 23rd of 
June, 1881, ba\'e to the parishioners the order, to get themselves ready to construct 
the new church in the near future. Tile five wardens elected to put the said 
decree into execution were: Gédéol1 Sarrazin, chairman; John Robert, Leon Bruot 
Lamarche, Joseph Dowick, and Toussaint Lacroix. Later on, Gédéon Sarrazin left 
the place, and was replaced by Philibert Filion, and John Robert was elected chair- 
man. The outside plan, in Roman style, was made by Perrault & Mesnard, 
architects of Montreal, according to which, the church was to be I 15 x 50 feet outside, 
and the vestry 36 x 26 feet inside. The contract was given to Athana<;e L'luzJn, of 
Bizard Island, for the amount of $1 1,800 cash, and the work began on the 25 th 

3 20 


of April, 1888. The said contractor did not give satisfaction in many parts of the 
building. The blessing of the first stone took place on the 15th of the next May, 
under the direction of Bishop Duhamel, Archbishop of Ottawa. The building \vas 
completed the next falJ, apart from the steeple, which was not built till the following 
spring. The first mass was said in the new church on the 6th of January, 1889 j three 
belJs of the foundry of Mears & Stainbank, London, giving the notes fa sol la, and 
weighing 2466 pounds, were bought at the same time, by the Fabrique of the church, 
through the means of a bazaar, and cost $1,170.52. Let us praise the 
generosity of the parishioners of St. Philippe and of their friends, on that occasion. 
The solemn blessing of the church and the bells took place on the 15th of June, 1889, 
and was presided over by Bishop Duhamel. The big belJ, weighing 992 pounds, was 
given the names of Mary, John the Baptist, Joseph, Anne, Joachim, Victoria j the 
next one, weighing 809 pounds, the names of Elizabeth, Elzear, Alexandre, Theresa, 
Bruno, Thomas; and the little one, weighing 665 pounds, the names of Rose, Philip, 
Patrick, Pierre, Agnes. Everyone of them bears a Latin inscription, adapted to the 
occasion. The sermon in French was given by Rev. J. Rouleau, a professor at the 
Little Seminary of St. Teresa, and the sermon in English, by the Rev. Wm. Whelan, 
parish priest of St. Patrick, Ottawa, The sponsors were Messrs. Simon Labrosse, 
N.P., ùf St. Eugene, and lady; \V. Owens, M.P.P., of Lachute, and 1\1rs. John 
Lennon, of St. Philippe j H. Berthelot, N.P" of Lachute, and Miss Sauvé j Phineas 
Lane and Mrs. Philibert .Filion of St, Philippe; John Kelly, of Carillon, and Mrs. 
Kelly; Michael Dwyer, of Carillon, and lady; Hugh Robert, of St. Philippe, and 
lady; Joseph Mathias Dorion, of St. Philippe, and widow Honoré De3jardins, of St. 
Philippe; Cyrille Perier and widow Isidore Legault, St. Philippe; John Fitzgerald, 
sen., and lady, Chatham j John Fitzgerald and lady; John Robert and lady; 
Augustin Prevost and lady; Toussaint Lacroix and lady; Célestin Leclair and 
lady. A fine number of the neighboring priests were also present. The collection 
amounted to $229, 
The inside of the church and the vestry were completed in d!9I, according to the 
plan of :Messrs. Perreault, Mesnard & Venne, three eminent architects of Montreal, 
The joiner's work by Ph. Boileau & Brothers, of Bizard Island, cost the sum of 
$4000, and the decorative painting by F. E, Meloche, a painter of .Montreal, cost 
the same amount, Those gentlemen gave full and entire satisfaction to their 
employers. On the occasion of the inauguration of those final works, a pontifical 
mass was celebrated by Bishop Duhamel, Archbishop of Ottawa, on the 12th of 
Novenlber, 1891, in presence of a great number of priests belonging to the archdioceses 
of Montreal and Ottawa. The fourteen stations of the Way of the Cross, which were 
also blessed on the same occasion, were generously given by the parishioners of St. 
Philippe, Each station cost $1500, The stained glass windows, which cost in all 
$3 6 2, were generous gifts. They were made by Castle & Son, of Montreal, accord- 
ing to the plans of E. Meloche! and cost $20 each, except the one of the front gatf', 
that cost $35.00. The Church of St, Philippe has not yet been consecrated, but 
everything is ready to that end. The said consecration, we may hope, will take place 
in the near future. 
The school question did not fail early to attract the attention of the Catholic 
people of the township of Chatham. For that very reason, as soon as the 1st of July, 
1861, the school municipality of the dissidents of Chatham was established, and the 
three first wardens elected were Leon Bricot-Lamarche, chairman; Etienne Maheux: 
and Moise Clement, with Fernandez Naubert as secretary-treasurer. The first school- 
house was built on f the land of Nap. Pilon, near to the village on the" La Branche" 
row. and the first emale teacher was Adeline Coté, the wife of Cyrille Périer, of St, 


3 21 

Philippe. Six schools were in full working in 1894. French and English are taught 
simultaneously in one school. The three present wardens are: .:\1. Morin, chairman j 
Pierre Carrière and Ambroise Blais, with Hyacinthe Paquin as secretary-treasurer. 
All the Catholic people to-day are dissidents, 
The village c.f St. Philippe, all French and Roman Catholic, numbered, in I 89'.J., 
28 houses, one of which is unoccupied, and 29 families, three stores, one flour 
merchant, a post office, one currier, two shoemakers, three blacksmiths, two joiners, 
one hotelkeeper, one baker, one tailor and two dressmakers. Several private and 
puhlic improvements have heen made during the last few years, 
In fine, let us say it appears that to the parish of St. Philippe is connected a 
glorious record in the annals of the French domination in Canada. It would appear 
that it was at the foot of " Long Sault" at Greece's Point, or in the neighborhood on 
either bank of the Ottawa River, that took place the heroic 
truggle of Dollard and 
his twenty-six companions, with forty-six Hurons and Algonquins against eight hun- 
dred Iroquois, in May, 1660. According to my humble opinion, the Provincial 
Government of Quebec should not delay ordering thorough exrlorings in the said 
place, in order to try to discover the very spot where was acted that heroic deed of 
our national history. 


The locality in which the pioneers next mentioned spent their last days is about 
two miles west of St. Philippe. 
CAPTAIN JOHNSON SMITH, who had been a soldier in the American Revolution, 
came from New Hampshire to Stan stead, Que., about 1799, and in 1805, to the 
front of Chatham, and bought 100 acres of land, which is now owned and occupied 
by Geo. M. Bradford. In the war of 1812, he became Lieutenant of Militia, and 
after the war, he was promoted to the rank of Captain-a title by which, subse- 
quently, he was always known and addressed. He had five sons and five daughters. 
His two eldest sons, \Valter and Johnson, were also soldiers during the war of 1812. 
and the former was wounded at the Battle of Lacolle Mill. Captain Johnson Smith 
died 30th November} 1857 ; his wife died 19th February, 1850. Three of their sons, 
Johnson, Daniel and David, all remained in Chatham till death, and reared large 
Daniel, the third son, at the age of eighteen, bought a lot in the 2nd Concession, 
on which he spent his life, and which is now owned and occupied by his own son, 
Johnson Smith. About 1828, he married Esther Dale, daughter of Daniel Dale, of 
Dale5ville, who built the first mills there. Mr. Smith was an industrious, thrifty 
farmer, and erected a good stone house with tin roof, in which his son still resides, 
He died 23rd April, 1889, aged 88 years and I I months j Mrs. Smith died 16th 
December, 1884, a

ed 72 years and 6 months. They had twelve children, nine of 
whom-seven sons an1 two daughters-grew up. Johnson, the son living on the 
homestead, married 20th April, 1881, Elizabeth McArthur; John. his brother, lives 
with him. He has a fine farm of 140 acres, well stocked, and all the agricultural 
implements employ
d by a thrifty, intelligent farmer. 
Daniel, another brother, married in November, 1882, a widow, l\Irs, H. ;\, 
Hooper. In 1880. he built a powder mill at Brownsburg, which has since become 
the property of the Dominion Cartridge Company, and 
lr. Smith for several years 
has been their agent. He lives at BlOwnsburg, and is widely known as a public- 
spirited, energetic gentlc;;man. 
Jacob, anuther son of Captain Smith, married 24th N o';ember, 1862, Elizabeth 
Chambers; he settled near the homestead, and died there 11th September, 1891. 

3 22 


His widow still resides there with her children, of whom they had seven-fo'.u sons 
and three daughters. l\Iillie, one of their daughters, in 1890, at the age of 13, 
received a medal from the Montreal IVdness, f0r a story she wrote for the paper, 
concerning her grand-father Smith's life as a pioneer. 
ROBERT MARTIN, from or near Bury, St. Edmunds, England, came to Chatham 
in 1845, and in 1850 settled on the farm now owned and occupied by his son, George 
ß. Martin. He had been married in England, but his wife died, and he left his two 
children-a son and daughter-there, when he came to this country. In 1849, he 
married Mary Bothwell j they had :hree children-two sons and one daughter-0ut 
one of the former died in infancy. Mr. Martin died in July, 1859; :\lrs. Martin in 
January, 1891. Their only remaining son, George Broke, received his second name 
after Captain Broke, who command
J th
 British ve3sel ,. Shannon," which captured 
the United States ship" Chesapeake," near Boston, in the Americ:ll1 \Var; Captain 
Broke being an old and esteemed friend of Mr. l\hrtin. 
George E. \1artin, the son, hac;; always remained on the hom
stead with his 
sister, l\lary Jane. He has a good-sized farm, as well as a good library, In 1867, he 
joined the Argenleuil Ran,ge
s, and Ius passed through the different graries of pro- 
motion, till he now holds the rank of Major. In 189[, he was appointed Secretary- 
Treasurer of the Ch"tham Council, and two years later, Secretary- freasurer of the 
School Commissioners of 
Iunicipality NO.1, comprising the first six rang
s of lots 
in Chatham. The rural abode of Mr, l\lartin and his sister, and the possession of a 
library, lnve enabled them, without the ùÜ:tractions incid
nt to a less secluded life, 
to profit Ly extensive reading-.1. fact pleasurably apparent to those who meet them. 


A little more than a rr.ile from St. Philippe, and at the railway statIon, a post 
office has been established with the aboxe name, a name of a former Post-master 
General, who once owned a large tract of land here. There is no village here, the 
station and an hotel comprising all the buildings, except farmers' houses scattered 
at various distances along the highway. At a short distance from the Station, running 
through a narrow valley with steep, sloping sides, is a small stream known as Muddy 
Branch, on account of the turbid water caused by clay soil. On the opposite bank 
of the stream from the station stand the buildings of two comparatively early settlers, 
on different sides of the highway; their names are \VILLlA:\1 
The father of the former, who was a tailor, came to Canada about 1830, and first 
lived in the front of Chatham on the farm of Colin Dewar, but about two years later 
he was engaged by the Rev. Joseph Abbott, who then owned the Bradfurd estate in 
that section, to go to St. Andrews, and act as sexton for his church. A year subse- 
quently, he was induced to obtain a piece of land that he could call his own, and on 
which his children could do something toward the support of the family, while he 
could still follow his trade. With this object in view, he took a lot on Muddy Branch, 
so marshy at the time, that the proprietor, Mr. Stayner, had great difficulty in finding 
anyone who would purchase it, At the time of the Rebellion, Mr. Farish, merchant 
of St. Andrews, took a cuntract for supplying the Volunteers with clothing, and 1\1r. 
Scarborough was employed in cutting and making it, and from that time forward 
obtained all the work he desired. 
\Villiam, his son, who now owns the homesteaù, when a boy worked some years 
for his neighbors, Levi Leavitt and Robert Allen. He was employed by the latter 


3 2 3 

during the Rebellion, and as Mr. Allen belonged to the Cavalry, and was stationed, 
sometimes at the "Barracks" in Carillon, and sometim
s at St, Andrews, it was a part 
of young Scarborough's work to bring to Allen, every week, one of the farm horses, 
and take back the charger used in service the week previous. Mr. Scarborough 3ays 
he was kept pretty busy at that time, and during the days when the fight occurred at 
St. Eustache, and the Y olunteers marched to Grand Brulé, he ha:.l to look after the 
stock and chores of a number of the Volunteers who lived in proximity to Mr. Allen. 
Subsequently, he worked a good deal with lumber men, and on one occasion, 
when in a camp with a few men, back from d:e river on the Upper Ottawa, he was 
left entirely alone for ten days. One of the men cut his knee, and from wan t of proper 
treatment the knee swelled, and the man was in danger of his life, so that some 
of his companions had to convey him on a stretcher to the river, thence by boat to a 
place wher
 he could receive proper medical aid. ]n the meantime, Scarborough 
was left in charge of the camp, and he found the first night or two rather trying to 
his nerves, as wolves surrounded and seemed determined to attack him, but Were pre- 
vented by the bright fire, which he kept burnillg continuously all night. 
At another time, when carrying the mail from Grenville to Hull, he was in danger 
of being drowned. Bridges had been carried away. and the land was overflowed during 
a spring freshet, so that he had to use a canoe in making his trip, 'Vhile thus jour- 
neying near the mouth of the Gatineau, his boat was suddenly entangled in a great 
mass of ftoodwood, swept down by the breaking of a darn above. After much diffi- 
culty, he succ
eded in gaining an island, from which he was rescued. But 
1:r. Scar- 
borough seems to have borne the hardships and surmounted the difficulties of 
pioneer life successfully, as he i3 still active, and performs much hard labor. His 
farm-the same which his father obtained from Stayner-is no longer a morass, but 
all cleared and drained, and produces fine crops, He has four children-one son 
and three daughters; the latter, all married, live in distant parts j John, the son, with 
his family resides here on the homestead. 
RICHARD DAVIS came to Chatham from Gloucester, England, about 1832, and 
for some time found employment on the canal, which was then in process of construc- 
tion. One method then employed to procure rum afforded him some amusement, and 
was an incident in his early experience in this country he used subsequently to re- 
A few of the horses of the canal laborers, tempted by the fresh feed in the road 
or fields adjacent, often broke out of their enclosure. A certain foreman of a gang 
watched for such opportunities, put the hor
es in pound, and with the poundage thus 
secured bought rum for his men. 
Subscquently, )Ir. Davis bought the lo
Ir. Scarborough's, which i;;; now 
owned and occupied by his pephew, 'Villiam Davis, These two men began work on 
their land, and built houses about the same time. So marshy was the ground at that 
time, that they were obliged to quit work while it was quite light, otherwise they \vould 
find it necessary to remain over night in the woods, not being able to pick their paths 
through thc morass in the darkness. On one occasion, Mr. Davis, having prolonged 
his work till it was quite late, was overtaken by night, in attempting to reach the 
house of 1\Ir. Allen, which he made his temporary residence; he then kindled a fire, 
and lay down on a log beside it to sleep. He was prevented, however, þy three wolves 
which kept him company the entire night, often venturing so near, snapping and howl- 
ing, that he was in constant fear of becoming their prey. For sevéral years, these 
animals and lynxes were very destructive to the sheep of these two pioneers- the 
latter, on account of the stcalth with which they carried off lambs, being more dreaded 
than wolves. 

3 2 4 


The children of 1\1r. Davis all died in infancy, and a few years after the death of 
his wife, he went to England, where he also died. 
Previous to this, in September, 1853, his nephew, \VILLIAl\1 DAVIS, came t3 this 
country, and lived with him eight years. He then worked out a few years, married 
to Ann Chambers, and returned, obtaining his uncle's farm by means of a life lease. 
He is one of the substantial farmers of this section, and has two children-a son 
and daughter-who both live with him. l\Irs. Davis died in 18 94. 
In this neighborhood, on the 6th Range, is also the fine farm of David, the fourth 
In 18 79, he purchased 120 acres here, the greater part of which he has cleared 
and brought to a good state of cultivation; his level and well tilled fields and good 
buildings indicating the presence and management of a thrifty farmer. He has within 
a few years purchased ISO acres m:He in the adjoining Range. He was nurried 4 th 
November, 18<) I, to Ellen Kerr. 


This pleasant little village or hlmlet, which has recently sprung into some pro- 
minence on account of being the site of the Cartridge Factory, and near the lately 
discovered granite quarry, was, in early years, made a place of no little importance 
by the erection of Brown's mills. 
GEORGE BROWN came from England to Lachute, and was for several years. 
employed as miller in the old seigniorial mill at that place. The exact time of his 
advent is uncertain, but the fact that, in 18 I 8, he received a grant of land at what 
is now known as Brownsburg, shows that he was here at th:Ü date, He was a man 
of enterprise, and very soon after locating his land, he began the erection of mills, 
which were of priceless benefit to the early settlers of this section-a benefit which 
their descend:mts still enjoy, after the lapse of threescore years. 
There is good evidence that his dwelling house, which is now occupied by his 
grandson, D. D. McGibbon, was entered by his family, as a residence, in 1829. Much 
of the lumber which was used in its construction was floated up the stream on which 
the. mills were built, from Lachute. 
Mr, Brown became a man of great influence here; he was a Magistrate and Captain 
of Militia, from which, on the 21st May, 1857, he was promoted to the rank of Major. 
Much credit is due him for his perseverance under the most discouraging circum- 
stances, it being authentically stated that, when the family reache1 St. Andrews, on 
coming from England, they had only money enough left to purcluse a single loaf of 
breJ.d. B
fore closing his career, however, he surrounded his Ll.mily with all the com- 
forts of affluence, and was able to rdieve the nec
ssities others. He left \ut 
two daughters, one of whom married Alexander 
lcGibb3n, the other mJ.rried James 
Duddridge. . 
 was a distant relative of John :\IcGibbon, the second 
settler at D.lle
ville, and he cam
 to that place very soan after the arrival of John. 
The latter was a carpenter by trade, and Alexander worked with him. and learned 
the trade, before they left Scotland. 
Alexander had a fine, melodious voice, and W.lS an excellent singer-
that was often e"ercised at religioJs m

 antJ socill gJ.therin

, after he Clm


3 2 5 

Dalesville. Possessing considerable ski11, also, in treating and nursing the sick} his 
services were highly estimated by the community around, the members of which he 
vomited and bled-according to the pathological views of those days-to their heart's 
content, A much loved man was Alex. McGibbon, His wife died SOOI1 after he 
carne to this country-a bereavement he felt very keenly. He determined never to 
marry again, and finally moved, with most of his family, to Ontario, where he died. 
Mrs. McGibbon was the first woman buried in the cemetery at Dalesville; they 
had four sons-John and Duncan, twins, Alexander, Daniel, and one daughter, Cathe- 
rine, or " Kitty," as she was always called. 
Alexander, their third son, married Jane, daughter of George Brown, Esq., 11th 
June, 1845, and came into possession of his father-in-law's estate, ,consisting of the 
mi11s and about 1000 acres of land. He rebuilt the mills, and his enterprise and influ- 
ence for many years showed him a worthy successor of the one whose place he had 
assumed. In 1855, loth February, he was appointed Postm3ster-the Post-office being 
then established, with the name Brownsburg ; and besides other local positions, he 
held that of School Commissioner many years. He died 25th June, 1883, aged 62 
years, II months; 1\Irs, l\lcGibbon died, 10th May, 1889, aged 70 years, 2 months, 
They had ten children-five of each sex. The homestead was divided between 
the two sons, Alexander and Duncan D. McGibbon. The former has 300 acres of 
lanå, much of which is valuable and in a good state of cultivation, and the saw mill ; 
the latter has 325 acres, and the grist mill. Alexander was married, 30th June, 1886, 
to Mary Jane Warwick; she died 27th July, 1891. 
Duncan McGibbon was married to Annie, daughter of \Villiarn Buchan of 
Geneva, 20th June, 1888. 
\lexander has been a member of the Board of School 
Commissioners for the past five or six years; and both the brothers, who are 
admirable types of physical form and vigor, are esteemed for their genial qualities 
and public spirit, 
George Brown l\IcGibbon, another son of Alexander McGibbon, died at Butte 
City, Montana, 15th April, 1887 ; and James \V. McGibbon, another of his sons, died 
16th March, 1892, at Victoria, B.C. Catherine, a daughter of Alexander McGibbon, 
who was married to Archie McArthur, died 23rd October, 1882. 
The scenery in the vicinity of the Brownsburg mills is romantic in the extreme; 
the river on which they are located, and which provides admirable water power, 
rushing. over its rocky bed through deep chasms and woodland bowers, is not the 
least attractive feature of the landscape. 
JOHN MACDONALD from Sutherland, Scotland, not far from 18 I 2, engaged as clerk 
to the Hudson Bay Company, and was thus employed for some years in the North- 
west, He came to Lachute about 1821, engaged in mercantile business, and acted 
as land agent for Colin Robertson, whose wife's sister he had married. In 1835 he 
took up at Brownsburg 200 acres Lot 9, Range 7, which is still owned and 
occupied by his children. His selection of land was a good one, as the farm is now 
a beautiful one, and has been awarded the first prize more than once by the County 
Agricultural Society. At present, it sustains 32 head of cattle and 8 horses. l\Ir, 
Macdonald took an active part in quelling the Rebellion of 1837, and at that time 
Was Captain of a Company of Militia; he died I nh July, 1879; his wife died 15th 
January, 1890. They had thirteen children, of whom twelve glew up. Two sons, 
George and James, and two daughters, Mary, and a widow, l\Irs, James Thornton, 
live on the homestead. James, for some time, belonged to the Argenteuil Rangers, 
and George, to the St. Andrews Troop. 
Mills or manufactories usually form the l1l:clens of a village; but the little village 

3 26 


of Brownsburg, instead of following this time-honored rule, has shown a preference 
for four" Corners," and grown up at some distance from the mills. 
There are two stores here, owned respectively by l\1r. McArthur, who is the 
Postmaster of the place, and H. E. THO
; the store of the I
tter being an 
imposing brick structure that would do credit to a city. 1\[r, Thompson was born 
in HochelagJ, his grandfather, who did a large business, bemg an early trader in that 
place. His father was a grocer: and, after living with him till he was thirteen years 
of age, he learned telegraphy, and for a few years was employed by the Dominion, 
)lontreal and G. 
. ,V. Telegraph Companies, and, afterwards, was on the Quebec, 
Montreal & Occidental Railway. SubsEqut'ntly, he was for ten years station 
agent and telegraph operator at 81. Philippe. He left this in 1890, to engage in 
trade at St. Philippe, recei\-ing on his resignation a flattering recommendation from 
the assistant Superintendent, H. B. Spencer. Two and a half years later, having 
bought his present store and 160 acres of land at Brownsburg, he removed hither in 
February, 1892. He was married 19th September, 1893, to Eliza Nichols of Slayner- 
ville, Que. 
Among the few dwellings here is the neat brick one of Daniel Johnson, who is 
mentioned in the sketch of St. Philippe, 
There is a Methodist church here, in which service is held regubrly by the 
minister at Lachute. The land for this church was given by George Brown, Esq., 
" to the Rev, Francis Coleman and others, on behalf of the Wesleyan 
Church," in 1852. 
JOHN McLEOD, the village blacksmith at this place, de5cends from one of the 
pioneers of Harrington. His grandfather, Hugh McLeod, als.) a blacksmith, came 
from Sutherlandshire, Scotland, to that township among the early settlers, and 
ed at his trade there till his death, about ten years ago. He had four sons and 
an equal number of daughters who grew up. Donald McLeod, his youngest SlJl1, 
married Bella Dewar, bought 150 acres of land near his home: and still lives on it, 
engaged in fanning. He has fi ve daughters and four sons. John, second son, 
married :\Iary McLeod, 26th June, 188 
', and for the last five years has plied his 
trade with ample encouragement at BrowlIsburg. 


Traveling wt'stward from Brownsburg, one first climbs quite an ascent, and 
then, after passing through a strip of pleasant woodland, descends a short dis- 
tance, when a scene abruptly meets his eye, which, if he is a stranger in the locality, 
will both please and surprise him; this scene comprises the grounds and buildings 
of the DO:\IIKION CARTRIDGE CO:\IPANY. All the buildings neatly painted, and the 
main ones imposing in size, located in a romantic dell, on a stream abounding in 
scenery the most picturesque-the picture is one to which the memory in after days 
will often revert. 
In 1886, a joint stock company was formed, with Hon, J. J. C. Abbott as pre- 
sident ; capital $ 1 0,000. The erection of the buildings was completed in 188 7, 
and work commenced. 
1\1r. Abbott held the presidency two years, when he resigned, and Thomas C. 
Brainard, president of the Hamilton Powder Co" became his successor. 
Capt. A, L. Howard, famous for his connection with the Gatling Gun, was 
instrumental in forming the Company, and had charge of the works four years, when 
he was succeeded by F. G. VERITY, who for ten years hld been connected with the 
Hamilton Powder Company; he is now General Agent for the Cartridge Company. 


3 2 7 

.Mr. Verity is a gentleman of high intelligence, and his actIVIty, forethought, 
and care of the men and works in his charge, contribute largely to the prosperity of 
the C( mpany. They were fortunate, too, in securing the services of a cartridge 
expert, E. \y, Kelly of Lowell, l\Iass , in whose charge are th
 details of the whole 
manufacturing dep:Jrtment. 
'J here are 23 buildings connected with this manufactory, besides the fac:tory 
and office; the former is So ft, by 140 ft. in size, and four stories in height. The 
boarding house is 100 ft. by 30 ft" three stories, and contains forty bedrooms; it is 
ated by steam, and is supplied with all the modern conveniences. The factory 
and office are lighted by electric light. Employment is given to a good number of 
both sexes, and the pay-roll averages about $2,800 a month. 
This is the only factory of its kind in the Dominion; all kinds of cartridges for 
small arms and all kinds of military and sporting cartridges are manufactured here. 
Extreme care to guard against accident is exercised throughout the establishment. 
The plan of erecting tenements for their employees is now uuder conc;ideration 
by the Company, and, no doubt, will be carried into effect. 
The fine boarding house at Brownsburg is under the able management of l\IR
R. HARDIE. who belongs to a family deserving special notice in these pages. 
J ..-\:\IES CARPENTER, her paternal grandfather, was a soldier in the British service 
21 years. He served in the war of 1812, was taken prisoner, and escaped: he was 
on a vessel with his Company, sailing to join the force of Wellington, but btfore th
arrival the victory of \Yaterloo had been \\'on. On receiving his discharge, he W.1S 
awarded a pension and a grant of Lot 27,1 Ith Range, in the rear of Chatham. On this 
land he settled in 1832, and for a number of years often had his early miJitary ardor 
and courage rekindled in the \V:1r he was obliged to wage against the bears of ChathLun. 
He died in the house of his son George, with whom he lived, in December, 18 7 8 . 
He had a large family of chilùren, but only six of them-three sons and three 
daughters-settled in this "'ection, Thomas and Rob
rt, the eldest son;;. were twins; 
George, the third and youngest son, remained on the homestead, and increased it by 
200 acres, which he purchased in the loth Range; he also erected a saw milL 
He was for a time member of the School1Joard of this [\[ llnicipality; he died in 
August, 188.? In 1850, he married Sarah Haney; they had three sons and seven 
daughters who grew up, 
Letitia Annie, the eldest, was married to Richard HardIe, 9th !\ovember, IS7c. 
)[r. Hardie, who had pre\'iously followed farming, has been in the employ of the 
Cartridge Company about seven years, During the greater portion of this time 
:\[rs. Hardie has had charge of the boarding department, 
James Carpenter, the eldest bro
her of Mrs. Hardie, learned the millwright 
trade, at which he is regarded as an expert; he has followed it in this sectIon for the 
past twelve year
. Ten of these he has spent in the emplùy of J. C. \"ilson, with 
whom he still remains at Lachute. He was married 22nd June, 1880, to Elizabeth 
Thomas Carpenter, one of the twin sons of James Carpenter, the pioneer. 
married 11argery Sweeney, and bought Lot 24, loth Range of Chatham, on which he 
lived a few years till the death of his wife, He then rented his married again, 
anù died in Ottawa a few years ago. By the last marriage he had no children, but 
by the first he had two sons and five daughters who are now living. The two sons 
are Silas Huntington and Robert; the fonner is chief of the detective secret sen ice 
of :L\lontreal; the latter, a merchant in Ottawa, 
SILAS H. CARPENTER is a name familiar to everyone in the Dominion who 
reads the newspapers, as that of a man who has been earnest and successflll in the dis_ 

3 28 


covery of criminals, and in bringing tham to the Bar of Justice. In the execution of 
this work, he has traversed land and sea j in various disguises he has visited the 
resorts of fashion and the abode of poverty, the gilded saloon and the dark and 
noisome den of the tenement. In jail and penitentiary, he has listened to the tale of 
the gambler, the thief and the murderer. His life has not only been threatened, but 
he has been assaulted with slung shot, bowie knife and revolver; and yet, notwith- 
standing these unp}easant experiences, and the years in which he has witnessed so 
much of the dismal side ofIife, Mr. Carpenter is a man ofremarkably youthful appear- 
ance; he is tall and of fine physique, and though nearly forty-five, very few would ven- 
ture to place him above thirty. He reads character by intuition. and as he is genial 
and affable in manner, it is not surprising that he is successful in winning the con- 
fidence of those whose assistance he requires. 
JOHN \V ADE, a son of Charles H. 'Vade, of Cushing, is one of the efficient and 
trusted men of the Cartridge Company, in whose employ he has been for six years. 
He was married sth July, 1890, to Katie Alma O'Byrne, of South Indian, Onto 
GEORGE and DAVID McALLISTER, brothers, are two young men employed in the 
factory, and they live on the homestead farm, in a pleasant cottage adjacent to it. 
Their grandfather, 'Villiam McAlIi
ter, came from Paisley, Scotland, to Canada about 
1828. He was a blacksmith by trade, and, after coming here, was for some"time 
employed on the Rideau Canal. In May, 1833, he married Isabella Gray, of East 
Hawkesbury, and settled at Hill Head, where he followed his trade ten years. He 
then turned his attention to farming in Thomas' Gore, where his wife died, and a year 
subsequently he married Elizabeth \Vright. By the first marriage he had four boys 
and two girls; by the second, two boys and four girls. His last years were spent in 
Chatham, where he died in the house of one of his daughters, Mrs, John Clark. 
\Villiam, his eldest son, married Christy Green, d:lUghter of Charles Green of 
Brownsburg, in September, 1860. About 1866, he bought 100 acres, east half of Lot 
II, Range 8, at Brownsburg, on which he still lesides. Mrs. McAllister died 13 th 
June, 1877; they had four sons and three daughters that grew up. James, the second 
son, a young man highly respected, died 13th December, 1877, aged 22 years, 6 
months. George, the third son, who is employed in the factory, was married 25 th 
June, 1894, to Sarah Delacourt, of Montreal. 
Near the Cartridge Factory also resides \VILLIAM: POLSON, who, in April, 18 94, 
sold the Cartridge Company his farm of TOO acres, half of Lot 10, Range 8, reserving 
one acre in front, on which he has just erected a cottage. His grandfather, John 
Polson, belunged to the 21st Highland Regt. of Infantry, and was in active service 
during the American Revolution, the war of ISI2, and in Spain. He was Sergeant, 
and while at Gibraltar, when in charge of a fatigue party, th
y met a squad of Span- 
iards, who attacked them. The Spaniards were defeated, and a brass pistol, which 
Sergeant Polson took from the body of the Spanish commander, is now in possession 
')f his grandson. He was wounded at the battle of New Orleans, and, in 1816, was 
discharged with a pension, after serving sixteen years. He then came to 
and for several years was Barrack Sergeant at St. Helen's Island, Montreal, but was 
finally drowned by the capsizing of a boat, when cros::;ing the St. Lawrence. He 
left one son, John Polson, who married Alice Smith, daughter of a man who had 
lately come from England and settled at St. Philippe. Mr. Polson had learned 
the tailor's trade, and he went to the New England States, where he worked for some 
time, and then went to Charleston, S. C., from which piace he shipped on a whaling 
vc:.ssel, and spent five years in the whale fishery on the Pacific. Returning to Canada, 
he bought the farm described above, on which he lived till his death, 6th July, 1881, 


3 2 9 

He left seven sons and two daughters, of whom \Villiam Polson, who has always 
remained on the homestead, is the only one living in this section. 
'T!1I A valuable Granite Quarry was discovered a little west of Brownsburg in 18 9 2 . 
mountain of considerable size, apparently being a solid mass of an excellent quality 
or' granite. A. Trudeau, of St. Philippe has the honor of being the discoverer. A 
company called the Lanentian Granite Quarry Company, compos
d of A. Trudeau, 
p, Carrière, T. Laframboise and Joseph Brunet (Montreal), was formed in 18 93- 
An order for 200,000 paving blocks for Montreal was soon given, since which the 
company has received many important orders, and have many hands constantly 
employed in the Quarry. 
About half a mile west of the Cartridge Factory, as one descends a hill, m3.Y be. 
seen on the right a tract of sterile, stony land, covered with a scrubby growth of 
tamar.lC, On this inhospitable looking tract, ARCHIBALD l\IURoocH, from Moray- 
shire, Scothnd, settled as a pioneer about [833. He came to this country about 
1825, and was in the employ of the Hudson Bay Company five years, " where," says 

fr. King, "he became well acquainted with the hardships of that region: having, as 
well as other þoor fellows, to carry heavy loads, exposed to cold and hunge:r in those 
distant wilds." 
"Archy was very poor," continues the same writer, "when he came to Chatham, 
and, unfortunately, settled on a lot which consisted of nothing but rocks and swamps, 
and which, after spending his strength to little purpose, he was forced to leave. It was 
well he did so, for he found a much better place, where, after enduring many hard- 
ships, he began to thrive," 
After leaving the North-\Vest, Mr. Murdoch returned to Scotland, and the vessel 
on which he sailed oeing wrecked, he lost his trunk, a gun he highly prized, and his 
watch. He was not satisfied, however, with hi') past experience of this country, and 
returned to it again, after an interval of two years. On leaving the land where he 
first located, he removed about a mile further west, to a lot in the 7th Range, which 
is now owned by his son George. As stated oy .Mr. King, here he began to thrive, 
and, in time, possessed a fair competence. He was a man of intelligence, as well as 

reat energy-qualities which, combined, are very likely to secure success. He was 
married about the year] 834 to :\Iary Ann Bain, daughter of a bookbinder in the 
town of Forest, Scotland. He died in Sèptember, 1869, leaving three sons anà two 
Archibald, the eldest son, after two years spent in Illmb
ring, married 15th Sep- 
r, 1864, Mary, daughter of John Calder. In 1868, he bought the old farm near 
Dales ville, known as the McPhail farm, 200 acres, part of Lots 13 and 14 in the loth 
Range, and has since added to it 200 acres in the 11th Range. His farm is well 
stocked, and he is one of the intelligent farmers who has become well off by industry 
and thrift, without parsimony. The counsel and energy of an intelligent wife has, 
no doubt, contributed materially to his prosperity, His farm, noted for being the 
home of the Rev. D,l.l1iel I\f cPhail in his youth, has many points of picturesque 
scenery, Mr. Murdoch has been a School Commissioner several years, and also has 
been Chairman of the Board, and for a long time has been a Deacon of the Dalesville 
Hapti"t Church. Mr. and Mrs. Murdoch have five sons and six daughters living, 
yet they have experienced sad affliction. In November, 1887, their eldest son, 
Archil, aged 22, a young man universally r
spected, was killed by a fJlling tree in 
:\1 ichigan. His body \Vas sent home for interment, and the esteem in which he 
was held and the sympathy felt for his parents was, in a measure, evinced by the 
funeral cortege, in which eighty carriages followed his remains from the house. The 
parents have also lost another boy, aged eight, and a girl of three years of age. 

33 0 


George, the second son of Archibald Murdoch, sen" who has always lived on 
one part of the homestead, is also one of the enterprising and popular farmers of 
Chatham, He has added 100 acres to the 100 he received from the homestead, and 
keeps a large stock. He was married about 1872 to Betsy Marshall; in 1892 he 
was appointed Justice of the Peace. 
His brother, William Murdoch, wh.o received one-half of the paternal estate, on 
which he still lives, has added to it, until he now owns 325 acres, He was married 
"in December, 1872, to :\1 ary Conley of East Hawkesbury, 
The good buildings and comfortable circumstances of these brothers are a tacit 
rebuke to those who sagely repeat the expression, " Farming in this country does not 
At a short distance from Brownsburg post office, on the road leading to Lachute, 
are the wooJlen mills of the MORRISON BROTHERS, alld the saw mill of & Owens, 
which, with a number of dwellings, form a diminutive vill
ge, A creek which crosses 
the road here provides good water power for the mills, and the business done in 
former years, a::; well as at present, renders it a place of some little importance in the 
township. · 
Peter McOuat built a saw mill, where the wooll
n mill now stands, about I838
which passed through two or three hands, and finally came into possession of James 
McGregor, who erected a carding mill here about 1848. He sold out to \Villiam 
Foreman, who added a tannery to his business, and continued it till 1864, when he 
sold to Robt. Morrison, 
On the opposite side of the road, near these mills, a carding mill was trected by 
John Hutchins, but it did not long cOlltinue in operation. He then, about the year 
18 4 6 , built a saw mill, which was llllder the management of himself and son till 1884, 
when It was bought by Lane & Owens, and is still in their possession doing a good 
ROBERT MORRISON came from Paisley, Scotland, to Canada in 1845, and was 
married 31st October, 1828, \0 Euphemie Chapman. He first hired the woollen mill 
of Mr. Crooks, in Grenville, and, after having charge of it ten years, obtained a lease 
of a woollen mill in Hawkesbury îor five years. In 1864: as stated above, he bought 
the mills in Brownsburg, also a house and a few acres of land. The saw mill, which 
was of little value, soon fell into disuse, out he kept the woollen mill in successful 
operation till 1889, when he gave it to his two youngest sons, William and Albert. 
and moved to Lachute, where he died in December, 1891, He had four sons and 
three daughters, William and Albert, who own the woollen mill, have always 
followed the occupation in which they are now engaged. In t887, 22nd December, 
'Villia.m was married to Mary B, McGibbon. On the 7th November, 1890, their 
mill was burnt, but, with their characteristic energy, they at once set about rebuild- 
ing, and the new mill was in operation the following October. They manufacture 
flannels, tweeds, blankets and etoffes, and perform the ordinary custom work usually 
done in factories of this kind, They have added new and improved machinery, 
which, with their long experience, enable them to manufacture cloths of exceUent 
quality and appearance. 
Several of the family of l\1cOuats live at this place, and although it cannot with 
strict propriety be said that the name in this country is "legion," there are so many 
that, with pleasure, we transfer to these pages a sketch of the McOuats, which oppor- 
tunely came to hand. 
The author of the sketch evidently is one of the family, but his identity has not, 
as yet, been revealed, 
The most remote period at which dates can be given in the ancestral history 


33 1 

of the MCOUATS is fixed by the Montrose wars in Scotland, but from tradition and 
other evidence, it is clearly e.stablished 
hat they P?ssessed a valu
ble property kno...'n 
as the B
r?s of Clyde for eIght ge?eratIon
 prevIous to. that date, ther
 being only 
one SurvIVing son 111 each generatIon dUrIng all that time. The son of the eighth 
generation served for several years in a dragoon regiment under Lord \lontrose, 
At the close of the MOl
trose wars, he returned to his estate to find that, in the 
meantime, his father had died, and his mother again married, which led to a disagree- 
ment as to their respective rights in the property, with the result that the son was 
established on a leased farm named Almarrack, six miles farther north. 
His sons were John, James, \Villiam and \Valter; of these, all may be dropped 
except William, who was the fat
er of the original settlers of our family in Canada. 
The other brothers may be mentioned, only to show where the records of the parish 
registers may be found, if required. 
James leased a farm named "Craigvern," twenty miles from Glasgow; married 
Jean Edmond, by whom he had two sons and three daughters-John, \Yilliam 
Catherine, Elizabeth, and Marion. He leased another farm, named "Balfunnina,'
where he lived fourteen ye:HS, during which time his first wife died, He afterw:rd 
married another lady of the same name, Jean Edmond, by whom he had three sons 
and four daughters, viz., James, Peter, \Valter. Jean, Janet, Christian and Margaret. 
He lea
ed a third farm, and took his brother \Valter into partnership, leaving \Villiam 
at " Halfunning" farm. Coming back now to \Villiam, he married Janet Buchanan, 
daughter of a neighboring tenant farmer, by whom he had eight sons and five 
-three of the daughters died in youth. Of the eight sons, all except two 
carne to Canada, and settled in the County of ArgenteuiJ. 
Of the two who remained, Thomas, who was a cooper by trade, lived to an old 
age in Glasgow, where he has a son in the provision business. The other one, James, 
taught music for several years, afterwards going also to Glasgow, where he acted as 
bookkeeper and mining engineer in the working shaft of a coal mine. His wife, Jean 
McAllister, died at the birth of a daughter, the present 1\1rs. Nicol McKerricher of 
River Rouge, Argenteuil. Their only other child, a son, died when a year old, and 
James himself survived his wife only about eight months. All the property he ap- 
pear!? to have left was his instruments and library, which sold for about one hundred 
pounds sterling. 
The father of this large family died a few previom to the mother, who died 
in 1829, when the youngest child, David, was a little over nine years old. On the 
death of the mother, the home was broken up, John and \Valter having learned the 
mason trade, wrought for some years in GlasgO\v. \Villiam, after working with these 
two for a year or more, went to the Highlands to take charge of a lime works. Enter. 
ing the works in 1818, he remained in charge for thirteen years. Andrew, at the age 
of 17, was indentured to 1\11'. David Brim, builder of Glasgow, with whom he learned 
all the various branches of the trade, from common mason work to plastering, cornice 
cutting and moulding, lettering, mill stone building and architectural drafting, 
John came to Canada in 1830, Leaving \Villiam at Lachute and taking John 
with them, they proceeded to By town to work on a contr.lct for Mr. Thomas McKay, 
on the Rideau Canal. In June, 1831, while laying the last stone of a lock at Mud 
Lake, \Valter got his knee joint crushed, which resulted in his death, He was interred 
near Mud Lake, and a stone erected over hi') grave by the Government Staff. 
John and "Andrew, being seized with ague,. returned as speedily as possi
Lachute, and were unable to work during the remamder of that year, In 1832, WIlham 
and Andrew built a house for :\11'. John McRuer, and another, for Mr. Thos. Pollock, 
both of Hin Head, In 1833, they built a house for Mr. Colin Robertson at his 

33 2 


"Struan Farm." In 1834, Andrew bought his farm from Mr. Robertson (west half of 
Lot 7, 7th Range, of Chatham, aùout three miles from Lachute), agreeing to finish 
the ground flat of his farm house. This, together with about .L3 0 worth of work done 
ly, paici for hie; farm and left him a balance of 1:5. This farm-now one of 
the finest in the county-and which still bears many evidences of the skill and fore- 
sight of its original settler, was reclaimed by him from the primeval forest, without 
)lis using either axe or plow, but by judiciously exchanging skilled for unskilled 
In 18 35, \Villiam and Andrew contracted to build the Cedar Mills, and the fol- 
lowing year 'Yilliam built Mr. James McOuat's house on the north side of North 
Ri\.er, ab:we Lachute; and Andrew built a house for Mr. Wainwright at Cote du 
Midi, and uui!t the first house on his farm. During the winter, Andrew built a sett 
of "burr" for St. Andrews' Mills; in the spring of 1837, he built two pairs for 
McLaughlin of Ottawa. He went to Burlington in 1838, where he built three pairs 
" burr," and at various times afterwards put in seUs in the St. Andrews' Mills, St. 
Scholastique l\lills, the mills of Geo, Brown of Chatham, and several others. 
PETER MCOUAT, of whom iittle is s::Iid in the above sketch, came to Lachute in 
1820. He worked in different places and on leased farms a few years, and then 
went into the lumber woods up the Ottawa, but he cut his knee and had to return, 
His employer, to whom he had loaned all he had earned since coming to the country, 
also failed, and was unable to pay him anything till after the lapse of 20 years. 
Mr. McOuat now bought 90 acres of land in Lane's Purchase, and about 182 7 
was married to Margaret McOuat. He opened a lime-kiln here, which may still be 
seen on the land of the late John McGregor. An incident which occurred in con- 
nection with the kiln il1ustrates the hardships which people in those days frequently 
endured, as well as their physical ability to endure them, 
One day, in the absence of Mr. McOuat, a woman from a farm in the rear of 
Dalesville came to his house for a bushel of lime. As there was no man present, 
Mrs. McOuat went out with her, and helped to measure the lime, and put it into a sack. 
"Where is your horse?" she asked of the woman. 
" I have no horse," was the reply. 
" 'VeIl, but how are you going to take your lime home? " 
" On my back, indeed. 'Vhat is the price, please?" 
After regarding her for a moment in amazement, Mrs. McOuat replied: 
" My good woman, if you really mean to carry that lime home on your back, I 
think you will pay dearly enough for it; I will take nothing for it." 
Grateful for the kindness she had received, the woman, without thinking she was 
doing an extraordinary thing, took her load and departed for her home, eight or nine 
miles distant. 
In 18 37, Mr, McOuat took up 200 acres, Lot 8, Range 7, at Brownsburg, on 
which is the present house of his son 'Villiam, and later he bought 200 acres more, 
adjacent to it. He was an energetic and efficient business man, well known in diffe- 
r-::nt townships, He was extensively engaged in lumbering, and, besides erecting his 
own mills, he took contracts for erecting many others, as well as other buildings. He 
died 31st December, 1874; Mrs. McOuat died 4th September, 1871. They had 
four sons and five daughters. 
William, the eldest son, remained on the homestead, and, like his father, has taken 
many contracts for building as well as lumbering, He was employed on the first 
mill erected in Harrington and in Morin, and constructed the steeple of Henry's 
Church at Lachute. He was married, 9th January, 1862, to Mary Duddrifige, a 



l oí 1110st amiable and excellent qualities; she died in .\ugust, 18 7 I. They had 
SIX chIldren-two sons and four daughters; the two former died in infancy. Two of 
the. daughters, :J\Iary and Margaret, live with their father in a very pretty cottage 
whIch he erected on the homestead. Mr. 
IcOlIat has a retentive memory, and his 
fund of anecdotes-humorous or otherwise-relating to pioneer life would alone fill 
a volume. 
Contiguous to the home of \ViIliam McOuat is that of James, son of Andrew 
:.\IcOuat, noticed in the sketch above; the latter was married to Elizabeth Robson; 
he died 14 th December, (856. They had five sons and three daughters who arrived 
at maturity. James, the son who remained on the homestead, was married, 29 th 
February, 18 7 2 , to Jane McOuat. The homestead consisted of 100 acres at this 
place and 100 acres in a:1other Range, to which he has added 3 00 , making a fine 
farm of 5 00 acres. Mr. McOuat's enterprise and success in the agricultural line is 
interesting, and rarely equalled. He has a commodious brick house, equipped with 
modern conveniences, with all the outbuildings requisite for systematic dairying and 
farming. A new barn, with galvanized iron roof, which he has ju<;t erected, is 100 
by 43 feet in size, with stone basement, and manure and root cellars. It is supplied 
with both hot and cold water, which is brought from the house kitchen in I }{-inch 
gai pipes. \Vater is conveyed to the kitchen in 4-inch metal pipes. He also has 
another barn with tin roof, 30 x 40 feet in size. Mr. l\IcOuat believes in progressive 
farming, and adopts new systems and purchases new implements, only after he 
become well convinced that they are an improvement on the old ones. \Vhile 
adhering to this principle, he has become possessed of many agricultural implements, 
which indicate his determination to practise first-class farming. His brother, John, 
who is a man of influence here, resides on an adjacent farm, and with him lives 
his mother, who, though of very advanced age, has a clear recollection of the scenes 
through which she has passed, and graphically describes them. 
J OHN STEWART was one of the pioneers who settled in this section. He came 
from Perthshil e, Scotland, in 1830, or the following year, and about two years later 
bought 80 <:Iefes of Lot 6, in the 7th Range, to which he added 9 0 acres adjoining it, 
some years afrer\\' a rd. He \Vas a shoemaker, and followed this trade, although he 
cleaft:d up the land he had purchased; he died about the year 1881. He had four 
sons and three daughters who grew up. John, the eldest son, bought the homestead, 
and has since lived on it. In 1856, 19th July, he was married to Mary Ann Brown; 
she died 4 t h July, 1868, and he next married Elizabeth McLeod, 6th June, 18]2, 

fr. Stewart has fourteen children living, and has recently received a grant of 
100 acres of land from the Provincial Government. By ris first marriage he had 
seven children, but only five-three boys anti two girls-are living; by the second, 
he ha., fi\'e br>ys and four girJs. He has taken much inlerest in local affairs, and has 
served as School Commissioner 13 years, and Valuator 16 years; he is a staunch 
Patron of Inc l ustry. 


About two miles west of Brownsburg is a post office with the name of 

Iaple, which was established in 1881. The land in the vicinity, though stony, IS 
comparatively level, and there are m:my good farms hereabout. 
JA:\IES CALDER, a silk weaver from Paisley, Scotland, was one of the tirst who 
located here. He came to Canada with his brother John, in 1827, and bought 



15 0 acres of land in Lachute, which is no\\' owned and occupied by the family of 
the late James Pollock. Seven years sllbse.quen tly he sold it, and bought. 200. acr
of wild land-Lot 20, Range 8-at what IS now Mount Maple, and whIch IS stIll 
owned and occupied by his son James. - 
Mr. Calder's occupation had but poorly fitted him for the labors of a pioneer, 
and it is not surprising that he surrendered the chief part of such work-chopping, 
especiaJIy,-to his boys, and sought other means of earning money. He taught 
school in his own and in an adjacent district for five years. Soon after coming here, 
one morning the family found that their fire had gone out, and having neither flint nor 
spunk to kindle one, they had to send before breakfast to their nearest neighbor, two 
miles distant, to obtain it. Mr. Calder died 14th April, 1880 i Mrs. Calder died 
1St October, 1873. They had three sons and two daughtels who grew up. 
James, the youngest son, received one-half the homestead,-Ioo acres,-to which 
he has since added another 100 acres. He has himself cleared over sixty acres of 
this land, and now has a good, well-stocked farm, and good buildings. He is pleased 
to compare his present surroundings with what 
hey were when, a boy, he first came 
here. At that time there was neither a road nor a school anywhere near their farm, 
and now a good road passes along its northern boundary, a good school-house is 
convenient, and a post office equally near. 
Mr. Calder was married, 17th May, 1864, to Johanna Heatley. He has never 
sought municipal offices, though he has accepted that of Inspector of Roads and 
Bridges, holding it three different terms úf two years each. A recent copy of The 
Watchman announces the death of Mr. Calder. He died 16th March, 1896-a man 
highly respected, and his death was lamented by the entire community, 
In 1828, the year following Mr. Calder:s arrival in Canada, his sister and her 
husband, Patlick Gilmour, from Paisley, with their four children, arrived, and took up 
Lot 20, Range 8, near Dalesville. He lived here till about 1841, when he sold his 
farm and removed to Hawkesbury, Ont., and was engaged for thirteen years at his 
trade, that of weaver, when he returned to Chatham, and bought Lot 23, in the 8th 
Range, About 1883, he sold out again, and spent his remaining days at the home of 
his youngest daughter, Mrs. Samuel McLennan. He had (me son and three daughters 
who grew up. 
Margaret, the eldest daughter, was married to \Villiam 
1ùtt, 29 th April, 1845. 
He had been a soldier in the British service, enlisting at Chelmsford, England, 14th 
September, 1818, at the age of 17, in the 73rd Regiment of Foot. He served: 2 years 
and 3 months in the East Indies; 2 years and 7 months in Gibraltar; 4 years and 3 
months in Malta; 3 years and 10 months in the Ionian Isles; 2 years and 10 months 
in North America. He was in a company of soldiers sent from Montreal to Grande 
Brulé in 1837, and received his discharge soon afterward, after twenty-one years of 
service, in which he was commended for good character. A year pr
vious to his 
marriage he bought, in this part of Chatham, the west half of Lot 2 I, 8th Range, to 
which his family, since his death, have added the other half. He died 29th N ovem- 
bel, 1866, at the agt of 94. He had seven ch ildren -two sons and fi ve daughters. 
Joseph, the elder son, and Maggie, the youngest daughter, live on the homestead 
with their mother, engaged in successful farming. Maggie Mott has spent ten years in 
teaching, having received her diploma in 1879. 
MRS, DAVID \V ARWICK is Postmistress at :Mount Maple. Her father, James 
)IcKenzie, from Morayshire, Scotland, came to Lachute about the year 1834. A 
) ear later, he took up 200. acres in the 8th Range of Chatham, which he sold seven 
years later, and bought 300 acres in the same Range a little farther west, on which 
he lived until his death in November, 1869; his wife died in 1875. They had six 
chi]åren-three of each sex. 



Jane, the second daughter, was married, 9th January, 1857, to David, son of 
John \Varwick, one of the pioneers of Chatham. Before his marriage, Mr. \Varwick 
had bought 3 00 acres in the 7th Range-a part of which is still owned and occupied 
by his widow. He was appointed Postmaster at Mount 1viaple in 1881, when the 
office was established; he was also School Commissioner several years. He died 29 th 
December, 1882, and Mrs. \Varwick was appointed Postmistress. 
Though but a child at the time, Mrs, \Varwick has a keen recollection of the 
exciting events of the Rebellion of 1837. Her father had a large Newfoundland dog 
-a fine watch dog-and so strong was the faith of the neighbors in his sagacity to 
warn them of the approach of foes and to protect them, that the women, during the 
greatest excitement, often spent a night at Mr. McKenzie's house, that gentleman, as 
well as their own husband,-, being away with the Volunteers. Mrs. McKenzie would 
not allow a light in the house after dark, fearing that it would be more certain to 
attract foes than friends. Her husband returned home unexpectedly one night, and, 
after quieting the dog, entered the house, only to fall over some one sleeping on 
the kitc"jen floor, The accident awakened others, who, at once, set up cries of terror, 
under the impression that the rebels had made their long expected raid. Mrs, 
McKenzie tremblingly struck a light and repaired to the kitchen, when, instead of 
meeting blood-thirsty foes, she found her husband trying to extricate himself from the 
crowd on the floor. 
Mrs. \Varwick has had eight children, all daughters; four of whom are now 
living-three of them, married, live in Chatham. Clara, her youngest daughter, 
received a diploma in 1893 for teaching, and has since been in charge of a school. 
James McKenzie, a brother of Mrs. \Varwick, who now lives with her, has a 
farm on Manitoulin Island, in Lake Superior, and has lived there for many years, 
JOHN \V ARWICK came from Dublin to this country at an early date, and, after living 
in Quebec a while, came to Chatham and took up land, which is now owned and 
occupied by George Martin and \Vm. Forester. He engaged as pilot on one of the 
boats plying the Ottawa, and died from cholera in 1832, He had three SO!lS and one 
daughter. John, the youngest son, married Mary Murdoch, and about the year 18 5 2 
bought a farm of 100 acr
s in this locality, which is now owned and occupied by 
his son, \Villiam J. \Varwick; but he died a few years subsequently. Three of his 
sons and one daughter grew up. \Villiam J. was married 4th September, 1884, to 
Elizabeth Warwick. He has since added to the original estate, until he now has a 
fine farm of 2[0 acres, the most of which is level and in a good state of cultivation. 
His land produces good crops and sustains a large stock, which is well protected 
by commodious buildings, the main barn being 80 x 46 feet in size. 
Among other fine f.'ums in this section is that of DAVID BLACK. \Vm. Black, his 
father, came from Dunfermline, Fifeshire, Scotland, and settled at St. Scholastique, 
County of Two-Mountains, on a farm of 166 acres, the greater 
art of whicI
 he and 
his son David cleared up, He died there 23rd April, 1844. DavId was marrIed 2Jrd 
December, 1853, to Sarah Vart. He lived on the homestead, located at what is now 
known as St. Canute, and for several years was a member of the School Board and the 
Municipal Council. In 1881, he sold his farm there, and bought 200 acres of .I.ots 
18 and J 9 in the 6th Range of Chatham. !Ie has cleared 
nan y acres of thIS, of 
stumps and bushes, and made many other l.mproveI?ents 'Ylllch. port
ay Ius energy 
and skill as an agriculturist. Besides enlargmg and lmprovmg 11ls resIdence, he has 
erected a barn 100 x 30 feet, a cow stable 100 x 18 feet, a horse stable 45 x .zS feet, 
and a granary 40 x 20 feet. He has 32 head of cattle, 9 horses and 34 sheep, and 

33 6 


besides the usual fanniFlg implem
nts, such as a mower, horse-rake, seeder, horse-fork, 
etc., he has a threshing mill, circular wood saw, self-binder, straw cutter and proven- 
der mill. The fact, that in little more than a decade he has brought a neglected and 
half cultivated farm into so good a condition, and made it pay for such improvements, 
is strong evidence of his enterprise and skill in management. In 1894, he took the 
first prize for the best managed farm, and a prize on clover. 
1\1r. Black has nine children--four sons and five daughters. Robert, the third 
son, who lives on the homestead, was married 25th April, 1894, to Ellen Pollock. 


In his annals of this place, the Rev. :Mr. King says :-" This section should have 
been left to wild animals, and as hunting gronnd fer the Indians, as it is evident 
Nature never intended it to be an agricultural country, and that any population seeking 
to live here by agriculture must be a poor one." 
The one who, for the first time, visits this section, and looks around on the rough 
land thickly strewn wÍlh boulders, will imagine that there is much truth in l\1r. King's 
remark. He will feel, too, that there is peculiar significance in the name- Dales- 
ville-until he learns that there is no relation between the name and the physical 
features of the place-for there are as many dales and hills to the square mile here as 
can be found in almost any other place in the Province. But a more intimate 
acquaintance with the place and its inhabitants will convince him that both his own 
first impressions of it and those of the reverend clergyman were erroneous. 
The fact that, in this rough, inhospitable-looking place, men have reared large 
families, and surrounded them with all the comforts that others in more favored 
places enjoy, is only additional evidence of what perseverance under difficullies may 
A ride along any of the roads leadin s to Dalesville affords one but a very narrow 
view of its population, or of the farms It includes, for the best of the latter and the 
greater number are entirely hidden by intervening hills and forests. 
Let any public meeting be announced which affects the moral, social or peculJiarr 
interests of the inhabitants, and from every point of compass will gather a bûdy of 
men as speedily as ever clan responded to the summons of its chieftain" in the High- 
lands of Scotland, The stranger who has spent a day or two in this little hamlet, and 
noticed the quiet that reigns, will naturally wonder whence all these people come; 
but he will even tually learn that the vari(,us roads which branch off here and there 
from the main rcad all lead back to well settled districts. 
The people, also, who come to public meetings have not the appearance of those' 
in perpetual conflict with want, but well clad, with good horses, respectable vehicles, 
many of which are covered buggies-they give evidence that the days of early struggles 
with penury, happily, have long since passed. This indication of prosperity is enhanced 
by a visit to their homes-plain, indeed, in exterior, but within plenty abounds-the 
crops, the flocks and herds of his rough but fertile and wide-spreading acres enabling 
the farmer, from a well-filled board, to dispense genuine hospitality-the delight of 
the Dalesville household. 
The first settler at Dalesville was DONALD :\lcKERRICHER, from Glenlyon, Perth- 
shire, Scotland. He carne some time between 1820 and lð25, and, no doubt, attracted 



to this section by its resemblance to the hills and glens of his native shire, he took 
up Lot 17, 111 the loth Range. .For three weeks he pursued his labor here in the forest 
with no neighbors nearer to him than Lachute, when one day he heard the sound of an 
axe in the woods adjacent. Astonished, yet no doubt g1ad to know that some 
other human being was near, he repaired to the Spot whence the sounds proceeded, 
and found a man !lamed John ::\IcGibbon, who had come from his own native place, 
GlenIyon, PerthshIre, and taken up Lot 16, loth Range, adjoinir g his own. Soon after 
the advent of these two pioneers came two brothers, Peter and John McFarlane, 
and about the same time also came Archie and John Mc..\rthur. Among others 
who scon followed were Peter and Alexander McGibhon, Malcolm McGregor, John, 
Hugh and Duncan McCallum, Donald and Duncan ::\IcPhail-all fram Glenly.on. 
 came to Lachute in 1820, and lived thele a few years before 
settling on the lot above named. That he was a man of public spirit is inferred from 
the promptness with which he put an end to dissatist
lction and differences among his 
neighbors concerning the land for a graveyard. Having learned that this was a 
cause of dissension, he promptly offered to give the land requisite for this purpose, 
and the offer being accepted, several men soon after collected, rolled off the logs. and 
e prepared the land for the interment of the dead; this was the beginning of 
the present graveyard, 
:Mr. McGibbon was a Christian man, and was vcry earnest in his efforts to do 
good-often preaching in private houses before the erection of the Baptist Church, 
and after that he held service in the church when thel e was no minister present, He 
died comparatively young, and the day of his funeral was a solemn one in Dalesville, 
-work was wholly suspended. He lived here till his death, March, 1831. He had 
eight sons and two daughters. The homestead was divided between two of the eldest 
sons-Finley and Peter. The Jatter married Elizabeth Brown, of Glengarry, Onto 
and remained on his farm till fie died, 19th November, 188 4. They had seven 
children-four sons and three daughters. John, the eldest son of the familv, in 
18 75, bought 3 00 acr
s on the adjacent 1 (th Range, 011 which he now resides, This 
land was first granted to Stewart Ovens, who had been a British soldier, 
in his graphic pen pictures of carJy 
ettlers at Dalesville, says :_ 
"Then there was Sergeant Ovens and his little wif
1 R.lchel. .\ nurtiallooking 
man was the Sergeant, as he proudly raised his head, stood en-'ct and elevated his voice, 
to reJate hIs experience on battlefields in Sp:1Ïn; he had been in sixteen battles, 
s<::veral skirmishes, without receiving a wound." He also received a pensIOn, I.n 
addition to the land granted him j he Jived 0/1 this land till his death, After hIs 
decease, hi:; widow removed to Ontario, with their two sons and d:mghter, 
John l\IcGibbon, who now owns the Ovens farm, married, loth ::\Iay, 1881, Isabell:! 
Hairshaw, and is one of the industrious and prOSI)erOUs yeomanry of this section. 
Of the cemetery mentioned above, .Mr. King thus writes:- 
" That hurying-ground has become a very interesting place; in it, aI?d in tl
c J!ves 
of those who rest there, may be read a history of the Settlement from I.ts begmmng, 
near half a c
ntury ago. There was laid there, not Jong ago, the remams of a 
close on 90 years of ag
. He was an Irishman named Kerr, who had been a so.ld
and fought the French in Egypt, under .Abercrombie, He had nevcr been a Chnsuau 
till a short time before his death, when he was converted and died happy." 
'William, another son of Peter McGibbon, was married 30th October, 187.8, to MJ.ry 
Lothian. He had previously been in Nevada, and, after his marri.lge, agJ.1I1 spent a 
few years there, in the lumber busines
. He returned in the f.'111 of I. .13, and settled 

33 8 


near the old homestead on 200 acres, L'lt IS, Range 9, which is generally known as the 
'" McFadane Lot," a good farm, and it sustains a large stock. In 1890, he erected 
an attractive-looking and commodious dwelling, which is shared with his mother. 
The above was written more than a year ago, lñe lYatchma1l (Lachute) of March 
19th. 1896, contains the following :-" As anticipated in last issue in announ. 
cing the death of \1 rs. 'Vm. .McGibbon of Dalesvilie, the separation between 
hushand an I wife was not long. Mrs. McGibbon died on Saturday and her husband 
passed away on the following Friday. This is one of the saddest bereavements ever 
known in this district. Seven small and comparatively helpless children are left 
without fath
r or mother. Sympathy can do but little in such a trial. The funeral 
took place on Saturday last, Rev. Mr. Creswell conducting the services in the 
Baptist church. " 
Peter J. McGibbon, a ùrother of those named abo\'e, on leaving the homestead, 
spent four years in ::\lichigan, and after his return lived three years on the homestead 
with his mother, of whom he bought one-half of it. He was muried 2nd May, 1888, 
to Catherine, daughter of Alexander Calder. He has boubht, since his first purchase, 
200 acres, Lot IS, Range 10, known as the" Malcolm McGregor Farm. " His present 
quantity of stock, and the thrift and energy he displays, augur a prosperous future. 
A!exander, another brother of the above, has recently returned to Dalesvil1e 
from Michigan, where he has spent some years in lumbering. 
Finlay, the eldest son of John McGibbon, removed with his wife from this sec. 
tion to Lachute a few years ago; two of their sons, Archie and Peter, proprietors of 

IcGibbon's :\Iills, living there. This aged couple, who were highly respected, 
passed away in the fall of 1895. 
.\lexander, the third son of John McGibbon, also a man highly esteemed, has 
made his home for the past few years in Lachute, 
Of Malcolm McGregor, mentioned above, and his wife, Mr. King thus speaks: 
"' :\Ialcolm had been for a number of years a deacon in the church. He died an 
old man, full of years, and had the pleasure of seeing all his children, and some of his 
grandchildren, professing an interest in Christ. One of his grandsons is a preacher 
of the Gospel, and two of his daughters are married to ministers. Malcolm's end was 
peace, and they buried him beside his wife in the burying-ground on the hill." He 
died 29th Aprii, J 869, at the age of 86. His wife died a few years previous, 
:\Ir. King says: CIA woman of whom it might truly be said, she was a mother in Israel. 
Her delight was to see the cause of Christ prosper, She had great care over the young, 
gave them much kindly advice, and they all loved her, Though sickly in her latter 
days, and unable to attend the church, she was, for all that, a pillar of strength in it; 
the afternoon meetings were often held in her house, anj the young people would 
gather round her chair, to get a shake of her hand and a few kind, cheering words." 
_\RCHIBALD MACARTHUR, one of the pioneers of this section, was a man of marked 
individualiïy of character, and his descendants are noted for enterprise and ability, 
He came to this country from Glenlyon, Perthshire, Scotland, in 1819. 
His only language was Gaelic, and when he arrived in Montreal he found it 
difÞcult both to undel'stand and to render his id
as intelligible to others. L
howevt:f, that there were two Highland families in Lachine, named Fraser and Grant, 
he went thither, and engaged to work for Grant at $5 per month. Rut Mrs. ::\IcMartin, 
a relative of his, who lived in St, Andrews on the River Rouge, hearing that he 
was in Lachine, went there and took him to her home. Induced by the offer of 
$8.00 a month, he engaged to work for 
1r. McMartin. Mr. Dewar, of " l3ellevue," 
Carillon, however, a few weeks later, offered him $12.00 to work for him in haying- 
an offer too ttmpting to be refused. He had learned the blacksmith's trade in 




Scotland, and the next fall he engaged to Flynn, a blacksmith of Lachute, for 75 
cents per day. . He worked a year, and all,Hved Flynn to keep his entire wages 

t 6 per cent. mterest. At or near the end of the second year, Fh"nn became 
Insolvent, and the young Scotchman lost all he had earned. But his was not a 
nature to be easily discouraged, and in the winter he went with the Dewars to 
the lumber woods on the Lièvre to learn to chop. In the spring he came down with 
a raft, and soon afterwards accepted a grant of 200 acres, in Chatham in the 
12th Range. On going to see it, however, he found that his nearest neighbo; would 
be miles distant, hence he left the land, and for $60 bought 200 acres of a man named 
Douglas, at what is now Dalesville. Here he began the struggles of a pioneer. 
He was married 23rd November, 1822, to Margaret Stewart. Some years after he 
had settled here, and when he was comparatively well off as regards property, 
Mrs. McDougall, an aunt of his wife, from Indian Lands, visited them, and 
censured him severely for settling on such rough, stony, rock-bound land, and, 
finally, offered to sel1 him 200 acres of her own land, in Osg00de, for $[20. 
He paid her tht money without seeing the land, and shortly after, without selling his 
farm at Dalesville, went to Osgoode and built a shanty, But, in doing this, he ex- 
hausted the supply of provisions he had taken with him. and, as he could not pur- 
chase any in Osgoode, not even milk, nor find any water on his newly purchased estate, 
he decided to sell it, and returned in disgust to Dalesville. Not many years later he 
sold his land in Osgoode for $800, and bought 200 acres more near his home farm. 
Like most of the early settlers, he suffered losses from the raids of wild animals, 
At one time wolve.. were killing many sheep at Dalesville, and 1\1r. MacArthur was 
warned by his neighbors th,lt he must shut up his sheep or they would be killed, 
1'ot acting promptly on this advice, that night the wolves killed eleven of them. 
1\Ir. MacArthur died 1st February, 1878; Mrs. MacArthur, 29th May, 1882. They 
had eleven child. en-four sons and seven daughters; the former and five of the 
latter are still living. 
Peter, the eldest of the sons, in April, 1845. went to 
fontrea', and engaged 
as clerk. The following year, he went with the firm by which he was employed 
to Perth, Ont., and remained there till May, 1849. In August following, he 
opened a store in Dalesvtlle-the first one started here, and has continued to trade 
here ever since, with the exception of eight years, when he lived in Perth, having 
rented his store to his son. He was married 15th 
Iay, 1849, to Nancy Stone; 
she died 20th 
lay, 1888. l\fr. MacArthur was appointed Postmaster here, in [854, 
when the the post ûffice was established, and he still holds the position. lIe has 
b;:;en Municipal Councillor and School Commissioner a number of years, and has 
ecretary-Treasurer of No.2 Schooll\] unicipality of Chatham,thirty-eight ye
During the forty-se\'c'n years that he has been engag
d in business, he has expenen- 
ced some of the vicissitudes of fortnne, yet he has been universally respected, and 
to-day cúmmands the esteem of his fellow-citizens as a relia.ble business man. He 
has, in hi:; business transactions, dealt to some extent in real estate, and, at pre- 
sent, owns 1668 acres in Chatham, and 

OO in \V entworth. . . 
His brother, REV. ROBERT STUART ì\IAC.-\RTHt;R, D. D., is a'man m whom his 
countrymen, as well as his family, may well feel pride. 
He was converted at the age of nine, and at thirteen years join

 the chur
h of 
his mother, When only sixteen he was accustome
 to c?nduct re
lglOus meetmgs, 

nd spoke to the people with an unction, force and IIHelhgel.1ce \
lllch foresh
the coming di\.ine. He prepared for college. at t
le Canadian Llter.ary Institute at 
'Voodstock, Ont,: was graduated at the Ul1I\perslty of Rochester m 1867. and at 

34 0 


the Rochester Theological Seminary in 1870. As a scholar he took high rank, and 
was especially distinguished for oratorical power. During his Theological course in 
the Rochester Theological Seminary-where he won distinction as a thinker and a 
writer-he supplied different pulpits, and became well known as an effective serm:m- 
izer. After receiving and declining flattering and enthu<'iastic invitations to other 
pastorates, he decided to accept the unanimous call of the Calvary Baptist Church of 
New York city, which was extended to him on 25th February, 1870. Immediately 
upon his graduation from the Seminary he went to Calvary church: and began his 
official services, and from that time until the present he has labored without cessa- 
tion, The degree of D.D. was conferred l1pon him by the University of Rochester 
in 1880. For nearly twenty-five years Dr. MacArthur has filled his present position, 
and the success which has attended his ministry durir,g this time has been pheno- 
menal. When he assumed the pastorship of Calvary church the congregation was 
small, and all church interests were in a waning condition. In a short time, I here 
were signs of improvement and of advancement along al1 lines under his active 
ministry, Not only did the audiences increase, but very soon the finances of the 
church were much improved. Large offerings were made for benevolent objects; 
one offering for Home & Foreign Missions amou
Hing to the amazing sum of 
$7 1 ,000. From the commencement of his labors to the present time, there has been 
extraordindfY growth in numbers and financial strength. The edifice in which his 
people now worship- a magnificent structure on 57th Street, betwl en 6th and 7 th 
Avenues-is the m03t costly church that was ever erected by Bavti<;ts on this 
continent, During his ministry of nearly twenty-five years, the church has given for 
beneyolent and missionary purposes more than two million dollars. 
Dr. Mac.\rthur has proved, during his ministry, that great congregations can be 
gathered and held without the use of sensational methods, and by preaching simply 
the gospel of Jesus Christ. In the membership of his church there are hundreds of 
men and women of wealth, culture and intelligence j in the same membership there 
are the poor, who are recognized and made as welcome as the rich. Pastor and 
people believe in a Christianity which reaches and blesses all cla'>Ses in the com- 
munity. By pen and by voice the pastor speaks upon all social, economic and 
national questlOJH, believing that the Gospel means the salvation and purification of 
every form of life. During his pastorate Dr, Mac.-\rthur has received into the church 
over 3000 per:;ons ; its present membership i.i over 2000. The influcnce of this great 
church reaches out in every direction; and its pastor, Dr. R. S. l\Iac:\nhur, i.. widely 
known as one of the most eminent and popular divines in the American pulpit, 
 MACARTHUR, another brother, búught. in 1850, a farm of 200 acres, near 
the homestead, on which he still resides, and the greater part of which h
 has himself 
cleared and brought to a state of cultivation, which enables him to keep a good 
ock, He was married 27th June, 1855, to Elizabeth Dewar, from Scotland. 
Archie, their sec nd son, a graduate of McGill, is now principal of the !\[0unt 
Royal School. 
:\Ir. :\lacAnhur well recollects the (;hopping out of the present road, in J 838, 
leading from Hrownsburg to Dalesvi11e. Previous to this, in c0ming from Lachute, 
the settlers had followed concession lines, which were all marked by blazed tree
ARCHIE MACARTHUR, third son of the pioneer of the sam
 name, spent a few 
years .in California, and after returning, married 8th April, 1868, Catherine 
She died about five years later, and he then married Christina McGibbon, 22nd Septem- 
ber, 1874. 
oon after his first marriage he bought a farm of 200 acres at Brown's Wharf, 
Pl.ant.agenet, Ont., where he resid
d twcnty years, and during quite a portion of 
this tIme he was a member of the Board of Health and chairman cf the Board of 


34 1 

School Commissioners, He \Vas quite an extensive dealer in wood nearly all the 
time he resided there, and afler selling hIS farm, about 1882, his time was confined to 
the wood traffic, Having purchased the claims of the other heirs to the paternal 
homestead in Dalesville, he removed to it in 1889, ar d still resides here. 
Of his sisters, Catherine, the eldest, the widow of John Loggie, live.., in Glen- 
garry,Ont. Elizabeth, the widow of E. Hendrie, lives in London, Ont., and Annie 
Elizabeth, married to Daniel !\I cKerricher, resides in the same city. J essie, married 
to Duncan 1\1cISerricher, liv
s in California. Jane, married to John McGregor, 
lives on the RIver Rouge, In St. Andrews. 
DANIEL DALE, ,e good old Dan Dale," as )[r. King speaks of him, came to Pt. 
Fortune from Belfast, Ireland, in the year 1818. Some years later, about 182 9 or 
18 3 0 , he moved to Dalesville, where he soon afterward erected a saw mill. About 
18 3 8 . he also built a grist mill ; they were the first mills here, and though simple and 
crude, compared with the mills of the present day, they were a great blessing to the 
settlers, the grist mill especially, saving, as it did, many a weary trudge and back 
load to the pioneers, The saw mill was subsequently destroyed by fire, and a new 
one built; but the grist mill, remodeled and improved, is still doing good work. 
These mills are now the property of JOHN CAMPBELL, a sketch of whose ancestors 
is given in the history of Lachute. 
Mr. Campbell, who has spent much of his life in lumbering and jn mills, was 
married in 186 3 to Christine, daughter of .James Dewar. After living in Harrington 
two years, where he had a saw mill and grist mill, he purcha
ed the mills and 100 
acres of land in Dalesville, with which he has been engaged many years. He has 
pllt in a circular saw and a planer, and does an active business, sawing between two 
and six thousand logs annually, and always having a large quantity of lumber of 
various kinds on hand. His grist mill also receives the patronage of a large section 
of country-one season 14,000 bushels of oats being brought to this mill from Gore. 
1\1r. Campbell is a man of influence in this place, and has been a Municipal 
Councillor and School Commissioner several years, and is nmv Chairman of the 
School Hoard. He is a staunch supporter of the Baptist Church, and is now a 
Deacon. He has eight sons and three daughters j three of the former are married. 
iORROW and three of his brothers came from Ireland to Can.\da about 
18 3 0 ; two of them settled in Hawkesbury, Ont., and \Villiam and the other located on 
adjoil11ng lots at Dalesville. PrevIOus to thi
, however, \V.lIiam was employed two 
years by Commissary Gen. Forbes of Carillon, and he then took up the west half of 
Lot 16, Range I I, in Chatham, and some years later became proprietor of the other 
half of the same I.ot. He died here about the year 1847; his wife died 2lSt .\ugust, 
18 77 After the death of her huc;hand, 
lrs. Morrow experienced much 
orrow and 
many hardships. Her eldest son liveJ with his grandmother in H,l\vk sbury, and her 
eldest daughter was helpless. Her house was burnt, and she then moved into the 
barn; SOOI1 afterward, she, one day. Iwarò the timbers cracking, and seiÚng her invalid 
daughter, she had barely escaped from the door, when the barn fell with a crash. In 
her desIJondency, she sometimes threw herself on the grave of her hu-;band, praying 
for deliverance by death from her great trouhles. Rut He who ne\"cr permits 
affliction without a wise purpose had stiJl work for her to do, and strength and 
ability were given her to rear her family, and in after she enjoy, ù the comforts 
of which she had heen so long deprive, I. It was no unusual thing for her to w.llk to 
Lachute, about eight miles distant, and carry a pail of butler, and 
lr. \forrowoften 
brought 100 Ibs. of flour on his vack flOm the mill at TIrowllsburg.. Thc
 had three 
sons and two daughters, the younger SOilS, Hugh and rhOm,lS, hemg tWill... Hugh 

34 2 


bought out the other heirs, and remained on the homestead, though he worked 
nine winters in the lumber woods. He was married 26th January, 1874, to Janet 

cFaul, and in 1881, he bought the claims of Ihe other heirs to the Mcl<aul home- 
stead- 200 acres-and subsequently purchased 200 acres more, for all of which he 
has paid with money made from his falm. 1\1r, Morrow i
 a striking example of 
thrift and industry, and generously acknowledges the credit due Mrs. .Morrow for 
the help she has contributed towards their proslJerity. In her younger days, Mrs. 
Morrow had an opportunity of vi
iting Italy, Switzerland, and other countries of 
Europe, and the facts with which her mind is stored concerning the renowned places 
visited attest that her time was well improved. 
DONA.LD DEWAR, from Aberfeldy, Perthshire, Scotland, came to Dalesvil1e with 
his parents and four sisters in 1854. Though a shoemaker by trade, he owns 100 
acres of land at Dalesville, and since 1860 has devoted his time chiefly to farming; 
he is esteemed for his sobriety, industry and honest principles. He was married 261h 
January, 1889, to Margaret Robertson, from Glenlyon, Scotland. His father, James 
Dewar, who Jived with him, died in July, 1870, at the age of 88. His mother, who 
was a sister of the elder Archie McArthur, died 22nd November, 1888. 
TOINE BRUNET, who can boast of a progeny of nineteen children, i5 a citizen 
of this place. He was born at Belle Rivière, and came to Lachute in 1853, where 
he attendee! school some time, and then engaged as clerk to R. J. Meikle, with 
whom he remained eighteen years. Having learned the cooper's trade of his father 
in his boyhood, he now opened a shop in Lachute, but in about two years he was 
appointed baggageman at the railway station at Lachute, which position he held 
twelve years. After that, he lived five years 1n Arundel, where he followed his 
trade, and then in 1893 removed to Dalesville. He has been twice married: first, 
in July, 1862, to l\Iarceline La Belle, of St. Andrews; she died in 1879; and 8th 
September, 1889. he was married to Catherine !\1cAuliffe. Of his mi:1.ny children, 
but four are now living. 
CHARLES VARY was born in Lanarkshire, Scotland, 8th March, 1822 ; in 1844, 
though strongly opposed by his family and friends, he came to this country. He was 
first employed as clerk for a lumber company, anù while thus engaged in New 
Glasgow, Moses \Villiams, a foreman, invited him to accompany him to his home in 
Lancaster, Glengarry, and there he formed the acquaintance of his sister, Amerilla 
"Williams, to whom he was married 3rd February, 1848. Mr, Vary afterwards engaged 
in teaching, and followed this occupation some time in Glengarry. On account of 
ill-health, howe\'er, he decided to engage in farming, and with this object he settled 
on a lot in \Ventworth, on Lake Louisa. He lived there eight years, experiencing 
great hardships from the absence of roads, and having to cross the lake every time 
he found it necessary to leave home. He therefore came to Chatham, and after 
teaching a few months at Dalesvil1e, he settled on a half lot in the 12th Range, where 
his widow still lives. 
1\1r. Vary was a man of intelligence, and was much respected. He was a mem- 
ber of the Municipal Council and the Board of School Commissioners several years; 
he took the census of the County two or three times, and for some time was Secretary- 
Treasurer of the Council and School Board, He died 15th December, 1893. During 
the last two years of his .life he was blind, and, as he had always been a great reader, 
SlJme member of his famIly, after this affliction, was often engaged in reading to him, 
He had four sons and fi ve daughters, bu t ouly three of the latter are now living. 
The other c
ildre.n are married, save the youngest son, Alexander, who lives on the 
homestead wIth hIS mother. 



Another family of pioneer3 is thus mentioned in the writings of the Rev. 
King when he was stationed at Notfield. 
" Tidings carne lately from DalesviIle, of the death of Arthur ::\1cArthur son of the 
big miller of Glenlyon. He was one of the first settlers in the rear of Ch;tham he 
and his br<?ther Duncan, with their sister Margaret, located five miles east of '1 he 
Chapel. Arthur and Margaret never married; Arthur was for a løng time in posses- 
sion of the hope of eternal life, and entertained Baptist sentiments, but for some 
reason never joined the church. He was a man who lived a very quiet and inoffen- 
sive life, sustaining a good character, Since his death, Archibald, the only son of 
Duncan, on whom his father, aunt and sister depended, has been removed hy death' 
it is to be hoped he died in the Lord. His death was a duuble affliction, since h
was the only earthly dependence of those mentioned. Such are the ways of the 
Lord, and who can comprehend them? I, 


In giving a history of this church, we have thought proper to copy brgely from 
the writings of Mr. King. He left with ::\1r. G. F. Calder, of 1he lV(.1tch1/l11Il, two 
volumes of MSS., of which that gentleman has kindly given us the use. This manu- 
script contains not only a history of the Dalesville church, but of his own life and 
travels, from the period when he was about leaving Scotland up to the later )ears of 
his life. It has been our desire to use only such portions of the l\1SS. as show the 
condition uf different churches and communities where he labored, the progress of the 
country, and the lives of individuals who were wOlthy examples to others. 
If he was Baptist in his views and sentiments, ::\Ir, King was very popular 
wherever known, and we are sure that many will read with interest the reminiscences 
of one who was so much respected and beloved. 
" Mr. King was born of Presbyterian parents in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1819' 
At the age of ten he was sent to learn the lapidary trade with an uncle who kept a 
shop on Princess street. These were the days in which the powerful and evangelical 
preaching and teaching of the Haldane brothers were permeating Scotland, especially 
its capital. 
"Through the influence of John Terbot, a companion, young King \Vas persuaded 
to attend the Baptist meeting on Niddery street, where, according to his o\\n \Vords, 
his mental eyes were opened; he saw himself in a new light, and was enquiring what 
he must do to be saved. In a few days, he was led to understand the new birth, and 
was resting his hope of salvation on Christ alone. Through the teaching of John 
Terbot's father, young King was led to study the subject of believer's baptism, as was 
found in the \Vord of God, and at the age of seventeen he was baptized by Pastor 
Robert Anderson, and united with the church. He was gifted with a remarkablc 
memory, read much, especially the Bible, and Etored away a large stock of usefu I 
knowledge. which became of much practical value to him in after life. . 
" He began to exercise his gifts in the church, and made known to many 111 the 
by-ways and lanes of the city the way of salvation through Chri!:.t," 
The above account of his early history is taken from a 
1emorial Sermon, 
preached by the Rev. John Higgins in p<tlesville, .1 ith September
 1893' fhe rt.main- 
ing part of his biography is drawn chiefly from his own manuscript. _ 
'Vhile 1\Ir, King was traveling about. E
inbllrgh and otlyer places III Scotland, 
engaged in evangelistic work, he was not mdlfferent to the h1St
)fY of thos
visited, and in later years, published several well-written articles, descnpu \l: and 



historical, of St. Andrews, Glasgow, Falkirk, Kirkaldy, etc. Not long after beginning 
his labors as an Evangelist, in speaking of mcetings held in Bristow Street Church, 
Edin burgh, he says:- 
" One week day evening there entered the pulpit, along with one of the Elders, an 
aged man, whom I had never seen before. He was venerable in appearance, bald- 
headed with a ruddy complexion. 'Vhen he rose to speak, it was soon discovered 
that he' was no ordil
ary man; it was evident that hc had not studied in the divinity 
hall, yet nature had bestowed on him a great gift. He was one of nature's noblemen 
-his theme was missionary work; the duty of Christians to send the Gospel to those 
who were perishing in their SillS. Then he told us he was from Canada, from the 
banks of the Ottawa; he described the greatness of the country: the hardships 
endured by the settlers in the baclc. woods, and their destitution of the Gospel. 
How that many had lived there a long time without hearing a sermon, and that 
young people had been born there, grown up to be men and women, without 
having seen the face of a minister of the Gospel. He said he had been sent to 
Britain by the Baptist Missionary Society, for the purpose of procuring men and 
money-men to preach, and money to sustain them. His heart seemed full to 
overflowing with his subject. This aged man was the Rev. John Edwards, or, 
as he was caned in Edinburgh, the' Canadian Farmer: He was a Scotchman 
from the Shire of Moray. * * * He emigrated to Canada in 1822, and settled 
in Clarence on the banks of the Ottawa, where, after a few years, a chUich was 
formed, of which he became pastor. The discourse of this aged servant of God 
in Bristow street made a great impression on my mind. Of money I had little, but, 
then, mcn were wanttd. The thought passed through my mind, might not I go to 
Canada? might not I devote myself to mission work? This thought did not leave 
me, but under its impulse, I found myself, some time afterward: on board the good 
ship 'l\1ohawk,' in company with Mr. Edwards and the Rev. John Girdwood, con- 
tending with the waves of the A tlantic, on our way to the new world." 
It was some months after first meeting Mr. Edwards and promising to return 
with him to Canada, that they embarked on the "Mohawk," during which time Mr, 
Edwards continued his missionary work. At Anstruther, where he had tor some 
time labored, a number of the brethren thought he should break his eng.lgement with 
Mr. Edwards and stay where he was, saying that ,. charity should begin at home, 
and the Gospel was as much needed in Anstruther as in Canada." " But finding 
my mind made up to go, they all wished mc Godspeed, I found the members of 
the church at Anstruther very kind, and received from them in parting many tokens 
of kindness, and among them was a large broadcloth cloak which they had made for 
me. Their idea of Canada was that it was a very cold country, and that a mission- 
ary would, at times, be under the necessity of camping out at night in the woods, 
This cloak was given me, that I might wrap myself in its ample folds, should I ever 
need to do so. The good people's fears proved groundless, as the cloak had never 
to be used for this purpose." 
It would be a pleasure to give Mr. King's account of his journey to the port 
ence he sailed, his description of his fellow-passengers, their life on ship-board, 
sail up 
he St. .La\
rence, and h
s impressions of the new country and its people, all 
ted 111 a VivacIOUS and fascinating manner; but space forbids, He sailed from 
Gleenock 1St C?f April, J84[, and landed in Quebec, after a six weeks' voyage; and 
the n
xt day witnessed 
ad disaster caused by the falling of a portion of the cliff, 
crushmg houses and their mmatcs in the Lowcr Town, 
He says :-" When we landed in 
lo!ltreal, we wcre received and heaJtily wel- 
comed by the ,'enerable Ebenezer Muir, and the warm-hearted and affectionate James 



Iihlt, both deacon
 III the Baptist Church, St. Helen street. Both of these brethren 
have since finished their course, and joined the church above. As I intended to 
spend some time in the Baptist College, Mr, James Milne kindly conducted me 
there to spend the night. The College Was then kept in a house in Bonaventure 
t, at the head of McGill, near the Hay It was presided over by Dr. 
DavIes , an excellent scholar, and a humble ChrIstIan, but who has since returned to 
his native country, England. As students generally entered the college after the 
Christmas vacation, it was thought best by the I )octor and others that I should 
spend the summer and fall up the Ottawa, preaching the Gospel, as I had oppor- 
tunity, and return to 
Iontreal after Christmas. Accordingly it was arranged that I 
should proceed to Clarence, on the Ottawa, to Fox's Point, the residence of .Mr. 
Edwards, and make his house my home." 
After describing his trip up the Ottawa by boat he continues: 
.1 It was dark when the boat reached Carillon, and there were twelve miles 
further to Grenville Head, where the other boat lay, and this distance had to be 
travelled by stage. It was very slow and disagreeable riding, the road which ran 
beside the canal in the front of Chatham being very rough. As the stage bumped 
along in the darkness, I heard a strange noise, and on inquiry, learned that it was 
made by frogs. First, one would lift his voice, then he would be joined by many 
others, and thus they kept up their song all the night long. As the stars began to 
grow dim, and daylight to streak the eastern sky, we came rumbling into Grenville 
Head; then the king of day arose in all his majesty, and revealed the beauties of 
the scene which burst upon the view. The Bay of Grenville in the rear, the rapid 
called the Long Sault, the noise of the waters as they dashed against the rocks, all 
were noted by me, and made a lasting impression. The Head is a collection of 
houses on both sides of the canal; there are two places of worship-one for the 
Church of Enghnd, and the other the Scotc 1 ) Church. But there seemed to me to 
be too many taverns in it to give one a high opinion of the morality of the place. 
The river is very wide here, and on the opposite shore is the lumbering establishment 
of the Hamilton Brothers, surrounded by the houses of the village, The Head is a 
great resort for raftsmen employed in lumbering and in bringing rafts down the 
P assil1g over a page in which he describes people he met and his passage over 
the rivC'T in a canoe, we begin at the following paragraph: 
"When we landed we were informed that we were in Upper Canada. I went 
to the house of Mr. Edwards, which was the only stone house in the place at that 
time. The old gentleman wac; not at home, having remained to spend the Sabbath 
with his son John, who was pastor of a Baptist church in the villa
e of St. Andrews, 
Canada Ea!:>t; but I was kindly received by his son \Villiam and the old lad)', and 
for the time being; was made welcome to make my home at their house. The ncxt 
day being the Sabbalh, 1 preached to a large congregation, in the house of Nicholas 
Edgar, from John iii. 3 j this was the first timf' I had preached in Canada. 
" There was in Clarence, at the time, a Baptist church, but it was in a disor- 
ganized stale; neither the OIdinance of the :;upper nor di'\cipline were attcnded to, 
They, however, met on the Lord's Day to hear the Word of God preached. 
" They had neither Chapel nor school-house, hence they met in a house facing 
the river on Fox's Point. To this house, in the 5ummer time, on Sabbath morning, 
came people from different parts of the neighborhood to hear the Gospel. As the 
roads at that time were bad, and in some places there were no roads at all, the greater 
number of people came in canoes on the river. It \
as a beautiful sight to a flcet 
of these primitive boats, loaded with people from dlffLrent parts, appro.lchmg Fo,<'s 

34 6 


Point on Sabbath morning, and after sermon, when they were returning home, it was 
delightful to hear from a distance the sound of some well-known hymn, sung by them 
in concert, as they paddled along. I also enjoyed the singing very much in the 
meetings at this place, instruction in which art was given to the young veople by 
Andrew Shirreffs, or, as he was called, ., Daddy" Shirreffs. Hp. was a weaver by 
trade, and had been a member of the Baptist Church in Aberdeen, Scotland, of 
which Mr. Gilmour was pastor, He was a short, stout man, with a fine voice, and full 
of music,-indeed, music seemed to be the element in which he delighted to live and 
move. He took great trouble with the young people, and succeeded in making them 
excellent singers. 
"\Vhen I came to Clarence there was no school, and a large number of children 
in the settlement. The parents requested me to open a school and teach the children, 
 I remained in the place. To this I cousented, and as they had no school- 
house, it was arranged that the school should meet in an old shanty that belonged to 
" Daddy" Shirreffs, Behold me, then, installed as Dominie, in that Ii umble shanty 
on the banks of the Ottawa, having around me many of those who are now the heads 
of families in the settlements, whom I had the honor of first teaching their letters. 
" While I was teaching, some of the friends in Lochaber invited me to go over 
there and preach, and, as I had learned to row a canoe, thus being able to cross the 
river when I liked, I consented. I used to lOW over after my school had dosed for 
the day, sail up the Blanch, land on Donald McLean's place, preach in the school- 
house in the evening, and after passing the night either at Neil Campbell's or 
McLean's, return to my canoe in the morning. At other times, I would cross in 
Neil's canoe, after the meeting at Fox's Point on the Sabbath. and preach in the 
afternoon and evening at Lochaber. The fruit of my labor in Lochaber was the 
conversion of a woman named Campbell, whom I baptized in the Ottawa before a 
number of sp
ctators-the first baptism I performed in Canada. 
" After teaching about three months, a proposal was made to me that I should 
spend my time till Christmas preaching between Lochaber Bay and Petite Nation; 
and the work of preaching the Gospel being more congenial to my mind than teach- 
ing school, I assented to the proposal. The distance between the two places being 
fifteen miles, with the North Nation to cross, it was arranged that I should spend 
alternate weeks in each place, In Petite Nation, or Papineauville, as it is now 
caned, there was then a sm3.11 Baptist church, Instead of the handsome chapel in 
which they now meet, they then met in the school-house j the :Methodists also using 
it one-half the time. In what is now called the vinage, at that time there were very 
few houses and only one store; now there are several houses, stores, a town hall, a 
Roman Cady/lic church, Anglican church and a Baptist chapel. Traveling between 
Lochaber and Pdite Nation I found rather a laborious undertaking, on account 
of the state of the roads-the only one that was fairly passable being that from the 
Nation to Papineauville. From the Nation to Lochaber, in the spring and fall, it was 
little better than a quagmire. 
ometimes I would get a Jide from Papineau vi lIe to 
ation and walk the rest of the way, and often was half up to the knees in mud. 
Occasionally, i
deed, I did procure a horse at Locraber Bay, but getting a saddle 
was another thll1g j horses were plentiful enough, but saddles were few and far 
bet\\"een; and as for a buffalo robe in sleighing time, that was out of the question; 
the only robes they used were bed-quilts. When I had the honor of riding 011 
horseback, my usual saddle was a bag filled with hay or straw, fastened on the horse 
with a rope, the ends of which served as stirrups. This Kind of saddle answered very 
well, as long .as it remaim.d in the right place. but I rf'collect one day, as my horse 
was descendmg a clay hill into a gully, he slipped, and the saddle quickly turned 



nder his belly, while I was pitc
1ed, head foremost, i
to a pile of brush by the way- 
sIde. The 
mly damage I sustamed was a large rent In my coat, which I had to go 
back five mIles to get mended, and then I resumed my journey. 'Vhen I traveled 
that ruad there was no Thurso and no mill at the Blanch; but it is not so no\V- 
great changes h
ve occurred at Lochaber Bay: there are good roads, good houses, 
saddles and vehIcles for summer and winter's use. The last time I visited the place, 
after the lapse of 
ears, the old school-house was still standing, in which I had the 
pleasure of preachmg to the people, but many with whom I had been acquainted 
were gone-good old James Lamb and his wife, Donald Lamond and the wom:m I 
had baptized had all crossed the Jordan. Those who had been strong and active 
were getting old, and the young children had become men and women, and many had 
removed to other places. Such are the changes constantly taking place in every part 
of the world, and such they will continue to be as long as the world stands," 
In the early part of the winter following his labors in Lochaber and Petite 
Nat.on, Mr. King returned to Montreal to enter the Baptist College. As it may be 
a pleasure to many, as it was to the writer, to read of ministers whom they knew or 
of whom they often heard in their youthful days, the brief description of his college 
mates, given by Mr. King, is next copied :- 
" There were several young men, at that time, in the college, studying for the 
Christian ministry. Some of these have since become able ministers of the Gospel 
and pastors of churches, while others turned out failures, either frum want of ability 
or some defect in their moral character. Among the r. rmer was Mr. Gilles, who 
settled in Eaton, in the Eastern Townships, and .. ho has been very useful in the 
vineyard of the Lord; Titus Merriman, who became pastor of a church in Potton ; 
the two l\IcLeans-Allen and Hector-the former went to Michigan, the latter to 
Canada 'Vest; Archibald H. Ca.mpbell, who became pastor of a church in Chatham, 
C.'V,; and Peter l\IcDonald, a man of good pans and an excellent preacher, who has 
been settied over different churches since leaving college. There was also Aaron 
Slaght, pastor of a church in 'Vaterford, C.'V., and a young man named Leach, who, 
after preaching a short time, fell a victim to consumption, leaving behind a young 
widow and a child. Then there was Davidson, now Dr, Davidson, of Canada West, 
and - Lorimer, A.M., at one time pastor of a church in Kingston, and editor of a 
little paper called The Fntmalt, but who has since died, Another man, Charles 
Smith, from St. Armand East, C.E., was one of our students. He was partially 
paral} zed on one side, yet, as he was a gGod man, he was the means of doing much 
good during the short time he lived. There were other youn 
 men in the college, 
some before and some afterward-such as John l\lcLaurn, who has since died; Peter 
'Vilson, John Dcmp5ey and ,V. K, Anderson, now in Breadalbane-men whose praise 
is in an the churches." 
Omitting an account of those students who, for various reasons, left the ministry, 
and other unimportant matters, we proceed to a subsequent part of 
Ir. Kipg's nar. 
rative :- 
"When the sno\V disappeared and as the spring advanced, melancholy tidings 
reached us from the banks of the Ottawa-good, old Mr. Edwards was no mor
tidings took us all by surprise, as he had been in the city that winter, apparently in 
the hest of health and high spirits. 1\Ir. Ed\vards was a wonderful n
al\; .h('; had 
not the advantages of education m his youth, but he possessed an actl\e 11,!ll1d and 
sound judgment. His information was extensive, He read much and studied well; 
one could not be long in his society without perceivi
g that he W.1.S born to be a 
leader among men. He was a fluent speaker, yet, Ius sermons, .lIke tho
e of all 
untrained men, were not systematicallf arranged, though s0und 111 d. .:trm

34 8 


abounding in Scriptural quotations. .When he and his brethren first settled in 
Clarence it was both a natural and a moral wilderness-there was no Baptist Church, 
Baptist minister or Baptist in all the Ottawa region, and Mr. Edwards, under these 
circumstances, opened a Sabbath School and held meetings for religious worship in 
his own house. After a few years the church in Clarence was formed, though he 
was not ordained to the work of the ministry till 1831, nine years after his settlement 
in Clarence. On that auspicious occasion he had. the pleasure of receiving into the 
church, by baptism, his son John, who afterwards became pastor of the Baptist 
Churches in St. Andrews and Chatham, Mr. Edwards possessed a large amount 
of mi
sionary spirit. He did much to promote the cause of Christ along the 
Ottawa; in sLImmer's heat and winter's cold he travelled about, preaching the glad 
tidings of salvation. 1\1 any a time he paddled his canoe up and down the Ott
and, at other times, journeyed on foot over bad roads and in places where there 
were no roads at all to communicate the "\Vord of Life to the settlers in the back 
woods, For these works of faith and labors of love he received no remunera- 
tion, but labored with his own hands for the support of himself and those 
depending upon him, This he did, not because he thought it wrong for the preacher 
of the Gospel to live of the Gospel, but because the country was new and the people 
were poor; and, like Paul, he felt pleasure in the thought of being burdensome to no 
"The labors of Mr. Edwards, though appreciated in his lifetime, were not so 
much so as they ought to have been, It is only in looking back upon that moral 
waste, and comparing it then with what it now is, that we can know the value of such 
a man. His mind was deeply irnpressed with the importance of obtaining a supply 
of ministers, to enter upon the many destitute fields around; but this could not be 
obtained without money; and to obtain this, Mr. Edwards made up his mind to leave 
his family and visit England and Scotland, which he did in 1829. He set before the 
churches there the spiritual destitution of Canada and the great want of laborers to 
enter the fields ready for the harvest. H is energetic appeals had a powerful effect 
upon Christians there; he obtained money, and, what was still better, through his 
means, Mr. Gilmour, from Aberdeen, and 1\1r, Fraser, from Inverness-shire, were in- 
duced to come and labor in Canada. These good men, in connection with himself, 
did more than any others to advance the cause of Christ in the Ottawa region. l\Ir. 
Gilmour was the means of the formation of the Baptist Church in Montreal, while Mr. 
};'raser settled with the Baptist Church in Breadalbane. If 1'1 r. Edwards had done 
nothing more than induce these men to come to Canada, he had done a good work j 
their labors have been greatly blessed by God to the conversion of many souls, and 
the remembrance of their visits and their preaching is dear to the hearts of their 
spiritual children. Mr. Edwards again visited B:-itain in 1839, He was sen t by 
the Ccmmittee of the Baptist Missionary Society to solicit aid to enable them to 
carryon their missionary operations in Canada. He was very successful, having 
obtained seven hundred and fifty pounds sterling. He was at that time very well 
lcceived, and many turned out to hear the 'Canadian farmer' from the banks of 
the Ottawa. He returned in the spring of 1841, bringing with him the Rev. John 
Girdwood and the WI iter. Mr. Girdwood took great interest in missionary opera- 
tions, and, after remaining a few years in Montreal. where he did much good, he 
removed to the States, where he labored several years with good success. He has 
since gone to his reward." 
The summer of 1842 passed away, and, when the Christmas vacation arrived, 

1r. King decided to visit Lochaber. He received a cordial welcome from his friends 
there, and, after spending two weeks, he set out for Montreal. Arriving at St. Andrews, 



he .was induced to remain a few days to take part in a series I)f reìigious meetings in 
POint Fot tune He says :- 
"After this meeting, I was intending to return to 
Iontreal, but, as Mr. Edwards 
was about to go on a visit to Upper Canada, and would be absent a few weeks. he 
persuaded me to remain and fill his appointments in St. .Andrews and the Rear of 
Chatham, until his return. Though Mr. Edwards was, at 1his time, pastor of two 
churches-the two churchef:, strange to relate, had no fellowship with each other-the 
church at St. Andrews being open, and that at Chatham close in principles of com- 
munion-a state of things that did not contribute to harmony. A'S I had no horse 
I was taken to Chatham by Archibald Campbell, a deacon of the church who re-.ided 
on Cal illon Hill. He took me to the house oî l\IaJcolm McGregor, where I was 
received with Christian kindness. I preached on the Sabbath, and returned to St. 
Andrews on Monday. 
"I had heard of the Rear of Chatham before. Old 
Ir. Edward
. when in 
Edinburgh, in speaking of the Lord's WOl k in certain parts of Canada, mentioned the 
Rear of Chatham as a place where his son John was pastor of a Baptist Church. 
Little did I then imagine, when listening to him in Bristo Street, that I should \"isit 
the place. The appearance of the place made an impression on my mind which is 
difficult to describe. I had read of the Alps; but then the mountains of Chatham, 
though numerous, were nut high enough, and so with the Highland
 of Scotland. yet 
they had a f,lint resemblance to both; they had a romantic appe1Tance, and the 
uncleared parts were covered with timber to their very tops. The ground was co\'erul 
from view by the numerous stones which lay scattered in all directions. It was evident 
that Nature never intended it to be an agricultural country, and that any population 
seeking to live by agriculture must be a poor one; and I found it to he so. Rut 
though the country was rocky and ul1inviting, it was not so with the people; they, at 
that time, were siml,le, warm-hearted and truly pious-t he pride of life, the vain show 
and fashions which rule society had not found their way, at- that time, to the b.Lck- 
woods of Chatham. They seemed to feel towards each other as brothers amI sister') 
ought to feel; although, even then, the old people were talking of a good time that 
had passed away, as the Ancients talked of the Golden Age. That good time was, 
when the little church first plankd here in the wilderness went from hous!.. to house; 
when every man was a teacher, and, in his turn, acted the part of an elder: when men 
held forth the \Vord of Life, not in bbck broad-cloth, but in home-made grey, an(] for 
want of shoes in summer went to meeting with bare feet. 
" J"hey were talking of a great work of gracL that had taken place in Chatham, a 
few years bef,)re I came, through the labors of :\[essrs. Gilmour and Fraser, when a 
number of the young people, and old ones, too, had made.l profession 
f religion- 
this they called the (;reat Revival; and, indeed, it WJ.S a great and glorIOUS work of 
the Lord; for, in that ) ear, seventy-nine were baptised and add

 t.o the Church. 
Shortly after the revival, they were visited by a Baptist Doctor of DlV\I1lty, an unnsual 
occurrence in these parts-he was Dr. Cox, of Hackney, England. He had hr'ard the 
report of the marvellous work of grace, and wished to see some of the young convert> 
"They met in the old school-house, and gave the doctor an account of th.:tr 
convelsion and Christian experience. He and 1\1r. Gilmour lodged ill the honse of 
Deacon 1\IcFar1ane, who had the horn of .111 ox, which was blown at me.ll time to.( all 
the men from the field. The doctor, thinking it was used to call the p
oplè to me.:t1l1
took it as a memento of the place, Mr. Gilmour hlowing it, as he ."l.nd the doctor ro 1- 
along ill the bush on their way to Grel1\'ille Head. rhe doctor 
emg very cùrpul.l. It, 
and the weather very warm, and the mosquitoes, moreover!. e
m\l1g to h
' t: a de\..lded 
preference for the blood of an Engli!'hn1.ln, he found hIS nde thr()l1
 1 th w j" 
attcnced with much discomfort. 

35 0 


"At my first visit I had not much time to get acquainted with the people in the 
Rear of Chatham. but I found they were a mixture of Highland and Lowland Scotch, 
with some Protestant Irish. The Highland Scotch were chiefly from Glenlyon, in 
Perthshire, anr1 some of them had been members of a Scotch Baptist Church there. 
Still, the impression left on my mind by my first visit, in regard to the people, was a 
good one; they appeared to me to resemble the people of Scotland more than any 
others I had met in Canada. 
"In St. Andrews I met a man named John Calder, who had come from the Rear 
of Chatham to that place on business, and was about to return. He invited me to go 
back with him and preach; he thought it might be well to hold meetings a few nights, 
and hoped that good would be done. Having little to do in St. Andrews, and a liking 
for Chatham, I consented to go, and when we arrived at the Settlement, a meeting was 
announced for that evening. A number of p!:'ople gathered in the chapel to hear the 
preaching, and I was much imet ested in the prayer of an aged man named McFaul,- 
that prayer filled me with the hope that good would be done; there was about it such 
an earnestness, and it breathed such a desire for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, that 
I was emboldened to give nOlice of a meeting for the next night. The chapel at that 
time was a very cold place in winter; the inside walls had not been plastered; some- 
times the stove wood was green and would not burn j the stove-pipes leaked and 
snwked-all which made it very disagreeable. The next night there were more people 
at the mleting, and tht:y seemed very attentive to the sermon. As the news spread 
that a stranger from Scotland was preaching in the Settlement, the people came from 
all parts of the neighborhood every night, so that the chapel was full. Some of the 
old members were awakened and began to take an interest in the souls of others. 
" At the end of a week it was evident th3t the Spirit of God was at work; sinners 
began to inquire 'What shall we do to be saved? ' 
" It \\as our practice, after sermon, to invite any who felt concern for their souls 
to remain to COlnerse with me. Many of those whose minds were impressed felt 
shy about doing this; but at last one came, and then another, until quite a number 
professed to find peace through faith in Christ. E\'ery night, for we
ks, some one 
was brorght under conviction of sin, or professed to find a hope through grace. 
There were at that time among the young people some good singers, who sang 
hymns while enquirers were counseled. As the number of enquirers increased, it 
took considerab:e time to talk with them, so that it was often twelve or one o'clock 
at night before the meeting broke up. These meetings continued five weeks; between 
fifty and sixty professed to entertain a hope, and of these, fifty were baptised. All 
this time, MI. Edwa
ds was absent from the settlement; but one da)', as we were 
ing down from the chapel to our Jordan, to baptise some young converts, he 
came along. and, like some in olden time, when he saw the grace of God, was glad, 
., This was the second great reviv
l since the formation of the church. The 
bettlement had in it at that time more inhabitants than now; several of the families 
were large-such as the McGibbons, the l\1cGregors, the McKerichers, the 
l\IcPhails, Youngs, Loggies, Dales, and many others. 
[any of these have left the 
place, and some have crossed the Jordan, There were some of the old members of 
the church capable of giving an exhortation, and did so when the pastor was absent; 
among whom were John Calder and Archibald C-, a weaver by trade, but who, if 
he had had his choice, would have done very little at it, He had a wonderful gift, 
both for prayer and exhortation, and was a warm.hearted, friendly man; and though 
some of his neighbors professed to see faults in him, yet, with all his faults, one 
could not help loving him as a \\'arm-hearted Christian. 
"The most of the people in the neighborhood of the Chapel were Baptists, or 


35 1 

held Baptist sentiments; but there were a few connected with the auld Kirk-these 
felt displeased when anything was said about baptism, I had with me at that time 
 & l\IcKn
ght's transldtion of the Ne\v Testament for my own private 
use, ThIS book havmg" been seen by 
ome one disaffected to the Baptists, it was ce;:- 
ported all over the place that the BaptIsts had got a new Bible j and of course this 
was an awful thing j but they did not know that this work was not the work of the 
Baptists, but of a Presbyterian minister-in this way prejudice sometimes overshoots 
the mark. After this series of meetings in the Chapel was ended, I went for a short 
time 10 hold meetings in \Ventworth, an adjoining township. Close to that place, in 
Chatham, lived Duncan McDougall. He was a Baptist, and had been a member of 
the Church in Chatham before they had any ordained minister, thouuh he 
vas not 
a member at the time of my visit. He was one of those who taught a
d baptised at 
the time, when every gifted brother was a preacher. His wife, her sister, and another 
person were all out of the Church, because they did not think it was Scriptural that 
the Rev. 1\1r. Edwards should be p1.stIJr of both an open and close communion church 
at the same time. I preached a fe\\' nights in No, I School-house, and also in a few 
private houses-the Lord blessing the effort to the c01l\'ersion of souls; and I had the 
pleasure of baptising .,even persons, the stream flowing through the farm of Arthur 
McArthur being used for this purpose. Among those baptised was an old soldier, a 
Highbnder, who was in the Forty-!>econd at \V..1terluo. In that battle, George was 
very nigh ending his days-a musket-uall went through his bonnet, barely missing his 
head, and he was one of four-all that were left of the company to which he lJelonged j 
yet these wonderful escapes did not lead him to repent::nce; he had to repent and 
find Christ in Duncan McDougall's barn. As Duncan and his wife were not in com- 
munion with the Church, they, and the few who had been baptised, formed themselves 
into a church, and Duncan became their leader. They attended to the Lord's 
Supper every Sabbath, and continued to do so for nearly two years, when the 
littie church \Vas broken ullAnd most of the members joined the Chatham Church. 
\Yhile Duncan had charge of this church, he was very attenrive, and did all he 
could to keep them together; and, indeed, they were in a better state than they 
afterward were, for bl ing so far from the meeting-house, they found it inconvenient to 
attend; but while they remained united in a church at home, with Duncan to 
watch over them, tlIty were always faithful to perform all their Christian duties. 
'e At len
th, navigation opened, and I pro pared to return to Montreal. I received 
a few presents from the people, and though I was not a robber of churches, I have 
to confess that I carried off with me at that time all the (unns of the church at 
Chatham, consisting of a small b:-l O of coppers,-and many of them bad. 
.e My vacation, wh!ch I imendt'd should last only two weeks, had continued 
till l\1ay j but I felt that what I had lost ill one way I had made up in another- 
having gained mOle knowledge of human nature and more courage to preach the 
" In the fall of that year I was informed that l\[r. Edward; had resigned the 
charge of the churches at Sr. Andrews and Chatham, and had gone to Canada 'yest, 
meetings being conducted in the Chatham church by John <- 'alder and .\r
Campbell. At length, in the month of Novemher, the Church at Chath<un mvJted 
me by letter to come and labor among them, ofTerÌng to raise LZ5 a year tow.uds 
alary. The committee of the BaptIst l\[issionary 
ociety thollgh
 this too 
smaJl a süm, and informed them that thev could not coment to my cOl11mg unlt.ðs 
they added my board to the sum of L25 ; and said if they w.o
o that
Society would also give L 10 a year, for a year or two, to help. 10 tlus the Chat- 
ham Church agreed; and it was arranged that I shou!d ho.ud at the house of 

35 2 


Deacon McGibbon. His son Finley being in Montreal, I packed my small stock 
of personal }Jroperty into his sleigh, and proceeded with him, in the latter part of 
December, to Chatham, where I received a hearty welcome. 
" I was then in my 26th year, and in the enjoyment of excellent health. I found 
the Church in rather a cold s;ate, though the meetings were well attended. There 
was a large Sabbath School which met in the Chapel with a Bible-class, and there 
were meetings every Tuesday and Friday evenings j these were held from house to 
hous!", in private dwellings. The deacons of the church then were Malcolm 
McGregor, the father-in-law of two ministers-Daniel McPhail and John Higgins- 
Peter McGIbbon, John Stewart and Donald McKerricher. The settlers at that time 
were still clearing their lands, and but few had tegun to plough, "'hile they con- 
tinued to clear, the land being new, they raised excellent crops of grain-wheat, oats 
and other kinds; they also obtained ready money for the potash they made, and 
sheep supplied them with clothing-all manufactured by themselves, so that their 
wants were few; they avoided getting into debt, and were comparatively happy. But 
when they ceased clearing, a great change came over the place-then their difficul- 
ties began-it was found impossible to plough to any extent, the ground was so full 
of stones and rocks, 'Vhat fields they were able to make were so small: that it was 
little use trying to follow the rotation of crops. It was then that they discovered 
the mistake they had made in settling in such a section of country-a section which 
should have been left to wild animals, and as hunting ground for the Indians. By this 
time their primitive manners had somewhat changed-that simplicity which, in early 
times, rendered them happy was giving way to love of dress-they wished to be like 
?ther people. This led them in to <;lebt and danger, so that instea? of toiling for 
mdependence, many of them were tOlling for the storekeeper-and nllght be thank- 
ful if, at the end of the year, there was not a balance on the books against them. 
II This unpromising state of things led many to think of removing to more fa\'ored 
ions, and when this idea once got possession of their minds, it worked its way 
untIl one family after another broke up and moved away. In this way, many lots 
were left to grow up to forest again, and many houses to faU into ruin. 
. "In regard to the Church, though they had greatly changed in some of their 
VIews and practices since the first Baptists from Glenlyon settled in the place, still the 
old people retained a fond recollection of the past, and would fain make Glenlyon 
the model, They adhered to weekly communion, and mad.e a law prohibiting believ- 
e!s fr?m uniting themselves in marriage with unbelievers. They were, no doubt, 
nght 111 regard to their views respecting marridge; but it is doubtful if the 'V ord of 
God would bear them out in excommunicating church members for taking such a 

tep. They claimed to find spiritual authority for the exercise oÍ such stern discipline 
111 the passage which reads: I If he will not hear the Church, let him be unto thee 
as. a heath
n man and a publican.' But a Church should be sure that it is the 
wIll of Chnst for which they are con tending, before going to the length of excluding, 
for a Church may err. 'Vhile the Church adhered to this rule it had made, w1th 
regard to marrying with unbelievers, manv were excluded. and much harm was done, 
for. not only was the individual lost to the Church, but often the entire family to 
WInc!l he belonged-a]} being affronted by what they regarded the ill-usage of their 
relatIve. " 
Fortunately, it would seem, for the existence and well-being of the Church in 
the Rear. of. Chatham, these descendants of the Covenanters, who had been fighting 
over agaI.n III a. new country the battles in polemics of their forefathers, di
an error 111 theIr theology, and, like wise men, at once set about correcting it, for 
Mr. King's historical narrative next as')ures us that-" At length some of the 



mer;nbers began to inquire into th
 propriety of excluding for the marrying with un- 
behevf>rs, and came to t
e conclu
lOn, that though it was not expedient for Chri<;tians 
to connect themselves wIth unbelievers, yet a5 marri.1Q:e wa,> a civil con tract betwcen 
a man and wo.maI
, and ,!e
ther against the law of God nor man, it was wrong to 
exclude for domg It. ThIS idea spread among the members, until at last, in a church 
meeting, it was agreed 
}' a l.arge majority, that if there was nothing else again<;t the 
person than such marriage, It would be wrong to exclude. They would not have it 
understood, however, they approved of irreligious marriages, but would leave the 
consequences resulting therefrom to the persons contracting them. 
" About this time, I commenced a protracted meeting in a schoolhouse in the 
front of the Township, within four miles of the Ottawa river. I was accompanied by 
John Calder, who was able in leading meetings and in exhortation, and who had 
held a few meetings in the same place. He was also an excelIent singer, and 
he used to sing hymns from Hills' selection before and after the sermon, to the 
gratification of those present. The meetings were held e\ery morning in the school- 
house, and, in the day time, Calder and I visited from house to house. The 
people here were mostly from the north of Ireland, and Protestants ; but, not- 
ding, the Gospel way of salvation was new to them, and the mode of 
baptism and Church order. They came out, however, to he:}r the Word, the Lord 
gave His blessing, a glorious revival occurred, and many, both old and young, 
were brought to the feet of Jesus. I had the pleasure of baptising twelve persons, 
who werc added to the Church, Since that time, several others have heen bap- 
tised in the same place. through the labors of the Rev. John Dempsey-pastor of 
the Church of St. Andrews. 
\.fter the revival. we were visited by the Rev. Daniel 
McPhail, pastor of a Baptist Church in Osgoode, C. 'V., who came to visit hi;; rela- 
tives in Chatham. His father, D,l11iel McPhail, had been a leading man among the 
Baptists who first unfurled the banner of the Cross in the wilderness. Daniel came 
to the knowledge of the truth while yet a boy, \vas baptised, élnd added to the little 
Church, where he soon began to exercise his talents, and though but a child among 
the Elders, he soon excelled thema11 in speaking. He had a strong desire for th
conversion of souls, and was much pained at the c')ntention<; and frequent di<;pute' 
of the Elder brL thren. Daniel McPhail soon became a pO\verflll pleader with God 
in public and private. He was often heard in midnight hours, among the hills and 
rocks of his mountain home, calling to God in strong cries and te.trs-pkading for 
two special objects: that God would direct him to devote his whole life. to the wùrk 
of preaching Christ to a perishing world, that some faithful mcs<;eng,'r n\lg!1t be se,nt 
to his aid in Ie Iding the unrenewed young p
ople around him to the SavIOUr. l'or 
the purpose of obtaining the aid so much desired, a few, with him, set apa.rt a whol
night for prayer, and when they separated it was day-break; their pleadll1g,> were 
answered quickly and fuHy. The news soon spread th:lt Bros. Gilmour, of 
and Fraser, of Breadalbane, were on thei r way to assist them; the gre3.t awakenllh.. 
had beCTun." 
This WJS the beginning of the Great Revival, mentioned by 
[r. Kia
former page, and which occurred before he came to Ch..ltham. .\Cter 
had closed his visit to his relations in Chatham, and \\'a.. about retllrnmg home, he 
invited Mr. King to accompany him, and make a tour through the se
 of c.llll1tr} 
where he labored. Mr. King continues: "Accordingly, we started 111 111., !'lcIJh for 
Osgoode-a township which at that time had not been long 
ttled, though th
in it was good, and formed a striking contr

;t to that in the 
e,.1f of Chatha.m: "- 
II The people among whom 
[cPh,1111abored were dl1efly f!om the Hlghl Lnd 
of Scotland-a hardy and industrious race, and, like all the IlLJ,' nJ . -. \\" . 



hearted and kind to 5trangers. Their Baptist chapel was a log buildii1g, and in 
this I preached in the morning of the first Sabbath after our arrival, and in the 
afternoon in a plivate house, on the bank of the Ca'>tor--which house, if I mistake 
not. belonged to a man named McDonald, whose son is now a Baptist minister. 
As my st
y in Osgoode was short, I had but little time to get acquainted with 
the people, but what I saw of them left a favorable impression on my mmd. As in 
Chatham, I understood that the spirit of God was with His people, and with their 
pastor had wrought powerfully in the conversion of souls. "I had heard old 1\1r. 
Edwards speak of :1\Ir. McPhail in Edinburgh, and now I had the pieasure of seeing 
him and many of his spiritual children, who were a goodly number then, but have 
since greatly increased. From Osgoode I passed through a part of \Vinchester, 
a township adjacent. In this township, at this time, there were a few Baptist 
believers connected with the Osgoode church. Now, there is a Baptist church in 
both East and \Vest \Vinchester-one formed by some of the members of the 
Osgoode Church, the other gathered through the efforts of Erastus Rainboth-a 
young man brought to Christ by the labors of Rev. J, Dempsey while in St. Andrews, 
and whose labors have since been highly blessed to the conversion of souls, 
\Vhile in \Villchester, I preached in the house of Edward Fox, who had removed 
from Fox's Point, in Clarence; the point received its name from his father, who 
resided tlaere. The glorious doings of the Lord 
t that place, in the conversion of 
souls, has made it a memorable place on the banks of the Ottawa. From Winchester, 
I passed through Mountain, and came to South Gower, which appeared to be a fine 
township, and the people doing well; they had fine farms, good houses, and large 
Iany of them werë from the States, and had been settled there for a long 
time. Four miles from this place was the village of Kemptville, in which, at that time, 
there were a few Baptists. Mr. Leeming, a merchant here, and a man of ability, 
preached to the people. There is now, in thi" place, a stone chapel, and a house for 
the pastor. "'hen I came to SlJUth Gower I found a church, but they worshipped 
in the schoolhouse; now they have a good chapel, and the church has much increased 
in number, through the labors of the Rev. \Y. K. Anderson, who, for a time, became 
pastor of the churches of Kemptville and South Gower. The people here seemed to 
have a strong attachment to Mr. McPhail, to many of whom he !>tood in the relation 
of spiritual father. 
" From SOllth Gower we proceeded to Osnabruck, fronting the nobie St. Law- 
rence. In the third concession, back from the river, there is a Baptist church, which 
then met in a schoúlhouse; hut they now have a good chapel. Many of the people of 
that settlement were of Dutch and Irish origin, and before the introduc
ion of the 
Gospel were living without G8d and without hope. We lodged in the house of 
George Morgan, or, as he was called, Captain l\lorgan--Captain of 
lilitia. He was 
the first convert in the place, and seemed to be full of the love of Christ. He gave me a 
long account of his conversion, and how the Gospel was introduced into the set tlement. 
\rhile leading a careless life, indifferent to the interest of his soul, he somewhere 
ard th
t there was such a thing as a new birth, and that a person could not be saved 
WIthout It. But how to get this he could not tell, and there were none abuut him 
who could. In this trouble he asked his wife if she could fmd a Bible, for they had 
none in the house--except a few detaciled leaves of the New Testament, tied together 
with a string. This was sought for, and at last found among some odds and ends 
o!", a sh
lf.. They looked it through, but could not find what they wlnted; still, in 
Ins meditative moment<;, thoughts of a new birth continued to haunt Capt. Morgan's 
mind. H
olved that he would procllre a whole Bible, on the first opportunity, 
cost what It mIght. .\t length, he heard of a man in a distant settlement, who had 



come from t.he States, that kept Bibles for sale, and he started off to get one, But 
when he arnved they were all sold; the man, however, promised to procure one and 
send it tt) .him-a promise which he 
ulfilled, net forgetting to charge enough for it 
to repay himself for the trouble. Havmg at last become the owner of a whole Bible, 
he and his wife sat dúwn together, and, beginning at the first chapter of the New 
Testament, they turned over page after page, till they came to the third chapter 
of St. John's Gospel, and there, sure enough, they found the New Birth. But 
w, ho\
' was. this new birth to be obtained? This they could not tell; his 
wife advised him to pray, but this he had never done, He went to the barn, 
however, to try, but returned without effecting his object. In this way he re- 
mained a long time, sometimes troubled in mind, and then seeming to forget it 
"There lived on the other side of the St. Lawrence the pastor of a Baptist church, 
who was known as Elder Fay-one of a class of ministers fast passing away, who, 
though not rich in classical lore, were rich in scriptural knowledge, and full of zeal for 
the conversion of souls. This good man, while laboring for his 
I aster, was deeply 
impressed, from time to time, with the thought of crossing the St. Lawrence to preach 
the Gospel. Finally, his mind was made up to go: and he landed in Osnabruck. 
Being a stranger in the place, as he journeyed along he went into a blacksmith's 
and inquired if there were any Baptists in the place. He said there were none, The 
Elder then asked if he could tell him where he could find lodging for the night, being 
an entire stranger in the locality. The blacksmith informed him that Captain 
-:\1 organ, he thought, would be the most likely to entertain him. It seems that the 
blacbmith mentioned the name of Capt. Morgan, as he had heard that the C Lptain 
had a tract urging the duty of infant baptism, and that he had been searching in his 
new Bible for confirmation of the principles ad\"ocated in the tract, without finding 
any; hence he concluded that the Captain must be friendly toward.. the Baptists. 
,. While the Elder and blacksmith were talking, Captain l\Iorf;an chanced to be 
passing the shop on his way home, in his sleigh. The blacksmith called him in, and 
infolmed him that a man wi"hed to stay with him over night. The Captain at once 
offered to accommodate him, bnt on his way home, having learned tlut his gUl'')t was 
a Baptist preacher wishing to preach in the place, he began to regret Ius ha
ty offer 
to entertain him. 'What will my neighbors think and say of me?' he thought, 'for 
introducing a Baptist preacher iuto the neighborhood?' He feared-so little did 
he know of Baptists-that fhe minister would do or say something that would 
offend the people. Another- thing also troubled him-he had a. kC6 of I um 
under the seat of his sleigh, and he feare j tha
 this might be seen by the E.der. 
'\'hen they arrived at his home, the Captain managed to. remove the k
g. and 
give it to his wife to put awaJ with,Hlt letting the Elder s
e It; hut when she asked 
what man he had with him, al
d he answered, 'A Baptist preacher,' she said: 'Oh 
George! whv did YOll bring such a person to our house? ' . 
" He told her he did not like to do it, but he could not well do otherwise, and 
that, as he seemed a good sort of man, she must do the best she. 
ll1der t
circumstances. As the Captain was one of the trustees, he had no dlffic.ulty 111 ohtam- 
ing the llse of the schoo house, for which the Etder had asked for a meetlllg; but 
s for 
announcing the meeting, he could not think?f do
ng it, as .he had 
reat fe.1: of I.n
dueing a Baptist and of being blamed by hIS neighbors I.OT so domg. 11'e J.Jder, 
when as1.ed who would introduce him, uttered these sub Imc words: '
I}' Gud .md 
m}' Bible!' Accordingly, in the morning, he set out. to vis it. from house t? house, and 
to announce the meeting for the evening. It was hIS practice, on e.ntll mg 
a I
to inquire if any in it feared the Lord; then he would read a portion of SnlpturL' 

35 6 


and offer prayer. In some houses he was well received, while in other
 the good 
woman would continue at her wheel, paying no attention, and in some, also, one or 
two of the inmates would continue their work and the rest wou
d kneel, so little had 
the people, at that time, even the form of religion, At length the evening arrived, 
and the schoolhouse was we11 filled, Captain Morgan had a desire to hear the stranger, 
but was afraid to be seen, not knowing how he might act, so he got into a corner 
behind the door, The preacher discoursed on man's sin, the danger of the soul, and 
declared that all must be born again or be eternally lost. He also showed what the 
new birth was and how it could be obtained. The Captain felt condemned j he 
thought the preacher had been made acquainted with his whole life, and that some 
one had informed him of a11 his circumstances and mental troubles. So great 
was his distress, that, at the end of the sermon, he was forced to come out of 
his corner and confess that he was a lost sinner. As he was among the fir
convicted, he was among the first that obtained peace with God in believing the 
Gospel; then his wife and several of his relations were brought to Christ. They 
were all baptised, and the good work went on until a goodly number were formed 
into a church. Thus the Captain found the new birth, and found it in a way he did 
not expect. 
" A.5 
I r. McPhail had to return to 05go
de, he left me in 05nJ.bruck to find my 
way back to Chatham as I could. HLtving no conveyance of my own, Capt lin 

Iorgan kindly offered to take me part of the way, and said it was a pleasure to do it, 
and that his team had carried many a Baptist load. We first proceeded to Marti. 
town, arnving there that evening; there was no Baptist church there, an 1 only three 
Baptists, wilh whom we stayed. From this place we went to the Rear of Roxborough, 
and remained over night with a man named John Fraser, who had seen a good d
of the world. He was a Scotchman from the Shire úf Moray; in his youth he had 
been in the employ of the Hudson Bay Company, in the North-\Vest. \Vhen he and 
his wife came to settle in Canada, they were connected with the Independents, but 
afterwards became Baptists. John was a very intelligent man, and used his talents in 
preaching at home, in the schoolhouse, and in the Baptist Church, in Indian Lands, 
of which he was a member. He was very fond of music: and something of a 
musician himself. 'Ve spent a happy evening with him and his family in religious 
conversation and siDging hymns of which I had a number that were new to him. He 
brought out hi" fiddle, an old companion, and which, like himself, bore the impres:; 
of a
vancing time. It had ministered to his folly in the day when God was not in 
al.l 11ls thoughts, but then, as its owner's mind was changed, it WL1S made, under 
11IS hand, to give forth sweet sounds of praise to God. John, being fond of old 
Scotch tunes, proposed to sing a hymn to the tune of Auld Lallg SYIlC, but though 
I had no objection either to the fiddle or tune if used in the service of Christ, we 
found that such was not the case with Capt. Morgan. Both the fiddle and the brought to him painful recollections of the time and scenes when he was SpOI ting 
WIth ungodly companions in the broad road which leads to ruin. In deference to his 
feelings, therefore, the fiddle was consigned to : ts box and the tune was unsung. 
., It is now a long time since [ was in the company of good, honest John Fraser, 
but I have a letter of his, containing a call to me from the Church in the Indian Lands, 
to become their p3.st0r, which I S<:.W fit, at that time, to decline. This good man has 
lately gone to join the Church above. Great changes 111ve taken place in Rux- 
borough; not only has the wildernes'\ been turned into a fruitful held, but after a 
great. revival, a church \Vas formed, which has a fair prospect of being enlarged and a 
smg .to the place. I preached in a schoolhouse to a large and attentive congre- 
gation. Since then, however, they ha\"e a smail but neat chapel, which is entirely paid 



for. From Roxbor
ugh I proceeded to what was called the Indian Lands where 
there was a Baptist Church. It was Jocated in what is now called N otfield: This 
was an old church, but it had little influence in the neighborhood. '''!tile they had 
a large field in which to labor, they slept-and wlâle they slept, the field was entered 
by others, who were not friendly to Baptist principles, The Church here was, for a 
long time, without a pastor, and made but little progress. They were occasionally 
visited by MT. Fraser from Breadalbane, who preached and dispensed the Lord's 
Supper, the meetings being held in a log chapel, which at that time was unfinished 
in the inside and was very uncomfortable. They kept up their meetings, however, 
and exhorted one another. The people were Highland Scotch, and it was in this 
place Mr. McPhail first labored after leaving college and before he settled in Osgoode. 
Here Captain Morgan left me and returned home. I preached on the Sabbath, and 
spent a few days in the Settlement, the guest of James ::\IcIntyre, a deé1con in the 
church-a kind, good man, who, by care and industry, seemed to be getting on in the 
world. I preached a few nights in his house, The Church in the Indian Lands, 
like many other churches, had its da T k and bright times, its sunshine and shadow. 
It was a long time without any regular pastor, and, in its early days, suffered some 
troub:e respecting the communion question. During the pastorate of Mr. Rainboth, 
a powerful revival of religion took place among the young, and a number were baptised 
and added to the Church. After the revival, 1\1r. Rainboth-much to the regret of 
the young people-left and settled with the Osnabruck Church, 
" As Deacon James McIntyre had occasion to go to Breadalbane on business, I 
went with him, as I was thus brought twenty-one miles nearer Chatham. On our way 
we passed through Alexandria, a large village, inhabited chiefly by Highlanders, many 
of them from Glengarry, Scotland. They were Rom,:m Catholics, and descendants of 
the men who, in Scotland's troubles, fought the battles of the Stuarts, and who were 
with Charles at Prestonpans, Falkirk and Culloden. They have long since become 
loyal to the House of Hanover, as they proved during the late Rebellion in Canada 
by turning out with the Loyalists, and at Pre
cott and at other places, showing that 
they had lost none of the courage which their ancestors displayed on many a bloody 
field. In Alexandria there was a Roman Catholic chapel, several stores, flour mills 
and public buildings. The country around seems to be a fine one and well suited to 
farming purposes, but much of it not well cultivated, 
" .Early in the afternoon we arrived at Breadalbane and stopped at the house of 
Mr. Fraser, the respected pastor of the church there; he was not at home, but I was 
kindly received by his wife. As it was the evening of the weekly prayer-meeting, I 
proceeded to the chapel, where I preached. There were not many pre.sent, so that I 
had little opportunity of forming acquaintance with the Brethren, findll
g n
whom I knew, save myoid friend Sandy Campbell. Breadalbane, wlllch IS m the 
township of Lochiel, was settled by Highland Scotch, who gave the. name to 
Settlement, from the fact that most of them came from Bread dbanc, Il1 Pt:rthslurl', 
" Probably there is no other rac
 of people und
r the s
m more 
ttached t
country than the Scotch, especially the Highland
rs. N othmg but dire. nece:'"lty \\'111 
drive them from their native glens and mountams, when: every spot IS sacred frum 
association with the heroic deeds of their foref.lthers. But when they must go and 
make for themseh es a home in a distant land, they delight 111 gi\,ing it the name of th.: 
place of their birth. . 
"When I filst visited Breadalbane, many of the first settlers wcr
 alive, and, 
though advanced in years, were healthy and active. Such \\ as Pet
r ?tcw,lrt, Duncan 
MCArthur, Allen McDiarmid, John :\[CLauren, Allen McKay, :\flll:l.l" 
[cJ auren, 

35 8 


Duncan Ray, Duncan Campbell, the Lothians, and a number of others, with 
their wives. 
"\Vell might it now be asked-the fathers, where are they? The little hillock
in the burying ground before the old chapel have increased greatly in number within 
the last twenty years. Under these hillocks sleep many of the fathers and mothers 
of the Settlement and founders of the Church, and many whose voice was heard in 
praise and exhortation in that forsaken building, now sleep among that silent cOllgre- 
gation of the dead. They once bore the burden and heat of the day-a noble race- 
men who lovEd the truth for its own sake, and women whose adorning was of more 
value and more beautiful than silver and gold. Of the original church which was 
formed when the place was a wilderness, only one aged widow now survives, and she, 
too, will soon cross the Jordan. 
"And that old chapd, now deserted, and, which, like its builders, will soon 
crumble into ruins-how many friendly greetings have occurred around its door? 
How many sermons have been preached from its pulpit? There the Spirit of God 
has, on many occ
sions. manifested His power in the conver!ìÏon of souls, and angels 
have often borne to Heaven the tidings of souls born anew, causing joy among the 
redeemed in the presence úf the Angelic Host. There 
ood old Mr. Fraser labored 
many years and with good success; he was succeeded by \V. K. Anderson, under 
whose ministry many souls were brought to Christ; then McNab labored a few 
months, and was succeeded by Cameron, who had been a missionary in the Highlands 
of Scotland. After laboring there a few years, he removed to Bruce, C. \V., where 
he died. Their next pastor was 1\1 r. :\IcKee, during whose pastorate a great revival 
took place j meetings were held every day for nine or ten weeks, and a great number 
was added to the Church. He left after the revival, and their old pastor, \Y. K. 
Anderson, returned. Often has the writer preached within tl
e old chapel to large 
congregations and on revival occasions, with Boyd, Anderson, McDonald, McKee, 
Dick, and others, 
" Eternity alone will disclose the good done in that old building; it has been the 
spiritua. birthplace of many, for which reason its very åust is dear to us, and we take 
pleasure in looking on its decaying timbers and stones. As 
lr. Fraser had occasion 
to visit Point Fortune, on the Ottawa, I rode with him to that place, whence I crossed 
the river and made for home, which I reached, after an absence of six weeks; during 
which time I preached a number of sermons, saw many people, and, I hope, was the 
means of doing some good. The country through which I passed w
s a fine one, 
which led me to wonder why the Chatham people were so unwise as to settle in such 
a place when better land was to be found not far off. After returning, I continued to 
preach the Gospel, and had the pleasure of recei ving into the Church, now and then, 
a convert. 
"In the month of July, 1845, I was ordained to the Gospel Ministry as an 
evangelist, though I filled the place of pastor. This was done at my request, as I had 
objections at that time of assuming, permanently, the care of a pastorate. 
"The ordination took place on the Lord's Day, in the presence of a large congre- 
gation; the ministers present being Mr. \VilIiam Dick, of Ottawa, and Mr, McPhail, 
from Osgoode. 
Ir. Dick had been placed in Ottawa City by the Baptist Missionary Soc.iety, 
as there were a few Baptists there; he was a learned man and a good preacher j yet 
he met with but little success in Ottawa. After laboring there a while he left the city, 
and has since died. 
., As I had been two years in the Settlement-the first of which I boarded with 
Deacon McGibbon, the second with Archibald McArthur-I concluded that I could 



obtain a house and lot of my own, and I pur
hased a lot which had been deserted by 
a man who had gone to Canada \Vest. On It was a house and bun' but like much 
of the land around this place, it was very stoney, and of little value for f
rming pur- 
(( I repaired the house, which was a log one, and moved into it late in the fall. 
I was now 
vhat, in 
cotla.nd, would be called a laird and a landed proprietor; I 
could now SIt down 111 my own house and walk over my own estate. But, still, there 
was a want: it had been decreed that it was not good for man to dwell alone. 
Feeling the truth of this in my own case, I had been reflecting on the subject for 
some time. There was a young woman in the place, a daughter of Deacon McGibbon 
and granddaughter of Archibald McArthur, pastor of a Baptist Church in Glenlyon: 
Scotland-known there as Ahle/ler .Lflair, She had endeared herself to all by her 
kindness, devotion to the church and assistance in the Sabbath School and in 
protracted meetings, and to this young woman, after gaining the assent of her parents, 
I was married that winter. 
" In the catechism of the \Vestminstcr assembly of Divines, it is said that G
d has 
foreordained whatsoever comes to pas". However much some may question the 
truth of this assertion, I must say that my going to Chatham and my marriage seems 
to confirm it, for before I was known in the place, before she had ever feeD me, my 
wife beheld me in a dream. Thinking nothing about the matter, she went with others 
to church that Sabbath morning, when, to her astonishment, the very person she had 
seen in her dream rose in the pulpit, and addressed the people. This was the first 
time I had preached in the place, and why the vision had appeared to her, since she 
had never seen me and had no knowledge of me whatever, let those who are skilled 
in the interpretation of dreams explain, This circu:nstance came to my knowledge 
only some time after we were married. 
" Time rolJed one, and there were additions to the church; indeed, every year 
since I came to the place, more or less additions were made ; but owing to the pov- 
erty of the country, people were always moving away, which circumstance kept the 
church poor with regard to numbers. 
.e There lived, in the 8th concession of Chatham, a man named Hendrie, a Scotch- 
man, by trade a carpenter, from Elgin in Morayshire. \Vhen he lived there, he did 
considerable business, but failed, and came to Canad.1. James W.tS an intelJigent 
man; he had good education, good judgment, and a turn for public business. He 
professed to be a religious man, and took an active part in bringing ministers to 
the settlement, though he was not particular as to the denomination. He was 
elected School Commissioner, and subsequently Secretary-Treasurer. .\bout this 
time, a great deal of dissatisfaction arose in the community with reg.ud to the 
location of a new school-house; bitter things were said, friends were estranged, 
and animosity among neighbors generally prevailed. The School Board nd.tur.llly 
came in for a share of the abuse, and especially J.unes Hendrie, because he 
was supposed to have the most influence; but he was not to be swerved from what 
he supposed was right. He had just built a new house, in which he was living on p 
reserved. part of his land, having parted with the rest to one of his sons, 
" It was Saturd:lY night, and the family had retired after completinr. their usual 
work preparatory for the Sabbath, and were. in deep sleep, when. it \Vas .discovered 
that the house was on fire. There was but lIttle chance to save It, and It W.l<> soon 
in ashes i poor James Hendrie and his wife were consumed in it. \s it was sup- 
posed that he had cOi1sider

le mone.y at the time bel? to the School Corpor- 
ation there '":ere strong SUspICIons, heIghtened by certain clrcum
s, that the tire 
was i
1cendiary and was started with a view to r'Jbbay. However this llJa) be, the 

3 60 


end of Hendrie and his wit;: was sudden and awful. In the evening preceding the 
fire, James was shaving. and his wife asked a person present, 'Didna' he think her 
uudeman looked young yet?' Little did she think that neither she nor her 

udeman would ever see the Sabbath for which they were preparing, and that instead 

f going to church the next morning, people at the hour of service would be searching 
among the smoking ruins for their remains. A boy and girl, who slept upstairs, 
escaped by jumping from a window on the snow; the last words they heard were 
1'om Hendrie saying, 'The honse is on fire,' which they supposed was a warning 
addressed to themselves. It is remarkable that some years after this, the son of 
James Hendrie came near meeting the same fate that befell his parents, In the 
dead of night his house was enveloped in flames, and he, his wife and children 
barely escaped through a window-a moment longer in the house, and they would 
have perished in the flames. 
" It is pleasi!lg to turn from such painful e\'en ts to a revival of ) eligion, in 
which fourteen persons made a profession of religion, were baptised and added to 
the Church. Among the converts was an old soldier, John A., who had fought th 
French under the Iron Duke, in Spain, and met them in many a bloody field, for 
which his conn try had rewarded him with a r ension. At the time of the revival, he 
was an old man, had buried two wives and all his children, and was alone in the 
world; his home being with a blacksmith who kept him for his pension. He was an 
irreligious man and had no respect for religion, but when the revival occurred, he 
was broken down on account of his sins. Though he had been in many a battle, he 
had never been in one like this, when the arrows of conviction were sticking fast in 
his soul, and all his sins seemed to rise up like armed men before him. He con- 
tinued in this state a few days, when at last, hearing that wonderful passage,- 
, Though your sins be like scarlet, I wIll make them like the snow: and though they 
be red like crimson, I will make them like the wool,' he was enabled to believe it, and 
so found the forgiveness of his sins. The prayers of his wife were answered j she 
had made a profession of religion when I first came to the place, and before her 
death prayed much for her sinful husband. He \Vas baptised, joined the Church, 
and has since joined the Church above. 
"In 1860 the Lord blessed the Church with a revival of religion, which resulted 
in the baptism of sixteen, and their addition to the Church. This revival began 
among the young people in the Sabbath School. From the number, two yonng men 
-John Higgins and Robert McArthur-felt moved by the Holy Spirit to devote 
themselves to the work of the Gospel Ministry." 
As sketches of these gentlemen are given elsewhere in this volume, Mr. King's 
notice of them at this point is omitted. He pays a high compliment to the citizens 
of Dalesville for their loyalty to temperance. 
., In regard to our settlement, we had reason to be thankful that whatever the 
faults of the people may have been, they had not that of intemperance. The Temper- 
ance Reformation had taken a firm hold here at a very early period, and most of the 
young people had enlisted under the temperance banner, There were a few indivi- 
duals, living at some distance from the settlement, who, occasionally, when away 
m .home, indulged immoderately in drink-a fact that was proclaimed by Bac- 
chlllahal; songs and shouts, as they passed through our hamlet on their return home. 
" In 1863, the Lord again favored the Chatham Church with a revival of reli- 
gion, and one of the most remarkable that had occurred here. The converts were 
mostly young people, of whom there were many in the place. The Church had 
seemed for some time to be in a cold state, and I had begun to fear that my work were 
was done; there were a few, however, who prayed for a revival of religion. There 


3 61 

was one young woman, wh? had expressed a desi
e to become a Christian, yet seemed 
reluctant to come out publIcly and acknowledge It ; I thought that if I commenced a 
series of meetings, it might?e the means of bringing her to a decision, and in case she 
should come out, others mIght follow, I feared, however, that the church members 
would not heartily second my efforts as I was not a stranger, and had nothing new 
to engage the thoughts of the lovers of new things, It is to be lamented that churches 
too often discourage their ministers by failing to co-operate with them in their labors 
forgetting that it is the duty of every member to work with his pastor instead of 
seeking only his own ease and convenience. 
" But I b.egan th
1gs, and after a few nights' preaching, a young woman 
expressed an mterest In Chnst, and soon after that the young woman before men- 
tioned, and fron
 that time the work went on. It was soon evident that a greater 
than man was at work i-the congregation increased in number, the Church members 
became interested, and rendered much aid in speaking to anxious souls and in holdinC1 
prayer meetings. One night, after the sermon, I requested those who had found 
peace in be1ieving in Chris [ to sit by themsel yes in a corner of the chapel, so that we 
might have some idea of 
heir number. To my surprise and great joy, the most of 
the seats in that corner were filled with rejoicing converts. This was a night 
long to be remembered, and one of the most glorious sights I had ever seen. 
This band of converts soon united in singing a beautiful hymn, which had a 
powerful effect on the unregenerate who remained in the other parts of the house. 
Week after week, the good work went on, till six weeks passed away, and neither 
preacher nor hearer seemed weary; it was a blessed time-a time of harvest. As 
some of the converts were pupils in the school, the happy influence of the revival 
was felt there, and the teacher herself became a subject of divine grace, and took 
great interest in the conversion of others. After a number had professed conversion 
they wcre examined -by a committee appointed for the purpose, and such as gave 
nce of a change were baptised according to the command of Our Lord and 
thc practice of the Apostles. The baptisms were performed on the Lord's day, after 
a sermon preached on the subject. On these occasions, the chapel, which is a large 
I.milding, was full of people, some of whom had come from a distance, so that many 
had to stand during the service, from want of room. 
_,. On the first Lord's day I baptised 28 persons; the next Sabbath others follO\ved 
their Lord into the watery tomb, and the next again, until, as the fruit of the revival, 
fifty-two were baptised and added to the number of believers. Through the influenc\.. 
of parents and friends, others were induced to join other bodies, AU through this 
work I received no help from any other minister, nor did I feel that I required any; 
for the members of the Church were alive to the good of souls, and did their part in 
carrying on the work. Tbis I found to be more beneficial to the members than it 
would had ministers been brought from a distance; for had this been done, the 
people would have depended on the ministers and remained idle themselves. 
" The bles
ed effect of the revival was fdt all through the summer and the next 
winter. I was induced to commence a new series of meetings in a school-house about 
five miles west of the chapel. Quite a numher in this neighborhood had formerly 
made a profe
sion of religion, and had united with diff
rent denominations, but were 
now generally careless and indifferent, ".\fter preachmg a few nights, the congre- 
gation increased in number, and it was evident. that the spirit of qod was at work. 
This meeting continued five weeks, when tlurty-seven were lJaptIsed. 
&c A bout this time died Duncan McDougall. Duncan was a member of the first 
Church, and a man well acquainted with his Bible. He had a 
alent for e
which improved greatly I i practice. He preached a great dC.llm the back country, 

3 62 


and with great acceptance, For years he travelJed through a rough section, labor- 
ing among the poor people, with no reward save a good conscience, and in this way, 
he became well known through Gore, Morin and Mille Isle, where he was much re- 
spected. He could explain clearly the way of salvation, and always spoke from the 
heart to the heart; and being of a cheerful, friendly disposition, he was made welcome 
by all. He preached in school-houses, and had large gatherings, 3nd there is reason 
to believe that his labors were blessed to many. But 8.t last he was attacked by 
an incurable malady, which interrupted his labors, and after three years carried 
him off to the great loss of his neighborhood and the Church. He now sleeps in 
the burying ground on the hill, there to abide the coming of his Lord." 
In a succeeding part of his annals, Mr. King thus notices the death of the wife 
of Duncan McDougall, which occurred about 1873 : 
" Not long after, died Eliza McArthur, daughter of the' Big MiJler' of Glenlyon, 
She had been a member of the Glenlyon church, and, after coming to Canada 
married Duncan McDougalJ, who, through her influence, became a Christian and a 
preacher of the Gospel. They had three sons and one daughter, and after the death 
of her husband, she lived with a son. Her strength an
 memory failed, and, from 
an affection of the eyes, became blind. She could not recognizè her friends, but 
when asked if she remembered Jesus, replied that she did, and could never forget 
what He had done for her. She was a good woman, and one thoroughly acquainted 
with the Scriptures; indeed, she and Mr. McDougall knew the Bible far better than 
many ministers. 
" In the spring of 18 6 4, there was again an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on our 
Church, and though the congregations were not so large as they had been on former 
occasions-, many listened to the \V ord and were blessed. A your;g man, whose 
brother had attended the meetings and been converted, said he did not kl
ow how 
it was, but he thought people who went there got bewitched, but he felt that he was 
wise enough not to be caught. But he was caught, made a profession, and was 
baptised, \Vith the exception of a man who was nearly eighty, and his wife, the 
converts were quite young. The contrast between the aged and the young, going 
down into the water together, was great, and had a good effect. In that revival, 
twenty made a profession, and were baptised. 
"In the summer of that year, the Ottawa Baptist Association met with the 
church in Dalesville, It was said to be the largest meeting of the Association up to 
that time, and it was the 29th annual meeting from its formation. Among the 
ministers present were Langridge, from Ottawa city-a new man-an Englishman, 
and a very good speaker. He continued a few years in Ottawa, during which time 
the church was enlarged by several additions by baptism. He preached a sermon 
before the Association, on behalf of the claims of widows and orphans of deceased 
pastors and ministels. He has since removed to Nova Scotia. There were also 
present Daniel McPhail, John Dempsey, about to leave St. Andrews for Port Hope, 
Peter McDonald, \V. K. Anderson, at that time in Kemptville, W. McKee from 
Breadalbane, and John Ross from Thurso, who preached an excellent sermon from 
Numbers xiii. 30-31. Then there was John Alexander, at that time paslOr of the 
church in Montreal, under whose pastorate that church increased more than it had 
at any formtr period." 
Not long after this, he says: I' \Ve were startled by of the death of 
Rev. John Edwards. He was struck down by paralysis, near Port Hope, when 
on his way to visit his brother James at Peterboro. He had an attack of the same 
while in Britain, but recovered, J 01111 Edwards was a good man, and a devoted 
aborer in the vineyard of the Lord. He was, at his death, the oldest minister in 


3 6 3 

the Ottawa Association, In his younger days, he had been pastor of the Baptist 
churches in Dalesville and St. Andren's, after which he became pastor of a church 
in Peterboro. After laboring there a while, he removed to Clarence where his 
hOllored father had labored so long, and while there he gave part of 'his time to 
Thurso and Petite Nation. He remained there till he became agent for the Grande 
Ligne Mission, in which service he was very successful, collecting money for it in 
England and Scotland, which he twice visited. He had to struggle through many 
difficulties in life, yet, through them aU, he conducted himself in a manner becoming 
a minister of the Gospel. He died away from home, without the pleasure of seeing 
his wife or children; his work was done, and the Master called him home. 
"Among those who were called away about this time was Robert 
one of the five who sat down to break bread in the wilderness of Chatham. He had 
been a deacon in the church in Glenlyon, Scotland. On account of differences 
with some of the brethren, Robert withdrew from the church, and did not return till 
a short time before his death. As he was not able to go out, the Church met at his 
house, where he joined them for the last time in communion, To them and to him 
it was a very happy season. Robert was a good man, though for a time he had 
entertained mistaken views about that forbearance which brethren should exercise one 
toward another. 
"In 1869 I received a call to leave the church at Dalesville, and labor with the 
churches of N otfield, Roxboro and RiceviIle, in Ontario. A few years previous I 
had received a call from N otfield, but did not see my way clear to accept it. This 
time, however, considering that so many had left the place, and laboring under the 
impression that my work was done at Dalesville, it seemed to me the path of duty to 
accept the can. Thus a connection of nearly thirty years with the church in Dales- 
viIle came to a close. During this period I had seen both dark and bright times; I 
had labored in the Gospel, and with my hands, that I might not be burden some to the 
church. I loved the people, and I believe they respected me, and I would not have 
left them only for the reasons I have stated; we parted in the best of friendship. 
" I left and came to Notfield on the 7th of May, 1869. That winter the snow 
had been very deep and was long in disappearing j t:le roads were almost impassable, 
and owing to the dry summer of 1868, food for both man anå beast \Vas very scarce; 
many farmers had to part with more than half their stock. It was hard to get hay; 
those who had it to sell asked $30 a ton, and some $40, 
bny managed to bring 
cows and sheep through the winter by cutting do\\-n trees and giving them the small 
limbs at the top to eat. I never saw such a display of brush as I saw in my journey 
from Daiesville to Notfield; every barnyard had piles of it, The labor of bringing it 
from the woods must have been great, owing to the depth of snow." 
The above closes Mr, King's account of his labors in Argenteuil. 'Vhile at 

otfield, in the year 1872 or 1873, he thus speaks of the death of Peter 
lcGibbon : 
" About this time came tidings of the death of some dear friends in Dalesville, 
and among them that of Peter, or, as he was generally known, Capt. McGibbon; 
died 17th January, 1873. lie was a native of Glenlyon, Perthshire, Scotland, and III 
the year 1817, in company with others, came to Canada and settled in the Rear of 
Chatham, then an unbroken wilderness. Like others, he had here to endure all the 
hardships of Lush life. which, though new to him, might !lot !lave seemed quite so 
severe as it would to a weaver as he had ueen a shepherd 111 IllS young
r days, tend- 
ing his flocks on the mountain
 of Scotland, lIe was married to Janet, daughter of 
lcArthur, pastor of the Baptist church of GleJ
lyon, better. known as .the 
:Muller :Moir. Peter came to a knowledge of the truth 111 1835, dllnn
 the rcvl\'al 
which look place under the preaching of John Gilmour, William Fraser and John 

3 6 4 


Edwards. He took an active part in the building of the chapel, anå Îor some} eats 
was deacon of the church; indeed, he took an active part in every work of public 
utility, such as the opening up of roads and building of schoolhouses, He had three 
sons and six daughters, all of whom he had the pleasure of seeing profess an interest 
in Christ and uniting with the church at Dalesville. His eldest son, Finley, died at 
the age of 26, a fine young man, who died happy in the Lord. Two of his sons and 
three of his daughters are married and have families, He had been a remarkably 
healthy man, very active even in his old age-few men could excel him in walking 
when he was far advanced in years. He was a man noted for uprightness in all his 
dealings, and his promise was as good as his oath j he despised a mean action. He 
continued a consistent member of the Church till the day of his death." 
The following is Mr. King's notice of the death of Mrs. McGibbon, who 
died March 1st, 1874:-" In the spring of this year came word of the death of 
Janet McArthur, daughter of the Muller Moir of Glenlyon, and wife of Peter 
McGibbon. She had been a member of the church in Dalesville over forty 
years, Duncan McArthur, a brother of the deceased, is now 92 years of age, and is 
yet healthy and active, and placing his hope of future happiness in Christ. " 
The Kev, :Mr. returned to Dalesville in 1877, after an absence of eight 
years, and once more accepted the pastorate of the Baptist church, which he held till 
within three years of his death, which occurred in the summer of 18 93. He was 
pastor of the Dalesville church over fony years, which, with the time of his minis- 
trations elsewhere, made up a period of half a century that he labored as a minister 
of the Gospel, and during this time he baptised fifteen hundred converts. The Rev, 
1\lr. Higgins, in his memorial sermon, says:- 
" Physically, Pastor King was tall, stout, a large
 strong-looking man, and for 
many years he possessed a splendid consti tution, well adapted for hard toil among 
the rocks, hilìs and rivers of Chatham Township. Though not having the advantage 
of much scholastic training, he was gifted with more than average intelligence and 
powers of utterance. He w
s a calm, easy, fluent speaker. Nature and grace ãid 
much for him, and few speakers could excel him as a plain, practical preacher, or in 
platform temperance addresses. \Vhile he held most tenaciously, and boldly pro- 
claimed Baptist- principles, he was ready to unite with all who loved the Lord Jesus 
Christ, in his efforts to do good." 
Mrs. King, with some of her children, still resides on the homestead, now a 
well-cultivated farm, with good buildings. She is still young in appearance, and 
retains the respect and affection of all who know her. The children of Mr, and 
King were: Peter, Alexander, Janet Louise (deceased), Finley, James, Elizabeth, 
John (deceased), Archibald and Daniel. Two of the sons are in Nebraska; 
Elizabeth, the only daughter living, married to Daniel J. Burwash, lives in Sawyer- 
ville, Que. 
The Baptist Church of Dalesville-a large stone building-was erected in 18 35. 
During Mr. King's absence in Notfield, the Rev. Alex. McFayden held the pastorate 
four years, then students F. Dann and Adam (now Rev. Adam) Burwash, followed. 
Students Herbert Grimwood and J. C. Cameron supplied the pulpit for a time 
preceding Mr. King's death, then came Rev. T. C. Sowter, a graduate of the Theo- 
logical department of McMaster University, Toronto, who held the pastorate a year, 
when he was called to the Baptist Church at Groton, Vt. At the end of that time, 
he was recalled to Ualesville, and has been pastor here until quite recently, 




.-\.bout four miles west of Dalesville is a post-office with the name Edina, which 
was established in 1874, \VILLlAl\l TOl\lALTY being the first post-master. He died, 
and his brother, Joseph Tomalty, was appointed post-master in his place. Arthur 
Tomalty, their father, was one of the pioneers in the Rear of Chatham, settling in 18 34 
or 18 35 on Lot 25, 11th Range. He came to Montreal from the North of Ireland in 
:::83 0 , and a little later went to SilIery, where he married Catherine Grey from Sligo, 
Ireland, and then came to Chatham, as stated above, He died in April, 1862 ; his 
wife, ::\Iay 12, 1893, They had seven sons and four daughters. 
Joseph, the youngest son, lives on the homestead of 200 acres, though he spent 
a few years in Michigan and California. He was married February 6, 1877, to 
Margaret McMahon, of Harrington, and the same year was appointed post-master of 
Thomas Tomalty, an elder son of the late Arthur Toma1ty, lives about three 
miles west of Dalesville, where he has a small grocery and a hostelry for the accom- 
modation of travelers. He was married July 10, 1862, to Elizabeth Burns of Sligo, 
Ireland, and settled on a farm here of 313 acres, which he has lately divided between 
his two eldest sons, Arthur and \Vi1ltam. He has for twenty years been actively 
engaged in buying farm produce and cattle and sheep, and selling them in Montreal, 
to which city he makes frequent trips, 
JAMES, the fifth son of ARTHUR Tm.IALTY, was married 22nd May, 1873, to Grace 
Jane Green, of Harrington, and afterward spent three years in California, He was 
employed, after his retnrn, in a mill and in lumbering, till 1882, when he settled on 
his present farm of 200 acres-parts of Lots 19 and 20, 8th Range-where he gi\yes 
evidence of prosperity; he has been a member of the Board of School Commissioners 
four or five years. 
_-\.LEXANDER CALDER, who has been active and influential in local aff,"LÏrs, is a 
resident of Edina. His father, John Calder, from Paisley, Scotland, 
 \Yea ver by trade, 
came to Chatham in 1827 and took up Lot 24, loth Range, on which he lived till 
18 37, when he removed to Lot 8 in the sam
 range, on which he lived till his death 
in 18 7 2 . In November, 1829, he was married to Catherine 
lcUonald, by which 
marriage he had seven sons and three daughters: Alexander, who lives in Edina; 
Rev. James G., pastor of the Baptio;t Church in .\lvinston, Ont.; \Villiam, livin
St. .c\medée, Ottawa County; Robert, living in North Nation 
liUs; John, who IS m 
the United States. Peter and Archibald both died young. Of the daughters, only 
Margaïet, the wife of \Vi11iam McQuaig, is now living; Bella, who married \Villiam 
Mott, died in the summer of 18 94; and Kate, who married Malcolm 
lcIntyre úf 
Upper Lachlltc, died about fifteen years ago.. . . 
.-\.lexander, the second son, worked on a farm and m the lumber woods III his 
youthful days, till his marriage, 27th April, 1858, to Jane Mullen, wh
n he settled on 
his own farm of 87 acres-Lot 20, Range lo-which he purch.ased m 1
56, and on 
which he still resides. He is Master of the Orange Lodge at thIS place; IS a member 
of the Hoard of Health; has been Vaillator six years, Rural [nspector eightcen, and 
a member of the School Board since 1868, 
I was one of the pioneers who came from Scotland and settled 
in the Rear of Chatham previous to 18 35, He took up a lot. i
 the I 2th Rang
, and 
like others who settled in that Range, concluded, after hvmg there a whII
, to 
migrate, and bought 100 acres in the I nh Ra
1ge,.on which he lived t\
when he removed to Petroli
, Ont., where he died III July, 1879. :\Ir. Gra.h.ull \Vas 

3 66 


a brick and stone mason, and he built many of the houses in this part of Chatham, 
He acted as musician, playing the bagpipes in one of the companies in the Rebellion 
of 18 37. TIe had six children-three of each sex. Murdoch, the third son, married 
Catherine Conlin 16th January, 1865, and soon afterward went to Petrolia, Ont., 
where he worked several years in the oil region. In 1887 he bought 200 acres in the 
loth Range of Chatham, on what is known as McFaul's Flats-a very nice tract of 
level land-on which he still resides. He has been a Deacon of the Baptist Church 
several years, 
SAMUEL BROADFOOT, a millwright, from New Glasglow, Scotland, came to :\Ion- 
treal about the year 1842, and after working in that city a year or two, came to 
Lachute, where he married a widow, 
lrs. Sarah Kerr. Her maiden name was Moore. 
Her father, Samuel Moore
 an early settler at Dalesville, had been a soldier in the 
British Senicc, and dl ew a pension, His wife was the widow of a soldier who fell at 
'Vaterloo. Mr. Broadfoot worked in many different places, his services being widely 
sought on account of his skill and ingenuity. He was employed on the Locks on the 
Carillon Canal, in the Dalesville and Brownsbury mills, in Harrington j several years 
by Owens at Stonefield jalso by Eddy & Booth, of Ottawa. He died 1st February, 
188 7; his wife died the 8th of the same month, in the same year. He had two sons 
and four daughters; his wife hy her first marriage had one son-Joseph Kerr. 
Jane, the eldest daughter of Mr. Broadfoot, was married 22nd May, 1876. to 
John Y. Smith, a carpenter, who had recently arrived in this country from England. 
In 1889, he bought 200 acres-Lot 19, Range lo-at Edina, where he still reside
though his own time is spent chiefly in Montreal, where he foHows his trade. 


