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Full text of "The history of Champaign and Logan counties : from their first settlement"

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@feM^Al-C>©V  eOL.IL.E:OT10H 



3  1833  02399  2461 


1.  F.lder  Georo-e  McCi.!!.. 

'.>.  Hon.  Judge  Lawrence 

:t.  James  Mcroiiald. 

•).  lU".   B.   S.  7; low  11. 

5.  N.  Z.  McCoUoPli. 

(■>.  K.\-Giivcrii()i-  Vance. 

7.  K.  E.    Runkle. 

8.  M.  Anowsiniih. 

.1       M.     GloMT. 

Mis.  Sarali   M.   Mw  r>' 
.Mr<.   Mary  Maild.'M. 
N'eUdii  .lohusiMi. 
Dr.  'riiniiias  Cowgill. 
Oden   Ha\e«. 
Jiidj;;'   Patriolv. 
K..  1,.   .M;>rjran. 






V.  M.  SMEAU,   Photograi)!ier. 



JihEmpaigii  mi^l^M. 








At  the  Yearly  Meeting  of  the    "Western  Pioneer   Association" 

held  at  Ballefonlaine,  Septeinbar  7,  1871,  Dr.  B.  S.  Rrown,  Joshua 

Antrim  atitl  Dr.  Thomas  Cowgill   were   appointed  a  Publishing 

Committee,  to  collate,  arrange   and  prepare  the  material  for  our 

Pioneer  History.    Subsequently  the  Committee  appointed  Joshua 

Antrim  to  arrange  the  work.    We  have  examined  his  proceedings 

in  regard  to  tlie  arrangement  thereof  and    entirely    approve  the 

same,  and  advise  that  the  work  be  published  in  book  form. 

BENJAMIN  S.  BROWN,  Chairman, )  ewmi/tefl 
THOMAS  COWGILL.  (  ^<^^'^*'^- 

Entereclaocorcllng  to  Act  ot  Congress,  in  tho  year  1872,  by  Jobwha  Antkim,  in  the  office  •f 
(.he  Libraiiau  o!  <;ongres?i  at  WHBliiinj(o«. 


PREFACE.      -^'^^  ^^^x 

TfVv  THE  Readbr  : 

I  have  now  completed  the  task  assigned  me  by  the  Comontteft 
«n  Publications,  appoinled  by  the  Western  Ohio  Pioneer  Asso- 
«ation.  The  entire  labor  of  collecting  material  for  this  work  waa 
gpiaced  on  me  by  this  Committee,  and  when  completed,  to  be  pre- 
.isented  to  them  for  their  approval  or  rejection. 

In  this  work  I  have  not  satisfie<J  myself  in  many  respects,  for 
I  have  reason  to  think  I  have  failed  in  obtaining  a  great  deal  of 
interesting  matter  that  should  have  a  place  in  this  volume,  and  in 
what  I  have  obtained  1  know  there  are  many  unpleasant  but  unin- 
*tentionnl  mLsUkes,  especially  in  some  of  the  names  and  dates  of 
'ihe  fiiNf  settlers.  Though  I  obtained  the  most  ot  thsm  from  the 
•snidest  inhabitants,  yet  I  found  they  could  not  tell  exactly  the  year 
K!.f  their  immigration  to  this  country,  (or  some  of  them,  at  least,) 
feence  they  are  responsible  for  what  inac-curacies  may  appear  in 
these  pages.  I  have  done  all  I  could  to  arrive  at  the  exact  facts. 
AU  I,  or  any  one  else  could  expect  under  the  circumstances  waa 
»Q  approximation  to  accura<^y. 

To  thote  gentlemen  who  have  kindly  favored  me  with  their 
«s>ntribution3  for  this  work  I  tender  my  sincere  thanks  for  their 
ilraely  aid  in  furnishing  so  much  valuable  matter  tor  this  work. 
Your  article's,  gentlemen,  will  appear  in  these  pages  and  they  will 
i?l>eak  for  themselves,  and  will  present  a  better  tribute  to  the  mem- 
*fy  of  their  authors  than  anything  I  could  say ;  so,  wishing  each  of 
ijft>a  A  long  and  happy  life,  I  bid  you  good  bye. 




Champaiofii  County  was  foiiiied  from  Green  and  Franklin, 
March  1,  1805,  and  originally  comprised  the  Counties  of  Clark  and 
Logan.  The  Seat  of  Justice  was  originally  fixed  at  Springfield,  in 
Clark  County,  and  the  first  Courts  were  hold  in  the  house  of  George 
Fithian.  It  is  said  it  was  named  from  its  appearance,  it  being  a 
level,  open  country.  Urbana,  the  Seat  of  Justice,  was  laid  out  in 
the  year  1805,  by  Col.  Wm.  Ward,  formerly  of  Greenbrier  County, 
Virgini-s.  It  is  said  by  some  that  Mr.  Ward  named  the  town  from 
the  word  Urbanity,  but  I  think  it  is  quite  likely  he  named  it  from 
an  old  Roman  custom  of  dividing  their  people  into  different 
classes— one  class,  the  Plebeians,  and  this  again  divided  into  two 
classes— Pfefe  RusHca  and  Plebs  Urbana.  The  Plebs  Bustica  lived 
in  the  rural  districts  and  were  farmers,  while  the  Plebs  Urbana 
lived  in  villages  and  were  mechanics  and  artisans. 

George  Fithian  opened  the  first  tavern  in  a  log  cabin  on  South 
Main  street,  formerly  the  residence  of  Wm.  Thomas;  but  I  think 
it  is  now  owned  by  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church,  and  they  in- 
tend to  improve  it  and  make  a  parsonage  of  it. 

Samuel  McCord  opened  a  Dry  Goods  and  Grocery  Store  in  the 
same  cabin  in  the  same  year,  (March,  1806.) 

The  first  house  covered  with  shingles  was  a  house  occupied  by 
McDoiialfl  as  a  store  room,  on  the  north  corner  of  Public  Square, 
west  of  North  Main  street. 

For  a  full  and  satisfactory  description    of  Urbana  and    its  sur- 


Toundipgp,  see  Judge  Patrick's  able,  minute  and  satisfactory  hS'*- 
tory,'  found  in  the  body  of  this  work,  in  which  he  has  placed  mi*- 
under  many  obligations,  and  also  done  himself  credit,  and  the  eiljr 
of  Urbana,  of  which  he  writes. 

I  find  in  Howe's  History  of  Ohio  the  names  of  a  few  of  the  flrsSr 
settlers  in  Urbana  and  also  in  the  rural  districts,  and  althougSssi 
most  of  the  names  found  in  his  history  will  be  found  in  the  bodj 
of  this  work,  for  fearsome  valuable  names  may  be  overlooked  fi 
here  transcribe  them.  But  let  the  reader  be  assured  that  most  oC 
those  honored  and  venerated  names  will  appear  in  these  page8.- 

But  before  I  proceed  to  record  those  names  I  wish  to  make  m 
remark  or  two  in  regard  to  the  first  settlers  of  this  county.  In  vaisB 
have  1  mad3  inquiry  of  the  oldest  living  pioneers  as  to  the  firs^ 
white  man  that  Settled  here.  Likewise  the  public  records  hav*- 
been  searched  with  the  same  unsatisfactory  results.  It  may  eeeijst. 
to  some  a  matter  of  very  little  consequence  who  first  settled  a  couaiw- 
try,  but  we  find  people  in  all  ages  disposed  to  attach  very  greafc 
importance  to  so  apparently  trifling  a  circumstance.  The  Cartha- 
ginians have  their  Dido,  the  Greeks  their  Cecrops,  and  the  RomaiK* 
their  Romulus :  so  in  our  own  country  William  Penn  settled  Pen®- 
eylvania;  Boone,  Kentucky,  Ac;  and  in  mostof  ihe  counties  of  tbi» 
State  the  first  settlers  are  known,  and  the  date  of  their  settlemeni- 
I  find  in  a  very  able  and  interesting  document,  furnished  me  for 
this  work  by  an  old  and  resptcted  pioneer,  Mr.  Arrowsmith,  the- 
name  of  Wm.  Owens,  who,  he  says,  came  to  this  county  in  th* 
year  1797  or  1798.  I  think  it  not  unlikely  that  he  was  the  fiisS, 
white  man  that  made  this  county  his  home. 

I  now  commence  the  list  of  names:  Joseph  C.  Vance,  Thos.  a»# 
Ed.  W.  Pearce,  George  Fithian,  Sam'l  McCord,  Zeph.  Luse,  BenJ. 
Doolittle,  George  and  Andrew  Ward,  Wm.  H.  Fyffe,  Wm,  aiJ^i' 
John  Glenn,  Frederick  Ambrose,  John  Reynolds  and  Sam'l  Oibla.. 
Those  living  in  the  country — Jacob  Minturn,  Henry  and  Jaco%r 
Vanmetre,  Nathaniel  Cartmell,  Justice  Jones,  Felix  Rock,  Thomas* 
Anderson,  Abner  Barret,  Thomas  Pearce,  Benj.  and  Wm.  Chenefv 
Matthew  and  Charles  Stuart,  Parker  Sullivan,  John  Logan,  Jobae 
Thomas,  John  Runyjn,  John  Lafforty,  John  Owens,  John  Tayloir;. 
John  Guttridge,  John  Cartmell,  John  Dawson,  John  Pence,  Jonar- 
than  Long,  Bennet  Taber,  Nathan  Fitch,  Robert  Nowce,  Jaco&> 
Pence  and  Arthur  Thomas. 

Joseph  C.  Vance  wa^  the  father  of  Ex-Governor  Vance,  and  w»» 


the  first  Clerk  of  the  Court  in  thi-;  "^  ninty.  Capt.  Arthur  Thomas, 
whose  name  is  in  theabovelist,  Hvr'ion  Kinj^'s  Creole,  about  three 
miles  North  ofUrbana.  He  wr~  -dorccl  to  Fort  Findlay  with 
his  Company,  to  guard  thepublic  stores  at  th  it  place,  and  on  their 
return  they  encamped  at  the  Bi^-  "^piins:  near  an  old  Indian  town 
called  Solomon's  Town,  about  arvcn  miles  north  of  Bellefontaine. 

Their  horses  havinpf  strayed  a  voy  in  the  night,  he  and  his  son 
went  in  pursuit  of  them.  When  tbcy  had  got  some  distance  from 
the  encampment  they  werediscovc  r  :d  by  the  Indians,  who  attacked 
them  with  an  overpowering  fore  •  and  they  were  killed  and  scalped 
and  left  dead  on  the  spot. 

Urbana  was  a  frontier  town  dn^'.^Mhe  war  1812,  Hull's  army 
was  quartered  here  the  sitme  year, ')i,-fore  taking:  up  their  lino  of 
march  for  Detroit.  In  fact,  it  wr. : '^  place  of  general  rendezvous 
for  the  troops  stfrting  for  the  dr'^Li-e  of  our  northern  frontier. 
They  were  encamped  in  the  east  :"?  part  of  the  city,  and  here  lie 
the  bodies  of  many  brave  soldier^  rr  ing'ed  with  their  mother  dust, 
and  no  monument  to  mark  the  r '  :  where  they  rest,  nor  to  tell 
the  story  of  their  sufferings  ;  evr-  *'  cir  names  liave  perished  with 
them.  All  we  can  do  now  is  to  f^:"'.)  a  tear  over  Ihelr  sleeping 
dust  and  say,  "Here  lie  in  peace''  '  lumbers  the  brave  defenders 
of  our  once  frontier  homes." 

In  penning  these  sketches,  I  finr!  fuyr:'elf  very  much  in  the  con- 
dition of  the  early  pioneer  who  hi  to  blaze  his  way  through  a 
dense  forest  to  find  his  way  from  on  ijlaceto  another.  Fortunately 
for  me,  however,  others  have  pv  oO  me  and  blazed  the  way  to 
some  extent  for  me.  And  to  none,  perhaps,  am  I  under  more  obli- 
gations than  to  Mr.  Howe,  in  hi  "'^tory  of  Ohio;  and  he  is  not 
entirely  reliable,  for  I  have  been  '  "ged  to  makcsome  corrections 
in  hisstatements  of  facts  in  the  hif:"ory  of  this  conr.try.  For  in- 
stance, the  time  of  settlement  o"  •  ;;an  County,  putting  it  in  the 
year  1806,  when  in  fact  it  was  seW  ;  in  the  year  1801.  Also,  the 
names  of  the  first  settlers.  Ofc  .  he  had  to  rely  <>n  others  for 
information,  and  they  did  not  I  ;  but  in  the  main,  however,  I 

believe  he  is  correct. 

I  now  resume  my  sketch  of  U  •^^'^n  i :  On  the  corner  of  Public 
Square  and  North  Main  street— r-->"'  McDonald's  Cornf^r,  but  in 
the  war  of  1812  called  Doollttle's  T>''ern— were  the  headquarters 
of  Governor  Meigs.  On  the  opposite  corner— now  Armstrong's 
Bank— stood  a  Iwo-storv  brick  '  '  ■•  -^   and  on  the  end  fronting  the 


Square,  could  bo  seen  the  date  of  its  erection— 1811.  This  was  oc- 
cupied for  many  years  by  D.  &  T.  M.  Gwynneas  a  store-room.  All 
the  old  settlers  of  Cliainpaign  now  living,  will  call  to  mind  the 
once  familiar  face  of  Robert  Murdock,  with  his  obliging  and  gen- 
tlemanly manners,  who  was  then  a  partner  in  the  firm. 

The  above  described  building  was  the  place  where  the  commis- 
sary's office  was  kept  during  the  war  of  1812,  and  is  the  one  to 
which  Richard  M.  Johnson  was  brought  wounded  after  his  per- 
sonal and  deadly  conflict  with  the  renowned  Tecumseh  at  the  bat- 
tle of  the  Thames. 

Urbana  was  visited  by  a  dreadful  tornado  on  the  22d  ot  March, 
1830.  Passing-  from  th.e  South-west  to  the  North-east,  it  leveled 
the  Presbyterian  Church  with  the  ground,  and  unroofed  the  M.  E. 
Church,  throwing  it  down  to  within  a  few  feet  of  its  foundation. 
Both  of  these  buildings  were  substantial  brick  ■bd iflces ;  also,  a 
grent  many  private  residences  were  either  unroofed  or  wholly  de- 
molished, killing  three  children  and  crippling  others.  For  a  more 
satisfactory  account,  see  Judge  Patrick's  history  of  Urbana  in  this 

I  can  not  leave  Urbana  without  giving  a  short  account  of  the  old 
Court  House,  built  in  1817.  I  have  never  seen  adescription  of  this 
then  imposing  structure.  It  stood  in  the  center  of  the  Public 
Square,  now  called,  I  believe.  Monument  Square,  fronting  North 
and  South,  built  of  brick,  two  stories  high,  the  roof  having  four 
sides,  coming  to  a  point  In  the  center,  surmounted  by  a  cupola  and 
spire  on  wliich  was  a  globe  and  a  fish  that  turned  with  the  wind. 
The  main  entrance  was  on  the  South.  This,  for  the  time  in  which 
it  was  built,  wns  an  elegant  and  couimodious  pul  lie  building. 

How  many  ple;tsiuit  and  interesting  m(>mories  cluster  around 
this,  to  the  old  pioneer,  almost  hallowed  spot!  Here,  too,  or  near 
this  spot,  many  a  soldier  breathed  his  last  and  bd<le  adieu  to  all 
earthly  conflii-ts.  And  the  soldier  riiounted  on  the  pedestal  on  the 
spot  where  the  old  Court  House  stood,  surveying  with  down-cast 
eyes  and  in  solemn  and  im|)ressive  silence  the  battle-fields  of  Get- 
tysburg and  Shiloh,  uiHy  drop  a  tear  over  the  graves  of  those 
heroes  that  freely  shed  their  blood  in  thedefense  of  our  country  in 
the  war  of  1812. 



Simon  Kenton,  whose  name  will  appear  frequently  in  these  pages, 
was  an  early  settler  in  Urbana.  I  quote  from  Judge  Burnet's  let- 
ters  as  found  in  Howe's  History.  In  his  letters  he  says  that  when 
the  troops  were  stationed  at  Urbana,  a  mutinous  plan  was  formed 
by  part  of  them  to  attack  and  destroy  a  settlement  of  friendly  In- 
dians, who  had  removed  with  their  families  within  the  settle- 
ment under  assurance  of  protection,  Kenton  remonstrated  against 
the  measure  as  being  not  only  mutinous  but  treacherous  and  cow- 
ardly. He  contrasted  his  knowledge  and  experience  of  the  Indian 
character  with  their  ignorance  of  it.  He  vindicated  them  against 
the  charge  of  treachery  which  was  alleged  against  them  as  a  justifi- 
cation of  the  act  which  they  were  about  to  perpetrate,  and  remind- 
ed them  of  tiie  infamy  they  wouM  incur  by  destroying  a  defense- 
less band  of  men,  womt;n  and  children,  who  had  placed  them- 
selves in  their  power  relying  on  a  solemn  promise  of  protection. 
He  appealed  to  their  humanity,  their  honor  and  their  duty  as  sol- 
diers. Having  exhausted  all  the  means  of  persuasion  in  his  power, 
and  finding  them  resolved  to  execute  their  purpos<-\  he  took  a  rifle 
and  declared  with  great  firmness  that  he  would  accompany  them 
to  the  Indian  encampment  and  shoot  down  the  first  man  that  dared 
to  molest  them  ;  that  if  they  entered  their  camp  they  should  do  it 
by  passing  over  hi?  corpse.  Knowing  that  the  old  veteran  would 
redeem  his  pledge  they  abandoned  their  purpose  and  the  poor  In- 
dians were  saved.  Though  he  was  brave  as  Csesar  and  reckless 
of  danger  when  it  was  his  duty  to  expose  his  person,  yet  he  was 
mild,  even  tempered  and  had  a  heart  that  could  bleed  at  the  dis- 
tress of  others. 

General  Kenton  lived  many  years  in  Logan  county,  on  what 
was  called  the  old  Sandusky  road,  about  four  miles  north  of  Zanes- 
field  on  his  farm,  where  he  died  April  29th,  1836,  aged  81  years 
and  26  days.  His  remains  were  removed  to  Urbana  by  a  deputa- 
tion of  citizens  from  that  place  I  think  in  1865,  and  buried  in  the 
cemetery  about  three-quarters  of  a  mile  east  of  the  city  in  a  lot  of 


ground  appropriated  by  the  city  for  that  purpose  containing  about 
scventy-tive  or  one  hundred  feet  in  a  circular  form  with  a  view  of 
erectinti:  a  monument  at  some  future  day.  The  only  thing  that 
now  mari^s  his  grave  is  the  same  plain  stone  slab  that  stood  at  the 
head  of  his  grave  in  Logan  county,  with  this  inscription:  "In 
memory  of  Gen.  Simon  Kenton,  who  was  born  April  3d,  1755,  in 
Culpepper  County,  Va.,  and  died  April  29th,  1836,  aged  81  yearsand 
26  days." 

His  fellow  citizens    of  the  west  will  long  remember  him  as  the 
skillful  pioneer  of  early  times,   the  brave  soldier  and  honest  man. 


There  were  several  Indian  councils  in  Urbana  at  a  very  early  day. 
They  were  held  in  a  grove  on  or  near  where  the  old  grave  yard 
is  north -east  of  town,  Distinguished  chiefs  from  various  tribes 
took  part  in  these  councils. 

Mr.  Howesays  in  his  history  that  Tecumseh  in  the  spring  of 
1795,  took  up  his  quarters  on  Deercreek  near  the  site  of  Urbana, 
where  he  was  engaged  in  his  favorite  amuseusent,  hunting,  and 
remained  until  the  following  Spring.  There  never  was  any  creek 
by  the  name  of  Deercreek  near  the  site  of  Urbana.  I  think  there 
is  a  creek  by  that  name  in  Madison  county  but  I  do  not  think  it 
reaches  Champaign.  I  find  Tecumseh's  biographer  makes  the 
same  mistake.     I  now  quote  from  his  biography: 

"While  residing  on  Deercreek  an  incident  occurred  which 
greatly  enhanced  his  reputation  as  a  hunter.  One  of  his  brothers, 
and  several  other  Shawnees  of  his  own  age  proposed  to  bet  with 
him  that  they  could  each  kill  as  many  deer  in  the  space  of  three 
days  as  ho  Tecumseh  promptly  accepted  the  overture.  The  par- 
ties took  to  the  woods  and  at  the  end  of  the  time  stipulated  re- 
turned with  the  evidences  of  theirsuccess.  None  ofthe  party  except 
Tecumseh  had  more  than  twelve  deer-skins,  and  he  brought  in 
upward  of  thirty,  near  three  times  as  many  as  any  of  his  competi- 
tors. From  this  time  he  was  generally  conceded  to  be  the  greatest 
hunter  in  the  Shawnee  nation. 

I/)GAN  0OUNTIE8.  11 

In  1799  there  was  a  councH  held  about  six  miles  north  of  the 
place  where  Urbana  now  stands,  between  the  Indians  and  some  of 
the  principle  settlers  on  Mad  lliver,  for  the  adjustment  of  difficul- 
ties which  had  grown  up  between  those  parties.  Tecumseh, 
with  other  Shawnee  Chiefs,  attended  the  council.  He  appears  to 
have  been  the  most  conspicuous  orator  of  the  conference,  and  made 
a  speech  on  the  occasion  which  was  much  admired  tor  its  force  and 
eloquence.  The  interpreter,  Dechauset,  said  that  he  found  it  very 
difficult  to  translate  the  lofty  tli;?hts  of  Tecumseh,  although  he 
was  as  well  acquainted  with  the  Shawnee  language  as  with  the 
French  which  was  his  mother  tongue. 

Sometime  during  the  year  1803,  a. stout  Kentuckian  came  to  Ohio 
for  the  purpose  of  exploring  the  lands  on  Mad  River,  and  lodged 
one  night  at  the  house  of  Capt.  Abner  Barret,  residing  on  the  head- 
waters of  Buck  Creek.  In  the  course  of  the  evening  he  learned, 
with  apparent  alarm,  that  there  were  some  Indians  encamped 
within  a  short  distance  of  the  house.  Shortly  after  hearing  this 
unwelcome  intelligence,  the  door  of  Capt.  Barret's  dwelling  was 
suddenly  opened  and  Tecumseh  entered  with  his  usual  stately  air; 
he  paused  in  silence  and  looked  around  until  at  length  his  eye 
was  fixed  upon  the  stranger  who  was  manifesting  symptoms  of 
alarm,  and  did  not  venture  to  look  the  stern  savage  in  the  face. 
Tecumseh  turned  to  his  host  and  pointing  to  the  agitated  Ken- 
tuckian, exclaimed— "A  big  baby,  a  big  baby."  He  then  stepped 
up  to  him  and  gently  slapping  him  on  the  shoulder  several  tiraea, 
repeated  with  a  contemptuous  manner,  the  phrase,  *^Big  baby, 
big  baby P''  to  the  great  alarm  of  the  astonished  man,  and  to  the 
amusement  of  all  present. 




Thomas  Cowgill,  M.  D.— Dear  i)octor.-— Mr.  Antrim,  of  Logan 
County,  called  on  me  a  few  weeks  ago  with  an  urgent  request  that, 
as  I  was  an  old  pioneer  of  Ohio,  I  should  prepare  and  send  to  your 
address  in  some  readable  form,  some  scraps  ofearly  pioneer  history, 
connecting  with  them  such  incidents  and  facts  as  came  within  my 
own  knowledge,  embracing  the  times  up  to  about  1820,  for  the 
purpose  of  incorporating  them  with  a  proposed  history  of  the  early 
settlements,  and  more  particularly  within  my  own  early  localities. 
This  seemed  to  me  at  the  time,  more  than  my  physical  strength, 
owing  to  a  general  nervous  prostration  of  my  system,  would  war- 
rant, and  I  excused  myself  with  a  partial  promise  to  comply,  if 
sufficient  strength  permitted,  and  will  therefore,  inpencil  sketches, 
make  the  effort,  hoping  you  will,  in  their  transcri}>tion,  so  mould 
and  remodel  as  to  make  them  presentable  to  your  readers. 

My  first  acquaintance  with  men  and  things  in  this  State  com- 
menced in  1806.  My  father,  Anthony  Patrick,  having  emigrated 
when  I  was  ten  years  old  from  New  Jersey  to  Trumbull  County, 
purchased  and  improved  a  small  tract  of  wild  land  in  Brookfield 
township,  two  miles  west  of  the  line  bet  ween  Ohio  and  Pennsyl- 
vania, and  two  and  one-half  miles  west  from  Sharon,  which  is  now 
one  of  the  most  distinguished  CENTERS  for  Wxemanufactureof  Iron 
in  this  country.  I  could  here  delineate  the  hardships  and  i»riva- 
tions  of  that  early  day  among  the  few  settlers  in  that  vicinity,  but 


it  would  be  traveling  out  of  the  objects  you  seek  in  your  circular. 
I  will,  however,  as  a  common  specimen  of  pioneer  life,  state  that 
from  1806  to  1808  the  settlers  there  hibored  under  many  discourage- 
ments, even  after  openings  for  cultivation  were  made  ;  such  as 
want  of  teams  and  farming  implements,  and  the  want  of  means  to 
procure  them.  Oxen  and  cows  were  with  few  exceptions  the  only 
teams  used  ;  horses  were  rare;  rough  sleds  were  the  vehicles  of 
travel  and  transit,  rough  ploughs  with  wooden  mould  boards,  with 
iron  nosings  attached  for  coulters,  barrows  all  of  wood  even  to  the 
teeth,  were  their  best  implements,  and  the  man  that  had  these 
with  a  yoke  of  oxen  or  even  cows  was  called  rich.  The  man  that 
had  even  ^ne  cow  to  harness  foriarming  purposes  was  considered 
fortunate ;  and  those  that  had  none  of  these  advantages,  but  had 
to  put  in  their  crops  with  manual  toil,  were  the  poor,  which  indeed 
was  very  common  in  that  day.  Yet  with  all  these  conflicts  in  the 
start,  about  1808  they  began  to  realize  relief  in  return  for  their  toils 
in  products  from  the  rich  soil. 

But  up  to  this  time  they  had  to  endure  in  many  cases  much  suf- 
fering ;  flour  and  meal  commanded  fabulous  prices,  and  could  not 
be  procured  nearer  than  Pittsburg,  and  for  want  of  means  many 
families  had  to  resort  to  roots  and  wild  game  entirely  for  subsis- 
tence, using  spice- wood  and  sassafras  for  teas,  and  when  they  could 
procure  it,  rye  was  their  coffee,  sweetened  with  sugar  of  their  own 
make.  Salt  was  also  very  scarce  and  dear,  so  much  so,  that  many 
families  who  had  pork  had  to  let  it  remain  without  salting  all 
winter,  using  it  by  cutting  from  the  whole  hog  as  they  needed  it 
for  cooking  during  the  cold  winters.  The  above  are  some  of  the 
facts  connected  with  pioneer  life  moi-e  than  three  scores  of  years 
ago  in  the  upper  end  of  this  State.  In  this  connection  it  should 
be  stated  tliat  there  was  one  characteristic  trait  plainly  prominent 
in  that  early  day  among  the  people.  When  it  was  made  known 
that  any  one  was  in  need  of  help,  they  for  miles  around  would  con- 
gregate, and  if  it  was  a  cabin  to  be  raised  it  was  done.  If  assistance 
to  roll  logs  was  needed  in  a  new  clearing  it  was  bestowed. 

And  in  many  instances  under  my  own  observation  when  any 
one  from  age,  bad  health  or  i)overty  was  unable  to  open  his  clearing^ 
or  provide  shelter  for  himself  and  family,  they  would  on  a  given 
day  for  miles  around  come  together,  bringing  with  them  thoir 
own  provisions  at  an  early  hour,  with  axes,  cross-cut  saws,  team* 


such  as  they  had,  and  such  other  implements  as  were  necessary 
forthe  occjision.  If  the  object  was  to  open  up  a  small  clearing,  a 
leader  was  appointed  who  gave  general  directions;  some  were 
assigned  to  cutting  up  the  large  down  timber  into  logs,  others  to 
hauling  them  together,  others  to  rolling  them  into  heaps  ready  for 
burning,  others  to  cut  or  grub  out  the  under-growth,  and  either 
carry  it  to  the  edge  of  the  ground  and  pile  it  in  rows  for  a  fence,  or 
in  heaps  for  consumption  by  fire,  others  to  felling  timber  and  split- 
ting it  into  rails,  and  building  fences  where  tliere  was  no  brush 
fence,  especially  in  front  of  the  cabin,  with  a  slip-gap  for  egress  or 
ingress.  And  in  some  instances  after  the  ground  was  cleared  from 
debris,  they  would  break  patches  and  plant  such  vegetables  as 
would  come  early  aud  afford  relief  to  the  occupants;  and  indeed  it 
was  frequently  the  case  that  a  dense  forest  in  the  morning,  would 
by  night-fall,  present  quite  a  little  field,  with  the  standing  timber 
girdled,  eurrouaded  with  the  uncouth  fences  already  described. 

LOO  A  N  OOUNTI F58.  15 



If  a  cabin  waa  to  be  built  from  the  forest,  as  in  the  ease  before 
intimated,  the  leader,  as  aforesaid,  who  was  always  a  man  of 
experience,  and  dubbed  Cai)tain,  would,  as  an  initiatory  step, 
classify  the  congregated  masses,  andassigrn  to  ejich  their  respective 
dutie,"?,  about  in  this  order : 

1st.  He  would  select  fourof  tlie  most  expert  axe-men  as  corner- 
men, whose  duty  it  was  to  tirst  clear  offthe  site,  square  it,  and  place 
a  boulder  at  each  corner  to  build  upon  after  being  duly  leveled, 
then  saddle  and  notch  down  the  logs  in  good,  workman-like  order. 

2d.  He  would  assign  a  sufficient  number  of  suitable  men  to  select 
na  near  the  site  as  possible,  the  best  large-growth,  straight-grained 
white-oak  tree  for  clap-boards,  whose  further  duty  it  was  to  fell  it, 
and  cross-cut  it  into  suitable  lengths,  split  the  cuts  into  square 
bolts,  and  with  a  fro  rive  them.  Another  branch  of  this  classifica- 
tion was  required  in  like  manner  to  prepare  puncheons  for  floors, 
doors,  windows  and  chimney-corner  jambs,  out  of  such  timber  as 
was  be^t  adapted  for  the  purposes,  such  as  oak,  chestnut  or  ash,  as 
all  these  abounded  in  that  part  of  the  State,  and  were,  when 
properly  selected  straight-grained  timber,  and  could  be  made  of 
sufficient  length  and  width  to  make  a  good  solid  floor,  when  spot- 
ted on  the  under  side  at  the  ends  out  of  wind  ;  and  to  rest  upon 
sleepers  placed  at  proper  distances  apart,  with  dressed,  straight 
upper  surfaces,  and  which,  when  top-dressed  by  a  skillful  adz-man, 
made  a  good  substitute  for  plank,  which  at  that  early  day  could 
not  be  procured  for  want  of  saw-mills. 

3d.  He  would  then  select  and  detail  such  a  number  as  seemed 
necessary  to  cull  out  as  near  the  site  as  possible,  straight,  suitably 
sized  standing  trees,  and  fell  them  and  chop  them  off  at  suitable 
lengths  for  the  proposed  structure,  with  teamsters  to  haul  them  in 
»s  they  were  logged  off,  in  the  then  usual  way  of  dragging  them 
on  the  ground  hitched  by  a  chain  with  a  hook  at  one  end  of  the 
log.  To  this  force  were  added  other  teamsters,  provided  with 
rough  wood  sleds  to  haul  in  the  clap-boarde,  puncheons,  and  such 


other  materials,  as  would  be  necessary  in  the    coni[>le'ion    of   the 
caliin.    These  preliminaries  being  all    successfully    arranj^ed    and 
being  carried  into  effect,  the  leader  would  take  his  station  and  make 
proclamation  to  the  balance  of  the  forces,  directing  them  to  forth- 
with prepare  smooth  skids,  the  necessary  number    of  forks   with 
grape-vine  or  hickory  withes  around  the  prongs,  and  two  or  three 
strong  cross  sticks  inserted  through   holes  bored  in  the  lower  ends 
to  give  hand  hold  to  push  by ;  and  also  provide  a    sufficient  num- 
ber of  hand-spikes,  of  tough,  small,  round  hickory,    dog-wood   or 
iron-woorl,  some  four  feet  long,  with  ends  shaved   smooth    to    be 
used  by  the  men  to  bear  up  the  logs  while  in  transit  to  the  corner- 
men, or  to  the  foot  of  the  skids,  as  the  case  might  be.      Then   the 
order  would  be  promulgated  that  no  one  but  the    Captain   should 
give  any  direction  in  the  further  progress  of   the    enterprise ;  and 
as  the  logs  would  be  hauled  to  the  spot,  he,  with  a   glance    of   the 
eye  would  make  the  necessary  directions;  and    which    would    by 
his  order  be  conveyed  to,  the  corner-men   upon    hand-spikes    with 
sturdy  men  at  the  ends  walking  abreast  on  both  sides  of   the   log, 
bearing  it  up  to  its  destination ;  then  the  second  log  was  borne  in 
like  manner,  each  being  placed  after  being  spotted  flat  on  the  under 
side,  so  as  to  rest  level  upon  the  corner-stones,  as  the    end    logs   of 
the  structure  equi-distant  apart  between  the  ends,  then   the    ends 
would  be  prepared  by  the  corner-men  with    what  was  familiarly 
known  as  the  saddle,  which  consisted  in  this:     The  expert  corner- 
men would  chamfer  or  bevel  off  at  an  angle  of  say    forty-five   de- 
grees each  side  of  the  ends  of  the  log,  the  two  chamfers  meeting  at 
a  point  on  the  top-center  of  the  log,   presenting   an    end    view    of 
the  upper  half  of  the  log.      This    preparation    is    to    receive    the 
transverse  logs  notched  at  each  end  so  as  to    nicely    fit    over    the 
saddles.    The  two  end  logs  having  been  placed  and  fitted  as  above 
desciibed,  the  leader  would  select   the    two    largest    logs    being 
straight  for  the  front  and  rear  bottom  logs;  being  sills,   these  two 
logs  when  in  the  hands    of   the    corner-men    would    be    notched 
deeper  than  the  other  logs  of  the  building,  so  as  not  to    throw    the 
floor  too  liigh  from  the  ground.    The  corner-men  at  each  end  of 
the  log  would  cut  their  notches  so  exactly  at  the  same  angle,  and 
at  the  same  time  so  as  to  exactly  fit  their  respective  saddles,    that 
when  put  to  the  proper  place  would  make  a  solid    fit   and    out  of 
wind .    This  dexterity  in  corner-men  no  doubt  gave  rise  to  the  old 
aphorism,  "iTe  cuts  his  notches  close.^^ 

'  r^OQAN  COUNTIES,  17 

The  four  foundation  logs  having  all  been  properly  notched  and 
saddled  and  in  their  places,  and  upon  the  usual  tests  being  found 
equare;  the  next  thing  to  be  done  was  to  cut  in  the  sills  the  slots, 
or  gains  to  receive  the  sleepers,  which  If  on  the  ground  and  pre- 
pared as  already  intimated  by  being  scotched  straight  on  upper 
sides,  vere  cut  to  right  lengths  and  fitted  at  the  ends,  so  as  to  rest 
solidly  upon  said  slots,  and  put  in  their  places;  though  thi^i  was 
frequently  done  after  the  building  was  raised. 

All  things  prepared  for  the  superstructure,  the,  leader  still  at 
his  post,  with  a  shrill  emphntic  voice  selects  a  log,  and  his  forces 
bear  it  to  the  corner- nten  asalready  intimated,  resting  one  end  of 
the  handspikes  on  the  top  tog  already  placed,  rolling  it  upon  the 
two  saddled  logs ;  it  was  then  fitted  and  prepared  in  proper  manner 
and  placed  plumb  on  the  wall  by  the  practiced  eye,  aided  by  the 
pendulous  axe  held  loos<;?ly  at  tip  of  helve,  between  the  thumb  and 
forefingers  ofthe  experts.  This  routine  being  continued,  until  the 
building  was  too  high  to  reach  and  rest  the  handspikes  as  hereto- 
fore described  upon  the  wall ;  then,  the  skids  resting  on  the  ground 
at  the  but-ends  would  be  reared  up  to  the  corners  on  the  front 
eide  and  one  end  of  the  building,  nearest  the  collection  of  the 
hauled-in  timber;  the  logs  one  by  one  selected  as  aforesaid,  would 
be  carried  as  before  to  the  foot  of  the  appropriate  skids,  and  placed 
on  them,  and  rolled  up  as  far  as  the  men  could  conveniently  reach  ; 
and  being  stanchioned  and  held,  the  necessary  number  of  forks 
were  placed  under  each  end  of  the  log  inside  of  the  skids,  with 
lower  ends  held  firmly  down  to  the  ground,  were  by  the  order  of 
the  leader  manned  at  the  cross-handles  already  .described  at  each 
end  of  the  log,  which  was  at  a  given  word  of  said  leader,  slid  up 
the  skids  by  the  uniform  motive  power  thus  api)lied,  to  the  top, 
where,  by  the  leverage  of  handspikes  in  the  hands  of  the  corner- 
men, it  would  be  thrown  on  top  ofthe  already  saddled  lugs,  and  by 
them  rolled  to  the  back  wall ;  then  the  next  log  in  like  manner 
would  be  shoved  up  and  received  by  the  corner-men  tor  the  wall 
Bpon  which  the  skids  rested :  these  being  fitted  as  indicated,  the 
two  logs  intended  as  transverse  would  in  like  manner  be  placed  on 
the  ends  of  the  last  two  logs,  all  being  done  with  exact  uniforsnity 
and  celerity,  and  vrith  dispatch  and  tif^atness  fitted  to  their  reepec- 
tive  places  in  the  wall.  And  if  the  contemplated  cabin  was  intended 
to  bv  aiore  tbau  one  story,  at  the  proper  height  from  the  top  of 


the  Blcei)crs  for  lower  floor,  slots  wculfl  bo  piciJurod  lor  the  joisls,; 
and  if  they  were  on  the  ground  would  l^e  tilled  in  like  mnnnps 
with  the  sleepers.    Then  the  building  would  in  the  loutir  e  already 
described   be  carried  up  to  the  square;  when  ui)on  the  two  ends  of 
the  building  would  be  raised  the  eave-bearers,  projecting  sonae 
twenty  inches  beyond  tlie  wall,  and  would  be  notched  down   and 
saddled  back  far  enough  to  receive  the  timbers  lier<  after  described; 
when  the  two  ends  iu  front  of  the  building  were  notched  at  the 
upper  tips  hi  the  form  of  the  large  capital  V  to  rest  the  upp(^r  ends 
of  the  skids;  then  the  butting  pole  for  the  back  side  ot  the  cabhs 
would  be  shoved  up  to  the  front  corner-men,  and  rolled  to  th» 
back  eave  and  notched  down  upon  the  saddles  projecting  some  fif- 
teen inches,  beyond  the  outside  i>lurnb  of  *,he  wall ;  then  the  first 
rib  would  be  sent  up  to  corner-men  in  same  manner,  and  rolled 
back  to  proper  distance  inside  of  said  butting  pole,  and  notches 
down,  so  as  to  give  the  ))itch  of  i  oof  from  center  of  butting  pole  tu 
toj)  surface  of  said  rib;  then  the  front  rib  and  butting  ])0le  w-ould 
in  like  manner  be  sent  up  and  placed  in  same  order  as  tliose  iis 
the  rear,  then  tlie  first  two  gable  logs  would  be  placed  in  notches 
out  into  the  ribs  and  chamfered  at  the  ends  to  suit  the  pitch  of  tb  :. 
roof.    The  other  ribs  and  gable  logs  being  placed,  so  as  to  preserve- 
the  intended  pitch  of  the  loof,  the  upper  and  central  one  being: 
called  the  ridge  pole  ts  in  like  manner  notched  down  in  such  posi- 
tion, as  that  a  straight  edge  would  from  the  centers  of  the  butting: 
poles  upward,  touch  the  upper  surfaces  of  all  the  ribs  and  ridge  pole 
resijcctively  at  the  indicated  angles.    Thus  the  cabin  is  ready  for 
the  clapboards,  which  are  laid  down  upon  the  ribs  with  the  lower 
ends  resting  against  the  butting  poles,  with  small  spaces  between,, 
which  are  top-covered  in  like  mnnner,  so  as  to  break  joints,  and  th& 
eave  courses  on  cjich  side  being  fo  laid  down;  knees  out  of  tihe' 
hearts  of  clapboard  bolts,  of  proper  lengths  are  prejiared  at  eaefe 
end,  resting  endwise  against  the  butting  pcjles  to  hold  up  the  weight 
poles,  which  are  placed  upon  the  two  eave  courses  of  clapboards  as 
nearly  over  the  ribs  respectively  as  possible  ;  and  in  like  manner 
another  course  of  clapboards  is  on  each  side  laid  down  abutting  tbs 
weight-poles,  and  being  kneed  as  described,  another  weight-pole  is 
put  in  its  place  to  hold  down  the  boards,  and  so  on  until  the  wholfr 
oabiu  ia  roofed  and  weighed  down  as  per  programme. 

In  this  coimection  it  may  be  stattMl,  that  tfiose  force*  t fiat  wtTe 


detailed  to  prepare  m\te rial  in  theearly  partof  theday,  woaldlong 
before  tho  cabin  wai  raised  and  covered  have  finished  their  several 
allotments  of  labor,  and  reporttlieniselvesready  for  further  service, 
and  would  a^ain  bo  subdivided  and  their  respective  duties  under 
the  direction  of  the  leader  allotted  ;  some  to  cutting  out  the  open- 
ings, such  as  doors,  windows,  and  fire-places,  and  jambin«r  tlieni  up 
•srith  the  material  prepared  for  that  purpose ;  others  to  laying?  down 
the  floor  as  already  described;  others  to  building  up  the  chimney, 
back  and  side  jambs  for  outside  fire-olace ;  others  to  preparing  "cat 
atnd  clay"  witlj  which  to  top  out  the  chimney  and  put  in  stone  back 
wall  and  fire-|)ijce  jambs;  othere  to  making  door  or  doors  as  the 
case  might  bo,  out  of  long  clap-boards  prepared  for  such  purpose, 
and  hanging  them  with  wooden  hinges  and  fixing  wooden  latches; 
others  to  scutc'liin^  rlown  slightly  with  a  broad-axe  inside  walls; 
others  t*;  ch*  !;iug  and  daubing  the  cabin  and  filling  up  the  hearth 
even  with  the.  floor  and  flagging  it  with  flat  stones,  if  such  ma- 
terial was  on  hands,  and  putting  cros-s  sticks  in  windows  \ipon 
■which  greased  paper  would  be  pasted  tvs  a  substitute  for  glass.  And 
indeeii  '.[  may  be  said  the  whole  would  i"»e completed,  so  thata  gen- 
en-,  /irai'ng,  its  it  was  called — in  the  shape  of  a  country 
da  ■  u;  wiiier  ill nocent  am'tsements— would  be  the  prelude  to  the 
fauiily  occupancy  the  same  night  after  the  completion. 

This  characteristic  kindness  was  mutual — all  felt  it,  all  mauifest- 
cd  it  toward  each  other.  All  intercourse  was  social;  no  one  felt 
that  he  had  a  right  to  domineer  over  his  poor  neighbor,  but  the 
disposition  was  to  aid  and  encourage. 

These  settlers,  as  soon  as  they  had  furnished  themselves  and 
fcimilies  with  shelters  and  provided  for  their  wants,  directed  their 
attention  to  the  moral  and  religious  culture  of  the  community,  and 
schools  and  churches  were  organized  and  sustained,  and  from  year 
to  year  the  facilities  of  the  people  were  gradually  improved,  and 
their  condition  began  to  assume  prosperity  and  happiness. 

But  before  this  amelioration,  notwithstanding  all  tried  to  a.ssi!^ 
•each  other  as  far  as  means  to  do  so  permitted ;  yet  there  were 
.some  distressing  hardships  endured.  One  family  by  the  name  of 
Knight  wiis  reduced  almost  to  starvation,  and  had  to  subsist  upon 
«aeh  resources  as  a  wilderness  aflorded,  Mr.  Knight  had  to  labor 
without  nourishment  enough  to  give  him  strength.  He  was  one 
iQf  those  who  had  no  kind  of  team,   and   had  to  earry  his  rails  on 


his  shoulder  out  of  his  clearing  to  his  fencii-row,  and  was  actually 
so  reduced  for  want  of  food,  as  to  have  to  stop  and  rest  with  his 
rail  one  end  on  the  ground,  several  times  before  reaching  the 
fence-row.  Another  family  had  no  other  subsistence  than  that 
afforded  from  the  milk  of  a  cow,  and  such  wild  game  and  esculent 
roots  as  they  could  procure,  and  this  same  cow  Wiia  kept  in  gear 
for  hauling,  plowing,  &c.,  as  their  only  team  ;  these  privations 
lasted  from  early  spring  into  the  summer  of  1807,  when  their  toils 
were  blessed  with  the  products  of  the  soil  in  the  shape  of  early 
potatoes,  green  corn,  &c.  These  are  given  as  samples  for  many 
more  puch  cases. 

In  this  connection  it  may  be  well  to  anticipate  the  que.stiou  that 
may  be  asked:  "Could  not  these  extre'iiities  have  be^n  obviated 
by  the  wild  game  that  always  abounded  in  a  new  country  ?"  1% 
is  easier  to  ask  than  ansvv^er  questions,  but  there  were  good  reasons 
M'hy  a  sufBcient  supply  couid  not  always  be  had.  Many  of  these 
persons  had  neither  guns  nor  ammunition  with  which  to  hunt; 
and  most  of  them  were  not  skilled  in  the  use  Of  fire-arms.  They 
had  emigrated  from  old  settle tn en ts,  and  those  who  had  the  means 
at  hand  had  to  itractlce;  and  as  an  incident  the  writer  of  these 
sketches  will  state  that  his  father,  cm  his  way  from  New  Jersey, 
when  at  Lancaster,  Pennsylvania,  {)urchased  a  nev/  rifle,  a  kind  of 
fire-arms  he  had  never  used,  but  during  his  first  winter  in  his  new- 
home,  when  there  would  come  a  fall  of  snow  he  would  take  his 
rifle  and  practice  hunting,  and  succeeded  in  killing  a  turkey  or  a 
rabbit  now  and  then,  but  from  that  nervousness  and  anxiety  called 
buck-fever,  could  not  for  a  long  time  succeed  in  killing  a  deer.  But 
one  morning  after  a  fall  of  ligiit  snow  he  tied  a  white  handker- 
chief over  his  head  and  dressed  in  light-colored  clothing,  assim- 
ilating as  near  as  possible  to  the  color  of  the  snow,  put  out,  gun  in 
hand  into  the  forest  immediately  back  of  his  cabin,  and  was  not 
gone  more  than  ten  minutes  until  the  family  were  saluted  with 
the  shrill  crack  of  his  rifle,  and  looking  in  the  direction  of  the  re- 
port he  was  seen  running  at  full  speed  toward  the  cabin,  with  his 
gun  held  horizontally  in  both  hands,  in  a  perfect  fever  of  excite- 
ment, out  of  breath,  and  entirely  speech ie^-^s,  thrusting  the  cock  of 
his  gun  almost  in  the  faces  of  his  family,  to  l^t  them  know  he  had 
kille<l  a  deer ;  he  had  to  be  even  reminded  that  he  must  stick  it, 
which  he  had  forgotten  under  the   frenzy   of  his   buck-fever;    ho 


went  immediately  b;»ck  rtncl  stuck  a  fine  fat  doe  lyhich  had 
dropped  dead  from  his  Bhot,  after  which  he  was  more  deliberate 
and  cool,  and  beciimort  tolerably  good  hunter  both  In  the  chaso 
and  at  deer-licks,  which  abounded  at  that  time  in  that  part  of  tbo 

A  few  mornings  after  the  above  occurrence  his  brother  Johnson 
Patrick,  who  afterwards  lived  in  Lojjan  County,  borrowed  the  gun 
and  was  gone  but  a  little  while  until  he  came  across  two  cubs  and 
killed  them  both,  but  found  himself  in  an  almost  inextricablo 
dilemma ;  for  as  soon  as  he  was  about  to  bring-  away  his  game\  the 
old  dam  made  her  appearance,  and  he  not  having  been  a  skillful 
hunter,  had  not  reloaded,  and  had  no  opportunity  to  do  it;  but 
with  the  aid  of  a  good  dog  that  happened  to  be  on  the  spot  made 
good  ills  escape  with  the  trophies  of  his  luck,  and  this  incident 
made  him  a  wiser  man,  and  better  hunter  afterward.  These  frag- 
ments are  intended  as  specimens;  many  such  might  be  enumerated 
but  would  only  vary  in  the  personages  and  not  in  character.  As  I 
have  undertaken  to  give  the  reasons  why  an  abundant  supply  to 
relieve  suffering  could  not  be  had,  I  will  as  another  reason  state 
the  fact  that  the  din  ':^f  improvement  in  so  many  places  at  one  time, 
added  to  the  discharge  of  fire-arms  to  a  considerable  extent,  with 
other  causes,  frightened  all  wild  animals  and  made  them  extremely 
wild ;  and  even  caused  them  to  retire  to  more  undisturbed  places 
in  the  forests.  I  will  here  intimate  a  mode  of  capturing  wild 
turkeys,  which  was  very  successfully  practiced  without  the  use  of 
powder  and  lead.  It  consisted  in  building  of  common  fence  rails  a 
square  pen,  say  three  feet  high  covered  with  fence  rails  on  top, 
with  interstices  between  of  some  lour  inches,  making  an  opening  on 
on  side  at  the  bottom  of  the  pen  largo  enough  for  a  turkey  to  pass 
through  it,  then  throw  into  the  pen  shelled  corn  or  other  cereals, 
tr?il  said  seed  outside  some  distance,  and  very  frequently  a  whole 
flock  would  begin  on  the  outside  trail  and  clean  it  up  to  the  pen, 
and  one  at  a  time  follow  the  leading  turkey  through  the  opening 
until  the  whole  flock,  large  or  small,  would  be  crowded  inside,  and 
when  once  in  they  became  bewildered,  and  had  neither  sense  nor 
instinct  to  go  out  as  as  they  went  in,  but  only  attempted  to  escape 
by  flying  up,  and  were  knocked  back  by  the  fence  rail  covering; 
and  would  either  be  secureti  in  the  trap  until  needed  for  use,  or 
taken  out  and  put  into  another  pen  and  fed;  and  leave  the  trap  for. 


a  new  haul.  The  writer  of  this  has  practiced  upon  this  same  prin- 
ciple, and  caught  as  many  as  u  dozen  ;it  one  time,  but  that  mode 
would  not  iaat  long-  in  the  Bume  neighborhood,  for  it  would  seem 
that  the  poor  silly  creatures  would  ie;irn  caution  and  instinctively 
avoid  the  traps. 

While  upon  this  su'oject,  it  might  be  appropriate  to  notice  other 
modes  of  capturing  game  which  were  flevised,  such  as  snares,  dead 
falls,  &c.;  even  wolves  were  ensnared  in  this  way  when  properly 
set  and  baited.  For  want  of  steel  or  iron  traps  the  resert  was  sim- 
ply to  select  a  suitably  sized  tough,  elastic  under  growth  sapling, 
cuttiifg  off  the  top  and  tying  to  the  upper  end  a  small  strong  cord, 
so  adjusted  as  to  presentan  open  slipping  noose,  then  bending  down 
the  sai)Iing  near  to  the  giound  and  fastening  it  to  such  fixtures  as 
would  upon  slight  contact  spring  suddenly,  being  careful  to  so  ad- 
just the  noose  that  (he  animal  must  reach  through  it  to  obtain  the 
bait  already  attached  to  the  springing  fixtures.  These  prelimin- 
aries having  all  been  so  arranged,  trie  unsuspecting  victim  would 
approach,  thrusting  its  head  through  the  fatal  noose,  seizing  the 
bait,  which  would  spring  the  hole  suddenly  and  draw  the  noose 
tight,  holding  it  up  in  a  dangling  attitude,  until  loosened  by  the 
owner  of  the  snare.  And  the  dead  fall  was  either  h  heavy  slab  of 
timber,  or  a  small  square  pen  built  of  poles  and  covered  over  with 
such  material  as  would  weigh  it  down  after  it  had  been  sprung; 
the  latter  mode  was  the  most  humane,  as  it  inflicted  no  torture 
upon  the  captured  game :  to  this  class  may  be  added  the  common 
quail  trap,  which  was  built  of  ssnall  light  split  sticks,  fastened  at 
the  corners  with  small  twine  and  drawn  in,  so  as  to  form  what 
might  for  want  of  a  bettor  term  be  called  a  square  cone  at  the  top  ; 
this  v^eighted  down  with  a  stone  on  top  completed  the  trap.  All 
these  were  set  upon  what  was  familiarly  known  as  a  figure  four 
trigger,  baited  to  suit  the  kind  of  game  desired. 

Before  dismissing  these  fragmentary  ruses  to  decoy  wild  game, 
it  would  not  be  asniss  to  notice  the  practice  of  watching  deer-liclis. 
Then,  were  here  and  there  certain  brackish  springs,  to  which  deer 
in  the  summer  and  fall  seasons  of  evenings  would  resort,  and  were 
denominated  deer-licks.  And  the  hunter  who  would  avail  him- 
self of  this  opportunity,  would  prepare  himself  in  the  branches  of 
•ome  suitable  standing  tree  near  by,  a  kind  of  booth,  or  screen 
of  green  limbs  with  their  foliage;  and  in  which    he    would    fix    a 


Reat,  and  at  about  six  o'clock  P.  M.,  would  seat  himself,  gun 
in  hand,  prepared  with  a  Sinali  piece  of  spunk  into  which  he 
would  with  steel  and  flint  strike  a  spark  of  fire,  which  would  make 
smoke  without  a  blaze  to  keep  ofl'  the  gnats,  &c. ,  which  were  very  nu- 
merous and  annoyinj?.  He  w-ould  sit  there  without  daring  to  make 
the  least  rusde  or  other  noise,  for  fear  of  friglitening  the  expected 
visitors ;  he  would  some  tim&s  '^o  away  disappointed,  but  frequent- 
ly they  would  come  and  one  at  least  would  remain  as  a  trophy  to 
the  happj'-  huntsman;  but  this  rande  <>f  hunting  was  anathematized 
by  professional  hunters,  for  the  reason  that  it  was  calculated  to  drive 
away  the  deer  from  their  winter  haunts,  and  because  neither  the 
hide  nor  the  venison  was  so  good  as  when  killed  in  proper  seasons. 
SpeakinsT  of  deer  hides,  they  were  highly  prized  at  that  day  for 
the  reason  that  when  properly  dressed  in  the  Indian  mode,  they 
became  yery  useful  material  for  clothing,  such  as  pants  and  hunt- 
ing shirts,  and  were  of  common  use  among  the  male  population. 

I  will  here  break  the  thread  of  these  fragmentary  sketches  by 
remarking  that  I  have  attempted  to  show  that  the  early  pioneers 
^f  the  State  were  noble  minded,  generous  hearted,  and  social  men; 
full  of  the  milk  of  human  kindness,  ready  at  all  times,  to  aid  the 
needy,  relieve  tl^.e  distressed,  and  J'old  back  nothing  that  would 
promote  the  happiness  of  their  fellows.  Indeed  we  never  had  bet- " 
ter  communities  of  men  and  women,  than  were  constituted  out  of 
the  first  settlers  of  Ohio.  They  were  always  ready  to  do  good  deeds, 
but  added  to  these  noble  qualities  they  had  the  muscular  power  to 
perform.    It  may  be  said,  "There  vvere  Giants  in  those  days." 

I  have  lived  too  long  to  make  rash  statements  of  facts,  but  I  am 
about  to  make  one,  that  I  feel  almost  afraid  to  make,  fearing  it 
iTi&y  seem  to  assail  my  veracity.  Here  it  is  :  I  knew  a  man  of  that 
day  by  the  of'Collins,  who  between  sun  rise  and  sun  set, 
with  only  his  axe  and  wooden  wedges  split  o?2e  thousand  rails  of 
full  size,  the  cuts  having  been  logged  off.  It  Avas  chestnut  timber, 
and  he  being  a  large  boned  alethic  axe-man,  would  v/ield  his  pon- 
derous axe  with  such  certainty  as  to  clieek  the  cut,  so  as  to  drive 
in  a  small  wedi^^e,  then  following  it  with  a  tou^h  glut,  would  so 
burst  it  open  as  to  sever  it  with  a  few  well  directed  blows  of  his  axe, 
then  quarter  it  in  like  manner,  and  then  his  axe  alone  was  sufficient 
to  she'll  the  quarters  into  rails. 

As  these  fragmentary  and  desultory  scraps  of  (he  early  times  in 
Ohio  are  intended  to  perpetuate  facts  and  incidents,  connected 
with  the  lives  of  those  who  have  "Gone  to  t!i;>t  bourne  whence  no 
traveler  returns,"   it  may  be  well  to  hand   ;h{  m  down  to   t-^ie 


generations  to  corae,  that  they  may  compare  notes,  and  realize  the 
contrast.  And  in  lliat  view  of  the  subject,  it  may  not  be  amiss  to 
bring  up  in  review  nome  of  the  annoyances  to  which  the  people 
were  exposed.  Wolves  were  very  numerous  and  ravenous  and 
consequently  it  was  with  difficulty  that  sheep  could  be  introduced, 
and  indeed  other  domestic  animals  had  to  be  kept  in  safe  quarters, 
near  the  family  residences,  in  order  to  save  them.  It  was  no  un- 
common thing  in  the  night  season  to  be  saluted  with  the  dismal 
howJ  of  these  nocturnal  prowlers,  in  close  proxmiity  to  the  cabin 
homes  of  the  settlers;  and  which  if  not  scared  away,  would  make 
a  raid  before  morning  upon  the  sheep  fold  or  other  stock  within 
their  reach.  The  most  efl[\^ctual  way  of  riddance,  was  to  keep  on 
hands  a  good  supply  of  outer,  jaggy  flakes  of  the  shell-bark 
hickory,  and  make  a  sally  at  them  with  blazing  torches,  which 
would  be  sure  to  make  a  sudden  retreating  stampede.  Blazing 
fire-brands  from  the  hearth  had  the  same  effect;  the  sight  of  fire 
seemed  to  strike  them  with  teiror;  indeed  it  was  necessary  at 
some  seasons  of  the  year  for  persons  who  were  out  at  night  to 
carry  a  torch  or  lantern  for  self  preservation,  as  attacks  upon  per- 
sons were  sometimes  made.  In  some  instances  persons  were  not 
secure  even  in  daylight,  and,  as  one  proof  of  it,  I  will  bring  up 
an  instance.  The  Hon.  Samuel  Huntington,  one  of  the  first 
Governors  of  this  State,  lived  in  the  Western  Reserve.  He  had 
occasion  about  the  j'ear  1807  or  1808,  to  travel  on  horse- back  from 
Cleveland  to  Warren,  which  was  then  almost  an  entire  wilderness, 
on  a  v?ry  rainyday  in  the  early  part  of  winter;  and  was  suddenly, 
without  notice,  beset  by  a  large  pack  of  hungry  wolves.  They 
pitched  at  both  horse  and  rider;  the  horse  was  completely  fright- 
ened into  timid  docility,  and  could  not  be  urged  to  move;  nothing 
was  left  for  the  Governor  to  do  but  to  fight  it  out,  with  the  only 
weapon  he  had,  a  folded  umbrella,  with  which  he  punched  them 
off,  but  was  nearly  being  captured  when  fortunately  it  flew  open, 
and  the  sudden  change  in  its  aspect  frightened  the  ferocious  ani- 
mals, so  that  i  hey  fled,  and  he  was  miraculously  relieved  from  a 
terrible  dilemma.  The  probability  is  that  it  w;is  the  horse  they 
desired  to  capture  in  this  case,  but  persons  were  not  safe  if  they 
were  ravenously  hungry. 

The  writer  of  this  on  one  otn-asion  hud  good  cause  to  believe  that 
Lt' esc^a peti  provid»»nt!nlly  from  being  dfvousvd.  The  eircumstan- 
«WK,   siS   uearly  a*   now   recollected,  wert?  abwut   th«-*e:    The  ftist 


school  in  the  neighborhood  had  been  opened,  and  he  being  then 
about  eleven  years  old  was  sent  to  it,  and  not  being  willing  to  lose 
time  had  to  use  eveningsto  attend  to  other  matters.  The  only  pair 
of  shoes  he  had  needed  half-soling,  and  it  was  arranged  that  after 
school  was  dismissed  he  should  go  to  Wm.  Cunningham's,  the  shoe- 
maker, on  a  public  road,  about  one  mile  north  from  the  school 
house,  and  his  father's  residence  being  abouta  half  mile  east  from 
the  school-house,  on  a  public  road,  making  his  whole  distance  from 
home  by  the  road  about  one  and  one-half  miles.  To  describe  with- 
out a  diagram,  it  may  be  stated  that  a  short  distance  on  the  way 
home  from  the  residence  of  Mr.  Cunningham,  a  small  by-path  for 
pedestrians  took  off  from  the  north  road  and  led  to  his  father's 
cabin  on  the  east  road,  and  shortened  the  distance  so  that  it  was 
only  a  little  over  a  mile  by  the  path  to  his  iiome.  He  remained 
until  near  10  o'clock;  it  was  a  bright  moonlight  night,  Avith  a  little 
fall  of  snow'  on  the  ground;  his  shoes  being  mended,  he  prepared  to 
start  home,  when  the  family  of  Mr.  Cuningham  advised  him  to 
take  the  road  for  safety  ;  but  when  he  came  to  where  the  path  took 
off  he  failed  to  take  the  advice,  and  at  a  rapid  pace,  plunged  into 
the  dense  forest,  and  when  about  two-thirds  of  the  way  home  be- 
gan to  flatter  himself  that  all  would  be  well,  and  that  in  a  shn't 
time  the  family  welcome  would  greet  him.  when  suddenly  he  re- 
alized the  fact  that  he  was  in  the  midst  of  danger;  he  heard  the 
brush  cracking  some  distance  in  the  rear,  and  his  rash  folly  in  at- 
tempting to  go  the  short  route  in  the  night  season  without  ^orae 
mode  of  defense  was  apparent;  but  boy  as  he  was  he  knew  his 
only  chance  of  escape  was  in  a  foot  race,  and  being  swift  of  foot  for 
his  age,  he  put  forth  his  energies,  still  keeping  ahead  of  his  pursu- 
ers, although  they  were  nearing  him;  but  he  sped  on  and  soon 
reached  his  father's  clearing  and  bounded  over  the  fence,  when  the 
glare  of  a  bright  light  from  the  cabin  and  a  faithful  hous3-dog  met 
his  enraptured  vision,  and  he  was  safe.  It  was  supposed  that  they 
had  sniffed  the  new,  fresh  sole  leather  which  caused  the  pur-wit. 




In  this  coiijipction  might  be  luirnert  ono  other  past  to  the  new 
settlements.  Yellow  rattle  snakes  largely  abounded  to  the  great 
ssmnoyanee  and  peril  of  the  people.  T!ie  country  in  many  portions 
was  underlaid  with  a  strata  of  shelly  rock.s,  which  upon  abrupt  ac- 
clivities of  the  surface  and  at  heads  of  springs  would  crop  out,  and 
tliese  cropping  points  afforded  these  pestiferous  reptiles  cominodi- 
ous  caverns  or  dens,  in  which,  in  son»e  localities,  vast  numbers 
would  collect  for  winter  quarters,  iind  in  the  early  spring  would 
Heave  the  caverns  to  bask  in  the  spring  sunshine  in  the  vicinity  of 
(their  head-fjuarters,  and  snake  hunts  were  common  in  some  neigh- 
bor)K)ods.  I  remember  to  have  heard  of  a  raid  being  made  upon 
some  <)f  these  dens  a  short  distance  west  of  Warre",  which  resulted 
kn  the  destruction  of  immense  numbers  counted  by  the  hundreds 
JB  one  day.  But  as  I  do  not  design  to  tell  a  long  snake  story,  I 
will  give  a  few  facts,  which  may  seem  at  this  day  to  partake  of  the 
Muhchaufen  type.  My  father  built  his  cal)in  near  a  very  fine  spring, 
which  neadefi  in  a  depression  bounded  on  three  sides  by  an  oval 
c'iKyilar  rock  bcrnch,  some  four  or  five  leet  higher  than  the  surface 
of  the  spring;  his  cabin  had  not  been  furnished  when  he  moved 
into  it  in  the  early  Spring,  and  was  not  fully  chinked;  necessity 
twmpelled  the  occupancy  of  it  in  that  condition,  intending  soon  to 
finish  it,  and  in  the  mean  time  to  furnish  it  temporarily  in  the  most 
primitive  mode  of  that  day;  his  bedsteads  were  in  this  style — one 
crotch  or  post  of  proper  height,  fastened  upright,  to  rest  the  ends 
of  transverse  straight  suitably  sized  poles  upon,  inserting  the  (»ther 
ends  into  the  interstices  between  the  logs  of  the  cabin,  putting  in 
«a*her  cross  sticks,  upon  which  to  rest  clapboards,  to  hold  up  the 
bed  and  bedding.  Upon  these  rustic  bedsteads,  with  appropriate 
couches,  the  family  enjoyed  that  sweet  repose  which  they  needed 
after  their  daily  toils;  all  went  on  charmingly,  until  one  ]m)rning 
my  mother,  in  making  uptlie  bed  in  whicli  she  and  my  father  had 
slept,  in  drawing  otf  the  feather  bed  in  order  to  shake  up  the  straw- 


tick,  diseovereil  to  he>r  constertiarion  dnt\  terror  ii  large  rattlesnake 
gliJing  away  between  tlte  logs,  which  was  supposed  to  have  en- 
sconced itself  between  the  two  ticks  the  day  before  ;  and  during 
the  night  had  remained  so  quietly  still  as  not  to  have  disturbed  its 
bed  fellows.  1  rememberanother  incident  that occurredafterward  in 
the  same  locality.  My  now  oidy  sister  Mrs.  Jonas  Curniningsof 
Illinois  was  an  infant,  l>eginning  to  sit  alone,  and  my  mother 
having  some  work  to  do  in  the  house  yard,  to  pacify  the  child 
l)laced  it  upon  the  grass  plot  with  play  things  lo  amuse  il.  While  at>- 
tending  to  her  domesti-  dutie.-*  she  observed  that  the  chiM  mani- 
fested most  ecstatic,  glee,  and  looking  in  that  direction,  siie  wtis 
horrified  upon  seeing  thecldld  about  to  clutch  a  huge  yellow  rattle 
snake.  She  ran  and  jerked  away  the  child,  and  her  excitement 
emboldened  her  to  hunt  a  club  with  which  she  suddenly  dispatched 
Ids  snakeship. 

There  were  many  mttle  snake  adventures  of  varied  types  .ind 
phases,  but  let  the  above  suffice.  It  may  however  be  said  that 
many  persons  became  reckless  and  were  the  victims  to  their  own 
folly;  others  were  unavoidably  bitten,  but  as  a  general  rule  the 
Indian  remedies  were  resorted  to,  and  generally  were  effectual  in 
their  cure.  In  some  few  cases  however  the  bite  proved  fatal  ;  one 
instance  can  be  given  that  was  a  sad  one  ;  and  by  W'ay  of  introduc- 
tion to  the  sequel,  the  remark  may  be  made  that  there  were  per- 
sons and  not  a  few,  who  seemed  to  lose  their  terror  of  the  reptiles 
from  their  familiarity  with  the  abundance  and  it  wa.«t  a  very  common 
practice  to  be  provided  with  a  stick  two  or  three  leet  long  with  a 
prong  at  one  end,  which  they  would  use  when  an  opportunity 
offered,  by  throwing  the  fork  or  prong  upon  the  neck  of  tlie 
snake,  and  pinning  it  down  to  the  ground  for  the  purpose  of  teas- 
ing it,  as  young  kittens  will  a  mouse  before  killing  it,  and  when 
they  have  satisfied  themselves  with  this  amusement,  they  seize 
the  serpent  by  the  tail,  lift  off  the  yoke,  and  give  a  sudden 
backward  jerk  and  breakMts  neck.  Avery  fine  young  man  in 
the  neighborhood  who  was  greatly  esteemed,  by  the  name  of  Mc- 
Mahan,  who  was  about  to  be  married  to  a  daughter  of  Judge 
Hughs,  (who  was  uncle  to  Mrs.  William  Ward  of  Urbana)  espied 
a  large  rattle  snake,  and  attempted  to  capture  it  in  the  mode  above 
described,  but  it  slipped  aw  ay  from  him  and  glided  into  a  smaU 
hole  in  a  stump,  and  before  it  had  drawn  in  its  whole  length  hn 
seized  it  by  the  tail  to  draw  it  back  with  a  sudden  jerk  and  break 


its  neck,  but  unfortunately  the  aperture  was  laro-e  enoujjrh  for  the 
snake  to  coil  itself  back,  which  it  did,  and  bit  him  among  the 
blood  vessels  of  his  wrist,  which  to  the  universal  regret  of  the  com- 
munity caused  almost  immediate  death.  The  introduction  of 
swine  into  the  country,  relieved  the  people  in  a  great  degree  of 
this  pest  in  a  few  years.  It  is  averred,  though  I  will  not  avouch 
its  truth,  that  even  the  timid  deer  was  a  great  snake  killer,  that 
when  it  came  in  confoict,  it  would  with  its  fore  feetstarai^the  reptile 
to  death.  This  branch  of  the  subject  here  closes  with  this  one 
remark — the  rattle  snake  has  one  redeeming  trait,  when  letaloueit 
will  never  attempt  to  bite  without  giving  notice  by  the  rattles. 

This  settlement  continued  toprogressin  tliedirection  of  improve- 
ment. Log  cabin  churches,  school-houses,  mills  and  other  indis- 
pensable utilities  were  erected,  and  furnished  the  people  with  the 
usual  facilities  of  society,  their  granaries  and  larders  were  replen- 
ished, and  they  began  to  realize  all  the  comforts  that  persevering 
industry  always  brings  in  its  wake.  All  were  ha  ppy  and  contented 
up  to  about  1810,  when  that  mania  among  the  first  settlers  of  a  new 
country,  in  the  shape  of  new  adventures  broke  out  in  all  its  mast 
virulent  types.  The  most  glowing  descriptions  of  new  localities 
westward  in  theState  were  circulated,  the  new  counties  of  Waj-ne, 
Stark,  and  especially  a  i)lace  still  further  west  under  the  general 
term  of  the  Mad  River  Country,  attracted  the  deepest  interest  as  a 
land  "flowing  with  milk  and  honey,"  interlarded  with  game  and 
wild  hogs  in  great  abundance,  about  which  the  most  extravagant 
hyperbolical  declarations  in  jest  were  made,  such  as  that  roasted 
pigs  were  running  at  large  with  knives  and  forks  stuck  in  their 
backs,  squealing  out,  "Come  and  eat." 

This  agitation  in  the  end,  culminated  in  the  exodus  of  about 
forty  families,  more  at  that  time  than  two-thirds  of  all  the  old  set- 
tlers of  Brookfieid  township,  who  in  their  frenzy,  sacrificed  to  new 
comers,  the  results  of  their  toils  for  years;  not  then,  even  dream- 
ing of  the  hidden  treasures  under  their  feet,  i'l  the  shape  of  inex- 
haustible coal  fields  and  rich  mines  of  iron  ore,  that  have  since 
been  the  source  of  unbounded  wealth  to  that  community,  making 
improved  lands  then  sold  for  three  or  four  dollars  an  acre,  worth, 
upon  an  average,  one  hundred  dollars  an  acre  at  this  time. 

As  I  have  elsewhere  said  not  less  than  forty  families  began  to 
prepare  themselves  for  this  movement,  and  strange  as  it  may  now 


-appear,  tiot  les,s  than  thirty  of  them  selected  the  Mad  River  Val- 
ley, and  within  a  year  or  two  all  of  them  settled  in  what  at  that 
time  was  Champaio^n  County,  and  my  being  so  mixed  up  in  these 
scenes,  must  be  niy  excuse  for  connecting  my  pioneer  life  in  C'ham- 
paign  County,  with  its  incipient  stages  in  Trumbull  County.  It 
seems  to  me  from  my  stand -point,  I  could  not  separate  them  so  as 
to  confine  myself  alone  to  this  my  pre-Sent  locality,  for  the  reason 
that  my  old  associates  in  a  large  degree  were  my  new  comrades  in 
early  pioneer  life  in  this  part  of  the  State.  And  the  scenes  from 
]80(>to  ISll  are  now  endeared  to  me,  and  can  not  be  eradicated  or 
separated  from  the  scenes  of  pioneer  life  in  C'hampaign  (bunty, 
but  must  by  me  be  treated  as  one  of  the  parts  of  my  early  life  in 
Ohio.  I  can  well  adopt  the  language  of  Tupper  in  his  veneration 
of  old  haunts;  his  portraiture  in  the  following  lines  vibrates  upon 
every  chord  of  my  early  reminiscences,  and  vividly  renews  all 
those  early  recollections  which  I  have  attempted  to  delineate  in 
varied  sketches.  In  view  of  all  these  surrounding  circumstances 
-am  I  not  Justified  in  their  connection? 

01(1  §ninttfi. 

"i  love  to  linger  on  my  track. 

Wlierever  I  liave  dwelt 
In  after  yosirs  to  loiter  back. 
«  And  lee!  as  once  I  felt; 

My  foot  falls  lightly  on  the  .^w-  ni. 

Yet  ieave.s  u  deathless  dint; 
With  tenderness  I  still  regard 

Its  un forgotten  print. 
Old  places  have  a  charm  for  nie. 

The  new  can  ne'er  attain — 
Old  taces  ntiw  I  long  to  see, 

Their  kindly  looks  again. 
Yet  these  are  gone — while  all  aiourui 

Is  changeable  as  air. 
All  anchor  in  the  solid  ground. 

A.nd  root  inv  memories  there' 


The  )*pnti mentality  of  these  lines  after  a  lapse  of  more  than  a  half 
century,  ha.s  on  two  or  three  ooca-'ions  induced  rue  to  revisit  the 
locality  of  these  scenes  of  my  boy-hood.  The  spring  near  my  fath- 
er's cabin;  the  site  of  the  old  log  school-house;  the  place  where  stood 
the  old  church  to  which  my  father  and  mother  led  me,  all  claimed 
my  first  attention.  The  '■'■deatMe-''s  dinf^  was  there,  but  the  ^'oid 
faces'"  were  not  ihere;  tliene  were  "gone,"  I  shall  never  see  '■Hheir 
kindly  looka  again."  A  deep  veneration  for  these  sacred  spots  can 
never  be  erased.  Memory  cherishes  them,  and^the  judgment 
endorses  the  declaration  that  all  is  vanity. 

I-have  already  stated  that  ageneral  stampede  among  thesettlers 
was  about  to  take  place,  and  which  ended  in  its  consummation. 
My  father  and  his  brothers  Samuel  and  .Johnson  Patrick  caught 
the  contagion,  the  two  latter  moving  in  the  fall  of  1810  and  set- 
tled on  Beaver  Creek,  in  what  is  now  Clarke  County,  and  afterward 
moved  into  what  is  now  Logan  County. 

But  my  father  reaiained  in  Brookfield  until  the  next  spring, 
and  during  the  winter  entered  into  an  arrangement  by  which  five 
of  his  neighbors  united  with  him  and  built  a  boat,  about  two  miles 
above  Sharon  on  the  Shenango  River,  of  sufficient  capacity  to  con- 
tain six  families  with  their  goods,  and  was  made  ready  to  be 
launched.  It  was  no  doubt  the  first,  if  not  the  last,  enterprise  of 
the  kind  so  far  up  from  the  confluence  of  the  river  into  l^ig  Beaver. 
The  boat  being  ready,  it  was  after  the  first  sufficient  rise  floated 
over  three  mw  mill-dams  down  to  the  mouth  of  Big  Yankee  creek 
and  moored,  and  side  and  rudder  b^iug  attached,  was  ready 
for  the  embarkation  of  the  families  of  Richard  K^rainer,  Jacob  Ueed- 
er,  William  Woods,  Josiah  Whitaker,  Isaac  Loyd  and  Anthony 
Patrick,  with  their  goods,  wht'n  ;dtpr  a  sudden  spri'ig  rise  in  the 
river  were  all  on  boar  1  in  due  orler  as  above  indicated,  when  the 
cable  was  loosed,  and  this  hand  of  itnmigrant-  numbering  about 
twenty  souls  set  sail  and  were  gently  watted  with  the  current 
down  the  Shenango  to  Big  Beaver,  and  down  falls  of  the  latter, 
when  tiie  boat  was  again  iii<:ored  and  the  crew  and  tlieir  elfects 
were  by  wagons  en. ployed,  (0^vey^•d  to  the  foot  of  the  rapids. 
The  boat  was  put  into  the  hands  of  u  pilot  to  navigate  it  over  the 
falls  which  was  done  with  great  speed,  but  through  the  unskillful- 
ness  of  pilot,  was  greatly  injured  upon  the  rocks  and  had  to  be  re- 
fitted at  some  expense,  and  madesea-wortliy,  after  which  she  was 
•gain  duly  laden,  and  the  voyag(^  ivneued  l-y  rujining   with    the 


current  from  the  fells  to  the  confluence  with  the  beautiful  Ohio  Riv- 
er, and  thence  clown  to  Cincinnati  without  noting  the  daily  stop- 
pajjes  and  delays  after  about  a  three  weeks  voyage,  interspersed 
with  many  Incidents  which  will  he  now  passed. 

Cincinnati  was  then  a  little  town  under  the  hill.  Here  these 
old  family  wayfarers  seeking  new  homes  separated,  after  selling 
their  boat  for  about  twenty  dollars  and  dividing  the  proceeds,  in- 
tending to  meet  again  in  the  Mad  River  Valley,  which  was 
ultimately  realized,  as  all  of  them  became  settlers  in  old  Cham- 
paign County  'IS  bounded  in  1811,  embracing  what  is  now  Clarke, 
Champaign,  Logan,  Hardin,  etc.,  ttc,  n  )ith  lo  the  Michigan 
Territory  line. 

My  Father  moved  his  family  to  Lebanon,  Warren  County,  arriv- 
ing there  on  the  evening  Moses  B.  Corwin  was  married,  remain- 
ing there  and  working  as  a  journey-man  cabinet  maker  until 
August,  when  he  moved  to  Url>aua,  arriving  there  the  9tb  day'of 
August,  1811. 

Note:  I  have  attempted  to  describe  a  log  cabin  raising,  in  its 
multiform  delineations  from  the  standing  forest  to  the  completed 
structure.  And  indoing  so  have  committed  myself  to  the  criticism 
of  many  yet  living,  who  would  be  more  capable  of  the  task  I  have 
assumed.  I  am  aware  that  my  attempt  has  many  defects  in  point 
of  accuracy  of  <U'.-^fription,  that  will  likely  be  pointed  out  as  need- 
ing amendment.  But  my  niotive  was  not  the  enlightenment  of 
the  present  generation,  but  was  attempted  from  a  desire  to  hand 
down  to  posterity  the  primitive  structures  up  to  1820,  believing^ 
that  before  the  year  1920,  this  mode  of  building  will  have  become 
obsolete,  and  unknown.  As  the  new  settlers  of  this  day  do  nol 
re.sort  to  the  log  Ciibin,  but  to  the  frame  house  or  hovel,  the  idea  of 
the  original  log  cabin  as  already  said  will  be  unknown,  hence  the 
reason  of  n)y  feeble  attempt. 

8l'  CHAMPAKIN  and 



In  the  presentation  of  the  frat^mentary  sketches  contained  i«  the 
preceding-  chapters,  I  owe  it  to  niypelf  to  make  some  additional  ex- 
planations of  the  motives  that  actuated  me,  in  a  seeming  departure 
from  the  pt(<grairime  of  the  "  Western  Ohio  Pioneer  Association,^''  in 
loCiXting- scenes  of  pioneer  life  in  sections  of  the  State  outside  of 
Ch;iinpai}j:n  and  jjf)gan  Counties.  And  they  in  part  consist — be- 
cause aiy  most  early  experience  aotecede-^,  and  as  els«!\vhere  inti- 
mated, connects  itself  with  the  scenes  which  followed  my  early 
settlement  in  Champait?n  County  in  the  year  1811.  Pioneer  life  in 
all  its  general  relationships  is  so  uniformly  the  same,  that  all  its 
general  features  are  hs  applicable  to  one  locality  as  another ;  and 
therefore  all  those  generalities  of  which  I  have  treated,  such  as 
hardships  endured,  dangers  encountered,  difticuUies  met  and  over- 
come, including  all  those  manifestations  of  generosity,  equality, 
and  sympathetic  mutual  kindnesses,  that  have  been  portrayed  as 
traits  of  character  in  the  early  settlement  of  the  Eastern  part  of  the 
State,  are  to  the  letter,  applicable  to  the  lirst  settlers  ot  Champaign 
and  Logan  Counties,  and  as  a  beginning  point  may  be  transferred 
to  the  latter  locality. 

As  already  said,  my  father  arrived  in  Crbana,  Augu^^t  !)th,  1811, 
and  rented  of  Benjamin  Doolittle  a  double  cabin,  then  standing  on 
lot  No.  17;'),  on  what  is  now  East  Court  St.,  oj)posite  the  First  Bap- 
tist Church,  and  near  the  present  residence  of  Mrs.  Keller^ 

At  this  point  I  will  attempt  a  pencil  sketch  of  all  the  habitations 
of  the  old  settlers  at  the  date  here  indicated,  and  in  order  to  do  so 
more  understandingly  will  promise  the  remark,  that  tlie  -triginal 
plat  of  Urbana  at  that  day,  consisted  of  212,  in  lots  6  rods  in  front, 
abutting  streets  running  back  ten  rods  ;  four  fractional  lots  around- 
the  Public  Square  six  rods  sfpiare  ;  and  two  tiers  t)l  out  lots  on  the 
western  border,  and  ohe  tier  on  the  southern  border  of  the  town, 
aggregating  twenty-two  lots,  varying  in  <ize  from  about  one  and 
one-half  acres  to  three  acres ;   for  all  further  general  descriptions  I 


will  rofer  to  the  rf'conl^^.  And  as  a  further  prelude  will  remark,  as 
the  streets  now  nearly  all  have  new  nanie.s,  that  I  will  adont  them 
with  reference  to  my  localities,  and  I  will  take  luy  standpoint  in 
the  Public  Square,  and  briefly  dot  the  several  localities  of  the  first 
'■settlers  of  tliat  day,  as  fully  as  my  recollections  will  enable  me. 


On  the  southeast  corner  of  fractional  lot  No.  1.  Benjamin  Dooiittle 
occupied  a  two-story  log-  house,  with  a  back  building  attaclied  to 
west  rear  for  dining  room  and  kitchen,  as  a  tavern  stand,  and  being 
the  same  lot  now  owned  and  occupied  liy  M«'Donalds  and  others. 

Joseph  Hedges  occui>ied  a  small  frame  with  shed  roof,  called  the 
knife-box,  little  west  of  northeast  corner  of  fractional  lot  No.  4, 
as  a  store  room  of  Hedges  &  Neville,  with  small  family  residence 
in  the  west  end,  and  being  tlie  same  lot  now  owned  and  oc^-upied 
by  Glenns  and  othei*s. 

John  Reynolds  owned  and  o"Cupied  a  neat  white  two-story 
building  on  northeast  cor»»er  of  in  lot  No.  48,  fronting  east  on  the 
Public  Square,  and  used  in  part  as  a  store  room  ;  the  bah^nce  being 
his  family  residence.  The  store  room  being  on  the  corner  was 
also  by  him  used  as  the  Post-office,  he  being  the  first  Postmaster  of 
the  I  lace.  The  very  same  spot  is  now  used  for  the  Post-office  in 
the  Weaver  House.  This  whole  lot  is  now  owned  by  Henry 
Weaver,  and  as  already  intimated,  is  the  site  of  the^  AVeaver 

Widow  Fitch,  the  mother  of  Mrs.  Blanchard,  owned  and  occu- 
pied in  lot  No.  i,  opposite  the  Weaver  House,  and  had  a  small  log 
building  on  it,  which  was  occupied  as  a  family  residence,  to  which 
she  added  in  front  facing  east  on  the  Public  Square,  a  respectable 
two-story  hewed  log  house,  using  the  same  soon  after  as  a  tavern 
stand  for  several  years.  This  site  is  now  known  as  the  Donaldson 
corner,  &c. 

Dr.  Davidson  occupied  a  small  frame,  fronting  the  Square  on  lot 
No.  154,  on  pait  of  the  site  of  L.  Weaver's  block. 


From  the  Public  Square,  south.  Alexander  Doke  owned  and 
occujiied  in-lot  No,  104,  and  liad  on  it  a  little  south  of  the  pres- 
ent tavern  stand  of  Samuel  Taylor,  a  double  cabin  residence  of 


his  family,  and  beino:  a  blacksmith,  he  had  on  the  same  lot  a 
smith  sho}).  This  lot  embraces  all  the  ground  south  of  S.  W. 
Hitt's  store  to  the  corner  on  market  space,  and  owned  now  by 
several  individuals.  All  this  ground  during  the  war  of  1812,  was 
used  as  an  artificer  yard. 

W.  H.  Tyffe  owned  the  south  half  of  in  lot  No.  55,  &c.,  and  occu- 
pied the  southeast  corner  of  it,  as  Ids  family  residence;  it  being 
the  same  budding  now  on  said  corner,  having  since  been  weather- 
boarded,  and  is  now  owned  by  his  descendants. 

George  Fithian,  the  grandfather  of  Milton  Fithian,  owned  and 
occupied  as  a  tavern  stand,  the  same  building  now  standing  on  in 
lot  No.  G8;  it  has  undergone  but  little  improvement  in  outside  ap- 
pearance, excepting  the  weatherboarding  of  the  log  part  of  it.  This 
same  tavern  vt'as  afterward  owned  and  occupied  by  John  Enoch, 
the  father  of  John  Enoch,  .Jr.,  and  is  now  owned  by  the  Second 
M.  B,  Church  as  a  proposed  future  site  for  a  Church  edifice. 

George  Hite,  on  the  next  abutting  lot  on  west  side  of  South 
Main  St.,  being  No.  71,  erected  a  two-story  log  house  for  his 
family,  and  being  a  vvheel-wright,  had  a  shop  near  it.  The  present 
residence  of  Mr.  Bennett  occupies  the  site  of  the  old  dwelling. 

Job  Gard,  the  father  of  Gershom  Gard,  owned  in-lot  No.  87,  the 
corner  of  South  Main  and  Reynolds  streets,  and  lived  in  a  hewed 
log  house  near  the  jjresent  residence  of  Col.  Candy.  This  lot  is 
now  owned  by  the  New  .Jerusalem  Church  ani  others. 

Alexander  McComsy,  father  of  Matthias  McComsy,  owned  and 
had  a  cabin  for  his  family  on  s;)utti-east  corner  of  South  Main  and 
Reynolds  streets,  on  out-lot  No.  18,  now  vacant  and  owned  by 
William  Ross. 

William  and  John  Glenn  owned  in-lots  No.  124,  125,  126  and  127, 
on  which  they  had  sunk  a  tjin-yard,  with  a  rough  log  shoi)  for  fin- 
ishing; this  is  now  what  is  called  Iho  lower  tannery,  in  the  present 
occupancy  of  Smith,  Bryan  &.  Co.  William  Glenn  then  owned 
and  had  a  cabin-residence  on  lots  No.  134  and  135,  now  owned  by 
.Tohn  Clark,  George  (-ollins  and  others. 


from  Public  Square,  north.  John  Shyach  owned  In-lol  No.  163, 
upon  which  his  family  lived  in  a  respectable  two-story,  hewed  log 
house,  near  the  drug  store  of  Fisler  &  Chanc(^    (Years  afterward 


was  burned.)  This  property  embraces  the  row  of  business  build- 
ino^s  now  occupied  from  the  corner  of  North  Main  and  East  Court 
streets,  to  .1.  H.  Patrick's  ha nhvare  store. 

Randal  Largent  occupied  a  small  rough  cabin  on  lot  No.  24,  on 
the  north-west  border  of  a  pond,  between  it  and  what  is  known  as 
the  "  HaraUton  Uouse,^'  on  the  ground  now  occupied  and  owned 
by  J.  li.  Patrick  as  his  residence. 

Samuel  ^fcCord  had  nearly  opposite  to  last  mentioned  place, 
his  family  residence  on  lot  No.  178,  being  a  story  and  half  hewed 
log  house,  which  was  many  years  after  burned  down. 

N.  Carpenter  lived  in  a  small  one-story  log  ca])}n  on  the  corner 
of  in-lot  No.  32,  near  the  present  residence  of  .John  Smith,  corner 
of  North  Main  and  West  Church  streets. 

.Joiin  Frizzle  occupied  a  large  double  two-story  log  cabin  as  a 
tavern-stand,  fronting  oast  on  North  Main  street,  on  in-lot  No.  40. 
near  present  residence  of  O.  T.  Cundiff. 



from  Public  Square,  east.  Joseph  Vance  owned  lot  No.  15o,  and 
was  erecting  in  the  fall  of  1811  the  present  two-story  frame  and 
part  of  th(>  back  building  in  which  his  son,  .Judge  Vance,  now 
dwells,  as  owner  of  the  premises  described. 

Frederic  Gump  occui)ied  a  small  one-s(ory  cabin  on  east  half  of 
in-lot  No.  160,  near  the  ]»resent  site  of  the  Episcopal  ('hurch. 

David  Vance  owned  lot  No.  97,  and  liad  on  it  a  small  story  and 
half  hewed  log. house,  occupied  by  Solomr>n  Vail,  and  being  the 
same  lunise,  with  some  additions,  now  owned  aiul  occupied  by 
.Joseph  S.  K^iyfer.  ' 

WKST  M.\r\  <»i:    MIAMI  STUKF/r, 

From  Public  Square,  west.  David  Parkison  owned  and  occupied  a 
two-story  log  house,  and  had  a  smiti'.  sh<>[)  near  it,  bolli  fronting 
thestreet  on  in-lot  No.  2,  now  opposite  the  Weaver  House,  near 
the  livery-stable  and  Fisher's  rooms. 

Zephaniah  Luce  owned  in-lot  No.  o(»,  and  occupied  it  by  his 
family  in  a  douliie  log  house,  standing  on  (he  ground  now  occupied 
by  Doctor  Mosgrove's  largo  briek  nsidence.  Mr.  Luce  was  also 
the  owner  of  in-lots  No.  ;")i,  .^2,  hii  and  54,  and  on  the  two  first  sunk 


a  tan-yard,  and  hafl  tinisliins-shop  on  same,  which  he  used  during 
the  war  of  1812,  a.s  Issuing-  Cormnissary  Office,  lie  liolding  that 

Lawrence  Niles  (hatter)  occupied  a  hewed  log  house  on  east  part 
of  in-lot  No.  o,  being  the  same  property  no  v  owned  and  occupied 
by  WiTi.  iSampson,  having  been  repaired  in  such  a  manner  as  to 
present  a  neat  two-story  house.  His  family,  like  nuiny  new  set- 
tlers, after  living  here  a  few  years,  became  dissatisfied,  and  with- 
out waiting  to  dispose  of  their  property  moved  west,  seeking  new 
adventures,  and  were  never  heard  of  afterward.  It  was  supposed 
they  were  either  all  drownnd,  or  murdered  by  the  savages. 


East  from  South  Main.  .James  Fitliian  occupied  a  two-story  hewed 
log  house,  with  an  addition  of  a  one-story  on  west  side  of  it,  (the 
latter  being  used  in  the  war  of  1S12,  as  a  Quartermaster's  offlee) 
on  in-Iot  No.  10-5,  being  the  present  premises  of  Mrs.  Dr.  Stans- 
berry  ;  tiie  log  buildings  abov(;  described  were  moved  east  on  to 
lot  No.  109,  property  of  estate  of  Samuel  McCord,  and  very  re- 
cently torn  down. 

Simon  Kenton,  as  Jailor  of  Champaign  County,  occupied  one 
family  room  below  and  the  rooms  above  in  the  old  Jail  l)uilding, 
on  lot  No.  107,  as  his  family  rasidence.  Here  two  of  his  daughters, 
Sarah,  afterward  Mrs.  Jno.  McCord,  and  Matilda,  afterward  Mrs. 
Jno.  G.  Parkison,  were  married.  This  lot  is  now  owned  l)y  two  of 
the  Lawsons. 

P^'rederic  Ambrose,  by  trade  a  potter,  afterward  Sheriff  and 
County  Treasurer,  owned  and  occui)ied  in-lot  No.  Ill,  and  lived  in 
a  cabin  on  southeast  corner,  with  a  sliop  near  it;  this  lot  is  now 
owned  by  Ha  very  Stump. 

Wilson  Thomas,  colored,  right  south  on  the  op}*osite  side  of  the 
street  on  in-lot  No.  121,  owned  and  occupied  a  small  cabin,  near  the 
present  residence  of  Mrs.  Jacob  Fisher. 

Toney,  a  colored  man,  whose  full  name  I  have  forgotten, 

but  who  was  somewhat  distinguished  in  the  war  of  1812,  according 
to  his  own  statements,  occupied  an  old  cabin  in  the  Northeast  cor- 
ner of  E.  B.  Patrick's   in-lot  No.  112,  fronting  East  Market  Street. 

Peter  Carter,  colored,  husband   of  old  Fannie,  owned  in-lot  No. 


118,  and  had  a  cabin  in  the  rear,  which  i^tood  on  the  ground  now 
occupied  by  the  present  African  M.  E.  Church  building. 


West  from  South  Main.  Edward  W.  Pierce,  a  very  highly  educa- 
ted lawyer,  without  family,  had  a  hewed  log  office  near  the 
present  residence  of  Mrs.  E.  P.  Tyffe,  on  in-Iot  No.  61.  Repos- 
sessed sterling  talents,  but  from  some  cause  had  much  mental 
affliction,  and  in  the  winter  of  1816,  was  found  dead  in  the  woods 
between  here  and  Springfield,  much  torn  by  wolves  as  then  sup- 
posed. Persons  of  that  day  who  professed  to  know  the  fact,  said 
that  in  his  very  early  life  he  had  the  misfortune  to  exchange  shots 
in  a  duel,  and  killed  his  adversary,  which  was  the  secret  of  his 
mental  malady.    This  I  give  as  a  matter  of  information  only. 


From  South  Main,  East.  Daniel  Helmick  owned  in-lots  No.  136 
and  137  ;  on  the  latter  he  had  a  double  cabin  as  the  residence  of  his 
family,  and  on  the  corner  of  the  former  in  front  of  the  Second  M. 
E.  Church,  was  his  hewed  log  cabinet  shop;  he  afterward  built 
the  brick  house  now  owned  by  J.  C.  Jones. 

Nathaniel  Pickard  owned  and  occupied  lots  No.  142  and  143,  and 
erected  for  his  family  residence  a  hewed  log  cabin,  standing  imme- 
diately West  of  Moses  B.  Corwin's  present  brick  residence. 


West  from  South  Main.  William  Ward,  Sr.,  t)ie  old  proprietor  of 
the  town,  then  lived  in  a  double  log  calkin  standing  near  the  pres- 
ent residence  of  Mr.  Smith,  southeast  corner  of  West  Water  and 
High  Streets,  on  a  block  of  lots,  No.'s  83,  84,  85,  86,  91,  92,  93,  94, 
and  now  the  property  of  Messrs.  Smith,  Donaldson  and  others. 


East  from  South  Main  Street.  Joseph  C.  Vance  owned  and  occu- 
pied in-lots  No.'s  152  and  153,  and  erected  on  the  premises  a  two- 
story  log  house  as  a  family  re'^idence ;  he  also  erected  a  small 
hewed  log  office,  he  being  the  first  Clerk  of  the  Court  of  Common 
Pleas,  and  Surveyor,  &c. 



West  from  South  Main  Street.  Isaac  Kobinson,  a  brick  mason, 
occupied  a  cabin  on  one  of  out-lots  on  south  side  of  the  street,  but 
r  am  now  unable  to  locate  it. 

John  Gilmore,  a  brick  mason,  occupied  a  cabin  on  out  lot  No.  8, 
now  enclosed  in  the  private  park  grounds  of  Col.  John  H.  Jones, 
in  which  his  superb  family  mansion  is  situated. 


East  from  North  Main  Street.  Anthony  Patrick,  as  already  sta-ed, 
occupied  a  double  cabin  nearly  opposite  the  Baptist  Church  on  in- 
lot  No.  17o,  owned  then  by  Benjamin  Doolitlle. 

Jacob  Tharp  occupied  a  cabin  on  lot  No.  165,  near  the  site  of  the 
prasent  Baptist  Church. 


West  from  North  Main  Street.  Capt.  Wm.  Powell  occupied  a 
small  frame  tenement  on  West  side  of  in-lot  No.  14,  being  the  pres- 
ent premises  of  Duncan  McDonald. 

Stout  occupied  a  small  rouo-hly  budt  frame,    which  stood 

near  the  present  residence  of  Miss  Nancy  Jennings  on  in-lot 
No.  22. 


East  from  North  Main  Street.  Samuel  Trewett  the  grandfather  of 
Nathan  Reece  occupied  in-lot  No.  194,  and  lived  in  a  hewed  log 
one  story  cabin  near  the  present  residence  of  Robert  Bell.  He  was 
a  local  M.  E.  preacher. 


West  from  North  Main  Street.  John  Huston  a  rough  carpenter, 
built  a  story  and  a  half  hewed  log  cabin  and  occupied  it  on  in-lot 
No.  26,  being  the  present  premises  of  William  Scorah. 

Daniel  Harr  the  father  of  Newton  Harr,  was  here  with  his  thea 
small  family,  and  as  I  have  no  other  building  in  my  eye  for  a  fami- 
ly residence,  lam  inclined  to  the  opinion  that  he  occupied  asmall 
cabin  on  in-lot  No.  27,  the  present  premises  of  W.  H.  Colwell;  if  he 
did  so  occupy,  it  was  only  temporarily,  for  I  remember  soon  after, 
he  improved  the  north  half  of  in-lots  No.  65,  66,  and  erected  the 


two  story  frame  now  owned  by  W.  L.  Study  bak^r  on  South  Main 
Street  and  occupied  the  upper  part  and  rear  huildinjjs  as  his  family 
residence,  and  front  as  a  store  room  of  Harran<l  Rhodes — the  latter 
beinjj^  the  father  of  Nelson  Rhodes,  Esq. 

Henry  Bacon  if  memory  serves  me,  ownedandoccrupied  a  small 
frame  buildins  on  the  ground  now  owned  by  Mr.  Osborn  onin-lots 
No.  38,  89;  he  afterward  erected  the  brick  buikliny  known  as  th« 
Insurance  Office  on  in-h)t  No.  8,  and  occupied  itas  adwellinjif. 

Here  are  thrown  hastily  together  a  pen  sketch  of  Ihe  pojiulation 
in  Urbana  in  1811,  comprising  45  fandles,  describing  from  memorj 
tlie  kind  of  tenements  witii  their  h)calities  as  nearly  as  possible; 
there  may  be  some  errors,  but  it  is  believed  they  are  few.  Ono 
sad  reflection  presents  its  self  wow  ;  all  these  tiave  gone  the  way  of 
all  the  earth.  There  may  possibly  be  an  exception,  but  the  writer 
of  this  is  not  aware  of  any. 

It  may  be  proper  here  to  |)oint  out  the  public  buildings  of  the 
town.  The  jail  has  already  been  noticed.  The  Court-house  was  u 
large  log  building  on  lot  No.  174  on  East  Court  Street,  which  has 
undergone  a  change,  and  is  now  the  property  of  Duncan  McDonald, 
and  is  used  as  a  family  residence.  During  the  war  of  1812-15,  it 
was  converted  into  an  army  hospital,  and  in  it  ni.iuy  deatiis  oc- 
curred from  a  prevalent  epidemic  malady  of  that  day  denominated 
"cold  plague,"  and  the  bones  of  the  victims  now  rest  in  the  old 
town  grave-yard.  And  may  God  in  his  merciful  Providence  avert 
that  unhallowed  cupidity,  that  is  now  Instigating  municipal  dese- 
cration upon  their  silent  abode.  This  building  having  been  ap- 
propriated to  the  use  above  indicated,  the  upper  part  oi  the  jail 
was  fitted  up  for  the  purpose  of  holding  the  courts,  and  was  so 
dsed  until  the  new  court  house  in  the  public  square  was  finished, 
in  about  the  end  of  the  year  1817,  and  this  latter  temple  of  justice 
remained  as  county  court  house,  until  the  clamorous  raids  of  the 
populace  culminated  in  the  erection  of  our  present  one,  standing; 
on  in-lots  No.  16  and  17,  about  the  year  1839. 

In  the  earlier  settlement  of  the  town,  the  practice  in  the  winter 
seasons,  was  to  convert  the  larger  class  residences,  for  the  time 
being,  into  Bethels  for  public  worship,  and  in  the  warm  summer 
months,  to  congregate  near  the  present  Public  Square,  under  the 
shade  of  the  spreadinji  branches  of  the  large  oak  trees  then  in  that 
vicinity.  And  as  soon  as  the  Court  House  first  alluded  to  was  fin- 
ished, it  became  a  place  of  public  worship,  and  the  same  will  ap- 


ply  to  all  it«  .successors.  But,  I  started  out  with  the  intention  of 
informing  the  public  th  it  when  I  first  came  to  Urbana,  a  large 
hewed  log  M.  E.  Churcii  had  recently  been  erected  on  in-Jot  No. 
207,  and  under  the  itinerant  mode  of  that  denomination,  was  regu- 
larly supplied  by  many  sterling  pioneer  preachers,  during  the  years 
up  to  about  1816,  when  the  brick  church  now  part  of  the  Ganson 
livery  establishment  was  erected.  The  pulpit  in  the  oM  log  iiouse 
was  sui^plied  something  in  this  order  during  the  years  indie  ited, 

by  Kev.  .John  Meek,  Clingman,  Samuel  Brockanier,   John 

Collins,  and  perhaps  some  others.  About  1816  as  already  stated, 
the  brick  eiifice  situated  on  east  half  of  in-lot  No.  176,  was  duly 
dedicated  and  supplied  in  the  manner  named  above,  by  the  higher 
order  of  talent  in  the  persons  of  Rev.  David  Shafer,  Henry  B.  Bas- 

eom, Crume, Cummings,  John  Strange,  Westlake, 

&c.  It  may  also  be  remarked  that  they  were  fortunate  in  the 
years  here  embraced,  say  up  to  1825,  in  having  a  first-class  order  of 
local  ministrations,  and  the  interests  of  the  Church  were  fully  sus- 
tained under  Rev.  Samuel  Hitt  and  others  like  him,  who  were 
ornaments  to  their  profession,  and  she  added  to  hei-  luimher  daily 
such  as  gave  evidence  that  they  had  passed  from  denth  unto  life. 
Many  incidents  might  be  recorded  of  the  thrilling  scenes  con- 
necte<l  with  the  spiritual  labors  of  that  old  church,  before  it  put  on 
its  new  dress,  in  the  exchange  of  the  old  houses  of  worship  for  its 
present  new  temple,  situated  on  north  half  of  in-lots  No.  24  and 
25.  This  denomination  has  always  been  in  the  lead  in  this  lo- 
cality, owing  perhaps  to  the  indomitable  zeal  manifested  by  both 
ministry  and  laity,  in  the  propagation  of  their  popular  tenets. 

The  only  other  religious  interest  in  this  town  for  the  first  thirty 
years  after  its  first  settlement,  was  Presbyterianism,  but  its  growth 
was  greatly  behind  that  of  the  Church  described.  It  however  was 
the  instrument  in  disseminating  much  wholesome  religious  in- 
struction, and  exerted  an  influence  for  good,  upon  the  morals  of 
the  community.  It  had  to  encounter  difficulties,  and  inconven- 
iences for  want  of  a  house  of  worship;  the  Court  House  was  substi- 
tuted, and  not  till  about  1829  had  it  any  house  of  its  own  for  the 
congregation,  and  before  it  was  finished,  the  tornado  of  1830  en- 
tirely demolished  it,  and  another  was  er'^'cted  on  a  new  site  or.  lot 
No.  18,  on  the  same  site  of  the  j>resent  imposing  structure,  this  be- 
ing the  third  within  less  than  thirty  years. 


But  to  come  back  to  the  point  sought  in  the  programme  of  the 
Pioneer  Association,  I  will  say  that  the  Presbyterian  Church  had 
no  organization  as  a  Town  Church  for  many  years,  but  the  mem- 
bership was  attached  to  country  organizations  on  Buck  Creek  and 
Stony  Creek,  according  to  their  several  preferences.  This  state  of 
things  continued  until  about  1814,  when  the  Rev.  James  Hughs, 
the  father  of  Mrs.  William  Ward,  came  and  settled  in  Urbana, 
and  was  very  efficient  in  building  up  an  interest  in  the  denomina- 
tion which  soon  resulted  inachurch  organization,  and  this  worthy 
divine  was  called  under  the  rules  and  regulations  of  that  branch  of 
the  Christian  Church,  and  was  duly  installed  as  its  pastor,  and  con- 
tinued in  the  Gospel  labor  many  years,  blessed  with  many  addi- 
tions to  his  charge. 

Before  dismissing  this  branch  of  the  subject  it  may  be  said,  that 

bofore  Mr.  Hughs  had  located  here.  Rev.  McMillin,  Purdy, 

and  some  others  officiated,  and  after  he  resigned  the  pastoral  rela- 
tionship,  the  pulpit  was  supplied   by  Rev.  Brich,    Joseph 

Stephenson, Dickey,  David  Mirrill  and  others.  And  as  a  con- 
cluding remark  it  may  be  noted  upon  this  subject  matter,  chat  al- 
though there  were  no  other  denominational  organizations  here 
than  the  two  above  indicated  for  many  long  years,  yet  there  were 
some  few  belonging  to  other  persuasions.  Baptists,  Newlights,  &c., 
who  attached  themselves  to  country  organizations,  and  were  oc- 
casionally supplied  with  preaching  in  this  place.  The  Baptists, 
by  Rev.  John  Thomas,  and  John  Guttridge,  and  the  Newlights  by 

Rev.  Vickers,  all  of  them  as  a  general  rule  using  the  School 

house  mentioned  hereafter  on  in-lot  No.  102.  Notwithstanding 
the  small  beginnings  heretofore  indicated,  the  City  of  Urbana 
at  this  day  may  boast  her  three  M.  E.  Church,  two  Baptist,  two 
Presbyterian  including  Associate  Reform,  one  Lutheran,  one  New- 
Jerusalem,  one  Episcopal,  and  one  Catholic  organizations,  each 
having  a  comfortable  and  capacious  house  for  public  worship;  and 
all  of  them,  supplied  in  the  ministry  with  talent';  of  a  resppctable 
order.  -^ 




The  next  subject  in  its  proper  order,  would  be  to  say  a  word  in 
reference  to  school  houses  and  schools.  My  first  recollection  is, 
♦^hat  a  school  was  taught  by  old  Nathaniel  Pinckard  in  the  old  log 
Court  House  already  described.  I  remember  too,  that  afterwards 
a  school  was  taught  in  the  old  log  church,  by  William  Nicholson 
and  perhaps  others.  A  school  was  taught  in  the  old  tavern  stand, 
wbich  is  heretofore  referred  to  as  the  old  George  Fithian  and  John 
Enoch  stand  on  lot  No.  6B,  somewhere  about  1816,  by  Hiram  M. 
Curry,  afterward  State  Treasurer. 

About  the  year  1811  however,  a  small  school  house  was  erected 
on  lot  No.  102,  near  the  present  residence  of  E.  B.  Patrick,  and  a 
school  was  made  up  by  subscriptions  which  was  then  the  only 
mode  of  supply,  and  a  teacher  employed.  I  do  not  destinctly  re- 
member the  first  teacher,  but  a?B  inclined  to  think  it  was  William 
Stephens,  Esq.;  afterward  John  C.  Pearson,  Henry  Drake,  George 
Bell  and  others  were  teachers,  but  forget  the  order  of  their  services. 
In  this  venerable  house  the  writer  of  this  received  his  last  touches 
of  scholastic  instruction,  and  his  only  surviving  schoolmates  that 
he  can  now  name,  are  Col.  Douglas  Luce,  Joseph  A.  Reynolds, 
and  Mrs.  Horace  Muzzy. 

At  that  early  day  the  opportunities  for  instruction  were  very 
different  from  now.  If  parents  had  the  ability  and  inclination  to 
pay  for  school  instruction,  it  was  given;  if  not,  it  was  with-held. 
In  looking  hack  into  the  past,  and  (H)ntrasting  it  with  the  present 
organized  system  of  public  instruction  for  all  conditions  of  society, 
the  mind  at  once  is  puzzled  in  the  solution  of  the  question,  "How 
did  those  early  Pioneers  of  <^hio,  hedged  in  with  poverty,  sur- 
rounded with  difficulties,  and  exposed  to  all  manner  of  hardships 
and  privations,  manage  to  so  educate,  instruct  and  manipulate  the 
t/ outhf id iuinds  ot  their  immediate  successors,  as  to  develop  such 
talent  as  has,  in  the  last  generation,  gra,ced  the  pulpit,  the  bench, 
the  l)ar,  and  both  branches  of  the  State  and  National  Legislatures  ? 

IX)GAN  a)UNTIP]S.  43 

Will  such  a  galaxy  ot  stars  set,  at   the  close  of  the  present  genera- 
rion  ?  If  so,  where  are  they  now  shedding  their  lustrous  brilliancy  ? 
I?ut  to  return  to  the  subject  matter  of  the  early  schools  of  Urbana, 
.-say  prior  to  18:>().     Having  referred  to  the  school-houses  u.sed,  and 
tthe  teachers,  and  the  mode  of  supplying  them,  up  to  tliat  time,  it 
Alight  not  be  amiss  to  .-ay  something  of  their  capacity  to  teach  and 
govern.    They  were,  as  a  general   rule,  men  of  high  moral  stand- 
ing, and  qualified  to  teach  all   the  first  rudiments  of  a  common 
-BChool  education,  such  as  reading,  writing,  spelling,  arithmetic  and 
fDnglish  grammar,  and  some  of  them  the  higher  branches  of  math- 
hematics  and  algebra;  but  not   many  clai)ued  the  latter  qualitica- 
ftions.     But  they  vvei-e  thorough  in  such  branches  as  they  professed 
'^to  teach,  and  if  they  found  that  any  pupils  were  close  upon  their 
Jieelsin  any  branch,  they  became  studious  themselves,  to  be  pre- 
jpared  to  impart  instruction  to  such.    This  ftict  has  come  under  my 
«^>wn  observation  in  more  than  one  instance ;   in  short,  they  were 
^erseveringly  industrious,  energetic,  and   it   may  be  said,  ambi- 
ifious,  and  the  pupils  were  like  them ;   they  applied  themselves 
ssBsiduously  to  their  lessons,  and  the  key  to  it  was,  both  boys  and 
twirls  at  home  had  to  work,  the  boy.s  at  mechanical  trades  or  upon 
fTarms,   the  girls  at  house-keeping,   hackling  and  spinning  flax, 
<eardiug  and  spinning  wool ;  so  that  when  they  went  into  the  school- 
room, it  seemed  a  recreation  to  take  hold  of  their  books,  slates,  <&c. 
The  teachers  had  an  aptitude  to  teach,  and  the  pupils  to  receive 
feistruction  ;  the  spirit  of  emulation  was  infused  by  the  former,  and 
^€eized  and  secured  by  the  latter.    As  already  intimated,  the  teach- 
*ers  were  determined  to  impart,  and  the  pupils  to  receive  instruc- 
ttion.    Indeed  the  invincible  determination  to  learn  among  the 
^§70uth  of  that  day,  was  a  common  trait.     I  will   have  to  give  an 
janstance  as  an  illustration  for  many  other  cases.    The  writer  of 
tthis  knew  an  Urbana  boy  in  his  teens,  whose  father  in  the  winter 
tef  1814-15,  was  drafted,  and  to  save  the  family  who  were  very  poor 
l!^om  the  sacrifice  of  its  support  in  the  head,  voluntarily  left  his 
-school,  offered  himself  and  was  received  as  a  substitute;  being  en- 
sgaged  in  committing  the  rules  of  English  Grammar,  he  put  up  in 
Siis  knapsack  a  copy  of  a  small  edition  containing  these  rules,  and 
■when  at  his  destination  at  Fort  Meigs,  at  all  leisure  times  pursued 
t^e  committing  of  them  to  memory,  preparatory  to  finishing  at 
■<rhe  end  of  his  time  in  school,  his  studies  upon  that  branch.    He 
NT/as  kindly  assisted  and  invited  by  his  Captain,  John  R.  Lemen, 


t<)  use  his  quarters  out  of  the  din  of  the  boys  in  the  service.  Bfe 
really  came  home  prepared  to  apply  the  rules  and  did  so,  under  tli»' 
instruction  of  the  same  teacher^he  left.  That  boy  had  no  higher/ 
aim  than  a  common  school  education ;  he  did  not  aspire  to  ait;?r 
profession,  but  the  same  indomitable  energy  that  actuated  hi m^- 
stimulated  hundreds  of  others  in  the  State  that  did  aim  at  highefi- 
aspirations,  and  this'^erhaps  is  the  solution  to  the  question  aske«JS 
in  a  preceding  paragraph; 

Before  dismissing  this  branch  of  the  subject,  1  will  note  the  fasti 
of  the  erection  about  1820,  of  what  was  called  the  Academy,  and  ia 
which  higher  branches  were  professed  to  be  taught,  and  which  sifir- 
tracted  to  our  place  afterward,  a  good  class  of  competent  instrucfc- 
ors.  And  the  greater  part  of  our  present  business  men,  who  ^msf 
the  descendants  of  old  settlers  of  the  town,  received  most  of  tbeSs 
education  in  it.  The  building  was  on  the  present  site  of  ourseco®dS 
ward  district  school  houses  on  lots  No.  179  and  180.  Also  there  wa»^ 
erected  a  little  later,  a  female  Academy,  but  it  did  not  prove  a  ssa® 
cess;  it  was  on  lot  No.  35,  West  Church  Street,  being  part  of  ftSc 
present  residence  of  William  Wiley. 

LOGAN  (X)UNT1I']S.  46 



As  I  have  given  some  of  the  desultory  outlines  of  the  first 
«4iurches  and  schools  of  Urbana,  sixty  years  ago,  I  will  continue 
a>y  saying  a  word  in  regard  to  the  civil,  polity.  I  remember  that 
Twhen  I  first  came  iiere,  Nathaniel  Pinckard,  Ksq.,  was  Justice  of 
■sHse  Peace  for  Urbana  township,  and  was  a  great  terror  to  benders 
.ii«d  boys  ;  his  wife  was  his  counsellor,  and  was  considered  the  best 
fStatute  lawyer  of  the  two,  and  kept  him  advised*  in  all  dilficult 
;»5nid  knotty  questions  of  law. 

The  Court  of  Common  Pletis  had  on  its  bench  Hon.  Francis  i)un- 
tovy,  President,  with  three  Associate  Judges — Hon.  John  Runyon, 
-flohn  Reynolds,  and  Joseph  Lpyton;and  the  way  justice  was  meted 
<8iutto  horse-theives,  hog-theives,  and  all  olher  violators  of  the  law 
"twas  a  "caution,"  (as  the  curt  phrase  expresses  it,)  to  offenders. 
'The  Urbana  bar,  at  my  first  acquaintance,  consisted  of  Henry  15a- 
4Son  and  Edward  W.  Pierce,  lieretofore  noticed  in  another  para- 
<gr«iph.  But  very  shortly  afterward  it  received  many  very  respect- 
inble  accessions,  in  the  persons  of  Moses  B.  Corwin,  (who  likewise, 
mi  1812  commenced  the  publication  of  the  Farmers^  Watchfower, 
the  first  newspaper  ever  publishe  I  in  this  place,  associating  with 
iisiim  a  young  printer  by  the  name  of  Blackburn  as  co-ediior,)  James 
*('Jooley,  afterward  Charge  rfe-  Affaire.^  to  a  foreign  country;  C'aleb 
Atwater,  the  distinguished  Antiquarian;  Chancy  P.  Holcomb,  af- 
ferward  of  some  notoriety,  and  J.  E.  Chaplain.  I  could  add  to 
diiis  very  cheerfully.  Col.  John  H.  James,  whose  record  as  a  lawyer 
sraeeds  not  the  eulogy  of  my  pen,  but  he  located  here  after  1820, 
:imd  would  be  outside  of  the  objects  sought  by  the  Pioneer  Associ- 
sation.  I  will  now  say  a  word  in  reference  to  the  lawyers  within 
ttliis  then  large  judicial  circuit,  embracing  Hamilton  county,  and 
iStl^  the  organized  and  unorganized  territory  within  its  eastern  and 
western  limits,  north  to  the  Michigan  territory  line,  who  prac- 
Iticed  at  the  Urbana  bar  prior  to  1820--Jacob  Burnett,  David  K. 
l^r^^te,  Nichols  Longworth,  Arthur  St.  Clatr,  son  of  General  St.  Clair, 
Jii>seph    H.  ('rain,  afterward  president  Judge  of  this  Circuit,  John 


Alexander,   &c.     Here   was  an   array  of  talent   tltat  has  not  sine^  • 
been  surpassed. 

These  men  were  frequently  pitted  ai>ainst  each  other  in  th<" 
trials  of  important  cases,  and  nuuiy  amusing  i)asse,s»  of  wit  anfi» 
repartee  were  evoked.  I  remember  an  instance  of  this  kind:  Johii. 
Alexander,  who  was  a  man  of  hugh  dimensions,  and  Nichola  >- 
Longworth,  who  was  i)elow  medium  size,  were  employed  agains'* 
each  other  in  the  trial  of  a  State  case  in  the  court-room  at  IJrbana.- 
and  during  its  progress  they  both  became  very  much  enrage«il 
jigainsteach  other,  when  Mr.  Alexander  stamped  his  foot,  ajid  witl:* 
excited  voice  said,  "  You  little  thing,  hold  your  tongue  or  1  wifl 
put  you  in  my  pocket,"  which  Mr.  Longworth  did  not  deign  t(i> 
answer,  but  addressing  himself  to  the  Court  said,  "may  it  pleas** 
your  Honors,  this  mountain  of  flesh,"  ])ointing  at  his  antagonisi;  ,. 
"has  threatened  to  put  une  in  his  pocket ;  please  tell  him  for  me,  i^:T 
he  does,  he  will  have  more  law  in  his  ))ocket  than  he  ever  had  Ui 
his  head." 

And  sometimes  these  i)asses  of  wit  occurred  between  the  ("our5 
and  members  of  thebar.  1  will  give  an  instance:  Mr.  St.  Clair  ha^'if 
an  unfortunate  impedimeat;  although  a  man  of  more  than  ordinary 
talents  he  could  never  give  the  letter  S  its  proper  sound — in  othesr 
words  he  lisped,  and  on  one  occasion  he  became  very  njuch  exciters' 
at  the  decision  of  the  Court  in  some  matter  of  interest  to  him,  an*:i' 
indulged  in  improper  language,  and  still  persisted  after  the  Judgv 
had  coaimandefl  him  to  take  his  seat.  Judge  Dunlavy  ordered  th*- 
Sheriff  to  arrest  and  imprison  him  ;  the  Sheriff  feeling  that  the  dis- 
charge of  that  duty  would  be  very  unpleasant,  hesitated,  where- 
upon Mr.  St  Clair,  in  the  most  bland  tone,  addressed  the  .Judge  b> 
saying:  "May  it  I'leath  your  Honor,  perhapth  The  theriff  ith  wait- 
ing the  order  of  the  Court."  Whereupon  Judge  Dunlavy  iunnedj- 
ately  consulted  the  three  associate  judges,  and  to  his  mortilicationi 
had  to  let  it  pass. 

The  Supreme  Court  under  the  ('onstitution  of  ls():I  was  rcquireii^i 
to  hold  an  annual  session  in  each  county  ;  my  Mrst  recollection  i:4 
that  Court  in  Champaign  County  is,  that  between  ISll  and  1817  iti*. 
session-!  were  oji  some  occasions  in  the  old  log  church— why,  I  d^j 
not  now  remeiriber,  and  according  to  my  best  recollection,  Judg(5.>:^ 
Thomas  Scott,  Chief  Justice,  William  W.  Irwin,  and  Ethan  Aller-s 
Brown,  the  latter  of  whom  afterward  was  (loveinor  of  th(>  Statc^,,. 


were  on  the  bench  ;  and  soon  after  the  above  period  Peter  Hitch- 
cook,  John  McLean,  and  othei-s  not  now  remembered,  were  suc- 
cessors of  that  Court. 

As  these  sketches  to  be  acceptable  to  future  readei*s  should  em- 
brace all  the  varieties  of  pioneer  life,  it  might  be  well  at  this  point 
to  say  a  word  a.s  t<j  the  gentlemen  of  the  medical  profession.  And 
as  a  beginning  I  will  say  that  I  do  not  remember  any  except  Doc- 
tor  Davidson,  a  brother-in-law  to  Judge  Reynolds,  who  was 

here  when  I  first  came.  But  very  •shortly  after  verj'  respectable 
accessions  were  made  in  the  persons  of  Doctor  Joseph  8.  Carter  and 

Collins,  to  which  may  be  added  prior  to  1820,  Adam  Alcxs- 

grove  and  Obed  Hor,  and  perhaps  some  othei"s  not  now  recollected. 
These  gentlemen,  it  may  be  safely  said,  all  secured  the  confidence 
of  the  people,  and  were  very  popular  and  successful  practilionei's. 
And  in  the  mean  time,  young  gentlemen  of  the  vicinity  had  quali- 
fied themselves,  who  also  in  this  time  became  successful  in  prac- 

tic*».      I  will  name  a  few  :    E.  Banes,  Wilson  Everett, Hughs, 

CXirry,  and  afterward,  E.  P.  Fyffe  and  others.     Being  hedged 

in  by  the  1820  rule,  I  will  dismiss  this  branch  of  the  subject. 

I  have  already  said  that  ray  first  acquaintance  with  Urbana  was 
on  the  9th  day  of  August,  1811,  ana  I  have  according  to  my  best 
recollection  given  the  names  and  the  location  of  all  the  heads  of 
families  at  that  date.  The  first  settlers  here  were  exposed  to  many 
hardships  and  difficulties,  but  banded  together  in  kindly  assist- 
ir^  o;ich  other.  From  its  first  settlement  in  1806,  through  all  the 
succeeding  years,  embracing  those  of  the  war  1812-15,  thej'  were  fre- 
quently filarmed  at  threatene{i  Indian  raids  ;  frequent  occasions  of 
the  massacre  in  close  proximity,  of  whole  families,  added  to  their 
terror--.  Mr.  Joseph  A.  Reynolds  informs  me  that  on  several  occa- 
sions about  1807  and  1808,  the  few  settlers  of  t)ie  place,  repeatedly 
alarmed  at  rumors  of  the  near  approach  of  hostll  i  3  j,es,  would 
congregate  in  the  most  strongly  built  and  roomy  li)^  nouse,  barri- 
cade the  doors  and  windows  in  anticipation  of  an  InJian  attack. 
He  recollects  on  one  occasion  that  Zephaniah  Luce,  the  father  of 
Col.  Douglass  Luce,  received  information  that  a  body  of  Indians 
were  in  th"  neighborhood  prepared  to  make  an  attack  upon  the 
place  in  the  night ;  and  he  moved  around  among  the  settlers,  urg- 
ing them  to  imme<liately  repair  to  the  house  of  George  Fithian. 
already  noticed,  and  bring  with  them  all  their  guns  and  amtnuni- 


tion,  and  barricade  it  as  the  tnost  secure  strong-hold  of  the  place, 
which  was  carried  into  execution,  and  as  I'epresented,  the  scenes 
of  that  nisrht  were  very  exciting,  and  have  left  impressions  not  to 
be  forgotten.  The  attack,  however,  was  not  made,  and  the  fortress 
was  disbanded,  and  all  for  the  time  being  returned  to  their  own 
cabins.  While  on  this  subject  it  should  be  mentioned  that  soon 
after  the  scenes  above  described,  the  people  erected  a  block-house 
on  lot  No.  104,  and  which  during  the  war  was  used  as  one  of  the 
army  artificer's  shops.  This  must  suffice  on  this  branch,  though  I 
could  recite  some  similar  scenes  within  my  own  knowledge  after- 
ward. I  will,  however,  in  this  connection  remark,  that  although 
our  neigh bctring  frontier  tribes  professed  friendship  towards  the 
whites,  yet  many  distrusted  them,  and  were  suspicious  that 
through  tlie  blandishments  of  Tecumseh  and  his  brother,  the 
Prophet,  they  migh<  be  induced  to  join  the  standard  of  the  Pota- 
wataraies  and  other  hostile  tribes,  which  had  leagued  together,  and 
ultimated  in  the  celebrated  battle  of  Tiopecanoe,  in  November, 
1811.  In  this  conflict,  though  Gen.  Harrison's  forces  were  greatly 
cut  to  pieces,  the  Indians  under  Tecumseh  were,  after  much 
slaughter,  driven  from  the  ground  and  put  to  rout,  and  this  being 
late  in  the  fall,  no  fears  were  entertained  that  they  could  again, 
before  the  next  summer,  re-organize  and  renew  their  depreda- 
tions. Things  being  in  this  shape,  precautionary  measures  were 
immediately  taken  to  secure  the  settlements  from  future  Indian 
raids,  and  Governor  R.  J.  Meigs  came  in  the  spring  of  1812  to  Ur- 
bana,  and  inaugurated  the  project  of  making  a  call  upon  all  the 
Indian  tribes,  and  especially  those  on  our  border  who  professed 
friendship  for  the  people  of  the  Unitfxl  States,  Ui  convene  at  Ur- 
bana  on  a  given  day,  to  hold  a  council  with  him  as  Governor  of 
the  State,  and  as  a  preliminary  step,  employed  Col.  James  Mc- 
Pherson,  one  of  the  Zanes,  and  perhaps  on?  of  the  Walkers,  to 
bear  the  proposals  of  the  call  to  the  several  tribes  over  which  they 
could  exf  rt  a  favorable  influence,  which  resulted  in  a  meeting  of 
the  <!hiefs  of  Shawnees  and  Wyandots  accompanied  by  their 
braves,  including  s(mie  of  the  leaders  of  remnant  tribes.  Taken 
all  together  they  presented  quite  an  imposing  appearance,  and  ar- 
rangeirients  having  been  made,  by  the  erection  of  a  platform-stand 
in  a  grove  -.^  few  rods  southw^'st  from  the  old  grave-yard,  about  in 
the  centre  of  the  blo<*k  of  ir.-lots  numbering  197,  198,  199,  200,  207, 
20S,  209  and  210,  enclosed  by  East  Church,   North  Locust,  East 


Ward  and  North  Kenton  streets  in  Urbana.  The  arrantjenients  to 
bring  about  this  event  had  required  time,  and  it  must  have  been 
as  late  as  the  latter  part  of  June,  a  little  after  the  declaration  of 
the  war  of  1812,  before  the  council  met.  But  its  results  were  very 
satisfactory  to  Governor  Meigs,  and  to  the  tribes  represented,  a.n4 
ended  in  the  exchange  of  wampum,  and  in  smoking  the  pipe  of 
t)eace.  The  Indians  avowed  their  determination  to  take  sides 
with  the  United  States,  and  the  Governor  on  his  part  guarantee*! 
protection  and  support  to  their  families,  which  \v;is  accepted  soon 
after  as  a  measure  of  security  against  hostile  tribes.  And  a  block- 
house was  erected  near  5ianesfield  for  the  protection  of  their  wo- 
men and  children,  and  they  were,  at  the  public  expense,  furnished 
with  provision,  «fec.  I  was  very  young  at  the  time,  and  have  noth 
ing  but  memory  to  aid  rae  in  these  allegations,  but  believe  them 
substantially  true. 




I  will  at  this  point  break  the  thread  of  these  scattered  fragmenta- 
ry sketches  and  return  to  the  subject  of  the  early  population  of  the 
place.  The  forty-five  families  that  have  been  enumerated  em- 
braced within  their  numbers  many  young  persons  of  both  sexes, 
and  frequent  intermarriages  occurred.  And  contining  myself  to 
the  years  between  1811  and  J82(»,  I  will  aame  a  few  in  the  best  or- 
der I  can  from  memory. 

(xeorge  Hunter  intermarried  with  Ruth  Fitch,  now  Mrs. 

James  Robinson  intermarried  with  a  Miss  Swing,  sister  to  Mrs. 
Alex.  Doke. 

Asel  Sweet  with  Miss  Gard,  daughter  of  .Job  Gard. 

Allen  M.  Poff,  afterward  an  editor  of  a  paper,  with  Rebecca 
Fithian,  daughter  of  George  Fithian. 

John  Glenn  with  a  Miss  Cooper  of  Kentucky. 

William  Neil  with  Miss  Swing,  also  a  sister  of  Mrs.  Doke. 

Amos  J.  Yarnall  with  a  Miss  Swing,  sister  to  above. 

Hugh  Gibbs  with  Elizabeth  Pitch,  daughter  of  Nathi>n  Fitch, 
and  sister  to  Mrs.  Blanchard. 

Peter  R.  Colwell  with  Lavina  Fitcli,  sister  to  above. 

.John  Goddard  with  ^lary  Hull,  tatiier  and  jnother  of  Doctor 

David  Vance,  Sheriff,  ttc,  with  Miss  Wilson. 

James  Paxton  with  Miss  Luce,  sister  of  Col.  D.  Luce. 

(ieorge  Moore  with  a  Miss  I^uce,  sister  to  above. 

Samuel  Miller  with  l^]lizabeth  Dunlap,  daughter  of  Rev.  James 
]l>unlap.     Mrs.  Miller  survives. 

Col.  William  Ward,  Jr.  with  Miss  Hughs,  daughter-  of  Rev. 
James  Hughes.     Mrs.  Wai'd  survives. 

William  Chattield  with  Elizabeth  Hull,  neicc  of  Mrs.  Goddard. 

Doctor  William  Fithian,  now  of  Illinois,  with  a  Miss  Spain,  and 
after  her  decease,  with  Miss  Berry,  daughter  of  .Judge  fierry. 


John  A.  Ward  with  Eleanor  McBeth,  daughter  of  Judge 
McBeth,  one  of  our  first  Representatives  in  the  State  Legisla- 

Benjamin  Holden  with  Lucinda  Pennington. 

Matthias  McOomsey  with  Phebe  Logan. 

Joseph  S.  Carter  with  Miss  Fisher,  daughterof  Madox  Fisher,  of 

John  Downey  with  a  Miss  Parkison. 

John  McCord  with  Sarah  Kenton  in  1811,  and  John  G.  Parkison 
with  Matilda  Kenton,  both  daughters  of  General  Simon  Kenton, 

John  Hamilton  came  here  about  1814,  and  soon  after  intermar- 
ried with  Miss  Atchison,  sister  of  Mrs.  J.  H.  Patiick. 

Doctor  Evan  Banes  with  Mis<  Ward,  daughter  of  Col.  William 
Ward,  Senior. 

John  G.  Ford  with  — 

Thomas  Ford  with  a  Miss  McGill,  daughter  of  James  McGilL 
James  Scotton  with  a  Mis-;  McGili,  sister  to  above. 

Jacob  Lyons  with  Miss  Robison. 

(V)l.  Douglas  Luce  with  Miss  Taylor,  daughter  of  Alexander 

Daniel  Sweet  with  Miss  Thompson. 

John  Helmiek  with  Miss  Rosey-grant. 

\\  illiam  Patrick  with  Rachel  Kirkpatrick. 

I  will  close  this  list  heie;  and  mtroduce  the  name  of  Calvin 
Fletcher,  who  came  here  a  poor  boy  in  1817,  without  any  means, 
worked  his  way  a^  best  he  could  until  by  perseverance  in  study, 
qualified  himself  for  the  bar;  married  a  Miss  Hill,  sister  of  Col. 
Joseph  Hill,  and  soon  after,  without  even  money  sufficient  to  take 
himself  and  wife  comfortably,  tnoved  to  Indianapolis,  where  he 
applied  himself  assidiously  to  bnsine'ss,  and  at  his  death  in  1866,  by 
reason  of  the  intimate  relatii.nships  and  early  associations  of  the 
writer  of  this  with  Mr,  Fletcher,  his  family  telegi'aphed  him  the 
sad  intelligence,  requesting  hi-^  attendance  at  the  funeral;  which 
invitation  he  promptly  accepted,  and  when  at  the  residence  of  his 
early  friend,  he  learned  the  fact  from  those  who  knew,  that  his  es- 
tate approximated  tf>  near  one  million  of  dollars. 

It  may  also  be  stated  that  in  addition  to  the  foregoing  list  of  early 
pioneers  a  very  large  number  of  enterprising  young  men  came  tf) 
Urbana  an«i  lotiated  theni'^elves  as  merchants,  mechanics,  &c.     I 


will  name  a  few,  He;^ekiah  Wells,  Thomas  Wells  and  William  Mc- 
Donald (who  is  well  known,  and  came  hereatan  early  day,  connected 
himself  in  a  mercantile  interest,  and  became  afterwards  a  public 
man,  he  representing  this  county  in  the  Legislature  in  after  years.) 
William  Neil,  late  of  Columbus,  commenced  business  here  as  a 
merchant,  in  a  small  frame  near  the  stove  store  of  John  Helmick. 
He  was  likewise  the  Cashier  of  the  old  Urbana  Bank.  J.  Birdwhis- 
tle,  about  the  beginning  of  the  War  of  1812,  opened  n  hotel  in  the 
corner  building  lately  torn  down  by  Kauifman  and  Nelson  on  cor- 
ner of  fractional  lot  No.  2,  and  will  here  note  that  Jtxseph  Low, 
father  of  Albert  and  others,  continued  the  same  business  after 
Birdwhistle,  in  the  same  house  ;  John  and  Uriah  Tabor  manufac- 
tured hats  on  the  hill  west  of  the  square  on  West  Main  Street,  near 

the  present  residence  of  E.  Kimber.    Price  had  a  shoe  shop, 

location  not  now  recollected.  Henry  Weaver,  a  previous  old  set- 
tler of  Mad  River  township,  came  to  Urbana  with  his  small  family 
about  1813,  built  the  small  room  noAv  standing  on  the  east  end  ot 
Mr.  Ganmer's  present  residence  on  lot  No.  160  Scioto  Street  and 
occupied  it  as  his  family  residence,  in  which  he  also  had  a  shoe- 
bench  and  worked  at  shoe-making,  connecting  with  it  a  stall  for 
the  sale  of  apples.  This  was  the  beginning  to  the  vast  amount  of 
wealth  which  he  has  acquired  and  is  now  enjoying  in  the  eighty- 
fourth  year  of  his  life.  George  Bell,  who  came  here  at  an  early  day 
erected  a  small  nail  cutting  establishment  on  lot  No.  160,  North 
Main  Street,  near  the  present  location  of  P.  R.  Bennett's  jewelry 
shop.  Francis  Dubois  opened  a  kind  of  tavern  stand  in  a  double 
log  house  on  the  corner  of  in-lot  No.  24  near  the  First  M.  E.  Church 
building.  The  Gwynnes  located  here  within  the  years  indicated 
in  these  sketches,  and  opened  what  was  then  a  large  dry  goods 
store  in  a  red  one-story  frame  building  on  lot  No.  154,  being  the 
lot  now  occuj'ied  and  owned  by  Mr.  L.  Weaver;  William  Downs 
wa8  also  one  of  the  early  settlers  here,  and  carried  on  blacksmith  - 
ing.  .John  Hurd  was  one  of  the  oldest  settlers,  and  learned  the 
trade  of  biacksmithing  with  Alex.  Doke,  and  carried  on  the  busi- 
ness afterward  to  some  considerable  extent.  .John  Wallace  and 
Elisha  C.  Berry  came  here  at  a  very  early  day  as  carpenters,  and 
when  Reynolds  and  Ward  had  determined  to  establish  a  factory, 
they  were  employed  to  erect  the  large  building  now  occupied  by 
Mr.  Fox,  and  in  the  process  qI  its  erection  Mr.  Wallace  met  with 
an  accident  that  came  near  proving  fatal ;  he  was  employed  about 


the  hip  in  the  roof  on  the  south  side,  when  the  scaffolding  gave 
way  and  precipitated  him  to  the  ground,  making  a  cripple  of  him 
ever  after.  Mr.  Wallace  heing  a  very  worthy  man  with  consider- 
able culture,  was 'elected  Sheriff,  and  held  other  important  public 
trusts  up  to  the  time  of  his  emigration  west,  years  afterward. 

About  the  end,  and  at  the  conclusion  of  the  war,  many  accession.^ 
were  made  to  the  population  from  New  Jersey,  Kentucky  and  other 
places,  but  as  there  are  some  other  subjects  before  that  time  that 
need  attention,  I  will  have  to  bring  Ibis  to  a  point,  by  remarking 
that  this  historical  dotting  of  business  men  and  business  places 
might  be  greatly  extended  in  locating  tailor,  shoemaker,  cabinet, 
wheelwright,  carpenter,  chair,  saddler,  potter  and  other  mechan- 
iical  shops ;  adding  to  the  list  other  mercantile  interests  not  already 



Mir.rTARV    OPERATIONS    IN    WAR   OF    1S12. 

The  war  of  1812,  and  its  relationship  with  the  population  of  Ur- 
bana  may  here  claim  a  passing  notice.  Urbaua  was  a  frontier  town 
upon  the  southern  border  of  an  almost  unbroken  wilderness,  with- 
out any  public  highways  north  of  it,  except  a  very  short  distance 
in  that  direction.  Its  location  naturally  made  it  an  objective  point 
as  a  bi\se  for  army  operations,  and  as  such,  it  infused  a  good  degree 
of  business,  bustle  and  animation  among  its  citizens. 

His  Excellency  Return  Jonathan  Meigs,  Governor  of  Ohio,  made 
it  a  strategic  point,  in  concocting  measures  bearing  upon  the 
then  exposed  condition  of  the  frontier  settlements.  He  here  held 
councils  with  Indian  tribes  as  already  intimated,  and  from  his 
room  in  what  would  now  be  cailed  the  Doolittle  House,  issued  and 
sent  forth  his  proclamations  as  Commander-in-Chief.  And  imme- 
diately after  the  declaration  of  war,  on  the  18th  of  June,  he  desig- 
uated  this  place  as  the  rendezvous  for  the  troops  of  the  first  cam- 
paign of  the  war.  Here  it  was  that  General  Hull  was  ordered  to 
bring  his  forces,  being  three  regiments,  under  the  respective  com- 
mands of  Colonel  Duncan  McArthur,  Colonel  Lewis  Cass,  and 
<  'olonel  James  Findlay,  for  the  purpose  of  being  here  organized 
with  other  forces,  and  they  were  encamped  on  the  high  grounds  of  the  town,  resting  their  left  on  what  is  now  named  East 
Water  Street,  on  the  lands  of  Kautfmau,  Nelson  and  Berry,  ex- 
tending north  through  their  lands,  and  the  lands  lately  called  the 
Baldwin  property,   to  about  East  Court  Street.    They  remained 

bere  some  two  weeks  for  the  arrival  of  Col. Miller's  regiment, 

which  had  gloriously  triumphed  under  General  Harrison  at  the 
battle  of  Tippecanoe,  the  previous  November.  And  as  a  testimo- 
nial of  the  high  appreciation  of  their  valor  on  that  occasion,  the 
citizens  of  the  town  united  with  the  troops  in  making  the  neces- 
sary preparations  to  receive  the  gallant  Col.  Miller  and  his  veteran 
regiment,  with  both  civic  and  military  demonstrations,  in  honor 


of  their  chivalrous  deeds.  Two  post*,  one  eaels  side  of  the  road, 
about  twenty  feet  hi}?h,  were  planted  at  what  would  now  be  known 
as  the  foot  of  the  Baldwin  hill,  a  little  southwest  of  the  present 
residence  of  Mr.  Marshall,  on  Scioto  Street,  and  an  arch  made  of 
boards  was  secured  at  the  top  ends  of  the  posts,  with  this  inscrip- 
tion in  large  capital  letters,  "TIPPFXANOE  GLORY,"  on  its 
western  facade;  with  the  national  flajr  floating  from  a  staff  fast- 
ened to  each  po.><t  that  supported  it. 

These  preliminaries  being  all  completed,  and  the  time  of  arrival 
being  at  hand.  General  Hull  with  hisstafi',  accompanied  by  a  body- 
guard, headed  l\y  martial  music,  moved  from  the  camp  to  the 
Public  Square  and  halted,  to  await  the  approach  of  the  vet<!rans, 
who  were  advancing  under  tiags  and  barmers  with  appropriate 
music,  at  quickstep  on  South  Main  Street,  and  at  this  juncture  (Jol. 
Miller  called  a  halt,  with  the  additional  orders  to  deploy  into  line 
and  present  arms,  as  a  salute  to  General  Hull,  under  the  star 
spangled  banner  which  had  been  by  the  citizens  unfurled  upon  n 
fifty  feet  pole  in  the  center  of  the  Public  Square.  Whereupon  the 
Treneral  and  his  staf!'  with  suwarrows  dotted,  rode  slowly  in  review 
along  the  whole  line.  Then,  after  the  necessary  movement  to  re- 
form into  a  line  of  march,  the  (Jeneral,  staff  and  guards  formed 
themselves  at  the  head  of  the  regiment  as  an  escort,  and  at  the 
fommHud,  "To  the  right  wheel!  Forward,  march!"  they  moved 
slowly  with  martial  music  and  colors  flying,  between  lines  of  citi- 
zens and  soldiers,  the  latter  resting  right  and  left  respectively  at 
the  posts  of  the  triumphal  arch,  and  the  former  resting  on  the 
Public  Square  and  extending  eastward  to  the  military  lines,  all 
being  imder  complete  civic  and  military  regulations,  agreeably  to 
an  arranged  programme. 

As  these  veteran  United  States  trooi)s  began  to  move  with  pre- 
cise measured  tread  upon  Scioto  street,  the  civic  ovation  began  to 
unfold  itself,  in  the  strewing  of  wild  June  flowers  by  young  Misses 
and  Maidens,  with  which  Ihey  had  been  provided,  the  waving  of 
handkerchiefs  of  matrons,  and  the  swinging  of  hats  and  caps  of  the 
sterner  sex,  with  continued  shouts  and  huzzas.  These  excititig 
>'lemonstrations  continued  without  abatement  until  they  reached 
the  lines  of  the  troops  as  already  indicated,  when  the  scene  changed 
into  a  sublime  military  display,  such  us  the  din  of  muskets,  the 
rattle  of  drums,  and  the  shrill  notes  of  the  bugle,  clarionet  and  fife, 


until  they  reached  the  Arch,  and  while  pa&sing  through  under  it, 
a  park  of  artillery  btlched  forth  its  thunders  in  the  camp,  as  the 
signal  of  welcome  to  the  brave  boys  who  had  distinguished  them- 
selves upon  the  fields  of  Tippecanoe.  After  arriving  in  the  camp 
they,  at  the  word  "Left  wheel,"  displayed  to  the  north-west  and 
halted  upon  the  high  grounds  now  occupied  by  Griffith  Ellis,  Mr. 
Boal  and  others,  in  front  of  the  right  wing  of  the  troops  already  en- 
camped, and  there  pitched  tents.  Taken  as  a  whole  this  civic  and 
military  demonstration  presented  a  pageant  never  before  <>r  since 
equaled  in  the  new  City  of  Urbana. 

This  re-enforcement  completed  the  organization  of  General  Hull's 
arniy,  which  was  soon  ordered  to  open  an  army  road,  which  was  af- 
terwards known  as  Hull's  Trace,  through  the  wilderness,  and  move 
its  headquarters  from  Urbana  to  Detroit,  reaching  the  latter  place 
somewhere  about  the  12th  July,  1872.  The  unfortunate  sequel  in 
the  following  month  is  upon  the  historic  page,  and  does  not  for  the 
object  of  this  sketch  require  further  notice.  It  might  however,  be 
noticed  that  this  array  erected  while  on  its  march,  the  McArthur 
and  Findlay  Block  House.?,  and  detailed  a  small  force  for  their 
protection  as  posts  of  security  for  army  supplies  in  transit  to  the 
seat  of  war,  and  as  a  covert  in  case  of  Indian  raids  in  their 

As  these  sketches  are  not  intended  as  a  history  of  the  war,  but 
only  as  connecting  links  to  the  early  pioneer  scenes  of  other  days, 
I  need  not  continue  these  extended  outlines,  but  mearly  remark, 
that  from  the  force  of  circumstances  growing  out  of  the  fall  of 
Detroit  in  Agust  1812,  the  defeat  of  Winchester  at  the  River  Rasin 
in  the  early  part  of  the  year  1813,  and  other  reverses  to  the  North; 
Urbana,  being  as  already  said  a  frontier  town  was  made  of  neces- 
sity, a  busy  objective  point. 

Soon  after  the  events  already  recited,  troops  were  here  concen- 
trated. Governor  Shelby  of  Kentucky  for  the  defense  of  our  ex- 
posed frontier  settlements,  called  out  and  took  command  in  person 
of  some  5,000  mounted  men,  and  encamped  them  on  the  south 
border  oi  the  tow^n,  resting  his  right  wing  about  where  the  upper 
pond  of  the  factory  now  is,  extending  iis  left  westward  through  the 
lands  now  owned  and  occupied  by  Henry  Weaver  and  the  heirs  of 
the  late  John  A.  Ward  to  Redmond's  mill,  and  they  remained 
several  days  before  moving  to  the  front. 


It  may  here  be  also  noticed,  that  Govenor  Meigs  immediately 
after  the  surrender  of  Detroit,  made  a  requisition  and  designated 
Urbiinu  as  the  place  of  rendezvous  for  a  lar^e  Ohio  force  under  the 
command  of  Gr-n.^W.  Tupper,  and  its  encampment  was  on  the 
high  grounds  north  of  the  Dugan  ravine,  bordering  on  what  is 
now  known  as  (jaiirel  Oak  Street. 

During  tlieseige  of  Fort  Meigs  in  May  1813,  General  McArthur, 
upt)n  request  of  tlie  Governor,  came  here  and  sent  out  runners 
throughout  all  the  surrounding  country,  urging  the  male  inhabit- 
ants to  immediately  assemble  themselves  at  this  point,  to  inaugu- 
rate measures  of  defense  to  the  exposed  frontier  settlements,  and 
for  the  relief  of  the  bcsi'^ged  fort,  which  resulted  in  a  large  ma&s 
meeting  from  all  points  south  to  the  Ohio  River,  and  the  greater 
part  of  them  being  armed,  volunteered  to  immediately  march  to 
the  relh.'f  of  Port  Meigs.  The  late  Governor  Vance  and  Simon 
Kenton,  including  m  iny  other  citizens  of  Urbana  were  among  the 
number,  and  took  a  prominent  part  in  the  movement.  This  force 
bfing  officered  by  acclamation  and  duly  organized,  immediiteiy 
moved  n(n-th,  under  command  of  Col.  McArthur,  with  Sanmel 
McCoUoch  as  Aid-dd-Camp.  It  should  be  stated  that  this  force  was 
made  up  of  horsemen  and  footmen,  and  were  with  all  possible  ce- 
lerity rushed  forward  some  four  days'  march  into  the  wilderness, 
until  they  were  met  by  Col,  William  Oliver,  John  McAdams,  and 
Caj  tain  Johnny,  a  celebi'ated  Indian  of  that  day,  who  had  been, 
sent  asspies,  with  the  intelligence  that  the  enemy  had  abandoned 
theseige;  whereupon  these  forces  returned  to  Urbana,  and  were 
honorably  discharged. 

Other  and  various  concentrations  were  here  made  throughout 
the  war,  which  need  not  now  be  noticed.  Permanent  artificer 
shops  were  here  established,  a  hospital,  commissary  and  quarter- 
master departments  were  here  organized,  and  located  as  already 
intimated  in  these  sketches;  and  Urbana  had  all  the  paraphernalia 
and  characteristic  appendages  of  a  seat  of  war,  and  was  to  all  in- 
tents and  purposes  The  Head  Quarters  of  the  North  Western  Army, 
bating  a  secondary  claim  of  Franklinton. 

From  here  troops  were  ordered  to  the  front,  and  assigned  their 
posts  of  dutv;  here  army  supplies  concentrated,  and  by  wagons, 
sleds,  pack-horses  and  other  modes  of  transit,  were  sent  to  all 
points  needing  them. 


It  has  already  been  intim  i^od  that  Urbana  had  assumed  the  dig- 
nity of  headquarters  to  t!ie  North  Western  Army ;  that  the  several 
departments  of  military  camp  and  depot  of  munitions  of  war,  were 
here  located  under  appropriate  agen'.'ies. 

1.  Wm.  Jordan  managed  tlie  Quartermasters  department. 

2.  Alex.  Doke  had  cliiirj^'e  of  the  artificer  yard  and  siiops. 
.3.  Zephaniah  Luce  was  issuinji: commissary. 

4.  Dr. Gould,  physician  ansl  surgeon  to  the  hospital. 

5.  Jacob  Fovvler  was  a  general  agent  and  contractor  for  Govern- 
ment supplies,  l)y  virtue  of  his  functions  as  head  of  the  Quarter- 
masters department  for  this  point. 

6.  Major  David  Gwynne,  who  exercised  the  office  of  a  pay- 
master, had  his  headquarters  here. 

This  was  also  a  recruiling  i^tation,  the  late  Josiah  G.  Talbott,  the 
fatlicr  of  Decatur  and  Ricliard  C,  &c.,  in  his  younger  days  was  a 
Lieutenant  in  llie  regular  Uililed  States  service,  belonging  to  a 
co:npany  comm  nided  by  his  brother,  G.ipt.  Richard  C.  Talbott, 
and  enlisted  at  this  point  quite  a  numtier  of  recruits.  He  married 
a  Miss  Forsythe,  near  the  close  of  tlie  war,  and  some  ye<rs  after 
located  in  business  as  a  hatter,  and  remained  here  to  tlie  time  of 
his  decease. 

And  in  this  connection  one  other  individual  deserves  to  be 
noticed,  for  the  valuable  servicer  he  bestovvod  during  all  tlie  war, 
in  aiding  the  government  by  a  Iv.incements  of  money  and  means 
when  her  treasury  was  greatly  depicted,  and  waited  the  re- 
turn for  such  advancements  until  she  was  able  to  refund;  he  was 
actuated  in  his  course  entirely  through  patri')tisni  as  a  private  in- 
dividual, and  not  as  a.  public  functionary;  njany  poor  destitute 
soldiers  would  have  had  to  have  gone  into  winterservice  destitute 
of  blankets  and  other  indispensable  articles  promotive  of  comfort, 
had  it  not  been  for  the  kind  interposition  of  his  patriotic  soul. 
John  Reynolds  was  the  mm  whox-"  acts  I  have  attempte  I  to  de- 
scribe. Mr.  Reynolds  well  deserves  this  tribute,  and  aside  from 
those  acts,  Urbana  owes  him  a  debt  of  gratitado  for  his  devotion 
to  her  interests  during  a  long  life  of  usefainess;  lie  indeed  contrib- 
uted greatly  in  building  up  the  intere.sls  of  both  town  and  county, 
and  his  name  should  be  cherished  in  Ui"»vva  as  a  household 

Governor  Vance,  at  a  very  early  day,  as  o-  t  of  those  sturdy  ath- 


letic  young  men  that  could  endure  hardships  and  face  danjjf^r,  or- 
ganized a  volunteer  company  of  riflemen,  selected  from  the  sur- 
rounding country  for  several  miles,  who  were  like  him,  fitted  for 
the  times.  They  were  mostly  old  hunters,  well  skilled  in  the  use 
of  the  rifle;  many  of  them  could  make  a  center  shot  at  a  target 
seventy-ftve  yards  ofi".  Tiie  f()mj)any  ixMiig  of  the  material  de- 
scribed, elected  him  Captain,  Col.  Wm.  Ward,  Jr.,  Lieutenant,  and 
Isaac  Myers,  Ensign.  They  were  denominated  minute  men  and 
rangers,  and  whenever  any  imminent  danger  from  Indians  was 
apprehend fd,  Captain  Vance  woukl  call  Jiis  company  togcUier  and 
move  it  to  the  point  of  danger,  and  if  necessary  erect  a  blockhouse 
for  the  settlement.  This  was  done  upon  several  occasions  before 
and  during  the  war. 

And  it  may  be  here  noted,  that  during  the  war  Capt.  Joim  Mc- 
Cord  and  his  whole  company  of  Militia  were  by  the  Governor  or- 
dered to  Fort  McArthur  for  one  month,  to  protect  it  and  tiie  gov- 
ernment property  from  depredation.  Tliis  latter  company  fur- 
nished all  its  quotas  upon  regular  drafts  ;  these  facts  are  given  to 
show  that  Urbana  did  her  pait  in  the  defence  of  the  country  dur- 
ing the  war  of  1812-15.  And  the  same  may  be  said  in  reference  to 
the  country  organizations  of  the  militia.  I  will  name  Captain  Bar- 
ret's Company,  Captain  Kizer's  Company,  and  all  others  within 
my  knovvledge,  promptly  responded  to  calls  made  upon  them. 

