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Account of the 


or the late Reverend 

Mr. Dcroid Ermnerd^ 

Minifttr of the GofpeJ, 

Miffiontfry tq» tilt; Indians, from the 
iiniiiHiralilc SotiL-ty in Scotland, for 
t lir Pmpnpfttiorr of CUriftian Know- 
lulgc, :iii<l J'ador of a Church of 
Chrijiian India'ns in New-Jerfey. 

Wild ilicii nt Narlhrnipun in New-England, 
VU>b. ytll 1747. in tlie 30th Ycisr of his Age : 

( liirdy takrn from his own DrarF, snd ochtr priTjte 
Wiitings, wiiuen for his, own Ufe ; and now 
publilhcdi . 


Hy JonaTMtJ Ej>WARt)s, A. M. ' 
Mlniliir lit (lie GofiJcl at Nerlhatnptsn. 

Jl Ji S T O N : N. E. 

hinlcd for and Sold by D, Henchmam, in Comh\% 

'7 + 9- 

■ *-/ 


'cf ^-*' '*-54(9<w ^ 


THI'.SiF. arc two Ways oF rf prefenting and 
recommending true Religion and Virtue to 
ilic World, which God hath made Uft of: 
'I'iiconeps by Doftrine and Precept ; ihe 
nlhrr IS by Inftaiice and Example : Both are abundantly 
iilrd in tlir bii>y Scripursi. Not only ar« the Grounds, 
Niiiurr, llffign anil Importance of Religion clearly ex- 
liiliiiril ni the I ><ifliincs of Scripture, and it's Exercife 
mil 1 1 'liii'l I rr [ilahily [.lr-]iti«ittd iimi abundantly enjoin'd 
umi eiilDrc'd in it's Commands and Counfcls ; But there 
wr have many excellent Examples of Religion, in it's 
I'owerand I'raflice, fet before us, in the Hiftories boik 

111 ihc Old Tt-ftamcotsndNcw JesusCmrist, 

ihc [;re3t Prophet of God, when he came into the World 
, to bf the Ligbs of Ihe tVirli, to teach and enforce true 
Ktlit-jion, in a greaterDegree than ever had been before, 
jic m.'ide Ufe of both thefe Methods : In his Doflrine 
!ic dcLlarcd the Mind and Will of God, and the Nature 
and Properties oi that 'l^ertue which becomes Crcaturej 
nf ourMake and in our Circumftances, more clearly and 
fully than ever it had been before,and more powerfully, 
enforced it by what he declared of the Obligations and 
Inducements ro F^olmefs ; and he alfo in his own Prac- 
tice gave a moft perfeft Example of the Vcrfue hs 
taught, Heexhibircd to the World ftich an illuftrious 
Pattern of Hnmiliiy, divine Love, difcreet Zfil, Self- 
deniaJj ObecJienJCj Patience, Refigoation, Fortitude, 
A i Meekncft, 



Meeknefs, Forgivenefs. Compaffion, Benevaknce, and ■ 

univfifsl Hoimefs, as neither Men nor Angeb ever /aw 

?''^;,.*^°'' '"'" '" ^'^ Providence has been wont lo 

make Ufe of Ijotli thefe Methods to hold forth Light to 

Mankind, and Inducsinent ta their Duty, in a|[ Ages ■ 

He has frojirj-ime toTime raifcd up eminent Teachere' 

to exhibit and bear Teflimony to i he Truth in their 

Ssarinty and oppofethe Errois, Darknefs andWicked- 

nrlsofthe World; and a!fo has, from Age lo Age, 

raif;diip fume eminent Ferfons that have fet bxWUEx- 

emplesoiihii Religion that is taught and prefcrtbed in 

the Word cf God ; whofc E:«mple, have in divine 

Providence been kt forth to publickView. Thefe have 

a great Tendency to engage tiie Attention of Men to 

the Doarines and Rules (hat arc tau-ght, and "ready to 

confirm and enforce ihtm ; and efpecially when thefe 

bright Examples have been fxhibitrd in the fame Per- 

fons that have been eminent Teachsrs, fo that the World 

Ms had Oppartunity to fee fuch s Confirmation of ih» 

Truth,Eftcacy, andAmiablcnefs of the Religion taaphr 

in the Praftics of the fame Ferfons that have mefl 

clearly and forceably taught it ; and above all, when 

thefe bnyht Hxamples have been fet by eminentTeach- 

|;r£inavarifiyoftinuruai Circuinftances of reimrkable^ 

r™.'; and God has withaf remarkably diftineiiifii'd 

them with wonderful Sacw/j of their Inaruftions and 

J Jbours, conlifling in glorious Events that have been 

Jfi many Refpefls new and ffrangc. 

Such an Intlance we have in the ixcel!mPerf!\-Mik 
Ufa is pubhnicd in the foilowingPages. HisExample 
!S attended with a great Variety of Crrcumftance^ te„d- 
tng to engage the Aiteniion of religious People tfpcc- 
ally in thele Parts of the World ; i-Jc was one of dif 
Iinguifh'd natural Abilides ; as all arc fcnfible, (hat hac' 
Acquaintance with him : He was a Minifter of ths 
Colpei, and one ivlio was called to unufual Services in 
l\m Work, wbufii Miniftry ,yas SfKnaed wiih ve,y re,. 

Ihe ? REF JC M- iii 

iiijilMdilf nnd unofual Events, an Account of w-hich 
fiindlrrndy been given to thePublick ; one whofeCotirfe 
irl Uriij'.ioii began before the laceTimcs of extraordinary 
idlUloiu Commotion, but yet one that lived in thofe 
'J'iinrs, and went through them, and was very much in 
llirWiiy ul rhe various extraordinaryEffefls and unoiral 
Aiipearanccs of that Day, and was not an idleSpefliator, 
but had a ne«r Concern in nwny Things that pafs'd at 
iliitt 'I'mie I one that had a very extenfiveAcquaintance 
Willi ihole that have been the Subjcas of the late reli- 
Hinus Operations, in many of thefe Brili/h Colonies, in 
I'lancs far diflant one from another, in People of many 
iliilercnt Nations, of different Educations, Manners and 
Culloms ; one who had peculiar Opportunity of Ac- 
fjuaintance with the falfe Appearances and Counterfeits 
ol Religion : One who himfelf was the loJlrumenl of a 
iiiofl rcmarkabJeAwakening, and an exceeding wonder- 
ful and nbidinjS Alteration and moral Transformation of 
fuch Siibjcils a= Jo peculiarly render the Change rare and 

In the following Accotint, the Reader will have Op- 
portunity to fee, not only what were the external Cir- 
cumilanccs and remarkable Incidents of the Life of this 
Perlon, and how he fpent hij Time from Day to Day, 
as to his external Behaviour ; butalfo what pafs'd in his 
own Heart, the ^yonderfnl Changs that he experienced 
in his Mind and UifpoEdon, the Manner in which that 
Change was bro't to pafs, how it continued, what v/ere 
it's ConfequencfS in his inward Frames, Thoughts, Af- 
feflionsand ftcrec Exercifcs, through many Viciliiiudcs 
and Trials, from thenceforth for mote than eightYears, 
'til! his DeJth ; and alfo. to fee how all ended at lalf, in 
his Sentiments, Frame ansi Behaviour, during a long 
Seafon of the gradual and fenfible Approach of Death, 
under a iinating Jllnefs, and what were the Effefls of 
his Religion in dying Circumftances, or in the lall 
Stages of his dying Iliqefs. The Account being writ- 

"^' ^he PREFACE. 

compr. Che v.nom P.rts of ch. Stor/ and delibmcdy 
Ih snd «.c,gl, ,!,<■ whole, and conGder how il 

what !S reht.d ,s agrecabfc to ths Diftiies cf right Rei- 
fon and the hoiy Word of God 

Fv!..°.T ^"' fi™'"PP°'5"g. 'hat Mr. i?rfl/«fri's Inward 
^r f„" '"f "P^"^""'^. or Hi external Condufi, were 

Nat.r. tha. wa, altogether perfeft ; which tha.for«Ts 
3 Rule, to try all other h^a^ples by ; a.d the Difpofi- 

ffc^is "° '""''"■ """ '''^y ^"' ^"*«"" 

bl by th. foIlow,ng Account of hi. Lite, that may be 
called an I,^perfea,on,„him, which tho' n«t properly 
an Impafcfl.on of a moral Nature, yet may pomblv be .nObjraio,, ag.nft the extra'or'd.nary^rP-Le 
^f Rdig.on and D.vocon in him, by foch as fe.k for 
pbjea,or,s.samn e.ery Thing tJt can be produced 
in Favour at true vital Religion ; and that is that he 
was one who i,y his Conft,tut!,n ^„d natural Tele 
was fo prcne to^tMy and D.jeflion of Spirit. 
There are .m,e w ho think that all ferious Sriafieiigiot, 
)S a mehncholy Ihing, and that what is caliedCKnftian 

dZr^V'n"-' '"^''^'^''^^ meUncholy Vapour, 
d^aorbmg rhe B,am, and evicting emhofiaftical Imar^i! 
rations.,atMr.^™„rf^ T™per or ConX 
ut on ,nd,r,«l htm to n.fpondency, is no juft Ground 
<o fulpefl h,s extraordinary Devotion, as bemg only the 
tZ , " '"",'' ''"=£'"^t'°"- I doubt not but that all 
who have wel ,.biervedMankind,will readily grant th,s 
'iut ,t ,s not all thoft who by their natural Coort.tutior: 
or Ten,p,r are moil dilpofed to Dsjfff,;n, that ate the 
Petfons «ho are the moll fufeptivc of lively and (l,on- 




Iti.ill' Kflinnfnr imprfuous ABFeiftions, which are the 
liiiiiiiil III' h impreirmns; but that many who are of a 
vvif (,i» mid /.iKjfumj naturalTemper are vallly more fo, 
tiiil il ihfii ftlVetlinns are turned into a religious Chati- 
III 1, 'ire inutlt more cxpofcd to Emhujisfm, ihsn many 
III liiii (oiiiier. Ami as to Mr. Brainird in particular, 
iitilwitliDiiiuhiiK Ilia Inclination EoDefpondency, he was 
(i»iilfil<l^ line III ihm Sort of [^erfons who ufuallyarc the 
tiiilliPlI fiiim n li-miinn Iniapjnation ; being one of a 

■ It 111 ii.iiiiin ( iciuu'i, of clear I'hought, of dole Reafon- 
lhn,»iiil • very exafljudgment-, as all know, that knew 
liliil, Ah he had n great Infight into humm Nature, 
mill Will very dif-ermn^ anA juikhus in Things in gc- 
iiriul, III hrrxcell'd in his Judgment and Knowledge of 

riiiii((i luDiviiiity.but efpccially inThings appertaining 
III iriiviirdexpi'rinicntalReligionjmoft accurately difbn- 
MuilliinK Ijctwern real folid Piety and Enthutiafro, be- 
tw.-fiv itmln AfTrftions that are rational and fcriptural, 
ti«viii|'. thru |iijiiii[|:ition in I, i(-',ht and Judgment, and 
ihole ilint arc founded in whinifical Conceiss, llrong 
liiiptfUioiia on tlia [magination, and thole vehement 
iMiiutioiis cd' the animal Spirits that arife from them. 
I h wn« exceeding fenfible of Men'sExpofednefs to thefe 
'rhinos, bow much they hjd prevailed, and wliKtMuI- 
iiiodeii haii been deceived by thrm, of the pern iciouj 
<.onh(]iience.5 of them, and the fearfuMifchief they had 
done in the Chriftian World. He greatly abhor'd fuch 

■ Sort of Religion, and was abundant in bearing Tefti. 
innny agiinft it, living and dying ; and was quick to 
difcern when any Thing of that Nature arofe, tho* ia 
it's firil Buddings, and appearing under the mod lair 
Itnd plaufible Difguifps j and had that Talent atdeftnb- 
il |!: the virioiii Workings of this ima^iKBiy Enlbtt' 
fi.ijlu-nl Religion, evincing the Falfencfs and Vanity of 
I', End dcmonllrating the great Difference between this 
.:■'.'' :rn(/piritual Devotion, which 1 fcarcely ever knew 
<- ,1 ,:.:;^J in any other ferfon, rr^ And hisjudicioufnefs 




did not onlj' appear in diftinguidiing among the Expe- 
ficnces of elhers, bu: alio among the various Estercifcs 
of his OBUJI Minil ; and particularly in difcf rning wiiat 
within himfclF was to be laid to the Scare oiMdanchsly, 
in wliicii lie exceeded ail melancholy Perrons tiiat ever 
Iwas acquainted with (tho'lhare been in the Way of 
Acquaintance with very many ; ) which was doabileli 
owingto a peculiar Strength in \-i\^ Judgvisnt : *Tis a 
rare Thing indeed, that melancholy People are well fen- . 
fible of their own Difeafe, and fully convinced that fuch 
and Rich Things are to be afcribcd to it, as are indeed 
it's getiuinc Opt'ratianKund Fruits. — ■ — ' — IVlr, Brainerd 
did not iibtain that Degree of Skill, which he had in 
this Matter, at once, but gain'd it gradually ; as the 
Reader niiiy difccrn by ihe following Account of his 
Life. In ilie former Parr of his religious Couife, he 
imputed much ofthat KinctofGloomincJs of Mind and 
ihofe dark Theughts, to fpiritual Difirtion, which in 
the latter Part of his Lilc, he was abundantly fcnfible, 
were owing to the Difeafe of Mslavchtily ; accordingly 
he often enptefly ipraks of them in his Diary as arifing 
frnmihiECaule ; and he was often inCoovetfation fpcak- 
ing of thi: Dificrence betwaen Melancholy and godly 
Hoirow, true Ifumiliation and Ipiritual Defettion, and 
the great Danger of miftaking the one for the other, 
nnd the very livirtful Nature of Melancholy, difcourfing 
■with great Judgment upon it, and doubtiefs much mora 
judicioufly tor what he knew by his own Experience, 
But btiides what maybe argued from Mr Braiiifrd'i 
Strength of Judgment, 'tis apparent in Fa(t, that he 
was not a I'cifcn of a warm Imagination, His in^'ard 
Experiencts, either in hisConviilions or bis Converfion, 
and his religious Views and Itnprcffions thro' the Courlc 
of his L.ife to his Death C of which he has left i very- 
particular Account ) none of them confifttd in, or wera 
txclted by.lliongsnd lively Images formed in hislms- 
ftili«li«n i thtrc IS ijothinB «5 *" sppears of it in hia 


fhe PREFACE: ■ vii 

X)i<iry, Twm Beginning to End : Yea, he <oM mc Oil 
hi-HOeath-Bed, that, allho' once when he was very young 
in Yeats and in Experience, he was deceived into a bigb 
Opinion of fuch Things, bokii^g on them as fuperiout 
/Vtrninments in Religion, beyond what he had ever 
Biiivcd to, and was ambitious of them and earneftljr 
luught them, yet he never could obtain them ; and that 
lie never in his Lite had a (Irong ImprcfTien on his Imi- 
Rination, of any V.f.ige, outward Form, external Gloi]f, 
i,r any other 'I lung of that Nature ; which Kind ot 
Impreffions abotmd among the wild enthufiaftic PetJ-^ 
pie of the late and prefent Day, 

As Mr, Brainird'B Religious ImprelTion!, Views and 
Allvflions in theirNatut« were vallly different fromEn- 
ihufiafm, lb wetc their EfftSs in him as contiaty as 
pollibie to the ordinary El&as of that. Nothing fo 
pulTs Men up, as Emhuftajm, with a high Conceit of 
their own Wifdom, Holmefs, Eminency and Sufficien- 
(V and makes *om (b bold, forward, aflfuniing, and 
arrogant : But the Reader will fee, that Mr, Brainird's 
Religion conftantly dlfpofed him to a moll meanTho'c 
ot hTmfelf, an abafitig Senfe of his own exceeding Sin- 
julnefs. Deficiency, Unprofitablcncfs, and Ignorance j 
loukingonhimfelfaswotfe than others i difpoGng him 
to univeifal Benevolence, Meeknefs, and in Honour to 
prefer others, and to treat all with Kindnefs andRefpeft. 
And when Mslauchely prevailed, iho' the EffeSs of it 
were very prejudicial to him,yet it had not thofeEfiefts of 
Eitltiifm/in ; but operated by dark and difcouraging 
Thou"his of hinifelf, as ignorant, wicked and wholly 
unat for the Work of the Miniftry, ot even to be feeo 
among Mankind, feff Indeed at the Time fore- 
mentioned, when he had not leatn'd well to diftinguilh 
betweenEnthufiafm &folidReligiQn,he joining and keep- 
ing Company with fome thit were tinged witti no fmaH 
Degree of the fotiner, for a Seafon partook with theni 
in a Degree of their Difpofitions and Behavioarsv tho . 
as was obferved before, he could not obtain thtjfcThingj 
- a a ■jrheteia 



wlierein thflr Enthufiafm it fclf confided, and fo could 
not brciime like 'rm in that Rtfpcft, how ver he er- 
loncouily defired and fought is. But certainly it !s not 
HE ail to be wondered at, that a Youth and a youwg 
CoRtfert, cne that bad his Heart i'o (wallowed up in Re- 
ligion, and fo earnpftly defircd the 9ouri(l)ing of it, but 
had had fo little Opportunity for Reading ,Ot)ffrvation 
and Hxpt-rience, (hould for awhile bedazzled and de- 
ceived with the glaring Appearances of that niiftaken 
Devotion and Zeal j efpecially conridering what the 
extraordinary Circumftances of that Day were He lold 
me on his Drath-B?d, that while he was in thefe Cir- 
cumllances he was out of his Element, and didViolcncc 
10 himfelf, while complying, in hisConduift, withPtt- 
ibns of a fierce and imprudent Zeal, frotu his great 
Veneration of fome that he looked upon much better 
than hitnfelf, So that it would be very unrealunable,tha£ 
his Error at that Time (lioaid neverthelefs be efteemcd 
a jufl; Ground of Prfjudice again ft the whole of tiis lie- 
iigion, and his Charafter in general ; efpecially confi- 
dering, how greatly his Mind was foon changed, and 
how exceedingly he afterwards lamt-nted his Error, artd 
ahhor'd himfelf for his imprudentZcal andMifconduft at 
that Time, even to the breaking of his Heart, and a[- 
moft to theovcibfaringand breaking theScreogth of his 
Nature ; and how much of a Chriftian Spirit he fitew- 
td, in his condemning himfelf for thit Milconduft, a3 
the. Reader will fee. 

What has beennov/ mentioned of Mr. Sraiiiei-d,h fo 
far from being juff Ground of i^.^ejudice againft what is 
related in the following Account of his Life, that, if 
duty confidered, it will render the Hidory the more 
Strvictahle, For by his thus jdtning for a Seafon with 
EnihiifiaS!,\tt had a more full & intimateAcquaintance 
with what belonged lotbatSortof Kcligion, and fo was 
under better Advantages to judge of the Differcrjce be- 
fweeti that^and the other, which he fmaiiy approved and 
ilrovc u his utmoft so piomoie, in Oppofuion to it : 



And hereby the Reader has the more to dEmonftrate to 
hrm shut Mr. Brainerd m his Tctlimony againft .1 and 
the Sp,rit and Bthsvioiir of thofe that are mliuenced by 
i,, 1,,'aks from impattial Convia.on, and not from Ire- 
iiKhce; b-caufe therein he t^penly condrmns hisown for- 
mer Opinion and Condua, on Account of wlvch 
I, had grpatly fuffered from hisOppofers,and for which 
fome continued to Keproach him as long as he lived. 

Another Imperfeaion in Mr. BrakfXrf.which may he 
oba-tved in the following Account of his Life, was hu 
being extefw^ w bis Lahnr, : not taking due Care to 
Proportion his Fatigues to his Strength Ii^deed the 
Cafe was very often lb, and fuch the f«ming alls of 
Providence, that it wis extremely difficult f..r hini to 
avoid doing more than his Strength w.iuld well adtnit 
of- yea, his CircumfVunces, and ihe I3.irm<fs of his 
Miffion among the hdhns, were (uch. ^h«S'"'J^- 
liRUes and Hardn-iips were altogether inevitable. How- 
t«.. he was linally convinced, that he bad err d m this 
Matter, and that he ought to have tak: n triore thorn 
Care, and been more refoluie to w.thlland 1 erjiptalions 
to fuch Decrees of Lab"Ur as injur'd his Health ; and 
accordir^gly warned his bnlhir, who facceeds bini m 
his Miffion, to be careful to avoid this Error. _ 

Befideisthelmperfeaions already mentioned, it is rea- 

dilv allowed, that there were fome Imperfeaions that 

ran through his whole Life, and were mixed with al! 

bi5 tehgious Affeflionsand Exercifes, fome Mixture of 

what was natural with that which was fpintual ; »s 't 

evermore is in the bett Saints m this Woiid. poubtkfs 

there was fome Infiuence that natural Temper had in th. 

religious Exercifes and Experiences of Mr «!'«.«•■<', a* 

there moft apparently was in th= txercifes of devo« 

D™,i. and the Apoftl" PeUr, Jo}m and Paul; Thers 

warundoubtedly very often fome Infiuenre of his oa urai 

D poton to Deiealon ii. his religious Mourning, «m8 

M ^u of Melancholy wUh truly godly Sorrow ,ud rea 


Fire of Youth with his holy Zeal for Qoi, gnd fome 
Inaucnce of natural Principles mix'd with Grace in va- 
rious other Rcfpefts, as it ever was and evet will be with 
the Saints while on this Side Heaven. Perhaps none 
were more fenliblc of Mr. Brm«erd's Imperfeftmns than 
hehimfelts orcould diftinguifli more accurately, than 
he, between what was natural and what was fpirituai. 
'Tis eafy for the judicious Reader to obfcrve, that his 
Graces ripen'd, and the religious Exercifes of his Heart 
bfsame more and more piirc, and he more and more 
diftinguifhmg in his Judgment, the longer he liv'd : 
He had much to teach and purify him.and he failed no! 
to make his Advantage thereby, 

Bucnotwithifanriing all thi-fe ImperfeAions, lam pcr- 
fwaded, every pious and judicious Reader will acknow- 
ledge, that ft'hat is here fee before him is indeed a re- 
markable Inllance of true and eminent Chriftian Piety in 
Heart andPraaice ; tending greatly to confirm iheReali- 
ty of vital Rehgron and the Power of Godlinefs, moft 
worthy of Imiiation, and tiiany Ways tending to the 
fpiritual Benefit of the careful Obferver. 

'Tis flt, the Reader Ihould be aware, that what Mr. 
Braitierd wrote in IvaBiary, out of which the following 
Account of his Life is chiefly taken, was written only 
for his ov/n private Ufe. and not to get Honour and 
Applaufe in the World, nor with any Deljgn that the 
World Hiould ever fee it, cither while he lived or after 
his Death, excepting fame few Things that he wrote in 
a dying State, after he had been perfwaded Cwith Diffi- 
culty) not entirely to fupprefs ail his ptivatc Writinas. 
He fiiewed himfclf almoll invincibly averfe to the P'i^. 
/f^iff^of anyPart oiKisIikfy after hlsDcath ; and when 
he was thought to be dying at Bafim, save the mod: 
Jtria peremptory Orders to tkeContrary : but being by 
fome of his Friends there prevailed upon to withdraw 
foftrifland abfolute a Piohibition,he was pleafed finally 
to yield fo far as that hisPapsrs jbrnU hs left in myUanis, 
mt 1 miibf difpifi ef ibim as Ilbsughl nimid h msH fir 


TSs PREF ace; 


r,,,h aim ani the Imirefi of ReSgisn.— 'Svt afewDayS' 
liHoif III'. IJeatb, he ordered fome Part of hia Diary ta 
lit) tlrlltoycd (as will afterwards be obferved; which ren- 
ilort iheAccount of huLife the lefs compleat. And there 
•ir I.MUe Parts of hisDruryare here left out for Brevity i 
.■„ii(r, ilut would ( 1 am fenfible) have been a great Ad- 
vjiiuiur to the I-lillory, if they had been inferted ; par- 
liriilmly tlvo (Vecoiint of hi» wonderfu! Succeffes among 
■ lie hdiMi : wiiieh hir Sulillancc i.i the fame in his pn- 
vnir Diary with that which has already been made pub- 
lick, in the JmrKal he kept by order of the Society in 
Scellmtl, for their Information. That Account, 1 am of 
(Jj)iiiiuii,would be moreentertainingand more profitable, 
ii ic were pubhfiied as it is written in his Suir}, in Con- 
iieaiun with his fectet Religion and the inwardExercifes 
of his [Vlind, and alfo with the preceedingand following 
P«riii lil the Story of his L.ife. But becaufe that Account 
lias hrni iViblifliid .ilrrady, and becaufe the adding it 
here would niakL- the liook much more balky and more 
cuftly.which might tend to difcourage the Porchafe and 
Petufal of it, and fo render it lefs exteniively tifeful, 1 hive 
therefore omitted that Part. However, this Defefl; niajr 
iti a great Meafure be made up to the Reader, by his 
purchafing his publick^sMrHu;, and reading it in its Place, 
with this Hiftory of his Life ; which undoubtedly would 
be well worth the while for every Reader, and would 
richly rccompenfe the additional cofl: of the Porchafe. I 
hope therefore, that tbofe of my Readers who are not 
furnilhed with thai Bask, will, for their own Profit and 
Entertainment, and that they may have the Story of this 
excellent Perfon more compleat, procure one of thofe 
Books ; without which hs muft have a very imperfefl: 
Viev* of the raoft important Part of his Life, and ( on . 
fome Accounts; of the moll remarkable and wonderful 
Things in it,— 1 Ihould alfo obferve, that befides that 
•Book, and antecedent to it, there is a J^arraiivs relating 
^0 the /»*»» Affairs, annexed to Mr.Pf»i(r/o«'i Sermoti 

U Mr, Braiiterd's Ordination ; which likewife may the 
^. ^. ... - - - j^^ji^ 

■ rf. A^.^,t^.. 



more profitably be read in Conjunaiot) with his Vkfj 
pitTious !o J\W. 5, I 74^. 

Bu: it is Timtr to end this Prefacf, that the Reader 
may be no longer detain'd from tlje Hiftory it ftlf. 

N. B. Thofe Parts tsf the following Hi [lory, that are 
inchided between Brechis thus [ J are the 
Words of the PMi/her,ior the moil Part, fumma- 
rily reprefenting [ for Brevity's Sake) the fubltance 
or chief Things contained in Mr. Braimrd'i Diary, 
for fucli a certain Space of Time as is thcrr fpeci- 
fitd : The reft is theAccoont that he givfs of hinj- 
fcif in his private Writings, in his own Words, 

I prefiinie, fcarcc any Reader needs to be toid, (hat 
[ /f. JBl. ] on the top of the Page, fia;nifi;s 7be 

• Tear of his Age, and [ A. D. ] lbs Tear of sitr 

£{fij« the Errata « (lie End of the Life, He Rnder. it deCt'4 
to corrcdi the /oJlowing, 

page 65. 1. 36. r. cries, p. 77. ], 35. r. wiingout. p, IJJ.. I. jr. 
I. have more. p. 124,. I. 24., ij, t. and ofcen feel, p, ijg, 
I. !2. r. BkOi:d be God. p. 154. |. 16. r. N/Jbaminf. p, 
177. J, J3.r. any Spirit, p. 311. I, 14. r, to»ffift. p. lie, 
!. 29. r. lakia item, * 

;xi: tainvj i 

The Names of Subfcribers to 
the Rev. Mr. Brainerds Lite. 

Previxit of ths MalTachofetts-Bay. 
His Exceliency Jonathan BtLCHnr. Efq; late 

uf I^tw'Jirjey. 
The Hon. Sir William Peppehke'-i., Baronet. 


HOn. JolinAlfofil, 

Daniel Appklon.Efqi 
Rev, Naili. Appleion 
Ruv. Hull Abbut 
Rev. J.^fcfli Alliky 
Jori'ph Appletan 
.Samuel Adams, A.M. 
Cape. William Ayres 
Capt. Jjcob Abbot 
Aaron Auftin 
Eliftiil Allis 

Jtifeph Allen 

iiiniud Adams 

Samuel Adams, jun, 

David Adami 

J'lhn Applen 

Cipi.Nojh Adiky 

Richard AtwcU 
Mi:y Audin 
Samurl A!kn 
J')hn Adiniis 
Peter Adami 
J fuel Alhley ■ 
J jhn Aihky 
l^enjarttni Auftin 
Saial) Allen 


Hbn. Tho. Bsrty 
Hon. S^lv.RouroEiqj 
Rev. John Barnard 
Andrew Burley, Efq; 
Rev. Daniei Blifs 
Rev. Thomas U.ilcli 
Rev. SimonBrad flrcct 
Ed^vard Bromficid 
John Jhrret 
Jeremiah Be! knap 
Jofeph BeJknsp 
Jer. Belknap jun. 
Thomas Baxter 
Mary Eennet 
Thomas Bromfield 
Epbirim Brown 
John Bearton 
John Barnard 
Jonalhan Burt 
Fellows Billings 
Rcdben Belding 
Jofeph Billiigs 
Jofeplv Bacon 
Prefcrved Bartlet 
Jofeph Baldwin 
tlkioali Burt 

Samuel BrstC 
Capt. -- ilrown 
Samuel Bancroft juil. 
Abigail Beck 
Mofes Bradflreet 
Spencer Bennet 
William nmwnjun. 
Samuel Bjfs 
Juhn Ball^^nrine 
Cotton Bradbury 
Jofeph E action Jun, 
'I'abitha Hrafdon 
Samuel fkagdon 
Jeremiah Hragdon 
Mary Bulman 
ifrael Butler 
Jofeph fiilliop 
jofi-ph ISuckiin 
William Browri 
Jacob Murgis 
Jacob Sarney 
Edward Klike 
Grinfill Blafco 
Jariics Brigs 
John Brigs 
James Sfalie 


Sui/iriitrt Ntmesl 

Boajttntn Blancy 
Divid Blood 
Widiam Batibl 
Jobn Bulkley 
Jofiiui Barton 
Kobcrt Blsln 
Simud Blifi 
Stephen Badger 
Btnjamm BelJcnap 
Samuel Bafcumb 
David Blair 
Dinie] Bucknim 
Noab Brooks 
Jonathan B^ker 

*-^ ler, Efqi 

JoDim ClieeveT,E(iji 
Rev, Ames Checvct 
Rcir. Feter.CJark 
Jolin Ghoate, Efq; 
Roland Colton, Eft;; 
Jonas Ciarfc, Efq; 
Rev. Sam. Checklcy 
Hcpj. Crocker M, A. 
Hcv. Aaron Cleveland 
Rev. 8amucl Caoper 
Rev, JamcsChandler 
S.CV. ]ahit Cliaiiifler 
Rev. Jofiah Crodier 
Rev. KylrantsConant 
Benj. Qiureh,M.A. 
Cape. John Cot'nian 
Nathan Checver 
Will ism Cooper 
Thornas Cijftiing 
John CjII 
Ralph Ciofi 
Richard Gary 
J^cjsnniii) Chapin 

John Clumherlain 
Capt. Mofes Curlifs 
John Cicmcnt 
Elcazer Clark 
Ehfti CooIl 
Noah Cook,jqn, 
David Clart 
Cbarlea Clap 
Scllh Cllrfc 
Jthamar Clark 
Elipilalet Clap 
Jofiah Clark, jun. 
Alofcs Clark 
Daniel Clark 
Aaron Cook 
Jofiah t haunccy 
t apt. JonathanCkrt 
Eiiakim Clatk 
Jofiah Clark 
John Ciap 
Jofcph Clark 
Iliac Child 
Samuel Colburn 
Abraham CuDiings 
Jiifcph Capron 
aarauci Cufliman 
Capt. Elca.Carpcntcr 
Benjamin Crabtrec 
John Crabtfce 
James Coding 
Nathaniel Carver 
Samuc! Cafwcll 
Opt. Thomas Cobb 
Ebenezer Crane 
Jofiah Connant 
Ifrael Cheever 
John CrOKford 
Stephen Crawfoot 
Lambcrton Cooper 
^acheua Crocker 
Ebcnczer Child 
Joiiaihan Chuich 
Mofes Coffin. 

' D 

tqOn. Sam. Dan- 
*■■'■ forth. Erq; 

Timtiibi DwighiEfiis 
Rev. Ji.feph Davis 
btepbcn Dean 
Samuel Drming 
John Dcming 
Nathaniel Davis 
tapl. Eliphaiet Day 
Col.Tboroas Dnnnel) 
Hannah Dyer 
Simeon Dwight 
John Deman 
C hriftopber Dyer 
William Dunning 
Ifaac Dodge 
Ezekiel Dodge 
Samuel Dwighe 
Obadiah Dickinfoo 
foho Dlckinfon 
i'homag Dickinfon 
Jonathan Dickinfon 
Azariab Dickiiiron 
Samuel Dakin 
IJei^jamin Day 
Samuel Diy 
Epbraim Dean 
David Dean 
3illjah Dean 
Ebcnrzer Dean 
|ohn Dexter, 

T) Ev. JofEmerfois 
••■^Rev. Andr.Eliot 
Rev. Jofbua Eaton 
Andrew ElJot 
1 r< wn Emerfon 
Jucob Emmoni 
Jofeph Edvvarda 


Suhfirlkrs Namis', 

iltnjstniii Edwards 
j oho Eli 
Samuel Etlwards 
|ofwh E,jf,n 
junaihdo Everet> 

OOn. FtincisFox- 
'--' crolt.Efq, 

John Fair wc^lbciJift]; 
Rev. I'tlin Fox 
Rev. Tho. Foxcroft 
lofin Fofter, Efq; 
William Fen wick 
William Fairfield 
Andrev/ Ffifwcl 
Janii;s Fofler 
Samuel I'VoThinghaai' 
Ebenczer Fi flier 
[ames Fofdicfc 
Philip Freeman 
' J>feph Fofter 
Ralph Fai nam 
Maithcw Farnam 
Jofcph Farnam 
Gralton Feveryear 
Benjamin Foftet 
Ell Forbulb 
Obadiah Frary 
Jacob French 
John Field 
Gerfliom Fletcher 
Jfaac Farnfivorih 
Timothy Fuller 
Edward Foller 
Jonathan Freeman 
;^tephen Fuller 
Jonathan Fox 
fabez Fjflter 
Ebenezer Freefc. 

H0.1. John Greeh' 
Icafe, Efiji 

Rev.Dan.Greenlcafe Rev. Samuel Hnptina 

Daiid Gotham Efqi Rev. Abraham Hill 

Rev. Ebenezer G*y Rev.Phi.Heminewav 

Rev. Eliis Haven 
Abiah Holbrook 
John Hillicr 
Capt. John Harmon 
Capt. Dan. Hay ward 

Rev. Ehis Gray 

Rev. Jubn Graham 

John Greeiileafe 

Jofeph Green 

Samuel Grant 

Benjamin Greenleafe Reuben Hernio'n 

James Green Daniel Hubbard 

barnuel Green Aaron Hichcuck 

EzEkiclGoldthwait Enoch Holcomb 

Thomaa Greenough Simon Hunt 

BenjaminGoldthwatt John Hammond 

Lawrence Hart 
Ncbemiah Hall 
David Hall 
Stephen Holkini 
William Hodges 
Jofeph Hall 
Abigail Hall 
Jofeph Hall, Jun» 
William Hack 
John Hall 

Jacob HaywatJ 
Thomas Hayward 
Nehemjah Hubart 
fofeph Hews 
Nath Healy 
Aaron Haws 
Capt. EliSia Hedge 

Abiel Goodwin 
Daniel Grove 
Robert Gordon 
Jofeph Gillfon 
Benjamin Gutt 
James (Jrcy 
Edward Goodwin 
Samue! Gayfoid Gunn 
Ebentz.r Guild 
Robert Grey 
Chauncey Graham 
Rubert tirey 
Jchabud Goodin, 

■- -* Infon j E'q; Jonathan Hale 

Ed w Holyoke, Frefj. Jc^hn Hacks 
of Harvard- College Ktcphen Hall 
Robeil Hale, Efq; Eliflia Hill 
ThDma5Hubbai.^Efq Henry Hayward 
ThoaiajHancockEfq, Samuel Haven 
John Bill, Efq; Mofes Hale 

Edw.Haywaid, Efq*, Benjamin Holt 
Rcv.NathHenchman NeliemiahHartcniJen 
Rev. William Hobby Jofeph Holt 
Rev, Ivory Hovey Caicb Hopkins 

2 £ a John 



Biihjcrikrs Namejl 

Jojhift U:irbu]rt 
William Homes 
Joftpb Hidtftn 
Jtphraiin Ha)'ward 
jfohd Hart Hay 
Nidi jlas Hopping 

John Hancock _,__ , „ 

■]BenJnmin Hufd.jun- Caleb L-man 
AaiOft Hiucbin/on, Noab L./iian 

I Ciad Lynian 

OOii.Joijn Jeffries, Ehas 

Ei'q; Caleb timpfon 
Thomas Jenncrjjjqj Samuci' Lord 
Ecv, Jeditliab J.*wet John LangJoci 

Rcv.vSainucI |i.fFci-i^s Kbenezer JJale _, ..—,... 

Rev. |f^3C Jones liJvcardLangdtmjun. John MoiTmiW 

JRev, Jonathan Juda Jofeph Lyman Janaihan Moadv 

Tfcamsi Judd Ifaa* Lyman *' 

famuel Jones WiHiati) LjTnan 

JonMiiaji In gfam NathanitI Lewis 

Koben Luiccmb 

Jabez Lothrop 

James Leonard 

Jonathan J.incafii 

Jonathan Lilley 

JamcsLdand ......„,u ..,<«, y„ 

S- Jcfumiah Lawrence Gcifliom Mafecp<;rce 

Amiicl Kcnt.Efq; ].Mn Long'ey^jun. Nathanid Meccalf 
Rev^ Sftm.Kcndali J'cieg Lawrence Cutting MooJy 

ifibn Kiaight £ ben cK«r Lane :, Si^muel Mill berry 

John Kneehad Cspt, Elipb- Leonard Jofc^h Main 

Jth-i Kneel&iid.jun. JnhnLiMJefield Robert Martin 

Daiiiel Jt>bnro(i 
Jlli JjigraJiam 
John Johufun 
fcamucj Johnfon 
Edward Inuraham. 

p|On EaekielLewls Rev.Hfq. Me^cnfrs? 

H.,ii,GfoLe.DparilE'9 ^^?^' Jcr. Mouhrjn 
bamuel Leonard,E.qi Rcv-Thad. Maccarty 
Rev. DLidlty LcavU Tim. Minnt M A* 
Th.miH.LjtnbertEfq; Daniel M^iiQi 
M:ij, Zcph. Leonard Buriab Man 

Capt. EIg3kcfMc1v?i| 
Capt. SamMounisgu 
James Mears 
Mofes Marfh 
Bicbatd MiJIbcrry 
Saniuef Marfh 
Ebcne»:er Marfli JuR. 
Danic! Marfh 

John Mitcht] 
Michael Mctcaff 

John M*^unigoRiery 
Bciijimin Mors 

Moody Mors 

John Mudge 

Sirah Martyn 

Richnrti Marfyp 

Jt'na;hin Kettle 
^ifJ.^n, KettJc 
DudJey Kent 
Snmiiel Kinfiey 
David KeniHufy 
Senjitsijn King 
Ebenezer Kcofial! 
John Kendall Littkfidd, jun. Michael Mcicalf 
Daniel Little Sam-jel Meriam 

Jofpph I^w 
William hsin(bn 
Joftph Lord 
Robert Lawtridge 
Sbencacr Lirce. 

JTathaniel Kimball EJOn.Jer. MouUon jDnathau Nicha[s 
Rfch^rd Kimball »-« ffq, J^bn NichoJa 

Edward MariincJiJe-, 

FRancis Nicholf^n 
Afa Noble 
Thomas Norioji 
Haniel N^jce 


Hon.Aiidr,0:iver£fij OiFcn 
Jiiniithin Oakes. 

Timnthy Prniit, K(q; 
Hi-.v. TliCfPnifi I'riricc 
Cfurlea Peirce, Efqj 
John Philbps, Efqj 
Oliver Pfl:[ridge,Efq; 
.Samuel Poofj jifq- 
'ihomas Pain, M. A. 
Rt-v, Samuel Phillips 
Usiv. Jjiia. RjifoDs 
Rpv< rbo. Prentice 
Rev. Sslo. Prentice 
Rev- J^iliii I'urrer 
Rev. Ebfn. Parkman 
Rev. J 'hn Farkcf 
Kev. Mofes Parfons 
E.EV, Samuel Pjrter 
Cbsiles Pbslps 

Martin Phe^pi 

Eliihi Pomrcy 

William Fhiliipg 


Mof^E Peck 

Ellfhs Pomroy 

Jtihrt Piiitry 

Benjiinin Pjrker 

Wiiliam Prefcot 

JimtfS Pullen 

William Pullen 

Abie! Packard 

Lydis Packard 

James Packard i 

Ifaic Pickard 

Ebencacf Pitt* 

Peter Pf att 

^ahfcribsn Ivamss'. 

John Plrkena 
iZtcbifiah Pi^^Uir^ 
Ci>riiclius fuiium 
Jicyb i'arksr 
Kicazrtf Pturce 
J.lui Psrfcer 
JtiraiiimeeJ Pierce 
Jofeph Phipps 
Eirj,ih Phipps 
LlmijiicI Pfiwers 
Edwacd I'u^ii^pn 
Stephen Prentice 
J:ihii Pcarfjii 
Jv>hn pLiu'Crs 
J.ifiah Putnam 
Nit'.ban Pcaboiiy 
Timothy Prat 
J^jfoph Firker 
Jicob Porier 
Thsmas Fayne 
J jliii Pi-oflcr 
D.iniel Pi>intoy 
Ifaac I^arfnns 
Jofub ParfaiiS 
Jacob Parker 
William Patten. 


H On. John Qi-in- 



Sylv.Richmont), Efq; 
Rev. Ndtb. Rogers 
ITaac Rayai, E'q; 
Rev^ Snlamon Reed 
Capf. Obadiah Reed 
Capt VVilliam Reed 
J'ihfeph Rfibert(iM,A- 
Jwfi^p!) Robey, M.A. 
Jamcj Rafikia 
John Robhins 
Noah Robtisfon 

Daniel R^etl 
Henjamin Rockwo&d 
Naihanjc! Rand 
George Robinfon 
Thomas Rith 
J.icob Reed 
Jamcg Rccd 
Jnbn Robbins 
SimucJii Root. 

Rev. Naih.Stons 
Samuel Sswiilk Ef^; 
Ji)hn Btorcr, Efqi 
Jofeph Sawyer, Efq; 
^isiiin Steel, Efqi 
Nathjniel SiotiesEfq; 
Rev. Joh(i Shaw 
Rev, Nathan Stonfi 
JjfepSi Sberburn 
Malachi Saker 
Jobii Symmci 
John Scollay 
Capt. Edward Sheaf 
Saniucl Phil. Savagg 
Thomas Sjmmes 
Zcchariah oymmcs 
Abigail Stevens 
Capi.J?na(h. Sheldon 
Jonathan Sheldon jyn, 
Elijah Sheldon 
Obadiah *"-niith 
Thomas Smith 
Sjtnucli Smith 
Ichabod Strong 
Nosh Strong 
Caleb Strong 
Elilha Searl 
Caleb SheUiin 
Elizabeth Si*u)^g 
Jol^ Strickland 


Danic] ^m ih 
Ain>fi Smiili 
Ctjnftisnt liaiithworth 
Zcchariah Sndl 
Ma:h-jiv Smith 
Simon Sbcomb 
Beivjamln Slack 
Itii h Shrfc 
Noah S.1 bin 
Samuel Sbackley 
Cajit, John Stevens 
Johii Sh^d 
Jerenjijili Shut^ack 
Jphn Swallow 

^ Johu Sp;ifFdrd 

■ John Sco!t 
Thnijias StroTi'bjitige 
Samuel Sunnier 
Cipr. JuImStockwetl 
John btoclcwell jun. 
Willi:im Sbepard 
Frauds Stf^Txn 
Richard Stratrsn 
Michael Shuit 
Abraham Smith 
Ifaac Smi:h 
Bcisjiinin Sniltb 
J.phii Smith 
Vr^ac Smith jun. 
Samuel Sargc:il 
I>::niel Shaw 
Jofepb SvPain 
Jiiiaes Say ward 
iiafimel SewalJ 
Sjunutl Sewall, jsin. 
Samuel Sewali, Tcs. 
Benjamin Stone 
Joiiaihan Hajward 

JBejijaijiin Slact 

Sulftrihers Names. 

Ruth Slack 
Thomas Sranley 
Jiilianan Spear 
Jyft.pJi Swain. 

/^ Xenbritfgc That- 

^-^ chcr, Efq; 

R.Ei'* SaiTiiiel 'nibey 
Rtv. Rnwi. Th. idler 
£iev. i^eter Thacher 
WiilJam Thiimf.n 
AOaj. Narn. Thwing 
Jnfeph T-rry 

Ricij4r'j Tli.3mpfc>n 
Stephen Tiicomh 

Wiiijam Thomas 
Henry True 
Peter Thaver 
Cjej^ioni Tinney 
Archibald Thomas 
If.ael TsTdalc 
John Tifdole 
J..-hj:[ Town 
Solomon Townrciid 
Divid Trail 
Davi.I Taylor 
Richard T-ippe^i 
Sainuel TiicosTib 
C;ipi. Samuel Tyler 
t'apr.Siiniuc! 'Tinphy 
J^iijcs Tilifijn 
jofin Tiros 
Willhm Fcn'M 
Mofcs Tut.tle 

|-i Ugh Vans 

Richard Uphara 
Nathaniel Uptiam, 

^On. X fiah Wil- 
Hqe. J^cob Weiitlell, 

Hon .Sam. Weiles, i 'q 
Hnn.S^tn. WansElqi 
Rev. Ell ward Wi;^- 

Rev. NehCn Wyirer 

Kev Jnemffiii Wifft 
Hcv, Wm. Uilliama 
Kev. Samuel VVjjiglef- 

Nahurr Ward, Eftj; 
Rev. J'Jin Webb 
ittv. Al>!jali Weld 
Rev. John V/alea 
Rev. J 111) VValiei, 
EevCficfler WilliJms 
Pcleg Wifivali A. M, 
Ifaac Walker 
Jotvalhm WDIj 
'I'hfima? Wait 
John Window 
Joilii Weft 
Danie! Wair 
Capt. David Wyer 
David Wood 
TiiDmas Wood 
BeKaliel Wilder 
Jofcpli Whitney 
Jonatlian Wella 
Tiiomrrs Wyer 
Srephen WrigEiJ 
Oliuer Warnef 
Jofiiua Welis 
NaihanicI Wells 
Jcabpd Ward 

Af tenia! 

Artcmas Ward 
HL-nj.iinin White 
fprciniah Whipple 
Njtliaiiiei Whitney 
iljnj.min Wbeeier 
li'rsncis Wlieeler 
Nitti. Whirtemore 
McMfciah Ward 
ObJdiih Wtlka 
K*rah Williami 
Simeon Willums 
Junes Walker 

SttifiriisTs Naisisl. 

Peter Walter 
iraac Wliitiiey 
Nath. WiHiims 
Abiel Witliims 
Jifiah Waiets 
Wdliam Whitwell 
J jnatban White 
J.iiin Wdoda 
IfaaC Woods 
Obadiah Wright 
James Wilfon 
Jonatbiii Wheclpcfc 

Oliver WalfoB 
Ebeneier Warrra 
John Watfon.jun^ 
Juihini WaltoQ 
Jabea Weaae 
J.ihn Whiiing 
Jonathan Whiting 
Jrjfhua Winter 
Ephilim Weitetl. 
:Enajah Young. 



Capt. John Aveied 
Abrah.ini Avcty 
John Allen 
JoDiui Averci 
Jilfcph Allen 
JafoB Allca 
Richard Andrews 
Jofeph Arnold 
Enoch Arnold 
Samael Andrews 
Jolin Abbie 
Phillip Abbot 
Samuel Aihlcy, jun. 

THaophtlns Bl!d- 
win, Efq; 
Co!. AaionBrownfon 
William Bucl, Efq; 
Juhti Bigg! Eft); 
Samuel Baffet, Efq; . 
Rev. Wm. Burnbjni 
Rev. Jofeph Bellamy 
Rev. tjco. Beckwitl] 
Rev, Nehem. Buktt 

Jofeph Bird, Efq; 
Rev Dan Euckinahain 
Capt. lonalhanSakef 
Cipt. (ohn Bebce 
Timothy Brouvnfon 
Richard BrDwnfon 
Matthew Bellamy 
MatthewBsU^myj an, 
Samuel Belkmy 
Abel B4in3 
Jonathan Senedick 
Thomas Benedicic 
Thomas B:t)a 
Ifaac Brownfon 
Jofil!) BtovJnfon 
Thotnas Brownbi] 
James Baldwin 
jofiab Bumb 
Jsmes Bradford 
HeMtiah Biire! 
Daniel Butt 
Ebeneier Bafch 
Capt. Samuel Ecbei; 
Enoch Bayef 
Benjamin Baldwin 
TbcophiliB Baldwin 
Benjamin Btackoiiia 
IdaW Blown 

[oeatHan Brownfoli 
Theop. Baldwin jun.: 
Jonatiian Billing! 
Jonathan Btadford 
Pclatiab Bli& 
William Bentttt 
Capt. Samuel BiGlop 
Samuel Butt 
Ebenezcr Baldwin 
Nathaniel Brown 
Mofes Barret ,i 
Elijah Bclclier 
Jjnathan Brewftot 
Samuel Branch 
Benjamin Blogget 
Thu. B:ncdicii, Jan. 

James Bddwiti 

Abraham Bcnnet 

Caleb Baldwin 

Jonathan BoCsford 

Jacob Banee 

Jime! Behee 

Abel Beech 

Jonathan Butf 

Noah Baldwia 
Joel Baldwin 

Nathaniel Brownfoli 
Charles Biovmfon 



William Bcbec 
DaAlcI Brainsrd 
AjCar Baech 
JoDaihan Badger 
Januth^n Bingham 
{ofcph Bingham 
M&lictu Butter 
Solomon Bill 
Olive rB tew Her. 

COL--ConantEfqi „ ^^ ^ ^ ^fq 
Maj Samuel Coil ^".MoFwDicklnfon 
Jofeph Clairk^ Efq ; J'-,^'""^^ Dornncc 
KcvTKomasCarfield Jf^^^ge Dorratific 
John Crcry, Efq; ^^°'^^' Oenrfon 
Capi.EleazerCare/ f/^ry Deiufon 
Joiiflh Conant t.a^t.John DougUrj 

Jofeph Clark 

Cliatlfs Ciiopen 
KatiiHniei Cojiip;(!k 
Jnmos Clap 
Jtjhn ComSock 
i^cbadiah Cumliocfc 
Samuel Comiiocfc 
Gideon Comftocfc 
John Cupp 
IJcindiitus (.iurtifj 
jDnatiiaii Cafs 
Npthaniel Cone 
JofepS Cone 
foho Cliurcli _ -. 

l^^fltihcw CcJe ^^^cnczer l>HV/ie 

George Clarfc, AM, ^fca^r JJ^ma 

Cap^ Tho. Cuftifs 
l;i>tticzcr Cue 
>lzariah Curtifs 
Jnftph Cbrfc 
Kleazcf ClarJe 

Obadiab Cook F 

Jonathan Ciarkjun, TOfeptiFowJerjErp* 

Scth Cutler J Rev. Jofeph \uih 

John Clarfc Capt. Benjamin Fciirt 

lienjamJn Chaplin Amos Ful/er 

BetijaminChaplinjunt Nathaniel J^fh 

Samuel Cobyrn, Jibn Flower 

j-j Ephraim Fellows 

pLiphaletDyer, ^'.',f^"''=' *'"'* 
*-- f'^, ^VjJliam farnani 

Ezekiel Fox 
Thomas Fargo 
Srepheji FuiJer 
Zebediah Farnioi 
Fiiincas Ford 
Eli/ha Fitcft 
Pelatiah Fitch 
Ruih Fohc9 
SJmnn Fobcs 
Dsriicl Fitch 
Jofial) Finne/ 
John Finney 
Abigail F^lmon 
Flbeneacr Fuller 
Samuel Fielding 
Jara^s Fijnt 
Matthiaa Fuller 
Thomas Fitch, inn,' 

G ^ 
P Ev. John Grj- 

Math. GrifwofdE^q; 
Rev. J^cob Green 
Ofeiadiah Gore 
Jofeph Gennings 
Henry Glbba 
Thomas Goodivin 
Jahn GoyrdoQ 
J-iho Groman 
John Gillet 
Francis Guifcau 
Tifno% Goodmn 

SethDean^ A, M. 
Willjam Denifon 
Adam DenjTon 
Jonathan Dean 
i^fieneziT Dains 
Jedidiah Dana 
Abi Dammon 
Daniel Dudley 
Johii Down 
£IeEzer Dicklnfon 
Afa Daiiglals 
Jtifiah Deaii 
Nathaniel Dean 
^Vniiam Dean 
Benjamin Dcoton 

Silas Doan 
Jcdidiab Daoa. 