This township is bounded on the north by Harrington j east, by Chatham; 
south, by the Ottawa; and west by the Augmentation of Grenville. Its 5urface is 
generally rough, being traversed by the Laurentian mountains; yet there are portions 
of it level and well adapted to agriculture, Its scenery is remarkably fine, the rear 
abounding in small lakes, charming in appearance, reposing in the solitude of mountain 
glens. Surpassing these, however, in scenery of savage grandeur, is that of the River 
Rouge, which, in Grenville, adds its powerful current to the Ottawa. 
o wonder that 
the Indian found in the wild features of this stream something allied to his own 
untamed nature
 a kindred character that constrained him to regard it as sacred. 

\n expans
ve bay, formed by the Ottawa, which is here very wide, combined 
with the Canal, and its fine locks form a beautiful front to the village. It was formerly 
a point o
much importance-a rmdez-vous for raftsmen and lumbermen; but the great 
e 111 the lumber business has, of late years, rendered it much more quiet. Its 
eputatlOn half a century ago is said to have been none of the best. But however 
fhis may be, the wave of social progress and morality, which has so effectively struck 
her places within that period, has not missed Grenville. 


3 6 7 

. The geologica! structure of Grenville is giv
n in the report in the first part of 
thIS volume; but smce that report was first published, some effort has been made to 
develop the mines a
d quarries in the mountains of this township, which are doubtless 
of value. An Amencan company was for some time employed in the rear of the 
township in obtaining mica; but, though considerable quantities were obtained, me 
work for some reason was abandoned. _-\n asbestos company, recently formed are 
about erecting extensive works at Point du Chêne, in the _-\ugmentation of Gren
and there is good reason to belIeve that the mines and quarries of this section wi1Ì 
yet be regarded as the most valuable of its possessions. 


lc\hLLAN, who for many years was a most prominent and influential 
man in Grenville, was a native of Loch.lber, Inverness-shire, Scotland, and his father 
and uncJe fought under the banner of Prince Charles. \Vhen quite yonng, he was a 
clerk in an East India House, in London, and while there, in '780, witnessed the 
Lord George Gordon Riots. In 1802, he determined to come to Canada. He was 
very popular with his clansmen, and when they learned his determination, many 
wished to accompany him. He, ther.efore, chartered three ships to convev himself, 
family and emigrants to Montreal, where they landed in the fall of the above year. 
He immediately applied to Government for grants of land for himself and associates; 
but, owing to red tape and other obstructions, the patents were not issued until three 
or four years later. Before that time, however, the emigrants found homes in Glen- 
garry and Lochiel, Ontario, where they obtained free grants of land, without difficulty, 
and found a company of Highlanders who had already settled there. The Ottawa 
Valley, from Grenville westward, was little else than an unbroken wilderness, and 
presented few attractions to induce anyone to settle there. The lands acquired by 

Ir. l\IcMilhn and his associates were located in the Townships of Grenville, Temple- 
ton and Lochaber. Mr. 
IcMillan gave the latter its name, as the settlers came from 
Lochaber, Scotland. It was in the year 1810, that Mr.l\Ic:\Iillan took u
 his residence 
in Grenville, having remained until that pel iod in :\IontreaI. H
 was responsible for 
the cost of survey, fees of office, and other expenses, amounting to something over 
$35 for each grant of 200 acres. To relieve themselves from e\.pense, the settl
made over to him their lots, and he contracted to hold them until the IMtent5 were 
issued, as they were liable to be escheated to the Crown for non-settlement. This 
forfeiture the Government threatened to enforce, so that he was obliged to make con- 
siderable improvements on some of the lots actually settled; yet, notwithstanding, a 
number of them returned to the Crown. All the lands are now occupied by a thrivinb 
community of settlers. \Vhen Mr. :\[C
Iillan fir::.-t came to Grenville he mO\ed int
good-sized log house, which he had erected the year previous. It stood just opposite 
the Hawkesbury 1nills, and was called the" Old _\bbey." At that time his nearest 
neighbour on the one hand lived in Hull, and, on the other, was Allen CamL
whose house was five miles distant in Chatham. The only road between the two pomts 
was a foot-path along the river side which, in the winter, could be travelled with sleds; 
on the opposite side of the river there was not even a foot-path. . 
To transport freight from :\Iontreal, in summer, was a work involyi
g both tH
and labor, Everything had first to be carted from Montreal to .1 achme then, 111 
bateaux, rowed or poled up to Carillon, and then hauled up 
he rapids by r0pl... ;-:--lhe 
latter being a difficult and dangerous task. 011 one occaSion, when Mr. 

3 68 


with his family and some freight, was returning from Montreal in this way, in sur- 
mounting a dangerous rapid, one of the bateaux came near foundering, As it was, 
she shipped considerabJe water, damaged part of the freight and several valuable 
books. On another occasion, where the rapids were very swift and rough, a large 
tree had fallen into the river, and instead of cutting out this obstruction, the men in 
charge of the bateaux tried to pole and warp them around the tree. In doing so, the 
bateaux that took the lead capsized, two pilots on board were drowned and most of 
the freight was lost, ' 
In 1812, Mr, McMillan received a Commission as Major of the Argenteuil 
l\Iilitia. They were called to the Front during the war that was then carried on 
between Great Britain and the United States, but when they had reached Pointe Claire, 
they heard of the battle of Chateauguay, and that peace was declared, and they 
returned home. :Major Mcl\lillan was the first postmaster in Grenville, and received 
his appointment in 1819, andhe1d it until 1829, Hewas also Justice of the Peace, and 
was frequently called upon in those early days to exercise the duties of his office. 
Especially was this the case when the canal was exçavated, quarrels and assaults 
being not infrequent. So averse, however, was the Major to litigation, and so 
conciliating in spirit, that he nearly always succeeded in inducing the belligerents to 
settle their difficulties, shake hand
, and go home. Major McMillan and George 
Hamilton, Esq., the plOprietor of the Hawkesbury Mills, and who was generally 
known as Judge Hamilton, were \Varm friends. Judge Hamilton belonged to a family 
highly connécted in Ireland, and \Vas himself a thorough gentleman of the old school. 
He \Vas very fond of company, and whenever he had visitors of s()]ne note, he used 
to raise a flag near his residence, as a signal to his friend, Major McMillan, to come 
over and join them. In like manner when the Major had distinguished visitors, a 
flag was displayed at the" Old Abbey," to invite Judge Hamilton to be present, 
Major :\Icl\lillan was also on very friendly terms with. the officers of the Royal Staff 
Corps, when the canal was in process of construction, and u!'ed frequently to be 
invited to their mess, and, whenever he repaid the compliment, and the officers dined 
with him, the flag was unfurled at the"' Old Abbey,:' as a hint to Judge Hamilton. 
One of these occasions was rendered still more auspicious by the pr
sence of the 
Governor General. Earl of Dalhousie, who had come up to inspect the work on the 
canal, and to whom an address on behalf of the citizens was presented by Major 
Mc:\1 illan. The latter and his eldest son, .Alexander, who was an advocate, died in 
1\lontreal from cholera in 1832. 
Major McMillan had nine children-six sons and three daughters-who arri\'ed 
at maturity. The eldest daughter in 1822 married Thomas Kains, who had been a 
Paymaster in the Royal Navy. For several years he \Vas Captain of the steamer 
"Shannon "which ran between Grenville and Byto\Vn (Ottawa). The second daughter 
married '''m. Hamilton, one of the company of Hamilton Bros., proprietors of the 
Hawkesbury Mills, and who was subsequently Collector of Customs at Stanstead, 
Que., where he died in 1833. The youngest daughter married George Kains, who 
for many years was a merchant, and one of the leading men in Grenville. During 
the Rebellion of 1837-38, he was an officer of the Grenville Volunteers, and as 
Captain Pridham could not leave the Post Office, l\Ir. Kains took command, and 
marched towards St. Eustache; but on reaching St, Andrews, they heard of the 
de.feat of th.e I
ebels, and returned j he died in 1 87ï. George, his eldest son, is a 
ClaI1l1 S1. Thomas, Ont. ; Joseph his second son, has retired from business, 
also lIves 111 St. Thomas; John, the third sun, is proprietor of a fine farm near St, 

rhomas; Robert, t
le fourth son, after having studied medicine and practised much 
H1 Europe, s
ttled 111 St. Thomas, where he now enjoys a g<?od practice j Robert, 
the fifth son, IS a Surveyor General, and resides ill Yictoria, B.C. 



3 6 9 

The sons of Major McMillan, with the exception of the one who died in Mont- 
real, lived in this section, and most of them engaged in the lumber busine;s, Here 
Duncan, the youngest of them, still resides on the old homestead. He is an 
octogenarian, but still retains the dear intellect by which he has cver been charac- 
terized. He has been a man of remarkable energy, and very successful in business, 
On the breaking out of the Rebellion, he joined the Montreal Royal Cavalry, com- 
prising two companies of sixty men each. His first employment was to go with 
several of his company to Chambly, to escort from that place to Montreal some lead- 
ing men connec
ed with the rebellious party. But on the road to Longueuil, the 
escort was fired on by a party of rebel:; concealed in the woods near the roadside. 
In the confusion which ensued, the carriage enclosing the prisoners capsized while 
turning round, and the prisoners escaped. The order was then given for every man 
to look out for himself,-an order which was promptly obeyed, A few of the escort 
were slightly, and Sergeant Sharp, an old soldier of the Imperial Army, was Quite 
se\'erely wounded. After the rebels had been driven from St. Charles and St. Denis, 
on the Richelieu, those piaces were occupied by several companies of Imperial 
troops, and Mr. 
lcMillan and another trooper were al so sent there, their duty being 
to carry dispatches to Sorel, Chambl}' and other places, They were there but a 
short time, however, when they w
re le1ieved by two other troopers. Early in the 
month of December, 1837, the Company of Cavalry to which 1\1r. 
lcMillan belonged 
was ordered with others to accompany the Imperial Troops to St. Eustache. They 
passed the first night at St. Martin, and the next morning, at 10 o'clock, they pushed 
on to 51. EU:5lache, and crossed the river a little to the east of the village, The 
church in which the rebels had taken refuge was at once attacked and burnt. 
The following is copied from a letter 
f Mr. Mcl\1illan: "I saw in the evening, 
after the fight, about twenty-five of these poor deludèd people lying in the church- 
yard, just where they had been shot; it was a sad sight. The same evening I S1.W 
the body of Dr, Chenier lying in what was called a hospital. He had on a strip
cambric shirt, and two small red spots on it showed where the bullets had passed 
through his body; he was a very Ilood-Iooking man. Our Cav,llry were ordered 
round the outskirts of the village to capture runaway rebels; several were captured 
and brought in. The next day we proceeded on further west, about ten miles, to the 
village ofS1. Benoit. As we approached the village, some of the Rcbels met us, hold. 
ing up white flags. The village was occupied that night by the troops, and the I).ext 
day wc were ordered to the city. Our cavalry and the (lueen's were appointc.i 
to accompany Sir John Colborne as guard. Sir John rode on horseback, b
lt with 
much speed, so that only a few of us were with him when we arrived in the city. 
Among those was Mr. Johnson, son-in-law of the late Co1. Dc Hcrtel ofS1. Andrew.;; 
he was a fellow trooper, and we rode into town together: I?uring t.he. of the 
winter and the following summer we underwent a course of drIll and dlsclplme, and 
occasional outpost service. As fall advanceà, sympt<;>l11s of another. Olll.ureak beg,m 
to c;how themselves in the direction of St. Scholastlque and N.tPlervllle, on the 
south side of the St. Lawrence; but they were not of long continu,U1ce. I carried .a 
dispatch from Col. McCord, :\fontreal, addressed to <;01. 

e. Hertel,. who. W.l'" on 11Is 
way to Sr. Scholastique with a portion of the Argcnteml 
llhtla, ordering hll11 to return 
home with his men. I arrived at S1. Scholastique in the evening, and Co!. De Hertel 
came in a little afrerwards. The next day we aU returned home, assurcd that the 
Rebellion in that direction was at an end. Soon after my return to :\[ontreal, it wac; 
reported that a large body of sympathizers h
d crossed ov
r from.. the State:; 
in the direction of Napierville, to join the Canadian R
bels. Sir Juhn COlb'JrP.e,. at 
the head of two regiments of foot guard
, the pst Regiment of DI.Lgf "n, :'Ind 0"....r 

37 0 


Imperial Troops, crossed over from :\Iontreal to Laprairie, and proceeded on towards 
Napierville, I accompanied these troops as guide. It was late in November, and 
the roads were a sea ot mud, causing the soldiers much hardship. That night they 
occupied the deserted houses and outbuildings along the road, to within about a mile of 
the village of Napierville. 
ext morning word came that the sympathizers had re- 
crossed the line, and that the Rebels had disappeared. The troops marched into the 
village, tl1(; horse taking the lead I was that morning to carry a despatch from Sir 
John Colborne to headquarters Montreal, announcing what had taken place. \Vhen 
1 arrived at the wharf at ì\Iontreal, it was crowded with people anxious to hear the 
news. The despatch was delivered at headquarters in good time, and I was very glad 
to get back, after the discomforts experienced in going to N apièrville. During the 
winter and following spring, I was employed in the office of Co!. Harcourt of the 
Guards, who was appointed commandant of all the Volunteer and i\lililia forces of 
::\Iontreal. In the summer, I retired from the Cavalry service, and accepted a clerkship 
with a wholesale firm in the produce line, in i\Iol1treal, with whom I remained three 
About this time the late :\Ir. Mc:\lillan's family, which had been living in :\lont- 
real several years, returned to Grenville, and induced Duncan to accomp.1l1Y 
them, to take charge of their lands in this township, since which time Grenville has 
been his home. 
In 1851 he visited the grèat Exhibition in London, and, at the same time, visited 
Scotland and Ireland. In 1 
59 he succeeded his brother-in-law. Geo. K.ains, as 
Crown Lands Ag
nt for Grt:nville and other townships, which agency he retained 
about ten years. He has held many of the local offices-that of School Commis- 
sioner, Councillor of both the village and township, and could have held much more 
prominent positions in the county had he not declined. He was married in 1860 to 
Harriet, daughter ofC. E. Greece, Esq. They have five sons and three daughters. 
 EDWIN PRIDHA:\I, who for many years was a prominent figure in 
Grenville, may be numbered among her pioneer
. Fortunately, he lefl for his family 
and friends a brief autobiography, and as his son, Alexander Pridham, Esq., has 
kindly granted the use of this to the writer, he has copied freely from it, such por- 
tions, especially, as throw light upon the history of the township and this section of 
cCJlmtry. Had others acted as wisely as did Mr. Pridham, in writing the sketch 
referred to, the labor of preparing this present work would have been immeasurably 
les.s, and the interest added thereto would have been correspondingly greater. Capt, 
Pndha.m was born in Half Moon street, London, Eng., 17th December, 1795. After 
tendll1g school till he was 
ixteen years of age, his father obtained a si tuation for 
111m ?n the London Docks, where he was employed at making out accounts and 
clerkmg. Not long afterwards he expressed a wish to his father, that he might learn 
to be a cabinetmaker, and his father having a hrother in the Engineer Department 
of the I3-oyal Arsenal at \V oolwich, th rough his uncle's influcnce the young man was 
placed 111 the Government cabinet shop, to learn the trade. :\1r. Pridh2.111 savs : 
" After I had been in the Engineers' Department nearly two years, I saw a notice 
put up by the Government, offering to give any employees of the works a free passage 
to Canada, and two hundred acres of land. Peace had just then been concluded 
between the United States and Great Britain, and the Government was anxious to 
get settlers to go out to Canada, so I, with twenty more of different trades, went at 
o.nce to the office, and put down my name, This was in March, ) 815. rhe first 
 1 \
ent home I told my f1ther what I had done. He did not say anything 
agamst )t then, but when I was leaving, he would give me only five dollars, saying 
that I ought not to have taken that step without first acquainting him with my inten- 


37 1 

tion, and that now. I must make the best of it. \Ye sailed in a large transport vessel, 
named the' Phæmx,' on the 5th of l\Iay, 1815, acornpany of soldiers embarking with 
us. The voyage was long and tedious, so that we did not arrive at Quebec till the 
15th of July. On the banks of Newfoundland the captain lay to for two hours, to 
allow all hands to fish for cod. A good many were caught, and I caught seven. It 
w;as a 
a t treat to us to obtain fresh fish, after living so long on salt provisions, 
On arnvmg at Quebec we reported ourselves to the Governor, and to our astonish- 
ment, he told us no instructions h3.d been sent out to him about u
. .-\.fter talking 
a while to us, he said he would write home to the Government, and ascertain what 
was to be done for us ; and as it would take two or three months to get an answer, 
he would advise us to go on to lVlontreal and get employment, until such time as he 
could receive an answer. On telling him that we had no means of getting there, 
being destitute of money, he said he would send us up in a Government bateau, ,l1ld 
provide provisions for us. 1 he next morning, therefore, we started on our journey 
of one hundred and eighty miles, and as we made but a few hours a day, stopping at 
farm houses over lìight, we were twelve days in reaching Montreal. Arriving there, 
everyone had to look out for himself. 1 happened to fall in with :\Ir, John Fry, the 
principal l1'aster builder in Montreal, who was at the wharf on the lookout for 
carpenters when the boat came up, Though there were plenty of wheelwrights, 
blacksmiths, coopers, etc., on board, I was the only ca.rpenter. .\fter talking a while 
with Mr. Fry, I accepted his offer to me, of one hundred dollars a year and my board; 
and as all the money I had was one English half dollar, I was glad to commence 
work next morning. My employer was finishing a large stone building opposite ::;t, 
Gabriel Church, adjoining the Champ de Mars, and on that 1 first went to work. 
The first Sunday I was in :Montreal, I strolled about looking for the different places 
of worship, which were very few in I8J 5. 1 here were two Presbyterian churches, 
one small Methodist chapel on the narrow street that ran down by the big French 
church, and one Epi
copal church, I had been brought up strictly to the Church 
of England, but while I was at \Voolwich, which is nine miles from London, where 
my parents resided, I attended the Baptist church, and felt a determination to sene 
God in future, so on the Sunday I was in .Montreal, I strayed into the little 
Methodist chapel, and being much pleased, I continued to attend there regularly, 
during the five years I remained in the city. I also soon b..'gan to attend the 
\Vednesday and Friday evening meetings held there, and then became one?f t
teachers in the Sunday School, which was the means of keeping me out of mischIef 
and bad company, so that I passed four years and a half very pleasantly. In 
cpt 'm- 
ber, 1818, I formed the acq uaintance of a young woman whose n:llne was Ehzabeth 
McKercher, and whu lived in Lachine," 
It is ûnly necessary here to say, this young la?y and 
Ir. 'pridham w
re. married 
on the 26th January, 1820. Lack of sIJace forbids the relatlOn of the II1cld
.nts of 
the next ten months, which are narrated in the biographical sketch, but 
Ir. Pndham 
was living on St. Hemy street at the time he next mentions, .He says: " 9 ne Sa tL
day evening, Mr. l\Ioody, a man with whom I was well acquall1t.e
, came !n 
nd Id 
to me: ' I have been engaged to go up to the country, to finish th
 mSlde \"(
of a new house belonging to a 1Ir. Grant, I have to get another man to go with 
me, and if you like to go, I will engage you; I am. to &et ?S 6d ($(.50) p,er d.\y, nd 
you will get 55 6d ($1. 10) per day, a house to live II
,. and. fircwoo
. [at onc
agreed to go, He said a boat would be down from 10ll1t l'ortulle m .a few d \} . 
which would take up our tool chests and baggage. The boat, however,. did not c()m
further than Lachine, and so we got two carts, and convey
d our 
s t
cr(", on 
Saturday, thc 1 I th of November. The next day there bCll1g 1. fair ea ,t wmd, the 

37 2 


men in charge of the boat were anxious to get off, so about eight o'clock a.m, we 
started. The men, who were farmers, were not ,"ery skillful in managing the boat, 
and it took them a long time to get up the sail. The wind being a side wind, and 
very strong, we were blown half across the lake; and as it began to snow, and was 
very cold, they had to pull down the sail, and row back to shore. '
e reached it, 
nearly frozen, about three p.m., two and a half miles above the pomt where we 
')tarted. That night we arrived at Pointe Claire, the next day we reached St. Ann's, 
the third day we came to Como, and the next to Point Fortune. The following day 
our things were conveyed up to 1\1r, Grant's, the place where he lived being now 
called L'Orignal, and we took up our quarters in the kitchen of the new house we 
were to finish, It was very open: but we laid boards overhead, and made it as com- 
fortable as we could, but still it was very cold. The next day Mr. Grant sent up a 
barrel of pOlk and a barrel of flour, and we went to work. After working here foul' 
or five weeks, we found it too cold, and Mr. Grant, finding that it took too much 
wood to keep the place warm, hired one part of a log house, about two and a half 
miles from there, and had us move into it, while the Canadian who owned the house 
lived in the other part. Our room was only ten by tweh.e in size, but as 1\1r. Grant 
had put up an old stove in it so that we were warm, we felt very contented. 
"In the latter end of January, Mr. Moody, who bO:lrded with me, wanting to 
go to Montreal to see his family, had to hire a man with his horse and sleigh to take 
him, and Mrs. Pridham went with him to buy groceries, there being no store in our 
vicinity. They were absent about a week, during which time I worked alone, and had 
to cook my own food. I was very glad when they returned. The Sundays, when 
there were meetings there, we used to walk to the Scigniory, a distance of five and a 
half miles. but it was only every fortnight that service was held there by the Metho- 
dists. It was in going there we became acquainted with the Smith family, who were 
English, and had been out here about two years. Mr. Smith brought Æ50o, and was 
living about three miles from :Mr. Grant's, on what was known as the' Mile Square.' 
His daughter and Mrs. Pridham being of the same age, a warm friendship sprang up 
between them; but in the spring of the year 1822, Miss Smith was married to James 
Evans, who owned a farm near S1. Scholastique, and they went to live there, but two 
years aftem'ards they went to live in Upper Canada. 
" About the first of June, finding it necessary to go to Montreal for things I 
could not obtain where we lived, I walked the )vhole distance, a5 there was no means 
of conveyance at that time. Staying the first night at Point Fortune, the next morn- 
ing I started, and that day got as far as St. Ann's, and the next I finished my journey, 
I started to return on the following Thursday, and reached home Saturday afternoon. 
Before al riving, however, I heard that a son had been born to us during my absence, 
and I wa.s much pleased to find that the report was true. In the spring of r823, as I 
saw but lIttle chance of getting on where we then lived, I decided to change our place 
of residence; and having heard that Mr. l\Iacmillan, of Grenville, had a house to let, 
at the head ?f the canal, I went to see him. It was not a regular dwelling house, but 
had be.en bmIt as a store house for the lumbermen; it was two stories high. l\Ir. 
MacmIllan wanted ;[,60, but when I demurred at the price, he said he would allow 
me ;[,25 a.year, the first year, for putting up partitions in it, and ,{;IO a year, for the 
four followl11g years, for building a stable and shed. These terms I accepted, and 
mo"ed into the house Igth March, 1823. 
"A steamboat had been bJ.ilt that winter, at Hawkesbury, by a 1\1r. Mears; it was 
to run fro!TI Hawkesbu
y to Hull and By town, but it was a very poor affair. The 
first year It made one tnp per week, going up on Saturdays and returning on 'Vednes. 



" \Ve had been in the house only about a month when the river befTan to rise 
and the water came into the house to the depth of eighteen inches on th:' first floor' 
and we could neither get in nor out without a canoe. The current around it, also, wa
very stn;mg. As.I had fitted up the house for an. hotel, I had to go to .Montreal, on 
foot agam, for a lIcense. \Vhen I left Iwme the water was not in the house, but when 
I returned I h
d to enter by means of a canoe, This state of things continued until 
the first week In June, and as our second child was born during the high water, it 
may be imagined that our situation was anything but pleasant. 
" On the second of June, there \Vas a terrible hurricane, and the river was so 
rough that the waves dashed into the second stOfY windows of our house, and nothing 
saved the house from destruction by the wind but a very large chimney built at the 
east end of it, During this heavy storm on Sunday, there was no one but my wife, 
myself and our two infants in the house. \Ve were much frightened, as a great many 
trees were blown down ill different directions. At this time there were only t\\'o 
houses at the point, besides the one in which we lived. I had done no business for 
some time and now there was a quarter's rent due, which, in addition to the gloom 
cast over me by the storm and high water, made the prospect very sad. But the 
water soon began to fall, rafts began to come down, aud the canal laborers commenced 
work, and thus business became brisk, and so continued till the close of navigd.lion, 
when work on the canal ceased, and the two companies of soldiers moved to 
for winter quarters. There was a little bU:.iness during the winter, however, as people 
were always passing up and down the river, and so I made enough to pay the rent, 
and had someth in g left besides. 
" The next spring, the water did not rise so high, it being but nine inches in depth 
on the floor of our house, and remained only a fortnight. That summer there was 
a good deal of lafting, and the usual number of laborers 011 the canal. The steamer 
continued to make one trip per week, and another small steamer was put on the river 
at Lachine to run to Carillon via Vaudreuil. Busines3 was very good, so that, besides 
paying the rent, 1 was able to save something. In the faU of 182-l, )lr. Macmillan 
induced me to buy a village lot from him, which was situated near the first lock, it 
consisted of half an acre, for which I was to pay L;100 ($.{.oo), L;6 ($.:q) annually, 
till I could pay the principal. 
" Having bought the lot, l began to make preparations for building; as soon as the 
snow fell, I hired three or four Canadians to get out timber, which cost me nothing as 
woods surrounded us on every hand. By the 2nd of February, I had enough timbcr 
cut and squared, to enable me to go to framing the building, which was to be fifty by 
thirty. two feet in size, and two stories in height. It was ready for raising by the 
middle of :March, and as there were very few people living on this side of the river, I 
had to get men from Hawkesbury to help raise it. The first day we put up all 
frame except the plates, and as no one came over from Hawkesbury, the next mornmg 
we undertook to put on the plate;; ourselves. In doing this,. we knocked off too many 
of the braces, and while the men were moving a long plate It struck a bent, pushed It 
over, and dowr: came all the frame together, Two men were badly hurt, one had 
the calf of his leg torn off, and a splinter ran in to the side of the other. I sent to :-";t. 
Andrews for a doctor, and he came up and dressed their wounds. The one who hid 
the wound in his side, a Canadian, got well in a few weeks, and the other, a Scot('h- 
man named McDonald, was getting on nicely, when we were startled mor.nmg 
to find him de
d, It seems that he became frightened from some cause In the mght, 
and getting up started the wound to bleeding again, and the fact being unnoticed by 
his wife he bled to death. I paid the expenses of his burial. 
"Åfter some days I had the cJ.rpenterexamine the fallen frame, and get out new 



pieces to replace the broke.n ones, and 
lso to l
hen the frame to fifty.-six 
"'hen this was dOl1è, we trIed a second time to raise It, and succeeded to satisfactIon. 
] n the winter I got some pine logs, and hired two men to saw them into boards, and 
these I used to cover the building. Through skilful management I finally got the 
house enclosed, and so far completed, that 1 used one end of it for a grocery store, 
hiring a young man to manage it, and rented the other end to a man who employed 
shoemakers to work in it, while my wife and myself continued to reside in the 
house at the Poin 1. The year 1825 was a sad year for us, for in addition to the 
disaster of the new house on the 12th of July, our cJdest little daughter, two years and 
t'-vo months old, died, and Mrs. Pridham was also very sick, yet between the two 
houses we did a pretty fé1ir business. 
"At the close of navigation I commenced to work at the new house, beginning at 
daylight and working until nine o'clock every evening. There were three or four 
soldiers left here to take ch
rge of the Government tools and workshops. One of 
them was a carpenter, and I hired him to work for me every evening after his own 
work was done, from five to nine o'clock. In this way I had all the lower flat finished 
by the first of 1\1ay, so that we moved into it, and very glad were we to do so, and 
escape the annoyance of the high water in the other house at the l'oint. In the early 
winter previous to our removal, I walked to Montreai, and obtained a settlement of 
my account with the merchant with whom I had been dealing, and found lowed him 
above L'130. I told him I was building a large house and had it covered and clap- 
boarded, and that as I had no funds to pay I would give him a mortgage on it, pay- 
able in two years, and he was to furnish me with groceries and what other things I re- 
quired. He accepted my offer, and we immediately went before a notary and had the 
mortgage executed and signed, This year, a man named James Inglis came to 
Grenville, and hiring a house called the' Old Abbey' from Mr, .Macmillan, he opened 
a large store in it, and made a good deal of money. On moving into the new house, 
] rented the old one to Levi Le Roy: and continued to rent it until my own lease expired 
in 1828, when I gave it up. The summer following our removal I spent in finishing 
the house, but did not get it entirely completed till the following spring. During the 
winter I put up a stable and shed on the \Vest side of the house, but as the Govern- 
ment wanted to build a bridge at the east end of the lock, and my stable and shed 
were in the way, they tore them down and put up much better ones for me at the 
east side of my house. This last spring 1\1r. Macmillan made me his assistant in the 
Post Office as he was about moving to Montreal, and he also sold me one hundred 
and ten acres of land at $10 per acre, giving me time for payment at six per cent. 
ill1erest. I sold one-half of it to Solomon Morris at the same price I paid for it, and 
the next year I sold one acre to Richard Mears, for a mill site, for L'IOO. 
" Tl
T!: year I did a good business, so that I was able to payoff some of the debts, 
In the wlI1ter of Ü-27-28 I got about twenty acres ()f the farm C I Jt over, and the next 
summer got it ready for a crop. The next winter, the Quebec Government granted 
L'sooo to open a road from Grenville to Hull. and Thomas K3.ins alld Benjamin 
Papineau were appointed commissioners to look after the work, arid payout the 
money, Mr, Papl'1eaU having the upper half, and Mr. Kains the lower half of the 
road. Thi
 winter I got out lumber to build a barn in the village, having succeeded 
so well dunng the past year or two, that I was well nigh out of debt, and it was not 
long before the debts were entirely paid. In March, 1829, 1\1r. Stayner, the new 
Dep. .P.ostmaster General, came here and found me in possession of the Post Office. 

e vIsited every Post Office in Canada, which was not many, there being but eighty 
Jl1 the two Provmces, After learning how I was in charge, he said that would not do, 
as the postmaster must be a resident at his office, and that he would have to make a 



new a
ent. In the year 1815, when .I c
me over, Mr. St3yner was on the 
vessel m WhlC
 I cam.e to 
anada, he then bemg m the Commissary Department. I 
becal!1e acquam
ed wIth hm1 on the voya!?e, though h.e had quite forgotten me till I 
mentIOned the CIrcumstance of our meetIng. He saId he would make inquirJ res- 
pecting me of the officers on the canal, and if they gave me a good character he might 
appoint me postmaster, On the 1st of Apri:, about two weeks after he was here I 
was gazetted postmaster of Grenville, and I have held the office ever since. The m
used to go up on the Hawkesbury side of the river from Montreal; they came via 
St. Eustache and St. Andrew's, and crossed at Carillon to Point Fortune, and so up 
the south side of the river. The engineer officers advised Mr. Stayner to have the 
mails corne up on this side of the river, which he consented to do, and directed me 
after my appointment to forward them .by the .north shore, which I did. :\Ir. :\Iears, 
who \vas postmaster at Hawkesbury, dId not lIke that, as he had to send his mail for 
:l\Iontreal and Hull to the Grenville office. 
"Mr. Stayner wrote me, that if the postmaster at Hawkesbury did not send his 
mail over, I should hire a courier and send on the mail to Hull, and as the postmaster 
did not send over his mail at the appointed time, I hired a courier and sent on to 
Hull and Ottawa (then By-Town). The man I sent took the mail on his back as 
it was not heavy, and the roads were beginning to break up. It took him two days 
to go up and the same to return, the mail being sent only twice a week, and his 
salary was $8 a trip. 1\1r. Stayner approved my course, and I learned that Mr.l\1ears 
had represented to him that, on account of the bad state of the roads, it would be im- 
possible to send the mail on the north side of the river. The steamer commenced 
running about the 19th April that year, and immediately after her first trip Mr. Mears 
wrote to the Postmaster General that the s
eamer picked up the courier I had sent 
on the 5th of April. Mr. Stayner wrote me at once to learn if this was the fact. I 
then wrote to the Postmaster at By town (Ottawa), asking him to inform me at what 
time the courier I had despatched on the 5th of April arrived at his office. He im- 
mediately wrote me that he arri ved on the evening of the 6th. This letter I forwarded 
to ::\1r, Stayner, and he then wrote a letter to Mr. .\lears, reproving him sharply. The 
latter answered, making an humble apology for his mistake, saying he had understood 
the captain of the steamer, that the courier he picked up left Grenville on the 5th. 
"This spring <I829), I had my barn framed, raised and covered, and let two Cana- 
dians have the land I cleared the previous summer, to sow wheat, giving me one- 
half the crop, and I furnishing the seed. The crop was a fine one, and when the wheat 
was cut the new barn was ready for storing it. This was a very good summer for 
business, and I was quite successfuL In the falll\Ir. Stayner visited my office, and a 
rrentleman named Noah Freer, of Quebec, the attorney of Mrs. Taylor, who had charge 

f her late husband's estate, came with him. He wanted some one to look after 1\1rs. 
Taylor's lands in Grenville and collect the rents, and said 1\1r. Stayner had recom- 
mended me for the purpose. I accepted his offer to me, and he soon afterward sent 
me a power of attorney and a list of 1\1rs. Taylor's lands. Till the winter following, I 
was kept quite busy looking after these lands, ascertaining who lived on them, com- 
promising with them for the rent; .they. owed, a.nd granting I
ew leases, whic.h were 
to continue in force ten years. 1111S Winter I did a good busmess, and, happIly, got 
clear of debt. In the spring of 1830, the steamer began to run three trips a week, 
and the road flom Gren ville to Hull was opened up and made passaÞlc, "'here the 
river interfered, they established ferries, so that people could now trave
 with horses 
and carriages. In the summer I employed a sur
eyor to tr
ce out the JlI
es 011 !\Irs, 
Taylor's estate, the whole quantity of Jand beJongmg to her 111 the townshIps \\',lS fi'-e 

37 6 


thousand five hundred acres, * and I also leased much of it this season, I did much 
towards clearing the farm this year, and was blessed with good crops on the part 
already under cultivation. In the winter of 1831-32, I got out timber for another barn, 
as I had men working at the one I formerly built, turning it into a dwelling 
" In June of 1832, the cholera broke out, and everybody was greatly alarmed. 
Very many died in Grenville, and no city or town in Canada escaped it. One day, as 
it "as known that she had a case of cholera on board, the steamer was not permitted 
to land. It continued till the end of September, when the country began to assume 
a more improved appearance. Notwithstanding the cholel a, our business this year 
was good, and the following winter I finished my new barn, which was 75 by 24 feet 
in size, and completed the work of turning the other barn into a dwelling. The ex- 
pense of doiug this work was considerable, still I managed to keep clear of debt. 
The next summer, as there was no cholera, people were once more in good spirits, 
and our business prospered j but we were 
oon to experience misfortune. In Decem- 
ber, J 833, our little daughtu Mary was so badly scald(d, that for a while we despaired 
of her life; but by care she recovered, and on January 30th, 1834, our house caught 
fire from the chimney, and burned to the ground. There were plenty of people 
present, but it was so dry, and the fire had got under such headway, that it could not 
be saved, and everything except what was in the lower story was lost. The eveniug 
being fine, the fire was seen at St. Marlin's near Montreal, and as far up as Bucking- 
ham. Fortunately I saved everything belonging to the po
t office, books, etc. I 
had nO\y to build a house again, and I decided to build this time with stone, and in 
such a way that I could add to it, as I should feel able. Accordingly, I prepared to 
put up a house 42 by 28 feet, and meant to have it completed, so that we could move 
into it in the fall; but the mawns I had engaged to build it were building a mill for 1\1r, 
Dewar: and as they were much longer in completing it than they had anticipated, 
they did not begin to work at mine till near September, 1835. It was the latter end 
of March before we moved into it, and then Mrs, Pridham and I went to Montreal to 
buy our stock of goods. 
"The expense of building had been so much, that I had only about .L 1 5 0 left 
with which to purchase goods, so that I had to obtain them largely on credit. 'Vhen 
we had t hem all packed up, Mr. Penner engaged fifteen trains to take them to 
Grenville. As soon as they were opened out, we commenced business, in a small 
way, and adopted the motto,' Slow, but Sure,' and in this manner met the bills of 
om merchants as they came due. In the winter of 1835-36, I put up a stable and 
granary, 7 S by 24 feet, "hich gave ample room to store the grain, of which I took in 
a great deal from our cllstomers, There was considerable wheat grown in those days, 
in the adjacent townships, and I sometimes had several hundred bushels to dispose 
of in the spring, as well as a large quantity of pease and oats." 
, The remaining palt of 1\1r, Pridham's autobiography, being more confil
ed to 
hIS own personal interests, is here condensed into a few brief facts. For a number of 
winters, until wood began to get scarce, he got out a large quantity of it each winter 
to supply the steamboat company, and from this source reaìized some profit, besides 
ng off his l
nd. In 1831, he was gazetted Captain of Militia, and in 18 3 8 , 
açpoll1ted. Captall1 of a company of Volunteers, which numbered seventy-four, They 
use? to drIll every Monday during the year 1838, after they were organized, and also 
durll1g the year 1839' In 1853, Mr, Pridham was promoted to the rank cf Major, 

. .Th
 lands were granted to her late husband, Col. George Taylor, who had been an officer 
In the Bntlsh Army, He also purchased several more lots from settlers in Grenville. This land
or a pOI lion of it, is still held by his heirs. 



and,. the same year, was gazetted Lt,-
ol. of Militia: In 
833, he was appointed 
JustIce of the Pe
ce. H
 devoted c
nsIderable attentIon to hIS farm, and it is worthy 
of note that he dId not declare farmlOg an unprofitable business, as many farmers of 
the present c1aim. 
An account he keI?t of this b
anch of his business for a few years, between 1845 
and 1850, shows that Ius farm, whIch was not a large one, gave him a net profit of 
nearly $300 ann
ally. .In April, 1864, his wife died,. and about two years subse- 
quently, he marrIed a wIdow, 
1rs, Evans, whose maIden name was Mary Smith 
mentioned in the first part of the above sketch. She died in 1875, and he afterward 
married Mrs. Dunn, a widow lady, well known to the writer, whose good works have 
endeared her to many. She is still living, but Mr. Pridham died 13th Februa-ry 
188 5, leaving eight sons and three daughters, Edwin, Frederic, Daniel, Charlcs' 
Richard, Alexander, George and James, and the daughters were respectively married 
to the Rev. Mr. Sutton, Thomas Wilson, a merchant of Clarence, Ont., and John 
Stewart, telegraph OTJerator in St. Paul, 
linn. Edwin was for a long time in the for- 
warding business in Montreal, and is now in the same business in the 'Vest. 
Frederick is a superannuated employe of the Montreal Post Office; Daniel is a ra/ 
way employe (adjuster of claims) in Denver, Colorado; Charles, deceased, was purser 
on a boat; Richard is a mail cierk in Manitoba; George, now deceased, was a Post 
Office clerk in 'Vinnipeg ; James is a railway clerk in Chicago, 
ALEXANDER PRIDHAM, who still lives in Grenville, is one of the most prominent 
and respected men of the county. He has been Mayor of Greuville village ever since 
it was incorporated in 1875; was 'Varden of the county ten or twelve years, and 
once, in acquiescence to a requisition sizned by a \'ery large number of the influential 
rate-payers, he consented to become the candidate of the Conservative Party of 
Argenteuil for the House of Commons; but, later, resigned in favor of J. C, 'Vilson. 
In 18 79: he was appointed collector of canal tolls at Grenville, and about the same 
time was appointed Consular Agent of the United States for the Ottawa Valley. 
REUBEN COOK from Ticonderoga, N .y" a U. E. Loyalist, is said to have found 
his way into this section of the country about the year 180 7. He first settled in 
Chatham, on what is now the farm of J, D. Clerihue. He sold out there and went to the 
Island in the Ottawa near Hawkesbury, and Ii ved there for a time, but it is said that 
Mears, the proprietor of the Island, failed to keep his promise to deed it to hill1, and 
instead thereof, sold it to the Hamilton Bros. Surely we can but think, on learning 
this fact, and another misfortune which befell Mr, Cook in placing too much 
confidence in others, that he must have been tempted. with Job to exclaim, " All men 
are liars." From the Island, he came to this township and took up the two lots of 
land near Calumet, which are now owned by Thomas Johnson and Nicholas 
\Vhinfield. Scarcely had he and his boys cleared the ground required for their 
potatoe patches and cornfields, when, late in the fall, one day, ayoung frishman, with 
sad countenance, emaciated frame and tattered apparel, came to the hou
e and 
craved the hospitality of the family. Having been sick, he said, and unable for a while 
to work, he wished, if they would kindly permit him, to remain until he recovered. 
when he wuuld gladly work to repay them for their trouble and expense. It was a 
rsal custom in these early days, among the pioneers, never to refuse to help 
those who seemed in need j and James Anderson, the young man referred to, fOl
an asylum in the house of l\1r, Cook. He was a 
trangcr ; no one kne\v. anyt.hlng 
respecting him, save what he saw fit, himself, ,to reveal. 
e spent the entIre wmter 
with Mr, Cook, never being asked to Wor1\:, and workll1g only when he felt .so 
inclined. He was there provided with a comfortable homc, and common humal1lty 

37 8 


should have prompted him to embrace every convenient occasion to show his 
gratitude, instead of stinging, like the adder, the hand by which he had b
en warmed 
and nourished, 
During the winter Mr, Cook and his sons cut considerable timber, and when 
the river was free from ice, they formed it into a raft to take to the Quebec market, 
It was arra.nged that his eldest son and one younger should go with the raft, and 
that young Anderson should accompany them. As Mr, Cook had complied with the 
provisions of the law, and made the improvements on his IGts necessary to secure the 
patent, he directed his son to go to the Crown Lands Office in Quebec, pay the 
required fee, and secure it. But, unfortunately, the elder son \vas taken sick, and 
remained at a house at the Back River near Montreal, sending his younger brother 
and Anderson on with the raft. At what particu!ar time Satan entered into the heart 
of this wily YOllng man is not known, but it seems that the prospect of obtaining two 
lots of land for nothin
 W.lS a temptation which his moral nature was too weak to 
resist. On arriving at Quebec, he went to the Land Office, represented himself as 
the occupier of the lots of Mr. Cook, took oath to the improvements that had been 
made thereon, and with the money which he in some way haà obtained, paid the fee 
demanded. He then, with the most brazen impudence and effrontery, returned to 
Grenville, and demanded from Mr. Cook possession of the lots to which he had thus 
fraudulently obtained the patent. Justice in thesc days, it can easily be imagined, 
could be obtained only through the most indefatigable efforts, and after much lapse of 
time i and so to avoid further vexation and expense, Cook granted Anderson peaceful 
possession of his ill-gotten land, and began to make improvements on anoth
r lot 
adjacent, the same on which his grandson, Elisha Cook, now resides. 
Tradition says that Anderson spent hi
 life here. He never married, and in 
consequence of his litigious proclivities, was usually involv
d in a la\v suit, and, 
naturalJy, died poor, The descendants of Cook claim that :\lïs. Cook was the first 
person who ever sowed wheat in the tow"nship. On cleaning out a box for some pur- 
pose, she f
und a small quantity of wheat ill it, and a sudden whim to sow it occur- 
ring, she selected a spot for the purpose in an encìosed field, and the yield being 
remarkably large', the settlers in the vicinity at once decided in future to raise wheat. 
Hiram, one of the sons of Mr. Cook, after living in various places, returned to 
Grenville. He had several sons, but all save one found homes long ago in the 'Vest, 
'VilIiam, the one of Hiram Cook's sons who remained here, was appointed Seclctary- 
Treasurer of the Council when the village was incorporated in 1876, and still holds 
the office. 



The earliest records that can be obtained of religious work in Grenville are those 
m connectio
1 with the Rcv. Joseph Abbott, the first Church of England clergyman 
who settled In St. Andrews. 'Ye are ignorant of the date of his first arrival in 
Grenville, but it is said he left this place for Abbottsford in 1828, and from that time 
till his return, the Rev. Andrew Balfour conducted service in the schoolhouse. How- 
ever this may be, the following record shows that )'1r. Abbott was here in April, 
183 1 : 



GREXVlLLE, 4th April, 1331. 
" At a vestry meeting held in the school house of this place, this day, pursuant 
(l to public notice, were present :- 
" Rev. Joseph Abbott, Thomas K.ains, Esq., Ed. Pridham, Owen Owens. John 
" Taylor, Henry Atkinson, James Anderson, Joseph Hambly, Jas. "'heeler, Joseph 
., Marsha.), \Vi\liam Cousins, Samuel Ogilvy, Edward Moreton, Robert Anderson, 
" Christopher Edie, James Williamson, William Williamson, David \Vi1liamson, Ralph 
., Horner, Benj. Patterson, Robert Reason, l{ichard Ritchie, James Loughlin, James 
" Cousins, Thomas B. White." 
Edwin Pridham and Joseph Hambly were appointed church wardens. 
Mr. Abbott, having been appointed Bursar of McGiH University, left for 
in 1845, and was succeeded in Grenville by the Rev. E. G. Sutton, who \Vas followed 
in September, 1847, by the Rev, Charles Forest, whose successors were as fùllows . 
Rev, Frederick S. Neve, in 1859; Rev. J, H, Dixon, in 18ï I ; Re\". John Rollit 
(July), in 1875. 
!\Ir. Rollit resigned in December, 1886, and was succ,=eded by Rev. A\' J. Greer, 
who was followed by the present incumbent, Rev. \Yilliam Harris, in 1889. 
The church \Vas erected in 1832, at a cost of $1100; of this slim the Lord Bishop 
first gave $200, and subsequently $100 ; Col. Taylor first. suhscribed $.[00, and after A 
ward $40 ; members of the Royal Staff Corps were aho liberal sub;;cnhers, 


A Presbyterian church edifice was erected in GrenvÎlle during the ministration;; 
of the Rev. !\h. 
lair, while that clergyman was pastor of the church at Ch3
As the church here has e\'er since been supplied by the mini"ter located at Chatham 
the history úf the church at that place is believed to contain all that would be of 
general public interest. 

\lI LE. 

The history of the Rom.ln Catholic parish of Grenville is so intin1.ltelv con- 
nected with that of the whole County of Argenteuil, thJt it is impossible to stud,' the 
progress of the former without admirinf{ the rapid development of the lal ter. I:e
ide i, 
it is an immutable principle admitted by all nations, that the found.llion of happi- 
ness and true progress are only found in religious and Christian spirit. 
Grenville was only an immense forest. inhahited by a few bold adventurers, when 
the first missionaries came thither to pitch their tent and at the samc time erect the 
cross of Christ. Attracted as by an invincible loadstone, colonists gathered imme- 
diately and settled around this symbol of tÌleir Redemption, around which they made 
a rampart with their hearts and bodies against all outside attacks. Char med hy 
the beauty of the country and the fertility of the soil, those first pi()necr
 set cour- 
ageously to work, resoh,ed to make a "home for themselves." 
Of course, we may presume that among the first \\'ho came to ". ttle in this 
part of the county of Argenteuil, there were men of different creeds and nation,ditie., 
Irishmen, Scotchmen, EpgJishmen, Frenchmen vied generousl}' one with the other, hut 
the struggle was peaceful, fair and loyal. 
1any of them were ignorant of the te:lchin 

3 80 


of our divine and holy religion, but all were endowed with those noble and manly 
qualities which make a man courageous, sympathetic and kind-hearted. The 
Roman Catholic Church, always filled with care for the spiritual and temporal 
welfare of her children, sent some of her missionaries to soothe the griefs of those 
brave colonists, sustain their courage and revive their hopes. Till then the wood- 
cutter's axe alone had disturbed the silence {If that vast solitude; henceforth, he 
who will may repeat in his seclusion the sublime and beautiful hymns of our divine 
We do not possess any authentic document to fix the date when the first mission- 
ary came to preach the Gospel in this part of the county of Argenteuil. The archives 
of the RlJman Catholic Church of Grenville do not run any farther back than 18 39. 
The first official act was signed on the 17th of February of that year, by the Rev. J, B. 
Bourassa, then in charge of the mission. But there is no doubt that several good 
and zealous missionaries had visited this region many years before the date men- 
tioned. The first priests who in 1839 ministered to the new born colony were the 
Re\'ds. J, B. Bourassa, \Vm. Do'an and J, D. Charland. Rev, H. L. Girouard 
became their successor in 1840, Revds. J. N. Papineau and Lefaivre in 184 1 , and 
Revds. Fathers J. Henkendries, \Vm. Brady, Morrisset and J. Colgan in 184 2 . Revd. 

lr. Colgan was then appointed parish priest of St. André, and administrator of the 
mission of Grenville, up to the 2nd of May, 1845. 
Revs. J. Théoret, Richard and G. Huberdeau were successively put in charge of 
the mission in 1845, 1846 and 1847. Then in 1848 and 1849, Revs. A. McDonell 
and A. :\1. Bourassa continued the apostolic work of their devoted predecessors. Rev. 

Ir. Bourassa, who, some months ago, celebrateà with great pomp the 50th anniver- 
sary of his ordination to the priesthood, has not forgotten the arduous beginnings ot 
the Grenville :Mission. How many good works were accomplished, how many griefs 
soothed, how many obstacles surmounted by those brave and pious soldiers of Christ. 
They held an unshaky faith in the foUowing words of the Holy Writ: "If God is for 
us, who will be against us?" 
Rev. 1\1r, Bourassa remained in charge of the Grenville Mission till 185 I, when 
Rev. Father Tabaret, O.M.l., succeeded him. The Roman Catholic people of 
renvine cherish the memory of that pious missionary, who was chosen in the 
counsels of divine Providence to play so important a part in educational work in 
Canada. The modest missionary of 1851 was to become, some months later, the karned 
doctor, the distinguished economist, the great philosopher appointed to govern the 
College of Ottawa, which has now become, owing to the kind patronage of His Grace, 

Lrchbishop Duhamel, one of the finest Universities in North America. The people of 
Grenville are loud in praise in speaking of the virtues and zeal of that humble mis- 
sionary, whose memory will last fOlever among thp.m. Rev. p, Molloy, O.M.L, so 
well known and so dear to all the citizens of Ottawa, was a devoted assistant to the 
Rev. p, Tabarel. At Grenville, as everywhere he ministered, he left behind him 
the memory of his great charity and admirable humility. 
From 1852 to 1857, the mission of Grenville was successively in charge of Revds. 

1. Byrne, J. David, A. O'Malley, J. Gillie, G. A. Ebrault, J. J,Collinsand Trudeau, 
0.:\1.1. Rev.
. lou.vent was then appointed missionary on the 28thof
Iarch, 18 5 8 , 
e he remamed tIll 1862, A devoted priest, a loyal and honest citizen, he was 
 to occupy a more important position, Several years later he was chosen 
to b
 VIcar General of the diocese of Ottawa, He filled this important position up to 
th.e t.Hne when he. returned to France, his native country, His successor to the 
mtsSlOn of GrenvIlle \Vas the Rev. .Mr. Mancip, parish priest of L'Orignal. The first 
official a
t beari
)g his signature is 
o the date of the 30th March, 1862. The Colony 
of Grenville, which had already eXIsted for several years, made great strides in the 



f progre
s under the a
ministration of Rev. 1\1r. 
Iancip, Up to that time, the 
hglOu5 services were 
eld In a small chapel, situated on the shore of the Long 
Sault, a few steps only, It appears, from the spot where DoIlard des Ormeaux and his 
sixteen companions generously shed their blood tor the salvation of New France. 
ious soil, where a
.e undoubtedly buried the relics of tho
e brave and r ious 
soldIers, ]S at present 
othIng more than a pasture for domestic animals. No stone, 
no monument of any kmd to tell the place where the mortal remains of those brave 
men are waiting for the great day of the general resurrection. Yet the devotion of 
those 17 heroes, writes an historian, excels all that ancient and modern history can 
show to us. It tells us to what sublime heroism the spuls of the first colonists of 
Montreal had risen, those soldiers of the Virgin .Mary, more anxious about Christian 
martyrdom than about human glory. \Ve look with impatience for the day when 
gratitude and patriotism will determine the exact spot of that illustrious fight, and will 
erect to the 17 heroes of " Long Sault " the monument which their generous sacri 4 
fice deserves. '} he reader will forgive us for the present digression, inspired, not by 
a spirit ofvainglor}', but in the hope that the heroism and virtues of our ancestors 
related to, and remembered by all, wiII enlighten and guide future generations. 
In 1862, as the Roman Catholic population of Grenville had considerably in- 
creased, they resolved to erect a church adapted to the wants of the people. The way 
was opened, and the parishioners of Grenville went boldly and rapidly forward. They 
would not let the missionaries enjoy alone the delicious fruits of sacrifice. After 
much deliberation, the place of the ancient church was abandoned; and they chose for 
the construction of the new temple a spot near the village, admirably situated at the 
head of the" Long Sault." The work of construction Was completed in 186 3. the 
pastor and the faithful could look with pride upon a pretty stone church, built owing 
to the pious devotion of the former and the great generosity of the latter. At the same 
time the mission of Grenville WAS converted into a canonical parish. unner the title of 
"Notre Dame des Sept Douleurs." The new church was solemnly dedicated by His 
Grace, Bishop Gingues. The ceremony took place in presence of immense crowds 
of people, who were greatly affected when contemplating the results of their labors. 
Their enthusiasm was certainly qnite natural, for the colony of 18 39 had made 
great strides during that short period of time. The colony had given place to the 
mission, and in that day so much longed for, the mission wa.. being replaced by a 
canonical parish. The events accomplished during that period are far in the past, 
and HOW there remain only a few venerable witnesses of the beginnings oj the Gren- 
ville mission; but tradition has transmitted from the fathers to the sons the pIOUS 
memory of the devoted missionaries who first ministered to the Catholic peoJ'le of 
Grenville. 'Ve must here pay a grateful trihute of praise to the foJlowin
who, in the religious and civil order, left hehind them some ,.ery precious examples 
of disinterestedness, generosity, and patriotism. They always advocated good under- 
standing, union of an men of good will for the benefit of the country. Who ha.. ':1 ot 
heard of the good citizens of whom Grenville is proud, Messrs. John Howard, PLl.lflC.k 
Kelly, Thomas :\lackam, Peter Trainor, Charles Johnstone, James Burns, sen., Urplllr 
Pilon, James Barron, James Grace, A. B. Philion, l\Iichaell\Iorane, 
lartin Lowe. Joseph 
Seguin, John Johnstone, and manr others, who for manr reasons comman?cd. the 
esteem and respect of their fellow-citizens. Henceforth, young people may lJe msplred 
with their example, and, in their turn, walk in the way so nobly tra.ced. . . 
Rev. Mr. Foley, now par ish priest of Almonte, was the first parish pnest of (.r.en- 
ville. Beginning a new parish always requires of the priest who takes charg
 of It a 
considerable amount of work, a constant disinterestedncs;, and much self 

'J he first parish priest of Grenville was endowed with all these quahtle
 III no 



small degree. A man of duty, he devoted the three yea
s of h
inistrr, l1fJt only 
to the spiritual, but also to the temporal welfare of hlS pansluoners. For this 
reason, the people .of Grenville cherish a fond remembrance of their .first pa3tor, 
:\Ir Foley was appomted a canon and a member of the Chapter of HIS Grace the 
.\rchhishopofOttawa. . . . 
Rev. J. L. Chemiz succeeded Canon Foley 1ft 1874. People are loud 111 theIr 
praise of that good man for his wise and prudent administration. He left the parish 
in the m.)))th of July, 1877, and had for his successor Rev. M. O. Bérubé, now p.aris.h 
priest of L'Origna1. Rev, Mr. Bérubé, whose courtesy has become proverbml, lS 
the model of a good parish priest. Endowed with a kind heart, a loyal and frank 
character, he was not long in gaining the affections of his people. \Vhen, in 1880, 
his superiors appolI1terl him parish priest of the fine and important place of L'OrignaJ, 
it was not without regret that the parishioners of Grenville were separated from that 
good priest whom they esteemed so highly. He left in Grenville same precious 
al11ples of disinterestedness, devotion to soul
, and public spirit and love of 
I'rl gress. 
From 1880 to 1883 three devoted priests were ",uccessively parish priests of Gren 
ville. Re\'. J. 1.. Fr;Jncæur was appointed the first in 1880. He remained there three 
yt ars, and during that time worked energetica11y for the spiritual and temporal welfare 
of his parish. Rev. D. J. Halde succeeded him on the 15th of May, 1883, and Rev. 
E. Dacier, on the 22nd of May, 1884,-all of whom left behind them a good name 
and reputation. Zl.:alolls prit sts as they were, they had onl}' the ambition of working 
faithfully and successfully in the vineyarJ of the Lord, and winning souls to God, 
ressire Sauvé arri,'ed at Grenville in the month of ( )ctober, J885. In 
rr. Sauvé parish priest of Grenville, Archbishop Duhamel was aware 
that he was pUlling the fight lOan in the right place. His kindness, his piety, mod- 
esty and chality ha\"e become proverbial in Grenville, J. B. Hormisdas Sauvé W
born on the 17th May, 1851, of truly Christian parents. After a briJliant course of 
studies at the Colleges of Montreal and Oltawa, he listened obedient])' to the voice of 
God, who called him to the priesthood, \Vhen a student at the Seminary of Ottawa 
he held first rank, owing both to his ability and, irtues. He was ordained to the 
priesthood on the 30lh of December. 1884, and appointed curate to La Pointe 
Gatineau-a position which he occupied up to the month of October, r 88 s-when 
he was appointtd to Grenville. A virtuous priest, he was also a Joyal and disinterested 
citizen. .\s a priest he WdS a wise guide, a prudent adviser, a charitable pastor, 
always ready to help the poor and console the unhappy ones. "Love, poverty and 
humility," was his motto. His constant fidelity to that golden rule gained for him 
the esteem and popularity which he always enjoyed among his pari
In 1870, when a regiment of Pontifica
 Zouaves "-as enlisted to defend the illus- 
trious Pope Pius IX, Messire Sauvé, although still a young man, was one of the first 
to generously offc:r the sacrifice of his life. He \Vé:tS the first Canadian wounded 
under the walls of Rome, at the time of the capture of that city by the Piedmontese. 
It beco
he priest to recount the"e things to hii parishioners with e,!thusiasm, 
always keepmg 111 remembrance the devoted missionaries who have evangelized the 
tion 01 Grellville. May this brief sketch, inadequate as I deem it, help to 
acqualllt the 'present generation with many <:vents in the history of Grenville which 
must necessanly be of interest. I would also that it tend to prove that which can 
be attained by industry when our lives are governed by faith and guided by its 
lHight light. 
The Rev. J. Gascon, 
ion in October. 1892. 

the present priest at Grenville, was appointed to this 
He W.iS born at St. Agathe, County of TerreboDne, in 


3 8 3 

eared in Ottawa, and educated a
 the University of that city. He was ordained 
pnest 111 February? 1891, and after ha
mg served. as assistant priest eighteen months, 
he came to Grenville, where he has. sll1ce remamed, each 
ucceeding year securing 
more fi
mly and largely the affections and rec;pect of his people. He is very 



The first church for
ed in Gren
ille ?y.this denomination was in 1854. There 
are now three church edifices on this mlC;SlOn-one at Grenville village, one at 
Chatham, and another at Calumet, There is also a good parsonage and outbuildinas 
at this village, which is the head of the mission. There is a good choir and Sabbath 
School at every point on the 
Iission, and the Church generally is in a prosperous 


1854'JamesRoy..,... .,..., .."...... ...", .." . .,.", 
1855 James Roy. , ., . . .. . . . . . . , . . " . . . . . . . . . , ,. . , " ,.,.., 40 
1856,James Morris.... ....,. .... .". .... ..,... ....,. .." 67 
18 57 ....., ....,. ... .... .... ..... .,..,. .."" ..,. .... 65 
18 5 8 , . , " . , ,. ,.,. ..,.., .....,.,...,..........".".... 69 
Its 59.J ohn V. \V Ilson . . .. .. . ... ...... .. .. .... ,...'. ..,.. 67 
1860 1 Robert Graham..,.., ,.....".... ......,."". ....,. 47 
1861 Robert Grah'1m.", . , , . ,. ...." ....., .", . . . , .. ,. . . 48 
Its62 Joseph Hill. , , . " .,.,.. . . , . ., ...,.. . . . . . , . , ., .. . ... 49 
1863JosephI-lill."....." ..........,.....,..... ....,.. , 64 
1864 George 1-1. Kenny.",...,., .,.,., . . . , . . .. ,..... . . , . 64 
1865 George H. Kenny.....,........"............"". . 1 65 
1866' l"nited with Lachute...." . ,., . ,.. . ... ,... ..,... . .,. 56 
1867 Jabel. B. Keough.... ..., .,.,.. ",. """... .... ,... 

...... , 
... Q) 

- c 
= Q) 


v . 


;::: v 



õ . 
._ 'ö 
d ::: 



. c 
,... =' 

$ $ $ 
I..".. 1 50 
2 43 
75 1 0 60 o 50 
50 I 75 o 50 
75 I 50 o 75 
I 00 I 72 1 00 
I 15 I 79 1&.00 
I 07 2 55 I 01 
I 61 I 76 o 78 

4 82 
1 97 
5 IS 
4 59 

In 1872 the parsonage was burnt and the record:; destroyed, so that we are 
unabie to give the names of the ministers between that date and 1867. Rev. J')hn 
Corbett was the minister then (1872) in charge, 
nd the following are his succes.;ors : 
Revds. W, Norton, R. G. Feek, Alex, Campbell, A. Raley, R, \V. K.echnie, W. Smith, 
Jas. \Vatson, Chas. Deeprose, R. F. Oliver, Wm. Howett, M.A" Andrew Galley, 
E. A. Davis, B.A., A. Logan, W. H, Stevens and D. Brill. 
THE REV. DAVID BRILL, pastor of the Methodist Church at Grenville and Calu. 
met, was born in Bagot, Renfrew County, Ontario, 27th Noveinber, 1859, and is a 
son of John Brill and his wife, Elizabeth Hazlewood. 
His early years were spent on a farm, and he received his higher schola.stic 
training under special f'hstrllctors in his IÍéitive count}'. He wa
 'CoTtt"erted '100 united 
with the Methodist Church in 1859, and was soon made a class leader, In 1861 he 
was licensed as an exhorter, and the following year as local preacher, and soon after 
this supplied as a young preacher, in the. Renfrew 
nd Claren.don. circuit, .while he 
was preaching in Thorne, Que. In 1863 he was stationed at Rlcevdle 
llsslOn under 
Rev, Z. B. Hitchcock as superintendent, and in the same year W.l5 remo';cd to 




OSl1abruck with Rev. F. B, Stratton. On the 4th June, 186 5, he was ordained Deacon 
by Bishop 'D. Smith, and in June 1867, was ord
ined Elder b
 Bishop Richardson, 
He was married, 7 th february, 1866, to MISS l\lary Ameha Pake, of Sheffi{'ld, by 
the presiding Elder, Rev, Benson SI?ith; they have one son, John \Vesley, and three 
daughters-Emeline Jane, Clara Ehza and Nancy A. E. 
Mr. Brill has been stationed by authority of the several conferences on the fol- 
lowing circuits, viz, : Depllgh, Mississippi, Huntley and Fitzroy, Renfrew, Edwards- 
burg, Verona, CannifLOn, Milford Bay, Hollowell, Tweed, Cloyne, Toledo, Lombardy 
and Burwick, 
In California he was stationed at Bonan Church, in the city of San José, in 
Brentwood, Byron and at Martinez, county seat of Contra Costa County. 
When at CannifLOn, in 1875, he received a sunstroke, which so affected his 
hea1th, that under doctor's certificates the conference held at Kingston, in t 888, 
gave him a superannuated station and a release to live by the sea coast for a time, 
hence his stay in California, The change of climate had the desired effect, and in 
a few weeks he was able to do some work as a supply, 
The Rev. D. Brill has served the conference as Registrar of Baptisms for two 
years. Gracious Revivals have attended his ministry; he has built and repaired 
twenty-eight churches and parsonages, perhaps the greatest number of any minister 
of his age in his conference, 
When in California, as an invalid, he raised about $13,000 for charch building, 
etc. The following letter shows the esteem in which he was held. 
F. F. JEWELL, D.D., Presiding ì 
Elder of Oakland District, 
9 2 5 Valencia st., San Fran- I 
cisco, Cal. J SAN FRA
CISCO, Cal., 22nd Feb., 1 8 94. 
The Rev. \VM. JACKSON', D.D., President Montreal Conference of the :\lethodist 
Church of Canada. 
Our est
emed brother, Rev. D, Brill, is abol1t to leave us to return to the Con- 
ference, where his membership has remained, while he has been with us in person and 
useful work. His humble, faithful, untiring jevotion to the cause of Christ, and our 
common Methodism, has greatly endeared him to his brethren in the ministry and 
laity here, and makes his going from us an occasion of /Jluclt regret. He has evinced 
remarkable qualifications in creating and improving churc.h property, and leaves 
monuments of his skiJ1 and industry in several fields of labor. \Vithout exception, 
he has been faithful in labor, kindly in spirit, and a Christian gentleman everywhere, 
His family has maintained the same spirit and character, and will also bear with them 
the affectionate regards of those who have known them. \Ve would fain detain them 
here, but the ord.:rings of a Divine Providence seem to indicate otherwise. 
\Ve trust that this brother beloved may be spared many years to honor God in 
effective service in his chosen and loved profession and calling, 
Sincerely and cordially, 

( Contributed.) 
"In the month of :\Iay, 1887, :\Ir. A: J. Vining, a student of McMaster Hall, 
" Toronto, visited this neighborhood and held evangelistic services in Betts' School- 
" house (Gauley Settlement), about six miles northeast of Grenville Yillage. He was 


3 8 5 

,: very successful, and many professed faith in Christ, Some old Baptist II'lembers, 
" and those recently converted, were formed into a regular Ba p tist church and 
" h . d ' d d ' , 
avmg eCI. e to accept the offer of Mr, John Stewart of a piece of land for a 
'; ch
rch, they commenced at once to build. By 19th December of the same year, the 
. edIfice was completed, and on that day was dedicated to the service of God. 
" It was built about 30 by 40 feet, with a seating capacitv of 2':'0. Commodious 
" vestries have since been added, J 
.1 Mr. Vining left in the fall, and the work was carried on by Rev. P. H. 
,: McEwen till May, 1888, when Mr. A. N. Frith, student of :\lc
[aster Hall, took 
" charge for the summer. He was fol1owed by the Rev. George Brock, who served 
" the church from October, 1888, to May, 1889, and then gave place to the Rev. 
,. George Leehy, of McMaster, who remained until the following October. During 
., the time of the latter's ministrations, a smal1 building was purchased in the G
" Settlement for week evening services, and was fitted up for that purpose. 
" In October, 1889, the present pastor, Rev. J. Robinson, received an invitation 
" to become their pastor, and accepted. He was born in England in 1845, entered 
,. the ministry at the age of 23, and, in 1881, carne to Canada. Since that time he 
" has been pastor of the Lewis Street (now called First Avenue) Baptist Church, 
" Toronto, the Sidney and Stirling churches, and of the present onc at Grenville. 
., Since settling at Grenvil1e, a branch cause has been started at A voca, where a 
"student labors every summer. In November, 1892, a new church was opened at 
.. Stonefidd; it is the same size as that at GrenviHe, and the land for its sIte Wd.S given 
"ùy Messrs. T, Owens and Reuben \Veldon. The membership, including Gren\il1e, 
" Stonefield and Avoca, is about 127. Thus, in six years, the Church has erected 
" two new churches, purchased one building, sustained a pastor and kept a student 
I' at work during the summer. They receive a small grant per year from the R3.ptist 
" Mission Board, and are almost free from debt." 
Since the above history of the Baptist Church was contributed, the Rev. \[r, 
Robinson has removed to another place, and he \Va" succeeded at Grenville, in l\l.1y, 
1895, by the Rev. J, Bonner, the present pastor. 
DAVID'VILLIAMSON, SEN., was one of the pioneers of Grenville, whose enterprIse 
contributed toward the activity of business, and whose desccndants are among the 
active business men of the township at the present, He was born in the Countr of 
Down, Irelar.d, and when seven years of age, crossed the ocean with his father's 
family in the sailing ship ., Ploughman," which reached Quebec after a three months' 
The family consisted of ele\'en members j but he was the last survivor. They 
first settled in Caledonia, Prescott County, Ont.; but shortly afterward, in 1817, came 
to Grcnville. In his earlier years he was engaged in transportÏ1:g freight, and, I..ter, 
was in the forwarding business, his energy and genial nature causing his services to 
be much sought by the lumbermen along the Ottawa. For a number of years he had 
a line of stages between Grenville and Bytowll, and carried the mail. In '
37 h.e was 
one of the first in the township to offer his services to his country, enlistmg In 
company of Capt. Pridham. In 1838, he married Sarah 
[cInnes, of Argylesh l re, 
Scotland. They had nine chilrdcn-five sons and four daughters j of the latter, one 
died in 188 7. The remaining four sons are among the active men ,!f G
enville \'îll.1ge. 
David, the eldest, having quite early decided to follow commercia.! hfc, entered the 
store of Messrs. Owens, of Stonefielà, at Montebello, as clerk. In 1815 he opened J. 
store on his own account in this village, and is still in the same busmess. He h.1S 
taken much interest in local affairs, and hac; been :\Iunicipal Councillor several}, . " 

3 86 


also School Commissioner. He is telegraph operator, and has been postmlster since 
18 75. Of his three brothers, Thom1.s has been a lockmaster at the village of Gren- 
ville for 23 years. James, who is captain on one of the river steamers, is also in the 
f..rwarding business. 
John A. is foreman on the canal. He bdong.; to") the Argenteml Rangers, and, 
in 1866, at the time of the first Fenian Raid, was in Capt. R, Pridham's company, 
which was sent on duty to St. Johns, Que., and Cornwall, Onto 
DAVID REEVES, a member oÍ the Royal Staff Corps, when a young man,. in 
1804, enlisted in the :':3rd Regiment of Light Dragoons. He served in the Peninsular 
war; was wounded at the battle of Salavera, and subsequently fought at 'Vaterloo. 
He received a pension from the British Government for his military services of j s. 6d. 
sterling per day. After his regiment was disbanded, he enlisted in the Royal Staff 
Corps, and arrived in Grenville in 1825. He was one of the members of this corps 
who remained in the country after the canal WJ.S completed. He died in Lachine, 
and his wife died of cholera in Grenville, in 1832. 
They left three sons, one of whom died in Kingston; the other tW(), Christopher 
and Daniel, stil1 live in Grenville, and are men much esteemed. Christopher, after 
being engaged a number of years in the lumber business, purchased a farm, and on 
this he now resides. Daniel was clerk in the store of George Kains for twenty-seven 
years. He then, in 1859, hired the store of Mr, Kains, bought his stock of goods 
and continued in trade for himself. In 1876, having been quite successful in business, 
he retired. He has been Municipal Councillor and School Commissioner, but has 
preferred to keep aloof from politics and public affairs. He was appointed Justice 
of the Peace, but declined to qualify. 
JOHN KELLEY, from Ireland, settled in Grenville, 1825, on a lot of land now owned 
by John Howard. The house \\' hich he built and used for an hotel i5 still standing. 
He was accidentally drowned in I 
35, while fishing at the head of the Long Sault. 
He left three sons and three daughters. One of his sons died many years ago. The 
other two, Patrick and John, have been energetic, successful business men; the former 
in Grenville, the latter in Carillon. Patrick Kelley, at the age of 12, enlisted in the 
company of Volunteers, commanded by Captain Pridham. He was very acÜve, and 
his youth, perhap:s, rendering the excitement and equipage of military life more 
fascinating to his mind, he 300n outstripped his older comrades in knowledge and 
practice of the dnll. On one occasion, when Major Mayne was present, reviewing 
the Volunteers, not liking the manner in which they were handled by the drill master, 
all old soldier of the regular army, exclaimed: "Here, Kelley: step out and drill these 
men." The order, which was not more complimentary to Kelley than it was mortitying 
to the drill master, was obeyed in a manner that gave much satisfaction to the major, 
Mr. Kelley has been proprietor and manager of an hotel in this village for many years, 

nd has also engaged in the forwarding business. He has been interested, as well, 
111 the public affairs of the viIJage, having served as Municipal Councillor, and was 
Commissioner for the trial of small causes till he dlclined longer to act. His two 
sons, John and E. P. !-. elley, contractors and forwal ders, also reside in the village. 
'\"m. H. Kelley, a third son, resides in Montreal, where he is engaged in the lumber 
business. He export>; large quantities, some years senaing ten millioñ feet to the 
States. He lecently took a contract for supplying lumber for the Montreal Harbor 
Imp! o\'ements. He \Vas married 13th September, [g87, to Estella Ann Carney, 
daughter of P. Carney, of Roxton Fails, Que. 
xl LEROY, a son of Peter Francis LeRoy, whose father was one of the pioneers 
at Chute au Blondeau, came to Grenville in [827, an:!, :is his vocation had been 


3 8 7 

hotelkeeping at the former place, he engaged in the same business at Grenville his 

tanding on what is known as the "Point." He hati also been a pilot, 
It IS saId, he was one of the very first whose services were called 111 requisition on the 
Ottawa, His house was frequented by lumber men and raftsmen, and though we do 
not know what the interior of this particular inn was like, we cannot refrain from 
picturing in our imagination the scenes that must have greeted a traveller in the 
humble lavern, in those days of primitive simplicity. \Vhat a contrast the house and 
an its appointments must have been to the vlliage hostelry of the present. No car- 
peted parIoi with mahogany sofa, gilded mirror, lace curtains, and highly polished 
coal stove, awaited the traveller in those days. On the contrary, a large room, whose 
only f'Jrniture was a few chairs and benches, and warmed by a rough stone fire'placE>, 
in which blazed a pile of log!'; and \vool sufficient for man}' days in a stove of the 
present manufacture, 
\nd what groups gathered around that blazing hearth. How 
many tales of prowess, hardship, combats with wild beasts, or other adventures were 
poured forth during the wild stormy nights by the hardy men there assembied. 
::\Ir. LeRoy was one of the number in Grenville who fell a prey to the cholera in 
18 3 2 , A fter his death, his widow, who was a daughter of Reuben Cook, mentioned 
on another page, continued the management of the hotel a dozen years or more, 
when his son Orrin succeeded her. The latter, like his father, besides keeping hotel, 
aim acted as pilot, and h 1S followed the business for fifty years. He has vivid recol. 
lections of tbe hardships recounted by his fJ.ther and grandfather, which they 
experienced in taking their grain to mill-the nearest mill being located on the one 
hand at H ul', and the other at St, Ann. 
randfather, Clark, came from Scotbnd to this township, 
when the canal was in process of construction. He afterward settled on a farm 
about two miles north of Grenville Village, on a hrm now owned and occupied by 
his son, Robert Clark, and spent the r{'mainder of his days here. He had eight sons 
and two daughters, of whom only his son Robut and one daughter now live in this 
section. His eldest son, John, who was employed in different places, made GrenvjJJe 
his home till he died in January, 1863. He had three sons and two daughters, of 
whom only two sons now live here. 
Hugh, one of the latter, a carpenter by trade, was married in ::\Iay, 1878, to 
Margaret Ellen Dewar, and lives in Grenville Yillage, 
::\[RS E:\lERY CUSHIXl:, now living in Grenville, is one of those re
aining who 
saw the country soon after it merged from its primeval state,. and n.O\v 
Itnesses the 
struggles of the third generation, well advanced towards middle lIfe. since she was 
Emery Cushing, as well as his brother Lemuel, was for many year!' a well
hgure along the Ottawa, also in :\[ontreal. He wa<; proprietor of an hotel I
city, was largely engaged in the forwarding trade on the Ottawa, and had a !tne of 
coaches between Ottawa and 
[onlre.11. He died in the latter city, where he sJ.>ent 
most of his life; he had five sons and one daughter. His eldest son, Erner}:, 
vas for 
some time clerk for his uncle, Lemud Cushing; he married 
Iary Ann McClure. a
settled ill Pembroke, On l ., where they lived many years. They h.1d seven cllIl- 
dren-three sons and fOllr daughters-.two pairs of twins among the number, 
ARTHUR CUSHIXG. the eldest s"">n, has spent most of his life on the 9ttawa. being 
promoted by his employers as his faithfulness and ability gain
d lhelr confidence, 
In [892, he was appointed Captain of the stea
er ". Ida," ru

mg between_ (,
and Kingston, and the fol1owing yea r became Captam on the Harry B3te
. He 

3 88 


has recently abandoned the river, however, and is now proprietor of a public house 
in Ottawa. He was married 26th December, 1881, to Florence Graham of Ottawa; 
she died in November, 1882, and he was again married 2nd Xovember, 18R6, to 

Iary Jane Burrows, of Chelsea, Que, 


Besides David Williamson, who has already been mentioned, the fùl\owing either 
have been or now are engaged to a greater or less extent in mercantile life. .\ll are 
men accorded a voice in the affairs of the township. 
JOHN \VILSON, who came from Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1816, with his family, 
consisting of wife and five children
 was for a number of years a prominent and suc- 
cessful merchant in Grenville. He first settled near Montreal, and 111 a short time 
opened a handsome store in that city. _-\bout 1828 he removed to Greec
's Point, 
ChJ.tham, from which place he to Grenville in 1832. He engaged in mercantile 
business on his arrival, and pursued it successfully till [848, when he went to Cum- 
berland, Ol1t, and died there a few years since at the advanced age of ninety. 
Robert, his third son, remained in Grenville; continued the business begun by 
his father, and also took an interest in the schools and municipal matters of the place 
-having served as School Commissioner and Municipal Councillor several years. In 
1847, he married Jane Smart, and four sons were the fruit of this marriage-three of 
whom are n:nv alive. 1\1r. Wilson died ill 1879- John L. \Vilson, one of the sons, 
entered into partnership with his father, and soon succeeded to the entire business, 
and continued it till 1882, when he retired. In I
79, he was married to Eliza J. 

Iooney, and still resides here, preferrin.; the quiet of domestic,. to the cares and 
vexations of public life. 
JOHN \V ADE, one of the merchants, came here and opened a store about t 87 S. 
His grandfather was one of the early settlers of East Hawkesburr, Ont., and after- 
wards conducted an hotel at Greece's Point, Not long after coming to Grenville, :\[r. 
\Vade built his present store, in which he keeps a goad stock, and his enterprise has 
led him to engage in other business which he vigorously prosecutes. He ha'i a car- 
riage and blacksmith shop, is engaged quite largely in the lumber trade, and owns a 
tug boat called the c, H. .M. Mixer." He finds time also to serve his fellow-citizens 
as School Commissioner and l\1unicipal Councillor In 1862, he married Catherine 
Fraser, a granddaughter of Reuben Cook, of whom a sketch is given on another 
[rs, \\'ade remembers many of the incidents of pioneer life related by her 
grand parents, one, particularly, which made a deep impression on her mind in the 
d1Ys of her childhood: Her grandfather, one day, espied a canoe coming down the 
Ottawa, the only occupant of which seemed to be a woman, Seeing him at work on 
shore, she rowed the canoe towards him, and when she landed, he learned, to his 
surprise, that the canoe bore the dead body of her husb.1nd. This couple lived far 
up the Ottawa, the husband sickened and died, and as there were no neighbors nor 
minister to bury him, his stricken wife determined tl) convey his body to a pb..::e 
where It could receive Christian curial. This was her mission when she met :\Ir. 
Co?k, and he at once secured her all the aid re:Juired, and she had the consal \tion of 
seemg her husband properly interred in Grenville. 
JOHN HOWARD, who died in 1894, had been in business since [855, He was a 
member of the Village Council for a decade or more, and was also a School Commis- 
sioner. He was much liked by all. 


3 8 9 

o is a son of Joseph 
arron, a pioneer of Hawkesbury, has 
been m the grocery busmess here for twentY-<Hx years, He is clerk of the Commis- 
' Court, and has be?n 
?ol Commissioner se.veral years, He was Captain for 

ome tIme on the steamer 'Aid, for CoJ. George Smith, of Montreal. He married a 
daughter of the late John Mason, lockmaster at Carillon. 
 COOK has been in trade here for about thirty years. He aho has a 
carriage, blacksmith and harness shop, and has engaged to some extent in the 
lumber business. He has been a Justice of the Peace for fifteen years, also a member 
of tl:e ::\Iunicipal Councils and of the Board of School Commissioners; his wife is a 
granddaughter of Reuben Cook, mentioned on another page. 
\r. T, 'VHITE, from Dairsee Muir, Fifeshire, Scotland, opened a store in Gren- 
vine in I877, in which he still trades. He, too, has been Municipal Councillor and 
School Commissioner. He is also agent for the Ottawa Navigation Company, and 
conductor on the railroad train which in slimmer runs between Grenville and 
Greece's Point. Mr. 'Vhite is a man of public spirit and much geniality. 
JA:\IES 1\
ILLER came from lre
o Canada in 1873, and to GrenviHe in 18 75- 
He has been 111 trade most of the tIme smce, and has been a member of the Village 
Council for several years. 
THOMAS AND 'VILLlAJ\f MORROW, grandsons of a member of the Royal Staft 
Corps, and sons of George 1\Iorrow, a farmer in Grenville, are doing a thriving 
husiness here in the mercantile line. They "'ere formerly clerks in the store of :\Ir, 
Pridham, and being enterprising young men they soon purchased his stock of goods 
and engaged in trade on their own account. 
 who came from England in 1880, was employed about a 
year in the bakery of Mr. Hope, at Lachute, then came to Grenville, married, and 
entered into business. A few years afterwards he went to 'Vashington Territory, 
and was in Seattle during the great .fire in that place. He returned to Grenville, 
however, after an absence of two years, and began the manufacture of bread and 
confectionery. He supplies not only the villagers, but many of the inhabitants of the 
neighboring district, He also has a flour and feed store, and has recently opened 
a grocery. 
James Bums, jun., who has been a general jobber in Grenville for more than 
twent y years, has a grocery and market on Canal Square. 
\VILLIAM THO:\IAS HALL came from Hawkesbury Village to Grenville in 188 9, 
and e!1tered mercantile life, which he had previously followed. Soon after his arrival 
he built the store in which his widow still trades, but he died two years subsequently, 
Albert E., one of his sons, with his mother, still continues the business, keeping a 
good stock of general merchandise. \Villiam S., another son, is studying dentistry 
in the Royal College, Toronto. 
JAMES GAULEY also opened a store in this village in 1875, but having died the 
next year, his wife and sister, Elizabeth S, Gauley, continued the business, The 
latter, :\fiss Gauley, ver}' early displayed a penchant for trade 
nd speculation, and 
this trait having de\'eloped into rare business tact, has contnhuted much to the 
success of the firm, yet she believes that no business can be truly prosperou<; that 
has not Christian principles for its base, 

39 0 



DR. \YILLIAM ALBERT MACKAY is of the same lineage as :\Ir. J. A. 
. M3.ckay, 
barrister of St, Andrews-a family of social and military distinction. The father of 
Dr. :\Iackay was a Lieutenant-Colonel of the Militia, and a notary for many years in 
the county of Two :Mountains. The subject of our present sketch was born at St. 
Eustache, in J 86 I, and was educated at St. Laurent, at Bishop's College, taking.his 
deuree from the latter in 1884. After practising eight years in Pontiac, Que., he 
le to Grenville, where he enjoys a large practice. He is a brother-in-law of Mr. 
Dansereau, PostmaHer of )fontreal, and his wife is a niece of the R. C. Bishop of 
Glengarry, Ont. A Lrother of the doctor is proprietor of the Belmont Retrtat, a 
Gold CUte establishment in Quebec city. 
GEt'R(;E \\'. PRFl'TISS, M. D., was born at Chelsea, Que., and studied medicine 
with the late Dr. Rüggles Church (late Attorney-General). He took a three years' 
course at McGill, then attended lectures at Bellevue, N e\v York, returned, and took 
his degree at McGill in J 8Ú3. After practising in Wisconsin, and in different parts 
of Canada a few y
ars, he settled in Grenville in 1869, where he has since resided, 
receivmg a fair share of patronage. He has, for a number of years past, also had a 
drug store ill connection with his office. 
C. L. BFAUDOIN, N .P., who has had considerable experience in the notarial 
business in other places: located in Grenville a few years since. He is proficient 111 
his professional practice; writes both French and English. 
A, B. FILION, who is one of the prominent public men in Grenville, has a fine 
farm and residence about a mile from the village. He went from \Vestern Ontario 
to AI undel in 1866, and lOok up 600 acres of land, which is now occupied by his 
second son. He came to Grenville in 1872, and two years later was appcinted 
Justice of the Peace, Fo:-est Ranger of Argenteuil and parts of two adjoining counties, 
and Secretary- 1'1 easurer of the township and augmentation of Grenville. 
nIlN(jS, a member of the Gordon Relief Expedition of 1884, is one 
of the enterprising business men of this village. He was born in Grenville, and 
found employment on the Ottawa early in life. In 1870 he became purser on a small 
boat called the" Canada," which ran between Ottawa and \Vhitehall, N.Y., stopping 
at all the intermediate places. Two years later he became captain of the same boat, 
and afterwards held a similar position on different tug boats. For some years he had 
a contract for carrying the mail between Montebe\lo and Carillon. In J 88.... he 
joined the expedition that was sent to the relief of General Gordon, and sailed from 
Quebec for London in the steamer "Circassiall;" thence crossed to Calais, passed 
through the north of France, Belgium, Germany and Austria, and sailed from Trieste 
for Alexandria. At Wady Haifa he was placed in command of the steamer" Mahala," 
which carried mails and soldiers beL\veen this place and another far up the Nile, 
He was engaged six months on this expedition, and when the Relief Corps was dis. 
banded Mr. Cummings received a medal from the British Government, and one also 
from the Khedive of Egypt, made from a cannon captured from Osman Digna. He 
has several souvenirs of this trip, and among the curios brought from Egypt is a 
copper coin, discovered in one of her ancient tomhs. Mr. Cummings, besides 
having a cOl1lract for conveying the mail between Grenville and Lost Ri\er, at 
present keeps a boarding house and livery stable here. 
IUEL J. MURRA\, a son of James 
Iurray, mentioned elsewhere, married Eliza 
Crooks in 1885, and opened a carriage and blacksmith shop here in 1887. He is 
also Municipal Councillor and School Commissioner. 


39 1 

JOSEPH .D \VISON is. one of t
e" respected artisans of this village, who for forty 
years has ql11etly and faithfully mmlstered to the comfort of hi-; patrons, He came 
from Donegal, county of Antrim, Ireland, to Canada in 1847, He was married in 
18 53 to Ellen \Vyatt, of Hawkesbury :\Iills, and in May of the fJllo \"ing year settl ed in 
Grenville. They have had ten children-eight sons and two daughters j of these four 
sons are deceased; three more and one daughter live in Vancouver, R.C,; William 
the remaining son is a farmer living in Grenvilie, and the other daughter is married 
to Thomas 'Veir, postmaster at Cushing in Argenteuil. 
Until recently there were two good hotels in Grenville-one owned b,' 
McIntyre. which is now rented by La Belle, and the other by Louis Champan
. The 
latter building was burnt a few months since. Mr. Champane has had considerab!e 
experience in conducting hotels and livery, and in the new building that he is about 
erecting will, no doubt, sustain his reputation for efficiency in his business, 
It is of great disadvantage to this village that the C.P. R. station is distant flom 
it about two miles j yet this disad,,-antage is in a measure counterbalanced b\" the 
convenience of having, during a portion of the year, ready communication with 
:Montreal by hoat! or another branch of railway, and with Ottawa by b03.t. fhe 
C.P,R. station is very pleasantly located on a level tract of land, to which a mountain 
forms a most heautiful b3.ckground. 
JA:\IES H. HALPENNY is the respected young station agent. He was born in 
Ottawa. learned telegraphy at Brittania, and entered the employ of the C, P. R. in 
1889 j since that date he has been operator at different stations 0:1 this railway from 
Alberta to Ottawa. He was appointed age!lt at Grenville in S
ptember, 18)2, and is 
now also telegraph operator. 
DAVID GILL came from the county of Down, Ireland, to Hawkesbury YillJge, 
about the year 1835. He afterward married Mary Frasrr from Scotland, and about 
185 0 came to Grenville. and bought 175 acres of land on the north shore of the Bay, 
at the base of the mounta in. He cleared up the greater part of this land, and it is 
now a beautiful and productive farm, :\lr. Gill served as municipal councillor for 
the Township, yet he had little desire for municipal offices. He died in 1875; 
Gill in 1858. They had six children-four sons and two d.tUghters. The latter have 
a millinery store in Grenville village; two of the sons .He in California; John, another 
son, who lives on the homestead, was married in 1883 to Janet Erskille, of \IontreaJ. 
His farm and good ul1ilding
, with the Bay in front and the mountlin in the re.n, is 
sure to attract the notice of the passing traveler. J ame<:, hii eldest brother. who al<;o 
has a good farm in Grenville, was married in 1874, to Sarah Hayes, of East Hawkes- 
bury, Onto He belongs to the Argenteuil Rangers, and both the brothers have 
sel ved as School Commissioners and 
1 unicipal Councillors. 
ALEXANDER FRASER, came from Banffshire, Scotland, to this country in 1
and first settled near Lachute, but two years later cam::: to Grenvill
, and 
o.ught the 
1\:>t no\\ owned and occupied by hi
 son Alexander. He spent hIS remammg- days 
here, cleared up the greater part of his land, and died about 1860. lie left five sons 
and four daughters. Alexander and his sister Isabella still live on the home
James, their brother, lives in Breadd.lbane. John, another brother, and the 0111\- one 
besides those named above who lives in this section, resides on a f.lrm of 110 .lcres 
in a most pleasant rural locality, a Jittle more than a mile from Grenville \ï.lh; In 
186::; he married :\Iary Spratt of Hawkesbury, and th year settle.d on "hl
farm which he has industriously cleared of the pnnclpal part of Its vlrgm forest. 
Four ofth
 childlen of 
Ir. and :\Irs. Fraser, two SOliS and two daughters, are dece.lscd. 
Alexander G., their eldest son, when eighteen years of age, Wd' c.u.ght h) tne 

39 2 


belt of a shaft in a grist mill at Calumet, and killed. They have eight children-three 
sons and five daughters-now living. The home of Mr. Fraser, beside a babbling 
brook, with cozy dells and trees adjacent, is very pleasant. and one in which is 
found genuine Scotch hospitality. 
.About a mile east of the C. P. R. railway station of Grenville are the KINGSEY 
MILLS. Many years ago a man named McMullen bought the land on which these 
mills are located, and built a saw mill on the large brook which crosses the estate, 
He afterward sold to a man named 'Vilson, who converted the saw mill into a grist 
mill, or at least ground oat mill, leaving the bolting of it to be done by his customers, 
It is claimed that this was one of the first mills in the country, but 'Vilson sold 
the property to James Hutchison, who in 1846 sold it to JOHN J. CROOKS who had 
previously lived in Montreal. The land, consisting of 120 acres, Mr, Crooks has 
chiefly cleared, and brought into a state of cultivation. The mill having been burnt, 
he rebuilt it, putting in three run of stones, and, besides, manufactures oatmeal. But 
as mills became more numerous in the country, he decided to grind only provender, 
and changed the mill into a woolen factory, which for a number of years has been of 
great service to the farmers of this locality. .Another enterprise in which Mr. 
Crooks has engaged is that of brick making-having found a good quality of clay 
on his fal m for the purpose, and there being no other brickyard in the Township. 
He was married, in 1846, to Clementina Lummis, who came with his father's family 
from England when she was but seven years old, her trip from Quebec to Montreal 
being made on the "John Bull," one of the first steamers that ever plied between 
these two cities. They have six sons and four daughters, and to the former, the farm, 
mill and brickyard provide ample employment, The commodious dwelling of Mr. 
Crooks, which is nearìy hidden by trees and shrubbery, is known as " Kingsey Hal]," 
.\bout half a mile distant, and nearly north from Kingsey Mills, are the saw mill 
and carriage shop of JAMES MURRAY. His father, John Murray, came from Belfast, 
Ireland, to Grenville, soon after the construction of the canal had been commenced, 
and being a carpenter by trade, he at once was employed in the locks, Not long 
afterward, he took up the lot where his son now lives, and about 184 6 , erected thereon 
a saw mill which continued in operation till ten years since, when the present circular 
saw mill was erected. 
rr. Murray died many years ago; he had three sons and 
three daughters; a11 of the former and one of the latter are now living, Two of the 
sons were members of Captain Pridham's company of Volunteers in the troubles of 
18 37-3 8 . 
J AMES MURRAY is the only one of the sons who remained in this section, He 
has always lived in the homestead, and in addition to the great amount of work he 
has performed in clearing up his farm, and with his saw mill, carriage and blacksmith 
shop-the two latter of which he erected forty years ago--he has for a number of 
years made an efficient 
chool Commissioner, He was married, in 1851, to Sarah 
Ogilvy; they have four sons and two daughters now living. The large piles of 
nber of almo
t every kind which Mr. Murray has for sale in his mill yard give 
ldenc: bot
 to .th
 quantity of timber still found in this section, and to the energy 
wIth which his mill IS run. The country all about here was a wilderness when the 
r of Mr. Murray came, and his only neighbor, who had settled here a short time 
prevIous, was Mr. Hambly. 
Abigail, a sister of Mr. Murray, married Andrew Stuart and settled on a farm of 
200 acres, about a mile distant from her parents. Mr. Stuar
 died here 27th January, 

 892, !hey had twelve children who grew up; one son, James A., and his sister 

arah, hve on the homestead-a fine estate-with their mother, Another of the 
sons and two of the daughters settled in Grenville. 

HISTORY 010' ARGE}.1TEl.ïL. 


JOHPH HA'lßLY, a sergeant in the Royal Staff Corps, came from BodllJan 
ngl.and. Like many others who belonged to this Corps, he determined 
to remam 111 thIs COuntry and take up land; and so anxious was he to ào so that he 
purchotsed his discharge, when, in a short time afterward, to his surprise and'chaarin 
the whole corps was discharged. 
[r. Hambly had six children-three sons and thre
daughters-who grew up. John, the son, who has alw<i.ys lived on the homestead 
which consists of 2C? acres, was. married in 1847 to Jane Clark; sh
 died in 186 4: 
and in 18 7 0 he marned Euphemia Cameron. i-ie has eight children-four sons and 
four daughters-stilI living. One of his daughters, S. J. Hambly, is Postmistress at 
Calumet; Catherine, another daughter, Was married 1st June! 1856, to \Villiam 
McIntyre, grandson of a pioneer on Beech Ridge, St. Andrews, He lives near 1\1r. 
Hambly, his father-in-law, and now manages the farm. He hac; two brothers at 
Calumet j one is proprietor of mills in that place; the other foreman of the Boom 
Company at the mouth of the River Rouge. 
Mr. Hambly was a member of Captain Richard Pridham's company of Volun- 
teers, at Cornwall. He has been a bailiff for many years, and has seen much of the 
rough life in Grenville in the past j but his inttrest is now centered in the future and 
higher life. Baptist clergymen, in recent years, have labored with some success in 
this section, and Mr. Hambly and wife, with their daughter, 
IcIntrre, and her 
husband, united with the Baptist Church. 
It seems somewhat singular, that while wolvec; infested localities only a few 
miles from this place, when the country was new, they were seldom seen here, although 
bears were quite numerous, and are even yet occasionally seen on the adjacent 
mountain, and now and then one is killed, 
ANDREW KERR was one of the Royal Staff Corps, and came from Scotland with 
his family. After his discharge he took up one hundred acres, which is now the 
home of his grandson, Andrew Kerr. He had one son, Andrew, and three daughters, 
As he knew bllt little about chopping, this work devolved chiefly on the son. The 
latter was married 5th August, 1851, to Catherine 
[cGillivray, and as the homestead 
was several miles from the Ottawa, and there being no road, he had many hardships 
to contend with, such as carrying grists on his back to the river, and after he had 
crossed into Hawkesbury carrying them some distance farther to the mills. But like 
other men of that time, he did not falter, and in process of time enjoyed the reward 
of his labor. He has had twelve children-five sons and seven daughters; three of 
the latter, married, live in Grenville. Andrew, one of the sons, was married 12th 
July, 1886, to Jane Nickerson; his parents live with him on the homestead. The 
farm sustains twenty-four head of cattle, forty-two sheep, with horses and the home, 
t pleasant and rural in aspect, gives evidence that peace and plenty abound in it. 

[ethodist ministers found their way, occasionally, into this part of {;renville 
many years ago, but they have held service regularly in school houses. for the last 
five or six years. Presbyterian clergymen, or students, have held sernce here fort- 
nightly for twenty years. Their old church was replaced in 1890 by a neat ne\v 
one called " 
Iountain Church." 
J AMES McARTHUR lIves in the rear of Grenville, about a mile east of the road 
running to Lost River; his sister 
[ary, and his father, Lachlan 
[c.-\rlhur, compris- 
ing the entire family. The hardships through which the latter old gentlem..m has 
passed are calculated to awaken our astonishment at the capacity of human endur- 
ance. He was born in Kilchoman Parish, on the Island of Isla}', .-\rgy!eshire, Scot- 
land, but had lived in Glasgow a few years, and left his wife and two children there, 
when he sailed for this country, June, 1846; ile \Vas six weeks on the vovage. _\n 



uncle owned and occupied the property where he now lives in Grenville, and to his 
house he first came. He found employment in Grenville and Harrington for a few 
years, and had been here six, when his wife and children arrived. In 18 57, he took 
up two hundred acres of land in Harrington Glen, in the loth Range, at the south 
end of Bevin's Lake. Although at so recent a date, owing to his distance in the 
forest and the absence of roads, he had to meet all the hardships and privations 
experienced by pioneers in the first decade of this century. 
The cabin which he had built for his family, and to which in October he first took 
them, was five miles north of their nearest neighbor, John McCulloch. In March 
following, \ViIliam Thompson became his nearest neighb
r, si
 m.iles distant, in 
Arundel, on the north. It was a cold day when he started wIth Ius wIfe and infant, a 
bag of oatmeal, a bag of salt, an axe and gun, for their future home. At 1\1r, Donald 
Fraser's he engaged Mr. Fraser's son, Colin, then fifteen years old, to row them some 
distance down the lake. The canoe was old ::Ind leaked badly, and their condition 
was in no wise improved hy a violent storm of sleet which struck them soon after they 
had embarked. Mr, McArthur threw a shawl over his wife's head and the infant in 
her arms, admonishing her to keep it there, to protect the child from the stoan. 
\Yhile anxious that this should be done, he was more anxious that his wife should 
not notice the rapidity with which the boat was filling, and become frightened, 
hence, he frequently exhorted her to keep her face and the child covered. The high 
rocky shore prevented their landing,. and the only hope was that the boat would float 
till they reached a point where they could land. At last, as they drew near shore, but 
where the water was still six feet deep, the canoe sank. The boy was brave and 
strong, and did all he could to assist, and Mr, McArthur, being a capital swimmer, 
soon had his wife and child, as wen as everything else, safe on shore. Here 
Mrs, McArthur and the child remained, while he and Fraser went a mile 
and a half and procured another canoe. In thi<;, they continued their journey some 
distance further, till they reached McDonald's deserted shanty, when Fraser returned 
with the boat. Mr. McArthur's matches being wet he could not kindle a fire, so, 
leaving his wet oatmeal, salt and tools in the shanty till the next day, he and his wife 
travelled in their wet garments through the cold wind, three miles to their new 
home. Happy indeed would they have been, had this been the last of the hardships 
they were to encounter in this place. The next spring he had enough land cleared, 
with his wife's help, to enable him to plant and sow, Having neither horse nor 
oxen, they hoed in their grain-six bushels of oats-and planted ten bushels of 
potatoes. In a year or two afterward he obtained a yoke of oxen, and then felt that 
he was quite independent, Dalesville-twenty-six miles distant-was the nearest 
point where he could. reach a mill; and to this place he used to go in the winter 
through the woods, making his own read most of the way through the snow, three or 
four feet deep. His oxen at such times were yoked singly, each drawing a small 
sled, the journey occupying two or three days. 
On one occasion, taking a quintal offlour on his back at his uncle's, in Grenville, 
he started for home, which was also about twenty-six miles distant; his course was 
marked only by blazed trees. \Vhen he reached the lake, at a point called the 
Narrows, where it was not more than half a mile in breadth, the boat happening to be 
on the opposite side he had to swim the lake to get it, and then return for his flour, 
After taking dinner at Mr. McCulloch's, he once more took tIp his load and travelled 
on, reaching home that evening. To us of the present day, the thought of carrying 
a load of one hundred and twelve pounds twenty. six miles. on one's back, is 
appalJing-indeed, it seems incredible that the feat could be accomplished by a man 
{)f ordinary size unless endowed with superhuman strength. Mr. 
1cArthur is not 



an exceptionally large man, his height not exceeding five feet nine or ten inches and 
his average weight in t
ose days being one hundred and seventy-five pounds. ' 
On another occasion he. took a barrel of flour at uncle's, and putting it in 
two sacks, placed them on his horse, and started on a bndle path for home via Lost 
River. Coming to a morass, through \\ hich he dare not lead his horse he hitched 
him. took the two sacks-I96 lbs.-on his back, carried them half a 
1ile around 
left them, and then returned for his horse. . , 
Mr, McArthur had cleared a space offorty acres on his new L\rm, all of which he 
and his wife logged, had obtained a team and cows, and was beginning to feel that 
his days of penury had passed, when he suddenly lost everything he possessed-the 
result of an unlucky venture in lumbering. 
" Judge not the Lord by feeble sense. 
But trust Him for His grace; 
Behind a frowning Providence, 
He hides a smiling face." 

Ir. McArthur, by a sudden turn of fortune, was, not long afterward, set on his 
feet again, and now enjoys a happy home with his son and daughter. Mrs. :\1c- 
Arthur died April 25 th , 1893. She had been a remarkably strong and industrious 
woman, and a help-meet in every sense of the word. Lizzie, the child who came so 
near being drowned in Bevin's Lake, is now Mrs. Johnson Smith, of Chatham-the 
mistress of a pleasant and comfortable home. James, the son, who now manages the 
homestead, has lately returned from British Columbia, where for five years he was 
industriously employed in a lumber camp; he now has a good farm of one hundred 
and sixty acres, with stock and sheep in plenty. 
Farther back, towards Harrington, near the roadside, is a very pretty little body 
of water knowll as Cook's Lake, 
Ir. Hugh Cook's fine new hOllse fronting it. 
Such lakes or ponds are quite numerous in this part of Grenville-three or four 
lying near the road. In this section are the homesteads of other pioneers, Living- 
stone, l\lcYicar and McLean. 
ARCHIBALD LIVINGSTONE, from the Isle of Mull, Argyleshire, Scotland, was a 
member of the Royal Staff Corps. After his discharge he took up 300 acres of land, 
which is now owned and occupied by Archibald Steele. He lived and died at this 
place, his last days being spent with his son Alexander; he had three sons and two 
Alexander, his second son, married Catherine :\IcDonald, and took up 350 acres 
near the homestead, which is now the home of his own son, John Livingstone. He 
cleared about 15 acres of this, and died 23rd February, 1890 j Mrs. Livingstone died 
4- th May, 1884. They had twelve children; eleven-three sons and eight daughters, 
grew up; one of the former and four of the latter are married. .\rchibald, the eldest 
son, married, lives in ".yoming j Catherine, one daughter, married to Charles 
Webster, lives in Ottawa; Jane, married to 'William S. Hall, lives in Cumberland, 
Ont.; Flora, married" to Frederick Rodgers, lives in Montreal; Isabella, the young- 
est, whose husband, Archibald Cameron, died recently, now lives on the homestead 
with her brother. Annie lives in New York; Maggie in Hawkesbury, Ont.; and Mary 
with her brother on the homestead, all forming a respected Christian family, 
HUGH l\ICVIcAR came to Chatham, Que., in 18H, and for six y....ars \\".1.... em- 
ployed on the canal. He afterward obtained JOO ac.res of land in the rear of 
ville, on which his son Hugh now lives. He and..hls s
leared the ,land, which IS 
now a part of a good farm of 200 acres, Mr. Mc \ Icar died 111 1857. 1 he son, Hugh, 
was married September 5th, 1860, to )[ary McLean, They h
1\'c one son, Hugh, and 
one daughter, Catherine, who live with them. 

39 6 


On an adjoining farm lives Charles McLean, who is mentioned in the history of 

-\ voca. The farm is the old homestead where the father first settled; a good farm and 
a pleasant home. 
1 AMES McKNIGHT, from the County Down, near Belfast, Ireland, came to 
Canåda in 
fay, 18 5 0 , and settled in the west part of Gore, on a farm now owned by 
his 50n John. He died there in October, 1879; his wife died in 
 ovember, 18 77. 
They had but two sons, John and Robert; the latter lives in Manitoba. 
John lived near the homestead till the spring of 1885, when he removed to Gren- 
ville, though he still owns his farm in Gore, as well as that which belonged to his 
father,-in aU, 200 acres. He was married 16th March, 18 5 6 , to Jane Mc
she died 9 th J lily, 18 93, They had [Hoe sons and three daughters- all still living. 
The eldest daughter, married to James McKnight, lives in Manitoba, One son, 
Robert, 27 years old, was drowned while bathing at La Belle Falls, in July, 188 9, 
He was a young man highly respected, and his sad death was a severe blow to his 
parents, and caused much sorroW in a large circle of friends. 
When Mr. McKnight lived in Gore, he was for some time engaged as foreman 
in the construction of railways, and an active member of the Argenteuil Rangers, 
being ensign of Company No.3. During the Fenian raids, he was called with the 
Volunteers to Cornwall and several other places. Besides his property in the Goæ, 
he has a good farm of 350 acres in the 9th and loth Ranges of Grenville, where he now 
It was here that the son of Mr. McKnight lost his life in July, 188 9' Just at the 
base of the cliffs which form the fall, a cold mountain stream enters the bay. 
Knight, very warm from work in the hay-field, with two other young men, approached 
the bay, and he at once prepared to take a swim. Making his way toward a part of 
the beach near the fall, he had just reached the place where the col.] brook water 
enters: when he was seen to throw up his hands and di!;appear. As he was a capital 
swimmer, his companions supposed he was merely performing one of his feats; but 
when, in a few moments, he did not reappear, their fears were aroused. Diligent 
search was kept up for a day or two before his body was recovered, and this was only 
d by means of grappling irons. It is supposed that cramps were pro- 
duced by the action of the cold water on his heated body. 
This section is the home of EDWARD ALLEN, 1\'1. D., who came to 
 \. VOC
t in 188 I, 
and who now lives in Grenville; he has quite a practice here and in adjoining town- 
ships, as well as in the neighboring county, Ottawa. He was born in San Francisco, 
educated in Harvard University, and began practice in Boston. 


hc farm of Mr. McKnight, the river Rouge, which thus fal' runs parallel 
Ith the hIghway, and near it, makes a sudden turn, neady forming a right angle. The 
xpands into quite a bay at this point, along the shore of which for some dis- 
tance 111 the summer season is a broad, sandy beach, not unlike the sea shore, On the 
farther side of this picturesque bay, from the road, rise steep mountain cliffs, through 
arrow.gorge of which, the river, compressed into one-eighth its usual width, pours 
th a wIld ru
h, and falls several feet into the boiling cauldron below. There is a 
wIld grandeur 111 the scene, which is not a little enhanced at times when the river is 
nd the logs of lumbermen with a mad rush come through, dive perpen- 
dIcularly mto the seething abyss, then, as in a battle of demons, roll, wrestle, and 
pound each other, till stripped and scarre(l, they are forced into more quiet waters, 



and dlift silently away. _-\s only a front view of the river and falls can be obtained 
hout climbing midway of t
e !l1011ntain! and (;mt on the rocky plateau twentr-fiveor 
thIrty feet a,?ove the falls, CUriosIty sometimes Impels one to do so, and he is well 
repaid for his tro.ubl
. _-\.nother fall, very similar to the lower one, occurs a few rods 
back, beyond whIch IS another bay, only the lower part (If which is visible on account 
of a turn in the stream around high projecting cliffs. These falls have' a gruesome 
_<\bout the re.'r 18Si, a young Presbyterian student, who was preachinO' in thi" 
ction, we
1t out fishing one. day. Nut returning at nightfall, search was I
ade for 
hIm, and hIS boots and stockmgs were found on the heights above the falls, where it 
was sllpposed he had removed them to approach the brink of the cliff to look over. 
His body was found the next day near the shore below the fail, and it was generally 
believed he had slipped on the cliff and fallen off. 

ar tl
e La Belle Falls by the roadside stands the cottage of JOSEPH GEEGAN, 
a v
ry Il1telhgent old gentlem:1n, who for many years was keeper of the 
lcT .wish 
Light HOllse, near Puint all Chêne. He was m:uried 22nd 
ovember, 186::>, to Ann 
.::\lcCallum, eldest child of Captain Alexander McC:allurn. .-\rchie, the eldest son of 

h. and 1\1rs. Geegan, died I
th November, 1892, at the ag
 of 29. He was an 
exemplary young man, btloved by all who knew him, and his death W1.S a severe 
blon- to his parents and friends. Alexander, their remaining son, still lives with them, 
Ida, their only daughter, is a very successful and popular teacher. Mr. Geegan has 
been a great reader, and is very familiar with Burns and other poet
, and it strikes 
one that a couple more appreciative of their location than he and hi
, hcspitable and 
genial wife could not ha.\re settled amid these romantic surroundings. 
DUGALD MCCALLU)I, a brother of Mrs. Geeg,m, lives on an adjoining farm. His 
father, Captain Ale'\.ander McCallum, after leaving the employ of Messrs. McPherson 
& Crane, engaged with .Messrs. Robertson, Jones & Co., successors to the former 
Company, in the forwarding business, and held a responsible position with them until 
1859, when he re
ired to his farm in Grenville, now owned and occupied by his SOI1 
Dugald, where he spent the balance of his life. He had bc
ides his daughter, :Mrs. 
Geegan, three sons, Archie, Dugald and Donald. Archie, who was Captain of a 
boat, lived and died in Ottawa; Donald lives in Arnpriur. Dugald, the second son, 
spent his early years on the Ottawa, being at one time captain of the steamer 
"'Whitehall" five years, for the .McNaughtons. He also placed the first lighthouse on 
the river, between Grenville and Ottawa. He was married 16lh April, 18 6 4. to 'br- 
garet McArthur. and settled on the homestead five years later. They have two sons 
and five daughters now living; ArchiLald J., the elder 
on, is married, and is in the 
Life Saving Station on Lake Superior, 
, from the County Down, Ireland, came to the north part 
of Gore: in thig county, in 1823. The ship in which he crossed the ocean was burnt 
near Quebec, but the passengers were sa,.ed. He worked the first sumn
his arrival on the Grenville canal, and in the fall took up 100 acres of land In Gore, 
He lived there till 18 7 2 , and then, selling his property, he and his wife lived the 
remainder of their years with their son, John, in Grenville, on the I nh Range, 
He died here 9 th December, I8ïS; his wife died in March previous j they had four 
sons and five daughters. 
John, the eldest son, WJ.S the first child born in the nort.h of Gore. I Ie and 
.his brother Samuel, and t\\"o sisters, who live in the Augmentation, are the onl} 
of the famity living in this section. John married 8th !
bruar.r, 18 5 I, Harnet 
.McGregor ; they have three sons and fi,-e daughters now hVIng j 11\ l of th

39 8 


ters are married; three of these live in this county, one in Maine, and another in 
'Michigan. In 1883, the eldest son, 23 years of age, was killed. while loading a 
large stick of timber j the cant hook slipped, and the timber rolled on and crushed 
him. He was a youth of promise; he had nl'my friends, and his death was the cause 
of great sorrow. 1\1 r. McMahon was for many years one of the Argenteuil Rangers, 
and went to the tront during the Fenian raids. He has a fine farm here of JOO 


This place is located on the Ottawa, about three and a half miles west of 
Grenville, and it is doubtful if the scenery around it is SUI passed in beauty by that of 
any other village in the province. It is situated on a high, level tract of ground less 
than half a mile in breadth, which is bounded by the river on the south, and on the 
north by a mountain rising abruptly, and running parallel with the river, The 
mountain, which is mostly wooded from base to summit, is the most prominent and 
beautiful feature of the landscape; and from one or two rocky prominences a grand 
view may be obtained of the country along the Ottawa, and fiu into Ontario. It 
requires only a little effort on the part of the citizens here, in the way of preparing 
suitable accommodations for boarders, to make this one of the favorite summer 
resorts of Quebec j for while the scenery at hand is most striking, it is contiguous to 
other scenery which is wild and grand in the extreme. 
The Calumet is a small stream tumbling down the mountain 5ide, but such is 
the height from which it comes, that it affords excellent water Dower, and the 
numerous cataracts formed in its descent are ever present 
bjects of admiration to 
visitors. Sixty years ago, the Calumet Falls were the property of the :Montreal 'Yater 
\Vorks Company, and it was their intention to convey the water in pipes to that city, 
but the plan was never executed. 
The history of the place is not ancient, the little village. which seems to be 
growing, having sprung up since the advent of the railway, About forty-five years 
ago a man named Charlebois opened a marble quarry here, a short distance up the 
mountain side, and erected a mill on the Calumet, for sawing and dressing the 
marble quarried. It is said he got out and shipped quite a quantity to Montreal, 
during the few years he worked, but his venture was abruptly terminated by his death. 
He was accidentally drowned in the Ottawa, at the mouth of the Calumet. The 
timbers which formed the foundation of his mill may still be seen here; but no attempts 
have since been made to continue the work he began, though there appears to be a 
large quantity of marble here. 
:\Ir. Richard Lanigan gives the following graphic description of the place :- 
"In 1870, when I came to Calumet, you could count the dwelling houses on the 
fingers of one hand, minus the thumb; to-day we can count ten times that number, if 
we include the Island. Then we had no railway accommodation; to-day, those 
living in Calumet can visit either the political or the commercial metropolis of the 
Dominion, leaving home after breakfast, transact their business, and be back again in 
time for tea; or, you can leave for :\[ontreal by the early train, spend twelve hours 
in the city, and be home by bedtime. Then we had no accommodation for tra vellers ; 
now we have two well kept, comfortable hotels; and, in connection with the railway, 
a refreshment 100m, which is a model for all restaurants along the entire line. Then 
we had no public means of transport across the Ottawa j now we have steamers 
plying daily between here and the lOwns of Hawkesbury and L'Orignal, in addition 
to which, there is an hourly ferry just established. Then there was but a 
tri-weekly mail, and we had to dri\'e or walk four miles for our letters and 



newspapers; now we have a daily mail, with a post-office at our doors, Then 
there was no smithy or place where you could hire a horse; to-day we have 
two blacksmith 
hops and three livery stables, Then we had not a single store; 
to-day we havc SIX. Then we had only a small saw mill; now we have a grist mill 
and two saw mills: one of which, the Ottawa Lumber Company, furnishes emplo,"- 
ment du.ring 
he summe
 to over a hundred men, and, in the winter, to an equal 
number 111 theIr log shanties. Then there was only the firm of the Hamilton Broth
lumbering on the Rouge; this summer, logs and timber belonging to thirteen different 
firms were sorted out at the booms. Then we had no place of worship; now we 
have two churches and one resident minister. This is doing fairly well; but, with 
the wealth of gifts with which nature has endowed us, we should have done far 
bettcr ." 
IGAN was born in Donegal, Ireland, and, in [83 6 , came with 
his father's family to Three Rivers, Que., at which place his father died. In I8S-1-, he 
and his brother, George T, Lanigan, established The Illquirer at Three Rivers; but 
the following year, Richard \vithdre\v from it, and engaged in other business, In 
1860, he was married to Margaret Kiernan, and in 1870 came to Caiumet, as 
 agent of J. K. 'Yard, who was engaged in extensive lumber business and owned 
large timber limits on the River Rouge. Since 187-1-, 1\1r. Lanigan has been 
Secretary-Treasurer of the Rouge Boom Company until quite recently, when he 
resigned on account of ill health. In !878, he built a store here, and has 
since been successfully engaged in trade. He is a man of more than ordinary 
ability, and has found time, amidst his business calls, to write occasionally for 
the press, and to give us a story entitled "They Two," which reflects no small 
degree of credit on his skill as an amhor. The story-the scene of which i
 in this 
Province-illustrates life in the Canadian forest and in the lumber camp, and it is told 
in a concise and easy style that never wearies the reader. It is claimed, moreover, 
to be true; but however this may be, it is certain that if more widely known-only a 
small edition of it having been published-it would be accorded a prominent place in 
Canadian literatúre. 

lr, Lanigan's home is in a romantic, rural spot at Calumet, just the place one 
imagines to encourage the cultivation and pursuit of literature. He has taken an 
active interest in the cause of l\Iethodism, and has contributed liberally towards its 
support. Owing to infirm health, his business now is conducted chiefly by one of his 
His brother, GEORGE THOMAS LANIGAN, was regarded as one of the ablest writers 
and newspaper men in Canada. His first literary venture was" National Ballads," 
published in 1865, when he was quite young, and about the same time he published 
the .Free Lallet in :\lon I real. He was instrumental in connection with Mr. Hugh 
Graham in starting the :\Iontreal Star, and, subsequently, was employed for some 
time as editor of the Sherbrooke Extlmiller. Afterward, he joincd the editori31 St3fT 
of the New York If/orld, and next removed to Philadelphia, Pa., in connection with 
the Record of that city, and died there a few years ago. He was brimful of wit, and 
wielded a facile pen, 
One of the prominent industries of this locality are the mills of ROBERT 
which he purchased a few years since of Hon. J. K. 'Yard. The water which form
the motor of these mills is brought in an iron pipe from the Calumet, under the C. P: 
Railway. The mills consist of a grist mill, containing three run of stone and one ot 
rollers, a circular saw mill, a planing and shingle mill-all of which are kept in active 
operation. .\bout a million and a half feet of lumber and a large qu.mtity of squ:ucJ 
timber are turned out here annually. 

4 00 


Mr. ::\lcIntyre was born in Lachute, and is a descendant of one of the early 
pioneers of Beech Ridge, in St. Andrews. He came to Grenville in 18 7 0 , and built a 
steam saw mill, whicr.. he kept in operation about fifteen years, when he sold it, and 
built another on the island opposite Calumet. Two years afterward this was burnt, 
and he then purchased his present mills. He is a man of much enterpri
e and 
industry; he now receives valuable assistance in his business from his 1\vO sons, Daniel 
A. and 'Villiam. 
A post-office was opened at Calumet in :\Iay, 1887. Previous to this, it had been 
kept at Eden Dale, a short distance from Calumet. 1\1rs. H. Burch was Post-mistress 
at that place; she died in 1892, and :Miss S. .1, Hambly, her adopted daughter,. was 
appointed Post-mistress, and still holds the position. In connection with the office, 
she also has a !-.mall stm e, in which she keeps a variety of articles for the accommoda- 
tion of the public. 
S. M. BRENNAN is a plOsperous merchant (,f Calumet j he came to this country 
from Ireland when a child, and, until a few years ago, followed farming near 
Pembroke, ant. He sold his farm, and in 1884 engaged in mercantile Imsiness in 
Calumet. In 18R6, he built his present store, and, by his fair dealing and urbanity, 
has secured a large trade. In 1892, he opened a branch store in Harringt0n, near 
the Rivington post-office; but this was burnt in May, 1894-the work, no doubt, of 
an incendiary. The esteem, however, in which 1\1r, Brennan is hdd in that section 
secured him much sympathy in his loss, and has gained for him llIuch larger patronage 
in the new store, which he speedily erected. He takes an interest in all local affairs, 
and is one of the School Commissioners of the township. 
IPANY, which has a large IlIiIl here, is a joint stock 
company, of which Mr. A. Baptist, of Three Rivers, is the principal shareholder. The 
mill was erected in 1886, under the supervision of the late James Dean, a brother-in- 
law of ::\Ir. Baptist. This mill cuts over one hundred thousand logs per season; two- 
thirds of which are spruce, and all are cut on the Rouge. The mill now employs 
about ISO men. Mr. S, A, Dean, son of the late James Dean, is the present manager; 
he lives here in an attracti\.e cottage amid romantic scenery. 
HENRY \V -\LKER is the foreman of the mechanical department of the mill. He 
was reared in Montreal, and learl)ed the trade of millwright in that city. He was 
employed th:-ee years in British Columbia, and, after that, engaged to the Ottawa 
Lumber Co., and hag been in their employ seven years. 
The quantity of lumber and freight of various kinds handled here gives quite a 
scene of activity around the railway station, and provides employment to sever.ll men. 
Trains stop here, giving passengers time for refreshment j the fine restaurant referred 
to above by :\lr. Lanigan is in charge of 
Ir. FRED. "-EAGER, a gentleman who has 
traveled extensively on this Continent, and who, for some years, has devoted much 
of his time to Christian work. He is a licensed Exhorter in connection with the 
Methodist Church, and on the Sabbath usually supplies one of the pulpits cf that 

\LFRED RRIGDEN, haggageman at this station, came from \Voolwich, England, 
lllS countrr in 1869. He has served as b::tggageman twcnty-one years, seven of 
which he was 111 the Bonaventure Station, Montreal. 
. The two hotels at Calumet are owned respectively by - La Belle and John 
!\hllway j that of the former is an imposing brick structure, and is one of the attractive 
ts in the village, its appointments are such as meet the approval oflhe traveling 
, !he other is a 
ommodious building near the railway station, the proprietor 
of which IS devoted to 1115 guests and friends, and supplies them with home comforts. 


4 01 

The Methodist Church edifice was erected in 188..{. by the Hon. J. K, 'Yard. and 
donated by him to the Methodist Church of Canada. 
The --\.nglican Church was built in 1887 by public subscription. 
The Hon. J. K. Ward, though a citizen of l\1ontreal, has been so intimately 
associated with many of our business men in the lumber trade, and the county, more- 
over, has such a monument of his liberality in the church at Calumet, that a sketch of 
his life may very appropriately have space in these pages. 
The following sketch is taken chiefly from Borthwick's "Gazetteer of )Iontreal." 
" HOl\". JAMES !\... 'V ARD, ::\I.LC.-His father was a native of Dunham, England. 
_\fter serving in the 3rd Dragoon Guards, from 1799 to 1816, and passing through 
many skirmishes and battles. he retired after the battle of Waterloo, and settled in the 
Isle of Man, where he died in T 834. The subject of our sketch was born in Peel, 
Isle of Man, 9th September, 1819. He was educated at Douglas, the capital of the 
Island, served his apprenticeship as a practical mechanic in the Island, and emigrated 
to Xe\\' York in 1842. After spending ten years of his life in the United States, 
he at last settled in 
1ontreal, Canada, where he has ever since been engaged in the 
lumber business, selling and manufacturing. He is a Justice of the Peace and a Life 
GO\"ernor of the General Hospital, the 'Vomen's Hospital, the House of Industry 
and Refuge, and the Protestant Hospital for the Insane. He ha., been Commissioner 
of the Protestant School of Cote S1. Antoine, and the President and Yice-President 
of'several important and industrial corporations in :\1ontreal. Like so many l\Ianx- 
men, he is a Liberal, and has always gone against the absorption of the smaller 
States by the greater and niore influential, as has been seen on the Continent of 
Europe for the last qUJrter of the century. The Hon. ::\1r. 'Yard has greatly improved 
the south-east of ::\Iontreal, by his connection with the large cotton mill there erected. 
He was married, in 1848, to Eliza King of London, England, who died some years 
afterward. 'Vhen he arrived in Canada, he married, the second time, Lydia Tren- 
holme, of Kingsey, P.Q. This family is well known in ::\1ontreal." 
About two miles further west from Calumet is the cO:1fluence of the Rouge and 
the Uttawa-a place which no visitor to this section of the country should fail to visit. 
The Rouge, coming from the almost unknown regions of the North, and still main- 
taining its attachment to mountain defiles. shoots into view around a precipice, a few 
rods above the bridge, and between mas'sive ledges rolls onward into the larger 
stream, at this point an expansive bay more than a league in breadth. A wooded 
island lies in mid channel of the Rouge) a short distance from the Ottawa; below 
this, just at the point where the two streams meet, heavy booms with their iron liga- 
ments stay the further progress of the logs, till they are separated and formf'd into 
rafts by the respective lumber companies to which they belong. Above, and on 
both sides of the island, the channel is filled with logs, piled tier abo\'e tier. Between 
the island and the booms, the broad surface is filled in the same manner from shore 
to shore. 
Two or three dwellings occupy the beautiful level tract on the eastern 5hore 
of the Rouge, at its mouth, in one of which dwells 1\[r. McIntyre, foreman of the 
.Boom Company. 
* Here. many years ago, lived Stephen Bevin, of whom more \\-ill be ]earned in 
the histor)' of Arundel. He bought from the Go\"ernment, at this place, Lot 22, 2nd 
Range, built and traded for furs. A man naroed Heatley lived on Lot :13. west side 
of the Rouge. and a man named David Kimble built a ta\'ern close by Bevin's house; 
both these buildings were burned. Bevin sold his land-200 acres--to :\[essrs. 
Hamilton, lumber merchants, of Hawkesbury, for the HIm, it is said, of $25. 00 . 

· The facts with regard to Bevin were obtained from Mr. R, Lanigan. 

4 02 


The road leading to this place passes along the base of the mountain, a short 
distance from the Ottawa, and just before reaching the noble iron bridge which spans 
the Rouge, it passes through an ench3.nting grove. Below the bridge, at a higher 
altitude and nearer the island, is the costly bridge of the C, p, R. A foot bridge, 
beside the railway track, accommodates the visitor, and the one whose nerves are of 
the requisite stability obtains a view which rewards him for the venture-the rapid 
stream far beneath, the mountains, the evergreen island, the level tract with its groves 
of beautiful trees, and the wide spreading bay with the glittering spires of L'Orignal 
on the plateau beyond-all form a scene wl1ich defies the pen of the poet and mocks 
the pencil of the artist. The following description of this place, with the account 
of well authenticated events which ha\'e transpired here, is taken from the story, 
" They Two," of Mr. Lanigan j the quotation being a tale recounted by " Old 
Casper," one of the characters in ,. They Two." 
.' He hinted that he knew something of the Rouge or the River of the Great 
Spirit, as the Indians called it. It was sacred to them, and there lived their 
Manitou. There were seven falls or chutes near its mouth, and at the seventh 
there was 'Table Rock,' where, in the oid time, they offered sacrifice. On the 
east bank, and north of the house built by old Bevin, are the graves of three men, 
seven feet apart from 
JI1e another. One was a white, one an Indian, ana one a 
negro. * * * * * 
 SOllth of the high eastern bank, where these graves are, it is 
thickly grown with whIte oak; and below the slope, a sandy plain runs down to the 
Ottawa river, part of which is covered with white and Norway pine. The eastern part 
of the plain, fronting the Otta\\'a, has been the camping grounds of the Indians, time 
out of mind. 
" Towards the close of the 17th century, the French Fort of St. Anns, at the head 
of the Island of Montreal, was unprotected for a time; the garrison having gone to 
queU Indian disturhances on the Richelieu. The lroquois on the Upper Ottawa, 
hearing this, made a descent on the Fort, carryin
 off arms, spoils and some of the 
women, and did not cry haIt tiU they put the portage of the Long Sault between 
them and their enemif>s, the French. They camped at the mouth of the Rouge- 
their sacred river, and commenced to feast on the good things they had carried off, 
\V ord soon reached Montreal of the sacking of the Fort of St. Anns, and a force 
was at once despatched in pursui t. It overtook the Indians in the midst of their 
feasting, and a deadly struggle ensned, with the resnlt that aU the Indians were 
massacred, except their chief. \Vhen he saw that all was lost, he turned and fled 
for the seven chutes, on the Rouge, well known to him when a boy. He was as fleet 
as a deer j and striking through the pines anù the oak trees on the higher level, on 
the east side of the Rouge, he gained the Table Rock before his pursuérs espied 
him. He flung his eagle plumes into the roaring torrent, as an offering to the Mani- 
tou, and bounding from cliff to cliff like an antelope, hurried on his way. There 
were those on his track as fleet as h
. Two' Braves' of the :\benaquis, allies of 
the French, were foremost in tl1l' chase; and as they neared the highest of the seven 
chutes, the Iroquois was seen to faU j and in a m'Jment after, his enemie;; were upon 
him, As his foremost pursuer spranO" forward to bury his tomahawk in the prostrate 
man, his weapon came down only o
 the grey rock, the Iroquois having disappeared 
in a deep fissure." 


4 0 3 

Augmentation of Grenville. 

IBER, 1810. 

This Township is bounded on the north by Harrington, south by the Ottawa 
River, east by Grenville, and west by the Seigniory of La Petite Nation. It contains 
about 22,300 acres of land and the usual allowance for highways, equal to nearly 
3-J..f8 square miles. 
To the majority of people, the Augmentation of Grenville is a terra ÙICOgllitll. 
Seventy years ago, a number of hardy and determined emigrants plunged into the 
wilderness here, and during the remainder of their lives were almost as effectually 
removed from the outside world as if they had been dead and !Juried. Possessed of 
those physical attributes which shrink from no hardship, and that fortitude which 
never despairs, they toiled on for the accomplishment of their object-securing a 
home-with the determination of heroes and the endurance of martyrs. 
Their children, who in many instances were partners in their toils, have extended 
the work begun by their fathers, until now fields of waving grain and luxuriant 
meadows are found where SO recently stood the dense, sombre forest; and flocks 
and herds repose upon the spot where savage beasts stalked and devoured their 
Many of the younger generation have either removed permanently to distant parts, 
or, having earned money in their absence, have returned to invest it in farms around the 
scenes of their childhood. But, wherever they are, their vocations are pursued with the 
same patient spirit and determination to succeed which characterized their ancestors 
-qualities which, as a legacy, are of more value, a thousand fold, than bank stock and 
real estate. The inhabitants of the Augmentation, isolated as they were, from 
necessity, for many years, and which, from long habit and location, they still con- 
tinue in a great measure to be, have seldom, if ever, married outside of their own 
locality, in consequence of which, the families are nearly all allied to each other. 
Some seem to have gained the impres!3ion that the land here is rough, stony, hard, to 
cultivate, and that, the people likewise, are poor and rough in manners. Never did 
a more erroneous opinion find credence. As already shown, the farm
 are for the 
most part fine ones, and the soil is fertile. The majority of the dwellings are small 
and plain, yet, let a stranger enter one, and he will find nearly all the comforts, and 
some of the luxuries, that are supposed to be found in the habitations of the wealthy; 
nearly every hous(; contains an organ. The faml buildings are generally better than 
the houses, the reason for which is, that the farms are large, and as the stock .and 
crops have increased, the farmer, in order to protect them properly, has been oblig
to build new and larger barns. On some of the older farms commodious frame houses 
were erected long ago, and, when others feel that they can aff0rd the luxury, without 
incurring debt, they will erect larger and more imposing d\vellings. 
It is the strongest evidence of the good judgment of the farmer in this section 
that he buys nothing till he can afford it. He kno\\ s the extent of hi3 capital and 
whence he derives his income; consequently, before indulging in a luxury, he con- 
siders carefully the ways and means by which his income can be increased. His 
d\\ elling, ho\\ ever humble, still answers the purpose of its erection; but his hor"ies t 
cattle and 
heep, his chief support, must be improved in quality and Încrea!3ed in 
number, and he is not slothful in adopting means by which triis end may be attained. 
He, therefore, secures the best farming implements, horse rake, mo\\ ing machine, 
arm wagon, etc., and \\ hen he has all these necessaries, he \\ ill build a new house. 

4 0 4 


In adhering to this plan, the farmers have all kept clear of debt, and it is a matter for 
congratulation in the 
-\ugmentation, that there is not a mortgaged farm in the locality. 
The people are all in comfortable cil'cumstances, have good horses and respectable 
buggies. They are not only nominally Protestants, but church-going, religious people. 
Few, if any, are the households in which grace is not said at meals, Hospitable and 
friendl} in the extreme, vigorous in fmme, yet retiring in manner, with strong love for 
their kindred and homes, they are people on whose hearthstones the fires of patriotism 
are ever aglnw-men who would hasten from every hill and valley, from every field 
and cottage to repel an invading foe. 

The first settler in the .\ugmentation is said to have been Archibald Campbell, 
who came here about 1816, and lived here many years. Other parties-Scotch 
settlers-sometimes remained with him while they were erecting cabins farther back 
in the wilderness, l\1cRae and the Campbdls, the first settlel s in Harrington, being 
of this number. Not" ithstanding the fact that it was so early settled, the place has 
the appearance of being new-mountains and woods encroach so closely as to lea\"e 
only a narro" strip of cleared land along the river. 
E\-AX CAMERON, a descendant of one of the pioneers of this place, has a store 
here and a three mile tract of land a short distance away, and is well known in this 
section as a man of enterprise and public spirit. He was much interested in having 
a railroad station and post office established here. His grandfather, Alexander 
Cameron, who lived across the Ottawa, had purchased five hundred acres of land at 
this place, and on this his son Donald settled about 1830, and his children, of whom 
Evan is one, 
till own and occupy the property. He was married in September, 1836, 
to :\f ar)" :\IcDonald, of Inverness-shire, Scotland, and they spent their lives here. 