I  will  dismiss  these  rambling  generalities,  and  say  a  word  in  re- 
lation to  Governor  Vance  as  a  neighbor  and  friend  ;  he  came  here 
at  a  very  eurly  day  with  his  father,  Joseph  ( ■,  Vance ;  his  opportu- 
nities for  instructions  were  limited,  yet  by  dint  of  close  application, 
attainded  to  such  general  knowledge  of  men  and  thing,  as  to  after- 
ward qualify  him  for  the  most  important  trusts,  and  becime  in- 
deed distinguished  in  public  life,  of  M'hich  I,  however,  will  not  at- 
tempt further  to  speak,  as  his  official  life  has  become  matter  of  his- 
tory. He  had  all  the  nobler  qualities  'hat  adorn  the  man  ;  ho  had 
a  heart  to  sympathize  with  the  distressed,  and  relieve  the  wants 
of  the  needy,  and  all  relationships,  the  fast  friend  to  those  who 
sought  his  friendship.  Although  decided  in  his  politiftd  opinions, 
he  would  always  concede  merit  even  to  his  opponents,  if  Iho  occa- 
sion required  it.  This  trait  made  him  many  friends,  even  amoug 
those  who  differed  with  hitiu. 



I  will  next  introduce  the  name  of  General  Simon  Kenton,  and 
say  a  few  things  from  personal  intercourse  with  him.  I  need  nol 
rehearse  the  thrilling  scenes  connected  with  his  early  eventful  life-„ 
History  informs  us  of  his  early  departure  from  his  Virginia  home^ 
one  hundred  years  ago  with  an  ullas  to  his  name,  his  adventures 
with  the  early  pioneers  of  Kentucky,  his  associations  with  Daniel 
Boone,  George  Rogers  Clarke,  and  others,  his  many  wilrl  adven- 
tures and  hair  breadth  escapes,  his  capture  by  the  Indians,  his  rela- 
tionships with  Simon  Girty,  his  running  the  gauntlet  on  several 
occasions,  his  riding  the  wild  horse  without  bridle  to  guide  it 
throuyh  dense  thickets  of  under  brush.  I  repf^^t  I  need  not  speak 
of  these  scenes  as  they  are  all  on  the  historic  page.  But  will  speak 
of  him  3S  a  citizen  of  XJrbana,  as  a  neighbor,  and  a  friend.  I  Iiav®- 
already  stated  in  these  sketches,  that  he  was  the  Jailor  at  my  fir&i 
acquaintance,  and  as  strange  as  it  may  now  sound,  he  was  a  pris- 
oner by  legal  construction  to  liimself.  In  his  early  Kentucky  life,, 
he  engaged  in  some  land  speculations  which  involved  him,  and 
some  creditor  pursued  him  with  a  claim  which  was  unjust  as  h& 
alleged,  .md  which  he  was  unable  to  pay.  A  capias,  or  full  execo- 
tion,  for  want  of  i)roperty,  was  levied  on  his  body,  and  to  avoi^ 
being  locked  up  in  his  own  prison-house,  he  availed  himself  of  th& 
prison-bounds,  which  at  that  day  were  between  Reynolds  street 
and  Ward  street  north  and  south,  and  between  the  east  line  of  the- 
town  and  Russell  street  east  and  west,  according  to  my  present 
re'^oliection.  These  bounds,  by  legislative  provision,  afterward 
embraced  the  whole  county.  He  was  soon  released,  however,  froris 
this  constructive  imprisonment.  These  prison  reminiscences  arc- 
here  given  to  expose  some  of  the  barbarisms  of  the  law  of  that 
day,  which  put  it  in  the  power  of  a  shylock  creditor  to  harass  hi» 
debtor,  even  to  the  iiciirceration  of  his  body  if  so  unfortunate  tm- 
to  have  no  property  upon  which  to  make  a  levy.     General  Ken- 


<}u,  as  a  ueighbor,  wa.s  kind  and  obliging,  and  as  a  friend,  stead- 
fast ;   he  was  generous,  even  to  a  fault,  affable  and  courteous  in  all 
hi-i  relationships,  and  for  a  man  without  scholastic  culture  was  re- 
vnarkably  chaste  in  his  behavior  and  conversation.      Hr  was  un- 
^^su'uing  in  his  whole  deportment  toward  others,  never  arrogat- 
ing to  himseif  superiority  over  tliose  with  whom  his  associations 
brought  him  in  contact.     Although  docile  and  lamb-like  in  his 
general  intercourse  in  life,  yet,  if  occasion  prompted  it,  he  could 
doff  the  lamb,  and  don  the  Hon.      i  will  give  an  instance:   As  has 
already  been  stated,  the  friendly  border  tribes  of  Indians  had  been 
ievited  to  come  into  our  vicinity  for  protection,  and  after  they  had 
accepted  the  offer,  some  hostile  savages  had  made  their  way  into 
■«one  of  our  settlements  and  committed  an  atrocious  murder,  which 
Shad  created  intense  excitement  throughout  the    whole  country, 
and  the  spirit  of  revenge  was  aroused,  and  found  its  way  into  an 
•encampment  of  soldiers  in  I  his  place,  and  it  soon  became  known 
that  a  conspiracy  was  about  i)eing  formed  in  the  camp  to  move  up- 
on the  friendly  tribes  above  indicated  and  ma-ssacre  the  men,  wo- 
men and  children,  in  retaliation  for  that  murder.     Some  of  the 
citizens  of  Urbana,  with  General  Kenton   at   the   head,  renion- 
■strated   with   them  ;    he  being  chief  speaker  expostulated    with 
them,  givinsi  his  superior  experience  in  regard  to  the  Indian  char- 
acter; told  them  that  every  circumstance  connected  with  the  mur- 
der clearly  removed  every  vestige  of  suspicion  from  those  friendly 
tribes,  and  told  them  the  act  would  disgrace  them  as  soldiers ;  and 
•  would  implicate  each  of  them  in  a  charge  of  willful  murder.     At 
this   point    General   Kenton   and   the  citizens  retired,   but  soon 
learned  that  the  nellish  purpose  vvas  determined  upon,  and  prep- 
arations made  to  move  upon  the  Indian  camp.      When  General 
Kenton,  rifle  m    hand,  accompanied  by  his  few  fellow-citizens, 
again  confronted  the  malcontents,  and  told  them  they  were  not 
fioldiers  but  cowards,  and  under  a  solenm  imprecation,  with  eyes 
fliwhing  tire,  told  them  that  if  they  went  he  would  go  too,  and 
would  shoot  down  the  miscreant  who  would  first  attempt  to  com- 
mit the  deed,  and  that  if  they  succeeded,  they   would  have  to  do 
It  over  his  dead  body.     They  found  with  whom  thej'  had  to  deal, 
«ad  hesitated,   and  calmed   down,    and   the   |)Oor  Indians   were 

il'    ill  now  give  an  incident  to  show  fh"  spirit  of  forgiveness 
t b;  J  he  wouhl  manifest  tovMird  an  old  enemy.      One  morning,  at 


the  dose  of  the  war  of  1812,  rnig-ht  have  been  seen  on  one  of  our 
utreets  a  tall,  well-built  npecimen  of  an  Indian,  enquiring  for  the 
residenox?  of  Simon  Butler,  and  soon  after,  Gt^neral  Kenton  might 
have  been  Hoen  tnovinji  on  the  same  street ;  the  tvk'o  personages 
met ,  eyed  each  other  h  moment,  and  immediately  were  in  each 
other'8  most  affectionate  embrace.  It  seemed  that  the  Indian  had 
been  his  adopted  brother  during  his  captivity,  and  as  such  had 
formed  strong  attachnjcnts.  General  Kenton  took  his  Indian 
brother  home,  and  kept  him  some  days  as  his  visitor. 

The  writer  of  this,  t!ioui;h  very  young  at  his  first  acquaintance 
with  General  Kenton,  seemed  to  secure  liis  confidence,  and  the 
<ieneral  would  take  pleasure  in  rehearsing  the  scenes  through 
which  he  passed;  and  as  som«  individuals  of  this  day  are  trying 
to  disparage  him  by  calling  him  an  Indian  horse  thi(^f,  I  will  state 
as  nearly  as  poasible  General  Kenton's  own  version,  and  in  his 
own  languag-e :  "I  never  in  my  life  captured  horses  for  my  own 
use,  but  would  hand  them  over  to  those  who  had  lost  horses  by 
Indian  thefts,  nor  did  I  ever  make  reprisals  upon  any  but  hostile 
tribes,  who  were  at  war  against  the  white  settlers."  He  disa- 
vowed taking  from  friendly  Indians  horses  or  other  property, 
then  why  should  he  be  assa!!ed  as  a  horfio  thief  when  he  only  did 
such  acts  as  are  of  coTomon  practice  in  a  slate  of  war? 

I  can  not  extend  this  notice,  but  will  say  that  during  the  war  of 
1812,  he  took  an  active  part  whenever  the  settlements  were  men- 
aced with  hostile  attacks.  Although  old,  he  stili  had  the  courage 
to  face  all  dangers.  My  acquaintance  with  him  reached  through  all 
the  years  from  1811  to  his  death  in  183G,  and  taken  as  a  whole,  his 
life  was  a  model  in  maiiy  respects  worthy  of  imitation.  He  was 
one  of  nature's  noblemen,  and  well  deserves  the  eulogy  which 
closes  the  inscription  on  the  slab  at  his  grave  in  Oak  Dale  Cemetery: 

"His  follow  citizeiiK  of  the  West,  will  long  ren)ember  him  as 
the  skillful  pioneer  <if  ^-nriy  times,  the  brave  soldier,  and  the  honest 




In  p()nnectin<;  Urbana  with  the  incidents  ot  the  war  of  1812,' 
BOine  mention  siiould  be  made  of  one  of  her  citizens  who  came,  as 
has  been  elsewhere  intimated,  at  a  very  early  day,  raised  a  iarfje 
family  and  at  one  time  seemed  very  prosperous  in  his  affairs,  but 
reverses  can)*»,  and  John  Hamilton  died  in  1868,  dependent  upon 
bis  children  for  the  necessary  comforts  at  the  close  his  life. 

The  writer  of  this,  knowin<^  tiie  fiicts  that  Mr.  Hamilton,  when 
a  young  man,  had  volunteered  in  the  service  of  his  country  in  the 
war  of  1812,  taken  a  very  active  part,  and  been  prisoner  among 
the  Indians  for  one  year,  thought  in  view  of  his  dependent  condi- 
tion, that  the  Government,  u])()n  proper  showing  would  make 
special  provision  for  him,  and  he  waited  upon  Mr.  Hamilton  a 
short  time  before  his  death,  and  proposed  to  prepare  a  narrative  of 
his  sprvice  and  wild  adventures,  coupled  with  a  meinorial  of  the 
old  citizens  who  knew  him,  asking  Congress  to  grant  him  a  special 
pension  for  life.  He  being  then  in  his  seventy-sixth  year,  and  being 
a  very  modest  man  rather  declined  at  first,  but  upon  weiijhing  the 
m-Attor  consented.  It  was  drawn  up,  and  through  Hon.  VVm. 
Lawrence,  was  introduced  in  the  beginning  of  the  year  1868,  and  a 
bill  to  make  such  provision  passed  its  second  reading  in  the  House, 
but  before^  it  could  be  finally  acted  on  his  death  occurred. 

Since  1  commenced  tliese  sketclies,  by  accident  I  have  found  a 
rough  draft  of  all  hisstitements,  which  were  verified  at  the  time 
by  him,  and  that  will  enable  me  to  do  him  an  i.  ;  .»  justice,  and 
perpetuate  facts  that  would  soon  have  passed  out  tf  i.iiovvledge.  I 
shall  not  attempt  to  publish  his  whole  narrative  ot  the  events, 
but  will  merely  condense  in  as  small  a  compass  as  possible  the  sub- 

He  begins  by  telling  that  his  father  about  1793,  emigrated  to 
Kentucky  from  Maryland  before  he  was  a  year  old,  that  he  contin- 
ued with  his  father  until  about  1811,  having  in  the  meantime  learned 
the  saddlers  trade,  and  went  to  Winchester,  and  worked  as  a  jour- 


neyman  with  one  Robert  Griffin  until  tlie  breaking  out  of  the  war 
of  1812.  Theentiiusiasn)  tliat  animated  the  young  men  of  that  day 
reached  young  Hamilton,  and  under  the  call  of  Governor  Scott, 
he  volunteered  and  attached  himself  to  Capt.  Krasfield's  Company 
which  was  attached  to  the  regiment  commanded  by  Col.  Lewis,  of 
Jessamine  «;ounty,  which  moved  on  to  Georgeti)wn  the  latter  part 
x>f  Jun(?,  thence  to  Newport  where  they  were  equipped  and  ordered 
to  Fort  Wayne  via  Dayt(m,  Piqua,  and  St.  Mary'«.  From  Fort 
Wayne  they  were  ordered  westward  in  the  direction  of  Tippeca- 
noe, to  drive  away  and  destroy  the  supplies  and  burn  the  village  of 
a  hostile  tribe,  which  was  accoinplislietl,  and  they  returned  to  the 
place  of  their  last  departure. 

FroJi!  Fort  Wayne,  Colonel  Lewis'  Regiment  was  ordered  by 
General  Winchester  to  march  to  Defiance  on  short  rations  about 
November  1  ;  tiience  down  the  Maumee  Riv<'r  to  Camp,  No. 
1,  2,  and  ;3.  Here  they  had  no  fiour,  and  very  !ittle  srieat  for 
about  three  weeks.  He  recites  the  fact,  tltat  near  this  place  while 
on  a  scout,  Logan  being  in  company  with  Captain  Johnny  and 
Comstock,  was  shot  through  the  hotly  some  seventeen  miles  from 
canif),  and  rode  in  behind  the  latter  and  died  soon  after  his  arrival 
in  camp.  He  further  says,  that  about  the  time  they  left  tiieir 
camp,  a  little  port  was  furnished,  but  that  they  were  still  on  short 
rat'ons.  Great  afflictions  were  here  endured  from  fevers  and  other 
diseases  incident  to  camp  life,  and  many  died.  On  the  25th  of  De- 
ceml)er  1812,  they  left  this  encanjpment,  and  it  commenced  snow- 
ing, continuing  all  day,  and  fell  two  feet  deep.  They  readied  a 
point  on  the  bank  of  the  river,  and  pitched  their  tents  witli  much 
diificulty  in  the  deep  snow,  and  enjoyed  themselves  that  night  in 
all  the  sweets*  of  soldier  life.  The  next  day  they  marched  ui  a 
body  to  the  head  of  the  Rapids,  and  encamped  and  remained  there 
a  few  days.  General  Winchester  ordered  C'olonel  Lewis  t(^  detach 
about  six  hundred  of  his  regiment,  and  move  tliem  imoiediately 
to  the  river  Raisin,  to  dislodge  the  British  and  Indian  forces  there 
encamped,  and  on  the  18th  of  January,  1818,  Colonel  Lewis  com- 
menced the  assault  and  drove  them  from  their  quarters  into  the 
woods,  both  i>'l{gerents  suffering  great  loss  in  theskermish.  Col- 
onel Lewis  returned  and  occupied  the  enemy's  position  within 
pickets  enclosing  a  Catholic  Church,  sutficiently  large  to  contain  his 
forces,  when  he  Immediately  sent  a  courier  to  General  Winches- 
ter reporting  the  victory,   which   induced  the  General   to  order 


anothor  ilctachiiieiit  of  three  hundred  to  support  Col.  Lewis,  of 
whicli  Mr.  llatnilton  was  one,  and  tliese  were  cotumanded  by  the 
General  himself,  who  arrived'and  encamped  outside  of  the  pickets. 

On  thi'  suorninu:  of  the  22d  of  January,  1818,  the  British  forces 
with  their  Indian  allies,  were  discovered  in  line  of  battle;  the  long 
roll  was  soandcd,  and  th(^  American  lines  were  formed,  the  battle 
coMinienced,  and  was  foui;-ht  with  desperation,  the  enemy  having 
the  vantaj^e  ground ;  at  this  juncture  Major  Graves  ordered  the 
second  detachment  to  retreat,  and  it  retreated  into  the  woods, 
U'hen  Col.  Lewis  rode  up  and  requested  it  to  make  a  stand,  that 
perhai)s  the  f<jrc;'  of  the  enemy  mijjjht  be  broken.  The  request  was 
complied  with  ;  but  before  many  rounds  hail  been  fire  i,  he  ex- 
claiuK^d,  "Brother  soldiers,  we  are  surrounded;  it  is  useless  to 
stand  any  longer;  each  take  care  of  himself  as  best  he  can." 

Here  was  the  i)ei?inning  of  the  troubles  of  John  Hamiltorj,  and  in 
fny  further  extracts,  I  will  let  him  speak  for  himself,  and  he  says  : 
"I  immt'diately  shaped  my  course  southward,  and  soon  discovered 
I  hatl  been  singled  out  by  an  Indian  ;  I  kept  about  sixty  yards 
ahead  of  him— so  near  that  we  could  converse.  I  was  still  armed 
and  held  him  in  check,  and  when  I  stopped  I  would  tree,  he  using 
the  same  precaution.  He  could  use  enough  English  to  say  with  a 
beckoning  hand,  ^^  Come  here  P^  I  responded  ^^JVoT'  We  remained 
in  this  position  until  I  could  see  an  opportunity  to  make  another 
effort  to  escape.  Then  I  would  present  my  gun  in  shooting  posi- 
tion as  though  I  would  shoot ;  this  would  drive  him  again  to  his 
iree,  when  I  would  spring  forward  and  gain  another  tree.  Spend- 
ing some  time  in  this  way,  I  discovered  I  had  another  pursuer 
who  fired  upon  me  from  a  western  {)osition,  and  I  at  once  was  sat- 
isfied I  could  not  dodge  two — one  north  and  one  west — so  1  made 
up  my  mind  to  surrender  to  the  first  to  avoid  being  instantly 
killed.  I  leaned  my  gun  against  my  covert  tree  and  beckoned  to 
the  first,  and  gave  myself  up  to  him;  the  other  arriving  immedi- 
ately, demanded  a  division  of  spoils,  which  was  settled  by  No.  2 
taking  my  long  knife  and  overcoat,  and  he  left  me  the  prisoner  of 
No.  1,  after  showing  me  his  power  to  scalp  me,  by  the  flourish  of 
his  knife  over  my  head. 

My  captor  then  took  me  to  the  rear  of  the  British  lines,  where 
we  remained  by  some  camp-fires,  it  being  a  very  cold  day,  and 
while  at  the  fire  the  same  Indian  that  got  my  over-coat  and  knife 
made  further  claim,  which  was  not  so  easily  settled  this  time.     In 


this  controversy  between  the  two.  my  friend  being  an  Ottawa  and 
theother  a  Potawatamie  tiiey  iiad  much  difficulty.  The  Indian  No. 
t,  the  Potawatamie,  manifested  a  determination  to  take  my  life 
by  actually  cocking  his  gun  and  presenting  it  to  shoot,  when  it 
was  a^ain  settled  by  an  agreement  to  take  my  remaining  coat  and 
relinquish  all  further  claim,  which  was  complied  with,  and  I  be- 
came the  undisputed  prisoner  of  No,  1,  the  Ottawa. 

At  this  point  a  Canadian  Frenchman,  who  was  a  camp-suttler, 
beckoned  me  one  side  and  said  if  I  had  any  money  or  other  valua- 
bles that  I  wished  saved  he  would  take  charge  of  them,  and  at  ihe 
end  of  ray  csiptivity  he  would  be  at  Detroit  and  restore  them  to 
me;  and  if  I  did  not  I  would  be  rlfleil  of  them;  nut  knowing 
what  to  do  I  yielded.  I  had  a  small  sum  of  money,  and  some 
other  valuables,  which  I  handed  to  him,  but  never  realized  any 
return.    I  could  not  find  him  at  Detroit  after  my  release. 

While  we  remained  at  the  fire,  General  Winchester  and  other 
prisoners  passed  by,  stripped  of  their  honors  and  apparel,  which 
was  the  last  I  saw  of  ray  suffaring  comrades-in-arms;  and  at  this 
point  1  also  discovered  the  fi.^lit  was  not  over,  but  the  defense 
within  the  pickets  was  stili  continued  by  Major  Matison,  under 
several  repeated  charges  of  the  BrKish  forces,  demanding  surren- 
der; finally,  after  consultation,  he  agreed  to  surrender  on  the 
terms  that  the  British  would  treat  all  as  prisoners  of  war,  protect 
them  froyn  their  savage  allies,  and  remove  our  wounded  to  Am- 
herst burg  to  be  properly  cared  for;  but  the  history  of  tlse  sequel 
must  supply  this  part  of  aiy  uarrative. 

On  the  evening  of  the  battle,  I  as  a  prisoner  with  the  Indians  re- 
tired to  Stony  Crpek,  about  four  ir»iles  eastward  ;  there  I  was  in- 
formed by  an  interpreter  tliat  I  would  not  be  sold  or  exchanged, 
but  must  go  with  my  adopted  father,  whd  was  the  natural  father 
of  my  captor,  to  his  wigwam,  where  we  arrived  after  about  nine 
days'  walk  in  about  a  northwestern  direction,  and  with  whom 
1  remained  up  to  the  isr  day  of  January,  1814. 

In  brevity,  I  would  say  I  lived  with  them  nearly  one  year,  and 
endured  all  the  [jrivations  and  hardships  of  savage  life.  And  this 
is  saying  a  great  deal  in  my  case,  as  all  the  warriors  were  absent 
preparing  for  the  intended  siej^e  of  Fort  Meigs,  which  left  the  old 
men,  women  and  children,  including  myself,  witJiout  the  supply 
generally  provided  by  hunters,  and   we  were  reduced  almost  to 


Btan/ation  much  of  the  time  I  was  with  them.  I  became  so  re- 
duced that  many  times  I  was  almost  too  weak  to  walk,  by  reason 
of  short  supplies.  My  condition  really  was  worse  than  that  of  ray 
friends,  as  I  may  call  them,  for  they  resorted  to  horse  flesh,  and 
even  to  dog  meat,  which  I  could  not  eat.  I  do  not  desi<:;n  to  spin 
out  this  narrative,  or  I  could  present  many  diversified  incidents, 
that  mijijht  be  considered  very  interesting." 

At  this  point  Mr.  Hamilton  made  some  statements  which  were 
merely  intended  as  episodes,  not  intending  to  add  them  to  this 
narrative,  which  I  will,  however,  from  memory,  try  to  give  in 
his  own  language,  and  it  was  about  to  this  effect: 

"Thi-  family  belonging  to  our  wigwam  at  a  time  when  starva- 
tion stared  ( hem  in  the  face  was  very  agreeably  surprised  one  day, 
when  my  old  adopted  father  drew  forth  from  a  secret  place  he  had 
a  small  sack,  and  required  his  whole  family  then  in  camp  to  form 
acircle  around  him,  myself  amongthem,  when  he  began  by  open- 
ing his  sack  to  distribute  in  equal  quantities  to  each  a  small  meas- 
ure full  of  pnrched  corn,  and  i»s  small  as  this  relief  may  seem,  it 
was  received  by  us  all  with  great  tiiankfulness,  and  seemed  to  ap- 
l>ease  our  hunger.     We  appreciated  it  as  a  feast  of  fat  things. 

"This  old  Indian  Patriarch  had  traits  of  moral  character  that 
would  adorn  our  best  civiliz«^d  and  christiinized  communities;  he 
was  strictly  impartial  in  distributing  favors  and  in  dispensing  jus- 
tice to  those  around  him,  and  was  in  all  respects  unquestionably 
an  honest  man.  His  moral  sense  was  of  a  higiier  order:  he  could 
not  tolerate  in  others  any  willful  obliquity  in  the  sha{)e  of  decep- 
tion or  prevarication,  as  I  can  very  readily  testify;  on  one  occasion, 
I  had  attenipted  to  hold  back  a  tact  which  I  knew  affected  one  of 
his  natural  children  that  he  was  about  to  punish  for  some  disobe- 
dience, and  as  soon  as  he  became  satisfied  of  the  guilt  of  the  cul- 
prit and  my  prevarication,  he  procured  a  hickory  and  apj)lied  it 
upon  both  of  us  in  equal  uiensure  of  stripes.  This  was  character- 
istic of  that  man  of  nature's  mould." 

Here  his  written  narrative  is  resusned:  "Some  time  in  the  lat- 
ter part  of  November,  1813,  the  commanding  otftcers  at  Detroit 
sent  a  deputation  to  our  little' Indian  town,  offering  terms  of  peace 
to  the  Ottawa  Nation  or  tribe,  on  condition  that  they  would  bring 
into  Detroit  their  prisoners  and  horses,  which  they  had  captured, 
and  that  if  these  terms  were  not  accepted  and  complied  with  in  a 


reasonable  time,  measures  would  be  alopted  to  compel  a  com- 

"A  council  was  shortly  afterward  called  an<l  convened,  and  the 
terms  proposed  were  accepted,  and  complied  with,  and  I  was  de- 
livered at  Detroit  on  the  first  day  of  JanuaVy,  1814,  to  the  com- 
manding officer  of  the  Fort, '.md  tliere  I  met  with  other  prisoners 
and  we  were  all  provided  for." 

Here  Mr.  Hamilton's  captivity  ended,  and  in  the  continuation 
of  his  narrative,  he  says  he  found  Irlmseif  three  hundred  miles 
from  home  in  tiie  middle  of  a  cold  tiortliern  winter,  thinly  clad, 
and  without  money.  He  was  here  fur-iished  with  an  order  for  ra- 
tions to  Urbana,  to  which  place  he  ca-ue  ;in  i  remained  a  few  days 
with  friends  and  then  left  for  Winchester,  Kentucky;  where  lie  ar- 
rived without  any  further  governujent  aiil  al>out  the  middle  of 
February,  1814,  after  an  absence  of  nearly  twenty  months.  He  fur- 
ther says,  he  remained  at  Winchester  a  few  days,  arranged  his  lit- 
tle afifairs  and  returned  to  Uri)an  i  aad  m  id^  it  his  home.  Mr. 
Hamiton's  exemplary  and  re!i;iii)iis  life  is  we^l  itnowu  to  ihlscom- 
Jiimnity,  and  here  this  narrative  ends. 




As  so  muoh  has  beon  said  in  regard  to  th^^  Iniians  in  connection 
with  early  pioneer  life,  during  the  war  of  1812,  it  inijjht  in  contin- 
uation he  noted,  thatsoon  after  tlie  war,  our  border  tribes,  theShaw- 
nees,  Wyandotts  and  s  )in9  other  remn  mt  tribes,  inide  Urbana  a 
great  trading  point.  In  tlie  early  Spring,  alter  their  hunting  sea- 
son, they  uij<^ltt  be  seen  with  their  squaws  and  pappooses  every 
few  days  coming  in  on  North  Miin  Street  in  ]arge  numbers  in 
single  file,  riding  ponies  laden  with  the  various  pelts — deerskins, 
both  dressed  and  raw,  bear  and  wolf  slcins,  nioecasins  highly  orna- 
mented with  little  beads  and  porcupine  quills;  with  some  times 
manle  sujiar  cakes  and  other  marketable  commodities,  all  of  which 
they  would  barter  to  our  merchants  for  sucii  articles  of  merchan- 
dise as  they  needed  for  the  summ^^r  season,  or  that  would  please 
their  fancy.  And  in  the  fall  months  the  same  scenes  would  he  pre- 
sented in  bringing  in  other  Cf)mmodities,  such  as  cranberries,  and 
such  other  articles  as  they  ii  id  to  dispose  of,  to  barter  for  powder 
and  leaf],  preparatory  for  their  hunting  season;  blankets,  hand- 
kerchiefs, &c.,  would  also  be  purchased  as  necessaries  for  the  ap- 
proaching winter.  It  was  then  a  comnon  |»raftice  to  encamp 
near  town,  and  as  Indians  as  a  general  rule  were  very  fond  of 
whisky,  they  would  some  times  give  trouble,  and  would  have  to 
be  watched  closely.  Restraints,  from  selling  or  giving  them 
whisky  or  other  intoxicating  liquors,  were  at  that  day  provided 
by  law,  and  hnd  to  be  enforced  against  those  who  kept  them  for 
sale.  In  that  way  the  Indians  could  he  kept  from  overindulgence, 
and  by  that  means  the  citizens  were  secured  from  drunken  depre- 
dations from  them. 

There  might  many  more  pioneer  scenes  be  presented  in  relation 
to  Urbana  and  Champaign  county,  but  it  is  difficult  to  weave  them 
into  the  narrative  of  events  in  the  order  in  which  they  occurred, 
and  I  will  leave  them  for  other  pens.  The  same  general  remarks 
that  I  have  delineated  in  these  sketches,  in  regard  to  the  disposi- 


tion  to  aid  each  other,  may  be  upplied  to  the  old  settlers  of  this 
whole  community  ;  the  same  wild  adventures  are  also  equally  ap- 
plicable, and  older  settlers  than  myself  will  be  more  competent  to 
portray  them.  I  will,  however,  here  state  that  some  other  o.d  set= 
tiers'  names  should  be  mentioned  in  connection  with  early  pioneer 
life  in  Urbaiff .  Thomas  Pearce,  fatlier  of  Harvey,  as  I  am  in- 
formed, before  Urbana  was  located,  built  and  occupied  a  lojr  cabin 
on  what  is  now  known  as  market  space,  and  opened  afield  north 
of  Scioto  Street,  and  cultivated  it  for  some  years. 

Tlie  following-  additional  names  may  be  noted  as  very  early  set- 
tlers in  t!)is  town:  William  Bridge,  James  McGill,  James  fiulae, 
Folsom  Fori,  Joseph  Gordon,  William  Mellon,  Suujuel  Gibb3, 
Hu'jh  Gibbs,  Benjamin  Sweet,  Martin  Hitt,  A.  R.  Colwell,  Will- 
iam McColloch,  William  Parkison,  Curtis  M.  Thompson,  George 
Moore,  Alexander  Allen,  and  others.  At  this  point  it  may  be 
noted  that  Harvey  Pearce  and  Jacob  Harris  Patrick  are  believed 
to  be  the  oldest  male  settlers  now  here  who  were  born  in  Urbaua, 
both  of  whom  are  over  sixty  years  old. 

Through  the  kind  a^isistance  of  Col.  Douglas  Luce,  who  has 
been  in  Urbana  from  1807  to  this  time,  I  am  enabled  to  present 
the  following  list  of  old  s"ttlers  of  the  township  of  Urbana.  It  is 
to  be  regretted  tha>'  it  will  be  impossible  to  extend  to  tiiem  indi- 
vidually anytl)ing  more  than  the  mere  names,  which  will  divest 
them  of  much  interest,  as  each  one  of  them  might  be  made  the 
vsubject  of  interesting  pioneer  experience.  It  may  be  here  noted 
that  as  other  persons  who  live  in  the  other  townships  of  the 
county  are  engaged  in  presenting  the  names  of  old  settlers  in 
them,  it  will  supercede  the  necessity  of  my  extending  them  be- 
yond the  limits  of  Urb  ma  township:  S.imuel  Powell,  Abraham 
Powell,  John  Fitzpatrick,  Joseph  Knox,  James  Largent,  John 
Wiley,  J  \seph  Pence,  Jacob  Pence,  William  Rhodes,  John 
Thomas,  Joseph  Ford,  Ezekiel  Thomas,  John  Trevvitt,  George 
Sanders,  Jessie  Johnson,  Benjamin  Nichols,  William  Cii mm ings, 
John  White,  Robia-tNoo,  Robc'rt  liarr,  Alexander  McBeth,  Isaac 
Shockey,  Major  Thomas  Moore,  Thomas  M.  Pendleton,  Elisha 
Tabor,  Bennett  Tabor,  Tiibi;m  Eagle,  Job  Clevenger,  James  Dal- 
las, John  Winn,  S.  T.  I^pd^es,  Jonas  Hedges,  Rev.  James  I>unlap, 
John  Pearce,  John  IV  -  sm,  Charles  Stuart,  Christopher  Kenaga, 
Minney  Voorhaes,  J  <  ;b  Arney,  John  G.  and  Robert  Caldwell, 
Richard  D.  George, Wise,  (near  the  pond  bearing  his  name,) 


Thomas  Donlin,   Isaac  Turman,  William  McR«)berts,  Logan, 

Andrew  Rieliards  and  Thomas  Watt.      Many  of  the  above  settled 
in  Urbana  Township  as  early  as  1801,  and  all  of  them  before  1820. 

These  fragmentary  and  desultory  sketches  have  almost  enDirely 
been  grouped  togethei  from  memory,  and  if  some  errors  as  to  ex- 
act dates,  ar.i  even  as  to  matters  of  fact,  should  have  crept  into 
them,  they  must  be  imputed  to  that  common  frailty  that  is  in- 
separable from  humanity.  It  is  believed,  however,  that  as  a 
whole,  the  statements  are  all  substantially  warranted  by  the  fact? 
and  circumstances  from  which  they  are  delineateJ. 

Many  things  perhaps  miglit  have  been  omitted,  and  supplied  to 
advantage  by  others  that  have  been  left  out.  This  would  be  true 
if  the  Pioneer  Association  depended  upon  the  pen  of  only  one  in- 
dividual. But  as  I  understand  it,  the  object  is  to  solicit  contribu- 
tions detailing  i)ioneer  life  from  many  writers,  and  throw  them  to- 
gether in  such  order  as  to  make  one  collection  of  facts  and  inci- 
dents in  relation  to  the  whole  subject-matter  ;  the  versatility  thus 
united  contributing  matters  of  intereit  to  all  classes  of  readers. 

I  need  not  therefore  continue  these  sketches,  but  leave  to  more 
proficient  pens  the  task  of  filling  out  omissions,  and  will  in  that 
view  make  this  summary  remark,  that  in  the  sixty-six  years,  since 
my  first  acquaintance  with  Ohio,  great  changes  have  taken  place. 
She  had  then  been  recently  carved  out  of  a  wilderness  of  limitless 
extent,  called  the  North  Western  Territory,  and  still  more  recently 
merged  into  an  infant  State  Government,  containing  nine  counties, 
with  less  population  than  is  now  contained  in  one  of  our  present 
towns.  It  was  then  a  wilderness,  with  here  and  there  a  small  set- 
tlement, with  a  few  scattered  cabins,  surrounded  by  new  openings 
or  clearings,  without  roads  or  other  conveniences.  At  a  few  points 
small  towns  were  laid  off,  and  a  few  rustic  cabins  built;  such  was 
Ohio  in  1802.  Seventy  years  later,  and  she  presents  the  panorama 
now  unfurled  to  our  view,  and  which  needs  no  pen  painting  sketch, 
as  it  is  all  before  us.  What  a  contrast !  And  pursuing  the  thought, 
let  us  bring  it  home,  and  apply  it  to  Urbana  and  Champaign  county, 
in  1802,  when  all  the  territory  from  Hamilton  county  north,  to  the 
Michigan  territory  line,  was  a  vast,  unorganized  wilderness, 
abounding  with  wild  game,  and  the  hunting  grounds  of  the  In- 
dians interspersed  here  and  there  with  small  cabins,  surrounded 
with  clearings  of  white  «  iventurers.  In  1803,  Butler,  Warren, 
Montgomery  and  Green  counties  were  organized.     la  1805  Cham- 


paign  county  was  lornied,  embracing'-  the  territory  uurtli  from 
Green  c-ounty  inelu<Ung  what  are  now  Clark,  Champaign,  Logan, 
Hardin,  &c.,  and  the  same  year  Urbana  was  located  as  the  seat  of 
justice.  But  extending  it  six  years  forward  to  1811,  we  find  Urbana 
as  heretofore  described  containinij  forty-live  rustic  log  cabin  family 
residences,  surrounded  with  a  few  hardy  adveuturcis,  widely 
scattered  upon  wild  lands,  erecting  cabins  and  opening  up  clear- 
ings, and  throwing  around  them  brush  or  pole  fences  to  ward  off 
stock  running  at  large,  as  a  beginning  point  to  farms  witliout  any 
of  the  facilities  of  travel  or  transit.  Sucli  was  the  picture  then: 
What  do  we  behold  now  ? 

This  same  Champaign  county,  subdivided  into  new  organiza- 
tions containing  populous  towns,  and  all  over  dotted  with  large 
cultivated  farms,  upon  which  fine  family  residences  and  commo- 
dious barns  stand  out  in  bold  relief,  all  over  its  original  iiinits;  and 
rustic  Urbana,  advanced  from  its  rude  beginning,  wititoutany  im- 
provements upon  her  streets,  to  a  second  class  city,  with  well  gra- 
ded and  ballasted  streets,  bordered  on  each  side  with  substantial 
pavements,  end  side  w»!ks,  and  ijeing  beiund  no  town  of  her  pop- 
ulation in  railroad  faciliiit.-;;  beine  in  telegraphic  connectiim  with 
all  the  outside  world  ;  and  in  the  midst  of  a,  county  fully  developed 
in  an  agricultural  point  of  view  ;  with  a  net-work  of  free  pikes  in 
all  directions,  leading  to  her  marts  of  trade,  and  traffic,  as  an  in- 
land commercial  center;  such  is  Urbana  in  1872,  under  her  present 
extended  area,  claiming  a  population  of  5,000  iidiabitants,  with 
her  public  buildings,  churches,  school  edifices,  superb  business  em- 
porium?, palatial  family  residences,  and  surrounded  as  already  in- 
dicated, by  highly  cultivated  farms,  teeming  with  the  products  of 
the  soil,  in  return  for  the  toil  and  indomitable  industry  of  her  first- 
class  citizen  farmers. 

And  now,  finally,  dear  Doctor,  1  will  close  these  sketches,  pre- 
pared by  a  nervous  hand  with  a  pencil,  and  which  were  full  of 
blurs,  erasures,  and  interlineations,  abounding  in  ortliograpbical 
and  other  errors,  resulting  from  hasty  prejta ration,  by  the  single  n  - 
mark  that  they  could  not  have  been  presented  as  they  are,  had  not 
my  grand-daughter.  Miss  Minnie  M.,  kindly  tendered  her  services 
in"  transcribing,  correcting  and  revising-  them  to  my  acceptance. 
Therefore  if  they  have  any  merit  in  their  f)resent  dress,  she  is  en- 
titled to  her  share  of  the  awards.  This  deserved  tribute  she  deli- 
cately declines,  and  asks  to  be  excused  from  copying,  and  for  that 
reason  this  closing  paragra]>h  appears  in  my  own  hand  writiner. 

January  22,  1872.  Wii.t.iam  Patrick. 



The  following  facts  in  regard  to  Hull's  Trace  I  obtained  from 
several  pioneers  that  were  here  and  saw  Hull  when  he  passed 
-through  with  his  army.  I  will  give  the  names  of  some  of  my  in- 
formants :  .Judge  Vance,  of  Urbana,  John  Enoch,  \Vm.  Henry, 
and  Henry  McPherson.  It  was  in  the  year  1812  he  took  up  his  line  of 
niarch  from  Urbana.  Their  route  was  very  near  the  present  road 
from  Urbana  to  West  Liberty,  a  few  rods  east  until  they  reached 
King's  Creek.  About  two  miles  beyond  this  they  crossed  the 
present  road  and  continued  on  the  west  until  they  arrived  at  Mac- 
a-cheek,  crossing  that  stream  at  Capt.  Black's  old  farm.  Coming 
to  Mad  River,  they  crossed  it  about  five  rods  weat  of  the  present 
bridge  at  West  Liberty.  Passing  through  Main  street,  they  con- 
tinued on  the  road  leading  from  the  latter  place  to  Zanesfield  un- 
til they  reached  the  farm  now  owned  by  Charles  Hildebrand. 
Here  they  turned  a  little  to  the  left,  taking  up  a  valley  near  his 
jEarm.  Arriving  at  McKees  Creek,  they  crossed  it  very  near  where 
the  present  Ptailroad  bridge  is;  thence  to  Blue  Jacket,  crossing  it 
about  one  mile  west  of  Bellefontaine  on  the  farm  now  owned  by 
Henry  Good,  They  continued  their  line  of  march  on  or  near  the 
present  road  from  Bellefontaine  to  Huntsville,  They  halted  some 
time  at  .Judge  McPherson's  farm,  now  the  c6unty  infirmary,  passing 
through  what  is  now  Cherokee,  on  Main  street,  to  an  Indian  village 
called  Solomon's  Town,  where  they  encamped  on  the  farm  now 
owned  by  David  Wallace.  The  trace  is  yet  plain  to  be  seen  in 
many  places.  Judge  Vance  informs  me  there  is  no  timber  grow- 
ing in  the  track  in  many  places  in  Champaign  county. 

I  forgot  to  say  they  encamped  at  West  Liberty.  James  Black 
informs  me  he  saw  Gen.  Hull's  son  fall  into  Mad  River  near  where 
Mr.  Glovnrs'  ^lill  now  stands,  he  being  so  drunk  he  could  not  sit 
on  his  horse. 




There  has  been,  as  the  reader  will  see  elsewhere,  two  dreadful 
tornados  in  these  counties ;  one  at  Bellefontaine,  the  other  at  Ur- 
bana.  In  addition  to  these  phenomena  this  country  was  visited  by 
several  earthquakes.  These  shocks  were  distinctly  felt  in  Cham- 
paign and  Logan  counties.  They  were  in  the  winter  of  1811-12. 
See  Patrick's  and  ray  accounts  of  tornados  elsewhere  in  this  volume. 

On  the  7th  day  of  February,  1812,  at  -m  hour  when  men  were 
generally  wrapt  in  the  most  profound  slumbers,  this  country  gen- 
erally, was  visited  by  aV'Othc.r  shock  of  an  earthquake.  It  was  of 
greater  severity  and  longer  duration  than  any  previous  one  yet. 
It  occurred  about  forty-live  minutes  after  three  o'clock  in  the 
morning.  The  motion  was  from  the  south-west.  A  dim  light  was 
seen  above  the  horizon  in  that  direction,  a  short  time  previous. 
The  air,  at  the  time,  was  clear  and  very  cold,  but  soon  became  h&zy. 
Two  more  shocks  were  felt  during  the  day.  Many  of  the  inhabit- 
ants, at  this  time,  fled  from  their  houses  in  great  consternation. 
The  cattle  of  the  fields  and  the  fowls  manifested  alarm.  The  usual 
noise,  as  of  distant  thunder,  preceded  these  last  convulsions.  The 
shock  was  so  severe  as  t<o  crack  some  of  the  houses  at  Troy,  in  JMi- 
ami  county.    The  last  shocks  seemed  to  vibrate  east  and  west. 

This  shock  was  felt  with  equal  severity  in  almost  every  part  of 
Ohio.  Travelers  along  the  Mississippi  river  at  that  time  were 
awfully  alarmed.  Many  islands,  containing  several  hundred 
acres,  sunk  and  suddenly  disappeared.  The  banks  of  the  river  fell 
into  the  w^ater.  The  ground  cracked  open  in  an  alarming  manner. 
Along  the  river,  as  low  down  as  New  Orleans,  forty  shocks  Nver* 
felt,  from  the  16th  to  the  20th.  At  Savannah,  on  the  16tii,  the 
shock  was  preceded  by  a  noise  resembling  the  motion  of  the  wave* 
of  the  sea.  The  ground  heaved  upwai'd.  The  people  were  atfwctei 
with  giddiness  and  nausea. 



Tornado  at  Belief  onto  ine,  June24,  1825,  as  related  to  me  by  fhoi^e- 
who  iritnessed  if :  About  one  o'clock,  there  was  a  dark  mass  of 
clouds  seen  looming  up  in  the  west  and  seemed  to  increase  in  volume 
and  in  terrific  grandeur  as  it  approached  the  town.  The  mass  of 
felack  clouds  now  intermingled  with  others  of  a  lighter  hue  of  a 
vapory  appearance,  all  dashing,  rolling  and  foaming  like  avast 
boiling  cauldron,  accompanied  by  thunder  and  lightning,  presen- 
ting a  scene  to  the  spectator  at  once  most  grand,  sublime  and  ap- 
ipalling.  A  few  minutes  before  its  approach  there  seemed  to  be  a 
«Seath-like  stillness,  not  a  breath  of  air  to  move  the  pendant  leaves 
on  the  trees.  It  seemed  as  if  the  storm  king,  as  he  rede  in  awful 
imajesty  on  the  infuriated  clouds  had  stopped  to  take  his  breath  ia 
*3rder  to  gather  strength  to  continue  his  work  of  destruction.  Man 
a«d  beast  stood  and  gazed  in  awful  suspense,  awaiting  to  all  a  p- 
^arance,  inevitable  destruction.  This  suspense  was  but  for 
^i  moment;  soon  the  terrible  calamity  was  upon  them,  sweeping 
everything  as  with  the  besom  of  destruction,  that  lay  in  its  path. 
Fortunately  this  country  was  then  new  and  almost  an  unbroken 
forest,  consequently  no  one  was  killed.  It  passed  a  little  north  of 
the  public  square,  however  within  the  present  limits  of  the  town, 
"Struck  Mr.  Houtz's,  two  story  brick  dwelling,  throwing  it  to  the 
ground,  and  a  log  spring-house,  carryingit  off  even  to  the  mud  sills ; 
it  picked  up  a  boulder  that  was  imbedded  in  the  ground,  weighing 
about  three  hundred  pounds,  carrying  itsorae  distance  from  where 
at  lay.  Mr.  Carter,  who  was  there  at  that  time,  informs  me  it 
ss:4>ripped  the  bark  off  a  walnut  tree  from  top  to  bottom,  leaving  it 
3ed:anding ;  it  carried  a  calf  from  one  lot  and  dropped  it  into  another. 
Mrs.  Carter  says  she  saw  a  goose  entirely  stripped  of  its  feathers. 
Passing  through  town  its  course  lay  in  the  direction  of  the  Rush- 
ereek  Lake,  passing  over  that  little  sheet  of  water,  carrying  water, 
fish  and  all  out  on  dry  land.  The  fish  were  picked  up  the  next  day 
T.  great  distance  from  the  Lake;  even  birds  were  killed  and  strijiped 


of  their  feathers.  The  writer  of  this  has  followed  the  track  of  thit- 
storm  for  thirty  miles.  Its  course  was  from  the  south  west  to 
the  north  east,  passing  through  a  dense  forest.  I  don't  think  it 
varied  from  a  straight  course  in  the  whol-;  distance.  Its  force 
seemed  to  have  been  about  the  same.  It  did  not  raise  and  fall 
like  the  one  that  passed  through  Urbana  some  years  after^  Last 
summer  the  writer  visited  the  track  of  this  storm  where  it  crossed 
the  Scioto  near  where  Eushcreek  empties  into  that  stream  in  Mar- 
ion county,  where  the  primitive  forest  stands  as  it  left  it.  There' 
as  elsewhere  it  is  about  one-half  mile  in  width.  In  the  out  skirt? 
of  the  track  there  are  a  few  primitive  trees  standing  shorn  of  their 
tops  looking  like  monumental  witnesses  of  the  surrounding  desola- 
tion. But  for  tivehundred  yards  in  the  center  of  the  track  there 
is  not  one  primitive  tree  standing,  they  having  fallen  like  the- 
grass  before  a,;scythe.  If  such  a  storm  should  pass  over  Bellefon- 
taine  now,  there^would  be  nothing  left  of  it. 



About  two  miles  directly  west  of  Lewii^town,  in  Logan  county, 

on  the  farm  now  owned  by  Manasses  Huber,  was  the  scene  of  thi-j 

melancholy  event.      Abraham   Hopkins,   son    of  Harrison   and 

Christiana  Hopkins,  about   five  years  old,   was  lost    November 

13,  1837. 

"HeaTcn  to  all  men  hides  the  book  of  fate, 
And  blindness  to  the  future  has  kindly  given. ' 

How  cosily  this  little  fellow  slept  in  the  arms  of  his  mother  the 
night  before  this  sad  event.  The  father  and  mother  likewise  slept 
sweetly,  unconscious  of  the  sad  calamity  that  was  then  at  their 
very  door.  They  got  up  in  the  morning,  ate  their  breakfast  as 
cheerfully  and  with  as  great  a  relish  as  they  ever  did;  the  father 
.  goes  singing  to  his  daily  toil,  while  the  mother  attends  to  the  ordin- 
ary duties  of  her  house,  cheered  by  the  innocent  prattle  of  her 
happy  boy.  Everything  passed  off  pleasantly  till  about  2  o'clock, 
when  Mrs.  Hopkins  started  with  her  little  son  to  visit  a  neighbor, 
about  a  half  mile  distant — a  Mr.  Rogers.  She  had  to  pass  by  a 
new  house,  now  being  built  by  Charles  Cherry,  an  uncle  to  the  boy. 
When  they  got  there,  they  stopped  for  a  few  moments.  The  little 
boy  wished  to  remain  with  his  uncle;  he  did  so,  and  the  mother 
passed  on  to  Mr.  Rogers.  The  little  fellow  got  tired  playing 
,  about  the  house,  and  said  he  would  go  after  his  mother,  and  started. 
There  was  a  narrow  strip  of  timber  between  the  new  house  and 
Rogers',  and  nothing  but  a  dim  path  through  it.  Mr.  Cherry 
cautioned  the  boy  not  to  get  lost.  It  seems  he  soon  lost  the  dim 
path,  for  he  hollowed  back  to  his  uncle,  saying,  "I  can  go  it  now ; 
I  have  found  the  path."  These  were  the  last  words  he  was  ever 
heard  to  say,  and  the  last  that  was  ever  seen  of  him.  Mrs.  Hop- 
kins having  done  her  errand,  returned  to  the  new  house  where  Mr. 
Cherry  was  still  at  work,  and  inquired  for  her  boy;  and  what  was 
^er  .-Liiprise,  when  she  was  told  he  had  followed  her  and  not  beea 
s«en  since!  Immediate  search  was  made  by  the  frantic  mother  and 
,.fei-Uer,  and  Mr.  Cherry.    They   immediately  went  to  Mr.  Rogers' 


and  to  another  neighbor  living  but  a  short  distance  from  him,  hm\ 
no  tidings  could  be  had  of  him.  It  was  a  pleasant  day,  and  he  wa* 
barefooted.  They  could  see  the  tracks  of  his  bare  feet  in  the  dust 
in  a  path  that  led  through  a  field  to  the  house ;  it  seems  he  had 
gone  to  the  house,  and  not  finding  his  mother  there  (for  she,  fin(S- 
iug  the  family  absent  had  gone  to  another  house)  he  attempted  ia 
return  to  his  uncle  at  the  new  house,  where  his  mother  had  lefl 
him.  Soon  the  alarm  was  spread  far  and  near,  and  people  collected 
from  all  parts  of  the  country.  There  were  at  times  over  a  thousanti 
people  hunting  him.  They  continued  their  search  for  three  weeks. 
Every  foot  of  ground  for  three  miles  from  the  house  was  searched, 
even  the  Miami  river  was  dragged  for  miles  :  but  all  in  vain — not 
a  track  could  be  seen  in  the  yielding  alluvial  soil  of  the  neighbor- 
hood— nothing,  save  the  imprint  of  his  littie  feet  in  the  dust  <if  the 
path  in  the  field  above-mentioned;  not  a  shred  of  his  clothing  was 
to  be  seen  any  where,  and  to  this  day  his  history  is  a  profound  anc3 
melancholy  mystery  It  is,  however,  the  opinion  of  Mr.  Cherry„ 
the  uncle  of  the  child,  that  he  was  stolen  by  the  Indians.  He  says- 
there  was  an  Indian  who,  for  many  years,  had  been  in  the  habit  oA' 
trapping  in  the  neighborhood,  and  suddenly  disappeared,  and  hasf; 
never  been  seen  there  since.  There  was  a  deputation  of  citizen* 
«ent  out  where  the  Indian  lived,  and  accused  him  of  the  crime, 
but  he  resolutely  denied  it.  Mr.  Hopkins  has  been  singularly  ui*- 
fortunate  with  his  family ;  one  son  died  in  the  army,  and  another 
was  crushed  by  the  cars,  near  Chamimign  City,  Illinois,  where  bs?- 
Mow  resides. 




JTiji  birth — Travels  in  -Europe — Arrival  in  (his  country — His  opinion 
of  xcoraen — Good  character — His  courtship  and  marriage — Jeal- 
ousy— Charged  with  attempting  to  poison  his  wife — Sudden  death  of 
hi^  two  children — Charged  tciih  poisoning  them — Blurders  his  wife 
— Is  committed  to  prison — Breaks  jail  and  eludes  pursuit — Evidence 
on  his  trial  for  the  murder  of  his  i^e.cond  wife — Conviction. 

In  all  the  list  of  crimes  recorded  in  the  annals  of  the  law,  none 
ha<  ever  existed,  which,  in  all  its  terrible  features,  displayed  a 
more  ruthless  disregard  of  the  laws  of  instinct,  or  so  utterly  vio- 
lated and  set  at  defiance  the  common  bond  of  human  nature,  as 
the  bloody  acts  of  Andrew  Hellman,  alias  Adam  Horn!  The 
dreadful  enormity  of  them  must  not  be  concealed,  for  they  serve 
as  a  warning,  and  show  us  to  what  a  length  our  bad  passions  may 
lead  us,  if  suffered  to  master  us. 

From  the  most  authentic  sources  we  have  collected  th' following 
particulai's  of  Horn's  life,  which  may  be  relied  upon  as  correct. 

Andrew  Hellman,  alias  Adam  Horn,  was  born  on  the  24th  of 
June,  in  the  year  179:2,  at  the  ancient  town  of  Worms,  on  the  river 
Rhine,  renowned  as  the  place  where  the  German  Diet  assembled 
in  the  year  1521,  before  which  Luther  was  summoned  to  answer  to 
the  charge  of  heresy,  and  is  a  portion  of  the  Hessian  State  of  Hesse 
Darmstadt.    He  is,  therefore,  a  Hessian  by  birth,  and  the  son  of 


Hessian  parents.  We  have  before  us  a  certificate,  signed  by  a 
priest,  and  dated  at  tlie  town  of  Worms  in  the  year  1792,  giving 
the  names  of  his  parents,  and  certifying  to  the  day  of  his  birth 
and  baptism  under  the  name  of  Andrew  Heliman ;  there  can, 
therefore,  be  no  doubt  as  to  this  being  his  true  name.  His  parents 
gave  him  a  good  education,  and  at  the  age  of  sixteen  he  was  bound 
an  apprentice  to  a  tailor  at  Wisupenheim,  in  Petersheim  county, 
Germany,  where  he  remained  until  he  became  of  age,  when  a  de- 
sire to  roam  induced  him  to  start  off  with  only  his  thimble  and 
his  scissors  in  his  pociiet,  with  the  aid  of  which,  according  to  his 
own  representation,  he  worked  his  way  through  all  the  German 
States,  as  well  as  various  other  parts  of  Europe,  returning  again  to 
WisupenheimJn  the  fall  of  1816,  after  an  absence  of  nearly  three 
years.  He  could  not  long  content  himself  there,  however,  and 
hearing  of  the  golden  harvest  that  was  to  be  reaped  in  America, 
and  having  a  desire  to  see  a  country  that  he  had  heard  so  much  of, 
he  took  passage  for  Baltimore,  where  he  arrived  in  ti:e  year  1817, 
being  then  about  twenty-five  years  of  age.  As  far  as  can  be  learned 
after  his  arrival,  he  worked  for  a  merchant  tailor  of  that  city,  for 
nearly  three  years,  when  he  started  for  Washington,  and  passing 
through  the  ancient  city  of  Georgetown,  soon  found  himself  in 
Loudon  county,  Virginia. 

It  may  be  proper  here  to  remark  that  during  his  stay  in  Balti- 
more, he  so  conducted  himself  as  to  secure  many  friends.  He  was 
then  a  young  man  of  good  personal  appearance,  sober,  steady,  and 
Industrious, well-behaved,  and  mild  in  his  demeanor,  and  withal  in- 
telligent and  well-informed.  He  seemed,  however,  to  have  imbibed 
a  lasting  dislike  to  the  whole  female  race,  looking  upon  them 
as  mere  slaves  to  man,  whilst  he  considered  man,  in  the  fullest 
sense  of  the  term,  as  the  "lord  of  creation."  Woman,  accord- 
ing to  his  r)pinion,  was  only  created  as  a  convenience  for  the 
other  sex,  to  serve  in  the  capacity  of  a  hewer  of  wood  and  drawer 
of  water  ;  to  cook  his  victuals,  darn  his  stockings,  never  to  speak 
but  when  spoken  to,  and  to  crouch  in  servile  fear  whilst  in  his 
presence.  He  regarded  the  scriptural  phrase  applied  to  the  sex, 
as  a  "helpmeet  for  man,"  in  its  literal  sense,  whilst  he  would  deny 
her  all  social  privileges  and  rights.  That  this  is  still  his  opinion 
may  be  aptly  illustrated  by  a  coitversation  held  with  him  a  few 
days  ago,  since  his  conviction,  by  a  gentleman  who  was  starting 
for  Ohio,  who  asked  him  if  he  had  any  message  to  send  to  his  sorr 


Henry.  He  replied,  "Ves,  tell  Henry  if  he  should  ever  marry,  to 
ujtirry  a  reli^icnis  woman.  '  The  gentleman  replied  that  he 
thought  he  ought  also  to  advise  him  to  embrace  religion  himself, 
as  it  was  as  necessary  on  the  part  of  the  man  as  the  woman,  in 
order  lo  secure  permanent  hajjpiness.  "Xo  I  no  I  no  I"  passion- 
ately exclaimed  the  old  reprobate.  ''Woman  must  know  how  to 
hold  her  tongue  and  obey.    She  has  nothing  to  do  with  man." 

He  arrived  in  Loudon  county,  Virginia,  in  the  fall  of  the  year 
lS:iu,  and  stopped  at  the  farmhouse  of  Mr.  George  ]N[.  Abel,  situa- 
ted about  four  miles  from  Hillsborough,  and  about  sev«n  mile.-i 
from  Harper's  Ferry.  ^Ir.  Abel  was  an  old  and  highly  respected 
German  farmer,  who  had  emigrated  to  this  country  a  number  of 
years  previous;  and  had  reared  around  him  a  large  family  of  sons 
and  daug'hters.  The  old  geutlemtin  took  a  liking  to  Hellman,  and 
unfortunately,  as  the  .^equel  will  prove,  allowed  him  to  stop  or 
board  with  him,  and  being  a  good  workman,  he  soon  succeeded  in 
having  plenty  of  work  to  do  from  the  farmers  of  the  surrounding: 
country.  He  remained  through  the  winter,  and  in  the  spring  of 
1821  started  for  Baltimore.  He,  however,  remained  in  Baltimore 
for  but  a  few  months,  and  in  July  again  returned  to  his  old  quar- 
ters at  Mr.  Abel's,  where  he  had  so  eftectually  succeeded  in  con- 
cealing his  opinion  of  the  sex,  or  had  perhaps  been  lulled  from  its 
expression  by  the  scenes  of  liappiuess,  contentment,  and  equality 
that  prevailed  among  the  ditierent  sexes  of  the  household  of  the 
respected  old  Loudon  farmer,  that  he  was  alio  \ved  to  engage  the 
lifeetions  of  one  of  his  daughters. 

^Nlary  Abel  was  at  this  time  in  the  twentieth  year  of  her  age,  a 
blithe,  buxom,  and  light-hearted  country  girl,  with  rosy  cheek  and 
sparkling  eye,  totally  unacquainted  with  the  deceitfulness  of  the 
world,  and  looking  to  tlie  future  to  be  a  counterpart  of  the  past, 
which  had  truly  been  to  her  one  continued  round  of  innocent 
pleasure  and  happiness.  With  a  kind  and  affectionate  disposition, 
and  a  thorough  and  practical  knowledge  of  all  the  varied  duties  of 
housewifery,  she  was  just  such  a  one  as  would  be  calculated,  if 
united  to  a  kind  and  alfectionate  husband,  to  pass  through  the 
chequered  scenes  of  life  with  all  thesweetsof  contentment,  and  but 
few  of  the  bitters  of  discord.  But  such  was  not  her  lot.  Deceived 
by  his  profeisions  of  love  and  promises  of  unceasing  constancy,  and 
AVith  the  approval  of  her  father  and  family,  in  the  month  of  De- 


cember,  1821,  she  became  the  wife  of  Henry  Hellman.  They  con- 
tinued for  two  years  in  the  family  of  Mr.  Abel,  during-  only  a  por- 
tion of  which  time  the  presence  of  relations  and  friends  was 
sufficient  to  restrain  the  fiendishness  of  his  disposition.  After  the 
lapse  of  a  few  months  he  appeared  to  be  gradually  losing  all  affec- 
tion for  her,  though  for  the  first  sixteen  months,  with  the  excep- 
tion of  this  apparent  indifference,  everything  passed  off  quietly. 
On  the  8th  of  August,  1822,  Louisa  Hellman,  their  first  daughter, 
was  born,  which,  however,  lie  looked  on  as  a  serious  misfortune, 
and,  had  they  not  been  under  the  parental  roof,  sad  would  doubt- 
less have  been  the  poor  mother's  fate. 

In  the  month  of  April  1823,  about  sixteen  months  after  marriage, 
an  unfounded  and  violent  jealousy  took  posession  of  his  very  soul, 
and  all  the  pent-up  ferociousness  of  his  disposition  towards  her  sex 
broke  forth  with  renewed  violence.  He  accused  her  of  infidelity 
of  the  basest  kind,  and  on  the  17th  of  the  ensuing  September,  when 
Heiiry  Hellman,  their  second  child,  who  is  now  living  in  Ohio, 
was  born,  he  wholly  disowned  it,  and  denounced  its  mother  as  a 
harlot.  From  this  moment  all  hopes  of  peace  or  happiness  were 
banished,  but  like  poor  Malinda  Horn,  she  clung  to  him,  and 
prayed  to  her  God  to  convert  and  reform  him,  hoping  that  his  eyes 
would  be  ultimately  opened  to  reason  and  common  sense.  But, 
alas  !  it  was  all  in  vain.  In  return  for  every  attention  and  kindness 
she  received  nothing  but  threats  and  iaiprecations.  Instead  of  the 
endearing  name  of  wife,  she  was  always  called  "my  woman,"  and 
his  ideas  of  the  degrading  duties  nnd  dishonorable  station  of 
women  fully  applied  to  her.  He  had,  however,  never  used  any 
personal  violence,  and  she  consequently  felt  bound  for  the  sake  of 
her  children,  not  to  desert  him. 

In  the  spring  of  1824,  he  rented  a  small  place  in  lioudon,  about 
•A  mile  from  her  father's,  where  they  lived  for  nearly  eight  years,, 
during  which  time,  in  June  1827,  John  Hellman  a  third  child,  was 
l)orn,  at  which  time  heopenly  declared  that  if  she  ever  had  an- 
other he  svould  kill  her.  This,  however,  was  theirlast  child.  On 
one  occasion,  whilst  living  on  this  place,  he  left  her,  in  a  fit  of 
passion,  and  went  to  Baltimore,  leaving  wife  and  children  almast 
destitute,  where  he  remained  about  three  months,  and  returned 
with  promises  of  reformation. 

In  the  mean  time  her  father,  having  several  sonp  grown  around 



him,  began  to  ea&t  about  forsotne  mode  of  giving  them  all  a  start 
in  the  world,  and  finally  sold  a  portion  of  his  farm,  and  bought  a 
section  of  land  for  each  of  them  in  different  counties  of  Ohio.  John 
Able  and  George  Able  went  to  Stark  county,  Ohio,  and  Helman 
received  for  his  wife  a  section  of  land  in  Carroll  county,  though  he 
refused  to  live  on  the  section  of  ground  belonging  to  his  wife,  ap- 
parently through  ill  feeling  towards  her.  When  he  left  Loudon 
county  he  disposed  of  property  to  the  amount  of  at  least  $8,000. 
How  he  had  accumulated  so  much  in  the  short  space  of  ten  years, 
when  he  had  come  there  penniless,  was,  and  still  is  regarded  as  a 
mystery.  Although  possessed  of  a  close  and  miserly  disp'^sition, 
denying  his  family  nearly  all  the  comforts  of  life,  with  the  excep- 
ts m  of  food,  of  which  he  could  not  deprive  them  with  out  suffering 
himself,  it  seemed  impossible,  from  the  fruits  of  his  needle,  so 
large  an  amount  could  have  been  accumulated. 

The  five  years  he  passed  over  in  Carroll  county  we  pass  over  in 
silence,  with  the  exception  of  the  remark  that  the  lot  of  the  poor 
wife  during  the  whole  of  this  time,  was  one  of  continual  unhap- 
pinass,  whilst  the  children  also  regarded  him  with  fear  and  trem- 
bling,-particularly  poor  Henry,  whom  he  wholly  disowned.  This 
treatment  on  the  part  of  her  brutal  husband  of  course  entwined 
her  heart  more  closely  to  that  of  Henry,  who  was  then  in  his  twelfth 
year,  and  the  knowledge  of  this  increased  his  growing  enmity 
towards  her  and  him.  When  he  left  Carroll  county  he  was  in 
possession  of  two  fine  farms,  which  he  sold  for  a  large  amount. 
They  were  located  within  half  a  mile  of  the  now  thriving  city  of 
Carroll  ton. 

His  removal  to  Logan  county  was  liailed  by  his  wife  with  joy 
and  delight,  for  there  resided  her  two  brot'iers.  Gen.  .John  Abel 
and  Mr.  George  Abel,  who  had  emigrated  thither  some  eight 
years  previously,  and  were  now  surrounded  by  large  and  happy 
familie*.  As  good  fortune  would  have  it,  he  bought  a  fine  farm, 
the  dwelling  of  which  was  within  a  hundred  yards  of  Gen.  Abel's, 
and  but  a  short  distance  from  her  brother  George  ;  and  now  poor 
Marj'  ex}>ected  and  did  occasionally  meet  a  countenmce  that 
beamed  on  her  with  affection  and  kindness.  She  could  there, 
when  an  opportunity  afforded,  seated  at  the  hospitable  hearth  of 
one  of  her  brothers,  go  over  the  scenes  of  enjoyment  and  happi- 
nes-s  that  they  had  passed  together  in  old  Loudon,  and  the  memo- 


ry  of  luT  fjood  and  kin<l-h«^arte(l  fatherand  mother,  who  were  long 
since  departed,  would  often  call  a  t'-ar  to  the  eye  of  the  atflicted 

They  arrived  in  Logan  county  in  the  spring  of  188(),  at  which 
time  tlic  three  children  had  arrived  at  an  age  when  they  became 
useful  al)out  the  farm.  Louic^a  was  in  her  fourteenth  year,  Henry 
wa.s  thirteen,  and  John  was  about  nine  yeans  ot  age.  They  were 
three  tine  intcllij;ent  children,  nuch  as  a  man  should  have  been 
proud  of,  still  they  appeared  to  have  no  share  in  their  father's  af- 
fi-ctions.  Money  and  i»roperty  is  the  god  he  worshiped,  and  al- 
thou;,'h  in  reality  he  was  far  better  off  than  many  of  his  surround- 
ing? neijrhbors,  still  he  kept  all  his  family  dressed  in  the  meanest 
nianner,  so  much  so  that  they  were  compelled  to  remain  at  home 
on  all  occasions.  The  children  were,  however,  knit  into  the  very 
heart  of  the  mother,  and  she  looked  on  them  with  all  the  fond 
hopf  witli  which  a  mother  usually  regards  her  offspring. 

Al)out  a  year  after  their  arrival  at  Logan,  Mrs.  Heilman  on  one 
(H'casion  had  iwured  out  a  bowl  of  milk  with  the  intention  of  drink- 
ing it,  but  be'bre  she  got  it  to  her  lips  s^he  found  that  the  top  of  it 
was  completely  covered  with  a  iiuantity  of  white  powder,  which 
hfld  at  that  moment  been  cast  upon  it.  Immediately  suspecting 
it  to  be  poison,  and  having  no  mode  of  testing  it,  she  threw  it  out, 
and  undoubtedly,  from  subsequent  events,  thus  preserved  hei  life. 
There  was  no  one  at  the  time  in  the  house  but  her  husband,  and 
hedcnifd  all  knowledgt-  of  it.  She  was  under  the  impression  at 
the  time  that  he  had  attemi)ted  to  i)oison  her,  and  it  is  now  geno- 
ntliy  beli»'ved  that  such  was  thecaso. 

For  the  year  following  this  event  he  apparently  became  more 
morose  and  sullen,  but  his  family  had  become  used  to  it,  and  ex- 
pected nothing  better.  In  the  month  of  April,  1831),  all  three  ol 
the  children  were  suddenly  taken  sick,  and  lay  in  great  suffering 
for  about  forty-eight  hours,  when  Louisa,  the  eldest,  aged  sev- 
enteen years,  ani  John,  the  youngest,  aged  twelve  years,  died, 
and  were  both  buried  in  one  grave,  leaving  the  mother  inco'nsoia' 
ble  for  her  lews.  Her  whole  attention,  however,  Mas  still  required 
for  poor  Henry,  who  lay  several  days  in  great  suffering,  but  he  fi- 
nally recovered.  This  was  a  sad  stroke  to  the  heart  of  the  already 
grief-stricken  mother,  which  was  doubly  heavy  on  her  from  the 
firm  belief  she  entertained  that  their  death  had  resulted  from  poi- 


son,  and  that  that  poison  had  been  administered  to  them  by  the 
hand  of  th<?ir  father— by  that  hand  whicli  should  have  brushed  away 
from  their  path  every  thorn  that  could  harm  them.  The  belief  is 
-now  general  throughout  the  county  that  their  blood  is  also  on  the 
head  of  Andrew  Hell  man,  but  whether  true  or  false  remains  to  be 
decided  between  him  and  his  GoJ.  It  would  seem,  if  the  charge 
be  correct,  to  have  been  a  miraculous  intervention  of  Providence 
that  poor  Henry,  the  child  of  Misfortune,  the  one  alone  above  all 
others  that  his  father  disliked  and  ill-treated,  was  the  one  that 
outlived  the  effects  of  the  deadly  potion.  Happy  would  he  doubt- 
less now  be  could  he  disown  such  a  father,  and  forever  obliterate 
from  memory  his  existence.  Ho  is,  however,  now  loved  and  re- 
.spected  by  all  who  are  acquainted  with  him,  having  fully  inherited 
ail  the  good  qualities  of  his  unfortunate  mother,  and  fully  proving 
the  saying  that  a  bad  man  may  be  the  lUther  of  a  worthy  son. 
Just  entering  on  manhood,  he  bids  fair  to  reclaim,  by  a  just  and 
honorable  life,  a  nauie  that  has  been  tarnished  by  the  most  detes- 
table acts  of  crime  and  guilt. 

It  may  be  stated  here,  in  justice  to  Hellman,  that,  since  his  con- 
viction of  the  murder  of  Malinda  Horn,  he  has  been  questioned 
with  regard  to  the  death  of  his  children,  and  though  he  did  not 
deny  the  murder  of  his  first  wife,  he  positively  asserts  that  he  had 
no  hand  in  their  death.  He,  however,  will  find  it  difficult  to  sat- 
isfy those  who  witnessed  the  heart-rending  scene,  and  his  utter 
callousness  a,s  to  the  result,  that  he  is  not  also  their  murderer— 
that  the  blood  of  his  innocent  offspring  does  not  rest  on  his  head, 
equally  with  that  of  the  unborn  child  of  his  second  victim.  The 
bodies,  we  learn,  were  not  examined,  to  discover  the  cause  of 
death,  the  suspicion  as  to  their  being  poisoned  having  been  kept  a 
secret  in  the  breasts  of  the  members  of  the  family,  for  the  sake  of 
the  poor  mother,  whose  hard  lot  might  have  been  embittered  in 
eiise  they  should  have  been  unable  to  sustain  the  charge.  As  bad 
as  they  then  thought  him  to  be,  they  could  hardly  believe  him  to 
be  guilty  of  such  a  crime,  but  experience  has  since  taught  thera 
that  he  was  capable  of  anything,  let  it  be  ever  so  heinous  and 
criminal,  and  not  even  a  denial  under  the  solemnity  of  a  confess- 
ion can  now  clear  him  of  the  charge. 

The  two  children,  as  has  already  been  stated,  died  in  the  month 
of  April,  1839,  and  on  the  26th  of  September,  1839,  five  months  af- 
ter, the  poor  mother  met  her  terrible  fate.    The  intervening  time 


had  been  passed  in  fear  and  trembling,  and  she  watched  over  and 
guarded  her  only  remaining  chilcl  with  tenfold  care  and  anxiety. 
She  feared  that  the  blow  which  she  thought  had  been  aimed 
mainly  at  the  head  of  the  disowned  Henry,  wag  still  reserved  for 
him,  and  she  therefore  followed  him  with  the  argus  eyes  of  a 
mother,  when  evil  or  danger  threatens  ;  she  watched  his  depart- 
ure, and  longed  for  his  return  when  absent  at  his  daily  labor,  and 
folded  him  to  her  heart  as  its  only  solace  unuer  the  heavy  weight 
of  sorrow  and  affliction  she  had  been  called  on  to  endure.  Henry 
loved  his  mother  equally  well,  and  did  much  to  ease  her  heart  of 
its  heavy  burden. 

On  the  26th  of  September,  hearing  that  her  brother  George  was 
unwell,  she  gladly  embraced  the  opportunity  of  sending  Henry  to 
assist  his  uncle  on  the  work  of  the  farm  for  a  few  days,  knowing 
that  there  at  least  he  would  be  out  of  harm's  way.  It  was  the  flrsl 
time  that  he  had  ever  been  absent  from  her,  and  when  she  bade 
him  farewell,  and  admonished  him  to  take  care  of  himself,  Mttle 
did  she  think  that  it  was  the  last  time  she  ever  would  see  him— 
that  ere  the  ensuing  dawn  of  day  she  would  herself  be  lying  a 
mangled  and  mutilated  corpse.  Such  was  the  melancholy  fact,  as 
the  sequel  proved. 

The  events  of  that  night  and  the  two  succeeding  days  are 
wrapped  in  impenetrable  darkness,  no  witness  being  left  but  God 
and  the  murderer  that  can  fully  describe  them,  but  such  a  scene  as 
we  are  left  lo  imagine,  we  will  endeavor  to  narrate. 

On  Saturday  morning,  the  28th  of  September,  1839,  Mrs.  Rachel 
Abel,  the  wife  of  Mr.  George  Abel,  came  to  the  house  to  see  her 
sister-in-law,  and  so  soon  as  she  entered  the  door  she  was  surprised 
to  see  Hellman  lying  in  bed  in  the  front  room,  with  his  head,  face 
and  clothing  covered  with  blood.  With  an  exclamation  of  won- 
der she  asked  him  what  was  the  matter.  He  replied,  affecting  t« 
be  scarcely  able  to  speak  from  weakness  and  loss  of  blood,  that 
two  nights  previous,  at  a  late  hour,  a  loud  rap  had  summoned  hint 
to  the  door :  on  opening  it,  two  robbers  had  entered,  one  a  large, 
dark  man,  ( meaning  a  negro )  and  a  small  white  man,  when  he 
had  immediately  been  leveled  to  the  floor  with  a  heavy  club. 
How  he  had  got  into  bed  he  said  he  could  not  tell,  but  that  he  hael 
been  lying  there  suffering  ever  since,  unable  to  get  out.  On  hear- 
ing this  story,  and  from  his  bloody  appearance,  and  apparent  faint- 
ness,  not  doubting  it,  Mrs.  Able  exclaimed,   "Where  in  the  name 


of  Gocl  is  your  wife?"  to  which  he  replied,  "I  do  not  know,  go 
and  see."  On  pushing  open  the  back  room  door,  a  scene  of  blood 
met  her  view  that  it  would  be  impossible  fully  to  describe.  In 
the  center  of  the  room  lay  the  mangled  corpse  of  the  poor  wife, 
with  her  blood  drenching  the  floor,  whilst  the  ceiling,  walls,  and 
furniture,  were  also  heavily  sprinkled  with  the  streams  which  had 
evidently  gushed  from  the  numerous  wounds  she  had  received  in 
the  dreadful  struggle. 

Mrs.  Able  immediately  left  the  house,  and  proceeded  with  all 
dispatch  to  the  house  of  Gen.  John  Abel,  which  was  but  a  short 
distance  off,  and  on  relating  to  him  the  story  of  Heilman  and  the 
condition  of  his  sister,  he  Immediately  pronounced  her  to  hav« 
been  murdered  by  her  husband.  Charging  her  as  well  as  his  own 
wife  and  family,  not  to  go  to  the  house  again,  until  some  of  thei 
neighbors  had  entered,  he  proceeded  to  make  the  fact  known,  and 
in  a  short  time  a  large  number  had  assembled.  In  answer  to  their 
inquiries  Heilman  told  the  same  story,  and  with  faint  voice  and 
apparent  anguish,  pointed  to  the  bloody  and  apparently  mutilated 
condition  of  his  head,  still  lying  prostrate  in  his  own  bed.  The 
condition  of  the  house  also  bore  evidence  of  having  been  ransacked 
by  robbers,  every  thing  having  been  emptied  out  of  the  drawers 
and  chests  and  thrown  in  confusion  on  the  floor.  His  story  being 
credited  by  the  neighbors,  he  was  asked  where  he  had  left  his 
money,  and  on  looking  at  the  designate  I  place  it  was  found  to  be 
gone.  A  small  amount  of  money,  $16  60,  belonging  to  Henry, 
which  had  been  deposited  in  the  heft  of  his  chest,  had  also  been 
abstracted.  The  reader  can  doubtless  imagine  the  scene,  and  the 
commiseration  of  the  neighbors  for  the  unfortunate  victims  of  the 
midnight  assassin. 

At  this  moment  Gen.  Abel  entered,  and  shortly  after  him  a  cor- 
oner and  a  physician.  I'welve  men  were  immediately  selected  as 
a  jury  of  inquest  to  examine  into  the  cause  of  the  death  of  Mrs. 
Heilman.  The  jury  being  sworn,  and  having  entered  on  their  du- 
ty, Gen.  Abel  openly  charged  Andrew  Heilman  with  being  her 
murderer.  The  jury  were  struck  with  astonishment  as  they  looked 
at  Heilman,  lying  prostrate  in  his  bed,  and  demanded  of  the  ac- 
cuser what  evidence  he  had  to  substantiate  such  a  charge.  The 
afflicted  brother  in  reply  stated  that  he  unfortunately  had  no  evi- 
dence, but  desired  that  the  physician  in  attendance  would  exam- 
ine Hellman's  wounds.    The  examination  was  accordingly  naad», 


and  the  I'esult  was  that  not  n  scratch,  a  cut,  or  a  bruise  could  be 
found  on  any  part  of  his  j^erson.  Not  only  morally  but  practically 
was  it  thus  established,  beyond  the  shadow  of  a  doubt,  that  "her 
blood  was  on  his  head."  He  had  evidently  taken  up  a  quantity  of 
her  blood  and  thrown  it  on  his  head  and  shoulders,  in  order  to 
give  credence  to  hi.->  story,  which  act  alone  served  as  a  positive 
evidence  of  his  guilt.  On  a  search  being  made  of  the  i)reniises,  his 
axe  was  found,  leaning  against  the  bar  post,  about  fifty  yards  from 
the  house,  re3king  with  blool,  and  hair  sufficient  sticking*  to  it  to 
identify  it  as  that  of  the  deceased — his  knife,  covered  witii  blood, 
was  found  concealed  on  the  hearth  of  the  chimney— his  tailor 
socks  were  found  in  the  cellar,  covered  with  blood — and  the  shirt 
he  had  on,  as  well  as  his  arm,  was  saturated  with  blood  up  to  the 
elbow.  Thepje  was,  therefore,  ncrthing  wanting  to  identify  him. 
fully  and  conclusively,  as  the  murderer,  and  he  was  forthwith  com- 
mitted lor  trial ;  and  the  remains  of  his  victim,  having  laid  two 
days  exposed  before  discovery,  were,  on  the  evening  of  the  sa»ie 
day  followed  to  the  grave  by  a  large  concourse  of  friends  and  rela- 
tives, and  deposited  by  the  side  of  her  two  children,  whom  she 
had  sorrowed  over  but  five  months  previous. 

From  the  condition  of  the  body,  as  well  as  other  marks  in  the 
room,  there  remained  no  doubt  that  the  murder  had  been  com- 
mitted in  the  most  cold-blooded,  premeditated  and  malicious  man- 
ner. The  body  was  lying  on  the  floor,  but  from  the  fact  that  a 
large  quantity  of  blood  was  found  in  the  center  of  the  bed,  it  is 
supposed  she  was  lying  asleep  at  the  time  of  the  attack,  wholly  un- 
conscious otany  impending  evil.  The  stains  on  the  pillow  indica- 
ted that  she  had  partially  risen  up  after  the  first  blow,  and  had 
been  again  knocked  back  on  the  bed.  The  soles  of  her  feet  were 
saturated  in  blood,  av hich  led  to  the  belief  that  she  had  managed 
to  get  out  of  bed,  and  had  stood  erect  in  her  own  blood  on  the  floor 
before  she  was  finally  despatched.  Six  distinct  cuts,  apparently 
inflicted  with  the  handle  of  an  axe,  were  discovered  on  her  head. 
The  hands  and  arms  were  dreadfully  bruised,  as  if  she  had  in  the 
same  manner  as  his  second  victim,  endeavored  thus  to  ward  off 
the  blows  aimed  at  her  head,  whilst  the  little  finger  of  the  left 
hand,  and  the  fore-finger  of  the  right  hand  were  both  broken.  A 
large  gash,  laying  open  the  flesh  to  the  bone,  was  visible  on  the 
right  thigh,  apparently  inflicted  with  an  axe,  and  across  the  whole 
length  of  the  abdomen  th(  re  extended  a  heavy  bruise,  in  the  shape 


of  the  letter  X,  in  the  center  of  which  wtis  a  large  mark  of  bruised 
blood,  at  least  six  inches  square.  An  attempt  had  been  made  with 
the  axe  to  sever  the  head  from  the  body,  and  three  separate  gashes 
passing  nearly  through  the  neck,  the  edge  of  the  blade  entering 
the  floor,  appeared  to  have  been  the  finishing  stroke  of  the  bloody 

The  fact  ol  his  having  hewn  up  and  dissected  the  body  of  Ma- 
linda  Horn,  can  no  longer  therefore  be  considered  a  matter  of 
wonder.  It  wns  only  the  second  act  of  the  bioody  drama,  and  well 
did  he  understand  his  part.  The  man  who  had  passed,  without 
being  conscience-stricken,  through  such  a  scene  of  blood  as  we  have 
just  described,  was  doubtless  capable  for  any  emergency,  and  he 
probably  disposed  of  his  second  subject  with  the  same  ease  of  mind 
that  a  butcher  would  quarter  a  calf. 

After  he  had  been  some  time  in  prison  he  confessed  he  had  hid- 
den his  money  himself,  and  that  it  was  in  a  tin  cup  behind  two 
bricks  on  the  breast  of  the  chimney.  A  search  was  there  made, 
and  money  to  the  amount  of  $176  24  in  gold,  silver,  and  bank 
notes  was  found,  with  promissory  notes  to  the  amount  of  $838,  ma- 
king in  all  $1014  ^A.  There  were  also  in  the  cup  two  certificates 
for  sections  of  land  in  Mercer  county,  Ohio.  The  money  belonging 
to  his  son  Henry,  which  had  been  taken  out  of  the  chest,  was  found 
stuck  into  a  crack  on  the  jamb  of  the  chimney.  His  acknowledge- 
ment of  the  concealment  of  the  money  was  of  course  looked  on  as  a 
full  confession  of  guilt.  He  of  course  obtained  possession  of  it,  and 
it  is  thought  found  some  means  of  transmitting  it  to  a  friend  in 
Baltimore,  from  whose  hands  he  afterwards  again  obtained  pos- 
session of  it.  His  farm  in  Starke  county,  having  three  dwellings 
on  it  and  considered  to  be  a  very  valuable  piece  of  property,  he 
deeded  to  his  son  Henry  during  his  confinement,  which  is  in  fact 
the  only  worthy  act  with  regard  to  the  man  that  has  yet  come 
under  our  notice. 

A  few  months  after  his  arrest  a  true  bill  was  found  against  him 
by  the  Grand  Jury  of  Starke  county,  and  he  was  bi'ought  out  for 
arraignment  before  the  Court  of  Common  Pleas,  and  there  made 
known  his  determination,  as  he  had  right  to  do,  to  be  tried  before 
the  Supreme  Court.  At  length  the  term  of  the  Supreme  Court 
commenced,  and  two  days  before  the  close  of  its  session,  his  case 
was  called  up  for  trial.  Having  secured  eminent  counsel,  they 
urged  on  the  court  that  the  case  would  occupy  more  time  than  that 



allo>A'ed  for  the  dose  of  the  term,  and  finally  succeedeil  in  having 
it  postponed  to  the  next  term,  which,  meeting  but  once  a  year, 
caused  a  corresponding  delay  in  the  trial.    • 

He  was  accordingly  remanded  back  to  the  jail  in  Bellefontaine, 
Logan  county,  Ohio,  which  was  a  large  log  building,  fi*om  whence 
on  the  loth  of  November,  1840,  after  being  confined  nearly  four- 
teen months,  he  made  his  escape.  It  had  been  the  custom  to  keep 
him  confined  in  the  cells  only  during  the  night  in  cold  weather, 
allowing liini  to  occupy  an  upper  room  durinu'  the  day,  depending 
almost  entirely  for  his  security  on  the  heavy  iron  hobbles  that 
were  kept  attached  to  his  legs.  The  means  whereby  he  escaped 
have  been  the  subject  of  much  controversy,  and  several  persons 
have  been  implicated  as  accomplices,  either  before  or  after  the 
fact.  Since  his  arrest  he  has  positively  denied  having  any  assist- 
ance, and  states  that,  having  got  the  hobble  off  of  one  foot,  he 
started  off  in  that  condition,  carrying  theni  in  his  hand.  On  the 
night  of  his  escape  he  had  been  left  up  stairs  later  than  usual,  and 
there  being  no  fastenings  of  any  consequence  on  the  door,  he 
walked  off.  He  was  immediately  pursued  and  tracked  to  the  house 
of  a  man  named  Conrad  Harpole,  near  P^ast  Liberty,  in  Logan 
county,  in  the  neighborhood  of  which,  a  horse,  belonging  to  one  of 
hli<  attorneuH,  was  found  running  loose,  and  it  was  ascertained  that 
he  had  there  purchased  a  horse,  saddle  and  bridle,  and  pursued  his 
journey.  He  was  then  traced  to  Carrollton  in  Carroll  county, 
where  he  had  formerly  lived,  passing  through  in  open  day.  He 
was  here  spoken  to  by  an  old  acquaintance,  but  made  no  reply. 
Some  of  his  pursuers  actually  arrived  in  Baltimore  before  he  did, 
and  although  the  most  dilligent  search  was  made  for  him,  assisted 
by  High-Constable  Mitchell,  no  further  trace  could  be  found  of  him. 
They,  however,  were  under  the  opinion  that  he  was  concealed  in 
the  city,  and  finally  gave  up  all  hope  of  detecting  him.  The  next 
thing  that  was  heard  of  him  was  in  York,  Pennsylvania,  where  on 
the  28th  of  September,  1841,  about  ten  months  after  his  escape,  he 
appeared  before  John  A.  Wilson,  Esq.,  a  Justice  of  the  Peace,  and 
executed  a  deed  for  640  acres  of  land  in  Mercer  county,  in  favor  of 
Charles  Anthony,  Esq.,  one  of  his  attorneys. 

We  have  heard  it  positively  stated,  though  we  cannot  vouch  for 
its  correctness,  that  in  the  fall  of  1841,  which  is  about  the  time  the 
deed  just  mentioned  was  executed  at  York,  he  was  a  resident  of 
Baltimore,  and  kept  a  small  tailor  shop  on  Pennsylvania  Aveuuo, 

LOGAX  ("orXTlKS.  91 

near  H;uiiliiii-i;- Street,  where  lie  wns  l)iirae(!  out.  If  so,  In- tlieii 
l>assed  by  ?mother  name,  and  liad  not  yet  assumed  the  name  of 
Adam  Horn.     He  made  his  appearanee  in  Baltimore  county  in  the 

leighborhood  otthescene  of  the  last  murder  early  in  the  year  1842 
ind  commenced  boarding- at  the  house  of  Wm.  Poist,  in  the  month 
of  May.  On  the  ensuing  17th  day  of  August,  1842,  he  wjvs  married 
to  :Malinda  llinkle. 

The  horrible  |)articulars  of  his  se  -ond  wife's  murder,  we  present 
our  readers  in  the  succinct  and  satisfactory  account  of  it  that  we 
glean  from  t lie  evidence  produced  upon  the  trial.  Horn  was  ar- 
raigned before  the  Baltimore  county  Oourt,  and  the  case  came  up 
before  Judges  Magruder  and  Purviance,  on  the  2(»th  of  November, 
184:'..  The  awful  barbarity  of  the  man's  crime,  and  the  hardened 
indifference  he  exhibited  in  regard  to  it,  created  a  thrilling  excite- 
ment in  the  public  mind,  and  at  an  early  hour  a  crowd  had  assem- 
bled on  the  pavement  oast  of  the  Court-house,  in  the  area  above, 
and  all  along  the  lane.  Shortly  before  the  hour,  the  van  drove  up 
.below,  and  was  instantly  surroimded  with  an  eager  throng,  anx- 
ious to  catch  a  glimpse  of  the  [)risoner.  The  prisoner  was  taken 
out,  and,  after  a  considerable  struggle  with  the  crowd,  brought 
into  the  court  room.  In  five  minutes  thereafter,  the  whole sj»ace 
allotted  to  spectators  was  crammed  to  every  conTer. 

Two  days  were  occupied  in  empanelling  a  jury,  which  linally 
consisted  of  the  following  gentlemen,  citizens  of  Baltimore  county, 
exclusive  of  the  city:  John  B.  H.  Fulton,  Foreman  ;  Alexander  J. 
Kennard,  Stephen  Tracy,  Melcher  Fowble,  Hanson  Butter,  Wm. 
Butler,  Benjamin  Wheeler,  senior,  Abraham  Elliot,  Samuel  Price, 
Henry  Leaf,  Samuel  S.  Palmer,  James  \\'olfington. 

J.  N.  Steele,  Esq.,  Prosecuting  Attorney  for  Baltimore  county 
t'ourt,  opened  the  case  in  a  lucid  and  effective  manner.  He  spoke 
to  the  following  purport : 

"  I  shall  in  the  prosecution  of  this  case  ex}>ect  to  show  to  you, 
that  the  prisoner,  in  the  early  part  of  the  year  1842,  came  to  reside 
in  Baltimore  county,  under  the  name  of  Adam  Horn  ;  but  that  his 
real  name  is  Andrew  Hellman;  that  a  short  time  thereafter  in  the 
course  of  the  ensuing  summer,  he  settled  in  the  country,  purchased 
some  land,  bought  a  store,  and  worked  at  his  trade  as  a  tailor ;  he 
became  acquainted  with  the  deceased,  and  in  August,  1842,  mar- 
ried her;  that  some  time  thereafter  their  domestic  life  was  dis- 
turbed by  frequent  bickerings  and  angry  dissensions;  that  Hora 


was  dissatislied,  sayiuj^'  to  his  neighbors  that  she  was  too  young-  for 
him,  that  she  lovetl  other  men  better  than  himself,  I^^hallshovv 
you  that  this  prisoner  is  a  man  of  deep-seated  malignancy  of  ch'ir- 
a«ter,  of  passionate  and  violent  temper  ;  and  though  we  know 
some  facts  in  relation  to  their  habits  of  life,  we  know  not  what 
private  feuds  and  what  severity  of  treatment  the  deceased  may 
have  been  too  often  exposed  to.  I  shall  show  you  that  upon  one 
occasion  she  had  gone  to  church,  contrary  to  his  desire,  and  that 
upon  her  return,  he  threw  her  clothes  out  of  the  window,  and  put 
her  violently  out  of  the  house,  in  consequence  of  which  conduct 
she  remained  absent  several  days.  I  shall  show  to  you  that  some 
time  before  that  event  he  had  looked  upon  her  and  spoken  of  her, 
evidently  to  tind  some  cause  to  be  rid  of  her ;  and  after  she  was 
gone,  he  applied  to  her  the  most  opprobrious  epithets,  peculiarly 
degrading  to  the  character  of  a  woman  and  of  a  wife,  and  openly 
threatened  that  if  she  returned  to  his  house  he  would  shoot  her. 
Nor  was  this  a  temporary  feeliiig  raging  in  his  heart  at  one  time 
more  violently  than  at  another  ;  not  an  outbreak  of  temper  for  the 
moment,  but  as  I  shall  be  able  to  show  you,  a  malignant,  deep-* 
settled  and  insatiate  hatred.  Thus  they  continued  to  live  together 
until  the  22d  of  March  last ;  on  the  evening  of  that  day,  she  was 
seen  the  last  time  alive — that  evening  at  sunset,  and  these  two 
thus  unhappily  paired,  dwelt  in  the  solitude  of  this  house  alone; 
not  another  human  soul  lived  within  those  walls ;  these  two  alone 
on  that  night  were  in  sole  companionship,  moved  by  feelings 
which  the  event  can  alone  explain. 

"There  was  deep  snow  on  the  ground  that  night;  there  was 
also  a  tremendous  tempest ;  it  was  the  worst  night  remembered 
during. the  winter ;  the  wind  blew  a  hurricane,  and  the  snow  was 
banked  up  in  the  roads,  and  at  every  eminence  which  offered  re- 
sistance to  the  wind,  in  a  manner  which  rendered  it  almost  im- 
possible to  move;  and  on  that  night  he  was  in  the  house  with  his 
deceased  wife  ;  the  next  morning  he  was  seen  to  go  up  the  road  ; 
he  passed  the  house  of  Mr.  Poist,  his  nearest  neighbor,  with  whom 
he  had  been  intimate  since  he  first  went  into  the  county,  hut  said 
nothing  to  him  about  the  absence  of  his  wife ;  but  went  on  to  the 
house  of  a  German  acquaintance  (  who  has  since  committed  sui- 
cide ),  and  said  to  him,  as  I  expect  to  show — the  counsel  for  the 
defence  admitting  his  testimony  as  given  at  the  jail — that  his  wife 
had  left  him  two  hours  before  day  ;    that  they  had  had  no  quarrel, 


yet  she  had  irone  out  on  such  a  night,  in  the  condition  she  was  in  ; 
he  told  this  German  that  she  had  taken  $50  in  money  from  a  cor- 
ner of  the  store  in  which  she  had  seen  him  count  it ;  hut  I  sha51 
show  you,  gentlemen  of  the  jury,  that  he  told  another  persosi  that 
she  took  the  mon^ty  from  a  trunk  up  .stairs  ;  and  still  ancjther  per- 
son "I'Jiat  she  took  it  from  a  chetst  in  the  back  room,  thus 
stamping  the  fabrication  with  its  true  character  of  falsehood.  The 
snow  that  had  fallen  remained  upon  the  ground  some  ten  days,  at 
the  expiration  of  which  period,  I  shall  sh.ow  you  that  Hoi'n  went 
to  the  house  of  Mrs.  Gittinjier,  ;uid  requested  her  to  engage  for 
him  a  housekeeper  ;  that  matters  continued  thus  until  iSunday, 
the  IGth  of  April,  when  Catharine  Hinkle,  a  sister  of  the  de- 
ceased, hearing  of  the  absence  of  Mrs.  Horn,  went  to  the  house  of 
the  prisoner ;  that  although  they  had  previously  to  that  time 
been  on  the  most  friendly  terms,  Horn,  without  refusing  to 
:-peak  to  her,  spoke  with  manifest  reluctance,  seemed  confused, 
colored  in  conversation,  and  otherwise  betrayed  uneasiness  and 
guilt;  that  on  being  first  questioned  by  Catharine,  he  said  his 
wife  had  left  the  house,  on  the  evening  referred  to,  about  bed-time; 
but  afterwards,  before  she  went  away,  apparently  recollecting  the 
contradiction  that  would  exist,  he  told  her  that  Malinda  bad  gone 
away  about  two  hours  before  day.  I  shall  then  show  you,  gentle- 
men, that  Catharine  went  off  with  the  determination  to  see  Just- 
ice Hushey,  satisfied  that  there  was  something  wrong,  but  first 
called  at  the  house  of  Mrs.  Gittinger,  who  was,  however,  absent ; 
Mrs.  Gittinger's  little  daughter  only  v/as  there,  and  to  her  Catha- 
rine imparted  her  suspicions,  said  she  was  going  to  .Justice  Bush- 
ey's,  and  would  have  Horn's  house  searched  iorthwith.  On  that 
day  the  little  girl  stated  this  conversation  to  her  mother;  and, 
gentlemen,  I  shall  show  you  that  at  that  time,  Horn  himself  was 
at  Gittinger's,  in  an  adjoining  room,  with  some  neighbors  who* 
had  come  to  visit  a  sick  person  ;  that  the  statement  of  the  little 
girl  to  her  n:!other  was  distinctly  overheard  in  that  room,  and  im- 
mediately thereafter  Horn  got  up  from  his  chair  and  left  the  house, 
I  shall  show  you  that  at  that  time  he  had  on  his  usual  Sunday 
dress,  and  that  he  was  seen  soon  afterwards,  in  the  evening,  in  his 
ordinary  working  clothes,  although  there. was  no  apparent  cause 
for  til.  'S.  ange.  On  the  following  day,  IMonday,  he  fled  —  and 
with  So  ijjuch  precipitancy  ot  flight,  that  he  had  left  his  store,  con" 
tainiii^  $400  or  $500  wo-th  of  goods,  without  a  single  person  to  take 


care  of  it;  and  de:*erted  hU  farm,  and  indeed  so  preeipitatelj  ab- 
sconded that  the  doorn  of  the  house  had  been  left  unfastened,  and 
his  slioes  left  out  upon  the  lioor,  he  was  next  seen  in  the  office  of 
the  Clerk  of  Baltimore  County  ('ourt,  on  Monday,  where  he  tjot 
out  a  deed  of  his  property,  and  next  heard  of  in  Philadelphia, 
where,  according'  to  his  own  statement,  he  arrived  on  the  follow  - 
inj^  (Tuesday)  morning.  Thus,  on  the  slightest  intimation  that 
active  measures  would  be  taken  to  discover  the  whereabout  of  the 
<Ieceased,  overheard  in  the  conversation  of  the  cliild  with  her 
mother,  we  find  this  man  — a  man  of  thrift,  and  careful  in  his 
business — a  man  of  even  miserly  habits,  tn us  hurrying  away  from 
his  home,  leaving  all  his  property  exposed.  I  shall  further  show 
to  you,  gentlemen,  that  when  the  prisoner  was  arrested  in  Phila- 
delphia, he  admitted  that  he  was  from  Baltimtjre  counfy.and  that 
his  name  was  Horn  ;  that  when  passing  along  the  street,  in  cus- 
tody of  the  officer,  he  was  asked  his  trade,  and  he  replied  '  a  shoe- 
maker,' his  real  business  being  that  of  a  tailor ;  he  was  seen  to 
throw  sometliing  away  soon  afterwards,  which  was  picked  up  by 
another  officer,  and  proved  to  be  a  tailor's  thimble,  the  latter  say- 
ing :  '  Did  you  see  him  throw  this  thimble  away  ?  '  the  prisoner 
offering  no  denial  ;  at  the  officer's  house  to  which  he  was  first 
taken,  he  threw  away  a  pair  of  scissors  ;  he  also  aasured  the  offi- 
cers he  had  no  dee<3,  but  when  further  search  was  proposed,  he 
either  produced,  or  tliere  were  found  u{)on  him,  two  vieeds,  one 
conveying  the  property  from  another  party  to  himself,  and  th«* 
other  drawn  in  Philadelphia,  conveying  it  from  himself  to  John 
Btorech,  the  German  who  has  since  committed  .suicide. 

"I  shall  further  show  you,  gentlemen,  that  by  what  may  be 
regarded  as  remarkable  interposition  of  Providence,  on  the  morn- 
ing following  the  Sunday  on  which  he  had  fled,  some  young  men, 
wliile  shootin^j  in  tlie  neighborhood,  came  on  Horn's  place,  and 
crossing  a  small  gutter  or  gully  in  the  orchard,  their  attention  was 
attracted  l)y  a  hole  newly  dug  m  it,  and  close  by  a  circulnr  place, 
a  little  sunk,  into  which  they  thrust  a  stick,  and  soon  found  it  re- 
sisted by  a  substance  of  a  nature  whicii  cause  1  it  to  rebound  ;  that 
without  further  examination  these  young  men  went  to  a  person 
named  Poist,  wliom  they  informed  that  they  had  discovered  some- 
thing strange  in  the  gulley,  and  they  thought  it  wa,'*  probably 
Mali.ida  Horn.  Accompanieti  by  PoJst,  they  returned  to  the  spot. 
dug  up  the  earth,  rtti(i  there  found    the   body — no  gentlemen,  not 


the  body — but  the  headless,  liinbh'ss,  mutilated   trunk,   sewed  up 
in  H  coffee-bag. 

"In  this  remote  phice,  they  also  found  a  spade  near  by,  standing 
against  a  tree,  whicli  a  witness  identified  by  a  particular  mark  as 
belonging  to  the  prisoner.  On  the  coffee-bag  was  seen  the  name 
of  Adam  Horn,  and  it  will  be  identified  by  Mr.  Caughy,  a  mer- 
chant of  this  city,  as  one  in  which  he  sold  a  quantity  of  coffee 
to  Horn,  nine  or  ten  months  before.  In  this  connection  we  shall 
prove  to  have  been  f(»und  Horn's  spade,  and  Horn's  (;offee-bag,  but 
it  does  not  stop  here  ;  they  went  to  the  house  to  ])ursue  their  in- 
vestigations, and  there  in  a  back  room  upstairs,  they  found  another 
bag  containing  the  legs  and  arms  of  a  human  being,  corresponding 
with  the  trunk  ;  thus  in  the  very  house  occupied  by  the  prisoner 
and  his  wife,  were  found  these  mangled  remains;  contained  too, 
in  a  bag  soiled  with  a  quantity  of  mud,  exactly  resembling  that  in 
the  hole  of  the  gully  from  which  they  are  supposed  to  have  been 
taken  ;  mud  upon  the  several  limbs  aLso  corresponding  with  it; 
the  clothes  of  the  prisoner  also  found  scattered  about  the  house, 
soiled  in  the  same  way,  and  his  shoes  even  when  found,  wet  and 
moist,  and  muddy,  in  every  particular  indicating  the  recent  visit 
<if  the  wearer  to  that  place  ;  still  furrliei',  by  way  of  tracing  him  to 
the  very  grave  of  these  mutilated  remains,  his  footprint,  exactly 
corresponding  with  the  shoe,  is  discovered  by  the  gully.  But,  un- 
fortunately for  the  prisoner,  we  do  not  stoj)  here  ;  I  shall  produce 
evidence  to  convince  you  beyond  all  doubt  that  this  body  and 
these  limbs  so  discovered  were  the  body  and  limbs  of  Maliuda 
Horn.  I  shall  show  you  that  there  was  no  other  woman  missing 
from  that  i)!ace  and  neighborhood,  and  I  ]ieed  not  say  to  you  that 
a  woman  is  not  like  a  piece  of  furniture  thatct.m  !)e  destroyed  with- 
out the  knowledge  of  persons  out  of  the  liousehold.  I  rihall  prove 
to  you,  gentlemen,  that  the  body  and  limbs  were  fh^  <\r.e  of  those 
of  the  deceased ;  that  they  were  large,  she  being  i  .  .;^  woman; 
that  Malinda  Horn  at  the  time  of  her  disappearanc;-  .\  i-  known  to 
be  pregnant;  that  the  body  discovered  proved  to  be  in  this  state  ; 
that  a  small  portion  of  the  hair  sticking  to  the  back  of  the  neck 
was  of  the  color  of  the  hair  of  the  deceased  ;  that  a  peculiarity  in 
the  form  of  the  deceased  was  the  width  of  her  breasts  apart ;  that 
the  same  peculiarity  was  r)erceptil)le  in  the  body  that  has  beeji 
found  ;  that  the  deceased  was  seen  daily  in  household  duties  by  her 
acquaintances,  barefoot,  and    I  shall  produce  testimony  to  pi'ovc 


l)ositively  that  the  feet  found  in  tlie  prisonei's  li(»useare  the  feet  of 
Malinda  Horn  ;  a  peculiarity  in  the  thumb  of  one  hand,  which  ha<! 
been  bent  by  a  felon,  also  afford;^  positive  proof  by  which  the  dis- 
nieiribered  anaos  have  been  identified  hs  tiiose  of  IMalinda  Horn. 
From  thi8  evidence,  I  say  there  can  be  no  question  of  the  identity 
of  the  body.  Yet  is  there  another  fact,  a  startlint^,  a  marvelous 
one;  I  (h)  not  know  that  I  shall  have  occasion  to  resort  to  it,  but  I 
shall  inentio!)  it  now;  should  I,  however,  find  it  necessary  to  in- 
troduce it,  what  I  now  say  y(ju  will  be  at  liberty  to  discard.  I  am 
not  familiar,  gentlemen,  with  the  wonder-working  powers  of  na- 
ture as  exhibited  in  the  human  foFra,  but  in  what  1  am  about  to 
assert  it  would  seem  that  Providence  has  indeed  folhnvetl  this  ter- 
rible munler  with  evidence  from  the  unborn.  I  have  alluded  to 
th^' state  in  which  the  unfortunate  woman  deceased,  and  I  ouglst 
iK^w  to  ad'i  that  ;i  post  nu»rt>-iii  exaiiiinntioii  was  conducted  some 
tinu-  thereafter  by  a  distinguished  surj^eon  of  tliis  city  ;  that  in  the 
course  of  the  operation  the  womb  was  removed,  and  preserved  by 
that  gentleman,  and  remarkable  as  it  may  seem,  1  learn  that  the 
infant,  yet  four  months  wanting  of  the  hour  of  parturition,  i-s  in- 
deed, in  every  feature,  afac  simile  o/  Adam  Horn! 

"In  addition  to  what  I  have  stated,  and  the  awful  picture  pre- 
sented to  your  view,  we  have  a  striking  fact  to  be  considered;  tlie 
mangled  trunk  has  been  found  witli  every  limb  rudely  torn  frou\ 
its  place  ;  the  limbs  have  been  found,  legs  and  arms,  huddled  to- 
gether in  horrible  confusion,  but  the  head  has  never  to  this  hour 
been  discovered  ;  there  can  be  no  doulit  that  it  has  been  concealed 
or  destroy. kI  to  prevent  its  identification,  and  its  very  absence  is 
proof  that  it  was  the  head  (tf  3Ia!inda  Horn.  I  shall  further  show 
to  you,  gentlemen,  that  the  body -Uscovered,  jiroved  to  be  that  of 
a  person  suddenly  deceased,  in  high  and  perfect  health  ;  and  I 
shall  show  in  connection  with  this  fact,  thai  the  deceased,  when 
last  seen,  was  in  that  state— perfectly  well.  I  shall  be  able  to  show 
to  you,  that  great  violence  had  been  committed  on  this  tier  man- 
gled body;  that  a  large  bruise  was  found  extending  its  (-ffects  deep 
into  the  muscles  on  the  breast  and  shoulder;  that  there  was  an- 
other of  four  or  five  inches  diameter  upon  her  back,  as  if  inflicted 
by  somf  large  instrument,  and  by  a  most  violent  blow;  and  fur- 
ther, that  one  hand  and  wrist  exhilMts  almost  a  continuous  bruise, 
as  if  mashed  in  apparently  fruitle^<  efforts  to  prevent  the  dreadful 
injuries  which  follo^^e(^. 


"  Still  further  must  I  proceed  with  the  disgusting,  revolting 
spectacle ;  and  show  you  that  in  the  perpetration  of  the  murder, 
the  after  circunistanees  were  only  part  of  the  original  plan  ;  to 
sever  th<- limbs,  to  cut  off  the  he-ad,  and  to  salt  down  the  trunk 
and  limbs,  was  all  necessary  to  be  done,  because  he  could  not  dis- 
pose of  them  by  burial ;  the  snow  was  on  the  ground,  and  to  do  so 
would  expose  him  to  certain  detection  ;  and  I  shall  show  you  that 
on  the  floor  of  an  np  stairs  back  room,  there  is  a  stain  occupying  u 
space  about  the  size  of  a  human  body  with  extended  legs;  this 
stain  is  moist,  and  at  certain  times  presents  on  the  surface  a  white 
incrustation,  as  having  been  produced  by  a  quantity  of  salt ;  the 
murder  is  believed  to  have  been  committed  on  the  22d  of  March, 
and  the  body  was  found  on  the  17th  of  April,  and  when  found, 
though  it  had  been  buried  in  a  damp  hole  in  the  ground,  in  mois- 
ture and  mud,  yet  it  was  in  a  state  of  preservation  evidently  from 
the  etfects  of  the  salt;  it  was  again  buried,  and  when  exhumed 
three  or  four  weeks  after  for  the  post  mortem  examination,  it  was 
still  found  but  slightly  decomposed.  I  must  call  your  attention  to 
the  time  at  which  the  body  could  have  been  disposed  of  by  burial, 
after  the  disappearance  of  the  snow,  as  agreeing  with  that  when 
the  prisoner  called  on  Mrs.  Gittinger  to  provide  him  a  house- 
keeper until  the  mangled  remains  were  gone." 


\V/u.  Poisi.  su-ori}. — Knows  the  prisoner  at  the  bar  very  weli ; 
kncjwn  him  since  May  1842;  came  to  witness's  house  to  board; 
boarded  with  him  'till  the  middle  of  August,  and  then  got  mar- 
ried ;  witness  was  his  groomsman  ;  two  weeks  afterwards  they 
went  to  house-keeping ;  took  a  house  about  three  hundred  yards 
from  witness  s  house  ;  it  is  situated  about  twenty-two  miles  from 
Baltimore,  on  the  Hanover  and  Reisterstown  road ;  Horn's 
h(nise  is  this  side  of  witness's  house  ;  Gittinger's  honse  is  about  one 
hundred  and  lifty  yards  this  side  of  Horn's ;  Storech's  house  is 
about  three  hundred  yards  beyond  that  of  witness;  the  ''gate 
house"  is  between  witness's  house  and  Storech's;  when  Horn 
went  to  housekeeping,  he  kept  a  store  and  worked  at  his  trade  as  a 
tailor;  recollected  the  time  when  Malinda  Horn  disappeared;  oa 
morning  of  23d  saw  Horn  go  by  his  house  ;  said  to  a  wagoner  in 
there  that  he  wondered  where  Horn  was  going  so  early  ;  he  said 
lie  supposed  he  was  going  to  church  ;  witness  said  no,  that  wa-s  not 

9S  champaKtN  and 

the  way  he  wont  to  church  ;  he  wan  not  a  Catholic,  but  pretended 
to  be  a  Lutheran  ;  soon  after,  Frank  Gittinger  came  ui  and  said, 
"Horn's  wife  was  gone  again  hist  night ;"  witness  said,  last  night 
was  too  bad  a  night  for  any  one  to  go  out :  it  was  a  very  stormy, 
ugly  night ;  there  had  been  a  heavy  snow  on  the  ground  about 
ten  days. 

On  good  Friday  the  peo})le  had  been  talking  a  good  deal  about 
the  matter,  and  I  went  down  the  road  to  the  fence  between  Horn's 
place  and  mine,  and  saw  a  spade  standing  against  a  tree  ;  thougiit 
"My  God,  what  has  he  been  doing  with  this  spade?"  could  not  see 
any  peach  trees  that  had  been  planted  ;  walked  round  the  spade,  at 
a  few  feet  distance ;  recognized  it  as  one  that  he  had  seen  at  Horn's 
house;  it  had  a  paper  on  as  the  outside  one  of  a  bundle;  it  was 
about  four  or  five  steps  from  the  place  where  the  body  was  found  ; 
is  positive  that  it  was  the  same  spade  that  he  had  seen  before  at 
Horn's  house. 

On  Easter  Monday  about  9  o'clock,  saw  Jacob  Myers,  Henry 
Fringer,  John  Storech,  and  Isaac  Stansbury,  go  by  his  house  with 
guns,  down  the  road ;  between  10  and  11  o'clock,  while  witness 
was  up  in  his  field,  the  men  came  back  again  ;  asked  them  what 
game;  they  said,  "Oh,  we  found  plenty  of  game  down  there," 
and  allowed  they  thought  they  had  found  Horn's  wife  ;  agreed  to 
go  along,  and  went  around  to  avoid  Horn's  house,  so  that  he  should 
not  see  them  ;  went  down  t((  the  place,  and  pushed  a  stick  down 
znd  found  that  it  rose  u])  again  when  pressed;  witness  then  threw 
the  dirt  away  with  a  spade,  and  found  a  coffee-bag,  which  he  pro- 
posed to  slit  open;  there  was  something  in  it;  some  of  them 
tliought  perhaps  it  was  a  hog  buried  there,  and  did  not  want  to 
open  the  bag  for  fear  they  woukl  be  laughed  at ;  witness  cut  the 
bag  a  little,  and  saw  the  breast  of  a  wonia"  ;  they  then  concluded 
to  go  to  Horn's  house  first ;  went  up  to  Horn's  house  and  knocked, 
but  nobody  answered  ;  Xase  said  the  back  door  was  open  ;  pushed 
it  with  a  stick  ;  waited  till  more  people  came;  none  would  go  in 
until  witness  went ;  went  into  the  entry  and  then  the  store,  and 
found  all  right ;  went  into  a  slee[)ing  room  back  and  found  a  bed 
which  looked  as  if  it  had  been  tumbled  ;  finally  one  of  tlie  party 
went  to  the  back  room  up  stair-.,  and  there  saw  the  arms  and  legs 
sticking  out  of  a  bag;  he  called  to  witness,  who  was  on  the  stairs, 
to  see  them  ;  all  went  up  and  looked  at  them  ;  then  went  down  to 
■the  ulacc  where  thf-  bf)dv    w;i<,  and  lifted  it  out  ;  witness  then  cut 


it  open,  and  there  was  the  trunk  of  the  body,  without  head,  arms, 
i-jrlegs;  examined  it  and   found  marks  of  violence  on  the  breast 
and  the  shoulder  ;  turned  the  body  over  and  found  another  wound 
on  theb>ick;  then  went  and  brought  down  the  legs  and  arms,  and 
found   they  corresponded   witli  the  body;  then  sent  lor  some  wo- 
men, and  Mrs.  Gittinger  came;  asked  her  if  she  knew  Mrs.  Horn 
WAseticienfe;  she  said  she  was ;  thought  that  body  was  in  the  same 
condition;  the  mud  of  the  gully  was  a  kind  of  slimy   mud,    not 
exactly  yellow,  n(5t  black  ;  that  upon  the  limbs   was  of  the  same 
kind;  the   liole  from    which  they  supposed  the  limbs  were  taken 
seemed  to  have  been   quite  fresh  opened  ;  as  if  opened   the  night 
before;  the  same  kind  of  mud  was  upon  the  clothes  ;  the  field  was 
a  clover-field  and  orchard  ;  the  soil  upon  the  surface  in  the  tield  and 
'surrounding  country  is  of  a  different  kind  and  color  from  the  gully 
mud.     In   the  house  found  Horn's  clothing  and  shoes— same  kind 
of  mud  on  them  ;  the  shoes   were   mois^  and  muddy;  found  i)art 
in  back  room,  part  in  front;  shoes  under  the  counter;  a  bucket  of 
water,  discolored  with  the  same  sort  of  mud,  was  found  in  the  en- 
try ;  a  basin  of  the  same  muddy  water,  as  if  bands  liad  been  washed 
in  it,  was  found  in  the  store;  [the  bags  and  clothes  spoken  of  pro- 
ducetl ;  that  in  which  the  liml)s  wore  found  is  marked  "  A.  Horn," 
with  certain  private  marks  ;  the  waistcoat  exhibited,  marked  with 
mud  ;]  witness  saw   Horn   wearing  it  on  the  Sunday  night  before 
he  left;  [a  piece  of  striped   linsey   jjroduced,  found  between  the 
bed  and  sacking,  worn  by  Mrs.  Horn  as  an   apron,   considerably 
stained  with   blood;]  witness  found  the  ])iece  of  linsey  himself; 
saw  nothing  of  Horn   on  the   Monday;  through    his   house  and 
ground  ;  he  was  not  there;  knew  Malinda  Horn  ;  the  body  found 
was  about  the  size  of  that  of  deceased,   as  near  as  witness  could 
judge;  searclied  for  the  heal  all   about;  tort*  up  a  fen«'.e,  thinking 
it  might  be  in  the  post  holes;  dug  all  al)out   t!ie  gu-den  and  other 
places  ;  the  hand  was  marked  with  a  heavy  bruise,  as  if  it  had  de- 
fended a  blow  off;  knows  of  no  other  woman  having  disappeared 
from   the   neighborhood  ab(tut  that  time  ;  found  dried  apples  and 
peaches  up  stairs  in  back  room  of  the  front  building  ;  several  bush- 
els ;there  was  a  pile  of  plaster  in  tlie  back  room   up  stairs,  where 
the  limits  were  found  ;  they  were  close  to   the  pile;  there  was  a 
mark  on  the  floor,  as  if  the  body  had  l>een  laid  down   there  ;  sup- 
posed it  had  been  cut  up  there ;  this  room  was  at  the  head  of  the 
back  stairs ;  this  stain  was  about  the  size  of  a  human  being,  -and  a 


body  cut  up  and  salted  there  would  likely  have  made  such  a  stain ; 
it  was  a  greasy  sort  of  a  mark,  such  as  a  pickle  or  brine  always 

The  condition  of  the  goods  in  the  store  was  in  the  usual  form  after 
Horn  had  fled;  abwut$400  or  $oOO  worth  of  goods  were  there;  the  en- 
try door  and  the  door  that  leads  into  the  store  were  open;  there  was 
no  one  left  in  charge  of  the  house  and  store;  the  house  is  imme- 
diately on  the  turnpike ;  the  body  was  in  a  good  state  of  preserva- 
tion ;  looked  us  if  it  had  been  salted  ;  there  was  no  bh;od  visible  ; 
one  of  the  thighs  appeared  as  if  a  peice  of  steak  had  be  -n  cut  off  of 
it;  witness  had  a  coffin  made,  sent  for  her  sister  and  a  j)rea('her,  and 
had  the  body  buried  in  the  burial  ground  on  the  next  day,  the  18th 
of  April ;  the  body  was  again  taken  up  ahout  ten  or  twelve  days 
after,  for  a  post  mortem  examination  ;  when  it  was  dug  up  it  smelt 
a  little  but  very  little,  and  was  in  a  good  state  of  preservation  ;  the 
orchard  in  which  the  spade  was  found  was  not  used  for  any  agri- 
cultural purpose  ;  Horn  had  been  at  work  building  fense  along  the 
turnpike,  about  two-hundred  yards  distance;  witness  thinks  for 
the  purpose  of  preventing  easy  ingress  to  the  spot  where  the  body 
was  buried  ;  the  nature  of  the  soil  where  he  was  digging  for  the 
fence  would  not  have  made  the  same  stain  on  the  clothing  found, 
as  that  v/hich  was  on  it.  When  hes^iw  him  at  the  jail  in  Philadel- 
phia, he  reached  his  hand  towards  him,  and  said  to  hin,  "My  God, 
Mr.  Horn,  must  I  meet  you  here!  we  have  found  the  legs  and 
arms  of  Mrs.  Horn  at  the  head  of  the  stall's,  and  the  body  you,  I 
suppose,  know  where  ;  and  you  Ought  to  pray  to  God  to  forgive 
you  of  your  sins  ;"that  the  prisoner  looked  at  him  but  did  iu)t  say 
a  word,  nor  did  he  shed  a  tear,  but  seemed  to  be  endeavouring  to 
smother  his  feelings. 

Cross-examined  by  Mr.  Mayer. — Horn  passed  my  door  Isefore 
sunrise  in  the  morning  ;did  not  say  he  iiad  gone  up  to  Storech's; 
soon  after  that  Mr.  Gittinger  came  an«i  told  witness  that  Horn's 
wife  had  left  him  on  the  previous  evening ;  and  he  replied  it  was  a 
bad  night  for  any  one  to  leave  home  ;  it  was  on  the  2yd  day  of 
March  that  he  told  witness  his  wife  was  missing,  and  it  was  about 
the  17th  day  of  April  that  the  body  was  found:  saw  the  spade  at 
the  tree  on  Good  Friday  ;  Horn  went  away  on  Easter  Sunday,  and 
there  had  been  considerable  talk  in  the  neighborhood  as  to  his 
wife  l»eing  missing  ;  when  1  saw  the  spade  1  wondered  if  he  had 
been  planting  trees;  I  looked  whether  he  had,  and  I  found  that  he 


had  not;  Horn  was  attending:  to  his  business  quietly  and  composedly 
all  this  time  ;  Horn  came  on  Good~Friday  'evening  to  his  house, 
and  offered  to  pay  him  $10  out  of  the  S50  he  owed  him  ;  he  replied 
that  that  would  do  him  no  good,  as  he  wanted  it  all  to  ])ay  his 
rent ;  did  not  examine  his  house  very  closely  for  stains  of  blood, 
but  was  looking  about  for  the  remainder  of  the  body  ;  I  saw  a  large 
^tain  upon  the  floor  up  stairs  some  time  after  ;  some  of  the  neigh- 

urs  called  my  attention  to  it ;  I  came  to  the  conclusion  that  it 
was  salt,  and  that  the  body  had  laid  there  and  salt  thrown  on  it 
on  account  of  the  weather  being  too  bad  to  dispose  of  it  at  the  time 
it  was  killed  :  the  stain  on  the  floor  was  in  the  form  of  a  body  ;  the 
stain  is  still  there  ;  smelt  it,  and  it  smelt  like  brine;  it  was  dry, 
I  could  smell  it;  there  was  no  fancy  about  it,  as  I  do  not  snuff;  I 
took  for  granted  that  the  body  had  not  been  buried  ;  when  I  saw 
him  in  Philadelphia  I  aslced  him  if  he  could  pay  me  what  he  owed 
me  ;  I  asked  him  in  the  presence  of  tne  jailor  ;  I  was  ordered  to 
Philadelphia  by  Squire  Bushey  to  identify  the  prisoner  ;  the  mark 
on  the  spade  by  which  I  knew  it,  was  a  label  pasted  on  the  handle; 
all  spades  have  not  that  mark  ;  it  was  a  mark  such  as  is  put  on  by 
the  maker,  a  label. 

Cross-examined  by  Mr,  Buchanan. — I  first  became  acquainted 
with  the  prisoner  in  the, month  of  May,  1842,  when  he  came  to  my 
house  to  board  ;  he  had  been  living  in  the  neighborhood  before,  but 
I  did  not  know  him;  he  lived  with  me  until  the  16th  or  17th  of 
August,  when  he  got  married  to  Malinda,  and  he  and  his  wife 
stayed  with  me  until  the  end  of  August,  when  they  went  to  live 
at  the  house  where  hLs  store  was;  Mrs.  Horn  was  missed  on  the 
night  of  the  22d  of" March,  and  on  the  morning  of  the  23d,  the 
prisoner  passed  my  house  before  sunrise  ;  I  did  not  see  where  he 
went ;  on  the  same  day  about  half  an  hour  afterwards  I  learned 
that  his  wife  was  missing;  did  not  go  to  his  house  or  see  him  that 
day  ;  but  saw  him  the  next  morning,  the  24th  ;  saw  him  on  the 
porch  at  the  house ;  I  did  not  speak  to  him  after  his  wife  was  mis- 
sing until  the  3d  of  April. 

[A  question  was  here  put  to  the  witness  by  Mr.  Buchanan,  as  to 
the  conversation  of  the  prisoner,  which  was  objected  to  by  Mr, 
Steele ;  but  as  the  objection  was  afterw  ards  waived  by  the  prose- 
•ution,  it  is  unnecessary  to  detail  it.  The  cross-examination  was 
accordingly  resumed.] 

We  met  together  as  stated,  for  the  first  time  after  she  was  miss- 


ing,  1)11  the  3d  of  April,  in  his  store;  after  I  had  taken  my  seat  I 
asked  him  for  the  fifty  dollars  he  owed  me  ;  he  told  me  that  his 
wife  had  runoflfand  taken  fifty  dollars  with  her,  and  consequently 
he  could  not  pay  me;  I  then  asked  him  about  his  wife  leaving-  him, 
and  he  told  me  that  she  got  up  io  the  night  whilst  he  was  asleep, 
alongside  ot  her,  and  when  she  went  out  of  the  door  he  woke  up 
and  went  to  look  after  her,  but  not  seeing  her,  he  went  to  bed 
again.  I  then  told  him  that  there  was  soine  rumor  or  suspicion 
afloat  among  the  neighbors,  to  the  effect  that  he  had  killed  or 
made  away  with  his  wife.  The  prisoner,  clapping  his  hands  ou 
his  knees,  i-eplied,  "My  God,  you  don't  say  so!  How  could  the 
people  think  so?"  I  then  told  iiim  if  he  could  prove  there  was  no 
foundation  in  the  rumor,  that  he  might  still  consider  me  his  friend  ; 
if  not,  I  was  done  with  him.  1  then  proposed  that  he  should  sub- 
mil  the  house  to  be  searched,  in  order  to  satisfy  me  as  well  as  the 
neighbors,  to  which  he  expressed  himself  willing.  He  then  said 
tome,  "Ah,  Mr.  Poist,  you  know  much;"  to  which  I  replied, 
"Why,  you  do  not  suppose  1  have  had  anything  to  do  with,  or 
know  anything  about  your  wife?"  He  replied,  "No  ;  but  another 
man  is  the  cause  of  all  this."  I  then  advised  him  to  stop  the  stage 
driver,  and  question  him  as  to  whether  he  had  seen  her,  shortly 
after  which  I  went  home.  I  had  not  been  home  long  when  the 
stage  came  past,  and  I  saw  him  stop  the  stage  and  speak  to  the 
driver.  I  then  returned  to  his  house  and  asked  iiim  whether  th(^ 
driver  had  seen  her,  and  he  said  that  he  had  not.  I  di,d  not  search 
the  house,  however,  until  the  body  was  found.  Storech,  who  has 
since  killed  himself,  was  one  of  the  four  who  were  out  gunning, 
and  first  discovered  the  body.  He  Avent  with  them  to  the  spot 
where  they  thought  the  body  was,  and  one  of  them  jjointed  out 
the  print  of  a  shoe  to  him  in  the  clay,  but  is  certain  it  was  not 
Storech  ;  it  was  Storech,  however,  who  said  that  the  print  of  the 
shoe  was  that  of  Horn's,  as  he  knew  the  shoe  and  had  made  it ;  I 
then  took  the  spade  and  threw  up  some  of  the  dirt,  when  I  discov- 
ered a  bag,  and  thinking  that  some  one  had  buried  a  sheep  there, 
and  that  we  would  be  laughed  at,  1  took  my  knife  and  cut  it  open, 
and  the  breast  of  a  female  was  visible.  (Witness  then  proceeded 
again  to  detail  his  examination  of  the  premises  around  Horn's 
house,  and  his  gathering  the  people  together.)  On  going  into  the 
house  I  found  a  stain  on  the  stairway,  which  I  thought  was  stained 
by  apples,  but  the  others  thought  it  was  blood  ;  did  not  say  that 

LOCtAN  COl'XTIES.  ]();! 

the  large  stain  on  the  floor  ia  the  form  of  a  body  was  not  blood  ;  I 
said  nothing  about  it  at  the  time;  I  did  not  come  to  the  eonelu- 
sion  that  the  large  stain  was  blood;  the  apron  was  found  in  the 
house  about  ten  days  after  she  had  been  found;  does  not  know 
that  that  part  of  the  house  where  the  apron  was  found  had  been 
searched  before  ;  found  the  apron  in  the  front  building  between 
the  bed  and  the  sacking-buttoni ;  nobody  went  into  the  house  with 
me;  did  not  see  any  mark  that  he  was  certain  was  blood  until  the 
apron  was  found  ;  had  never  seen  the  body  naked  until  they  had 
joined  the  limbs  to  it  on  a  plank  ;  would  not  know  your  body  or 
my  own  if  1  saw  it  cut  or  mangled  in  that  way  ;  could  not  recog- 
nize the  body  ;  lias  no  certain  persona/  knowledge  what  became  of 
Malinda  Horn  ;  she  had  left  her  husband  once  and  went  up  in  tlie 
neighborhood  of  liittlestown  ;  she  was  gone  some  six  weeks  ;  sJie 
had  left  some  of  her  clothes  up  there  and  had  wanted  to  go  again 
after  them  ;  that  Horn  was  at  my  house  and  saw  the  st^^ge  at  hi.s 
door,  and  he  ran  out  and  stopped  it  and  took  hi^  wife  out,  and 
made  her  go  home ;  she  never  went  away  again  until  she  went 

In  Chief. —  I  proposed  to  the  prisoner  that  he  snould  alhjw  the 
house  to  be  searched,  and  he  consented ;  the  snow  was  then  off 
the  ground  ;  he  did  not  pro])ose  to  have  a  search,  but  said  they 
might  search  if  they  came  ;  the  spots  on  the  stairs  he  thought 
Mere  not  blood  ;  that  after  the  floor  had  been  scrubbed  the  blood 
was  visible  on  the  large  stairs  ;  when  the  deceased  left  the  house 
of  Horn  the  first  time  thinks  he  said  nothing  to  him  about  it, 
though  he  might. 

Henry  Bushey,  Esq.,  was  called  upon  to  come  to  Horn's  house 
on  the  17th  of  April,  by  Mr.  PoIsl's  son,  who  told  him  that  they 
had  found  the  body ;  that  he  went  up  with  two  or  three  neigh- 
bors, and  went  immediately  to  the  lot  and  saw  the  trunk  of  the 
body  ;  that  the  boy  eame  to  him  from  the  house  and  told  him  to 
come  up,  that  they  had  found  the  rest  of  the  body  ;  that  he  went, 
and  Mr.  Poist  showed  him  the  bag,  and  he  directed  him  to  cut  it 
open,  and  the  legs  and  arms  were  found  in  it ;  that  he  then  sum- 
moned a  jury,  and  brought  the  body  to  the  house,  and  after  plac- 
ing it  on  a  board,  joined  the  artne  and  legs  to  it,  and  they 
seemed  to  correspond  ;  thinks  that  it  was  the  body  of  Malinda 
Horn  from  the  size  of  it ;  thought  the  lady  was  pregnant ; 
saw  blood  in  the  house  on  the  next  day,  on  the  stei)8,  or  at  least 


he  thought  it  was  blood  ;  saw  the  clothes  and  the  mud  upon  theui, 
and  the  niud  on  the  body  and  bag  correspond  in  color,  as  it  also 
did  with  the  mud  in  the  gully;  the  dirt  about  the  hole  seemed  to 
have  been  recently  turned  up  ;  the  hole  would  have,  contained  the 
bag  with  the  arms  ;  a  search  was  then  made  for  the  head  ;  even 
the  ashes  in  the  fire-place  were  searched  for  bones,  but  none  were 
found  ;  on  one  of  the  bags  the  name  of  A.  Horn  was  written  very 
legibly  ;  the  body  was  found,  he  thinks  about  three  humlred  yard- 
from  the  house;  the  goods  were  in  the  store,  but  no  one  in  charge 
of  them ;  a  waistcoat,  a  sHrt,  a  roundabout  and  shoes  were  found 
with  the  mud  upon  them;  they  were  in  different  sections  of  the 
house;  a  bucket  and  a  pan  with  water  in  them  were  found  in  the 
store,  discolored  the  same  as  the  earth  where  the  body  was  found 
would  have  discolored  it,  as  if  something  had  been  rinsed  in  tiiem  ; 
(the  witness  here  identified  the  two  bags  in  which  the  parts  of  the 
body  had  been  found,  as  well  as  the  clothes;)  the  hands  were 
bruised  as  well  as  the  shoulders  and  back  ;  he  did  not  discover  any 
other  marks  on  it. 

Benj.  Caughy,  sioorn. — [Bag  produced  in  which  the  limbs  were 
found.]  Has  seen  that  bag  before ;  saw  it  last  on  the  last  day  of 
May,  1842  ;  sold  it  to  Horn  ;  the  marks  on  the  bag  I  put  on  ;  "A. 
Horn,"  "155,"  for  so  many  pounds,  and  "11"  for  so  many  cent^ 
per  pound;  they  are  to  the  best  of  my  opinion  my  marks;  they 
correspond  with  the  book  and  my  hand-wiiting. 

Mrs.  Oittinger,  sworn. — Knew  Malinda  Horn  from  August,  1842, 
till  the  23d  of  March,  1843,  the  time  of  her  disappearance;  had 
seen  her  barefooted  every  day,  from  the  time  she  came  into  the 
neighborhood  until  it  was  cold  weather ;  my  house  is  about  a  hun- 
dred yards  from  Horn's  ;  Mrs.  Horn  was,  '^t  the  time  of  her  death, 
"in  the  family  way;"  she  expected  to  be  confined  about  the  hist  of 
August ;  saw  the  body  that  was  found  ;  it  was  in  a  pregnant 
state ;  the  feet  of  Malinda  were  very  peculiar ;  they  tapered  off 
very  much  in  consequence  of  the  great  length  of  the  big  toe ;  there 
was  a  little  knot  or  lump  by  the  joint  of  the  little  toe ;  from  these 
peculiarities  I  know  the  feet  were  thosaof  Malinda  Horn;  she  one 
time  went  away  and  left  her  husband  six  weeks  ;  at  that  time  she 
came  to  my  hoase  and  said  she  was  going  away ;  I  said,  "My,  la  I 
Malinda,  what  are  you  going  away  for? — you've  got  everything 
comforhible  around  you,  and  a  good  home  ;  what  Ls  the  reason  you 
(an't  stay?"     "Oh,'^  she  said,   "you  don't  know  how  it  is;  if  I 


don't  go  he'll  kill  me!"  Witness  .^said,  "How  would  he  look,  kill- 
ing you?"  Malinda  said,  "If  he  don't  kill  me,  he'll  break  my 
heart."  "Well,  then,"  I  said,  "you  may  as  well  go."  Before  she 
left  home  that  time,  some  four  days,  she  had  been  to  see  a  sick  old 
man  ;  on  going  home  she  stayed  a  minute  or  two,  and  then  came 
to  my  house  and  told  her  sister  that  Horn  had  turned  her  out ; 
could  see  from  my  house  her  clothes  thrown  out  of  the  window ; 
Horn  afterwards  said  to  witness  that  his  wife  was  good  for  nothing, 
and  that  was  the  reason  she  went. 

Cross-examined  by  Mr.  Mayer.— Tha  time  when  Mrs.  Horn  first 
went  away  was  a  few  days  before*  Christmas,  1842;  she  came  back 
after  being  aw  ay  six  weeks ;  came  to  my  house,  and  I  went  with 
her  to  Horn's,  and  said,  "Here  Horn,  I've  brought  your  old  wo- 
man bade ;"  he  nL'Vv>r  looked  up,  and  as  thoy  didn't  seem  U)  say 
anything,  I  was  going  away ;  she  asked  me  not  to  go ;  she  went  up 
to  the  counier  and  bought  kisses  and  pins  ;  Storech  was  there,  and 
said  it  was  a  shame  she  should  i)ay  for  the  things  ;  she  was  then 
going  away  with  me,  when  Horn  said,  "Where  are  you  going  to?" 
Malinda  .said,  "I  am  going  where  I  have  been  ;"  Horn  told  her  t<; 
come  back ;  she  said,  "I  shan't;"  I  persuaded  her  to  go  back  t^; 
the  old  man,  and  she  went.  It  was  then  about  dusk,  and  she 
stayed  until  9  o'clock,  and  then  came  to  my  house  and  slept  with 
me  that  night ;  next  day  they  made  it  up  between  them  somehow  ; 
heard  no  more  of  any  difficulties  between  them;  but  she  always 
eaid  she  was  afraid  Horn  would  knock  her  down  ;  she  never  said 
he  had  done  it,  or  .struck  her  at  all ;  never  knew  what  the  difier- 
encewas;  after  .she  came  back  she  didn't  tell  of  any  particular 
quarrel;  she  was  afraid  to  tell,  she  said,  for  fear  it  should  come 
out;  when  she  went  away  she  was  trembling;  he  treated  her  hui- 
flshly  at  the  best  of  times;  never  hoard  him  curse  her,  or  threaten 

Catherine  Hinkle,  stvorn.—I  am  the  sister  of  Malinda  Horn.  On 
Sunday,  the  16th  ..f  April,  went  to  see  Mr.  Horn  on  aecnimt  of  m  v 
8i.ster ;  he  was  silting  on  the  back  porch;  I  called  to  him  and  he 
came  to  the  front  door;  asked  him  where  Malinda  was;  he  did  not 
answer  at  first,  but  api>eared  much  confused;  then  said  he  did  !i(;t 
know  where  she  was;  he  said  she  had  left  home  about  bedtime ; 
asked  him  whether  she  went  away  before  she  went  to  bed  ;  he  re- 
•  plied  that  he  had  gone  to  bed,  but  she  had  not;  that  she  went  out 
of  the  front  door  as  he  came  through  the  room,  having  hear.  1  her 



move  about ;  that  he  did  not  see  which  way  she  went ;  said  they 
had  DO  falling  out  on  that  ni^ht,  hut  they  had  a  few  days  before  ; 
told  him  I  did  not  thinlc  she  could  get  away  on  such  a  bad  night 
art  that  was,  and  he  didn't  make  any  reply  ;  --isked  him  where  her 
clothes  were,  and  he  said  she  ha.l  taken  all  but  two  dresses  ;  he  re- 
fused to  give  them  to  me,  and  said  she  might  have  them  herself  if 
she  would  come  for  them,  and  I  replied  that  I  thought  she  would 
never  come  for  them  ;  told  hiin  he  had  accused  her  of  being  inti- 
mate with  other  men,  but  that  it  was  not  so,  as  he  would  never 
allow  her  to  spealc  to  any  man  wiiiiout  getting  angry  ;  to  which 
he  made  no  reply;  when  I  left  liim  I  went  to  Mr.  Gittenger's 
house,  and  his  little  daughter  was'  present,  and  I  told  them  that  I 
wanted  to  see  Mr.  Gittenger,  as  I  thought  there  wa.s  a  great  <^hange 
in  him,  and  that  he  had  made  way  with  my  sister,  and  I  was  going 
to  'Squire  Bushey  to  have  a  se^^rch  made.  The  change  I  allude  to 
is,  before  that  he  had  been  more  sociable  and  friendly,  and  that 
now  he  would  hardly  speak  to  me  or  look  at  me.  It  was  about 
12  o'clock  on  Sunday  when  I  ctll  d  at  his  house ;  did  not  tfll  him 
any  thing  about  getting  a  search  warrant.  I  was  at  Horn's  house 
on  the  17th  of  December,  before  (hirk,  and  went  to  church  with 
Malinda;  when  we  came  back,  he  commenced  running  her  down, 
and  said  she  was  too  young  for  him,  and  abused  her,  and  said  that 
she  liked  other  men  better  than  she  did  him,  and  was  very  angry; 
next  I  went  to  church  with  her  again,  and  she  was  con- 
firmed ;  it  was  a  prolracted  meeting ;  when  she  went  home  I  went 
to  Mrs.  Gittinger's,  and  she  came  over  and  said  the  old  man  had 
thrown  her  clothes  out  to  her  and  would  not  let  her  in  ;  I  then 
went  over  with  her,  and  he  said  I  might  come  in,  but  that  she 
should  not ;  she  tried  to  get  in,  bui  he  pushed  her  out,  and  said  she 
should  never  come  in  his  h  >usf  agai;^;  it  was  about  12  o'clock  on 
the  18th  of  Decern ber.  When  she  was  at  Littlestown  Horn  came 
to  me  and  said  if  I  would  send  for  her  he  would  try  and  do 
better  than  he  had  done  before  ;  after  a -few  weeks  I  wrote  her  a 
letter  and  told  her  what  H  »rn  had  said,  but  did  not  advise  her  to 
come  back  to  him  ;  when  she  camw  back  she  staid  at  Mr.  Gittin- 
ger's all  night,  and  said  she  woul  I  try  and  please  him.  When  he 
turned  her  out  on  the  Sundav  he  s  dd  she  should  never  cqme  back, 
as  she  thought  more  of  other  men  th  m  she  did  of  him  ;  I  told  hiin 

that  he  rmght  not  to  treat  her  so,  p  trticularly  while  she  was  attend- 
ing meeting. 


A  singfular  circumstance,  collaterally  connected  with  the  murder 
of  Malinda  Horn,  is  the  suicide  of  Storech,  who  was  the  neighbor 
and  fripnd  of  the  murderer,  and  wa.sone  of  the  gunning  party  who 
found  the  body  in  the  hole.  To  Storech  it  appears  that  Horn  had 
deeded  away  his  property,  and  we  have  every  reason  to  believe 
that  if  this  man  had  not  made  away  with  his  own  life  previous  to 
the  trial,  his  evidence  would  have  brought  to  light  some  secrets  in 
regard  to  the  motive.^  of  the  murder  that  must  now  remain  forever 

The  trial  lasted  one  week— the  prisoner  was  ably  defended  by 
his  counsel,  Jas.  M.  Buchanan,  Chas.  F.  Mayer,  Chas.  Z.  Lucas, 
and  John  I.  Snyder,  Esqrs.;  and  on  Monday,  27th  of  November, 
the  arguments  closed,  and  the  case  was  sumitted  to  the  jury,  who 
were  instructed  to  find  the  prisoner  "  guilty,"  or  "  not  guilty," 
and  if  "  guilty,"  to  find  the  grade  of  guilt.  A  bailiff  being  sworn, 
the  jury  retired  to  their  room,  and  after  an  absence  of  about  ten 
minutes,  returned  into  court. 

The  prisoner  was  then  placed  in  the  bar ;  he  took  a  position 
merely  resting  against  the  seat,  standing  on  the  lower  step,  and  a 
sort  of  languor  seemed  to  pervade  his  frame. 

The  Clerk  then  asked,  "  Gentlemen  of  the  jury,  have  you  agreed 
upon  your  verdict?" 

The  foreman  replied,  "  We  have." 

*'  Who  shall  saj^  for  you  ?" 

A  juror  answered,  as  usual,  "Our  foreman." 

"How  say  you;  is  Adam  Horn,  the  prisoner  at  the  bar,  guilty 
of  the  matter  whereof  he  stands  indicted,  or  not  guilty  ?" 

The  foreman  replied,  in  a  distinct  voice,  Guilty. 

Tne  sanctity  of  the  court  room  was  instantly  violated  bj^  a  spon- 
taneous outburst  of  applause,  consisting  of  stamping  of  the  feet 
and  cheers  ;  and  a  constant  succession  of  loud  raps  from  the  ivory 
hammer  of  the  Judge,  and  the  vigilance  of  the  bailiffs,  were  in- 
sufficient to  restore  order  for  several  seconds.  As  soon  as  silence 
again  prevailed,  his  Honor,  Judge  Magruder,  remarked  that  he 
would  send  any  one  to  prison  who  should  be  detected  in  such  a 
breach  of  decorum,  and  hoped  that  every  one  would  consider  the 
solemnity  of  the  occasion. 

Mr.   Berryman,  the  clerk,  thea  demanded   the  grade  of  the 



The  (.•oun^^el  for  the  defence  then  asked  that  the  jury  sho\ild  Ik? 
polled.  The  jury  were  accordingly  each  caHo'l  sepHr«tely,iind  rose  as 
they  were  called,  deliverins,'-  their  anRwerK  standing,  in  the  follow- 
intr  manner: 

J.  B.  H.  Fulton. 

Mr.  Fulton,  who  was  the  foreman  of  the  jury,  rose. 

"  Look  upon  the  prisoner  at  the  bar.  How  say  you,  is  Ad'»m 
Horn  guilty  of  the  matter  whereof  ho  stands  indicted,  or  not 

"guilty  of  mukdek  in  the  first  derbeb." 

And  so  with  the  rest. 

Tlie  prisoner,  who  had  manifested  throuj^houtthe  whole  of  these 
Holenm  proceedings  the  same  stoicistn  which  characterizf'd  Ins  gen- 
eral denortment,  with-the  exception  of  a  slight  flush  which  passed 
over  his  cheek  at  the  word  "  guilty,"  was  then  conducted  from  the 
bar  by•^fr.  Tracy,  the  Sheriff,  and  Mr.  Sellers,  the  warden  of  the 
jail,  lie  was  shortly  afterwards  c<jn<lucted  throuj^h  the  library, 
under  a  large  official  escort,  hut  the  crowd  was  so  dense  witliout 
the  court  room,  down  the  steps,  in  the  lower  portion  of  the  build- 
ing, and  extending  down  tlie  lane  to  the  carriatre,  that  it  was  oidy 
with  great  difficulty  they  could  force  their  passage.  They  f.nally 
succeeded  in  getting  the  prisoner  into  the  van  ;  and  it  drove  off 
amidst  the  hootings,  cheers  and  execi'ations  of  the  surrounding 

On  the  4th  of  December  1843,  the  prisoner  was  brought  into 
CJourt  to  receive  the  awful  doom  of  the  law  ;  and  in  the  midst  of  a 
crowd  of  witnesses  of  the  solemn  scene,  the  pris(.ner  being  first 
asked  whether  he  had  any  thing  to  say  why  sentence  of  death 
should  not  be  pronounced  against  him,  and  8i<j;nifying  that  he  had 
nothing  to  say,  the  Honorable  Richard  B.  Mngruder,  who  presi- 
ded alone  at  the  trial  pronounced  the  sentence,  that  he  be  taken  to 
the  jail  of  Baltimore  county,  from  whence  he  came,  and  fnin 
thence  to  the  place  of  execution,  atsuch  time  as  shall  be  duly  ap- 
pointed, and  there  be  hanged  by  the  neck  until  he  be  dead. 

This  unhappy  criminal  has  been  ordered  for  execution  on  Friday, 

liOirAN  (X)UNTIKS.  109 

tJie  I2th  of  January,  beforethe  h-air of  12  o'clock  nt  noon, the  death 
warrant  having  been  received  by  Mr.  Trac^y,  the  sheriff  on  Satur- 
day nii^ht,  an  emendation  liuvinsr  been  made  according  to  the  pro- 
visions of  the  act  of  Assembly  of  1809.  It  was  deemed  by  some  of 
the  tjentienicn  of  the  bar  timt  tlie  orijjfinal  warrant  was  legal,  the 
law  contemplating  twenty  days  between  the  judgment  of  the  (^ourt 
and  the  day  of  execution,  and  the  judgment  of  tlie  court  beintr  al- 
ways recorded  within  four  days  after  tht*  verdict,  although  sentence 
may  not  be  delivered  at  the  time.  Tiio  verdict  was  rendered  on 
t.e  27tli  of  November,  ajui  tiie  judgment  ueci'ssarily  recorded 
according  to  law,  as  soon  as  the  1st  Dec<  ruber;  the  22d  instant 
would  therefore  ent brace  twenty  <!lear  days.  There  is,  however,  a 
difference  of  opinloi)  on  the  subject,  not  to  be  regretted,  since, lean- 
int;  to  mercy's  side,  the  Governor  hiis  added  three  weeks  to  the 
life  of  the  wretched  culprit,  which  suitably  improved,  will  better 
prepare  iiim  for  the  awful  change  he  must  undergo. 
The  following  is  a  copy  of  the  death  warrant : 

^'■Tke  State  of  Maryland  to  the.  Sheriff  of  Ball'vmore  County,  greetiiig  : 

"Whereas  Adam  Horn,  othervvise  called  Andrew  Helittmn,  late 
of  Baltifnore  county,  was  convicted  iv  the  county  court  of  Balti- 
more county,  at  November  term,  A.  I).  1848,  of  the  murder  of  one 
Malinda  Horn,  and  the  said  court  sentenced  him  to  be  hung  by  the 
neck  until  he  be  dead  ; 

"Now,  therefore,  these  are  to  will  and  re(juire,  as  also  to  charge 
and  command  you,  that  on  or  before  twelve  of  the  clock,  on  P^iday, 
the  12th  day  of  January  next,  you  take  the  said  Adam  Horn,  called  Andrew  Hellinaii,  from  your  prison  and  safely 
convey  to  the  gallows  in  the  county  aforesaid,  the  place  of  execu- 
tion of  malefactors,  anti  there  the  said  Adatn  Horn,  otherwise  called 
Andrew  Hellman,  hang  i)y  tlie  n(!ck  until  he  be  dead  :  For  all 
whicii  this  shall  be  your  suflficient  power  and  authority. 

"Given  under  my  hand,  and  the  Great  Seal  of  the  State  of  Mary- 
- — * — >      land,  the  6th  day  of  December,  in  the  year  of  our 
1  «W4T    I    I^*^^*"^'  1843,  and  of  the  Independence  of  the  United 
(  ^^'^^'- 1    States  the  sixty-eighth. 

(Signed)  Fhan(Ms  Thomas. 

By  the  GjV'rnor: 
Jno.  C.  LKQitAiSD,  Secretary  of  State." 


The  foregoing  has  been  extracted  from  the  columns  of  the  Balti- 
more Sun,  and  the  publishers  vouch  for  its  correctness.  Since  the 
report  of  the  trial,  &c.  appeared  in  the  paper,  a  confession  by  Horn 
has  been  published,  which  abounds  so  much  in  partial  statements 
and  gross  misrepresentations,  that  in  jus- ice  to  the  memory  of  his 
victims,  as  well  as  to  the  public,  we  have  copied  from  the  >Sun  the 
following  review,  which  fully  exposes  the  unfairness  of  the  Con- 



Falsehoods,  Omissions  and  Prevarications. 

[  BY  ONE  OF  THE  PEOPLE.  ] 

When  it  was  first  publicly  announced  that  Adam  Horn  was 
about  to  make  a  full  confession  of  his  crimes,  and  that  it  would  be 
forthwith  published,  a  suspicion  immediately  seized  the  public 
m'iifl  that  tht^  proaiised  expose  would  be  unsatisfactory — that  the 
publication  nf  it  l)efore  his  death  was  intended  to  change  the  tide 
of  public  opinion  that  had  set  against  him,  and  perhaps  procure 
an  amelioration  of  his  lawful  punishment.  The  perusal  of  the 
confession  has  tended  rather  to  confirm  these  suspicions,  whilst  the 
tone  of  enmity  and  vindictive  feeling  evinced  toward  the  mem- 
ory of  his  murdered  victims,  falsely  traducing  tiji ...  ;t;-  they  lay  in 
their  graves,  in  an  effort  for  his  own  vindication,  ha^.,  ii  possible, 
rendered  him  more  odio^is  than  before.  The  keen  eye  of  public 
scrutiny  has  weighed  every  word  that  be  has  uttered,  and  the  mo- 
tive can  be  traced  throughout,  c  early  showing  it  to  be  a  studied 
effort  to  excite  a  feeling  of  pity  in  behalf  of  the  murderer;  and, 
did  not  his  assertions  bear  the  imjiress  of  'alsehood  on  their  face, 
such  might  have  been  the  imjireesion  produced.  If  his  story  is  to 
be  believed,  he  has  been  a  mar.  of  proverbial  gocd  disposition, 


proiH'  to  yield  everything  for  peat-e  :5nd  nuiet,  wliilst  his  whole 
Jife  has  been  embittered  by  an  unfortunate^,  union  in  the  tirst  place 
with  an  unftuthful  and  cievilish  woman,  and  in  the  second  with 
one  equally  evil  disposed,  and  prone  to  violate  her  marriage  vows. 
Verily,  if  such  were  the  case,  he  would,  indeed,  be  worthy  of  pub- 
lic sympathy,  and  none  would  be  more  willing  to  yield  it  to  hin>, 
with  all  the  benetits  liiat  might  accrue  therefrom,  than  the  writer 
of  this  communication.  The  character  of  his  first  wife  has,  how- 
ever, been  fully  vindicated  in  the  sketch  of  "  his  life,  character 
and  crimes,"  given  to  the  public  through  the  columns  of  the  Sun, 
which  will  live  long  after  her  murderer  an<l  traducer  has  met  his 
deserts.  Sad,  indeed,  has  bee?i  her  lot  on  earth,  and  she  richly  de- 
serves "Peace  to  her  ashes."  After  living  for  eighteen  years  in 
constant. unhappiness,  accompmieci  by  relentless  torture  and  mis- 
ery, deprived  of  all  the  comforts  of  social  lif«>,  she  wst^^  hurled 
headlong  and  unprepared  into  eternity,  by  that  iiand  that  wa.s 
pled).-ed  to  protect  her ;  and  now,  aft(^r  the  lapse  of  several  years, 
we  tind  him  again  using  his  bloodstained  hands  to  record  all  man- 
ner of  evil  to  her  memory,  and  to  traduce,  vilify,  and  blacken  her 
character,  as  one  whose  sad  fate  should  be  unlamonted.  The  char- 
acter of  Malinda  Horn  has  also  been  fully  vindicated  from  his  last 
malignant  and  cruel  attack,  by  your  faithful  record  of  the  evi- 
dence adduced  on  the  trial.  From  the  mouths  of  a  "host  of  wit- 
nea-^et,"  we  there  have  (he  most  conclusive  proof  of  the  falsity  of 
his  charges,  establishing  her  character  for  virtue,  fidelity,  piety, 
suf>mission,  and  kindness  of  heart,  far  above  the  efforts  of  his  vin- 
dictive arm  to  blacken  it. 

The  high  character  of  his  legal  friends  and  advisers,  to  whom 
this  confession  was  made,  at  once  clears  them  from  any  implica- 
tion of  joining  in  the  palpable  designs  of  the  erinjinal,  f)ut  that 
they  did  not  advise  him  to  a  differ.-^nt  course  and  thus  save  him 
from  adding  perjury  to  his  other  crimes,  is  a  matter  of  general 
surprise.  The  old  saying  that  "  a  drowning  man  will  catch  at  a 
straw,"  is  fully  verified  in  this  confession,  and  that  same  cunning 
which  led  him  tv)  smear  the  blood  of  his  first  victim  over  his  per- 
son, in  order  to  substantiate  bis  story,  has  undoubtedly  led  him  to 
disregard  both  truth  and  honor  in  hi-;  abortive  effort  to  palliate  his 
crimes,  and  excite  the  sympathy  of  the  public  in  his  favor. 
Whilst  the  tenor  and  spirit  of  the  conf-ssion,  as  well  as  its  earlj 
publication,  fully  sustains  this  construction  :is  to  the  motive  of  the 


cririiin'ril,  the  plnin  manner  in  which  it  is  drawn  up  clearly  shows 
that  iiis  intentions  were  not  cortimunioated  to,  or  entert^iined  by, 
his  lejj^-al  fri^Mids. 