CjAmitc] Emmons 

John Epgliflj 

T.htntzer Grant 
lU-njinun Graves 
JiCmut'l trriffin 
Ji.'( Graves 
SJiniicI Gi)kt 
Jfj:ic GrifiivorCh 
AJ^xander Gordon 
DM^k\ (jatei, 

Ktv. i^an. Humphry 
Na:ih [linman, Effjj 
J^'hti Hijtchinfon 
J imei Hanes, juji, 
LSitnuei Hare 
l^arnabas Hal] 
Nathaniel Rail 
Wj|Ii.,m Holt 
Roberi Holt 
J rfkh H^tninon 
Naihaniel Hovey 
Na:hanielHovey jun. 
Zcbcdiah Holt Himfe 
titephsn Hutchinfyn 
Snuij^:! Honfe 
Lebtiit Harris 
Ifartc Hii^lty 
Jjfeph Hijifdelt 
Jofiah Hurlburt 
D^n-.el H:.ff.rd 
J'/fi^.h Rooter 
Capt.Mofcj Ka'kvkina 
B£nj:'mrn Hicock 
Eli.^-i-f Hiomm 
Stephen Hicscfc 
JuHus Hicock 
J jhn MijTcy 

Suhfetthers Nnfftsf* 

James HurlburtM.D. 
Joihua Holt 
Paul Holt 
John Hifabard 
Henry Htwit 
DanscI HoU 
Nchem. Huntington 
Richard Hide 
Ohadia-h Heath 
David How 
Robett H^bard 
James Mc'HtJIhoufe 
Abel Holbrook 
John Hall 
Nathaniel Hide 
Jonathan Hinckley 
I'hr^mas Harvey 
Jofeph Huntington 
Jtiftua Hendie 
Ohrifto, Huntington 
Reuben HubbnrJ 
Wi|]f3m Hamble:cin 
Ifaac Hi!?, jun. 
James Huokcr 
Hezrk- Hooktrr, jun. 
William Hooker 
Hugh Hanna 
Ahira HilU 

TJ Ev. David Jevvit 
■•^ Rev Davitfjnd fun 
Jnco[)J.:.hfin>nj A.M, 
WiWiam Jfjbnron 
Jnfcph Jicohs,jun- 
Naihaijifi] Jewit 
Jnm«s Jad 
Abel Ju(ifun 
Ebenraer J;jnes 


JOnaihan Kelfev 
Robert rCsnnedj 

Dennifon Kin^Fberr}^ 
Jonathan Kiingfbeiijr 
Xhorpas Kenny 
Azariah Kenny 
Timothy K+tnbaU 
Jufiah Kingflay 
James KnJTon 
Samuel Knowles 
Eldad King 
John Ksfen 
Benjamin Kellogg 
Samuel KelloEg. 


Rev. Henry Lord 
Rev. Jonathan Lee 
Rsv. Mark Leaven- 
won h 
Sam.LockwondA M. 
James Lockvs^ood 
Jflfepll Lcc 
Jmfcpb J^ee, jun. 
i>imeon Lyman 
John Landon 
£bcnc?fcr J.each 
Nathaniel Loomlj 
Jicnb Lyman 
D^vid Lyman 
Ifaac Lawrence 
J[jk"ph Lcckwood 
Peter Lockwood 
Nehemiah Lewit 
Hczckiah Lee 
J-ihn Lcdyard 
FbenrKer Lym^n 
Jofiih Lyman 
Ben on i LoemJs 
J-'feph LoomJB 
Birnjiimin Loihrop 
Nathaniel L.iomiJ 
ThuBislS Lojojtts 




^uhfcrihers Namcsj 

Sfttotiel lee Hczekiah Newcomb Theodore Prefion '^ 

lr*4E Lawrence Ifaac Norton, jum Timoihy Pearl 

Benjamin Lard. J.mcs Nunon Ca|-l, Jf^ac Faiifb 

M ^ JiDaihariNoitb Edward Paine 

rlmcoo Mipor,Efq; tbenezer North J.jfeph Poner 
^ R?v. Git^*onMiil5 O AbrshsmPeirfoti 

RcvEvandciMotrifon /^^Apt. SanjuelOlm- Gerflimn Palmer 
Capi RichartjMonfoH ^ ilead Beniamin Pomsoy 

JDanieJ Weeks John Owen Timoihy Porter 

Bamiie] More JcCepb Otis William Porter 

Jonathan Mearitt Wf/Hiam Ofgood Peck 

Hezekiah May Daniel Ofgood Jacob Prefton 

Samuel Miner James Occonn* VVilJiam Prefton.- 

J.-htiMcies . f . _. ^ 

John MeigSj jun 
2j»n:iue] MiirihfilL 

JonaiKan Munger John Porier 

Ephrsjm MinoJr Experience Porter 

Ofnient Minor Bfujaniin Paine 

Matthew Minor Jokph Prefton 

Matdiciv IMitchel John Pot wine 

Simon MitcheJ John Paii^e 

JonaEhan Manin William Peabocljr 

Saiah Millard Samuel Plumb 

David Miller Jonathan Prentice 

Thamas Millard ^''eier Powers 

JonaiijBn Myliby Thomas Phelps 

JDfiah Mack Nathaniel Porter 

William Morgan Kicbard Pfct 
J)anfel Morgsn 
Jofeph Morgan 

Thomas Marftial Heuiy i*ect 

Ecv. SimueJ Mofely Mic^jah Pride 

3Vai:harit] Mnfcly David Palmer 

George Mariin J^Jhii Pislnier 
CJcorge Martin, jun. J^uf^s Price 

EbeiifczcT Martin. .^h« Phelps 

N Eiikiel Pcirce 

John Ncwcomb Jl^itics Finnes 

Obadjah Ncwcom ^^^^y Pierce 

JJathaniel Newel] ^^^pt. Edward PhelpB Jjmes Steward 

Kmli Newell ^jlfrhs Peiicc f^tcrSpcgccr 


CAm«elPiertticeEf<] t\ Ev.Dav Rowfai 
*J JoftpbPitkin, Efqj K- Riv-NaihRobei 
jolcphfcrkms,A.M- Rev. Afhcr Rofuer 
John Rsbinfon 
Ichabod Rtrbu^fon 
Eliflia R^xkwcU 
Nathan Rfindal] 
Jciihiia Rnymond 
Jofiah Rofe 
Rufus Rude 
George RicbaJ"ds 
Ebenezer Richatdfon 
DavjJ Ripley 
Azariah Rood 
Ji^fcph Richardi 
Siiniuel Rai moiid 
Nathaniel Porter jun. jo„stha;» RuffelE 
Ifaac Feck Samuel Rubbins 

Eliakini Ra;iiionJ 
Jofeph Roft3 

T^Homas^Storrs E''^;, 
* Rev-Rich.Sdlrur 
Eer^jaminSd'eS A,M* 
Jofepb Spencer 


Suhfirihers Ndmeis 

|r.(>ph Skiff 

N«iliiin«cl Shattock 


llrqcl Shaw 

|< hiklm Smith 

iJaiiicl SuJphn 

'I'hitinaSi Seymour i 

VVilUam Sumner 

Hitnuel '^ted 

Afji Rtronjl^ 

NithaniL'l "^kinncr 

Klillia Sheldon 

Axar Smith 

Capt. John Sprague 

Huchens Siorrs 

Cnpt, Samuel Siorr^ 

Capt. JoCSweetland HopeftilTayler 

Kccumpencc Spiith Nitbaniel Tracy 
J^r. Swcetland, jun. " ■ - *-- 

rhomaB Shaw 

Capt. Elifha Stoddard Jof.W(lcocl:ron,Efq; 
Jofiah Strong Roger Wotcott,Efqj 

James Stoddard 
David Stowell 
Ebenwer StoweU 
David Smith 
Ann Stldtn 
Samuel Spencer 
Benjamin Smalley 
Elijah BpraKue 
Eliisabcth Swifi- 

David Whitiney.Efqi 
Rev.Sobm. Will rams 
Na than i ei Wal es , E% 
Rev. Stephen White 
Rev. Jabvz Wiigbt 

Warham Williams 
Tut. Yale Col. 

FeJetiah Webffcr 

CApt. James Tyler Ehfba Warren 
Mofe- T>ler 

Stephen Tucker 
Jedidiah Tracy 

Jacob Sicbbins 
Jonathan Ijmhh 
John Steel 
^'amuel Strotig 
John Sherman 
Giles Slaughter 
Kaac Scuddcr 
Jofeph St. John 
Darnel St.Jjhn 
Samuel Sanford 
John Sanford 
David Sanford 

Daoiel Tracey 
Joel Thrall 
ti.insnel Tracey 
Elifha Tracey 
Philip Turner 
Nathaniel Trat;ey 
Jofeph Tracey 
Eliakim Tupper 
E<^ttiond Tompkins 
Nathaniel Thornlon 
iiamud Tonfly 

Benoni Wright 
William WijJiatns 
Ebenezer WiltjaaH 
John Watfba 
Caleb Wheeler 
Bftijamin Wheat 
Jofeph Wilhamj 
William Whitter 
Elcazer Wright 
Nathaniel Walfg 
Jtjfeph Wjfirer 
Katharine Webflcr 
Samuel Woodward 
Ifrac] Woodward 
Preferved Wright 

Capt. JofiaKThatcher Ichabod Warner 
James Tompfon Benjamin Wincbol 

William Truniball 
Jonathan Twifs 

EphraimStrong A*M. Eheoezer T'ompfon 
jofeph SefFord Ebenezer Taylot 

Eolomon Safford — 

Ezeklcl Story 
Jofeph Sanicrd 
Ephraira ^mith 
Jiicob Strong 
John Shepard 
Zebulon Seymnut 


Jtihn Tweedy 
James Twttle. 

/^Apt. JameaUtley. 


Charles Woodruff 
Benjatnin WoodrufF 
Elnathan Whitman 
Jolhua Whitneyjjiin, 
Daniel Willianw 
Samuel Warner 
Sbylla Whitefeeadt 


Siiifiriitri Namis'. 
Provimi sf N E mrO R K. 


tlTlIJimn Adams^ 
^^ A. M. 


J Saac Barnes, Efq; 
* EliasBnilcy, Efq; 
Rev. David Bcft'^'ick 
Rev. Ifaac Brown 
Rev. Samuel Bud 
Jona- Barber, A, M. 
Capt. WilliamSrjant 
Samuel Brown 
benjamin B.iiTej? 
Nathaniel iJ^ilcy 
KIJ46 Baite)^, Jiin. 
Elizabeth Hreeac 
John Bailey 
Jjcub Bergen 
ijeojamtn Bruftcr, 

HOn- Tho. Chat- 
field, Efq; 
Jofeph Conklin 
Jofcph CoiifciinTer, 
Samuel Cox 
Thomas Cooper 
John Cooic 
David CiErWich 
NchemiaJi Carpenter 
Jofcph Carpenter 
Jacub Carle 
Ann ChiIci 

SAniHtl Uentoji 
Jufcpb D^vis 
Margaret liu Bois 


John Effcret 
^mipn Eit 


CTephen Fofter 

'^' Wil]iamGi«n 
Thomas Goldfinith 
Daniel GoUlfmitli 

Jalper Griffin, 

rjLifha Hutch jnfon, 

Rob. Hempftcd. Kfq; 

J^^lah Howfll, Kfq; 

Rev, Azar. Horton 

Jon. Huntings A. M, 

Willjam Hedges 

Jnfeph Hicica 

Samuel Hazard 

Jona t ha n Hazard ,j un . 

Nathaniel Hazard 

John Hunting 

£z;f:kiot Hedges 

John Hedges 

Ueiijsmin Hutchinfon 

Abigail Hull 

Cojiftant Havens 

Satrmd Howell 

Satnuel Hunting 

(Japt. Thee. Howell 

Elilhi Howen 

Jfrael Halfey 

Capf.Eleaz. Hawtiri? 


Charirs tijwvtil 

Abraham HowcH 

Ezekiel Howell 

IJenjjmin Hirichman 

Saunjci HigbtL'^ jun- 

JOhn Jenningj 
Thomas Jyiup 

"^ Willi. Lawrence 
Benjamin l/awrente 

U On.E. Miller Ercj 
■'-' Andrew Miller 
Samuel Mulf&rd 
Daniel Miller 
Thomas IVTuIford 
Lemuel Mulford 
Ifrael More 
Thomas More 
John Mackie 
Capt. — Mcrfey , . 
Daniel More 
John MiicheJ] 
Ji'hn Marfton 
Zcbulon Mills 
Ifaac Mills 
WjfJiam Miller 
Hannah Menifb. 

/^Eorge NoTlon 


p Ev. Ebencz.Pera- 
■"■ bciion 

i Ohn Rhe 


Cijpf.Wm. Smith 
Nicholas Sniiih 
Ei zabetli StuwcH 


Sulfcriien Nsmis. 


Itichiinl Snlkli 




loll .Smilh 
Hcnj.iuitn Strong 

p Ev.Wm. TKrar 
**- John Thurftiui 

) TOfcpb Wickam, 
J Efq; 




Tonaihan Tompfon. 

Rev. Sylvanus Whji« 


|i(iii^j«lv ^rrong 


Kjniihan While 


'I'haiiiv Stiong; 

■YOfsph Valentine. 

Richard Wiggins 


Benjamin Wright 


Richafi! Woodhul! 


Rich. WoDiJhullJun. 


Obadiah Well,. 





Samuel Barren 



TJ Fv.ThoAittmr Timuihy Bill 

r> Er. JafcEi Di- 


" JohnAjies.Ef J 

John Black 


Wiliijm Allen 

Francis Brewfter 

Naihaniel Dotey 


olin Aodcrfon 
J>^net Aiktnan 

Robert Brcdetl 

Henry Difbroy 


Peter Booth 

J.UC115 Dwede 


Hannah Andcrfon 

Robert Blait. 

William Davifon 


Mofcs AyrcB 




William Axtcll 

TJ Ev.JaiaCarnpbel 
^ James Crumnoe 

Sam lid JJalyhigb 


Jiinatiian Arnfon 

Duncan Dove, 


Henry Axleii 

Marj Craig 



Tliomaa Applegaifi 

Thoilias Commf 

llflAfkell Ervia 
J*l David Englili 


Iimcs Afliion 

Barnabas Cortifa 


William Aline. 

Junathan Comes 

James Ei!gllfll 



JoJirr Carr, }un. 



n Eir.Aa.BurrPicfi 
l>- oIN.JirfrjCai 

William C«llv.c!l 



Elizabeth Crawford 

^ Jeremiah Tield 


Rev Eliab Syram 

William Crui:kaianl 


Robert Barkley 

Jean CatKcart 

Michael i^ield 


Hencrica Bennom 

John Chambets 

Katharine Frazlet 


Samuel Brown 

WilSiamCovenhaven Char lei tord 


Daniel Bsytes, jun. 

Alexandria Craig 

Jonathan Frazee 


Caleb Baldwin 

Ezra Carjp 

.William Ford 


Ifiac B.ibbct 

John Cary 

Sarah Francis 



, Daniel Caty 



William Boyd 

Jacob Coaiocart 

John Fiiiley. 


Sanviel Bealy 

Thomas Cock 



Soloman ElrL;iwn 

Samuel Quk. 

" David eroxci! 


Frederick Buchelow 


John Buakclavr 

Ellcnsi <iijlija[u! 


(Sill* 3 




Suhfirikrj Natries^ 

Jofeph Gaflon James Lyan 

Hendrick Gtilock Levi L^w» 
Jocham Gulock. James LzHey 

H Ro^'jr i,3wfon 

I Onath. Holmes, Efq; Eliphalec Lewis 
I Rev.Andr. Eijnter Maj-y Leffcra 

Thomas Hartiblin 
Jonas Hocy 

Wofcs Hcmb 
Mary Head 
Franci.-. Hall 
James HafniltQH 
Simon EJorn 
William Horn 
Hannah Horn 
William Hiigan 
John Henderfoj) 

Michael Plenary 
William Heiiary 
Daniel Heiiary 
Juha Hoey* 
^Aa^uel Johnfon, 

Richard ^fwell 
William J. Mies 
Siephgn Ji^fiijir 



Abraham L3 Rue 
Tiicimas Lake 
Samuel Lo'flfden. 

Rob. Newell 
Samuel Neilfon 
T^homas Newman^ 

JOhtl OiivatitJ 
*^ Stephen Ogden- 

M D Evr. John Peirfon 

H_tv.CharIa Msc- *^ThD. Pagel.Efcji 

knight Jofeph Peck, Efqi 
Samuel Mac'Confccy johnPeirfonjun.M.D 
Mary Millitio 'J'ubias Polemus 

]£li:£abeib Milhkin 
Jamca Moore 
Kobctt Mc'Fcff 
Mary Maiti&n 
Aaron Mattifan 
John Mscferran 
Peter Mac'Dowel 
David Mac'Cowin 
Matthias Mount 
Anne Mjunt 
J ihii Miircheati 
ThoBws IWcrftion 
Jofeph Monow 
Ji'hn Mattonibs 
Mary MaC'Jinba 
Samuel Miiporaaiy 

_UMlin Kelly lames Magee 

AlexsDdciKillpsJricfe Saiah Macal»fti;f 
William Kcr JaiBes Martin 

Samuel FCer John Mic'lMird 

Jofeph Ker. (.Seorge Mills 

L Ifaac Milij 

T> Et. Jofeph E,atsb Binja. Macfcfailinj 
*»Ety. Pbo. Lewis (Jcorgc Map'Kiftit) 
Ep!i(jiiri i-.ickheart Jjcob Wsttifon 
Pete; JLcconte.Mi.D. Hugh Martin 
Bitiifrinc [,!otij (amej Martin 

Epbraini Phillips 
Peter Parinc 
Howell Powell 
Herbert Fecfc 
James Pitney 
Juhn Poner. 

rj Oil JohnReadiog 
*■ * Kfg; 

Mattin R;erfoii,Efi]i 
Robert Rolf? 
James j&ufs 
^arab Read 
Briti Rihy 
John Roy 

Narh. f ii-i Randolph 
ackmakio Matthew Rue 
Sairjuel i<oIfe 
Robert Roe) 
Abraham Reeves 
jolin Rtjfbrugh 
John Rancy 

D Alph Smith, Ifij, 
* *" Rev.TiffliSyDitBca 
RcJ.piha Spencer 
Michael Sweetjjian 

J«ei Satp&eijiJoijK 

lihn Stotkton 
jolin Sodun 
Ht-jJl^ ^ULU«a 
Alhtjrt Sliaulc 
Williajn buobey 
Luke .Seafik 
I h-iiiy ^'oan 
f Liuea Scout 
t knry Scaly. 

Suhfcrihers loams'. 

T Kowt Van Vooihus 

pEv. Wm Tentient Hejirick Voorbas 

John X'^rtifon 
Aaron Tomfon 
Jiifiah Throope. 

Thomas Urmftotie 
Tobiai Van-Nordea, 
Ev EleazerWaleB 

Agnia Watfoi 
An Vankitk James Walts. 

rr Homas Vandiie Agnia Watfon 



Vy/Illiam Adams 
•^ Arch.Andctfolv 
Tboijias Armftroisg 
Uavid Allen. 

RE», Char. Ecitty 
Rev. John Blair 
Thomas Bfown 
Hugh Battley 
John f^owtlen 
Stephen Bower 
Ifaac Hillien 
Nathaniel Britten 
Robert Breden 
George Bradley 
John Blakly 
Edmond Beach 
E. BouJinot 
Thomas Bourne 
Jyfepb Biddome 
Andrew Blackbtiti; 
Jofeph Browne 
John Bojd. 

WM, Craig, Efq; 
Rev. Alex.Cummicrg 

Matthew Clarkfoti 
Thomas Clark 
John Carfen 
James Craig 
Katharine Culley 
David Chambers 
Jacob Cooper 
iiamuci Cbcefcman 
(ohn Campbel 
Mary Campbe] 
WilUani Clingan 
George Clingan 
Mtjfea Cirawford 

fames Ciimings 
imcs Craven 
laniel Craig 
lobn Crawford. ; 
^ D 

Robert Downey 
r}n;mas Davis 
Triftram Davis 
John Da via 
Jonathan Drewrql 
M^ry Dobin. 

DhiiA Etimifton 
Joitn Ell ward 

REt. Sam. Finley 

Jnhn Flnlcy 
Hugh Fargufon 
J ■hn Fuiletlawn 
Thomas Francii 
John FiJber 
Riiber» Finlcy 
ManalTch Finlcy 
William Falconat 
John Ffetman 
Jijfeph Fox 
Samuel Fi(her 


CApi. Wm. Grant 
John Grey 
Hugh Gunning* 

A Lflx, Hunter ,lifq; 
Capt Jam.Hufton 
Simncl Hazard 
Jnfeph Hstr 
ijenjamiti Hair 
Hugh Hamilton 
Robert Henry 
Alexander Hxntiah 
WilHam Hodge 
Andrew HodgeJ 
Hugh Hadge 

Jofeph Hall 



Suhjcrihers Mamss 


Mary Heron Abet Marple 

Fcnn Hojle John Mac'Cooinbs C Am. Smith, Efc'. 

Jjmes Horntr Alexander Magtc tJ Simurf Smith . 

J homas Hutcbmfon Hugh Mc'CuiJough VVilliam bbippw 
Th™as Herrcn Jam« Mc'Cullough Jofcpb Shipprn 

W,il,a„ Heflet Ajiiliony Morris John Smith 

d'l T ■. Jo'"=Mc'Nair James Simpfcn 

it-Kob. Jamifon James Martin Abraham Scott 

bamircl Juhsifon ThoimiMfCwken Henjamin Stiodgrafs 


'-^ Kin 

Henry Jamircji 
Henry Jotcnfton 

'T'Horaas Kid 
-•■ Mary King 

Henry Keifcy 
JaineJ Ktily 
John Kirkpairick 
James Ker 
Jofeph Ker. 

Alexanrtfr M\\\cs Thomja Smijfa 
John JWiilcr Robert Stewart 

Tho. Mountgonierjr Anthony Scout 


James Mc'K.. 
Akx. Mc'Clintock 
Jolin Miiiliet 
John IVlactniath. 

iJAmtiel Neilfon 
James Neijroji 
Thomas Ncfmiih. 

Thomas Lugau U Annah Owen. 

Thomas Lewis 
Fianci! LinfiJ 
Archibald Leard 
Robert Lyie 
CharJ^a Lyons 
Jofepb Leech. 

THomas Poo 
Jolm Potlcr 
James I'ethorea 
Jcreniiali Peck 

f^Apt. Nath Magce^arah Prichatd 
>^ AleianJer Moore John Pect. 
Johti Mc'Fcrren R" 

Robert Mc'Craeken REv. John Roan 

Jobn Mc'CuIIoct ■■ ~ 

John Mitchell 
llibe! Mc'Doiincl 

Adnari Scout 
ticorgt SpaffutJ 
Mary Stevens 
Thimas Sloan. 

Rc». Rich. Trtst 
Mofes Thomnfoi, 
Tunis Titus 
JuQiua Thomas 
Hugh Tnrreoce. 

OEoty Vernor 

Henry VanDyle 
liaiah Vanfai^dt, 

^-'Cornel. Wjnfcoop 
Nichofag Wyiituo<i 
Jobi Wigton 
Jame& Wycr 

MatrheK' Mc'Min 
Tiatnas Miller 
John Man 
JofliQa Maddo^ 
John Mc 'Call 
Sarah Moore 

WiJiiam Rankin WilJiam Walker 
Fiancis Rich ley Robert Wyer 

Evan RawlaiiJ Mc.fis White 

fobn Riddle Hugh Wilfon 

Thomas RudJy John WaJker 

EIrzabeih Robe.-Jeau EJwaid Warner 

S. Robertfcn 
James Ralflon 
William Rufli 

tollen Mac'Swen/ Sarsb REjimidj. 

Radial Wallace 
Tboma Welih. 

Wmiaoi Yong, 

Suljcrihers Nuais. 
Frwnti of N'EW'HAMPSHIRE. 

rjEnjamin Jevfit, 


Ok% Leavitt, 


JClfeph Adams. 
John Oilman 
B iiaoiucl Goadhuc 

J,' /.ra Barter - - - - Gnfiis. 

' liabcnczer Barker I 

Morea Boynion 
ii^muet Brnwn 

|nli:ih KioWit 
(lri»j. Blanchardjun. 

RF'v.WatilCottoR Jonathan how, 
Wm. Cummings M 

|,irncs Cate 
W-iihanid Clement 


r^EdtJciah Drury. 

tj Ev, Dan. Emei- 

Capl. Daniel Oilman Thorns Patch 
Jofiah Oilman M.D. Willlim Pottle 

John PuTmcE 
Jujiah Pypec 
James Pike, 
^^Ev. Dan. Rogers* 

HEnry Eherbyrne, 

Mar. LivcrmorCjEfqi Job Strang, B. A. 
"iieophilu? Smith 
Eiiaa Smith 

D Ev. David Mc* 
(jregore fer \{\t- 

Jici>b Smith. 

felf & 30 af hisParifh tjEnjamin Thing 
WiMiamMooro -^-^ Joi ~ ' 


John Eliot. 

Danici Maron 
John Mead. 
Hfiitias Nflivins 
ifhua Neal. 


nathan TayJor 
Kd ward Taylor. 

CQi. And. Wiggins 
Simon Wiggins 
Thcmas Wigging 
Anil". Wi^ginsj jurs. 

PrfOhn Phi[iip.i,A.M. Francis Worseftcr. 
Eter GiJman^Efqi^Capt. Peter Powers 
Coh Sam. Oilmaij 

Colonj of RHODE' IS LAND. 

Nathaniel Co^^efiialt G 

Thomas CoggcQiall p Bbcnezer Grey 

r^Ol. Jeb Altnj. 


HErmfone Baftiftci 
Jofeph ii^ylcy 
Conltant iJayJcy 
Timflihy Halch 
Altxartdci Bradford. 

J^Er. OihCampben 

Martha Church 
Htory C(>g[i«fhaJ] 
Thames Cihoon. 
AnicI Dnnfcam 
Lcub Ofchanc. 
XT' Bentzer FiQier 
*^ Peter EraiikliJi, 


■■-'Nath. GreenhilL 

W-W. Halt, E(q; 
Jof. Howlaod. 
p Bentzcr Knijht. 

SuhfcTilurs Names. 


Wood ?.' 


John Wiilfon 
Benjamin WilifoB 
Abigail Wanton. 

J5_Ev.Wi!liamVina!. CAmoBl Ysats, 

gEDJaoimPtabodie XJ Ath. Seirles.E-qj TOfcph W 

\^Wm Ricli- 

mond, Efqi 
Jchabod Rkhtnonii 
6amuel Rhodes 
Jtfemiah Roft. 

*■ * Jam. 


, Tifdile 
fames Tanner, 

Thi Nam,, „flb>f,ll^i„^_ Suhjcrlisn, n,t hi^g r,i,h,4 in S,^r,„^ 
we hav, th(,-t ,1 pre}!, h :./"•' Him bire. ^' 

■rjAvid Burt 
NathanieJ Burt 
Alexander I'olcti:™ 
Simon Co)ton 
Obadiah Carpenter 
William Carpi^tcr 
Thymas Cooper 
Nathaniel Ely 
/linos Dcnnifon 

Dr. Ch^rlej Pyncfeon 
Kev, Jolin Kcrgcdiit 
Capt, Beiij. Savage 

Sff. Careiifia. 
William Stebfaiua 
Robert Sanoerfon 
Henry ijweijt 
Jnhn Sv?eet 
Thomas Svrect 

^'ofes Siebbirs 
Rev. PctetThachof 
Rev. Bcnj. Tsppen 
Jobn Tylts 
. Thomas Tyler 
Henry Tolman 
Rcv.Stepb. Wiilf;;,, , 
Rpchanl WooIbc;!. , 
Jofiah Welman. 

TJie Names of many oti,™ who have fubfoibV, are not vet 
tiemen are me,,t,on'd without their proper Addition of Tir- 

An Account 

of the Life of 
The Reverend 

Mr. David Brainerd. 

Pj\rt I. 

From his Biith, to the Tims when he began 
to devote himfelf to the Suidy of Divi- 
nity, in order to his being fitted for the. 
Work of the Miniftry, 


R. DjtviJ Bmifurd was born jff^ril zo, 171^* 
at Had/Jam^ a Town belongtttg to the Cownt/ 
of Hnrtferi^ in (lie Colony of Csnnt3kut^ 
New-England. His Faifer.wlio died wlien 
ihia his Son was about nine Years of Age, was 
the Worfiiipfnl Rmtkiab Brmiuri ECj; an Afliftant, or one 
of his Majsiij's Council for that Colony, and the Son of Danitl 
Btainird Efq; ajufiice of the Peace, and a Uearon of theChiich 
nf Chiill in Haddim. His Mithir was M's. Donlbj Hohart, 
35aughter to the Rev. Mr, Jtrmtah HsHrt, who prcach'd a 
while at TspifiiU, and tlicn removed (o Hitnpftiai on £shj- 
lOtmd, and afterwards removeti from Hmpfliad ( by Reaion of 
NuEibeis turning QuaJtcrs, and many (nhcrs being fs; Irreligious, 



2 H'ii LIFE 

thitjhey woii!d do noshing towards the Sapporf of thcMiniffrvJ 
and came antl fettled in the Work of liie Mioiftry at Haddsm- 
Wiierc: he died in the g^th Year of his Age ; Of whom it i, 
igmarfcable.thathcwcnt m (hepublickWarlhipin theForemotf. 
ind died m his Chair between Meetings. And this Rev. Gen- 
''=?i'ii'™sSnn of iheRei/. Mr. Filer IMsrt, who was, firft, 
M in ifter of the Gofpd at Hiifgharn, in the County of Nir/sli in 
i.iigknd, and by Reafan of the Petfecutiori of thf PuriiM re- 
nioved with his Family lo Ntw-England, and was fettled in the 
m»na,Y M Hmgksm, in Va<: MMffmhuJilu. • He had five Sons, 
vi/.. pjhua, Jirmmh, G,rJI„m, Japhith, and N.bemah. His 
Eon 'Miua was MiniJler at SmhldaaUng-ljlaad ; —JirmM, 
wiiUc. Da^:d BraSTiird-iGnaifKht!, Miniftet at Awj™ 
&e. as w«s before ahfervod : Gir/lim was Minifler of Graisn ira 
Cotmmkm \ Japbitl/wis a Phyf.cian, and Went 'in the Oualiiv 
Bfa Doftnrof a Slip to Esfh^d, ( before rheTime for thj tak- 
iogh,sfcctiLidJ>^reeata)llege) snd deiignedtoga from thenc; 
tOthslia//_-J«ii,ci, andnSver was heard of tHore :. Nihtmhhvlis 
foraelmicFclbwof /j'orrarfl'CoIlege, and afterwards Miniftcr 
ixNimun in the Msjscbufilts. The Mollicrof Mn. Dmlh, 
Hdarl { who was afiervfSrdi Brmntrd ) was Daughter to ihc 
Eev, Mr. iWW imUng, Miniftet of- the Gofpel, firftat B,ll,^ 
m LmcMriani afterwards at Lynn in the MaJ)aA»litli,Nim- 
Miigkhd i He had three Sons that were Miiiifieis'of the GoipsJ* ' 

Mr. ZrjfoSmW/Ju.asthefiiirifSon of' his Parents. They 
had. (iveioqJiUKt four Daughters : Their eldett Son is Hezikilb 
ira,i,.rdEC<ii a Ji/fticc of the Peace, and for fevcral Years paft 
» Reprefentamc of iheToWo of HaMdi,i,kl theGetleralAfTem- 
bly uf6Vm?rf?;fB(Colony : Thcfecon.) wssiheRev.Mr.A'(Am/o4 
Bremird, a Wd,rihr Minifler at EaUhry in Csnmakm, who 
.Siid-of a; Cohfiimption Jfti,. 10. ,742. Thofou.shisMri 
pkn Brair.etd, who fuceseds his Brothei DMid, aj MiiKonaiy 
to ttic /WrsKii and Pafbr of the fame Churrfl of Chriilianin' 
''""'.''' ^'^-y"/" ■ And the filth was Ifmi, palely Student 
at MfCoWege in Ntw-Havai, and died fmcc bjs Brother 
V^id.— M,\. Demhf Br^wtd having lived fertral Years ,i 
Wrdo*, died, when her Son, whofbf.ifc I aoi'aboot lo give aft 
AccAumoF, was about fosrlech Years cjf Age.: So that in his 
Youfb he was left both Fathetloli and Motherlefs.--- What Ac- 
count he has givtn of Himfelf, »iid his own iife, aaj it ftaj m 
what fedlom. J 



IWaSjItbink, from siy Youth, fomEEbingOher, and indfncd 
raihcr Hj jMeUncimlyj ihan the coiufriij iLxircmc i biit Jjii'f 
rclnc[n^>^;^H^y Thing of Cosividiion ui Srii-, wDjEhy oi KLniJik, 
*tiJl I wjSj 1 balieve, about f-vciv or tiL;^;': Vtar: or M;- 1 ivi t-'ii I 
liCCdiiic fumeihmg coiicijrn'J for m7 :iO!il, luic! ;t:riirL.J ni i-ii; 
Tliiiiii;hts of Deadi, and w^s drivc!! to tbe Pttformiiiicy o( Dl- 
lk:i : But it appeared a niebmijttlK iiuliiiofj, and dciJioycd my 
Kjgernets for l*Jay. And alas ! This, rcligiou^iCVjncern was but* 
tliort-IiVQd. However^.i foraan|iBa^Hen(ie(i fecrciPfayer ; ar.d 
tluij lived at T^ftfn in '//.ipj, iilihut Cni m the H'urU, and wjlh- 
iiiit iiim.h CviiLLtiij as 1 i<.i]Knibt;i, '(ill 1 vjis above [hirteen 
Xcifsof AgE. ButromeUme la the Winter 3 73?, 1 waifpn^e- 
tJilngroufed out of carnal Security, by Ifcaice knc* whatMeanS 
mfiTjf'i but wa^ inucli excited by the prevailing of a tnortal. 
SickiiefB in Haddam : I was frequent, ciiiiftant and fomcEhlng, 
fervent in Duties, and took Delight ii) reading, tfpcclilly Mr. 
Jane-ivay'i Tohufor Children ; J fuit fOroctitJiis OTiUch nicltcd in 
Duties, and lujk grcai Delight in t[iePeri'ornianj;e of 'cm : At\<X 
1 rurnetimcs hoped, that I w^i converteti, or^tk-aJi in a guoJ aiii 
hopeful Way for Heaven and Happinefs, iiot fcnoyvifig what 
Ccjiiverlion waa. The t>[iirit of God at this Tisine piocetded 
farwiihmci 1 was reoiaifcably dead to theWorld, anJ my 
Thoughts were aljnoft wholly employed about my Saur.s Con- 
cerns i and I may tndeed fay^ almo^ I waipsrjtvadid ta hi a 
Chrijlian. I wasalfoexceedinglj'dittrcfibd and melancholy ac 
Ihe Death of my Mother, \i\ Mar^h -ni^. But altcrwards my 
religions Concern bc^an to decline, and 1 by Deg^cees fell hack 
into aconfiderable Degree of Security 1 ihu' If^lll attended 
fecfct Prayer fre(|ucntlj'. 

About the T5th of April i-j-^'i^ I removetl frnm r.^y F^ihtrr's 
Houfe to Ea/i-Haddam, wher-; 1 (pent I'.^ur Yc.j.ij but fVill 
%vithi!Ji Gsd ia tb$World j tbo' for the moft Parti went a R6und 
of fecic[ Duty. I was not cxcticdingly addiiled tqyoujig Cpm'. 
pany, or Frolicking (is it is cailcdj But this 1 know^ tHat Wh^rt 
1 did go into Company, I never returned from a Froh^^k y.\ m;/ 
Life, with io good a Confcience asl went wiih ; !t ahvriy,^ a-Jd- 
ednf^w Guilt to me, and^inade me afraid 10 ctmit toilic Throtia 
of OracCj and fpoilcd il;ofc good I'rames^ 1 was wont feme- 
times 10 plear? my fclf whh. But alas ! ali my gooii Framci 
Tvere but Silf-RigbisBitJasJs^ not bottonacd an a Dcfife for tha 

B a.; About 

4 ^t. ig-it. ffoLIFE A.D,i737«'i755; 

About thu latter End of Jtprihj^'j, being full in Ycih of 
Ags, I removed to Dayham, mi began to work on ray Farm, 
and ft, consumed the Yeir out, or near, >till I was ao Years 
old i fr«iMcntiy longing, from a natural Inclination, after a 
liberal tducadon. Wlwn I was about twenty Ytars of Age, I 
applceil my felf to Studjr ; and fumetinie before, was more iban 
t.rdinanlj' eieited to and in Duty : But now engaged more than 
ever in the Duties of Religior. 1 became very ftrifl, and watch- 
fulovermyTliougliis, Words, and Aflions : and thought I 
jnuff be fober (mJeed. beciufe I defigoed to devote my felf to thq 
Miniftfy i and imagined 1 i\i dedicate my felf to the Lord. 

Some Time in ^pril 1733, I went to Mr. FSfii'a, and lived 
With him, doting his Life. * ADd I remember. He advifed me 
wholly to abandon young Company, and aflbclatu myfelf wi<H 
gruve elderly fcoplc : which Counfel I followed ; and my Man- 
ner of J.ife was now exceeding regular, and full of Religion, 
fucbasitwss ; Fnr i read my Bible more ihsa twice through 
in Icfslhan a Year, I fpcnt much TimeevcryDay in fecrct Pray- 
er, and other fecret lAities} I gave gte»tAtlc.ilion to the Word 
Breached, and endenvoured to my inmoil to retain it ; So much 
concerned was I about Religion, that I igreed with feme young 
Ferfons to meet piijaicly on Saiial/,- Evtnmg, forrelieious Ex- 
ertifei," and thought my ftif fincerc in tljefe Diiiits ; and after 
our Meeting was ended, J uiid to repeat the Difcourfcs of thtj 
Day to my felf, and rccollca what I could, tlio' fometimes it 
■was vuy late in the Nifht. Again, wAI,^d„y-M.Tmm, I ufed 
foracllincs to recolledi the fime Setmoni. And I had lometimcs 
confiderable Movings of AH'efflous inDuties,iiidmuchPleafure, 
and had many Thoughts of joining to the Chutch. In fliort, [ 
had J very good outfide, and relied cniirelyon my Duties, tho' 
I was not ftnflblcof it. 

After Mr. f.&'s Deaih, I proceeded in my Learning with 
my Brother ; and was fiill very conflani in religious Dulies.and 
olicn wondered at the Levity of Frofeffors ; 'iwasa Trouble to 
me, that they xvcre fo carelefs in religious Matters.--- Thus I 
proceeded a conlidcrable Length on i /,//-,igiiMai Foundation ; 
and fhoutd have been entirely loft and lmdone,had not the niter 
Mercy ot God preven ted. 

* Mr. Flfii was the Fallot of the Church in IJ«M„ 

Somt!'. ,e/Afr. David Brainerd. A.D. 1738, 5 

Some Tine in the Bt^ginningof Winter, Am « 738)11 pleafcd 
GoJ, on one Sabbath-day Morning; as I was wtlkitig out 
for fome fccret Duties ( as I remember ) to giveme on a Suddetl 
futh I Sclifc of iisy Danger and the Wiath of- God, that I flood 
«il!a/.ej, and my former good Frames, that 1 had pleafcd rojfelf 
with, all picfenlly vanilhsd ; and from the View, that I had of 
my Sill and Vilenefs, I was much diflrelTed all that D.iy, fear- 
ing the Vengeance (jf God would toon r>vertake me ; 1 was much 
(tcjcfled, and kept much alone, and fometimes begrutched the 
BitJs and Bciflj ilieit Hnppincfs, hccaufe they were not expofed 
lu clcnu! Mifciy, a. I evidently law I iv,m. And thus I lived 
from Uiy to Ujy-b^ing frequciilly in greatDIRrefs : Sometimes 
there appeared Mountains before me to obftrufl my Hopes of 
Mercy ; and the Work of Convetfion appeared fo great, I 
thought I (houM never he the Suhjedl of it : But ufed, however, 
lo pray and cry ta God, and perform other Duties with great 
Eirneiinefs, and hoped by fome Means to mate thcCafe Ijctter. 
And tho' I Hundreds of Times retiounccd all Pretences of any 
tfsHh'm Ijiy Duties (aslthought) even in.lhe Seafon of the 
Performance of thitin, and often confeiied (o CSod that I deferv-, 
ed nothiiig for the very bell of them, but eternal Ct>ndemnation : 
Vet (till ! harl a fteret latent Hope of rtumiiimilmg my felf to 
God by my religious Duties ; and when I prayed affctftlonatcly, 
and my fleart fccmed in fome Meafure to melt, I hoped God 
would be thereby moved to pity me, my Prayers then loolt'd with 
(bmcAppearance ulGoxhufi in 'emi^ I feemcd to mstirn forSin ! 
and then I could in fome Meafure venture on the Mercy of God 
in Chrirt ( «s I iho't; ) Tho' the preponderating Thoughf and 
Foundation of iliy Hope was fome Imaginatitin tif Gixulrtejs in 
my Heart Meltings, and Flowingof AffeiSions in Duly, and 
(fometimes) eittKlordiniry Enlargements theiein, Wc- Tho' at 
fome Times the Gali appeared fo vcty ^loi't, that it look'd next 
10 impoffiblelo mtir, yet at othctTimcs I flittered my felf that 
it was not fo very diSicult, and hoped f IhoMd by Diligence and 
Watchfulnefs foon gain the Point- Sonietimes afrer Enlarge- 
ment m Duty and confiderable Affedion, I hoped { had made a 
ftcd Slfp towards Henuen, and imagined that Gc5d was aflTcifed 
as I was, and that he would bear foch fimtre Criij ( as 1 called 
them) and fo fometimes when I withdrew for fecret Duties in 
grcatDiftrcfs, I returned fomelhing uomfortablo ; and Ihusheal'd 
my felf Mihii my Duties. 



6 Ml. 22, 

S& LIFE A, D. lyjj: 

Film, I^P ' ^^7 '?38.9- I r« spiH s Daj. for fecret 

(0 God for Mer« th« h, would open my Eyes to fe "he E ;i 
of Sin, and the Way of Life hv Tefus cLm a Vn , 

t^n,e r Butflill J,™^.rfina|l .b^Dutie, I performed -, ho' 
here v,„ „o M«met of ff«A./r i„ ,i,eDu,iB I hen So™. d ' 
fte« bemgno Manner of Refpea to thoGlory of cX Xr^- 
nor 5„y fuel, Prmcipte in n,, He.rt : yet God waTptafeclTo' 

1ovmT'""j'"'',^'™"^ ™«r^f<J, and imsgin'd that God 
loved me ,„dv..,,p;e.(eJ with „e, .nd I ftol foo„ 
be , lly rcconcled to God ; while the Whole wa= fc.nded o" 
W of A^7"°"' "'.'^"e from Enbrgementin Dary, o, tit- 
jng of, or fame good Refolutions, and ,he lite Zd 

VUeneft and N,ted„eft, anrf Inability ,o deliver my^d! from J 

me =„d ,h?TI ' ""'='"'■"> ^ '""''1= P^IS °f Dittrefi fei "ed 
me, snaihc Ihnughls of renouncing njvSelf anA H,„a- ■ 
mked before Gon, ftripped of all Go^dni. were "o deadft! 

^^ /;-■ /^„ W Thu5, ,ho' I daily Io„g-d for grea er Co,, 
v.aon of S,n. fuppofi^g th^tltnul/fceLreof^^ldeaS 
vTkM't 'r^""^'/' y" -h»" theOifcoverefoS 
Ind fl L . wcrem.dc to me, the Sight «-« fo dreadful 

nd fl=wcdn,efoph,„!y ,ny lupofedneft to Damnaii™ ha 
J eoutl not endure it.- I conli.n.iy flrove af7e Xte„e 
oft I'^ftT' '""e-^-<"h-= obtained before thl R^lpZ 
of C r.ft, ,„ order to r«,™«J n,e to his K.vour. SomeLe 
/■^ ./^/°",;[ °^ *" A^r^/?«r,. sndfuppofed it mia he 
/./■<« V before Chrift would accept of me ; Ld when 1 felt 
any Mdtms, of Heart, 1 h„ped'no«r the Work wa " aLtft 

Mercy: Hut ray D,%cfs remained ftill, ™' 

v,a.on ofS.n for a confiderable Time together -bui aft', 

o /ni: Ti ,^r"t""""'"™^^ fti^^^Lmot'e violet ; 

A^^Lat Ab'' n,^" '".r"""'."' ™'>^'' I '"=' "'Iking 
wjustiiy Aj.o.d, 1 !,ad oDcn'd tg me fuel, j View of m^ Sio^te 

I 1 V 


Ait.z%^ p/ iWr. t>avid Brainerd A.D.iygp: j^ 

I ftjrcd tjie Grouoi would cleave afunder under my Feet, and 
IxciJtiiif my Gravcj and fend my Saal <^uicfc into Helfj beforri 
I L'lmlit p,i* Honie. And tho' I was forced to go to Bed,- left 
piy fjiltrt'fi fhould be clifcovered by oioefs, which I mucH 
ffillfd J yell fcarcc dLirft SJcep at a!}, /ur J [hougfitit would be 
1 pTf;ii Wonder if I fhoLld be out of Hell in the lUorning* 
Aihl ilio' mj' DHhcfs was foiJietimes thus great, yet I greatly 
dicjdcd ilm lofs of CanVidiioJis, snd returning back to a State 
(jf carnal Security » nnd to my former Infcnnbili ty oi Im^iTv^ing 
Wiaih ; wh\rh itimli; mr exceeding cxadl in my Behaviour, 
\f\\ J lh.iiiliE ilUh ihc JVloiinjis or God'a ypirit. When at any 
i'liire I took a View of my Conviiftfons of my own Sinfulnefs, 
and thought the Degree of 'em to be confiderable, I lyas wont 
JouiiR in my Conviiiiong : But ihia Co;ifidctiCc, and the Hopes 
(hut JToIe in me froni it, af foon maJtmg fame potable Ad- 
vances towards Deliverance, woufd cafe my Mmd, and I fooii 
bctiiii^e more fcnfelefs afid remifs : Uut tbenr again, when I 
^iftern^cl my Conviilkins to grov/ languid, anJ I dio't ihem 
ahoixi to!c*vc iTic, this immediately alarmed si\d diilrcnVd iiic, 
Sumeilnie-i J cxpcdicd to lake a larfje Step, and get vciy far to- 
Iffarih Cdjiivcriiuii) by fonic pflrticuliir O^ipOrtujiity or Means 
I Ijad \\\ View. 