Ir. Cameron died 5th March, I 
50; Mrs. Cameron, 9th Seiltember, 1879. He was 
a man of enterprise and intluence ; was a Volunteer in 1837, and, later, became Captain 
of Militia. They had five children-four sons and one daughter,-whogre w up. The 
latter, Hannah, and her brother Donald still remain on the homestead, about a mile 
from the station. Evan lives at the viIlage of Point au Chêne, and Archib3ld, the 
younger of the family, lives in Wyoming Territory. 
Alexander, eldest son of Donald Cameron, was married 19th October, 1866, to 
Annie :McCusker, and settled near the homestead. He died 25th April, 1887. His 
widow, an intelligent, hospitable lady, who takes much pains in the rearing of her 
children, still resides here. They had four sons and five daughters. Jennie, the eldest, 
malried to Alexander O'Neil, lives in Ottawa. Ella, the third daughter, married to 
John Johnson, lives at Calumet. Emma, fourth d<tughter, married to \Villiam Allison, 
lives at Vankleek Hill, Ont. 
.hWRE Sf. AMAXT, who has charge of the store of Mr. Evan Cameron, was born 
at Caledonia Springs, Ont. He \\ as employed three years as clerk in Grenville, and 
il1 July, 18i9, engaged to Mr. Cameron, with whom he has since remained, with the 
exception of the winter of 1882-83, when he attended the Business College in Ottawa. 
He is an efiìci('nt and reliable salesman and bookkeeper. He has been twice married: 
first, in October, 1866, to Jane Campbell; she died 25th February, 1889, anà he 
next married Jane Matthew=" 22nd October, 189 I; who died 22nd SeptemLer, I8Y3' 
The first post-office was established at l'oint au Chêne about 1854, Alexander 
.:\IcTavish being postmaster. 
THOMAS l\[ATfHEWS, \\ ho is Postmaster now, appointed in May, 1878, also has a 
')tore here. 
latthew.i was born in Quebec; his father dying while he was a 



4 0 5 

child, his mother removed to l\1ontreal, and there he attended schooL He learned 
the trade of millwright, and was employed at this in V,wdreuil when the Rebellion 
of 1837 broke out, and he joined the Volumeers there. Aften\,uds, he followed his 
trade, being employed chiefly on public works- the Victoria Bridge, Carillon Dam, 
and on the C. P. Railway. After the completion of the Victoria Hri,ige, he went to 
the States and" as employ ell in the construc1Ìon lIf the Grand Rapid
 and hldiana 
Railways. Belore coming to Point au Chêne, he lived ten years in East Hawkesbury, 
Ont., of which he was a Municipal Councillor the \\ hole time, and one term Mayor, 
as well as Schcol Commissioner. He came to Point au Chêne in 1877, <l.I1d used his 
influence in secllring a daily mail and a railway station here. He soon opened a 
store, in which he still keeps an assortment of goods sllch as are found in coumry 
stores, and in which, also, is the post-office.* 
FRANK GALIPEAU is the proprietor of the hotel here, which affords ample 
accommodation for the traveller; livery is also attached. 
Ir. Galipeau came from 
fhurso to Point au Chêne, and opened a public house in 186-1-; he W.l-; married the 
same year to Lizzie Kho!' 
The following is an anicle taken from the lVakh lIlall , Lachute, 13th February, 
18 9 6 :- 
IPA:XY has been formed, with a capital of 
$15,000 (which is proposed to be increased to $75,000 at a very early date), with 
headquaners at Point au Chêne, Q:le., and operat
d on the property owned by 
Messrs. E. A. Cowley, of Montreal, president of t1w Xorth Lake Fish & Game 
Club, and of C. H. Wells, L. D.S., of Huntingdon. Xine carloads of lumber for 
workmen's hOllses have already been sent to Point au Chêne, and building operations 
are in full blast. The foundation of a mill 100 x SO feet, and four storeys in height, 
is about completed, and in a very few weeks a JOo-horse power engine and boiler will 
be in place, with all the necessaries-cyclones, crushers, grinders, blowers, dryers, 
etc., and will be in complete operation. A boiler house is also being erected, together 
with outbuildings, etc. 
H It i
 anticipated that about seventy-fivc men will be employed in the working of 
the mine, and that a very large amount of money will he put in circulation in the 
county. The credit of the successful i
sue of the enterprise is entirely duc to 
Ir. F, 
r\. Cowley, one of the directors and owners, and who is one of the most successful 
young business men of MontreaL The thanks of the entire community are due to him 
for his indefatigable enterprise and push in this malter. 
"The principal 5tockholders in the Company are 
Iessrs. \V. T, Costigan, \Vm, 
ScIater and E. A. Cowley, Montreal; F. McCall and P. Seed, ot Brooklyn, N. Y. ; 
also Dr. C. H. 'Veils, of Huntingdon; the mine manager and superintendent being 
Capt. Drysdale, of Cape Breton, a man well known to the asbestos world. The con- 
tractor for the buildings is :\lr. J. S. :\lurray, of Hawkesbury, who, with .1. large gang 
of men, are very busy getting matters into shape at Point all Chêne. The county 
should congratulate it!'!elf upon this accession to its wealth, and as the mine is in 
reliable hands much may be expected from it." 
The best road, doubtless, there is in the County of Argcnteuil passes from the roaù 
along the Ottawa, northward, the whole length of the Augment.ltioll. Two mountain 
ranges, or chains of high hills, connected with the Laurentian mountains, also !r::t\.erse 
the Augmentation from north to south, running parallel, and enclosing a tract of level 
ground, averaging, probably, a mile and ,1. half in width; sometimes they so neal h 

Ir. Matthews died recently. 



approach each other that they are scarcely half a mile apart, then receding only to 
draw nearer together again, in one place nearly forming a circle. The whole tract thus 
inclosed is divided into many fine well-cultivated farms. In many places, also, clearings 
h3.\"e Leen made on the lower slopes and among the glens, so that there is quite a 
number of thrifty farmers some distance from the main road and out of sight of those 
who travel it. One peculiarity of the land is that it is nearly free from stone, so that 
one can plow up to the base of the mountain, even where it is a perpendicular ledge, 
without hindrance, The scenery is fine; the mountains are not high, and the summits 
are rounded and generally well wooded and covered with dense foliage. In places 
the ledge protrudes, assuming bold and fantastic shapes, and is decorated with 
enough of vines and low shrubbery to give additional beauty to the landscape, 
Crawford, Bates, Kelly, McArthur and McNiel were tl)e first who entered the wilder- 
ness here to make for themselves and families a home. 
Traveling northward from Point au Chêne, after lëaving the Cameron 
estate, we soon come to the farm of HUGH McNEILL, whose grandfather, 
of the same name, came from the County of Antrim, Ireland, to L'Orignal 
in 1818. In 1827 he came to Point au Chëne, and bought the land-3 00 
.:tcres-now owned and occupied by his youngest son, J os:.eph M cN eilI, sen. 
)lr. Hugh McNeili was cne of the first Justices of the Peace appointed here, 
and was also a Municipal Councillor; he died 5th September, 1867 ; his wife died 
25 th April, 187 I, They had seven sons and two daughters, who grew up. Three 
sons and one daughter remained in the county. David, the fourth son, settled near 
the homestead and spent his life here, dying October 22nd, 1887. He married 
Elizabeth McNeill in 1851, They had six children--four sons and two daughters. 
Hugh, the youngest child, who was married 5th August, 189 I, to :Martha Ann Kelly, 
lives on the homestead. 
JOSEPH McNEILL, sen., the youngest child of Hugh McNeill, lives on the adjoin- 
ing farm, the old homestead. He was married to Elizabeth Crawford, daughter of 
John Crawford, Esq., 18th March, 1868. l\1r.l\IcNeill has been one of the Councillors 
of Grenville j has a good farm on which everything indicates prosperity. 
JOHN CRAWFORD came from the County Longford, Ireland, to Canada, in 1822, 
and settled on the North River, at St. Columban. He had a good education; ad 
bet:n a surveyor in Ireland, and, after coming here, traveled and surveyed with Co]. 
Bouchette two or three years; surveying, meanwhile, Buckingham, Templeton, and 
other townships. Owing to Bouchette's recommendation, he was granted a hundred 
acres of land, in addition to that which he had already acquired in the Augmentation 
to which he came in 1827. He was also one of the first Justices of the Peace 
appointed in the township; he died in August, 1
77. He had three sons and six 
daughters who grew up. John Gordon Crawfurd, his fourth child, was the first child 
born in the Augmentation; he married 28th March, 1865, Melissa Howe, ofL'Orignal, 
t.::tkd on a farm of 300 acres near the homestead. They have had ten children 
:1 SC'3S and three daughters; four of the former are deceased. Thomas'Villiam, 
their s'=':0nd son, and a fine looking exemplary boy, was drowned while fishing in a 
small lake, two and a half miles from home. 
Thomas, the eldest son of John Crawford, the surveyor, was also drowned in the 
Gatineau, 25th 
l.:tY, 1853, 
'VILLlAM CRAWFORD, fifth son of the surveyor, was married 1st June, 1865, to 
Jane l\1cDowell, from the County of Antrim, Ireland. They have h9.d eight children 
-three sons and five daughters. One of the t\\"o eldest daughters, twins, is married 
to Thomas McMichael. Mr. Crawford lives on the homestead in a pleasant cottage, 



surrounded by trees and shrubbery. Both he and his brother, John G. Crawford, are 
among the thrifty, prosperous farmers of this locality. 
MRS. ELIZABETH YOUNG, who lives in this neighborhood, is the daughter of 
Daniel McMichael and his wife, Martha Crawford, second daughter of John Crawford, 
surveyor. Mr. Mcl\Iichael died in January, [889. The daughter, Elizabeth, married 
25 th September, 1871, Robert Young, the youngest child of Thomas Young, who 
settled in the Augmentation in 1827. He came to Canada from the County Derry, 
IreJand, in 1816, and took up 200 acres of land, on which his son Robert also lived. 
The latter died 4th April, 1884. His widow, :\Irs. Elizabeth Young, with her family, 
still lives on the homestead. They had seven children- three sons and one daughter 
are now living. 

A YOC_-\.. 

.\Ithough this was only the name given to the post-office, which was established 
in October, 1861, the name is now applied to all the section which is nearer to the 
post-office than it is to that of Point au Chêne. Individuals living in the Augmenta- 
tion claim to belong to whichever place they receive their mail, Point au Chêne or 
A voca. 
JOHN MCCALLUM \Vas the first Postmaster appointed here, and he stilI holds the 
position-the office being in his dwelling. 
Ir. l\IcCaHum \V8.S born in Argyleshire, 
Scotland, and came to Canada in 1835. Two of his brothers, Archibald and Alexander, 
had come to this country a few years previous, in 1832. Archie, the elder, was a 
teacher by profession, and taught many years in Grenvil
e Village, and dieù there, 
Alexander was employed by McPherson & Crane, who owned a line of steamers 
running between 
Iontreal and Kingston, and were extensively erlgaged in the forward- 
ing business. He worked for them several years, having command of a boat much of 
the time, for which reason he was always subsequently known as Capt. McCallum, 
'Vith John, also, came out his brother Donald and sister Mary; the latter lived 
with John till her death, Donald, after living some years in Montreal, went to New 
Orleans, where he died. 
In 1842, Mr. John McCallum bought his present farm of 200 acres at Avoca, and 
has since lived on it and cleared it of its forest, having now a fine farm with good 
huildings and all the surroundings of a cheerful, happy homestead. He is one of 
those men whose sound judgment and unswen'ing rectitude secure influence in what- 
ever community they dwell; hence, a thing is not likely to be unpoÍmlar in Avoca 
which has his endorsement. Possessing a fund of anecdote, as well as humor, he is 
never at a loss to entertain, wl:ich gift, combined with his generous hospitality, pro- 
claim hIm thoroughly a Scotchman. He has long filled the office of Councillor as 
well as School Commissioner. He was married 21st December, 1843, to Ann, daughter 
of James McArthur, one of the pioneers of this section. For more than halfa century, 

Irs. McCallum has been the partner of all her husband's toils j and, now, 
with him enjoys, in the company of intelligent children, the repose she has 
nobly earned. They have had fourteen children, twelve of whom are now living. 
Archihald, the eldest son, lives in Alpena, 
lich. Dougal, another son, whose 
wife is deceased, lives in the same section. Une son and two daughters live in British 
Columbia. Alexander, m,:uried, lives in Lachute. 
J A:\IES McARTHUR, fr0111 the Isle of 
Iull, Argyleshire, Scotland, came to Point 
au Chêne in 1820, and to Avoca in 1826, and settled on the farm of two hundred 
acres, which is now owned and occupied by his son, Neil Mc:\rthur, At that early 
period, in the entire absence of roads, he natma1ly e\:pcricnced much hardship, yet 



he endureà it with characteristic Scotch fortitude and secured the object of his labors 
--a comfortaule home. At one time, in the spring of the year. he \Vent to Point au 
Chêne, six miles distant, on foot, for seed potatoes. Placing a bag full on his back, 
he conveyed them to his residence j yet, so great was the heat from his body in 
executing this task that the germ of half the potatoes-those nearest his person- 
was destroyed, and they never sprouted. Mr. :\IcArthur died !6th April, IS7..J. j his 
wife, 21st January, 1878. He was twice married. By his first marriag
 he had one 
child, a daughter; by the second, he had tweive children, who grew up. Only two 
sons and two daughters settled in this COUnty. 
Neil, the founh son, remained on the homestead, and married, 29 th March, 186 3, 

-\nn Arthurs. They have had three sons and three daughters. Jessie, the eldest of the 
latter. married, 18th July, 1892, George E. \Valker, and now li,.es ili :\Iissonla, l\iont. 
Tames McArthur, one of the sons, on the 28th June, 1886, went to Vancouver, B.C., 
on the first through train of the C. P. R. from Montreal to the Pacific. He married 
in .:\Iarch, 18 9 0 , .:\Iiss Douglas, formerly of Pictou, N.S. He lived some years at 
Kamloops, and died there at the age of 26, 23rd January, 18 9 r. 
The following is from an obituary published in the Illlalld Sell/ille! :-" Mr. 
.:\IcArthur has been a resident of Kamloops upwards of four years, having been in the 
employ of 
Ir. 'V. R. Megaw until the spring of 1889, when he associated himself 
with Messrs. Stevenson & McIver, and bought out Mr. Megaw's business. He was 
known as a straightforward, energetic and honorable business man, and, in con- 
junction with his partners, was fast working up a large and rapidly increasing 
IES .:\IcARTHUR, another son of the pioneer of the same name, lives on a farm 
adjoining that of his brother 
eil, He was married 22nd June, 1868. to Jane Arthurs, 
sister of .Mrs. Neil McArthur, and the following April they settled on the farm of 
ISO acres, where they now live, and to which 100 acres have since been added. A 
fine brick house, recently erected, conveys the impression that Mr. McArthur is a 
successful farmer. They have lost one child. '} heir remaining children-two sons, 
Dugald and Sampson, and one daughter, Maggie c., live with them. 
Irs. l\IcArthur 
and her sister, .:\lrs. Neil McArthur, are daughters of Sampson Arthurs, who lived in 
this section, and who dieò leaving a widow and nine children. Both sisters are intelli- 
gent Christian ladies, members of the Baptist church. Their husbands-members of 
the Presbyterian church-are highly respected, and both have filled responsible local 
J OHX BATES came from the County Tyrone, Ireland, III 1826. and settled in what 
is now known as A voca, on the land now owned and occupied by his son of the same 
name j he had eight children-four of each sex, He died July 4th, 1867. Joseph 
Bates, one of the sons, married Margaret McNeili, 22nd July, 18 5 1 , and settled near 
the homestead on a farm of 300 acres, There was no road to it at that time, and 
there were less than ten acres cleared. :Mr. Bates cleared nearly all of this large tract 
before his boys were old enough to render much assistance; and his widow, who is 
still living and active, thinks, with good reason, that few know more of the privations 
and hardships incident to pioneer life than herself, The farm is now a ,.ery fine one, 
located in the midst of romantic and beautiful scenery. 
The buildings are situated near the centre of a tract of level ground, little more 
than a mile in diameter, mountains almost forming a circle around it. l\lr. Bates 
was a Municipal Councillor and School Commissioner for some years, and a member 
of the Orange Lodge. He died 13th April, 1892. His widow still lives on the 
homestead, her son, David R., and her daughter Euphemia, living with her, She 


4 0 9 

h:ls had nine children-six sons and three daughters-five of the former and two of 
the latter are now li\,ing-all doing credit to their training. One daughter, married 
to Thomas \Villiam Kelly, 4th July, 1888, lives adjacent to the homestead, on a 
good farm. Joseph William, the eldest son of those now alive, also lives contiguous, 
on a farm of 200 acres. He was married 15th July, 1889, to Martha Reid; he is a 
Municipal Councillor, and has been l\Iaster of the Or::..nge Lodge at A voca for 
several years. 
JONATHAN KIîLLV, from the County of Tyrone, Ireland, settled in this place in 
1826 or 182 7, on the 200 acre tract now owned by his son Jonathan, who has since 
added another 200 acres; he died here, 1St of August, 1866. He had nine children 
-seven sons and two daughters-three of the former settled in this neighborhood. 
Jonathan, the son who remained on the homestead, \Vas married 12th July, 18 59, 
to Isabella Bates. They have had eight chiidren-four of each sex; two of the 
sons are deceased. Sarah Jane, the eldest daughter, \Vas married 28th April, 1886, 
to Henry Hannah. a blass founder of 
Iontreal. :\Ir. Kelly about forty-four years 
since organized an Orangemen's Lodge at this place, and they held their meetings 
at his house until their hall was erected, in ) 884. He has served as School Com- 
missioner, and, like most of the farmers of this section, appears to be in good cir- 
cumstances. A. violent storm and hurricane, whIch swept o\'er this place in the 
latter days of June, 1894, prostrated two of his barns, but he soon rebuilt. 
George, the fifth son of Jonathan Kelly, sen., who also lives in Avoca, was 
married 22nd August, 1859, to Kezia Bates. Two years later, he settled on the 
lot of 15 0 acres, where he still lives, and which he has almost cleared of its forest. 
He has served as School Commissioner of the township, and is a pillar of the Baptist 
Church, which was organized here forty years ago. He has had eight children- 
three sons and five daughters; two of the former and three of the latter ale nmV' 
living. The eldest daughter, married to Duncan McVicar, lives in Lancaster, Onto 
One son, married, lives in Wisconsin. 
ALEXANDER McLEAN lives here on a 200 acre farm in a secluded and a most 
rural part of A \"oca, to which a good road leads from the main settlement back through 
a beautiful stretch of forest. The clearing, comprising doubtless a hundred acres, is 
enclosed on almost every side by the everlastin6 mountains, much of the way by 
perpendicular cliffs, so that one may easily imagine himself within the walls of a 
gigantic castle. Nor are pinnacles or projections, vines and shrubbery wanting to 
complete the picture of ivied towers and battJements. A good farm of fertile soil, 
comparatively level and free from stone, could not again be found amid scenery of 
such wild grandeur. 1\1r. McLean's father, Charles McLean, from the Isle of MulJ, 
Argyleshire, Scotland, came to Canada about 1820, and first lived in Lachute. A 
few years later he settled in Grenville, on the land where his son Charles and 
daughter Isabella now live, and was a Yolunteer in the Rebellion of 1837; he died 
2nd June, 1866; his wife, Mary McArthur, died 21st ApriJ, 1888. They had ten 
children-eight sons and two daughters; two of each sex settled in this County, 
Alexander married Mary Arthurs, daughter of the late Sampson Arthurs, 28th 
September, 1875, and the same fall they settled on the farm in Avoca de
abùve. Their genial friendliness and hospitality accords harmoniously with the 
beauty of their surroundings. 
Avoca is the home of ARTHUR J, "TILSON, one of the heroes of the Riel Rebel- 
lion in 188 5. When but ten years of age, his ambition prompted him to see the 
world. Going to Montreal, he shipped on a vessel of the Allan Line, went to Liver- 
pool, thence sailed for another port, and for seven years on different vessels visited 

4 10 


many countries of the Globe-Australia, Japan, South America, etc, In the North 
'Yest Rebellion, he served as a trumpeter in "A JJ Battery, Royal Canadian Artillery, 
and was so badly wounded at the battle of Fish Creek, that one of his arms was 
amputated. He was awarded for his services, by Her Majesty the Queen, a medal 
on which is engraved the word" Saskatchewan." On a recommendation of a Board 
of Officers, he was also awarded, by the Governor General, a pension of 55 cents a 
day-$200 per annum. 
The River Rouge, in its tortuous course, approaches in one place the settlement 
of Avoca, and here are the farm and mill of DAVID l\lc
EILL, eldest son of David 
l\Icì\eill mentioned in a former sketch. Mr. McNeill bought 100 acres of land here, 
in 1882, on which was a saw-mill. The mill he has almost wholly rebuilt, added 
machinery for making shingles, and has a carpenter's and blacksmith's shop, and is 
evidently a man of enterprise; he was married 14th March, 1882, to Jemima Trinneer; 
The scenery is wi[d and romantic; a ledge running from one bank of the river 
to the other, which is here quite wide, forms a natural dam, affording an excellent 
mill site. Two or three rounded projections of rock rise a few feet above the water, 
and between these the current rushes with a roar, and falls in a miniature Niagara. 
'Vhen the Rev, Mr. Mair, Presbyterian, and his successor, the Rev. Mr. Black, 
were located at Cha!ham, in this County, they occasionally visited the Augmentation 
of Grenville, and held services. After the termination of Mr. Black's pastorate, 
students from Queen's College, Kingston, and afterward, from the Presbyterian Col- 
lege, Montreal, preached to their followers here. In 1874, the Rev. Robert Camp- 
bell (now Dr. Campbell of Montreal) and F. 
L Dewey, a student laboring here 
at that time, succeeded in arousing the Presbyterians to the importance of erecting a 
church, and it was done the following year. John McCallum, David McNeill and 
Hugh Craig were members of the building committee, and subscribed largely towards 
the erection of the building. 
N, D. KEITH, from Glencoe, Ontario, who is now in his fourth year at :McGill 
University, is the present incumbent of the Presbyterian Church here,* 
He seems to have been very successful in gaining the respect of the people of 
A voca, and his prospect of future success is flattering. 
A Church of England edifice was erected in Avoca, as far back as 1854. There 
are quite a number here connected with it, and sen'ices are held regularJy. The pre- 
sent incumbent-a student-lives in Ottawa county. 
As before stated, a Baptist church was organized here forty years ago. Though 
they have always conducted their services in a school-house, there are a good many 
Baptist people here, and they intend soon to erect a church building. 
J. 1. MANTHORNE, a student at McMaster University, Toronto, and who has 
also attended at 'Voodstock, has charge of the Baptist Church at Avoca and Har- 
rington, and is laboring to the general acceptance of his people. 

· The above shetch of the churches at A, oca was written in 18 94, 


4 II 



Harrington is bounded on the north by Arundel and Montcalm, east by \Vent- 
worth, south by Grenville and Augmentation of Grenville, and west by Ponsonby, 
A mountain range, passing through the Township from north to sOllth, divides 
\Vest, or what is usully called Old Harrington, from the part which has been more 
recently settled, and though the land in the west is somewhat broken, it is mostly 
free from stone, and is divided into many fine farms. In the western part also, the 
River Rouge passes through the Township from north to south. This Township is 
divided into two School Municipalities, designated as No. I and No.2 j the School 
Board of the former meets at No, I School house at Lost Ri\Fer. 
The Municipal Councillors at Harrington are: Jos. Milway (Mayor), John 
Fraser, Peter McCrimmon, \Villiam Morgan, David Gleen, Henry Morrison and 
Donald Dewar. 
Presbyterians, of whom there are a good many, have held service here many 
years. There had been much talk and a strong desire in this body to build a church 
edifice here; but owing to their inability to agree on a location, they divided into two 
factions, and in 1893 each one erected a church building. Unable, however, to main- 
tain two pastors, one of these buildings is now occupied by the Methodists, who hold 
service in it regularly. 
A cheese factory has lately been built here, which is patronized by all the 
farmers of this section, 
The first settlers of this Township were MURDOCH MCCRAE, DUGALD CAMP- 
BELL and WILLIAM CAMPBELL. They had not been here long, however, before 
the settlers named below followed. 
ANDREW FRASER came from Inverness-shire, Scotland, and filst settled at Cale- 
donia, Ont., then at Lost River, Harrington, on the farm now owned by John 

IcMillan, He had four sons and five daughters who came with him to Canada; 
the sons bought 500 acres of land at Lost River, and on this they and the father 
Alexander, one of the sons, worked on the Ottawa a few years, and, about 18 54, 
bought 100 acres of land in \Vest Harrington, on which he now lives. There had 
been but five acres cleared at the time, but he has since cleared the whole of it, and 
bought fifty acres more of woodland in Grenville, He has been a Municipal Coun- 
cillor, and is a staunch member of the Presbyterian Church. Soon after buying his 
farm in Harrington he married Christie, daughter of Dugald Campbell. Seven of 
their children-five daughters and two sons-are now living. Three of the former 
are married; one lives in Montreal, and two in this County. John, the eldest son, 
who now has charge of the homestead, was married, in January, 1892, to Jennie 
JOHN SHAW, from the Isle of Skye, Scotland, came to Canada in 1832, and died 
the same year, in Ontario, from cholera. His wife, not knowing of his death, with 

4 12 


her boy, John, anù a young daughter, came to Canada the following year, expecting to 
find him, Learning that t e was dead, she settled in Dundee, where she lived ten 
years. John, her son, having bought a tract of land in Harrington in 1843, and built 
a house, she came here and lived with him till her death, 17th February, 1
75' There 
were but twenty acres deared on this land when Mr. Shaw purchased, but he has 
cleared nearly aU. of the home farm, comprising 120 acres, and has purchased 260 
more. He has been one of the active, substantial citizens of the locality, and served 
as School Commissioner and .J\I unicipal Councillor a number of y( ars, and fúr a long 
time has been Secretary-Treasurer of No. I School 
Iunicipality, of this township. 
He has also been an Elder of the Presbyterian Church over thirty years. He was 
married 22nd February, 1851, to Sarah :\lcPhail j she died 22nd April, 1862. Six of 
their children-one SOD and five daughters-are now living, The son, John Shaw, 
jr., married to :Miss C. A, M<.CuJloch, lives on the homestead. Two daughters of 

1r. John Shaw, married, live in Hanington. 
ROBERT DOBBIE, a weaver by trade, came from Glasgow to Canada, about the 
year 1832. He first lived in Lachute, then at Hill Head, till 1846, when he bought 
a farm in Chatham, in the 6th range, which is now owned and occupied by his son, 
Thomas Dobbie. He lived tl1ere till his death, 1 rth June, 1881 ; his wife died Ül 
May, 1848. Six children-four sons and two daughters-grew up j one of the former 
is now deceased. 
John, one of their sons, in 1863 bought the farm of 250 acres on which he now 
lives, nearly all of it then being forest land. A great part of this he has since cleared, 
and he now has one of the finest farms in the County. Mr, Dobbie is a striking 
example of energy, industry and physical vigor. Going into the lumber camp when 
a young man, he worked until he had money enough to buy his present farm, and with 
what energy he has since worked to clear up and bring his land 10 its present state of 
cultivation, they alone know who have had similar experience. A few years since, he 
built a fine, commodious, brick dweUing; and he has all the barns and outbuildings 
indicative of successful fal ming, He has an the improved farming utensils, and 
besides horses, sheep and a lot of young stock, keeps a fine herd of thirty cows. He 
has added largely to his original farm, and erected a saw mill and grist mill on his 
premises. He was married I Ith F
bruary, 1865, to Jane McOuat, a lady of much 
intelligence and amiability. She died 24th October, 1893. Seven of their children 
are now living j t\\'o sons, Robert and Peter, and five daughters, :\Jaggie, Jennie, 
Aggie, Jessie and .EUen Maud. Harold 1. and \Villiam G. CraLbe are two boys 
that 1\1r. Dobbie has kindly adopted, 
While Mr. Dobbie has been a model of industry, and very successful in the 
accumulation of this \Vorld's goods, he has not, like too many 01 hers, retained his 
means with a miserly grasp, but his house has ever been the dispensary of free- 
hearted hospitality, and his purse open for the support of religious instruction, schools 
and public improvements. Like himself, his sons and daughters all appreciate the 
value of industry, and practise it j consequently they are intelligent, strong and 
healthy, with ski)) to perform diffelent species of handiwork, Two of the daughters, 
Aggie and Jessie, al e sllccessful teachers; the latter being a graduate of the N orrnal 
School, l\Iontr
al j a younger sister has also attended the same school. Mr. Dobbie 
has long served as School Commissioner and Councillor, and one term as Mayor of 
Altogether, his farm, with its broad meadows, luxuriant crops, and most beautiful 
mountain scenery around, is one which even the passing traveller will not be likely 
to forget, 


4 1 3 

IPBELL came from Scotland, and was one of the three fi rst settlers 
in Harrington. He remained at Point au Chêne a while, and then, doubtless, about 
18 45, came to Harrington and took up the land now owned and occupied by Alexander 
Campbell. He lived hère till his d
ath, 28th April, 188 I. He had several children, 
but only two sons, Donald and Alexander, anJ one daughter, Christina, grew up. 
Alexander married 5th August, 1866, Mary McRae; they had nine children-six 
sons and three daughters-who are now Jiving. T\\"o sons, married, live in the States, 
and one daughter, married, iives in Montreal. 
. Mr. Campbell died 5th May, 1881; his widow, with her younger children, still 
lIves ún the homestead. 
NErH CA:\IPRELL, from the Highlands of Scotland, came to Ontario, and 
later, about 1837. to Harrington, and took up the land now owned and occupied by 
his grandson, Alexander Cnristie Campb.J. He died here about 1871; he was 
twice married. Four of his son
, by the first marriage, settled in this County; 
Kenneth, the eldest son, married, loth AlJril, 1867, Ann 
lcRae. He lived on 
the homestead until 1886, when he bought the f:irll1 of 121 a'2res, where he now 
ves. He h3.s four childrën, two of each sex, no \" living, His elder son, .\..lexander 
Christie, married MalY Fraser. Mr. Campbell (Kenneth) has had much of the 
unpleasant experience and hard lauor of those Jiving in new and secluded settle- 
ments, but he now has a good, well cultivated farm, with all the comforts of life, 
W ALTER MCVICAR, from the Isle of Islay, Argyleshire, Scotland, engaged as 
clerk for the Hudson Bay Company, and went to the Korth-\\Test. On his return, he 
bought the farm now owned by J. 'L Wainwright, St. Andrews. In 1826, or there- 
about, he married -'fary Dockstadter. They had eight sons and five daughiers; three 
of each sex settled in this section. In 1836 he sold his farm in St. Andrews, and 
subsequently bought a farm of 200 acres, in the rear of Chatham, which is now owned 
by his son \Villiam j he died there about 1866. Walter, his second son, sth February, 
18 5 I, married Hannah Williams, and, about 1868 bought 100 acres of wild land in 
Harrington, near the Grenville line, on which he still lives. There was no road 
here at the time, and now his hous
 is located near the junction of two excellent 
roads; a store is adjacent, while his well cultivated farm looks as if it might have 
been cleared fm a century. He has five sons and two daughters, allll11.Tned save 
one. William, his eldest son, married to Emily K.. Stewdrt, December 15th, 18i4, 
lives on the homestead, and has a blacksmith's shop here. 
At the junction of the roads mentioned above stand:; the new store of S. l\I. 
Brennan, of Calumet. Another one, in which he was doing a good business, was 
burned in June, 1894, it is generally believed, by an incendiary. Sympathy for his 
loss and indignation at the villainous act have secured 
1r. Brennan a large increase 
of trade in his new store. 
At a short distance from this store lives J A:\IES BENNETT, on a good farm of 2i 5 
acres, which he bought in 1889. He was married the same year, 19th M'uch, to 
Charlotte Bigrow. Mr. Bennett's father, Lauis B
nnett, was an orphan, and was 
red by James ::\fcOuat, of L1.chute. He settled, in 18] 5, near Calumet, on a farm 
of 200 acres, where he now lives. He has six sons and tWQ daughtas i two of the 
former are married. About half a mile north of Mr. Brennan's store a bridge crosses 
the River' Rouge, which still preserves its full width amid wild mountain scenery. 
About the same distance farther on is the house of DùNALD McINTOSH, in which 
is the Post office, established in 1877, with the name of Rivington. :Mr. Mcintosh 
came from the Parish of Pelty, Inverness-shire, Scotland, in 1860, with his father's 
family of seven children. They lived t\\'o years in Ontario, and then moved to 

4 1 4 


Harrington, where the father died in 1863. They were the first settlers in the town- 
ship on that side of the Rouge. Donald, the third son, bought 200 acres of land here. 
but relinquished part of it to make the payments more easily, and afterward bought 
in smaller quantities, till he now has 350 acres. The original farm was wild land, in 
what, at that time, must have been an exceedingly wild place; but through the 
industry of Mr. McIntosh the forest has disappeared, and his farm abounds in prolific 
crops of grass and grain. He was married 6th January, 1863, to Sarah, daughter of 
George Bates, of A voca, 1\1r, McIntosh gratefully acknowledges the help he has 
received from her, and believes her counsel, prudence and industry ha""e contributed 
to their success as much as his own. Though threescore years of age, Mr. McIntosh, 
notwithstanding his decades of toil, is still in the full vigor of his strength, and attends 
to his work with step as elastic as that of youth. Besides being Postmaster, he has 
been 11unicipal Councillor, School Commissioner and Mayor of the township. They 
have one son and five daughters now living, The eldest daughter is married to 
'Valter McVicar, jr" and lives near her parents. 
DONALD FRASER, in 1847, came with his family from Glenelg, Inverness-shire, 
Scotland, to Glengary, Ont., where he lived two years, and then moved to the 5th 
Range in Harrington, and settled on 100 acres of land, which is now owned by his 
nephew, William Fraser, He died 19th August, 1816. On his arrival at this place 
he was twenty miles from mills and market, without roads; and half of this distanr.e, 
for a long time, was traveled on1y by means of blazed trees, 
Colin, his second son, says that he had lived there three years before he ever saw 
a horse at his father's door, all their provisions having to be brought on their own 
backs, and their seed to be put into the ground with a hoe. Even after the lapse of 
three years, when they owned a horse, it was customary to plant their grain on the 
rough ground with a hoe. Colin Fraser was married 28th March, 1863, to Marger)', 
sister to Donald McIntosh noticed above. They first lived in the Augmentation of 
Grenville, 11th Range, where Mr. Fraser cleared twelve acres of his wild land; but 
after three years he sold it, and bought 200 acres in Harrington, 2nd Concession, 
where he now lives. This also was forest land, and ICO acres of it he has himself 
chopped and even logged alone, save now and then, when he has obtained a few 
days' help by exchanging work with his neighbors. His sons, after they were old 
enough, gave him a little assistance, but the work of chopping and clearing was 
chiefly done before they could render much aid. 
It will be seen that few men have had more knowledge of the hardships of pioneer 
life than Mr, Fraser; he has persevered in the face of obstacles before which thousands 
would have quailed, and, sIngle-handed, accomplished an amount of work that seems 
incredible-and yet he is still young looking, though past fifty, and continues to 
labor with strength apparently unimpaired. It is a fact on which he may be con- 
gratulated, and ofwhich he has reason to feel proud, that there have never been spirituous 
liquors on his premises in all the years he has lived here. :Mr, Fraser is not only a 
temperate man, but one whose love for the Golden Rule, "Do unto nthers as you 
would that they should do unto you," renders him a man whom one likes to meet. It 
should also be said that, in the practice of this rule, he has the hearty encouragement 
of an intelligent Christian wife. Until the age of fifteen, he cou!d not speak a word 
of English, Gaelic being his native tongue, and the latter is still the language in 
which he and Mrs. Fraser often converse. Owing to the entire absence of schools 
here in his early days, he did not receive the advantages which they confer; yet his 
wife, being a gleat reader, and he an attentive listener, and, withal, possessed of a 
remarkable memory, his mind became stored with a degree of knowledge, especially 
Scriptural, which many a good scholar might covet. Like others already mentioned, 


4 1 5 

he now enjoys the reward of his privation and toil, possessing a good farm and stock, 
with all modern labor-saving machinery-reaper, horse rake, mowing machine, etc. 
:\lr. Fraser has been an Elder of the Presbyterian church, as his father also was, 
for several years. Their youngest child, Maggie, is a successful pupil in the Normal 
School,, and in their houst:hold may be found a variety of books and papers 
-the Montreal Witness, Christiall Herald, Northern 31essenger, etc, 
The reader will, doubtless, remember that in the sketch of Mr. James McArthur 
in the history of Gren
ille, mention is made of Colin Fraser
 a boy who rowed th
unlucky canoe on Bevin Lake, He and the ::\1r, Fraser noticed above are identical, 
That incident, as will be seen, \Vas not the last of his unpleasant voyages in a canoe. 
Until the bridge \Vas built across the Rouge here, about fifteen years ago, Mr. 
Fraser and all the settlers that side of the river, whenever they went to mill or market, 
had to experience an amount of trouble, sufficient, it would seem to most men, to 
induce them to sell out and leave the locality, On reaching the river bank with his 
horse and cart, each man had to detach the horse, unload the cart and row the latter 
across. He would then return, get his grist or whatever comprised his load, row over, 
and then return and make a third trip for his horse, which always swam beside the 
boat. On returning home, he had the same labor to perform, 
nd, in case it was 
dark, not unfrequently hitched the horse to a tree, and left him and his load till morning. 
It seems incredible that here, less than half a century ago, and within thirty miles of 
a long settled country, was a community enduring all the hardships and privations 
experienced by our ances
ors, when they first opened up the country. 
CHARLES BAIN was an orphan, reared in the old Protestant Orphan Asylum, 
2409 S1. Catherine street, Montreal. I--ïe was indentured 28th February, 1853, for 
six years, by the directresses of that institution, to a man in Hawkesbnry, Onto Like 
many another homeless and fri-:ndless boy, he had a sorry time of it, being compelled 
to WOl k early and late, in sunshine and storm, in heat and cold, and often at labor 
far too severe for one so young to perform. After enduring this treatmen t for some 
time, he determined to return to the _\sylum, lay his case before the directresses who 
had placed him there, and ask them to get him another place where, at least, he 
would be accorded treatment more humane. On his way there, he was offered good 
wagts and a pleasant home, if he would go to the States; but being too conscientious 
to run away without the permission of his guardians, he refused. As might be sup- 
posed, his complaint to the directresses was unnoticed, and he was sent ba<:k to com. 
plete the term of his indenture, Five months before the term of his indenture expired, 
feeling that forbearance had ceased to be a virtue, he left the place; his only reward 
for his five and a half years' labor being the few old clothes which he was compelled 
to wear during that period. Fortunately, h
 next engaged to work for an old couple, 
where kindness was the rule rather than the exception. After working in Kenyon, 
Ont., and other places, till 1862, he bought 200 acres of land in the 2nd Range of 
 where he now lives. In order to earn money to pay for it and make 
improvements, he subsequently worked for J, P. Wells, Vankleek Hill, and John Bell, 
of Pembroke, Ont., lumbermen--ten years. He was married 7th September, 1864, 
to Rachel, daughter oÎ the late George Bates, of Avoca. They have had nine children 
-seven sons and two daughters. Five of the sons and the daughters are now living. 
Mr. Bain, like his neighlJors, has seen many hardships. But like them, also, 
he has persevered and cleared up a large part of his farm; he has twenty-two head of 
cattle, three horses, and all the comforts which bespeak prosperity. He and his wife 
are members of the Baptist church, He has served as School Commissioner and 
twice as Yaluator of the township. 

4 16 


'Vn.LlAM STEWART is another of the men who Cell upon the wild forest in this 
part of Harrington, and literally conquered for himself a home. He c!lme from Cole- 
raine, in the County of Derry, Ireland, in 1847, to Quebec, where he remained two 
years. His mother, brother and two sisters came with him; but the mother died on 
the voyage. A few years later, he bought 100 acres of land in the Augmentation of 
GrenviHe, which is now owned by John G, Crawford; cleared it and erected buildings. 
Selling this property about 1868, he purchased 200 acres in Harrington, in 4th Range, 
where he now lives. Not a tree had been felled on this property, where now he has 
eighty acres under a good state of culti\Tation, twenty-four head of cattle, five horses 
and eighteen sheep. As he began life in Crenville without a dollar, his success 
affords ample proof that farming, even under many discouragements, may be fullowed 
with profit. 1\1r, Stcwart has served his township as Municipal Councillor; he has five 
sons and four daughters. Two children-a bny and girl-are dec

sed, Robert 'V., the 
eldest son, who now has charge of the homestead) is married to Hannah !\lcYlcar, 
Two daughters, married, live in the County. 
ROBERT HARRISON lives farther on, and near the western line of Han ington. 
He came from the County of Antrim, Ireland, -about (869; since which time he has 
lived chiefly in St. Henry, Montreal. He was married 10th September, 1873, to Eliza 
Jane Brombey, of SI. Laurent. In the spring of 1893 they came to Harrington; and 
he is now engaged in farming, assisted by his son William H. Harrison. 
JOHJI. J. KEYS, checker at 
lontreal forthe Merchants' Line of Steamers between 
Montreal and Kingston. came from the North of Ireland to Canada about fifty rears 
ago-I 8 45' Not many years subsequently he was engaged to fill his present position, 
and has held it ever since-valid proof of his efficiency. In October, 1856, he married 
Sarah 'Voodhouse, and they have eight children-one son and seven daughters. 
In 1879, Mr. Keyes bought 245 acres of land in Harrington, bordering on Ottawa 
County, and his wife and children came to live on it, There was but one acre cleared 
at the time, and the family, with the exception of the son, Walter A. Keys, did not 
long remain here. 'Valter A. was married, loth April, 1888, to Annie Isabella Dodd, 
of Grenville, Que. He now manages the farm, which is nearly all tillable, and has 
cleared over sixty acres, so that it now sustains fifteen head of cattle, twenty sheep 
and three horses. 


From the fine farming section known as " Old Harrington," a road leads through 
a wild mountainous section, several miles into the south-eastern portion of the town- 
ship known as Lost River. On this road, about two miles from the old settlement, in 
a rough dell, shut in by woods and mountains, is a saw-mill and a large frame dwell- 
ing, in which is the Harrington Post Office, which was established in September, 18 5 6 , 
Alexander Campbell being Postmaster, A year later, D. B. Campbell was appointed 
Postmaster, and still holds the l)osition. For the next three miles, through a coun- 
try equally wild and chiefly wooded, past three or four small ponds, the road conti- 
nues, before reaching a more habitable section, The rest of the distance to Lost 
River is through a narrow valley belween mountains, in which are a number offairJy 
good farms. 
About a mile before reaching this suggestively named stream, on the summit of a 
hill is the dwelling of MURDOCH BETHUNE, who was appointed Postmaster at Lost 
eI in 1882. 1 he Post Office was established at this place about 1875, Roderick 
1\lcLennan being the first Postmaster. . 
The first settlers at Lost Ri,,'er were NEILL BETHUNE and DO



who came from Glenelg, Inverness-shire, Scotland, to Lochiel, Ontario, in 1849, and 
the following year to Lost River. 
ALEXANDER BETHUNE also came from Glenelg, Scotland, in 1849. He lived five 
years in Lochiel, and in 1855 bought 100 acres of land at Lo-;t Ri\-er, which is now 
owned and occupied by his son \Villiam, and which he and his sons cleared. He 
died at the house of his son Murdoch, with whom he had lived a few years, 25th 'May, 
1877 ; his wife died 15th January, 1870. They had four sons and five daughters; 
all except one of the daughters, who died, live in this section. l\1urdoch, the third 
son, in 1860, bought I So acres of wild land, on which he now lives, and a part of 
which he has cleared. He spent some time in a lumber camp in the State of ),Iichi- 
gan. In 1870, 29th December, he married Sarah Cameron. He has been a School 
Comm!ssiouer and Councillor, and, besides being Postmaster, is record
ng Secretary 
of the Orange Lodge at Lost River. 
XEILL BETHUNE (or Beaton, as the name is usually called in this locality) died 
about 1872, leaving six sons and two daughters. His SOil Donald came to Lost 
RÏ\'er with him or in the same year, 1849, and bought half of Lot 4, in the 4 th 
Range. A few years later, however, he let his own son Donald L. have this, and 
he removed to Kincardine, Bruce Connty, Onto Donald L. Bethune was married 
2yth September, 1870, to Christina .McCaskill, from Glengarry. He sold the home- 
stead about 1875, and bought 100 acres contiguous to it, Lot 4, 4th Range, where by 
industry he has made farming profitable. He has been one of the mcmbers of the 
School Board. 
Descending a long hill on a road entirely shut in by hills and woods, about a 
mile from the Post Office, we reach Lost River and the little hamlet of the same 
name. This small, dark stream is so called from the fact that; soon after leaving one 
of the little lakes or ponds, a few miles above, and of which it is the outlet, it passes 
under a natural bridge or rock, three or four rods in width, and covered with soil 
and trees. Th is bridge is level with the surrouncìing land, and, of course, in its pas- 
sage under it this short distance, the stream is lost to view-hence, Lost River. 
A saw-mil1, store, hotel, Orangemen's Hall, a shop or two, and three or four 
dwellings, comprise all the buildings of this place. The hotel, located at the end of 
the little bridge which crosses the stream here, is owned and occupied by GEOIWE 
'V. BURCH. He is a grandson of Benjamin Burch, and a son of Alva Burch, both of 
whom are noticed in the history of Lachute. He went to California in 1871, where 
he spent five years. He was married 22nd November, 1882, to Janet C. Thom; they 
lived in Lachute till 1889, when Mr. Burch bought 200 acres of land at Lost River, 
built and opened a public-house, in which he still resides. He also has 20ù acres 
about ten miles from this place in the 11th range of 'Ventworth, at Sixteen Island 
Lake. To this tract, also, belongs an i
land of six acres, which is a great resort for 
\VILLIAM FRASER, a son of Andrew Fraser mentioned in the history of Harring- 
ton, followed work on the river Ottawa about ten years, married Margaret Mc Rae, 
17th June, I 8Sï, and settled at Lost River, on a f.\rm of 200 acres, on which they lived 
till six years since, when they removed to this little village. 1\[r. Fraser is one of 
the prominent citi.æns of this township, and has been :Municipal Councillor and 
School Commissioner several years. Alexander \V. Fraser, his son, in 1886 built a 
store here, in which he is doing a good business; he also erected a saw-mill here in 
1893. In 18j I, a fire swept over this place and quite a tract of country around, des- 
troying McLennan's dwelling and store, and other buildings; in all, four dwelling- 
houses and three barns, Mr. Fraser's buildings among others. J\Ir. Fraser and his 



family are staunch Presbyterians, and with them, at present, is living the Rev. Robert 
B. Thomson, who came as missionary with his family to this country in June, 1887 
from Dundee, Scotland, He has been engageà in missionary work for thirty years, 
and has labored in different fields in Canada since hi:; arrival. He came to Lost. 
River in 1892, and is building a church here. 
lCCULLOCH came to Lost River from Kintelle, Scotland, about 1853. In 
1855, he married Kitty McRae. They have two sons and five daughters. About 
twenty years ago, or in 1874, he moved to Old Barrington, to a farm of eighty acres, 
where he now lives, and which is in a good state of cultivation, In 1884, he sold his 
farm of 175 acres at Lost River, to his son, Murdoch McCuHoch; the latter was 
married at Chlistmas, 1886, to Mary 
Iott, of Chatham. He now lives here, and is 
among the enterprising and prosperous young farmers of Lost River, 
NIEL l\lCCRIl\I:.\ION came from Glenelg, Inverness-shire, Scotland, to Glengarry, 
Ont., about 1852. He lived there five years, then settled on 200 acres of land at 
Lost River, which is now owned and occupied by his son, Peter ::\lcCrimmon; he 
died here 16th November, 1889 He had ten children, who grew up ; three sons and 
five daughters are now living; two of the former live at Lost River, and one in Bri- 
tish Columbia; two married daughters, also, live in this County, and one in Chelsea. 
John, one of the sons, an energetic young man, was employed profitably five years 
in Minneapolis, Minn, About the year 1876 he bought 200 acres of land adjoining 
the homestead, on which he lives, and which with his large acreage of grain, his stock 
of cattle, horses and sheep, gives evidence of industry and prosperity. He was mar- 
ried 18th August, 1886, to Bella l\Ic
li1lan. He is a member of the Orange Lodge, 
which erected a Hall at this place about ten years ago. Peter :\IcCrimmon, who 
lives on the homestead, and is a brother of John, noticeà above, spent ten years 
in Michigan, and three in \Visconsin, in lumber camps-the proceeds of which labor 
he has prudently saved. There was not a tree felled on this land when his father 
came here; two-thirds of it is now cleared, and on it the son has 23 head of cattle, 
horses, and thirty-five sheep. He was married Iïth April, 1892, to Diana l\IcMillan. 
His mother, who can speak nothing but Gaelic, lives with him. 


About six miles from Lost Ri\ er, in a northeasterly course, is a Post office 
which was established in 1878 with the name Lake View. \VILLIAl\1 T. HlGmNSON, 
who lives here, was appointed Postmaster, and his family, with a very few more, com- 
prise th
 population of the locality. The land between this place and Lost River, 
though less broken than it is at the latter place, is but sparsely settled, and consider- 
able of it uncleared. The cleared portion at Lake View borders the eastern end of the 
Lake bearing the same name, which, until within recent years, has always been 
known as Macdonald's Lake. It is six miles long with an average width of 1J1 
miles, and its location among such wild mountain scenery renders it to the lover of 
nature an object of great attraction. \Vere the means of communication better 
be ween this locality and the cities, there is no doubt that it would become a noted 
summer resort. 
'Yilliam T, Higgin30n is a grandson of George Higginson, one of the four 
brothers who came from Lome, County of Antrim, lre1J.nd, in 1817, and settled in 
Hawkesbury, Onto He was first employed by Thomas l\lears, then by Mears' suc- 
cessors, the Hamilton Brothers; and after living two years in South Nation, he pur- 
chased a farm in 'Vest Hawkesbury, on which he lived until his death. He had 12 
children, six of each sex; only two of his sons remained in that section. 


4 1 9 

\Villiam T., his third son, was married to Mary D. Byers, 13th May, 1850. He 
had learned the carpenter and millwright trades, and after working a few years in 
North Nation and Buckingham, he bought a farm in Hawkesbury, near the home- 
stead, on which he lived from JRS6 to 1873, when he sold it. He followed his trade 
till J878, when he purchased 300 acres of lanà in Harrington-Lots 8 and 9, in the 
8th Range, of which only ten acres were cleared. The creek, which is the outlet of 
Lake View, crosses this land, and on it, at the time of his purchase, was an old saw 
mill. 1\1r, Higginson, soon after coming here, erected a grist mill, and in 1886, built 
a new saw mill of the most Improved style and machinery, to which he has added a 
shingle mill, The saw mill, owing to the large quantity of timber hereabout, is of 
great utility to the locality, and the grist mill is scarcely less important. 

Ir. Higginson and his son, William C., who lives here, and now has the chief care 
of the business, have cleared up many acres of the land, and have a good farm which, 
in connection with their mills, gives scope for the exercise of the energy and industry 
for which the Higginsons have generally been noted. Mrs. Higginson died 8th 
January, 1892 ; they had ten children, but only three sons and four daughters arrived 
at maturity, Mary D., one of the daughters, now the widow of Edwin Brown, lives 
with her father and brother, 
At the end of Lake View, and contiguous to the dwelling of :\lr. Higginson, li\.es 
DONALD K. CAMPBELL. His grandfather, \Yilliam Campbell, was one of the three 
first settlers in Harrington. He camt: with his family from Glenelg, ScotlanrJ, and 
first settled in Kenyon, Ont. His son, Kenneth, about the year 1856, bought 4 00 
acres of land at what is Lake View, one-half this quantity comprising his home f,ul11, 
on which he lived till his death about 187 J. He was one of the loyal actors in the 
suppression of the Rebellion of 1837. He was twice married: fir
t to Christy 
Campbell, by which marriage he had ten SJns and two daughters; she died in IS66, 
and he then married Catherine Fraser-five sons and one daughter were the fruit of 
this union. Donald K., his fifth son by the first marriage, about IS74, bought 200 acres 
of wild land adjoining the homestead, and the following year, 16th November, was 
married to Mary Jane, daughter of John McCulloch. He is one of those hardy, 
persevering Scotchmen, to whom no physical labor seems impossible or a hardship. 
He has cleared about 100 acres of his land, chopping it all himself, and is yet young 
in appearance and in the vigor of manhood. He possesses the stock of cattle, horses 
and sheep usually seen on the premises of a thrifty farmer, and has a shop in which 
he performs not only his own blacksmithing, but that of his neighbors, and, withal, 
has time to serve his townsmen as School Commissioner. 
In August, 1894, bears, five or six in number, attacked one of the oathelds of 
Mr, Campbell, and though considerable effort was made to destroy them, they con. 
tinued their destructive work, Just as the inhabitants were thoroughly aroused and 
resolved to unite in a war of extermination, the marauders cunningly left the place, 
" for fields and pastures new." 
A lover of the wild and beautiful in nature could scarce find a retreat where the 
scenery would minister more fully to his gratifiCc:1.tion than at the home of :\[r. 
Campbell. At the left, a short distance down the meadow slope, the placid lake reposes 
between farms and woodland on the one hand, and a chain of high rounded hills on 
the other; their sides and summits clad with a dense forest of evergreens where lone- 
liness and silence reign undisturbed. In front, and near at hand, a thousand cedar:; 
rear their spar-like trunks, and scatter their fragrance far and wide, while in the 
rear, and at the right, mountains with wooded sides and bald, jagged fire-swept cliff:; 
add to the wild grandeur of the scene. Rut wild and grand as is the scenery, it is 
surpassed by that which meets the eye in traveling the next three or fOllr miles 

..J.2 0 


toward Arundel. From the height of land a road descends for some distance, through 
a dense wood; the heavily timbered mountain slope rising abruptly on the left, while 
on the right, the tree tops sinking rapidly in height give evidence ofa lake, or a deep 
chasm, between the road and'the steep mountain ridge which rises at no great dis- 
tance beyond. A little further on, and the curiosity is in a great measure gratified by 
a glimpse, through the branches, of water far below, and a little further drive to a turn 
in the road and a clc;ued space reveals a wonderfulla ke, stretching back in the course 
we have just come, till lost to view among precipitous cliff:;. It is not more than half 
a mile in width; but its location, beauty and solitude fill one with wonder and admira- 
tion. The right shore, looking backward, rises gradually, till it becomes a mountain 
cliff, and the left is one steep mountain slope from the water's edge, so steep, indeed, 
that we wonder if it has ever been trodden by human foot. In the distance, and just 
before the lake recedes from view behind projecting cliff", midway between the shores, 
lies an islet, bewitching in its garment of evergreens. 
Has that islet ever been visited by a human soul? Have the waters of this 
solitary and beautiful lake ever Ileen ruffled by the oars of civilized man? Did the 
canoe of the red man e\"er glide over its surface? What Was its appearance at the 
time the Algonquin warrior was struggling to repel the hated Iroquois from his soil? 
Such are the questions suggested to Ihe mind by the solitude of its isolation. No 
house, no barn nor human being is in sight; a crane, as he rises from the margin and 
wings his solitary flight along the base of the mountain, is the only indication of 
animate nature. Loneliness indeed! 
But what lake is this? Even of its existence we had never heard. Is it possible 
that people living hereabout are so accustomed to the wonderful and beautiful in 
natm e that they never speak of it? Surely, a lake like this in some countries would 
become the theme of every tongue, and writers and artists, in the portrayal of its 
beauty, would exhaust the cunning of their art. \Ve take a reluctant leave of this 
awe-inspiring sample of nature's work, with the impression that we shaH not see it 
again; but to our surprise, after another drive of a mile or less among the hiHs, we 
come again upon its shore, when it spreads out much broader than before, and new 
scenery for admiration meets the eye. L:tter still, we drive along its margin, where 
its waters are nearly level with the road, and we learn that it winds around among 
the mountains, for a distance of three or four miles, in most fantastic shape. We 
learn, too, that inste
d of some romantic Indiau name, of which it seems so well de- 
serving, it is known only as "Green's Lake." \Vhile we are still reflecting on the 
peculiarity of its form and location, we come upon another lake, on the border of 

\rundel. Though beautiful and Íar more regular in shape than Green's Lake, it 
lacks the wild scenery which renders the other so attractive. The drive along its 
shore is romantic, a cliff having been cut down so as to leave a space just wide 
enough for the road between the base of the cliff and the water; this has received 
the euphoncolls name of 
Iatilda Lake. 
In Harrington, near the end of the lake which bears his name, lives DAVID 
GREEK, His grandfather, James Green, came with his family from England, about 
the year 1830, and settled in Thomas' Gore, where he spellt the remainder of his 
days. His son \Villiam married Margaret Humes; they had cleven children- 
six s<:ms and five daughters, About 1864 he bought 100 acres :)f wild land in 
Harnngton, Lot 13, 9th Range, of which he and his boys cleared eighty acres. He 
died 26th Septeml)er, 1881, at the age of 61; Mrs. Green died 27th January, 1886. 
David, one of the sons, remained on the homestead, and has added to it 100 acres. 
He was married 12th :\Ia.,', 1879, to E
izabeth Cameron, 
Romantic as is the location of his home, and prosperous as seems his present 


4 21 

condition, one cannot forbear thinking what must have been the isolation of Mr. 
Green's family on their arrival here, thirty years ago. There was no road, and 
the difficulties of obtaining necessaries was a repetition of what many others ex- 
perienced half a century before. But the way in which he has succeeded shows 
that he lacked none of the essential qualities of a pioneer. The absence of a school, 
however, is still a great detriment to his children; in order to reach one, they have 
to travel a distance of three miles. 


In the north-eastern part of Harrington, at the southern extremity of Bevin Lake,. 
is a tract of level land shut in by mountains, which is known as "The Glen." It 
is divided into several farms, each of which includes a portion of this level tract, as 
well as many acres of the wooded heights in the rear, into which they reach. A 
romantic stream, a large brook, the outlet of Lake View, with swift current and many 
a turn and cataract, flows through "The Glen," a distance of three or four miles, into 
Bevin Lake. The mountains so nearly approach each other at the western end of 
"The Glen," that only a narrow gap intervenes, and through this gap, beside the 
stream, amid scenery of the wildest nature, a road leads from Lake \ïew to "The 
It was in this remote corner of Harrington that 
Ir. Lachlan :\Ic\rthur had 
the rough experience of pioneer life related in the history of Grenville. He was 
also cOílnected with an incident that occurred while he Ìived here which cast a 
gloom over the community of scattered settlers through all this region, and which 
is still related by the aged people here with unabated interest. 
Near the dwelling of James Colquhoun, beside the road at the entrance to "The 
Glen," is a single grave-that of BENJAMIN BURCH, \vho was drowned at this place 
and buried here nearly fOI ty lears ago. 
It was in the Spring of the year, when the creek connecting the two lakes was a 
swollen torrent, more dangerous, from its rapid current, than many of our navigable 
rivers. Mr. McArthur, a man named Kimball, and Burch, were about to set out from 
"The Glen," to obtain seed grain and potatoes, and, on account of the absence of a 
road and the difficulty of travelling, Kimball and 
lcArthur wished to row up the 
creek in a bark canoe. Burch, not being able to swim. rather opposed the scheme, 
but being assured. that if he would but sit quietly in the boat he would incur no 
danger, he laid aside his objections, and embarked. Soon afterward they had to 
paS5 under the trunk of an uprooted tree, wnich lay a few feet above the water. All 
were obliged to bc.,w their heads low, but Burch, probably, through nervousness, 
caught h81d of a projecting limb, which caused the boat to upset. .\fter much 
struggling against the current, Kimball anJ McArthur gained the shore, and on 
looking for Burch, found him clinging to a tree, whose top iay in the creek and 
the trunk reaching at an inclined angle to the shore. Mr. :\IcArthur thrust a 
pole towards him, with the request that he would take hold of it and be drawn 
ashore j but the puor fellow was too paralY.lCd with fear to comply, and then 
:\lr. McArthur cautiously walked out on the tree, exlended his hand and Legged 
him to reach out his own hand and seize it; still, he was unable to accept 
the proffered aid, .Finally, McArthur in desperation made a dash at the coat 
collar of Burch, intending to drag him by force to the land, Being a powerful man, 
he would, no doubt, havt: effected his object, but, unfortunately, his foot slipped, he 
fell against Burch, and both were again in the wild current. .McArthur had a harder 
struggle this time to regain the shore than he did before; but he finally regained it, 

4 22 


after being carried some distance down the stream. The body of Burch was found, 
after a search of two or three days, in which several joined, nearly covered by sand, 
just where the uridge now crosses the stream. The state of travelling was such that 
it was impossible to take the body for interment to a cemetery, and it was buried 
there in the wilderness, close by the scene of disaster. 
ES COLQUHOUN, whose house is noticed above, came from the County of 
Donegal, Ireland, with his father's family to Canada in 1845 ; and both he and his 
father worked in the Seigniory of Argenteuil the three following years. The father, 
then, bought 200 acres of land in Chatham, parts of Lots 4 and 5 in the loth Range. 
He lived there till 1866, when he moved to Harrington Glen, and settled on 100 
acres of Lot 8, 9th Range, which is now owned and occupied by his son John; he died 
here about three years later; Mrs. Colquhoun died about 1881, 
The son, James, was for some time in the employ of Petet. McArthur of Dales- 
vine. At the age of 21, he engaged to work in lumber camps, and was thus employed 
five or six years. In 1858, he bought 200 acres in "'The Glen," parts of Lots 7 and 
8, 9th Range; half of which had been owned by his father; of this he has cleared 
75 acres. \Vhen he first commenced work here in the forest, he often walked back 
and forth to his father's house, in Chatham, 24 miles distance, carrying loads on his 
tack varying in weight from 40 to 80 lbs. The first year that he began work here 
he covered with his hoe six bushels of oats, from which seed he raised nearly 100 
bushels. His nearest mill was at Dalesville, about 25 miles distant. He was married 
1st May, 1860, to Dura Clifford; they have five sons and four daughters; two of each 
sex are married. 
Mr. Colquhoun has served for several years as Municipal Councillor and 
School Commissioner. 


Proclamation of the 3rd of June, 1809 ; organized 1st of July, 18 55. 
This township is bounded on the north by the township of Howard, on the east 
by the townships of Gore, Morin and Mille Isle, south by Chatham, and west by 
Harrington. It contains about 61,600 acres of land, and thousands of acres of water. 
A mountain range enters it from the township of Gore on the third Range, and runs 
westerly on the north of Lake Louisa, into Harrington, and there are also several 
other mountain peaks within its limits. 
\Ventworth m,\y be truly said to be a land of lakes and mountains, a township 
replete with scenery wild and picturesque. It contains thirty lakes, varying in size 
 a mile to 5 miles in length. Of these, Sixteen Island Lake and Lake Louisa 
are the largest; the former, which is about 5 miles long, with an average width of I 
mile, is located in the north-west part of the township; the latter, 3 miles long and 1 J4 
wide, is in the south-west. It is a beautiful sheet of water, surrounded by hills and 
mountains, and contains several attractive islands, clothed with evergreen trees. A 
number of people have, for several years, resorted to it, in the summer season, and the 
late Hon. J. J. C. Abbott had a summer house on its margin. 
There are also the Upper and Lower Rainbow Lakes; the former is on the 4 th 
and 5th Lots of the 6th Range; and the latter is on the 8th and 9th Lots of the same 
Range. \Vest Ri ver is the outlet of these two lakes, and it passes through two more 
lakes before leaving \Ventworth ; the first being Round Lake, about a mile in circuit, 


4 2 3 

which is between the 5th and 6th Ranges, and the second is \Vest River Lake, on Lots 
16 and 17, in the 3rd Range; it is about one and a half miles long, and half a mile 
wide. \Vest River, continuing its course into Chatham, is utilized by the Cartridge 
Factory, and the Miils at Brownsburg, and, finally, flows into the North River at 
Lachute. \Villiams Lake, in " The Glen II of Wentworth, is the source of Dalesville 
Cleek, and Clear Lake has the honor of uniting the angles of \Ventworth, Gore, 
Chatham, and the parish of St. Jerusalem d' Argenteuil-all meeting in its waters. 
Lake Louisa was the scene of a sad accident about the year 1863, a shor 
account of which is extracted from the writings of the Rev, Mr. King:- 
" A new settler living on the margin of the lake had a 'bee' for the purpose of 
felling trees on land he intended to clear. Whiskey, of c0urse, as at all 'bees,' was 
supplied in abundance, and after the men had finished their evening meal the most of 
them went home. Two Frenchmen, however, and a young Irish lad were somewhat 
belated in their desire to experience all the enjoyment to be had on sllch occasions, 
and doubtless were in a condition wholly unfit to venture on. a lake in a canoe on a 
dark night. But there was no one to prevent them, and in the morning the bark 
canoe was fOllnd bottom upward, and near it a man's cap, but the men themselves 
could not be found, though diligent search was made and the lake dragged for several 
days. As it was late in the fall, the lake was soon frozen over and the search was 
abandoned, and in the spring, after a long dreary winter, it was again renewed, but to 
no avail. It was not till summer, when the water was low, that two of them-one of 
the men and the Irish lad-were found. These were discovered near the shore, one 
of them on a flat rock, as if the body had been dragged there by some animal; the 
other never was found, and the body doubtless sank in the mud or floated under a rock. 
" The following spring the body of a man was found beside an uprooted tree on 
the shore of the same lake. He was a stranger in the place, and had called at some 
of the dwellings the fall previous, but he suddenly disappeared and none knew whither 
he had gone. He had, no doubt, got lost in the woods, lay down to rest, and died 
from hunger and exhaustion." 
\VILLIAl\I SMITH, from Yorkshire, England, of whom there is a sketch in the 
history of Lachute, is said to have been the first settler in \Ventworth. He came 
about J 815, and located in the north-east part of the township, at what is now called 
Dunany, a Post office having been established there with that name in 1853, and )lr. 
Smith was appointed Postmaster. 
Other early settlers of Dunany were James Stephenson, \Vatson Guy, Duncan 
McArthur, Arthur McArthur. Duncan McDougall and Robert Smith. 
Mr. and Mrs. Smith had twelve children-six of each sex-that arrived at 
maturity. James, their eldest son, in April, 1858, was married to Mary Jane 
McLean, of Lachute, and settled on Lot I, Range I, in Gore, adjacent to that first 
occupied by his grandfather. After a residence there of sixteen years, he removed 
to Lachute, in the history of which place he is further notir.ed. 
With the exception of that part of \Vent.../orth in the vicinity of Dunany, settlers 
do not seem to have entered tiB after 1832 or thereabout, deterred, doubtless, by the 
rough and stoney appearance of the land, 
GEORGE SEALE, the present Mayor of Wentworth, came from the parish of Black- 
water, King's County, Ireland, to Morin, where his brother Joseph had previously 
located in 1847. He took up 100 acres ofland there, which is now owned and occu- 
pied by A. \Vatchorn, but sold it some years later, without having cleared an}' of it. 
In the fall of 18 47 he came to \Ventworth, and, after making his home for a year in 
the house of a friend, working meanwhile, he purchased the west half of Lot 9 in the 

4 2 4 


2nd Range, to which, some years subsequently, he added the adjoining Lot 10; these- 
cres form his present home farm. He afterward bought 100 acres located on 
Lake Louisa, which is contiguous to his first purchase, and, still later, purchased the 
summer resiàence and 73 acres of the Hon. J. J. C. Abbott, which is on the margin 
of the same lake. Besides this, a few years since, he bought another hundred, for 
which he paid $2,000, for his son. 

Ir. Seale had only good judgment and a vigorous constitution when he began 
his career in \Ventworth, and when he bought his first land he had but $50 to pay 
down j the plice was $400, and the balance he was to pay at the rate of $50 per 
annum, This he paid with the proceeds of his potash, and we can understand the 
amoun t of labor this involved, when we recollect that it takes sixty large maples to 
make ashes enough for one barrel of potash containing from six and a half to seven 
quintals, for which he received $8.50 a quintal. Fortunately, there was a man living 
in the Seigniory of Argenteuil who knew Mr. Seale in Ireland j and when the latter 
made his first purchase of land, this man sold him a horse and cow, accepting his 
verbal promise to pay at a future period, which promise was faithfully fulfilled. 
Before buying his second lot of land, he had finished making potash, and relied on 
his crops and stock for income, About the time of commencing his pioneer life, his 
brother Joseph sold his land in Morin, came to \Ventworth, and the two brothers 
worked in partnership, After a lapse of nine years, their property was apprized at 
$1,500, and the co-partnership was dissolved, George paying Joseph $750 for his 
share. In 1860, he was :J.larried to Jane, daughter of Peter Cruise, who emigrated 
from Ireland and settled in \Ventworth in 1844. Mr. Seale ascribes much of his 
prosperity to the wise counsel, careful management, and good judgment of his wife, 
He has been a School Commissioner and Municipal Councillor m::lny years, and has 
been Mayor of the township fifteen years. He has commodious buildings, keeps a 
large stock, several horses, and has all the improved farming improvements and 
wagons that indicate successful farming. 
He has had twelve children, but only six-three of each sex-are now living. 
One of his daughters, Hannah Maria, married to \Valter H. Spencer, lives in 
::\lorin, Manitoba; Thomas, the eldest son, lives with his father on the homestead. 
William P., the second son, was married 6th May, 1891, to Ellen Cleland. 
and he lives on a farm of 100 acres, near the homestead. He has recently erected 
a good barn, is making many improvements, and seems to have inherited a good 
share of parental enterprise. He was employed in 1891 in taking the census of 
\Ventworth and Yíontcalm, and has stored his mind with much interesting in- 
formation respecting these townships. 

_-\ Post-office was established in the south-western part of \Ventworth in 1880 
\Vith the name Louisa, and 'VILLII'D! \V ATCHORN \Vas appointed Postmaster, which 
position he still holds. His father, 'Villiam \Vatchorn, came from Ardoin, County 
of \Vicklow, Ireland, in July, 1833, and took up 100 acres of land in Gore, In 
1837, he removed to \Ventworth and took up 200 acres, Lot 5, in the 1st Range. 
He \Vas Municipal Councillor some time, and was a Yolunteer in Capt. Quinn's 
Company in the Rebellion of 1837 ; he died, 22nd December, 1865. He had four 
daughters and three sons who grew up. William, his second son, when a young man, 
spent a year or two in Ontario, and after his return, worked two or three years on 
the homestead, On December 10th, 1868, he married Mary Elizabeth Robinson, 
of \Ventworth, and the following year bought 200 acres in the 2nd and 3rd Ranges, 


4 2 5 

in this township, on which he still lives. He has cleared and improved his land, so 
that it sustains a good stock of cattle, horses and sheep, He has been a School 
Commissioner fifteen, and Municipal Councillor over thirty years, and, some years 
ago, was Ensign in Company No.2 of the Argenteuil Rangers. 
ROBERT BOYD, an aged farmer of this section, came to this country from Hazle- 
wood, Sligo County, Ireland, in June, 1853, and was employed in different places- 
Chatham, Lachute, Thomas's Gore, Toronto, etc., fm fifteen years. He was married 
3rd December, 1867, to Dorothy Brown of Gore. In May! 1877, he bought 3 00 
acres in the 12th Range of Chatham. Soon after settling on it, while clearing land, 
a limb of a tree penetrated his ear, causing partial deafness, and so affecting his 
health that he felt himself unable to manage so large a farm, hence he exchanged 
it for So acres in \Ventworth, parts of Lots 5 and 6 in the 2nd Range.. This was in 
May, 1879, and he has since lived on it, but, owing to the infirmities of age, is 
obliged to yield the management chiefly to his children, and he, resignedly, awaits 
the peace and rest of another world, 
An Anglican Church edifice was erected in this locality in 1894, at an expense 
of $1,000, which has been fully paid. George Seale, James 
Iorrison and Robert 
Rowe formed the building committee, and subscribed very liberally towards defraying 
the expense of its erection, All who took an active interest in the work were also 
liberal subscribers, 
Religious services of other denominations are occasionally held here in the 
school house. 
An Orange Lodge was formed in this part of the township, more than half a 
century ago, and an Orange Hall was erected here in 1886, 


In the eastern part of Wentworth, on the 4th and 5th Ranges, adjacent to 
Shrewsbury, in Gore, is a moderate depression of land which has long been known 
as the Glen, and which is itself considerably diversified by hill and dale. A road 
leading from Louisa to Shrewsbury passes through it, and Dalesville Creek also 
runs through quite a portion of it. 
JOHN QUINTON and PATRICK RICE, who located here about the year 1833, were 
the first settlers, but neither of them remained more than a year or two. Quinton was 
an Englishman, and was always known among his neighbors, who were Irish, as 
" English John," to distinguish him from others who bore the name of John, A 
small field, which he cleared, is still designated as "English John's field." 
On the road leading to The Glen from Louisa is a farm, on which JOSEPH 
CRESWELL, from the County of Donegal, Ireland, settled in 1840, He took up one- 
half of Lot 4, 3rd Range, and several years later bought the other half of the same lot. 
In May, 1846, this family suffered a terrible affliction, their house being burnt, and 
three of their children-two little girls, one three and the other five years old, and a 
boy of three-were consumed in it. Mr. Creswell cleared up the first 100 acres he 
purchased, ami a lime kiln having previously been opened on the olher Lot, he 
repaired and worked it for some years, when it again fell into disuse. He died 20th 
September, 1885; his wife died the 22nd of the same month and year, Five of their 
children-three sons and two daughters-lived to maturity, Joseph, the second son, 
now living, in his youthful days went to l\lichigan, and was employed there in lumbering 
five years, After his return he worked the same length of time on the homestead, and 
then, 4th August, 1875, was married to Annie Scarborough of Staynerville, Chatham. 



In 1877, he went to Califomia, where he spent two years; but since his return he 
has worked on the homestead, of which he owns all save 25 acres, which has been 
sold. Four or five years ago, he reconstructed the lime kiln, and has since kept it in 
active operation, his farm possessing a large quantity of superior limestone. Mr. 
Creswell was for some years a member of Company No, 2 of the Argenteuil Rangers, 
and has also been a Municipal Councillor. 
HENRY M:ORRISON, from BelJa Bay, County :Monaghan, Ireland, came to Canada 
in 18 33, worked on the Canal at Carillon three months, spent a year in Gore, and 
then came to The Glen and bought one-half of Lot No. J, in the 5th Range, 
Seve.ral years afterward, he bought 200 acres more adjacent in the 4th Range of 
Gore, He and his boys cJeared up the greater part of the first and a portion of the 
second lot. . He was a member of the Municipal Council a numbers of years, of 
Capt. Quinn's Company in the Rebellion of 1837, and of Capt, James Smith's Com- 
pany during the Fenian raids. He died 3rd October, 18 73, at the age of 75 ; his 
wife died 3rd June, 1877. They had four sons and three daughters that grew lip. 
\Villiam, their eldest son, now living, was married, 18th March, 1857, to 
Elizabeth Parker, sister to Mrs, James Morrison-his brother's wife-who was mar- 
ried at the same time. He settled on one-half of Lot I, 5th Range, in Gore, and has 
since bought half of the adjoining Lot No. J, 6th Range, in \Ventworth, He has 
constantly resided here since, and has a good farm well stocked. He has been a 
Justice of the Peace about 20 years, is Deputy Master of the Orange Lodge, and has 
also been Master, and was Ensign of Company No.2 of the Argenteuil Rangers, and 
went with them to the different places to which they were ordered during the Fenian 
raids. He has five sons and thre
 daughters; two of the former are married-one 
resides in Carson City, Nevada; the other, William J., lives near the homestead; 
James is in Boston; and Edward and Richard, the two youngest, live with their 
James, the; second son of Henry Monison, was married, as stated above, 18th 
:March, 1857, to Jane Parker. She and her sister, Mrs, \Villiam Morrison, were 
daughters of Edward Parker, who came from the County of Carlow, Ireland, and 
settled in Gore, in 1829. Mr, Morrison, a year previous to his marriage, bought 
half a lot, near the homestead, on which he settled and has always lived, and has 
since purchased 400 acres more, adjoining it. Though he has devoted much time to 
hunting, he seems to have given enough of it to farming to improve his land and 
acquire the quanti1y of stock and other things usually possessed by the majority of 
farmers. He has also found time to serve his country as a soldier, having for several 
years been I5t Sergeant in Company NO.2 of the Rangers, and was with them in 
their famous endeavors to encounter Fenians. 
The truth is, Mr. Morrison is a man of great muscular power and vigorous 
health, a tramp of twenty miles, with a gun, through woods and over hills and moun- 
tains being yet but pastime for him, though upward of threescore years of age. He 
is not above medium height, but broad chested, with muscles and nerves of iron, and 
an eye that never fails to send a bullet to a vital part. He has killed a quantity of 
game that might rouse the envy of Nimrod, and no doubt has had some e
adventures, but he is not a man of boastful spirit, and speaks of his experience as a 
hunter with extreme modesty. He shot his first bear when he \Vas 18 years old, and 
the number of animals he had killed up to 1st October, 1894, were as follows : bears, 
47; deer, about 50; foxes, over 40 ; 5 caribou and about the same number of 
wolverines. He once had an unpleasant experience with an animal, of which we have 
forgotten the name. He had set a steel trap in the hollow of a fallen tree, and on 
visiting it afterward, he thoughtlessly thrust in his hand to pull out the trap for 


4 2 7 

examination. Unluckily for him, a victim which had been caught in the trap by the 
hind leg was only too ready to avenge its wrongs, and buried its teeth in his hand 
with a death grip, from which he could not release himself, though he made strenuous 
efforts, He bethought him of his knife, but it was in the right pocket of his pants, 
and his right hand was the one seized by the animal. After several fruitless efforts 
he finally succeeded in getting his knife with his left hand, and then, opening it by the 
aid of his teeth, he actually severed the head of the animal from its body before its 
grasp was relaxed. Mr. Morrison is as familiar with every !:quare acre of the forest 
land of \V en tworth and other new townships as he is with his own farm; and we are 
indebted to him for several facts respecting their physical features, He has had eleven 
children, of whom six are now living-three of each sex. His sons are all married- 
Edward, the eldest, lives in Manitoba, and the other two, Henry and Thomas, have 
farms near the homestead; both are members of the Orange Lodge and have belonged 
to the Rangers, .A daughter of Mr. Morrison, married, also resides in this section. 
TINE SWAIL came from the County of Down, Ireland, to Thomas's Gore 
as early as 1820, and took up 100 acres of land there. He sold it, and removed to 
"The Glen," not far from 1842, and took up 200 acres in the 4th and sth Ranges, 
on which he lived a number of years, when he sold out and went to the Eastern 
Townships-Compton County-where he died in April, 1870. He was a man of 
intelligence, and was much respected while living in "The Glen j " his advice 
respecting legal as well as other matters being often sought by his fellow-townsmen. 
He had formerly taught school in On tario, and no doubt his education gave him 
considerable influence amolIg the illiterate of that day, rendering him a desirable 
leader in municipal and military affr1.irs. He was one of the loyal actors in the 
Rebellion of 1837, and became a Captain of militia. His wife died here in 1870, He 
was twice married, and had seven children, by whom he was much respected and loved. 
In his last years he was much interested in spiritual matters, it is said, and died a 
Christian. By his first marriage he had one SOIl and two daughters, who grew up. 
His son Valentine, wh
n quite young, bought 100 acres here, which is now owned and 
occupied by James Morrison. About 1847 he married Annie Lister, and after living 
on his farm a number of years sold it, and removed to Morin, where he became pro- 
prietor of 200 acres, which is now owned by his son, Ebenezer Swail, He lived here 
till his death, 26th April, 1894, and was for some time one of the Argenteuil Rangers, 
He had six sons and three daughters, who grew up. James Swail, his second son, 
when 18, went to Michigan, and after an absence of two and a half years returned, 
and on 14th June, 18]1, was married to Mary Ann Davis. She died in 1
89, 011 
the anniversary of her marriage. From this time to the 15th of May, 1893, when he 
was married to Mrs. Sarah :\[orrison, he was engaged in fanning or lumbering in Papi- 
neau Seigniory, Alberta and \\'isconsin. His present wife was the widow of the late 
John Morrison, and they now live on the farm where she resided before her hus- 
band's death. Mr. Swail 011C
 belonged to the Rangers, and was with them during 
the Fenian excitement, By his first marriage he had five children, three of whom 
are now living; one daughter, married, lives in \Visconsin; his two boys are with 

SA:\IUEL CLIFFORD, from Ferm:magh, Ireland, took up 100 acres in Mille Isle, 
but being dissatisfied with his choice of land, sold it and purchased of a British 
pensioner a Location Ticket for 200 acres of land in" The Glen of \Ventworth; " this 
lot is now owned and occupied by his youngest son, \Villiam, who has added 100 
acres to it. \\ïlliam was married, 23rd March, 187 S, to Sa.rah Armstrong; he has 
been Municipal Councillor ten years, School Commissioner eight, a member of the 

4 28 


Orange Lodge and of the Rangers several years. He has two sons and one daugh- 
ter; the former, Samuel and John, aged respectively 18 and [6, belong to the Ranger
and Samuel was one of the " Reserves II at the late "Tug-of- \V ar " between the 
Argenteuil boys and those of Glengarry. Harriet, the daughter, also lives with her 
parents. Like others, Mr. Clifford in early years suffered from raids of bears and 
, the former especially being numerous in this sfction. About 1882, he 
received a visit from one, which seemed to have the combined impudence and auda- 
city of an the rest of his race. It was in the spring, one evening at Early twilight, and 
Mr. Clifford was milking in the stable. He had a fine calf, about two months old, 
on the bam floor, which was separated from the stable by a partition, Suèdenly the 
calf gave a loud piteous bleat or two, as if in pain. Mr. Cliff Old rose leisurely from 
his milking stool, and slarted with his milk pail in his hand to learn the cause. To 
his amazement, as he emergt:d flOm the stable door, Bruin, a monstrous fellow, walked 
out of the other on his hind fen with the calf in his mouth, having seized it with his 
teeth about midway of the back, so that he could easily balance it. He seemed in no 
wise disconcerted by the shouts of Mr. Clifford, but trotted off with an air which 
portrayed the following thought-"You must be a fool if you think, after all my 
trouble, I am going to give up this fine vEal, on account of a little noise." He did 
give it up, hGwever, but not till after 
1r. Cliff Old had secured an axe and his dog, 
and was again at his heels, He had not time to load his gun, hence Bruin escaped, 
and the calf was so badly injured that soon afterward it had to be kiHed. 


In the western part of Wentworth is a r.ew settlement which, on account of the 
number cf Irish who have located there, has long been calJed New Ireland; but a 
Post-office was etablish(:d there in 1886 with the name Laurel, by which name the 
locality is now known. 
About half a century ago, EDWARD MCCLUSKEY carne with his family from Ireland 
and settled in Chatham, Years afterward, or about 1860, his two sons, James and John, 
took up 300 acres of uncleared land in vVentworth. Lots 23 and 24, in the 7th Range. 
Their improvements formed the nucleus of a settlement to which many have since 
gathered. The McCluskeys and others in the locali!y have made l?ood progress as 
pioneers. About 186r, JAMES MCCLUSKEY was marned to Mary WIlson of Lachute, 
and their progeny alone are likely to keep undiminished the population of Laurel. 
The}" have had fourteen children-twins at one time and triplets at another, Ten of 
the children are living, of whom one son and two daughters are married. Matthew 
McCluskey, the second son, who l'as spent some years in :Michigan and \Visconsin, 
is Postmaster, and Edward, a younger brother, is his assistant. 


The foHowing account of the Montfort Colonization Railway and the Montfort 
Orphanage is taken from :/ he IVatchmQll: 
" Had the early settlers among the forests and mountains of\Ventworth been told 
that one day the puffs of the engine and its shrill whistle would startle the wild animals 
of that region, it would have been deemed a most unlikely story. But this age of 
progress has produced many wonders, and a railway in \Ventworth is not one of the 
smallest, This has been accomplished by the energy, pluck and perseverance of a 
band of French Canadians in Montleal, who se,.eral }'ears ago conceived the idea of 


4 2 9 

-colonizing the uninhabited regions of Quebec. A charter was obtained, a survey 
made as far as Anmdel, and after seeking and obtaining aid from both govern:nents, 
the work was commenced and is now completed as far as Sixteen Island Lake, 
"The officers of the Montfort Colonization Railway are E. Senecal, President; 
Joseph Brunet, Vice-President j 
Iessrs. F. Froideveaux, Godfrey Chapleau and 
E. D. Porcheron, Directors; A. S. Hamelin, Secretary-Treasurer. The Railway is a 
narrow-gauge line at present, although the road-bed, grades and curv
s have b
made the sam
 as on the standard gauge. O.ving to the wildness and roughness of 
the country the construction of the R:lilway was very expemive, 
" At Montfort, we found, to our surprise, a large, commodious and well furnished 
hotel. This hotel was built last year by Mr. Froideveaux, and is kept by Mr. Plouff. 
It is situated on the side of a high hill, overlooking lake St. François-Xavier. Just 
below this lake is anoth
r called Lake Chevreuil (D
er lake), the latter being several 
hundred feet below the fonner. Between the two on the stream which connects 
them is situated the Orphan 1ge, and mills and out-buildings attached thereto, which 
are under the direction of the Pères de la Société de Mal ie. The origin, work and 
present state of this institution deserves more than a passing note, 
"The question naturally arises, 'how came this institution to be planted in such 
a strange place? ' for it must be remembered that when the work was first inaugurated 
there was no raihvay, no clearance, and not even a cart road-nothing but the primeval 
" It seems that a number of French Canadians in :\lontreal conceived the idea of 
taking several lots of land in the bush and forming a colony for the purpose of set- 
tling the country, They made their idea known to the late C uré Rousselot of .Montreal, 
who became interested therein, Messrs. Froideveaux and Montmarquet were select- 
ed to go in search of a location, and chose the I Ith Range of \Ventworth. In the 
meantime, Curé Rousselot, who as rector of a large congregation in Montreal came 
into daily contact with much suffering, degradation and crime among homeless children 
thrown upon the streets, was seized with the idea that it might be possible, in some 
of the unsettled lands of this province, to establish an institution, which \Vo!1ld take 
these children in their tender years before they had become injured by the vice of the 
city, and feed, clothe, educate and teach them how to cultivate the soil, and finally 
place them as proprietors on lots ofJand to do for themselves, The population of the 
city was congested, there was no path but that of crime open for homeless waifs there, 
but the country needed a rural population, and thus the scheme took shape in the 
good priest's mind. Friends came forward with help, and in 188[ first a mill and 
then an orphanage was built, known as the Agricultural Orphanage of Montfort. 
" An order of priests, brothers and sisters in France, whose special work is that 
of agriculture, was brought out to take charge of the work, and under their excellent 
management its success has been assured. Some time later a large property was 
bought in Arundel, where they ha\"e now an immense establishment, 
" We were conducted through the institution by Père Albert, who in the absence 
of the Superior, Père Boucher, was in charge. At present there are over 200 children 
being cared for, the youngest being about five years old. In the school room was 
found a large class of the snuller ones under the charge of one of the sisters. They 
all looked well fed, well clothed, bright and happy. 
"The Superioress conducted us into the dormitories, where the little cots were 
ranged in rows and seemed very comfortable. Another room is fitted up as an hos- 
pital ward, but happily it was unoccupied. One of the sisters is skilled in the use 
oÎ medicines and ha'ì a drug shop in the building. In another room we found a 
number of young lads learning the tailoring business, and specimens of their work 

-43 0 


were exceedingly creditable. In a large room perhaps a dozen sisters were engaged 
mending clothes for the boys. The kitchen was a model of cleanliness and com'e- 
nience. There, an immense range, covered with large copper kettles and pots from 
which delicious odors came, gave some indication of the amount it takes to supply 
such an institution with a meal, especially when its inhabitants are blessed with a 
'Ventworth appetite, In the kitchen is the only fire in this large building. The 
whole is heated by hot-water furnaces, and all the rooms lighted by electricity, Some 
of the larger boys work in the saw mill, to which is connected a run of stones. There 
is also a planing machine, a blacksmith and carpenter shop." 


This township is bounded on the north by Mille Isles, east by the Seigniory of 
Two Mountains, south by the Seigniory of Argenteuil, and west by \Ventworth, and 
contains about 23,660 acres and the usual allowance for highways. It has several 
beautiful little lakes, and much fine scenery, 
Notwithstandicg the fact that Gore is a rough, stony township, contammg, in 
fact, scarcely any of what might be termed level land, men have settled here, 
prospered, and become well-to-do farmers. Neither is their number small; there 
being very few who are not proprietors. of at least 100 acres, with the buildings, 
and stock of cattle, horses and sheep, which supply them with the comforts of 
life, 'Vonder at what men through determined perseverance have accomplished in 
other localities, mentioned in these pages, here grows into astonishment, and espe- 
cially when we learn that, little more than half a century ago, the inhabitants of Gore 
were struggling with poverty and all its attendant ills. But they were a hardy race, 
large in sta ture, giants in strength, and gifted with almost superhuman endurance; 
indeed, the well authenticated accounts of the feats of labor individuals sometimes 
performed, and the privations they endtIred, almost stagger credulity. 
The carrying of loads on the back weighing from 50 to 100 Ibs. from Lachute to 
the different abodes in this township was a matter of so common occurrence, that it 
incited little wonder or comment. It was only in drawi
g a parallel between hard- 
ships of which their children complained years afterward, and what they themselves 
endured in the first decade of their pioneer experience, that these incidents were 
mentioned, and they were thus rttain(d in memory to edify and instruct their 
The following true story is related of a m.:ìn who lived in a remote part of Gore: 
He was one day carrying home, on his back, from Lachute a sack of flour weigh- 
ing I I 2 lbs., expecting that his sons would meet him on the way and relieve him of 
this heavy burden, He had arrived within two miles of his house, however, before 
meeting the sons, and so indignant was he that they had not sooner come to his 
assistance, that he refused to let them touch his load, and bore it to his door before 
putting it down. 


43 1 

Hard lator, with scanty and poor diet, was the lot of many, potatoes often 
being the only food some of them could obtain for days and even weeks. It is said 
that a man living in Mille Isles named Robert Carruthers often related a feat he 
accomplished, and which no one doubted, viz., chopping and burning the wood, and 
performing the other labor requisite for manufacturing two barrels of potash, having 
nothing in the way of nourishment meanwhile but potatoes and water, The tim- 
ber required for this was 120 maples of large size, or their equivalent; and when we 
consider the amount of chopping and other labor this task involved, it seems incred- 
ible that the physical powers could be supported by such nutrition sufficiently long 
to perform it. 
A family named Rogers, who had lately arrived from Ireland, on their way to 
Gore, remail
ed over night at St. Andrews; at this place an addition was made to 
the family by the birth (\f a son. The third morning afterward, the mother, taking 
the young infant in her arms, walked .the entire distance-twenty miles-that day 
to Gore. 
For a long time, the only horse in Gore was one which belonged to a pioneer 
whose name was Hazlitt Hicks, and it is doubtful if any horse has become as 
famous since the days of Bucephalus-the war horse of Alexander. His services 
were not so much required in clearing or tilling the land, for the men, by uniting 
their efforts, performed much of the labor that in later years was done by oxen or 
horses, but in conveying grists to and from the mill this particular horse was of price- 
less value, not only to his owner, but to all his neighbors. So many were the loads 
of corn he drew to the mill at L:1chute that he began to be called" Cob by," and the 
name is as well known to-day in Gore, and in adjacent localities, as that of J ohn 

lacdonald. The price of "Cobby" for a day was a day's work, to be given to 
his own owner by the one who hired hirl1; and many a day's work did he earn 
for his master during the thirty years" Cobby II is said to have lived. 
It is a subject for regret, that the great strength of ma.ny of tl1e pioneers of this 
section was not always used in the wisest manner, nor for the promotion of good; 
especially was this the case when they attended bees, cattle fairs and elections, or 
on festive occasions, where a free use of liquor invariably led to quarrels: or to the 
settlement of old feuds, by pugilistic encounters. So well established was the fact, 
that a cattle fair always resulted in intemperance and disgraceful fights among some 
of the men of this section, that it became a custom with one of the clergymen of 
Gore to preach a powerful temperance sermon to his congregation on the Sabbath 
preceding the fair. From the number of time
 this sermon, or one of like import, \Vas 
heard, it became so familiar to one young man of retentive memory, that he ofren 
rehearsed it for the edification of his companions. It is to be hoped, however, t\1<\t 
although they made it a subject for levity, it was not altogether void of intluence on 
them for good. 
An aged eye-witness of the gcene describes a humorous incident which occurred 
at Grand Brulé during the troubles of [838. rhe Registry Office among other 
public buildings had been sacked, and when our informant arrived, a herculean Irish- 
man from Gore stood at the open door of the vault with a score of his companions 
around him, whom he was addressing, as follows: 
" It's hard, boys; we've worked for many a day, and little we have to show for it, 
and sure we might as well now have a dade for a farrun' ; " and with serene gravity 
he took up a pile of papers, and walking through the crowd, gave to each person a 
document with the exhortation, "Take a da-:le, sir." 
The strength and courage of the men of Gore made them important allies to the 
p01itician who anticipated trouble on the day of nomination or election; indeed their 

43 2 


fame for carrying every cause they espoused rendered them about as important a 
factor in election campaigns as was the Irish Brigade, in the Federal Army, during 
the Great American Rebellion. 
But an this has passed away; great indeed is the change that a third of a century 
has wrought in Gore, in the moral and social condition of its people j the disgrace 
and other evils of intemperance are as well understood and abhorred here as in any 
township in the province. Even those who still adhere to the custom of taking a 
social glass when away from home do it with that regaJd br decency and economy 
which prevents their absence from their families an unreasonable time, and restrains 
from the foolish expenditure of money. A higher degree of intel1igence is now found 
among the people; sobriety has taken the place of intemperance; prudence has sup- 
planted recklessness, and the many dwe11ings in which a family altar has been estab- 
lished proclaim that the people of Gore understand, and are trending toward that 
higher life, without which existence is nonentity. 
Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America, published in 1881, says: 
"The men of Gore are a sturdy loyal class, mostly descendants of and settlers from 
the north of Ireland, They are nearly all Orangemen, and are famous for the fine 
appearance they made when, as a part of the Argenteuil Rangers, they hastened to 
the front to repel the Fenian invasion." 
The first settlers in Gore were James Stephenson and Robert Smith, who came 
from Ireland, and located in the extreme west of what now forms the township. P"obert 
McMahon about the same time settled in another part, and \Vi1liam Henderson, 
Alexander Johnson, James Armstrong, \Vil1iam Boyd and his brother James soon 
located at what is now the cen tre of Gore, which is crossed by the present road from 
Lakefield to Lachute. They were all from Ireland, and their descendants may still 
be found in the township, as well as the descendants of other pioneers whose names 
will be mentioned in the proper place. 
'VILLJAl\I HENDERSON came from the parish and county of Sligo, and settled here 
in 1824, in the 2nd Range, very soon after the arrival of Robert McMahon. He 
lived here till his death, 20th August, 1870. He had fourteen children, eight sons and 
six daughters, all of whom save one son lived till maturity. Samuel, the eldest one, 
now living, was married 26th March, 1837, to Hannah Hunter; they had three sons 
and three daughters who grew up. 'Vi1liam, one of the sons, and the only one now 
living, has been connected with the 
lethodist Church as a clergyman for thirty years, 
and is now stationed at Danville, Que. About a year after the death of his first wife, 
Mr. Henderson married Mary Ann, daughter of the 
ate Capt. Johnstone. By this 
marriage he has had ten children, .of whom nine-two sons and seven daughters-are 
now living. John, one of the former, has been a minister of the Methodist Church 
fifteen years, and is now stationed at South Woods, Lake Ontario. His twin brother, 
who was a fireman on a railway train, was killed in California in a wreck caused by 
train robbers. Another son of Mr. Henderson, who had charge of a gang of thirty 
men in a quarry in New Hampshire, was killed by the premature explosion of a blast, 
:Mr. and Mls. Henderson ar
 stlllliving, and though aged, are active in mind and 
body, and are much respected for their good words and works; he was one of the 
loyal actors in the Rebellion of 1837, 


This is a small hamlet in the southern part of Gore. Its buildings comprise two 
churches-Anglican and Methodist-a school-house, blacksmith shop, grist mil1, saw 
mill, and four or five dwellings. 



A Post-office was established here about 1844; George Rodgers was the first 
postmaster. Mr. Rodgers was a very prominent man in the township, and for several 
years was its Mayor. The place is so called from the proximity of t\\"o sman lakes- 
the smaner one, lying within a few yards of the street, is about three-fourths of a mile 
long and a little less in width. The larger one, Barton's Lake, 
o caned in honor 
of Col. Barron of Lachute, is about three miles long, with an average width of half a 
mile, It is a beautiful body of water, and much of the scenery around it is very 
The first settlers here and in this vicinity were Frederick Rodgers and two 
brothers, Samuel and George Rodgers, Hazlett Hicks and Michael Craig, 
FREDERICK RODGERS came from the Count}' of Mayo, Ireland, about 1824, and 
took up the east half of Lot 10, 3rd Range, which is now owned and occupied by his 
grandson, George Rodgers. He was Ensign in Capt. Evans' Company, and was on 
duty during the Rebellion of 1837-38, and was also a staunch Orangeman. He died 
in February, 1878. Three sons and five daughters of his fourteen children arrived at 
Frederick, the eldest son, after living twenty years on two different farms which 
he had purchased, settled on the homestead. He has recently given this to his second 
son George, and now lives with his third son, l\'Iatthew J., on a farm of 200 acres 
lately purchased, located about 1 
 miles from the homestead, Mr. Rodgers joined 
the Rangers on their organization, and was always with them when they were on duty 
until a few years since; he was Municipal Councillor fourteen years. He has been 
twice married, first to Eliza Rodgers in November, 1844, by which marriage he had 
three daughters who grew liP; his second marriage was to Eliza Parker, 26th July, 
1857, by whom he had eight children, four of each sex. He claims to have been 
the first male child born in Gore, and though he is now nearly threescore and ten, 
he still continues to drive 10 miles daily to Lachute, carrying the mail, for which 
he has had a contract ten years. 
:Mr. Rodgers has many reminiscences of pioneer life, one of which was his first 
trip to Montreal, when he carried a barrel of potash. In returning, he stopped at a 
house just at dark, to inquire the way. Falling asleep, soon afterward, he rode 
till past midnight, when corning to a home he roused the proprietor and once more 
asked the way, To his surprise and chagrin, he found th
 it was the same house 
at which he first called. '''hile asleep, he had struck a road on which he had long 
been travelling back toward .Montreal. Besides the two sons mentioned he has one 
in Toronto and another, \Vm, J., in Lachute. 
SAMl7EL ROI::GERS came from the County of Connaught, Ireland, with his wife, 
two sons and a daughter, in the summer of 1828. His elder son, John, married 
Elizabeth Nicholson in 1832; she is now 82 yeats of age, and in the enjoyment of a 
fair degree of health. 
Mr. Rodgers was an active Churchman, and for years officiated as Lay Reader, 
often walking many miles to distant places to hold services; he died in J lIne, 1845. 
He had three sons and four daughters, of whom the eldest was the late Col. 
Samuel F. Rodgers, of the 1 Ith Battalion. Capt. John Rodgers is the second son 
of the late 
amuel Rodgers, Lay Reader; he was married in March, ;872, to Harriet, 
fourth daughter of the late Captain George Sherrit, who commanded a Company in 
the 11th Battalion for twenty years. 
1 r. Rodgers is Captain of Co. No. 5. in the same 
Battalion, and has been Secretary. Treasurer of the Municipal Council of Gore and of 
the Board of School Commissioners, since Nov" 1876, He has three sons and one 
daughter j the latter is a teacher in her natÍ\"e township. 



IES ARNOTT, from Scotland, was one of the very early settlers at Lakefield. A 
man named Robinson had taken up land and made a little improvement when he 
sold out to Arnott. The latter erected a grist mill and saw mill here about 1835, 
and kept them in operation many years, 
Other early settlers in Gore were William Byrnes, \Villiam McMannis, James 
Bennett and James McDonald, who was for a long time Secretary of the Municipal 
Council; he died in 1881, at the great age of 103. 
IAM EVANS, from the County of Mayo, Ireland, came to Gore with his 
family about 1834, and settled on a lot of 200 acres, which is now owned by George 
Rodgers. During the Rebellion of 1837-38, he organized a Company of Volunteers, 
of which he became CalJtain. He had several children, of whom Thomas was the 
eldest son. He was married about the year 1847 to Miss S. Moore, and settled on 
the east half of his father's lot, which he had purchased. He joined the Rangers at 
their organization, as Lieutenant, in Capt. Sherritt's Company, and after the death of 
the latter he succeeded to the Captaincy. He wa" also chairm3.n of the School Board 
several years, and was Lay Reader at Lakefield and in Arundel, a long time. He 
died in December, 1868. He had seven children-five sons and two daughters-that 
grew up. Two of the sons are deceased, two are in California, and one and the 
two daughters live in this township, Robert, the eldest son, who still lives here, 
bought 100 acres of Lot I I, 5th Range, and some years later, in IS84, he bought the 
same quantity of Lot 7, 2nd Range, on which he now lives, though still owning the 
other. He was married 1 st May, 1883, to Louisa Bennett. He joined Capt. Rodgers' 
Company of Rangers at its o:-ganization j has been with them at all the different 
places to which they have been called, and is now Lieutenant of that Company. 
ANTHONY COPELAND came from Enniskillen, Fermanagh County, lrel.Uld, to 
St, Andrews in 1822, and in 1833 came to Gore, and took up a Lot of 200 acres in 
the 6th Range, on which he lived till his death about 1874. He had three sons and 
four daughters who arrived at maturity , Nathaniel, his eldest son, learned the car- 
penter's trade, and followed it, with the exception of a few years spent in farming, till 
1868, when he bought a farm of 200 acres in the parish of St. Jerusalem, on which he 
now lives. Thomas, his eldest son, went to California in 1868, and was employed 
there about 17 years, as foreman in a quartz mill. He returned in 1884, and bought 
a store at Lakefield, wI-wre he still trades. He has since built a new store, and has 
both stores well stocked with general merchandise. He also has the Post-office, having 
been appointed Postmaster in 1885, and as he is the only one engaged in mercan- 
tile business in Lakefield, he receives large patronage, which may be attributed, in 
part, doubtless, to his genial nature, public spirit, and general confidence in his 
integrity. He was married 23rd December, 1887, to Eli/.abeth Boyd, and w
s ap- 
pointed Justice of the Peace in 1893, and for several years has been master of an Orange 
Lodge at Lakefield. 
MICHAEL CRAIG, a local preacher, was the first to devote his time and energies 
to religious labor in Gore, He came from Ireland with Samuel and George Rodgers, 
in the summer of 1828, and very soon, it appears, engaged in those earnest efforts for 
the moral improvement of his fellows which was his characteristic through life, al1d 
owing to which he is still held in grateful remembrance. It may b
 said that he was 
the father of Methodism in this township, He was a peace-maker, and through his 
influence many local disputes and differences were settled without litigation, and 
amicably. About the year 1829, he induced the people to erect a place of worship, and 
although it was a log structure, many a reverential band of worshippers gathered 
there, and the good wrought within its humble walls was not less, doubtless, than 
that effected at grander and more costly shrines. 



William Henderson and Capt. Alexander Johnstone were on the building com- 
mittee of this first house of worship, 
Ir, Craig travelled through several townships 
in the course of his labors, and his memory is cherished as gratefully in Morin, 
Mille Isles, and other places, as at Lakefield. 
About the year 1867, the Rev, \Villiam McCullough began to collect funds for a 
new church, but it was not completed till 1869, during the pastorate of the Rev, Mr. 
Russell. It is a frame building, bricked up inside, and finished neatly with ash; the 
walls and ceiling being entirely of this wood. 
This place first belonged to St. Andrews Circuit, then to Lachute ; but, during 
tbe pastorate of Mr. :McCullough, it was formed into a circuit of itself, called 
Lakefield, which embraces Gore, Mille Isles, Thomas's Gore, and a school-house in the 
Seigniory, known as Hammond's School-House, 
The first Church of England clergyman that came to Lakefield was the Rev. 
\Villiam Arnold, who was sent by the S. p, G. in the beginning of 1838, He awak- 
ened sufficient interest to secure the erection of a church edifice here, but left near 
the close of the year, and was succeeded by the Rev. John Macmaster, whose first 
record of Baptism was 27th December, 1838. He was here several years, as his 
last record of Baptism was 30th January, 1849. Rev.\Villiam Abbott ofSt. Andrews 
officiated a short time till the arrIval of Richard L. Stevenson, travelling missionary 
of the District of Montreal. The first record of Mr. Stephenson was 14th March, 
1850 ; his last 1St January, 1851. 
Rev, Joseph Griffin, missionary, succeeded, and his first entry in the Register 
was 19th January, 1851. He was a very energetic man, and was instrumental in 
securing the erection of a new church building at Lakefield and at Shrewsbury. 
But a mental disease destroyed his usefulness, and he died at St. Andrews 6th 
186 7. 
The church here is of stone, firmly and thoroughly built, and of good size. In it 
is a tablet, on which is inscribed the following: 
":Erected to the memory of Rev. Joseph Griffin, who built this church. 
" A man of energy, self-denial and truthfulness, who, for many years, as beloved 
clergyman of this parish, bravely sef\'ed his Master. Who went about doing good." 
The following are the names of the clergymen who have been on this mission 
since the incumbency of Mr. Griffin: 
Rev. Mr. Taylor, Rev, J. Empson, B.A., Rev. Mr. Kittson, Rev. John Rollit, 
Rev. Mr. Richmond, Rev. Charles Boyd, LL.D., Rev, James Senior, Rev. R. J), 
Irwin, Rev. 
tr. Mount. 
GEORGE POLLOCK, from the County of Derry, Ireland, came to Gore about the 
year 1837, and was soon afterward engaged as a loyal Volunteer in the Rebellion. 
He settled on the lot which is now owned and occupied by his second son, Captain 
John Pollock. He died here 2nd February, 1891, 
He had two sons who arrived at the age of manhood-\Villiam, who lives in 
Lachute, and Jol11l, who is Captain of No.6 Company of Rangers, and Master of an 
Orange Lodge-the Jatter position being one which was also held by his father, 
He married Jennie, a daughtt:r of William Riddle, one of the pioneers of Mille Isles. 
The following obituary notice of HAlLETT HICKS is taken from the Lachute 
TVatchmall of February 25th, 1887: "By the recent demise of Ha.dett Hicks, Esq., 
of Gore, that part of our community has lost one of its oldest and most respected 
members. The deceased was one of the first enterprising men who settled in this 
section of the country. He was born in the County Fermanagh, Ireland. Mr. Hicks 
and wife emigrated to Canada somewhere about the year 1825, He took up his resi- 

43 6 


dence in East Settlement
 on the farm of Mï, Barber, for whom he worked two years. 
Subsequently, and as one of its first settlers, he moved into the north part of Gore, 
and became the proprietor of two hundred acres of land in the 3rd concession. For 
several years after his occupancy of his farm, he was, in consequence of the absEnce 
of roads, necessitated to m=1ke his own road to Lachute Mills, a distance of ten miles, 
and being the only owner of a horse in the community, for several years, he found his 
services in almost constant requisition for conveyance of grist, etc., for his settlement, 
to and from Lachute Mills. As a farmer Mr. Hicks was successful. He was always 
a constant and worthy member of the Church of England, and an unswerving adheren t 
of the Conservative party. About eight years ago his wife passed into eternity. Of 
their family of eight children, four survive to mourn the loss of those who have been 
called hence, it is to be hoped, to a brighter and happier home. The survivors have 
the heartfelt sympathy of the community in which they are well known, The 
remams were taken to Trinity Church, Lakefield, where the service was read by the 
Rev. J, Senior; the funeral sermon was preached by the Rev, G. Rogers, of St. 
Luke's Church, Montreal. "_Com. 
"LAKEFIELD, February 23, 1887." 
JOHN SCOTT is the proprietor of one of the finest farms in Argenteuil; his 
buildings are located back a little frúm the main road leading from Lakefield to 
Lachute at the boundary between Gore and the parish of St. Jerusalem d' Argenteuil. 
His father, James Scott, came from the County of Mayo, Ireland, in 18.1-7, and 
settled in Gore on 100 acres in the 6th Range; he lived there till his death, 21St 
N"ovember, 1885. He had six children-three of each sex-all of whom, save one 
son, live in this county, 
John Scott, his second son, was married 24th March, 1864, to Elizabeth Arm- 
strong; they have four sons and three daughters; one of the latter, married, lives near 
the homestead. Mr. Scott first bought 300 acres in the first and second Ranges of 
the parish of S1. Jerusalem, where, evidently, he had followed farming with much 
success. In 1894, he purchased another well-improved farm of 200 acres adjoining 
his own, and now has a tract of 500 acres, with good buildings, The latter are 
located near the outlet of the lake called Sir John's Lake-from Sir John Johnson-on 
a good-sized creek, which supplies admirable water-power. Mr. Scott has so utilized 
this that it is made not only to saw his wood and grind his grain, but do all his 
threshing and cutting of ensilage. His barns are located several rods from the 
creek, but power is transmitted to them by means of wire cables. Altogether, Mr, 
Scott's farm and improved methods of agricultural work are extremely interesting, 
and are strong evidence of his enterprise, 
At the time of the organization of the Argenteuil Rangers, four Companies were 
formed in Gore, though many of them were Mille Isle men, and were respectively 
commanded as follows: Company NO.2, by Capt. \Vm. Smith ; Company NO.3, by 
Capt. Geo. McKnight; Company NO.5, by Capt, Geo. Rodgers; Company No.6, 
by Capt. Geo, Sherritt. . 
Capt, Sherritt distinguished himself during the Rebellion of 1837. He was an 
energetic, brave man, one who always stood fearlessly for right, 


A Post office was established at this place, which IS In the extreme west of the 
township, in 1860, and JOHN CHAMBERS was appointed 'Postmaster, His father, 
James Chambers, came from the County of Sligu, Ireland, to Montreal, in 1831, and 
Icmained there in the employ of the "Board of \Vorks," nineteen years. About 



1850 he came to Gore, and bought a farm of 100 acres; ten years later he bought 100 
acres more adjoining it, and 100 adjacent, in Mille Isles. He lived here till his 
death, loth July, 1882; he had three sons and two daughters that grew up, John, 
the eldest son, who owns the homestead, with 250 acres he has since bought-having 
in all 550 acres-has long been a prominent and influential man in this section of the 
county. He was married 19th l\larch, 1857, to Jane Morrell, of Lachme. Besides 
his office of Postmaster, which he has held for thirty-four years, he has been a School 
Commissioner and 
Iunicipal Councillor thirty, and Mayor of the township fifteen 
years. For more than a decade he has been a Justice of the Peace, Captain of 
Militia nearly as long, and Color-S<:rgeant in Company No. 3 of the 11th Battalion, 
a quarter of a century. For thIrty-eight years he has been l\laster of the Orange 
Lodge in this locality, has been District 
Iaster of the Orange Association of 
.A.rgenteuil twenty, and was "Knight in Command" of the Scarlet Order of the 
Orange Association about twenty-seven years. 
Mr, Chambers is a staunch supporter of the Church of England, and was largely 
instrumental in securing the erection of the church edifice at Shrewsbury, and has 
been connected with Sabbath School work for a third of a century. In politics he 
is Conservative, though, as in his religious principles, he is very charitable, and has 
many warm frier ds in the opposite party; in short, he is a gentleman whose intelli- 
gence, obliging disposition, and social qualities render him eminently congeniaL He 
has six chilùren-two sons and four daughters; three of the latter are married. 
Since the above was written, 
Ir. and Mrs. Chambers and one of their daughters 
have died. 
WILLIAM ROTHWELL, some time in the last century, moved from Margate, Kent, 
Eng., to Ireland, where he reared his family. Charles Rothwell, one of his sons, who 
had fought against the rebels at Castle Comer in the Rebellion of 179 8 , came to this 
country in 1831, and took up parts of Lots 2 and"3 in the 6th Range of Gore, He was 
Sergfant in Capt, AÌex. Johnstone's Company in the Rebellion of 1837, and lived here 
till he died, in August, 1846; his wife died in July, 1868. They had nine children, 
of whom two sons and four daughters grew up. 
Samuel, the youngest son, was married in February, 1845, to Margaret McCullough, 
of Gore. He and one of his brothers were also in Capt. Johnstone's Company in 
1837-38, and were at the burning of Grand Brulé. He also joined Capt, McKnight's 
Company of Rangers at its organization, and went with it to the various places to 
which it was ordered during the Fenian raids, Mr. Rothwell was for some time a 
School Commissioner, and has been Church 'Varden thirty-six years; he is the 
oldest Orangeman in the township, having belonged to the organization fifty years, 
and he has held all the offices in his Lodge. He has two sons and six daughters: 
two ot the latter are married. 
The sons, Andrew and Samuel, and one daughter, Eliza, live with their 
parents. Andrew is Lieutenant in Capt. Good's Company of Rangers, and is 
Secretary of the Orange Lodge. Though age prevents the performance of the labors 
they once enjoyed, Mr, and Mrs, Rothwell are fortunate in the possession of kind 
and intelligent children, to whom they have surrendered the management of their 
estate, which comprises 400 acres, with a good stock. 
There is a school house here and an Anglican Church building, which was 
erected in 1858 during the incumbency of Rev. Joseph Griffin at Lakefield-the 
latter place being the headquarters of the mission, 

43 8 



This municipality, which is very irregular in shape, is bounded, north by Morin 
and the County of Terrebonne, east by Morin and Terrebonne, south by Gore and 
the County of Two Mountains, and west by \Vcntworth and Howard. 
Like the other townships and parishes of Argenteuil, Mille Isles contains a num- 
ber of small lakes, well stocked with fish, and some of them are rendered attractive 
by picturesque scenery. A small stream known as Cambria River, whose source is 
in lakes in the parish of St. Sauveur and in Gore, flows through Mille Isles near the 
centre, illto the North River in the parish of St. Columban. 
The first settlers in Mille Isles were JOH
 and HENRY HAJ\lMOND, as is shown 
in a sketch in the history of Lachute. They lived in the north part of the parish 
some time, after other settlers came in, and, as they owned a yoke of oxen, in winter 
after heavy snowfalls they often kindly broke out the road past their neighbors' dwell- 
ings. Charles More says he recollects that, when he was a small boy, Henry Ham- 
mond, on his return home, after these hard trips of breaking roads, sometimes came 
into his father's house, and threw himself on the floor, before the bright fire in the fire- 
place, to rest. At such times it was a custom of a brother of Charles, older than 
himself, to steal out and use Hammond's oxen to haul wood, which, otherwise, he 
had to draw on a hand sled. 
The old settlers of Mille Isles, who are still alive, all have their stories of hard 
work, performed in winter's cold and summer's heat, and ofttimes with but a scant 
supply of e-.-en coarsest fare. It will be recollected that it was in Mille Isles Carruthers 
made two barrels of potash on a diet of potatoes and water, All the different 
methods of conveying grists to and from the mill, which were adopted by early settlers 
in older localities, were here repeated, John Hammond, for want of a horse, once 
brought a grindstone weighing 80 lbs. on his back from Lachute-20 miles. A man 
named James Good, called" Little Jim," to distinguish him from another man known 
as "Big Jim," once started to carry tWO bushels of corn on his back to the house of 
a man, who had kindly offered to take it with his own grain to the mill at Lachute. 
The distance to his neighbor's dwelling was long, but " Little Jim" bravely bore his 
load of 120 lbs. two miles, when, in crossing a stream on a log, the well filled sack 
fell off into the water. The poor fellow then had nothing to do but fish it out and 
return with it to his house. 
A Post-office was established in Mille Isles many years ago, \Villiam Pollock 
ng the first Postmaster; Mr. \Vestgate is the present one, 
WILLIAM GOOD, from the County of Cork, Ireland, in 1847 took up 300 acres of 
land in Gore, adjoining Mille Isles; he lived on it till his death, 23rd October, 1878. 
He had three sons and one daughter, of whom one son, Philip, and the daughter, 
Mrs. Samuel Pollock, are now living. Philip Good now owns the homestead, and has 
bought 150 acres adjoining it in Mille Isles, on which he has lived many years; he is 
much respected in the parish. He was in Capt. McKnight's Company of Rangers 
during the Fenian raids, ha.s been School Commissioner, Municipal Councillor, and 
an active promoter of all local improvements. He is a staunch supporter of the 
Methodist Church, of which also he is one of the cJass leaders, and a trustee, 
His son, \Yilliam Henry, who is married and lives with him, is also active in 
Church work, 



SAMUEL CAMPBELL, from the County of Derry, Ireland, about 1837, took up 200 
acres of land in this parish, which land is now owned by his son John; he died in 
May, 1875. He had six sons and two daughters that grew up. 
Thomas, his third son, learned the blacksmith's trade, and after working some 
time in Montreal, returned to Mille Isles and was married in February, 186 7, to 
Esther Lee of Lachute. He was a man of intelligence, aud held prominent local 
positions, and belonged to the Orange Order, as his father had also, His first wife, 
by whom he had two boys and one girl, died in September, 1872. About a year 
afterward he married Mary Riddle of this parish, by which marriage he had one 
son and one daughter. 
Samuel, the youngest of his filst wife's children, learned his father's trade, and, 
after spending two years in New Hampshire, returned in October, 1893. He has 
erected a fine shop in a central location, and his thriving business, with his energy, 
indicates that he is one of the risil1g young men of the parish, 
MATTHEW HAMMOND, from the County of Cavan, heland, settled in the east 
part of Gore in 1830, and lived there the remainder of his life, He had four sons 
and three daughters, who arrived at maturity. In 1840, his eldest son, James, also 
came with his family, and settled in .Mille Isles on 200 acres, which is now owned by 
James Patterson. He arrived in June, and on the 17th of the fo11cwing month his 
wife was suddenly seized with illness, and died within two hours. 
The 11ext summer, towards evening one day, he started out with his little son, 
David, to look for his cows. They lost their way in the woods, wandered into 
Morin, which was then an unbroken wilderness, and, finally, came out in St. Colum- 
ban, ten miles distant, in a direct line from home. There, at Phelan's store, Mr, 
Hammond learned where they were. In their wanderings they had traveled many 
miles in a circuitour. route, and though they came to a shanty or two in the forest, 
they could learn nothing, as they contained only women, who could not speak 
English j and, indeed, they were too much frightened at the appearance of a stranger 
to say anything. The lost man and boy were absent three days, and their neighbors 
had been out searching for them in all directions. 
Ir. Hammond had the honor of 
owning the first wheeled vehicle in 
1 iHe Isles, which was a cart. After the death of 
his wife, he married Nancy Pollock of GOIe, by which marriage he had ten children 
that grew up. By the first marriage, he had six sons and one daughter; the latter 
was married to Philip Good; the sons, also, settled in this section. Mr. Hammond 
died in 1874. 
James, his second son, three years after coming to .Mille Isles, began work on Lots 
21 and 22, 3rd Range, on which he now lives-at that time covered with 
forest. He has cleared 160 acres, which he chopped nearly all himself. The old arch 
where he made potash, and earned his first money, may still b
 seen in his meadow, 
a poplar tree, 18 inches in diameter, growing close beside it. He was married 13 th 
August, 1845, to Matilda, daughter of Henry 
fl1xweH of Mille Isles. Mr. Hammond, 
as well as his neighbors, during a11 the early years of his pioneer life, had to go to 
Lachute to get a horse shod; and all his loads were drawn on the "slide car," the 
most primiti\"e of all means for conveying loads. He belonged to Capt. Pollock's 
Company of Rangers, and has served as Municipal Councillor and valuator. He has 
had twelve children, of whom six sons and fi,'e daughters are living. 1\1r. Hammond 
has good farm buildings, a goodly number of horses, cattle and sheep, and though 
the labor he has performed during the last half century seems enough to wear out 
any human frame, he still can accomplish in a day an amount of work from which 
most young men would shrink. , 

44 0 


'VILLlAM, his youngest brother, by his father's first marriage, was married 11th 
October, 1860, to Rebecca Ford, He owns 100 acres-Lot 28, 2nd Range, and 100, 
near it, in the 1st Range, He j()ined Capt. Pollock's Co, of Rangers, was 
Councillor some time, and is now a School Commissioner. 
CHRISTIE CARRUTHERS, from Fermanagh County, Ireland, came to Chatham 
about 1830, and was emlJloyed in different places for a few years; but died while 
engaged at work, some distance from home. After his death, his family, consisting 
of his wife, four sons and three daughters, came to Mille Isles, where the sons and one 
daughter always remained. Matthew, the second son, settled on a wild lot in the east 
part of this parish, which is now owned by his youngest son, Valentine. He married 
Ellen Matthews, and lived on this land till his death in 1890. He was one of those 
who joined the Rangers at their organization, and was with them during the Fenian 
raids. He had six childlen-three of each sex-\\'ho grew up, though one of the daugh- 
ters is now deceased, \Villiam, his eldest son, married Elizabeth Ford 30th August, 
1881, and lives on a farm of 300 acres near the homestead, on which farm is a small 
body of water known as "Carruthers' Lake." 
Mr. Carruthers has been a Ranger, and is another of the hardy pioneers who, 
with but his hands and head for capital, entered the forest and made for himself a 
comfortable home, 
, who was stationed at Lakefield, was the first Church of 
England clergyman who came to Mille Isles, but he held only an occasional service, 
The Rev. H. B. \Vray, who came here about 1860, was the first minister of this 
denomination who was stationed here i the mission comprised Mille Isles and Morin, 
as it still does, Mille Isles being the head. Mr. \Vray built the church here which is 
still used, his first service in it being held 13th October, i861, It is a neat and 
commodious building, on high ground, and commands one of the most extensive and 
beautiful prospects in the country. Rev. Joseph Merrick succeeded Mr. \Vray, his 
first entry in the register of baptisms being 1st November, 1863; and a parsonage 
was built during his incumbency, 
The following is a list of the succeeding ministers who have been on this mission, 
with the date of their fIrst entries in the register: Rev. J. H. Dickson,3rdJuly, 1870; 
Rev. C, Boyd: 31st March, 1872 i Rev. Jas. Fox, 9th January, 1873 i Rev. Edward 
Archibald, loth January, 1875; Rev. C. Lummis, 23rd July, 1877 ; Rev. Josiah Ball, 
9th April, 1882; Rev. Chas. Trottman, 28th November, 1886, 
R. F. Taylor came next, as lay reader; his first entry as incumbent was 15th 
April, 1889 ; Rev. Jas. Elliott, 4th November, 1892 ; Rev. Henry Arthur :Meek, 1st 
October, 1893. 
The REV. MR. MEEK, the present incumbent, was born in Darby County, 
England, in 1860. After spending eight years in teaching in public and private 
schools, he came to this coulltry in 1883, and was educated for the ministry at the 
Diocesan Theological College, Montreal, being ordained in 1887. He was married 
in 1889 to Janet Maria, daughter of H. Budden, Quebec. His former charges were 
Glen Sutton, in 1887 j Buckingham, in 1889. Mr, Meek is an energetic young man; 
a fluent speaker, profound reasoner, and his affability and liberal principles have 
made him popular with all. 
At no great distance from this church are the church and manse of the Presby- 
terian body in Mille Isles. Rev. John Irvine was the first resident clergyman of this 
denomination, and he settled here in 1863. His pastorate continued through a period 
of I7 years, up to 1880, when he resigned. During nearly the whole of the next 
decade the church was supplied by theological stud;nts. In 1889 the Rev. S, F. 



McCusker Lecame pastor; he at once, with a good deal of energy, began to collect 
funds for the erection of a church, which object he accomplished after extensive 
travelling for the purpose. 
He also was the means of erecting another church in the County of Terrebonne, 
on the border of Mille Isles, some of the congregation of Mille Isles residing in that 
county, This is called Knox Church of Cote St. Gabriel. In 1893 IvIr. McCusker 
removed to another place, and was succeeded by the REV. JOHN MCCARTER, the 
present pastor, He was born in Scotland, and educated at the High School and 
University of Glasgow. In 1862 he went to South Africa, by invitation of the Dutch 
Reformed Church, and was settled in charge of one of their congregations, in Natal, 
till 1874. In 1869 he published a small volume, entitled" The Dutch Reformeå Church 
of South Africa "-an interesting and well written historicai sketch, which shows that 
Mr. McCarter possesses no slight degree of literary ability. This work, afterward 
remodelled by him, in Dutch, was published in Switzerland in 1876. 
Mr. McCarter returned to Scotland in impaired health, and ill 1877 came to 
Canada, and for some years had charge of a Presbyterian congregation in Redbank, 
N.B. Since 1887 he has been occupied with home mission work. 
The first !\lethodist minister who labored to any extent in MiHe Isles was the 
Rev, Arthur \Vhiteside, who began holding a series of revival meetings in No. 2 
School-house, in March, 1877, and, it is said, many were converted under his preach- 
ing. After thi:; he held service in School-house NO.3, till the erection of a church, 
Immediately after the revival, land for a church site was given by Robert Beat.tie, 
who also contributed liberally towards the erection of the building. Chief among 
the other contributors were Henry Hammond, \Villiam Good, Philip Good, Rev, 
David Megahy, \Villiam Kerr, Valentine 
wail and James Thompson, 
After the completion of the church, which was in the fall of 1878, the inhabitants 
living adjacent to it, of all denominations, generously helped to pay the debt which 
still remained. It was dedicated near Christmas of 1878, by the Rev, T, Pitcher. 
Mr. Whiteside left in June, 1879. He was a man of great energy, a sincere 
Christian, and he won much credit for the way in which he prosecuted his labors, in 
the face of many discouragements. The following is a list of his successors, with the 
time they remained on the circuit-the head of which, it will be remembered, is 
Lakeneld :-Rev, William Smith, 2 years; Rev. F. \V. A. l\1yer. 1 year; Rev. Job 
Roadhouse, 3 years; Rev. \Y. "\tV. 'Veese, 3 years j Rev. T. J. Wilkinson, 2 years; 
Rev. T. BroWi1, 2 years; Rev.]. Holt Murray, 3 years. Rev. A. S, Morrison is the 
present l


A post-office was established here with the above name in 1872, and the late 

Ir. Stuart was appointed Postmaster. 
HENRY MAXWELL came with his family from the Count}' of Derry, Ireland, to 
:\Iille Isles, in 1837, and took up 200 acres, A few years hter he took up 100 acres 
more, adjoining this. He lived here till his death, about a quarter of a century ago, 
and was a member of Capt. Evans' Company in the Rebellion of '37. He had three 
sons and two daughters-all but one of whom grew up. John, his second son, 
married Mary Taylor, August 6th, 1863, and settled on the homestead, which now 
contains 300 acres, with the indications of thrifty and successful management. :\Ir, 
:MaxwelJ joined Capt. Pollock's Company of Rangers, and was with it at the time of 
the Fenian raids; he also has been a member of 
he Municipal Council and School 
Board several years; has been valuator, and, for a long time, member of the Orange 
Lodge, Mrs. Maxwell died 18th February, 1887, 

44 2 


Only two of their children-sons-are living, Thomas, the younger, is in the 
States; 'Villiam, the elder, who was married 4th January, 1888, to Mary Elliott, lives 
on the homestead, \Vhen Mr. Henry Maxwell came to Mille Isles, there were but few 
families living here. Thomas Woods, from Ireland, who still has descendants here, 
was about the first to arrive j he and Samuel Moore had been here about two years 
before the arrival of Mr. Maxwell. 
\VILLIAM STUART came from near Coleraine, County of Derry, Ireland, to 
Canada, in June, 1843, and the same fall took up 200 acres in the west part of 
:Mille Isles. He was appointed Postmaster in 1872, and was School Commissioner 
and Secretary-Treasurer of the 1\1 unicipal Council several years. He died 12th 
January, 1877, aged 69-a man of intelligence, who was greatly missed. He had 
two sons and two daughters, but only one son, William, and his sister Rachel, who 
live on the homestead, are now alive, . 
William succeeded to the offices held by his father, viz. : Postmaster and Secre- 
tary-Treasurer of the Council and Secretary-Treasurer of the School Board, but he 
resigned all in a few years, so that he might devote himself more fuBy to his other 
la bors, 
:\IATTHEW STRONG, Mayor of Mille Isles, who has considerable property here, 
received the Post-office on the resignation of Mr. Maxwell, and still retains it. 
'Villiam Strong, his father, carne from Sligo, Ireland, to Gore, arriving loth July, 
183 0 . He took 100 acres in the 5th range, and subsequently bought 4 00 more 
adjoining it. He opened a store and started an ashery and distillery on his 
premises, soon after his arrival; the use of the latter, however, he abandoned after a 
brief interval. The two former continlled till 1859, when he bought the saw mill in 
Mille Isles, of the Seigneur, J. L. de Bellefeuille, and two lots of land, with a water- 
power privilege of \Villiam Stuart, and erected a grist mill. Mr. Strong was a 
prominent man in this section of the county, and was a Councillor before the present 
municipal system was established, and a School Commissioner in Gore many years. 
He died 30th November, 1881, aged 83 i Mrs. Strong died loth July, 188 5, also 83. 
Their children, who arrived at maturity, were four sons and three daughters. 

latthew, the youngest son, in his earlier years, went to Iowa, and bought a farm 
located near the railway station in Pomeroy; but, from the conviction that he could 
do better financially in this country, he returned and succeeded to the milling busi- 
ness of his father. He was married 15lh July, 1874, to Martha Beckham, one of the 
intelligent daughters of Lachute, He has been very successful in business, and his 
enterprise has been of much benefit to Mille Isles. In addition to his grist mill and 
saw mill, he has a planer, and manufactures shingle and lath-in short, prepares all the 
lumber required for building, and, as he has purchased a thousand acres of timbered 
land, he is well prepared to supply any local demand for lumber. 
:\lr. Strong is one of the martial-looking Rangers, whose appearance has won so 
many compliments for the Battalion i he joined Capt. Sherritt's Company No, 6, 3.S 
Ensign, at its organization, and still holds the position. Besides being Postmaster, he 
has been for a long time a member of the School Board, the Chairmanship of which he 
declined, and has been Mayor of the parish 24 successive years. 
SAMUEL MOORE, from Connaught, Oounty of Mayo, Ireland, settled in Mille Isles 
about the year 1837, taking up 200 acres of land near the centre of the parish. 
was a Volunteer during the Rebellion of 1837-38, and was at Grand Brule; he dIed 
about the year 1880. He had six sons and six daughters; the latter and four of the 
former are now living j two of the dang hters, married, live in this section. 



Charles, his eldest son, lives on a farm of 250 acres, near the homestead, with 
good buildings, and all the comforts of a successful farmer. He joined Capt. Sherritt's 
Company of Rangers, and was at St. Johns, Cornwall, etc., during the Fenian raids, 
THOMAS M. \VILSON, a substantial farmer, lives in this section. His father,James 
\Vilson. came from East Kilbride, Lanarkshire, Scotland, to Canada about 1825. He 
was a baker by trade, and he started in this business at Chambly Basin, and during 
the Rebellion supplied the Commissariat Department of the loyal forces stationed 
there with bread, and also with wood, and did a successful business. Soon after com- 
ing to this country, he married Janet Hislop of Isle aux Noix. They had one son 
and two daughters who are still living. Mrs. \Vilson died about 1834- A year or two 
afterward, he married Ann Jane Walker, of Montreal, by which marriage he had four 
sons and one daughter who grew up. A few years after the Rebellion, he removed to 
Montreal, where he followed his trade about ten years. His wife died in June, 18 5 2 , 
and the next year, having a daughter living in Mille Isles who was married to Richard 
lullen, he brought his son, Thomas 1\1., to Mille Isles to live with them. About a 
year later, the father came, and in 1857 he and the son settled on a farm of 200 acres 
which the latter now owns. The father died here, 3rd July, 1868. ' 
Thomas married, 25th January, 1865, Annie Haney of Lake fi eld. He was a 
member of Capt. Sherritt's Company of Rangers, and had all its varied experiences; 
he was a member of the Orange Lodge and has been on the School Board for twenty 
years, and is now Chairman; he is also an Elder in the Presbyterian Church. Mr. 
lrs. \Vilson have had twelve children, of whom two sons and six daughters are 
now living. 

The original boundary of Morin as given in the Surveyor's Report is as fol- 
lows :-All that tract or parcel of land bounded and abutted as follows: on the 
northeast, partly by the township of Doncaster, partly by the township of \Vexford, 
and partly by the township of Abercrombie; on the south-east, partly by the town- 
ship of Abercrombie, and partIy by the Augmentation of the seigniory of l\Iille Isles; 
and on the west, partly by the township of Beresford, partly by the projected town- 
ship of Howard, and partly by the township of \Ventworth,-11lÙzuS that part 
comprised in Ste. Agathe and Ste. Adele. 
But the following Act was assented to in 1881 :-" \Vhereas, according to the 
provisions of chapter of the Consolidated Statutes for Lower Canaja, regulating the 
division of Lower Canada into counties, the county of 
\rgenteuil includes that por- 
tion of the township of 
Iorin, situate to the south-west of the line between the lots 
numbers twenty-four and twenty-five of aU the ranges of that township, and that a 
part of the county of Terrebonne is bounded by the line between lots Nos. twenty- 
six and twenty-five of the same township; and whereas the said lots, that is to say, 
No. twenty-five of the ranges I, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the said township of Morin, 
thus form part of both the counties of Argenteuil and Terrebonne, i
 is necessary to 
rectify the said boundaries. Therefore, Her .Majesty, by and with the advice and 
consent of the Legislature of Quebec, enacts as follows: 
"Sub-section 14 of section I of chapter seventy-five of the Consolidated Statutes 
for Lower Canada is amended by strik;ng out the words :!6 and 25, in the fifteenth 
line of the said sub-section, and substituting therefor the words 24 and 25." 




Morin, like Mille Isles, was settled in part by those who had first started as 
pioneers in Gore or other older townships, but quite a number of the early settlers 
were direct from the Old Country. Like Mille Isles, also, the land is very uneven 
and stoney, yet the farms are not few that produce fine crops and sustain a large 
stock. The inhabitants are all in comfortable circumstances, and not only moral, 
but much interested in the different churches to which they belong; quite a propor- 
tion of them, through the efforts of Evangelists, being most actively engaged in 
religious work. 
The first settlers in Morin were Joseph, John and Thomas Seale, brothers from 
Connaught, Ireland. They first settled in Lachute, but about the year 1850 they 
came to this township and took up land in the first range; they lived here the re- 
mainder of their days. 
GEORGE HAMILTON, originally from t.he County of Cavan, Ireland, came here 
from Gore in 1852. He was a man of ability, a good speaker at the hustings, and 
soon became a leader in the township. He was Postmaster in Bretoilville, a. Justice 
of the Peace many years, and was appointed Superintendent of Bridges by the Pro- 
vincial Legislature; he also served some time as Mayor of Morin, 
JAMES and LAWSON KENNEDY from County of Monaghan, Ireland, came to 
this country in 1847, and settled in Morin in 1850, The former, James Kennedy, 
first went to Port Hope, Ont., where he spent three years, He died in Morin in 
1890, leaving four sons and fonr d2ltghters; two of each sex settled in Morin. 
WILLIAM GILMOUR, an old soldier without family, also was one of the pioneers 
who lived and died here. 
ARCHIBALD DOHERTY from l\Iovale, Donegal, Ireland, came to C;1nada in 1846, 
and after living seven years in Sha\\ bridge and vicinity, in 1852, bought parts of 
Lots 44 and 45, 1st Range-2oo acres-in Morin on which he still lives. He was 
marrieil 4th Novemher, 1848, to Elizabeth, daughter of Benjamin Robinson, of 
There were only three acres of his land cleared at the time he settled on it, and 
though he had a horse he soon h2d to sell him from lack of hay in the place to feed 
him. The only roads in Morin then were scarcely visible footpaths, and everything 
required by the settlers had to be brought in on the back. For two or three seasons 
after selling his horse, Mr. Doherty had to plant all his seed-grain, as well as vege.t- 
ables, with a hoe, but being a good type of the pioneers who came to win, he did not 
despair, and to-day has his land cleared up, a good stock of cattle. with comfortable 
buildings in which to house them. He and his wife have experienced many hard- 
ships, bnt now enjoy the comforts they have nobly earned, 
Mr. Doherty is a man of intelligence, a great reader, and has served as Munici- 
pal Councillor many years; he was also for some time Sergeant of a Cor.Jpany of Ran- 
gers. He is an active member of the Methodist Church, and is always glad to do any- 
thing that may contribute to the promotion of the Christian cause. 
They have had ten children-four sons and six daughters; only two of the former 
are now living. The daughters are all married, one of whom lives in Manitoba, the 
rest in this sectionj Archibald, the youngest son, now has the management of the home- 
JOHN REILLY, from the County of Cavan, Ireland, with his family, settled in Gore, 
about 1834. His son John was married to Martha Clarke, August 15, 1853. She 
came to this country from the County of :ðIonaghan, Ireland, with her father in 1848, 



The ship" Miracle," on which they sailed, was wrecked near the Magdalen Islands, and 
eighty of the passengers and crew were drowned. About 1854, Mr, Reilly settled in 
Morin, where he and his wife still live ; they have five sons and two daughters, The 
latter live in Montreal, three of the sons are in Manitoba, one in Toronto and the 
other in the States. 
'VILLIAM ,V ATCHORN, nephew of the one of the same name who settled in Morin 
in 1852, came flOm Ardoin, County of Wicklow, Ireland, to this country in 1860. The 
next decade, he was employed at different times by Colonel Barron, of La chute, Rev. 
\Vm. Abbott of St. Andrews, Commissary Forbes of Carillon, and 
fr. Robertson of 
Isle aux Chats, and then, about 1870, he bought 50 acres of land in the first Range in 
Morin, and has since bought 200 acres more adjoining it. Before leaving Ireland, he 
juined a regiment caHed The Carlow Rifles. and was with it as Sergeant five years; 
this Regiment subsequently saw service in the Russian war. He joined the Argen- 
teuil Rangers at their organization, and has been with them at all the different places 
wh(:re they have since been on duty, He was Sergeant Major sixteen years, and in 
1893 was made first Lieutenant, For long and efficient service, Mr. 'Vatchorn surely 
deserves the medal which was Jong since promised the Volunteers, but which pl'omise 
as yet has not been fulfilled. He was married in 1870 to Catherine O'Brien, of 
Brownsburg; they have had ten children, of whom one son is deceased, Mr. 
'Vatchorn is a staunch churchman, and has been churchwarden. 


This is the name given to a part of the township which more nearly approaches 
a level than any other portion, but with the exceptioñ of a few acres which border the 
stream flowing through it, the land here is quite the reverse of flat. As it recedes 
from the stream it rises more or less abruptly in almost every direction, is broken by 
hills of various degrees of height and irregularity of surface. The soil, however, is 
good and the herds of cattle that graze on the hillsides and the number of commo- 
dious barns in view show that the energy of the settlers has not been expended here in 
The .Montfort Colonization Railway, which is to be constructed through \Vent- 
worth to Arundel, passes through 
10rin Flats, and wili be of inestimable value to 
this whole section of country, located as it is so far from the chief market of the pro- 
vince, and with which it has heretofore had no convenient means of reaching. 
WILLIAM }EKYLL was one of the pioneers from Ireland who settled in Gore, and 
be died there. After his death, his family, consisting of his widow, a son Isaac and 
a daughter, came to Morin, and took up Lots 38 and 39 in the 3rd Range, That 
they were here at a very early date is obviuus, fl'om the fact that Isaac J ekyll pre- 
sented one of these lots to James Kennedy to induce him to settle on it that he might 
have a neighbor. 
Mr. J ekyll was a nun of ability and great enterprise; not long after coming to 
:Morin, he organized an Orange Lodge, of which he became Ma.ster, and held the posi- 
tion till his death, I uh February, 1894. He wa" married in 1856 to 
1atilda Stapleton 
of St, Sauveur. 
A post office was first established in Morin at what was called Britonville. Ie. 
May, 1877. one was established in Morin Flats, and Mr. Jekyll was appointed Post- 
master, He always took an active interest in municipal matters, and for about 20 
years was Mayor of the Municipality, he was also Secretary-Treasurer of the Council 
and School Board for some time, and was a Justice of the Peace for many years, He 

44 6 


enlisted earJy as a Ranger, and during the :Fenian raids was Sergeant in Company 
NO.3-Capt. McKnight's-and after the Captain's death :Mr. Jekyll was promoted to 
his position, September 29th, [882, and subsequently to the rank of Junior Major. 
He had two sons and two daughters. Henry, the second son, who is now Rector 
of St. Mary's Church, Hochelaga, on the promotion of his father to a higher rank, 
succeeded to the Captaincy of Company No, 3. 
WILLIAM H., the eldest son, was also one of the Rangers, and wa
 bugler in 
Companies Nos. 3 and 8 j he was married in February, 1886, to Margaret Jane 
Stevenson. His father opened a store at this place in 1884, and \Villiam now con- 
tinues the trade, and has also succeeded to the former!s position as Postmaster, He 
is a gentleman whose inteJ1igence, public spirit and genial nature render a worthy 
successor, and one we]) fitted to fi]] the void in social and business life created by his 
father's demise. He is loyal to the Church of England, and is one of the Church 
'Vardens of this place. - 
WJLLIAM WATCHORN, a brother of Frank mentioned in the sketch of Louisa, 
came with him to Gore, and settled in 1833. In 1852, \Vj)]iam came to Morin: where 
he spent his last days, He was twice married, by which marriages he had four sons 
and two daughters. Joseph, his second son, by his last wife, was married, 11th Septem- 
ber, 1867, to Deborah Ann, daughter of Valentine Swail, noticed in the history of 
\Ventworth, and he settled on a farm of 200 aCles near the homestead, which he 
had bought in 1865. He has since bought a farm of 160 acres in Manitoba, which is 
in charge of his two sons, WiJ1iam J, and Valentine Henry. 
Mr. \Vatchorn is an active member of the Methodist Church, and has held a11 
the different offices in it, and is now steward; he has also been a member of the 
School Board many years, Mrs, \Vatchorn is also a devoted member of the Church 
and zealous in the observance of the Golden Rule, They have three sons and two 
daughters; one son is stj)] with his parents, and the daughters are employed as type- 
writers-one in Montreal, the other in Manitoba. 
Abram, a brother of Joseph \Vatchorn, lives on the homestead, and is also one 
of the influential men of Morin Flats, and a pillar of the Methodist Church, 
The miJ]s of the NEWTON BROTHERS are a very important factor in the business 
of Morin, JOHN NEWTON, from Connaught, Ireland, came to 
'Iontreal about 1830. 
He \Vas employed as foreman by Da\Ve, the brewer, and died in that city about 1836. 
He left two sons and two daughters. His widow came to \Ventwonh, when she 
married \ViJJiam Watchorn, and spent her days there, John, her youngest son by 
her first marriage, carne to Lachule at J 2 years of age, to learn the trade of blacksmith. 
After folJowing this trade a while, he opened a 
hop at Stonefield, where he manufac- 
tured plows. In T855, 6th September, he was married to Isabella Kidd, and three 
years later he mo'"ed to Morin. He opened a store here, bought 500 acres of land, 
on which he kept a dairy of 30 cows, and erected the first mill built in Morin, He 
lived here 18 years, during which he served as Justice of the Peace, School Trustee, 
and, for a time, as Mayor of the township. Mr, Newton has been a man of much 
activity and enterprise, and has erected mi11s in various parts of the county. 
Mr. and Mrs. Newton have had eleven children, of whom four sons and four 
daughters are now living, One of their sons met a sad death by drowning at his saw 
mill in \Ventwonh. Mary, one of their daughters, married to Arthur Davis, lives on 
the homestead in Morin. Mr. Newton, for a few years past, has resided in Lachute, 
These mills in Morin are now owned by two sons of Mr. Newton, John a.nd 
Albert E. j the former has the grist mill and planing mill, the latter, the saw mil!. 
John Newton, after spending two years at the \Vesleyan College, returned to thIS 
place in the spring of 1894, to co-operate with his brother in the management of the 



mills. They have replaced an the old machinery with new, and have added a new 
feather-edge clap-board machine, the only one in this section of coun
ry, and also 
have an improved shingle mill. Their water wheels are of the most improved pattern, 
and with new build:ngs and entire new machinery\ they are well prepared to do a 
large amount of business. The motor power for these mills is supplied by a rapid 
stream of considerable volume-the outlet of lakes in \Ventworth. At the point 
where the mills are located it makes a descent of many feet over a solid ledge of 
rocks, fOlming, especially in high water, a scene of wild grandeur, and supplying 
immense and exhaustless water-power. The proximity of the new railway affords a 
ready market for all the lumber manufactured here, and everything augurs a suc- 
cessful business for the young men whose capital is here invested, and the prospect 
is not a little enhanced by their genial manner, upright principles, and great energy, 
Albert E. was married, 2nd July, J 890, to ì\lary Ann, daughter of \Villialn Boyd of 
Mille Isles. He takes contracts for building, all the lumber for which is supplied 
and fully prepared at their mill. 
The Anglican and Methodist are the only church edifices in Morin, both of 
which are located at Morin Flats. 
The REV. JOSEPH GRIFFIN was the first Church of England clergyman who 
labored in Morin. The present church building was erected during the incumbency 
of Rev. H. B. \Vray, and Morin and Mille Isles being in one Mission, as stated in 
the history of Mille Isles, the ministers who have supplied it have already been 
The first work in Morin in connection with Methodism was commenced in 
1853 by the Rev. 
Ir. Coleman, who preached on alternate weeks at the house of 
James \Vestgate. This continued about a year, when a minister was sent specially 
for the place, since which regular weekly service has been maintained, In 1866 a 
church was built during the pastorate of Rev, Erastus Currie, The pri.ncipal sub- 
scribers to this work were the lale George Hamilton, a local preacher, Robt. Newton, 
John Newton, Cornelius Brown, Charles, Richard and John Seale,jun.,Joseph,
and Francis \Vatchorn, Archibald Doherty, sen., John Davis, James \Vestgate, John 
Burns and Matthew Hammond. This church was burnt about [880, and soon 
\Vard, during the ministry of Rev. John Lawrence, a subscription was taken for 
a new one, and the present church was completed in 1882. The chief contributors 
were William Sloan, merchant of St. Sauveur, the late Robert Newton, Jos. and 
Abram Watchorn, John Newton, sen., all the Seales, Cornelius Brown, Archibald 
Doherty, David and Ebenezer Christie, James \Vestgate, William Burns, John Con- 
nolly, John Davis, 1'hos, Dale anà John Hammond. The REV. 
fR. ALLlsoK is the 
present minister in charge of this church, 


Arundel is bounded on the north by De Salaberry, east by 
{onlcalm, south by 
Harrington, and west by 
-\mherst and Ponsonby, of Ottawa COUlllY, 
Up to 1857, Arundel was a terra incognita; not a man had located there for the 
purpose of making a home; the only individuals who had penetrated its wilds were 
hunters and trappers, or lumbermen dri" ing their logs through the many turns and 
over the cataracts of the Rouge. 