The  objector  this  eom-iumication  is  not  to  crush  the  fallen,  or  to 
strike  a  blow  at  the  deteaseless,  but  rather  to  protect  from  the  foul 
toii<?ue  of  slander  and  fKisehood  those  who  are  mouldering  in  un- 
timely graves.  To  shield  the  memory  of  the  dead  is  the  duty  of 
all  who  h:ive  it  in  their  power,  but  it  is  doubly  incunibetit  in  a  case 
like  the  present,  w!)eti  the  deceased  are  of  that  sex  whose  charac- 
ter is  doirer  to  them  than  life,  and  who  would  d:n>btless,  whilst 
livintr,  ratlier  have  submitted  willingly  to  their  unfortunate  fates, 
than  have  surrendered  their  claims  to  virtue  and  purity  of  life. 
Having,  therefore,  from  undoubted  sources,  become  acquainted 
witli  facts — stubborn  and  uni-ontroverfcible  facts — I  feel  called  oa  to 
srand  forth  in  tlieir  defense,  and  if,in  so  doing,  falsehood  is  stanfped 
on  this  confession,  and  its  author  be  followeci  to  the  gallows  with- 
out one  sympathizing  heart  m  the  train,  no  more  than  justice  will 
be  done  to  tiie  memory  of  his  helpless  victims. 

With  regard  to  the  first  pirt  of  the  confession,  as  to  hi«  early  life 
in  Germany,  nothing  new  is  detailed— it  is  only  a  repetition  of  his 
own  representations  in  former  daysj  as  fully  detailed  by  you  in  the 
tSun  two  weeks  since.  Whether  it  be  true  or  false,  rests  solely  be- 
tween him  and  his  God,  and  the  fearful  reckoning  will  shortly  be 
made.  But  his  iiistory,  from  thetimeof  his  arrival  in  this  country, 
in  the  detail  of  the  murder  of  his  two  wives,  of  which  suificient 
had  previously  been  known  to  render  a  confession  unnecessary,  I 
will  prove  him  guilty  of  so  many  falsehoods,  prevarications,  and 
omissions  to  detail  so  manj  important  matters,  chat  the  rest  of  the 
confession,  whicii  cannot  bf^  touched  for  want  of  information,  must 
be  consi<iered  equally  void  of  truth. 

From  tlie  time  of  his  t)irfcij,  up  to  Lis  marriage  witii  Mis.s  Mary 
Abel,  he  represenus  himself  as  po33e.';sed  of  every  good  quality  of 
both  head  and  heart;  and  he  would  then  have  U'?  believe  that  he 
entered  tiie  marriaije  contract  as  a  lamb  goes  to  the  slaughter — that 
he  was  always  disposed  to  do  well,  andshe  to  do  evil — that  he  was 
industrious  and  she  was  lazy — that  he  was  mild  and  kind  in  hia 
disposition,  and  she  was  cross,  stubborn  and  morose;  in  short,  he 
w'>uld  have  us  believe  that  she  was  a  very  devil,  and  that  he  was 
as  kind  as  an  angel.  He  does  not,  however,  tell  us  h  .w  he  slighted 
and  neglected   her  immediately   after  marriage,    which   was   tho 


case;  he  does  not  tell  us  that,  when  she  becairie  enciente  with  her 
second  child,  and  during  the  wliole  time  of  laer  pregnancy,  when 
she  was  in  that  weakly  condition  which  commands  kindness  from 
the  vilest  of  creation,  he  continually  taunted  her  with  being  un- 
faithful to  him,  denied  that  the  child  she  bore  was  his,  and  de- 
nounced her  in  the  strongest  terras  as  a  harlot.  If,  as  he  says,  she 
ha  1  afterwards  been  unhappy,  sullen,  and  morose,  she  had  here 
cause  enough,  in  all  conscience,  to  make  her  so.  But  such  was  not 
the  case.  Her  whole  life  was  one  of  fear  and  trembling.  So 
tyrannizing  was  his  disposition,  and  bitter  his  temper,  that,  like 
his  second  victim,  she  was  afraid  to  speak  aloud  in  his  presence; 
whilst  those  very  children,  whom  he  now  calls  his  dear  offspring, 
were  kept  in  rags,  one  of  them  was  totallj^  disowned,  and  all  of 
tham  strangers  to  kindness  or  love  from  their  father.  The  love  he 
now  professes  for  his  "dear  son  Henry,"  the  disowned,  must  be  a 
new-born  passion,  that  has  never  b«fore  been  visible,  and  which 
will  not  now,  at  this  late  hour,  I  should  think,  be  reciprocated.  It 
is  now  the  son's  turn  to  disown  the  father,  and  most  thoroughly 
should  he  do  it. 

Again,  he  does  not  tell  us  that  on  the  birth  of  his  third  and  last 
child,  John  Hellman,  when  the  poor  heart-broken  mother  wag 
Ij'ing,  weak  and  emaciated  from  her  sufferings,  that  he  approached 
her  bed,  and  with  oaths  and  imprecations  swore  that  "  if  she  ever 
had  another  child  he  tcould  kill  her^  From  the  day  that  this  Jior- 
rid  threat  was  made,  the  poor  mother  determined  to  use  the  only 
means  in  her  power  to  prevent  its  consummation,  and  from  that 
time  to  her  death  she  had  rjo  more  children.  On  the  night  of  her 
murder  Henry  Hellman  was  absent,  they  were  alone  together,  for 
the  first  time,  and  the  reader  can  imagine  the  scene  as  well  as  the 
cause  which  led  to  the  bloody  drama  th»t  ensued. 

Had  he  detailed  these  facts,  It  would  have  spoiled  the  amiable 
and  inoffensive  character  which  he  had  laid  out  for  himself,  and 
have  shown  h'.m  to  the  world  as  he  is,  in  his  true  character,  grasp- 
ing, miserly,  tyrannical,  unfeeling  and  fiendish  in  his  temper  and 
passions,  consequently  they  were  entirely  withheld.  There  is  an 
evident  desire  to  justify  liimself  throughout  the  confession,  to 
make  it  appear  that  he  had  suffered  and  forborne  until  "forbear- 
ance ceased  to  be  a  virtue,"  and  had  then  rid  himself  of  the  evil 
spirits  which  had  rendered  his  life  so  miserable  and  unhappy. 
We  can   discover   no  remorse,   no  sorrow  or  contrition   for    his 


crimes,  no  prayer  for  forgiveness  from  an  offended  God,  but  it  is 
■all  self-justification,  and  a  person  on  perusin<^  it  cannot  but  imag- 
ine that  the  heart  that  dictated  it  must  have  exclaimed  to  itself  :r. 
"Well  done  I  I  have  served  them  right?  "  Not  the  sli!<:htest  in- 
dication of  regret  appears,  even  when  contemplating  tho  forfeit  of 
his  own  lite  for  his  crimes,  but  he  seems,  on  the  contrary,  to  think 
'that  this  is  nothing  in  comparison  with  the  satisfaction  receivecS 
from  their  committal. 

His  description  of  the  murder  of  his  first  wife  is  glossed  over  ia 
its  details,  and  none  of  the  real  horrors  of  the  scene  are  at  all 
jnentioned.  He  speaks  of  striliino;  lier  but  twice,  and  then  cutting, 
her  throat,  whereas  the  fact  is,  her  body  displayed  fourteen  di*- 
iinct  woundg,  besides  the  bruises  on  her  hands,  and  the  forefinger 
of  the  right,  and  the  little  fingpr  of  the  left  hand  being  broken.. 
Accordincr  to  the  appearance  of  the  room  and  tiie  body,  the  con- 
test must  have  been  a  fif-ree  and  determined  one.  The  large  quan- 
tity of  blood  in  the  bed  clearly  gives  the  lie  to  his  as%rtion  thaS' 
she  was  awake  and  getting  up  when  he  attacked  her,  whilst  thC' 
sprinkling  of  the  blood  in  all  sections  of  the  room,  and  the  num- 
ber of  her  wounds  plainly  indicates  that  she  was  not  despatched 
so  quickly  as  he  has  "confessed."  To  inflict  so  many  wound* 
lime  must  have  been  required,  and  the  suffering  of  his  victiret 
must  have  been  intense.  He  then  tells  us  that  he  bruised  his  head; 
and  back  and  went  to  bed,  but  he  says  nothing  about  smearing  hm 
blood  over  his  head  and  j)erson,  to  give  credence  to  his  story  —  an^ 
instead  of  giving  the  true  cause  which  excited  him  to  tho  cona- 
sjnittal  of  the  murder,  he  has  evidently  fabricated  another  relatives' 
io  his  wife's  charging  him  with  beingthefather  of  his  nephew,  who,, 
it  will  be  remembered,  even  according'  to  his  own  story,  had  beeu 
then  long  absent  front  his  roof.  It  heinj.'.  tlms  evident  that  he  has 
disregarded  truth,  and  omitted  iiuportant  facts  in  relation  to  the 
first  murder,  may  it  not  be  equally  presunicd  ihat  the  array  of 
"  startling  facts,''^  which,  according  to  the  preface,  "  illustrates  the 
soundness  of  the  injunction,  that  in  the  infirmity  of  man's  judg- 
ment such  circumstantial  testimony  may  shed  a  false  light,  ancJ 
lead  into  fatal  fallacies,  and  that  therefore  the  most  anxious  caution 
in  receiving  and  weighing  it  should  ever  be  used."  are  equally 
false  and  unfounded  in  the  second.  There  are  some  things,  how- 
ever, in  his  detail  of  the  cjuise  and  the  manner  of  the  murd  'r  of 
Malinda  Horn,  which  we  shall  also  l>e  enabled  to  stamp  with  false- 


hood,  and  IhtMi'fore  the  remainder  of  th^  confe.ssidn   may  be  con- 
sidered equally  v<«id  of  truth.     But  we  are  digressing. 

He  then  stat'.s  t  )  us  t!i:\t  h'-  wis  thrown  in  jail  at  B?Ilefontaine, 
anl  having' tiled  the  hobhieotf  one  leg,  made  hi.s  escape,  carryinsj 
Ihem  in  his  hand-;  but  he  <h)es  not  say  who  assisted  hiin  in  his 
,.^^.;H,e— by  whom  the  hobble  was  tal<en  oflfof  the  other  leg— 
who  it  was  that  sold  him  the  horse— who  visited  him  in  his  cell' 
prior  to  his  escape.  Thes^-  matters  as  he  is  aware,  have  br-en  much 
discussed  in  IJellefontaine,  anil  na<nes  have  been  haudie  1  in  the 
controversy,  but  he  remains  wholly  silent  on  the  subject.  If  his 
confession  were  a  fall  and  a  true  one,  this  would  not  be  thi-  case  ; 
nothing  would  be  withheld,  and  those  wholly  under  the  foul  im- 
putation, if  innocent,  woul<l  have  been  exonerated  from  the  charge. 
But  he  tells  usevf-ry  thing  which  is  known,  and  artfully  conceals 
that  which  justice  requires  should  be  disclosed.  On  the  heads  of 
those  who  thus  shielded  and  protected  him  from  the  punishment 
due  his  fii^^t  offence,  rests  a  fearful  responsibility,  and  they  are 
equally  guilty,  in  a  moral  ])oint  of  view,  with  him  who  is  con- 
dennif-d  to  suffer  death  for  the  murder  of  his  second  victim  !  Yes, 
her  blood  is  on  their  heads,  and  on  the  fearfal  day  of  judgment  God 
will  require  them  to  account  for  it.  If  it  iia<l  not  been  for  their 
assistance,  she  would  cloubtlnss  yet  have  been  living,  surrounded 
by  relatives  and  friends,  wliilst  her  murderer  would  have  met  the 
doom  which  >/0M' awaits  him,  two  years  ago  in  Ghio.  These  are 
stubl)orn  facts,  which  are  recommended  to  the  serious  i-eflection 
and  t'onftideration  of  those  concerned. 

With  reference  to  his  detail  of  the  murder  of  his  second  wife 
there  are  few  who  will  believe,  after  reading  the  evidence  of  the 
host  of  re^spectal -le  witnesses,  that  she,  a  young  and  defenceless 
female  alone  and  in  his  power,  and  acquainted  with  tlu*  violence 
of  his  temper,  would  have  dared  to  call  him  a  liar,  or  even  to 
quarrel  with  him.  Can  it  be  believed  that  she,  who  was  in  constant 
dread  of  her  life,  and  was  aiVaid  to  spesii^  aloud  in  his  presence, 
could  have  mustered  sufficient  courage,  when  he  wasalmost  burst- 
ing with  rage,  to  have  called  him  a  liar?  The  asi^ertion  is  prepos- 
tennis,  and  on  it  the  impress  of  falsehood.  Nor  has  any  one 
lieeu  found  credulous  enough  tobelieve  thatthebruiseson  the  hands, 
the  breast,  the  shoulder  and  the  back,  resulted  in  any  other  way 
than  by  blows  inflicted  at  the  same  time  that  those  which  caused 
her  dcatli  were  given.     A  man  who  had  gone  through  such  a  scene 


of  horror  as  he  confesses,  at  a  previous  day,  would  not  have  struck 
a  blow, and  repeated  it,  without  know^ingand  contemplating  what 
would  have  been  its  effect.  He  was,  from  experience,  skilled  and 
practiced  in  the  force  of  the  blow  required  on  the  humm  head  to 
cause  death,  an  1  still  he  would  have  us  believe  that  it  was  almost 
the  result  of  accident,  not  intended,  and  unpremeditated. 

In  order  to  substantiate  the  charsie  of  infidelity,  and  to  palliate 
the  ofi'ense,  he  states  that  he  had  xmderstood  she  was  in  the  habit 
of  clandestinely  meeting  a  young  man  who  resided  in  the  neigh- 
borhood in  the  vicinity  of  his  house.  From  whom  had  he  under- 
Btood  this,  and  why  was  not  the  person  who  had  given  him  the 
information  brought  forward  as  a  witness?  Could  he  hav(^  proved 
her  infidf^lity,  it  would  doubtless  have  saved  him  from  the  gallows, 
by  changing  the  character  of  his  offense  to  murder  in  the  second 
degree.  But  no  such  person  could  be  found,  as  it  was  doubtless  a 
creature  of  his  own  jealous  and  evil  imagination.  Any  person 
who  has  the  slightest  doubt  as  to  her  fidelity  can  be  satisfied  that 
it  is  utterly  without  ground  in  truth  by  calling  at  the  office  of  Dr. 
Dunbar.  There  will  be  found  the  unimpeachable  testimony  of 
God  himself  in  behalf  of  this  murdered  and  traduced  victim,  es- 
tablishing her  virtue  and  fidelity  to  her  husband  beyond  the  power 

of  frail  man  to  controvert  it. 

With  regard  to  the  preservation  of  the  body,  tlie  writer  <;f  this,  for 
one,  does  not  believe  him  when  he  says  that  he  can  not  account 
for  it.  After  it  had  been  in  the  cellar  for  three  or  four  days  he 
states  that  he  cut  off  the  limbs,  and  b'lrnt  the  head,  and  two  or 
three  days  after  deposited  the  body  in  the  bag,  and  buried  it,  leav- 
ing the  limbs  under  the  oven  in  ^he  yard,  and  they  were  not  buried 
for  seven  teen  days.  Can  it  be  believed  that  he  would  have  thus 
left  the  body  lying  in  and  about  the  house,  where  persons  were 
constantly  visiting,  without  using  some  means  to  prevent  it  from 
smelling?  If,  as  he  says,  it  was  preserved  by  some  mysterious 
agency,  he  must  have  been  aware  that  it  would  be  thus  preserved, 
or  he  would  never  have  kept  it  so  long  in  the  house,  where  it  was 
constantly  liable  to  lead  to  his  detection.  In  the  course  of  nature 
it  would  have  become  very  ofiFensive  in  a  few  days,  which  he  must 
have  known,  and  without  using  some  means  for  its  preservation, 
or  knowing  that  it  would  bo  preserved,  his  confession  of  the  one 
fact  proves  the  falsity  of  the  other.  If  the  truth  were  known,  it 
would  doubtless  be  found  that  the  body  was  cut  up  for  the  purpose 


©f  enabiinj?  him  to  pack  it  up  in  a  barrel  of  brine,  in  order  to  pre- 
serve it  until  the  disuppeiirance  of  the  snow  would  enable  him  to 
bury  it.  Its  appearance,  even  six  weelcs  after  death,  indicated 
that  salt  had  been  applied  to  it,  and  few  will  be  so  credulous  as  to 
Relieve  his  assertions  to  the  contrary,  particularly  when  there  is- 
sue h  an  apparent  motive  throughout  to  conceal  the  most  horrid 
features  of  both  acts  of  the  tragedy,  in  an  effort  to  palliate  the  crime 
and  justify  in  some  measure  the  murderous  deeds  which  he  has 

The  lantern  which  induced   his  sudden   flight,  may  or  may  not 

have  been  the  imagination  of  his  cowardly  heart,  dreading  that 

the  forfeit  of  Ins  life  would  be  the  result  of  discovery,  but  be  it 

what  it  may  It  was  a  most  providential  visitation,  and  at  the  very 

,  moment  above  all  others,  which  sealed  the  guilt  on  the  murderer. 

That  the  whole  of  this  conf-'ssion  is  a  one-sided,  partial  affair, 
glossed  over  for  effect,  I  think  has  already  been  clearly  proved,  but 
there  are  yet  other  portions  of  it  which  perhaps  demand  a  notice, 
before  the  subject  is  dismissed.  In  speaking  of  the  fact  of  his  last 
wife  having  left  his  house  and  gone  to  Littlestown,  he  whollyr 
omits  to  mention  his  threats  to  kill  her,  as  proved  on  the  trial, 
which  was  the  cause  that  had  driven  her  from  his  house,  as  well 
as  his  harsh  and  abusive  treatment  of  her.  The  fjict  of  her  going 
is  only  mentioned,  and  that  in  such  a  manner  as  to  leave  the  reader 
to  infer  that  his  jealousy  was  not  without  grounds — tiiat  he  had 
<'ause  not  only  to  suspect  her,  but  was  confirmed  in  his  suspicions-. 

With  regard  to  his  protestations  of  innocence  as  to  the  death  of 
his  children,  he  has  told  so  many  other  palpable  falsehoods  that 
this  is  equally  liable  to  be  untrue.  The  denial  of  the  charge,  ia 
such  a  confession  as  this,  even  if  it  should  be  credited  here,  will- 
find  few  believer^  beyond  the  AUeghanies,  particularly  in  the  regioB 
of  country  where  he  was  personally  known.  His  language  respect- 
ing the  death  of  his  ''dear  offspring,"  whose  death  he  witnessect 
without  a  tear,  will  rather  tend  to  confirm  the  suspicious  of  those 
who  witnessed  their  final  moments.  Suffice  it  to  say,  that  their 
mother,  who  knew  the  feelings  he  entertained  for  them,  suspectedL 
him  of  poisoning  them,  which  opinion  was  afterwards,  and  is  now, 
the  universal  beliv.*f  of  the  whole  neighborhood. 

That  he  has  not  yet  deserted  all  hopes  of  life  is  evident  from  tha 
perusal  of  his  narative,  and  is  also  sustained  by  a  conversation  hetdi 
.toy  him  a  day  or  two  since  with  the  warden  of  the  jail.    Whea» 


however,  the  certainty  of  death  approaches,  it  will  be  found  that 
his  assumed  indifference  will  fail  him,  and  then,  under  the  guid- 
ance of  his  spiritual  teacher,  the  public  may  expect  from  hira  a 
true  and  full  confession,  that  will  be  free  from  all  exprassions  of 
malice  and  attempts  at  self-justification,  and  having  in  view  his 
forgiveness  at  the  bar  of  God  rather  than  the  bar  of  public  opinion, 
to  which  this  has  evidently  been  solely  addreased. 

120  (jyTAMPATGN  AND 


The  Logan  Gazette,  of  J3ec.  2JJ,  puhliRhei!  at  Belit-fontaine,  Ohio, 
where  Hellman  broke  jail,  and  in  the  immpdiatf  neijjhborhomi  of 
the  scene  of  the  first  murder,  contains  a  si<et<'h  of  the  "Life,  Char- 
acter, and  Crimes  of  Andrew  Hellman,"  covering  17  columns  of 
that  paper.  The  general  tenor  and  facts  of  the  narrative  fully  cor- 
roborate all  the  particulars  of  the  Ohio  tragedy  as  pul>Iished  in  the 
8un,  whilst  the  opinions  nr^pd  by  "One  of  the  People"  against  the 
truth  of  that  part  of  his  confession  which  relates  to  his  treatment  of 
his  first  wife,  &c.,  are  corroborMted.  We  have  extracted  such  por- 
tions of  the  narrative  as  go  to  justify  the  feeling  evinced  in  defence 
of  his  first  victitn,  at  the  request  of  "One  of  the  People,"  to  show 
that  no  sinister  motive  guided  his  pen  : 

In  this  confession,  which  was  doubfiess  gotten  up  to  influence 
the  public  mind,  and  perhaps  mduce  from  the  Governor  of  Mary- 
land a  commutation  of  his  }(unishment,  Hellman  seems  to  labor  to 
render  odious  the  character  of  his  first  victim, — to  transform  the 
faithful,  devoted  and  sulfering  wiff,  into  a  lewd  and  fiendish  ter- 
magant, whose  temper  nothing  could  restrain,  and  no  sacrifice  could 
soften.  But,  fortunately  for  her  relatives  who  survive,  his  m-alice 
has  betrayed  itself,  and  involved  him  in  several  contradictions. 
That  she  may  have  spoken  in  her  own  defence,  and  for  the  sake  of 
the  future  character  of  her  oifspring.  resisted  and  resented  his  vile 
imputations  and  unmanly  abuse,  is  highly  j>roi)able — most  women 
would  have  done  the  same.  And  8h(!  should  be  respected  for  it — 
for  her  bravery  in  defending  her  character  and  her  children  from 
the  infamy  he  would  have  heaped  upon  them,  bespeaks  a  noble 
mind  and  a  strong  and  ardent  love  for  those  whom  she  had  borne. 
But  that  she  was  the  fiend  he  represents — violent  and  unyielding  in 
temper,  fretful  and  discontented,  loose  in  her  morals,  and  always 
ready  to  harass  and  vex  him,  without  cause,  is  totally  at  variance 
with  her  character  and  conduct  while  residing  in  this  county. — 
Here,  she  was  regarded  by  her  neighbors — those  who  knew  her 
best  and  saw  her  often — as  a  mild,  inoffensive  woman,  who  bore 

LOGAN  00XJNTIE8.  121 

th«  tyranny  of  her  husbani  with  greit  putienc^— who  resi^tpxi  not, 
but  for  the  «ake  of  peace,  endurei,  withoat  a  murm  ir,  hiriships 
and  abase.  As  a  housewifeshe  was  held  a  raoiel.  Hir  h3ma  was 
always  clean  and  tidy,  and  every  thinjf  about  her  was  well  taken 
care  of.  It  is  not  true,  therefore,  th  ;t  she  was  th^  vixen  H  lUm  m 
would  make  her  appear ;  and  after  inquiry  of  those  who  knew  her 
personally,  as  well  as  by  reputation,  we  have  no  hesitation  in  pro- 
nouncing so  much  of  this  confession  as  contains  impu.tationsagiinst 
her,  malicious,  willful^  and  deliberate  falsehoods. 

He  reached  Bellefontaine  with  his  family,  in  the  spring  of  1836, 
and  took  a  room  in  the  tavern  af  Mr.  Haines,  (now  occupied  by  Mr. 
M.  Smith,)  north  of  town,  where  they  dwelt  until  the  ensuing  fall. 
And  here  we  cannot  oraii  to  state,  as  lie  has  spared  no  efforts  to 
traduce  the  character  o*"  hi -^  tlrst  wife,  ail  tnirn  h^?r  m  in>;le  I,  !n>jl(l- 
•ring  remains  from  the  silent  grave,  only  to  dwell  upon  the  f  lults 
and  errors  which  she  possessed  in  common  with  the  human  race, 
that  his  treatment  to  her  while  they  resided  at  the  tavern  of  Mr. 
Haines,  was  cruel  in  the  extreme.  So  violent  was  he,  that  without 
any  apparent  cau3e,he  would  throw  chairs  or  any  thing  he  could  lay 
his  hands  on  at  her;  and  the  family  of  his  landlord  were  several 
times  compelled  to  rescue  her  from  cruelty.  We  have  this  from  un- 
doubted authority —  persons  who  were  cognizant  of  the  facts.  And 
yet,  with  all  the  effrontery  of  a  fiend,  he  hesitates  not  in  hisconfes- 
iion  to  lie  to  his  Maker,  and  charge  the  cause  of  all  their  differences 
upon  his  wife.  Instead  of  the  terrible  being  he  portrayt<,  she  pre- 
sented the  appearance  of  a  heart-broken,  miserable  woman,  and  so 
she  was  considered  by  all  her  neighbors  and  acquaintances." 

Speaking  of  his  attempt  to  poison  his  wife,  the  narrative  says : — 
After  this  circumstance  there  was  a  manifest  change  in  his  con- 
duct for  the  woi-se.  He  became  morose  and  sullen,  and  appeared 
to  his  family  the  incarnation  of  all  that  was  vile  and  wicked.  Yet, 
with  his  bosom  lacerated  with  the  deepest  feelings  of  malice 
against  his  unoffen  ling  offspring  and  his  unfortunate  wife,  and  the 
strongest  desire  of  revenge  urging  him  on,  Hellman,  in  the  e^es 
of  the  world,  was  a  moral,  u;;)irlght,  inoffensive,  quiet  citizen.  No 
man,  perhaps,  in  the  same  sphere  of  life,  possessed  a  higher  char- 
acter for  morality  and  honesty.  He  was  j>unctual  to  his  engage- 
ments, and  scrupulously  honest  in  his  dealings.  How  little  did 
the   world  know  of  that  man.     WJth  what  consummate  duplicity 



did  he  conceal  from  society  liie  devilisli  passions  wliich  were  raging 
in  hiis  bosom.  Did  we  not  know,  by  appalling  experience,  the 
fearful  transformation  which  jealousy  can  eflfeet  in  the  human 
heart,  the  conduct  of  this  man  would  present  an  inexplicable  en- 

His  children  were  all  three  attacked  with  the  scarlet  fever  as  he 
confessed,  but  speaking  of  this  fact  the  narrative  says: — 

The  sudden  death  of  his  children  made  little  or  no  impression 
upon  Hellman  —  none  at  least  that  was  visible.  Soon  the  suspi- 
cion got  abroad  that  the  poison  prepared  for  the  wife  had  been  ad- 
ministered to  her  children  ;  and  his  subsequent  conduct,  as  well  as 
the  testimony  of  those  who  saw  the  sick  children,  among  them 
the  attending  physician,  only  increased  and  strengthened  those 
suspicions?  His  poor  wife  and  her  relatives  -  -  .a  to  have  enter- 
•  lined  no  doubt  upon  the  subject,  from  tho  tavc  that  in  a  letter  to 
iheir  friends  in  Virginia,  communicating  the  demise  of  Louisa  and 
John,  they  unreservedly  stated  that  they  believed  they  died  by 
the  bands  ot  their  inhuman  father.  That  opinion  still  prevails 
here,  and  the  bare  word  of  the  monster,  though  spoken  Ironi  the 
scaffold,  cannot  remove  it.  Unfortunately,  the  bodies  were  not 
submitted  to  examination,  for  the  purpose  of  ascertaining  the 
truth.  As  if  by  a  miraculous  dispensation  of  an  all- wise  Provi- 
dence, Henry,  the  hated,  disowned  child,  the  one  most  ill-treated, 
recovered  from  his  dangerous  illness,  and  was  left  to  his  mother. 

Here,  the  cause  of  truth  compels  us  again  to  refer  to  the  published 
confession  of  Hellman,  and  to  what  he  says  upon  this  point.  And 
though  he  declares  "solemnly,  as  with  a  voice  from  the  grave, 
where  he  is  doomed  soon  to  lie,"  that  the  "  imputation  is  un- 
true," we  feel  authorized  to  assert,  that  his  declarations  in  refer- 
ence to  his  children  are  not  founded  in  truth.  He  places  their 
sickness  and  death  in  1841,  when  in  fact  they  died  in  1839 ;  and  he 
states  that  Dr.  Brown,  the  attending  physician,  was  "with  them 
until  just  before  they  breathed  their  last,"  thereby  intimating  that 
their  illness  was  so  severe  that  the  Doctor  did  not  leave  them  un- 
til all  hope  of  saving  them  was  gone.  Here  is  a  studied  misrepre- 
sentation, to  say  the  lease.  When  Dr.  Brown  was  called  in,  he 
found  that  the  children  were  severely  attacked  with  scarlet  fever ; 
he  attended  them  for  several  days  ;  they  were  sick  about  a  week, 
as  Hellman  says,  but  they  had  survived  the  worst  attack  of  the 

LCK  iAN  COUNTIES.  12:5 

disease,  and  were  so  far  convalescent  that  Dr.  Browu  disconrinued 
his  re^lar  visits.  On  the  last  time  but  one  that  he  visited  the 
house  for  the  purpos(!  of  administering  to  the  patients,  Mrs.  Hell- 
aiian  followed  him  out  of  the  dwelling,  and  anxiously  inquired  if 
there  was  any  hope  of  their  recovery.  He  assured  her  that  she 
?36ed  have  no  fears  on  the  subject,  for  he  entertained  no  doubt  that 
they  were  beyond  all  danger,  and  would  soon  be  restored  to 

Dr.  Brown  was,  therefore,  greatly  surprised  when,  a  day  or  two 
after,  he  was  sent  for  in  great  haste,  and  heard  the  children  were 
*iying  ;  and  it  is  his  impre»ssion  that  one  of  them  expired  before, 
«f»T  shortly  after,  he  reached  Hellman's  house.  He  was  the  more 
surprised  at  the  result,  from  the  fact  that  the  dise;ise  under  which 
they  suffered  is  not  usually,  if  at  all,  attended  with  such  sudden 
changps;  and  acknowledges  that  without  suspecting  the  father  of 
-anything  improper,  he  was  led  to  doubt  his  own  judgment  in  such 
<  It  is  pr(»per  here  to  remark,  also,  that  Hellman  adminis- 
Sered  the  medicine  to  his  children,  his  wife  not  seeming  to  have  a 
knack  for  it,  and  thus  he  had  every  opportunity  to  administer  the 
.filial  drug.  However  feelingly  he  may  speak  of  his  "dear  child- 
ren,"  not  even  the  solemnity  of  a  confession,  filled  as  this  is  with 
iEinunierable  falsehoods,  can  now  clear  him  of  this  charge. 



This  event,  which  has  been  looked  to  for  weeks  past,  ah  the  eont.--- 
auramatioa  of  the  penalty  due  to  the  com  mission  of  one  of  thte- 
most  atrocious  murders  that  ever  blurred  the  character  of  humaib- 
ity,  transpired  in  accordance  with  the  law,  at  exactly  22  minutes- 
before  12  o'clock,  meridian,  this  day,  and   was  witnessed  by  no(3 
less  than  fifty  thousand  people,  one-fourth  of  whom  were  females - 
The  'excitement  from  ati  early  hour  in  the  morning  until  the  exe* 
cutioa  took,  place,  coiilhiued  to  grow  more  and  more  intense,  andf 
was  only  relieved  at  length  by  the  awful  scene  which  was  requiredJ 
to  be  enacted,  for  the  satisfaction  of  the  fearfully  violated  laws-,. 
By  Wi  o'clock,  the  various  streets  leading  towards  the  jail,  begaas 
lo"pre8ent  a  very  uniform  appearance  of  the  tendency  of  passecs*- 
gers  that  way,  and  even  before  that  hour  hundreds  of  persons  oc- 
cupied various  positions,  or  stood  grouped  in  conversation  withjia? 
the  immense  circle  commanding  a   view  of  the  jail.    The  gallow* 
was  erected  in  the  north- .vest  angle  of  the  yard,  the  upper  bearat 
being  not  less  than  fourteen  feet  above  the  level  of  the  top  of  tfefi- 
walL    It  could  be  distinctly  seen  from  many  points  in  the  centraJl 
part  of  the  city,  and  the  whole  execution  was  witnessed  from  sev- 
eral windows  of  the  Court-house.     As  the    hour  approached,  tb» 
ways  to  the  prison  became  thronged  with  parties  who  had  quitte<# 
their  avocations  and  were  hastening  to  the  scene  ;  and  the  number 
of  strange  faces,  indicative  of  visitors  from  the  surrounding  country^. 
drawn  hither  by  curiosity,   resistless  from  the  startling  character 
of  the  malefactor's  crimes,  was  immensely  great.    The  city  poure# 
out  its  thousands,  and  the  merchant,  the  clerk,  the  lawyer  and  dS 
vine,  the  industrious  mechanic  with   the  soil  of  labor  upon  h^ 
hand3,  the  pale-faced  and  sedentary  student,  the  young,  and  tb.» 
old,  the  matron,  the  maid,  and  the  wanton,  hoyden  boys  and  girla^ 
the  moralist,  and  the  jester,  the  serious  and  profane,  swelled  v!Kg» 
the  motley  multitude  to  an  oceanic  flood.    "Such   is  human  nt^ 
tare,"  we  moralized  and  paused,  for^we  ourselves  had  wended  osss? 
way  to  the  spot,  but  fouBd  a  ready  excuse  io  an  imperative  duiaf; 


<s«quiring  as  to  present  the  details  of  the  day's  doings  to  the  eyes  of 
the  multitudinous  mass  spread  out  before  our  gaze.  But  are  thefe 
'flo  promptings  of  a  Dionysian  curiosity  within  ourselves?  we 
.'Esked.  We  could  not  analyse  the  feelings  with  suflncient  care  to 
-©btsiin  a  satisfactory  response.  Human  nature,  however  cultiva- 
ted, is  human  nature  still. 

The  view  from  the  top  of  the  jail  wa=i  of  the  most  interesting 
Ifcind,  presenting  a  dioraniic  picture  of  the  mcst  diversified  charac- 
^^r  it  is  possible  to  conceive.    Immediately  below,  the  gauut  ob- 
ject which  lifted  its  skeleton  form  into  the  cold  air,  stood  peering 
*over  the  wall  upon  the  vast  concourse  beyond,  itself  the  center  for 
-a  myriad  eyes.     Around  and  about  it,  conversina^  in  subdued  tones 
^•ere  those  wlio  had   obtained  by  privilege  or  solicitation,  admis- 
«ion  within  the  walls,  and  the  ba^y  forms  of  those  immediately  en- 
gaged and  interested   in  the  approaching  catastrophe  occasionally 
passing  to  and  fro.    Beyond,  the  great  interjacent  plain,  which  had 
i3a  the  morning  been  a  white  field  of  snow,  was  now  thronged  with 
;an  almost  compact  mass  of  people,  occupying  both  the  hither  and 
rohither  side  of  the  Falls.    The  elevations  upon  the  north  and  the 
nanky  heights  of  Howard's  woods,  opposite  upon  the  west,  af- 
forded facilities  to  immense  numbers,  especially  of  women  and 
•children.     A  great  many  carriages,  chiefly  crowded  with  women, 
«3)ccupied   the  line  of  Belvid^re  Road,  and  some  had  drawn  up 
cearertothe  wall.     The   windows  of  nearly  all   the  hc'uses  com- 
manding a  view  of  the  death  scene— a  few  exceptions  forniing  a 
(^leasing  attraction  to  the  eye  of  the  observer— were  densely  crowded 
%y  the  occupants,  their  friends  and  sicquaintancfs.    And  an  unin- 
formed traveller  who  had  pussed  that  way  might  have  look<d  on 
ifor  an  hour,  and  had  the  gallows  escaped  hi^  eye,  imagined  that  a 
mational  jubilee  was  about  to  be  celebrated,  and  that  the  shrine  of 
oblation  was  the  jail. 

But  we  revert  to  the  more  immediate  details  connected  with  the 
wiminal  and  the  closing  scenes  of  his  life.  We  vit-it(d  tlie  jail  at 
^about  9  o'clock  in  the  morning,  and  found  our  friend  Sellers,  the 
v/arden,  with  anxiety  and  fatigue  in  the  corner  of  his  eye,  he  hav- 
aTig  been  up  all  night  with  his  prisoner. 

Morn  X  r  'ell,  10  o'c^ocA.— We  have  just  been  admitt*  d  to  the  cell 
fl«tf  thp-d:  nmed  malefactor.  The  officers  have  this  moment  kno<  ked 
HjjKtV-^  iron  shackles  from  his  legs,  hiving  been  engaged  at  it  son© 


twenty  minutes.  Horn  thpn  turned  to  the  fire,  stirred  it  up,  sa^f 
down  and  warmed  his  boots,  which  stood  at  the  hearth,  and  pisft 
4hem  upon  his  feet.  Horn  is  now  in  conversation  with  the  rever- 
end gentlemen  in  attendance,  Messrs.  Sarniiel  and  Newman.  Ilf/- 
is  evidently  conversing  with  a  freedom  and  ease  of  mind  and  ex- 
pression that  denotes  the  most  perfect  composure. 

We  learn  from  Mr.  Soliers,  who  was  up  with  him  during  the- 
greater  portion  of  the  night,  that  he  remained  engaged  in  reading: 
and  prayer  until  about  two  o'clock  in  the  morning,  when  he  laid 
down  for  about  an  hour,  and  appeared  to  enjoy  repose  during  that 
time.  He  then  rose  and  re-applied  himself  to  devotional  exercises- 
during  the  residue  of  the  night.  He  declined  taking  any  breakfast- 
this  Tnorning,  the  only  meal,  by  the  way,  he  has  taken  for  two  (w 
three  weeks  past,  and  from  Friday  last  until  Monday,  he  mairs'- 
tained  perfect  abstinence.  He  was,  however,  persuade<l  to  resum.*' 
his  morning  meal  again,  lest  he  should  become  too  weak  to  sustain 
the  trying  scene  of  this  day  unassisted. 

Half  past  10  o'clock. — The  Rev.  S.  Tuston,  chaplain  of  the  U.  Sk 
Senate,  has  entered  the  cell  by  consent  of -the  criminal,  and  the- 
reverend  gentlemen  attending,  of  course  with  no  purpose  of  taking 
any  part  in  the  religious  exercises.  Horn  has  continued  in  inter- 
course with  tl.e  priests,  the  conversation  being  earned  on  in  Ger- 
man. A  few  minutes  since,  Mr.  Tracy,  the  sheriff,  cuine  into  tb& 
cell,  he  having  previously  visited  the  prisoner  duringthe  morning;., 

At'about  20  minutes  before  11  o'clock,  Mr.  Bcrsch  and  younj™- 
Henry  Hellman  came  into  the  cell.  The  prisoner  directly  took  th*^ 
hand  of  his  son  and  s;iid  "Well,  Henry,"  and  the  youth  replied^, 
"Well,  father ;"  it  seemed  as  much  as  either  could  say  for  the  mo^ 
ment.  Horn,  after  interchanging  salutation  with  Mr.  Bersch,  beck- 
oned his  son  to  the  table  and  took  up  a  variety  of  papers  and  pam- 
phlets tied  in  a  bundle,  which  with  a  carpenter's  rule  he  deliveretS 
to  him  ;  the  package  appearing  rather  loose,  Horn  took  up  some- 
books,  saying  "There  was  a  piece  of  paper  here  somewhere,"  arwS 
having  found  it  took  the  bundle  again,  carefully  wrapped  it  upj, 
and  delivered  it  to  his  son. 

They  then  retired  to  a  corner  of  the  ceil,  and  had  some  conversar- 
tion  together,  which  we  subsequently  understood  was  in  relatioK 
to  the  disposition  of  the  body,  Horn  expressing  a  desire  that  his 
son,  a.s  next  of  kin,  wouhJ  make  a  formal  demand  of  it  of  the  sher- 
iff.   Mr.  Bersch  wa^  afterwards  called  up  by  Horn,  and  the  three 


•ontinued  the  conversation  tog-ether,  Horn  appearing  exceedingly 
earnest  in  hie  instructions,  which  related  chiefly  to  the  disposition 
of  his  body. 

At  the  close  of  this  conversation,  ]N[r.  Laws,  sheriff's  clerk,  Mr. 
Wilson,  deputy  sheriff,  and  Mr.  Cook,  deputy  high  constable,  ap- 
peared, for  the  purpose  of  arraying  the  criminal.  His  shroud  was 
produced,  and  he  put  it  on  as  composedly  as  if  it  had  been  his  daily 
garb,  assisted  by  the  officers,  after  which  his  arms  were  pinioned 
by  a  small  cord  passing  from  each  elbow  joint,  behind  him,  having 
his  hand^  free.  This  being  accomplished,  the  Rev.  Tuston  took  the 
prisoner's  hand  to  bid  him  farewell,  he  having  called  for  the  pui'- 
pose  of  a  few  minutes  conversation  with  him  and  his  son.  Mr. 
Tuston,  on  parting,  said  to  him:  "Keep  your  eye  steadfastly  fixed 
on  the  cross  of  the  Lord  .Jesus  Christ,  as  the  only  hope  of  perishing 
mortals,  and  may  God  have  mercy  on  your  soul."  The  reverend 
gentleman  the"  shortly  withdrew  from  the  cell,  and  returned  into 
town.  The  Rev.  Mr.  Newman,  with  the  prisoner,  then  occui>ied  a 
few  minutes  in  prayer  during  which  the  tears  came  freely  from  the 
eyes  of  the  unhappy  man. 

The  minutes  now  sped  rapidly  away.  Horn  entered  into  spir- 
itual converse  with  the  priests,  and  remaining  standing  by  their 
side,  manifesting  the  most  wonderful  fortitude,  and  evidently 
marvelously  sustained  by  the  consolatory  hope  of  happiness  be- 
yond the  awful  noon  to  which  the  time  was  fast  hastening.    » 

At  half  past  eleven  Mr.  Tracey  and  ^Ir.  Sollers  came  into  the 
cell,  and  intimated  to  the  prisoner  that  the  time  had  arrived. 
He  instantly  rose,  and,  preceded  by  the  gentlemen  above  named, 
accompanied  by  the  priests,  and  followed  by  Mr.  Bersch,  Henry 
HelJmnn,  his  son,  young  Mr.  Bersch,  and  those  in  the  cell  present 
at  the  time,  walked  out  through  the  long  line  of  spectators  ox- 
tending  to  the  gallows. 

Having  arrived  at  its  f(jot,  Messrs.  Tracey  and  SoHm--,  the  two 
clergymen  and  the  prisoner,  ascended  the  steps  without  any 
pause,  on  the  scaffold,  a  short  prayer  was  said,  farewells  were  in- 
terchanged, Horn  thankinj;  each  for  their  kindness,  and  then  all 
retired.  At  exactly  22  minutes  before  12  o'clock  the  trigger  was 
drawn,  and  the  unhai)py  criminal  launched  from  the  platform. 
He  struggled  for  about  four  minutes,  when,  to  all  appearance,  he 
was  dead. 

THE    LOST   OHILl^. 

An  Account  of  the  Extraordinary  bufferings  oj  J<tkti  Our  I,  xSon  oj 
James  Curl,  of  Chainpaign  County,  {now  Logan  County)  Ohio, 
Aijed  Seven    Yeora,  who  toas  Lost  Eight  I>ap':^  in  the    IVnods, 


On  the  2d  day  of  thP'Btlh  mo-nth,  in  the  year  11816,  in  Champaign 
county,  (now  Loj>-'-in  counifcy,)  Ohio,  it  appears  that  the  feelings  of 
the  ptople  were  greHtly  aroused.  Search  was  made,  with  the  ut- 
most diligence,  far  and  near,  for  a  child  of  James  Curl,  which  had 
Wfiiideied  si^^ay  in  tine  woods,  and  was  in  danger  of  perisluug  with 
liungtror  falling  a  prey  to  S'-'vage  beasts.  At  this  the  pt-uple  in 
general  appeared  areatly  affected  with  somounjful  a  eircuinstan'v, 
as  to  lie  deprived  of  a  precious  cLild  in  such  a  sorrowlul  manner, 
and  since  the  neiglibors  have  manifested  such  an  unwearied  dili- 
gence for  the  relief  of  the  child,  it  ia  judged  that  a  narrative  of 
what  the  child  passed  through,  as  near  as  circumstances  will  admit, 
from  the  time  it  wandered  from  its  father's  house,  until  it  returned, 
mif-'ht  be  of  some  satisfaction  to  the  j'uhlie  in  general.  It  appears 
that  the  child  was  about  seven  years  old.  It  is  said  this  child  with 
two  of  his  elder  brothers,  vvemt  into  ;hc  w<-ud8  and  amused  them- 
selves for  a  time  in  hunliou  wild  gooseberries;  but  his  twobrotlnerii 


growing  weary  of  their  employment,  returned  home;  he  continued 
wandering:  about  until  ae  mistook  his  way  home,  and  took  the 
wrong  end  of  the  path  ;  still  hoping  that  he  should  soon  arrive  at 
«ouip  placH  that  he  knew,  he  was  encouraged  to  press  on  Until  time 
and  distuncH  conviriced  him  of  his  sad  mistake;  for  he  found  him- 
self not  only  bewildered,  but  in  a  wilderness,  surrounded  by  wild 
beasts,  and  destitute  of  father,  mother,  or  any  other  human  com- 
forter. After  calling  uioud  for  his  brothers  and  getting  no  answer, 
he  endeavored  to  vent  his  grief  by  letting  fall  a  flood  of  tears;  but 
what  greatly  increased  his  horror,  night  came  on,  and  he  had  to 
take  u[)  his  lodging  in  a  tree  top.  Grief  and  terror  prevented  him 
frotii  sleeping  for  the  greater  part  of  the  night.  When  morning 
appeared  he  pursued  his  lonely  travel  again — hungry  and  with  a 
heavy  heart.  With  weary  steps  he  followed  the  various  windings 
of  a  stream  called  Mill  Creek,  bearing  for  a  while  a  south-east 
course;  northerly  crossing  the  same  several  times,  supposing  it  to 
be  Derby  Creek,  stil!  tioping  h**  should  arrive  at  some  house;  but 
his  hopes  centered  in  disappointments;  he  continued  travelmg  un- 
til night  came  on.  He  found  nothing  to  satisfy  his  hunger  save  a 
few  wild  onions  and  gooseberries.  He  then  took  the  side  of  an  old 
log  for  his  shelter,  and  laid  himself  down  to  rest  in  the  dusk  of  the 
evening;  but  was  soon  visited  by  two  wild  beasts,  supposed  to  have 
been  wolves,  seemingly  with  the  intention  of  devouring  him. 
This  terrified  him  much,  as  one  of  them  came  within  a  yard  of 
where  he  was  lying,  and  grinned  at  him.  He  then  held  up  hia 
little  hand  against  him,  having  no  other  weapon  to  defend  him- 
self with— at  which  it  seemed  the  beast  laid  himself  down  near 
him  I  Here  we  may  justly  conclude  that  the  God  who  shut  the 
Lions'  mouths,  when  Daniel  (by  the  king's  decree)  was  cast  into 
their  den,  hath  in  a  like  manner  shut  the  mouths  of  those  savage 
beasts  and  preserved  this  infant.  This  is  certainly  a  miracle,  in 
our  eyes,  and  may  justly  lead  us  to  adore  that  Almighty  hand, 
which  condescends  to  preserve  the  innocent  when  in  the  most  im- 
minent danger!  Herewesay  with  the  Apostles: — "Lord,  increase 
our  faith,  that  we  may  never  distrust  thy  Providence  while  we  re- 
tain our  innocency ."  Here  it  seen)s  those  ravenous  beasts  had  not 
power  to  destroy  or  even  hurt  this  defenceless  infant,  which  no 
doubt  was  their  intent,  if  an  overruling  hand  had  not  prevented 
them  ;  so  that  instead  of  devouring  the  child,  one  of  them  laid 


himself  down  peaceably  by  the  Bide  of  him,  seemingly  to  guard 
him,  until  the  child  overcome  with  fatigue  had  closed  his  eyes  to 
sleep.  When  he  awoke  in  the  morninir,  he  found  to  his  great  joy 
that  his  company  had  deserted  him.  From  this  place  he  appeals 
incapable  of  rendering  any  correct  account  of  his  further  daily 
travels.  We  must  make  use  of  suppositions  in  some  cases,  and  we 
think  that  we  may,  without  violence  to  the  truth,  suppose  that  he 
continued  his  course  down  Mill  Creek  until  ho  came  to  a  house  in 
the  woods,  supposed  to  have  been  a  block-house,  as  the  child  states 
that  it  was  full  of  holes;  but  as  this  was  uninhabited  by  any  hu- 
man being  it  afforded  no  assistance  to  his  bewildered  and  grievous 
condition.  From  this  place  we  have  a  risrht  to  conclude  that  he 
turned  pretty  much  a  northerly  course,  as  his  little  footsteps  were 
frequently  found  in  that  direction,  especially  on  little  Mill  Creek. 
By  this  time  the  generous  inhabitants  appeared  greatly  alarmed 
for  many  miles  round.  They  turnpd  out  in  great  numbers;  en- 
deavoring to  search  every  hole  and  corner  of  a  large  body  of  woods, 
in  order,  if  possible,  to  rescue  the  distressed  infant  from  perishing 
with  hunger,  or  from  the  jaws  of  devouring  beasts.  We  have  a 
just  right  to  conclude,  from  his  situation,  that  he  was  daily  over- 
whelmed with  tears.  He  was  frequently  terrified  by  the  sight  of 
wild  beasts;  especially  a  large  black  creature  that  he  saw  on  a  log — 
supposed  to  have  been  a  bear.  Thus,  through  fear,  sorrow,  grief, 
and  hunger,  the  infant  passed  on,  between  hope  and  despair. 
Sometimes  he  was  afraid  that  he  would  never  get  out  of  that 
dreadful  wilderness,  but  inevitably  perish  with  hunger, 
or  fall  a  prey  to  wild  beasvs.  At  other  times  the  hope  re- 
vived his  spirits  that  he  should  find  his  own  home,  or  some  per- 
son's house ;  which  raised  a  fresh  resolution  to  press  through 
grievous  thickets  of  bushes,  briers  and  fallen  timber,  which  not 
only  rent  his  clothes,  but  likewise  his  skin  —  sometimes  climbing 
over,  and  sometimes  <!reeping  under  the  fallen  timber,  for  about 
three  or  four  miles —  a  country  almost  impassible  for  man  or 
beast.  Thi.->  laborious  travel  in  his  exhausted  state,  we  may  well 
conclude,  requiretl  more  than  manly  resolution,  yet  he  performed 
it.  Not  only  had  he  to  encounter  hunger  and  fatigue,  but  cold 
and  frosty  nights,  almost  naked  ;  and  the  best  shelter  or  lodging 
that  he  could  obtain  was  a  tree-top  or  a  hollow  log;  whilst  stout 
rnen  who  sought  him  were  well  clothed,  and  had  a  good  fire  to  lie 


down  by,  were  complaining  of  being  disagreeably  cold  ;  a^d  in 
this  deplorable  condition,  we  may  well  conclude,  that  being  over- 
whelmed with  fears,  and  a  number  of  days  and  nights  being  past, 
and  when  all  hopes  seemed  gone,  and  he  reduced  to  the  utmost 
extremity;  then  it  was  that  the  gracious*  Eye  that  had  regard  to 
poor  Ishmael,  when  cast  under  the  shrub,  and  procured  his  relief, 
we  may  justly  conclude  hath  not  been  wanting  in  respect  to  his 
fatherly  regard,  in  preserving  this  infant,  not  only  through  hunger 
and  cold,  by  day  and  by  night,  from  savage  beasts,  as  well  as  poi- 
sonous serpents !  Here  we  may  behold  the  tender  mercies  of  a 
gracious  God,  who  begets  honor  to  himself  by  delivering  to  the 
uttermost  those  who  have  no  help  in  themselves.  For  after  he 
had  permitted  almost  a  multitude  of  sympathizing  people  to 
search  for  one  whole  week,  with  the  utmost  diligence,  and  until 
being  almost  ready  to  despair  of  ever  finding  the  child,  here  the 
Lord  saw  proper  to  manifest,  not  only  his  great  power,  but  his 
mercy  and  loving  kindness,  by  opening  a  way  where  there  ap- 
peared no  way,  and  by  his  own  gracious  hand  led  this  infant,  not 
only  out  of  a  wilderness,  k^nt  likewise  into  a  house,  and  placed 
him  in  the  midst  of  the  floor  before  he  was  discovered  by  any  hu- 
man eye,  where  a  family  dwelt,  whose  hearts  we  may  justly  con- 
elude  the  Lord  had  before  prepared  to  receive  him,  and  administer 
relief  in  the  most  tender  manne]',  (  for  such  his  afflicted  state  and 
condition  required.)  His  clothes  were  all  rent  in  strings,  his  skin 
severely  torn  with  briers  and  bushes,  his  feet  and  legs  much  swol- 
len, and  his  body  covered  with  mud.  Here  he  found  not  cold- 
hearted  strangers,  but  a  tender-hearted  father  and  mother,  who 
used  ev(  ry  means  in  their  power  for  the  child's  restoration  !  Here 
we  have  a  plain  instance  that  the  Lord  can  save,  though  all  the 
wisdom  and  power  of  man  fail.  We  may  justly  say  with  one  for- 
merly, -'What  shall  we  render  to  the  Lord  for  all  his  benefits?" 
We  i)ave  likewise  witnessed  that  saying  fulfilled  :  "  Though  trou- 
ble may  come  over  night,  joy  may  spring  in  the  morning."  This 
we  think  raay  be  very  aptly  suited  to  the  present  circumstance  — 
for,  after  along  night  of  laborious  and  fruitless  hunting,  they  found 
the  lost  child  in  the  house-floor.  The  joyful  tidings  flew  on  eagle's 
wings  —  every  heart  rejoicnd — the  people  flocked  in  from  everj' 
quarter  to  see  the  supposed  "dead  alive,  and  the  lost  found." 
Justly  may  we  suppose  that  many  had  the  following  language  in 
their  hearts,  if  not  in  their  mouths  :      "  Great  and  marvelous  are 


thy  works,  O  Lord  J  Just  and  true  aie  all  thy  ways,  thou  King  of 
Saints  I  "  Here  as  not  only  a  miracle  in  bringing  the  infant  safely 
through  various  extremities,  hut  placing  him  by  his  wisdom  un- 
der the  most  tender  care.  After  the  rapture  of  joy  and  loud  accla- 
mations of  the  people  were  a  little  over,  that  kind  man,  Samuel 
Tyler,  could  not  rest  until  he  took  his  horse  and  conveyed  the 
joyful  news  of  the  infant  being  found  to  his  parents.  We  must 
now  return  to  the  child,  when  S.Tyler  left  him  in  the  care  of 
his  tender  wife,  Margaret,  and  the  other  kind  people  of  the  neigh- 
borhood, who  used  every  means  in  their  power  to  relieve  him 
from  the  weiik  state  to  which  hunger  and  fatigue  had  reduced 
him.  His  elder  brother  who  had  exerted  his  utmost  endeavors, 
sparing  no  pains  in  seeking  after  him,  returned  with  Samuel  Ty- 
ler and  partook  of  a  rich  feast  of  joy  in  having  his  brother  to  con- 
vey safely  home  to  his  disconsolate  parents,  which  he  thought 
amply  coiapensated  him  for  all  his  toil  —  and  his  parents,  like  the 
parable  in  the  Scriptures  of  the  return  of  the  lost  sheep,  find  more 
joy  in  receiving  the  lost  child,  than  in  all  the  rest  that  went  not 
astray :  and  we  have  no  doubt  that  the  public  in  general  have 
been  made  partakers  In  a  great  degree  of  the  same  joy  ;  and  es- 
pecially those  who  witnessed  the  labor  of  both  body  and  mind 
for  the  relief  of  the  child.  The  distance  that  the  child  was 
from  its  home  cannot  be  correctly  ascertained ;  but  his  elder 
brother  and  many  others  who  have  been  several  times  across 
the  wilderness  to  the  place  where  he  arrived,  near  the  mouth  of 
Bough's  Creek,  on  the  Scioto  Kiver,  in  Delaware  County,  judga 
that  it  is  20  miles  on  a  straight  line;  but  taking  the  meanderings, 
we  conclude  he  must  have  traveled  one  hundred  miles. 

Seeing  that  good  may  be  brought  out  of  evil,  and  joy  from  af- 
fliction, who  knows  but  our  Heavenly  Father  has  intended  the 
present  instance  of  this  bewildered  child  for  an  alarming  lesson  of 
a  Jvice  to  all  who  may  hear  of  the  circumstance.  Let  them  take 
into  consideration  the  manner  in  which  this  child  first  rambled 
from  his  fathers  house  und  through  a  careless  indolence  what 
danger,  grief  and  distress  he  had  brought  on  himself.  The  dan- 
ger of  never  seeing  his  father's  house  again ;  the  danger  of  perish- 
ing with  hunger;  and  the  danger  of  being  stung  by  poisonous 
serpents.  Here  we  have  a  lively  instance  of  what  grievances  we 
may  bring  on  ourselves,  for  want  of  a  more  diligent  watch  over 
our  stoppings  along  in  a  temporal  sense,  which  might  terminate 


without  lives — but  if  we  should  take  it  in  a  spirtual  sense,  and  ask 
ourselves  the  serious  question  :  Have  I  not  been  straying  from  my 
Heavenly  leather's  house  and  exposing  myself  to  a  greal  Spiritual 
danger  ?  The  one  mistake  is  only  for  Time ;  but  the  other  for 
an  endless  Eternity.  O!  then,  may  the  above  instance  awaken 
us  into  as  diligent  a  search  into  the  state  of  our  souls,  as  has  been 
made  for  the  recovery  of  the  lost  Infant. 


ghe  gast  §md. 

f'ET  old  and  young  regard  the  hand 
Which  sways  the  sceptre  o'er  the  land, 
That  guards  our  steps  in  all  our  ways, 
In  childhood  and  in  riper  days. 

This  hand  upheld  the  wandering  boy, 
So  that  no  foe  could  him  annoy — 
When  far  removed  from  human  aid, 
In  deserts  wild  he  wandering  stray'd. 

When  friends  and  parents  grieving  sought, 
The  Lord  for  him  deliverance  wrought — 
And  when  all  search  and  toil  was  vain, 
He  brought  him  safely  home  again. 

Then  let  it  be  our  daily  prayer. 
While  objects  of  his  holy  care, 
That  we  grow  better  day  by  day. 
And  learn  to  watch  as  well  as  pray. 




December  4,  1811. — Concord  Mills,  three  miles  west  of  Urbana, 
has  been  the  place  of  my  abode  for  the  last  forty  years.  My  par- 
ents emigrated  from  Mason  Co.,  Kentucky.  They  left  on  the  3d  of 
December,  1801,  seventy  years  yesterday.  They  arrived  at  the 
place  (four  and  a  half  miles  west  of  Urbana)  the  same  mouth,  where 
they  spent  tlie  balance  of  their  days. 

I  was  born  at  their  homestead  January  16,  1806.  Have  never 
lived  out  the  county  except  on  transient  business.  There  are 
a  few  men  only  that  were  born  in  the  county  and  spent  their  lives 
in  it  that  are  older  than  I.  About  the  time  of  my  entrance  into 
the  world  (I  have  been  informed)  the  Indiana  manifested  a  hostile 
disposition  toward  the  white  people. 

When  six  weelcs  old  it  was  rumored  that  they  were  collecting  iu 
large  numbers  with  the  intention  of  massacreing  the  white  people; 
consequently  the  latter  became  alarmed  and  for  mutual  protection, 
(or  rather  as  has  been  expressed  to  be  convenient  for  the  Indians 
to  do  their  bloody  work  without  having  the  trouble  of  hunting 
them  at  their  different  homes)  collected  together.  Then  Col  Ward, 
Col.  McPherson  and  Simon  Kenton  volunteered  to  go  and  see  the 
Indians.  They  found  them  on  the  Miami,  at  the  mouth  of  Stony 
Creek,  one  mile  below  'he  village  of  DeGraflF,  Logan  county. 
There  were  700  warriors  with  Tecumseh  at  their  head,  painted 
with  the  war-paint.  In  miking  their  business  known  to  them, 
Kenton  told  them  that  if  tliey  were  for  war  all  that  they  asked  of 
them  was  to  say  so;  "For,"  said  he,  "we  have  a  plenty  of  men  to 
meet  you."  The  Indians  called  a  council  of  their  chiefs  that  were 
present,  and  alter  consultation  r*  turned  the  answer  "that  they  were 
for  peace." 

A  little  incident  oecurre  1  while  the  y  were  with  the  Indians.    A 
few  years  prior  to  that  time  there  was  an  Indian  called  at  Demint's 


(now  Springftpild.  Clark  county,)  for  something  t  >eit.  an  I  fjr  shjbo 
unknown  cause  Mrs.  Daraint  refused  to  give  liin  >iiyfchinjf„ 
Whereu}>on  he  abused  her.  Kenton  hearlny:  of  it  hiK)'i  nfter,  and 
having  six  onea  at  hand,  ordered  each  one  to  ijive  th(i  fn  lUn  a 
certain  number  of  laches  with  hickory  withes,  which  wer^'  well  l^id 
on.  The  fellow  left  and  had  never  been  -^-jao  by  Kenton  until 
their  interview  at  the  time  referred  to.  The  fellow  Id  >kt»,i  suiky ; 
would  notso  much  as  notice  them.  Kenton  observiuj-  iiim,  invi- 
ted his  comrades  out,  stated  to  them  his  condition,  and  ih  ii  li  >  hid 
nothing  to  defend  him3elf  with  if  lie  wa^  aitackad  ov  th>"  wily 
fellow.  One  of  them  had  a  dirk  and  i^avo  it  to  Ivento  i.  Thay 
then  returned  among  the  Indians.  Kenton  (urrying  the  weipou 
in  his  hand,  would  strike  It  into  the  tree:>f  as  he  walked  alone?  a'^ 
though  he  was  willing  to  eni^'age  in  mortal  combat  with  a  foe. 
When  the  Indian  saw  that  he  was  prepared  in  that  manner  to  meet 
him,  he  approached  Kenton  manifesting  much  friendship,  by  pre- 
senting hia  hand  saying,  "Me  velly  good  fliend." 

I  have  seen  in  the  Qitizen  and  Gazette.,  that  you  wanted  the  names 
and  other  items  of  the  early  settlers  of  this  part  of  the  country.  I 
can  give  some  of  them,  but  not  the  exact  time  of  the  settling. 
Having  heard  my  parents  and  contemporaries  tell  of  many,  1  can 
therefore  name  some  of  them,  and  after  giving  the  names  of  a  few 
that  I  believe  were  the  first  to  squat  down  on  the  frontier,  will 
class  others  as  near  as  I  can  by  half  decades. 

The  bottom-lands  of  Madriver  and  creeks  were  occupied  flrat, 
which  includes  the  eastern  part  of  Madriver  Tp.,  in  which  was  th© 
place  of  my  nativity,  and  in  the  northeast  part  of  the  township. 
I  will  name  \Vm.  Owens  as  the  first  settler  in  the  township.  He 
came,  I  should  think,  in  1797  or  1798,  but  am  not  positive. 

Next  will  commence  with  those  at  the  lower  part  of  the  town- 
ship, as  they  occur  to  me :  Thomas  Redman,  Joseph  Turman,  Wm. 
Bhodes,  Joseph  Reynolds,  Mr.  Clark,  Thomas  Pierce,  Ezekiel  Ar- 
rowsmith  (my  father),  Elisha  Harbour,  Henry  Pence,  Abram 
Pence,  Abram  Shockey,  John  Wiley,  Joseph  Diltz,  Adam  Wise, 
Thomas  Kenton,  Christian  Stevens, Wm.  Kenton  (my  grandfather) 
and  two  sons- William  and  Mark,  Thomas  Anderson,  Henry 
Newcomb,  Wm.  Custor,  Hugh  McSherry  and  John  Norman,  who 
built  about  the  first  grist  mill  which  was  on  Nettle  creek,  where 
B.Wyant'B  mill  is  at  this  time.  Norman  placed  a  slight  obstruction 
in  the  channel  of  the  creek,  where  he  had  a  wheel  for  the  water  to 


flow  against,  and  a  little  primitive  gearing  set  in  motion  a  small 
stone  that  he  formed  out  of  a  boulder  that  he  picked  up  on  his 
land.  When  he  got  his  mill  to  running,  he  would  till  the  hopper 
in  the  morning,  start  it  to  work,  and  then  he  would  leave  to  en- 
gage in  other  labor  imtil  noon,  when  the  mill  would  get  his  ser- 
vices again  by  replenishing  the  iiopper  with  grain,  nnd  tilling  the 
s«cks  with  meal  or  cracked  corn  to  the  same  height  that  they 
were  with  corn,  he  having  made  a  hole  in  the  sack  with  a  bodkiu 
before  emptying  them. 

Will  resume  with  names  of  early  settlers.  There  are  ottier^ 
perhaps  thai  came  before  1S06,  but  are  included  in  th^- 
first  decade.  George  and  John  Steinberger,  Thomas  Ruukk* 
(tanner),  John  Pence,  Philip  C.  Kenton,  George  FaulUutv. 
Wm,  Bacom,  Henry  Bacom,  JoJm  Taylor,  (Nettle  Creek,)  Arnold 
Custar,  Abram  Custar,  Archibald  McGrew,  Sen.,  Wm.  McGrew. 
Matthew  McGrew,  Archibald  McGrew,  Jun.,  Wm.  Custar,  James 
Scott,  Christian  Hashbarger,  Mr.  Colbert,  Sen.,  John  Colbert,  Peter 
Smith,  Daniel  Pence,  John  Whitmore,  Adam  Kite,  Charles  Rec- 
tor, Conoway  Rector,  Samuel  Rector,  Joseph  Reynolds,  Jun 
R6uben  Pence. 

I  turn  to  an  old  record  of  See.  16  of  the  Townshij),  in  fonnecticB 
with  those  who  supported  the  school.  John  Moody,  George  Bo*- 
well,  Thomas  Jenkins,  Joel  Jenkins,  George  Ward,  Ezekiei  Bos- 
well,  John  Logan,  Wm.  Stevens,  Ephraim  Robison,  Wm. 
McGinness,  Valentine  Miller,  Curtis  M.  Thompson,  John  Haller,. 
John  Hamilton,  Archibald  Hosbrook,  Abraham  Stevens,  Caleb 
Baggs,  Wm.  Baggs,  James  Baggs,  Martin  Idle,  John  Idle,  Jacob 
Idle,  Daniel  Loudenback,  Daniel  Snyder,  Jacob  and  Fredericic 
Tetsler,  Henry  Evilsizer,  James  Stevens,  Robert  McKibbou,  Reubeji 
Loudenbacii,  William  Jenkins,  William  Harper,  (Baptist 
minister),  Nathan  Darnall,  Jacob  Arney,  George  Bacom,  Levi 
Rowz,  John  Rowz,  Luther  Wait,  Elijah  Standiford,  Isayc  Sliockey, 
William  Colgan,  Frank  Stevenson,  Henry  Phillips,  Elijaii  Rogers^ 
Zachariah  Putman,  John  Taylor  (tiddlerj,  Shadraek  D.  Northcut, 
William  Blue,  Richard  Blue,  Andrew  Blue,  Samuei  Blue,  Josh  an 
Darnall,  Elijah  Beil,  Peter  Baker,  Sen.,  Robert  Under w«»od,_  Wil- 
liam Salsbury,  William  Mitchel  (Water  Witch),  Cornelius  Bine. 
Lewis  Pence,  David  Loudenback,  James  Kenton,  Abraham  (Vtiiip- 
beil,  George  Zimmerman,  Daniel  Pence,  Jun.,  James  Sims,  J' i-et);-; 
Sims,  Benjamin  Kite,  Emmanuel  Kite,  Adam  Priiu  t-.     Ti;- 


many  others  I  have  not  named.  Some  have  sunk  into  oblivion. 
You  will  receive  information  from  others  and  in  compiling  can 
cull  from  the  above  if  you  find  anything  worthy  of  a  place  in  your 

December  20t  h  1811.— Since  writing  at  a  former  date  I  have 
thought  of  a  thing  or  two  that  is  known  by  but  few  of  the  present 
generation,  which  I  feel  like  rescuing  from  oblivion,  viz  : 


I  said  above  that  the  Indians  manifested  a  hostile  disposition 
about  the  year  1806  which  continued  up  to  the  war  of  1812.  To 
the  best  of  my  recollection  it  was  in  1807  that  the  settlers  in  the 
yalley  on  the  north  side  of  the  township,  from  their  exposed  con- 
ditic>n  tv  t'le  savages,  erected  a  fort  by  enclosing  about  one-fourth 
of  iun  fiCre  With  bniidinff^^and  pivk'.'ts.  It  was  erected  at  the  resi- 
dence of  Thomas  Kenton  on  the  s.  w.  qr.  aec.  12.  t.  4.  r.  11.  It  was 
quadrangular  in  form.  His  two  cabins  stood  aljout  ten  feet  apart. 
The  space  between  was  co  be  used  as  an  inlet  for  any  needed  pur- 
pose and  protected  with  a  swinging  gate  made  of  split  timber. 
Those  pickets  were  made  of  split  logs  planted  in  the  ground  and 
reaching  ten  or  twelve  feet  high.  These  flat  sides  (for  they  were 
doubled)  were  placed  together,  thus  shutting  the  joints  completely, 
formed  the  north  side.  The  east  and  west  sides  were  made  with 
log  buildings,  the  roofs  slanting  inwards  and  high  enough 
on  the  inside  for  a  door  way  into  them.  On  the  out  side  about  the 
height  of  the  inner  eave  was  a  projection  suiScient  to  prevent  the 
enemy  from  climbing  up,  and  a  space  of  a  few  inches  was  left  be- 
tween the  lower  wall  and  jut  that  could  be  used  for  port  holes  in 
case  the  Indians  were  to  come  to  set  fire  to  the  buildings  or  any 
other  purpose.  There  was  one  buildmg  about  the  center  of  the 
south  side  and  the  ether  spaces  were  closed  with  pickets.  There 
was  a  well  of  water  within  the  enclosure.  Fortunately,  it  was, 
thatthey  never  had  need  of  using  it  for  the  purpose  for  which  it 
was  erected. 

We  little  fellows  of  that  day  were  taught  to  regard  the  Indians  as 
our  natural  enemies,  for  the  most  of  our  parents  had  been  reared 
on  the  frontiers  and  many  of  them  had  had  some  experience  in  the 
wars  with  them,  and  the  minds  of  those  that  had  not  were  fully 
imbued  with  the  same  way  of  thinking. 


In  those  early  days  an  Indian  came  to  Thomas  Kenton  to  buy  a 
horse.  His  horses  were  out,  running:  at  large,  as  was  the  custom 
at  that  time.  They  went  together  to  hunt  them,  and  when  they 
found  them  my  father's  horses  were  with  them  and  one-a  fine  young 
horse  for  that  day — took  the  Indian's  eye.  He  would  nnt  even 
notice  any  of  the  others.  After  enquiring  who  he  belonged  to  he 
came  to  my  father  to  see  if  he  would  sell  him,  and  what  was  his 
price.  Father  asked  $80.  He  offered  $70.  After  parleying  a  while 
the  Indian  held  up  both  hands  seven  times  and  one  hand  once, 
and  on  that  proposition  they  traded.  He  had  but  $74  to  pay  down  but 
promised  to  be  back  at  a  certain  time  to  pay  the  other,  which  he 
did  at  the  time  promised.  This  is  written  to  show  that  there  was 
honor  and  honesty  with  the  Indians. 

About  1818  it  was  a  common  thing  for  the  Lewistown  Indians 
with  their  families  to  come  to  this  neighborhood  in  the  summer. 
They  would  make  camps  covered  with  bark  in  some  pleasant  shady 
grove  where  their  squaws  and  pappooses  would  stop.  The  m«n 
would  hunt  deer  or  lie  about  their  camp.  Their  squaws  were 
generally  busy  making  or  peddling  their  baskets  among  the  peo- 
ple around  about  for  something  to  eat.  Amongst  them  on  one  of 
their  visits  was  an  old  acquaintance  of  my  father's,  by  the  name  of 
Coldwater.  He  came  to  our  house  to  buy  some  bacon  on  credit, 
and  promised  to  pay  at  some  time  in  specie,  for  he  said  he  had 
specie  at  home.  At  that  time  the  banks,  or  many  of  them,  had 
failed  ;  so  it  was  necessary  in  dealing  to  have  it  understood  what 
kind  of  money  was  to  be  used  in  the  trade.  They  got  the  bacon, 
but  unlike  the  other  Indian  never  paid  for  it.  Those  two  Indians 
exemplified  an  old  gentleman's  expression  when  speaking  of  the 
different  religious  denominations,  "I  hope  that  there  are  good 
and  bad  amongst  all  of  them." 

The  first  religious  meeting  in  the  neighborhood  was  held  at  my 
father's  by  a  young  methodist  minister,  which  was  before  my  time, 
James  Davison,  brother  of  the  late  D.  D.  Davison.  He  after- 
wards settled  in  Urbana  and  engaged  in  the  practice  of  medicine, 
and  died  in  1816. 

Amongst  the  first  methodist  preachers  I  can  name,  were  Hector 
Sanford,  Saul  Henkle,  M©ses  Trader,  Moses  Crume,  H.  B.  Bascom, 
and  David  Sharp.  There  were  others  in  the  regular  work.  In  the 
local  work,  I  remember  James  Montgomery,  Nathaniel  Pinckard, 

Joseph  Tatman,  Martin  and  Samuel  Hitt,  Robert  Miller, Tru- 

itt.  Baptist,  John  Thomas,  John  Guttridge,  Moses  Frazer,  Sen., 

Cotterel.    The  above  named  ministers  occasionally  preached,, 

but  did  not  reside  here. 




Th*  following  is  the  vote  at  the  first  election  in  Zane  township, 
in  1806,  copied  fronn  the  Poll  Book,  now  in  my  possession,  spelliog^ 
as  fourtfl  there : 

Judges,  James  McPherson,  George  M.  Bennett,  Thomas  Antrim. 

Clerks,  Thomas  Davis,  Henry  Shaw. 

Certified  by  William  McColloch,  J,  P. 


.Jiles  Chambers, 
Isaac  Zane, 
John  Stephenson, 
William  McCloud, 
Matthew  Cavanaugh, 
Abner  Cox, 
Alexander  Suter, 
John  Tucker, 
William  C.  Dagger, 
John  Fillis,  Sen. 
George  Benn«tt, 
Thomas  Davis, 
Danifl  Phillips, 
Thomas  Antrim, 
James  McPherson, 
John  Provolt, 

Job  Sharp, 
Jeremiah  Stansbury, 
Samael  McColloch, 
Edward  Tatman, 
James  Frail, 
William  McColloch, 
Isaac  Tits  worth, 
Arthur  McWaid, 
John  Lodwork, 
Henry  Shaw, 
Carlisle  Haines, 
Samuel  Sharp, 
John  Sharp, 
Charles  McCIain, 
John  Tills,  Jr 
Daniel  Tucker. 


James  Pritchard,  for  Congress. 

John  Starett,  for  Representative  (  Legislature  ). 

George  Harlin,  for  Senate  (  Legislature  ). 


William  Ward,  for  Semite  (  Legislaturn  ). 
Richard  Thomas,  for  Senate  (  Le,i>:slii;ujre  ). 
John  Daugherty,  for  Sherilf. 
Daniel  McKinnon,  for  Sheriff. 
Joseph  Lay  ton,  for  Commissioner. 
John  Lafferty,  for  Commissioner. 
William  Powell,  for  Coroner. 
Solomon  McColloch,  for  Commissioner. 

It  will  be  remembered  that  at  this  time  Zane  was  included  in 
Champaign  County,  and  extended  to  the  Lakes. 


Not  found  in  the  above  list,  in  Zane  Township. 
•    Job  Sharp,  came  from ,  1801. 

Joshua  Balenger,  Sen.,  came  froui  New  Jersey,  1806. 

Daniel  Garwood,  came  from  Virginia,  1806. 

Abraham  Painter,  came  from ,  1809. 

Robert  Branson,  came  from ,  1809. 

Abisha  Warner,  came  from  New  Jersey,  1809. 

Jesse  Downs,  came  from ,  1814. 

John  Warner  came  1807,  a  soldier  in  Wayne's  army. 

John  Inskeep,  Sen.,  came  1805,  from  Virginia. 

The  above  gentleman  was  elected  to  the  Legislature  in  1816,  and 
in  conjunction  with  Gen.  Foos,  then  a  member  of  that  body,  pro- 
cured the  division  of  Champaign  into  two  counties;  Logan  and 

I  would  just  say  Gen.  Foos  is  the  father  of  Lewis  Foos  and 
grandfather  of  John  Foos,  Jr.,  both  of  Bellefontaine.  He  ha.3 
three  sons  in  Springfield,  Ohii. — William,  Gustavus,  and  John. 

Joshua  Inskeep,  came  1807,  Irom  Virginia. 

Job  Inskeep,  Sen.,  came  1816,  from  Virginia. 

Dr.  John  Elbert,  came  1811,  rrom  Maryland. 

Waller  Marshall,  came  1810,  from  Kentucky. 

Thomas  Segar  came  1811  from  Baltimore. 

John  Sharp.  Sen.,  came  1803  from  Virginia. 

Jonathan  Haines,  came  1808  from  New  Jersey. 

Thomas   \'itrim,  came  1803  from  Virginia. 

Robert  Pfctiy,  sen.,  came  1806. 

Josepl'i  I-ayj  son  of  the  above,  came  1805. 


Moses  Euaris,  came  1806,  soldier  of  Revolution. 

Joseph  and  Wm.  Euans,  sons  of  the  above,  came  1806. 

John  Cowgill,  came  1807. 

Samuel  Balenger,  came  1810. 

Joshua  Balenger,  son  of  the  above,  came  1810. 

John  Balenger,  brother  of  Joshua,  1810. 

Wm.  Asher,  came  1808. 

John  Asher,  son  of  the  above,  came  1808. 

Josiah  Outland,  came  from  North  Carolina  1806.  He  had  16 
children  by  one  wife;  11  boys  and  5  girls.  All  lived  to  be  men  and 
women.  Boys  all  farmers  and  plowed  their  own  land  and  occupied 
a  respectable  position  in  society. 

Joseph  Curl,  Sen.,  came  from  Virginia,  1809. 

Joseph  Curl,  Jr.,  came  from  Virginia,  1809. 

Joseph  Stratton,  Sen.,  came  1810. 

Joseph  Stokes,  Lieut,  in  war  of  1812,  came  1808. 

James  Stokes,  came  1808. 


Dr.  James  Crew  was  one  of  the  first  physicians  in  the  country — 
he  was  a  member  of  the  Legislature.  He  will  long  be  remembered 
by  his  fellows-citizens. 

Martin,  Samuel,  Robert,  and  David  Marmon,  came  1806. 

John  Brown, came  1806. 

Henry  Newsom,  colored,  (first  in  the  county,)  came  1806. 

Jeremiah  Reams,  came  1807,  soldier  in  war  of  1812. 

For  other  names  in  this  township  see  first  election,  1806,  found 
elsewhere  in  this  work. 

Monroe  Township. 

Robert  Frakes  came  from  Kentucky  1810. 
Nathan  Gilliland  from  Virginia  1810. 
Samuel  McCoUoch  came  1803. 

The  Rev.  George  McColIoch,  son  of  the  above,  came  1803. 
Samuel  McColloch  was  the  first  Representative  to  the  Legisla- 
ture from  this  county— then  Champaign  county. 


Thomas  Athy  came  1809  ;  drummer  in  the  war  1812. 
Zabud  Randel  came  from  New  York  1810. 
George  Moots  came  from  Pennsylvania  1809. 
Conrad  Mo;  ts  came  from  Pennsylvania  1809. 
Charles  Moots  came  from  P'^nnsylvania  1809. 
George  Green  came  from  Kentucky  1810. 

Wm.  Williams,  Henry   Williams  and  Obadiah  Williams,  came 
from  Virginia,  1814. 
Jacob  Johnson,  came  from  Kentucky,  1811. 
The  above  gentleman  had  6  sons,  4  of  whom  are  preachers. 
Jacob,  John  and  William  Paxton,   brotlieis,  came  about  1814. 
Nicholas  Pickerel,  first  Sheriff  Logan  county,  came  1813. 
Henrj'  Pickerel  came  1813. 
Err  Randel  came  1810. 

Liberty   Township. 

Sainuel  Newel  came  from  Ky.,  about  1806  or  1807;  his  brother 
came  about  the  same  time,  and  also  the  Blacks  ;  Captain  Black 
wr.:?  a  Captain  in  the  war  of  1812,  and  in  Wayne's  army.  Hugh 
Newel,  John  Newel  and  Thomas  Newel  all  came  from  Ken- 
tucky. Samuel  Newel  was  for  many  years  a  member  of  the  Legis- 
lature of  Ohio,  and  held  several  county  offices  ;  his  son  Joseph 
likewise  filled  several  import.-int  positions,  both  in  the  State  and 
county.  Judge  McBeth,  father  of  Newton  McBeth,  of  Bellefon- 
taine,  came  in  1811 :  .Judge  McBeth  died  while  a  -.^-  iber  of  the 
Legislature  of  Ohio.  The  following  are  also  early  -j  tders  :  Dr. 
John  Ordway,  Dr.  Leonard,  .lames  Walls,  Garrett  Walls,  John 
Cornell,  Richard  Roberts,  Huston  Crocket,  Cartmel  Crocket,  Rob- 
ert Crocket,  Hiram  M.  White,  George  White,  John  M.  Smith, 
Benjamin  Ginn,  Thomas  Miller,  Milton  Glover,  Ralph  E.  Run- 
kle.  Dr.  Taylor,  Rev.  Jeremiah  Fuson,  Joshua  Bufington,  George 
F.  Dunn,  Samuel  Taylor.  All  of  the  above  are  early  settlers  in 
Champaign  and  Logan  counties. 


Bokescreek  Township. 

Simpson  Hariman  came  here  at  an  early  day  from  Pennsylvania, 
and  taught  schooJ  twenty  years  (  or  eighty  terms).  The  follow- 
ing are  early  settlers :  Alexander  IMcCrary,  John  W.  Green,  John 
Bell,  Sen.,  Je.s^e  Fosett,  Elijah  Fosett,  Archibald  Wilson.  Charles 
Thornton,  Andrew  Roberts,  Scranstcn  Bates,  Ebenezer  Hathaway, 
Lewis  Bates,  Gardner  Bates,  Bliss  Danforth,  Jacob  Keller,  James 
R.  Curl,  Levi  Lowering,  Saul  Smith,  Henry  Bell,  Moses  Bell, 
Jacob  Earlv. 

Rush  Township,  Champaign  County. 


Hezekiah  Spain,  Jordon  Pweams,  J.  P.  Spain,  Hurburd  Crqwder, 
William  Spain,  Thomas  Spain,  John  Petei-son  Spain,  Jr.,  Daniel 
iSpain  and  John  Crowder  all  came  from  Dinwiddle  county,  Vir- 
$,-mia,  1805. 

Joshua,  Stephen,  Daniel  and  Edwin  Spain  came  from  Virginia 

Ti)omas  Good  came  from  Virginia  1807. 

Samuel  Black,  1810. 

Peter  Black,  son  of  the  above,  1810. 

Most  all  the  following  named  persons  are  from  the  New  Eng- 
fc*nd  States : 

Thomas  Erwiu,  Jacob  Fairchilds,  Erastus  Burnham,  Anson 
Howard,  Pearl  Howard,  Sylvester  Smith,  John  McDonald,  Ste- 
pken  Cranston,  Ephraim  Craaston. 

The  above  are  the  first  settlers  in  the  vicinity  of  Woodstock. 

Samuel  Calendar  came  from  New  V<jrk  1814.  He  has  two  sons 
BJOW  living  in  North  Lewisburg',  Oiiio — John  and  Elisna  Calendar. 
Me  was  a  soldier  in  the  war  of  1^1-. 


Perry  Township, 

What  is  now  Perry  township  was  tirst  settled  in  1805,  by  John 
Garwood,  who,  with  his  family,  emigrated  from  Culpepper  county, 
Virginia.  His  son,  John  Garwood,  was  the  first  Justice  of  the 
Peace,  who  held  the  office  for  uiany  years.  Levi  Garwood  was 
associate  Judge  lor  Logan  county,  for  three  successive  terms.  His 
son  James  is  still  living  in  the  township,  having  been  a  resident 
about  sixty-seven  years.  John  Garwood  built  the  tirst  mill  shortly 
after  arriving  here,  prior  to  which  they  had  to  go  forty  miles  down 
Darby  Creek  to  mill.  Samuel  Ballinger,  from  New  Jersey,  and 
James  Cur],  Virginia,  came  here  about  1808,  of  whom  a  large 
number  of  descendants  still  remain.  Thomas  James  located  here 
in  1810,  and  his  son  Thomas  occupied  the  same  farm  until  recently. 
Many  of  the  family  are  still  here.  Christopher  Smith  moved  Lrs 
about  1812,  and  was  Justice  of  the  Peace  for  some  time.  Many  of 
the  universal  Smith  family  still  remain.  Anthony  Bank,  colored, 
settled  here  in  1810.  Isaac  Hatcher  came  from  Virginia  in  1816, 
and  was  noted  as  being  wealthy  for  those  days.  Richard  Hum- 
phreys, frotn  Wales,  located  here  about  the  same  time.  Josiah 
Austin,  from  New  Jersey,  settled  here  in  1820,  and  his  son  C.  H. 
Austin  now  occupies  the  same  farm.  William  Skidmore,  from 
Columbiana  county,  settled  on  Millcreek  in  1821,  and  his  sons  Jo- 
seph, Daniel,  Joshua  and  Isaac,  still  reside  in  the  same  neighbor- 
hood, with  a  large  retinue  of  descendants.  The  first  Post-ofiice 
established  was  called  Garwood's  Mills,  Isaiah  Garwood  being  the 
first  Postmaster.  East  Liberty  is  now  located  on  the  old  farm  of 
John  Garwood,  and  is  noted  for  its  fine  fountains  or  overflowing 
wells.  Herbert  Baird,  a  Methodist  minister  from  Petersburg,  Va., 
came  here  in  1829.  On  this  farm  in  1841  a  tragedy  occurred,  re- 
sulting in  the  death  ot  Ballard,  Baird's  son-in-law,  who  was  killed 
in  a  quarrel  by  a  man  named  Ford,  the  <mly  murder  ever  being 
known  to  be  committed  in  the  township.  Ford  was  tried  and  ac- 
quitted on  the  grounds  of  self  defense.  The  first  physician  in  the 
township  was  Dr.  J.  W.  Hamilton,  from  Pennsylvania,  wlio  loca- 
ted in  1836,  and  still  resides  in  East  Liberty. 

Thus  from  an  unbroken  wilderness  in  1805,  has  arisen  a  popu- 
lous and  highly  cultivated  region,  dotted  with  School-houses  and 
Churches,  and  other  evidences  of  thrift  and  prosperity. 



The  gentleman  whose  name  is  at  the  head  of  this  article,  like 
Governor  Vance  and  Henry  Weaver,  whose  names  may  be  found 
in  these  sketches,  is  identified  with  the  history  of  Champaign  and 
LiOfr:\n  counties.  He  was  born  in  Butler  County,  Ohio,  in  the 
year  1S02.  He  commenced  business  in  life  under  rather  gloomy 
circumstances.  Ht;  told  me  he  had  very  little  besides  a  good  con- 
stitution and  a  "will  to  try."  He  learned  early  in  life  to 
"paddle  his  own  canoe."  I  think  he  told  me  he  had  but  one 
week's  schooling. 

He  was  married  early  in  life  to  Miss  Kelly,  a  sister  to  Peter  Kelly, 
now  deceased,  formerly  Sheriff  of  Logan  county.  He  told  me  he 
had  but  two  dollars  in  money  when  he  was  married,  and  he  gave 
that  to  IJilly  Hopkins  to  marry  him.  Mr.  Enoch  is  a  practical 
farmer  and  stock  merchant.  Considering  the  difficulties  he  had  to 
overcome,  perhaps  there  are  but  few  who  have  been  more  success- 
ful in  lift'  than  he  has. 

There  is  no  business  on  a  farm  but  what  he  can  make  a  full  hand 
at,  from  cutting  cord  wood  to  splitting  rails,  putting  up  fence, 
plowing,  planting,  or  driving  oxen.  In  the  latter  employment,  it 
has  been  said  he  is  one  of  the  best  in  the  State.  He  says,  however, 
very  much  of  his  success  in  business  is  due  to  the  industry,  economy 
and  prudence  of  his  amiable  lady.  Like  himself,  she  inherited  a 
good  constitution,  and  with  her  early  training  in  all  the  depart- 
ment-*  of  housekeeping  she  entered  on  her  duties  as  a  wife  and  mis- 
tres.s  of  her  own  house,  with  confidence  and  self-reliance.  Mr. 
Enoch  told  me  ht'r  prudence  and  timely  counsel  had  saved  him 
from  a  great  deal  of  trouble.  One  little  circumstance  will  illustrate 
this:  Mr.  Enoch  never  allowed  any  of  his  hands  to  "play  off"  on 
him  in  any  business,  for,  as  I  have  said,  he  was  a  good  hand  at  any 
work  on  a  farm.  All  he  wanted  was  an  hr)nest  day's  work,  and 
thnt  he  was  bound  to  have.  Moreover,  he  never  wanted  anv  one 
todoHnr  more  in  a  day  than   he  could.    He  had  a  lot  of  hands 


husking  corn  and  he  thought  they  were  not  doing  him  justice,  and 
resolved  on  discharging  them.  As  usual  he  consulted  Mrs.  Enoch. 
She  remarked  that  it  raightbein  the  condition  of  the  corn.  He  said 
he  would  go  into  the  field  and  husk  oae  day,  and  tnen  he  would 
know  what  the  trouble  was.  He  did  so,  and  at  night  when  he  re- 
turned home,  his  wife  asked  about  the  corn.  He  said  he  was  per- 
fectly satisfied  it  was  the  corn,  and  not  the  hands,  that  was  at  fault. 
The  husk  was  unusually  close  to  the  ear,  and  the  ear  was  small. 
Mr.  Enoch  has  one  of  the  best  farms  in  the  State,  in  the  quality  of 
the  soil,  timber  and  water.  It  is  true  it  is  not  as  large  as  some, 
there  being  only  about  two  thousand  acres,  but  in  the  above  qual- 
ities, I  believe  it  unsurpassed.  His  farming  land  lies  on  Mad  River 
and  Maekachcek,and  is  watered  by  those  beautiful  streams,  and  is 
about  two  miles  from  the  village  of  West  Liberty,  all  under  fine 
cultivation,  with  good  and  substiintial  buildings. 


Was  an  early  settler  in  Logan  county.  He  came  here  about  the 
year  1810.  He  was  ten  years  in  the  Legislature  of  Ohio,  giving  en- 
tire satisfaction  to  hLs  constituents.  His  widow  is  now  living  near 
Huntsville,  and  is  now  eisrhty-live  years  old.  , 


Abner  Riddle  and  William  Rutan  are  »^arly  settlers  in  Logan 
County.  They  now  live  in  Bellefontaine,  and  are  engaged  in 
banking  and  trading  in  stock.  I  have  been  acquainted  with  those 
gentlemen  from  their  boyhood.  Both  of  them  were  mechanics, 
and  poor;  but,  like  others  mentioned  in  these  sketches,  by  dint  of 
close  application  to  business,  fair  dealing  and  promptness  in  their 
buainess  engagements,  they  have  accumulated  comfortable  fortunes. 
I  might  speak  of  others,  who,  perhaps,  have  excelled  them  in  the 
accumulation  of  property  ;  but,  I  have  named  them  because  I  have 
known  them  from  their  youth,  and  because  they  are  about  a  fair 
average  of  the  business  men  of  our  country,  who  commenced  busi- 
ness without  capital  and  have  made  it  a  success. 



Has  h»kl  several  offices  in  the  County  of  Logan.  He  has  beei 
Auditor,  and  Clerk  of  the  Court  of  CoiuuQon  Pleas,  and  Clerk  of  th^ 
Suj.reine  Court,  and  A.-sociute  Judge  of  the  Court  of  Common  Pieis 
In  all  those  important  trusts,  he  showed  marked  abiiity  arid  th( 
strictest  integrity. 


W.  D.  Haley  contributed  to  Harper's  Monthly,  for  November 
1871,  an  account  of  this  strange  and  remarkable  character,  vv^ 
roamed  about  the  State  of  Ohio  from  the  opening  of  the  presen 
i-entury  to  his  death  in  1847.  Col.  James,  of  Urbana,  who  wa 
some  a(iuainted  with  him,  lie  having  called  on  him  several  timei 
at  Urbana,  thinks  Mr.  Haly  a  little  extravagant  in  his  descriptio 
of  his  personal  appearance. 

This  strange  personage  was  frequently  iu  Champaign  and  LoiJ'ai 
counties,  an<l   had   nurseries  m  each  of  these  counties  about  1809 
but  I  have  not  l>een  al)le  to  And  the  location  of  but  one  of  them 
His  nurseries  in  Champaign,  I  think,  were  in  the  south-west  part 
of  the  county.    The  location  of  one  naentioned  above  is  in  Logan 
and  on  the  farm  now  owned  by  Aionzo  and  Allen  West,  on  Mill 
Branch  about  six  luuvire  I  yards  west  of  their  residence.  Waller  Mar 
shall  and  Joshua  Bullenger,  both  inform  me  they  have  trees  in  their 
orchard  from  thw  nursery   bearing  good  fruit.    Job  Inskeep  ;'jst 
now  informs  me  he  heard  him  say  he  had  another  one  somewhere 
on  Stony  Creek. 

Tlie  "  far  West  "  is  rapidly  becoming  only  a  traditional  dasigna 
tion  :  railroads  have  destroyed  the  romance  of  frontier  life,  or  have 
surrounded  it  with  so  many  appliances  of  civilization  that  the  pio 
neer  character  is  rapidly  becoming  mythical.    The  men  and  wo 
men  who  obtain  their  groceries  and  dry -goods  from  New  York  by 
rail  in  a  few  hours  have  nothing  in  oommun  with  those  who,  tii'ty 
years  ago,  "  packed  "  salt  a  hundred  miles  to  make  their  mush  pal- 
atable, and  could  only  exchange  corn  and  wheat  for  molasses  a»!<J 


calico  by  making  long  and  perilous  voyages  in  flat-boat?  down  the 
Ohio  and  Mississippi  river-s  to  New  Orleans.  Two  generations  of 
frontier  lives  have  accumulated  stores  of  narrative  which,  like  the 
small  but  beautiful  tributaries  of  great  rivers,  are  forgotten  in  the 
broad  sweep  of  the  larger  current  of  history.  The  march  of  Titans 
sometimes  tramples  out  the  wiemory  of  smaller  but  more  useful 
lives,  and  sensational  glare  often  eclipses  more  modest  but  purer 
lights.  This  has  been  the  case  in  the  popular  demand  for  the  dime 
novel  dilutions  of  Fenimore  Cooper's  romances  of  border  life, 
which  have  preserved  the  records  of  Indian  rapine  and  atrocity  as 
the  only  memorials  of  pioneer  history.  But  the  early  days  of 
Western  settlement  witnessed  sublimer  heroism  than  those  of  hu- 
man torture,  and  nobler  victories  than  those  of  the  tomahawk  and 

Among  the  heroes  of  endurance  that  was  voluntary,  and  of  action 
that  was  creative  and  not  sanguinary,  there  was  one  man  whose 
name,  seldom  m«ntioned  now  save  by  some  of  the  few  surviving 
pioneers,  deserves  to  be  perpetuated. 

The  first  reliable  trace  of  our  modest  hero  finds  him  in  the  Ter- 
ritory of  Ohio,  in  18Q1,  \Tith  a  horse-load  of  apple  seeds,  which  he 
planted  in  various  piaces  on  and  about  the  borders  of  Licking 
Creek,  the  first  orchard  originated  by  him  being  on  the  farm  of 
Isaac  Stadden,  in  what  is  now  known  as  Licking  County, 
in  the  State  of  Ohio.  During  the  five  succeeding  years,  although 
he  was  undoubtedly  following  the  same  strange  occupation,  we 
liave  no  authentic  account  of  his  movements  until  we  reach 
a  pleasant  spring  day  in  1806,  when  a  pioneer  settler  in  Jeft"erson 
County,  Ohio,  noticed  a  peculiar  craft,  with  a  remarkable  occupant 
and  a  curious  cargo  slowly  dropping  down  with  the  current  uf  the 
Ohio  River.  It  was  "Johnny  Appleseed,"  by  which  name  Jona- 
than Chapman  was  afterwards  known  in  every  log  cabin  froin  the 
Ohio  River  to  the  northern  lakes,  and  westward  to  the  prairiei.  of 
what  is  now  the  State  of  Indiana.  With  two  canoes  lashed  togeth- 
er he  was  transporting  a  load  of  apple  seeds  to  the  Western  fron- 
tier, for  the  purpose  of  creating  orchards  on  the  farthest  verge  of 
white  settlements.  With  his  canoes  he  passed  down  the  Ohio,  ■  to 
Marietta,  where  he  entered  the  Muskingum,  ascending  the  stream 
of  that  river  until  he  reached  the  mouth  of  the  Walhondin^-,  or 
White  Woman  Creek,  and  still  onward,  up  the  Mohican,  into  the 


Blftck  Fork  to  the  head  of  navigation,  in  the  region  now  known 
ft^  A^hhuul  and  Richland  counties,  on  the  line  of  the  Pittsburg 
and  Fort  Wayne  Railroad,  in  Ohio.  A  long  and  toilsome  voyage  it 
wa-s  as  H  glance  at  the  map  will  show,  and  must  have  occupied  a 
great  deal  of  time,  as  the  lonely  traveler  stopped  at  every  inviting 
spot  to  plant  the  seeds  and  make  his  infant    nurseries.    These  are 
the  tirst  well-authenticated  facts  in  the  history  of  Jonathan  Chap- 
man whose  birth,  there  is  good  reason  for  believing,  occurred  in 
Boston,  Massachusetts,  in  1775.    According  to  this,  which  was  his 
own  statement  in  one  of  his  less  reticent  moods,   he  was,  at  the 
time  of  his  appearance  on  Licking  Creek,  twenty-six  years  of  age, 
and  whether  impelled  in  his  eccentricities  by  some  absolute  misery 
of  the  heart  which  could  only  find  relief  in  incessant  motion,  or 
governed  by  a  benevolent  monomania,  his  whole  after-life  was 
devoted  to  the  work  of  planting  apple  seeds  in  remote  places.    The 
seeds  he  gathered  from  the  cider-presses  of  Western  Pennsylvania ; 
but  his  canoe  voyage  in   1806  appears  to  have  been  the  only  occa- 
sion upon  which  he  adopted  that  method  of  transporting  them,  as 
all  his  subsequent  journeys  were  made  on  foot.    Having  planted 
his  stock  of  seeds,  he  would  return  to  Pennsylvania  for  a  fresh 
supply,  and,  as  sacks  made  of  any  less  substantial  fabric  would  not  en 
dure  the  hard  usage  of  the  long  trip  through  forests  dense  with  un- 
derbrush and  biiers,  he  provided  himself  with  leathern  bags.    Se- 
curely packed,  the  seeds  were  conveyed,  sometimes  on  the  back  of 
ahorse,  and  not  unfrequently  on  his  own  shoulders,  either  over  a 
part  of  the  old  Indian  trail  that  led  from  Fort  Duquesne  to  Detroit, 
by  way  of  Fort  Sandusky,  or  over  what  is  styled  in  tht^  appendix 
to  "Hutchins's  History  of  Boguet's  Expedition  in  1764"  the  "sec- 
ond route  through  the  wilderness  of  Ohio,"  which  would  require 
him  to  traverse  a  distance  of  one  hundred  and  sixty-six  miles  in  a 
west-northwest  direction  from  Fort  Duquesne  in  order  to  reach  th© 
Black  Fork  of  the  Mohicau. 

This  region,  although  it  is  now  densely  populated,  still  possesses 
a  romantic  beauty  that  railroads  and  bustling  towns  can  not  oblit- 
erate—a country  of  forest-clad  hills  and  green  valleys,  through 
which  numerous  bright  streams  flow  on  their  way  to  the  Ohio ; 
but  when  Johnny  Appleseed  reached  some  lonely  log  cabin  he 
would  find  himself  in  a  veritable  wilderness.  The  old  settlers  say 
that  the  margins  of  the  streams,  near  which  the  first  settlements 


were  generally  made,  were  thickly  covered  with  a  low,  matted 
growth  of  small  timber,  while  nearer  to  the  water  was  a  rank 
mass  of  long  grass,  interlaced  with  morning-glory  and  wild  pea 
vines,  among  which  funeral  willows  and  clustering  alders  stood 
like  sentinels  on  the  outpost  of  civilization.  The  hills,  that  rise 
almost  to  the  dignity  of  mountains,  were  crowned  with  forest  trees, 
and  in  the  coverts  were  innumerable  bears,  wolves,  deer  and 
droves  of  wild  hogs,  that  were  as  ferocious  as  any  beast  of  prey.  In 
the  grass  the  massasauga  and  other  venomous  reptiles  lurked  in 
such  numbers  that  a  settler  named  Chandler  has  left  the  fact  on 
record  that  during  the  first  season  of  his  residence,  while  mowing 
a  little  prairie  which  formed  part  of  his  land,  he  killed  over  two 
hundred  Mack  rattlesnakes  in  an  area  thcit  would  uivolve  an  av- 
erage destruction  of  one  of  these  reptiles  for  each  rod  of  land.  The 
frontiers-man,  who  felt  himself  sufficiently  protected  by  his  rifle 
against  wild  beasts  and  hostile  Indians,  found  it  necessary  to  guard 
against  the  attacks  of  the  insidious  enemies  in  the  grass  by  wrap- 
ping bandages  of  dried  grass  around  his  buckskin  leggings  and 
moccasins;  but  Johnny  would  shoulder  his  bag  of  apple  seeds,  and 
with  bare  feet  penetrate  to  some  remote  spot  that  combined  pic- 
turesqueness  and  fertilitj'  of  soil,  and  there  he  would  plant  his 
seeds,  place  a  slight  enclosure  around  the  place,  and  leave  them  to 
grow  until  the  trees  were  large  enough  to  be  transplanted  by  the 
settlers,  who,  in  the  meantime,  would  have  made  their  clearings 
in  the  vicinity.  The  sites  chosen  by  him  are,  many  of  them,  well 
known,  and  are  such  as  an  artist  or  poet  would  select — open  places 
on  the  loamy  lands  that  border  the  creeks— rich,  secluded  spots, 
hemmed  in  by  giant  trees,  picturesque  now,  but  fifty  years  ago, 
with  the  wild  surroundings  and  the  primal  silence,  they  must 
have  been  tenfold  more  so. 

In  personal  appearance  Chapman  was  a,  small,  wiry  man,  full  of 
restless  activity ;  he  had  long,  dark  hair,  a  scanty  beard  that  was 
never  shaved,  and  keen  black  eyes  that  sparkled  with  a  peculiar 
brightness.  His  dress  was  of  the  oddest  description.  Generally, 
even  in  the  coldest  weather,  he  went  barefooted,  but  sometimes, 
for  his  long  journeys,  he  would  make  himself  a  rude  pair  of  san- 
dals ;  at  other  times  he  would  wear  any  cast-off  foot-covering  he 
chanced  to  find  —  a  boot  on  one  foot  and  an  old  brogan  or  a 
moccasin  on  the  other.  It  appears  to  have  been  a  matter  of  con- 
science with  him  never  to  purchase  shoes,  although  he  was  rarely 


without  moiipy  fiiough  to  do  so.  On  one  occasion,  m  an  unusually 
foM  XovenibJr,  while  he  was  travelin"-  barefooted  through  mud 
and  snow,  a  settler  who  happened  to  possess  a  pair  of  shoes  that 
were  too  small  for  his  own  use  forced  their  acceptance  upon  Johnny 
declaring  that  it  was  sinful  for  a  human  being  to  travel  with 
naked  feet  in  such  weather.  A  few  days  afterward  the  donor  was 
in  the  village  tiuU  has  f^in-v;  become  the  thriving  city  of  Mansfield, 
an<l  met  his  beneficiary  coatentedly  plodding  along,  with  his  feet 
bare  and  half  frozen.  With  some  degree  of  anger  he  inquired  for 
the  cause  of  such  foolish  conduct,  and  received  for  reply  that 
Johnny  had  (overtaken  a  poor,  barefooted  family  moving  west- 
ward, and  as  they  appeared  to  be  in  much  greater  need  of  cloth- 
ing than  he  was,  he  had  given  them  the  shoes.  His  dress  was 
generally  composed  of  ca^t  off  clothing  that  he  had  taken  in  pay- 
ment for  apple-trees ;  and  as  the  pioneers  Were  far  less  extrava- 
gant than  their  descendants  in  such  matters,  the  liomespun  and 
buckskin  garments  that  they  discarded  would  not  be  very  elegant 
or  serviceable.  In  his  later  years,  however,  he  seems  to  have 
thought  that  even  this  kind  of  second-hand  raiment  was  too  luxu- 
rious, as  his  principal  garment  was  made  of  a  coffee-sack,  in  which 
he  cut  holes  for  head  and  arms  to  pass  through,  and  pronounced  it 
"  a  very  serviceable  cloak,  and  as  good  clothing  as  any  man  need 
wear."  In  the  matter  of  head-gear  his  taste  was  equally  unique; 
his  fii"st  experience  was  with  a  tin  vessel  that  served  to  cook  his 
mush,  but  this  was  open  to  the  objection  that  it  did  not  protect  his 
eyes  from  the  beams  of  the  sun  ;  so  he  constructed  a  hat  of  paste- 
board, with  an  immense  peak  in  front,  and  having  thus  secured 
an  article  that  combined  usefulness  with  economy,  it  became  his 
permanent  fashion. 

Thus  strangely  clad,  he  was  perpetually  wandering  through  for- 
ests and  morasses,  and  suddenly  appearing  in  white  settletnents 
and  Indian  villages;  but  ther*^  must  have  been  some  rare  force  of 
gentle  goodness  dwelling  in  his  looks  and  breathing  in  his  words, 
for  it  is  the  testimony  of  all  who  knew  him  that,  notwithstanding 
his  ridiculous  attire,  he  was  always  treated  with  the  greatest  re- 
spect by  the  rudest  frontiers- man,  and,  what  is  a  better  test,  the 
boys  of  the  settlements  forbore  to  jeer  at  him.  With  grown-up 
people  and  boys  he  was  usually  reticent,  but  manifested  great  af- 
fection for  little  girls,  always  having  pieces  of  ribbon  and  gay 
calico  to  give  to  his  little  favorites.    3Iany  a  grandmother  in  Ohio 



and  Iniliaim  can  reineiuber  tke  pi-e.sent«  nlie  received  when  a  child 
from  poor  homeless  Johnny  Appleseed.  When  he  consented  to 
eat  with  any  family  he  w(juM  never  sit  down  to  the  table  until  he 
WHS  assured  that  there  was  an  ample  supply  for  the  children  ;  and 
Ins  sympathy  for  their  youthful  troubles  and  his  kindness  toward 
them  made  him  friends  among  all  the  juveniles  of  the  borders. 

The  Indians    also  treated  Johnny  with  the  greatest   kindness. 
By  these  wild  and  sanguinary  savages  he  was  regarded  as  a  "great 
medicine  man,"  on  account  of  his  strange  appearance,  eccentric 
actions,  and,  especially,  the  fortitude  with  which  he  could  emlure 
pain,  in  proof  of  which  he  would  often  thrust  pins  and  needles  into 
his  flesh.     Hi- norvou<  spusibilitios  really  sor>m  to  have  l)';"!  le 
acnt<'  than  those  <>f  (si-dinary  people,  for  Ins  metho'i  of  treat"! iil;-  tiu- 
i-ut-;  and  :*ores  that  w^■re  the  eoui^ecjuences  of  his  barefooted  wan- 
derings through  briers  and  thorns  was  to  sear  the  wound  with  a 
red-hot  iron,  and  then  cure  the  burn.     During  the   war  of  isiii, 
when  the  frontier  settlers  were  tortured  and  slaughtered  by  the 
i^avage  allie--'  of  Great  Britain,  Johnny   Appleseed  continued  his 
wande'-tiig.-,  an<l  whs  never  harmed  by  the  roving  bands  of  hostile 
Indians,     on  many  occasions  the  impunity  with  which  he  ranged, 
the  coimtry  enabled  him  to  give  the  settlers  warning  of  approach- 
ing <langer  in  time  to  allow  them  to  take  refuge  in  their  block- 
houses before  the  savages  could  attack  them.    Our  informant  re- 
fers to  one  of  these  instances,   when  the  news  of  Hull's  surrender 
came  like  a  thunder-bolt  upon  the  frontier.     Large  l)ands  of  In- 
dians and   British  were  destroying  everytiiing  before  them  and 
murdering  defenseless  women  and  children,  and  even  the  block- 
houses were  not  always  a  sufticient    protection.     At  this   time 
Johnny  traveled  day  and  night,   warning  the  people  of  the  ap- 
proaching danger.    He  visited  every  cabin  and  delivered  this  mes- 
sage: "The  Spirit  of  the  Lord  is  upon  me,  and  he  hath  anointed 
me  to  blow  the  trumpet  i'l  the  wilderness,  and  souml  an  alarm  in 
the  forest ;  tor,  bfhold,  the  tribes  of  the  heathen  are  round  aliout 
your  do(»rs,  and  a  devouring  flame   followeth   after  them."     The 
aged  man  who  narrated  tiiis  incident  said  tliat  he  could  f-'^i  even 
now  the  thrill  tiiat  was  caused  by  this  prophetic  announcement  of 
rhe  wild-looking  herald    of  danger,    who  annised  the  family  on  ;i 
right  moonlight  midnight  with  his  piercin:.'  voice,     liefu-iiij- all 
'  tfers  of  foo  1  nnd  -lenying  himself  a  moment's  rest,  he  travcr-ed 



the  l)()r<l(r«liiy  and  ni^^lit  until  he  had  warned  every  setter  of  the 
approaching  peril. 

11  is  diet  was  as  meagre  as  iiis  clothing.  He  believed  it  to  be  a 
>iii  to  kill  any  creature  for  food,  and  thought  that  all  that  was 
netessiiry  f(  tv  human  sustenance  was  produced  by  the  soil .  He  was 
alM»  a  strenuous  opponent  of  the  wa.ste  of  food,  and  on  one  occa- 
sion, on  approaching  a  log-cabin,  he  observed  some  fi'agments  of 
Itread  Hoatinguj)on  thesurface  oi  a  bucket  of  slops  that  wa,s  intended 
for  the  pigs.  He  immediately  rished  theui  out,  and  when  the 
liouseuife  exi»res.sed  her  sjstonishmenthe  told  her  that  it  was  an 
abuse  of  the  gifts  of  God  to  allow  the  smallest  quantity  of  any  thing 
tliat  was  designed  to  supply  the  wants  of  mankind  to  Ua  diverted 
fntm  its  i»urpose. 

^-^  ih'-  instance,  as  in  his  whole  life,  the  peculiar  religious  ideas 
ui  .III  I'll  .'  'pleseed  were  pxen-'>lified.  He  was  a  most  earnest 
rii>.ipl(<"'  Ml.'  ;  liiii  uiu.',ht  by  Emanuel  vSvved"-iborg,  and  himself 
el  iiioei  '  have  frequent  conversations  wiiii  angels  and  spirits; 
two  of  the  latter,  of  the  feminine  gender,  he  asserted,  had  revealed 
to  him  that  they  were  to  be  his  wives  in  a  future  state  if  he  ab- 
stained from  a  matrimonial  alliance  on  earth.  He  entertained  a 
profound  reverence  for  the  revelations  of  t>ie  Hweedish  seer,  and 
always  carried  a  few  old  volumes  with  him.  These  he  was  very 
anxious  should  be  read  bj^  every  one,  and  he  was  probably  not  only 
the  first  colporteur  in  the  wilderness  of  Ohio,  but  as  he  had  no  tract 
society  to  furnish  him  supplies,  he  certainly  devised  an  original 
method  of  nuiltiplying  one  u(.tolc  into  a  number.  He  divided  his 
l)ooks  into  severil  pieces,  leaving  a  portion  at  a  log-cabin,  and  on  a 
snbseriuent  visit  lurnishing  another  fragment,  and  continuing  this 
process  as  <liligently  as  though  the  w^ork  had  been  published  in  se- 
rial numbers.  By  this  plan  he  was  enabled  to  furnish  reading  for 
several  people  at  the  same  time,  and  out  of  one  book  ;  but  it  must 
liave  been  a  ditlicult  undertaking;  for  some  nearly  illiterate  back- 
woodsnian  to  endeavor  to  C()mpr(?heud  Swedeuborg  by  a  backward 
cotjrse  of  reading,  when  his  tirel  installment  happened  to  be  the 
last  fraction  of  the  volume.  Johnny's  faith  in  Swenenborg's  works 
was  so  reverential  as  almost  to  be  superstitious.  He  was  once 
asked  if,  in  traveling  barefooted  through  forests  abounding  with 
venomous  reptiles,  he  was  not  afraid  of  being  bitten.  With  his  pe- 
culiarsmile,  liedn-w  hi .  book  from  his  bosom,  and  said,  "This  book 
is  an  infallible  proteciion  against  all  danger  here  and  hereafter." 


It  was  his  i-ustoijj,  wlien  he  had  l-etn  welcomed  tusoineliospita- 
Ae  log-house  after  a  weary  day  of  journeying-,  to  lie  dow!  on  the 
puncheon  floor,  9ud,  after  inquiriug-  if  his  auditors  would   liear 
-™sonie  news  riglit   fresh  from  heaven,"  produce  his  few  tattered 
fbooks,  among  which  would  be  a  New  Testament,  aud  read  and  ex- 
pound until  his   uncultivated   hearers  would   catch   the  spirit  and 
:^glow  of  his  enthusiasm,  while  they  scarcely  comprehended  his  lan- 
,g-uage.    A  lady  who  knew  him  in  his  later  years  writes  in  the  fol- 
fiowing  terms  of  one  of  these  domiciiary  readings  of   po'or,  self-sac- 
triflcing  Johny  Appleseed  :  "We  can  hear  him  read  now,  just  as  he 
*iid  that  summer  day,  when  we  were  busy  quilting  up  stairs,  and 
■he  lay  near  the  door,  his  voice  rising  denunciatory  and  thrilling— 
asstrong  and  loud  as  the  roar  of  wind  and  waves,  then  soft  and  sooth- 
:lng  as  tiie  balmy  airs,  that  quivered  the  morning-glory  leaves  about 
ikis  gray  beard.     His  was  a  strange  eloquence  at  times,  and  he  was 
abandon  I  )tedly  a  man  of  genius.''     ^^'hat  a  scene  is  presented  toyour 
imagination  !    The   interior  of  a  primitive  cabin,  the  wide,  open 
^re-place,  where  a  few  sticks  are  burning   beneath  the  iron  pot  in 
<which  the  evening  meal  is  cooking ;  around  the  fire-place  the  at- 
ifentive  group,  composed  of  the  sturdy  pioneer  and  his  wife  and 
♦.•children  listening  with  a  reverential  awe  to  the  "news  right  fresh 
tsrom  heaven  ;"  and  reclining  on  the  floor,  clad  in  rags,  but  with 
sihis  gray  hairs  glorified  by  the  beams  of  the  setting  sun  that  flood 
Sithrough  the  open  door  and  the  unchinked  logs  of  the  Immble  build- 
i>.iig,  this  poor  wanderer,  with  the  gift  of  genius  and  eloquence,  who 
*believes  with  the   faith  of  the  apostles  and  martyrs  that  God  has 
-.appointed  him  a  mission  in  the  wilderness  to  preach  the  Gospel  of 
/ove,  and  plant  apple  seeds  that  shall  produce  orchards  for  the  ben- 
efit of  men  and  women  and  little  children  whom  he  has  never  seen. 
J  f  there  is  a  sublimer  faith  or  a  more  genuine  eloquence  in  richly 
lecorated  cathedrals  and   under  brocade  vestments,  it  would  be 
..vorth  a  long  journey  to  find  it. 

Next  to  his  advocacy  of  hi/^Agculiar  religious  ideas,  his  enthusi- 
asm for  the  cultivation-  of  .appl^trees  in  what  he  termed  "the  only 
;)roper  way" — that  is,  from  the  see^— was  the  absorbing  object  of 
^ns  life.  Upon  this,  as  upon  religion,  he  was  eloquent  in  his  ap- 
gaeals.  He  would  describe  the  growing  and  ripening  fruit  as  such 
I't,  rare  and  beautiful  gift  of  the  Almighty  with  words  that  became 
pictures,  until  his  hearers  could  almost  see  its  manifold  forms  of 

,;,,;  (FiAMPAHiN  AND 

l.#'itutyi'«--<'Mit  l.ffor.'th.MU.  To  lii^  .'hxiucm-p  on  this  subject,  a- 
wHI  :i-  t.)  hi"^  !»<-tiial  hiltoiv  in  plaiitiiitr  nurseries,  tlie  country  over 
whi<-li  li'-  tnivi-II«"l  for  o  luany  years  is  hiryely  indebted  for  its  ni3- 
Tiieruus  i.nhard-.  i5nt  lie  denounced  as  absolute  wickedness  all  df-- 
vic»-<  of  !.riniin'„'  and  ^n-aftinjf,  and  would  speak  of  tlieact  of  cuttin,«r 
■I  tr-H  a<  if  it  w^re  a  crnelty  intliclod  upon  a  sentient  beingf. 

Nor  Muly  i'^  heeiititle.l  to  til-'  lame  ot  being  the  earliest  eoJ- 
|.orte,.r  oil  the  frontiers,  but  in  the  work  of  protecting  animate 
from  :'buse  lie  preceded,  while,  in  his  small  sphere,  he  equaled  the* 
/eal  <;f  ^ood  Mr.  Bergh.  Whenever  .Johnny  saw  an  animal 
abused,  oi'  li*'ard  of  it,  he  would  purchase  it  and  give  it  to  so7ii?" 
more  human*-  -^etih-r,  on  condition  that  it  should  be  kindly  treate<l 
an<l  properly  cared  for.  It  frequently  happened  that  the  long  jour- 
lu'v  into  the  wildernes-;  would  cause  the  new  settlers  to  be  encuin- 
]>er<'d  with  lame  and  broken-down  horses,  that  were  turned  loosfc* 
todit'.  In  the  autumn  .Johnny  would  make  a  diligent  search  for 
all  >uch  animals,  and,  gathering'  them  uj),  he  would  bargain  for 
their  food  and  shelter  until  the  next  spring,  when  he  wouUi 
lead  them  away  to  some  gooil  pasture  for  the  summer.  Jf  they  ro- 
covennl  so  as  to  i)e  capable  of  working,  he  would  never  sell  them, 
but  would  lend  or  give  them  away,  stipulating  for  their  good 
us;ige.  His  conception  of  the  absolute  sin  of  inflicting  ))ain  ox- 
death  upon  any  creature  was  not  limited  to  the  higher  forms  of 
animal  life,  but  every  thing  that  had  being  was  to  him,  in  the  fact 
of  it~  life,  endowed  with  so  much  of  the  Divine  Essence  that  te» 
wound  or  destroy  it  was  to  inflict  an  injury  upon  some  atom  <>i 
Divinity.  No  Brahmin  could  be  more  concerned  for  the  preserva- 
tion of  insect  lile,  and  the  only  occasion  on  which  he  destroyed  a 
venomous  reptile  was  a  source  of  regret,  to  which  he  could  ueveT 
refer  without  manifesting  sadness.  He  had  selected  a  suitable 
place  for  planting  apple  seeds  on  a  small  prairie,  and  in  order  tr* 
prejiare  the  ground  he  was  mowing  the  long  grass,  when  he  warK 
bitten  by  a  rattlesnake.  In  describing  theev^nt  he  sigheu  heavily 
and  siid,  "I'o()r  lellow,  he  only  just  touched  me,  when  I,  in  tlM.> 
):eat  of  my  iingo<lly  |)assion,  i)ut  the  heel  of  my  scythe  in  hint,, 
and  went  away.  Some  time  afterward  I  went  back;  and  there  lay 
♦  he  poor  fellow  dead."  Numerous  anecdotes  bearing  upon  his  re- 
hpi'i't  for  every  form  of  lift'  are  preserved,  and  form  the  staple  of 
\)ioneerr(><'oll.'<-ti,);i>.  On  otie  occasion,  a  cool  autumnal  night,  when. 

l.odAX  ("orXTIES.  j-,7 

Johnny,  \vlii»  always  ranii»ecl  out  in  prefproiu-e  to  sleejiini:  in  a 
nousp,  had  built  a  tiiv  near  which  he  intended  to  pas^  the  nitrht,  he 
noticed  that  the  blaze  attracted  larj>e  numbers  i.f  ni(>--(|uitoes,  many 
of  whom  tiew  too  near  to  his  tire  and  were  burned.  He  immedi- 
ately Itrou^ht  water  and  quenched  the  fire,  accouutiny-  for  his  con- 
duct afterward  by  saying-,  "God  forbid  that  I  should  build  a  tire 
t'(U-  niy  comfort  which  should  be  the  means  of  destroying- any  of  his 
creatures!'  At  another  tiiiip  h<-  removed  the  tire  he  Iiad  built 
near  a  hollow  log,  and  slept  on  the  snow,  bccausp  he  found  that 
^he  log- contained  a  bear  and  iic!- cul^s.  whom,  he  said,  he  did  not 
Mish  to  disturb.  And  this  unwillingness  to  intiict  i»ain  or  death 
\«-a.s  equally  strong-  when  he  was  a  sufferer  by  it,  as  the  following 
w\]\  show  :  Johnny  had  been  assisting-  some  8ettiei*s  to  make  a 
n)ad  throug-li  the  woods,  and  in  the  course  of  their  work  they  acci- 
clently  destroyed  a  hornets'  nest.  One  of  the  angry  insects  soon 
found  a  lodgment  under  Johnny's  cottee-sack  cloak,  but  although 
it  stung  him  refteatedly  he  removed  it  with  the  greatest  gentle- 
jsiess.  The  men  who  were  present  laughingly  asked  him  why  'ue 
*lid  not  kill  it.  To  which  he  gravely  replied  that  ■'  It  would  not 
tve  right  to  kill  the  poor  thing,  for  it  did  not  intend  to  iiurt  nn^.'* 

T"'heoretically  he  was  as  methodical  in  matters  of  business  as  any 
fikerehant.  In  addition  to  their  picturesqueness,  the  locations  of 
Eiis  nurseries  were  all  fixed  with  a  view  to  a  probablf-  demand  foi 
the  trees  by  the  time  they  had  attained  sufficient  growth  for  trans- 
planting-. He  would  give  them  away  to  tho^e  who  could  not  )>ay 
for  them.  Generally,  however,  he  sold  them  for  old  clothing  (sr  h 
s?upply  i)f  corn  meal;  but  he  preferred  to  receive  a  note  payai>le  at 
rfome  indefinite  period.  When  this  w-is  accomplished  he  seemed 
to  think  that  the  transaction  was  completed  in  a  business-like  way  ; 
butif  th(>  g-iver  of  the  note  did  not  attend  to  its  payment,  the  hold- 
er of  it  never  troubled  himself  about  its  collection.  His  exiienses 
for  food  and  clothing-  were  so  very  limited  that,  notwithstanding 
liis  freedom  from  the  auri  sacra  fcone-s,  he  was  frequently  in  poses- 
i?ion  of  more  money  than  he  cared  to  keep,  audit  was  quickly  dis? 
jjosed  of  for  wintering  infirm  h(»rses,  or  given  to  some  poor  fandiy 
iwhoui  the  ague  had  prostrated  or  the  accidents  (,f  bi^rder  life  im- 
jj<n'erished.  In  a  single  instance  oidy  he  is  known  ti  •  liave  invested 
Ms  surplus  .  ms  in  the  purchase  of  land,  having  rect-ived  a  doe*! 
Ifeom  Alexr  ter  Finley.  of  Mohican  Township.  Ashland  County 
♦^*two.  for  a  part   of  the  southwe-t   quarter  of  section    twenty-six; 


but  with  his  customary  indiliHmiiee  to  tnaters  of  value,.  Johniv 
failed  to  record  the  deed,  and  1  »<t  it.  Only  a  few  y^ars  a^o  tb>s  = 
property  was  in  litigatioii. 

We  must  not  leave  the  reader  under  the  impression  that  thi> 
man's  life,  so  full  of  liardshipand  perils,  was  a  gloomy  or  unhappy;. 
one.  There  is  an  element  of  human  pi'ide  in  all  martyrdom,  which  , 
if  it  does  not  soften  the  pains,  stimulates  the  power  of  endurance- 
Johnny's  life  was  made  serenly  happy  by  the  conviction  that  be 
was  living  like  the  i)riraitive  Christians.    Nor  he  devoid   o^ 
a  keen    humor,  to  which  he  occasionally  gave  vent,  as  the  follow- 
ing will    show.    Toward  the   latter  part  of  Johnny's  career  in  Ohi*;- 
an  itinerant  missionary  found  bis  way  to  the  village  of  Mansfield., 
and   preached   to  an   open-air  congregation.     The  disconr^e   was- 
tediously    lengthy    and   unneces.sarily    severe    upon   the   sin  oS 
extravagance,  which  was  beginning  to  manifest  itself  among  th<B' 
pioneers    by      an     occasional     indulgence    in     the   carnal     van- 
ities of  calico  and    "store  tea."     There   was  a  good  deal  of  the- 
Phari.>*aic    leaven     in    the  preacher,   who    very  frequently    ein— 
\)hii<v/j^d  his  discourse  by  the  inquiry,  "Where  istherea  man  who> 
like  the  primitive  Christians,  is  traveling  to  heaven  barefooted  antk 
clad  in  "oarse  raiment?"     When  this  interrogation    had   been  re- 
peated beyond  all  reasonable  endurance,  Johny  rose  from   the  log^; 
on  which   he  was  reclining,  and   advancing   to   the  s})eaker,   he* 
placed  one  of  his  bare  feet  upon  the  stump  which  served  for  a  pul- 
pit,  and   pointing  to   his  cofTee-sack  garment,   he  quietly  saic^A. 
•'Here's  your  primitive  Christian!"    Thp  well-clothed  missionarv 
hesitated  and  stammere<l  and    dismissed    the  congregation.     Hfe 
l>et  antithesis  was  destioyed    by  Johnny's  personal  a!>pparance, 
which  was  far  more  primitive  thei)   t\\:^  preacher  cared   to  copy. 

Some  of  the  pioneers  were  disposed  to  think  that  Jolvnny's  hu- 
mor \vas  the  cause  of  an  extensive  practical  joke  ;  but  it  is  gener- 
ally conceded  now  that  a  wide-spread  annoyance  was  really  tb*' 
Kesult  <>i'  hi ;  belief  that  the  ofif  nsively-odored  weed  known  in  thfft 
V\'<^st  as  the  dog-fennel,  but  more  generally  styled  the  May- weed. 
posseiised  valuable  antitnalarial  virtues.  He  procured  some  seeffc- 
of  tiie  plant  in  Penu'^ylvania,  and  sowed  them  in  the  vicinity  fA 
every  house  in  the  region  nf  his  travels.  The  consequence  wa? 
that  successive  flourishing  crops  of  the  weed  spread  over  the  whole' 
country,  and  >*aused  aliiKxt  as  much  trouble  as  the  disease  it  wsff- 

LOGAX  COUNTIES.  •      159 

inten<letl  to  ward  off;  and  to  this  day  the  dog-fennel,  intro- 
duced by  Johnny  Appleseed,  is  one  of  the  worst  sci'ievances  of  the 
Ohio  farmers. 

In  1838 — thirty -s^ven  years  after  his  appearance  on  Lickin": 
Oreek— .lohnny  noticed  tliat  civilization,  wealth,  and  population 
were  pressing  into  the  wilderness  of  Ohio.  Hitherto  he  had  easily 
kept  just  in  advance  of  the  wave  of  settlement;  but  now  towns 
and  churches  were  making-  their  appearance,  and  even,  at  long* 
intervals,  the  stage-driver's  horn  broke  the  silence  of  the  grand 
nl.i  f.,re<t.-,  and  lie  felt  that  his  work  was  done  in  the  region  in 
.  hich  he  had  labored  so  long.  He  visited  every  house,  and  took 
a  soletiin  farewell  of  all  the  families.  The  little  girls  who  had  been 
delighted  with  his  gifts  of  tragments  of  calico  and  ribbons  had  be- 
come sober  matrons,  and  the  l)oys  who  had  wondered  at  his  ability 
to  bear  the  pain  caused  by  running  needles  into  his  flesh  were 
heads  of  families.  With  parting  words  of  admonition  he  left  them, 
and  turned  his  steps  steadily  toward  the  setting  sun. 

During  the  succeeding  nine  years  he  pursued  his  eccentric  avo- 
ttion  on  the  western  border  of  Ohio  and  in  Indiana.  In  the  sum- 
mer of  1847,  when  his  labor<  had  literally  borne  fruit  over  a  hun- 
dre<l  thousand  square  miles  of  territory,  at  the  close  of  a  warm 
day,  after  traveling  twenty  miles,  he  entered  the  house  of  a  settler 
in  Allen  county,  Isuliana,  and  was,  as  usual,  warmly  welcomed, 
lie  declined  to  eat  with  the  family,  but  accepted  some  bread  and 
milk,  which  he  nartook  of  sitting  on  the  door-step  and  gazing  on 
the  setting  sun.  Later  in  the  evening  he  delivered  his  "news 
right  fresh  from  lieaven"  by  reading  the  15eatitudes,  Declining 
other  accommodation,  he  slept,  as  usual,  on  tlie  floor,  and  in  the 
rly  morning  he  was  found  with  his  features  :dl  aglow  witii  a 
Mipernal  light,  and  his  body  so  near  death  that  his  tongue  refused 
its()fti''e.  The  physician,  who  was  hastily  sum  mi  .  >  ■',  |  vonounced 
him  dying,  but  addeil  that  he  h;id  never  seen  a  m  ni  \.\  s:)  placid  a 
state  at  the  approacli  of  death.  At  seventy-tAVo  years  of  age, 
forty-iix  of  which  h■^d  been  devoted  to  his  self-impose^l  mission, 
he  ripened  into  death  as  naturally  and  beautifully  as  the  seeds  of 
his  own  planting  had  grown  into  fibre  and  bud  and  blossom  and 
the  matured  fruit. 

Thus  died  one  of  the  memorable   men  of  pioneer    times,   who 
never  inflicted  pain  or  knew  an  enemy — a  man   of  strange   liabits. 

W)  CHAM  I'A  KIN  AN1> 

in  w  hoiii  Ih^'i-c  <i\v(>lt  H  comprehensive  love  tliat  reached  with  oH' 
hand  downward  to  the  h> west  forms  of  life,  with  the  other  upward 
to  the  very  throne  of  God.  A  laborinj^,  iself-denyin":  benefactor  of 
his  race,  homeless,  solitary,  and  raj^j^ed,  he  trod  the  thorny  eartli 
with  hare  and  bleedinj^;  feet,  intent  only  upon  makinj^:  the  wilder- 
ness (rnitful.  Now  "no  inan  knoweth  of  his  se{)ulchre;"  but  his 
deeds  will  live  in  the  fragrance  of  the  apple  blossoms  he  loveiJ  si 
well,  and  th<vstory  of  his  life,  ho  wever  crudely  narrated,  will  ht' 
a  perjK'Uial  proof  that  true  heroism,  pure  benevolence,  noble  vir- 
tues, and  deeds  that  deserve  immortality  may  be  found  under 
meanest  apparel,  and  far  from  (fildiii^  halls  and  towerijij^  spires. 

i.()(;a\  corxTiEs.  lei 


HIS  VISIT  IX  is:2t; 

111  May,  1S2H,  Lorcnzu  Dow  visited  Lojifun  and  Cliainpaign 
(■((Unties,  and  I  think  this  was  th(^  oidy  visit  lie  ever  made  to 
coiiiities.  The  tirst  that  I  i\ovf  reiueinl>ef  of  hearing  of  iiis  niovo- 
nients  on  tliis  journey  was  at  Sandusky  City,  tlien  called  Portland. 
The  pe(ti)le  (jf  Portland  at  that  time  were  almost  wholly  irrelig- 
ious and  (\x;tremely  wicked.  Religious  meetintjs  were  almost  un- 
known among,st  the.'ii.  Not  lonjj:  before  Jjorenzo's  visit,  a  Metho- 
dist minister  had  appointed  a  meetinsj;  at  Portland,  and  while  en- 
gaged in  j>rayer,  a  sailor  jumped  on  his  back  and  kicked  him,  and 
cursed  him,  and  said  :  "  Why  don't  you  pray  some  f.)r  Jack.son  ?  " 
and  the  .ueetin^  was  broken  up  in  much  disorder.  Lorenzo  had 
an  appointment  at  Portland  early  in  May,  1S2H,  and  of  course  his 
name  and  fame  attracted  a  lar^'^e  crowd  at  the  hour  of  meeting : 
the  meeting-  was  held  under  a  large  tree  near  the  l)ank  of  Lake 
Erie.  At  the  api)ointed  time  Lorenzo  came  walking  very, 
dressed  in  a  plain  manner,  with  straw  hat  and  white  l)lauket  coat. 
He  rushed  into  the  midst  of  th(^  company,  pulled  off  his  hat  and 
dashed  it  on  the  ground,  pulled  off  his  coat  and  dashed  it  down 
the  .same  way,  as  though  he  was  mad,  looked  very  .sternly,  and 
immediately  began  to  preach  ;  his  text  was  pretty  rough  ;  he  be- 
gan with  the  words  :  "  Hell  and  damnation  ;  "  he  then  uttered  a 
string  of  catlis  enough  to  frighten  the  wickedest  man  in  Portland. 
He  then  made  a  solemn  pause,  and  said  :  "  This  is  your  common 
language  to  God  and  to  one  another  —  such  language  as  the  gates 
of  hell  cannot  exceed."  He  then  preached  a  solemn,  warning  ser- 
mon, and  was  listened  to  i)y  all  present  with  much  attention, 
witliout  interruption. 


The  next  account  I  can  give  of  Lorenzo  on  this  journey,  wasai 
Tymochtee,  1  believe  now  within  the  bounds  of  Hardin  county. 
He  stopped  at  the  house  of  Eleazer  Hunt,  and  Phineas  Hunt,  father 
of  Eleazer  was  there  with  his  wagon,  and  vvas  about  starting  to 
his  home  in  Champaign  county,  and  Lorenzo  rode  in  his  wagon. 
It  seemed  tliat  Lorenzo  had  sent  an  appointment  to  preach  at 
Bellefontaine,  at  11  o'clock,  of  the  day  that  he  expected  to  arrivt 
there.  About  the  appointed  time  lie  arrived  at  Bellefontaine, 
riding  in  Phineas  Hunt's  wagon.  1  am  informed  that  the  people 
were  looking  earnestly  for  him.  Judge  N.  Z.  McCoIloch  and 
others  met  the  wagon  in  which  Lorenzo  was  in,  and  inquired,  "Is 
Mr.  Dow  here?"  he  said,  "Yes,  my  name  is  Dow."  Judge  Mc- 
Colioch  then  kindly  invited  him  to  go  to  his  house  and  eat  dinner, 
as  there  was  sutKcient  time  before  the  hour  of  meeting.  Without 
saying  a  word,  Lorenzo  directed  the  driver  to  go  south  a  little  far- 
ther, where  he  alighted  from  the  wagon  and  laid  under  the  shade 
of  a  small  tree,  and  took  some  bread  and  meat  from  his  pocket  and 
ate  his  dinner  in  that  way.  Soon  meeting  time  came,  and  there 
was  of  course  a  large  attendance.  In  the  course  of  his  sermon, 
Lorenzo  pointed  to  an  old  lady  who  sat  near  him  and  said,  "Old 
lady,  if  you  don't  quit  tattling  and  slandering  your  neighbors,  the 
devil  will  get  you  !"  Pointing  directly  at  her  he  said,  "I  am  talking 
to  you  !"  TiTere  was  a  young  maw  in  the  meeting,  that  Lorenzo 
probably  thought  needed  reproof;  he  said,  "Young  man,  you  esti- 
mate yourself  a  great  deal  higher  than  other  people  estimate  you, 
and  if  you  don't  quit  your  high  not:i(ms  and  do  better,  the  flevil 
will  get  you  too!"  Passing  out  of  the  meeting  he  met  a  young 
man  and  said  to  him,  "Young  nihii,  the  Lord  has  a  work  for  you 
to  do.  He  calls  you  to  lal>or  in  Ids  vineyard."  It  is  said  that 
young  man  became  a  mir.ister  o  the  Gospel.  1  think  the  meeting 
at  Bellefontaine,  was  hnld  on  seventh  day,  or  Satuaday.  After 
meeting,  became  with  Phineas  Hunt",  to  his  home, —a  brick-house 
now  on  tho  farm  of  Willi  no  Scott,  in  Salem  township.  Champaign 
County.  Lorenzo  held  a  meeting  at  Phineas  Hunt's  house,  that 
evening,  at  .">  o'clock,  P.  M.,  which  was  not  large  as  no  previous 
notice  was  given.  My  father  attended  that  mt'eting.  Lorenzo's 
text  was  :  "But  the  hour  cometh,  and  now  i'^  when  the  true  wor- 
shippers <hal  I  worship  the  Father  in  spirit  and  in  truth;  for  the 
Father  seeketh  such  to  worship  him.  (iod  is  a  spirit,  and  they 
that  worship  him  must  wor-hip  him  in  spirit  and  in  truth." 



Next  <iay  being  the  Sabbath,  Lorenzo  had  an  appointed  meeting 
at  Mt.  Tabor,  at  10  o'clock,  A.  51.,  which  was  generally  known  in 
the  neighborhood.  About  9  o'clock,  on  Sabbath  morning,  Lorenzo 
saw  some  people  passing  by,  enquired  where  they  were  going  ; 
was  told  they  were  going  to  his  meeting  ;  without  saying  another 
word  he  picked  up  his  hat,  and  started  in  the  direction  of  the  meet- 
ing; overtaking  some  persons  on  the  way,  he  walked  with  them 
apiece,  and  took  a  by  way  leading  from  the  mai"  road,  wlien  one 
of  the  company  said,  "this  is  the  road  to  Mt.  Tabor,"  he  said  "ye^; 
that  is  your  road  ;  go  on."  He  ]>assed  on  to  N.  W.  until  he  came 
to  the  Beliefontaine  road,  about  4  of  a  mile  north  of  Tabor,  and 
walked  south  to  the  meeting  liouse.  The  people  had  assembled  in 
the  grove,  west  of  the  meeting  house,  where  seats  had  been  pre- 
pared. Lorenzo  passed  right  by  the  assembly,  and  went  down  the 
hill  into  the  bushes  and  timber  S.  E.  of  the  meeting  house,  where 
he  immediately  began  to  preach,  the  people  following  him,  carry- 
"ig  benches  and  chairs,  Jcc,  but  mostly  stood  on  foot  during  the 

►^eting.     He  was  preaching  when  I  arrived  at  the  meeting,  and 

rhaps  hundreds  came  after  he  had  began  to  preach. 

His  manner  in  pleaching  was  earnest  and  impressive,  he  never 
hesitated,  but  seemed  to  have  words  at  command  that  suited  the 
case.  His  doctrine  apy^eared  to  be  the  same  as  held  by  the  Metho- 
dists ;  he  spoke  of  a  call  to  the  ministry  ;  he  said  it  must  be  a  di- 
vine call,  that  it  would  not  do  to  preach  as  a  trade  or  profession. 
He  spoke  with  much  severity  and  keen  sarcasm  against  proud  and 
deceitful  professors  of  religion.  His  appearance  was  remarkable  : 
he  was  a  spare  man,  of  rather  small  size;  his  beard  was  long, 
reaching  to  his  breast,  his  hair  was  a  little  gray,  parted  in  the 
.ii>ldle  on  his  head,  anrt  reached  down  to  his  shoulders;  his  dress 
>.  as  very  plain,  and  appeare<]  to  be  cleanly  and  neat.  He  wore  a 
straw  or  palm-leaf  hat,  a  l)lack  over-coat,  wliich  appeared  to  be 

;1  the  coat  he  had  on  ;  he  rested  on  a  cane  while  preaching  ;  his 
ye  was  calm  and  serene,  yet  piereitig.  Xotwithstanding  his  ec- 
centricities, his  whole  appearance  and  manners  indicated  that  he 
\  as  an  extraordinary  man — a  great  and  good  man.  He  did  )iot 
i-iiiii'  ar  thi-s  meetinj;- ;  after  preaching  about  one  hour  and  a  qiiar- 
Ihr,  in  whii'h  beseemed  to  mention  almost  everything  connected 
..ith  religious  subjects,  giving  a  history  of  his  life,  and  of  the  sol- 
emn [tarting  with  his  father  and  mother,  brothers  and  sisters, 
wlien  he  >-tarte'i  out — I  think  at  abuut  seventeen    vears  of  age  — 


to  [)re<u'h  the  gospel,   he  knelt  and  ott'ereil  a  short  nud  beautifu! 
prayer,  auil  then  dismissed  tlie  audieiu'e. 

As  lie  was  asee tiding- the  liill  westward  tVuiu  the  phtee  of  meet- 
ing, a  venerable  Meth(xlist  })reacher,  on  horse-back,  met  hiui,  and 
being  ver;y  anxious  to  talk  to  Lorenzo,  rather  rode  before  him,  and 
held  out  his  hand.  Lorenzo  took  his  hand,  and  said  :  "Don't  ride 
over  lue,  it's  not  good  manners." 

Wm.  H.  Fj'ffe  had  sent  a  handsome  carriage  to  convey  Lorenzo 
to  Urbana,  where  he  had  an  appointment  to  preach  that  idternoon, 
at8o^clock.  I  have  been  told  he  was  kindly  invited  to  dinner, 
perhaj)s  by  several  persons,  but  did  not  accept  the  invitation,  -aivI 
laid  down  to  rest  on  Judge  Reynolds'  cellar  door,  taking  rtome 
bread  from  out  of  his  pocket,  and  made  his  meal.  This  afternoon 
meeting  of  course  was  large,  and  1  think  was  held  in  the  Metho- 
dist Church.  Lorenzo  preached  in  a  very  earnest  manner,  became 
warmed  and  animated;  swingiiig  his  hands,  the  hymn  book 
*^lipped  from  his  hand  and  struck  a  lady  on  her  head  ;  he  paused 
and  said  :   "  Excuse  my  energy,  for  my  soul  is  elated." 

I  believe  lean  give  no  further  particulars  of  the  only  visit  to 
this  county  of  this  remarkable  man.  THOMAS  COWtJILL. 

Kknnakh,  (>..  nd  Month   18,  1872. 


The  writer  of  this  became  acquainted  with  Mr.  Merrill  at  Urbana 
abou*  forty  years  ago,  and  had  the  honor  of  hearing  him  deliver 
his  celebrated  "  Ox  "  discourse. 

"That  INIr.  Merrill  was  a  man  of  no  ordinary  intellectual  powers, 
is  sufficiently  evident  from  what  he  said  and  did,  and  the  fact  wan 
jfelt  byall  vvho  had  any  considerable  acquaintance  with  him.  His 
more  pi'ominent  mental  traits  were,  undoubtedly,  such  as  ro)tip/-f- 
hensivenesK,  originaliti/,  energy,  &c.  Whatever  subjects  he  investi- 
gated, he  took  hold  of  them  w  ith  a  strong  grasp  ;  he  looked  at  theiu 
in  their  various  relations,  and  in  a  manner  that  was  peculiarly  i^is 
own.     He  ha<l  a    power  ()t   originating  and   combining   ideas,  an 

iJXiAN  COrXTlKS.  16;* 

bility  to  elaborate-',  as  it  were,  thoughts  witliiii  hiiin 'If,  that  re- 
minded one  of  the  prolific  and  vigorous  inteller-ts  of  an  earlie;-  and 
more  favored  generation.  He  had,  too,  a  kind  of  i  ntuitive  i)ereep- 
tion  of  the  pro]»riety  and  fitness  of  things — of  tiie  bearing  one  action 
ha<  upon  another — of  what  is  adapted  to  affect  men  in  different 

The  history  of  the  "Ox  Seriuon,"  is  briefly  this.     It  was  writteji 
for  a  teiuperance  meeting  iu  Urbana,  and  delivered  to  an  audience 
if  less  thah  a  hundred  persons.     Its  first  publication   was   in   the 
Urbana  weekly  paper.     A  copy  of  this  paper,  sent  to  Samuel  Mer- 
rill,   Esq.,  of  Indianapolis,  Ind.,  fell   into  the   hands   of  John  H. 
Farnham,  Esq.,  wiio  causetl  a  pamphlet  edition  of  oOC)  copies  to  be 
printed   at   Salem,  Indiana.     Rev.  'SI.  H.  Wilder,  a   Tract  AgcMit, 
-ent  a  copy  of  this  edition  to  the  American  Tract  Society,  by  which 
it  was  handed  over  to  the  Temperance  S(x-iety.     It  was  then  pub- 
lisht'd   as   the  "Temperance   Recorder,  extra,"  for  circulation   in 
very  family  in  thf^  United  States.    The  edition  numix^red  2, 200, ()()(» 
ipie>.     Numerous  edition     iiave   been   publisiied   sin,-e, — one  in 
(  anada  East,  of,  I  think,  [0  (lOi)  copies.     The  American  Tract  Soci- 
♦'ty  adopted  it  about  lS.4o,  a^  Xo.  47o   of  their  series  oi' tracts,  and 
have  published  104. 00(»  copies.     The  Tract  Society   has  also   pub- 
lished 100,000  copies  of  an  abridgement  of  it,  under  the  title,  "Is  it 
right?"     It  has  been  published  in  many  newspapers  of  extensive 
'  ireulation.     It  is  undoubtedly  safe  to  say   that  its  circulation  has 
iieen  between  two  and  a  half  and  three  millions  of  copi^-.     What 
'  it  her  Sermon  has  ever  had  a  circulation  equal  to  this  ? 

A  pei*son  tolerably  well  informed  in  regard  to  the  arguments  used 
by  temperance  men  at  the  present  day,  who  reads  the  Ox  Sennon 
for  the  first  time,  will  think  its  positions  and  illustrations  quite 
■ommon-plice,  and  wonder  why  anybody  ever  attributed  to  it  any 
liginality  or  shrewdness.  But  twenty-five  years  have  wrought 
great  changes  in  the  jxjpular  sentiment  upon  thesubj^ct  of  temper- 
ance, and  positions,  which  are  now  admitted  almost  as  readily  a> 
the  axioms  in  mathematics,  when  broached  in  that  sermon  were 
regarded  as  "violently  new-school,"  "dangerously  radical,"  "im- 
practicably ultra,"  Whoever  originate  an  idea  which  becomes  in- 
fluential over  the  belief  and  actions  of  men,  commences  a  work 
which  will  go  on  increasing  in  etficieney  long  after  his  own  gener- 
ation ^hal!  have  passed  away.     The  author  of  the   "Ox  Sermon," 


even  during-  his  own  life,  had  the  satisfaction  of  knowing  that 
many  by  reading  that  discourse  were  so  convicted  in  their  con- 
sciences that  even  at  great  pecuniary  sacrifice  they  gave  up  the 
traffic  in  ardent  spirits,  and  that  many  more  from  being  entanies 
or  lukewarm  friends,  became  earnest  advocates  of  the  temperance 
reformation.   . 


The  above  named  gentleman  lived  in  Chami>aign  County  wheii 
he  joined  the  Methodist  Ex»iscopai  Church  under  the  labors  of 
Bev.  George  Gatch.  The  circumstances  of  his  joining  the  Church 
are  briefly  these :  When  Mr.  Gatch  was  on  his  last  round  on  Mad- 
river  Circuit,  at  King's  Creek,  four  miles  north  of  Urbana,  after 
the  sermon,  Mr.  Gatch  gave  an  invitation  to  join  the  Church  ;  3Ir. 
Walker  started  toward  the  i)reacher,  and  when  tibout  midway  of 
the  congregation  his  strength  failed  him  for  the  first  time,  and  he 
sank  down  on  the  floor.  Mr.  Gatch  approached  him  as  he  arose  to 
his  feet,  and  he  gave  his  hand  to  the  minister,  and  his  name  to  the 
Church.  Mr.  Walker  married  Miss  Catharine  Elbert,  daughter  of 
Dr.  John  Elbert,  of  Logan  County.  I  believe  she  died  but  re- 
centlj'.  The  annexed  sketch  of  Mr.  Walker's  life  will  be  read 
with  interest  by  his  old  comrades. — Ed. 

In  person  he  was  well  formed,  but  a  fraction  than  six  feet  in 
hight ;  had  a  powerful  frame,  yet  closely  knit  together.  His  habit 
was  full,  his  carriage  erect  and  dignified  ;  his  features  were  regular 
but  well-defined,  and  strongly  expressive  of  a  generous  and  noble 
nature  ;  his  brow  was  arched  and  heavy,  his  forehead  high,  broad, 
and  open,  his  hair  dark,  and  .somewhat  inclined  to  stiffness.  In 
his  dress  he  was  neat,  cleanly,  and  careful,  regarding  comfort,  but 
not  disregarding  elegance ;  never,  however,  violating  professional 
propriety,  or  losing  his  dignity  in  ornament  or  show ;  nor  did  he 
ever  affect  singularity  or  quaintness. 

He  was  accustomed  to  finish  whatever  he  undertook,  arguing, 
and  often  observing,  that  "  that  which  was  worth  doing,  was 
worth  doing  well."  I  have  often  thought  that  this  idea  was  car- 
ried with  him  into  the  pulpit;  and  when  preaching  on  subjects 


peculiarly  interesting  to  him,  made  hiui  consume  more  time 
than  would  otlierwise  have  been  preferable  to  him.  His  custom 
was  to  reason  from  cause  to  effect,  yet  he  would  often  institute 
analogies.  His  mind  was  mathematical,  and  he  had  a  love  of  exact 
science.  T  never  new  him  bevvildered  in  theories  ;  and  so  great 
was  the  original  strength  of  his  mind,  that  he  detected  the  false 
or  the  faulty  almost  at  a  glance.  He  read  character  well,  but  never 
judged  hastily  or  harshly.  He  hstd  a  boundless  charity  for  the 
faults  of  others,  and  never  deemed  one,  however  low  he  or  she 
might  have  sunken,  beyond  the  hope  of  redemption.  He  could 
well  adapt  himself  to  the  society  he  was  in,  so  far  as  this  could 
be  done  witliout  compromising  his  character  or  principles.  This 
he  was  never  known  to  do,  nor  do  I  believe  he  could  have  been 
tempted  to  do  so.  He  had  due  respect  for  the  opinions  of  others, 
ukI  in  many  things  would  take  counsel,  but  he  was  self-reli- 
nt,  aiul  seemed  through  life  to  think  it  was  his  duty  to  bear  the 
jLirden  of  others,  rather  than  to  place  his  own  upon  their  shoulders 


Elder  Joseph  Thomas,  or  "White  Pilgrim,"  the  subject  of  this 
sketch,  has  frequently  preached  in  Champaign  and  Logan  counties. 
The  writer  heard  him  once  or  twice  at  a  camp-meeting,  at  Muddy 
Hun,  near  West  Liberty,  about  the  year  '33  or  '34.  How  many 
people,  young  and  old,  in  the  United  States,  and  in  Europe,  that 
have  read  those  beautiful  and  pathetic  lines,  written  by  Elder  J. 
Ellis,  and  wondered  who  was  the  subject  of  them,  and  where  is  "the 
;>pot  where  he  lay  !"  I  will  say,  for  the  satisfaction  of  all  such,  he 
is  buried  in  a  cemetery  at  Johnsonsburgh,  Warren  county,  New 
Jersey,  where  a  beautiful  Italian  marble  monument  marks  the 
spot  where  "the  White  Pilgrim  lays."  The  peculiarity  of  his  white 
dress,  says  a  writer,  undoubtedly  added  much  to  the  notoriety 
W'hich  everywhere  greeted  him.  Though  independent  of  this,  his 
excellent  evangelical  gifts  rendered  his  services  very  acceptable. 
In  regard  to  his  peculiar  dress,  he  says  it  was  typical  of  the  robes 
of  the  saints  in  glory ;  that  he  found  but  very  litile  inconvenience 
in  its  use,  an  1  was  contented  with  his  choice.  Below  will  be  found 
this  beautiful  pot^m. 

168  CHAMPA  H4N  AND 


COMifOSKi)    WHILK    STAXI>JN<i    AT     i'HK    WlilTK    I'll.CiKlMS    WKAVK 

M vamv  to  the  spot  where  tht^  White  IMIj^rim  lay, 

And  pensively  .stood  by  his  tomb. 
When  in  alow  whisper  1  heard  soniethinji' say, 

'•  How  sweetly  I  sleep  here  alone. 

The  tempest  may  h<twl,and  loud  thunder  roll, 

And  .uathering  storms  may  arise, 
Vet  calm  are  my  feeling-s,  at  rest  is  my  soul. 

The  tears  are  all  wii>ed  tVom  my  eyes. 

The  eause  of  my  8;ivior  compelled  me  to  roam,. 

I  b;ide  my  eompatiions  farewell, 
1  left  my  sweet  children,  who  for  me  do  mourn, 

In  a  far  distant  i-ei^ion  to  dwell. 

1  wandered  tni  exile  and  stranger  below, 

To  i)ublish  salvation  abroad, 
The  trump  of  the  (iospel  endeavored  to  blow, 

Invitinji'  poor  sinners  to  God. 