The many Difappointmcnts, and great Diftreites and FcrJ* 
plcxity I met withj put mis into a niofi Jysrrii'U Prams ai cm* 
injiing with tile ALMjoiiTTi wiih an inward Vi^hcmcncd! 
and Virulcnecj finding Fault with his Ways of Desliog wit^ 
Mankind, | found great Fault with the Impuiatioti of ^damf^ 
Sin to his PoftcrJiy : And my wicked Heart often wifhed for 
fomc other Way of Saltation, than by yifut C^rifi : And bring 
iiiis the Ir&Jibhd Hea^ and my Thoughts confufed^ 1 ufed ca con- 
trive to cfcape the Wrath of God by fomu other Meaiis, and 
had flnnge ProjeiaioTis, fuJ! nf AlhdOiij contriving to difappoinc 
God's IHtligns and Decrees concerning nici or toefcape Gad's 
No lice, and hide tuyfdf from him : But when, upon Reflet;^ 
tion, 1 faw thefe PrpjefSiona were vain, and would not, fcrvc 
me, anJ that 1 could tontrivc nothing for my own Relief, rh^? 
would throw my Mind into the moft horrid Fjraeif, to wiih 
there was jii> Gsd^ or to wifti there were fume oibcr God (bat 
Could ctiniroul htm, iSc^ Thefe Thoughts aud Defirca were 
tht ftcrer Inclinations of my Ht3Jt, tha; vi^it frequently 
^B.ji^-^h^'i'e I ivai oiv-'i^i \ but aJas, they were mim ! Aliho' 
"1 w-i^i afiMghtiid with (Iwm, when t came to refl;;i£t un thenr; 
When I conikfcreJ gf it, it diltrcirctl ii>it, to thinky that my 

S JEt. 21.' 

ne LIFE 

A,D. 17393 



Heart was fo full of Enmity a^ahfi G&d \ and it made mC' 
4rcmb?c, Jcft God's Vengeance Ihould fuddenly fall upon me, \ 
i ufed before, to imagme my Heart was not ia badj as the 
EcripEurfis and fome other Books rcprefcnted- Someiimes I 
ufed to wke much Pains (o work it up (nro a good Frame, 
a humble iiibmiilive Difpofition ; and hoped there was then 
fonieGoodnefs in me: Bjt iimay be an a fLidden,iheThoughc3 
of ihe Sfriftnefs of tlie LaWj or the Sovereignty of Godj would 
fo irritate »be Coniiptitjn of my Heart, thai [ had to patched 
ever, and hoped I had liro^igbt to a good Frame, that it 
would break over zll BDuinds, and burft forth on al) Sides, 
like Floods of Waters, when they break down chslr Damm. 
But being fenfibleof the Necclfityof a deep Humiliatkn in 
order to 3 fiving Clofe with Chrift, 1 ufed to fetmy felf to worit 
in my own Heart thnfeCffwir'ifJi'ffff/, that were requifite ir> fuch an 
Humiliation : As, a ConviiSion, that God would be jufl, jf he 
caft me c^ for ever ; And that if ever God £hou|d bcftowMer- 
cy on me, it would be meer Grace^ tho' Ifhould be in Diitrefa 
many Years firft, and be never fo much engaged m Duty ; that 
God was nor in the leaft obliged to pity nie ihc more for iill paft 
DutkSj Cries, and Tears, ^i-. Theft Things I flrovc to ix\y 
utmoft £0 bring myfdfta a. firm belief ofj and hearty aJr<:ntto ; 
and hoped that now I was brough.t ojff from my feJfj and truly 
humbled and bowed 10 the divine Sovereignty ; and was wont 
to lellGod in my Prayers, that now J had ihofe veryDifpofuJons 
ofSouIibathe icquircd, and on w^hich he fliewcd yercy to 
others, and ihcrciipon to beg and plead for Mercy tome: But 
when J found nu Relief, and was ftili oppreFed with Guilt and 
Fears of Wtatb, my Soul was in a Tumult, and my Heart rofe 
againfi: Goi:/,2^ dealing hardly with me. Yet then myConftiencc 
■flewinmy Face, putting me in Mind of my late ConfeiTion to 
God of his JuHicein m^i Condt^mjiatjoji, ^c. And ihis, giving 
jne a Sight of tiic ])adnt;rs of my Heart, threw me a^ain into 
Dillrefs, and 1 wiihcd 1 had watched my Heart more narrowly, 
to keep it from hrc;ikijigoiit againflfJod'sDcalirjgs with me, and 
I even wffiicd 1 had nor' pleaded for Mercy en Atcount of my 
HymiliatioD, bccaufc tJiereby I had kjft all my Teeming Good- 

Thua, Scores of Times, I vy'niy imagined my fcjf humbled 
and prepaied f^^r laving Mercy- 
While I was in til is diflreFed, bewildered, and tumulttioun 
Statcof Mind, ibc dsrrvpfim of myHe^rt wa& efpccially itri' 
md'^'i^ xli'iiz Tilings fellowing : 

I. Tii« 

Xf. 22; cf Mr^ David Brainei^d, A.D.1739. 9 

I. Thayili'iV^JTf/ of the divine Xflif. Fur I found it was im- j 
|vul)lble for me (after my utmoftPains) to anfwer iheDemaodiof 
It. 1 often made new Refolutions, and as often broke ihem. I 
Imputed the wh&^e to Carelefnefs, and the Want of being more 
WaithfLilj ahd ufed to call my felf a Fool for my Negligence :' 
Unt wiiffl, upon attrongcrBcfoIution, and greater FndeavourSj 
tttiil clofe Application of my felf to Fafting and Prayer, I found 
uli Attempts fail, (hen X quarrelled whh the Law of God, as 
iinrcafonably rigid- I thought, if it extended only to my out* 
wdtd AdUonn andIJeha.viourfi, J cculd bear wiih it : Hut I found 
It fonJeinned me \m my evil Thoughts, and bins of my' 
(Icart, wiiich I could not pofiibly prevent. J was exrreamly 
!i)th to give nut, and own my uttef Hclplefnefs in this Matter : 
iJut after repeated Difappointments, thought that, taiher (han| 
pctjlh, I could (/i! a little more flill, cfpeciallyif (uch and fuch 
Circumstances might but attend ray Endeavours and iitrivings ; 
I hoped, that I fliould firive more earncftly than ever, if the 
Matter came to Extremiiy ( iho' I never could find the Time ty 
do my utmoffijin the Manmr \ inianded 1) And this Hope of fn- 
ture more favoyrable Ciicumftancea, and of doing fomcibing 
[^rcat here.ilter, kept mc from utterUcfpair inmyfelf, end from 
feeing my fcJf fallen into tfie Hands ot afuvereign (Jod, and 
dependent on nothing but free and bound lefs Grace. 

iz. Another Tiling was, i^^\. Faith ahnf "w^^ \.h^ CiJidhkn of 
Sahaiisn j and that God would not come down ro lowerTerms, 
ihat he would not promife Life and Salvation upnn my (JricGici 
and hearty Fraygrs and EndeavDUrj. ThaiWord, Maik 3ivi. 16- 
Hethat hlUvtth mt^Jhatl hi dammd, cut off all Hope tbere ; 
And 1 found, Faith was the fovercign Gift a/ God ; that I 
could not get it as of my felf, and could not obligeGod to bti^ow 
it upon me^ hy any of my Performances. ( Epb. ii. i, 5t }^, ) 
This^ I was ready to fiy, h a hard Scyin^^ who canhtsr it ? Ji 
coLild not bear, that ail 1 had donefhould Hand for tneer nothings' 
who had been very Confcicncious in Duly, and had been ex- 
ceeding religious a great while, and had ( as ( thought ) done 
much more than many others that bad obtained Mercy- I con- 
fefs'd indeed the Vjienefs of my Duties \ but tlicn, what made 
'em at that Time feem viic, was my wandring Thoughts in 
them i not bccaufe 1 waa all over defiled lite a Devil, and 
the Principle corrupt from whence they flowed, fo that 1 ccii]r£ 
not poiTibly do any Thing that was Good. And therefore I 
called wtiat [ didj by the Nime of honeft faithful Endeavouia */ 
and could ngtbear itjlb^lGod had made noFrgmifts of Salvation 
M thfijH. C " 3, AnotUcr 

JO Mt. 22; rfe L r F E 





3. AoothtrTbmg was, thai Ico.M not find ™t K,fo, Fai.h, 
fi o' t;hnfl ,mde <o ,he «,.r, and &.»,, /.J« ; buTcol 
V'nuldgWljpcome, if I knew *™. ,ho' ,h= Pa,h ofSu,y 

tTor r; °";^,'=°"rf'r>on ) A„d n,y Hear, .ofc .gainfl h^. 
Co„vift ■!';'' Ik: ";W mo my very Heart all akng under 

^eaons; ycthcchcftii'd, He did not tdl mc any Tliii,» I a great &„]/ between n,e and Chtill, ,,i,i,™t any Dircfti- 
on 10 get through, Fnr F was not ye, cfFeaually and exp" - 

hy a narural Man couid, 0/ !„sown Strength, obtain (hat which 
\.s rupcrnatural. and whicl, ,h= higbeft An'ei e.nno, give. 
watthaT^'-'' """'"' ^ ^'■'^^' '"*^'J Oppofuion to, 
T a Pan?„/ ^ •'^"•■' ""^^■'''^■'^"'" "=.]"« ^» he wo.ld. 

dftrov d mv-^/ ■ ^''""^'"g or meditating o« ,h„ .|,va, 
.ll 7^ u'^ ^'™'",S e*""! Fr>me. ; VVIien J though, [ wL 
St '"'"'' '"'' =''"°" '^"Sned ,0] God'. Sovere.L V X 
r=ad„gortl™k,ng o„,his Pa/Tage would maice my E„ Ji,! 

Khi/occa/ron T' ,^™"'' ="•' J^i^lP^emy. that arofc on 
from anv Z'i "fV ' '™r^ ='/"!<' -^f ^-N -d Jn-ven fur.hor 
Urom any Hopes of Rcconcihatton with liim ; and it save mc 

10 lee mjlclt n.God s Hands.and at his foveroign Oifpo&i s„d it 

l r/tLTfoTfr" "r "=r^'" '"^'"'^ " '- So'vo^eignty' 
VOrl though f bod delignedtnyDamnalioD 

AH ,hb Tin,e ,he i>,V/, of God was powerfully a( work with 
mIZcL'T f"^ ,■"■ '""'- ''^ '"^ Means whatfoever 


I «^^f.T . . ■ * ^ '^ °^'^^> t'9 done, 'tis forever m- 

'- Mo.«n« , .„..d 'to^-'^^if f:,[™^Ts.rt i: 

, wsuM 

.TvV, 21. e/iWi'. David Brainerd. A.D. 1735. it 

Would (brink baek immcdiafely from tlie Sight, becaufe I riarcd| 
Mt't venture my felf into the Hands of God, as wholly helplefs, 
•nam the Oifpofal of his fovereign Plea fute. I dared no, fee 
Ihit Important Troth concerning my ielf, Thiii w^idiad i/t^ 
'lit/jiu/jii dad Siat, But when I had as it were thrurt away thefe 
VIhwn oI ray (elf at any Time, I felt dillrellid to hive the famt- 
I )d. liveries oi my (elf again i for I greatly feared being given 
i.vtrof Gud 10 final Stupidity. When I ihooghl of pulling it 
idC to t mtri rimm/nl Siafon, the Convifljon was fo clofc and 
|iiiv»r,lul Willi RcRanl I" the pie(cnt Tnne, that it wai the 
Iwit Ciiiir, and jindubly llie only Time, that i dated not put it 
ijr, It was the Sight of Tral/j concerning my (elf, Tro/Aref-I 
liotling ray State, as a Creaiurs (alltn atid alienated front Uod, 
nnd that colifeiiucntly could matcnoDcniands onGod forMercy, 
hill iiiiill fubfciihe to the abfolute Sovereignty of the divine Be- 
in(( i Ihe Sight of the T™(t, i fay, my Soul (lirant away (ran, I 
tuid Ifcmbicd to thint of beholding. I'hiis, hi ihalittlh Evil (as 
ull unrcgejierate Men continually do } ham the U^ht tf Truth, 
iwither cares to ami U il, hecaufe it will ripri-jc hn Dnili, and 
(how hint hiijuft Defern. ( Jch. iii.ia.) And tho", fomeTime 
hrhire, 1 had taljcn tiiticb Piiins ( ii I thought ) to fubmit lo tlie 
Bove,cigilty of God, yet ( miitouk tlicThing ; and did not oncq 
imagine, that feeing and being made experimentallj rcrhble of 
thii Tfutb, which my Soul now ia much dreaded and trembled 
at a Senfc of, was the Frams of Soul that i had been fu car- 
licft in purfuit of heretofore : For 1 had ever hoped , (hat when 
I had attained to that HumiHaliim, which I fujippfed nccefiary to 
go before Fiith, then it would not be fai, forGod to cajl rat tjf j 
Imt now 1 (aw it was fo far from any Goodntfs in me, to uivn 
myfelffpiriiuallydEad, and deiliiuie o( all Goodntfs, that, on | 
thcconl-ary, (ny A/oujt would be forever y?»f'^ by it j and it 
look'd as dreadful to lue, lo fee my fclf,and tho Relation [flood 
in to God, asaSinner and aCriminal, and he* great Judge and 
EavcreiEn, as it would be 10 a poor trembling Creature, to ven- 
ture off fonic high Precipice, And hence I put it uft'for a IWi- 
nute or two, and tried for belter Circumiianccs to do it in ; ci- 
ther I mud read a Paflage 0, two, or ptay fitft, or fomelhirigpf 
Ihe likcNamre ; orclfeputoff my Suhraiffion to God's Sovc»| 
rcignly, with an Objcilion, that I did not know how ,o tubmit: 
But the Truth was, [could fee no Safety in owning my felf in 
the Hands of a Sovereign God, and that 1 cotlld Isy no Claim to 
sny Thing better than Damtiation, 

C a »"» 

12 JEl. J2,' 


A. D. 1-39: 

But aFter a confiderable Time fpem m fuch like Exercifo and- «, oncMnrnmg. while I was walici„g i„i r„li„„ Pij„ ,. 
=..^.. Uton«ni»,l,a, all my Ccm,ri,.„™ .„d )',r/ta,on, " 
JO tffcdtnr iirocurs Ddi^tranceand Hilvation for rav felf wc/s 

ftlrtosallr y. I h.d thought ma.y Tlm.s bcfo.., .hJ, thi 
D.iScdi.cs mm. Way w«= very great : But rrow i faw, in ano- 
ther and ve-y drffcrcm Light, tha, it wa, forever irrapoffiWc for 

I ire to do any Thmg towards hdplrrg or d.livsring riny fdf. I 
the., ,hou.shl cf blammg niy fdf, lirat I had nt>t done more, arid 
been mor^ngaged while J had Opportunity ( for it kil^i how 
as ,f the Stafo,, of doing ivas forever over and gone ) But I m- 
ftanrlyftvv.rha, let me have done what I wodd, it would no 

Ijliore have tended to my helping myfclf ; than what I had ioue ; 
that] had made all ths Piea., 1 ever could have made .0 al , 

had bZ iw '!'"'"»;,"'' ^" ""='=■="■ The T» Wr that 
had b«n befortr rn njv Mjnd, was now qakud ; and I wa5 fome- 
.Inngeaftd of ,hatDift,c(:, which Ifdt, while ft ugglinga- 

'IluLIV b'^"""'''.''*'' -"^ ^'^'= '*"' forever tJiferahle, for 
(hat 1 had never been fcrifible of ii before. my £)«,,;, were qaite different from what 1 had ever 
enter.a.ntd ,n T„nes pad. Before this, ,he more I d d inD^y 

Ijhe more !ti,o„ght God was obliged ,0 me i or a, Xh^ 
r^o e hard i th„ngbt ,t „„nld be for God lo oa« me off ; ' h° 
at the fame 1 ,mel eonfellid, and rbooghr 1 faw, that there Z 

linptv ' M<'""'mj Duties: Bo, ,w the morel did 

''omaL » °'',f = '° P'A!!- s-d ■'-"Ihad never once prayed 

'ij^vnadj^^i! •'J'";?'''"'^'" ""•"'> 'h="<''"= would bem 
Zfon I ha^d 7 """ "'"A'" *='^"- f ""'-'' *- 'he Com- 
P form' d ,' r '" ,'"' "^'"o'^ ""^ "^'' '"^^^"'■'^ *^y -'- '^°' 
^en hTal ■' k""" °' ^"^"^ " ^"""'- ' i'^-. ■h.t I bad 

Dretend r = "'', "'-'D"°'i™' I'^fo'-* God,Fa(ii„g,P ayln.fe'f. 
F""«n'ims, and „H|«d really thinking, ,t fome ^hati 

,?i;. 32; c/Mf. David Brainerd. A.D.tys?. 13, 

WX -iming »t 'lie Glory of God ; whereas I never once truly . 
llMcuJcd it. but only my own Happinefj. I f»w, that, as I had 
lifVPr done riiiy Thing /or tjod, 1 had no Claim to lay to any 
'I hilip. /'«'" liim, but Perdition, on Account of my Hypocnfy 
■ml Mmi i;erv. OJl how diftcrent did my Duties now appear 
Ittiiii what they ufed to do ! I ufed to charge them wuh Sin and 
|ih|itrlc61ino ; But this was only onAccounmf the Wandringi 
mnJ V.11I1 Thoughts attending them, and not becaufe I had BO 
kfgard to (..od in them i lor this 1 thought I had : But when 
1 Itw evldfiitly tlui 1 hill [tenatd In nothing but Self-lnteieft, 1 
tllrii ( vjIv IVt.,tkeryolC;c.d, Kclf-Woilhip, and a 

11 Inual Couife of Lies ; fo thii 1 (aw now, there was fome-l 

ihiliK WUlfe had attended my Duties, than bavdy a few Wan- ] 
•I ling! Sic. ('Of the whole was nothing but Self- Worlhip and 
■11 horrid Abufe of Gad- 

I continued, as 1 remember, in this State of Mimd, from Fii- 
diiy-Moming 'till the Sahbarh-Evening following, ya/jf 1 2. 1 739- 
when I WIS wallting again in the fame folitaij Piace where I 
wii hriHip,ht to fee my felf loft and hclplefs ( as was before men- 
liouMJ .iiiil hcrr, ill a moiirnlul melancholy Slate, was attempt- 
ing to pray ; but lound noHeart to engage in that, or any other 
JJuty ; my former Concern and Exercifc and religious Afleai- 
cns were now gone. I thought,the Spirit of God had quite left 
mc i but fiill was no: diftieilid : Yet difconfolate, as if there 
was Itothing in Heaven or Earth could raake me happy. And 
hivingbecn thus endeavouring to pray (liio' being, asl thought, 
very Hupid and fcnftlefi ) for near halt an Hour, ( and by this 
Time the Sun was about half-an-hour-high, as I remember ) 
then, as I was walking in a dark thick Grose, uttfptakiihk Gliry 
fccincd to open to the View and ApprehenfMn of my Sou! ; I 
don't mean any external Brightncfs, for ! faw no fuch Thing, | 
jlcir do I intend any Imagination of a Body of Light, fome 
where away in the third Heavens, or any Thing of (hatNature i 
but it was a new inward Apprchcnfion or View that I had of 
GOD, luch as I never had before, nor anyThing which had the 
leaf! Rcfemblance of it. i flood fiill, and wonder'd and ad- 
mired ! 1 knew that ) never had feen before any Thing com- 
f arable to it for Excellency and Beauty : It was widely different 
from all theConceplions.lhat ever I had had of God, orThinga 
divine. 1 had no paiticular Apprehenfionof any one Perfon in 
the Trinity, either (he Father, the Son, or the Holy Gholf ; | 
but it appeared to bt ttiviai Ghry, th« I then beheld : And iny 


^4 ^1- 22.' 

5"*( L I F E 



1 1 ill j 



I ^oa\_ rtjoycd with Joy uvfptaksil,, ta fee fucji a God, fijch 
glonous diirjne Being ; and I was inwardly plcafed and fauslied"' 
; tliai tie flioulcJ be Gsd mer all forever and ever. My Soul was 
fo captivated and delighted with the Excelleticy, Louelinefs ■ 
GrMtnefs, and other PcrfefliDm of God, that I was even 
Iwallowed up in flim ; at leaft to that Degree, that I had na' 
Ihought (as I remember) at frfl, about my own Salvation. 
\atid fcarcc reficacd there was fucha Creature as niy felf. 

ThusGod, [ Irirft, brought me to a heartyDifpoiision to i;,afti 
*:m, and felhiraontheTtirone, and principally and ultimately' 
to aim al bis Honour and Glory, a! King of the Univerfe. : 

I continued in this Slate of inward Joy and Peace, yet^ 
Afionifliment, 'tiil near Dart, witliout any fcnriblc Abatement ;: 
and then began to think and examine what I had feen ; and' 
felt ftveelly cmfofij in my Mind all the Evening following ■,' 
I ftlt myfelf in a new World, and every Thing about me ap- 
peared with a different Afpcfl from what it was wont to da. 

At this Tiinc, thcfpoy cf Ssivaiha opened to mc with fuch 
infinite Wifdom.Suilablencfs and Excellency, that I wondered ' 
I (hould ever think of any other Way of Satvation ; was s- 
mazed, that I had not tJrop'd my own Contrivances, and com- 
plied with this lovely blcffed and excellent Way before. If ( 
could have been faved by my own Duties, of any other Way 
that I had formerly contiived,tiiy whole Soul would now have 
xcfufcJ. I wonder'd, that all theWorid did not fee and complji 
(with this Way of Salvation, insirely by the Righltiajnifi ,f 

The fweet Relifh of what I then felt, continued with mc 
for feveral Days, alinolt conftantly, in a greater or IcfsDegrce ■ 
1 could tiot but fweetly rejrvce in God, lying down and li- 
fing up, The nest Lerdi-bay I felt fomcthing of the lame 
K.ind i tho' not fa powerful as before. But, not bno after 
was again involved in tbki Darintji,mi utidsr great Diftrefs ! 
yet not of the fame Kind with my Diiirefs under Convifltons.' 
jr was guilty, afraid and afhamed to come before God, v/as 
exceedingly prcfs'd with a Senfc of Guilt : But it was not long 
Ibeforc r felt { I trufl ) true Repentance and Joy in God. 

About the latter End of A^o//, I again fell under great Darit- 
nefl I It fecm'd as if the Prcfence of God wasr/ia» gmi farivci: 
Tho' I was not fo much diflrefled aboat mv fpirilual State, as I 
(was at my being fliut out from God's Pref;nce, as I then fenfi- 
blywas, ButitpJcafed (ho Iiotd !o return lo me, 
noilong aficr. » i y 


^V, 11,23.' »/ Mr. DtvidBrainMd. ^•^■^1t9'- '5; 

1(1 Ihc Beginning of Srpitnjiir I went to Cilliit |, and entred 
llieiDt Hut Willi fome Degree of Reluiiancy,learinglc(H fliotild 
nut ff« ibleto lead aLife of firidt Religion, in the midfi of fo 

BHflf 'J'iinplations.* After this, in the Vacancy, before [ 

WIBI I'* tiirrv at College, it plcafed God lo vifrt my Soul with 
rlNrrr Manifeftitions of himfelf and his Grace. 1 was fpending 

t ( inie in Prayer, ?i Self-Examination j and tile Lord by his 

t ii.M'c fo fllined into my Heatt, timt 1 enjoyed full Affurance 
id liLi I'BTUill-, fur ihlt Time ; and my Soul was unfpealtably 
irfiffOtrit with ilivineand Iicavcnly Knjoymcnts, Al this Time 
tI|M'i lallr, n* W( II Hi li'iiie ollieri, tiiiidry Palljges of God's 
//d'.^ ii|ieii'i' to my iioul with divine Clcarnefs, Power ant! 
iikVFtjtilcIs fo as CO appear exceeding precious, and with clear' 
llll^i CCtlBin Evidence of it's being ihff ^Vard af GW. 1 cnjoy'd 
coiiliileralde Kwrctnefs in Religion all the Winter following. 

Ill ^rw. 1739, 4D. "^'^^ MfaJUi fprcad much in College ; and 
t ]mvin[!; taken thuDlrtempcr, went home to Haddam : I3ut fum? 
r>.iys before E was taken Sick, 1 fceiri'd to be greatly deferted^ 
•tnJ my Isoul moiirncd the Abfcnce of the Ci77r/i"rrfr exceeding- 
ly : ll ftctllM to too, all Comfort was forever gone s I praj'd 
mill rued til t Jill! fill Help, yet Inund no prefent Comfort or 
Kriiel. ItLitthiL/diviiietJuoJiicfs, a NigEit or two before I 
Willi taken HI, while I was walking alone in a very retired Place, 
uiid engaqed in Medication and Prayer, I enjoytit a fweet re- 
(tclhing Vifit, as I trulf, from above, fo that my Soul waaralfed 
(or above the Fears of Dtnth ; indeed [rather longed forDsath, feared it. O how much mote refreOiiiig this one Scafon 
W.1', llmti all the Pleafures and Delights that Kai th can afford ! 
Alter II O.iy or two I was taken with the Meailes, and was very 
111 indeed, fo that lalmoft defpaired of Life : But had no di(- 
ifcfliiir^ Fears of Death at all. However thro' divine Coodncfs 
1 foon recovered : Yet, by Reafuii of bard and clofe Studies, and 
being much cxpofed on Account of rar I'relhman-Qiip, I had 
Iniil little rime for fpiritual Duties; my Souloften rnonrned for 
Want of more Timts and Opportunity fo be alone with God. 
In tile Spring and Siimnier following I h^d better Advantages 
tor l^etiremcnt, and enjoyed more Comfort in Religion : Tho' 
indeed my Ambition in my Studies ercatly wronged the Aolivity 
And Vigour of my fpirilual Life : Yet tills was ufualiy the Cafe 
Wlih me, that Intht MuUiludt p/my Thmibli v^itbia. mt, Gjufs 
Cmfms principally di'.ighlid iirf Ssut : TJlcfe were my grealcli 
Cuiirolatioos Day by Day. 


W Mt, aj. 7is L I F E A. D. 

Oiif Day r remember in particular ( I ihint it was is 'JmA 
1740. ) I ivalkeJ CO a confiJcrable Diftance from tlie Colkgc, 
in tlie Fin'di alone 31 Nqod, and in Prayer foun-i fuch unfpeaU- 
able SwMliicfs aud Ddiuht in God, that t thought, if I muft 
continue Hill iti tljis evil World, I wanteJ always to be there Id- 
behoWfjud'sCilorjr: My Soul dearly lovtd aliMankind, anJ 

longed ejtMedrngly that they Ihould enjoy what I enjoyed . 

Ilfccin'd tobealiiile Rtfemblanceof Heaireti, 

On Jjiiid's-Ddy, Julyh. being Sacrament- Daii, J found fotnc 
dtrtneLife and fpiritujl Relrefiiment in that hijly Ordinsncc. 
When 1 came from the Lord's Table, I wondered how my Fel- 
low-Sluderrts could live as I was fcnfible moft did. — Next 

Lord's-Day July 13, 1 lia:l feme fpecial Swcctncfsin Religion 

Again Lord'i-Day Jk.J, ia, my Sou! was in a fwt:ct and" preci- 
ous Frame. 

Sometime in Augufl following, I became fo weakly and' 
d.fordered.bytoocIufeAppIlcaiion 10 my Studies, ihatl was 
advifcd by my tutor to go Home, and difcngage my Mind from 
bcudy, as much as 1 soiild ; for I wjs grown fo Weak, that i 
brgan to fpit Blood . I toot h is Advice, and endcaiou red to lay 
afide my btmfies. But being bronghl i-ery low, I Jooi'd Dcaili 
inthetaciraort ftedlaftly ; and the Lord was pleafed 10 give 
Ills rcncivcdlyafwKtScnfc and ReliJh of divine Things ; and 
particularly in Oflsfcr 13, J found divine Hrlp and Confolatioii 
m tbc precious Dunes ol fecre! Prayer and Self EMminatiun, 
and mySoul toukDe-ight in rhe blcffcd God :— fo likewifeoii the 
lyihof Ofishir, 

Saturday O^iitr ,S. in my Morning-Devotions, my Sotil 
was exceedingly mei'cJ and bitterly mourned oyer my ex- 
ceeding Sin/iil^ifi and /',■■,:,,,/,. I never before had felt fo pun- 
gen t a nd d eep a Senfe of the od ions Niliif c of Sin,as a t ibisTime. 
. My Soul was then unufually carrv'd lortli in Int to God, and 
had 4 lively Scnfe of God's Love to me. And this Love and 
Hope, at that Timf, c^tt out Feir. Both Morning and Even- 
logl fpentromcTiincin S.-if-£.-iaraination, to'find the Truth of 
Grace^ as alio my Fiintfj to appiosch to God at his Table the 
next Day; and through iniinite Grace, found the holy Spirit 
influencing mySuui with Love to Cod, as a mini/i mtbin b» 

LordVDay Cmluri^. fn she Morning, I felt my Soul ion- 
i'l'inr^MrJIirgafiiT Eigiiisufotfu In (he Fote-Noon, while 
i was looicina on the Sacramcniil LJcBients, and thinking that 
Jtfai Chujl svculd focn be/rt fir:b trmipi hijmmi, my Soul 

■jft/, ■jj.' i^ Mr; Davitl Braiflerd, A.D, 17+1^ i^, 

*•! fiil'd with Light and Love, fo that I Was almoft iti an Ex-' 
Illy i my Body was fo weak, I could fcarccly (land, i felt at 
tlip fume 'J'ime an ejtceeding Tenderncfs and moft feivent Lov& 
(DW«td« all Mankind ; fo that my Soul and all the Powers of 
Jl ftenicd, as it were, to melt into Softnefs and Sweetnefs,. 
But in the Seafon of IheCoramunion there was fome Abatement 
or tliii fweet Life and Fervour. This Love and Joy caft out 
1'e.ij ; and my Soul longed for perfeft Grace aird Glory. This 
fivcct Frame continued 'till the Evening, when my Soul wa« 
Iweetly Ipirlluil in fecnt Duiiii, 

Mond.y, Omkir in. I aijain found tlicrwcrt Afiiftanccof the 
holy ipirit ill fccrcl [Julies, both Morning and livening, and 
Life and Comfort in Religion through the whole Day. 

Tucfday, OUtbsr 21. I had likewifeExperience of theCJood- 
ftcfi of God In JbEdding abroad hi: Lttvi in my Heart, an^ giv- 
hig me Delight and Confolatton in tdigious Dutiesi And all 
the remaining Part of (he Week, my Soul»feemed to be taken 
up with divine Things. I now fo longed after (Sod, and to be 
freed from Sin, that when I felt myfelf recovering, and thought 
1 muft return to College a|ain, which had prt>ved io hurtful 
10 my fpitituallntctell iheYcar pall, I could not hut be grieved, 
end 1 thought 1 hid much rallicr have died ; for it diftrefs'd 
me, to think of getting away from God. Bui before I went, E 
enjoyed feveral other fweet and precious Seafons of Communions 
with God ( particularly Qaikr 30, and Nsv. 4. ) wherein my 
Soul enjoyed nnfpeakable Comfort. 

J rtlurntd^to College about A"io™*«r 6. and through the 
Goodncfj of God felt the Power of Religion almoft daily, foi: 
the Space of fix Weeks. 

Nsvmhr 28. In my Evening-Devotion, I enjoyed precious 
Difcoveries of God, and was unfpcakably refreOicd with that 
FafTaae Hii- xii. ", 13, 14- That my Soul longed to wing 
iiway for the Paradiie of God ; I longed to be conformed to 
God in all Things,— A Day or two after, I enjoyed much 
of the Liiii of Gti'i Cmnliinims, moft of the Day i and my 
Soul rcfted in God. 

Tuefday, Dicimicr g. I was in a coatfortabie Frame of Soul 
nioft of the Day ; but cfpecially in Evening-Devoiions, when 
God was pleifed wonderfully to alTiffi and ftiengthen me j fo 
that 1 thought nothing [hould ever move me from the Love oE 
God in Chriftjefus liiyLord.— O ! mi Hour with God infinite- 
ly exewds all th( Flealiiisii atsd Dslishls ()f tliis towa World. 
■' E) ' "'"■ - wme- 

■jS ^1.23,14- J?i LltE A.D. 1741 {3* i7+j; 

Sometime towarda the UunjJ^nd af Jeliiaery 1740,41. I gsei 
ftiore alil aad iJii/; in Mattefs ^of Religion^ by Meijis of m 
old Tempcacion, sr'z, Ambiiion in my Studies. — But ihrq' 
tlivine (ioodncfs, a great and gcnctaMniii,fs»iBf fprcici it fej 
user the College, about the Jatter End of Iiirvarj, in which 
wasjiiuebquickiieJjSnd more abuniijnilj' engaged in Religion. 

iiht This Awaicening here fpoken of, w«s at the Beginning tj 

Wat extraordinary religious Commotion through <he Land, 

which is frefli in every ont'a Memofy, TIlis Awakening wi( 

for a Tiaie very great and general at Niw-iiavn ; and thi 

Cfiifge had no fmaU Share :ig it : That Society was greaijy re5 

formedj the Students in general became fL-rioiip, and many qi 

them reniatltabjy fo,an<i much engaged in «he Concerns of theii 

eternal Salvation. And however undeCrable the Jflue of tin 

Awakenings of that Day hive appear'd in .many others, (hen 

have been manifefily happy anii abiding Effefls of the Impreffij 

00s therjmaJe on the Minds of rBBOy of the Msmbers of that 

College. And by all that 1 can learn concerning Mr. Bmiscrd, 

«btre can be no Reafon to doubt hut that he had much of Uod'i 

gracious Frefcnce, and of the lively ASings of true Grace, at 

fbitTime; But yet he was afterwards abundantly fenfiWe, that 

Sis religious Experiences and Affcfliona at i&at Time were not 

Jieefrom a corrupt Mixlura, nor his Condudl to be acquirresi 

from many Tilings that were imprudent and blameable ; which 

Ke greatly lamented hinifelf, and was willing that others fliould 

forget, that none might nuke an ill Improvejnens of fuch anE.-s- 

ample. And therefore altho' in the Time of it, he kept a con- 

Jtant Diary, containing a very parricular Account of what 

Jiafs'dfrom Day to Day, fur the next thilteen Months, from 

the latter End of J'anso/y, 1740,4.1. foremenlion'd, ' in two 

finalL Books, which ho callad the two ftrft Volumes of hisDiari',. 

next following the Account before given of his Coirviaions, 

Cr>nverfvon, and confctjuent Comforts i yet, when he lay on hia 

Bcalh-Hed, he gavcOrder (unknown to me.'riil after hisDcath)' 

that thcfe two Volumes Ihoiild be deflroyed, and in the Begin- 

Jiingof the third Book of his Diary, he wrote thus, f by rhs 

Hand of airolher,he not being able 10 write himfllf ) "The tivo 

*' precceding Volumes, immediattly following the Account of 

" the Ai:thor'sCorlvcr&o,are lofl. If any are deiirous to know 

" how I he Au [hot liTcd, in general,duting liiat Space of Time, 

" let them riiid (he firft thirty Pages of this Volume i where 

•» ihey wi!i find fomsthing of a Speoiimn al bia ordinary Man- 

JiLi^M- »/ Afr.Da(rWBra!nerd.A.D.i74i(yi742, igt 

<• net of living, through that whole Space of Time, which wat 

n iblHll 1 Ti Months ; excepting that here he was mote ri fined 

■< Iroitifuinc Imprudmciti and iWf«n( /^M^r, tbati there ; but 

■ • [be Spiiil of Uevotioil running through lbs whole, was the 

W Ijuie." 

Ii could not be otherwife than that One whofe Heartbad been 
l„,,rti,arcd and drawn to God, as Mr. Bca/mrt's had been, 
IbouM be ml«ht«ly «nl«rRud, animatid and engaged, at the iigbc 
.,1 <u, b un AUer,,l...u .u.ule i„ the folkg.^ tk 1 owl. and Land, 
and I., nrcatai. Appearance of Men's reforming theirLnes, and 
turniuE from their Profaoenefs and hnmnrality, to Jerioufnefs 
.„J Concern for theit Salvation, and of Religion's and 
diufrilhing alraoft every. where. But as an msemptiate imprn- 
.lent Zeal, and a Degree of EnthuBafro foon crept m, and ming- 
Icil it fclf with that Revival of Religion ; and fo great and gene- 
ral an Awakening being quite anew Thmg m the Lmd, et leait 
Jl, to ill ths living Inhabitants of it ; ne.therFeonle noiHinlffers 
had leirn'J thoroughly to diainguiflr be iwcen foiid Kehgjon and 
■1> JcluCiveCiumfDrfeiti I even many Minifiers of the tjofpel. 
ol longltjuding ,iud tliebdl: Reputation, were for aTimc over- 
puwered vjilh the glaring Appearances of the latter • And there- 
fore furely it was not ta be wondered at, thit young £™,^<r, , 
hut a Sophimore at College, flioold be fo i who was not only 
young in Years, but very young in Eeligioil and tiperience, 
and had hadU=ut little Opportunity for the biudy ot Divmity, 
and Hill Icfs for Oifervation of the Citcunillanccs and Lvenl. 
of fuel, an cxtraordinaryState of Things : AMan .nnft divctt h.m- 
fclf of aliRcafon, to make firange of it. In tberedir.a«nta|.ou» 
Citcumftances,B™;«ri/ had the Unhappincfs to have a 1 uid'Jtc 
of that urtemperate indifcteet Zeal, which was at that Fime too 
prevalent; and was led, from his high Oj.nion of ctheis thst 
belooted upon better than himfelf, into fuch triors as were 
really contrary to the habitual Temper of his Mmd. Ode In- 
ttance of his Mifcnndua at that Tme, gave greatOffence to th» 
Rulers of the College, even to that Degree, that they esipell d 
him the Society ; which it is neceffary il.uuldhcre be particular- 
ly related, with it's CiicuroHances, 

In the Time of the Awakening at College, there were fevera! 
religious Students that allbciated themfelves one with anotnet 
for mutual Converfation and AfEftance in tp.ntual Things, wht.- 
wtrcwont freely to open themfelves one to aoothftr, ss fpecia! 


'20 Mi:£i: ?J*LIFE 



MdintiniatcFriendi: Bfm'Brt-iwasoneofthisCompany. AnJl 
It once ha_ppcncd, that he and two or (hree more of ihcft I, is, 
intmaiE incnds were in thcHa]l together, after Mr.fftiiiMf^ 
one of the 7 utors, had been to Prayer there wilh the Scho]ari 5 
III. other Ferfuii now ^emai.^mg in the Hall, but Brmffd and' 
tljEfehiBUinpaniojis, Ms. IVhiiulfiy having been uirufusNT, It. bis Prayer, one of iffowffi's Friends on this Oc-'i 
calwi, aikedhim what he thoagbt of Mr. »"«»,//„ , Remade^ 
^nl».cr. He ba, m ami Gra„ than ihh Ciar. One of thej 
J'teilimcn at fi,u Time io be near the Hall ftho' not 
jn the Room) oKr-heard thofe Words of his; iho' he heard 
HO Name mnuion'd, and icijcw no! who the Perfon was, which 
was thus ecrifursd : He informed a certain Woman that hebnsed 
tothe J.,w,,, „|,h,l ,ri|i„g j,„ i,i, o„„g„f i^jj^ „,-^ ,|^j 
lie beiiev d Br^mird faid this of fome one or other of the Rulers 
<:, the I ollege Whercopon the went & informed the Eeflor, 
^ho (en. for tins Freflrman and atamined him ; and he told the 
KeflortheWords that he heard *a,WrJ ntter, and iiifcmei 
tl.m who were I n the Room with him at that Time. Upon 
yhich the Rcaor f.ot for them : They were very backward to 
inform againit their iriend, of that which they look'd upon as 
private tonverfation, and efpeciaily as none but they had heard 
or knew of whom he had uttered thofe Words ; yet the Rcflor 
compdl'd them to declare what he faid, and of whom he faid 
3t.— Brimrdlook d on himfelf greatly abufed in the Manaae- 
mcntof IhisAftair; and thought, that what he faid in private, 
was lojurioufly eworted from his Frierids, and that then it was 
injunoufly rccjuircd of him (as it was worn to be of fuch as had 
been guilty ot feme open notorious Crime) to make a publick; 
Confcffian and to humble himfelf before the whoie CoLf-e ia 
the Hall, for what he had faid only in private Converfation,-— 
We not complyiog ^iih this Demand, and having gone once to 
Jhe rep.,ateMee(mgatA'™./&„„, „hen forbidden by the 
H^aor, and alfo having been accufed by one Perfon of fayina 
«oi.cer„ii.g the Reanr, that he v^ondered he did not e.pecT to 
oropdown dead for h„ingth= Scholars who followedMr.T««„, 
taMlJ.rd ,h<, there t^s noPr„of of it (and Mr. i?r™,J 
llZrJ f f f ^^f'tS"* reraemher his faying any Thing t, 
that RurpofeJ for thefe Thing, he was expcll'^ the College. 

,^^hr'i^rJV^'' Cifcumaances and Exigences of that Diy 

T& i.^li"? r"' 5™'": '" "" ^■"""^'•' "f '"'College^ 
t mH,BOtujidertakew.d<:teftnmes it being iB.r Aia, not ta 

biiiig , 

'tKl.H! e^ M-. David Braiiierd; AD.jyi,!, ar 

ki m% Reptoach on the Authority of the Collegs, hut only to do 
liilllco to Ihe Memory of a Perfon who 1 think to be eminently 

Hii „ . . . 

|iilllco to Ihe Memory of a Perfon who i think to be eminently 
em of Iliufc whofe Mimry !i ilifed, — The Reader will fee, 
III thr Hniucl of (he Siory of Mr. BritiKird\ Life, % what his 
iiwii 'Iboughta afterwards were of hisBehaviour in thefeThings, 
Mil 111 how Chriflian a Manner he conduOed himfelf, with Rcf- 
■■Ki'l 10 this A&ir I tho' he ever, as long as ho lived, fuppofed . 
liiiiilolf much nbuftd, in the Management of it, and in what 
lid (aSa'i In It- 

I lit Knijulllon wjsin the VVinlci Anss 17+1,2. while he Was 
In lii» jJiiid Year in Collets.] 

t i'artitularly under the Date, H'tdmJiiay,Si:-^u 1^. '743' 







21 Ml. 14.. 

rfo LIFE 

A.D.I 742; 

P.4RT II, 

jFrw;!; fi^Mrf ^^e Time thai h? firfi began fok 
devote himfelf more efpecially tothc^tvtAj^ 
■ oti Divinity, 'till he teas examined wtdX 
licmfed to preach, by the Affociatton of% 
Minifters belonging to the Eajlern Dif- 
triS of the County of Fairfield in Con- 

pR. Bmlneri, (he Spring aflcr his Expulfion, went to 

rVj live with the Rev. IVlr. MiUi of Ripim, to follow his 
4- r -I. Studies with liim, in order to his bring fitted for ihc 
Woric of the Miniflry ; wheie he fpent the greater Part of tlie 
Time 'till the Aflbciation )iccnfed him (o preach ; but frc- 
tjuentlji rode 10 viilt the neighbouring MiniHers, particuiatly 
Mr. Cmii of Stralfiild, Mr. GreUm of Siuthbury, and Mr. 
Bdiajtif of iitthlthtm. 

Here (at Mr. A/iV/i's] !ic begat) the shitii Boot of his Diary, 
in wIhcIi the Account he wrote of himfetf, js as follows.] 

Thuffday, jSpril t. 1742. I fecmto be declining wilhRcfpcfl 
to niy f,ifc & Watrntli in (JivincThings ; Had not fo freeAccefa . 
to Gad in Prayer, as ufual of late. O (hat God would hunihle 
me deeply in (h« Duft before him. I defetre Hell every I^aj-, 
for not loving my Lord more, ttihi) ha: {I tnift ) hvid tni and 
gnunh'mjiif fiT ms ■■, and every Time I am enabled to exctcifc 
any Grace renewedly,! amrenewedly indebled 10 the God of all 
Grace for fpecial Affiftance. Whirtthm'n Bsapi!ig\ Surely/; 
u txdtidcd^vi\\^:\ wc think how we are dependent on God for 
(he Being and every Afl of Grace. Oh, if ever i get to Heaven, 
it will be becanfe God will, and nothing elfe ; fori never did 
any thing of my ^\^^^ but getaway from God I My Soul will 
tie aflonifted at the unfcsrchabic Riches of divine Grace, when 
I arrive at the Manfions, which !bc bkjfcd Sjviour is ^one be- 
fore [0 prepare, 


/r.l.ti,', c/ Mr. David Brsimrd, A.D, 174.2; 2I 

I'iiJay, ^p'il 1. In the Afternoon I felt fomething fweetly 
In fcctet Prayer, much refijned, calm and ferene. Wliat are all 
llif titermi of this lower World, if 'Jtfui by his Spirit docs but 
Mma waliing eti the Sfai ! — SomcTime paft, I had much Plea- 
fuM ill the ProfpctS of the Hsatbens being brought home to 
Chtill, and dcfired that the Lord would insptove me in thac 
Woiit : — 13ucttow my Soul more frequently deiircs to die, ij bi 
MoithChfi/i' O that my 5qu1 were wrapt up in divineLove, and 
my longing Dellrti a/ici God incfeafed.— in the Evening, was 
rnfralh'd in Pnyw, with the Hopea of the Advancciqenf^oC 
ChiiU'i KinRdom in ilie WorM, 

Satiiiday, j^pril 3. Was very much amifs (his Morning, and 
hid an ill Night laft Night. 1 thought, if God would take ms 
to bimfclf now, my 5oul would exceedingly rejoycc. O that 1 
ntay be always humble and reflguM to God, atld (hat God would 
ciufc my Soul Co be more fix'd on himfelfj that I may be more 
Jilted both for doing and fuffering. 

i.ords-Day, J^prii 4. My Heart Vim wandring and lifelefs,--- 
In the Evening God gave me Failb in Prayer, and made ray 
So\)\ melt in fomeMeafurc, and gave me to tafte a divine 5wcct- 
nefi.--- O my blcffcd God I Let roe climb up near to bim, 
and love, and long, and plead, and wrcftle, and reach, and 
ilretch after him, and for DeHvirranis frsm the Btdj of Sin &nd 
Diath.'— Aias, my Joul mourn 'd to think 1 fhould ever lofe 
flight ofit'iBcloved again ! Ocmi, Liril ]esus ! Amin, 

[ On the Evening of the ntxt Day, he complains that he 
feem'dvlobe void of all Reliffl ofdivineThings, felt much of the 
Prevalence of Corruption, atid faw in himfelf a Difpofition to 
all Manner cf S\xi ; which brought a very great Gloom on his 
Mind, aad call him down into the Depths of Melancholy ; fo 
that he fpeaks of himfelf, as aftonifhed, amazed, having no 
Comfort, being filled with Horror, feeing no Comfort in Hea- 
ven or Earth. 

rucrday,,^^rti6. I walked out tbJsMorning to the fsroePlace 
where I was laflNight,and felt fomething as I did then 5 But was 
fomething relieved by reading fome PalTages \ti my Diary, and 
fecm'd to feel as il i might ptay to the gtoat God again with 
Freedom ; hut was fuddenly ftrnck with a Damp, from ihi 
Senfel hid of my own Vilcnefs.— Then I ery'd to God la 
walk my Soul and cleanfe me ftom my exceeding Fillhinefs, to 
give me Repentance and Patdon ; and it began to be fome- 
thing ((veer, 19 priy ;— And I cbuW tiiinfe of undergoing tbe 


^4 ^/.i-it 

tbi LIFE :fliD.i74i; 

greafeffi SufferlHES in (he Caufe of Chrift, with Plcafurc ; 
(ouhd ray fclf willing (if God fliould fo order it) so fuffcr Ea* 
(liihment from my native Land, among the Hmthtn, thlt I 
might do foBieihing for their Souls Salvation, in DiftrclTes ani 
Deaths of any Kind.— Then Qoi gave mc to wreftle earnelHy 
for others, for the Kingdom of Chrift in the World, and for 
clear Ghriftian Friends. — I felt wcan'd from the World and 
ftbm my own Repuialion amonglt Meri, willing to be defpiicd,, 
and to be s gazing Stock for the World to behold. — 'Tis im- 
poffiblc for me to exprefs how 1 then felt : I had not much Joy, 
but foine Senfe of the Majcffiy of God, wliieh made me as it 
were tremble : I fiw my felf mean and vilci which made me 
more willing that God ihould do what he would with mc ; it 
was all infitiitely reafonabic* 

Wednefday, jipril 7, I had no( fo much Fetveney, but felt 
fomething as I didYefterday-Morning,in Prayer : — At Noon £ 
fpcnt fome Time in fecret, with fomc Fervency, bat fcaice any 
Sweetnefs : And felt very dull in the Evening, 

Thnrfday, April 8. — Had raifed Hopes to Day refpefling 
(he Hmthtn. O {bat ^od would bring in great Numbers of 'etn , 
to Jcfus Chrift, I can't bo : hope i fhall fee that glorioas Day,— I 
Every Thing in this World fcems exceeding vile and little la i 
me : ) look fo to my felf. — [ had fame littleDawn of Comfort to ' 
Day in Prajief : But efpecially to Night I thinic I had fame 
Faith and Power of Intetccffion with God, was enabled to plead 
with God for the Growrh of Grace in my felf j and many of tho 
^eir Chrldien of God then lay with Weight upon my Soal, 
Ulcflcd be the Lord. 'Tis good to wreftle for divine BleDiogs. 
Friday, Jpril 9, Moft of my Time in Morning-Devotion 
was fpcn: v/ilhout fenlible Sweetnefs ; yet 1 had one delightful 
Profpeft of arriving at the heavenly World. I am more amai'J 
than evet at fuel) Thoughts ; for i fee ray felf jnfinilely vile 
and unworthy. Ffcel very liearlfcrs and dull ; and tho' J long 
for the Pref^ncc of Cjod, and fccra conftantly 10 reach towards 
God in Delires, yet I can't feel that divine and heavenly Sivcct- 
rcfs thai 1 ufed 10 enjoy. — No poor Creature ftands in Need ot 
divine Grace more than I, and none abufe itmoie than I have: 
done, and dill do. 

Saturday, Jprllio. Spent much Time in fecret Prayer this 
Morning, and not without fome Comfort in divine Things, and 
1 hope had fome Faith in F-xercife: But am fo low, and feel fo 
tittle of Ihs Icnnble PrefcHCe of God, that I hardly know what 
to call Faithj and am made .to ;>;^/j tie^m ifvy Tsuib, aed 


jKl, ti'. */ Mr. David Brainerd. A.D.iy^i, 25 

Ilk), dreadful Bin of my Nature, and am all Sin ; I can't thint, 
Hptt »i\t but every Motion is Sin. -'- I feel fome ftint Hopes, 
thlt (ind will, of hit infinrte Mercy, return again withShowers 
1.1 rnnvrniiig Grace to poor Gofpel-ahufing Sinners ; and my 
lli^l^fh [if being improved in the Caufe of God, which of late 
ll ivr lirrn almoft e)£tinff , feem now a little revived. O that 
nil niK l^ie Diftrdlesand awful Apprehenfions might prove hoc 
( bull's School, to nidfce mefil for greater Services by learning 
ikip the |i;reiif r,ellon of Humility. 

Lnrd'i liny, Jtpril ti. In (he Morning, felt but little Life, 
vxcrptlofi dial rii)'tlrkiii w:\ii fouLelbtng drawn out in Thankful' 
nefk III f lud fui liir, Grace and Condefcenfion to me in 
|ih(1 Jnlluences and AfTiltances of bis Spirit. — Afterwards bad 
ron^o i^wcelnefs in the Thoughts of arriving at the heavenly 
Wdild. O for the happy Day !--- After publickWorlhip God 
|.ivo me fpccial Afliffiance in Prayer j Iwreftled with my dear 
Liitd, with much Sweetnefs } and Intercefiion was made afweej 

<nd delightful Employment to me. In the Evening, aslwas 

viewing the Ligil in iht Nerth, was delighted in Contemplation 
on the glorioui Morning of the Refurre£lion, 

MuntUy, Af^rit 12. This Morning the Lord waa pTea^'d to 
ttft ttp thi Light af bis Csuatsnance upsn mi in fecret Prayer, *nd 
made the Seafon very precious to my Soui. And tho' ] have 
heen fodeprefs'd nf late, refpeiStingmy Hopes of futote Snvi- 
ilMiiufi in the Caufe of God i yet now I had much En- 
couragement refpefling that Matter. I was fpccially affifted 
to interceed and plead' for poor Souls, and for the Enlargement 
of Chiill'a Kingdom in the Work!, and for fpccial Grace foe ' 
my felf, 10 fit me for fpecial Services. I fell exceeding calm, 
and quite reflgn'd to God, jcfpeaing my future Improvement, 
vihm and wiiri to pleafed ; My Failh lifted me aliove the 
World, and removed all thofe Mountains, that 1 could rot 
look over of late : I thought I wanted not the Favour of Man 
to lean upon; for 1 knew Chrift's Favour was infinitely better, 
and that it was no Matter wim, nor nluri, nor bmv Chrift 
iUoold fend me, nor what Trials he fhould flill clcrcifc me with, 
if I might be prepared lor hisWorl&Wilt, 1 now found fwcetiy 
revived in myMind ihc wonderful Diicovery, of infinite Wifilta 
in all the Difpenfations of God towards me, which I had a lit- 
tle Befoj e I met with my great Trial at College : every Thing 
appear'd full of the fVifium sf God, 

Tuefday, April 1 3. Saw my felf 10 be very mesn and vile 5 
wondtttJ »t Asfe tiut (bewed iB« Refpeft, Afwjurafda wa» 


%6 /S;. 24." WttiFE A.Dlijlz} 

•Artii " I - 

ftmething comforted in fecret Retirement, and was affifid 
wrtflle nilh GijJ, wills feme Power, Spiriiuslity and Sweetnej 
lilclTcd be the Lord, he is never immind'u] of me, but alwa' 
{cDiii jjie needed Supplies, and from Time to Time, when 
sm like one dead, raifei me to Life. O (hat I smy neyt 
diftriift infitiile Goodnefs. 

Wedneidaf, jlprilij^. Mj Soul longed for Communion wil 
Chrift, aiid for the Mortification of indwelling Corruption, ej 
pedall)' fpiritual Pride. O there is a fwectDay coming, whcreji 
tbi wmrf will h at Rift. My Soul has enjoyed miichSwcstnel 
ihi' Day in the Hopes of its fpcedy arrival. 

Th'urfJay, AfTjl 15. My Dchres apparently centet'd J 
God, and I l^ound 3 fenflhle Attraflion of Soul after him, fulf 
dry Times to Day ; J knoiy / kng fsr GOD, and a Cotiformi^ 
to his Will, in inward Purity and Holinefs, leaThoufandTint^ 
riKrc ilian for any Thioj; here bejow. 

Friday & Saturday, jlprit 16, tj. Seldom prayed wilhoul 
fome feoflble Sweetnefs and Joy in the Lord. Enmcliracs 
longed much la hi Aljfchtd und ti it whk Chrift. O that G 
\vould enable me to graut in Grace every Day. Alas, my Bar 
rcnncfs is fnch, that God might well fay. Cut it d^wn. — I an 
afraid of a dead Heart on t]ic tiabbath now hegnn : O that Go'i 
would quiclcen me by his Grace. 