44 8 


STEPHEN JAKES BEVIN is said to have been the first white man who came into 
this township, and he had lived so long with the Indians, and followed so closely 
their mode of life, that he was more generally regarded as belonging to the red men 
than to the Anglo-Saxon race. He was a hunter and trapper, and traded largely wit
the Indians, and in the pursuit of this vocation he frequently traversed many square 
leagues of territory along the Ottawa, becoming familiar with all the streams and 
lakes with which it abounds. He was born in England. but came very early to this 
country with his father, and in some way had opportunity to become so famjliar with 
the Indian tongue that he was employed by the Hudson Bay Company as interpreter 
and clerk. While thus acting, he had ample oppOltunity to see that large IJrofits 
accrued to those who purchased the products of the chase from the Indians, and 
realizing that he might enjoy a share of these profits, he left his employers, started 
trade on his own account, and added to it the profit and pleasure resulting from his 
own labor as hunter and trapper. In 1822 he first entered what is now the township 
of Arundel, proceeding up the Rouge, and built a shanty and storehouse, which served 
as his trading post, at the junction of the creek which now bears his name with the 
Rouge. This place is now the site of the mills of the Oblat Father
Bevin's object in locatinr; here was to intercept the Indians as they came down 
the Rouge laden with furs, for which they were se
king a market. Meeting them 
here, so far from the pale of civilization, and beyond the route of other traders, Bevin 
had a decided advantage, Game, too, was abundant here, and as the lakes and 
streams provided vrofitable trapping, his location seemed to have been happily 
The stream known as Bevin's Creek is the outlet of Bevin's Lake, a most beauti- 
ful body of water, six miles lor.g, with an average breadth of a mile. Thus it will be 
seen, this Jake and its outlet form a lasting memorial of the old hunter who lived so 
long upon their shores. 
Of the. very early history of Bevin we are in somewhat of a mystery, though it is 
said his father, whose name also was Stephen, once ownt d a ropewalk in Quebec, 
and that he was killed in Belleville, Ont., by getting caught in the machinery of a 
grist mill, which he had erected on contract, The son, 3fter leaving the Hudson Bay 
Company, had a partner in his business, at least some of the time, and one year, 
which they regarded as their most plOfitable, they killed, besides many other animals, 
! 80 deer and 40 beaver, Bevin dieJ in this 
ection in 1886, at the house of his 
youngest son, George, at the aged of 87. He had five sons and one daughter. 
Stephen It, one of the sons, in early youth evinced a strong desire to fullow the 
exciting vocaâon of his father, and, as :his desire was soon intensified by the shooting 
of a bear, he persisted in his object, and has since had the pleasure of spending many 
years in hunting and trapping. Though now well advanced in years, every fall finds 
him seeking hunting grounds remore from settled districts, where he is more or less 
The first actual setter in Arundel was 'VILLlA
, who locat<;d here in 
March, 1857, having purchased of Sidney Bellingham, l\l.P.P., who owned a large 
quantity of wild land in the township, 300 acres-Lots 10, I I and 12 in the 2nd Range. 
Mr. Thomson came to this country from Gla"gow in 1828, and bought a farm in 
Lachute, with which he was engaged some years. In 1833, April 20th, he was 
married to Margaret Currie, a native of Greenock, Scotland, and soon afterward 
opened a general store at Vart's Cornel'. He abandoned this bu.,iness about 1846, 
to engage in teaching, which he followed successfully for the next twelve years, at 
Fpper Lachute, New Glasgow, Brownsburg and Relle Rivière. His remo\'alto 
A rundel is thus detailed by his son "'illiam, now Postma!)ter in this township: 



" In 
Iarch, 1857. we came to Arundel from Bene Rivière, where my father had 
been teaching for two years. He was induced to come by the representations of 
Sidney Bellingham, Esq., who was then member of Parliament for the county of 
Argenteuil, and very much interested in colonizing this township. At that time there 
was no road leading to Arundel, and aftcr leaving Lachute we passed through the 
rear of Chatham, Grenville, and a part of Harrington, and struck the River Rouge 
at Mr. James Millway's. Following up this stream, we reached the mouth of Bevin 
Creek, where a sman shanty had been built by :Mr. George Albright and his party, 
who had fmished a survey of the township a few weeks previous, The shanty, at the 
time of our arrival, wac; occupied by a man named Delorm, his wifè and two hired 
men-the men having be
n employed by !\Ir, Bellingham to build a home on the 
Fitzallan farm. The horses that brought us up, of which there were seven or eight, 
had to stand in the woods over night, lied to trees, with very little to eat, and the 
snow beneath them nearly three feet deep. The next morning, when the men who 
came up with us started to return. very )inle, I think, would have induced father to 
return with them,-indeed, I believe he was prevented from so doing only by his 
Scotch pride. 
" It may be of interest to some to know the names of those who assisted us in 
moving; they were 1\1 r. \ViJliam Drennan, John Smith, David McAdam, George N. 
All>right, the 
urveyor of this township, and poor Andrew Millar, who, though at that 
time a very clever man, has since died in a lunatic asylum. After they left we had a 
very lonesome time j none of us knew anything about bush farming, and conse- 
quently worked to great disadvan tage; but we learned it an in time, so that we 
succeeded in making a living, and in clearing up the farm." 
The nearest settler to Mr. Thomson, al this time, wac; Lachlan McArthur, of 
whom a sketch is given in the history of Grenville; he lived in Harrington Glen, 
about six miles distant. However hard the first few years of Mr. Thomson's exper- 
iences in Arundel may have been, he bore it bravely, and, with the help of his sons, 
soon had his forest land transformed into fruitful fields; before his death he had 
cleared 75 acres. As it was necessary that a Post-office should be established here, 
it was dfJl1e at once, and M r, 'I homson was appointed Postmaster-a position he 
held tin his death, 29th December, 1873. Subsequently he was appointed Crown 
Land .Agent, and, about 1860, Captain uf :\lilitia. Mrs. Thomson died 7th July, 
1885; they had two sons and four daughters who arrived at maturity. The homestead 
was divided between the two sons -John and \Villiam. 
'Villiam married, 3rd August, [8]6, 
fary Drennan, of L3.chute. He succeeded 
to the Post-office after his f.tther's death, and still has the position. He has been 
Secretary-Treasurer of the l\Iunicipal Council since 1877, and of the School Board 
since 1882, He is a gentleman of much industry, intelligence and public spirit. Of 
tpe daughters of the late William Thomson, the second one, Maggie, died 3rd Novem- 
her, r 8s9-the first death in the tuwnship. The eldest daughter, married to Henry 
Porter, lives in Brooklyn, N.Y, Agnes, the third daughter, married .l<..euben Cook, 
15 th 
Iarch, 1869; she died 3nl June, 18]5' l\Iary, the youngest, married \Vm. 
Staniforth in 1871. 
WILLIAM A1"D DAVID STANIFORTH, who arrived in the spring of 1858, were the 
next settlers in Arundel. Their father, George Staniforth, with his family of three 
sons and two daughters, came to Canada from Yorkshire England, in 18.15, and 
after spending a year or two in Montreal, came to the COl1l1\Y of Argenteuil. Soon 
afterward Mr, Staniforth and his son William purchased 700 acres ofland in Arundel, 
and in the spring of 18S8, as stated above, William, and David, his brother, bec3me 
pioneers in this tOWllShip. \Villiam was the first to take a wheel vehicJe into An.ndel, 

45 0 


and, though it was nothing more imposing than- a cart drawn by a yoke of oxen, it 
was an achievement of no little importance to its author, and elicited many congratu- 
lations. He started on this journey from Dalesville, and accomplished it after a 
variety of vexations and hardships of three days' duration. 
David Staniforth bought 250 acres, located at no great distance from that of his 
brother, and they cleared their land -by exchange of labor. In about ten years 
William had cleared 100 acres of his tract, during which he had manufactured 
many tons of potash, the greater part of which he sent to Montreal. Before the 
clearings became large, he found it difficult to raise buckwheat and corn, on account 
of the prevalence of frosts,-a drawback which disappeared as the country became 
cleared and settled. His first building was a shanty, but this was succeeded two 
years later by a house. In 1883 he erected a saw mill on his premises, and the 
foJlowing year a grist mill. It will be seen that Mr. Staniforth was a man of much 
en terprise and industry, and besides all the labor he perfurmed in clearing a large 
farm and building miIl
, he took a contract from Government for $2,500 for building 
a long bridge across the Rouge-a structure which is still in use, He was a servant 
of the public all the time he resided here, being a member of the :\Iunicipal Council 
and of the School Board, for some time 
Iayor of the former and Chairman of the 
latter. He was married to Mary, daughter of the late \Villiam Thomson, in 1873. 
His father followed him from Lachute soon after he went to Arundel, and died at his 
house in 1872; his mother died about 1880, His father, as will be seen on a suc- 
ceeding page, had been a local preacher, and did much for the call!
e of Methodism 
in Arundel. . 
In 1888 1\1r. William Staniforth sold his farm of 700 acres, mills, farming utensils, 
wagons, fifty head of cattle and six horses, to the Oblat Fathers, for $12,000. During 
the next three or four years he engaged in lumbering, and then bought a farm of 500 
acres in Lachute, where he is now engaged in fanning. He also has the oversight of 
the fine farm in Lachute of his brother Joseph, who died in 1892. \Villiam and 
two of his sisters are the only survivors of his father's famiiy. 
SAMUEL AND JAMES l\1CCRANDLE also settled in Arundel in 1858, and the 
:\IcCrandles are now among the enterprising and independent farmers of the town- 
CORAL COOKE, whose sons are among the leading men of the township, settled 

lere in 1859; he was the youngest son of Reuben Cooke, of whom a sketch is given 
111 the history of Grenville; in 1837 he married Euphemia Black, the sixth of a fJ.mily 
of seven daughter
. The following year he was with the Volunteers at St. Eustache, 
Having a farm in Hawkesbury, he lived there several years, and then bought 100 acres 
in the rear of Grenville, to which he removed III [846, Bequeathing the latter pur- 
chase to his eldest son Hugh, who still lives on it, in 1859, he moved to Arundel, 

vhere he had bought 700 acres, and erected a hOllst
-the second or third in number 
111 the township. He lived here till r Ith June
 1883, when he died at the age of iO; 
:\frs. Cooke died in February, 1892, Both wére devoted members of the Methodist 
Church, and their house was always a home for Methodist ministers. The farm was 
divided among four sons, Reuben, the second son, was first married to Agnes 
Thomson; she died 3rdJune, 1875, and 25th September, [877, he was married to Mary, 
daughter of the late Donald Loynachan, of Beech Ridge. 1\1.r. Cooke has a fine farm 
of 300 acres, with a large stock and all the buildings and farm implements which in
dicate successful farming; he has himself cleared I So acres of his land. Like his 
parents, he is an active supporter of Methodism, takes much interest in the Sabbath 
School, and héartily encourages any work calculated to promote the Christian cause. 
He was a School Commissioner a long time, and 
layor of the townshilJ nine years. 


45 1 

Samuel Cooke, a brother of Reuben, was married to Lizzie, daughter of the late 
Samuel Stewart of Grenville, 3rd November, 1873, and settled on 100 acres of his 
father's estate, He afterward purchased 100 more of his brother John, and now has 
a farm of good size, well cultivated and sustaining a large stock. In :\Iarch, 1893, he 
opened a store near his dwelling, and seems to be progressing as well in the mercan- 
tile as in the agricultural line. He has been a mem her of the Council and of the 
School Board a number of years. 
Adjacent to the two brothers noticed above
 resides their brother. John, on a good- 
sized productive farm. Like the others he is a respected citizen, and has an influence 
in local affairs. 
WILLIAM D. GRAHAM, JUN., is the present Mayor of Arundel, His father, bear- 
ing the same name, when a small boy, came from Ireland with his parents, who settled 
111 Gore. In 1853- he was married to Amanda Johnson, and some years afterward 
came into possession of her father's estate. About 1870, he bought 200 acres ofland 
in Arundel, on which his son Alexander now lives; a few later, he bought the 
farm of J 20 acres of Lots II and 12, 3rd Range, on which he has himself settled. He 
has spent much of his life in lumbering, and, regarded financially, his business has 
been quite successful. Four of his sons wbo live in Arundel are all enterprising, 
well-to-do farmers and respected citizens. 
\Villiam D. Graham, jun., was marrieù August 18th, 1880, to Euphemie 
McVicar, and the next spring he settled on the farm of 100 acres in Lots 13 and I..t, 
4th Range, where he still lives. In the same spring, 1881, he erected his present house 
and store, and commenced trade. He is a man of great energy and has devoted 
much time to lumbering; in the winter of 1893-94 he cut 20,000 logs. 
The only cheese factory in Arundel he and his brother Edward erected in 1893. 
He has also been a dealer to some extent in cattle, sheep and horses. A man of pub- 
pirit, he has no sympathy with the penny-wise policy, which Jetards pJogress j he 
has been a Municipal Councillor twelve years-nine of which he has been l\Iayor- 
and is Master of the Orange Lodge, a position which his father had previously 
held several years, 
Levi V. Graham, a brother of the above, was married 1]th July, 1889, to 
Eliza Morrison. He resides on a fine farm of 120 acres, which he purchased in 
1887, and on which he has made considerable improvement, and recently erected 
a large barn. In 1893, he bought another farm of 130 acres, well improved. He has 
all the improved farming implements, and devotes himself to agricultural pursuits in 
a manner which renders the vocation at once a pleasure and a profit. He is a mem- 
ber of the Orange Lodge and of the School Hoard. 
John Graham, brother to the two named above, was married 25th June, 
1876, to Emma Boyd, and the same year bought 200 acres, Lot 7, 2nd Range. in 
the north part of Gore. In ]891, he purchased 200 acres more adj:::lcent, in the 1st 
Range. In March of the same year, he suffered a serious loss by fire, his house and 
chief part of its contents being burnt, with no insurance. In August, 1894, he sold 
his property in Gore, and purchased a well improved farm of 300 acres in Arundel, 
in the 4th Range, The greater part of it is level and entirely free from stone, and on 
it are two good barns-the larger of which is 80 x 45 ft, He also has all the improved 
farm utensils and keeps a large stock of cattle, horses and sheep. While living in 
Gore, Mr, Graham was for 12 years a member of the 
Iunicipal Council; but though 
he desired to perform all the secu1ar duties of a citizen properly, his inclination
a number of years past have led him Lo engage more actively in religious work, He 
was appointed an exhorter by the official Board of the :\lethodist Church, was a 
member of the Camp Meeting Association, and a steward and class leader, He is 

45 2 


nt of the Sabbath School in the Methodist Church at Arundel, and at aU 
times is very much interested and actively engaged in Christian work. 
Among the several fine farms in Arundel is that of A. B, FILIO
, one of the 
prominent officials of Argenteuil residing iT. Grenville. In 1866, he came to Arundel, 
anò bought 600 acres of land which he still owns, though it is under the management 
of his son) Arthur 'V, Filion. At the time of purchase it was forest land, and Mr. 
Filion has cleared nearly 300 acres of it, and brought it into a good state of cultivation. 
The buildings erected on it are new, and the barn is a structure deserving the attention 
of farmers; it is 80 X 22 ft. with a high, well-lighted basement, and a stable attach
16 x 80 ft. It contains two good silos, and the stables have a constant supply of pure 
water provided by a hydraulic ram, The farm is located on a ridge between the 
valley of the Rouge and another ridge running parallel to it, something more than a 
mile to the eastward, so that the farm not only commands an extensive view of the 
surrounding country, but is itself conspicuous in the sight of many inhabitants. It 
sustains, at present, fifty head of cattle, eleven horses and forty sheep; and besides 
other fields of grain, sixty acres in the summer of J 894 were devoted to oats. 
.LUtES BENXETT, who owns and lives on a farm near the Anglican Church, is a 
son of one of the pioneers 0f Gore, and one who, for sixteen years from their organ- 
ization, served as Ranger. His father, James Bennett, came from the county of 
Cavan, Ireland, to Canada about 1820. After working a while on the Carillon and 
Grenville canals, he took up 100 acres of land in Gore, and was one of nineteen who 
were the first in that township to receive their patents, He married Catherine Mc- 
Fall. and lived in Gore till his death, about [883; his wife died three days after his 
own demise. They had eight children -four of each sex-that grew up. James, the 
youngest son, married twice-first, 8th January, 1867, to Annie L., daughter of the 
Rev. A. O. Ta}'lor; she died in November, J876, and he was then married 19th 
September, J 877, to An n ] ,we Nickson, of Grenville. He is by trade a carpen ter, and 
has followed it in Arundel since the year of his arrival, J 877 ; he bought his land, 100 
acres, in 1881, 
CHARLES :\fOORE, who lives here, is also the son ofa pioneer of Gore. His father, 
Charles Moore, came from Connaught, County of Mayo, Ireland, to Gore about 
1834, and took 100 acres in the 3rd Range, and a few year3 later he bought an ad- 
joining tract of 100 acres. Both of these he cleared up, and they are now owned 
and. occupied by his younge5t son
 Thomas .Moore. He was a Volunteer in J 837 ; 
he dIed in the spring of 1888, and 1\1r5. Moore in 1890. 
The son, Charles, when thirteen, was apprenticed to a blacksmith in Lachute, 
and has since followcd that trade. In February, 1854, he was married to Margaret 
Bennett; she died III ::\Iay, 1881, and in September, 1887, he married Sarah Ann 
Bevir:. In the spring of 1875, he moved to Arundel, and opened a blacksmith 
shop-the first in the township. He bought 16 acres of wild land, for which, on 
account of its location, he paid $10 per acre. He has had the misfortune to have 
two shops burned down since he Jived here, without insurance, He was connected 
with the Rangers some rear..., wa!' Sergeant of Company No, 5, and was with them 
o!1ths at Niagara. and was also at Cornwall, St. Johns, etc., in 1866. He was 
a M uI1IcIpa1 Councillor for some time, but resigned. By his two marriages he has 
fi,.'e s
ns and six daughters; Charles, his second son by the last marriage, lives 
wllh hIm. 
I . RIDDLE, from the County of Derry, Ireland, about the year J 848 took 
up 200 acres il1 the first Range of Lots in Milie Isles. In 1852, he married Mary 
Ann Curren, and not long afterward, gave one-half his land to his father, who had 



arrived in this country with the rest of the family; the father died there, but William 
Riddle still lives on the same farm, and has added to it another 100 acres. He has 
three sons and seven daughters, James, his second son, went to California in 
1876, and after an absence of ten years, returned, and in 188] bought ISO acres 
of land in Arundel-parts of Lots IS and 16 in the 6th Range; he has since spent 
about two years more in California. He was married, November 28th, 1883, to 
Maggie Moore, of Chatham, Que. In 1893 he added 100 acres of impioved land to 
his original farm, and his surroundings, and energetic, industrious habits attest that 
he is one of the rising farmers of Arundel. For some years he has been a Municipal 
Councillor and School Commissioner, 
About the year 183.h JAMES SCOTT came from Armagh. Ireland, with his family, 
and settled in East Frampton, Que.j he died there, about 187 I. He had six children 
-three of each sex, John Scott, his eldest son, was married to Ann McNeely, 25 th 
March, 1855. Her father, Robert J, McNeely, was a relation of the wife of Sidney 
Bellingham, M.P.P., and Mr. Bellingham gave him an interest for ten years in the 
5th, 6th and 7th Ranges of Lots in Arundel, and he settled here. His son-in-law, 
John Scott, also came a.nd bought 200 acres, Lot 13, in the 6th Range, of which 
before his death, 4th February, 1890, he cleared 75 acres. He was a man much 
respected for his kindness and benevolence, and was chaplain of the Orange Lodcre 
and a School Commissioner. He had twelve children, six of each sex, but only f;u; 
of each are now li\ ing, 
\Villiam, the second son, was m:uried 19th J nne, 1889, to l\Iary, eldest daughter 
of Thomas Dobbie of Lachute, He bought 100 acres of his father the year previous, 
and has since erected buildings and is making improvemen ts with an energy which 
foretells success. 
FREDERICK \V. BROWN is one of the individuals of this section who for some 
years has been engaged in the work of a pioneer. He was born in Cumberland 
County, N .S., and at the age of 13, went on board a vessel coasting chiefly along the 
Maritime Provinces, though she sometimes crossed the ocean. His wages 
given to his moth
r, and at her solicitation, in 1880, he left the sea, went to the 
States, and found employment in Boston. He was married, 6th June, 188[, to 
Charlotte Kidd of I\:Iorin, Que, In the spring of [X83, he bought 160 acres ofland in 
Arundel, on which there were no buildings, and only ten acres cleared. In the fall 
of the same year, they returned to Boston, where they remained two years, and (hen 
returned to Arundel. Through industry and economy, M:r. Brown has effected a 
good beginning; he has cleared many acres, erected comfortable out-buildings, and 
keeps considerable stock. He is an active laborer in the .Methodi5t church and a 
devoted teacher in the Sabbath School. 
Mrs, BlOwn is the youngest daughter of \Villiam KidJ, who came from Cooper, 
Fifeshire, Scotland, to Montreal about 1844. He remained there some time', working 
at his trade-blacksmithin"s-and in a brass foundry. He then moved to Grenville, 
and bought a small farm near Chatham line, not far from Greece's Point, He erected 
bmldings and worked at his trade about 14 years. He was a man of fervent piety, 
and during his residence there often acted as lay preacher in churches of different 
denominations, though he was himself a staunch Scotch Presbyterian. About the 
year 1862, he bought 100 acres ofland in Morin, erected buildings, and lived there 
till he died, J Ith November, 1883. He had one son and six daughters; the son and 
three daughters arc now living; the former in Arundel, where he has a farm and a 
saw mill. 
A post-office was established in the north part of this township, about 1880, 



with the name ANTOINETTE, Charles Boom was appointed postmaster, a position he 
still holds, and he also hts a contract for carrying the mail between his office and 
Lost Riveï. 
The mills erected by Mr. Staniforth, and the land on which he expended so much 
physical energy, came into possession of the Jesuit Fathers in 1888. They are doing 
an active business here, and the little hamlet will, no doubt, soon develop into a 
thriving village. The Rev. Armand Bouchet, superjor of the Orphanage at Montfort, 
who purch:lsed the mills, is about completing an orphanage at this place, and designs 
bringing a large number of the orphans here from Montfort. The Rev. Fathers have 
a large farm here and a creamery, and their object is to instruct the orphans in the 
principles of farming. They have added a shingle mill, planer, etc., to the saw mill, 
which is a large one, and turns out annually a large quanity of lumber, 
There is but one store here as yet, the proprietor of which is Mr. Ferdinand 
Brosseau, who is one of the prominent men of Arundel. He was born in St. Jerome, 
and, at the age of 17, engaged as clerk in a store at St. Sauveur, and remained six 
years. In 1884, July 24th, he was married to Marie Louise Proulx, and a few days 
later, entered mercantile life in Arundel, where he has worked up a good trade, and 
recently erected a new and neatly finished store. He purchases farm produce of 
every kind, and has bought many cattle and sheep. He has two farms in Arundel, 
of 100 acres each, and one in Amherst of 86. He subscribed liberally towards the 
erectiøn of the Roman Catholic Church, and IS a liberal contributor toward all local 
The first Church of England clergymen who came to Arundel were those stationed 
in Lachute or Grenville, and the distance and bad roads caused much irregularity in 
their visits. The Rev. Mr. Codd was the first who undertook to establish regular 
service here, which was about the year 1869. Rev. James H. Dixon was his suc- 
cessor, and he made an effort to have service monthly, but, for the reasons named 
above, they were subject to interruptions; his ministry continued from 1871 to 1875. 
He was followed by Rev. L. O. Annstrong, who remained about a year, and was suc- 
ceeded by Rev. H. J. Evans, whose ministrations extended through several year5, 
during which time the present church was erected. The following are his successors: 
Rev. Mr. Brown, Rev, Mr. Harris, Rev. 
Ir. 'Varden, Rev. \V, C. Dilworth, Rev, 
R. F. Hutchings, 
1\1r. Hutchings is from Arichat, C.B.; he was educated at King's College, N.S., 
and at the Theological College in Montreal. In 189:': he came to Arundel, where he 
still remains devoted to his work and popular with his people, He has recently 
erected a parsonage, which, lik
 the church, is commodious, and occupies a sightly 
and romantic location. The glebe comprises several acres, a part of which is wood- 
land, dry and pleasant, and affording convenient and beautiful grounds for picnics. 
The shed, too, is high, so that the upper part has been finished and furnished, making 
a most convenient room for the various purposes for which it is utilized. 
George Staniforth was the first to labor in Arundel in the cause of Methodism. 
He had been a local preacher in England, and soon after settling in Arundel, in 
18 5 8 , he began those labors among his fellow-townsmen which resulted in the build- 
ing of a house of worship in 1866. This was a log structure, but, nevertheless, the men 
who built it and worshipped in it were of that class who worship "in spirit and in 
tru th." The same building, remodeled, clap-boarded and painted, is now the neat 
little church in which the 
lethodists of Arundel still worship. 
The Rev. Mr. Maudsley, who has long and faithfully labored in Argenteuil and in 
adjoining counties, is said to have been the first, after Mr. Staniforth, to preach in this 
township; his labors commencing in 1861. Rev. Mr. Bell followed, and he was suc. 



ceeded by the Rev, Daniel Connelly, whose field of labor embraced Arundel, 
GrenvilJe and Harrington. 
The present church building was begun in 1889 by the Rev. Peter McGregor, 
.and completed two or three years later, during the pastorate of Rev. F, H. Morrison. 
The following interesting sketch, in which the history of the Presbyterian Church 
in Arundel is embodied, was prepared at our request by the Rev, James Stewart, 
who was the first Presbyterian minister stationed in this township, but who HOW resides 
Iontreal : 
" Having had the pastoral charge of those in connection with the Presbyterian 
Church in three of the northern Townships of the County of Argenteuil, for many years, 
I am weB acquainted with those places and with many of the people there. The 
general aspect of the country is picturesque and romantic, abounding in a variety of 
objects which cannot fail to interest the mind of the lover of nature. His attention is 
attracted to something new and striking in almost every step he takes. Mountains, 
valleys, rolling uplands, level flats. ravines, primeval forests, and many hills made bare 
thoough the ravages of fires, often carelessly kindled in the hot and dry season of the 
year, break forth to his view from all directions; and, in addition, miles of green bush, 
occ3.sionally, and lakes, rivulets and streams, clearings and farms in different states of 
., Starting from the front of Harrington, say, at McCuaig's Corner, he enters by 
the highway between two mountain ranges; the one on the left stretching north-east, 
a distance of about eight miles, and then turning due north, about the same distance 
\rundel; and the other on the right, eastward, passing Lost River on the south, till 
it enters a few miles into \Ventworth, and then goes east again to the vicinity of the 
16 Island Lake, after which, it takes its course due north, passing in the rear of Lake 
Settlement, Lake Bevin and Bark Lake, and far beyond the boundary line between the 
counties of Argenteuil and Terrebonne. The chain of mountains, chiefly on the east 
side of the River Rouge, and near the western boundary of Harrington, falls in the far 
north, on the line just described, and this junction forms a triangle, having the front of 
Harrington for its base, By dividing this triangle into four sections, we have Old 
Harrington, East River and Lake Settlement, Arundel, and in fine, DeSalaberry, 
where the English and Gælic-speaking people of those townships reside, 
" This part of the county is remarkacly healthy, so much so that there is no resi- 
dent doctor between the villages of St. Jovite and Grenville-a distance of over forty 
miles j and the rate of mOl tality has, hitherto, been low. The climate is excel1ent; the 
temperature is moderate, and even in winter it generally escapes the devastating 
effects of the violence of the storm in other parts, being protected much by surround- 
ing mountains. The scenery is beautiful in several parts, but especially in Arundel, 
which was more recently settled than either of the other townships. If one stands 
on a fme day in July on the road opposite the post-office, with his face turned east, he 
beholds Lake Dt;::vin about one mile distant, stretching from north to south for several 
miles, like a sea of glass under the glare of a vertical sun, with the mountains behind 
towering to the clouds; or, if looking north, he can survey, almost with one glance of 
the eye, the lovely panorama stretched from beneath him in the valley of the Rouge, 
extending for miles, so far as the eye can see the outlines, and the well laid out farms 
adjoining each other, in regular succession, covered with good grain ripening fast for 
the harvest, now at hand. Or, iflooking to the left over the River Rouge, about a mile 
distant, he sees the home of the Oblat Fathers-now a plain village, but eviden tly 
destined in the future to have a commanding influence in the surrounding country. 
Expensive improvements are carried on, new buildings erected and beautiful gardens 
are laid out, and the range of hills in the background extending their arms north and 

45 6 


south, and covered with living green, he cannot fail to admire the scene, and this, in 
a place where, not many years ago, the wild beasts of the forest roamed with impunity 
and the Indian felt himself to be C monarch of all he surveyed.' 
"With the exception of some French families, and one or two from the United States 
the settlers are of British and Irish origin. A few of themselves and the parents of 
the rest have emigrated to this country; and hO\v sadly some of those who went direct 
to the bush, on their arrival in Canada, repented the step they had taken; and how 
soon they would have hastened back to their native hiBs, had they po:;sessed the means 
to enable them, and especially when they called to remembrance the blessings they 
enjoyed ther
, as compared with their prospects in the W Jods; and how heartily they 
could sing with Scott, when under the influence of the spirit of Scottish patriotism the 
following lines :- ' 
.C '0 Caledonia, stern and wild- 
Meet nurse for a poetic child; 
Land of brown heath and shaggy wood, 
Land of the mountain and the flood. 
Land of my sires! what mortal hand 
Can e'er untie the filial band, 
That knits me to thy nlgged strand?' 

"The difficulties they had to encounter, when striving to make for themselves 
comfortable homes, were, to most of them, many and great, There were no roads 
for a time. They were only narrow paths and an occasional 'blaze' to guide them 
through the extended forest, till preparation was made for oxen. 
Iany here had to 
carry their scanty provisions on their back. The distdnce was great, the prices 
charged for flour and other necessaries were high, the means to purchase were very 
scanty, the work to be done was heavy. The ordeal to go through in trying to make 
ends meet was often painful to flesh and blood. But years silently, yet surely, roned 
on, one burden after another they were enabled to carry. Some of them often thought 
they would sink under them, but in their greatest extremity a way of escape was opened 
up, They bravely and courageously kept their shoulder to the wheel, and by the 
blessing of God came out of the conflict not the worse of the struggle, but greatly 
benefited thereby, God prospered and helped those who helped themselves. Their 
lands mostly are cleared; the old system of farming is being abolished, and dairy 
farming, a better and a more profitable one, is being adopted. The soil that was run 
out is enriched with manure; cheese and butter factories are erected in suitable 
localities. The country roads are, upon the whole, good in all directions. Railways 
will soon reach them all, at the points most convenient and acceptable to them, and 
almost before they are aware of it ; they have splendid properties, comfortable homes, 
and now can live in a state of comparative independence. 
" Beyond the boundary stated, in the townships adjoining Arundel, in the west 
and north, the great body of the people are French, Of late years, they have been 
increasing in number very fast, and occupying the land for a long time possessed by 
the lumberer. Hitherto they have condûcted themselves well, as neighbors of the 
Protestant element, and are a quiet and industrious people, minding their own busi- 
ness, and consistent adherents of the Roman Catholic Church. In the rear of 
, east of the Rouge, there is a small settlement of French Protestants, who 
have been provided with a teacher for many years past, to educate their children and 
to hold religious meetings amcng them. The rest of the population are all Protest- 
ants, and divided among Presbyterian, Methodist and Anglican churches. The 
latter two Churches, chiefly in Arundel and the townships west, are doing a good work 
for the Master, Their ministers seem to be busy and earnest laborers in the Gospel 



vineyard, and encouraged by the help of their people. The Presbyterians are, for 
the most part, in Harrington. Quite a number of their families and of those in 
DeSalaberry, believing that they would get on better in the world elsewhere, sold their 
farms, and left, some for :\Ianitoba and some for British Columbia and other parts 
several years ago. The blank thus occasioned as yet has been only partially filled up. 
Nevertheless, the Presbyterians are still in the majority, and if not numerically in- 
creased from without, they are so through additions of growth from within. Grenville 
and Old Harrington were settled many years before the northern townships were, and 
many of the settlers were Gaelic-speaking people, requiring a preacher able to speak 
Gaelic and English; with this they were generally supplied. In the course of time a 
large number offamiJies from Glenelg, Inverness-shire, Scotland, belonging to the con- 
gregation of Rev. Mr, Beith, afterwards Rev. Dr. Beith, Sterling, and one of the leaders 
of the Free Church, settled in the Lost River district. Being entirely Gaelic people, they 
united with the other stations of Grenvilie and Old Harrington, and received a third of 
the missionary's service. This arrangement continued till the new Cen tral Church was 
built, when they all worshipped together, as one congregation, for a few years. By 
and by, the Grenville township section became a distinct congregation, and was 
joined to the French Church, near the 'Village of the same name, and many of the 
people in Old Harrington, and especially Lost River and beyond, found out from 
experience, that the Church was to be rractically u'ieless as a place of worship, 
because they lived so remotely from it that they could seldom attend it. The old 
Kirk of Scotland in Canada being united with the Canada Presbyterian Church, 
about this time, new changes, as might be reasonably expected, took place with respect 
to some of the Home Mission Stations; hence Avoca was united to Old Harrington 
and Lost River. But again this union continued only for a year or two. The 
preachers sent could not preach in Gaelic, and, with a very few exceptions. the Lost 
River people absented themselves from church, on the ground that they could not be 
benefited by the service in English, and without wearying the reader by further 
details, the result was that they turned round and joined themselves to the northern 
pastorate of Arundel, and through some differences which arose, the Old Han ington 
people separated from Avoca, having sent a petition to the Presbytery of Montreal, 
requesting to be joined to the same charge; their request was favorably responded 
to. 'I his union was effecteå and continued a long time, till within two years of the 
close of the pastor's connection with the whole field. Then he had no alternative 
than to hand in his resign
tion to the Presbytery, feeling that his health was declining 
and the work too heavy for his strength. During this period of the people's history, 
they had to undergo many changes, some painful to the feelings and perhaps to 
the interests of individuals and familie
. Households began to break up-young 
men and women to quit the old homesteads. One, here and there, of the old 
pioneers was gathered to his fathers, and friends and relatives mourned over their loss, 
and especially over those who had left an example worthy of imitation by surviving 
connections; for some of them did good in their day and generation, But in some 
respects, the changes were favorable, not merely in regard to their prosperity in the 
world, in their progress towards securing for themselves a competence to li\'e upon 
Ly the blessing of God, but also in their character and conduct, Their social, moral 
and religious life could compare well with that of many who boasted of their virtues, 
integrity, intelligence and outward moral conduct-striving to carry out the golden 
rule in their lives to do to others as they would that others should do to them, They 
had not had the advantages which others in more favorable circumstances enjoyed; 
they possessed not much of this world's goods. They were not favored with material 
riches, with great learning, power or a name of distinction among men, They ha\"c 
3 0 

45 8 


had but little or nothing earthly to boast of perhaps, save good health, common fare of 
living, strong arms, self-reliance, honesty of purpose, and faith in the kind Providence 
of God. 
" Not a few were gentle and loving in their disposition, and just and generous in 
their dealings with others. They sympathized with the afflicted, and, according to 
their ability, liberally helped the poor and outcast, the cause of God among men; while 
a few were no credit to society at large or to themselves, and continued without much 
change for good. The rest went on in the right direction. As progress was made 
in the cultivation of their farms in the world of nature around them, so it happeneå 
in the cultivation of the heart and mind, and manifested itself in the conduct of daily 
lite. Education, according to the Common School System of this country, made 
considerable progress among the settlers in the course of years. As might be reason- 
ably supposed, it was a slow and up-hill work for some time. Many difficulties were 
to be met with and overcome; hindrances, not a few, to be removed; and many 
hardships to be borne. The necessaries of life, in the case of most, could only be 
provided through much toil and self-endurance. The education of the young and 
rising generation was, in the meantime, lost sight of and kept in the background. But 
the time at length arrived when public attention was drawn to it. The preliminaries 
were gone through with as soon as convenient. School sections were marked out, 
school commissioners appointed, and school-houses built and teachers employed. A 
Government inspector began to visit the schools once, and sometimes twice, a year, 
doing his duty faithfully, yet at the same time kindly and patiently, and thus elicited, 
through examination on the different branches taught, the stale of education in each 
school. The encouraging advice given on such occasions, whatever the progress 
might be, was often followed with good results, stimulating both teacher and pupils to 
greater diligence in time to come. It is amazing, after all that is published in the 
local and provin
ial press of the Dominion, about the necessity of such a course of 
instruction as is given in our public schools, its impor!ance, advantages, and the high 
position not a few have reached, chiefly through its instrumentality, to find not a few 
practically disregarding it. 
" But, notwithstan'ding the benefits to be derived from the Common School Sys- 
tem, it is defective in its provisions fo
 the education of the whole of man. It is 
good as far as it goes, but it does not go far enough. It is merely secular, securing 
advantages often of great value in the present life, but not what is of the greatest 
importance and moment,-what is necessary to prepare us for the life to come. To 
the Christian religion, as revealed in the \V ord of God, we must go to get the know- 
ledt;e of that preparation and e>..ercising diligence in the use of the means of grace, 
\Ve must deny ourselves, bear our cross, and follow Christ in the way He has marked 
out for us, and we shall then grow in grace and in the knowiedge -of the Lorù. 
"\Vhat we need for our own spiritual good, we require for the benefit of our 
children and young people. \Vhile paternal instruction is very much neglected in 
our day, Sabbath Schools are a great necessity, and this being felt in the North, 
they were kept up for many years in a state of efficiency, and much good was being 
done through this agency, as acknowledgld by those who experienced it in their own 
It is unpleasant to turn from the annals of churches, religion, and the peaceful 
pursuits of rural life, to the records of revolting crime. 
One traveHing through Arundel, and observing its many points of attractive 
scenery, fields of waving grain, quiet, grazing herds, and above all, the peaceful, 
friendly manners of its industrious people, would scarcely believe that in this scene 
of peace was once committed a murder as atrocious as any ever recorded in the 
annals of crime. 



In 18 75, between the months of August and November, a man employed altern- 
ately as a farmer and as a shantyman, named Dan. Narbonne, abruptly disappeared 
from this township. Though a few entertained suspicions of foul play, no search was 
made for the missing man, and the matter was soon forgotten, In October, 1880, 
a woman named Mary Quinlevin, wife of l\Iartin Samson, appeared before Thomas 
Barron, J.P., of La chute, and made oath that she believed Dan, Narbonne had been 
murdered by Jean Baptiste Narbonne, his brother. 
This oath was given on account of admissions that
 she claimed, had been made 
to her by Geneviève Lafleur, the aged stepmother of the deceased. \Varrants were 
at once issued, and Jean Baptiste Narbonne, his father and stepmothel' were arrested 
-the two latter being accessory to the .:;rime, Besides the woman, Mary Quinlevin, 
who lodged the complaint, there was another witness, George McKenzie-at that 
time a merchant in Arundel. He testified that on recently questioning the old man 
as to where he had obtained the money to buy certain goods of him, in 18 75, 
the old man confessed that it was money obtained from his son Dan., who had been 
murdered by his brother, Jean Baptiste Narbonne. The accused, finding the evi- 
dence so strong against him, at once made a full confession of the shocking deed, 
which, related concisely, was as follows: 
The father, François Narbonne, his wife and the two sons, occupied a small 
loghouse together. The deceased had a little money which he had earned, and 
which he had entrusted to the care of his stepmother for safe-keeping, Un- 
friendly feelings had subsisted between the two brothers, and it was shown 
that the stepmother had counseled Baptiste to put Dan. out of the way, and 
had actually obtained spme poisonous herb, herself, to mix with Dan.'s food 
or drink. For some re3.son, this method of despatching him was abandoned, 
and the murderer then borrowed a gun of a neighbor to execute the fiendish 
act. Coming into the house one evening, where his father and stepmother 
were in bed, but awake, and his brother was asleep on the floor, Jean Baptiste 
deliberately raised the gun, and shot his brother, unconscious of the fate awaiting 
him, The victim started, and partially rose from his position, when the brute 
completed his fiendish work, by striking him over the head with the gun and thus 
breaking the stock. Impervious to remorse or shame, the three slept through 
the night, with the murdered brother and son lying beside them in a pool of 
blood. In the morning the murderer and his worthy sire dragged the body 
by the feet a few yards from the house, and buried it, while the stepmother 
washed up the blood and removed the stains where their victim lay, It was not pro- 
bable, however, that people so ignorant and depraved would forever keep a secret so 
important; indeed, it is surprising that five years elapsed ere this foul deed was 
brought to light, but "murder will out." Quarrels ensued between the guilty 
parties, and, no doubt, the aged sinners thought that by revealing the crime they 
might get rid of the surviving son, and escape punishment themselves. The sequel, 
however, proved their mistake. After his confession, the murderer conducted the 
officers of justice to the grave of his victim; the remains were disinterred, a trial of 
the guilty trio before Judge Johnson, at St. Scholastique, soon followed, and they 
were all sentenced to be hanged. 
The sentence, however, was afterward commuted to imprisonment for life, and 
the old couple have since died in the penitentiary, and the son is still at work there. 
It is to be hoped that, during the long period of his imprisonment, he has been able, 
through reflection, to rea.lize the enormity of his unnatural crime, 

4 60 



This township, which is of recent formation, is not mentioned in the list of 
Municipalities in the Province of Quebec, published by Government in 1886. It IS 
bou!1ded on the north by the north line of Argenteuil County, east by Howard 
south by Wentworth and Harrington, and west by Arundel. It is as yet but thinly 
settled, and the population consists chiefly of French, though it contains a feW' Engiish- 
speaking people. Of the latter there is a small settlement on Bevin a Lake next to 
.Arundel. Bevin Lake, as well as Bark Lake, both of which extend into Arundel, lie 
chiefly in Montcalm. 


Organized in 1883, in virtue of article 35 of the Municipal Code. 
Like Montcalm, this township is a new one, and but thinly settled. It is 
bounded on the north by the north line of the County of Argenteuil, east by Morin, 
south by \Ventworlh, and west by Montcalm. Until its organization, Howard, for 
l\Iunicipal purpose
, was attached to Morin, 
The first settlers in Howard were Joseph and Pierre Millette, who settled in 
the south part of the township about 1864. In the north part, where the Municipal 
business is transacled, the first settlers were HUBERT PAQUET and a man named 
The following are the names of those who have served as Mayors of Howard 
since its organization: Messrs. HUBERT PAQUET, CHARLES BRU
A post-office was established in Howard a few years since, and Hubert Paquet 
was appointed postmaster; he was succeeded about 1892 by FRÉDÉRIC SÉNÉCAL, 
Like all the other townships of .\.rgenleuil, Howard contains several small 
attractive lakes, Lake St, Joseph and Lake St. :Marie being the most noted for their 

This County is located in the extreme wCðtern part of Ontario, and is bounded 
north by the Ottawa River, east by the County of Vaudreuil, south by Glengarry 
and Stormont, and west by Russell. It is divided into the townships of Longueuil, 
East Hawkesbury, \Vest Hawkesbury, Alfred, Caledonia, North Plantagenet, South 
Plantagenet, and the villagts of Hawkesbury and L'Orignal. 
\\'ith the exception of a ew quarries, which are noticed elsewhere in these pages, 
the geology of Prescott is unimportant; hence it has been deemed unnecessary to 
devote space to a subject of so little interest. 
The physical features of the County are more interesting from an agricultural 
point of view than from any other, for though there are many points of scenery that 
are picturesque, the County is generally very level and adapted to cultivation. The 
only exceptions are marshy portions, and the greater part of these, which were once 
regarded worthless, have been so far reclaimed, that it is now believed that nearly all 
will yet be rendered tillable. 
Fortunately, the French settlers, on coming into the County, preferred the low 
land which the English-speaking portion discarded, consequently the marshes have 
been drained and transformed into productive fields, so that the greater part of 
Prescott is thoroughly cultivated. As a farming section it can scarcely be exceIled 
in the Dominion, and it is doubtful if there is another County of equal extent which 
contains a greater number of independent farmers. 

CENSUS OF 1891. 

Roman I Church ' I P b 
Catho- of Eng- r
s y- 
lics. ]and. tenal1S. 

Metho- I Bap- 
d ists. tists. 

I gational. 

Prescott. , , . .. , , . . . , , . .... .. 18,534 1, 16 3 2,5 66 1,174 354 49 
Alfred. . ... ...... ...... ...... ...... 2,9 2 7 61 26 IS 15 
Caledonia. . .. . . .. . , .. . . . , ,. . . , ., .', . . 1,25 0 240 393 49 1 
HawJ,.esbury East...,.. . , , , ,. . . , , .. . . , 3,69<> 25 0 5 6 4 27 2 104 6 
HawJ,.esbury \Vest"",. "".. . . . . . . , . 1,34 6 240 734 3 2 3 71 II 
Ha\\kesbury Village...... ...... , .. .., 1482 167 281 34 29 28 
wngueui 1. . , , . . . . , . , , . . . . . .. ....., . 1,061 44 29 3 2 3 
L'Orignal Village. .. ... ,............. 734 44 133 7 1 8 
Plantagenet North. . . ... .. .. . . . ... .... 3,735 29 162 9 0 27 
PlantagE'l1et South..,... ,."., , , , , . , . , 2, 309 1 88 244 28 5 9 6 

4 62 


CENSUS OF 1891.-ContinueJ. 
I p
PU' 1 N
..of d

 SIWOOd. 1 Brick. Stone. One T,":o 
IlatlOn. famlhes. . g d I Story. Stones. Stones. 
, occuple . 
prescott........... / 24,173 ' 4,138 - 
,005 I 
 I W 87 3,006 -m---;;- 
Alfred.......,..... 3.053 515 484 441 33 8 3 6 7 110 5 
Caledonia.,.,..... 1,943 3 2 5 I 324 I 303 1 14 7 173 15 1 ..... 
Hawkesbury East. . . \ 4.896 831 803 677 106 20 783 18 2 
Hawkesbury West.. 2,740 504 49 0 330 13 8 22 327 157 6 
Hawkesbury Village l ' 2.042 355 35 1 307 35 9 I 345 5 
Longueuil..... .... 1,172 195 17 8 148 23 7 17 1 7 ...... 
L'Orignal.,.,. .." 1 1'002 180 165 135 21 9 1 145 17 3 
I'lantagenet North.. 4,2H 706 686 648 33 5 5 6 3 12 1 .. .. .. 
Plantagenet South.. 3,0
0 527 5 2 4 4 8 4 4 0 . . " 47 6 47 I 

Prescott. . , , " . . . . . 
Alfred. . . . .. . , . , . . . 
Caledonia. , .. ... .. , 
Hawkesbury East... 
Hawkesbury \Vest.. 
Hawkesbury Village. 
Longueuil . , . ,. .,.. 
L'Orignal Village.. . / 
Plantagenet N I)rth . . 
Plantagenet South.. 

3,4 61 
3 11 
68 5 
16 5 
65 8 
49 6 

4 2 1 
3 2 3 
53 6 
4 2 8 

Being 101 I 201 I ACI., A . I Acres in Gardens 
acres acres d cres In I 
tenants. to 1 aod :Ope:. t \V ood and and 
pas ure. and Forest orchards. 
200. over. 
---- ------- 
4 8 7 5 2 5 14 8 12 7,097 59,7 61 63,241 1,23 1 
47 84 9 25,4 0 4 5. 2 5 0 4.73' I 137 
27 40 15 11.5 2 7 5,37 1 10, 01 5 65 
50 115 36 28
28 15,136 8.988 Iq2 
63 77 16 9, 7 I 7,039 9, 21 4 26 9 
10 15 7 1,5 5 9 I ,607 2,9 2 5 48 
3 8 4 6 18 11,11 1 4,3 88 2,79 6 124 
63 II 7 2,59 8 1, 06 5 2,5 08 58 
122 7 2 19 21,057 12,9 62 8,4 68 182 
67 65 21 15,73 2 6,943 13,59 6 15 6 

Total I 
occu- Being 
piers of' owners. 
land, I 

John ?\lcDonnell , . . , .. ...... .", ...... . . ,. . , ., Glengarry".. .,.,., .....",... . 1 1792 
John McDonnell., . . ,. , . ,. , . , , . . . , . .. . , ,. ,., , ., I ' , . . " .,........ . .. .. , . . . 1796 
Alexander McDonnell.... ".. ........ ,... ...... Glengarry and Prescott..".. ...... 1801 
Angus McDonnell,.., .", .", ,.... ,..... ",..." ,. .... .,., .",1 1801 
\V.B.Wilkinson.".".... "..,.,.,.""."." " ..".....,.. 1805 
Alexander McDonnell,... ............ .... ,....,:: ;: .... ,.., ,..., 1809 
Alexander McDonnell. . ., , , " , , ,. , . , , , . ., ..".. . , . '.. "..,. 181 '2 
John McDonnell,. ,. ..,. , . ., . , , , ., , ,. ,." . , , , '. Prescott...... . . " .... .,.,:..... 1817 
Donald McDonald, , .. , . .. . ,... . , .. . . .. . . .. ..., I Prescott and Russell. . ., ......... ..\ 1820 
110nald McDonald ....."""..........",... . 1 " ". . . , . '" .,.,... 182 5 
cDonald...,......,....."..."..,.,," "., ..,......... 1829 
Donald McDonald....,. .",.. . . ., ." , , ., ..." " ", .. ". ...,. . . ., 183 r 
R. P. Hotharn,.,.,. ... . .. ".. .. .......""". Prescott...... .,..,. , . .. ,.., . , , , . 183u 
John Kearns.... ...., ..,.,....,.....,.". " ....."..., ..,..,., .."., 1 1836 
Donald McDonald.", ,. " . . .. ..,. ,..... ". ". . .. ...,., .." , , ,. .,.,'. 1841 
Neil Stewart"" .".,. . . . . .. ,..... .... .. . . . , , , ,. . ., . . . . " ..,....""". 1844 
I)onald McDonald, , . , , , . ..,. . . . . ,. .." .... . . . . . . . , " ,... . . . . ., .". ..,.1 1847 
T. H. Johnson.,.". .,.", . . " . . .. . . .. .." .", , , , . .. "",. ...,...,.." 1 848 
T. H. Johnson.", .,.,., ...... ..,. ",... ".", " 1851 
Henry Wellesley McCann............... ........ " ::::::':::::::::,::::::.:1 1854 
I-Ienry W. l\lcCann,... ., . . .. "., . , . . . , ., ...., ' I " . . . . . . .. . , ,. "".,...... \ 1858 
Henry W. l\lcCann,.,. . . , . .. . . . . .... . , ,. , . , , , , . . . . , , . . , , . , . , " . . " .,.. 1861 
Thorn as Higginson. . .. ",... . . . . . . . . . .. .... . , , , " , . . . .. .,.... ".,..., , . .. I S6 3 



4 6 3 


J. Boy d , , , . ., . , " .,.... ."... . , , . " ,.,. ..... . 1 PreEcott. . .. .., . " . . ,. ...,.. ,... 
Geo. \V. Hamilton,.. . .. .... . . .. . . . . . .. . . ., ,.. " . . . , ., .. . . .. . . . . ., "",. 
\\ïlliam Harkin. . . . . . .. . , . , . .... .. ".... ,..... " . . ., . , .. ...... . , . , . , . . , , . 
\Villi? m Harkin.... ,..,.. "".. , . . " . . .. "..., " . . .. . . . , . ... ..,.....",. 
Albert II agar. . . . . . ., , . . . .. .",.. , . . .. , , .. . , , , , . . . ., ,..." . . . , . , ., ,.., 

 \1 bert Hagar..,... ..".. . , ,. . . . ,. .,.. . . . . . . . . . . ,. .,.. ,.,..... . . .. . . . . 
Alfred F, E. F.vanturel.,.,.. .",........ ...... 
Alfred F, E. Evanturel,... .',.., .", .... .",.. 

\lfred F. E, Evanturel. . . . . . . . . . . . ,. . . . . ,. ..,... 


.... .... "., .... .,., .'.' \ 
.... .................... 
.... ... ........ .... ... 

186 7 
18 7 1 
18 90 
18 94 

From 1867 to 1878, Albert Hagar. 
From 1879 to 1882, Felix Routhier. 
From 1883 to 1890, Simon Labrosse. 
From 1891 to 1895, Isidore Proulx. 
Although the list of Representatives given above was sent by the Clerk of the 
Legislative Assembly, we find that the names of Thomas l\Iears, \Villiam Hamilton, 
and Dr, David Pattee are not mentioned. At a Court of General Quarter Sessions 
held at L'Orignal, 24th September, 1816, it was ordered that Thomas Mears, Esq. 
do have a draft upon the Treasurer for ..:641 for his wages as member of Parliament 
Following the copy of this order is this statement:- 
" I hereby certify that I have given a draft for the above amount. 
A document among the papers of the late Judge Macdonnell also states that 
Thomas Mears was a member of two Parliaments. 
It is a fact well known also, that when Prescott and Russell were united for 
purposes of representation, about 1822, \Villiam Hamilton and Dr. David Pattee 
were candidates; Pattee received the majority of votes, but owing to the prejudice 
and trickery of the returning officer, enough votes were thrown out to give Hamilton 
the seat. An investigation, however, followed, which resulted in giving Pattee the 
\Vhen Neil Stewart was elected, the following letter of c.ongra tulation was sent 
by the Governor-General :- 

T HOUSE, October 17th, 1844. 

I am advised to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 13th in st., 
announcing the election of Neil Stewart, Esq., for the County of Prescott, and to 
convey to you the expression of His Excellency's thanks for the satisfactory intelli- 
gence it conveys, 
The Governor-General heartily congratulates the freeholders of the county upon 
the worthy selection that they have made. 
I have the honor to be, 
Your faithful servant, 
T. )[, HIGGINSOl\. 


C. A. LOWE, Ensign. 

4 6 4 



A description of the character and habits of the people of Prescott would be 
simply a repetition of what has been said in a former part of this volume of the 
people of Argcnteuil. Of the same race, from the same country, and often from the 
same district and neighborhood, even in many instances cf the same kindred, they 
naturally possess the same characteristics. V)yalty, patriotism, honesty and hospi- 
tality may be said without exaggeration or flattery to be the distinguishing traits of 
the inhabitants from Yaudreuil to Russell, from the Ottawa to Stormont and 
A larger American element remained in Pre
cott than there did in Argenteuil, 
and their descendants are among the thriving and influential citizens of the present. 
'-. E. Loyalists formed no insignificant part of the early settlers of Ontario. Scattered 
here and there, also. were not a few who had aided, to a greater or less degree, in 
securing .-\merican independence. It is wOlthy of note that these two classes, who 
had settled here under circumstances and with motives 
o entirely different, dwelt 
side by side in harmollY, Each had acted conscientiously, and according to his own 
views of what was right j hence, in the new position they forgot political differences" 
and each respected the rights of the other. Far different was the feeling against the 
one who, though no\\' claiming to he a ioyalist, had long borne the stigma of traitor. 
BenedIct Arnold, it will be remembered, was one of those who enthusiastically 
espoused the .\mcric:m cause, on the declaration of I ndependence. It wa'5 he who 
led the force up through the dense New England wildel ness to capture Quebec, but 
which expedition ended disastrously for the Americans, and cost the life of their 
gallant officer, the young Richard 
Iontgomery. Arnold was equally brave in other 
campaigns against the British, but suddenly incensed at some fancied slight or 
Jeproof from his superior officer, he deserted, and, subsequently, fought with his usual 
determination and bravery against the Americans. At the dose of the war he sought 
safety in England, and we learn from the Report of IS9I, on the Canadian Archives, 
the following :- 
.<\mong other applicants for large tracts of land in Upper Canada was Benedict 

\rnold. In a letter to the Duke of Portland, dated 2nd January, 1797, he writes :_ 
"There is no other man in England that has made so great sacrifices as I have 
done, of property, ran).., prospects, etc., in support of Government, and no man who 
has received less in return." 1 n July, r 797, in a petition to the King, Arnold asks for 
10,000 acres of land in Upper Canada, for himself, an1 5,000 acres each for hi') wife 
and Sèyen children, being 50,000 in all. One condition on which Arnold was very 
pressing was, t
.at he 
hould not be ohliged to come to Canada to take possession of 
his land. Another was, that it might be general, so that he could select his 
land in any part of the British provinces in which land was available. In a letter of 
General Simcoe to John King, Under-Secretary of State, dated 26th 1Iarch, 179 8 , 
he says :-" To answer your first query, 'is there an}' objection to Arnold and his 
children having any grant of land in rpper Canada?' I say there is no legalímpedi- 
ment (on American grounds), proviùed they have not already had any grant in the 
Province of New Brunswick; but General .Arnold is a character extremely obnoxious 
to the orjgi
Jal loyalists of America j his not intending to reside in Upper Canada 
does away, In some measure, with that objection." 
It will thus be seen that though th
 Ontario loyalists could condone what they 
regaråed an error of judgment and want of loyalty in others, they could not tolerate 
the pïesence of one who had traitorously deserted the cause they abhorred, even 
though he had espoused t1.eir own. 


4 6 5 

As Prescott formed a part of Glengarry up to 1817. we do not kno\V how many 
of the gallant fellows belonging to the Glengarry corps in the war of 1812 really lived 
in what is nüw known as Prescott. That there were some, there can be no doubt, 
anà we sincerely regret our inability to give their names and places of residence. 
One fact 
hould not be forgotten, that in that war. as well as in the Rebellion of 1837, 
there were Frenchmen whose loyalty and bravery stood out a!,1 conspicuously in defence 
of the British flag, as that of their English-speaking brethren j several young French 
Canadians walked all the way from Sorel to take part in the battle of Lundy's Lane, 
Since the above was written, the following has been received :- 
" HAWKESBURY, April IS, 1896. 

"With a desire to preserve the names of the good, true men of the County 
of Prescott, who bore arms in their country's cause, I send you the enclosed list of 
pensioners of the war of 1812, who received a share of the $50,000 granted by 
Government. 1\1ost of them took part in the battles south of the St. Lawrence, 
Chateauguay, etc. Hoping that this may be of service to you in the preparation of 
your valuable work, 

,: I remain, yours respectfully, 

" TIMOTHY POOl., who engaged in farming after the war j BAPTISTE Roy, who
death took place at an advanced age; 11IcH r;"L SËGUlN, whu also engaged in farming, 
became totally blind and died at the age of 86 j FRANÇOIS DECHAl\1P, who received a 
grant of land for his services, and lived to the age of 95 ; JOSEPH MANARD, a farmer, 
who also lived till he was 95 ; ALEXANDER BOUDRIE, who owned an ashery, and \Vas 
reputed to have lived to the great age of 100 years j all settled after the \Var in East 
Hawkesbury, and died in that place." , 
,. CHARLES ROUTHIER and JUJ.IAN LE BLA!\C also settled in East Hawkesbury, 
but the former died in L'Orignal in 1878, and the latter in St. Eugene, aged 94. :\[r, 
Routhier was on the river between 
Iontreal and the Sault, forwarding stores, when 
the battle of Chrysler's Farm took place." 
,. Another pensioner was JOSEPH CHATEL-\I
, a farmer who settled in South Plan. 
tagenet, and died in that place in January, 1896, aged) 05 years." 
., _\mong those who took. an active part in the stirring events of the war of Inde- 
pendence, and the wars of the first Napoleon, two of our townsmen who ended their 
days here might be worthy of a short notice. 
" The first was SYLVESTER ÇOBB, the village blacksmith, who came here in the 
e of the U. E. Loyaìists. His stories of the Green Mountain Boys' heroic deeds, and, 
of course, his own, were startling. I like most veterans. he had a long lease ofJife, dying 
here at the <\ge of 90, The other, \VILLlA:\1 HOLLIDAY, was born in London, Eng., 
and left home at the age of nine. He enlisted on a man-of-war, and served in the 
fleet tilll81S, He was at Corunna when the renmant of Sir John Moore's army was 
saved by the embarkation of the men and stores j and had the ill luck to be a prisoner 
of \Var for five years in a French prison before an exchange could relieve him. He 
died in Hawkesbury at the age of 80, leaving no family," 
" :FRANÇOlS LAROCQUE was born at Sorel, Que., in 1796. At sixteen he joined 
a company composed chiefly of youug French Canadi.lI1s; these young recruits, at- 
tached to a small body of regulars: reached Kingston by forced marches. From 
Kingston they pushed on to Xiagara. arriving in time to share to the full the hard 
fought field of Lundy's Lane," 

4 66 


" The young soldier carne out of his first battle with three wounds, the most severe 
being caused by a musket bullet, which passed through his leg near the knee. After 
receiving his discharge, Mr. Larocque settled in East Hawkesbury, on a fine little farm 
of 60 acres, three miles from the Ottawa river; here he reared a large falnily of indus- 
trious and respectable children. His death took place in Hawkesbury in May, 1883, 
at the age of87." . 
Mr, T, T. Higginson also relates the following incident, which is worth pre- 
serving : 
Finlay McRae, one of the pioneers of \Vest Hawkesbury, and a veteran British 
soldier, had been in the battle of the Nile, Trafalgar, and other engagements without 
receiving a wound. In the war of 1812, he was taken prisoner by the Americans 
and received treatment which he could not forget, One Fourth of July, when en- 
tering Hawkesbury Mills, he saw a flag-pole, from which the Stars and Stripes were 
gaily floating in the breeze. His blood was up. His cooper's axe was in his hand, 
and with this he cut down the flag-pole, tore the flag in shreds, and set the crowd at 
defiance. "Mad dogs! " was his favorite expression when angered, and one that 
was oft.repeated till the American flag was destroyed and no one saw fit to interfert: 
with him. It is said that at the battle of the Nile, when both armies were nearly 
exhausted, and Finlay McRae and an artillery-man were the only ones left of this com- 
pany, McRae charged the gun alone and fired the last shot which turned the tide of 
Among the papers of Judge Macdonnell, we find the reports of the several com- 
panies of Prescott militia that annually met for drill. The names of all the men in 
each company are given with their ages, the lot and concession where they lived, and 
in case a man was absent, the cau)e thereof is carefully reported. \Ve can give the 
names of only the officers, and a few of the companies, 
Co. No. 2.-Muster of Capt. Alexander Grant's Company 1st Reg. Prescott 
Militia, 20th Dec., 1827, Capt. Alexander Grant, Lieut. Philo Hall, Ensign John G. 
)IcIntosh, Sergts, Alex. Marston. 'Vaters Mills, 76 men, rank and file, 2 men absent 
without leave. 
Co. No. 4.-Ca}Jt. Alexander Cameron, Lieut Chas, \Vaters, Ensign 'V. Z. 
Cozens, Sergts. John McMaster, Daniel Johnson, Josiah Jackson,s 1 men, rank and 
file, mustered 27th Oct., 1827. 
Co. No. S.-:Mustered at Vankleek Hill, Monday, 17th December, 182 7. 
Capt. Donald Roy McDonald, Lieut. Kenneth McClusket, Ensign John .McRae; 
Sergts. Barnabas Yankletk, Ewen McLachlan, Donald Campbell, 67 rank and file. 
The following are reports of companies "mustered at 'Vade's," in 18 3 2 , 
Capt. p, Le Roy, Lieut. G. H, Macdonllell-Ensign vacant. Total rank and 
file, 66. . 
, Co. No. 4-Capt. Alexander Cameron, Lieut. Charles \Vaters, Ensign Alex. 
Cameron, Sergts. John :\lcMaster, Josiah Jackson, Anson Center, 62 rank and file
Capt. J. Harrigan's Co., S2 rank and file. 
Co. No. 6.-Capt. Elijah Brown, Lieut.C.A. Low, Ensign Joseph S. \Vhitcomb, 
Sergts. Hugh Lough, \Villiam Bailey, Thomas Higginson, 147 rank and file. . 
Co. No. 5.-Capt. D. K. McDonald, Lieut. Farquhar Robertson, Ens:gn John 
McRae, Sergts. Barnabas Vankleek, Hugh McLachlan, Hollis Griffin, 78 rank and 
The following list shows that the 
1ilitia were well organ ized and officcred in 
18 3 8 . 


4 6 7 

List of the officers of the 1st Regiment of Prescott Militia, with their places of 
sidence, and the dates of their appointments, taken April, 1838:- 

ColoneL. Mc. Macdonnell...... Pt, Fortune. .... 1st April, 1822... Received Commission. ïO 
Lt,.Col.. Geo. Hamilton... .... Hy. Mills...,... 18th June, "" 58 
Major. .. Alex. Grant.... . .... Longueuil ...... 23rd Aug., 1833.. 64 
Captain.. Jeremiah Harrigan.... W. Hawkesbury. 26th Feb., 1812..." " 54 
" John Kearns ,.."., Plantagenet..,.. 6th May, 1820.... "54 
" Donald R. McDonald. Longueuil....... 27th April, " " H 
" Elijah Brown.... .... \V. Hawkesbury. 28th "" " 
J ames Molloy>... . . .. Plantagenet..", loth March, 1824. 
" C.Johnson".,.. .... Longueuil.,..". 25th Feb., 1826... , Notrec'd.CommiS5ion. 56 
" John Chesser... .... .. Caledonia Flats. 26th 'õ ".." .. 45 
" William cOffin....." I Hy.
1illS....... 23fdApril, 1833.. Received Commission. 39 
Lieut.... Wm. Shearman......, W. Hawkesbury. 25th "1820" 1 " " 67 
" .. Chas. A. Low,... Mills, ...,.. 10th March, 18 2 4." 39 
" .. G. I. H. Macdonnell., .iPt. Fortune. .,.. list Feb., 1832.... :Not rec'd. Commission. 3 [ 
" ,. \Vm. Z. Cozens."" . .IL'Orignal....... 2nd" " I" " 4 8 
" .. AlfredChesser........'Jessup ' s Falls... 3 rd c, 
.: ...1 " 
" .. Farg. Robertson. . . . ,. I W. Hawkesbury. 14th " "I ,. 40 
Ensign... John McRae."" '" . j " 12nd - 1820... Received. Commission. 4 1 
" . ]meph S. Whitcomb.. " 28th Feb., 1826.. Not rec'd. 
" .. lohn \V. Grant.",... j L'OrignaJ.,..... 23rdAug., 1832.. Received 23 
.. Jno. \Vurtele Marston, " ...... 24th" ",. Not rec'd, ., 3 2 
" .. Neil Stewart. ... ..... Vankleek Hill... 25t!I" "........ ...... .... .... 43 
,. Simeon Cass,.,.. _ . . .. Head Port,.,... 27th ' , I' ., , , , " ,..... . . .. . . . . 42 
" .. Elijah Kellogg. ,..... Longueuil..."., 28th .. Received Commission.. 53 
., .. I. B. P. Macdonnell,.. Pt. Fortune..... 1 23rd " 1833.1" " 2+ 
" .. Basile St. Julien. .... Longueuil...... . 1 8th Jan., 1836. . .. \ " " 4 2 
Ad]...... John Kearns......... Plantagenet.... . 1 9th March, 1824.. ...... ...... ., ...... 


 :::::::::::: : '. . . . . .. '.::'.::: '. : : 
 : : :: I : : : : : '. : : : '. : : : : :: ::::: '. : : : : : : : : : : : : : . 
I I I 

The formation of the 18th BattaJion of Prescott 
Iilitia was prompted by the 
same war cloud that caused the organization of the 11th Battalion or 
Rangers, We cannot give the exact dates at which the different companies-except 
the first- were formed, but in 1866 the promptitude with which they responded to the 
call issued from head-quarters showed that they lacked neither the martial spirit nor 
patriotism which had always been the distinguishing traits of their ancestors, To 
their credit, too, it should be remembered that the reports which had been long in 
circulation led them to believe that they were to meet no insignificant foe, but 
veteran soldiers-the greater part of whom had seen service in the armies of Grant 
and McLellan. The first company of the 18th Battalion was formed in 1862 at 
Hawkesbury Mills, the officers of which were as follows :- 
Captains. 1st Lieutenants, 
Co. No. I, Wm. Higginson, Angus Urctuhart. 
" ,e 2, John Shields, Hugh Lough. 
cc ,: 3, A. I. Grant. John Miller, 
II " 4, Geo. McBean. \Vm. Ogden. 
" " 5, H. W, McCann. Donald McIntosh, 
" " 6, Angus Urquhart. John \V, Higginson. 

J as. Higginson. 
John :\lcInnis, 
Sturgis 1\1. Johnson. 
Joseph Grant, 
Wm, C. \Villis. 
. Robertson, 



The Hon. John Hamilton was appointed Lt.-Col. in 1863, and \Villiam Higgin- 
son Major. 
On Sunday morning, the third day of June, 1866, a telegram was received by 
Captain (now Lt.-Co1.) Shields, to call out the Battalion, and proceed forthwith, 
by Steamer" Queen Yictoria," to Ottawa. Captain Bowie, commander of the steJ.mer, 
had been ordered to proceed to L'Orignal, and convey the Volunteers from that place 
to Ottawa with all possible dispatch. The Volunteers were at once duly notified by 
the non-commissioned officers and officers of the several companies; the morning 
was favorable for the purpose, as many ohhe Volunteers had assembled at the differ- 
ent churches in the viilages for public worship. Although the time for assembling 
was brief, between three and four o'clock p.m. of the same day the order was re- 
ceived, Companies], 2, 3, 5, and 6 reported at the L'Orignal wharf, and boarded the 
steamer, which started immediately for Ottawa, stopping on the way to take in other 
Yolunteers that were waiting; the steamer arrived at Ottawa about II p.m, Com- 
o. 4 of the Battalion, having a longer distance to travel, did not arrive at 
Ottawa until the following day-Monday. 
On the arrival of the Companies in Ottawa, the commanding officer, Captain 
Shields, immediately reported to the Adjutant-General, Col. P. L. McDougall, who 
was anxiously awaiting them. All were at once billetted, with orders to report (sharp) 
at 7 o'clock on l\londay, June 4th, at the OtLlwa and Prescott Railway Station, and 
proceed to Prescott on the St. Lawrence. Arriving in Prescott at 10 a.m., and report- 
ing to Col. Atcherly, the oltìcer commanding the garrison at Fort \Vellington, they 
were immedIately stationed-one-half at the Railway Station-the other in the Town 
fhe following, copied from the Battalion Order Book, shows the names of the 
officers when they were called out in 1870: 

Head-Quarters 18th Battalion, 
Dominion Hall, 
Cornwall, 27th May, 1870. 
] 8th Battalion arrived at Cornwail this evening, and reported to Col. Atcherly, 
commanding the Garrison. 
Major Shields, in the absence of Lt.-Col. Higginson, commanding the Battalion, 
The m3.Tching in state showed the strength of the Ba.ttalion to cunsist of 20 offi- 
cers and 155 men, as follows :- 

o. I, Capt. C, I. Higginson, two subalterns and thirty-six men. 
,I 2, " Donald McIntosh, two subalterns, 38 men, 
.1 3, " Pattee, two subalterns, 27 men. 
" 4, " Ogden, two subalterns, 30 men. 
u 5, " :JlcLean, two subaltt'rns, 24 men. 


J. Graves Simcoe, the first Lieutenant-Governor of Upper Canada, shortly after 
his appointment in 1791, wrote to Sir Jos. Ranks, President of the Royal Society, as 
follows :- 
II In a literary way I should be glad to lay the foundation stone of some society 
that I trust might hereafter conduce to the extension of science, Schools have been 
shamefuUy neglected. A college of a higher class would be eminently useful, and would 
give a tone of principle and manners that would be of infinite support to government," 


4 6 9 

This is the starting point of the educational history of Ontario. During the 
whole period that he remained in Canada, Gov. Simcoe continued to press upon the 
Imperial authorities the importance of this work, urging them to make provision for 
the establishment of a university for the province and a grammar (classical) school 
for each district. But the Colonial Office was slow to act, and the Governor Iud to 
leave the province on account of ill-health before his ideas were destined to bear 
After some years of agitation, grammar schools were finally established in each 
district, and subsequently (18 I 6) an act was passed for the establishment and encour- 
agement of common school education. Six thousand pounds ($24,000) was granted 
from the provincial funds, and apportioned among the ten districts of the province. 
[he District Boards were to apportion it among the schools in the several districts 
accordÍng to the number of their scholars j none was to be given to a school with less 
than twenty scholars, and no school was to receive less than one hundred dollars, 
In this same year (1816) Ottawa district was organized. This district com- 
priseà the territory now included in the counties of Prescott and Russell and also 
part of the present county of Carleton. 
In the journals of the House of Assembly for 23rd January, 1823, we find a record 
that Mr. David Pattee asked for leave to bring in a bill to establish a Public (Gram- 
mar) School in the District of Ottawa. Leave was granted and the Act was assented 
to by the Lieutenant-Governor, Sir Peregrine 
IaitlaIld, on the 19th 
Iarch, 182 3. 
One hundred pounds a year was granted, to be "disposed of in paying the salary of 
the teacher3 of the said schooL" And among other things it was enacted ,. that the 
said school shall be opened and kept in the Township of Longueuil, in the County of 
Prescott, at or near the place of holding the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for 
the said district, at such place as the trustees appointed may think proper." 
Four years later (1827) we find an Act passed authorizing the Reverend John 
McLaurin to grant to the trustees of this school, one acre of land for a site. 
Mr. McLaurin's report for the year 1827 tells us that he had then 27 scholars, 
He also states that some of his most advanced pupils had gone to Burlington College 
in the U nÍled States, " there being," he says, " a great tendency in this place to send 
their children to finish their education in the States." He speaks of their" e\.ceI1ent 
schoolhouse, built of stone and lime, well fitted up and large enough to accommodate 
from 50 to 60 scholars." 
His assistant, Mr, Gates, is mentioned, and the report ends by informing us that 
he had " given every encouragement to education by making my fees very low." 
This is the only classical school in this part of the province for many years, and 
all the leading men of the district sent their boys to school here. 
George Hamilton, Alexander Grant, and Philo Hall were members of the Dis- 
trict Board at this time (1827), and they reported the common schools of the district 
as eleven in number, "kept by masters duly qualified." They" recommended an 
approlJriation of ;[J 26 10S for the support of the said schools." 
The province increased rapidly in population j but the Le
islature did so little 
towards aiding the common schools, that a committee of the House of Assembly in 
18 3 I stated that the schools were in a "deplorable " state. There is reason to 
believe that in Prescott things were not so bad j as, in comparison with other districts, 
the population was small, and each district received the same share from the fund, 
:Kearly everything, however, was left to voluntary effort. 
Dr, Ryerson was appointed Chief Superintendent of .Education in 184-4., and 
at once he bent his energies to the establishment of a really national system of 
Education, "Free schools" were denounced as "legalized robbery" and as a 

47 0 


., war against property." Lord Elgin, who was Governor during this period, gave 
much valuable aid to the popular cause. Finally, in 1850, a school- law was 
passed adapted to the municipal system of the pro"f'ince, The leading principles 
of the system were local control; local taxation, aided and stimulated by government 
assistance; education free to all, and compulsory; systematic inspection under 
government control. The Act of 1850 did not give us all this; but it went a long 
way towards it, and subsequent amendments have given us the system now practically 
completed. In 1852, 2,300 pupils attended the schools of the counties; these pupils 
were taught by 50 teachers, who were paid something less than $5,000 in salaries. 
The two Grammar schools at L'Orignal and Yankleek Hill at this time had 51 
pupils between them. Their income is put down at /:,220. Twenty years later, 
18 7 2 , the public (common) schools contained 6163 pupils taught by 110 teachers who 
received $13,726 in salaries. The I-iigh (Grammar) schools in 1872 were attended by 
76 pupils. 
A t present there are 200 teachers in the Primary schools (public and separate) 
teaching 10,766 pupils at a total cost of $58,000 yearly. 
The two High schools at Hawkesbury and Vankleek Hill are educating about 
25 0 pupils at an annual cost of nearly $5,000. 
There are 81 R,C. Separate school teachers in the counties; most of these schools 
have been established of late years. The St. Eugène Separate school is the oldest in 
the counties, having been established about 18 5 2 . 
'Ve have 3 Protestant Separate schools. 
The old Grammar school at L'Orignal was discontinued in 1873, after the estab- 
lishment of the Hawkesbury schools. 
In 18 77, Training schools for third-class teachers were established in every 
county, Since then every teacher in Ontario has received professional training. 
WILLIAM J. SU1\I1\IERBY, the author of the above sketch, and through whose earn- 
est and judicious labors the schools of Prescott and Russell are advancing, is a son of 
"Tilliam Summerby, who came to Canada in 1853, and for many years was a foreman 
on the Grand Trunk and Great Western Railways; he died in 18 9 2 . 
The son, \V. J., received a thorough training for teaching at the Toronto and 
Ottawa Normal Schools, and became Head Master in the Kingston Model School. 
He was married in 18 74 to Miss Loucks of Russell-a descendant of a U. E, 
Loyalist. Mr. Summerby was appointed School Inspector for Prescott and Russell in 
1880-an appointment for which his ability, geniality and experience in teaching 
enlinently fitted him. 
The following will give some idea ofthe way in which school affairs were managed 
fifty-four years ago: 
"Pursuant to act of Parliament relative to common schools, at a quarterly meet- 
ing held by the School Commissioners for the eastern and western division of the town 
of Hawkesbury, at the Red School House, near Wm. Wait's stone house, on Tuesday, 
the first day of March, 184 2 , Rev. Franklin Metcalfe, Joseph S. \Vhitcomb, George 
Higginson, Dr. James Stirling, Peter Roy McLaurin, Archibald McBain, and Nath- 
aniel Burwash, being School Commissoners, 
" Resolved,- That Rev. Franklin Metcalfe take under his charge to superintend 
three divisions, viz.:-Nos. 1,2 and 3, designated as follows :-No. I, commencing at 
the town line at Point Fortune, including the 1st and 2nd Concessions, thence westerly 
as far as the west side of the Gray property. No.2, from thence westerly to west 
side of Christopher Campbell's farm near the Clay Hill, including the 1st and 2nd 
Concessions. NO.3, thence to the west side of the Commons, including the 1st and 
2nd Concessions." 


47 1 

Then follows a description of the various divisions assigned to other Commis- 
sioners, who, it seems, were also Superintendents, but it is noticeable that while the 
Rev. Mr. Metcalfe has three divisions, the others have only two divisions each. It 
was then Resoll'ed, " That the Rev. Franklin Metcalfe and Dr, James Stirling be the 
Commissioners to examine all the teachers in the several divisions, and qualify them 
I I Resolved,- That each Commissioner appointed to the several divisons under 
their charge shaH visit such schools monthly, and report thereon to the next quarterly 
At an adjourned quarterly meeting, held 3rd October, 1842, the following was a 
part of the business transacted: 



No. 7 taught 
" 8 " 


by Robert Hamilton 1 
" Alexander Bagsley 
" Mr. McDonald 
" Thomas \VhiLe } 
" \Vm. Lough 
" James Gambell } 
" George Gray 
" Miss McIntyre 1 
" Miss Schagel and Miss 0' Brien 
" .Mr. \\T atson 

Dr. Jas. Stirling. 

,. 10 
" 4 
" 5 
'I 6 
.. 16 

, , 


Joseph \Vhitcomb. 
George Higginson. 
Nathaniel Burwash, 




Rev. F. Metcalfe. 


" 3 
Moved by Rev. Mr. Metcalfe, seconded by Mr. Joseph \Vhitcomb-" That 
owing to the fluctuating nature of the population and the 
erious loss that will accrue 
to the teacher, from the collector not being able to collect all the school fees of IS. 3 d , 
per month, the School Commissioners hereby recommend and permit the teachers 
themselves to collect the above fee from each scholar attending their respective schools, 
and that intimation be given to the teachers to that effect, and in case of receiving 
such fee, the teacher grant a receipt." 
At a meeting held by.the Board, 8th December, 1842, it was Resolved" that the 
several school teachers 
hall take upon themselves to collect the school fee of IS. 3 d , 
per month, and, in case of refusal to pay, the teacher may apply to the Commis- 
sioners for authority to enable the collector to collect the same." 



A history of the square timber industry of the Ottawa Valley since its inception 
in 1806 is interesting in its character, whether regarded as a source of revenue to the 
Provinces, or as individual enterprises, or in its more extended form as a business 
furnishing employment to the laboring classes, and through them promoting the 
general welfare and prosperity of the country. 
The intrepid pioneer of the square timber business, as wdl as the heroic settler 
of the Township of HulI, was Philimoll \Vright, Esq., who, on the 11th of June, 1806 
(Bouchette says, 1807), started from the mouth of the Gatineau wi th the 11 rst raft of 
square timber ever floated on its surface. This was an undertaking of far greater 
magnitude than at first sight appears to be. There were the dangerous and almost 

47 2 


unexplored rapids which they had to pass, and which were unknown to the men he 
had with him; true, ke had several times surveyed them from the shore in passing up 
and down, but was in profound ignorance as to the proper channel to be run, There 
was this in his favor, a good pitch of water, which enabled him to pass in safety the 
dangerous rocks which obstruct the channel. Mr. \Vright must have been a man of 
good, sound, common sense, of indomitable courage and perseverance, of keen observa- 
tion and sound judgment, and with a practical turn of mmd. 
\Vhen he left the mouth of the Gatineau riveï on that morning in June, it was 
with a raft poorly equipped and constructed, and as poorly prepared for the storms and 
dangers incident to a voyage to Quebec. He had neither anchor.., chains nor snub- 
bing ropes, nothing but birch withes to lash or tie the cl-ibs together, and two kinds of 
wooden anchors: one kind made with a large stone fastened round with split pieces of 
wood and tied with hempen cord; the other kind was cut from the fork of an elm 
tree, which was used to fasten the raft ashore, when it became necessary to effect a 
landing. But with all the deficiences of a well-equipped raft (for he was ignorant of 
what was required, even if he had the means of acquiring it,) he cast off, and was soon 
slowly drifting along on the quiet waters of the Grand river. Every point and head- 
land was carefully noted; his men were put in proper training to handle their oars, 
and keep in unison; any defects in the construction were remedied, and in due time 
they drew near to that turbulent surging rapid which, to all of them was an unknown 
passage. As their frail structure is brought to shore for the night, their ears are 
saluted by the roar of the w3ters of the Long Sault, and as they gather around the 
c:aboose for their evening meal, the usual sounds of merriment are suppressed; they 
have no heart for fun or levity with that disma.l sound in their ears, and as they 
creep into their caballes d'Üorce, it is not to sleep, but to talk of their probable 
chances on the morrow, and speculate on the. success of the undertaking, 
After an early breakfast, the moorings are cast off, the oars are manned, and in a 
short time the point is rounded, and they are almost within sight of the breakers; and, as 
the white caps of what has since been called the Cellar hecome more distinct, is it any 
wonder that with blanched faces and bated breath they calmly survey the scene, and 
drifting on with the current, prepare themselves as best they can for the descent? 
As usual Mr. \Vright's keen eye takes in the situation at a glance, and with the 
same alacrity which marks all his movements, he gets his raft brought into the 
desired channeJ, and they begin to descend the waters of the Long Sault. 
In due time they arrive at the foot, or what is now called "Greece Point," where 
for a short distance the water is quite smooth, thus enabling them to get a little breath- 
ing spell before running the "Chute au Blondeau." During the passage down these 
Ir. \V right is not idle; he has gained a good deal of knowledge and experience 
in that short time j he finds he does not require oars at the sides of the raft, but only at 
the bow and stern, and thus he is ever on the alert to profi t by past experience, 
Having made the raft secure in one of the sheltered bays, a proper survey was made, 
and damages and defects repaired and remedied before running the Carillon rapids, 
which, although much shorter than the other rapids, is equally rough and turbulent, 
At length they are passed, and a long stretch of calm, smooth water is before 
them, giving them an opportnnity for getting a much needed rest, as well as repair- 
ing any damages sustained. As a raft of timber had never been seen on the river, 
it was regarded as a great curiosity; and the few settlers along the banks would 
gather at it when they would tie up for the night, anxious to find out where he was 
going, etc., and were almost horrified when Mr. \Vright informed them of his destina- 
tion and the route he intended to pursue. Here again Mr. \Vright showed his gooå 
sound judgment in deciding to take the north channel, instead of keeping south, 



and runllIng the Lachine Rapids. His course has been followed ever since by aU. 
rafts coming down the Ottawa; of course, all square timber rafts from the St. 
Lawrence go through the Lachine rapids, but at that time it was deemed an impossible 
feat, The north channel divides the Island of Montreal from the Isle Jesus, and opens 
at the lower end of the Lake of Two Mountains, and was at that time comparatively 
unknown, even to the voyageurs. Nothwithstanding all efforts to dissuade him from 
the course he had adopted, he entered the narrow and turbulent waters of the north 
channel, or, as it is no"" called, Rivière des Prairies. For a considerable distance the 
water is swift and rough, but about midway are those dangerous rapids of Sau!t 
au Recollet, which compare with any on the river. In due time the rapids are 
passed, and they have floated out into the St. Lawrence at Bout de l'Isle. Although 
he has passed all the rapid::;, the danger and trouble is still with him; he has now to 
depend upon his oars and a fair wind, there being little or no current to help him 
onward, and it is a slow, tedious journey, often delayed or driven back by contrary 
winds; but at length, at the end of 35 days, he has the satisfaction of arriving at the 
port of Quebec with the first raft of square timber ever brought down the Ottawa; 
and it was with a feeling of pride that he could point out to the members of Govern- 
ment and others who carne to view it) and could demonstrate clearly, that it was an 
accomplished fact, that timber could be brought from the Ottawa Valley to Ql1ebec- 
that they could pass through those dangerous' rapids with comparative safety; and the 
experience that 1\1r, Wright gained in this venture was of great benefit to him in each 
su bsequent one. 
The running of the rapids is not the greatest danger that raftsmen have to con- 
tend with, great as these dangers and difficulties are. It is when a storm arises when 
a raft is in an exposed situation, such, for instance, as being overtaken in a storm 
on Lake St. Peter (which is an expansion of the river twenty-five miles long, and 
nearly nine miles broad), when their chances of weathering it are small indeed, and 
which has well been called "The raftsman's graveyard." A memorable storm 
OCClll red on this lake in the summer of 1839, when a large numher of rafts were 
wrecked, and the greater part of the crews lost, among whom was Jerry Campbell, 
from Chatham, one of the oldest pilots on the river, and which cast a gloom over 
man y families. 

lr, \Vright continued for several years to take down timber to Quebec, each 
year increasing his store of knowledge and the requirements of the trade, no other 
competitors engaging in the business until after the close of the war, when a few 
farmers from the township of Chatham ventured their all in this new industry, among 
whom were the families of Burch, Allan Fish, Bayley, Smith and Campbell; after 
them carne the Dewars, Noyes Brothers, McPhee, Thomsons, Douglas, Ostroms, 
and others, who carried on lumbering operations between Grel1viI1e and By town. 
The rears 1824-25 were marked by great depression in commercial circles, and 
especially in the timber trade, owing to the Baltic timber being admitted into 
Britain at a lower rate of duty. This depression completely ruined the first named 
lumbermen, who all, with the exception of the last, emigrated to the United States, 
With the return of prosperity øthers engaged in the business, among whom were J Oh11 
Waddell and Allan Cameron, alias U Big Allan," who for many years were the best 
Pilots on the river, and who afterwards filled the same responsible positions with 
Hamilton Brothers. 
Later on carne a host of others, viz., Major I\rcMillan, Tucker, Edwards, Culbert 
and many others, together with \Vindsor and Beckett, whose names are synonymous 
with anything but what was good. The Falls of Chaudière at Onawa, with the rapids 
above, are too well known to require any description in this article; it only remains 
3 1 



to say that to 'Vm, Noyes, of Chatham, belongs the honor of taking down the first 
timber that was made above these falls, which feat was accomplished about 1827-8. 
The first slide for the passage of single sticks of timber was built on the north side 
of the river by Mr, Wright, in the year 1829. The furnishing of "withes II for the 
use of the rafts was quite an industry of itself, giving employment to men and teams, 
as, owing to the want of ropes and chains, especially when the business was in its 
infancy, their places had to be supplied with them, but which, of late years, has been 
superseded, It was in the latter part of the .first decade of this century that Mr. 
\Vright took out the first raft of square timber from the township of Hull, and floated 
it down to Quebec, and as we look back to the latter part of the last decade, what 
improvements have been made in every branch of business! and ior years past, the 
square timber business has only been child's play compared to what it was even half 
a century ago, Prior to that time it was no uncommon sight to see the river, in the 
busy season, closely covered with rafts, moving along with from fifteen to twenty 
large square sails on each; and it required a good knowledge of seamanship to 
navigate and control such an unwieldy mass as a large raft, and keep it in the 
proper clnnneI. 
The introduction of steamboats on the different stretches of water has caused 
quite a revolution in the timber trade, In the first place, it has reduced the time 
required, which means a decrease in wilges and expenses. It does not require as 
many men to navigate a raft; a few extra men are hired in running the rapids and 
then discharged; and lastly it has decreased the risk of being caught in a storm, and 
increased the chance of being able to get into some sheltered bay. A great change 
has also taken place in the construction of rafts since 1840, Before that time the 
augur was the principal factor in its frame work, together with long wooden pins, 
or, as they were called, "pickets:" and the cross pieces or traversts were fastened with 
".knock-downs," a thing that is not known at the present day by any river man under 
sixty years of age. 
Since the introduction of "canned meats" and vegetables, together with plenty 
of rice, sugar, and other whülesome food, into the lumber camps, that dreaded disease 
caUed the black lfg (one form of SCUY'lJY) has entirely disappeared. It was 110 un- 
common occurrence for a number of the men to be laid by with it, and it was univer- 
sally dreaded by lumbermen, and with good reason. Of late years, the quantity of 
square timber has greatly declined. From statistics furnished by a prominent lumber- 
man to the Ottawa Journal, one and a quarter million feet would be the fun amount 
of this year's cut. The same authority states, that in 1890, five million feet were taken 
down the Ottawa, and in 1888 nearly eight million feet were taken down. 
This faUing off is due to several causes :-First, the increased quantity of sawn 
lumber of all widths and sizes which are shipped to Great Britain; then, more iron 
vessels are built, and thirdly, the great saving in sawn lumber as compared with 
square timber. There is, in connection with this industry, a peculiarity seldom seen 
in other works of so much magnitude and importance, viz., the rise and fall in the 
same century. Its inception, the work of one individual, with small beginnings- 
then the gradual-then the rapid development and increase, until it reached the 
zenith of its prosperity, and then the rapid decline to the small quantity above 
quoted, so that it is safe to predict that when the century (1906) has passed, the last 
raft will be as great a curiosity as the first one was, on
 hundred years before. 




The earliest record we have b
en able to obtain of any Agricultural Society in 
Prescott reads as follows :- 
Agreeable to public notice a meeting Was held at the Court House in the Village 
of L'Orignal in the District of Ottawa on the 17th day of February, 1844, for the 
purpose of forming an Agricultural Society in and for said district, when Charles P. 
Treadwell, E'3q., was appointed Chairman, and \Villiam Z. Cozens, Esq., S
The following officers of the Society were then elected :- 
President.-Charles P. Treadwell. 
Vice-Presidmts,-Elijah Kellogg, Esq., Joseph S. \Vhitcomb, Wm. Kirby, Charles 
Hersey, Esq., and \Villiam Bradley. 
Treasurer.-Thomas H. Johnson, 
Secre/ary.-\Villiam Z. Cozens. 
Direc/ors,-Richard Allen, John Ramsey, Godfrey Valley, James Cross, Ewen 
Cameron, James Proudfoot, John Chesser, Chauncey Johnson, Esq., Chauncey John- 
son, jun., John Pattee, George Cross, \Vm. A. Thomson, Peter Sterling, Esq, 
At a meeting held in the same place 22nd March following, it was resolved, the 
following persons be appointed experts for viewing crops this year:- 
Chauncey Johnson, jun., James Renwick and Farquhar Robertson, and that the 
expelts of the plowing match should be Peter Sterling, Esq., John :McNabb, E. 
Kellogg, Esq, 
The following persons are chosen judges at the annual Cattle Show for the 
undermentioned articles for the year 1845 : 
William Kirby, 1 
L. Downing, ( on horses. 
John Garland, ) 
Ewen McMaster, 1 
Chauncey Johnson, Esq., on horned cattle, 
Richard Allen, 
Patrick McGee, } 
J ames Cross, on sheep and hogs, 
'Villiam Bradley, 
'Villiam KehOe, } 
O. Gates, on butter, cheese and clòth, 
Hiram Johnson. 
To balance of year 1844 per returns made...... . . .. ... ..,. . "... . . .. 
., amount of Provincial grant,..... ..,....",.,. . . . . " ,..,.,.,.,. 
cc subscribed by County of Prescott.. .... ...... .. .. . ...... . . .. .. .. 
" " " " Russell""....., .."" .", . . . . . . .. .", 

250 0 00 
63 15 00 
25 0 00 

By amount paid County of Russell. , . , .. ,.,... ."... "..,. . , , .. . . .. :l 
.. ., of expenses dra wing money, , , . . . . . .. . , . . . , . . . . . . .. . , , . 
,f paid County of Prescott ................................ 
,I Ie \Villiam Cozens, Secretary.... ...... . . . .. . . .. .. . t. . 
I' "T, H.Johnson, Treasurer.....,.. ....,......"..,.., 
" John Ramsay, Collector. , , . . . . . . . " . . . . ... . .. ,..... 
" 3 experts judging crops. . . . .. ,..... . . ,. .." ,. ...... 

342 2 00 


99 10 00 
I 0 00 
199 5 00 
8 10 00 
5 000 
5 000 
16 17 06 

, . 

, , 


:l335 2 06 
Balance in Treasurer.s hands for 18.1-6.". ,... . , " "......,.,....... 6 19 06 

47 6 


Statement of monies disbursed and received for and on account of the Ottawa 
District Agricultural Society for the year of our Lord 1848, viz. :- 


To amount in Treasurer's bands since last year...... .... .". ",. "" :l 15 16 03 
" 'I received from Provincial Government. . . . ... .... ,..,.,.,. 250 0 00 
" 'c of subscription Russell Society................ ,... .. .. .. 25 0 00 
"" 'I Prescott Society....,. ....... .',.', .. .. . . 63 10 00 

:l 354 6 03 



L 2 10 00 
175 0 00 
21 0 00 
8 Ir; 00 
7 1000 
8 IS 00 
I II 08 
3 14 03 
8 15 00 
100 0 00 

By amount paid Widow Coæn's balance due her late husband as Secretary 
I' " paid premiums Prescott Society.,. , .. ....,. ,.". ",...,. 
I' " II experts viewing crops. , .. ...... , . . . . " . . " . . , , . . , . . 
" "plowing match. . , . ,. , , . . ., ,..,., . . , , ... , , . , . . , , , . . 
., u collection, including subscription, . . , .. , . . . . , ,. .'" , . 
· c "the Treasurer. , . . .. . , ,. ,..... ., . . . , , , , . , , ,. ... . . . . 
" expenses drawing money L I 55, postage 6s 8d".. . . . . . , , , , 
" paid c' Life at Springs" for 
dvertising. , " , . " ,.." '.", 
I. II Secretary, including subscription..., .. " .. " ., .. .. .. 
II II Russell Society. , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . . , . . . . . 





:l 337 10 II 
Balance on hand carried to year 1849...... .. ., ...... ,..... . ,... .... 16 IS 04 

Prescott now has a flourishing Agricultural Society; an Agricultural hall was 
erected in 18 74, The Society's grounds, at that time, comprised but two acres; in 
188 7, the luantity was increased to nine acres, at an expense of $1625, and a fine 
new hall was built. 
In 1874 only five classes of articles were exhibited in the Ladies' Department; 
coverlets, woollen counterpanes,two pairs wool mitts, two pairs wool socks, and woollen 
shawl. In 1894 forty-five classes of articles were exhibited, and in the other fifteen 
classes there was also a corresponding increase. In 1883 there were but 82 members, 
in 1894 there were 236. 


No. of entries, 1,594, 
Amount paid out, over........,................... ......$3,000 
Erected a grand stand, cos1............................. 1,060 


Presidmt.-Dennis Hurley. 
1St Vice-President.-E. A. Johmon. 
21zd h U John M. Barton. 
Directors.-Joseph Routhier, Thomas Dick, James Al1ison, Andrew \Vood, John 
Ryan, Duncan Campbell, James Cross, J, C. Mooney, and Jonathan Cross. 




\Yho has 110t heard of Point Fortune? N early a century ago, it was the most 
celebrated spot on the Ottawa, indeed, it seems to have been the Castle Garden of the 
Ottawa Valley, the point to which all intending settlers and travellers made their 
way before locating their lands or visiting other localities in the new district of 
Eastern Ontario. \Ve might naturally expect to find here a place of some size and 
importance, but it is doubtful if there are more inhabitants here than there were half 
a century ago. It still remains little more than a hamlet. Two churches have sprung 
up in recent years, which bespeak a moral growth; but otherwise, it is Point Fortune 
still; small, quiet, pretty indeed from its location, and highly interesting from its 
associations with the past. 
Although the village of Point Fortune which was incorporated in 1881, is wholly 
in the County of Vaudreuil, it is so closely united physically, socially and morally 
with the County of Prescott, that we have thought proper to embrace its history in 
these pages. \Ve regard our reasons valid, inasmuch as the western boundary of the 
corporation is the road between Prescott and Vaudreuil; quite a portion of the 
village, so called, is in Prescott, and the two churches-Methodist and Presbyterian 
-attended by the people of the entire section are in Prescott. 
The corporation extends about two miles in length along the Ottawa, and one 
and a half back from the same river. 
The present Municipal Council is composed ofthe following gentlemen :-Mayor, 
John !\Iiddleton; Councillors: E. Theorest, John Laroque, A. Cousineau, J. \Villiam- 
son, A. C, Robinson and George A. Barclay j S
cretary-Treasurer, S. Cole, 
hDDLETOK, the .Mayor, was the first Secretary-Treasurer of the'munici- 
pality,and after holding this position four or five years, he was elected Councillor, 
and with the exception of one year, he has been on the Board ever since, 
Ir. Mid- 
dleton is one of those individuaìs found occasionally in a community, whose general 
information and good judgment render them good councillors on almost any subject 
-one who can discuss political questions, expound municipal law, reason clearly on 
theology, make a good speech, or write a good article for the newspaper. . 
Mr. Middleton is a skillful mechanic 
nd a practical farmer, and -besides 
being a Slide Master on the Carillon Dam and Mayor of Pt. Fortune, he is a Justice 
of the Peace, and agent for several insurance companies. He is a son of the late 
J ames 
Iiddleton, of whom there is a sketch in [he history of St. Andrews; he married 
Margaret, daughter of the late James Pitcairn, 20th May, 1856 ; they have two sons 
and two daughters-John, the eldest son, married to Mary, eldest daughter of Mr. 
Christopher Spratt, of East Hawkesbury, lives in a pleasant cottage in this place. 
Though a carpenter by trade, he devotes much of his time to farming; Archibald, Ùe 
second son, is an employee in l\lcOuat & :McRae's foundry in Lachute j the eldest 
daughter, Mary, is in :\[assachusetts; and the younger, Elizaheth, resides with her 
COL. \V:\[. FORTUNE is the earliest settler at Point Fortune, of whom we have 
any account, and the one from whom the place derived its name. I t is unfortunate 
that we know very little of his history; indeed no one in this section seemed to be 
aware of the fact, that there was more than one individual here bearing this name, and 
supposed that he was Col. Joseph Fortune, a surveyor. The following document, how- 
ever, as well as some others found among the papers of the late Judge Macdonnell, 
establishes the fact, that the name of the original proprietor of land at this place was 
Co!. \Villiam Forlune, 


47 g 


" His Excellency, the Right Honorable Lord Dorchester, in Council, twenty-third 
day of July, 1788, was pleased to order me to report a survey of one thousand acres 
of land on the Ottawa River for Co!. William Fortune. In obedience to the above 
order, I have camed to be surveyed, admeasured and laid out for Co!. \Villiam 
Fortune-" Here the first page of this report abruptly terminates; the sheet on which 
it is printed having been torn in halves, and the lower half lost, A portion of the 
report may be read on the other side of the part of the sheet remaining. Joseph 
Fortune was a son of Col. William Fortune, and we find his name mentioned in official 
documents, first, in 1814, At just what time he located here we are unable to say, 
but a document before us shows that a mortgage on lots Nos. I and 2, First Con. in 
East Hawkesbury, was granted by William Fortune to Benaniah Gibb, 14th Sept- 
ember, 1804. 
Joseph Fortune was a surveyor, and became a prominent man in the Ottawa 
District, serving as Clerk of the Peace for several years, and Lieut.-Col. of Militia- 
the latter office, as shown by official documents, he held in 1814. 
Conflicting accounts are given as to what finally became of him; while some 
claim that he died here, others say that he moved away. Both, doubtless, are true; 
and the discrepancy in the statements disappears when one learns that there were 
two colonels of the same name. It is certain that one of them died at Point 
Fortune, and was buried near the present building of James Pitcairn. Not many 
years after Mr, Pitcairn purchased his property here, Mr. John \Vaddell of Hawkes- 
bury, with one or two more, came down and asked permission of Mr. Pitcairn to 
disinter and remove the remains. Permission, of course, was granted, An elm of 
considerable size had already grown on the grave, and the coffin was so muc.h de- 
cayed that it broke in pieces on being disturbed. This incident proves that, at least, 
one CoJ. Fortune died, and was buried at this place. 
About this time an American named Barnum settled on the lot now occupied by 
J, W, Crosby. A deed before us shows that a small piece of land was sold by 
Richard Barnum to Joseph Fortune, 31st October, 1807. Richard, a son of Mr. 
Barnum, became quite an active business man in this section, and during the forties 
and fifties was one of the prominent fOlwarders on the Ottawa. Mi
fortune, how- 
ever, soon followed j his boats were sold from necessity, and he died a poor man, 
Co!. Fortune sold another part of his estate to Jos. 
IcMil]an, a Nor' 'Vester, 
1IcMiIlan not many years later sold to James and John Pitcairn, and returned to 
Perth, Scotland. 
JOHN CAMERON from Lochaber, Scotland, was another pioneer, and he settled 
where W, R, Hemsley now lives. He died here in 1874, about 90 years of age, He 
had four sons and six daughters, of whom only one son and four daughters are now 
living. None of the members of this old and respectable family now remain here. 
:Mrs. Cameron and her two daughters, .Margaret and Sarah, removed to Arnprior not 
many years ago. Hugh, the son, and another of the daughters also live in Arnprior, 
In 1813 appeared on the scene another man destined to eclipse the fame of 
Co!. Fortune, and to play an important part for many years in the affairs of this part of 
Ontario. This was John Macdonnell, a Nor'\Vester, who afterwards became Co!. of 
the Prescott Militia and a Judge in the Ottawa District. He and Co!. Fortune, it 
seems, from documents still in existence, did not live harmoniously as neighbors, 
being involved in law suits, in which the means of both, to å greater or less degree, 
were exhausted. A large and fine stone house bearing date 1817, now owned and 
occupied by Major \Villiamson, and the most conspicuous object in Pt. Fortune, still 
stands on the bank of the Ottawa-a monument of the Judge's enterprise and a 
memento of the fortunes that were often quickly made by the early fur trader s 
the North West. 



It was with great pleasure that we recently found i'1 the possession of :Mr. J. 'V, 
Crosby, a large lot of papers comprising letters, legal documents, etc., which were 
left by the Judge. Through the courtesy of Mr. Crosby we were permitted to 
examine them. One of these bears the date 1773, and though portions have been 
lost and others defaced, there are still enough left to show that the Macdonnell 
family were well educated, and of good social status, The oldest document throwing 
light on the public career of Judge Macdonnell is ol'le dated "Castle St. Louis, Que. 
bec, 20th June, 1788, signed by Lord Dorchester, appointing Macdonnell Ensign of 
a company in the-Battalion of Militia of Cornwall and Osnabruck." At what 
time he entered the service of the N, W. Company we are unable to say, but a letter 
to him from his father, dated at "New Scothouse" in Stormont, 15th April, 1795, is 
addressed, ., John MacdonneJI, Red River, N. 'V., care ofMr. Cuthbert Grant, Grand 
The first sentence of the letter shows that he was in the North West the year 
previous to the date of the letter. "Your letter of the 18th July, 1794, from Portage 
de L'Outard, carne duly to hand." The following, which he imparts as news to his son, 
seems peculiarly ancient in 1896: "A treaty of amity and commerce was agreed 
upon, last winter, between Great Britain and the States of America, for the reason, 
it is affirmed, that the upper posts and lines are to be delivered to the Americans, 
on the 26th day of June, 1796. (Why not this year?) The French war to be conti- 
nued with the utmost vigor, as you will see by the King's speech in the paper I send 
Among the other papers referred to is a lengthy sketch of the Macdonnell family, 
which goes back several centuries in Scottish History, and shows that they were lineal 
descendants of the" Lords of the Isles," Much of the sketch, evidently, is missing, 
hence, contains nothing regarding the family, for two centuries past. From allusions 
made in certain letters, we infer that the Judge's father was in the British service; he 
wrote a history of his life which was designed for publication, but the idea was aban- 
doned on account of the expense. One of his letters, written to John in 1808, in- 
formed him that he beC]ueathed him 1000 acres of land in Lancaster, 
A letter written to the Judge by his brother \Villiam J., from Boston, 27th April, 
1816, contains the following: 
" I have had a letter from Miles, just landed at New York from Liverpool; he 
also forwarded to me, by a friend, the watch of our worthy grandfather, who wore it 
when he fell in his country's cause at the memorable b:lttle of Culloden in 1745." 
In 1812, Mr. l\lacdonnell received the following appointment :- 
"Capiain General and Governor-in-Chief of the .Province of Lower Canada, etc. 
" Reposing confidence in your lõyahy, courage' and good conduct, do by thes
present constitute and appoint you to be, during pleasure, Captain in the Voyageurs, 
The following letters from his sister Penelope and her husband, John Berkie, who 
was for some }'ears in the employ of the U. C. Government, as clerk of the Legisla- 
ti\'e Assembly, are inserted on account of their interesting contents and the description 
of an important event in our National history. As the letter of his sister aefers to a 
narrow e@cape of Mr, Macdonnell from the Yankees at St, Regis, we are led to the 
conclusion that he had at that time left the North-\Vest-a conclusion still funher 
strengthened by the fact, that it was only a little after the datc of the letter he bought 



his property at Point Fortune. It will be noticed by the one familiar with the 
history of the war of 1812, that the letter refers to what occurred in April, 1813, when 
the American Commodore Chauncey appeared off Toronto with 14 armed vessels, 
h.lving sixteen hundred troops on board-a land force under General Pike co'oper- 
ating with this. The letter differs in one respect from the statement ofhistorians, for 
while it says that the General ordered fire to be s
t to the magazine, the}' claim that 
he did nothing of the kind, and that it was the act of an Artillery Sergeant, named 
Marshall, who set fire to the powder m1gaJ;ine, to prevent its falling into the hands of 
the enemy: 

YORK, 5th May, 1813. 

1\1\ DE-\R JOHN, 
Early on the morning of the 27th ultimo the enemy's fleet, consisting of Íour- 
teen sail, doubled Gibraltar Point under easy sail, and came to anchor off the site of 
the old fort, Toronto, Everyone, you may be sure, ran to prevent their landing j but 
they sailed in, in spite of us, though not without great loss on both sides, As I had 
no military cOllllnand, I volunteered with the Grenadiers of the 8th Regiment, and 
had the mortification to see their gallant leader f
J1. Captain McNeil was beloved 
by his men. About this time, the enemy were landing in gleat numbers, and we were 
ordered to make for the battery. As I did not hear this order, I found myself sud- 
denly widl 1\Iajor Givins at the head of about a hundred Indians. He desired me not, 
to advance nearer the water, for fear of being made prisoner; and, in an instant after- 
ward, ev-=ryone fled, the best way he eould. I got -safe to the Government House 
Battery, and thought all was coming on well, when I heard a dreadful explosion, and, 
then, cheers. But, alas 
 it was the blowing up of about thirty of our poor fellows, and 
the enemy gaining possession of our battery. From this moment, every heart was 
dismayed; the enemy were rushing on; the General ordered a retreat and fire to be 
set to the magazine. This was the grandest, and, <\t the same time, the most awful 
sight I have ever seen. The enemy acknowledge to have lost, at least, 250 killed 
and 100 wounded by the explosion. Our retreat continued, and when we had 
arrived at 1\1r. Small's at the east end of the town, the General with the troops 
pushed on for Kineston, and left us all standing in the street, like a parcel of sheep. 
The only thing then to be done was for the town to capitulate, which was done. 
Then the business of plundering and burning commenced, and did not cease until 
the evening of the 1st inst., when they all went on board of their vessels, where they 
yet rem'lin at anchor in the harbor. The number of troops they brought is said to 
be 4,065, exclusive of marines and seamen. The force we had to oppose to them was 
about 450, so that, although they have gained the day, they have nothing to brag of ; 
they have lost more men tl
an we had altogether. They have burnt the Government 
House, the two block houses, one barrack for soldiers, and other buildings, They 
have broken every door and window in the Council Office, which was Elmo;by House, 
and a schooner belonging to an inhabitant of York. They have carried offrhe "Glou-' 
cester," \\'hich was undergoing repairs, and was to be cOln-erted into a transport, being 
too old for a ship-ùf-war. The new ship on the stocks we burnt ourselves, for, other- 
"rise, I dare say, they would have done it. 
Donald behaved well as a Volunteer of the 49th Regiment, and I desired him to 
follow the General. The poor fellow was blown down at the hattery, but, thank God, 
he was not hurt, save that his hands were scratcheà a little. Mr. 'Vood, of this place, 
was thrown 011 top of him, but neither was he hurt. 1 am sorry to add, that poor Mr. 
Donald :\lcLean was killed. This will be shocking news for 1\1rs. Reid, but I shall 
leave the management of bringing it to her knowledge to you. Thank God, I escaped 
unhurt, although a rifle ball struck and passed through the upper part of the cape of 


4 81 

my coat under my ear. I enclose you a paper, which you may publish in the :Mont- 
real Gazette, if you think proper, It will show that we act like Bri tons, although the 
enemy is near, and might crush us to atoms. The American commander-in-chief, 
Pike, is killed; General Dearborn now command3. 
I remain, always, 
Your affectionate brother, 
On the same sheet is the following letter from his si<;ter, Mrs. Berkie: 
I am told you are low spirited since you were surprised by the Yankees at St. 
Regis; but I think it was a providential surprise for YOJj to save your life, for, had 
not that been the case, I am convinced you would not have suffered yourself to be 
taken alive. 'Ve all have reason to be thankful to Pro\'idence, for never did I pass 
so awful a day as the 27th of April, with my two poor fellows in the heat of the battle. 
r never prayed more fervently, or said that beautiful psalm (" He that dwdls in the 
Delp of the Highest shall 
bide in the protection of the God of Heaven, etc." ) more 
devoutly, since my father's death, than I did that day. It is a beautiful psalm, and 
He who strengthens the weak gave me more strength and fortitude than all the other 
females of York put together; for I kept my Castle, when all the rest fled; and it 
was well for us I did sO,-our little property was saved by that means. Every house 
t.hey found deserted was completely sacked. \Ve .have lost a few things, which were 
carried off before our faces; but, as we expected to lose all, we think ourselves well 
off. 'ViII you believe it? I had the temerity to frighten, and even to threaten, some 
of the enemy, though they had the place and me in their power. Poor \\ïlliam Swan 
was one of their majors, and behaved by no means like an enemy; he came without 
leave, and staid a night with us, I believe that through him we were treated with 
civility by their officers. Should he fall into our hands, I hope it will not be forgotten 
of him. They so overloaded their vessels with the spirits of this place, that I am told 
they have thrown quantities of pork and flour into the Jake. I really attribute this 
visit to the vengeance of heaven on this place, for quanti ties of stores, farming utensils, 
etc., sent from England in the time of General Simeon. were allowed to remain in the 
King's stores, and nothing of them did they ever get. Now, our enemies have them, 
to do with them as they please. I think we deserve all we have got, Keep up your 
spirits, my dear John, for God seems to be on our side. 
Your affectionate sister, 
It is unpleasant to Jearn from other letters that the Joyal couple who wrote the 
above letters died under melancholy circumstances in Cornwall, a number of years 
later. Mr. Berkie had reached an advanced age, and another individual with more 
influence with the Government than him:;elf coveted his position. He was requested 
to resign, and did so, never again entering the office, 
Like many of the Nor'-\Vesters, Judge Macdonnell took a wife from the women 
of the 
orth-\Vest. Though it was generally said that he married a squaw, his wife, 
Madeline Poitras, was half French, and is said, by those who knew her, to have been 
a handsome, good and sensible woman, though her manner was regarded as peculiar, 
From the way in which the Judge speaks of her in letters to his relati\-es and friends, it 
is evident "that he cherished much affection for her, and the following story shows that 
he was pretty likely to resent any remark or action that savored of disrespect towards 
her. On a certain occasion, not long after settling in Pt. Fortune, he was one day in 



the neighboring village of St. Andrews. Two men acquainted with him chanced to 
be there at the same time, and having had their social qualities enchanced by liberal 
potations, gave the Judge on meeting him in a store a most cordial greeting. One of 
them, an Irishman, in the exuùerance of his spirits, exclaimed as he grasped him by 
the hand : 
" It's a long time since I have seen ye's, Judge; I'm comin' over soon to see ye's 
and your squaw wife." 
" I'm glad to hear it," replied the Judge. " Come over, and I will show you an 
Indian dance." 
True to his promise, the man called on the Judge a few days later, and remarked 
on entering, " \Vell, Judge, I've come to see that Indian dance." After a few remarks 
the Judge retired to another. apartment, and in a short time returned painted in a 
most hideous manner, and clothed in the most approved style of an Indian warrior, 
with a tomahawk in his belt, and a pitiless-looking scalping knife in his hand. He 
was velY large, and of muscular build, and said to be almost Herculean in strength, 
Ere the visitor had time to comprehend the metamorphosis that had occurred, he 
\Vas seized by the nape of the neck, jerked from his chair, and while frantically en- 
deavoring to dodge the scalping knife that flourished around his head, he was deafened 
with a volley of war whoops, that would have curdled the blood of Sitting Bull. 
Round and round the room he went, his feet, half the time, not touching the floor; 
his dread of the flourishing sca Iping knife, meanwhile, acting as a counter-irritant to the 
pain caused by the grip on his neck. After the Judge deemed him sufficiently enlight- 
ened as to the nature of an Indian dance, he thrust him down in his chair, with the 
remark, "There, you have seen an Indian dance; now, you may go." "And divlish 
glad I was to go, too," said the Irishman, in relating the incident to an acquaintance, 
shortly afterward. Another story is told which illustrates the strength and humor of 
our subject. On a certain occasion when a few friends were at his residence, looking 
at the numerous paintings and engravings that embellished the walls, one man of dimin- 
utive stature, expressed his inability to see them as well a3 the taller men; where- 
upon the Judge seized him by the neck with one hand, and held his face up to each 
of the pictures as he made the circuit of the room, 
It is said that Capt McCargo, a Nor'-\Vester, who lived on Beech Ridge, St, 
Andrews, was the oniy man in this section who was the superior of the Judge in 
strength, and the only one whose muscular powers the Judge regarded with any 
degree of awe, It is related that, one evening, a number of roughs entered the brick 
hotel in Cannon, which building is now owned by Mr, Barclay, and gave evidence of 
their intention to begin a row. Scarcely had they committed the first overt act, 
when the landlord threw open a door, and revealed to the rowdies, Capt McCargo 
sitting composedly in an adjoining apartment. So well was he known, that the 
roughs had only been made aware of his presence, when they vacated the premises 
in the shortest time possible, 
It must not be supposed, however, from the above incidents, that Judge Mac- 
donnell was wanting in the dignity expected from one holding the magisterial office. 
It is generally conceded, that he was gentlemanly and possessed a high sense of 
honor. That he was arbitrary, as is shown by an incident on a succeeding page, 
might have been owing to education rather than to a lack of humility ; indeed, a long 
residence among the fur magnates of the 
orth-\Vest, where those of inferior station 
were treated as slaves, would not tend to lessen one's arbitrary proclivitie
. Stories 
of his generosity and benevolence are fully corroborated by letters which came to him 
from all directions-friends, relatives and clergymen all vied with each other in 
their pathetic appeals for help; and so long as his money held out, so long were their 
petitions granted. 



4 8 3 

A letter before us, dated" St. Regis, 21st May, 1822," and signed "Alexander 
Macdonnell, Bishop of R-" says: 
"We have begun with great vigor at the Church. I wish it was as easy for you 
to accommodate with a loan of a few hundred pounds, as it was when you gave me 
three hundred formerly. I am, however, weIJ convinced that the goodness of your 
heart is not in the least diminished, and the ardor of your zeal in the cause of religion 
continues to glow as warm as ever." The same letter expresses deep sympathy for 
the death of the Judge's son John, from hydrophobia, and speaks in feeling terms of the 
misfortune of Judge Hamilton, no doubt alluding to the death of his three children by 
drowning. He sa}s: "I most sincerely condole with poor Judge Hamilton from the 
bottom of my heart; a more distressing accident I do not recollect of hearing in the 
whole course of my life." Another letter written by his brother, 'Villiam J, Mac- 
donnell, from Boston, 24th May, 1819, urgently solicits the loan of $1000. \Ve may 
congratulate ourselves on the postal service ofto-day, when we read in the same letter, 
" It makes me perspire to think I have to wait, at least, thirty days before I can even 
hope to receive an answer to this." 
This brother, \VilIiam, though at that time otherwise employed, during the early 
years of the century, was clerk in the Customs Department at Boston, Miles :Mac- 
donnell, though a well educated man, judging from his letters, and possessed of much 
ambition, and a proud spirit, was often iT) financial straits, hence under the necessity 
of soliciting frequent loans, varying in amount from ..-650 to ..-6300, from his brother 
John (Judge) Macdonnell. It is worthy of note, that he was never refused, and that 
his intention to pay was always good. In a letter dated Montreal, 5th October, 181 9, 
to the Judge, he says: "I ought to have given that money to you, to whom I am so 
much in debt, and under so many obligations besides pecuniary ones. Although 
your delicacy has never allowed you to men tion, or even hint at this matter to me, 
my inability to make payment has occasioned me great uneasiness. I always expected 
that by a sale of lands I might be able to discharge my deLt to you, but there is at 
present no more prospect of that than there was the first day. But that your family 
may not altogether lose the prospect of remuneration, it wIll perhaps be as well that 
you take conveyance of some lands to cancel the debt, from which I would like to be 
relieved." Our sympathy for this unfortunate man becomes deeper, when we learn 
that less than a decade before, induced by the promises of the Earl of Selkirk, he 
went to the North-West, with every hope and prospect of wealth. He had taken 
great pains to educate his children, and the expenses to which he had been put on 
this account was one source of his financial embarrassment, 
In a letter written from COrl1wail, 26th :;\[ay, 1808, and addressed," John 
Macdonnell, Fort 'Yilliam, N,\V,Co.," he writes: " I have been under the necessity of 
making u
e of your generous credit, and have drawn on you for sixty pounds, to pay 
for the education of the girls. It gives me, however, very great pleasure to 
learn that your beaver furs of last year have sold well, and thàt you will reap hand- 
some profits therefrom, each share averaging about ,-6600." 
The following is an extract from a letter written to Judge Macdonnell by hi!: 
uncle, Alexander Macdonnell, a priest, at Cornwall, but who afterwards became 
Bishop. The letter was written from Montreal, 14 th June, 1811, while the writer was 
on a visit to that city: "I have had letters from 
Iiles, but not of recent date. Lord 
Selkirk had not then declared what situation he had in view for him. and his son, 
Alexander Cole, had not yet been appointed to a commission. I begin to entertain 
strong apprehension that he will find himself much disappointed in the sanguine hope 
placed in his Lordship, and think it would have been more to his interest and credit 
to remain at home in Scothouse, and mind his own affairs, than dance a.ttendance on 




the Eari of Selkirk, and reduce himself to the disagreeable dilemma of either faning 
out with his Lordship-the consequences of which would probably be the most com- 
ete disappointment of all his hopes, the loss of his time, besides the loss his own 
affairs have sustained by his absence-or of entering, contrary to his own judgment 
and good sense, into the fantastical schemes of his Lordship,. 
lr, McGjJlivray knows more of these schemes than I do, and I dare say will 
satisfy you upon the subject, if you wish it. I have had occasion to see 
your boys frequently since I carne to this town j they are very well, and growing 
amazingly; but I think you might keEp them in the country and in school, at one 
half the expense you are at there." 
The reverend gentleman's estimate of the influence the Earl of Selkirk had over 
his nephew, Miles Macdonnell, is pretty clearly shown by the following letter, written 
by the nephew himself some time previously: 

'I KINGSTON, 9th May, 180 7. 

'I ::\ly DEAR BROTHER,- 
'I I received your letter from Kingston, and one also from Kaministiquia. Your 
walk and adventures from Jones's Creek I learned from others, but it was long after- 
" Shortly after your departure, I received a letter from the Earl of Selkirk; his 
Lordship was to be sent on a mission from the British Government to that of the 
United States, and requested me to meet him in the city of \Vashington, I did not 
think it prudent to decJine com}>lying with so flattering a mark of attention from so 
distinguished a personage, and lost no time in making the necessary arrangements. 
Angus, our cousin, MacIon, took my farm on shares. I took the children down to 
my father's, where they would have the protectinn of friends and a little society. 
About the middle of July I left Montreal, and soon gained the United States. After 
getting to Albany, there were no accounts of his Lordship's arrival, so that I passed 
some time in that city and in Schenectady and in Ballston. At length, a communica- 
tion from his agents at Kew York informed me that his Lordship was daily expected 
to alfive there, and I immediately proceeded to that city, and received a letter from 
himself, directing me to gain all the information possible, on certain points, until his 
arrival; and, for this purpose, to visit the cities of Philadelphia, Baltimore, K ew York 
and Boston. 
'I I began my enquiries in New York, and was to go from there to Boston, 
previous to going southward. I had taken passage on board a Rhode Island packet 
to proceed to Boston, and was within half an hour of sailing when I received another 
letter from his Lordship, informing me that the mission he had referred to in his 
former letters was not to take place then, and that he was not coming ou t; therefore, 
he thought it unnecessary to detain me longer from returning to Canada." 
In the latter part of the same letter he says: "I had a most friendly letter from 
Selkirk last winter, in answer to my encJosures from New York. His Lordship was 
highly satisfied with my communications from the United States, and, in a very feel- 
ing manner, condoled with me for my dotnestic misfortune,"-the death of his wife, 
Though numerous letters may have passed between the brothers during the time 
 between the date of the last and that belo\v, the latter is the only one in our 

" SAULT STE, MARIE, 31st July, 1816. 

" I have got back this tar, safe and sound, from the interior, but 1I0t with the 
glory and ie/at which my sanguine imagination and ardor in so just a cause, had led 
me to anticipate in the outset. With all the exertion and diligence used in the prose- 


4 8 5 

cution of the voyage, A. N. McLeod and his experienced North-\Vesters constantly 
kept some days ahead of us, though he made frequent stops on the route. There was 
nothing regular in fitting us out from the Lake of Two Mountains, which my inex- 
perience in canoe traveIIing did not at the time perceive. Mons. Peltant, my guide, 
has not shown himself so expeditious a voyageur as he is reputed. I found the 
reverse to be the case, and have to suppose him to have received a bribe from the 
enemy, by his manner of acting; he is besides a rude brute, and was consequently 
ed from my table-but at a late period, 1\1r. 
lcLeod took with him from 
Rainy Lake upwards of twenty Indians to strike a blow at Red River-collected as 
many men as would follow along the route, by great promises of reward in goods and 
the plunder of the colony. In short, a cruel massacre of our people took place there 
about the 19th of June, four days before the arrival of Mr. McLeod, in which twenty- 
one of the colonists fell, of whom were 
lr. Semple, the Governor, Mr. McLean, 
Pombrain, Noland, etc., and the flower of the men. 
"It appears that Mr. Semple and his party had gone out to take possession 
from Qu'Appelle (for our worthy relative, Alexander :McDonald, had seized upon all 
the Hudson Bay Company's pemmican there), and fell into an ambuscade prepared 
by the enemy. Where the slaughter took place, it is said that Séraphin Lamar, 
Cuthbert Grant, Bostanais, Bonhomme, etc., were in the affair. Four or five were 
made prisoners, among whom were Messrs. Pritchard and Bourke. Only one of the 
enemy was killed and one wounded. The destruction and plunder of everything in 
the colony immediately followed, The bulk of the people were driven off, and had 
gone down Lake \Vinnipeg; I learned these particulars from different Indians. 
Every thing of ours in Red River is destroyed, and all our people gone from there. 
\Ve must have surrendered to the enemy or have been murdered like the others. The 
Indiaus that McLeod took with him from Rainy Lake left him at Bae de la Rivière, 
and all the Indians we have seen appear much displeased at what has taken place, by 
scanty supplies to us of fish and game. 
" I was enabltd to get back with my party to Fort \Villiam, anù there obtained what 
brought us to this place. All good men must execrate the murderous system of the 
North-\Yest Company, which must now, though too late, cause their ruin." 
To make the letter more intelligible, however, and to enable the reader to obtain a 
correct view of the position in which Macdonnell was placed, we shall endeavor to 
give a briefsketch of the great fur trading companies which heid sway in vast portions 
of British North America. 


The Hudson's Bay Company is a joint stock association formed for the pur- 
pose of importing into Great Britain the furs and skins which it obtains chiefly by 
barter from the Indians of British North America. The trading forts of the company 
are dotted over the immense region (excluding Canada proper and Alaska) which is 
bounded east and west by the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and north and south by 
the Arctic Ocean and the United States. From these forts the furs are dispatched by or canoe to York Fort on Hudson's Ray, whence they are shipped to England to 
be sold by auction. 
In the year 1670, Charles II granted a charter to Prince Rupert and seventeen 
other noblemen and gentlemen, incorporating the" Governor and Company of Ad\en- 
turers of England, trading into Hudson's Bay." The first settlements in the country 

*For some of the facts given above we are indebted to "Manitoba. and tbe Great North \Vest" 
by J ohn 
l.A., F. L. S. 



granted, which was to be known as Rupert's Land, were made at James Bay and at 
Churchill and Hayes Rivers; but it was long before there was any advance into the 
1l1terior. Although the commercial success of the enterprise was from the first im- 
mense, great losses were inflicted on the' company by the French, who sent several 
military expeditions against the forts. After the cession of Canada to Great Britain in 
1763, numbers of fur traders spread over that country and into the north-western 
parts of the continent, and began even to encroach on the Hudson Bay Company's 
territories. These individual speculators, finally. in the winter of 1783-84, combined 
into the North-\Vest Fur Company of Montreal. The fierce competition which at 
once sprang up between the companies was marked by features which sufficiently 
demonstrate the advantages of a monopoly in commercial dealings with savages, even 
although it is the manifest interest of the monopolists to retard the advance of civil- 
ization toward their hunting grounds. The Indians were demoralized, body and 
soul, by the abundance of ardent spirits with which the rival traders sought to attract 
them to themselves; the supply of furs threatened soon to be exhausted by the indis- 
criminate slaughter, even during the br
eding season of both male and female animals; 
the worst passions of both whites and Indians were inflamed to their fiercest, and 
costly destruction of human life and property was the result. At last, in 1821, the 
companies, mutually exhausted, amalgamated, obtaining a license to hold for twenty- 
one years the monopoly of trade in the vast regions lying to the west and north-west 
of the older company's grant. In 1838, the Hudson's Bay Company acquired the sole 
rights for itself, and obtained a new license also for twenty-one years. On the 
expiry of this it was not renewed, and since 1859 the district has ueen open to all, 
the Hudson Bay Company having no special advantages beyond its tried and splendid 
organization. The licenses to trade did not of course affect the original possessions of 
the company. These it retained till 1869, when they were transferred to the British 
Government for Æ300,000 ($1,500,000), and in 1870, they were incorporated with 
the Dominion of Canada. ':Ghe company, which now trades entirely as a private cor- 
poration, stilI retains one-twentieth of the entire grant together with valuable blocks 
of land around the various forts, and these possessions will, doubtless, as the country 
becomes opened up and colonized, yield a considerable revenue at some future 
Though it is impossible to give statistics showing the income from this great 
industry through a period embracing two 
enturies, some idea of the profits resulting 
therefrom, about half a century ago, may be gleaned from a work entitled, "Notes 
of a 25 years' service at the Hudson Bay." 
The author says: ,. 1 his country (Hudson Bay) is divided into four departments: 
Northern, Southern, Montreal and Columbian. 
"These departments are divided into a number of Districts, and these again are 
sub-divided into numerous establishments, forts, posts and outposts." 
Speaking of the Northern Department, he says: 
" The returns of the different posts being now received, we found them to amount 
to Æ r 5.000, according to the tariff of last year- o I843." 
Of the Columbian District-a large territory west of the Rocky Mountains- 
he says: 
"On the 5th of May (about 183 [ or 1832) 1fr. Dease took his departure for 
Fort Vancouver with the returns of his District, which might be valued at ÆII,OOO. 
The outfit, together with servants, wages and incidental expenses, amounted to about 
.:63,000, leaving to the Company for this District alone, a clear profit of .:68,000 
(eigh t thousand pounds)." 
Notwithstanding the fact that the profit of the fur trade is growing smaller, owing 


4 8 7 

to the destruction of fur-bearing animals, the following table, taken from the Year 
Book for 1890, shows that the trade is still of much size and importance, The figures 
show the receipts of furs at the Hudson Bay's warehouse in Montreal from the year 
1887 to 1890 inclusive: 

188 7 1888 188 9 18 9 0 
Bear. , , . . . , , , , ........... 1,399 1,5 28 2,037 1,9 00 
Bea ver . , . . .. ...... . . . . .. . 22,848 22,174 18,7 8 7 20,000 
Fisher. . . . .,.... , . . . . . . . 1,197 1,120 1,377 1,500 
Ermine, . .. .,.,.. ,.. . .. .. , 1,000 
Fox, . .. . . . , ., ..,. . , . , . . . , 669 75 6 1,15 0 1,9 00 
Lynx. , , . .. . , . , , , , ., ".". 2,655 3,83 0 4, 10 7 4,400 

Iarten. . ,. ".". ......... 19, 26 4 18,9 86 16,7 0 8 I 7,000 
Mink _ ,. . .. . . . , .. , . . , . . , . . 10,002 7,757 6,4 2 0 7,000 
Musquash. , . , . ........... 81,4 0 3 74,57 2 55, 28 5 7 2 ,000 
Otter. , , . " . . . , , . .. , . , , .. . 2,7 68 2,55 0 3,010 3.000 
Skunk. , . . . . . . ,. ...... . , . . 228 4 2 0 47 8 600 
'" olverine . . . . .. ...,.. . . , . . 24 21 27 3 0 
\ Vol f . . . . .. ...... . . .. .. . . . , 16 
-- -- -- -- 

Total" .. , , .. . . . 14 2 ,157 133,714 109,386 13 0 ,346 
..-\ s stated above, the N orth- \V est Company was formed in the winter of 17 8 3- 8 4. 
A few years later, a large number of traders seceded from this, and formed a new 
company called the X.y, Company. In 1805, these two united, forming one strong 
company. After the formation of this Company, the troubles between it and the 
Hudson Bay Company broke out into open violence, and murder and robbery were 
of frequent occurrence. About this time, Lord Selkirk visited Montreal, and having 
learned that the lands on the Red River were fertile and valuable, on his return to 
England, he and Sir Alexander McKenzie decided to buy Hudson Bay stock, which 
had fallen to one-fourth its former value. Soon afterward, Lord Selkirk bought out 
Sir Alexander, and became owner of 40 per cent. of the H.B. stock, Through his 
influence with the Governor and Commi!tee of the Company, they consented to sell 
him 116,000 square miles of territory, on condition that he would plant a colony; 
although it turned out that the tract promised extended a long way into the United 
States. The North-\Vest Co, denied the right of the Hudson Bay Co. to cede to 
Lord Selkirk, territory of which they (the N,W. Co.) had long been in possession, 
and promptly declared their determination to resist his attempt to dispossess them or 
to colonize the land. Not only the 1\, \V, Company, but the Canadians were highly 
incensed at the cession made to his Lordship, and were unanimously resolved to 
oppose it, even by force of arms. Lord Selkirk, on the other hand, prepared to 
carry out his design, and, in the spring of 18r I, sent out in the H. B. Co's ships, 
twenty-five families-the first instalment of the colony, These and a large number 
of emigrants, who carne the next }'ear, settled on Red River, 
Among the papers of Judge Macdonnell we find the copy of an agreement 
entered into between Lord Selkirk and Miles Macdonnell, which is as f
l1ows : 
In the year 18I I, the Earl of Selkirk and Miles Macdonnell, Esq" entered into 
an agreement, that the latter should proceed to Red River in the Hudson Bay Com- 
pany's territories, and there superintend the establishment of a colony, to be founded 
by his Lordship upon the following terms, viz. : 
" That Miles Macdonnell and his family were to receive a grant of fifty thou- 
sand acres of land in the said colony. 
" 2ndly. Shares in a joint stock company to be formed by his Lordship, equiva- 
lent to a subscription of Æ 200 sterling. 



cc 3 rdl y, A pecuniary salary of Æ300 sterling, per annum, from the 29th of May, 
1811, as long as Mr. Macdonnell shall continue in the management of the colony." 
The following extract from a letter addressed by Lord Selkirk to John (Judge) 
Macdonnell shows that his Lordship was anxious, also, to obtain his services. A 
portion of the letter being lost, we cannot give the date at which it was written: 
" Being of opinion that your local experience and personal influence mar be of 
material use to the colony in its present infant state, I shall be happy to meet your 
views-in case you determine to settle on Red River-by granting YOll a township 
of 10,000 acres, in a choice situation, gratuitously, without any other conditions 
than that of establishing upon it six or eight families of industrious settlers, of good 
character, not at present residing within the limits of the Hudson Bay Company's 
From historical records we learn that Miles Macdonnell, Lord Selkirk's deputy, 
who had previously trained his men to the use of arms, issued the following procla- 
mation :-- 


" To JIr. DU1lcan Cameroll, acting for the North- West ComþallY at the Forks of 
Red River: 
"Take notice that by the au.thority and on behalf of your landlord, the Right 
Honorable Thomas, Earl of Selkirk, I do hereby warn you, and all your associates 
of the North-\Yest Company, to quit the post and premises you now occupy, at the 
Forks of Red River, within six calendar months from date hereof. 
"Given under my hand at Red River Settlement, this twenty-first day of Octo- 
ber, 181..1.. 

" (Signed) 


It will be observed that this proclamation was issued more than two years 
before the letter of Macdonnell which described the massacre was written. During 
all this time hostilities continued between the two companies. In the spring of 
18 1 4, a quantity of provisions was taken from a fort of the 
orth-\Vest Company, at 
the mouth of the Souris, for which a warrant was issued against Macdonnell and 
Spencer, his sheriff. Spencer was arrested early in the winter, and sent to Rainy 
Lake. On the approach of the spring of 1815, the settlers sought refuge in the 
North-\Yest Company's Fort, taking with them the cannon and ammunition of the 
Hudson Bay Company. The free Canadians and half-breeds were now aroused, and 
Mr, Macdonnell quietly surrendered himself a prisoner, and was brought in irons to 
Montreal. The settlers now came in a body to Mr. Cameron, and asked to be taken 
out of the country. In compliance with their request many of them were brought to 
Little York (Toronto), and others went to Lake \Yinnipeg, to leave the country by way 
of Hudson Bay, During the winter of 1814-15, Lord Selkirk sent out two expeditions 

one under Mr. Robertson, the other under Governor Semple. In order to force the 
North-\Vest Company either to acknowledge Lord Selkirk's supremacy or leave the 
country, Fort Gibraitar was taken, 17th March, 1816, and Mr. Cameron and his 
people were made prisoners. A fort at the mouth of the Pembina was then taken, 
and everything in it confiscated for the use of Lord Selkirk. An attack made on Fort 
Qu'Appelle, however, was unsuccessful; l\1r, Alexander Mackenzie, who had charge 
of it, and large stores of provisions belonging to the North-West Company, success. 
fully defending it against the force in the employ of Lord Selkirk. It was about this 
time that the massacre described in Macdonnell's letter occurred. 


4 8 9 

Fifty Indians and half-breeds were sent by the North 'Vest Company to escort 
a supply of provisions from Fort Qu'Appelle to Lake 'Vinnipeg. They had been 
ordered to keep at a distance, and out of sight of Fort Douglas, where Governor 
Seml,Ie resided, but, by chance, he happened with a telescope to discover them from 
a look-out on the top of the fort, and at once determined to intercept them. The 
following is the substance of the Hudson Bay Company's account of the affair: 
The Governor ordered twenty men to follow him, and they immediately started 
meeting, as they proceeded, settlers running to the fort, and crying in terror: "Th
Half-Breeds! the Half-Breeds!" Finding the enemy more numerous than he had 
supposed, the Governer called a halt, and sent for a field-piece. This not. arriving, 
he ordered an advance, and soon met the half-breeds on horseback, pamted and 
dressed as Indian warriors, and they surrounded the Governor's party in the form 
of a Mr. Pritchard, one of Governor Semple's party, says: "A man 
narüed Bouchier rode up to us, waving his hand and calling out, , 'Vhat do you want? ' 
The Governor replied, "\That do you want?' Bouchier replied, '\V e want our fort' 
when the Govel nor said, , Go to your fort! ' I then saw the Governor take hold 
Bouchier's gun, and in a moment a discharge of fire-arms took place; but whether it 
began by our side or by the enemy, it was impossible to distinguish. In a few 
moments almost all our people were killed or wounded. Captain Rodgers, having 
fallen, rose and came toward me, when not seeing one of our party that was not 
killed or wounded, I called to him, 'For God's sake give yourself up !' He ran 
towards the enemy for that purpose, myself following him. He raised his hands, 
and in English and broken French called out for :l1ercy; a half-breed, son of \Vm, 
:McKay, shot him through the head, and another ripped open his belly with a knife, 
while uttering most horrid imprecations. - 
"Fortunately for me, a Canadian named Lavique joined his entreaties with 
mine, and saved me from sharing the fate of my friend at that moment. No quarter 
was given to any of the party except myself. The knife, the axe or the ball put a 
period to the existence of the wounded; and such horrible barbarities were practised 
Oil the bodies of the dead as characterize the inhuman heart of the savage, Mr, 
Semple, with his thigh broken, obtained the promise of 1\1r. Grant, one of the chief 
men of the enemy, that he should be conveyed to the fort, He was left for a few 
moments in the care of a French Canadian, who told 1\1r. Pritchard that an Indian 
came up and shot ::\lr. Semple through the breast." 
The North-\Vest Company's accolInt of the affair, corroborated by the settlers, 
differs materially from the above account, and shows that Governor Semple's party 
were the aggressors, and fired the first shot. Only one of the North- \Vest Com- 
pany's men \Vas killed, and one wounded; while of the Hudson Bay men twenty-one 
were killed and one wounded. 
::\Iacdonnell met Lord Selkirk at Lake Superior, and reported the massacre, 
when his Lordship proceeded at once to Fort William, the head-quarters of the 
North-West Company, seized the fort and everything in it, and appropriated it to 
his own use. He al50 seized Fort Douglass, and reigned supreme at Red River, The 
North-\\' est Company appealed to Government, but with little success, and both 
parties continued their lawless warfare, each employing the Indians to c:.lrry out their 
designs-Lord Selkirk wishing to plant a colony, and the Nurth-\Vest Company 
determined to oppose civilization to preserve the fur trade and secure its profits, 
Miles wrote to his brother at Point Fortune from Montreal, December 16th, 
181 7 : 
"After my illegal arrest at Point Mearon, in the neighborhood of Fort \Villiam 
on the 12th Augnst, I remained in the hands of the Philistines till my arrival at Sand. 
3 2 

49 0 


wich, November 6th, when I gave bail to answer the charges of which I was accused 
by perjured witnesses of the North \Vest Company, I took passage at Detroit for 
Black Rock, and reached this place by the route of Buffalo and Albany. * * * * The 
Earl of Selkirk left Red River in September to go down the Mississippi and come 
through the United States, but we have yet no account of his Lordship. He had with 
him about 40 men and two field pieces; Col. Dickson and several other gentlemen 
were of the party. 
" It was currently reported at Sault St. )Iarie, and Doummand's Island, when I 
was there, that the North "Test Company had employed one of their half-breed 
clerks to assassinate his Lordship on his way out between Red River and Fort 
,\ViJ]iam ; but by taking the route by the Mississippi, he has frustrated that black 
design. " 
Though living at Point Fortune during all these troubles, Judge Macdonnell was 
not less interested than parties more actively eugaged. He still had considerable 
pecuniary interest in the fur trade, which was affected to no small extent by the war 
waged between the rival companies. He was, also, more than once required as a 
witness in the suits resulting from tbeir dissensions. 
Miles Macdonnell wrote from Kingston, August 20th, 1818 :-" Lord Selkirk is 
desirous that you should attend at York, tþe Court of King's Bench, which is to sit 
there the 20th October, to give evidence of certain affairs respecting the North \Vest 
Company, and he wishes me to ascertain whether you will go voluntarily, or will 
require a subpæna served on you, which you should have by all means and more 
regularly than the former time-that you might not have a pretence for not appearing, 
"To leave home in October will not be so detrimental to your domestic affairs as 
it would be in spring. I trust, therefore, that we shall have the pleasure of meeting 
at York and returning together." 
The same letter affords us considerable additional interest, inasmuch as it shows 
that Robert Gourley, who became so notorions in his labors to refonll the Govern- 
ment of Upper Canada during the administration of Francis Gore and Sir Peregrine 
Maitland, was in Prescott, and enlisted the support of Judge Macdonnell and several 
others. "In a narrative Mr. Gourley has publisned of his jOllrney through the 
different districts of the Provinces, Iobserve mention made of the flattering reception 
he had in the I )istrict of Ottawa, from you, Mears, Donald, etc., and your engaging to 
furnish a Sllm of mOl1ey equal to that of any other District for carrying en affairs. 
He was tried hoe at the assizes on the 15th instant, for a libel against the Govern- 
ment of this Province, The trial took up the whole day-it excited much interest- 
the court was consequently very crowded. 1I1r. Gourley pleaded his own case- 
addressed the jury at considerable length by reading a speech which took up about 
half a quire of foolscap close;y written--a composition wnich showed him a man of 
knowledge and ability, Judge Campbell gave him every latitude; the jury, after 
being out about an hour to consider on their verdict, returned 'Not guilty,' which 
was received by the people with clamorous applause, and 
Ir. Gourley was conducted 
in triumph to his lodging. A pub1ic dinner was given him on the following 
(the trial was on Saturday), at which were present between forty and fifty persons, 
who kept it up till two in th
 morning, with noisy rejoicings. There are no doubt 
abuses in the administration which require correction, but I don't know whether 
Gourley and his party wiU do much good. I wish him every success in bringing 
about a reform wnere it is l1ecessary, but I doubt if that is a1together the object in 
view; and till I can be better cOlwinced of his upright intentions I shall not be one 
of his followers, 
': It is reported that Sir Peregrine :\Iaitland keEps everybcdy at York at a dis- 


49 1 

tance; he has taken up his quarters in the garrison, I expect Lord Selkirk to arrive 
to-day; the steamboat starts for York to-morrow, and I take p3.ssage in it." 
Lord Selkirk died in 1820, and Miles Macdonnell in 1828, at Pt. Fortune. 
\Ve learn from another document dated 30th April, 1834, that the heirs of Miles 
Macdonnell claimed that he never received remuneration for his services to Lord 
Selkirk, and the same document shows that Donald Eneas (son of Miles Macdonnell) 
claimed from the" executors of the l
te Earl of Selkirk," eight years' salary to 29 th 
May, 1819, at ;/;300 per annum, and the interest on each year's salary from the time 
it was due-the whole amounting (Halifax currency) to ;/;3183 3 s ,8d. 
To account of expenses to 5th Dec., 1818, as per statement 
handed Mr. Gardner.............,.........,............................... ;/;294 0 6 
Sundry omissions.,.............."..,.,......,.................... ............ 9 0 0 
Subsistence from 5th Dec., 1818, to 29th Dec., 1819, 55 weeks 
@ 52S, 6d........... ........ ........ ...... ........ .......,.... ...,. ......... 
Five shares in a joint stock Co., as promised by his Lordship..,.... 
5 0 ,000 acres ofland in Red River Colony, or a consideration for the 
same, certainly ,vorth IS. per acre........................ ............... 


7 6 

25 00 

o 0 

L,"6686 8 6 
The claim was disputed, on the ground that Lord Selkirk must have paid much 
or all of it before his death, although there was no proof of payment; but how the 
matter terminated, we have no means of showing. 
The following letter shows that when reverses came, and the Judge was in des- 
pondencyand embarrassment, his nephew, with true pride of family, and no doubt 
in remembrance of the Judge's kindness to his father, earnestly desired to aid him. 
"CORNWALL, 29TH AUG., 1830. 

" :My dear Uncle, 

" I should have replied to your letter of the 20th inst. by return 
of post, but the mail was closed previous to my receiving your letter. 
II I am sorry to see that you are so deeply involved to the house of (we withhold 
the name), and also the pressing let ter of the Trustees, In these pressing times it is 
our duty to afford mutual aid to each other, and in order to aid you as much as 
possible, I will make over my claim upon the Earl of Selkirk for lands j I have been 
in expectation that the heir or heirs of his Lordship would at some time do something 
for the family. Although [ have numerous difficulties to encounter in the present 
emergency, I am willing to do whatever you desire." 
The many improvements that the Judge made on this estate fully confirm the 
statement found in a letter describing his property, when he was desirous of selling 
it, many years after he had settled here. He says: "I have laid out thousands of 
pounds in improvements on this land," 
One of his earliest works was the construction of a canal several rods in length 
with a lock to facilitate the passage of boats past the chute, which, at that point, was 
a great obstruction to navigation. A stone grist mill with one run of stone, 
and a wood saw mill, were also erected, which did good service for a number of 
years; but they fell into disuse. A storehouse was erected on the bank of the river 
a little east of his dweHing, the basement of which was open, so that boats could 
enter it; the cargoes were placed on a platform, two or three feet high, alongside of 
which the boats drew up, 
A large orchard occupied a field on the west side of the" Town Line Road." 

49 2 


In connection with this orchard, an incident occuned which proved of serious con- 
sequence to its proprietors. Boys, as well as men, had given him no little annoyance 
by the frequency with which they entered the Olchard and carried off the apples. 
John, a son of the Judge, thinking to frighten the thieves, fired into the orchard one 
night, on hearing. them, and, u
ly, wou
ded. the son of a neighbor. 
That the affalC caused no lIttle e>"cltement IS eVIdent, from a letter written by 
Miles Macdonnell to the Judge from Montreal, 15 th October, 181 9. He says: "rrhe 
unpleasant accident that befell your poor son, John, has been reported in the most 
disastrous manner, as is always the case ;-1 can easily judge of your feelirJgs on the 
occasion; but Donald McDonald tells me that the man is out of all danger, and 
that the damage cannot be great. I would recommend that a compromise be made, 
by all means, with the man who has been fired at, to prevent the matter going before 
a Court of Justice; no pains should be spared to bring about a reconciliation." 
Tradition says that the young man's injuries were not serious, and that he 
soon recovered, but that he was taken sick a year or more afterward, and died. An 
effort was then made to show that his death was caused by the wounds he received 
at the hands of Macdonnell, and a claim for damages instituted; but as the claim 
could not be established, the subject was dropped. 
The birthday of the Judge happened to fall on St. Andrew's day, which, perhaps 
accounts for the fact that his birthday was always celebrated with a good deal of 
Ie/at. His friends, several of whom had been his coadjutors in the North 'Vest, 
always assembled at his house on these occasions, and celebrated the event with all 
the festivity customary at that period, and the hilarity to which they had been 
accustomed in the North \Vest, 
It is a saying that has almost become a proverb, that the Ottawa freezes over 
here on St. Andrew's night, On one of these occasions, when the festivities had 
been prolon
ed to the wee sma' hours of murning, a number of the guests, among 
whom were Capt. McCargo, set out for their homes on the north side of the river, 
embarking on a large scow. The ice was forming rapidly on the river, and when 
they had reached the middle their further progress was stayed. Here then they 
were, without fire or shelter, and exposed to an arctic temperature; their only hope 
of escape from freezing was in constant movement, Fortunately there was a 
fiddler on board, and the area of the scow being ample, they danced to the music 
of the fiddle till daylight, when the strength of the ice permitted them, by the aid 
of a board or two, which they had with them, to reach the shore. 
There is much that appeals to our sympathy in a lett
r written by the Judge a 
few years before his death, to his chief and most importunate creditor. In this he 
speaks of his disappointments and misforrunes, and expres
es his decision to give up 
his home at Point Fortune, and to retire to the Red River Settlement. Sad indeed 
would have been the contrast between his return to the North \Vest, in the infirmitv of 
age and in poverty, with his circumstances a third of a century before, when in -the 
vigor of manhood, and elated with financial success, he left that country and settled 
at Point Fortune. 
Since the above sketch of the 
lacdonnells was written, Mr. Crosby has sent us 
the following, which, among other things, explains the allusion in 
[rs, Berkic's letter 
to her brother's escape at St. Regis :- 



POINT FORTUNE, 4 th July, 1844. 

The Honorable A. N. ::\Iorin, etc. 

I write you -in reference to your offer in the public prints of undertaking 
the agency of such persons as have claims on the Government for scrips. Though not 
coming under that denomination, having received my scrip as a captain in the Voyageur 
Corps years ago, I submit to your consideration the underwritten statement offacts, 
to be put by you into the shape required for presentation in the proper quarter; hop- 
ing that His Excellency, the present Governor General, has superior power to any 
representative of Majesty sent to govern, since the days of Lord Durham, I have full 
confidence in your ability and zeal to bring the affair in question to a proper issue, and 
hope to be reimbursed for the money expended, upwards of thirty years ago, in the 
formation of the Voyageur Corps, in kind, with interest out of the military chtst, and 
of being remunerated for my other losses, in any way His Excellency may judge most 
expedient. Should the foregoing not be judged a sufficient power of Attorney, I shall 
be ready to execute any other form which you may send, to empower you to act in 
the premises. 

I remain, sir, 
Your most obedient and humble servant, 
Captain late Voyageur Corps 


I received my scrip as a Captain in the Voyageur Corps which was commanded 
by the Honorable, the late Lieut.-Col. \Villiam McGillivray-which, although valued 
at ,;[160, I was obliged to cede to one of my creditors for ,;[60. In October, 1812, 
I was ordered with my Company to the Indian village of St. Regis, and on the third 
day after my arrival there, was attacked at four o'clock a.m. of the 23rd October, by 
five companies of New York State :Militia, mustering upwards of five to one against us, 
My ensign, Pierre Rottol, SergeaI'lt John McGillivray, Private Nicholas Ponsport 
were killed, several other privates wounded; myself, Lieut. \Villiam H::I.lI (now of the 
Customs, Montreal), thirty-five non.commissioned officers and men, with Capt. L. 

lontigny of the Indian Department, taken prisoners and conveyed to Green Bush, 
Every grade of officer in the Voyageur Corps in which I served, viz., Captains, 
Majors and our worthy Lieut.-Col., volunteered to serve without pay. In consequence, 
I, in common with the other Captains, incurred considerable expense in the formation 
of the Corps, as the following fitatement will show, as well in purse as in other pro- 
perly, during my captivity and absence from the Province; all which I pocketed from 
a principle of disinterested loyalty, being then in no dread of falling into want, and 
a partner in the N orth- \V est Company of Fur Traders; but, now, the case is sadly 
changed for the worse, being in the seventy-sixth year of my age, paralytic, ruptured, 
and, worst of all, in debt; a tenant at will, my principal creditor having obliged me 
to give him a bill of sale of my place. I had the honor of being appointed District 
Judge in a joint commission with the late lamented George Hamilton of Hawkesbury 
:\1ills, at the formation of the Ottawa District, in the session of 18 I 6, which office I 
resigned in October, 1825. And that for upwards of eighteen years, I had the honor 
of commanding the 1st Regiment of Prescott militia as Colonel by commission dated 
1st April, 1822, until my resignation on the 11th day of June, 1840; the late George 
Hamilton being my Lieut,-Co1. 



That on looking over my North-\Vest accounts current, I find the underwritten 
items charged in my account while serving in the Y oyageur Corps, by commission 
dated 2nd day of October, 1812, the general order for the formation of the Corps being 
previously published. · 
1812-12th Sept, 
" 19 th " 
24 th " 
" 15th Oct. 
" 29 th ' , 

To cash for travelling expenses, enrolling and recruiting men. . . . .., ';c10 0 0 
" " " " 10 0 0 
" "500 
" " " 25 5 0 

1813-12th Jan. 