But  when  among  strangers,  and  far  IVom  my  ]if)m(-, 

No  kindred  or  relative  nigh, 
1  met  the  contagion,  and  sank  in  the  tondj, 

My  sj)irits  ascencied  on  high. 

Go!  tell  my  companion  and  children  most  dear. 

To  weep  not  for  Joseph,  tho'  gonf; 
The  same  hand  that  led  me  thro'  scenes  dark  ami  drear. 

Has  kindlv  '•oiiduclcd  me  home." 


The  King's  Creek  Baptist  Cljurch  isprooal*?  «j3.e|fr$-fe  Church  in- 
sritut^d  in  Charapai^ia  Coujaty,  it  being  estHMi''<hed>t^e  aam^^  yef'af 
the  c-ountv  \v»?  ortrjini/pd  f  I8(>n  > 

The  o3^ .        •  ■  .  •    ,  •  ,  ..    '  . 

'"3  rales  j,      •  '       '  ■ 

!-i?s,  actiiij,   ■  .  .. 

^V'rhaps  he  -y  '.•  .  •  ^  :,r. 

ills  owo  natne.     i;  :-  ;,'jtu:\j.DiL  .  .  -     ^ T^iJi;  nu  kopt 

he  never  crnee  n^itnep  hiuiself  >  .  ;^  ••  .        -    .    ^ny  oth^r  one 

preai'hed  he  rt.H*rft-  ttle  namej ;;  eiVu^-^rO  a  e  zaembers  living  who 
testify  to  the  ex-.t-ileiicy  of  his  ]-.i  irielitrig.  By  the  foregoing  it 
will  bo  seen  that  Champaign  as  a  County  and  King^s  Creelc  as  a 
Baptist  Chcn-eh  commenced  theix  oi«-e^in  the  same  year  and  both 
are  holtliug:  on  their  way. 

If  Benedict's  Hi-Jtory  of  the  Eaptiat?  is;  correct.   King's-  Creels 
must  have  been  the,  third  Baptist  Chureh  organized  in  the  State  of 



Ohio.  Benedict  gives  the  first  organization  at  Columbia,  five  or 
six  miles  from  Cincinnati,  in  1790,  and  second  at  Pleasant  Run, 
near  Lancaster,  in  Fairfield  County,  in  1801.  If  there  was  a  Bap- 
tist Church  constituted  in  Ohio,  in  the  four  years  that  intervened 
between  Pleasant  Run  and  King's  Creek  we  do  not  know  it,  and 
until  better  informed  we  shall  claim  King's  Creek  as  the  third 
Baptist  Church  in  Ohio. 

In  the  early  history  of  the  Church,  the  meetings  were  held  in 
the  houses  of  the  members  which  were  scattered  over  a  large  area 
of  the  County.  But  "The  word  <.»f  the  Lord  was  precious  in  those 
days"  and  sacrifice  could  be  made  to  mp>et  with  the  saints  of  the 
Most  High.  Dangers  even  could  be  encountered,  for  the  red  men 
of  the  soil  were  then  numerous  and  looked  on'  their  pale  faced 
neighbors  as  intruders,  their  hostilities  not  ceasing  till  after  the 
butchery  and  scalping  of  Arthur  Thomas  and  son  in  1813.  Thus 
for  eleven  years  our  predecessors  wound  their  way  by  paths  and 
through  difliculties  and  dangers  to  meet  their  Saviour  and  his  dis- 
ciples. No  one  then  complained  of  long  sermons,  none  went  to 
sleep  and  nodded  unconscious  assent  to  uaheard  truths.  Their  con- 
versation was  of  the  Heavenly  country  whither  they  were  going, 
the  trials,  the  difficulties  and  encouragements  of  the  way.  In 
these  primitive  gatherings  they  were  sure  to  meet  the  Lord  Jesus; 
fat  things  full  of  marrow  and  wine  on  lees  were  vouchsafed  them 
while  the  Lord  added  to  their  number  "such  as  should  be  saved." 
This  increase  made  tbe  private  house,  or  rather  cabin,  too  strait  for 
them  and  they  began  to  think  of  some  sanctuary,  some  conse- 
crated spot  whither  the  elect  of  God  might  go  up  and  tread  on  ho- 
ly ground.  Thought  begat  desire  and  desire  prompted  to  the  ac- 
tion of  building  a 


The  same  necessity  was  also  here,  and  has  been  everywhere  that 
Abraham  found,  "A  place  to  bury  my  dead  out  of  my  sight."  In 
all  communities  where  people  really  serve  God  there  are  outi^idem 
who  seem  to  wish  them  well ;  so  it  was  here.  Mr.  John  Taylor 
gave  an  acre  of  ground  for  a  burial  place  and,  to  erect  a  meeting 
house  on.  The  deed  is  made  to  Jesse  Guttritige  and  James  Temp- 
lin,  deacons  of  the  church.  It  is  in  .the  hand  writing  of  Rev.  John 
Tfiomas,  and  bears  date  March  7th,  1816.    This  spot  of  ground, 


now  enlarged,  is  the  silent  house  and  home  of  most* of  the  then 
fsving,  moving  generation.  The  Hon.  Edward  L.  Morgan,  fiovv 
m  his  seventy-eighth  year,  assisted  to'  open  the. first  rtarrow  h6use 
ia  this  city  of  the  dead.  This  narrow  house  is  tenanted'  by  the 
aobrtal  remains  of  Sister  Ann  Turner,  one  of  the  constituent  mem- 
bers of  the  church.  During  the  year  18*16  a  log-house "26  by  20  wa^s 
erected  for  a  meeting  house.  This  house  had  neither  chiiiiriey  or 
6re-plaee,  and  as  stoves  could  not  be  had,  a  wooden  box  "was  tna'de 
of  thick  puncheon.  This  box  was  about  12- by  6  feet  and  partly 
filled  with  clay  pounded  in  so  as  to  form  a  jconcave  for  the  recep- 
tion of  charcoal.  This  standing  in  the  center  ot  the  house  w'th  its 
glowing  bed  of  charcoal  afforded  the  only  warmth  for  winter  days. 
That  the  carbonic  acid  (gas)  generated  by  the  burning  charcoal, 
*iid  not  send  them  all  over  Jordan  before  they  wanted  to  go  m  suf- 
icient  evidence  that  this  house  diu  not  lack  ventilation  as  m^ny 
modern  ones  do.  This  house  became  the  center  for  Sunday  gather- 
ing, for  all  the  regions  round.  It  also  afforded  accommodation  i._ 
lor  the  day  school  and  singing  schools.  It  .was  in  tCis  house  that 
ancle  Ed.  (Hon.  Edward  L.  Moi:gan)  reigned-lord  of  the  bircb  and 
ferule,  and  taught  the  young  idea  how  to  shoot.  Here  sdme  of 
mxr  living  fathers  and  mothers  in  Israel  not  only  received  tbelftrst, 
rudiments  of  an  English  education,  but  here  they  also  first  learned 
m  the  school  of  Christ ;  apd  if  they  should  ever  sing  "There  is  a 
^ot  to  me  most  dear,"  memory  would  turn  back  to  the  old.  log 
greeting  house  of  1816. 

What  if  uncle  Ed.  does  tell  us  that  "everj'  cabin  contained  the 
iisaad  cards,  the  spinning  wheel  and  loom,  that  the  entire  ward- 
rrobe  of  both  male  and  female  were  home  manufacture,  that  all 
went  barefoot  in  the  summer, 'the  girls  even  not  indulging  in' the 
Saxury  of  shoes  and  stockings,  except  when  going  to  meeting  or  a 
wedding,  and  then  the  shoes  and  stockings  were  carried  in  the  hand 
Ifclll  arriving  near  the  place  of  destination— that  the  appearance  of 
two  new  calico  dresses  produced  a  sensation,"  yet  wepremi?je  that, 
©nder  the  dress  of  linsey-woolsey  as  true  maidenly  hearts'  beat  as 
Stave  ever  beat  beneath  the  costly  fabrics  oi  fashion's  reign,  'rtiey 
were  as  lovely  and  lovable  in  the  eyes  of  the  young  men  of  that 
day  as  any  maidens  can  be.  That  they  were  as  well  fitted  to  make 
liappy  homes,  and  fulfill  the  duties  of  wives  and  mothers  none  can 
*loubts  wh(\^new  the  few  survivors  of  that  age  and  time.  • 

172  CffllAMf'AIGN  AND 

The  y^^jig  mall's  vest  of  homespun  or  buck«i^i,  coveJfKil  -a 
no'^il^,  b?are  apd  niatnly  he^rt.  liete  •Atti\chny\ent^  were  forreied^ 
a-ncl  ooEisiimuuited  at  Hymen's  alt&r,  which  Iw^v.e  needed  nci'  d\-- 
voPCe  M^s  ol  co,uTt(5  to  loose  th3  boa  Is.  Jit  i.^  indeed  ^oubtft*! 
Whetb^I' jewel  lit  fingers,  bracelet  encircled  wrfsts,  cram pc<(f  feet 
and  Glisfigiireclldrni ;  broadcloth,  polished  leather  and  supeKticiai 
mariiaioodhas  addwd  anything  to  happineH«  or  godjiness.  It  ig  ci»r- 
tain.  ttjat  unde;'  tfjeold  regime  the  people  wero  huneist,  contented 
and  fi,appy'j  and  .>»erved  Grod  in  spirit  and  in  truth. 

This  Ttiotise,  with  its  varied  associations,  stood  f(M  fifteen  yearTs- 
and  might  have  stood  much  longer  had  not  Providenef^  removed  it. 
One  of  those  blessings,  which  often  come  in  th«elorin  of  a  cajamity. 
eompJLeH'Ly  cleai-^d  the  ground,  by  fire,  for  the:  ei?ection  of  a  briek 
eiijfiee  28  by  M.feet,  whieh  was^built  in  1831  on  thu^  same  grounds 
T?othis  sanfftuarY  Ihp  tribes  of  the  Lord  contiriuecl  to  g«  up  nntif. 
IS^ji'xVh^i  U^  })lace  began  to  be  t<X5  strait  for  tliem,  v>»lien  this^ 
hor?.se-\s'aBTe.m.oved  and  the  pr<5lent  siibstantial  churt'h  edifice,  4;.. 
by  TSk  '^i^^B  Ivttil't  c'ind  nearly  on  the  ^same  gfoumi  We  do  not;  ex- 
iiffjfi'i'aite  yv'h^ft  we  s^y  no  country  ciUurch,  within  r)ur  knowlfetlge, 
hs'^ -a  bflt"tc-r  Iv:)t^se,  The  4a"Ii.  ^v'tute  spire,  pointing  l-ni&av<?nvvaror 
e?>i:!^be  «'^^en  fvoi*^  thvMp.  f(^Uy<.'\ilf^  n->?1le  the  d^ep,  Bilvery  to^tC."^  of 
?/veoel'.  .   '    ',  '  •    *'        ir\b(?he4M\^  for  m:  r 

waj;  :       .    .  .;      •  \  -  •    ■        ''■    ■ 

V,Q<V..--.   ■■•.''  ■  ■       ■  ,'  .     '  ■ 

'iroH*"^  •" »  "  ■.  ■  ■*       ' 

thy   -.iw  •       •  ■  ■    ■■    :  ••  '  •■,,.■ 

neoAiely  *' 

*■••' Methodist  ii^iscopal  Church 

Was&sr.ivi"^.  ■  -.^me  year,  1805,  in  Urbana;  the  old  hjg-. 

f'h'-wch  refev    •.  Judge  Patrick  in  his  history  of  Urbana,  waar 

builfin  they.  ■   f 

tvlount  Tabor  Church 

1^  among  the  earliest  churches  in  the  county.     I  dor^  know  the 
pvecise  date  of  its  establishment,  but  I  know  it  was  t^erf' in  ISlf.. 


^  LOGA.N  COUNTIES.  1^^ 

:uk\  pei-haps  Jong  before.  See  Dr.  (."owjjill'*  interestiag  sjk:ete^e•^in 
his  work  ;  also  Mr.  Stalers  and  3Ir.  T.  S.  HcFathfud,  who  Uav? 
-:ih(1ty  contribute' I  tkeir  vain  able  •sketches  ijr  this  vohime, 

Quaker  Church  at  Darby, 

■n  ^ane  t^^wnsliip,  Login?  c6unty.    Tiie  nieetini^-  Seld  by  fl'iis 

■  •  iilefoiL^'orship  wa$  in  the  yeiir  ISOi  tir  ISO)",  thay  r)6in:g  the 

aliglousd'enomi nation  in  the  county.    The  next  was  by  %^'ie 

-nit*   relij<ious  body  at  Goshen,  Jeffer;?oii   township,  abouf  One 

:j'i\p-  e-^ist.  of  i^anesfleld,  in  what  is  called  MAi'inou's  -Dottoi^t^Tn  tliC 

This  VV4S  established  by  the  Mlasiii  Monthly  M^etuv^s. 

1    -  •  I .  b y  ",va>*  not  repognized  t)y  die  •a.bove-iiS'i-J'.-'l '^'i<>'-'^''j'y 

1  •  .*•,  .         yet  tjieeting-d  were  held  here  aomfi  ,veai^  b&l'crri. 

...  .  ■  ••  "■'■.r  -r^t  ?niiiister.  " 

Fharp's  Run  Baptist  Ohuirch, 

^>5.ii*£ituted  JL811?,  by  John  (jrUttridge  and  John  T'hOiiKJ,fi.     William 

':■  the  only  living  constituent  member  of 'this 'ihurch.     It  1* 

u' rnile  west  from  Zauesfield.    Th^  Rev.  Of^Tg,-^  >IeCai^ 

.och,  iiift'  wife,  and  James  lvd\va.rcls  were  all  baptized  ji ere  TheT<ajne 

■lay,  June  "';-I  1 -;7-,?,     ?.[r.  ^r(*Col'<i<'h  vva-<  i>i"luini-. !  ;>-v:Vl 

Methodist    Church 

In  Zane  township,  LogaA  county.  Built  on  the  bank:  of  Inskeep^iS 
old  mill  dam,  in  year  1818. 

Universalist  Church. 

Built  about  the  year  1842,  at  Woodstock.  The  mi»isters  that 
preached  theie  fir.?t  were  Rev.  Mr.  Jolly,  Truman  Strong,  George 
Messenger,  and  the  Rev.  Mr.  Emmett. 

Spain's  Run  Methodist  Church 

Was  e.-stablished  in  C"hampa,jgn  County,  in  1803.  The  first  rneeting- 
-hou^o  w;*^  built  in  1815,  one  m-ile-  we^t  of  North  Lewisburg. 



In  Logan  County  was  Robitaille,  better  known  as  Robindi.  Judge 
McCoIloch  says  his  store-room  stood  near  where  Bradsraith's  resi- 
dence now  standSj'^in  Zanesfield.  He  represents  him  to  be  a  very 
polite  and  affable  Canadian  Frenchman.  I  think  Billy  Henry  told 
me  he  was  buried  on  the  old  Gunn  farm,  on  the  Ludlow  road,  on© 
norile  south  of  Bellefontaine.  He  took  out  license  in  1805.  Fabian 
Eagle-hept  a  small  store  at  Urbana  at  the  same  time. 


Took  out  license  to  sell  goods  at  the  same  time  with  Robindi, 
{ 1805, )  as  the  records,  now  on  the  Clerk's  book,  in  Urbana,  show- 
I  think  he  sold  a  short  time  in  Champaign  County,  just  below 
West  Liberty,  afterwards  in  Logan  County,  where  he  died  in  the 
year  1837. 


I  saw  on  the  same  book  that  John  Gunn  had  taken  out  license 
the  same  year  ( 1805)  to  keep  tavern.  He  kept  tavern  at  the  old 
farm  spoken  of  above.     He  wa^  there  in  1812,  during  the  war. 





Born  at  the  quiet  rural  village  of  West  Liberty  on  the  southern 
border  of  Logan  county,  Ohio,  on  May  17,  1821,  William  Hubbard 
inherited  nothing  but  an  honest  name,  a  healthy  constitution,  and 
a  vigorous  intellect. 

Deprived  of  a  father's  care  at  an  early  age,  he  grew  up  under  the 
guidance  of  a  widowed  mother,  whose  exemplary  virtues,  strong 
good  sense  and  p&tient  industi-y,  left  their  impress  on  the  mind  and 
character  of  her  son.  At  that  early  day,  the  "log  School-house" 
furnished  almost  the  only  means  of  education  ;  but  with  this,  and 
that  home  training  which  every  mother  should  be  competent  to 
afford,  William  became  well  versed  in  all  the  usual  branches  of  an 
English  education.  Early  in  the  year  of  1832  he  took  his  first  les- 
sons in  the  "art  preservative  of  arts,"  the  printing  business— in  the 
ofiiee  of  the  Logan  Gazette,  a  newspaper  then  edited  and  conducted 
in  Bellefontaine,  by  Hiram  B.  Strother.  Here  he  served  with 
fidelity,  and  skill,  and  industry,  for  seven  years,  when,  early  in 
1S89,  he  became  the  publisher  of  the  paper,  and  continued  as  such 
for  a  period  of  six  months.  During  all  this  time,  as,  indeed,  in 
the  years  which  followed,  he  employed  his  leisure  moments  in  de- 
veloping his  literary  taste,  and  in  the  profound  study  of  the  best 
writers  of  prose  and  poetry.  In  the  summer  of  1841  he  began  his 
career  as  a  school  teacher  in  a  district  near  his  native  village,  in 
one  of  the  ever-memorable,  universal  "people's  colleges"  of  the 
times,  the  "lof:  School-house."  In  this  useful,  bu'  perplexing  and 
ill-paid  capacity,  he  continued  most  of  his  time  until  ihe  fall  of 
1S4&.  Meantime,  in  1841,  he  had  determined  to  study  ^  he  profes- 
sion of  law,  and  for  that  parpose  became  the  student  of  Benjamin 
F.  Stanton  und  William  Lawrence,  attrrneys  in  Bellefontaine, 
His  studies  were  somewhat  interrupted  by  his  duties  as  teacher, 
and  by  his  literary  pursuits,  yet  as  he  had  made  it  a  rule  of  his  life 


es^x.'Urp,Hi?-:i-;sr  a;s"T) 

Tifivm-  to  do  anything  iaiperfeetly.  he  was  uot  admitr.j'fJ  to  th«^  Jwr 
ivntil  he  l^aci  bGt»:srjp;  ■:■  thc^oiiib'*  v>v.!j-vei''i  lawyer,  in  the  ye^ir 

In  the  faljL  of  184»  .^u*.  .■-Livm  ;»<>.•;  w^-cwum  -r-'iii  m  of  the  Log:an  6rc?- 
zetie,  and  f)C<*upied  tjuit  positfon'  fi.;i'  a  numbo''  of  years,  but  is  now 
the  able  and  at-compilshed  ftJIt-^r  -Ol'  tiie  JVorfJi  West,  published  at 
Nap()left»),  Henry  county,  Ohio  Af  .m  .u>litical  writer  he  has  a 
wida  and.  dei«ervedly  highr'epi.. 
as  an  vpd.itof ,  he:  was  elected  Prr-;' 
ii:  ,l.Skf.S^  and  attain  in  1850  andj  h;.  +1v5 
end  nbriity  Tdr  four  yeai*;:?.  wh<>-"'  iv*. . 
Mr.  Hubbard  receive;!  tr.i-  •-.. 

which  he  beSongs,  a$ 
hope  ti)T'  su'Kcess  in  e 
bu'",  fhnij^h  fiefeateil   '  • 
baU-^  ?-iiKl  a^^lre-<-- 
tatlr>i■I  «s  an  orato 
t^va-ted  by  study,  and  by  ; 
of  the  Mad  rfver,  with  a  ': . . 
tributed  to ' '  Wake  to  ees* 
into  eloquence  and  poeti'.v 
tions  we're  la  January,  l§5.f      'V- 
mach  genius  with  so  nttl< 
always  shunned  uotoriei^  .     . . 
would  make  a  good  sized  \o\ve 
poem,  written  by  him  at  the  gra 
lect  as  a  specimen  of  liis  poeinji. 
Poets  and  Poetrv  of  the  We^t. 

'    ith>itaudinghasdutiets 
■,y.j  .^.aorney  of  Logan  county. 
H»i>ao;itv  served  with  skilJ 
>- rion.     In  185S 
■  jcal  party  to 
H.e  could  fecai'oely 
•.  '-'J   ]>ii]itically  ; 

vary.     In  do* 
a  l>'?al  repu- 
■   .  ,-  %(inat;ion,  cul- 

■  rii.-i  fertile  valley 
...y;  fj ardor,  ail  con- 
'•      aiid  tu^riMst|lought•- 
i  sfced   i*oeti<?&J.  produc- 
^  •■           .      '  kuown  a  writer  of  so 
has  nr:;ver  sought,  bu'- 
..,    writings,  if  collected; 
j\y  will  be  found  a  beautiful 
V   J t' Simon  Kenton,  which  I  se- 
S^e  his  other  poems  in  Coggsheil'.s 

^t  the  ^raie  of  M'^i^'^  ^nfan. 


Tread  lightly,  this  is  halioweii  -'.oaud  ;  ireaci  reverently  here  ! 
Benuith  this  sod,  in  silence  sleeps,  the  brave  old  Pioneer, 
Who  never  quailed  in  dark&st  hour,  whose  heart  ne'er  felt  a  /ear 
Tread  lightly,  then,  and  here  besiow  the  tribute  of  a  tear. 

Ah  !  Can  this  be  the  spot  where  sleeps  the  bravest  of  the  brave '? 
Is  this  rude  slab  the  only  ma-rk  of  Simon  Kenton's  grave  ? 
These faUen  palings,  ivethey  4.11  hs  ingrate  country  gave 
To  one  who  periled  life  so  ott  her  tiomes  and  hearths  to  save? 


:Mg',  k)Ufi;  ago,  in  ina"aho<xi's  prime,  wiieiiaTl  ^'as  wild  aud  ai'^ai", 
'   '.v  i-iMUKl  thi^  hero  to  a  ^^talce  of  savage  torment  heie — 
i.blam']»ed  i.\n:l  linn,  his  soul  disdained  a  ,-upplieating  tear — 
housaiid  Uemous  eouKi  not  ti'a.uaj^the  WesteTq  Pioneer, 

oy  tied  hislia«idi«,  Hazeppa-iiiie.  and  set  him  on  a  -^teed, 
"•'  -1^  the  mastanji  of  the  plains\  and  ciocking  badtijjici  ^eed  1 
ised.that  coarser  liTce  the  wi^nd,  of  curb  and  bit  all  freed, 
■    '  iDod  and  Held,  o'er  hill  and  dale,  wherever  chance  might  lead. 

■    iu  in  t^'ery  trial  lioQr,  his  heart  was  still  the  same, 

v.ol'V-^'^  ^».-ith  'self-reliance  strong,  whicli  dangt-r  wald  nAi 

#  .1  lie  :u:gh  twin  the  splendox.^f 'V^^"^'^- 

'      ■  -  long  to  eorue^hed  g-lory  on  his  Tii4n»e. 

?  loved  the  land  where  4irst  he'saw  {"he  light-^ 
-    o  -i  soul  was  true,  and  idolized  the  rig]it; 

•  d*t  and  thickest  of  the  light, 
?ii  aud  swarthy  ibeman  felt  the  terror  of  his  might. 

•  se  his  countrjwwen  v^jio  dwell  where  long  ago  Jie  t-iiiue  ? 
■se  tlie  men  who  glory  in  the  !?})ieudor  of  his  fame  ? 
)  they  net  tiJfford  to-%'ive  a  stone  to  bear  hir*  nanie ';' 
.,  Liever  let  them  more  pre.^uuie  the  hero's  dust  to  oU^im  I 




Abrim  Sanders  Piatt  is  more  generally  known  to  the  military 
and  political  than  the  poetical  world.  The  two  pursuits,  so  wid«^ 
apart  as  they  are,  seldom  center  in  one  individual.  Did  Mr?  Piatt 
seiiously  follow  either,  this  would  not  probably  be  the  fact  in  this 
instance.  But  the  happy  possessor  of  broad  acres — and  beautiful 
acres  they  are— in  the  Macacheek  valley,  Logan  county,  Ohio,  he 
dallies  with  the  mus6s,  and  worries  the  politicians  more  for  amuse-' 
ment  than  aught  else.  His  serious  moments  are  given  to  the 
care  of  an  interesting  family,  add  the  cultivation  of  his  farm.  Nf> 
one  of  any  refinement  could  long  dwell  in  the  Macacheek  valley 
and  not  feel  more  or  less  of  the  poetry  that  seems  to  live  in  its 
very  atmosphere.  So  rare  a  combination  of  plain,  and  hill,  wood 
and  meadow,  adorned  by  the  deep  clear  glittering  stream  that  gives 
name  to  the  valley,  seldom  greets  the  eyes.  There,  the  hawthorn 
and  hazel  gather  in  clumps  upon  the  sloping  hillsides,  or  upon 
fields,  while,  like  gx-eat  hosts,  the  "many  tinted  forests  of  burr-oak. 
maple  and  hickory  close  in  on  every  side  the  view.  Nor  is  the 
Macacheek  without  its  legends  and  historical  associations.  Men 
yet  live,  rough  old  backwoodsmen,  with  heads  whitened  by  the 
snows  of  eighty  winters,  who  will  point  out  the  jtrecise  spot  where 
a  poor  Indian  woman,  seen  lurking  about  thesmoking  ruins  of  the 
Macacheek  towns,  only  then  destroyed  by  the  white  invaders,  was 
shot  by  a  riflieman,  who  mistook  her  for  a  warrior.  Near  the  Piatt 
homestead  may  be  seen  the  spot  where  Simon  Kenton  was  forced 
by  his  cruel  enemies  to  run  the  gauntlet,  when  between  lake  and 
river  lay  a  vast  unbroken  wilderness.  It  was  near  this  that  he  and 
Girty,  the  renegade,  recognized  each  other,  and  the  hard  heart  of 
the  murderer  was  touched  at  the  sight  of  his  old  comrade  and  friend 
and  he  saved  his  life  at  a  time  when  this  bold  act  endangered 
his  own.  The  family  to  which  Mr.  Piatt  belongs  is  one  of  the 
pioneer  families  of  the  Mad  River  Valley,  and  has  prominent 
associations  with  the  literature  and  politics  of  the  west.  Don 
Piatt,  his  brother,  is  well  known  as  a  writer  and  political  orator. 


Carrie  Piatt,  a  niece  has  contributed  popular  articles  in  both  prose 
and  verse  to  western  Magazines.  A.  Sanders  Piatt's  poems  have 
been  published  chiefly  in  the  Cincinnati  Daily  Commercial  and  in 
the  Macacheek  Press.  Below  will  be  found  a  specimen  of  his 

The  dainty  bee  'mid  waxen  cells 
Of  golden  beauty  ever  dwells, 

And  dreams  his  life  away ; 
His  food  a  million  flowers  caught, 
From  out  the  sunlight  as  they  wrought, 

Through  Spring  and  Summer  day. 

Slothful  bee,    the  Spring-time's  morning 

Wakes  him  from  his  Winter'S*dream. 
Reveler  'mid  the  pleasures  gathered. 

From  the  wild-bloom  and  the  stream. 
But  the  Spring-time's  ray  of  gladness 

Calls  him  to  the  fields  again. 
Calls  him  with  the  voice  of  flowers 

Flowing  'mid  the  sunlit  rain. 

Goes  he  to  the  fields  of  plenty, 

Searches  'mid  the  rare  pe||fume, 
Gathers  honey  from  their  beauty, 

While  he  sings  his  wanton  tune, 
Filling  'mid  the  sweets  and  fancies 

That  o'erburthen  all  the  air, 
Gathering  Dainties  from  the  palace, 

That  the  queenly  group  may  share. 

Drunk  with  treasures,  overburdened, 

Slow  he  wings  his  way  along. 
Gladdens  all  the  scenes  with  humming 

O'er  his  dainty  little  song. 
Wanton  bee,  ah  !  busy  body, 

Drinking  from  each  perfumed  cup, 
All  day  straying  in  the  valley, 

Gathering  sweets  to  treasure  up. 



•Live?5  he  in  a  world  of  plenty., 

Jnoatiug  Oil  ite  i*Hi'e  vfii-iutne, 
"Sipping  HaytiBi-Pi's  airly  bloswiiis^ 

Reveling  in  the  bed  .of  .Tmvo  ? 
In  the  snovvdi,  annd  the  clover, 

Dainty  mows,  h<3\v  sweet  and  shy, 
Treaded  with  the  gi'een.  of  Sunimer, 

Perfumed,  frosts  of  mid-July  J 

Thy  home 

Lit  with  K 

See  the  si' 

rill  the  v: 

As  they . 

.\'i(it  palace, 


Scents  the.'  :     ■    ,    ■      .-_•?■«>  bathe  in, 

Guides  titee  to  the  ii-easijres  pure  ; 
Airs  that  7  ^  -  "       .    •  -t  iiiasic, 

Forsuci.  .re. 

Labor  wliiie  tiie  buraiJiis-  lingers, 

Labor  T?v'hile  tlieiftoutli  wind  blows. 
Ere  the  North  kii^,  marching  south vv^rii, 

Fills  thy  garden  \vith  his  '?nows. 



liOgan  County  derive*  itn  iiaiiXe  iroin  General*  Benjamin  Logan. 
It  was  struckoff  from  Champaign,  jMarch  1,  IR^J^  but  jiot  oiga-n- 
ized  until  1S18.  The  ('ourts  were  ordered  to  be  heKf  in  the  fown 
of  Betleville,  at  the  house,  of  Edwin  Matthesv-Jj  tvifil  ■I'^eravjrrent 
-     '  of  Justice  should  t>e  establisliod. 

•  16  tQi:rijt«rj' eompriseci. within  the  limfts  .►,    ....  .>Ji;i..    ,,.,,5  a 
.  i-iteiibodeot  the  3ha\vam)e'lndla«.if,  whoM-l  Be  vera!  village 
fci.  Ma^-i  Hiver,  r  •:.'  ■"■         *"■■•■.:-  •        .,..'. 

sitvon  of  t!iT.'efi  <>  «  • 

t.  ^    eaUW  ,         .  .  •    ■ 

^.,'  iate  Jur:-.,.v       ■,•::''.'.• 

about  thvr.*«ii  raiki/  ■■.•-,  .   ■ 

/  -  hSK},  -'".  .■':.•■*.■- 

iita  M^K."*-.'      .  •  '  •      •  •        .    •. 

Iv^atiickiau-'N  i-t'i       ■*■ 

|>edivion  i»'«i"3m  ..-•  •  _  -•     •. 

pie  ycenes  ho  tfc^^erib- 

''    It,  wasin  Lheautmnn    -i  liii-  \'   ■  ■'  ■  -.      .?,i  uu/ 

forces  of  thd  Wabasl)  expedition.  .  numerous 

eor[>;.    C-oI.  Lop:aa  wa.^  deta^ihod  O'O'u  thy-  j  Falls  of  the 

Ohio,,  to  raise  a  cpnsldemble  force,,  with  wii,:.-  .  ,-aceeil  against 
the  Judian  villages  on  the  head  wat^i'S  (rf  iVIad  1  ti  ver  and  the  Great 
Miami,  I  vras  then  aged  .i^ixteen,  and  t,oo  young  to  come  within 
the  k-igal  requisition;  but  I  offereti  mj'self  as  a  voMnteer.  Coi. 
Logan  went  on  to  his  desfUiation,  anci  would  have  ^urpri?ed  the 
Indian  tcnvns  against  which  he  had  marched,  had'  twt  one  of  his 
men  de.serted  to  the  enemy,  not  long"  before  they  reached  the  tbwvi^ 
who  gave  notice  of  their  approach.    As  it-  was,  he  burned  eight 


large  towns,  and  destroyed  many  fields  of  corn.    He  took  seventy 
or  eighty  prisoners,  and  killed  twenty  warriors,  and  among  then 
the  head  chief  of  the  nation.    The  last  act  caused  deep  regret,  hu 
miliation  and  shame  to  the  commander-in-chief  and  his  troops. 

We  came  in  view  of  the  first  two  towns,  one  of  which  stood  oii 
the  west  bank  of  Mad  river,  and  the  other  on  the  northeast  of  it. 
They  were  separated  by  a  prairie,  half  a  mile  in  extent.  The  town 
on  the  northwest  was  situated  on  a  high,  commanding  point  of 
land,  that  projected  a  small  distance  into  the  prairie,  at  the  foot  of 
which  eminence  brok«  out  several  fine  springs.    This  was  the  resi- 
dence of  the  famous  chief  of  the  nation.    His  flag  was  flying  at 
the  time,  from  the  top  of  a  pole  sixty  feet  high.    We  had  ad- 
vanced in  three  lines,  the  commander  with  some  of  the  horsemen 
inarching  at  the  head  of  the  centre  line,  and  the  footmen  in  the 
rear.    Col.  Robert  Patterson  commanded  thQ  left,  and  I  think  Col. 
Thomas  Kennedy  the  right.    When  we  cavne  in  sight  of  the  town 
the  spies  of  the  front  guard  made  a  halt,  and  sent  a  man  back  to. 
inform  the  commander  of  the  situation  of  the  two  towns.    He 
ordered  Col.  Patterson  to  attack  the  towns  on  the  left  bank  of  Mad 
River.    Col.  Kennedy  was  also  charged  to  incline  a  little  to  the 
right  of  the  town  on  the  east  side  gf  the  prairie.    He  determined 
himself  to  charge,  with  the  centre,  immediately  on  the 
upper  town.    I  heard  the  commander  give  h\s  orders,  and  caution  \ 
the  colonels  against  allowing  their  men  to  kill  any  among  the  en-  i 
emy,  that  they  might  suppose  to  be  pnsoners.    He  then  ordered 
them  to  advance,  and  as  soon  as  they  should  discover  the  enemy 
to  charge  upon  them.    I  had  my  doubts  touching  the  propriety  of  ' 
some  of  the  arrangement.    I  was  willing,  however,  to  view  the 
affair  with  the  difiidence  of  youth  and  inexperience.    At  any  rate 
I  was  determined  to  be  at  hand,  to  see  all  that  was  goin  on,  and  to  j 
be  as  near  the  head  of  the  line  as  my  colonel  would  permit.    I  was  ! 
extremely  solicitous  to  try  myself  in  battle.    The  commander  of  ' 
the  centre  line  waved  his  sword  over  his  head,  as  a  signal  for  the  I 
troops  to  advance.    Col.  Daniel  Boone  and  Major,  since  Gen.  Ken- 
ton, commanded  the  advance,  and  Col.  Trotter  the  rear.    As  we, 
approached  within  half  a  mile  of  the  town  on  the  left,  and  about 
three-fourths  from  that  on  the  rfght,  we  saw  the  savages  retreat- 
ing in  all  directions,  making  for  the  thickets,  swamps,  and  high 
pf-airie  grass,  to  secure  them  from  th?ir  enemy.  .1  was  animated 
with  the  energy  with  which  the  commander  conducted  th^  head 


of  his  line.     He  waved  his  sword,  and  in  a  voice  of  thunder  ex- 
claimed, "  Charge  from  right  to  left !'.' 

The  horses  appeared  as  impatient  for  the  onset  as  the^rid^rs.  As 
we  came  up  with  tlie  flying  savages,  I  was  disappointed,  discov- 
ering that  we  should  have  little  to  do.  I  heard  but  on'e^s'avage, 
with  the  exception  o^  the  chief,  cry  for  quarter.  They  fought 
with  desperation  as  long  as  they  could  raise  knife,  gun  or  toma- 
hawk, after  they  found  they  could  not  screen  themselves.  We 
dispatched  all  the  warriors  that  we  overtook,  and  sent  the  women 
and  children  prisoners  to  the  rear.  We  pushed  ahead,  still  hoping 
to  overtake  a  larger  body,  where  we  might  have  soniething  like  a 
general  engagement.  I  was  mounted  on  a  very  fleet  gray  horse. 
Fifty  of  my  companions  followed  me.  I  had  not  advanced  'more 
thafn  a  mile,  before  I  discovered  some  of  the  enemy  running  along 
the  edge  of  a  thicket,  of  hazle  and  plum  bushes.  I  made  si^ns 
to  the  men  in  Ray  r6ar  to  come  on.  At  the  same  time,  pointing 
to  the  flying ^nemy,  I  obliqued  across  the  plain,  so  as  to  get  in  ad- 
vance of  them.  When  I  arrived  within  fifty  yards  of  them,  I 
dismouted  and  raised  my  gun!  I  discovered,  at  this  moment, 
some  men  of  the  right  wing  coming  up  on  the  left.  The  warrior 
I  was  about  to  shoot  held  up  his  hand  in  token  of  surrender,  and  I 
heard  him  order  the  other  Indians  to  stop.  By  this  time  the  men 
behind  had  arrived,  and  were  in  the  act  "of  firing-^upon  the  Indi- 
ans. I  called  to  them  not  to  fire,  for  the'enemy  had  surrendered. 
The  warrior  that  had  surrendered  to  me,  ^came  walking  towards 
me,  calling  to  his  women  and  children  to  follow  him.  I  advancted 
to  meet  him,  with  my  right  hand  extended :  but  before  I  could 
reach  him,  the  men  of  the  right  wing  of  our  force  had  surrounded 
him.  i  rushed  in  among  their  horses.  While  he  was  giving  me 
his  hand,  several  of^the  men  wished  to  tomahawk  him.  I  in- 
formed them  that  they  would  have  to  tomahawk  me  first.  We 
led  him  back  to  the  place  where  his  flag  had  been.  'We  had  taken 
thirteen  prisoners.  Among  them  was  the  chief,  his  three  wives, 
one  of  them  a  young  and  handsome  woman,  another  of  them  the 
famous  grenadier'squaw,  nipward?  of  six  feet  high,  and  two  or  three 
fine  young  lads.  The  rest  were  children.  One  of  these  lads  w^s  a 
remarkably  interesting  youth,  about  my  own  age  and  size.  He 
clung  closely  to  me',  and  appeared  keenly  to  notice  everything  that 
was  going  on.  '  '  '  ' 

When  we  arrived  at  the  town,  a  crowd  of  men  pressed  around 

1S4  GHAlMPAIVi?s'  AXD 

to  see  th^  chfrf.    I  i*tepped  aside  to  fevstwi  my  h<Trse,   mvl  sviy  pjri-^ 
i'tier  lacl  f'.Iuni*  elase  to  my  side.    A  y6ung  ijpa'n  by  tn<^  uaine  ■.■. 
Oaniev  had  b^ii  to  one  of  the  springs  to  drink-,-    He  4^'ovei'e. 
the  ;wtfcny  savage  by  nay  sid&,  and  eairte'  ruimlng  t»\vards  nir- 
Tb«  ytfjltns  Jndian  supfwsed  h^  ^ya.«*  a-dvanclugr  to  fctll  h,im.    As  . 
tturued  around,  in  the  twhtfelfn^  of  an  eye,  h,e  let  fly  an  ai'irow  a^ 
Cwnei*.  for  he  vv;is  armed"  with  a  bo^v•;    I  ha<t  ju.^t  time  to  ca*c'' 
iiijg  arm,  as  he  disx'harged  the  art'ow.    It  pa-^sed  thi*ough  Curnex' 
dress,  and  «?raZed  his  stde.    The  jerk  1  gave  his  arm  andcuhtedi- 
pceve't'.tec.ihis  killing  Ciirner  on  the  spot.     I  tcx^iz  away  t^e  arrow- 
and  steAily  repilmanded  him.     I  theii  led  nim  back  to  thg  crov'i 
whv?h  sarr.oLia.^ad  the  prisoners.    At  the  same  niCHXiebl'  Colon' 
McG-arji,  the  same, man  who   had  caxtsed  the  disafrter  at  the  Hki 
LiSks,  i?ome  years  before,  coming  up,  Clen.  !Logan's  e-ye  cau^li: 
that  C'FM'Gary.     "Col.  M'Gary,"  said  he,  "yoiimwst  not  nioles^ 
the?0  ^L^'dners.'-     "  I  wiUsee  to  ttiat,-^  safd  IM'G.ary  i^i  reply. 
ft>p<*tl  mVf  \vay  through  the  erowd  to  Lije^^chiei  wiili  my  your , 
M'niarv  ^Cv^v-i-ed  th- p-^-v;"l  to  oi:.en  and  1- 

>C  vinderstu 

WV.  •:••;-.  '  , 

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purj)="w-  -•,  -        ■ 

arriaeter  •  .*    ■■  -    .j.^-...   ....,:...  .......  ■  >       -s 

the  th  v'.:  ■  escaped  from  the  cro^• 

A  d^iCiiiiiO.Ui.  •.'. :;  ^  tht»a  ordered  <^ff  to  two  uther  towns,  U:stat: 
six  or  eiglit  miles.    Tile  men  and  prisoners  were  ordered  to  marci 
down  to  tli.e  lower  town  and  encamp.    Ah  we  marched  out  of  the 
upper  town,  we  fired  it,  collecting  a  large  pile  of  corn  for  ouy;- 
and  beans,  pumpkins,  &c.,  for  our  own  use.    T  told  Capt.  Stacker 
who  messed  with  me,  that  I  lyid  seen  several  hogs  runiiing  about 
the  town,  which  ap])eared    to    be    in    good  order,    and'  that    I 
thought    a    piece    of    fresh    pork    wouid    relish    Well    with    out 
stock  O'f  vegetables.     He    ren<Illy    a>'ioi"»tiu<r    to    it.    we    weut  it. 


'bv  t]»e  ' 

hii'Ji  m 

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fe-iln  .     . 

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pursuit  of  them ;  but  as  orders  had  been  given  not  to  shoot 
unless  at  an  enemy,  after  finding  the  hogs  we  had  to  run  them 
down  on  foot,  until  we  got  near  enough  to  tomahawk  them.  Being 
engaged  at  this  sometime  before  we  killed  one,  while  Capt.  S.  was 
in  the  act  of  striking  the  hog,  I  cast  my  eye  along  the  edge  of  the 
woods  that  skirted  the  prairie,  and  saw  an  Indian  coming  along 
with  a  deer  on  his  back.  The  fellow  happened  to  raise  his  head  at 
that  moment,  and  looking  acioss  the  prairie  to  the  upper  town,  saw 
it  aH  in  flames.  At  the  same  moment  I  spoke  to  Stucker  in  a  low 
voice,  that  here  was  an  Indian  coming.  In  the  act  of  turning  my 
head  round  to  speak  to  Stucker,  I  discovered  Hugh  Ross,  brother- 
in-law  to  Col.  Kennedy,  at  the  distance  of  about  60  or  70  yards,  ap- 
proaching us.  I  made  a  motion  with  my  hand  to  Ross  to  squat 
down  ;  then  taking  a  tree  between  me  and  the  Indian,  I  slipped 
somewhat  nearer,  to  get  a  fairer  shot,  when  at  the  instant  I  raised 
my  gun  past  the  tree,  the  Indian  being  about  100  yards  distant, 
Ross's  ball  whistled  by  me,  so  close  that  I  felt  the  wind  of  it,  and 
struck  the  Indian  on  the  calf  of  one  of  his  legs.  The  Indian  that 
moment  dropped  his  deer,  and  sprang  into  the  high  grass  of  the 
prairie.  All  this  occurred  so  quickly,  that  I  had  not  time  to  draw  a 
sight  on  him,  before  he  was  hid  by  the  grass.  I  was  provoked  at 
Ross  for  shooting  when  I  was  near  enough  to  have  killed 
him,  and  now  the  consequence  would  be,  that  probably  some 
of  our  men  would  lose  their  lives,  as  a  wounded  Indian  only 
would  give  up  with  his  life.  Capt.  Irwin  rode  up  that  mo- 
ment, with  his  troop  of  horse,  and  asked  me  where  the  In- 
dian v/as.  I  pointed  as  nearly  as  I  could  to  the  spot  where  I 
last  saw  him  in  the  grass,  cautioning  the  captain,  if  he  missed  him 
the  first  charge,  to  pass  on  out  of  his  reach  before  he  wheeled  to 
re-charge,  or  the  Indian  would  kill  some  of  his  men  in  the  act  of 
wheeling.  Wht^ther  the  captain  heard  me,  I  cannot  say;  at  any 
rate,  the  warning  was  not  attended  to,  for  after  passing  the  Indian 
a  few  steps,  Captain  Irwin  ordered  his  men  to  wheel  and  re-charge 
across  the  woods,  and  in  the  act  of  executing  the  movement,  the 
Indian  raised  up  and  shot  the  captain  dead  on  the  spot — still  keeping 
below  the  level  of  the  grass,  to  deprive  us  of  any  opportunity  of 
putting  a  bullet  through  him.  The  troop  charged  again;  but  the 
Indian  was  so  active,  that  he  had  darted  into  the  grass,  some  rods 
from  where  he  had  fired  at  Irwin,  and  they  again  missed  him.  By 
this  time  several  footmen  had  got   up.    Capt.  Stucker  and  myself 




had  each  of  us  taken  a  tree  that  stood  out  in  the  edge  of  the  prairie, 
among  the  grass,  when  a  Mr.  Stafford  came  up,  and  put  his  head 
first  past  one  side  and  then  the  other  of  thi^  tree  I  was  behind.  I 
told  him  not  to  expose  himself  that  way  or  he  would  get  shot  in  a 
moment.  I  had  hardly  expressed  the  last  word  when  the  Indian 
again  raised  up  out  of  the  grass.  His  gun,  Stuckor's,  and  my  own, 
witli  four  or  five  behind  us,  all  cracked  at  the  same  instant.  Staf- 
ford fell  at  my  side,  while  we  rushed  on  the  wounded  Indian  with 
our  tomahawks.  Before  we  had  got  him  dispatched,  he  had  made 
ready  the  powder  in  his  yun,  aad  a  ball  in  his  mouth,  preparing 
for  a  third  fire,  with  bullet  holes  in  his  breast  that  might  have  all 
been  covered  with  a  man's  open  hand.  We  found  with  him  Capt. 
Bea8ley's  rifle— the  captain  having  been  killed  at  the  Lower  Blue 
Licks,  a  few  days  before  the  army  passed  through  that  place  on 
their  way  to  the  towns. 

Next  morning.  Gen.  Logan  ordered  another  detachment  to  at- 
tack a  town  that  lay  seven  or  eight  miles  to  the  north  or  north- 
west of  where  we  then  were.  This  town  was  also  burnt,  together 
with  a  large  block-house  that  the  English  had  built  there,  of  a 
huge  size  and  thickness  ;  and  the  detachment  returned  that  eve- 
ning to  the  main  body.  Mr.  Isaac  Zane  was  at  that  time  living 
at  this  last  village,  he  being  married  to  a  squaw,  and  having  at  the 
place  his  wife  and  several  children  at  the  time. 

The  name  of  the  Indian  chief  killed  by  M'Gary  was  Moluntha, 
the  great  sachem  of  the  Shawnees.  The  grenadier  squaw  was  the 
sister  to  Cornstalk,  who  fell  [  basely  murdered  ]  at  Point  Pleasant. 

Jonathan  Alder,  was  at  this  time  living  with  the  Indians. 
(See  sketcli  of  his  life  on  another  page.) 

From  his  narrative  it  appears  that  the  news  of  the  approach  of 
the  Kentuckians  was  communicated  to  the  Indians  by  a  French- 
man, a  deserter  from  the  former.  Nevertheless  the  whites  arrived 
sooner  than  they  expected.  The  surprise  was  complete;  most  of  the 
Indians  were  at  the  time  absent  hunting,  and  the  towns  became  an 
easy  conquest  to  the  whites.  Early  one  morning,  an  Indian  run- 
ner came  into  the  vill-^ge  in  which  Alder  lived,  and  gave  the  in- 
formation that  Maoacheek  had  been  destroyed,  and  that  the  whites 
were  approaching'.  Alder,  with  the  people  of  the  village,  who 
were  principally  squ  iws  and  children,  retreated  for  two  days,  until 
they  arrived  snm(^v\'here  near  the  head  waters  of  the  Scioto,  where 



they  suflfered  much  for  want  of  food.  There  was  not  a  man  among 
them  capable  of  hunting,  and  they  were  compelled  to  subsist  on 
paw-paws,  muscles  and  craw-fish.  In  about  eight  days  they  re- 
turned to  Zane's  town,  tarried  a  short  time,  and  from  thence  re- 
moved to  Hog  Creek,  where  they  wintered :  their  principal  liv- 
ing at  that  place  was  "  raccoons,  and  that  with  little  or  no  salt, 
without  a  single  bite  of  bread,  hominy,  or  sweet  corn."  In  the 
spring  they  moved  back  to  the  site  of  their  village,  where  nothing 
remained  but  the  ashes  of  their  dwellings,  and  their  corn  burnt  to 
charcoal.  They  remained  during  the  sugar  season,  and  then  re- 
moved to  Blanchard's  Fork,  where,  being  obliged  to  clear  the  land, 
they  were  enabled  to  raise  but  a  scanty  crop  of  corn.  While  this 
was  growing,  they  fared  hard,  and  managed  to  eke  out  a  bare  sub- 
sistence by  eating  a  kind  of  wild  potato  and  poor  raccoons,  that 
had  been  suckled  down  so  poor  that  dogs  would  hardly  eat  them  ; 
*'  for  fear  of  losing  a  little,  they  threw  them  on  the  fire,  singed  the 
hair  off,  and  ate  skin  and  all." 

The  Indian  lad  to  whom  General  Lytle  alludes,  was  taken  with 
others  of  the  prisoners  into  Kentucky.  The  commander  of  the 
expedition  was  so  much  pleased  with  him,  that  he  made  him  a 
member  of  his  own  family,  in  which  he  resided  some  years,  and 
was  at  length  permitted  to  return.  He  was  ever  afterwards  known 
by  the  name  of  Logan,  to  which  the  prefix  of  captain  was  eventu- 
ally attached.  His  name  was  Spemica  Lawba,  i.  e.  "High  Horn." 
He  subsequently  rose  to  the  rank  of  a  civil  chief,  on  account  of  his 
many  astimable  intellectual  and  moral  qualities.  His  personal 
appearance  was  commanding,  being  six  feet  in  height,  and  weigh- 
ing near  two  hundred  pounds.  He  from  that  time  continued  the 
unwavering  friend  of  the  Americans,  and  fought  on  their  side  with 
great  constancy.  He  lost  his  life  in  the  fall  of  1821  under  melan- 
choly circumstances,  which  evinced  that  he  was  a  man  of  the  keen- 
est sense  of  honor.    The  facts  follow  from  Drake's  Teeumseh  : 

In  November  of  1812,  General  Harrison  directed  Lo*an  to  take 
a  small  party  of  his  tribe,  and  reconnoitre  the  country  in  the  di- 
rection of  the  Rapids  of  the  Maumee.  When  near  this  point  they 
were  met  by  a  body  of  the  enemy  superior  to  their  own  in  number, 
and  compelled  to  retreat.  Logan,  Captain  Johnny,  and  Bright- 
horn,  who  comi>osed  the  party,  effected  their  escape  to  the  left 
wing  of  the  army,  then  under  the  command  of  General  Winches- 


ter,  who  was  duly  informed  of  the  circumstances  of  their  adven- 
ture. An  officer  of  the  Kentucky  troops,  General  P.,  the  second  in 
command,  without  the  slightest  ground  for  such  a  charge,  accused 
Logan  of  infidelity  to  our  cause,  and  of  giving  intelligence  to  the 
enemy.  Indignant  at  this  foul  accusation,  the  noble  chief  at  once 
resolved  to  meet  it  in  a  manner  that  would  leave  no  doubt  as  to  his 
faithfulness  to  the  United  States.  He  called  on  his  friend  Mr. 
Oliver,  (now  Major  Oliver,  of  Cincinnati,)  and  having  told  him  of 
the  imputation  that  had  been  east  upon  his  reputation,  said  that  he 
would  start  from  the  camp  next  morning,  and  either  leave  his 
body  bleaching  in  the  woods,  or  return  with  such  trophies  from 
the  enemy,  as  would  relieve  his  character  from  the  suspicion  that 
had  been  wantonly  cast  upon  it  by  an  American  officer. 

Accordingly,  on  the  morning  of  the  22d,  he  started  down  the 
Maumee,  attended  by  histwo  faithful  companions,  Captiin  Johnny 
and  Bright-horn.  About  no(m,  having  stopped  for  the  purpose  of 
taking  rest,  they  were  suddenly  surprised  by  a  party  of  Heven  of 
the  enemy,  among  whom  were  young  Elliott,  a  half-breed,  hold- 
ing a  commission  in  the  British  service,  and  the  celebrated  Potta- 
watamie  chie-'',  Winnemac.  Logan  made  no  resistance,  but  with 
great  presence  of  mind,  extending  his  hand  to  Winnemac,  who 
w'as  an  old  acquaintance,  proceeded  to  inform  him  that  he  and  his 
two  companions,  tired  of  the  American  service,  were  just  leaving 
General  Winchester's  army  for  the  purpose  of  joining  the  British. 
Winnemac,  being  familiar  with  Indian  strategy,  was  not  satisfied 
with  the  declaration,  but  proceeded  to  disarm  Logan  and  his  com- 
rades, and  placing  liis  party  around  them  so  as  to  prevent  their  es- 
cape, started  for  the  British  camp  at  the  foot  of  the  rapids.  In 
the  course  of  the  afternoon,  Logan's  address  was  such  as  to  inspire 
confidence  in  his  sincerity,  and  induce  Winnemac  to  restore  to 
him  and  his  companions  their  arms.  Logan  now  formed  the  plan 
of  attacking  their  captors  on  the  first  favorable  opportunity  ;  and 
while  marching  along  succeeded  in  communicating  the  substance 
of  it  to  Captain  Johnny  and  Bright-horn.  Their  guns  being  already 
loaded,  they  had  little  further  preparation  to  make  than  to  put 
bullets  into  their  mouths,  to  facilitate  the  re-loading  of  their  arms. 
In  carrying  on  this  process.  Captain  Johnny,  as  he  afterwards  re- 
lated, fearing  that  the  man  marching  by  his  side  had  observed  the 
operation,  adroitly  did  away  the  impression  by  remarking  "  me 
chaw  heap  tobac." 


The  evening  being  now  at  hand,  the  British  Indians  determined 
to  encamp  on  the  bank  of  Turkeyfoot  creek,  about  twenty  miles 
from  Fort  Winchester.  Confiding  in  tlie  idea  that  Logan  had 
really  deserted  the  American  service,  a  part  of  his  captors  rambled 
around  the  place  of  their  encampment  in  search  of  black-haws. 
They  were  no  sooner  out  of  sight  than  Logan  gave  the  signal  of  at- 
tack upon  those  who  remained  behind  ;  they  fired,  and  two  of  the 
enemy  fell  dead— the  third,  being  only  wounded,  required  a  sec- 
ond shot  to  dispatch  him  ;  and  in  the  meantime,  the  remainder  of 
the  party,  who  were  near  by,  returned  the  fire,  and  all  of  them 
"treed."  There  being  four  of  the  enemy,  and  only  three  of  Lo- 
gan's party,  the  latter  ''ould  not  watch  all  the  movements  of  their 
antagonists.  Thus  circumstanced,  and  during  an  active  fight,  the 
fourth  man  of  the  enemy  passed  n)und  until  Logan  was  uncovered 
by  his  tree,  and  shot  him  thr^^ugh  the  body.  By  this  time,  Logan's 
party  had  wounded  two  of  the  surviving  four,  which  caused  them 
to  fall  back.  Taking  advantage  of  this  state  of 'things.  Captain 
Johnny  mounted  Logan,  now  suffering  the  pain  of  a  mortal  wound, 
and  Bright-horn,  also  wounded,  on  two  of  the  enemy's  horses,  and 
started  them  for  Winchester's  camp,  which  they  reached  about 
midnight.  Captain  Johnny,  having  already  secured  the  scalp  of 
Winnemac,  followed  immediately  on  foot,  and  gained  the  same 
point  early  on  the  following  morning  It  was  subsequently  ascer- 
tained that  the  two  Indians  of  the  British  party,  who  were  last 
wounded,  died  of  their  wounds,  making  in  all  five  out  of  the  seven 
who  were  slain  by  Logan  and  his  companions. 

When  the  news  of  this  gallant  afiair  had  spread  through  the 
camp,  and,  especially,  after  it  was  known  that  Logan  was  mortally 
wounded,  it  created  a  deep  and  mournful  sensation.  No  one,  it  is 
believed,  more  deeply  regretted  the  fatal  catastrophe  than  the 
author  of  the  charge  upon  Logan's  integrity,  which  had  led  to 
this  unhapp3'  result. 

Logan's  popularity  was  very  great ;  indeed,  he  was  almost  uni- 
versally esteemed  in  the  army  for  his  fidelity  to  our  cause,  his  un- 
questioned bravery,  and  the  nobleness  of  his  nature.  He  lived  two 
or  three  days  after  reaching  the  camp,  but  in  extreme  bodily 
agony ;  he  was  buried  by  the  officers  of  the  army  at  Fort  Winches- 
ter, with  the  honors  of  war.  Previous  to  his  death,  he  related  the 
particulars  of  this  fatal  enterprize  to  his  friend  Oliver,  declaring  to 


him  that  he  prized  his  honor  more  than  life ;  and  having:  now  vin- 
dicated his  reputation  from  the  imputation  cast  upon  it,  he  diod 
satisfied.  In  the  course  of  this  interview,  and  while  writhing  with 
pain, he  was  observed  tosmile;  upon  beina: questioned  as  to  the  cause, 
he  replied,  that  when  ho  recalled  to  his  mind  the  manner  in  which 
Captain  Johnny  took  off  the  scalp  of  Winaemac,  while  at  the  same 
tiaie  dexterously  watching  the  movements  of  the  enemy,  he  could 
not  refrain  from  laughing — an  incident  in  savage  life,  which  shoves 
the  "ruling  passion  strong  in  death."  It  would,  perhaps,  be  diffi- 
cult, in  the  history  of  savage  warfare,  to  point  out  an  enterprize, 
the  execution  of  which  reflects  higher  credit  upon  the  address  and 
daring  conduct  of  its  authors,  than  this  does  upon  Logan  and  his 
two  companions.  Indeed,  a  spirit  even  less  indomitable,  a  sense  of 
honor  less  acute,  and  a  patriotic  devotion  to  a  good  cause  less 
active,  than  wer(^  manifested  by  this  gallant  chieftain  of  the  woods, 
might,  under  other  circumstances,  have  well  conferred  immortality 
upon  his  name. 

Col.  John  Johnson,  in  speaking  of  Logan,  says : 

Logan  left  a  dying  request  to  myself,  that  his  two  sons  should  be 
sent  to  Kentucky,  and  there  educated  and  brought  up  under  the 
care  of  Major  Hardin.  As  soon  as  peace  and  tranquillity  were  re- 
stored among  the  Indians,  I  made  application  to  the  chiefs  to  fulfill 
the  wish  of  their  dead  friend  to  deliver  up  the  boys,  that  I  might 
have  them  conveyed  to  Frankford,  the  residence  of  Major  Hardin. 
The  chiefs  were  embarrassed,  and  manifested  an  unwillingness  to 
comply,  and  in  this  they  were  warmly  supported  by  the  mother  of 
the  children.  On  no  account  would  they  consent  to  send  them  so 
far  away  as  Kentucky,  but  agreed  that  I  should  take  and  have  them 
schooled  at  Piqua ;  it  being  the  best  that  I  could  do,  in  compliance 
with  the  dying  words  of  Logan,  they  were  brought  in.  I  had  them 
put  to  school,  and  boarded  in  a  religious,  respectable  family.  The 
mother  of  the  boys,  who  was  a  bad  woman,  thwarted  all  my  plans 
for  their  improvement,  frequently  taking  them  off  for  weeks,  giv- 
ing tliem  bad  advice,  and  even,  on  one  or  two  occasions,  brought 
whisky  to  the  school-house  and  made  them  drunk.  In  this  way 
she  continued  to  annoy  me,  and  finally  took  them  altogether  to 
raise  with  herself  among  the  Shawanoese,  at  Wapakonetta.  I 
made  several  other  attempts,  during  my  connection  with  the  In- 
dians, to  educate  and  train  up  to  civilized  life  many  of  their  youth, 


without  any  encouraging  results — all  of  them  proved  failures.  The 
children  of  Logan,  with  their  mother,  emigrated  to  the  west  twenty 
years  ago,  and  have  there  become  some  of  the  wildest  of  their 

Logan  county  continued  to  be  a  favorite  place  of  residence  with 
the  Indians  for  years  after  the  destruction  of  these  towns.  Major 
Galloway,  who  was  here  about  the  year  1800,  gives  the  following, 
from  memory,  respecting  the  localities  and  names  of  their  towns  at 
that  time.  Zane's  t  nvn,  now  Zanesfleld,  was  a  Wyandot  village  ; 
Wapatomica,  three  miles  below,  on  Mad  River,  was  then  deserted ; 
McKee's  town,  on  McKee's  creek,  about  four  miles  south  of  Belle- 
fontaine,  so  named  from  the  InfamDUS  McKee,  and  was  at  that 
time  a  trading  station;  Read's  town,  in  the  vicinity  of  Bellefon- 
taine,  which  then  had  a  few_  cabins ;  Lewistown,  on  the  Great 
Miami,  and  Solomon's  town,  at  which  then  lived  the  Wyandot 
chief,  Tcii'he,  "the  Crane."  From  an  old  settler  we  learn,  also,  that 
on  the  site  of  Bellefontaine,  was  Blue  Jacket's  town,  and  three 
miles  north,  the  town  of  Buckongehelas.  Blue  Jacket,  or  Wey- 
apiersensaw,  and  Buckongehelas  were  noted  chiefs,  and  were  at 
the  treaty  of  Greenville;  the  first  wns  a  Shawnee,  and  the  last  a 
Delaware.  At  Wayne's  victory,  Blue  .Jacket  had  the  chief  control, 
and,  in  opposition  to  Little  Turtle,  advocated  giving  the  whites 
battle  with  so  much  force  as  to  overpower  the  better  counsel  of  the 

By  the  treaty  of  September  29,  1817,  at  the  foot  of  the  Maumee 
rapids,  the  Seneca  and  Shawnees  had  a  reservation  around  Lewis- 
town,  in  this  county  ;  by  a  treaty,  ratified  April  6, 1832,  the  Indians 
vacated  their  lands  and  removed  to  the  far  west.  On  this  last  oc- 
casion, James  B.  Gardiner  was  commissioner,  John  McElvain 
agent,  and  David  Robb,  sub-agent. 

The  village  of  Lewistown  derived  its  name  from  Cantain  John 
Lewis,  a  noted  Shawnee  chief.  When  the  county  was  tirst  settled 
there  was  living  with  him,  to  do  his  drudgery,  an  ■\^ed  white  wo- 
man, named  Polly  Keyser.  She  was  taken  prisoner  i^i  early  life, 
near  Lexington,  Ky.,  and  adopted  by  the  Indians.  She  had  an 
Indian  husband,  and  two  half-breed  daughters.  There  were  sev- 
eral other  whites  living  in  the  county,  who  had  been  adopted  by 
the  Indians.     We  give  below  sketches  of  two  of  them ;  the  first  is 


froniN.  Z.  McColloch,  Esq.,  a  grandson  of  Isaac  Zhik^— the  lust 
from  Col.  John  Johnston. 

Isaac  Zane  was  born  about  the  year  1753,  on  the  south  brand,  c-'' 
the  Potomac,  in  Virginia,  and  at  the  age  of  about  nine  years,  vva^ 
taken  prisoner  by  the  Wyandots,  and  carried  to  Detroit.  He  r»-- 
mained  with  his  captors  until  the  age  of  manhood,  wlien,  like 
most  prisoners  taken  in  youth,  he  refused  to  return  to  his  home 
and  friends.  He  married  a  Wyandot  woman,  from  Canada,  of 
half  French  blood,  and  took  no  part  in  the  war  of  the  revolution. 
After  the  treaty  of  Greenville,  in  1795,  he  bought  a  tract  of  1800 
acres,  on  the  site  of  Zanesfield,  where  he  lived  until  his  death,  in 

James  McPherson,  or  Squa-fa-ka-ke,  "the  red-faced  man,"  was  a 
native  of  Carlisle,  Cumberland  countj  ,  Pa.  He  was  taken  pris- 
oner by  the  Indians  on  the  Ohio,  at-  or  near  the  mouth  of  the  Big 
Miami,  in  Loughry's  defeat ;  was  for  many  years  engaged  in  the 
British  Indian  department,  under  Elliott  and  McKee,  married  a 
fellow-prisoner,  came  into  our  service  after  Wayne's  treaty  of  179-3, 
and  continued  in  charge  of  the  Shawanoese  and  Senecas  of  Lewis- 
town,  until  his  removal  from  office  in  1730,  since  which  he  has 

Simon  Kenton  first  came  out  to  Kentucky  in  the  year  1771,  at 
which  time  he  was  a  youth  of  sixteen.  He  was  almost  constantly 
engaged  in  conflicts  with  the  Indians  from  that  time  until  the  treaty 
of  Greenville.  He  was  probably  in  more  expeditions  against  the 
Indians,  encountered  greater  peril,  and  had  more  narrow  escapes 
from  death,  than  any  man  of  his  time.  The  many  incidents  of  his 
romantic  and  eventful  life  are  well  detailed  by  his  friend  and  biog- 
rapher. Colonel  John  M'Donald,  from  whose  work  we  extract  the 
thrilling  narrative  of  his  captivity  and  hair-breadth  escapes  from  a 
cruel  and  lingering  death. 

Kenton  lay  about  Boon's  and  Logan's  stations  till  ease  became 
irksome  to  him.  About  the  first  of  September  of  this  same  year, 
1778,  we  find  him  preparing  for  another  Indian  expedition.  Alex- 
ander Montgomery  and  George  Clark  joined  him,  and  they  set  off 
from  Boon's  station, for  the  avowed  purpose  of  obtaining  horses  from 
the  Indians.  They  crossed  the  Ohio,  and  proceeded  cautiously  to 
Chillicothe,  (now  Oldtown,  Ross  county.)  They  arrived  at  the 
town  without  meeting  any  adventure.  In  the  night  they  fell  in 
with  a  drove  of  horses  that  were  feeding  in  the  rich  prairies.   They 


were  prepared  with  salt  and  halters.  They  had  much  difficulty  to 
catch  the  horses ;  however,  at  length  they  succeeded,  and  as  soon 
as  the  horses  were  haltered,  they  dashed  ofif  with  seven — a  pretty 
good  haul.  They  traveled  with  all  the  speed  they  could  to  the 
Ohio.  They  came  to  the  Ohio  near  the  mouth  of  Eagle  creek,  now 
in  Brown  county.  When  they  came  to  tho  river,  the  wind  blew 
almost  a  hurricane.  The  waves  ran  so  high  that  the  horses  were 
frightened,  and  could  not  be  induced  to  take  the  water.  It  was 
late  in  the  evening.  They  then  rode  back  into  the  hills  some  dis- 
tance from  the  river,  hobbled  and  turned  their  horses  loose  to 
graze ;  while  they  turned  back  some  distance,  and  watched  the 
trail  they  had  come,  to  discover  whether  or  no  they  were  pursued. 
Here  they  remained  till  the  following  day,  when  the  wind  sub- 
sided. ^Vs  soon  as  the  wind  fell  they  caught  their  horses,  and  went 
again  to  the  river ;  but  their  horses  were  so  frightened  with  the 
waves  the  day  before,  that  all  their  eflforts  could  not  induce  tkem 
to  take  the  water.  This  was  a  sore  disappointment  to  our  adven- 
turers. They  were  satisfied  that  they  were  pursued  by  the  enemy  ; 
they  therefore  determined  to  lose  no  more  time  in  useless  eflforis  to 
cross  the  Ohio  ;  they  concluded  to  select  three  of  the  best  horses, 
and  make  their  way  to  the  falls  of  the  Ohio,  where  Gen.  Clark  had 
left  some  men  stationed.  Each  made  choice  of  a  horse,  and  the 
other  horses  were  turned  loose  to  shift  for  themselves.  .  After  the 
spare  horses  had  been  loosed,  and  permitted  to  ramble  off,  avarice 
whispered  to  them,  and  why  not  take  ali  the  horses.  The  loose 
horses  had  by  this  time  scattered  and  straggled  out  of  sight.  Our 
party  now  separated  to  hunt  up  the  horses  they  had  turned  loose. 
Kenton  went  towards  the  river,  and  had  not  gone  far  before  he 
heard  a  whoop  in  the  direction  of  where  they  had  been  trying  to 
force  the  horses  into  the  water.  He  got  off  his  horse  and  tied  him, 
and  then  crept  with  the  stealthy  tread  of  a  cat,  to  make  observa- 
tions in  the  direction  he  heard  the  whoop.  Just  as  he  reached  tho 
high  bank  of  the  river,  he  met  the  Indians  on  horseback.  Being 
unperceived  by  them,  but  so  nigh  that  it  was  imoossible  for  him 
to  retreat  without  being  discovered,  he  concluded  the  boldest  course 
to  be  the  safest,  and  very  deliberately  took  aim  at  the  foremost 
Indian.  His  gun  flashed  in  the  pan.  He  then  retreated.  The  In- 
dians pursued  on  horseback.  In  his  retreat  he  passed  through  a 
piece  of  land  where  a  storm  had  torn  up  a  great  part  of  the  timber. 
The  fallen  trees  afforded  him  some  advantage  of  the  Indians  in  the 


race,  as  they  were  on  horseback  and  he  on  foot.  The  Indian  force 
divided  ;  some  rode  on  one  side  of  the  fallen  timber  and  some  on 
the  other.  Just  as  he  emerc^ed  from  the  fallen  timber,  at  the  foot 
of  the  hill,  one  of  the  Indians  met  him  on  horseback,  and  boldly 
rode  up  to  him,  jumped  off  his  horse  and  rushed  at  him  with  his 
tomahawk.  Kenton  concluding  a  gun  barrel  as  good  a  weapon  of 
defense  as  a  tomahawk,  drew  back  his  gun  to  strike  the  Indian  be- 
fore him.  At  that  instant  another  Indian,  who  unperceived  by 
Kenton  had  slipped  up  behiEd  him,  clasped  him  in  his  arms.  Be- 
ing now  overpowered  by  numbers,  further  resistance  was  useless — 
he  surrendered.  While  the  Indians  were  binding  Kenton  with 
tugs,  Montgomery  came  in  view,  and  fired  at  the  Indians,  but 
missed  his  mark.  Montgomery  fled  on  foot.  Some  of  the  Indians 
pursued,  shot  at,  and  missed  him;  a  second  fire  was  made,  and 
Montgomery  fell.  The  Indians  soon  returned  to  Kenton,  shaking 
at  him  Montgomery's  bloody  scalp.  George  Clark,  Kenton's  other 
companion,  made  his  escape,  crossed  the  Ohio,  and  arrived  safe  at 
Logan's  station. 

The  Indians  encamped  that  night  on  the  bank  of  the  Ohio.  The 
next  morning  they  prepared  their  horses  for  a  return  to  their 
towns  with  the  unfortunate  and  unhappy  prisoner.  Nothing  b  ut 
death  in  the  most  appalling  form  presented  itself  to  his  view. 
When  they  were  ready  to  set  off,  they  caught  the  wildest  horse  in 
the  company,  and  placed  Kenton  on  his  back.  The  horse  being 
very  restive,  it  took  several  of  them  to  hold  him,  while  the  others 
lashed  the  prisoner  on  the  horse.  They  first  took  a  tug  or  rope, 
and  fastened  his  legs  and  feet  together  under  the  horse,  They  took 
another  and  fastened  his  arms.  They  took  another  and  tied 
around  his  neck,  and  fastened  one  end  of  it  around  the  horse's 
neck ;  the  other  end  of  the  same  rope  was  fastened  to  the  horse's 
tail,  to  answer  in  place  of  a  crupper.  They  had  a  great  deal  of 
amusement  to  themselves,  as  they  were  preparing  Kenton  and  his 
horse  for  fun  and  frolic.  They  would  yelp  and  scream  around 
him,  and  ask  him  if  he  wished  to  steal  more  horses.  Another  rope 
was  fastened  around  his  thighs,  and  lashed  around  the  body  of  his 
horse ;  a  pair  of  moccasins  were  drawn  over  his  hands,  to  prevent 
him  from  defending  his  face  from  the  brush.  Thus  accoutred  and 
fastened,  the  horse  was  turned  loose  to  the  woods.  He  reared  and 
plunged,  ran  through  the  woods  for  some  time,  to  the  infinite 
amusement  of  the  Indians.    After  the  horse  had  run  about,  plung- 


ing:,  rearing'  and  kickinpr  for  some  time,  and  found  that  he  could 
not  shake  off  nor  kick  oflf  his  rider,  he  -^ery  quietly  submitted 
himself  to  his  situation,  and  followed  the  cavalcade  as  quiet  and 
peaceable  as  his  rider.  The  Indians  moved  towards  Chillicothe, 
and  in  three  days  reached  the  town.  At  night  they  confined  their 
prisoner  in  the  followinor  manner:  He  was  laid  on  his  back,  his 
legs  extended,  drawn  apart,  and  fastened  to  two  saplings  or  stakes 
driven  in  the  ground.  His  arms  were  extended,  a  pole  laid  across 
his  breast,  and  his  arms  lashed  to  the  pole  with  cords.  A  rope  was 
tied  around  his  neck,  and  stretched  back  just  tight  enough  not  to 
choke  him,  and  fastened  to  a  tree  or  stake  near  his  head.  In  this 
painful  and  uncomfortable  situation,  he  spent  three  miserable 
nights,  exposed  to  gnats,  and  mosquitoes  and  weather.  O,  poor 
human  nature,  what  miserable  wretches  we  are,  thus  to  punish 
and  harass  each  other.  (The  frontier  whites  of  that  day  were 
but  little  behind  the  Indians  in  wiles,  cruelty  and  revenge.) 
When  the  Indians  came  within  about  a  mile  of  the  Chillicothe 
town,  they  halted  and  camped  for  the  night,  and  fastened  the 
poor  unfortunate  prisoner  in  the  usual  uncomfortable  manner. 
The  Indians,  young  and  old ,  came  from  the  town  to  welcome  the  re- 
turn of  their  successful  warriors,  and  to  visit  their  prisoner.  The 
Indian  party,  young  and  old,  consisting  of  about  ISO,  commenced 
dancing,  singing  and  yelling  around  Kenton,  stopping  occasionally 
and  kicking  and  beating  him  for  amusement.  In  this  manner 
they  tormentftd  him  for  about  three  hours,  when  the  cavalcade  re- 
turned to  town,  and  he  was  left  for  the  rest  of  the  night,  ex- 
hausted and  forlorn,  to  the  tender  mercies  of  the  gnats  and  mos- 
quitoes. As  soon  as  it  was  light  in  the  morning,  the  Indians  be- 
gan to  collect  from  the  town,  and  preparations  were  made  for  fun 
and  frolic  at  the  expense  of  Kenton,  as  he  was  now  doomed  to 
run  the  gauntlet.  The  Indians  were  formed  in  two  lines,  about 
six  feet  apart,  with  each  a  hickory  in  his  hands,  and  Kenton 
placed  between  the  two  lines,  so  that  each  Indian  could  beat  him 
as  much  as  he  thought  proper,  as  he  ran  through  the  lines.  He 
had  not  run  far  before  he  discovered  an  Indian  with  his  knife 
drawn  to  plunge  it  into  him;  as  soon  as  Kenton  reached  that  part 
of  the  line  where  the  Indian  stood  who  had  the  knife  drawn,  he 
broke  through  the  lines,  and  made  with  all  speed  for  the  town. 
Kenton  had  been  previousjy  informed  by  a  negro  named  Caesar 
who  lived  with  the  Indians  and  knew  their  customs,  that  if  he 


could  break  through  the  Indians'  lines,  and  arrive  at  the  council- 
house  in  the  town  before  he  was  overtaken,  that  they  would  not 
force  him  a  second  time  to  run  the  gauntlet.  When  he  broke 
through  their  lines,  he  ran  at  the  top  of  his  speed  for  the  coun- 
cil-house, pursued  by  two  or  three  hundred  Indians,  screaming 
like  infernal  furies.  Just  as  he  had  entered  the  town,  he  was  met 
by  an  Indian  leisurely  walking  toward  the  scene  of  amusement, 
wrapped  in  a  blanket.  The  Indian  threw  oflF  his  blanket;  and  as 
he  was  fresh,  and  Kenton  nearly  exhausted,  the  Indian  soon 
caught  him  and  threw  him  down.  In  a  moment  the  whole  party 
who  were  in  pyrsuit  came  up,  and  fell  to  cuffing  and  kicking  him 
at  a  most  fearful  rate.  They  tore  off  his  clothes,  and  left  him 
naked  and  exhausted.  After  he  had  laid  till  he  had  in  some  de- 
gree recovered  from  his  exhausted  state,  they  brought  him  some 
water  and  something  to  eat.  As  soon  as  his  strength  was  suffi- 
cientlj'  recovered,  they  took  him  to  the  council-house,  to  de- 
termine upon  his  fate.  The  manner  of  deciding  his  fate  was  as 
follows :  Their  warriors  were  placed  in  a  circle  in  tUe  council- 
house  ;  an  old  chief  was  placed  in  the  centre  of  the  circle,  with  a 
knife  and  a  piece  of  wood  in  his  hands.  A  number  of  speeches 
were  made.  Kenton,  although  he  did  not  understand  their  lan- 
guage, soon  discovered  by  their  animated  gestures,  and  fierce 
looks  at  him,  that  a  majority  of  their  speakers  were  contending 
for  his  destruction.  He  could  perceive  that  those  who  plead  for 
mercy  were  received  coolly  ;  but  few  grunts  of  approbation  were 
uttered  when  the  orators  closed  their  speeches.  After  the  orators 
ceased  speaking,  the  old  chief  who  sat  in  the  midst  of  the  circle 
raised  up  and  handed  a  war-club  to  the  man  who  sat  next  the  door. 
They  proceeded  to  take  the  decision  of  their  court.  All  who 
were  for  the  death  of  the  prisoner,  struck  the  war-club  with  vio- 
lence against  the  ground  ;  those  who  voted  to  save  the  prisoner's 
life  passed  the  club  to  their  next  neighltor  without  striking  the 
ground.  Kenton  from  their  expressive  gestures  could  easily  dis- 
tinguish the  object  of  their  vote.  The  old  chief  who  stood  to  wit- 
ness and  record  the  number  that  voted  for  death  or  mercy,  as  one 
struck  the  ground  with  a  war-club  he  made  a  mark  on  one  side  of 
his  piece  of  wood ;  and  when  the  club  was  passed  without  strik- 
ing, he  made  a  mark  on  the  other.  Kenton  discovered  that  a 
large  majority  were  for  death.  • 

Sentence   of  death    now    being    passed    upon   the    prisoner, 


they  made  the  welkin  ring  with  shouts  of  joy.  The  sentence  of 
death  being  passed,  there  was  another  question  of  considerable  dif- 
ficulty now  presented  itself  to  the  consideration  of  the  council ; 
that  was  the  time  and  place,  when  and  where  he  should  be  burnt. 
The  orators  again  made  speeches  on  the  subject,  less  animated,  in- 
deed, than  on  the  trial ;  but  some  appeared  to  be  quite  vehement 
for  instant  execution,  while  others  appeared  to  wish  to  make  his 
death  a  solemn  national  sacrifice.  After  a  long  debate,  the  vote 
was  taken,  when  it  was  resolved  that  the  place  of  his  execution 
should  be  Wapatomika,  (now  Zanesfield,  Logan  county.)  The 
next  morning  he  was  hurried  away  to  the  place  destined  for  his 
execution.  From  Chilicothe  to  Wapatomika,  they  had  to  pass 
through  two  other  Indian  towns,  to-wit ;  Pickaway  and  Maca- 
cheek.  At  both  towns  he  was  compelled  to  run  the  gauntlet ;  and 
severely  was  he  whipped  through  the  course.  Nothing  worse  than 
death  could  follow,  and  here  he  made  a  bold  push  for  life  and  free- 
dom. Being  unconflned,  he  broke  and  ran,  and  soon  cleared  him- 
self out  ot  sight  of  pursuers.  While  he  distanced  his  pursuers, 
and  got  about  two  miles  from  the  town,  he  accidentally  met  some 
Indians  on  horseback.  They  instantly  pursued  and  soon  came  up 
with  him,  and  drove  him  back  again  to  town.  He  now,  for  the 
first  time,  gave  up  his  case  as  hopeless.  Nothing  but  death  stared 
him  in  the  face.  Fate,  it  appeared  to  him,  had  sealed  his  doom  ; 
and  in  sullen  despair  he  determined  to  await  that  doom,  that  it 
was  im}»ossible  for  him  to  shun.  How  inscrutable  are  the  ways 
of  Providence,  and  how  little  one  man  can  control  his  destiny ! 
When  the  Indians  returned  with  Kenton  to  the  town,  there  was  a 
general  rejoicing.  He  was  pinioned,  and  given  over  to  the  young 
Indians,  who  nearly  suftocated  him  with  mud  and  water.  In  this 
way  they  amused  themselves  with  him  till  he  was  nearly  drowned. 
He  now  thought  himself  forsaken  by  God.  Shortly  after  this  his 
tormentors  moved  with  him  to  Wapatomika.  As  soon  as  he  ar- 
rived at  this  place,  the  Indians,  young  and  old,  male  and  female, 
crowded  around  the  prisoner.  Among  others  who  came  to  see 
him  was  the  celebrated  and  notorious  Simon  Girty.  It  will  be 
recollected  that  Kenton  and  Girty  were  bosom  companions  at  Fort 
Pitt,  and  on  the  campaign  with  Lord  Dunmore.  As  it  was  the 
custom  of  the  Indians  to  black  such  prisoners  as  were  intended  to 
be  put  to  death,  Girty  did  not  immediately  recognize  Kenton  in 
his  black  disguise.    Girty  came  forward  and  inquired  of  Kenton 


where  he  had  lived,  and  was  answered  Kentucky.  He  next  in- 
quired how  many  men  there  were  in  Kentucky.  He  answered  he 
did  not  know ;  but  would  give  him  the  names  and  rank  of  the 
officers,  and  he,  Girty,  could  judge  of  the  probable  number  of 
men.  Kenton  then  named  a  great  many  officers,  and  their  rank, 
many  of  whom  had  honorary  title*,  without  any  command.  At 
length  Qirty  asked  the  prisoner  his  name,  when  he  was  an- 
swered, Simon  Butler.  (It  will  be  recollected  that  he  changed  his 
name  when  he  fled  from  his  parents  and  home.)  Girty  eyed  him 
for  a  moment,  and  immediately  recognized  the  active  and  bold 
youth,  who  had  been  his  companion  in  arms  about  Fort  Pitt,  and 
on  the  campaign  with  Lord  Dunmore.  Girty  threw  himself  into 
Kenton's  arras,  embraced  and  wept  aloud  over  him — calling  him 
his  dear  and  esteemed  friend.  This  hardened  wretch,  who  had 
been  the  cause  of  the  death  of  hundreds,  had  some  of  the  sparks  of 
humanity  remaining  in  him,  and  wept  like  a  child  at  the  tragical 
fate  which  hung  over  his  friend.  "Well,"  said  he  to  Kenton,  "you 
are  condemned  to  die,  but  I  will  use  every  means  in  my  power  to 
save  your  life." 

Girty  immediately  had  a  council  convened,  and  made  a  long 
speech  to  the  Indians,  to  save  the  life  of  the  prisoner.  As  Girty 
was  proceeding  through  his  speech,  he  became  very  animated ;  and 
under  his  powerful  eloquence,  Kenton  could  plainly  discover  the 
grim  visages  of  his  savage  judges  relent.  When  Girty  concluded 
his  powerful  and  animated  speech,  the  Ijidians  rose  with  one  sim- 
ultaneous grunt  of  approbation,  saved  the  prisoner's  life,  and 
placed  him  under  the  care  and  protection  of  his  old  companion, 

The  British  had  a  trading  establishment  then  at  Wapatomika. 
Girly  took  Kenton  with  him  to  the  store,  and  dressed  him  from 
head  to  foot,  as  well  as  he  could  wish ;  he  was  also  provided  with  a 
horse  and  saddle.  Kenton  was  now  free,  and  roamed  about  thro' 
the  country,  from  Indian  town  to  town,  in  company  with  his  ben- 
efactor. How  uncertain  is  the  fate  of  nations  as  well  as  that  of 
individuals  !  How  sudden  the  changes  from  adversity  to  prosper- 
ity, and  from  prosperity  to  adversity!  Kenton  being  a  strong, 
robust  man,  wit  h  an  iron  frame,  with  a  resolution  that  never 
winced  at  danger,  and  fortitude  to  bear  pain  with  the  composure 
of  a  stoic,  he  soon  recovered  from  his  scourges  and  bruises,  and  the 


other  severe  treatment  he  had  received.  It  is  thought  probable, 
that  if  the  Indians  had  continued  to  treat  him  with  kindness  and 
respect,  he  would  eventually  have  become  one  of  them.  He  had 
but  few  inducements  to  return  again  to  the  whites.  He  was  then  a 
fugitive  from  justice,  had  changed  his  name,  and  he  thought  it 
his  interest  to  keep  as  far  from  his  former  acquaintances  as  pos- 
sible. After  Kenton  and  his  benefactor  had  been  roaming  about 
for  some  time,  a  war  party  of  Indians,  who  had  been  on  an  expe- 
dition to  the  neighborhood  of  Wheeling,  returned  ;  they  had  been 
defeated  by  the  whites,  some  of  their  men  were  killed,  and  others 
wounded.  When  this  defeated  party  returned  they  were  sullen, 
chagrined,  and  full  of  revenge,  and  determined  to  kill  any  of  the 
whites  who  came  within  their  grasp.  Kenton  was  the  only  white 
man  upon  wiaom  they  could  satiate  their  revenge.  Kenton  and 
Girty  were  then  at  Solomon's  town,  a  small  distance  from  Wapa- 
tomika.  A  message  was  immediately  sent  to  Girty  to  return,  and 
bring  Kenton  with  him.  The  two  iriends  met  the  messenger  on 
their  way.  The  messenger  shook  hands  with  Girty,  but  refused 
the  hand  of  Kenton.  Givty,  after  talking  aside  with  the  messen- 
ger some  time,  said  to  Kenton,  "They  have  sent  for  us  to  attend  a 
grand  council  at  Wapatomika.  They  hurried  to  the  town;  and 
when  they  arrived  there  the  council-house  was  crowded.  When 
Girty  went  into  the  house,  the  Indians  all  rose  up  and  shook  bands 
with  him  ;  but  when  Kenton  offered  his  hand,  it  was  refused  with 
a  scowl  of  contempt.  This  alarmed  him;  he  began  to  admit  the 
idea  that  this  sudden  convention  of  the  council,  and  their  refusing 
his  hand,  bodod  him  some  evil.  After  the  members  of  the  council 
were  seated  in  their  usual  manner,  the  war  chief  of  the  defeated 
party  rose  up  and  made  a  most  vehement  speech,  frequently  turn- 
ing his  fiery  and  revengeful  eyes  on  Kenton  during  his  speech. 
Girty  was  the  next  to  rise  and  address  the  council.  He  told  them 
that  he  had  lived  with  them  several  years ;  that  he  had  risked  his 
lifiB  in  that  time  more  frequently  than  any  of  them  ;  that  they  all 
knew  that  he  had  never  spared  the  life  of  one  of  the  hated  Amer- 
icans ;  that  they  well  knew  that  he  had  never  asked  a  division  ot 
the  spoils  ;  that  he  fought  alone  for  the  destruction  of  their  ene- 
mies ;  and  he  now  requested  them  to  spare  ihe  life  of  this  young 
man  on  his  account.  The  young  man,  he  said,  was  his  early  friend, 
for  whom  he  felt  Ihe  tenderness  of  a  parent  for  a  son,  and  he 
hoped,  after  the  many  evidences  that  he  had  given  of  his  attach- 


merit  to  the  Indian  cause,  they  would  not  hesitate  to  grant  his  re- 
quest. If  they  would  indulge  him  in  granting  his  request  to  spare 
the  life  of  this  young  man,  he  would  pledge  himself  never  to  ask 
them  again  to  spare  the  life  of  a  hated  American. 

Several  chiefs  spoke  in  succession  on  this  important  subject;  and 
with  the  most  apparent  deliberation,  the  council  decided,  by  an 
overwhelming  majority,  for  death.  After  theiiecision  of  this  great 
court  was  announced,  Girty  went  to  Kenton,  and  embracing  him 
very  tenderly,  said  that  he  very  sincerely  sympathized  with  him  in 
his  forlorn  and  and  unfortunate  situation  ;  that  he  had  used  all  the 
efforts  he  was  master  of  to  save  his  life,  but  it  was  now  decreed 
that  he  must  die — that  he  could  do  no  more  for  him.  Awful  doom  ! 

It  will  be  recollected,  that  this  was  in  1778,  in  the  midst  of  the 
American  revolution.  Upper  Sandusky  was  then  the  place  where 
the  British  paid  their  western  Indian  allies  their  annuities  ;  and  as 
time  might  effect  what  his  eloquence  could  not,  Girty,  as  a  last  re- 
sort, persuaded  the  Indians  to  convey  their  prisoner  to  Sandusky, 
as  there  they  would  meet  vast  numbers  to  receive  their  presents ; 
that  the  assembled  tribes  could  there  witness  the  solemn  scene  of 
the  death  of  the  prisoner.  To  this  proposition  the  council  agreed  ; 
and  the  prisoner  was  placed  in  the  care  of  five  Indians,  who  forth- 
with set  off  for  Upper  Ssndusky.  What  windings,  and  twistings, 
and  turnings,  were  soon  in  the  fate  of  our  hero. 

As  the  Indians  passed  from  Wapatomika  to  Upper  Sandusky, 
they  went  through  a  small  village  on  the  river  Scioto,  where  then 
resided  the  celebrated  chief,  Logan,  of  Jefferson  memory.  Logan, 
unlike  the  rest  of  his  tribe,  was  humane  as  he  was  brave.  At  his 
wigwam  the  party  who  had  the  CAre  of  the  prisoner,  staid  over 
night.  During  the  evening,  Logan  entered  into  conversation  with 
the  pris'nier.  The  next  morning  he  told  Kenton  that  he  would 
detain  the  party  that  day— that  he  had  sent  two  of  his  young  men 
off  the  night  before  to  Upper  Sandusky,  to  speak  a  good  word  for 
hiin.  Logan  was  great  and  good— the  friend  of  all  men.  In  the 
course  of  the  following  evening  his  young  men  retu.ned,  and  early 
the  next  morning  the  guard  set  off  with  the  prisoner  for  Upper 
Sandusky.  When  Kenton's  party  set  off  from  Logan's,  Logan 
shook  hands  with  the  prisoner,  but  gave  no  intimation  of  what 
might  probably  be  his  fate.  The  party  went  on  with  Kenton  till 
they  came  in  view  of  the  Upper  Sandusky  town.    The  Indians 


y(Hing  and  old,  cauiM  out  to  meet  and  welcome  the  warriors  and 
view  the  prisoner.  Here  he  was  not  compelled  to  run  the  gaunt- 
let. A  grand  council  was  immediately  convened  to  determine  up- 
>)n  the  fate  of  Kenton.  This  was  the  fourth  council  which  was 
held  to  dispose  of  the  life  of  the  prisoner.  As  soon  as  this  grand 
court  was  organized  and  ready  to  proceed  to  business,  .i  Canadian 
Frenchman,  by  the  name  of  Peter  Druyer,  who  was  a  captain  in 
the  British  service,  and  dressed  in  the  gaudy  appendages  of  the 
British  uniform,  made  h  is  appearance  in  the  council.  This  Druyer 
was  born  and  raised  in  Detroit — he  was  connected  with  the  British 
Indian  agent  department — was  their  principal  interpreter  in  set- 
tling Indian  affairs;  this  made  him  a  man  of  great  consequence 
among  the  Indians.  It  was  to  this  influential  man,  that  tlie  good 
chief  Logan,  the  friend  of  all  the  human  family,  sent  his  young 
men  to  intercede  for  the  life  of  Kenton.  His  judgment  and  address 
were  only  equaled  by  his  humanity.  His  foresight  in  selecting 
the  agent  who  it  was  most  probable  could  save  the  life  of  the  pris- 
oner, proves  his  judgment  and  his  knowledge  of  the  human  heart. 
As  soon  as  the  grand  council  was  organized,  Capt.  Druyer  i  equestetl 
permission  to  address  the  council.  This  permission  was  instantly 
granted.  He  began  his  speech  by  stating,  "that  it  was  well-known 
that  it  was  the  wish  and  iiiterest  of  the  English  that  not  an  Amer- 
ican should  beleftnlive.  That  the  Americans  were  the  caiL«e  of 
the  present  bloody  and  distressing  war— that  neither  peaoe  nor 
safety  could  be  expected,  so  long  as  these  intruders  were  permitted 
to  live  upon  the  earth."  This  part  of  his  speech  received  repeated 
grunts  <if  approbation.  He  then  ex])lained  to  the  Indians,  "that 
the  war  to  be  carried  on  successfully,  requirad  cunning  as  well  as 
bravery — that  the  intelligence  which  might  be  extorted  from  a 
prisoner,  would  be  of  more  ad  vantage,  in  conducting  the  future  op- 
erations of  the  war,  than  would  be  the  life  of  twenty  prisoners. 
That  he  had  no  doubt  but  the  commanding  officer  at  Detroit  could 
procure  information  from  the  prisoner  now  before  them,  that 
would  be  of  incalculable  advantage  to  them  in  the  progress  of  the 
present  war.  Under  these  circumstances,  he  hoped  they  would 
defer  the  death  of  the  prisoner  till  he  was  taken  to  Detroit,  and 
examined  by  the  commanding  g-eneral.  After  which  he  could  be 
brought  back,  and  if  thought  advisable,  upon  further  consideration, 
he  might  be  put  to  death  in  any  manner  they  thought  proper." 
He  next  noticed,  "that  they  had  already  a  great  deal  of  trouble  and 



fatigue  with  the  prisoner  without  being  revenged  upon  him  ;  but 
that  they  had  got  back  all  the  horses  the  piisoner  Iiad  stolen  from 
them,  and  killed  one  of  his  comrades;  and  to  insure  them  some- 
thing for  their  fatigue  and  trouble,  he  himself  would  give  $100  in 
rum  and  tobacco,  or  any  other  articles  they  would  choose,  if  they 
would  let  him  take  the  prisoner  to  Detroit,  to  be  examined  by  the 
British  general."  The  Indians,  without  hesitation,  agreed  to  Cap- 
tain Druyer's  proposition,  and  he  paid  down  the  ransom.  As  soon 
as  these  arrangements  were  concluded,  Druyer  and  a  principal 
chief  set  off  with  the  prisoner  for  Lower  Sandusky.  From  this 
place  they  proceeded  by  water  to  Detroit,  where  they  arrived  in  a 
few  days.  Here  the  prisoner  was  handed  over  to  the  commanding- 
officer,  and  lodged  in  the  fort  as  a  prisoner  of  war.  He  was  now 
out  of  danger  from  the  Indians,  and  was  treated  with  the  usual  at- 
tention of  prisoners  of  war  in  civilized  countries.  The  British  com- 
mander gave  the  Indians  some  additional  remuneration  for  the 
life  of  the  prisoner,  and  they  returned  satisfied  to  join  their  country- 
men at  Wapatomika. 

As  soon  as  Kenton's  mind  was  out  of  suspense,  his  robust  consti- 
tution and  iron  frame  in  a  few  days  recovered  from  the  severe 
treatment  they  had  undergone.  Kenton  remained  at  Detroit 
until  the  June  following,  when  he,  with  other  prisoners,  escaped, 
and  after  enduring  great  privations,  rejoined  their  friends. 

About  the  year  1802,  he  settled  in  Urbana,  where  he  remained 
some  years  and  was  elected  brigadier-general  of  militia.  In  the 
war  of  1812,  he  joined  the  army  of  Gen.  Harri-^on,  and  was  in  the 
battle  of  the  Moravian  town,  where  he  displayed  his  usual  intre- 
pidity. About  1  he  year  1820,  he  moved  to  the  head  of  Mad  river. 
A  few  years  after,  through  the  exertions  of  Judge  Burnet  and  Gen- 
eral Vance,  a  pension  of  $20  per  month  was  granted  to  him,  which 
secured  his  declining  age  from  want.  He  died  in  1836,  at  which 
time  he  had  been  a  member  of  the  Methodist  church  about  18 
years.  The  frost  of  more  than  eighty  winters  had  fallen  on  his  head 
without  entirely  whitening  his  locks.  His  biographer  thus  de- 
scribes his  personal  appearance  and  character  : 

General  Kenton  was  (^f  fair  complexion,  six  feet  one  inch  ia 
height.  He  stood  and  walked  very  erect ;  and,  in  the  prime  of 
life,  weighed  about  one  huu'lred  and  ninety  pounds.  He  never 
was  inclined  to  be  corpulent.  I'thoujfhof  sufficient  fullness  to  form 


a  graceful  person.  He  had  a  soft,  tremulous  voice  very  pleasing  to 
♦he  hearer.  He  had  laughing  gray  eyes,  which  appeared  to  fasci- 
nate the  beholder.  He  was  a  pleasant,  good-humored  and  obliging 
■companion.  When  excited,  or  provoked  to  anger  (which  was  sel- 
dom the  case,)  the  fiery  glance  of  his  eye  would  almost  curdle  the 
blood  of  those  with  whom  he  came  in  contact.  His  rage  when  roused 
was  a  tornado.  In  his  dealing  he  was  perfectly  honest ;  his  confi- 
dence in  man,  and  his  credulity,  were  such,  that  the  same  man 
Bfiight  cheat  him  twenty  times  ;  and  if  he  professed  friendship,  he 
anight  cheat  him  still. 



Jonathan  Alder  was  born  in  New  Jersey,  about  eight  miles  from 
Philadelphia,  September  17,  1773.  When  at  about  the  age  of  sev- 
en years,  his  parents  removed  to  Wythe  county,  Va.,  and  his  father 
poon  after  died. 

In  the  succeeding  March,  (1782,)  while  out  with  his  brother 
David,  hunting  for  a  mare  and  her  colt,  he  was  talcen  prisoner  by  a 
small  party  of  Indians.  His  brother,  on  the  first  alarm,  ran,  and 
was  pursued  by  some  of  the  party.  "At  length,  says  Alder,  "I 
saw  them  returning,  leadini;  my  brother,  while  one  was  holding 
the  handle  of  a  spear,  that  he  had  thrown  at  him  and  run  into  his 
body.  As  they  approached,  one  ot  them  stepped  up  and  grasped 
him  around  the  body,  while  another  pulled  out  the  spear.  I  ob- 
served some  tiesh  on  the  end  of  it,  M^hich  looked  white,  which  I 
suppop.ed  came  from  his  entrails.  I  moved  to  him,  and  inquired 
if  he  was  hurt,  and  he  replied  that  he  was.  These  were  the  last 
word^  that  passed  between  us.  At  that  moment  he  turned  pale 
and  began  to  sink,  and  I  was  hurried  on,  and  sliortly  afterward 
saw  one  of  the  barbarous  wretches  coming  up  with  the  scalp  of  my 
brother  in  his  hand,  shaking  off  the  blood. 

The  Indians  having  also  taken  prisoner  a  Mrs.  Martin,  a  neigh- 
bor to  the  Alder's,  with  her  young  child,  aged  about  four  or  five 
years,  retreated  towards  their  towns.  Their  route  lay  through  the 
^oods  to  the  Big  vSandy,  down  that  stream  to  the  Ohio,  which  they 
crossed,  and  from  thence  went  overland  to  the  Scioto,  near  Chilli- 
cothe,  and  so  on  to  a  Mingo  village  on  Madriver. 

Finding  the  child  of  Mrs.  Martin  burdensome,  they  soon  killed 
and  scalped  it.  The  last  member  of  her  family  was  now  destroyed, 
and  she  screamed  in  agony  of  grief.  Upon  this,  one  of  the  Indians 
caught  her  by  the  hair,  and  drawing  the  edge  of  his  knife  across 
her  forehead  cried,  "sculp!  sculp!"  with  the  hope  of  stilling  her 
cries.  But,  inditferent  to  life,  she  continued  her  screams,  when 
they  procured  some  switches,  and   whipped   her  until  she  was 


silent.  The  next  day,  young  Alder  havintjf  not  risen,  throu2:h  fa- 
tigue, from  eating,  at  the  moment  the  word  was  given,  saw,  as  his 
face  was  to  the  north,  the  shadow  of  a  man's  arm  with  an  uplifted 
tomahawk.  He  turned,  and  there  stood  an  Indian,  ready  for  the 
fatal  blow.  Upon  this  he  let  down  his  arm  and  commenced  feel- 
ing his  head.  He  afterwards  told  Alder  it  had  been  his  intention 
to  have  killed  him ;  but  as  he  turned  he  looked  so  smiling  and 
pleasant,  that  he  could  not  strike,  and  on  feeling  of  his  head  and 
noticing  that  his  hair  was  very  black,  the  thought  struck  him,  that 
if  he  could  only  get  him  to  his  tribe  he  would  make  agood  Indian  ; 
but  that  all  that  saved  his  life  was  the  color  of  his  hair. 

After  thfy  crossed  the  Ohio  they  killed  a  bear,  and  remained 
four  days  to  dry  the  meat  for  packing,  and  to  fry  out  the  oil,  which 
last  they  put  in  the  intestines,  having  first  turned  and  cleaned 

The  village  to  which  Alder  was  taken,  belonged  to  the  Mingo* 
tribe,  and  was  on  the  north  side  of  Mad  river,  which  we  should 
judge  was  somewhere  within  or  near  the  limits  of  what  is  now  Lo- 
gan county.  As  he  entered,  he  was  obliged  to  run  the  gauntlet, 
formed  by  young  "hildren  armed  with  switches.  He  passed  thro' 
this  ordf^al  with  little  or  no  injury,  and  was  adopted  info  an  Indian 
family.  His  Indian  mother  thoroughly  washed  him  with  soap 
and  warm  water  with  herbs  in  it,  previous  to  dressing  him  in  the 
Indian  costume,  consisting  of  a  calico  shirt,  breecli  clout,  leggins 
and  moccasins.  The  family  having  thus  converted  him  into  an 
Indian,  were  much  pleased  with  their  new  member.  But  ,Iona- 
than  Wiis  at  first  very  homesick,  thinking  of  his  mother  and  broth- 
ers. Everything  was  strange  about  him  ;  he  was  unable  to  speak 
a  word  of  their  languag^^ ;  their  food  disagreed  with  him  ;  and, 
childlike,  he  used  to  go  out  daily  for  more  than  a  month,  and  sit 
under  a  large  walnut  tree  near  the  village,  and  cry  for  houi-s  at  a 
time  over  his  deplorable  situation.  His  Indian  father  was  a  chief 
of  the  Mingo  tribe,  named  Succohanos ;  his  Indian  mother  was 
named  Whinecheoh,  and  their  daughters  respectively  answered  to 
the  good  old  English  names  of  Mary,  Hannah  and  Sally.  Succo- 
hanos  and  Whinecheoh  were  old  people,  and  had  lost  a  son,  in 
whose  place  they  had  adopted  Jonatlian.    They  took  pity  on  the 

•■■I  am  satisfied  this  town    was   on    the  furni   of  Alfred    Johnson,  in  Mingo 


little  fellow,  and  did  their  best  to  comfort  him,  telling  him  that  h-f 
would  one  day  be  restored  to  his  mother  and  brothers.  He  sayr 
of  them,  "they  could  not  have  used  their  own  son  better,  for  whi 
they  shall  always  be  held  in  most  grateful  remembrance  by  mc 
His  Indian  sister  Sally,  however,  treated  him  "  like  a  slave,"  and 
when  out  of  humor,  applied  to  him,  in  the  Indian  tongue,  the  un- 
ladylike epithet  of  "onorary,  [mean,]  lousy  prisoner !"  Jonathaii 
for  a  time  lived  with  Mai-y,  who  had  become  the  wife  of  the  chief. 
Col.  Lewis.  "In  the  fall  of  the  year,"  says  he,  "the  Indians  would 
generally  collect  at  our  camp,  evenings,  to  talk  over  their  huntinj;*: 
expeditions.  I  would  sit  up  to  listen  to  their  stories,  and  fre- 
quently fell  asleep  just  where  I  was  sitting.  After  they  left,  Mary 
would  fix  my  bed,  and  with  Col.  Lewis,  would  carefully  take  m^^- 
up  and  carry  me  to  it.  On  these  occasions  they  would  often  say — 
supposing  me  to  be  asleep— "poor  fellow  !  We  have  sat  up  too  lonj^ 
for  him,  and  he  has  fallen  asleep  on  the  cold  ground  :"  and  tiieia 
ho  r  softly  would  they  lay  me  down  and  cover  me  up.  Oh  !  never 
have  I,  nor  can  I,  express  the  affection  I  had  for  these  two  per 

Jonathan,  with  other  boys,  went  iut<^  Mad  river  to  bathe,  and 
on  one  occasion  came  near  drowning.  He  was  taken  out  senseles>». 
and  some  time  elapsed  ere  he  recovered.  He  says,  "I  remember^ 
after  I  got  over  my  strangle,  I  became  very  sleepy,  and  thought  I 
could  draw  my  breath  as  well  as  ever.  Being  overcome  with 
drowsiness,  I  laid  down  to  sleep,  which  is  the  last  I  remember. 
The  act  of  drowning  is  nothing,  but  the  coming  to  life  is  distress- 
ing. The  boys,  after  they  had  brought  me  to,  gave  me  a  silve-r 
buckle,  as  an  inducement  not  to  tell  the  old  folks  of  the  occurrence, 
for  fear  they  would  not  let  me  come  with  them  again  ;  and  so  the- 
affair  was  kept  secret." 

When  Alder  had  learned  to  speak  the  Indian  language,  he  l>e- 
eame  more  contented.  He  says,  "I  would  have  lived  very  happy 
if  I  could  have  had  health  ;  but  for  three  or  four  years  1  was  sufc*- 
Ject  to  very  severe  attacks  of  fever  and  ague.  Their  diet  went 
very  hard  with  me  for  a  long  time.  Their  chief  living  was  meat 
andhomminy;  but  we  rarely  had  bread,  and  very  little  salt, 
which  was  extremely  scarce  and  dear,  as  well  as  milk  and  butter- 
Honey  and  sugar  were  plentiful,  and  used  a  great  deal  in  their 
cooking,  as  well  as  on  their  food." 


When  he  was  old  enough,  he  was  given  an  old  English  musket, 
and  told  that  he  must  go  out  and  learn  to  hunt.  So  he  used  to  fol- 
low along  the  water  courses,  where  mud  turtles  were  plenty,  and 
commenced  his  first  assay  upon  them.  He  generally  aimed  under 
them,  as  they  lay  basking  on  the  rocks;  and  when  he  struck  the 
stone,  they  flew  sometimes  several  feet  in  the  air,  which  afforded 
great  sport  for  the  youthful  marksman.  Occasionally  he  killed  a 
wild  turkey  or  a  raccoon  ;  and  when  he  returned  to  the  village 
with  his  game,  generally  received  high  praise  for  his  skill— the  In- 
dians telling  him  he  would  make  "a  great  hunter  one  of  these 

We  cannot,  within  our  assis>npi|  limits,  L'.ive  many  of  the  inci- 
ilents  and  anecdotes  related  by  Alder,  or  anything  like  a  connected 
history  of  his  life  among  the  Indians.  In  the  June  after  he  was 
taken,  occurred  Crawford's  defeat.  He  describes  the  anxiety  of 
the  squaws  while  the  men  were  gone  to  the  battle,  and  their  joy  on 
their  returning  with  scalps  and  other  trophies  of  the  victory.  He 
defends  Simon  Girty  from  the  charge  of  being  the  instigator  of  the 
burning  of  Crawford,  and  states  that  he  could  not  have  saved  his 
life,  because  he  had  no  influence  in  the  Delaware  tribe,  whose  prifi-- 
oner  Crawford  was.  Alder  was  dwelling  at  the  Macacheek  towns 
when  they  were  destroyed  by  Logan  in  1786  ;  was  in  the  attack  on 
Fort  llecovery,  in  1794,  and  went  on  an  expedition  into  "Kain- 
tucky  to  steal  horses"  from  the  settlers. 

Alder  remained  with  the  Indians  until  after  Wajne's  treaty,  in 
1794.  He  was  urged  by  them  t')  be  present  on  the  occasion,  toobtain 
areservation  ofland  which  was  to  be  given  to  each  of  the  prisoners  ; 
butignorant  of  its  importance,  he  neglected  going,  and  lost  the 
land.  Peace  having  been  restored,  Alder  says,  "I  could  now  lie 
down  with  out  fear,  and  rise  up  and  shake  hands  with  both  the 
Indian  and  the  white  man." 

The  ^ummer  after  the  treaty,  while  living  on  Big  Darby,  Lucas 
Sullivant  made  his  appearance  in  that  region,  surv -ying  land,  and 
soon  became  on  terras  of  intimacy  with  Alder,  who  relaicd  to  him 
a  history  of  his  life,  and  generously  gave  him  the  peice  of  land  on 
which  he  dwelt;  but  there  being  some  little  difficulty  about  the 
title  Alder  did  not  consent  and  so  lost  it. 

When  the  settlers  first  made  their  appearance  on  Darby,  Alder 
could  scarcely  speak  a  word  of   English.    He  was  then  about  24 


y^'ars  of  age,  15  of  which  had  been  passed  with  the  rn'li:;ns.  Two 
of  the  settlers  kindly  taught  him  to  converse  in  Engiisi  .  He  '-M 
taken  a  squaw  for  a  wife  some  time  previous,  and  iiou;! 
to  farm  like  the  whites.  He  kept  hogs,  cows  andhorses,  sol;!  milk 
Hii'l  butter  to  the  Indians,  horses  and  pork  to  the  whites,  and  ac- 
cumulated property.  He  soon  was  able  to  hire  white  laborers,  aiul 
bein^  dissatisfied  with  hissquaw— a  cross,  peevish  woman— wished 
to  put  her  aside,  get  a  wifefnmi  among-  the  settlers,  and  live  like 
them.  Thoughts  too,  of  his  mother  and  brothers,  began  to  obtrude, 
and  the  more  he  reflected,  his  desire  strengthened  to  know  if  they 
were  living,  and  to  see  then:  once  rnore.  He  made  inquiries  for 
them,  but  was  at  a  loss  to  know  how  to  begin,  being  ignorant  of 
the  name  of  even  the  State  in  which  they  were.  When  talking 
one  diy  with  John  Moore,  a  companion  of  his,  the  latter  questioned 
him  where  he  was  from.  Alder  rep'ied  that  he  was  taken  prisoner 
somewhere  near  a  place  called  Greenbriar,  and  that  his  people  lived 
by  a  lead  mine,  to  which  he  used  frequently  to  go  and  see  the  hands 
dig  ore.  Moore  then  asked  him  if  he  could  recollect  the  names  of 
any  of  his  neighbors.  After  a  little  reflection,  he  replied,  "Yes  !  a 
family  of  Gulions  that  lived  close  by  us."  Upon  this,  Moore  drop- 
ped his  head  asif  lost  in  thought,  and  itmtteredto  himself,  ''Gulion! 
Gulion  !"  and  then  raising  up  replied,  "My  father  and  my  self 
were  out  in  that  country,  and  we  stopped  at  their  house  over  one 
night,  and  if  your  people  are  living,  I  can  find  them." 

Mr.  Moore  after  this  went  to  Wythe  county,  and  inquir*^d  for 
the  family  of  Alder;  but  without  success,  as  they  had  removed 
from  their  former  residence.  He  put  up  advertisements  in  various 
places,  stating  the  facts,  and  where  Alder  was  to  be  found,  and  then 
returned.  Alder  now  abandoned  all  hopes  of  finding  his  family, 
supposing  them  to  be  dead.  Some  time  after,  he  and  Moore  were 
atFranklinton,  when  he  was  informed  there  was  a  letter  for  him 
in  the  post  office.  It  was  from  his  brother  Paul,  stating  that  one 
of  the  advertisements  was  put  up  witliin  six  miles  of  him,  and  that 
he  got  it  the  next  day.  It  contained  the  joyful  news,  that  his 
mother  and  brothers  were  alive. 

Alder,  in  making  preparations  to  start  for  Virginia,  agreed  to 
separate  from  his  Indian  wife,  dividp  the  property  equally,  and 
take  ;ind  leave  lier  with  her  .-u-n  |)e.>[)Ie  at  Sandusky.  But  some 
ditticulty  arose  in  satisfying  her.  He  ^nve  her  all  th?  cows,  14  in 
number,  worth  $20  each,  7  horses,  and  much  other  property,  reserv- 


iuj?  to  himself  only  2  horses  and  the  swine.  Beside*:  these,  was  a 
small  box,  about  (i  inches  long,  4  wide  and  4  deep,  tilled  with  silver, 
amounting  probably  to  about  $200,  which  he  intended  to  take,  to 
make  an  equal  division.  But  to  this  she  objected,  saying  the  box 
was  hers  before  marriage,  and  she  would  not  only  have  it,  but  all 
it  contained.  Alder  says,  "I  saw  I  could  not  get  it  without  making 
a  fuss,  and  probably  having  a  fight,  and  told  her  if  she  would  prom- 
ise never  to  tr«iuble  nor  come  back  to  me,  she  might  have  it ;  to 
which  she  agreed." 

Moore  accompanied  him  to  his  brother's  house,  as  he  was  unac- 
customed to  travel  among  the  whites.  They  arrived  there  on 
hor.seback,  at  noon,  the  Sunday  after  new  yeai's.  They  walked  u  }> 
to  the  house  and  requested  to  have  their  liorses  fed,  and  pretend- 
ing they  were  entire  strangers,  inquired  who  lived  there.  "I  had 
concluded,"  says  Alder,  "not  to  snake  raj'self  known  for  some  time, 
and  eyed  my  brother  very  close,  but  did  not  recollect  his  features. 
I  had  always  thought  I  should  have  recognized  my  mother,  l>y  a 
mole  on  her  face.  In  the  corner  sat  an  old  lady,  who  I  supposed 
was  her,  allthough  I  could  not  tell,  for  when  I  was  taken  by  the 
Indians  her  head  was  as  black  as  a  crow,  and  now  it  was  almost 
perfectly  white.  Two  young  women  were  pressent,  who  eyed  me 
very  close,  and  I  heard  one  of  them  whisper  to  the  other,  "he  looks 
very  much  like  Mark,"  (my  brother.)  I  saw  they  were  about  to 
discover  me,  and  accordingly  turned  my  chair  around  to  my 
brother,  and  said,  "You  say  your  name  is  Alder?"  "Yes,"  he  re- 
plied, "my  name  is  Paul  Alder."  "Well,"  I  rejoined,  "my  name 
is  Alder,  too."  Now  it  is  hardly  necessary  to  describe  our  feelings 
at  that  time  ;  but  they  were  very  different  from  those  I  had  when 
I  w\as  taken  prisoner,  and  saw  the  Indian  coming  with  my  brother's 
scalp  in  his  hand,  shaking  off  the  blood. 

"When  I  told  my  brother  that  my  name  was  Alder,  he  rose  to 
shake  hands  with  me,  so  overjoyed  he  could  scarcely  utter  a  word, 
and  my  old  mother  ran,  threw  her  arms  around  me,  while  tears 
rolled  down  her  cheeks.  The  first  words  she  spoke,  after  she 
grasped  me  in  her  arms,  were,  "How  you  have  grov.-n !"  and  then 
she  told  me  of  a  dream  she  had.  Says  she,  "I  dreamed  that  you 
had  come  to  see  me,  and  that  you  was  a  little  onorar;/  [mean]  look- 
ing fellow,  and  I  would  not  own  you  for  my  son  ;  but  now  I  find  I 
was  mistaken,  that  it  is  entirely  the  reverse,  and  I  am   proud  to 


own  you  for  my  son."  I  told  her  T  could  remind  her  of  a  few  cir- 
cunislances  that  she  would  recollect,  that  took  place  before  I  was 
made  captive.  I  then  related  various  things,  among  which  was 
that  the  negroes,  on  passmg  our  house  on  Saturday  evenings,  to 
•^pend  Sundays  with  their  wives,  wauld  beg  pumpkins  of  her,  and 
get  her  to  roust  them  for  them  against  their  return  on  Monday 
morning.  She  recollected  these  circumstances,  and  said  she  had 
now  no  doubt  of  ray  being  her  son.  We  passed  the  balance  of  the 
day  in  agreeable  conversation,  and  I  related  to  them  the  history  of 
my  captivity,  my  fears  and  doubts,  of  my  grief  and  misery  thefirst 
year  alter  I  was  taken.  My  brothers  at  this  time  were  all  married, 
and  Mark  and  John  had  moved  from  there.  They  were  sent  for, 
and  came  to  see  me ;  but  my  half  brother  John  had  moved  so  far, 
that  I  never  got  to  see  him  at  all." 



september  10,  1870. 

Mr.  President,  Ladies  and  Gentlemen: 

If  I  understand  the  object  of  the  VVestern  Ohio  Pioneers'  Asso- 
ciation, or  any  other  association  of  this  character,  it  is  to  record 
and  preserve,  and  hand  down  to  posterity,  a  reliable  history  of  all 
the  important  events  and  incidents  that  have  occurred  since  the 
first  settlement  of  our  country.  The  Western  Pioneer  Association, 
its  its  name  would  indicate,  has  a  considerable  breadth  of  territory 
to  explore,  and  would  cordially  invite  all  those  within  its  bounds 
to  aid  them  in  their  labors.  I  shall  not  on  this  occasion  attempt 
to  explore  but  a  very  small  part  of  this  domain,  but  shall  confine 
my  remarks  principally  to  the  early  settlement  of  Logman  County. 
I  find  in  the  transactions  of  kindred  associations,  and  in  the 
history  of  Ohio,  incidents  recorded  which  in  themselves 
are  apparently  of  very  little  importance,  yet  they  are  links 
in  the  chain  of  events  that  unite  the  pleasant  memories  of  tha 
past  with  the  present.  A  desire  for  immortality  is  an  instinct  of 
our  nature,  and  anything  that  will  secure  it  is  eagerly  sought  for 
by  mankind.  Individuals  and  nations  have  expended  millions 
of  money  and  hundreds  of  lives  to  reach  the  North  Pole,  all  for 
what?  Why,  if  nothing  more  than  this  is  achieved,  the  man,  as 
Professor  Son  tag  says,  who  first  sets  foot  on  the  North  Pole  has 
won  for  himself  an  imperishable  name.  Columbus  first  dis<oven^(l 
America,  and  his  name  is  as  fatnilliar  to  us  as  our  own.  Balboa 
first  h.oked  upon  the  broad  expanse  of  the  Pacific  Ocean.  DeSoto 
was  the  first  to  see  the  great  Mississippi  aud   bathe  in  its  turbid 


waters.  IVnn  .settled  PeniisylvHiiia,  and  Boone  Kentucky.  Her- 
ostratus  burned  the  great  Temple  of  Diana  at  Ephesu-*  for  no  other 
purpose  l)ut  to  immortalize  his  name.  Beyond  this,  very  little  i.s 
known  of  many  of  them,  yet  they  have  secured  an  imperishable 

I  .say  now,  as  1  did  about  one  year  ago  at  this  place,  that  the  first 
settlers  of  this  county  did  not  come  here  actuated  by  the  spirit  of 
adventure.  They  did  not  come  merely  for  the  purpose  of  hunting 
and  trapping,  like  Boone,  Kenton  and  others— not  that  1  would 
say  anything  disparagingly  of  those  venerated  names— imt  they 
were  a  different  class  of  men. 

The  first  white  men  that  set  foot  on  the  soil  of  Logan  county, 
were  reared— the  most  of  them— near  Philadelphia,  in  New  Jer- 
sey, where  they  were  familiar  with  the  refinements,  cpmforts  and 
conveniences  of  a  highly  cultivated  people.  Bred  to  agricultural 
pursuits,  they  sought  a  home  in  the  State  of  Virginia ;  from  thence 
they  came  to  this  county  to  seek  a  permanent  home.  Being  Qua- 
kers, they  were  actuated  by  the  noble  spirit  of  the  illustrious  foun- 
dei-s  of  their  sect,  Fox  and  Penn  ;  nor  were  they  prompted  by  any 
mercenary  motives  of  speculation.  Out  of  the  reach  of  civiliza- 
tion, one  hundred  miles  from  any  markets — Zanesville,  Chilli- 
cotheand  Cincinnati  being  the  nearest — we  see  them  wending 
their  way  through  the  majestic  forests  of  Ohio,  to  their  new  home 
in  this  county,  surrounded  by  an  entirely  different  class  of  circum- 
stances from  those  tliey  had  ever  seen  liefore.  They  set  them- 
selves down  in  the  dead  of  winter,  in  their  little  tents,  with  no  one 
to  greet  or  welcome  them  to  their  new  home.  Naught  was  heard 
save  the  sighing  of  the  winter's  wind  'as  it  passed  through  the 
naked  tops  of  the  lofty  forest  trees,  that  waved  for  miles  around, 
to  the  winter's  blast.  They  soon  became  familiar  to  the  crack  of 
the  Indian's  rifle  and  the  war  hoop.  Thus  defenseless  and  alone 
did  they  trust  to  the  God  of  their  fathers  ;  in  peace  and  quietness 
did  they  through  life. 

The  first  white  settler  in  Logan  county  was  Job  Sharp,  who  came 
to  what  is  now  Zane  township,  on  Christmas  day,  1801,  with  a  four 
horse  team.  His  wife  Phebe,  and  three  children,  Achsah,  his  old- 
est daughter,  Joshua  his  only  son,  Sarah  his  youngest  daughter, 
and  Carlisle  Haines,  his  brotlier-i'i-law,  composed  the  little  group. 
He  settled  nil  tlie  faruj    now  owned  by   Lucius  Cochran,  where  he 


lived  until  his  death,  which  occurred  in  January,  \h2-2.  They 
hastily  erected  a  rude  shelter  to  protect  them  from  the  winter 
blast,  from  the  majestic  forest  that  waved  over  their  defenseless 
heads.  It  was  what  is  called  by  baekwoodsmen  a  three-faced 
camp.  The  day  they  arrived,  the  ground  being  covered  with  snow 
they  found  four  bee  trees;  they  discovered  these  trees  by  seeing 
the  bees  lying  on  the  snow.  In  the  spring  of  18(12,  Mr.  Sharp  set 
out  the  tii*st  apple  or<?hard,  containing  about  four  acres  ;  most  of  the 
trees  are  still  standing,  and  bearing  fruit  sufficient  for  the  family 
on  the  farm,  though  of  an  inferior  quality.  A  pear  tree  now  stands 
by  the  door,  that  was  brought  from  Chillicothe  as  a  riding  switch 
by  his  wife  the  next  yetir  after  they  had  settled  here,  which  luf< 
borne  fruit  more  or  less  every  year  since  it  commenced  bearing. 
Here,  too,  in  IsOo,  was  built  the  first  grist  mil!.  It  was  run  by  the 
water  that  came  from  two  tine  springs  on  the  premises,  which 
were  united  near  the  headgate.  The  traces  of  the  ditches  are  still 
visible.  Though  Mr.  Sharp  built  this  little  mill  for  his  own  ac- 
commodation, with  no  thought  of  public  utility,  yet  as  soon  as  it 
was  known  people  came  from  a  great  distance  to  get  their  corn  and 
wheat  ground.  Here,  too,  the  first  respectable  hewed  log  house 
was  erected,  in  1808,  with  a  shingle  roof.  It  is  yet  a  good  house, 
of  two  stories,  three  rooms  and  cellar,  and  two  bedrooms  up  stairs 
—in  all,  five  rooms.  I  am  told  by  an  old  pioneei:  that  the  first  roof 
was  put  on  with  wooden  pins,  and  the  lumber  was  all  sawed  with 
a  whip-saw.  About  the  years  1802-:M-5,  the  relatives  and  ac- 
quaintances of  Mr.  Sharp  settled  around  him,  and  like  himself, 
most  of  them  being  Quakers,  they  built  the  first  meeting-house  in 
tha  county,  which  was  also  used  for  a  school-house.  It  was  built 
in  1807,  near  where  the  present  school-house  now  stands,  and  hard 
by  the  first  regular  graveyard  laid  off  in  the  county,  about  one 
mile  north  of  Middleburg.  I  would  sayjust.  here  that  the  Metho- 
dists, those  indomitable  pioneers  of  religion,  were  among  the  early 
f^ettlei-s  of  the  county,  and  they  and  the  Quakers  held  their  meet- 
ings alternately  in  the  same  log  meeting-house.  Around  this  little 
nucleus,  in  a  course  of  time,  a  great  many  others  gathered,  who 
settled  in  various  portions  of  the  county,  and  among  the  re>*t,  our 
venerable  chaplain,  George  McCulloch. 

Among  the  Incidents  worthy  of  note,  to  be  recorded  and  placed 
among  the  archives  of  this  association,  is  the  birth  of  the  hrst 
white  child  in  thecounty,  which  occurred  in  the  year  1^<>4.  in  /ane 


townshii..  This  was  Daniel  Antrim,  son  of  Thomas  Antrim  and 
Ksther  iiis  wife.  Mr.  Antrim  does  not  claim  any  special  merit  for 
his  beiuff  the  first  white  child  born  in  the  county  in  which  you 
live,  as  it  is  evident  he  could  not  well  help  it. 

Another  incident  occurred,  of  -i  more  startling  character,  that 
aroused  the  sy  m  pathies  of  tlie  people.  It  was  the  fearful  announce- 
ment on  the  second  day  of  June,  1816,  that  the  little  son  of  James 
Curl,  about  seven  years  of  age,  was  lost  in  the  woods.  Mr.  Curl 
then  lived  in  wliat  is  now  Perry  township,  on  the  farm  now  owned 
by  Joshua  Ballinger.  For  eight  days  this  little  fellow  wandered 
in  an  unbroken  wilderness  infested  by  wolves,  panthers  and  other 
voracions  animals,  unli:irmed,  and  finally  on  the  evening  of  the 
eighth  day  he  found  his  way  to  the  house  of  a  Mr.  Tyler  on  the 
Scioto  river,  being  between  twenty  and  thirty  miles  in  a  direct  line 
from  where  he  started,  having  traveled  more  than  one  hundred 
miles  in  his  wanderings  through  a  trackless  forest,  naked  and  al- 
most famished  ;  he  was  joyfully  received  and  kindly  cared  for  by 
Mr.  Tyler  and  his  family,  and  speedily  returned  to  his  bereaved 
but  now  happy  parents. 

Nothing  occurred  seriously  to  mar  the  peace  and  happiness  of 
this  part  of  the  country  until  1812,  when  th»^  tocsin  of  war  was 
again  sounded,  and  public  attenti.-  n  was  diverted  from  the  peace- 
ful pursuits  of  domestic  life,  when  the  British  again  attempted  to 
place  the  iron  heel  of  despotism  on  the  neck  of  the  American 
people,  and  aroused  the  slumbering  malice  of  the  Indian  against 
his  white  brother  by  offering  a  price  for  American  scalps.  They 
then  threw  down  the  calumet  ol  peace  they  had  been  smoking,  and 
grasped  the  war  club  and  scalping-knife,  and  flourished  them  again 
over  the  heads  of  the  defenceless  pioneers.  It  was  then  that  our 
young  men,  always  ready  to  respond  to  the  call  of  their  country, 
left  the  peaceful  pursuits  of  life  and  buckled  on  their  armor  and 
rushed  to  the  rescue  of  their  country  from  British  tyranny.  It  was 
then  that  those  rude  defences  called  block-houses  were  built 
in  this  country,  namely,  Zanesfield,  McPhersonis,  Vance's  and 
Manary's.  The  one  at  Zanesfield  I  have  seen.  It  was  here  Capt. 
Joseph  Euans  had  his  men  quartered  in  1813.  Among  those  now 
living  that  were  quartered  here  are  Jose  H.  Garwood,  Caleb  Bal- 
linger,  Isaac  Warner,  Walter  Marshal  and  John  Sharp.  All  of 
them  are  still  living  in  this  county  except  Mr.  Garwood,  who  now 
lives  in  North  LewLsburg,  Champaign  county. 


In  conclusion,  ladies  and  gentlemen,  I  would  say,  just  fifty-seven 
years  ago  to-day,  Oliver  Hazard  Perry  might  have  been  seen  in  an 
open  boat  leaving  the  wreck  of  the  Lawrence,  his  flag  ship,  and 
making  his  way  in  the  midst  of  a  heavy  fire  from  the  enemy,  to 
the  Niagara,  where  he  ran  up  his  flag  just  as  the  Lawrence  went 
down,  and  before  night  be  was  master  of  the  lakes  and  sent  the  ever 
memorable  dispatch  to  General  Harrison :  "We  have  met  the 
enemy  and  they  are  ours." 



Logan  county  was  organized  in  1818,  and  its  boundaries  at  that 
time  extended  north  to  the  Maumee  river,  and  included  what  is 
now  Hardin,  Hancock  and  Wood  counties,  and  also  on  the  east  side 
a  small  part  of  what  is  now  Union  and  Wyandotte  counties.  A 
very  large  proportion  of  the  country  included  within  these  bound- 
aries, was,  however,  what  was  called  Indian  Territory,  it  not  hav- 
ing been  ceded  to  the  United  States  till  after  that  time.  All  that 
part  of  the  present  limits  of  our  county  north  of  the  (Treenville 
Treaty  Ijine  belonged  to  the  Indian  Territory,  and  cut  off'  about 
one-third  of  the  county.  This  line  was  run  from  the  northern 
part  of  Darke  county  through  several  counties  northeast  of  Logan. 
It  passed  about  four  miles  north  of  Bellefontaine,  crossed  near  the 
middle  of  Rushcreek  Lake,  and  was  nearly  two  miles  south  of  the 
present  village  of  Huntsville.  The  present  limits  of  the  county 
was  divided  into  nearly  equal  halves  by  what  is  called  Ludlow's 
line,  which  was  to  be  run  from  the  head  of  the  little  Miami  to  the 
head  of  the  Scioto  river.  This  line  passes  through  the  eastern  part 
of  our  village.  The  part  lying  northeast  of  that  line  was  calletl 
Virginia  Military  Land  ;  all  between  the  heads  of  the  Little  Miami 
and  the  Scioto  rivers  having  been  reserved  by  the  State  of  Virginia 
for  the  payment  of  her  Revolutionary  soldiers  when  she  ceded  the 
N.  W.  Territory  to  the  United  States.  This  land  was  not  regularly 
surveyed  into  townships,  sections,  &c.,  but  warrants  were  issued 
by  Virginia  to  each  soldier  entitled  to  them,  and  they  might  locate 
them  in  whatever  place  and  shape  they  pleased,  so  that  it  had  not 


been  previously  located  and  surveyed.  ThLs  produced  great  con- 
fusion in  the  surveys,  and  often  in  the  titles,  and  frequent  litiga- 
tions which  greatly  enhanced  the  business  ofthe  lawyers  and  oft'he 
courts.  These  individual  land  warrants  were,  however,  mostly 
bought  up  I »y  speculators  and  land-jobbei-s,  at  a  merely  nominal 
price— if  at  any  price  at  all— .so  that  many  could  estimate  their 
lands  by  tens  of  thousands,  and  some  by  hundreds  of  thousands  of 
acres.  The  first  ctnirts  of  common  pleas  of  Logan  county  were  held 
in  1818,  in  the  town  of  Bellville,  a  small  village  of  five  or  six  hou-icts 
a  mile  and  a  half  directly  south  of  the  public  square  in  Bellefon- 
taine.  The  common  pleas  courts  of  those  days  were  compiised  of 
three  Associate  .Judges  elected  by  the  people  of  each  county,  and 
one  Presiding  .Judge  for  a  district  composed  of  several  counties. 
The  first  associate  judgps  of  this  county  were  James  Mcllvain,  Levi 
Garwood  and  Joh:i  Shelby,  and  the  first  presiding  Judge  was  Orris 
Parish  ot  ColumbiLS. 

James  Cooly,  li^q.,  of  Urbana,  was  appointed  Prosecuting  Attor- 
ney, Nicholas  Pickerel  1  Sheriff,  Hful  Samuel  Newell,  Clerk />ro.  (ef/t. 
The  first  County  Commissioners  were  Robert  Smith,  Solomon 
McColloch  and  William  McBeth  ;  they  met  at  Bellville,  April  14, 
1818 ;  on  the  '2M  they  appointed  Martin  Marmon,  County  Treasurer, 
and  on  the  25th  Thomas  Thompson,  County  Recorder.  The  t'ef^ 
of  County  Treasurer  for  1819,  amounted  to  the  sum  of  $20,80. 

The  committee  appointed  to  examine  and  establish  a  site  for  tiie 
location  of  the  county-seat  of  Loiran  county,  agreed  in  1818  to  locate 
it  on  Mad  river  about  two  miles  below  Zanesfield,  on'Solomon  Mc- 
Colloch's  farm  and  some  adjoining  lands,  but  upon  examii:ation 
some  doubts  aro-^p  as  to  the  validity  of  the  title  to  said  land,  much 
prejudice  existiuti-  at  that  time  against  the  Virginia  Military  Land 
titles,  in  consequence  of  the  frefjuent  litigation  which  had  grown 
out  of  them.  Consequently  in  1819  that  location  wa.s  set  aside,  and 
the  location  permanently  fixed  on  the  lands  of  John  Tullis,  William 
Powell  and  Leonard  Uoutz,  on  what  was  called  Congress  land. 
On  December  28,  1819,  this  action  was  reported  to  and  approved  by 
the  court,  and  Solomon  McColloch  appointed  Director  of  the  town 
of  Bellefontaine,  the  name  of  the  new  county-seat. 

The  propriet(»rs  of  the  hmd  agreed  to  donate  to  the  county  ^  very 
alternate  lot  in  the  town,  and  also  a  block  of  the  .size  of  four  lots 
"for  building  a  court-house  upon,  and  one  of  the  same  size  in  the 
north  eastWner  of  the  town,  the  north  half  of  which  was  to  be 



UHed  for  a  burying-ground  and  the  south  half  for  the  purpose  of 
building  meeting  houses  upon."  In  the  fore-part  of  1820,  Solomon 
MeColloch,  director,  surveyed  and  laid  off  in  lots  the  town  plat ; 
there  were  248  lots,  and  he  received  from  the  proprietors  deeds  for 
the  public  square  above  mentionetl,  ani  all  the  even-numbered  lots, 
according  to  the  agreement.  In  the  summer  of  the  same  year  these 
county  lots  were  advertised  for  sale,  and  many  of  them  sold  at  pub- 
lic auction.  The  two  lots  which  brought  the  highest  price  were : 
No.  140  immediately  north  of  the  public  square,  for  $430,  and  No. 
108  opposite  the  northwest  corner  of  the  square,  (now  called  the 
Rutan  corner)  for  $305.  In  June,  1820,  the  County  Commissioners 
— deeming  it  unadvisable  to  build  a  temporary  court-house  on  the 
public  square  appropriated  'iox  a  permanent  one — contracted  to  have 
a  frame  building  put  up  on  lot  No.  142,  in  which  to  hold  the  courts 
till  a  proper  house  could  be  built  on  the  public  square,  but  for  va- 
rious causes  they  failed  to  get  it  finished  until  1823.  It  was  finished 
by  Vachel  Blaylock  in  that  year.  Its  size  was  36x24  feet,  two 
stories  high,  and  is  the  same  building  which  is  the  north  end  of  the 
Union  House,  now  occupied  as  a  hotel  by  Capt.  John  B.  Miller. 
The  courts  were  not  held  in  Bellviile  but  a  few  terms,  for  soon 
after  the  location  of  the  permanent  county-seat  at  Bellefontaine, 
they  were  removed  to  the  private  residence  of  John  TuUis,  one  of 
the  proprietors  of  the  town,lwho  lived  in  a  log  house  near  the  south- 
west corner  of  the  town,  immediately  east  of  the  raib'oad  engine 
house.  In  this  house  the  courts  were  held  until  1823,  when  they 
were  removed  to  the  new  frame  house  above  spoken  of,  where  they 
remained  till  the  completion  of  the  brick  court-house  on  the  public 
square,  which  was  recently  torn  down,  demolished  and  removed 
to  rriake  room  for  the  new  and  splendid  court-house  now  in  course 
of  erection. 

The  town  of  Bellviile  has  long  ceased  to  exist  as  a  village  ;  it  is 
now  partly  a  corn  field  and  partly  a  pasture,  in  which  are  many 
forest  trees.  The  first  jail  in  the  county  was  built  on  the  public 
square,  near  the  north  east  corner,  on  the  ground  now  occupied  by 
the  present  stone  and  brick  jail  which  is  shortly  to  be  taken  down. 
It  was  built  several  years  previous  to  the  erection  of  the  brick 
court-house.  Although  it  was  a  wooden  structure,  a  prisoner  would 
perhaps  have  found  it  as  difficult  to  break  out  of  as  any  in  the  State, 
in  any  other  way  than  by  the  grated  door.  The  walls  were  of  logs, 
hewn  about  15  inches  square,  neatly  dove-tailed  at  the  corners. 


Outside  of  this  was  another  wall  all  around,  of  the  same  material, 
and  put  up  in  the  same  manner,  leaving-  a  >pace  between  the  twe 
walls  of  about  10  or  V2  inches  which  was  filled  up  with  loose  stone«. 
The  floors  above  and  below,  were  of  logs  of  the  same  size,  but  of 
,  only  one  thickness. 

I  Some  few  prisoners  were  confined  in  this  jail,  even  before  it  had 
•a  roof,  except  sonve  loose  plank  laid  upon  poles.  The  Square 
around  at  that  time,  was  a  thicket  of  brush,  undergrowth  and 
forest  trees.  The  contract  for  building  the  brick  Court-house  was 
.  made  September  9,  1831.  The  stone  and  brick  was  awarded  to 
I  Wm.  Bull,  for  §900,  and  he  received  an  extra  $150  for  a  few  courses 
'  of  cut  stone  above  ground  which  had  not  been  provided  for  in  the 
original  contract.  The  wood  work  was  awarded  to  John  Wheeler 
and  George  Shuffleton  for  $1,000.  All  the  contractors  were  citizens 
of  this  town  at  the  time.  The  house  was  built  in  1832,  and  fin- 
ished in  1S33,  in  the  latter  part  of  which  year,  the  courts  were  first 
held  in  it.  September  11,  1831,  the  contract  to  build  the  two  brick 
offices  north  and  south  of  the  Court-house,  was  awarded  to  Captain 
William  Watson  for  $650.  They  were  built  in  1833,  and  torn  down 
and  removed  at  the  same  time  that  the  Court-house  was;  viz  :  in 

The  contracts  for  building  the  new  Court-house  now  in  the  pro- 
cess of  erection  on  the  site  of  the  old  one,  were  awarded  in  1870  a-s 
follows,  viz  :  1.  The  entire  mason  work  to  Eouser,  Boren  A  Co., 
of  Dayton,  for  the  sum  of  §28,168.80.  2.  The  cut  stone  work  to 
Webber  &  Lehman  of  Dayton,  for  $20,000.  3.  The  entire  carpen- 
ter work  (including  tiling,  clock  and  bell)  to  Harwood  A  Thomas 
of  Cincinnati,  for  $13,600.  4.  The  galvanized  ir  jn  and  tin  work  to 
'  W.  F.  Gebhart  of  Dayton,  for  $7,644.60.  5.  The  entire  wrought 
and  east  iron  work  to  D.  S.  Eankin  &  Co.,  of  Cincinnati,  for  $2;>,- 
000.  6.  Painting  ond  glazing  to  Wiseman  and  Hays  of  Cleveland, 
for  $5,132.69.  7.  Heating  and  ventilation  to  Peter  Martin  of  Cin- 
cinnati, for  $6,507.80.  8.  Plumbing  and  gas  fitting  to  Thos.  A. 
Cosby  of  Cleveland,  for  $1,419.09.  Total  on  Court-house,  Si 05,598.- 
08.  The  contract  for  building  the  new  Jail  on  lot  No.  159,  of 
the  Public  Square,  was  awarded  to  Rouze*-  &  Rouzer  of  Dayton, 



John  Haller,  my  father,  was  a  native  of  Pennsylvania,  but  went 
to  Kentucky  about  the  year  1796,  when  quite  a  young  man.  He 
wa-s  a  spare,  active  man  ;  weight,  about  185  pounds,  auburn  hair, 
medium  complexion,  of  great  energy  and  ingenuity.  My  mother 
was  a  Virginian,  and  was  brought  to  Kentucky  in  childhood. 
Father  and  mother  were  married  in  1798,  but  mother  died  when  I 
was  a  youth.  About  1796  iny  father  came  to  Ohio,  in  company 
with  otliers,  on  foot,  to  look  at  the  country,  then  an  Indian  wilder- 
ness, tie  was  delighted  with  the  rich  valleys  of  Miami  and  Mad- 
river.  In  1807  he  again  explored  the  Madriver  valley.  I  well  re- 
member how  well  pleased  he  was  with  the  country,  and  he  pro- 
posed to  emigrate  ;  but  the  war  cloud  was  gathering  between  this 
and  the  mother  country,  and  he  with  others  hesitated,  as  it  was 
certain  that  the  savages  would  unite  with  the  British  and  resent 
the  intruding  pale-faced  emigrants.  But,  rinally,  my  father  re- 
solved to  brave  the  danger,  and  in  October  1812  bade  adieu  to  Ken- 
tacky  soil  and  friends,  and  landed  in  Urbana,  then  of  but  few 
inhabitants.  Here  he  followed  his  trade  of  blaeksmithing  until 
1814.  He  bought  land,  and  settled  near  the  mouth  of  Nettle  Creek, 
btill  following  his  tradi^  and  was  the  only  smith  that  tempered 
edge  toois  in  these  parts.  Axes  could  not  then  be  bought  as  now. 
My  lather  could  make  a  good  ax,  an  indespensible  article  in  this 
timbered  country.  His  tame  spread  through  the  Buck  Creek  coun- 
try, up  the  Miami  about  Sidney,  on  Lost  Creek,  among  the  Hun- 
ter's and  Enoch's  near  West  Liberty,  and  on  the  west  side  of  the 
river,  the  Kavanaugh's,  and  Beard's,  and   Fuson's,  and  all  inter- 


veninjj:  settlements.  At  about  forty-five  years  of  aj^e  he  joined  the 
M.  E.  Church,  and  was  rigid  in  the  ol)servan!'e  of  discipline.  He 
opposed 'he  use  of  alcoholic  drinlxs,  nor  would  he  suffer  such  in 
anythin.s:  about  the  house  or  on  the  place.  He  filled  the  office  of 
Justice  of  the  Peace  a  number  of  years.  He  finally  sold  here,  and 
settled  near  Defiance,  where  he  died  very  triumphantly. 

Land  was  sold  in  tracts  of  160  acres,  in  payment  of  $80  at  entry, 
and  payments  annually  until  all  paid  ;  but  if  not  all  paid,  the  land 
was  forfeited  to  the  Government.  This  being  an  Indian  country, 
very  few  moneyed  men  would  risk  life  of  self  and  family  among 
cru>^l  savages.  The  emigrants  were  mostly  men  of  no  means,  and 
those  were  men  of  wonderful  nerve,  beyond  civilization,  among 
barbarous  savages,  a  dense  forest  to  hew  out,  and  no  means,  with 
all  the  liabilities  incident  to  emigration.  Let  our  kid-gloved  ladiea 
and  gentlemen  of  the  present  day  think  what  their  fathers  and 
mothers  endured  I  But  they  had  the  grit.  Don't  be  ashamed  of 
them  ;  they  were  the  highest  type  of  our  race. 

As  early  as  the  first  of  the  present  century,  some  families  emigra- 
ted to  what  is  now  Madriver  township,  and  settled  on  land>,  and 
paid  the  first  installment,  and  commenced  building  and  clearing. 
Hnving  to  clear  first,  then  make  the  money  out  of  the  products  of 
the  soil  to  pay  for  the  land,  is  it  strange  that  some  failed,  as  they 
did,  and  lost  all  the  money  paid— their  improvements  and  land  be- 
sides! As  great  injustice  as  was  ever  practiced  by  any  Govern- 
ment to  her  subjects. 

Perhaps  but  few  countries  were  settled  under  greater  dis^idvan- 
tages  ;  but  the  fine  soil  and  climate  were  very  inviting  to  home 
seekers,  and  they  came.  We  now  call  attention  to  some  of  thes« 
noble  families:  William  Ross,  Cha.-les  Rector  and  Christoi)her 
Weaver,  settled  just  above  Tremont.  These  were  from  Kentucky. 
Rector  and  Ross  were  brothers-in-law,  and  settled  in  the  rich  val- 
ley of  Madriver.  Ross  was  of  medium  stature,  and  had  wonderful 
strength  and  endurance.  Rector  was  larger,  was  also  strong  and 
very  hardy.  These  men  and  families  were  fitted  for  new  country 
life,  and  were  valuable  Christian  aien  and  families.  One  of  Rtv- 
tor's  sons  lives  near  the  old  hon)estead,  and  is  a  valuable  Christian 
man.  Weaver  settled  on  the  banks  of  Stones  Creek,  just  abova 
the  Madriver  valley  ;  a  man  of  fine  stature,  an  upright  Chri-^tian 
man  ;  and  (Mie  of  his  sons  lives  in  Trbana  now.  very  ag"d.  ha><  ac- 


^uiretl  jrrcat  wealth,  and  i>^  one  of  the  finest  financiers  of  Urbana. 
The  above  three  men,  Ross,  Rector  and  Weaver,  came  here  about 
the  first  of  the  present  century,  and  were  silvered  with  gray  when 
I  tirst  knew  them.  Weaver  had  camp-meeting  on  his  land  many 

One  Thomas  Redman  settled  just  above  the  falling  springs;  he 
had  located,  butl>efore  the  war  of  1812,  retraced  his  steps  back  to 

One  Terraan  settled  just  up  the  valley,  but  sold  to  John  Pence 
at  a  very  early  day.  Pence  built  a  grist-mill  on  Nettle  Creek,  but 
finally  sold  to  Louis  Pence  and  went  west.  He  came  from  Vii'- 
ginia ;  and  so  did  William  Runkle,  afterwards  Judge  Runkle,  who 
was  a  tanner  by  trade,  a  very  kind  neighbor,  and  had  an  excellent 
wife  and  family,  none  of  whom  are  in  this  country  now. 

William  Owens  settled  on  Nettle  Creek  in  1797  or  1798,  and  -vas 
remarkable  for  eccentricity,  but  died  in  middle  life.  Abram 
8hocky  was  from  Kentucky,  settled  on  Nettle  Creek  and  built  a 
taw  mill,  and  was  the  most  remarkable  man  in  some  respects  that 
I  ever  knew.  He  was  sandy  complexioned,  muscular  in  form, 
about  175  pounds  weight,  and  certainly  the  greatest  pedestrian 
that  was  ever  in  the  State  if  not  in  the  United  States.  He  was  a 
near  neighbor,  and  I  have  seen  him  start  with  a  company  of  good 
trotting  horses  and  keep  ahead.  One  circumstance  will  illustrate 
his  walking  abilities.  There  was  a  tract  of  land  not  far  off  that 
was  well  timbered  with  poplar,  belonging  to  Uncle  Sam.  Shocky 
was  hauling  to  his  mill.  One  evening,  as  he  was  coming  in  with 
a  log,  Judgeliunkle  met  and  said  to  him,  "You  cannot  haul  any 
more  logs  from  that  land,  tor  I  have  sent  Jo.  Sims  to  Cincinnati 
this  morning  to  enter  it."  The  next  morning  as  Sims  was  going 
to  Cincinnati,  he  met  Shockey  going  home.  Then  Shockey  re- 
vealed to  him  that  he  had  entered  said  land.  Circumstances  con- 
firmed the  fact,  and  Sims  and  Shockey  went  home  together,  one 
©n  foot,  the  other  on  horseback. 

This  Sims  was  a  Kentuckian,  and  as  stout  as  any  in  Madriver 
township,  thon  or  since ;  a  lean,  broad-shouldered  man  of  about 
220  pounds  weight.  Henr\  and  Abram  Pence  were  among  the 
parly  emigrants  from  Virginia.  They  were  Baptists,  and  were 
good,  consistent  men,  and  were  a  nucleus  around  which  formed  a 
flourishing  Baptist  Church.     They  were  good  neighbors,  and  died 


full  of  years,  and  in  death  exemplified  the  power  of  grace  to  save 
in  a  dying  hour.  Abrara  was  remarkable  for  honasty.  One  of  his 
daughters  lives  near,  and  a  soe  on  part  of  the  old  homestead,  pos- 
sessing much  of  their  father's  qualities. 

Some  farther  up  Nettle  Creek  there  was  a  neighborhood  of  Shen- 
andoah Valley  Virginians.  The  Wiants,  Kites,  Loudenlmcks, 
Kunkles,  Normans,  and  Jinkenses,  many  of  them  valuable  citi- 
aens  and  generally  the  stoutest,  hardiest  men  that  settled  from  any 
country.  John  Wiant  was  a  tanner,  and  was  master  of  his  trade  ; 
consequently  WiVs  highly  useful  in  his  day.  Some  of  his  sons  are 
lane  busineas  men,  and  one  is  a  very  talented  Baptist  Minister. 

Thomas  Kenton  (Simon  Kenton's  nephew^,)  and  Ezekiel  Arrow- 
smith  were  brothers-in-law.  Kenton  was  a  native  of  Virginia; 
Arrowsmith  of  Maryland,  but  lived  a  time  in  Kentucky;  in  ISO! 
he  came  to  the  Madriver  valley.  Kenton  was  a  good-sized,  well- 
made  man — a  man  of  great  endurance  and  energetic  industry. 
Perhaps  the  first  election  held  in  the  township  in  1805  wa.s  held  in 
his  house.  He  lived  to  a  great  age.  Arrowsmith  was  slender, 
rather  tall  and  active  when  young.  With  this  family  I  connec- 
ted. There  were  five  boys  and  four  girls  living  when  I  became 
acquainted  with  them,  and  thirty  years  acquaintance  gave  rae  a 
fine  opportunity  to  know  them,  and  when  together,  I  think  they 
irere  as  agreeable  a  family  as  I  ever  knew.  Arrowsmith's  wife 
was  Simon  Kenton's  niece;  and  all  that  knew  her  will  bear  me 
witness,  that  she  was  among  the  kindest  women  that  ever  lived. 
All  the  Kenton  family  were  remarkable  for  strength  of  memory, 
and  the  above-named  Thomas  Kenton  seemed  never  to  forget 
anything  that  he  had  known.  These  were  valuable  citizens,  and 
the  first  Metliodist  society  which  was  organized  in  this  part  of  the 
township,  met  at  Ezekiel  Arrowsmith's,  and  his  house  was  a  place 
©f  preaching  for  many  years. 

Archibald  ^tcGrew  came  from  Pennsylvania.  :ind  settled  on  a 
finetractof  land.  He  was- a  well-made,  stout,«!y  man,  and 
lived  to  a  great  age,  and  aided  in  the  improvement  of  the  country. 

Christian  Stevens  came  to  Ohio  from  Pennsylvania,  and  in- 
tended to  purchase  land  where  Zanesville  now  stands,  but  the  town 
site  was  fixed  on  his  choice,  and  he  left  abruptly  and  went  to  Kmi- 
tucky,  and  stayed  there  about  two  yeai-s,  then  came  to  this  part  ol 
Ohio.  He  was  a  Methodist,  and  he  opened  his  house  as  a  place  for 
preaching,  and  there  T  joined  the  church  fifty-thne  years  since. 


p]lisha  and  Wm.  Harbour  were  Virginians,  but  cannetoOhio 
among  the  first  .settlers.  They  were  valuable  citizens.  T  live.l  '>.v 
them  many  years,  and  more  honest  men  I  never  knew. 

I  will  now  speak  of  Rev.  Robert  McFarland,  of  public  noturiety, 

who  came  to  Ohio  in  the  year  .     He  was  a  lean,  slen<ier  man, 

dark  complexioned,  black  hair;  weight  about  155  pounds  when  in 
middle  life.  He  was  called  an  exhorter,  but  he  preached  as  did 
the  Ai'ostles.  A  Virginian  by  birth,  but  was  taken  to  Kentucky 
when  young,  and  lastly  came  to  Ohio.  He  unloaded  his  goods  by 
an  oak  log  near  where  the  Union  Church  now  stands,  then  a  dense 
orest ;  he  pointed  me  to  the  spot  as  we  rode  by.  His  purse 
contained  about  four  dollars,  two  of  which  he  gave  to  his  teamster 
for  expense  money.  What  a  prospect  this!  After  living  some 
time  on  the  east  side  of  the  river,  he  i)ought  land  and  settled  west 
on  Anderson's  creek,  in  Concoi'd  township.  He  being  a  Metho- 
dist, gathered  around  him  a  flourishing  society,  and  his  house  be- 
came a  preaching  place.  Methodism  is  indebted  more  to  him,  than 
any  man  in  that  part  of  the  country.  His  closing  hours  were  truly 

I  may  speak  a  few  words  of  Simon  Kenton,  of  histori"  fame.  I 
kn(;W  him  in  Urbana  in  1814;  he  vvas  then  quite  old.  Afterward, 
I  saw  him  at  his  relatives  many  times.  Though  bowed  by  age, 
yet  the  beholder  could  see  that  muscle  and  mind  gave  evidence 
of  former  nobleness  and  strength  and  generous  heart  impulses.  I 
only  give  this  as  a  passing  tribute;  western  history  amplifies  his 

I  may  be  permitted  to  speak  of  Thomas  Grafton,  though  not  of 
Madriver  township.  He  grew  up,  ami  married  amone-  the  hills  of 
Virginia;  but  could  see  no  site  for  a  living  there.  I  was  well  ac- 
quainted with  Grafton,  and  got  these  things  from  him.  He  packed 
up  and  started  towards  the  northwest,  as  Jacob  of  old,  not  knowing 
whither  he  went;  he  traveled  into  Ohio  until  he  reached  the  dense 
beach  forest  nine  miles  west  of  Urbana.  There  he  unloaded  and 
built  a  camp  for  shelter,  and  soon  reared  a  cabin,  and  commenced 
clearing.  He,  like  others,  had  to  clear  and  then  cultivate  and  sell 
the  products  to  pay  for  the  land  on  which  tbe  crop  grew.  He 
raised  wheat,  and  once  sold  400  lushels  for  $100,  to  pay  for  his 
land  ;  l)ut  salt  was  hard  to  get,  nid  ;(«  the  surest  way  was  to  go  to 
the  factory,  so  Grafton  steered  to  t  lie  Srioto  salt  works,  cutting  his 
way  through,  a  distance  of  eighty   njiles.     When   he  arrived,  his 


clothes  were  torn,  had  no  money,  but  told  hi?  errand.  The  propri- 
etor samned  hiiii,  ;ind  then  said,  I  suppose  you  will  pay  me,  and 
let  him  have  the  salt,  after  saying,  you  wear  good  clothes.  He  sold 
one  barrel  of  that  salt  for  |27.  When  he  became  aged,  beseemed 
to  be  in  his  elements,  if  he  could  take  a  four-horse  load  of  his  neigh- 
bor women  to  Urbana,  on  a  trading  expedition.  He  lived  to  a 
great  age  ;  he  died  without  regret,  regretted  by  all.  In  ihosedays, 
people  manufactured  their  own  wear.  There  were  few  sheep  in 
the  eountry,  consequently  wool  was  quite  an  object.  My  father 
sent  my  oldest  brother  to  Kentucky  for  fitty  pounds  of  wool,  which 
he  brought  out  on  a  horse.  Father  brought  a  flock  of  sheep  to  Ur- 
bana, and  sold  tliem  to  the  farmers  around  town  ;  perhaps  all  the 
sheep  in  the  country  in  early  times  descended  from  them. 