Lord's- D.iy jfftU 18. Relir'd early tWs Morning into tbi 
WuoJs for Prayer ; had the Atlifiance of God's Spirit, ant 
Faith in Exe.-cife, and was enabled to ijlead with Fervency fo! 
the Advancement of Chrift's Kingdom in the World, and to 

interceed for dear aiifcnt Friends At Noon, God enabled 

me to wrcfUe with him, and to feel fas I trufi] the Power cf 
divine Lave in Pjayer. .- At Night, fivr my felf infinitely ' 
debted to God, and imd a View of my Short- com ijigs ; It 
fcem'd to me, that I had dene as it were i:othing for God, and, 
tl^at [ never had lividis bttfi but a few Hours of mv Life. i 

Monday, ^frll ig. I fet apart this Day for Faftin|; & Prayer 
to God for his Grace, efpecislly to prepare mu foi the Work of 
the Almijlrf, to give me divine Aid and Direflion in myPrcpa- 
rations for that great Work, and in his own Time to fcr.J mc 
istskk Harvt/!. Acc!srdin?,ly, in Ihs Morning, endeavoured 
to plead for the divine I'relcjice for the Day, and not without 
frnie Life. In the Forenoon, 1 felt a Power of .[ntcreeflion for 
piecitius immortal fouls, for the Advancement of the Kingdom 
SfP'Ji if" ^'^ "nd Saviour In the World ; and wiihal, a fnoft 
'?Set,Rf%na<i«n) ahif-ewn Conifpijiien lii Joy in' (lie Tho'ls 
■ " "of 

Jdl. iS: . ' 'f JWr. David Bf8in<5(3. A.D. 1 7^, 2 j 

cfftjIleilngHardniips, Dittrcfics, jnd even Death it felf, in the 
(•(nnlutlonofii ; and had fpcclil KnlirgL-men! in pleadmsi for 
ikn KnllBhllling and Convi-irion of the OMr HMhrri. lu the 
Aftethnrin, God mar wHhtntofa Trali:, O 'tivas blcilej 
t.'umnniy indeed ! Gadcnahlcd nic fo to a^oniae in Piaytf, 
1)111 1 ivj! tiuilc wot with Sweat, tho' in tiie Shade, and the I 
Wind cool. My .Souf ivas drawn out very much for tfo/TcrM ; „ 
I I'ufp'J for Mullkudt! of Sauls. I think, t hid more liiilargc- 
iiieiit for Shl!irrs,tlntlf(>rtlieChildtenof God ; iho' I felt as if 
I cuulJ fiiend my Life in Crim fot 'both, r cnj-JVed e;™SJ 
Hwirrliirlnii riMii.iiuiuon with my ileJr SMimiv. 1 itiink, I 
imvci in mv JjIc (clt fucli a[i iiitire Weanedncli from this 
Wuild, and fo much refign'd to God in every Thing. -- O 
illit [ iniiy always live u and rrfsu my blelFsd God. Amen, 

'['ucOay, April la. This Day F am twenty-four ^e.irs of 
A|ie. O how much Mercy have I received the Year paflr ! - 
I row often has Gsd cmfd his GusihcJ: U fifi /"/i" '"" ■' And 
how nootly have ( anfivercd tlicVowsl made thisTime tweive- 
iiioiltll, 10 lie wholly Ji» itrri'i, to be forever devoted to litj. 
li'eivl. I I Till- r.iird hel|) me to live more to his Glory fotTirae 
in Liiiiic.-- This (ijs liceo 1 fwcct, .1 liap[iy Da-; to me ; Bleflid 
UcGod. I think, my Soul v;asnsver fo drawa out iu Intcr- 
ecffion for slhitly as it has been this Nigh;. Had 3 moli fer- 
vent WreKle with the Lord to Night fur my km.-nm ; and t 
lutdly ever fo longesi to livi to GeJ, md to be altoacther de- 
voted to*im ; I wanted to weai out my Life in his Service and 
for hii Gloty. ,,,„„. 

Wediicfdiy, Jfiril 21. Felt mueli Calmncfi and Kdignation, 
tnd CoJ "Rain enabled ms to areftle for Numbers of Souis.and 
llld much Fervenev in thefiveet Duty of interccflion.— 1 en- 
joy of late mote SwectncfiS in huraffssn fv others, than in any 
ntlicr Fart of Prayer. *My blefl'ed Lord really let me cmtmar 
IB iim, and plead mth itiin. 

[The Frame of Mind, and Ertercifcs of Soul, that he eV 

preilcs the three Days il^ut fallowing, Tfeurfjay, Friday and 

Saturday, arc much of the fame Kind with thufc cspteli'd the 
two Days paft.] 

Lofd's-Dair J!>ril 25. This Morning fpent about two Hours 
In fecict Duties,' and was enabled more thin ordinarily toago- 
nlu (ur iraisisHfeil Souls > iho' it was early in the Morning, and '1 
E J. «b= 

is Ml. is: ne LIFE 

A. D. 


' stir Tu^ ^""^ r m"'- y" '"'' ^'^y *=' <1"'^ »'« ""h 
foTfh J , 7^'l Ffff't now, => f«quen,Jy ofja.e, to plead* 

r '''™^^'>«'>'"'& felt much of it (his Earning. O •!!! ' 
wft " "'^f'-^'Ti "'""')■ ■« f-give all 7,y<,™ done us ; to 
Bftiftd Jefu,, may f da, y be m«r, and more conformed CO Thee. 
At N,gh, w« exceed.ngl, mehed wi.h divine Lave, and had 
feme M,,,g Senfe ^f ,^5 Bldl'dncfs of ihe uppeJ World. 

^100 appcar,li, b,f.r, Gcd. O (he Mc ^m/j, that C t.d fome- 
tlmc gives us ,n cur AdiJrefiej ,0 Jiim ! -This may well be 
termed „;>f,„n,f b,f^. G^: 'Tia fo i„dced.,n the true fpnitual 
Pot; ,f 7 '" ''■='*"«« ^^^re..-! .hinfcl have not had fuch 
Power of In.erceffion, thcfB many Months, borl, f»r God'l 

I ivk''!'' 'n A" ^T"'' "= ' '■"^'^ l'^"' 'his Evening. 
I wiOicd and I'^nged for rt, C.mingcfmf d,cr Urd .- I long'd ta 

/eflion O. he bklled Moment haftc-ns! All f «-ant is <Q b= 
n,t,rel,oJy tnore hie my d«r tord, O for Sanaification 1 
My very Seul pnls fo, the compleat ReBoraiion of the blefled 
Image of my fweet Saviour ; that f may be fit for the' blelTed 
injoymects and Eniploynjcnts of Ids heavenly World. 

FarimSI, vail! World j mf Saul ma Hi MicUj 

My S.wioDti'j taughi mc I, atmdin jit. 

I'tur Charm, mat gratlff a fmjjisl Mind ; 

i^ot pkajt a Scul whsHy Jar GoD diflgti^d, 

Fiirbiar t'mki, mfi ibm my Scul l, tail: 

X'?-^'*'''' '^''""''' ^"'''' '^■Ganjbalt i: mj, Alf. 

fyhilt hi liui lilt tni tiaviaty CIsrigi ■aim. 

Tew Biaaiis Jail., my Ihart's m §ism fir ytir. 

Ttie r,ord rtfrenicdmy Soul with many fwect PalTage. of 

o I- ? . ;^. ^"" 'J"""/"'"" ■' My Soul longed for i t. 
<J the Song of J&/„ and l/« lami ' And that bleliid Soni: 
that 1,0 Man ran learn, but ihcy that are ridiimid frm tb, 
JLarthi And ihe Ion ons ttto(.Ssi«, thai were given to thi 
iaiiii under thi Mi^r J ^ 

I^rd., Vm a i>lrangcr hert alsai j 
Earth IS trus Camforu Clin effcrd ; 
Ttt, altjai: frijin Hy dtsrejl Oitty 
Aiy Stut Is fiy^ My- Lord! 

■/E/. 15; D/ Mr. David Biaintrcl. A.D, 174*. *& 

Jesus, ray Lsrd, itiy only Lavfff 
Paffifl mj Siul, mr ihmti dipsrt : 
GriKt mt Had I^ifllh k'lvmly Dim ; 
Ai> Gid JbnU Ibm bavi nit my Hmrt. 

Monity, April 26. Conlinuca in a fweet Frame of Mind ; 
iut in the Afternonn felt famcthing of fpiritiial Pride flirring. 
God was plsafcd to make it a humbling Seafon at hrft ; Iho 
afterwards he gave me Siveetnefs. O my Soul excecdmsly 
longs for that bleflid State of Perfeftien of D=)iverince from 
all Sin '—At Nighl, tioil enabltd inc to give my Soul up (o 
him tocafl my felf upon him, to be ordered aniJ difpofed of 
according to his fovereign Pleafure ; and I enjoyed great Peace 
andConfolation in fo doing. My Soul took fweetDellght ir. Cod 
to Night : MyThoughts freely and fweetly centred in bim. O 
that I could fpcnd every Moment of my Life 10 hn Glory. 

Tuefday.Ar;; 17. Retir'd pretty early for fcoetUevotlons ; 
and in Prayer God was pleafcd to pour fuch inelTible Comforts 
into mySoui, that I couW do nothing for fonie Time but fay 
over and over, O »y /it;"( Sitvim ! O mi [me,i SsviiurJ 
Whm haiic !k Hiava, bat Tin ? mi Ihiri 11 unit Ipsa Earth, 
that I difiti kfide Thu. If I had bad a Thoufaud Lives, myStJul 
would gladly have laid 'cm all down at once to have been mitb 
Christ My Soul never enjoyed fo much of Heaven before ; 
'twas the rooft refined and moffi fpiritual Seafon of Communion 
with God lever yet felf. I never felt fo great a Degree of 
Etflgnation'Sn my Life ; I felt very fweetly all the Forenoi^lT.-- 
In the Afternoon 1 withdrew to meet with my God, but found 
myfeif much declined, and God made it a humbling Seafm 
to my Soul: 1 mourned over ihi Btdy t/ Diath, that is in 
mo : it grieved me exceedingly, that I could not pray, to 
and praifc God with ray Heart fttll of divine heavenly Love.— 
O that mv Soul might never offer any dead cold Servicts to ray 
goH.— til the Evening had not fo much fweet divme Livi, as 
in the M irning i but had a fweet Seafon of fervctit littcrcij[ftm. 

Wednefday, /f;riM8 Withdrew to my ufual Place of Re- 
tiienicnt in great Peace and Tratiquiility, and fpent about two 
HoutJ in fccietDutics. 1 felt much as I didYefterday-Morning, 
enlv weaker and more overcome, 1 feemcd to bang and depeni 
wholly on my deirLord ; wholly Vfcan'd from all oiherDcpen- 
dances, I knew not what to fay to myGod.but only liantn htl 
Bilcm, asit were, & breathe outmyDefiresiafter a pcrfcat-on- 
formity to him in silTiiin£s. ThitKiDgDrftresSnnftu»blsLt,nE- 

30 jSA 25. 





»/ Mr. David Brainerd. A.D. 1742; 3?' 

JDgs poiTcffed mj' Soul.aflcr pcrfcaHoliiicfi : God was fo preci-. 
ouj fo my Soul, that (tie World with all iis Enjojments was in-i 
Suitdy vifc; I bad iiujncre Value for the Faroui of Men, than.l 
for I'cblilcs : Tiic LoRB w»s niyAj-l. ; and //< over-ruled all ; \ 
which greatly dcligliteJ me. I think, my Faith and Depen- i 
tlaiicc on Go J fcarce ever rofo fo high. I faw Hioi fuch aFoun-' J 
tain of Qoodnefs, that it fEcm'diaipoffiblc I fliould difttufi hii 
again, or beany Way anxious abcul any Thing that fliould ' 
liappcn to me. I noiv enjoyed great Sweetnefs in praying for I 
abftnt Friends, and for the EnlJrgement of Chrift's Kingdom 
m Ibe World.- -Much of the Power of tbefe divine Enjoyracjitj 
leniained with me fhro' the Day.— in tlio Evening my Heart 
fcem'dfwectly to ilK-lt,& [ tiud.was renlly humbled for indwel- 
line Corruption, aud I niiuimtl liii Dsvi. I felt that all my 
Ullhappincft arofo from my being i Sinner ; for withRefignalion 
I could bid Welcome all olher Trials ; but Sin hung heavy 
upon nlc ; fur God diftovcfed to me the Corruption of my 
Heat : fo that I went to Bed with a heavy Heart, becaufc t 
was a Sinner ; tho' I did not in the lealt doubt of God's Love. 
O that God Vfould puigi awsf m, Dro/i, anj tah away wy Tin, 
and mske me fevcn Times refiaed. 

Thurfday.J'jiriiag, VVas kept ofFataDiftance from God ;- 
but had feme Inlargement in Interccffion for precious Souls. 

Friday, Jprii 30. Was fomcthing dejcaed in Spirit : No- 
tiling grieves mc fo much, as that I cannot live conihntly to 
God'a Glory. 1 could hear any Defenion or fptritual Conflias, 
it [could but iMvemf Uiart all the while hurnini wkhm mi 
with Love to God and Delires of his Glory : But this ii im- 
paiTihle i for when !/«.' thcfc, I can't bc'dejeaed in my Soul, 
but only rijajii in my Smsiaur, who has delivered me from the 
leigningPower, and will flioxily deliver me from thelndwellinE 

Saturday, Ahy i. Was enabled (o cry toGod wllhFervency 
for miniltetial Qjiahntalions, and that God would appear /or 
the Advancement of his own Kinf;dom, and that he would 
Iring in the /i'.virtm World, &c. Had much AiJiftance in my 
Srudies.--This has been a profitable Week to me ; I ba»e en- 
juyad many Communications of the Iiieffed Spirit in my Sou). 

Ltifd's-Day, Ma^ 2. God was pleafed this Morning to give 
lUfl fueh a Sight of my felf, as made me appear very vile in my 
r»wn I'iycH : I felt Corruptioi^ Ulrring in myHeart, which I could 
liy no IVIcans fupprcfs ; felt more and more defctled : was ex- 
itcdwg we«Ii, luJ ala-.oft fick will) my inward Trials. 


Monday, Maf 3. Had a Ecnfe of vile Ingratitude, In the 
MornloR t withdrew to my ufual Place of Relirement, and 
limurntd for my Abufc of my dear Lord : fpent the Day m 
I'illliil' ;i"d Prayer : God gave me much Power of wrcflling 
lur lin'caufe and Kingdom 1 And it was a happy Day tn my 
Hinil God was with me all the Day, and I was more above 
ihr World, thai) cvn in my Life. 

fThroiigh the rcmllninp; Pan of this Week, he complaios 
tliooft every Djy of nelertinn and inward Triali ancS Ctinflias, 
atlcudcd with di-jciiion of Spirit ; hut yet Ipcsiks of Times of 
Relief and Swcelncfs, and daily refrcihing Vifus of the divine 
Kiiiiit, affording fpecialAiSttanceand Comfort, and enabling, at 
fnme Times, So much Fervency and Enlargement in religious 

r.nrd'!-Day, »y 9- I thini, I never felt fo much of the 
curfcd Pride of my Heart, as well as the Stubbornnefs of my 
Will before. Oh dreadful I what a vile Wretch I ™ ' j 
conU not fuhmit 10 lie nothing, and to lie down in the Dutt ! 
Oil that God wniilil humble me ill llic DuS. I felt my f=lt 
fuih a Sinner, all Day, that I had foarce inv Comfort- Oh, 
When fhall I be dilivcrid frm thi Bsiiy of this Dmth .' \ greatly . 
fcar'd, lelt ihro' Stupidity and '.Carelefncfs I Cwuld lofe ths 
lleoefitof tbefe Trials. O that they might be fanaificd to 
my Soul. Nothing feemed to touch me but only this, that ! 

was n Sinner Had Feivency and Refrefhromt in fuoia! 

Prayer in the Evening. 

Monday, Mny 10. Rode to AWi- Hom» ; few fomeLhriltian 
Friends there i hadComfort in joining inPiayer with ihem.anii 
hearin» of the Goodnefs of God to them fines I lail faw them, 

Tulfday, Mi^y n. Rode from' W>:f-/^awn tof'',!a(fo«/r</ii; 
was very dull moit of the Day v had litlie Spiriluality in this 
fourney, tho' I often longed to be aione with God i was much 
lierplcit'd with vile Thought! i ' was fometimes afraid of every 
Thing : But God was ray Hilfi'-— Caich'd a liirleTima for 
Relirement in the Evening, to ray Comfort and Rrjoycmg. 
Alas, [ can't live in the midH ot a Tumult ! I long to erjoy 
Cjod alone. .■ u n * 1 

Wcdnefdiy, Mt^ 12. Had a diftreffing Vjew of the Ptido 
jnd Enmity and Vilenefs of myHcart.— Afterwards bad fweet 
Eefrelhmentin coiivsifing, & werfhippingGcJj wi!hChriEia.n 
Fiiciris, '- '- T- ri 


1= ^1. is'. Til LIFE A.D, 

I '74a 

Heart, Iha f lo„gcd to jjct amy trom ray k\f. j „„Er bcfoia 

aboHprcf.'dtn Death wi,I, „y „wn Vilen.ft. Oh whata 
JMrfn,.,A ,. ,h,„ in me f Z,.^, Mi^,r my S»/ I could! 

T-n, ;"'■",. "^ ^""""/'"^ '" lli= Afternoon : had foocRe. 

rcn„n<:„ta„d Comfort i r.ligioBS Ex.rcift, with ChXa 

J'ncnd, i but lo,,gcd for raoreReilremEnt. O th^ cloM Wfc 

\ima at Jnarttard, and fprcad before rheni the Trmfm«„. i i„j 

rruftn., .ud to imre.t tlimi ro rcfore me to my fonncf Fr " 
viltRc.,nColcce..|— Aft„ ,hi,. fp.„t forae Tims™ re I 
giou. l.Kte,l„ Willi Chfiftiau Friends, 

fo™thmgdejettedo„.|,e R„ad , .ppearid e.ccedn™ ■;'=>« ' 
.deed r never faw fuch a Weefc before, a. ,hi. ; fe/ [ W 
been airaoft ready to die with the View of the Wickednenf 
n.y Heart. I eoold not have though, [ had fu^h ^ sS, ./S Js 
mme. Oh thai God would Afcr „y S™/. "^"''Z^""* 

and A»ii,„>vt) he Lomplams fli|| of Dulnefs and Dcrerticn and 
cxpre e. a Senfc „f hj,, and longing to hide hiSlf ^ 
fcntc Cave o. Den of ihe Karth : But yeffpfaks of fome me " 
val. of Comrcrt and Soul-Refreftmeixt each Day.J 

der!l't'cd",'i!''''M^''''^ ''' f'^' ^^''''"^'""I I *« fo amazingly 
i™^ h'sMotmng, that! fce.n'dtorerlaSortoi^Hofrot 

S » r ''' "■^"" '^-^"'^ ^i'M'^w^.what is there tharean 
afford my Cornfou to ihc Soul ! 

Cairerf^'r^'f* ^"'Y'^' following, he e^preffe. more 

■I The Applkajlor.whirhwasifccani^dcon Ilis Behalf, W 
nW 11)5 nVliltd Succcfs, ■ ' 


Jj; i)/ iVff . Eavld BraineriJ. A.'D.ij^ii 33 

Kiltlily* ^ffy 2S. [At New-Havm] ! thinks I fcarce ever felt 
culm in my Life ; 1 rejoyced in Refignation, and giving 

mv f«l' lip tu God, to be wholly and intirely devoted to him 


f ( )ii llic three following Days, there was, by the Account 

lit ([ii'M, !i Continuance of the fame excellent Frame of Mind, 

U\\ t uprcJIed : Itui. It fccnta not Lu be Altogether to fo gieat 

't'lipHiy, 7«'" '• ^'^ nivich of the Prefence of God in 
JijiHily I'ltiyn ,aiiil had ftuiic t'oitifott in i^ci-rct. I was greatly 
lellellicd liiiNi thcWord of God, thisMorning, which appeared 
rxccedin[^ fwcct to me : fome Things that appeared myfteriouj, 
ware opened to me. O that the Kiitgdsm of the dear Savinui: 
liiigln come i(jithl*tyuier, and the heaiing Waters ofibe San^usry 
Iprcad far and wide for tht Healing of th$ NtHiimi.-'- Came to 
ki^tm \ but was very weak ; However, being vifiEed by a 
Number of young People in the Evening, I pray'd with thcna. 

[The iTinnininjt Part of this Week, he fpeaki of being much 
divcilcd and hindered In the Diilineli of Religion, by great 
Weaknefi uf Body, and iiccelikry Aflaiis, that lie had to at- 
Icitd, and cemplajns of having but little Power in Religion ; 
J)ut fignifics, that God hcjeby Clewed him, Hewaa like a belp- 
Icfa Infant caft out in the open Field,] 

I,ord'!-Day, Jiasi 6. — I feel much dcferted -. But all this 
lenchcj mc my iJoibingnefs and Viienefs more than ever. 

Monday, Jam <j. Felt ftill powerlefs in fecret Prayer.— 
Afterwatds 1 pray'd,and converfed, wiih fome litlleLife. God 
feeds me with Ctnmbs : Bleffed be his Name for any Thing. 
I felt a great Defire, that all God't People might know how 
mean and little and vile I am ; that they might fee I am nothing, 
that fo they may ptay for mc aright, and not have the leaft 
Dependance upon me, 

Tucfday, Juni 8. ! enjoyed one fweet and precioua SeafMl 
this Day ; 1 nevei Icli it fo fwcei to be nothing, and lefs than 
tioihing, and to be accounted iiothiug> 

[The three next Days he complains of Defeition, and WaE( 
ef fervency in Religion ; but yet his Diary fliews that eveiy 
Day bis Heart was tligagcd in Rtligion, as l^is gteal and is it 
were only Euftnefs] 

I Satujflays 

■^34 . : ^i .LIFE A.D, i;^?; 

_ Safurdajr, Jur., la. S|«nt mu-ch Time in Prayer, thisMornI 
me, and c.ijuycd much Swcctjicti : — Fdt iiifeiabls LongiM 
after bud, mudl uf llic Day : 1 woBdcr'd flow poar Souls 5 
lu, liMt Imve m (M—Tbe WoM, witl, all its Enio» 
mcm>, cjuiic variidicJ, I fee my fdf very hdplcfs : but I havi 
a Wcilod (.nu, to go to. 1 long'd exceedingly (« i. JMhJi 
Mrf(. li, m(A Chvi, w ickM hi, Oh, my weak wearf 
Soul lunp to arrive at jBy Fathir's Hsufi .' ' 

J,utdVpay jMf ,j. Felt fomethiBg'calm and religncJ l(l| 
Ihe pubhcfc Worlhlp : At the Sacrament fan, my felf very vij 
anJ W""*'';'^ O that I may always lie low in (he Duft. Mjf 
Soul feetnedftcadily to go forth afier God. in longiDg DefiroS 
10 live U|)on hiin, * "l 

MuiiJ.K, >w ..^ I'cliromtthinRdfihcSweetrttfi ofConr:l 
.nunion «Jll, l.„J, „„| ,:,„ „^v,„,w„^ ,,■„,, „f ,^,., ^,,^^ .1 

Ta'1'",'!' '>■ " "l"'"^"" '!'<' S""'. and maltcs all the Deliri ' 
iuid AdL-a.o.i, loccttrin Gou !-I ftt apart this Day h,i 
«c laHingandl'rve,, to inlreat God to direft and blefe mnl 
with Reeard to the great Wort 1 h.we in Vi™, of,fr«rA/,3 

/*< i<f ii ,fh, Cm»(™„,. Had little Life and Power in tht ' 
iorenoon : Near the middle of theAfternoon, God enabU ma' 
ta wieHIe ardently in Inlcrseffioii for abfcnt Fricnds:-But iuft 
at Nigbt, llle J.Dld vifitcd me marvel ImUly in Prayer j I .hint- 1 
.ny fcoul never wh.Im futhanAj;o„y before: 1 feltnoReflraint'i 
;"' ,7 '■?["'" "f J'vnicGratc were opened t» me : J wreftled ' 
f..r aWenI I nends (or Ihe Ingathering of Souls, for Mullitodes 
<, [loorioul! andforaiany that I ihonght were the CbiWrel, 
of God, perianal y,,„ many diftaot Places. I was in foch an 
Agony, from btinhalf an Hour high, ■till near Dark, thall wa. 
all over wenviiiihTOjt; but yet it feem'd to me that ] had ' 
w.lcd»vv.,y,bel,y and l,a,l done,, othinj. Oh. my dear 
JljU» d„lyww,/J/„,/for poor .Souls ! I long for more Com- 
r-Hwu toward, ihcm..^- l.'elt flili i„ a fwj Frame, tinder a 
fa«,f= of d.vlne l^ve and Grace ; and went to Bed in fuch a 
Funie, wuh my Heart fet on God. 

Tuefday, 7»m 15, Had ibe mofl ardent Lonein-s af«rr 
OOD, Ibarever I fdt in my Life : At Noon, in m/fecrc. 1=: 
ire.nen, ieould do nothing bu, tell my dear Lord,'t 
l.«b>., t bat be knew 1 longed for nothing but UmfJ^oM^' 
\mJM,.,p: mtfeh,d give,, metheieDS. and H^ 
.Wy ,,„uld Klve,me the Thing defired. I „,ver fe m'd o be fo 
unhlnsedfunntnyfelf, ,„d ;„ be fo wholly devo«;d to Qo". 


'Ml.^S' 0/ M-. David Braitiert]. A.D. 1742." 35.' 

Hi y I Icart was fwallowed up in ©on , mofl of the Day. In the 
Ilvpimhk ' ^^■^'' '^'^^ aViewcftheSonl's being asit were enlarged, 
III 1 ulUllin iiiiiie flolinsis, that my Soul fecm'd ready to fcpaiate 

fiiil y Hiidy, and (irctch to oblain it. I then wreflled In ait 

Aliinv loi divine Blcffinp ; had my Heart drawn out in Ftajer 
till liiiieChri(lianl''rienda, beyond what I ever bad before.— [ 
(i'<l dillctenily now from what cvi;r I did under any fiveet £n- 
j:i)iaeiit«bcfiirr, more en^if;e<i' to A'v; (» GOi> for ever, and 
li'fi pleaded with my own l''tamc» ; I am not fatisfied with my 
iMiuei. luii InUl all mine cnfy allcr (urh fwciS Slrupglingl 
lllili Ipclorr 1 (ill It leenu far inn litljr, il I coulil aKvays be fo. 
(Jh, liow Uiott do 1 fail of my Duty in ray fweeteft Moments ! 

I In hl< Dirry for (he two next Days, he exprcffcs famelbicg 
lit the (jline I'raine, but in a fat lefc Degree.*] 

Kriday, Jane iS. Confidering my great Unfitncfs for the 
VVulIt of the Minijlr;/, my ptefcnt Dcadnefs, and total Inability 
III do any Thing for the Cilory of God ihaiWay, feeling my feif 
very lirlplrfi, mid at a [^rcut I.uli letof ihi Lard wcM havt m> 
lull, I let u|i.iit lliii Day ioi I'l.iytr in God, and fpiB! moft 
id tlic Day in Ibat Duly ; but aiiiiiiingiy deferted, nioft of ihe 
l)«y : yet 1 found God graciouny near, once in particular, 
while I was pleading for more Corapaflion for immoru! Souls, 
my liiart fccm'd to be sfieu'i! at once, sod I was enabled tlD cry 
with great Ardency, for a fev? Minutes,— Oh, I was diifrefs'd, 
III think, that I (iiould ofTer fuch dead cold Services to the Hmnr 
dtil.' My Sonl fccm'd to breathe after Holinefs, a Life of 
ciinllant Dcvottdiiers to god. But I am almoft iolf fi metirnes 
in the puifuit of this Eieiiednefs, and ready 10 fink, bccanfe 1 
continually fall fliort and mifs of my Defirc. O thai iheLoitf 
Mioul J help me to holdout, yet a little while, "till the bappv 
Hour of Dsllveranee comes. 

Saturday, Jais ig. Fsllmtichdifordered ; my Spirits were 
vcylow: but yet enjoyed feme Freedom and Sweelnefs in the 
Dalies of Religion. BIcffed be God. 

♦ Here end the 30 firft Pages of the third Volume of his 
Diary, which he fpeaks of in the Beginning of this Volume 
fas was obferved before) as containing a Specimen of his 
uidinary Manner ofliving, thro' the whole Space of Time, 
f«in theieginni-ngof thofe two Volumes that wwcdeftroy'd. 
^ "Fa Lord's* 

5 5 Ms. 95. 

fisLIFE A.D. ?742: 

Lorf't-Dii)', yoBi an. Spent much Time alone— My Soul 
longcij 111 be holj-, anil raclrj after God ; but fceui'd not tc 
obtuiiT ji.yDclirer I hmgrid ani ibirfld ; but «s not fwcetlv 
refrc-tb'd ami fjfi.fid. IV]y Soul hung nn Goc, as ray onii 
roriion. iliiit 1 could grew ill Gfaci more abundant!? 
ffvcry IJjiy, ' 

I, 'llic ncxiDay lie fpsaks of his havingAtndince in hisStudiesi 
una Power, Fctreccy and Comfort itl Prayer.] ' 

_ TucHay, 7™ 12. In tha Morning, fpent about twoHourd 
in Prayer and Meditation, witll confiderable Delight. Towards 
Nighr, felt rny Koul po nut in longing Delires after God, in fe- 
crtrRetncmcnt. huhoKvt-ninj;, was fweerjy compofed and 
refisntd i„ (J,„l'»Will J WM enabled to Icai-e my felf and all my 
Ij^jncenn will, Him, and [o have n,y whole Dependance upon 
Mim: my (ccrct Hclireinent was very rcfteDling to my Sou! • 
It appeared fuch a Happincfs 10 have God for my Portion, that I 
tid rather be any oiIkc Creature in this loiver Creation, than 
not come 10 the finjoyment of God : I had rather be a Beaft, 
than a Man, wuhoui God, if I were to live here to Eterniiv, 
Loii, endear tliy felf more to me, 

[In his Diary for the next feven Days, he cjiprelTes a variety 
of Kxm-ife, oi Mind ; He fpcak, of great Longrnp after God 
sml Holinefr, and orneK Delircj for .he Converfion of others, 
(if lerveney in Pral'cr, and Power to wreflie with God, and of 
Compofurc, Comfort and Siveemefs, from Time to Time s 
but exprefles a Scnfe of the vile Abomination ol bis Heart and 
Inltcrlycompluins of his Barren nefs, and the preffing B,dy tf 
DiM i and fay,, he /a,o diarly, thai wh^timr h, t«m,L 
btltiTlbmHM, vimfruGr^,: Complains of his beins tx- 
cceJing low, much below the Charader of a Child of God • 
and is fomcliincs very difconSilaie and dfjeacd.l ' 

_ Wednefday 7iM 30. Spent (his Day alone in the Wood,, 
in tailing and I raycr j underwent the raoft dreadful Conflias 
in my bun), that e»er I felt, in feme Refpefls ; 1 faw my felf To 
vUe lliat i was ready 10 fay, t JhalUiw pmfi i, ihi Hmd if 
baul..— lihougtit, and slmofl concluded, I had no Power to 
Hand for the Caufc of God, hut was ^\a«&«fraii tftbilhMnt 
tfu iMf. hpciitalmoft the whole Day in Prayer, inceffanlly. 
J CiuIJ due hear to shwt ef Qiriiliari! fficw ing me anj Refpefl. 

jT.t,i.S. ff/iWf-DjvidSramsrd. A.D.I743- 37 

1 almolJ defpaited of doing any Service in the World : I could 
nut feel airyHope or Comfott.refpea.Pg fh=HMl*.»,wbich ufed 
to afFurJ me fame R.frefhment in the darkett Hours of this Na- 
ture. I fpent away l!ie Day ii thi Sillfmfi of my &uL Near 
N ight, [ felt a little better ; and aftetwards enjoyed lome bwecf 
nt^ in fcciet Prayer. 

Thurfday, 7uly I. Had fomeSwectnefs in Prayer, this Morn- 
ing. -Felt exceeding fweetly in feeretPrayec toNight,& defired 
nothing fo ardently as th« Gcdfiw!^'^' «">'* «';"/'.■" f'f''V"'- 

Friday 7Wy a. Felt comi.ulcd in fectel Prayer, in the IWorn- 
i„».- [ylylJefirea fweelly alcenjed to God this Day, aa t was 
.rLiling : and was comfortable la the Evenmg. Bleffed b= 
Cod for all my Confola:ions. , . , r i, xi„nir 

Saturday Wy 3. My Heart feemed again to fink. 1 heUil- 
orace I was kid under at C.f%, feemed 10 damp me, as it open. 
Tlie Mouths of Oppolers. ll»d no Refuge but m God only. 
Bleffed be his Nime, that I may go to Uim at all Times, and 

find him afe/'n' -H''?' _. , .1, u- 

Lord's.Day, 7nk A- Had conMerable Affiftance. In iheE- 
veninf, ! withdrew and enjoyed a happy Seafon in fecretPraver : 
tied waa pleafed to give me the J'.xereife of hailh, and thereby 
brought the invifible and eternal World near to my Soul i which 
appear'd fweetly to me. I hoped, that m, •«t^^yP,lgr,mg> m 
the World would be yS.rf, and that it would not be long before 
I was brou"hitomv heavenly Home and Father stroufe : I was 
f^yeetly tefrgned toGod'sWdl, to tarry hi, Pime, to do hi» 
Work.and fofferliisPleafute. I felt Tto*/iiiiJ./( to God for 
all my preffing D,firUom of lafe i for I an;) perfwaded they 
have been made a Means of malting me more hunlble,and much 
more refusn'd. I felt pleafed, to be iUtU, to be nothmg,- ^^^ f 
lit in tbihuji. I enj uy 'd Life and fweet Unfolatioii m plead- 
ing for the dear Children of God, and the fvlngdom of Lhtilt 
in the World : and my Soul earnellly breathed afterHolinefs and 
the Enjoyment. of God. imt Lard i&^^s ! Cm iU,M}. 

r By his Diary for the remaining Daya of appears 
that he enjoyed confiderableCompufure and Tranquillity, and 
had Sweetnefs and Ferveoey of Spirit in Prayer, fiom Day ta 

SiJs-Day, >/, II. Was defertedahd exceeding dejeflediit 
the Morning.— In thcAftcrnoon, had fome Life and Afhltani:e, 
jtid felt lefignsd : 1 fsw ray fslf esceeding vile. 

'§S ^t, ng; 

ff:5<-LIFE ■A.D.1742; 

sj, f/Afr. David Brainerd. AD.iy+i: 3J1 

[On the two next Days ho cxpreffes inward Coinfoft, Refig 
aation, anii Ecrfngth in God,] 

lV(iiiiL'fday,yK/; 14. Ftll a Kind of bumble redgned Sweet 
aers : Spent n coofidtrable Time in Secret, giving my fdf u 
WllolJy lu ttinl-oril.— Heard Mr. &/J<iwy prE»cti,to»>ars!sNiBh! 
felt vtrj; Sweetly, part of the Time ; Longed for nearer ««/J f 
tion. ' 

[The four itcxt Days, he cxfreffcs tonfldcrablo Comfort aniS 
Fervency of Spirit in ChliftianConver&lion and Rclisioirs Exeiv 
cifes.] ° 

Monday, yi,/^ ig. My Defires feem erptciiJIy to be carried 
out after Wcancdners from the IfatM, pcrfeflDeadnefs to it,and 
<0 be even ctulfiid to all iti AlluremCJiti. IVIy Suirl longs to feel 
it (elf more of 9 Pilgrim and Siraagir here bcloiv ; that nothing 
Diijp dtverlme from prcflinR through tlic lonely Dcfjrt, 'tilll 
artlVfint my I'athcr'jHoure. 

Tucfdiy, yii/j, j,o. It was give away my felf toGon, • 
(0 lie di roofed ot at his Pleaftitc ; and had fome feeling Sen fe of * 
ihe Sweelnefs of being a Pi/grim «» li'irlh. '^^ 

[ThcncxtDayjheexpreffeshirafclfasdelermincd (oba wholly 
devoted to God ; and it appears by his Diary, that he fpcnt the 
whole Day in a moft diligent Excrcife of Religion, and exceed- 
ing comfortably.] 

Thurfdiy, July ja. Journeying from Ssaihhyy to Riptin, 
called It aHoufe by the Way.whcrc being very kindly entertain'd 
and reliefii'd, J was fili'd with Amazement and Shame, that 
Cod (hoirld ttirupiheHcartsofany tofbewfo much Kindnefa 
to fuch a dtaJ Dag as I ; was made ftnfible, in forae Meafure, 
how exceeding vile it is, not to be wiaolly devoted to God. I 
I wonder'd, that God would fuffit any of hia Creatures to feed and 
fujhin me, from Time to Time. 

[ In his Diary lor the fix next Days, arc exprelTed various 
Eierci(c) and ExperieDcei , fuch u fwcct Compofure and Fer- 
vency of Spirit in Meditation and Prayer, Weanednefi froni the 
World, being fcnSbly a Pilgrim and Stranger on tile Earth, 
En^ageJnefs of Mind to fpcnd every Inch of Time forGod,^^! 
Thurfday, 7ii/,,J9. Was examined by the AiTociation met 
at Z>sntar>,a5 to my Learning, atid alfo my Experiences in Re- 
ligion, aad received a Licence from Ihcm to preach the Gofpcl 
uf Chrift.— Afterwards felt much devoted to God ; join'd in 
Prayer with one of the Minrfters, my peculiar Friend, in a 
convenient Pkce i went to Bct! jcfoifing to live devoted toGod 
all roy Days, 


from ihTimc ofhh being Ucenfed to preach, 
hy thf Aflot i'lition, V/// hf. -was examined 
.,.. Nuw-York, by the Coi-reipondents or 
Commijfwners of the Society in Scotland 
for propagating Chrifiian Knowledge^ 
and approved and appointed as their 
Miffionaiy /o the Ihdiaks. 

FRiitiy, yo/y 30. 174.1. Rode from Dmbary to SlatUtirj 5 
I'icach'd tlicrc Irum jfrr.iv. S. Had muchof ihecoraioi- 
table rrcfencc of God in the EKCrcifc : 1 fcem'd to have 
Tower vrithGod in Prayer, and Fovter tu gel hold of the Hearts 
of the People in Preaching. 

Saturday, July 31. Exceeding calm and compofed, and was 
greatly rcfrefhed and encouraged, 

[ It appears by his Diary, thai he continued in this Stvcetnefs 
imd Tranquillity, almofl through tiie whole of the next Week,] 

LorJ's-Day, Af. 8. !n the Morning felt comfortably In fe- 
rret Prayer ; my Soul was refrclli'd wilh the Hopes of the i?M- 
ItfOi coming home to Chrift ; tvas much reiigucd to God, I 
thought it was no Matter what became of m. -■■ Preach'd both 
Paill of the Day at Bethlibim, homjtk xiv. 14., H was fwcol to 
me tp meditate on Dmth. In the Evening, felt vciy comforta- 
lily, and cried to God fervently, in fccret Ptajcr. 

f Ii appears by his Diary, thathe continued thro' the three 
ncKiDays, engaged with all his Might in the liuiincrs of Religi- 
on, and i-ii alnioH a conllsnt Eqeynien! of (he Comforts of it.] 



ne LIFE 

Thiiifday, Af»/f II. This Moraijig and laft Night was 
erciftd with fore inward Trials ; I had no Power to pray ; 
fecmed fiiut out ffpOlGud. J had in a great MearureJoft mi 
Hopcaof Cjod's fending me among Jhe Htathtn afar off, a " 
of feeing them (luck home to Chrift. I (aw fo much of my !ielli„. 
Vilenefa, that I appeared w^rfe to nty felf, than any Devil : ll 
wondcr'd, that <jod would let tuelivej and wondered that PeoJ 
pfe dill nut ftone me, much more, that they would ever hear m^j 
preach ! It feeni'd as tho' I never could nor flioold preach ani^ 
more, yet about 9 or lo o'clock, the Peaple came over, and I^ 
was foEceti to pleach : And bleffed he God, he gave me his Pre- 
fence and Spirit in Prayer and Preaching : So that I was mucii.j, 
jflifted, and fpake with Power from Jabuxv.i^. Soma hidians 
cry'd uutinurtnt I)if!rcft, * and all apjicar'd greatly concerned. 
After wo haiTpray'd and exhorted them to feek the Lord with 
CdjUbjicy, and hired an l''«gli/Jj Woman to keep a Kind of 
AV^w/ among them, wc came away about one o*Clock,and came 
to 7orfM,aboiit I s or 16 Miles. There God was pleafed to vliit' 
my Soul with much Comfort. Bleiilid be the Lord for allThings' 
1 meet with. 

[ It appears, that the two next Days he had mujih ComforfjV 
and had his Heart oiuch engaged in Religion.] 

Liirdj-Doy, Ajju/? i-{. ]■>!( much Comfort and Devofednefi 
(^^Uod thii Day. Al Ninhl, it was refrcflling, so get alone with 
UoD and pcur fut nty SauL O, who can conceive of the Sweet- 
Jiefs of Communion with the blefied God, but thofe that have 
Pipetience of it f Glory to God forever, that 1 may tafte Hea- 
ven below. 

Monday, A^rj/? 16. Had fome Comfort in fecret Prayer, in 
the Mottling:- Ktlt fweetly fumlry Times in Ptayer this Day ; 
But wan much perplexed in ihe Evening witii vain Converfation. 

TucfJay, jA/^j.'/j' ly. Exceedingly dcprefs'd in .Spirit, ft cuts 
and wounds my Heart, to think how much Sdf-Exaitauon,Spi- 
Titaal FTidf^^lfaimih BfTemp^r^i hivefcyipirly had interming- 
led with my Endeavours to promote God's Work ; And fome- 
times I long to lie down at the Feetot Oppofers,and confcfs whatr 
ipoor iropcrftit Creaiure I have been and Hill am.— Oh, the 

ll wii in a Place near Kiii, in the Weftem Bordefiof Cm- 
niiluui, rtlitic ibeie is a tiftnixn ei hJkm, 


. Jt/, 25. (/ Mr. David Braiwrd. A.D.i74a. 41 

ftiird forgive tne, and make me for the fumre wifi a! a S»pm 

\lm\ harmUf,ai3 i)™,— Afterward J enjoy'dconfidetable Com- 

fcfl anil Delight of Soul. „,._.„ ■ n. j,cfday, Au2«fl .8. Sptntmoft of this Day m Ptayer anti 
jlMdlng.— I fee fo much of my own extream Vdenefs, that 1 
I..1 ,n,.,med and guiitv before God and Man i I Inok, to my 
f,lf, hketbe vilcft Fellow IB the Land : I wonder, thai God Bira 
■III hi.t People to be fo kind to me. 

rhurfday, A^^^ .9. This Day, being about to go frota 
Mr. B»//l«/i»i liilhhhim, where I had teflded foine lime, 
IHi.'d with him, :...d two oiilirre<,thcrChriHi.nhr,ends, and 
lave onr ftlvea to God with all our HmsIs, to be his '"rever : 
ICiemily look'd very near to me, while I wa. praying. If I 
never (hould fee thefe Chriftiaiu again in thia World, 11 feein d 
hut a rewMoments before I Ihould nieet 'em in another WotW.- 
fartcd with ihcm fweetly. . ,, ,. . l .■ 

Friday, Anguff SO. 1 appeared fo vile to fty feir,thatl hardly 
d.rcil to thinJtof being feen, efpecially on Account o fpintual 
I'ridc. However, to Night, 1 enjoyed a fweet Hour alone with 
(iod fll I was lifted above thef towns and Halteries ot 
■his I'wcr Wuij'l, had a (wcet RtWh ol heavenly Jr,ys, and my 
Koul did a. i[ were get into the eternal World, and rejy tafte 
of Heaven, t had a fweet Eeafon of inlerceffion f.jr deail nenda 
1„ Chrifl i andGod helped metocry fcrvcnlly lor Zim. Uleiied 
be God for this Seafon. 

Baturdiy, Augaft ll. Was much perpIex'd,intheMorning.- 
Tow.tds Noon enjoyed more of Cwd in fecret was enabled to 
Ice that it was belt to Uirow my felf into the Hands o God to 
bcdifpofedot accordins to his Pleafurc, Jnd r,jo,ced in fuch 
Thousfits. In the Aflernoon.rode to Ntw-H,vm-, was much 
confufrf all the Way.-Juit at Night, underwent fuch a dread- 
ful Conflia, as 1 have fcarce ever felt. Haw my lelf tsceed- 
ina vile and unworthy i fo that t was guilty, and alhamed, that 
my Body Ihould bellow any Favour on me, or Oiew me any 

"^LoriVDay, Aj*/? 32. t" Ibc Morning, ronlinued fliU 
in Perplexity.- In the Evening, enjoyed that Ccanto that 
feem'dio mefufficiint ,0 over-ballance all my laie O'Sf'T^^- 
Ifaw, that Cod is the only Soul- falisfyiogPorimn, and i really 
(o«nd Sstisfaaion in him : My Soul was much enlarged in 
r.vo=t Interc.ffion 'or my Fellow-Men every wh«e, and for 
tiuny Chriitisa Friends, in partieular. in diftsnt P.aces^ 

,42 JEt. 25, 



,M«ody ^us«Ji ij. Had a fwMt S=4fon in fccret Prayer j 
Jhe Lord drew near to my SduI, and liiled me wish Peace am' 
d.7me CoufolMjOE. O, my SduI (afled ihc Sweetncfe «f ,!» 
upper Wodd ; and was iwie'i^ dtawn out in Prayer for ibj 
World^hst itmlght coniehomelfChrift ! Hadmiich Comfofl 
.n the Though acd Hopes of the Ingathering of the H,utt,«, ; 
wasgreaily affifted m Intcrceffion for Chrifiiaa Friends. 

[He ™t;naed ffill in the fams Frame of Mkattenexl DiyJ 
But in a leifer Degree. > ■'« 

Wedl^ifday, Ag^y? ij, [„ Family-Prayer, God helped mft 
to climb up near Hun, ft that 1 fcaice ever got ncarsr. 1 

[The four next Days, he appears to have been the Subiea'l 
of Defertion, and of Comfort and Fervency in Religion, inret-^ I 
bknef 1 * "'^"''""''"'^'^"^"f '''Hone's and Unprofitai^ 

Monday, Aj»^ p. Felt fomething comforlsbly i„ th* 
MofoMig ; converfed fwcetly with feme Friends i was in a f« 
rious cempofed Fram» ; pray'd at a certain Houfe with fome 
Degree of Swectneft. Afterwards, « another Houfe, prav'i 
pilvat=iy WJth a dear Chtiftiao Friend or two; and 1 think 1 
Scarce ever lannch'd fc far into the etern*] World, as then - I 
got fo far out on the broad Ocean, that my Soul with Jov tri- 
umphed over all ihe Evils on ibe Shores of Mortality. ] thinic ' 
i niK and all its gay AmuTcmentj and cruel Djfappointments! 
njjvcr appeared fo [nconfiderable to me before : I was in a fweel 
frame; i faw niy felf nothing, and my Soul rcach'd after 
God With intenf, Defirc. O ! I fair what I owed to God, in 
(udi s Manner, ai I fcarce ever did : I knew, [ had never lived 
a Moment to h™, as I Ihould do : Indeed it appeared to me I 
bad .:evcr done any Thing inChriftlanlty : My Soul longed with 
a vehement Defne 10 &,(, GOA- In the Evening, fung and 
pray d «,ch s Nun.ber of Chriffians : Felt lit pL^s cf th, 
mrld II cmi. m my Soul, in Ptayer. Aftermrds pray'd again ' 
privately, ,vuh a dear ChriHian or rvro, and found the Piefenee 
0) l-'OJ; was Imnibled in my fecret Retirement ; 
(ellray iiigralEtude, becaufe 1 was not wholly fwillowed op in 

[He was in a fwect Frame great Part of the ntxl Day.] 


%t.\e,. (/Mr. David BraineM. A.D.1742. +j 

VVcdnefdoy, Siflmi. I. — Went (0 JWrs, (0 (be Ordina- 
lliNi ol Mr. fttdd. Dear Mr, Bilkmy preach'd from Matth. 
hHiv. 4&. Hk[ftd is that Servant i^c, I felt very folemn, and 
vuty IwcctJy, moft of the Time ; had my Thoughts much on 
lliit Tinit; when fftfr £tir^ tv/W fom? ; that Time refrcfhed my 
fUll much ; only I was afraid, I fliould not be found /tfi'tA/wV, 
l+vi*iile I have fo vile a Heart. MyThoughEs were nn^ch in 
l-innity, where IIovc to dwell, lilcil'cd be God for this fo- 
Il-(HU ytfafon,-"" Rode lionw to Night with Mr^ Bellamy ; felt 
(..iiirtbinj( fwectly on the Uimd 1 ci.iwerliiii with iijme Friends 
'ijl it wan vciy Lite, and tlieu leliied to Ruil in a comfortable 

Thurfday, Stpumhtr 2* About two in the Afternoon, I 
inradiM from Jshn vi. 67. And Godaffifled me in feme com- 
till l.ihle Degree J but more especially in my hHt Prayer j my 
Hunl icciocd then to launch quite into the eternal World, and 
lobe 'i% it were feparated from this ]ov?er World.—' Atterwards 
lirc.uh'd again from Jfniah v. 4. God gave me fome AHi^ance; 
IJut 1 Uw my ielf » poor Worm. 

[ On Frldiy, Siplmiir j. Hecomplnins of having but little 
Lite in the Thingsoi God, the former Part of the Day, but af- 
Icrwurds ipeaks of ^weetnels and £nlargemetit.] 

Saturday, Sept(inl>er 4. Much out of Health, and exceedingly 
deprcfs'd in my Soul, and was at an awful Diftance from God.— 
Towards Night, fpent fcme Time in profitable Thoughts oa 
Hem. viii. 1. — Near Night, had a very fwcet Seafon in Prayer ; 
(lud enabled me to wreftie ardently for the Advancement of the 
kedeeiner's fCingdom ; pleaded earneftly for my own dear Bro- 
ther Jj^J7, that God would make him more of a Pilgrim and 
iSfranger on iheEarth, and fit him for lingular Sctviceablenefft in 
the World ; and my Heart i'weetly exulted in the Lord, in tbei 
Thoughts of anyDlftrefles thai might alight on him or me, in the 
Advancement of Chrift's Kingdom. — "Twas a fweet and com- 
fortable Hour unto my Soul, while I was indulged Freedom 10 
plead, not only for my felf, but for many other Souls. 

Lord*a Day, Stptemiir 5. Preach'd all Day : was fomelhing 
flrenyhen'd h afflfted in the Afternoon ; more efpeeially in the 
livening: hadaSenfeof my unfpeakablc Short'Comings in all 
my Duties. I foun^, alas ! that.I had never lived to God in ,%■■- 
iny Life, 

G i Monday, 

\^ JEt, 35. 