To handed over to Major Clark, United States Army, Q. M. Gl. Dept. 
at Green Bush, N. Y., claimed as public property,... . ,... . ." ,. 
To repaid Genl. Lewis, Qr. M. Genl., U nÍled States Army, for an 
equal sum borrowed of him in Albany in last November.,.,..,. , 
Paid our Qr. Master, Ja!", E. Campbell, for 18 pairs of moccasins at 
IS. 8d., which I had given to Capt. D. Ducharme of Ind. Dept. at 
I..a Forte, . ., , . .. . , . . . . , . , . .. . , ., ...... .,. . , . .. ... . . . .. . . . . . . 
Lost by being Purser from St, Regis to Green Bush and back agan to 
Laprairie, through the death of poor Capt. L. Montigny of the In- 
dian Department, , . , ., ...... . , . , " .".., . . " .."., . . , " , . , , , 
Repaid the Hon, Lt.-Co!. McGillivray, for my share of balance on the 
oyageur Corps book.... . . . . .. ."... . . . . .. . . .' . . .. .... . . .. . 

" 19th Mar. 

" 3rd Nov. 

14 5 0 

23 0 0 

I 10 0 



Total cash disbursement. . . ... ...... ., . . . .. . . . . .. ,... . ... ,... /:,117 15 I1

18 3 2} 

I Half stocked fowling piece, ball mould, cleaning rod, worm and turnkey, powder 
horn, shot pouch, belt, etc" seven years my companion in the wilds of the North 
v.,- est country; entered at..,." ...,.. , , , ., ".". ,." . . , . . . , . . .. . . ,. . , . . 
I Two-edged sword, belt, silver buckle..... . , , . , , . . . . . . . , , . . . ., ...." ,..... . , , , 
I Pair pocket pistols, ball mould, key, etc.., w . . . . . ,. . . . . . .. ...... . . . . . .."" . . , . 
I Spy glass and appurtenances. . . . ., .,.", . . ., ""., ".,.. ...... . .. . . . . . . ,. . . . . 
I Red silk sash.... ...", "., , . . , " ..., ,... . , .. ""., ,.,... . , " ,'. . .. . , ., .., 
Tea and sugar boxes and contents, 305. ; large green blanket, 30s. ; two prayer books, 
English and :French, 10S...... ".., .."" . , . , ,. .,..,. .. , ., ,.,.., , 
Candlestick and snuffers, head and shoe brushes...... . . '.' , . . . . .... ,. ,. ....,.." 

LIs 10 0 
7 10 0 
3 0 0 
5 10 0 
6 10 0 
3 10 0 
0 10 0 

Total loss at St. Regis. ... ,..... ..,. . , .. , . . ., . , ., ,.,... .... 1;42 0 0 
List of my private property taken out of my trunk in Montreal, during my absence 
from the Province. The empty trunk was discovered, with the lock broken, 
in the garret of a house opposite to and facing the North \Vest buildings, which 
\Vas occupied by General De Rottenberg, and I suppose the domestics to have 
taken the property. 
(As the list is quite long and indistinct from age, we do not copy it. The items are chiefly of 
clothing, toilet articles, SWOld cane, pocket books, etc., the whole valued at .;C21 17s. 9d,) 
I certify the foregoing to be a true statement. 
Capt. late Voyageur Corps. 

Point Fortune, 4th July, 1844. 
Judge Macdonnell had four 50l1s-John, Godfrey, Palafox and Fingal, and one 
daughter, Victoria Hortensia, who grew up. . 
John was bitten by a mad dog, and died in great agony. Palafox married Miss 
Sarah Ann Crosby-a daughter of the late John Crosby, and remained on the home- 
stead; they had eleven children, of whom four sons and three daughters are now 
living. John, the eldest son, lives in Point Fortune; Eneas, the second son, who 
has been warden of the Penitentiary at Stony Mountain, Manitoba, is no\V employed 



in the Penitentiary at Kingston. Albert Crosby and Robert, the two remaining 
sons, belong to the N. W. Mounted Police. Maud, one of the daughters, married to 
George Wanless, grandson of the founder of \Vanless Academy, lives in Ottawa; 
another of the daughters, married, lives at Gatineau Point, and another in the 
The following sketch of ARCHIBALD McDoNALD, with the accompanying story of 
his daughter, properly belong to the history of St. Andrews' Parish, Argenteuil 
County. Que., but was not received in time to be inserted therein: 
" Two or three of the sons ofMr, McDonald were active men in Argenteuil ; John, 
one of them, organized Company No, I of the 11th Battalion, of which he became 
Captain, He dIed, and was succeeded by his brother, Allan McDonald; the latter 
is now agent for the Indian Department in the North-\Vest. Archibald, civil engineer, 
was paymaster in the I Ith B-
ttalion. The only two surviving sons are Alla.n and 
Benjamin; the latter is in the mining business in Colorado. The following is the 
inscription on the monument of Mr, McDonald, in the St. Andrews' cem
tery :- 
To the Memory of 
Chief Factor of the Hudson Bay Company, 
Born in Glencoe, Argyleshire, Scotland, 
Died in Argenteuil, Lower Canada, 15th January, 1853, 
Aged 62 years. 
" A kind-hearted, good m,tn, Mr. McDonald's loss will be felt by a large circle of 
friends and acquaintances. A magistrate for the Connty, he was ahvays active, intel- 
ligent and upright; esteemed for the impartiality of his conduct and the kindness of 
his manner. Amongst others of his works, it may be said that he was the pioneer, or 
one of the pioneers, of civilization in Oregon. In short, his life was one of much use- 
fulness, and death, which (it is hoped) found him prepared to meet its stroke, has 
only removed him from earthly labors to receive a higher reward." 
The author of the following story was awarded a prize by the Montreal lVitlless: 
The story I am about to relate is a true one. I do not think I am exaggerating 
in calling th
 chief actress a heroine. She is certainly more worthy of that appellation 
than the bundles of contradIctions or absurdities we often meet with in popular 
About forty years ago, a gentleman named McDonald, who held a high position 
in the famous Hudson Bay Company, purchased a large farm in the County of 
Argenteuil, P.Q. This farm is situated on the Ottawa River, in that district still 
called La Baie. At this point the river is nearly two miles wide and dotted with small 
green islands, which give the region a very picturesque appearance during the summer. 
It was opposite these islands that Mr. McDonald erected the lovely cottage" Glencoe," 
where visitors from city or country were always entertained with true Highland 
His family consisted of eight sons and one daughter. When the latter performed 
the brave act I am about to refer to, she was about fifteen years of age, good-looking, 
and a general favorite among those who had the pleasure of her acquaintance. 
On the day of her adventure she was alone with a lady friend and the servants. 
\Vhile sitting on the verandah, and watching some small boats which looked like station- 
ary black specks on the sunlit waters of the bay, a sudden obscurity swept over the 

49 6 


lovely landscape, and the birds and all the Ii ving creatures around the cottage sud- 
denly became silent and anxious-looking. as they generally do before an approaching 
storm, Before the boats reached the islands, a storm, such as we seldom witness in 
this part of Canada, burst in all its fury. A little skiff containing two boys, further 
from safety than the others, was soon capsized, Miss :McDonald, who had anxiously 
watched it through her glass from the first, perceived that the poor boys were clinging 
to the boat, in spite of the buffeting wav
s; and taking a noble resolution, she rushed 
to her skiff (a good one), slipped the painter from the post, and rowed out to their 
rescue. The journey, nearly a mile in length, was a perilous one, but being an exptrt 
scuUer and very strong for a girl of her age, she managed to reach them just as their 
strength was becoming exhausted. The storm having abated to some extent, the 
return was soon accomplished. I need not dwell on what followed. The brave lady 
was shortly afterwards requested to accept a solid silver tea service as a token of 
esteem and gratitude. A few years later she married Dr. Barnston, a :Montreal gentle. 
man, who lived but one year after their marriage, and " our heroine" died also shortly 
afterwards; and although a quarter ora century has passed since she has been laid in 
the grave, her memory is still fondly cherished by all who had the pleasure of her 
acquain tance. 
N.H.-The above incidents were narrated to me by my grandfather, Donald 
McLarty, whose farm adjoined" The Glencoe Estate." 
\Vritten October, 1890. 
JAMES MCCLINTOCK, from Ballymena, ('ountyof Antrim, Ireland, was one of 
the worthy pioneers of Poin t Fortune, arriving here with his wife and three children 
in 1818. He was a mason by trade, and was employed on the house of Judge Mac- 
donnell, soon after his arrival; but a few years later, he purchased a farm, Lot 5, 
:md Concession, and thenceforward devoted his time to farming, He was born 
21st October, 1776, and died 5th April, 1856. Mrs. 
IcClintock (Elizauelh Coulter), 
born 27th August, 1782, died 14th .March
 1861. They were married 9th August, 
1802. One of their daughters, left in Ireland, married a Mr, Morrison, and after- 
ward came to Canada. Two children of Mr. and Mrs. l\IcClintock, a son and daugh- 
ter, were born in this country; the latter died in childhood. 
'VILLIAM MCCLINTOCK, the son, born in Point Fortune, 8th January, 1821, 
remained on the homestead j he was married 13th February, 1849, to Margaret, sister 
of P. Dunbar,Esq" the present Mayor ofthe Seigniory of Argenteuil ; 1\1iss Dunbar had 
previously been teaching at Point Fortune. Mr. McClintock died, 19th December, 
1894. The following obituary, copied from the Montreal Witness of 20th December, 
1894, expresses the sentiments of all who knew the deceased :- 
" Last night an old respected resident of Point Fortune passed away, in the per- 
son of Mr. vVi11i-1m McClintock. The deceased was one of the leading farmers of the 
dishict, a prominent man in temperance and religious circles, and for many years 
Superintendent of the Methodist Sunday School. His death will be deeply felt by the 
community, as he was always active in every good object." 
Mrs. McClintock, equally respected, survives him, Their children are three 
sons and two daughters. \Villiam, the eldest son, lives on the homestead; James G, 
is a lumber contractor in Michigan j and George, the youngest, is in California; Eliza- 
beth J., married to John Jackson, lives in Lachute; Catherine is married to George 
Barclay, of Point Fortune, 
'VILLIAM LAMB, with his family-a wife and two children-came from Roxbury- 
shire, Scotland, and settled in Point Fortune, in 183 I. At the age of 20 he learned 



the blacksmith trade, and followed it the remainder of his days. They were fourten1 
weeks on the voyage. Owing to the cupidity of the parties wlw had agreed to con- 
vey a brge number of emigrants to this country, the commodious vessel chartered 
for the purpose was not sent, but a smaller one, lIsed to convey coal from Kew 
Castle to Leith, Into this small, two-masted brig more than 100 passengers were 
crowded, and they suffered every species of discomfort btfore completing the voyage, 
falling short of both water and provisions, 
l\Irs, Lamb (Catherine Gutterson) was the daughter of a weaver, who was noted 
for his hostility to the liquor traffic, and l\Irs. Lamn, who was the youngest of his 
children, inherited all the paternal hatled of spirituous liquors. \Yhen 
Ir, Lamb 
raised the frame of his house at Point Fortune, no liquor was used on !he occasion, 
and the incident \vas so contrary to the custom of those days, that it calls
d no little 
comment. Mrs. Lamb was the first agent for the l\Iontreal Witness in this section 
of the country, She would permit none of her children to read newspapers that 
advertised liquors, nor were such papers permitted to remain in the honse. Both she 
and her husband were energetic, industrious people. and their good sense and sterling 
piety enabled them to rear their children so that they became useful and honored 
members of society. Mr. Lamb died August, [
frs. Lamb, 4th October, 
1862. Besides Alexander and Margaret, born in Scotland, they had five sons and 
five daughters that were born in this country. Of those now surviving, James lives 
in Winnipeg, Man. ; Thomas is a merchant ar:d Postmaster at St. Andrews, Que., and 
a Major of the Argenteuil Rangers; Margaret resides in Montreal; and Mrs. (John) 
Pitcairn in Point Fortune. 
Alexandf r, the eldest of the children, learned the trade of his father, and has 
always remained at Point Fortune, He was married 6th February, 1862, to Eliza- 
beth \Vood of East Settlement, Argenteuil. In 1879, he bought 100 acres of land at 
this place, since which he has d
vùted his time chiefly to farming. He has a good 
library, the use of which he evidently has not neglected. 
Mrs. Lamb died in March, 1875 ; they had one son and four daughters; the 
former, \Vm. J., and his sister Annie G., live with thcir father; Elizabeth is a pro- 
fessional nurse j Catherine married to Robert Boa, and Maggie, to \ViIliam Beggs, 
both live in East Hawkesbury, 
JOHN CROSBY from the County Down, Ireland, came to Philadelphia with his 
wife and child, in 1817, After a year's residence there, they came to Lachute j in 
their voyage thither, the boat in which they ascended the Hudson was burnt in thc 
night, and all their baggage was lost. Their child, a girl cighteen months old, also 
caught cold from the exposure, and died. They lived a few years in Lachute and St, 
Andrews, and then came to Point Fortune, whelc Mr, Crosby for some time con- 
ducted ,ill hotel, and was also in company with Mr. \Villiam Kirby in running a line 
of stage coaches from this place to L'OrignaI. In 1836 he bought the farm of 200 
acres, now owned by his son John \V., and afterwards another hundrcd farther west 
which is now owned by \Vil1ard Cole. Mr, Crosby died 31st March, .867; Mrs. 
Crosby, 13th June, 1864. They had Jthree sons and nine daughtcrs, of whom two 
sons and four daughters grew up; only one of the former, John 'V., and two of the 
latter, Mrs. Cullen, now residing in Point Fortune, and Mrs. Kempley, in Hull, are 
now living". 
John \V. has ahvays remd.ined on the homestead; his dwelling, surrounded by fine 
maples, is beautifully located on the high land, half a mile from the Ottawa, and com- 
mands a delightful view of the river and the country and mountains across it. Mr. 
Crosby is one of the most respected men of this locality, and, had he not declined 
office, might always have held public positions. He was the first Mayor of the 

49 8 


municipality, has been on the School Board several times, and has also been its 
Secretary-Treasurer a number of years, He has taken much interest in the Va"- 
dreuil County Agricultural Society, and has received several prizes on his farm. He 
was married 1St December, 1868, to Beda, a daughter of 'Villiam Jameson who was 
shot in 1837, as related in the history of Carillon, They have four sons and two 
daughters; the elder daughter is married to ,V. G. Brown, now living in Sweetsburg, 
Que.; Frank, the eldest son, is a merchant in Ottawa; James is clerk for Lonsdale, 
Reid & Co., wholesale merchants in Montreal; 'Villiam H., Allen and Clara are at 
JAMES PITCAIRN, from Perthshire, Scotland, settled at Point Fortune in 1843, 
and his descendants are worthy representatives of an honored race. He bought 210 
acres of land from Macmillan, as already stated, which tract is now owned by his 
two sons, James and John Pitcairn, the former occupying the house in which his 
father lived, and where he died in April, 1850, Mrs. Pitcairn, his wife, died in 
Scotland in 1840, James Pitcairn, jr., was married 3rd February, 1852, to Nancy 
McFayden, and has only one daughter, Margaret, married to James Middlt:ton. John 
Pitcairn was married 30th October, 1864, to Agnes Lamb; they have three sons,- 
James, 'Villiam and Robert, and three daughters-Kate, Mary and Annie. Of the 
four daughters of the late James Pitcairn, Mary married John Barclay, Agnes mar- 
ried 'Yilliam Caution, Ellen married Robert McFayden, and Margaret, John Mjddle- 
ton. The eldest daughter, Mary Ross, and John Barclay were married before leaving 
Scotland, and they came to Canada with her father's family. Mr. Barclay was a 
pattern maker for calico printing; after living here a year he returned to Scotland. 
Fifteen years afterward he returned to Canada, and after working leased farms for some 
time, and living three years in Michigan, he bought the farm in Point Fortune which 
is now owned and occupied by his son George. He died here 3rd January, 1888, 
He left four sons-John, James, David and George; and one daughter, Margaret, 
The latter lives here in a cosy cottage with her mother, Another daughter of Mrs. 
Barclay, Agnes Ellen, married to Peter Morrison, died in 1879; Mr. .Morrison died 
in 1888. They lef[ one boy, Rowland C., now-an advanced pupil in the Hawkes- 
bury High School. I?avid Barclay, now living in Point Fortune with his family, met 
with a sad misfortune in his younger days, his sight being destroyed by the prema- 
tm e explosion of a blast in an iron mine, 
George, the youngest son of Mrs. Barclay, who has the home;;tead, a good farm 
of 175 acres, is one of the prosperous fanners of this section. He is a member of 
the present Board of Councillors, and has been Mayor, 
At Point Fùrtune also lives THOMAS KING, whose great age and good memory 
have enabled him to give us important facts connected with the history of the place. 
He claims to have been born in 1798; but whether he has reachej the age of 98 or 
not, he is certainly very old. He was born at Cote St. Madeleine, and came to Point 
Fortune when he was 15 years of age, and when there were but six dwellings in th
place, He remembers we1l the North \Vest canoes that came here-sometimes as 
many as thirty of them at a time, containing from 8 to 12 men each. They often 
remained over night and gummed their canoes. Mr. King has spent his life in 
shanties and as pilot; he was one of the pilots taking rafts down Lake St. Peter in 
1839, when the great storm arose in which so many men lost their lives, He and a 
pilot, named Jerry Campbell, were each in charge of a raft. It was night when they 
reached the lake, and Campbell shouted to King, and asked him if he was going to 
cross; the latter replied that the weather looked so threatening he preferred anchor- 
ing among the islands. Campbell detcrmined, however, to go on, and King 
reluctant!y followed. 'Vhen they were well out in the lake, a furious storm coming 



on, King detached his anchor from its long cable and permitted the cable to drag, 
which steadied the raft. The waves rose to great height, and Campbell, seeing 
that he was in imminent danger, lashed himself to a stake in a traverse; but the waves 
dashed over him, and he was drowned, as well as the entire crew of forty men, the 
raft being broken in pieces. 
:\1r. King thinks this fatality was a punishment meted out to Campbell's men for 
their wickedness. He says that where they anchored the night previous, some of 
them stole a fine pig from the premises of a pious, wealthy gentleman-(we're not 
sure, but think he was a priest}-kil1ed and dressed it. In the morning they visited 
the gentleman, told him that one of their men died the previous night, and asked 
him to come to the raft and offer a prayer for the deceased. He complied with the 
request, and then asked to see the corpse; the request was declined, on the ground 
that the flies were too numerous. The gentleman departed without learning how he 
had been imposed upon, and" You see," said Mr. King, " that everyone of the men 
who played that trick was drowned." 
In the fall of 1787, SOLOMON COLE moved his family and household goods with 
carts and two yoke of oxen, from Londonderry, Vermont, to Montreal, and the 
following January came to St. Andrews, Que. About 3 years later, he settl
d on 
Lot 11, 1st Concession, in East Hawkesbury; and after a residence there of about 
15 years, he moved to Chatham, and erected a house on the site of the present 
Presbyterian manse. Here he lived twenty years, and then moved to Buckingham, 
Que., where he died. He had a family of seven sons and three daughters, Solo- 
mon, the second son, born in 1787, engaged in farming near Cushing, in connection 
with which he -also served the community for forty years as blacksmith, He was one 
of the brave defenders of his country during the war of 1812, was at the battle of 
Chateauguay, after which, for some time, he was stationed at York (Toronto) ; he 
was also a member of the St. Andrews's Troop in the troubles of 1837. He was 
married to Isabella Heat1ie, of Chatham; they had five sons and four daughters. 
1\1r, Cole died at Buckingham, 16th April, 1876, at the age of 87, while on a visit to 
his brother Orris. For some time previous to his death, he and Mrs. Cole had l;ved 
with their son, 'Villard. Mrs. Cole died August, 1876. Of. the four children now 
living, Thomas is in Dakota, Mark in Iowa, Jane, the wife of D. Long, in Lansing, 
Willard, the youngest, born in 1837, is one of the successful farmers of East 
Hawkesbury, and is located on parts of Lots II and 12, 1st Concession-a portion 
of which was formerly owned by his grandfather, He was married in 1861, to Jane, 
daughter of the late James Bothwell, of Chatham. They have four sons and three 
daughters, of whom James, Fred and Emma, the wife of James Gorrie, are living at 
Lake Dolphin, in Manitoba. Elizabeth, the wife of Geo, Crowther, lives in Mont- 
real; the three youngest are at home. 
Solomon, the eldest son, in 1881 entered the employ of Noxon Bros. Mfg. Co. 
of Ingersoll, as commercial travell
r; and was thus engaged travelling over Quebec 
and a part of Ontario for 13 years. In 1893, he engaged in business in Point For- 
tune, where he still remains. He was married, In 1892, to a daughter of John 
"'illiamson of Point Fortune. Mr. Cole is Secretar}r-Treasurer of the Municipality, 
also of the Methodist Church here, of which both he and Mrs. Cole are active 

lany years back in the history of Point Fortune, came Amable St. Denis, 
who was destined through his own enterprise, and that of his descendants, to act an 
important part in the history of the place. He built, or opened, a public house 
. I.adouceur is now conducting an hotel, and opened one also at Carillon, 

5 00 


in the building which is now occupied by :\lrs. Palliser. It was one ('If his sons, 
ALEXANDER ST, DENIS, who became a prominent and most successful lmsiness 
man. He married 
Iiss Taylor, a sister of the Rev. Lachlan Taylor, D.D., and 
opened a store where .Mr. William Brown now trades, which he conducted for many 
vears with remarkable success. His fine brick residence is conspicuous among the 
buildings of the village, and he held valuable interests in real estate. He rlied in r89I. 
His children were four sons and three daughters, who were carefuUy educated; but 
the sons, with the exception of Ernest, all died young. Mrs. St. Denis and her 
daughters, two of whom are married, still survive. Ernest St. Denis succeeded his 
father in the business, and was a popular merchant and Postmaster here several 
years. He sold out to 
rr. Brown in 1894, and has recently engaged in business 
in Yankleek Hill. 
'VILLIA\I BROWN & Sor-;s, doubtless, have engaged as extensively in the mer- 
cantile business as any who have followed this line in this section of counlry. Mr. 
Brown came from Ayrshire, Scotland, with his father's family to Montreal in 1848; 
his father died there in 1867, :tnd his mother still resides in that city. 
William BrO\vn was married 8th May, 1862! to Elizabeth, daughter of th
Andrew Galt, manufacturer of :;\[ontreal, and began business in the city as book- 
seller and stationer. In 1365, he came to Point Fortune, and entered into partner- 
ship with Thomas (now the Re\'. Thomas) Everett, of Montreal. In 1869 :\Ir. 
Brown purch.lsed the entire business, and hac; continued in it ever since. In 181)4 
he bought the stock of goods owned by Mr. E. A. St. Denis, and the 1st of January 
of that year formed a co-partnership wilh his two sons, Galt E. and John C., since 
which the firm has been known as Brown & Sons. They carry a very large stock- 
keep everything except spirituous liquors-and accept in payment for goods, every 
kind of barttr. Their business during the year I8!)S, in farmer's produce <.lnd other 
lines, exceeded $60,000. 
Mr. Brown spent seven years in the parish of Rigaud, where he was for some time 
a member of the School Board. In 1872 he was appointed a Justice of the Peace 
for the District of 
Iontreal, and in 1893 for Prescott and RusseJl, the proximity of 
Point Fortune to the latter district rendering his appointment a matter of much 
public convenience; his services as magistrate are often called in requisition. He 
has five sons and one daughter; his youngest son, Colin Campbell
 when 9 years of 
age. was accidentally drowned, by falling out of a boat, in 1879. Of the sons now 
living, \ViIliam, married to a daughter of Mr, G. \V. Crosby of this place, lives in 
Sweets burg, Que., and is a Commercial Traveller for Lonsdale, Reid & Co. of 
Montreal; \Valter A. is one of the firm of Gardner & Brown, general merchants, 
Arnprior, Ont.; Galt E. was married to Mabel Johnson in September, 1890 j John 
C. is married to Rhoda, daughter of William Story of Plantagenet :\Iills ; Agnes 
Mary, the youngest child of Mr. Brown, is with her parents. 
Another merchant of Point Fortune is ALFRED GOULET, His father, Geoffrey 
Goulet, was born at S1. Andrews, Que.; he lived in Ottawa a few years, and then 
settled in \Vendover, where he has lived a quarter of a century; Alfred, the son, who 
was born at \Yendover, graduated from the Ottawa Commercial College in 1891, 
and, after serving as clerk in the mercantile business at St. Isidore de Prescott, and 
at Pointe Fortune for a few years, in 1895 he opened a store at the latter place. 
He keeps a general assortment of merchandise, and thus far has received encourage- 
ment in his venture, 
RICHARD HEMSLEY is proprietor of the old homestead of the late John Cameron. 
He was born in Lincoln, England, came to Montreal in 1876, and for some time was 



successfully engaged in market gardening. He was married in 1878 to Miss Leagie, 
of Beauharnois, and in the fall of 1882 he moved to Point Fortune, and purchased 
the estate above mentioned, comprising 120 acres. He has erected new buildings, 
which are beautifully located amid stately maples, forming part of a sugar orchard of 
7 00 trees; all standing plainly in view, on a gentle slope toward the river, present a 
picture of rural beauty highly impressive. :\lr, Hemsley has been a member of the 
School Board, and Municipal Council, several years, five of which he was Mayor; 
he is also a Justice of the Peace, 
JA!\IES JOHNSON, of the County of Antrim, Ireland, came to Canada when Sir 
J onn Johnson was interested in colonizing the seigniory of Argenteuil. In tonner 
years, Sir John had known him in his native land, and on his arrival in Canada, the 
Seignior offered him his choice of any unoccupied land in Argenteuil. His selection 
was the lot where the Rouge debouches "into the North River at St. Andrews, and 
he lived there till his death about 1863, He had six children,-folll' sons and t\\'o 
daughters, but only the sons survived him. John, the eldest son, who served in the 
Rebellion of 1837, followed the trade of wheelwright, and his ingenuity and skill 
created frequent demand for his services; he died in Rockland in 1876. He was 
twice married, first to Ellen Gibson; they had one son and four daughters; one of 
the latter deceased. His second marriage was to a Miss Haney of Montreal- 
issue, six sons and one daughter, The sons are in the States, and the daughter is 
married to Galt Brown of Point Fortune. 
James Johnson, the only son of the late John Johnson by his first marriage, is 
successfully engaged in the lumber business at Sault Ste. Marie. Matilda, the eldest 
daughter of the late John Johnson, was married 25th .May, 1854, to JOHN WIL- 
ISON, who came to this country from the County of Monaghan, Ireland, in 18 48. 
They live at Point Fortune on a fine farm of 2 10 acres
 sustaining a dairy of 3 0 
cows, an.! equipped with all the improved machinery requisite for successful farming, 
Mr. \Villian--.son is one of the respected and influential men of the place; he has 
served many years on the School Board, and in the Municipal Council, and is one 
of the Councillors at present. The children of Mr. and Mrs. \Villiamson now living 
are three sons,-\Villiam, Arthur and John B., and two daughters,-Mrs. Cole of Point 
Fortune, and Mrs. McClintock, living in California, The youngest son, John Bertie, 
is at home; the second son, Arthur, is taking a Theological course at the \Vesleyan 
University, l\lontreal, and the eldest son, 
CAPT, \\'ILLlAJ\I \VILLIAMSON, is proprietor of the fine old dwelling of the late 
Judge Macdonnell, of Point Fortune. He was married 19th September, 1881, to 
Mary Ellen, daughter of the late Dr. Everett of East Hawkesbury, who spent a 
long life in the practice of his profession in Prescott County, and reared a laJge 

Ir. \Villiamson embarked in mercantile life at Point Fortune in 1881, in which 
he continued till] 892, when he sold out and engaged in the lumber business, which 
he still follows. During the time he was in trade at this place, he was also manager 
four years of the St. Lawrence Lumber Mills at Repentigny, employing, meanwhile, 
\\'. n. McArthur, an able and experienced accountant, as manager of his store. In 
18 9 1 , he \Vas appointed Commissioner for taking affidavits, and in 1892, a Justice of 
the Peace for Prescott and Russell. 
!\Ir. \Vil1iamson is a gentleman of much energy, an active and efficient officer, 
and he and Mrs. Williamson are active members of the Methodist Church. 
He has repaired and impro\'ed the old stone mansion, which was once the 
resort of the magnates ('If the North-West, and it still remains a fitting memento of 
the adventurous spirits and stirring events of early days in the Yalley of the Ottawa, 

5 02 


The branch of the C.P.R., designed to connect Montreal with Ottawa, was 
completed as far as Pt. Fortune in October, 1892, The railway station is about half 
a mile from the village, and it is soon to be connected with it by a sidewalk-a work 
of much utility. Mr. John Middleton, the Mayor, has recently solicited subscriptions 
from the citizens hereabout, with good success, tu defray the expenses of its construc- 
tion. A passenger train arrives and departs daily, and during the summer months 
there are two trains on 
J. STEPHEN LALONDE is the courteous and accommodating Station Agent here. 
He was born 20th January, 1869, at Coteau Station, Soulanges County, Que. In 1884 
he entered Coteau Station on the Canada Atlantic, as Asst. Station _"-gent, and a 
year later went to Casselman as operator, and from that place to Beaver Brook as 
agent. In 1889, he engaged to the C.P.R. Co., and was operator successively at 
'Vinchester, Green Valley and Valldrellil; being appointed Station Agent at the 
latter place in January, 1891. On the completion of the road to Point Fortune, he was 
appointed Agent here, and has discharged his duties to the entire satisfaction of his 
employers and the public. He was married in January, 1896, to Miss Poulin, daugh- 
ter of Mr, Frederick Poulin of Carillon. 
The" JOHN II is 
o well known tI-at it seems almost superfluous to say that it is 
the ferry boat plying between Carillon and Point Fortune, Though unique in style 
and antiquated in appearance, the "John" does loyal service, and is always hailed 
with pleasure as soon as the ice leaves the river. 
The first ferry between these places was established by :Mr. Schagel, proprietor 
of the hotel mentioned in the history of Carillon. Some years later a boat pro- 
pelled by horse power was placed on the river by A. E. :\Ionmarquet, 
Mr. John Kelly was proprietor of this for 15 years, and sold it to a man named 
Poitras. The latter became proprietor of a steam ferry boat, which for a few years 
had been unsuccessfully running opposition to his horse-boat. . 
In 1884, JOHN LAROCQUE purchased the boat, which, renovated and repaired, is 
the steamer "J ohn." 
'VILLlAl\I GRAY, who i:; a native of Hudson, is a familiar and popular figure in 
this section; he has been engineer on the " John " nine seasons, and has served as 
engineer on the Ottawa boats thirty-eight years. 


This township is in the northern part of Prescott County, and is bounded on the 
north by the Ottawa, east by 'Vest Hawkesbury, south by Caledonia, and west by 
Alfred. It was granted as a seigniory during the old French regime to the Baron de 
Longueuil, and is the only seigniory ever granted in Upper Canada. It was purchased 
by N. H. Treadwell for one thousand guineas at 237:( Halifax currency, the receipt 
being dated, May, 1796, and signed by Marie Lukin, In 1827, as shown below, a 
patent was granted to C. p, Treadwell, "having done homage with uncovered head 
on one knee, without spur or sword, having sworn fealty to His Majesty." 
The following sketch of the Treadwell family has been prepared at our 


5 0 3 


Crest,-Lion rampant, quadrant. 
JOHN TREADWELL, the earliest paternal ancestor of Nathaniel Hazard Treadwell, 
was of English descent, and was living at Ipswich, Connecticut, in 16 3 8 ; at Hunt- 
ington Long Island, in 1660; and at Hempstead, L.T., in 1666 and onward; in 166 9, 
was in public office, in the time of , Villi am and Mary; in 16 94 was representative 
from Queen's county. 
THmlAS TREADWELL, father of Nathaniel Hazard Treadwell, 
" The economic resistance of strong men to taxation," won us our independence, 
"as truly as the charters òf mediæval cities were obtained by purchase," The 
period from 177 6 to 1820 has been defined as the "formative epoch when the 
United States were slowly, and in the face of physicial and moral obstacles, establish- 
ing their independence and equality among nations The public record of Thomas 
Treadwell deals with the earliest history of our prosperous Republic, with the forma- 
tion of rules for the future regulation of national action. The framers of the Consti- 
tution built strongly and well. To be in some measure connected with that future, 
to take part, even so humbly, in laying the "corner-stone of this grand Republic," 
was worth all the privations and sacrifices the forefathers suffered, 
Thomas Treadwell was born in 1743, at Smithtown, Long Island; he married, 
first, Anne Hazard, whose father, Nathaniel Hazard, was one of the few importing 
merchants, of those times, in New York city. She was the mother of thiri:een 
children, He married, second, Mrs. Mary Hedges, who was sister to Judge Alfred 
Conkling, and she was the aunt of Roscoe Conkling (distinguished, as his father the 
Judge was before him, in the history of the Bar and politics in the United States). 
Thomas Treadwell entered upon public service early; he was a college bred man, a 
graduate of I'rinceton, a man of broad intelligence, benevolence, astute judgm
and mar ked ability in the conduct of affairs, and was possessed of great force of will, 
He studied law under Chancellor Livingstone, who was a man of exceptional 
public spirit, irresp
ctive of his politic') and devotion to the cause of .American 
Indepelldence. Thomas Treadwell studi;:d medicine in Paris, and was sometimes 
called ,. Doctor." as well as " Judge." 
The record of a life devoted to the public service associates Thomas Tread\vell's 
name enduringly with grand, arduous and historic events. He was a true friend of 
freedom, and faithful to the cause. He lived in an age ofextraordinary activities and 
forces. Of his contemporaries, "a canstelIation of deathless names" appears. 
Thompson, in his history of Long Island, says :-" Thomas Treadwell was one of the 
most useful men of his day, and was almost constantly engaged in public business; 
was distinguished for firmness and prudence, was a member of the Provincial Con- 
vt'11lion in 1775, and Was elected afterwards to the Provincial Congress from Long 
Island (with power to establish a new form of government). He was a member of 
the first Senate of this State, under the Constitulion, and seems in all n:spects to 
have bet'n fitted for the perilous times in which he lived." 
Governor Seward, in his Introduction to the Natural Historl of the State of 
1..; ew York, says: "Thomas Treadwell was one of three, constituting the Committee 
of Safety, while the Constitution of this State was being formed, in 1777, and was 
for many years the only surviving member of that body." 
Thomas Treadwell's Public Record, He \Vas a Representative in the Continental 
Congress in Philadelphia in 1772-76; in 1775 was elected to the" Provincial Con- 
gress," sitting in the city of New York. In 1776, he \Vas with others elected to 
represent Suffolk Co., L.I. This Provincial Congress met at the Court House in 

5 0 4 


\Vestchester county, but sat in Fishkill, November 8th, In 1778, he was delegated 
to the Convention at Poughkeepsie, to deliberate on the adoption of the Constitution 
of the United States. He was also appointed during the same year Judge of Probate 
in the city of New York, which office he held until Surrogates were appointed for 
each cOltnty. In 1791, he was elected to represent Suffolk, King's and Queen's 
counties in the Continental Congress then sitting in Philadelphia (to fill a vacancy 
caused by the death of Dr. Townsend). In 1793, he was again elected to represent 
these counties, which he continued to do until he removed to Plattsburgh, New 
York. In 1804 he was elected Senator for the Northern District, and in 1807 he was 
appointed Surrogate for Clinton county, which office he filled until his death, which 
took place at Plattsburgh, l>ecember 25 th , 18 3 1 . 
(See Sprague's Annals, and Histories of Long Island by Thompson, Prime, 
Onderdonk, etc.) 
\Ve find the published list of names of twenty gentlemen who served for tell 
years and upwards in the Assembly under the first two Constitutions. The name of 
Thomas Treadwell heads the list-for fifteen years representing Suffolk and Queen's; 
the next in order, Abijah Gilbert, fourteen years representing \Vestchester; and so 
down the list. 
Six miles from Plattsburgh was the homestead of Judge TreadwelL The mansion 
stood a little back from the shore of Lake Champlain, on Bay St. Amant, which 
is now Cumberland Bay, and this is formed by the embracing arm of Cumberland 
Head-a very attractive point for lovers of picturesque scenery. In old times the 
lake was I: fringed with trembling poplars, Balm of Gilead, and white birches," and 
the hospitality of the" Bay" home was famous the country round. Judge Treadwell 
took forty slaves with him to this home. Gradually they were manumitted, their old 
master providing them with homes and farms, and ther formed the colony not far 
away, which is still known as "Richland." 
Judge Treadwell's daughter, Hannah Phænix, married Henry Davis, President of 
l\liddlebury College, and for sixteen years President of Hamilton College, at Clinton, 
N.Y. His daughter Ann was the first wife of the HOll. Isaac Platt, of Plattsburgh, 
K. Y. His sons, 1'\ athaniel Hazard and Thomas, with two married daughters, Polly 
and Betsey, inherited talents of a high order j Judge Treadwell of Connecticut was 
his cousin j Nathaniel Hazard Treadwell, son of Hon. Thomas Treadwell, civil en- 
gineer, land surveyor, pioneer, cultured gentleman, and Henry Davis, who married 
his sister, Hannah Phænix Treadwell, received their academical uaining under Dr. 
Buell of Revolutionary memory, at Clinton Academy, at East Hampton, Long Island, 
This \Vas the first institution of the kind chartered by the Regents of the State of 
Xew York, in 1787, 
K. H. Treadwell was six feet two or three inches in height, of powerful build, a 
nnn of broad views, of enthusiasm, outspeaking, with exuberant physical vigor and 
buoyant spirits, He was a land surveyor ; he surveyed large tracts in Northern New 
Yor k, for Peter Smith, the father of Gerrit Smith, the philanthropist. He married 
Margaret, daughter of Judge Charles Platt of Plattsburgh, 1\ .Y., who with two 
brothers found
d the place, and gave it its name. Judge Platt was the first Judge of 
Clinton Co., N.Y., and held the first court in 1785. He married Caroline Adriance 
at Hopewell (Fishkill) 1772. She was born in lIolland, and was a very handsome 
woman, e\'en when old, She used to read her Dutch Bible. 
In 1794, ::\. H. Treadwell removed to Canada, and the Seigniory of L'Orignal, 
whid.l was his by purchase, was opened by him to emigrants. The Seigniory of 
L'Ongnal stretched nine miles along the Ottawa River, and ran six miles back, 
making fifty-four square miles of territory. The Montreal IVi/lless, June 6th, 18ð9, 


5 0 5 

says: "The original settlers of Prescott and Russell were Americans from New 
York, New Hampshire and Vermont, who came here after the Revolutionary War. 
They ascended the Ottawa, and noting the wealth of the district in timber, and its 
good soil and water power, settled on the high lands, The seigniory of L'Orignal 
was conveyed during the French regime to one of the trading companies connected 
with New France, and towards the close of the last century fell into the possession of 
Nathaniel Hazard Treadwell, an American from Plattsburgh, N.Y., who encouraged 
his fellow-countrymen to take up farms at L'Orignal as well as in the township of 
Longueuil. \Vhen the French wave set in forty years ago, the low swamp lands, 
which Treadwell colonists and their descendants had rejected, were rapidly occupied 
by French Canadians, whose thrifty habits enabled them to live where the other race 
would have starved. The English settlers stilI hold the highlands, but are now 
hemmed in by the habita1lts." 
\Vhen the war of 1812 broke out, owing to Mr. Treadwell's American proclivi- 
ties, he became a suspected person, and declining to take the oath of allegiance, his 
property was confiscated, and he undertook to remove to the United States; on the 
way out, he was imprisoned at St, Johns, Lower Canada. After a time he was offered 
his freedom, which he declined unless an escort was provided to see him safely 
across the line, and this was at last granted, and he returned to Plattsburgh. 
About four miles from Platts burgh, he erected mills at a point on the Saranac 
River known variously as "TreadweIl's Bridge,"" Treadwell's Falls," and " Treadwell's 
Mills." The spot is singularly beautiful, and the place which gre\v up there was 
named by his sister" Utopia," In fact, " Treadwell's Mills" was for many years one 
of the most important business cen tres. The great freshet of [83 0 , which swept 
away the fortunes of so many business men on the Saranac, brought ruin to these 
mills. The saw-mill, the dam, the flume, and many other improvements, logs, piles of 
lumber, and the very earth on which they stood were carried away, and all that 
remained of the " city lots" was a broad expanse of Pottsdam sandstone. 
About 1840, N. H, Treadwell returned with his wife to L'Orignal, Upper Canada, 
where he died in 18 5 6 , The Montreal Gazette, after his death, said: "Practically 
and theoretically an ad'"ocate of progress, he united the culture of a gentleman with 
the endurance of a back-woodsman. Far in advance of his time, he presented a living 
type of a coming age. In the earlier part of his life, he expended considerable sums 
in advancing the material interests of the country; his liberality was only circum- 
scribed by his pecuniary ability. The poor man never left his home unrelIeved." 
His children were Caroline Adriance, of L'Orignal ; Ann Maria (Mrs, L. H, Redfield, 
of Syracuse, N. Y ) j Hon. Charles p, Treadwell, of L'Orignal; Margaret (Mrs. Duncan 
Dewar) ; and Mrs. Lætitia Platt (Mrs. Charles \Vale
), vfSt. Andrews, P.Q., Canada; 
and Harry Onderdonk, of Hawkesbury. 
CHARLES PLATT TREADWELL, son of Nathaniel Hazard Treadwell, in 182 3 
returned to Canada and succeeded in recovering the property of his father, which was 
confiscated in the war of (812-1814, the Government also giving him several thousand 
acres in Ross and Pembroke counties, of which he had been deprived through an 
erroneous survey. He received in 1834 the" Crown" appointment of High Sheriff, 
which is for life. j\f ontreal papers, at the time of his death, in 18 73, wrote of him as 
follows :-" One of the best known personally of all Canadians has just passed away; 
in the person of Sheriff Treadwell, of the Counties of Prescott and Russell. Even 
L1pon the road, everyone who travelled at all was sure to make his acquaintance 
>omewhere, and his unbounded affability made him everybody's friend, Although his 
deas were not always of the most practical sort, there was not a more public-spirited 

itizen in Canada. In later years his mind seemed to run upon little else than on 

5 06 


schemes for the development of the country. The late Sheriff belonged to an Ameri- 
can family which emigrated a century ago from the vicinity of Plattsburgh, N. Y., and 
which i8 now scattered along the banks of the Ottawa River. He held the shrievalty 
of the united counties without reproach for very many years. 
" Ris ever busy pen advocated, and he was the pioneer in railway projects, 
agricultural improvements and religious reforms. Nearly tl'irty-six of the forty years 
that Shf>riffTreadwell held a Government office was under Queen Victoria." 
It is said of him that he was the first Canadian who advocated a Pacific Railway. 
In 18 45 he began to talk of a railway from the Atlantic to the Pacific, saying that, 
" if it was done with British money it would be a most important defense for Great 
Britain in guarding her East Indian Colonies from the aggressions of Russia." 
Sheriff Treadwell's sisters, Mrs, Ann 1\1. T. Redfield, of Syracuse, N.Y.; Miss 
Caroline A. TreadweB, of L'Orignal; and Mrs. Duncan Dewar, of St. Andrews, P.Q., 
Canada,-aB of whom are deceased-were noble women, 1\Irs, Lætitia Platt 'Vales, 
of St, Andrews, P.Q., Canada, is the only surviving child of Nathaniel Hazard Tread- 
well, and the only granàchild surviving of the Hon. Thomas Treadwell, patriot and 
statesman of the Revolutionary and "formative" period of the Government of the 
United States of America, 
(Great-grandchild of Ron. Thomas Treadwell. 

755 Irving St., Syracuse, N, Y., 
20th Jan., 1894. 
Only a faint conception is given in the above sketch, of the injustice 1h:1t was 
done Mr. Treadwell by the Government which at that time held sway. Like many 
legal documents, the deed that placed him in possession of his new purchase was 
somewhat ambiguous, especially the description of the boundaries. The property 
was to have a frontage of so many leagues on the Ottawa River, and extend back, at 
right angles therefrom, an equal number of leagues. Mr. Treadwell, deeming the 
description plain enough, completed his survey correctly, as he s9Pposed, but he 
learned afterwards, as thousands more have learned, that the phraseology of his 
patent might be !::o construed as to permit an endless amount of trouble and litigation. 
Opposite L'Orignal there is a bend in the river; 
lr. Treadwell naturally sur- 
veyed the side lines of his land, so that they were at right angles to the river as it ran 
past his estate, The functionaries of the Government, however, claimed that the 
contract meant at right angles to the general course of the river, hence insisted on a 
new survey, which took much of his best land, and gave him, instead, land that was 
low, marshy, and unfit for cultivation. In vain did he protest; corrrspondence 
almost endless ensued, and great expenses accrued in his vain efforts to get his wrongs 
redressed. As a dernier ressort, he made a personal visit to Toronto, believing that if 
he were in the presence of the governmental dignitaries, with his voluminous evidence 
that he had not acted contrary to the of the writings conveyed to him by the 
Baron de Longueuil, they could not fail to listen, and yield to the dictates of reason 
and justice, .But he had yet to learn that" might over right II was the principle that 
commanded the military oligarchy that held absolute sovereignty in Toronto. The 
report had preceded his arrival at tbe seat of government that he was a Yankee-a 
name at that time regarded by the Government officials as a synonym for all that was 
detestable. Messages reflecting on his loyalty, and represen ting him as an unworthy 
citizen, had also been forwarded by his secret enemies. \Vhere, indeed, is the man of 
ability and enterprise who does not excite the envy of some craven spirit, who will 
chuckle at his discomfiture? 


5 0 7 

:\Ir. TreadweU remained not only days, but weeks, in Toronto. Numberless 
were the appointments made to meet him; he was always on the spot at the appoint- 
ed hour, but never did he meet the.. parties by whose appointment he had come. 
Excuses the most frivolous were assigned as the cause of the disappointment, and 
another meeting wouid be arranged, only again to be disregarded. 
Though weary and disgusted by such conduct, he restrained his indignation, and 
strove to extend his charitable feelings to the last point of leniency. It is probable, 
too, that, with his views uf honor and digl.ity, he found it difficult to attribute the 
treatment Ìle received to deliberate wantonness. But humiliating as was the conclu- 
sion, he was compelled to acknowledge to himself that he was being deliberately 
imposed upon: and that they had no idea of listening to a recital of his wrongs, much 
less of redressing them. 'Ve can readily imagine, therefore, with what bitterness of 
feeling he turned his back on Toronto and returned home. 'VhiIe on his way thither, 
he met an old friend at an hútel, to whom he detailed the story of his experience, and 
then taking a large bundle of papers which related to the matter which had called him 
to the Capital, he threw them into the fire, and vowed that he would no longer live 
under a Government so despotic, Time, however, the great pacificatur, healed in a 
great measure his wounded spirit, and he spent his last days in the place where he 
had seen so much trouble, and lived, too, to see his son a respected and influential 
subject of the Canadian Government. 
Of his other children, who were all very intelligent. and possessed marked 
individualitf'òr character, Ann Maria (Mrs. L. H. Redfield) was a woman of remark- 
able ability, and distinguished for her knowledge of natural science. Her text-book, 
cience, or Nature in Living Forms," is in general use in educational 
The children of the late Charles Platt Treadwell and Helen Macdonnell, his wife, 
(I) Mary Susan- married 25th October, 1885, to Matthew \Villiams Taylor, 
:lssistant librarian of l\IcGill College, Montreal. 11:r. Taylor is now deceased, and 
Mrs. Taylor's present residence is Mon treal. 
(2) :Margaret Ann-married Thomas McMillan Kains, of St. Thomas, Ontario, 
son of Captain Kains, of Grenville, 3rd October, 18ú5. Issue, two children: l\Iary 
! illan and Charles Frederick. Mr. Kains deceased; 1\1rs, Kains' present 
Ion treal. 
(3) Helen Isabella-married Eden Philo Johnson, of L'Orignal, in 1877. Issue 
living, Chauncey, Helen and Edith. Mrs. Johnson, deceased. 
(4) Grace Low-married Rev. James Fraser, 23rd September, 1874. Issue, two 
children: James Macdonnell and Grace Badenoch. Present residence, Cushing, 
Among the pioneers whose descendants were destined to playa prominent part 
in the social, moral and political history of Prescott, was a man named EDEN 
JOHNSON. In his youth he lived in New Hampshire, and, like many other young men 
of that section, he espoused the cause of his country in the Revolutionary struggle, and 
was one of those who followed to Quebec the ill-starred Richard l\Iontgomery. After 
the close of that disastrous affair, Johnson became acquainted with and married a Miss 
Abbott, the daughter of a captain in the British service. He lived for a time in New 
Hampshire, and then moved to Canada and settled in Hawkesbury, but not many 
years subsequently he broke through the ice on the Ottawa while chasing a deer, and 
was drowned. 
He left four children: three sons-\Villiam, Chauncey, Eden Abbot, and one 
daughter. Eden Abbot, the youngest son, being the first white child born in Hawkes- 
bury, received as a reward for this honor a free grant of land from Government, 

5 08 


The eldest son, \Villiam Johnson, engaged in farming in Hawkesbury, but died at 
middle age. The following pen picture of two brothers of this family was discovered 
by the writer in an old magazine entitled" Earnest Christianity," which was published 
in 1875 :- 
" During Reeder's ministry an influential family of brothers, large men, lived in West Hawkesbury 
and Longueuil. Chauncey, the eldest, was not converted till a good many years later; but William, 
the next in seniority, and his younger brother, Abbott, our present subject, were the fruit of Reeder's 
ministry. These two brothers were quite dissimilar. Abbott was larger than the average man, but 
'Villiam \\as almost gigantic. Abbott was constitutionally calm and moderate; William was vehe- 
ment ardent, and demonstrative. 'ViI1iam's gifts and zeal were such as to qualify him for the class. 
lead:r's, exhorter's, and local preacher's office!=, early in his religious life; but Abbott more slowly 
grew up into those things. 1 he elder brother grew the faster, but the younger, perhaps in the end, 
was the more matured Christian and preacher. 
" In 1832 I was appointed as the colleague of the quaint but saintly John Black to the Ottawa 
Cilcuit. He drove his family around by the Ccteau du Lac and the Cote St. Charles in his wagon, 
and I rode acroSs the country from Moulinette to Vankleek Hill, on horseback. My first night's 
rest on the circuit was at Captain McCann's, a mem ber of W l1liam Johnson's class at the Red School- 
house in 'Vest Hawkesbury. I' laid over' the next day to rest my horse, and visited from house to 
house, e
corted by the Captain, whose conversation on the way was very spiritual. Among other 
things he informed me that he and his leader, W. J., had covenanted to meet each other in spirit three 
times a day, to pray for what they called the' second blessing,' by which they meant the blessing of 
a new heart. Among the many houses to which the Captain took me was that of the leader, William 
Johnson, where, if I mistake not, I aJ:.o met his brother Abbott, who, at that time, was not an office- 
bearer in the church, at all. William was then beginning to fail in health, consumption having e\'idently 
marked him for its own. His skin was pale; and his once ringing, mighty voice was hoarse and 
husky, and the flow of his words was checked from his p:mting for breath. His soul seemed bound 
up in his cla5s and the religious interests of his neighborhood, and his 
" Longing heart was all on fire. 
To be dissolved in love. 
"The writer of the article, referring to Rev. G. T. Playter, says; 
" That calm, judicially.minded man always spoke of the pious coterie of Brother Abbott Johnson 
Sisters Clarke, lIunt
r and McAlpine, with admiration bordering on enthusiasm. I may just say 
that, so far as my recollection goes (and I often met with Brother A. Johnson at District and Camp. 
meetings, for he became Recording Steward of his circuit, as well as Local Preacher). the first impulse 
of that work' of holiness arose from the perusal of the life of Hester Ann Rogers, a piece of religious 
biography which has never been excelled. 
" A word of contrast between 'Villiam and Abbott as preachers, and I will open the way for 
Brother Hurlburt's letter. William was the more gifted naturally-Abbott was the better educated; 
the former had a loud, clear, ringing voice-the latter a soft but impressive one; 'ViUiam's words 
flowed the faster-Abbott's were the more pondered and weighty; William would awake the more 
sinners, Lut Abbott would, in the end, promote the wider revival, by getting the church in a state 
to work for Goo when t.e was absent. 
" Now to the Rev. Mr. Hurlburt's letter; he says of our subject: Eden AbbottJohnson was the 
first white child born on that part of the Ottawa; the date I cannot tell. According to a statement of 
his own, the early part of his religious life was not distinguished for anything rem:ukable in the way 
of religious zeal and depth uf personal piety. 
" His brother 'Villiam, who died before I went to the old Ottawa Circuit, was a local preacher 
and class leader in his own neighborhood, and at the time of his death the charge of the class devolved 
upon Abbott. But his brother told him, that tho'Jgh his desires were good, and though he was 
willing to be useful, yet he wa;; not qualified for the duties of such an office, and impressed upon him 
the necessity and duty of a fuller consecration to God, and of seeking and t:njoying a greater depth 
of personal piety. This was the means of awakening him to a sense of his duty and his need, and 
leading him to seek a 
reater fulness of personal salvation. The above is the substance of the account 
which I had from him. It was (I think) in 1835 that I became acquainted with him. In' a little 
wagon' (as we called them in those days), with wife and three children, I had performed a long 
and hard journey from Mr. Link's, a few miles beyond Cornwall, to Brother Johnson's, three or four 
miles the other side of 'Vankleek Hill.' It was late at night when I reached his house. The family 
was in bed-horse completely jaded out-self and wife · tired to death '-children tired, sleepy- 


5 0 9 

indeed asleep-cross and hungry. We aroused the family, In those good old times, a Methodist 
family would rise at any time in the night to receive, to make welcome and as comfortable as 
possible an itinerant and family. Though so long ago, I remember the manner in which he received us; 
and, especially, his sympathy for the children-repeating several times-' now, this makes me sorry.' 
He was then a widower, In the autumn ofthis year (1 think, in connection with our Quarterly Meet- 
ing). we commenced a four days' meeting in the upper part of William John-on's house,-a two-story 
building j Metcalfe was there. There were three or four persons deeply awakened in the course of the 
services. My recollection does not enable me to say there were any clear conversions; I think not. 
I was rather disposed to close the services; but Brother Johnson would not hear of that. His soul 
yearned for the conversion of his neighbors. He travailed in deep anguish for the salvation of souls. 
Before the meeting was dismissed, on Sabbath afternoon, he pressed forward and addressed the con- 
gregation in fervent exhortation, entreaty and expostulation, and delivered from a soul glowing with 
incandescent heat. I never heard that address exceeded, We did not close; the meetings were con. 
tinued in the' Red School House.' There were not less than fifty that professerl conversion. This 
was the visible beginning of that great revival-not less than 400 professed conversion during that 
year. The late Stephen Brownell was my colleague. He could endure any amount oflabor, and a 
more willing helper I never had-a more agreeable brother I could not wish. As you mentioned, 
Brother Johnson was my collea
ue the second year. I returned at the end of the second year, about 
70 persons professing the blessing of entire sanctification. Brother Johnson was greatly instrumental 
in promoting that work. He made a clear and distinct profession of entire sanctification, and that, 
as a continuous experience; and I fully believed that he enjoyed it. He understood what he said 
on that subjt::ct. lIe professed to enjoy constant communion witb God, and conscious ansWer to 
prayer. His power in prayer \\as remarkable; he possessed strong faith in God-his fervency was 
such as I have seldom heard. He seemed to pray with a conviction that he was not to be denied; 
lle per
evered, until he felt that God had answered In these little gatherings which were held at 
Brother Clark's, under his pleadings with God, for the outpouring of His spirit, the house seemed 
filled with the Divine presence, and those present would be powerfully affected. The same might be 
said of the prayers of others of that company, especially of Mrs. McAlpine. His zeal for God and 
love for souls consumed him. A penitent seeker of salvation seemed to draw out his who]e soul in 
its beha]f, and he felt as if he could not give up pleading with God, till the blessing- of conscious 
pardon was obtained. The impression which his spirit and the general tenor of his life made on the 
c0mmunity around was great, and its influence for good was felt in general through the circuit. I 
have no recollection at the present of having overheard any objection to his Christian character. The 
manner of his life seemed to silence objections, and even suspicion; and I would say the impression 
was universa], that Abbott Johnson was a truly godly and deeply pious man, The Rev. J. F. Playter 
published in the Guardia1Z some account of his Christian character, life and death. I doubt whether 
he was prepared to appreciate such a man as Brother Johnson was, or fully to understand him. I 
thought that the description did not do him full justice. 
"The editor of the Ear1Zest Christia1Iif)'says : 'We have searched the fyles of the ClIa1dia'I,- 
but can find no particulars of Mr. Johnson's last days. His nepht:w, the Rev. Joshua H. Johnson, I 
think, informed me, his death occurred at out the year 1839. So soon after his entire sanctification 
did he reach the goal. But all who knew him testified that he died as he lived-supremely de\'oted 
to God and exulting in his great salvation. His memory in the Ottawa country, to this hour, is 
fragrant with the odor of sanctity. Recalling the character of this saintly man has had a hallowing 
influence on the writer's heart; and if the perusal of what he and his friend Hurlburt have written has 
the same effect on the reader, which he sincerely prays, his end will be answered. Mayall follow 
him as he followed Christ. 

CHAUNCEY JOHNSON, the brother of the two so graphically portrayed in the sketch 
of Mr, Carroll, became very prominent in the social and political fabrics of the 
County. He was one of the first Magistrates appointed for the Ottawa District, was 
a member for Longueuil of the old District Conncil, and 'Varden several years. He 
died in 1861 at the age of 69' He had several sons, some of whom became pro- 
minent in business, political or professional life, One of these, Joshua H. Johnson, 
became one of the leading ministers in the Methodist Church; Eden Johnson, 
another of the sons, was Captain of the first steamcr that plied the Ottawa between 
Grenville and llytown; Thomas Hall, a third son, was an influential merchant in 
L'OrignaJ, and represented Prescot.t County in Parliament eight years, and afterward 

5 10 


was appointed Stipendiary Magistrate, and then became Assistant Commission
r of 
Crown Lands for Ontario. Alfred, another of these brothers, when young went to 
\Yisconsin, and became clerk of the Legislature of that State, and was once candidate 
for Congre5s, though unsuccessful. He afterward was elected to the City Clerkship 
of Milwaukee, but died not long subsequently. 
Chauncey Johnson, j un" the fourth son, in order of age of this large family, was 
prominently identified with the history of his native County, He was a Justice of 
the Peace, Municipal Counci1lor and \Varden of Prescott and Russell, and held the 
position of Postmaster of L'Orignal forty years. For some time previous to his 
death, he was Crown Timber Agent, He was married 3rd February, 18 34, to Phila 
S, Cushman, of Georgia, Vt. She was a lineal descendant of Robert Cushman prom- 
inent in early American history. Mr. Johnson died 17 th October, 18 74, aged 63 ; 
1\1rs. Johnson died 30th October, 1888, aged 72. They had three sons and one 
daughter that arrived at maturity. 
Eden Abbott Johnson, grandson of one of those described above, was born in 
'Yest Hawkeslmry; he and a sister were the only children of his father by a second 
marriage; their mother being the widow of George Huntington of Compton Co., 
Quebec. In his youthful days, Mr. Johnson was employed as clerk in a mercantile 
house, after which he studied law and passed his first examination. He had, however, 
received a first class certificate from a Military School, and when the Fenian excite- 
ment broke out in 1866, he was offered the command of one of the companies of the 
18th Battalion, and left his law studies to accept it. Two companies of 65 men each 
were organized in Prescott and Russell at this period, designed for active service. 
They were first stationed at Cornwall, but afterward at Ottawa. 
)!r. Johnson returned to L'Orignal, and for some time was engaged with muni- 
cipal affairs, being clerk for several years of the Township of Longueuil, and then of 
the village of L'Orignal. He also served as Township and County Auditor, and for 
six years as Reeve of L'Orignal; he resigned in 1890, to accept the County Clerk- 
ship. He is chairman of the local School Board, and for some time held the same 
position in the High School Board, and in 1886 was 'Yarden of the United Counties 
of Prescott and Russell. He \Vas married Sth November, 1868, to Miss Laura Jean 
'Vorkman, niece of the late \Villiam and Thomas \Vorkman of Montrea1. He is 
District Deputy Grand Master of Ottawa District No. 16, G. R. C., and Royal 
Arch Mason under the Grand Lodge of Ireland. St, John's Lodge of Vankleek Hill, 
of which Mr. Johnson was Master, surrendered its warrant, 18th December, 188 9, 
being the last in the Province of Ontario to surrender its warrant and come under 
the Grand Lodge of Canada. 
Eden P. Johnson, the eldest son of Chauncey Johnson, jr., was an assistant in his 
father's business, carried on the correspondence, and, at his father's death, succeeded 
to different positions he had held. Besides these, he has also been Official Assignee, 
and was appointed Police Magistrate in 1883, and Clerk ofthe Village Council in 188-1, 
which position he still occupies. He has been twice married-first 4 th October, 18 59, 
to Sarah J., daughter of the late John \V, Marston, Esq. ; she died 29 th November, 
186 7, and he next married, 5 th September, 1'677, Helen Isabel, third daughter of 
Sheriff Treadwell; she died 23 rd January, 1889, By his first marriage he had one son 
and a daughter; by the second two sons and two daughters, His eldest son, Alfred 
S., who won distinction for scholarship in Toronto U niver
ity, of which Institution he 
is a graduate, is now editor of the Encyclopedia of Current Litera/ure Review, pub- 
lished in Buffalo, N,Y. He was formerly Fellow and Lecturer in Toronto University, 
and Corne)), and for three years was President of Denmark College, Iowa. 
The following is an obituary copied from The Prescott and Russell Ad'l!ocate 
of April, 1890 :- 


5 1I 

II It is our sad duty to announce the demise, on Friday, the 21st March ult., of 
LT.-COL. MURRAY of this place. The deceased was born in the County of Antrim, 
Ireland, 5th May, 1792, and at the time of his death ha1 almost completed his 98th 
year. He emigrated to Canada in the year 18 '9, arriving in 
uebec on the 5th l\Iay- 
his birthday-of that year. His three brothers preceded him to this country many 
years. On his arrival in Canada the deceased took up his abode in this vicinity, 
being one of the early pioneers of the Ottawa Vdley, where he remained up to the 
time uf his death. 
" During the troubles of 1837, Co!. Murray took an active part, under the late 
Col. Kearns, in suppressing the Rebellion; shortly afterward wa') created Captain 
in the Canadian :\Iilitia, and in due time was further promoted to the highest rank 
in the Canadian service-a p;)sition he held upward of twenty years. In the early 
settlement of this section, he took part in many of the works which at that time 
were almost gigantic in magnitude, 3uch, for instance. as the opening of public roads 
and building of bridges. Jt is said, too, that the L'Orignal wharf is a specimen of 
his handiwork. Of a genial and hospitable disposition, no traveller or stranger 
ever missed a night's lodging or went hungry from his door, and no neighbor in trouble 
was without his sympathy or assistance. Through life he was a staunch Episcopa- 
lian, and ill death he was consoled by a firm belief in that happiness hereafter which 
is the consolation of all Christians. Though afflicted for many years, he bore his 
sufferings with resignation, and always had a kind and pleasant remark for those 
around him. A renlJrkable circumstance in his old age was the sharpness of his 
memory and the clearness of his intellect, equalling those of a man of middle age, He 
leaves, to mourn his loss, two sons and four daughters; Mr. James Murray for several 
years was Reeve of this 
Ill!licipality ; his eldest son, T. C. Murray, formerly of Deux 
Rivières, who also represented his Municipality in the County Council; Eliza, the 
wife; of G. Barton, Esq., of L'Orignal; Sarah M. A. MOl rison. the eldest daughter, 
married to G., Esq., of N. \Y. T., and two unmarried who live with their bro- 
ther James on the homestead, where their late father was cared for with the greatest 
tenderness during his long illness, In the deceased, L'Orignalloses one of the links 
which bound her to the past, and one of her best citizens." 
The homestead occupied by the son, Mr. James Murray, and hi3 two sisters 
is a beautiful farm in a high state of cultivation, and sustaining a large stock, A go()d 
lime stone quarry on it has provided stone for many of the buildings of this section. 
l\lrs. Murray, wife of the late Co!. Murray, died 3rd 
[arch, 1884. The fol- 
lowing is an extract from her obituary published in The Ne'ltls, of March 4th, 1884:- 
" Mrs, Murray was noted during a long life for benevolence to neighbors and 
strangers. There are many old residents of this County, who are now approaching 
the 's6ar and yellow leaf,' who will recollect in their childhood those little acts 
of kindness by the dece!sed which made her residence the much sought resort by 
many little ones. She was 78 years of age-a woman highly esteemed in life and 
mourned in death by all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance. Her funeral 
obsequies took place on Thursday, and were attended by a very large assemblage of 
the more respectable of the surrounding country." 
EL1SHA CASS was one of the pioneers who came with Mr. Treadwell to 
Longlleuil, in 1798. He had formerly lived in New England, but being a U. E. 
Loyalist he came to Canada, and finally settled in this seigniory (on land now owned 
and occupied by Alexander Johnstone), He cleared up the land, and lived here till 
his death, about 1850. He married Elizabeth Story, sister to the wife of Col. Joseph 
Fortune, They had fourteen children, of whom eleven-four sons and seven daugh_ 
ters-grew up. Elizabeth, Ù1e eldest daughter, married Donald :McDonald, who 

5 12 


represented Prescott and Russell in Parliament three terms. 
Josiah Cass, the eldest son, was married 22nd December, 1829, to Elizabeth 
Howes; they had eleven children-ten sons and one daughter; but two of the sons 
died in infancy. He settled on a part of the homestead, which he cleared of its 
forest; he died 23rd August, 1853, aged 57; Mrs, Cass died 15th August, 1894, 
aged 79. 
Charles Avery, their youngest son, remained on the homestead; he was married 
6th July, 1875, to Mary, daughter of J. Cross, of "Te
t Hawkesbury. He has 
added to his original farm, and now possesses 200 acres, with good buildings, a fine 
stock of cattle, an apple orchard comprising three or four acres, and a large sugar 
orchard, His residence is very pleasantly located, surrounded by trees and shrub- 
bery. Mr, Cass is one of the respected and influential citizens of this section, and, 
besides having filled responsible municipal offices, he is Superintendent of the 
Methodist Sabbath-School at Cassburn, He has three children-sons-living, Leslie, 
the eldest, has taken a course of instruction at the Agricultural College at Guelph, 
Out,; the other two sons are still at home. 
Mr. Cass has a brother, Andrew, living in Brainard, :Minnesota, and another 
one, James, in Seattle, \Vashington Ty., and a sister, Henrietta, married to Rev. John 
Tozeland, in Gladstone, Manitoba. 
THE BON, ALEXANDER GRANT was among the very early sett
ers on the Ottawa' 
He was born in 1774, in Inverness Shire, Scotland, and came to America in 1785' 
with his father, John Grant, of Duldregan. His family was an old one, closely allied 
to the Grants of Shewglie and Moy ; his mother was Catherine Grant of Corriemonie, 
whose family charter dates back to 1509, in the reign of James IV, and his grand- 
mother was Jane Ogilvie, daughter of Ogilvie of Kimpeenin Castle, and niece of the 
Earl of Seafield. \Vhile still quite young Mr. Grant obtained a situation with the 
North-\Vest Fur Company
 and fur some years had charge of various trading posts 
they had established. Believing, however, that greater profits could be realized, he 
left the Company in 1805, purchased a tract of land since known as L'Orignal Point, 
and for a number of years traded with the Indians on his own account, 
In 1808, he married Jane McDonell, eldest daughter of Capt. Allan McDonell, of 
the King's Royal Yorkers, who came to Canada after the Revolution, and settled in 
Matilda, County of Dundas. At the time of his arrival there were but few settlers in 
the country, and these much scattered. I..'Orignal, where there was a mill and a few 
houses, was called New LongueuiJ, but a number of years afterwards, the name was 
changed through the influence of Mr. Hotham, M.P., in compliment to Mr. Grant. 
Like many other men of means and education who settled in the country, he was 
interested in its moral and social advancement; he was anxious to witness the march 
of improvement and 'civilization, and, to this end, contributed both influence and 
money, It was chiefly through his exertions that the fir1t churches, Catholic and 
Presbyterian, were erected at L'Orignal. 
In 1806, while on a hunting expedition with a few others, he discovered the now 
celebrated Caledonia Springs; some of the party, on drinking the water, became 
greatly alarmed, fearing that it was poison. 
F.or many years Mr, Grant commanded the 1st Regiment of Prescott militia, 
and in 1831, he was summoned to the Legislative Council of Upper Canada by Sir 
John Colborne. He died in 1848, at the age of 75. He was a man of generous 
impulses and kindly feeling, and many, at the time of his decease, could speak of 
these qualities with gratitude. He had eight children-six daughters and two sons- 
:Marcella, married to Francis Hunter, late of the Receiver General's Department, 
died in 1848; Catherine, married to John Buchanan, son of Dr, Buchanan, of the 


5 1 3 

49th Regiment, died in 1882; John, who was a Captain in the 5th Battalion, 
during the Rebellion, died in 1848; Harriet, still living; Mary, married to Dr. 
Donnelly, of \Vindsor, Ont., son of Dr, Donnelly of the Royal Navy, died in 1889 ; 
Jane died in 1855; Ellen, still living ; Allan was a barrister, an M.A. and Gold 
Medallist of Toronto University; he was, also, Lieut.-Cot. of the 18th Battalion of 
Prescott militia. 


This name is derived from the French, and signifies "the moose," an animal 
'formerly abounding in large numbers in this locality, The village is located on 
rising ground near the Ottawa, which here forms a beautiful and expansive sheet of 
water three miles in breadth, known as L'Orignal Bay. Viewed from the opposite 
shore, or from the deck of a steamer plying the river, L'Orignal has a queenly 
appearance-the spires of her churches and her public buildings, standing promi- 
nently in the range of vision, give to the place an air of city-like magnificence. This 
idea of its size and beauty is considerably modified by a nearer approach; but 
illusory as a distant view may have been, one cannot deny, on visiting L'Orignal, 
that it is a very pretty village. Like many other villages which have neilh
r import- 
ant manufactories nor commercial facilities to foster growth, its development has 
been very slow. In former years the English-speaking population was largely in the 
majority, but at present the French element forms at least one-half the entIre number. 
Being the chef lieu of the county, L'Orignal has naturally been a place of some 
note and importance, but it was not until about 1825, that it possessed many of the 
characteristics of a village, At that time the dwellings numbered about a dozen; 
there was one store, opened by a m3.n named :McIntyre, a tannery conducted by 
'Villiam 'Vait, find a public house by John O'Brian, 
Previous to the erection of the Court House and Jail the school-house had been 
used for court sittings, and a private house-generally that of the sheriff-for the 
incarceration of prisoners. On the 1st of .March, 1824, Jacob Marston, jr., gave a 
deed of land, in trust, to George Hamilton, Alex. Grant and Donald Macdonald for 
the erection of a Court House and Jail. Though the building at that time erected 

mswered all the necessities of the period, considerable additions have since been 
made to it, so that now it is quite an imposing structure. Besides this building and 
the four churches, the following public buildings, which are all brick, add much to the 
architectural appearance of L'Orignal: The Registry Office erected in J 87 5, the 
commodious High School building erected in 1877, and the Masonic Temple in 
1873. There are also three hotels in the village-large in size and respectable in 
The few following paragraphs relating to the administration of justice in early 
days are copied verbatim from the old Court records--the spelling being given as 
found therein, It will possibly surprise some of the good citizens of L'Orignal to 
learn that the following sentence was executed within the limits of their corporation: 
t - " For felony 
" 25th June, 1817 The King vs. Andrew Carrier 
John MacdonnelJ, Esq., Chairman." 
"Andrew Carrier being indicted for felony is put upon his trya! for taking and 
carrying a quantity of flour out (If the grist milJ of 11essrs, Hamilton and Gibson, 
pleads not guilty. The evidence being examined, viz.: Charles Lowe and Joachim 



Lacuier, the jury find a bill against the said Andrew Carrier, being guilty of feloni. 
ously taking and carrying away said flour. 
" Ordered that the prisoner Andrew Carrier do pay all costs and expenses accrued 
in consequence of the prosecution, since the committing the theft j that the said 
Andrew Carrier shall receive thirty-nine lashes on his naked back, to be inflicted as 
the law doth direct, at the hour of 12 o'clock in the day time of \Vednesday, the 26th 
inst., and then to be discharged." 
The records show that" For Larceny" "The prisoner J. B. Joannise" was 
sentenced 25th September, 1828, to be imprisoned for ten days; on the last day of 
which "he is to stand publicly exposed in the pillory, in front of the gaol, between 
the hours of 12 and [ o'clock in the afternoon." 
The first day of January in thoc;e good old days evid
ntly offered as much of 
a temptation to carousal as it does at present. 
" John \Vestover deposed on oath, that, on the first da.y of January, 1816, in the 
night time, tetween the hours of 11 and iO o'clock of the next day, Alex.mder Long 
entered the house of him, the said John \Vestover, contrary to his will, and did remain 
contrary to his desire, and did hold and prevent him, the said J. \Vestover, from 
turning him out j and Artemissa \Vestover declares the said A. Long did as above 
staten." The charge being given to the jury by the court, they retired; the Court 
adjourned for one hour; the jury being returned do de clair their verdict as follows: 
that they consider the pri<;oner at the bar, viz. : Alexander Long, Gilly. John 
doneH, Esq., chairman, declairs the sentance as follows: 
" You, Alexander Long. for an assault on the house and person of John West- 
over, you have been tried Lefore a jury of your country, which jury has found you 
guilty j there have many aggravating circllm
tances appeared before the Court, who 
recommend it to you, in future, to alter your conduct towards John \Vestover and his 
family, They sentance you to pay a fine to the King, to be applied as the law 
directs, of fifteen pounds, to be paid to the Court or person by their appointment; 
to find security for your good behavior, and keeping the peace within the District, to 
all His Majesty's liege and loyal subjects, for the space of three years-yourself in 
the penal sum of one hundred and fifty pounds each, and to remain in the custody of 
the sheriff until the sentance be fully complied with. The said Alexander Long is 
committed to gaol of the Eastern District until the sentance be complied with." 
It is to be hoped that the fine of 1;15, together with the payment of the costs 
of prosecution, was sufficient to induce A, Long to " alter his conduct toward John 
\Vestover and family" as the Justice suggested. 
" At a Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace holden in said District, 
on the fourteenth day of January, 18[7, at the school house in the township of Lon- 


CI'J (Elijah Brown. 

 ::, I John Harwick, 

 I Martin McMichael. 

- l 

:::. I Alex. Grant. 

 I Chauncey Johnson. 
":; i Philo Hall. 

 , Joseph Kellogg, 

 l Peter F. Leroy. 

 Thomas Mears. 


5 1 5 

"Joseph Hall, Abraham Allen, E, Thomas, Asa Cook, 'Vm. \Vait, Joseph 
Jackson, Sylvanus \Varren, Amasa Church, Calvin Hawes, Jeremiah Marston, Omry 
Edy, Joshua Hall. 

" B. J, Frost (Foreman), Caleb "'elden, Joseph Vallée, Jacob 
Iarston, Alex. 
Cameron, Robert Rose, Joseph Buck, Joseph P. Cass, Horran Kellogg, Proctor 
Johnson, James \VilIs, Asa Bancroft, Thomas Hall." 
Two executions of criminals h:lVe occurred in L'Orignal, both in recent years, 
Fred, ,V. Mann was hanged in the year 1883, for murder, an account of which is 
given in the history of Little Rideau, E. Hawkesbury; and in 1893 Laroque was 
hanged here for the murder of two young girls-sisters-in a neIghboring township. 

" Examples of eminent sanctity connected with Canadian Methodism." 
Abbott Johnson.-" The early English-speaking settlers in the townships and 
seigniories bordering on the noble Ottawa River, properly called by the French, 
Rivière Le Grande, from the Long Sault to the Lake of the Two Mountains, were 
mostly of Americ
m origin and of Puritan antecedents. An interesting people were 
they-distinguished by intelligence, industry, and hospitality. For some years after 
their first settlement in the seigniory of Longueuil, townships of East and \Vest 
Hawkesbury, seigniory of Vàudreuil, townships of Grenville, Chatham, and the 
seigniory of Argenteuil, their religious opportunities were small indeed. \Ve have 
reason to believe those isolated settlements were sOtl1etim
s visited by the :\Iethodist 
preachers on the old Oswegalchie Circuit, who either crossed the Glengarry country 
or coasted the nOlthern shore of the St. Lawrence and the south-western shore of 
the Ottawa, before the incoming of the present century; but in the year 1800 they 
had an appointment made to themselves by the New York Conference in the person 
of Daniel Pickett, a native raised Canadian preacher, From that onwards they 
received a preacher to themselves, till the tragical, lamented death of Robert Hibbard, 
by drowning, in the fall of 1812, created a hiatus, poorly filled up by Presiding 
Elder's supplies during the war ending in 1815. At the conference of that year, no 
return was made for Ottawa, although the membership had once stood as high as 
117. \Ve are sure that at the date referred to (1815) the membership was small 
and a good deal disorganized, and perhaps we should say demoralized. 
"It was now, however, destined to rise again. The appointment by the 
General Conference of that intensely devout young preacher, of two years standing 
in the itineracy, Nathaniel Reeder, who himself des
rves to be enrolled among these 
, instances of eminent sanctity,' was a God-send to the little societies and English- 
speaking settlements in that region, albeit he was removed before the year was out, 
and another was sent on in the person of Israel Chamberlayne. Mr, Reeder 
traversed the country from La Chute to the Bay of Pancote, and from l'Orignal to 
Côte St. Charles, He seemed, whether in the house or on horseback, to be in a 
constant frame of prayer and communion with God and heaven, His accoutre- 
ments, as a travelling preacher, his solemnity of manner, and a peculiarly unearthly 
and etherial expression of countenance, Mr, Johnson himself informed me, would 
arrest the attention of the passing travellers, and draw their eyes after him as far as 
they could follow him, The next year the return for the Circuit was the highest it 
had ever been, namely 153, There was a revival all over the Circuit during th
months Reeder was there," 

5 16 


Table showing the names of the ministers and their assistants as well as the 
state of the Church from 1841 to 1867: 


" . 
t) ==' 


1841 Geo. B. Butcher."". ..,... ...... .. .. . . . 
42 George Beynon....,. ..",. . , . , , , 
43 George Beynon, James Elliott..., .,., .,., ,. 
44 James Hughes, Charles Taggact . . . . .. ...... 
45 United wilh St. Andrews ....... ...... .... 
46 Joseph Reynolds, Thomas Hanna. . , , . , . . , . , 
47 Joseph Reynolds, Erastus I Iurlburt: . , , , , . . , , 
48'1 ames Greener, John Armstrong, 2nd.,..." 
49 James Greener, Noble Armstrong.... .... .. 
50 David C. Clappison, Richard M. Hammond.. 
51 David C. Clappison, Henry McDowell... . .. 
52, David C. Clappison, Silas Huntingdon.. ,. . . 
53,Wm.Morton, Robert Hobbs.."" ......... 
54' \Vm. Morton, Andrew Armstrong..,. ...... 
55,Wm. MOlton, James Roy...... .,., .", ".. 
56, Wm. Morton, Joseph Kilgour...... ...... .. 
57 Richard M. Hammond, John D. Pugh. ..,." 
58 1 Richard M. Hammond, John D. Pugh......, 
59 Edmund E. Sweet, Archelaus Doxee. . .. .... 
60,Edmund E. Sweet, John Hyndman. ....... 
61 1 Wm. S. Blackstock, Samuel \V. Messmore... 
62 \Vm. M:, Blackstock,..,. .... ... .." ..,... 
63JWm. S. Blackstock, Isaac Gold.,.. ",. .." 
64rWm. D. Brown, Thomas G. \Villiams....,.. 
6s,Wm. D. Brown, Robert Bell...... ...... .. 
66,David Chalmers. .. , ,. ..., ,... . . ,. ..., . . ,. 
67 David Chalmers, Daniel Connon y.. , ., ...", 

..... . 
... Q) 

.... E 
I: Ili 

26 5 
25 2 
19 2 
21 5 
13 0 

4. 26 
1 I. 04 
3. 00 
3. 1 5 
4.0 0 
5.3 8 
5. 68 
5.4 8 

Q) . 
I: I: 
-,::: ::s 

7. 18 
7. 6 0 
7.9 8 
4.9 6 
5. 88 
9. 00 
8.7 1 
9. 00 
9. 10 
6.7 8 
10.5 2 
13.5 0 

I: , 
<1 ==' 



, . , " . . . . 



5. 86 
3. 00 
4.5 8 
3. 2 7 
2.9 0 
4.5 2 
5. 0 5 
5. 08 
7. 00 


. ==' 

0.5 0 

4.5 0 
3.5 0 
0.9 0 
3. 20 
10.5 0 
14.5 0 

The following list has been supplied by Mr. James Steele of Vankleek Hill: 
68 Rev, David Chalmers., . . , " . . ., ,... . .... T ohn C. Garrett. 
69 " Wm.S. McCullough.........,......Robert Lee, 
7 0 .. Geo. Kennedy.,.. ...... ...... .. .... Thomas Johnson. 
7 1 .. John \Vilson.. .,.. .,.. .......... ,. ..John Tozeland, 
7 2 " " .. , ... . , .. ..,..."... . , " Richd. Shier and 
Arthur Whiteside. 

Zion Church, E. Hawkesbury, erected in 1872. 
73 Rev. John Bunvash......., .... . .,. " '" Rev. William S. Jamieson, 
The Circuit divided in 1874, the East Hawkesbury section being detached'. . 
Vankleek Hill Circuit. Point Fortune CirCUit. 
Superintendent. Assistants, 
74 Rev. WilJiam J. J oliffe. . , ,. .." , . .. . , ,. ,. Rev. Gorham A. Gifford. 
75 " " ...... ..,. ,.,. ,.,. " " 
7 6 " , , . . . . " .,.,.. ,...., ' , " 
77 Rev. Edmund S. Shorey".... .",.. , "" Rev, Edward H, Taylor, 
7 8 .. " . , , ,. ..,... ...... " " 


5 1 7 

The Circuits were reunited in 18i9 under the name of Vankleek Hill. 
79 Rev, J abez B. Keough" . ., .. ,. ,. . . ,. ..,. Revds, Geo, H, Davis and Silas Huntingdon, 
Mr. Keough di
d on this Circuit. 
80 Rev. Samuel G. Phillips..,.,.". ,... .", Rev. Barry Pierce, 
81" "",.."""...,." " 
83 " John H. Stewart.......,..... .. ... .. .. CharJes Redgrave, 
84 " ,. , . .. ,..... . . . . .. "" ., Eber B, Cumming. 
85 H. . . , . . .. , . ,. ..,. . . . . .. \Villiam A, Hanna. 
86 " Robert T, Oliver,."..., . . . . , . , , , . . " 
87 ,. ..".,.,.. ",,'. .... " WesleyBick&>N,Eastman,localpreachers. 
88 ,. " ,..".....".....",,, George Mos!;op, 

The new Vankleek Hill Church and Parsonage built in 1888. 
89 Rev, William Philp....., .....,..... ...,Rev, Geo, Wain. 
90 " ,; .. .... ...... .... . ... ,. Richard Corrigan. 
9 1 ".. .. .. .. .. . ,.. ...,.. " Alfred]. 
92" JohnM,Tredrea..,...,..,.,.,."., " ,. (E,Kelly), 
93 " " , , ., . ..,. , , " ..... "\Villiam Cashmore, D. A. Lough &- Calvert. 
94 " .,.", ......, .,..', " G; E. Bates. \V, A, Patterson. 
A modest church, very neat and pleasant in the interior, was erected in 1894. It is usually 
well filled on the Sabbath. 




The people that have no history are sometimes said to be fortunate; this needs 
some qualification, There may be untoward circumstances that have hindered the 
recording of the history that has been already made. The following sketch is an out- 
line of the principal features; it is confessedly meagl e. Much of the material is 
scattered in the memories of persons formerly connected with L'Orignal, and in 
letters and other sources not at command. The first trace of the congregation of 
Presbyterians is found about 1822. In or about that year, the Rev. Mr, McLaurin, 
who was a minister of the Church of Scotland, and had been settled in Lochiel, 
received an appointment from the Government of GrammJ.f School teacher for the 
District of Ottawa. The school was here. At the same time he held the pastorate 
of Lochiel, Glengarry and L'Orignal. He lived hele until his death in 1833. He is 
buried at Cassburn. He was a man of scholastic and literary attainments, a good 
teacher, an excellent business man, and oi genial disposition, 
It was during his stay here that the present church edifice was built in 1832 It 
was not finished, however, for want of funds for about four years f hereafter. Before 
that date the congregation worshipped in the Grammar School of the district, and 
sometimes in the Court House. The pulpit bible now in use was presented by the 
Ottawa Auxiliary Bible Society to the Presbyterian congregation worshipping in the 
Court House, L'Orignal, in 1832. 
The building is of stone, and very substantial. It reflects credit on the generous 
and pious disposition of the original founders, and gives evidence of the hopefulness 
of growth in the village and congregation that time has not justified. It was 50 ft. by 
45 ft. inside measure, These proportions show that it was capable of being very 
much lengthened and the proportions improved. This was the intention of the 
founders, but the addition, so far, has not been needed. The trustees of the property 
were the Hon, Alex. Grant, Wm. 'Vait, tanner of the village of L'Orignal, Charles 
Platt Treadwell, John ,V, Marston and Peter Sterling, of the Township of Caledonia, 
These men and others were most generous givers to the building. At that early date, 
worshippers came from the east of Ottawa, and some from Caledonia. 

5 18 


The site and grounds, about three-quarters of an acre, were the gift of Charles 
P. Treadwell, for the purpose of erecting thereon a house of pUDlic worship, and for 
burial ground, and to be forever so used and in c0nnection with the Established 
Church of Scotland. 
The ten'years following the death of1\1r. McLaurin area blank at present, The 
writer believes it was in some way connected with Plantagenet, On 5 th June, 1844, 
Colin Gregor, a licentiate and teacher of the Grammar School, was ordained and 
inducted into the pastoral charge of L'Orignal and Plantagenet. He h3.d taught 
school for some time before that date, and also preached. It was at this time that 
the Sunday School is known to have been organized, but it is believed to have been 
in existence earlier. It is to be observed that this settlement coincides with "the 
disruption." Both these congregations, however, L'Orignal and Plantagenet, con- 
tinued in connection with the Church of Scotland. Mr, Gregor labored here with great 
acceptance until 1848, when he was translated to Guelph. He continued there until 
18 57, when failing health bade him seek a lighter charge. He returned to Plantagenet, 
and died there in 1864. The distance between L'Orignal and the Smith Church 
in Plantagenet, where service was held, is 24 miles; it will therefore be seen the 
charge was not a sinecure. 
From 1848 to 1852 the Rev. Andrew Bell W3S settled over the charges of 
. L'Orignal and Plantagenet. He was the eldest son of the Rev, \Vm. Bell, of Perth, 
whose family were 
o eminent for intellectual ability both in literature and science. 
The youngest son is at present alive, and fills the office of Registrar of Queen's Uni- 
versity, Kingston. Mr. Bell studied in Arts and Theology at Glasgow University. 
Stories are told of the battle with poverty during those days. To increase the store, he 
wrote for the ne\vspapers-one series ofletters was afterwards published in book form 
-" Letters for Intending Emigrants," It brought the student some money and a 
little fame. He economized by being his own cook, and let the fire die after the 
porridge was cooked. However, he managed to cultivate letters, and also the 
acquaintance of the lady that ultimately became his partner in life, 
He was an enthusiast in Geology. The boys of that time remember him, among 
other things, by his sermons, one hour by the clock-and by his specimen-sack. 
He died at L'Orignal, in harnes
, in 1856; he was Clerk of the Synod of the 
Church till the last. In that year (1856), the Rev, \\'m. Johnstone was appointed 
to the charge of L'Orignal alone. He remained here for four years, when he was 
called to Arnprior as its first minister. From that date the records of schoo 1 and 
session are to be had for matter of history. 
The session is composed of Rev. \Vrn. Johnstone, C, p, Treadwell and James 
From a "return." Families reported are 45 ; Communicants, 33. 
Ordinary Collections ..... ........ .................. $3 6 4 0 
For Ministers, \Vidows and Orphans ......,....... 16 00 
For Synod Fund...... ....... .... ,... ..., ..... ...... 4 00 
For French Mission Fund....................,...... 0 00 
For Bursary Fund............ ..........,...... ....... 5 00 
For all other special purposes............ ............. 16 00 

$77 00 
Number attending School, 64. Number attending Bible Class, 13. 
The answers to the following questions are \Vorth transcribing in full : 
"What are the other principal denominations? Roman Catholic, Episcopalians, 
Congregationalists, \Vesleyans and Episcopal Methodists." 



Under the heading General Remarks, there is this spicy note: " Evangelical 
rdigion in this vart of the country is at a very low ebb; what with sectarian divisions 
and their frequent explosions, to the great scandal of the Church of Christ, and what 
with unfaithful pastors, and consequently, the abounding of the godless and profane, 
many years, perhaps a whole generation, shall have to pass away, before there will be 
among the people, generally, anything like an interest taken in the good cause j while . 
at the bottom of the whole, the agents of the man of sin are busily employed scatter- 
ing the seeds of atheism and infidelity." 
The last return made by Me. Johnstone gives" Families connected, 51; Commu- 
nicants, 37. The attendance at the forenoon service, JOO; afternoon, 90." These 
seem to give the high-water mark in connection with the statistics of the congregation. 
It may be of some interest to compare with the present. 
:Mr. Johnstone left in ì\Iarch, 1860. Mr. CoHn Gregor, then living at Plantagenet, 
being moderator pro fem. On 8th August, 1860, as the result of previous delibera- 
tion, a petition was sent to Presbytery of Glengarry, asking to be united with Hawkes- 
bury ill one pastoral charge. There was also a petition to the same effect from 
Hawkesbury Mills. Steps were taken to effect the same, by asking authority of the 
Synod. And the first meeting of the United Session of L'Orignal and Hawkesbury 
was held in L'Orignalon 2nd December, 1860, Rev. G D. Ferguson presiding, and 
Elders, C, P. Treadwell, David Buchan, John 'Vaddel and David Fairbairn. 
The congregations worked harmoniously together until Mr. Fairlie's translation, 
when, because of the growth of Hawkesbury, it was considered better to form sep- 
arate charges. The separation took place in 1889, and the subsequent history has . 
justified the separation. 
The Rev. Mr. Ferguson continued in charge of L'Orignal and Hawkesbury 
until his installation into the chair of English Literature and History at Queen's 
CoJ1ege, Kingston. He worthily fills the chair of History at this present time, 
During his time the congregation prospered. The present beautiful church at 
Hawkesbury was built, and the substantial Manse at L'Orignal, both of which were 
clear of debt, through his exertions. The vacancy caused by Mr. Ferguson's removal 
was speedily filled, but all too briefly occupied by Rev. 'V. MacLennan. 

lr. MacLennan wa") ordained and inducted into the united charge of L'Orignal 
and Hawkesbury early in J870. and died on 8th December, 1873, His memory is 
fragrant j the Sessiol1 speaks thus: "Gentle and generous in all the rela tions of 
private life, he was much beloved and admired. Earnest and faithful in his ministry, 
he eyer sought by his life and teaching to lead to the Saviour those placed under his 
pastoral care. The Session desire tf) bear testimony to the marked success of his 
labors. " 
During this period, the initial steps for union of the various Presbyterian 
churches in Canada were considered by the sessions and congregations. Answers 
favorable to union were hearty and unanimous. . 
In ,874, the Rev. John Fairlie, recently from Scotland, became minister, 
and continued over the double charge until 1st June, 1888, when he resigned, and 
was subsequently translated to Lansdowne in Kingston Presbytery, By action of 
the Presbytery of Ottawa, on 11th November, 1888, the two congregations were 
erected into two charges; this was done by petition of the congregations, 
On the 19th February, 1889, Rev. Mr. Bennett, formerly of Côte des Neiges, 
Montreal, was inducted into the charge of L'Orignal. The congregation though 
small is noted for liberality and public spirit; missions are generously supported. . 
The return of last year may be given to compare with the earliest that we have. The 
families now are fewer, though the communicants are more, and for missions there 
were given $[ 52, 

5 20 


There is evidently an increased ability to give compared with 1857, and, moreover, 
people are better trained to give, The Sunday School, to-day, has upon the roll 64 
names, just the same number that was returned at the earlier date, 
By inquiries respecting the history of Mr. Bennett, we have learned the follow
The REV. JAMES BENNETT was born in Scotland in 1850, and received his early 
education at the public and grammar schools of Keith, Banffshire, 
After being employed a while as clerk, he was induced to corne to Canada by 
seeing appeals for men for the ministry, and he arrived here in 1875. He entered 
l\IcGIll University, where he completed the Arts course, and then took a Theolo
gical course at Queen's University, Kingston. In 1884, he was called to Cote des 
Neiges Presbytery, Montreal, where he remained about four years, and then 
resigned j he WélS called to L'Orignal in 1889. 
1\Ir. Bennett preaches a clear, sound, practical sermon j he presents subjects for 
thought in a concise and forcible manner, and his future biographer may well say: 
" His preaching much, but more his practice wrought, 
A living sermon of the truths he taught." 
He married Miss Agnes Phillips, daughter of Thomas Phillips, Outremont, 
Montreal. From the earnestness with which Mrs, Bennett contributes to the pro- 
motion of every good work, she is reputed the ideal wife of a minister, 

The first priest to labor here was the Rev, J. H, Macdonough, who formed a 
Church in 1836. 
The present church edifice, which is a very large one, was built between the 
years 1848 and 1850 by the Rev. A, N, Brassard; the presbytery was erected in 
186 9. The present incumbent, Rev, O. Rérubé, has made an addition to the church 
building at an expense of $11,000, This is by far the largest in membership of any 
church in L'Orignal; the communicants number 900. 

As this is connected with the Hawkesbury Mission, its history, which IS very 
brief, properly belongs with that of Hawkesbury. 
Previous to about 1870, there had been no Church of England organization at 
L'Orignal. The Rev. E. P. Crawford, Rector of Trinity Church, Hawkesbury, was 
the first to hold 
ervice here, an afternoon service being held in the Court House, 
His successor, the Rev, Arthur Phillips, continued these services till 1890, when 
through his efforts a Church edifice was erected, and opened 6th January, 1892. 

JUDGE O'BRIAN has long been a prominent figure in the Ottawa Valley. His 
ancestors in the early part of Ihis century resided on the Mohawk in Johnstown, 
New York. His grandfather met his death there by an accident, and, soon after- 
ward, his widow with her infant son, John O'Brian, accompanied her relatives to 
Canada, and settled in Glengarry. \Vhen her son had grown up, he engaged in 
lumbering and rafting, and, while at Quebec with a raft, he entered the employ of 
the Hamilton Brothers of Hawkesbury, and, during the time thus engaged, he was 
married to Ann McMartin, daughter of an U. E. Loyalist, who had 
ettled at 
L'Orignal. After following the lumber business for some time, he devoted his remaining 
days to farming; he died in March, ]861, He had four sons and five daughters-of 
these, Peter, the Judge, and two daughters are the only ones now living. 


5 2f 

Peter O'Brian studied law at Ottawa, and practised for some years before he 
was called to the Bar in 1857; he was called to the Bench in 1889. He was married 
in 18 48 to Hannah, daughter of Robt. Brock of L'Orignal. He has had ten children 
-seven :sons and three daughters. 
William C. O'Brian, his eldest son, is in the County Clerk's office in Denver, 
Colorado; Peter, the fourth son, is Civil Engineer and County Surv
yor in the same 
city; Robert Brock, the second son, a graduate of 
lcGill, is a physician in San 
Francisco, Cal. ; John, the third, is on the homestead farm in L'Orignal ; James, the 
fifth, is a barrister in Toronto; Colin G., has succeeded to his father's business as 
barrister in I.'Orignal, and is a law partner with ,Yo S. Hall; and Donald, the 
younges t son, is still at home. 
, the present Registrar of the County of Prescott, i
 a grand- 
son of John Higginson who came to Hawkesbury from Ireland in 181 9. and died soon 
after his arrival; he left one son and two daughters. Thomas, the son, was employed 
as Bookkeeper for the Hamilton Bros., man}' years; he married in 18 3 1 Margery 
Brown, daughter of the late Capt. Brown of Hawkesbury. He was a Municipal 
Councillor for some years of Hawkesbury Village after its incorporation in 18 58; his 
confreres were the Hon. John Hamilton, who was Ree\re, Z, S. M. Herscy, Farquhar 
Robertson and R. P. Pattee. .:\lr. Higginson, who is now 87 years of age, is the only 
one of these men now living. He has had but two children that liv
d till maturity- 
both sons. 
John, the e1der of these, was married in 1853, to Emm3.,* daughter of the L1.te 
Hcnry Ahern of VaudreuiI. He was educated at the L'Orignal Grammar School, 
the Principal uf which, at that time, was Colin Gregor, a gentleman noted for his 
wholesome discipline and thorough scholarship. Mr. Higginson was then employed 
as clerk for some time in Hawkesbury, after which he devoted several years to the 
mercantile pursuit. In 1865 he was appointed Registrar of Prescott County, and still 
holds the position, respected not more for his conscientious discharge of official duties 
than for his integrity and inlelIige'lce as a citizen. He has two sons 3111 two 
daughters now li\'ing. Henry, the elder son, is a phy
ician in \Vinnipeg; he gra- 
duated from McGill in 1881, ahd has since spent some time in different hospitals in 
Europe. Charles 
L, the second son, receivC'd his degree, as Veterinary Surgeon, 
from McGill in 18!}I, and is now located in ]ack<;on, Mich. 
The elder daughter is married to J. S. Robertson, a barrister of Ontario. Thc 
youngest, ElizalJ
ih 'Vinnifred, remains with her parents at L'OrignaI. 
The following sketch of Mr. l\1arston, which was contributed, was written while 
he was alive. He died 17th October, 1880: 
, Treasurer of the United Counties of Prescott and 
Russ.ell for the last quarter of a century, was born in L'Origl13.l on the first day of 
May, 1806, and has always been a resident of the place, His father, Jacob Marston, 
a nati\e of New Hampshire, followed his grandfather into Canada, a little before 
the close of the last century, and visited the spot where L'Orignal now stands, in 
179 6 , coming here with Nathaniel Hazard Treadwell, the proprietor of the township, 
and being, it is claimed, the first Anglo-Saxon to feU a tree in this towIlship; and two 
or three years later, made a permanent settlement here. The mother of our subject, 
before her marriage, was Mary Cass, whose father was a United Empire Loyalist. 
Mr, 1\1arston received an ordinary English education; clerked for some years 
for Silas P. Huntington, and in 1828 commenced the mercantile business for himself, 
continuing it until 1851, with fair success. During a part of this period, he held 

* M r". Higginson <lied in 18 94. 


5 22 


office in the old Ottawa District, He bec
me clerk of the District Court and Regis- 
trar of the Surrogate Court in 1846; Deputy Clerk of the Crown in [853; and, 
18 55, has been Treasurer of the united counties of Prescott and Russell, He has 
proved a very faithful county officer, is a model accountant, and a man of the 
highest integrity, and has the unlimited confidence and greatest respect of the 
people. Mr. Marston has had much concern for the educational and other interests 
of his native village, and served for some time as Trustee of the High School. He is 
an adherent of the Presbyterian church; has been a trustee of the Canada Presbyte- 
rian Church since it was organized in 1832, and is the only one of the five charter 
trustees now living, He is most emphatical1y the oldest landmark of L'Orignal. 
Born and reared here, the founh season of his life already seemingly far spent, 
he has seen the Ottawa Valley in this vicinity converted from a wilderness into 
a well improved country, with all the marks of thrift as weB as civilization, He 
is a remarkably well preserved man, and a stranger would hardly place his age 
as high as 
evellty. His life has been remarkably exemplary, worthy of being copied 
by young men, In 1836, Mr, Marston married .Miss Mary Ann Davis of :Milton, Vt., 
and she died in 1844, leaving four children-one son and three daughters. The son, 
John J, Marston, M.D., has been assistant surgeon in the American Army since 186 4; 
Sarah, the eldest daughter, married Eden P. Johnson of L'OrignaJ, and died in 1867 ; 
Mary Adelia is the wife of John Millar, merchant, L'Orignal; and Caroline L, is the 
wife of Sturgis M. Johnson, of Almonte, Ontario. 
On a road leading from L'Origndlto Cassburn is a dwelling which, flOm its 
tasteful construction and beautiful location, always arrests the atte--tion of the travel- 
ler; this was erected by David Pattee, who, for many years, was County Attorney for 
Prescott and Russell, and was a gentleman highly esteemed. He was a so
 of Dr, 
David r3tlee, one of the pioneers of Hawkesbury, and for some time had a law office 
at Vankleek Hill j he was, also, a Reeve of 'Vest Hawkesbury, but on being appoint- 
ed A HOT ney for the United Counties, he removed to L'Orignal, where he died several 
years ago. About the 
ame time that he received his appointment. he was married 
to Joanna Chesser. 
'V. S. HALL is one of the rising young barristers of this County. His father, 
Robert Hall, in 1849, when only fomteen years of age, came with his mother and then 
others of her children from Enniski1len, Fermanagh Co., Ireland, to this country, 
After coming here he spent two or three years in the Eastern Townships, and then 
went to Montreal, where he learned the tanner's trade, About the year 1858, he 
engap,ed in the tanning business at VankJeek HilJ, but, after a period of three years, 
removed to L'Orignal, where he has ever since followed the same business. lIe has, 
however, taken much interest in local affairs, and for a number of years has been a 
member of the Local Council and Reeve of th(; village j he was also Clerk of the 
Division Court, but resigned. He was married in 1859 to Susan Bagsley, of Hawkes- 
bury; they have one son and two daughters. 
The son, William S., was articled in 1883, as student at law, to the firm of 
O'Brian & O'Brian; was admitted as solicitor in 1888, and called to the Bar in 1889, 
On the promotion of the elder member of the finn to the Bench, the name was 
changed to O'Brian & Ha1l-a firm that deservedly enjoys the confidence of the 
public. Mr. Hall, though a young man, has establishel 1 a good reputation for legal 
acumen and judicious management of his cases, and, altogether, his prospect is 
encouraging for success in professional life. He was married in 1889 to Miss Flor- 
ence Campbell, daughter of R. G. Campbell, an old :md well known resident of 


5 2 3 

A. CONSTANTlNEAU is another young barrister who has won distinction. He was 
born in East Hawkesbury, educated at Rigaud College, and studied law first with 
Col, Butterfield, and then with O'Brian & O'Brian J of L'Orignal; afterwards at 
Cornwall in the office of Macdonald & Mackintosh; and, finally, in the office 
of Macdonald, Mackintosh & 
1cCrimmon, in Toronto. He was admitted 
to practice in January, 1890, since which he has been in L'Orignal. He has 
been connected with the most important criminal cases in Prescott and 
RusseH, in which he has won a reputation, as counsellor and advocate, that many 
older barristers might envy, He was counsel for the prisoner in the celebrated 
Monette murder trial of 18 9 0 , the Laroque trial in 1891, and the Lafleur trial for 
stabbing, at Clarence Creek, in 1894, .Both city and local papers have given graphic 
pen pictures of Mr. Constantineau, in which his ability and eloquence have been 
mentioned in eulogistic terms. In 1894 he conducted the Crown business at the fall 
assizes, in Pembroke--an honor seldom enjoyed by a lawyer except a Q.C. He 
was married in June, 189J, to Alice McLoughlin, M.D., C.M., a graduate in medicine 
of Toronto University. 
Among the various officials whose offices are in the Court House at L'Orignal, 
JOHN FRASER is the popular County Treasurer and Deputy Clerk of the CrO\vll. His 
father, Alexander Fr3.ser, from Glenelg, Invernesshire, Scotland, settled in Caledonia 
in 181 7, He engaged in farming, which he followed during his whole life; he had 
nine children-six sons and three daughters. John, the second son, whose earlier 
years were devoted to lumbering and farming, was married in 1875, to Annie 
Phillips, of Surrey County, Virginia, Mr. Fraser was appointed Deputy-Sheriff of 
cott and Russell in 1874, since which he has resided in L'Orignal; he held that 
office till 1880. when he became County Treasurer. 
In addition to those noticed above, we would not omit the genial Clerk of the 
Peace, ,V. H. 1IAXWELL, who has for several years been a prominent and successful 
practitioner at the B.u of this District, and JOHN D, CA
lERON, the highly respected 
jailor. Mr, Cameron is a son of John Cameron, who came to Canada from Locha- 
ber, Scotland. Before coming to L'Orignal he was a merchant at Caledonia Springs 
for eleven years, but, a t the solicitation of a large circle of friends, he accepted the 
ition of jailor in this district, and has discharged the duties of the office for 
twenty-two years to 
he great satisfaction of the public, 
\VILLlAM WRIGHf, the present Postmaster of L'Orignal, came from Armagh, 
Ireland, and landed in :\lontreal on the 12th July, 1847. He came to L'Orignal and 
opened a shoemaker's shop, in connection with which he has kept a boot and sl
store many years; his father was drowned when he was only four years old. His 
grandfather, Thomas \Vright, came to Canada about 1837, and settled at Dresden, 
Bothwell Co., Ontario, where many of his descendants still reside, His grandfather, 
Nathaniel Fulton, on the maternal side, fought at 'Vaterloo; he was Sergeant, and 
lost an arm there, for which he was awarded a pension. In 1866, the subject of our 
sketch joined Company No, 3 of Volunteers under Capt. Abbott Johnson, and \Vas 
with them at the various places to which they were ordered. He \Vas promoted to 
the rank of Sergeant-Major, and 6erved nine years when he resigned. He was 
appointed Postmaster of L'Orignal in November, 1874, and for the past four years 
has been High Constable of Prescott and Russell; he is a member of the Presby- 
terian Church, He has had seven children-two sons and five daughters, but one of 
the latter is deceased. \\'illiam Thomas, his elder son, lives in Hubbard City, Texas. 
Samuel \Vesley, the second son, who is an Elder in the Presbyterian Church, has been 
Deputy-Sheriff several years, and is Baiiiff of the Division Court of L'Orignal and 
Hawkesbury, and also a Trustee of the Protestant Separate School. He was married 

5 2 4 


in September, ] 884, to Addie, daughter of Andrew Buchan j he IS one of the gemal 
and courteous officials always met in the Court House at L'Orignal. 
Among those esteemed for lives of honorable industry and usefulness, few deserve 
more prominent notice than ROBE
n HAMILTON.* He was born in the County 
Antrim, Ireland, graduated at a Normal School in Dublin, studied surveying, and, after 
teaching seven years, came to this country in 1839. He first taught school in Hawkes- 
bury, and., after giving seven years once more to this vocation, he passed his examin- 
ation, and devoten his time to the practice of surveying. He began in 1848, 
 which he has surveyed Hagarty, Richards, Burns, Sherwood, Rolf, Pattawawa 
Buchanan and several other townships in this section of country, besides doing much 
work in Prescott, Glengarry, etc. He has been Secretary-Treasurer of the Village 
Council since 1882, and was formedy a member of both the Public and High School 
Boards, and, for a while, was Deputy-Sheriff, but resighed. '''hile holding the latter 
position he was clerk in th
 office of Sheriff Treadwell-a warm friendship havina 
subsisted many years between the Sheriff and himself. In the midst of the gener
feeling of patriotism that stirred the citizens of Prescott anrl Russell in 1866, Mr. 
Hamilton was not indifferent or idle, but promptly entered the ranks of Captain 
Grant's Company as a yolunteer. He was married before leaving Ireland, and has 
had seven children-a]] daughters-but only four of them are now living. 


REGII'ALD ::). NEVE, second son of the late I". S. )Jeve, noticed in the history of 
Cushing, Argenteuil county, has a commodious store, with a large and valuable !"-tock 
of gcods, on 1\1<1in street. :\fr.:
 eve hegan commercial lIfe in '\ïnnipeg in r 879. and 
during the succeeding eleven years was employed as commercial traveJler. He has 
but recently commenced trade in L'Orignal, but his genial manner and reasonable 
prices are already attracting cu
tomers from remote as well as adjacent localities. . He 
was married in 1876, to Annie E. Derby, of Chelsea, Que. 
One ofthe most imposing and attractive mercantile establishments of L'Orignal 
is that of A. H. TOURANGEAU, Mr. Tourangeau was born at St. Placide, and, after 
leaving school, engaged as clerk to J. A. Paquin, of St. Eustache, with whom he 
remained eight years. He was highly commended by his employer for his industry 
and faithfulness, and the feeling of friendship which Mr. Paquin cherished for him 
was much enhanced by an incident that occurred in 1890. Mr. Paquin's hOll'\e and 
store were vurnt, and his child was in immediate danger of perishing in the flames, 
when she was bravely rescued by Mr. Tourangeau, though at great risk and some 
injury to himself. He feels profoundly grateful to Mr. P:.\qllin, to whose good 
instruction and exampìe he aU rilmte:; mnch of his own success. He was married 
22nd May, 1894, to Miss Goulet, of St. Eustache, by his brother, Rev. Father 
Tourangeau, Superior of Lachipe Novitiate. In April, 1894, he opened a store in 
L'Orignal. but, finding it too small for his hll
iness: he exchangèd it fur a fine brick 
store, lately occupied by F. X Elie Gauthier. He has a l.uge and fine stock of 
merchandise, and the cash system which he has adopted 
eems to meet with general 
approval, his e>..tending into the surrounding parishes. He i') extremely 
popular with his customers, among whom the wish is ofttn expressed, that Mr. 
Tourangeau may long continue to trade in L'Orignal. 
F. X, ELIE GAUTHIER, a native of St. Rose, is a retired merchant of this village. 
He engaged in mercantile life in St. Ellstache, and continued it five years, during 

.. :M r. Hamilton died early in rð95, after the above sketch was written. 


5 2 5 

which time he was also Postmaster. He is a graduate of the :Military School at 
Quebec, and when he was at St. Eustache he became Lieutenant of a Company of 
Volunteers, newly organized, ,vhich was commanded by Capt. Alexander Venier. He 
was married 23 rd November, 1869, to Juliet Dunn, of St. Eustache, by the Rev. A. 
Guion, P. P., at which marriage his military company was present, and celebrated it 
with military honors, 
Ir, Gauthier came to L'Ori 5 nal in 1876, and engaged in 
trade, which he followed successfully till 189
, when he sold his business and retired, 
He is a gentleman much respected in the community, and one who posseso;es much 
affability and courtesy. 
FREDERIC 'VINTERS, one of the merchants of L'Orignal, is grandson of Dr, 
Ebe.lezer \Vinters who in his youth fought in the American ranks at Bunker Hill. 
He afterward settled in Vermont, from which State he removed with his family to 

Iontebello, Que., some time between the years 18I5 and 1820. He lived there, 
and practised medicine, during the remainder of his life; he had four sons. Edward, 
the eldest son, married Hannah, daughter of Frederic Seybold, a Prussian, who had 
been drafted into the French service, and fought against the British at \Vaterloo. 
He afterward carne to Canada, and married Mary, daughter of Jacob Marston; they 
lived in Montreal, in which city their daughter Hannah wa
 born, After she had 
grown up and married 
lr. Edward Winters, they settled on a farm in the township 
of Longueui:, and lived there till the death of Mr, Winters in 
ovember, 18 75. 
They had one son, Frederic, and four daughters. Frederic, in his youth, was clerk 
in Hawkesbury eight years, and he then bought 120 acres of wild land in Longueui:, 
which he cleared up and sold about 1878. He purchased another wild lot of 88 
acres in this township, which he also cleared. and at the time of his purchase, he 
engaged in the wood business, which, to some e'<.tent, he still follows. In 1888 he sold 
hi5 bnd and eng.lged in mercantile business in this village, and he ha5 since bought 
150 acres of land within the limits of the corporation, and erected a good brIck resi- 
dence. He was m::lrried in November, 1867, to Onesime D.1igneau of LongueuiJ. 

lr. \Vinters has led an active and useíullife, and is esteemed by his fellow-citizens, 
whom he has represented several years in the Municipal Council. His only son 
Edward is his assistant in the store. 
JOHN MILLAR, the subject of this sketch, was born in Lachute, Que. \Vhen 
about ten years of age, he came to L'Orignal to live with his uncle, Mr. Gavin 
'Walker, who kept a general store there. On 
Ir. "\Valker's death, 1\[r. 
IllIar, then a 
lllg man, succeeded to the business. Possessed of excellent business qualities, 
integrity, energy and good judgment he soon increased the business, and the 
stOl"e \Vas enlarged to the present dimensions. The public soon perceived in 
him qualities to put to their service. He \Vas elected Reeve, first by the undivided 
Township of Longueuil, which he represented at the time of the incorporation of the 
\ïllage of L'OrignaJ. After separation L'Orignal elected him their Reeve, first of an 
honorable roll. He also filled the office of \Varden of the United Counties of 
Prescott and Russell. 
While not neglecting his business, he took an active and intelligent interest in 
the affairs of our country. He acted well his part as a citizen; and is remembered 
as an earnest advocate of efficiency in our school, and for the retaining of the High 
School. He was an adheren t of the Presbyterian Church, and liberally supported it. 
" Benevolent by nature, courteous in private life, and obliging and honorable in busi- 
ness, Mr. Millar enjoyed the esteem of all classes." His beneficence was as generous 
as un trumpeted. In later years, Mr. 
lil1ar had acquired a sufficient competence to 
permit the gratification of a desire to travel. Accompanied by his wife and their 
friends, 1\[r. and 
[rs. MacRae, Scotland, the birthplace of his parent.., was first 

5 26 


visited j also England. Some months were spent very pleasantly in France and in Italy. 
He died on the twelfth day of February, 1890, at the age of 52, and was buried at 
Lachute in the family burying ground. 
THE OTTAWA FORWARDING COMPAN\.-Officers : E. A. Hall, President; Geo, A, 
Harris, Vice-President; J. H, Hall, Secy.-Treasurer j \V. J. Hall and R, T. Holcomb, 
Directors, and the latter is also Book-keeper. 
This.Comp:my was formed in 1890. A line of Loats was started under the above 
name by Geo. A. Harris in 1884, on the dissolution of the Montreal & Ottawa For- 
warding Company, which had been in existence many years. Avout the same time 
that Harris started his boats, another lille was started by the Hall Brothers, all being 
freight boats. Both lines continued running in opposition till 1890, when they 
amalgamated, and also engaged in the passenger traffic. Their boats are the " Hall," 
" Harry Bates," "Welshman" and "Olive;" the latter runs from Montreal to 
ston via the Ottawa and Rideau Canal. 
... A great quantity of freight is carried by this line, and the kindness and courtesy 
displayed by the officers and employees of the boats towards passengers always ren- 
der their trips comfortable and pleasant. 
E. A. HALL, the President of this Company, is a son of Edward Hall, who carne 
to this country from Enniskillen, Ireland, in May, 1844. In 1850, he was married to 
Susan Mulho]]and. He learned the tanner's trade in 
Iontreal, and remained there 
till 1860, when he carne to L'Orignal and eng.aged in the livery bminess, which he 
followed for twenty years; he died in 1883. He had seven children, but only three 
sons grew up. E. A. Hall, the eldest of these, established a hay and grain market in 
L'Orignal in 18 77, the first of the kind established in this village, and he still continues 
the business. In 18 9 0 his two brothers joined in this enterprise, and at the same time 
entered the Forwarding Company. Last year, 1893, they shipped 100,000 tons of 
hay to the States and England-the greater quantity of it going to England. l\Ir, 
E, A. Hall was married in November, 1874, to Miss Soulier of L'Orignal. He alld 
his brothers are esteemed for their straightforward dealing in business, and for their 
upright, Christian character. 
Quite an extensive marble and granite business is conducted in this village 
by two brothers, J. L. and N, RATES. Their father, Nathaniel Bates, at the age of 
16 carne from 'Vexford County, Ireland, to Plantagenet, about the year 1827. After 
li\'ing in that township a few, he removed to Grenville County, where he still 
resides on his farm. He was married in 1834 to Lydia Darlington from Ireland; 
their children, now living, are five sons and four daughters. 
J. L., their fourth son, when quite young, learned the trade in Western Ontario 
of marble and granite cutting. In 1873, he entered into partnership with J. H, 
Fulford ofL'Orignal, which paltnership continued seven years, when :Mr. Bates bought 
out his partner, and conducted business alone till 1883, when its rapid increase induced 
him to admit Nathaniel Bates, his brother, as partner, The distance from which they 
receive orders has steadily increased, and orders now often come from sections 
beyond Ottawa and from the We3t, as far as from 
loose Jaw and Medicine Hat. 
Their stone is obtained direct from the quarries, and some of the finest work in the 
Plovince is performed in their shop. Recently they executed an expensive monu- 

ent of Scotch granite, in memory of the late James McLauren, an extensive lumber 
dealer, and President of the Ottawa Bank, The order for this was obtained by the 
Bates Brothers, though it was a subject of competition by the best firms in Canada. 
At the present they are finishing several monuments varying in price from $200 to 
$5 00 ; they are importers and manufacturers of all the foreign granites, and employ 
from 8 to 15 men, 


5 27 

J. L. Bates was married in 1876 to Julia Lighthall, granddaughter of the late Capt. 
Lighthall. C, J. L., their eldest son, is now a student in the Arts Course of McGill. 
Nathaniel Bates was married in 1883, to Yyrta Lighthall, a sister of ::\Irs. J. L. Bates, 
The brothers are public-spirited, intelligent gentlemen, supporters of the Methodist 
1Urch, and both families are welcome auxiliaries to the moral and social element of 
JAMES F. McEvoy is prominent among the business men of this place. His 
father, Mark McEvoy, was born in the County of Antrim, Ireland, and was manager 
of the Crebilly estate for Squire O'Harra. After the latter's death Mr. McEvoy was 
made Captain of the Constabulary force in that section of Ireland, which honorable 
position he filled many years. He died in this country at the age of 83; he had 
always been possessed of good health and great determination. 
The maiden name of Mr. James McEvoy's mother was Elizabeth Findley j her 
parents moved from Scotland to the County of Antrim, Irela.nd, and the subject of 
our sketch was born there in 1836. He came to Canada at the age of 18, starting 
from Liverpool on a sailing vessel, which reached Quebec 6th September, 1854, after 
a very pleasant passage of five weeks and three days. 
Mr. McEvoy says: .e 1 came to Oxford, County of Leeds, Ont., in which town. 

hip I purchased 300 acres of land. My chief business from 1854 to 1877 was lum- 
bering; and during those 23 years, I underwent many hardships j no one but he who 
followed the same business in those days can tell, I began as a man before the mast, 
and rose step by step till I got to be bush manager, at a good salary. In the year 
18 77, I married Miss Janet G.l1ies, daughter of John and Mary Gillies of Carleton 
Place, L::mark ComIty, and the same year came to L'Orignal. During the last seven. 
teen yea] s I have been mostly employed with a g] ist mill and saw-milI." 
\Ir. McEvoy has been Chairman of the Public School Board several years, but 
has declined Municipal offices. He has one son, John, and one daughter, Mary 
Robert R. McEvoy, the youngest of his father's family by his last marriage, is an 
enterprising farmer in L'Orignal. In his younger days he engaged as a lumberman 
to Gillies & McLaren, and worked for them on the Mississippi five years. He 
then worked on the Coulonge, in the employ of the Hon, A. B. Foster, but the 
latter sold his timber limits and mills at Braeside near Arnprior to GilIies Brothers, 
and Mr. McEvoy remained with them as their foreman till 1878-a period of five 
years. On leaving their employ he received a very flattering testimonial for indus. 
try, faithfulness and probity. He came to L'Orignal and engaged as foreman to his 
brother, James F, McEvoy, and for ten years had the en tire charge of his mi11s, and 
through the experience thus acquired became a thoroughly practical and efficient 
miller. Previous to this, he had bought the old Treadwell farm, known as the 
" Mill Farm," comprising 150 acres, and to this, since 1888, his time has been devoted, 
though he has also bought !OO acres in Hawkesbury. For several years he has 
been a member of the Village Council, to which he was elected four times by accla- 
mation; and is also trustee of the High School. In the Masonic Fraternity he has 
been Junior and Senior \Varden of St, John's Lodge No. 159, under the Grand 
Lodge of Dublin, Ireland. He was married in June, 1887, to Catherine Baine of 
Carleton Place, niece of the late John Gillies, Her parents came from Scotland, 
but she was born in the township of Lanark, 
.\ bakery has recen tly been opened in L'Orignal by GEO. STILES, who came from 
Headington Quarry, near Oxford, England, to Ottawa in 1883. He is a baker by 
trade, and a few months after arriving in Ottawa he removed to Thurso, Que" 
and opened a bakery. In 1893, giving up his business in Thurso to his eldest SO]), 

5 28 


Albert Stiles, he came to L'Orignal, started in business: and is meeting with good 
encouragement. ::\lr, Stiles is not one of those who devote their whole time to secur- 
ing temporal comforts j he is a Christian, a local preacher, and has given much of 
his life to Christian work. 'Vhen in England, he was a teacher in Sabbath School 
and a Class Leader, and while in Thurso was Sabbath School Superintendent. He 
has ten children-four sons and six daughters; one of the latter, married to 'William 
Blackburn, lives in Port Moody, B.C, 
'Villiam Banford came from the County of Antrim, Ireland, to Hawkesbury in 
1847, and engaged in farming, He was married 19th Novenlber, 1849, to Joyce 
HamiJton, sister of Robert Hamilton, surveyor, and soon afterward he accompanied 
his brother-in-law on a survey on Deep River, above PemE>roke, in which he was 
employed two years, On his return, he became foreman on the farm of Sheriff 
Treadwell, where he remained twelve years, and after another equal interval on the 
" Lowe Farm," he bought in 1879, the house and lot of 33 acres in the corporation, 
where he still lives, He has been Municipal Councillor several years, Assessor and 
Collector. He has five sons and four daughters, but only three of his children live 
in this section, 
1 J. SWAILS is a respected and enterprising artisan of this village. His 
father, 'William Swails, carne from England, and settled first at Chateauguay, but 
some years later he removed to Cote des Neiges, and after a residence there of 
several years he settled in Lachnte, where he died. He left but one child, the subject 
of this sketch. Mr. Swails learned the builder's trade, and in 1888 bought a house 
and lot on Main street, LachUle, which he still owns; and in 1889 moved to 
L'Orignal, and purchased the house and lot on King street, where he now lives. He 
has taken many contracts for building in this place, where he has the confidence 
and respect of the community, and has al!'o done much work in adjacent localities, 
He was married 20th July, 1887, to Kate Nichols, daughter of 'Villiam Nichols of 
St, Phillipps. 


As regards newspapers, L'Orignal is in advance of the majority of country 
villages-two papers, Tile Ad'l1ertiser and The Advocate, being published here, 
The fOlmer, Conservative in politics-and much the older paper of the two-is 
published by \V ATSON LITTLE, who is both proprietor and editor, Mr. Little came 
with his father's family to Montreal, from the County of Monaghan, Ireland, in 1822. 
Two years later he went to By town, and in May, 1830, when the regular publication 
of the Bytol1/n Gazette commenced, he was installed manager of the mechanical 
àepartment, He remained in his position till the death of the proprietor-Dr. Christie, 
in 1845, and then had charge of the office till 1847, when, in company with another 
person, he purchased the paper. He retired shortly afterward, however, went to Perth, 
and established the C01lstitutional, which he conducted till the winter of 1849-50, 
and then, at the solicitation of the late Col. Vankoughnet and the late Alexander 
McLean, brother of Chief Justice McLean, he removed to Cornwall, and re-established 
the Cormoall Observer, He afterward changed the name to Advertiser, and pub- 
lished it till 1868, when he came to L'Orignal and established a paper with the same 
name. He has always been a Conservative in politics, and was a staunch supporter 
of the late Sir John A. ::\lacdonald, of whom he was a personal friend. He 
has been connected with the Press of Canada ne'lrly sixty ye.\rs-all but ten of which 
ha ve been devoted uninterruptedly to publishing. In his early years he contributed 
much to the columns of the By/owll Ga:;ette / his articles, though anonymous, were 


5 2 9 

gladly inserted and were much appreciated by the public. The Ad'i'ertiser is an able 
supporter of its party principles, mid has a large circulation. Mr. Little was married 
in June, 18 5 1 , to Ann Jane Kennedy; they have had eight children-one son and 
seven daughters-but the forwer is deceased. The el dest daughter is married to 
Mr. George Furniss, son of the late Albert Furniss, of Montreal. The second 
daughter is married to Robt. Sullivan David, son of the late A. H. D
vid, 1\LO., D.C.L., 
Dean of the 
ledical Facu)ty of the University of Bishop's CoHege, Montreal. The 
third is married to M. C, Meservey, son of Major .B. F, 
[eservey of the V. S. Army. 
The fourth is wedded to Andrew Lowe of the firm of t\. Lowe, Son &: Carter, the 
great Shipping Company of London, England. 
The Prescott alld Russell AdvNate is a wide-awake, aggressive Liberal paper, 
ably conducted by B. R. POULIN. 
I r. I'oulin W!1S born at 
Iontebello; he learned 
the printer's trade in L'Orignal, and was employed several years on the L'Origllal 
News. In 1878, he joined a party surveying the route for the C. P. R., and was 
with it during the survey of the region around Lake Superior. He returned to 
L'Orignal in 1883, and during the few subsequent years, was engaged here in mer- 
cantile business. In the spring of 1888 he left this, equipped a prÎ1lling office and 
began to publish The Advocate, which meeting with general favor, he has ever since 
continued with increasing encouragement. 
Ir. Poulin is a gentleman cf good 
judgment, wide and liberal views; he is a member of the Yillage Council and of the 
Boal d of School Commissioners. He was formerly Clerk of the Council, but resigned 
to give his time more fully to other business. He was married 13th May, 1884, to 
\Vinnifred Labelle of L'Orignal. 

lr, Samuel J. Robinson, a young man from St. Andrews, who has spent the 
last ten years in a printing office, is a valued assistant of Mr. Poulin. 
As stated abovè, L'Orignal has three hotels, one of which, the Ottawa Hotel, is 
condccted by J. D. Pharand dit Marcelin. 

1r. Pharand i:, a nativ
 of Soulanges, where he also was proprietor of a public 
house sevt::ral years. He afterward became a grain dealer-business in which he 
embarked with a good capital; but he lost m1lch money in it, and in May, 1886, he 
removed to L'Orignal, and bought the hotel which he still conducts, and of which his 
eldest son, George H. Pharand, is manager. The Ottawa is a popular house, and is 
well patronized by the tra\'elling public; its rooms are large and neat; the cuisine 
all that reason can demand. Mr. Pharand wes married in 1862 to Rosalie St, Denis 
of 51. Clet, 
The Ontario Hotel, a fine stone building, was erected in 1872 by A, Brant, the 
prcsen t proprietor. 


This place is located about three miles from L'Orignal, in the Township of 
Longueuil. It is merely a hamlet, but is one of the finest farming sections in Eastern 
Ontario. The farms are all comparatively level, we1l cultivated, and the substantial 
and attractive residences and good outbuildings, together with the large stocks of 
cattle to be seen here, show that farming has been conducted on systematic and in- 
telligent methods, and that the farmers are all in prosperoas circumstances. Sugar 
making is quite an industry, and sugar orchards arc numerous which contain 
from one thousand to three thousand trees, 
A stone church (Methodist) was erected here ahout the year 1840, which, having 
been repaired, is still u!'ed for a place of worship-a good congregation usually assemb- 
ling on the Sabbath. Besides this church, a school house and blacksmith shop, with 

53 0 


two or three dwellings, comprise all the buildings there are in the immediate vicinity 
of the post office-the remailJing buildings of Cassburn being the farmers' residences 
scattered along the differënt roads radiating from this modest hamlet. 
Not rlistant from Cassburn is a settlement called the ALLEN SETTLEMENT or 
neighborhood, from the number of that name living there, The locality is said to 
be a prosperous one, and to be the dwelling place eÆ a number of thrifty farmers, 
but we have no historical data relating to it. 
On the road leading from Cassburn to Vankleek Hill there are also a number 
of fine farms both in Longueuil and \Vest Hawkesbury. In the former township is 
a lime-kiln owned by P. Paquette, which is kept in active operation and supplies the 
surrounding locality with lime of superior quality. Mr. J'aquette has a fine young 
orchard from which he annually sells several hundred bushels of apples. 
About the same time that Mr. H. Treadwell first came to this country, came 
also two other individuals, who became prominent in the history of the new locality, 
and their descendants are still in the vanguard of those sustaining its social and 
moral reputation: these two pioneers were JACOB MARSTON and JOSIAH P. CASSo The 
former settled on 200 acres of land "t what is now known as Cassburn. and the 
latter on 300 acres adjoining that of l\1r. :Marston. ' 
JacoL Marston was born in .Manchester, 9th }
ebruary, 1774; his father, who 
had been a soldier in the Revolution, had settled in l\1ontreal after the war. Jacob 
W'lS reared hy his uncle, Peter Marston, residing in Fairlee, Vt., but while still quite 
young he returned to Canada, and settled in Longueuil. He had five children- 
four sons and one daughter, He died 3rd September, 1873, aged 99 year5' and 7 
The following true stories will give a little idea of what Messrs. 
r arston and 
Cass had to experience in the early years of their pioneer struggles. 
In those days Point Fortune, twenty miles distant, was the place whence all 
their supplies were obtained. There they procured their first seed wheat, which 
\'!as borne on their backs through the woods the whole distance, and from the 
grain which the seed produced a quantity was obtained and sown by Co!. Philemon 
\V right-the first wheat sown on the site of the present city of Hull. 
On another occasion, a grindstone, which they had purchased, was carried in the 
same manner from Point Fortune to Longueuil, and to their chagrin, after enduring 
this physical hardship, it was found that the stone was so hard as to be useless. It 
having been said that a stone becomes softer by being buried a while in the ground, 
this stone, a 11Umbu of years afterward, was buried, with the hope that the correct- 
ness of the statement might be verified. But strange to relate, when the stone was 
sought after a long Interval, it could 110t be found. Search has been made for it at 
various times by l\Ir. Richard Marston, grandson of the pioneer, and present pro- 
prietor of the ancestral estate, and though positive that he knows the spot where 
the stone was buried, his search hitherto has proved fruitless, The circumstance 
is productive of much speculation. Did the gravity of the stone cause its des- 
cent to regions ùeyond the reach of mortal hands? Or is it a. verification of the 
belief of our forefathers, that buried treasures are guarded by special police of the 
spirit land, who preserve them from human touch, as they did the buried trea- 
sures of Captain Kidd and other freebooters of the olden time? 
JOSIAH CASS MARSTON, the fourth son of Jacob Marston, the pioneer, married 
Hannah, daughter of Dr, David Pattee, an l\1.P.P. for the County of Prescott, and 
remained on the homestead. He was a man much respected in this locality-a 
staunch supporter of the Methodist Church, and, for many years, a School Trustee: 
Assessor and Collector in Longueuil. He died 25th December, 1892, injuries 


53 1 

which he recei\ ed in falling from a step ladder being so serious that he survived but 
24 hours. He had two sons, Richard Henry, David Louis Kossuth, and two 
daughters. The homestead was divided between the two sons. 
Richard, in his youthful days, after completing part of the course at i\IcGill, 
began the study of L:nv, and was articled to his uncle, _David Pattee, Q.C., with 
whom he remamed three years; he then spent two years In the office of the present 
Judge O'Brian. But several reasons induced him to give up his legal studies and 
devote his time to farming, which he did in 1870 j and since that date he has 
increased the size of his farm, ti11 he now has 300 acres. He was the first in this 
section to build a silo; his ensilage is cut by mean
 of an engine j his tin-roofed 
barn and other outbuildings, constructed with a due regard to convenience; his sugar 
orchard of 1,600 trees. fitted up with the most modern and improved utensils, an 
afford proof that he is much interested in his vocation, and that he is a practicaì and 
successful farmer. His commodious brick house is pleasantly located at four corners, 
on elevated ground, and commands an extensive view. In 1876, 1\1r. Marston 
engaged in trade in connection with his agricultural labors. and continued the busi- 
ness ti1l 1892. A post-office was established here in 1877, with the name of Cass- 
burn, and he was appointed Postmaster-a position that he still occupies. He Ius 
also held several other responsible positions in this township. He was Municipal 
Councillor of L'Orignal, four years, after which he was Reeve six, served three years 
as l\Iunicipal Engineer of Longueuil, \Vest Hawkesbury and L'Orignal, and ha
been Secretary-Treasurer of School Section No. 3, in LongueuiJ. He was married 
to Julia Le ClaÜ-. 
He is a prominent member of the Masonic Order, and has six times been 
Master of Sl. John's Lodge, No. 159. His Lodge presented him with a Past Master's 
:lpron, in acknowledgment of his services. In politics, he is a confirmed Liberal, as 
his ancestors also were-a relentless political war having always existed between 
them and the Hamiltons, who were leaders in this county of the Conservative party. 
Mr. Marston has a walk;ng stick cut on Navy Island by \Villiam Lyon 
Mc 1< enzie. It was presented by McKenzie to a man named 
1cNiel, on the occasion 
of his going to address the electors of Haldimand, in which County he Was elected to 
Parliament by acclamation. McNiel, who was reared by Mr. Josiah Co Marston, after- 
ward conducted a h9tel in HalJimand, and it was while thus employed that he 
obtained the stick from McKenzie, which, when an old man, he presented to Mr, 
ton (Josiah C.). This souvenir has on it a silver plate with the following: 
" 1838, Navy Island:' 
The genealogy of the Marston family 
ho\Vs that it:; members have held prominent 
places in both Church and State. Admirall\1arston, of the United States Navy in 
the American Rehellion, by commanding Captain \Vorden, of the Monitor, to attack 
the Merrimac instead of proceeding to Washington, as h-= had been directed, is 
believed to have been the means of saving the Union. 
JOSEPH POl\IEROY CASS, who located on land adjoining that of Mr. Jacob Marston, 
who had mal ried his sister, was a brother of Elihu Cass, mentioned in the history 
of L'Orignal. The land on which he settled is now owned and occupied by two of his 
grandsons, one of whom bears his name. He was the filst to fell a tree on this lot, 
and, during the century that has elapsed since he came here, the land he purchased, 
which has remained in the family, has never been encumbered by mortgage, Mr. 
Cass was a quiet, retiring man averse to holding public office j he died 3rd of 
May, 1851. He was twice married j his last wife, Sybil Jackson, dying 21st June, 
18 7 8 . By his first marriage he had four sons and six daughters j by the last, one 
son and four daughters. 

53 2 


Alfred, the son by his last marriage, was married 2:md April, 1842, to Maria: 
Cobb, and remained on the homestead, They had eleven children-three sons and 
eight daughters. Mr. Cass died 26th April, 1881. He was an exemplary citizen and a 
loyal supporter of the Methodist Church. 
Joseph P. Cass, his second son, \Vas married 19th September, [877, to Florence 
Stephen of Longueuil, and settled on a part of the homestead of 300 acres, which 
was divided equally between him and his brother Allen. He has erected a fine brick 
residence, which is very nicely furnished, and his well cultivated farm, new and sub- 
stantial farm buildings, are evidence of material prosperity. He ha.s aU the modern 
agricultural implements and a Halliday Standard \Vind 
IilI, with which he draws 
water, grinds grain, :lnd saws wood. He ha!> been a School Trustee for nine years, 
and, like his father, is a devoted memb
r of the l\1ei.hodist Church. His intelJigence 
and public spirit command respect, and have secured him popularity in the com- 
munity where he dweJls. 
ROBERT STEELE is the proprietor, in this locality, of another fine farm, with 
attractive and commojious buildings, His father, James Steele, came from the 
County of Londonderry, I reland, to Canada in r 826 or r 82 7. He was then a 
young man, and was first emploYEd in teaching school in the township, of Lochiel, 
Glengarry. He then engaged to the Hamilton Lumber Company of Hawkesbury 
Village, with whom he remained several years. He was marïied in 1832 to 1\Iiss 
Eliz3.beth Orton, and, the same year, settled on Lot 28, 3rd Concession of East 
Hawkesbury, where he lived till his death, 8th June, r883, aged 82. His companion, 
with whom he had lived very happily many years, died 21st October, [873. They 
had twelve children-six of each sex-of whom only three sons and three daughters 
are now living-all married, with the exception of one daughter, Elizabeth. l\Ir, 
Steele was prominent in his locality, in both municipal and religious affiârs, being 
a liberal supporter of the Methodist Church, not only in his own neighborhood, but 
in many uther sections. 
Robert, his second son, has devoted much of his time to religious work. though 
he has been a most practical and successful farmer. He has been a Local Preacher 
since he was quite YOllng. Class Leader, and has engaged actively in Sabbath School 
work. He purchased his present farm of 150 acres in 1864, and was married :':2nd 
August, 1865, to Angelina Maria Bancroft. Although he has been a i\Iunicipal Coun- 
cillor, he has been averse to accepting municipal offices, and resigned the Coun- 
cillorship after a brief period. He was also School Trustee for a while, but resigned 
the position and was re-elected. He is much interested in agricultural matters, and 
his farm gives evidence that it is under skil!ful and experienced management; It sus- 
tains 40 head of cattle and 7 or 8 horses. He has bought three other farms adjacent 
to his own, which are now in possession of three of his sons, 
ASA H., second son of Robert Steele, was married J 3th September, 1888, to 
Sarah Davidson from Armagh, Ireland, and settled, at once, on a farm of 200 acres 
adjacent to the homestead. This farm is pleasantly located, and is noted for its 
grain and root producing qualities, especially corn and potatoes. 
!\Ir. Steele is very energetic, and has so improved his farm during the few 
years that he has owned it, that its productiveness has greatly increased. He 
has 45 head of cattle and 6 horses, and during the last season (1894) he raised 
3 0 pigs, 1,200 bushels of grain and 1,800 bushels of potatoes, He has a fine orchard 
of apple trees, and by hiring a sugar orchard contiguous to his own, he taps 3,600 
It is proper to state that the farm owned by ...\sa B. Steele was formerly oWl1ed 
by Jøhn Pattee, brother of David Pattee, mentioned in the history of L'Orignal; John 



lived here many years, and his last days were spent here. On an 
djoining farm 
lived Dr. 
Ioses Pattee, cousin to John Pattee's father. Dr. Moses Pattee was a very 
early settler at this place; he came from the States, and was the first physician to 
practice in Longueuil, and this practice was successfully continued till his death. 
His only daughter, Polly, married Abel Bancroft, who afterward conducted the 
doctor's estate, and then came into possession of it. 
L GUSTAVU RTON is one of the prominent citizens and successful farmers of 
Cassburll. His father liver Barton came to thi
 country with his family in 18 3 2 , and 
settled near Vankleek Hill, on a farm of 200 acre
, which until recently was owned 
by his son, John J. Barton. He lived there till his death about the year 18 75; he 
had five sons and three daughters who arrived at maturity, and all settled in Pres- 
cott except one son, who settled on the Gat ineau. 
Gustavus, the second son, engaged in lumbering in his younger years, and 
passed through many of the hard
hi}Js incident to this life; but possessing remark- 
able physical vigor and determination, bra\'ely 
lIrmnunted the difficulties, and saved 
considerable money from his venture. He subsequently bought different valuable 
propertits, from the sale of which he realized considerable profit j and in 1854 he pur- 
Lhased the farm where he now resides, and on which he erected a good brick 
residence in 1862. He was married 7th Novemher, 1867, to Eliza Ann, daughter of 
James Murray, Esq. l\1r. Barton was a loyal defender of his countr} in the Rebel- 
lion of 1837, and has since served hi:. fellow-citizens several years, as Municipal 
Councillor and Schocl Trustee. Both he and Mr
. Rarton have the hon Ir of 
belonging to ancient families of honorable line 1ge. They have Iud four children-one 
son and three daughters; but the son is deceased. One of the daughters, melrried 
to Oliver J. Graham. lives in \Vest Hawkesbury. 



fhe above name, which is much older and more widely known than Hawkesbury 
ViI:age, is ;;ynonymous with the latter-a name which has frequently dc'\ignated the 
place since its incorporation in 1859. For more than four-score yrars Hawkesbury 
.\IiJIs ha') been a name assoÓated with the strongest hopes and highest expectations of 
countless people of almost every grade oflife, in numberless cities, towns and hamlets 
of this continent, and in places beyond the sea. Bankers, capitalists and business 
men of Canadian cities, as well as New York, Boston, and far off L'mdl/n, Glasgow 
and Ed-inburgh, have in turn been elated or depressed by the result of -;pecul1lÌons 
<,()ciat('d with Hawk.-<;bury 
IiJls. The name has revived hope of aid in the humble 
cot'age in England and in th
 giens of Scotland. It has yearly been the rallying cry 
of hundreds of labo: ing men all along the river from the Metropolis to the Dominion 
C..pital, and fur mnlllh:; nerved their arms in the wi!d3 up the Ronge, the Gat- 
ineau and the :\Iatawaw,1, While day and night, for near:y a century, the mill;; have 
been denuding the hilbides, vales and plains of Canada, they have as :o.teadily been 
building up the town :Ind city. multiplying barge:., steamers and paLtce cars, and at 
the same time feeding the hungry and clothing the naked. 
The growth of the greater part of the village, a'1 well as much of the pJOsperity 
of adjacent districts, may be traced to the pecuniary benefit of these mills, for not only 
successful farmers, but those engaged in other business, recei\"ed their first start in 
life from money earned either by their ancestors or them..el\"es in the employ of this 



manufactory. """hen farmers have carefu1Jy refrained from hiring more than stern 
necessity demanded, and employment in other pursuits has been difficult to obtain, 
the miJ]s have often proved a priceless blessing to hundreds of men and boys, and 
scores of families have thus escaped the harassing, humiliating visits of want. 
Great, indeed, has been the mission of Hawkesbury Mills, and their complete 
history would enter largely into that of numberless individuals and enterprises in 
which fortunes have been made and sunk, 
The founders of these mills were DR. DAVID PATTEE and THOMAS MEARS, the 
latter being the one through whose enterprise was built at St, Andrews, Que., the 
first paper mill in Canada. 'Ve are ignorant of the exact date uf the erection of the 
first mill at Hawkesbury, but it was doubtless about 1805, and its size and capacity, 
though cOl
siderable for that period, would afford a striking con trast to the mills that 
are here to-day, 
_-\s the business was too extensive for the pecuniary means of the proprietors. 
they sold, about 1808, to WILLlA\1 H Al\IlLTON, who came from Quebec, He, in 
company with his brothers-all of whom came from Ireland-had for some time been 
engaged in Quebec, shipping lumber to Liverpool, building steamer
, etc., and they 
had failed. Soon after the milJs were purchased, George Hamilton, a brother of 
'Villiam, came, and they worked in company, but only for a short time, comparative- 
ly, when William returned to Quebec and George remained at Hawkesbury, Robert, 
another brother, through whom the funds for conducting their business was obtained, 
resided at Liverpool. He died a few years later, and his death proved most disastrous 
to the firm, and well-nigh ruined the enterprise in which they had engaged on the 
banks of the Ottawa. 
A Letter alcount of this affair probably cannot be given than the following, which 
is copied from a little volum.e entitled, "Philip 
Iusgrave," which was published in 
184 6 by the Rev. Joseph, father of the lale Sir J. J. C. Abbott. 'Ve have taken the 
liLerty to replace the fictitious names which the author used by correct ones: 
., :Mr. Hamilton was one of my most respected and dearest friends. It pleased 
tha.t all-wise and over-ruling, but sometimes mysterious, Providence, which ordereth 
all things in heaven and on earth, to visit him with such a succession of misfortunes 
as have seldom or ever fallen to the lot of a single individual 
ince the days of the 
Patriarch who was so sorely afflicted for the trial and triumph of his faith, He was a 
lumber merchant in the most extensive acceptation of the term, He had a saw-mill, 
one of the largest in the world; it worked nearJ} forty saws. He had also a corn- 
mill with I do not know how many runs of stones in it. This, however, was only a 
concern of secondary importance. He had a great number of men and horses and 
oxen constantly employed. His establishment altogether formed quite a village, and 
his outlay in repairs, wages, provisions and provender amounted to about ten thou- 
sand pounds a momh, He was not alone, however, in this immense business. He 
had two brothers, who were partners, ifnot equal sharers, in the concern. One resided 
at Liverpool, in England, to receive and sell the timber. This brother \Vas connected 
with a bank there, from which the concern, at its commencement, had obtained con- 
siderable pecuniary assistance, and which held a mortgage on the mills as its security, 
The third Lrother lived at the port from whence their timber was shipped; my friend 
himself managed the mills, and rèsided close to them with his wife and family. The 
establishment, aJthough comparatively new and scarcely in full operation, had been 
"ery successful and was clearing upward of fifteen hundred pounds a year. 
" In the spring preceding this fatal summer, the ice was no sooner broken up and 
navigation open than the ships began to arrivc. One of the first brought out letters 
from L:verpool, conveying to Mr. Hamilton the mournful intelligence of his brother's 



death. Shortly afterwards he received a letter from the bank I have alluded to 
informing him that the amount of the mortgage must be paid. As it had been throuah 
his brother's instrumentality that the money had been borrowed, 
his wac;; to be 
anticipated; it was nevertheless a heavy blow upon him, and was ultimately product- 
ive of ruinous consequences. Shortly after this, so immediately indeed, that I might 
almost literally say, 'while the messenger was yet speaking,' another arrived to tell 
him that his other brother was dead. They were aU three strong and healthy men 
and the age of the eldest did not exceed fOlty. J 
H Poor Hamilton! Deeply as he felt, and sincerely as he deplored his loss, great 
and overwhelminß as were the difficulties consequent upon it, still he did not despair. 
Although thus left alone to contend with them, and to manage in all its widely extend- 
ed ramifications this mighty concern. he was undaunted and hopeful. His mill-pond 
was full of saw-logs, all carefully harbored there after having been floated down the 
rivers from the back woods at an immense distance in the interior. On this mass of 
timber all his hopes of future success were founded; hopes, alas! which were doomed 
to end in disappointment and ruin. 
"The river upon which his mills were placed rose to an unprecedented heig l 1t, and 
carried away his dam with all those valuable logs, amounting to many thousands. A. 
few nights after this sad disaster, his house took fire and was burnt, with everything 
in it, The inmates barely escaped with their lives; nothing was saved, nothing 
insured, and he was left a homeless bankrupt and a beggar, But his cup of misery 
was not yet full. 
lr. Hamilton had determined to take his family to the town where his principal 
creditors resided, as he would have to be there himself, perhaps for months, to settle 
with them and to wind up the affairs of the estate. To remo\'e his hmily was, at that 
period, an affair of no small difficulty. There were no public means of con veyance 
then; although now, at the time I write. twenty years afterwards, five or six steamers 
a day find sufficient employment. Mr. Hamilton procured a 1arge canoe from a 
friend, and engaged two French-Canadians to row them down the river. They all 
embarked in it and glided swiftly and smoothly along the surface of the lake. In this 
country an the large rivers, as wen as many of the smaller ones, consi:;t of a chain of 
lakes, having a narrow channel and a swift current, characteristically termed a. rapid,' 
bt:tween them. The lake I here refer to is several miles in width. 
" Away they went, all the little ones iil high glee and uproarious mirth. I could 
almost fancy the other day, on passing the spot where they embarked, that I could 
yet hear the echo of their merry laugh, as it rang through the thick woods 01. shore. 
I saw them start, and twenty years have not erased from my memory a single incident 
connected with their departure, I could even yet repeat the simple' chanson,' which 
was sung to a lively air by the two rowers; for the 
anadian boatmen can hardly row 
without singing, certainly not with equal spirit and energy. A little l()\ver down the 
river there are some very dangerous rapids. In 
etting into these, one of the boat- 
men, the poor fellow who came to my house, as [ have already mentioned, became 
frightened, and in his confusion suffered his oar to he caught by the boiling surge. 
This in an instant overturned their canoe j the three helpless little ones were over- 
whelmed in a watery grave; not, however, before the distressed father, who was an 
excellent swimmer, had made the mo:;t extraordinary eXf'rtions to save the youngest. 
The two oldest, with their mother, he lost sight of the moment the canoe upset, and 
ga ve them up for lost, but the youngest, a child about eighteen months old, he caught 
hold of, when a strong wave broke over him, and somehow or other wrenched the 
child from his grasp, and bore it some distance away from him. He again stretched 
out to save his boy, and again succeeded in laying .hold of him. By this time he had 

53 6 


been carried into the most violent part of the rapid torrent, down which, in a state 
bordering upon insensibility, he was hurried with fearful velocity, On reaching the 
comparatively smooth water at the foot of the rapid he soon rccovered his sense
, but 
found to his dismay that he had lost his child again-hopelessly lost it now. On 
looking round he could see nothing bu t the canoe. It had floated dO\vn along with 
him, bottom upwards, with the two boatmen clinging to it. He was now nearly 
exhausted, but on perceiving the canoe he roused his sinking energies for one effort 
more, and succeeded in reaching it j he was soon afterwards safely landed, the sole 
survivor, as he suppos
d, of his little family. 
" \Vnen they reached the 
hore the first thought with the men was, n;:!turally
right the canoe. On turning it up, there, to his astonishment and joy, was his poor 
wife underneath it, in a state of insensihility. She had, doubtless, in the first 
moment of her fl ight, seized hold of one of the thwarts, to which she had tenaciously 
clung, with a dead1-Jike grasp, and was thus miraculously saved. 
.. A fl w mil utes sufficed to bring back suspended animation, and she was soon, I 
had alnlost said too soon, restored to a consciousness of the dreadful loss she had 
sus tained. 
,. The sorrow and distress so acutely felt by the poor fellow, who came to inform 
me of the sad event, were deeply shared, not only by myself, but by the whole com- 
munity. Dark and myst,;;rious indeed are the dealings of God in His providence with 
His people. 'and His ways are past finding out.' But we have a cheering assurance 
to support us under every misfortune-' All things shall work together for good to 
them that 10\'e God.' And so they did in this instance; for my friend Hamilton 
was afterwards blessed with as fine a family of children as I ever s.l\V. He has now 
been dead some years, but he succeeded before his death in securing to his widow an 
ample income, and for her seven orphan children as many thousands a year. This 
he accon:plished. not from the wreck of his fortune, or from his former prosperity, 
for nothing was left, but from the credit of his name and the energy of his character. 
Under the guidance of a gracious Providence, every undertaking he engaged in was 
prosperous and profitable. ' The Lord gave him twice as much as he had before, 
and blessed his latter end more than his beginning.''' 
The sad accident recorded above occurred in 1822, at which time it will be seen, 
from the same account, the business here was one of much magnitude. 
Mr. Hamilton spent his days here, and naturally became a man of great 
influence. His culture commanded the respect of the more intelligent of the com- 
munity, and his business and means which enabled him to give employment to so large 
a number of men gave him a power in this district which no other man possessed- 
his authority for many years was almost absolute. In military matters, as well as 
politically and socially, he was chief. Notwithstanding his influence, and the 
homage paid to him on all hands, he was modest, kind and prudent, never 
overstepped the duties of his magisterial office, and always exercised his authority 
over others kindly and judiciously. In politics he was strongly Conservative, and 
for years he was regarded in this section as the champion of Conservative principles. 
He died in 1839. On his monument in the St. Andre\\'s (Que.) cemetery, is the fol- 
lowing inscription: 
" Sacred to the Memory of George Hamilton, 
Who departed this life on the 7th Jan., 1839, aged 58 years. 
He was born at SheephilI, County of !\leath, Ireland, hut the last 23 
years of his life were spent in the 
District of Ottawa, U.c., 
Where he distinguished himself in the service of his country as an 
upright Judge and an acti\'e Magistr:Jte." 