One  Bassel  West  bought  a  cow  of  my  former  fiither-in-law  on 
credit,  and  after  long  credit  he  paid  for  the  cow,  saying  that  he 
did  not  think  he  could  have  raised  his  family  without  the  cow. 

But  the  forest  began  to  be  dotted  with  inhabitants,  and  as  emi- 
gration poured  in,  the  hunting  grounds  of  the  savages  were  owned 
by  the  pale-faces,  and  the  bones  of  their  ancestors  were  plowed  over 
by  strangers.  These  things  outraged  the  forbearance  and  former 
kindness  of  the  red  men  of  the  forest,  and  depredations  were  not 
uncommon,  and  at  one  time  after  certain  misdemeanors,  alarm 
spread  with  both  parties,  and  a  council  was  called  to  meet  at 
Springfield.  The  parties  met.  General  William  Ward  represented 
the  whites.  Tecumseh  was  advocate  for  the  Indians.  An  amicable 
adjustment  was  made.  Tecumseh's  speeches  on  that  occasion  wero 
never  translated,  and  this  I  regret ;  some  of  my  friends  were  there 
who  thought  them  as  fine  specimens  of  eloquence  as  they  ever  lis- 
tened to.  His  interpreter  said  he  could  not  give  force  to  them, 
he  seemed  to  surpass  Ward  greatly  in  point  of  force. 

I  will  be  pardoned  for  speaking  more  at  length  of  this  savag« 
chieftain.  He  was  born  in  1768,  in  Piqua,  an  old  Indian  town  of 
the  Shawnees,  on  the  west  bank  of  Madriver,  five  miles  west  of 
Springfield,  and  was  one  of  three  at  a  birth,  His  father  was  of  tho 
Kiscopoke  (or  Kicapoo)  tribe  ;  his  mother  of  the  Shawnees  nation  . 
He  was  above  medium  stature  ;  his  personal  appearance  was  dig- 
nified and  commanding  ;  as  a  speaker,  he  was  fiuent  and  ch-ir, 
with  a  musical  tone  of  voice.  His  speeches  were  ortuunentpd  l>y 
striking  illustrations  and  lofty  flights  at  the  council.    Atsi-nng- 


field,  abnvo  alluded  to,  ho  evinced  great  force  and  dignity.  As  a 
warrior,  he  wan  brave  but  humane.  Ardent  in  his  country's  cause, 
)ie  keenly  resented  the  encroachments  of  the  whites,  yet  extended 
protection  to  the  captive.  Early  in  life  he  distinguished  himself 
-in  several  skirmishes  with  the  whites,  but  was  not  promoted  to  the 
chiefship  till  he  was  about  thirty  years  of  age. 

In  witnessing  the  onwari  rolling  tide  of  white  emigration,  he 
anticipated  the  fall  of  his  native  land.  The  thought  of  the  moul- 
dering remains  of  departed  kindred,  whose  resting  i)lace  would  be 
disturbed  by  strangers,  prompted  feelings  of  re,sentment ;  he  con- 
ceivfHl  the  imiwrtance  of  concentrating  all  the  Indian  forces  west, 
south  and  north,  in  one  united  effort  of  extermination  and  opposi- 
tion ;  he  set  out  on  a  tour  to  the  south,  visiting  all  the  Indian 
tribes  contiguous  to  his  route,  urging  the  necessity  of  immediate 
action.  Meeting  one  tribe  in  Louisiana  who  refused  aid,  Tecura- 
seh  stamped  his  foot  on  the  ground  and  said,  the  Great  Spirit  would 
shake  the  earth,  in  evidence  of  His  displeasure.  The  threatened 
phenomenon  strangely  occurred  as  predicted  in  the  shock  of  1811, 
to  the  great  alarm  of  the  delinquent  nation.  But  war  spread  her 
wings  of  blood  over  the  country,  and  ere  the  contemplated  ar- 
rangement could  be  effected,  Harrison  had  struck  the  blow  on  the 
Tippecanoe  that  forever  sealed  the  savage  fate.  But  Tecumseh 
was  not  yet  subdued,  but  traveled  north,  gathering  to  his  standard 
a  remnant  who,  like  himself,  could  be  overpowered  but  not  con- 
quered, united  with  the  dastardly  Proctor,  who  was  greatly  infe- 
rior in  generalship,  intelligence,  and  humanity,  and  was  charged 
by  Tecumseh  with  cowardice,  and  was  repeatedly  urged  b.\  the 
savage  chief  to  active  duty. 

When  Perry  achieved  the  victory  on  the  Lake,  the  British  gave 
op  Lake  Erie,  and  thought  of  drawing  off  their  land  forces,  when 
Tecumseh  addressed  them,  illustrating  their  infidelity  by  keen  sar- 
casm. This  speech  was  translated  and  read  shortly  afterward,  and 
may  be  seen  in  history  at  this  day. 

But  tiie  land  forces  under  Harrison  on  the  one  hand,  and  Proctor 
and  Tecumseh  on  the  other,  were  yet  pending.  Just  previous  to 
the  engagemf-nt,  the  fated  chieftain  seemed  to  realize  his  doom, 
and  ^^aid  to  his  companions,  ^'I  shall  not  survive  this  conflict;  but 
if  it  is  the  will  of  the  Great  Spirit,  I  wish  to  deposit  my  bones 
with  those  ..f  my  ancestors."  He  drew  his  sword  and  added, 
"When  I  am  dead,  take  this  sword;  and   when  my  son  grows  to 


manhood,  give  it  to  him  !"  Soon  the  forces  engage  in  deadly  con- 
flict. The  thundering  tones  of  Tecurnseh  rose  above  the  roar  of 
battle,  in  the  fiercest  of  the  conflict;  at  the  head  of  his  band  he  deals 
death  around  him,  till  overpowered  by  numbers,  the  mighty  chief, 
tain  sink?  in  death's  cold  embrace.  On  seeing  their  leader  slain, 
the  remnant  of  the  savage  forces  retreated  in  confusion,  leaving  the 
field  with  the  dying  and  the  dead  to  the  victors.  When  he  fell, 
Tecurnseh  was  about  forty-five  years  of  age.  With  the  opportuni- 
ties of  some  great  men,  perhaps  this  noble  son  of  the  forest  would 
have  been  second  to  none  that  have  set  foot. on  the  continent  of 
any  color. 

Disheartened  and  driven  back,  the  poor  savage  has  been  com- 
pelled to  seek  a  home  on  the  slopes  of  the  Rocky  Mountains,  near 
the  coast  of  the  mighty  western  waters. 

The  whites  again  claim  their  hunting  grounds.  Like  Noah's 
dove,  they  have  no  place  on  which  to  rest  the  sole  of  the  foot. 
Maiiy  powerful  tribes  have  become  extinct,  bearing  no  trace  of 
former  greatness — perhaps  in  a  few  revolving  centuries  Jiot  a  ves- 
tige of  the  once  powerful  tribes  will  remain  to  rehearse  the  sad 
story  of  their  fate.  In  the  language  of  Logan,  the  lamenting 
Mingo  chief,  not  a  drop  of  pure  Indian  blood  will  run  in  the  veins 
of  any  living  creature. 

Hostilities  having  now  ceased,  emigrants  of  all  creeds  anvl  na- 
tionalities cam«  among  us,  bringing  their  predilections  with  them. 
An  outgrowth  of  privilege  to  worship  according  to  conscientious 
views  was  granted  with  readiness,  and  at  first  it  was  found  expe- 
dient to  unite  irrespective  of  predilections,  and  worship  harmo- 
niously together.  Dwellings  were  freely  opened,  and  those  little 
bands  would  worship  harmoniousiy  together,  until  each  acquired 
strength  sufficient,  then  societies  were  organized  ;  soon  log  meeting 
houses  were  built,  though  of  rude  construction,  yet  songs  of  praise 
would  reverberate  in  the  forests  from  those  temples.  A  log  house 
was  built  by  the  Methodists  on  the  land  of  William  Ro^s,  mimed 
above.  The  next  was  a  Baptist  Churcli  on  Xettiecreek,  also  of 
logs;  and  in  youth  and  early  manhood  I  worshiperl  there,  though 
not  a  member.  In  1820  a  log  church  was  built  by  the  Methodists, 
on  the  Ian  1  of  Christian  Stevens.  There  I  worshiped  for  uiany 
years.  These  buildings  were  not  comfortable.  As  soon  as  circum- 
stanees  would  permit,-more  commodious  houses  were  ererted.  The 


Metliodists  have  a  brick  in  Tremont,  also  in  Wastville— the  Bap- 
tists havo  ;i  tine  brick  church  on  the  ^ite  of  the  old  log. 

llev.  Robert  McFarland  served  as  class  lesider,  for  the  tirst  class 
organized  in  this  part  of  the  township,  and  that  met  at  Ezekiel 
Arrowsmith's.  Next  said  class  met  :«t  Stevens',  and  until  the  log 
meeting  house  was  built— Bro.  McFarland  still  serving  until  a  so- 
ciety was  organized  in  his  neighborhood.  His  house  was  opened 
for  ])reaching  and  class,  until  a  log  house  was  built  partly  on  his 
own  land,  which  gave  plac^  to  a  brick,  and  lately  they  have  built 
one  of  the  finest  brick  country  churches  in  the  county.  These 
churches  stand  where  the  tall  trees  of  the  forest  once  bow<-'d  to  God 
who  bade  them  grow. 

The  men  who  used  to  bring  glad  tidings  of  great  joy  to  the  dis- 
consolate, should  have  a  place  in  history,  and  be  held  in  everlast- 
ing remembrance.  I  will  give  the  name  of  some  of  them,  and  first 
of  the  Baptist  brethren,  to-wit:  John  Thomas,  John  Gutridge, 
Wm.  Harper,  Moses  Frazee,  Willis  Hance,  Daniel  Bryant,  Thomas 
Price,  .J(jhn  Norman,  Samuel  Williams,  and  some  whose  names  I 
do  not  remember  ;  all  these  I  have  heard  preach  at  Nettlecreek. .  1 
will  add  William  Fuson.  Now  of  the  Methodist  brethren — Henry 
1>.  Bascora,  Moses  Trader,  Adjet  McGuire, Robert,  James  and  John 
Findly,  John  Strange,  Russel  Bisrlow,  John  Collins,  W.  H.  Raper, 
Augustus  Eddy,  George  Marly,  George  Walker,  Michael  Marly, 
Leroy  Swormsted  and  Daniel  D.  Davidson — these  are  all  gone. 

It  might  lie  matter  of  interest  to  some  at  least,  if  the  peculiarities 
and  personal  appearance  of  some  of  the  most  remarkable  of  these 
men  were  given.  This  I  do  from  memory,  and  may  not  be  entirely 
correct.  Yet,  in  the  main,  I  think  I  v/iil  be  nearly  so.  I  may  not 
give  them  in  the  order  as  they  c  nne. 

I  take  the  Baptist  brethren  tirst.  John  Thomas  was  a  small, 
light  man,  dark  hair  and  complexion,  deliberate,cautious,  not  ven- 
turesome, great  strength  and  endurance  for  one  of  his  size.  Gut- 
ridge was  just  the  opposite;  fluent,  bold,  assuming;  would  dash 
ahead  if  he  did  run  against  a  stump,  which  he  sometimes  did.  Hq 
cared  for  his  stomach.  In  a  travel  once  he  stopped  with  a  sister  for 
dinner,  on  wash  day.  It  was  about  dinner  time.  When  seated  at 
table  the  lady  said  they  had  a  plain  diune  r.  Yes,  said  Gutridge, 
it  is  plain  fare,  but  wholesome  diet.  The  lady  replied:  "If  you  are 
a  good  man  il  is  good  enough  ;  if  not,  a  thousand  times  too  good." 
Frazee   was    prized  by  his   brethren  for  his  adherence  to  his  doc- 


trines,  and  had  considerable  ability  to  defend  them.  Willis  liance 
was  acceptable  among  his  brethren.  Daniel  Bryant  is  still  living'. 
I  have  heard  him  when  young,  and  since  he  has  become  aged,  and 
feel  it  just  to  say  that  I  consider  him  amons?  the  talented  in  any 
branch  of  the  Christian  church.  For  originality,  is  not  surpassed 
by  any  of  his  brethren  that  I  have  heard.  Thomas  Price  has  been 
esteemed  by  his  brethren  for  his  piety;  I  would  say  a  zeal,  but  not 
according  to  knowledge.  James  Dunlap  was  an  old-times  preacher. 
Was  popular  in  his  day.  I  have  spoken  of  my  Baptist  brethren 
that  I  had  known  in  youth  and  early  manhood  ;  I  may  now  speak 
of  my  Methodist  brethren,  of  whom  I  kno  w  more,and  can  say  .nore. 
Bascora  was  among  the  first.  3omew!iat  foppish  in  appearance, 
of  medium  stature.  He  had  great  command  of  language.  At  the 
time,  his  audiences  were  spell-bound  ;  but  soon  the  enchantment 
would  evaporate,  and  you  had  only  to  fall  back  on  the  occasion. 
Trader  was  able,  but  contentious,  and  seemed  to  say  I  am  vatch- 
ing  you.  McGuire  was  able,  benignant,  and  wished  you  to  see  the 
purity  and  appropriateness  ot  the  gospel  system.  Old  R')bert 
Findly  had  great  ability,  even  when  aged  ;  was  strict,  rigid  of  law 
and  order,and  drilled  his  fiock.  .John  Findly  was  mild,  persuasive, 
and  logical.  James  Findly  was  a  large  muscular  man,  bold,  deter- 
mined, defiant,  ready  for  combat,  and  was  a  Boanerges,  and  would 
awe  into  reverence.  You  would  think  he  intended  to  try  to  shake 
creation,  and  yet  sometimes  he  would  toucli  the  sympathies  of  his 
hearers.  Rupel  Biglow  was  quite  small,  and  almost  homely  to 
deformity.  When  he  preached,  he  would  lay  his  premises  as  care- 
fully as  a  skillful  general  would  arrange  his  forces  for  battle,  he 
would  comprehend  the  obstacles  to  be  overcome,  see  that  his  forces 
were  sufficient,  every  officer  in  his  place,  men  and  munitions  all 
properly  arranged,  and  then  the  word  given,  shell  and  shot,  small 
and  large  arms,  grape  and  cannister,  tis  though  the  heavens  and 
earth  were  coming  together,  and  in  the  consternation  would 
charge  bayonets,  and  complete  the  destruction.  Such  seenuHl  to 
be  his  power  over  men.  .John  Collins  was  spare,  light  and 
sprightly;  his  method  was  conversational;  with  rich,  mellow 
voice,  a  heart  throbbing  with  tender  emotions  —he  would  com- 
mence talking  to  you;  his  kindness  would  win  on  you,  till  you 
would  be  in  his  power,  then  he  would  deal  out  some  circumstance 
so  pathetically  given,  that  the  whole  audience  would  weep  in  per- 
fect response  to  the  preacher's  wish.    After  you  were  heated  and 


had  listened  awhile  you  could  not  leave  if  you  would,  nor  you 
would  not  if  you  could.  Augustus  Eddy  was  a  fine  looking  man, 
and  had  a  clear,  strong,  musical  voice.  The  intonations  seemed  t» 
have  a  magic  power  over  you,  as  he  would  urge  to  pause  and  think, 
and  you  would  be  likely  to  promise. 

John  Strong  I  had  forgotten.  He  was  a  slender,  tall  man,  pre- 
possessing in  appearance ;  when  speaking  he  would  throw  out  his 
shrill,  strong  voice,  till  he  would  arrast  attention,  then  he  would 
hold  you  in  a  kind  of  suspense  as  though  some  commotion  in  na- 
ture was  in  expectation.  The  sinner  would  be  in  state  of  alarm, 
then  he  would  summon  all  his  strength  and  pierce  the  wicked  as 
though  a  well-aimed  gun  had  sent  a  ball  to  pierce  the  heart,  and 
sometimes  sinners  would  fall  as  if  shot  in  reality. 

William  H.  Raper  was  perhaps  as  line  a  looking  man  as  I  ever 
looked  on.  The  attention  of  the  audience  would  never  fail  to  be 
attracted  by  the  noble  dignity  of  the  preacher,  and  the  inevitable 
conclusion  would  be,  "that  you  are  a  finished  gentleman  and  a  wise 
counsellor,"  and  you  would  cheerfully  take  a  seat  near  the  speaker ; 
his  clear  logic  and  profound  thought  so  modestly  given,  would  pre- 
possess you  in  his  favor;  you  would  begin  to  desire  his  companion- 
ship, and  thus  he  (^ould  lead  you  against  your  preconceived  opin- 

George  Marly  was  the  most  remarkable  for  native  eccentricity  of 
any  in  my  knowledge.  He  had  good  preaching  abilities.  His 
audience  would  alternate  between  laughing  and  crying,  just  at 
Marly's  pleasure,  and  it  was  perfectly  natural— it  may  have  been 
unavoidable.    He  was  desired  to  preach  once  at  each  conference. 

George  Walker  was  a  large,  stout  man,  with  a  strong  voice,  ve- 
hement in  his  manner.  His  assaults  were  made  as  by  storm  ;  his 
spirit  was  to  kill  or  be  killed ;  not  compromising,  nothing  daunt- 
ed or  impeding,  but  onward  to  victory.  His  mantle  has  fallen  on 
but  few.  Leroy  Swarmsted  traveled  here  when  a  young  man,  or 
rather,  a  white-headed  boy ;  he  was  medium  in  stature;  I  only  re- 
member that  he  was  quite  able.  Daniel  D.  Davidson  was  a 
lean,  long  man,  of  good  size,  and  very  fine  voice  and  good  preach- 
ing abilities  —  a  faithful  pastor,  and  able  divine. 

Michael  Marly,  (the  last  of  a  catalogue  that  I  now  notice)  wa.s  a 
well  made  hardy  man  of  good  size.  His  appearance  indicated  a 
man  of  thought  and  fixed  principles,  and  seemed  to  say  "Treat  m© 
and  ray  views  respectfully,  for  they  are  sustainable  by  the  highest 


authorities,"  And  when  put  to  the  test  he  never  failed  to  muke 
good  his  purpose.  I  think  I  have  never  known  the  man  that  could  iro 
into  the  depths  of  theology  equal  with  Michael  Marly,  and  he  was 
a  student  to  the  end  of  his  life.  He  would  remind  one  of  a  man 
stationed  at  divergent  roads  in  the  wilderness,  all  unsafe  but  one, 
and  a  departure  would  hazard  life,  and  it  wa^  his  business  to  set 
them  in  the  safe  way.  He  was  able  to  reconcile  apparent  contlict- 
ing  passages  of  scripture,  showing  their  meaning  as  they  stood 
connected  with  other  scriptures,  thus  clearly  bringing  out  and 
presenting  truth  ;  and  when  in  his  strength  he  had  great  ability 
to  enforce  and  apply  his  logical  conclusions. 

On  hearing  Alfred  Cookmau  I  thought  he  might  be  equal  to 
Marly  in  this  respect,  but  I  onlj^  heard  him  twice,  and  in  this  he 
seemed  quite  able  to  bring  up  those  deep  thoughts  that  seemed 
beneath  the  surface,  and  to  apply  them  ;  and  I  regret  that  thes^ 
great  men  have  gone,  and  that  we  can  hear  them  no  more. 

The  difference  between  them  as  it  strikes  me,  is  this  ;  that  C!ook- 
man  would  point  to  the  safe  road,  all  strewn  with  flowers  and 
beautified  with  evergreens,  and  make  the  impression  that  all  the 
flowery  paths  were  paths  of  peace,  and  then  he  would  go  out 
with  that  grateful  smile  and  thus  win  the  misguided  to  that  peace- 
ful way  ;  while  Marly  would  describe  the  safety  and  security  of 
his  way,  and  then  point  to  the  danger  of  those  divergent  roads, 
and  send  out  his  thrilling  warning  voice  showing  the  dreadful  re- 
sults, reaching  out  through  countless  ages,  so  as  to  alarm  the  fears 
of  the  guilty. 

I  could  wish  to  have  known  some  of  the  valuable  Ministers  of 
other  orders  or  branches  of  the  Church,  the  Presbyterian,  Luther- 
an, the  Friends  (Quakers),  and  others,  but  in  early  life  I  only  knew 
the  Baptistsand  Methodists,  as  there  was  no  organization  of  any 
other  near  us.  Of  late  I  have  become  acquainted  with  some  valua- 
ble Ministers  of  whom  I  could  say  much  of  their  gentlemanly  de- 
portment and  christian  character.  I  hope  however  some  one  will 
rescue  from  forgetfuiness  some  of  those  venerable  departed  spirits 
that  I  did  not  know.  But  little  more  thantfO  years  since  and  Ohio 
was  an  unbroken  forest,  the  home  of  the  numerous  and  p.)wertul 
war-like  savage  tribes.  The  fine  soil  and  climate  presented 
unusual  inducements  to  emigration.  Some  enterprising  pioneer^ 
found  homes  for  themselves  and  families  among  wild  beasts,  and 


war-like  savrig:f^s,  in  the  bosom  of  this  fertile  cMunlry.  The 
aiiti(ipate(i  danger  incident,  prevented  capitalists  from  early 

The  war  of  1812  (  59  years  since  )  not  only  checked  emigration, 
but  spread  consternation  among  those  that  had  settled.  Some  re- 
traced their  steps  to  their  former  homes,  while  others,  rather  than 
lose  their  all,  collected  in  forts  of  their  own  construction,  for  per- 
gonal protection.  The  Government,  as  we  have  seen,  was  mostly 
in  possession  of  ihe  land,  and  sold  in  tracts  of  160  acres  and  up- 
wards. The  purchaser  paid  eighty  dollars  in  hand,  per  160  acres,  • 
and  the  remainder  in  equal  annual  payments,  till  paid.  In  de- 
fault of  meeting  any  of  the  back  payments  as  they  fell  due,  the 
land  was  forfeited  to  the  Government,  subject  to  re-entry,  or  sold 
to  the  highest  bidder.  Some  settled  on  land,  and  commenced 
building  and  clearing,  but  failed  to  meet  one  or  more  of  the  back 
payments,  and  lost  the  money  paid,  their  improvements,  and 
land  in  the  bargain,  as  before  mentioned.  But  those  who  suc- 
ceeded in  making  payments,  were  debtors  to  the  Government  for 
i?everal  years  for  their  land.  Let  those  of  the  present  day  remember 
that  the  pioneers  of  this  country  first  cleared,  then  cultivated  their 
laud  with  their  own  hands,  and  sold  the  products  :  if  wheat,  at  25 
cents  per  bushel ;  if  corn,  at  10  cents  per  bushel ;  and  pork  at  $1.50 
per  hundred  weight.  Great  inconvenience  was  experienced  for 
want  of  good  roads.  It  was  a  matter  of  great  inconvenience  to 
haul  grain  a  long  distance,  over  bad  roads,  for  such  prices  as 
named.  Our  farming  implements,  too,  were  quite  inferior,  and 
money  was  mostly  paid  for  Government  lands,  and  sent  out  of  the 
country.  Those  living  in  the  interior  lacked  channels  of  trade. 
But  the  last  thirty-nine  years  has  changed  the  figures  in  Ohio  ; 
and  this  is  the  true  basis  of  calculation ;  and  how  stands  the  ac- 
count? Well,  in  that  briei"  period  she  has  rivaled  Statfts  several 
times  her  own  age,  and  is  now  acknowledged  on  all  hands  to  be 
third  in  the  constellatior:  of  States,  in  point  of  wealth,  population 
and  importance. 

Of  an  ordinary  season,  Ohio  can  send  abroad  about  $150,000,000 
worth  of  surplus.  This  calculation  is  made  in  the  absence  of  sta- 
tistics, but  it  may  be  in  the  neighborhood  of  truth.  Few  States 
are  equal  to  Ohio  in  quality  and  variety  of  soil.  She  is  capable  of 
a  more  dense  population  than  any  State  in  the  Union.  Her  vast 
beds  of  iron-ore  and  stone-coal  are  fast  becoming  available.     Some 


of  her  territory  is  yet  unsettled.  Much  of  the  distant  travel  from 
east  to  west,  and  from  north  to  south,  will  doubtless  pass  our  bor- 
ders. Our  State  produces  all  the  grains,  vegetables  and  northern 
fruits  necessary  to  comfort,  every  species  of  stock  in  general  de- 
mand, and  all  the  profitable  varieties  of  the  grape.  When  all  our  re- 
sources are  fully  developed,  and  all  our  railroad  facililies,  all  of  <  >hiu 
will  be  a  garden  spot. 


The  following  -ketch  of  pioneer  life,  from  the  pen  of  Mr.  Aaron 
Gutridge,  is  given  in  his  own  style,  witlt  a  few  alterations  in  or- 
thography and  syntax.  It  shows  a  good  memory,  and  practical 
good  sense,  for  one  that  is  eighty  years  old.  He  now  live>  in 
Mechanicsburg,  Champaign  County,  with  his  amiable  lady,  for- 
merly Miss  Mary  Graj,  ]  re-erainent  for  her  social  virtues.  Kv- 
erybody  honors  Aunt  Mary. — [Ed. 

My  father,  John  Gutridge,  was  born  in  Virginia;  from  tliere  he 
went  to  the  State  of  Maryland.  While  there,  in  the  year  of  ITtiti, 
he  married  a  lady  by  the  name  of  Elizabeth  Turner;  remained 
there  until  after  the  close  of  the  Revolutionary  war  ;  from  tliere 
he  moved  to  the  State  of  Pennsylvania ;  lived  there  till  the  year  of 
178o.  He  and  others  moved  down  the  Ohio  river  in  flat  lioats,  to 
what  was  then  called  Lime  Ston.%  but  is  now  known  as  3Iays- 
ville.  Mason  county,  in  Kentucky,  and  settled  at  Washington, 
near  Kenton's  Station.  For  a  few  years  they  were  much  annoyed 
by  the  Indian  tribes,  by  killing  of  men,  women  and  children,  and 
killing  their  cattle  and  stealing  their  horses.  I  learned  from  nly 
father,  that  one  dark,  wet  night  the  Indians  stole  his  last  horse, 
Avhich  was  tied  to  tiie  door-cheek  of  the  house  that  tliey  lived  in. 
Often  the  men  would  follow  them  across  the  Ohio  river.  At  one 
time  the  white  men  were  about  to  overtake  them.  They  had  taken 
a  negro  boy  prisoner,  cut  his  throat,  and  left  him  bleeding  in  their 
path  ;  then  they  scattered  and  made  their  escape  among  the  .Irift 
wood  of  Eagles' Creek,   near  what  was  called  Logan's  (Jap.    Tlie 


wliite  man's  livinar  was  deer  and  buffalo  meat.  The  first-  settlers 
of  Kentucky  underwent  many  privations  and  hardships  ;  but  many 
of  tliem  lived  to  see  better  da.ys.  There  my  parents  buried  their 
oldest  son  at  Washington,  Ky.  My  father  was  soon  put  in  as 
Justice  of  the  Peace  and  Judge  of  the  Court,  which  otfiee  he  filled 
as  long  as  he  remained  in  that  State.  My  brother,  Jesse  Gutridge, 
Wits  said  to  be  the  first  child  born,  in  1786,  in  Mason  county,  Ky., 
white  or  blaclc.  My  father  still  resided  there.  In  a  few  years 
times  became  better  ;  he  followed  farming  and  teaming  on  the 
road  from  the  Ohio  river  to  Lexington,  Danville  and  other  points. 
My  hrother  John  was  teamster,  and  was  called  the  wagon  boy. 
Times  were  fast  becondng  much  better  and  prosperous.  By  this 
time  my  father  got  hiy  mind  placed  on  what  was  then  called  the 
Western  Territory,  nc  ith  of  the  Ohio  river,  and  in  the  year  of 
1798  moved  with  his  family  into  the  territory.  My  parents  raised 
twelve  children,  nine  sons  and  three  daughters,  and  all  settled  iu 
the  territory  on  a  stream  of  water  called  Fishing  Gut.  My  tather 
in  a  few  years  was  elected  .lustice  of  the  Peace  in  Adam^  county, 
which  office  he  filled  until  he  moved  out  of  the  county.  In  the 
y*^ar  1807,  he  moved  to  the  Madriver  country,  and  settled  on  the 
east  side  of  Dugan  prairie,  on  the  headwaters  of  Buck  creek,  in 
Champaign  county,  Ohio.  The  people  soon  became  alarmed  about 
the  Indians,  and  built  a  fort  at  John  Taylor's  mill,  on  Kings  creek, 
north  of  Urban--!,  but  the  fort  was  never  occupied  by  the  people.  At 
that  time,  the  Indians  were  quite  plenty  in  the  Mad  river  country 
bu^  seeined  to  be  friendly.  I  think  it  was  in  the  year  of  1809  we 
had  a  celebration  at  Urbana  on  the  fourth  of  July.  The  people  of 
our  town  met  in  mass,  under  the  shade  of  one  white-oak  tree  that 
had  a  large  spreading  top.  The  crowd  was  not  large,  but  their 
friendship  was  never  excelled  ;  see  strangers  meet,  then  a  strong 
grasp  of  the  hands,  with  the  words  "What  is  your  name,  where  do 
you  live?  Do  come  and  see  rae,  and  bring  all  the  family,"  At  a 
proper  time,  Josei)h  Vance,  Sr.,  addressed  the  little  crowd,  and 
read  the  Declaration  of  Independence.  Then  Joseph  C.  Vance 
sang  a  song  ;  after  that  Wm.  Fife,  of  Urbana,  and  a  Wm.  Lemon, 
sang  a  song  called  the  Black  Bird  ;  then  men,  women  and  children 
partook  of  a  bountiful  dinner  of  roasted  beef,  potatoes,  good  bread 
aiul  other  luxuries  of  the  day.  All  this  time  there  was  little  said 
al)ont  schools— it  took  a  large  bound  to  get  scholars  enough  to 
make  up  a  school.    Our  schoolrooms  were  little  cabins,  with  paper 


windows  to  let  in  a  little  lij>ht.    I  know  it   was  a  poor  chance  to 
learn  much. 

We  would  suppose  that  the  youth  of  those  days  did  not  know 
much.  We  will  say  nature  did  a  grea^  work  for  them.  About 
this  time  my  father  was  appointed  Judge  of  the  Court  held  at  Ur- 
bana,  Champaign  County,  Ohio,  which  office  he  held  until  his 
health  became  impaired  by  sickness,  then  he  resigned,  and  liv.'d  a 
retired  life  from  business  of  any  kind.  In  the  year  1S12,  Mcjses 
Corwin  printed  the  first  newspaper  that  ever  was  printed  in 
Urbana,Champaign  County,Ohio.  About  this  time  came  the  news  of 
a  war  between  the  United  States  of  America,  and  Great  Britain. 
The  army  was  soon  made  up,  and  organized  at  Dayton,  (ien. 
Wm.  Hull  m-^rched  the  army  from  Dayton  to  Urbana :  a  council 
was  held  with  the  Indians,  but  no  good  grew  out  of  it.  My 
brother,  Joseph  Gutridge,  was  a  member  of  the  Spy  Company, 
commanded  by  Capt.  Wm.  McColloeh.  *  Wm.  Gutridge,  and  a 
brother-in-law,  Wesley  Hathaway,  were  members  of  Hull's  army. 
All  landed  safe  at  Detroit;  there  the  Spy  Company  was  dis- 
charged, and  my  brother  Joseph  returned  home  safe  and  well.  In 
the  month  of  August,  1812,  Hull  surrendered  the  whole  army  to 
Proctor,  as  prisoners  of  war.  They  were  sent  home  on  parole ; 
the  most  of  them  got  home  during  the  fall  months.  We  had  a 
dark  and  discouraging  time  through  the  fall  and  winter  of  1812-l;i, 
and  in  the  spring  of  1813  there  was  a  great  call  for  men  to  guard 
the  frontiers  of  our  country.  My  brothers  older  than  myself  were 
all  out  on  the  war-path  :  they  all  returned  home  in  harvest,  in 
the  month  of  July,  1813.  My  father  led  in  the  harvest-field,  and 
eight  sons  followed  him,  all  good  reapers,  making  their  hands, 
with  sickles.  After  harvest  there  was  a  call  for  more  men.  I  had 
six  brothers  out  in  the  war,  all  at  the  same  time.  On  account  of  u 
spell  of  sickness  I  was  compelled  to  remain  at  home.  In  the  fall 
my  brother  Wm.  Gutridge  went  northeast,  and  joined  Gen. 
Brown's  army.  W^hile  there  he  got  an  unlucky  foil  down  a  steep 
bank,  from  which  injury  he  never  got  well.  He  drew  a  pension 
through  life.  My  brother  John  Gutridge  was  a  baptist  prea.-her 
for  many  years  before  his  death.  My  brothers  were  all  farmers 
on  a  small  scale.    I  remember  of  hearing  my  mother  count  her 

*  William  McColloeh  lived  near  Zanesfield,  in  what  is  now  Logan  Count 
and  is  the  father  of  Judge  McColloeh,  now  of  Bellefontaine.-[ED. 


children.  The  imnibor  was  twelve  children  and  twelve  grand- 
childron.  The  great-grand-children,  perhaps,  would  overrun  that 
number.  I  have  seen  many  and  great  improvements  in  old  Cham- 
paign (bounty  since  the  year  1807.  I  am  now  living  in  the  town  of 
Mechanicsburg,  Champaign  County,  Ohio,  Goshen  Township,  on 
the  head-waters  ot  Little  Darby.  There  are  two  grist-mills  and 
two  saw-mills,  one  woolen  factory,  and  a  good  railroad.  I  am  in 
possession  of  the  family  record  and  dates  of  all  the  births  and 
deaths  of  my  brothers  and  sisters.  They  are  gone,  I  hope  to  a  bet- 
ter world  than  this.  I  was  raised  on  corn  and  potatoes  that  grew 
in  the  fields  that  were  plowed  with  long,  wooden  mould-board 
plows,  then  the  cast  plow  ;  but  the  best  of  all  is  the  steel-plow  of 
the  present  day.  The  improvements  in  farming  are  great,  and 
good,  and  far  exceed  those  of  other  years.  Many  places  where  we 
used  to  hear  the  howling  of  wolves,  and  the  hunting  of  the  red- 
man,  we  can  hear  the  Gospel  preached  on  Sunday,  and  often  on 
week-days.  In  1807  farm-cabins  were  scarce  and  far  between,  but 
now  our  country  is  almost  a  dense  population,  dotted  over  with 
good  farms  and  good  buildings,  flourishing  towns,  and  many 
splendid  churches.  In  the  settling  of  the  northern  part  of  Ohio, 
Ihe  people  had  to  labor  under  many  disadvantages.  The  corn  got 
frost-bitten,  hut  the  forest  afforded  us  plenty  of  wild  meat.  Deer, 
bear,  and  turkeys  were  plenty.  My  brothers  were  sure  shots,  and 
killed  an  abundance  of  game.  I  have  omitted  many  things  of 
impoi'tance,  on  account  of  being  a  poor  writer  at  this  age  of  my 
life.  I  was  born  in  Mason  County,  Kentucky,  in  the  year  1793. 
I  have  written  these  few  lines  without  the  use  of  glasses.  Per- 
haps but  tew  are  living  that  had  the  Dilworth  Spelling  Book  for 
their  school-book. 



The  first  settlers  of  what  is  now  Union  township,  Logfan  county, 
were  Robert  Moore,  Samuel  and  James  Mcllvain,  Robert  Porter, 
William  and  Archibald  Moore,  David  Askern,  Robert  Newel  and 
his  sons,  Samuel,  William,  Hugh  and  John,  William  and  Joseph 
McBeth,  Robert  Crocket,  David  Kirk  wood,  Billy  Gray,  John  and 
James  Wall,  Martin  Shields.  Subsequently,  Hiram  White,  James 
Stackhouse,  Adam  Rhodes,  Jonathan  Norton,  Henry  Culp  and 
others  settled  in  the  bounds  of  the  township.  In  tho'se  days  we  had 
what  was  termed  overseers  of  the  poor,  and  fence  viewers,  wh(j 
were  duly  elected  at  the  annual  township  election.  The  duties  in- 
cumbent on  the  overseer  of  the  poor  was  to  order  Ihein  out  of  the 
township  if  they  were  deemed  villainous  or  vagabonds  ;  otherwise, 
in  case  of  destitution,  the  children  were  bound  out  to  servitude, 
until  capable  of  taking  care  of  themselves.  The  duties  of  f.Mice 
viewers  was  to  examine  the  condition  of  fences.  There  were  no 
picket  or  board  fences  in  those  days  in-  our  place;  but  split  rails 
were  fashionable,  with  a  slip-gap,  or  pair  of  bars  at  best.  Accord- 
ing to  law,  a  fence  must  be  in  a  condition  to  turn  stock  of  any 
kind,  or  else  the  owner  could  recover  no  damage-  for  the  breach, 
or  the  spoiling  of  his  crops  by  stock  that  was  running  at  large. 
The  wild  woods  and  prairies  were  our  pastures  in  thosf  days.  A 
laughable  occurrence  happened  at  the  spring  election  one  year. 
The  men.  vishingto  have  a  little  fun,  elected  Adau)  Rhodes  h.' 
being  :>  remarkably  tall  man,  and  Hiram  White,  a  small  nnm,  a^ 
fence  viewers.  Adam  was  to  chin  the  fence,  an<l  Hiram  to  look 
after  the  pig  holes. 



Two  neighbors  f(()t  into  a  dispute  about  the  ownership  of  a  cer- 
tain liog,  which  they  both  claimed.  One  being  more  shrewd  and 
less  scrupulous  about  honesty  or  truth  than  the  other,  got  a  man  to 
swear  before  a  Justice  of  the  Peace,  that  he  knew  it  to  be  his,  be- 
cause he  knew  that  he  raised  it.  It  was  afterward  ascertained  that 
the  way  he  raised  it,  he  stooped  over  a  low  fence  and  lifted  it  off 
its  feet  by  the  bristles  (hogs  had  bristles  in  those  days.)  A  lean 
shoat  could  well  be  compared  to  a  fish,  the  bristles  answering  to 
the  fins  on  the  back,  anttthe  sides  as  flat,  with  mutton  hMnis. 

Stealing,  or  killing  hogs  in  the  woods,  was  a  very  common  oc- 
currence. Very  frequently  hogs  would  come  running  home  with 
torn  and  bloody  ears, (being  dogged,)  and  one  or  two  missing.  The 
poor  Indian  had  to  bear  the  blame  often,  when  the  deed  was  done 
by  some  white  sinner.  Robert  Moore  suggested  that  the  (then) 
new  county  should  be  called  Bristle  county. 

It  was  a  common  thing  for  cattle  to  come  up  with  one  missing., 
and  upon  search  being  made  would  be  found  swamped  in  the  mud 
somewhere.  Neighbors  would  assist  each  other,  and  with  hand- 
spikes and  ropes,  pry  up  and  drag  out.  Sometimes  the  poor  crea- 
ture could  stand,  after  it  would  get  on  solid  footing;  sometimes  it 
would  have  to  be  lifted  to  its  feet  for  days  and  weeks.  Each 
ow- ner  of  stock  had  to  have  his  own  peculiar  mark,  which  was 
done  by  slitting  and  cropping,  and  cutting  the  ears,  and  then  hav- 
ing their  mark  recorded  in  the  public  records  of  the  county.  Men 
used  to  have  a  cruel  and  silly  practice,  of  what  they  called  docking 
their  horses.  The  manner  by  which  it  was  done,  was  to  jtart  the 
hair  about  six  or  eight  inches  from  the  point  of  the  tail,  then  take 
a  sharp  ax,  and  set  the  pole  on  the  horse's  rump,  turn  the  tail  up 
over  the  edge  of  the  ax,  and  then  with  maul  nr  heavy  mallet,  strike 
hard.  It  took  four  men  to  do  it ;  one  to  hold  the  head,  one  to 
hold  the  tail,  one  to  hold  the  ax,  and  the  fourth  was  the  execu- 

Another  practice,  which  was  still  more  ridiculous,  was  nicking, 
which  was  done  by  cutting  the  tendons  on  the  under  part  of  the 
tail,  and  turning  it  up  and  fastening  it  in  that  position  until  the 
wound  would  heal  up.     Young  men  thought  they  made  a  graud 


display  when  they  rode  by  with  a  nick-tailed  horse ;  not  more 
ridiculous,  however,  than  the  women  of  to-day,  witli  their  hi^h- 
heeled  shoe^,  their  camels  hump,  or  piles  of  bark  or  hemp  on  their 

But  we  had  some  noble  l)oys  among  us  in  early  times— younj? 
men  who  could  cut  and  split  two  or  three  hundred  rails  in  a  .lay, 
pile  and  burn  brush  at  nig-ht,  or  shell  their  sack  of  corn,  and  ride 
on  it  on  horseback  to  mill.  The  girls  could  milk  the  cows,  churn 
the  batter,  make  the  cheese,  pull  the  flax,  spin,  weave  and  bleach 
it,  and  then  make  it  up  for  the  hoys.  The\-  coui'l  help  sheer  tlic 
sheep,  then  card  and  spin  the  wool,  color  it  and  weave  it,  and  tht  n 
make  dresses  of  it.  Such  was  frontier  life,  fifty  or  sixty  years  ajjo. 
Whnre  we  now  have  beautiful  green  fields,  was  then  a  howling 

Meanwhile,  heralds  of  the  (Jross  were  not  idle.  Father  .Joseph 
Stephenson,  than  whom  few  could  boast  a  finer  physical  organiza- 
tion, tall,  erect  and  well  proportioned,  he  stood  forth,  a  giant— 
for  the  cause  of  religion  and  morality — and  as  the  good  Master, 
"went  about  doing  good,"  and  like  the  Apostles,  "preached  from 
house  to  house;"  for  there  were  no  church  buildings  here  then,  no 
Bellefontaine,  with  its  church  bells  to  call  the  worshipers  together 
at  certain  hours  ;  no  railroad,  to  carry  the  ministering  brethren  to 
their  appointments ;  but  their  zeal  would  prompt  them  to  face  the 
storms  of  winter,  and  ride  for  miles  on  horseback,  to  fill  their  aj)- 

Camp-meetings  were  quite  common.  One  \  ear  there  w:is  (»ne 
held  on  the  place  of  Lodman  E.  Spry,  at  which  th'-re  were  a  large 
crowd  of  Shawnee  and  Delaware  Indians— some  all  the  way  from 
Sandusky.  Their  encampme?jt  was  back  of  the  preacher's  stand. 
They  seemed  to  enjoy  thp  ineeting  as  well  as  the  whites,  and  were 
quite  asorderly.  Some  of  th.'m  were  beautiful  sin-jors  "id  would 
get  very  happy  at  the  night  meetings. 

But  times  and  customs  have  changed  since  th.„e.i:'ys.  \\h<. 
can  tell  what  may  be  the  changes  of  the  next  half  century  ?  Ivho 
answers— Who?  Let  us  all  watch  and  wait,  and  try  to  rullill  nur 

1,  187L 

Among  the  first   settlers  in    Union   and    Plnasunt  townships,   in 


Logan  "fjunty,  were  Robert  Moore,  and  John  and  Thofnas  Makera- 
8on,  John  and  Benjamin  Schooler,  Phillip  Matthews,  Sen.,  and  his 
sons  David,  Henry,  Phillip  and  Alfred  ;  James  Shaw,  Jeremiah 
Stanbery,  John  Provolt  and  Samuel  McIIvain. 

About  the  year  1810  or  11,  there  was  felt  a  shock  of  earthquake, 
which  caused  a  distinct  vibration  of  some  three  inches,  of  skeins 
of  yarn,  that  were  suspended  from  the  joist  of  our  log  cabin. 
Well  do  I  remember  how  frightened  I  was  when  my  father  told  us 
what  it  was. 

Indians  were  plenty  about  here  at  that  time,  and  often  came  into 
the  settlement  to  trade  their  split  baskets  (which  were  very  pretty, 
being  colored  black  and  red,  auvl  striped  with  the  natural  color  of 
ash  wood),  dressed  deer-skins  and  moccasins,  for  flour,  a  little  corn- 
meal,  or  a  piece  of  meit.  Th^v  wer;^  v^ry  friendly  with  the 
whites,  generally,  if  they  wern  well  treated.  Of  ^j^ame  there  was 
plenty  ;  deer  was  often  seen  in  herds,  six,  eight  or  tea  together. 
How  beautiful  they  were,  leaping  over  iiills  or  across  the  prairies, 
with  their  white  flags  waving.  But  the  poor  creatures  were 
hunted  and  slaughtered  without  mercy,  by  both  white  and  In- 
dian hunters.  The  sly,  and  sneaking  wolf,  too,  was  often  seen 
skulking  through  the  brush,  and  wo  betide  the  poor  sheep  that 
wasn't  housed  up  at  night.  These  depredators  were  often  caught 
in  traps,  the  price  of  a  wolf-scalp  being  four  dollars.  Occasionally 
a  bear  was  killed. 

A  little  son  of  Wm.  Moore,  living  on  McKees'  creek,  near 
where  the  Bellefontaine  and  West  Liberty  turnpike  crosses  it,  was 
sent  after  the  cows  one  evening,  (he  always  carried  his  trusty  rifle 
on  such  occasions,)  and  in  passing  through  the  woods,  ho  espied  a 
huge  black  bear  standing  with  its  paws  on  a  large  log  close  by,  ap- 
parently watching  him.  Without  waiting  to  think  of  tlie  conse- 
qui'Dces.  should  he  miss  his  aim,  he  blazed  away,  and  down  came 
bruin  — the  ball  entering  his  forehead,  and  away  ran  Billy  home 
to  tell  his  father,  M'ho  would  scarcely  believe  his  story.  "But,  fath- 
er, just  comeand  see,"  said  Billy.  He  went;  and  there  sureenough, 
was  the  bear,  a  very  large  animal,  weighing  nearly  400  pounds,  ly- 
ing dead  beside  the  log. 


It  would  be  almost  impossible  to  .jiake  tiie  young  folks  of  to-day 
have  an  adequate  idea  of  the  immense  swarms  of  blackbirds  that 


used  to  collect  about  our  cornfields.  They  could  be  seen  cominj:  in 
flocks,  by  the  thousands,  and  alighting  on  the  corn,  about  the  time 
it  \va8  in  good  order  for  roasting,  tearing  open  the  husk,  and  feast- 
ing on  the  soft  corn.  Then  there  was  work  for  the  boys,  with  the 
horse-rattler,  old  tin  pails,  or  anything  to  scare  off  the  birds.  And, 
after  all,  they  would  destroy  some  fields  of  corn  dreadfully. 

Pigeons,  though  more  plentiful  still  thin  blackbirds,  were  not  so 
mischievous.  At  certain  seasons  of  the  year  (or  some  years)  they 
raigl  t  be  seen  flying  in  such  crowds  overhead  as  almost  to  darken 
the  air,  and  in  continuous  lines  for  miles  in  length.  One  season  the 
pigeon-roost  was  at  a  place  called  the  Beaver  dam,  in  Union  town- 
ship, where  they  would  collect  in  such  vast  numbers  a.s  to  break 
down  the  timber.  Large  limbs  would  be  broken  off  trees,  and 
saplings  bent  to  the  ground. 

Rattlesnakes  were  also  plenty.  Well  do  I  remember  the  time 
when  quite  a  large  one  got  into  our  house,  and  was  found  coiled  up 
at  the  foot  of  the  bed  where  my  brothers  M'ere  sleeping.  Feeling 
something  at  their  feet,  they  called  father,  and  he  grasped  a  lar^e 
iron  poker  and  dexterously  pitched  it  into  the  fire.  Shortly  after, 
the  dog  was  making  a  great  ado  outside  the  house;  father  went 
out,  and  there  was  another  snake,  no  doubt  mate  to  the  one  in  the 
house,  which  he  also  killed. 


In  making  hominy,  the  first  thing  was  to  prepare  the  mortar  to 
pound  it  in,  which  was  done  by  sawing  ofi"  a  log  about  two  feet  in 
diameter  and  three  feet  long,  then  chop  it  in  from  one  end,  leaving  a 
rim  for  the  bottom,  then  dress  it  off  smooth  in  the  shape  of  a  gob- 
let, set  it  up  on  the  bottom  and  pile  chips  or  bark  on  the  top  and 
burn  it  out,  on  the  inside,  taking  care  to  leave  a  rim  at  the  outer 
edge.  When  this  was  done  it  was  dressed  out  smooth  and  clean. 
Then  shell  about  half  a  bushel  of  corn,  pour  boiling  water  on  it  in 
some  vessel  and  let  it  stand  a  spell,  then  pour  the  wator  off  and 
tui  n  it  in  the  hominy  block.  The  pestle  for  jiounding  it  was  made 
by  taking  a  stout  stick  about  like  a  handspike,  shaving  it  smooth, 
splitting  one  end,  and  inserting  an  iron  wedge,  (such  as  is  useii  in 
splitting  rails)  taking  care  to  havean  iron  ring  on  the  stick  to  keep 
it  from  splitting  with  the  wedge  while  pounding  the  corn.  The 
chaff,  or  husk,  would  part  from  the  grain,  and  leave  it  clean  and 


cracked,  fit  for  cooking,  then  put  on  the  big  kettle  and  boil  the 


We  used  to  have  spinning  bees  (as  the  yankees  would  say.) 
A  neighbor  would  send  flax  enough  around  the  neighborhood  tospin 
twelve  cuts  for  each  one,  and  send  an  invitation  for  us  to  come  on 
a  certain  day,  and  bring  our  dozen  of  thread,  and  partake  of  a  good 
dinner,  and  a  good  time  in  general.  The  men  would  have  log-roll- 
ings, and  liouse-raisings,  and  corn-huskings.  We  would  have  our 
wool-pickings,  and  quiltings.  We  could,  and  did  ride  on  horse- 
back, for  miles  to  meeting  or  to  market  or  visiting,  and  thought  it 
only  a  pleasant  recreation.  We  could  pull  flax,  scutch  it,  spin  it, 
weave  it,  bleach  it,  and  makf^  it  up  into  shirts  for  the  men. 

THE  WAR  OF  1812. 

How  many  of  us  can  remember  the  demonstrations  of  joy  and 
rejoicing  there  were  among  us,  at  the  news  of  Perry's  victory  on 
Lake  Erie.  Well  do  I  remember  hearing  the  shooting  and  shout- 
ing. I  have  a  knapsack  in  my  possession  that  was  in  the  army, 
under  General  Brown,  at  Sackett  Harbor,  in  1813  or  14,  made  of 
tow  linen  with  leather  straps. 

My  aged  friends,  we  who  have  borne  the  burden  and  heat  of  the  day 
are  now  walking  or  wading  along  the  banks  of  the  river.  Some  of 
us  with  our  feet  in  the  water  wailing  to  be  launched  over.  We 
have  seen  our  friends,  one  by  one,  passing  over  before  us.  Have 
we  all  got  our  lamps  trimmed,  and  oil  in  our  veasels?  Did  we  all 
goto  work  iti  the  Master's  vineyard  at  the  eleventh  hour,  or  are 
we  s*^ill  standing  idle,  making  the  excuse  that  no  man  hath  hired 
us?  Let  us  not  murmur  because  those  that  came  in  at  the  eleventh 
hour  receive  as  much  as  we.  Let  us  rather  rejoice  that  they  came 
in,  even  late,  and  receive  the  same  wages.  "Let  not  our  eye  be 
evil  because  God  is  good." 



Eldest  son  of  Maj.  William  Boggs,  aged  18  years,  of  Westmore- 
land county,  Virginia,  was  taken  prisoner  by  the  Indian^,  about 
the  year  1770,  and  remained  a  prisoner  with  them  two  years.  He 
spent  a  considerable  part  of  that  time  at  the  Mac-a-cheek  towns,  on 
Mad  river,  near  the  present  town  of  West  Liberty.  He  was  sick 
much  of  the  time  he  was  a  prisoner,  and  at  times  reduced  so  low 
that  he  was  scarcely  able  to  walk.  A  young  squaw  was  very  kind 
to  him,  and  probably  saved  his  life  on  several  occasions.  At  one 
time  the  Indians  had  a  drunken  frolic,  when  he  was  so  weak  he 
could  not  walk.  This  Indian  woman  carried  him  in  her  arms, 
probably  in  the  night  time,  an<l  hid  him  in  the  tall  grass,  on  Mac- 
a-chf  ek,  covered  him  over  with  the  grass  and  set  up  the  grass  on 
her  trail  so  that  that  the  Indians  could  not  find  him,  fearing  the 
drunken  Indians  would  kill  him.  He  laid  in  that  place  two  days, 
and  had  nothing  toeat  except  once,  this  young  woman  carried  him 
some  pole-cat  brains,  which  was  the  best  she  had  to  give.  After 
he  was  released,  and  returned  home,  he  described  that  country  so 
well  along  Mad  river,  from  the  head  of  that  stream  down  south  of 
West  Liberty,  that  persons  afterward  came  from  his  neighborhood, 
and  had  no  difficulty  in  finding  the  exact  localities  he  had  described, 
especially  about  the  present  site  of  West  Liberty,  and  along  Mac-a- 
cheek,  about  the  Piatt  estate.  He  described  a  mound,  which  is, 
no  doubt,  the  mound  situated  in  John  Enoch's  field,  where  the  In- 
dians had  a  track  to  run  their  horses,  and  the  judges  would  sit  on 
this  mound  and  view  the  races,  but  he  gave  no  account  of  t-eeing 
any  prisoner  run  the  gauntlet,  and  he  never  had  to  run  the  gaunt- 
let as  my  informant  is  aware  of.  At  the  end  of  two  years  he  wa.s 
exchanged  at  Detroit,  and  returned  to  his  native  home.  He  sub- 
sequently removed  to  Indiana,  where  he  died,  many  years  since, 
at  an  advanced  age.  William  Boggs  was  a  relation  to  Hiratn,  Nel- 
son and  Alfred  Johnson  of  Champaign  county. 


Removed  from   Pennsylvania  in  the  year   1804,   and   -ettle<l  on 


King's  Creek,  near  where  Judge  E.  L.  Morgan  n'>vv  livei?.  Two 
yeara  afterward  he  removed  to  Mingo  Valley,  where  he  died  in  the 
year  1818,  at  an  advanced  age. 


Settled  on  the  farm  now  owned  by  his  son,  Alfred  Johnson,  in 
Mingo  Valley,  in  the  spring  of  1805.  He  lived  on  King's  Creek 
one  or  two  years  previous.  The  first  time  he  ever  viewed  this 
farm  he  was  in  company  with  James  Denny,  the  original  proprie- 
tor, and  the  noted  original  proprietor  of  much  military  land. 
They  were  looking  over  the  land,  and  came  to  a  field  that  the  In- 
dians had  cleared  and  cultivated,  and  found  twelve  or  thirteen 
squaws  in  the  field  hoeing  corn  on  a  very  warm  day.  The  squaws 
were  attired  to  suit  the  weather.  This  field  is  very  near  the  village 
of  Mingo.  Jacob  Johnson  died  in  the  year  1844,  and  was  regarded 
as  a  very  worthy  man.  He  was  father  of  the  well-known  Johnson 
Brothers — Hiram,  Nelson  and  Alfred. 


Was  a  native  of  Guilford  county,  North  Carolina.  He  emigrated 
to  Ohio,  in  1811,  and  settled  in  Champaign  county,  where  he  lived 
until  his  decease  in  1863,  aged  seventy-five  years.  He  was  one  of 
the  excellent  men  of  the  earth. 


Was  a  native  of  Colunibiana  county,  Ohio.  He  lived  in  Cham- 
paign county  from  1817  until  his  decease  in  1870,  aged  67  years. 
He  was  steady,  quiet,  industrious,  benevolent  and  economical.  He 
lived  ft  religious  Ijfp,  and  whs  looked  upon  by  all  as  a  good  man. 



Was  a  native  of  Virginia,  and  emigrated  to  the  Northwestern  Ter- 
ritory, and  settled  in  what  is  now  Columbiana  county,  Ohio,  in 
1800.  In  1817  he  removed  to  Champaign  county,  where  he  lived 
eight  miles  Northeast  of  Urbana,  until  his  decease  in  1846.  He 
was  industrious,  liberal  and  kind,  and  was  regarded  as  a  good  and 
useful  man. 


Was  a  native  of  Pennsylvania.  Emigrated  to  Ohio  in  I8O0,  and 
lived  in  Champaign  county  until  his  decease,  about  the  year  IStiO. 
He  was  Commissioner  of  the  county  twelve  years,  and  filled  many 
offices  of  trust.  He  was  a  kind  and  benevolent  man,  and  for  his 
many  good  qualities,  will  long  be  remembered  by  his  neighbors 
and  fellow-citizens. 


Lived  in  Champaign  county  at  an  early  day,  and  is  still  living  on 
his  fine  farm  at  Cable.  He  is  nature's  nobleman;  may  his  shadow 
never  grow  less. 


BY  F.  M.   THOMAS. 

Colonel   John  Thomas, 

One  of  the  earliest  settlers  of  Champaign  county,  was  a  native  of 
Charles  county,  Maryland,  where  he  had  his  hirth,  June  7,  1779. 
When  about  eighteen  years  of  age,  he  left  his  home  and  emigra- 
ted to  the  wilderness  of  Ohio,  stopping  first  in  Ross  county,  near 
Chillicothe.  After  a  few  years  he  went  into  Pickaway  county, 
where  he  married  Ann  Morris.  About  the  year  1809,  he  removed 
to  Champaign  county,  settling  on  the  north  fork  of  Kingscreek 
in  Salem  township.  At  that  period,  but  few  white  people  were  in 
this  county.  The  pioneers  were  far  apart,  and  in  a  poor  condition 
for  defense  against  the  inroads  of  the  savages,  by  whom  they  were 
frequently  threatened  during  the  war.  For  their  better  defefase, 
they  erected  blockhouses,  one  of  which  stood  on  Col.  Thomas's 
farm.  Here  the  families  were  collected  when  the  alarm  of  hostile 
Indians  spread  dismay  and  terror  among  the  settlers,  w^hilst  the 
men  with  their  rifles  marched  to  the  frontier  to  search  for  and 
drive  back  the  savages.  Col.  Thomas  accompanied  these  expedi- 
tions and  belonged  to  the  same  company  with  Captain  Arthur 
Thomas  and  son,  who  were  murdered  by  the  Indians  near  Solo- 
mons town,  Logan  county.  The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  pecul- 
iarly fitted  for  the  pioneer  life,  having  a  strong  and  vigorous  con- 
stitution, and  always  enjoying  good  health.  He  was  endowed  with 
a  large  measure  of  patience  and  fortitude,  that  enabled  him  to 
successfully  battle  with  the  i)eril8  and  discouragements  incident  to 


backwoods  life.  He  was  quiet  and  unassuming  in  his  manners  ; 
possessed  a  warm,  social  nature,  and  was  noted  for  his  propriety  of 
conduct,  and  his  kindness  and  benevolence  to  the  poor  and  desti- 

When  there  were  no  churches  in  the  county.  Col.  Thomas  invi- 
ted the  clergy  to  hold  service  at  his  house,  and  the  pioneer  mis- 
sionary of  the  gospel  always  met  a  cordial  welcome  at  his  door. 
He  was  held  in  the  highest  esteem  by  his  fellow-citizens,  and  was 
honored  by  them  with  many  positions  of  trust  and  usefulness ; 
being  chosen  as  Captain,  Major  and  Colonel  in  the  militia  service, 
and  serving  as  Justice  of  the  Peace  for  thirty-three  years,  receiv- 
ing his  first  commission  from  Gov.  Othniel  Looker,  in  1814.  Some 
years  after  his  settlement  here,  sickness  carried  off  his  wife  and 
several  of  his  family.  He  subsequently  married  Mary  Blair, 
widowed  daughter  of  Jacob  Johnson,  of  Mingo  Village,  also  a 
pioneer.  His  widow  still  survives  him,  living  with  her  two  sons 
on  the  farm  where  her  husband  originally  settled.  Some  time  pre- 
vious to  his  decease,  Col.  Thomas  united  with  the  M.  P.  Church  in 
his  neighborhood,  and  continued  an  exemplary  follower  of  the  Sa- 
vior until  his  death,  which  occurred  January  20,  1851,  in  the  72d 
year  of  his  age. 



This  township  is  situated  iinmertiateiy  north  of  Urbana.  Its  south- 
ern boundary  at  the  centre  is  the  northern  limit  of  the  the  city  cor- 
poration. The  township  is  eight  miles  long,  from  soutii  to  north, 
and  six  miles  wide,  from  east  to  west.  It  is  bounded  on  the  north 
by  Logan  county,  on  the  east  by  Unitni  and  Wayne  townships, 
and  on  the  west  by  Concord  and  Harrison  townships.  It  contains 
forty-eight  (48)  square  miles,  equal  to  thirty  thousand  seven  hun- 
dred and  twenty  (30,720)  acres  of  land  ;  about  four  thousand  acres  of 
this  land  lies  east  of  Ludlow's  line,  and  is  in  the  Virginia  Military 
District ;  the  balance  is  Congress  land,  and  is  lai  1  off  in  sections  of 
one  mile  square,  containing  six  hundred  and  forty  acres  each,  ex- 
cept some  fractional  sections  on  the  west  side  of,  and  adjoining 
Ludlow's  line,  which  are  of  various  sizes.  Mad  river  runs  south, 
and  passes  through  the  north-west  and  south-west  parts  of  the 
township.  King's  creek  has  its  source  in  Wayne  township,  and 
runs  westwardly  across  Salem,  and  enters  Mad  river  near  the  west- 
ern boundary  of  the  township.  Mack-a-cheek,  a  tributary  of  Mad 
river,  paases  through  the  northern  part  of  the  township.  All  these 
are  permanent,  never-failing  streams,  of  pure,  clear  water.  They 
have  never  been  known  to  go  dry  in  summer,  and  always  furnish 
an  ample  supply  of  water  for  milling  purposes  throughout  the  year. 
The  land  Ls  mostly  level,  or  "rolling"  dry  prairie,  and  "barrens," 
a.s  it  was  once  called,  and  the  ridges  dividing  the  streams  and 
prairie,  are  covered  with  timber,  mostly  oak  and  hickory.  In  the 
.south-east  corner  of  the  township  there  is  a  large,  low,  and  once  wet 


prairie  known  by  the  nanae  of  Du^an's  Prairie  ;  U:  contains  sevemi 
thousand  acres  of  land,  and  receives  the  drainag.-  of  the  country 
surrounding  it,  equal  to  an  area  ot  six  miles  square.  When  the 
t'ountry  was  first  settled  by  the  whites,  this  prairie  was  mostly 
covered  with  water  the  greatest  part  of  the  year,  havino;  the  ap- 
pearance of  a  lake,  with  here  and  there  a  small  island  thickly  cov- 
ered with  timber,  mostly  oak  and  hickory.  The  "barrens"  and 
dry  prairies  were  covered  with  wild  grass,  which  in  summer  grew 
lo  an  incredible  height,  and  furnished  fine  pasture  for  thousunh  mC 
bnflfalo,  elk  and  deer,  before  the  intrusion  of  the  white  man  upon 
their  rich  domain.  After  this  grass  became  dead  ripe,  or  was  killed 
by  the  frost  in  the  fall  of  the  year,  and  became  dry  enough  to  burn, 
the  Indians,  at  times  agreed  upon  by  their  chiefs,  would  place 
themselves  witli  their  guns  upon  the  high  timbered  land  U'ljoiniti^' 
that  upon  which  tiie  grass  grew,  and  at  a  signal  given  by  tb<- 
"captain,"  the  squaws  would  set  fire  to  the  grass,  and  the  wild  an- 
imals of  all  kinds  which  lay  there  concealed,  would  be  suddenly 
aroused  from  their  quiet  slumbers,  and  run  for  safety  to  the  hlgli 
ground,  and  there  meet  death  by  the  rifle  of  the  red  man.  (ireat 
numbers  of  deer  were  killed  in  this  way  by  the  Indians,  even  after 
the  commencement  of  the  settlement  of  the  country  by  tbf  whiteb. 
The  Indians  would  invariably  give  the  white  settlers  at  least  a 
week's  notice  of  their  intention  to  burn  the  grass  at  a  certain  time, 
so  they  eould  protect  their  fences  and  cabins  by  plowing  a  few  fresh 
furrows  around  them. 

According  to  the  best  information,  and  that  which  is  entirely  re- 
liable, (for  I  intend  to  give  no  other,)  the  settlement  of  that  part  of 
the  township  which  lies  in  the  Kings-creek  valley,  wascommeneed 
in  the  year  1S02,  or  1803.  Samuel  and  William  Stewart,  from  whom 
I  have  received  the  main  part  of  my  information  on  the  subject, 
and  whose  statements  can  be  fully  relied  on,  came  to  this  town- 
ship with  their  father,  Matthew  Stewart  who  settle*!  on  Kings- 
creek  in  the  spring  of  1804.  At  that  time  William  Powell  wa> 
living  near  the  place  where  Mr.  Albert  Jackson  now  lives,  having 
settled  there  about  a  year  before.  Wm.  Wood,  a  Baptist  prfmlifr 
from  Kentucky,  and  father  of  Christopher  VVood,  whodistinguislied 
himself  in  the  war  oi  1812,  and  is  remembered  by  all  the  old  set- 
tlers, then  lived  where  the  Kingston  mills  now  are,  having  --ettle*! 
there  about  a  vear  before.     Arthur  Thomas,  who  was  aft(r\\:(nl- 


kill'cl  by  the  Indians,  then  lived  at  the  mouth  of  Kinjfs-iTeek,  where 
he  soon  after  built  a  grist  mill,  which  was  probably  the  first  mill 
of  the  kind  ever  erected  in  this  county.  Joseph  Petty  then  lived 
on  Kiugvs-creek  on  the  place  where  his  grand  son,  Hiram  Potty 
now  lives,  where  he  built  a  water  mill  soon  after. 

The  following  named  persons  came  to  this  township  about  the 
same  time,  or  soon  after :  David  Parkison,  James  Turner,  Joha 
^^utridge,  Abner  Barret,  William  Johnson,  George  and  Jacob 
Leonard.  A  majority  of  the  first  settlers  came  from  Kentucky  and 
Virginia.  Matthew  vStewart  and  John  McAdams  came  from  Penn- 
sylvania at  an  early  day,  and  lived  a  short  time  at  Columbia,  on 
the  Ohio  river,  above  Cincinnati;  from  there  they  came  to  this 
pUice  and  settled  on  Kingscreek,  in  1804.  John  Taylor  came  from 
Vfrginia  and  settled  on  Kingscreek  in  1806,  at  the  place  Adhere  the 
vjllageof  Kingston  now  is.  He  purchased  640  acres  of  land  from 
Issac  Zane,  for  which  he  paid  four  dollars  per  acre.  This  laud,  to- 
gether with  two  other  sections  of  the  same  size,  was  given  to  Mr. 
Zane  by  the  United  States  Government,  in  consideration  of  ser- 
vices rendered  the  armj'  under  the  command  of  General  Wayne 
in  1794.  In  1810  Mr.  Taylor  erected  a  grist  and  saw  mill,  now 
(1872)  owned  by  Beatty  and  Willis.  In  the  same  year  the  citizens, 
who  then  lived  in  the  vicinity,  erected  two  blockhouses  near  the 
mill,  as  a  protection  against  the  attacks  of  the  Indians.  To  these 
houses,  which  were  enclosed  by  tall  pickets,  the  settlers  would  flee 
in  times  of  danger ;  but  the  Indians  never  disturbed  them  there; 
great  numbers  of  them,  mostly  squaws,  were  every  day  to  be  seen 
coming  to,  and  returning  from  the  mill,  with  their  little  buckskin 
:Kacks  teUed  with  corn,  and  thrown  across  the  naked  backs  of  their 
bob-tailed  ponies,  upon  which  the  squaws  rode  astride,  some  of 
them  with  their  "pappooses"  fastened  to  a  board  and  strapped 
upon  their  back.  On  dismounting,  the  squaw  would  place  the 
board  to  which  the  baby  was  tied  against  the  wall  of  the  mill,  in 
an  erect  position,  then  take  off  and  carry  in  her  sack  of  corn,  and 
immediately  return  and  nurse  her  pappoose.  The  writer  once 
saw  an  Indian  squaw,  in  a  great  hurry,  accidentally  place  her 
child  upon  the  board  wrong  end  up.  The  youngster  soon  discov- 
ered the  mistake,  and  although  a  wild  savage,  it«  cries  and  screams 
precisely  resembled  those  of  a  white  child. 

Salem  township  was  organized  in  1805,  the  same  year  that  the 


<'ounty  was  created.  The  civil  jurisdiction  of  the  townshi}*  thf^n 
extended  from  the  southern  boundary  of  the  tenth  ran^enciir 
iSprino^field,  to  the  shore  of  Lake  Erie  on  the  north,  inclu(lin«?a 
territory  almost  as  larsje  as  some  of  the  old  State?.  If  the  cens^us 
had  been  taken  at  that  time,  it  would  have  shown  that  for  every 
white  person  within  its  bounds  there  was  at  least  one  liundred  In- 
dians. I  will  uive  some  extracts  from  the  township  records  of 
early  times,  which  will  show  the  nature  of  the  business  then 
transacted,  and  the  manner  of  doing-  it. 

"Kecord  Book  for  Salem  township:  Chapter  I,  for  the  year  180r), 
May  10, 1805,  Chris.  Wood,  Trustee,  duly  sworn  in  for  Salem  town- 
ship ;  Daniel  McKinney,  Trustee,  duly  sworn  in  that  office  for  Sa- 
lem township."  "May  15,  1805:  William  Davis  came  before  me 
and  was  qualified  to  hi^  office  of  Constable  for  Salem  township  lio- 
fore  A.  Barritt."  May  18,  1805:  Daniel  Jones  was  also  qu;dific<l 
as  above  mentioned.— A.  Barritt."  "May  24,  1805:  Champaign 
county  recorded  as  per  certificate,  rendered  from  under  the  hand 
of  John  Runyon,  Associate  Judge  of  the  Court  of  Common  Plea.'*, 
that  George  Jem ison  was  legally  qualified  to  the  office  of  Ik ) 
appraiser  and  lister  of  taxable  property,"  "June  5th,  1805  :  There 
is  a  bond  in  this  office  giving  Daniel  .Jones  for  behavior  for  one 
year  as  a  constable.  Justus  Jones,  Barton  Minturn  surety  to  Wm. 
Johnson,  Trea>surerfor  said  township. — A.  Barritt." 

It  appears  from  this  record  that  William  Johnson  was  the  first 
Treasurer,  and  Abner  Barritt  the  first  Clerk  of  this  township.  \iy 
the  record  of  1806,  it  appears  that  Joseph  Petty,  Thomas  Tearce 
and  William  Parkison  were  elected  Trustees,  and  David  Parkison 
Clerk  for  that  year.  The  following  appears  upon  the  record  of  that 
year : 

"August  15, 1806:  A  memorandum  of  the  business  transacted  by 
William  Moore  and  Matthew  Stewart,   overseers  of  the  i)oor,  in 
the  township  of  Salem,  and  county  of  Champaign,  for  the  year 
October  18,  1806.    To  one  order  for  clothing  for  one  child  ..-f  I  00 

To  David  Parkison— for  nursing •<  00 

To  Wm.  Powell— for  the  use  of  a  iridwife,  2  00 

To  two  days  service  for  Moore  and  Stewart  

<iave  an  order  to  Treasurer  for  the  use  of  Jany  Parkison  for  three  dol 
lare,  the  8th  day  of  November,  1806.    The  Trusteee  allowed  Wm. 


P()wer>«  ju'oount  for  kee|)in^  poor  woman  and  chilrl — the  account, 
$2<)  (X)}i.s  per  account,  October  4th,  I80fi." 

Who  the  poor  woman  and  child  were,  is  not  known.  The  fol- 
lowing is  copied  from  the  township  record  of  1808  : 

"Agreeal)le  to  the  squirrel  law,  the  Trustees  ol  this  township 
have  laid  on  each  taxable  ten  squirrel  scalps,  and  one  scalp  for 
eiich  and  every  twelve  and  a  half  cents  his  tax  amounts  to.  Done 
the  2:M  day  of  April,  1808.     Attest  :  David  Parkison,  T.  CV 

"July:  David  Parkison,  town  Clerk,  to  makingr  out  twoalpha- 
l)etical  duplicates  of  delinquents  in  squirrel  scalps,  allowed  by  the 
Trustees.  David  Parkison,  town  Clerk,  to  taking  in  squirrel 
•calps  and  jriviiiff  certifli-ates,  to  be  alloMre<l  by  the  Trustees," 

"October  29,  1808  :  To  James  Turner  and  Joshua  Baldwin,  Trus- 
tees, their' attendance  in  Urbana  to  appoint  a  collector  for  to  lift 
the  required  t^x  of  Salem  township,  the  day  and  date  above, 
$1  oo." 

"November  2,  1808 :  l>avi<l  Parkison,  town  (.'lerk,  to  one  day 
going  to  Urbana  to  write  a  bond  with  security  on  George  Sanders, 
to  collect  the  squirrel  tux,  76  cents." 

In  tormer  times  it  was  customary  for  the  squirrels  "to  travel 
from  north  to  south  in  countless  numbers,  about  once  in  ten  years_ 
They  made  their  journey  in  the  fall  of  ihe  year,  about  the  time 
that  corn  began  to  ripen.  They  appeared  in  such  vast  numbers,  as 
apparently  to  cover  the  earth  for  miles,  and  if  not  well  guarded, 
they  would  clear  the  corn  fields  as  they  went  along.  They  would 
suffer  death  rather  than  ttirn  from  their  course,  and  would  pass 
over  houses  and  swim  lakes,  ponds  and  water  courses.  They  trav- 
eled due  south,  until  they  would  reach  the  Ohio  river,  into  which 
they  would  plunge  and  attempt  to  swim  over  ;  here  an  immense 
number  would  lose  their  lives  by  drowning  in  the  river,  and  those 
thiit  got  over  alive  would  crawl  up  on  the  bank,  and  after  resting 
a  short  time,  would  resume  the  journey  southward.  This  accounts 
for  the  necessity  of  levying  a  squirrel  scalp  tax. 

(Japtain  Alexander  Black,  Moses  .Mcllvain  and  others,  from  Ken- 
tucky, settled  on  Mac-a-cheek  and  Mad  river,  in  the  northern  part 
of  Salem,  in  the  spring  of  1809;  at  that  time  James  McPherson, 
called  "Squalica,"  by  the  Indians,  (which  means  the  red-faced 
man)  was  then  living  on  Mad  river,  at  or  near  the  Kavanaugh 
farm,  and  there  were  several  IndifDi    fainilit-s  there  at  the   time; 

liOGAN  (Y)UNTIES.  253 

amuucr  others,  (Captain  John  Lewis,  a  chief,  who  had  in  hin  family 
a  white  woman  named  Molly  Kizer,  who  was  taken  prisoner  when 
younorand  raised  with  the  Indians.  She  was  hi-hly  esteemed  hy  the 

Alexander  P>lack  was  a  soldier,  and  served  faitlifidlv  in  the  army 
of  rieneral  Wayne  at  the  hattle  with  the  Indians  in  171)4;  he  was  an 
offieer  and  served  in  the  war  of  1S12,  under  (General  Harrison. 
John  Enoch  came  to  this  township  with  hif;  father's  family  in  1812; 
he  was  then  ten  years  of  age,  having-  been  born  at  Fort  Washin^r- 
ton,  now  Cincinnati,  in  the  early  Mart  of  1802:  he  is  therefore  s  i,,(.- 
what  older  than  the  State  of  Ohio.  Abrani  Sn)ith  built  the  Hrst 
cabin,  and  was  the  first  white  settler  in  what  was  then  called  the 
"barrens,"  between  the  .settlements  on  Kings  creek  and  Mac-a- 
cheek.  This  cabin  was  "raised"  in  1818,  and  stood  a  short  di.stance 
east  of  the  State  road,  and  ntt  far  from  the  residence  of  Joseph 
Miller;  a  few  old  apple  trees  still  remain  to  mark  the  plac^  where 
it  stood,  Mr.  Smith  was  a  prominent  and  worthy  citize!i,  and 
filled  some  of  the  most  important  township  offices  (or  several  years 
before  his  death;  he  had  a  wife  and  fwo  children;  the  whole  family 
died  of  "Milk-sickness"  within  a  few  days  of  each  other,  about 
the  year  1S21. 

Wm.  ("opes  settled  at  the  place  now  owned  by  .Mr.  Liddeis,  aii- 
joining:  the  farm  of  Jonathan  Parker,  on  the  State  road  between  Ur- 
bana  and  West  Liberty,  in  the  spring  of  1814;  here  he  purchase<l 
one  hundred  and  sixty  acres  of  land  front  the  United  States,  at  two 
dollars  per  acre,  erected  a  cabin  and  made  a  small  in)provement, 
but  like  many  otliere  of  that  time  he  came  to  the  conclusion  that 
the  country  weli  named,  and  that  it  Wiu?  really  a  Ixirren  and 
worthless  place.  He  accordingly  sold  his  farm  for  the  same  priee 
that  he  gave,  and  bought  one  hundred  and  sixty  acres  in  another 
part  of  the  township,  without  improvements,  for  which  i\e  paid 
four  dollars  per  acre  ;  this  land  to-day  is  worth  one-fifth  as  much 
per  acre  as  that  on  the  State  road,  and  no  more.  Mr.  Thomas 
Thomas  purchased  the  farm  of  Win.  Copes,  and  after  theState  road 
became  a  highway  of  some  importance,  and  was  travehd  liv  <lt..- 
vers,  teamst<'rs,  movers,  <fec.,  Mr.  Thomas,  after  ]»ntting  ui>  :i  pret- 
ty good  liouse,  kept  "entertainment,"  for  traveler- oi  ail  kinds, 
and,  a.-  was  customary  in  those  days  he  put  up  his  sign  upon  a  tull 
post  in  front  of  tbe  door;  this  -i-n  wasa  rather  niMnntli  rr|.r.'-.>nf;<- 


tion  of  a  sheaf  of  wheat.    Once  upon  a  time  a  traveler  on  foot 
"put up"  at  the  house  of  Mr.  Thomas,  and  remained  all  night ;  it 
so  happened  (which  was  common   among  the  folks  at  that  time) 
that  the  landhidy  had  mush-uiid-milk  for  supper.    The  mush,  as  us- 
ual, was  made  of  corn-meal;  in  thw  morning  she  provided  a  break- 
fast of  venison  and  corn-pone  which  she  had  baKed  in  a   Dutch 
oven.     After  tiie  traveler  had  fared  sumptuously,  and  paid  the  bill, 
he  asked  the  landlord  what  sign   that  was   before  hi^,   door.     Mr. 
Thinnas  replied  that  it  was  a  representation   of  a   sheaf  of  wheat. 
"Well,"  said  the  stranger,  "I  think  it  would  be  more  appropriate 
if  you  would  take  that  down  and  put  acorn-stalk    in   its  place." 
Mr.  Thomas  had  several  children  by  his  first  wife,  and  after  her 
death  he  married  a  young  woman  of  the  neighborhood,  by  whotu  he 
had  other  ciiildren.    This,  as  usual,  caused  troubU'  and  strife  in  the 
family,  wliich  was  carried  to  such,  an  extent  tliat  his  son  William, 
by  his  first  wife,  became  a  desperate   maniac,   and  had  to  be  con- 
fined, either  in  a  cell  or  in  irons.     Wliile  in  this  condition  the  fam- 
ily moved  to  one  of  the  new  States  in  the  vvest.     Here,   as   before, 
the  young  man  was  lef  confined  in  a  small  house  built  for  the  pur- 
post^,  a  short  distance  fro;n  the  dwelling  of  the  family.     By  some 
means  he  one  night  made  his  escape  from   his  hut,   got  an   axe, 
broke  open  the  door  of  the  dwelling  house,  and  entered  the  sleep- 
ing-roouj  of  his  father  and  step-mother;  on  nearing  the  noise  they 
both  sprang  up  from  bed,  when,  after  a  short  struggle  he  succeeded 
in  splitting  his  mother's  skull  and  slightly   wounding   his  father 
while  endeavoring  to  protect  his  wife.     Some  of  the   neighbors,  on 
going  to  the  house  next  morning,  found  the  maniac  in  quiet  posses- 
.sioii,  and  l)oth  parents  dead  upon  the  floor.     On    being  questioned 
he  said  he  intended  to  kill  his  step-mother,  but  not  his  father;  that 
he  had  at  tirstacciden tally  wounded  his  lather  but  slightly,  but  fear- 
ing it  might  become  troul)les()me  and  puinful  to  his  aged  parent  he 
concluded  to  kill   him  ;d   oiice  and  fuu   Idm   out  of  his   misery. 
Charles  McClay  settled  ni  the  fail  of  1S14,  at  the   tanii   afterwards 
owned  by  Joel  Funk, and  whc^re  tin-  widow  Funk  now  lives.     Mr. 
McClay   was  brother-in-law  to  Abram  Stinth,  the  first  resident   in 
the  "barrens;"  lie  died  many  years  ago  and  left  several  children; 
hut  one,  Mr.  Klija   McClay,   is  now   living.     Archibald  Stewart, 
Kob't  Latta  anil  John  Williams,  settled  on  the   high-land   east  of 
the  State  road  in   1814  or  181;").     Wm.  Mays,  father  of  George  ami 
Arcl.ibald  1{.  Mays  and    Mrs.    I'\d\\  ider,  wife  of  Ihuid  F(dwider, 


fame  to  this  township  at  an  early  day  and  settled  at  the  plaw 
where  his  sun  Arehibahi  now  lives.  He  was  a  prominent,  worthy 
and  usefulcitizeu  in  his  time.  John  Thomas  (of  Minj^o)  was  the 
first  settler  at  that  place.  John  Thomas  (Colonel)  settled  on 
Kings  creek  in  1809,  at  the  place  where  his  widow,  and  two  of  his 
«ons  now  live.  James  Turner  settled  at  the  place  where  I.  C.  Vo- 
der now  lives,  in  1808  or  9;  his  wile,  Mrs.  Ann  Turner,  was  tho 
first  person  buried  in  the  grave-yard  at  Kingston;  her  grave  was 
dusr  by  Thomas  Stewart,  Isaac  McAditms  and  E.  L.  Morgan. 


Joseph  Vance,  who  afterward  filled  many  iujporlant  offices  iu 
the  civil  and  military  departments  of  the  United  States  and  State 
governments,  came  to  this  township  with  his  father's  family  iu 
1806.  Governor  Vance's  ancestors  were  Irish  Protestants,  or  what 
was  called  in  former  times,  Scotch-Irish  Presbyterians.  His  ances- 
tors came  to  America  at  an  early  day.  His  grand-father  married, 
and  raised  a  large  family  in  the  colony  of  Virginia,  prior  to  the  war 
©f  the  revolution.  Of  this  family  Joseph  Colville  Vance,  Governor 
Vance's  father,  was  the  youngest  son .  He  was  a  member  of  ('apt. 
Saul  Vail's  company,  in  Colonel  Morgan's  rifle-regiment,  and 
served  through  the  war  of  the  Revolution;  was  married  to  Sarah 
Wilson,  in  Loudon  county,  Virginia,  in  the  year  1781— crossed  the 
mountains  and  settled  near  the  old  Indian  town  of  "Catfish,"  now 
the  town  of  Washington,  Washington  county,  Peimsylvania, 
where  Governor  Vance  was  born,  March  21st,  17«6.  In  17HK  the 
father  with  his  family  floated  down  the  Ohio  rivci-  on  u  .aft,  to  » 
station  called  Vanceburg.  At  this  place  he  remaincl  •  year  or 
more,  and  defended  the  place  against  the  attacks  of  the  Indians  on 
several  occasions.  He  afterwind  settled  on  a  farm  on  Mays-creek, 
a  few  miles  above  Mays-lick,  in  Kentucky;  his  house  was  one  of 
the  stations  of  what  was  called  the  "Kentucky-rangers."  Persons 
employed  to  scout  up  and  down  the  Ohio  river,  and  give  the  set- 
tlers notice  of  the  approacli  of  hostile  Indians,  wer(^  cidlcd  "Kanjr- 
ers."     It  was  hpre  that  Duncan  McArthur  and   Joseph    Vanco  »h»- 


(Mme  acquinted,  McArthur  being  employed  and  acting  at  the  tinae 
a-i  one  of  the  Rangers.  Judge  Alexander  F.  Vance,  son  of  Gov. 
Vance  says  when  a  boy,  he  has  frequently  heard  thera  relate 
some  of  their  early  adventures  ;  one  told  by  McArthur  iu  his  hear- 
ing, made  a  lasting  impresson  upon  his  mind.  On  one  occasion 
McArthur,  after  passing  up  and  down  the  river  on  his  heat^  and 
having  made  no  discoveries  of  Indians,  concluded  to  turn  aside 
and  visit  a  "deer-liek"  he  knew  of  a  short  distance  from  the  river. 
Gn  crawling  very  cautiously  until  he  came  in  sight  of  the  lick, 
and  within  gun  shot  of  it,  he  saw  a  deer,  and  while  he  was 
making  ready  to  shoot,  a  gun  cracked,  the  deer  fell,  and  an 
Indian  sprang  out  of  the  brush  and  ran  toward  it.  McArthur 
instantly  shot  and  killed  the  Indian,  and  was  immediately  fired  at 
by  two  other  Indians.  Ashe  was  alone,  and  out-numbered  by  the 
enemy,  he  started  and  ran  for  life,  when  several  guns  were  fired  at 
him.  One  of  the  balls  struck  his  powder-horn,  and  knocked  the 
splinters  from  the  horn  through  his  clothes  into  his  side,  causing 
considerable  pain.  The  enemy  being  in  close  pursuit,  he  had  not 
time  to  examine  the  wound,  and  the  powder  from  the  broken  horn 
falling  on  the  dry  leaves,  made  a  pattering  noise  which  he  sup- 
posed was  caused  by  the  blood  from  the  wound  in  his  side,  and  ex- 
pected his  strength  must  soon  fail,  and  he  would  be  overtaken  by 
the  foe.  After  running  for  so-ue  time,  and  finding  that  he  had 
gained  ground,  and  was  probably  out  of  danger,  he  slackened  his 
speed  in  order  to  load  his  rifle,  when  he  found  his  powder  was  all 
gone,  and  his  wound  but  a  slight  one.  When  he  arrived  at  the 
house  of  Gov.  Vance's  father,  he  detached  the  powder-horn  from 
the  bullet-pouch,  and  rolling  the  Iht  around  it  said:  "I  will  send 
this  to  m\  mother,  that  she  may  see  what  a  narrow  escape  I  have 
had."  Governor  McArthur  and  Governor  Vance  were  fast  friends 
from  this  time  to  the  day  of  their  deaths.  In  1801  Gov.  Vance's 
fatlier,  in  company  with  General  Whiteman,  and  others,  came  to 
Ohio,  and  settled  at  Clifton,  (freene  county,  and  in  1805  settled 
near  Urbana,  Champaign  county,  Ohio,  where  he  died  on  the  5th 
day  of  August,  1809.  .loseph  Vance  was  married  in  the  town 
of  Urbana,  on  the  17th  day  of  December,  1807,  to  Mary  Lemen,  by 
Rev.  John  Thomas,  a  Baptist  preacher.  He  was  elected  Captain  of 
an  independent  rifle  company  in  1H09  (.r  1610.  His  company  was 
called  out  several  times  during  the  troubles  with  the  Indians,  about 
the  beginning  of  the  war  of  1812. 


He  once  built  a  block-house  near  the  place  where  the  town  of 
tiuincy,  Logan  county,  now  is,  which  was  aftervVanls  known  a-s 
"Vance's  Block-iiouse."  He  afterward  served  in  the  Militia  of 
Ohio  as  Major,  (Jolouel,  Brigadier-Genera!  and  Major-General.  lu 
1812  he  was  elected  to  the  Leo:islature  of  Ohio,  where  he  represen- 
ted tho  county  of  Champaign  for  several  years.  He  was  elected  a 
member  of  tht'  House  i>f  Representatives  in  the  Clonijress  of  the 
United  States  in  l.S2(J,  and  was  re-elected  and  s(>rve(l  in  that  ca- 
pacity until  1886 ;  was  elected  Governor  of  Ohio  and  served  one 
term  ;  was  elected  to  the  Ohio  Senate  in  1839,  and  served  a  term  of 
two  years ;  was  again  elected  to  Congress  in  1843,  and  sei-ved  a  term 
of  two  years.  His  last  public  service  was  rendered  as  a  memlx'r 
of  the  convention  to  revise  the  Constitution  of  Ohio,  held  in  ISol. 
During  the  sittin^ol  that  convention,  he  had  a  severe  attack  of 
paralysis,  from  which  he  never  entirely  re-overed,  and  froyi  the 

effects  of  which  he  died  on   the  24tli, 1852,  on  his  farm  in 

Salem  township,  two  and  a  half  miles  north  of  Urbana,  and  is 
buried  in  f)ak  Dale  Cenietery,  a  -^hort  <listance  east  of  Urbana. 
Governor  Vance's  educational  opportunities  were  limited,  hi-;  only 
instructors  being  his  father  and  a  tuition  of  about  -ix  months 
under  an  Irish  itinerant  schoolmaster,  in  a  log  hut. 

He  was  the  architect  of  his  own  character  and  fortune,  com- 
mencing business  in  life  as  a  woodchopper  at  the  salt  works  when 
a  mere  boy,  and  by  his  industry  and  economy,  procuring  means  to 
purchase  an  ox  team,  with  which  he  was  accustomed  to  haul  and 
distribute  salt  to  the  scattered  settlers  of  Kentucky;  and  he  still 
followed  the  occupation  of  ox-driver  after  his  removal  to  Urbana, 
making  occasionally  trips  to  the  salt  works.  His  children  have 
often  heard  him  relate  his  difficulties  and  adventures  during  his 
lonely  trips  through  the  woods.  Sometime^,  at  nighi,  his  camp 
was  so  beset  by  wolves  and  other  wild  beasts,  a-;  to  compel  him 
to  keep  up  a  large  fire,  and  watch  his  team  througii  the  enlirf- 
night;  he  had  at  times  to  detach  a  yoke  of  oxen  from  his  team, 
and  test  the  fords  of  various  creeksand  small  rivers  before  attempt- 
ing to  cross  with  his  wagon  ;  and  sometime-  he  was  compelled  to 
wait  several  days  until  the  high  water  abated,  so  as  to  make  the 
fords  passable,  and  on  one  or  two  oc<«asions,  to  be  without  food  for 
two  or  three  days— and  it  was  no  rare  thing  for  him  t..  unload  and 
roll  his  barrels  of  salt  acros'^  swails  and  mu«lhol«^,  and  then  r- 
load,  unaided. 


While  connected  with  the  salt  works,  Governor  Vance  became 
acquainted  with  the  Hon.  Thomas  Ewing.  Their  acquaintance 
ripened  into  warm,  mutual  friendship,  that  lasted  through  life.  In 
1815,  Gov.  Vance  and  William  Neil  purchased  a  stock  of  goods, 
and  for  two  or  three  years  carried  on  the  mercantile  business  in 
Urbana,  when  Neil  retired,  and  Vance  removed  his  goods  to  Port 
Meigs,  now  Perrysburg,  where,  associated  with  his  brother  Wil- 
liam, they  carried  on  the  business  some  three  or  four  years.  These 
goods  they  hauled  in  wagons  to  Fort  Findiay,  in  Hancock  county, 
and  put  them  on  board  of  what  was  then  called  Pirogues  (large 
canoes)  and  floated  down  Blauchard's  fork  of  the  Auglaize.  It  be- 
ing in  tlie  fall  of  the  year,  after  a  dry  summer,  the  water  on  the 
riffles  was  very  shallow,  and  the  boats  would  frequently  get 
aground.  On  one  occasion,  when  aground  on  a  long  riffle,  and 
after  they  had  worked  hard  for  two  or  three  days  to  get  over,  an 
Indian  chief  came  to  them  and  said,  "Get  heap  brush  !  make  big 
fire!  heap  smoke — tuake  cloud— get  rain  !" 

In  1818  Gov.  Vance  built  a  mercnant  mill  on  Kings  creek,  about 
a  mile  above  where  it  empties  into  Madriver.  The  mill  had  four 
run  of  burrs,  and  all  the  improvements  of  modern  days  ;  the  pat- 
terns for  the  castings  he  had  constructed  on  hislkrm,  and  conveyed 
in  wagons  to  McArthur's  furnace  on  Raccoon  creek,  and  the  cast- 
ing when  completed  they  hauled,  and  also  the  blocks  for  the  beams 
by  wagon  to  Urbana.  He  owned  these  mills  until  1848,  when  he 
sold  them  to  Reuben  Hagenbach.  They  now  (1872)  belong  to  the 
Stewart  Brothers. 

The  principal  part  of  the  foregoing  biography  was  furnished  the 
writer  by  Judge  A.  F.  Vance,  son  of  Gov.  Vance. 

(iov.  Vance  was  a  warm  friend  and  advocate  of  public  improve- 
ments, and  gave  his  influence  and  votes  iu  their  favor.  He  was 
I'resident  of  the  Mad  River  and  Lake  Erie  Raih'oad  (the  first  ever 
built  in  Ohio),  and  spent  much  of  his  time  and  means  in  his  efforts 
to  have  tlie  road  madfc\  He  was  a  staunch  advocate  for  the  repair 
and  extension  of  the  National  road,  then  called  the  Cu.'nberland 
road,  through  Ohio  and  other  States  of  the  west.  In  1827,  when  he 
was  a  member  of  Congress,  tiere  was  a  bill  before  the  House  of 
Representatives,  for  making  nn  appropriation  for  that  purpose,  and 
on  Ihe  question  of  its  passage.  Gov.  V^ance  made  an.  able  speech  in 
its  rav<»r.     Toward  the  close  of  his  speech,  he  bore  down  pretty 


hard  upon  some  of  the  State's  Rights  chivalry,  and  as  it  was  their 
practice  then  to  answer  the  arguments  of  their  political  opponents 
by  a  challenge  to  fight  a  duel,  several  members  of  the  State's 
Rights  party  held  a  consultation  upon  the  subject  to  decide  who 
should  challenge  the  offender  in  this  case.  But  as  Gov.  Vance 
wa.s  a  military  man,  and  Vk'hat  they  dreaded  more,  a  western  pi- 
oneer, they  supposed  he  might  have  a  better  knowledge  of  the  use 
of  fire-arms,  and  especially  of  the  rifle,  than  they  possessed  them- 
!«»elve«,  they  concluded  to  postpone  the  issuins:  of  the  challenge 
until  they  should  know  something  more  about  his<iualilicati<<nsas 
a  marksman.  Accordingly,  one  of  them  called  upon  Gen.  McAr- 
thur  the  next  day,  and  made  the  necessary  inquiry.  The  General, 
who  saw  through  their  intentions,  informed  them  that  General 
Vance  was  one  of  the  best  marksmen  in  Ohio ;  that  he  would  un- 
hesitatingly respond  to  a  challenge,  and  advised  them  to  let  him 
alone,  a,<  he  wai*  a  dangerous  man.  Nothing  more  was  said  about 


Champaign  County. 


May  30,  1805,  by  .Jonathan  Mulholland,  Daniel  Harr  tu  J]lizal»eth 
Ross.  Their  oldest  son,  I.  N.  Harr,  of  Westville,  vv?s  the  third 
child  born  in  ITrbana. 

Feb.  22,  1805,  by  Rev.  .John  Thomas,  David  Vance  to  .leniiie 
Run  yon. 

March  Gth,  1806,  by  .Jonathan  Donnal,  Francis  Rock  to  Sarah 

January  27,  1807,  by  .John  Thomas,  James  Mitchell  to  Elizabeth 

May  27,  1800,  b,y  Rev.  John  Thomas,  Frederick  Ambrose  to  .len- 
nie  Tanner. 

June  29,  1800,  by  Rev.  H.  M.  Curray,  Thomas  Morris  to  Marjja- 
ret  Dawson. 

July  24,  1800,  by  James  Bishop,  Es<i.,  Samuel  Colver  to  Rachel 
Cunay.  * 

April  21,  1807,  by  Robert  lU'imick,  Es(^.,  John  Hamilton  to  Sarah 

April  28,  1807,  by  Justin  .Jones,  Es<i.,  William  Davis  to  Polly 
Wood . 

May  81,  1807,  by  Wm.  Mc(;olloch,  Esq.,  John  Gamble  to  Rebecca 
McColloch— persons  of  color. 

September  20,  1807,  by  Rev.  John  Thomas,  Henry  Weaver  to 
Mary  Chapman. 

December  17,  1«07,  by  Rev.  .John  Thomas,  Joseph  Vance  to 
Marv  Lt'iiK'ii. 


Mays,  1808,  by  John  Thomas,  Allen  Minturn,  to  Sallie  Clark. 

April  7,  1808,  by  Rev.  Nathaniel  Pinckard,  Richard  Bull  to  Ua- 
«|liel  Hunter. 

September  6,  1808,  by  Rev.  John  Truitt,  John  W.  Vance,  i<j 
Peggy  Lemon. 

December  8,  1808,  by  Wra.  McColloeh,  Esq.,  Samuel  Sharp  to 
Mary  Stokeberry. 

February  9,  1809,  by  Rev.  John  Thomas,  John  Taylor  to  Jennie 

September  8,  1808,  by  Rev.  John  Thoraa.s,  James  Broads  U)  Mary 

September  27,  1808,  by  Rev.  John  Thomas,  John  Owen  to  Jane 

January  81,  1809,  by  N.  Pinckard,  Jonah  Baldwin  to  Sarah 

1808,  by  Rev.  Hiram  M.  Curray,  John  Ross  to  Margaret 


1808,  by  Rev.  Hiram  M.  Curray,  Geo.  Hunter  to  Ruth 


September  27,  1809,  by  H.  M.  Curray,  Wm.  H.  FyfFe  to  Maxa- 
milla  Petty. 

November  28,  1809,  by  .lames  Mcllvain,  Hugh  Newell  to  Kliza- 
beth  McNay. 

November  14,  180!),  by  James  Mcllvain,  Jarvis  Doherty  to  Han- 
nah Marmon. 

May  3,  1810,  by  Sampson  Talbott,  Esq.,  Abraham  Stevens  to 
Elizjibeth  Steinberger. 

April  o,  1810,  by  John  Thomas,  Job  Martin  to  Mary  Kirkwood. 

November  29,  1815,  by  Ralph  Lowe,  Esq.,  Jeremiah  Reams  to 
Matilda  Marmon, 

April  8,  1815,  by  Thomas  Irwin,  Esq.,  Samuel  Haine.-s  to  Barbara 

December  2 i,  1815,  by   Rev.   Sanmel  Hitt,  Martin    Reynolds  to 

Betsy  Hitt. 
January  1,  1816,  by  James  McPherson,   Esq.,    Lewis  Adam-  to 

Susannah  Rice. 
March  19, 1817,  by  John  Thomsis,  E'^q.,  John  Mc  Fa  Hand  to  .\m\ 


November  5,  1815,  by  John  Thomas,  Es.j.,   Hiram  .M.   Whit.^  t.. 

Elizabeth  Williams. 


September  3,  1819,  by  William  Lee,  Esq.,  Matthew  Cretcher  to 
Nancy  Cummins. 

October  7,  1817,  by  Charles  Fielder,  J.  P.,  Jeremiah  Fuson  to 
Jane  Calubar, 

December  13,  1817,  by  John  Hamilton,  J.  P.,  Nathaniel  Hill  to 
Elizabeth  West. 

December  25,  1817,  by  Samuel  Hitt,  (minister),  Daniel  Sweet  to 
Altilly  Thompson. 

December  25,  1817,  by  Samuel  Newell,  J.  P.,  George  Martin  to 
Hannah  Wall. 

January  12,  1818,  by  Philip  Riser,  J.  P.,  Mitchell  Ro&s  to 
Mary  Stockton . 

December  29,  1818,  by  Benjamin  Cheney,  J.  P.,  Alex.  Ross  to 
Hannah  Beatty. 

January  15,  1818,  by  John  Shaul,  J.  P.,  John  Smith  to  Katherine 

January  15,  1818,  by  Wm.  Stevens,  J.  P.,  John  Wyant  to  Eliza- 
beth Motts. 

.January  5, 1818,  by  Samuel  Hitt,  (minister),  .James  W.  Tharp  to 
Mary  Wyse. 

June  6,  1818,  by  Thomas  Irwin,  J.  P.,  Thomas  Ballinger  to  Pa- 
tience Ballinger. 

June  24,  1818,  by  James  Dunlap,  (minister),  Joseph  McBeth  to 
Elizabeth  Newell. 

July  3,  1818,  by  James  Dunlap,  (minister),  Abram  Smith  to 
Catherine  Long. 

August  5,  1818,  by  James  Dunlap,  (minister),  John  Beatty  to 
Irena  Valentine. 

February  5,  1818,  by  Wm.  Stephens,  J.  P.,  Wm.  Blue  to  Marga- 
ret Idle. 

October  7,  1817,  by  Sampson  Talbott,  J.  P.,  Philip  Kenton  to 
Hannah  Phillips. 

December  18,  1818,  by  Levi  Garwood,  J.  P.,  Samuel  Hatfield  to 
Celia  Zane. 

May  8,  1817,  by  James  Dunlap,  (minister),  Joseph  L.  Tenney  to 
Elizabeth  Gutridge. 

November  18,  1817,  by  John  inskip,  J.  P.,  John  Crowder  to 
Elizabeth  Browder. 

November  6,  1817,  by  Joseph  Morris,  (minister),  John  Henry  to 
Rachel  Morris. 


April  25,  1817,  by  Ralph  Lowe,  J.  P.,  Joseph  Jacobs  to  Rachel 

June  0,  1817,  by  Sampson  Talbott,  J.  P.,  Henry  Smith  to  Eliza- 
beth Smith. 

June  5,  1817,  by  Sampson  Talbott,  J.  P.,  Henry  Davis  to  Father 

June  5,  1817,  by  Sampson  Talbott,  J.  P.,  James  Russel  to  Mary 

April  24,  1817,  by  Saul  Henkle,  (minister),  Micajah  Philips  to 
Nancy  Dawson. 

June  12,  1817,  by  Samuel  Hitt,  (minister),  Wm.  Taylor  toIQliza- 
beth  Morgan. 

June  17,  1817,  by  Samuel  Hitt,  (minister),  John  Goddard  to 
Mary  Hall. 

October  23,  1817,  by  George  Fithian,  J.  P.,  Joseph  Bradly  to  lie- 
becca  Thomas. 

November  6,  1817,  by  John  Morgan,  J.  P.,  Daniel  Baldwin  to 
Hannah  Williams. 

November  13,  1817,  by  John  Shaul,  J.  P.,  Wm.  Curtis  to  Sarah 

November  13,  1817,  by  John  Shaul,  J.  P.,  Moses  Meeker  to  Sa- 
lah  Curtis. 

November  23,  1817,  by  Sampson  Talbott,  J.  P.,  John  Mclntyra 
to  Esther  McGill. 

February  23,  1819,  by  John  Gutridge,  (minister),  Aaron  Gutridge 
to  Mary  Gray. 

October  20,  1820, Richard  Baldwin  to  Eleanor  Williamfl, 

March  4,  1819,  by  John  Owen,  J.  P.,  George  Bennett  to  Marj 

September  5,  1819,  by  John  Morgan,  J.  P.,  James  Pearce  to  Mar- 

[     °  June  19,  1819,  by  John  Strange,  (minister),  Samuel  Curl  to  Jan« 
March  — ,  1819,  by  John  Thomas,  J.  P.,  Joseph  Downs  to  Esther 


Logan    County. 

This  Record  is  taken  as  it  is  found  on  the  records  of  the  Clerk  of 
the  Court.    The  orthography  is  verbatim  as  found  upon  the  public 


records.      To  many   roaderH  it   will  call   to   mind    mr-.ny  pleasant 
memories  of  by-gone  days. 

March  2(5,  1818,  by  Lanson  CAirtis,  Esq.,  Richmond  Marmon  to 
Precilla  Marmon. 

April  i*),  1818,  by  Lan.son    Oixrtis,  Esq.,  Richard  Shackly  to  Su- 
sanna Paxton. 

July  9,  1818,  by  llev.  John  Inskeep,   Thomas  Spain  to   Sarah 

June  16,  1818,  by  Seneca  Allen,  Esq.,  Cbllister  Jaskinx  U)  Fanny 

August  i;^,  1818,  by  David  Askins.   Esq.,  Roberts.  McMilieu,  to 
Jane  Ellis. 

August  27th,  1818,  by  James  M.  Reed,  Esq.,  William    Moore,  to 
Annie  Askins. 

September  24,  1818,  by  David  Askins,  Esq.,  Griffith  Johnston  to 
Ruth  Patten. 

October  29,  1818,    by  Rev.  Samuel  Hitt,  Thomas  Marmon  to  Peg- 
gy Truitt. 

October  29,  1818,  by   Rev.  John  (Jutridge,  Richard   Dickinson  to 
Peggy  Henry. 

November   17,  1818,  by  David   Askins,  Esq.,   George  F.  Dunn  to 
Isabella  McGain. 

November  8,  1818,  by  Rev.  Jno.  (iuthridge,*  Stephen  Marmon, 
to  Mary  Reed. 

December  1st,  1818,  by  Rev.  John  Gutridge,   Simon  Kenton   to 
Sallie  Dowden. 

Jan.  7,  1819,  by  Israel  Howell,  E8q.,|iGeorge  Moots,  Jr.,  to  Mar- 
garet Hall. 

February  1,  1819,  by  Rev.  John  Inskeep,  David  Norton  to  p]liza- 

December  3,  1818,  by  Seneca  Allen,  Justice  of  the  Peace,   Sam- 
uel Vance  to  Catherine  Amel. 

[NoTK—There  seems  to  be  some  mistake  in  these  dates,  one  be- 
ing February  1st,  1819,  and  the  one  following  Deeem.ber  3d,  1818.] 

December  24,  1818,  by  Seneca  Allen,  Justice  of  the  Po:iee.  James 
Wilkinson  to  Nancv  Skinner. 

*John  Guthridge  Whs  a  Baptist  prearher.  The  above  name  was  found  on  tlie 
r«»cord  ju.'it  a.*  it  i.«  here. 


December  24,  1818,  by  Seneca  Allen,  Justice  of  the  Peace,  \Vi! 
liani  Wilson  and  Julia  Hawley. 

December  25,  1818,  by  Seneca  Allen,  Justice  of  <^he  Peace,  Israel 
Smith  and  Mary  Rees. 

January  7,  1819,  by  Seneca  Allen,  Justice  of  the  Peace,  Robert 
A.  Forsyth  and  Almira  Hull. 

January  10,  1819,  by  Seneca  Allen,  Justice  of  the  Peace,  Joshua 
Chappell  aad  Annie  Gunn. 

January  14,  1819,  by  Seneca  Alien,  Justice  of  the  Peace,  George 
Campbell  and  vSallie  Skinner. 

February  2,  1819,  by  Seneca  Allen,  Justice  of  the  Peace,  David 
Murphy  and  Elizabeth  Carpenter. 

February  2,  1819,  by  Seneca  Allen,  Justice  of  tlie  Peace,  Mathia* 
Gray  and  Sallie  Carpenter. 

January  28,  1819,  by  Henry  Robertson,  Esq,  William  Davis  t<. 
Mary  Johnston. 

February  11,  1819,  by  Rev.  Elias  Vickers,  James  McGaiii  to 
Polly  Askins. 

March  25,  1819,  by  Rev.  Elias  Vickers,  Robert  McGaiii,  to  Nan 

cy  McNay. 

'  February  2,  1819,  by  James  M.  Reed,  Esq.,  Isaac  Miller  to  Eli7.a- 
beth  McCloud.    This  certificate  of  marriage  tiled  the  12th  day  <.f 
April,  1819. 
April  13,  1819,  by  James  M.  Reed,  Esq.,  Henry  Houtz  to   Betsy 

February  1,  1819,  by  Rev.  John  Inskeep,  Aaron  Reams  to  Luna 

February  4,  1819,  by  Raphel  Moore,  Esq.,  John  Askins  to  Polly 

April  21,  1819,  by  James  M.  Reed,  Feq.,  William  Fenil  to  HallM- 

June  24,  1819,  by  Wm.  Ewin,  Esq.,  Daniel  Grubbsto  Sallie  (an.. 
June  17,  1819,  by  William  Ewin,  Esq.,  Samuel  Curl  toCatheruif 

May  18,  1819,  by  James  M.  Reed,   Esq.,  Jamtw  Hill   to  Mary 

Ritchey.  ^ , .     ., 

March  13,  1819,  by  Seneca  Allen,  F^q.,  Daniel  Murray  to  Abipid 

Ward.  ,^     ^ 

April  13,  1819,  by  the  same,  Thomas  Turnall  to  Mary  Stanton. 


April  12, 1819,  by  the  same,  Silas  Lewis  to  Lydia  Chelson. 

April  28,  1819,  by  the  same,  Solomon  Cross  to  Betsy  Sawyer. 

May  20,  1819,  by  the  same,  George  Marsh  to  Julia  Varney. 

May  23,  1819,  by  John  Gutridge,  (Baptist  preacher)  Moses  Reams 
to  Mahaly  Norton. 

March  11,  1819,  by  John  Strange,  (Methodist  preacher,)  Robert 
Casebolt  to  Hannah  Davis. 

March  11,  1819,  by  Israel  Howell,  Esq.,  Caleb  Kearns  to  Eliza- 
beth Marmon. 

September  9,  1819,  by  John  Wilson,  Esq.,  Wm.  Pierce  to  Sarah 

September  21,  1819,  by  Israel  Howell,  Esq.,  Stephen  Bratton  to 
Elizabeth  Lowe. 

October  28,  1819,  by  Rev.  John  Inskeep,  Emsly  Pope  to  Susan- 
na Lundy. 

October  28,  1819,  by  Raphe)  Moore,  Esq.,  Nathan  Cretcher  to 
Sarah  Pollock. 

^^.^ecember  14,  1819,  by  Rev.  John  I  iskeep,  Esq.,  Jesse  Sharp  to 
Rebet  cft  Haines. 

NoveK^^^ei"'^?  1819,  by  David  Asians,  Esq.,  William  Moore  to 
Sar^ih  Moo.^'C"- 

February  1^^^  1^20,  by  James  Reed,  Esq.,  John  Blue  to  Mary 

January  24,  182\.^  '^y  Wm.  Ewin,  Esq.,  John  Bishop  to  Sallie 
Oar  vood, 

October  24  1819,  hy  Wm.  Ewin,  Esq.,  Wm.  Eaton  to  Sallie  EI- 
October  24,  1819,   by   Wm.    Ewin,  Esq.,  Robert  Rea    to  Mary 


February  21,  1820,  by  John  Garwood,  Esq.,  Job  Garwood  to 
Lydia  Gregg. 

February  24, 1820,  by  Jas.  M.  Reed,  Esq.,  Simeon  Monroe  to 
Polly  Hale. 

March  3, 1820,  by  David  Askins,  Esq.,  Joseph  Pollock  to  Martha 

April  5,  1820,  by  David  Askins,  Esq.,  Solomon  Hobouch  to  Sarah 

March  9,  1820,  by  Benjamin  Lane,  James  BuUer  to  Obedience 


April  8,  1820,  by  James  M.  Reed,   Esq  ,  Henry  McPherson  to 
Annie  Smith. 

March  13,  1820,  by  James  M.  Reed,  Esq.,  Nathaniel  Dodge  to 
Betsy  Workman. 

July  15,  1820,  by  James  M.  Reed,  Esq.,  Joseph  Tenary  to  Zellah 

July  25,  1820,  by  Wm.  Ewin,  Esq.,  Geo.  Linkswell  to  Mar^^aret 

July  2<S,  1820,  by  Wm.  Ewin,  Esq.,  John  Ballinger  to  Mary  Iii- 

July  15,  1820,  by  James  Reed,    Esq.,   Daniel  Colvin  to  Nancr 

August  1,  1820,  by  Joseph  McBeth,  Esq.,  Orin  Hubbard  to  Mar- 
3g«uret  Craig. 

tOctober  14, 1820,  by  Joseph  McBeth,  Esq.,  John  McGhee  to  Eliz- 
:abeth  Stuart. 

November  6,  1820,  by  Israel  Howell,  Esq.,  Samuel  Robertson  to 
Folly  McNeal. 

October  14,  1820,  by  Wm.  Ewin,  Esq.,  Isaac  Sparks  to  Martini 

October  14,  1820,  by  William  Euans,  Esq.,  Josiah   Hay  less  and 
Erannah  Curl. 

December  6,  1820,  by  Rev.  John  Inskeep,  Job  Inskeep  and  Sallie 

October  26, 1820,  by  Israel  Howell,  Esq.,  John  McNeil  to  Elenor 

December  6, 1820,  by  Henry  Robertson,  Esq.,  Samuel  Blagg  and 
i'Jatharine  Kelly. 

December  18,  1820,  by  David  Askins,  Esq.,  James  Campbell  and 
Betsy  More. 

December  20,  1820,  by  John  Garwood,  Esq.,   Daniel   Ray  and 


January  25, 1821,  by  John  Garwood,  Esq.,  Allen  Rea  and  Mariali 

February  14,  1821,  by  David    Askins,  Rsq.,  John  McCJain  and 

Betsy  Leper. 

February  15,  1821,  by  David  Askins,  Esq.,  Wm.  Campbell  and 

Ann  Moore. 
March  14,  1821,  by  David  Askins,  Esq.,  Thomas  Moore  and  Ro- 

Sseeca  Makemson. 


March  8,  1821,  by  James  Reed,  Esq.,  Robert  Pshaw  an  Betsy 

March  23,  1821,  by  Henry  Robertson,  Esq.,  Joshua  Robertson  to 
Rachel  Willets. 

May  29, 1821,  by  Wm.  Scott,  Esq.,  John  Hall  and   Pamelia  Lee. 

April  2, 1821,  by  John  Freeman,  Esq.,  William  Wilkison  a^d 
Jane  Stranofo. 

April  14,  1821,  by  David  Askins,  Esq.,  Frederick  Bailor  and 
Elizabeth  Craig. 

April  16,  1821,  by  Rev.  John  Inskeep,  Esq.,  Uriah  McKinny 
and  Nancy  Star. 

May  29,  1821,  by  Wm.  Scott,  Esq.,  John  Underwood  and  Nancy 

.Tune  3,  1821,  by  Rev.  John  Inskeep,  Henry  Cain  and  Rachel 


BER 8,  1811. 

Urbana  Township. 

Poll  Book  of  th©  townshii)  of  Urbana,  in  the  county  of  Cham- 
paign, on  the  eighth  day  of  October,  in  the  year  of  our  Lord, 
one  thousand  eight  hundred  and  eleven.  Zephaniah  Luce, 
William  Stevens,  and  William  Glenn,  Judges,  and  Joseph  Hedges 
and  Daniel  Helmick,  Clerks  of  this  Election,  were  severally  sworn, 
as  the  law  directs,  pievious  to  their  entering  on  the  duties  of  their 
respective  offices. 



Lawrence  White, 


Nathaniel  Morrow, 


Joseph  Gordon, 


John  Rigdon, 


William  H.  Fytfe, 


John  Huston, 


Samuel  McCord, 


Alexander  Allen, 


George  Hunter, 


Joseph  Ford, 


James  Robinson, 


John  Williams, 


Benjamin  Doolittle, 


Britton  Lovett, 


Nathaniel  Pinkard, 


James  Ask  in, 


Daniel  Helmick, 


James  INIcCiill. 


George  Fithian, 


Jacob  Arney, 


Joseph  Hedges, 


Hugh  Gibbs, 


Zephaniah  Luce, 


James  Dallas, 


William  Glenn, 


Samuel  Iloge, 



14.  John  Gilinore,  57. 

15.  John  McCord,  58. 

16.  Wm.  Stevens,  59. 

17.  Anthony  Patrick,  60. 

18.  Henry  Bacon,  61. 

19.  Simon  Kenton,  62. 

20.  David  W.  Parkison,  63. 

21.  Nathan  Fitch,  64. 

22.  Frederick  Amhrose,  65. 

23.  Wm.  Powell,  66. 

24.  Jacob  Slagal,  67. 

25.  James  Fithian,  68. 

26.  David  Moody,-  69. 

27.  Daniel  Harr,  70. 

28.  Isaac  Robinson,  71. 

29.  Edward  W.  Pierce,  72. 

30.  John  Thompson,  73. 

31.  John  Thomas,  74. 

32.  John  Schryock,  75. 

33.  James  Wilkison,  7S. 

34.  Enos  Thomas,  77. 

35.  Isaac  Shockey,  78. 

36.  Willir.m  Bridge,  79. 

37.  John  Reynolds,  80. 

38.  John  A.  Ward,  81. 

39.  John  Trewett,  82. 

40.  Wm.  Largent,  83. 

41.  Wm.  Rhodes,  84. 

42.  Joseph  Ayers,  Sen.,  85. 

43.  Allen  Oliver,  ..  86. 

Thomas  West, 
Nicholas  Carpenter, 
John  White, 
John  Glenn, 
.lohn  Largent, 
Daniel  Largent, 
Jacob  Pence, 
Curtis  M.  Thompson., 
Andrew  Richards, 
Job  demons, 
Timothy  Gitfert, 
Sanford  Edmonds, 
Thomas  Moore, 
John  Rhodes, 
Alexander  McCumpsey, 
Robert  Noe, 
John  Ford, 
Francis  Stevenson, 
Robert  Taber, 
John  Frazel, 
Tolson  Ford, 
Thomas  Ford, 
Job  Gard, 
James  Davidson, 
Samuel  Clifton, 
John  Stewart, 
Thomas  Trewett, 
Benj.  Nichols, 
John  Fitcher, 
Joseph  Penoe, 

Allen  Oliver, 

87.    NeLson  Largent. 
It  is  by  us  certified  that  the  number  of  electors  at 
amounts  to  eighty-seven. 

this  eleeticsas^ 

JosKPu  Hedges,     )  ,„     , 
Daniel  Helmick,  j  '-'"•/•«• 

Zkphaniah  Luck, 
William  Stevkn8, 
William  Glenn, 




Madriver   Township. 

Poll  Book  of  the  election  held  in  the  township  of  Madriver, in  the 
county  of  Champaign,  on  the  eighth  day  of  October,  A.  D.,  one 
thousand  eight  hundred  and  eleven  ;  David  Bayles,  Nathan  I)ar- 
nall,  and  Peter  Bruner,  .Judges,  and  .James  Muntgonery  and  Wm. 
Nicholson,  Clerks  of  the  election,  were  severally  sworn  as  the  law 
directs,  previous  to  their  entering  on  the  duties  of  their  respective 








Wm.  Weaver,  Sen. 
John  Kain, 
Archibald  McKinley, 
Elijah  Standiford, 
Wm.  West, 
Thomas  Grafton, 
Levi  Rouze, 
Peter  Brunei, 
Nathan  Darnall, 
Isaac  Lansdale, 
Sampson  Kelly, 
Isaac  Myers, 
James  Grafton, 
James  Montgomery, 
Wm.  Nicholson, 
John  Beaty, 
Gershora  Gard, 
Jacob  Conklin, 
Elijah  Ross, 
Wm.  Ross,  Sen., 
John  Brown, 
John  Rouze, 
Wm.  Baggs, 
John  Baggs, 
James  Baggs, 

29.  Wm.  Weaver,  Jr., 

30.  George  Glass, 

31.  Boswell  Darnall, 

32.  Henry  Steinberger, 

33.  Owen  Ellis, 

34.  Ezekiel  Boswell, 

35.  Daniel  Davis, 

36.  Henry  Boswell, 

37.  Henry  Pence, 

38.  John  Steinberger, 

39.  Hiram  Co  tteral, 

40.  John  Logan,  Jr., 

41.  George  Wickum, 

42.  George  Boswell, 

43.  George  AVilson, 

44.  David  Jones, 

46.  Andrew  Davis,  Sen., 

46.  John  Taylor, 

47.  Anderson  Davis,  Jr., 

48.  John  Bayles, 

49.  John  Pence, 

50.  Peter  Smith, 

51.  David  Beaty, 

62.  Shadrach  D.  Northcutt, 

53.  John  S.  Berry, 



Reuben  McSherry, 

54.    Miller  Gillespy, 


Alexander  Brown, 

55.    Abraham  Shockey, 


Joseph  Dilts, 

56.    Samuel  Pence, 


David  Bayles. 

It  is  by  us  certified  that  the  number  of  electors  at  this  election, 
amounts  to  fifty-seven. 

Attest  :  ]  Peter  Brun^r,       ]    Judges 

W.  Nicholson,        \  Clerks.      Nathan  Darnall  >■       of 
Jas.  Montgomery,  ]  David  Bayles,        )  Elect  ion. 



Union  Township. 

Poll  Book  of  the  election  held  in  the  township  of  Union,  in  the 
county  of  Champaign,  on  the  eighth  day  of  October,  1811.  John 
Gutridge,  Sen.,  Joseph  McLain,  Jacob  Minturn,  Benjamin  Chenoy 
and  John  Owen,  Clerks  of  this  election,  were  severally  sworn  a-^ 
the  law  directs,  previous  to  their  entering  on  the  dutiee  of  their 
respective  offices. 








Hiram  M.  Curry,  35. 

Wesley  Hathaway,  36. 

.Jacob  Minturn,  37. 

John  Price,  38. 

Solomon  Scott,  39. 

John  Sayre,  40. 

.John  Laflferty,  41. 

Jonathan  Brown,  42. 

Alexander  McCorkle,  43. 

John  Ross,  44. 

Isaac  Tucker,  45. 

Jesse  Gutridge,  46. 

Joseph  McLain,  47. 

John  Gutridge,  Sen.,  48. 

Moses  Gutridge,  49. 

James  Walicer,  50. 

Paul  Huston,  51. 

Isaac  Tits  worth,  52. 

John  Kelly,  53. 

Barton  Minturn,  54. 

Charles  Harrison,  55. 

James  McLain,  56. 

Abner  Barritt,  57. 

Philip  Miller,  58. 

Adam  Miller,  59. 

John  Owen,  60. 

David  Marsh, 
Thomas  Pearce,  Jr., 
Obed  Ward, 
James  Mary  field, 
Emmanuel  INIary field, 
Alexander  Ross, 
James  Lowry, 
Stephen  Runyon, 
Allen  Minturu, 
William  Valentine, 
Daniel  Jones, 
Richard  Runyon, 
Daniel  Neal, 
John  Neal, 
Justus  Jones, 
John  Elefrits, 
Henry  Van  meter, 
William  Ray, 
Ebenezer  Cheney, 
John  Clark, 
Richard  Carbus, 
James  Owen, 
Adam  Rhodes 
P'rancis  Owen, 
Jeremiah  Tucker. 
William  Cheney, 



27.    William  Kelly, 
96.    Benjamin  Cheney, 

29.  Israel  Marsh, 

30.  Gabriel  Briant, 

31.  David  Vance, 

32.  Abijah  Ward, 

33.  Enoch  Sargeant, 

34.  Joseph  Cummona, 

It  is  by  us  certified,  that 

amounts  to  sixty-eight. 

Attest:  ] 

Benjamin  Cheney  |-  Clm-ks. 
John  Owen,  J 

61.  James  Mitchel, 

62.  David  Osburn, 

63.  Thomas  Pearce,  Sen. 

64.  John  Runyon, 

65.  Thomas  Sayre, 

66.  Daniel  Baker, 

67.  Jacob  Rees, 

68.  George  Sergeant. 

the  number  of  electors  at  this  election 

John  Gutridqb,  "j 
Jacob  Minturn  \  Judges. 
Joseph  McLain  J 



Concord  Township. 

Poll  Book  of  the  election  held  in  Concord  township,  in  the  county 
of  Champaign,  on  the  eighth  day  of  October,  A.  D.,  one  thousand 
eight  hundred  and  eleven.  Sampson  Talbot,  Thomas  Stretch  and 
Joseph  Hill,  Judges,  William  Stretch  and  Daniel  Jackson,  Clerk« 
of  this  election,  were  severally  sworn  as  the  law  directs,  previous 
to  their  entering  on  the  duties  of  their  respective  offices. 











Phelix  Rock,  18. 

Silas  Johnston,  19. 

Adam  Wise,  20. 

George  Faulkner,  21. 

Philip  C.  Kenton,  22. 

James  Johnston,  23. 

Philip  Coamer,  24. 

Walker  Johnston,  25. 
Archibald  McGrew,  Sen.       26. 

Christian  Stevens,  27. 

William  Kenton,  .Jr.,  28. 

James  McLaughlin,  29. 

Mark  Kenton,  30. 

Elija  T.  Davis,  31. 

Ezekiel  A.  Sir.ith,  32. 

Sampson  Talbot,  83. 


Joseph  Hill, 
William  Stretch, 
Daniel  Jackson, 
Robert  Blaney, 
Jacob  Sarver, 
Samuel  Mitchell,  Sen. 
Joel  Fuson, 
Abraham  Custor, 
William  Custor, 
Isaac  Custor, 
Mathew  McGrew, 
James  Mitchell, 
Thomas  Kenton, 
Thomas  Daniel, 
Samuel  Smith, 
Marcus  Clark, 
Benjamin  Lino, 

Thomas  Stretch, 

35.    Joseph  Hurings. 
We  do  hereby  certify  that  the  number  of  elect.irs  at  this  rlK-tion 
amounts  to  thirty-five. 

Attest:  ")  Sampson  Tai.bott,  ' 

William  Stketch,  [  Cler/c:. 
Dan'l  Johnston. 


JosiiPH  Hill, 




Salem  Township. 

Poll  Book  of  the  election  held  in  the  township  of  Salem,  in  the 
county  of  Champaign,  oh  the  eighth  day  of  October,  A.  D.,  one 
thousand  eight  hundred  and  eleven.  Joseph  Petty,  John  McAd- 
anis  and  Mathew  Stewart,  Judges,  and  David  Parkison  and  Joseph 
Vance,  Clerks  of  this  election,  were  severally  sworn  as  the  law 
directs,  previous  to  their  entering  on  the  duties  of  their  respective 


Jesse  Johnston, 
Samuel  Gibbs, 
William  Powell, 
Christopher  Wood, 
James  Williams, 
John  Thomas, 
Jacob  Leonard, 
Abraham  Powell, 
Joseph  Duncan, 
Diivid  Brown, 
Randle  Largent, 
John  Williams, 
Jeremiah  Bo  wen, 
George  Leonard, 
John  Reed, 
Jonathan  Long, 
Joseph  Reynolds, 
Philip  Huffman, 
Joseph  Wilkison, 
Thomas  Wilkison, 
Michael  Instine, 
James  Turner, 
Robert  McFarlaud. 
of  electors  at  this  election  is 

Joseph  Petty,         ] 

John  M' Adams,        >  Judges. 

Mathew  Stkwart  j 


Allen  Galent, 



John  Galent, 



Francis  Thomas, 



Joseph  Petty, 



John  McAdams, 



Mathew  Stewart, 



John  Vance, 



Michael  Whisraau, 



Joseph  Vance, 



David  Parkison, 



John  Taylor, 



James  Porter, 



Arthur  Thomas, 



John  Symmes, 



William  Waukob, 



James  Brown, 



Archibald  Stewart, 



Ezekiel  Petty, 



Bernard  Coon, 



William  Riddle, 



John  Davis, 



Job  Martin, 



Henry  Davis, 



is  by  us  certified  that  the  number 


Datid  Parkison,  ]  ^,     , 
Joseph  Vance,  ■   J  ^^"''^^ 


Wayne  Township, 

Poll  Book  of  the  election  held  in  the  township  of  Wayne,  county 
of  Champaign,  on  the  eighth  day  of  October,  A.  D.,  one  thousand 
eight  hundred  and  eleven,  Abraham  Hughes,  Nathan  Norton  and 
John  Paxton,  Judges,  and  Basil  Noel  and  Wesley  Hughes,  Clerks 
of  this  election,  were  severally  sworn  as  the  law  direct^s,  previous 
to  their  entering  upon  their  respective  duties. 


John  Paxton, 
John  Sutton, 
Gray  Gary, 
Nathan  Norton, 
William  Williams, 
Basil   Noel, 
Wesley  Hughes, 
John  Thomas, 
Nathan  Tharp, 
Andrew  Grubbs, 
John  Bowl  man,  Sen., 
Otho  Johnson, 
Benjamin  Lee, 
Solomon  Tharp, 
Jacob  Paxton . 
the  number  of  electors  at  this  election 


Reuben  Paxton, 



Abraham  Hughes, 



William  Tharp, 



William  Fagan, 



Joshua  .Jones, 



John  Black, 



John  Richardson, 



John  Ballinger, 



John  Barrett, 



Daniel  Reed, 



John  Bowlman, 



John  Devoore, 



Isaac  Hughes, 



Henry  Williams, 



Abner  Tharp, 



William  P 

It  is  hereby  certified 
amounts  to  thirty-one. 

attest:  ] 

Basil  Noel,  >  Clerks. 

"VVbslbt  Hughes,  J 

John  Paxton,  ]    Judart 

Abraham  HLGHH8,  ^       of 
Nathan  Norton.    )  EUttxon. 



Zane  Township. 

Poll  Book  of  the  election  held  in  the  township  of  Zane,  in  the 
county  of  Champaign,  (now  Logan),  on  the  second  Tuesday  of 
October,  A.  D.,  one  thousand  eight  hundred  and  eleven.  Solomon 
McColloch,  Daniel  Garwood  and  Matthias  Williams,  Judges,  and 
Joseph  Euans  and  Thomas  Davis,  Clerks  of  this  election,  were 
severally  sworn,  as  the  law  directs,  previous  to  their  entering 
on  the  duties  of  their  respective  offices.  This  election  for  one  Rep- 
resentative to  the  State  and  one  County  Commissioner. 



William  McColloch, 



James  Monroe, 



Christopher  Smith, 



Daniel  Garwood, 



Matthias  Williams, 



Solomon  McColloch, 



George  McColloch, 



Joseph  Euans, 



Thomas  Davis, 



David  Marmon,  Sen., 



William  Davis, 


Conrad  Moots, 
William  A.  McNeal, 
Isaac  Titsworth, 
William  Southard, 
Richmond  Marmon, 
Nicholas  Pickrell, 
Charles  Moots, 
Samuel  Hurd, 
Edmond  Marmon, 
John  Shelby, 
Robert  Smith, 


12.  John  Marmon,  26.    John  McCoy, 

13.  Robert  Marmon,  27.    David  Marmon,  Jr., 

14.  Joshua  Sharp,  28.    Jacob  Patterson. 

It  is  hereby  certified  that  the  number  of  electors  at  this  eIectio« 
amounts  to  twenty-eight. 

JosKPH  EuANS,  )  nigj.hg  Solomon  McColloch,  "i 

Thos.  Davis,       j  '  Daniel  Garwood,         V  Judgts. 

Matthias  Williams,  J 



Harrison  Township. 

Poll  Book,  of  the  election  held  in  the  township  of  Harrison,  in  the 
county  of  Logan,  on  the  sixth  day  ot  April,  A.  D.  one  thousand 
eight  hundred  and  eighteen.  James  Mcllvain,  Archibald  Moore 
and  John  Dunn,  Judges  and  John  Askren  and  Hugh  Newell  Clerks, 
of  this  election,  were  sevei*ally  sworn,  as  the  law  directs,  previous 
to  their  entering  on  the  duties  of  their  respective  offices. 


David  Kirkwood,  12. 

John  Kirkwood,  13. 

James  McClanahan,  14. 

John  G.  Mcllvain,  15. 

James  McNay,  16. 

John  McNay,  17. 

Robert  Crockett,  18. 

William  Wall,  19. 

Samuel  Cartmell,  20. 

David  Askren,  21. 

John  Dunn,  22. 








Itis  hereby  certified  that  the  number  of  electors  at  this  election 
amounts  to  twenty-two. 

Archibald  Moore, 
John  Askren, 
Robert  Braden, 
Hugh  Newell, 
Moses  Mcllvain, 
Joseph  Pollock, 
John  McDaniel, 
Abner  Snoddy, 
James  Wall, 
John  Wall, 
John  Mcllvain. 

•John  Askren 
Hugh  Newell 



James  McIlvain,     ] 

•John  Dunn,  >  Judges. 

Archibald  Moore,  J 



Lake  Township. 

Poll  Book,  of  the  election  held  in  the  township  of  Lake,  in  the 
county  of  Champaign,  now  Logan,  on  the  eighth  day  of  October, 
A.  D.,  eighteen  hundred  and  eleven.  Thomas  Baird,  Samud 
Black  and  William  Moore,  Judges,  and  Samuel  Mclivain  and 
Hugh  Newell,  Clerks  of  this  election,  were  severally  sworn  as  the 
law  directs,  previous  to  entering  on  the  duties  of  their  respective 


1.  William  Bold, 

2.  James  Hill, 

3.  John  McPherrin, 

4.  Elijah  States, 

5.  Isaae  Miller, 

6.  David  Matthews, 

7.  William  Hainas, 

8.  Joseph  Crowzan, 

9.  George  Moore, 

10.  William  Kirkwood. 

11.  Abner  Snoddy, 

12.  Daniel  Workman,  Sen. 
18.  William  Hann, 

14.  John  Moore, 

15.  David  Kirkwood, 

16.  Thomas  Newell, 

17.  John  Lodwick, 

18.  William  McCaw, 

19.  James  Cooper, 

20.  Thomas  Dullson, 

21.  James  McClanahan, 

22.  William  Moore, 

23.  David  Askren, 

24.  William  Lee, 

25.  Battest  Mayvil, 

26.  John  Tullis,  Jr., 

34.  Martin  Shields, 

35.  John  McDonald, 

36.  Archibald  Moore, 

37.  James  Mclivain, 

38.  John  Beard, 

39.  William  McCloud, 

40.  Samuel  Shields, 

41.  William  McDonald, 

42.  John  Lewis, 

43.  Samuel  Newell, 

44.  Benjamin  Cox, 

45.  Jnmes  McPherson, 

46.  Thomas  Beard, 

47.  Joseph  Cox, 

48.  William  Connel, 

49.  James  Workman, 

50.  John  Stevenson, 
il,  Robert  Moore, 
52.  John  Schooler, 

58.  Phillip  Mathews,  Sen . 

54.  Charles  Johnson, 

55.  Henry  Mathews, 

56.  Charles  Schooler, 

57.  Samuel  Black, 

58.  Hugh  Newell, 

59.  Samuel  Mclivain. 


i7.  Samuel  McDonald, 

28.  Samuel  Tidd, 

2».  Phillip  Mathews,  Jr., 

30.  Robert  Porter, 

3L  Robert  Dickson, 

?2.  .John  TuUis,  Sen., 

33.  James  Bonner, 


It  Ls  by  us  certified  that  the  number  of  electors  at  this  election 
amounts  to  sixty-seven. 


James  Moore, 


Daniel  M.  Workman  ^ 


John  "Workman, 


John  H.  Moore, 


Phillip  Hoshaw, 


William  Cummins, 


Jeremiah  Stansbury, 

ison  Fewell. 

Samuel  MoIlvain, 
Hugh  Newell, 

I  Ckrki 

Thomas  Baird,  ") 
Samuel  Black,  j- 
Wm.  Moore,      J 





Zane  Township. 

Poll  Book  of  the  election  held  in  Zane  township,  Logan  county, 
the  sixth  day  ot  April,  A.  D.,  one  thousand  eight  hundred  and 
eighteen.  Daniel  Garwood,  John  Warner  and  Joseph  Stokes, 
Judges,  and  Levi  Garwood  and  John  Inskeep,  Clerks  of  the  elec- 
tion, were  sworn  as  the  law  directs,  previous  to  their  entering  on 
the  duties  of  their  respei'tive  offices. 
















Joshua  Cain,  37. 

Wm.  Eaton,  38. 

Job  Sharp,  39. 

Samuel  Curl,  40. 

Daniel  Garw^ood,  41. 

Joel  Stratten,  42. 

Levi  Inskeep,  43. 

John  D.  Elbert,  44. 

Joseph  Stratten,  45. 

Enoch  Smith,  46. 

Jose  Garwood,  47. 

Job  Garwood,  48. 

Walter  Marshal,  49. 

William  Sharp,  50i 

*Caieb  Baiiinger,  51. 

Benajah  Williams,  52. 

Isaac  B.  Dillon,  53. 

Joseph  Stokes,  54. 

John  Williams,  56. 

Jesse  Sharp,  56. 

John  Sharp,  Jr.,  57. 

Jesse  Downs,  58. 

Charles  Curl,  59. 

Matthias  Williams,  60. 

Job  Inskeep,  61. 

Simeon  Smith,  62. 

David  Marmon,  Sen., 
James  llobertson, 
Abel  Thomas, 
Samuel  Hatcher, 
Edraond  INIarmon, 
Wm.  Euans, 
John  Inskeep, 
Wm.  P.  Sharp, 
JobSnarp,  Sen. 
Isaac  James, 
Josiah  Outland, 
Benjamin  Smith, 
Peter  Marmon, 
Jonathan  William-. 
David  IMarmon,  Jr., 
Nicholas  Pickrel, 
Moses  Euans, 
Joseph  Euans, 
Giles  Norton, 
SanuK'l  Curl,  Jr., 
William  Grubs, 
Enoch  Sharp, 
Joshua  Inskeep, 
James  Hatcher, 
Isaac  Hatcher, 
David  Tlioinas, 




Samuel  Ballinger, 


Joseph  Curl,  Sen., 


James  Edwards, 


Daniel  Stokes, 


.loshua  Sharp, 


Isaac  Sharp, 


Judge  Garwood, 


Jonah  Bishop, 


Christopher  Smith, 


John  Garwood, 


Caleb  Stratten, 


Thomas  James, 


Henry  Seaman, 


Allen  Sharp, 


Samuel  Hendrick, 


Carlisle  Haines, 


.John  Mar m on, 


Thomas  Seegar, 


John  Warner, 


Job  Sharp, 


John  Sharp. 


is  by  us  certified  that 

the  number  of  electors  at  this  election 


unted  to  seventy-three. 

Attest:       ") 

Daniel  Garwood,  ] 

Levi  Garwood,  J-  Clerk: 

John  Warner,        \  Judges. 

John  Iwskekp,  J 

JoBBPH  Stokes,       J 



Lake  Township. 

Poll  book  of  election  held  in  the  township  of  Lake,  in  the  county 
of  Logan,  and  State  of  Ohio,  in  the  town  of  Belleville,  A.  D.  one 
thousand  eight  hundred  and  eighteen.  Thomas  Baird,  Joseph 
Peach  and  William  Powell,  Judges,  and  George  Krouskop  and 
John  Askren,  Clerks  of  this  election  were  severally  sworn  as  the 
law  directs,  previous  to  their  entering  on  the  duties  of  their  respect- 
ive ofl&ces. 


Oliver  C.  Blalock, 
Levi  D.  Tharp, 
Nathaniel  Crutcher, 
William  Coddington, 
Simeon  Ransbottom, 
Joseph  Haynes, 
John  N.  Gluer, 
Thomas,  Colvin, 
Daniel  Vance, 
Daniel  Purdy, 
George  Blalock, 
Michael  Waggoner, 
John  McDonald, 
James  Wall, 
George  Krouskop, 
Robert  Doty, 
.James  Wall,  sen. 
Joseph  Kirkwood, 
Joseph  Bo  wen, 
Sylvan  us  Morehoaw, 
Joseph  Cummins, 
John  Holmed, 
John  TinniB, 
John  Wood, 
John  Enoch, 


James  M.  Reed, 



Isaac  Miller, 



William  Johnson, 



John  Colvin, 



John  Tucker, 



John  TuUis,  sen. 



William  McKinney, 



Joseph  Gordon, 



James  Binley, 



James  McClenaghan, 



William  Hainee, 



Thomas  Haines, 



Moses  Mcllvain, 



William  Carroll, 



Archibald  Moore, 



David  Jones, 



Henry  Shaw, 



Thomas  Newell, 



James  Mcllvain, 



David  Kirkwood, 



Isaac  Southerland, 



Joseph  Wilson, 



William  Kirkwood, 



Samuel  Shields, 



Joseph  Coddington, 





James  Largent, 


David  McNay, 


John  G.  Mcllvain, 


John  Crawlord, 


James  McPherson, 


John  Hall, 


William  McBeth, 


James  Leper, 


John  Wall, 


William  Gray, 


John  Newell, 


John  Shelby, 


David  Askren, 


Obadiah,  Howell, 


Stephen  Hoyt, 


Jesse  Gale, 


William  Moore, 


Hezekiah  Wilcox, 


Robert  Moore, 


Joseph  Peach, 


William  Wall, 


William  Powell, 


Joseph  Alexander, 


Thomas  Baird, 


John  Gunn, 


William  White, 


William  Adams, 


Justice  Edwards, 


Samuel  Newell, 


Daniel  M.  Brown, 


Samuel  Wilson, 


William  Davis, 


Jacob  Powell, 


John  Cochran, 


George  F.  Dunn, 


Samuel  Carter, 


Robert  Newell, 


Daniel  Workman, 


Raphael  Moore, 


Martin  Dewitt, 


Samuel  Moore,  jr. 


Ransford  Hoyt, 


John  Dunn, 


Alexander  McGarvy, 


Joel  Smith, 


John  Moore, 


Daniel  Workman,  sen. 


James  Hill, 


Abner  Snoddy, 


Benjamin  Vickers, 


Patrick  Watson, 


Charles  O.  Wolpers, 


Jacob  Foster, 


Abraham  Sager, 


Joseph  Smith, 


Samuel  Covington, 


William  McCloud, 


John  Askren, 


John  Lodwick, 


Samuel  Hathaway, 


John  Peach, 


Thomas  Thompson, 


John  Naglee, 


Isaac  Clemens, 


George  Countner, 


Thomas  Powell, 


Thomas  Clark, 


William  Davis, 


Christopher  Wood, 


David  King 


Robert  Porter, 


Emmanuel  Rost, 


J«hn  McBeth, 


Ross  Thomas, 


Thomas  Garwood, 


Hugh  Newell, 


Isaac  Myers, 


Almon  Hopkins, 


Merida  Blalock, 

'    131. 

Jeremiah  Stansberry, 


66.    John  Tullis,  jr.  132.    Robert  Crockett. 

It  is  by  us  certified  that  the  number  of  electors  at  this  election 
amounts  to  one  hundred  and  thirty-two. 

Attbst:  Josbph  Fbach.        ] 

Qborqb  Kroubkop,  |  .,,     .  Thomas  Baird.        )   Jxuigm. 

JOHW   A8KR«N,  I  Ot<rA«.  yf^       POWILL.  I 



Jefferson    Township. 

Poll  Book  of  the  election  held  in  the  township  of  Jeflferson,  in  the 
•ounty  of  Logan,  on  the  14th  day  of  March,  A.  D.  one  thousand 
eight  hundred  and  eighteen.  William  McBeth,  Martin  Marmon 
jind  Robert  Smith,  Judges,  and  John  N.  Gluer  and  Samuel  Newell, 
Clerks,  who  were  severally  sworn,  as  the  law  directs,  previous  to 
their  entering  on  the  duties  of  their  respective  offices. 


























David  Askren,  97. 

Laytou  Pollock,  98. 

JosOph  McBeth,  69. 

Michael  Waggoner,  lOO. 

Benjamin  Ellis,  101. 

Jacob  Prtckston,  102. 

John  Williams,  103. 

John  Walls,  104. 

William  Walls,  105. 

Bradford  Hale,  106. 

Henry  Shaw,  107. 

Moses  Brown,  108. 

James  Moore,  109. 

James  Mcllvain,  110. 

William  Moore,  jr.  111. 

Robert  Doaty,  112. 

Daniel  Workman,  sen.        113. 

Jonathan  Williams,  114. 

William  Williams,  115. 

Thomas  Provolt,  116. 

James  Butler,  117. 

Tobias  Waggoner,  118. 

John  Pickerell,  119. 

Abner  Snoddy,  120. 

Philip  Hocket,  121. 

George  Krouskop,  122. 

Wiliam  Moore, 

John  Brown, 

Henry  Matthews, 

George  Moore, 

Lanson  Curtis, 

Benjamin  Vickers, 

James  Monroe, 

Moses  Reams, 

Jesse  Stansbury, 

Isaac  Zane,  jr. 

Benjamin  Smith, 

Caleb  Reams, 

Abner  Tharp, 

Benjamin  Watkins, 

William  Haines, 
William  Hatfield, 

John  Ritchy, 
David  Ray, 
Ayles  Reams, 
Thomas  Dunstou, 
Joseph  Coddington, 
Henry  Seaman, 
Jacob  Patterson, 
David  Jones, 
Joseph  Willson, 
Simeon  Ransbottom, 



27.  John  Marmon, 

28.  John  Packston, 

29.  Nicholas  Stilwell,  sen. 

30.  John  G.  Mcllvain, 

31.  Samuel  Scott, 

32.  William  Pierson, 

33.  Jonathan  Pierson, 

34.  Jesse  Gail, 

35.  Samuel  Lundy, 

36.  John  Pickerell,  jr. 

37.  Giles  Norton, 

38.  James  Walls,  jr. 

39.  Charles  Moots,  jr. 

40.  Josiah  Outlaud, 

41.  John  Walls,  jr. 

42.  Ohadiah  Williams, 

43.  William  Porter, 

44.  William  Moore,  sen. 

45.  Samuel  Shields, 

46.  David  Marmon, 

47.  John  Colyer, 

48.  Samuel  Willson, 

49.  Stephen  Reed, 

50.  Thomas  Moore, 

51.  Patrick  McFall, 

52.  James  Walls, 

53.  Joseph  Creveston, 

54.  George  Moots,  sea. 

55.  Jonathan  Reeves, 

56.  David  Kirkwood, 

57.  Thomas  Steward, 

58.  John  Smith, 

59.  Jervis  Dougherty, 

60.  James  Binley, 

61.  Samuel  McDannel, 

62.  AbnerCox, 

63.  Henry  Williams, 

64.  Isam  Hyatt, 

65.  Joseph  Kirkwood, 

66.  James  Shaw, 

123.  Levi  Tharp, 

124.  Ebenezer  MoD.innel, 

125.  Jesse  Willets, 

126.  Isaac  Wiliets, 

127.  William  Stanfi.-Ul, 

128.  Nicholas  Robertson, 

129.  Joseph  Peach, 

130.  Christopher  Piper, 

131.  Samuel  Robertson, 

132.  John  Tullis,  sen. 

133.  Jacob  Foster, 

134.  Emsly  Pope, 

135.  Martin  Dewitt, 

136.  William  Ireland, 
187.    Joseph  Gordon, 

138.  Justice  Eilwards, 

139.  Samuel  Hanes, 

140.  Lewis  Coon, 

141.  William  Woods, 

142.  Nathaniel  Pope, 

143.  William  McDannel, 

144.  Enoch  Smith, 

145.  Samuel  Hatcher, 

146.  Joshua  Sharp, 

147.  Martin  Flougherty, 

148.  George  F.  Dunn, 

149.  Phillip  Matthews, 

150.  Edmond  Marmon, 

151.  George  Matthews, 

152.  Martin  Shields, 

153.  John  Askren, 

154.  John  Bun, 

155.  John  Schooler, 

156.  Richard  Dickinson, 

157.  William  Coddington, 

158.  Joseph  Smith, 

159.  Joseph  Brown, 

160.  George  Henry, 

161.  Benjamin  Schooler, 

162.  John  Dunn, 



67.  John  Means,  163. 

68.  Stephen  Leice,  164. 

69.  Nicholas  Stilwell,  165. 

70.  Christian  Smith,  166. 

71.  Samuel  Carter,  167. 

72.  James  Leper,  168. 

73.  Joseph  Pollock,  169. 

74.  Peter  Marmon,  170. 

75.  Samuel  Colyer,  171. 

76.  Oliver  C.  Blaylock,  172. 
7T.  Samuel  Marmon,  173. 

78.  William  Reams,  174. 

79.  Samuel  Firestone,  175. 

80.  Joseph  Alexander,  176. 

81.  William  McBeth,  177. 

82.  Daniel  Butler,  178. 

83.  Samuel  Curl,  179. 

84.  Peter  Marmon,  sen.  180. 

85.  John  Tucker,  181. 

86.  .  John  Peach,  182. 

87.  Thomas  Haner,  183. 

88.  David  Shields,  184. 

89.  Steward  Hatfield,  185. 

90.  John  McBeth,  186. 

91.  John  Packston,  jr.  187. 

92.  Daniel  McCoy,  188. 

93.  Michael  Queen,  189. 

94.  Phineas  Corwin,  191. 

95.  Peter  Pro  volt,  191. 
%.  John  Willson,  192. 

David  Norton, 
Thomas  Reams, 
John  McDannel, 
William  Powell, 
William  Carter, 
Thomas  Colvin, 
Robert  Bradin, 
George  Green, 
Samuel  Starbuck, 
Thomas  Newell, 
William  Green, 
Sylvanus  Moorehouse^ 
James  Watkins, 
William  Carrol, 
Joseph  Dickinson,  jr. 
David  McNay, 
John  Provolt, 
Joseph  Euans, 
Jeremiah  Reams, 
Alexander  McGary, 
Robert  Marmon, 
William  Douglas, 
Robert  S.  McMillen, 
James  Ellis, 
Richmond  Marmon, 
Alexander  Long, 
John  Stephenson, 
John  Stephenson, 
John  Enoch, 
Job  Sharp. 

It  is  hereby  certified  that  the  number  of  electors  at  this  election 
amounts  to  one  hundred  and  ninety-two. 

JoHH  N.  Glukr, 
Samusl  Newell, 

J-  Cltrk*. 

Wm.  McBeth,      "| 
Martin  Marmox  >  Judp*$. 
RoBBRT  Smith,     J 



Union  Township. 

Poll  Book  of  the  election  commenced  and  held  at  the  house  tf 
John  Dunn,  in  the  township  of  Union,  and  county  of  Logan,  for 
the  purpose  of  electing  one  Justice  of  the  Peace,  on  the  first  Mon- 
day of  April,  eighteen  hundred  and  twenty-one.  John  Dunn, 
Thomas  Baird,  and  Hezekiah  Wilcox,  Judges,  G.  F.  Dunn  and 
John  Askren,  Clerks,  who  were  severally  sworn  previous  to  their 
entering  on  their  respective  offices. 











John  Enoch, 
John  G.  Mcllvain, 
James  Mcllvain, 
David  Kirkwood, 
Wm.  Campbell, 
Thomas  Newell, 
Hiram  M.  White, 
William  Kirkwood, 
John  Dunn, 
William  Gray, 
AVm.  George, 
Robert  Clark, 
John  Hall, 
James  Wall,  Jr. 
James  Campbell, 
Archibald  Moore, 
Robert  Moore, 
Robert  Newell,  Sen. 
James  Wall,  Sen. 
Alex.  Burnsidas, 
James  Cartmell, 
John  Henson, 
Thomas  Parkison, 
Peyton  Crocket, 
Francis  Purdy, 

31.  Wm.  Wall, 

32.  Enoch  Sargent, 

33.  Raphael  Moore, 

34.  Thomas  Clarke, 

35.  Robert  Newell,  Jr. 

36.  Adam  Rhodes, 
87.  Wm.  McBeth, 

38.  Henry  Secrest, 

39.  Abner  Snoddy, 

40.  G.  F.  Dunn, 

41.  Vachel  Blaylock, 

42.  Peter  Stip, 

43.  David  Askreu, 

44.  Jonathan  W.  Fyffe. 

45.  James  Craig, 

46.  Thomas  Haird, 

47.  John  Wall, 

48.  Joseph  Hohmes. 

49.  Wm.  Ireland, 

60.  John  II.  Hopkins, 

61.  Hezekiah  Wilcox, 

52.  Joseph  :McDotli, 

53.  Samuel  Shields, 

54.  Wm.  Kenton, 

55.  Samuel  Newell, 


26.  George  Hobaugh,  56.  John  McOolloeh, 

27.  Andrew  Gray,  57.  Wm.  Laughlin, 

28.  Benjamin  Wall,  58.  John  Shelby, 

29.  Josiah  Hall,  59.  Samuel  Moore, 

30.  Garret  Wall,  60.  John  Askren. 

It  is  hereby  certified  that  the  number  of  electors  at  this  electiou 
amounts  to  sixty. 