"Ths L IF E 

A. D, 1744,^ 

Monday, Septmh. 6. Was mfoTmed^ that they only waitel 
for an Opportiinity to apprelit:id me fcr Preaching at Nsxv-Hsf 
^vin lately, that fo they nugbtimprilun mc : "This made (tic tJion 
foJemn and ferious, and to quit all Hopes of ihe World* 
Friend/hip: Ii brought Jiic lo a further Senfe of my Vilencftj 
and jiilt DcCert of this, and much more, from the Hand of^oi'" 
iho'not fromthcHandof Mill; Retired into a convenient Plgi 
in tiie Wqods, and fpread tiie Matter before God, 

TueCday, S^ptmb. 7. Had foiae Rdiih of divine Things 
theMcrnifig. Afierwards felt more barren and mdlancboj 
|iude to New-Hffvsi7i'.os Friend^s Houfe 3t a Diifance from t ,_ 
Town j that 1 rtmain undifcovercdj snd yet Opportunity 
to do Bjfiners priviLcJy vtiih Friends, which come to Cc/n- 

VVednefday, Stptimh. B. Felf very feccHy, when I firft roft f 
m :hc Morning. In. Family-Prayer, Iiad fume Enlargement, buf." 
not much Spiriiualiry, 'tiH Eternity came up beffiieme and iook'dj 
(tear ; f found fume Swectnefs in thcThougbts of t;iddirg a dyinj 
Farewell to this cirefom World ; Tho' fonietime ago 1 rectanS 
upon feeing my cfe^ir P'riends at Cernmnctment-t yet being now 
liieniec) the QpporuHiiiyj for Unj of Imprifonment, I felt totally 
reiign*df and zn concerned 10 fpend this Day alone in the VVoodj^ 
as J coiiltl have dune, il I had been allowed 10 go to Town. Feft 
exceedingly wean'd from thcWnrld to ly^iy,--- Jn the Aiiernoon 
difcourfpd ffHTicfNing on fome divincThiiigs witli a dearChrifiiaii 
Friend, whcrtby w*e were both lefrelhed. Then I prsy'dj 
wiih afweet SenTeof ilir Eleffcdncfs of Communion with Goo : 
I thinic, 1 fcarceever cnjoyad more of Gou in any one Prayer. 
O it was a blefTed Seafcn indeed to my Soul I 1 knew not iha( 
ever I faw fu ^nuch of my own Noibingnefs in my Life ; never 
wondered fo, ihat Ciyd aJJowed me to pj-each bis Word ; nevef 
" was fo afioniflicd as now. -'-This has bteii a fweet and coniforta- 
blc Day 10 my Soul : Bleff'ed be God,--- Pray'd again with my 
dear Friond, with fomethijig oi the divine Prefence.— I lun^^ (o 
be wholly CQiifGrnisd tu God, and transfoTnied nito his Image. • 
Tburfday, Sipti^/iL 9. ^peni much of tiie Ds-y alone ; En- 
joyed the Prefenoe of <jiid in fome comfortable Degree : waB' 
vijited by fome dear Friendn^ and ptay'd with (hem : Wrote 
fundry i^ettcrs to Friends ; frit Rahgion in my Soul while writ- 
ing: Ftijfjyed fomc fweei Meditations on fome Scriptures.— - In 
ibc Evcami;^ went very prit'sitely into Town, from the Place of 
my^efidence aj [hfiFariii5,and converfed with fonie dearFtiencs s 
f#lt fwtiiiy m iinging Hymns wilfe thtm i afld made my iifcafe 


J^t. 25." ff/'Afr. David Brainerd. A.D.i;42. 45 

to the Farms again, without being difcovered by any Enemies, 
us I knew of. Thus the Lord preferves me continually, 

Ffiday , Septtmbsr 1 0, Longed with intenfc Defire after God t 
my whole Soul feemM impatient to be Conformed to him, and 
to become Haly, ai he is Holy.'-- In the Afternoon, pray'd with 
A dear Friend privately, and bad the Frefence of God with us i 
our Souls united together to reach after a bleilEd Imtnortality, to 
be unclothed of the Body sf Sin aad Desth, and to ei^ter the 
bieiTed Wuf]d, where ho uncltan Thing tnitri. O, with what 
intenfe Defire did our Soula long for that bleJTcd Day^ iha( wq 
might be freed from Sin, and forever live fpand in^nr God I— 
h\ the Evening^took leave of thatHoufe ; But firft kncel'd dov7n 
and prayed j The Lord ifaJ o/e Truth m ihi midji $f ui i *twaa a 
fwcet parting Seafon i fek in my felf much Sweetnefs and AfFec- 
tion in the Things of God. BlelTed be Go'J for every fuch d ivine 
Gale of his Spirit, to fpeed me on in my Way to the JSew-Jtru- 
faktn /— Felt fome Sweetnefs afterwards, and fpent theEvening 
in ConverfatioK with Friends, aiid prayed with fome Life, and 
retired to Reft irery Late. 

fThe five next Daya,he appears *ohave bsen in an exceeding 
comfortable, fweet Frame of Mind, for the moft Part, and 
(o have been the Subject of the like heavenly Exercifes as ara 
ofteii cxprefTed jn preceedingPafTageS of his Diary ; fuch as hav- 
ing his Heart much engaged for God, wreftling whh God in 
Prayer with Power and Ardency ,e'^joyinga[TimeSj Tweet Calm- 
^e^s and Compofure of Mind, giving himfejf up to God to be his 
forever, with great Complacence of Mind, beipg wholly refigned 
to the Will of God , that God might do with him whnt he pieafed,. 
longing wdl (0 improve Time, having the eternal World as i( 
were brought nigh, longing after God and Holinefs, earniiflly, 
dfifiringacompleat Cotjformity to him, and woiidring how poor' 
Souls dg toexift without God. J 

Thnrfday, i'li^/^ftji^r i6- At Night, felt exceeding fweetly : 
Enjoyad much gf God in fecret Prayef : Felt an uncomnionRelig- 
tiation, to iiand sfswhatGod pleafed. SomcDay&palf, f fdtfi^^iaj 
FiTpUxhy gn Account of my paftConduft : My Biturnsf^ a«(j 
Want of Chriftian KtndnefaaiidLove,has been wry difirejjing to 
my Soiil : The Lord fnrgLve me luy unihuJlinnW&rmibyd^^ want^ 
ef 9 Spirit of Meeftneff* 

46 Mt.i^: the LIFE 


n.ot"'d 7L?ri:f ff [™^ e^P*- '- Sou,.. " 
I long 10 be at theFe=! of mv fI '" l^ff^'l J. than ever, t 

Wh= WorU 3„d „,,, htJ:Z,^''r^:', "^^- " "^-^ »°« 
i/?<:ahe 'he Cauft of ChrT . f '° S've up ^U /or g„„e' 
a™. J "'"2 P" ""='' ''">■'«., and wnlidaaHo Swclfs i^ 

from £.„,. wii , aS 1 W ""'"•'' J^™". Preach'd 
r™e Things fn q' ifllatr Tfl "l^'"' ''"^J™ 'o'-^P'-ove 

f=l( inward DTft'dftr- !„J r "" ""' ^'^l'"'''''/ <J<V=aed,3„d 
(Stare ofl,i/so„,, wi5 ReT.rd ,'o ,LT "' ''J^^'^^'* ^''™' ""> 
Af God's S.rvi„. H°s M „r '^"'^"'/"fi^'t'-^'.^nd unfitnea 
pr'^&'d and funj, with" Sen nnr '"■'""'' '"""'"« e^raacly de- 

t"al fi<:f'.n™em.;£ LtS!"^ ^'='''"^ °< Comfort =nd fpi," 
-inO„, .d^™-™™co^.a^,.^ 


A'D. I74i!;j^ iffi, 25; ■ t/ Aff. David Brainerd: A.D, i?4a. +7 

Bcafons of very high Degrees of fpiritual CohlblatiDn, and of his 
great longings after Hoiincfa and ConfoTmity to Sodj of hil 
^rcal Fear of offending Gad,of hisHein's beitig fweelly meltod 
in religiousDntieSjof his longing for thcAdvancement of Chritfc'» 
Kingdom, and of his having at fome Times much AIHftance in 
Ficathing, and of remarkable EfTefls on (he Auditory. ] 

Lords-Day, OUch, 17. Had a cDnliJerable Senfeof my Help- 
iefneiiand Inability j faw that I mufthe dependent onGoD for 
all I wanl i iind efpecially when 1 went In the Place of publick 1 
Worfhip : I found I could not fpcak a Word lor God without 
his fpecial Help and Affiftance : I went into the Affcmbly trem- 
bling, as I frequently do, under a Scnfe of my InfufiicieBcy to 
do any Thing in the Caufe of God, aj I ought to do.— But it 
plcafedGod to afford me nsucbAffiftance, and there feem'd to bs 
a confiderahle MiS. on the Hearers.— In the Evening, I felt a 
Difpofilion to praife God for bis Goodnefs to me, in fpecial, thai; ^ 
he bad enabled mc in fome Mcafute to be latilifal \ and my Soul 
tejoyced to think, that I had thus performed the VWork of one 
Day more, and was oneDay nearer my eternal, and ( I trufl ) my 
heavenly Home. O ihat I might be fakhfsl is thi Dcalli, fui- 
fitlitg Hi OJi Hiriling my Day, 'till the Shades of tlic Evening of 
Life 4all free my iioul from the Toils of ihe Day ! This Even- 
ing, in fecrct Prayer, I felt exceeding folemn, and fuch longinj; 
Defires after Deliverance frorj Sin,ancl aftcrConformity tciGod, 
as melted my Heart. Oh, I longed to be Miviridfnmlbh Bidf 
cf Diath -' I felt invfard pleafing Pain, that I coold not be con- 
formed toGod entirely, fully and forever.— I fcarce ever preach 
without being firft vifited with inwardConfliiiHand furcTtials*-- 
BlelTed be the Lord for thefc Trials and DiRrtlTcs, as they are 
fclefs'd for my humbling. 

Monday, OUsli. rS. In the Morning, felt fome Sweetneft, 
lut fliU prels'd thro' fome Trials of SouJ. My Life is a can- 
iant Mi^ituve of Confolations and ConHifls, and will bcfo 'till 
arrive at tire World of Spirits. 

Tuefday, OHibtr rg. Thia Morning and lall Night, felt a 
fweet Longing io my Soul after Holincft : IWy Boul ftcn-.'d fo 
to reach and ilretch towards the Mark of perfc£l Sanflitj, that 
it was ready to break with Lnngliiga. 

Wcdoefday, Oihhsr lo. K\cccding infirm in 13ody,ciercjfcd 
whh much Pain, and very lilelefl in divine TlliniJS. --- Kelt a 
Jinle Sweelnels m the Evening. 


48 ^. IS; 

r*/ LIFE a.D. i74i; 

Tbarfday, OHiiir 21. Had a very deep Senfe of the VmiVj 
ef the World, moil of tht Day ; had iiltli: more Regard to it, 
than if I had been to go into Eternity the next Hour. Ttiro* 
(liviiie Goodnefs, I fel: vziy ferious and folemn* O, I love td 
live on ttie Brink of Eternity, in my Views and Meditations \ 
This gives me a iweet, awful and reverential Senfe and Appre^ 
henlionof God and divine Things, when I fee my felf as it 
Vlfzejiandittg bifare the yudgmenl-^Seat cf Chn/I^ . 

Friday, Oftohir 22. Uncommonly weaned from the World j 
to Day .■ My Soul delighted to he a fifroufir and Pilgrim as ' 
the Barlh : I fell a DifpoEtion in me tiesier to have any Thing 
to do with this World : The Charafl* given of fome of the 
ancient People oi God, in Hib. xi. 13, w»s very pJealing to me, 
Hhiy cmfiffid ihat thiy wiriPilgrm: iS Slrangirs so lii Eitrth, by 
their daily Fraflice ; and O that 1 could always do fo [ — - 
Spent fonie confiderablcTime, in a pleafant Grove, in Prayer 
and Mediiation. O it h fwect, to be thus wean'd fromFriends, 
and irom my felf, and dead to the prefeJI! World, that fp I 
may live wholly Iff and upoh the bkfTed Gob 1 Saw my ftlf 
3i:tle, ipw,3nd vile, in my felf. — Jn iheAfrernooii, prcach'd at 
Bahtvbim, (fom DmI, viii. 3. and felt fwcelly both in Prayer 
and Prcschlng : God helped me to fpeak to Ibc Hearts of 
dear Chriftians. Blefl'ed b'e the Lord for this Seafon : E iruft, 
they and I Ihall rrjoyce on thisAccount to all Eternity.— Dear 
Mr. Bcikm came in, while I was making the firilPrayer ( being 
returned Home from & Journey) and after Meeting, we walked 
away together, and fpent the Evening in fweetly coveifing on 
divincThings.snd praying togetbcr, with fweet and tender Love 
to each other, and return'd to Relt wilh our Hearts in a ferioda 
fpiritual Frame- 
Saturday, O^oL 25. Something perplexed and confufed. 

Kode this Day trotti 'i^eihlehtm to Si^ffiury. 

Lord's-Djv,0^d^,24. Felr To vileard unworthy, that I fcarce 
Ie[1£w how to caiiverfo with htJmati Creature?. 

Monday, Ollsl-ir 25. [At Tu^ky hills, ^ In the Evening en- 
joyed the divine f: iftrtTCc in fpctet Prayer: It was a fwect and 
lomfcriibic &t::ion to ine : My Scul hiigtdfirGid,./tr ihi Ihivf 
Gsd ; Enjiyrd .1 f«eet .Solemnity of Spirit, and longing De- 
fire after the T^L'Covtry of the divtne Imaj^e in my Sou! : 7htn 
Jhaii 1 bi JQlvJiid^'Mbm IJhdlsw^hinCODU Liimtjt, and ne- 
vet before. 

Tuofday, O0ihir 26. [At TFi/I.Spffi4i,'i Underwent lh» 
Kolt dieiioful i}!ilte(lVs,nii<!er a Esiileiil my eWiiUnwoistiiBefs : 


Ml. 15- «/ Mr. Ila,vid Bi^inerd. A.D.iy4!. ^(g 

1 1 fcem'd to nie, I deferved rather (o be driven out of the Place, 
llijil to have any Body treat me wiith any Kindnefs, or come to 
hear me preach. And verily my Spirits were fo deprefs'd at 
this Time, as well as at many others, ihat it was impofTihle I 
IhouM treat immortal Sotils with Faithfulnefs : I could not deal 
1 lofcly it faithfully with them, I fel! fti infinitely vile in myfelf. 
I Hi, what Dit/l aiiJIhli lam, 10 think of preaching theGofpet 
(II ijthers ! Indeed,! never can be faithftil for oneMoinent,biit 
lliall certaitily dniib with untimpirtd Mirtar, if God don't grant 
me fpecial Hclp.-ln theEvenifig, I went lo the Mceting-Houfe, 
and it look'd to me near as cafy lor one to tifc out ol the Grave 
and preach, as for me. However, God afforded me fome Life 
and Power, both in Prayer and Sermon ; God was pleafcd fo 
lift roc up, and fhew me that he could enable me to preach, 
O the wonderful Goodnefs of God to fo vile a Sinner ! — Ee- 
lurticd to ray Quarteis ; and ecjoy'd fome Swectnefs in Prayer 
alone, and mouru'd that i could not live more fo God. 

Wednefday, Ollibir 17. Spent the Forenonn in Prayer aili 
Meditation ; Was not a little conceto'd shout Preaching in thp 
Afternoon i Felt exceeditlgly luiliffut Sltmith, and very helplefs 
intlecd : Went into the Meeting- Houfe, aOiaraed to fee any 
come to heat fuchan unf^eakiblv worlblefa Wretch. However, 
God enabled me to fpeak with Cleirnefs, Power, & Pungency. 
Uiit there was fome Noife and Turonlt in the Ail'embly, that I 
did not well like, and cndeavouied to bear publick Teftimony 
aoainft, with Moderation and Mildiiefs, through tre Curr.oiv of 
my Difcoaife.— In the Evening, was enabled to be in fomcMea- 
fure thankful and devoted to God. 

[The Frames and Exercifes of hisMind, dntingthc four next 
Days, were aioftly very SirDilat to ihofeof thetwo Days paft 5 
excepting Intervals of confidetable Degrees of divine Peace and 

Confokfioo. , ,1 ■ 

The Things exprefs'd within the Spsce of the three following 
Days are fuch as thcfe i fome Seafons of Dejcaion, mourning 
for being fo deBltnte of the Ejcetcifes of Grace, longing to ba 
delivered from Sin, prcffing after more of God, Sealiinj of fweet 
Confolation, precious and intimate Convetfc wilh God sn fecrct 
Prayer, Sweetlteft of Chriftian Converfalion &c.— Within thij 
Titiic he fode from Saffitli la Eaflbwy, Htkcn^ and Liiana-I 

Thurfday, Nsvimb. +■ [At Libmm.-[ Sm much of my 
NjthinBn«6,tEo9 of thiiDjy ; but felt esneertied ihat 1 had no 

tk Lit-E A. D. 1742: 


tastti'SiSiin: of mj; InfufHcJEncy & Uimorihinsfs. O 'tis fwc 
iyviftr,tb,Duft! But 'tis JiflreffiDg.iofrel in my SoultliatHdi, 
Corruption, wilich ftill remains in me.- -In tlic Afternoon liatj w^ 
SeafeotdloSweecnsfsofii flridt cloft & confiantD^otcdncfs t^ 
tiotl,& mySoiil was comforted wilii iJicConfoiatioiij of God • niv! 
Aout fdf a pleafing, yet painfulConcern, idH Qronid fpentj Tome 
Moments iv:lhmt G,i. O may I always livi I, Gad. — Jn (hi! 
tvenltJg, wa! vifrted ty fome Friends, and fpcm rijs Time il«' 
rrajer and fucii Convcrfa(ion as (ended to our Edification fti 
ivas a coniiortaljlo Scaforr to my Sonl : ] fdt an iBtenfc Deft* 
to fpend every iWoment for God.- God is unfpeatably sraci- 
DU= rome contjnually : In Times pail, he has gi^n me ine^- 
preffible Siveefnefs II, tile Performance of Duty : FreciueniJy mj 
houi lias cnjojed much of Goo 5 l>u! I,™ beei, ready to fay 
Lmil l„ iKd U he tir, i and fo (n indulge Sbli, while 1 iiavs 
lived on the Swectnefs of my Feelings. But of late, God has 
been p eaM to keep my Soul /«^;rr;,aimoft conljnually ; fo thaE . 
i have been l^ll'd with alCind of a pIcafingPain : When I realty . 

^"'%^°,?' ^"^^ ""■ °"''"'' °' ^™ ''» "°"= inftfiable, ani-i 
ray IhirrtingsafttrHoliarfs the more unquenchable; and the 
J-Klid will not allow me to fed as tht>' i were fully fupplied antl : 
teiisiiE,^, but keeps me ftil! readiing forward ; and I feel barren 
and empty, as rfio' 1 could not live, without more of Gon in 
rue i [ feel pfliamed and ^mltyiifm God, 01i,[ fee, liiL^w 
''/P-"t«< bmlomcwnaU I don't, f can't live to Goo. 
Oh for Holme rs ! On for .T^ore of God in my Soul r Oh this 
pleating Fatn ! It makes m^ Soul prels after God ; iba f jn- 
f.'e^f ■' f' n,n/bainh,/r.lhfiid, i^l„»lav,ahkGOD-a 
irfeY'(™l. xvn. ult.J but never, never iieforc ; and cnnfe- 
quentlyl am cngapd n prifi Imard ih Mari, Day b-yiXiy 
O that I may fttel this continual Hmi,r, and tjot bo retarded 
hut ratier animated by every Cluftcr from &WM, to resch for- 
ward m the inrrotv Way, for the full Enjoyment andPofiertion 
of llic heavenly Inheritance, O that I may never loiter io my 
beavenly Journey. ' 

[ Thefe ln6tiabl« Defires after God and Holinefs continued 
he ttvo next Days, will) a grc-Bt Senfe of hi. owt, esceedina 

WoTld'l '■ ""^ '"*'"^"''' °' ^^^ ™"g'^ »f '!"= 

f.i;'"'''''"?^''!^'""'"*-?- [A' A/f/iVsrr.] It feem'd aa if 
lut:b an unhuly Wretch as I nerer could arrive at thatBlefiednt-r, 
lobe My, <| G^u hi,. At Nooit,! longed for Saaaification, 

of Mr. DavH Brainerd. A,D. i;42. 51 

Irii Confornaity toGod, Oh, That is THE AtL, the All ! 
'I he Lordbelp me to prefs aftir GOD for ever. 

Mond.iy, Nmitmi- %. Towards Night, enjoyed miicbSweet- 
nel'l ill li.'t:ret Prayer, fo that my Soul longed for an Arrival in 
<hl /™iiin/y Chantry^ the hlelTcd Paradifs of God. Thro' divine 
UnoJucfs, Ihavefcarce fecn the Day, for two Months, but 
Ih.tlh has loot'd fo pleafjnt to mo at one Time or otbsr^ of the 
|).iy, that I could have rejoyced xhe frifsnl (hould lie my kjf, 
niitwitbilanding my preffmg inward Trials and Conflias : Andl 
dull, the l,ord will linally make mo « Cuitijumr, niii mn, than 
h i thJiHball be able to life lliat triumphant Language, O 
Ihath, vilure h lt>y Stitig ! And O Gram, whirl it ihyfiacry ! 

fWilijinthc next ten Days, the following Things are eX- 
nrel.'d ; L.inging and wrcliling to be holy and to live to God ; 
a Dcfire ihat every fingle Thought might be for God ; feeling 
Ruilty, that his Thoughts were no more fwalIov;cd up in God } 
(v/uet Solemnity and Calmnefsof Mind, Submiffion and Rehg- 
nition t^ God, great Weaaednefs from theWorld, Abafemcrit 
in the Duft, Grief at fome vain Converfation that waaobfcrved, 
Kwcclnels) from Time 10 'lime in fccrcl Prayer and in con- 
veifing and praying with Chriftian KricnJs, And every Day he 
tppeats to have been greatly engaged in the great Bufinefs of 
KcligioB and living to God, without Interruption.] 

Friday, Navmi. ig. [At Nim-Hinut} Eecelv'd a Letter 
from the Rev, Mr. Pmitrua of Niw-Tiri, dcliring me fpee- 
dily to go down thither, and confult about the Mian Affairs m 
thole fans, and to meet certain Genllejncn there, that were 
inttuHcJ with tkofc Affairs ; My Mind was Inftaully feii'd with 
Concern ; fo I retired with two or ihtseChrillian Friends, anti 
prayed j and indeed it was a fwect Time with me ; 1 was ena- 
bled to leave mv felf and allrayConcei'm with God ; and tikmg 
Leave of Ftieiids, 1 rode to R!ptai, and was comforted in an 
Opportunity to fee and convetfe witll dear ^ii, Miiiu 

[ In the four next followingDavs, Iw was fomctimes opprcrs'd 
with the Weight of that jreil Affair, about which t,U. Fi'f- 
birut had vtrittcn fo him ; but was enabled froniTiine to! iine 
to ciiji hi; Euriin ai the Lsrd, and to commit himfelf and all his 
Concerns to him : And he continued ftill in a Seofe of the hx~ 
cellency of Holinefs, and Longings after it, and earneliDefirea 
of theAdv?BCcm?tit cf Cb/iH'sKinjdtJm in thcWorW ; and hail 

5% Siiiig, 


A.D.I 742: 

from Time to Time feet Comfort in Mcditatioa 
r rayer. ] 

Wti.„f0ay, Mvi^i. 24. Caoic to Nm-nrt ■ felt fti 
rauch concerned about (be Inlporttnce of rny Bufinefs ■ nut uti 
may ..,n£ft Rrqu.fc to God for hfs f^elp and Dircflbi, ; wa. 
c^fufcd w»hifc»No,leandT™ultot,h=Citf J enjoyed bus 
ImfcTi^EaloiiewilhGod; butmySouJ longed Him. 

Thurlday, ^,^mi. ,;, S,,„t ^..^ -j-^^^ -^ p ^^^^ 

ELjppLcairan : W.s fc„„i„,d by feme Gmtlemen, of m/ 
t.htjlii3„ typerierm, ana my Acquaintance will, Divinity' 
and fome other t„ud,«, in order to m, Improvement i,i ihst 
imporunt Afla.t of &ofpe]l,Mng ,he Weathen : [| Wa, made 
ien(!b,eof..„rg,eatI.neiranct; and Unfilnefs for publicfc Scr- 
VIM ; t Jwd lire moil abding Tbouglits of my fdf, i |(,i„k, lliat 
ever I bail ; i ihought my felf the wurit Wretch tisat ever 
■Iired : It hurt mi, & pained my veryHearl.tiiat anyBodyftould 
niewmsauvRefpeit: Alas ! methought, bow fadiy they ar« 
deceived m me ; bow milijrabiy would ti.ey be difappointed, if 
tney tnew my InfiJe ! Oh my Heart ! - And in this depre£'<I 
Condaion, 1 was forced to go and preach to a confidcrabte 
/ !™,7V °' """^ S'"""'"' l"'"tJ Miniflers i but felt 
fcch a 1 rdlurc trrm a Seiife of jny Vilcncfs, Ignorance & Unfit- 
nefs^tosppesrmPublick, that 1 was almofi overcome with it - 
inj Soul WJ5 gnovcd lor the Congregation, ,hal iheyfiwuid fit 
ibore 10 bear fucli a rfWDjf as I preacb ; i thought niv felf 
wfiniiclyiiidebledto rbe People, and Jongcd that God would 
rewart ,hem w„h ihc Rewards of hisGrace.-I fpEnc much of 
ibt; hvcmng alone. 

■ rhefef^cnllemsn that examined Mr. SromrJ, were tho 
Correfpondcnts, in Ntv,-York,N,vi.'J„j,y s:^iP,nsfilvmin, 
ot llie honourapip Society in S,oth«d for ptopagaiing 
^hriHian knowledge j to whom was committed ilie 
Managemcat af theif Affairs io ihofe fans,' and who 
Wert now qiet at Ntm-Tiri, 


/?;, 15, 0/ M-. David BraitiertJ. A.D, 1742. 53 

Part IV, 

From the 'Time of his Examination by th& 
Correfpondents of the Society for propa- 
gating Chriflian Knowliidge, and bling 
appointed their Miflionaiy, to bis firfi 
Entrance on the Bufinefs of his MiJJton 
among the Indians at Kaunaumeck, 

FRiday, Nimmh. 26. Had liill a Scnfc of my great Vi!e- 
nefs, and endeavoured as much as i could to keep alone. 
Oh, what 3 Nothing, what Duftand Alhes am ! !- -En- 
joy'd fonie fcacp and Comfort ia fpreiJiiig my CompJiints bo- 
fore the God of all Grace. 

Saturday, Navmh. 57. Committed my Sou! to God with 
fomo Deg'rce of Comfort ; left Nrur-nri about nine in Iha 
Morning ; came away with a diftreffing Senfe Kill of my un- 
flicakahle Unworthinefs. Surely 1 may well hve all my Bre- 
thren ; for none of them all is fo vile as I ; whatever they do 
outwardly, yet it fecms so roe none is confcious of fo much 
Guilt before God. Ob my Leannefs, my Barrennefs, my Car- 
nality, and paftBitternefs, &:Wantof aGofpcl-TetJiper ! Thefe 
Things opprefs my Sou*.— fi-ode from A?(io- Tori, thirty Miles, to 
tfhitcPlmni, and molt of tho Way continued lifting op my 
Heart to God for Mercy and purifying Grace ; and fperit the 
Evening much dejefted iti Spirit. 

[The three neM Days, he continued in this > great 
Scofeofhisown Vilenefs, with an evident Mixture of Melan- 
choly, in OQ fmail Degree ; but had fome Intervals of Com- 
fort and God*s fenlible Ftefence with him. ] 

Wednefday, Daemb. i. My Soul bfcath'd after God, in 

fwect fpitiitial and longing Dcfires of Conformity to him ; my 

Soul was htouaht to felt itfeif itad all on his licb Stage, mi 

■ fds 

"34 -^t. S5. 

ajs LIFE 

feic SiMgih and Encoiiragcmetit to do or fuffer any Thinu thai! 
dinne Provirfcncc (houW allot mc— Rode, about tWEmv Miio 
fiom Stmtfuld to Nmitmja. 

fWiihinthcSpaccof the next (liiic Days, he went a rour-l 
ney_ from A^MfM to Haddatn, his Natl fc Town ; and aftefl 
ftaymg there fomeDajs, returned again into ibeWeftern Part of] 
Ul^iaitut, & came taSMbtur,. Jn his Account of thcFram^l 

and Exercifes of l„s Mjnd, during ths Space of Tirae, aKfocfl 

I hmgs as liefc j f-reqoeni Turns of Dejeflion, a Seirft of hit! 

I'llciicft, tmptrnefs, and ai, unfathomabic- Abyfs of defpcralt 

/icJwdncjs jn Im Heatl, attended with a Coavifljon that hi 

idjicverftenbutlittJcofil : bitterlv mourning „„,, s,:. n,,_ 


had never ften but littJc of it ; bitterly oiouroing ever" hiTflarri 
lennefs, berng greatly grieved that he could nat live to God toS 
1 whom he owed his all (™r6M>„arr,W ; crying out, Aft£MB-f 
"'!•' "')■/"'""•/' ■' ASenfe of ihe Aleetn«f» and Suitabicoefsl 
of hi! lying 111 the Utili beneath God's Feet, rer.encv and Ar^ ! 
^our in Prajer, longing to lire to Cod, a being affl.aed vrithj 
fome impertinent trifling tonvetfation that be heard i ijurcniov-S 
ingSwectnelsmChriflian Converfalion.] { 

Salurday,p«;i!,i,ir, Converfed wiih a dear Friend, to whom 
Jliad TbouglK of giving a liberal EJucation, and being at the 
whole Charge ofit.ihat he might lie fitted for the Gofpel-Miui- 
ftry. « I acquainted him win, niy Thoughts in that Matter, and , 
foleri him to conlider of it, 'titl 1 iliogld fee him again. Then 

* Mr, Brsimrrf having now undertiken'ihc Bufineft of a 

Miffionary to tlie hJiam, and cxpcaing in a little Time to 

ieive bis native Country, to go among the Savages, into the 

Wildernefs, far ddisnl.and fpend the Reraainder of^is Life 

among them, and having fonie Ellaic left bioi by his Fatter, 

and thinking lie fliouU have uoOccaflon for it among them, 

.( tho' arierivards,as he told me, be found himfelf miflaken) 

he fct himfelf lo think which Way he raight Ipcndit mog 

tolheGioryofGod ; SinoWay prefenling to his Thoughts, 

I wherein he could do more Good wilh it, than by bcin- at 

the Charge of educating foaie young Perfon for the Mmi- 

flry, thatappear'd to t4e of good Abilities and welldifpofed, 

he pitched upon tins i->etron here fpokcn of, to this End ; 

who accordingly was foon put 10 Lea rning ; and Mr. Brai- 

,i :.mrdc<immv&i to be at the Charge of his Education from^J 

.11 XMt to Year, fo long as he (Mr. BrsintrJ) lived, which 

,,„ ^s 'till liiis young Man was turictt thiough his lliird 

lit* J ejr m t-oJIcjc, . j 

«/ Mr. David Krainetil. AD. 174!!; 

I totle to Bilhliiim, and fo came to Mr. Billamy's Lodgings ; 
Ipcnt the Evening wilh him in fwect Converfilioi! and Prayer : 
We recomniended the important Concern before mentioned (of 
(ending my I'liend to College) imio the 6od of all Grace, 
illellfd be the Lord for this Evening's Opportunity together. 

Lord's Day, Dictmb. I2. 1 fell, in the Morning, as it I had 
iitlle ur no Power eilher to pray or preach, and felt a diftreding 
Need of divine Help : I went to Meeting trembling: But it 
pleafed God to aflifi mc in Prayer & Sermon : I think, my Sou! 
fcarce ever penetrated fo far mto the imilinttriiil World, in any| 
onePrayeJ thai ever I made, nor were nijIJtvotions ever fo much 
refined, and Free from grofsConccptions, & Imaginations framci! 
from beholding material Objedis, X preach'd withfoiTjeSweet- 
nefB.frotn MsthM-i-i-Bui Jtti ytfirfi &<;. And in the Afternoon 
irom Rmi. xv. 30. jind isw J tefmh yja, Bnlhrtn, &c. Thcro 
was much Affcdion in the AiTembly. This has been a fweet 
Sabbath tome ; and bleflcd be God, i have Reafon to think, 
that my Religion is become more refined and fpiiitoaUhyMeans 
of my late inward Conflifls. Jviia .' May i always be willing 
dut God ihonld ufe his own Methods with me. 

Monday, Dtumb. 13. Joln'd m Prayer wilh Mr. &//umt ; 
and found Swcetnefs and Compofuie hi parting with him, who 
went a Jenrncy. Enjoy'd (omc Sv.-cetncf3 through the Day, 
;ind jiift at Ntpht rode down to ff^ao^nf;/. 

'i'ucfdav, Dmriib. 14. Some Perplexity bung on my Mind : 
vasdiitrefb'd, lafl Night and this Morning, for the Intcreft of 
7,iW, cfpcciallji on Accouittof the fslfi Jpfturaiui: n/ Rtlilkrif 
that do but rathci hieed Confurmi), efpeeially in fome Places, I 
cried 10 God for Help, to enable rac to bear Teftimony againft 
thofe Things, wiiicbinffcid of promoting, da but hinder thn 
Progrcfs of vital Piety, in the Afternoon, rode down to.Soa(i- 
inrv, and conveilfed again with ray Friend about the iinporlant 
Affair of bis following the Work of theMiniftrv ; andhe ap- 
pear'd much inclined 10 devote himfelf to that Work, if God 
(hould fuccced his Attem(iis to i^ualify himfdf for fo great a 
Work. In the Evening, 1 prcach'd from i Thif, n ■ "i. And 
endeavoured, tbo' wiibTendcrcefs, to undermine falfcReligion, 
The Lord me fome flfiiftance i but however, ( fecm"'! 
fo vile, I was afliamcd to be ieen when I came out of the Meet- 
ing- Huufe. 

Wcdnefday, D«OT*. T5. Eoj.iycd fometliinE of God toDay, 
both in fecrct and foeial Prayer ; but was fenfi'ileof much Bif- 
ictiiiers, and Qckd in DutyJ as well a! mf inabiiiti' to Ircip my 


§6 Mt. 13, 

ni LIFE 

. felf for (he Time fo come, or (0 perform the Work and BufintS" 
1 have to ia. Afterwards,fell much of (be Sweelnefs of ReljVioni 
and the Tcnderncf! ot the Gofpel- Temper : was far from Kl- 
ttr.icfe, and iami a dear Levc to a]l MasikiDd, and wss aft^iij 
of Icarcely airy Thing fo much a! kft Tome Motion of Anger M 
SeffRtaetit (huuld feme Time or other creep into ^^ HeslM 
Had fome comforting Soul-Rcfrcfllmg Diftourfe with fomc defl 
iTiends.juft as we took our Leave of each t>ther, and ftippar# 
It mrghl be likely we fliouU not m^et again 'liji we camo to tS(. 
ctern. World. * But I doubt not,lhto' grace, but that fome of. 
us ihall have a happy Meetinji there, and blefs God far this Se».; 
tonkas well as many others. Amen, 

Thurfday,Z)«M*. 16, Rode down \aDa7h1 ; had fome fweei. 
Thoughts, tin the Road : My Thoughts were very clear, efpad 
cially on tbeErence of our Salvation byChrift.from thofcWordsiJ 
Thmjlxtt lalt bii Nsmt Jifm, he. ' 

Friday, Dicimh. ly. "Spent muchTime in fwet Converraiio- 
on fpiritualThiogs with dear Mr. Hl,n,pht,y,, Rode XoRii)m\ 
fpcitt fome Time in Prayer with dear Chtiftian Fncnds. 

Siiturday,Z>Kimi.iS,SpentmuchTiroe;nPrayer in theWooi 
ftcm'd raifed above theThings of the World : mySoul was flroill 
in the l,ord of Hods : But was fejifible of great Barrennefe, 
_ LordVDay, Diccmb. ig. At the Sacrament of theLordy 
topper, ftera'd ftrong in the Lord ; and the Woild with ail 
Frowns & Hatieries in a great Meafuredifappcar'd, fo that miiijl 
boul had nothing to do wiih them ; aiid'l felt aJJifpdLtion to b«? 
wholly and forever the Lord's.— In theEvening, enjoyed fome- 
tlung of the divine Piefencc ; Had ahumtjling Ssofeof my Vjle- 
rjefs, Bartcnnefs,and Sinfulnefs. Oh, it wounded me,lo think of 
theMjIimprovementof Timet Gcdhc mmiful u m, a S,i„„,T 
Monday, Dt„mb. 20. Spent this Day in Prayer,Reading, and 
Writing; and enjoyed fame AfSffiance ' 
feme 7~houghi5 on a certain Subjedi ; 
Qf my BArrennefs. 

efpeciaily in corred^ing^ 
but had amournful Scjifof 

It had btcn dcleimined hy iIk Commiffioners, who m..\ 
ployed Mr. Eraimriis-A Miffionsry, . that he flinuld go as 
l&m as might be conveniently, to the hdiam livino near the 
*orkj of Dtla-.iiar, Rivor in P«»/,/t.™a and ths^/odesi on i 
^Ji«,imnnA River ; which being far off, where be would ' 
be expofcd to many Hardftips and Dangei., ; This was J 
the Ocsafion of his taking Leavs sf his J'liendj in this 

1 ucJdayj 

efMr. Davicl Bfainer<3. 

Tuefday, Dicimi. u. Had a Scnfe of my InfufKciency for 
ui!y pubiick Work and Buiinefs, as well as to live to ^od. I 
tntlc uver to Dirly, and preach'd there : It pleafed iSod ttj givtt 
me very fiveet Affiffance and Enlargement, and to enable me (t> 
l|icak viilh a foft and tender Power and Energy.— We had alter- 
wirds a comfortable Evening in Singing and Prayer : God cni- 
hlcd ine to pray with as much Spirituality and Sweetnefs as I 
h.ive done for fome Time : My Mind fcem'd to be tincloathed 
t)[ benfc and Imaginatioti, and was iti a Mcafure let into the 
iiiimaleiial World of Spirits, This Day and Kvcning was, I 
Itult, thio' infinite GooJncfs made very profitable to a Number 
nf us, to advance our Souls in Hoiinefii and Cotiformi ty to God : 
The Glory bo to Him forever -. Jmm. How blclTed 'tis to 
j^tow more and more like God ! 

Wednefday, Diimli- 22. Enjoyed fome AfTiftanccin Preach- 
ing at Riptsn ; but my Soul mourned within me for my Barrcn- 

Thurfday, Decrmi. 13. Efijoy'd, 1 truft, foractbingof God 
Ihii Morning in Secret. Oh how divinely fwcet is it to come 
into the Secret of his Prcfence, & abide in his Pavilion !— Took 
in aiicifianile Leave of Fiiends, not cxpcaitig to fee Thetn 
ujain ioravety conGderableTime, ifeveriiilliisWorld. Rode 
with IWr. Huaiphrip to his Houfe at Derby ; fpent the Time iii 
fweet Convcrfation j my Soul was rferelh'd and fwcctly melted 
with divine Things. Oh that I was always confecrated toGod. 
Near Night, Irodeto A'<w-Hotm, and there enjoyed fome. 
Swectnefs in Prayct and Converfition, with fome dear ChrifKatl 
I'riends : My Mind W5s fweelly fetious and conipofed : But 
alas, [ too much lott the Senft of divine Things ! 

[He continued much in the fame Frame oE Mind, and iti like ■ 
Exetcifcs, thetwofolbwingDays.] 

Lord's-Day, Dicmk 16. Felt much Swcefnefa and Tender- 
nefs lil Prayer, tefpecially my whole Soul fcem'd to love my word 
Enemies, and was enabled to pray for lliofe liiat arc Strangers 
and Enemies to God with a great Degree of Softnefs and paihe- 
tick Fervour, In the Evcning,rQde from Niw-tlamii toBren- 
fird, after I had kncel'd down and pray'd with a Number of 
dear Chriflian Friends in a very retired Place in iheWoodsjind 

fo parted, ^ „ .. - 1 j i, * 

Monday, Dicmb. ay. Enjoyed a precjousSeafoB mdced ; had 

»fw«8I meltineSidfe ef divine Thipjs, of Ihs fure Spirimahiy 


of the Religion of Chrtft Jefus. In the Evcoiug, I preach' 
ftom Mallb. vi. 33, vpith much Frcerfom, and fweet Power 
I angcncy : The Pfeftnce of God atlcndcd our Mcetine. ^ 
ihc Sweetncfs, the Tcnderne/s 1 ftit in my Soul ' If ever [ fel 
Ihe 'Fempcr of Chrift, i had fome Scnfe of it Dow. Bleffed bj 
my God, I bare fcldom enjaj^'d a more cotnfortabie and profi«. 
ble Day (ban (his. O that J could fpend all my Time for Go* 
Tucfday, Diiiat. 28. Rode from Bnnfordta Haddam. K 
the Morning, myClearncfs and SwEajiefs in divine Tbinas col8 
tinned ; but afterwards my fpiritual Life fenfibly declined. 

[The next twelve Days, hewai for (bemoft Part extreaml*! 
dejcaed,difcouraged and diftreiTed, and was evidEJiily very mitcg 
under the Power of Melancholy ; and there are from Dav to 
Uay moft bitter Complaints of exceeding Vilenefs, Ignorance? 
Corruption, an amazing Load of Guilt, Unworihinefs tocrctK 
on Ood's bartt], everlafling UfdefDefs, FitntfsforNothinf. t^/i 
and fomctimB Ejrpreflions e^en of Horror at Ibe Thoogbti of 
ever i'reachiilg again. But yet in this Time of grcalDcjeaion ' 
he fpeaks of fevcral Intervals o( dirine Help and Comfort. 

( ! be three next Days, wbicb were (pent at HArm and Ihei 
Crmk {a. Psrift, in Lihrnoa) he bad Relief, and enioyed confide-i 
rabis Comforf.J 

Friday, Jso. 14. 174,5,3. My fpirilnal Conflifls to Day 
were unfpeatably dreadful, heavier rhan the Mountains and 
overflowing Floods : I feem'd inclofed. as it were, in Hell it 
(elf I I was deprived of all Kenfe of God, even of [he Being 
of a God [ and that was my Mifery ! \ had t)0 awfulApprehen-. 
fans of God as angry. This was Diftrcfs, (he ncatcft a-kin to 
theDamncd's Torments, that I ever endured } Their Tor- 
mem, f am fure, will confift much in a Privation of God, and 
confcquenlly of all Good. This taught me the abfolule Dcpen- 
dancc of a Crcaiure upon God the Creator, for every Crumb of 
Happinefs it ei.jays. Oh ! I feel that if there is no Gosl, rho' 
I m.ght live for ever here, and enjoy rrot only (bis, but allotlier 
Worlds, 1 flionld be ten Thou&nd Times more ffiiferable tlran 
a Toad I My Soul was in toch Anguifh 1 could not car, bat 
frit as 1 fuppofed a poor Wretch would that isjuft going to the: 
1 lace of Execution. I was jlrfioB fwallowcd up wilh Angm'h, . 
when 1 faw People ^sihcrinr; togeiljer to bear me preach. How- 
ever, \ went in that Diffrcls to the Houfc of God, and found 
iior rrmch Reiiof iji the lirft Frayer j It feeni'd as if God would, 


c/ Mr. David Brainerd. A.D. 1 7 43. 5 J 

|„ thePeopIe upon me to deftroy tne, nor were AeTbo t» 
rtDcathdiftreffingtome, like my own Vilenefs. But after- 
w.rd,, in my Difcourfe from !)<«.*"'.!■ God was pleafcd 
,„ give me fome Freedom and Enlargement, fome Power and 
Hpirlluality ; and I fpeni the Evening foinething tomtortsbly. 

IThe two next Days, his Comfort ccntiiiues, and he f=em! 
inriijoy analmoft continual Sweetncfs of Soul in the Dune J 

.iid Exercifa of Religion and t^l'^K'^^^rr 'v. Se 
Monday wa.aReturi,of (heCSloom he had baei under tie 
|.Vidav before. H= rode (o C>vMr, this l>iy, 'f «'"= 1"" 
l' ,irt of .he Day had more Freedom. On Tn^fday he rude o 
liatturhiri, and continued more comfortable.] 

Wednefday, 7<.». .9. [At &(,(«rir,ry,] In the Afterircon 
preach'dtheLeaurcatthe'-Meeting.Hoofe: Felt fome | n- 
Tnefe, and fometbing of the Gofpel-Temper : c;,bor ed the 
l^^ople to one another, and not to f=. up their own Irame. 
„ aStandatd to try all theirBrethtenby. Eu, was much prefsd. 
moft of the Day, with a Senfe of my own Badneft, inwatd Im- 
purity, and urdi.cafcablc Cortuplbn. Spont the livening in 
luvinE Chriftian Convcrfariijn. , n r l . ._ 

Thurfday, 7»». 20. Rode to my Brother's Houfc beween 
mr^kh and L.n^n , and preach'd in the Evening to a Nurn- 
l„r of People: enjoj'd neither Freedom not ijpiriiuallty ; hut 
IJw my feir exceeding unworthy. ;„„.j 1,,,, 

Friday, 7a«. 1.. Had great inward Confl.fls ; enjoy d buE 
li„!eComforr. Went to fee Mr. milium c! Uhn,, and 

ent fevera! Hours wi.h bin, ; and was i''ffjf'"if\^''^^ 
L ferious, deliberate and impartial Way of Difcouile about 

Kcilaion. , 1 . ti f ,, 

fThs next Day, he was mucii dtjeited,] 
Lord-a-D»y, 'pn. ij. Sc.r,, ever fell my felt lo "nir. ta 
,M, as now: /faw, 1 was not worthy o( ^/'^^ ™ '| *= 
Wi;«r, where 1 anr going, if God permit : 1 thought. I ">""« 
b= artranred to look them in the Face and much ■"" J " ^^"= 
.iiy Refpefl Ihewn me there. Indeed I fel my fell ban &= 
from the Earth, as if ill Places were too good for fuch aWreicn 
ai I ■ I thought 1 fliould be afcamcd to go among the very iava- 
"es of ^A;™ = I ^PP"red to my felf a Creature fit forNothmg 
neither Heaven nor Earth,- None knows, but thofe that feel 
Tt what the Sou! endures that La fenbbly fhut out rom the Pre- 
ftnceofUod: Aiis, 'tis more bitter than Death 1 ^.^^^ 

Ko ms. 

iTfe L I F E 

io»:L,/y Love ; a„<i never more free from Party-SDi-.r 

^^ ocr^:nv7r^ ^ -^"^ ^-^ =" w 

nil. ^^£?r^^rrf ^(jgQi^j^^ , 

c/iWr.DairidBrainerd. A.D.iy+j. fin 

Died by a Mefl'enger from Eajl-Hmnptm, we travelled ro tfwj. 
On llw Road J felt an uncommon PrelTureof Mind : I fcctu'il 
lo itru|;(;Ic hard for tome Flcjfurc in fomellling here below, and 
foem'd lothtogiveupal) for gone ; but then faw my felf evident- 
ly llirjwing my felf into all Hardlhips and Dlfircfl'es in my prc- 
l.iilUndcnaJiing ; I Ibouglit it would he Iffs difficult to lie down 
III ilii: Grave ; But y« I chofc 10 go, rather ihiln itay. — Camis 
ti) Lymt that Night* 

[ Ho waited the iwo next Djyi for« PnH'jse over theSound, 
jnil rptnt much of ilic Time in iimard Coiifliih and Dejcaion , 
IjLjt hail fome Comfurt. 

On Saturday, he ctofi'd tl)s Sound, landed at Oy/lir-Pindi on 
J,ing'I/laml^ and (ravelled from tbcnce to Ea(i H^mptm, Antl 
ilie fcveii lollowing Days befpent thctc,for the mull: Pirt.under 
CKtrcam Dtje^ioli and Glaominefs of Mind, with great Corn^ 
(ilainKof Darkners, Ignorance &c. Yet his Heart apliears to 
liave been conSanlly engaged in ihc great Bufinefi of Rcligioti, 
iiiucl) CODCcrned for the Intereft ol Religion in Eaji-Htsm}isit, 
and praying ami lahourinf^ nitich for it. ] 

Saturday, i'ii. I2. Jiiijoyed a little mote Camfort, wascna- 
bled to meditate witii foriic Couipufttrc of Mind ; ajid elpecially 
in the Evening, found my Soul more refrcfli'J in Prayer, than 
at any Time of late ; my Soul feem'J to tah hsld »/ GiiTj 
Sirinilb, & was comforted with hlsConfolationi. O how fft'cet 
ate fome GlimpfB of divine Glory I Hovr fliengthsning and 

Lord'a-Day, Fib. 13, At Noon, under a great Degree of 
Difconragcment ; knew nothow it was pofTiblc for me to preach 
in the Afternoon, v^as ready 10 give up all fur gone j but God 
was pleafeJ to affiil mi; in fome Mcafure. Jn the Evening, my 
Heart was fwceily drawn out after God, and devoted to hira. 

[ The next Diy.he had CotnfortsndDejcaian intariningled.] 

Tuefdsy, Ftb. IJ. Early in the Day I felt fome Comfort, 
afterwards 1 walked into a neighbouring Grove, and felt more 
as a Stranger on Earth, I ibiiit, than ever before 1 Dead m any 
of ihc Knjoymenls of the World as if I had been dead in a na- 
tural Senfei— in the Evening, had divine Swcelnefg in fecret 
Duty ; God W3i then my Portion, and my Sotjl rofe above thofa 
dtcplhlirt, into which 1 have fank fo low of lale :— iWy Soul 
then cried fat 3iM, and had Swsctnefi in f* doing. 


62 Mt. 25. 

7^< L I F E 

A.D.I 743. % 

„,/ J """>?" ■'""' 1?^^ '^™'in«d flE nE« Mottling j but afte 
wards bis inward Diftrefs ictumed. J s = ""i aMO 

Thii7%, ft*. 1 7. Jn the Morning, fourd my fcif fomertinB 

thai I fpal:e with Freedom, Boldneft and fome Power. It, ,1,6 
flT^r *''""^""= Tim. with iid..r Chriflian FrieBd el, 
SLrrT' r°." "•=Eri"k»f Eternity, my SonI en oy.d 
iWMtnefe in lively Apprehenfiotis ol^ (landing before the glorious 
God : prayed w„h my dear Friend withSweetners.and difcourM 
w.^ utmoft Sniemmty h«i ttuly it was a iistle P^blen, 
ol Heavea ,t felf.~ i fi„d my Soul is mere refined and weaned 
from a Depcndanee on my Ftame. and fpirittia) feclinES. 
jTidaj./Vi ,S. Felt fomtthing fweolly moft of the Day, 
and found acceft to tlie Throne of Grace, flicijbd be tlie Lo.d 
for any Intervals 0/ heavenly Deligl,, and Compcfuee, while I 
sm engaged m the !■, eld of Battle. O that i tSigh. be feiious, 
(oleron and always vigilant, while in an evil Wotld. Had fome 
Opprjtlunity alone to Day. and found feme Freedom in Study. 

Saturday, fti. ,9. W^, exceeding infirm .0 Day, greatly 
troubled with Pa,„ in mv Head and Dizdnefs, fcarce able I 
lit up. However, enjoyed fomcthing of God in Prayer, and per- 
formed fome necsJl.,ry Studies. I exceedingly long to die, and 
yet through d,v,ne Goodnefs have feit very -.villing 10 live, for 
two or three Days paft. 

Lord^s-Day, ^,i, 30. Was fomelhing perplexed on Account 
of my Ca,eitrncfs ; ] thought I could not be fuitably concerned 
about ihe imporlant Wet of the Day, and fo was reflkfs with 
myMnefs.-.- Was exceeding infitm again to Day; but the 
iord ilrengrhened me, both in the outward and inward Msn, fo 
that ! pteach d ivith fome Life and Spirimality, efptcially in the 
Alternoon, wherein i waj enabled to fpeak clofely agaioft fclliih 
*ieliglon, that loves ChriB for his Benefits, bu, not for himfclf. 

(During the next Fortnight, it appears lha( he for the moft 
rsrt enjoyed much fpiritual Peace and Comfort. Jn his Diary 
for this hpace ot Time, are exprefiid fuch Things as ihefe ; 
MoimnnKOverindwelhngSin andUnprofitablenefs ; Deadnefsto 
ihe World, Longing after God and 10 live to his Glory, Heart- 
melting Di/ites after his ciwnal Home, fix'd Reliance oa God 


for his Help, Experience of much divine Affiffance both in the 
pri vate and publicfc Exercifes of Religion \ inward Strength an^ 
Courage in theSctvice of God, very frequent Refreniraent,Con- 
folation and divine Sweetnefs in Meditation, Prayer, Preaching, 
and Chrifiian Converfation. And it appears by his Account^ 
that ihis Space of Time was filled up with great Diligence and 
Karneftnefs in ferving God, in Study, Praycr.Meditation, Preach- 
ing, and private liitirufling and Counfeliing. ] 

Monday, Manh 7. This Morning when I arofc, I found my 
Heart go forth aftetSiod iit longingDciircs ofConhJrniiiy tohira, 
and in fccret Prayer found my iclf fweelly (juiciten'd and drawn 
out in Praifes to God for all he had done to and for me, and for 
all my inward Trials and Diffreffca of lale ; my Heart- afcribed 
Glory, Glory, Glory to the bleffed God ! And bid Welcome 
all inward Dilirefs again, if God faw meet to cxercife me with 
it; Time appeared but an Inch long, and Eternity at Hand » 
and 1 thought I could with Patience and Chearftilncfs bear any 
Thjnw for the Caufc of God :— For Ifaw that a Moment would 
bring me to a World of Peace and BlefTcdnefs j and my Soul, by 
the Strength of the Lord, tofe far above this lower^World, and 
all the vain Amufcnieisrs and frightful J>ifappointmcnrs of it. 
Afterwards, was vilited h'j fome hrk-iids, hui loli limic Sweet" " 
nefs by the Means. After that, had fome fweet Meditation on 
GcTi, V. 24. Aa\ Enoch vinUtsd whh Gad Stc. ..-This was a 
comfortable Day !o my Soul. 