In the relations of pI ivate life he was conspicuous as a man of sterling integrity, 
a most affectionate husband and parent, and a 5incere and generous friend. His 
1110rtaJ disease was contracted in the zealous discharge of his duties as Lieut.-Co!. of 
the Prescott Reserve Battalion in preparing tl> repel the piratical invaders of the 
Partners were admitted to the above concern at different periods, and for about 
20 years the firm was Hamilton & Lowe; subsequently, Hamilton & Thompson 
About the year 18 35, Mr. Hamilton erected the large stone dwelling_ now owned 
by Mr. Hiram Robinson, which building is known as Hamilton Hall. 
The sons of .:\1r. Hamilton, born after the loss of those recorded abo\'e, were 
John, \ViIJiam, Robert, George and Charles. The first became the Hon. John 
Hamiìton, he having held a scat in the Senate for some time prior to his death. It 
was he who erected the fine residence on the Island, now owned by 1\lr. Cloran. :\Ir. 
Hamilton expended large sums of money in ornamenting the Island, and giving to 
it so man}' characterislics of an O.à Country Park. He was the last of the family 
who lived at Hawkeshury. William died young; George died in 18 57 j Robert now 
lives in Qu(-bec ; and Charles is the present Bishop of r\iagara. 
The mills are located on an island formed by the Ottawa and one of its branches 
ca\]ed the Chenel Ecarté, which signifies "Lust Channel," but which has been 
corrupted into" Sny Cat ty.." and is mcst usually spoken of as "The Sny," so that 
going to "The Sny," or working at "The Sn}'," are eXptessions which will fre- 
quently puzzle the stranger who vi:,!ts Hawkesbury. It wiJl be necessary to visit the 
place to gain a correct idea of the amount of lumber manufactured here. There are 
five mills, each of which contains se\eral gangs. be!'>ides one or more circular saws, 
The latest addition is a band saw-the superiority of which consists chiefly in the 
smaIJ quantity of the log which it consumes, compared with other saws. One 
passage through them of the gang saw suffices to cut four logs into boarLÌs. 

otwithstanding the barges that are constantly being loaded with lumber and the 
quantit}' transported by the railway and wagons, immense piles, comprising miIJions 
of feet, may always be seen here, covering many broad acres of gt ound. 
The average amount of lumber manufactured by these mills is 7 00 ,000 ft. daily, 
and the number of men engaged-exclusiv
 of those in the lumber woodc;-is 950, 
which incJudes jobbers in piling. 
Strict discipline is established among the laborers, good order )Jrcvail
, and great 
kindness and courtesy are extended to visitors by the intelligent, courteous officials, 
MR. BROCK, who has been LüûJ...k
eIJer for the concern many years; .:\1r. Ferguson, 
his assi
tant, Mr. Sherman and others. 
MR. JOHN SHERMAN is Superintendent of the lumber yard and sales, He was 
born in Addington
 Ont., his father having settled there after coming to Canada 
from Belfast, Ireland, in 1849. He was married in 1877, to Agnes S, daughter of 
Dr. Charles Potts, of Re]]cviIJe, and has been connected with the Hawkesbury Lum- 
ber Cn. eight years. 
The present Hawkesbury Lumber Company i3 composed of :\lessrs. Hiram 
Robinson, President; H. E. Egan, Managing Director; and R. 1... Blackburn, 
MR. ROBINSON is a son of \VilJiam Robinson, who came to Canada frmIl the 
County of Antrim, Ireland, with his wif
-both then young-in 1826. He settled 
on a farm in \Vest Hawkesbury} in the 41h Concession, which is now owned by !\{r. 
Bancroft, and, after a residence there of sixty years he s0ld, and removed to the 
County of Dundas, where he died 111 1890, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. McKay, 
1t the age of ninety-one. He had four sons and two daughters. 

53 8 


At the age of sixteen Hiram entered the employ of the Hamilton Brothers, and 
-tl1fough faithful devotion to their interests, and by probity, his sphere of usefulness 
gradually extended, till he became manager of all their lumber camps and business on 
the Upper Ottawa and its tributaries, He remained with the firm till the death of 
the Hon. John Hamilton, in 1888, when he, in company with Messrs. Bhckburn, 
Thistle and Egan, purchased the whole concern. Mr. Robinson cherishes the kindest 
memories of the Hamilton Brothers; indeed, his gratitude for their kindness to him 
in his youthful days has fostered a feeling towards them of almost filial regard. In 
summer he resides in the fine old stone mansion known as Hamilton Hall; the 
grounds around, the fine garden and fruit trees gainmg no sma)) share of his attention. 
Much of his life has been spent in Ottawa, where for twenty-eight years he was 
a member of the Public School Board-twenty-two of which he was chairman, He 
is at present a Trustee of the Board of the Collegiate Institute. He was married in 
1855, to Clarissa J, Smith, of Ottawa, 
\Yilliam Robinson, a younger brother of Hiram, has a fine farm of 100 acres, and 
residence, in Hawkesbury, parts of Lots 9 and 10, in the 4th Concession. He has 
also 100 acres in another part of the same Concession. 
After sel1ing his property to the Hamilton Bros., Mr. Mears, who seems to have 
possessed enough Yankee shrewdness to observe whatever circumstances might be 
turned to his ad\'
'lltage, set his wits to work to gain possession of another watel- 
power privilege. The one nature had provided at Hawkesbury he had sold, but with 
a little mechanical engineering, and a moderate outlay of money, he could secure 
another water-power which would serve his purpose. 
He had in his employ all American flOm Plattsburg, N.Y.,-Danvin Stevens by 
name-who was an experienced milhvright, and possessed much mechanical skill and 
inventive genius, and on him the planning and ex(cution of the new work devolved. 
About a mile above the Hamilton Mills, and on the same side of the Ottawa, 
near the river, was a smali pond, fed by an unfailing stream. By constructing a dam 
across the outlet the pond was deepened and enlarged sufficiently to provide an 
abundant supply of water for the purpose desired. A canal was then dug from the 
pond to the point where the necessary faB was obtained, and then Mr. Mears erected 
his second mill-one which, enlarged and in
proved, is now the property of the 
Hawktshury :Milling Co. 
lt will thus be seen that two canals were left as memorials of this pioneer-the 
old, long-disused one at St. Andrews, which plOvided water-power for the paper 
mil], and the one which still supplies power for the Hawkesbury Mill Company, 
Mr. Mears, besides erecting the first mill, also opened the first store here, and 
bui1t the first steamer which navigated the Ottawa. This steamer was the c: Union," 
which has already been noticed in the history of Grenville, Mr. 
fears seems to 
have tried very earnestly many different methods of making money, but without 
success, and he died here after his property had come into the posses ion of the 
Hon. Peter McGill of Montreal. 
The latter added a distillery to the business he had purchased of Mears, but 
which, happily, after a few years' existence, had to d1sappear before the march of 
inteJ1igence and temperance. 
Though numerous piles of lumber mar to some exten t the beauty of one portion 
of the village, the greater part of it is at once picturesque and attractive-its fine 
water front giving to it a charm in point of scenery not possessed by inland villages. 
Opposite the upper part of the village, the Ottawa expands into a bay two miles 
or more in width, but only a few yards below, it contracts its borders, forming 
the upper end of the rapids known as the Long Sault, Several picturesque islands 



lie opposite the lower part of the village, between one or more of which, and the 
mainland, the water rushes in wild confusion. Here, though the Grenville shore 
seems scarcely a stone's throw distant, the rapidity of the current forbids the crossing 
of boats save at a serious risk of accident. 
The smooth bay above is easily navigated, and affords passage to the little 
steamer Glide of Capt. Lawlor which runs to Calumet, 
The Main street, which is more than a mile and a half long, is wide and 
pleasant, many of the buildings on either side being substantial and attractive. 
McGill street, running at right angles to it, is also a pretty street which ascends 
gradually till it reaches a point overlooking the rest of the vilJage, and on this, height, 
too, are a number of attractive residences. 
There are three hotelc;-all on Main street-and they are all large and attractive 
buildings; they are the Ottawa Hotel, Hawkesbury House, and Canada Atlantic 
Hotel. The proprietor of the latter is Louis Taillon, who has had long experience 
in the business, and the patronage accorded his house by the travelling public is 
evidence of its able manageme.nt. The bank building on Main street is an imposing 
brick structure. A branch of the Ottawa hank was established here, 7 th April, 
18 9 2 , and the building was erected the same year. 
On this street also is the commodious School building; the first was erected in 
18ï2, but it has since received extensive additions, so that the building at present, 
with the grounds around it, form an attractive feature of the village. The High 
School and Model School are both taught in it, and the reputation which they have 
achieved is, at once, a compliment to the intelligence and liberality of the managers, 
and the ability of the teachers. The teachers are at present-High School, Princi- 
pal, ,V. K. T, Smellie, B.A., Miss Agnes Higginson; Public School, Principal 
IcCulloch, :\Iiss 'Vaddell, Miss Gwyn. 
The station of the Canada Atlantic Railway is located about mid-way between the 
upper and lower ends of Main street. Two passenger trains from Robinson 'arrive 
and depart daily, and the number of passengers, together with the quautity of freight 
handled here, creates an am'ollnt of business much more extensive than a stranger 
would suppose. 
D. \V. TOMKINS is the faithful Station Agent here. He is a native of Kempt- 
ville, Ont., where he remained till 1883, when, at the age of seventeen, he went to 
Duck Lake, N.\V.T., and participated in the fight there during the Riel Rebellion, 
He served as scout during the campaign. In 1886 he entered railway service at his 
old home, remaining there till 1888, when he took a position as night operator at St, 
Polycarpe Junction. Two years later he went to Nashua, N.H., to work for the 
Boston & Maine R,R., where he remained until 1892, when he received his present 
position at Hawkesbury. He was married in 1891 to Miss Edith Keating of 
JAMES W. CASEY, the intelligent Engineer on this branch, has been in railway 
service twenty years, fifteen of which he has been employed on the Canada Atlantic, 
thirteen :lS an engineer. He was born in Pictou, 
,S., and was married in 
February, 1885, to Christie Macdonald of Alexandria, Glengarry Co., Onto \Vhile 
devoted to his vocation, his leisure hours are usually spent in the society of useful 
books. . 
IcGIBBON, a son of Alexander McGibbon, one of the pioneers of Browns- 
burg, Argenteuil Co., Que., was for many years in the employ of the Hamilton 
Brothers, as millwright and foreman in their lumber mills, He left but one son 
at his death, Jonn McGibbon, who also for some years, held the same position in 
the lumber mills his father had occupied. He left this position in November, 18 7 r, 

54 0 


and became m
Hlager of the business of his uncle Albel t Kimball-a broker in 
Hawkesbury-who died in 1891. Mr. McGibbon then retired, He has a fine 
pleasant résidence in the village, and also owns quite a quantity of real estate here 
as well as in the Township, He is one of the influential citizens of the place, and 
for several years has been chairman of the High School Board, He was married 
1st September, 1861, to Phæbe, daughter of the late Samuel Breck. 
Among the early settlers whose lives were identified with this place were two 
brothers, CHARLES and Z. S. M. HERSEY from Leicester, 1\1 ass. 
The former came here about 1819, the latter in 1830. Both were in partnership 
in mercantile business for a number of years, and Charles conducted a tannery for 
a long time. He never married, and died in December, 1 86 4. 
Z. S. M. Hersey in 1836 married Caroline Clevelanrl, of Fort Covington 
N.Y. He became manager of the McGill estate here, and subsequently purchased it: 
and dosed the distillery which had lopg been in operation, an action refl
great credit 0n himself, and one which, doubtless, contrib:.Ited much to the benefit of 
Hawkesbury. Mr. Hersey spent his remaining years here, taking an active interest 
in both Municipal and School matters, filling the office of Reeve and School Trustee. 
He died in Aplil, 1869, leaving three sons and four daughters, 
F. C. HeIsey, one of the fOlmer, li\'es in a fine stone dwelling on the homestead, 
which is rendered more attractive by the stately trees \\'ilh which the grounds abound. 
It occupies the site of one which is said to have been much larger than this, but 
which was destroyed by fire in 1876 j the presen t one was erected in 1877. 
Hersey devoted wme years of his life to the nlercantile pursuit, !Jut is now en- 
gaged in farming, serving also as the Secretary of the School Board. He was mar- 
ried in 18 73 to Miss 
IcGibbon ; she died 20th July, 1889, and he was next married, 
in October, 1891, to Miss Boyd, daughter of James Boyd, M.P. for Prescott. 
The Higginsons, who have already been noticed, are largely identified with the 
history of Hawkesbury Village, one úr more of the four brothers having lived 
here, as well as several of their descendants-all prosecuting their voca'ions with 
the energy and rectitude characteristic of the family. 
\VILL1Al\I HIGGII\SON, one of the four brothels who :nrived in 1819, though 
he bought and settled ('n the farm in 182 I which is now owned and occupied by 
his daughter, l\I,s, Danvin Stevens, was for several years in the employ of the 
Hamilton Brothers. Two of his sons, John W. and James G., have spent the greater 
part of their lives here, contributing in no slight degree to the business activity and 
s )cial advancement of th'" place. 
John \V., the second sen, is a contractor and builder, and the buildings are 
not lew in the viilage and township of Hawkesbury that have been erected under 
upervision; and notwÎlhstanding the amount of work which has almost con- 
stantly demanded his time and attention, municipal and educational affairs, as 
we)] as temperance, have alike claimèd some of his time and profited by his 
labors. He was Reeve of the Vil1age eleven years, and also Warden of the united 
counties of Prescott and Russell. While in the former position, he took active 
steps to have a High School established, and it was through his instrumentality 
that public interest was aroused, and the school building erected in 18 7 2 , The 
Public and High School Boards were some time ago united under the title "Board 
of Education," and of this he has for several years been Chairman. In tem- 
perance work he has been equally energetic. and filled for some time a responsible 
position in the organization of the Sons of Temperance; he is now a Justice of 
the Peace. In 1865, he became Lieut, of Company No, 6, 18th Ratt., and served as 
Captain of the same Company during the time it was stationed at Prescott. He was 


54 1 

married in 1862, to Mary Allison, In 1860 he purchased the building he now owns, 
and which he made into a carpenter's shop and woollen mill. He enlarged it, and 
now has a steam saw mill and a sash and door factory, The area covered by his 
building, and the chimney, 10 3 feet high rising therefrom, are at once noticeable, 
and give evidence to the fact, that this is one of the important manufactories of the 
Village. In summer 1\1r, Higginson employs from 20 to 25 hands, and in winter 
abou t a dozen. 
His brother, ]A:\IES G. HIGGL
'SO:l/', who hac; b
en Postm1.ster of Hawkesbury 
Village several years, taught school a while in his youthful days, and then devoted 
himself to the mercantile pursuit, in which he has been remarkably successful. He is 
one of the influential managers of local affairs, and has long been a School Trustee 
and Reeve of the Village. He was married to Miss Mary McGibbon. He has 
been longer in the mercantile busmess than any other merchant in the place, having 
followed it continuously 35 years. His dwelling, located at the highest point in the 
village, is one of the most attractive in it. 
 H[GGINSON, a brother of the tw.J nlmed ab::>ve, h3.ving 
learned the carpenter's trade, went to Australia in 1856, where he remained till 18 7 2 , 
experiencing, like many others, the vicissitudes of fortune. He W.lS married in N 
Zealand, 15 th November, 186:::>, to Amelia H. Taylor. He lives on a farm in the 
outskirts of the village, where, a few months since, he suffered a serious los;; by the 
destruction of his dwelling by fire. Owing to his long absence from his native place, 
as well as his dislike for public affairs, his time has been wholly devoted to his trade 
and farm. A Christian in faith and practice, however, he is always gll.d to do any 
work that may contribute to the comfort and happiness of others. 
I LAWLOR came from Queen's County, Ireland, in 18 34, and soon 
afterward settled at Hawke
bury, where for nearly forty years he was manager of the 
Hamilton lumber mills. He died in 1874. at the age of 68. He was twice married; 
by the first marriage he had four sons and two daughters; by the second, one son 
and one daughter. Richard, the eldest son, engaged in the lumber business, and 
was for many years a prominent forwarder, and took an active part in politics, being 
Secretary a number of years of the Liberal Association of Pre')cott County. He 
was also Coroner of Prescott and Russell, and for some time Clerk of the Division 
Court. He was married in the fall of 1862 to Sarah, daughter of Z. S. l\I. Hersey. 
H. \V. Lawlor, a son of the above, is a weJl-knO\vn barrister, who has an office 
near the paternal residence. He began the study of law wi th ] ohn Maxwell, County 
Attorney, and was afterwards with J, E. Farewell, Q.C., of \Vhitby, Onto He gra- 
duated at Osgoode Hall in 1890, and after practising a while in Toronto, was 
appointed solicitor for the Montreal & Ottawa R. R. Co., and returned to Hawkes- 
bury, where he has since practised. He is Secretary of the Liberal Association of 
I LAWLOR, for years a popular and familiar figure in this 
locality, is the third son of William Lawlor who came to Canada in 18 34- In his 
early years he learned the trade of machinise, and as such was in the employ of the 
Hamilton Brothers fourteen years, In 1875 he purchased a ste3.mer, and since has 
devoted his time to carrying passengers and freight between Calumet and Hawkes
bury. His boat, the "Glide," has done much business in this line, through which 
medium the neat little steamer and her genial Captain have become widely known. 
The Captain takes an interest in the local affairs of Hawkesbury, and for several 
years was a member of the High School Board. He lives in an attractive cottage on 
Main Street, his extensive front yard being finely ornamented with trees. He was 
married in 1872 to Miss C. !\1. Herse}. 

54 2 


WILLIAM EWING, M.D., one of the oldest medical practItioners of Prescott 
County, came from Glasgow, Scotland, to Hawkesbury in 1834, 
He took his degree at Glasgow University, and ever since his arrival in this 
country his practice has embraced a large district on both sides of the Ottawa, He 
was married in 1852 to Georgiana Mann j they had one son and three daughters. 
The son, \Villiam Ewing, jr., studied medicine, and after graduating at McGill 
University in 1873, prosecuted his profession with his father until recently, when he 
succeeded to his entire practice. He was married in 1880 to Louisa Dennis; he 
has a fine office and residence at the corner of Main and John Streets. 


The first church edifice erected here was the Congregational, which was built 
about 1843, It is still standing, but owing to removals, deaths, and other causes, 
the Congregational body here-never a large one-has diminished in numbers so 
much that no attempt is made to sustain regular preaching. The church is idle; but 
it is still a reminder to the old citizens of the eloquence of John B. Gough. This 
gentleman delivered one of his stirring temperance lectures in it many years ago, 
and so powerfully did he portray the effects of the liquor traffic that a man conduct- 
ing an hotel in the stone building at the junction of !\lain and McGill Streets, 
resolved to change his vocation-a resolution he soon put into effect. 
By REV. W. 
1. TUFFTS, B.D. 
The earliest mention we can at present find of a congregation at Hawkesbury is 
in the year 1829. At that time the Rev. John McLaurin, of Breadalbane, Scotland, 
was ordained and settled over the united congregation of L'Orignal and Hawkesbury. 
He had taught school in L'Orignal for several years before his ordination. 
While .Mr, McLaurin was the first settled minister, yet religious services must often 
have been conducted here previous to 1829, since the place was first settled more 
than twenty years before that date. 
In 1833 Mr. McLaurin died, and the union between L'Orignal and Hawkesbury 
terminated for a time. Hawkesbury was attached to Chatham congregation in the 
Presbytery of Montreal. Rev. Mr. Mair supplied this district with religious ordin- 
ances until shortly before his death in 1860. The difficulties confronting these early 
settlers and their mÏIJisters alike, it is hard for us to realize. No record can tell the 
sacrifices they made for the faith. During the summer of r 858, the Rev, Mr. Rainnie 
was stationed at Hawkesbury as a missionary to assist Mr. Mair. 
On the 5th of June, 1860, the Synod met at Kingston, and resolved I'that 
Hawkesbury being geographically within the bounds of the Presbytery of Glengarry, 
the congregation there be added to that Presbytery." The Presbytery, acting on peti- 
tions from both congregations, united for the second time Hawkesbury and L'Orignal, 
making them one pastoral charge with a single session. The Rev, George Ferguson 
was the first pastor of the reunited charge, Messrs. John 'Vaddell and David 
Fairbairn were the Elders from Hawkesbury. The congregation met for worship in 
a school-house on the site of the present church. The roof of this building having 
been blown off. it was repaired and fitted up as a place of worship by the kindness of 
the Hamilton Bros. 
In 1863, òwing'to the dismemberment of the Presbytery of Bathurst, the congre- 
gation of L'Orignal and Hawkesbury was disjoined from the Presbytery of Glengarry 
and added to that of Ottawa, where both have since remained. 



Mr, Ferguson was appointed Professor of History and English Literature in 
Queen's College in 186 9' The congregation regretted his departure very much. 
They were fortunate, however, in securing the services of the Rev. 'V. MacLennan, 
a man of remarkable gifts and of great personal worth. He was induct
d in the 
spring of 18 7 0 . The present place of worship was dedicated in January, 18]1. Mr. Mac- 
Lennan died December 8th, 1873, at the early age oftwenty-nine years, deeply regretted 
by the whole community and especially by the congregation he had serve J so well. 
Rev. John Fairlie was inducted in 1874, and continued as pastor for f.Hlrteen 
years. Mr. Fairlie was deeply beloved, and when he left on November 6th, 1888, he 
left many deeply attached friends. Steps were now taken to divide the charge and to 
erect both Hawkesbury and L'Orignal into sep3.rate congregations. Hawkesbury 
had been receiving only one service a Sunday, and it was felt that the time had now 
corne to have the church opened for worship every Sunday morning and evening. 
Accordingly in 1889 the second union between Hawkesbury and L'Orignal was 
terminated, This latter union had lasted for twenty-nine years, 
Early in 1890 the Rev. 'V. K. MacCulloch was inducted as pastor of St. Paul's 
Church, Hawkesbury. Mr. :McCulloch was in very poor health, and was thus com- 
pelled to resign his charge on June 15th, [891. His successor was the Rev. 'V. M. 
Tuffts, B. D., a native of Halifax, N.S., who was inducted 14th April, 18 9 2 . In 18 93 a 
beautiful manse was erected by St, Paul's congregation at a cost of over three 
thousand dollars. Semi-Jubilee services were conducted on 8th September, 18 95, 
celebrating the twenty-fifth anniversary of the opening of St. Paul's Church. 


To the left of McGill Street, as you leave the town, there stands on a rising 
eminence and surrounded by pine, maple and elm trees, the Anglican Church of the 
Holy Trinity, forming, with its well-built stone rectory, one of the most picturesque 
groups in the county. Its history extends back to the year J 845, when the late 
Bishop Strachan, then Bishop óf Toronto, was induced by the corresj:ondence of 
Mr. Thomas Higginson and others to appoint a missionary w Hawk.:sbury, 
Through the prompt efforts of Mr. Higginson a site was also procured from the estate 
of the Hon. Peter McGill, and the erection of a stone chllrch at once proceeded 
with. In connection with this, the earliest record found in the Parish Books is an 
entry in the handwriting of the Rev. S. S. Strong, 0\ By town, to the effect that "on 
"August 16th, 1846, the Church of the Holy Trinlty was op
ned for Divine Service 
" by. him, and on the following Sunday the Rev. Francis Tremayne commenced his 
" labors as first missionary appointed by the Lord Bishop of Toronto." 
Erected in the plain, uninteresting style which then prèvailed from stone quar- 
ried at the Ottawa river, this church became the centre of worship {or all the mèmbers 
of th
 Church of England residing in East and West Hawkesbury, and, indeed
the surrounding townships of the County. Scarcely a decade had passed, however, 
when the wave of enthusiasm for church-builùing and restoration which overspread 
the Anglican Communion, and has made the past century the most memorable of the 
Christian era was felt at Hawkesbury, and architect's plans having been procured 
from Messrs.' Fuller and Jones, a series of changes and improvements were com- 
menced which, at length, culminated in the present beautiful edifice. 
The material of which it is bUllt is blue and grey limestone, and it consists of a 
n ave, chancel, vest ry, tower and spire, to which is now being added, as a memorial 
of its semi-centennial and to complete the design, a fine organ:..chamber. 



Standing within the Church, beautiful stained wilJdows are to be seen on all 
sides, those in the chancel, to\ver and north and south of the east end of the nave, 
commemorating George Hamilton, Esq., his son and Mrs. John Hamilton respec- 
ti vely. Here also it may be mentioned that another is being executed by Messrs. 
Spence & Sons of 
Iontreal, under the instructions of the Messrs. Higginson, in 
memory of their father, mother and sister; while siÏll a:lOther is to be placed in the 
organ-chamber in 
emory of Mrs. Henry Stephens by the surviving members of her 
f,lJ11 i I y. 
The style of architEcture maintained throughout the restored building is early 
English or pointed, the windows bting all lancet-shaped. In the chancel window 
tillee of these are grouped together in memory of George Hamilton, Esq., who died 
7th January: 1839, and are all the gift of his sons, Robert, George and John. An 
eady account state:. that this window was copied from S:llisbury Cathedral, and in it 
are represented scenes from the eanhly life d our Lord, beginning with His Birth 
and ending with His Ascension, At the south-east end of the nave is another single 
lancet, the subject of which is the ,e Raising of Lazarus." In the upper part an angel 
is seen holding a scroìl, on which are the words, "Come, Lord Je
us," while under- 
neath the centre medallion is introduced, " I know that He will rise again." Exactly 
opposite thi!', on the north side of the nave, another memorial window represents the 
e, Raising of Jairus' daughter," O\'er which is stained a duve, and underneath a white 
]i)y, with the inscription, ,e Weep not; she is not dead, but sleepeth." In the west 
window, which is dual light, the life-giving miracles of our Lord are completed by the 
representation of the ,I Resurrection ., in one lancet, and the" Raising of the \Vidow's 
Son II in the other. Retween the two, in a quatre-foil at the top, the eye rests on the 
sacred Emblem of the Blt'ssed Trinity; at the bottom, those of the Four Evangelists, 
This truly beautiful window, as the inscription sho\\'s, was erected in memory of a 
brother and sister, by members of the Hamilton family. All the!:e memorial windows 
are, tl
erefore, the gifts of the Hami ton family; all were desIgned in London, and 
executed by Ì\1tsc;;rs. Spence & Sons, of .Montreal, as well as the other stained glass 
windows wh:ch so btautiful a feature of this interesting church. Rich and varied 
in pattern, all \\ ill compare very favoralJly with the windows to b
 generally seen in 
churches of the Mother Land. 
From the windows. the eye involuntarily turns to the lofty roof, spanned byequil- 
ateral arches champered and terminating in finely-cut stone corbtls. Its oays are 
filled with stained pIne, diagonally arranged in a very striking manner. We notice 
also that the chalìcel, nave and porch are all roofed to corresponà, though not all 
diagona!ly. In the centre of the na\"e, opposite the entrance, stands a Cacn stone 
font, ma
sive, and rest\l1g on an oat.. pedestal. Round the top of this there runs the 
inscription, "Suffer little children to come unto me." 
\ reference to the parochial 
records shows it to have been import(;d from England in the year 1857, at the expensè 
of the Hon. T ohn Hamilton. 
The intèrior of the tower is at present occupied by one of 'Vancn's earliest and 
best organs, built by him in Montreal, and presented to the church by the Hamilton 
family at a cost of $1,100. When the lTIf'morial chamber is completed this will be 
transferred from its present position to the north side of the chancd near the choir. 
In the chancel we are shown a beautiful carved Bishop's chair, and corresponding 
with it, just outside, an oak lectern, prayer desks and clergy seats, all of which attract 
the attention of the visitor, and show that liberal hands and hearts have made it their 
object to render the House of God beautiful and helpful to devotion. Not the least 
prominent of the internal arrangements which deserve t:> be mentioned, is the bra
altar-rail of high anistic merit and chaste design, and, like so many other things, a gift 



Perhaps there is no finer or heavier bell in the Ottawa Valley than sounds from 
the belfry of Trinity Church at the hours of service, It was cast by 
[ears & Stain- 
banks of London. Its clear-ringing tenor voice is capable of being heard 6 or 7 
miles away if it were only in a loftier tower, with belfry raised above the roof of the 
nave, and not so much inclosed as it is at present. 
Connected with the other appointments of the church there is sometimes shown 
to visitors a highly-artistic Sf't of altar vessels and alms dishes done in solid silver, and 
bearing the following inscription :- 

"In usum perpetuum 
Ecc!esiæ apud, 
Hawkesburiensis, in Canada Ulteriori, 
Episcopo Torontonensi, 
Ecclesiæ Rectore. 
l"E HAMILTO', 1 ;U d ' . 
- J G H ....-'r_ Itms. 

lembers of the congregation and employees of the firm of Hamilton Bros., all 
joined in making this a memorial to George Hamilton, Esq., who died 3 [st May, 
18 59. 
Standing outside the sacred edifice, the visitor is at once struck by the fact that 
the intention has been to reproduce, as nearly as may be, one of the pretty village 
churches so ohen to be seen in the English County of Northampton. Grace and 
strength have been blended in happy proportion, and, though the experienced eye 
may here and there detect incongruities and defects, they are so trivial, and capable of 
being remedied at small cost, that we involuntarily say to ourselves, " here is an edifice 
capable of resisting the wear and tear of time for m:my a generation, and an ornament 
that should be preserved as representing in stone the piety and zeal of half a century, 
till it has become one of the most in teresting historic landmarks of the Oltawa Valley. 
Tower and church alike are supported by deep, massive buttresses finished with 
finely-cut grey limestone, a deep plinth of which also runs entirely round the structure 
at it:> uase and surrounds every winJow, the arches being surmounted with costly 
hooded mouldings. The west end is terminated in a massive tower ornamented at the 
top with a tooth-moulding done in wood, from which rises to a further height of some 
30 fed, a N onhampton spire, the whole being auout 60 feet from the base to the 
The important changes which have thus been traced were executed ur 1\1r. John 
'V. II igginson, builder, from architectural plans furnished him by Fuller & Jones. 
and also by l\1r. Steele, of Montreal. As it stands to-day, the beautifllilittic church 
has cost about $9,000, towards which not le
s than $6,000 were contributed by mem- 
bers of the Hamilton family. Nor did their Christian liberality end there. From the 
very first the privilege of having a clergyman of the Church of England in r
here has been largely due to their Ch:-istian liberality. In 1846 the two brothers, 

obert and John, gave "the firsl parsonage owned hy the parish,-a stone house now 
In the possession of the Roman Catholic Church, and ll"ed as a Presbytery. Through- 
out the whole of its history, they contributed one-half or more of the stipend, and since 
the dissolution of partnership in their long-established business took place, this has 
assumed the fOIm of a permanent endowment of $5,600, 



Side by side with the church stands the fine stone rectory, built, when it was 
decided to dispose of the original parsonage which had been their gift, because of the 
convenience of having both together
 at a total cost of some $5,000, and in a style to 
correspond with the church itself. This was completed in the year 1873, the builder 
being Mr. John \V. Higginson, who also furnished the design. It was paid for with 
the proceeds of the sale of the abandoned parsonage together with contributions from 
the parish, including $1,000 from the Hamilton family. 
OriginalJy, the parish of Hawkesbury, as has already been stated, included the 
County of Prescott, but in the year 186
 a division was effected, and the two new 
parishes of VankJeek Hill and Plantagenet were set off from it, the former embracing 
the rear of the townships of East and West Hawkesbury and Caledonia; the latter, 
Alfred, North and South Plantagenet and the west of Caledonia, At the time of the 
division Vankleek Hill had one church, to which has since been added another at East 
Hawkesbury, while to the one church which then exi.,ted at Alfred in the new mission 
of Plantagenet, there h:lVe been added two others, one at Fenaghvale, now the head- 
quarters of the :Mission, and cne at Plantagenet. Both parishes have also been furnish- 
ed with fine, commodious parsonages, 
In the year 189 I, the withdrawal ofthe privilege of holding religious services at 
the Court House at L'Orignal forced upon the rector the necessity of building a church 
to accommodate the members of the Church of England at that end of the parish, It 
was completed at a cost of $1,300, and used for Divine service for the first time on 
Christmas Day of that year, which circumstance led to its being happily styled the 
Church of the Nativity. A formal opening took place on the following festival of the 
Epiphany, the venerable Archdeacon of Ottawa, then acting Bishop's Commissary, 
officiating, when it was declared to be free of debt. It has since been provided with 
all necessary furniture, and draws its worshippers from twenty-four families now 
claiming its ministrations, instead of the eleven with which it began. Its. seating 
capacity is about 100. 
lt will be seen from the various records connected with the parish of Hawkesbury, 
that some of those now occupying the most exalted positions in the Anglican Church 
in Canada have been identified with it officialJy or by birth and residence during the 
first fifty years of its existence. After the removal of the Rev. F. Tremayne in 1849 
he was succeeded by the Rev, J. T. Lewis, !\I.A., who, in the year 1854, was appoint- 
ed rector of St. Peter's, Brockville, then removed to Kingston, and afterwards was 
elected in 1862 first Bishop of Ontario, which had been set off from the great Cliocese 
of Toronto. At the time of writing he is the ecclesiastical head of the Anglican com- 
munion in this Province, having been elected Metropolitan of Canada in the yea:- 1893, 
at tl:e first meeting of the General Synod of the English Church in Canada, held at 
Toronto. From 1854 to 1857 the parish was in charge of the Rev. R. L. Stephenson, 
who resigned it to become rector of Perth. He in turn was succeeded at Hawkes- 
bury by the Rev. J. G. Armstrong till 1869, when he was preferred to the rectory of 
Before the appointment (If his successor (the Rev. C. Daniell, till th
n curate of 
St. John's, Montreal), as has already been stated in this sketch, the parish of Hawkes- 
bury was divided by the Venerable Archdeacon Patton, and the parish of Vankleek 
HilJ entered upon a separate existence. \Vith the year 1872 began the incumbency of 
the Rev. E. P. Crawford, who three years later received the appointment to the 
Church of the Holy Trinity, Brockville, then to the Church of the Ascension, Hamil- 
ton, and is now Rector of St. Luke's, Halifax. \Vith him were associated at Hawkes- 
bury, the Rev. Arthur Jarvis, now of Napanee, whose curacy included the new mission 
of Plantagenet, and on the 1st of May, 1873, theý were joined by the present rector, 
who had just been ordained to the curacy of Vankleek HilJ, but for some time con- 



tinued to live at Hawkesbury, In the year 1875, on the resignation of the Rev. E. P. 
Crawford, as Incumbent, the Rev, Arthur Phillips, receiving the appointment, returned 
from Vankleek Hill, to which he had removed on being admitted to priest's otders, 
and took up his residence here, \Vhile in charge of Hawkesbury, many tempting 
offers have been made to him, without, however, inducing him to sever his long- 
established connection with it, On March 18th, when Bishop Hamilton wa.s elected 
to the newly-created See of Ottawa, the Rev. Arthur Phillips received the next highest 
vote. Bishop Hamilton, who had formerly filled the offices of Clerical Secretary and 
Prolocutor of the Provincial Synod, and in 1885 was elected first Bishop of Niagara, 
was born at Hawkesbury 62 years before his enthusiastic reception as first Bishop of 
Ottawa, on the 30th of April, and installation on the day following. He is the first 
Canadian Bishop to be translated from one See to another, and was so chosen because 
of his pre-eminence among the Bishops in all the qualifications which are deemed 
necessary to make an ideal Prelate, and to fit him for the high honor of being the 
representative of His Communion at the Capital of the Dominion. 
Connected with the offices of Church- Warden, Lay-Delegate and other functions, 
are to be seen in the Records of the Parish the names of some of the best known 
and most prominent residents in the community. Among the earliest are found those 
of l\'Iessrs. \ViIliam Kirby, Thomas Higginson, Christopher Spratt, John \V, 
Higginson and J. G. Higginson. For nearly forty years that of the late Honorable 
John Hamilton appears as Lay-Delegate or Church-"'arden, or both combined. and 
with him associated for nearly an equal period, that of Mr. 'V. E. N, Byers. In the 
same office the Honorable John Hamilton was, at his death, succeeded by 
lr. Stuart 
Brock, who also for nearly thirty years has been a prominent member of Trinity Church, 
performing the duties of Secretary to the Vestry, Treasurer and Church-\Varden, and 
being foremost in every undertaking for the welfare and development of the Parish. 
As People's Church-Warden he is one of the Trustees of the Endowment :Fund of 
the Parish, Indeed, it may be truly said, that those who have been most con- 
spicuous in the development of the Municipality may be seen, from the Records of 
Trinity Church, to have been so in everything that has concerned its past history, 
and, as they have left their impress on all that has been accomplished in laying the 
foundations of the town of Hawkesbury, so must their names go down to posterity 
honored and preserved as the pioneers and founders of church life and work, and 
be remembered by those noble tokens they have left behind them of what wealth 
and zeal can do when sanctified by the grace of God. Many a difficulty arose, as 
the Records attest, to discourage their ef{l)rts and threaten them with disappoint- 
ment and failure, but abundaJ1t proofs are also everywhere visible of the sustaining 
power of Him who never more clearly verified His promise, II Lo I am with you 
always even unto the end of the age." 


Resides the Mills of the Hawkesbury Lumber Company, and 
Ir. Higginson's 

Iill and Factory, which have been mentioned, there is a Kindling \Vood Factory, 
Sash, Door, Blind and Lumber Factory of White & Beggs, 
1cMahon's Tin shop, 
the Roller Flour Mills of the Hawkesbury Milling Company, the Morrison 'Voollen 
Factory, and the Steam Lumber Mill of the Cameron Brothers. 
The Kindling \Vood Factory was started in 1893, by R. C, BATCHELDER & 
Co., of Albany, New York, They Pllrchase about 10,000 cords of wood, annually, 
and employ forty h:l.nds. 

54 8 


The Factory of \Vhite & Beggs was first opened in 1889, by THOMAS \VHITE, 
father of one of the present proprietors. His father's name was also Thomas, and 
he came to Hawkesbury from England early in the thirties, and for more than a 
quarter of a century subsequently was employed in teaching, chiefly in Hawkes- 
bury and Grenville, He is said to h:we been a good teacher, a strict disciplinarian 
and a fine penman. He purchased a farm some years after his arrival, on which 
he lived till his death, 1879. He also served for several years as Clerk of the Divi. 
sion Court. He left eight children-four of each sex. Thomas, one of the sons, 
having followed the carpenter and wheelwright trades about twenty years, in 188 9 
erected on the homestead where he lived, the Factory mentioned above. He was 
married 23rd September, 1874, to Nancy D. Graham, and died 22nd March, 18 91. 
His son, William H. \Vhite, has since managed the business, and recently admitted 
Mr. Beggs as partner. The firm constantly employ experienced and skillful workmen. 
The tin shop and hardware store of S. Mc:\Iaholl is on 
Iain Street. 
SOLOMON J. McMAHON was born in St, Andrews, Que. Having learned the 
trade of tinsmith, he came to Hawkesbury in 1860, opened a shop and plied his 
trade till his death, 24th November, 1894. He left one son and two daughters; the 
son, Sinclair, su.cceeded his father in the business, and be5ides manufacturing all kinds 
of tinware, roofing buildings, laying pipes, etc., he keeps a variety of stoves and 
general hardware. His devotion to business, and promptness and skill in execut- 
ing orders, ha\'e won the confidence and approval of the public. 
THE HAWKESBURY :\hLLlNG Co. was organized in 1889, and is composed of the 
foIlowingnlf'mbers, viz.: John Cameron, manager; Donald Cameron, Peter Cameron, 
\ViHiam Wyman, .Malcolm McCuaig and Colin G. O'Brian. 
Their mill is the large stone one built by Thomas Mears, but which has been 
enlarged and remodeled, and now contains the latest improvements in mlchinery. It 
has eight pairs of roBers, and turns out 75 bbls, of flour, daily. 
This miJI is in charge of J. P. SHAHPE, whose father, George Sharpe, came to 
Montreal from Scotld.nd about I
63, and settled in Hawk(>sbury in 1870, The latter 
was married 5th September, 1865, to Elizabeth McDonald from Perthshire, Scotland. 
He followed his trade of blacksmith, here, till his death, 13th IVlay, 1878 i he left five 
sons and three daughters J. p" the third son, learned the trade of miller from T. H. 
\Vyman, the former owner of the Hawkesbury Mill, and he has now been employed 
here several years. He was married in November, 1894,. to Miss J. A. Abernethy 
from Scotland. 
The \V oo)]en Mill of J. B. MORRISON was started many ago by his 
father, as stated in the history of Brownsburg, Argemellil County, Que. The build. 
ing had previously been used as an axe f.1ctory. The work don
 here consists of cloth 
manufacturing and custom carding. 
The steam saw mill of tlie Cameron Brothers was erected in r894 ; and during 
the present year, 1895, it will cut into lumber 18,000 logs, 
IERON with his f.lmily cam
 from Lochaber, Scotland, to Canada, in 
181 5. After living a short time at Côte du Midi and Côte St. Charles, he seuled in 
Hawkesbury on a Jot of 200 acres, which is now owned by Mr. Anderson, on which 
he lived till his death about 1840. He had three sons and eight daughters. 
Dugald, the elde'it son, lived on one-half the homestead, the greater part of his 
life, but died at Vankleek Hill in 1894. He married Catherine McL:lUrin, who is 
still living; they had seven children, of whom three sons and two daughters are still 
alive. John, the eldest, spent a few years of his majority on the homestead, and 
then bought a farm of 300 acres in Breadalbane, Glengarry County, which he 
rented, and came to Hawkesbury in 1889. He and his brother Donald bought 



1,224 acres of land in \Vest Hawkesbury-6oo of which, well timbered, is in pf0X- 
irnity to their steam 5aw mill. The farm also sustains a large herd of cattle and 
twenty-five horses. 
A bakeõy was opened here in 1888 by 'VRAY WTLSOX. He came to Canada in 
1881, from Lincolnshire, England, where he had learned the baker's trade. He 
spent a summer in Outremont, then came to Point Fortune, where he spent five 
years in farnling, and one year in his present business. He came to Hawkesbury in 
1888, where he has a good dwelling and fine bakery on :\fain Street. He has a 
good trade, and supplies a large portion of the village and surrounding country with 
F. H. .AlJBREY is a carriage-maker of this place. He was bOln in St, Eustache 
in 18 37, soon after which his father, of the same name, w
s taken prisoner for the 
part he had taken in the Rebellion, and was not released till he had spent nine 
months with others in the Montreal Jail. Some years after the Rebellion, the father 
settled in Hawkesbury, whence he removed to :\Iontebello, across the Ottawa, where 
he died about 1881. The son, F. H., learned his trade of carriage-making in his 
youth, and followed it several years in Montebello; from which place he and his 
eldest son came in 1889, and started business in Hawkesbury. 


The number of fine stores on Main Street, with the large stocks of goods con- 
t:tined then-in, is ample proof that they secure the custom of a large section of COun- 
try. Among these establi,hments are those of J. G. Higginson, in which the Post 
Office is kept; Thomas Ross &. Sons, Le Br
cq &. Le h:avre, M. J. Costello, John 
Lecours. J r., J, A. D. Laundriault, Dennis Doyle. and the Drug Store, in charge of 

Ir. Montgomery. 
The first two merchants mentioned above are noticed elsewhere in connection 
with their respective familie
, which are among the oldest and most prominent in the 
County. Both merchants carry a large stock of goods, and from their long acquaint- 
ance wirh the public of this locality, enjoy no small sll.lre of their custom. 
LE BROCQ and LE FEAVRE ale t\\'o young gentlemen, natives of the Island of 
Jersey. Albert "'illiam Le Brocq has spent ten ye.lTS in Canada, six of which he 
was engaged in mercantile busint:ss, in the County of Gaspé; two in Saguenay, in 
mercantile and lumber business; and two in partnership with .\lr. John P. LeFeavre. 
The latter was also engaged in mercantile business three year
, in his native bland, 
and then came te Montreal, where he was four ye315 in the employ of 
Hodgson, Sumner & Co., after which he came to Hawkesbury. 
'J hese gentlemen succeeded 1\1r. Harbec, who<.e hnsine
s they }Jurcha...ed, and 
while they do a good business as general merchants, they nude a specialty of mil- 
linery, and always keep a first class milliner in their employ. 
!\L J. COSTELLO, who is telegraph operator and clerk of the municipality, has a 
commodious and pleasant store, and has established a good trade, His father, 
Martin Costello, came from the County of Galway, Ireland, sóme time in the forties, 
and was married at L'Orignal to Ann Jane Fulton. He died in June, 1893, aged 7 1 , 
leaving four sons and t\\'o daughters. The e!dest son, l\I. J., left home in :\Iay, 
186 9, to enter the employ of the Hamilton Brothers of Hawkesbury, as clerk and 
telegraph operator, and resigned this position to enter into partnership with '\.. E. 
Hayes in the mercantile line, of which business, a few years subsequent1y, he became 
sole proprietor. 

55 0 


JOHN LECOURS, JUN., opened a store here in 1876, and through tact and industry 
has secured a good trade in a general assortment of dry goods and groceries, His 
father John Lecours was born in Pt. Fortune, whence he removed to another locality 
of Hawkesbury, where he still lives. He married Olive, sister of Felix Hamelin 
of Lachute. John Lecours, jun" their son, born in this township in 1 849, was mar- 
ried 27th April, 1874, to Exilda Brasseau. In his younger days he was for some 
years in the employ of the Hamilton BíOthers, but left that to engage in his present 
business, in which he has been quite successful, being now the proprietor of a good 
brick store and dwelIing. 
J. A. D. LAUNDRIAULT has but recently joined the mercantile ranks, yet his 
energy and courtesy seem likely to supply any disadvantage arising from inex- 
perience. His grandfather, Antoine l.aundriault carne to this country from France 
in 1813. joined the Voltigeurs, and Soon became sergeant. He subsequently settled 
at L'Orignal, where his son Théophile was born, and who, having arrived at manhood, 
and married, settled in Alfred,\vhere he lived for thirty-five years. Hjs son, Joseph 
Albert Dolpheus, entered Rigaud College in 1883, taking the Classical, and afterward 
the Commercial Coursc, but before completing it the death of his father in 1886 
necessitated his return home. He was employed on the homestead tiJI 1893, when 
he engaged in trade in this village, and was married 18th January, 1894, to Marv 
. . 
The well supplied branch Drug Store of Hugh Duncan of Vankleek Hill is 
in charge of W. R. MONTGOMERY. This gentleman was born at Lakefield, Peterboro' 
C!)Unty, Ont., and after a college Course at Toronto was employed three years in a 
dispensary at Belleville, and then in J 894 engaged in the drug business at 
DE!\NIS DOYLE is one of the old well-known merchants of the place; he was 
born in Hawkesbury in 1842, and has been engaged successfully in merca-utile busi- 
ness here thirty-four years, longer than any other merchant in the village, with the 
exception of J. G. Higginson. Robert E. Hull has also been in trade here several 
Three or four merchant tailors are doing a thriving business in this village. 
"-lLLIAl\I PARKS has been engaged here at the tailors' trade since 1847. In 18 39 he 
came from Kihvaughter, North of Ireland, to Vankleek Hill, where his father, also a 
tailor, had settled a few years previous. \Villiam, the son, learned his trade and 
finished his apprenticeship at St. Andrews, Que., and after plying his trade five years 
in Montreal he settled in Hawkesbury. He was married here 9th September, 18 4 8 , 
to Susannah Evans from Worcester, England. She was a Christian woman, and one to 
whom many became attached on account of her kind and charitable acts, and her 
death, 25 th September, 1894, was deeply deplored by a large circle of friends. Mr. 
and Mrs. Parks had seven children, of whom four-two of each sex-are now living. 
\\'illiam Leslie, the eldest son, h3s long been employed in the store of J. G. Higgin- 
son, where he also is Assistant Postmaster. 
F. E. CHARRON was born in St, Denis, on the Richelieu, in 1867, which place 
has long been the home of his ancestors. He attended the Commercial School of 
his native village, and remained on the homestead till he was 18, when he began to 
learn the tailors' trade. He followed this six years in Montreal and one at Vankleek 
HiB, when he went to New York and took a course of instruction in cutting. Soon 
afterward, he opened a tailoring establishment in Glengarry County, which he still 
carries on. He opened one in Hawkesbury in March, 1895, in which he employs 
eight hands. He has recently taken a partner-A. Matte-in his business at 
Alexandria, where they employ nine hands. 


55 1 

The only tonsorial artist in the vinage is ESDRAS PROULX, He was born in 
Ottawa, began his apprenticeship with a barber at the age of 14, and established his 
business in Hawkesbury in 1884, where he has since remained. He has pleasant, 
wen equipped rooms on Main Street, and enjoys the patronage of a large circle of 


N ear the lower part of the village, on a beautiful island in the Ottawa, where 
art has emulaated nature in the production of those fairy scenes which please, 
interest and enchant, is the home of H. J. CLURAN, formerly that of the Hon, John 
Hamilton, which is called Evandale. The brick building, stately in its plOportions 
and grand in its architectural design, can be seen only by a near approach, on 
account of the forest of trees and shrubbery surrounding it. Space precludes a 
minute description of the building and grounds-it will suffice to say that they are 
the realization of a rich, cultured, Old Country gentleman's dream of a delightful, 
rural homestead. 
It was purchased by its present proprietor, HENRY JOSEPH CLORAN, a few 
years ago, 
This gentleman, who is of Irish parentage, was born in Montreal in 1855, and was 
educated at Montreal College, in which he afterward held a profe"sorship ; he also 
spent three years if} the celebrated College of St. Sulpice in Paris, and travelled exten- 
sively in Europe. After taking a course of lawat Laval and McGill Universities, at the 
latter of which he graduated, with the degree of B.C. L., in 1882. he was editor of the 
Montreal Posi aTul T,'ue lYitlless till 1887. He then passed his examination at the 
Bar, and before three years was appointed Crown Prosecutor and Attorney for the 
city and district of Montreal-an important appointment, which is seldom bestowed 
on one who has not had long experience, and won distinction at the Bar, 
In 1887 he was the Liberal car!didate for Montreal Centre, and in 1891 was 
sent by the Hon. \Vilfrid Laurier to contest the County of Prescott, but owing to the 
numerous candidates in the field, he withdrew at a late moment. Mr, Laurier wrote 
as folJows : 
II I am anxious that our friend Cloran should receive the nomination for Pres- 
cott. \Ve have no other Irish Catholic on our side who is able to take an eminent 
position in the House. Do what you can in this direction," 
Mr. Cloran has been president of the following societies, viz. : Press Association 
of the Province of Quebec, Shamrock Lacrosse Club, Montreal Branch of the Irish 

ational League, St. Patrick's Socitty, and the Catholic Young Men's Society. He 
was one of the founders of the Trades and Labor Council, a director of the Montreal 
Diocesan Colonization Society, a delegate to the Irish National Convention at 
Chicago, in 1886, where he distinguished himself by two eloquent speeches, and he 
was chairman of the organization that received Parnell, Davitt and all the Irish 
leaders that visited Canada from 1880 to :890. 
He was married in 1882 to Agnes, third daughter of Michael Donovan, a lead- 
ing Irish citizen of Montreal, and for years President of the St, Patrick's Society, and 
of the Irish National League, Mr. Cloran has recently become the candidate for 
Parliamentary honors in the interests of the Patrons of Industry of Prescott County, 
and his views and principles have already been delineated in able addresses 
delivered with his characteristic eloquence. 

55 2 


Among the fine farms on McGill Street is that of JOHN JOH
STO:NE, who came 
from Dumfrieshire, Scotland, to Canada, in 1842. He engaged in farming near 
Montreal till 1858, when he came to Hawkesbury and purchased the farm of ISO acres 
in the 1st Range, on which he still lives, and which he has spared no pains to make 
smoother and productive. He \Vas married 7th July, 1858, to Jane Bremner, of 
Montrea], He has been one of the useful pub1ìc 
ervants, having heen a member of the 
Schuol Hoard, aM unicipal Councillor, and Reeve. He has six children-three sons 
and three daughters-now living. 
Contiguous to this farm is the fine old homestead- comprising 300 acres-of the 
late Dr. David Pattee-now owned and occupied by the widow of his son, R. p, 
PATTEE. As stated in the history of Cassburn, Dr. Moses Pattee settled at that 
place; his cousin, D
vid,. sett!ed in H3wk..:sbury; he also \Vas cal1ed Doctor, 
though he never practIsed III thIs country. He settled on this ]and about 1796, and 
besides showing his ability as a pioneer, by clearing it of its primeval forest, he gave 
to his fellow-citizens the impre5sion that he was competent to represent their interests 
in Parliament, and was ejected in 1825. Beingan American he received the votes of 
all, or nearly all, his fellow-countrymen, who at that time were largely in the majo- 
rity; but, owing to the duplicity of the relurning officer, as recOlded elsewhere, he did 
not obtain his seat, till after con
iderable trouble and litIgation. He left three sons- 
John, David and Richard Philo; the former settled at Cassburn ; David, who became 
a prominent man in the county, died at his home in L'Orignal; and Richard Philo 
remained on the homestead, where he died a few years since-his loss being much 
lamented, as he was a man bighly esteemed. He was married loth January, 18 49, 
to M aria, a daughter of Peter Vankleek, who still lives in their attrac
ive brick 
residence, which, with the farm on which it is located, contributes to the fair repu- 
tation for prosperity of Hawkesbury farmers. 
The mother of Mr:-. Pattee, who is a daughter of Joseph P. Cass, lives with her. 
She is past ninety years of age, and still retains, to a remarkable degree, the intelli- 
gence and vigor which have been her characteristics through lífe. 
::VIr, and Mrs. Pattee had two sons and five daughters, but the only son now 
living is Dr. Pattee, of Yankleek Hill. He studied medicine at 1IcGiil University, 
from which institution he graduated in 1874, and was married the same year, 15 th 
September, to Sarah Amelia, only daughter of Chauncey Johnson, of L'Orignal. 
He first located in Plantagenet, and remained there till 1891, when he removed to 
Vankleek Hill, where he has an extensive and successful practice. 
On a neighboring farm lives THOMAS TWEED HIGGINSON, third son of \\ïlliam 
Higginson noticed on a preceding page. In his younger d
ys, he \\'étS a builder and 
contractor, but for twent}'-five years has been engaged in farming, to which he is an 
enthusiastic devotee. Hi
 farm of I7 j acres gives many of the energy and 
money expended on it, and a fine grove or two, which he has calefully preserved and 
fostered for the comfort of his animals, are objects of much in terest to him--the growth 
of many of the trees of which, he has watched and recorded for years, But his new barn, 
which is built on a plan unique in this section, is his chief object of interest, anò one 
which affords a topic for much discussion and speculation in the locality. 
It is circuiar in form, 80 feet in diameter, and from the ground to the top of its 
cupola it is 60 feet, and to the eaves 30. A circular silo, 20 feet in diameter and 
45 feet in height, rises from the ground in the centre, and around this, in the base- 
ment, is space for a large stock of cattle, with manger in front and driveway in rear. 
Mr, Higginson keeps pace with every advance in agricultural science, possesses 
all the latest Improved t
uming implements, and spares no pains in securing the best 
stock, He is a great reader, consequently, besides agriculture, the subjects are not 



few with which he is thoroughly conversant. He was active in the formation of the 
18th Battalion, and held the Captaincy of Company No. I, till the company was dis- 
handed; he receiyed a first class certificate from the Montreal Military School in 
186 7, He has long been a member of the School Board, and is Assessor for the town 
corporation of Hawkesbury, which position he has held since 1868, H
 has been 
twice married-first to Mary Allison, and after her death he was married, 29 th 
December, 1869, to Maria, daughter of George Owens, of Stonefield, His eldest 
daughter, Maria, is a teacher in the High School of Hawkesbury, and his second son 
is a pupil at the Model Farm at Ottawa. 


The above is the name of a road branching off from the one leading from 
Hawkesbury Mills to Vankleek Hill, and it forms the western boundary of the 
corporation. Though long known as Green Lane, recently, on account of the num- 
ber of Frasers who live on it, an effort has been made to change the name to Fraser 
Street. The former name seems peculiarly appropriate from the number of trees 
and q uan tity of shrubbery which border the r03.dside on either hand, although no 
one, knowing the families whose name it is proposed to give to the street, will object 
to showing to them this simple tribu te of respect. 
Fine farms stretch back from this road on either side, the buildings are all good, 
some of the dwellings imposing in size and architecture, and altogether there is such 
an air of neatness and comfort about all the homesteads here, that the stranger, while 
tempted to tarry as iong as possible, finds no little difficulty in deciding in which 
would most like to remain. 
Starting from the point where this lane branches off from the road leading to 
Vankleek Hill, the first resident in the corporation is Alexander, eldest son of 
ALEXANDER HUNTER. He has a farm of 120 acres, Lot 8, Range 2, on which he has 
lived ten years. In his yonnger days he travelled quite extensively in the \Vestern 
States, and spent a year in Wisconsin, with the view of finding a locality in which he 
wuuld like to locate, but found none he preferred to his native county, hence he 
returned. He was married in July, ) 890, to Emma Barton; he is a member of the 
Hawkesbury Municipal Council. 
On the opposite side of Green Lane, and neighbor to Mr. Hunter, lives, in a 
good stone dwelling, JOH
 FRASER, on the fine homestead where his grandfather 
settled when he first came to Hawkesbury. 
His name was John Fraser, and he came from Glenelg, Invernesshire, Scotland, 
to Canada in 181S, remained a few months at Sorel, and in 1816 came to Hawkes- 
bury, and settled, as stated above, on Lot 8, Range 3, at that time forest land; and 
the only neighbors he had were Elijah Allen and Sylvefiter Cobb, the latter living on 
the land now owned by Mr. John \Varren, Mr. Fraser spent his days here, dying in 
December, 1862; he left six sons and three daußhters. His second son, Andrew, 
married a daughter of John Fraser, the well known writer of Lachine, and spent his 
days on the homestead. His son, John Fraser, the present proprietor of the home- 
stead, was married loth December, 1879, to Mary S. CampbelL He has long served 
as School Trustee and Municipal Councillor of \Vest Hawkesbury. 
ALEXANDER RODERICK was the eldest son of John Fraser, the pioneer, mentioned 
above, He married Janet, sister of Farquhar Robertson, and they had three sons and 
four daughters, .Mr. Fraser died 19th January, 1884; Mrs. Fraser, 12th May, the 
same year. Of their children, one son, Alex. R., and two daughters, Mrs. William 
Robertson and Mrs. John Byers, are the only ones now living, 
3 6 



Alexander R, Fraser lives on a farm of ISO acres in the corporation, and besides 
receiving the usual income from a good farm of this size, he has engaged exten- 
sively in fruit culture, and has one of the finest orchards in Eastern Ontario, com- 
prising about 1200 trees, and he intends planting several hundred more, His attrac- 
tive fruit house is 30 ft. X 40 ft. in size, three stories, and finished with the wood in 
its natural tint. Mr. Fraser is a member of the High School Board, has been several 
years a member of the Municipal Council, and for fifteen years on the Board of the 
Public SchooJ. 
AU:XAKDER \V. FRASER, an uncle of A. R., the last one noticed, is the fourth 
son of John Fraser, the pioneer, and lives in the corporation contiguous to his 
nephew, on a farm of 160 acres. His elder brothers had all received good farms 
from fraternal kindness, and the only land remaining for him was that on which he 
now lives, which was then entirely wooded, low and wet, He gratefully accepted 
the legacy, however, and thro
gh many years of hard .labor in clearing and draining, 
he has made a good, productive farm. He was marned 3rd March, 1863, to Cathe- 
rine Marion j they have two sons and three daughters now living-one of the former, 
Simon L. Fraser, is attending a Presbyterian College; the other son, David, lives on 
the homestead, Mr. Fraser, a typical Scotchman, with a large heart, and the oldest 
man of this section, was the fir
t child born on Green Lane. 
RICHARD D. BYERS, third son of Wm. Byers, noticed on a former page, is another 
resident on this road who livès in the corporation. He \Va.. married 19thSeptt'mber, 
1883, to Ellen Smith, and settled here on Lot 4, Range 2, in 1890. He has nearly 
100 acres, possesses a silo, and keeps 25 head of cattle and three horses. J. A, 
Byers, a brother of Richard D., is also one of the intelligent farmers 011 Green 
A fine homestead on this Lane within the corporation is that of MRS. ROBERT- 
SON, widow of \VILLJAl\I ROBERTSON. Farquhar Robertson, from Scotland, located 
on this, and here spent the rest of his life, becúming a prominent man in the town- 
ship, At first he was au active and influential Liberal in politics, but from some cause 
he changed his views and became equally active as a Conservative. He was a Jus- 
tice of the Peace and Reeve of the Village; he died about 1875 ; his children were five 
sons and four daughters. \Villiam, one of the former, who remained on the homestead, 
married Marion, a daughter of the late Alex. Roderick Fraser. Like his father, 1\1r, 
Robertson became an influential man in this locality and was highly esteemed. Few 
men ever took more pains to accommodate others, or were more kind and hospitable 
to strangers, He was Councillor and a member of the High School Board many 
years, His sudden death, 22nd September, 1894, was a severe blow to his family and 
deeply deplored by the entire commun!ty. The farm of .\lrs, Robertson, now 
managed by her eldest son, comprises nearly 200 acres in a good state of cultivation, 
with an attractive brick residence and fine outbuildings. 

West Hawkesbury. 

Previous to 1844, the t\yo townships now known as East and \Vest Hawkesbury 
formed but one Municipality, distinguished as Hawkesbury. 'Vest Hawkesbury is 
bounded on the north by the Ottawa, east by East Hawkesbury, south by Lochiel, 
and west by Longueuil and Caledonia. 
The land generally is comparatively level, and though there are a few hills, they 
are not of a character to impede cultivation, and altogether the township is a fine 
one, giving evidence in every part of an industrious anå thrifty population. It is 
said that the soil here is Jighter than it is in East Hawkesbury; in the latter town- 



ship they raise b
tter crops, especi:llly of hay, but in wet seasons this rule is reversed 
-the crops of lhe \Vestern township then being more abundant. 
It is very doubtful indeed, if another section equal in area to these two townships 
can be found in Ontario which will surpass it in hcilities for what is termed mixl d 
That the municipal affairs of lhe township at the period of 1808 and 1809 were 
neither intricate nor extensive, we conclude from the following, which is a verbatim 
d literatim copy of the business of the municipality for the two years m
ntioaed, a" 
recorded by the Town Clerk. The reader will b
 reminded by the spelling, that 
the advantages for education were not what they are to-day: 
" Town Meeting legally warned, and held at the House of John 'Vade, in 
Hawkesbury, on the 7th December, I808-the following Township men were appoint- 
ed: Path AI asters-Mr. Barnham, Alex1nder Cammering, :;amuel Cobb, James 
Connor, and Omry Eddy. 
"Assesessors.-Simeon Van Clcek-Collector-William Sherman-\\1 ar deans; 
Robert Morris, James 'Vaddle. 
" POlllld Keepers.- \Viiliam Hately and Lamberton Allen, Attest, Sylvester Coùb 
'J, Clerk." 
"Town Meeting legally warned and held at the house of John Wade in the Town- 
ship of Hawkesbury on the first monday in March, f
D. 1809 j the following ofEcers 
were Chosen (vil) : Sylvester Cobb, Township Clerk-Collector-John Wade-path- 
maskrs-David Pattee, E. Bangs, Stephan Story, Joseph Griffin. 
" Pozmd Keeþers.- James \V addle- Lamberton Allen- \V ardeans- James Barron 
-Simeon Vn. Cleek-Horned Cattle fn:e commoners-L:l\vfull fence 4 f feet fenre, 
Deamed Lawflill-Attest Sylvester Cubb, Township Clerk." 

One of the most attractive residences and farms in \rest Hawkesbury is that (If 
GEORGE MODE. His father, who bore the same name, was born in Aberd
en, Scotland, 
about 1788. When eleven years old, he left home, spent a year or two on the ocean, 
visited different European ports, and was in one or two engagements, and about 1802, 
reached Quebec, from which he came to Ontario, and two years later, engaged to the 
Hamilton Brothers of Hawkesbury !\Iills, with whom he remained as forcm.111 for 29 
years, He was married in 1
21, 10 Johannah \Yaddell, sister of the late John \Vaè- 
dell of Hawkesbury, He was the first foreman mder whose charge logs wer
broùghl down the 1{ouge to the Hawkesbury Mills. An attempt to do this was 
 the year previous, in which Jamieson, the mill foreman, and his whole gang 
were drowned. While employed at the mills, it was his duty in winter. to prospect 
for timber, and, in summer, to acl as pilot for the Company, During the time he was 
thus engaged, he purchased the homestead in \Vest Hawkesbury, on which his son 
George now lives, and of which he soon cleared a small sp.lce. He then erected a 
house, the boards for which were drawn by oxen on the crotch of 3. tree from 
lills, at an expense for cartage alone of $6,00 p
r thousand, and the 
nails for which cost 2SC. per pound. He continued to clear up and improve his 
farm, and erected on the rear part of it a saw-mill on a small creek, where he sawcd 
lumber for many years. He died in 1872 ; he had nine children-three sons and six 
daughters. James, the eldest son, died in 1890 at the age of 63. George, the sec,.:>nd 
son, who resides with his family on the homestead, is one of the substantial and inflll- 
J farmers of the township. 

55 6 


JAMES D. NEWTON is one of the pioneers of Hawkesbury still surviving j he lives 
ìn the vicinity of Vankleek Hill. He is a son of James Newton who came from 
'Veathersfield, Vt., early in this century, and settled in the Eastern Townshi)Js. It 
is supposed he came to Vankleek Hi11 about 1807, as his eldest child was born here 
in ] 80"; he bought a farm in this section, which is now owned by John Bigans. He 
died about 1845, while on a visit to his son, Joseph, who lived in Antwerp, N.Y. 
He had ten children-six sons and four daughters-that grew up ; three of each sex 
are still living, of whom James D., who is 76, is the }'Gungest, with the exception of one 
of his sisters. The subject of our sketch, in his youthful days, after working out on a 
farm three years, entered the lumber woods, whet e he was employed eleven years. 
He was married 22nò July, 1847, to Elizabeth Mode; she died 12th May, 1893. The 
same year of his marriage, he bought the farm of 100 acres where he now lives, and 
from which he has made money to pay for three other farms for his som, and erect 
his present brick house and good farm buildings. A number of years ago, he bought 
100 acres of woodland and pasture, which he still owns. He was a School Trustee 
several years; and President of the Agricultural Society for twenty, but resigned the 
latter office on account of his age. His children-five sons and three daughters- 
are all married. John, the third son, who lives on the homestead, was married 29th 
June, 1887, to Christiana McLarin, 
NEHEMIAH MCCALLUM is the proprietor of one of the fine farms that is conti- 
guous to Vankleek Hill on the east. His grandfather, Malcolm McCallum, from 
Scotland, as the name indicates, settled in East Hawkesbury on the farm now owned 
b,' the widow of his son, Duncan, and lived there till his death. He had five sons 
d one daughter. Malcolm, the eldest son, bought 120 acres of Lot 19, 6th Range, 
on which he lived till his death 13th October, 1894. He married Nancy Cartner of 
Lochie1; they had four sons and six daughters who Jived till maturity. Nehemiah, 
the second son, \Vent to Colorado in April, 1866, and after spending four years in 
different States and Territories, finally entered Arizona. In 1874, he procured a 
ranch, ar.d devoted himself to stock raising, at which he was very sllccessful. During 
his stay there he was elected to the Legislature, and served one term of two years. 
In 1887 he teturned to West Hawkesbury, and bought the farm of 125 acres on 
which he now lives. His good brick house and entire surroundings ably sustain the 
reputation for prosperity so long enjoyed by Hawkesbury farmers. 
GILES S. LIGHTHALL, youngest son of Captain C, J. Lighthall, who was so wen 
known in the VaHey of the Olta.wa, was born in 1849, on the old homestead, 6th 
Ccncession, \Vest Hawkesbury. He has always remained here, and was married 
in 1871 to IsabelJa, daughter of Samuel Vogan, Esq., of Riceville. They have six 
children-two sons and four daughters-all living at home, with the exception of 
Abraham,. the second son, who rect:ived his diploma in 1894, and has since engaged 
in teaching. Mr. Lighthall has taken an active part in municipal affd.irs, was one 
year in the Council, and has been Deputy Reeve seven years; he is Qne of the intel- 
Jigent, enterprising farmers of the Township. 
\VILLIAM R. STEPHENS, son of SamueJ Stephens, was born in 5t, Martin'
, Que., 
1st D{cember, 1852; when he was about four years of age, his father came to East 
Hawkesbury and bought a farm in the 5th Concession. William remained at home 
until the year of his marriage, 1882 ; he was married to Christina, daughter of Dugald 
11cCallum of this place, and removed to a farm in the 4th Concession. He remained 
here seven years and then bought his present farm, which comprises 190 acres, and 
on which he has made many improvements; Mr. Stephen has a son and a daughter, 
GEORGE NATHAN VOGAN is the eldest son of \Villiam Vogan, who came from 
County Cavan, Ireland, married Dorothy Capron, and settled in Vankleek Hilt; they 
had five sons and three daughters. George, born in 1850, has always remained at 



home j he was married in 1879 to Miss Alice E. Durant of Vankleek Hill, and has 
three sons and four daughters, all living at home. \Ir. Vogan bought his present 
farm in East Hawkesbury about 23 years ago; in connection with farming he also 
engages in fine stock raising, and has dealt extensively in horse5 for many years; 
among other fine horses he o\\"ns "Chief" and "Lion," the Jatter of which is valued 
at $1500. 
DONALD McKILLlCAN was born in Invernesshire, Scotland, came to Canada in 
the year 1829, and settled in Alexandria, Ont., where he worked at his trade-that of 
blacksmith-for five years. Finding the place too rough to be pleasant, however, on 
the advice of his friends he left it andcame to Vankleek Hill, where he also WO, ked at 
his trade four or five years. He then came to this place, and bought a farm in the 
5 th Concession, on which he built a shop and followed his trade in connection with 
farm work. He was married to Miss Margaret Robinson from Scotland, and had 
three sons and two daughters, who are all living. Mr. McKillican died I rth No\"- 
ember, 1888, and Mrs. NIcKiIlican died in 18
0. Donald, the eldest son, lives in 
\Visconsin ; \Villiam is an Alderman and an influential citizen in Victoria, B.C, ; 
Mary, married to 1\1r. Cameron, lives in Vankleek Hill, and Marg.uet is muried to 
James Stewart of Eau Claire, \Visconsin. 
James, the second son, born in 1831, learned the blacksmith trade with his father, 
and worked in the shop some years; he was for se\'eral years engaged on the Canada 
Atlantic and North Shore Railroads as foreman and blacksmith. 
Ir. McKillican 
has been twice married, the first time to l\Ii')s Rose Anna Blair; they had five 
children, of whom two sons and two daughters are living; the sons being in Oregon, 
and the d:mghters at home. Mr. McKillican was married the second time, 28th 
August, [878, to 
Iiss Persis \Villis. The only child of this marriage died while 
still young. 
\VILLJl\.l\1 J. HOWES, eldest son of James Howes, was born in the S:,igniory of 
Longueuil. 9th July, 1855. His father came to \Vest Hawkesbury when William was 
about two years of age; when eighteen years old he went to Wisconsin, and ren1J.ined 
four years. On his return he worked at the carpenter's trade for some time, and then 
engaged in cheese making, working one season for 1\1r. C. 
IcQllaig, and "even ye<J,rs 
for l\Ir. Solomon Grout. In April, J 893, he was married to Hattie. daugh ter of 
David :3tee:e of Vankleek Hill. Mr. Howe's farm is in the 5t
 Concession. In 18 9 1 
he engaged to run the ., Golden Hill" cheese factory in E:lst Hawkesbury for Mr. 
S. Stevens, but two years later, a joint stock. company of farmers in the vicinity 
bought the latter out. Since then, Mr. Howt's, ably assisted by :\1r. Henry Gates of 
Riceville, has managed the factory for the company, giving them satisfaction and 
upholding his reputation as a cheese maker. 
About two miles from Vanklel'k Hill, on the road leading from that place to 
Longl1ellil, is a good farm and commodious stone hOllse owned a'ld occupied by 
ICCANN. His grandfather, Captain John McCann, came from C:oot's Hill, 
County of Cavan, Ireland, to this place about 18:!o, took up 150 acre
 of land, and in 
1826 erected the stone house mentioned above. Previous to this he had been in 
the British service in India, and at the storming ofSeringpatam, Lieut. 
letc.llfe (after- 
wards Governor General of Canada) accidentally fell from the ramparts, and broke the 
leg of McCann whom he !'Itrnck in his fall. In conseqnence, 
rcc.1111l wac; invalided 
home, aud from the rank of Ensign which he then held he was rromoted to a Lieut- 
enancy on half pay, and awarded a pension; a further account of which will Le found 
in the histOlY of Riceville; he became Captain of Mi\\t\3. after coming to C:'lllaJa, 
He was a very benevolent man, kind to the poor, and in the office of Local Preacher 
no doubt did lU'Jch good. .\ minister, writing of Methodism in the OtLnva District, 
in those early days, thus mentions Captain 
IcCann : 

55 8 


" In 1832 I was appointed as the colleague of the quaint but saintly John 
Black, to the Ottawa Circuit. He drove his family around by the Coteau du Lac 
and the Cote S1. Charles in his wagon, and I rode across the country from Mou- 
lineue to Vankleek Hill on horseback. My first nighl'
 rest was at Capt. McCann's, 
a member of \Viiliam Johnson's class, at the Red School House in \Vest Hawkesbury. 
I laid over the next day to rest my horse, and visited from house to house, escorted 
by the Captain, whose conversation on the way was very spiritual. A mong other 
things, he infOlmed me that he and his leader, 'V. Johnson, had covenanted to meet 
each other in slJirit three times a day, to pray for what they called the ' second bless. 
ing,' by which he meant the' blessing of a new heart'." 
Captain McCann died suddenly in Toronto ill 1837 j he was there en business 
connectt:d with land, when he fell in the street, and expired. He had five sons and 
five daughters, 
Robert, the fourth son, remained on the homestead, and married, 26th December, 
1 D4 , Elizabeth Cross. He was a School Trustee of the Township several years; he 
died 27th August, 1894; .\Irs, McCann died 24th August, 1879. They had a large 
family of children of whom three sons and five daughters are now living. John, the 
eldest, and Bertha, the youngest, of the children, have always li\-ed 011 the homestead. 
The farm is one of the many good ones in this section, and sllstains at the present, 
thirty head of cattle and five horses, 
I:CK is the proprietor ofa fine falm and imposing brick residence 
on the road from Vankleek Hill to L'OrignaL His falher, Lodwick Renneck, came 
from the County of FeTmana
h, Ireland, to 'Vest Hawkesbury, in 1832, alld bought 
the farm of 8
 acres which is now owned by his son, J{obert. He lived here till his 
death, J 2th October, 1846---a Christian man and a IJIcmbu of the Methodist Church. 
He had seven children, out only one SOli, Rooert, and one daughter, Mrs. Hunter, 
of Yankleek Hill, slllvived him. The former was married to 
Iargaret, daughter of 
George Blayney (If Hawkesolll y. He joined the Volunteers in 1866, and served 
through the Ft:nian campaign; he has also served as School Trustee several years, 
and as Assessor. He elected his present residence in 1884, and has since added 40 
acres of )and to the homestead, now having 128 acres; he joined the Baptist Church 
in 1870. 
\\"J!.LIAl\I \Yo TWEED lives near Vankleek Hill, on a beautiful and productive 
farm_ He is a grandson of Thomas Tweed, who came from the County of Antrim, 
Ireland, about 1
20, and settled on a farm now 0\\ ned by his granddaughter, Mrs. 
Robert Sproule, where he 
pent his remaining years. Mrs. Tweed, his wrfe, died in 
18 7 0 , aged 93 j they had three sons and four daughterF, Alexander D. Tweed, 
one of the sons, who was four years old when his parents came to Canada, was 
married in 1843 to M;uia, daughter of \\'illiam Wait. He bought a farm nt:ar the 
home:-tead, which is now owned by his úwn son, Thomas. He was a man of 
influence in this section-a Justice úf the Peace 
evel al years, and a Director of 
the Agricultural Society. He died in November, 1882, aged 67; 
. Tweed died 
in July, 1893. They l
ad nine children-five sons and four daughters. who, with 
the e>..ception of William and Thomas, living in this place, are settled in widely 
different locajities,-
Janitooa, the United States, and in Australia. 
William \V., the elde5t son, was married lIth April, 1867, to Ann Lough of the 
Hill. 4-\fter having a lease of his present fdrm of 150 acres for six years, he pur- 
chased it, paying fur it entirely from the products of the farm, and h
 has recently 
purchased fifty acres more-more than half of which is timbeled with a fine growth 
of maple. M r. Tweed does not belong to the class of farmers who complain that 



" farming don't pay." He has brought his farm into a fine state of cultivation, erected 
a commodious and attractive as well as substantial brick residence. and aU his 
buildings and improvements give evidence that his plans are well conceived and 
executed with energy. He has a herd of 28 cows, his sugar orchard comprises 
1,5 00 maples j he has a cream separator, and a modern windmill which pumps all 
the water required for the house and barn. Notwithstanding the C.lfe and attention 
devoted to his farm and stOCK, .Mr. fweed cheerfully gi\o"es a portion of his time to 
public affairs, He has been a Municipal Councillor many} ears, is Secretary of 
the Vankleek Hill Branch of the Bible Society, a Trustee of the new .Methodist 
Church as he was of the old one, and has been Circuit Steward for twenty-one years. 
Mr. and 1\Irs, Tweed have two son
 and f
ur daughters living. Maria and Effie, 
two of the daughters, are engaged 111 teachll1g; the former has taught four years, 
Thomas H., another son of .Alexander Tweed, who lives on the homestead, has 
remained in \V. Hawkesbury from his youth; he was married in 1881 to Miss Scott, 
daughter of the late William 
cott, of Winchester. They have one son and three 
\VILLIAM DOUGLAS came from Northumberland, England, to Canada four years 
after the battle of Waterloo, and came to S1. Andrews, sailing up the Ottawa ùn a 
bateau, He lived a few years in Lachute, and afterwards in the Bay Settlement and 
in the Front of Chatham, buying a farm from Mr, Stayner in the Jatter place. He 
and Mrs. Douglas both died here, the fürmer being 71 at his death, and the latter 
aged 75; they had four sons and two daughters. Of these, James lives in Argenteuil 
County, and Margaret, married to \Villiam Scarborough, in the same County. 
John, the youngest, born in 1822, lived in Chatham from his childhood, and was 
married there in 1879 to Ann, daughter of \Villiam Nichols. In 1877 he sold his 
land in Chatham, aud bought a farm in the 4th Concession, in this place. He has 
one son and one daughter; the latter, 
Iaggie, married to Çharles C. Mooney, lives 
in E. Hawkesbury} and the son, \Villiam, is at home. 
GEORGE BLAYNEY was born in County Tyrone, Ireland, in 1807, came to 
Canada when about seventeen years of age, and first settled on the farm Lot [8, 6th 
Concession, \Vest Hawkesuury, now owned by his sou John. He was one of the 
first setders in this section, cleared up most of his farm, and was the first man to 
drive a cart through the woods to Caledonia Flat
. He was married 4 t h January, 
18 3 6 , at Grenville, to 
Iargaret, daughter of the late John Hunter; they had four 
daughters and two sons, of whom one of the fOlmer is deceased. .Mr. Blayney died 
9 th January, 18 54, aJ1d 
1rs. Blayney died 21St January, 1891. Of the children, 
Margaret 1\L, the youngest, married Robert Rennick; Susan, married to John Paton, 
lives in Dundas County; Ann, the eldest, is the widow of John M...:Phee, and lives 
WIth her brother on the home
tead. Cadwalader, the elùest son, has two farms-one 
in the 2nd Concession, Caledonia, and the other in the 4th Concession of \Vest 
Hawkesbury, the latter bt'ing his place of residence. 
John, the youngest, owns the homestead farm, which, like many others in this 
section, is well cultivated. 
Ir. Blayney (John) \\ ent to Cornwall and Prescott with 
the Volunteers in 1866. 
JOHN \VOOD, secot1d son of James \Vood, was born in St. Pla
ide, January, [833, 
He accompanied his father's family to East Settlement, and remamed there until 26 
years of age, at which time he went to Lachute Road for two years, He was married 
in 1
61 to Grace, daughter of the late James Wilson, of East Settlement, and with his 
wife went the same Jear to St. Canute, County of Two Mountains, where he bought 
a farm. He remained for many years on this farm, and III [886 went to Breadal- 

5 60 


bane for a year; he then purchased his present farm in the 6th Concession from 
Miss Sarah McInnes. Mr. and Mrs. \Vood have five sons and four daughters; 
James, the eldest, is in Salt Lake City j Margaret, the eldest daughter, married to 
Mr, E. Currier, lives in Sr. Canute; Robina, the daughter, is a teacher; the two 
youngest sons, Alùert and Edwin, are attending school in Vankleek HilI j John 
Henry, Ida and Elizabeth are at home j Thomas is in Vankleek Hill. 
In a neighborhood about midway between Hawkesbury Mills and Yankleek 
HilI, where the road is intersected by another, there settled in the first years of this 
century some of the earliest pioneers of the township; they were Sylvester Cobb, 
EJijah Brown and others; and later still, came 'Villiam Higginson. A briei sketch is 
given of S. Cobb on a preceding page j and records of t}-e township, copied elsewhere, 
show that he served as Town Clerk of Hawkesbury as far back as 1808 and 1809- 
Elijah Brown came from Massachusettes to this part of Canada, and married a 
daughter of Abel 'Vatters, one of the early pioneers of Longlleuil, Prescott County, 
and settled in the vicinity of London, Onto About 1814 he exchanged his land 
there with his brother-in-law, Truman \Vatters. for land in Hawkesbury, Lot 9, 2nd 
Range, now owned by Mrs. Darwin Stevens, and bought half of Lot 12, at present 
owned by \ViJIiam Byers, sen,,-all of which was then 111 its primeval state. At his 
death, Mr. Brown left four sons and two daughters, but only one of each sex is now 
living. George Brown, the son, has spent his long life here: as an industrious farmer, 
and he still has a good farm of 140 acres. 
WILLIAM, one of the four Higginson Brothers, was married in Ireland to Jane 
Tweed, and their wedding trip was the voyage to America, on which they immediately 
started, In 182 I Mr. Higginson bought the land now owned by his daughter, MRS. 
S, and his home was here during the remainder of his life. He had 
seven sons and five daughters. One of the Jatter was marri
d to Darwin Stevens, 
28th August, 1861. Mr. Stevens was a son of Samuel Stevens, the millwright and 
. foreman of Thomas Mears, Darwin Stevens inherited all his fa\her's skill as a. work- 
man, and genius as an inventor; and was, moreover, an able foreman, popular wi th 
his men, yet demanding implicit obedience to his orders. He was for a Jong time 
foreman in the Hawkesbury miJI
, and much of the labor-saving machinery stiH in 
use in them is the result of his inventive skill, He was unfor\unately drowned at the 
mills in 1888, by venturing into a dangerous place, to save the property of his 
enJployers, and into which he was too brave and generous to ordel any of the 
men. His untimely death was regarded as a calamity to the whole community. He 
left one son and four daughters. The son, 
amuel D. Stevens, now has the manage- 
ment of the farm, comprising five or six hunJred acres, and sustaining a large 
stock. The dwellin
, hidden among shade and fruit trees, has both the appearance 
and chatm of a model homEstead-a home where intelligence and hospitality contri- 
bute to the delight of the sojoUl ner, 
The two elde
t daughters of Mrs. Stevens are married; the son and the two 
youngest daughtels, Harriet M. and Ellen, are at home. 
A road running south from this section leads to a settlement known as Sand Hill, 
in which dweH several of the Jeadmg farmers of the township-indeed, aU the farmers 
here may be said to be in a prosperous condition. 
ALONZO BANGS is said to ha\-e been the first settler here, and his sons, James, 
Charles and Eliphalet, are among the successful agriculturists. 
Another old settler here is SAl\IUELSIMPSON, brother of the late Robert Simpson, 
of St. Andrews, Que. He was for many years foreman for the Hamilton Brothers; 
two of his sons, Robert and Thomas, Jive on the homestead, Thomas, unm
rried, is 
a d.evoted disciple of Nimrod, and has killed great quantities of game; he has well- 
tramed hounds, and annuaHy makes a visit to the hunting-grounds. 


5 61 

About the year 1833 a man named Byers, from North Shields, England, settled 
in the rear of Chatham, Que.; but he died not long subsequently from cholera. A 
son, 'WILLIAM E. H. BVERS, married Ellen, eldest daughter of\Villiam Higginson, and 
settled at Sand Hill on a farm which now comprises 400 acres, and sustains a dairy of 
forty cows. Mr. Byers is one of the influential men of the township, and has been 
Reeve and School Trustee many years, and Secretary of the Dairy Association; he was 
also a Volunteer in 1837, and was at Grand Brulé during the height of the excitement. 
\Villiam H. Byers, one of his sons, who lives on a farm in this section, wa.. a 
member of the 18th Battalion fifteen years, and was a S
rgeant in Capt. Higginson's 
Company, and afterward Sergeant-major, He was foreman on a farm in Ottawa 
County, of the Hamilton Brothers, for three years, and has b
en largely interested in 
the manufacture of cheese, having owned two factories and shares in others located 
in different p
rts of the County, He was married in February, 1876, to Eliza Jane 
Among the fine farms of\Vest Haw
esbury, which border Green Lane, are those 
of \VIi UAl\I \V. HIGGINSON and ALEXANDER HUNTER, sen. \Vm. \Y. Higginson is 
the eldest son of \Villiam Higginson, the pioneer of 1819, and a brother of several of 
whom sketches 
re given elsewhere in these pages. He bought a farm of 180 acres 
in this locality in 18S4, and since has added to it 160 acres; its thorough cultivation, 
large barn and commodious brick dwelling all bear evidence to the industry of :Mr, 
Higginson, and his careful and judicious management, He was married to Margaret 
Allison, 27th January, 18SS; they had six children-three of each sex. Mrs. Higgin- 
son died about twenty years ago, and two of the daughters, Clara and A
nes R., still 
live with their father. The former was married 21st 
larch, 1894, to A. F. Gardner, 
who has had much experience as a cheese-maker, and who scored 99
 points on his 
cheese at the \\TorId's Fair in Chicago. Mr. Higginson is one of the six brothers 
who joined the Volunteers in 1866, to repel the piratical Fenians, and he has ahvays 
been equally ready to contribute to the support of any worthy enterprise, public or 
private charity, 
Ale:'ander Hunter, sen., is a brother of John Hunter of whom a sketch is given 
in the history ofVankleek Hill. His imposing briCK dwelling is located on a level, 
well-cultivated farm of 120 acres, adjoining tlut of M r. Higginson, and he l1a." besid;,>s, 
a wood lot in this neighborhood of the same area. Mr. Hunter's success affords a 
good example of what one may accomplish by faithful devotion to farming in Eastern 
JOHN C, POTTER is proprietor of a good brick-yard near Yankleek Hill. One 
advantage that he possesses over many others engaged in brick-making is, that the 
clay used for this purpo
 e, and of which he has quite a tract yet untouched, is mixed 
with the requisite amount of sand, thus saving the labor and expense of procuring 
and mixing it. Commencing in a small way, and with the simple, early means of 
grinding the clay, he has gradually enlarged the business and introduced improved 
machinery, till his yard has all th
 modern implements, steam engine, etc., by which 
brick of most excellent quality and pattern are manufactured with dispatch. The 
number turned out annually-about 700,ooo-might easily be lalgely increased, but 
as l\Ir. Potter gives considerable attention to farming, he is not anxIOus to manufac- 
ture more than the local market demands. 
Although now living in a most quiet retreat, engaged in peaceful pursuits, :\[r. 
Potter has had thrilling experieoces, and worked where human life \Vas oflittle account. 
His father, John Potter, in his youth learned the saddler's trade in the city of Dublin, 
Ireland,-his native land. He soon afterward enlisted in the British Service, was 
promoted, and served till the discharge of his regiment, when he came to Canada, 

5 62 


and was in the employ of the Hamilton Brothers, of Hawkesbury Mills, at irregular 
intervals for thirty years... He married Jane Wherry, from the County of Antrim, 
In:land, and settled on a farm now owned by his son Robert at Vankleek Hill. 
They had six sons and three daughters; Mr. Potter died about 1876. 
John C.. the third son, taught school for some tiIHe in his earlier year:" and then 
with the romantic visions incident to youthful days, set out to win a fortune in a 
foreign clime. It was in 1865 he embarked from New York for New Orleans, on the 
steamer ., Republic" of the Cromwell Line. About a hundred miles off the coast of 
Cape Hatteras they encountered a violent gale, which continued with slIch force 
that the destruction of the steamer appearing inevitable, a raft was constructed, 
which, with the boat!', it was hoped would be sufficient to hold all the passengers 
and crew till they were picked up. The cowardly sailors, however, stealthily seized 
the raft and made off with it, leaving the others to their fate; but neither raft nor 
crew wert afterward seen. The passenger
 took to the boats on the afternaon 
of Tuesday, and the one in which 1\1 r. Potter, with a few others, had h:lstily embark- 
ed was picked up on the following Friday, and during the whole time they had been 
out they had had neither food nor water, from the want of which alJ had endured 
e).cruciating sufferings, and the weaker ones died. Mr. Potter and some of the other 
sUJ\-ivors returned after a few days to New York, hoping the owners of the 
ill-fated" Republic" would compensate them in some degree for the loss they had sus- 
tained ;-Mr. Potter having saved nothing but the clothes he wore at the time of the 
disaster. The only thing the Company would do, however, was to offer him a free 
pa!>sage on another boat to New Urleans, an offer which he was disposed to accept, 
inasmuch as his pride revolted at the thought of returning home in his destitute 
cOlldilion. Arrived in New Orleam, his circumstances compelled him to accept 
empioyment of a most laborious kind some miles up the Mississippi, among a class of 
reckless men, many of whom were Fenians, to whom a citiz
n of Canada was an objtct 
of unqualified hatred. Brighter days, however, were in 
tore for him, and 
returning to Canada, he was married in June, 1866, to Nancy, daughter of Hugh 
Lough, of Hawkesbury, They have had two sons and three daughters; one of the 
former is deceased. The dwelling and farm of Mr. Potter, like the majority of those 
in Hawkeshury, are valuable and attractive, 
EY, the eldest of the four brothers who came from County Antrim 
to Canada, and the first to arrive in this country, remained only a year on his fir(5t 
vi:;it. He went hack to Ireland, bu: returned in 1830, and spent four or five years 
in lumbering on the Ottawa. In September, 1834, he bought fr
m - Hutchinson 
his farm in the 3rd Concession; he was married in 1836 to Miss Martha Miller, of 
Quebec. Mrs. 
Iool1ey died 23rd December, 1863, aged 56 ; Mr. .Mooney, 23rd 
January, ] 879, at the age of 78. They had six children, of whom one son and three 
daughters are now li\.ing. Sarah J., the eldest, married to John Bates, lives in 
.\rgenteuil; Mary A., the second, married to R. \V. Bates, lives in the State of 
Washington; Agnes, the third daughter, married to David Mulvena, lives in Alpena, 
Mich. James A., the son, born in 1846, has always remained at home, with the 
e}..ception of a few years !opent in lumLering. In August, 1873, he was married to 
Euphemia, daughter of Ð,1\'id Ferris, of this place; they have four sons and two 
daughters, all living at home. The four older children have all attended the High 
School at Vankleek Hill. 
Ir. Mooney has a farm of 240 acres, and keeps fifty head 
of catlie and eight horses. He has built two Hew barns, and made many improve- 
JAJ\IES H. MILNER, second son of John 
lilner, was born in 1853 in this place. 
At 14 years of age he commenced lumbering, and afterwards went to the Eastern and 


5 6 3 

Middle States, spending about seven years in Massachusetts, New York and Penn- 
sylvania. At the end of that time he returned and commenced f.,rming, taking half 
his father's farm. In 1877 he was married to Anna Bella, daughkr of James Forbes 
of EáSt Hawkesbury; of their three children, but one son is now living. Mr, 
Milner was Deputy Reeve in 18)4, and was nominated for Reeve, but was defeated 
by Mr. McLeod. He has improved the appearance of his farm by erecting a fine 
brick house and new outbuildings, and has also enlarged it by buying part of Lot No. 
2 in the 3rd Concession. 
JOHN HAVES was one of the early settltrs of this place; his farm W.1S on Lot 7, 
3rd Concession. He was married in 1828 to Laura, daughter of l\famon Kettle, 
one of the first settlers of Lachute. In those early days, when Mr. and Mrs. Hayes 
wished to visit Vankleek Hill and Hawkesbury, they found their way through the 
woods by means of blazed trees. They had five children, of whom O!1e is deceased, 
Mr, Hayes died of a cancer, and Ihree years later, his widow was married to John 
Milner, who came from England when nine years of age, with his father, Thomas 
Milner. Mr. an.ll\1rs. Milner had two sons and two daughters, but only the two 
sons are now living. Mr. :\Iilner died in July, 1890, aged 70 years, but 1\1rs. Milner 
still survives, and at 88 i.; very active, 
\Villiam A., their eldest son, born in March, 1848, has remained at home, except 
during a few winters spent in lumbering. In 1871 he was married to Kate, daughter 
of James Forbe::, of East Hawkesbury; they have two sons and one daughter. In 
1874 Mr. Milner took his father's farm in the 3rd Concession, and has since bought 
forty acres of commons in the same concession. 


Near the western limit of 'Vest Hawkesbury, on the road between L'Orignal and 
Vankleek Hill, is a Post-office established about 1864 with the name Henry, rhe 
first Postmaster was \\'illiam Dickson; second, C, Hamelin j third, Henry McNally; 
fourth and the present one i" HARRISON CROSS, Ex-Reeve of the Township. 
His fd.ther, George Cross, came from the County of Cavan, Ireland, in 1815. Soon 
after his arrival in Quebec he married 
Iary Ferguson from the County of Monaghan, 
Ireland, and coming into the newly settled district on the Ottawa, he took up 200 
acres of land-then covered with forest-o!1 which his son Harrison now resides. 
He lived hele till his death ill 1869. and became a man of influence in Üie commu- 
nity-having been a Justice of the Peace many years. He was a member of one of 
the militia companies which W:1S on duty during the Rebellion of 1837. He had seven 
OI1S and two daughters-that grew up, and all settled in this section. 
Harrison, the youngest of the sons, remained on the homestead, and was married 
1st of January, 1857, to Rachel, daughter of Asa Bancroft of 'Vest Hawkesbury, 
Mr. Cross i5 a gentleman much respected, and takes an active interest in all local 
, sccial alld political. He is crier of the Courts held in L'Orignal, 
has been a mel11b
r ot two Township Cou'1cils seventeen years, Reeve four, and 
sel ved as School Trustee f.fteen years. He takes much interest in agricultural 
matters, and has been salesman for the neighboring cheese factory six rears. 
A Lodge of the .Patrons of Industry was organized here in IX93, wlllch now has 
fifty members, and of this 1\[r. Cross is President. During the Fenian Raid.; he was 
sergeant in the Company of Capt. E. A. Johnson. The number of his children at 
plesent living is one son and three daughters-two sons and one daughter deceased. 
His youngest daughter, Helma Ida, and his son, Albert S., who was married 30th July, 
188 4, to Charlotte A. Bangs of Sand H ill, reside with him on the homestead which 
S a fine farm with good buildings. 

5 6 4 



The name, Vankleek Hill, more lengthy than euphonious, is not calculated to 
suggest to the mind a place of much size or beauty-Hill being more 5ugges- 
tive of a scattered hamlet than a compact and flourishing village, The stranger, 
therefore, who has associated the name with a bleak, wind-swept locality, where four 
corners have beguiled a few, shrewd, m::mey-Ioving individuals into the erection of a 
store or two, an hotel, a carriage and blacksmith's shop, will naturally be much 
surprised to find Vankleek Hill a place containing one hundred and sixteen brIck 
buildings, a large number of stone and wood, and many of them city-like in their 
proportions and magnificence. The site, too, instead of being a hill, as generally under- 
stood, abrupt in ascent and limited in the area of its summit, is a plateau the ap- 
proaches to which are of long and gentle gradient. Besides the resemblance to a 
city which there is in its imposing public buildings and business b!ocks, another 
one exists in its two principal streets, which are wide, and the buildings on either 
side compact in arrangement. 
Speculation will naturally engage the mind of the philosophic stranger, as to the 
causes that contributed to the growth of a village of such wealth and magnitude in a 
spot, until recently remote from a railway, or the great water courses which are so 
generally the main factors in the production of important places; but acquaintance 
with the country, of which Vankleek Hill forms the centre, will set speculation at rest. 
There probably is not in Ontario or Quebec 3 section of land better adapted to 
dairying and mixed farming, than lies within a radius of twenty miles of this village. 
This fact becoming well known in the early years of its settlement, it was soon 
occupitd by a thrifty class of pioneers, who gradually developed its resources and 
conveyed the products of theirlabors to the most convenient market-Vankleek Hill, 
where a few active men had invested their capital in bu
iness. Moreover, the loca- 
tion of the place was on the line of travel between the two great rivers, the St. 
Lawrence and Ouawa-a circumstance which doubtless helped to facilitate its 
The place bears the name of its founder, Duchess County, 
.Y., was the home 
of many who, refusing to cast in their lot with those who renounced allegiance to the 
British sovereign, were designated as United Empire Loyalists; to which class 
belonged SIMFON V ANKLEEK, who held a militia commission signed bv Lod DCJrches- 
ter. Following the British army to Nova Scotia, he was emploY'
d by the Government 
as surveyor, for which he was awarded a tract of lanù. Unlike many of the Old C:mn- 
try emigrants who, on receiving a land grant, were so delighted that they took whatever 
lay most cOlr.-enient, without legard to its adaptability to cultivation, he examined 
different localities with the view of finding land possessing apparently the qualities 
desired. Ascending Moum Royal, when in Montreal, to obtain an idea of the 
topography of the country, hi.; s.ttention was attracted by a prominent peak of the 
Laurentian Chain in the County of Argen1euil. Proceeding thither, he ascended it, 
and taking ano1her survey, he discovered the range of high land on the southern side 
of the Ottawa; and, on a visit thereto, decided to locate his grant on the hill which 
still bears his name. This was about the year 1786, and it is said that he was the 
first settler in the township of Hawkesbury, As soon as his shanty was completed 
he brought to it his family, consisting of his wife, daughter and son, Simeon, who was 
then a young man. The following facts were taken from The Glengarriall, published 
19 1h December, 1890: 
" A few years later, he built a larger house, which W:lS long known as the old 
Vankleek Tavern, and became an inn-keeper, in which business he continued till his 


5 6 5 

death. At the first meeting of the Township of Hawkesbury, IS08, he was appoint- 
ed Assessor of the District, and his nearest neighbors, James Connors and Wm. 
Sherman, respectively Path master and Collector of taxes." 
:r-.Ir. Vankleek died in his 98th year at the residence of his son Barnabas in the 
hip of Madoc. The following is an extract taken in 1878 from the Historical 
Atlas of the County of Hastings, Ontario: 
"Barnabas Vankleek was born in 1803, in the Township of Hawkesbury in the 
County of Prescott, and is of Dutch descent. He came to .Madoc in I
41, and 
cleared the farm on which he resides. He held a Captaincy in the Hastings County 
Militia, and is a Justice of the Peace, in which capacity he has always acted without 
favor or remuneration, and enjoys the reputation of being the best read man of 
North Hastings. In politics he is an active and staunch reformer. A respectable 
old gentleman of 75 years, he commands the universal esteem of a wide circle of 
friends. " 
In 18[9, Vankleek Hill possessed three house
, viz. : the Vankleek House, then 
used as an inn; John Glass McIntosh's store, which stood on the site of the present 
Town Han, and at that time managed by a young Scotchman, Neil Stewart; and, 
the third was the house and store combined of \Villiam Clarke, which occupied the 
site of the present residence of Miss McInnes. The clerk of the store was Duncan 

IcDonnell, father of Mrs. Dr. Harkin, 
Col. John Shields, who came here in 1826, says that at that time there were 
only six dwellings on the Hill, of which the Vankleek Hou"e was one, The site of 
this now forms a part of St. John Street, and it stood between the sites of the pre- 
sent Dominion House and the store of Mr. 
IcCalIum; it was destroyed by fire 
atout 1850. The oldest wood building in the place is that of Mrs. William Robert- 
son; the oldest stone house, that of Peter Paquet, sr., which was built about [826, by 
T 111ius C. Blaisdell, a blacksmith. 
. At that time, a log school-house, which was used as a place of worship by the 
:r-.lethodists, stood at the upper end of the streec. In it, too, the Rev. Mr. 
l\IcKillican, an undenominational clergyman, held divine services, which were 
attended by all creeds, The old kirk, the ruins of which were lately torn down to 
make way for the building of a new manse, was built in 1827, and its first pastor was 
the Rev. Mr. McIsaac of Lochiel, who had charge of this Church as a branch or mis- 
sion in addition to his own parish, 
Up to 184?, the growth of the village had been slow, but at that time it was 
greatly accelerated by the erection of a steam grist mill and carding mill by \VilIiam 
Bury. They were burnt about two years later and rebuilt, but these were also 
destroyed by fire in ] 882. A strange fatality seemed to overshadow these mills, as 
they were also t\\ice nearly destroyed by the bursting of buhr stones. 
A Post-Office was established about the year 1827, and Neil Stewart was the first 
postmaster. His successors are as follows: Thomas Higginson, Duncan l\1cDùnnell, 
and Peter McLaurin, who was avpointed in 1876, and still holds the position. In the 
same year (1827) Simeon Vankleek died, aged 90. About this time, also, an 
ashery was built! by \\Tilliam Clark to utilize the large quantity of ashes made in 
clearing the land, This stood at the lower end of " Potter's swamp," about where 
Col. Higginson has given land for the site of a new railway station. 
To the chagrin of the loyal people of the Hill, the locality gained a reputation 
in the trouble culminating in the Rebellion of 1837, that was by no means enviable. 
:\1 any of the inhabitants of this and surrounding localities were Americans, and 
naturaUy cherished fond memories of the Republic. 
Charles \Vaters, who than repJesented Prescott in the Provincial Parliament, was 



5 66 


an opponent of the Family Compact, and, if not an admirer of William Lyon 
McKenzie, was, at least, thoroughly imbued with the principles he advocated. Under 
his patronage, a society was formed here, and christened " Young Men's Political Asso- 
ciation ofVankleek Hill." Several meetings were held, in which there were those who 
openly advocated the policy of joining the "Patriots," but others, more cautious, 
though equally anxious for the success of the" Patriots," advised delay-advice which 
the majority decided to follow. The delay no doubt was made with a view of ascer- 
taining which of the belligerer:t parties was the stronger, and had the" Patriots" at 
this time gained any advantage which promised final victory, there can be little doubt 
that the scenes enacted at a later àate at St. Eustache and Grand Brulé would have 
disgraced the fair heritage of loyal Simeon Vankleek. At this crisis, a hundred 
stand of arms promised by Government were expected by the loyal militia of Hawkes- 
bury for their special use. Two companies of the militia
 therefore, marched from 
Vankleek HiB to Kirk Hill, to guard the arms which were supposed to arrive from 
Glengarry. They were doomed to disappointment, however, as the arms did not 
arrive till a few days later, when they were escOlted through the Hill to Hawkesbury 
by a company of ca valry. 
Col. George Hamilton, with a company of 
1 ilitia, searched the premises of those 
suspected of disloyal sen timents, but found nothing more dangerous than the Consti- 
tution of the Young Men's Political Association, which was discovered in the house of 
Charles \Vaters; it contail1td nothing, however, decidedly treasonable in character. 
In apology for many of those who joined the Society, it is said, that they were 
impelled to that course by the rartiality and favoritism oftl1ose who held authority they 
knew not how to use. Jeremiah Harrigan, for instance, who had long served as Captain 
of the Militia, and devoted much of his time and attention to the service of Govern- 
ment, was repeatedly o\'erlooked in the promotion of officials, until at last, in disgust, 
he resigued, and, thenceforward, was regarded as one who would look upon a change 
of Government with favor. 
Since the above was written, a letter found among a number of other old docu- 
ments shows why Capt. Harrigan was not promoted; thert: was one in high military 
rank, and to whom Capt. Harrigan, no doubt, looked for assistance, who could 
address a letter to headquarters recommending a number of aspirants for promotion 
in preference to Capt. Harrigan. The letter, in fact, gave a number of reasons why 
he should not be promoted, all, doubtless, prompted by prejudice. 
In 1857, through the influence of several leading citizens, a Mechanics' Institute 
was formed, and Thomas Higginson was president, It was well patronized during 
the early years of its existence, and seemed to answer well the purpose of its forma- 
tion; but as time elapsed, flagging interest fina
ly sub
ided into total neglect, and the 
Mechanics' Institute existed only in name. It owned a good library, a part of which 
is still in existence, but it has fallen into disuse. 
About 1856, a destructive fire visited the village, which destroyed among other 
buildings the old Vankleek House, conducted at that time by Hiram Johnson. The 
next year, Johnson built, on the site of the old one, the present Dominion House, and 
again began keeping hotel. 
In 1857 there were but six stores on the Hill and not a brick house on Main 
Street. It was about this time that J, Boyd arrived, and bought the land now 
occupied by the eastern portion of the town. He afterwards divided the land into 
town lots, and, later on, started into business as a general merchant, 
The complete history of Vapkleek H ill will be found in the following individual 
sketches of churches, mercantile and manufacturing firms, public buildings and pro- 
fessions, all of which combined form one of the largest, most wealthy and attractive 
places bearing the name of Village in the Dominion: 


5 6 7 

One of the largest and finest mercantile establishments of Vônkleek Hill is that 
of JOHN R. McLAGRIN, He is a grandson of Donald R, McLaurin, who came from 
Perthshire, Sc-(,t!and, to Breadalbane in Lochiel in 1815, and settled on a farm of 25 0 
acres, which is now owned by his nephew, Donald McLaurin. He had nine children- 
four sons and five daughters. John, the third son, married Mary, daughter of John 
Cameron of Hawkesbury, and remained on the homestead. They had seven 
sons and three daughters; 1'.1r, McLaurin died in 1888. 
John R., the eldest son, went to California in 1859, where he spent 1wo and a 
half years chiefly in San Francisco. He returned, and engaged two years in the cattle 
trade, and then, in 1865, erected a store at Vankleek HiIJ, and began trade. His 
business was extensive and prosperous, but in March, 1893, his entire establishment 
was destroyed by fire. His energy. however, which has been one of his pn1minent 
characteristics, soon caused the erection of his present fine and commodious store on 
the site of the old one. It is 80 by 30 feet in size, and, including basement, three 
stories in height, plate glass front éind counters, and altogether it is an imposing 
building. His stock of goods is large, and embraces c\'ery variety. Mr, McLaurin 
has been very successful financialJy, and the means vouchsafed him are not withheld 
from the encouragement of a deserving object, He is Treasurer of the Baptist 
Church in this place, and he subscribed largely 10wards the erection of the Ch llrch 
building. He has long 
een a Trustee of the High School, and for ten years was 
Chairman of the Board. He is President of the Electric Light Company, was for 
several years a Director of the Montreal & Ottawa Railway, and took an active part in 
securing the Central Counties Railway, now in process of construction. In politics 
he is a Liberal. He has been twice nurried: first, 27th March, 1871, to :Miss Caro.. 
line McCann of \Vest Hawkesbury; she died in August, 1883, and he was married 
27 th November, 1884, to Miss Chisholm of Skye. 
The mercantile firm of MCCUAIG, CHE
EY & Co. is an old, well-established firm 
that does an extensive business, 
The business was started in 1864, by 
Ialcolm McCuaig, a native of Lochiel, 
Glengarry, where his ancestors settled in the early part of this century. He has 
been very successsful in business, and has been identified with every important local 
improvement since his arrival; his funds having paid ti 1 r the erection of several of 
the finest buildings in the village. Though he retired from the firm six or seven 
)'ears ago, he still takes much interest in the prosperity of the' place, and is never 
reluctant to encourage whatever promises to promote its monl, physical or social 
ARTHUR N. CHENEY, one of the partners in the film, is a grand'ion of Clark E. 
Cheney, one of the pioneers of V:ll1kleek Hill. He carne from the State of New 
York about the year 1813, and soon after his arrival here, was drafted into the 
British service, but by procuring a substitute was permitted to remain. He was a 
cooper by trade, though he cleared much land here, and it is said his hOllse was the 
second erected on the Hill, and that it stood on what is now High Street, very near 
the site of the present house of Mrs, Potter. About the year 1816, he was married to 
Luna Orton. He died 16th May, 18 
o, at the age of SOot, leaving seven sons and 
four daughters, Nelson, the eldest son, bought a farm in 1841. of 100 acres-Lot 
3 1 , Range 3. in East Hawkesbury, He was married 1st January, 18
6, to Emily 
Md\ally of \Vest Hawkesbury. He has always declined public office, with the ex- 
ception of that of School Trustee, in which he has served different times, Though 
well advanced in years, his well preserved body and clear intellect show the n::slllt 
of an industrious and mural1ife, He has four sons and five daughters. 
Arthur N., his youngest, engaged as clerk for :\11'. :\1alcolm 
lcCuaig at the age 

5 68 


of 21, and after a period of seven years was admitted partner to the business, and 
still remains. He also formed a co-partnership with Flora, the sister of 1\Ir. McCuaig, 
loth January, 1881. Mr. Cheney has been an Elder in the Presbyterian Church 
ever since he was 2I, and Leader of the choir. 
Another well established and popular merchant is \VILLTAl\I H. McKENZIE. His 
father, Hugh McKenzie, carne from Rothshire, Scotland, to Montreal in 1842, re- 
mained there a year or two, and then came to Vankleek Hill, where he followed his 
trade of carpenter till his death, about 1858. He had four children-sons-who 
grew up. 
The family, after Mr. McKenzie's death, returned to Montreal, where Wm. H., 
the third son, was employed by A, A. Ayer & Co., for eight years as storeman. He 
was married, 7th June, 1869, to Mary Ann Donovan of Lochiel ; he returned to 
Yankleek Hill in 1875, and entered into partnership in the mercantile line with 
nonald McLeod, the firm being known as :McLeod & McKenzie, which continued 
fourteen years, when Mr, McKenzie bought out his partner. Since 1889 he has been 
alone with his two sons, \Villiam M. and Hugh R., as assistants. He has been a 
Trustee of the High School several years, is one of the financial managers of the 
Presbyterian Church, Secretary of the Order of Foresters, and one of the Directors of 
the Electric Light Company. He owns the store which he occupies, which is always 
conducted with due regard to neatness and good order; his stock of merchandise is 
large, and the fact that one can always find here any article desired, combined with 
the fact that Mr. McKenzie is a gentleman with whom one iikes to trade, is sufficient 
to secure him abundant patronage. 
Among so many fine establishments, with intelligent, genial proprietors, it is 
difficult to give to each his respective merits, 
The NORTHCOTT BROTHERS have a central location on Main St., and do a large 
business. Their father, \Villiam Northcott, came to the Hill from Devonshire, 
England, in 1854, and about two years later, married Kate, daughter of Colin C. 
CampbeH, of LochieJ. He has followed farming, and about 1874 he bought the farm 
near this village, where he now lives, and has taken quite an active part in the affairs 
of the township, having served as Municipal Councillor, Assessor, Collector, and as 
Crop Viewer of the Agricultural Society. He has four sons and five daughters. The 
two youngest sons, John and Charles, have followed mercantile business several years, 
and in 1892 they en tered into partnership and opened their present store. Charles 
taught school two years, and subsequently attended the Business ColJege at Belleville, 
from which he graduated in 1884. One of his brothers and three of his sisters have 
also had experience in teaching. One of the brothers is an Elder of the Presbyterian 
Church. This firm has a very large stock of general merchandise, and having a 
thorough knowledge of their business and the advantage of a large acquaintance with 
their patrons, their prospect is most encouraging. 
There is probably not a more attractive building on Main Street than the drug 
store of HUGH DUNCAN, He is a grandson of one of the pioneers who settled in 
Lanark, Ont., on a farm which is now owned by his son James, The latter has a 
family of eight sons and three daughters. Hugh, the fifth son, served an apprentice- 
ship with M. Patterson, druggist, of Almonte, Ont., spent some time in the Drug 
store of Bower & Son, Perth, and then took a course in the Ontario College of 
Pharmacy, from which he graduated in 1892. He was then manager of the drug 
store, in Perth, úf Drs, A. E. and F, Hanna, after which he spent a season with the 
Astrom Brothers, druggists, of Alexandria, of whom he purchased their drug store in 
Vankleek Hill, This building is brick, three stories in height, and adds much to 
the architectural beauty of the vilJage. Besides a full stock of drugs and patent 


5 6 9 

medicines, Mr. Duncan has for sale a rich lot of silverware, school books and station- 
ery, and is Agent for the Goold Bicycle Co. of Brantford. He also has a branch 
store in the village of East Hawkesbury, under the management of Mr. Montgomery, 
druggist, which is always supplied with a good stock of drugs and patent medicines. 
Mr. Duncan is a Christiaa young gentleman, and devotes a portion of hi5 time to 
Christian work. 
One of the prominent merchants of Vankleek HilI in the past, and one of the 
most prominent and popular men of the County, was NEIL STEWART, His mother, 
Mrs, Roderick Stewart, carne to Canada from the Isle of Skye, with her family, in 
1816, and settled in Lancaster; she had six sons and four daughters, 
William, the youngest, was for some time a 11ember of Parliament for the city 
of Ottawa, Neil, the third son, came to the Hill in 1825, as clerk for John Glass 
McIntosh, to whose business as merchant he subsequently succeeded. He was the 
first Postmaster appointed for this place, and for years served as Justice of the Peace, 
and was also County Treasurer, He was very active in the organization of the 
Militia, and was in time rewarded with the rank of Lieut,-ColoneI. J n 1844, he 
accepted the nomination to the office of Representative in the Provincial Parliament 
of the Counties of Prescott and Russell, and was elected by acclamation. On receipt 
of the news of his election, the Governor-General wrote an address to the electors of 
the Counties, congratulating them on the wisdom of their choice, He was married 
15th March, 1828, to Alice McCann, who died 15th December, 1834. Mr, Stewart 
died 8th May, 1881; he was a fine, military-looking man, highly esteemed for his 
integrity. He had four children-one son and three daughters-the former died in 
1872. Of the latter, one is Mrs. McCuaig, of this village; another Mrs. Hugh 
:McLennan, of Montreal, and the third, Mrs. Gavin \Valker. 
The HURLEY BROTHERS are the only merchants in this place who mlke a 
specialty of men's furnishings, boot'), shoes, hats and caps, Their gra.ndfather, 
Dennis Hurley, came to East Hawkesbury from the County of Cork, Ireland, about 
1832. Some years later, during which he was employed in farming, he bought the 
farm, Lot 35, 5th Range, which is now owned and occupied by his son Dennis, on 
which he lived until his death, about 1882, He had eight children-four of each sex. 
Cornelius, the second son, was married ahout 1867, to Margaret .McNeill, of East 
Hawkeshury, and settled on a farm adjoining the homestead, where he still lives, 
and for several years has discharged the duties of School Trustee. He has fi ve sons 
and an equal number of daughters; the second and third sons, Hugh J, and Corne- 
lius, are the ones in trade at Vankleek Hill. Hugh first served an apprenticeship at 
mercantile business, and then, after a year and a half in the service of the Hochelaga 
Bank at this place, he formed a co-partnership with his brother, and opened their 
present store in 1893, Their business is done on a cash system, and, as they carry a 
good stock, are active young men, and quite popular in the community, their success 
seems assured. 
J. E. BLANCHARD, merchant tailor, has a flourishing establishment on 
Street. He was born in St, Martine, Chateauguay County. He learned the tailor's 
trade, and has, ever since: followed it in his native village, in Boston, New York and 
Vankleek HiB, to which place he came in 1885, His hands, good judgment and 
energy comprised his entire capital when he set out for himself, and his successful 
business is sufficient evidence that these different branches of capital have contri- 
buted faithfully to his success. He keeps a large variety of tweeds and cloths of all 
kinds, and constantly employs a dozen hands, While in his business he is p.uticular 
to respect the slightest wish of his customers; he is also careful to practise the 
courtesy characteristic of his race. 


57 0 


A fine 
tructure is that of P. S. PAQUET, on Main Street, Mr. Paquet began 
mercantile life as c1erk
 and, after an apprenticeship of nine years, entered his pre5ent 
store in 1883, the year of its construction. The entire building is 92 feet in length, 
and the main part, which is of brick, is 30 ft. x 40 ft. and three stories. !vIr, Paquet 
is not the least of the merchants whose geniality is calculated to produce customers, 
hence, his business, which is done on nearly a cash system, vies with others in 
prosperity, He deals quite largely in grain and farm produce, and is an agent for 
the C, p, Railway. 
The new brick store of E. Z. LABROSSE, on High Street, in point of architectural 
beauty is certainly equal, if not superior, to any other in the village. Mr. Labrosse 
is a native of the place, has been financiaHy successful, and has contributed to the 
growth of the village by the erection of several respectable buildings. 
Another important mercantile establishment on High Street is that of JOH
:MclNTOSH, successor to an old and well known business, that of the late J, Robert- 
At the junction of High with Main Street is the attractive brick store of 
MR. MCCALLuM-confined to tin and hardware. 
A Bakery and Confectionery shop is conducted here by the \Vood Bros., sons of 
James Wood, of Geneva, Argenteuil County, Que. Robert 'Vood learned his trade 
with John Hppe, of Lachute, and then followed it in Smith's Falls, Perth and Toronto, 
Onto He was married in the latter city, 19th September, 1889, to Josephine McKiterick, 
and in 1892, in company with his younger brother, Oliver, opened a Bakery and 
Confectionery shop at the H ill on Main Stl eet. 1 he business of this firm is in a very 
prosperous condition, extending not onìy throughout the village, but to Caledonia 
Springs and all the country adjacent. 
A beautiful building is the Hochelaga Bank, of which 'V. N. PAMBRUN is the 
manager. Mr, Pambrun is the grandson of André Dominique Pambrun, who 
emiglated from France to this country during the French Revolution, and became the 
Agent of Mr. de Lotbinière, Seignior of Vaudreuil, Rigaud and Beauharnois, and 
lived and died in the Seigniorial Manor House at Vaudreuil; he had three sons and 
four daughters, Pierre Chrysologue, one of the former, was one of the Chateauguay 
heroes, and he settled in Washington Territory, William, the father of the subject 
of our sketch, was a miller by trade, and married Délima Daoust, a young lady of 
Glengarry. Their son, W. N. Pambrun, was born in Peverill in Augtl
t, 1853, and 
was educated at Rigaud College, taking a full collegiate course. He studied law 
under Bastien, Notary at Vaudreuil, and was subsequently Deputy Prothonotary at 
St. Hyacinthe, Que., where he married Emma Leopoldine BruneI. After being in 
the service of the Merchants Bank of Canadh, and engaged in mercantile business 
a while, he went to New York, and for six years was Cashier of the Mutual District 
Telegraph Company, He retmned to Canada in 1892, and entered the service of the 
Hochelaga Bank, and became manager of the Vankleek Hill branch of that instItu- 
tion, 1st May, 1894. 
.Mr. Pambrun is a gentlemln of much public spirit. as \VeIl as affability and 
courtesy, and his interest in the prosperity of the Village was manifest in his recent 
organizatiOn of the Business Men's Committee, which resulted in the delineation of 
the resources and aspect of the place by the Toronto Globe. 

The different religious denominations are well represented in this village, and the 
church edifices are of good size, and very respectable in appearance. The following 
sketch of the Presbyterian church-the oldest one on the Hill-is taken from the 
Ontario Review of October 28th, 1894:- 


57 1 

"The Presbyterians form by f3.r the largest congregation in this section, and 
among the members are man}' of the most influential people of the neighborhood. 
The congregation was organized in the year 1825, and shortly after, they built a stone 
church, which has long since disappeared, The first settled pastor was the Rev, 
John 1IcLaren, who also supplied and administered to the spiritual wants of the 
whole surrounding country, going north to L'Orignal, and across the Ottawa River to 
Lachute, and as far south as \Villiamstown. Mr. McLaren was succeeded by Rev. 
Mr. McIsaac, who continued in the pastorate until the disruption in 1843. The 
congregation of Vankleek Hill joined the Free Church, and continued to worship in 
the old church, but were without a pastor until 1846, when the Rev. Dr. McGillivray 
was settled, and remained until 1848. He was follO\ved by Rev. Alex. Cameron, 
from 1850 to 1852, and the Rev. D. Cameron from 1853 to Ig57, The Rev. Peter 
Currie was inducted as pastor in 1857, and it was during his pastorate that the 
present church was built, which will have to be soon replaced by a much larger one, 
as it is altogether too small to accommodate the congregation comfortably on ordinary 
Sabbaths, while on communion Sabbaths or special occasions, it will not begin to 
hold them, forcing many to absent themselves. As the congregatiun is now entirely 
free from debt, a much larger building is projected, and a splendid site alongside of 
the new manse has been secured. 'Vith their well-known liberality and increased 
prosperity, a building worthy of the people and the cause, and an ornament to the 
town, may be confidently looked for. 1\Ir. Currie was succeeded by Rev. .:\rr. 
Grant in 1870, who was succeeded by Rev. John Ferguson in 1879, who remained 
until 1886, The Rev. D. McEachern was pastor from 1888 to 1891, and was 
succeeded by the present pastor, Rev, John McLeod, in October, 1892, The 
improvement in the congregation since l!is induction has been very marked, and his 
labor specially blessed in an Ülcreased interest among the young people and the 
Sabbath school. 
Ir. McLeod takes a lively interest in the material affairs of the 
town, and is foremost in any effort for promoting its welfare, and by his quiet, 
unassuming, but resolute course has carried more than one worthy project to a 
successful issue. In the pulpit his oratory is not of the flowery style that tickles 
the ear, but rather of the plain, matter-of-fact talk that appeals directly to the better 
nature, and compels a closer study of the subject and continued thought on the part 
of the hearers." 


The first Church of England clergyman who labored in 'Vest Hawkesbury was 
the Rev. Francis Tremayne, who came in 1846, A church edifice had been erected 
the year previous by the united efforts of the people, He remained but a few years, 
and was succeeded by the Rev. John Travers Lewis-the present Bishop of Ontario. 
During hi') incumbency the erection of the present church at Vankleek Hill was com- 
menced, in 1853, and completed two or three years later, .Mr. Lewis was succeeded 
by Rev. R. L. Stephenson, who since has been a long time Rector of Perth. Rev. 
John G. Armstrong was his successor, and during the period of his ministrations, 
the parish, which up to that time had embraced West Hawkesbury, Vankleek Hill, 
and an occasional service at Caledonia Springs, was divided, and afterward included 
Vankleek HilI, East Hawkesbury and Caledonia Flats, The latter, however, has 
since been connected with Plantagenet. 
Rev. H. Coleman followed Mr, Armstrong first, after the division of the parish, 
and he in turn was succeeded by Rev. E. P. Crawford, assisted by Arthur Jarvis 
and Arthur Phillips-the present incumbent of the Hawkesbury Church, The Rev. 

57 2 


Charles Daniell next became pastor of the Hawkesbury Church, and Rev. Arthur 
Phillips ofthe church at Vankleek Hill. The following have succeeded Mr. Phillips at 
the Hill: Revs. W. Muckstone, Jos. Elliott, W, J. Halowell, aDd T, H. LLOYD, M.A. 
Mr. L10yd is the youngest son of Rev. T. Lloyd, formerly of England, but now 
Rector of Kensington, P.E.I. He was born in 1860, at Milford Haven, in the southern 
part of Wales; and his school education was received in England. He came to 
Canada in I 
85, entered Bishop's College at Lennoxville, Que., in 1886, and took 
the degree of B.A. in 1890, Then accepting the offer of a mastership in Bishop's 
College, he held the position four years, and resigned to take Holy Orders. In 1893 
he received the degree of M.A" by the Archbishop of Ontario, in Kingston Cathe. 
dral, 17th June, 1894, and was appointed Rector of Vankleek Hill, and took charge 
of the parish on the 17th of August following. He was m:uried to Agnes Lima, eldest 
daughter of Walter G. Murray, Esq" of Fernc1iff
, l\fassawippi, Que, The fact that 
the important Rectorship of Vankleek Hill has been assigned to a clergyman so 
young as Mr. L10yd is a sufficient encomium on his character and ability, 


The first Methodist Church on the Hill was built in 1865, during the pastorate 
of the Rev. 'ViHiam D, Brown. The late Hugh Stewart was very active in procuring 
its erection, and was a liberal subscriber, The following gentlemen, also, contributed 
liberally towards defraying the expense: the late James Giuson, Robert McWatters, 
John Sample and James Steele; others helped freely, as far as their means would 
The old church was brick, and was pulled down and removed to a better site 
in 1888; the parsonage and shed were removed at the same time. The site was 
obtained and the church erected at an estimated cost of $6,000. The chmch and 
parsonage are brick, neat in architectural appearance, and very pleasantly located 
on High Street. Like most Methodist congregations, the people are active and fully 
alive to the work in hand, 
Trustees of the new Methodist Church are: \V, \V. Tweed, Circuit Steward; 
Albert G. Cheney, S.S. Superintendent j Noah Durant, Henry E. Cheney, A. F, 
Arnold, David Steele, Leonard Bertrand, Rouert Mc\Vatlers. 
The following is a list of the principal subscribers towards the fund for building 
the new Church: . 

B. B. Dunning....... ......,.. .........$100 
,V. ,V. Tweed........, ,...,..". ......., 100 
James Gibson ..... .,. ....,.... . ........ JOO 
Albert G. Cheney......... . ............ 100 
Leonard Bertrand.... ........... ...... 100 
V H' I C. 
he S ne
 a h nd } ................. 7 0 
a entme 11l1t 
Levi G. Bancroft.......... ............... 50 
Joshua Bancroft......................,... 50 
MIs. Eliza Bancroft.............. ...... 50 
A, F, Arnold............ ....,.... ......... 50 
Alvah Durant.....,... .................... 50 
H. C, Hanlelin...............,........... 25 
Samuel 'V, McCann. ......... ......... 25 

Samuel Stevens ................ .....,...$ 25 
James Downing....... ................. 25 
Albert J. Cross...... ...................., 25 
Noah Durant ..... ......... ....... ...... 25 
William Sproule................... ...... 25 
1\lrs. Keough..................... . ...... 25 
David A. Steele.............., ..... ....., 26 
Robert Mc\Vatters..,................... 25 
Rev. R. F. Oliver........................ 26 
Robert Sproule"."."...,........,...... 20 
Nathan McCann...".... ......... ..... 20 
Mrs. C. Bor.d................ ............ 10 
Robert Taylor..........,.... ............ 10 



The Vankleek Hill Baptist Church is an offshoot of the old Breadalbane 
Church. Somewhere in the fifties several members of the growing families of the 
McLaurins and Maclntoshs moved to the Hill. Th
ir object was to enter into busi. 
ness. Prospects were promising, and they were not disappointed. As far: back as the 
year 1843, the Re\', John l\IcLaurin and family moved here from South Gower, and 
besides looking after his business, he preached the Gospel quite frequently, During 
the:.e years and those following, the Revds, Wm. Fraser and \V, K, Anderson, 
pastors of Breadalbane Church, preached occasionally on the Hill and in surrounding 
points, Rev. .Mr, Anderson took a leading part in the great revival of 1876, the 
meeting; being held in the Congregational and Presbyterian churches. 
The number of Baptists steadily increased. In the year 1881 they united in 
extending an invitation to student R..G. Boville, then a young man, a member of the 
Baptist Church in Ottawa, now the pastor of the First Baptist Church in Hamilton, 
to come and labor among them during his summer vacation. Mr. Boville labored 
incessantly and successfully. By the fall of the year the little band were 
to consider the question of building a chapel. 
September 21st, 1881, is the date of the first recorded business meeting of 
Baptists on the Hill. The following are the names of those present: J. S. McKenzie, 
Archie :McLaurin, A. McPhail, Jas. R, McLaurin, John R, McLaurin, Jas. Day, 
p, R. l\1cL:lUrin, \Vm. D. McLaurin and R, G. Boville. At this meeting three impor- 
tant steps were taken: I.A subscription list was opened, and headed with a subscrip- 
tion of $1,000.00 by John R. McLaurin. 2. It was decided that no work would be 
undertaken until $2,300.00 were subscribed. 3. A committee was appointed to 
solicit subscriptions until the amount was obtained. A work so earnestly begun was 
soon pushed on to a successful end. A suitable corner lot near the heart of the town 
and frouting Main Street was lJUrchased. And in the following year, 1882, a beau. 
tiful brick building with basement of coursed rock-faced stone was erected and 
opened soon after free from debt. 
On 28th December, 1883, under the direction of Rev. D. McDiarmid, pastor of 
Breadalbane Church, the little band were organized into a Church, and on 16th Janu. 
ary, 1884, they were recognized by a council as a regular Baptist Church, :\1r. 
McDiarmid continued in his pastoral care over them, giving them an afternoon 
service weekly. 
In the year 1887, Pastor McDiarmid resigned, and the churches united again in a 
call to Rev, Mr, Stewart, At the close of his second year .Mr. Stewart resigned and 
returned to his native Scotland, 
The following summer, in the year 1890, student G. M, Leehy, of McMaster 
College, Toronto, was called to labor on this field, while student Jas, Cross took 
charge of the work in Breadalbane, Both churches received much blessing through 
the labors of these earnest young men. 

Having had a summer's experience of the advantages to a church of a pastor's 
whole time, the Hill Church believed the time had arrived when it was best to secure a 
pastor for themselves. Accordingly they applied for and obtained aid from the 
Horne Mission fund, and extended a call to the Rev. Jas. McEwen of Port Perry, to 
become their pastor. The call was accepted, and Mr. l\lcEwen entered upon the 



work of the field ill January, 1891. 'Since that date the Church has made steady 
progress, The member
hip has doubled within four years, and is thoroughly organ- 
jzed for aggressive work. Materia]]y, also, improvements have been made. Sub- 
stantial and commodious horse sheds have been built at a cost of $300. The base- 
ment of the church has been fitted up and furnished, and the whole building lighted 
with electricity. Altogether it is now the neatest and best equipped church building 
on the Hill, The income of the church for all purposes now averages $1,200 per 
annum. About one-third of this amount is spent on denominational enterprises at 
home and abroad. Besides, Missionary work is carried on at outlying stations at 
Hawkesbury, Dempsey and Riceville. 
The Rev, James McEwen, who recently resigned the pastorate of the BalJtist 
Church here, was born in Lanark County in 1852. His parents carne from Perthshire, 
Scotland, in early life. His mother, Janet McCallum, was the daughter of Mr. 
:McCallurn, who settled in Dalesville on the farm now owned by the family of the late 
Rev. J. King, and afterward removed to Lanark County, Ont. The McEwen family 
also lived in Lanark, and there the parents of Rev. James McEwen were married, and 
spent several years. \Vhen he was but two years old, they removed to Bruce 
County, which then was comparatively a wilderness. Before he was seventeen, he 
began teaching in a public school, and was thus employed nearly six years. He then 
entered College at \Voodstock, where he graduated in 1879; and he then pursued 
his theological course at the Toronto Baptist College, graduating therefrom in 1882 ; 
and in 1894 he received the degree of B.A. His first pastorate was Brantford, where 
he labored six years, incJuding two in which he had the pastoral oversight of the 
congregation, when pursuing his Theological course. His second charge was Port 
Perry, where he remained over four years, and then, in 1890, he accepted the pastor- 
ate at Vankleek Hill. 
Mr. McEwen's sermons are always scriptural, plain but vigorous, and often 
eloquent from the e:unestness with which his sound reasoning. forcible illustrations 
and strong appeals are presen ted. No stronger proof of his fitness for the ministry could 
be given than the fact, that wherever he has labored, tl1; church has more than 
doubled its membership and enjoyed a season of prosperity. He has two brothers 
in the ministry, two sisters who are married to ministers, His eldest brother in the 
ministry, Rev. J, P. McEwen, is now Superintendent of Home Missions for Ontario 
and Quebec. 


The Roman Catholic Church, which has just been enlarged and improved, at 
an outlay of several thousand dollars, was completed in 1877, when Mgr, Routhier, 
the present Vicar-General of the archdiocese of Ottawa, was the parish priest at 
L'Orignal and had charge of this Mission. Rev, R. G. Foley, who came in 1878, was 
the first priest stationed here; his first baptism occurred 4th of August,1878. The Rev. 
Philip Brady succeded Father Foley in 1886, and he was succeeded by the present 
priest, REV. p, DUSERRE, in 1892, 
The Church building is of stone, large and very imposing in appearance, The 
commodious presby/ire, located near it, is alst) of stone, and its architectural appear- 
ance, as well as the grounds around it, are objects of attraction. 
The Convent, however, in point of beauty, excels all the other buildings in this 
part of the Village, It was erected in 1886, by the Sisters of St. Mary from Lock- 
port, N, Y. There are now eight Sisters connected with the institution-four of whom 

re French and the others of the English-speaking nationalities. They now have 
111 charge about 250 pupils. Special attention is given to music, the teacher in charge 
of this department being one of high ability. 



The Roman Catholic congregation greatly outnumbers any other in the Hill ; 
the number of communicants connected with the Church is said to be 9 00 . 
A Congregational Church was erected here about 1862, which wac; the second 
edifice bui!: on the Hill. Owing to the small number of its suppor!ers, hmvever, 
regular services were never long continued in it, and for many years it has not been 
used as a church. After having been used for a variety of purposes it has lately been 
sold to a private individual. 

Vankleek Hill has long been noted for the excellency of its schools. A Gram- 
mar School was opened some time in the fortie
, in a stone building that occupied 
the site of the Grand Central Hotel; it continued in successful operation many years. 
In 1876, the Town Hall was erected, in which the Model and Public Schools 
have long been conducted. The Public School has four departments j average attend- 
ance 200, The Principal is Mr. Edward T. Hoidge ; Assistants, 
[iss T. Gray, 
A. Cheney and :\liss K, McInnes. 
The High School buildmg, which was erected in 1890, is 6:;) feet x 34 feet in size 
with a wing about 37 feet x 32 feet; height two stories above the basement, and it 
has the Smead Dowd system of heating and ventilation. There is a good library and 
a fair stock of apparatus connected with this institution, as well as a Literary Society 
and Reading Room, 

Staff of Teachers. 
Thomas Jamieson.. .............. "............. Prillclþa/. 

liss Saul.,...,..... ,......,.".,." ............. ..Ellglish, 
Mr. L. Might...................... .......,....... Commercial alld Scientific. 
Mr. R. Sheriff.............. ................ .....,Jloderll Lallguages. 
Mr. Jamieson graduated at Cobourg, On1., in 1888 j he has tanght about twelve 
years, during which he has gained the reputation of a successful and popular teacher, 

Previous to 1843, there was no medical practitioner on the Hill, but in that 
year, Dr. Sterling, from Caledonia, took up his residence here, and lived here until 
his death in April, 1859, Three years previous to his demise, Dr. O'Neil arrived, 
but he remained only two years. Dr. Desjardins, who came about 1861, was here 
only two years; Dr. Seger, who arrived in 1863, was here tl-tree years. 
DR. JAMES MciNTOSH, who took his degree in 1859, and had been practising a 
few years in Martintown, came to the Hill about 1866, and practised till his death, 
8th February, 1891. DR. DONALD McINTOSH, his brother, graduated from McGill 
in 1870, and the same year located at the Hill, where he still remains in the enjoy- 
ment of a good practice and much popularity as a citizen. A little more than a year 
ago, he opened a neat drug store beside his residence on Main street. 
DR. A. R. METCALFE, who graduated at Toronto University in 1881, is another 
of the medical men of the Hill. 
Besides these, there are also Dr, Pattee and Dr. McKinnon, of whom sketches 
are given, as well as one of the late Dr. Harkin. 
HUGH D, :MCKINNON, M.D., has been a practitioner in this County for more 
than twenty years. His grandfather, Duncan McKinnon, came from Inverness-shire, 
Scotland, in 1804, and settled on a farm in Glengarry, where he spent his remaining 
}'ears. Duncan, his youngest son, married Margaret McMillan of Glengarry, and 

57 6 


remained on the homestead. They had five sons and four daughters; Mr. McKin- 
non died about 1876. 
Hugh D" the third son, studied medicine at Toronto University, and graduated 
in 186.1, He settled first at St. Eugène, but after remaining there five or six years, he 
came to Vankleek Hill, where he has long had a successful practice. He was also at 
one time Inspector of Schools for East Hawkeslmry, and for six years was a partner 
in the mercantile firm of McLaurin & Co. He was married in April, 1867, to Bessie, 
daughter of William Jamieson of Carillon, Que. She died in 1895, 
They had two sons, Fred and Edward, and one daughter. The f('rmer is a gra- 
duate of McGill. Edward is clerk in the sto
e of his uncle in the village, anå the 
daughter is at home. 
1.D., C.M., 
I.P.P.-Dr. Harkin was born at \Vest Hawkesbury 
in 1831, and was of Irish descent; his parents having emigrated from Ireland in 
the year 1829. He received his early education in the Public School and in the 
L'Orignal and Vankleek Hill High Schools, Having qualified as a teacher, he taught 
school for several years, and subsequently entering J\1cGill College, Montreal, gra- 
duated from that institution in 1858, with the degree of M. D., C.M. Settling at 
Vankieek H ill, he soon acquired a large practice in both his native County of Pres- 
cott and in the neighboring County of Glengarry, During the excitement incident 
of the" Trent affair," when the Volunteer movement recei,'ed its first great impulse, 
he took an active interest in the organization of the County Battalion (the 18th 
Battalion of Active l\Iilitia) of which he was appointed Surgeon, a position which he 
held lip to the time of his death in 1881. He accompanied the Battalion to the front 
when 01 de red out for service durillg the various Fenian Raids. 
Honored with the Reeve-ship of 'Vest Hawkesbury. he sat for several years as 
its Representative in the Counties' Council of the United Counties of Prescott and 
Russell. He always took a keen interest in the improvement of both the PuIJlic and 
High Schools, and as a member of the High School Board for many years, did much 
for the advancement of the cause of education. 
In politics, Dr. Harkin was a Conservative, and a \Valm admirer of the late Sir 
John A. Macdonald; and in the numerous political contests in which he participated, 
did yeoman's service for the party to which he had given his allegiance. Accepting, in 
1875, the nomination of his party as Representative for Prescott in the Legislative 
Assembly, he was returned by a substantial majority. Again seeking the suffrages 
of the electors, he was re-elected at the General Elections held in 1879. Though en- 
joying a wide popularity with all creeds and classes in his native County, his success 
at the polls was, nevertheless, in a great measure due to his natural tact and ready 
faculty for organization. During the session of 1881, while in his accustomed seat 
in the Legislative Assembly Chamber, at Toronto, he was stricken with apoplexy, and 
died within a few hours after the attack, regretted alike by political friend and foe. 
E. S. HOWES, dentist, who has an office on Main Street, is a grandson of Joseph 
Howes, wht) came from Devonshire, England, to L'Orignal, in 1834. Soon after- 
ward he purchased and settled on the farm in the Seigniory, which is now owned by 
his son, Joseph Howes. He died there at the age of 85; he had three som and five 
daughters. Samuel, one of the sons, married, in 1860, Leonora, daughte:- of Robert 
Marston, and settled on the farm in Longueuil, a few miles from the homestead, 
where he still lives, He takes an interest in all local affairs, and has been Municipal 
Councillor and School Trustee many years; he has three sons and rour daughters 
E. S., the eldest son, studied dentistry, and was articled in 1888 to Dr. Hanna, 



-of Kemptville,Ont, He graduated in 1891 at Toronto, anå ever since has been 
practising at Vankleek Hill, in the enjoyment of public confidence and respect. 
Another dentist practising on the Hill is EDWARD FITZPATRICK. His father, 
George Fitzpatrick, was born in 1826 near Enniskillen, Ireland, and came to Canada 
in 1836, and is a farmer now living in 'Vest Hawkesbury j he was one of the loyal 
Volunteers of the 18th Battalion during the Fenian Raid of 1866. 
Edward, the son, born in 1872, after receiving his education served his time as 
dental student in Ottawa, and received the degree of I..D.S. from the Royal College 
of Dental Surgeons in April, 1895 ; and in June following, the degree of D.D.S, was 
conferred on him by Toronto University, 
lr. Fitzpatrick has succeeded to the 
practice of 1\1r. Howe. who has recently removed tu Chicago, and he also has an 
office in Hawkesbury Village where he practises on certain dlYS of each month, 
FRED. \V. THISTJ.EWAITE is a young gentIemln of thi., village who has now an 
honorable position at the Bar. His great grandfather, Dr. Robert Thistlewaite, came 
from Lancaster, England, to Vankleek Hill, about 1810, and his rem:tining years, 
which terminated about 182S, were spent here in the successful practice of his pro- 
fession. He had two sons and four daughters; his elder son, Robert \[orris, settled 
on a farm near the village, where he died about lRS8 j he had three sons and two 
daughters. Robert, his eldest son, in his youthful days spent a few years suc:cessfully 
in :\ustralia, in the height of the gold fever, and on his return, ab
jut 1857, he 
bought a farm of 200 acres, on which a considerable portion of the village is now 
located. He was married I 7th 
[arch, 1858, to Jean !\lod
1r, Thi.,Llewaile 
resides in a commodious s 
one residence on :\Iain Street, his means affording that 
method of farming which renders it at once a success and delight. He has refrained 
from taking an active part in local public affairs, though he has been Trustee of the 
Public Schools for man}' years. He has ohe son and four d.mgh ters. 
.Fred 'V., the son, on beginning the study of Law, was articled to the pre5ent 
Judge O'Brian; he then studied at Ottawa with Scott, 
lcTavish and 
lcCracken j he 
completed his course at Osgoode Hall, Toronto, and was admitted to the Bar in May, 
188S' After the death of Judge Daniel he was appointed Local Master of the Hi
Court at L'Orignal in 1887, but resigned after holding the position two years. He 
was commissioned as Notary Public in June, 1888, and appointed Police Magistrate 
for Vankleek Hill in 1890; he is also Solicitor for the Huchelaga Bank. While his 
ability has secured for him many marks of public confidence and esteem, his genial 
qualities are a passport to popular favor. He was nurried 25th October, 1893, to 
Florence, daughter of Judge O'Brian, of L'Ongnal. 


The Hill has four first-class public houses: St. Lawrence Hall, Commercial 
House, Grand Central and Dominion House. 
BERNARD KELLY is proprietor of the St. Lawrence Hall. The subject of this 
sketch first saw the light at Ste. Marthe, County of Vaudreuil, Que., in 18 4 0 , whither 
his parents had emigrated from the County Monaghan, Ireland, in the year 18 3 0 . 
His early education was obtained at the district school. In 1856 he removed to the 
neighborhood of St. Eugène, Prescott County, Ont., where he followed the occupa- 
tion of farmer for some fifteen years, filling, also, at different periods, during those 
years, with satisfaction to the public and credit to himself, the positions of Tax 
Collector, Bailiff and Constable, In 187 I, disposing of his farm, he removed to 
Vankleek Hill, and purchased the property known as the Commercial Hotel. This 


57 8 


hotel he conducted with remarkable success up to the year 1882, when it passed by 
purchase into other hands, and Mr. Kelly became the proprietor of his present well 
known stand, the St. Lawrence Hall. In this stand he has since remained continu- 
ously, and he enjoys the distinction of being the oldest establishtd hotel proprietor in 
the village, it now being ne
rly twenty-five years since he emb.uked in business. 
In politics Mr. Kelly is a staunch Liberal, and is to-day regarded as one of the 
ablest of that puty's workers in the county. .For the past twenty-five years he has 
taken a prominel1t J: art in the various political contests which have occurred in the 
county, and has acquired an enviable reputation as a" hustling" canvasser. 
\Vhen, several years ago, the" Scott Act" was submitted to a vote in Prescott 
and Russell, he wa') active in the establishment of the Licensed Victm.llas' Assacia- 
tion (of which he is still secretary). 
For the past eight years, Mr. Kelly, with several other gentlemen, has been 
extensively interested in mining properties, some of which are proving to be quite 
valuable, and at present there is every prospect th.1t their in vestments will yield them 
a satisfactOi y return. 
Courteous, genial and obliging, Mr. Kelly is highly esteemed by his fellow- 
citizens, and by the thousands of guests whom his hospitable roof has sheltered since 
he first came to Vankleek Hill; he is regarded as a model Boniface. 
The Commacial Hou"e on High Street, which is one of the popular and well- 
conducted hotels on the Hill, is owned by GEOIWE CONS rAN rISE \U, who \va., born 
at Bellp Rivière, Que. On the pJ.ternal side he is of Spa.nish de
H is father, Benjamin Constalllineau, settled in Point Fortune about 18..).0. In or 
near 1859, he 'sold his farm there and removed to St. Eugène. where he still resides 
on his farm. He has had five son') and one daughter, of whom one son is deceased. 
George, the third son, spent his youthful days in the States; he was married about 
186 4 to Josephine King. She died in 1879, and a few years later, he ma
ïied Mary 
Finn, of Sr, Eugène. Un returning from the States he bought a farm in St. Eugène, 
but sold it three years afterwards, opened a !->tore, and for the next fifteen years 
devoted himself wholly to trade. He next tried his success in the \Vestern States, 
where he remained four years; he returned to Vankleek Hill in 1890, and bought his 
present hotel. Mr. Constantineau's son is a Barrister in L'OrignaL 


The Iron Foundry of Routhier & Sons, with their new brick sales-rooms and 
various other buildings, occupying a large area of ground, is a prominent feature of 
the industries of Vankleek Hill. 
Major Felix Routhier, ex-M.P., the senior member of tht: firm, was born in St. 
Placide, County of Two Mountains. He learned the blacksmith trade in his youth, 
and thus, no doubt, began the development of that ambition for business, which 
has placed him at the head of one of the extensive manufacturing firms of the country. 
He was married 9th July, 1849, to Angélique Lemay dit Delorme. During his resi- 
dence in St, Placide, he was :Mayor of the Municipality, twelve years. and Chairman 
of the School Board, fifteen years; and he earned the title of Major by years of active 
service in the Militia, having joined the Regiment of the Two Mountains District 
at it
 orgauization. In 1870, he removed to Vankleek Hill, and bought the business 
of P. Martin who carne from St. Placide, and had started a foundry here a year pre- 
vious. In October, 1873, the foundry was destroyed b'y fire, but a new one was at 
once erected, a.nd steam power soon afterward supplanted horse power, which, up to 
that time, had been the motor, 



In 1878, Mr, Routhier, who is a Conservative of the old school, was elected to 
the House of Commons by the County of Prescott, and retained his seat till 1882, He 
has ten children-four sons and six daughters-now living. F. L. Joseph and C, J. 
Louis are the sons belonging to the firm known as F. Routhier & Sons. C. J. Louis 
Routhier was married 18th June, 1882, to Augusta Sloan. Mary Malvina, one of his 
sisters, was married 6th June, 1873, to F. X. Bertrand, a merchant loc'lted on the 
corner of High and Miil streets in this village, 
In the machine shop of the firm, are three iron lathes; one bull lathe for large 
pulleys and wheel, up to 8 feet in diameter; one bed lathe for shafting, up to 16 
feet; one for cutting screws and turning small work; a milling machine, upright 
driJl, emery stone and a full set of tools for steam pipe fitting. The shop is also sup- 
plied with blast sand moulding, boxes and patterns by w..!
h gears and pulleys for 
saw mills, and castings for :Ill sorts of purposes are readily turned out, 
Their large wood shop is equally wen supplied with a variety of the most im- 
proveå machinery, besides which they have a general blacl..':;rJiith shop. 