Attest.  Hezekiah  Wilcox,  ] 

G.  F.  Dunn,         I  cUrk  John  Dunn,  v  . 

John  Askren,    J  '  Thomas  Baird,         J 



Miami    Township, 

Poll  book  of  the  election  held  in  the  township  of  Miami,  in  the 
county  of  Logan,  on  the  thirteenth  day  of  October,  A.  1)., 
one  thousand  eight  hundred  and  eighteen.  William  Dowden, 
John  Schooler,  John  Means,  Judges  and  Patrick  MoFall,  John 
Patton,  Clerks  of  the  election,  were  severally  sworn  as  the  law 
directs,  previous  to  their  entering  on  the  duties  of  their  respective 





William  More, 
Thomas  Makemson, 
Phillip  Mathews,  Jr. 
George  More,  Sen. 
Thomas  Provolt, 
Benjamin  Schooler, 
John  Makemson, 
James  More, 
Henry  Mathews, 
John  Turner. 
Francis  Patton, 
Bobert  Alexander, 
Shepherd  Patton, 
Griffith  Johnson, 
John  Manin, 
It  is  by  us  certified  that  the 
amounts  to  thirty. 


Patrick  McFall, 
John  Patton. 


16.  David  Archer, 

17.  William  More,  Sen. 

18.  James  Shaw, 

19.  John  Parrish, 

20.  John  Wilson, 

21.  John  Means, 

22.  John  More, 

23.  William  Dowden, 

24.  John  Schooler, 

25.  George  More,  Jr. 
2«.  Patrick  McFall, 

27.  John  Patton, 

28.  John  Penner, 

29.  Christian  Smith, 

30.  Samuel  Firestone, 
number  of  electors  at  this  electioi, 

John  Schooler,      \ 
William  Dowdbn  )  Jttdoet. 
JoHK  Means,  I 



In  the  year  1818  the  above  township  was  taken  from  Madriver— 
or  more  properly  all  of  tlie  present  limits  of  Concord  were  included 
in  Madriver,  from  the  fact  perhaps  that  the  population  north  of  the 
present  line  of  the  two  townships  was  too  scattering  to  warrant  a 
separate  organization.  Consequently,  in  1818  the  authorities  that 
be,  formed  what  was  then  and  ever  after  remained,  without  varia- 
tion of  lines,  Concord  township.  As  far  as  can  be  ascertained,  Jo- 
seph Hill,  the  father-in-law  of  Jas.  D.  Powell,  was  the  first  perma- 
nent settler  of  the  township.  In  1801  he  moved  on  the  farm  now 
owned  by  Mr.  Powell.  At  the  time  of  his  removal  to  the  farm, 
Isaac  Anderson  was  on  what  afterwards  proved  to  be  the  Hill 
farm.  But  the  lines  not  falling  in  "  pleasant  places  "  to  him,  he 
was  compelled  to  leave  his  improvements.  One  or  two  years 
later  Samson  Talbott  came  to  the  farm  now  owned  by  his  son  Pres- 
ly  Talbott,  and  was  for  many  years  a  Justice  of  the  Peace  both  for 
Madrivei  and  Concord  townships. 

Adam  Wise  was  also  among  the  early  pioneers  and  was  the 
grandfather  of  James  Stevens  of  Kingston.  Mr.  Wise  lived  on  the 
farm  of  Oliver  Taylor.  As  early  as  1806  James  Mitchell,  Sen., 
moved  with  his  family  to  the  farm  now  occupied  by  James  John- 
son's heirs.  He  was  the  father  of  James,  John  and  Samuel  Mitch- 
el,  each  becoming  a  permanent  settler  in  the  neighborhood  of 
Northville.  In  1809  Joseph  Longfellow  came  from  Kentucky  to 
the  neighborhood  of  Concord  chapel.  He  was  a  native  of  the  State 
of  Delaware,  and  went  from  that  State  to  Kentucky  in  a  cart  drawn 
by  one  horse,  and  came  from  Kentucky  to  this  township  in  the 


aame  vehicle.  The  harness  which  he  worked  on  his  horse  was 
made  without  iron,  and  is  yet  in  the  poasession  of  one  of  his  sons. 
On  leaving  Kentucky  such  goods  as  he  had  were  duly  packed  in 
the  cart,  save  the  gun  and  bread  tray,  for  which  they  could  not  find 
room.  The  old  gentleman  gave  his  wife  the  choice  of  the  two  ar- 
ticles to  carry,  and  she  very  wisely  chose  the  tray.  Both  walked 
the  entire  distance.  Mr.  Longfellow  drove  the  cart  and  carrieti  the 
gun,  while  his  wife  followed  in  the  rear  to  see  if  anything  fell  from 
the  cart,  in  the  mean  time  holding  on  to  the  tray.  He  settled  on 
the  ftirm  now  owned  by  N.  F.  Gibbs,  having  found  on  it  a  tine 
spring  which  he  claimed  to  have  seen  in  a  vision  many  years  be- 
fore. He  settled  on  the  farm  prior  to  the  finding  of  the  spring,  and 
had  reared  his  cabin  and  dug  his  well,  both  before  he  entered  the 
land.  In  the  early  settlement  of  this  part  of  the  county  at  leatst 
the  farmers  had  great  trouble  with  the  squirrels,  which  were  so 
numerous  as  to  totally  destroy  a  small  crop.  Mr  Longfellow,  in 
order  to  secure  his  crop  one  season,  hauled  his  entire  crop  to  hLs 
house  and  stacked  it  around  the  yard.  Coming  out  of  his  house 
one  morning  a  drove  of  perhaps  a  hundred  or  more,  were  at  work 
at  his  corn.  He  called  his  dog,  and  chased  them  away,  sixteen 
beating  a  retreat  up  the  well  pole. 

He  was  a  man  of  small  stature,  measuring  in  height  about  four 
feet  and  six  inches,  and  weighing  about  one  hundred  pounds.  lit' 
cast  his  first  vote  for  Gen.  Washington  in  Delaware,  and  voted  at 
every  Presidential  election  from  the  foundation  of  the  government 
until  the  second  term  of  Mr.  Lincoln.  He  died  in  December,  l.Stj:.. 
in  his  one  hundredth  year,  and  was  the  father  of  twenty-two 
children.  Henry  Bacome  entered  the  farm  now  ownc-d  by  1-^- 
quire  Williams  in  1810,  and  died  on  the  same  farm  from  milk  sick- 
ness. Alexander  Dunlap  entered  the  farm  now  owiu-d  by  M.  !•• 
Pence,  and  was  always  noted  for  his  many  pecuhuntu>s.  l-ehx 
Rock  lived  on  the  farm  of  D.  Kizer,  and  was  for  many  year,  a 
prominent  man.  He  moved  to  Iowa  in  1S44,  where  h.mse  f  ami 
entire  family  soon  after  died.  John  Ti,.ton  entered  Iw  far  o  v 
owned  by  John  Taylor  in  1809,  which  was  sold  t.  ■!'>»-  "--^^  I 
1814.  The  manner  of  conveying  m  thase  ^^^^^^^ 
means  of  what  was  termed  "  Patent,"  a  thmg  unhean  o  b>  th« 
present  generation.  This  "  Patent,"  yet  n.  the  posses,  o  of  Mr 
Taylor,  shows  that  Edward  Tiffin  was  Commu-ionor  of  th.    l^nd 


Office.  It  also  bears  the  si!?natui(3  of  James  Madison,  President  of 
the  United  States.  These  transfers  were  made  by  virtue  of  an  act 
passed  by  Cong^ress,  providing  for  the  sale  of  lands  in  the  north- 
west territory,  north  of  the  Ohio  River,  and  above  the  mouth  of 
the  Kentucky  River.  .John  Duckworth  came  up  from  Warren 
County  in  1815,  and  settled  on  the  farm  on  which  he  yet  resides. 
He  is  an  Englishman  by  birth,  and  came  to  America  at  the  age  of 
six  years.  He  paid  for  his  farm  by  cutting  cord-wood  at  Iwenty- 
five  cents  a  cord.  He  and  his  wife,  ( a  daughter  of  Christian  Ste- 
vens, )  are  the  only  couple  now  living  who  lived  in  this  township 
at  the  close  of  the  war  of  1812.  John  Dagger  settled  where  John 
Hesselgesser  now  lives  in  1816,  and  was  always  noted  for  his  econ- 
omy and  industry.  Jacob  Barger  came  in  1813.  Philip  Kenton, 
a  nephew  of  Gen.  Simon  Kenton,  lived  on  the  farm  now  owned 
by  Ezra  Johnson,  and  which  afterwards  became  the  home  of 
James  Russell.  Christian  Norman  came,  1809.  Jesse  Harbor 
came,  1805 ;  was  at  one  time  a  justice  of  the  peace  in  an  early 
day.  Christian  Miller  came,  1817.  John  Wilson  came,  1809 ;  yet 
living.  Robert  Russell  came,  1819.  Thomas  Tipton  lived  near 
Heathtown,  and  died  at  the  advanced  age  of  one  hundred  and 
eleven  years. 

The  farm  now  owned  by  John  W.  Stevens  had  more  owners 
prior  to  1820  than  any  place  in  the  county,  certainly  in  this  part  of 
it.  The  farm  was  entered  by*Joel  Harbor,  and  owned  afterwards 
by  Joel  Fuson,  James  Bacon,  Wm.  Snodgrass,  and  Wm.  Werden, 
late  of  the  Werden  Hotel,  Springfield,  who  has  the  honor  of  first 
introducing  a  metal  mould-board  for  plows ;  this  was  in  1819. 
John  Hall,  Sr.,  Samuel  and  John  Hogg  entered  the  farm  now 
owned  by  Jesse  Neer's  heirs,  and  afterwards  sold  to  George  Gid- 
eon. David  Pence  settled  in  the  extreme  southwest  corner  of  the 
townskip,  on  the,  farm  now  owned  by  his  son,  Lemuel  Pence. 
Jesse  Jenkins,  Jacob;;'and  John  Miller  came,  1818.  Wm.  Harbor 
eame,  1805,  where  his  son,  William,  now  lives.  Thomas  and 
William  Stretch  lived  on  the  farm  now  owned  by  D.  Kizer,  and 
occupied  by  D.  Bruner.  Russell  Jenkins  came,  1814.  Marcus 
Clark  came  from  Rockingham  County,  Virginia,  in  1809,  and  set- 
tled where  Levi  Johnson  now  lives.  John  Hall,Jr.,came,1817.  Rob- 
ert McParland  came  on  horseback  from  Harrison  county,  Ken- 
tucky, in  1806  in  company  with  Joseph  Diltz  (father  of  Wesley 

LOCJAN  C()UNTIp]vS.  _•..,; 

Diltz)  and  Martin  Hitt,  on  an  exttuision  trip.  Att«r  hi«  return  t<. 
Kentucky  he  resolved  to  free  himself  from  the  prcsencu  of  tl.o  in- 
.stitution  of  slavery-.  Hence,  in  1807,  in  eotnpany  with  his  fithor- 
in-law— Joseph  Gray— he  came  to  Champai<?n  County,  and  •<otth'(| 
on  the  farm  since  owned  by  Simon  Ropp.  They  arrived  at  tin- 
place  they  afterwards  selected  to  unload  their  ^oods,  on  Tu(sf|;iy, 
and  on  Friday  following,  just  three  days  time,  they  left  the  lo^  \,y 
which  they  had  placed  their  ^oods,  and  moved  into  their  n.-w 
house.  But  one-half  of  the  floor  was  laid,  and  that  with  a  vitv 
rough  style  of  puncheon.  Their  beds  were  laid  on  chip-boaniH  sup- 
ported by  forks  driven  into  tiie  ground  between  the  punoin'on-. 
In  this  manner  the  two  families,  lived  until  spring,  wher>  tiny 
moved  near  the  present  side  track  between  Urbana  and  West  Lib- 
erty. Becoming  dissatisfied  they  resolved  to  change  tlieir  piucc  of 
residence,  and  having  bought  what  is  familiarly  called  the  "N\h*s«' 
farm,"  some  two  miles  south-east  of  Westville,  they  moved  on  to 
it  in  the  spring  of  1811.  In  the  fall  of  that  year  Robert  McFurlHinl 
bought  the  farm  now  owned  by  hi»  son  T.  S.  McFuriand,  an<l  dur- 
ing the  winter  of  1811-12,  built  a  cabin  and  on  the  twelfth  of  April 
following  moved  into  it.  Soon  after  his  removal  to  this  farm  a 
military  road  was  laid  out  from  Urbana  to  Sidney,  passing  tlinnuh 
the  farm  and  directly  by  the  door.  In  October,  1812,  Gnn.  Harri- 
son and  his  troops  passed  over  this  road  from  Urbana  to  Sidney, 
on  his  way  to  the  north-west  territory.  The  General  inquin'<l  (*i 
ray  father  if  he  intended  to  settle  among  such  large  trees,  und  re- 
ceiving an  affirmative  answer,  replied,  he  was  too  small  a  man  fur 
such  large  trees.  After  the  General  had  mounted  his  liorsc  and 
was  about  taking  his  leave,  father  remarked  to  him  that  should  il 
,  be  his  fortune  to  have  a  son  in  the  future  it  should  bear  the  uaiutt 
of  (General  Harrison.  In  February  following  a  son  was  born  ami 
according  to  promise  was  duiy  installed  into  the  family  >V4  Gen- 
William  Harrison.  Twenty-eight  years  later,  and  during  tlie.-v- 
er  memorable  campaign  of  1840,  Gen.  Harrison  passi*d  over  tl»i«> 
uame  old  military  road  from  Sidney  to  Urbarut  on  horseback .  .\« 
was  the  custom  in  those  daj's,  a  delegation  of  (citizens  from  this 
(Concord)  township  met  the  General  and  his  troop  at  the  wi»stern 
county  line.  So.)n  after  the  meeting  of  the  dolegalion  from  tbi- 
vicinity  with  the  General,  they  came  into  the  villatre  of  r^iry-- 
ville.     A  temporary  stan<l  had  been  erecte<I,  fn,ni  wliich  ih.-  <:  n- 



eral  made  a  brief  address  to  the  citizens  who  had  come  in  from  th« 
surrounding  country  to  pay  tiieir  respects  to  hiiu.  Atnoug  his  re- 
marks was  this,  that  lie  had  passed  over  the  country  in  1812,  but 
how  near  the  same  road  he  could  not  tell.  A  voice  in  the  crovrd 
answ?red  th-U  he  was  on  tln^  sime  road.  Five  miles  further  and 
they  reached  the  villa«<e  of  Millerstown.  During  his  remarks  her« 
he  made  a  similar  statement  in  regard  to  his  having  passed  over 
this  country  in  the  year  1812,  but  how  near  the  same  road  he  could 
not  tell.  A  voice  in  the  crowd  answered,  he  was  on  the  same  road. 
The  General  then  inquired  how  he  knew.  Thesame  man  answered 
that  he  was  living-  here  at  the  time,  and  had  conversed  with  him 
on  his  road  from  Urbana  to, Sidney.  The  General  then  told  him 
to  come  to  the  stand  after  he  was  done  his  remarks.  This  wa» 
done,  and  the  General  wishful  to  know  how  hc^  could  remember 
the  fact,  and  being  informed  that  he  was  the  man  who  had  prom- 
ised to  name  n  son  for  hioi,  at  once  eaile^*  to  mind  the  occurrence. 
After  inquiring  for  the  welfare  of  his  name-sake,  the  General  re- 
marked the  day  had  been  when  a  great  many  children  ,wer« 
named  for  him,  but. since  party  lines  had  been  dru  wu,  some  peopU 
would  not  name  a  dog  for  hir.'. 

Accompanying  Gen.  Harrison  was  one  Jonathan  Chambers,  a 
Kenturkian,  and  who  had  been  in  an  early  day  a  schoolmate  of 
Thomis  Kenton,  of  Madriver  towiiship,  and  a  m^phew  of  Gen. 
Simon  Ki-nton.  During  tlie  speecli  Mr.  Kenti)u,  in  his  anxiety  t® 
see  My.  Chambers,  rode  into  the  crowd  on  horse-back  in  clos» 
proximity  to  the  speaker's  stand,  and  commenced  shouting  at  the 
top  of  his  voice  for  Jonathan  Chambers.  Such  was  Kenton's  de- 
termiiiation  to  see  his  old  schoolmate,  that  Ciiambers  was  obliged 
to  leave  the  stand  in  order  to  keep  Kenton  quiet  so  the  General 
might  proceed  with  his  remirks.  Both  Kenton  and  Chambers 
lived  many  years  after  the  d^ath  of  our  beloved  President,  and, 
like  him,  lie  uniionorerl,  so  far  as  a  suitable  monument  to  their 
last  resting  place  is  concernt^l. 

Wh?n  father  moved  to  this  farm  there  were  a  number  of  Indiam 
hutsyt-t  very  plain  to  be  seen.  They  stood  about  two  hundred 
yards  south-west  of  Concord  chapel,  and  were  about  fourteen  in 
number.  Soon  after  his  lerhoval  to  this  neighborhood  he  opened 
his  honse  to  tiie  itim^rants  of  the  M.  E.  Church,  which  was  the  nu- 
cleus around  which  the  large  and  flourishing  society  of  Concord 


•hapel  grrew.  The  meeting:s  were  held  at  his  house  for  years,  and 
■ntil  the  comino:  of  James  Ruasel,  after  which  the  ineetin<rs  wer« 
divided  between  the  two  places.  Thus  church  meetin}??  were  held, 
until  the  erection  of  the  old  loqr  church  which  was  built  on  th» 
knoll  at  the  center  of  the  west  line  of  the  Concord  cemetery.  Thi* 
house  answered  the  purpose  of  the  society  until  1837,  when  the  old 
brick  church  was  erected,  which  ofave  way  in  1867  to  the  present 
imposing;  edifice. 

The  first  school  house  in  Concord  township  was  built  on  tiie  tarni 
•fWm.  Harbour,  near  the  Harbour  graveyard ;  butas  to  tlie  exact 
ilate  of  its  erection  I  can  not  tell.  There  are  persons  now  livinj 
who  attended  school  at  this  house,  who  are  more  than  three  Kcor» 
years  and  ten. 

The  first  elections  after  the  organization  of  the  township  wer« 
held  at  the  house  of  Robert  McFarland.  James  Russcl  also  provi- 
ded for  the  elections  a  short  time,  until  they  were  remover!  by 
•omraon  consent  to  the  house  of  Mr.  Streti-h,  on  Daniel  Kizer'i 
western  farm.  They  were  afterwards  held  at  McFarland's  school 
house,  and  remain  so  to  this  day. 

In  the  first  election  of  officers  for  the  township,  Phillip  Kenton, 
George  Robinson  and  John  Bouseman  were  chosen  asTrust(>es  and 
John  Daniels,  Clerk.  The  second  election,  which  was  in  ISIO.  Rob- 
ert McFarland  was  chosen  Clerk,  and  held  the  office  for  thirteoB 
•onsecu live  years;  after  which  Joseph  Houirh,  Stilly  .MKJill,  Jn^. 
Russel,  Jr.,  D.  H.  Neer,  L.  M.  Steward,  P.  Connor,  Au-^tiii  Heath, 
John  Russel  (late  Secretary  of  State),  Fleming  Hall,  K.  G.  Alle« 
and  others  also  had  the  honor  of  filling  ^he  office  from  time  to 

Among  the  early  records  we  find  where  one  of  otir  citizens  took 
■p  a  flock  of  sheep  which  were  duly  appraised  at  thirty-seven  and 
one-half  cents  each.  Also,  one  sheep  taken  up  by  John  Duck- 
worth, reported  by  the  appraisers  as  being  three-fourths  blooded, 
and  appraised  at  two  dollars,  which  showsconclusively  that  "l)Iood 
would  tell,"  even  in  the  earlier  days  of  our  country. 

About  the  time  of  the  organization  of  the  township,  there  lived 
on  what  was  known  as  the  "Joseph  Russel  farm"  now  owne<i  by 
Isaac  Zimmerman,  a  family  named  Foley,  consist  in- of  the  pan-ntj 
and  four  sons.    These  boys,  rauging  from  eighteen  to  twenty-four 


yeai-s  of  asje,  were  not  noted  for  anything  save  their  quarrelsome 
disposition  and  huge  muscular  frames.  It  became  a  liind  of  fixed 
habit  with  them  whenever  they  got  into  a  crowd,  to  adopt  some 
plan  to  get  into  a  muss  and  get  up  a  fight,  in  which  one  or  more  of 
the  Foleys  would  engage,  and  almost  always  proved  victors.  There 
lived  about  this  time  on  what  is  known  as  "McBeth's  hill,"  a  fam- 
ily named  Wilkinson.  In  this  family  was  a  son  named  Thomas, 
who  also  was  noted  for  his  great  muscular  power,  but  not  inclined 
to  be  quarrelsome.  On  hearing  of  the  success  of  the  Foleys,  he 
sent  them  a  challenge.  During  the  harvest  of  1819  the  parties  met 
at  the  house  of  Felix  Rock.  At  dinner  time  the  subject  of  their 
fighting  qualities  was  dist^-ussed,  and  during  the  conversation  Wil- 
kinson agreed  to  right.  All  f(jur  of  the  Foleys  were  present,  and 
on  being  asked  which  of  the  four  he  wanted  to  fight,  he  replied, 
the  best  man  they  had.  They  accordingly  repaired  to  the  shade 
of  a  huge  maple  tree,  yet  standing  in  liisquire  Kizer's  yard,  and  at 
it  they  went.  But  little  time  served  to  show  that  Foley  had  met 
his  match.  His  brothers  discovering  that  they  had  waked  up 
the  wrong  passenger,  called  out  to  Daniel  (the  brother's  name)  to 
strike  Wilkinson  an  underhanded  blow.  This  suggestion  was  ta- 
ken by  Wilkinson,  and  in  due  time  improved.  But  a  single  blow 
and  Foley  fell  across  the  root  of  the  tree.  Wilkinson  attempted  to 
follow  up  the  advantage  thus  gained,  but  was  prevented  by  the 
Foley  brothers,  one  of  whom,  (  William, )  struck  Wilkinson  a 
hard  blow.  This  being  considered  foul  play,  according  to  rules 
governing  such  pugilistic  efforts  in  those  days,  William  was  duly 
informed  by  Wilkinson  that  the  next  time  they  met  his  turn 
would  come.  Daniel  Foley  was  carried  from  that  battle-ground  a 
ruined  man,  and  on  the  ninth  day  following  died  from  the  ettects 
of  the  fight. 

Wilkinson's  avowal  that  he  would  whip  Wm.  Foley  became  a 
great  topic,  and  the  people  looked  forward  to  the  event  with  as 
much  anxiety  as  a  certain  class  now  look  to  regular  prize-fighters. 
The  following  fall,  at  a  corn-shucking  at  .los.  Longfellow's  the  par- 
ties again  met,  and,  after  supper,  by  mutual  arrangement,  entered 
into  combat,  which  resulted  in  the  defeat  of  Foley. 

Bilas  Johnson,  whose  name  appears  in  the  list  of  Madriver  town- 
ship, was  instrumental  in  having  Johnson  township  set  oflF,  and 
named  for  himself.    At  the  first  election  for  .Tu'-tice  of  the  Peace,  ■ 


Silas  Johnson  and  Joseph  Kizer  (father  of  Philip  ami  l)aiii(l  Ki- 
zer)  were  the  opposing-  candidates.  Kizer  beat  Johnson  some  two 
or  three  votes,  and  this  so  insulted  the  dignity  of  Johnson  timt  he 
left  the  township  and  went  over  into  Adams  and  succeedHl  in 
getting-  that  township  named  for  his  son-in-law— ]Mr.  Adams. 

In  the  first  appraisement  of  houses,  while  a  portion  of  Johnson 
was  yet  included  in  Concord,  there  were  but  three  houses  ap- 
liraised,  namely:  Samson  Talbott,  Joseph  Ilouk,  and  David  Con- 
ner. Joseph  Conner  was  at  this  time  "llous"  Appraiser."  and 
Jafob  Houk,  Assessor. 

In  the  earlier  settlement  ot  the  Madriver  N'alley,  numerous  In- 
dian relics  were  found  on  the  farm  of  James  Johnson's  heirs,  indi- 
cating: at  one  time  a  large  Indian  village.  ( )n  the  banks  of  Muddy 
creek,  opposite  the  residence  of  Wm.  Downs,  wa<  also  the  nMiiaiuN 
of  an  Indian  village. 

Having- now  completed  the  early  history  of  Concord  township, 
we  g:ive  below  a  list  of  leading  business  men:  J.  D.  I'owell.  M. 
Arrowsmith,  F.  N.  Barg:er,  E.  Wilson,  D.  Kizer,  S.  J.  Packer,  P. 
Talbott.  Oliver  Taylor,  John  Taylor,  C.  Journell,  J.  P.  Neer,  J.  M. 
McFarland,  M.  F.  Pence,  T.  J.  B.  Hough,  John  Hesselgesser,  M. 
^V.  Barger,  L.  Niles,  P.  Conner,  J.  T.  Kite,  T.  P..  Long,  T.  S. 
McFarland  (auctioneer),  P.  Baker,  J.  P.  McFarland  (civil  engin- 
eer), J.  D.  Wilson,  Levi  Johnson,  Roltert  Kussel,  (J.  Norman.  J. «'. 
Miller,  1>.  H.  Neer,  J.  W.  Heath,  P.  Kizer,  Willoughby  Heath. 
Wra.  Barger,  R.  Neer,  M.  Lnudenback,  N.  D.  McUeynolds  A. 
Taylor,  V.  Russell. 

All  of  which  is  respectfully  submitteil. 

SPOT   T  Y/ 


Soon  after  the  termination  of  the  last  war  with  Enjjland  there 
•ame  to  the  town  of  West  Liberty  an  Irishman,  James  llyan  by 
mame,  who  had  been  in  the  American  service.  He  liad  a  small 
amount  of  money,  and  Home  sort  of  a  title  to  one  hundred  and  six- 
ty acres  of  land.  He  stopped  at  a  tavern  kept  by  one  Clark,  whera 
ke  remained  until  he  had  squandered  land  and  money,  which  he 
did  in  a  short  time,  by  excessive  drinking.  Thenceforward,  for  fif- 
ty years  and  more,  he  was  a  dweller  in  the  county,  and  justly 
•ftrned  a  place  in  the  catalogue  of  "Eccentric  Characters."  Dickeot 
would  probably  have  made  nothing  of  him,  for  Jin)my  was  not  hii 
•tyle  of  heroes ;  but  to  Sir  Walter  he  would  have  be<  n  a  treasure. 
His  kindly,  obliging  nature  when  sober,  his  ready  wit,  his  flow  of 
■pirits,  his  gossipy  disposition,  and  vagrant  habit  of  strolling  from 
Mouse  to  house,  made  him  just  the  sort  of  a  person  out  of  whom 
the  "Gr&at  Wizard  of  the  North,"  would  Jiave  fabricated  one  of 
kis  most  admirable  creations. 

Of  the  first  fifteen  years  of  Jimmy's  life  in  Logan  county,  the  writ- 
er can  only  speak  from  tradition.  That  he  was  often  drunk,  and 
when  drunk  was  abusive,  was  always  true  of  him,  from  firntto  last. 
That  he  was  frequently  beaten,  at  least  once  tarred  and  feathered 
and  once  tied  to  a  cart  and  dragged  through  the  river,  is  certain. 
That  he  often  slept  in  the  wood,  narrowly  escaping  death  from  ex- 
posure;  that  he  had  "hair- breadth  escapes,"  many  time^,  frou)  hi* 
kabit,  when  drunk,  of  niounting  any  horse  he  migiit  see  tied  to  a 
rack,  and  running  him  at  reckless  speed,  are  facts  with  which 
All  were  familiar  forty  years  ago. 


AmoMg  the  earliest  recollections  of  the  writer  is  an  inoiiltMit  that 
•ccurred  at  a  weddins?  on  Mad  River  in  1830.  Jimmy  was  tin-re, 
f  ogrgy,  as  was  too  often  the  case.  Taking  the  rein  from  a  g.'utle-' 
man  who  was  leading  a  spirited  hay  mare,  he  mounteil,  and  lay- 
kig  on  the  the  animal  was  at  full  speed  in  a  momnnt. 
Jimmy  fell  oflF  hehind,  and  was  kicked  while  falling.  He  was 
terribly  hurt,  and  picked  up  for  dead.  He  bore  through  life  the 
icars  of  this  hurt  on  his  face. 

When  the  writer  iirst  knew  .Jimmy  Ryan  there  had  grown  tip  a 
kindly  fe(^lin2' for  him  in  C()!nmunity,  which  sliiclded  him  from 
♦he  violence  to  which  he  had  been  subjected  during  his  first  years 
iu  the  county.  It  had  come  to  be  considered  a  base  and  cow- 
ardly deed  to  strike  one  who  never  made  resistance,  and  whose 
worst  fault  was  a  iq  tlignant  tongue  when  drunk,  an  1  this  only  on 
provocation.  Hehvl  so  many  good  qualities  wlien  sober,  tluit  h« 
won  the  esteem  of  the  generous  settlors  of  the  valley,  and  tlicy 
♦ook  the  most  chiritable  view  of  his  single  fault. 

There  was,  in  the  beginning,  a  large  emigration  from  Kentuckj 
to  Logan  county.  For  the  most  part  the  people  were  "well-to-fh)" 
farmers,  living  in  the  midst  of  groat  abundance,  and  truo  to  th« 
•haracteristic  hospit.'ility  of  Kentucklans.  Amon;?  tluHe  were  tit* 
Hewells,  (four  families,)  the  Kellys,  the  Bairds,  the  .M^-Heths,  the 
Walls,  the  Mcllvains.  the  McDonalds,  the  Kirkwo » Is,  \)i'<>\ 
Braden,  Blair,  and  many  others,  whose  names  at  this  distinc<*  of 
time  and  place,  the  writer  does  not  recall. 

At  least  as  early  as  1830,  Jimmy  Ryan  was  "on  the  circuit." 
He  devised  a  plan  of  living  without  labor,  anil  succeeded,  though 
many  wiser  heads  have  failed  in  the  same  attempt.  For  a  few 
•lays  he  remained  at  each  farm-house,  and  then  wasofTfor  the  next. 
It  came  to  pass  in  tiine  that  he  was  looked  for  confidently,  wol- 
•omed  cordiully,  and  his  visit  made  as  happy  as  h;^art  c  »uld  wish. 
Thus,  for  many  long  years,  he  visited  alternately  tliirty  or  forty 
fcjmilies.  He  made  himself  useful  in  his  way.  'I-  shaved  the 
fcrraor  and  cut  his  hair  and  that  of  his  boys.  He  assist. "1  the  go.)d 
wife  to  put  her  "piece  in  the  loom  ;"  he  carried  in  w  ..hI  though 
he  never  cut  or  split  it  ;  he  brought  water.  If  any  one  was  ^i^k, 
ttone  was  so  vigilant,  faithful  and  t'  nder  as  Jimmy  Ryan.  A.lded 
te  all,  he  was  the  liveliest  of  gossip;.  He  never  toM  miythin;:  tliat 
•ould  caase  disturbance  ;  but  if  there  was  a  courtship  on  hi-^  cin-ult 
•r  a  marriage  imp'-nding  he  was  su  re  to  know  u .     it-  was  nii  :iu- 


porhuit  pfM-sonagp  among  lovers.  lie  was  the  bearer  of  tender 
»nessHj?es,  mid  many  a  marriaj^e  was  the  fruit  of  Jimmy's  diplo- 
macy. Fie  broke  the  ice  for  bashful  swains,  and  truly  interpreted 
the  coy  but  willing-  maiden.  He  never  seemed  happier  than  when 
on  this  duty. 

Ho  was  rarely,  if  ever,  drunk  for  more  than  a  day  at  a  time, 
rtnd  would  stay  sober  for  two  or  three  weeks.  He  was  never  heard 
to  express  sorrow  for  his  intemperance;  he  never  promised  or  tried 
to  veforfti.  He  considered  his  spree  a  matter  of  course,  and  seemed 
not  to  regar  1  it  as  a  sin,  or  transgression  of  any  sort.  He  never 
■poke  of  father,  mother,  brother,  sister  or  any  other  relative,  or 
©veil  alluded  to  the  place  of  his  birth.  Of  his  military  service  the 
writer  never  heard  him  make  mention  l-ut  once.  The  annual  of  the  prairie  east  of  the  Mad  River,  a  custom  long  since 
abandoned,  was  in  progress.  "Just  such  a  fire  as  was  made  to 
defait  the  British,"  said  he.  This  was  as  long  ago  as  1820  or  1830. 
How  such  a  fire  could  contribute  to  "defait  the  British,"  or  where 
or  when  it  was  kindled.  I  have  forgotten,  if  he  explained. 

He  never  did  any  manual  labor.  He  was  probably  incapable  of 
out-door  w(jr        His  hand  was  small  and  delicate  as  a  woman's. 

One  trait  in  his  character,  which  contributed  greatly  to  propitiate 
hospitable  treatment,  was  his  scrupulous  cleanliness.  His  clothes 
were  always  second-hand  ;  but  he  darned  them  skillfully,  and  his 
white  shirt  was  in  keeping  with  his  unsoiled  coat,  and  carefully 
kept  hat  and  boots. 

His  soubriquet  of  "Spotty"  was  assumed  by  himself,  in  memory 
ot  a  faithful  dog,  which  he  never  forgot  while  he  lived,  though  he 
survived  the  object  of  his  regard  for  nearly  two  score  years.  We 
have  seen  him  with  as  many  as  ten  or  twelve  dogs  at  his  heels, 
and  he  the  noisiest  of  all. 

The  last  time  the  writer  saw  Jimmy  Ryan  was  perhaps  in  1863. 
He  wa.s  then  an  old  man,  beyond  seventy,  ratiier  above  the  middle 
size,  straight  and  well  proportioned  ;  with  a  full  head  of  hair  and 
fliowing  heard,  both  white  as  the  driven  snow,  cleanly  and  tidily 
dreseed,  he  was  altogether  a  venerable  looking  person.  Calling  us 
familiarly  by  name,  he  made  the  announcement  to  which  he  had 
long  been  accustomed,  nfunely  :  "1  am  round  making  collections." 
We  gave  him  the  expected  sum  ungrudgingly,  for  tons,  as  a  boy  and 
Man  he  had  always  had  a  kindly  word.  And  now  his  life  was  ap- 
projuhing  a  melanciioly  close.    One  by  one,  and  of  late  in  rapid 


succession  his  early  friends  and  benefactors  l»ad  been  gathered  to 
their  fathers. 

"All.  all  were  gone,  the  old  familiar  tacf-. 

The  sons  had  grown  up  and  married  wives,  and  tlie  daughters  wen? 
wedded  to  husbands,  whoVcnew  not  .liinmy  Piya!i.  New  inannen* 
and  customs  had  superseded  the  old.  Everythinjiluid  grown  -♦range, 
and  he  felt  that  he  had  gradually  but  finally  lieen  dejirived  of  hi 
many  homes.  Besides  all,  he  waa  infirm  and  nearly  liliud,  and  n" 
longer  able  to  journey  from  house  to  house,  as  in  the  pleasant 
days  of  yore.  For  him  there  remained  only  the  Infirmary.  :iiid  a 
quickly  succeeding  grave.    Peace  to  his  a.she^. 

We  do  not  know  what  such  a  life,  so  aintilessand  purpoM-U-s-*  as 
that  of  Jimmy  Ryan,  is  for.  The  universe  has  been  doscribe<l  by 
the  great  poet  of  philosophy,  as  "a  mighty  maze,  but  not  without 
a  plan,"  and  we  may  be  sure  that  even  the  long  and  -vagrant  life  of 
poor  "Spotty"  was  not  without  its  specific  designn  and  uses. 

\Vm.    Hll!ll\Rli. 

Napoleon,  Ohio. 



A  history  of  Logan  County  would  he  incomplete  without  at  leaat 
X  brief  notice  of  the  men  who,  while  residing  here,  have  beeai 
•onspicuous  at  the  bar,  and  in  the  councils  of  the  State,  and  Na- 
tion. But  full  justice  to  any  one  of  these  is  rather  th<?  work  of 
the  biographer,  than  the  writer  who  merely  sketciies  the  history 
•f  the  county.  The  time  for  an  impartial  biography  is,  as  a  gen- 
eral rule,  not  while  men  are  living.  It  comes  only  when  the 
record  of  a  life  is  closed,  and  can  be  viewed  in  the  light  of  past 
history,  and  when  there  is  nothing  of  prejudice  or  jealousy  to  de- 
tract from  deserved  merit,  or  of  'nterested  motive  or  bias  of 
friendship  to  give  more  of  praise  than  good  qualities  have  earned. 

Among  the  members  of  the  bar  who  were  long  residents  of  the 
•ounty  there  are  but  few  who  have  been  "gatliered  to  their  fath- 
ers," and  are  therefore  ready  for  the  pen  of  impartial  biography. 

There  are  some  who  w>^re  well  known  to  the  older  citizens  of  the 
•ounty,  but  alas !  I  fear  no  one  has  gathered  the  historic  materiaLi 
to  put  in  shape  and  preserve  their  memories  as  they  deserve. 

Wm,  Bayles,  Anthony  Casad,  Hiram  M-^'Cartney,  Samuel  Walker 
»nd  H.  M.  Shelby,  are  names  embalmed  in  the  men)ory  of  our 
Court  records,  and  fresh  in  the  recollections  of  many  citizens. 

They  alone  of  all  the  Bellefontaine  bar  repose  in  that  sleep 
which  knows  no  waking. 

I  knew  all  save  Bayles,  whose  demise  was  chronicltsd  nearly  forty 
years  ago. 


The  one  man  who,  above  all  others,  could  write  the  hlntory  of 
these  men  best,  is  Wm.  Hubbard,  himself  a  native  of  Lo^ai 
County,  whose  brilliant  qualities  as  a  writer  are  unsurpaBscd  by 
»ny  man  I  ever  knew,  but  who  withal  has  so  much  of  modest  dil^ 
llden -e  that,  like  a  giant  sleeping,  he  is  unconscious  of  his  intel- 
lectual strength.  I  hope  that  leisure  may  come  to  him  in  th« 
years  near  by,  or  to  some  one  having  a  good  measure  of  his  tal- 
ents, to  save  from  oblivion  something  of  the  lives  of  these  men. 

Mr.  Casad  came  to  the  county  at  a  very  early  day,  and  sutjwe- 
fuently  and  very  creditably  filled  the  offices  of  Prosecuting  At- 
torney, Representative  in  the  Legislature  and  Probate  Jud^'e- 
•everal  t^rms  in  each  of  these  positions.  He  was  a  tnembcr  of  th« 
Legislature  in  1838,  and  voted  in  the  face  of  a  strong  public  opin- 
ion to  repeal  the  Ohio  fugitive  slave  law.  He  lived  as  he  died,  an 
honest  man  of  kind  heari,  and  had  but  few,  if  any,  enemies.  II* 
was  a  devoted  member  of  the  Christian  or  Disciples'  Church. 

McCartney  Mas  a  lawyer  of  more  than  ordinary  ability 
and  great  industry,  and  by  these  and  his  indomitable  energy 
•tood  high  at  the  bar.  He  was  in  advance  of  public  opinion,  be- 
ing an  abolitionist  at  a  time  when  that  was  equivalent  to  |M>liti- 
eal  ostracism.  At  his  death  he  lf>ft  many  manuscripts  c(»ntainint: 
his  opinions  on  subjects  theological,  moral,  legal  and  political. 
I  saw  and  read  some  of  them,  and  they  proveil  that  he  was  u  stu- 
elent  and  a  thinker.  Doubting  or  denying  a  future  existence,  h» 
lived  an  honest  life,  a  theoretical  and  practical  philanthropist, 
and  he  died  about  1842,  with  a  stoical  courage  and  adherence  t« 
his  peculiar  opinions, 

Samuel  Walker,  a  cotemporary  of  McCartney,  wa^  a  lawyer  for 
many  years  in  Bellefontaine.  He  too  was  an  abolitir)nist,  of  cours* 
•ticrificing  thereby  any  hope  of  official  distinction.  He  was  nc.t  a 
man  of  marked  ability,  but  was  a  man  of  marked  chanicU'r  for 
honesty  and  purity  of  life  and  purpose,  A  /ealou--  memb.r  .)f  th« 
Seceder  Church,  he  and  Mr.  McCartney,  while  agreein-  it.  their 
political  opinicms,  differed  widely  in  their  religious  sentin.ent^. 

In  one  of  their  religious  controversies,  McCartney  insi-te.!  thai 
the  Bible  justified  slavery,  which  Walker  disputes'.,  and  .IrrlanHl 
if  that  could  be  proved  he  would  not  believe  the  Ihble.  M.-(  arl- 
ney  undertook  the  task,  and  among  the  n.anuscript-  ''^t  »t  h^ 
death  was  one  written  to  convince  Walker  of  the  p.^.tmn  McCarl- 


ney  had  taken.  The  argument  failed  of  its  purpose,  for  Mr. 
Walker  died  as  he  had  lived,  not  only  an  abolitionist,  but  a  de- 
voted member  of  his  church.  The  argument  of  McCartney  was 
only  an  evidence  that  a  man  of  ability  can  often  pervert  the 
"  Book  of  Books"  to  purposes  for  which  it  never  was  designed. 

Henry  M.  Shelby  died  at  Bellefontaine  in  the  spring  of  1871. 
He  was  born  and  raised  near  Lewistown,  in  Logan  County.  He 
wa.s  admitted  to  the  bar  about  the  year  1841,  and  soon  after  made 
his  residence  in  the  then  territory  of  Iov;a,  he  i>racticed  his 
profession,  and  also  became  a  member  of  the  Council,  or  higher 
branch  of  the  Territorial  Legislature.  He  resided  in  Iowa  for 
many  years,  but  subsequently  returned  to  Logan  County.  He  did 
not  seek  political  distinction  here.  He  however  took  a  somevvhat 
prominent  part  in  politli-s,  and  was  one  of  the  leading  members  of 
the  Democratic  party,  which,  in  Logan  County,  has  always  been 
in  the  minority.  He  contributed  political  articles  to  the  Demo- 
cratic newspaper  of  the  county  for  several  years,  and  in  this,  as  in 
his  professional  career,  he  evinced  a  very  respectable  degree  of 
ability.  He  was  courteous  in  his  manners,  kind  and  respectful  to 
all,  and  an  upright  citizen. 

There  were  two  lawyers  M^ho  resided  at  DeGratf,  and  who  prac- 
ticed at  the  bar  in  Bellefontaine,  both  now  deceased  ;  Isaac  Hraith, 
who  died  about  1866,  and  George  H.  Neiman,  who  died  about 
1870.  Mr.  Smith  resided  in  the  county  some  twenty  ye^rs  or  more, 
though  he  only  practiced  law  about  the  last  half  of  that  time.  He 
was  for  many  years  a  Justice  of  the  Peace.  He  secured  and  kept 
the  confidence  and  esteem  of  the  people  generally,  and  was  a 
prominent  and  useful  citizen.  He  was  a  member  of  the  Metho- 
dist Episcopal  Church,  and  must  have  l)een  about  sixty  years  of 
age  when  he  died.  He  was  a  native  of  Virginia,  and  a  Repub- 
lican in  politics. 

Mr.  Neiman  was  also  a  native  of  Virginia,  and  resided  only  a 
few  years  in  this  county.  He  was  esteemed  as  a  good  citizen,  and 
had  acquired  a  good  practice  as  a  lawyer.  These  two  are  the  only 
lawyers  who  resided  and  died  in  this  county  away  from  the  coun- 

There  have  been  several  lawyers  in  practice  here  who  have  re- 
moved to  other  places.  One  of  these  is  Pochard  S.  Canby,  who 
was  born  in  Warren  County,  Ohio,  but  when  a  small  boy  came 



Avith  his  father,  Dr.  Joseph  Canby,  to  reside  on  a  farm  near 
Quincy.  Dr.  Cauby  was  one  of  the  best  known  and  hij^hly  es- 
teemed citizens  of  the  county,  and  he  continued  to  reside  at  his 
homestead  near  Quincy  until  his  death,  about  1842.  Approciatint? 
the  advantages  of  an  education,  he  sent  his  son  Richard  tu  Col- 
legie,  where  he  became  one  of  the  most  tinished  scholars  who  ever 
resided  in  the  county.  With  him  the  Latin  classics  were  almost 
as  familiar  as  the  standard  writers  in  his  mother  tonijue,  with 
which  he  was  thoroughly  versed.  About  the  year  Is:JU  he  en- 
gaged in  mercantile  pursuits  in  Bellefontaine,  in  which  he  suc- 
ceeded well.  He  studied  law  and  was  admitted  to  th"  bar  about 
1839.  Soon  after,  h^-  was  elected  Prosecuting  Attorney  of  the 
county,  which  office  he  held  for  four  years.  In  1845  he  was  elected 
a  member  of  the  Legislature,  and  served  one  term,  declining  a  re- 
election. In  184(5,  without  seeking  It,  he  was  nominated  »h  a  can- 
didate, and  elected,  as  a  Representative  in  Congress.  He  serve<l 
one  term,  and  declined  re-election. 

He  retire<l  to  a  splendid  farm  he  owned  near  Bellefontaine, 
where  he  resided  some  years,  when  he  returned  to  Bellefontaine 
and  engaged  in  business,  conducting  a  flouring  and  oil  mill.  This 
did  not  meet  his  tastes  and  inclinations  so  well  as  his  farm,  where 
he  could,  as  he  did,  superintend  operations,  and  dcv(;te  much  of 
his  time  to  reading,  study  and  meditation. 

^.bout  the  vear  18<W  he  removed  to  Olney,  Richland  ouiuy,  Illi- 
nois, and  engaged  in  the  law  practice.     A  few  years  later  he  was 
in  a  Democratic  district  politically  opposed  to  him,  elected  Ju.lge 
of  the  Circuit  Court,  which  office  he  yet  holds,  and  the  dutPM  of 
which  he  discharges  with  ability,  and  to  the  acceptance  of  the  i.e<,- 
ple  and  bar.     He  was  an  intense  student,  so  much  ^<^^^'f: 
ten  neglected  the  dry  details  of  the  business  of  a  law  office  and    he 
law  practice,  which  were  not  so  congenial  to  h..  mmd  a.  was    h. 
study  of  law,  literary,  scientific  and  theological  ;>;;'-^^ .    .  "    J'^''' 
he  wa«and  i,  a  Swedenborginn,  in  the  study  of  the  <  -t"  -  «- 
teachings  of  which  Church  he  devoted  much  tune  and   ounl  .r  a 
enjoyment     He  is  a  man  of  much  learning,  a  ^tron^r  th.nke. .  u  ith 
Z^TZctire,  instructive  and  entertaining  •-v-.M.ona  po    o. 
a  nd  almost  without  any  political  ambuu...    ^h^   ' 'f^;-  '>'     '  ^^ 
came  to  him  un.ought.    Few  men  have  such   -^^^^^'^^^^ 
quenceashe.andyetheso  much   preferre.1   tb.  ..-u-t    ^h  ru^i 


books  to  the  turmoil  of  debate  that  he  did  not  seek  it  often,  and  in- 
deed, generally  shunned  the  opitortunities  offered  for  a  display  of 
his  powers.  He  is  not  only  eloquent  but  able.  His  speeches  wer» 
generally  carefully  studied  out,  and  he  never  enijaged  in  dehata 
without  full  preparation.  It  was  thus,  and  with  such  preparation, 
ttiat  he  proved  his  excellence.  He  was  urged  to  furnish  a  sketch  of 
kis  career,  and  dii  so  in  the  following  brief  note  : 

"I  came  to  the  bar  in  1839,  and  stuck  out  a  shingle  imraediatelj 
thereafter.  Participated  actively,  as  you  know,  in  the  Presidential 
•Rmpaign  of  the  year  1840,  and  was  elected  Prosecutmg  Attorney ^ 
If  my  memory  serves  me,  in  1842-3. 

"Became  a  member  of  the  lower  House  in  the  Legislature  of  Ohio 
in  the  spring  of  1845,  and  was  elected  to  the  36th  Congress  in  1846. 
Shortly  after  my  term  in  Congress  expired,  I  relinquished  publi« 
life  for  more  congenial  pursuits,  and  did  not  enter  it  again  until 
•ompelled  by  the  loss  of  all  that  I  had  earned,  when  I  removed  to, 
Illinois,  and  recommenced  the  practice,  and  was  elected  Circuit 
Judge  in  1869.    Am  still  on  the  bench. 

"  You  know  my  history  in  Ohio  as  well  as  I  know  it  myself,  and 
in  giving  an  account  of  the  early  membeis  of  the  bar  in  Bellefon- 
taine,  all  that  you  can  say,  in  justice,  in  reference  to  me,  is  that  if 
I  had  stuck  to  practice  I  might,  in  time,  have  made  a  respectable 
lawyer.  R.  S.  Canby." 

He  did,  and  does,  in  tact,  very  thoroughly  understand  legal  prin- 
•iples,  and  their  application  in  practice. 

I  now  come  to  give  a  little  more  in  detail  though  by  no  means 
fully  the  history  of  a  man  who  for  more  than  twenty-five  years 
itood  at  the  head  of  the  Bar  of  Logan  county,  and  who,  during  a 
portion  of  that  time,  was  the  leading  lawyer  in  some  of  the  adja- 
cent counties— the  Hon.  Benjamin  Stanton.  I  knew  him  longer, 
and  have  had  better  opportunities  to  know  more  of  him  than  of  any 
other  lawyer  in  the  county. 

Benjamin  Stanton  was  born  on  Short  creek,  near  Mt.  Pleasant, 
Jefferson  county,  Ohio,  June  4th,  1809.  He  was  the  only  son  and 
ehild  of  Elias  Stanton  and  Martha,  his  wife,  whose  maiden  name 
was  Wilsun.  His  parents  were  members  of  the  Society  of  Frienrls, 
and  possessed  the  quality  of  strict  integrity,  of  thrift,  hospitality 
and  good  citizenship,  which  have  always  distinguished  the  people 
»f  that  religious  faith. 

The  parents  died  when  their  son  was  about  two  years  of  age,  and 


he,  in  pon^eciuonce,  was  raised  until  about  fifb<^en  veare  of  age  by  a 
jWternal  -rundmother,  uho  resided  near  Mt.  Pleasant. 

At  this  a-ehe  went  to  reside  with  Amas»  Lipsv.  hin  unHe  by 
marriage  tK)  his  mother's  sister,  residiii-  ai.out  (,ne  irule  fro...  Hi 
Pleasant,  on  a  farnaadjoininj<  the  oid  Shorr  creek  M<'etii.-  House 
Herein  this  (Quaker  fanruly  he  found  the  same  stt^riin;^  TiualitiM 
which  had  made  his  home  in  infancy  and  his  residciR-e  with  his  pa- 
ternal grand  mother,  all  alike  a  school  of  industry  and  good  in..ral(«. 

The  early  traininij  and  exarnplp  of  those  who  so  fortunatelv  had 
the  guardian  ca.-e  of  the  orphan  boy  doubtless  left  their  imprkw  ob 
his  mind  and  character  in  all  the  j^ears  of  his  after  life. 

Soon  after  he  went  to  reside  with  his  uncle,  an  injury  to  hi-*  ri;,'h» 
heel  occurred,  which  finally  left  him  with  a  stiffankic  fur  lift-,  and 
•o  disabled  him  in  his  capacity  for  speedy  locomotion,  thoujjh  ia 
all  other  respects  havin}?  great  physical  ca[)ac'ty,  that  he  w:us  not 
•onsidered  able  to  farm.  He  was,  when  a  little  over  seventeea 
years  of  a^e,  apprenticed  to  a  tailor  to  learn  that  respecfabh*  and 
■feeful  calling.  At  this  he  served  about  two  years,  but,  unaccua- 
toraed  to  the  rastraints  which  this  business  required,  and  the  cl<is« 
application  to  its  duties  everywhere  then  exacted,  much  more  thia 
at  this  day,  and  not  finding  the  new  field  of  usefulness  on  which  ha 
had  entered  all  in  accord  with  his  inclinations,  he  "retired  in  ijood 
order"  before  his  time  was  out.  It  cannot  be  said  that  in  this  busi- 
ness he  ever  became  a  success.  He  inherited  from  his  father  some 
property,  including  alarm  on  Short  creek,  near  Mt.  Pleasant,  and 
his  means  though  not  large  had  been  carefully  husbanded  by  un- 
selfish relatives  who  cared  more  to  prove  their  faith  by  works  and 
labors  of  love,  than  to  make  professions  unsupported  by  either. 
But  at  a  time  like  that,  and  in  a  community  where  idIene>-<  did 
not  make  a  gentleman,  and  where  indolence  'Jhut  out  ail  from  tha 
pale  of  respectable  society,  Mr.  Stanton  did  not  fall  back  in  ii.:,dori- 
ous  ease  to  squander  the  moderate  means  he  had,  but,  in  the  win- 
ter of  1828—9  in  the  city  of  Wheeling,  he  pursued  industriou.'^ly  tha 
vocation  which  he  had  learned. 

In  January,  1830,  he  was  married  to  Nancy  Davis,  the  daughter 
of  a  highly  respectable  farmer  near  Mt.  Pleasant.  Mr.  Davis  wih  a 
prominent  member  of  and  class  leader  in  the  Methorlist  I-:()iseMpal 
Church,  and  the  members  of  his  family  were  brought  up  in  that 


As  Mr.  Stanton  did  not  marry  in  the  Society  of  Friends  he  ceased 
to  have  a  hirth-rigfht  membership,  though  in  fact  lie  had  perhaps 
never  claimed  one  as  he  might. 

He  was  fortunate  in  the  selection  of  a  most  estim;tble  lady  for  a 
vrife,  and  through  all  the  years  since  interve.iing,  she  h  as  given  to 
his  home  the  endearments  which  only  a  good  and  Christian  wife 
f^au  give.  She  is  one  of  those  who  knew  all  her  duties  and  did 
them  fully  and  well.  Neither  prosperity  nor  the  honors  of  office 
to  whicli  her  husband  attained,  ever  made  hei  unmindful  of  the 

As  a  wife,  mother,  neighbor  and  member  of  society  she  is  and 
always  was  in  every  position  and  relation  worthy  of  all  commen- 
dation. But  this  is  a  brief  digression  from  the  main  object  of  this 
limitetl  history.  It  is  necessary  to  do  justice  to  the  sketch  now  at- 
tempted, and  especially  as  a  good  wife  performs  a  large  part  in  se- 
curing for  any  husband  all  that  he  is  or  can  be. 

To  return  then  to  the  narrative.  At  the  time  of  his  marriage 
Mr.  Stanton  was  in  the  pursuit,  of  his  vocation,  which  he  conducted 
some  time  thereafter,  in  part  by  his  own  labors,  but  devoting  much 
of  his  time  to  the  study  of  the  law,  which  he  had  entered  upon, 
originally  as  the  law  student  of  Siiiiuel  Stokely  and  Ro  weil  ^tlarsh  o 
Steuben ville,  Ohio,  then  partners  in  the  law  practice,  and  two  of  the 
leading-  lawyers  in  that  part  of  the  State.  The  partnership  was  soon 
after  dissolved,  and  Mr.  Stanton  finished  his  studies  with  Mr, 
Marsh,  and  was  admitted  to  practice  law  by  the  Supremt  Court  at 
Steubenville,  in  October,  1883. 

During  his  boyhood  he  had  the  advantages  of  tho  good  private 
schools,  at  that  day  well  supporteil  in  the  int<^lligeut  community  in 
and  around  Mt.  Pleasant.  In  these  he  became  well  versed  in  read- 
ing, writing,  arithmetic,  geography  and  English  grammar.  That 
was  before  the  era  of  common  schools  -and  when  Ohio  could  boast 
but  few  of  the  higher  institutions  of  learning. 

liut  to  the  (;redit  of  Jefferson  county,  and  especially  that  part  of 
it  whtu'e  Mr.  Stanton  was  born  and  reared,  or  rather  to  the  people 
there  residing,  it  should  be  said  the  schools  of  that  period,  sup- 
ported as  they  were  by  private  subficription  for  scholars  sent,  were  of 
the  best  character  for  all  ordinary  branches  of  an  education.  That 
was  a  time,  too,  when  tea<,'hers  taught  and  scholars  Mudied.    There 

.      LOGAN  CX)UNTIES.  jUj 

were  fewer  attractions  then  than  now,  to  divert  the  niiii.]  ..f  young 
people  from  study. 

Though  Mr.  Stanton  did  not  have  a  a:)llegiate  education,  yet  he 
in  a  great  degree  supplied  that  useful  advantage  by  his  own  appli- 
•ation  to  study,  and  the  perusal  of  such  works  of  history,  scicnc* 
and  literature  as  a  good  conamunity  afforded.  Though  Mt.  Pleas- 
ant was  not  a  county  seat,  it  was  one  of  the  leading  business  towns 
of  the  eastern  portion  of  the  State.  During  the  winter  season  it 
frequently,  if  not  generally  maintained  a  debating  club,  and  in 
this,  Mr.  Stanton  following  the  example  of  Henry  Clay  in  his  early 
life,  was  not  only  a  leading  and  active  spirit  but  excelled.  Here 
ke  gave  evidence  of  that  talent  for  which  he  has  since  been  so  ili^- 

In  April,  1834,  he  removed  to  Bellefontaine,  and  commencetl  the 
practice  of  the  law.  Casad  and  IsrcCartney  were  already  here. 
Bellefontaine  then  had  a  population  of  probably  000  people.  Ohio 
then  had  no  completed  line  of  Railroad.  Logan  county  though 
longer  settled  and  better  improved  than  the  counties  on  the  east, 
north  and  west,  was  comparatively  new.  The  farms  were  gener- 
ally only  partially  cleared  off.  But  with  a  bar  few  in  niunbers 
there  was  law  business,  and  some  of  it  of  much  importance.  The 
east  half  of  Logan  county  was  in  the  Virginia  Military  District, 
and  until  titles  became  settled  by  long  occupation,  this  was  a  fruit- 
ful field  for  land  litigation.  Mr.  Stanton  verysoon  acquired  a  goo<l 
practice.  For  a  time  the  older  lawyer,  McCartney,  had  the  bftter 
practice,  and  was  more  successful  than  IMr.  Stanton.  But  in  I»s« 
than  half  a  dozen  years  Mr.  Stanton  was  the  leading  lawyer  of  the 
county.  McCartney's  health  failed  him,  and  he  died  a  few  years 
after.  During  the  period  commencing  a  short  time  after  Mr. 
Stanton  entered  upon  the  practice  here,  or  certainly  from  the 
death  of  Mr.  McCartney,  and  until  Mr.  Stanton  I'-ft  the  county 
about  1866,  he  was  engaged  in  most  of  the  important  MtiRations  ..f 
the  county,  subject  of  course,  to  the  exception  that  this  was  more 
or  less  interrupted  by  a  service  of  eight  years  in  Congress.  Duniig 
most  (»f  his  residence  here,  he  had  a  good  ;-ractice  In  the  neigh- 
boring counties.  The  Ohio  lleports  bear  a." pie  te-tiniony  th.«t  ho 
had  more  than  a  full  share  of  the  business  in  the  Supreme  Court 
from  this  part  of  the  State. 


The  business  in  the  Courts  of  the  United  States  froui  liiese  coun- 
ties was  limited,  but  there,  too,  Mr.  Stanton  was  conspicuous. 

An  interesting'  little  volume  might  be  written  to  preserve  inci- 
dents of  the  profession  and  practice  in  this  region  during  the  forty 
years  past;  hut  the  materials  for  it  are  fast  being  lost,  as  one  by 
one  the  older  members  of  the  bar  depart.  Ohio  has  had  many 
able  lawyers.  But  this  part  of  the  State  has  also  had  an  able  bar — 
not  inferior  to  that  of  any  other  portion  of  the  State.  I  will  not 
speak  of  those  who  yet  reside  here,  for  the  time  for  that  has  not 
yet  come. 

But  Sampson  Mason,  Charles  Anthony,  William  A.  Rogers,  of 
Springfield,  Israel  Hamilton,  Moses  B.  Corwin,  John  A.  Corwin, 
of  Urbana,  Patrick  G.  Goode,  of  Sidney,  William  C.  Lawrence,  of 
Marysville,  and  others,  all  practiced  law  here.  They  are  all  dead, 
except  Moses  B.  Corwin,  who  still  lives  at  a  very  advanced  age. 
They  were  all# respectable  as  lawyers — several  of  them  men  of 
great  intellect,  and  really  profound  lawyers.  They  were  cotem- 
poraries  of  Stanton  for  many  years. 

In  this  country  many  of  the  leading  members  of  the  bar  become 
leaders,  also,  in  the  political  arena.  Stanton  was  no  exception,  for 
he,  too,  took  a  prominent  and  nctive  part  in  politics.  He  was  first 
elected  Prosecuting  Attorney  for  Logan  county  not  long  after  he 
came  here  to  reside.  In  October,  1841,  he  was  elected  to  the  Sen- 
ate of  the  State.  A  special  session  was  held  in  the  summer  of  1842, 
to  district  the  State  for  Representatives  in  Congress.  The  Demo- 
cratic party  had  a  majority  in  the  General  Assembly  of  the  State. 
They  were  about  to  pass  through  a  bill  so  districting  the  State  as 
to  "gerrymander"  it  in  the  interest  of  the  Democratic  party, 
when,  to  prevent  that  consummation,  most  of  the  Whig  members 
of  the  Senate,  including  Mr.  Stanton,  resigned,  and  thus  the  Sen- 
ate was  left  without  a  quorum.  The  passage  of  the  bill  was  there- 
by defeated.  Mr.  Stanton  was  again  nominated  for  the  Senate, 
and  again  elected  in  October,  1842.  The  political  contest  of  that 
year  was  one  of  the  most  severely  contested  ever  witnessed  in  the 
State.  But  the  Democratic  party  maintained  their  political  ascen- 
dancy. As  we  lorV  h?.ck  from  this  day,  it  may  well  be  doubted 
whether  the  resignation  was  the  proper  means  of  defeating  even  s» 
unjust  a  bill  as  was  pending  when  that  event  occurred ;  but  on« 
tniiig  is  ceriuin,  in  the  excited  political  discussions  of  1842,  no  oa« 


of  the  resigning  members  made  an   ablfr  dcfenHe  (.f  this  courae 
'ihiMi  did  Mr.  Stanton. 

On  this  subject  Israel  Hamilton,  n(  Urbana,  for  a  time  United 
States  District  Attorney  for  Ohio,  met  Mr.  Stanton  in  dt-bute  in 
Bellefontaine,  during  the  canvas?.  The  contest  was  on(»  of  the 
ablest  ever  listened  to  by  a  Logan  county  audience.  Mr.  Hami!- 
lon  was  an  able  lawyer,  and  a  man  of  great  power.  The  discussion 
as  often  happens  in  such  cases,  made  no  converts  for  either  sid^, 
^)ut  it  seemed  rather  to  confirm  the  friends  of  each  political  party 
in  the  positions  they  had  taken.  And  if  on  that  c)ne  (|U('-tion,  as 
■on  some  others,  the  old  Whig  party  was  wrong,  IMr.  Stanton,  in 
th»  debate  alluded  to,' did  almost  if  not  (|uite  "make  the  wor-e  ;ip- 
T?earthe  better  cause." 

In  April,  1850,  Mr.  Stanton  was  elected  a  delegate  to  the  r)hi<» 
Constitutional  Convention,  which  framed  the  Constitution  ol  inf.l. 
In  October,  1850,  he  was  elected  a  Representative  in  Congress.  He 
vas  re-elected  in  1854,  and  again  in  1856,  and  again  in  18;js,  after 
which  he  declined  to  be  a  candidate,  having  served  eight  yearn. 
He  was,  during  the  Thirty-fifth  Congress,  appointed  one  of  the 
Hegentsof  the  Smithsonian  Institution,  and  during  the  Tliirty- 
'iSighth  Congress  he  was  Chairman  of  the  Committee  on  Military 


In  1862  he  received  the  unsought  nomination  of  llepublican  cau- 
■didate  for  Lieutenant-Governor  of  Ohio,  was  elected  on  the  sjime 
aieket  with  David  Tod  for  Governor,  and  served  two  years.  In 
1860  he  was  prominently  spoken  of  as  a  candidate  for  the  I  nited 
States  Senate,  and  for  that  position  had  the  support  of  influentiiil 
men,  but  the  choice  fell  to  Hon.  John  Sherman,  who  has  since 
*o  long  served  in  that  capacity  as  to  he  known  wherever  the  Bon- 
ate  is  known.  .   . 

About  1866  Mr.  Stanton  determined  t<j  l.nate  in  West  \  IrKinia. 
The  rebellion  had  closed,  leaving  thi.t  State  with  but  a  lun.tnd 
fiwpply  of  "  loyal  lawyers." 

Since  I  prepared  the  la«t  number  ,.f  ren.iniscencej^<.f  the  bar  of 
I.ogan  County,  I  have  procured  a  copy  of  the  spee.-h  of  I  on^    . 
canton  at  the  Bar  Meeting  in  Bc.ief..ntame,  on  the  -  -  ^'"^ 
l&e  death  of  Hon.  Anthonv  Ca.sad.    Judge  '"-•  "y  J^' 
^e^ce  in  Bellefontaine,  October  11,  1«G1.     U.  ^»;-«      ^   ^  ^ 
I  first  saw  him  in  May,  1836,  when  !  was  a  bo>  on  a  m  -t  lO 

«L&,      iu 


Bellefontaine.  On  that  occasion  there  wa.s  a  trial  held  in  the 
Court  House,  before  Robert  Patterson,  then  a  Justice  of  the  Peace. 
Hiram  McCartney  was  attorney  for  the  plaintiff,  Benjamin  Stan- 
ton for  defendant,  and  Casad  was  a  witness.  I  remember  the  ap- 
pearance of  the  .Justice,  the  counsel  and  the  witnesses,  all  very 
well.  It  was  amono-  the  few  cases  I  had  ever  seen  tried  up  to  that 

I  saw  nothing  more  of  any  of  the  parties  until  July,  1841.  From 
that  time  until  his  death  I  was  well  acquainted  with  Mr.  Casad. 
No  man  ever  had  a  kinder  heart,  or  could  more  earnestly  sympa- 
thize with  misfortune  or  distress  than  could  he.  He  was  ever 
ready  to  lend  a  helping  hand,  and  give  an  encouraging  word  to 
the  young  lawyer  just  entering  in  practice. 

On  one  occasion  a  young  lawyer  came  to  Bellefontaine  to  look  at 
the  town,  with  a  view  to  locate  here  for  practice.  Casad  took  him 
to  all  the  lawyefs  here,  and  introduced  him  as  a  young  brother, 
and  among  others  he  introduced  him  to  Samuel  Walker,  one  of 
the  early  lawyers  here. 

"Well,"  said  Walker  to  the  young  man,  "my  young  friend,  if  you 
come  here  to  practice  law  I  can  tell  you  how  it  will  be.  You  will 
be  just  like  a  young  pig  thrown  into  a  pen  with  a  lot  of  old  hogs. 
If  you  throw  a  pig  in  that  way,  the  old  hogs  will  root  it  round,  and 
root  it  round,  until  finally  it  grows  up  to  be  as  big  a  hog  as  the  rest 
of  them,  and  then  it  can  take  its  own  part.  And  that  will  be  the 
way  with  you."  The  young  man  concluded  he  would  not  locate 

But  to  return  to  Judge  Casad.  Mr.  Stanton  in  his  speech  to  the 
Court  of  Common  Pleafi,  made  October  28,  1861,  has  given  so  com- 
plete and  so  just  an  outline  of  Judge  Casad,  that  I  present  it  alike 
in  justice  toils  author  and  his  subject. 

The  speech  was  as  follows  : 

May  it  Please  Your  Honor : 

I  am  directed  by  the  meeting  of  the  Bellefontaine  Bar,  held 
upon  the  occasion  of  the  death  of  the  Hon.  Anthony  Casad,  lat* 
Judge  of  Probate  for  this  County,  to  present  to  this  Court  at  the 
present  term,  the  proceedings  and  resolutions  of  that  meeting,  and 
to  move  that  they  be  entered  upon   the  Journals  of  the  Court. 

Deeply  as  T  deplore  the  op^asion  which  calls  for  this  last  tribute 

LOGAN  C0UNTIP:8.  :{17 

of  respect  to  the  memory  of  a  departed  friend,  it  aHonl-  me  ^^reat 
pleasure  to  have  the  opportunity  of  thus  publicly  hearintr  ti-sti- 
mony  to  his  many  virtues. 

The  occasion  will  justify,  if  it  does  not  require,  sonu'  n.jtio.--  on 
the  life  and  character  of  our  deceased  friend  and  brother. 

Judge  Casad  was  born  in  the  State  of  New  Jersey,  on  tlie  imh 
day  of  March,  A.  D.,  1802.  His  father,  Aaron  Casad,  nii-rat^d  U> 
this  State,  and  settled  at  Fairtield,  in  Greene  County,  in  ls(i.-..  1  h- 
had  twelve  children,  of  whom  the  deceased  was  the  third. 

He  was  a  mechanic,  in  moderate  circumstances,  and  in  the  ab- 
sence of  Common  Schools,  and  with  the  facilities  for  educating 
his  children  beyond  his  reach.  Judge  Casad  s:rew  to  man'-  istat«- 
with  only  the  rudest  elements  of  a  common  F:nKli>^h  cducatiun. 
In  1823,  at  the  age  of  21,  he  entered  the  law  office  of  the  lat<- 
Judge  Crain,  ot  Dayton,  as  a  law  student. 

To  those  who  knew  Judge  Crain,  it  would  be  superttuous  to  -«y, 
that  he  was  a  man  of  a  very  high  order  of  intellect,  and  <>f  -injju- 
lar  purity  and  simplicity  of  character.  And  1  have  always  be- 
lieved that  these  traits  of  character  impressed  thcmselvi's  deeply 
upon  the  mind  of  our  departed  friend  and  brother,  at  this  early 
period  of  his  life,  and  had  much  to  do  with  forming  his  character 
and  shaping  his  destiny  in  after  life.  He  was  admitted  to  the  bar 
in  1826,  and  immediately  came  to  Bellefontaine  and  settle<l  for  the 
purpose  of  practicing  his  profession.  He  was  literally  destitut«'of 
means,  and  his  income  from  his  practice  was  nece-^sarily  very 

On  the  27th  of  December,  1827,  he  was  married  to  Miss()ri«tli 
Williams,  daughter  of  John  Williams,  then  and  until  his  death, 
some  twenty  years  afterwards,  a  citizen  of  this  town  and  county. 
Judge  Casad's  limited  means  and  precarious  inconn'  from  his  pro- 
fession, rendered  it  necessary  for  him  to  devote  a  considerable  |M»r- 
tion  of  his  time  and  attention  to  other  pursuits.  This  |.revente<t 
hira  from  acquiring  as  large  a  store  of  professional  learning  jv*  he 
otherwise  might  have  done. 

In  the  fall  of  1828  he  attended  the  first  Court  held  in  Hnni-ot-k 
County,  and  was  appointed  the  first  Prosecuting  Attorney  of  th»- 


In  18*4  he  was  elected  Prosecuting  Attorney  ol  Logan  County 
over  the  late  Samuel  Walker  and  myself,  of  whom  wen- 
candidates  against  him. 


In  1838  he  was  elected  R^-presentative  to  the  Ohio  Legislature, 
and  was  re-elected  in  1839.  In  1851  he  was  again  elected  to  the- 
Ohio  Legislature  under  the  new  Constitution,  and  served  for  two- 
years.  In  1857  he  was  elected  Probate  Judge  of  Logan  County, 
and  was  re-elected  in  1860,  and  held  the  office  at  the  time  of  hi» 
death.  This  is  a  brief  notice  of  his  professional  and  political  ca- 

But  any  notice  of  the  life  of  Judge  Casad  which  omits  his  rela- 
tion to  the  Church  must  bo  i*adically  defective.  He  joined  the 
Christian  Church  in  1842.  But  there  was  no  organized  Church  im 
this  town  until  the  present  one  was  organized,  mainly  througk 
his  influence  and  instrumentality.  He  was  made  an  elder  in  this 
Church  at  its  organization,  and  contributed  largely  by  his  inftu- 
ence,  and  his  earnest  and  zealous  labors,  to  its  maintenance  anJ 
su})port.  He  paid  over  $500  toward  the  erection  of  the  Churcie. 
feuilding,  and  the  contribution  from  others  was  obtained  to  a  large- 
extent  from  his  active  and  energetic  efforts.  He  died,  on  the  lOtSs 
inst.,  a  sincere,  earnest  and  devoted  Christian,  with  the  most  UK- 
doubting  confidence  of  a  glorious  resurrection. 

Of  his  character,  I  can  speak  with  entire  confidence,  from  a  very 
close  and  intimate  acquaintance  of  nearly  twenty-eight  years. 
The  leading  feature  of  his  character  was  his  perfect  sincerity^ 
fi'ankness,  candor  and  uprightness  in  all  the  relations  of  life.  He- 
scorned  and  abhorred  all  duplicity,  insincerity  and  double-dealing^ 
whatever  form  or  shape  it  might  assume.  He  was  magnanimoo?? 
and  disinierested,  free  from  the  petty  jealousies  and  rivaJries^^ 
which  are  so  often  the  bane  of  professional  and  political  life. 

His  bright  good  nature,  his  ready  wit,  his  joyous  mirth,  were* 
the  charm  of  t  he  social  circle.  He  had  a  keen  appreciation  of  the- 
ludicrous,  and  enjoyed,  with  a  relish  and  a  zest  that  is  rare^" 
equalf'd,  scenes  of  innocent  and  joyous  mirth  and  glee. 

Many  of  the  fondest  and  most  dearly  cherished  recollections  off 
my  early  professional  life,  are  inseparably  connected  with  my 
departed  friend.  And  in  all  my  intercourse  with  the  world,  in  m^" 
professional  and  political  career,  I  have  never  found  a  man  of 
more  simplicity  and  purity  of  character  than  Anthony  Casad.  I 
have  never  had  a  friend  upon  whose  integrity,  sincerity  and  fidel- 
ity I  could  rely,  with  more  perfect  and  entire  confidence,  than  hf-j- 
whose  loss  I  now  so  deeply  deplore. 


Residing  in  the  same  village,  practicing  at  the  same  bar,  candi- 
dates in  the  same  contests— sometimes  in  opposition,  and  some- 
times on  the  same  ticket,  always  upon  terms  of  the  dusot  inti- 
macy, no  shade  of  envy  or  rivalry  ever  marred  our  friendship,  or 
distrusted  our  cordial  and  kindly  relations. 

He  was  kind,  humane  and  generous  to  a  fault. 

Of  his  professional  character  I  can  say  in  all  sincerity,  tlutt  al- 
though he  was  not  a  very  learned  or  profound  lawyer,  yet  he  wa- 
a  remarkably  fluent  and  ready  speaker.  He  was  remarkably 
ready  and  quick  in  retort  or  repartee,  and  the  proniptne-vs  and 
■  facility  with  which  he  could  always  avail  himself  of  all  his  re- 
sources, made  him  frequently  a  formidable  competitor.  Xs  a 
politician  or  statesman,  he  was  always  true  to  his  convictions  of 
right  and  duty. 

The  only  instance  in  which  I  now  recollect  of  his  taking  a  very 
prominent  stand  in  the  deliberations  of  the  House  of  Representa- 
tives, in  any  question  of  much  prominence,  was  upon  the  pas.s»ge 
of  the  State  law  for  the  recapture  of  fugitive  slaves.  This  was  in 
1838-9.  There  was  a  very  strong  current  of  public  opini<jn  in  and 
out  of  the  Legislature  in  its  favor.  A  suspicion  of  abolitiouLsm 
then,  was  much  more  fatal  to  a  politician,  than  a  su-ipieion  of  a 
treason  is  now.  But  3Ir.  Casad  did  not  believe  it  wtvs  right.  It 
was  advocated  by  such  men  as  John  W.  Andrews,  of  Columbus, 
with  whom  he  was  upon  terms  of  close  pei*sonal  intimacy.  Hut 
no  influence  could  induce  him  to  support  it.  He  resisted  it  to  the 
utmost  almost  alone,  and  of  course  unsuccessfully.  In  less  than 
five  years  the  wisdom  of  his  course  was  vindicated  by  the  repeal 
of  the  law. 

No  man  could  be  more  amiable  and  estimable  in  hi<  d(»m<>tie 
relations.  No  woman  had  a  more  faithful,  kind  i;id  atfectionatf 
husband  than  the  widow  who  has  survived  him;  and  no  children 
ever  had  a  more  indulgent  or  tender  father,  than  the  orphans  who 
now  mourn  his  loss. 

But  the  crowning  virtue  of  his  life  and  character,  was  hi>  sin- 
cere, zealous  and  unaffected  piety.  No  suspicion  of  insincerity,  no 
taint  of  hypocrisy  ever  rested  upon  him  for  a  moment.  The  chiin-h 
with  which  he  united  was  feeble  in  numbers  and  poor  in  \m'm\\- 
ary  resources.  He  aided  largely  in  building  it  up,  l>y  devoting  to 
it  time  which  he  was  ill  able  to  spare,  and  money  which  he  \va.M  ill 
able  to  afford.    He  could  therefore  hoi>e  for  no  proft^sjonal  ad- 


vantages  from  his  connection  with  the  church.  But  the  earnest- 
ness and  zeal  with  which  he  devoted  himself  to  his  religious  du- 
ties for  the  last  ten  years  of  his  life,  furnished  conclusive  evidence 
of  his  sincerity.  He  did  not  confine  his  efforts  to  his  public  offi- 
cial duties  in  church,  but  he  availed  himself  of  all  suitable  and 
proper  occasions  to  reclaim  his  fellow-men  from  the  paths  of  vice 
and  folly,  and  convert  them  to  what  he  believed  to  be  the  true 

I  can  bear  testimony  to  his  earnest  and  sincere  appeals  to  me,  in 
our  private  social  intercourse,  to  prepare  for  that  great  hereafter 
to  which  we  are  all  hastening.  And  whatever  may  be  our  destiny 
in  that  undiscovered  country,  from  which  no  traveler  returns,  he, 
at  least,  has  discharged  his  whole  duty  as  a  Christian  friend  and 

But,  ab(jve  all,  his  calm,  peaceful  and  triumphal  death,  in  the 
full  assurance  of  a  blessed  immortality,  put  all  cavil  and  contro- 
versy at  defiance. 

And  now,  may  it  please  your  Honor,  having  paid  this  last  trib- 
ute to  the  memory  of  my  departed  friend  and  brother,  I  move 
that  these  resolutions  be  read  and  entered  upon  the  Journals  of 
the  Court." 



Very  few  of  the  present  readers  of  this  book  ever  so  inuc-h  even 
as  heard  of  Ka-los-i-tah  ;  not  more  than  a  dozen  of  them,  perhajw, 
ever  saw  him.  He  was  one  of  the  doomed  race  who  liavp  no 
knowledge  of  God,  save  as  He  is  seen  in  the  clouds,  or  hfard  in  the 
wind— an  Indian  of  the  Shawnee  nation,  who,  about  forty  years 
ago,  was  more  widely  known  in  this  quarter  of  Ohio  than  almost 
any  of  us  are  to-day. 

Ka-los-i-tah,  as  we  understand  from  a  recent  convcixition  with 
Judge  McColloch,  of  this  place,  must  have  been  in  the  prime  of  hi'* 
manhood  about  fifty  years  ago.  We  never  saw  him  hut  onre,  and 
that  was  in  our  childhood — as  far  back,  if  we  are  not  mistaken,  as 
1832  or  1833.  Of  course,  our  recollection  of  him  is  very  faint.  He 
was  in  West  Liberty,  on  the  occasion,  and  wrestled  that  day  with 
one  John  Norris — a  conceited  saddler  there.  \\'hether  he  came  l«^> 
West  Liberty  expressly  for  this  purpose,  or  on  other  biisineK«*,  we 
sannot  say.  If  he  came  upon  a  banter  from  Norris.  the  temerity 
of  the  latter  was  apjiropriately  rebuked  by  the  issue  of  the  affair. 
He  was  no  more  a  match  for  Ka-los-i-tah  than  a  jioodle  i>  for  a  mas- 
tiff. The  contest— if  such  it  may  be  called— was  brief  and  decisive. 
With  that  irresistible  "grape-vine  twist"  of  his,  Ka-lo8-i-tah  snap- 
ped Norris' leg  as  if  it  had  been  a  pipe-stem.  He  sank  to  the 
ground,  and  his  friends  interposing,  cried  out :  "You  hav»'  broken 
his  leg,  Ka-los-i-tah— you  have  broken  his  leg." 

"Leg  must  be  rotten,"  said  the  imperturbable  Indian. 

Norris  was  borne  from  the  scene  tf  hi-  disoomfiturp  with  an  iiu- 


mensely  curtailed  opinion  of  himself.  He  never  put  himself  upon 
his  muscle  afterward.  We  see  him  now,  with  our  mind's  eye, 
hobbling  along  on  his  crutches,  and  this  is  our  last  recollection  of 

Prior  to  this,  Ka-los-i-tah  had  broken  the  legs  of  several  other 
men  who  had  contested  his  manhood  in  a  similar  way. 

Jo.  Morris— whom  we  well  knew  in  his  lifetime— and  Solomon 
G.  Hoge— still  living,  and  well  known  to  a  majority  of  our  citizens 
—both  claimed,  and  fairly,  to  have  thrown  Ka-los-i-tah  upon  his 
back.  On  this  account,  (although  both  Morris  and  Hoge  were 
uncommonly  strong  and  active  men,)  we  were  led  to  place 
too  low  an  estimate  upon  the  manhood  of  Ka-los-i-tah. 

We  did  not  consider,  for  we  did  not  know  until  recently,  that 
when  Ka-los-i-tah  did  his  wrestling  in  these  parts,  he  was  upward 
or  fifty  years  old,  enfeebled  by  a  long  career  of  intemperance  and 
actually  drunk  on  every  trial  of  his  prowess. 

Judge  McColloch  of  this  place,  relates  to  us  that  he  first  saw  Ka- 
los-i-tah  in  the  year  1816,  at  the  treaty  of  St.  Marys.  The  Govern- 
ors of  Ohio,  Indiana  and  Michigan,  met  the  remnants  of  the  West- 
ern Tribes  on  this  occasion,  to  treat  with  them  upon  matters  of 
mutual  interest  and  importance,  and  thousands  of  leading  citizens 
were  present  from  those  States,  as  also  from  Kentucky. 

Ka-los-i-tah  was  there  in  the  very  zenith  of  his  glorious  prime. 
Considerably  over  six  feet  high,  and  weighing  about  two  hun- 
dred pounds,  he  was  yet  as  lithe  as  a  tiger,  and  as  strong  as  a  bison. 

The  Judge  describes  him  to  us,  in  brief,  as  the  most  perfect 
specimen  of  physical  manhood  that  he  ever  looked  upon,  and  he 
is  confident  that,  at  the  time  referred  to,  he  could  out  run,  out 
jump,  or  throw  down  any  man  in  the  Northwest — white,  black 
or  red. 

At  a  grand  hopping  match  which  occurred  during  the  treaty, 
Ka-los-i-tah  distanced  all  cotnpetitors  by  going  nearly  fifty  feet. 
[Two  hops  and  a  jump.]  Then  it  was  arranged  that  one  Tom 
Wilson — a  noted  wrestler — should  wrestle  with  Ka-los-i-tah.  On 
the  eve  of  this  Ka-los-i-tah  insisted  on  making  a  bet  with  Judge 
McColloch  thathe  would  throw  Wilson.  The  Judge  was  not  in- 
clined to  take  any  risks  in  the  premises,  but  finally  consented  to 
stake  a  checkered  silk  neck  tie  against  a  wrought  silk  belt  several 
times  its  value,  worn  by  the  Indian.  After  holds  were  taken,  Ka- 
los-i-tah  allowed  his  antagonist  to  do  his  utmost  before  making  any 


aggressive  movement  himself.  In  vain  did  Wilson  bring  evtry 
energy  and  every  art  he  could  command  to  his  assistan'ce.  Ilf 
could  not  even  move  the  Indian  from  the  tracks  in  whicli  he  had 
planted  himself.  "Now  Me!"  said  Ka-los-i-tah  at  lonjjth,  and  he- 
lifted  Wilson  upan  i  laid  him  upontheground  as  ifhe  were  achild. 
A  second  trial  proving  but »  repetition  of  the  first,  Wilson  tossetl 
up  the  sponge  in  despair.  The  Indian  thinlcing,  perhai>s,  that  h» 
had  had  too  soft  a  thing  of  it,  magnanimously  returned  the  Jud;.'t 
his  neck -tie. 

A  stalwart  negro— brought  there  by  a  party  of  gentlemen 
from  Kentucky— was  next  pitted  against  Ka-Ios-i-tah.  He  wil« 
sanguine  in  the  belief— as  were  also  those  who  knew  him— that  he 
could  down  'the  big  Indian, 'or  almost  any  other  man  above  ground . 
This  contest  was  not  quite  so  unequal  as  the  former  one  had  been,  ).ut 
the  inevitable  "Now  Me  !"  of  Ka-los-i-tah,  was  again  the  <\gxi%\  of 
discomfiture  to  his  antagonist,  and  down  came  the  "euUod  cii<s 
from  Africa,"  all  sprawling.  Stung  to  the  quick  at  being  *o  sum- 
marily disposed  of,  he  sprang  to  his  feet  and  rushed  upon  Ka-lc*- 
i-tah  like  a  mad  bull.  But  it  was  no  use— the  Indian  was  t(->omuch 
for  him,  and  he  was  hurled  to  the  ground  aga!n  with  a  sounding 
thud.  The  darkey  got  up  this  time  in  a  furious  i)assion,and  sworv 
he  could  WHIP  the  Indian  and  would  do  it  on  the  spot.  ( )f  courne 
no  fighting  was  permitted. 

Ka-los-i-tah  has  been  gathered  with  his  father*  we  know  not 
how  many  years,  while  all  who  ever  saw  him  arc  growing  few. 
and  old,  and  far  apart.  Along  with  the  memory  of  Kn-lo^-i-tah  L* 
associated  in  their  minds  that  of  friends  and  kindred  "who  onct^ 
were  with  them  and  now  are  not."  The  mention  of  his  nami.' 
will  bring  the  light  of  "other  days  around  them,"— glad,  glorious 
days,  from  which  so  far  their  restless  pulses  have  borne  them. 

We  confess  to  a  fondness  for  the  past— old  friends,  old  scenes, 
old  times.    And  some  times  we  seem  to  catch  the  fla-^hts  of  eycf 
that  are  but  dust  now  ;  and  sometimes  too,  "when  the  win«l  dowit 
the  river  is  fair,"  the  echoes  return  to  us  of  voices— 
•'Sweet  voices  we  heard  in  th«  dtyi  gone  before." 



A  more  geuial  and  fraternal  "itizenship  and  neighborhood  never 
existed  than  were  the  early  settlers  of  Loa:an  County — ready  and 
willing  at  ail  times  to  lend  a  helping  hand  in  every  case  of  neces- 
sity. Take  for  instance  an  illustration.  When  a  stranger  arrived 
in  a  given  neighborhood,  and  it  becanje  necessary  to  build  a  log 
cabin  and  clear  off  a  piece  of  ground  and  make  the  rails  and  fence 
it  in,  all  hands  turned  out  within  from  two  to  five  miles  distant  and 
assisted  the  new  comer  to  settle  down  and  become  comfortable  in 
his  new  home.  Many  of  the  gatherings  of  the  early  settlers  at 
house-raisings,  barn-raisings,  rail-splittings,  corn-shuckings,  Ac, 
were  seasons  of  great  joy  and  hilarity  among  all  classes,  and  es- 
pecially with  the  young  people,  (the  girls  and  boys  as  they  were 
called).  The  men  working  hard  all  day  at  the  out-door  work  and 
the  women  picking  wool,  scutching  flax,  or  quilting — all  partak- 
ing of  a  hearty  dinner  and  a  supper  of  corn  bread,  venison,  or 
wild  turkey,  coffee  made  from  rye  or  wheat  browned,  or  milk,  and 
pumpkin  pie,  and  then  at  early  evening  came  the  inevitable  dance, 
four  and  eight-handed  reels  and  jig's,  which  would  be  kept  up  to 
the  music  of  the  fiddle  with  little  cessation,  till  near  the  "break  of 
day"  the  next  morning.  In  some  neighborhoods  it  was  not  at  all 
unusual  to  see  several  pairs  of  girls  and  boys  comfortably  en- 
sconced in  the  corners  with  a  silk  or  cotton  handkerchief  thrown 
over  their  heads  indulging  in  whispers  over  their  love  affairs  ;  or 
it  might  be  that  a  few  couples  would  recline  across  the  beds  in  the 
room  indulging  in  similar  (to  them)  delightful  entertainments. 
Those  practices  and  customs   were  of  so  frequent  occurrence  that 


no  one  of  course  ever  thought  of  auy  impropriety  in,  or  indultjed 
in  any  invidious  remark  upon,  such  innocent  amusements. 

An  incident  which  I  will  here  relate  occurred  at  one  of  the 
gatherings.  Early  in  the  spring  of  about  the  year  1813,  many  of 
the  neighbors  were  collected  at  the  residence  of  Robert  Arm- 
strong to  cut  the  timber  and  split  the  rails  to  fence  in  his  new 
ground.  It  was  a  raw,  snowy,  disagreeable  day,  and  the  i>eople 
indulged  freely  in  the  use  of  newly  distilled  corn  whisky.  They 
had  built  a  large  log  heap  by  placing  two  large  pophir  logs  side 
by  side  and  piling  the  top  with  smaller  timber  and  setting  fin-  to 
it.  In  a  few  hours  the  whole  log  heap  was  in  lull  bhi/e,  giving 
the  space  between  the  bottom  logs  the  appearance  of  a  reil-hot 
arch  in  a  burning  brick  kiln,  morethan  two  feet  wide  at  the  bottom, 
and  twelve  or  fifteen  feet  long,  situated  on  an  inclined  phiiie. 
Among  others  in  the  company  was  an  Indian  dressed  in  a  buck- 
skin hunting  shirt,  leggings  and  moccasins,  with  a  cotton  hand- 
kerchief tied  around  his  head;  was  also  pretty  drunk,  and  passing 
along  by  the  upper  end  of  the  burning  log  heap  tripped  Ids  foot 
against  a  root,  and  plunged  head  foremost  into  the  arch,  and  being 
unable  to  back  out,  and  no  one  being  near  enougii  or  having  the 
presence  of  mind  to  di aw  him  out,  instantly,  he  passed  through 
this  fiery  furnace  to  the  opposite  end,  litterally  scorchinl  on  the 
surface  to  a  crackling.  The  poor  fellow  was  taken  up  and  cared 
for  as  well  as  the  circumstances  would  allow,  and  -"trange  as  it 
may  seem,  got  wellfi-om  his  injuries,  but  in  a  most  decrepit  con- 
dition in  his  arms,  legs,  hands  and  feet.  The  most  remarkable  of 
all  was  that  he  did  not  lose  his  eyesight  by  the  fire.  Notwithstand- 
ing this  melancholy  occurrence  with  the  "poor  Indian,"  th^ 
young  people  indulged  in  their  usual  "hoe  downs"  and  IdUrity 
through  the  course  of  the  night  as  though  nothing  had  hapiK-niHl. 

The  moral  and  religious  tone  of  feeling  among  the  citizens  (.f 
those  days  in  many  parts  of  the  county,  could  not  be  "aid  to  bo 
pre-eminent,  though  a  very  kindly  state  of  feeling  prevaile.! 
amongst  the  people.  The  first  religious  service  I  now  recolUvt  <»f 
hearing,  was  held  at  the  house  of  old  Father  Henry,  by  the  Rev. 
Joshua  Inskeep,  a  Methodist  local  preacher  residing  in  the  ea>t  [•*rl 
of  the  county.  The  people  at  this  meeting  were  well-»M'have<l  and 
attentive.  Father  Inskeep  continued  to  hold  meetings  and  pn-ach 
tothe  people  in  different  parts  of  the  county  for  several  yi'ar- «n 


■succession,  doing  much  good  in  the  name  of  the  divine  Master 
among  the  people  wherever  he  went.  A  few  years  later,  the  Rev. 
John  Gutridge,  a  Baptist  minister  came  and  settled  in  the  village 
of  Zanesfield,  and  built  up  a  prosperous  church  which  was  dedi- 
cated as  "Tharp's  Run  Church."  This  was  a  place  resorted  to  by 
many  professing  Christians  from  a  distance  as  well  as  by  the  peo- 
ple of  the  surrounding  neighborhood.  Society  began  to  assume 
a  higher  tone  throughout  the  country,  and  several  religious  de- 
nominations established  churches  and  schools  in  many  parts  of 
.the  county. 


BY  MRS.  S.  M.  MOOBE. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  a  half-blood  Indian,  born  of  a  fair 
and  beautiful  white  woman,  who  had  been  taken  prisoner  l»y  thp 
Indians  in  Virginia,  when  but  a  child  nine  years  of  age,  while  out 
gathering  blackberries. 

Her  name  was  Margaret  Mooi  e.  She  was  carried  off  by  I  hem  to 
their  home  in  the  Indian  country,  far  from  any  white  settlement ; 
for  according  to  history,  the  whole  country  between  the  <,'reat  lukoH 
and  the  Ohio  was  an  unbroken  wilderness,  inhabited  only  by  the 
red  man  and  the  beasts  of  the  forest. 

She  lived  with  them  until  she  became  the  wife  of  one  of  their 
chiefs.  (Blue  Jacket,  or  Capt.  John,  I  think  he  wa.'*  called.)  lij 
him  she  had  a  son,  whom  she  called  Joseph. 

After  the  close  of  the  French  and  Indian  war  with  the  eolonir*. 
there  was  an  exchange  of  prisoners  between  the  whites  and  Indian^. 
Her  husband,  whom  she  said  she  dearly  love<l,  pennitti-d  her  to 
return  to  her  people  on  a  visit,  on  the  promise  of  returniiij,'  t<»  him 
again,  which  she  fully  intended  to  do.  He  kept  the  boy,  Jowph, 
the  more  fully  to  insure  her  return.  But  when  among  her  friend*, 
they  positively  refused  to  let  her  return  to  her  Indian  home. 

Nancy  was  born  in  Virginia,  and  never  saw  the  face  of  an  Indian 
except  when  she  looked  in  a  mirror,  until  they  rnove<l  out  to  the 
State  of  Ohio,  which  was  probably  about  the  year  180-J-:..  She  had 
married  a  man  by  the  name  of  James  Stewart.  They  settletl  on 
the  Miami  river,  in  what  is  now  Logan  county,  a  short  disUiuce  be- 


low  Lewittown,  on  land  now  owned  by  JohnH.  Moore.  I  well  re- 
member when  she  and  her  mother  visited  at  my  father's  house 
when  I  was  quite  a  child. 

There  was  a  great  contrast  between  mother  and  daughter.  The 
mother  was  a  handsome  old  lady  of  some  sixty  years  or  upwards. 
Nancy  had  decidedly  Indian  features,  and  was  badly  marked  with 
small-pox.  She  had  four  children,  Elizabeth,  Henry,  Margaret 
and  John.  Her  Indian  son  .loseph  came  to  see  them  about  the 
time  of  the  war  of  1812.  He  was  brought  up  by  his  father  among 
the  Indians,  and  was  a  pretty  fair  specimen  of  the  aborigines  of 
the  wild  woods — dressed  in  their  style,  with  buckskin  leggins  and 
moccasins,  a  blanket  belted  around  the  waist,  and  silver  brooch 
for  fastening  over  the  breast.  He  had  been  subjected  to  the  cruel 
and  barbarous  custom  of  cutting  the  rim  of  the  ear  from  top  to  bot- 
tom so  as  to  hang  apart  from  the  ear,  suspending  a  weight  thereto 
for  the  purpose  of  making  it  distend  as  much  as  possible  while 

He  had  but  one  of  his  cut,  for  the  reason,  he  said,  that  they  could 
have  but  one  cut  at  a  time,  as  they  could  lay  only  on  one  side.  Be- 
fore his  one  ear  got  well,  he  got  out  of  the  notion  of  having  the 
other  cut.  It  is  supposed  that  he  fought  with  the  British  and  In- 
dians in  the  war  of  1812,  as  he  went  away  and  never  came  back 
here  again. 

Nancy's  children  never  married.  The  family,  James  Stewart, 
grandmother  Moore,  Nancy  and  perhaps  some  of  the  children  be-' 
longed  to  the  Christian  Church  at  what  was  called  the  Muddy  Bun 
Meeting  House,  on  Madriver,  below  West  Liberty,  and  there  they 
were  buried. 



Though  quity  old  enough  for  most  purpofe.'*,  the  vvrftor  hns  not 
attained  the  years  of  a  flrstrate  remhiiscent;  Jud^e  .Mc-CDllo-.-h— 
whose  mind  is  as  clear  as  a  bell  and  e.vact  as  a  chronomcler— «in 
antedate  me  the  full  fourth  of  a  century.    He  encyclopedia  of 
local  history;  and,  without  quitting  his  room,  could  write  n  vol- 
ume of  inestimable  value  from  the  resources  of  memory  alone.    lie 
can  narrate  the  story  of  Logan  county  r,    m  the  be^'iniiin-,'— ":t!|  ..f 
which  he  saw,  and  part  of  which  he  was."    Not  a  He'  ' 
cleared,  nor  a  house  built  of  d'^te  so  remote  as  to  be  I.  . 
pale  of  his  recollection.    His  reminiscences  of  persons  of  ti 
culiar  class  who  seek  the  adventure  and  court  the  privnt'  ■ 
in  the  wilderness,  of  great  interest  now  ano 
He  knew  Tullis  and  Powell,  the  proi)rietors  of  Belief-' 
knew   those  rough  characters,  the  Frakes',  the  Cooper  . 
semi-barbarous  denizens  of  the  "Fallen  Timber;"  he  knew  that 
remarkable  man,  Lewis  Davis,  and  the  weird  and  niystrriou-  '<  »M 
Blaylock,"  and  the  heroic  Simon  Kenton.    All  of  lhe^^e  char, 
and  many  more,  to  the  writer  of  this  article,  are  merely  trad.  i.  n- 

It  was  in  October,  1832,  that  I  came  to  Bellefontaiiic  to  learn  the 
printer's  trade,  with  Hiram  B.  Strother.  The  ollicc  was  thm  in 
the  second  story  of  the  old  jail  building,  a  room  unneiv-.irily 
large,  which  had  been  used  temporarily  as  a  court  n)om,  at  >oMie 
preceding  time.  The  county  offices,  though  not  then  «>cciipi«>«J  iv 
such,  had  been  in  the  western  part  of  the  building,  on  th»'  Mim*- 


floor  with  the  printing  office.  We  had  scant  and  badly  worn  fonte 
of  "small  pica"  and  "bourgeois"  type.  The  paper  was  about  half  the 
present  size  of  the  Examiner,  and  was  printed  on  a  wooden  (Ram- 
age)  press,  requiring  two  "pulls"  to  each  side.  The  printers  were 
Hiram  Strother  and  David  Robb,  a  youth  of  seventeen.  The  ink 
was  put  on  the  "forms"  with  "balls"  made  of  buckskin  and  stuffed 
with  wool.  Young  Robb  beat  a  peculiar  sort  of  tattoo  on  the  typos 
with  his  "balls,'  while  Hiram,  then  in  the  flush  of  young  man- 
hood, joyous  and  hopeful,  worked  the  press,  and  sung  the  "Star 
Spangled  Banner." 

Robert  A.  McClure  occupied  one  of  the  vacant  offices  as  a  paiut 
shop.  I  was  an  earnest  "Clay  man,"  and  McCiure  annoyed  me  bjr 
singing  incessantly — 

■'Hurrah  for  gallant  Jackson, 

The  British  turned  their  backs  on — 

He's  ready  still  for  action. 

Oh,  .Jackson  is  tbe  boy!"' 

When  not  singing  he  whistled  the  hated  air,  shrilly  as  he  only 
could  whistle.  When  he  learned  that  it  annoyed  me,  he  took  mis- 
chievous and  renewed  delight  in  his  favorite  melody.  He  was  an 
excellent  man,  whom  I  respected  in  after  years,  but  as  a  boy  I 
thought  he  was  sadly  deluded  in  his  choice  of  a  President. 

The  "old  Court-house"  was  then  new.  Indeed,  it  was  unfinished. 
The  scaffolding  was  still  about  the  spire.  George  Shuffleton  was 
the  carpenter  and  contractor.  The  roof  was  then  in  progress  of 
painting,  and  the  workmen  had  precautionary  ropes  about  their 
bodies  to  gard  against  the  contingency  of  sliding.  One  Moses  Boa- 
ham  (an  honest,  good  fellow,  known  as  Magnum  Bonum)  was  one 
day  painting,  when  the  rope  became  detached  from  his  borly,  and 
he  began  moving  toward  the  perilous  edge  with  jtlanning  velocity. 
Fortunately  the  rope  followed  him,  and  he  caught  it  just  in  tira« 
to  avert  a  catastrophe. 

Joseph  R.  S^^an  was  presiding  .Judge  of  the  circuit  when  the  old 
Court  house  was  new.  He  had  a  great  reputation,  even  in  those 
early  years  ;  and,  save  only  Lawrence,  none  of  hin;  successors  have 
possessed  equal  learning  and  ability.  The  home  h.w  was  then 
represented  by  Hiram  McCartney,  Anthony  Casad,  Wm.  Bayles, 
and  Samuel  Walker.  McCartney  was  a  dull,  slow  man,  but  had 
great  energy,  boundless  ambition,  and  the  most  intense self-appreci- 
ution.     He  was  an  indifferent  J<pe«ker,  with  an  unpleaswut  lisp  i« 


his  utterance.  But  he  surmounted  all  obstacles,  an.l  put  himself  at 
the  head  of  the  bar,  a  position  he  retained  throu<ih  life.  CiiHiul 
was  a  good  advocate,  and  his  hosts  of  friends  supplied  him  wiih 

Baylos  had  the  reputation  of  talent,  but  he  made  little  avail  of 
it.  In  personal  appearance  he  resembled  Tom  Corwiu  as  cIom'Iv 
as  Fielding  Beddow  did  Michael.  Walker  wsus  a  .Jiis.icc  of  tli'« 
Peace,  and  did  little  in  court.  He  was  an  Abolitionist,  and  ua 
Anti-Mason,  and,  in  religion,  a  Seceder.  Of  course,  at  that  tim« 
he  was  unpopular.  But  he  was  an  excellent  man,  whose  mrmory 
the  writer  has  much  reason  to  venerate. 

The  Springfield  and  Urbana  bars  were  represente*!  at  evi-ry 
term,  as,  indeed,  they  continued  to  be  for  twenty  subMM|ucnt 
years,  by  John  H.  James,  Moses  B.  Corwin,  Charles  Anthony  and 
Samson  Mason  from  the  beginning;  and  afterward  by  Wm.  A. 
Rogers  and  John  A.  Corwin.  I  recall  General  Mason,  with  thavt 
imperial  and  yet  wholly  natural  dignity  of  his,  which  became  liim 
as  a  well-fitting  garment;  a  dignity  might  well  be  calleil  a  talent, 
and  was  a  rhetorical  if  not  a  logical  force;  Colonel  .Jame'^,  whos* 
vast  legal  learning  was  fitly  seconded  by  elegant  language  and 
admirable  oratory;  Rogers,  sitting  with  closed  eyes,  the  most  un- 
obtrusive and  unassuming  man  in  the  Court-room,  and  yet  to  one 
or  another  of  his  marvelous  acquisitions,  in  many  sjM'cirtltits  of 
the  law,  deferred  to  by  every  member  of  the  bar;  John  A.c'or- 
win,  erratic,  meteoric  and  transient,  passing  from  human  sight 
forever,  even  while  men  wondered  at  his  brilliance. 

Of  the  lawyers,  and  they  are  many,  who  have  since  attained 
eminence  at  the  same  bar,  and  who  are  still  living  and  in  full 
practice,  I  shall  not  speak.  Some  youth,  who^e  chin  is  not  "rouRb 
and  razorable,"  will,  when  he  has  become  a  gray-beani  like  my- 
self, speak  of  them  when  he  can  do  so  without  the  imputation  of 

The  physicians  forty  years  ago,  strange  to  xay,  were  l,(.rd  und 
Brown,  who  are  yet  living,  and  in  practice.  There  may  hnv« 
been  other  physicians  whom  I  do  not  remember.  There  \ver« 
many  afterward;  but  these  gentlemen  early  attained  and  Iihv« 
keptthrough  that  long  lapse  of  yeare  the  utmost  n.nlulenee  of 
the  people,  in  all  the  qualities  that  compose  thi-  trustworthy  phy  - 
sician  and  the  good  citizen. 

The  countv  oflicers,  so  far  as  I  can  remember,   were  a*  f.»llo>n: 


Clerk,  N.  Z.  McCoUoch  ;  Auditor,  Qeorg^e  Krouskop  ;  Treasurer, 
Thomas  Armstrong ;  Sheriff,  Peter  Keiley ;  Recorder,  B.  8. 

Isaac  S.  Gardner  kept  a  store  in  a  two  story  frame  building, 
where  the  Metropolitan  now  stands.  R.  S.  Canby  had  a  stock  of 
j^oods  in  an  old  frame  house,  the  end  to  the  street,  on  a  lot  whera 
he  subsequently  built  a  two  story  brick.  Robert  Casebolt  and 
Walter  Clement  had  a  store  in  a  brick  building,  where  the  "  Lo- 
gan House"  now  stands.  The  building  was  then  on  a  hill,  which, 
in  the  subsequent  progress  of  the  town,  was  cut  down.  "  Jack 
Mays,"  then,  or  soon  afterwards,  kept  a  store  in  the  brick  corner, 
since  known  as  the  Lowe  building. 

A  two  story  frame  then,  and  long  afterward,  stood  on  the  corner 
where  now  is  the  Riddle  and  Rutau  building.  General  Workman, 
I  think,  then  kept  a  hotel  there,  which  soon  afterwards  passed  in- 
to the  hands  of  Daniel  C.  Moore.  "Bill  Bull"  kept  a  tavern  in  am 
old  building,  opposite  the  present  stand  of  Capt.  Miller. 

J.  W.  Earle  &  Co. — the  senior  member  a  reserved  and  mysterious 
man,  kept  a  grocery  on  the  old  Rhodes'  corner,  where  the  Law- 
rence and  Watson  building  now  stands. 

Robert  Patterson,  Esq.,  then  lived  in  the  brick  row,  south  of  th« 
Court  House.  The  building  at  the  east  of  the  lot,  as  also  the  fram« 
adjoining,  were  built  afterward. 

.John  W.  Marquis  lived  on  the  lot  now  owned  by  Louis  Holzer ; 
Thomas  Coen  lived  in  a  two  story  frame  on  Main  street,  adjoining 
Gardner's  store ;  Abraham  Elder  lived  in  a  log  house  on  th« 
Leonard  corner ;  Mr.  Hedges  lived  in  a  house  standing  where  that 
of  Mr.  Shurr  now  is.  J  remember  when  his  son,  Henry  E. 
Hedges,  came  home  to  spend  his  college  vacation.  He  is  now  a 
distinguished  lawyer  of  Circleville.  Next  door  to  Hedges  lived 
William  Cook  ;  and  just  across  the  street,  in  a  small  brick,  Wal- 
ter Clement.  The  adjoining  row  of  frames  was  then  in  progress  of 

But  it  would  be  unprofitable,  even  if  space  did  not  forbid  and 
memory  fail,  to  specify  all  the  residences  of  citizens.  One  noted 
place,  however,  must  not  be  forgotten.  In  the  property  afterward 
owned  by  Michael  Smith,  Thomas  Hainea  kept  a  tavern,  widelj 
known  as  the  "Golden  Lamb,"  from  the  fact  that  the  sign  bore, 
-in  gilt,  the  outward  semblance  of   that   emblem  of   innocence.— 


But  the  tavern  wafl  anything  else  than  a  seminary  of  virtue,  or  a 
•on^servator  of  naorals.  Haines  was  a  amall  man  with  a  swarthy 
»kin,  and  a  dark,  piercing  eye.  He  waa  always  carefully  dresse<l, 
and  painfully  polite  In  conversation.  He  was  a  man  of  .eiircwd 
■atural  sense,  but  illiterate. 

I  recall,  without  effort,  the  noted  characters  and  leadinjj  citiioena 
•f  town  and  country. 

Here  is  rough  and  rugged  John  Workman.  He  has  the  unfail- 
ing knack  of  seizing  an  offender  by  the  windpipe,  and  th;  re  is  nt 
release  from  his  grasp,  until  the  protruding  tongue  makes  dumb 

appeal  for  deliverance.    Here  is  good  old  Davy  H ,  who  hiu 

but  one  fault — a  fondness  for  drink.  He  knows  it  is  an  ext-ellont 
thing  to  have  a  giant's  strength,  but  always  feels  that  it  is  cru«'l  t« 
use  it  as  a  giant.  He  is  the  most  peaceful  of  men.  Once,  how- 
ever, we  saw  a  bully  twenty  years  his  junior,  provoke  the  old 
man  beyond  endurance,  when,  seizing  the  offender  by  thearma 
with  those  great  hands  of  his,  he  dashetl  him  to  the  earth,  and 
getting  astri  le  of  him,  shouted  witli  characteristic  vehemencf,  and 
repetition  of  utterance:  "  Eli  I  Eli!  Eli!  -Don't  w-ait  to  hurt 
you— don't  want  to  hurt  you  !"  And  he  didn't  hurt  him,  rdejtH- 
ing  the  bully  uninjured  in  person,  but  wofully  lowered  in  self- 
esteem.  Hitched  at  a  neighboring  rack  is  Davy's  wonderful  bay 
atallioii,  Hector— a  miracle  of  gentleness.  No  matter  how  iiitoxi- 
eated  the  old  man  becomes,  he  may  safely  mount  his  horst-.  Hec- 
tor goes  slowly  as  long  aa  Davy  sticks  on;  if  Davy  fulls,  Hector 
immediately  stops  until  his  master  climbs  into  iiis  .saddle  again- 
all  the  time  talking,  and  the  horse  seeming  to  comprehend.— 
Here  is  Isaac  Clemens,  one  eye  gouged  out  in  a  fight,  a  black  and 
greasy  patch  over  the  sightless  socket,  giving  him  a  most  sinister 
look.  Here  is  simple  old  Peter  AVatkins,  witli  a  strabismus  whick 
imparts  to  !us  countenance  the  most  absurd  expressi(.n  that  waa 
ever  won  by  mortal  man.  Tom  (Jarpenter  has  only  two  drama 
ahead,  and  is  not  vet  particularly  quarrelsome.  Apart  from  the 
erowd,  stands  giiint  and  gentle  Tom  0>lvin,  with  a  smile  on  hia 
face,  bare-headed,  bare-footed,  and  his  ..hirt  collar  thrown  oprn- 
It  is  but  a  little  while  since  he  was  insulted  by  the  note<l  I,  ack-kif 
and  ruffian,  George  Pennington  ;  but  he  kicked  him,  h^<  l«re 
feet,  until  tlie  wretch  begged  mercy  for  God's  .sjike. 

Hiram  Strother,  the  aoul  of  honor,  glowing  with  kindn..s..  and 
generous  to  a  fault;  good  and  gruflf  George  Krousk..,..  w.f     ■   ■     - 


mouth,  wendinjf  his  way  to  or  from  his  office  ;  Jacob  Kvouskop, 
*rine(Uvii.h  his  goad,  (Jriving  his  ox-team,  loaded  with  sand  or 
sugar  wood  ;  N.  Z.  McColloch,  up  with  the  lark,  and  out  in  th« 
early  morn,  Hummer  and  winter,  without  coat  or  vest;  Tommy 
Armstrong',  genial  and  kindly  when  you  knew  him,  but  with  an 
austere  and  repellant  look  ;  Isaac  and  Robert  Gardner,  behind  the 
•ounter,  busy  weighing  and  measuring;  Samuel  Newell,  in  plain- 
«st  garb  of  homespun,  ^^haking  hands  with  everybody,  and  intent 
•n  keeping  his  seat  in  the  Legislature ;_  Hiram  McCartney,  tail 
and  erect,  walking  with  a  pre-occupied  air  to  and  from  the  Court 
House;  Tony  Casad,  chatting  and  laughing,  with  a  joyous  word 
for  every  one ;  Richard  Canby,  my  especial  wonder  for  the  extent 
(»f  his  knowledge,  and  the  easy  and  elegant  flow  of  his  conversa- 
tion; Joe  Newell,  strange,  brave  and  generous,  with  troops  of 
friends;  Joseph  Black,  who  has  not  gained  his  mental  equilibri- 
um since  the  great  tornado,  and  who  turns  white  as  the  sheeted 
•lead  whenever  a  black  cloud  appears  in  the  sky  ;  Dr.  Brown,  just 
returning  on  that  bay  horse  of  his,  which,  from  youth  to  old  age, 
knew  not  the  luxury  of  bei^ig  curried  ;  Dan  Workman,  with  his 
handsome  and  pleasant  lace,  telling  his  inimitable  stories;    John 

B.  Miller,  saying  witty  things,  d ing    "the   brown  business," 

and  giving  imitations  of  Forrest;  John  Miller,  (silversmith,)  with 
only  Samuel  Walker  at  his  back,  proclaiming  abolition  in  defiance 
of  public  sentiment ;  David  Robb,  Sr.,  then  an  invalid,  very  gray, 
yet  destined  to  nearly  forty  years  ot  after  life  ;  Robert  Patterson, 
•lately  and  reserved  ;  Dr.  Lord,  on  his  great  bay  mare,  going  to 
Yisit  a  patient  in  the  country  ;  Henry  Snyder,  Walter  Clement, 
good  old  Robert  Casebolt,  Aleck  Spencer — and   how  many  more? 

Memory  is  not  only  a  "  tomb  searcher" — she  is  an  enchantress 
a*;  well.  All  these  familiar  forms  and  faces  are  present,  distinct, 
Yital  and  palpable  to  "  the  mind's  eye."  They  come,  as  the  poet 
has  feigned  that  the  soldiers  of  Napoleon  come,  "  from  the  plain* 
•f  Italy,  from  Syria's  sands  and  Russia's  snows,  and  gather  ia 
•hadowy  columns,  at  sound  of  reveille,  for  midnight  review. 

Napoleon,  Ohio. 

PIONEER   RE()()E[,K(    L  iONs 

Hull's  Surrender  at  Detroit— The   Last  of    Tecumseh. 

The  Western  Reserve  Historical  Society,  lia-<  printed  tJi.-  j»er- 
lonal  recollections  of  General  George  Sandcnj^on,  ui  Lanoa.ster,  (J. 
who  died  in  that  place,  on  the  26th  of  August  last,  in  thei'eveuty- 
ifth  year  of  his  age.  Gen.  Sanderson  was  a  native  of  Pennsylvania, 
but  with  his  parents  removed  to  Lancaster  in  180U,  wliere  In*  re- 
sided all  his  life.  He  published  the  Independent  Time* -Ai  I.hiifa»- 
ter  in  ISIO,  and  on  the  breaking  out  of  the  war  in  1812,  organized 
ft  company  of  volunteers  for  Col.  Lewis  Cass's  regiment.  Gonural 
{then  Captain,)  Sanderson,  was  at  the  surrender  of  Detroit  with 
liis  regiment,  and  with  Harrison  at  the  river  Thamen,  as  ;i  Captaiu 
in  the  regular  army.  We  make  the  following  exiiaits  trotn  hi*, 
recollections,  in  regard  to  two  of  the  UKwt  interenting  events  of 
the  war : 

hull's  surrendrk. 

It  was  late  in  May,  1*^12,  when  Gen.  Hull  arrive*!  nt  .Mir  rniup 
»t  Dayton,  and  Governor  Meig's  relinquished  coninmnd.  A  fow 
days  after  we  were  on  the  march  for  Detroit,  riie  wtw  a 
difficult  one  to  travel,  but  with  the  aid  of  eflicient  guides,  nnd  the 
]»rotection  of  Divine  Providence  we  arrived  in  «:«feiy*t  our  des- 
tination, after  much  suffering  and  many  stoppages  on  the  vv»y.— 
For  nearly  two  months  after  our  arrival,  we  engage«l  in  the  (Kjr- 
formance  of  no  extraordinary  military  duty,  the  genernl  ronllne 
•f  camp  life  being  the  order  from  day  today.  Ifi  Auj;u-'t  lh« 
British  and  Indians  arrived,  and  soon  after  the  scone  .»rrurre<J 
which  produced  such  indignation  at  the  time,  and  Hfx.ut  wrhlch 
kistories  do  nO'   agree.     My  comj)any,  belonging  to  (Vi««'s  rogi- 


ment,  was  surrendered  with  all  the  Ohio  volunteers,  Miller's  reg- 
ulars, and  a  large  force  of  militia.  I  shail  never  forj^et  the  scenes 
which  then  transpired.  My  opinion  of  Gen.  Hull's  conduct,  formed 
at  the  time,  (and  events  have  not  champed  it,)  was  that  Gen. 
Hull  was  an  imbecile— not  a  traitor  or  a  coward,  but  an  imbecile, 
caused  by  the  excessive  use  of  ardent  spirits.  He  was  a  constant, 
heavy  drinker.  On  the  day  before  the  surrender,  his  son,  Captain 
F.  Hull,  came  among  my  men  in  a  beastly  state  of  intoxication. — 
On  the  day  of  the  surrender  I  saw  Gen.  Hull  frequently.  His  face 
about  the  chin  and  mouth  was  covered  with  tobacco  juice,  and  I 
thought,  in  common  with  other  offlcers,  that  the  General  was  un- 
der the  influence  of  liquor.  His  jjersonal  appearance  indicated 
that  he  had  been  drinking.  The  General  was  surrounded  in 
camp,  with  a  military  family,  the  members  of  which  \vere  fond  of 
high  living,  wines,  liqiit)!"'^,  etc,  I  know  how  we  poor  volunteers 
wondered  how  they  could  keep  up  such  luxuries.  Oar  surgeon  re- 
lieved ray  mind  by  informing  me  one  day  that  Hull's  officers 
drew  all  the  liquors  from  the  hospital  stores,  on  continued  com- 
plaints of  illness,  Hull's  surgeon  (one  of  the  party,)  certifying  to 
the  requisitions. 

When  the  news  of  the  surrender  was  known  to  the  troops,  they 
were  scarcely  able  to  restrain  tlieir  indignation.  Hundreds  of  hor- 
rible oaths  and  threats  ascended,  which  I  hope  have  not  been  set 
down  by  the  "  Ilecording  Angel."  McArthur  broI<e  his  sword, 
as  did  other  officers.  General  Hull  was  repeatedly  insulted  to  his 
face,  and  soon  hid  himself  away.  The  members  of  his  military 
family,  especially  the  General's  son  Abraham,  received  some  pret- 
ty tall  abuse  from  us  Ohioans.  After  the  surrender,  and  before 
the  enemy  had  entered,  many  officers,  myself  among  the  number, 
implored  Col.  Findlaj>  to  take  command  of  the  American  forces, 
and  resist  the  enemy,  but  he  declined.  Colonel  James  Miller  was 
importuned  the  same  as  Findlay,  but  he  was  unwilling  to  take  the 
responsibility,  saying  as  near  a-s  I  can  recollect,  "  Matters  have 
gone  too  far,  but  had  General  Hull  signified  to  me  his  intention  of 
surrendering,  I  would  have  assumed  command,  and  defended  the 
fort  to  the  lust."  Miller  would  have  done  so,  and  so  would  Mc- 
Arthur had  he  been  in  the  fort. 

Some  little  time  after  Hull  had  ordered  the  white  flag,  August 
16,  1H12,  Col.  Isaac  Brock,    the   British    commander,  entered  the 

LOGAN  C0UNT1E8.  3:ff 

fort,  attendetl  by  his  staff  and  several  Indian  Chiefs.  Thf  Anu-r- 
ican  troops  were  ordered  to  the  parade  ground,  and  there  pil.^l  up 
their  nauskets,  swords,  pistols,  knives,  cartridge-hoxen,  etc.  A 
heavy  guard  was  placed  over  us,  and  we  were  then  went  t-.  the 
"citadel,"  where  we  were  kept  until  released  on  parole.  Hull 
and  the  regular  officers  were  sent  to  Quebec.  I  wa«  very  particu- 
lar to  have  a  good  look  at  General  Brock,  as  I  had  never  before 
seen  a  British  ofllcer  of  his  rank.  He  wtus  a  heavily  built  man, 
about  six  feet  three  inches  in  height,  broad  shoulders,  lar^je  hi|>H, 
and  lame,  walking  with  a  cane.  One  of  his  eyes,  the  left  one  I 
think,  was  closed,  and  he  wai,  withal,  the  ugliest  orticer  1  ever 
saw.  He  wore  a  bright,  scarlet  uniform,  with  a  wrap|M*d 
tight  around  his  waist.  When  he  came  to  our  company,  he  s:ii(i 
tome:  "  [f  your  men  attempt  to  escape,  or  complain  of  their 
treatment,  I  cannot  bo  answerable  for  the  coiisetiuences ;  but  if 
they  remain  quiet  and  orderly,  they  shall  shortly  be  released,  and 
no  harm  shall  befall  them.  This  was  good  news  to  my  men,  many 
of  whom  were  afraid  when  they  returned  in  a  defenselesH  condi- 
tion, the  savages  would  be  let  loose  after  them.  All  the  otticers  of 
our  army,  v.ho  conversed  with  Brock,  spoke  of  him  a>  bein«a 
very  courteous  and  agreeable  gentleman,  who  had  seen  much  mt- 
Yiee  in  India  and  the  East. 


My  company  shared  in  the  glorious  roule  oi  I'roiior  ini.l  in- 
proud  army,  that  result  being  attained  by  the  victory  at  the  river 
Thames.  It  was  on  that  memorable  day,  October  f)th,  isia,  that 
Tecumseh  fell.  I  remember  Tecumseh.  1  saw  him  a  number  of 
times  before  the  war.  He  was  a  man  of  huge  frame,  powerfully 
built,  and  was  about  six  feet  two  inches  in  height.  1  saw  hi«.  b<dy 
on  the  Thames  battlefield  before  it  was  cold.  Whether  Colonel 
Johnson  killed  him  or  not,  1  cannot  say.  During  thf  battle  all 
was  smoke,  noise  and  confusion.  Indeed,  1  never  heard  any  oni- 
speak  of  Colonel  .Johnson's  having  killed  Te<-umseh,  untd  year* 
afterward.  Johnson  was  a  brave  man  and  wa.s  badly  w..und.M|  m 
th(^  battle  in  a  very  painful  part-theknuckl(«  -and.  I  thnik.  alno 
inthebodv.  He  was  carried  past  me  on  a  litter.  In  theevenmg 
on  the  day  of  the  battle,  I  wius  app..inted  l>y  (ienen.l  Hurris<m  t« 
guard  the  Indian  prisoners  with  my  company.  Th.-  I.^.ii.on  ««- 
nearaswamp.    As  to.the report  of  theKentuckian.  hav.nK  -kmn..! 


Tecumseh'm  body,  I  am  personally  cognizant  that  such  was 
the  fact.  I  have  seen  many  contrary  reports,  but  they  are  untrue. 
I  saw  the  Kentucky  troops  in  the  very  act  of  cutting  the  skin  from 
the  body  of  the  chief.  They  would  cut  strips  about  half  a  foot  in 
length  and  an  inch  and  a  half  wide,  which  would  stretch  like  gum 
elastic.  I  saw  a  piece  two  inches  long,  which,  when  it  was  dry, 
•ould  be  stretched  nearly  a  foot  in  length.  That  it  was  Tecunn- 
•eh's  body  that  was  skinned,  I  have  no  doubt.  1  knew  him. — 
Besides,  the  Indian  prisoners  under  niy  charge  continually  pointed 
to  his  body,  which  lay  close  by,  and  uttered  the  most  bewailing 
•ries  at  his  loss.  By  noon  the  day  after  the  battle,  the  body  could 
hardly  be  recognized,  it  had  so  thoroughly  been  skinned.  My 
men  covered  it  up  with  brush  and  logs,  and  it  was  probably  eaten 
by  wolves.  Although  many  oflticers  did  not  like  the  conduct  of 
the  Kentuckians,  thev dare  not  interfere.  The  troops  from  that 
State  were  infuriated  at  the  massacre  at  the  river  Raisin,  and  their 
battle  cry  was  "  Remember  the  River  Raisin."  It  was  only  with 
difBculty  that  the  Indian  prisoners  could  be  guarded,  so  general 
was  the  disposition  of  the  Kentuckians  to  massacre  them. 


BKICABKg  BY   DR.   B.  8.   BROWN  AT  A    MEETINCJ   OK  TlfK    rMONKHR 

Although  I  have  been  in  Logan  County  more  than  fifty  yo«n), 
yet  it  can  scarcely  be  said  with  propriety,  that  I  am  one  of  the  Pi- 
oneers of  this  section  of  the  country.  My  fatiier  removed  to,  and 
•ettled  in  Harmon's  Bottom,  in  this  county,  in  the  year  1818;  and 
although  the  greater  part  of  the  county  was  in  it'^  primitive  condi- 
tion, and  wild  animals  of  various  kinds  very  plenty  in  all  parts  of 
it,  yet  several  settlements  had  been  established  along  the  souiIhtb 
and  central  portions  of  the  county,  from  ten  to  titteen  years  pn-vi- 
•UB  to  that  time.  The  persons  and  families  who  formed  thow  set- 
tlements, were  the  true  and  real  pioneers  of  the  county  ;  and  to 
them  (such  as  are  left  of  them),  are  we  to  look  for  the  detail  of  cjr- 
•nmslances,  and  transactions,  which  would  be  of  the  greatest  in- 
terest  to  a  society  of  this  kind.  But  changes  are  continually  go- 
ing on  from  year  to  year,  all  over  the  country,  so  much  so,  thai  in 
ttie  space  of  thirty  or  forty  years,  our  county,  in  many  pariiiulare, 
■earcely  seems  like  the  same  county  that  length  of  time  ago. 

And  as  these  changes  have  taken  place  in  alnnK<it  every  dejnirt- 
Ment  of  life,  as  in  the  customs  and  manners  of  society,  the  I.uju- 
»ess  transactions  ofthepeople  generally,  and  as  in  the  face  aiidap- 
pearance  of  the  country  itself,  it  may  not  be  uninteresting  to  men- 
tion some  of  these  changes,  which  have  taken  place  in  some  thinKi 
wnce  my  first  residence  in  the  county. 

In  the  winter  of  1820-21, 1  had  made  an  arrangement  to  go  to  on« 
•f  the  lower  counties  of  the  State  of  Mississippi  to  tench  <»rhool 


How  to  get  there,  seemed  to  be  the  difficulty.  We  had  here  n» 
milroads  nor  stage  lines,  and  there  were  very  few  steamboats  run- 
ning on  the  river.  I  had  been  down  to  Cincinnati  the  previous 
fall  to  try  to  get  a  passage  to  New  Orleans,  but  failed,  and  had  t* 
return  back  home,  a  considerable  part  of  the  way  on  foot. 

During  the  forepart  of  the  winter  I  succeeded  in  making  an  ar- 
rangement with  some  flat  boat  flour  traders,  who  were  intending 
to  go  down  out  of  the  Scioto  river,  as  soon  as  that  stream  would 
rise  high  enough  to  let  them  out.  We  had  to  wait  till  about  the 
first  of  February,  when  we  started  from  about  eight  miles  abov* 
Chillicothe,  with  two  flat  boats,  loaded  with  about  one  thousand 
barrels  of  flour.  We  were  on  the  river  within  a  few  days  of  thre» 
months.  We  sold  out  the  greater  part  of  the  flour  by  retail  at  dif- 
ferent towns  and  trading  places  along  the  Ohio  and  Mississippi  be- 
fore we  reached  New  Orelans,  at  about  .$3.00  per  barrel.  When  w« 
arrived  at  the  city  we  closed  out  what,  was  left  for  $2.62J  per  bar- 
rel by  wholesale.  This  is  mentioned  to  show  the  great  change  of 
prices  between  that  time  and  the  present.  And  the  owners  made 
money  by  the  trip,  for  they  had  bought  the  wheat  of  which  the 
flour  was  made  for  25  cents  per  bushel.  I  remained  in  the  Soutk 
at  that  time  about  three  years,  when  I  received  a  letter  from  Ohio. 
I  had  CO  pay  25  cents  postage,  and  if  it  could  be  discovered  there 
were  two  pieces  of  paper  (no  matter  how  small)  the  price  was  50 
cents.  It  required  about  three  weeks  from  the  time  the  letter  was 
mailed  till  I  received  it. 

Now  to  show  the  change— the  contrast.  I  left  Bellefontaine  with 
my  wife  on  Tuesday,  3rd  of  January  last,  staid  over  one  day  at 
Cincinnati,  and  arrived  at  our  destination  on  Friday  the  6th. 
Where  we  stopped  was  in  one  of  the  lowest  counties  of  Mississippi, 
near  the  neighborhood  where  I  taught  school  fifty  years  ago. 

As  to  the  mnils,  while  there  this  year,  I  received  a  letter,  post 
marked  at  Bellefontaine,  February  3rd,  which  arrived  at  the  Post- 
office  where  I  received  it,  before  daylight  on  the  6th. 

While  on  the  subject  of  the  change  of  prices,  I  will  mention  a 
little  circumstance  as  an  illustration.  In  the  year  1825  I  had  an 
uncle— Moses  Brown, — who  moved  from  Louisiana  into  the  neigh- 
borhood of  Zanesfield,  and  being  a  farmer  he  wished  to  commence 
raising  hog-s  as  the  other  farmers  there  did.  He  was  directed  to  a 
neighbor  who  had  hogs  to  sell,  and  applied  to  him,  to  buy  a  sow 


and  pigfs ;  one  was  selected  which  was  ag:reed  upon  by  both,  but 
no  price  fixed  upon  till  he  should  come  and  take  her  h(»tiio.  Aflor 
a  few  days  he  went  to  get  her  and  the  owner  was  not  at  honic,  but 
he  had  left  word  with  his  wife,  that  it  my  uncle  came,  for  him  i« 
take  her  along  and  Jie  would  see  him  at  some  other  time,  lit*  took 
her  home;  she  was  young,  but  had  six  nice  pigs.  Some  days  af- 
ter, my  uncle  saw  him,  and  told  him  he  wislied  to  pay  fur  the  pur- 
chase, and  asked  him  the  price.  He  replied  that  he  did  not  know 
exactly  what  it  ought  to  be,  but  bethought  about  seventr-livf-  (•♦•rjt.-* 
or  a  dollar  would  be  about  right;  that  Reventy-fiveVent-'  would 
do;  and  that  was  the  price  paid,  and  fixed  l)y  the  owner  hini.-4'lf. 
The  very  low  price  so  surprised  the  purchaser  tiiat  he  made  Home 
inquiries  of  the  neighbors  as  to  the  matter,  who  told  him  tiiat  was 
about  a  common,  fair  price.  Now  to  show  the  great  differeni-e  in 
price,  between  the  products  of  our  county  and  imported  articles  at 
that  time;  I  will  mention  that  my  uncle  brought  with  iiim  sev- 
eral bagsof  cofifee  from  New  Orleans,  which  he  had  taken  in  imrl 
payment  for  what  he  had  sold  out  in  Louisiana.  This  colfen  he  re- 
tailed at  37^  cents  per  pound  ;  so  the  price  of  two  pounds  of  coJfe« 
paid  for  the  sow  and  pigs.  The  retail  price  of  coffee  in  the  stores 
in  the  county  at  that  time  was  forty  cents  a  pound.  Perhaps  as 
great  benefits  have  been  derived  to  our  section  of  the  country.  (In 
regard  to  prices  of  home  and  imported  articles)  from  the  intr<Khu-- 
tion  of  railroads.  They  have  very  materially  the  prim-* 
of  our  home  products  and  cheapened  the  prices  of  import.'d  art  id.-, 
-especially  heavy  ones,  such  as  salt,  iron,  Ac. -so  much  so  »>  -oIm* 
a  very  material  advantage  to  the  country.  Notwithstaudintf  thin, 
there  are,  have  been,  and  will  be  some  n  ,n-progre<^.ve  frtnnerj. 
and  others  in  thecountrywhoopposeall  such  impn.v.-nuni-^w.niil- 

the  completion  of  the  railroad  through  the 
that  though  it  might  be,  and  probably  was  a  bonefl    t^  '  J^; 

ehants  as  it  gave  them  a  better  chance  to  .ini>ose  upon  theircu- 
tome^'  yet  ft  would  be  an  injury  to  the  far.ners,  Imh^uh..  .t  would 
reduce  the  price  of  horses  so  much  that  they  would  no  ..  <  rth 
rLing,  as  none  would  be  needed  to  haul  our  gram,  and  o^  r 
plus  products  to  the  lake  or  other  places  ^^  "'"'•^f^-^;;j;,X „  by 
and  other  arguments  so  strongly  that  I  could  onl>  answer  7 


the  Yankee  plan  of  ixsking  questions.  I  ascertained  that  heat  that 
time  had  brousfht  in  ;i  load  of  wheat  for  sale,  and  that  he  was  t« 
take  some  barrels  of  salt  in  part  payment  for  the  wheat.  So  I  asked 
him,  how  many  bushels  of  wheat  he  had  to  give  for  a  barrel  of  salt  ? 
He  answered  in  rather  a  complaining  manner,  that  wheat  was  a 
dollar  a  bushel  but  they  made  him  <?ive  two  bushels  for  a  barrel  of 
salt,  when  he  well  knew  that  salt  ought  to  be  but  $1  87^  per  barrel. 
I  then  asked  him  if  he  remembered  of  ever  bringing  wheat  to  Belle- 
fontaine  and  trading  it  for  s;ilt  before  we  had  any  railroads  ?  H« 
replied  that  he  did  recollect  ot  doing  it  once  that  far  back.  Th« 
next  question  I  asked  was  : 

"How  many  bushels  of  wheat  did  you  then  have  to  give  for  a  bar- 
rel of  salt  ?" 

His  answer  was  short,  and  to  the  point,,  and  ended  th« 
subject  :  it  was  nine  basheLs.  In  fact  the  time  ha.-'  been  here  when 
it  would  require  more  than  a  dozen  bushels  of  wheat  to  purchase 
a  barrel  ot  salt.  As  great  a  change  as  has  taken  place  in  the  busi- 
ness transactions  of  our  part  of  the  country  within  forty  or  fifty 
years,  has  been  in  regard  to  the  manner  of  getting  our  surplus  pro- 
duce out  of  the  country  to  market  for  the  purpose  of  bringing 
money,  and  such  necessary  articles  of  merchandise  as  we  must 
have.  At  an  early  period,  in  fact  about  the  only  article  we  had  in 
the  country  for  that  purpose  (except  coon  and  deer  skin),  was 
hogs.  These  were  collected  in  droves,  and  driven,  generally  t» 
Detroit,  or  some  other  lake  port,  or  town  in  Michigan,  and  thera 
sold  for  whatever  price  could  be  got  for  them,  which  was  gener- 
ally very  low.  And  the  prices  here,  of  course  had  to  be  somewhat 
regulated  by  the  pri<3es  there.  These  droves  had  to  be  driven  the 
greater  part  of  the  way^through  the  woods,  with  a  narrow  road  cut 
out  through  the  dense  forest,  about  wide  enough  for  a  single 
wagon  track.  It  generally'  required  from  three  to  five  or  six  weeks 
to  drive  and  dispose  of  a  drove  in  this  way.  At  a  later  period,  the 
farmers  having  got  more  ground  cleared,  began  to  raise  more  wheat 
than  was  necessary  for  the  consumption  of  the  country.  The  ques- 
tion then  was  to  find  a  market  for  the  surplus.  The  most  of  it  was 
hauled  in  wagons  a  distance  of  one  hundred  and  twenty  miles  to 
Sandusky  on  the  lake  shore.  The  road  was  very  bad,  either  mud  or 
corduroy  pole  bridges  a  great  part  of  the  way,  audit  required  from 
two  to  tliree  weeks  to  make  the  trip  there  and  back.    The  wagons 

LOGAN  COUNTlPis.  va 

generally  eame  back  loaded  with  salt,  or  other  ht-avy  r»riifl«. 
The  customary  price  for  hauling  the  salt  in  here,  v,'m  j,'eneriilly 
regulated  by  what  it  cost  out  there,  and  persons  who  had  not  wIh-uI 
to  sell  would  often  send  the  money  by  the  teanist^-rs  to  huy  th« 
salt  and  the  price  of  hauling-  would  be  just  what  was  paid  fj»r  it  ia 
money  out  there  and  so  it  would  be  divided  half  and  Imlf  bet\vfc«« 
the  persons  who  sent  the  raoney  and  the  one  who  hmile<l  it  io. 
In  hauling  their  wheat  out  there  it  was  generally  the  caM-  thai 
several  wagons  (halfa  dozen  or  more)  would  go  logetluTuiid  they 
all  would  have  to  take  their  provision  with  them,  both  for  them- 
selves and  their  teams,  and  to  "camp  out"  in  the  woods  ut  night, 
both  going-  and  coming  ;  because  if  they  would  get  their  meals,  and 
horse  feed  of  the  few  taverns  along  the  way,  the  cost  would  t>« 
more  than  they  would  get  for  their  whole  load  of  wheat.  And  it 
yfM  not  uncommon  for  some  economical  persons  to  make  tb« 
"round  trip"  without  paying  out  a  single  dime  for  provi-*iou« 
the  whole  way. 



On  the  brow  of  a  hill,  about  one-half  mile  north  of  what  was 
once  "Taylor's  Mill,"  (now  Beatty's  mill)  in  Salem  Township, 
Champaign  County,  Ohio,  there  has  lately  been  discovered  an  an- 
cient burying-ground.  Some  years  ago  there  was  a  county  road  lo- 
cated east  and  west  on  the  seetion  line,  between  sections  fifteen 
and  sixteen,  town  rive  of  range  twelve,  and  the  workmen,  whea 
opening  that  road  discovered  a  few  human  bones  at  the  hill,  about 
twenty  rods  v»'ostof  the  centre  of  thesection  line.  There  was,  how- 
ever, but  little  attention  given  to  the  circumstance  at  that  time. 
Two  years  ago  there  was  a  free  turnpike  constructed  from  th« 
centre  of  the  line  between  sections  fifteen  and  sixteen,  which  road 
runs  from  the  beginning,  south  through  the  village  of  Kingston. 
For  the  purpose  of  getting  ground  for  the  making  of  this  turn- 
pike, it  was  necessary  to  make  a  large  excavation  in  the  hill  be- 
fore mentioned,  and  in  doing  so,  great  quantities  of  human  bone» 
were  discovered.  These  remains  appear,  very  plainly,  to  have 
been  deposited  in  trenches,  or  ditches ;  and  these  trenches  are  sit- 
uated parallel  to  each  other,  at  a  distance  of  about  ten  feet  apart, 
and  extend  due  north  and  south.  Their  length  is  not  known,  as 
they  have  not  been  explored  further  than  the  necessary  excava- 
tions for  ground. 

The  bodies  have  been  placed  in  these  trenches  with  their  heads 
to  the  South,  and  the  feet  to  the  North  ;  in  this  position  they  have 
all  been  found.  Tliey  appear  to  have  all  been  deposited  there  at 
the  same  time,  and  to  have  been  placed  there  indiscriminately, 
the  old  and  the  young,  great  and  small,  male  and  female  piled  on 
top  of  each  other,  without  any  kind  of  order  or  regularity,  except 
their  position  which  is  invariably  north  and  south.  There  has 
not  been  found  any  implements  of  war,  or  mechanical  tools  of  any 
kind.  The  country  here  has  been  settled  by  the  whites  seventy 
years,  yet  the  existence  of  this  burying  place  was  not  known 
until  recently,  nor  did  the  Indians  give  the  first  settlers 
any  information  on  the  subject;    they   probably   knew   nothing 


of  it  The  situation  is  one  of  the  most  beautiful  on  the 
faeeof  the  earth;,  for  miles  on  the  east,  south  an.l  west  lio.  the 
extensive  valley  of  King's-creek,  which  has  no  equalfor  boauty 
and  fertility,  and  through  its  centre  flows  the  creek,  a  large  wvi-r- 
failing  stream  ot  clear,  cool,  pure  water.  Thpre  is  n..  hiitory 
either  written  or  traditional,  of  the  life,  manners,  customs  or 
doings  of  that  generation  or  race  of  human  beings,  save  tlu-ir 
mouldering  remains.  A  thousand  years  hence  mav  not  the  s^t me 
obscurity  rest  upon  the  history  of  the  present  generation? 



About  the  time  of  the  war  1812,  a  company  o  ^ung  men  \vm 
organized  in  Champaign  and  Logan  Counties,  by  (."apt.  Alexander 

They  were  an  independent  company  of  Home  Guards,  or  win- 
ute  men,  and  were  called  the  rifle  company,  each  mnn   ' 
armed  with  a  good  trusty  rifle  gun,  shot-poueh,  and  p<jwd<'. 
bullet-moulds,  gun-flints,  &c.    EMoh  one  furnished  their  0.. 
munition,  and  were  expected  to  hold  themselves  in  readii)' 
minute's  warning  for  any  emergency ;    we  at  that  time  bein^r  the 
frontier  settlement  on  the  north,  and  expf>scd  to  danger  from  the 
Indians  who  might  be  prowling  about  in  tJio  neighborhood. 


of  the  company  consisted  of  a  black  huntirjg  shirt,  trinimi'«l  or 
fringed  with  white  all  round  the  body,  made  as  n  loose  c<» it  cr 
wrapper  reaching  a  little  above  the  knees,  and  oi>en  In  fmnt  ami 
fringed,  then  a  large  circular  cape  with  collar  fastening  all  f<i;:.>th- 
•r  at  the  neck.  They  were  usually  made  of  hornt'-nml*'  liruMi 
about  one  and  one-half  inches  wide,  and  sewing  it  on  thei:iirin«'nl 
»nd  then  raveling  it  out  about  half  the  width.    Then  a  stoul 


leather  belt  with  large  buckle  in  front,  or  some  have  a  white  belt, 
white  pants  and  stockings.  The  hat  was  like  one  now  in  fashion, 
high  crown  with  i.arrow  rim.  Each  mart  had  a  while  plume  fast- 
ened to  the  left  side  (I  think)  of  his  hat. 

The  feather  was  made  by  skillfully  adjusting  the  white  feath- 
ers of  a  goose,  around  a  ratan  or  a  stick  long  enough  to  reach  to 
the  top  of  the  hat,  carefully  and  firmly  wrapping  them  with 
thread,  and  on  the  top  was  a  tuft  of  red  feathers,  a  bit  of  scarlet 
cloth,  or  the  scalp  of  the  red-headed  wood-pecker. 

The  company  were  called  together  three  or  four  times  a  year  for 
muster  or  company  drill,  and  you  may  be  assured  their  mother* 
and  sisters,  their  wives  and  sweethearts,  were  proud  of  them 
when  they  saw  them  dressed  up  in  their  uniform  and  m arching 
under. their  gallant  captain.  They  were  never  called  out  to  activ© 
service  however. 

But  there  was  a  company  of  men  who  were  called  rangers,  that 
were  stationed  at  Manarie's  Block-house,  whose  duty  it  was  to 
range  the  country  as  spies.  This  fort  or  block-house  was  situated 
on  the  land  of  Col.  .James  McPherson,  near  where  the  county 
house  now  stands. 


ivao  .-;....•-.<  ..,;...;;  (•utinenc!'  ■■■■  ■■-hovt  distance  north  of  Logans- 

Some  of  our  young  friends  niaj  ue  ready  to  inquire,  what  sort  of 
a  thing  is  a  blockhouse?  Well,  it  was  not  built  of  the  blocks  that 
fall  from  the  carpenter's  bench  which  our  little  four-year-olds  lik« 
to  build  on  mamma's  carpet,  but  they  were  built  with  huge  log* 
but  so  compactly  fitted  together,  as  to  withstand  the  shots  of  an 
enemy  without,  with  port  holes  for  the  iumates  to  shower  th« 
deadly  bullets  from  within.  Thus  lived  ihe  pioneer  settlers  of  our 
now  populous  and  wealthy  country.  But  few,  if  any  remain  of  the 
rifle  company,  to  join  with  us  in  our  pioneer  meeting  to-day,  and 
we  hope  they  are  enjoying  a  mort.^  peaceful  home  in  that  better 


Sabbath-School  at  Mt.  Tabor. 

HV    THOMAS  COWGIIJ.,  M.    I). 

1  atteudedthe  .Sabbath-school  Picnic  at  Mt.  Tabor  on  the  Jl-t  of 
July.  I  atn  willinj?  to  offer  some  thoughts  which  (k-cupIhI  my 
mind  during  that  pleasant  day,  spent  in  commemoration  of  the 
Sabbath-school  cause.  It  may  be  of  some  interest  to  mv  frinuN  nt 
Mt.  Tabor. 

The  first  Sabbath-school  I  everattended  was  at  Mt.  'i'abor  hi  i\u> 
summer  of  1821,  if  I  remember  right.  I  was  tlien  about  nine  yvar* 
old,  and  the  first  school  I  attended,  J  repeateil  eight  verses  tif  the 
2d  chapter  of  Acts,  which  reads  as  follows  :  ''And  when  (ho  ihiy 
of  Pentecost  was  fully  cojue,  they  were  all  with  one  Kccord  in  one 
place,"  &c.  The  order  of  the  school  was  nearly  the  siune  a.**  at 
present  in  Sabbath-school.  The  scholars  were  (f.vpectcti  to  ttmi- 
mit  to  meihory  during  the  week  as  many  vei-sesas  they  were  able, 
and  recite  them  on  the  Sabbath,  and  tli^n  read  the  'I .  in 

classes,  as  at  present.    Asking   Scrii)turo  fpic^tions  oi  !  .,r<*, 

I  believe,  was  not  then  practiced. 

The  pillars  of  the  Church  then  at  Mt.  Tailor  seemed  t<.  be  ( JrithiU 
Evans,  Nathaniel  Hunter,  Samuel  Scott,  Tiunnas  llunjphreys, 
William  Hopkins,  and  a  number  of  younger  men  and  iK^rhai** 
other  old  men  that  I  do  not  now  rememlier. 

Nathaniel  Hunter  was  then  Superintendent  of  th*'  Sabbath- 
school,  assistedby  several  others  in  teaching— old  and  young,  nntlr 

and  female. 
I  believe  the  persons  above  named  wereamoii','  thfiir-t  h^hi.  t-ik 


Mt.  Tabor  and  many  of  the  descendants  or  most  of  them  yet  reside 
in  that  neighborhood. 

The  Sabbath-school  was  very  largely  attended  by  the  people  of 
the  neighborhood,  old  and  young,  and  was  held  in  a  log  cabin  meet- 
ing-house, which  stood  about  where  the  brick  church  now  stands. 
A  few  graves  were  there  inclosed  by  a  common  rail  fence. 

Some  of  the  scholars  recited  very  large  portions  of  Scripture. 
Among  others  prominent  in  the  school  Dr.  Samuel  A.  Latta^ 
deceasedjlate  of  Cincinnati,  his  brothers  James  and  William,  and  his 
sisters  Mary  and  Sarah,  were  regular  attendants.  At  the  close  of 
the  exercises  of  each  school,  the  Superintendent  or  some  other 
person  would  read  the  number  of  verses  repeated  by  each  scholar. 
At  one  time  he  read— "Mary  Latta,  263  verses."  She  stated  that  100 
verses  had  been  omitted,  as  she  had  repeated  363  verses;  and  upon 
counting  it  was  found  that  she  had  repeated  363  verses,'  or  about 
nine  chapters,  and  all  said  to  have  b^en  committed  to  memory  in 
one  week.    Her  memory    was    about    equal  to  that  of  Geo.  D. 


When  I  remember  all 

The  friends  thus  linked  together, 
I've  seen  around  me  fall 
Like  leaves  m  wintry  weather, 

I  feel  like  one  * 

Who  treads  alone 
Some  banquet  hall  deserted. 

In  all  that  large  assembly  at  Mt.  Tabor  on  the  2l8t  ult.,  I  believe 
Wm.  Scott  and  myself  were  the  only  representatives  of  the  Sab- 
bath-school held  at  that  consecrated  place  forty-nine  years  ago. 

The  remains  of  many  members  of  that  school,  both  teachers  and 
scholars,  now  lie  buried  in  the  grave-yard  at  Mt.  Tabor. 



Relics  Exhibited. 

A  china  cup  and  saucer  exhibited  by  Mrs.  II.  J.  iliolnT,  of 
Middlebursr,  which  General  Washington  drank  from  at  thehoa«ie 
of  her  great-grandfather,  just  before  the  battle  of  IJraiidywiiio. 
A  fac  simile  of  the  accounts  of  George  Wa-shiiitrtori  with  the 
United  States  Government  from  177')  to  1783,  pn'scnttHl  by  Mr. 
Oross,  for  which  the  association  tendered  the  donor  a  vote  of 
thanks.  Copy-book  of  the  late  Ebenezer  McDonald,  IKll,  very 
plainly  w^ritten.  A  sugar-breaker  imported  from  Europe  1*00  years 
since  by  N.  Merri weather's  grandmother.  Mrs.  S.  Taylt)r  exhib- 
ited a  china  cream  pitcher  ninety  years  old ;  also  a  lookin-j-t^la-* 
brought  from  Ireland  in  1776  l)y  William  and  IOIi/ab«li»  Toll. 
The  frame  was  made  twenty-two  years  ago  by  the  iato  l^mc  Wil- 
liams, of  Zanesfield ;  also  a  Bible  eighty-five  years  old  ;  also  sugM 
tongs  forty-one  years  old;  a  pocket-book  ninety-six  yeum  old 
made  by  her  grandmotlier,  Mrs.  Pim.  A  paper  prolllo  of  her 
grandfather  was  next  exhibited  which  was  out  at  UielMnond.  Va.. 
during  the  trial  of  Burr;  an  antique  watch  one  hun<!r«-l  \<'tr* 
old  brought  from  Ireland,  formerly  the  property  cf  ..n«l 
Israel  Pim  ;  also  a  shoe-shaped  black  ink-stand,  which  was  hmmI 
at  tlie  signing  of  the  Declaration  of  Independence,  and  h-|..ii;;in« 
to  Thomas  Savery.  It  is  now  the  property  of  Ha<-hel  !»iin.  It 
has  two  ink  bowls  and  pen  holes;  is  about  four  inches  loiitr  and 
sharp  at  (he  toe.  The  ancest(n-s  of  the  Pim  family  nimr  over 
with  William  Penn,  and  is  one  of  the  oldest  famili<-s  in  the  Sl.itn. 
A  mirror  from  Ireland  150  years  old  wjus  uvsi  shown.  Tlie  l're»»i- 
dent  here  remarked  concerning  its  fine  preservation  that  it  w.-inaa 


evidence  of  habitual  good  looks  of  the  family.  A  plattev  was 
shown  by  Mrs.  McNay,  100  years  old.  A  maj»  of  the  hemisphere 
made  with  a  quill  pen  in  18;j2.'  Several  articles  were  next  exhib- 
ited by  Mrs.  B.  A.  Haines,  as  follows:  A  watch  bought  by  the 
late  Dr.  Gould  Johnson,  at  Winchester,  Va. ;  a  smelling  bottle 
filty  years  old  ;  a  curious  sugar  bowl  forty-five  years  old,  a  china 
cup  and  saucer  fifty  years  old,  and  a  breast  pin  150  years  old. 
Mrs.  Dr.  Ordway  exhibited  some  teaspoons  formerly  the  property 
of  Mrs.  McGruder's  grandmother.  Next  were  shown  some  very 
beautiful  linen  table-cloths  and  sheets,  the  flax  for  which  was 
pulled,  scutched,  spun  and  wove  by  Mrs.  Wm.  Woodward  and 
sisters,  twenty-eight  years  ago.  A  vote  of  thanks  was  tendered 
to  the  ladies  for  the  display  of  relics. 

After  recess  .Judge  N.  Z.  McCoUoch  read  an  address,  already 

The  "Old  Folks"  singing  club  was  called  and  several  soul-stir- 
ring songs  were  rendered.  "Liberty,"  beginning  with  the  well- 
known  line, 

■'Xo  more  bt^neath  th'oppAissive  hand  of  tyrants.'  Ac. 

"Newtopia"  and  the  "Easter  Anthem,"  followed.  John 
Enoch,  8r.,  came  forward,  and  said  that  this  was  his  first  attempt 
fit  public  speaking,  but  as  this  was  a  pioneer  meeting,  he  now  pro- 
posed to  commence.  His  father  came  to  the  then  territory  of  Ohio, 
in  1797  and  landed  at  Cincinnati  from  a  flat-boat;  and  in  1802  he 
was  born  on  the  banks  of  the  Miami.  He  lived  there  until  the 
year  1808,  and  then  moved  to  Franklin,  where  he  resided  for  two 
years.  He  then  removed  to  Clarke  County,  where  he  resided  at 
the  beginning  of  the  war  of  1812. 

He  then  came  to  Mac-a-cheek  in  1818  and  built  a  log  hut  in  Gen.. 
Piatt's  log-yard.  He  recalled  the  reception  of  the  news  of  the  de- 
feat of  Winchester  at  Raisin  and  the  great  gloom  which  it  cast 
over  the  community.  They  daily  expected  to  be  attacked  by  the 
Indians.  On  the  same  day  with  the  reception  of  the  news  came 
the  welcome  f-^ces  of  Robert  Armstrong  and  family.  He  was  i!i 
Urbanain  1812;  in  1815  his  father  began  the  West  Liberty  mill. 
He  had  dealt  out  many  a  bushel  of  flour  to  the  Indians,  and 
Col.  McPherson  had  instructed  him  how  to  deal  with  them.  He 
"graduated  from  college  in  1820,  never  having  gone  to  school  but 
one  day."     Hp  recognized  his  preceptor  among  the  audience.     He 


then  took  to  the  woods,  when  hh  father  had  •  a  contnu-t  to  out  h 
roadthroufifhto  Fort  Findlay,  stirtin-  ont  in  loading  up  their 
store,  the  principle  featuros  of  which  were  three  barrels  of  whisky 
and  bacon.  Those  days  were  fraught  with  the  usual  ^Utftm  until 
the  better  days  came. 