[The next Day, he feeras to have conlinued in a coniidera- 
bk Degree of Sweetnefs and Fervency in Religion,] 

Wednefday, ^ffcrA 9' Endeavoured ts commit mv felf and 
all my Concerns to God. Rode 16 Miles- to Mantevk^ * and 
had fome inward Swectnefs on the Road ; but fbmerhing of 
Flatnofs Sc Deadnefi after I came there and had feen the ht^iafu : 
I withdrew, and endeavoured to pray, but found my felf 
awfully deferred and left, and had an afHifliiig Eenfe of my 
V^ileuefs and Meannefs. However, I went and preacli'd ij^itii 
Jfai. Uii. 10. Had fome Afliftance ; and. 1 iriiff, fomeihirg 
of the divine Prefcnce was among us. In the Evening, again I 
ptav'd and exbortiid among them, after having had a lieafjfi 
alone, wherein i was fo prefs^d with the iilackiicfs of my Nd- 
riire. th:'.t I thought it was not fitfor mc to fpeak fo much as to 

* AfuntiTw* is the Eaft ern Cape or End of £(Jti^- //?.^ J!i^, inba^ 
bitcd chiefly by Indkjiz. [ The 

^4 Ml. 25. 


_ fThc HEM Day, he returned to EaJi^Hampitn ; wassxccsd-j 
.ag .nfirm tn Body throfgl, the remai„mg Par, of th^Wefk ^i 
|,,t pe.k= of Aflifcnce and Enlargemeut'i „ Study »„ X ourl 
l.«efc,res, and of ,nwatd S«.eetners >nd brathiDg after God ] ' 

fo me to preach, by Realon of bodily WE.knefi and inward : 

hardly ftand ; but.n Sermon, God ftrcnlhgned n,=, fo that I ' 
Jpako n«r an Hour and half wi,h f«-eet Freedom,Ctarner.,anJ 
ftme tender Power, from Gr.. v. 34. ^„i Enoch wWfo^^criA 
Gk/. waslvreetlyaffiftedloiufiftonaclore IVMwUhG.d. 

fL,,A Tm ,?™>','""'"2^<'"'™"' God's Peopb here) 
Ibal tbij jbmUwlkwith G,d. May the God of alJ Grace 
lUGCSed my poor Labours in ibis Place ! 

Moniliy, Mmch r+, in the Mornini;, was very bufy in Pre- 
raralion for myjourney, and ws j)m„il continually erjeaged in 
.■jacnlatory Prayer. About (en, took Leave of the dear People 
of hsfl-Hampt^. MyHcart grieved & mourned, and rejoyeej 
at thefanneTime, rode !>ear fiftyMiles to aPart of Bml-Hm«!, ■ 
and lodged there, s„d had rei, eaingConrerfalion with aChriflian .. 
■ rrieiid. ^ij 

[In two Dnys mote he reached AW-2>i ; but complains of 
mndl Deferimn and Oesdnef! on the Road, He flay'd one 

til-jabM-tcia,. His Compiaiuts are the fame as on the two 
preceeding Djys.l 

Saturday, Ma„h 1,. Was bitterly dMre&J under a Scnfe 
oftny Ignorauee, D.a,k„efe aud Uuworthioeli ; got alone, and 
poured out my Cooiplaint to God i,i the Bitternefs ofntySoul.- 
(;. the Afternoon, todc 10 NiwMi, and had ft;mt Eweetnefs in 
Converfation w,th Mr. Burr, and in Praying together. O ! 
bleficd be Cod forever and ever, for any eniivening und quick- 

Lords-Day, ^.,ri jo. PreacbM in the Forenoon: God 
gavemefomeAaii!an«andS«-eelueft, and,„abled me lofpeak 
with real rcndernefs, Love and Impartiality. InlheE«nip2 
prradl <! again ; ,ud of a Truth God was pleafed to afhfta poor 
Worn,. Bleffed be God, 1 was enabled it, fpeat With Life 
Fower.anJ paffionrile DEfire of the Edilieation of God's Peopled 
and with fcnre Power .u Suners. In (he Evening:, I felt fome- 
hilig fpjrilual and iv3lchru;,;eft my Heart (hoold by any Mcais 
be drawn awa/ frc,« God, Oh, when (h*JI I (omc to An 


' cf Mr. DaviiJ Ersit5«rd. 5743. 65 

hlchi;d World, where every Power of my Soul will be incefTjiitly 
Itid eternally wound up, in heavenly Etnplt>ytnepta and Enjoy- 
num., 10 the hieheft Degree. 

I' On Monday he went to Wocdhridgef where he fpeats of hjs 
[lenig with a Number of MiniRets i * and the Day following- 
nl \m travelling part of the Way towards Ntvj-T^rk^inil lodging 
It a Tavern : On Wedtiefday^ he came to Neiv-JTeyi : On 
Thurfday, he rode near 50 Miles, horn Nizv-Tork to Nsrih- 
i^Jlli : On Fridity, -went to JOsnlmry : On Saturday, (o New^ 
Miif^d .■ On the Sabbath, he rode 5 or 6 Miles 10 a Place near 
Kini in CantteSiicat^ called t^iptkt/h, wh^r*. dwell a Number of 
Indkni, II and preached to them : On Moiiday, being dctajn'd 
liy the Rain, he tarried at KfJit ; On Tuefday, he rode front 
Kiat to Sdl/iury ; Wednefday, he went to ShfffieU : Thurfday, 
A/arr^ 21. he went to Mr. Strgeam's at Stockbyiilge. He was 
lirjedted and very difconfolate, thto' the main of this Journey 
trotn NiW:Jirfiy to ^teckkidgt ; and efpecially oti the laflDay 
\\\i Mind was overwhelmed with ati exceeding Gloominefs and 

* Tbefe Minifters were the Cstrefp^nfliTiiii who now met at 
WoiSridge^ and gave Mr. Bruimnt new Dtredlions, tot 
ini^ead of fendinghim ta theJndians at thcFsrh ofDthwGre^ 
a J before intended ; they ordered him togt> to a Number 
of itidians, at Ksumamiii, a Place in the Province of Wra- 
Tiifk^ in the Woods between ^todhud^i and Ailany^ This 
Alteration was occafioned by twoThings, mz. j. Inforlija- 
tion that the Correfpondents had received, of fome Content 
tion now fuhfiftiiig between the white People and the Indi- 
aws atilfi/flwflr^, concerning their Lands, which they fuppo- 
jed would be a Hindrance at ptcfent to their Entertainment 
of a MiiSonary, and to his Suceels sinona them. And 2. 
Some Intimatitjns they had received from Mr Sttgtanf^ 
Mjlhonary to the Indians at Stud^riclgt, concerning the In- 
dians at Kaunsumsd; and the hopeful Profpc^ of Succefs 
^iiac a Miilionary might have anaong them. 
I Thefewetc the fame Jwt^iitnr that Mr. Brajn^rd mcnticiB 
in his Diary, on Aug. 12. the preceeding Year. 


65 Ml.. 2^ 

f& LIF E 

PilST V, 

Pfomih pji Beginning to mJlruB th& 
Indians m Kaunaumeek, to &Ordina " 


znd ;n the li.emng my Heart «,3= f.nfc, ,„d,i Sm„di h/J 
BO tod «, go to. O that God would hdp vm \ " 

[The next five Days, he was for th= mnft p,,. • j ■ „ . 
deptet'JS;at.o/Mi/d;a,,dfJetta' xTeLto'eT^^ ■ 

Time fpraks thus concetniiig bis Diftreflcs mT, rjj/ , ' 
«W n,«Jad „„r,..- HeAvranAccoulT^fM ■';'!' '^^ '''^' 

.,«;.„/.., ..d beio, 4j:a;;trjt"/,;!:"^s,„t? 

p/ TIS^-, David Braincrd. A D. 1743. ^/^ 

FfiiJil)', jJ^r;7 S. Was cxcesJirtgly prefs'd under a Senfe of 
my Pride^SiifJJjnefs^ BitteTne/s, and Pariy-SfirU-, inTiraes psft, 
wLiilc I attejnpied to promote the Caufe of God : It's vile Na- 
ture and dreadful Confcijuences appeared in fuch odious Colocrs 
(0 me, that my very Heart was pained : I faw how poor SouEs 
Humbled over it into everkfljjig Defiruflian, that I was con- 
Hraincd to mafce that Prayer in tlie Bltternefs of my Soul^ O 
Lvrd, diliv£r msfrsm Bhsd-Guilimp, I faw my Defert nf Hell 
an thh Account- My Soul was full of inward Angujfij ^nd 
Shame before God, that I had Ipcnt fo much Time in Convcrfa- \ 
(ion tending only to promote a Party^Spirtt, <.)h, I fiiw 1 had 
jiot fuicablyprjjied Mortification, Self-deuial, Rc/igmtian under 
qII AdverfitiM, Meclcnefs, Love, Candour, and Holmefs of 
Heart and Life : And this Day was alinoft wholly fpcnt in fuch 
bitter and Soul-aiHiiHing RefleiSions on my paft Franiea and 
Uondma.— Of Jate, I have thought much of having the Kingdoiaj 
of Chrifl; acivanced in the World ; But now I faw i had enouglil 
to do within my fclf. The Lord be merciful to me a Sinner, 
and wafh my Soul. 

Saturday, Jprii g, Remained much in the fame State as 
Ycfferday ; excepting that tbc Senfc of my Vilrticfs was not h 
quick sad acute. . 

Lord's-Day, Jpril 10. Rofe early in the Morning, and 
walked out, and fpent confiderabJe Time in the Woods, itk 
Prayer and Meditation. Preach'd to the itiditins,bQth Forenoon 
and Afternoon. They behaved foberly in gcnefal ; two or three 
in particuJar appeared under fome religious Concern } with 
whom 1 difcourfed privsiely ; and one told me, htf Hiart had\ 
(ritd^ evtr fmce Jhi hsard mt pre/ab firfi. 

[The next Day, lie complains of much D^fcrtion.] 

Tuefday, ^pr'd 1%, Was greaily opprefs'd with Grief 3tiJ 
Shame, tcfi^fling on my pafi Conduat, my Bittirnefi & Parly- 
Zeal : I was aflianied,to think ihat fucb a Wretch aa 1 had ever 
preached J— Longed to be cxcufcd from that Work- Ani 
when my Soul was not in Anguifh and keen Diftrefs, 1 Iclt 
Senfdefs as a Bmjl bifon Gsd, and felt a Kind of guiltyAmufe- 
ment wkh the leaft Trifles ; which ftill maimain'd a Kind of 
fliflei Horror ot Confcience, fothat 1 could not refl any more^ 
than a condemned Malefactor. 

Wednefday, jfprii jj. My Heart was overwhelmed within 

me : I verily thought I was the nvancft, vileftj molt helplcft, 

K 2 &^^^^y> 


rk LIFE 

g-f^ ignorant, bcnightned Creature living A„,r,..,ii " 
YdteXy ' ' '^' ^'^^"■■■''^^I'in th= toe Stet= 

v.i.h ,ha>, ,!«„ before ; 7,L"'» ^1:1, T/ ^"^^^''^e^d 
in, ih.rt ,„ H.y h=ppj-ma t'ld "^ would rver bc-don 

D.g.e of cCfe. i" ";vrt n;™.^''^"''""- ^"^ ^ ^-^ 

r H. co.tinurf ;„ ,h[3 difccrrfol^c the ric^ Day, J 

>^^55. ij/ ;kfr. David Bfamerd. A.D.T745. fig 

|i:tt fume spiritual Longings and Brejihltrgs of Soul afcfiiGod ; 
f--j[iidniy felf engaged far the Advancement of Chrift'? King- 
dom in my own Soul, more Uun in others, moretfian in the 
Heathen VVtirld. 

Wctinsfday, J^ril 30. 5iet ap^ivt thh Day for Faflmg and 
Praytr, to bow my Soal before God for the Bsi^owincni of Hi- 
viiif; Grace ; cfpeckllj/ thht al! my fpjtitual /^Bii^ions ami- in- 
ward DiiheiTfs might be faiii5llfie*3 to ray Suul. And <!ntleu-, 
vottred alfo to remember thBGoodncfs of Qo^ tonic inthe^Ycar 
paft, this Day being my fiitib-Day. Hi4vhig nbmincd H^lp of 
God, I [lawe hitheno lived, and am nuw ariii-CLl ai tin: Age of 
2 J Years. My Suul WIS pained, to ibinlc of tuy Bsirennef? 
and Duadners ; ijiat I have lived fp Jittle to the Giory of (be 
ettrnal God. 1 fpent thj= 'D^y in the Woods alontr* and there 
pDured out my Complaint to God. O th^l God would qnabie 
me to lii'e to his Glory fot the future. 

Thurfday, jSpril 21. Spenf the Forenaon in Reading and 
Prayer, and found my fdf fomelhing enjjaged ■; but ftill niijcTi 
deprefa'd in Spirit under a Scnfc of my Vilenefs and Unfithefs 
for any publiuk Service. In the Afternoon^ 1 vif^tcd tny Peo- 
ple, and prayed and converfcd witli fynic about their SdulsCon- 
ccrjis : and afterwards found fome Ardour of Soul in fccref 
Prayer. O thst'i might grow up into the Likenefsof God. 

Friday, Jpril 22. Spent the Day in Study, Re^idir^g and 
Prayer ; and ft-lt n litile leiieved of my Burden, that has been 
fo heavy of lat^. But ftill in fome Meafme opprefs'd : had a 
Ssjife of Earrennefs. Oh, my LeaNfigfs teftrfies agaiiilt n^e ! Mjf 
very Soul abhors it feif for it's Unlikcnefs to God, it's Inaaivi.ty 
ami Sluggifhnefi;. When I hai-c done all, alas, what &t\ an- 
trofilaliU Sgrvsfii am I ! My Soul groans, ta ice the Hours ofl 
the D^y rojl away, bccaufe T dan** liji ihcm, in bpitituaJity I 
and rlfiave^ily-Mindediiefs. Ai:d yet 1 iong they fljould fpecdl 
thdt- Pace, to haften mc to my etcrni! fjome, ivhcre J may f\^A 
pp all my Moments, thfo' EEcmity, for God and his Glory^ 

[On Saturday and Lord's-Day, his Melancholy again pre- 
vailed : He cried out of his Ignorance, Stupidity, and SfiDfe- 
Jefnefs J while yet he feems to have fpcrit the Time with ut- 
maft DiligencBj in Study, in Prayer, and in Inf^ruiiing and 
Counfclling the Indiotis. On J\^onday, he fLink into thedeepcft 
Melancholy ; fo that he fiippofed he never fpenE a Day in fuch 
Diftrf f& ill his Lii^e 1 not in Fears of Hell, (ivhich, he fays, he 
had xio preJEng fear of J tut a djftr^Eiig Eenft fff his own Vile- 

,-0 '^.1, 25. 


rers&c. On TueHay, he exprEfefcmc Relief W,J rj 
£e kept as a Day of FaSin? and Pmv,, T . ■ """erdsi 

and the utmnft Armia that fv/r I ..„J i f '""CojiMon 

any One n the Farf ■ Inr ;. „ -i V^ ff ' "™ "M loofc 

«eLf j;H°.r "jd^lV/st ™ /='''^^'■^*'''«^='^- 
>*nd.f if ^een^:11^'!-:„'™ jJ/etr „'r^, L""t. f 

^ , ?:'t?garf ™"'' ^'''«="« »^ ''■™f"'^ t "on Mtni^;] 

ri^aTit/; £ i;°f„ ,y„\! '-^' f-^S'-. - «o ., m;„.. ' 

senfccfG.iit.PoiutS;,SnT™ vr^™-^ r'C' *■"''! 

*./.r, ^,; they have f»,™,r'»vJ¥«rf. ^, ^TlfJL t 
to be cover'd over with sTnld Q.ilt °l,' '?''^''' P"'*''"'" 

*/ m. David Brainerd. A,D, i ^43 . y 1 

* OnihEjaEofthefe 

Days he 

of Love, Candour, Meeknefs and Gentltnefs^thai have attetiticj 
my Ailtmpts to promote Religion and Venue ; and this when 
! have Reafon (o hope I had real Affiflance fmra alJove,and fotne 
(Weet Jnrcrcourfewith Heaven ! But alas, what imM Mutturti 
attended m^ beft Duties ! 

f The next feven Days, his Gloom atui Diflrefs continued, 
ior the moll Part : but he had fotne Ttitns of Relief and fpiri- 
tual Cotnfort. He gives an Aceonut of his fpcnditig Part of this 
Time in hard Labour,to build himfclf a little Cma^t to live in a- r 
mongft the /jjAoatjtJi which be might bcbyhimfelfi havingfit 
(eems) hitherto lived with a poor'Scoich-Man, as he obferve* in 
theLetter juft now refer'd 10 in the Margin 1 and afterwirds.bc- 
forehis own Houfe was habitable, lived in a Wijwam among 
the Ijtdiam. ] ■ ° 

Wednefday, May iS. My Circumllances are fucb that I 
have no Comfort, of any Kind, but what I have in God. I live 
la the tnoft loncfom Wildemeft ; have but one iingle Perfon to' 
Converfe with, that can fpcak E«gl,j)i: * Moft of tho! Talk £ 
hear, is dthcr Highknd-Salch or ln£m. I have no Fellow- 
Chrifiian to wliOKi I might uiibofom my felf, and lay open my 
fpiritual Sorrotvs, and with whom t might take fwect Counfel 
in Conveifation about heavenly Things, and join in facial Prayer. 
I live poorly with Regard to the Uomforls of Life : moft of my 
Diet conllHsof boil'd Corn, Hafty-Pudding, He, ilod»eona 
Bundle of Straw, and mjLabour is hard and cxtrearaly difficult ; 
and I have "Httle Appearance of Succefs, to comfort me. The 
hiiam Affairs are very dilScult j having no Land ro live on but 
what the DulA People lay Claim to, and threaten to drive tbeni 
off from j they have roRegard So the iiouls of the poor hdiam ; what I can learn, they hate mc.becaufc I come to preach 
10 'era.-- But that which mates all my Diffitullics grievous ta 
be born, is, that Gii hidii Us Fan from mi. 

» This Peifon was Mr. Brmiird'a Interprerer ; who was .in 
mgcmaus yotitig Iniian belonging to SlutbnJg,, whofe 
Name was Join irnMnmrnpiqumnQml, who been in- 
flruflcd in the Chriflian Religion by Mr. SirtiM ; and 
had lived with thcRsv. Mr. WiliUmi of L,«s- Almdiw a^,d 
hid been further Jnflruaed by him, at ib= Charge of Mr. 
Milmai is.;*5;and uiiderflood both E>irlifij ioA Inilian 
very well, and wrote S good Hand. 


^2 'Mt. i6. 

lis LIFE 

Thurfday, Ma; 1 9. Spent rooK of this Day in dofc Sjudies • 
Bat was fomcMmes fo diftrefs'iljthjt I could iiiink 0/ nothing bu^ 
itiy f[Mri[ual Blindnefs, Ignorance, Pride, and Mifcry, Oh, B 
hare Rcafon to maltc ihal Prayer, JUrd, fsrgivi my Sim s/Ttuthl 
and former Trefp:^ires ! 1 

Friday, Mas lo. Was much pcrplexed.rome Pare of tiicDay ■ 1 
but towards Night, had fomc comfortable Meditalions on lfai.\ 
xl. I. And enjoyed fome Sweemers in Prayer. Afterwards myj 
Soul rofe & far above the iliip Walcn, ttiat I dared to rijafei I'si 
Gsd: Ifaw, ihetc was fuSlciene Matter of Confolalion in thrj3 
bleffed God. 

[ The next nine Days, his Burdens, *ere for the moft Part ' 
alleviated i but with Variety : at fomc Times having confidera- 
ble Confolation, and , It other Times more depteffcd. The next 
Day, Monday, Alaj 30. He fet out on ajourney toNta-Jcrfiy, 
lo confult tbe Cammifiioners tiiat employed him about (he 
Affairs of his M iiiion : •)■ performed his Journey ibillier in four ■ 
Days ; and aritvfd at IV!r. Burr'a in Niwari on Thurfday. la 
great Pan oi liis Journey, he was in (lie Depths of Melancholy, I 
under lite DilirtSi-s wiiji ihoie already mentioned. On Friday, , 
he rode to EDfahih-'-Tiv^n ■-, and oniiaturday to iS^^a?-2fl/^ ; and 
from thence on his way fjomewards as far as Whha-PImm ; 
where he fpent the Satbath, and had confiderahie Degrees of 
iivineConfolJtionandADitlance in pnbllck Services. On IVlon- 
day, ho rode abooi 6n Miles toi^fry-i/ijwa. There he at temp ced 
a Reconciliation ^vi[^l the Authority of (he,a%t ; and fpent 
this Week io vjliunp his Friends in lliofc Parts, and in bisjour- 
my Homewards, 'l\1\ Saturday, in a pretty comfortable frame 
of Mind: On Saturday, in his Way from Stmibriiigt to Kau^ 
nainnrii, he was loft in theWoods, and lay all Night in the open 
Ait ; but happily found his Way in the Morning, sod came ta 
bis iio'MMonl.ord'i-Day, jfrnji 1%. And had greater Affifiance 
in Preaching lioiong them than ever before,fmce his firft coming 
among them.] 

t Plis E^fincfi v^icb The CcifTimiflioncts now was, to obtain 
Ordeiy Jrom ti^em to fct up a School among the In^iam ac 
Kaitaauijitif: .■^T\^ ihal his Interpreter might be appomced tha 
School-Ma-Scr : Which was accordingly done. 


'^ Mr. Dawd Brainefd. A.D.174.3, 73 

[From thisTime forward he was the Suhjefl of variousFramct 
and Excrcifes of Mind : Bm it feems, in the general, to have 
btcn with him much after the fame Manner as ii had been hi- 
therto from his firffi coining to Kaaimmiil, 'till he got into 
his own Houfe (a little Hal, that he made chiefly with his own 
HallJs.with long and hirdLibour) which was near feven Weeks 
frora this Time. Great Part of this Space of Time, he was de- 
jedted and depreffed with Mehincholy, and fometimes very ex- 
irejmly ; his Melancholy operating in like Manner as has been 
related of Times paS. How it was with him In Ihofe dark Fna- 
fsns, he hirofelf further dcfcribes in his Diary for Jul/ 2. in the 
following Manner. My Ssiil is,!md has fur a Imglimi iliii it a 
filisui Cmiilitn^^adisi Ihn' aStrin of SiJttmi, if vmt!iiKi:d!. 
1 bavi bltit !' crujh'd ilfain fimitimt: vjilh a Stnji of my Miaantfi 
and Infiniu Vnuinrlhimfi, that i ham him tjhamid that an-) mm 
At tmamjlofmyMlaw-Crtalitrtsjhimldjt muchai (pirsdaThsuihl 
ahml mi,ti ha'se ivifi'd/mitimllVJiili J ham Ireoelitd amsng tit 
thiik Brths, as cut of litm, ll drtp inti s-sirlijlii^ OiUvisn. 
Is this Caft, fimilimis, 1 havi almtfl njilmd laiir again » ftl 
snysfmy ^cqnaintmici ; and rialiy tbiugbl, 1 auld ml dt il and 
hi/d tip my Fact \ and havt hngii fir thi nmltfl Kigiin, far i 
RUTeatfrmaitmy Frimii, thailimghl mi bi/ten er htard 1/ any 

jairi, Siimlimsl ibt Cunfidtratitm nf myJgMranct has hanaMtatu 

cfay grial Di/lrifs and Aaxiely. Jind tfj^datly my iiaj ha; km 
in Angaip with Feat, Sliamt^ and Guilt, ihat ivtr I hadfrtmh'd, 
er bad a/iyThougbl tbatM^ay.-- - Smtiimn mySsul baibttn inDi/lrifs 
m filling fmtl psrtiniar Csrraplhm riji and /villi Hit a tnighSy 
Tirrint, with prefml Visliiit i havini at ibe/ami Timi, unThsu- ' 
/asdfsrmir Sim and Feitin prifintiiu fitw, in all their Blacltnifs 
snd Aitravaliitni,— And ihtjt attin^tdwith fuih txtirnal Circum- 
JlanctiSimini at pijcnt an ; iifiitali sf mijl if ihi Cmttmmm if 
Lifi,at!d Imayfay, ofalllbi Pliafuris tfit ; withtat aFriirJ f 
timnninicatt anj cf mf Strriws li, anjfimllimli tvilhmt any Plait 
tf Rttirtmmt, vjbirt imai unburden my Soul befsrt Gnd.which has 
trially ttntribvud u tay Dijirtfi.— Of hit, mart ifpidalk, my 
irial Dlffimllt hsi bnn a Sirl «/ Carili/ni/i, a Kind tf ri^ardlift 
Timfir of /Wind, whina 1 havi bun difptjid It Jnio/mct and Tri- 
jfiw.- Ad fhil Timpir of Mind lias ctnfianlly km islUndiduiisb 
Cu<J and Shtmi ; fa Ifml fimilimii I havi bun in a Kind if 
Horror; to finimtfilffi mlihlbcili^td Gld ; and haw tioKgbt 
Igrrw viorfi Lniir ail my trials ; and lutbin; has cut mi isnmdd 
my Still mart than This. Oh, if lamomofGai's ihifm, as iirtiff 
thro' infiniii Graif lam, Ijiniifa Truih, llsauhe lijhteoBS «-e 
fcarcely faved ! t 'Tis 

■i'4 ^t- 2S, 


w.neft o, VUni he was fo much acrriftd wkh a./^m^S 
mJ. was R.iJefl,on on his p.fl Errors .r,d „„fg„;d,d Zeaul 

the Land. And Ibere/orc he repe^Kd his Kndcavou rs this Yell 
forRewncljation wiih the Govcrnours of , he College, whom* 
he had <n Iha. T^e offended. AUho' he h.d been^ ., Ivir 
^.=™ m 7«,,, ,h,s Yc.., and h.d a.temp.ed a Reco«cHi„jJn, ; 
as h« h«n menlloneJ already, yer in the Beginning of 7„/,. Kel 
made another Journey thither, atid renemd his Attempt; butf 

Tit'^^r^'r'^i ""'' "^"'if'^^i^^^'I, great P^rt of that Space of:] 
r i'^L'r'' rp..t,ngof, yet thcr. were and Rdign..inn of Mi«d, and freq.cnt fpcck I 

The Manner of h,. Kdief from his Sorrow, once .n particular f 
IS worthy 10 b.m.-nt>on'd in hia own Words, in his Diary forj 

^ f r ^' «^^-Ar.W. m^iiatkn an Gcd'^EurniL That hA 

SaiprdY, 7^^; 30. Jufl 3C Night, moved into my ,wnH-.uU 
.nd lodged there th.. Night ; fou.d it much fpe^S^ 
^"bctc!'' mygwoHcufe, tha« in the ^;^;,..L whL d 

p^-^-B]<=jr,dbe the Lord, tb.t h.. now gir.n m. a PteJ 

i'f ""m"'-" ^ *^" ^ "''E^^ >^/ G,^ £ it, atid that hcl 
would dweiJ w^iih me for ever. -^"u in^t nej 

Hi5r''t>'/''^- V ^f ^^i'^bl^Cnn farther Labours on ni^i 
poufe...-Pdt ^ little of the Sweetnefs of Religion, and thpuS^S™h the while tof^iU^ '^/■'..GwL'\t oZdl 
^n tes p.f.r^,,..dD,3th it felf. Q th.t I might .KvayVS.^ 

>/Afr. David Brainerd. A.D.r743; 75 

foane Degree of SweeCtiefs, ia f^cret Prayer, tho' I had much 

Tuesday, Au^. a. Was Bill lak:uring to make my felf more 
comfortable with Gegaid to my Boufe and Lodging. Labour'd 
und^r fpiritu^l Anxiety ; It feem'd to me, I deferved to be 
kicit'd out of the World ^ yet found fome Comfort in commttiii}^ 
my Caii/£ to Ged. 'Tis good for me to he gffisMtd^ that ( may die 
wholly to this World and all (hat is in it. 

Wedncfday, ^ug> 3. Spent moft of the Day in Writing. 
Enjoyed fomc Kenfe of Religion. Thro' divine Goodnefs I am 
now uninterruptedly alone j and fimi my Retirement comforta- 
ble, i have enjoyed more Senfe of divire Things within a few 
Days laH paft, than for fomeTime before. I lodged after HcjII- 
nef^JHnniIity& Meckn^fs : O ihatGod would enable me lapafs 
ih( lirtig of /tiy fojournifig here in hJi Ftar^ and always iivt Is k'tm, 

Thurfday, Aug, i!^- Was enabled to pray muchj thro' ihe 
wbolcDay ; and thro' divine Goodnefs found fome Intcnfenefs 
of Ijoiil in the Duty, as 1 ufed ta doj an fame Ability to perfe- 
verc in my Supplications : Had fome Apprelietifions of divine 
Things, that were engaging, and that gave me feme Courage and 
Refolution. 'Tis good, i ^nii, irt psrjtven in Adtriipiao pray,| 
if 1 cati't pfsy with Perpveranci^ \, e. continue lung in my Ad- 
drefl'es to the divincBeing. I have geneially found, thai the more 
J do in feciet Prayer, ihe more I have ddlghled to do> and have] 
enjayed more oi a Spirit of Ffayer : aad frequently have found 
•,h.<i conirary, when with Journeying or oiberivifej I have been 
much deprived ol Retirement. A f^-afonable iteady Performance 
i>l fccret Duries in their proper Hours, & a caretul Improvcraentj 
of all Tjinsj iiiiing up every Hiur with fome profitable L;ibouf»| 
ciiherof HeartjHcad.or Hant^s, are excellent Means oi fpintualJ 
Ptace and Bolelnefs before God- Chrlli indeed ia em Peau^ and 
by him wi have Bsldnif: af Acafi to God \ but a good Conjchmet 
midofOffsace^ is an excellent Preparation for an Approach inio 
the divine Prefence. There is Difference between Seif-Cwf- 
dmct and a Self-righi^us pUeJing surfdves (with our ownD1lIle^1, 
AHainmtnts, and fpi ritual lisijojmcnts) which gotllySouls fome- 
limes are guilty of, anti ihat holy Confidtnci w\hn\^. from tha 
Teftimony of a good Confcience, whicl) jjood iU^ekish hwd 
when he ^ys, Remitnhfr, Lord,, I btfttch Thee^ hsw I bavt 
walha biforsihse inTrutb mdwilh aptrfsa Heart. Then (faya 
ihe holy Pfalmifl) /hall J fot he sfh&mtd^ whn J bsvs ReJpeSf ta 
ali thy CommbJidmtntj, Filling up our Time wiV* ajid/cr Go&j 
U lli« Way 19 life up and lie down in Pta^e, 

■jS Mt. 16., 


v«y .omforubte Frame, having hi, Miud fix.d Td W, , "I 
pg^ci ■■> Re ,5,™ i .„d „„e rhap once blefiis God, It L 3 
I given him a IitifeCBfJo/j, where hs jni,>I>t r;„- _, ">""'°'^ "}% 

could .E any Ho.f of ,he Day kj, dido all StudiJs ,„dVjJ 
T,™m l.fting up his SoyI to Gcd fo. fpiriiu,! SM ,i 1 I 
Saturday, j?i,r. is. Was enahlp,1 :„ r . «' oicmiigs-J 

»«;>..,i v^ith ,1 ffl«/of dvfnrE.ic Int '"'"*^'\!i 
World All rn„ ™n o ""™5 JSnjoyraonis, e«n m (h si 

iood a God ... Lo,d ,'r ^=4 ^0^1 r r"n ^"-^1 :LTa d 

ILove even totbemoft: invecerate of mv EnUfpV 11 "iJ 

Lord s-Day, ^^g.. ,^, I had much more Freedom in cublicfc 

M7„da;'lJ''^' ^ ^"' P-eived'^„oco„,id„arES^ 

fot Sweelnefe in the Mori.u,e Vv"' vVrt w«t i^^,''''' 


Andr^ ''=/"',\'™". 'f U«anyconr,derableQuamilv" 

Ithro' d,v,„e t.oodr,<r, 1 had fum. /W™ i^if J™,,,^"! 


c/Mr. David Brainerd. A.D. 17+3. 77 

maiJe llitle Cake?, and fried them. Yet /clt contcnlcti with my 
(JiiCiimftances, and fwceily rtTigned to God. In Prayer I en- 
joyed great FreeJom ; and biefi'd Goti as ttiiich for my piefentl 
Circumftances, as if I had bton a King j and tJioxight, 1 found' 
a Difpofition to be contented in any Circuniftanccs i BlelT^d bs 

[Theruft of this Week, he was exceeding weak in Body, 
and muchexercifed with Pain ; 3!)d yet obliged from Day to 
Day to labour hard, to procure Fodder for his Horfe ; estcept- 
itig fome Pare of the T\mt he was fo very il]j that he was nciihec 
able to work nor ftudy : Butfpeiibof LoiigingaaftwHoIJJiersand 
t^erfcftCanfoimily to God ; complains of ejijoyhij; butlittle 
of God ; yet Ja>s, ^hal litUe was better to him» than nil ihe 
iVerldbcCiA^s. In his Dinry (or Saturday, he fsjs, He was 
fomething MdBncholy antf foiTOwfuI in Mind j and adds, / 
never feel cmfsrlsblj, hut when J fnd my Ssul guitig fgrth afitr 
God; ]f I can't he holy ^ 1 muji necejfsrily bs miferahUfonver.'^ 

Lord's-Day, jfug^^ ii. Was much ftraiten^d inthcForenoon-^ 
Exercifc i my Thoughts feem'd to be all fcaiterM to Eh« Enda 
DftheL]arth. At Noon* I fell down before the Lnrd, gnd 
groan'd undei- my Vilcnefs, Barrirnncfa, Dcadncfa^ and felt as if| 
I was guilty of Scitl-Murther, in Ipcakin^ to jmmortal douJsm 
fiich a Manner as I had rhun done-— In the Afiernoon» God 
waj plcas'd to j^ive me Tome AlTiiiance, and I was enabled to 
fet before my Hciircrs the NdEure and NfCtility of true Repen- 
tance, i^i. Afterwards bad Ibmc fmall Dtigrceof Tbankfulnefs^ 
Was very ill and full of Pain in the Evening i and my Soul 
mourned that 1 had fpent fo much Time to To little Pro£t. 

Monday, Ja^, 11. Speiic niort of the O^y in Study ; and 
found my bodily Strengili in a Meafiirc rcftorcd. Had feme 
jntenfe and paiiionate BrCfithifigs of Soul after Holitiefa, snd 
verv clear Maniffiftations of my utter hiahility to procure* at 
WG:k it in my felf \ 'tis wholly owing ttj the Power of Cadtr, 
O, with what Ttfndernefs the Love ai^^d Dclire of Hojinefil 
fills the Soul ! 1 warned to uisig out of my felfj to Gon ; of 
rathet to gti a Conformity lo Him : But alas, i oji'c add to my 
Stature in Grace one Otibit. However, my Soul cc^n never 
[eaveftriving fori: i or at le;Ut prnaning» that it ci,n'f fiiive 
for it, and obtain nv^re Purity ol Heart. — Ac Night, I (pent 
fomeTime in inltrutling mypoor People : Oh, that Gad woii}d 
pity ibeir Souls. 

Tu<:rday, Au:^. 2^- Studied in the Forenncn, and cnjoy*d 
f^jms KrecJcm. In [i^e Afcernoan) labomcd Ahroad : Endea- 

Ml. 2&, 

'ffSi C I F E 

L.n« turned i. m/lUind witfi Plelfc " ^ '""^' ^^^\ 

mat ! shou tbht, that Iwiltjhrki ? 
J "I' to 1/nmsrttslhy. 

mem/ and F < ^"""^ °f' ""^ '==' '^'^l'1= f" il'= K„j„y 

niems and itmploynitnrs o/the uDDer WnrlH n.k. V ■^.■ 
was more altenipcr'd (., i, " °'"' ° '^^' '">'''"'' 

g'Lrs 111 ,r.cs .„d Frcpararitiii lor ths World of BbilWnif, [ 

e/Afr, David Brainerd. A.D. 1743, 79 

ind tliat he might juftly fay, Cut it dtwa SiC. O ihat Soi 
wouEd make me more lively and vigorous in Grace., for his own 
GJory ! Amen- 

fThe two nexiDays, he was much engaged in feme neceffary 
Labours, in which he estreamiy fpent himfelf. He feejiiSjther& 
X>&y^ to have had a great Senfe of the Vanity of the World 5 
and continued Longings after Holinefs, and more Fervcnty o£ 
Spirit In the Service of God.] 

Lord's-Day, Au^. aS. Was much perplex'd with romeirre-i 
ligiaus Durcb-mitiM All Their Dtfcourfe turned upor* theThingi ' 
of the World ; which was no fmall Exercife to my Mind. Oh, 
what a Heii it wouM be to fpend an Efern^ty vfith fuch Men \ 
Well inighC-Ddi</(J fay, 1 hiheld lh$Trdnfg* tjfsrs ,1:^ wax grutxti^-r 
Bui, adored be God, Heaven is a Plaice, into which m afujesit 
Thing £tiuri. Oh, I Jong for (he Holinefs of Eha;Worlii ! Lord* 
prepare a\c therefor- 

[The next Day, be fet out on a Jtmrney to Ngw-Tork, Wm 
fomefhing dejetiled, the two firft Days oi his Journey ; but yet 
feenis to hive enjoyed fome Degrees of the fenSbJe Prcfence of 

Wednefday, /fug, gt. Rode down to Betf^Uhsm : Wb3 ms 
fu^eet, ferious, and^ I hope, ChriHian Frame, when I came 
there j Eternal Things engrofs'd all my Thoughts ; and HongM 
to be in ths World of Spirits. O bow happy is it, to havcaU 
our Tf^oughts fwailowed ifp in that World ^ to fee] Ofle*s fcif a I 
ferious confiderate Stranger in thji World, diligently feeking a| 
Road ihro' it, the heft, the fure Road to the heavenly Jerw 
fafsm / 

Thurfday, Sfptemb, i Rode to Danhury, Was more dull 
and dcjedled /ft Spirit, than Vefte'rday. Indeed, I always feel 
comfortably, when God realises Death and (he Things of ano- 
ther World to my Mind : Whenever my Mind is talcen off 
from the Things of this WorW, and fet on God^ my Saut ig 
ihwi at -pi/?, 

[He vent forwaird on his Journey, and came toNew-yeti on 

the next Monday. And after tarrying there two or ibreeDays, 

ki out from (heCity tavBatdsNao-^avefij intending to be there 

j^E tks Cesn men cement 5 an<t on Friday came to Btrfi-N^h 

" fa 


So ^1. 16. 

nt LIFE 

In the'raem Tim?, he complains mtsch of Dulncfs, and Waifj 
rf Fervour iu Religion : But yet from Time 10 Time, fpeaj^ 
of his ciijoviiig (pirilual Warmth and Sweeinefs in tJonvcrfaiic 
With Chritlian friends, Affiftance in publiclc Services, tfft.] 

Satiirdaj-, Jj/k, ,0. Rode fix Miles to Slanwkh, and preach'd 
to a coDfiderable Aflbmbly nf People. Had ferae Afflftanc^ 
and FrcedoiB.efpecially towards the Clofc. Endeavoured mnsA 
afterward!, in privaic ConvcrfatiDn, ro cftablifll Holincfc, Hul 
mility, Mceknefs fcft. as the Z/Tence of true Religion ; and m 
moderate fome nuify Sort of Pcrfons, ihat appeared to tnc to b^ 
aflcd by unfccn fpiriluall'iidc, Ala3,whatExDreams Men incliti^ 
to runinto !— Returned toHir/t-Niti,and felt foinc Serioufnefal 
and fwEct Soleroc ity in tl:e Evening. a 

^L°;d's-Day, Sipl. II. Jn the Afternoon, pieach'd from^ 
Jitas iii. 8. I think, God never helped me more in painting oat'i 
itrne Religion, and in detetaing clearly, and tenderly difcoun!e-J 
Inancingfalfe Appearances of Religion, Wild-fire Patty-Zeai;| 
fpJritBal Pride, tic. as well as a confident dogmatical Spirit.aniii 
it's Spring, Kiz. Ignorance of the Pleart.— !n ihe Evcningfi 
ttwk much Pains in private Converfation to fupprefs fomeCon-^ 
fufions, that I perceived were aniongft that People. 'L 

Monday, Sffl. ,1, Rode to Mr, MiUs'i at Ri'plm. Hld^ 
fome paplexing Hours; but was fome Part of tb^ Day very' j 
comfortable. 'Tis Ibrstigh grist Trials, I fee, that mi avji tnUr f 
thi Gain 1/ Paraji/i, If my Soul could but be Holy, (hal God j 
mig^t not be dishonoured, n^eihinks, I could bear Sorrows. L 

Tuefday, S^f/. ij. Rode to Niw-Hsvur. Was fonjetimes. J 
dejcaed ; not in the fweelcft P'rame. Lodged at ••**. Had? 
fome profilablc Chriftian Coiiverfation, &C.—1 (it^d,lho' my in- 
ward Trials are great, and 2 Life of Kolltude gives 'cm greater 
Advantage to fettle and penetrate to ihe very ilimoft Receflcs of 
the Soul; yet 'tis belter to be alone, than incumbei'd withNoifc 
and Tumult. 1 find it very diHicult maintaining any Scnfe of 
[divine Things, while removing from Place to Place, diverred 
with new ObJEas, and fill'd with Care and Bufincfs. A fetilcd 
Beady Bufincfs is heft adapted to a Life of Uria Religion. 

Wcdnefday, Sipf. 14. Tbis Day I ought to have taken my ' 
\Dtgm; * but God fetj fit to deny it me. And tho'Iwas 
greatly afraid of being ovci whelmed with Perplexity and Con- 
fafion, when I flioald fee my ChffAlais take theirs j ^u, in 

This being Cmmntimcal Day, 



«/ Mr. David Brainerd. A.D.t743. tt 

(he very Scafonofit, God enabled me with Calijinefa and Re»| 
fignation to liy, The/fill sftii Lord h dmt. Indeed, thro' divine 
Soodncfs, 1 have fcarcely felt my Mind fo calsi, fedaie, and 
torofortable for fome Time. F have Jong feat'd this Seafon, and 
exnefled my HuiHility, Meeknefa, Patience and Refignatioii 
would be much tried t : But found much more Pleafure anil 
divine Comfort, than I expeaed,— Felt fpiritually Serious, ten- 
der and Affeflionnte in private Prayer with a dear Chriftian 
Friend to Day. . 

Thurfday, Jf?f. 15. Had fome Saiisfaaion in hearing the 
Minifters difcoutfe fcfc. 'Tis always a Comfoit to mc, to ) 
hear religious and fpiiitual Difcourfe. O that Minifters and 
People were more fpiritual and devoted to God.— Towards 
Mgbt with the Advice of Chriffiau Friends, 1 offered the fol- 
lowing Refleaions m Writing, to the R<fl«r md Tru/i.ii !,( the 
Cillm ( which are for Subttance the fame that I had freely of- 
fered to the Riiftr before, and inlrcaled him to accept) and this 
I did that ifpoflible 1 might cutofFallOccafion of Stumbling and 
Offence, from thofe that feck Occafioo. What 1 ofFercd, is 

as follows. , ,„ , „„ 

<> Whereas I havefaid before feveralPerlotls,eonceming Mr. 
" milltl/iy,anevf t\ie Tutozs of Tuli C,U,^,, tUt / M net 
** Ittigve he ktld any mare Graa^lbati tbeChajr J thin Uan'd upott ; I 
" [ humbly confcfs, that herein I have fm'dagBJnlt God, and 
" afled .'contrary to the Rules of his Word, and have injured 
<< MT.fFhiuelfi)- I had no Rigbt to make thus free with hil 
11 Chirafler ; and had nojuftReafoo to fay asl did concerning 
" him. My Fault herein was the more Aggravated, in that I 
11 faid this concetningOne that was lomnch mv Supciiour, and 
" one that I was obliged to treat with fpecial Reipeft and, Ho- 
" nour, by Reafon of the Relation 1 flood in to him in the 
" College. Such a Manner of Behaviour, I conlefs, did not 
" become a Chriftian ; it was taking too moch upon me, and. 

t His Trial was the greater, in that, had it not been for ih« 
Difpleafuie of llie Governours of tlie Col iegc,he would not 
only on that Day have Ihared with his Cl..f -Males in the 
publick Honours which they then received, but would on 
that Occafiiin have appeared at the Head of that Uafs ; 
which, if he had been with ihera.would have been the mo!t 
numerous of any that ever had been graduated at ihat 
College, ^ j;j 




" didnotfevouroftliai humble Jiefpea, ihall ought io ha' 
'• eKfreft'd towards Mr. /fto,/,;, l^,,,, j,,,, |,„ ^] 

ihen j.ft.fid fuch .C„„dua, I bav/often refilaid on tlf, 
Aa «lh Gr,« ; Ijope, „„ Account oi .h= Ji, olfr- 
• And =m willing to hs hw, .„d be abaM beforeGod =„,iMa« 
'"/"•,,^"'^''™'''f='*-h^f"rgiv™fs of lheGmc,.o™ 
of thi:^olk-ge, whol=aocic(y;bu!ofMr /Wj* 
p ^7 "" f;^'^"^"- Atid whcrea, I have been a<:<:uf-rJ h,- cno 
Peifoa of faying cmct™,„g ,|,e Rev. R,S,r ai nU-CoHn,. 

« *ifSrM„rs/4.(W™^J^,Te:inenti.Miif07d ; Ikrl.y.i 

profefs, that I don't remember my %ipg any Thing lo ih,^ 

■ Purpofe. But If I did, which I am no. certafn I did n.: I 

' utlerly Wm„ ,(, ,„d J,„^ ,„ (j,,,, k,-,^ ^f Behavicw ; 

and elpecaHy in an Undergraduate lowards [he Reflor. And 
I I now appear, to judge and condemn iny felffor ™W ,„„„> 
I th,f.far.uM,,U.s ™New-Ha.en, a Hltle befofe Iwae,! ' 

* I humbly a(k the Reftor'. l^rgi^eneft. And whellicr l" 
' Governou.SD/ the College ShM ever fee Caufe lo 
" the Academical Cenfure I he under, orno, or toadinit me 
tothePr^ edg^Udefire, yet J an, willing ,s ap; r, 
J=f '^'".'' fi'. "P'nly to^ o™, .„d to humble n.y feli for 
" ihofc Things I have herein confefs'd." 

God hMm,demewJllinj;t9iloanyThini!, that I can do 
confiactwtth Truth, for the S=te of Peac^ and that ] ni! I 
not b= a iumbing- block and Offence .« other,. For thi^Eca- 
[frri^r '''"'f""!' f^'^E"- and give trp what I reiily behc.e, 

Iniknces. C*d t,« given me ,!>« Difpofition, that if tbis v-ere 
.be Cafe, that a Man has done me an !,u«A.d hhrh, ..-d I 

,ftho evcrfo mucbprol'oltedtoit) havedorte Him «,, J fecll 
difp^fed, a.d heartily willing humbly to confcftmyFault to bin" ' 
TWkI ^."'^"^'^■^"'Siveneftothimi tho' at the fam, 
™= he «ion d juftify himfelf in all the Ijijuiieshc baa done me 

t.ndftouJd only m.te Uf=oft«y humble Confeffion to bhcte 
Zl,?'/. V T^^'i^P'"''"" "' ■■" *° onlyPetfo, 

fpnttninprivatcioafrtendortwo; and being partly over! 
fetiard. wiU rcbted te *, Ksite. „d by hi^ exLicd from tny 

Fiisiida J 

«■/ Afr. David Brainerd, A.D.1743. 83 

Friends J yet, feeing it was divulged and made publick, I wa« 
willios to canfeSi my i'ault therein publickly.— But I truft.God 
will plead ipy Caufe. * 

[T!ie nextDay he went to Dirhy ; (hen to JbaJtiarjijWhere bl 
fpent the Sabbath : and fpealcs of fome fpiritual Comfort ; but 
complains much of UnfixednEfs. and Wandilngs of Mind in 

Monday, Sipt. 19. In the Afternoon, rode to Siihkhim, and 
ibcrc preacb'd. Had fome Meafure of Ai!iHance,bulb inl'rayet 
;ni) Preaching. I felt ferious, kind and tender towards allMan- 
iind, atid longed that Holincfa might flouriUi more on Earth. 

*f I was witoefs to t!ie veryChtiftianSpirilMr.flrai'nciifcew'd 
at that Time, bcina then at Nml-Havm, and bciog One 
that he faw Et lo aTrfiilt on that Occaflon. (This was the 
(irfiTime that ever 1 badOpportunity of perfonalAcquain- 
tance with him.) Tiicre truly apptat'd in bioi a great Dt- 
greeef Calmn.i'sand Humility i witbcut lire lcj(t Ap- 
pcaranc; of Rifing ot Spirit for any ill Treatment he fup- 
pofed he bad fulFercd, or the leaft Backwatdncfs to abafe 
bimfelf before Them who he tboui;lit had wrong'd hira. 
Whit he did was without any Objcaitin or Appearance of 
Relufiance, even in private to his friends, that he freely 
opcn'd bimfelf to. EarncH Application was made on his 
Behalf to the Authority of the College, that he might have 
hisDegree then given him i and particdaily by thcRev. Mr. 
Bmr, of Nuimtk, one of the Correfpondentsof the Hon. 
Society in 5£j(bW ; He being fent from A^tw-W^y to 
Niw-limtn, by ihcreftoflhcCommiffioners.forthatEnd; 
and many Arguments were ufed i but without Succefs. 
indeed the Govcmours of the College were fo far faitsfiei 
with the RtSeaions Mr. Braimrd had made on hjmfelf, 
that they appeared willing to admit him again into Cclkgi i 
but not to give him hisjO^rw, 'till hefhould have rcmam'd 
there, at leaft a Twelve-Month, which being contrary to 
what the Correfpondems, to whom bo was now engaged, 
had declared to be their IVIind, he did not confent to it. 
He defjred his Degree, as he thought it would tend lohii 
being more extcofiTely ufeful i butftlll when he was deny i 
it, hs manif(fl!d no DifappointsrieBt oi Refentmcst- 

?+ jSi. 26. 

3«( 'LIFE 

Tucfday, Stpt. so. Had Thoughts of goijig forwariJ on aiyi 
Journey to my Ittdism i but towards Nfght was tajten wilh a 
hard Pain in my Teeth, and fiiiirering Coid, and could not 
poflibly recover a comfortable Degree of Watmth the whole 
Night followii:g. 1 continued very full of Pain all Night ; and 
in the MorniniJ had a very hard Fever, and Pains alniott alt 
over my whale Body. 1 hada Setlfe of the divine Goodjicfs m 
appointing this 10 be the Place of my Sicknefs, vh, among my. 
Friends that VFcre very Kind to me. I ftiould probably iiavB 
p perilhcd, if i had lirtt got Home to iny own Houfe in the Wil- 
[tlcrr7cr5, where I have none to converfe with but the poor rude 
ignorant htHam, Here [ faw »a! Mercy in the midft of 
AiHi£tion. I continued thus^ mofily confined to my Bed ^ Mil. 
Friday- Night ; very full of Fain mo(! of the Time s but thro' 
divine Gootlocfi not afraid of Death. Then the extream Folly 
of lliufc nppcar'dlo me, who put off their turnillg to God "till 
aSick-Std. Surely this is not a Time proper so prepare for 
Eternity,— Oo Friday-Evening my Pains went off fomelhing 
fuddenly 1 and I was exceeding weak, and almoff falnlcd i but 
was very comfortable the Night following. Thofe Words 
Pfrl, cxviii.r?- I frequently revolved in my Mind ; and thought 
we were to prir.c the Continuation of Life only on this Account, 
that wc mzyji,w hnh Gid'i Gntiit/) aadWorh nfGracc. 