The Vankleek Hill Manufacturing Company is another floUt i,hing industry, which 
was established in 1883 by Cheney, Dunning & Co. In 1890 it was established as a 
limited joint stock company with Mal:olm McCuaig as President; \Villiam 
Secretary-Treasurer; and Albert G. Chenty, Manager. They manufacture nll kinds of 
sash, doors, blinds, mouldings, and hOllse finishings, making a specialty of turning and 
scroll work, They have an excellent saw mill, and manufacture the chief part of their 
lumber. They buy annually a great many logs, ship large quantities of lumber, and 
give employment to a large number of hands. 

The Phænix Roller Mills of \V. C. Sylvester & Sons is one of the best equipped 
manufactories of the County. The building is of stone, 80 x 50 feet in size, three 
stories, and a most attractive building, 

lr. Sylvester was born in Fort Covington, N.Y., and in the early part of his life 
\Vas a contI acter, taking se verallarge jobs on the Cornwall Canal and other places. 
He learned the mil1wright trade, and was employed in the erection of mills in different 
places in Canada till 1888, when he came to Vankleek Hill and erected his present 
grist milI, and the following year added his woollen mill. The following is taken 
from the TorO/lto Globe of ;.:6th October, 18 94 :- 
" The Roller Mill has a capacity of 75 barrels per day; the business done 
tasks its capacity to the utmost, Besides the roller process for flour, they have three 
run for feed and provender; they also manufacture a very pure grade of corn meal. 
They handle all kinds of meals, cracked wheat, bran and several grades offlour, 
" They have two sets of cards, and buy immense quantities of wool, for which 
they exchange tweeds and blankets. They manufacture considerable quantities of 
homespun hand-wove tweeds for tourists, 

" Mr. Sy Ivester's three sons, 'V. F., J. S. and l\I. A., take the active management 
of the several departments of the work, and are making a great success of it. They 
all take more or less interest in municip3.laffairs, and. like the rest of the citizens of 
the town, have great faith in its future on account of the prosperous farming com- 
munity on all sides of it." 
The Carriage 'Yorks of N. Matte is a prominent industry of the HilI, 
Matte came to this pJace from Plantagenet auout 1877, and his success affords 
another striking example of :what pel severance and tact, backed by intelligence, can 
accompJish, Beginning without capital, he has gradually built up a busint:ss which, 
for extent and reputation. is second to nune in this part of Ontario. His carriages, 



which are of the latest style and ùest workmanship, are not only well known and in 
use in this Province, but in various parts of Quebec, especially in Montreal. 
One of the most successful business firms on th
 Hill is that of the DURANT 
BROTHERS, ,. wholesale and retail manufacturers of pumps, washing machines, wheel- 
barrows, step and section ladders, clothes bars, towel rollers, churns, etc., and are 
agents for all the different implements llsed in agriculture." 
The main building of their factory is 28 ft. x 60 ft. with three flats, and it has an 
extension 20 ft. by 60 ft. They are about engaging extensively in the manufacture 
of furniture. 
The members of this firm-Noah and Alvah Durant-were born in Dundas 
County j the former taught school some time in his younger days, but in 1875, with 
his brother, engaged in business as pump manufactur
rs at this place. They were 
followed hither by their parents, who lived long enough to see their sons well estab- 
lished in a business which has been constantly increasing from the day of its incep- 
tion. So great has been the demand for their manufactures, that they are gradually 
working out of the retail portion of their trade. Besides the articles mentioned above, 
they make wagons, tumbrel carts, cullers and sleighs of all kinds, and solicit orders 
for boring wells either in clay or rock j they are also agents for sewing machines, 
organs, pianos and windmills j of the latter they have erected several fine ones in 
this section. One of the additions they have made to their business, recently, is that 
of custom grinding, a three roller feed mill. They are proprietors of considerable 
real estate here, a.nd the erection of several of the dwellings on High Street is owing 
to their enterprise. The Durant Brothers are young men of great courtesy, and their 
past success and present popularity are an earnest of a most prosperous future, 
P. T. SaucIER, Jeweller and Photographer, has done a successful bu<;iness here 
since 1863. He was born in 1\Jiìton, SlJefforå County, Que.; learned the \Vatch- 
maker's and Jewe1ler's trade in St. Hyacinthe, and then followed it in \Vatertown, 
N.Y. ; after which, in 1857, he moved to Cornwall. He next began work on his own 
account, and after about six years spent in L'1ncaster and Metcalfe, he came to the 
Hill. He was married in 1865 to Mary Carrier. In 1880 he added 1)11Otography to 
his business as Jeweller, and for eight years his place of business has also been here, 
the central telephone office. Mr. Soucier, besides his shop, has a good residence, 
and takes an interest in all the affairs of the place; he has been a Trustee of the 
High School a number of years. 


From the Glellgarriall of 19th December, 1890 :-- 
"The first and only newspaper published (up to that time) was started in 1857, 
and edited by the Hon. Rupert \Vens, son of Sheriff J. P. 'Veils. It was a weekly 
sheet, and devoted to the interests of the Reform Party, of which it became the local 
organ. Its editor was a man of great ability as a journalist and politician, and for 
many years was speaker of the Ontario Legislature j but, after the first year, he was 
forced to neglect the paper for more pressing business, and during the second year, 
The Economist, as this journal was called, ceased publication, and was never revived. 
During its short existence it contained many excellent articles, and, no doubt, had 
business allowed him, the Hon, Rup
rt would have devdopeJ his little sheet into a 
gocd local paper." 
In the lattel' part of the year 1893, the publication of The .Rezliew wa, commenced 
by S, I. Jones, but his death soon afterwards came near putting an end to the enter- 


5 81 

prise, In September, of 1894, however, L. \V. Shannon, a young man of energy 
and determination, believing the opening for a paper to be a good one, purchased 
the plant, and has ever since issued [he RevÙ1(J, which is constantly improving and 
increasing in popularity, 

Among those who settled at Vankleek Hill none became mor
 prominent than 
THOMAS HIGGINSON, the youngest of four brothers already mentioned, who came to 
Hawkesbury in 1819. A little volume of poems recently published, which he wrote 
at different periods (;f his life, shows him to have been a man of much genius, imagin- 
at:on and pure morality, The name Higginson is not a very common on
, but 
naturally' becoming more numerous as time rolls on. The earliest we have any 
record of is the Rev. Francis Higginson, who held one of the five parish churches in 
the County of Leicester, England, but owing to some disagreement with his Bishop 
he was deprived of his pulpit, being popular however with the people. he held services 
outside of the Church for a time. He was called the good Mr, Higginson. The 
Massa.chusetts Colonization & Trading Company, hearing of Mr, Higginson's case, 
made a contract with him, and sent him out to Salem, Mass., the contract stipulating 
that he was to have two men servants,-one to hunt for him, and the other to wait on 
him, and his wife to have a woman servant to wait on her, and other conditions set 
forth in the contract. As the ship was leaving the English coast in 1629, he called 
the crt'w and passengers on the deck, and all kneeling he said: "\Ve will not say 
as the PUlitans were wont to say, 'farewell Rome, farewell B
bylon,' but We will 
say farewell dear England, farewell the Church of God in England, and all Christian 
friends there." 
The ship was wrecked, and they came near all perishing, and in the excitement 
Mr. Higginson oràained his eldest son, John, who wac; then 2 [ years of age, so that 
he might succeed him and carry out the contract. Mr. Higginson died in 1630, and 
was succeeded by his son, .' The Stately John," as he was calkd in later years, who 
died in I j08, aged 93, and was a minister 72 years. A year after the Rev. Francis 
died, his widow and large family, except John, returned to England. It is not known 
what bec.lme of the other sons; but in 1695. N. Higginson was Governor of Madras, 
and in 1688, a branch of the Higginson family went to the North of Ireland, and in 
18 [7, George Higginson came to Canada, and was followed by his brothers, J ol1n, 
William and Thomas in 1819, who all settled in Hawkesbury. 
Thomas Higginson was married to Nancy Park, 24th April, 18 [9, in the Parish 
of Kilwaughten by the Rev. I. Lediie,. sailed from Belfast on the 1St of 
fay following, 
and arrived at Quebec 14th June. He first settled in West Hawkesbury, where his 
eldest son, John, was born 30th April, 1820, but he soon removed to North Plan- 
tagenet, and settled on a farm, where his son \Villiam was born 15th January, 1822. 
His stay in Plantagenet was comparatively brief, as he returned to Hawkesbury, and 
in 1829 made a permanent settlement at Vankleek Hill, and for many years W.lS a 
prominent figure in all the important social and political movements of the County. 
He was SIJrerintendent of Schools for Prescott and Russell, many years, Agent for 
the B.ll1k of Upper Canada for the transmission of the proceeds of sales of public 
lands, a member of the County Council, and Lieut.-Col. of the Regimental 
of Prescott up to the close of his life. lie died 22nd January, 18
4, aged 90 years 
13 days; he had twelve children, of whom seven sons and four daughters grew up, 
Of these, William and Henry are the only ones who remained in this section, and 
both now live together on the homestead. The former has been a prominent man in 

5 82 


the township, and still takes a lively interest in public matters and local im- 
On leaving school at the age of 16, he entered the employ of Messrs. Hamilton 
& Lowe, 31st May, 1838; was with them at Hawkesbury Mills till 1841, when he was 
transferred to their office in N' ew Liverpool near Quebec, and remained there 44 years; 
but his long service did not prevent his taking an active part in the affairs of his 
native County, He was appointed Capt. of the first Company of the 18th Batt. of 
Prescott Volunteer Militia about 1861, commissioned Major 24th July, 1863, and 
Lieut.-Co!. 15th February, 1867. He has also been Reeve of Hawkesbury several 
times, and would doubllcss still hold the office, had he not positively declined to 
serve longer. 'Ve give a copy of the unique Indenture which the Col. had to sign 
on entenng the service of Messrs. Hamilton & Lowe: 
" This Indenture Witnesseth: that \VilIiam Higginson of the to .vnship of Hawkesbury, District of 
Oltawaand Pro\ince of Upper Canaòa, aged 
eventeen years, doth by these presents put himself, by 
and Wilh the con
ent of his Father, Thomas Higginson, Sen., of the Township aforesaid, apprentice to 
l\1essls. Hamilton and Lowe of the Hawkesbury MIUS, in the township and Province before men- 
tioned, Merchants and Lumber dealers, and to serve them after the manner of an apprentice from 
the first day of June, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty. Nine, until the full period of his 
becoming ofthe age oftwenty-one years, which will be on the 15th day of Januarv, Eighteen Hun- 
dred and Forty-Three next ensuing; to be fully complete and ended, during which time, the said appren- 
tice, his said Masters faithfully shall serve, their secrets keep, their lawful commands every where 
glad]y do. He shaH do nodamage to his said Masters, nOr see it to be done by others, but to the 
best of his power shall hinder them or forthwith give warning to his said Master of the same, He 
shall not waste the goods of his said Masters, or give or lend them unlawfully to any. He shall not 
contract Matrimony within the said pe."iod. Hurt to his said Masters he shaH not do, cause or pro- 
.cure to be done by others. He shall not play at cJ.rds, dice, tables, or any unlawful games, whereby 
his said Masters may have loss of, or with their goods during said Term, without license from his said 
Masters; he shall neither buy nor seH on his account, he !'hall not haunt nor use Taverns or Playhouses, 
nor abscnt himself from his Master's service, day or night, unlawfully; but in all things, as an honest 
and faithful apprentice, he shall behave himself towards his said Masters, or either of them, or all of 
them, during the said term; and the said Hamilton and Lowe on their part promise to have the said 
\Villiam Higginson instructed in their busines!'õ, and to find Board and Washing for the said William 
Higginson during the said term as before mentioned j with the following salary annually (provided he 
always demeans himself according to the spirit and meaning oflhis Indenture) namely: Fifteen pounds 
for the first two years: Twenty pounds for the Third year; and Twenty.five for the remainder of the 
period, as mentioned in the Indenture. And for the true performance of all and every of the co\'en. 
ants and agreements, either of the parties bindeth him.::elf to the other by these present. In witness 
whereof, the pal ties above named to these indentures interchangeably have put their hand and seal, 
this Twenty-fifth day of July, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-Nine." 
Witnesses Present: 
When in New Liverpool in 1878, the CoJ. sent the following address to Lord 
Beaconsfield, congratulating him on his cou} d.éta! by which the Suez Canal was 
secured to England :- 
" Prime Minister of England. 
" May it please your Lordship, 
" The undersigned Canadians, who have taken a deep interest in the Eastern question, and 
especially the action of the British Government in the matter, deem it a duty to express to you their 
admiration of the manly course pursued hy you as ]eader of the government, in the face of an un- 
reasonable opposition. It must b
 gratifying to yourself, and is a great pleasure to us, to see that 
your wise plahs and precautionary measures have resulted in a most triumphant settlement of the 
difficulty. It may well be asked, what position would England occupy to-day, in the sight of 
Europe, had not you been the controller of her destinies for the time? Opposition from your 
political opponents was to be expected, but to be deserted by some of your friends and colleagues, 
'1.t a critical time, was a trial which YOll bravely met and SUI mounted, and you stand, to-day, 


EL HI<;mXsox. 


5 8 3 

- confessedly, the foremost man in Europe. Those of your colleagues who fought the battle with 
you may well be proud of the result, and especially, your friend, Lord 
alisbury, who so ably 
assisted at the Congress, 
" That you may long continue to be the prime man of the state, and the trusted friend and 
councillor of Her Most Gracious Majesty, is the prayer of all Joyal Canadians." 

"NEW LI\"ERPOOL,19th July, 1878," 
 following is the reply : 
" Sir M. E. Hicks Beach, to the Earl of Dufferin. 
"DOWNING STREET, 15th August, 187 8 . 

., Canada, 235, 
",I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your dispatch, No.202, of the 26th of July, 
tlansmilting an address to the Earl of Beaconsfield from some of the inhabitants of l'ew Liverpool, 
expressing their admiration of his public service. The address was duly forwarded to the Earl 
of Beaconsfield, and I have now the honor to transmit to you a copy of his Lordship's reply. I 
request that you will cause Colonel Higginson to be informed of its contents, in order that he 
may communicate the same to the persons who signed the address. 
&< 1 ha,'e, etc., 
., 10 DOWNING STREET, 13th August, 18 7 8 . 

,. SIR, 
o Lord Beaconsfield has received with pleasure the address forwarded to him by some of the 
inhabitants of New Liverpool, and in thanking them for the attention which they have paid to 
Lord Salisbury and himself, he requests that you will, through the proper channel, convey to them 
his sincere appreciation of their sympathy and his gratitude for their support. 
,. The Secretary of State } c'I have, etc., 
Colonial Department." " A LGERNON TURNER," 

Coi. Higginson was in command of the Volunteers at Cornwall from 6th March 
to 1st May, I
66, when he had to leave for his duties at New Liverpool. Knowing 
that the Y OlUl1 teers were not in time to meet the enemy, he watched the proceed- 
ings in Parliament closely, to see what action, if any, would be takcn in the matter. 
Nothing had been done during the session, and on Monday, at noon, he received a 
copy of the Qtlebec Chro1licle, in which it \Vas announced that prorogation would take 
place on the following \Vednesday. He immediately addressed the following note to 
the Hon. John Hamilton, Senator: 

Do not let the session end without U1ging upon the Minister of .Militia and Adjutant General, the 
neces!>ity of having at lea5t 100
OOO of the best description of breech-loading and oft-repeating rifles, 
with plenty of ammunition, stored in the Province before the close of navigation England is in no 
danger of invasion, but we are in danger; therefore, let our wants be supplied first, and the British 
Al my a1tewards. 


Yoms truly, 

The note was just in time to remind the authorities of duty neglected, and the 
sum of $250,000 was placed in the estimates for Militia and Defence. The Colonel 
wrC'te acknowledging the appropriation of $250,000, but regretted that it was not for 
double that amount, on the principle that" prevention is better than cure." He 
wrote-I( Let us not be asked to meet the enemy with an inferior weapon in our 
hands, for we with the Enfield, and they with breech-loaders-they would have a 
decided ad van tage." 

5 8 4 


The Colonel took an active part in having the electric light introduced into the 
village, and has invested considerable capital in the enterprise; he has also taken 
much interest in the promotion of schools, and made no little effort to have the High 
School equipped with a telescope and a good supply of philosophical apparatus. He 
has a great liking for the study of astronomy, and has given much of his leisure to it 
since his retirement from public life. The stone wind-mill erected by his father, never 
having proved a success, the Colonel has added another story to its height, and 
placed in it a telescope, thus making it not only an astronomical observatory, but a 
place from which visitors can obtain an extensive view of the surrounding cour.try. 
The Colonel daims to have discovered that the Belts of Jupiter are nothing more nor 
less than shadows cast by his satellites, and supports his theory by reasoning that 
has been endorsed by many prominent scholars. 
Another of those who saw the village in its infancy, and still survives to describe 
the various stages of its growth, is COL. JOHN SHIELDS, a son of Andrew Shields, 
who came from the County of Cavan, Ireland, to West Hawkesbury in 1821. The 
father lived in this township till his death in October, 1870, and during the Rebellion 
of 1837 was one of the Home Guards. He had five children-four sons and one 
daughter; two sons and the daughter settled in this section, and are still living. 
John, the second son, has been an active man in the township, and enjoys the 
respect which his life of usefulness and sobriety has earned. He became Captain of 
Company No.2 of the Prescott Militia at its organization, was promoted to the rank 
of Major in October, 1866, and to Lieut.-Co!. in 1872. He has been Municipal 
Clerk since 1858, Clerk of the Division Court since 1869, Justice of the Peace and 
Commissioner for taking affidavits for Prescott and Russell about twenty years. For 
an equal period, he was Secretary-Treasurer of Prescott Agricultural Society, and 
for twenty-five years Secretary-Treasurer of a Branch Agricultural Society which 
included East and Wtst Hawkesbury and l.ongueuil, and which was discontinued in 
1894. He IS agent for the Royal fÏre & Life Insurance Company of England, as 
well as for several other Companies, and Secretary-Treasurer of a Branch of the 
Mutual Loan Investment, and does much business 111 the way of conveyancing. 
Previous to 1862 he followed farming, but from that period to 1875, was employ- 
ed as Book-keeper for Jame
 Boyd, merchant. Old records of agricultural matters 
show that the Colonel was not one of the kid-gloved farmers who, seated in the 
of a friendly tree, expatiated on the delight of agricuIturallife, but that he entered 
into the work with the spirit and energy displayed by a successful, practical farmer, 
In a plowing match of 1845, he drew the fifth prize, 15 shillings; in 1846 and 1847, 
the fir
t prize, ;(,2, each year; in 1848, the last lime he was a competitor, the fifth 
prize, 15 shillings, 
He has been twice married; by the first marriage he ha
 one son and two 
daughters living, and the same by the second marriage. 
'VILLIAM FERGUSON. is another of the pioneers of the Hill. His father, who 
bore the same name, came from Dumfrieshire, Scotland, to Quebec, in J 836, and a 
few months later to Caledonia Springs, and to Vankleek Hill on the 8th of May, 1842. 
He was an architect and contractor, and was employed at his vocation 
\ere and in 
all the surrounding localities. He erected buildings for Lemuel Cushing of Chatham, 
Owens of Stonefield, built the Victoria Mills at Thurso, and performed a large amount 
of work in Buckingham for George 'V. Eaton and others. He died at the residence 
of his son, Dr, James Ferguson, in Cumberland, in October, 1884. He had ten 
children-five of each sex-all of whom are living, with the exception of a girl, who 
*Mr. Ferguson died in tl:e winter of 1895. 




1"1I1.C I
 1-:1. SII [1:1 liS. 




5 8 5 

died in childhood. 'Villiam, the eldest ofthe children, was m
rried in 1859 to Jessie 
Jamieson, who died 24th February, 1872, and he was again married 8th May, 1873, 
o Isabella Ramsay, daughter of Col. John Ramsay, High Constable of the County 
of Prescott. .Mr. Ferguson was a contractor several years, and in 1859 engaged in 
mercantile life, which he followed eight years, after which he was for some time man- 
ager of the Hochelaga Bank. For a decade he has been Secretary-Treasurer of the 
County Agricultural Society, and agent for agricultural implements, chiefly those of 
Frost & Wood, Smith's FaIJs, Ont, 
1\1r. Ferguson says that the following are the only four persons living at the Hill 
who were here at the time of his arrival, 1842 :-Mrs. Malcolm McCuaig, .Mrs. Dr, 
Harkin, Mrs. \Villiam McCrae and 
frs. John Roberts. He has had three sons, the 
eldest of whom is deceased; the other two live in Seattle, 'Vashington, 
The father of Mrs. Ferguson, Col. John Ramsay, was born in Fermanagh 
County, Ireland, in 1783, and was in military service there in 1798, He came 0 this 
coun try in 1821, and bought the farm in the township of Longueuil which is now 
owned by his grandson, John Ramsay McCann. He wielded much influence, and 
was connected with public affairs all his life, 
erving as Coroner, Asse5sor, Collector 
and High Constable during a period of forty years, He took an active part in the 
formation of the Militia Companies, and received the rank of Captain, afterwards 
being promoted to that of Lieutenant-Colonel; he was a warm friend of Judge Ham- 
ilton. He died 16th June, 1878, at the great age of 95 years and 7 months; his 
sight was so good that, notwithstanding his advanced years, he wa') never obliged to 
use spectacles, He had eight children, only four of whom-daughters-grew up; 
Mrs. Ferguson is the only one of them still living. 
LEONARD EERTRÀND is a lineal descendant of a French soldier, who came with 
troops from France to Canada in 1740. His father. Léon Bertrand, was born in St. 
Andrews abClut 1805 ; the latter was married 18th Ja.nuary, 1836, at Rigaud, to 
Véronique Poireau De Bellefeuille. They removed to Fort Covington, N.Y., in 
1842, but returned in the fall of 1843, and bought a farm in East Hawkesbury, whcle 
he died 1 Ilh January, 1881, at the age of 76; he had six sons and five daughters. 
Leonard, the eldest son, was born at St. Guillaume, Rigaud, learned the carriage- 
maker's trade, also th:l.t of millwright, and opened a shop in East Hawkesbury in 
1865, which he conducted tin 1880, and moved to the Hill in 1883, He was married 
6th November, 1867, to Sarah Murray, of Stardale, Ont, The year previous, he 
joined Company NO.4, of the I Hh Battalion, commanded hy Captain Ogden; 
served till 1869, when he was appointed Lieutenant of Company NO.7 of the Regi- 
mental Division of Prescott, and was appointed Captain 23rd December, 1870, and 
still holds his commission. He has been a Trustee of the Public and Model Schools, 
and is Recording Secretary of the :Methodist Church of this village, and for some years 
has had charge of the Bible Class; he is always ready to perform Christian work, 
Financially, he has been very successful, and owns quite a quantity of real estate and 
several houses in the village. 
J AMES STEELE, of whose father and brother a sketch is given in the history of 
Cassburn, is now a citizen of the Hill; but he spent a large portion of his !tfe in 
East Hawkesbury. Owing to impaired health, he entered the general agency busi- 
ness, and, in 1871, became agent for the Agricultural Mutual Fire Insurance Com- 
panyof Canada (now London Mutual), and has worked up a large business. He 
has also been agent (or the \Vestern and Citizens' Insurance Companies of Canada, 
the Alliance and Sun Companies of London, England, and several.others. In 1875 
he purchased of his father 75 acres of the homestead, on which he erected a fine 
3 8 

5 86 


brick house with commodious outbuildings, and planted an orchard of 200 apple 
trees, which is now one of the most productive orchards in Prescott. He also made 
many other valuable improvements on his farm at an expense of nearly $3,000. 
Mr. Steele was married 20th June, 1877, by the Rev. \Vm. J. Joliffe, to Elvira 
Lovina Carkner, fifth daughter of the late'Villiam Carkner, of the Hill. After spend- 
ing about two years at Vankleek Hill, he returned to the farm in May, 1880. A 
new post office having been opened in February, 1885, with the name Stardale, he 
was appointed Postmaster, and the same year he opened a general store, which he 
conducted successfully for nine years, In January, 1894, having leased his farm, he 
purchased a fine house and lot at the Hill, and once more removed hither. 1\1r, 
Steele has been a Director of the County of Prescott Agricultural Society) and also of 
the Society of East and West Hawkesbury and Longueuil for many years; vice- 
president of Prescott Farmers' Institute, School Trustee, etc., etc, In early life he 
united with the :Methodist Church, and has ever since been one of its active and 
liberal supporters. He has been Recording Steward of the Vankleek Hill Circuit 
for nearly ten years, Trustee of Zion and Point Fortune Churches, Sunday-School 
Superintendent, Local Preacher, and President of the Y. M, C. A. of this village. He 
has always been an active worker in the cause of Temperance, as well as in all moral 
and social reforms. In politics he is a consistent Liberal, and Vice-President of the 
County of Prescott Reform .Association. Besides his many other würks of public 
utility he has contributed many valuable articles to the newspapers and periodicals of 
the country. He has had six children-five sons and one daughter, an of whom are 
now living, and the three eldest are attending the High School of the HIlI. 
JOHN HUNTER is a gentleman who, after having served many years in life's 
walfare, sought a well merited rest in this village. His father, John Hunter, carne 
from tlie County of Antrim, Ireland, to Longueuil, in 1825. Two years later he 
purchased the west half of Lot 19, 6th Range, in 'Vest Hawkesbury, which is now 
owned by his son Hugh. He afterwards bought 200 acres more adjoining it, and 
spent his life there, being one of the active, loyal militia in the troubles of 1837, and 
subsequently a MunicIpal Councillor several years; he died 21st November) 1865 ; 
Mrs. Hunter died 13th March, 1875. They had four sons and five daughters, of 
whom the former and four of the latter grew up. 
John, the second son, married, 4th June, 1866, Eliza Renneck. He followed 
lumbering several years, having bought a lot of forest land and built, a saw mill in 
Caledonia, Lot I, 2nd Concession, which was located near his Lllher's farm in 
Hawkesbury. His lumbering operations and saw mill were a source of no little 
profit to him, and enabled him to money. He has also 
pent a number of years 
in farming, and still owns 350 acres of land; nor has he been permitted to devote his 
time wholly to his own work, having served twenty year
 as Municipal Councillor in 
Caledoni<J) during which time he was also Reeve. In the fall of [892 he bought a 
lot and partially completed house on Derby A ve., in this village. He completed the 
house, and now has one of the most attractive residences in the corporation; his 
farm, a few miles from Vankleek Hill, with its imposing brick dwelling and CJm- 
modious outbuildings, is one of the fine::.t in the county. 
CAPT. \Vn.LIAl\! OGDEN is another respected citizen who has lately sought a 
home at the Hill, after many years of toil. He is a grandsor. of James Ogden who 
carne from London, England, to Quebec, about 1798, with his brother, Judge 
Ogden, who was quite prominent in this country for a number of year3, but wh') 
finally returned to England. J ames Ogden was a merchan t tailor, and plied his 
vocation in Quebec some years, and then carne to St. Andrews, Argenteuil County, 


5 8 1 

Que., and bought the farm on the River Rouge, which is now owned by Donald 
McEwen, and died there about 1828; he had four sons and two daughters. Joseph, 
the youngest son, married about 1826, Susan, eldest daughter of William LeRoy, 
and, after living on the homestead four years, sold it and removed to East Hawkes- 
bury, and bought the farm which is now owned by his grandson, George Ogden. 
He lived there till his death, 9th November, 1886; he had four sons and two 
\Vil]jam, the eldest son, bought a farm of ICO acres near the homestead, on 
which he settled and lived for thirty years, after spending a decade in lumbering, He 
then sold, and bought another small property in East Hawkesbury, and engaged in 
cheese manufacturing, which he still (oHows. lie was married in 1854 to Ann Kidd 
Grout, daughter of Solomon Grout the first settler in that section of Hawkesbury, 
She died loth March, 1883, and he married a second time, 21th July, 1886, 
Chric:;tiana l\IcNab, of \Vest Hawkesbury. Mr. Ogden was much interested in the 
organization of the military companies during the Fenian Raids, and was elected 
Lieutenant of Company NO.4, 18th Battalion, by ballot of its members, and, not 
long aft('Twards, was promoted to the rank of Captain. He was School Trustee in 
East Hawkesbury several years, and has long been a Justice of the Peace. He now 
resides in his pleasant brick dwelling on Derby Avenue. 
One of the attractive private residences 0n Main Street is that of \VILLlA:\[ 
McADAM, who is connected with several different societies 011 the Hill and with 
important lmsiness concerns. His father, John McAdam, came from the County of 
Antrim, Ireland. to East Hawkesbury, ill 1844-. He followed the trade of shoe- 
maker, and was Postmaster, also, from 1866 to 187 r. He now resiàes with his son, 
\Villiam; his companion having died 16th No\rember, 1886. He has two sons and 
two daughters now living. 
\VilIiam, the eldest son, after attending the school at East Hawkesbury and the 
Grammar School at the Hill, sl
ent several years previous to 1869 as clerk at Cale- 
àonia Springs, Hawkesbury and Vankleek Hill. Since that date he has resided 
permanently at the Hill, and has been in the employ of Mr. McCuaig, as Bookkeeper, 
23 years. He is now a partner in the Vankleek Hill Manufacturing Company, and 
is also Secretary, Stockholder and Director of the Electric Light Company. He is 
Treasurer of the financial departmen t of the Pre
byterian Church, and has been 
Treasurer of the Township of \Vest Hawkesbury since July, 18Sr. He was marriEd 
26th January, 1874, to Miss Hattie McCuaig, sister of Malcolm McCuaig, Esq. Mr. 
.:i\fcAdam is a gentleman of industrious habits and most genial nature. 
IcLEOD, son of John McLeod, a pioneer of Glengarry County, was 
born in Lochiel, in 1849. In 1866 he came to this place, and entered the employ of 
Malcolm McCuaig, with whom he remained five years. He then went to Alexandria, 
Glengarry County, and engaged in the dry goods business for two years, subse- 
quently returning to Vankleek Hill, and opening a dry goods store in partnership 
with \V. H. McKenzie, the firm bein
 known as .McLeod & :\IcKenzie, At the end 
of thirteen years he sold out his interest to Mr. McKenzie, and built a granary on the 
Canada Atlantic Railroad, and does an extensive business. Mr. McLeod has taken 
an active part in municipal affairs; he was elected Reeve of West Hawkesbury in 
188 9, and served for three years, at the end of which time he resigned. He was 
re-elected January 1st, 1895, and still holds the office, 
On January 11th, 1888, he was married to Frances, daughter of Robert Thistle. 
waite, Esq., of this place; they have two sons and one daughter. 



DONALD McINNES, from Glenelg, Scotland, came to \Vest Hawkesbury in 1815, 
and settled on haif of Lot 16, Range 6, and followed farming till his death in 
1 8 5 1 . He was married in 1826 to Margaret McRae, who died in 1849, leaving five 
sons and four daughters. 
Alexander, the youngest son, has followed blacksmithing at the Hill, where he is 
one of the esteemed and influential citizens. He was married 24th June, 1871, to 
Mary, daughter of John Stt\vart; they have five sons and one daughter. 1\1r, 
Mclnnes has been Secretary of the High School Board and an Elder of the Presby- 
terian Church several years. 
Donald, his eldest son, for six years has been cashier in the Hochelaga Bank at 
this place; another son, who recently graduated at Queen's CoJlege, Toronto, is 
studying Law in Ottawa, and a third son is still in the same institution, taking a five 
years' course for the degree of 1\1. A, 


This Township is bounded north by the Ottawa, east by the County of Vaudreuil, 
south by Glengarry, and west by \Vest Hawkesbury. 
It is one of the finest townships in Ontario j the section bordering the Ottawa a 
mile or more in depth, while possessing fine scenery and many well improved and 
productive farms, is yet inferior as an agricultural district to the Concessions which 
lie in the rear of it, which are truly park-like in appearance; and the buildings gener- 
ally seem those of retired gentlemen of wealth, rather than those of farmers. 


About five miles west of Point Fortune, on an elevation overlooking the noble 
Ottawa, is a little village bearing the above name, the IJroad view of the surrounding 
country which its location commands making it one of the most pleasant places on 
the river. 
Chute au Blondeau has a fine Roman Catholic church, a post-office, two stores, 
two hotels, and a shop or two, besides several dwellings. 
A Roman Catholic chapel was built here in 1861, by the Rev. Mr. Collins, P.P., 
of St. Eugene. He heJd service monthly till eight years ago, since which there 
has been weekly service; The pre sent church was erected in 1892, by the Kev. 
Father Towner, It is a fine brick structure, 100 feet by 4S feet, with a commo- 
dious vestry, The present incumlJent is the Rev. Mr. LeClaire. 
The first school ever opened in this section was a private one, started about 
1830 by two early settlers, 
1r. \Vyman and 
Ir. Kirby. The school-house occupied 
the site of the present store of Mr. Belanger. It continued only five or six years, 
and was supported by a few families. A l>etter system of schools was soon inaugu- 
Before the construction of the Carillon dam, there was quite a little fall, or 
chute, in the river at this point, and near it, on a diminutive cape, dwelt, about a 
century ago, a man named Blondeau. It is said that he was accidentally drowned 
here, near his own cabin, The chute naturally soon became designated by lumber- 
men as that of Blondeau, and though it is now buried from view beneath the waters, 
the name given to the locality is a lasting memorial of the ill-starred Frenchman 
who here lost his life. 
This seems to have been a favorite resort of Indians, and they often landed here 
years after the first white settlers came-as many as forty or fifty canoes filled with 


5 8 9 

red men sometimes stopping here when on their way to join the fur traders of the 
Mr. John Kirby, now residing here, has several Indian relics found here-stone 
axes, gouges, arrow-heads, etc. When 1\1r. Kirby's father was digging, preparatory 
to laying the foundation of his house, he also unearthed a quantity of human bones- 
evidence that the Indians had here buried their dead, 
Among other things which contributed to render this place one of considerable 
celebrity, \Va3 its excellent fishing grounds, many varieties of fish-shad especially- 
being caught here in large numbers: During the decade following the year 1845, as 
many as 1,200 fish were sometimes caught in a single day, and though they rapidly 
decreased from that time, 400 were often caught in a day during the two or three 
years which preceded the building of the dam. 
The location here of l\fr. Kirby's hotel, in which courts and public meetings of 
different kinds were often held, and the many lumbermen who flocked hither in con- 
sequence of 1\1r. Kirby's connection with the lumber business, together with the 
patronage secured by his connection with the stage line, all combined to make this a 
stirring place in years long past. 
DÀNIEL B. WV:\IAN was doubtless the first perm,ment settler in this locality, 
having located in Lot 17 and half of Lot 18, 1st Range, in 1804. He was born in 
Brookfield, Mass., in 1765, and was married in 'Yells, Vermont, to Sarah Be'm-dsley 
in 1788, and removed to Hawkesbury, Canada, in 1804. The land he purchased, 
as well as some adjacent to it, was owned by a Miss Blake in Quebec. Squatters 
who had occupied it had rendered themselves so obnoxious to the other settlers, 
from their thievish propensities, that a party from Chatham, on the opposite shore of 
the Ottawa, crossed over one night, quickly demolished their cabin, and compelled 
them to seek "fresh fields and pastures new." 
Mr, \Vyman was a millwright, and soon after coming here, he built a grist-mill 
and saw-mill on lan<! contigllolls to his own, which is now owned by Henry Hughes. 
These mills were in operation many years, and the saw-mill was rebuilt, but the 
water-power was destroyed by the erection of the Carillon dam. Mr. \Vyman built 
mills in other sections of the country, and once met with a serious loss by the break- 
ing up of a raft of timber which he was taking down the St. Lawrence to use in the 
construction of a large mill. He lived in Hawkesbury till his death, 4th October, 
1848, and his descendants are among the most respected people of the township. He 
had one son and five daughters. Hiram B., the son, who was born in Wells, Ver- 
mont, 16th December, 1797, remained on the homestead, and became a man of 
influence in this section, and was a Justice of the Peace for many years, He was 
married in 183 I to Jane l\1elancey Ellis, and died in 1883. They had four sons and 
four daughters. 
Daniel B., the eldest of the sons, was married 15th September, 1858, to Emma, 
daughter of \VilIiam Kirby. The next year they settled on a farm of 100 acres 
adjacent to the homestead, to which l\1r. Wyman has since added, till he now has 270 
acres-a fine, well-stocked farm. In 1885 he built an attractive brick residence, and 
all his buildings and surroundings sh ow that his yeal s of toil have not been expended 
in vain. He has been a Justice of the Peace about 14 years, but has declined all 
other public offices. 
uncey, his eldest son, who was married in 1890 to Ethel J. Inglis, lives on 
the homestead; the two youngest sons of Mr. \Vyman, Hiram and Daniel, are taking 
a COli rse at McGill; two of his daughters are married. 
r. \Villiam, the youngest of the family of the late Hiram B. \Vyman, remained on 
the homestead, which, with additions he has made, is now a large farm, and which, 

59 0 


like his brother Daniel's farm, has been rendered attractive and productive through 
mar.y years of industrious labor. Mr, Wyman was married 15th September, 1880, to 
Clarissa, daughter of Hugh Lough. 
The tW0 brothers erected a cheese factory contiguous to their farms, about ten 
years since, which receives the patronage of many of the farmers of this section. 
Adjacent to the brothers, in a very pretty cottage most pleasantly situated, lives 
their brother-in-law, ROBERT LEE, who was married to Hattie, third daughter of 
Hiram B. \Vyman, 21st November, 1877- Mr. Lee was born near Ottawa, and is 
now agent for sewing machines, musical instruments, and a variety of agricultural 
A mile or more east of the little village of Chute au Blondeau stands a dilapidated 
stone house, quite spacious, and which, it is said, is lower by a story than it was when 
erected. Evidently it was once quite a respectable building, but like most ancient 
dweHings long unoccupied, it has the reputation of having been haunted. It was 
built early in this century by a prominent merchant of Montreal-a Mr. Platt--who 
had purchased a tract of land, comprising three or four hundred acres, Subse- 
quently he was in England on business, and when in an umbre]]a factory in Birming- 
ham, he met a young girl named Jane Smith, employed there, to whom he. took a 
fancy. He asked her it she would not like to go to America, and assured her that if 
she would go with him he would treat her with pa temal kindness. 
Having but little idea of what going to America meant, and thinking she could 
return in a few days if so inclined
 she replied that she would like much to go, but 
would first have to get the consent of her parents, and besides, she had a sister 
employed in the same factory, whom she felt she could not leave, Mr. Platt assured 
her that he would be pleased to take her sister also, and he left with the understanding 
that the girls should consult their parents and report their deLision to him on his 
return a day or two later. Accordingly, the parents were consulted; their consent 
was given, and soon after, the daughters bade them farewell. A-long stretch of level 
road enabled tht:m, after the coach was some distance away, to look hack and see 
their parents on the gallery of their cottage, waving handkerchiefs-a last farewell ; 
they never met agam. The thirteen weeks' voyage following expanded the girls' 
ideas regarding a tri p to America, 
At this time 1\Ir. Platt had in his employ a young man named William Kirby, 
between whom and Miss Jane Smith an attachment sprang up, and three or four 
years later they were united in marriage. Subsequently, Mr. Platt sent the young 
couple to his farm in Hawkesbury, where they lived a few years in the stone house 
above mentioned, and then bought Lot 22, 1st Concession, and erected a house of 
their own; they removed to this in 1824, For many years Mr. Kirby conducted this 
as a public house; he also was a Justice of the Peace. 
About the year 1830, he and Monmarquet, of Carillon, started a line of stage- 
coaches between Point Fortune and L'Orignal. In the winter Mr. Kirby also con- 
ducted a line between Montreal and Ottawa, For the first few years wagons were 
used, and then the proprietors purchased several fine coaches in Albany, N.Y" which 
added much to the dignity of the line, and comfort of the passengers. As the lumber 
business was then in the height of its prosperity, a great many lumbermen stopped 
here, and their custom, together with that of travellers passing through, rendered the 
hotel business very profitable, 
Mr. Kirby had stable room for eighty horses, and it happened not infrequently 
that the entire room was occupied. 
He died in 1873, but Mrs, Kirby survived till November, 1894, dying at 
the great age of 100 years arId I I months, and her memory and mental faculties 


59 1 

remaiûed unimpaired till about a year prior to her death, Both l\Ir. and Mrs. Kirby 
were striking examples of the determll1ed, hardy and industrious emigrants from the 
Old Country, who opened up these townships. 
Mr. Kirby was from Yorkshire, England-hon
st, sensitive, and quick to resent 
any imputation against himself of dishonor. 
He and Judge :\1cDonell, of Point Fortune, had long been friends, hut on a 
certain occasion 
fr. Kirby, feeling that the Judge had insulted him, retaliated with a 
blow, Friends interfered, and they were separated, It was some days afterward, 
however, before Mr. Kirby, through the intercession of friends, would consent to 
apologize, Shortly afterward the Judge, who h.eld the chief office in the militia, 
came up to Kirby's Hotel attired in uniform, to attend the drill of his men. 
\Vhile he was standing in the yard, one of the friends of both men came from 
the door, aIln in arm with Kirby. 
" \Vell, T udge," said the friend, " Kirby is here and willing to apologize." 
" On your kneps, Kirby!" said the Judge, "1'11 never accept your apolooy 
otherwise;" and he emphasized the words by a sweep of his sword. 0 
" I'll see you - first! I kneel to no one but my Maker;" fiercely replied 
Kirby, in whom the arbitrary mandate had roused all his former anger, One word 
brought on another, till, instead of making the intended apology, Kirby again rushed 
towar.Js the Judge, and was only prevented from striking him by the active interfer- 
ence of Liends. Not long afterwards the Judge was taken sick and sent for 
Kirby, who, before leaving, kindly loaned him $400, of which sum the Judge was 
then much in need. The Judge soon afterward died, but it is just to say that before 
his death. he made arrangements DY which the debt was honorably paid. 
!\Ir. Kirby, like most of the old pioneers, was fond of a practical joke, 
\Vhen living on the Platt farm, 
Irs. Kirby had in her employ a servant, a French 
girl, named Rosy, to whom she was much attached, Rosy had a sweetheart named 
Joannise, and when the t\\'o were married, 1\1rs. Kirby presented Rosy with a half- 
dozen silver spoons, on which the bride's name was 
Squire Le Roy, who had been some years in the country, and who had settled on 
a lot adjoining Mr. Kirby's, was the only one in this section empowered to marry, 
and he was called to officiate on this occasion. After their marriage the happy 
couple repaired to their humble dwelling three or four miles distant, and for a short 
time their domestic happiness seemed unalloyed. But in a few weeks discord began 
to disturb the serenity of their lives; more serious trouble ensued, and after wisely 
discussing the matter, and finding that permanent peace was not likely to establish 
itself between them, they decided to have the nuptial knot untied. Accordingly, the 
following morning, Joannise visited Mr, Kirby, laid the matter before him, and asked 
if he did not think Squire Le Roy would, for a reasonable sum, undo the work he had 
recently performed. 
lr. Kirby, unwilling to lose an opportunity for a little sport, 
replied in the affirmative, and suggested that they should together call on the Squire, 
and get his opinion, The latter, after hearing the iale of Joannise, and his ques- 
tion as to whether he would unmarry him or not, gravely replied that he would. 
" How much you will ax?" was the next question propounded, 
cc Oh," said the Squire, "I suppose it ought to be worth a quart of rum"-an 
article commonly used for traffic in those days, 
J oannise gladly accepted the terms, and on the following morning appeared with 
his wife before the SquÍle. We are ignorant of the ceremony performed on the 
occasion, but at its close, Joannise and the hapless Rosy, evidently believing that 
they were legally divorced, gave emphasis to the belief by walking homeward with 
stately dignity on opposite sides of the road. Having arrived at their cottage, they 

59 2 


proceeded to make a division of their personal property, in which they were to share 
equally, All went well until they came to the silver spoons, which Rosy claimed as 
her own. The divorced husband objected, averring that this was contrary to the 
agreement, by which he was fully entitled to one-half of the spoons. After consider- 
able altercation, Rosy yielded to his wishes, and three of the coveted articles came 
into his possessian. After the divi
ion was made they bade each other an affèctionate 
farewell, kissed and embraced, but before the completion of the last act, a feeling of 
contrition suddenly possessed their hearts-their arms refused to untwine from 
each other--tears and humble confessions of hasty tempers and harsh words followed, 
and ere they parted, pardon for past. errors had mutually been granted, and they had 
vowed to be re-married. In the afternoon of the same d:lY, therefore, in which their 
marriage knot had been severed, they trudged back three miles to Squire Le Roy j 
Joannise presented him with another quart of rum, and soon afterward they started 
arm in arm for home again; and tradition asserts that, like the hero and the heroine 
of the modern romance, they lived happily together ever afterward. 
Justice to the memory of :Mrs. Kirby demands that we should record her dis- 
approval of her husband's encouragement of this affair. She sternly reproved him 
and the Squire for carrying on the farce, instead of instructing these ignorant peop!e 
as to the true character and solemnity of the marriage rite. 
1\lr. and 1\1rs. Kirby had eight children, úf whom three sons and three daughters 
grew up. \Villiam S., the eldest son, was long connected with the Customs Depart- 
ment at Onawa. 
Thomas H., the youngest son, is Treasurer of the city of Ottawa. 
John M., the second son, has always remained on the homestead-consisting of 
300 acres-on which he k-=eps an average of 65 head of cattle, besides horses. 
He was married 15th September, lð58, to Caroline \Vyman, who died in 
February, 1888. Sbe was an estimable woman, possessed of great amiability, and 
her loss Wcl.S deplvred not only by her own family, but by a large circle of friends. 
Their eldest daughter, Jane Elizabeth, married James Connors, son of P. 
Connors, of Little Rideau, and lives at St. Ignace, Michigan, 
Emma, the second daughter, was married 4th March, 1891, to John \V. Ross; 
she died 25th February, 1892, 
Russell, the eldest son, resides at Braeside, Out. ; Wyman, the second son, lives 
in Seattle, \Vashington, Three sons, John 1\1., Daniel B., and Hiram H., and one 
daughter, Caroline May, are still at home. 
Mr. Kirby is one of the influential farm
rs of Hawkesbury, and has been a 
Municipal Councillor 14 years, half of which period he has been Deputy Reeve; he 
has also been a School Trustee 39 years; he is now \Varden of the united counties of 
Prescott and Russell. 
In his younger days he carried the mail for many years, and engaged to some 
extent in the lumber business, He also conducted the hotel for some time after 
his father retired from the business, but gave it up, Mrs. Kirby being strongly 
opposed to the selling of spirituous liquors. Another business which he followed a 
long time was the conveying of rafts men from the foot of the Long S.lult to Hawkes- 
bury, This was before stearn tugs were employed to tow the rafts, and they were all 
broughfdown the rapids. A raft was usually composed of seventy-two cribs of logs; and 
fourteen men-thirteen and a pilot-were employed to bring six cribs, called a " band," 
down the Long Sault, and they were required to make three trips a day. As soon as 
one "band" was brought down, 1\1r. Kirby took the fourteen men, drove rapidly 
with them to Hawkesbury, seven miles, and returned in time to mèet them again at 
the foot of the Long Sault; and this he did till the three trips were accomplished; 



he also provided the men with dinner. Mr. Kirby often alludes to the quietude of 
his premises compared with the hurly-burly of forty years ago. It has already b
stated that his father had a contract for carrying the mail from Montreal to Ottawa. 
1\Ir. Kirby, senior, himself drove the stage between Hawkesbury and Montreal, and 
for some time he crossed the Ottawa at Carillon, and went down via St. Eustache, 
About 18-t-8 he began to drive to Vaudreuil, and crossed thence to St. Ann's. 
A man who had long carried the mail, and owned a line of stage coaches, between 
Montreal and Toronto, found himself suddenly deprived of his incom
 by boats which 
were placed on the St. V::.wrence. He was then compelled to use his horses and coaches 
in other places, and among the opposition lines he stlfted one between Point For- 
tune and L'Orignal. It was during the existence of this line that busine<;s, especially 
travel, was most brisk in this locality. :\Ir. Kirby says that he cften saw a dozen 
stage coaches at his father's door. 
This gentleman relates a singular and rather amusing incident which occurred 
during his experience in the lumber business : 
0.1e day, a large, rustic young fellow, 16 or 17 years old, came to him when he 
was forming a raft up the Ottawa, and a<;ked for employm
nt. Hi.; n 1m
can Ben, and he came from one of the townships in the rear of Argenteuil, from ,vhich 
loca:ity had come also two or three others-Scotchmen-who wae working for Mr. 
Kirby. Requiring no more help, he declined to employ Ben, but at his earnest en- 
treaty changed his mind and set the boy at work. 
One of his employees at the time was an Indian who was decidedly bibulous 
in his habits. Strange to relate, Ben became attached to the Indian, and soon fell 
into his habits. Mr. Kirby reproved and advised the young fellow, and suggested 
to the Scotchmen who were from the same locality, that they should use their 
influence with Ben to induce him to abstain from the use of liquor, and carefully 
save his wages to take to his father, of whom he was the only child. 
" 0 let him alone," was the response. " Never fear, he'll learn better by and by 
than to make a fool of himself; " and so things went on a few days longer, when the 
two churns returned late one night, half drunk, as usual, from their evening potations. 
Very near the cabin on the raft where Mr. Kirby was sleeping, there was an open 
space several feet square. The night was dark, and Ben and the Indian, stealing 
quietly along so as to escape discovery, walked straight into the open space, and at 
once sank in the deep water. The Indian, after floundering about, swam to one 
side, and succeeded in getting on the raft. He then listened for some evidence of 
the location of his companion, believing that he could not swim, but in vain. He 
called to him two or three times, but no response was returned; all was silence and 
darkness. The young man was at the bottom of the river, and fear seized the 
Indian that he might be censured, and perhap:; held accountable for his death, and he 
decided to flee, But no ! he might yet be saved; animated by this thought, he 
rapped vigorously on the slide window of the cabin, and informed 
[r. Kirby in start- 
ling accents that Ben was drowning. Directing the Indian to rouse the other men, 
1\[r. Kirby, as soon as possible, was out with a lantern to assist in the search, 
which WJ.s prosecuted during the remainder of the night. In the morning, the raft 
was removed, and moored in another place, so that every part of the ri,'er there- 
about might be thoroughly dragged. At the same time, a messenger \Va<; dispatched 
on foot, to carry the sad tidings to the father of the lost boy. As the distance \Vas 
twenty-five or thirty miles, the father did not arrive till the following day, and then 
he could do nothing but bemoan his loss. After learning an the particulars of the 
terrible accident, and examining the scene of its occurrence, he set out to visit a 
farmer named Fraser, who lived a few miles back on the Ontario side of the Ottawa, 



in a neighborhood where he had himself formerly rt:sided. On entering the house of 
Fraser, he found the family sitting down to dinner, and the first person on whom his 
eyes rested was his lost son. His joy and astonishment may be better imagined than 
described, After his own story had beeu told to the surprised family, the sequel 
was unfolded by his boy. 
On finding himself in the river, the latter's first efforts naturally were to get 
out, which he did with little difficulty. Believing, however, that the Indian was 
drowned, and that he would be regarded as the chief cause of his death, he imme- 
diately plunged into the river, swam to the opposi te shore, and made his way to 
Fraser's, where he engaged in work, and until his father's arrival he had never men 
tioned the circumstances which had led him hither. 
The father and son returned together to the raft, and it is perhaps needless to 
add .that the latter's unexpected reappearance among the men, and his strange sur- 
vival, was tr.e topic of cOI1\"ersation for many a day. It is said the Indian seldom 
or never laughs, but Mr. Kirby affirms that the way this Indian laughed, when he 
learned of Ben's flight, from fear that he was dTùwned, was enough to force a smile 
on the face of a tomb-stone. 
JOHN GIBSON, the oldest person residing in this vicinity, was born near Belfast, 
Ireland, and came to Canada in 1828. He Jived about two years in Lachute, Que., 
and in 1830, or 1831, removed to Hawkesbury, and settled on J.ot 15, Range 4. 
.From that he removed to the 1st Range, and nearly forty years ago settled on the 
Platt property descrihed above. This property was entailed, but Mr. Gibson held 
it in charge till it was hi.. by possession, yet he generously aba
doned all claim, 
and purchased 100 acres of it from the rightful heir, and on this he still resides. 
He also has his reminiscences of pioneer life. About the year 1836, when he 
lived in the 4th Range, there was a season of great destitution among the settlers, 
arising chit:fly from late frosts in the spring. One morning, after his family had 
consumed for breakfast every mouthful of food in the house, he went to St, 
Andrews, across the Ottawa, purchased 56 Ibs. of flour, which he t00k on his 
back in a bag, and started on his return, Night and a heavy storm carne on soon 
after he left Point Fortune, and he sought shelter in an old vacant house, near the 
present dwelling of Mr. Lamb, Taking his bag of flour for a pillow, he slept 
soundly, and the next morning resumed his journey; but before reaching home he 
was obliged to supply three of his destitute neighbors with flour enough for break- 
fast. Mr. Gibson, however, outhved those days of hardship, and is now in posses- 
sion of a fine farm. He has been a member of the COllnty and Township Councils; 
was Deputy Reeve, and for some years served as Coroner for Prescott and Russell; 
in politics he has always been an active Liberal. He has had nine children-three 
sons and six daughters, 
JOHN HODGSON, a respected farmer of this section, has spent nearly his whole 
life in this country. He came 11ere with his father, Matthew Hodgson, in 1818, from 
Thornton,LYorkshire, England. When quite young, he was apprenticed to Samuel 
Orr of Lachute, Que., to learn the trade of shoemaker, and he lived in that town till 
he settled in Hawkesbury. About 1860, he bought th
 west half of Lot II, 1st 
Range in East Hawkesbury, on which he still resides, and to which he has added 
75 acres, He was married 28th May, r
44, to Esther Reveler; they have two 
sons and (our daughters. 
Mr. Hodgson has been School Trustee and Assessor several years. 
About r830, JAMES GRAY, from Roxburghshire, Scotland, came to this locality 
with ten children--seven sons and three daughters -four of the former being married. 



John, one of the sons, bought here 500 acres of land, on a part of which 
two of his own sons, James and William, now live, both actively engaged in their res- 
pective vocations, the former as carpenter and builder, the latter as farmer. Their 
father, John Gray, had six sons and four daughters-two of the latter are deceased. 
Alexander. the fifth son, learned the blacksmith trade, and was married soon 
afterward, in the fall of 1871, to Hannah M. Hodgson. He erected a carriage 
and blacksmith shop, and through unflagging industry and energy, hac:; built up a good 
business, He manufactures carriages of all kinds, which are noted for their neat- 
ness, cheapness and durability. 
OVILA BÉLANGER, whose neat new dwelling has a most commanding view up 
and down the Ottawa and of the County ot Argell1euil, was born in St. Andrews, 
Que, His father, Joseph Bélanger, moved from St. Andrews, to St, Eugène about 
186 5, and after conducting a hotel there for two years, he carne to Chute au Blon- 
deau, purchased a farm, and opened a hotel which h
 managed till his death in 187..J. j 
he left six sons and two daughters. Ovila, the eldest son, then took charge of the 
farm and h..Jtel, but sold the latter in four years, and devoted himself to farming 
He was married 7 th Jannary, 1884, to Alzire Dugas; she died 3rd April, 1893, and he 
was again married 29th May, 1894, to Emily Clement. Mr. Bélanger has been School 
Trustee for six years, and a member of the Municipal Council for two years. He is 
very popular with his fellow-citizens, and was elected Councillor by almost their 
unanimous vote, It is worthy of note that, although he and his five brothers were 
reared in a hotel, not one of them smokes or uses s}Jirituous liquors. 
DAVID McALLISTER, who has a good sized store here, III which he keeps a large 
Hock of general merchandise, is the youngest son of the late William McAllister, 
noticed in the history of Brownsburg, Argenteuil C,)., Que, In r872, when a young 
man, he sought employment in the \Vest, and spent twelve years in California, 
Arizona and !\lexico. On his return in 1884, he en tered mercan tile life in the 
store here, where his brother James had traded for some years. The same year 
he was married, loth December, to Elmina, daughter of D. B. \Vyman. The 
genial manner and uprit;ht dealing of 1\1r. l\lcAllister have secured him a large 
circle of customers. 
His brother. James McAllister, who has spent twenty-three years in mercan- 
tile life, still resides in this place. A post office was established here in 186 9, and 
he was appointed Postmaster-a position he still holds, He \Vas married in 1868 
to Janet Gray; she died in 1890; and he was next married to Edith, daughter of 
Geo, Bradford, of Cuslâng, Argenteuil Co" Que. Mr, McAllister has been a 
member of the School Board eight years. 
JOHN R. NENDICK is the proprietor of a fine little farm of 70 acres, located at 
this place. His father, \Villiam Nendick, carne from Yorkshire, England, to Hawkes- 
bury, in 1850, with his wife and six children. After living on rented farms a few 
years, he bought one in the 2nd Concession of this township, which he sold not 
many years later, and wEnt to Iowa. 
John R., his eldest son, was in the employ of Mr, John Kirby, six years; he 
was married 21st June, 1870, to Mary Filion, and he bought his present farm in 188 5. 
JOHN LITTLE, from Dumfrieshire, Scotland, came to Canada in 1825. He was 
a stonemason, and was employed in L'Orignal and Hawkesbury during the re- 
mainder of his life, which terminated at the house of his son, John, at Little Rideau. 
He left three sons and four daughters, 
John, the third son, learned the mason and stonecutter's trade, and has followed 
it upward of forty years, In 1863, he bought a farm of 100 acres here, and has 

59 6 


erected on it a good orick house besides commodious outbuildings. He was mar- 
ried to Jane Goudie on November loth, 1845, and last fall they enjoyed the celebra- 
Üon of their golden wedding, at which a large number of guests from both sides of 
the Ottawa were present. They have eight sons and three daughters living. 
Thomas A., the eldest son, left the farm in 1868, and went to California, where, 
27th January, 1875, he married Mr5. Laura Miller of Stockton, in that State. The 
following year he returned to this place and settled near his father's farm, on the 
Cook farm of of 200 acres, where he stilI resides. He is one of the enterprising 
farmers of Hawkesbury, keeps 50 head of cattle and 35 cows; has a silo, with good 
farm buildings, and if industry is a guarantee of success, Mr. Little's financial plOS- 
y is assured, 
It seems strange to relate that in this pleasant farm dwelling, surrounded with 
trees and shrubbery, in a remarkably quiet .and moral community, should have oc- 
curred, but a few years since, one of the most atrocious murders ever perpetrated in 
the Province. 
Ruggles Cook, the former proprietor of this farm, had for some months employed 
a well-educated English emigrant, named Fred. .Mann, scarcely more than 20 years 
of age, 
Early one morning in January, 1882, 
lann, who for some reason seemed to 
have conceived a sudden and violent hatred of the whole family, follûwed Mr. Cook 
to the barn and cruelly murdered him with an axe. He then returned, and his next 
victims were 1\1rs. Cook and her daughter Emma; both being found in the top of a 
granary near the kitchen, evidently strangled. George and \Villiam Cook were stilI 
in bed when Mann approached and struck the former on the head with the axe, 
killing him instanlly, William awakened jumped from the bed and grappled with the 
murderer, but not before he had received a cruel blow with the axe on the hip; 
and, in the scuffle, l\1ann succeeded in hitting him again with the axe on the .leg. 
These wounds were of so serious a nature, that they resulted in the death of the 
young man, in Lachute, Que.. about a year later. This all occurred in a bedroom 
in the kitchen chamber, and the noise created, attracting the notice of two daughters 
of Mr. Cook, they looked from a window in the. rear of the front building, and 
saw the deadly struggie; their brother at that moment having Mann by the throat. 
The latter descried the girls at the same time, and leaving his victim, he rushed down 
stairs just in time to meet them hastening to their brother's aid. Both partie3 sud- 
denly stopped. "\Vhat in the world are you doing? " exclaimed one of the sisters, 
as they met. 
Without replying 
Iann stared at her for a moment with a dazed expression, then 
turned and fled. He succeeded in gaining the woods and crossed the Ottawa, but 
was arrested the next day at St, Hermas. Que. He was hanged for the crime a fe\v 
mouths later at L'Orignal. Much sympathy was felt for the young criminal, from 
the fact that he seemed to realize the enormity of his deed, evinced due contrition 
for it, and acknowledged the sentence just which condemned him to death, It was 
the opinion of medical men that he had an abnormally large brain, and at no dis- 
tant day must have become insane. A m03t pathetic addres" written in verse to his 
mother, just before his execution, showed that he was a good scholar, and possessed 
of much talent. In this farewell address, he bewailed his folly and wickedness in 
disregardin.; his III )ther's Christian a:lvice and instructions, and humbly acknow- 
ledged that it was the neglect of her instruction and example that had led to his fear- 
ful doom. 
The first settler on the land where the above murder occurred, was a man 
named Barron, whose descendants are numerous in this section of country. He was 



found dead in his sleigh on the ice of the Ottawa, having died from me;.tt lodged in 
his throat. Mrs. Barron was a woman of great energy; on one occasion, she rode 
on horseback the whole distance to Toronto, to obtain the patent for their land. The 
feat will be regarded as remarkable, when we remember that there were few or no 
bridges, and that the way was marked in many places only by blazed trees. 


The above is the name of a hamlet on the Ottawa, five miles below Hawkesbury 
Mills, and abûut tW'o miles west of Chute au BJondeau. 
A man named Grant, of Montreal, was doubtless the earliest proprietor of land 
here, ha\'ing obtained 240 acres, and 400 or 500 at Chute au Blondeau. He sent a 
Scotchman named John Goudie here to look after this property, who bought the land 
at Little }{ ideau, and in 1844 sold it to Patrick Connors. 
JAMES Ross, whose descendants are among the most prominent, ac
ive and intel- 
ligent of the citizens of Hawkesbury, purchased 500 acres of land at this point in 
January, 1840. He was a stonecutter by trade, and came from Scotland, arriving at 
Greece's Point in April, 1829. His family consisted of his wife, a son and two 
daughters, He found employment on the canal locks then being constructed, and 
after living at Greece's Point till March, 1835, removed to Cornwall, where he was 
also employed on canal locks four years, He then returned to his farm at Little 
Rideau, where he died 14th December, 1843. Mrs. Ross survived till 12th Novem- 
ber, 1877. They had nine children, four sons and five daughters, of whom only two 
sons and three daughters are now living. 
Thomas, the eldest son, opened a store on the homestead, which he conducted 
for twen ty years. 
A Post-office was established here in 1853, and he was appointed Postmaster, a 
position he held till 1874, when he resigneJ, and his brother Robert became his suc- 
cessor. After leaving the store, Thomas engaged in farming a while, and then, in 
company with his sons, ûpened a store at Hawkesbury Village, where they are doing 
a large and thriving business, 
Mr, Ross is agentleman of great enterprise, and has engaged largely in the build- 
ing of cheese factories in different localities, on both sides of the Ottawa. This year- 
I895-the factories he has in operation will number twenty, Last year, the cheese 
manufactured from !6 f3.ctories amounted to 863,233 lbs.; tIle first factory was started 
at E. Hawkesbury in 1881. 
Robert, the third SOIl of the late James Ross, has always remained on the home- 
stead, successfully engagl'd in farming. In 1855, he erected a fine stone house, 
which was enlarged in 1880. Mr. Ross keeps an average of 80 head of cattle, 
and from 40 to 60 cows. The entire estate shows the result of judicious and intelli- 
gent management. 
Many have admired the fine blocks of stone used in the construction of the locks 
in the Carillon canal; they were quarried on the farm of l\Ir, Ross, The quarry 
was discovered by his father, but it was not opened till a few years subsequent to his 
decease. It contains an unlimited amount of stone, and has already supplied much 
for building purposes, but it is not likely to prove very profitable to its proprietor, 
till there are better facili ties for transportatiûn. 
A lime kiln was al)Q opened on this farm, on the shore of the Ottawa. many 
years ago, and is still used, bnt only to supply t1Ie wants of those in its immediate 

59 8 


l\lr. Ross and his two sisters, Isabella and Charlotte, comprise the family-a 
family whose knowledge of :Illcient as well as modern literature shows that their 
library has not been neglected. They have many Indian relics found on the premises, 
and these, together with a tradition which has been handed down from an 2.ged squaw, 
who used sometimes to call at Mr. Goudie's whose family lived here, many decades 
ago, leads to the belief that this is the identical spot where Daulac made his heroic 
stand. It is said that this squaw, who came here occasionally with others of her tribe, 
pointed out a place now on the farm of Mr, Ross, which her tribe claimed was the 
site of a terrible fight between the French and Iroquois. 
:Mary, the eldest of the children of James Ross, was married in July, 18 43, to 
James \Vatson, who came to this section from Renfrewshirc, Scotland, in 184 0 . He 
was a carpenter by trade, and after their marriage he and his wife spent a few years 
in Kingston, and then returned to Little Rideau, where Mr, \Vatson engaged in 
farming; he died at this place in 1890. His widow resides in Hawkesbury Village, 
re she has a lot and dwelling. Her two sons, James and John R., since 1880, 
have been engaged in mercantile business at Little Rideau, where, in 1888, they 
erected a fine brick store, of which John R. is now proprietor j his brother having 
opened another store in the vicinity. The latter was married to Margaret Morrison. 
As stated above, PATRICK CONKORS purchased a farm here in 1844. His father, 
whose name he bears, come from the County of Langford, Ireland, to this country, 
in 18 2 5. He spent a year or two in Montreal, and then came to Chatham, Que., 
and was employed on the Chute au Blondeau locks, After the completion of the 
canal he settled in East Hawkesbury, "here he died; he had two sons and one 
daughter. Patrick, the youngest of the chilùren, and the only one now living, is the 
only one who remained in Hawskesbury, He was married in 18 44 to Catherine 
Goudie, and they had six children-three of each sex-of whom \Villiam, the young- 
est son, lives on the homestead. The farm of Mr. Connors shows that he has not 
been wanting in energy and industry, though he has found time to serve his fellow- 
citizens as Municipal Councillor, School Trustee and Deputy-Reeve, 
GREGORY CONWAY, with two brothers, John and Andrew, came from Ireland 
in 18 45. Gregory married Miss Goudie, and is now proprietor of a fine estate in 
the 3 1d Concession. His brothers have also been very successful; John, besides 
owning a fine farm with valuable buildings, where he lives, nas land in different parts 
of the township, 
Gregory, a son of Grtgory Conway, mentioned above, is an energetic and 
prosperous young farmer residing here j he married Miss Brennan, a daughter of 
James Brennan, another successful farmer living in the 2nd Concession of this town- 
HAMILTON GOURLEY from Tyrone County, Ireland, came to Chute au Blondeau 
in 18 49. He lived on rented farms till 1872, when he purchased one at Little Rideau, 
on which he lived till his death, 9th October, 1882. Mrs. Gourley died 9 th November, 
18 93; they lelt six sons and two daughters. 
Samuel, the eldest son, was married 30th October, 1866, to Margaret Cameron; 
she died 13th November, 1882, and he was next married in 1884 to Eliza Johnson, 
who died 5th January, 1894. About 1865, he bought 100 acres of Lot 35, 2nd Con- 
cession, of which no part had then been cleared, but with the industry and hardihood 
characteristic of early pioneers, he has cleared 75 acres, and eJ ected thereon com- 
fortable buildings. 
John Gourley, his brother, who for several years successfully followed the black- 
smith trade, has a fine farm of 100 acres, and a good brick dwelling at Little Rideau. 



A. cheese factory which was erected at this place by Thomas Ross, in 1881, is at 
present in charge of 'V. A. SHOREY and his wife, Nancy Vart, to whom he was married 
12th July, 18 93 ; they are from Thurlow, Hastings County, Onto 1\Ir, Shorey has 
been engaged in cheese-making ten years, and is highly commended for his skill in 
this-one of the greatest of Canadian industries. 

A ride along the Ottawa on either side is always sufficiently pleasant, no matter 
in what county, but that from Point Fortune to Hawkesbury Mills is peculiarly so 
to an agriculturist, on account of the many good farms along the wayside; and 
especially is this true of the latter part of the route, from Little Rideau to the Mills, 
Among man)' that might be mentioned are the homesteads of William Lovell, Alex- 
ander Craig, Hugh Lough, Thomas Higginson, the Cameron Brothers, etc. 

1 LOVEI.L,* now an octogenariaa, i') a son of ROBERT LOVELL, who 
came to 
lontreal from Cork, Ireland, in 1820, and lived in that city till his death, in 
18 49. He had ten children-five of each sex. Annie, the eldest of thec;e, marri
Thomas Evans, 
John, the eldest son, who died in Montreal, in 1893, became the distinguished 
publisher and proprietor of one of the largest publishing houses in Canada, which is 
now under the management of his son, R. K. Lovell. Loyalty was one of the many 
noble traits which endeared the late John Lovell to his fellow-citizens. In his youth, 
with three brothers, he took an active part in suppressing the Rebellion of 18 37-38, 
and it was he who cut down the "Cap of Li: 'erty II at St, Charles, and presented it 
to Sir John Colborne; he also was in all the engagements of the Rebellion, 
\ViHiam Lovell at that time was a member of Company No. 4 Rifles, commanded 
by Capt. Blackwood, He had been employed on the Gazette, of whom Hugh 
Ramsay was one of the proprietors, and, at the direction of 1\1r, Ral11')ay, he set, one 
Sabbath, the type for the bill proclaiming Martial Law-the first and only type he 
ever set on the Lord's day, though h
 worked -1t the printer's trade nearly fifty 
In 1852 he purchased 400 acres of land in Hawkesbury, on which but little 
improvement had been made, and of which he still retains hi;; present well-cultivated 
farm of 13 0 acres. He was married in 1839 to Eliza Hamilton, from Cork; their 
son, John G., remains with them on the homestead. 

-\LEXANDER CRAIG, from North Aberdeenshire, Scotland, came to Chatham, 
Que., in June, 1883, After uccupying rented farms a few years, he purchased in 
18 94-, 108 acres of Lot 13, 1St Range, in Hawkesbury, in the cultivation of which he 
is assisted by his eldest son, James, His eldest daughter, Maggie, is married to 
James Graham, engineer in the mill of the Hawkesbury 
lilling Company; his second 
son, John, is in Butte City, Montana, and Robert, another son, is employed on the 
Canada Atlantic H..ailro:td at Hawkesbury. 
HUGH LOUGH carne to Hawkesbury from the North of Ireland, and was married 
soon afterwards, 17 th JUlY, 1819, to the widow of John Luugh. He Was employed by 
the Hamilton Brothers from 1819 to 1860; and not many years after his arrival he 
bought about 4 00 acres of land, which is now owned and occupied by his d3.ugh
Mrs. Fraser. Mr. Lough died 14 th .February, 1871; Mrs. Lough, 21st July, 18 7 6 ; the; 
had five children-one son and two daughters are IlOW living. 
Hugh, the second son, was married 1st February, 1854, to Jane Kirby, and 
remained on the homestead till April, 1884, when he sold it, and bought the farm of 
13 0 acres, where he now lives, and on which he has erected fine buildings. 
* Mr. Lovell died in April, 1896. 



JOHN CONWAY, born in 1818, came to Canada from County Cavan, Ireland, in 
1843. When he landed in Quebec he had only $5.00. The first work he did in this 
country was for Hamilton Brothers. After working for them four years he bought 
his farm in the 2nd Concession, East Hawkesbury, from Lemuel Cushing; it was 
entirely wooded, and the only building on it was a "scoop shanty." vVhen Mr. Conway 
commenced clearing, he drew cord-wood to Chute au Blondeau on a 
, traineau; II 
from lack of time he was frequently obliged to thresh his grain by candle light. He 
was married three times-his first wife was Miss McCormack, daughter of \Villiam 
McCormack, of this place; they had one son, Gregory, born 19 th March, 18 53. The 
latter, who is married to Catherine, daughter of Henry Hughes, now lives on a fine 
farm 111 the 4 th Concession. He spent four years of his earlier life in California and 
:Kevada. His first wife having died in March, 1853, Mr. Conway, sr" was married the 
fol1owing year to Mary, daughter of Thomas McCafferty; they had eight children-five 
sons and three daughters-one of each sex is deceased; the others, with the exception 
of l\latilda, the wife of James :McCoy, of Argenteuil County, and Patrick, who is in 
Nevada, live in this county, Mrs. Conway died November, 18 74, and Mr. Conway 
was married the third time in September, 1880, to Isabell3. Kairns, daughter of Robert 
Kairns ; by this marriage he had three children-one son, who died in childhood, and 
two daughtt:rs. Mr. Conway was deprived of the advantages of education, yet, by 
perseverance and industry, he has accumulated property which compares favorab:y 
with any in the county. He ha'3 fine new buildings and 3 00 acres of laud, which he 
manages with the help of his son. He has given a good education to all his children. 
THOMAS \V. CONWAY, fourth son of Mr. John Conway by his second marriage, 
was horn October 8th, 1869. 'VhEn 20 years of age he entered Rigaud College, and 
graduated from that institution in 1891, with the highest distinction, obtaining 95 per 
cent. in marks, and honorable mention from the Institute of Saint Victor. He was 
married April 3 0th , 1895, to Margaret F., daughter of James Brennan, of East 
Hawkesbury, and the same year received from his father his present farm in the 2nd 
Concession. He owns a fine brick residence, and is one of the enterprising farmers 
of this locality. 
DREW CONWAY, born in 1824, came to Canada with his mother and brother, 
from County Derry, Ireland, in 1844. He first engaged to work for Henry Allen, in 
Caledonia, for $3. 00 per month; he then worked as cook in a lumber shanty, and 
subsequently engaged to the Hamiltons. After settling on his farm, Lot 23, in the 
2nd Concession, he took to the lumber wood; for a number of years. He was 
married in 18S5, to Ann, daughter of John Harkin, of West Hawkesbury; they had 
seven sons and two daughters, of whom five sons and one daughter are now living, 
Tohn, the eldest, lives in 'Vest Hawkesburv; Andrew and \Villiam are at home; 
Gregory, the third son, died in California; Patrick, whn attended Rigaud College, 
receiving his diploma in 18 9 2 , and Henry, are in Michigan; Margaret A., married to 
James Linns, lives in this place, Mrs, Conway died .March 6th, 18 93. 
Mr. Conway: from a small beginning, has risen to be one of the leading farmers 
of the township; he has a fine farm of 200 acres, a good brick residence, and all hIS 
children have received a good education. 
JAMES KENi'\EDY, born in County Cavan, Ireland, was a soldier in the English 
army, and came to Canada with the Royal Staff Corps, and worked on the Carillon 
canal. He was married in Montreal, to Miss Mary McDonald, and afterwards went 
to work for Hamilton Bros., of Hawkesbury. He was drowned in Hawkesbury in 
18 39, leaving a widow and ten children, who lived on Lot 22, 2nd Concession, which 
::\lr. Kennedy had bought from Hamilton Bros. 



Of the ten children, Jamts Kennedy, jr., is believed to be the only one now 
living, He was a twin brother of Thomas; they were born in February J, 18 35. 
Thomas, who was a blacksmith by trade, died in Erie, Pa.. in 186 5. 
The name TITLEY is of German extraction, and the first ancestor of this family 
who came to Canada had been a soldier in the German army. 
One of his descendants, JOHN BAPTISTE TITLEV, was born in Rigaud, in 18 3 1 . 
He remained at home until 16 years of age, when he commenced lumbering, continu- 
ing that business for several years. In 1857 he was married to Miss Theresa Braseux, 
of L'Orignal; he then returned to his farm in the 2nd Concession, which he had 
bought in 1854. Before his death he bought 50 acres more of the same lot. He died 
in 1873, at the age of 42, leaving a widow, four sons and two daughters; the children 
are a1l living. Mrs. Titley continued to manage the, with the help of her 
children, and bcught 50 acres more; she died in 1889, aged 59 years, 
Margaret, the eldest daughter. who is nnrried, lives in Glengarry; .Mary L., also 
married, lives in this place. Theodule, the eldest SO'}, nurried, in 18 9-1-, 
Rosanná De Cire ; his two brothers, Solomon and Adolphus, live 011 the homestead; 
the three conducting the farm. Zodique, the second son, who is m:uried, also lives in 
East Hawkesbury, 
CHRISTOPHER SPRATT carne from the North of Ireland, and settle,l in East 
Hawkesbury on the farm now occupied by his son George. Joseph Spratt, the second 
son was born in 1838, and has always remained in this place. In 1874 he bought 
his present farm, Lot 19, 3rd Concession. He was married in 1864 to Miss Nancy 
Gibson, daughter of John Gibson, of Point Fortune; they have two sons and five 
Iary, the eldest daughter, is married to John Middleton, of Point 
Fortune; Elizabeth, the second d.:mghter, is in Massachusetts j Ethel, the third, is a 
teacher in Cypress River, Manitoba; and Christopher, the eldest son, is also in 
toba. The other children remain at home. 
JAMES BEGGS was born in the County of Antrim, Ireland, 15th October, 18 2 3, 
and cilme to this country in I8_p. He followed his trade-that of shoe-nuking-in 
Vankleek Hill for several years, and while there was conv
rted and becam
 a sta.unch 
ter of the 
Iethodist Church. He was m uried in I8....8 t..:> :\Iargar d Cow,tn, 
and afterwards came to this section and bought 100 acres-the ea3t half of Lot 7. in 
the 2nd Range, on which he lived till his death. \Vhen 
Ir, Begg
 bought this Lot 
it was wild land, and by great industry he cleared it, and also bought 100 acres more 
before his death, which took place 18th October, 1874. Mrs, Begg.. died 14th 
February, 1893; both left behind them the memory of upright, Christian lives, whose 
influence was always for good. Mr. Beggs acted as School Trustee for sev
ral years, 
They had six sons and four daughters, of whom four sons and three daughters are 
now living, 
William Beggs, the third son, who remained on the homestead, was married 8th 
March, 1893, to Margaret, daughter of Alexander Lamb, of Point Fortune. and has 
one child. Mr, Beggs has a fine farm, which will be noted with pleasure by any 
passing through this section, and is an earnest advocate of temperance and all 
Christian work, 
A few years after 1\1r, Beggs settled here, JOHN BOA settled on all adjacent 
Lot; he lived here till his death in 1875 or 1876, and reared a family of respected 
and industrious children. He left three sons and five daughters, but only four of the 
latter are now living. 
ROBERT BOA the eldest son, lives on the homestead; he was married in Decem- 
ber, 1884, to Katie, daughter of Alex.\11der Lamb of Point Fortune, Mrs. BO:l is 



an active worker in the cause of temperance, and is President of the \V. C. T. U. of 
Pt. Fortune. 
Simon, a brother of Robert Boa, lives on an adjoining farm; he married Lizzie, 
a daughter of James Taylor of East Hawkesbury. Edward, another son of the late 
John Boa, is in Buffalo, N. Y. 
The respected family of the late Mr. John McPhaden Jive in this section. The 
following obituary of Mr. 
IcPhaden is taken from the Lachute WatcÍlman:- 
" Died 20th December, 1875. One more of the old landmarks has gone-Mr. 
John McPhaden. Pope says: " An honest n
an is the noblest work of Gad," and 
truly that may be said of him. He had always an open hand to the poor and needy, 
and was always ready to help the deserving in any way he could. His remains were 
interred on Wednesday, 22nd, at one o'clock; service was held in St. Columba's 
Church; he struck the first blow in quarrying the stone used in the erection of this 
church, and was a member of the building committee." 
COQUERELLE is the name given to a locality between the 3rd and 4 th Conces- 
sions of East Hawkesbury, distant about three and a half miles from the town line. 
Among the first settlers in this place were the HARVEYS, whose descendants of the 
third generation are still here; QUINTIN McADAM, who lived in the east half of Lot 
I I in the 3rd Concession, a farm now owned by Mr. Doe; ROBERT SMITH, sen., who 
still Jives here, at the age of 93, and his son Robert; JOHN WILEY, who passed away 
some time since, leaving a large family. Stephen an,j James, two of the son5, both 
well-to-do farmers, live in this Concession; the latter nas been Reeve and Deputy- 
Reeve for several years ; John, another son, lives in the 2nd Concession; and the 
widow of Robert, another brother, lives with her family on the old homestead. 
J OH N DOCKSTADTER, son of Simon Dockstadter, one of the early settlers of 
River Rouge; DAVID MCCULLOCH, who came with his family from Isle aux Chats, 
Argenteuil County, in 1868; and MALCOLM MCCALLUM, who still lives here, were a'so 
among the early settlers. 
The small church here, called the Dempsey Cll1pel in memory of the Rev. J. 
Dempsey, who first preached the Gospel in this settlement, was built during the pas- 
torate of the Rev. J, \V. Manning, while he was stationed at St. Andrews, Que. 
Previous to its erection, services had been held in the school-house by Mr. Dempsey. 
The chapel when built was block, but has since been brick-encased, and presents a 
very neat appearance; it has a seating capacity of about 150. Besides the usual 
services, Sunday School is also held here every Sabbath. 
Among those who were active in establishing the church and contributed towards 
its erection with work and m')ney, were: James Taylor, Robert Smith, jun., and John 
McDuff, sen. These formed the committee. The church is built on land given by 
Robert Smithson, 
JAMES TAYLOR, from Isle aux Chats, was married in that place in June, 1854, to 
Jane, daughter of James McCulloch, came to Hawkesbury the same year, and bought 
the east half of Lot 12, 3 rd Concession. Seven children have been born to Mr, and 
Mrs. Tay)or-two daughters and five sons, but two of the latter died in childhood. 
. R?bert! the eldest son, is a carpenter at Vankleek Hill; John S., the second son, 
IS farmmg III Breadalbane; Joseph B., the youngest, married, resides on the home- 
stead. Margaret, the eldest daughter, widow of James B
ggs, lives in Breadalbane, 
Glengarry County, Ont.; Elizabeth, married to Simon Boa, lives on the 2nd Conces- 
sion of this township. 
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, having reaped the reward of their toil, are living in retire- 
ment in their fine brick residence, erected in 1888. 


60 3 

JOHN CAPRON, eldest sún of John Capron, was bore. 3rd October, 1856. \Vhen 
II years of age he began carrying mail on horseback from Vankleek Hill to Point 
oortune, his father having contracted for the work. He did this for three years, 
summer and winter, often over very bad roads, Most of his life he has been engaged 
in farming. though two winters were spent in lumbering in the South, Frank- 
lin Count}", N.Y.; he has also dealt in horses and cattle, in company with his father, 
helping to supply the 
Iontreal markets. In June, 1887, he was married to Livonia 
H., daughter of Alexander Kingsbury; he then took the north half of a Lot in the 
4 th Concession, built on it a brick residence and new outbuildings, and in 1888 came 
here to live. Mr. and 1\lrs. Capron have two children-both sons. 
AMEDÉE LEROUX, son of C. Leroux, a prominent farmer of St. Placide, who was 
Mayor of that place for over 20 years, wa3 born in St. Placide in 1841. \Vhen 12 
years of age he commenced work as clerk in Beauharnois, Que., acting in that capa- 
city for some time there and in Montreal. After returning home and working on his 
father's farm two years, he removed to his present farm in the 3rd Concession. III 
1862 he was married to Miss M. Desjardins, of St, Andrews, About 1880 he went 
to Dak()ta, where he remained seven years, acting most of the time as foreman on a 
large fa! m; since his return to this section he ha
, in connection with his fJ.rming, 
been engaged extensively in cheese-making, owning six factories-three in Prescott 
and three in Argcnteuil. Mrs. Leroux died in 1886, leaving seVén children-two sons 
and five daughters j the daughters, who are all married, live in this County, The 
sons, Anselm and \Vilfred, have attended college at Grande Ligne, Que, 
JCISEPH LADuKE, son of B. LaDuke, was born in Rigaud in 1830. \Vhen he 
was sixteen years of age, his father came to East Hawkesbury and bought a half-lot 
in the 3rd Concession. Joseph engaged in lumbering for several years, and during 
the time bought a half-lot in the 3rd Concession, to which he removed after his mar- 
riage with Mary, daughter of Patrick McDonald. His farm was at tInt time to a 
great extent wooded. He continued lumbering fourteen winters after his marriage, 
but worked on his farm during the summer, and afterwards bought the north half of 
Lot 22, which gave him altogether 100 acres. 
Mrs. LaDuke died 18th .March, 1895, leaving four sons and four daughters, 
who are all, with the exception of two, residents of thi:; County. Edward, one of the 
sons, is in Butte, Montana, and Elizabeth is also in the United States; Margaret, 
the eldest, and Sarah, the second daughter, wife of Joseph Cheveriere, live at home; 
Mary J., the fourth daughter, is the wife of Mr. M. Moore, of Vankleek Hill. Patrick 
H., one of the sons, is attending college in Rigaud, and John J. is learning the black- 
smith trade in Grenville. 
Joseph, the son living here, was born 1st June, 1860; he remained at home, 
with the exception of a few winters spent in lumbering; until 1889, in which year he 
went to Butte City, Montana. He remained there six years, engaged in mining and 
other occupations, and in February, 1895, returned and took his father's farm. 
Mr. LaDuke has a fine brick residence which he built about six years ago, and 
his farm, in its high state of cultivation, bears evidence that much toil has been 
expended on it. 
DAI'IEL HOYSTED, son of Thomas Hoysted, was born in County Kildare, Ireland, 
and came to this country with his father when about 9 years of age. They first came 
to" The Sny," and Mr. Hoysted, sen., who was a miller by trade, commenced work 
for Hamilton and Low, Daniel, when about J8 years of age, entered the employ of 
the Hamiltons, on the River Rouge, and continued with them twenty years; during 
the last eight years of his service he was employed by this firm as foreman on the 

60 4 


lower farm. \Yhile engaged with them he had bought his present farm in the 3 rd 
Concession. In] 864 he was married to Catherine, daughter of the late Neil Ward 
of this place, and the S:lme year remo\'ed to his farm, 
1r. and \1 rs, Hoysted have 
had ten children, of whom eight daughters and one 50n are living; the eldest son 
died in childhood. 
Mary, the eldest, wife of Peter McIntee; Anna, the second, wife of Thomas 

:fcCormack ; and Julia, the third daughter, wife of Edward St. Denis, all live in this 
place; the other children remain at home. Since coming to his farm, Mr. Hoysted 
has erected a fine brick residence and several other dwellings. 
\VILLIAM CUNNIXG carne to Canada from Belfast, Ireland, about 1853, with his 
wife and three sons. He was a cooper by trade, and after his arrival, commenced 
work for the Hamilton Brothers, rem lÍning with them nine years. He then bought 
a lot in the 3rd Concession, which is now occupied by his youngest son, Robert. 
After Mr. Cunning removed to this place, he continued to follow his trade in con- 
nection with farming until his death, which occurred in July, 1877. Mrs. Cunning 
survives him, living with her son Robert on the old homestead. The latter, who was 
born 14th March, 1856, always remained at horne, with the exception of one year 
spent in lumbering on the Ottawa. He has managed thëfarm since 1875, In 188 5 
he was married to Edith, daughter of James Mark, jun., of East Hawkesbury. They 
have five children-three sons and two daughters. 
THOMAS HOYSTED carne from County Kildare, Ireland, to N ew York City; 
thence he went to Boston, remained in the latter city about a year, when he received 
word from his father, who had come to Canada some years previously, to join him in 
this country. lJ e tiid so, corning to a farm in East Hawkesbury, 3rd Concession, on 
which he has since remained. Two years after his arrival in Hawkesbury he was 
married to Ellen Kinsela, of the County Kildare, who had been an acquaintance in 
the Old Country, and had recently arrived in Canada. Mr. and l\Irs. Hoysted have 
six children-one son and five daughters. :\Iary A., the eldest, married to James 
Milway, lives in lIarrington; Ellen, the second daughter, widow of A. LeDuc, 
Elizabeth, married to StelJhen \Vyley, and Kate, married to Anùrew Allison, jun., all 
live in East Hawkesbury. Julia, the youngest daughter, lives at horne, 
s tioes John, 
the son. The latter has spent a few winters in lumbering, but with that exception 
has always remained here, 


The Post-office of this name was opened here a few years ago in the residence of 
Mr. James Steele, who was appointed Postmac;ter. On his removal to Vankleek Hill, 
he was succeeded by Mr. Proudfoot. Mr. Proudfoot has been engaged in chee
making in the factory here for the past six sea<;ons, four of which he worked for 
Messrs. LeRoy and Ogden; the past two seasons he has conducted the factory for 
its patrons, who bought it from the previous owners, Mr, Proudfoot is assisted by 
his brother R oLert. 
NELSON MARTIN BURWASH, second son of Nelson Burwash, was born 5th March, 
1851, and has always remained at home. \Vhile quite young he joined No. 4 Com- 
pany, 18th Battalion, and .accompanied it to Cornwall and Prescott in 1868. In 
1873 he was married to .Mary J., d..mghter of James Steele; they lived in the 4 th 

oncession three years, at the end of which time he bougllt his father-in-Iaw's farm 
m the 3rd Concession. Mr. and Mrs, Burwash have five sons and three daughters. 
'Wilfred Henry, the eldest son i<; in Manitoba; James Nelson, the third son, is attend- 


60 5 

ing the Academy at Vankleek Hill, and the others are all at home. Mr. Burwash is a 
good farmer; he has all the modern farming hnplements, and has brought his farm to 
a fine state of cultivation. 
People who, years ago, were troubled with wild animals will, no doubt, be sur- 
prised to learn that these are not yet extinct. 
Alice, the fourteen-year-old daughter of Mr. John \Vard, one ev
ning in Septem- 
ber last, while going for the cows, saw some animal running across the road which 
leads the woods at this place. The d06" which waC) with her ran after it and 
chased it up a tree. Alice \vent to the foot of the tree and watched the animal some 
time, hoping some of the men would come in sight, but no one appearing, she decided 
that she must try some other phn of obtaining help. Having some paper in her 
pocket, with a pin she scratched on it these words :-" Come down to the bush, there 
is a large beast in a tree. II Giving thi5 note to a little boy who was with her, and who 
could not talk plainly, she told him to run with it to the house. He did so, and soon, 
to Alice's relief, her brother \Villiam appeared, who, on looking at the animJ.l, pro- 
nounced it a lynx. He went b.lck to the hOJse and procured a g,m, the young girl 
remaining at her post during his ab
ence, and on his return he shot the lynx, which 
proved to be a very large one -t\VO feet high. and measuring 3 feet 3 inches from "tip 
to ttp." 
 came from Roxburghshire, Scotland, to Canad.1. in 1828 with 
his wife and two children; one of the latter died during the voyage. He was a stone- 
cutter and mason by trade, and also a draughtsman, and drew plans for canal locks. 
He was first employed as foreman for 
y & Redpath, contractors, 0:1 the locks 
of the Rideau Canal at Ottawa. He then went to Carillon, where he was also fore- 
man, during the construction of the lower locks in the canal. After the compl
of this work, he came to E3.
t Hawkesbury in February, 18 33, anrl bought Lot 28, 
4 th Concession. Subsequently, he was foreman on the Cornwall Canal and the locks 
at St, Ann's, and with three others took a contract for the construction of Lock No, 3 
and all the clllverts on the Beauharnois C:lIul. H
 waC) next Inspector of :\IaC)onry on 
the 06densburg R. R" and for the Government on the Richeìieu Can.l.llocks. He 
then returned to the farm, and during the remainder of his life toak an active part in 
the affairs of the township, being a member of the first Township Council, and was 
also Reeve. He added to his farm until before his death he owned 400 acres. He 
died in November, 1863, aged 67, and Mrs. Allison in December, 1887, aged 86. 
They left five children, of whom two sons and two daughters are still living. 
Janet, the youngest, married to John \V. Higginson, lives in \Vest Hawkesbury; 
Agnes, married to John Kirkconnell, lives in Bruce County j An irew, the younger son, 
lives in this place. 
WILLIAM ALLISON, the elder son, lives on part of the homestead farm; and has 
always remained in the place with the exception of a year spent in school in Mon- 
treal. lIe is widely known through the County for his public spirit, In 18 5 0 , he 
was elected Deputy-Reeve, and the year following, Reeve, of the to\vnship, which latter 
office he held for 2 I years in succession. In 1864 he was \Varden of the County, 
and has been Justice of the Peace since 1854, being the oldest holding that 
office in the County; he has also been Clerk of the Court for the past 2 I years. His 
marriage took place in 1847 to Miss Ann McCormack of East Hawkesbury; they 
have three sons and three daughters living. 
Andrew, the eld
st, \Villiam, the second son, the eldest d.lUghter, m.uried to 
Dennis Hurley, and the third daughter, married to \Villiam 
Iullin, all r
side in East 
Hawke5bury. The sec'Jnd daughter is married to D.miell\IcCusker, of Alfred; James, 



the youngest son, who has always remained on the homestead, was married in 1889 
to Catherine, daughter of Cornelius Hurley; they have one son and two daughter
JOSEPH KYLE was born in County Tyrone, Ireland, 1828. His father's family, 
who were of Scotch origin, had removed to the North of Ireland during the reign of 
James II. Mr, Kyle was educated in Ireland, and was also married in that country to 
Martha Gallagher, the newly married couple coming to Canada in 1853, The 
following year, Mr, Kyle commenced teaching in East Hawkesbury, and for many 
years followed this profession, receiving a pension from the Ontario Government in 
1886, in recognition of his long and valuable service. In 1872 he bough t his present 
farm, Lot 29, 2nd Concession. 
He ha5 two daughters living in this country-Mary, the eldest, married to Robert 
Dickson, lives in this place, and Martha, the second, lives at ho:ne; William John, 
the eldest son, is in the N orth- West. 
The name MOONEY is very familiar in East Hawkesbury, and part of the 3rd Con- 
cession has always been known as the" 1100nq Settlement." The first of that name 
to come here were four brothers-John, Samuel, Alexander and Charles, sons of 
Alexander Mooney, who came from County Antrim, Ireland; their descendants are 
numerous in this section. _ 
Many years ago, Mrs. Mooney gave to her son, Alexander, a coin that had Alex- 
ander Mooney's name engraven on it during the time of the Rebellion in Ireland. This 
coin is now in possession of Alexander-one of the third generation of that name 
-who resides in Ottawa. 
ALEXANDER MOONEY, from County Antrim, Ireland, came to Canada in 183 [ ; he 
was a 
hoemaker by trade, and worked at his trade for three years in Hawkesbury 
village. On November 16th, 1835, he was married to Elizabeth Spratt, and in 1837 
mo\"ed to his farm in the 3rd Concession, which he had purchased a few years pre- 
vious; he worked at his trade here in connection with farming. for a number of 
years; he died 1St January, 1887, at the age of 86. Mr. and Mrs, Mooney had thirteen 
children,-nine sons and four d:l.u'Shters, of whom six sons and two daughters are no\v 
living. They all settled in this County with the exception of Alexander, the eldest, 
who, retired from business, is living in Ottawa, and John, the third son, who is farming 
in Manitoba. Charles, the youngest, born in 1854, has always lived at home. In 1888 
he was married to F:mny, daughter ofthe late Edward Sproule, of \Vest Hawkesbury; 
they have one son and two daughters. After his father's death, Me, Mooney took the 
farm, which is in a fine state of cultivation, and is provided with all the improved 
farming implements. 
Mrs. Mooney, Sf" his mother, resides with him, and is quite active at the age 
of 86. 
GEORGE, fifth son of Alexander Mooney, was born October 2nd, 1850, in 
E, Hawkesbury; he remaii1ed at home until sixteen years of age, when he engaged in 
lumbering, following this business for several winters, and spending the summers at 
home. About 1874 he went to California, where he remained some time, working at 
machinery used in extrccting gold and silver are from the rock, After visiting home, 
and returning to California and engaging in mining for sometime, he came back to the 
farm he now owns in the 3rd Concession, He was married 17th, March 1880, to 
Henrietta, daughter of Henry Vogan of RiceviIle; they have two sons and one 
daughter. Since his marriage, Mr. Mooney has built a fine brick residence and new 
outbuildings. He spent the winter of 1887 traveling in California; he has been 
School Trustee. 


60 7 

SAMUEL MOONEY was born in County Antrim, Ireland: in 1804. He learned the 
stone-cutting trading in his nati,'e place, and worked at it for some time before coming 
to Canada in 1830. On arrivi ng in this country he worked for a time on the Carillon 
and Grenville Canal, and also followed his trade in Montreal, and helped build a 
light house on the Island of Anticosti, He was married in 1835 to Miss .Mary 
Lough, whose native place was also County Antrim. In 1837 they moved to the farm, 
Lot 30, of the 3rd Concession, which Mr. Mooney had bought a few years previolls ; 
there were only about 6 acres of the farm cleared at that time. 'Vhere the " Monte" 
now runs, there was no road, but the 3rd Concession load was open. 
Mr, and Mrs. Mooney had two sons and Ihree daughters; Mary, the eldest, 
married to Thomas Dandy, lives in Manitoba; Jennie, the second, is the wife of 
Robert Rwherford of \Vest Hawkesbury. and Nancy is married to Solomon Grout; 
\\ïl1iam (of whom a 
ketch has already heen given) resid
s in this place; Samuel, the 
youngest, has always remained at hùme. Mr. Mooney died 31st March, 1890, aged, 
86 ; 1\1rs. Mooney still survives, and at the age of 86 is active, and retains her facu1ties 
to a remarkable degree. 
CHARLES MOONEY, is the younge5t of the four brothers whose father, Alexander 

Iooney, came to this country in 183 I. He lived a few years with his brother, Samuel, 
and spent some time in lumbering. He was married in 1844, to l\fay, daughter of 
James McNie of East Hawkesbury; they Iud seven children,-five sons and two 
, who are all living Mr. Mooney purchased halves of three lots in the 3rd 
Concession. He died March, 1891, aged 69, and Mrs. Mooney died in March, 1884, 
aged 62. Alexander, the eldest son, has spent most of his life in California, and in 
different parts of the United States. John C., of whom a sketch has already been 
given, lives here; Samuel C , the third son, lives in Vankleek Hill; Charles C., the 
youngest, lives in this place; Janet, the eldest daughter, married to .Mr. Ralph Leroy; 
.M ary, * the youngest, lives on the homestead with her brother, James c., the fourth 
fOn, who was born J 8th September, 1864. He has always remained at home, and has 
managed the farm, both befort and since his father's death. In 1892 he was married 
to Eliza, daughter of the late John McInnis of Vankleek Hill. Mr. Mooney has 
always been a fancier of fine horses, and has exhibited a good many prize winners at 
Prescott and several other Country Fairs. 
'VILLIAM !\lcNIE} second son of James l\1cNie, was born 14th March, 1853, on 
the farm where he now resides. He remained at home until the age of 22, when he 
went to California fOl eight years. \Vhile in that State, he acted as foreman for 
, F, Reed, of Sacramento County, who managed a farm of 5000 acres. In 1883 
Mr. 1\1cNie returned to this place and bought his father's farm in the third Concession. 
He was married in 1886 to Florence, daughter of Alexander Hunter, of W. Hawkes- 
bury; they have three sons and one daughter. 
1\1r, McNie is an advanced farmer, has a fine herd of Ayrshire cattle, and is 
making many improvements on his farm. 
OLIVER ORTON, a U. E. Lc>yalist, was the first settler in this section, coming here 
in 1826 from \Vest Hawkesbury; previous to his removal to \Vest Hawkesbury, he 
had lived in Lachute, Argenteuil Co. He was a Christian man, and a class leader, 
and used frequently to lecture in this vicinity and in West Hawkesbury, 
His son, SAMUEL ORTON, \Vas b:)fn I nh Decemb
r, 1814, in East Hawkesbury, 
and always remained at home, He was married 13th February, 1837, to Clarissa, 
daughter of Timothy Pool of L3.chute; they had eight children-three sons and five 
daughters. 'l\vo of the daughters are now deceased. 
· Now deceased. 



Charles, the eldest son, lives on Vankleek Hill; "Tilliam , the second son, is in 
Montreal; Hannah M. and Elizabeth A., the former married to J. Rutherford, and 
the latter to John Mooney, are hoth residents of this place; Clarissa A. V., widow of 
Mr. Burgess, lives in New York State. 
:;\Ir. Samuel Orton died loth October, 1871, aged 57 ; Mrs. Orton survives him, 
and is living, at the age of 82, with her son Levi. 1\1.-. Urton, like his father, was 
a Christian man, highly respected by all. He look an active part in the affairs of the 
township, was Collector and Assessor, and held several other offices. 
Levi S., the third 
on, was born 4th April, 1842, and is owner of the old home- 
stead in the 3rd Concession. He was married in 1871 to Kate, daughter of th
Ad.111 :Murray; they have seven sons and three daughters, who are all at home, 
except the three eldest, Samuel J. and Arthur L., who are in Manitoba, and Aha E., 
who is in Lowell, 
JOHN MATTHEWS came from Radnorshire, \Vales, to Canada in 1836 or 18 37, 
with six children. He first came to Carillon, remained there a shùrt time, and then 
mo\'ed to Centerville, buymg, on the North River, the farm now occupied by his 
third son, Sam
el Harvey Matthews. 1\1r. Matthews, the subject of our sketch, for 
the sake of his health, went to Portland, l\Iaine. in 1862, aId remained there till his 
death, which took place in 1853, atthe age of 62. 
John, the eldest son, was born in Beguilby Parish, Radnorshire, 'Vales, on 1st July, 
18 3 0 . He was twice married-first in 1858 to Lucy, daughter of Timothy Bristol 
of E. Hawkesbury. In February of 1860, he came to this p1ace, and bough t a 
farm in the 3rd Concession from Mr. Bristol, his fa:her-in-law, who lived with him 
till his death. Mr. Matthews' first wife, who died in February, 1881, left one dc1Ughter. 
Hi.. second marriage took place in 1882, to Sarah, daughter of \Villiarn Nichols, of St. 
Phillippe; they have one son. 
1\1r. Matthews experienced a serious loss lJy fire in January of 1882, his house 
with its entire contents being burnt; he 103t in this fire a library of over 600 
volumes, among which were some very valuable books; in one of these was a family 
record containing dates as far back as [400. l\1r. Matthews has since built a neat 
brick residence. 
DAVID STEPHENS is a son of Ebenezer Stephens, who came from Vermont to 
AJgenteuil County, Que., in 1804, and settled in Fpper Lac-hute. David, who was 
the second son, was born there in 1816, He was at Grand Brulé in 1837, at the 
time the church was burnt, and saw the bodies taken out. He was married in 18 39 
to Caroline, daughter of Leroy Leavitt, one of the pioneers of Ch1tham ; they have 
had eight children, of whom two sons and two daughters are now living. 
1\1r. Stephens carne to this place (E. Hawkesbury) in 1842, and bought his farm 
in the 3rd Concession, from Oliver Orton, Mrs. Stephens died here in 1889, at the age 
of 68. Elise, the eldest daughter, married to Moses Allen, lives in L'Orignal; Oavid, 
the eldest son, a sketch of whom is given, resides here; Mary Ann, unm3.rried, lives 
on the homestead. Levi, the second son, born in 1850, has always remained at 
l.ome, and conducts the farm; he was married in 1879 to Margaret, daughter of 
James McNie ; they have had six children, of whom one son and two daughters are 
now living. 
ROBERT RUTHERFORD came from .Glasgow, Scotland, with his wife, in 1830 or 
18 3 I, to Montreal, and remaintd there for a year, Mr. Rutherford working at his 
trade, which was that of mason and stonecutter; he then came to East Hawkesbury, 
among the first settlers, and bought the farm in the 4th Concession, now occupied by 
his son James, and which at that time was entirely covered with forest. After coming 


60 9 

here, he with his brother William went to Ottawa to assist in the construction of the 
Rideau Canal Locks. Mr. Rutherford also worked at his trade in this section in 
connection with farming for a good many years, His death took place loth July, 
1880, at the age of 83, and that of 
lrs. Rutherford in .February, 1884, at the age 
-of 84; they had seven sons and two daughters. 
James Rutherford, the fifth son, born 11th June, 1841, began lumbering when 
seventeen years of years, and followed this occupation about eight years. In 1864 
he was married to Hannah 1\1., àaughter of the late Samuel Orton of East Hawesbury j 
they lived in \Vest Hawkesbury (\\ here Mr. Rutherford had bought a farm some time 
previr>us) until 
larch, 1883, when they came here and bought the old homestead 
from the widow of \Villiam Rutherford, his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford have 
eight children-six sons and two daughters. Adelia M., the elder daughter, is married 
to Adam Murray of this place; \Yinetta E., the younger, is a teacher; 'Vilburn J., the 
second son, is in Manitoba, and the others are all a t home. 
CHARLES C, Mommy, youngest son of Charles Mooney, was born in 1866, and 
remained at home until about 2 I, when he went to California, and there spent som
time, .\fter his return he bought, in 1889, the farm, Lot 34, 3rd Conces<;ion, which 
\'Ia.. owned by the late Charles Tweed. In 1890 he married .\largaret Anna, daughter 
of John Douglas of 'Vest Hawkesbury; they have one child -a daughter. In 1895, 
Iooney added to his farm by buying from Andrew Allison part of the old Tweed 
hom.:stead. He has always made a specialty of keeping fine horses. 
CORXELIUS HURI.EY, second son of D
nnis Hurley, was born in 1833, in East 
Hawkeslmry. In 1860 he went to California, where he remained five yeals, engaged 
in mining and different occupations, Two years after his return, he took the farm in 
the 4th Concession from his fa\her, and has since bought the west half of Lot 35 and 
also 50 acres of Lot 32 in the 4th Concession. In 1867 he was married to Margaret, 
daughter of the late Hugh McNeil of this place; they have five sons and six daugh- 
ters, of whom several of the oldest received college training. Two of the sons, Hugh 
and Cornelius, are merchants in Vankleek Hill; Catherine, the eldest d.wghter, is 
married to James Allison of this place; the other childrèn still remain at home. 
 OGDEN, third son of Joseph Ogden, was born in East Hawkesbury in 
1833' In If 57 he started on a visit to the \\r estern and Southern States, and spent 
two winters in New Orleans, being in that city at the time the inhabitants were being 
drafted during the American Rebellion. After an absence of five years he returned to 
East Hawkesbury, taking up his residence after hii nnrriage on the farm he had 
bought before going to the \Vest. He was married in St. Andrews in 1863 to Eliza- 
beth, daughter of Donald McLarty, who came to St, Andrews from Scotland, and 
\Vas a pilot on t he Ottawa River for a number of years. 
Mr. and Mrs. Ogden have seven children-three sons and four daughters, John 
Crosbie, the eldest, is in North Dakota; Alma, the second daughter, is a teacher, 
The others all remain at home, Georgie, the third daughter, when thirteen years of 
age, receiveå first prize from the Montreal Witlless for an original story-" A Cana- 
dian Heloine," published in the history of Pt. Fortune. 
!\Ir. Ogden was a member oCthe 18th BJ.ttalion, in his brother's (Captain Ogden's) 
1\0. 4 Company, and was with this Company at Ottawa in 1866, during the Fenian 

St. Eugène, quite a noted locality and a fine farming section, is located in the 
south-eastern part of the township. Besides stores and hotels, which are hereafter 
noticed J. Fairfield has a steam saw-mill h
re, which does a large business, Two 
similar mills have been burned, but, phænix like, another has arisen from their ashes. 



A separate school was established in 1853, and is still in a flourishing condition, 
having an attendance of about 140 pupils. The present teachers arc Joseph Proulx,. 
son of Isidore Proulx, M.P., of Prescott, and :l\1iss Bertrand, assistant. 
There is also a tannery here. 
This place is more fully described in the following interesting history of the 


There is an old, old story in the Gospel about seed that fell on good and bad 
ground, some of which never grew; other seed died while maturing; and stHI other 
seed there was that falling on good soil, being well cared for, grew up and gave forth 
fruit a hundred fold. Of the many settlements the last half century has seen through- 
out our country, how many have failed to attain the size of moderate respectability! 
How many others there are, that have been stunted in their growth by evil influences 
or surroundings, and are to-day what they were twenty years ago! But there are 
sti1l oliler places that have grown into pleasant villages and hamlets, which, blessed 
by God and Nature, are become a peaceful paradise that delight the eye, and promise 
much for the civilization of the future, Such an one as this, is 51. Eugène, which, 
although it be but forty years since it summoned public attention to itself, is to-day 
one of the most flourishing villages iT} Eastern Ontario. 
The story of St. Eugène commences with the primitive histo: y of Prescott 
County. Back in the years when the woods grew wild, when roads were as yet 
unmade, when crops were poor and scanty-when nature in her un trammelled wild- 
ness reigned supreme about her,-then commences the story of the settlement of 5t, 
Scattered throughout the country were some newly-settled families, gathered 
into a struggling township and living after the rude manner of all pioneers. Early in 
the year 1852, these settlers sent a petition to the Rt. Rev, Mgr. Guigues, the Bishop 
of Ottawa, requesting the services of a priest who should care for their urgent spiritual 
needs, Like a true father, his Lordship heard the plaint of his needy children, and 
sent Fr, Bourassa from L'Orignal, who from time to time visited the infant settle- 
ment, ministering to their needs, temporal and spiritu:J.1. Over road.. where no vehi- 
cle could comfortably pass, often through deep woods or across bleak plains, came 
the good priest, undaunted by peril or hardship, while he could pour balm upon sorely- 
tried hearts, or whisper words of cheerful comfort to a discouraged one, or urge 
the workers on to better deeds. All the while he neglected not their hungering 
souls, but fed them with the Bread of Life, 
The few families of his flock, whether French-Canadian, Scotch or I rish, soon 
drew others of their varied nationalities to share with them their hardship and volun- 
tary exile. Indeed such hardships so heroically borne, together with the care given 
by the priest, must have proved a sure recommendation to settlers, fJr it is said- 
where the pne::.t is, there will the people Le also. And so, though a barn served for 
the service of Holy Mass in true pioneer fashion, the community flourished and 
grew like the mustard seed spoken of in Holy \Vrit, until in November, 18 54. Fr. 
Bourassa built a small chapel 60 x 30, which in appearance o:lly could be caUed a 
church. Henceforward the misiion WLH attended more frequently and at regùLu in- 
tervals, until about November, 1854, Fr. J. J. Collins succeeded Fr, Bourassa and 
became the first resident pJ.stor. The times of his pac;torate were very severe, and 
the place under such trials must have seemed very unpromising. But through 3IL 



the troubles and hardships (and they were weJl-nigh overwhelming), the good Father 
struggled on-wOlking with those who worked, and healing the hearts seared with 
the weights of hardship in a time when the farmers had not crops sufficient for them- 
..\ fterward
, when better tidings came and the township increased in numbers, 
the zealous pastor persuaded his 
ood people to build better accommoòations. A new 
church 225 x So was commenced in 1863, but before its completion in 1864, Fr. Col- 
lins was transferred to Pakenham, Ont., and was succeeded by Fr. Duhamel, who 
has since becCìme Archbishop of Ottawa. 
Under Fr. Duh
mel came the period of success and steady growth that follows 
the painstaking period of all young settlements. From this on, the parish grew 
steadily stronger and larger. The new pastor, by hard work and dint of persevering 
labor saw the new church finisl-ed in 1868, and dedicated by the late Mgr. Jos. 
Eugène Guigues, first Bishop of Ottawa. Indeed the yocng pastor proved a better 
manager than his superiors had anticipated; so that, immediately after the dedica- 
tion of the church, he was able to contract for the finishing of the interior and the 
vestry with Jos. A rchambault from L' Assomption, P.Q, Soon afterwards, however, 
he was chosen by Rome to sl.cceed as Bishop of Ottawa, Rt. Rev. Bishop Guigt'es, 
who died in Febru:1ry, 1874- 
To succ(ed him as parish priest of St. Eugène, the Rev. .Father Fabien Towner 
was selected in October, 1874, by His Lordship, the new Bishop, and was accord- 
ingly transferred from Thlll so and St. 
ralachy mission, Previous to his appointment 
to Thurso and S1. Malachy l\1ission, where he was parish priest for three years, Rev. 
Father F. Towner hað assisted for one year the Ven. Father J. J. Lynch, P.P., at ABu- 
mette Island, when the pari
h work called him to missions in the Province of Quebec as 
well as in Ontario, stich as: Roecliff, Deux Rivières, Des Joachim, Point Alexander, 
Trout Lake, Sheen Brough and O\her places. 
Arriving at 51. Eugène he found a large pari
h extending from the 3rd Concession 
of East Haw ktslJllI}" to the 9th Concession, called the IC Grand Chantier," and includ- 
ing some 440 Frencl', Irish and Scotch families. His Lordship, Bishop Duhamel, 
while vi
iting her
 in 1882 (Æ his pastoral visit, realized that the church accomn
dations were too small for the congregation. Accordingly the 7th, 8th and 9th Con- 
cessions were formed into the new parish of St. Ann of Prescott. Father Towner, 
acting on the instructions of the Rt. F. ev, Bishop, with the assistance of Rev, Vicar
General Routhier, in December, 1882, selected a lot on the road of the 8th Con
ce5sion, upon which the new parish church was commenced. September, 1884, saw 
Fr. Towner's zealous labors completed and crowned wilh !ìllCCeSS, The new church 
was duly dedicated, and on the same day a bell was blessed before the whole congre- 
gation and many visitors from the neighboring parishes. It was a grand gala day for 
St. Eugène, and justly proud was the good pastor at thus witnessing the consumma- 
tion of his work. 
In 1885 his health demanded the aid of a fellow-priest, and Rev. Father C. 
Drolet was sent to his assistance by the kind Bishop Duhamel. Father Towner was 
thus enabled to obtain a much-needEd vacation, and accordingly he \Vent to Europe 
in April, 1885, returning in August, just before a fierce conflagration took place, 
which threatened to destroy the whole vilbge, including the church. However, a 
part of St. Eugère was spared, and to. day it stands strong and robust in a glorious 
youth. And what a b
autiful village it is! \Vhere before, were woods untrammelled 
and unmalked by houses, roads or fences-to-day, is the thriving hamlet with its 
quaint, pretty houses skirting the road, and comfortable farms running back to the 
woods, which mllst soon disappear before the onward progress of the thrifty villagers. 



And not only has St. Eugène b
 a successful village, but under her zealous 
pastor, the Rev. Father Towner's care, sprang up the neighboring parish of 8t. 
Joachim, in Chute au Blondeau, with its resiJent pastor. like at St. Ann's. \Yhere 
once was a poor Illission attended by a visiting missionary, there is no\v th
parent St. Eugène and the two off-shoots, St. Ann's and St. Joachim's, with three 
handsome churches and a magnificent presbytery at St. Eugène, erected in 1888. 
Surely a marvellous increase is this won ierful growth of St. Eugè.le. May the good 
work continue! And round about St. Eugène m3.Y there spring up mmy missions to 
crown and bless the eff0rts of her pr
ests and people and all those who love and 
honor the parish of St. Eugène. 
The REV. FABIEN TOWNER wac; born in s
. Johns, Que., educated in 
Montreal College and at Ottawa, graduating in the latter city in 1865. He was 
ordained 29 th May, 1870, by Bishop Pinsonnault, in St. Joseph's Church, Ottawa, 
His first appointment was at Allumette Island, as assistant priest, and from that 
place he was called to Thurso by the late Bishop Guigues. In 18 74 he was trambted 
to St. Eugène, where he has since remained. The Rev. Mr. Towner is a gentleman 
of much ability, and commands the respect not only of his parishioners, but of aU 
who know him. 
PATRICK KELLY was born in 1830; he lived in the 6th Concession, a Id engaged 
in farming until 1873, in which year he came here and engaged in the hotel business, 
and in 188 I built the brick hotel he no.,v occupies. He has b
en bJ.iliff since 13 7 I, 
and Township Trea;;urer since 1875, and Ius also b

n Licen;;ed Auction
er for the 
counties of Prescott and Russell for the pac;t 20 years. \Vhile ffi3.naging hi.. farm he 
also dealt in live stock for some years, He was m1rried in 18 57, to Mary l\I-:Manus, 
of Rigaud j they had fourteen children, of whom six are now living. Th
l, i;; a dealer in agricultural implements in this place; one d \ughter is muried 
to S. Seguin, conductor on the Ca.n3.di:ll1 Pacific R'lilroad, and th
 second dlughter is 
a l11::mber of a Sisterhood in the United States. The second son, Thomac;, is a clerk 
with D. Jameson, merchant ofVankleek Hill; Agnes, the third daughter, i.; a teìcher, 
and lives at home; and Alice, the youngest, is still attending school. 
OSSE, J. P., and ex-l\I.P., was born in St. B
noit in 1836, and is a 
son of Pierre Labrosse who founded St. Eugène in 1853. Mr. L'lbross
 was m uried 
in 1861 to Miss Ethier, of Sl. Joseph, County of Two Mountains, and has five sons 
and two daughters living. [saie, the eldest son, is employed in his father's store; 
Eugène, the second, i
 a prie;;:t in 
Iontreal ; Louis J, is a dealer in hay and grain in 
this village, anJ :he two youngest sons are still in college. The daughters remain at 
Ir, Labrosse opened a store here in 186'), and ha:; since done a large bu..i- 
ness, He was elected to Parliament in [882 by the Conservatives, and served the 
people of his constituency for eight years; he has been a Councillor, Deputy-R.eeve, 
and Reeve of the Township of East H1.wkesbllry, and 'Varden of the CountIes of 
Prescott and Russell. After the establishment of the Po
t-office here in 1862, 1\1r. 
Labrosse became P0stmaster, and acted as such for 18 year:), resigning to attend 
PAUL LABROSSE, a son of Pierre, and brother of Sim)l1 L1.b:-oss
, was educated in 
St. Andrew;,; and St. Placide, but his home ha" been in St. E'lgène for m1l1Y years. 
He is COU'lty Auditor, and has been Treac;nrer, Assessor and Clerk of the Township, 
Justice of the Peace and C']01missioner îor the trial of s:n.:tli causes, a'ld taking affi. 
davits j he is also Secretary-Treasurer of the village school. .Mr. Labrosse lives in 
one of the finest hOll
es in St. Eugène,' He was married in 186 5 to Miss Anna 
Ethier, of St. Joseph, County of Two Mountains. 


61 3 

'WILLIAM MARK, sr., came from the North of Ireland about 1825, and bought 
the farm where his son, \Vil1iam J., jr., was born, an j now lives. The latter, 
the subject of our present sketch, worked on the river and at lumbering fer 18 
years; he was one of those employed on the first Carillon cal1al. He afterward 
returned to St. Ellgène, where he has since lived. In 1860 he was married to Miss 
Mary Ritchie, of East Hawkesbu ry. 1\1 r, and Mrs. Mark have had twelve children, 
of whom eight are now living. 
JOSEPH A. BEDARD, M.D., is a son of Captain B. A, Bedard, of Rigalld; he was 
born in that town, 12th June, 186 J, and was cduca ted in Rigaud and Victoria 
Colleges. Dr. Bedard received his degree of M.D, in March, 1889, and commenced 
practicing in Curran, Ont., in October of the same year, having obtained a licEnse 
for this Province. He came to this place in 1890, and has since remained, building 
up a large and successful practice; his patients are scattered over a tenirory of many 
square miles. Dr. Bedard was married 2nd February, 1891, to l\Iiss Alphonsine 
Montsion, and has three sons. 
PAUL RANGER was born in Rigaud in 1843. In his younger days he followed 
lumbering on the Ottawa for J9 years. and afterward bought a farm in his native 
town, He then came to St, Eugène, kept a carriage shop here for 5 years, and 
afterward bought th
 hotel where he now is. This is a fine large _brick building, known 
as "The \Vindsor." Mr. Ranger was married in 1877; he has no children, but 
has acted a kind father's part towards an adopted son, educating him in Rigaud 
ege. He has since obtained a position with Ramsay & Son, of Montreal, and is 
511cceeding in business. 
Samuel O'Reilly, son of Philip O'Reilly, was born in 1860, and lived on a farm 
until 17 years of age. H.
 afterwarù spent some time in the 
, then réturn
ù to 
Canada, and attended a Business College in Belleville, O,lt. He came to this place 
in 1888, and opened a store in company with his brolher, John M., who died four 
years laler. 
Ir. O'Reilly also spent several years as clerk in stores here, In 18 9 1 
he opened the Balmoral hotel, where he still remains. He was married in 1889 to 
Miss .McCall. 
NAPOLEON LABROSSE, son of John Baptist Labrosse, was born in St. Her:n is, 
22nd March, 1365. He attended Rigaud College from [880 to 1882, and after- 
ward') engaged as clerk to I. Sauvé, of St. Andrews, where he remained three 
years. He then eng3.ged as clerk for Mr. S, Labrus
e in the latter's store, and 
remained six years, giving entire satisfaction, and making many friends. In Novem- 
ber of 1890 he bought the old store of A. Labrosse, and the next year put in a stock 
of general merchandise. In 1893 he built the fine brick store in which he is now 
doing busines
ARCHIBALD McKINXON came to this place in 1837, from the County of (
garry, and bought the farm now owned by Hilaire Villeneuve; he afterwards sold 
this farm, and moved into the village. John McKinnon, his son, learned the shoe- 
maker's trade, when 20 years of age, with John Parker, of St. Andrews; after remain- 
ing with the latter a year he came here and opened a shoe shop, which he stilJ cen- 
ducts. He was married in 187 I, to Miss Anna Forbes, of East Hawkesbury; they 
have two sons and one daughter. 
ALFXANDER KINGSBURY, son of the late Edward Kingsbury, fJ.rmer of J.,iver 
Rouge, was born in that place ill the year 1828. He left home at the age of fifteen, 
and engaged in lumbering on the Ottawa, for Ephraim Barron, for about two years; 

 then went to Ha.11ilton Bros. of Hawkesbury. and remaineù with them twenty-eight 
years, serving most of the time as foreman; he also spent much time on the Gatineau. 

61 4 


'Vhile with the Hamilton Bro
., Mr. Kingsbury bought his farm in the 4th and 
5 th Concessions, which were then covered with forest. In 1867 he came here to live, 
and built a house, which has since been replaced by a fine large brick residence. 
His farm also has grown to be one of the finest in this section, being in a high state 
of cultivation, and supporting 25 head of cattle and 4 or 5 horst's. Mr, Kingsbury has 
been for many years, and is still, a Councillor and School Trustee. He was married 
in 1867 to Margaret, d.mghter of Archibald Albright; they have two sons and three 
daughters; Livonia, the eldest, is married to John Capron, jun., and 
ives on a farm 
in the 4th Concec;sion ; the other children are all living at home. 
GEORGE ALBRIGHT was born in the Bay settlement in 1812. He was married 
in 1839 to l\Iary Burwash of River Rouge, and moving to that place, remained J7 
years; he then came to East Hawkesbury, and bought a farm in the 4th Concession 
which was co\'ered with forest, and on it built a log house. Mr. Albright served as 
Councillor and School Trustee; h(' died 26th August, 1881, aged 69. 
Irs. Albright 
still survives, and at the age of 73 is active. She lives with her third son, 
Charles, on the old homestead, and has some interesting reminiscences of the Re- 
bellion of 1837, On one occasion, when a report reached River Rouge, where she 
li\-ed, that the Rebels were near, she and several other women hid themselve3 one 
ight behind hay-stacks. Great excitement was caused another night, by a patriotic 
crowd from Glengarry,who came armed with pitchforks and weapons of a like nature 
to exterminate the Rebels. Mrs. Albright has four sons and three daughters living; 
Stephen, the eldest son, lives in East Hawkesbury; Albert, married, is in Manitoba; 
and George N., in Michigan; Jane, the eldest daughter, is married to William LeRoy; 
Sarah, to Daniel Kingsbury of River Rouge; and Ann Lavinia, the youngest, re- 
mains at home. 
The third son, CHARLES, has always remained on the homestead, At the age 
of 21 he bought his father's farm, and in ]892 added to it, so that he now owns 200 
acres. Like most of the farmers of this place, :Mr. Albright has a fine brick house, 
good outbuildings and all the modern farming implements, He has served as School 
Trustee, and has been a member of the 18th Battalion of Prescott for three years. 
He was married in 1879 to Emma E. B.lI1croft of Vankleek Hill. They have had 
five children, of whom two daughters and one son are living. 
STEPHEN, eldest son of George Albright, was born in 1843; he remained at 
home until 2 I Yt:ars of age, when he engaged with Hamilton Brothers, and remained 
with them eleven years, being foreman four years of that time. He then spent two 
years in the \Yestern States, and on his return bought his pres en t farm in the 5th 
Concession. He was married in 1877 to Rachel, daughter of the late Christopher 
Splatt; they have five daughters and one son, all but one are at home and attend- 
ing school. Mr. Albright has been 'Yarden of St. Paul's Church, and School 
Trustee. He also has charge of ditches and water courses in the Township. 
JOHN CAPRON, son of Nathan Capron, who came about 1812 from Keene, N.H., 
to Point Fortune, was born in the latter place in the year 182 I, He married Miss 
Beers of the same place, and settled here, engaging in farming and trading, and 
afterward ketping hotel. He died from cholera in 1834, 
John, his son, when about a week old. was taken to Rigaud in a bateau, and 
christened by a priest, as there wa<; no Prote:;tant minister in Pûint Fortune at the 
time. Judge and Mrs. McDonell were his godfather and godmother. When 12 
years of age, he commenced working for Capt. Lighthall for $6 per month and after- 
ward went to work for Peter Beers on the promise of a farm. After working for the 
latter 9 years, and obtaining nothing, he proved an agleement for $10 per month, and 


61 5 

frs. Beers for $1000, but received only $100. He then went to Kingston, and 
from that place to Ottawa and A ylnu r; in the latter place he engaged as jocke y, 
his weight being only about JOO pounds at the time. 'While in this vicinity, Mr. 
Capron carried the mail from Lochaberto Ottawa, a distance of 30 miles, often making 
the journey before taking breakfast; in the winter he drove a stagè on the ice. 
He next located in Grenville, and carried the mail for John Groves from that village 
to Papineau Seigniory, a distance of 20 miles; he then came to Vankleek Hill, and 
afterward bought his present farm in the 4th Concession East Hawkesbury. At that 
time only about three acres of the farm were cleared, and the only building was a little 
log shanty. He has remained 0:1 the farm ever since, with the exception of four years 
passed in partnership with Peter O'Brian in carrying mail from L'Orignal to L,l.l1caster ; 
on returning to the farm he also took a contract to carry the mail from Vankleek Hill 
to Point Fortune, and attended to this business four years. Mr. Capron ha,> a fine farm 
of 200 acres, which is in a high state of cultivation; he is a good judge of horses, and 
has bought a good many for American as well as Mor,treal markets. Schools were few 
and far vetween in his younger days; l:e commenced work at an early age, al
d for these 
reasons was deprived of the advantages of an education, but his natural abilities fully 
supplied this want. He was married 25th December, 1855, to Miss Anna M. Yale of 
St, Andrews, daugh
er of Andrew Yale, ship buiider of Montreal. They have had 
four sons aTld two daughters; one of the latter, the eldest, died in childhood, bUt 
tbe others are all living . John, the eldest son, is marricd, and Ii ves in this place; 
Ho race is lumbering on the Ottawa; Theodore is married t and farming in Glen- 
garry; Amy, the daughter, is married to Euclide Legault, Jiving in .Montreal; and 
George, the youngest, remains at home. 


About 45 years ago a Post Office was established here under the name of East 
Hawkesbury, in the house where James Gougeon now lives, The first Postmaster 
W.1S James Gamble, whose successors were John McAdam, Mrs, Louis Grout and 
Michael Maneely. It was while the latter held the office that its name was changed 
to Barb; mails are distributed twice daily. Michael Maneely was succeeded in 
1 886 a
 Postmaster by Mr. A. LeRoy. 
There are two churches here-.\nglican and Methl>dist-
rected by the con- 
tribution of the surrounding inhabitants. Services are held in t:lese churches by 
clergymen of Vankleek Hill. 
There is also a fine schoolhouse here, with a good attendance of pupils. 
ALEXANDER A. LERoy, eighth son of \Villiam LeRoy, was born in 18 45, 
and learned the blacksmith trade when quite young with A. A. Beaton of \Vest 
Hawkesbury, and has followed this trade ever since. His shop is built near his 
residcnce orl the 5th Concession, which he bought in 1863. Mr. LeRoy ha;.; been 
School Trustee for the pa
t eighteen years, and is now Secretary-Treasurer of the 
School Board j he has been a member of the Board of Healt l ) for the past nine or 
ten years. He was appointed by Government, in 187z, a<; Lieutenant in Company 
No. 7, Reserve :Militia of Prescott. He was married in 1866 to Miss Emily Burwash, 
and has h,"o sons; the eldest, S.:llTIuel Martin, is an Engineer in \Vashington Terri- 
tory; the other, l
 alph Gilbert, works at the blacksmith trade with his f,\ther. 
NELSON,* son of Stephen Burwash, was born in 1809, in River Rouge settlement. 
when 20 years of age he came to this place, and bought 100 acres of land-half of 
Lot 22, 4th Concession, and a few years later, purchased the remaining half, which 
* Mr. Burwash is now deceased. 



is now owned and occupied by his son Matthew. He had a saw mill for forty 
years on Burwash creek, but as the Jand became deared, the creek gradually 
dried lip, and the mill became useJess. :Mr. Burwash also spent about ten years on 
the Onawa, running a boat between Carillon and MontreaL He always took an active 
Vl.ft in the mihtaryaffairs of the County, and held the rank of Major for a number of 
ycars; he is Justice of the Peace, and has been Councillor, Assessor and Collector for 
the Township of East Hawkesbury. He was married in 1832 to Margaret Albright, 
who died in December, 1892; they had nine children-two of whom died in 
childhood; four daughters and three sons are sti.l living. Jane, the eldest., is Jiving 
in Ottawa; the eldest son. Stephen, married, is in Manitoba; Emily, the second 
daughter, married to A. A. LeRoy, Jives near the homestead; Cecelia, married to 
Tohn Ritchie, Jives in California; and Lavinia, :Mrs, John Baggs, is in Manitoba; 
Nelson, the second son, is married, and living in Stardale; and Matthew, the youngest, 
lives on the homestead; he is married to Miss FatJnie Hooker of St, Andrews, and has 
two sons and one daughter, 
A1'\DRF.W ALLISON, eldest son of \ViiJiam Allison, was born 8th October, 18 5 I. in 
East Hawkesbury; with the exception úf three winters spent in lumbering for 
Hamilton Brothers, he remained at home until about 28 years of age, He then bought 
the south half of a Lot in the 5th Concession, and about ten years later, purchased 
50 acres adjoining. He was married 7th May, 1882, to Catherine, daughter of fhomas 
Hoysted j they have six children living-four sons and two daughters. Mr, Allison 
has been Councillor for t\\'o years, and is Auditor of School District No.8. He has 
a fine residence and farm, supplied with all the modern agricultural implements; he 
keeps about 30 head of cattle and several horses. 
JOHN C. MOONEY, second son of Charles .Mooney, was born in 18...8, and le- 
mained at home during his younger years, with the exception of five winters spent 
in lumbe,ing. He was manied in 1876 to Abigail E., daughter of the late Sam'lel 
Orton, and moved to his present farm in th
 5th Concession; he has three sons and 
two daughters, Mr. 1\Iooney is a School Trustee, but has always refu
ed the office of 
Councillor; he was a member of the 18th Battalion, and accompani-:-d it to Corn- 
wall in 1866. 
ZACHARIAH McCallum, sen" came from the Highlands of Scotland to Point 
Fortune, and engaged in farming. Zachariah, his third son, was born in 18......, and 
remained at home until I 7, at which age he commenced lumbering for Hamilton 
Brothers. He remained with the firm 6 years at this time, and, later, spent 16 years 
in the same business, most of the time as foreman. In I 872 he was married to Mary 
Ellen, daughter of the late Francis Harvey; they have three daughters; Jennie, the 
eldest, is at home, and the two younger at school. Mr. 
IcCallum has built a brick 
residence, new barns and stables, and made many other improvements since pur- 
chasing his present farm, in 1870. He is one of those men who accomplish much by per- 
sistent industry. He and Mrs. McCallum are both members of the Baptist Church. 
J AMES HURLEY, third son of Dennis Hurley, was born in 1840. When about 
25 he spent a year in Illinois, but liking Canada better he returned, and two years 
later, bought his present farm of 170 acres in the 5th Concession. He has since pur- 
chased 100 acres in the 3rd Concession. He was married in June, 18 7 0 , to Margaret, 
daughter of the late John \Vylie; they have two sons and five daughters, all hving 
at home, Dennis Stephen, the eldest, spent a year in Rigaud College, and Catherine 
S" the eldest daughter, spent é\ year in the Gloucester Street Convent, Ottawa. 
Mr. Hurley was Treasurer of the township
 and Councillor for four years, and 
for se'"eral years was Civil Engineer for the township; for the past thirteen years he 


61 7 

has handled the money for 
fessrs, LeRoy and Ogden's cheese factories, as well as 
several others; in 1893, the output of three factories being $35,000, and in 18 94, 
$43,000 from four. Mr. Hurley's residence is beautifully situated on a high ridge; 
he has a fine orchard, and barns containing all the latest machinery; he keeps 40 head 
of cattle and 9 horses. 
MICHAEL MANEELY was in the British service thirty-one yean, eleven of which 
were spent with the troops in the East and \Vest Indies. He was in India during 
the Mutiny, and was one of a Regiment of 1,700 men who left England for India, of 
whom only two besides himself came back alive. His rank in the army was that of 
Recruiting Sergeant, anù he was also Pay Sergeant of his Regiment. A pension was 
granted to him until his death. He came to this County about 1863, and settled in 
EÇtst Hawkesbury, on the place now owned by John, his son j he was Postmaster 
here for a number of years, and Township Treasurer and Clerk; he also conducted 
an hotel and engaged in mercantile business, His death took place in March, 18 9 1 , 
at the age of 88 years; his widow, who was Margaret Connell, still survives him, 
and at the age of 75 is very active, Mr, and Mrs. Maneely had one son and five 
; one of the latter, Margaret, died at 18; the remaining daughters are all 
John C., the son, who was born in 1857, when sixteen years of age commenced 
learning the carpenter and joiner's trade with John \V. Higginson of Hawkesbury, 
and has since worked in different parts of the country-in 
Ianitoba and in the Black 
Hills. He has also done fine work on many of the residences of this section. He 
was married loth January, 1885, to Miss Ellen E. McConnack, and is living on the 
old homestead: they have one son and one daughter. 
'VILLHl\I LERoy, son of Archibald LeRoy, who came to this place from River 
Rouge about 1846, was born here in 1847. anrl has always remained on the farm. 
He was married in 1878, to Jane, daughter of George Albright; they have tWQ sons 
and one daughter, all hving at home. In 1878 the homestead fum was divided. and 
'Villiam took part of it in the 4th Concession, and has a fine brick house and new 
out-buildings. Mr. LeRoy has accomplished a great deal by hard \VorJ
, though 
his health is greatly impaired. He was Treasurer of St, Paul's Church for a 
number of years; he has taken some interest in Military affairs, and entered the 
18th Battalion when sixteen years of age. 
DANIELJ. LERoy, youngest son of Archibald LeRoy, was born in [868, and has 
always remained on the farm, with the exception of a year and a half spent in Cali- 
fornia. On his return from that State, he took the west'half of the farm. His father 
died in 1880, at the age of 62; his mother, who was Miss Justina Augusta Sprecht, 
from Nassau, Germany, died in 1876, aged 49. 1\1r. LeRoy is living on the old 
homestead with his sister, Miss Christiana, the youngest daughter j both have taken 
an active part in Church affairs, and Mr, LeRoy is Treasurer of St. Paul's Church, 
which was built in 1884 on the site of the old Town Hall, on the farm now owned by 
James Hurley, 
\VILLIAM A. MOONEY, son of Alexander Mooney, was born 9th August, 184-0, in 
East Hawkesbury, and remained at home until 21 years of age. He then spent two 
seasons in the lumber woods, next was a clerk in one of the Gatineau shanties for 
Hamilton Brothers, and in 1864 he ascended the River Rouge to take charge of a 
store and trade with the Indians. The following year he took a trip across the 
Atlantic, spending a summer in Ireland and Scotland. In 1866 he joined the Volun- 
teers, and went with them to Cornwall, as Private in the 18th Battalion; on his return 
he engaged as clerk for Hamilton Brothers, but in the fall went to California, and 



remained in that State and in Nevada, employed in the mines as engineer and in the 
assay office, until the spring of 187'l. Shortly after his return, he had a serious ill- 
ness, caused by the poisonous fumes inhaled in th
 assay office. In August, 1873, 
he was married to l\Iiss S. P. LeRoy; they have two sons and five daughters; Edith, 
the eldest of the latter, is married to \V. J, Parsons, of Hudson, Que.; Gertie, the 
second daughter, is telegraph operator in Vankleek Hill; Alice, the third, is at home, 
and the other four are attending school. Mr, .Mooney came to the house where he 
is now living, on the 4th Concession, in 1879' 
\VILLIAM LERoy came from River Rouge about 1831, and bought the farm in 
the 4th Concession, where his son Ralph, who was born in 1835, now lives. The 
MR. RALPH LERoy, is Reeve of the township of East Hawkesbury; he has been 
Councillor, a Director of the Agricultural Society for thirty years, and was President 
of the same Society for two years. He has also been Justice of the Peace during the 
past twenty years, Deputy \Varden for the Game and Fisheries since the County law 
was made concerning them, and Director of the Farmers' Institute of Prescott since 
it was organized; for two years he was elected delegate to the Provincial Institute at 
Toronto. He was married in 1871 to Janet, daughter of Charles Mooney of this 
place; they have three daughters, all living at home. Mr, LeRoy has, for the last 
twelve years, in partnership with Mr. Ogden, conducted several cheese factories in 
the County. He is widely known and thoroughly respected by all. 
MARTIN, third son of \Villiam LeRoy, was born here in 1837; he has always 
lrved at home, with the exception of one year spent in traveling through Nevada and 
California, and is now located on the 
ast half of Lot 2
, 4th Concession. He h t" 
been twice married: firsl, in 1860 to Miss Simpson, of Vaudreuil, who died in 18tJ4, 
leaving a daughter; he was married the second time in I8
I to Miss 1\lary LeRoy, of 
River Rouge, by whom he has four daughters. Mr. LeRoy ha
 served several terms 
as School Trustee; he has taken an active part in the military affairs of the County, 
and has held the commission of Captain in the 18th Battalion Infantry, During the 
time of the Feniiin raids, when Ensign of his Company, he was called out and spent 
t\\'o months in Cornwall, He was afterwards Captain of Company NO.4. 
Mr. \Villiam LeRoy, his father, lived with him until his death in April, 1892, at 
the age of 86 years and 9 months. His wife, mother of :\Ianin, was Abigail, daughter 
of Solomon Grout, who came from Massachusetts. She died III August, 1875, at 
the age of 66 years. 
SOLOMON GROUT, sen., was the first settler in Barb; he cut the road from St. 
Eugène, built his house where the road now runs by Burwash Creek, and just in 
front of the spot on which !\Ir. A. Le Roy's shop stands. His wife used to say that 
she saw no woman during the first summer of their residence here. His son, Solomon 
Grout, jun., was born in 1837, on the farm where he now lives; when about 20 years 
of age he went to Minnesota, and from there travelled alone and on foot to 
Carson City, making the journey in a lit tIe over fi\."e months. The hardships which 
he encountered, if related in detail, would fill a good-sized volume; among the inter- 
estmg things he relates are, an account of seeing Brigham Young and his wives when 
in Salt Lake City, and the fact that there W,lS but one house in Carson City when he 
first reached it. After spendmg about eight years there he returned to this settle- 
ment and bought the farm of James Gamble. In r865, he was married to Agnes, 
daughter of Samuel Mooney, of East Hawkesbury; they have three sons and two 
.daughters living. The eldest son, Charles B., died at the age of 20; \Villiam S. 
IS in the employ of the Hudson Bay Company at \Vinnipeg, and the others are at 
home, In 1875 Mr. Grout came to the homestead, and the year following buill his 
present fine brick residence. 


61 9 

SAMUEL BURWASH, son of Thomas Burwash, one of the first settlers here, and 
-brother of Rev. Adam Burwash, was born in 1854. He had charge of the entire 
home farm until the spring of 1895, when he took So acres on his own account; he 
was married in [892 to Miss Sophia Carkner, of \Vinchester. The three daughters of 
:Mr, Thomas Burwash live on the homestead, and the farm is managed by their nephew, 
Norman Clark. 
ARCHIBALD ALBRIGHT was born in the Bay Settlement, Argenteuil County, in 
1814; he married Miss Lavinia LeRoy of River Rouge, and commenced farming in 
Beech Ridge. He afterwards came to this place and bought the f,um now owned by 
Le Duke; it was entirely covered with forest at that time, as Mr. Albright was one 
of the first settlers in the place. After remaining here some years, he bought the 
farm of his father-in-law, Henry LeRoy, and lived on it until his death, which occurred 
11th January, 1895, at the ::ge of 80 years and 6 months. Mrs, Albright died 21st 
AprIl, 1887 ; they left two sons and one daughter. Martin, the eldest, married, and 
lived on a farm some years, after which he removed to Ottawa, in which city he now 
lives; Margaret, the daughter, married to Alexander Kingsbury, lives in this vicinity, 
Henry, the second son, born 4th November, 1850, always remained on the home- 
stead, with the exception of a winter spent in lumbering. On 22nd September, 1874, 
he was married to Anna, daughter of the late James Steele; they have two sons and 
two daughters. Mr. Albright was a member of the J 8th Battalion, and accompanied 
it to Cornwall in [866; he was two years a member of the Township Council. He is 
now agent for David Maxwell & Sons' (St. Mary's, Ont.) farming implements; he 
keeps a large stock of cattle and horses. 
\VILLJAl\I S. MOONEY, eldest son of Samuel 
looney, was born in East Hawkes- 
bury, 4th May, 1843; he remained at home until 23 years of age, when he went to 
Portland, Maine, and engaged for a year in running an excursion yacht to different 
islands on the coast. After returning he spent several years on the farm, and about 
J870, in partnership with Mr, Solomon Grout, built a steam saw-mill on the 4th Con- 
cession; they remained in partnership, in the miU for four years, after which Mr, 
Mooney took it on his own account for the same length of time. He then sold 
out to parties in S1. Eugène, and in 1873 bought his present farm in the 4th and 5th 
Concessions-llo acres. He was married 4th November, 1873, to Maria, daughter 
of James l\IcNie; they have two sons and two daughters. 
lr. Mooney W.lS a 
member of the 18th Battalion for 2 I years, and during the last four of these was 1st 
Lieutenant of NO.4 Company, under Captain LeRoy; he was with the Company in 
Ottawa, June, 1866. He has been Township Councillor for three years, and two 
years Deputy Ree\'e; he has a fine brick and stone residence, surrounded by trees. 
JAMES OGDEN is the second son of Joseph Ogden, who came to this section from 
Argenteuil, being one of the first settlers. The subject of our sketch was born in 
1829, He was married to Eliza Pennoycr, and had ten children, of whom five sons 
and two daughters are now living. Mr. Ogden died 3rd September, 187[, at the age 
of 42; Mrs. Ogden marriéd a second time, to I
 ichard Gregor, and is living in New 
Hampshire. Of l\Ir, and 
Irs. Ogden's chiidren aU are in the States, excepting 
Susanna, the second daughter, who is married to James Turner, and lives in Cowans- 
ville, Que., and George P., the third son, born 9th 
 ovember, 1854, who is living 
on the old homestead, \Vhen 18 years of age he went to the Eastern rownships, 
where he remained four years, working at the carpenter's trade, and also on the South 
Eastern Railroad. He then returned to East Hawkesbury, and has remained here 
ever since, with the exception of one winter spent in Michigan. In 1879 he moved to 
the <>ld homestead, and in 1881 \Vas married to Abigail, daughter of Martin LeRoy, 



of East Hawkesbury; they have three sons and three daughters, Mr. Ogden lives 
in the stone house built by his grandfather, Joseph Ogden, in the early days of his 
settlemen there. 
ARCHIBALD LERoy, seventh son of Martin LeRoy, was born in River Rouge,. 
Argentcuil COU?ty, 27th. 
, 1849. 'Vhile. living in his nativ
 place. he took 
an active part. In the mIlitary affaus of Argenteml. In 1866, as Pnvate In No. I 
Company, 11th Battalion of the Argenteuil Rangers, he accompanied them to 
Ottawa. He was then appointed Corporal and Sergeant, and in lð68 attended the 
Montreal School of Military Instruction, and obtained a Lieutenant's certificate, He 
was afterwards appointed Captain of No, I Company, which office he held until he 
retired retaining-his rank. In December, 1880, he W3S married to Susan, daughter 
of Cha
les !\lcGregor, of River Rouge; tbey have eight chilàren living -three sons 
and five daughters-two sons and one daughter died in childhood. In 1893 Mr, 
LeRoy came to this section, buying his present farm in the 5th Concession, and 
adding one more to the families of LeRoys, who are well known and respected in 
East Hawkesbury. 
1. ALLISON', second son of William Allison, was born 16th August, 
1856. He remained at home until 18 years of age, and after spending a winter in 
lumbering went to Montana, where he remained two and a half years. On his return 
he attended Rigaud College for some time, and then bought the farm in East 
Hawkesbury now owned by Mrs. \Villiam Sherman. In 1886 he was married to 
Emma, daughkr of the late Alexander Cameron, of Point au Chêne, Argemeuil 
County; they have five children-four sons and one daughter, Mr. Allison, who li\-'es 
on Lot 32, has made many improvements in the house and outbuildings, and also on 
the farm. 
J AMES HAUGHTON came from County \Vexford, Ireland, to Canada, in 1826; 
after working in the lumber business about a year he engaged with the Hamiltons, of 
Hawkesbury, and remained in their employ until 1854, when he carne to his farm in 
the 5th Concession, which he had bought in 1832 from Barnabas Vankleek. \Vhile 
working for the Hamiltons he was married to Mary McCormack; they had one son 
and one daughter, who are both living. Mr. Haughton died 3rd May, ] 883, at 
eighty-three years of age, and Mrs. Haughton died 17th February, 1840, aged twenty- 
THOMAS HAUGHTON, their son, was born 3rd March, 1835, and spent several 
years of his youth at the house of his uncle, Michael McCormack; in 1855 he came to 
the homestead, and has since remained here. On 28th February, 1865, he was 
married to Catherine, daughter of Dennis Hurley; they have two sons and one 
daughter. :\1r. Haughton has a very pretty cottagt: and fine barn; his farm is in a 
fine state of cultivation. 
MICHAEL MCCORMACK, sr., came from the County of Longford, Ireland, and 
after his arrival in this place, he worked for Hamilton Brothers several years. He 
died in 1847, and Mrs, McCormack died in 1839. 
Michael McCormack, jr., came here in 1840, and commenced the management of 
his fann on the 5 th Concession; he was married in 1850 to Mary, daughter of Thomas 
\Vallace, of Caledonia, They had nine children, of whom three sons and five daugh- 
ters are still living. Mr. McCormack was accidentally killed in October, 1866, by 
falling from a load of lumber, He was helping at a " bee," which had been organized 
for the purpose of assisting a man whose barns had been burnt; his death was 
instantaneous, as the load passed over his body. Mrs. McCormack is still living, 
remaining on the homestead with her son Thomas; the latter married Miss Anna 



Hoysted, and has two children. Catherine, the eldest daughter, married to Peter 
Lefebvre, lives in West Hawkesbury; \Villiam, the eldest son, unmarried, is in 
Mexico; Ellen E, is married to John Maneely, contractor and builder, of this place; 
Mary Ann, married to George D, Ryan, lives in this county, as does also Margaret, 
married to Mr. E, Butler; Charles, unmarried, resides in Mexico; and the youngest 
daughter, also unmarried, is a trained nurse in Chicago. 
DENNIS HURLEY came from Cork, lreland, with his wife and one child, about 
1830. After remaining in Montreal a short time, he carne to Point Fortune, left his 
wife there, and walked to East Hawkesbury, where he engaged to work a year for 
Joseph Ogden for 1) 5, and the use of an acre of land. He then hired a farm, and 
two years afterward bought the one now occupied by his son Dennis. 1\1r. and Mrs, 
Hurley had eight children, four of each sex, who are all living. 
Irs, Hurley died in 
February, 1874, at the age of eighty, anå her busband died ill 1882, aged eighty-four. 
Mary, their eldest child, married to :\1r. Brennan, lives in Illinois; John, the eldest 
son, a blacksmi th by trade, has been Ii ving in Sacramento City. California, for the 
past forty years; Cornelius, the second son, and James, both reside in this place; 
Ellen, married to E. Dady, lives in Glengarry; Ann, wife of James Harkin, in \Vest 
Hawkesbury; and Catherine, wife of Thomas Haughton, in this place, 
Dennis, the third son, has always remained on the homestead. He was married 
in 1869. to Agnes, daughter of William Allison; they have four sons and two daugh- 
ters. The two elder sons were educated at Rigaud College and the University of 
Ottawa, and the eldest daughter in a Convent in Ottawa, 
Mr. Hurley has been a Director of the Prescott County Agricultural Society for 
the past 25 years, and President for 2 years. He has also been Justice of the Peace 
for 15 years, He has one of the finest barns in the coun ty, size 128 x 58, and 52 
feet high; a windmill pumps water for his stock, which is of the finest; he makes a 
specialty of breeding Ayrshires. He has added to his farm until it now comprises 
380 acres, and has erected a fine brick house which would do credit to any large 


This township is bounded north by Longueuil, east by \Vt:st Hawkesbury, sOllth 
by Kenyon, and west by Alfred and South Plantagenet. The land is mostly low 
and flat, and there are marshes which embrace several thousand acres; but, as in 
other places, much of this land, which was once regarded as worthless, has been 
transformed, by clearing and drainage, into fine productive fields, One marsh, how- 
ever, on the west, and partially in Alfred, which contains about 5,000 acres, it is 
impossible to reclaim in this manner-there being no soil-nothing but moss as far 
as its depth has been explored. 
In passing through Caledonia, one is surprised at the variety of aspects which 
the township presents: a most beautiful farming section being succeeded by a wide 
strip of marshy forest land, which is just emerging from its prime\'al condition-burn- 
ing log-heaps, small clearings and cabins, giving evidence that the section has but 



recently been invaded oy the pioneer. Anon, we come to another section, WhiCh, 
from its orchard
, broad fields, and good buildings, evidently has been long settledÞ 
" The Ridge," which is mentioned in Plantagenet, commences within about a mile of 
the eastern boundary of Caledonia, and is sharply defined, running across the remain- 
in o breadth of the township and Plantagenet. It is a peculiar fact that the soil of the 
Ridge is quite different from that of the low-land which borders it the whole distance, 
and, consequently, the crops to which it is adapted are quite as different in character. 
The Ridge is famed for the quality and quantity of the potatoes it produces j Mr. 
Henry Blaney, not long since, raised 2,000 bushels frum a field of 20 acres. 
The only two streams in Caledonia, Paxton's Creek and Caledonia Creek, are 
small, yet in the spring of the year they become very formidable in appearance, and 
are then of great service to lumbermen in conveying their logs either to mills or to 
other poin ts desired. Paxton's Creek rises near the east side of the towhship, and 
flows westerly across it, into the Nation, in South Plantagenet. 
Caledonia Creek rise:; in Hawkesbury, flows westerly across Caledonia, and 
unites with Paxton's Creek. 