Remarks   by  Thomas  Cowgill,  M.  D. 

Dr.  ThoDfias  Cowgill  read  an  interesting  sketch  of  pioneer  life  : 
About  the  20th  of  October,  1817,  our  family  had  mado  tho  iiec-o**- 
»ary  preparation  and  started  on  our  journey  .»ward  thosettiOK 
sun,  leaving  our  family  home  in  Columbiana  C  lunty,  Ohio.  On 
the  30th  day  of  that  month,  being  the  seventh  day  of  the  w«vk, 
we  ate  breakfast  at  the  house  ctf  George  Harris,  on  iHriiv  ( YiH^k, 
six  miles  south  of  this  place;  we  traveled  up    he  vail  :by 

nearly  on  the  same  track  of  the  common  road  now  '  nd 

arrived  at  the  house  of  Job  Sharp  and  Joshua  Shiir[>—  >  .ih  living 

in  one  bouse — about  noon;   there  was  a  large  « '    -of 

the  different  families  of  the  Sharps,  Garwood,  Stoki  ;•*. 

Inskeeps,  Ehianses,  and  Hallingers,  living  iti  this  iifi„'iiljur!.tiod, 

most  of  whom  my  parents  had  been  acquainted  wit!i  i"  \'i--MnR 

or  in  the  east  part  of  this  state.    There  was  Thomji-  r.. 

father  of  the  late  Thomas  James  of   East  Liberty;  rl. 

near  this  place ;  my  uncle  John  Cowgill,  Dr.  John  Iv  -, 

and  John   Warner,  and   Abisha  Warner,  also  old  ^ 

quaintances  of  my  parents.    Many  of  them  hearin"< 

eame  to  see  my  parents  during  the  two  days  - 

Sharp's.     A  Friends'  meeting  was  then  held  at  tli' 

yard  about  one  mile  north-east  of  here  on  the  roa<i  to  '  ty, 

which  ai)peared  to  be  largely  attended  on  the  Subbni  mm, 

stay  in   this  neighborhood.    As   I  remembfr,  I   Ihink   ' 

Grubbs  lived  about  on  tho  site  wherp  Middicbur. 

had  a  small  improvement.    Thece  wjis  a  cnns  ro:; 

ing  up  Darby  Valley  and  Northwesterly,  and  ili. 

from   Urbana^  to  "Garwood's  Mills,"  now  T.i' 

where  the  public  sqare  now  is  in   Mifldleburg,  :hi  ' 

were  then  mere  pathways,  through  the  w(M.ds,  und   -••-     .   ,  , 

few  small  improvements  aloi.g  the  road  on    Ihrby.     I  w.-thpn 

about  five  vears  of  age,  and  f  well   rcniomber  h.r.v 

eiable  the  people  appeared  to  be  at  Madrivr.  (»<  I  »• 


to  call  all  this  country,)  especially  Job  Sharp's  family  I  thought 
were  very  good  people.  Many  of  the  neiglibor  men  who  came  to 
see  us,  and  many  of  whom  I  saw  going  to  and  returning  froiw 
meeting  on  the  Sabbath  day  were  dressed  partly  in  buckskin 
clothing;  buckskin  pantaloons  and  vests  were  quite  common,  and 
sometimes  buckskin  coats  were  worn,  and  moccasins  were  quit© 

On  the  morning  of  November  1st,  we  started  and  traveled  o» 
the  laid  out  road  from  Urbana  to  Garwood's  mill — now  East  Lib- 
erty— and  at  about  11  o'clock,  A.  M.,  on  that  day,  being  the  second 
day  of  the  week,  arrived  in  Mingo  Valley,  at  the  spot  which  waa 
after  that  time  the  home  of  my  parents  during  their  lives,  and 
still  belongs  in  the  family.  The  place  was  entirely  in  th» 
woods,  except  a  small  cabin  17x20  feet,  by  a  tine  spring  of  water, 
which  had  been  built  and  used  as  a  school-house.  In  this  house 
our  family  of  ten  persons  lived  about  eighteen  months.  Here  at 
our  cabin  we  entertained  many  friends,  in  good  old-fashioned 
order.  At  that  time  I  think  there  was  no  store  or  trading  point 
nearer  to  this  neighborhood  than  Urbana  ;  and  as  the  road  from 
Urbana  to  East  Liberty — the  main  thoroughfare  of  the  country — 
passed  very  near  to  our  house,  and  the  distance  to  travel  from  this 
neighborhood  to  Urbana  and  back,  and  to  do  the  trading  desired, 
was  too  great  an  undertaking  for  one  day,  and  as  persons  from  this 
vichiity  could  go  to  town  and  conveniently  return  as  far  as  our 
house  in  one  day,  that  seemed  to  be  a  general  stopping  place  for 
many  of  our  friends  and  acquaintances  living  in  this  neighbor- 
hood. Hence  our  family  was  quite  intimate  with  many  of  tho 
taniilies  living  here,  as  we  were  with  our  nearest  neighbors. 
We  had  very  frequent  calls  from  members  of  the  families  of 
Thomas  James,  Levi  Garwood,  John  Garwood,  Daniel  Garwood, 
Job  and  Joshua  Sharp,  Joseph  Stratton,  Joseph  Curl,  Abisha  War- 
ner, Joshua  Inskeep,  Dr.  John  D.  Elbert,  Joseph  Stokes,  John 
Inskeep,  and  many  others.  Frequently  the  youngfolks 
of  several  families  would  join  and  come  down  in  a  wagon, 
draw^n  by  a  four-horse  team,  and  stay  all  night  at  our  house,  and 
would  seem  to  make  the  time  pass  very  pleasantly.  Then,  aa 
now,  there  were  very  many  good-looking  girls  in  the  vicinity  of 
this  place.  Tliey  did  nut  dre^-s  as  line  then  as  they  do  now,  and 
wore  quite  a  different  style  of  bonnet,  which  I  can  not  now  well 
describe.    The  beautiful  young  women  of  that  time  were  gener- 


ally  clothed  in  home-spun,  mostly  the  work  of  their  own  handn. 
Notonly  their  own  clothing;,  but  that  of  tlieir  fathen*  ami  broth- 
ers as  well,  was  mostly  made  by  the  hands  of  the  industrious 
girls  of  that  period,  to  whose  cheeks,  health  and  the  constant  prac- 
tice of  industry  and  exercise  imparted  a  glow  of  ix'auty  which 
ean  never  be  equaled  by  paint  or  other  artificial  appliances. 

'"The  old  men  and  matrons,  those  loved  ones  o(  yore, 

I  ask  not  for  them,  they  can  greet  me  no  more. 

But  the  young  men  and  maidens,  ah!  they  are  .tiiittere<l  and  jjoBa, 

And  I  traTcI  onward  and^m  nearly  alone." 

Of  all  the  venerable  pioneers  of  my  early  actiuaintancen,  I  r^ 
member  Joshua  Inskeep  with  love  and  affection,  at  lea-^t  (H^ual  to 
any  other  person  who  was  not  related  to  me ;  as  he  was  the  friend 
and  companion  of  my  father  almost  from  my  earliest  recollection, 
he  spent  many  days  and  evenings  at  our  house  in  social  and  ro- 
ligious  conversation  with  my  father  and  our  family.  The  \&at 
time  I  saw  Joshua  Inskeep  was  on  a  beautiful  Sabbath  day  in  Oc- 
tober, not  long  after  my  fiither's  death;  he  called  at  our  house; 
his  aged  and  excellent  wife  was  with  him  ;  he  .seemed  to  be  re- 
markably, solid  and  serious  in  his  deportment.  When  we  ml 
down  to  dinner,  the  good  old  man  in  a  solemn  manner  nii-<ed  hit 
hands  and  ofifered  a  beautiful  prayer,  asking  that  the  choicest  of 
heaven's  blessings  might  rest  upon  my  mother  and  upon  all  of  lu 
through  life,  and  that  when  we  were  called  to  die  wo  n>i«ht  be 
prepared  to  meet  my  father  in  that  better  land  where  we  Iwlioved 
his  spirit  was  at  rest. 

"There  are  many  dreams  of  gladness, 

That  cling  around  the  past, 
And  from  the  tomb  of  feeling 

Old  thoughts  come  thronging  faal. 

The  forms  we  loved  so  dearly 

In  the  haijpy  days  now  gone— 
The  beautiful  and  lovely 

So  fair  to  look  upon. 

Whose  suiiles  were  liko  the  .-iun.shine 

In  the  spring-time  of  the  year- 
Like  the  changing  gleanis  of  April 

They  followed  every  tear. 


They  hare  passed  like  hope  away — 
All  their  loveliness  has  fled; 

Oh!  many  hearts  are  aching 
That  they  are  with  the  dead. 

Like  the  bright  buds  of  the  summer 
Thej-  have  fallen  Irom  the  stem. 

Yet  oh,  it  is  a  lovely  death 
To  fade  from  earth  like  them. 

And  yet  the  thought  is  .saddening 
To  muse  on  such  as  they, 

And  feel  that  all  the  loyely 
Are  passing  fast  away.'' 


Mr.  Samuel  Carter,  one  ofourold&st  residents,  thusdesiTiht's  th« 
first  general  religious  services  held  in  Logan  county.  The  settle- 
ment of  Belleville  consisted  at  the  time  of  a  lew  faniilii's  who 
lived  in  primitive  log  houses  with  puncheon  floors  and  thatclicnl 
roofs.  In  the  latter  part  of  April,  1817,  t!io  inhabitants  asseinl.lMl 
at  his  dwelling  near  the  present  site  of  tiie  fair  grounds,  on  a  Sjib- 
bath  morning.  The  fence  surrounding  the  house  was  partially 
torn  down  and  the  rails  were  placed  on  the  floor  in  the  form  of  a 
hollow  square  ;  thus  it  was  that  seats  were  provided.  .More  than 
fifty  persons  had  congregated  at  this  first  gathering,  and  tin*  jin- 
uouncement  iiad  awakened  general  interest.  The  uiinistiT,  Uev. 
John  Strange,  delivpred  an  impressive  sernu)ii  to  the  foliiiilstf., 
and  invoked  God's  blassing  ujon  them. 

The  people  had  early  <livided  into  three  cias-cs.  i  n.rf  w.i* 
formed  a  party  styling  themselves  the  llegulators,  a  sort  of  vigil- 
ance committee,  who  made  it  their  duty  to  a<lininister  justin-  to 
all  oifen  lers  who  should  transgress  the  laws  of  the  State  and  the 
community.  Public  whipping  posts  were  erecte*!,  ami  Mr.  Carter 
says  that  he  has  seen  several  persons  publicly  Hoggrd.  In  d«Tide<l 
contrast  to  this  element  were  the  men  and  wouumi  who  niet  ob 
that  day  for  religious  service.  They  were  <(uiet,  unotfendinir  |»oo- 
ple,  who  preferred  to  deal  out  judgment  to  the  wi.kcd  mildly  ami 
ever  had  at  heart  the  best  interests  of  the  settlement.  Th.-r.-  wbh. 
also,  another  party  who,  although  holding  to  no  definite  rclijriou* 
convictions,  cast  in  their  lot  with  the  better  bmnch  of  the  c«»mmu- 
nity.  It  was  from  this  iield  that  tlie  converts  came.  The  Ite^Mila- 
tors  were,  in  the  main,  an  incorrigible  set  of  jHT^ons,  who  hud  lit- 
tle fear  of  God,  and  less  of  man.  before  their  eyes. 


The  services  concluded  with  singing  and  prayer.  Another  meet- 
ing was  held  soon  after  in  the  house  of  a  neighbor,  and  a  revival 
soon  began  in  their  midst.  Class  meetings  were  held,  and  al- 
though the  Methodist  faith  was  held  by  many,  there  was  perfect 
harmony  and  unity  in  the  common  cause  of  Christianity. 

Belleville  disappeared  from  the  map,  and  further  to  the  north- 
ward rose  the  now  prosperous  town  of  Bellef<mtaine. 

Of  all  those  who  assembled  at  these  meetings  there  remain  but 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Carter.  Their  descendants,  however,  are  to  be  found 
scattered  throughout  the  length  and  breadth  of  the  country. 

Mr.  Wra.  Henry  gave  account  of  his  first  assessment  of  Zane 
township,  then  comprising  Logan  and  part  of  Champaign  coun- 
ties. He  traversed  that  territory  from  Dan  to  Beer-Sheba,  wher- 
ever inhabited,  and  charged  ten  dollars  for  his  services.  But  the 
Commissioners  cut  him  down  one  dollar.  At  that  time  he  had  to 
go  to  Urbana  and  pay  four  dollars  a  bushel  for  salt,  and  '^  tote  " 
it  home  on  bare  back,  considerable  of  it  dripping  out  before 
getting  home. 

Dr.  Brown  then  read  a  paper,  which  was  ordered  to  be  put 
among  the  archives  of  the  Aasociation. 

Mrs.  Sallie  Moore  handed  in  a  p-^per  vv^hich  was  read  by  Dr. 
Cowgill,  and  ordered  to  be  kept  among  the  archives  ot  the  Asso- 

Another  paper  was  also  read,  and  disposed  of  in  the  same  way. 

Dr.  B.  S.  Brown,  T.  Cowgill  and  Joshua  Antrim  were  appointed 
a  committee  for  collecting  a  history  of  Logan  County,  in  book 
form,  and  report  at  next  meeting  of  the  Association.  Twenty 
dollars  were  appropriated  for  paying  expenses  of  same. 

Address  by  Archibald  Hopkins. 

In  the  year  1797,  my  father  emigrated  from  the  State  of  Dela- 
ware to  the  Northwestern  Territory,  now  the  State  of  Ohio.  He 
started  in  search  of  a  better  country,  and  came  to  Redstone,  Old 
Fort;  and  there  a  company  of  five  persor,s  was  raised,  four  be- 
sides himself.  They  gathered  up  a  set  of  plow-irons,  and  a  supply 
of  pumpkin  and  turnip  seeds,  and  seeds  of  various  kinds,  and 
traveled  on  to  the  Peepee  prairie,  twelve  miles  below  where  Chil- 
hcothe  now  stands,  on  the  Scioto  River  (on  the  west  side). 
Heie  they  broke  about  twelve  acres  of  prairie,  and  planted  it  in 


eorn,  pumpkins,  etc.,  and  made  rails  and  fenced  in  their  crop,  to 
keep  the  Indian  ponies  out.  Besides  what  provisions,  salt,  etc., 
they  packed  on  their  horses,  tiiey  lived  on  deer,  bear,  turkey,  etc., 
a  part  of  the  time  without  bread,  until  the  latter  part  of  July. 
After  sowing  their  turnip  seeds,  they  returned  homp,  to  prepare  to 
move  their  families  to  their  new  home. 

My  father  made  preparation  to  move  to  llob'^town,  ;iliove 
Wheeling,  in  wagons,  and  there  prepared  a  flat-boat,  and  floated 
down  the  Ohio  River  to  the  mouth  of  the  Scioto.  And  the  ni;<hl 
we  arrived  at  the  Scioto,  the  river  was  frozen  over,  and  reniaiiie<l 
BO  till  the  winter  broke.  The  other  four  families  had  been  at  the 
improvement  at  Peepee  prairie  for  some  time,  and  had  taken  care 
of  our  crop  of  corn.  We  had  to  pack  our  goods  as  well  as  we 
•ould,  up  the  river  to  the  iraprovoment,  which  was  probably  at>out 
twenty-four  miles.  The  next  day  after  we  arrived  there,  every 
cue  that  was  able  turned  out  to  help  us  build  a  house ;  against  .-ve- 
ning  our  house  was  raised  and  covered,  a  door  cut  out,  atxl  our 
goods  put  in  it  the  same  evening,  and  a  fire  built  on  the  ground 
floor  in  the  middle  of  our  cabin.  The  next  morning  the  snow  wu^ 
knee  deep  to  the  men,  and  lay  so  till  the  winter  broke  Our  house 
was  quite  open,  and  the  wind  blew  in  at  one  side,  an.  tlu;  s,n.,ke 
went  out  at  the  other  side,  so  that  we  remained  on  t  u-  s.d.  that 
the  wind  blew  to  keep  out  of  the  smoke.  We  manufacture,  fur- 
niture for  our  house  from  the  stump;  a  bedstead  was  mad.  by 
driving  two  forks  into  the  ground-floor,  about  three  and  a  half  fee 
?rom  the  wall,  and  laying  on  clapboards,  one  end  on  »-  ^;  ;'.;;;;^ 
one  end  in  the  crack  of  the  wall  for  bed-cord.  W  e  n  ade  a  s,  I^ 
table  by  boring  two  holes  in  the  wall,  and  dr.vmg  m  wo  p  n 
^'C  feet  long,  and  laying  a  P"';^-;;^^^  ^ 
about  two  feet  broad  and  f^l^^^J^l^^  ,tt  ^ild  n,c.; 
but  no  way  to  make  bread,  and  had  p  enty  <"'  ^ 

and  hominy,  and  Uved  well,  and  enjo>^^^^^^^^^ 
.were  comparatively  happy,  though   we  lued  about  six 

the  time  without  bread.  ,  k    i  ♦!,« 

we  Uvei  there  one  year  from  the  r^>;o^;^^;n-;«;,»„:  S,,;!:: 



there  about  two  years  after  the  land  sales.  Being  disappointed  in 
gettinj?  his  money  from  the  east,  my  father  could  not  bay  the  land 
on  which  he  lived. 

We  remained  in  this  neighborhood  two  years  after  the  laud  sale, 
then  my  father  bought  land  in  the  Pickaway  Plains,  Ross  County, 
and  moved  there.  My  father  and  mother  died  within  four  yeariii 
of  the  time  we  moved  to  Pickaway  Plains.  I  still  remained  there 
until  the  spring  of  1814,  when  T  settled  in  what  is  now  Logan 
County,  about  three  miles  east  of  where  West  Liberty  now  stands, 
on  land  now  owned  by  the  widow  of  Henry  Enoch,  deceased. 
My  neighbors  at  ray  new  home  were  Isaac  Titsworth  and  Robert 
and  John  Smith,  who  had  been  living  there  several  years.  Sam- 
uel Scott,  Isaac  Thomson,  and  Grriflith  Evans,  had  lived  here  a  few 
years,  and  Robert  Frakes  lived  a  few  miles  north.  Robert  Smith 
had  a  little  mill  within  one  mile  of  my  house,  and  our  nearest 
store  was  at  Urbana.  .lohn  Reynolds  and  Thomas  Gwyune  each 
had  a  store  at  Urbana  at  that  time.  Champaign  Coutity  then  ex- 
tended to  Lake  Erie. 

The  first  religious  meeting  I  attended  here  was  held  at  Grithth 
Evans'  house. 

About  the  year  1816  a  small  log  meeting-house  was  built  at  Mt. 
Tabor.  The  first  camp  meeting  was  held  at  Mt.  Tabor,  in  1816, 
which  was  continued  there  a  few  years.  1  heard  Lorenzo  Dow 
preach  at  Mt.  Tabor  in  1826. 

The  first  election  1  attended  in  what  is  now  Logan  County,  1 
think  was  held  at  Robert  Frakes'  house,  on  Maca cheek. 

My  home  here  was  near  the  place  where  Simon  Kenton  was  once 
tied  on  a  wild  colt  (as  I  have  often  heard  him  relate)  by  the  In- 
dians, with  the  expectation  that  the  colt  w^ould  run  through  the 
plum  thickets  and  soon  tear  him  to  pieces.  Instead  of  that  the 
colt  was  as  gentle  as  a  lamb,  and  quietly  followed  the  Indians 
without  doing  him  any  harm.  Simon  Kenton  told  me  that  the 
Indians  made  a  mound,  yet  standing  in  John  Enoch's  held,  on 
which  the  Indian  Chiefs  used  to  stand  and  see  white  men  run  the 
fftuntlet  on  the  track  in  the  prairie  near  by. 


First  Quarterly  Meeting. 

In  pursuance  of  notice  previously  given,  the  Western  I'iom^r 
Aissociation  met  at  the  Fair  Grounds,  at  Bellefontaine,  Lo^'un  ( 'oun- 
ty,  to  hold  their  first  quarterly  meeting  and  picnic.  The  day  wan 
warm,  pleasant  and  beautiful,  and  the  attendance  very  ros|)cct;ibU« 
in  numbers,  considering  the  fact  that  the  ceremony  of  layini;  the 
corner-stone  the  day  before  prevented  as  large  an  attendance  an 
would  otherwise  have  been  anticipated.  All  who  came  Iroin  a  dis- 
tance arrived  early  in  the  forenoon,  and  spread  their  cloths  about 
the  grounds  for  dinner.  At  half-past  eleven  the  Bellefontaine  Uand 
marched  down  playing  lively  airs  and  joined  the  assembly,  par- 
taking, on  invitation,  of  a  sumptuous  dinner  witli  tlu-  pinniHT- 
Our  reporter  shared  the  excellenl  and  bountiful  dinner  pr.-parod 
by  Mrs.  Volney  Thomas. 

Among  the  pioneers  and  old  citizens  presput,  whose  names  we 
knew  were:  Dr.  B.  S.  Brown,  Cartmel  Crockett,  James  MeiTatt. 
Joshua  Buffington,Ephraim  Vance  (87)«en.  l.S.(Jardner,  Volney 
Thomas,  Capt.  SVm.  Watson,  G.  Walls,  Wm.  Henry,  Isam-  I  a.n- 
ter,  Samuel  Carter,  Robert  Dickinson,  Capt..  Job  Inskeep  apt.  J. 
A.  Jones,  Hon.  William  Lawrence,  J.  R.  Van  ^^ter,  ll.oma. 
Cookston  and  others.  Capt.  Job  Inskeep  was  one  of  (  apt  Jh  ««. 
Euans'  company  who  were  quartered  in  the  block-house  at  /.ine«- 
fieldinl813.  Capt.  Wm.  Watson,  an  old  cit./en  of  th.s  nmnlj^ 
now  of  Paxton,  Illinois,  who  has  for  sonje  tmu-  been  on  a  n  s  U^ 
friends  here,  is  mentioned  in  Dr.  Brown's  speech  at  the  lajm^c  of 
the  corner-stone,  and  also  in  that  of  to-day. 

After  dinner  and  meeting  of  old  acqu-untance...  :.nd  ... 

360         •  CHAMPAIGN  AND 

of  many  more  peoplo,  at  1  o'clock  President  Gardner  called  the 
meeting  tj  order  and  a  touching  and  appropriate  prayer  was  of- 
fered to  the  Throne  of  Grace  by  the  venerable  Chaplain,  George 
McColloch.  Then  came  the  reading  of  the  proceedings  of  the 
previous  meeting  on  July  30,  by  Secretary  Joshua  Antrim,  pre- 
ceeded  and  followed  by  tine  music  by  our  excellent  band,  when 
the  venerable  President  Gardener  arose  to  welcome  in  a  few  brief 
and  feehng  words  his  fellow  pioneers  and  citizens,  on  the  occasion 
of  their  first  meeting.  He  was  pleased  to  meet  them  all,  but  re- 
gretted the  absence  of  many  who  would  have  been  present  and 
renewed  old  acquaintance  but  for  the  meeting  yesterday,  but  was 
glad  to  meet  those  who  had  resolved,  notwithstanding,  to  be  here 
to-day.  When  he  came  to  this  county  forty-four  years  ago,  nearly 
all  w^ho  lived  here  then  had  since  died,  but  few  were  left,  and 
they  would  soon  be  called  away,  and  before  they  went  it  be- 
hooved them  all  to  write  out  and  state  their  experience  of  the 
early  settlement  of  the  county  and  the  manner  of  life  and  cus- 
toms of  the  early  settlers,  that  some  record  should  be  made  for 
future  history,  otherwise  the  unwritten  history  of  our  county  will 
soon  pass  away  with  the  last  of  the  actors  in  it  and  be  lost  forever. 
When  he  saw  so  many  younger  people  around  him  who  had  been 
born  since  he  came  into  the  county,  he  thought  he  might  well  say 
he  was  getting  to  be  an  old  man.  He  did  not  intend  to  make  a 
speech,  but  as  presiding  officer  of  the  Association  found  it  his 
pleasant  duly  to  welcome  all,  old  and  young,  and  hoped  for  a 
larger  gathering  at  their  next  meeting.  He  then  introduced  Dr. 
B.  S.  Brown  as  one  of  the  speakers  chosen  for  the  occasion,  who 
arose  and  read  a  well-written  and  very  interesting  sketch  of  the 
early  history  and  life  of  the  pioneers,  which  was  listened  to  with 
marked  attention,  which  we  here  reproduce: 

Remarks  by  Dr.  B.  S.  Brown. 

As  I  understand  it,  the  principal  objects  of  this  association  are 
to  bring  to-gether  as  many  of  the  early  settlers  of  this  section  of 
the  country  as  possible,  for  the  purpose  of  collecting  the  various 
data  which  go  to  make  up  the  history  and  reminiscences  of  its  first 
settlement  by  our  race.  And  also  that  what  few  of  the  very  early 
settlers  are  left,  may  by  meeting  in  this  friendly,  social  manner, 
enjoy  the  company  of  one  another  and  remind  one  another  of  cir- 


cumstanoes  and  incidents  which  o'-curred  fnoro  ti.:-:  h:.!t  Hcntuiy 
ago,  which  by  briny:inj;  u|)  afrcsli,  would  !)(■  vnry   int.'nstinj,',    fi..t 
only  to  all  who  lived   here  at  the  time,   but  tn  the  pn^en't    in- 
habitants, and  (if  properly  eollected  iind    pres(!rv<M|)    perhii|i«    to 
generations  unborn,  who  are  to  come  after  uh.    Th.- alKTMtions 
which  have  taken  place  in  this  section  of  the  country  sinc.i  \u  tirnt 
settlement,  are  so  great,  not  only  as  to  th"  cmntry  itself,  i.ut  .iIh, 
to  everything  in  it,  and  that  belongs  to  it,  that  a  per.s,)n  who  mi^lit 
have  been  living  here  then,  and  been  intiniatrly  .i''i|U;»inlHl  with 
the  whole  country  around,  its  inhabitants,  their  iniiinersand  rus- 
toms,  their  privations  and  enjoyments,  and  th(M!  l.-ft  and  h(  IH.hI 
in  other  parts  of  the  country— as  many  have  done  — would,  ufnxi 
visiting  here  now,  be  entirely  unable  to  recogni/c  it  as  the.-anic 
country  or  tlue  same  people,   he  had   left  sixty  years  ago.    Kvrry 
thing  has  changed,  but  the  changes  have  beLMi  so^'r  idu  d  that  p<  r- 
sons  living  here  ail  the  time,  and  assisting  and   particii).it  >  -  "i 
them,  scarcely  notice  them,  unless  Si)m''thinjf  \\k'.  thin 
calls  up  recollections  of  the  p  ist— ;)f  early  times.    Tlli^  idfa. 
might  in  some  measure  point  out  tlie  duty  as  well  ns  t!ie  jiri 
of  every  member  of  this  society — the  women  as  well  a"*  the  nun 
for  I  believe  the  former  are  equilly  elijfible  to  become  member-*. 
Many  of  our  members  have  lived  here  when  the  whole  of  thU 
region  was  "a  vast  and   howling  wilderness,"    tiiiekly  c  ■         ! 
nearly  all  over  with  the  primeval  forest,   where  tin*  wild  b 
the  region  ranged  at  large,  with   l)ut  little  to    "  mol'-'it  or  ii».il..» 
them  afraid."    The  wild  deer  aiid  turkeys   were  very  plenty,  .ml 
werea  great  advantage  to  the  early  settlers,  as  in  many  fn: 
they  afforded  the  principle  animil  food  a  great  pirl  of  !h 
Besides  t hi. s  advantage  of  their  furnishin.,'  such  mi  abund.. 
what  would  now  be  considered  a  really  luxtirinusdiet,  i 
for  them  was  a  very  pleasant  ami  cxcinn,'  rcercatioo,  <  \  d 

amusement,  much  more  beneficial  to  the  hcallh  .m  I  cMmforl,  and 
I  might  say  to  the  morals  of  those  eng.iged   in   it,   thsu   the  v,    ,, 
popular,  senseless  base  ball  exercise  of   the  present  lim"; 
daily  and  nightly  resort  to  the  g;unl)lintr   l)iMiard  ?  d. 
have  also  become  very  popular  with  mariy  of  our  voin, 

In  order  that  some  idea  may  be  forme  I  ef  Ww  |.l-nfy  himJ 
abundance  of  the  wild  deer  of  those  days,  I  m:iy  state  thai  Mfl*r 
Bellefontaine  had  become  something  of  a  brushy  town.  Mud  thr 


Ciourts  hatl  been  held  in  it  a  number  of  years,  many,  perhaps  a 
hundred  deer  were  killed  so  near  that  the  report  of  the  rifle  could 
be  heard  all  over  town ;  and,  indeed,  in  several  instances,  were 
killed  within  the  present  incorporated  limits  of  the  village.  Capt. 
Wm.  VVutson,  who  was  a  citizen  of  this  town  at  the  time,  and  who 
hunted  some,  has  told  me  that  he  could,  by  going  out  early,  almost 
any  morning,  kill  and  bring  in  a  deer  before  the  usual  breakfast 
time,  and  that  without  going  more  than  half  a  mile,  or  a  mile  from 
town.  Be+rs  and  wolves  were  also  here— the  latter  so  numerous 
as  to  be*a  great  annoyance  to  the  early  settler,  especially  to  those 
who  were  trying  to  r-i'se  sheep.  Their  dismal,  doleful  bowlings 
couid  be  heard  reverberating  through  the  wilds  of  the  forest  almost 
every  night,  and  woe  be  to  the  sheep  or  lamb  which  was  not  suffi- 
ciently protected  from  their  voracious  and  devouring  jaws.  The 
depredations  of  these  animals  became  such  a  nuisance,  that  the 
Legislature  had  to  take  the  matter  in  hand  to  endeavor  to  abate 
it  by  the  extermination  of  the  whole  race.  For  this  purpose  they 
enacted  a  law  allowing  a  premium  for  every  wolf  scalp  which 
auv  person  would  present  to  the  proper  otRcer-  the  county  clerk, 
I  believe,  and  some  persons  made  considerable  amounts  of  money 
by  killing  and  scalping  the  "varmints,"  The  premium  on  the 
scalps,  however,  was  not  the  principal  inducement  for  killing 
them  ;  it  was  more  to  rid  the  country  of  their  annoying  depreda- 
tions. These  animals  were  so  wild  and  watchful,  and  as  they  trav- 
eled principally  in  the  night,  it  was  very  seldom  that  a  hunter 
could  '"et  a  shot  at  them  with  his  rifle,  and,  therefore,  other  means 
had  to  be  resorted  to— the  principal  of  which  was  the  steel  trap. 
The  isabitof  wolves  was  generally  to  go  in  gangs  of  from  five  or 
six  to  a  dozen  together.  When  they  would  find  a  neighborhood 
that  would  suit  them,  they  would  perhaps  \  i  i;  it  every  night  for 
weeks  together,  although  their  hiding  places  by  day  might  be  in 
tangled  thickets  of  brush  many  miles  away.  The  principal  wolf- 
trapper  with  whom  I  was  acquainted  was  Job  Garwood,  a  son  of 
Levi  Garwood,  who  was  rjne  of  the  Associate  .Judges  of  Logan 
county.  Job  had  become  k<>  well  acquainted  with  the  habits  and 
haunts  of  these  beasts,  that  he  has  told  me  that  when  a  gang  of  them 
came  into  any  neighborhood  where  he  was  acquainted,  that  he 
could  and  often  did  catch  and  kill  the  last  one  of  them  boforethey 
would  leave.  His  plan  wa.s,  when  ho  heard  of  a  particular  locali- 
ty where  they  prowled  at  night,  (and   that   was  easily  knowu  by 

LOGAN  (X)ONTl  h».  ^^^ 

rheir  howlino:,)  ho  would  procure  a  part   or  the  whole  of  rh 
»«8S  of  .orae  dead  animal,  and  dra-  i    with  h  r  J  '^' 

.round,  perha,«  for  miles  ^^r..j:\;L:;:::^^:z:::::::2:^ 

traps,  at.  .,u  table  distances  apart,  carefully  covering  then,   witk 

tm:rr;n;^"thi'''7''r^'^"^"-  ^'^^  -iv,/wo:id'n.;?i 

th,8trad  by  the  scent,  and,  suspecting  no  danger,  step  into  some 
of  the  traps  and  be  fastened.  The  traps  were  largV  and  wei.C 
several  pounds,  but  it  would  not  do  to  chain  them  fast  Tit  w^ 
^id  the  wo^f  would  gnaw  his  own  leg  off  and  escape,  t.u  vhi" 
he  cou  d  drag  the  trap  he  would  not  do  that,,  but  mak<.  otf  as  uZ 
he  could  through  the  bushes  and  brush,  taki.^g  the  trap  with  h  m 
In  th,H  way  they  sometimes  got  miles  away,  before  the  tr«,.,M.r 
oould  overtake  them  by  the  next  day,  with  the  a-ssistaiuv  o!  uL 
dogs,  which  were  trained  to  follow  theni  up  by  the  scent  \fter 
being  caught  in  this  way,  they  generally  had  to  be  killed  l,y  a  rifl« 
shot  ut  last.  J n  addition  to  those  I  have  mentioned  there  w.-r* 
^veral  other  wild  animals,  „f  smaller  kinds,  that  inhabiteii  our 
woods,  the  principal  of  which  was  the  racoon,  which  were  very 
plenty,  and,  although  they  were  very  destructive  to  the  com- 
fields,  yet  they  atlorded  tine  amusemeut  and  considerable  pr(»fit  to 
the  huntei-s.  They  were  generally  hunted  in  the  night  with  doK.s, 
which  were  so  well  trained  to  finding  and  following  their  tracks' 
that  they  could  readily  distinguish  them  from  the  tracks  of  other 
animals,  and  would  not  follow  up  such  small  game  it'^  the  iM^sum, 
rabbit,  or  skunk.  The  raccoons  were  mostly  hunted  for  their  skin.s' 
which  had  very  good  fur,  and  brought  a  good  price.  It  wa-<  (juite 
a  profitable  business  for  fur  dealers  to  collect  and  send  otr  thenu 
skins,  as  thousands  were  sent  off  every  year,  and  brought  consid- 
erable means  into  the  county.  lam  aware  that  it  is  not  th«'  wild 
animals  alone  vhich  were  so  plentiful  in  our  woods  in  early  timtw, 
that  we  are  to  speak  about,  and  bring  up  Ut  the  remembranrts  al- 
though much  might  be  said  and  written  about  them  that  would 
be  interesting.  There  are  many  othersubjects  which  would  doubt- 
less be  equally,  if  not  more  interesting,  and  iK'rfmp-^  more  in  ac- 
cordance with  the  objects  and  the  designs  of  the  I'iont'er  .\NH«>cia- 
tion.  The  clearing  up  of  the  forests,  and  priparinj;  th*- land  for 
cultivation  ;  the  building  of  log  cabins,  ami  the  mannt-rs  and  cus- 
toms of  living  in  them;  the  kind,  and  usual  umount  of  cni|»4 
rai«ed;  the  log-rollings  and  corn-h  askings;  the  jwrtie^  of  pletisun* 


and  amusement,  and  very  many  other  aubjects  too  tedious  to  men- 
tion here,  might  be  spoken  of  and  written  upon,  which  would 
bring  up  interesting  recollections,  which,  If  properly  collected  and 
preserved,  would  be  sufficient  to  fill  volumes,  which  might  be 
valuable  as  well  as  interesting  to  the  present,  rising  and  future  gen- 
erations. And  I  would  here  suggest,  that  each  and  every  member 
be  requested  to  contribute  something  towards  the  furtherance  of 
this  object.  If  some  of  them  are  not  in  the  habit  of  writing  their 
thoughts  and  recollections,  they  all  can  remember,  and  tell  of 
things  of  the  past  which  would  be  valuable  in  such  a  collection. — 
Then  let  them  tell  it,  and  get  somebody  else  to  write  it,  and  let  it 
be  brought  and  filed  with  the  archives  of  the  Association,  and 
thereby  contribute  their  share  to  so  valuable  an  undertaking. — 
Everything  has  so  changed  that  almost  anything  in  regard  to  those 
times  would  seem  new  and  interesting  now.  The  construction  of 
log  cabins,  and  the  manner  of  living  in  them  are  worthy  of  re- 
membrance, for  they  have  so  nearly  gone  out  of  date,  that  it  will 
not  be  a  great  many  years  before  the  people  here  will  scarcely 
know  wliat  they  were.  They  were  generally  constructed  of  round 
logs,  one  story  high,  covered  with  clap-boards  which  were  not 
nailed  down,  but  kept  to  their  places  by  weight- poles,  laid  length- 
ways across  every  row  of  boards.  In  fact,  many  very  comfortable 
dwellings  were  built  and  lived  in  without  so  much  as  a  single  iron 
nail  being  used  in  their  construction.  As  there  were  no  saw-mills 
in  the  country  at  its  very  early  settlement,  the  floors  of  the  cabins 
were  made  of  what  was  called  puncheons.  They  were  made  by 
splitting  large  logs  into  slabs  three  or  four  inches  thick,  and  by 
nicely  hewing  them  on  the  upper  side,  and  neatly  fitting  the  joints, 
they  made  a  very  good  and  permanent  floor.  The  open  spaces  in 
the  walls  between  the  logs  were  neatly  filled  up,  and  made  smooth 
by  "chinking,"  and  daubing  with  clay  inside  and  outride.  The 
tire-place  was  at  one  end  of  the  building,  generally  outside,  an 
opening  being  cut  through  the  log  wall  for  that  purpose.  The 
flue  was  built  up  above  the  comb  of  the  roof,  with  what  was  called 
"  cat  and  clay."  The  fire-places  were  large,  sufficient  to  take  in 
back  logs  from  twelve  to  eighteen  inches  thick,  and  four  to  six  feet 
long.  These  buildings  varied  in  size  from  fourteen  by  eighteen 
feet,  up  to  eighteen  feet  wide  by  twenty-four  feet  long. 

A  room  of  that  size,  and  built  in  that  way,  was  used  for  kitchen, 
jlining  room,  parlor  and  bed-room.      The  bed,   and  sometimes 


three  or  four  of  them,  were  placed  in  the  back  end  of  th<'  r<H>m. 
and  here  the  whole  family  slept.  And  when  they  had  visitors,  which 
was  very  frequently  in  those  day8,they  were  accommotlatHl  in  th** 
same  way.  Where  the  family  was  larg:e,  however,  the  hoy-<  fre- 
quently had  to  sleep  up  in  the  loft,  on  the  floor,  which  was  JHid 
with  clap-boards,  the  same  as  the  roof.  In  order  to  >;pt  up  to  the 
loft,  a  ladder  was  placed  close  in  one  corner  of  the  house,  u'ciH-rniiy 
in  the  end  near  the  fire  place.  This  description,  however,  Hpplie« 
only  to  the  very  early  settlers.  They  soon  betjan  to  add  to  th»fM« 
cabins  such  improv(>ment8  as  seemed  necessary  for  comfort  and 
convenience,  but  many  well-to-do  farmers  still  held  on  to  the  first 
comfortable  log  cabin  for  many  years.  And  in  this  way,  wf  may 
adopt  the  words  of  the  old  Scotch  poet,  and  say,  that  many 

"  Noble  lads  and  winsome  misses, 
Were  reared  in  sic  a  way  as  this  is.' 

In  reflecting  b9ck  upon  thase  past  times,  their  houses,  faniM, 
manners  and  customs,  pleasures  and  enjoyments,  and  thru  on 
comparing  them  with  those  of  the  present  time,  the  qm-stion  will 
obtrude  itself  upon  the  mind  as  to  which  is  the  hist  cal(ulat«sl  to 
promote  real  comfort,health  andenjoyn)ent;  theold-fit-hioiusl  cjibin 
fashions,  manners  and  customs  of  those  times,  or  the  very  dilTi-nMU 
ones  of  the  princely  palace  residencew  and  their  fashions.  nianiuT* 
and  customs  of  the  present  time. 

Before  I  close,  I  think  I  must  say  a  few  words  to  the  liMli«'s.  I 
have  Slid  before  that  the  women  were  equally  eligible  with  the 
men  to  become  members  of  this  Association,  and  if  they  would 
avail  themselves  of  the  privilege,  they  might  and  should  bring  t- 
rentembrance  and  relate  incidents  and  circumstances  of  Hie  "olden 
times,"  which  would  be  very  interestiuir  and  instructive  to  the 
present  and  rising  generation. 

The  subject  of  woman's  sphere  and  her  pro|H'r  p.^ition  m  ^niety 
has  been  much  discussed  by  lecturers  of  both  sexes,  and  in  tho 
public  papers  for  a  few  years  past,  but  whether  that  diM-us^iwii  ha^ 
had  much  effect  in  making  the  chang-  or  not,  one  thing  is  ver> 
certain-that  a  very  great  change  has  Ihh^u  made  m  nv^nUo 
woman's  duties,  and  her  occupation  as  housekeeper  within  Iho 
past  fifty  or  sixty  years.  This  will  be  verv  apparent  if  w..  n.n  nt.l 
the  duties  and  occupation  of  the  women  of  that  .K-ruKl  fo  they 
were  real  women  then  as  well  as  now,)  with  those  of  the  /.,./..-  i^ 


they  must  be  trailed  now)  of  the  present  time.  Everything  has 
changed.  Wives  and  heads  of  families  considered  it  their  duty, 
to  Ciird,  spin  and  weave  the  materials,  whether  of  flax  or  wool, 
for  their  husband's  and  children's  clothinji:,  and  their  own,  and 
then  make  them  up,  also,  as  tailors  and  milliners  were  almost  un- 
known at  that  time.  A  farmer's  or  mechanic's  wife  who  did  not 
keep  her  family  decently  and  comfortably  clothed  in  this  way, 
was  not  considered  a  very  v.vluable  "help  meet"  by  the  com- 

They  must,  however,  have  some  ".Sunday- jro- to-meeting" 
clothes,  but  these  were  often  of  their  own  manufacture,  made 
with  more  care  for  this  special  purpose.  Some  few  had  Sunday 
clothes  of  finer  quality,  brought  with  them  from  the  older  settle- 
ments of  the  East,  where  they  had  moved  from  ;  these  were  pre- 
served and  kept  with  great  care  for  many  years.  As  improve- 
ments advanced  and  the  country  became  mor<>  thickly  settled, 
dry  goods  stores  of  course  would  be  gradually  introduced,  though 
often  at  considerable  distance  away ;  and  many  women  and  their 
daughters  have  traveled  from  this  vicinity  to  Urbana  to  get  "store 
bough  ten"  calico  or  liner  dresses,  which  they  paid  for  with  gin- 
seng, which  they  had  dug  in  the  woods  with  their  own  hands. 
This  "seng  digging"  and  trade  is  well  worthy  of  description,  but 
there  is  not  room  or  time  now.  A  few  more  changes  [  must 
briefly  mention.  The  sweet  music  of  the  spinning  wheel  and  the 
weaving  loom  in  the  cabin,  has  given  way  to  the  piano  and  melo- 
deon  of  the  splendidly  furnished  parlor.  And  perhaps  in  too 
■nany  instances  the  rough  board  book-shelf  on  the  wall  of  the 
•ftbin,  with  the  Bible  and  a  few  religious  and  go<id  historical  books 
upon  it,  has  been  dis|)laced  by  the  splendid  center-table  in  thegau- 
dily  furnished  parlor,  loaded  with  sensational  novels  and  the 
"yellow-back  literature"  of  the  present  day.  In  the  women's  de- 
partment, perhaps  as  great  a  change  has  taken  place  in  regard  to 
•ooking  as  in  any  other.  (Xioking  stoves  were  not  even  heard  of 
in  thase  days.  The  cooking  was  done  by  the  big  log  fire  in  the 
Bame  room  where  they  ate  and  slept.  The  implements  used  wer6^ 
a  large  dutch-oven,  stew-pot,  long-handled  frying-pan,  and  some- 
times a  tea-kettle.  With  these  utensils  a  woman  of  those  days 
could  get  up  a  meal  good  enough  for  a  prince,  if  she  only  had  tbt» 
"wherewithal."     1  should   not    have    left    out  the  Johnny-cak« 


board,  which  was  very   imj>orianl,  hut  as  the  l/julieM  n<tw\in\t>i 
know  what  this  is,  I  will  omit  it  for  the  present. 

At  the  close  of  Dr.  Brown's  speech,  President  Oftrdner  inin)- 
duced  Samuel  Carter,  a  venerable  citizen  living  near  thw  place, 
Trho  had  been  with  us  since  the  foun<lation  of  the  county  was 
laid.  Mr.  Carter  spoke  in  a  clear  and  earnest  manner  for  Morne 
minutes,  graphically  detailing:  incidents  ami  Hcene.s  of  (^arly  life, 
much  to  the  interest  and  atnusoment  of  the  a>^.sombly.  He  -rtld 
•when  his  father  came  to  this  county  Hixty-throf  ycurs  ago,  thoro 
were  three  Indians  to  one  white  tnan.  Then  cabins  hiulbiit  <>n»' 
room,  in  which  they  lived,  ate  and  slept.  Furniture  was  s^mh-**. 
When  he  was  married  fifty  years  ago  and  mov<Hi  into  his  cabin, 
he  Qiatle  a  cupboard  by  putting  together  some  rough  claplM>anl»» 
with  wooden  pins,  for  the-e  were  no  nails  then  ncnnTthitn  Tr- 
bana,  which  was  their  "dresser."  The  first  table  they  over  hud 
he  made  with  an  ax,  hewing  out  rough  boards  nnd  i.innint?  them 
together.  The  first  thing  he  ever  putsalt  in  was  a  gum.  In  their 
room  was  a  spinning-wheel,  beds,  bin,  Ac.  In  1H18,  when  h« 
moved  hereon  the  place  he  now  lives,  hebuilta  log  h(.u^e,wilh>>ut 
door  or  window  ;  he  sawed  a  hole  to  go  in  and  out  at,  and  :v*  th.-re 
was  no  floor  below  they  slept  upon  the  loft  and  cook.vl  out>»id«. 
The  stock  took  shelter  beneath.  In  the  day  he  worked  hnnl  rut- 
ting hay,  and  at  night  worked  at  his  house,  an.l  wh^-n  they  «oi 
a  mud  chimney  completed  so  they  could  have  a  fire  in  the  hoiwe, 
it  was  the  happiest  moment  of  their  life.  He  wore  honio«puo 
then,  and  all  he  had  was  a  pair  of  tow-linen  i»Hntsand  a  ^hirt.  but 
no  drawers  or  boots,  and  considered  he  was  very  well  prepm-l  for 
winter.  Like  a  great  many  he  bought  land  and  hrtd  to  work  hard 
to  clear  and  pay  for  it.  This  was  slow  work  without  '"""^i."' 
markets,  but  he  kept  on  and  after  a  while  popubdion  IncreasM  . 
little,  but  they  could  not  sell  anything.  A  bu4e-l  of  wh.^t  midd 
not  be  Bold  for  twenty-five  cents.  They  had  no  ,n..n^,  nnd  ho 
only  way  they  could  pay  for  their  tand  whs  to  rane  hogv.  (^MK 
Tcfwhich  brought  but  little  profit.  He  had  --'  '"-y;;^*^ 
fite^r  for  ten  dollars  which  would  now  bo  worth  si^tv  dollHr.^ 
TTey  had  no  other  means  of  getting  money  except  by  ^-;'";;- 
?urs,Cnd  could  not  buy  cofT.,.  tea.  *c.  but  thc,^  «  1  -  >  o^ 
venison  and  raccoon,  and  many  a  g...!  --'^^  ;;.'  J^t^oT 
it.    Me  thought  society  wa.s  better  Iben   than  nou  . 


so  much  to  flo,  and  timo  was  not  so  precious  as  now.  Now  we 
had  not  time  to  visit;  but  then  people  went  several  miles,  and 
when  they  had  ji^ot  a  jjood  fiddler  and  a  puncheon  floor,  would 
dance  all  ni^iht  and  as  anotht^r  old  pioneer  added,  "go  homo  with 
the  girlfi  in  the  iriornisig."  After  a  wtille,  the  speaker  said,  he 
b(gan  to  advan<;(^  in  the  world  and  prosper.  He  bought  a  new 
cotton  shire,  and  thouglit  he  was  coming  out.  Afterashort  time  he 
bought  another,  and  tlien  he  had  a  "change."  But  there  had 
bf  en  a  great  change.  When  he  looked  around  him  he  found  that 
all  those  whom  ha  uacni  to  meet  at  raisings,  log-rollings  and  mus- 
ters, were  all.  gone— his  eonjpmy  hai  all  gone  before,  and  he 
must  soon  go  ioo.  Life  iiad  /i.t  much  charm  for  him  now,  and 
life  was  like  a  calm  suinuK-r  evening  to  him  now.  He  said  he 
wuuid  probably  meet  and  be  heard  again  on  a  like  occasion,  but 
if  he  di(J  not  thi/y  could  Siiy  he  had  gone  bc'fore  thfm  to  another 
a/i!.I  better  lan'l.     With  a  i'ervent  i)k;s3ing,  lie  retired. 

*J(i-jhua  ^\ntri;n  wis  next  ifitroducid,and  made  an  excellent  and 
a!)le  address  which  we  re-print  in  full  on  our  first  page.  He  said 
it  was  due  th<!  audience  to  m;tk<;  sorr;  xplanation  for  the  author- 
ity of  some  statements  he  was  about  to  make,  and  cited  living  wit- 
nesses then  present ;  among  »)thers  he  mentioned  Mrs.  Esther  Rob- 
inson, daughter  of  the  Hr  ^t,  wiuto  settler  in  Logan  county.  He  also 
stated  that  Sharp's  iniil  wws  built  and  running  in  1803.  But  the 
read«-r  wi)i  tirid,  tn'ss|»e<^ch  of  nijsorbing  mterest. 

After  more  delightful  music  from  (he  band,  who  by  the  way 
have  acquitted  Iheinselves  with  honor  during  the  past  week,  fur- 
nishing music  ^o  thouainds  of  d<^lighted  hearers,  the  President  in 
a  few  happy  words  introduced  the  Hon.  Wm.  Lawrence,  who  he 
said  had  i:;rovvn  up  among  us  from  a  boy.  Mr.  Lawreu"e  came  for- 
ward and  said : 

1  did  not  su(>{)')se  I  would  be  called  upon  in  the  presence  of  these 
venerable  and  v{!nerated  pioneers  to  say  one  word  to-day.  I  came 
here  to  listen  to  what  others  might  say,  and  by  my  presence  totes- 
tiiy  my  respect  for  those  who  are  hero  and  my  interest  in  the  oc- 
casion. But  called  upon  as  fam,  I  will  say  a  few  words  which  I 
hope  may  be  pertinent  to  the  occasion.  I  first  visited  Logan  county 
in  18;]6,  before  I  had  readied  the  years  of  manhood.    I  came  to 

♦  lieported  for  the  BaiXKyoNTAjNa  Press.  • 


Bellefontaine  to  reside  a  little  over  thirty-nine  years  agu.  The 
hills  and  valleys  and  streann.s  were  here  then  m  now  ;  but  ulniuat 
all  else  has  changed,  wondf^rfully  chane:ed.  ForoMts  havf  Ix.voiue 
cultivated  fields,  mud  roads  have  given  place  to  turnpik«'s  and 
railroads,  and  villagOa  have  sprung  up  and  grown  in  nize  and  pop 
ulation,  wh^re  primeval  forests  stood.  School  buildings,  and 
churches  with  spires  pointinj,'  heavenward,  have  arist^n  where  there 
were  none  before,  or  only  the  rudest  log  buildings.  IJellcfonUtine 
then  had  a  population  of  less  than  000,  and  its  frame  ami  log  build 
ings  looked  old  and  dilapidated.  The  only  Orick  buildings  in  it 
were  the  court  house  and  county  offices,  two  old  churthe.-',  and  lesvi 
than  half  a  dozen  brick  dwellings  of  antiquated  architecture.  (Jom- 
paratively  few  of  the  people  who  then  were  in  the  eounty  yet  re- 
main. Emigration  and  death  have  done  tbeir  work.  A  stream  of 
population  has  poured  in  among  us  from  other  counties  and  State**, 
and  a  new  generation  has  been  born. 

The  Bar  of  Logan  County  then  consisted  of  Anthony  ('a.'*ad,  ili 
rara  McCartney,  Samuel   Walker,    Richard  S.  Canby,  UiMijamin 
Stanton,  Royal  T.  Sprague,  and  myself.    Of  all  these  1  am  the  sole 
surviving  resident  lawyer,  and  my  friend  who  sits  before  me,  (Jen 
Gardner,  is  the  only  merchant  now  in   business  wht)  was  in  buni 
ness  when  1  first  made  Bellefontaine  my  home.    |  Oenenil  ( birdnor 
responed  :  "That's  so,  my  friend  ;  give  me  your  hand  ;"  and  (ieo 
Gardner  and  Judge  Lawrence  took  each  other  by  the  hand  in  m 
warm  and  cordial  greeting.]    Judge  Lawrence  proceeihHl':    The 
Bar,  as  I  first  knew  it,  here,  was  one  of  ability,  learning  an<l  inb-g 
rity.    The  pioneers  before  and  around  me,  I  know  will  I^Mr  U-nti 
raony  to  this.     But  the  Bar  is  changed;  Mct^artney,  Walker  an<l 
Oasad  repose  in  mother  earth,  lie  buried  in  the  county  of  l^»gHn. 
wherethey  lived  honest  lives  and  adorned  the  profession  of  th« 
law      Peace  to  their  ashts  and  honor  to  their  memf)ries.     lUrhard 
S.  Canby  is  now  a  Judge  in  Southern  Illinois;   Benjamin  Stantofi 
does  honor  to  his  profession  in  Wheeling,  West  Virginia,  and  lU.ynl 
T.  Sprague  is  a  Judge  of  theSnpreme  a.urt  of  California,  a  ,Mv*,tioi. 
which  be  fills  with  much  distinction.     Amongthes.'  n.emlH.n  of 
the  Bar  I  would  not  draw  any  invidious  comparison,  f'^'^^^'y 
jointlv  shared  the  confidence  of  all  who  knew  them.    Two  ofthen. 
served  in  Congress,  Stanton  and  (^     In  ^-^7 '>";"'•''"' "':;".'"^' 
logical  point,  Ohio  never  had  an  ai,lor, nan  tbMU  lienj.uMU.  ^tHV>U>o. 
and  when  Richard  S.  Canby  once  became  thoroughly  aroas.^  and 

370  <;HAMFAfeT^   AND 

enlisted  in  the  diacussion  of  a  subj^et,  with  his  scholarly  altain- 
ments,  he  was  tih<^  iH>>'<t  floqtMMit  and  ifripressiv**  oratx^r  1  ever 

The  law  practice  ha«  changed  much  since  I  first  engaged  in  it  in 
Ix)gan  county;  then  money  was  a  scarce  commodity.  A  lawyer 
then  would  ride  on  liorm-back  five,  ten  or  fifteen  miles,  through 
the  mud,  with  "leggings"  regularly  strapped  or  tied  in  proper  poei- 
tion  to  shield  the  lower  extremities,  and  hefore  a  justice  of  the  peace 
would  manage  a  lawsuit  for  a  fee  of  five  dollars,  generally  secured 
by  a  note  at  six  months,  and  finally  paid  in  trade.  We  had  no 
livery  stahle,  and  if  a  lawyer  did  not  keep  a  horst?  he  borrowed 
one  from  some  accommodating  neighbor.  Now,  a  young  lawyer, 
if  he  goes  on  such  an  errand,  must  have  a  top  buggy  with  at  least 
one  and  sometimes  two  hordes  to  carry  him. 

Joseph  H.  8wan,one  of  the  ablest,  purest  and  best  men  Ohio  ever 
had,  then  presided  on  the  Common  Pleas,  and  Joshua  Robb  and 
Gabriel  Slaughter  were  Associate  Judges,  all  men  of  sterling  good 
sense  and  practical  good  judgment.  Then  tlie  lawyers  regularly 
attended  the  courts  in  the  adjoining  counties,  to  w^hich  they  trav- 
eled on  h'^rseback.  The  courts  of  Logan  county  were  regularly 
visited  by  Samson  Mason,  Wm.  A.  Rogers  and  Charles  Anthony 
of  Springfield  ;  John  H.  James,  Moses  D.  Corwin,  Richard  R.  Mc- 
Neemar,  of  Urbana;  Patrick  G.  Goode,  Jacob  S.  Conklin  and  Jo- 
seph S.  Updegraff  of  Sidney  ;  Wm.  ('.  T^iwrence  of  Marysville,  and 

Judge  Lawrence  proceeded  at,  a  tronsiderable  length  to  describe 
the  early  condition  of  affairs  in  Logan  county.  He  said  farmers 
had  no  cash  market  for  any  of  their  products  at  an  early  day. 
There  were  no  railroads  to  send  any  thing  to  market.  A  farmer 
would  raise  a  .small  crop  of  wheat,  and  in  the  fall  load  up  a  two- 
horse  wagon,  take  oats  t^^  feed  his  horses,  and  some  bread,  butter 
and  ham  for  himself,  and  drive  off  a  hundred  miles  to  Sandusky, 
sleeping  at  night  in  his  wagon,  to  sell  his  load  of  wheat.  With  the 
proceeds  he  bought  a  barrel  of  salt,  roll  of  leather  and  muslin,  and 
reserved  enough  money  to  pay  taxes.  Hogs  were  bought  by  drc^ 
▼ers  and  driven  to  Sandusky.  He  said  he  had  seen  wheat  sell  herfe 
/or  forty  cents,  and  pork  and  beef  for  a  dollar  per  hundred  pounds. 
Mechanics  were  paid  in  trade,  houses  were  built  for  trade,  lawyers 
and  phyai(«n««  paid  in  trade.    The  people  were  social,  and  hospital- 

1/>GAN  OOUNTJB8.  :m 

ity  was  oneof  the  essential  characteristics  of  all  the  people.  Our  •^jta'-o 
will  not  permit  us  to  give  a  fuller  sketch  of  the  Judge's  remarks. 

Judge  Lawrence  then  read  a  note  from  our  venerable  and 
respected  fellow  citizen  John  Kirkwood,  living  two  miles  west  o( 
West  Liberty,  stating  that  he  was  confined  to  his  rooin  and  rould 
not  be  present.  He  stated  he  had  an  apple  tree  growing  on  his 
farm,  planted  in  18()4,  which  now  measures  eight  feet  and  throe 
inches  in  circumference,  and  has  npver  failed  to  bear  some  ap[.le8 
each  year  since  it  began  bearing.  He  said  he  would  send  -ampleis 
of  fruit,  but  it  did  not  come  to  hand. 

The  president  next  introduced  Volney  Thomas,  who  made  a 
brief  but  interesting  speech,  describing  customs  of  early  days.  He 
was  born  in  Champaign  county  in  1810.  He  told  how  they  went 
to  church.  Churches  and  sr-hool  houses  were  made  of  logs  and 
polls,  and  in  these  colleges  Ihey  got  their  education  and  religiouH 
teaching.  He  went  to  scliool  in  the  first  church  built  at  Mt.  Tabor. 
It  had  a  big  fire  place  in  one  end,  and  one  morning  when  they 
went  to  school  it  was  found  that  during  the  night  the  back-log  had 
rolled  out  on  the  floor  and  burnt  up  the  house.  Ther)  th<'  only 
school  book  was  the  New  Testament,  and  their  task  wa.s  locommit 
certain  portions  to  memory.  It  was  a  fine  thing  in  those  days  to 
have  a  pair  of  morocco  or  squirrel  skin  sho&s,  and  when  the  young 
men  antl  women  went  to  church  the  young  woman  would  tit'  her 
Bhofts  up  in  her  handkerchief  and  her  beau  would  carry  them  in  hi" 
hand  to  church,  when  she  would  put  them  on;  after  meeting  she 
pulled  them  oflfand  again  went  barefooted  home.  When  the  wo- 
men wanted  a  new  calico  dress,  they  went  to  the  woods  and  dug 
gensang,  which  they  took  to  Urbana  and  traded  to  the  merchant. 

He  recollected  seeing  old  Mr.  Hopkins,  who  lived  in  Chain- 
liaign  at  the  time,  come  to  church  many  a  time  with  nothing  on 
but  a  pair  of  low-linen  pants  and  shirt,  barefooted  and  ban'heade<l, 
and  for  a  half  hour  preach  with  great  power.  When  then-  was  a 
log-rolling.  i\is.  pulling,  or  social  gathering,  all  turned  out  and  had 
a  good  tim*'.  Being  all  Quakers  then  they  didn't  dance,  but  played 
plays  such  as  "Sister  Phebe"  and  "Marching  Round  (iueb«v." 
This  was  the  way  they  were  raised. 

The  Prefiident  then  showe  1  some  relics,  one  a  photograph  ol  the 
first  house  built  in  the  county,  and  the  other  a  large  pewtrr  dish, 
preeented  to  the  Association  by  Andrew  Stiarwalt,  of  Hellefon- 
tmne.     It  was  purchased  in  Pennsylvania   about  the  year  I7f.0.  by 


Thomas  Guy.  He  owned  it  48  years  and  at  his  death  gave  it  to 
his  nephew,  Thomas  Guy,  who  owned  it  forty-two  years,  and  at 
death  gave  it  to  his  daughter,  Mrs.  Mary  MoFadon,  who  brought 
it  to  Logan  county  in  1831.  She  owned  it  eleven  years  and  at 
death  gave  it  to  her  daughter,  Mrs.  Martha  Stiarwalt,  who  has  had 
it  since  1814.    It  is  a  quaint  and  venerable  relic,  120  years  old. 

After  the  reading  of  an  ohl  poem,  which  we  shall  present  at  an- 
other time,  with  some  preliminary  remarks,  the  Association  pro- 
ceeded to  elect  officers  for  thi^  ensuing  year,  when  the  following 
were  unanimously  declared  elected:  President,  J.  M.  Giover, 
West  Liberty;  Vice  President,  Joshua  Antrim,  Middleburg; 
Secretary,  Thomas  Hubbard,  and  Treasurer,  Gen.  L  S.  Gardner, 
of  Bellefontaine.  George  McCulloch  was  elected  Chaplain  for 
life.  Trustees — B.  S.  Brown,  Samuel  Carter,  Wm.  Lawrence,  of 
Bellefontaine;  Volney  Thomas  and  Joshua  Buffington,  of  West 

Books  were  declared  open  for  members'  names  and  many  were 
recorded,  which  will  be  given  at  another  time. 

The  next  quarterly  meeting  was  appointed  at  the  Town  Hall, 
West  Liberty,  December  3,  1870,  vt-ith  Judge  Lawrence  to  deliver 
the  opening  address. 

After  the  doxoiogy  by  the  band,  and  an  affecting  and  solemn 
benediction  by  the  Chaplain,  the  meeting  was  dismissed,  and  all 
went  home  happy,  feeling  that  the  occasion  had  been  one  of  rare 
interest  and  amusement. 

Third    Quarterly   Meeting. 

The  third  quarterly  meeting  of  the  Western  Pioneer  Association 
was  held,  according  to  appointment,  at  West  Middleburg,  in  this 
county,  on  Saturday,  Mari-h  4,  1871.  The  day  was  warm,  sunny 
and  pleasant,  and  althoujih  the  dirt  roads  were  in  a  bad  condition, 
the  attendance  was  larger  than  was  anticipated,  the  house  being 
completely  filled.  In  addition  to  the  large  number  of  citizens  of 
the  town  and  vicinity  who  expressed  their  appreciation  of  the  oc- 
casion by  attending,  there  were  present  many  of  the  pioneer  men 
and  women  of  the  neighborhood,  who  took  much  interest  in  the 
proceedings,  and  added  to  the  exhibition  a  large  collection  of  relics 
of  the  early  days. 

In  the  absence  of  the  worthy  Treasurer  and  other  active  mem- 


bers  n«  business  was  transacted,  thou}?h  much  was  to  ho  doin*.  Thp 
time  was  pleasantly  occupied  until  the  adjournment  withsp«'«'<hc»., 
songs,  etc. 

It  is  much  to  he  regretted  that  the  larj^e  collection  ol  r»'\icH  of 
other  days  could  not  be  presented  to  the  Association  to  he  preserved 
in  its  archives  for  the  benefit  of  future  {renerHtions.  'i'hcy  are  «»f 
little  use  as  they  are,  but  feathered  totrether  would  form  an  inU'r- 
esting  and  speaking  chapter  in  history  which  couhl  not  Ik-  hu|^- 
plemented  by  written  desciption.  The  donor  would  also  have  the 
satisfaction  of  contributing  an  article  to  the  museum  which  would 
carry  bis  name  in  connection  down  to  posterity.  We  hojH>  thew 
relics  may  be  gathered  up  from  all  over  the  county  an<l  si'ut  in 
properly  labeled  with  their  history  and  donor's  name,  to  the  Pn-n- 
ident  of  the  Association. 

The  meeting  was  called  to  order  at  2  o'clock  p.  m.,  and  after 
prayer  by  Ilev.  Mr.  Flood,  President  J.  M.  Glover  Rave  an  inU'r- 
esting  review  of  social  life  running  buck  to  lioncw  times,  explained 
the  social,  benevolent  and  historical  obj.'ctoflhesocriety,  an.t  urge<l 
on  all  old  people  the  importance  and  duty  of  joining  it,  torolUn-t 
and  preserve  the  tiistory  of  the  county.  ,  ,     ,.    , 

''A  Requiem  to  the  Departed  Pioneers,"  composed  by  1  rufv^.r 
Joshua  Antrim,  very  touching  and  impressive,  was  next  given  by 
Miss  Mollie  Bales  and  Prof.  Sharp. 


J^  §he  §Id  ^ome. 

BY   WM.   HUBHAK!). 

It  was  just  sucii  an  Autuann  morn  as  this — bow  many  years  ago? 

Let  me  see;  John  is  now  twelve  years  old,  and  was  then  but  two,  I  know — 

We  had  loaded  the  wagon  the  day  before,  a  wagon  staunch  and  new, 

And  away  we  hif^d  on  the  Autumn  morn  while  the  grass  was  wet  with  dew. 

The  yellow  dust  was  damp  and  still,  on  the  smooth  and  quiet  road, 
And  gaily  the  bay  and  sorrel  team  moved  on  with  our  household  load; 
The  leaves  were  tinted  with  yellow  and  gold,  and  colors  of  myriad  sheen. 
And  tbc  meadows  had  lost  in  the  early  frost  their  tinge  of  summer  green. 

I  mind  me  well  how  the  shocks  of  corn  stood  in  the  fields  by  the  way — 
How  the  yellow  pumpkins,  like  nuggets  of  gold,  in  the  open  furrows  lay. 
How  the  luscious  apples  hung  ripe  and  red  as  we  passed  the  orchards  by, 
Where  the  children  played  in  the  pleasant  shade,  all  under  the  misty  sky. 

We  were  moving  away  to  the  Illinoy,  where  land  could  be  cheaply  bought; 
The  homestead  farm  wasn't  large  enough  for  both  the  boys  we  thought— 
But,  if  it  were  to  do  again,  peradventure  we  would  stay, 
For  we  often  sighed  in  the  Illinoy  for  the  dear  home  far  away. 

The  land  was  cheap,  and  the  yield  was  great,  and  we  have  enough  to  divide 

Between  the  boys,  and  leave  the  girl  a  handsome  thing  beside; 

But,  one  or  another,  we  never  were  vvell  ;  that  is,  I  mean  to  say, 

Not  quite  so  well  as  we  used  to  be  in  the  home  whence  we  moved  away. 

We  lived  five  years  in  the  Illinoy  before  the  sickly  fall — 

Ahl  that  you  may  very  well  believe  was  a  trying  time  for  us  all! 

All,  all  were  down,  my  companion  died,  and  I  never  got  over  the  blow; 

Though  Jane  was  grown,  and  took  care  of  things  right  well,  as  all  ot  us  know. 

And  Ephraim  now  looks  after  the  farm;  of  boys  he  is  one  of  the  best; 
He  said  to  me:  "Father,  you're  growing  old— it  is  time  you  had  some  rest- 
So  take  little  John  and  go  back  once  more  to  look  at  the  dear  old  hooae — 
You  can  gtj  by  the  cars,  not  the  toibome  way  by  which  we  had  to  come." 

U>aAN  00UNTIB8.  m 

WTio  U  that  man  yonder?  He  looks  to  me  very  much  lik«  Ja«on  Black; 
Bai  Jaeoc,  I'm  sure,  walked  very  straight,  while  this  man  rrooks  in  the  back. 
And  Jaeon's  hair  wore  the  raven's  hue,  while  this  man's  hair  is  whilo— 
Ah,  me!  I  forget  what  time  may  do  in  ten  years  of  his  flijrhl. 

•'Qod  bless  you,  friend!  Come,  sit  you  down,  and  U^\  wlmt  I  w.nild  know 
Of  neighbors  well  remembered  still,  whom  T  knew  long  ago; 
I'm  back  to  the  dear  old  stamping  ground,  and  brought  litllo  .John,  niy  boy, 
Tjeaving  Ephraim  and  Jane  to  care  tor  things  at  our  hoini!  in  lliinoy." 

And  Jason  said,  and  sighing  said:  "Old  friend,  'tis  sad  to  tell 

Of  the  folks  who  were  here  ten  years  ago,  and  whom  you  knew  ^o  well 

But  few  are  left,  for  scores  are  dead,  and  many  have  moved  away, 

And  the  few  you  meet  you  will  hardly  know,  so  changed  are  they  tu-<lay 

"You  mind  the  man  who  bought  your  olace — a  stout  young  fellow  whs  h«. 
But  he  died  of  a  fever  the  second  year,  leaving  wife  and  children  three. 
And  they  managed  bad,  and  the  Sheriff  sold  the  homestead  out  lor  debt, 
And  where  they  v/ent  'tis  so  long  ago  if  ever  I  know  I  lorgci. 

"Your  neighbor  Gates,  across  the  creek,  tor  a  long  time  he  lay  low. 
And  died  at  last— let's  see— I  think  it  is  just  six  years  ago; 
And  Jonah  Gates,  his  oldest  son,  I  s'pose  3'ou  have  lieer'n  tell. 
Gave  up  to  drink  and  playing  cards,  and  isn't  doing  well. 

"I  can  not  name  them  all,  of  course,  but  a  score  of  our  young  n>en 
Were  lured  away  to  fields  of  blood,  and  never  came  back  again; 
Some  gavelup  their  lives  at  Gettysburg,  some  fell  on  the  march  to  the  ««, 
And  widows  and  orphan  children  left  are  sorry  sights  to  see. 

"You  well  remember  Willie  Grey,  so  handsome,  kind  and  true. 
For  his  dead  father,  your  best  friend,  had  named  his  boy  for  you— 
They  stole  him  away  as  a  paymaster's  clerk,  poor  boy,  and  now  h.»  «l«op«. 
Where  Mississippi's  turbid  tide  in  restless  surges  sweeps.'' 
"Enough— enough-more  than  enough:  I  very  plainly  aw 
The  old  home  has  no  comfort  left  that  it  can  offer  me. 
80  I'll  pack  my  things;  and  to-morrow  morn,  with  little  John   my  bo,. 
I'U  ?o  back  again  to  Bphraim  and  Jane,  and  our  home  m  the  llbnor 


0h,  §ive  ghmt  gsik 


Oh,  give  me  back  my  cabin  home 

Within  the  forest  wild, 
And  give  me,  too.  those  hopeful  years, 

I  knew  when  but  a  child. 
Oh,  let  mc  see  the  birds  again, 

With  plumuge  bright  and  gay. 
And  bear  their  notes  as  when  I  trod 

rhe  tangled,  winding  way. 

Oh,  give  me  hack  my  parents  dear. 

As  in  their  glorious  prime; 
Oh  let  me  sec  them  once  again 

As  in  the  oiden  time. 
My  brothcs  and  my  siste.  s,  too. 

Let  them  return  once  more, 
A  joyful  group  as  when  they  stood 

Within  the  cottage  door. 

Oh,  give  me  back  my  schoolmates,  now 

In  mem'ry  cherished  dear. 
Oh,  let  me  join  with  them  again 

To  hail  the  dawning  year. 
Or  let  me  see  them  in  the  class. 

Within  the  school  room  stand, 
As  they  were  wont  with  teacher  ther«? 

To  head  the  youthful  band. 

Oh,  let  me  see  that  maiden  fair, 

With  rofe  bloom  on  her  cheek, 
1  met  along  the  woodland  path, 

My  heart  too  faint  to  speak. 
Or  give  to  me  tho.'je  riper  years 

When  she  stood  by  my  side, 
In  snowy  robe  of  spotless  white, 

A  youthful,  loving  bride 


Oil,  give  me  back  those  loved  ones  now. 

Whom  we  were  wont  to  see. 
But  years  ago  we  laid  them  down 

Beneath  the  ehiiich-yHrd  tree. 
In  fancy's  visions  oft  we  view 

Them  as  in  days  of  yore; 
Oh,  s;ive  them  back,  that  we  may  look 

ITpon  their  forms  once  more. 

Oh,giTe  me  back  my  youthful  form, 

With  healthful,  ruddy  glow, 
Those  active  limbs— then  let  me  stand 

With  I  used  to  know. 
Oh,  give  t)o  me  my  youth  agiiin, 

If  'tis  but  for  a  night, 
Ere  earth's  dear  treasure*  one  by  one 

All  vanish  from  my  sight. 

If  what  I've  asked  ma3'  not  be  given. 

Then  let  me  ask  once  more. 
That  I  may  reach  that  land  of  light, 

Beyond  this  changing  shore. 
Where  bloom  and  beauty  never  fade. 

But  shine  with  luster  bright. 
And  day's  eternal  radiance 

Dispels  the  gloom  of  night. 

Harfsr.  O.,  Ftbruarj  0.  loT'i 



Mr.  Joshua  Antrim  : — I  am  seated  to  write  down  a  few  items 
for  the  Pioneer  Association  of  Logan  county,  and  will  begin  at 


This  is  a  small  body  of  water  of  near  a  hundred  acres  surface, 
connected  with  a  swamp  extending  north  on  each  side  of  Rush- 
creek  for  near  three  miles,  and  south  to  near  the  Jerusalem  Pike, 
where  it  crosses  Mad  River — making  an  aggregate  length  of  about 
six  or  seven  miles,  with  an  average  width  of  nearly  three  quar- 
ters of  a  mile.  This  whole  area  has  evidently  once  been  a  lake 
connecting  the  waters  of  Mad  River  and  Rushcreek,  the  former 
running  South,  and  the  latter  North. 

The  stream  of  Rushcreek  passes  through  tl\is  lake,  which  em- 
braces a  part  of  each  of  the  townships  of  Rvi-luTHek  and  Jefferson, 
and  is  in  the  track  of  the  great  tornado  which  passed  over  it  about 
the  year  1825  or  1826,  and  constituted  what  is  familiarly  known  as 
"  The  fallen  timber."  This  lake  abounds  in  fish,  and  has  ever  been 
the  favorite  resort  for  all  lovers  of  the  finny  tribes,  within  reason- 
able distance  of  its  miry  borders.  It  is  much  smaller  now  than 
when  first  viewed  by  the  early  pioneers  of  our  county,  and  scarce 
one  hundredth  part  as  large  as  it  originally  was.  The  swamp 
connected  with  it  is  much  more  firm  now  than  forty  years  ago.— 
The  tallest  corn  is  now  grown  in  some  places  where  cattle  would 
not  then  dare  venture.    The  incidents  connected  with  this  lake  I 


cannot  record  with  any  j^reat  deo-ree  of  acruracv.  It  «.i.  >ai.l  th,- 
ffreat  tornado  liTted  fhe  winter  to  such  an  oxt.M.t,  that  hunMr.«|, 
and  thousands  of  fish  could  he  found  u).on  its  sh(,res.  Tl..-n-  ua- 
also  a  tradition  that  two  Indians,  in  an  attempt  to  wa<lc  int..  it 
from  the  shore,  instantly  sunk  into  the  mire,  and  their. Led jes  wen- 
never  recovered.  I  jiive  this  not  as  a  fact,  but  as  a  tradition,  cur- 
rently talked  of  and  generally  credited  forty  years  aj^o.  yet  I  liever 
met  a  person  who  could  verify  the  story.  \  "can,  however,  ittt-it, 
that  all  around  the  margin  of  the  lake,  as  also  in  the  h<-d  nf  UuhH- 
creek,  so  far  as  the  swamp  extends,  a  person  attHrnplin-r  t..  wade 
would  sink  beneath  the  mire  as  quick  a,s  in  the  wat<'r  If  the  In- 
dians pursued  a  deer  into  the  water,  (as  was  ^^id,  i  tlx-y  .-uuM  not 
have  escaped  being  buried  in  the  mire. 

In  the  period  of  forty  years  since  I  havr  known  liij.s  lak«-,  there 
has  been  but  f<iur  persons  drowned  in  it ;  the  first  happened  several 
yearsago.  A  manby  thenameofEdsall,  whowassubject  toHt>,  was 
fishing  :tIone  in  a  canoe,  and  in  a  spasm  as  was  supposed,  had  fallen 
out  and  drowned.  He  resided  near  Zanesfield,  and  the  past  sum- 
mer, his  son  about  eight(>en  years  of  age  was  drowned  in  attempt- 
ing to  bathe  in  its  waters. 

About  ten  years  ago  two  men,  Thos.  Carson  and  Martin  lion^- 
staff,  were  both  fishing  in  a  small  canoe  and  were  upset  in  tin* 
water  and  drowned.  In  early  times  the  pioneer  uirl.s  and  boys 
would  resort  there  in  companies,  and  amid  the  sublime  scenery  of 
that  secluded  spot,  whisper  their  artless  tales  of  love,  in  th«'  deep 
shades  of  the  lofty  forest  trees  that  stood  on  thv  beautiful  knoll 
that  ov^erlooks  its  placid  waters,  and  although  it  hus  >incH  lK>en 
divested  ot  much  of  its  romantic  grandeur,  as  swn  in  the  ilens«* 
foreft  and  heard  in  the  songs  of  birds,  it  is  still  one  of  the  chlof 
features  of  interest  in  our  locality,  especially  to  stranger*  who 
visit  here. 

Extending  west  along  the  stream  of  llushcreek  aho\i>  this  Ink**,  i* 
a  small  valley  surrounded  by  hills,  known  as 


The  first  settlers  of  this   hollow  occupied  much  of  tli«'ir  tu...    ... 

fishing,  and  manifested  so  little  energy  in  the  improvement  of  tho 
country,  that  the  above  name  seemed  appropriate,  an«l  hentv  It- 
christening,  perhaps,  for  all  time;  and  lest  thi-^  namr  should 
make  an  unfavorable  impression    on  the   mind-i  of  fntiin- w" •"••n«- 


tions  respecting  the  first  settlers  of  this  hollow,  I  will  say  that  Mr. 
James  B.  McLaughlin,  nowai^rorainent  lawyer  in  Bellefontaine,  is 
perhaps  responsible  for  the  name,  and  as  he  was  a  resident  of  the 
hollow  himself  at  the  time,  can  not  reasonably  claim  exemption 
from  the  unfavorable  impressions  suggested  by  the  title.  There 
are  also  evidences  of  moral  and  irttellectual  improvement  in  the 
immediate  vicinity  of  this  hollow,  which  may  be  noted  as  among 
the  first,  north  of  Zanesfteld.  I  will  here  give  the  names  of  some 
of  the  first  settlers  in  this  vicinity :  Daniel  McCoy,  was  evidently 
the  fii'st  settler  here,  and  built  a  cabin  on  a  farm  now  owned  by 
Mr.  Jamison,  in  the  northern  part  of  Jefferson  Township,  a  short 
distance  from  the  Lazy  Hollow  School-house.  This  McCoy  was 
hei*e  as  early  perhaps  as  1810,  of  whom  we  will  speak  more  par- 
ticularly hereafter.  Shortly  after,  Stephen  Leas  and  Haines 
Parker  settled  in  this  same  school  district,  perhaps  as  early  as  1812, 
the  former  about  three  and  a  half  miles  north  of  Zanesfield,  on 
(  the  west  of  Madriver,  and  the  latter  on  the  north  of  him,  on  the 
farm  known  as  the  Elliot  farm,  but  now  owned  by  Benjamin 

Haines  Parker  was  what  was  called  a  regular  Baptist  preacher, 
and  in  connection  with  the  venerable  George  McColloch,  Tharp's 
Run,  below  Zanesfield,  established  the  first  church  on  the  waters 
of  Rushcreek.  The  first-meeting  house  was  erected  about  half  a 
mile  east  of  the  Lazy  Hollow  School-house,  on  the  road  leading 
Irom  Harper  to  Zanesfield,  near  where  the  Bellefontaine  and  Wal- 
nut Grove  road  crosses  the  Zanesfield  and  Harper  road.  It  waft 
R  log  house,  which  stood  for  many  years,  but  has  since  almost  en- 
tirely disappeared.  The  names  of  some  of  the  prominent  mem- 
bers constituting  that  church  were  Haines  Parker  and  his  wife, 
Johnson  Patrick,  Samuel  Patrick,  Elijah  Hrfll,  Old  Father  Piatt, 
and  some  others,  male  and  female  members,  whose  names  I  do 
not  now  recollect. 

In  1882  the  second  meeting-house  was  built  a  mile  and  a  half 
further  north,  and  was  called  the  Rushcreek  Baptist  Church,  after 
which  the  former  house  was  vacated,  and  the  latter  became  the 
regular  place  of  meeting  by  the  church.  Connected  with  this 
second  house,  the  first  public  grave-yard  was  established .  It  was 
donated  by  Solomon  Cover,  who  then  resided  on  the  farm  now 
owned  by  Lucien  D.  Musselman,  and  the  first  person  buried  there 
was  Samuel  Patrick,  in  October,   1831.    This  meeting-house  was 


evidently  the  first  house  of  worship  erected  iti  Hushcreek  Town- 
«hip;  the  former  house  was  built  in  Jefferson.  North  of  Ijt/y 
Hollow,  onahighhillin  the  south  edge  of  Rushcreek  T..u-liip, 
the  first  school  house  was  built  in  Rushcreek  T(.wii-lii|> ;  it  wu"  on 
the  Zanesfield  and  Harper  road,  on  a  i)iece  ot  htnd  now  owikhJ  by 
Oliver  Raymond;  I  can  not  give  the  date  of  its  building,  but  It 
must  have  been  prior  to  1820. 

I  find  I  was  mistaken  concerning  the  first  meeting-houw»  built 
in  Rushcreek  Township,  as  stated  in  the  above.  The  tint 
meeting-house  in  Rushcreek  townshii)  was  built  by  the  (^iiik«'n«. 
It  stood  in  a  field  now  owned  by  John  Q.  Williams,  near  tin*  Sun- 
dusky  road,  four  and  half  miles  northeast  of  Bellefontaiin';  th»T* 
is  a  grave-yard  at  the  site  of  this  meeting-house,  >^iiich  was  biid 
•ut  by  old  Thomas  Stantield,  Sr.,  who  was  evidently  the  Hrvt 
white  settler  in  Rushcreek  Township.  His  first  rabin  -tcKKj  on 
the  north  side  of  the  old  Stanfield  farm,  which  is  now  lA-cupit-tl 
by  Mr.  Samuel  Hall.  It  was  built  of  very  snjail  logs,  or  rutlier 
poles,  indicating  the  scarcity  of  hands  at  that  periinl.  Thonian 
Stanfield  planted  the  first  orchard  near  his  cabin;  many  oi  the 
trees  can  be  seen  at  present,  (1871.)  He  was  socially  ami  reli-,'iMUi»- 
ly  connected  with  the  first  settlers  in  Harmon's  bottt)Mi,  ami  hi« 
grandson,  Samuel  Stanfield,  told  me  that  he  came  hen- in  the 
year  1805,  He  was  here  during  the  war  1812,  and  cuntinui'*!  »»n 
the  old  Stanfield  farm  up  to  the  year  1823,  when  he  died  and  whb 
buried  in  the  grave-yard  which  he  had  located.  His  wife,  Iliin- 
nah.  died  in  1830,  and  was  buried  by  his  side.  He  wa**  suci^ntlwl 
by  bis  son,  Thomas  Stanfield,  Jr.,  who  died  in  1S18. 

There  is  an  incident  connected  with  the  history  ol  thi- |.i'.n«-«'r 
family  which  is  worthy  of  record.  Stantield  wits  a  (^dik.'r.  mid, 
like  the  celebrated  William  Penn,  succeected  in  s.rurinn  th« 
friendship  of  the  Indians  to  such  an  extent  tiiat  he  felt  ctnjpani- 
tively  safe  to  remain  among  them  during  the  war  of  1SI2.  They 
often  visited  his  cabin,  ^hared  his  hospitality,  and  in«nlf.-«liil 
marked  friendship  for  him  and  his  family.  Hut  it  se<•m^  fr..m 
some  cause,  they  had  become  angry  with  StanJidd.  juul  deter- 
mined on  a  certain  night  to  niassacre  the  whole  family.  They  hc- 
cordinglv  concealed  themselves  in  the  bushes  which  siirmunded 
the  cabin  about  dusk  in  the  evening,  and  lay  tlicrenwHltlnjj  (h« 
darkness  of  the  night,  that  they  might  carry  out  their  ttendish 


It  seems  however,  that  Mr.  Daniel  McCoy,  who  is  mentioned 
in  a  former  article,  had  learned  of  their  hellish  design,  and  deter- 
mined to  try  to  rescue  the  family  at  ail  hazards.  He  aecording^ly 
communicated  with  the  garrison  at  McPherson's  near  where  our 
county  Infirmary  is  now  located,  and  proposed  an  expedition  to 
save  the  Stanfields.  The  gcarrison  was  weak  at  the  time,  and  could 
not  be  induced  to  enter  on  such  a  perilous  adventure,  when 
McCoy  declared  he  v^'^ould  undertake  the  rescue  alone,  against  the 
remonstrances  of  his  friends.  After  irabibinj?  freeley  in  a  social 
glass,  he  mounted  a  gray  horse  and  started  through  the  forest  at 
dusk  in  the  evening,  and  proceeded  aloi.e  to  Stanfieid's,  a  distance 
of  near  seven  miles.  When  he  arrived  within  ■<>  quarter  of  a  mile 
of  the  cabin,  he  raised  tlie  yell,  saying,  "Come  on,  here  they 
are!"  then  douiling  on  his  track  rode  back  and  forth  a  sliort  dis- 
tance several  times,  hallooing  all  the  time  for  his  men  to  ''come 
on,"  as  though  he  was  accompanied  by  a  legion  of  cavalry.  Then 
putting  his  horse  under  full  speed,  galloped  up  to  the  cabin,  in- 
forming Stanfieid's  of  their  imminent  danger.  The  horses  were 
immediately  brought  up,  and  the  whole  family,  accompanied  by 
McCoy,  proceeded  to  Zaneslield,  a  distance  of  seven  miles,  where 
they  remained  a  couple  of  weeks.  On  their  return  to  the  cabin, 
they  found  it  had  not  been  disturbed  during  their  absence.  They 
were  told  by  the  Indians  after  peace  was  concluded,  that  McCoy 
had  saved  their  lives  in  the  daring  manner  of  his  approach,  in- 
timidating them  with  the  impression  that  he  was  supported  by  a 
strong  force,  as  no  "one  man,"  as  they  said,  would  manifest  such 
daring  boldness. 

I  have  been  favored   with   the  family  record   of  Thomas  Stan- 
field,  Jr.,  and  from  it  transcribe  thefollowing: 

"Thomas  Stanfleld  Vv'as  married  to  Margaret  Keames,  on  the 
30th  of  the  sixth  m#nth,  1814,  and  lived  with  my  father  two  years, 
five  months  and  twenty  days,  then  moved  to  my  own  house." 
This  will  date  the  occupancy  of  the  old  house  on  the  Stanfleld 
farm,  on  the  site  where  Mr.  Hall  now  lives,  about  November  20, 
1816,  which  is  about  fifty  years  ago.  Adding  eleven  years  to  this, 
in  order  to  reach  the  year  1805,  the  date  of  building  the  first  cabin, 
we  have  about  sixty-six  years  from  the  beginning  of  the  first  set- 
tlement in  Rushcreek  Township.  And  although  sixty-six  years' 
have  passed  since  that  pioneer  family  settled  here,  there  are  still 
traces  of  their  early  labor.    The  old  orchard  trees,  one  pile  of  rub- 


bish  designating  the  site  of  the  cabin;  the  phu-v  svlier*- 
the  old  meeting-house  stood,  the  ohl  grave-yard,  and  many 
other  things  that  serve  to  carry  the  mind  bacii  to  those  priinitivf 
times.  In  the  family  record  already  alluded  to,  I  find  the  follosv- 
ing  in  the  hand-writing  of  Thomas  Stanfield,  Jr. 

'"fhomas  Starfield,  Jr.,  departed  this  life  .'>th  inonih,  iln- llih, 
1824,  aged  7ti  years,  o  months  and  VI  days.  Haruiali  .Stantit*ld, 
his  wife,  departed  this  life '.Hh  month,  the  28th,  ls:Jt»,  age  imt  c^t- 
tainly  known,  but  something  rising  eighty  year.^." 

The  bodies  of  this  pioneer  father  and  motiif^r,  n(»\v  slt^«-p  -^idc  by 
s»ide  in  the  little  grave-yard  ah'eady  noted ;  with  them  also  sleep 
many  loved  ones,  descendants  of  the  family,  as  also  some  of  tht* 
associates  of  their  early  toils.  Their  graves  are  marked  by  hum- 
ble and  unpretending  monuments,  reared  by  the  hand  of  affection, 
ere  pride  and  ostentation  had  corrupted  society.  ( )n  a  grave-stone 
of  a  pious  grand-daughter  who  lies  l)uried  there,  the  following  in- 
scription may  be  read  :  "Though  I  walk  through  the  valley  of  tlie 
ihadow  of  death,  I  will  fear  no  evil;  for  Thou  art  with  me,  Thy 
rod  and  Thy  staff,  they  comfort  me."— Ps.  xxiii:4. 

Passing  through  that  grave-yard  the  other  day,  ami  ivy'iua  to 
read  the  inscriptions  on  the  moss-covered  stones,  my  mind  wiin- 
dered  back  to  youthful  days,  when  I  stood  with  many  who  rojKw*- 
beneath  these  humble  monuments,  and  IcouUl  but  say,  "they  still 
linger  in  memory,"  calhng  up  many  pleasant  sceni-s  long  num- 
bered in  the  past,  and  to  their  memory  I  inscribe  the  following 
verses  : 

In  tlie  told.s  of  mem  ry  liiitri-r 

Youthful  scenes  now  cherisiieil  dear 
When  wo  wandered  in  the  wildwo«Kl, 
Witli  the  forms  that  .■slumber  hor«. 
Oft  we  met  in  social  idcasure. 
Youths  and  maidens  full  <>• 
Neatly  clad  in  homespun  Kurni.' 
Free  fiom  pride  and  vanity. 

And  wlicn  .sickness  sad  and  d!.«ry 

Came  within  our  forest  home. 
And  their  services  were  n.-eded, 

Ever  faithful  they  would  coine. 
Wfttchinir  through  niprhls  w.ikry  Imurv 

In  th>'  taper' •>  f.'.-hh-  ray. 


from  the  sable  shades  of  evening 
Till  the  dawning  of  the  day, 

Where  are  now  those  forms  of  beautv, 

Seen  bj^  us  in  days  of  j'ore?  . 

Gone,  all  gone,  we  know  not  whither. 

From  this  ever-changing  shore. 
Yet  in  mem'ry  still  they  linger; 

Hope  doth  whisper,  "Yet  again 
"We  shall  meet  them— yes  we'll  greet  them 

On  the  bright  eternal  plain.' 

Aiavou  Reeras  built  the  first  cabin  and  made  the  first  raiU  oh  th« 
Sutherland  farm,  as  early  perhaps  as  1814.  The  Dickey  farm  on  the 
Sandusky  road,  was  first  settled  by  Thomas  McAdams.  The  farm 
of  Mr.  Tadman,  by  Billy  Stanfield  ;  the  Williams  farm  by  the 
Baldwins.  (Daniel  and  Richard.)  North  of  Greenville  treaty  line, 
on  the  west  of  Rushcreekand  South  of  the  Sandusky  road,  about  the 
year  1825,  we  find  Jonathan  Sutton  who  came  from  Kentucky 
and  settled  on  what  is  known  as  the  old  Sutton  farm.  He  built  a 
sawmill  on  Rushcreek  in  1833  or  1834,  just  above  Sutton's.  On  the 
creek  we  find  two  old  Pennsylvania  Dutch  farmers,  Solomon  Cover 
and  Michael  Musselman.  They  were  brothers-in-law,  and  spent 
their  days  here.  Lucien  D.  Musselmen  now  owns  the  Cover  farm 
and  also  part  of  the  Musselman  farm.  Old  aunt  Cover,  widow  of 
Solomon  Cover,  is  still  alive  ;  she  if^  over  ninety  years  "Id,  and  for 
several  years  her  mind  has  been  demented. 

Later  than  1830,  we  note  the  arrival  (jf  other  settlers  on  the  west 
of  Rushcreek.  On  the  farm  of  Mr.  James  Ansley,  about  the  year 
1832,  we  find  James  McMahill  building  a  cabin.  He  came  from 
Kentucky,  with  his  amiable  little  wife  Annie.  He  moved  into  his 
cabin.  Hi?  old  flint  lock  rifle  was  placed  above  the  door  on  the 
rack.  One  Sabbath  morning  the  fire  was  out.  He  took  down  the 
rifle  t">  "strike"  fire.  It  was  loaded.  He  was  a  Baptist,  and  would 
not  rlischarge  his  rifle  on  the  Sabbath;  he  plugged  up  the  touch  hole, 
filled  the  pan  with  powder,  the  tow  and  "punk"  ready,  the  gun 
across  his  lap,  the  muzzle  pointing  iu  the  direction  where 
little  Annie  was  sitting  iu  a  split  bottom  chair,  putting  on 
her  shoes  ;  he  pulls  the  trigger — "bang"  goes  the  rifle,  the  ball 
entering  the  high  post  of  the  chair  on  which  his  wife  was  sitting, 
loug'iug' ill  just  bc-iOVv  tl'iG  clitiii"  Luttoin.    Little  Annie  has  long* 


Mnce  taken  her  place  amid  the  "Angel  band."    Her  l.u>».  ir>.l 
James   MeMahUl,    is    now    in    Cabletown,  Ommpnitrn    curitv! 
and  doubtless  has  not  forgotten  the  inoi.ient.    The  (,ld  uk^ 
seen  by  the  writer  many  years  afterward  with  tho  rith-  hull  -till  in 
it,  and  may  be  still  preserved  as  an  antiiiuy  relic  l)y  Mr.  M.-.\(ahill. 

Thomas  Stanfield,  Sr.,  noted  above,  immigrated  from  Tennmie*. 
He  had  ten  children— nine  daughters  aud  one  son  (Thomas  Ktiin- 
field,  Jr.).  Old  Wm.  Reams,  father  of  Mr.  John  Reams,  in  Lhjsj 
Hollow,  immigrated  from  North  Carolina,  and  settled  in  or  nmr 
Marmon's  Bottom,  near  the  beginning  of  the  prcs.'iit  century,  hut 
moved  to  Lazy  Hollow  on  the  farm  now  owned  by  liis  s(»n,  J(.hn 
Reams,  about  the  year  1816.  This  Wm.  Reams  also  had  ten  chil- 
dren—nine sons  and  one  daughter  (Margaret).  The  latter  wtM 
married  to  Thomas  Stanfield,  Jr.,  May  aoth,  1814.  This  cou|tI»-  oo- 
cupied  the  old  Stanfield  farm,  Rushcreek  township,  wiierc  ihey 
also  raised  ten  children — six  sons  and  four  daughters;  one  <»f  the 
latter  died  at  the  age  of  twelve  years. 

Abner  Cox,  who  died  in  Lazy  Hollow — first  settled  hdow  Z:ine«- 
field — took  a  seven  years'  lease  on  the  land  of  old  Jarvis  Dougiier- 
ty,  on  Tharp's  Run,  but  subsequently  moved  to  Lazy  Hollow,  and 
settled  on  the  east  of  the  Reams  farm  as  early,  perhaps,  as  the  year 
1814.  This  Abner  Cox  died  here,  and  was  buried  on  a  liili  a  little 
north  of  where  his  cabin  stood.  His  widow  married  a  man  liy  tli« 
name  ofStilwell,  who  also  died  prior  to  ls;j|.  The  widow  Siil- 
well's  was  a  noted  place  forty  years  ago.  Singing-sclioois,  reli- 
gious meetings,  and  youthful  parties  were  frequently  held  at  her 
kouse.  She  had  four  sons  by  her  first  husband  (Cox):  .\l<ner, 
John,  Ike  and  Sam,  all  stout,  hearty  f.-llows.  rather  slack  in  buHJ- 
Bess,  but  what  was  termed  good-hearted  fellows,  fond  of  comiMiny, 
and  ever  ready  to  entertain  visitors.  The  old  lady  was  rath.-r  a 
good  worker,  and  equally  fond  of  company  as  her  sons;  hentf  her 
house  was  ratlier  a  favorite  place  of  resort  for  the  lovers  of  Hoclal 
pleasure  in  that  day.  She  also  had  four  children  by  Stilwelj, 
amono-them  a  deaf  and  dumb  boy,  called  "Hilly."  whos..  |Mrnliiu- 
icrns  and  motions  in  communieatint;  w.-n-  novl  to 
those  familiar  with  him.  Her  oldest  daughter,  "I'atty  .stiluvll. 
was  rather  a  fine  model  of  a  healthful,  and  lively  piotuH-r  younR 
lady,  reared  up  in  the  forest,  where  schools  and<.l-hou.*«, 
like  angel's  visits,  were  "few  and  far  between."  ^^'^' ^'^J^^ 
ful  aud  kind-hearted,  frank  aud  artk^s  iu  her  munner..  aboxe  me- 


dium  size,  mther  graceful  ancJ  oasy  in  her  movements.  Not  what 
the  world  would  call  a  beauty  ;  yet  good-looking  enough  to  attract 
a  fair  share  of  attention  from  the  ,beaux,  without  incurring  the 
epvy  of  her  sex.  She  wa«^  "Patty,"  and  nobody  else;  uniformly 
the  same  every  day.  She  was  the  first  youthful  bride  Lazy  Hol- 
l<i>w  produced  ;  I  mean  the  rtrst  one  born,  reared  and  married 
there,  and  her  wedding  may  be  noted  as  aujong  the  important 
events  of  that  period.  It  was  about  the  year  1833, »  beautiful  day 
in  summer,  or  early  autumn  ;  the  assembly  was  large  and  promis- 
cous ;  old,  young,  middle-aged,  married  and  single,  male  and 
female,  were  present,  many  who  had  never  seen  a  wedding  before. 
The  bridegroom  was  a  Mr.  Wm.  Dunston,  brother  to  .Tames  Duns- 
ton,  rather  a  portly,  good-looking  young  man.  The  bride's  waiter 
was  a  Miss  Patty  Parker,  daughter  of  Rev.  Haines  Parker,  Mr. 
Joseph  Dunston  was  waiter  to  the  bridegroom.  The  officiating 
magistrate  v/as  'Squire  Wm.  McAmis.  It  was  his  first  experience 
in  legalizing  the  "ancient  covenant,"  and  his  nerves  gave  evi- 
dence of  the  weighty  responsibility  laid  upon  him.  During  the 
ceremony,  a  death-like  silence  pervaded  the  spectators,  until  the 
concluding  sentence,  "I  pronounce  you  man  and  wife,"  was  heard, 
when  Mr.  John  Reams,  called  out  at  the  top  of  his  voice  :  '■'■Now 
Where's  my  doUarf  (the  legal  fee  of  the  magistrate  at  that  period.) 
This  was  responded  to  by  a  hearty  laugh  from  the  whole  assem- 
bly, after  which  the  congratulations  of  the  guests  were  tendered 
to  the  bride  and  bridegroom.  Many,  doubtless,  who  will  read 
this  article,  will  remember  the  time  when  Patty  was  married. 
She  shortly  afterward  left  the  scenes  of  her  youthful  years,  and 
with  her  husband  moved  to  Michigan,  where  after  a  few  years  she 
was  called  to  follow  to  the  grave,  him  who  had  won  her  youthful 

The  names  of  the  first  settlers  in  this  section  who  have  not  been 
noted,  are  as  follov/s  :  John  Moore,  settled  immediately  west  of 
Wm.  Reams,  in  1818;  Old  VAWy  Tinnis,  settled  on  the  Whitehill 
farm,  1816;  Old  Thomas  Dunston,  settled  on  the  farm  where  his 
grandson,  Mr.  James  Dunston  now  lives,  perhaps  as  early  as  1817. 
Thomas  Dunston  was  a  Revolutionary  soldier.  .John  Reed  first 
settled  on  what  is  now  the  IMcLaughlin  farm,  about  1815;  he  was 
succeeded  by  Samuel  Ayers;  Old  Johnson  Patrick  settled  on  what 
was  once  known  as  the  Patrick-  farm,  now  owned  by  Joseph 
Kitchen.    Stephen  Marsnon  was  the  first  settler  on  the  Kitchen  farm 


imaiediately  west  of  the  lake,  in  1815.  The  "Tinn  Hiillar"  lariii 
now  owned  by  Dick  Kitchen,  was  tirnt  settled  by  M«»(*e<  K«'HinK 
and  David  Norton,  in  ISlo.  The  first  ministers  of  the  t;«Hi>Hl  who 
preached  in  this  section  are  as  follows,  so  far  as  known  to  the-  wri- 
ter :  Haines  Parker,  George  McColloch,  Mr.  Vauu'lin.  and  Tninniy 
Price.  These  were  of  the  Baptist  order,  and  jm-ached  in  tlie  old 
meetint;  house  north  of  the  Parker  farm,  a-  heretofore  no- 
ted. I  will  here  transcribe  a  text  read  by  Tommy  Price  a-*  r 
foundation  for  a  discourse  in  <-his  old  meetintr-house  :  "And  I  ■««• 
as  it  were  a  sea  of  "flass  mingled  with  tire,  and  tht'm  that  h<ul  sfot- 
ten  the  victory  over  the  beasl,  and  over  his  ima^je,  and  ..vtr  hiJ« 
mark,  and  over  the  number  of  his  name,  -»tand  on  the  sea  of  t:la*», 
having  the  harps  of  God."  Rev.  xv:2.  Of  the  nietho.llst  prmoh- 
ers,  Robert  (  asebolt  and  Thomas  Sims,  both  pn-ached  at  old 
widow  Stilwell's  frequently.  Perhaps  there  aiv  .th^i--  ^k"^  "- 
membered  now  by  the  writer. 

In  the  vicinity  of  the  old  Baptist  Church  and  irrav.-yanl  nu 
the  west  of  Rushcreek,  Thoma.s  Sntherland  setth'^l  on  th«-  «.U1 
Sutherland  farm  as  early  as  1816.  U\^  wife,  Phebe,  was  a  dauifh- 
ter  of  old  Thomas  Stanfield,  Sr.,  remarkable  for  h^-r  industry  «ml 
perserverance.  She  was  what  was  called  a  mi.lwif*',  and  m  thn  pri>- 
fession  had  a  wide  practice.  She  was  faithful  in  h^r  min.^tr.tb.n. 
to  the  sick,  and  if  a  death  occurred  in  the  "'^'f  ;'"•';"";';  ;;^;; 
could  <^enerallv  refer  to  some  sign  or  token  by  shr  had  b^n 
previously  warned  of  the  sad  event.  She  earne.l  mM,-  .l„n.P.  ».n 
diffo-iuo- "seng"  after  her  location  on  Rushcreek. 

About  the  time  of  the  arrival  of  James  McMahill,  a<  not.u  .u«.s. 
Mr.  Joseph  T.  Ansle>^  also  from  Kenlucky  -"t^'-« /••'  Z^' 
Ansley  farn..  Dr.  Tom  Green  madethefir'^t  nnprnvnuc  M..,„  h  • 
farm  He  was  also  the  first  local  physiciati  in  Ru«hcn...k  town-M^ 
aITi  i.  tim.^  (183'>)  Rushsylvania  was  not  laid  out,  nor  wh-  tb.reji 
At  this  tinp.   ( i»-^  j^^"       •'  ,  (.,  ,vho  «ftt1e<l  on  th^ 

single  building  on  the  site.  Mi.  James  i  aj...  r 
farm  now  owned  by  Mr.  Qua,  first  .onceive<l  the  idu.  f  a  o«„ 
the  e  He  .as  an  old  Virginian-a  man  of  con^.d^nd.!.-  in  HH- 
lence  ami  enterprise,  and  laid  out  the  town  about  th- re.  m^^ 
fr  nu.k  n.'ried  "Cla-gTown."  in  honor  to  :t-  pro,.ri»-for.  but 
It  was  nick-nanieti     v  hl^,«  •  „...,i  t,v  thp  tilb' I  am  not  ad- 

whether  he  felt  particularly  -;'"!''''';''";:    ',^^:',,'  ,ru,r  ^tnn- 
Vised.    Thompson  Hews  erected   a  t''-'         '^;  ^^  ^  ,,/^^„ 
now  stands;  James  Elamke^t  a  ^^^       "^  .^    J,.,,  ,  tav 
where  the  post  office  is  now  kept :  Robrrt  St.  ph  n  I 


ern  and  smith  shop  on  the  corner  of  Ansley  &  Day;  Jacob  Nibar- 
ger  kept  a  tavern  where  Heller's  new  house  stands;  he  also  sold 
goods.  Ben  Green  had  the  potter  shop ;  Wm.  Gipson  preceded  8. 
B.  Stilwell  in  the  wagon  shop.  Rushsylvania  was  the  seat  of  elec- 
tions, petty  mustere,  and  was  the  center  of  commerce  in  Rushcreek 

For  soveral  years  whisky  appeared  to  be  a  leading  commodity  in 
trade.  The  presence  of  the  bottle  on  the  table  of  tlu^  Judges  of 
election  on  election  day,  was  not  very  rare ;  neither  was  it  a  very 
rare  occurrence  to  see  a  dozen  men  divested  of  their  coats,  appa- 
rently anxious  to  fight  on  a  public  day.  And  while  there  are  many 
citizens  in  the  town  who  deplore  the  evils  that  exist  now  let  them 
console  themselves  with  the  thought  that  the  town  has  made  great 
improvement  in  morals,  literature  and  religion. 

The  Big  Spring,  three  miles  north  of  Rushsylvania,  was  a  noted 
place  long  before  Rushsylvania  was  thought  of.  One  Lanson 
Curtis,  who  used  to  be  a  prominent  business  man  in  5^nesfield,  made 
the  first  improvement  at  the  Spring.  It  is  said  that  Curtis  started 
in  busines  on  a  cargo  of  tinware  which  he  borrowed  from  an  East- 
ern capitalist,  in  rather  a  novel  manner  :  He  was  employed  in  the 
East  to  peddle  the  ware,  and  in  one  of  his  circuits  he  became  be- 
wildered, and  after  traveling  for  several  days,  found  himself  with 
his  cargo  in  the  wilds  of  Logan  county,  where,  by  "Tin  Panning," 
he  soon  became  a  leading  spirit  in  commercial  and  financial  de- 
partments of  our  new  county,  and  gained  manj^  devoted,  ardent 
admirers,  who  were  much  astonished  when  he  afterwards  was 
called  upon  to  return  the  original  "loan"-('?) 

The  earliest  imjaovement  in  the  vicinity  of  Big  Spring,  was  just 
South  of  the  old  tavern  stand— on  what  was  originally  known  as 
the  "Shepherd  farm," — now  owne<:l  bj'  the  widow  Brugler.  A 
man  by  the  name  of  Shepherd  first  settled  here,  and  his  location 
was  the  first  of  any  northwest  of  Rushsylvania.  He  had  his  leg 
and  thigh  mashed  by  the  falling  of  a  log  in  raising  a  barn  on  the 
Stamats  farm,  near  Cherokee.  This  accident  caused  his  dea*^h. 
Dr.  B.  S.  Brown,  then  a  young  man,  was  present  when  his  leg  was 
amputated,  several  days  after  the  accident. 

While  North  wood  established  the  principal  depot  on  the  line  of 
the  underground  railroad,  Rushsylvania,  in  an  early  day,  ever 
stood  ready   to  bring   abolitionists   to  grief  should  they  intrude 


their  odious  sentiments  on  her  community,  h:^^.,  t;ir,  rc-Hth*.r-. 
and  rails  were  spoken  of  in  connection  with  temperance  and  hIkh 
htion  lecturers.  Whether  these  articles  were  ever  iise<i  a^  "reKU- 
lators"  and  protectors  of  the  public  weal,  I  kwve  for  oth.-r.  to  -av 
whose  experience  might  enable  them  to  speak  more  positive,  con- 
tenting myself  with  the  narrative  of  the  following  incident  iw  an 
index  to  public  sentiment  thirty-live  years  back.  In  the  North- 
west corner  of  Rushcreek  Township,  in  the  vicinity  of  "Wliit.- 
Town,"  on  the  Miami,  the  following  incident  occurrnl : 

Two  men  from  Bellefontaine  i)urrtued  a  couiJie  of  runaway 
slaves  into  Hardin  county,  where  they  arrested  them,  and  start^l 
back.  When  they  arrived  at  Israel  Howell's,  where  Wui. 
Stewart  now  lives,  they  halted  and  staid  all  night.  In  the  inoru- 
ingoneof  the  negroes  took  up  a  cane  belonging  to  on«>  of  tht* 
captors,  and  struck  one  of  the  white  men  a  blow  on  th**  head . 
shivering  the  cane,  apiece  of  which  flew  and  struck  a  little  irirl  of 
Mr.  Howell's  in  the  eye,  as  she  lay  in  the  frundle-beti.  dcstroyinp 
the  eyeball  entirely.  The  negroes  both  broke  and  run  ;  one  tak- 
ing up  the  river  and  the  other  down.  Both  white  men  starU'd  in 
pursuit  of  the  one  who  had  taken  up  the  river,  learning  br  thi« 
time  that  difficulties  attending  negro  catching,  deniande<l  at  ii-a-i 
two  white  men  to  one  negro.  Thus  we  see  thnt  not  only  Kush- 
sylvania,  but  even  Bellefontaine,  was  afflicted  with  the  nuiniii«»f 
negro  catching  at  that  day.  The  little  girl  spoken  of,  wl»o  l<>»t  h»r 
eye  in  that  fray,  is  now  the  wife  of  Peter  Fry,  near  liu><h\vlva- 

Another  incident  connected  with  negro  catching  hHppene<l  Iat4-. 
A  man  by  the  name  of  Covert  kept  the  Big  Spring  Tavern ;  In- 
had  a  log  rolling.  Jesse  Bryant,  the  first  mililary  captain  in  Hu«li- 
creek  Township,  was  among  the  hands.  Three  runaway  -ilavt-i 
came  along  the  road,  and  the  "Big  Captain"  (Brynnt)  organiwil  a 
force  and  ai-rested  them.  He,  with  his  accomplices,  started  with 
their  black  prize  to  Kentucky.  Wh-Mi  they  arrived  at  \Vc«t  Lib- 
erty, some  of  the  citizens  there  demanded  of  them  tlieir  authority 
for  holding  the  negroes  in  custody.  I'.ryant  replii><l  that  the  ne- 
groes had  acknowledged  they  were  runaway  slaves,  and  on  thl* 
acknowledgement  they  held  them.  This  did  not  s^itinfy  the  im- 
pertinent citizens  of  W>st  Liberty,  who  obtained  a  warraut  .»nd 
had  Bryant  and  his  cjmpauy  arrested  on  the  grouiul  of  man- 
stealing.    And  while  they  were  held   in  custody,  the  uegr».*  ,(*i 


away,  and  the  eorapauj'  lost  their  prize.  Bryant  and  his  com- 
pany were  detained  until  they  could  have  witnesses  hrought  from 
home  to  establish  their  innocence. 

In  concluding  this  article,  I  will  give  the  names  of  the  first  set- 
tlers of  the  Miami,  and  dates,  as  far  as  I  have  been  able  to  learn 
them  :  1823,  the  Israel  Howell  farm,  now  Wm.  Stewart's,  was  first 
settled  by  Calhoun,  who  was  succeeded  by  Simeon  Ransbottom — 
next  by  Israel  Howell,  who  held  the  first  post-office  there,  aboeit 
the  year  1825,  or  1826.  The  Crawford  farm  was  settled  by  Young, 
in  1827  ;  the  Hopkins  farm,  by  Hazard  Hopkins,  1828;  the  Dun- 
lap  farm,  (formerly  White  Town)  by  Wm.  White,  1829;  the  Her- 
vey,  or  old  Irvin  farm,  by  Wm.  Patterson,  1828;  the  Clark  farm 
by  Wm.  Holt,  1828;  The  Lauglilin  farm  by  Hiram  Hukill,  1829  ; 
the  Anderson  farm,  by  John  1%.  Anderson;  the  farm  of  W.  K. 
Xewman,  by  Silas  Thrailkill,  1826— succeeded  by  Arthur  Roberts, 
1828;  the  K.  H.  Howell  farm 'by  Wm.  Patterson,  1829 ;  the 
Richey  farm  by  James  Stephenson,  1827 — succeeded  by  VN'^m.  S. 
Johnston,  1880  ;  the  Simon  Ensley  farm,  settled  by  Almond  Hop- 
kins, 1828 — succeeded  by  Moses  West,  Wm.  Creviston,  Linus  Cut- 
ting, John  Roberts,  and  Simon  Ensley  ;  the  Wm.  Roberts  farm, 
settled  by  Henry  Fry,  1828;  Melcher  Crook  settled  the  Thomas 
farm,  1830;  Ben.  Carson  settled  the  Hume  farm,  1829;  Jonas  Fry 
settled  the  farm  west  of  Joel  Thomas,  1829  or  1830 ;  the  farm  of 
John  Kerns,  by  Jacob  Kerns ;  the  Beaver  farm,  by  Mr.  Bower, 
1832.  Besides  the  above  names  in  this  locality,  we  have  the  t>er- 
westers,  or  Whacters,  as  they  were  familiarly  known.  Among 
them  the  noted  Ben.  Whacter,  whose  muscular  strength  was  that 
of  a  giant ;  and  wko  came  to  his  end  by  a  blow  inflicted  with  a 
pair  of  fire  tongs,  by  the  hand  of  a  female  whom  he  had  underta- 
ken to  abuse. 

I  will  mention  some  incidents  connected  with  the  first  school 
taught  by  the  writer,  1837-38.  The  school-house  on  the  south-east 
corner  of  Jerome  Musselman's  land,  in  District  No.  5,  Rushcreek 
township,  has  long  since  disappeared,  and  was  rather  a  rude  struc- 
ture when  new;  yet  I  confess  that  could  1  see  it  to-day  as  it  was  in  the 
fall  of  1837,  when  I  first  engaged  in  the  responsible  occupation  of 
instructing  the  youth  in  that  locality,  it  would  be  of  far  more  in- 
terest to  me  than  the  most  costly  and  well-arranged  school-house 
that  has  been  built  in  our  township  since  that  time.  Its  rude 
floor,  clap-board  roof,  mud  and  stick  chimney,  six  foot  fire-place. 


bench  seats,  slab  writing-desks,  paper  windows  and  nmijli  tUior 
huntf  on  wooden  hinges  are  all  treasures  in  ui«riiory,  and,  vifwe<l 
through  the  lapse  of  nearly  forty  years,  they  seem  in«ire  vivid 
than  scenes  of  but  yeste'-day.  But  who  liv<^d  here  th<'n?  Henry 
Rosbrough  lived  on  the  Jerome  Musselman  farm,  in  the  old  hoa«*» 
which  stood  near  the  old  log  meeting-house,  near  Mr.  Tici'n'H. 
Rosbrough  sent  three  children  to  school,  John,  Gforir*^,  and.  Ill  tie 
Mary.  To  say  they  were  good  children  is  certainly  (Un-  to  the 
memory  of  their  sainted  mother,  -'Aunt  Peggy,"  as  we  were  wont 
to  call  her,  who  has  since  then  taken  her  place  in  the  mansion-* 
above.  Old  m^n  Richardson  .settled  on  the  farm  whi*re  IU»*- 
brough  then  lived,  sometime  between  1820  and  1S2."».  On  th«'  hinn 
of  William  Stephen^^on,  lived  the  old  widow  Hews;  John  Wolf 
was  the  first  there. 

The  widow  Hews  was  a  pious  Presbyteria-i  lady,  corrti-i  in  hpr 
deportment.  Hiram  and  Perry,  her  twe  sons,  young  men  at  the 
time,  and  Phebe  and  Eliza,  her  two  daughters,  young  women, 
were  with  her.  Perry  and  I  he  two  girls  came  to  school,  and  It  Is 
but  just  to  say  my  acquaintance  with  this  family  is  a  s«»urco  of 
many  pleasant  reflections  on  the  scenes  of  olden  times,  when  they 
bore  a  part  with  us  in  them.  On  tlie  Barney  K^utznuin  farm,  old 
Jamie  McArais,  who  married  the  widow  Rosbrough,  (wht>c  tiM 
husband,  Hilkiah  Rosbrough,  first  settled  this  farm.  "The  Big 
Spring"  here  is  the  souice  of  Millcreek  ;)  lived  with  Aunt  Susie. 
Here  was  little  George  Rosbrough,  Petf,  Mike  |)uplh 
in  the  school,  good  fellows,  and  ever  dear  to  memory  :ind  hoix*. 
A  little  to  the  east  was  old  Benny  Hodge,  and  Abrnham  I)<-ardorff, 
Bill  Hodge,  Jesse,  Jim,  Henry,  and  little  Betty-all  pupil-  m  the 
school.  And  again,  Abe  Deardorff,  John  and  Susan  ;  fount  them 
also  A  little  nearer  the  fallen  timberon  the  King  farm,  we  find 
Old  Jake  King,  six  feet  high,  of  at  lea^t  two-hundre^l  i«.unds 
avordupois,  and  as  terrible  as  he  wa.s  big.  Here  were  hN  our 
oldest  children-Julia  Ann,  Nancy,  Martha  and  »•"-;»''•*; 
former  nearlv  grown.  None  could  fail  to  see  the  parenta  unkind- 
ness  had  so  discouraged  them,  that  youth  w.s  but  a  .Irenry  .  .nda«e. 

only  endured  by  th^e  hope  that  some  d.y  t'->^,«^-J,;' ;;,^7^';j, 
the  calling  parental  yoke.  They  came  to  schcK^I.  That  th  tescher 
wasCrtfar'  to  those  children  is  not  unlikely,  yet  all  other. 
would'say 'uch  partiality  was  <lemanded  in   the  ...^.  .n.l   non. 


felt  that  it  was  wrong 


Near  the  line  of  Bokesereek  township,  old  Hezekiah  Starbuek 
lived.  He  had  his  second  wife;  his  steD-children,  Eliza  and  Da- 
vid Adams,  came  to  school.  Eliza  was  nearly  a^rown,  David 
younger.  They  were  pleasant  in  their  disposition  and  hijjhly  es- 
teemed in  school.  But  close  to  Starbuck's  was  found  Ivawson  Ru- 
dasill.  He  came  from  the  high  hills  of  Old  Virginia,  and  settled 
in  the  level  country.  He  was  a  school  director,  and  rather  a  well 
informed  man  to  be  found  so  far  out  in  the  woods.  Religiously, 
they  called  him  a  "Campbellite" — not  a  very  great  compliment  at 
that  day.  Wesley  and  Winfield,  two  of  his  boys  came  to  school. 
I  always  iov«d  them  for  their  independence  and  dignity,  and  as  I 
was  teaching  for  ten  dollars  a  month  and  boarding  with  the  schol- 
ars, I  often  went  home  with  these  boys.  It  was  here  and  about 
this  time  that  I  concluded  to  engage  in  a  new  enterprise.  This 
Rudasill  had  a  girl  at  home  that  he  did  not  send  to  school ;  she 
was  perhaps  seventeen  or  eighteen  years  old — born  and  reared  on 
the  high  hills  of  Old  Virginia.  It  looked  rather  hard  that  she 
should  wear  out  her  life  amid  those  "gloomy  swails,"  and  there- 
fore, for  these  and  other  considerations  which  may  be  guessed  by 
the  reader,  I  persuaded  her  to  accompany  me  to  a  more  elevated 
locality.  This  arrangement  Avas  consummated  during  the  stormy 
scenes  of  "Tippecanoe  and  Tyler  too  ;"  and  as  my  old  friend  (silver- 
smith) John  Miller  was  a  very  acceptable  "Campbellite"  preacher 
at  that  time,  his  services  were  solicited  and  thankfully  received  on 
the  occasion,  and  though  he  has  wandered  far  from  where  he  stood 
then,  I  must  confess  that  he  did  a  good  strong  job — tied  a  knot 
that  has  held  for  more  than  thirty  years,  and  I  have  no  longer  to 
go  from  home  to  find  a  school,  a«  we  have  now  one  of  our  own  that 
requires  most  of  our  attention.  John  Miller  claims  rank  among 
the  progressive  "Spirits,"  and  Ishall  not  here  call  in  question  what 
he  assumes  or  claims  in  this  respect. 

On  the  farm  now  owned  by  William  George,  on  Rushcreek,  old 
man  Rodaker  settled.  He  was  the  first  'Squire  in  Rushcreek  town- 
ship. An  incident  connected  with  his  official  duties  is  worthy  of 
note:  About  the  year  1833,  the  trustees  of  the  township  sued  gom« 
man  on  Taylorcreek  on  account  of  some  stray  animals  those  men  had 
taken  up.  Suit  was  brought  before  Rodaker;  Anthony  Casad  was 
•ngaged  as  counsel  for  the  defendants.  After  the  evidence  pro  and 
con  had  been  heard,  Casad  arose  to  make  a  speech.  The  'Squire 
t©ld  him  he  would  allow  no  "speechifying"  in  the  case,  remark- 


Old  Billy  Rubart  succeeded  Rodaker  on  this  farm,  un.l  luiil*  » 
grist  mill  on  Rushcreek,  perhaps  the  first  grist  mill  built  in  llu^li- 
ereek  Township.  This  Rubart  did  not  find  his  "afiinity"  in  hi^ 
first  wife,  and  after  raising  several  children,  left  her  and  so-itjht  h 
more  eongeuiai  spirit. 

In  reviewing  the  series  of  Pioneer  Sketches  which  I  hav*;  writ- 
ten, I  find  some  errors,  and  withal,  a  want  of  sysleniaiic  arraiijjo- 
ment  in  noting  the  early  settlors  of  the  locality  for  whicli  I  uni 
writing.    And  should  the  pioneer  book  be  published  it  is  d.^'imbln 
that  it  should  be  as  correct  in  its  details  as  our  fnciiitiw  fur  col- 
lecting material  will  allow.    Although  born  and  reired  in  thei 
woods,  I  will  say  with  William  Hubbard,  that  I  am  scarcely   old 
enough  for  a  correct  reminiscent,  especially  so  far  as  Login  ct^rity 
is  concerned,  as  my  location  here  was  fifteen  years  too  late  to  rrt-ord 
experimentallythe  scenes  and  incidents  of  olden  times.     Tru*»,  I 
could  tell  something  about  Logan  county  forty  years  r^,,^    when 
Zanesfield  and  Bellefontaine  would  almost  have  envic'^  iiiirpcr,  r-h 
she  is  now,  for  her  magnificence  and  grandeur;    w'jp,,  j^b  (jar- 
wood  kept  the  tavern  stand  in  Zanesfield,  where  S  ^  y.  Lous  now 
owns.    It  was  there  we  stayed  all  night,  in  the  ^  j^n  ^f  |^;^i^  n^,  my 
father  with  his  family  moved  from  Clinton  c  j|,,itv  Ohi<>,  to  my 
present  home  on  Rushcreek.    I  could  speak  •  jomothing  of  th<'  g»'n- 
teel  and  aristocratic  Lansing  Curtis,  who  k  ^^  ^  storo  in   "  I J 

then.    I  could  tell  how  this  dignified  per-  jona^eaccomi.  'Y 

father,  and  other  new  comers,  by  loani'  ^„  them  mono y  ui  iIk  -t>»d- 
erate  and  charitable  rate  of  twenty-fi^  ,^  °     p^pi^.  inton-st.    1  '^tuld 
tell  about  hump-shouldered  Charles    ^rny,  who  clerked  in  the  ^tnre 
of  Curtis;  some  said  he  was  lazy,    j^^j^  j  rather  liked  him,  nn  '  ••  "' 
not  hand  down  to  posterity  so    j^jqq^  an  impn'<^sion.    Ia'I  >■ 
gest  to  those  who  may  still  rf  ^f^icmber  his  sleepy  mannor  ol  >;.  ilui;; 
around,  that  perhaps  after    ^^j  ^.^le  was  only  born  tired."    J  •■>'»»l«i 
tell  of  Dr.  Crew.    He  wr  ^  ^^^^^  ^j^p„^  an(j  ^i^o  Dr.  Marnion;  «nd 
with  the  old  doctors  of     ]3ellefon1aine,  Brown,  Lord  and  H-rti-v 
whom  to  the  old  se^  jj^^^    whenever  the  names  of  th««»  j 
physicians  are  me  ^'^ioned,  there  ari?es  in  the  h<';.rt  •  ■•' 

Yeneration  and  r  ^.^tnnfte^  for  tiielr  vigilance  and  faitli:  ra- 

tions  when  di?  ^^  ^^^^  suff'ering  fell  within  the  forest  hom--.  .Vnd 
While  those  ^  ^ho  knew  them  not  then,  may  pa^-^  thorn  by  to^Uy 
with  seeaii  ^ indifference,  as  though  the  world  was  no  »>eiur  olT 

-as  27 


by  them  having  lived,  we  cau  never,  never  be  so  inconsiderate. 
They  have  reared  a  menu inent  of  affection  and  gratitude  in  th» 
hearts  of  those  who  shared  with  theua  the  toils  and  privations 
of  pioneer  life  that  will  outlive  the  wastes  of  time  and  the  ravaging 
scenes  of  death. 

I  could  tell  of  Ool,  Mart.  Marmon,  as  he  was  mounted  on  his 
noble  charger,  in  full  uniform,  as  he,  with  stentorian  voice,  gave 
command  at  general  nmster  at  Zanesfield  or  Bellefontaine,  on  the 
third  Friday  of  September.  I  could  tell  of  old  Billy  Henry,  whe 
was  riding  around  among  the  citizens,  listing  their  personal  prop- 
erty for  taxation,  when  the  uniform  price  of  horses  was  forty  dol- 
lars per  head  and  colts  thrown  in,  and  cows  eight  dollars  per  head. 
I  could  tell  when  the  roads  on  the  east  and  west  of  Mad  River, 
leading  n^rth  were  only  narrow  cart  ways,  walled  in  on  either 
side  by  mighty  forest  trees  for  many  miles.  I  could  tell  when  the 
head  of  Mad  Rivernear  the  Jerusalem  pike  was  a  lake,  when  "dug- 
outs" were  rowed  over  it,  but  now  its  bed  is  cultivated  by  Mr.  Eas- 
ton.  1  can  well  remember  seeing  Jack  Parkinson,  who  first  settled 
on  the  farm  where  Simon  Kenton  was  buried.  And  also  Jim 
Parkinson,  who  first  settled  on  the  Sabert  Wren  farm.  Old  Jamie 
Watkins  lived  on  the  Lloyd  farm.  Henry  and  William  Watkins, 
his  sons,  and  Harriet,  his  daughter,  were  well  known  then.  Old 
Billy  McGee  with  his  young  folks,  Joab,  Sally  and  Jane  all  come 
up  in  memory  as  but  of  yesterday.  Old  Ralph  Low,  and  that 
oddity  of  a  Sam  Surls,  is  s^ill  fresh  in  memory.  Also  Joe  Collins, 
Sam  and  Jonathan  Pettit,  with  George  Parker — four  rather  adven- 
turous spirits,  who  were  permitted  to  occupy  the  old  county  jail 
for  a  period  of  ten  days,  in  consequence  of  having  disturbed  the 
slumbers  of  old  Stephen  Leas  ai  an  unseasonable  hour.  There 
was  Brice  Collins,  also,  who  once  built  a  house  on  Rushcreek 
Lake,  but  was  so  haunted  by  the  "cbills,"  despite  the  whisky 
he  sold,  he  abandoned  the  enterprise  in  disgust. 

On  the  farm  of  Jacob  Rudy,  we  find  Nieodemus  Bousman,  1826 ; 
on  the  farm  of  Oliver  Cor  win  we  tind  my  grandfather,  John  Rob- 
erts, 1830 ;  also  a  little  later  we  find  James  Logan,  1832.  Old  Joel 
Thomas,  father  to  Joel  Thomas  of  Rushcreek  Township,  was  the 
first  settler  on  grandfather  Roberts'  land  in  1824.  Enoch  Lunda 
was  there  about  the  same  time.  Wn^.  McAmis  settled  in  this 
neighborhood  on  the  McAmis  farm  in  1830.  On  the  farm  of  Jacob 
Arbegast,  old  John  McClure  settled,  about  1824.    His  son  Jacob 



was  on  the  Grimes  farm.  Old  John  Wilson  first  spttlod  on  th« 
Jasinsky  farm  about  1824;  Thomas  Dickinson  eettlt-d  th(.  Dickin- 
son farm  inl880  and  1831;  Benjamin  Butler,  the  Niept-r  farm  ii 
1832;  Robert  Dickinson,  the  Wm.  Wren  farm  in  ]8;«;  J(m-ph 
Tenry  first  settled  the  Brockerman  farm  where  Isaiah  ti.rwin  now 
lives,  in  1832;  Teury  was  succeeded  by  McNeal.  Robert  WIIhob 
settled  on  what  was  once  Downin^sville,  and  kept  a  .Mniall  Htor« 
there,  perhaps  the  first  store  in  Rushcreek  Township,  inlRTJor 
1833;  Wm.  Roberts  and  Andrew  Roberts  first  settled  WilM.n  Mo- 
Adams'  old  farm  in  1830.  The  old  Pugh  farm  was  settlnl  by  .loha 
Prater,  1824;  the  Johnson  Ansley  farm  by  Wm.  Smith,  Ih-JA;  th« 
George  Ansley  farm  by  Mr.  Keneda,  about  1Ki:9  or  ls;{0;  Ww  funo 
of  Martin  McAdams  by  Conrad  Collins,  182H.  This  man  :.!•«..  Hrsl 
settled  on  the  farm  of  Mr.  Barber,  1832.  The  farm  wher« 
David  Pugh  now  lives,  was  settled  by  the  Baldwins  in  1H82;  th« 
Johnson  fari.'.  was  settled  by  Jacob  Johnson,  in  1S32;  thp  farm  of 
Peter  Kautz man  by  Nelson  Tyler,  in  182S;  the  farm  of  .Mnttnrw 
Hale  by  Wm.  Riley,  in  1828;  the  farm  of  Nathan  H'Mk.t  by 
Abraham  Deardorflf,  in  1828  ;  the  farm  of  Clark  Williams  by  Sitn- 
uel  Ruth,  in  1825;  the  farm  of  Martha  Bronson  by  Henjainla 
Green,  in  1823.  Walnut  Grove  was  first  occupi<*d  by  WiliiHm 
Trent,  in  1836.  He  did  not  succeed  in  finding  his  "affinity"  whe« 
he  married  his  wife,  but  lived  with  her  near  twenty  ;  "  'T* 

he  met  the  congenial  spirit.    Elijah   and  Jesse  Kawc«  •<• 

Millcreek  about  the  year  1833  or  1834.  Andrew  Roberts  ^^I'tii.-*!  oa 
the  farm  of  W.  W.  Sutton,  about  1838.  Old  Natty  Monrof  nvUled 
on  the  Monroe  farm  about  1834.  Old  Sterling  Heathcock.  the  flrtt 
eolored  resident  in  Rushcreek  Township,  settled  on  what  i"-  know* 
SM  the  Sterling  farm,  in  1833. 


My  memory  wanders  back  over  the  path  ot  life  fifty  years  ago, 
and  finds  me  a  small  boy,  located  near  Mount  Tabor,  Champaign 
County,  Ohio. 

Memory — that  inestimable  faculty  of  the  mind,  without  which, 
all  the  past  would  be  a  blank— with  what  tenacity  it  prosorv&sand 
how  vividly  it  retains  the  impressions  of  by-gone  years!  How  we 
love  to  linger  among  scenes  of  our  childhood  !  How  enchanting 
the  view  !  In  memory  we  live  our  life  over  again.  Oh  !  peaceful, 
happy  days,  with  what  reluctance  we  leave  you!  But  time,  the 
inexorable  tyrant,  compels  us  to  leave  you.  We  drop  a  tear  of 
■orrow  and  so  bid  you  good  bye. 

I  see  I  am  wandering  from  my  purpose,  for  I  propose  to  give 
a  sketch  of  pioneer  life,  scenes  and  incidents  fifty  years  ago.  Let 
us  ascend  some  prominent  point  where  we  can  have  a  command- 
ing view  of  the  surrounding  country.  Having  gained  our  posi- 
tion, what  do  we  see?  Away  in  th3  dista«ce  it  appears  to  be  an 
unbroken  forest,  as  far  as  the  eye  can  reach.  The  lofty  tops  of  the 
majestic  trees,  with  their  rich  foliage  seem  to  blend  together  form- 
ing a  vast  sea  of  the  purest  green.  Taking  a  nearer  view,  we  see 
the  landscape  more  diversified.  Here  is  hill  and  dale,  and  be- 
neath our  feet  runs  the  fiir-famed  Mad  river  and  Macacheek. 
Along  the  banks  of  these  streams  are  spread  out  in  quiei  beauty 
those  prairies  with  their  carpets  of  green,  bespangled  with  a  pro- 
fusion of  the  richest  flowers;  and  as  if  to  beautify  the  landscape, 
you  see  small  groves  of  timber  closely  clustered  together  in  the 
midst  of  these  beautiful  prairies,  inviting  to  their  peaceful  and 
cooling  shade  the  nimble  and  graceful  wild  deer  that  has  been 
•ropping  the  luxuriant  grass    along  the   banks  of  those  limpid 


streams  th^t  slacked  their  thirst.  How  lovely  theBcene!  How 
inviting  the  clime  !  No  wonder  that  as  soon  as  this  country  wan 
known,  the  hardy  sons  of  toil  of  the  older  States  tiocked  hy  ^icres 
to  these  rich  valleys,  for  they  are  all  they  were  ever  represented 
to  be. 

In  this  early  day  the  streams  were  alive  with  fish,  and  it  is  said 
that  nearly  every  hollow  tree  was  filkd  with  bees,  |,'atheriiit;  their 
rich  store  from  the  abundance  of  flowers  that  grew  with  such  lux- 
uriance all  over  the  country.  The  forests  were  alive  with  the 
deer,  the  turkey,  the  pheasant,  the  quail  and  the  siiuirrd— nil  fur- 
nishing; the  most  abundant  and  richest  meat  for  the  table  uf  the 
hardy  pioneer. 

Nor  is  this  all.  We  call  the  attention  of  the  hordculturi-it  !• 
dame  nature's  garden.  See  with  what  munificence  slie  supplia 
all  the  wants  of  her  creatures,  even  in  the  wilderne**.  The  pio- 
neer gathers  in  a  supply  of  the  richest  of  fruit.s— tlu"  grape  iMiwer 
extends  over  hid  and  dale  for  miles  around— 1  might  say  all  over 
Ohio,  and  plums  of  every  hue  from  the  w  hite  traupparent  to  the 
orange  and  the  red,  with  a  variety  of  flavor  that  would 
satisfy  the  taste  of  the  most  fastidious  epicure.  What  hhall  I 
more  say  ?  Time  would  fail  me  to  speak  of  blackberries,  straw  Iht- 
ries  and  cranberries  that  were  abundant  in  the  north-ea.xt  of  lx»gan 
County.  Those  unacquainted  with  the  primitive  htate  of  thing* 
in  this  country  may  think  I  am  romancing,  but  the  old  i)ion«H'ni 
know  that  I  have  not  exaggerated. 

But  now  listen  I  We  hear  the  sound  of  the  woodmanV  a.x,  and 
anon  the  crash  of  the  sturdy  oak  that  has  defied  the  .stornw  of 
ages.  Again  we  hear  the  bark  of  the  .sturdy  mastiff  or  the  roar  of 
the  hound  as  he  is  in  hot  pursuit  of  his  favorite  pime.  the  f.)X. 
And  here  and  there  we  see  the  smoke  of  the  log  cabin  as  it  a-<-.-n<U 
in   graceful   folds  from    the  humble  dwelling  (»f  the  l-ackuoMl,.- 


But  I  now  leave  this  rude  and  imperfect  sketch  of  natural 
scenery  as  it  presented  itself  to  the  spectator  in  the  early  day.  and 
attempt  to  give  you  some  incidents  in   the  life  and  niMuner  of  the 

first  settlers.  * 

Imi-btspeakof  theflax-pullings,  young  g.'nt^  and  In- 

dies  side  by  side,  taking  the  flax  by   the  top,  pull  it  up  by  the 

roots,  thus  working  all  day  in   the  hot  sun,  pulling  am-,  of  flai 

and  setting  it  in  bunches;  the  log  rollings,  ami  the  dan-       •  •  T   ' 


which  all  took  muscle;  and  that  they  had,   for  it  was  their  entire 

I  now  introduce  to  you  one  of  those  pioneer  young  ladies.  She 
lived  near  Mount  Tabor,  about  fifty  years  ago.  She  was  about 
•ighteen  years  old.  Her  name  was  Polly  Latly.  Though  but  a 
■mall  boy,  I  reaiember  her  personal  appearance.  She  was  about 
the  medium  size,  dark  hair,  black  eyes  that  sparkled  like  dia- 
monds, with  a  figure  that  a  sculptor  would  be  glad  to  take  for  a 
model.  AVith  all  these  personal  graces,  united  with  a  lovely  dis- 
position, and  with  an  intellect  of  the  highest  order,  and  with  some 
degree  of  culture,  it  is  to  be  expected  that  she  would  be  a  subject  of 
admiration  by  the  young  gentlemen,  and  of  envy  by  some  of  the 
young  ladies.  Withal,  Polly  was  smart  at  anything  she  undertook 
to  do.  Spinning  flax  was  one  of  the  common  employments  of  that 
day.  Polly  had  said  she  had  spun  a  certain  amount  in  a  day,  (I 
forget  now  exactly  how  much).  It  was  disputed,  numbers  saying 
they  could  spinas  much  in  a  day  as  she  could,  and  they,  though 
they  did  not  like  to  dispute  her  word  could  not  spin  that  amount. 
Polly  did  not  like  to  be  charged  witn  misrepresenting,  and  quite  a 
feeling  was  aroused  in  the  neighborhood.  A  proposition  was  made 
to  test  the  matter.  A  number  of  young  ladies  entered  the  list  as 
competitors.  I  do  not  know  what  the  prize  was,  but  I  am  informed 
that  James  Wall,  then  a  young  man,  but  now  deceased,  told  her 
that  if  she  would  spin  the  amount  she  claimed  she  could  he  would 
get  her  the  best  dress  in  Champaign  county.  The  day  arrived  for 
the  trial.  It  wa.s  at  Colonel  David  Kelley's  house,  or  rather  his 
barn,  where  the  spinning  was  done.  Mrs.  Archibald  Hopkins  was 
to  reel  the  thread.  She  reeled  for  Polly  that  day  forty-eight  cuts^ 
■pinning several  cuts  more  than  she  had  agreed  to  spin.  I  would 
here  say  that  she  held  her  flax  in  her  hand,  and  not  on  a  distaff, 
aa  was  the  general  custom. 

.It  is  natural  for  us  to  desire  to  know  the  end  of  so  brilliant  a  be- 
ginning in  life.  As  was  to  be  expected,  soon  after  this  she  married 
and  "done  well."  She  emigrated  with  her  husband  to  some  dis- 
tant portion  of  the  country,  but  I  am  not  able  to  ascertain  where ; 
and  so  far  as  I  know,  she  is  still  living.  And  if  this  sketch  of  pio- 
neer life  meet  her  view,  I  hope  she  will  excuse  the  liberty  I  have 
taken  with  her  name  in  connection  with  these  reminiscences  of  my 

For  the  above  facts,  lam  mainly  indebted  io  John  Thompson, 
Miss  Ann  Cowgill,  and  Mrs.  Randall — the  daughter  of  Col.  Kelley. 



Messrs,  Editors:— Little  did  I  expect,  after  bf^in?  ftiH»«nt 
Irom  your  county  for  the  term  of  thirty-two  year?,  that  wh'ii  I 
returned  here  on  a  visit  1  should  be  induced  to  make  my  -.iitpt-ur- 
ancein  your  columns;  but  in  looking  overyourissueoftheTth  init. 
the  other  evening,  and  discovering  a  quotation  from  the  reminia- 
eences  of  Mr.  Joshua  Antrim,  published  from  the  nel/e/onfainf 
Fress,  I  am  impressed  that  I  would  not  be  doing  respect  to  Mr. 
Antrim,  to  the  many  readers  of  your  valuable  paper,  to  I'uIly'B 
many  friends  and  acquaintances,  and  to  her  "acred  memory,  if  I 
did  not  continue  the  narrative  some  further  an<l  n-movf  \h>-  j\><>n\ 
■ubmerged  in  it. 

It  is  correct  ad  far  as  it  goes.  Then  let  me  say  that  1  am  the 
man  with  whom  the  pioneer  Polly  Latty  twined  in  the  year  IhiK, 
in  whose  embraces  we  lived  forty-three  and  one-half  >fHM.  Ou 
November  30th,  1869,  she  left  these  mundane  .shores  for  man/ioou 
not  made  with  hands,  eternal  in  the  skies  (as  wo  verily  b-li.'ve.) 
While  encircled  in  Hymen's  chains  she  lived  a  proinmont  ninn- 
ber  of  society,  a  good  partner,  a  kind  mother,  and  benevulent  .i^ter. 
She  rejoiced  when  she  was  dying  that  she  was  piussing  the  ijatea 
to  endless  joys.  We  left  this  county  in  the  year  IM.'JO,  and M 
in  Hancock  county,  Illinois,  where  she  died.  She  was  the  mother 
Of  nine  children  and  had  sixteen  grandchildren.  Five  of  ur  rhd- 
dren  are  dead,  and  four  of  her  grandchildren,  one  of  th.  our 
died  in  the  service  during  the  late  war.  Oneofl'..iiys  dHU«h  tor. 

lives  in  Plymouth,  111.,  one  in  St.  Louis,  and  tw-    '    ""•*  "^•^ 

in  Cass  county,  Iowa.    All  are  doing  well. 

Your  humbleservantsettled  in Cha.npaign county  iu  April.  \^^, 
was  united  with  the  pioneer  Polly  Latty  .\pnl  I^  1hJ6. 
Td    emigrated  to  western    Illinois.   Hancock  >^ounty.   October. 

»  From  the  Urbana  Citizen  and  Gazette. 


1839,  and  was  bereft  of  my  partner  (the  pioneer  girl)  on  the  30tlii 
of  November,  1869,  and  to-day,  Sept.  14,  1871,  am  in  Urbana,  and 
have^thls  day  plucked  another  angelic  bloom  from  old  Cham- 
paign's fair  bowery,  and  who  now  stands  by  my  side,  and  wh» 
now  promises  to  sustain,  comfort  and  protect  me  through  the  de- 
cline of  life.  In  a  few  hours  we  will  be  wafting  our  way  toward 
the  western  horizon,  toward  the  setting  sun,  to  or  beyond  the 
father  of  waters,  to  our  cozy  home.  If  the  second  tulip  compares 
with  the  first,  will  I  not  hold  old  Champaign  in  grateful  remem- 
brance ? 

William  Darnall. 
Sept.  14,   1871. 



One  of  the  early  settlers  of  Chinnpaiom  Cnunty,  wiis  Hirh(\rd 
Stannp,  a  Viru:inian,  stnd  a  man  of  color.  When  the  writt-r  firMl 
knew  him,  he  lived  on  the  hill  a  short  distanre  north  i»f  the  plur* 
where  Mr.  SmuI  Clnrk  now  lives,  in  Saiein  Township,  nbcmt  on« 
mile  north  of  Kings  Creek,  in  sitrlit  of  that  creek  iind  iU  bi'iiiitiful 
valley.  A  short  distance  east  of  the  spot  where  Stanuf)  tlu-n  lived 
and  on  the  brow  of  the  hill,  which  inclines  to  the  south,  lie  buried 
the  mouldering  remains  of  a  number  of  hum:m  liointr*,  white,  red 
and  black,  without  a  stone  to  mark  the  phice  of  their  cHrthly  re- 
pose. A  few  short  yenrs  and  they  and  the  place  where  their  a><lie« 
lie,  will  pass  from  the  memory  of  man. 

Richard  was  a  Baptist  preacher,  known  to  many  of  our  rltixon* 
of  the  present  day,  for  he  lived  to  a  <rreat  ntre,  and  di«'d  n  few 
years  ago  at  the  age  of  about  one  hundn'd  and  twelve  yt-jrs. 
Stanup,  although  comparatively  an  illiterate  colored  man,  wa««  in 
the  prime  of  life,  and  before  the  comnipncement  of  hi.H  stn-ond 
childhood,  one  of  the  ablest  preachprs  of  hiy.  time.  Ilia  coiiipirl- 
sons  and  iJluRtrationa  were  mostly  drawn  from  living  nature,  w*  It 
then  existed,  and  could  be  easily  und<'r-ito.«l  by  tin'  IfiirnisJ 
scholar,  or  the  unlettered  plow  boy.  The  writer  once  h^iinl  hi la 
preach  the  funeral  of  a  young  colored  woman,  at  th.-  u'ruv.'-yird 
before  mentioned  ;  afti-r  describing  tiic  piinishmenl  o(  tin*  wi«-ki«d 
in  their  place  of  torment  in  another  world, '-i'-'"  "^ ''"- '"»M- 


pinesft  of  the  righteous  in  heaven,  and  when  he  came  to  describe 
that  happy  place,  he  pointed  toward  the  beautiful  valley  which 
lay  before  us,  then  clothed  with  wild  prairie  flowers  of  every 
color  and  variety  that  was  pleasing  to  the  eye,  Irom  the  "rose  of 
Sharon"  to  the  humblest  "Jump  up  Johnny,"  and  said  that  to  us 
here  was  a  pretty  sight,  but  only  a  faint  resemblance  of  the  coun- 
try to  be  hereafter  inherited   by  the  righteous. 

Richard  was  not  only  a  gooi  preacher,  but  a  good  hand  to  dig 
wells.  He  and  Major  Anderson  did  most  of  the  well  digging  in 
this  part  of  the  county,  (Salem,)  in  old  times.  Between  forty  and 
fifty  years  ago  Stanup  was  employed  by  John  McAdams,  Esq.,  to 
dig  a  well  on  his  farm.  McAdams  then  lived  upon  a  farm  which 
is  now  owned  by  M.  Allison  Wright,  and  is  situated  about  one 
mile  south  of  Kennard,  and  on  the  Atlantic  and  Great  Western 
Railroad.  The  digging  was  begun  about  the  1st  of  September, 
and  at  the  depth  of  about  sixty  feet  the  old  man  "struck  water," 
and  immediately  informed  those  above  ot  the  good  news.  As  was 
the  custom  on  such  occasions,  a  bottle  was  filled  with  whisky, 
corked  with  a  corn  cob,  and  placed  in  a  "piggin,"  which  was  let 
down  to  the  bottom  of  the  well  in  a  large  tub,  which  was  used  to 
draw  up  the  sand  and  gravel.  At  the  moment  the  tub  and  its 
contents  reached  the  bottom  of  the  well,  it  began  to  cave  in,  and 
instantly  covered  the  tub,  bottle  and  piggin.  Stanup  seized  hold 
of  the  rope  and  climbed  slowly  until  he  had  ascended  something 
more  than  half  way  to  the  top  of  the  well,  when  the  earth  gave 
way  and  the  unfortunate  man  was  covered  up  with  dirt,  sand  and 
coarse  gravel,  at  least  twenty  feet  below  the  surface.  All  the  men 
and  women  who  were  present  and  able  to  work,  went  at  it  to  re- 
move the  earth  as  soon  a.s  possible,  and  the  younger  portion  of  the 
family  were  sent  in  haste  to  alarm  the  neighbors.  It  was  lat«  in 
the  evening  when  the  body  of  Richard  was  reached,  and  all  sup- 
posed that  life  was  extinct.  The  rubbish  having  been  removed 
fronn  the  upper  part  of  his  body,  Mrs.  McAdams  cut  a  few  yards 
•f  linen  from  a  web  she  had  in  her  loom,  which  was  placed 
around  his  body,  below  the  arms;  to  this  was  fastened  the  well 
rope,  and  the  body  was  drawn  up  by  the  men  at  the  windless. 

On  reaching  the  surface  all  supposed  that  life  had  fled  ;  not  the 
•lightest  symptoms  of  breath  or  pulse  could  be  detected  ;  yet  as 
there  was  some  warmth  about  the  body,  every  known  remedy  wag 

LOGAN  COUNTI KR.  i ft." 

applied,  and  after  a  long  time  there  began  to  be  signH  of  life ; 
breathing  could  be  perceived  for  a  few  moments  and  th»>n  (va-^Hl, 
when  all  present  said  in  a  loud  voice,  "Richard  is  dead  !"  ThiK 
appeared  to  rouse  him  up;  he  a^ain  rallied,  and  with  a  voice  au- 
dible to  all  he  exclaimed,  "I  is  worth  two  dead  nititjers  yet  !" 

The  "hidden  treasure"  consists  of  a  mattock,  shovel,  lar^t*  tub, 
piggin  and  bottle  of  whisky,  at  the  bottom  of  the  w»'ll,  when? 
they  now  are,  untouched  by  human  hands,  and  the  whi-ky  uii- 
tasted  by  mortal  lips. 

Now,  as  the  question  as  to  the  relative  merits  of  old  and  now 
whisky  in  still  unsettled,  I  propose  that  some  gentleman  tt*t  the 
matter  by  unearthing  the  whisky  I  have  here  described,  and  all  1 
shall  ask  for  giving  account  of  its  whereabouts,  will  i)e  thettnjl 
•wallow  from  the  old  bottle,  after  the  cob  shall  be  removed. 


BY  ED.    Li.    MORGAN. 

On  the  7th  of  September  last,*  you  published  an  extract  from  a 
communication  furnished  the  Bellefontaine  Press  by  Mr.  Joshua 
Antrim,  in  which  he  gave  a  short  account  of  a  day's  spinning  bj 
Polly  Latty,  many  years  ago.  On  the  14th  of  the  same  month, 
Gen.  Wm,  Darnall,  who  "twined"  with  the  said  Polly  in  1826, 
furnished  a  communication  for  the  Citizen,  for  the  purpose,  as 
he  said,  of  removing  the  "gloom  submerged"  in  the  narrative  of 
Mr.  Antrim.  But  as  the  General  has  not  given  a  full  account  of 
the  transaction  referred  to,  the  matter  is  still  "submerged  in  gloom," 
so  far  as  a  large  majority  of  your  readers  are  informed.  But  w© 
must  excuse  him  for  his  negligence,  as  his  time  and  attention  were 
wholly  given  to  that  "angelic  bloom"  which  he  had  just  "plucked 
from  old  Champaign's  fair  bowery."  May  their  union  be  a  pros- 
perous and  happy  one,  is  the  wish  of  their  friend. 