[From this Time, he gradually rccover'd : And on rhe next 
Tuefday was fo well as to beabk to go forwarj on his Journey 
Homewards: But was 'till the Tuefday foilowiog bafore hs 
rt^dn'i Kaunaumiii. And feems, great Part of this Time, to 
have had a very deep and lively Senfe of the Vanity and Erapti- 
nefs of all Things here beiow, and of ihe Reality, Nearntfs and 
vstt Importance of eternal I'hings. J 

Tuefday, O^ofor 4. ThisDay rodcHome to my ownHBufe and* 
People. The poor hdims appear'd very glad of my Return.,!! 
Found my Houfe and all Things in Safely. I prcfenily fell oa * 
my Knees and bleflid God for nay fafe Return, after 3 !ong and 
tedious Journey, and a Seafon of Sicknefs in feveral Places 
where I had been, and after I had been fick my felf. God hai 
renewed his Kindnefs to me, in prefcrving me onejourney more. 
I have iskea many coafiderable Journeys fince this Time laft 
Year, and yet God has never luffsred one of my Bones (o be 
broken, or anydiflrefEng Calamity to befall me, excepting tho 
'II Turn [ hid in my laft Journey ; Tiio' I have been often tit- 
pofed to Cold and Hunger in the Wjldeincfs, whtre ihu Com- 

ef Mr. David Brainerd. A.T5, i ^4..^ . S j 

forts of Life were not to be had ; have frequently been loft in 
Ihe Woodaj and foroetimes odlig'd to ride much of the Night i 
snd once lay out in the Woods all Night. BkJIed be God that 
has ptcfcrved me. 

r In his Diary for the next eleven Days, are great Complaint* 
of Diitance from God, rpirilull Pride, Corruption, and exceed- 
ing Vilenefs. He once fays, hisHeart was fo ptefs'd wilh aSenfo 
of his Pollution, that he could fcarcely hive the Face and Im- 
pudence (as it then appeared to him) to riehrc that God (houW( 
not damn him forever. And at another Time, ho fayi. He had 
fo little Senfo of God, or Apprebenfion and Relifh of his Crory 
and Excclleticy, that it made hitn more difpofed to KiBdne&j 
and Tcndernefs towartls thofe who are blind and ignorant of 
God and Things divine and heavenly.] 

Lord's-Day, OClih. l6. In the Evening, God was pleafed to 
give me a leeling Senfe of my own Unworthinefs ; but thro' di- 
vine Goodncfs fuch as tended to draw, ralher than drive m» 
from God : [t fill'd me withSolemnity. 1 retired alone (havmg 
at this Time a Friend with me) and poured out my Soul to 
God, with much Freedom i and ycl in Anguifh, to fiii.' ray felf 
fo unfpeafcably finful and nnworlhv before a holy ( l.J. Was 
now much refigned utider God's Difpenfations towards mc,tbo' 
my Trials had been very great. But thought whftlc. 1 rould 
be refign'd, if God fhould let the FrmrA/iKiiaM come upon me, 
and de'prive me of my Life, or carry me away Capiive (iho' I 
knew of no fpecial Rclfon then to propofc this Trial to myfelf, 
more than any other) and my Soul feem'd fo far to reft and ac- 
quiefcc in God, that theSling andTcrror of thefeTbings feem'd 
iti a great Meafure gone . Prefently after I came to the IiuHant, 
whom 1 was teaching to ftog Pfalm-Tones that Evening, I re- 
ceived the following Letter from SlsMriigi, by a MelTenger 
fcnt on the Sabbath on Purpofe, which made it appear of gteatet 
Importance. ^ i *, jj j 

«i Sir, Juft now we received Advices from Uol. Stiddari, 
" that there is the utmoft Danger of i Rupture wkh Fr^mi. 
« He has received the fame from hii Excellency ourGovernour, 
" ordettog bim to give Notice to all the expofed Places, that, 
<t [hey may fecure ihemfclves the beft tlioy can againft iny 
" fuddcn Invafion. We thought beft to fend diteflly to Ksa- 
' I naamni, that you may take the prudcntcft Meafuies for yout 
•' Safety that dwell ihsre. I a", Sir, »*. 

j^l. %6. 

ni LIFE 


J thought, upon reading (he Contents, if came in a goodSea- 
gn } for mj Heart feera'd fomelhit]g fix'd on God, ajid 'heie-: 
fcre r V,K not much furprked : But this News only made me ' 
morcfcrious, and taught rac that I muft uat pleafEmv felf with ■ 
any of the Comforts of Life which I had been preparing for my 
Support. Blefled be God, thst gave me any Intcafenefs &vA 
icivuBcy this Evening. 

Monday, Oaa. .7. Had foiTiB.Jihrlg Hopes (bmetimes, ihjt 
bid-wmldarif, and invi Mircy mZian fieediiy. My Heart is 
indeed refrcflied, when I have any prevailing Hopes ol ZiWs 
f mfpenty. O that I may fee the glorious Day, when Zre^ Qiall 
become the /„ sf ,l,i ahh Earth I Truly there is noihin" 
that I greatly value in this lower WorW, 

[OnTuefdsy.he rode toSteiirfo'^f ; complainsof heingsnuch 
diverted, and hiving hut little tife. On Wcdnefday, he ex- 
preiiesiomefolemn Scnfeof divine Things, and a loneins (o 
be alvsajs doing for God with a godly Fratne of Spirit.] 

Thnrfday, Oetsb. jo. Had but little Senfeof divine Tilings 
Ihis Day, Alas, that fii much of my preciousTJme is fpen t with 
ft little of God r Tbofc are tedious Dsjs, wherein I hive ho 
ipjrituahty, \ 

Friday, OaA. 21. Reinined home to Kaumamil!: Waa 
glad to get alone m my littkCottsge.and to cry to that Got! who 
ieelh in fecrct and is prefent in a Wildernefs, 

Saturday, OBti. as. Had but little fenribleCommilllbn with 
^od, ThisWorld is a dark Cloudy Manfion. Oh.wben will the 
*M 0/ Rsgkiotifmfi fliinc on my Soul withoutCeflaiton or Inier- 

Lords-Day, Qa.h. 23. In theMorning, had s littleDawnof 
Coaifortar.fing ftomHopes of feeing gloriousDays in theChurch 
of God : Was enabled to pray for fuch a gloriousDay withfome 
Courage and Strength of Hope. In the Futeiioon, treated oil 
the Glories of Heaven, Wr.— In the Afternoon, on IheMifedes 
ofHtll, and the Danger of going there. Had fomeFteedom and 
Waimth, both Parts of she Day. And my People were very 
Attenlivc. In ibe Evening, two or three came to me under 
Concern for their Sonls 5 to whom! was enabled to difceurfs 
Blofely, and with fome Earneftnefs and Dtfiie, O l.^Jt God 
woirld be mctcifui to their poor Sools. 


0/ Jtfr. David Brainerd. A.D.1743: ^^ 

[ He feeins, through the whole of this Week, to have been 
gseatly engaged toiiil up eveiy Inch of Time in the Service of 
God, and to have been molt dcligently employed inStudy, Prayer 
and inflrniSting the //lififfffJ i and from Time to Time eiprefies 
Longings of Soul after God, and the Advancement of his King- 
dom,and fpiritual Comfort and Ref/elhn^ent.J 

Lords- Day, OaA. 30. In the Morning, enjoyed fome Fixed- 
ncfs of Soul in Prayer, Which was indeed fweet and delirable : 
Wasenablcd to leavcmyfelf wilhGod, and to acquiefce in him. 
At Noon, my Soul was refrclli'd with reading Rm. iii. more 
efpecially (he iilh and iith Verfes. O ra;' Soul lotiged for 
that blelied Day, when I fliould imtli in ibi Tmpil of GlJ, and 
go ns mori sui of his immediate Prcfence ! 

Monday, OfW. ;;i. Rode to KMirhmi, about 15 Miles 
from my Place. While riding, 1 felt fome divine Swcctiicfs in 
the Thoughts of being a Pillar in ths Tsm{jU ef Gsd in the upper 
World, and being no more deprived of his bleflcd Prefence and 
the Scnfe of fa'r Favtur, which is htUcr than Lift. My Sou! 
was fo lifted up to God, that I could pour out my DefircE to 
him, for mote Grace and lurthcrDcgreesof t5an<£lihcation,wilh 
abundant Freedom. Oh, 1 longed to be more aljuodantly pre- 
pared for (hat fllelTednefs, with which I was then in fome Mea- 
fnre refrefll'd ! — Rcturn'd Home in the Evening ; but took isn 
cxlrearaly bad Cold by riding in the Night. 

Tuefday, Novimh. r. Was very much difordered in Body, 
and fometimes full of Fain in my F-ace and Teeth : Was not 
able to ftudv much, and had not rauchfpiritual Comfort. Alas, 

when God Is withdrawn, all is gone I Had fome fwectTho'ts, 

which I could not but write down, on the Difsgn, Nctitri, and 
Snd of Chriflianity. 

Wednefday, iVfiUfm^. 2. Was ftiil more indifpofed in Body, 
and in much Pain, raoft of the Day : Had not much Comfort } 
was fcarcely able toftudy at all i and Hill inlirely alone in (he 
Wilderncfs. But blelTcd bi the Lord, I ben't expofed in the 
■pen Air : I have » Houfe, and many of the Comfoid of Life, 
lofuppoft me. IhavelHrn'd, in a Meafurc, that all goo<J 
Things, relating both to Time and Eternity, come from God.-- 
In the Evening, had fome Degree of quickening in Prayer ; I 
think, Gad gave me fome Senfc of his Preftnce. 

Thurfday, ^vuimh. 3. Spent this Day in fecrct Fading an4 
Prayer, from Morning 'till Night. Early in the Morning, had 
(I think) feme fiaall De&res of AiSAim«c in Piiyec. After- 


tfg £l. 26. 

yii LIFE 

wards, react thi; Story of EHjali ths Pr ophet,;i Kingi, xvii, xviif^fil 
and xix Chapters, and alfo j Khgi ii.mdiv.' Chapter!. Mv Soiifi 
Wis mucli moved, obfervini; ihc Faiib, Zoa! and Power of thaK 
holy Man i bow he wrdtled with God in Prayer, Jfc. My Soul 
Iben cried with Ei;j!,a, ffhiri i, till LurdGadofm^ ! Ohjl 
I Jonged for more Faith ! My Soul breathed after God, anjj 
pieidirtj with hitn, tbat a daubUPiriiim 0/ that Spirit, which wasil 
given to £/j,'3A, might r,fl m mi. Anti that which was divinetrl 
refreftiing and fttengihning to my Soul, was, I faw tbat God it' J 
(hc/a^i that he was in the Dayi of Elijah, — Was enabled tal 
wrcflk with God by Prayer, in a more affeaionale, fervent, > 
humble, inienfc, and importanate Manner, than I have for k 
many Moniiis pail. Noihing fcem'd loo harti for God to per- • 
form i nothing too great for me to hope for from Him.— I " 
had for many Months intirtJy loH all Hopes of being made in- 
ftrumental of doing any fpecial Service for God in the World.: 
It has appeared mcirely impofBbk, that one fo black and vile 
ihnuid be iluis improved for God \ But at this Time God waj -, 
pleaftd to refive this Hope.— Alterwards read the iiid Chap, of 1 
Extii. and on to the xitti, and faw more of the Gkry & Majtjh 1 
of Gob difcovered in thofe Cbaptets, than ever [ had fcen be- 1 
fore ; ftequently in tile mean Time falling on my Knees and^ 
crying to God ior she Faith of Msft,, and for 3 Msmifeftation ' 
of the diiiiti QlsTf. Efpcciall? the iiid & ivth, and Pitt of the | 
3iivtfl& xvth Chapters, were uofpeakably fwect to my Soul : My ' 
£oul bleffed God, (hit he had ihewn himfcif fo gradsu, to iiis 
Servants of old. The xvth Chapter fcem'd to bcibevery Lati- 
giiage which mjStiul uiici'd toGod in iheSeafon of my fitft fpiri- 
lual Comlort,wiicn I had juft got thro' t\xRtdSa,'hy a »'«> that 
I had no Expcftation of. O how my Soul then rij'iyui in Gid I 
And now ihi.fc Things came frefh and lively to my Mind j now - 
my Soul blcfs'dGod sfrefh, ihai he had open'd that enthought 
oi IFufia deliver nje from ihe Fear of the Egyptian!, when i al- 
moft dcfpiir'd of Life,-- Afterwards read the Slory of Jirahm's 
Pilgrimage 10 ibc Land of Canaan: My Suul was melted, in . 
obferVHig his Feiih, how he Ican'd on God ; how he csmaitud 
WEihGoD, and whit a Strangir he was here in the WorH. 
Alter that, read the Slory of Ja/,pi\ Sufferings, and God'i 
Coodoefstohim .■ Blefiid God 'for thefe Examples of Failh and 
Paiience. My Soul was ardent in Fiaver, was enabled to 
wredleartleiiily for myfeif, forChiifiian Friends, and for the 
thurchofGod, And lelt more Ddire to fee the Power of 
God in the Convciligo ol Souls, than I have done for a long 


e/ jMc David Brainerd, A.Tl. fji\^'. Sj 

Seafon. BlefTed be God for this Seafon ofFafiing nnd Prayer. 
May hi&Goodnefs always abide wiih me,& draw mySoul toHim. 
Thurfday, Niviml'. 4. Rode to Kindirlmi ; v/ent quite to 
Hu::fm*t-Rr0ey^ about %o Miles from my Houfc ; performetl 
fome Buhnefs ; and tcturned Home in the Evening to my own 
Houfe. I had rather ride hard, and fatigue my felf, to get 
Home, than to fpend the Evening and Night amongft thofe that 
have no Regard for God. 

[The two next Days, be waa very ill an J full of Pain, prolia- 
bly through his tiding in tbcNight, after a fatiguini; Day*s Jour- 
ney onThurfday : But yet fecms to have been diligent inBurineis. ] 

Monday, Novemh, 7. This Morning, the Lord afforded me 
fome fpecial Afliftance in Prayer : My Mind vnaa fclemn, 
fix'd, af?eft[Onate, and ardent In Dclires aflcr Hoiinefs j and 
felt full of Tendernefs and Love 5 and tny Affedlions feemed to 
he diffolved into Kind.nefs and Soflnef!---In the Evening, En- 
joyed the fame comfortableASiflance in Prayer, as in thcMorn- 
inc ■ My Soul lonEcd aflet God, and cripd to him *»h a filial 
^', ^ „ 1 n.i i_^/u y-^ .1.... I ...:„!... 

Freedom, Reverence and lloldncfs 
confccrascd and devoted to God. 

O that I niiijht be intiiely 

[The two next Days, he complains of bodily lllnefs & Pain; 
but much mote of fijirilualBairennefs and Unptofitiblcncrs,j 

Tbiitfiiav, Nm. 10, Spent this Day in Eafling and Prayer 
alone. In theMorning,was very dull snd lifelefs ; W2S fomething 
mclasicholv and difcouraged. But after fome Time, reading 
2 ffijWJ xix Cbap. my Soul was moved and afFeacd ; efpecially 
reading Vtrj! 14. and onward. I faw ihere was no other Way 
for the affliSed Children of God to take, but 10 go io God 
with all their Sorrows. Htziflah, in bis great Diifrefs, went 
and fpread his Complaint before the Lord, i was then enabled 
10 fee the mighty Power of God, and my cxtreamNeed of ihat 
I'owcr : Was enabled !0 cry to God affcflionatciy & ardently for 
his divine Power and Grace to be excrcifcil lowariJs mc.-A(ter- 
wards, read the Slory of Damd'l Trials, and ubferved tbsCourfe 
he look under ihero, how be flreiigthDcJ his ironds m God s 
whereby my Soul was carried out aller Gun, enabled to cry 
to Him and rely upon Him, and felt /trng h til Lird. Was 
afterwards refrelll'd, obfcrving the blclTed Temper that was 
wronght in Dmid by his Trials : All Einerncfs and Defire of 
" ' N Revenge 

Mt. %6. 

ras L I F E 

Revenge feemed wholly (alcen awav ■ h th,i i. , i 

Was enabled to Jilcft Gcd 

.his d,vi^ T™p., ,,, „, so.1 ^./T^i;- -7^:;;^ - 

he was v«y ill a^d funot S , ^ grm Pa,f of the Time 
UiLaljour, and tra^dlinB; Day and Nirh, ,„ I, ^ r l i^'-"'' 

.h.. »iu .e ^ ...Vd', :t.:;i:2r,r, t"; L.'?' ' '-^ 

^«i.mrm„^ : which m-nv Til '"='*"'' *'«^'"rff, ind' 

, H.*ip i„ tu f.vel'crLT'o"/;;>r^[:t';:" " "•"'-■ . 

0/ Mr. David Brainsrd. A D. 1 74J. 85 

of more Reliremtnt. — I lore to live alone in mv own llllle 
Cctt^^e, where lean fpend much Time iri Piayer, Es**-. 

Wediiefday, Nmemh- 30. I'lirfued my Study of Indiav : But 
was vory weak and difordered in Body, and was troubled ia 
Mind at the liarrennefs oi the Day, ihat I had done fo little 
for God. I had foiiie Enlargement In Prayer at Night. Oh, 
a Barn, or Stable, Hedge, or any other Pkce, is iiiily deCiabIs, 
if God 18 there I Eonietimes, oflare, my Hoiics of Zicn's Ftof- 
j-crily are more raifed,(han they were in ihe Summer iiaft. Mr 
SoLil fccms to CDlilide in God, hi- will }>:ljhtm firlh tii 
Salvaltsu to hisPeople.aDil make Zim tliey»y tf tin ivIkIi Earth. 

htis: ixcillml U tbi Lsvini-kinimfs oflhcLtrd ! Myliuul fomo- 
times inwardly exults al the lively Thoughts of what Clod has 
already done for his Chu rcb, and what rains Eyei hnvi fun nf 
lii Si.hatim nf Gai. 'Tis fwell, to hear nothing buT rpiriiual 
DifcouiCe from God's Children 5 arid «J"ir% ibi Waf 
ts Zien, kf^n-4,,lfhaifii:ilt ws ds, lee. O that I may fee more of 
this bleffed Work, 

Tliurfday, J3«r/m{. !. Both Morning and Evening, I en- 
joyed fome Inienfcnels of Soul in Prayer, and longed for the 
Kr!tai|cment of L;hrift'sKin(;doni in ibi-Wotld. MySoul fccmj, 
oi laie, to mj/i «» God for ills BlclEng on Zim, O that Re- 
ligion might powerfully revive. 

Friday, Dfunib. 1. Enjoy'd notfo roueh Health of Body, or 
Fervour of Mind, as Ycfterday. If the Chariot- VVhcell move 
wiliiEjfe and Speed at any Time, for a fliort Space ; yet hy and by 
they drive Jicavily again. O ihst I had tbi li-'ingi of a Divs^tbat 

1 might fi away from Sin & Corruptioti.and \ssiilRt^ h Go]>. 

Saturday, Dectmh. 3. R-ode Home, to my Houfe anriPeople. 
Suffered much with the extreme Cold.— t truft, ! ftiall, 'ere 
long, arrive fafe to niy journey's End, where in y Toils flialS 

Lo'rd's-Day, Dicimh. 4.. Had but lilllc Senfc of divine and 
heaveoty Thiiigs. My Sou! mourns over my Banenncfs. Oh 
how fad is rpiritual Deidnefs I 

Monday, Dicmi. 5. R-ode to SiiMrid^i. V. as aimoft out 
done with the exlream Cold. Had fome relvcdiinp Mtdilatirais 
hy the Way ; hut was barren, wandriii|!, ami l.ilclefs, much 
of the Day. Thus my Days toll away, will) but htlledone for 
God; and this is ray Burden. 

TuLfJny, Dicimb. 6. Was perplexed to fee the Vanity anS 

Levity of profelTed Chrifliaos. Spent the Eveni;f with a Chrif- 

tiiflpiiend, that was able its finie MeafuieS^fyrapathiac with 

N a rae 

<5o M'..i6. 


Wllh whmn I c<,uh! ccnvcrfe of ,-,,„^rJ f„„i &" '° """^ ™ 
»■,! r"'"?'''.^"""*' 7- Spentihc Evening in Pcrp!c;iiJ 

d.f y«,t An.-4 ,o,-,s. b«n/d n, be ,t an amazing Diliaiice fra 
Go J : anJ lo.t„;g raunj i„ „,e World, ro fee if .terem, n,fl 

UDjects in ilic World, fcsm'd each tg invite my Heart aurl A(J 
f=aon= i a.d my Soul liem'd ,o be mr^Q^ "ZJZ^3 

Ai,p..r.,.„„n-fai„,,,„j i^ .^ A.w„ ij, ,;,i; 'I 


a v,„|-., „, r„- H •* , ' ""^ ' iprafcs of hrs being naiced urilill 
p>ftaw.,. a„d f„ i;:„e.;„t. ffr c ."d «r'""S 'ii"-' TJ"'l 

v<-raj,ces of God's C, Ij' " [ ";\'''= ^S^Ci^' and De)i. ] 

5/ Mr. David BraiBerd. A.D.174J. 91 

Holiiicfs ; and alfo of the Unchaogcablenefs of God, that he is 
Ihe fame as he was wlien lie delivered Ilis Saints of old out of 
preat Tribulation. My Soul was fuiidrj' Times in Prayer en- 
larged tor God's Church andl'euplc. O that 'Lisa might become 
die Jifefibf fHoU Emlh, Tis better to wait upon God with 
falience, tlian to fiut Coufiience in any Thing in this lower 
World, My Saul, viait 7hm m Ik Lsrd ; fsr frm him emit 
ihy Sahsthu. , n r i 

r Friday, Dimrii. 33- Felt a little more Courage and Rtfolu- 
I (ion in Religion, than at forae other Timw. 

Saturday, Diciixh. 24. Had tome Ailift,iiii:c, and longing 
Defires after Sanaificatlon, in Prayer tbitDay ; cljjccially in the 
Evening : Was i'eiifible of my own Woaltnefs and fpiritual Im- 
pDtency : Saw plainly,! flioulJ fall into Sin, if God of his abun- 
dant Mercy did not aphslJ my Ss.v/, and wilbM mi fram Evil. 
O that God would tipUd ml k hh fni Spirit, and fav! mt from 
the Hour of Ttinplaiim, 

Lord'5-Day, Dicsmi. i;, I'ny'il iiinch,rn tbEMorning,with 
a feeling Seilfe i>f my own fpiritual Weaknefs and InfufKcicncy 
for any Duty. God gave me fonae AfElfancc in Preaching to 
the Indium ; and efpccially in the Afternoon, when i wai ena- 
bled to fpealc vritli uncomlHon Plainnds, Freedom, and iiar- 
Heftnefi. BleJTcd be God for any AfEHancc granted to one fa 
unworthy. Afterwards felt fome Than kfitlnefs i bat ftill fcn- 
fible of Banenncfs. — Spent fome Time in the Evening, with 
oni or twoPetfons under fpiritual Concern, and exhorting olheira 
to their Duty, Esf*. . 

Monday, Dmiini. 26. Rode down to StoLhr:cl;i. Was very 
much fatigued with my Journey, wherein I underwent great 
Hardthip : Was much estpofed and very wet by falhng into a 
River. Spent: the Day and Evening without much Scnfe of 
divine and heavenly Tilings ; But felt guilty, griev'd, and per- 
plea'd with wandring careiefa Thoughts, 

TucfdsJ, -D««ra*. 27. Had a fmall Degree of Warmth in 
fecret Prayer, in the Evening : but, alas, had but little fpiritual 
Life, and cc-nfequelltly but littleComfoit ! Oh, thcPrcfTuic of a 
Bxly St Dialh ! * 

Wcdnefday, Dicimh- i8. Rude ikout fist Mile.i ta the Ordi- 
nation of Mr. Bipiini. In the iicaJoii of tire Sskmnity was 

" This Day he wrote ih^idLtltir addsdat the End of this 
' . fomewhat 

92 ^1.^6. nt LIFE A,D.i;4 

of Iht Work of g MM„ne, of Chrift. Aftervvards w., gtievrf 
to fe. ,ho Van,,,, of <ho Mulmudc. I. ,he livening, fp3 
lit k Tirae w,,b fome Cl„ift™ Friend., with f™,. De™ I 

£nd but fcwdifpoftd to Cot,verfc„fdi,i,i. a„d h.t>ven)yTh?nEr 

iJicft d God foi- Rci,remeii(, and thudlicn't always exDofe? 
to iheConiiiMy and Convcrfation of th= World. O that I cciul} 

I'riday, a,™*. 30. Was in j ftlenin d^out Frarvie in Ihs 
Everring. Wnnder'd ihn Earth, with ^11 its Cfrarn.s. flwul 
ever ali.r= mcirKhe 1.3ft Degree, O tl.ati could alw.v / i7 
the Being aod Hahack u( Uod ' - 

mT-^Th ^^a'™*' ^^- ^°?"/"'" ^'*^*''*' ^-^^ <" =r; 

% ° V w f-," '"'" '''="'■ ""^ Calni.biit as Cold as „ct- 1 fdtj 
.t m the World, or near, 1 „a. in prea. Dangsr o( peri W 

^^'^;;|if;^Sa: -e ^i^- ^ '- t^^ct!"^ 

titiworthy, ,ha. I could not look my People in ,he Face, when 
1 carn^to Preach. Oh, my Mea„nc6, toily. IsnoracW " ' 
jr.wardPojo.or, ...Jn tho E.e„,ng, had a l,„Ie Affiif.nco in that theDoty «-as delightrome,raiher then burden&m. 
Refleflcdon the Gaodoefeof God , a me in the pall Year, Uc. 
Ufa i rutb God has been kind snd gracious to me, tho' he has 
cattfed rjie to paft thro' rnany Sorro*. ; ire has provided for „« 
bountifully fo that J have heen enabled, in about ,5 Mon^s 
pad, to beflow to cliariiableUfes about an HmJr,J pJ!,^J, fj^. 
iof/oBd Money, thai lean now remember. » Ble/iid he thi 

* Whicl! was, [ funpofc, to ,hc value of about an, Huvdni 
end tnhlyfivi Ftunds in our Bills of the old Tenour aj 
they now pali.--- \\y this, as well as many olber Things 
It ismanifell, that his frequent Mclancho'y did not arlfe 
from the (Jon/iderailon of any DifadvantaTg he was laid 
under to get a Livir-g in the hi, fxpulfion ffoffi 
Ihe Woliege. 


if Mr. DavM BrailiercJ. A. D. 1 744. 93 

Lord, Ihathss fo far ufed me as Ar'j Etncsrd, to diftribute 3 Par- 
tim tfhis GmA. May 1 always remember, that all I have comes 
from God. BIcil'ed bs the Lord, that has carried me thro' a!! 
iho Toils, I^atigues, and Hardftiipsof the Yesr paft, as wt:ll as 
the fpiritual Sorrows and Conflifls that have attended it. Olhit 
I could begin 'h'^ Year with Ged, and fpend the whole of it to 
jSvr Gkry^ cithsf in Life or Ueath, 

Monday, Jan, 1. Had fome afFcflijlg Sctlfeof myown [ill- 
potency and fpiritual Weaknefs. — 'Ti> nothing but (he Power 
of God that keeps me from all Manner of Wickcdnefs, I fee, 
1 am nslbki, and can do nothini; without Help ffom above. 
Oh, for divine Grace 1 In the Evening, had fame Ardour of 
Soul in Prayer, and longing Defltes to have God for my Guide 
snJ Safe-guatd at all Times. | 

Tuefdap, Jan. 3. Was employed much of ibeDay inWrit- 
ing; and fpent fome Time in other ncceilary Employmen!. 
But my Time paB'es away fo fiviflly, that I am aftoniflied when| 
Irefleflonit, and fee how little I do in it- My State of Solitude j 
does not make the Hours hang heavy upon my Hands. O what 
Reafon ofThankfulneftbave I, on account of thia Retirement I 
I find, lbatl<?OM'i, and it feenis I mb'(, lead a Ciriy/iau Life, 
when I am abroad, and can't fpend Time in Devotion, Chrif-, 
tian Convetfotion, and SciiousMeditatiou, as 1 Should do. Timfe 
Weeks that I am obliged now to be from horiie, in order to 
learn thc/WionTongue, are ttioHly r|icnl inPerplexity & Barren. ' 
ncfs, without much fweeiRelifli uf divineThings ; and [ feel my 
felf a Slrangsr at theThrone of'Grace.for want of more frequent 
and continued Retirement. Whetj I return Home, and givs 
my felfto Meditation, Prayer, and Fafting, a new Scene opens 
to my Mind, and my Soul longs tor Mortification, Seif-iic:iial, 
Humility, and Divorcement from all the Things of the Woiid.' 
This Evening, my Heart was fom ewlial warm and fervent in^ 
Prayer and Mcditai;on,ro that ! was loth to indulge Sleep. Con- 
tinued in thoYe Dulles 'till about Midnight. 

Wednefday, 7a^. 4. Was in a rehgned and mortificdTemper 
of Mind, much of ibe Day. Time appeared a Mtmml, Life a 
Viiftrir, and all its Enjoymcots as empty Bubbles, and fleeting 

■f This Diy he wrote the yi Letttr, publiflied at the End oi' 
this Accvunlof his Liic. y 1C1 


5+ jEt. 26. 

rire LIFE 

Thurrday, Jai, 5. Hml a humbling and prcfling Senfe of myj 
Unworlhh.cra. My Scnfe of the Eadncfs of my own Heart fill'Cl 
my Ssiil Willi Bitterncfs and AnguJ/Ii ; which was ready (0 fink«* 
M u.iJct the We/ght of a heavy Burden. And thus fpent th^ 
tvcnrng, 'tdl laic— V/asfomcwharintcnfeandardtnt iaPrayCTiJ 
fridaj- J-js. 6. f edingand confidef ing my extteamWeato-f 
nel:, and Want of Grace, the Pollution of my Soil, andDangffif 
of J cniptatioES Oil every fide, ] fet apart this Day for FaftiaB.1 
audi rayer.neither eating nor drinking fromEvcnini; toEveninE*^ 
hefMdung God (ohpTeMcrcyoiimc. And my SodinltafeSiS 
long (I, that the dreadful Spot! and Stains of Sin mioiit be waih'd 
away (torn it. Saw fomething of the Power and Alfufliciency of 
God. My Boul fccm'd to reil on his Povrec andGrace ; loji^ei . 
for Rrfignaiioii to his Will.and Morcilication to all Things bm 
below. My IVIind was greatly fa'd on divine Things ^ My 
Kcfolutions for a Life of Mortification, continual Watchful- 
neft, Sdf-dcraa), Eeriouiitcrs, and Devotion toGed.were «rong I 
and hxd; my Deiircs ardent and lotenfe ; my Confci^nce J 
tender.aou af,aid of every Appearance nf Evil. My Soul grieved l" 
w.lh Ihc Relleclion on pait Levity, aiidWant of Rcfolution fod 
God. i folemnly renewed my Dedication of my felf (0 God|l 
andlonrcd for Grace to enable me always to keep Covenatir-M 
with hiin. Time appeared very (hort, jEtetnlly near ; and a ? 
great Name, cihor in or after Life, loeclhcr with all eK&ly '. 
Pleafurcj and__Profils, but an empty Bubble, a deluding Dream, L 
bataroay, fan. 7. Epeot this Day in Ecrioufncfa, wild fied-'l 
fslt R=P:i!ut,ons for God and 3 Life of Mortification. Studied 
doftly, '1,1! ! felt my bodily Sliennth fail. Pelt fome Degree of 
KdiBnaijuii to God, with an Acqoirfcencc in hisDifpenfalicns. 
Wa.> gi,e»cd, that ! could do fo hriie for God hefcrc my bodily 
birengih faiJ-J.- . in the Evenins;, ilW tired; vet was enabled to 
contmue inltant in Prayer for (bme Time. Spent the Time in 
Keadtog Mcditaiion. and Prsvcr, 'till rhe Ivcning was far 4 
Ipent : \. n!»ricvcd,lo think that Icould not lua/fiMtcfrowr. I 
the wlinle Ni^hr.,., But bldfed he God, Heaven is a Place of 1 
conliiiuiil and incclTant Devotion, tho" Earth isdull, 

[Thcfiic Days following, ho continued in Ifie fame hapov 
Itsnie of .Mind ; enjoyed the fame Corapol^jre.CsImnefi, lie- 
hSnarion, uTirn! Defire and fwect Fervency of Spirit in a hioh 
Degree, everv iJjy, not oncejccepied. Thcrfday, this WefiL 
tie Itcpi as a Day or fccte! Failing snrj Praj'et,] 

e/ Afr. David Bfainerd. A.D. 17^4., gj 

Salurday, yan. 14. This Morning, enjoyed a mofi folcmn 
Bcafon in Prayer ; My Soul feem'd enlarged and aiTified to pmrr 
out it felf to God for Grace, anil for every Bleffing I wanted, 
foi ray felf, my deaj Chrlftian Friends, and for the Church of 
God ; and was fo enabled to /« *ini tvhl it iitvSflhle, that my 
Soul rt/iii apm him for the Performance of eveiy Thing 1 afted 
agtcable to his Will, It was (hen my Happinefs, to cmhu 
i<!jlat!t in Prayer, and was eitabled to continue in it for near an 
Hour. My Soul was theny?"»i; in tii Ltrd and in tbi Pcwir af 
bitMighl : Long'd exceedingly for anRtlitkHulillefcaiui Purity, 
and to have all my Thoughts, at all Times, employed in Jivino 
and heavcoly Things. O how hleffed is an heavenly Temper I 
O how unfpeakablj blclied it is, to feel a Mcifure of that Rcai- 
tode, in which we were at firft created ! — Felt the fame divine 
Affiftance in Prayer fundiy Times in the Day. My Soul con- 
hded in God for m felf, and for his Zion i truRed in divine 
Power and Grace, thai: he would do glorious Things in his 
Church, on Earth, for his own Glory. 

f The next Day he fpeaks of fome Glimpfca he had of the di- 
vine Glories, and of his being enabled to niajntain his Refululioil J 
in fome iVIeafure ; but complains, that he Ctiuld not draw near 
toGod ; Seems to be fill'd with trembling Fears IcH lie thou Id re- 
turn to a Life of Vanity, to pleafe himfelf wiihfcmcof the 
Enjoyments of this lower World ; and fpeaks of his being much 
troubled, and feeling guilty, that he (hould addrefa immortal 
Souls with no more Ardency and Defite of theit Salvation,— On 
Monday, hemiiiovato Stmlihridfi, wasdilfrefsM with the 
cxtteamiiDid ; But notwithftandiog, his Mind was in a dc«out 
and folemn Frame in his Journey. The four next Days, he 
was very ill, probably by bis fuifering from the Gold in his Jour- 
ney ; yet he fays lie fpent the Time in a more folemn Munner 
than he fear'd. On Friday- Evening, he rode down and vifiied 
Mr. Htplimi andon Saturday, todc iS Miles mSi!tfiur),vibeie 
hd kept Sabbath, and enjoyed confiderable Degrcea of God's 
gracious Piefencc,AffittancB in Duty, and divine Comfort and 
Rc/reCmient, longing to give himfelf wholly to GoJ, to be 
his forever.] 

Monday, Jan. 23. I think I never felt more tefigncd fo 
God, nor fo much dead to the World, in every now : 
Was dead to all Defire of Reputalian and Gicalnefs, either in 
Life or afterDeath ; All I longed for, was to be holy, hainbk, 
ciucihed to the World &c, _ „ 

O Tuefday, 

gS JEl. zS. 

«« L I F E 

Tucfday, Jan. 24. Near Noon, rode om fD^aaffj, In tB 
Evening, was unexpeaedly vifitcd by a conrnlerabie Number « 
People, Willi whom I was enabled !a coiiverft profirably uf dl 
vinsTh.nes: Took Pains to defcribc the Difference belwctnl 
rejular and tusgahzSilf-hvi : The one confifling wiih aSupreaft 
1,0™, a Sod, butthe oibernot; The former uniting Gd'ij 
Glory^jiid rheSonl s Happinefj, Ibat they become one commciJ 
intereft but the latter diijoyning and feparaling god's Slot? 
and the Man's Happincfs, feeking the latter with a Neol^a ^ 
the former. Illuttrated this by that genuine Love that is founl 
between ( bcbexes ; which is diverfe ffoiti thSt which is wrouasf 
lip towards a Perfon only by rational Arguments, or Hope <& 
^elf.Intereft. ^ Love is a pkafingl' afiordsPJca&re to tM 
Mind where it is ; but yet true genuine Love is not nor can b3 
planed upon any Objefl with that Delign of pkafing itfelf with i 
the fccliiig of It III aMan'soWii Brealf, ]' 

[On Wednefday, he rode ta Si,ffi,iJ ; ,!,e next Day, to 
J'iKiir/a.-i ;Antl on Saturday, hmnc to A-<;^„™m«^, tbo' iheiS 
ieafoi. WBs Cold and Stormy : Which Joarney was followed 
with Illneft and Pa,n, It appeara by bia Diary, that he fpenil 
the liine.while riding, i„ profitable Meditations, aitd in liftinM 
up h,5 Heart to (Jod ; and he fpeaka of Affiflance, Comfort^? 
and l^frcfhrnent ; but ftill complains ofBarrennefs, tls^c. HiiJ 
iPiary.for the fii-encxt Days is full of the moft heavy bitterCom-l 
plaints I and he ciprefTes himfelfa! full of Shame and Self-loatlj,^ 
ing for bt: l.felefs Temper of Mind andSlirraininers of Spirit, and* 
us being in Perplexity and Extremity, and apaesri,,,; to himfelf!' 
unipeak.biv vile and guilty before God on Account of fomc in- 
ward workings o/Corrupiioii be found in hia Heart, M] 

Thurftfay F,l. a. Spent this Day in Fafting and Praye, ' 
fekiiig the Prerence and Affiftaiice of God, that be would em.'4 
blemeto overcome all aiy Corruptions and fpiritual Enemies I 

I'riday, Fti. 3. Enjoy'd more Freedom and Corafort thani 
ctlate ; was m icnffly engaged in Meditation upon the different' 
V\ hilJKrs of the varieusPowers andAfleaions of a pious Mind ■ 
«ercifcd witii a greatvariety ofDirpcnfatiocs : And could not but j 
write 35 well at meditate on fo entertaining aSubjea. • I hope ' 

i find what be wrote no this Head amoDg his Papers, that 
wtre eft it, mj Hand, and it is here publillicd « ihcEndof 
li.i:' Accobni (if bis I,!fc. -w ,sr. 


*/ Mr, Duvid Erainerci. A.D, 1744-. 97 

(he Lord cave inefomc true Scnfe of divine Things this Day : 
But alas, how great and preffing are the Remains of iiidweMug 
Corruption ! lam now more fenfible than ever, that God alone 

every Part of Sanfllfication, and every g™d Wo dWork,or 
T o'ighr, tot is found in i.e, i^>h« Jft.a -'J- ■'»■""" 
Grace ; bat wkk.l him 1 can h Njthn, m the f'ria.l. 
S^nfe; and that forwWs inn: ,> winmiu h.f hu ^m« s,<.i 
PUafun, and from no other Motive. Oh, how .ir,.7iiig it is 
that Peojle can talk fo mnchabout Mcn',I'.™-cr an G™ ,u , 
when, if God did not hold us back every Moment, e hould 
be Dvils incarnate! This my bitter Kxperience J^ir ftvera! 
Days laft pal}, has abundantly .aught ,r,e """'""IS "J j^f' 

Saturday, F,h. ^. Enjcy'd fonne Degree oiF.eocm and 
fpirituaiae'^^ftmen. ; was enabled to pray w.ih f^-'^," -f. 
andlontinR Defires of Zw's FrorpE^ity i »"'' ""y ia'Jl and 
Hope fe'enfs to ia^ h,ld ,fG,i, lor the P"f--f-f--; 
wa cabled replead for. KanOificatlon inray '"^'f^ f "''J"" 
gathoring of God's Elea, was all my Mirc ; and the Hope of 
its Accomplifhment, all my Joy. «/i-.r...i.,, r,# 

J,ords-Day, FA. ;. Wa, enabled in fome Meafue tn red 
and confide in God, and to ptl«his Prefence --^^^» 
of the Lieht of his Countenance, above my liec "ly 1 oou. 
Tho dhtmy fef, after the Seafcn of Weaknefs. leniplatuin, 
Jimugnt nay leii, ^nc fomcivhal like 

and Defertion I endured the lalt wceit, to , .^ 

Sa„fm when Wa.enaWcd to 
preach to my People with more Life and WatHTth, than i 

^toda^'^A^e'-This Moining;,nySoul again was fi.eng.h- 
nd nGod,a„d found fome Eepofe in h,p in Pr y r 
Ion "ii^clpcciallyfor the complea. Mortification of Senfuahiy 
nd Pnde,'a,id L Refignatio. ,0 God^s m^f^-^ "'»' 
Times, as thro' Grace I felt it at this Time. I d J not dehri: 
i live anee from any DKEcully. that attends rny ^-^^ 
ce , unlefs God was iiHing. O how cornforuble is ^s 1 =m- 
„er I- Spent mod of the Day in reading God a Word m 
twi-.inE,'aod Prayer. Enjoyed '=P";='' - /'fl'";',' , ,' ^.n! 
and Intenfencfs of Soul in Prajer thro' the Day. In ihe tven 
tng, tent feme Hours in private Conveifalion wuhmy Peupie . 

And aftawards, folt feme Warmth in fectet 3;^ 

Tuefdav Fd 7. Wasmuch cngaped in fome Iwec! MM 
tatbn oi7'th; FoLrs and Aif.aions of ihe godly ou in t .ir 
Purfuit of their belovcdObjefii^W rote fcii-.c!bit.S of ihe^n^^Jiv^^ 

'^I. 26. 

y^s L I F E 

Ladguagc of fpirltiial Senfation, in ifs hit and tender VVHipers jl 
jJtcIsriDg, ibat it now fith and lafli, thai Ihi Lird h grucious j 
that he is the Supreme C ;i!od, tlit: otilySoul-fatisfj-ing Happinefs j 
that he is a Compleat, Sufficient ,jiiri Almighly Portion : fayinff 
" ff-bim havi } in Hanini hi Ibi, ? Mil r/jiri h mm j,pi 
< ' Earth list I i,fi,,J;f!ji! this blelTcd Portion, O, 1 feel 'tisj 
•' Hravcn to pleaft: hira, atld to be juft wbai ire would have r 
•' !o be .' O tliat my Soul were Half, at lieiiHsly ! Othat it* 
" were par/ nii<i st CJirift i, pw, ; and^jr/^a, m my Fatbir in 
■' H,M^ i, p!,f,a I Tlirft, I feel, are the fweetcft Commsrids 
" .n(,i.ri's Knofc, comprjfrng al) others. And iliall ] break . 
" them! Mufl ibreak 'i.m I Am I under a Neceflity of it as 
f ii D- ail live ifl the World ! (J rojSouI, Wo, Wo is me that 
" ifP-^ Sinnet.becaufc J now necr/Tiril)- grieve and offend this 
" bitflcd Gr.d, who [S infinite iti Goodncfs and Grace I Ohj 
•' methinJis, il be woiiid piiniflimc for my Sias, it would not 
■■ wound myHeart h deep to ofFend him: But tho' J fin con- 
s' tinually,).ct he continually repeats hisKindoefs tome I Oh, 
" Melhliiks I coiild bear any fufFering ; but bow can 1 bear to 
•' gr.CTC and difliunour this bleffed tjod ] How flial! I yield 
" lw> Hiouf^nd Times niaroHinour to him r What fliall I 
■' no to git.rily &wM(hip thisbeftofSdllgi? G that I could 
•' coiffciatc my leif. Soul and Body, tohi.Seiviceforevcr O 
" thatl could giveuptny felf to him fb as never more loatteniiit 
" to be my own, or to have any Will or Afftaions that aic 
nutpetfeaiycnnloimcd to him. Eut.alaE.alas,] find I can't 
" be tliujentiielt. derated loCod: I on't live aiid not f,n. 
' Lf ye Angili, do ye glorify bim incefTantly ; 

and i( poiTibli;, 

■ pnftral c you rfdves lowe r before tbe biefled K ins of Heaven 
'- I long to bear a Part with' you ; and, if it wete puffible, t, 

help you. Oh, when wc hare done all that we can, 10 all 
Kternity, we Bidl not be able to ofTe, the ten Tboufa,idih 
fart of the fJomaje ibat rije glutlouii God dcferves '" 
fElifomeibliig fpiiitual, devout, reiiened, a iid mortified to 

t he Wotid, ,:,uei, of the IJay ; a„d efpecially towMdii aud iu 
he tvcinns. BkH.d be God, that U enables nie to love hnii 

jor himkJf. 

WedncElav, FA S. Was in a comfortable Frame of So.i, 

jnolt of ihfDay i tbu- fcrfible o( and icfljeft under fpiriw^l U-^,. 

rei.rKf!, I find ibst both Mind andBody are quickly tired iviih 

intL,;l,ncfsand K^rvour in iheThings of God. Othat I could 

fc.i ijiceiiant as *;j.'j IB Dcvetion and fpiritual ftivour. 


0/ Mr. Ditvii3 Brainerd, A.D, 1744, 99 

Thurfifny, FiS. 9. Obferved this Day as aDay of Filling and 
iVayer, intreattng of God to beftow upon me bis BlelEng and 
Grace ; cfpecially to enable tne to live a Life of iVIortification 
|q the- World, as well as of Reiignation and Patience. Enjoy'd 
fome realising Senfe of diyine Power and Goodnefs in Prayer^ 
fcverai Times ; and was enabled to roll the Burden of my felf 
and Friends, and of Zisn, upon theGoodnefs andG^ace of God : 
Hut, in the general, v!?as more dry and barireti than I have ufuallj? 
been of late upon fuch Occafions. 

Friday, Fib. 10. Was exccedlniily Dpprefi'd, uioft of tha 
Day, wilhShame, Grief and Fear, under a Senfe ol in/ pallFolly, 
as well as prefent Barrennefs and Coldncfs. When God fets bi!- 
forc me my pall Mifcondua, cfpecially any Inftanees of mijiuid- 
ed 7usai, it finks my Soul into Shame and Confufinn, inakcs tB5 
afraid of a fhaking Leaf. My Fear is fuch as the Frophetjjrj- 
m^ complains of, Jer. kx. jo.— 1 have no Confidence to hold 
up my Face, even before my Fellow- Worms j but only when 
my Soul confides tn God, and I find the fweetTemper of Chrift, 
the Spirit of Humilit)', Solemnity, and Mortification, and Re- 
iignation, alive in mv Soul. — But, in the Evening, was unex- 
pectedly refrelh'd in paitrin^ out my Compiaini Is Gaii : MyShame 
and Fear was turned into a fweet Compofure and Acquiefcenco 
in God, 

Saturday, Fii. i it. Felt tnucb as Yefletday : enjoyed but 
little fenfible Communion with God, 

Lords-Day, Fib. 1 1, My Soul feem'd to confide in God, and 
toiepoie itfelf on him ; and had ont-goiflga of Soul after God in 
Prayer. Enjoyed (ome divine AffiBance, in the Forenoon, itl 
Preaching ; but in the Afternoon, was more perplex'd with 
Shame Wr. Afterwards, found fomeRclicf inPrayer : Lov'd, as 
a feeble afaifled dcfpircdCrcalnre,to cafl rayfelfonaGod of infi- 
nite Grace andGoodncfs, hoping for noHappinefs but from him» 
Monday, Fii. 13- Was Calm andSedate in Morning- Devo- 
tions ; and my Soul feem'd to rely on God.— Rode to Jrac^- 
triiiit, and enjoy'd fome comfortable Meditations by theWay : 
Had a more refrefhing Tafleapd Rclilll of heavenly lilclTedncfs, 
than! have enjoy'd formany Months paft. 1 have irtanyTimes^ 
of late, felt as ardent Defires of Holinofs aa ever : But not fo 
much Senfe of the Sweetncfs and unrpeakiblo Pleafure of theEn- 
joyments and Employments of Heaven, My Soul longeJ to 
leave Earth, and bear a Part ivith Angels in their caleHiai Ein- 
ployments. My Saul faid, Lorflj it it goad to hi here ; and it 
agpeared to me bstter to die, than to lofe tbs Relilh of ih«fc 
heavfnly Delights. [^ 

100 JEliG. 

Tb LJ^K 

:. X A Eenfe of dirineThings fecm'd to continue wiih hini,iiiJ| 
Icfl'erDegree, thro' the ncxtDay. OoWcdnefday he Wiis,bj fo^ 
Dircoutfe that he heard, caft into a mt:lancholyGlo(im,thatop4 
ratrimucli in the fameManncr ashisMelancboIj' bad formtjfll 
dnnc, whsn he cam; firft toKaunanmii ; TbeEffefls of whiS 
ftciii'd to continue jn fojne Degree ihc fix following Days.] 1 

Wcdncfday, Fd. 22, In the Morning, had as clear a Sclil 
oftheexcceditig Pollution of my Nalurc,as cverl remember S 
have had in my Life. I then appcar'd to my fdf inexpreffibl 
Inatlifoiii, &(JcfiI«I: Sins of Childhood, of early Youth, and fu^H 
FoJlicsislhadnot thought of for Years together, (as I remenil 
her) came nowfrefh to my View, as if comniitlcd but Yeftc« 
day, and appeared in the moit odious Colours : They appeared 
more in Number than the Hair; of my Head : Yea, they wi3 
evtr my Htadas en bmiiy BurJtn.— In the Evening, the Hani 
ef JaJth fccin'd to boftrengthen'd in God : My Soul feeinei 
[0 rcftand acijuiefcc in him : VVasfupportedundet myljurdenij 
!-cadji:g the cxiv. Pfilin : Found that it was fweet and comforl 
table to lean otrGod. 'f 

Tbutfday, /ii. J^, Wss freciucnt in Prayer, and enjoyel 
fome Affiftance.- Thirs is „ Gad m Hiavin, that over-rules al| 
;;Things)or the beft ; and this is theConifort of my Soul ■ I hU 
fmntedy iinlifi -I had believed a fit thi Gndiajs sf God in IheLandi 
cf lie Lihinr, notwithflaniling prefent Sorrows, — In liie Even-J 
Jng, enjoyed lame Freedom in Prayer, for my fclf. Friends, amjl 
the Church oKJod. / 

Fiiday, fei. 34. Was exceeding rcftlcfs and perplex'd urrdefl^ 
aSciifcof ihcMifimprovcraenlofTinie; Mourn'd tofeeTimo^ 
;^rs aivay ; Felt in the gjeateft Hurry ; fccra'd to have every ] 
Thing to ,!o : Yet ci-uId do Nothing,but only grieve anci groan i 
under my Ig[ioranee,Unprofiljblencr3, Meannefs, the Fooblh-j 
ncfs of my Aflionsaod Thoughts, the Pride snd Bltternefs of j 
m)> part Frai-ncs (at f.ime Icaflj all which at thisTimel 
appcat'd to inein lively Colours, and fil['d me with Shame I^L 
could not conipafe my Mind toany profitable Studies, iiy Rca- 'I 
fonoftliis PrefTuie. And (he Ecafon, I judge, why I am not 9 
allowed to Study, a great Fart of my Time, is, becaufelam • 
endeavouring to lay in fucli aStock ofKnowlcdge, as lliall be a 
Ecif.Sgfficienc)-.-- rknowitto Ijc my indifpcnfable Duty to 
j-tudy, aaid qualify iny felf ,n thcbeft Manner I can for publick 
^■crvice; But this is my Mifcry, I naturally Study and prepare, 
I'iat 1 rtiiy cm/mi it „psi: my Lujh ol Pride andSelf-CoiifiJence. 


»/ jUf. David Braiaercl.' A.D.ij''44: xoi 

' Me cotltlnued in tnuch the fame Frame ofUneafinefs at the 
MiliinprDvenienl of Time, and Preffure of Spirit under a Senfe 
tif Vilcnefs, Unprofitablcnefsiiff, for the fix next following 
Daya J exempting foine Intervals of Calmnefs and CompofurCj 
In Rflfigtiation tfj and Coniidence in God.] 
[ Friday, A/dfri^ 2. Was moftoftheDayemployed inWrit- 
1 Inn on a divine Subjea. Was frequent in Prayer, and enjoy'J 
( fmnc fmall Degree of Affiftance. But in the Evening, God was 
flcafed to giant me a divine Swectncfs in Prayer i efpceially in 
Ihe Duty of intcrcclTion. I thinit, I never felt fo much Kind- 
ntfs and Love to ihofe who 1 have Rcafnn to think arc my 
Enemies (tlio' at that Time I found fueh a Difpofition to thinic 
the beft of all', that I fcarce knew how (0 think that any fuck 
Thing as Enmity and Hatred lodg'd in any Soul ; it feem'd as 
If all the World mud needs be Friends) and never pray'd with 
more Freedom and Delight, for ray felf, or deareft Friend, than 
I did now for my Enemies. 