The above is the name substituted for that of Caledonia Flats-the latter being 
the name by which the locality had always been known, and which was given to the 
Post-Office established here many years ago. This was the pl;:ice where John Chesser 
-the first settler in Caledonia, and of whom a sketch is given in the history of 
Plantagenet Mills-located about 1824. The Flats, which are bordered on one side 
by the Ridge, embrace a tract about a mile in length by half a mile in width. The 
Flats are noted for the richness of the soil-particularly for the fine crops of oats 
produced-roo bushels to the acre not being an unusual yield. This locality, too, 
is peculiarly interesting from a geological point-good evidence existing that the 
Flats once formed the bed of a lake. Fields, which have been carefully cleared of 
roots, logs and debris of every kind, are soon again encumbered with similar material, 
which gradually comes to the surface, so that, in the course of a few years, they have 
once more to be cleared. In September last (1895) the writer saw a field of this 
description, containing many roots and logs, which field, he was informed, had been 
entirely cleared three or four times within the last two decades, It was in this sec- 
tion that a large stump, entirely beneath the surface, was unearthed a few years 
since, and directly under its center were found the huge antlers of a moose. 
It is said that ::\1r. Chesser was enticed to this spot by the rich growth of pine 
with which the Flats were covered; but the cholera of r832 put an end, not only to 
his plans of extensive lumbering, but to his life, as well as that of nearly all his fam- 
ily, Guy Chesser, who lived here, had been absent in some other part of the Pro- 
vince for some days, On returning home, he called at his neighbor, Mr. Proudfoot's 
house, and remarked to Mrs, Proudfoot that he belie\'ed he was going home to die, 
As he shúwed no indications of illness, Mrs. Proudfoot laughed at his tears; but 
three days afterward his prediction was verified. His death was speedily followed 
by that of his wife, his brother, Charles Chesser. and a man named Jos. Hubbard. 
Mr. Chesser was soon followed to this section by JOHN STEPHENS and ROBERT 
KICHOLSON; the former took up Lot r6, Concession 5; the latter Lot 21, Conces- 
sion 5, Among the pioneers who became prominently identified with the history of 
the place, and whose descendants are still here, were WILLIAM BRAD LEV and JAMES 


U- J 

The former came from the North of Ireland in his youthful days, and after find- 
ing employment some years at Plantagenet l\liIIs, he came to Caledonia in 1836, and 
took up Lot3 18 and 19, Concession 5. The following Obituary is copied from The 
Advertiser (L'Orignal) of August, 1891 :- 
"Caledonia and the County of Prescott have lost one of their best-known and 
eldest residents, who died at his home in Caledonia on Thursday last, having rec
a few days previous, hi
 final stroke of paralysis. . . . . :\lr. Bradley, whose 
education was very limited, was acknowl'dged to be a man of superior intellect and 
great natural ability. Since the establishment of CounLY Councils up to some ten 
years ago, the deceased represented his township as Ree\>e in that body, and filled 
the office of 'Varden of the united Counties on more than one occasion. His judg- 
ment on the final result of long pending, complicated law matters was equal to that 
of the first counsel of the land; while his ever-ready flashes of wit \\ere pro\>erbiat. 
He was generons and hospitable, and his house and bountiful table were ever at the 
command of the travelling public and wayfarer. In figure, face, and intellect, Mr, 
Bradley was the counterpart of Gladstone, whico was often publicIy remarked-with 
this difference-that for his lack of the education of the latter, he was compensated 
by the possession of brilliant. wit. He died at the advanced age of 83, and was 
buried at the Cemetery near hIS horne, on Saturday last, many of his old friends in 
L'Orignal regretting that they did not hear of his death or funeral in time to be 
present to pay the last sad tribute of respect to one they had long known and 
esteemed so much." 
Mr. Bradley was nnted for his perseverance and determinati8n-he never yielded 
when sure that his cause was one of equity, as long ac; a shadow of hope remained. 
He knew that he was justly entitled to quite a sum from his father's estate; but 
other claimants appeared, and his prospect of obtaining anything seemed dubious. 
He at once started for Ireland, with the expressed determination not to return till he 
had secured his rights. After a severe contest for two years in the courts, his claims 
were established, and he returned to Canada in the enjoyment of his legacy, 
1\1r. Bradley was twice married: first to Innocent Ellen Downing-issue, four 
sons and four daughters; the second marriage was to Flora Cameron-issue, three 
sons and one daugh ter. 
Henry J., the eldest of the children by the first marriage, settled on 100 acres 
near the homestead
 and some time afterward bOLlght 200 acres n]ore. He married 
Mary Proudfoot; they had three sons and three daughters. Mrs, Bradley died 8th 
:\1 arch, 1879, and he was next married 19th September, 1892, to Christina Dewar. 
The 100 acres which he received from his father contained no buildings; he has 
erected fine ones, and by persevering industry has placed himself in most comforl.- 
able circumstances, His farm is under thorough cultivation, and besides keeping 
ten horses, thirteen cows and a numbt:r of .sheep, he has raised in a season 2,200 
bushels of oats, 1,000 bushels of potatoes, 100 bushels wheat. and 100 bu:)hels corn. 
He has been School Trustee many years, J llstice of the Peace, and was Reeve of the 
Township till he resigned the position. His two eldest sons are in Colorado, and 
two of his daughters are teaching. 
JAMES PROUDFO.>T carne from Dumfrieshire, Scotland, to Caledonia in 1831. 
He was empìoyed four years by Mr. John Chesser as manager of his farm, after 
which, he purchased the claim of Alfred Chesser to 100 acres of Government land, on 
which he lived till his death, 28th February, IS87. .Mr. Proudfoot was a man of 
much natural ability j he was a great reader, and possessing a very retentive memory, 
was able to supply information on almost any subject, distinctly remembering things 
which others had forgotten. He preferred reading works devoted to physical science, 

62 4 


and took great pleasure in the works of Hugh :\1 iller. For about fifteen years he 
held the position of Postmaster at this place-the second who filled the office, He 
was Township Treasurer from the beginning of the present Municipal System up to 
time of his death, and during the earlier years of his residence here, was School 
Trustee, He was blind during the last decade of his life, and his business was all 
done by his son, James. He had seven children-five sons and two daughters. 
James, his third son, remained on the homestead j he was married in January, 
1864, to Sarah Frances, daughter of \Villiam Bradley. Mr. Proudfoot has been 
Township Treasurer for ten, and School Trustee upward of twenty years. His father 
cleareù up his farm and erected a good house and out-buildings. The son has 
erected a large barn, added 200 acres to the homestead, and owns 400 more in the 
Township, and 100 in Plantagenet, His residence has been made very pleasant by 
the planting of trees and shrubbery, He has elEven children-eight sons and three 
In 1848, his father planted a small pine and a fir tree near the dwelling; the 
first is now two feet in diameter, and the latter a little less, 
The first wheels in Caledonia were a pair of cart wheels brough t to this locality 
by a man named Davis j Mr. Proudfoot purchased them, and to the envy, no doubt, 
of his neighbors, was the only man in this section for some time who enjoyed the 
possession of these luxurious, but extravagant, articles; he is said to have been very 
proud of them. 
JOHN GARRETT DOWNING is the present genial and intelEgent Postmaster of 
Fenaghvale. His grandfather, John Downing, came from the County of Carlow, 
Ireland, to North Plantagenet about the year 1826, and settled on the site of the 
present Village of Curran. A few later he removed to Caledonia, to Lot 21, 
Concession 5, on which he lived till his death in 1840. He was twice married; by 
the first marriage he had two sons, anù by the second, two sons and three daughters 
The maiden name of one of his wives was Sarah Phillips; the estate of her 
ancestors in lreland was called Fenaghvale, whence the name given to the Post- 
Office at Caledonia Flats. After the death of Mr. Downing, his widow, having 
received a legacy from her ancestral estate, purchased quite a tract of hnd at 
Fenaghvale, which was divided among their four children-Philip and Richard L. 
Downing, Mrs. \Villiam Bradley and Mrs. James Bradley (now Mrs. Michael 
PHILIP DOWNIKG received Lot 18, Concession 5, on which he lived till his 
death; he married 5th October, 1842, Sophronia Kendall, who is still living. He was 
a man of much public spirit and enterprise, and was School Trustee, Assessor and 
Collector a long time, and Postmaster sixteen years. He had three sons and five 
John G. remained on the homestead-a fine farm, and a very pleasant, home-like 
dwelling. Mr. Downing was married 8th December, 1870, to Maria Downing; they 
have five sons and four daughters; Philip, the eldest son, is Principal of a Public 
School in \Visconsin, 
RICHARD L., a brother of Philip Downing, had a farm of 250 acres adjacent to 
that of his brother, There was but little of it cleared when it came into his posses- 
sion, and he cleared the greater part of it. He was married in 1843, to Maria 
Bradley j they had two sons and four daughters. Mr. Downing was a member of the 
Municipal Council many years, and Church Warden; he died 4th December, 1882; 
Mrs. Downing died 17th November, 1884. 
James Bradley Downing, the youngest son, remained on the homestead-a fine 


62 5 

farm with a neat brick residence, rendered attractive by an abundance of trees and 
shrubbery, Mr. Downing was married 22nd September, 1879, to Maria Sproule, 
He has been Church Warden many years, and was also a member of the Local Coun- 
cil till his resignation. Like his neighbors, he is more interested in his farm than in 
public affairs; keeps a large stock, and raises good crops of hay and grain. 
A Town Hall was erected at Fenaghvale in 1857- this being the chef-title of 
the Township. 


Religious services have been held here many years, a school house being first 
used for this purpose. Rev, Mr. Tremayne visited the place, and held service when he 
was stationed at Hawkesbury, as did the Rev. (now Bishop) J. T. Lewis. The church 
edifice, brick, So x 30 feet, was commenced in 1874, by Rev. Arthur Phillips, the 
present incumbent of Hawkesbury, Building Committee-Philip Downing, who 
also coJlected the funds, and otherwise took a very active part in forwarding the 
work; R. L. Downing, John Sproule, Henry Blaney, and \Villiam Bradley; the build- 
ing was completed in 1877. 
Re\". \V. J, Macklestone succeeded Mr. Phillips; it was during his incumbency 
of two years that the mission was taken from Hawkesbury and united with Plantage- 
net. Rev. J. 'V. Fraser was the first minister appointed to the new mission; he left 
in November, 1880. C. C. Carson, Lay Reader, followed, since which the following 
clergymen have been on the mission: Rev. C. O. D. Bailey, Rev. C. C. Carson, Rev. 
F. \Y. Squier, and the present incumbent, Rev. F, W. Ritchie, son of the late Chief 
Justice Ritchie; he came in 1894. The church is supplied with an organ, and a neat 
anù commodious parsonage has been erected. 
A few miles south-east of Fenaghvale, in a good farming district, lives SIMON 
RENWICK: whose father, James Renwick, came from Dumfrieshire, Scotland, to Cale- 
donia in 1832. He was employed some time by Mr. Chesser, and three or four years 
after coming to the country he bought a farm of 100 acres near Caledonia Flats; 
this farm is now owned and oocupied by his eldest son, James Renwick. He lived 
on it many years, and then exchanged it with his son, James, for a farm at Fournier, 
to which place he removed, and died there in 1891 ; he was a man of ability, and was 
Justice of the Peace for many years. He had six sons and four daughters. Simon, 
his third son, 
ived on the homestead till his marriage, 23rd July, 1868, to Jessie 
Blaney. In 1876, he bonght 150 acres of Lot 5, 6th Concession, whi..::h at that time 
was covered with bushes and small trees, and so wet that it was unfit for cultivation 
until it was thoroughly drained. Some idea of :\lr. Renwick's industry may be 
obtained from the fact that, in the comparatively short period of nineteen years, he 
has erected comfortable buildings, and clea:-ed and drained 90 acres of his land, so 
that he keeps a good stock of cattle and horses, and raises 1000 bushels of grain, 
besides, in the meantime, rearing a family of thirteen children. He has accomplished 
this without means, save what he has earned with hi.. hand.;, and we think he has 
fairly proved that Scotch pluck and energy are not on the decline. He has had 
seven sons and six daughters; one of the latter is deceased; two daughters and one 
son are married. 
CHARLES GATES, a respected citizen of this Township, has a good farm between 
Fournier and Fenaghvale. He came with his father, James Gates, when he was a 
small boy, from Massachusetts to the locality now known as Fenaghvale. This was 
in the year when the cholera had desolated so many of the homes in this locality, 
and Mr, Gates distinctly recollects seeing the clothes that were hanging out, after the 



washing and cleaning of the dwellings which had been visited by this terrible scourge. 
His father, who spent his remaining days here, had two sons, Charles and Chauncey, 
and two daughters. Chauncey settled on a farm beside that of Charles, and died 
here, leaving three sons and four daughters--children by a first marriage, Charles 
Gates has been Bailiff here for forty years, School Trustee a long time, and Steward 
of the Methodist Church, He has five sons and two daughters; one son is in Cali- 
fornia, another in Duluth; the others are in Caledonia, 
GEORGE BLANEY, from the County of Tyrone, Ireland, carne to New York city 
in 1830, in which city he married, 15th April, 1831, Elizabeth Ann McKee. The 
following year they went to New Brunswick, and settled at Blaney Ridge, parish of 
Prince \Villiam. In 1839, they carne to Caledonia, and settled on Lot 14, 5th 
Concession, which is now owned by Henry and J Ohl1 \V oods. Mr. Blaney died 
here, 15th February, 1848; Mrs. Blaney died 11th January, 1870; they had two 
sons and two daughtels. James H., the eldest son, bought 200 acres, Lot 15, 5th 
Concession, about the year 1861. There were only six acres of it cleared at the 
time, but Mr. Blaney with persevering industry has since cleared 140 acres, and so 
improved it, that he can keep 20 cows, several horses, and this season (1895) has 
raised 2000 bushels of grain. He has been a member of the :i\1unicipal Council and 
a School Trustee for many years; he was married 29th November, 1878, to Ellen 
Downing; they have four sons and two daughters. 
MICHAEL TERRY, from the parish of Grange 
Iouclar, Tipperary, Ireland, came to 
L'Orignal in 1843, with .his wife, three sons and four daugh ters. About a year later, 
he carne to Caledonia, and settled on 100 acres of Lot 18, 6th Concession. Mr. 
Terry died here many years ago, and Mrs. Terry dil::d at the home of one of her 
daughters in Templeton. Thomas, their eldest son, always remained on the home- 
stead, and has added to it 50 acres. He was married 11th July, 1847, to Mary Ann 
Hickey; they have five sons and one daughter-the latter and three of the former 
are married. Mr. Terry is a representative of that class of farmers that always 
succeed in their vocation; his farm, a fine one, has been brought to a state of 
cultivation which enables him to keep a good stock of cattle and horses, besides 
raising yearly from] 000 to 1500 bushels of grain, He has eæcted an attractive 
brick house and other buildings, and his home gives evidence of taste, as well as 
th rift, in the proprietor. He has been a Municipal Councillo r, and for t wen ty years 
a School Trustee, and Constable for Prescott and Russell, His son, Michael, who 
was married 24th April, 1893, to Nellie Ryan, now has the management of the 
About two and a half miles in a north-easterly direction from Fenaghvale. is a Post 
office called ROUTHIER; Paul Cadieux being Postmaster, and having a store here 
there is also an hotel in the same building. The country around is a fine farming 
section; and a large cheese factory, built by Alfred Sicotte, but now owned by J. B. 
Drebeau, manufactures !he milk prod.uced by the many good dairies hereabout. 
One of the quite early settlers in this section \\'a
 HENRY \Voods from Ferma- 
nagh County, Ireland, who located here in 18.p. He purchased 200 acres, on which 
he lived till his death; he left three sons and two daughters. Two of the sons, 
Henry and John, each received one-half the homestead, and have fine farms. John, 
who has served as Councillor and School Trustee for some years, has added 100 
acres to his original fal m. 1\1rs. \Villiam Ingram, a daughter of the late Mr. Henry 
Woods, also lives in this section. 


62 7 


Two miles or more southward from Fellaghvale is a Post Office established in 
1885, with the above name. The section is one of the newly settled districts men- 
tioned on a furmer page, which crosses the Township between Fenaghvale and 
the older and well settled southern part of Caledonia. 
Quite a little village located on Paxton's Creek has recently sprung up here, in 
which there are two stores, an hotel, a steam lumber and provender mill (the latter 
owned by E. Legault), three or four shops and several dwellings. 
Mr, St. Amour is Postmaster, and proprietor of one of the stores; a mail arrives 
daily. conveyed by the stage running between Fournier and l\Iaxville. 
From this place a road leads to the southern part of the Township, where a 
section bordering on Kenyon is well imprm'ed; most of the farms being fine ones. 
and the buildings commodious and attractive. The inhabitants are all, or nearly all, 
Highlanders. either direct from Scotland or the neighboring County of Glengarry. 
Among themselves, the Gælic is the language spoken; while they are extremely kind 
and hospit2 ble to strangers, the latter may be sure that he has not the passport to 
their affections unless he can speak with them in Gælic, 
DUNCAN :\IcLEOD \Vas a very early settler in the southwestern part of this 
Township-the first, it is claimed, in the immediate vicinity of the place where he 
loc2ted, in the 8th and 9th Concessions. His father, Alexander 1\IcLeod, from Glen- 
garry, Scotland, was one of the pioneers in Locheil, Glengarry County, locating there 
as early, at least, as the year 1800. In 1845, Duncan McLeod, one of his sons, 
came to Caledonia, and took up 700 acres in the 8th and 9th Concessions. He be- 
came a man of prominence and influence in the Township, serving several years in 
the Council and as l\1agistrate; he also received a Commission of Lieutenant from 
Sir John Coiborne, of a Regiment in Glengarry, He was born in 1805, and died 3rd 
November, 1889. His wife, whose maiden name was Mary McLeod, born in 1811, 
died 26th June, 1895, aged 84 ; they had four sons and three daughters; three of the 
sons, William, John and Neil, settleà in this section, and are influential, respected 
men in the Township. 
Donald, another son, died in Kansas; the daughters, married, live in Glengarry. 
Neil McLeod, the youngest son, received 200 acres of the homestead, with the 
fine buildings thereon. He has been twice married: first to Annie :McMillan, who 
died 22nd :\lay, 1881 ; issue, one daughter and a son-the latter died in ir.fancy ; his 
second marriage, 23rd September, 1884, was to Mary McLeod; issue, two daughters 
and one son-the latter died in infancy, :Mr, McLeod has been a member of the 
School Board and Municipal Council several years. 
John D., the second son of the late Duncan McLeod, is proprietor of a fine farm 
of 100 acres, and good buildings in this locality; he was married 12th .\ugust, 1862, 
to Sarah, daughter of John McInnis, of 'Vest Hawkp.sbury, 
\Viiliam Mc Leod, brother of the two named above, received 200 acres of the 
homestead; he has long been one of the ;\[unicipal Councillors and a School Trustee. 
JOHN J. MCCUAIG, who resides here, is one of the active and prominent men of 
the Township, having served as Reeve severa.l, .as School Trustee, and in other 
local offices. His father, John 1\lcCuaig, from Lochiel, was an early settler here, and 
took up 300 acres, though a portion of it is marsh; he died in 1891, at the age of 88 ; 
he had six sons and two daughters. John J. remained on the homestead. 
ARCHIBALD McLEùD, now 84 years of age, lives 011 Lot 6, in the 9th Concession. 
He came from Glengarry, Ont., and settled here in 184-1-, taking up 50 acres, to 
which he subsequently added J 00, He has four sons and thlee daughters living; 
John A., one of the former, married, now has the m:lI1agement of the homestead, 



DUNCAN MCCUAIG, who has a good farm here, is a son of Donald McCuaig, who 
carne from Lancaster, where he had lived many years, to this section, in 1846, Mr, 
McCuaig believes that the first settler in the southern part of Caledonia was Donald 
McKinnon, from Scotland, and that the next was Roy McLeod, from Lochiel, Glen- 
garry. The former has no descendants here, but the latter has a son, Donald McLeod, 
still residing here. 
LODVICK MORRISON, from Glenelg, Invernesshire, Scotland, settled in Lochiel. 
Glengarry, in 1802, A year or two later he moved to Kenyon, where he lived till his 
death. He had three sons and seven daughters, of whom his 
on Roderick is the 
only one living. In 1863 the latter settled in Caledonia, on Lot 5, Concession 8 ; 
he has cleared it, and has a good farm with comfortable buildings. Mr. Morrison 
has been twice married: first to Sarah Cameron, and next to Mary McCuaig, who 
died 22nd April, 1890. He has three sons and four daughtersj one of the latter, 
marrie3, lives in Lochiel. 
JOHN MACDONALD, from Glencoe, Scotland, came to Lancaster in 1817 ; thence 
he removed to Alexandria, and in [820 to Caledonia, and bought 200 acres-a gore 
of the 8th Concession. Later, he bought another 200 acres-a gore of the 
7th Concession. He had seven sons and five daughters; Ronald, the fourth 
son, who lives on part of the homestead with his own son, Angus, is the only one of 
his father's family residing in Prescott County. He is now 78 years of age, and says 
that when his father came here, there was no settler in Caledonia east of them, and 
the ollly ones west were Donald McKinnon and Roderick McLeod. Mr. Macdonald 
has a fine farm with attractive buildings; he has been a member of the Local Council 
and Assessor, 
At the extreme south-east corner of Caledonia-though located just on the 
boundary of Lochiel, is a store and post-office, where the inhabitants of this part of 
Caledonia do much of their trading, and obtain their mail. The name of the office 
is McCrimmon, and the Postmaster is N. D. McLeod, J. McRae also has a steam- 
mill here. 

These Springs are situated about midway between Montreal and Ottawa, and a 
few miles from the Ottawa River; the property pertaining comprises about 200 acres 
of land, well laid out in walks, lawns, elC, 
It is interesting to note the changes which have taken place here since the Hon, 
Alexander Grant, of L'Origral, while beaver-hunting in this vicinity about 1806, 
first discovered the peculiar qualities of the waters. At that time, the only evidence 
that these springs had become known to human beings was a beaten path leading 
through the forest, and hieroglyphics on the adjacent trees-the work of Indians. 
Later, a hut was built upon the spot by a settler named KeIlog, who had discovered 
the medical properties of the springs, and turned his knowledge to practical account 
by charging a sma]] fee to the frequent visitors. In 1835 Mr. Lemuel Cushing 
bought the property, and erected an hotel; he was succeeded in ownership by 
'William Parker, whose efforts to improve the place resulted, among other advan- 
tages, in better drainage, and a large and growing reputation for the Springs. Mr, 
Parker was fo]]owed by J. L. \Vilkmson, and he by T. Crawford, who owned the 
property a number of years, It was then purchased by Cushing and Shepard, who built 
a stone hotel, which was afterwards burnt. This was rebuilt by Capt, Bowie and 
Gouin, and subsequently became the property of the Grand Hotel Company, 
The Grand Hotel (as it is now called) is a fine large building of much architec- 
tural beauty, and is always thronged during the summer months. 


62 9 

The mineral springs are four in number-saline, sulphur, gas and intermittent- 
and they have so salutary an effect that they are resorted to by hundreds of invaiids 
each season, 
There are two hotels besides the Grand, a Post-Office, Roman Catholic church, 
and several stores. 
JAMES CROSS was born in County Fermanagh, Ireland, in 1801. In 1886 he 
came to Canada, and settled in Caledonia about the year 1828, on the farm now 
owned by his son Jonathan Cross, He was married in 1829 to Ann, daughter of the 
late Mr. T. Holmes, of Alfred; they had nine children, of whom four sons and two 
daughters are now living. Mr. Cross took an active interest in municipal affairs, 
being Councillor for anum ber of years, and Justice of the Peace; he was also 
Captain of the 
[ilitia, 3.nd took an active part in the organization of the first Agri- 
cultural Society of the County. His death took place 2nd September
 1890, at the 
age of 89; and that of Mrs. Cross in June, 1884. 
Jonathan, the youngest of the family, was born 12th April, 1847. In 1867 he 
went to the Military School in Toroato, and remained there during the winter; he 
afterward went with the Volunteers to Cornwall. He was married in 1882 to Mary J., 
daughter of the late Thomas Holmes, of Alfred; they have three sons and three daugh- 
ters. Mr. Cross was elected Councillor in 1874, and held the office four years j he has 
also been Chairman of the Board of License Commissioners of Prescott. In 189-:' he 
was elected Reeve of Caledonia, which office he still holds; in 1893 he was \Varden 
of the United Councils of Prescott and Russell. He has also been Justice of the 
Peace for the past 20 years, being, at the time of his appointment. th
holding that office in the county, In 1894 he was nominated as the Representative 
of the Patrons of Industry of Russell County, but was defeated by Mr, Aifred 
Evanturel. Hc has been President of the Farmers' Institute of the Countv of 
Prescott since its organization, and, for several years, a Director of the Agricultural 
JOHN S. McDoUGALL was born in Glengarry County, Ont., in August, 1833, 
In 1878 he was appointed Station Agent at Thurso, Que., on the North Shore RoaJ- 
being the first to hold that position. He remdined there five years, and afterw.lrd 
s(Jent the same length of time in Maxwell, ant, managing a general SLOre, \Vhile in 
Maxwell, in 1886, he had the misfortune to lose his left hand; it was injured when 
he was boarding a train, and amputation became necessary. In 1888 he went to 
Vankleek Hill, and started business as Life and Fire Insurance .Agent, while 
McDoug3.11 opened a millinery store. Being a sufferer from erysipelas, 1\1r. 
McDougall came to Caledonia Springs, where he has been completely restored to 
health. He manages the Lake Cottage, which in the summer is crowded to its full 
capacity J he also keeps a grocery and fancy store open during the summer mon ths. 
He has been twice married, the first tim
 in 1859, and the second in 187-1, to }\Lu y 
J., daughter of the late Alexander R. McDonnell, saddler, of Alexandria. 

ORMAN \V. KENNEDY, eldest son of the late Wm. Kennedy, of Stukely, Shefford 
County, Que., was born in that Township, and received his ea.rly education in 
\\'aterloo Academy, under the principalship of C. Thomas. He was married in 1880 
to Miss AmandaJ. Davis, of \Vest Bolton; they have two children-both daughters. 
In December of 1893, Mr. Kennedy came to this place, where he has since resided, 
having charge of the Post-Office, and also looking after the est3.te and hotel during 
the winter; he is also agent for the Bcll Telephone Co. in this place, 
DONALD McMASTER, eldest son of Ronald McMaster, was born in 1859, on the 
farm where he now lives. 1n [884 he took the Lake Cottage in Caledonia Springs, 



keeping it open seven summers. In 1891 he went to Vankleek Hill, and, in partner- 
ship with his brother, bought the Grand Central Hotel, which the latter still manages, 
He remained there four years, and in 1895 took the Victoria Cottage at Cale- 
donia Springs for three years; He had much success during the past summer. He 
was married in 1895 to .Miss McLeod, daughter of the late Norman McLeod, of 
Vankleek Hill. 
EWEN McMASTER and his wife, Mary McMaster, both from Lochaber, Scotland 
came to Canada in 1818, and first settled in Glengarry County, remaining there two 
years. He came to Caledonia at the end of this time, and settled on the farm now 
owned by his son John. The farm was entirely covered with forest, he being one of 
the first settlers in this section. Mr. and Mrs. McMaster had eleven children, of whom 
three sons and four daughter5 are now living. Mr, Mc:Master took an active part in 
the affairs of the Township: holding nearly all the municipal offices. He was a man 
respected by all who knew him, and his memory will always be venerated. He died 
11th April, 1869, aged 80, and Mrs. McMaster died in 186 3. 
John, the youngest son, born 9th May, 1838, always remained on the home- 
stead, He was married 6th July, 1869, to Mary, daughter of Angus Kennedy, of 
Lochiel, Glengarry County; they have one son, Ewen, who lives at home. Mr. 
McMaster is a good farmer; he has served the Township as Councillor. 
JOHN McMASTER, a brother of Ewen, was also an early settler, conling here in 
1818. He was also active in t
e affairs of the Township during his lifetime, acting 
as School Inspector, etc. He hved on the west half of Lot 13, 1st Concession, now 
owned by his grandson, Do l1ald McMaster. 


Alfred is bounded on the north by the Ottawa River, on the east by Longueuil 
and Caledonia, and on the west by North and South Plantagenet, In the south the 
Township runs to a point enclosed by Caledonia on the east, and South Plantagenet 
on the west. It fronts upon the Ottawa about ten miles, and near this river is some- 
what hilly, but in the greater part of the Township the land is low. 
The first settlers of whom we have any knowledge were Messrs. Holmes and 
Pattee, who probably carne here during the early years of the present century and 
settled on Alfred Road. Among other pioneers were Thomas and John Brady, and 
the families of Lightle, Tierney, McCaskill and Holligan; these settled farther 
towards the north of the Township, near the locality now known as Br
Alfred and Longueuil were united for municipal purposes up to the year 18 54, when 
the former was detached, and J oseph 
rcGovern was elected Reeve. 


Land for the buildings and cemetery, about eight acres, was given by Elaire 
Cholette, and the present edifice was erected in 1878. Previous to this, Mass had 
been said by Rev. Father Bourassa, of Montebello, to which this parish formerly 



belonged. Mass was afterwards celebrated in the school-house by Rev. Father 
LaVoie, who built the vestry and other parts of the present church. Rev, Father 
Prudhomme was then sent to take charge of the parish, and was the first resident 
prieH; he continued the building of the church, finishing the outside, His SuccesSor 
was Rev. Father Boucher, whc remained until 1885, when he sailed to England 
entered a monastery, and died there in 1892. Rev. Father Laniel, from Aylmer, the
took charge of the parish, remaining until 1888, when he became ill, and died in the 
hospital in Ottawa. After his death, Rev, Father Bedard, who had previous:yacted 
as Curate, was appointed Parish Pries.t by .Archbishop Duhamel, loth August, 188 9. 
Rev. Father Bedard was born 111 St. Raymond, County of Portueuf, Que., in 
1860; he was educated in Laval University and in the College of Ottawa, taking his 
Theological course and.,lgraduating from the latter, In 1888 he accompanied Arch- 
bishop Duhamel to Almonte, officiating there at his first )'lass, and shortly afterward 
came to this parish. Since taking charge he has finished the interior of the church, 
and built a fine brick presbyt
re; the latter building was blessed by Archbishop 
Duhamel, who celebrated Pontifical Majs here 15th August, 1895. There are 800 
communicants belonging to the church; the buildi'1g is a fine, large stone struc- 


This little village is situated in the 1st CJncession of the Township of Alfred, on 
the Ottawa, It has a population of about 200, nearly all French from Quebec, It 
contains three stores, two blacksmith shops, two hotels, a bakery and a carriage shop. 
The surrounding country is also settled with Frfnch, all owning good farms. The 
first settler in Lafaivre was H. LAFAIVRE, who was born in 1838 in St. Hermas 
County of Two Mountains; he came to this place in 1848, and for six years his wa
the only house here. He cleared the hrm now owned by his son, Mr. H, Lafaivre, 
his eldest son, after his father's death worked eleven years at lumbering, thus sup- 
porting the family. He had only attended school eight months when eight years of 
age, but while lumbering acquired a fair business education in both English and 
French, by studying during the evenings. 1\1r, Lafaivre has been Treasurer of the 
school since 1861 ; in 1872 he was elected Reeve of the Township, and, with the 
exception of four years, has since held the position; he has been Postmaster since 
18 73, in which year the Post-Office was established and given his name, He ha" also 
kept a general store for many years, and deals extensively in hay and 
rain ; all 
this is done in connection with his farming. The large wharf here he built in 1879, 
and still owns. He was married in 1866 to Arthemese Racicot, and has two sons 
and five daughters. 
 BRADY came from County Cavan, Ireland, to Canad3. abo It 1830, His 
first wife åied in Ireland, leaving two sons and three daughters, who accompanied 
him to this country. On his arrival he first came to Alfred and seLtI
d on a lot in 
the 3rd Concession-the farm now owned by John :\IcCl1sker. He W.1S married the 
second time in 1838 to Mrs. Beers, \\ ido\V of Elisha Beers; the baer had been 
drowned in the Long Sault rapids, and his widow was engaged in teaching befOle 
marryi:lg Mr. Brady. By the latter marriage there were born to 
lr. and 1\[rs, Brady 
two sons and two daughters-Francis, Andrew, :\1 ary and Anna, 
r r. Brady took an 
active ;>ar t in the municipal affairs of Alfred, and was one of the first Councillors, 
acting in that capacity and as Reeve for sixteen years. He was also Coroner five 
years. He died in 1862, aged 83, and 
lrs. Brady died in February of 1887, at the 
age of 81. 

63 2 


Francis, the eJdest son, born 28th February, 1841, in Alfred, was married 7 th 
Jl1ly, 1862, to Miss Catherine Tainsh; they had one son and one daughter, but the 
former lived only till seventeen years of age, The daughter, Lilias, is married to Dr, 
P. A. Smith, 
Irs, Brady died 26th May, 1895. In 1872 Mr. Brady bought his 
present farm, which is directJy opposite the Papineau residence, and has since made 
many improvements on it and built a brick residence. In the river here is a smaJ1 
Island called Mill Island, where :\lr. Joseph :McGovern had a large steam saw-mil] for 
a number of years; this mill was burned. 
ALPHONSE PRÉSEAULT, third son of A. Préseault, was born October, 18 4 0 , in St. 
Benoit, County of Two Mountains, and carne to Alfred with his father's family when 
10 years of age. \Vhen 19, he went to Sagmaw City, Michigan, where he was em- 
ployed five years in the lumber business, and on his return he spent some time on the 
Ottawa in the same business, taking his teams with him. On 22nd August, 18 7 I, 
he was married to Miss O. Seguin, of \Vest Hawkesbury; they have four sons and 
three daughters, all at home., with the exception of Delphis who is attending college 
in Rigaud. In 1880, Mr. Préseault bought his present farm in the 2nd Concession, and 
has since purchased 150 acres more in the 1st and 5th Concessions j he is an enter- 
prising farmer, and takes an act ive part in the public affairs, having been Councillor 
and Deputy Reeve for 12 years, In 1892 he built, and still conducts, a cheese fac- 
tory on his farm. 
JOHN CASHION was a U. E. Loyalist who resided in the Mohawk VaHey, 
York; on the breaking out of the Revolutionary war, he, with his wife, walked to 
Martintown, Onto He afterward joined the British Army, in which he held a cum- 
mission, and took part in the war of 1812, and was present at the battle of Chrys- 
ler's Farm. · 
John, his youngest son, was born in 1807, and about 1823 came to Alfred, and 
commenced lumbering, he being one of the earliest settlers. He endured all the 
hardships incident to a pioneer's life, being obliged to carry his provisions on his L.lck 
from L'Orignal, finding his way through the forest by means of blazed trees. He 
continlJed to clear land for some years before his marriage, which took place in 18 37, 
to Mary Lammaman of England. Seven daughters and two sons were born to them, 
of whom one of the latter died in childhood. The remaining son, Tames, and the 
third daughter, Anna, are the only ones living in the county, the others being in the 
States and in Russell County. Mr. Cashion died in 1885, aged 7 8 , and \Irs. 
Cashion in 1890 at the age of 7.'l., 
James Cashion, the son, when about 18 years of age, went to the State of 
York, and leuned the blacksmith trade, He spent ten year3 there and in Saginaw 
City, Michigan. He now Jives on the old homestead with his sistcr Anna; he has 
been engaged in lumbering on the Ottawa for a number of years in connection 
with his farming. Mr. Cashion has a fine farm, on which he has made many im- 
provemen ts. 
MICHAEL BROWNRIGG came from Kilkenny County, Ireland, to North Planta- 
genet in 1826. JOHN R., his eldest son, was born in 1840, and at the age of 17 Legan 
teaching school. He taught three years in Plantagenet and Alfred, and afterward 
became Book-keeper for Joseph McGovern, a mill owner on the Island; he remained 
here seven years. In 1870, he was married to Miss Catherine Murray of Cumberland; 
they have four sons and ten daughters. Mr, McGovern's mill having been burnt, 
1\1r, Brownrigg removed to his present farm which was cne of the first settled in 
Alfred. He has taken part in the Township's affairs, having been Towmhip Clerk 
for 13 years; in 1881, he was appointed to take the census of the south half of Alfred, 



His children are all at home, except Anna who is in l\1oDtreal i Catherine E. is attend- 
ing school in Plantagenet ; and John E., having completed his education in Rigaud 
College, is no\v teaching school in St. Thomas d' Alfred. 
SAMUEL PARISIEN early engaged in navigation on the Ottawa, commencing work 
in 1848, when only 19, under Barnum on the" Pioneer." He remained on this boat 
four years, and then engaged as pilot on the "Britannia," Capt. Dickson, and was 
here thirteen years, acting first as pilot a.nd afterward as Captain. Following this, 
he was for three years Captain and Pilot on the Str. "Express," running between 
Ottawa and Montreal, and for eleven years acted in the same capacity on the Str, 
"AlbeIt," of McNaughton & Company, This boat was burnt at Carillon, and Captain 
Parisien then left the river, and has since devoted himself to farming in this place. He 
has seven sons, two of whom have also spent much time on the river The second 
son, who is his father's namesake, foliowed navigation for 23 years, beginning 
when only I8 years of age. During this time he was Pilot on the ., J. R. Booth," 
and Captain on the "Dolphin" and several other boats. He retired from the river 
in 189--1-, and is now farming in Alfred on the old homestead. 
THOMAS LYTLE came from County Carlow, Ireland, to Canada in 1826, and first 
settled in Cornwall. He then CJme to Alfred in 1831, and settled on the farm now 
owned by Charles Rivers, He died there in December, 1864, aged 104 years and II 
days. 1\1rs. Lytle a Iso died on the same farm, at the age of 84; six daughters and 
three sons were born to them; of the latter, only one survives. 
. James Lytle, the youngest son, was born in 1813; he commenced lumbering at 
an early age, and was engaged III the business on the Ottawa nineteen years; he was 
married to Margaret, daughter of\Villiam Johnson, of County Fermanagh, Ireland, and 
bought the farm which is now owned by his son; he afterward bought a lot in the 4th 
Concession. l\ir, Lytle died in October, 1891, aged 78, and Mrs, Lytle died 7th OctO- 
ber, 1882, aged 76. Their children were: Thomas J., born 1862, who manages the 
homestead farm; :Margaret and Elizabeth, who are also on the farm; and 
lary, married 
to Edward Holmes of Point .Fortune. 
JOHN H. SMITH, eldest son of Henry Smith, was born 25th February, 1867, and 
always remained in this section, with the exception of one winter spent in lumbering 
with his team on the Kip River and the Upper Ottawa. In 1892, he bought his 
present farm in the 4th Concession, He was married 21st March, 1893, to Sarah, 
daughter of Isaac Allen of Longueuil; they have one son. Mr. Smith is one of the 
substantial farmers of Alfred; he possesses much enterprise, and has already made 
many improvements on his farm. 
CHARLES BLANEY came from County Tyrone, Ireland, in 1831, and settled in 
'Vest Hawkesbury. 
Sproule Bianey, his fourth son, was born 4th December, 1837, in Caledonia: at 
16 years of age he commenced lumbering with Stephen Tucker of PapineauvilIe, 
remaining with him five years. During this time, when 18 years of age, Mr. Blaney 
bought his present farm in the 3rd Concession, and had it entirely paid for when 
21. He was married 9th May, 1866, to :Margaret, daughter of James McNiel, of 
Point du Chl:ue, Argenteuil County, and moved to his farm the same year. They have 
three sons and five daughters, all living at home except Keziah, who is teaching 
school at Caledonia, and Susan D., who is attending school in Vankleek Hill. Mr. 
Blaney has made many improvements on his farm, and has added to it by purchasing 
another half lot; he has been a member of the Municipal Council at different times. 
Mr. DANIEL MCCUSKER is one of those men who, by enterprise, industry and 
keen intellect, have wurked their way into the front rank of the business men of the 
4 1 



County, He was born 15th February, 1843, on the farm where he now lives; he is 
the youngest son of James McCusker, who carne from County Fermanagh, Ireland, 
to Canada, and settled in Alfred about 1830. The latter died April, 1886, aged 86, 
The subject of our present sketch has been twice married; his first wife was Mary, 
daughter of the late John Johnson of Ottawa County, and the marriage took place in 
1865. Mr. 
fcCusker died 15th April, 1881, leaving two sons and two daughters; two 
had died in childhood. He was married the second time to Margaret, daughter 
of , Villi am Allison of East Hawkesbury, in January, 1883, and by this marriage has 
three sons and two daughters. He held the office of Reeve for three years, during 
one of which he was Warden of the united Counties of Prescott and Russell; 
but owing to pressure of other business he declined all further offers of municipal 
honors, In addition to his farming, Mr. :McCusker is one of the largest dealers in 
hay in this section of the country, handling about 4,000 tons annually; he buys on 
both sides of the Ottawa, has a private side track on the C.P.R. at Gatineau, and 
at the present time, ships about 7 cars daily. In 1892, 4,000 tons were shipped to 
one firm alone-Keeble Bros. of Peterborough, England. In 1894, Mr. McCusker 
took a trip to Europe, visiting the birth place of his father in Ireland, also England, 
Scotland, France and Belgium. His present residence, a very tine one, built of cut 
stone was erected in 1880, 
HUMPHREY HUGHES \vas born near Arklow, in the County of , VickI ow, IreJand, 
February 7th, 1792; he was married in 1823 to Miss Mary Langrcl1, of CarJow 
County, and they carne to Canada the same year, settling on the south side of 
George's Lake, Mr, Hughes was the fourth settler in this county. He held every 
municipal office, after the village became populated, except that of Treasurer j he was 
Assessor when the Township of Alfred and North and South Plantagenet were 
united, also Superintendent of Schools, Coroner, and Justice of the Peace, 
Hughes was a Christian man, and was very active in helping to establish Methodism 
in George's Lake Settlement. In 1829 he organized a Sunday-School in his own 
house. He died 25th July, 1889, and Mrs. Hughes died October 4th, 1871; they 
had five sons and lour daughters, of whom one son and two daughters are deceased, 
Abraham, the youngest son, was born 11th July, 1865, on the farm \Y here he now 
hves, in the 2nd Concession of Alfred. Hé was married in 187 [ to :\Iary Ann, 
daughter of Eli Robinson, of North Plantagenet; they have five children living- 
three sons and two daughters; one son died in childhood. They have also an 
adopted son. Mr. Hughes has made many improvements on his farm, erecting a 
fine brick residence and out-buildings. Like his father, he has also been a strong 
supporter of the 1\1 ethodist Church. 
IARTINEAU was born in the County of 
calm, Que., in 1840, 
"Then 1 I years of age, he went with his father, who was a carpenter, to :i\Iontreal, 
and remained there three years, afterwards coming to North Plantagenet, where they 
lived the same length of time. They then c.ame to Alfred, and 1\1r. Martineau, sr., 
bought the farm now owned by the subject of cur sketch. 'Vhen Joseph was 16 years 
of age he commenced lumbermg, and continued in this business seven years. He 
afterwards spent 10 years in New York, Michigan, and others of the United States. 
In 1882 he was married to Miss A, Allard, of Curran; they have five daughters and 
one son, living, Mr, Martineau is a good farmer, and owns 200 acres of land j he 
has built fine new barns for each lot. He has been Councillor, and Justice of the 
Peace for the last twenty years. 
HENRY SMITH was born in Papineauville in 1806. He was a pilot on the 
Ottawa for many years, and died in 1879; his widow still survives him in Papi neau- 



Henry Smith, jr't his second son, was also born in his father's native village, and 
at sixteen years of age commenced learning the blacksmith's trade, which he followed 
six years, During the succeeding seven years he was engaged in lumbering on the 
Ottawa. In 1863 he was married to Mary, daughter of the late John Sargent, one of 
the pioneers of Alfred, and the following year moved to his present farm in the 4th 
Concession, which he bought from his falher-in-Iaw. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have two 
sons and three daughters. Hannah, married to R. James, lives in Alfred; Frances, 
the wife of John Remmick, lives in Caledonia; a sketch of John H. is given el
where; Josiah, and Mina, the youngest, remain at home. Mr. Smith has all the 
modern farming implements, and has made many improvements on his farm There 
is a large ledge of limestone on this, from which Mr. Smith has taken and burnt a 
considerable amount of lime. Mr. and 
lrs. Smith are both members of the Baptist 


JOHN A. HOLMES, second son of Thomas Holmes, was born 17th Decen1ber, 
1841, in this Settlement, where he has always remained, In 1870 he bought his 
plesent farm, opposite his father's, in the 5th Concessior1. He was married 261h Octo- 
ber, 18j6, to Margaret, daughter of Eli Robinson, of North Plantagenet, and the same 
year moved to his farm, and built his present brick residence, For several years 
previous to his marriage, he lumbered extensively in this vicinity, clearing land and 
taking his logs down the river to Hamilton's at Hawkesbury. 
Mr. Holmes is an enterprising farmer, has all the modern farming imple- 
ments, and all the surroundings besp
ak thrift and prosperity. He has taken an 
active part in supporting the Episcopal Church at Alfred, and has been Church 
Warden for two years. The hospitality of .Mr. and Mrs. Holmes is well known in 
this section, He always gives employment to a number of men on his farm, and the 
worthy poor never turn from his door empty.handed. 
Mr, and Mrs. Holmes have four daughters and one 
ion, all living at home. 
Effie J" the second daughter, is organist in the Episcopal Church, 4\.lfred. 


The village of Alfred, in the Parish of St. Victor, is situated in the centre of the 
Township, and contains a population of between four and five hundred, entirely 
French. There are two churches, several fine brick residences, six dry goods stores, 
one carriage and four blacksmith's shops, three hotels, a tannery, and grist mill-all 
of which have sprung up during the last twenty-five years. 
The present Church of England was built in 1860, on land deeded for its site by 
Mr, John Holm
s. The Holmes brothers, Joseph Langrell, \Villiam Johnson, John 
Sergeant and several others, assisted in its erection; it is built of sided timber, clap- 
boarded and painted, and presents a very neat appearance, It is the only builùing 
dedicated to Protestant worship in the Township of Alfred, and since its completion 
has never been unoccupied on the Sabbath, except occasionally, when the service;; of 
a clergyman could not be procured, Rev. :Mr. Ritchie, of Ottawa, holds service in 
the church every alternate Sabbath, 
The Roman Catholic Church was built in 1874, by Re..., Father LaVoie; it
1,277 communicants from the 323 families of this faith belonging in the Parish of St. 
Victor d' Alfred, which Parish extends from Lot 26 of 3rd Concession to the end of 
the Township. Rev. Father Lombard, the present p!irish priest, is now in Rome 

63 6 


with Archbishop Duhamel, and during his absence Rev. Father J. A. Pelletier, from 
St, Lin de Laurentide, County of L'Assomption, has charge of the parish. 
The people of Alfred support a Township Agricultural Society, which was organ- 
ized in 1890 through the efforts of Messrs. Evanturel, L. P. Labrosse, F. Cadieux and 
several others. The first exhibition was held in 1891, in Alfred Village, and has since 
been held annually. Mr. Evanturel was :elected First Honorary President, and 
resigning in I R94, was succeeed by Father Lombard, 
City, in 1847' His father was Hon. F. Evanturel, at one time Minister of Agricul- 
ture of Canada, The subject of this sketch was educated at the Seminary, Quebec, 
and Laval University, graduating with honors in 1870. In 1871 he was called to 
the Bar of Quebec, and practised in Quebec city for two years. He then occupied a 
Government position in Ottawa until 1881, when he again resumed his practice. His 
career in Prescott County has been a phenomenal success, He ably edited 
L' bltertrète for several years, and succeeded in converting a doubtful, into a sound 
Reform constituency. He was first returned M.P.P. for Prescott County in 1886, and 
afterwards elected by acclamation. As a popular orator, Mr. Evanturel has few equals 
in this country. 
In June, 1873, he was lÌ1arried to Miss Louisa Lee, granddaughter of Hon. 
Judge Vanfelson, of the Superior Court, 1Iontreal. 
Mr, Evanturel accompanied Sir Oliver 1Iowat to the Interprovincial Conference 
at Quebec in 1887, and spoke in fifteen counties during two months, at the two last 
general elections. 
LoUIS PHILIPPE LABROSSE, third son of p, Labrosse, was born 1st August, 1847. 
in St. Eugène, 'He first entered the employ of his hrother, Simon Labrosse, of 
St. Eugène, as clerk, and remained there twelve years, with the exception of one 
spent in California. 
He was married 24th 1Iay, 1871, to Marie Emma, daughter of the late Edward 
St, Denis, of St. Eugène; the following year he bought the hotel now owned by 
lillan, in Vankleek Hill, and after conducting this two years, sold out and returned 
to St. Eugène, remaining there a year. He afterward kept a grocery store in Vankleek 
Hill for four years, which he sold to E. Labro5se, and came to Alfred in September, 
1880. He opened a general dry goods store here, and bought 50 acres of land, which 
he cultivates in addition to his other business. 1V{r. Labrosse has done a great deal 
toward the advancement of this village; he was elected Reeve of the Township the 
year of his arrival, and held the office four years. In 1883 he was appointed Post- 
master, which office he still holds. The Post-office is in his store, which contains a 
large stock, and receives an extensive patronage. In 1892 he erected his present 
brick residence, which adds much to the appearance of the village. 
Mr. and 1Irs. Labrosse had ten children, of whom three sons and two daughters 
are now living, The eldest son is taking a medical course in Laval University; the 
two younger are also in College in Montreal, and the eldest daughter is a pupil in 
1Iount St. Mary Convent in the same city; the youngest remains at home. 
J, NAPOLEON BÉLANGER, eldest son of Magloire Bélanger, was born in Rigaud 
in 1849. 'Vhen 17 years of age he commenced clerking in St. André A vellin, but 
after a year took up the teaching profession, and taught several years in Ottawa, Hull, 
1Iontebello and other places, He also spent some time in Michigan as Book- 
keeper for his father, who is an extensive manufacturer of lumbermen's tools in that 
State. In 1878 he came to this place, and has since been engaged most of the time 
in teaching, He taught seven years in the village of Alfred, and is now engaged 



in District No.6, a Separate school. In 1883 he was appointed Commissioner for 
taking affidavits in the High Court for the united counties of Prescott and Russell, 
and in 1889 was appointed Justice of the Peace, which office he still holds; he \Vas 
Clerk of the Township Council five years. As may be seen by the above, 
Bélanger is well posted in the Code of Ontario, and his knowledge is frequently 
called into requisition by parties desiring writings for conveyance of property, deeds, 
etc. Mr. Bélanger owns fifty acres of land near the village, and ninety in St. Thomas. 
DR, A. A. GIBEAULT, the physician of this village, was born in St. Jacques de 
L'Achigan, County of Montcalm, Que., in 1855. He studied for a time in L' Assomp- 
tion College, and in October, 1877, entered Victoria College, Montreal, for the pur- 
pose of studying medicine; he graduated from the latter institution in March, 1880, 
obtaining the degree of M.D., C.M., and commenced practising in St. Jacques, He 
remained in that place five years, and was married there to Miss Emma Alain, of 
Montreal, 4th February, 1882, In 1885 he came to Alfred, where he practised on 
his Quebec license, but in 1890 had some trouble on this account, Not to be dis- 
mayed, however, by this obstacle, he went before the Ontario Council, obtained his 
license for this Province, and has since remained here, meeting with much success in 
his profession. · 
P. QUESNEL came here from St. Eugène in 1871, and bought all the land on the 
north side of what is now Main Street. At that time there were only five buildings 
in the place, Mr. (2uesnel kept store for fourteen years, and was at one time Reeve, 
He now conducts the People's Hotel of this place. 
J. D. GRATTON, third son of Joseph Gratton, was born 17th January, 1875; he 
attended the )Iodel School in Plantagenet, and after graduating from it, taught for 
three years in District No. 9, a Separate school. In 1895 he took charge of District 
No, 10 in the village of Alfred, where he has as assistant Miss Sauvie. He is also 
Clerk of the Township Council. 
J. L. LAFRAMBOISE was born at St. Benoit, County of Two Mountains, 12lh 
November, 1860. He first entered the dry goods store of D, A. P. Blair, of St, 
Eustache, as clerk, and was afterward employed in the same capacity for F, Eli 
Gauthier and John :\Iiller, remaining with the latter six years, in L'Orignal. He was 
married in 1889 to Miss Z. Pharand, of L'Orignal, and the same year, came to Alfred 
and took his present hotel, the Prescott House, a fine building. Mr. Laframboise is 
Local Agent for the Bell Telephone Company, having the telephone in his hotel. He 
commenced the first sidewalk here, building se\Oeral rods at his own expense, and 
through his example sidewalks are now laid throughout the village, 
HONORÉ BÉLANGER, eldest son of H. Bélanger, was born J 4th April, 1874, in 
this place. 'Vhen 15 years of age he entered the employ of F. Gauthier, merchant, 
of L'Orignal, remained there two years, and then entered the employ of Mr, L. P. 
Labrosse, where he has been during the past three years. He is a young man of 
intelligence and geniality, and always looks after the best ir.terests of his employer 
and customers, 
I SÉGUlN was the first Reeve of the Township of Alfred, about the year 
1855, He is still Jiving in Alfred Village, at the age of 8.1, with his wife, who is a 
year younger. 
The first settlers where the village now is were John Holmes, who lived on the 
farm now occupied by LaMarche and John Hill; they came here about 1825. Mr. 
HilI was the first Postmaster, and was succeeded by John Lawlor, who was followed 
by the present one, L. P. Labrosse. 
MÉDÉRIC GAREAU, a farmer living in the 7th Concession, is Assessor, Ditches 
and 'Vater Course Engineer, and Secretary of the Agricultural Society. 

63 8 


LOUIS TORONGEAU, living in Alfred Village, is Collector for the Township. He 
is the owner of two cheese factories. 
JULES BOILEAU also resides in the Village. He is bailiff and auctioneer, 


is situated on Horse Creek, which rises in Caledonia Marsh and flows through the 
9th Concession into the National River, at South Plantagenet. The settlement took 
its name from James Brothers.-Harry, Dory, Albert and Adolphus, who came from 
Ireland and settled here about [835; their descendants still remain here. Among 
the other early settlers were Bélanger, Bissonette, G. B. Morin, Drouin and several 

North Plantagenet. 

This Township, located in the extreme north-west of Prescott County, is bounded 
on the north by the Ottawa, east by Alfred, south by South Plantagenet, and west by 
Russell County. 
The Nation River, a stream of considerable size-especially in the spring, when 
a large number of log:; are floated down it-
nters it near the south-eastern angle of 
the Township, and passing diagonally across it, flows into the Ottawa about three- 
fourths of the distance from the eastern to the western boundary. The land border- 
ing this river is mostly level, and, indeed, this is the physical as}Ject of the greater part 
of the land in the Township. Though the soil, evidently, is not as strong as it is in 
some other parts of the County, many of the inhabitants have followed îarming suc- 
cessfully, and have all the temporai comforts generally found among this class. 


Previous to [8[1 no settlement had been made in this Township, though Col. 
Fortune had received a grant of two lots, on one of which was a fine water-power 
privilege, as a reward for surveying the Township, As he had contracted certain 
debts in Montreal with a merchant named Hagar, he cancelled them by turning over 
to 1\1r. Hagar his property in Plantagenet. 
ABNER HAGAR came from Weybridge, Vt., to Montreal in I8ob, to which city 
four brothers had preceded him, He there entered into partnership in mercantile 
business with one of his brothers-Jonathan j but on the approach of the war of 
I8 [2 J onatha n sold his share in the busines
 to Abner, and returned with his other 
brothers to the States. Abner still prosecuted the business, and, in the hope of mak- 
ing good profits, invested largely in such fabrics as he supposed would be required 
for clothing in the army; but the termination of the war, and the great reduction in 
prices consequently, caused him serious losses, and induced him to engage in new 
business, About this time he wa
 married to Hannah B. Barker, a daughter of Capt. 



Barker, a soldier of the Revolution, who then lived in St. Johnsbury, Vt. Soon after 
buying the property from Col. Fortune, he took preliminary steps for erecting mills, 
and had expended quite 3 sum in building a dam across a wide part of the river 
when a severe freshet carried away the entire structure, This, however, was soon 
replaced by another dam, anù in 1812 the mil's were in operation. Previous to this 
Mr. Ha

ar had entered into partnership with .Mr. John Chesser, who moved to 
Planlagenet in time to superintend the construction of the mills, and remained here, 
becoming in later years-as will be noticed on a succeeding page-one of the chief 
men of the County. 
Mr, Hagar did not remove to Plantagenet till 1818, and though the mills passed 
from his possession into that of Ivir, Che
ser, he remained here engaged in farming, 
in which he was skillful, enterprising and progressive. The following facts regarding 
him are taken from Belden's Dominion Atlas :-He was born in \Valtham, .Mass.; 
and on his father's farm upon the Waltham Flat
 was a good portion of the timber 
cut which entered into the composition o( the famous United States frigate "Consti- 
tution," The date of his birth was 1 7 84; the later years of his life were spent in well- 
d retirement at the residence of his son, Albert Hagar, Esq , M.P.P., where he 
died in 1875, at the advanced age of 91 years, leaving behind him a record of indus- 
try, probity and charity which will long be remembered by those in whose acquaint- 
ance he moved, and whose esteem and confidence he enjoyed. He had six children, 
but only one son and two daughters arrived at maturity, 
Albert, the son, wh.:>se mother died when he was 7 years old, spent several of his 
youthful days in Vermont with Thadeus Fairbanks, the inventor of the celebrated 
scales -who was related to him by marriage to a maternal aunt. \Vhile there, he was 
a student the greater part of the time at Peach am and St. J ohnsbury Academies- 
insti!utions, even then, in high repute, and the experience and knowledge obtained 
from his connection with their literary and debating societies was an admilable out- 
fit for his subsequent entrance into political life. 
He returned to Plantal.;enet in 1848, and engaged in fanning and lumbering; thus, 
while securing a stock of physical vigor for declining years, he also gained much 
useful experience in business. The mills which his father once owned carne into his 
possession, and he erected a woollen mill. His ability was soon recognized, and he 
was called to serve his fellow-citiæns in various public positions. He was Township 
Clerk, Municipal Councillor, Reeve and 'Varden of the County. In [867, he be- 
came a member of the House of Commons-a position to which he was twice after- 
ward elected, once by acclamation. He was also twice elected to the Local Legis- 
lature; but a desire to return to the more quiet pursuits of life induced him to 
decline another nomination, In [887 he was appointed Sheriff of the United Counties 
of Prescott and Russell, and still holds the position to the general approval of the 
He has taken great interest in agricultural matters, and has been President of the 
County of Prescott Agricultural Society for many years. His introduction to the 
County ofthoroughbred stock has tended, no doubt, to rouse a spirit of emulation 
in stock raising, and he must be acknowledged as a public benefactor, He has a fine 
farm of 1200 acres conducted on the modern system of agricultural science, and until 
recently, when he had a sale of thoroughbred stock, his dairy comprised a herd 
of fifty cows. 
\Vhoever forms the acquaintance of Mr. Hagar will not wonder at his popularity 
among his fellow townsmen. A man of simple yet industrious habits, most unas- 
'Suming in manner, he is ever willing to listen to the petitions of the poor and 



JOHN CHESSER, a Scotchman by birth, was one of the U. E. Loyalists whose 
property was confiscated during the progress of the American Revolution, and he 
came to Canada and spent the rest of his days at St. Johns, Que. John, his only son, 
removed to the River Du Chien, and falling in with Mr. Hagar, he entered into part- 
nership, as related above, and settled in 1812 at Plan tagenet. He acquired full 
ownership of the mill, and for some years was the leading spirit of the place, and 
among other honors paid him, he was elected to Parliament. Later, he removed to 
Caleàonia Flats where he and other members of his family died from cholera in 
18 3 2 , He left fùur sons and three daughters; Alfred, the third son, married Maria 
Georgen, and settled at Jessup's Falls, a few miles down the Nation river from Plan- 
tagenet Mills, He died in 1845, leaving two sons, Charles B. and Alfred H., who 
still live here about two miles from the Mills, on a farm of 450 acres, purchased by 
their mother after her husband's decease, They keep a dairy of nearly forty cows, 
and are among the intelligent substantial farmers who help to promote the moral and 
social interests of the Township. 
Other pioneers who settled along the Nation river contiguous to the Mills were 
a Mr. Charles, Peter Georgen and Co!. Kearns, an Irish officer of the British service. 
The following pen picture of the latter is an extract taken from a volume entitled 
" Correspondence and Papers on Various Subjects," by the late James Edwards, of 
Çlarence, Ont :- 
"CoI. Kearns, about 1820, planted his stakes in North Plantagenet, on the 
Nation river, about two miles below Chesser & Hagar's mill. He was a genuine 
Irishman, and every inch a soldier; he was early enrolled for service, and took part 
in the Irish Rebellion at the close of the last century under Lord Dalho
sie, after- 
ward Governor General of B.N ,A. He afterward followed the fortunes of Sir John 
Moore, in Spain, and fought under the Iron Duke through the Peninsular war, He 
is specially named in the military records for acts of bravery during his army career, 
and \Vas promoted from the ranks to a Lieutenancy. 
" In this country, the office ofCol. of Militia andJust
ce of the Peace were quickly 
followed by a seat in Parliament for the County of Prescott. The natural tendencies 
of the Colonel were fully displayed in the exercise of these several offices. In making 
speeches, pith, brevity and force characterized his eloquence. In magisterial matters, 
summary punishment was his deìight, and high handed procedur
 was his besetting 
sin, Had not his friends (at court' interceded for him, there is no saying into what 
trouble his impulsive nature might have led him. For instance, one party was brought 
before His Worship to answer to a breach of promise; another fined for not paying 
the priest for christening his child; and a third, for shooting a dog on Monday, that 
had bitten him on Sunday previous. 
(( Addressing him, he said: (If, sir, under the influence of passion, you had 
killed the dumb brute immediately, the case would have been widely different; but, 
sir, you, forgetful of the Divine injunction, that commands us not to let the sun go 
down upon our wrath, in cool blood, you murdered the poor brute. I shall fine you 
with costs twenty dollars'." 
On the dIsposal of the Clergy Reserves, the Colonel in the House said: "There 
are, sir, four leading ways by which to go to he3.ven : there is the way by which I 
expect to leach the Celestial City, viz.: the Catholic Church; the other three com- 
prise the Church of England, the Church of Scotland and the Methodist Church, 
Any man who is u1lwilling to go to Heaven by one or the other of the
e roads 
deserves to 1: 0 to-01l horseback. I advocate, Mr, Speaker, an equal division of the 
Reserves between these four churches." 
IES MOLLOY, of whose family there is a sketch in the history of Fournier, 


64 1 

came to Plantageuet in 1825. About the same time came PETER GEORG EN and his 
brother \VILLIAM, with their mother and two sisters; they located on the Nation 
River, Lot 3, 8th Concession, They came to this township from .Montreal, where 
they held a good social position; they were all well educated. \Vm, Georgen 
opened a store on their farm, which he conducted many years, Maria, one of the 
daughters, married Alfred Chesser, as related above. 
The public buildings of the village comprise three churches-Roman Catholic, 
Presbyterian and Anglican; two school buildings, several stores and four hotels, 
There are also a saw mill, grist mill, woollen mill, and the usual number of shops, 
besides the Factory of the " Plantagenet Fruit Syrup Company." 
There is a good iron bridge across the Nation river here which was erected at a 
cost of about $8000. 


The Roman Catholic Church IS a good stone building about 100 feet x 50 feet in 
size, with a Vestry of 50 feet x 32 feet. It was commenced many years ago, but 
remained in a partial1y completed state till 1878, when the exterior was finished by the 
Rev. Paul Bertrand. REV, E. C. CROTEAU, the present incumbent, who has been 
here eleven years, finished the interior at considerable expense, and, in 1893, built 
the Vestry. There is also a fine commodious stone Presbytery here. 
(The history of the Presbyterian Church will be found III that of the Smith 
Settlement on a succeeding page.) 
An Anglican Church edifice was erected here during the labors of the Rev. Mr. 
Jarvis, who came in 1875, and remained about two years, Previous to the building 
of the Church, services were held in the Town Hall. He was succeeded by the Rev. 
Frank Fraser, who was here five or six years. Rev. 1\lr. Peck followed, who about 
three years later was succeeded by Rev. John Bailey, who in turn was followed in two 
years by the Rev, C, C. Carson, Three years afterward, came Rev. Frank Squier, 
succeeded in the fall of 1894 by the Rev. 
Ir. Ritchie, son of Chief Justice RitchIe. 
Besides a good public school there is a Bi-Lingual School, which was established 
by the Ontario Government in 1890, A fine brick building was erected for this 
School and for a Town Hall, which was afterward purchased by the Public School 
Board. The teachers in this school are: ], Cheney, Principal; Annei M, McNulty, 
Miss Ballantine and Louise Bercier. 

Among the different mercantile establishments, are those of Louis Charbon- 
neau, P. J. Potts, Robert Banford and \V. A. Chamberlayne. 
-:\Ir, CHARBONNEAU, who was born at St. Eustache, was clerk there a while, then 
at L'Orignal and Brown's \Vharf, and in 1867 he came to Plantagenet, and embarked 
in mercantile business, which he has ever since followed with much success, He has 
erected a fine store and residence, and owns a large amoun t of re].l estate; several farms 
and an hotel in the township of A!fred. He has been .Municipal Councillor many 
years, Deputy Reeve and Reeve, and a member of the School Board twelve years. 
He was married 11th July, 1872, to Louise Larveque of Alfred. 
P. J. PQTTS is the youngest son of James Potts, who came from the County of 
\Vexford, Ireland, to \Vest Hawkesbury about 1837, and settled on Lot 18, 5th i:3ng

64 2 


P. J., the son, spent twenty years in the Yeon House at this place, rendering it 
very popular with travellers, throngh his intelligence, sociability and regard for the 
comfort of his guests. In 1893 he left this business and erected a building here, 
where, besides a wholesale liquor store, he keeps an assortment of groceries and a 
variety of school books. Mr. Potts has been a member of the School Board six 
years; he was married 13th September, 1888, to Miss Proulx, a daughter of J. 
Proulx, M. P. for Prescott. 
ROBERT BANFORD is a twin son of Wm. Banford noticed III the history of 
L'Orignal. He has but recently opened a store in Plantagenet, having come here 
from Lachute, Que., where he was in mercantile business 17 years j he also has a 
store in L'Orignal; his geniality is well calculated to secure patronage. He has been 
twice married; the last time was to Miss Kate E. Hughes, of George's Lake, in this 
IBERLAVNE, of English descent, was born at Chute au Blondeau, 
Prescott, in 1841, and married to Margaret Arthurs, of Grenville, Que., in 1854. Mrs. 
Chamberlayne died in 1893, leaving five daughters, of whom Mary, the eldest, is 
married to Re\r o Dr, Everett G. Smith, of St. Catharines, Ont., medical missionary at 
Yellam, Madras Presidency, India; and Lucy, married t) Albert J, Cross, of 
Vankleek Hill. 
Mr. Chamberlayne has spent much of his life in merc1ntile business, and besides 
the time no\v devoted to this, he is Agent for several Loan Companies of Toronto. 
ARTHUR ROCLEÄU, who has been PostmJ.ster here for eight years, also has a fine 


P. A, LARIVIÈRE is proprietor of the Yeon House j he was born in \V' endover 
in this township. His father, Pierre Larivière, conducted an hotel in \Vendover 28 
years, Peter, his only son, was educated at Rigaud College, and while there learned 
telegraphy; he left Rigaudin 1874. He became telegraph operator for the C. P. R., 
in J 878, and was appointed Station Agent the next year and held the position nine 
years-six of which he was also train dispatcher, being stationed the greater part of the 
time at Chapleau, and one year at Ottawa. \Vhen he left Chapleau. his friends, as a 
testimonial of their esteem, presented him with a valuable silver table service. He 
remained as an employee of the C,P.R. in different capacities fifteen years. He was 
engaged in mercantile business for a time in Thurso, at which place he was also mem- 
ber of the Municipal Council. He was married 3rd May, 1881, to Mary Nash, of 
Thurso. He became proprietor of the Yeon House 1st May, 1884, and through his 
able management sustains its good reputation, 
The "Commercial House " is owned and occupied by J. A. 'WILSON, His 
grandfather, John Wilson, was born in Portugal, and was stolen from home when he 
was 14, placed on a Briti!3h frigate and for fourteen years sailed on the high seas, 
at the end of which time he landed in Quebec. From that city he went to the Isle 
Bizarre, and died there in March, 1864, at the age of 7 I, He left seven sons 
and one daughter, 
François Xavier, the youngest son: bought a farm, built an hotel, and settled in 
Plantagenet in 1873. He has four sons and two daughters. John Baptiste Adolp:1Us, 
his second son, besides the" Commercial House," has a farm of 7 5 acres about two 
miles from the village. He is al50 one of the partners in the Plantagenet Fruit Syrup 
Company, and agent for agricultural implements. 



WILLIAM STORY is another member of the Plantagenet Fruit Syrup Company. 
His father, \Vm. Story, came from Scotland, and settled in \Vinchester about [845. 
The son, William, has followed milling business, and has b
en in the employ of Mr, 
Hagar in his flour mill here for twenty-two years. He was muried 1st July, [864, to 
Virginia, daughter of Patrick Ryan, of this township; they h:tve three sons and two 
daughters. The former are in business in Ottawa, and the younger daughter is a 
teacher in th:1t city; the elder daughter is nurried to J. C. Brown, merchant, of 
Point Fortune. 

Of the prof
ssional men, \V. J. DERBY, M.D., is the only English-speak- 
ing medical practitioner in the village. His fd.ther, Andrew Derby, came from 
the County of Derry, Ireland, to Plantagenet, in 1854, and settled on Lot 20, Range 
6, near Pendleton. He is one of the influential farmers of the iocality, and has served 
for some time as School Trustee; he has seven sons and three daughters. 
The son, William James, received his medical education at McGill University, 
Montreal, and graduated Í11 1882, He practised two years in Rockland, Russell 
County, and came to Plantagenet in 1884; he was married I I th June the same year 
to Flora McDonald Cruickshank. The doctor has a good cottage and office at the 
corner of Main and Ottawa Streets, He is of studious habits, careful and thorough 
in whatever he undertakes, and these qualities, added to a genial nature, have secured 
him a good practice. 
JOSEPH BÉLANGER is the intelligent and genial Municipal Clerk of Plantagenetj 
he was born in St, Eustache. His grandfather was one of the" Patriots " of 1837, 
for which honor he lost his property and was imprisoned for six months. His father, 
John Baptiste Bélanger, cam
 to Alfred in 1855, and was one of the first settlers in 
the 9th Concession of that township. His wife died there in 1887, and he removed 
to Ottawa, where he now lives with one of his sons, of whom he has four, and two 
Joseph, the youngest son, began teaching at the age of 21, and has taught 21 
years, one-third of which number he has taught in Plantagenet, coming here in 1884. 
He was appointed Clerk of the Division Court in 1890, and Municipal Clerk of the 
Township in 1891, He is also Agent for the New York Life and of the Royal Fire 
Insurance Company of Liverpool, and has been Secretary of the St. John Baptiste 
Society of ÿrescott several years. He was married in 1870 to the youngest daughter 
of the late André Galipeau, of Thurso, Que. They have three sons and five daugh- 
ters. One of the latter is teaching; one son is married and another is clerk for 
Owens Brothers, Stonefield. Que, 
This village is the home of ISIDORE PROULX, 
LP. He was elected to the 
House of Commons in 1891 by the Liberal party, by a majority of669; he was re- 
elected in [892. 
HENRY SMITH, one of the prominent men of the township, also resides here; 
he was formerly Postmaster here, and for many years Town Clerk. 
The springs of Plantagenet, though not visited as they would be, were there 
better accommodations for boarding and better facilities for reaching them, still, are 
used by thousands for the various ills that flesh is heir to, and they have gained 
national celebrity. 
This water was first introduced into public notice in 18
2-a year memorable for 
the visit of the Asiatic cholera to this Province, when Montreal was nearly decimated 



from its effects. A man named Cameron, a lumber merchant, acquainted with the 
water, drank it at that time with good results, and thus others were induced to use it. 
It is said that of those who used it none died with the cholera. This fact was attested 
by Mr, Dorval, then a City Councillor for Quebec. It was afterward freely pre- 
scribed by the medical profession of Montreal and Quebec. 
These springs are located about one and a half miles from Plantagenet .M:ills- 
one, the" Plantagenet Springs," being owned by Mr, Wm, Rodden; the other, "Car- 
ratraca Springs," by Mr, P. B. "'inning; the latter also has a fine quarry on his farm 
of 2 So acres, 


On the shore of the Ottawa, in the extreme north end of Plantagenet, is a wharf 
where steamers land, a store, Post-office, hotel and two or three dwellings, A Post- 
office was established here with the name of Treadwell, in honor of the late Sheriff 
TreadweIJ, who opened a brick yard and manufactured brick near this place many 
years ago. Although so small a hamlet, the number of people either taking or leaving 
the steamers here, and the amount of freight left or carried away, give rise to con- 
siderable business. 
\VILLIAl\1 H, KAINS is the Postmaster, and proprietor of the only store here. He 
is the third son of Capt. Thomas Kains, mentioned in the history of Grenville. Capt. 
Kains was born near Chatham, Kent County, England, and entered the Navy when 
fourteen years of age, as midshipman on Lord Nelson's ship, "Agamemnon." He 
was afterwards purser, and \Vas presen t at the capture of \Vashington during the war 
of 1812-14. In 1818 he came to Can3da and settled in Grenville, having purchased a 
saw-mill which Thomas Mears built after selling his mill in Hawkesbury to the Ham- 
ilton Brothers. Not long afterward, Ca}Jt. Kains entered ,the employ of Messrs, 
.McPherson & Crane as Captain of their steamer, the "' Shannon," which position 
he resigned about 1841, after eleven years' service, It was thus he received the title 
of Captain, He then purchased the steamer " Princess Royal," which ran under his 
management till the breaking out of the Russian \Var in 1853, when he was called 
home to England, and served as senior purser on Nelson's old ship, the " Victory," 
This vessel hy all the time at Portsmouth, during which Capt. Kains received as 
purser .1),100 sterling a year. He returned to Canada, and died in Montreal in 
18 57, but was buried in St. Thomas, where his son, 'William K., resided. He had 
six childrén-four sons and two daughters. Thomas, the eldest, married a daughter 
of Sheriff Treadwell, of L'Orignal, and settled in St. Thomas, where he died, 
William K., and his youngest brother, ]ohn,-a lawyer in St. Thomas-are the only 
two sons of Capt, Kains now living. His two daughters-Mrs. Abbott and Mrs. 
Charles Roe-are still living; the former, with her son, manager of a branch of the 

lontreal Bank at Fort \Villiam, at the head of Lake Superior; the latter at St. 
. \Vm. K. Kains married 18th October, 1858, Henrietta, daughter of \Vm, Ham- 
1Iton, of the firm Hamilton Brothers, of Hawkesbury Mills. He has followed mer- 
cantile business all his life, of which he spent 46 years in London, Ont., and came 
from that place to Treadwell in 1880. 
About the time that Capt. Kains purchased the steamer" Princess Royal," he 
also purchased the Georgian Spring property in Plantagenet, embracing 600 acres of 
land, which property his son, \Villiam K. Kains, still holds. Mr. Kains has had 
little to do with public matters, confining his attention st] ictly to his own 3ffairs, in 
which he sustains the reputation of an intelligent, honorable man. He is assisted by 
his SOli. 




This Settlement is located a few miles from Treadwell. The neatly-finished 
:Methodist Church of this place was erected in 1874, on land deeded for its site by 
\Villiam Darlington. The cemetery belonging to it is also on :\Ir. Darlington's land, 
The Church, which is surrounded by evergreen trees, was built by the people of the 
Settlement, Mr. Eli Robinson being one who took an active part in its erection. 
Service is held every Sabbath. 
ELI F. HUGHES, only son of John M, Hughes, was born loth November, 1869, 
in County Dundas. In 1887 he went with his father to George's Lake, and three 
years later, commenced learning cheese-making in the Hughes factory, Alfred, He 
was then employed by :\fcCuaig, Cheney & Co., 'Vest Hawkesbury, for a year, and 
by Hughes & Co., of L'Orignal; he bought a half-interest in the latter Company in 
1892, and remained there until the fall of r894, when he sold out. He is now em- 
ployed in the Hughes factory. He was married 26th :\Iay, r890, to Maggie. daughter 
of Oliver Blaney, of Riceville ; 
Iiss Blaney was teaching in George's Lake at the time 
of their marriage. They have one son and one daughter. 
Mr. Hughes is one of the first.class cheese-makers of Prescott County, having 
had good success ever since embarking in the bus mess ; he is !lOW building a hous e 
on hIS fathf>r's farm. :Mr, and :\Irs. Hughes are both active members of the 
Methodist Church. 
ELI ROBINSON came here to live in 1832, with his father, the latter being among 
the first settlers. Mr. Eli Robinson still remains 00 the homestead, but the farm is 
managed by his son, Henry \V, The latter was married in 1892, to Miss Maggie 
Chambers, of Manituck. 


About four miles down the river from Plantagenet Mills is a place long known 
Jessup's Falls, where there is an admirable water-power, and the large saw-mill of 
Messrs. Hagar & Anderson. 
Just below the mill the river expands into a wide, deep and picturesque basin, 
which makes a most convenient place for holding the Jogs coming down the river, till 
they are drawn into the mill to be sawn. Here, amid the pines, surrounded with 
bewitching rural scenery, is the cottage of Mr. Anderson, one of the proprietors of the 
Far back in the present century, a grant of 400 acres of land at this place was 
made by Government to Edward Jessup, jr. This land was sold 9th September, 182 5, 
to Alexander 
IcDonnell, and later it came into possession of Alfred Chesser. 
BENJAMIN ANDERSON came from the County of Derry, Ireland, about 1829, 
and settled in 
.outh Plantagenet on the Nation river. About two years later, one of 
his children, a little girl, was drowned in this stream, and her mother declaring that 
she would no longer live in this place, they removed to Lot 16 in the 6th Concession, 
where Mr, Anderson died about 185 I. He had four sons and three daughters; 
James, the eldest of the former, remained on the homestead, 
Alexander 'Viley, the youngest of the family, learned the blacksmith trade, 
bought Lot 2 r, 6th Range, erected a carriage and blacksmith shop and saw-mill, and 
lived there eighteen years. He was married 25 th September, 1867, to 
Iartha J. 
Anderson. In 1881 he entered into partnership with Mr. Hagar, in the lumber 
business, and during the two following years they built the saw-mill at Jessup's Falls 
of which Mr. Anderson is the manager. The mill has two circular saws, and cut

64 6 


50,000 feet daily, and about 3,000,000 feet annually. They also manufacture lath, 
shingle and clap-boards. There is a telegraph office here, and a grocery, fwm which 
their employees obtain their supplies. 
l1r, Anderson and his family are highly esteemed; he is an Elder in the Presby- 
terian Church, has been a member of the School Board, and a Justice of the Peace 
twenty years. He has had five daughters, one of whom has recently died. 


About four miles from the Mills, in a south-westerly course, is the little village of 
Curran, the land rising gently from a dead level to the slight elevation on which it is 
located. The soil around it is clayey, so that the dry weather which succeeds the 
wet invariably leaves hard, deep ruts in the road, rendering travelling decidedly 
This little inconvenience is forgotten, however, as one approaches the village, as 
the neat appearance of the streets, with the pretty houses which border them, and the 
numerous shade trees, arouse within one the most pleasurable emotions, '1 he 
appearance of everything declares Curran to be a new place, and the impression given 
by its appearance is confirmed by its history. There are three hotels, two or three 
stores, post-office, a large carriage shop, a good school building, and one of the 
finest Roman Catholic churches and presbyteries in Eastern Ontario. A wooden 
Roman Catholic chapel was built here many years ago, which was torn down, and a 
stone church erected by the Rev. Paul Bertrand in 1864, which has lately given 
place to another one, costing $22,000. There are many largtr churches in this 
County, but not one, it is claimed, whose interior compares with it in grandeur, 
LÉON LABELLE, proprietor of one of the hotels here, has been a resident of the 
place longer than any other one now in it. He was born in St. Eustache, and in his 
youth, was clerk two years in Ottawa, one in Plantagenet, and in 1857 he opened a 
store in Curran, in which he was engaged twelve years. He then built a carriage 
shop, and for four years was speculating in horses, cattle and lumber, He also 
engaged in hotel business, which he has now followed twenty-three years, speculating 
more or less, meanwhile, in the things named above. Through his enterprise, too, 
the villa!;e has increased in size, as he has erected many of the buildings in it. He 
was married 2nd August, 1856, to Priscilla LaRocque. 
The only English-speaking and Protestant family in the village is that of 
JOSEPH DIXON, proprietor of the Grand View House, 
1r. Dixon is also agent for 
the Massey-Harris Company, 
A good school building, two stories, and brick, was erected here in 1884, The 
Principal at this school is LoUIS P AREl'T. 
Mr. Parent was born in St. Martine, Que., and educated at the Catholic Com- 
mercial College, Montreal. He has taught nine years-two in Sarsfield, Russell 
County, two at St. Isidore, South Plantagenet, and five in Curran, where he is 
deservedly popular. He was married 31st Ju]y, 1393, to Menodore Legault. 
MIss NAOMI LEGAULT is teacher in anothel department of this school. She is 
a native of St. Louis de Gonzague, Beauharnois County, Que., and was educated at the 

Iodel school of Plantagenet. She has been successfully engaged in teaching, two 
yeals at St, hidore de Prescott and three at Curran, 
Curran is the home of l\IR, 0, DUFORT, Inspector of the French public schools 
of Prescott and Russell. He was born in L' Assomption; his grandfather on the 
maternal side, Ignace Racette, came from Normandy, and waS in the service of 
Montcalm at the faU of Quebec, in 1759. 



Mr. Dufort was educated at the College of L'Assomption, and graduated in 1841, 
after which he taught 18 years. He was married 19th October, 1856, to Rosannah 
Smith, of Ansonia, Conn. He was appointed :\Iunicipal Clerk in Plantagenet in 
1875, and served nine years; and in 1880 was appointed School Inspector, an office 
for which his experience in teaching, and his intelligent, liberal views, admirably 
aàapt him, He has a nice cottage here, and the possession of a farm affords him 
recreation and a pleasan t change from the arduous labors of his office. 


About three miles from Plantagenet 
lills, in a westerly direction, is a locality 
long known as the Irish Settlement, but which, from the idea that it is in the central 
part of the township, has been designated more frequently of late years, as Center- 
field. II McDonald Hill," and the "Darragh Settlement," are also names by which 
it has been distinguished, and though these names are used indiscriminately, and are 
all understood in the township, we p:-efer the more euphonious one of Centerfield. 
To one who has crossed the level, sandy and dayey land between this and the 
Ottawa, timbered with cedar and other evergreens, the ridge of high land which he 
meets at Centerfitld, with its cheery groves of maple and other hard woods, presents 
a most agreeable contrast, 
This section has about it an air of prosperity; the farmers are a tluifty, h:udy 
class; their farms show that thty are tilled for a purpose, and their stock that it is 
properly cared for, a11(l returns a profit to the proprietors. 
As in many other localities along the Ottawa, the early settlers here depended 
far more for their livelihood on the lumber business than they did upon stock-raising, 
or what they could make from the produce of the soil; for which reason their land 
was neglected. In the spring they sometimes sowed a little buckwheat, and planted 
a small piece of potatoes and corn among the logs on their half-cleared land-much 
of this being done by the hardy housewives of that era-but it was much easier to 
work in the shanty or to follow the" drives" down the river. 
Every day spent in the latter employment was sure to bring a certain amount of 
profit in cash, without incurring the risk of loss by storm, frost C'r drought-hence, 
the settler naturally looked upon his farm as something of secondary importance. It 
was well to have one; it afforded a home for his family, and for himself, also, in case 
of sickness, and when he was out of employment; but his present occupation, in his 
opinion, was of far greater importance. Moreover, there was a de
ree of excitement 
in his life in the shanty and on the river-social enjoyment among so many of his 
fellows-which it was difficult to forego, and which caused clearing hnd and farming 
to appear to him a work of drudgery-a lonely, hum-drnm sort of an existence. But 
a change came that he had not anticipated; year after year the lumber business 
grew smaller, and less profitable, and then h{: began to realize the necessity of making 
his farm yield enough to support his family; and to this end he worked. and hi'5 
children after him. The result of their industry is visible in the well-improved and 
well-stocked farm of to-day, 
Among the early settlers here were John McCrank, John Beggs, Robert 
Auley, Andrew and ATchie Darragh and Hugh McKinley. 
ROBERT McAULEY, with a few others from Ireland, is said to have been the first 
to begin a settlement on this Ridge, 1\1r, McAuley taking up Lot 14, in the 4th, 
Concession, where he died more than a century ago, after having lived here over 
forty years. 



PATRICK 'V. McDoNNELL, who was married 24th December, 1860, to Esther, a 
daughter of !\Ir. Mc_\uley, is now the proprietor and occupier of his late father-in- 
law's estate-a fine farm of ISO acres. Mr. McDonnell came from the County of 
Antrim, Ireland, to Plantagenet, in 1850, and was employed in lumbering and other 
work till 1855, when he bought a farm near 'Vendover, on the Ottawa, which he con- 
ducted till 1868. At that time he was induced to remove to the (arm of his father- 
in-law, and undertake its management. He has since cleared up one-half the farm, 
improved it in many respects, and, meanwhile, acquired much interest in his vocation, 
d knowledge of the science of agriculture. He has eamestly labored to arouse a 
deeper interest in this science among his fellow-townsmen, as is evidenced by his 
efforts to sustain and promote the Agricultural Society. Mr. :McDonnell is a man 
well informed, and one who has much influence in this section; he is a Justice of the 
})eace, has been a School Trustee many years, a member of the l\Iunicipal Council 
and Assessor. He has had eleven children-seven sons and four daughters. 
DANIEL MCCORl\IICK came from the County of Antrim, Ireland, to Plantagenet 
in 1847, and bought ISO acres of Lots 14, 5th, and 14 in the 4th Concessions; he 
lived h
re till his death, in 1880. 
He had four sons and four daughters, but only two of the sons, James and 
Dennis, remain in this section; the former lives on the homestead, and Dennis on a 
farm of 100 acres contiguous to it, which he purchased, The younger days of Dennis 
McCormick were spent in lumbering, in which business, for several years, he held 
the position of fOleman; he was married 21st November, 1872, to Margaret 

IcAuley, Mr, McCormick's career affords another example of what industry, 
sobriety, and steady perseverance may accomplish. Beginning life with only his 
hands and a good physical organization for capital, he has purchased his farm, and 
so improved it that he keeps a stock of 21 head of cattle, three or four remarkably 
fine horses, has good buildings, and a supply of improved farming utensils. He has 
been a member of the township Council and of the School Board several years, and 
notwithstanding the great amount of hard work he has performed, he seems to be 
only in the meridian of life. 
Mrs. McCormick is the daughter of Daniel l\fcAuley, who came to this place 
about 1828, worked for John Beggs three years, returned to Ireland, married, came 
back to this locality, and purchased the farm in rear of the present ones of Dennis 
McCormick and Patrick McDouell, He lived here till his death, 4th No\'ember, 
1879; he had two sons and four daughters. The elder son, John, lives on the home- 
stead with his eldest sister; James, the other son, lives in Clarence. 
JOHN BEGGS was the earliest proprietor of the land now owned by Dennis 
McCormick. There is good evidence that he lived here several years before securing 
the patent for his land, which instrument bears date 8th July, 1834- 
Quite a prominent character here belonging to the past generation was JOHN 
LAWLEss-from the County of Antrim. He came here when quite young, and built 
a store by the roadside, on the farm of Robert l\IcAuley, where he carried on a 
profitable business for m2.ny years, He also supplemented this business by ped- 
dling through this section of country-thus becoming widely known-and as his 
peculiarities afforded amusement to many, and his penchant for trading was unsur- 
passed, his periodical visits were anticipated in many households with no little 
interest. He was something ofa scholar, and it is said he possessed no little aptitude 
in the composition of rhyme, and many a story told in this manner, as well as song, 
which became locally popular, was the offspring of his muse, But, however pleasant 
and profitable this coulltry might be in which to live and earn money, John Lawless, 
like John Chinaman, preferred to die in his native land, hence, in his declining years, 
he returned to Ireland, where he was laid to rest. 



As stated above, two brothers named Darragh were early settlers here, and 
this fact. coupled with that, that a number of their descendants still remain, has 
caused the place to be designated as the Darragh Settlement. The Darraghs are 
an:lOng the substantial and pr05perous fanners, of the township. 
JUHN l\1CCRANK came from the County of Antrim, Ireland, about 1827, and 
settled on Lot 13. Concession S. He had four sons-James, John, Daniel and 
'Villiam, and three daughters; of the latter, one died yo'mg; 
lary and Eliza 
married. live in this section. ' 
'Villiam, the youngest son, after living several years on the homestead, moved to 
the township of Lowe; the other sons all live in this vicinity, have good farms, and 
are among the industrious respected farmers, 
John McCrank, one of the sons, has a farm adjacent to the homestead; he was 
married 14 th November, 1861, to Elizabeth J, Moore. They have five sons and 
two daughters, to whom they have taken no little pains to give the advantages of an 
education. Niel, the third son, is teaching in Fournier; 'Iorgan, the youngest, is 
teaching in the Smith Settlement; John, the eldest, is a Yeterinary Sur6"eon in Platts- 
burg, N, Y.; James is a mechanic in Vancouver, B.C. j Patrick and Margaret A., the 
) oungest daughter, are at home; the eldest daughter is married. 


Rockdale is the name given to the place where BEN]A:\HY A
in the history o.f Jessup's Falls-settled about the year 183:: ; this was on Lot 16, in 
the 6th ConcessIOn. 
The large old orchard, shade trees and other things which render it pleasant 
and attractive also identify it as the old homestead, where more than one generation 
of children has played, grown up, labored, planned, and then scattered to pIa}' other 
parts in the drama of life. 
This pioneer had four sons and three daughters; of the former, James remained 
on the homestead, and was married about :::850 to Maria Johnson. He was a man 
highly respected, and influential, and filled the position of School Trustee, Assessor 
and Justice of the Peace for many years, with much ability; he was also a Lieutenant 
in Captain Hagar's Company of Militia. It was in his office of Magistrate, however 
that he wa.s enabled to do much good and display his sound judgment. A Christia.; 
man, an Elder in the Presbyterian Church, and of a pacific disposition, his first effort 
was always to make peace between contestants, and in thi" laudable design he was 
usually successful. He died about 1875 ; Mrs. Anderson survived till 12th November, 
18 9 2 . 
In 1836 he planted acorns, from which sprang two trees, now standing near the 
dwelling, one of which is, at least, 16 inches in diameter, the other twelve; each of 
them being, doubtless, not less than sIxty feet in height. 
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson had eight childen-four of each sex-who arrived at 
maturity; of these, the eldest son. Benjamin Johnson, has remained on the homesteJ.d. 
He was married [8th April, 188J, to Adelia Coot of 
Iontrea], and since that event 
he went to the North 'Vest, and was employed some time on a survey in Alberta, 
He has been a School Trustee several years, and was a member of the 18th')l1 
till its disorganization. 
Very soon, or about the same time that 
Ir. Anderson came to Plantageaet 
came also Alexander Shields, George 
IcAu]ey and Samuel \Yilkinson, and setlled 
near him. 

4 2 

65 0 


CHARLES HENRY CARDWELL is a citizen of this locality, His father, George 
Cardwell, came from Bristol, Engiand, in 1870, with his wife, three sons and two 
daughters; he was by trade a mechanical engineer, and followed this in Montreal 
till his death in 1878, 
Charles Henry, his son, learned the blacksmith trade, and was employed as 
foreman in the Canadian Marine Engine \Vorks of E, E. Gilbert & Sons. He forged 
the tube for the first wrought iron gun made in Canada-a 32 pounder-smooth bore, 
having been converted i
to a 64 pounder rifle gun. His brother, George CardweH,. 
a machinist, bored and rIfled the gun, The test proof was made on St. Helen's Island, 
in presence of several M.P's, officers and soldiers. 
Mr, Cardwell bought So acres of wild land here in 1881, and though he is usually 
employed at h
s t.rade in the city, h
 has cleared one-half of his la!1d, and erected 
comfortable bmldmgs. He was marrIed loth June, 1879, to Betsey Cresley, and his 
mother lived with them till her death, 24th April, 1895. 
In a neighborhood nut far distant from Rockdale, reside two brothers, ANDREW and 
SAMUEL DERBY, who came from the County of Derry, Ireland, in 1847. On his arrival, 
Andrew purchased 250 acres of land in the 6th Concession, of which he still retains 
ISO acres, the remainder having been given to one of his sons. Mr, Derby is another 
ofthe pioneers whose perseverance, industry ar
d vigorous constitution have enabled 
him to accomplish a great amount of hard work, and he now enjoys the temporal 
comforts he has dearly yet nobly earned. He has always taken a deep interest in 
schools, and has been on the School Board several years; he is a Christian man, and 
always happy in the performance of good works, He has seven sons and three 
daughters now living; a son and daughter are deceased. One of his sons is ,V, J. 
Derby, M.D. of PJantagenet Mills. 
SAMUEL DERBY, on coming here, first taught school two years; he then went to 
the States, and after an absence of six years returned, and engaged in teaching, fol- 
lowing this profession in Section No, 9, twenty years, He was married in 1852 to 
Alice Simpson of Philadelphia, but originally from Derry, Ireland. Soon after his 
return from the States, he purchased So acres of land, contiguous to his school, 
which enabled him thenceforward to board at his own home, He has had four 
sons and five daughters, of whom three sons and three daughters are now living. 
The eldest son, John, and one younger, Anson, are in Montana; Isaac is at 
home, and is manager of the farm. Eliza and Isabella, two of the daughters, have 
taught near their home for eight years; the latter is now employed as typewriter 
and stenographer in New York. 
Since he quit the profession of teaching, Mr. Derby bas served a number of years 
as School Trustee, also as Secretary of his school section. He is a gentleman. of 
intelligence, and, like his brother, has the respect of the community, 
THOMAS \VILEY, it is said, was the first settler in the 6th Concession; he came 
from the County of Derry, Ireland, and settled here in 1845, his wife and six children 
arriving the following year. Four of his sons are now living in this section, staunch 
supporters of the Methodist Church, 
SAMUEL 'VILKINSON from near Colerain, Ireland, was a very early settler. Two of 
his sons, Samuel and Abram, remained on the homestead; the former is deceased, 
and his home is now occupied by his family and his sister Catherine. 
A Methodist church was erected in this locality in 1893. Ministers of this denom- 
ination first came here from Riceville in 1854, and service was held in the school 
house every fortnight. Rev. J, D. BeJl was the first clergyman who preached here. 


65 1 


This is a small hamlet located on the boundary between North and South Plan- 
tagen et. 
The level h:
nd and the 
roves of M
ples, or other 
eciduous trees, which appear 
here and there In the expansIve, well cultIvated fields, gIve a most pleasant, park-Jike 
appearance to the country around, 
A Post Office with the name Pendleton was established here about 1859, J. M, C. 
Deles Derniers being the first Postmaster. 
After the country had become settled, and the pioneers were exchanging their 
first rude cabins for dwellings of more pretension, their mode of bringing the lumber 
therefor from Plantagenet Mills illustrates the ancient adage: " Necessity is the 
mother of invention." Roads at that time had not become passable for wheel 
vehicles, hence the Nation river became the route for transportation of lumber or 
other heavy merchandise-though from the sinuosities of the river, the distance tra- 
velled was twice as long as that by the road now travelled. Taking two canoes they 
placed them parallel at a sufficient distance apart, and then piled the lumber 
them, till the desired cargo was obtained, when it was floated to the point nearest to 
its destination. 
There is a church at Pendleton, a hotel-A. Hillman, proprietor; the fine 
store and Post Office of Henrr Moffatt; a l::rge and flourishi
g che
se factory, and 
a few shops, A good stage lIne between thIs place and PapIneauvIlle has been in 
existence for the past 17 years under the same proprietor, Henry Roy, 
JOHN MCQUEEN, an old soldier who died 19 th April, 1888, aged 93, was one of 
the pioneers in this section, and <:ame about th
 time and Shane (next noticed) 
arrived. He had a medal; now. In the possessIOn of his descendants, bearing the 
names of the engagements In WhICh he had fought; they were as follows: Toulouse 
Nivelle Pyrenees, Vittoria, Salamander, Badajoz, Ciudad, Rodrigo and Belsaco. ' 
The old veteran never could get over the disappointment he felt that \Vaterloo 
was not mentioned. During that engagement, much to his disgust, he was one of 
those detailed to watch the baggage, 
JOHN RYAN from the County of \Vexford, I
and, came to Canada about 18 17 
with his family-a wife and seven sons, After lIvIng on the St. Lawrence till abou
1820, he came to Plantagenet, and settled on Lot 19, in the 9 th Concession, where he 
spent the remainder of his days, 
Matthew, his eldest son, settled i? Leeds,.where he died 
ar1y in the fifties; George 
spent his life on the homestead; Jonn, a taIlor by trade, lIved near the homestead, 
and died in. I 870; Moses, when quite y.omlg, was. employed as clerk at Plantagenet 
Mills, WhIle thus employed, one day In attemptIng to row a man across the river 
he was carried over the dam, and drowned. Michael conducted an hotel at Planta
genet Mills for many years, and then settled on his farm near Curran, and died there; 
Patrick, a twin brother of Dennis, settled on Lot 16, 9 th Concessio:l, where he 
died in 1865. . 
Dennis purchased 100 acres of Lot 20 In the 9 th Concession, and lived on it 
till his death, 31st March, 1879. He was married about 1835, to Bridget McCormick 
she died 2nd February, 1885; they had three sons-George, Charles and Dennis 
Charles, who never married, died in 1871. 
DENNIS RYAN, who lives on the homestead-a fin
 farm near the Post Office- 
went to Minnesota about 25 years ago, but after remaining there a few years, returned 
in 1876; he was married 12th October, 18S1 to A.lexina Durocher. 

65 2 


Mr, Ryan is one of the substantial, intelligent farmers of the township; he 
takes much interest in schools, and has been on the School Board several }'ears. 
MOSES SHANE from \Vexford County, Ireland, came to this township at or 
about the same time that Mr, Ryan came, He had five sons and one daughter, and 
his descendants are still among thE prosperous inhabitants of this section. 
HUGH McLEAN, from Scotland, accompanied Lord Selkirk to the North "'est, 
and subsequently was one of the early settlers at this place; he died 21st May, 
18 7 8 , aged 84. A few of his descendants still remain. 
HENRY MOFFATT, a prominent and successful business man, is the son of the 
late James Moffatt, who canie from Tyrone County, Ireland, in ,837, and bought 100 
acres of Lot 12, Range 13 in South Plai1tagenet; he subsequentlyadùed 200 acres 
to this purchase, He married Martha Caldwell, a daughter of one of the vioneers 
of South Plantagenet, and lived here till 1875, when he divided his estate among his 
children, and spent his last days at Pendleton with his son Henry; he died 24th July, 
,893, at the age of 84. He had five sons and four daughters; but only two of the 
former now live in this County, the other three reside in California. 
Henry, the second son, commenced mercantile life in 1867, opening a store at 
Pendleton in that year, and two years later he was appointed Postmaster. He ouilt 
his present commodious and attractive store in 1878.; he always keeps a large and 
good stock of merchandise, hence his trade is extensive, His enterprise has led 
him into other branches of ousiness, in which he has been no less successful, and 
which at the same time has been a benefit to the community. 
In 1879, he erected a large cheese factory here, which at present receives the 
patronage of nearly 7CO cows; the output of this factory in 189
 amounted to 115,- 
000 lbs. As the business here was outgrowing the accommodations afforded by this 
factory, in 1893 he erected another about three miles distant, which is called the 
Spring Brook Factory; the output from this in 1894 was abou t 75,000 lbs. 
Seme antiquarian. whose name we regret we do not knew, has employed a por- 
tion of his time in the mefullabor of writing a history of the Pendleton School, from 
1826 to 1887, which is as follows: 
" The first School was taught in a private house on the farm of Thomas Camp- 
bell, r.ow owned by :\lartin Shane; teacher, Thomas Malcolmson, About 1832, .Rev, 
Alex, Fletcher taught in the upper part of the house of his brother, Kenneth Fletcher, 
and in 1835, James Stewart taught in the house of John Ryan, on Lot 19, Range 9. 
From 1835 to 1844, the teachers were, 'Vm. McDowell, Patrick Benson, Margaret 
McAleese. The school-house on the Lot of Dennis Ryan was burnt about 1X42, 
but another was soon erected. Teacher in 1844-45, John Bradley; Peter Biggar, 18 4 6 , 
1847 é1l1d 18 4 8 ; J. L. P. O'Hanley, 1849 and 1850 ; John O'Connor, 1852 and 18 53; 
Margaret Smith (now Mrs. Falkner), 1854; Dr. H:ukin, 1855; Robt. 'V. Lendrum, 
from 1855 to 1857 ; Oliver Barton, from ]857 to 1861 ; John R. McLaurin and Stephen 
N, Clark, 1861 and 1862; A, S. McLennan,1862 and 1863; Robt. 'Valsh, 1863 and 
1864; Joseph Kyle, 1864 to 1866; Frances MacArthur, 1867 ; A. S. :McLennan, 
1868 and 1870. A new school-house was built in 1870 Archie Lee, teacher in 
1871 and 1872 ; Mary Hyde, from 1873 to 1878 inclusive; 1\1rs. MalY Molloy, J8;9; 
S, S. Burns. Edgar McLean, 1880; Peter McDonald, 1881 ; Ida PhilIips, 1881 and 
1882; Calvin Morrow, 1883 and 1884; Mary Wight, ]885; Margaret McLean, 1886; 
Edward C. Wight, 1886 and 1887." 
The following were Superintendents during the above period: Rev. Colin Gregor, 
ReY. Matthew Eloer, James Frith and Henry Smith, 
Martin O'Rourke is one of the enterprising and industrious farmers in the vici- 



nity of Pendleton. His father, Patrick 0' Rourke, came from the County of M:1Yo 
Ireland, to Plantagenet in 1836 ; enlisted the following summer at Cornwall, for three 
years. During this period, he purchased a farm in South Plantagenet, Lot 14, Con- 
cession 10, on which he lived till his death in December, 1
68. He was married in 
December, 1847, to Ellen, a daughter of Jacob Read, a pioneer who settled on Lot 
15, Range 9, in 1826; 
Ir. Read had two sons and six daughters. 
Mr. O'Rourke had seven sons and two daughters; Martin, the third son, has 
always lived on the homestead-a fine firm of 200 acres, 
ustaining a large stock of 
cattle and three hOises. He has been married twice; the first time. in 1883, to 
'Vinnifred Fisher, and the second time, in 1892, to Suah Jane McKellip. Mr 
O'Rourke has been a member of the School Board. 


This place, which is located in both North and South Plantagenet, Íj so called from 
the fact that three brothers, John, William and Robert Smith, from Derry, Ireland, 
settled here; all had families, and many of their descendants are still here, and are 
numbered among the respectable and industrious farmers, 
John and \Villiam, and their sister Jane, had been here about twenty years before 
the arrival of Robert.- John died 13th P;ovember, 1867, aged 64; 'Villiam died 12th 
March, 1863, aged 63- 
ROBERT SMITH, with his wife, son, James, and six daughters, sailed for Canada in 
1844, on the ship "Salome". She had b
en three weeks on her voyage. when she sprang 
a leak, and the passengers compelled the captain to return to Belfast. Many of the 
passengers, especially the steerage, lost all their baggage, and quite a number did not 
sail again. Robert settled in the 9th Concession of North Plantagenet. and lived 
there till his death 28lh October, 1867, 
James, his son, was married in 1859 to Ann Bowmer, and the following year he 
purchased 85 acres of Lot 13, Concession 12, SOllth Plantagenet, subsequently buying 
50 acres more. Mrs. Smith died 21st June, 1870. Their children, like those of the 
elder Smith (Robert), comprised one son and six daughters, The land Mr. Smith 
purchased was in iLs primeval state; bUlas it lies along the Nation river, he was more 
fortunate than the pioneer who settled at a distance from b..Jth river and roads. ßùt, 
still, he had a great deal of hardship to overcome, in the vanquishing of which he has 
displayed the characteri!-tic courage and 
ndurance of the old country pioneer. He 
was a member of the School Board several years, and terminated this connection 
therewIlh by resignation. 
His son, Robert, who now has the nunagement of the homestead, is a member of 
the same Board; he was 111arried, 18th October, 1893, to Caroline Blaney. The ferry 
across the Nation river is near the dwelling of 1\1r. Smith, to \vhose management it 
ALEXANDER GORDON, from the County of D
rry, Irela'ld, settled, about ISI 5, on 
the ation river in South Plantagenet, on a Lot now owned by his grandsorls, Alex- 
ander and James Gordon. He lived here till his death; his children were three sons 
and two daughters. John, his eldest son, was mJ.rricd, 14th February, 1830, to Agnes 
Andason, and bought Lot 13. Range 10, of South Plal1tag
net, wilJ land, of which 
he cleared 100 acres. He died 24
h July, 1873 ; Mrs. Gordon died 24th September, 
1867 ; they had five sons and one daughter, but only four of the sons grew up. 
Benjamin Gordon, one of these, has one-half the homestead, on which he has 
recently erected a new dwelling, He was married to Jane Grant j he joined Com- 



pany No.2, Capt. Shields, of the 18th Battalion, at its organization, He was for 
some years a School Trustee, and has been an Elder of the Presbyterian Church for 
twenty years; both he and Mrs. Gordon are highly esteemed in the community, They 
have two sons and two daughters; Aggie, the eldest daughter, is married to John 
.1v1cDonald; Eppie L, is teaching in a neighboring district; and the two sons, Nurman 
and Grant, are at home, 
ALD McDoNALD, from the Isle of Skye, came to Plantagenet in 1820. His 
brother, Neil McDonald, a surveyor, had been here for some time: and surveved 
much of the land hereabout:; he lived on Lot 7, Concession I I. After assisting. his 
brother for a period, in surveying, he purchased his farm, and thenceforth devoted 
himself to the work of a pioneer, in which he had many unpleasant experiences. 
On one occasion, in the month of March, when returning home on the ice of the 

ation river, he was chased by wolves, and escaped only by seeking the shore and 
climbing a tree, The wolves watched him closely through the entire night, reluctantly 
leaving at daybreak, and as it was very cold, he suffered severely, 
At another time he was carried over the High Falls at Casselman in a canoe. He 
was attempting to reach the shore, when the boat striking a cake of ice, the recoil sent 
it into swift water, and before he coul
 get control of it, the current bore it swiftly 
over. He clung tu the boat, though It turned over more than once after striking 
the water below, and he was finally rescued by raftsmen ; he has been deaf ever since, 
He is now in his 97th year, and still quite active; he has had three sons and two 
daughters, but the youngest of each sex is deceased, 
Daniel, the second son, bought fifty acres of Lot 13, 9th Concession, North 
Plantagenet, and married Mary McRae; they had three sons and two daughters that 
grew up; the eldest daughter married Robert Franklin. John, the second son, was 
married, 17th September, 1888, to Aggie Gordon; apparently he is gaining the reward 
of energy and industry, 
ALEXANDER H, FRASER, son of the late Andrew Fraser, of Green Lane, Hawkes- 
bury, is one of the intelligent farmers of this locality. He came to Plantagenet in 
the fall of 1888, and bought 100 acres of Lot 12, in the loth Concession-an atlrac-l 
tive looking farm, Mr. Fraser has for some years been a member of the Schoo 
Board. He was married 8th January, 1879, to Mary, daughter of George Clark, who 
came from Biggar, Lanarkshire, Scotland, to Côte des Neiges with the family of his 
father, John Clark, about 1830, The father, Mr. John Clark, and his wife died not 
many years afterward at St. Therese. 
George Clark, the son, learned the trade of miller, and was for some time 
employed in Montreal, and then, for a few years, at Vankleek Hill. Something more 
than thirty years ago, he bought a fam1 on the Ottawa in East Hawkesbury, where 
he still resides, He has been thrice married, the last time-22nd May, 1855-to 
Catherine 'Vade, He had one son by each of his former marriages; one son and two 
daughters by the latter, 


The first Presbyterian Church in Plantagenet was t;;:rected in the Smith Settle- 
ment. The records show that 
H1 the - day of May, 1843, "A meeting of 
the adherents of the Presbytenan Church was convened at the house of , Vii ham 
Smith, to devise means and raise funds for the erection of a chape1. A subscription 
list was then. taken, and a building committee appointed composed of the following 
gentlemen, VIZ, :-John Beggs, John Smyth and George Pre5ley. 



" An agreement was entered into between the committee and John Gordon anp 
James Anderson, on the 17th February, 1843, to erect a building 
6 ft, x 26 ft., of 
sided timber, and finish it for the sum of thirty pounds j to be fit for use on the 15th 
November, 1843." 
The Rev. Colin Gregor was the officiating minister, and the Register shows that 
the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was åispensed to communicants on the 22nd 
June, 1845, 13th September, 184 6 , and on the 24th October, 1847. 
After this, the Register states without date: 'ó The Rev. Colin Gregor receives 
a call from the congregation of Guelph, which he accepts, and the Rev. 
Elder commences a Sabbath School, for which a library is procured, and the school 
flourishes for some time. He also preached once in three weeks," 
" Call made and accepted to Rev, Andrew Bell, 27th July, 1852." 
"September 17th, 1853, subscription raised to build a fence round the church 
yard. " 
The subscribers towards the erection of the church were-Benj. Anderson, 
Kenneth Fletcher, John McQueen, Hugh :\IcLean, John Gordon and many others, 
" At a meeting of the Presbyterian Church in Plantagenet, held 17 th October, 1857, 

lr. K. Fletcher was appointed to take the chair. 
ó' Resolv
d: That a fund be raised for the purpose of purchasing a Glebe and 
building a :\lanse, (or which a subscription list is got up." 
Up to about 1855 or 1856, this belonged to L'Orignal :Mission, but at that time 
it became a 3eparate mission, to which the first minister appointed was Rev. Colin 
Gregor. He was followed by the Rev. Mr. Ferguson, who, however, \vas not a 
settled pastor. Students then supplied the pulpit for a while, when the Rev. 
Thomas Scott was called and remained several years, when he retired, and died not 
long subsequently, The first mention of him in the records is dated 16th July, 1865, 
Students again followed, when William H, Gedds came in 1883, and he was ordained 
and settled as pastor in January, 1884. It was during his incumbency in 1883, that 
the church at Plantagenet Mills.was completed. He remained two years, and was 
succeeded by students, and on July 1st, 1889, Rev. John Birrell came and remained 
two years. There has been no settled pastor here since; the Rev. \Vm. Christie, 
from Ottawa spent six months here in the fall and winter of 1891-92. The present 
incumbent, Rev. John Hardie, a graduate of Glasgow University, carne in November, 
18 94, and is laboring to the satisfaction of h15 people, 
The cemetery at the church in the Smith Settlement contains the headstones 
of many of the pioneers of Plantagenet. On one, we read, 

"Born in the Isle of Skye, 
" (Came to Canada in 1818, and died at L'Orignal, 5 th May, 18 3 6 , aged 45.) 
" This stone was erected by his sincere friend, C. P. Treadwel1." 

65 6 


South Plantagenet. 

This township is hounded on the north by Korth Plantagenet, east by Caledonia, 
south by the counties of Stormont and Glengarry, and west by Russell. 1 he l
nd is 
level, and in most parts the soil is good. Considerable attention has been given in 
past years to hop-growing, but owing to the present low prices of hops, a number of 
the famers have decided to abandon this industry. There are thirty hop-yards in 
the township, raising annually from one to six tons each; the largest hop-field com- 
prises 14 acres. 
There are ten cheese factories in this township. 
A pecularity in the physical features is a Ridge a few feet in height, which 
crosses the township from east to west, varying but little in altitude the whole dis- 
tance, The soil on the Ridge differs materially from the lower land, and for this 
reason is adapted to the raising of different crops. 
The Nation River crosses the township near it:; northern boundary. A barge 
towed by a steam-tug runs between Casselman, in Russell County, and the " Pitch- 
off"-a ledge not far above Plantagenet Mills. It is used for carrying freight of differ- 
ent kinds, chiefly bay; the distance is about 25 miles. 
Along this river dairying is better than grain-raising-hay being a prolific crop; 
though corn and wheat are raised to some extent; but pease being too rank in growth, 
cannot be raised with profit. 
The Scotch River, which is a small stream, except in spring, also passes through 
quite a portion of the township, and flows into the Nation on the 11th Concession. 
One or two still smaller streams also help to irrigate the land, and are utilized for 
different purposes, 
The parish of St. Isiòore de Prescott, embracing five Concessions of Plantagene 
and three of Caledonia, was erected in 1878, and the Post-office, which had beent 
established there with the name Kerry, was changed to that of the Parish. Magloire 
Parent was the first Postmaster; the present Postmaster is Joseph Parent, _ 
The parish has a good slone R. C. Church, the present priest of which is Rev, 
I. C. Boulet. 


This little village is located in the west part of the township on the Scotch 
river. Though the chef-lieu of the township, it is a quiet place, neat and remarkably 
pleasant. It stands on the Rid
e referred to elsewhere and near its margin. Fine 
farms border the roads leading from the piace, all posses
ing good buildings, and 
everything betokens a thrifty, prosperous class of inhabitants; this is the great hop- 
growing district of the township, 
A Post-office was established here about 1849, Peter McLaurin being the first 
Postmaster; a town hall was erected about 1857. There are two churches, two or 
three stores, an hotel, carding, shingle and provender mills, a cheese factory and a 
few shops, 



The hotel, which offers good cuisine and attendance, is conducted by David 
Scott. A cheese factory has been ably conducted here for the last thirteen years by 
,V. H. S:ott, There is a daily mail and stage between Riceville and Maxville, and 
telephone connection with Ottawa and Montreal. 
Robert Cutts is said to have been the first settler in this section; he came from 
Enghnd about 1820, and located about a mile from the site of the present village of 
Riceville ; a few of his descendants are still here. 
Henry :Metcalfe from Yorkshire, England, came here about 18:':3, and was the 
second settler. His family consisted of hIS wife, two sons and one daughter; he 
settled on Lot 7, Concession 12, and lived here till his death, 11th January, [863. He 
left three sons and two daughters; Ann, the eldest daughter, a girl of twelve years, 
died 9th October, 1838. 
CHRISTOPHER, the second son, received one half the homestead, and his 
brother Heury the other, The former has been a prominent man in the township, 
and served as Auditor a few years, and twice as Treasurer of the township; both 
terms of his office comprising a period of twenty-three years; he has also been a 
Justice of the Peace for more than a decade, after declining for man}" years to s
rve in 
this office. Though tarmll1g has been his chief business, a store which he opened at 
his dwelling place, also gained a share of his attention, until 1889, when, in company 
with his son, A. H. :\1 etcalfe: he built a fine brick store in the village, where they now 
trade. They have also engaged quite extensively in real estate business, and though 
they have relinquished this speculation, they still retain 300 acres of land. 
1\:1r. Christopher Metcalfe has also been very active in Church work; he is a 
member of the Baptist Church and has been a liberal supporter thereof, though he 
has generously contrIbuted to every work having for its object the promotion of the 
Gospel. He was married in 185 [to Mary, a daughter of Neil Campbell, the first 
settler at Lochaber Bay-a very enterpri'iing, estimable citizen. Miss Campbell 
first came to Riceville to teach school, and being a staunch member of the BJ.ptist 
Church, it was through her influence that the Rev. Mr. Rainboth, a Baptist clergy- 
man, came here and organized a Church, 
Mr. and Mrs. Metcalfe have had six children-two sons and four da.u
hters; only 
one son and one daughter are now living. Archibald Henry, the son, was for several 
years Assistant Postmaster and clerk for Peter McLaurin. On the death of \h. 
McLaurin, he wa,> appointed Postmaster; he has also been Auditor for the School 
Board, and is an active member of the Royal Templars-a. L()dge having been 
formed at Riceville in the fall of 1892-and agent for the HamIlton Trust & LoaA 
Co. He was married in June, 1386, to \laggie Gardner, sister of the Ors, Gardner of 
An impetus was given to settlement and business in this section by the advent 
of PETER McLAURIN, a land surveyor, about the year rS45. He came from Bread. 
albane and had formerly erected mill.. on the line bet\veen Caledonia and P!anta- 
genet. As soon as he came to Riceville he erected a saw-mill and grist-mill on the 
Scotch river, a work of inestimable benefit to the inhabitants of the township, and he 
subsequently built a carding-mill and shingle-mill. He also opened the first store, 
and was instrumental in securing the establishment of a Post-office; there was then 
only a weekly mail from Vankleek Hill. He was a very enterprising, public-spirited 
man j he served as Reeve of the township for many years, and among his benevolent 
deeds he bequeathed $1000 to the Baptist Church here and an equal sum to the 
Grande Ligne Mission. He died about six years since, leaving two children-Mrs, 
Dunning of Riceville and Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson of Cumberland. 

65 8 


IcLEAN, who removed from this place not long since, was another 
man promin
ntly identified with its history. He came here in 1854, and was 
appointed Township Clerk, a position he held for 38 years, At the time of his arrival 
there were but 84 names on the assessment roll of So. Plantagenet, and the only 
road was the Ridge Road leading from Vankleek Hill through Fournier and Riceville 
to High Falls in Cambridge. 
JAMES FRITH, from London, England, was one of the very early settlers here; 
he lived four years in Montreal, and then came to Plantagenet and located on Lot 7, 
Cen. 13, where he lived till his death, 20th January, 1873; he was 86 years of age. Mrs, 
Frith died 16th January, 1846, Mr. Frith wasa Christian man, and was much esteem- 
ed in the community; he had four sons and four daughters. The homestead, con- 
sisting of 200 acres, was divided equally between t\vo sons, Samuel and Ebenezer, 
The latter, who is the youngest of the sons, is the only one now remaining in Rice- 
viIle, the other three, Samuel, James and Joshua, having removed to 'Vinchester. 
::\lR, EBE
EZER FRITH is one of the respected and influential citizens of this 
community, and he has been a School Trustee many years; his farm-called" Elm 
Grove," from the number of beautiful elms near his dwelling-is one of the many 
fine and productive ones of this section. 
He was married to Annie Campbel1, but she is now deceased; they had five 
sons and three daughters, The eldest son is deceased; the second, J. E., is agent 
for 'Villis & Co., wholesale dealers in musical instruments, Montreal; A. N., the 
third son, is pastor of the 2nd Baptist Church, Ottawa; E. R. is clerk in Maxville; 
and S. ,V. is Dental Surgeon in 'Vinchester, The eldest daughter, married to Eli 
Hughes, resides at George's Lake; the other two, Flora and Jessie, are at home. 
HENRY VOGAN, who has been Collector at Riceville for a few years past, is a 
son of the late George Vogan, who came from the County of Cavan, Ireland, to 
Xe\V York, in 1832. After spending three years in that city and in Brooklyn, he 
came to Canada and purchased a small piece of land on Vankleek Hill, on which 
Kelly's Hotel now stands. He had been a soldier-a Sergeant in the 27th Regi- 
ment of Foot, and served in the Peninsular \Var ; in consequence of this military ex- 
perience, he was employed to drill the Volunteers at the HiU in 18 37. 

Irs. Vogan was a witness of the marriage in Ireland of Capt. .l\IcCann, noticed 
in the history of 'V. Hawkesbury. After the sudden death of the Capt. in Toronto, 
his pension was stopped, as a result of his widow's inability to prove her marriage, 
Five years passed, when the widow accidently discovered that her neighbor, Mrs. 
Vogan, was present at her wedding; consequently, the pension was restored and 
the suspended payments received. Mr, Vogan died at the Hill about 1866; he left 
three sons-Samuel, Henry and 'Villiam. 
Henry Vogan was engag,::d in mercantile business for some time at Vankleek 
Hill, after which he followed farming a few years in 'Vest Hawkesbury; then spent 
two years in British Columbia, returned and was foreman ten years for 1\1r, Hagar, 
He afterwards bought a farm in South Plantagenet, which he sold a few years later, 
and purchased three acres of land in this village and erected a good brick dwelImg, 
In which he now resides. By a former marriage he had five children, one son and 
four daughters; one of the latter is deceased; the son is in California. 

1r. Vogan was married to 
lary McNally in 1869; her father was the Rev. 
James McNally, the first :\lethodist minister that labored in Riceville. He came 
from the County of Cavan, Ireland, with his family to \Vest Hawkesbury in 182 5, 
and settled in the neighborhood of the present Henry Post-office. He died about 
18 77; he had three sons and six daughters, Mr, McNally was one of the pioneer 
:Methodists, who travelled over a large district, including the Counties of Argenteuil 



and Prescott, both as colporteur and minister; gladly conveying to the remote settle- 
ments the tidings of salvation. Those were the days when there were few roads, 
and those scarcely worthy of the name, while to many of the localities visited, there 
were only footpaths, often discerned with difficulty, and sometimes the way was 
marked only by blazed trees, Even in 1835, when he visited Riceville and surround- 
ing localities, the country was almost in its primeval state, necessitating a journey 
on foot or at best on horseback. 
\VILLIAM J. NICHOLSON is the present Postmaster of Riceville, and is also 
actively engaged in the mercantile line, His grandfather came from England, and 
was one of the very early settlers on Caledonia Flats, where he spent the remainder 
of his life. He had five sons and two daughters; Henry, the youngest son, was 
married to Mary Hunter, about 1840, and bought a farm in South Plantagenet, Lot 
14, Concession 13, where he still lives; he had two sons and five daughters. Henry 
J., the elder son, remained on the homestead till his marriage, 15th October, 1886, 
to Catherine, daughter of John Ryan, He entered mercantile business the same year, 
and still follows it, enjoying the patronage and esteem of numerous customers; he 
was appointed Postmaster, July lst, 1895, 
 is a brother of Mrs. Nicholson, and is assistant in the Post- 
office, and Secretary of the Town3hip Agricultural Society ; he was married 21 st 
November, 1891, to Stella Metcalfe, His father, John Ryan, whose family is noticed 
in the history of Pendleton, has long been a prominent man in the township. He 
has a fine farm of 250 acres with good buildings not far from !<'ournier. which he 
purchased about 1855 ; he was married in 1858 to Maria Gates, He has taken an 
active interest in both school and municipal matters, and has long been a School 
Trustee, Reeve of the Township and a Justice of the Peace, 
\VILLlAl\I N. DUNNING, the present Township Clerk, is a native of Cumberland, 
where his ancestors were prominent and influential; he is proprietor of the carding, 
provender and shingle mills, :"1r, Dunning married a daughter of the late Peter 
Riceville has a good school building, pleasantly located, in which there are two 
departments, eelch in charge of a competent teacher. The first school house was a log 
structure near the house of .Mr. :\Ietcalfe j the second one, of similar material and 
architecture, stood in the centre of what now forms the site of the village; it was 
covered with troughs made from basswood. 
A steam saw-mill was erected here by Dorty Leger, in 1889 j he sold it and 
built another in 1892, and is now adding a sash and door factory, 
The ::\1ethodists are an influential boùy in Riceville, where, at a short distance 
from the village, they erected a church edifice in 1869. An acre of land was donated 
for a parsonage by Mr. Oliver Blaney, and a neat and commodious parsonage built 
in 1887. 
The first Methodist Church in the Township (\Vesleyan) was erected at Frank- 
lin's Corners in 1849. The earliest records to be found relating to this denomination 
in South Plantagenet are of a " Quarterly 
1eeting Conference of the Ottawa Mission, 
held at Riceville, 30th October, 1847," 
Present-Rev, Jas. Gardner, Pres. Elder j Rev. T, Lewis, 
lissionary; \lexis 
JohnsoIJ, Henry Caldwell, Class Leaders; Justus Clark, Jas, Moffat, stewards. 
The history of the Baptist Church at this place is given in the annals of the Rev. 
::\lr. King in his accoun t of his labors in N otfield and other places after leaving 
Dalesville, Que. He says: 
., Besides laboring in N otfield, I had also to labor in Riceville. sixteen miles 
north of Nott1eld. The small village of Riceville takes its name from the wire 0 



Peter McLaurin, who was a daughter of Dr. Rice, Mr. 
lcLaurin came from 
Breadalbane, and had been a member of the Baptist Church there, 
"The settiers about this part were Protestant Irish, with a few English families; 
the country around abounds with French-Canadians. Among the English-speaking 
people was a man named Frith-<i member of the Baptist Church in 
10ntreal, when 
Tohn Gilmour was pastor. This man was zealous for the good of souls; when there 
,,'as no preacher in the place he visited the sick, read the scriptures and prayed with 
them; he also held meetings in his own house on the Lord's Day, read a sermon to 
the people and conducted worship. 
'I This practice he continued for some years; being acquainted with .l\Ir, 
Gilmour, he invited him to visit them, which he did, and preached a few evenings; 
they were also visited by John Edwards of Clarence. These were precious visits and 
cnded with good. About this time the Methodists found their way to the place 
and made it one of their fields of labor. Among the Methodist ministers \'.'as a Mr, 
McNall)', who baptized a few persons in the Scotch river; the Methodists got a firm 
hold in the plac
, and nnny joined them. 
"The next Baptist that came to the place was Miss Mary Campbell, a daughter 
of Neil Campbell, of Lochaber. She carne to Riceville and taught school for some 
time, and was married to Christopher Metcalfe, who at that time \vas keeping store 
here j he was a. professor of religion and a Baptist in principle. A 5 yet there had 
been no baptism here by a Baptist minister, but at length Brother Rainboth, who 
was laboring in l\otfield and .Papineauville, preached in Riceville on his way to and 
from these p!aces. On one of the visits paid by Brother Rainboth to Riceville he 
baptized Christopher Metcalfe and Mrs. Peter McLaurin. On that occasion people 
collected from far and near, who had come to witness the ùaptisrn, which was to them 
a thing altogether new. This encouraged Brother Rainboth, so that in 1861 he held 
a protracted meeting, assisted by Brother Dempsey, which resulted in the conversion 
of a number of precious !'Ouls. In the year 1862 a church was formed of eighteen 
believers; in 1865 it consisted of twenty m
mbers, and in the fall of 1869 there were 
added to it ten members." 
An Agricultural Society was organized here in 1869 with the following offi. 
cers :- 
Eresident-Jas. H. :MoIIoy, 
Vice-Presidellt-'Vm. Lendrum. 
Treasurer-Ceo. Cutt, 
Secrdary-Alex. McLean. 
Directors-James Moffatt, \Vm, Brodie, Lewis Parker, James Surch, E. Frith. 
Attditors-Sttphen Surch, John Caldwell. 
Prizes in 1894-$231; total receipts-$351.53; expenditure- $23 0 '95. 
JOHN MUIR is proprietor of one of the m;tny fine farms that may be found in 
the vicinity of Riceville, His father, 'Villiam Muir, carne from Hamilton, Scotland 
to L'Orignal in 1846; he was by traùe a carpenter, and he followed this in the 
employ of Sheriff Treadwell nine years. After leaving L'Orignal, he spent a few 
yeal s in the viII age of Riceville, and then bought 100 acres of Lot 10, 14th Conces- 
sion, in South Plantagenet, on which he lived till his death in February, 1876; he 
had six sons and four daughters. J ames, one of the sons, remained on the home- 
stead; Júhn, another son, in his younger days followed the lumber business. In 
18 73 he bought 100 acres-Lot 10, 13th Concession, which was partially cleared. 
He was married 29th July, 1875, to Catherine Bradley, Mr. 
luirhas cleared nearly 
all the land he first purchased, added 95 acres to it, erected a fine brick dwelling and 
commodious out-buildings, and rendered his home very attractive by planting numer- 



ous maples around it and along the roarlside; his hop-yard comprises three acres, 
He has been a School Trustee and Municipal Councillor f"r some years, and is a 
staunch sU!Jporter of the Methodist Church. Two of his brothers, Robert and 
Thoma!>, and h
s si
ter Jane, married to Alexander )lcKercher, all live in l\Ianson- 
ville, Wood County, Wisconsin; William, another bro
her, lives in South PIJ.nta- 
OLIVER BLANEY is another of the farmers of Prescott who rnay justly quote the 
language of Cæsar, Veni, 'llidi, viti. His father, Oliver Blaney, came from Tyrone 
County, Ireland, to Caledonia Flats. where he lived about fifteEn years; he then 
moved to South Plantagenet, Lot II, 13th Concession; his death occurred in 1868, 
He was twice márried; by the first marriage to Lucinda Lovelace, he had three sons 
and three daughters who grew up. Oliver, the second son, was engaged in.lumbering 
during the winter for thirty years; in summer he followed farming. He was married 
14 th January, 1861, to Nancy Caldwell, In 1864 he bought 275 acres in the 13 th 
and 14th Concessions of this township, which was then almost in its primeval stale. 
At the time of this purchase Mr. Blaney owed $600, and had no means of paying it, 
save what he cou!d earn by physical labor ; but to-day he is free from debt: his land 
is mostly cleared, he has set out a fine orchaïd of 200 apple trees, has three 
acres of hops, has eïected good buildings, keeps a dairy of 36 cows, has 48 head of 
cattle, five horses and about 20 sheep. He also has had quite an apiary. shipping 
one season 7,oeo Ibs. of honey from 95 hives. Though his number at present is 
reduced to 17 hives, he has had as many as 120; and he intends to enrage in this 
industry more largely than ever. 1\1:-. Blaney has been a School Trustee for many 
years, also a Trustee and Secretary of the 
lethodist Church. He has four sons and 
five daughters; Henry C., the eldest son, is in California; \Vm, Thomas is in 
tuba; both are married and three of the daughters are al50 married, 
CHARLES 1", LENDRUM resides on the Nation in the vicinity of RiceviIle, His 
father, William Lendrum, came from Lisburne, County Antrim, Ireland, to Planta- 
genet in 1851, with his wife, five sons and three daughters. He was a Civil Engineer, 
and after settling at Riceville was employed at this vocation in different places. His 
first work was on the Ottawa & Prescott Railway, in which he was 
Engineer; he also was the architect of the Court House and Jail at L'Orignal i he was 
afterward sometimes emploled in Montreal. A year or two after his arrival he 
bought 200 acres, Lot I I, Concession II, which was only partially cleared, and the 
rest was cleared by himself. He died 20th )Iarch, 1880; :\[rs. Lendrum died 
December, 1887, They left eight sons and three daughters; two of the fonner have 
since died. CharJes P., the youngest of the family, and Thomas, next older, remained 
on the homestead; the latter died from the result of an accident, 7th Fehruary, 18 93' 
The following obituary is from the Adz'crtiser (L'Orignal)-" The deceased was in 
the prime of life, and had held the Assessorship of Plantagenet several years, and in 
this capacity showed great skill and energy. He was a straight temperance man 
and Select Councillor of the Royal Telnplar Society of this place, and his Societ v 
cannot replace him with one of his abilitie
 and deportment. The funeral was one 
of the largest ever known in this place, there being upwards of one hundred carriages." 
\Villiam J. Lendrum wa
 the second son of the late Mr. Lendrum, of Riceville, 
and had seen many years' service in the British Army; he died in England, being a 
member of the Staff College, affiliated with the Royall\lilitary College of Sandhurst. 
An extract from a lengthy obituary, published in an English paper, and copied by 
the Ottawa Jour1lal of 7th January, 1893, says :- 
"Sergt, \Villiam J, Lendrum, Y. C., had won the Victoria Cross for acts of 
heroism and unrivalled bravery in the Crimean \Var and in India." 



Charles p, Lendrum, the son now living in Plantagenet, has a good farm, on 
which he keeps seven horses and a dairy of twenty-three cows; he, too, is a Royal 
JOHN MOFFAT, eldest son of James 1\10ffat, mentioned in the history of Penàle- 
ton, born in 18 37, remained at home until 1864, in which year be ,,:as married to 
Sarah, daughter of ...
lexander \Vestw?od o
 Mo!1treal,. and moved to hIS present farm, 
in the 12th ConcessIOn. In connectIOn wIth hIS farmmg, Mr, 1\1offat has gone exten- 
sively into bee-culture, being one of the largest dealers in honey in Eastern Ontario. 
In 1882 he shipped eleven tons of honey to the Montreal market, besides supplying 
10cal1 trade, 1\1r, Moffat has been active in the municipal affairs of the township, 
having been Justice of the Peace for about fifteen years, and Treasurer and Auditor 
for thirteen and seven years respectively, In 1895 he was elected Reeve, which 
office he still holds. Being well posted on the Code of Ontario, 1\1r, Moffat is often 
consulted by persons desiring legal advice, and has frequently done conveyancing. 
He has two sons and five daughters living. 
JOSEPH PERISIEU, a successful farmer, resides about half a mile from the 
village, in a fine brick house, He has been a resident here for twenty years, and 
has a farm of 110 acres, six of which comprise his hop-yard. 


Franklin's Corners was once an important place in the township. The first 
Methorlist Church was erected here in 1849, which was demolished a few years ago, 
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, from Ellckinghamshire, England, settled here with his 
family-a wife and one or two children-in 1830. He took Lot 8, Concession 14, and 
lived here till his death in December, 1881, at the age of 87 ; he had two sons and 
four daughters. The eldest son, Henry, engaged in the lumber business at the age of 
16 and followed it successfuIJy forty years. At the age of 21 he bought a farm-Lot 
10' Concession 14; he married Elizabeth Muir. His death took place 13th January, 
188 7, at the age of 56; Mrs, Franklin died in 1891, also aged 56, They left ten 
sons, who are all living. In 1869, Mr. Franklin gave the homestead to his second 
son, Richard 1\1., and opened a store at this place. In 1872, he bought 150 acres 
of Lot 6, Concession 13, and erected a fine brick dwelling and good outbuildings. 
In 1876, he bought about eight acres at Pendleton, built a large store and other build- 
ings, but died there ere he had been long in b
siness. He was a member of the local 
Council for a number years, and for a long tIme was a School Trustee. He was a 
liberal supporter of the Methodist Church, but at his death he was a member of the 
Church of England; in politics he was Conservative. He left the homestead to his 
son, Charles; the store and site on which it is erected, to his sons George and Calvin. 
The eldest son, \ViJliam Franklin, was in the lumber business with his father 
from an early age. In 1884, he erected a store, and a fine brick dwelling and other 
buildings near the Corners, where he still trades. He was married in 1880 to 
Margaret N., daughter of David Metcalfe, M r. Franklin has been Township Auditor 
for twenty years; he is a prominent Mason, being identified with the Knights 
Templar and Scottish Rite, and is also a member of the Independent Order of 
'VILLIAM JOHN REID, who has a fine farm near that of Mr, Franklin, is one of 
the prominent and respected citizens of the locality. He came with his brother 
from Ireland to this township when he was very young ; he has been engaged exten- 
sively in the lumber business during the greater part of his life, but, nevertheless, has 
taken much interest in the affairs of the township, and has served as Municipal 
Councillor and hool Trustee, 



SAMUEL HUNTER, from the County Antrim, Ireland, took up 200 acres of land 
in this section in 1822; he died here about 20 years ago. He had three sons and 
seven daughters, but only one son, J 01111, is now living; he has part of the home- 
stead-a fine farm-on which there is an excellent barn and a large hop-yard. 
Mr. Hunter is unmarried, and has always lived with his sister, whose husband, 

lr, John Stevens, has a fine brick residence and farm adjoining that of 
Ir, Hunter, 

lrs, Stevens died in 1895; three of her sisters, daughters of Mr, Samuel Hunter, 
married to prosperous farmers, settled in this township-:\Irs. Henry Nicholson, 
Mrs, James Nicholson, now a widow, and .Mrs. J ohl.1 \Vilkes. 


In the north-west part of the township is a Post-office, established aoout 
twenty years ago with. the name Lemieux-a man bearing that. name being the first 
Postmaster. A saw-mill was erected here about ISso by Archie Burton. The m.ill 
is now owned by \V, N. Barrie, an enterprising Scotchman, who enlploys a good 
many hands, and has several mills located in different places; he also has a store at 
Lemieux. There, is besides, a R. C, Church, a school-house and one or two shops. 
The early settlers in this section were Daniel Harrigan, Robert Reid, Alex. McInnis, 
John Macauley, and Henry Bradle} , 
A Post-office was 
stablished a few years since on Lot 5, Concession II, and 
the name of the Postmaster-Lalonde-was given to the office, The present Post- 
master is Isaie Denis; he also has a grist-mill, saw-mill and shingle-mill; there is 
also a cheese factory near. 


This small village is located in the eastern part of South Plantagenet, near the 
Caledonia line, 
BERNARD LEMIEUX, from St. Polycarpe, came here in 1855, and erected a saw- 
mill and grist mill on a small stream, and these mills were the beginning of the present 
village. In 1875, his son, Joseph M, Lemieux, erected new mills, in whIch steam power 
was used instead of water-power. The mills were burnt about nine years later, but 
were soon rebuilt, Mr. Bernard Lemieux died here 25th June, 1878; his widow, who 
was 90 years of age, in June, 1895, is still living here and quite active. 
A store was opened here in 1856, by Cajetan Fournier, and a Post-office was 
established in 1857, with the name Fournier; Mr. Fournier was the first Postmaster, 
and he also conducted an hotel and a pearl ash factory a number of years. F, Lan- 
driau succeeded him as Postmaster, and has held the position twenty years. 
The starting of business here as related above soon paved the way for the 
erection of a chd.pel. The first priests who visited the place came trom Curran; ser- 
vices were first held at the house of John Paxton for about a year and a half, and 
subsequently, at the house of Mr. Lemieux, In 1859, a chapel was erected-
Lemieux giving the land for its site, and having the contract for its erection, As it 
had become too small, however, for the congregation, in 1877 a new stone church 
was erected, 120 feet x 55 feet in size, with sacristy 48 feet x 30 feet, and during the 
summer of 1895 a fine brick presbytery was built. At the present time, the church 
has cost $17,500, but the interim is not yet finished. The first resident priest was 
the Rev, S. Phillips, who came in 1867, and remained nine years, His successor was 
the Rev, Onésirne Bouchet, who was here seven years. He was succeeded by the 
Rev, Father Lecour, from St. Isidore de Prescott, who after a period of three years 
was followed by Rev. Ulric Gédéon Magnan, \V ho died three years later, in July, 1888. 
The next priest was the present incumbent, Rev. E, Dcssicr. 



A Methodist Churc.h was erected at Fournier in 1873, 
Besides the two chur<:hes, Fou.rnier has thïee stores conducted by J. N. Lapointe, 
a tannery which has been 111 operatIOn by Nelson Baker about twenty years, a cheese 
factory and a hotel conducted by DUNCAN MACGREGOR. 
.Mr, .Macgregor's grandfather, James l\Iacgregor, came from Scotland to Canada in 
1800, with his two sons, Edward and Duncan, and one daughter, Margaret. He 
purchased 400 acres of land on his arrival, which now form a part of the site of 
Toronto. Edward, the elder son, was in the battle of Lundy's Lane; he caught a 
cold there, from the effects of which he died. Duncan, the second son, born in 1800, 
came with the rest of the family to PJantagenet in J 823, and purchased 300 acres of 
Lots 5 and 6, Concession T 2, and, some years later, he bought 200 acres in Con- 
cession J 3. 
The elder :Macgregor (James) was accidentally drowned about 1846, in the 
Xation River near his own dwelling, Margaret 
lacgregor, his daughter, married 
Adjutant Fraser, a brother of Colonel Fraser. 
Duncan Macgregor became a prominent man in the township, was a Councillor 
several years, Reeve and Captain of Militia. He had four sons and seven daughters, 
of whom the sons and three daughters are now living; Edward, the eldest son, is on 
the Parry Sound R0ad. exploring timber limits. James, the second son, has part 
of the homestead, and Duncan, the youngest, has another part, comprising 100 acres, 
of which ahout 85 are under cultivation. From this, in the summer of 1895, he 
cut J So tons of hay, and raised 166 bushels of barley and 200 bushels of wheat. 
JOHN PAXTON, from the Vi])age of Coddington, Oxfordshire, England, was one 
of the very early settlers in this section. He procured a location ticket for 700 acres 
of land, which was situated partly in Alfred and partly in South Plantagenet-the 
latter cumprising Lot I, Conce5sion 13 This was in 1820, and he soon afterward 
settled on it: and not long subsequently, his brother William came, and later still, 
their sister, Helen. All lived together, unmarried, and died here. 
In 1844 two nephews of the Paxtons-Stephen Surch, sixteen years of age, and 
his brother, James, thirteen-came to this country. They, with two brothers, John 
and Thomas Surch, all orphans, had been living in England with a maiden aunt, ",.ho 
supplied them with means to come to Canada. John and Thomas followed Stephen 
and James at different periods, some years later. After living twelve year:; with his 
uncle, John Paxton, James entered the employ of the Hamilton Brothers at Hawke
bury, and was with them seven years, four of which he was foreman. In August, 
1865, John Paxton died, but shortly before his death he divided his property 
between Stephen, James and Thomas Surch, Stephen died some years ago, but 
James and Thomas still live here; the former owning 216 acres, and the latter I.{O 
acres of the land bequeathed thtm by their uncle. James Smch has been one of the 
prominent men in local affairs, haying served twenty-four years as School Trustee, 
fourteen as Councillor, and five a<; Reeve of the township, He has a fine farm, and 
has erected an Imposing brick residence and commodious farm buildings. 
DONALD MACDONALD, a Scotchman, and an educated man, who had spent some 
years at Demarara, as overseer on a sugar plantation, settled in the vicinity of 
Fournier, between 1836 and 1840, on Lot 1, Concession 12. He brought two young 
bo}s, as well as some money, with him; he was always known here as " Demarara 
JOHN A. CAMERON, who resides about two miles from Fournier, has a farm of 
84 acres, which is noted for its fertility. season, T 8t)S, besides cutting 100 tons 
of hay, he raised 5 00 bushels of barley and over 500 busheis of wheat. 
JA!\IES H. MOLLOY, jr., who died early in 1896, and who, in September last 
( 18 95), gave us many of the facts recorded with regard to Plantagenet, had long 



made his home at Fournier. He was a very intelligent man, highly respected in the 
county, and though past eighty years of age, his wonderful activity gave strangers the 
impression that he was less than seventy
 and led his familiar friends to believe that 
he would be spared many years, 
The following sketch of the family \Vas copied from the old family Bible; James 
Molloy, the first mentioned, was the grandfather of James H., who recently died 
at Fournier: 
"James MoHoy, born 25th July, 1755, in the County of\Vestmeath, near the town 
of Kilbeggin, at his father's house next to the Castle of Ballreath, His father, 
Charles, and his mother, Mary, were honest and worthy parents. When James was 
eight years old, he came to Queen's County, near Carlow, where my father died in the 
spring of 1770, and was buried in the church of ArIes, within four miles of Carlow. 
I came to America in 177 I, and joined the King's troops and was employed in the 
Quarter-Master General's department till the year 1783. Came to Montreal in 17 8 5, 
and served in the Indian department as conductor of India presents, under Sir John 
Johnson, till the year 1815, a period of nearly thirty years in Canada, and forty-two 
years in His Majesty's service. Married in New York, 29th October, 1783, to 
Eleanor Staats, widow of the late John Amory, issue of marriage as follows: 
,; Alice Molloy, born loth January, 1784, at the Hogsborough, near Albany; James 
Molloy, born 21st February, 1788, at Montreal; Joachim Staats Molloy, born 2nd 
September, 1789, at Montreal; died loth March, 1791; Marie Charlotte Molloy, born 
11th May, 1794, at Montreal, diEd 30th March, 1796, 
" James Molloy, sen., died at Montreal, 4th October, 1815, aged 60 years, Said 
Eleanor Staats, wife of said James Molloy, born 28th February, 1752, died at Mon- 
treal, 18th January, 1821, aged 69 years." 
James Molloy, jun., son of James Molloy, who died at Montreal in 
1815, was also in the Commissary Department during the war of 1812, 
being employed as Clerk, Before coming to Plantagenet in 1825 he 
owned a lot of land which now forms a part of the site of Toronto, 
but he sold it at a small price, He was married to Catherine Chesser 3rd 
August, 1824. On coming to Plantagenet he took up 500 acres of Lot I, Concession 
10, and Lots I and 3, Concession 14, 1fr, Molloy soon became a man of promin- 
ence in the County. He was a Justice of the Peace, Commissioner for the trial of 
Small Causes, and Major of the Militia, He was well known in Montreal, and had 
many friends among the prominent men of that city. He died in Albany, N.Y" 14th 
March, 1851, He had three sons-James H., John :Murphy and Michael Edmund, 
James H" the eldest, after attending school some years in Montreal, remained 
some time on the homestead, and then sought his fortune in foreign lands; sailing 
27th October, 1851, for Melbourne, Australia; thence he went to Sidney, and from 
there to California, where he remained two years, He returned via New York, mak- 
ing the entire circuit of the globe, and once more engaged in farming in Plantagenet, 
He was married in February, 1857, to Anna Maria, daughter of \ViIliam Bradley, 
Esq., of Caledonia, Mr. Molloy was a Justice of the Peace many years, Coroner for 
Prescott and Russell, Issuer and Inspector of Tavern Licenses for Prescott, Reeve of 
the Township several years, and \Varden of the County, He was a candidate for 
Parliament in 1886, in opposition to Mr, Evanturel, but was defeated by a sman 
majority, At his death he owned 300 acres of the paternal homestead, He had 
three sons and three daughters; the two eldest sons, Arthur and Edmund, married, 
live in this Township ; James, the youngest, has recently attended the Collegiate 
Institute at Ottawa. The eldest daughter, married, lives in Ottawa; the youngest, 
married, resides in Montreal. 

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MR. A. T. FORnES, a native of Argcnteuil, the ohliging' manager, \, ill he pleased to see and greet his 
friends at alltimes. (See folio 186.) 

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etter Cases and l3ill ijccl{s. 


Life Assurance Company 





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INCOMB for year ending 31st December, 1:395 .$1,528,054 

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Legal Business of all kinds promptly attended to, in 
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