I  will  now  endeavor  to  give  a  true  account,  in  detail,  of  the  whole 
transaction,  so  far  as  my  memory  will  permit,  for  I  was  well  ao- 
quainted  with  all  the  parties  concerned,  and  with  the  details  of  the 
circumstances  at  the  time  they  transpired.  It  is  well  known  thai 
in  the  early  days  of  the  settlement  of  the  country,  each  family  that 
Was  blessed  with  women,  old  or  young,  married  or  «!ingle,  possessed 
also  at  least  one  weaver's  loom  and  one  small  spinning-wheel  tor 
each  woman,  or  girl  in  the  family.  These  "little  wheels"  were 
used  for  spinning  flax  and  tow,  and  in  very  early  limes  for  spinning 

*From  the  Urbana  Citizen  and  Gazette. 


cotton,  which  was  carded  with  hand  cards  after  the  noaU  were 
picked  out  by  the  little  boys  and  fjirls,  and  of  that  thin^j  of  pick- 
ing cotton  the  youngsters  sometimes  got  very  tired,  as  I  well 
know  by  experience.  How  happy  they  were  when  the  cotton  gin 
was  invented  !  Each  family  was  also  provided  with  at  leiwt  one 
*'big  wheel."  On  this  they  spun  the  wool,  which  was  alsri  i-anknl 
by  hand  until  carding-machines  were  invented.  They  had  reeh 
on  which  to  wind  the  thread,  or  yarn,  after  it  was  spun.  Themi 
reels  were  about  three  feet  in  diameter,  and  had  an  instruiuent 
made  of  wood,  and  attached  to  the  front  part  of  the  ret*I,  which 
resembled  the  minute  hand  of  a  clocl .  This  hand  would  i;ot)nce 
around  while  the  reel  turned  one  hundred  and  twenty  time?*,  and 
every  time  the  hand  went  round,  the  reel  would  "crack."  wliich 
was  evidence  that  there  was  a  "cut,"  or  one  liumlred  anti  twi'uty 
threads  upon  the  reel.  A  dozen  cuts  per  day  was  considenHl  a 
woman's  task;  if  she  spun  more  she  was  entitled  to  additional 
pay.  The  common  wages  paid  to  a  good  spinner  wa.s  fifty  i*entH 
per  week.  If  she  .-^pun  less  than  twelve  cuts  per  day,  she*  wan 
"docked"  in  proportion  to  the  number  of  cuts  less  than  a  dozi-n. 
The  young  men  in  those  days  of  "old  fogyism,"  whm  tht>y  deter- 
mined to  select  a  partner  to  accompany  thera  thron«rli  tin*  jnurnfy 
of  life,  would,  in  the  first  place,  ascertain  whether  or  n<.t  his  ImwI 
beloved  could  or  would  spin  her  dozen  of  flax  threa<l  jx-r  day,  turn  a 
pancake  unbroken,  without  touchiner  it,  and  land  it  in  the  pan  un- 
Boiled,  mend  her  husband's  buck-skin  hunting  ovcr-^rarnients,  and 
knit  her  own  and  the  baby's  woolen  .stockings.  If  she  poss.h,s€kI 
all  these  necessary  qualifications,  she  seldom  fail.'d  tolKM-,mioa 
happy  bride  and  an  honored  and  respected  wife.  Such  bcioir  th« 
Btate  of  afl'airs,  it  is  but  reasonable  to  suppose  that  there  was  to  a 
certain  extent,  a  rivalry  and  a  laudable  desire  on  tho  mind  ol 
each  young  woman  (the  vulgar  name  of  fmh/  was  not  th.-n  aJ>- 
plied  to  them)  to  out-do  all  others,  not  so  mu.-h  in  I.H.ks.  fino 
costly  dress  and  painted  cheeks,  but  in  useful  industry  ir-norHl 
good  management,  and  behavior.  The  most  popular  qnahllnition 
of  a  young  woman  was  that  of  a  good  spinnor.  cons.H|u..ntly  all 
endeavored  to  excel  in  that  busine.s.s,  and  spinning  parties  Immhiu. 

the  order  of  the  day.  „,  „n  .-.rU 

Polly  Latty  was  the  daughter  of  Hobrrt  Latty,  who  at  an  .^  ly 

day  settled  upon  a  farm  in  Salem  township.  CluunpM.jrn  c,>unty^ 

Which  farm  he  afterwards  sold  to  Joshua  Hulfington.  who  now  r^ 


sides  at  West  Liberty,  Logan  county,  having  sold  the  farm  to  the 
Stewart  brothers,  who  are  sons  of  Archibald  Stewart,  deceased. 
Polly  was  a  fine  specimen  of  9  pioneer  Buckeye  girl,  of  rather  more 
than  medium  stature,  well  formed,  healthy  and  handsome.  Sh* 
was  not  ashamed  nor  afraid  of  work;  as  a  spinner  she  never  was 
excelled ;  at  a  flax  pulling  frolic,  or  a  house  warming,  she  had  but 
few  equals.  Once  upon  a  time,  I  believe  it  was  in  1824  or  1826, 
but  I  am  not  certain  as  to  the  precise  time,  Polly  had  concluded 
to  do  the  greatest  day's  work  that  had  ever  been  performed  by  a 
single  person.  A  time  and  place  had  been  selected  for  the  pur- 
pose— a  log  barn  in  the  neighborhood  was  to  be  the  place,  and  the 
time  from  sunrise  to  sunset  on  a  certain  day.  At  early  dawn  on 
the  day  appointed,  the  pioneer  girl  and  her  mother,  with  a  goodly 
number  of  the  neighbors,  were  assembled  at  the  appointed  place, 
and  everything  having  been  duly  arranged,  the  first  whirr  of  tho 
spinning-wheel  was  heard  the  moment  the  sun  made  his  appear- 
ance in  the  e  -tern  horizon,  and  it  ceased  not  for  a  minute  until 
the  sun  had  iiisappeared  behind  the  distant  hills  that  border  the 
beautiful  valley  of  Mad  river.  The  mother  and  another  woman 
waited  upon  Polly  during  the  day  of  her  trial  and  hard  work,  and 
supplied  her  with  victuals  and  drink,  that  she  might  not  be  hin- 
dered on  that  account.  One  of  them  also  reeled  the  thread  as  fast 
as  the  spools  were  filled.  Noon  arrived;  it  was  "high  twelve;" 
half  the  day  was  gone,  but  half  the  promised  work  was  not  yet 
done.  Polly  must  hurry  up  or  surrender  the  laurels  to  another. 
Her  attendants  now  inclosed  that  part  of  the  barn  where  she  sat, 
by  hanging  around  her  a  number  of  sheets,  blankets  and  quilts, 
at  a  proper  distance,  so  as  to  form  a  kind  of  private  room  in  which 
they  should  not  be  exposed  to  the  view  of  vulgar  outsiders  nor 
interrupted  and  hindered  by  their  annoyance.  As  evening  ap- 
proached, fears  were  entertained  by  the  girl  and  her  mother  that 
the  task  would  not  be  accomplished  before  sunset;  she  therefore 
put  forth  all  her  energy,  determined  to  do  the  utmost  in  her 
power.  The  wheel  now  hummed  and  whirled  faster  than  at  any 
time  before,  and  that  no  expedient  should  go  untried  in  this  crit- 
al  moment,  like  Burn's  Nannie,  in  times  of  old, 

"She  coosed  her  duddys  to  the  wark, 

And  linket  at  it  in  her  sark." 

It  is  said  that  time,  patience  and  perseverance  will  accomplish 
all  things.    It  was  so  in  this  case.    As  the  last  rays  of  the  setting 


nun  were  glimmering  over  the  western  horizon,  and  shone  faintly 
upon  theround  logs  of  that  now  extinct  barn,  the  last  "cruclc"  o( 
the  reel  was  heard  to  announce  the  completion  of  tlu-  forty-eigUtk 
"cut"  and  the  fourth  dozen. 

The  pioneer  girl  was  victorious,  and  that  triumph  sha|)ed  her 
destiny  in  after  life.  Soon  after  the  spinning  was  done,  an  account 
of  the  great  feat  was  published  in  a  newspaper,  giving  the  nam* 
and  place  of  residence  of  the  spinner.  Gen.  Wm.  iMniall,  who 
had  never  before  heard  the  name  of  Polly  Latty,  on  rejiding  th« 
story,  at  the  place  where  he  was  keeping  school,  at  sojue  «li-t;inc» 
from  here,  immediately  formed  a  determination  to  s<h'.  b«'<'<»rn» 
acquainted  with,  and,  if  possible,  to  enter  into  a  life  r)Mrtner<hl^ 
with  the  best  spinner  of  the  time.  All  this  he  finally  accompli-^hed, 
although  in  his  case,  as  in  nearly  all  others,  the  current  of  lru« 
love  did  not  alwajs  run  smooth,  for  Polly  iiad  other  admirer*;  but 
wisely  selected  the  one  of  her  choice.  She  had  several  brothort 
and  sisters.  I  know  of  but  one  living,  her  sister  Sarah,  whi>  mar- 
ried Benoni  Barnes,  and  lives  near  Addison,  in  tlii-  munty. 
There  may  be  others,  but  I  know  of  none. 

Gen.  Wm.  Darnall,  at  the  time  he  became  acquainted  witli  Mim 
Latty,  was,  like  the  writer,  a  "school-master,"  and  .Judge  Vance, 
of  our  Probate  Court,  was  one  of  his  scholars.  Soon  after  the  pat- 
sage  of  the  first  school  laws  by  the  Ohio  Legislature,  in  lH2r>,  John- 
athan  E.  Chaplin,  Wm.  Darnall  and  myself  were  appMutetl  the 
first  school  examiners  in.  Champaign 'County.  .Mr.  Chaplin  wa« 
an  attorney-at-law,  but  afterwards  abandoned  the  jiractloe  ol  law 
and  became  a  Methodist  preacher.  He  passed  from  time  to  eter- 
nity many  years  ago. 

Now  reader,  vou  have,  as  I  believe,  a  true  history  of  "Pioneer 
Polly,"  given  in  part  by  Mr.  Antrim,  in  part  by  her  husband, 
and  in  part  by  your  humble  servant.  Hore  is  an  In^tHncv  I. 
which  a  young  woman,  before  unknown  to  fortune  and  to  fame, 
by  her  personal  labor  and  great  industry,  in  a  single  day  laid  the 
foundation  of  a  long,  prosperous  and  happy  life.  Pernul  n^l. 
say  to  the  present  generation  of  girls,  -(Jo  thou  and  do  likewise. 


BY  B.  S.   BROWN,  M.  D. 

Havinpf  been  requested  to  contribute  something-  in  re^^rd  to  the 
Pioneer  Physicians  of  Logan  county,  I  have  thought  that  it  might 
not  be  uninteresting  to  the  physicians  of  the  county  at  the  present 
time,  and  to  others,  to  be  told  of  the  very  great  difference  between 
the  practice  of  the  profession  now,  and  what  it  was  thirty  to  fifty 
years  ago,  especially  in  regard  to  the  arduous  wor^  and  fatigue  nec- 
essarily involved  then,  and  now.  Now,  since  the  county  has  be- 
come thickly  Fettled,  there  are  generally  from  two  to  five  or  six 
doctors  in  each  of  the  dozen  or  more  towns  and  villages  through- 
out the  county;  consequently,  thecircuit'of  their  practice  is  mostly 
restricted  to  a  few  miles,  or  they  encroach  upon  the  circuit  of  the 
adjacent  village;  which  is  sometimes  necessary  and  very  proper 
for  the  purpose  of  cousultation,  &c. 

But  in  visiting  their  patients  of  late  years,  how  do  the  doctors 
travel?  They  are  mounted  in  an  elegant  spring  buggy,  mostly 
with  a  fas*^^  horse  attached,  whether  their  trip  is  a  few  miles  in  the 
country  or  but  around  the  suburbs  of  the  town.  And  besides,  if 
they  have  to  drive  in  the  country,  it  is  generally  upon  smooth, ex- 
cellent turnpike  roads,  making  it  seem  more  like  a  ride  for  pleas- 
ure than  hard  work.  This  is  all  in  very  pleasant  contrast  with 
what  the  practice  of  medicine  in  this  county  was  thirty  or  fifty 
years  ago;  then  the  physicians  of  the  county  were  "few  and  far  be- 
tween," and  some  of  the  earliest  practitioners  had  to  ride  to  all  parts 
ofthe  county  and  frequently  into  the  adjoining  counties  around. 


For  several  yecars  after  there  was  quite  a  consMerable  «>ettloniont 
along  the  Miami  river  ;  Cherokee  and  R;j=ihpreek  in  the  n..ri!.,.r„ 
part  ofthecounty.  There  were  no  physicians  located  north  o  : 
fontaine  within  fifty  or  a  hundred  miles,  and  a  conslderabh'  |.  ku  ..i 
of  the  practice  of  the  physicians  of  Zanesfit-ld  and  was 
in  that  direction,  particularly  in  the  pettlomcnts  •iloii-  •  ■is 

above  mentioned,  and  often  extenJin-,'  into  Hardin  a:.  .  .  I- 

joining  counties. 

In  the  county  spoken  of,  during-  the  early  settlement  of  it,  1 
think  there  was  much  more  sickness— in  proportion  tothHumn'  «t 
of  inhabitants— than  there  has  been  for  several  ye.irs  prt'v 
this  time;  for  in  addition  to  ^^  milk-sickness'^  which  prevail.  .  .  ^  .i 
fearful  extent  in  several  localities  of  that  region,  before  the  cattle 
were  grazed  on  tame  pastures,  they  h  id  sever.jl  e|)idemics  of  typhoid 
fever,  wliich  was  very  tedious  and  difRcuh  to  mamiL'eand  (ifi.-u 
proved  fatal,  after  the  most  careful  medical  and  niirsin  ri. 

Besides,  malarial  fevers,  such  as  ague,  and  bilious  ffvii  ro 

prevalent  in  the  early  settlement  of  the  country,  llutn  sin*-.'  the 
land  has  been  largely  cleared  and  cultivated.  As  I  have-  ■  I  '•  .to 
a  largo  portion  of  the  pra','tice  of  the  doctors  here,  wn-  d 

years,  amongst  the  diseases  I  have  mentioned,  and  in  '  <\, 

at  the  distance  of  from  six  to  twc:  ve,  uit  to  twcty  or  •  •<. 

But  how  did  we  get  there?    Certainly  not  by  '  i«» 

buggy  over  smooth  and  pleasant  roads;  but  on  i.  '« 

the  worst  kind  of  roads,  or  no  roads  at  all,  for  it  was  it 

we  had  to  be  guided  along  a  foot  path,  or  trail,  Ihrou  k 

woods  for  miles  together,  and  sometimes,  to  muk*-  '/ 

from  one  road  to  another,  throud^h  the  woods  wh<-n'  t  lo 

path  at  all.    There  were  some  wajron  roads  in  difr-n-r  n 

which  had  been  cut  out  through  the  wooils  ;  but  at  -  ma 

of  the  year,  they  were  much  worse  to  ride  on  horse-b,i<-;.  '«i 

the  pathways,  or  trails  through  the  woods,  owing  to  tl.  •  '  I 

and  ruts  in  many  places  al  on  l:  them.  I  have,  however,  h..,  .  >)y 
heard  it  remarked  in  the  spring  of  the  year,  that  thef.  w..-  only 
one  mud  hole  between  here  and  Cheroke.',  Il;chliind,  i:  'I, 

or  any  other  town  in  that  direction,  but  that  on.,  .-x  '•«» 

whole  distance.  It  was  not  uncommon  in  the  winl.T  iin  I  rarly 
sprin-,  for  these  mud  roads  after  they  h  i.l  been  iramp  •  I  up  vrry 
roughly  like  brick  clay,  to  be-'oiucso  froz-n  and  n.u^d.  that  it  .vt^ 


very  difficult  for  a  horse  to  pass  over  them  faster  than  a  walk.  And 
sometimes  in  places  where  the  BQud  was  very  deep,  it  whs  not 
frozen  quite  strong  enough  to  bear  up  the  weight  of  the  horse  and 
his  rider,  and  he  would  break  through,  nearly  or  quite  knee  deep. 
These  are  some  of  the  troubles  and  ditiieulties  the  practitioners  of 
those  times  had  to  encounter,  both  by  day  and  by  night, and  I  used 
to  verily  believe  that  these  long  trips  had  to  be  more  often  in  the 
night  than  in  the  day  time;  w!iich  was  accounted  for  in  this  way: 
A  person,  man,  woman  or  child  would  be  taken  sick — not  very  bad 
— but  after  using  some  home  remedies  for  a  few  days,  the  patient 
was  no  better,  and  but  little  if  any  worse.  The  neighbors  woul'l  call 
in  at  night,  to  see  the  sick  one,  (for  they  were  more  sociable,  and 
friendly  in  that  way,  then  than  now  ;)  and  upon  consultation  among 
themselves,  would  a<ivise  thut  the  doctor  be  sent  for  forthwith. 
Then,  perhaps,  some  j'oung  man  present  would  volunteer  to  go,  if 
•ome  other  one  would  go  with  iiim  ;  and,  if  the  roads  were  not  as 
bad  as  described  above,  the  two  would  mount  and  gallop  the  whole 
way,  even  if  the  distance  was  ten  or  twelve  miles,  arriving  her© 
perhaps  about  midnight.  No  excuse  or  proposal  to  go  in  the 
morning  would  avail,  but  tbe  doctor  must  immediately  saddle  up, 
and  go  with  the  messengers,  as  they  came,  at)d  it  might  be,  to  find 
the  |>atient  no  more  in  need  of  medication,  than  he  had  been' for 
days  previous,  when  the  doctor  might  have  been  called  in  the  day 

As  an  illustration  of  the  greater  social  friendship  existing  in  re- 
gard to  seeing  after,  ami  assisting  sick  neighbors,  I  recollect  of 
being  sent  for,  and  going  to  see  a  sick  man  in  the  night,  about  ten 
or  twelve  miles  from  here,  arriving  near  midnight.  The  house  in 
which  I  found  the  patient  was  a  small  log  cal>in,  perhaps  about 
sixteen  by  twenty  feet,  having  but  one  r«om,  with  a  large  chim- 
ney fire-place  at  the  end,  and  the  beds,  &c.,  at  the  other.  It  was 
rather  cold  weather.  When  we  got  about  a  half  a  mile  from  th© 
place,  we  could  see  a  very  larj>e  fire  in  the  direction,  that  it  might 
almost  make  us  think  the  house  was  burning  up,  till  we  got  near 
enough  to  see  what  it  was.  It  was  a  large  "log  hi>ap"  on  fire  in 
the  yard,  a  few  rods  in  front  of  the  door,  built  and  tired  by  the 
visiting  neighbors,  who  were  collected  and  warming  themselves 
around  it,  because  there  was  not  room  in  the  house  to  seat  and  ac- 
commodate half  of  them,  without  too   much  disturbing  the  quiet 

LOGAN  CK)UNTira^.  411 

of  the  patients.  Sonn-  of  th^sft  kind  nei{,'lil>(>r>,  hoili  men  aiui 
women,  lived  miles  away  ;  for  the  whole  neiirhlx.rhood  eunsidiTwl 
it  a  duty  to  -'visit  the  sick,"  and  some  of  them  of  curse  would  n- 
inain  all  ni<?ht  to  assist  in  wailing  on  aiul  nursini,'  the  sick. 

When  a  child  was  to  be  born  in  those  times,  and  the  d<M-tor  wua 
sent  for,  either  l)y  night  or  day,  (and  incases  of  this  kind  it  was  mit 
uncommon  that  he  had  to  ride  eight  to  twelve  miler.,)  when  lie 
would  arrive,  he  would  generally  frnd  all  tlie  married  u..ujcii 
of  the  neighborhood  had  got  there  before  him,  rrt'«|Ufiitly  num. 
baring  from  half  a  dozen  to  ten  or  more  ;  for  it  \\a>  <on-idi'i.'d  an 
insult  to  a  woman,  if  within  a  few  miles,  nt)t  t(»  in-  mmiI  tor  mm  hii 
occasion  of  this  kind.  As  soon  as  the  child  was*  Uini  and 
cared  for,  then  commenced  the  preparation  foi  tin-  feast,  and  the 
innocent  chickens  on  the  roost  had  ae  much  cause  to  be  horritiecl. 
as  it  was  said  in  old  times  they  were  on  the  arrival  of  the  ejreult 
l)reacher  at  his  usual  stopping  place. 

And  ii,  a  short  time,  no  matter  what  was  the  hour  of  day  or 
night,  the  table  was  spread  and  loaded  witli  substantiuls  and  lux- 
uries sufficient  for  the  appetite  of  the  most  intense  g<»urmiind.  In 
tiiose  days  it  was  considered  necessary,  on  such  neca'^ions,  even  l»y 
temperance  families,  to  have  a  quart  or  twuof  spirituou-«  liqu«»r  for 
the  benefit  of  the  mother,  and  that  she  must  take  pretty  fre<'ly  of 
hot,  sweetened  punch,  as  a  medicine  to  prevent  her  fntni  tHkini; 
coM  :  and  if  the  drink  was  passed  around,  as  it  usually  mhs,  it  wiu- 
not  considered  a  breach  of  the  rules  of  temperance  "to  tnke  a  lit- 
tle." It  was  a  custom  in  tiiose  times,  in  almost  ev«'ry  neijrldnir- 
hood  remote  from  a  physician,  that  some  man,  generally  u  fi»rn»er 
or  mechanic,  would  possess  himself  of  a  set  of  tooth-drawers  ami 
lancet  for  bleeding,  and  he  was  resorted  to  by  the  i>eoplo  urounti 
him  to  pull  their  teeth,  and  bleed  them,  whenever  they  thnUkchI 
they  needed  such  operations,  the  latter  ol  w  bieh  was  very  fn- 
quent.     In  fact,  the  habit  ore  iistom  of  being  bled  beejo  ■  v- 

alent,  that  many  persons,    generally    women,    both  n  ••! 

single,  got  to  think  it  neces.sary  to  be  bled,. -iek  or  wi-li.  at  i.iwl 
once  every  year,  and  generally  in  the  spring.  Thi-  opei  .li...  nmi- 
generally  performed  by  the  adepts  spoken  o\     I .  '•. 

rtwa.s  not  uncommon,  when  a  person  was  llrst  takeo  -..  ..  no,  to  send '.n- the  bleeder,  who  w.uiUI  per- 
form  the  operation,  and  perhaps  give  a  dose  of  salts,  or  M.n.e  ..ih«r 
mildphysic,  which,  if  Hiey  did   not   relieve  the  |«.tient.  .i   whu 


thought  to  be  time  to  send  for  the  Doctor.  This  custom  was  so 
prevalent,  that  it  was  not  uncommon  for  someof  these  men  to  ob- 
tain the  reputaion  of  being  first-rate  half -doctors . 

In  addition  to  the  country  spoken  of  as  being  within  the  bounds 
of  tie  Doctors  of  Bellefontaine,  they  were  sometimes  called  upon 
to  visit  patients  of  tlie  Indians,  wiio  at    that  time  lived   on  their 
Lewistown  Reservation,  which  was  twelve  miles  square,    and  in- 
cluded the  {)resent  town  of  that  name  and  the  country  around   it. 
I  think  the  Indians  there  were  partly  of  two  tribes,   the  Senecas 
and  Shawnees.    Jud^e  James  McPherson  was  U.  S.  Agent  for  the 
Indians  on  the  Resnrvation,  but  lived  on  and  owned  a  large   body 
of  land  about  half  way  from  the  Reservation.     A  part  of  said  land 
is  now  known  and  occupied  as  the  Infiriniry  farm.     At  one   time 
the  Judge  called  on  me  to  visit  a  side  Indian  woman,  the   married 
daughter  of  one  of  the  chiefs  of  the  tribe.     Siie    lived    with    her 
husband  in  the  country,  about  a  mile  in  an  easterly  direction  from 
Lewistown.    Their  dwelling  was  a  neit  log  cabin,  witli   a  narrow 
porch  on  tiie  front  side,  floored  with  punciieons,  open  at  both  ends. 
The  Judge  accompanied  me  to  the  place  to  act  as   interpreter,   for 
but  few  of  them  could  speak    much    Eiiglisi\.       After  examining 
the  patient,  I. told  them  I  could  do  nothing  for  her,  except  perhaps 
to  somewhat  ease  her  suffering  during  the  short    time    she    could 
live.      She  was  very  low,  in  the  last  stage  of  consun^ption.    They 
however  requested  me  to  come  and  see  her  every  few  days,  which 
I  did  a  few  times,  till  one  afternoon  I  found  her  dead,  and  laid  out 
on  a  blanket  spread  on  the  floor  of  the    porch.      The    corpse    was 
splendidly  dressed  in  Indian  style,  including  a  robe  of  tine  broad- 
cloth, an  elegant  shawl  about  the  head    and   shoulders,    and    the 
nicest  kind  of  beaded  moccasins  on  her  feet,   and  other  things  to 
match.    On  the  floor,  near  enough  to  her  right   hand  to   reach,   if 
she  could  have  used  it,  was  a  large  wooden  bowl  fllled   with  what 
appeared  to  be  fried  fritters,  and  by  its  side  was  an  earthen  bowl 
fiUea  with  sugar.    I  was  anxious  to  see  the  funeral,  and  soon  after 
eigiit  or  ten  Indians  returned  from    the    woods    with    the    coffin, 
wljere  they  had  been  to  make  it.     It  was  composed    of  four  slabs 
of  green  timber,  neatly  hewed,  about  three  inches  thick,  and  a  lit- 
tle larger  than  the  body  ;  tiiese   were  not  fastened    together,   but 
were  for  the  bottom,  top  and  sides.    Two  short  pieces  of  the  same 
material  and  thickness  for  the  ends   completed    the    coffin.      The 
grave  was  not  yet  dug,  but  it  was  soon  done,  as  it  was  only  about 

LOGAN  CO UNTl  VS.  411 

two  feet  deep,  and  it  was  in  the  yard,  only  a  few  rods  frorn  the 
door,  but  near  several  other  graves,  as  it  appe-ired  to  h.-  :i  (•(xnriiuD 
burying-ground.  After  the  digging  was  done  oneofth.'sli.hs  waa 
placed  in  the  bottonn,  and  one  set  up  on  edge  on  each  si<le,  ;itid  th* 
short  pieces  at  the  ends  kept  these  in  place  The  grave  was  now 
ready  for  the  corpse.  Four  men  now  lifted  it,  one  ii<»l.ling  to  each 
corner  of  the  blanket,  carried,  and  in  this  way,  letil  down  int«)  th« 
grave.  A  portly  looking  oM  chief,  or  priest,  now  approached, 
drewa  large  butcher-knife  from  its  scabbard,  which  w;is  in  his 
belt,  kneeled  down  at  the  head  of  the  grave,  and  rcaciicd  the  knife 
down  to  the  head  and  face  of  the  corpse,  and  looked  as  tiii»u;;h  he 
were  going  to  cut  it  to  pieces.  Not  so;  he  carefully  selectKl  ynd 
cutoff  a  nice  lock  other  flowing  hair,  and  then  cut  a  small  corner- 
piece  from  each  article  of  dress  with  which  she  was  clotin-d,  even 
including  the  beaded  moccasins  on  her  feet.  TIksc  spccitnenH  «>f 
relics  were  carefully  wrapped  up  and  suspended  froin  lii-<  h»ll.  lie 
then  took  from  his  belt  a  small  bundle  or  hag,  opened  it,  mid 
spread  out  its  contents,  which  apjieared  to  be  broken  up  dry  leavit 
such  as  they  smoke  in  their  pipes.  These  he  hehi  in  his  op«'n 
hands,  standing  a  lew  feet  from  the  open  grave  and  I'iicini:  it.  Th« 
company  pa.^sed  in  single  tile  around  helueen  him  and  the  grave, 
each^one  taking  a  little  pinch  of  the  iiried  leaves  as  they  p;.N-ed, 
and  throwing  it  in  upon  1  he  corpse.  The  thick  sliib  was  ihea 
placed  on  as  the  lid  olthe  cofhu,  aud  the  grave  liikd  ui-,  ei.diug 
the  burial  certmony. 

414  «HAMPA!«N    ANS^) 

f  0d  jlianeer;  or,  t^ort^  Qmrs  Sffa. 

HY    K.   LAKKIN    BKOWK. 

Yes,  everythins;  is  j'hanged,  John;  there's  nuthini,' seeine  the  same. 
And  yet  it  was  not  long  ago,  the  tim«  wlien  first  .ve  eanie; 
But  the  years  have  passed  so  swiftly;  my  hair  is  white  as  siiow. 
And  not  a  white  hair  when  I  came — it's  fortj'  years  ago. 

'Twas  here  I  set  my  stake,  John,  when  all  was  wild  and  new  ; 
We  followed  up  the  Indian  trail — ours  was  th.e  lirst  teain  through. 
Just  there  our  wagon  stood  that  night.     We  heard  the  wolfs  howl  then, 
And  tlie  first  sovind  heard,  as  morning  dawned,  wan  the  boom  of  the  prairie 

Then  came  days  of  trial  and  toil,  but  we  weathered  them  brnTely  through, 
For  your  grandmother  had  a  cheerful  heart,  and  was  ever  brave  and  true; 
And  your  father  and  Jake  were  stout  lads,  then,  and  Nancy  wnd  Marj 
and  Kate 

Could  lend  »  hand  in  cabin  or  field,  and  we  all  worked  early  and  late. 

And  the  Indian  seemed  half  sad,  half  pleased,  a.s  our  cabin  logs  were  laid; 
For  he  dreaded  the  white  man's  grasping  hand,  though  fond  of  the  white 

man's  aid; 
His  s-ullenest  moods  were  ever  beguiled  with  the  hand  of  welcome  and  cheer; 
To  his  sunniest  smiles  we  trusted  not,  and  the  leaded  rifle  was  near. 

Twas  there  we  had  the  first  field  of  wheat,  right  over  behind  the  barn; 
And  here,   vhere  the  orchard  and  garden  are,  that  spring  we  planted  corn. 

Twas  a  cheerful  thing  to  see  them  grow  on  the  new-turned  prairie  sod, 
And  never  a  harvest  was  gath^ired  in  with  more  grateful  thanks  to  God. 

We  had  never  a  barn  nor  a  threshing  floor,  and  the  mill  was  far  to  find; 
But  we  trod  the  wheat  on  the  prairie  turf,  and  cleaned  it  in  the  wind. 
For  the  saying  is  true,  "there  is  always  a  way  wherever  there's  a  will," 
And  I  threaded  tlie  paths,  and  forded  the  streams,  between  us  and  the  mill. 

But  neighbors  soon  began  to  come,  and  as  soon  as  the  second  year. 
We  could  count  a  dozen  cabins'  smok«  from  where  we  are  standing  here. 
'Twas  a  pleasant  sight  on  the  prairie's  rim,  and  sweet,  as  evening  fell, 
Was  tlie  souiid  of  each  .settler's  lowin.i  kine.  and  faintly  tinkling  bell. 

LOGAN  CX)UNT1K8.  41'. 

And  with  settlers  came  the  law,  John,  for  law  i-<  the  right  of  nil 

And  nevor  a  man  of  Saxon  bloaJ  that  held  the  law  a.  thrull. 

I  served  as  well  as  I  knew,  John,  as  juror,  squire  and  judge, 

AndneTerfalsajudgmentHtainedinyname.  through  f.;nr,  furor  ..r  Krudf* 

I  say  It  not  in  pride,  John,  I  wanted  you  to  know 

I  did  my  duty  as  1  could,  so  many  yi.'Hrs  ago. 

And  yc'u  will  be  called  as  I  was  called.  Oetween  »he  right  iiuJ  mromn 

And  wrong  upheld  will  canker  a  life,  though  'ife  h<«  never  «*..  loa| 

And  I've  been  greatly  pro.spared  in  basket  and  in  store. 

And  have  seen  .«uch  things  in  forty  years  as  were  never  a  en  b«for« 

The  country— you  know  it.-i  grandeur,  its  glory  and  its  lame, 

And  how  forever  has  been  removed  the  shame  that  stained  il«  ii»iii* 

And  then  the  mysteries  explored — the  wondrous  thingn  found  out; 
I  do  not  understand  them,  John,  and  yet  1  cannot  doubt- 
Two  months  wns  tlie  time  from  Europe,  and  full  two  week.«  from  buni«. 
And  now  we  hear  in  asingle  day  from  London  or  fmm  Koine. 

And  the  huge  and  mighty  eUiJ-iniis,   with  their  long  and  fir^-drawn  tr«iB» 
They  are  running  forever,  a  thousaniway.",  o'eruiountftini»nd  o'or  (.l»l«  • 
Such  things  had  never  been  seen,  John,  the  day  that  I  cHme  her.< 
And  I  always  see  them  onward  ruali  with  a  sense  of  awe  and  (ei»r 
And  the  sun— the  mighty  paintsr—one  instant  and    lisdou^. 
A  picture  that  no  human  hand  can  paint  you  such  a  one; 
There's  nothing  done  in  the  old  way,  but  everything  i*  now 
We  neither  sow,  nor  reap,  nor  thresh,  in  the  way  we  u»e<l  to  do 

The  old  neighbors  who  came  first.  John,  and  settled  here  b.v  m.-. 
Some  sold  and  went,  and  some  have  di.;  1-theres  only  two  or  lhr«*  , 
They  may  have  been  rough  and  rude,  John,  but  always  jutl  and  Irue 
But  dear  old  friends!  tbe  tear  will  start  whenever  I  think  -f  y«u 
And  her- the  soundest  friend  of  all-the  dearest  and  th«  b...i- 
Notlong  ago  I  laid  away  in  everlasting  rest; 
You  lay  me  by  her  side,  John-thp  time  will  noi  b-  lo.R- 
Where  the  oak  tree  casts  its  shadows,  :»i.d  the  roh.i.    >-.  -   h,»  .....k 

The  old  place  will  be  yours,  John,  the  re^t  have  n 
I  meant  it  for  youi  father,  who  died  in  Freedom  ^  w  .r^ 
'Twas  my  home  in  early  manhood,  'tis  -ny  home  m.w  . 
The  deed  was  signed  by  Jack.on-Td  like  not  to  have  it  .  .M 
Tes,  evervthingis  changed,  John,  there's  nothing  sc..m.  tb-  ..."• 
i.nd  yet  it  was  not  long  ago  -the  time  when  flr.1  wj.  cnmr 

But  the  years  have  passed  so  iwiftly -my  h  - ' 

And  not  a  white  hair  when  I  came-it's  for 

hair  is  whit^ 
.)rty  ye»r«  sc 



It  was  in  Novpmbor,  1820  or  1821,  e.irly  on  a  frosty  morninp:,  my 
father  and  I  stirted  to  "Enoch's  Mills."  I  was  then  about  eitJ^hk 
years  of -lye.  Our  way  was  through  liie  woods,  barrens  and  prai- 
ries. P*^rliap,s  there  wa;*  not  tl)eii  one  half  ntiileof  lane  on  the  common 
traveled  pathway  to  the  mills.  There  wrre  then  tidckets  of  hazle 
and  pliin),  wlr-re  now  ?:taiid  trees  larire  enough  to  make  eight  com- 
mon rails,  or  to  hew  for  huiiding  [)urposes.  At  that  time  I  fre- 
quf^ntly  saw  from  two  to  nine  or  ten  deers,  at  full  run  one  after  an- 
othpr,  go  cJpar  over  the  top  of tlio^e  thickets  every  leap.  As  I  have 
said  the  land  was  mostly  in  a  «t;ite  of  nature.  A  small  log  cabin 
meeting-house  stood  at  Mt.  T  ilior,  and  a  few  graves  were  there 
enclosed  with  a  rail  f(-nce,  A  canip  meeting  had  been  annually 
held  hpre,  and  many  tents  were  s^tandiiiy:  in  the  grove.  The  land 
composing  John  Enoch's  bpantiful  farm  was  then  nearly  all  unim- 
proved, and  partly  covered  by  a  dense  thicket  of  hazel,  plum  and 
thorn,  and  the  praiiie overgrown  with  wild  grass. 

Wiien  we  arrived  at  the  IMills,  a  considerable  number  of  persons 
were  there  before  us,  so  that  we  must  remain  till  near  evening  be- 
fore our  turn  wcjuld  come  for  our  iirindin":  to  be  done.  Some  had 
traveled  iwenty  miles  or  mtire  to  yet  grinding  done,  from  Darby 
Plains,  from  north  of  Rellefonlaine,  and  other  i)oint8.  Among 
others  the  late  Jiidi^e  Daniel  Baldwin,  who  then  lived  abf)Ut  four 
miles  north  of  Bellefontaine — near  where  the  village  of  flarper 
DOW  s'nnds— was  at  the  mills.  An  1  hern,  for  the  fir.^t  tim.',  I  saw 
my  respected  friend  John  Eaoch.  He  Wcis  then  ayoung  man  uboufc 


twenty-one  years  of  ajje,  and  on  thatday  was  millfr  in  hiHf.tih.T'« 
mills.  During^  the  day  John  Shelby  wasat  the  mill;  h.-  then,  I  think, 
represented  Logran  county  in  the  General  Assembly  of  Ohi...  (apt, 
Alex.  Black,  Moses  Mcllvaine,  .James  Baird,  Robert  Kr»-ukes  and 
other  pioneer  settlers  of  the  land,  were  then>. 

I  did  not  recognize  the  place  as  a  town,  although,  in  1hi7,  it  wja 
regularly  surveyed  and  plotted  by  Aaron  L.  Hunt,  then  (Vjuntj 
Surveyor  of  Champaign  county.  A  few  small  houst-.s  were  liuill ; 
andthehousenorthoftho  mill,  now occupif'dbyThomaslJhickburn, 
was  the  residence  of  John  Enoch,  Sr.  H.  M.  While  Invl  n  \ng 
house  with  a  shingle  roof,  and  porch  in  front,  in  wliicli  hu  rarriiil 
on  tailoring,  and  had  a  few  calicoes,  pins  and  needles,  on  wnne 
board  shelves  ;  he  also  kept  a  house  of  entertainmt^nt  for  tnivelero, 
and  furnished  plenty  of  whisky,  an  indispensable  article  in  H.  M.'a 

In  the  evening  our  grinding  was  done,  and  we  return. •»!  hoiuo  a 
little  after  nightfall.  When  my  father  told  me  we  bad  Iwvn  to 
West  Liberty,  I  was  somewhat  surfirised  to  learn  we  had  been  to 

Whatever  may  be  said  of  the  degeneracy  of  the  ago,  1  thi'ik 
much  improvement  has  been  made  in  the  moral  condition  of 
society  since  the  time  of  which  I  am  writing;"  tlion 
abounded  to  a  much  greater  degree  than  at  present,  espi'  -lall}  in 
the  country  neighborhoods;  (much  yetsorhjwlully  ab(uind.s  in  our 
cities,  towns  and  villages.)  At  that  time  it  was  common  for  nmny 
persons  to  drink  whisky  every  day,  and  frequently  when  we  were 
at  a  neighbor's  house  we  were  invited  and  pressed  to  drink.  »in<t  nl 

"  .  .  .  .      .  I  .      ll:..    , l...-lr_ 

of  neighborhoods  „....^ . 

was  nothing  strange  for  some  of  them  to  be  very  tiglu.  H  ^— 
then  much  more  common  for  men  in  ordinary  conver<iiion  to  u« 
impure  and  profane  language  than  at  preseni.  Our  excrlient  S.»t»- 
bath-school  system,  and  our  peace,  temperance  and  other  k-^ 
organizations  have  wrought  a  great  change  for  good.  Aiul  much 
improvement  has  been  made  in  the  laws  of  our  Slate  in  r-ir^nJ 
to  care  of  the  poor,  imprisonment  f..r  debt.  A.:  It  wh.h  then  th. 
law  for  the  authorities  to  sell  out  persons  who  reipiire.l  irrunlnry 
aid   to  the  lowest  bidder,    to    be    kept  six   month.^  or  »  yvmt. 


I  was  cognizant  of  one  case  where  two  aged  personH,  man  and 
wife,  were  sold  out  to  the  lowe'^t  bidder  to  be  kept  hix  months. 
And  according  to  the  law  of  that  time,  any  person  who  was  poor, 
and  in  debt  more  than  he  was  able  to  pay  ,  was  liable  to  be  sued 
and  incarcerated  in  jail,  as  soon  as  judgment  and  execution  were 
obtained  against  him  at  the  mercy  of  hia  creditor. 

At  our  debating  society,  held  in  the  school-house  where  the  vil- 
lage of  Kennard  now  stands,  in  the  winter  of  1827-28,  this  question 
was  discuss  d  :  "Is  it  consistent  with  civil  liberty  to  imprison  for 
debt?"  Among  the  speakers  were  Aaron  L.  Hunt,  Judge  N.  C. 
Reade — both  now  deceased — and  Edward  L.  Morgan,  still  living 
at  an  advanced  age.  It  is  probable  no  one  could  now  be  found  to 
advociite  the  affirmative  of  this  question.  T  was  acquainted  with 
many  cases  where  persons  were  placed  in  jail  for  debt.  And  I^wa« 
told  that  Simon  Kenton  had  to  leave  his  home  in  Logan  county 
and  sojourn  in  Kentucky  to  avoid  imprisonment  for  debt. 

So  far  as  I  now  remember,  all  who  were  at  "Enoch's  Mills"  on 
that  November  day,  except  .John  Enoch  and  myself  have  gone  the 
way  of  the  earth  ;  and  these  reminiscences  admonish  me  that  I 
too  am  paasing  away. 


HY  THOMAS  (X)W(!IM..  M.   I>. 

■'1  love  the  rough  log  cabin 
It  tells  of  olden  tim<!.'' 
From  1818  to  1822  was  said  to  he  a  very  pn-^-sintr  iiiii>-  \mhi  r»- 
gard  to  money,  which  made  hard  tiine.s  f,'en(M-tlly  with  thr  early 
settlers!,  yet  I  think  they  enjoy^^d  life,  ^^o  far  as  I  was  aiHiiiaintwl, 
as  well  as  any  people  I  have  since  known.  They  wore,  in  iimny 
respects,  dependent  upon  each  other.  They  wouhl  ■<oinetiin«* 
unite  in  their  little  farming:  operations— would  join  teann  to  plow 
apiece  ot  new  ground,  and  ^issist  each  other  in  fencing  «»r  phintliig. 
and  all  were  considered  to  be  bound  to  assist  in  rai^iujr  a  now 
house,  or  in  rolling  logs,  &c.  An<l  frequently,  to  have  woni  that 
a  cabin  was  to  be  raised  in  the  neighborhood  was  ^umciej.t  notir.- 
without  an  invitation.  All  felt  at  liberty  and  believ.>il  it  wa.  their 
duty  to  go  and  assist  on  such  an  occasion,  although  it  miirht  Ik»  U. 
help  some  one  they  had  never  be'^ore  se.-n  or  known.  Kvor>- 
cabin  that  was  built  and  every  acre  of  land  that  wn«  w». 
considered  so  much  addition  t<.  the  general  in.|.roven.ent  of  th. 
country.  And  in  borrowing  and  lending  the  set  tier*  wen- w'ynrr- 
ally  on  the  most  intimate  terms.  In  case  of  ner.>K^ity  would  g.> 
to  a  neighbor  to  borrow  an  ax,  hoe,  pl.uv.  harrow  eroKH-eut  ^.w. 
chisel,  or  a  little  salt  or  Hour,  and  any  one  who  -'»^  -»«'•;  ;' J, 
or  repay  borrowed  articles,  woul.i  iuMo.-d.ate  y  I...-  <-"; '»•  •^'' 
not  b'e  trusted  again  if  it  couKl  be  avoid-d  unU..  -  '-  ;' ^^  ^  ^ 
reasonable  excuse.  And  all  who  tried  to  .lo  well  had  th-  •>  mf 
Ty  of  the  community   generally.     In  their   nu.nner.  and  in.... 


course  with  eaf^h  other,  the  pioneers  were  frien<1ly  and  aflfection- 
ate.  In  meeting  together  they  would  arenerally  shake  hands  in 
the  most  social  manner — kindly  inquire  of  each  other's  health  and 
of  the  health  of  tiieir  families,  and  frequently  sit  down  and  con- 
verse for  a  long  time,  perhaps  of  their  old  home  in  Virginia,  or 
elsewhere.  Though  much  embarrassed  by  the  circumstances  by 
which  they  were  surrounded,  I  think  the  pioneers  had  more  time 
for  social  intercourse  than  people  generally  have  now  ;  they  most- 
ly called  each  otiierby  their  proper  names,  or  would  say  friend  or 
neighbor,  and  in  their  conversation  there  seemed  to  be  sincerity, 
and  not  much  attempt  at  dect^plion  or  flattery.  It  was  generally 
customary,  so  far  as  my  observation  extended,  when  a  pioneer 
would  go  to  a  neighbor's  liouse  on  some  little  errand,  for  him  to 
shake  hands  with  all  the  members  of  the  family,  beginning  with 
the  elder  ones  ;  and  set  down  and  converse  an  hour  or  more,  if 
time  permitted — attend  to  his  errand,  and  then,  in  the  most  kind 
and  friendly  manner  invite  all  to  "come  and  see  us,"  and  again 
shake  hands  with  all  the  moiTibers  of  the  family  and  depart. 
About  the  time  of  which  I  am  writing,  there  was  more  equality 
in  the  circumstances  of  the  people  of  this  country  than  at  present, 
and  I  think  as  mucli  genuine  feeling  and  friendship  then  existed 
with  tlie  community  as  we  can  expect  to  meet  with  in  this  poor 
world.  My  parents  were  among  the  first  settlers  in  the  eastern 
part  of  Ohio,  and  I  have  frequently  heard  them  express,  that  they 
never  e.ijoyed  life  better  than  they  did  with  the  early  settlers  in 
the  forasts  of  Columbiana  county. 

TORNADO  FOm  Y  Y E Alls  AGO. 

BY    WM.    PA  Til  I  OK. 

Mondaj',  March  22, 1830,  was  a  momorahlo  day  for  llrhnra.  Ii 
was  mild  and  pleasant  in  the  early  morning:,  but.  iit  ulx.ul  lOor 
11  o'clock  it  began  to  haze  with  fitdil  South-weslern  brei-Acs,  with 
alternate  sunshine  and  flittinj;  cloud.^,  until  about  2  oVI«K-k  I*.  M., 
when  a  small,  black,  dense  cloud,  could  be  seen  low  down  in  tho 
South-western  horizon,  which  gnidunlly  iiscendt?*!  nnd  r- 
proached  at  a  seeming  angle  of  about  thirty  degrees.  1-, 
were  attracted  by  its  marked  singularity  In  many  p-sikvim.  it 
moved,  enlarged,  and  expanded  in  quick  darling  s^voops  niul  «ljf- 
zag  gyrations,  up,  down,  and  horizontally,  with  quick,  whirling 
evolutions,  and  seemed  to  en)it  dazzling  hrigiit  ♦'Iwtrind  m-intilla- 
tions,  producing  the  most  gaudy  fringe-work  of  whi.-ii»y 
can  conceive.    As  it  neared,  for  a  few  moment.-*,  all  natiir  i 

to  be    hushed-not   a   ripple  of  air   could    be    f.-lt.    'I  i 
ens  seemed  to  hang  out  a  dark  p.ll,  and  all  '  to  Ih>  wn.norMHt 
in  one  general  gloom.    When  sud.leniy  the  sc-no  clmnu'oU  from  a 
death-like  silence,  and  a  breathless  cdm,  to  a  ni.Ht  tornllc  «n.l  «p- 
palling  spectacle.    The  whole  heavens   w,.r..  i.i  tumuli., 
motion.    Tlie  storm  King  in  awful  grandeur,   rode  m  ■ 
wrapt  in  his  cloud  panoply  to  the  music  of  tl..-  h.t 
ing,  and  horrific  roar  of  the  elements,  iH^nng  up  ::  _ 

mfdair,  trees,  lumber,  fen.e-rails,  tin.ber.  «hmj«  f^^^^^^^^f-^ 
sicks  a'nd  all  manner  of  debris,  .s  trophic,  of  his  v-  ....d  -.^H.y 
power  in  the  demolition  of  nature's  garn.turo.  and   ihon^ult-uf 

man's  labor. 


The  awfui  sublimity  of  the  scene  can  not  be  impressed  upon  the 
mind  of  any  one  who  did  not  witness  it.  And  in  much  less  time 
than  the  ;ibovo  can  be  rend,  the  whole*  force  of  tl)e  tornado  seemed 
to  dart  down  like  forked  lightning  upon  the  town — picking  up  and 
demolishing  a  small  brick  b'.iilding  on  the  north-east  corner  of 
John  A.  Mosgrove's  homestead  lot,  occupied  by  Richard  Baker; 
unroofing  the  Luce  House  on  the  corner  of  West  Main  and  Russell 
streets,  then  with  one  concentrated  swoop  dipped  into  the  Town- 
branch,  in  the  present  foundry  yard,  cleaning  out  all  the  water 
and  sediment  in  its  wake;  then  ascending,  whirled  and  scattered 
J.  B.  Eaker's  frame  house,  standing  near  the  front  yard  of  J.  M. 
Gardener,  unroofing  a  log  house  of  old  James  Hulse,  which 
stood  in  the  rear  of  the  present  Lutheran  Church,  destroying  all 
the  stables  in  this  vicinity.  Then  as  if  imbued  with  mercy,  the 
cloud  leaped  over  without  injury  to  two  or  three  small  frames, 
near  where  Col.  Johnson  now  lives,  occupied  by  J.  E.  Chapiin  and 
others,  demolishing  in  front,  a  pillared  street  market-house;  and 
then  taking  up  a  hip-roofed,  steepled  brick  Presbyterian  Church, 
on  the  present  site  of  th»  Court-house — crumbling  it  to  its  founda- 
tion, carrying  the  steeple  and  other  timbers  long  distances,  some 
of  whicli  struck  what  is  known  as  the  Hamilton  House,  leaving 
the  marks  to  this  day ;  then  with  a  bound,  this  last-Jtanaed  house 
was  partly  unroofed,  and  a  part  of  its  walls  prostrated,  unroofing 
at  the  same  time  the  house  of  Joseph  Reppart,  now  occupied  by 
Mrs.  James  l^rown. 

Here  in  its  wild  freak,  the  tornado  seemed  to  sever  itself,  and  a 
part  of  it  struck  and  unr©ofed  a  log  house  tben  owned  and  occu- 
pied by  Wm.  Downs,  (Mason)  drawing  or  rather  sucking  out  the 
north  wall  from  its  solid  corners  of  the  old  brick  M.  K.  Church, 
evidently  caused  by  a  vacuum  produced  by  the  action  of  the  storm, 
and  laid  it  out  in  a  straight  line  without  even  separating  the  ma- 
aoHry  to  any  considerable  extent. 

The  other  segment  of  the  tornado  struck  the  house  ot  Rolin  J. 
Harvey,  near  the  present  residence  of  Mrs.  Heylin  and  prostrated 
it  to  the  ground.  Then  it  whirled  into  fragments  a  new  frarn* 
house,  occupied  by  Geoi'ge  Bell  (scliool-teacher)  a  little  east  of  the 
present  residence  of  Dr.  Houston. 

Would  to  God  i(  were  only  necessary  to  record  the  demolition 
of  property;  but  oh,  no;  the  spirit  of  the  storm  liere  transformed 
itself  into  an  angel  of  deatl»,  and  seized  four  innocent,  beautiful 


and  interesting  children,  one  a  little  infant,  a>  viirtiius  i..  t.»i..  dArk 
domain,   and  secured  them  a.sadditional  troi)iiies.  itnh  of 

the  Storm  King,  carry  in  jj  their  llfelesj  hodics  iiniiteii  •.» 

in  midair;  and  not  content  with  this  sacriticf,  hurlni  Mrn.  Hell 
several  rods,  maiming  her  for  life,  and  at  the  same  tiin«-  Kmiliy  In- 
jured a  little  girl  who  happeiietl  at  tlie  house,  wlio  is  now  a  rfMpod- 
able  lady  of  this  city,  and  who  carries  the  evidence  «.r  it  t<i  ihi-««lay. 

Here  the  two  isegnients  of  the  storm  again  coalestvd  ;  lesiving 
the  residence  ef  Jerry  Mathis  untouched,  which  si.xmI  in  Hm-  pres- 
ent front  yard  of  Jerry  Deuel,  aiid  next  jticked  up  the  \>rUV.  r.-i- 
dence  of  Charles  Mathis,  (on  the  spot  where  Mrr<.  West  now 
and  crumbled  it  to  the  lower  floor,  leaving  Mrs.  Mathi>.  'liimp 
with  a  small  child  in  her  anus,  ^urrounde<l  with  tl»e  wret-k  <if  the 
house,  uninjured  and  unscathed,  as  a  stendng  aton«ment  lor  the 
work  of  death  at  the  last  named  place,  and  llien  veerwl  norlh  ami 
demolished  the  oil-mill  of  John  Mathis,  destroying  bin  whole 
stock  of  castor  b^ans,  (fee. 

At  this  point  the  Tornado  left  our  town,  pursumg  its  tuiuhiiiiK, 
pitching,  swooping  course  through  the  Ryan  wcmkIs,  hurlini;, 
twisting  and  up-rooting  the  largest  trees  ;  on,  yet  on  it  •'i»^l,  a^- 
gending  and  descending,  touching  the  earth,  here  and  there,  at  un- 
equal distances,  leaving  a  track  of  some  twenty  yards  w  ide  wbeti 
it  came  in  contact  with  the  earth  through  the  State  of  Ohio,  nwrly 
destroying  a  small  town  in  Richland  county,  reacliing  a  siimll 
town  in  North-Eastern  Pennsylvania  at  about  ft  o'clock  the  Hnme 
afternoon  at  the  unparalleled  speed  of  about  I  ".n  mile>  per  I 

You  need  not  tell  me,  gentle  reader,  that  my  effort  i*  n  f 
know  it.  I  feel  it,  but  console  myself  with  the  rerteclion  th.a  u« 
uninspired  pen,  however  ably  wielde<l,  can  do  justire  to  ^mh  • 
subject.  I  have  failed  to  catalogue  all  the  destruction  in  Ih*'  u.wn: 
somethirtv  buildings,  including  stable.s  A-c,  wen-  either  iwrtUIIy 
or  totally  demolished  in  the  wake  of  the  ^tonn,  ItsUI*^  mnny 
chimneys  and  other  fixtures  in  other  parts  of  the  t«.wn. 

I  ought  to  speak  of  one  incident  which  I  passed  :  I  hav»-«lnii«ly 
spoken  of  the  Hamilton  House;  it  was  i.»  proc-e..^  of  er^tioi. 
and  Elijah  Wolfkill  and  another  carpenter  were  n.  it.  and 
were  entirelv  buried  with  the  cruml)led  part  of  one  of  Ihr  wTUb. 
and  were  only  saved  by  crouching  under  their  xv.t^  '"—  • 
which  held  up  the  weight  of  hriek  and  mortar. 

I  might  here  extend  n.any  diversified  in.-i.lentv  ......e  v-rv  *«. 


some  mirthful,  and  some  indeed  lauo:hing]y  ludicrous,  but  will 
forbear,  and  will  close  by  merely  saying  that  immediately  after 
the  catastrophe  the  citizens  of  the  town,  and  many  from  the  coun- 
try, met  with  the  council  and  immediately  inaugurated  measures 
of  relief  to  the  sufferers,  and  early  next  morning,  marshaled  under 
chosen  leaders,  commenced  the  reconstruction  of  the  buildings 
that  the  havoc  of  the  storm  had  demolished.  Merchants,  black- 
smiths, tailors,  shoe-makers,  hatters,  tinners,  saddlers,  wheel- 
wrights, tanners,  pump-makers,  cabinet-makers,  potters,  gun- 
smiths, and,  indeed,  all  classes  were  metamorphosed  into  car- 
penters, plasterers  and  brick-masons,  and  those  who  could  not 
labor  furnished  means  necessary,  such  as  shingles,  nails,  glass, 
lumber,  &c.  Also  in  addition  to  contributions  from  our  o\vn  citi- 
zens, the  people  of  Dayton  and  perhaps  some  other  neighboring 
towns,  contributed  and  placed  in  the  hands  of  the  tow' n  council 
handsome  sums  of  money  for  distribution;  all  the  unfortunate 
families  were  again  provided  with  new  homes  and  many  indeed 
in  less  than  a  month  were  in  better  condition  than  before  the 
storm ;  thus  order  and  comfort  w«ire  restored  by  united  effort. 


BY  ED.  L.  MORGAN . 

It  is  not  known  who  was  the  lirst   wliite  innn   who  ovu...  ,i, 
Balem  township,  nor  at  wh;>t  time  or   places   the   fir-.t  tabla  was 
built.    It  is  thoujjcht  by  many  that  Pcn-e  Du'j:;uj,  a  Fr.'i 
had  an  Indian  squaw  tor  his  wife,  was  the    In  J 
'  living  in  a  small  log  cabin,  a  short  distance  from  tlie  ; 
dence  of  Mr.  Mark  Higbee,  and  the  Pan  Handle  II  li! 
over  or  near  the  spot  where  it   stood.      Du^an    Prai 
name  from  Pere  Dugnn,  who  was  tlie  tirst  while  selll  r    i 
border.    His  name  is  immortaliziMl,  and  will  probiihly  <>mi; 
name  of  Napoleon  Bonaparte,  whospent  his  wlioie  lif- 
tormenting  and  butchering  his  feliowmen;    Pere   .-; 
killing  the  beaver,  the  wolf,  the  bear  and  the  pndrie  i 

thuspreparingthe  wild  desert  for  the  secure   .settlcm. .,.    

civilized  white  man.  Reader,  rthich  do  you  believo  will  .M-ctipy 
the  highest  seat  of  honor  in  the  great  hereafier,    n  '»• 

parte  or  his  fellow  countryman,  IVre  Diigan  ?    A  f» 

spoken  of,  and  for  many  years  after,  the  Priirie,  (with  ibo  rs,-.-p. 
tion  of  a  few  small  islands,  and  iiere  and  there  an  elcvalcil  -pot) 
was  covered  with  water,  in  some  parts  to  a  considerable  d.'|.th, 
for  there  was  no  out-]et  for  thMwatrrwhi.h  flowed  in  from  th« 
surrounding  country.  In  spijnsr  and  summer  it  had  tb-  ani^^r- 
anceof  a  small  lake,  and  conUuned  a  vast  amotint    of  Z* 

and  turtles,  and  was  a  place  of  resort    for  countless  of 

water  fowls,  such  as  wild  geese,  ducks.  crnncH,  storks  Ac  nrmX 
mlb«rs  of  beaver,  otter,  mink,  muskrat  and   black   r»llle-.n|ik.^ 


Ii;icl  (heir  houses  nn  the  mar>;in  of  thp  hikf,  and  in  tho  elevatpd 
S|)nts  tlirouijijout  its  wliole  extent.  Of  very  dry  summtrs  the 
%vaf<T  on  the  priiirle  wuld  i^el  so  low  liint  some  pjirls  vvr.uld 
become  eiitirely  diy,  and  leave  large  quaiititiea  of  fi^l^,  which 
woidd  either  be  devoured  by  the  liogF,  v\i!d  beasts  and  fbwlp,  oir 
left  to  rot  in  the  hot  sun,  cau^^in^  an  almost  intolerable stencli,  and 
it  was  thoujiht  caused  much  sicktirss  for  many  miles  around. 

"U:s  yountr  folks"  once  constructed  a  rude  sail  bojitand  launchrd 
it  upon  the  "raging  Witters"  of  Du^an.  In  {Ids  l.-oat,  acconi- 
j);i!!i<  d  by  our  "(hiriinjiP,"  w<>  spMit  a  jiocd  deal  of  time  that 
nii^lit  have  i>een  enii)h»y('d  in  a  more  i  rofital)ie,  ibou<;h  not  in  a 
more  aiireeahie  and  pleasant  m;inner.  Occasionally,  citlier  by 
ncci<ieMt  or  de^!i;^n,  the  hoat  would  fin  over,  but  tids  S(ldor»»  Iiap- 
pen(«l  in  deep  water,  ho  that  all  could  wade  to  the  shore.  Of 
the  hundreds  w  ho  enjoye<l  the  hapi)in(  ss  of  a  rapid  and  merry  ri('e 
Tipon  boat  but  few  now  reuiaiii  upon  the  earth,  I  know  of 
none  f-ave  four  of  tlie  family  of  Jonsdhan  Lonp:,  four  of  the  family 
of  Mi*^tlie\v  Stewiirt,  one  of  the  family  of  John  T.iylor,  and  myself. 
TIsiH  was  piooably  the  firtjt  boat  ever  l.mnched  in  this  township, 
and  I  know  of  hut  one  otiier  since  that  time,  which  was  built  by 
John  INIcAdams,  E-q.,  some  years  after.  The  Idstory  of  this  boat 
and  tlie  adventures  of  its  owner,  J  expect  to  give  in  a   short  time. 

In  1825  the  Le^ri-==lature  [)a-^sed  an  act  authorizing  .Judge  John 
Jleyiiolds,  of  Urbana,  to  drain  Diiiian  prairie,  which  he  accora- 
.pliyhed  in  a  short  time  at  great  expense,  and  by  this  means  became 
the  benefactor  of  the  inhabitants  tor  many  miles  around.  Th© 
people  in  that  neigiiboriiood  havesutfered  but  little  with  fever  and 
aj^ue  since  then,  though  it  oecurredevery  summer  previous  to  that 
tin)e.  When  emigrants  from  the  old  Statirs  liegan  to  settle  and 
make  im})rovements  around  him,  and  Pere  could  seethe  light  of 
Other  fires  in  the  "clearing"  at  night,  and  iiear  the  sound  of  th0 
woodman's  axe  and  maul  by  day,  he  concluded  it  was  time  for  him 
to  liunt  a  new  honu',  asgame  was  getting  somewhat  scarce.  He 
accordingly  packed  up  his  traps  and  accompanied  by  Iiis  wife, 
childri-n  and  doge,  be  wendeci  his  way  to  tlie  north  and  located 
ji«-'ar  the  head  of  the  Scioto  river,  where  lie  ended  his  days.  It  was 
Ids  custom  after  he  left  here  to  visit  Urbana  at  least  once  a  year, 
to  dispose  of  his  furs  and  skins,  and  as  Judge  Iley nobis  had  becom© 
the  owner  of  his  old  home,  he  always  expected  him  to  pay  Bomd 


rpnt,  wl.SoJi  was  plionrfiilly  done,  and  m  |.onntl  (.r",.!p-fiul"foha.'r« 
oraciru-odn'ss  pMttcrn  for  liia  yoiiiii;!  si  [);,|.,„„.m- vmih  iivu.illy  piv- 
en  l»y  tl»e  .Tiidjro,  .and  (liMnUfully  nrcivod  l.y  Vou-  !iH>.iM|.lr  oMln. 
f;u'ti<in.  Miiny  •ainusin'T  jinccd.itcH  of  I)ii._'iin  wrro  rcliilid  |,y  ih% 
early  8!'ttk'rs  who  knew  liim,  one  of  wliicli  I  will  iiiv.-: 

Jleoncf^  purchiiSFdii  h:i<rof{-orn-iiirid  from  .Iv)l.n  Tnylor,  nt  Ida 
mill  on  Kinjrs  Chm  k,  and  ns  lie  hiid  no  horseof  Idsoun,  Mr.  Tnyliir 
kindly  offered  him  the  u.senf  one  toCiirry  Ids  mi  id  home.  TU% 
hoi-se  w:i3:i  ^5lnall  one  numed  Gopher.  I\  re  tlinnkfidly  nnepted 
the  off.T,  -ind  jiRer  takinir  ;in  eir-«cst  look,  (irst  nt  GuplM-r,  lli<  n  hI 
tlie  bair  of  meal,  then  at  hlin>;eir,  h*-  coctludt-d  thnt  it  would  b« 
impr)ssil)Ie  for  the  horse  toc.irry  hoth  him  iind  the  b:i^  of  tneni, 
find  heintr  iitiitrtssed  with  the  belief  that  "a  nuniful  man  will  b« 
mereii'ul  to  hi^^  b"ast,"  he  took  tlie  b:i;r  of  nnal  upon  his  nun 
fihoidder  and  deiibcrntely  Ie;idiMj:Goplior  to  a  Hinmp,  ho  numnted 
his  hire  Iiaek,  s  lyinir  iis  ht*  did  so  fh;it  "heconhl  «:irrv  the  Inf*  of 
moal  and  the  could  carry  him,"  and  in  this  wiiy  he  rocl# 


BY  THOMAS  Ct»WGIIili,  M.  D. 

In  presenting  some  account  of  my  knowledge  and  exp<*rience  of 
tlie  trials  and  privations,  the  pleasures  and  friendships  of  the  pio- 
neer settlers  of  this  country,  I  may  not  do  better  than  to  give  the 
history  of  the  "  eniigriifiDn  and  seltlement"  of  our  family  here. 
The  history  of  one  is  m  linly  the  history  of  all  the  f^xmilies  of  the 
early  settlers,  as  they  all  h;id  nearly  the  same  object  in  view  — 
they  were  in  search  of  a  home  in  the  wilderness  ;  and  they  gener- 
ally had  about  the  same  means  of  conveyance  —  they  moved  in 
covered  wa<jons,  in  carts,  on  horseback,  and  on  foot.  There  was 
not  then  the  convenience  of  railroad,  turnpike,  canal  and  river 
conveyance,  as  at  present. 

They  traveled  throngh  the  woods  on  the  new  and  rough  roads, 
and  often  without  ro.ids,  to  thfe  respective  places  selected  for  their 
homes.  They  were  generally  about  on  an  equility  in  point  of 
property,  were  mostly  comparatively  poor,  and  had  sought  this 
new  country  where  land  was  plenty  and  cheap,  to  better  their  con- 
dition in  life.  Yet  some  had  left  comfortable  homes  in  Virginia, 
the  Carolinas,  Tennessee,  &c.,  and  had  come  to  settle  in  this  coun- 
try, that  they  might  be  entirely  free  from  any  participation  in 
that  "sum  of  all  villainies,"  — that  scourge  and  curse  of  the  hu- 
man race  —  human  slavery. 

About  the  middle  of  October,  1817,  our  family  had  made  neces- 
sary preparation,  and  started  on  our  journey  toward  the  setting 
sun.  leaving  our  family  home  in  Columbiana  county,  Ohio.  In 
the  latter  part  of  this  month  we  traveled  up  the  valley  of  Darby 


to  the  nrighborhood  whore  Mid.llchurjr  now  .t.n.K  Thh  ndeS- 
borhood,  and  north  and  est  of  it,  as  far  as  ...thnJ.  ua«  t.K-o 
known  as  the  "Beech-woods,"  and  farther  south  and  u.^r,  in 
Mingo,  Kingscreek  and  Madriver  valleys,  wascMlh-d  tl„."l'l  „.,h  " 
In  the  east  part  of  this  Stato,  ar.d  perhaps  oth.-r  pl;,r.s.  ..II  tl.U 
section  was  known  as  Madriver,  or  tlie  Madriver  counlrv  Wo 
remained  in  that  nei^^^h borhood  two  or  throe  days,  visiiin-  Morae 
relatives,  and  many  old  Vir-iniaa  acquaint. nn-s  of  my  par.-nl«, 
and  among  those  old  acquaintances  were  the  Eiberts,  Sl.ariw,  (Jar- 
wools,  Jameses,  Stokeses,  B^liin-ers,  Blsliops,  Huans.^,  Iii^kcfpa, 
and  Warners. 

On  the  morning  of  Novembar  Ut  we  sttrtfd,  and  traveled  t«i 
the  laid-out  road  from  Urbana  to  Girwood's  Mills  (  now  Kut  Lilv 
erty  ),  and  at  about  11  o'clock,  a.  m.,  on  that  day,  bciii;;  the  h#^- 
end  day  of  the  week,  arrived  in  Mingo  V.dley,  at  the  s|)ol  which 
was  since  that  time  the  home  of  my  parents  durinjr  Ihrir  liv«, 
and  still  belongs  in  tlie  family.  The  place  was  entir.-ly  in  Ih© 
woods,  except  a  small  cabin,  17x20  fet-t,  whicli  had  been  built  and 
used  as  a  school-house,  by  a  tine  spring  of  water.  The  In;;-*  nf  tliii 
house  were  of  large  oaU  and  hickory  trees  split  in  two,  and  tho 
building  was  five  lojrs  high  to  the  square,  with  puncheon  fluor,  or 
slabs  about  four  inches  thick,  split  out  r)f  larje  trees,  and  hfwe<l  a 
little  where  they  were  too  roujjh.  Thn  lire-place  ocvu|»ie<l  i\u'  en- 
tire south  end  of  the  house  —  about  seventeen  feet  —  with  a  b.tck- 
wall  of  round  stone  and  day,, built  up  aliout  live  fei't  bi;,'h  a;:airwl 
the  log  wall.  At  the  toj)  of  the  square  a  log  was  laid  acro<^t  mIkmjI 
three  feet  from  the  soutli  wall,  and  on  tiiis  log  and  the  wall  the 
chimney  was  built  of  sticks  and  clay;  that  is,  a  litllo  liotw*'  \r«« 
built  up  tkere,  about  ti»ree  by  f  lur  feet,  a  little  hi;;her  than  Iho 
roof,  and  th«  cracks  tilhd  u[>  with  mortar;  there  was  no  upHtalm 
to  the  house,  and  the  roof  was  tolerably  tld.  In  this  liotiso  our 
family  of  ten  persons  lived  about  eighteen  m«>nth«.  Durinj:  the 
winter  of  1817-18,  a  school  was  taught  by  the  late  Jud^e  I>nniel 
Baldwin,  about  one  mile  south  of  our  house,  iu  a  house  sirnilnr  (o 
our  dwellinjr,  except  there  were  some  j<.ists  ami  an  np|»cr  floor. 
This  school  was  larjrely  attended  by  tb.'  youn-  mm  an.I  women 
of  the  neighborhood  — -i  number  of  Ihcm  ci.mii.K  four  milw  to 
school.  There  were  at  least  ten  young  men  attending'  thin  »s  \mmA 
over  six  teet  high  and  Urge  in   pr.qH.rtion,  und   u.i;;hio-    -l-'Ul 


two  Juinrlrod  p'ynnds  o;\ch.  Tliere  wer  >  nbout  tho  snmt*  number  of 
youiij>:  wnine:)  art<Midin:j  this  scliooU  Vt^rily,  tliere  wcrn  yiaMts  iti 
tho.s<Mlii.vs.  Atid  thosi*  i  irg<^  itiid  t:ill  young  men  cxhiMted  more 
gigns  of  humility  than  souih  <»f  tlir«  siiiailiT  Rt'holMrs,  for  in  walk- 
iiij?  sicross  Ihp  floor  Ihcy  must  how,  or  ll»(\v  would  bump  their 
heads  rfi:jiinst  the  jnist.s  evi^ry  time.  A  number  of  those  younjij 
men  and  women  wi-r^  in  tlu'ir  spcllinjj-booUs.  Tiie  youiv^'  wo- 
men wenMieatly  clonp'il  in  honT'-spim,  mostly  the  ivorlc  of  their 
own  liands.  Tlieir  edu('i\ti(in;d  [)rivi!e;j;'-'S  seemed  to  he  poor,  yet 
tliey  were  iiiu'ldy  favored  of  nature;  tliey  were  fair  and  (otnely, 
and  I  ni'Ver  heheld  a  more  heautiliil  eotnpavy  of  youni;  hidies. 

The  seliool  l>ooks  consisted  of  Wi-h-^t'-r's  Spclijiv^  Book,  Lindlay 
IkTurr.iy's  \V(»rks,  the  iiitro(hieiion  E  ):;iish  Header,  S.*qu<'l,  and 
theNewT.'stam -nt,  Wiisli's  and  Pike'.s  Aritlimelie.  I  think 
there  was  noone  studylnj?  E  ijjlislt  Gramm  ir  or  Ge  »«;r  iphy.  The 
late  Nicliol  ts  Willianjs,  his  two  si-ifcors  and  several  brother:*  ut- 
ten  h'd  tills  school. 

I  have  taken  s^m*^  nofeof  tli.-^snhsoqnent  history  of  the  young 
m'-n  an  1  woin(in  wiio  attended  this  si'ao  )!.  With  a  few  excep- 
tions tliey  have  all  ^one  to  tiie  h  >use  appointed  for  tlie  livin;;:, 
and  with  the  excaptiun  of  one  or  two  prodigals,  lle-y  all  tlid  well 
in  life,  were  mostly  bri,:^!it  oro  mi  miI.s  to  society,  lived  uselul  lives, 
and  died  respected  and  lamesited. 

A  little  incident  occurred  which  maybe  worth  relatlnjj  ns  an 
evidence  of  the  (fire  ;in(1  I'lotcctirn  ol  Divine  Pidvir'nicr.  Cn  a 
beanliful  smishiny  Sahhath  (lav,  in  the  sprinjr  of  1818,  all  of  our 
fandly,  exc'c))!  my  mother  an<>  I,  and  three  smaller  children,  liad 
jyone  to  a  nieetiniif  at)out  three  miles  from  home.  Ahout  noon 
mother  was  walkins^  in  th3  yar  J  near  the  door,  and  no  doubt 
that  she  l'>'lf  lonesom",  when  a  man  came  rntining  throu«rh  the 
woods  towar<l8  our  h'»use.  In  passin;]:  t>y,  in  Hi<j^hf,  lie  discavered 
that  our  cal)in  was  on  fire;  at  tlu^  junction  of  the  elap-hoard  roof 
with  the  stick  an<l  clay  chimney  the  fire  had  kindled  and  was 
burniu!?  in  a  blaze.  In  a  moment  he  was  on  the  ro.if,  and  with 
a  bucket  of  wafer  soon  put  the  th-e  out.  If  this  «xood  ma?!  had  not 
been  p)ssin<;:  l)y  at  the  lime  there  is  no  doubt  that  our  home  would 
have  been  de-troyed  in  a  few  minutes. 

I  think  it  was  Samu  d  A'himo,  in  sjieakina:  of  the  Idstory  of  the 
Oirly  settlement  of  this  country,  wJio  said:     ''These    tldngs,    H>y 


conntrymen  sVmiM  not  I.e  forsntWn.  For  the  ho.oOt  of  our  those  who  come  afit-r  ti.,m,  tl.fiy  sl.oul.l  U  r-  -..rJ.d 
in  iiistory." 

One  object  witli  me  in  wrW'in^  tlip^e  note^  U  to  in-J.i  of 

the  oiu-lysettl.-rs  still  liviiiiri!,  oui-f.u'o.v  1  c  .i  Ury.  t ,  ..-Ir 

experiencH  of  early  times'  in  or.Iar  th  .t  ili-y  mi  .y   iV  p  .rpMu.i'-i 

in  history  for  tlieb:^!H'tit  or  thrH' u'h  .  Uvn   :Ut.T   lis.  V'   '-.u* 

each  OHH  whoc.jn,  brinjfin,'  tii3ir    "tithes    into   tliii   -  •/» 

m;iy  cill  t.>  miaj  jniny  pliiHiiit  s;mi,h  n').v  f,>rjv.;r  •..,:  uii-j 

"And  here  onrpil^jrim  f:itl)cr-i  uowjiJ, 

In  fiTveiufaitii  aii(]  umyer." 

I  propose  to  gfive  an  actMiint  of  two  minhrora  of  ihe  •  l-.o 

Society  of  Friends,  who  visitfd  this  cuuntry  in  Oiirly  u  y-.  i  Ur. 
lieve  niany  of  the  pioneiM-s  piiii  niu  li  iilt<'nii(»n  to  tl»e  pr.»iiM»r»on 
ofivIiyii)n,  tofoundinjj  churclics  nnd  buiidinij  tne!-tiii^-hi»';sCM. 

"For  anjjels  of  mercy  i)fl  met  with  ii?  Iic:i. 

In  tlie  \villerne:-s  lioino  lli'it  we  lyvod." 

Ono  of  those  ministers  \v;is  ;t  I;idy  over  SHVpnty  ye  ir-  cf  nj'»,  r«v 
6ldin<.v  in  Nortli  C.u'oli.ui.  Thn  ajre.l  nnd  d(.»vot"d  chrl-iiinn  nftv- 
eled  on  horsebifk  tlirou-^Hi  the  \viUlc>rni-ss  Iroin  h"rh"  -ih 

Caroliiiii,  on  her  gospel  Miission  t)  tlie  peoph'  of  {\  i  ■  w 

country,  mostly  camping  out  ;it  nij,'lit,  :in  -1  w  lierc  j^he  ruii.l  ilnil  a 
litl le  settlement,  holdinir  mO!'tiut,'>^  smd  pre:ichii)}j  (h<' trl  id  li^Imm 
of  mercy  and  peace  to  the  Ion(>|v  settlers.  In  p;issin<;  thri.ti;.'li  ih« 
woods  from  a  nieetinu:  held  in  ".M.-irrnoii's  IJotioni,"  to  no  npi»oliit- 
mentat  Job  Sh:jrp's  hou-e,  nVvir  where  ISlidd!"biir<r  ii<<w  -t^ndii, 
the  party  was  overtaken  hy  a  heavy  riin,  fiecampaided  «  iih  ii»uih 
wind,  thunder  and  llirhtninir,  »md  her  conipanions  prop.«tul  to 
halt  and  shelter  under  the  trees  as  best  1  hey  could.  Hl»c  i«t  once 
fciid,  "N(»,  troon;  uo  on,  w  shall  he  tot  hie  to  nieptini.'."  flcr 
mission  and  desire  seemed  to  I»e  todo  the  wdl 'tfler  Divine  .Maslcr. 

"Uor  siiii;id  was  fnitli  in  CIt>tl." 

The  above  relation  wasirivento  me  by  some  one  of  t>>o  rorly 
eettlers  of  t»>is  country,  and  I  cm  not  now  irivo  the  I.mIvN  naiuf 
as  the  incident  took  phtce  b  'Tore  we  removed  fo  Ihi^  eMunlrv. 

About  the  yew  1^20,  Jn^r^ph  Tloa.,',  'vho^e  bom.'  1  '""»••  ""•  'n 
th«»  State  of  Vermont,  in  the  course  of  a  reiiiri'MH  vi>  '*'>•, 

pie  of  the  South  «nd  West,  wis  a  u'uest  at  my  f.iH'— '  'd 


held  raeetinj;^  for  Divine  Service  at  our  meetinfi-house,  and  ala» 
lield  a  nuirjl)er  of  ineetiiiys  in  tlie  vicinity,  mostly  with  the  mem- 
ber's of  lii.s  own  churuli.  Ila  was  a  remarkable  inaa— u  first  cousin 
to  Lorenzo  Dow — and  spent  about  sixty-five  yeara  tif  his  life  in 
truvelini^  and  preaching  the  jjospel ;  his  wife  also  spent  about  the 
same  lenjjth  of  time  in  the  same  service.  He  had  nine  children, 
all  married,  and  all  Iiis  children  and  ciiildren-in-law,  with  two  ex- 
ceptions, were  able  ministers  of  the  ^^ospel,  of  the  same  church 
with  him.  Several  of  his  children  bec:ime  public  preachers  before 
they  were  fifteen  yoi^rs  of  aj?e.  At  the  time  lie  visited  my  father's 
house  he  had  been  travelin;;;  throujjh  the  Carolinas,  Tennessee, 
Ke.itneky,  fnJian;!,  and  otiier  States.  He  rel*-ited  to  my  fatlier 
how  the  Kentuckians  treated  him.  At  Lexin<;tou  he  was  taken 
sick,  and  Henry  Clay  removed  him  to  his  house  and  treated  him 
in  the  most  kind  and  friendly  manner  until  he  recovered  from  his 
illness.  Beiny:  unable  to  (ravel  for  some  time,  he  held  several 
meetings  in  the  neighborhood  of  Lexington,  and  preached  to  tho 
people.  When  he  was  about  to  take  his  leave,  the  Presbyterian 
Church  sent  a  conmiittee  to  him,  iii\iting  him  to  remain  vTith 
them  as  their  p.;stor  for  one  year,  offering  him  a  house,  furnished 
as  he  desired,  jind  pvery  "onvenience  about  it  that  he  wanted,  and 
fifteen  hundred  dollars  per  year  (which  was  considered  a  great  sal- 
ary fifty  years  Mgo,)  and  if  that  was  not  s*tisfactory,  they  wanted 
him  to  say  what  would  be,  us  they  desired  hios   to  remain  with 



He  stated  tothem  that  he  felt  thsit  his  duty  was  discharged  to 
them — that  his  mission  was  to  visit  other  churches  and  people, 
and  that  he  must  leave  them  and  travel  on.  The  committee 
evinced  much  feeling  on  the  occasion  and  proposed  th«t  if  he  could 
not  remain  with  them,  that  he  would  accept  a  purse  of  one  hund- 
red dollars  to  enable  him  to  pursue  his  journey.  He  thanked 
them  lor  their  kindness,  and  said  that  if  he  needed  help  lie  would 
be  as  willing  to  receive  iielp  from  tliem  as  any  other  people,  but 
as  he  was  prepared  to  pursue  his  journey,  ho  desired  that  they 
v»r.uld  hel{)  other  liersons,  if  they  :r:et  with  such  that  were  need- 
ing help,  and  they  wonUl  not  lose  their  reward. 



BY    ED.    li.    MO  HO  A  N 

Mary  Madden  was  the  oldpst  dauirlitfr  of  M.ittlirw  nn(!  Klis*- 
tetli  Stewart,  who  became  rewidents  of  Salem  tow  nnhip,  Cham- 
paign County,  Ohio,  in.  tlie  sprinj?  of  the  y.-ar  ISOl,  and  *-tih-<l 
upon  Kings  Creek,  where  Mr.  Stewart  piirclntsfil  from  the  IJnitM 
Sk«tes,  the  nortli-past  quarterof  section  iiumher  iiiec,  of  towiislilp 
nunil)er  five,  of  ranjje  twelve,  for  whicli  lie  paid  two  di»llarH  |>er 
acre.  His  youno^est  son,  Matthew  Stewart,  now  owns  and  livi* 
upon  the  same  farm. 

Mary  was  born  on  the  19th  of  !May,  ISOO,  and  \\:\o  rnn>«»qtiontlj 
four  years  of  a ?e  when  her  parents  sottl<'<l  on  Kin:^  ('n-«-k,  nnd 
there,  and  in  the  adjoining;  township  of  Union,  she  pi«t?><'«l  sixty 
years  of  her  lite.  She  was  married  to  N.itli  iniel  \V.  Crai;;hlll,  in 
the  year  1819,  and  by  him  she  had  five  daujrliters :  Kli/ji,  now  tl»© 
wife  of  John  Beatty,  of  Kennard,  this  eoanfy  ;  Naney,  the  wifoof 
Mr.  Joseph  Miles,  of  Lewisbur^',  litis  conn  y;  Miry,  tlio  wiffof 
Mr.  Rieliard  Gill,  who  lives  iiearS.iiKlnsUy  ;  MurRiref,  tli.-  wifoof 
Mr.  Bell,  of  California.  These  (our  are  still  living.  Kir-dM-th, 
the  youngest,  died  some  years  ago,  on  the  road  to  C^ilifornla. 

Mr.  Crai^jhil!  died  on  the  3rd  of  Sepfeml)or,  IS2C,  ogrd 
twenty-seven  years,  at  the  place  where  Mr.  Martin  Diekini.n  nov 
lives;  and  Mary  was  left  a  widow  with  (1  v  khimII  H.ildr.-n  to 
maintain,  to  feed,  to  clothe,  to  educate  by  means  ol  h.Town  lalxir. 
for  they  were  Um  young  to  render  th^'ir  whlowed  mother  any  mn- 
terialaid.  Shortly  after  the  d.v-th  other  huslian.l,  she  lo 
a  small  farm  on  the  east  side  of  Da-an  Prairie,  and'  lh« 
farm  now  owMied  and  oc-upi^d  by   hrr  sist.-r  F.le.nor'- hu.b..nd. 

*  See  Photograph. 


Mr.  Jesse  C.  Phillips!.  Here,  in  m  small  lo;::  cahin,  with  her  f;nTii?y 
of  five  yoiJiiii:  fprnile  cliildrcn  ;  with  :i  fDrtituile  sm*!  firmness  that 
is  8eld()iii  i-qiialed,  jsho  lolled  on,  throuij^U  "tliit-k  Jind  lliin," 
th  roujih  the  lon;^  ted  iousdiiysoCsu  miner  and  ( he  loii'/jStonny, dreary 
ni;j;li!.s  of  winter.  But  she  Wiis  equnl  to  the  emergency, «nd  when 
she  was  not  employed  in  otiier  household  duti.-8,  the  constant 
whir  of  her  spinninj^-wlH'el  miiiht  be  heard  as  she  was  preparing 
tiiread  fertile  nianuFhcUire  of  lin^n  ur  cloth  for  i  he  eonifurtahle 
ciotiiin^rof  her  children  who  were  mcMTily  playinj^  aro'ind  her. 
At  this  lime  Polly  (for  by  this  iiaine  she  w;e*  known),  was  the 
owner  of  a  line,  lartre,  b'a-k  miie,  na/ned'-'Sook,"  which  wasf)ur- 
chased  from  toy  brolh'r  G3or;^'-e.  This  iMare  was  of  :i  quiet,  docile 
disjjosition,  reliable  and  safe  at  all  times,  and  under  all  circum- 
stances. In  lim^^  of  winter  when  {here  was  snow  on  ).!ie  jirouixl, 
Polly  would  «lo  her  visiting;  and  church-j^oinjj:  with  her  children, 
in  a  "jumper,"  druvvn  by  Souk.  In  summer  she  frequently  went 
to  chuich,  ridinji  upon  iim  ba(;k  of  the  old  mare,  equippe<l  with 
an  old-lashioncd  sid(--s;iddli',  and  a  blind-bridle.  Bwhind  her 
niotlicr,  HHU^Iy  seated  sideways,  might  be  seen  the  oldest  daugh- 
ter, while  tliH  younuest  child  was  safely  seated  on  its  mother's  lap. 
Over  the  oack  of  tiie  animal  was  i>!aced  a  wide  strap  of  leather, 
nud  to  each  end  oi  this  r?(rap  was  securely  fasteiicd  a  large,  strong 
basket.  In  on(i  of  these  was  placed  two  of  the  children,  and 
in  llie  other  the  remaining  child,  with  a  small  basket  of  cooked 
victual."- in  its  laj)  to  make  them  i'alanc(\  A  lovelier  sij^lit  upon 
earlh  has  never  been  se<'n  thati  this  family  gronj),  as  they  pa.ssed 
Along  the  road.  The  cheerful  smiles  and  liappy  countenances  of 
the  \\ell-cIollie<I,  dean-washed  yonuirslers,  with  their  well-combed 
heads,  Isobbing  aljove  the  brims  of  their  !>;<.skets,  was  a  sight  both 
boautifid  aiid  int<  rc-tinj."-,  that  <-an  never  be  excelled. 

On  tlie  8l!i  day  of  January,  1832,  Mary  was  married  to  Perry  G. 
Madden.  Mr.  Madden  is  still  living.  lie  is  a  native  of  Virginia, 
was  born  in  Harriso'i  County,  on  the  5th  of  July,  1809;  came  to 
Ohio  in  August,  1880.  Perry  and  Polly  (for  by  Uiese  familiar 
nanieslhey  were  known  to  everybody),  commenced  life  together 
at  !he  lowest  round  <jf  fortune's  ladder.  Neither  of  them  waa 
blessed  wiM)  what  is  called  a  liberal  education,  for  the  means  of 
obtaininji  it  were  extremely  limite<l  in  the  days  of  their  youth. 
But  they  possessed  what  tlun  was,  and  still  is  of  much  greater 
value,  healihy,  robust  constitutions,  and  a  will  to  labor. 


ItiRanoIdafl.^-ethafwhorolhproisa   xvill  fluTO  i«  n  w.v." 
and  in  this  r;,se  it  proved  true,  for  by  .inr.M„itti.,./  toil.  |p„H-«t   in- 

dtistry,  and  tlie  judicious  invcstm-nt  o^   (he    pn.c In   cf   ih<-ir 

labor,  they  eventu,\ve,.l(h.v.  M.try  ^fiuM.-n,  wif-  of 
Perry  G.  M;idd<'M,  died  on  the  lllh  of  Msy.  ISGJ,  u^h\  Hixtv-f.nir 
ypars  less  Hght  d  .ys.  By  h.>r  last  iihirri^if;..  f*h.»  IkmI  M-v.-n 
Children,  fivp  of  whom  were  livin-.'-  iif  tlio  limo  of  her  <|.-mIIi.  Iht 
Pon  Nathaniel,  who  mnrried  Miss  McFiirlnn,  has  sin.-e  dj.d,  N-hv- 
inga  vvidowand  fivosoiis.  Sinih,  tlio  oM-st  dau-rliier, 
Georjre  Renins,  nnd  lives  nt  the  oM  hom-ste.i.l.  Sinau  m.ini.-.| 
David  Perry,  and  lives  neur  Diiu'sin  PiMirie.  \VilIi;iiii  niHrri.-d  a 
danyhter  of  Martin  Dickison,  nnd  lives  on  ;i  f:irni  in  tliiit  n«'i;:h- 
borhood.  Martha  in;irried  John  P-jirce.  and  liv(H  ait  Kennnnl. 
All  Ovvn  jrood  fjirms.  Two  of  their  children  die«l  in  jiif.nicy. 
Perry  Miidden,  who  is  known  to  everybudy  in  tliis  re-.-i.-n  of 
country,  is  now  sixty-tl)reey<\ars  of  iiLje,  I:ir{re  ;ind  well  fonnCHl, 
weiylis  about  two  hu:idr«'d  and  forty  i>ou;ids,  Mud  U  "  of 
a  favorite  amonjT  the  ladies,  MhvMys  jovial  and  full  of  tun.  TI18 
welcome  vi.sitor  at  the  hospitable  mansion  nf  Perry  Madden  l-*  furo 
to  enjoy  the  comforts  of  a  rirhjtko,  :Hie:irty  l^iu^li  imd  :i  \:>*it^\ 
dinner,  Mary  Madden  had  two 'listers  nml  six  l>rolliers.  Ilcr 
Bister  Eiizj  is  miirried  to  \Vm.  Ij1!1_',  and  iier  si^tor  Tiiemnr  lo 
Jesse  0.  PJiillips.  As  a  model  wife,  motheriiml  neij;l»bor,«ho  ImJ 
few  equals,  an(i  surely  none  were  her  fjuperiury. 


Died,  at  the  re.sidenre  of  }<is  son,  in  We-f  Afidd|pl»nrjT.  I/>r^n 
pounty.  Oliio.  Deeember  2(5,  ISoO,  Mr.  John  CIi.sIkt  .  -.-i  n'.  Mv.r-. 
V  months,  and  12  days. 

The  deroiised  was  born  in  Prince  William  Cn.iniy,  V  iri-n, 
May  14,  nGG— was  nine  years  old  ;.t  the  finieofthf.  b.til.'of  Irx- 
injfton,  and  ten  when  (he  Deeiaraiinn  or  Ind.|K.nden.-  «.i.*ma.U 
-and  thouirh  too  vounor  t,,  take  an  active  piirt,  he  w.m  no  vyt^ 
witness  and  participant  (as  nearly  all  the  inhabit. . nJH  w.-r.)..(  -oiiny 
ofthetrv-nirw.enesand  l,:ird«ld|«of the  Revolution.     Ife  ^v^^o«^»r 


enough  Ihp  Battle  of  Yorktown,  to  hear  distinctly  the  roar  of  th© 
cannoti.  lie  afterwiird  joined  the  army,  and  marclied,  under  the 
coinniaiid  ol  Gen.  Morjicin,  to  suppress  tlie  flames  of  civil  war  that 
had  broken  out  in  Pennsylvania,  known  as  the  "Whisky  Rebell- 
ion." On  their  way,  they  were  met,  at  Morfjantown,  by  Wash- 
in<:ton,  who  passed  their  lines,  and  remarked  to  them  "that  they 
were  a  brave  lookiu<i:  set  of  heroes."  He  also  took  part  in  the 
6tru«r«le  of  1812;  was  forced  mi  relied  (after  the  battle  of  Bladens- 
burjr)  to  defend  Washin<:ton  City  ;  but  arrived  only  in  time  to  see 
the  Capitol  and  other  [lublic  bui!(iin<j:s  in  ruins.  He  vvasalsoatthe 
bonjbardment  of  Fort  McHenry,  and  in  several  other  less  impor- 
tant enjragements.  In  181(>,  he  removed  from  Virginia  to  Todd 
county,  Kentucky,  and  thence,  sometime  in  the  fall  of  1823,  to 
Clarke  county,  Oljio,  and  finally,  in  the  sprinj?  of  1826,  to  Logan 
county,  and  settled  in  the  vicinity  of  what  is  now  West  Middle- 
burg,  to  which  village  he  removed  shortly  after  it  was  laid  out, 
and  continued  to  be  at>  inhabitant  thereof,  during  a  greater  part  of 
the  time  (>p  to  his  death/  During  the  lasi  few  years  ot  his  life,  ago 
and  affliction  weighed  heavily  upon  him,  and  he  was  for  the  most 
part,  confined  to  liis  room.  Yet,  though  for  years  he  had  been  tot- 
tering on  the  verge  of  the  grave,  his  death  was  sudden  and  unex- 

Thus  has  passed  away  from  our  midst  another  of  that  venerable 
race  of  men,  wlio,  in  the  langu  ige  of  the  immortal  Webster,  "had 
comedown  tons  from  a  former  generation  ;"  one,  the  period  of 
whose  life  extended  back  to  a  time  when  our  i)resent  proud  and 
glorious  Republic  was  a  col"nial  dependency  of  the  British  Crown, 
numbering  little  more  than  two  million  inhabitants;  when  the 
Valley  ot  the  Mississippi  was — with  the  exception  of  a  few  French 
trading  posts— an  unbroken  wildernes"*,  trodden  by  the  Indian  and 
the  buffal ),  ami  echoing  to  the  scream  of  the  panther,  and  the  war- 
whoop  of  the  savage;  one  that  was  a  witness  of  the  seven  years' 
struggle  between  Might  and  Right,  that  resulted  in  the  birth  of 
our  glorious  liberty — one  that  had  lived  under  the  administration 
of  every  President  of  the  Republic;  and  one,  too,  whose  arm  had 
been  lifted  in  defence  of  the  libertv  w!dch  we  enjoy;  who  tore 
himself  from  the  bosom  of  his  friends,  left  his  home,  braved  many 
dangers,  and  periled  his  life  in  his  c(»untrv's  cause.  May  his  good 
deeds  be  long  remembered  with  gratitude,  and  his  defects  be  hid 
with  him  in  the  grave. 

U)aAN  GaUNT[R-i. 



Attheripeolda-eoffi-iuy-fouryfar^,  the  woaltl.lost  rnnn  In 
tbis  county  lias  been  o-athered  to  !iis  fatliers. 

Henry  Weaver  was  boni  in  Berkely  county,  Viru'inia,  May  6!h, 
1788,  and  while  yet  an  infant  was  brouj^ht  t-'  Kentucky  w  iib  bit 
lather'sfamily,  residing  in  that  State  until  1802,  part  (If  the  timo 
near  Maysville,  and  1  iter  near  L-xiiu''on.  In  lHi)l  be  cuno 
with  bis  fitherto  tliis  county,  settling'  in  tbcsoutli-w.siern  poriion 
of  Mad-River  township.  In  bS07  be  was  innrri.'d  to  Nf.incy  (;bii|>. 
man.  He  moved  to  Urbana  in  the  winter  of  IHl.'MJ,  bculniiiiig 
business  in  a  small  shop  tii^t  then  stood  on  Scioto  stro«'t  when"  K. 
B.  Gaumer's  dwelling  stands.  He  was  then  a  practicjilsbormiiker. 
and  plied  his  vocation  dilii,^ently,  and  branching'  out  intorncnnn- 
tile  pursuits  in  a  sni-tll  but  jtrofitjib'e  way,  enterliif;  fully  info  tho 
legitimate  store  business  (as  it  was  called  in  those  daysjonly  when 
his  son  Lemuel  became  old  enough  to  attend  the  counter. 

He  successfully  owned  and  occupied  the  Gaurner  Hhop,  iho 
Gutbridge  property  and,  in  1821,  built  the  Hassett  hnuso,  n»'»ir  tho 
Square,  on  Scioto  street.  In  1824-25  be  occupied  a  Hiere  rcxmi  In 
whatis  now  the  City  Hotel;  afterwards,  and  forabdut  two  years,  tho 
Campbell  corner,  now  called  Glenn's  corner,  on  the  Srniare. 

In  1821  he  vvasapi  ointed  Tax  Collector  for  (.^haini)ajgn  munly, 
at  which  time  the  collector  traveled  the  county  over,  vIsUchI  ejich 
tax-payer,  and  was  armed  with  the  special  powers  and  (>riviIi>i;oa 
of  a  constable  to  distrain  and  enforce  piyment  if  necev*iry. 

In  1833  be  purchased  from  Wm,  Neil  the  silo  ol  the  pn-rnt  I.. 
Weaver  building  and  remove  1  the  obi  baildin,'s  (  ofwblc'i 
may  yet  be  seen)  to  lots  on  Church  and  Court  streets.      He  en-cli'^I 
at  once  a  building  which  was  in  thatdayan  ornamint  t..n>.  (..w.i 
and  one  of  the  finest  brick  blocks  w(?st  of  Coluni!)Us. 

He  built  the  house  occupioil  by  O.  K.  Lewi.s  A  C  ».  as  a  :■•  u  >-  r 
store,  and  tho  Weayer  dry  g-to  Isstore  room,  finishing'  his  work  od 

*The   above  sketch   of  the  lite  of  Mr.  Weaver  I  clip  ttwa  lb*  V 
Citizen  and  0(ueHe.—['B.  D. 


Monument  Square  by  the  cornjilt^tion  of  (he  larjre  and  elej^nt 
V'eaver  House,  a  l(uiMin<r  unpxcHlIctI  for  beauty  of  arcliiteclure 
arnl  sjtiructiv<»  ntyle  by  juiy  house  in  theShile. 
He  had  built  i)  nuoiber  of  dwell  injrf,  two  of  wliich,  neat  brick  cot- 
tajres  »)n  South  Main  .street,  rf»uuiin  nntinir^hed. 

In  18-39  i»«  WIS  elected  Pro-ii  lent  of  thtiC  vimpiiajn  C  )unty  Bmk, 
a  po-sition  lie  held  several  years,  and  we  believe  until  the  reorgan- 
jzation  of  the  bank  undtT  the  N  liional  Bank  laws. 

Mr.  A'eaver  was  a  man  of  purely  bisiiiess  hibifa.  His  mind 
was  thorou.i:hly  engrossed  and  occupied  with  business  and  his  at- 
teniion  was  not  easily  drawn  aside  from  his  daily  routine.  With 
vigilisnt  eye  he  observed  his  tjradua!  and  constant  inereasinof 
fortune,  nicetiut;  witli  little  adversity,  yet  surmounting"  ditficultiea 
with  vi<ror  and  energy.  Within  a  few  <iay.«  of  his  death  he  was 
on  the  street  and  at  iii.s  store  at  his  accustomed  hours,  transacting 
the  usual  business  connected  with  his  large  property,  retaining  hia 
usual  vigorous  strength  unlilTuesday,  February  27.  On  tha^-  day 
lie  was  attacked  with  congestion  of  the  lungs  and  suffered  severely 
until  Sunday  evening.  March  3,  when  hedied,  at  8:25  o'chick.  He 
retained  his  consciousness  to  the  hour  of  deatli,  tliouuh  at  times 
under  the  influence  of  powerful  opiates  administered  to  alleviate 


Mr.  Jwhu:!  Antrim,  ITisfnrinn  of  (ho  Pinnorr  Afi^ocInMnn  of 
liOjismnnd  Clu.inpiiiijn  (ounlic.e,  li:in<!8  us  H,.  f..|l«  n\  iri:  i.ililir^fi  of 
Hon.  Jyspph  C.  Brand,  M:iyor(.fUrl):in;i,  ;i»c()nip.iiiio.l  uitli  lii« 
rf^qiipst  of  (h<»  A.^soci;ition  (ii;it  it  lu' piihlislirMl.  Jt  uiisllio  A.Mroa 
oF  Welcome  to  t!iH  Pi  jiio^i--!.  \v;»2a  tlioy  iHie.u'jIe.I  at  tlio  (ijurl 
House,  September  5tii,  1872: 

Mp.    Pre^ide.^it    and  livnrf:^   axd   0::Ni'r.!:\ii;N     or    tub 


Paign: — A  society  orj^jinized  and  cre;iti'<l  isa  yinif*  Imm  n,  from 
patriotic  motives,  uns  'IHsli  in  its  iispiritioiifj,  and  impellid  l>y  no 
earnest  desire  to  serve  the  era  in  which  you  live,  :i.-h  a  nKiliuiii  txv 
tween  the  p:\st  and  the  futnre,  and  tlirmuh  whicli  lo  C"ll«ft  ninl 
preserve  f>>r  lufur^  ii-^e  the  liisinricMl  ini'jdvnls,  individual  hcrnurn 
and  the  interesting  dt-tMils  in  tlie  seitlenent  of  these  two  bciuliful 
coun)ies,sliould  command  tiie  respect  and  Icind  rc;,Mrii  of  rvi-ry 
good  citizen. 

Tliree  qiiiirtersofa  cenfnry  :i<}j )  our  f  iflmr-i  were  nciihlMiiji  to 
the  Indians,  andsurroimdcd  by  theconcoinit.ints  of  th  il  r.tri>^lh« 
buffalo,  the  bear,  the  piinther,  iiiid  o(h(  r  w  ild  IxhsIh,  nnd  lappM 
upon  tiiat  barbarous  and  Muciviiiztd  state  in  which  this  bciuliful 
country  liad  for  jigfs  been  envelopeil.  Tliey  wore  Iho  com|M»fni  of 
Lojjan,  Tecuin'^eh,  Moluntiia  jind  Kenton,  nnd  to  nt-ovfr  (ng- 
ments  of  the  History  of  these  brave  men  and  women  id  the  work 
of  your  society. 

When  w*^  remember  the  cli;in?(f  th:U  hjjs  l>een  wrought  In  Ihh 
period,  it  is  wonderful  even  to  us,  and  niarvelou-*  U>  Ihr  old 
nations  of  the  earth. 

peventy-tive  years  a?o,  on  this  very  prountl,  our    ftilhcni   «a4 

*From  tiie  Urbana  Cdizen  and  Gazelle. 


mothers  had  to  contend  with  thesavasreia  nnd  the  wild  beasts  of 
the  forest ;  hut  in  this  short  time  (which  13  scarcely  anythiuj?  in 
the  life  of  a  nation)  we  find  in  these  two  counties  rilmost  every 
acreof  land  subdued  and  cultivated,  animated  with  a  population 
of  50,000  nclive  and  enterprising  people,  while  the  plains  and  the 
valleys  "bh)ssom  as  the  rose."  Schools,  colleges,  universities, 
churches  and  cities  now  line  the  old  Indian  trail  frosri  the  North  to 
their  hunting  grounds  in  Kentucky,  where  the  buffalo  and  the 
deer  wintered  upon  the  cane-brakes.  Along  this  Indian  trail  our 
first  t'rmy  for  the  protection  ofthe  northern  frontier  marciied  and 
left  its  trace;  the  first  railroad  in  Ohio  was  also  built  upon  it;  and 
will  it  be  extravagant  to  predict  that  in  less  than  a  century  from 
this  time  the  cities  and  towns  tliat  now  dot  this  historic  path  will 
run  together  and  form  an  almost  unbroken  city  from  the  S!)uthern 
to  the  northern  boundary  of  tlie  Sfate?  This  line  of  country  has 
the  material  and  capacity  to  support  its  millions  instead  of  thou- 
Bands,  with  the  varied  pursuits  and  industries  common  to  all 
densely  populated  countries. 

It  IS  a  custom  long  since  established  in  the  old  countries  of 
Europe*,  through  the  agency  of  antiquarian  societies,  to  preserve  as 
near  us  possible  the  characteristics  ot  their  people  in  every  century 
—to  preserve  in  government  museums  specimen  samples  of  the 
finearts,  architecture,  mechanical  skill,  implements  of  husbandry 
for  house  and  field,  arms,  armour,  costumes  (military  and  civil,) 
house  and  kitchen  furniture,  wares,  &c.  These  relics  increase  in 
value  and  iiiterest  from  age,  and  so  will  the  valuable  reminiscences 
of  the  trials,  adventures  and  labors,  as  well  as  biographical 
sketches  of  representative  men  and  women  ofthe  early  days  of  our 
history  enhance  in  value  and  interest  as  the  years  come  and  go, 
and  the  last  link  that  binds  the  present  to  the  past  generations 
shall  have  been  broken.  You  will  then  be  remembered  as  lovers 
of  your  race  and  as  disinterested  public  benefactors.  Yourarchives 
will  be  carefully  examined  and  your  annals  read  with  interest 
and  avidity. 

Mr.  President,  without  detainingyou  with  elaborate remarksand 
occupying  your  valuable  time,  I  now,  on  behalf  of  the  people  and 
authorities  of  the  city  of  Urbana,  welcome  you  in  our  midst,  and 
hope  that  this,  your  annual  meeeting,  may  be  both  interesting  and 


A  whirlwind  is  a  bad  thin^.  to  }?hi  mi.xod  up  with.  I't-npio  liv- 
ing in  cities  have  Httle  opportunity  ofjud/in;;  titc  entire*  truMi  of 
this  statement,  but  their  country  cousins  are  entirely  awan?  of  ihn 
fact,  and  their  knowledge  is  based  on  the  very  solid  fouodatiun 
stone,  experience.  Their  houses  nre  not  of  the  city  pattern.  They 
contain  no  massive  joists,  and  wnlls  a  foot  thick,  nor  h  mucti  brick 
or  stone  used  in  their  construction.  They  are  penenilly  womlon 
structures,  rarely  over  two  stories  in  hci^'lit,  and  are  'mI 

to  last  much  beyond  the  lives  of  their  builders,     i  tly 

when  the  wind  becomes  tempestuous  in  a  country  villat;c,  Om-  In- 
habitants of  the  place  are  very  much  concerned  about  ilio  iiintler, 
and  are  at  their  wit's  end  to  tintl  a  secure  refii^v.  Su'-h  wn-*  iho 
case  with  the  inhabitants  of  this  little  town,  and  :  :  riiratt, 

its  nearest  adjoining?  neighb.-r,  on  Fridny  evcnii..  ;. 

Indications  of  astorm  were  apparent  to  the  close  ob«orvrr<lnrlnc 

the  day,  but  as  twilight  came  on,  the  clearness  of  th' •  '-th 

and  the  strange  quiet  that  seemed  to  allV-ct  all  tliin-v  'y- 

bodythecueto  what  was  to  follow.    The  whirlwind  vmw  fr.'in 
the  west,  and  at  about  half-past  (J  o'cloHc  it  struck  in  the  vi-  J-dty 
of  Quincy,  tearing  the  forest  to  piece-*,  and  then  alter  h-avi 
broken  remnants  behind  it,  coming  upon  the  town  il.-elf.     I' 
like  a  massive  balloon  as  it  sped  on  its  mission  oftlixtnirilon.  niwi 

little  clouds  appeared  to  be  pursuing  each  other  with  :    ' -  w- 

pidity  through  the  upper  section  of  it,  while  the  low.  -.«- 

ponding  to  the  basket  of  an  aM-onnut's  vessel,  s,.<n  m 

nev  of  a  locomotive.    As  it  struck  tiie  town,  hoii-  ••. 

*Frotn  Quincy  Corro»pondeDca  Vincinrnti  Oa^tu  Jii: 



otilhonsps,  buiMin<?8  of  every  fles^fiiption,  went  to  pieces  with  a 
contintiou-j  CJi»sliin<r  tliiit  Honnded  lil^e  tlie  shock  of  armies  in  Inifc- 
tle;  and  the  terror-stricken  citizen-:,  such  as  were  unhurt,  ru^lied 
wildly  to  iuid  fro  with  irresolute  mind  but.  feet  ofeourierswiftuess. 
Shouts  of  joy  from  mofciiers  at  tiiidinif  tlieir  l(wt  ofFs|»riii<r,  from 
Jiu-)bands  at  seeing  their  wives  a^^tiin,  and  from  children  being  ws- 
Bured  of  tiieir  parents'  safety,  minified  with  lamentations  o*^ grief 
from  those  wliose  search  was  unrewarded. 

The  scenes  were  sucli  as  would  have  ensued  had  tlie  end  of  the 
wond  arrived,  and  tliere  is  perhiips  no  resident  of  the  town  who 
did  not  for  the  njoment  suppose  thatsucii  was  thecase.  The  terror 
was  universal,  and  every  thought  of  self,  until  the  wind  had 
expended  its  forces.  When  the  nature  of  the  sliock  was  under- 
stood, however,  many  per.sor.s  recovered  a  portion  of  their  lost 
coura;ie,  and  their  thoughts  reverted  to  th.eir  relatives  and  UU  nds. 
Tiiey  tlien  endeavored  to  ascertain  tiieir  whereabouts,  and  many 
who  left  their  houses  under  suclj  circumstances,  fell  in  tlie  streets', 
struck  by  flyinu"  timbers  and  debris.  After  the  shock  had  lasted 
«bout  a  moment,  its  dostroyiiii;  force  was  carried  onward  to  De- 
Grcdf,  which  i-isituated  three  miles  fri'm  Qjincy,  and  there  thesame 
ocenes  were  re-enacted  am  m,^  the  populace.  The  destruction  was 
princip:i]Iy  vvron;;ht  in  the  best  seclion  of  the  town,  but  was  not 
as  extensive  as  in  Quiucy.  The  whirlwind  seemed  to  be  triveling 
on  astraiufht  line  :it  the  rate  of  sixty  milesan  hour  as  it  reached  De- 
Gviiff,  and  it  covcMvd  territory  from  fifty  to  a  hundred  miles  wide. 
After  the  hurricine  iiad  passed  over  DeGraff,  it  pro<;ressed  about 
thri-'O  mile-;  nirlher  in  its  course,  and  then  died  away  with  its  force 
exi)end^-d.  The  cilizens  of  the  devastated  viHages  were  then  able 
to  proceed  about  tiie  mournful  t  isk  of  hunting  out  the  victims  of 
the  disaster,  and  the  work  was  one  lo  which  all  hands  were  turned 
ami  which  was  soon- completed.  In  DeGraff  about  fifteen  persons 
were  hurt.  Tiie  hou'^e  of  Jonatlian  Roll,  a  large  two  story  frame, 
fronting  on  the  m  dn  street  of  the  iuiml^'t,  was  badly  riddled  and 
the  root  t(')rn  off,  and  during  tiie  alarming  crisis  the  occupants  be- 
came overwhelmed  with  terror,  and  rushed  into  the  street.  Mr. 
P.oll  in  person  cirried  his  little  dau^riiter  Lulie,  a  girl  seven  years 
of  :ig(>,  in  his  arms,  and  had  scarcely  left  the  building  before  •» 
miss  of  flying  wreck  struk  and  knocked  him  to  the  earth  and 
covered  his  body  and   that  of  his  daughter  out  of  sight  in  tho 


niin?^  When  the  rescuers  ronclipd  hiiu  nflcr  the  nni.I..nt,  ths 
little  girl.tlie  pride  of  his  heiirt,  waHhtill  i-lasp-.!  in  i.ul 
her  eyes  could  never  more  twinkle  tht;  doli-ht  she  f.-lt  w  i.i'i.- in 
his  company,  and  her  tiny  hitnd  njuld  never  umre  pat  nis  (•lie...k  — 
Blie  was  dead;  and  the  form  live  minutes  lHf,,r«  all  j;riM-e  .mj 
beauty,  was  now  distorted  into  a  sliape  that  wruuijropiuu-*  ie.»« 
of  sorrow  from  tliose  who  viewed  it.  Jler  injnra-M  u en- m.  terri- 
ble that  death  could  not  have  been  delayed  long  enough  fur  her  to 
know  that  she  had  rt'ceived  them. 

Mr.  Roll,  personally,  sutTered  a  broken  shoulder  blade  aid  na- 
merous  and  severe  hruises.  His  wife  and  Levimla  Mo«»i('i.t 
dau;4hter  by  a  former  hiishaiid)  met  with  an  ecju  dly  terrinie  mi*- 
fortune  in  tlieir  effort  to  seek  safety.  The  j^irl'a  l-ruin-j  wer« 
dashed  out,  and  she  was  mutilated  as  badly  as  lier  half  h>hUt,  and 
Mrs.  Roll  had  her  left  forearm  crusheil,  and  received  intern  d  inju- 
ries of  so  serious  a  nature  that  her  recovery  is  entirely  naij  'tturd. 
The  na^yo  of  the  otlier  victims  I  cm  not  recollect.  BjiSiee  it  to 
say  that  tiiey  are  receivini^  yvery  attoation,  and,  with  llieexeej>. 
tion  of  a  boy  named  Warner,  who  was  blown  a  of  •110 
hundred  yards,  some  assert,  are  in  little  dan;;er. 


The  ravages  of  the  wind  in  DeGratr  are  mad(«  |>liirdy  np;iii.»ii 
to  the  occu[)ants  of  passin;;  railroad  trains,  and  tlx-y  Ptill  loik 
confused  and  widespread,  althon-h  every  eir-rt  is  lieioL'  put  f  »rth 
to  re.-tore  the  town  to  its  lormf-r  shape.  The  cliief  timr.iu^* 
Bbuts  on  the  railway  depot  as  Hiymiller  does  to  tiie  «/'.  II.  «i  D. 
Depot  in  Cinjinnati.and  a  view  ofit  in  the  present  (UiKiitioii  l» 
not  {iratifyinia:.  The  last  bnildin^  on  tiie  east  sidi-  oi  thcKTeei  w.tM 
a  barn,  w!u''h  beloii>;cd  to  Newt.  Ilichanis  )ii,  and  a  I  j  nnin,'  \ivntt 
the  barn  of  Dr.  Hmce.  Next  to  the  last  named  e.mi.!  ilie* 
house  and  stable  of  T.  J.  Smifli,  and  then  the  iMeth-Hliil  ehureJi.  m 
•large  frame  structure.  These  l)uihlit);,'s  wro  all  .so:::"  dut.iiic* 
back  from  the  street,  and  were  leveknl  Hit.  In  front  «■(  tli« 
church  was  the  dwellin;,' house,  store,  an  I  biro  of  .Mrn.  Cirwfin«», 
and  not  an  ereettimber  in  either  bnildin-;  is  left  Hlundiu;:.  Mr. 
Roll's  house  and  stable  were  situated    mvxt    lo    Mr*.    <  ■'» 

property,  an  1  the  stable  was  ureeked  completely.    A  1,  • 

Roll  homeste..d  o  1  tiie  we-st  was  Mrs.  Lippincli's  huuv  :\  ij 
l>a-n.    Tbtf  house  was  bereft  of  its  ruof  nud    otherwise   dAjn-u'-xl, 


while  the  stable  wa^  resolved  into  lumber  on  the  spot.  The  last 
buildings  on  this  side  of  main  street  were  a  small  brick  building, 
occupied  as  a  tin  and  stove  store  by  Samuel  Pratt,  and  the  frame 
cabinet  shop  of  J.  H.  Rexer,  both  of  which  were  ruined. 

On  the  west  side  of  the  street  the  destruction  was  not  so  great  as 
on  the  east,  but  the  number  of  buildings  partially  destroyed  was 
about  even.  The  list  opens  with  Newt.  Richardson's  frame  busi-  house,  which  lost  its  roof,  as  did  the  adjoining  store  ol  Conrad 
Mohr.  The  dwelling  of  John  Van  Kirk  came  next,  and  was 
fiimilarly  treated,  and  the  owner's  saddle  and  harness  shop  next 
door  also  suffered  scalping.  The  next  house  was  Schriver,  Wolf  <& 
Co.'s  dry  goods  establishment,  which,  in  addition  to  unroofing, 
was  battered  and  broken  in  many  places.  A  good  sized  frame 
next  to  this  last  named,  occupied  as  a  dry  goods  store,  and  owned 
by  Benjamin  Crutcher,  was  unroofed  and  otherwise  damaged,  and 
the  hard  ware  store  of  Grafford,  Crutcher  &  Co.,  adjoining  it  met 
with  bad  luck,  being  nearly  destroyed.  On  Boggsstreet,  inrearof 
Main,  Mrs.  Russell's  dwelling  house  (a  large  building,)  Lippincott 
&  Hersche's  cooper  shop  and  barn,  and  Lippincotts  stable,  were  all 
very  badly  damaged,  and  on  the  west  side  of  this  street  the  dwell- 
ings of  John  O'Hara  and  David  Gainey  suflfered  severely. 

C.  H.  Custenborder,  a  farmer  living  half  a  mile  distant,  lost  his 
house  and  two  barns,  all  of  which  were  blown  to  atoms.  The 
grist  and  saw  mills  of  Schriver,  Wolf  &  Co.,  near  DeGraff,  were  in- 
jured to  a  considerable  extent.  In  Quincy  about  seventy  build- 
ings are  believed  to  have  been  all  or  partially  destroyed,  and  an 
estimating  committee  who  reckoned  up  the  matter  calculated  that 
the  loss  would  reach  sixty  or  seventy  thousand  dollars.  Among 
the  chief  losses  are  the  following:  Baptist  and  Methodist 
churches,  frame  buildings,  both  are  down.  Wm.  Cloninger's 
blacksmith,  cooper  and  wagon  shops,  leveled  with  the  ground, 
and  dwelling  house  rendered  uninhabitable  for  some  days.  The 
dwelling  house  was  moved  twelve  feet  from  its  foundations. 
Large  frame  house  occupied  by  Daniel  Clark  and  Edward  Fitz- 
gerald, was  rendered  almost  valueless  by  the  damage  inflicted. 
Henry  Keyser's  frame  house,  demolished.  Widow  Offenbach's 
dwelling  house,  roof  off.  Elias  Walburn's  crrriage  shop,  partially 
destroyed.  D.  S.  Wolf's  hotel  and  pump  factory— roof  off  the 
former  and  the  latter  destroyed. 


These  are  but  afew  of  the  heaviest  losses.  V<Ty  fpw  l»uil  !  n-^  n 
the  entire  town  seemed  to  have  escaped  the  visitiition.  S  veral 
people  were  caught  and  imprisoned  in  the  ruins 'of  their  ova 
house?  as  they  tell,  and  had  to  wait  somti  time  beforp  succor  nim* 
to  them.  The  force  of  the  hurricane  was  felt  very  pliinly  in  t^uincry, 
and  as  instances,  timbers  of  a  thickne-s  of  <M;,'lit  or  tcn'iiifh**^  wer# 
blown  from  the  Methodist  Church  a  distance  of  t«-n  yard-,  and  in 
one  place  after  the  storm,  a  shin<rIo  was  found  drivfii  into  ■'omo 
weatherbording:,  just  as  if  it  had  been  steel  and  us  nlrirp  poiiit<'d  n* 
a  razor.  In  De  Gi'aff,  also,  it  drew  a  pump  from  the  well  of  Alex- 
ander Corry,  and  threw  it  ten  feet  and  over  his  house.  A  Nr^ 
piece  of  tin  roofin<?  was  carried  away  from  tin'  lown  hull  In  th© 
latter  villaj^e,  and  was  thought  by  iinajjinative  «-(>untryin.Mi,  in  Its 
progress,  to  be  a  winged  gray  horse.  Masse'*  of  rubbish  wvt»  c»r- 
ried  several  miles  and  deposited  in  fields. on  the  top^  of  forent  troM 
and  elsewhere. 


The  first  reliable  intimation  of  the  coming  dt^truction  «!m  zwem 
to  the  inhabitants  of  DeGrafl"  by  a  countrymnn,  who  drove 
througli  town  in  his  wagon  as  fast  as  bis  lame  and  aniiqunt^  ir»V- 
ernment  mule  could  hobble,  and  shouted  to  tho  people* »'»  v^iojiU*. 
Nobody  understood  the  cause  of  his  alarm,  however,  un«l  i»aiiy 
thou^-^ht  the  volume  of  dust  sweeping  on  toward  tb.-m  wa-  ratuM 
l.ya'runaway  team.  When  the  storm  broke,  a  ciiir.-n  ntm«l 
Johnson,  who  possessed  the  first  requisite  of  a  CinriMn.U 
Gouncilmm,  a  capacious  abdomen,  laid  himself  down  »K...dn  « 
stone  wall,  and  had  not  be.-n  there  tldrty  serond..  IWon.  Mr. 
Grafi-ort,  the  hardware  man,  came  gli.ling  and  .p.-^liiy 
ranged  hitnself  on  Mr.  Johnson.  It  wasn't  a  ^'ood  fit.  I."w.-v.t, 
and  the  next  man  was  a  Kentucky  doctor  of  about  Joh.,s  >n  .  ^iv^, 
who  settled  down  on  the  two  n.embers  of  the  stone  wkII  Untr-^'i^, 
with  all  the  lightness  and  ease  of  a  three  story  brick  hoi«e  Urn 
found,  however,  after  he  ha-l  done  ho.  that  the  wall  w.c,  not  hlxh 
enoncMUo  shield  bin.  from  the  d.^troyr.  and  so  ,or  up  ..-In. 
thereby  saving  himself  the  nnpleasimtnes.  of  artinv  «■«  ! 
n  a  n.urrl.r  tdal,  as  .Johnson's   breath   h.d  .«'.b.<l  d^wn  t  J 

^thimbleful,  and' he  could  not   muster  u..  .   wh-.p-r  of  r^moo- 

fitrance.  ^.     _,     .    ..  ..,.. 

The  rr.ost  miraculous  ov.nt  that  o.-rurn-d  in  I  W>n,ff  I-   ^-M-^ 


toli;iv»^  been  (he  escape  of  ji  Frefieii  stallion — a  splendid  animal — 
tliat  was  l().l;is-.i  in  a.stal)le  hai-k  of  Main  street.  Tiie  stablo  \v:i8 
leveled  flat  with  the  j>r()und,  anda  surface  of  perhaps  one  hundred 
feel  sjuare  was  covered  with  corn  cobs  and  rubbish,  and  the  ani- 
mal was  found  iiilerward  standing  where  his  stall  ou<;ht  to  be,  and 
cabnly  feeding  upon  the  loose  iiay  strewn  around  him.  A  simi- 
lar incident  was  tlie  j's^-ape  of  a  brood  of  pineons.  This  last  event 
was  ciironicied  by  one  y(juiigsler  to  another  (as  overheard  by  a 
bystander)  in  very  grieved  tones,  "Tiicre  wasn't  one  of  the  old 
I»i<reons  hurt,"  and  the  event  was  sufilciently  pingular  to  excite 
comment  aiuonir  older  people  than  the  boy.  On  Hay  sfrett  a 
Bniall  frame  dwcllino- iiouse  occupied  by  John  Van  Kirk  was 
turned  halfway  round  with  tiie  gable  end  to  the  street,  without 
a  board  being  <lisj»laced. 

The  Ministerial  Association  of  the  I^ellefontaine  District  was  to 
have  met  in  the  Methodist  church  to-day,  but  upon  sec  nd  tbou<iht 
conrlnded  they  would  not  do  so.  The  funerals  of  the  dead  girls, 
and  also  tliat  of  Mrs.  Giick,  in  Quincy,  took  place  on  Monday,  and 
were  not  very  lar^'cly  attended,  owing  to  the  other  interests  that 
claimeil  th(»  ab-orbing  attention  of  the  [leople.  The  towns  have 
been  visited  by  thousands  of  people  since  the  disaster,  jind  the  re- 
lief movements  are  in  jrood  shape,  and  promising  an  abundantly 
satisfactory  return.  In  DeGraff  the  houseless  ones  have  all  been 
provided  with  shelter  by  their  neighbors,  but  in  Quincy  the  de- 
etrnefion  was  so  general  that  many  had  to  be  sent  to  the  country, 
and  tlirown  on  the  h(?spitality  of  the^  farmers.  In  many  houses  in 
Quincy  the  occtipants  can  be  seen  at  their  work,  eewing  women 
plying  the  needle  at  the  wiii  lows,  where  sash,  glass  and  all  are 
missintr,  and  domestics  washing  in  apartments  with  apertures  in 
them  large  enoutrh  to  admit  a  horse,  sceminfrly. 

Tiie  following  curious  poster,  written  with  ink,  meets  a  person's 
gnz"  on  nearly  every  rlilanidated  house  front  in  the  place: 

"Blown  down,  bnt  alive  and  ready  to  do  duty  in  my  dwelling 
house,  one  door  north  of  the  old  stand.         Sam,  Frantz. 

"Stoves,  queens ifi-Hve,  &c." 

Haifa  doz^n  pers  )ris  ir)  the  two  towns  were  carried  some  yards 
by  the  strength  of  t!ie  wind,  and  one  by  the  name  of  Johnnie 
Parks,  living  in  Quincy,  savs  he  held  to  the  post  as  long  as  the 
poft  stood  it,  but  wlieu  it  went  he  went  too.      He  couldn't   resist 


theincUnsition.  It  is  tn')^t;  pr>')i*)i^  tut  th  •  w^rrl  v.-j  1's  ;>  >  v  «r 
\v:is  brought  chiefly  to  bear  upon  the  (orest--  b.-T  iru*  it  hud  riMCtu'd 
Quiiicy.  The  scene  in  tlit^-j^  u  liiiluliitHil  tr.tL'ts  of  Ian  I  i-»  m  mI 
conviiK'in<<^  evitlence  of  the  wiiid'.s  tcrri'ile  |»ow»t.  Tri'M  m  ld;{h 
as  the  Opera  House,  and  tliic.U  beyond  tin- capieity  of  Iwu  inon's 
nniis  to  encircle,  lie  here,  wrenc-bed  out  of  the  v«Ty  ijround  l»y  lb« 
airy  monster.  Some  are  split  in  two,  nud  tlieir  t  '  II* 
et re v\  n  ii round   in  endless  cuntusion.    OMiers  nre  ti.  ,       .ff 

at  the  base,  auO  others  ^t  id  have  ha  I  tln-ir  biMU-hcs  I'i'.'  1  <>t. 
TiKise  tiiiit  are  still  stundin^j;  are  bentanl  in>-i.:nilK-anldowkjin;, 
when  compared  vvitii  tludr  former  erect  poiiljun. 


BY  ED.  li.  MORGAN. 

According  to  the  best  iniformation  which  can  be  obtained,  this 
township  (Salem)  was  fir^t  visited  by  tlie  whites,  in  the  fall  of 
1786,  At  that  lime  an  army  of  Kentuckians,  under  the  command 
of  Gen.  Benjamin  Logan,  passed  through  here,  when  on  their  way 
to  destroy  the  Indians  on  Mac-a-clieek.  The  advance  of  this  army 
was  commanded  by  Colonel  Daniel  Boone  and  M:ijor  Simon  Ken- 
ton. The  following  incident,  which  occurred  at  the  time,  was  re- 
lated to  the  writer,  and  others,  by  Simon  Kenton,  at  Taylor's  mill, 
on  Kings  Creek,  in  the  spring  of  1814: 

A  few  of  the  mounted  men,  who  were  a  short  distance  in  ad- 
vance, suddenly  encountered  a  few  Indians,  in  the  prairie,  a  short 
distance  west  of  the  present  residence  of  Mr.  John  Eich holts. 
The  two  parties  discovered  each  other  at  the  same  time,  and  the 
Indians,  who  wore  on  foot,  made  a  vigorous  effort  to  reach  the 
high  -iTound  upon  the  east,  that  they  might  have  tlie  advantage  of 
the  timber,  and  fire  at  the  whites  from  behind  the  trees ;  but  by  a 
timely  and  rapid  movement,  they  were  headed  off  by  the  horse- 
men. The  Indians  then  wheeled  to  the  north,  and  on  entering 
the  high  grass,  near  the  creek,  they  scattered  like  frijihtened 
quails,  and  squatted  and  concealed  themselves  in  the  high  grass 
and  weeds.  The  Kentuckians  pursued,  and  at  a  point  about  one- 
fourth  mile  below  the  present  site  of  the  Kingston  mills  and 
nearly  opposite  the  prespnt  residence  of  Mr.  Nathaniel  Johnson, 
one  of  the  horsemen  came  upon  an  Indian,  who,  upon  being  dis- 


overerl,  rose  to  his  feet,  presented  his  gun  and  pulled  the  triffffor, 
butfortunately  for  (he  soldier,  the  t,'un  mlised  fire,  and  the  Ken- 
tuckian  shot  and  killed  tlie  [iidian  before  he  could  m»ikehiH«|. 
cape.  This  Indian,  from  hi=!  dress  and  appearance,  wart  nupixv«^l 
to  be  a  chief  or  king.  After  scalping  the  fallen  foe,  and  tlivpwt- 
ing  the  body  of  its  ornaments  and  jewels,  they  water(-l  their 
horses  at  the  beautiful  stream  hard  by,  and  gave  it  the  naruo  of 
"The  King's  Creek,"  which  name  it  still  bears. 

At  the  time  here  referred  to,  there  stood  near  ihe  spot  a  honey 
locust  tree,  which  afterward  attained  to  a  great  hei^'ht  and  un- 
connmon  size  for  one  of  its  kind,  and  was  often  n-fiTriMi  t«»  t>y  tho 
old  settlers  as  the  place  where  the  In<iiaii  king  was  killed;  and 
some  folks  who  believed  such  things,  asserted  that  they  frtHjuent^ 
ly  saw  the  red  man's  ghost,  vvitii  his  "raw  head  and  blootly  lMine«," 
prowling  about  the  tree  or  perched  upon  the  topmost  hranchM  in 
form  of  a  huge  horned  owl,  as  they  parsed  that  way  of  a  moon- 
light night ;  and  so  great  was  the  dread  of  some,  (hat  they  would 
travel  halt  a  mile  out  of  tlieir  way,  rather  than  risk  an  i-noonnler 
with  his  "royal  higliness."  Gut  that  tree  U  c"ne,  the  g!»o-«l  li:i« 
disappeared,  the  generation  that  feared  it  has  passed  away  and  !• 
almost  forgotten— nothing  connected  with  the  evftnt  now  remiiiai, 
save  only  tho  creek  and  ita  name— they  will  abide  forever. 


Mnsos  BlfxJsoe  Corvvin  dierl  at  his  rpsif^lenee  in  this  city,  Thurs- 
day eveninsr,  April  11th,  1872,  aired  82  ye-irs  and  8  months. 

He  was  the  first  child  of  Ichahod  and  Sarah  Corwin,  and  waa 
born  in  B^urb  )a  county,  Kenta(;!cy,  Jniiiry  oth,  lldO,  and  six 
years  Liter  the  family  reaioveJ  to  Lebaaon,  Ohio,  where  he  grew 
up  to  in;in]iood. 

Juna  4th,  1811,  he  was  nrirried  to  Mirgrnrot  Fox,  of  L'»banon,and 
in  1812  iliej  ni^-ed  to  Urb«na,  arriving  here  June  18th,  and  here 
thry  spent  the  remainder  of  llieir  lives.  U|ion  his  arrival  here, 
Mr.  Corwin  beo:an  the  publication  of  the  Watchtower,  the  first 
newspaper  published  in  the  then  large  county  of  Champafj^n,  in- 
troducinir  prnss  and  types  into  the  vast  wilderness,  undismayed  by 
(he  popular  illiteracy  of  most  early  settlers,  and  less  annoyed  by 
the  competition  of  other  presses  a  hundred  mil^s  away. 

Early  in  1811  he  had  been  admitted  to  the  bar  and  he  began  his 
practice  here,  which  beeime  very  extensive,  his  circuit  including 
Cincinnati  and  Detroit,  at  which  places  he  was  an  aitendent  at 
court.  In  those  early  days  the  lawyer  traveled  like  an  old  style 
gentleman,  astride  the  best  horse  in  the  country,  his  legal  acumen 
etored  in  his  brain  and  legal  authorities  in  his  saddlle-bags.  The 
journey  of  m  circuit  then  w,u  no  trifllnj:  trip,  a=?  it  now  would  he, 
but  occupied  weeks  always,  and  frequently  extending  into 

In  1838  Mr.  Corwin  was  elected  Representative  from  Champaign 
and  Union  counties  to  the  State  Legislature,  and  was  re-elected  in 

'From  the  Urbana,  0_  Citizen  and  Oazeite. 


He  represented  Distri<-t  (tl.on  comr,o.n.|  of  C  ,arn,.:,',n.   I^. 

e-^u   Union,  D.l.w:,r,.an.lCiarkH..<u.„,i.s.)inG,n.r.^..  „  ,s,U) 

of  the  Eighth  D  sa-iet,  i.  ti.n  .s  wiwM.  poli,h...|  str.uo/v  a,..l  hiih- 
toned  con.j,  actively  eM;,.,;r,M.npn.i,,rin„re;nw.-l«  for 
a  futun.d.,v  touriravH.    O.i    ;.ll  tl,.- .mcmsuhm  ..f  ,i,.,m,.  .hy-   Mr 

,Ym  Tl''';*-''*'V"^'^  '"il  =V^''"^^''^''  ^^'van-...|  i.l..:,-.  whirl.  ..v..„l. 
aai.N  leu  hiu,  to  fiirnll    lum.s<lf  in    Uu-   r...>ks  ..f  fl,,.  li-pubiiran 

p:.rO  ,  eiirly  in  its  Ci.rc-er,  iu  wnich  Iih  livc-d  poliiirallv  lu.t.l  Uu 
natural  li^ath. 

Hissociiil  life  w.isa  tumid  of  intor-'stin-  pr,rtra\Ml-.».f  ih-c'inr- 
ficlerof  true  IVieiid.sliip.  Tho  lim  <,f  |„v,.  ..urn..."!  hri/l.liy  in  hU 
heartand  tliepun  n<-ver  sot  npun  hin  an-er.  Ton  irien.l  he  was 
nil  friend,  in  adversity  or  thrift.  In  the  hour  nf  trial,  of  <le<'pdt«. 
Spjtir,  his  friend  found  him  .stnjn„'  to  avert  any  d*ii;,'i'r  and  w  ith  a 
will  to  do  it. 

An  incident  occurs  to  us  tiiat  is  fruitful  of  tlic  lesions  of  fri.  nd- 
Bhij)  :u)d  shows  tlui  (ru<'  lesls.  It  was  told  I  y  Jontlh  m  K,  ("hap- 
lin,  in  the  Fir>5t  M.  E.  Church,  many  yens  n-^n,  in  an  adUnnwua 
Temperance.  And  to  make  this  incident  Wu:  more  fully  uiidor- 
Etood,  it  must  be  known  that  in  his  rarly  m.inhoo  I,  Mr.  Coruio 
was  an  intemperate  man,  beyond  (he  ordinary  dram  tlriiiki(.;;«in- 
tomsofthe  day,  and  Mr.  Ch.i[ilin  was  hi-j  chosen  coiiiiMiii.jii  of  (ho 

In  the  f  dl  of  1830,  in  Novemb'T  if  \vc  mi-tak<»  nol,  the  n.ilundly 
relij^ious  faculties  of  INIr.  ('nrwin  jissunmJ  sufiren.ucj'  ovt-r  lib 
grosser  passions  and  led  him  to  mdti'  hiniM-ll  wilh  thi*  .M.  l-i. 
Church,  He  closed  his  li|>sagiin<t  li;|U'<rina!l  its  furmsiii.d  b.-<Mmo 
totally  abstinent,  'i'he  j^reat  chanjje  in  so  prominent .«  mnn  \r«« 
the  tlienie  of  every  t(mj?ae  and  excitement  even  r.-nilu..!  frmn  tto 
great  a  refornnition  and  so  prominent  an  cxampi' 

The  example  was  not  lost  on  his  mo-<t  ealned  and  (rify  fmMnr- 
able  friend,  Jonathan  Chaplin,  and  he  too  made  the  elf. ri  tout- 
pta in  from  the  cup.  For  days  and  nitihtf*  he  wrt^llxl  with  lli© 
demon  appetite,  and   fou^rld   manfully   U-'aiii«t   the  hive  oi  that 


and  maddened,  crazed,  he  awaited  the  coming  of  the  first  gray 
streaks  of  the  day  that  he  niiji:ht  ^o  down  town,  awaken  a  store- 
keeper, and  appease  his  appetite  witli  brandy,  which  he  knew  he 
would  surely  obtain. 

Day  dawned,  and  thro-^'ing- a  blanket  around  him,  he  started 
down  town,  the  wind  blowing  fiercely,  and  rain  falling  frozen  upon 
the  ground,  and  soon  reached  North  Main  street.  A:*  he  turned 
into  that  street  he  met  a  strong  blast  of  wind  that  nearly  carried 
away  his  hat  and  blanket,  when  he  pulled  the  blanket  over  his 
head  and  groped  his  way  onward,  not  caring  what  might  be  in  his 
way,  and  seeing  nothing.  Out  of  a  little  nook  near  where  IJusser's 
Cigar  Store  now  stands,  stepped  a  manly  form  and  seized  him 
firmly  by  the  shoulder,  turned  him  around,  and  in  a  friendly  voice 
said,  "Jonathan,  come  home."  And,  God  bo  praised,  Jonathan 

He  who  had  saved  his  friend  from  that  most  hopeless,  uncharit- 
able road  to  destruction,  was  Moses  B.  Corwin,  and  for  eight  early 
mornings  had  he  watched  and  waited  there;  knowing  the  crav 
ings  of  appetite  that  would  afflict  him  in  whom  he  had  the  strong- 
est interest— knowing  the  hour  it  would  come  the  strongest  to  at- 
tack him,  and  he  put  forth  the  strong  and  resolute  hand.  Jona- 
than Chaplin  became  an  honored  and  exceedingly  popular  minister 
of  the  Gospel. 

Such  an  event  is  worth  the  living  of  an  ordinary  lifetime;  but 
Mr.  Corwin's  life  exhibited  many  such  incidents,  showing  his  val- 
uation of  the  fraternal  ties  of  manhood,  and  their  correct  uses. 

The  declining  days  of  such  a  man  are  full  of  peace,  and  his  retro- 
spect of  a  long  life  was  fruitful  of  comfort  and  contf-ntment  that 
made  him  happy,  even  when  surrounded  with  attliction.  Seeing, 
he  heard  not,  but  his  thoughts  of  the  good  tho  world  has  and  had 
were  the  solace  of  a  good  old  man. 




The  question  is  often  asked,  why  and  for  what  reason  a  (vrtaln 
lineand  road  in  this  county  isc.illed  the  "Ludlow  Line,"  and  "I^d- 
low  Road."  I  will  endeavor  to  explain  the  why  and  the  whero- 
fore,  in  as  brief  a  manner  as  possible.  On  the  L';)d  of  May,  on« 
one  thousand  six  hundred  and  nine  (1009,)  Kiiij?  Janio-*  the  Fintt  of 
England  granted  a  charter  to  certiin  i)Prsons  for  that  part  of 
America  called  Virginia,  and  from  that  charter  I  now  will  copy 
the  following  extract : 

"And  we  also,  of  our  spe^^ial  grace,  certain  knowledge  und  mrn» 
motion,  give,  grant  and  confirm,  unto  the  said  treasurer  mtmI  ctun- 
pany,  and  their  successors,    under    the   reservaJions,    liiiiiti»»"'n» 
and  declarations  hereaftei  expressed,   all    those    lancN,   c< 
and  territories  situate,  lying  and  being  in  that    part    of   Aii 
called  Virginia,  from  the  point  of  land  called  Cape  or  Point  Com- 
fort, all  along  the  sea  coast  to  the  northward  tw(»  hundrwl    milm, 
and  from  the  said  point  of  Cape  Comfort  ail  alon;:  th"  wa  coittt  U> 
the  southward  two  hundred  miles,  and  all  that  si«iro  and  rircuit  of 
land  lying  from  the  sea  coast   of  the  precinct  afon-sahl.  up  into 
the    land,  throughout,  from  seatosea,  we^t  and  norfh-ui^tt;  •nd 
also  all  the  islands  lying    within  one  hundreil   milCH.    mIohit  the 
coast  of  both    seas  of  the   precinct  aforeai<I." 
The  foregoing  is  an  exact  copy,  even  to  the  punctuation 


By  virtneof  thisolnrtpr,  Virunnin  rl;iitn'»!l  title  to  nil  land  lyln^ 
bptwepn  the  Atl.intic*  aiul  fie  oceans,  anl  lior  rijj^ht  was  never 
called  in  questiiiij.  Artt^r  the  close  <»f  tl>e  vv;tr  of  tlie  Revolution, 
the  State  of  Vir^jinia  cesls^d  to  the  United  States  the  greatest  [)art 
of  this  vast  doin:iin,  andat  the  Hiirne  time  mule  certain  reserva- 
tions; and  aiMonjjftljeiM  she  reserved  all  I  ha  land  lying"  between 
tlie  Little  Miami  and  Scioto  Riv(M*s,  iu  what  is  now  the  State  of 
Ohio.  This  land  Wits  reserved  for  th(^  pnrposi^  of  pjiyiny^  tiie  Vir- 
ginia soldiers  wlioserved  in  the  war  »tf  the  Revolution,  and  was 
distributed  Hinon^  the  ofrifers  juid  soldiers  in  quantities  propor- 
tionate to  their  several  s-Tades  in  the  army.  As  the  Little  Miami 
exten(ied  but  a  short  distMiu'e  into  the  country,  from  its  mouth  at 
the  Oliio  river,  and  the  Sriotn,  wliieij  is  the  eastern  boundary  of 
the  reserve,  extends  a  ur->at  de;d  further,  both  northward  and 
easterly,  into  the  eountry,  it  was  necessary  tiiat  a  line  should  be 
run  from  the  iu^ad  of  one  river  to  theotiier,  in  order  to  define  the 
limits  of  the  reserve  niade  by  the  Sbite  of  Vir;!:inia.  The  first  line 
Was  run  from  the  he;id  of  the  Little  Miami  toward  tlie  phico  tliat 
was  supposed  to  be  the  iiead  of  tlie  Sciolo.  Tiiis  line  w;is  run  by 
Israel  Ludlow,  hence  tlje  name  of  "Ludlow  Line."  This  line 
from  the  head  of  the  Liifcie  Miiimi  heirs  north,  twenty  de<jrees 
west.  It  wasanor\v;»rd  discovered  that  the  liead  of  t!i« Scioto  was 
Beverid  miles  furtlier  west  th;in  the  jxtint  at  first  desij::nated 
as  its  source.  This  di«rovery  caused  much  trouble  and  several 
law-suits,  and  a  second  line  was  run, '-ailed  "lloberts'  line."  In 
due  time  a  nuirdi-T  ofsurveyors  wereemployed  to  locate  and  sur- 
vey the  lands,  and  for  tliis  purpose  the  ownersof  warrants  put  them 
into  the  hinds  of  surveyors,  and  in  m;iny  cases  ^ave  them  part  of 
the  land  for  tlieir  services.  I  will  iierestatr  that  the  surveyors'  fees 
were  pa.val)lein  tobacco;  hut  lest  my  veracity shou hi  be  called  in 
question  hy  some  of  your  reiders,  I  will  quote  from  a  law  of  tho 
State  of  Virj>lnia,  passed  in  October,  170},  and  wiiicli  I  believe  ia 
still  in  force,  and  applies  to  surveys  in  the  Military  District. 

"Sec.  3.  And  for  declaring  what  fees  a  purveyor  may  be  entitled 
to:  ^e  if  ^nac/ed,  That  every  surveyor  shall  be  entitled  to  re- 
ceive the  f»)llowin^  fees  for  the  services  hereinafter  mentioned,  to 
be  paid  by  the  persons  employing  him,  and  no  other  fees  what- 
ever; that  is  tosay  :  For  every  survey  by  him  plainly  bounded, 
aB  the  law  directs,  and  fur  a  plan  uf  such  survey,  alter  the  deliver/ 


of  sush  plat,  whfti-Pth- survey  sIvUl  not  oxc-^f^i  friur  h'jnlr«.j  n<T«« 
ofland,  two  i.u.xlred  and  fifty  pounds  (.ftolneco;  for  every  hun- 
dred ncres  contained  in  one  survey  above  four  hundnnl,  tvvi'lv*i 
pounds  of  tobaem;  for  surveying u  lot  in  town,  tw.Mity  pouiidi  of 
tobacco;  and  where  the  surveyor  sjjall  b.'  rttopp-d  or  binii^reU 
from  finisliingasurvey  by  him  bppfun,  tobe  paid  by  tl:o  p.triy 
who  required  tiie  survey  to  bo  made,  one  liu.ulred  and  twrnly- 
five  pounds  of  tobacco;  for  surveying  an  acre  of  land,  for  a  mill, 
fifty  pounds  of  tobacco;  for  every  survey  of  land  formerly  p»t- 
ented,  and  which  shall  be  required  to  l)e  surveyed,  and  ft»r  a  pint 
thereof,  deli  veered  as  aforesaid,  the  same  fee  as  for  land  not  before 
surveyed;  for  runninga  dividing  line  between  any  county  or 
parisli,  to  be  paid  by  such  respective  counties  or  parish»«s  in  pro- 
portion to  the  numl)er  of  tythibles,  if  ten  miles  or  und.'r,  (Ive 
hundred  pounds  of  tobacco;  and  for  every  mile  ubovo  ten,  fiftt'eo 
pounds  of  tobacco. 

"Sec.  4.  That  all  persons  who  are  now  cluirgoablp  wilh  unj 
surveyors*  fees,  for  slm'vIc&s  under  the  act  of  Assi'inbiy,  enliti.-l, 
•An  act  for  regulating  the  fees  of  the  register  of  the  land  <.nH», 
and  for  other  purposes,'  or  who  shall  hereifter  became  charjro- 
able  with  any  tobacco  for  any  of  the  services  u)entioned  in  llii-*  net, 
shall,  at  their  election,  discharge  thesame  either  in  Iran-'frr  tob;uro 
notes  or  in  specie  at  the  rate  of  twelve  shillings  and  tfixpoitce  (ut 
every  hundred  pounds  of  ;;ross  tohjicc-.i." 

Tiie  foregoing  quotation  is  from  Henry's  Statutes  of  Vir;:inln, 
page  353.  Jim  Armstrong  and  I  had  l>cen  paid  such  fc<'s  fur  our 
Services  as  surveyors,  and  all  in  tobacco  and  could  we  luivo  ki-pl  il 
until  now,  we  would  be  able  to  supply  the  upper  and  lower  tea 
an  1  their  little  boys  with  cigars  for  a  mouth  or  mure,  best  Jo  i>i»»*- 
oning  all  the  potato  bugs  iu  the  county. 



For  the  satisfaction  of  those  who  feel  an  interest  in  the  family  of 
Ex-Governor  Vance,  and  would  like  to  know  how  many  of  his 
children  are  still  living,  and  where,  I  will  just  say,  in  addition  to 
Judge  A.  F.  Vance,  mentioned  on  pige  258,  now  Prohate  Judge  of 
Champaign  county,  he  has  another  son  and  one  daughter,  now  liv- 
ing in  Urbana,  Dr.  D.  M.  Vance,  a  practicing  physician  in  that 
place,  and  Mary,  the  widow  of  Judge  John  A.  Corwin,  late  of  the 
Supreme  Court  of  Ohio;  three  links  that  bind  us  to  the  many 
pleasant  memories  of  the  past.    May  they  never  be  forgotten. 

*^*-  lE^  JbrS.  -^s^  ^3L°  ..^s.b 

In  the  heading  of  the  Poll  Books  of  Champaign  and  Logan  coun- 
ties for  1811  it  is  said,  "The  first  election."  This  is  a  mistake  of  the 
printer.  The  first  election  held  in  Champaign  county  was  the 
same  year  the  county  was  organized,  1805.  The  first  in  Logan, 
then  Champaign,  was  in  the  year  1808.  I  selected  the  year  1811 
because  the  vote  was  fuller,  and  the  names  of  voters  come  within 
the  memory  of  many  now  living. 

Page  173,  eight  lines  from  bottom,  for  1872  read  1822. 

Page  217,  last  line,  for  North-East  read  North-West. 

Page  140,  for  Fill  is  read  Tillis. 

Page  229,  sixteen  lines  from  bottom,  for  Rupel  Bigalow  read 
Russel  Bigalow. 

Page  230,  twenty-two  lines  from  top,  for  Marly  read  Maily. 

Page  137,  for  Thomas  RunkleTanerread  William  RunkleTaner. 

Page  253,  for  Lidders  read  Siders,  and  for  Parker  read  Parks. 

Page  230,  six  lines  from  top,  for  John  Long  read  John  8  range. 

c  0  N  r  E  N  r  s. 

FA  (;{•:. 

History  of  C!i;f!r!][>aij.^n  romtly,  .           _    .                              .  .    __  •% 

Simon  Kent{>n, 'f 

Tecumseh, U^ 

Pioneers  of  Oh ii),  .  li 

Buiklinjr  I-og- (Vibin.     l'> 

Lojjf  Cabin,  (  Continued ), — -  i.'"* 

liisti^ry  of  Urbana, .S:! 

Schooii*, *•' 

Civil  Polity,  Medieal  ?»Ten,  Ac,  ^ .-  4.> 

Early  Population  and  Marriajres  of  UrbiUi  i,  r.i* 

Military  Operation?  in  War  <jf  1812,  -     --  ;)l 

Simon  Kenton, -. <•'» 

John   liamiiton, -  <'.  i 

Pioneer  Settler;*  of  Urbana,_. -                           <•;' 

Hull's  Trace,  y' 

Phenomenal ~  ^ 

TorniKlo  at  Bellefontaine  in  the  Year  IS^o,..      .    .  7."» 

The  Ciiilii  (Hoi'KiNs). --                 --  77 

Andrew,  the  Murderer, 7' 

lleview  of  HeUman's  Confession, in 

Jlellman  in  Loo:an  County, •-'' 

Execution  of  Hell  man,  i:'< 

T.ost  Child  (Curl),  ISIG, 1^^ 

The  Lost  Child,  (y^W/vy),  ..  VM 

Kvirly  Settlement  of  Mid  river  Township,  --                        -  I  •'!;"> 

Zane  Township  in  1805,    I4''» 

First  Set llers  in  Jefferson  Township, :^-  1'!*' 

I'^irst  Settlers  in  Monroe  Township, 1**^ 

First  Setclement  of  Liberty  Township.  HH 

Hokes  Creek  Township, ll' 

"Hush  Towjiship,  Champaisjn  County, l^^ 

Perry  Township,  Logan  County, li'> 

John  Enoch, l^f"' 

John  Shelby,  --            -.                M'^ 

CO?\Tr,.\'T.>.  4.'9 

N.  Z.  McCollocli, 

JohiiDy  Apple.sefd,    _. 

Loreijzo  I>()\v,  ._ IM" 

!•  » 


]iHv.  l):ivi(l  Merrill, 

Ilev.  <]ti'or<^e  WallvHr. 

"VVIiite  Piljiiiin, -."".""."""!!_  ji 

Poem  lit  tlie  Grave  of  .S;iiiu-,  (  White  PuLVini'i.  '     |gh 

'l'lif^  First  f'hnr.lie-!.  _.    _.   ._..  j,<< 

Tlif^  M.  K.  Ciiiirch,  ril.;tii:i,  I7j 

Mniiiit  T.iIkm",   |-./ 

Qu.iker  ('lpiir<-ii.  iit  Dnii  y, 17," 

ThaVjt's  Rum  ("hiircli,      '.._. .. I7.^ 

.Metti<;(l!st  ritlirch  in  Za'ie 'l'i)\vii;sliij), .  ^  |7;j 

Uriivers.iijsr, _    '  17- 

Stiain's  Ru!i  >lt'ili(»ili>tC'liiHfli, 17;; 

Fir-t  ^lerchaiits,  _ ,  _ 171 

Wiiiiaui  Hui)Sani,  .,  _      .  I7.', 

Abram  Saii<iii>  Piali.  17^ 

ljr:'<>"an  ('vninlx-,  .  .  |m( 

Simon  Ivoitoii,  . lUl 

JonHthan  Aider,  ., •*•» 

First  St-ttlenieiit  in  i>oj;aii  (.'ouiity, 

New  Court-honsr, 

i'ionoer  Sketelies,  _  „..    Jhi 

Aaron  (TUttri(L'e,  -_.. .   

Farly  ReenllectioMs,  ._^ Savali  M    •/ 

\\  illiam  !5ci<r;/s,  .    

\Viliiam  Joiin?-o(i, _-   

.Tif  oh  Johnson, . 

Wiiiiam  Baliiw  in, 

TIenry  C()vvjj;ill, '• 

Thoniu-  ('o\v<>rill,  Sr.,  . .    

Archibilil  Stewart, -'    ■ 

Siaieon  Merecraft, "    • 

Col.  Joh.n  TlioniHS, -  '  '• 

Salem  Towivslilp, "' ;* 

(Jovernor  Vanee, 

TifarriHjre  Record  of  l'liam|iai<;n  Coiniiy,  ■  ' 

^Marriage  Record  of  l/oj;an  County,  

jMjil  Hooks  of  Early  E'e.  tions  in  (  liainiJtiirM  <"..iii:i>  , 

Poll  Books  of   Early  Elections  in  Uy^AU  C<Mintv, 

Concord  Township, J-- I-  >'.  .»/'•/•"•/"'"/.    'V  j 

Spottv, - -       -      ""'■//'  ^•'-''.    •'" 

I'feoilections.of  Bar  of  LoiiJin  County, 

Ka-los-i-ta!i, y    y'  yl'. 

Pioneer  History, • '^,   ,/    .  Siewart '^"•"''  •''• 

Bellefontaine  Forty  Years  A};o, 

null's  SiuTeuder  at  Detroit, .- 

4(;0  CONTENTS. 

The  Pi(M5eer?«, Dr.  Brown,  3;>3 

An  OIU   iJaryirj-jj  Ground, . 344 

Onr  Soldiers, Mrs.  Sarah  M.  Moore,  345 

VMty  Yenrs  Agro, 846 

I'iuriet'r  Met-tiiv^s  at  Middleburj;  and  West  Liberty, 34i) 

Pioneer  Incidents,  S^')0 

lv3n)ark.s  by  Arehib>dd  Hopkins, 3o(> 

F.rst  Quarterly  ^reetiM<;, Sr/J 

Jteinurks  by  l")r.   Br<»\vn, 3*>() 

lleniarks  i>y  Saiiifiel  Carter, 3()7 

Ji<»ii>arks  by  Voliioy  Tluxnas. 371 

Af.   theOl'l   Home,  ( /Wm)  ' Hubbard,  874 

Oh,  (J(vc  ThMrn  Buck, Robertii,  870 

iMoneer  Sketches,  ..  Roberts,  878 

?;(M-oIlections  of  My  Childhood, S'.m 

V^Wv  IvHtty, J 899 

H  dden    Treasure, 401 

Pioner  Polly, 404 

Pi.  M.-^  r  Practice  of  Medicine, 408 

Thf' C-i'l  Pif)neer8  —  P^orty  Years  Ayo,   {Poem) 414 

:vfv  P'rst  Visit  to  West  Liberty, 416 

Fifty  Years  A<^o, 419 

Tornado  at  Urbana, . Patrick,  i'll 

Per^'  T>iiin»n, 42;") 

Fifty  Ye -rs  Af^(\  '._.'"    ."".II     W     "_.  42H 

SkMfch  <.f  the  Life  of  Mrs.  Mary  Madden, 488 

John  Cheslier, 4;>-5 

lU'nrv   WeavrT,   ._ . 487 

Tile   l*i«.neHr  Meetingr.  ._ 480 

Lo'^Hii  C^Hjnty  Torn:'do, 441 

rtH>  f^ro^w^Tty  I)estroyed, 448 

["('ld<*nts,  _  ._, _ ... 44,", 

How  Kin.,'''s  Oefiv  G..t  its  Nnnio, 4  IH 

Jienth  of  Ffon.    ]\f..sts  I).  Corwin, 4oO 

The  Ludlow  T?,oad, 4^)8 

]'\'  rjovernor  Vance's  Family, A^>0 

Errata, Ai^ 