Saturday, yWarcA 3. In the Morning, fpent ( I believe ) an 
Hour in Prayer, with great Intenfenels and Freedom, and witlt 
ihc moft foft and tender Affcflion towards Mankind. I longed 
that thafe who I have Rcafon to think owe me 111- Will, might 
be eternally happy: St feem'd refrcfliing, to think of meeting ihem 
i(lHcavcn,how much foever they had injured nie ooEarth .■ HaJ 
lioDirpoIition to infift upon anyConfcfllon hcxii them, in order to 
kccoBciliation fctheEKcrcife ofLove&Cindnefi to them. O'tis 
anEmblEm of Heaven it felf, to love all the World with a I.ovc 
of Kindnefs, Forgivenefs, and Benevolence ; Tofcelour Soyls 
fcdate, mild and meek i to bo void of all evil Surmirings and 
Nufpicions, and fcarce able 10 think Evil of any Man upon any 
Oocafion ; To find ourHearts fimple, open, and free, to thofe 
that look upon us with a difFercot Eye K— Prayer was fo fweet 
an Exercife to me, that 1 knew not how tt) ceafe, left I flioultl 
lofc the Spirit of Prayer. Felt no Difpofition to cat or drinks 
for the fake of the Pleafure of it', but only to fupport my Na- 
ture, and Kt ma for divine Service. Could not be content 
without a very particular inention of a great Number of dear 
. Friends at the Throne of t-lrace ; as alfo the patlictilarCirci^rr!" 
[lances of many, fo far as they wete known. 

Lords-Day, N^v, 4. l^ the Morning, enjoyed thefarCEeln- 
lenfenefs in Prayer asYeflorday-Morning j Iho' not in fo great 
:i Degree : Felt the fjnie Spirit of Love,univetfai Uenevo^ence 
lorgi^enefs, Humility, Rtfit^nation, Morrificalicn to ibeWorld 
i.;d Cottinofure of Mind,ws then. My S'jui rtfiiU in Gofl i sad 


toz Ml z6. 

"The LIFE 

I fgund, [ wanted no o(bsrS=fuge or Frknd. Whife mv St., 
MU8 tmfl. .n God. .11 Thing. 4m ,o be .t Pelce w2 m^ 
tvm ihe Stones of the Earth : But when I c^a-l7„„ZhZ.A ^ 
confi.. in God, all Thio,. .pp,,, ^^a dIff:™;T(;tS.'' '' 

[ Through the faur next Days, he complains of BarrennffJ 
wan. of holy Ccfidence ir, tod. Stupidity, wf^Zj' 
Mind ttf,^ a„dfpaak= of Opprcfflco of Min/^nrja sS ol 
exce=d„,gM«amrcfe. pad KoDies, a= well as prefer WorS of 

rS'^^d"; "r:.f '"^ f™= -=i!™tl,>an,e thathc 

Saturday, Marih ,o. In the Morning, fdt Exceedina de,J 
«o lh= Wo„d aod all its Enjoyments r I holtfl w a «a i 
.o w,lhng ,0 g,.. „pLifea.d ,11 .t.Comfon^f asfoon as ell 
i h^ ■ r"f '"r t"^^^^' ""'^i'Con, for-t of Life a= atooft e™| 
Ihad. L.lcrtf.lf now appeared but a„ empty fiubtr "h^l 

to all I hinjs here below, by the Crsh Jrhrilt M„ c , I 

J^^^^.- AndltJ^ought, thailth.i, cnjoved fuch a Heaven Itl 

isrd (i -J ^,;;s^ to he ^fr^.wiien thus refref3i*d with divinel^Iftri^/ 
% bcul ... futl of Love .nd Te.dorncr. in .h .D. ^o? m ": ' 

godjy Mm,flc:s, of my Acqu^mta^c. fW'd .Slv Z I 
de.r ChnfJ.ans, .nd for :I,.fe J Re.f.. Jfe." e ^En !'^ 
n)S«.. And ™u]d no. I..v. fp.fcen . Word of Biuerreft L ' 

a^scnreofmyomigreat Urmorthinefs. My Soul feem'd toJ 

wo.ld I=^r h,. Cinid.;.n Jove arcl receive mc «. o.c of Sfire- 
hrcn ..dFdlcw-an..., : A„d wh.n I thought of .heir tr. t 

hf.k of ^W "'"^' V??'^ '° '^-^ ^' '^^''^'"'^^^ J ^'^'^ ^'"d 
(hmkofnoWa^ CD exprelnhcSii^ceriiy ^^imp]icit/of m;Love ! 

ef Mr. David Brainerd. 'A*X%i'd^. \6i 

irjrJEfteein of thedij a& being much better thanfu}' felf. — To- 
wards Night, was very forrowful ; Sofim'd lo my feJf the worfi 
C/eature living ^ and could not pray, nor meditate, nor thinlc 
of holding up tnyl^ace before (he Wot )d.— Was a littJe relieved 
111 Prayer, in the Evening ; but longed to get on my Knees, 
and aii; Foigivcucfs of every Body that ever had feen any Thing 
amifs in my pafl Conduajcfpecially in my rWrgwajZw}.— Was 
afterwards much perplei'dj fo that 1 couM iiot Sleep quietly. 

Lords-Dayj Mar^h ii. My Soul was in fome Meafure 
liren^then^dlnGoj>:^ivyk>m\r.^'tyc\-Q\\ox\\ fo tliritl waarelcas'd 
irom tiembling I'Var and Difircfa.- - Prciiclinid to my Pcuple 
from the Parable of the A'tfEu^r, Matth. xHi. AnJ cryoyed fomp 
AlTiftancej both Parts of the Day : Had fome Freedoraj Affec- 
liot], and Fervency in addrefTing my poor People j long'd that 
God fhould take hold of their Hearts,and make ihem fpiritually 
alive. And indeed I had fo much to fay to them, that 1 knew 
jiot hoMjf to leave off fpeaking, * 

Motidavj Miirch la. )n the Morning, was in a devout, ten- 
dcr, and loving Ftatne of Mind ; and was enabled to cry t* 
God, I hope, with a Child-like Spirit, wilh Importunity, and 
Resignation, and Cumpofure of Mind. My Spirit was full of 
Quietnefsj and Love toMankind ; and longed thatPeace ihouU 
reign on thtEarth : Was grieved at the very Thoughts of a /sr)-, 
flWgry and mUmpiraSe %ml Jn Kdlgion j mourn'd over pafi. 
Follies in thatRegard ; and mySouI coniid«d inGad faiStrength 
and Grace fuflicient for itty fumre Work and Trials. — Spent 
the Day mainly in hard Labour,, making Preparation for my 
intended Journeyi 

Tnefday, March 13. Felt my Soul going forlh after God 
fometimcs j but not wiifa fuch Ardency as I longed for. In the 
Evening, was efiabkd to continue injiani in Prayer, for fome 
confideraWe Time together ; and efpecialjy had refpeato the 
Journey 1 defigned to enter upon > with the Leave of divine 
Fiovidence, on ihe Morrow, Enjoyed fome Freedom and Fer- 
vency, intieating that the divine Prefence might attend me In 

* This was rhe lad Sabbath ihat ever be performed publicfc 
Seivlce at Ka!inaui}seeh.i^t^<^ thcfc ilic l;iit tiprnians that ever 
he preached there. It appears by his Diary, that whilehe 
continued with thefe Indians^ he tnofc great Pains with 
them^and did it vuith much Difcreiion ; Bui the particnjflr 
Manner, hov/; has been omitted for JJrevity's ^^kz, 

P tVfTj 

«i04 ^- -aS. 

^he LIFE 

taery P!mt whtre my Bufinefs might tod me ; and hati a psis 
ticular Reference to the Trials and Temptations that I apprSL 
ijeijded I might be more eminenlly e]i[pofed lo \n partkulitm 
Piais!, Was ftrcnglhen'd and cooiforted ; altho' I was hda 
very weary. Truly the Jay oflhi Lurd is $tragth and Lift. 

Wedncfda;', AftsriA j^. Eiijtiy'd fouie Intenfeiicls of Sm. 
in Prayer, repeating my Petitions for God's Prefence in evcrj 
Race where 1 espcflcd to be in my Journey. Befought thcLori 
that I might not te loo much pkaftd and amufed with deal' 
Friends andAcquaintancc, in oncPlace and another.--- Near ij 
fet out on my Journey, and near Niglit came fo Stictirhigi. 

Thurfday, Marth 15. Rode down to Sbiffiild. Here I , 

aMeffengei from Eeji-Hiapim en IsKg-lfiand ; who, by ihj^ 
unaninjoua Vote of that hrgc Town, was fent to inrite me tfiii^ order to fctlle will: that People, where I had been before^ 
frequently invited. Scem'd more ataLofs what was my Duty^ 
than before i when I heard of the greaiDifBcnltiesof tlijlPlaci ' 
I was much contcrned and grieved, and felt fome Deiires 1^ 
comply with their Requeft ; hut Icnew not what to do : Ka-i, 
deavoured to commit the Cafe to God. 

f The two ncxtDaySjhe went no further than Ja/i/Zory, beinj 
much bindcr'd by the Rain. When he came there, he wa 
much indifpofed.-- He fpcaks of comfortable and prolirabli 
Convetfelion wilhChriftian Friends, on thefeOays.j 

Lord's- Day, Marchii. I At Sali/hury, ] Was exceedin 
weak and faint, fo [bal I could fcarce walJc : JJutGod was pleai 
ed to afford mo much Ffeedoni, Oearnefs and Fervency i, 
Preaching: 1 have not had ihe like Affiflance in Preaching ti 
Sinners for many Months paff. —Here another MeflEngcrmel 
>ne, and informed me of [he Vote of another Congregation 
give me an Iriritation to come among them upon Probation 
Settlement. • Vfaa fomelhing exereifcd inMind with aWeigl 
and Burden of Care, O that God would fmi fcrlh fmtbfui 
Ivimirtninuhh Harviji. 

\ this, he went forxvard on his Journey towards A'cas- 
Urh aniNmt-Je'frf : in whicli he proceeded ilowly ; performs 
mg his Journey under great Degrees of hodily ladifpoiitioni 


• This Congregation was ihs! at Millhilsn, near Haidnm. ', 
They were very earr.cfHy dcftrBUS of'hjs coming among j 

Haw- ' 

b/M'. David Braincrd, A,I5, 1744.' '■tuc, 

However, he pre»ch'dft«ral Times by the Way, Icing urgeil 
bv Friend' ; in which he had confiderahfe Affiftance. H„ 
fpeaks of Comfort in Converfation with (Jlitiftiau h riends fro,!, 
TimetoThitc, and of varrous Things in the Exercfes and 
Frames ol his Heart, that (hew much a d.vine Influence on 
his Mind in this Jonrney : But yeic omplains of (fc T<„»f i4„, 
h,fm'd,vh. a Decline of his fpivilual Life, or Vivacity ,„ 
E^igion, by Means of his conftant Renroval from Place ,0 
Place, and want of Retirement ; >nd b'tl^'iy "f his 
Unworthinefs, Deadnefs, W<-.- e came to ^^.J^'fon 
Wednefday, AfW. 28. And to hh%»hith7m:n'm the balur- 
day following, where itfeems he wailed 'till the CommiSionitit 

"Ttefdtr^?"' 5- Was sgain much exercifed withWeafc. 
Xnd wilhXinln my Heal. Attended on tbeComnrimo- 
ners in their Meeting. * Refolved to go onfti 1 wi.h the AJ«, 
IfFair, if divine Providence permitted ; .Uho' J had he ore fel, 
feme Inclination to go to Eoft-H,mpim, where I was foliciej 

'° fAfta this, ta continued two or ihitw Days in Ihc >r/iy,, 
verv III i and then returned to W».3>i •, and fron. llinice into 
Jvi/- £»;flrr.f i and went to his native 1 own of HedjMi : where 



» The hii""! at XaMflnmirf being but few mNuiJlher,and 
Mr. BraMsriihaving now been labouring among thenjabout 
a Year and having prevailed upon them to be wllhngto 
leave K,!umum!,i, ind remove to Sudindgi, to live coi,- 
ftantlyunderMr.SsfjMnt'sMiniftry ; be thought he might 
now do more Service for Cbriii among the hiiamAk- 
where ■ And therefore went this Journey to Mivi-prfy 
to lav the Matter before the Commitllonets ; who met a, 
Eniahth-Ti'm, on this Occafion, and determined thit 
he fhould forthwith leave Hmnaamitk, and go to the D,. 
hiiisn Iftdianiv . , , 

f By the Invitations Mr. nr»in<r<; hid lately received ,t 
appears, that it was not from Neceirity,tir for want of Op- 
portunities to fettle in the MiniH.y ninorigft the £={7^1 
notwithflanding theOifgrace he hnd been laid under atO,;. 
toe that he was determined to forfake all the outward 
Colllforts to be enjoyed in the £n^/i/?r SellleiHenls, to go 
aiid fpend his Life among the btuiift) Sswffl, and endiins 

, r P 2 ™ 


y^f L I F B 

P=';?tut7L'.^;„^t.r.r4'- =S^i... and fi 

Msna.iveTow,, n,H i„ ,k ^f'T" ' "''''^h was near 

wii^-rc he had J"e ,h„,? ! "^='' '"""g ''''ft Savages, 

»"=:= n™ frcih in hi" M-T N '"r'''Sarrow,,„hich 
Things, hechoft Ml '^="«"">aa„dir,g all chefe 

"''-eh greater Dfft^cefro™ ^Tfri".. w.. a. . Bill 

e/ Afr. David Brainerd. A.D.1744, 107 

' J/Gsdkfor w^mh imktigah/^ ui F I went on, confiding 
ijl God J and fcaritlg nothing fo much as Self-Confidence. In 
this Frame J \vent to the Houfe of God, and eojojed fome 
Affiftsnce. Afterwards fdt the Spirit of Love and Meefcnefs io 
Cotweriation with fome Friends, Then rode Home to my 
UrotlKr's : And in the Evening, fingirg'Hjmna with Friends, 
my Saul feem'd to melt : And m Prayer attcrwards,enjayed the 
Extrcife of F'jilhf:ind wM enabled to be fervent mSpirit : Found 
more of God's Prefence, than 1 hare tiane BI17 Time in my lalB 
wearifom Journc). Eternity appcar'J very near : My Nature 
was very weak, and feem'd ready to be dididved ; The Sun 
declining, and the Shadows of tbe Evening (frawing on apace. 
O I locgM to fill up the remaining Moments all forGod ! Tho' 
my Body was fa fotfcle, and wearied with Preachinp, and much 
private Converfation, yet I ivanled to fit up all Night to da 
fomething for God. To Ciod, the Giver of thefe Rcfrcfhnienls, 
be CJlory forever and ever ; Amen. 

Wedncfday, ^;rjV l8- Was very wealc, and enjoyed but 
little fpirimalComfort. Was cxercifed wittOne cavilling againfl 
Original Sin. May the Lord open his F.yca 10 fee tllo l ountaitl 
of Sin in hitnfilf. 

[ After this, he t^ifited (everal Minifters in ConncSfUtit ; fnd 
then cravclied towards Ksunsnmsek^ and came to Mr. Sargeani^^ 
at SisMrligi, Thutfday, Jpril j6. He performed thi) Jouracy 
in a very v&k State of Body. The Things he fpcaks of in 
tha raeinTirae, appertaining to the Frames and Exeicifes of his 
Mind, are at fome Times Deadnefs and a being void of fpiriteal 
Comfort, at other Timfs reftiiig in God, fpiritual SwcEtncf! in 
Convcrfalion, Engagednefs in Meditation, on the Road, AfTifl- 
ancein Preaching, Rejojcing to thinfc that fo much more of 
his Work was done,and he fo much nearer to the eternal World. 
And he once and again fpeaks of a Senfe of great ignorance, 
^irilual Pollotion £^r.] 

Friday and Katurdiyj jlprii 27, and 28. Spent fome Time 
in vifitingFficDds, and difcourfing wish my People (who were 
now ntovad dawn from their own Place to Mr.Sar^jflnr's) and 
found them very glad to fee mc ^cturne(^ Was F^xctcis'd in my 
Mind with a Scnfe of my own Unworlhincft. 

iKird's-Day, j^pril 29. Preacli'd for Mr.S'jrj-rau^.bothParts 
of the Day, from Rev. jciv. 4. Knjoycd futoe Freedom in 
Preiciling, iho' not much SpititUjIJty. fn the Evening, my 
Heirt was in fome Meafute lifted up in Thatikfufcefs to Got! 
for any AffiAance. 


■«&S Mt. 


•ithe tlFE 

Mm|d>y, 4>r,/ jfl Rod. to Jr«„;,^™,rf,l,ut was eitreamti 
III DdDottnjoy the Comfort I hopeJ for in my owiHoufii 

took ,11 my cicth., B.ok,, &v. ,„j d,rp„fi„f t,;™'"^j £.- 

cut for^r, River : But made it my Way to r.^rn toMrl 
aanrnm'.- Whi.h I did ,l>is D.y, juft .tNi/hr rX fa" ^" 
Ho.r.,„ th, R™ thro- the hoJ,4 WidorLr., .1 y , ™, 

[ He continued « S/.,«r,-4f,,th= next Day j and on Thtirf-' 
day rode, l.ltle Way, ,0 Ci,^,/^, u„d„ / ^rea, DcEr.rof 
Kiitcfs ; but Encouragement aiidUicarfdnrfs of Miod m- 
tier h,s Ht.gue,. On Friday, he rode to SMfiu^, ,nd con- 
tnued there '.,11 t,fter the S.bbal!,. He fpeafa of hi^Soil's bZ 
feme P.r of th,= T,„,e ,efrefl,-d in Converfelioo wi.i> S 
A^he r" T I' '^°"" '"'" "«™lyH™"ad theirjourn^y 
111 /-u", '"f' "'■rpeat.ofhimfdfaseTceedineri 

MDnd,y. be rode to Sh.n, , and fpeafe „f himfejf a. diflref.'d 

^ Vj°"''''fJ"'°'' "^ *= Mifimptovement of Time.! 

,™ ,1 fl' ' *,./" ""' '™™ **""" in &»„,54(, and 
travelled about 45 Mdes to a Place called the Fllt-KIL + Q. 

^^£r r' ,,^P="'r"^'"'^''T'm=.'vliiieriding,in Prayer, .' 
that God would go With me to Dilawar,. My Heart femetimcs 
was ready to i,„Jc with the Thoughts of my WorJc, ZlZl " 
alone ,0 the W.derneft, Ilcnew not tvbere : But Ml -^Z 
eomfortabfe to tbiok Uut others of God-.Childten had ^Ar- 
!^ a,„t « Cbm and Dem of ih, Earib ; and Al^aham, when 
he was called to go forth, ^m cut n,i knowing uilnlbtr hi went. 
O that I mi jht follow after God. 

rThene^it D,y, he went forward or. his Journey ; crofs'd 
Hudjm^&rvs,, and went to &/bm in the WghiJd'- and I 
trave led a-crofs the VVood., Uor^HudJ,.'. Ri4r to D.ill 
about an loolWiles, through a defolate and hideous Country 
sbove N,w.J,rf,f ■ ^^.here weteveryfewSeitlements ; In which 
Joutueyhe fuftered „,uch Fatigue and Hardllnp. He wr„ed 

"^ ^■^r'ou"=h''w ',^^""-f"^«-™™™"(=nEafff„^/„'. 
A/vffj on ih? Weift fide of the Rivtr. 



0/ Afr. David Braimrc!. A.D.iyi*.' iq^ 

r .. ;,Jia»! in the Way, + and difcourfed withthem coiic*m- 
tcht^ftS y Was cJnflrably Melancholy andDirconfolate. 
OB acne in a fttange Wilderneft. On Saturday he CMe 
„ a Settlement of hift. and Dut:!, People.about . ^ M.lea abovs 
the Forks of Diiitware.'\ 

I.ordVDay,^.y.3. Rofe eiilj : ?='' very poorly after my 

lou. Journey atrd after being «-et ant fatiglted. Was vety 

M laucholy i have featcc e»er feetl fucb a glootny Morning ,1 

„ , Lfe ■ Tt.«= appeared to be no SMath : to Ch.ldtetl were 

1 at Pky ; 1 a Suangcr i.l the WiMetnefs,«-d knew no where 

»0 ■ and all CircutSilances feemM to CDnfpire to re.idet my 

Affair', dark a.d difcouragi.j. Wa= difappo=n.ed -^P= J^y 

M«-pret,r, and heard that tiieWwnr were much fatter d,£^f. 

Oh 1 nourned after the Prefence of God, and eemM bko » 

etc; n" ban,ll.M from his Sight ! Yet he was P'jf ^ '"/"Pf- 

Biv fuiking Soul, amidit all my Sorrows ; fo that 1 r.ever enter- 

„ed an'y Thought of quitting ^ «- '""^1 "'""■^| ^Ji^.": 

Indiam; bnt was comforted, to ih.nk, that Death w°" ^ "= 

on. fet me free from thefeDiftteffes.- Rode about 30 4 Mtl« 

the rT* People, where I lounJ Come that appeared ,obe and 

c°acern"d abom Religion. My Heart the bepnrtB be a 

e°eou aged : Wen. and preach'd, fittf to .be h./b. and then to 

ZlniSn: And in the Evening, was a little coraror.od ; m? 

EinrfcmM to reli on God, and take Courasc. O tim the Lotd 

''°rirI?//uWa?vTrrbSfv'';;f"m:treff'f; Studies. 
Fef°,:lut^^loofeImaV,he World All a,pearedf^.it, 

']V«l.?l ./ Ipi'i'- Scem'd r^mcthins loo.fetn and d fcon^ 
folato as if l4a5 banifhM from all Manku.Kl,and bereaved of all 

t.t ca cd pleafurahle in the World I But appeated .0 my 
fdf flvde and unwonby, it feem'd fitter for tne .0 be herethan 

'"Tu'eBrv' M., IS- Still much enpaged in my Studies; and 
eniTySe Health, than I have forfcmeTime p.ft : But was 
ome.hlnTdejeaed in Spir.t with a Senfe oi my Meartneft s 
fe™'d af.( i could never do any Thing at all to any Bood lut- 
trrb/R afou of Ignorance audj^olly, O that a Ser.feof ,h.,s 
Tiiing. might vvork more habitual Hum.l.tjf tn my io.l. 

"^"sTwr. E»i«r^-sW.rr.t™. InaLetter .. ^^^ ^'f -^-' 
at the theEndofhisO,,-''''i'3'y?J- 


Jiia Mt. 27. 


^_^^|*Iecon!iiiued nmch in the fime Fjame the next Daj.,] 
'■^^hu.ra.y Af^ ij,. wa, ,i,is I>ayg,e„ly diftreft'd with . 

C»rL,- ^""'/f^'i}" '•=' '-^^ 'i^e "V inward PnlJution ,„d 
Cprruption, fo („ci>aD£gr„, that t dmofl defpaii'd of bein, 

rtefe-f^x acceding .0 Appointment. .„d pr.ach<d to thTi^ 
ani.lterwsrdshad fom= Rditf; a„d Ealarg™wt af Soul i,^ 

pSai:n Ln';."' '^'="' ' '"'" '° ""'' -'^ I '-s=^ *« 'h» 

Rl'fj' '^i' =»„.l'>'"'e='i" r^^'hi^g or the fw«t Spirit 0' ^ 
Saturday, A/ar in. Was l,,mo p.„t „e ,\ t- i3 

iZTvZT: rv"^" ''"■ """ '^^ Bur,,,:? j-b inXl 

Pcopfc, W.= n,uchaSbd;u,h.r, p' ^'"^^'t '<"^' 'r!/i 
I I lif" ihe rsft of rhii Week H^ „„. f ' ■ 

■J ■■ i*ord St 

of Mr. David Eralnerd. A.D. t 744: 1 1 1 

f.nrcl's-Day> ■^(S>f 27- Vifited my hdienf, in theMarnin^, 
nrul uttcnded uponaJ^'useral s.mot\g them: Was affedted tafca 
rluir btatbenip PfG^hts. O (hat ibey mighc be tarned frsm 
ifflikntfi fo Light. Afterwards, got a conliderahle Number 
III dicm together^ and preach*d to them ; and obfetved them 
1,-1 Y iiitciitive. After this, preach'd to the White Paopiefrom 
/J,>'. ir. J. Was enalilcd to fpeak with fome Ktesdoia and : Several People feem'd much concerned for theirSquls.j 
Hi)tci&Jly one who had basn educated a Roman CaiholicJs, 
i:i;:fied be the Lord for any Help. 

Monday, Msy 28, Set out from the Ifididtis aliove the 
I urks of Dekwarg^ on a Journey towards iVizuari in A'aw- 
Y^iy^y, according to my Orders- Rode thro' the Wilderneft ; 
\v.i-i much fatigued with the Heat ; iodged 4t a Place called 
/;/^.i-^- .firmer ; was excficdingiy tired Jiiid worn out* 

[ On Tuefday, he came to Nswark : The aext Day, went 
to Blifabeth'Totun : On Thurfday, he wxnf toNno-Tork i and 
on Friday feturncd to l^lifahlh-Ta-mu. There Days were 
f|>cnt in fome Perplexity of Mind. He continued at Eiifaheth- 
!irDtt'3'tiilI''ridayiti the Week following .Waicnliveti'djTefrefh'd 
and flrengthen'd on the Sabbath at thcLoid'ii''rablc,The cnfuing 
Da^s of fche Week were fpent chiefly in Studies preparatory to 
hia Ordination i and on fume of them he reemed to have rnuch 
of God's gracicins Prcfence, and of the fweet Influences o£ 
his Spirit ; h\it w^s in !■, very weak State of Body. On Satur- 
day, be rode to NgtuaTi."] 

Lord's-Day, Juui 10. [at J/etyffr,^ J In the Marning,was 
mMcb concerned huw I Ihould perform :he Work of the Daj j 
and ircmbkd at the Thoughts of being left to tny felf*— En- 
joyed very coniiderahle Affiftance in all Perts of ihe publick 
Service- Had an Opportunity again ta attend on the Ordinance 
of the Lnrd's-Supper, and ih ro' divine G oodnefs wa J ref refh*d 
ifiit: My Soyl was full of Love and Tenderrefs towards the 
Children of God, and towards all M^a ; Felt a certain Sweet' 
n^fs of Difpofitioii towards every Creature. At Night, I en- 
joyed more Spirituality, ajid fwect Defirc qF Holincfsj than I 
have ftlt for fome Time : Was afraid of every Thought and 
every Motion,lefl: therciiy myHearcfhould be drawn away from 
God. O ih^ I might never Jcave tlie blefTcd God. Lord, ijt 
iby Prefmit ii Fuintfi &f Je^, O th,e BlcUffdn^fa of living to 

(^ Monday,' 


Iht Mjr*;;.! 

Mondajr, JvRi 1 1. Tliis Day (IiePr,yJj(,r,. mel tosElhef i 
Nswark, m order lo my Ordiiiathn. Was very weak igij 
diforder-J in Body ; ytt endeavoured to repofe my ConfidencS 
iaGoJ. ipMit moft of the Day alone; efpecially (he Foni 
noon. At three in the Afternoon preach'd my Probation-SerS 
mon, frorn Jlf. xxvi, 17 ,S. being , Text eivei, me for tlJ 
ind. Fcit not well, either jh Body or Mind ; however Ga 
carried me thro' comfortably. Afterwards, pafs'd an Em™ 
mlion before the P„!i,„ry. Was much tired, anri my MB 
hurden'd wjlh the Grealaefs of that Charge, I was in the tl 
fokmn Manner about to take upon mo : My Mi„d was ■ 
pteft'd with the Weight of the Work incumbent itpen me th* 
r couW not fleep (his Nighl, tho' very weary atid in ^rmn^ 

Taefday, >„ 12. Was this Morning further examinei 
iefpea,og myixpenmental Acjpaintance with Chrifti^nitv ■ 
At ten o Clock niy Ordinmi.n was attended : The SerLiJ 
preach'd by the Rev. Mr. Fc^i^n,,. At this Tinte I w™ 
feaed wtlh aSenfe of the important Troft commiSi 
me; yet was Compofet!, and folcmn, without Diftraflionj 
And I hope I then ( a, many Ti.nes before) gave my felf mj^I 
God.tobe forh,m and not for another. O that! might alwaS 
beengaged .--.he Serv.ce of God.and dtdy remember ^hc folen 
Charge I have reee.ved, ,„ ,he Prefence of God, Anaels a, 
,-^en ; Amen : Maylbeaffifled of God for ,Ws F S/ 
-Towards Night, rode to El'faltth-Timm. ^ 

t^ ;/ ft ■ '? ' ^S^^' "' '=" Honourable SocieMi 
5«//.,i:hatemp[oyedMr. ffr™.rrf,„!,ioh he wioteol 

. Mr.i,™rrfpars'dlhro'hi«0,dination-Tri,Js to tlb 

• untverf.l Approbation pf the Pr,>y„.. and appTa 1 

nneomm^:, qualified for the wjrk o^Mhe Min firfl 

and animated w,lh^ noble Zeal to propagate ,he Gofl 

10 the Darknefa of Hcatiienifm. 

FA ■ 

c/ Mf. David Brainetd. A.D.Ty'44i 11 s 

Part VI. 

From his Ordination, 'tillhe firfi began t» 
freach to the Indians at Crolwecklling, 


■ iiohom he had his nioji remarkabk 

WEdaefday, 70W13. Epe""''"™ conadcrable Time its 
writinean Accuuntof the Wffl" Aftaira to go to i^J<- 
UU ; fpent fomc Time in Convcrfition with 1' rjcnds ; 
But enioy'd not much Swectncfs and Satisfaaion. 

Thurfdav, Jmi 14. Received fume [-articular Kindncfs frOBi 

Friends ; and wondered, that God llloulJ open the Hearts of 

any to Wat me with Kindnefe : Saw my felf to he unwotthy of 

any Favour,fram God, or any of my Fellow-Men. Was much 

t/ercifed Willi Pain in ray Head ; however delernnned to fet 

out on my Journey towards J3iL™™ m the Adcrnoon : But 

in theAftemoon myPaio inereafcd exceedingly ; fo that I was ob- 

tad to betake my felf to theBed ; and theN.ght following, was 

Meatlv diftrefs'd withPain andBickneis : Was fometimes almolt 

bereaved of the Exercife of Reafon by the Extremity of Pam. 

Continued mucbOiltrefs'd 'till Saturday ; whei.l tj/asromelhms 

reliev'd by an Emetick : But was unable to walk abroad till 

the Monday toHowing, in the Afternoon s and ftU remain d 

very feeble. I often admired the Goodnefs ov Cod, tliat lis 

did not fuffer me to proceed on ray Journey from this Place 

where 1 was to tenderly ufed,and to he Sick by the Way among 

Straneers -- God is very gracious to me, both m Health and 

Sicknefs, and intermingles mvieh Mercy with all my Affliaions 

and Toils. E-njoyed feme Sweetnefs in 1 hmgs uivme, m he 

midflof my Pain and Weaktwfs. Oh, that! could pra* 'l™ 



!» 14 ^/. If. Wi L I F E 

but h.J Comfet m h,s SouJ, from Day to Day : And both wl' 
«ul"K ,W t^r'"" '■ '''''™ <3'"'- "l^" Lionel aw, 

fn"e;;.rj/^h:tf;° "■™' ° *"' ^°"'^ ^'-^^ ^f 

cfh"'"^Z7b:^; ,^^-/™"W.g better In Hoalft ,h„^ 
P,., ■ J ^ /; ' "* '^1"="'' " '^onr.dcrable Part of fhc Dav W 
Prayer and dofc S',.,!;..-. Had ™or. Freedom .„d Fa^cJ L 

the Adv,r,c.,m:„: of ,te Redeemer's Kmgd™ o Jarth! W°s"i 
Ib7st"1 r,' ^"''f""""^= "^" rhought;a"drobfti^ 
ienly t1p=: ; '^^ "' "'"^ '^''"='' ° f- - abiding ho^V 

Tire^anfa'rc^Tf-, '"!?=M°™i''g.n'r Drf,«feem-di<, 

MctS^c?, n ffi'' rh. Language of lhcZ.,i™„,.irf4l 
ivicrw tS great Djfficlry by Reafon that my internreter wa^ 
altogether unacquainted with theHufi^efe. H J tho'Twal LS] 
touraged wit), .(.= extream Difficulty «f,h J Wo4yeJ 
^o fuppcrtod me; and cfpedally in th'e E™ „gV ! ve ^3 
fwrnRefrefiiorent; [^ i^rayer m/sool was enlarged and W^ 

V'J/*U. Myi'mh w:,: (!reiig*sn-ct, by obfervirig rh^ 


9/ Afr. Divid Brainercl; lt.1 


„„nd=rfalAfflftanM God afforded his Servants MmM* and 
7 „ reforming hi= People, and re-eftabUailng li.s ant.ent 
Ch cl, wTmuch affifti in Prayer for d^^ 

y ieod and lor others that 1 apprehended to I- ^,i"f f • 
but Is mors efpecialljr concerned for the poor Hea hen. and 


AM r=^.nd Grace, that 1 might be mo,e mort.fled to .h. 

Cc^ n Ssp^irit of'prayer, that I en^/d lall Night foot, 
SarT"of=i"'h= Morning!-.- in the Altetnoon to e ev^al 
Miles to fte if I eonlJ procure any L-.mJa for (he poo l^i^rl, 
,h they might hve together, and be under ""'" A^vant g=. 
fo InftXaion. While I was ridmg, had a deep Scffe of the 
for inlljiituon ^^^ boul feemed 

^o « 1 upotoSS t Succef., in'the diliEeat and faith- 
tX TuLZ Saw, with grea.eft Cer.alofJ, that ,hAr^ 
;?XZi™ftb= r»»W, tor the Help of thefe poor Hca- 
fh ; if e. ™hey ^.ere delivered from the Bondage of *=Po«r- 

liltine up my Heart for Grace and Anitacc. 

Thurfday, ?.™^ iS- Ep=« '»« Mornmg, ir feveral 

- f:^™a^:ft.s^=;:r^oX; Ldr:^;^! 

* ^o pS with hin, for it. Toward. Noon, rode up to the 
w;L in order to preach to 'cm s anJ while l?>inE. -W «"" 
wet up To God in Prayer for ■«■.■ : could freely «ll God.He 
L™X'theCanIe*aar.ot mine, "'J'i'^h I wa. engaged m, 
tutTt was Ms own Caufc, and it would be for his own Glory <o 
llllnL fooI M.nA A.d Md be God.l felt no D^.^ 


of theifCkjnvcrfion.ihat Imighl rcceiveHonour from theWoruJ 

[ Th= next paj., b= fycAs of feme ftrious Corcern for tiL 
Batrennefs, Wandnngi, Inaflivit/, a-f. ] ' -I 

;./f ■';; i> Yv^r 3°- My So«I w^ m^ch Sdemm^ed in rea* 
hoi r H ^"/ ' ' P=''^lly '!« ninth a«p,er of £)«;,;. I ft^ 
wrft^l'H'l """'.°"'^' Servants to i^rayer, and made tllcrt 
wrcftlB ».,h hm, w!i=n lie d=fignt;d to beftaw any g„at Me 
cy en h,. Church And alas, I was afhamed of my felf o AinJC, 
of myD.In.fs and baflirity.whetl .here>ed I b. o muchtol 
dofor tbenpbnddtngofZ™. 01,,l„,vdc=s Z™ lie wafte I r-l 
Imi, that lilt a,urch of God might be enlarged : Was eia' -^ 

rJ "',tM A?'"^ f"" '"^'''='' '" "^^"1'= '*"'' «"■• Af,er.:j 

i/pH '°™=/™=;"«'=' P"yer again : Had a Senfcof my greaU 

iJJerted be God this lias been a torafotlable Week to me. ' 

U,ji s-Uiy ^uly ,. In the Morning, was pcrnlex'd with^ 

wandrtne va,n Tbonghts= Was tnud, gtiev/d. judged and ' 

iZ^Zf, 7\ " u'°'' ,°'"'- ^"•i O'. l>o«. tn jferablc dil 
+f=el, becaufe I could not live toGod t At ten, rcdeaw.v with ' 

t,tZ! f ."l-f '" P'"S '" ■"" '"*-™- Upon the Road. I ' 
an uT ,f ° ")'"/ Heart « God ; but -L infefted with 

Lfir?]^ r''r''''''^''''°"'''^"'"''Sh™e and Confn5,n be! 
fore God X ftc^'d ,o my fdf so b. „.„ i™,,,* ti,„ ,„yMa, . 

jnncn as I- !f I attempted to lift up my Heart to God, as I 
fequently d,d by the Way, on a fttdden,' before I was aw e, 
my rhoughts were wandring „ tte E^dr cf ,!m Earth : A nd nw 
boul was fili'd „,th Surprize andAnxiety,%o find it thus Ti^u^ 
iTuf fenbbly of ,ha, f>reet Reliance oa Gad, that my Sou 

H«r. In ,>,n ' ''"' ??f''''' '" "■= '"■'"'" without any 
orearb J^'^ ?°™'."'=" "'" ''"""'' wl^n I began to 

J^noWHQthmg^aadio have nothing Itt (ay to the W, ; bttt 


c/M*. DaifsdBtainerd. A.t».'i74+- ""7 

foon alter, 1 found m my felf a Spirit of Love, and Warmm, 
and Power to aJdrefs the poor hMans ; and God heiptd me 
to plead with iheiB to ioro ftcm all th FatiiHii if the Hmthm, 
!s tbi limi Gad : And I am petfwaded, the Lord toucli'd tbeit 
Confciences ; for I never faw fuch Attention raifed in thtra be- 
fore. And when! came away from Ihera, I fpentlbc whole 
T^nic while I was riding to my LoJginp, thrie Miles diftant, 
in Prayer and Praife to God. And after I had rode more than 
two Miles, it came into my Mind to dedicate my ftif to God 
again s which I did with great Koltninily, and unfpcaitablc 
Satislaflioij ; efpecially gave up my felf to him rcncwcdly irt 
the Workof ibcMiniftry. Andihlsldid by divine Graci!, 
i hope, without any Exception or Refeive ; not in thelcalt 
ibrinWng back from any Difficulties, ihat might attend ihij 
great and WeBed Work. I feero'd to be moft free, chearfol, 
and foil in this; Dedication of my felF. My whole Sou! cried, 
" Lord, 10 thco 1 dedicate my fclf : O accept of me, and let 
" me be thine forever. Lord,Idclire nothing elfe ; I deiiro 
«' nothing more. O come, come, I..ord, accept a pcor Worm. 
" Whim bevi I it Hiavm, but tim ■■, mi thtri is nmi ufm 
" Earth, thai 1 drfiri hfjdit ibii." After Ibin, wai clKllilcrl to 
praife God with rny wholo Soul, that lie had enabled mc to 
devote and confecrate all rayl'owers to him in ibis folcmnMin- 
ner. My Heart rejoyced in my particiilar Work 3s a Miffit- 
mry; rejoyced in my NeceiKly of Self-denial in many£cfpetl5 s 
and liill continued to give up my fell to God, and implore Mer- 
cy of him i prayini; incefianlly, every Moment, with fweet 
Fervency. My Nature being very wcat of late, and much 
fpent, was now conlider.ibly overcome : My I'ingeis f^iew 
very feeble, and fomcwhat numb ; fo that I could fcarct y 
ifretch them out fircigbt : And when I lighted from m^ Htirft , 
could hardly walk : My Joints faem'd all tobc loofod- But I 
fdt abundant Slrer£!b in tie inner Muri. Pieach'd to the 
White People; God helped me much, efpecially in Prayer. 
Eundiy of my poor htliam were fo moved as to come lo Meet- 
ing alfo ; and one appeared much conccrnrd. 

Monday, July 2. Had fume Rclilli of the divine Comforts 
ofYeBerday'; but could not get (hll Warmlhand Excrcilc of 
Faith, that 1 defired. Had fomctimts il dillreirmgSenfo of my 
pafb FoIliES, and piefcnt Ignorance and Itarrennefs: And 
efpecially in the Afternoon, was funic down under a Jjoad of 
, Sin and Gui!t, in that J had lived fo lltllo to God.aftcr bis abun- 
dant Goodnifs to IDE YclSerday. [n liic Evening, iho' veiy 




^e LIFE 

weak, was enabled to pray with Fervency, mi to continue i 
ftant m Irayw, near an Huur. My Soul mourned over i 
rower of j,s Corrupt™, „„d longed execEdinglj. to be tc^jj, . 
nnd f „rf ,^ ., ™,4 /,^j^,^. wa. enabJed to pray for rny d™. 
abfem i.„ends, Chrift's Minift„.,and hi.Church , aud JhySi 
^luchFreedornandiervency, but not (o much Comfort, by^' ' 

my let) for the Follies of the Day. \ 

TuerdayJW^3. Was ftiU very weak. This Morabs. J 
was e,,^ ed to pray under a feelin/senfe of my need oTt^f^- 
f™, Ood,an<f, J truft, had fome Fai<h in Exercife ; and.WelTey 
be God was embled to plead with God » coiMerable Time, 
■iruiy God „ good tome. But my Soul mourned and wai 

engaged io, God. Near nine, withdrew again for Prayer ; a«I 
rt.o d,v,ne(„,oJ„eJ.. I,ad ,l,o ble/lid Spirit of Prayer ,' my 
6cul loved , lie JJuty and ior^ed for God in it. O it is fwee 
to be r/« iW s, to be fenfibly devoted to him ! Wi,at a bfeffei 
l-orimn ,s God I How glorious, how lovely in himfelf r C 
my bou long d to in, prove Time wliolly for God I-- Spen 
moft of the Day m iranUaling Prayers into M™,- In tht.>„ng, was enabled agam to wreHIe with God in Prayer witS 
F rvency. W,,, enabled to tnaintain a Self-diiSdent and watch- 

IrfrflTlH ."'"'a'" l\'^'^'^H^ »"=! was jealous and afraij: 
Jeit t fhonld admtt Carelefnef! and Self. Confidenee. 

r Tlie next Day, he fecms to lisve had fpecial Affiffance andl 
Fervency mo(f of the Da,.,bot in a lefs Degree than the preceed-l 
log Ua). Ihmfilay was fpcnl in great budily Wealcnefs ."■• 
ye teems to have been fpent in continual and exceedingPainful-?: 
nefe ,nRcl,g,„n ; but in great Eitlernef, of Spirit by Reafon o^-' 
Jus Vncneis and Cotruption ; he fays thus, 1 limfhl ihtr, wai m( ■■ 
m Lr.a,urctm,nifi »'V, a, /.• Oh, m, inwari Ptlktim ! Ob J 
ay G«dt r.nd W™, h,fo„ Gxi /- / knmi mt u,bal uio. Oh, 

'^^r,l PM:,t„„ I (Jh, t,. w made like God.or rather to be riade' 
nttor ^.lod to own. j .^ 

Fridav, July 6. Awoke this Morning in the Fear of God : ' 
Soon oj kd f„ Mind my S:„!„crs in the Evening pad ; and (pent 
my fid. »,k,.g M,ni,te.s in I'rayer. for Sana,5cation, that my 
Soul migin b. u.(l,M f,™ ,„ exceeding Pollution and Defu/- 
Aiier 1 irtfe, 1 fpent ffHie TijneinfeadinsGod's Word 




u/ Mr. DavitJ Brainert3,' A.D. 174-4;; 119 

■lid Frayer \ I cried to God isndei a Senfe of my great Indigetl- 

Py. I aai, of late, molt of all concerned for Minifteria! Qiiali- 

(ieations, and the Converfion of the Heathen : Lad: Year, I 
longed to be prepared for a World of G/irj, and fpcedily to de- 
|Hit out of this World ; but of late all my Concern almoftis 
lor the Converfion of the Heathen i and for thatEnd, I long to 
livei, But HeKid he God, I have leia defitc to live for any of 
tbePieafuresof (he World, than ever Ihld : 1 long and love to 
be a Pilgrim; and want Grace to imitate the Life, Labours 
and Sufferings of St. Pax/ among IhcITtUhcn. And when I 
lougilor Holincfa nowjit is not fo much fur my felfaj forjiicrly 5 
but'lathct thai thereby I may become an aUi Mini/I if ef itt 
Tillsmmt, efpeciaily to the Healhdn, Spent about two 
1 this Morning inReading and Prayer fay Turns ; and was 
lii a watchful tender Frame, afraid of every Tiling that might 
rail my Affuflions, and draw away my Heart from God. Wan 
fomelhing lircnglhen'd in my Studies ; but nor Night was 
very weak and weary. . 

Saturday, ?«/y 7. Was very much difordered thisMorning, 
and my Vigour all fpent and cxhauflcd : Hut was affedled and 
lelVcDi'd in'reSding the fwcet Story <ii Kltjah'i Tranllation.anil 
enjoyed fome AfFeaion and Fervency in Prayer ; longed mucll 
foi Miniftctial Gifts and Graces, that I might do fumetbing in 
the Caufe of God. Afterwards was refrefh'd and Invigorated, 
while teadingMr. ysJiphAlUini'i drftCafe ofConfcience, y caiKl 
enabled then to pray with forae Ardour of Soul, and wasafiaiil 
of Carelefncfi and Self-Confidencc, and longed for Hollnefs. 

■Lord's- Day, 7n'l' 3. Was ill laft Night, not able to reft 
quietly. Had fome fmall Degree of Adiftance in p reaching to 
tlie Ind'mm ; and afterwards was enabled to preach to the White 
People with roiiie Power, efpeciaily in the Clofe of my Difcourlr 
from Jsr. iii. 2 ;• The Lord alfo aiEtled me in fome Mcafure; 
in the' fitft l^rajer : BleEed be his Name. NeSf Night, llio' 
very weary, was enabled (8 read God's Word with fome fweet 
Reiifh of it, and to pray with AiFeflion, Fervency, and ( [ truft) 
Faith: My Soul was more fcnlibly dependent on Lind, than 
ufual. Was waicliful, tcniler, and jealous of my own Heart, 
kit I lliould admit Carelefncfs and vaip Thoulslits, and grieve 
the bleffed Spirit, fo that he fcould witlldniw his ftveet, kind, 
and tender Iniluences. Long'd loitfwl •""' I" ■aiitliChr ill, mats 
thanatlny Time of lafe. My Soul was exceedingly united to 
the Saints of antient Times, as well as ihofe now living 1 efpe- j 
cially my Soul avslted for the Society of Elijah and Elifia. 

Ml. ij. 


Was enabled to cry to God with a Child- like Spifit, mi ta 
eoniinLLE .nitan I iji Prayer for fome Time, W„ much snlareed 
IJI tht feet Duty of Interceffion : Was enabled to rememW 

fi'"., r-''^;;' "^''"' ^''"^^'^ ^^^ pf^^-s soui,. =! wdia 

Chnft s Min.Ibrs. CcntinuEd in this Frame. aWd of etert 
idle Thought, 'nil I ilrop'd aHeep. , 

Monday 7,/j, 9. VVa5„„der tnuch Illnet of Body ftoffi jl 
(he Day and notable 10 Et up the whole Day. TowardsNiahia 
m a l,„le better. Then fpen. fomeTinie in reading G^df 

ftaou: Was enabled to plead wiihGod for hij Caufe and 
Kingdom ; And thro' divine Goodnefs, It «-as apparent to me 

^^^M 7f ""'' V'"*^. P'"''"'' f"'- """' ■"" ■")' o™ = And «-a.- 
Re uia '° '^'■Eummt with God to anfwer m;-' 

Tuefday, >/, 10. Was ,ery ill aud full of Pain, a nd ver. 
dull and fp„j,lefs.-.- In the Evening, had an afteaiog Senfe d 
la, fei^rance isSc. and of raj need of God at alt Time., ,a di 

1!^ i ,f "° ' *"'' ™>' ^°''' *"= bumbled bflorc God. 

Wedncfday.^/^I,. Was fiill c;,ercifed with lllnefa an* 
i-aio. Had fome Degree of Afteaion and Warmth in Via^ 

i ellowihip m,h God ; and felt fome Hefolution to fpend all mS 
1 me (OT God, and to tixert my felf with more Fervency i| 
1. Service ; tut found my Body wenk end feeble. In tbS 
Afternoon, (ho very ifl,was enabled to fpend feme coDliderabg 
TimeinPiayer 1 fpcnt indeed molt of (hcDayio that £sereife A 
and my boul was diffident, watchful and tender, left I Qwuldl 
offend my bleffed Friend, in bought ot E.b;viourl iZ\ 
pe'lwaded my Sonl confided in,and lean'd upon th^- bkffcdGod. 
Oh.wbat need d,d I fee ray felf to Band in of God at all Times, 
W affift me and lead me 1- Found a great want of Strength ani 
Vigour, both in the outward and inner Man. 1 

[ TheExereifesandExperiencB.thJthe fpeafa ofin the neiij 
n,ineDay,,ate verySimiJar to thofeof the preceedingDays.of tbia 
and the foregoing Week ; aSenfeof hiaown Wesknef^ I»tiS 

T'hf^Tf'^^r''' "'." ^"""'•■'■^ ■' lo^bi^g-^dabh^r^rinj 
fMmLIf i belf-dilHdence ; Senfe of the Greatnef. of his WorM 
and Ins great need of divipe Help, and the extream Danger o| 
befi,VTf"'rw '""Sing for Holinefe and Humility, and ft,! 
C^^fr f^'"yi '""^ toli>'=toGod 1 and longing for iheJ 

f SmrdsyJ 

0/ Mr. David Biainer(3. A,D.i744." 11 1 

Sajurday, JiiJjjr. This Morning, was greatly opprtilod 
witii Guilt and Shame, from a Senfe of inward Vilenefs and 
I'olliition. About nine, withdrew to the Woods For Prayer ; 
hut had not much Comfoft J I appeared to my felf the vileft 
meiocll Creature upon Earth, and could fcarcely llie with ray 
felf ; fo wean and vile I appeared, thit 1 thought Ifhould never 
be able to hold up my face in Heaven, if God of his infinite 
Grace fliould bring me thither. Towards Night my Burden 
refpefling my Work among thcJWMJW began to increife much i 
and was aggravated by healing fund ryThlnjr,> that look'ii very 
(lifcouraging, in particular that they intended 10 incct tOROlhet 
the next Day for an iMairsui Fmff and Dnnti. Then I began 
so be in Anguiih : I thought I mull in Confclenco go and en- 
deavour to break them up ; and knew not how to attempt fucll 
I Thing. However I withdrew for Prayer.hoping forStrength 
from above. And in Prayer I was exceedingly enlarged, asd 
my Soul was as much dravjn out as ever ! remember it to have 
been in my Life, or near. 1 was in fudi Anguiih, and pleadtd 
with fo [Duch Eitneftnefs and Importunity, that when 1 rofc 
from my Kneeal felt extreamly weak and oveicome, I coulJ 
fcarcely walk (Itait, mv Jeinls were loofcd, the Iwciit tan down 
myFace andBody, &Naturc fecm'd as if it would dilliilvo. Ho 
farasi could judge, I was wholly (rcc !roa\ fiijijh JSnJl in my 
fcrventSupplicalion! for the poor Indians. I knov/, they were 
met together to worfllip Dcvili-, andnotGor*; and this made 
nie cry carncftly, that God would new appear, and help me itl 
my Attempts CO break up this idolatrous Meeting. My Soul 
pleaded long ; and I thought, God would hear, and would |jo 
with me to vindicate his own Caufe : I fecm'd to confide m 
God for his Prefence and Affiftanoe. And thus I fpcnt the 
Evening, praying inceflantly for divine Affiftaoce, and that E 
might not he Eeif-dcpendent, but Hill have my whole Depen- 
dance upon C3od. What i pafs'd thro' was remarkable, and 
indeed inexpreffible. All Things here below vanifh'd ; and 
thEre appear'd to be nothing of any confiderable Importance to 
me, hut Holinefs of Heart and Life, and the Convcrfion of the 
Heathen to God. All my Cares, feari and Delires, which 
might be (aid to he of a worldly Nature, difappeared ; and 
were, in my Efteem, of little more Importance than a Puff of 
Wind, t CKCeeiJingly long'd, that God would s«( " himfllfo 
Naisi amng ihl Hmlhtit : And I appcal'd 10 him with the 
greatell Freedom, that he knew I pivfir'ri ■miiaimc mi Aiif 
Jtj. indeed, IhadnoNolionof JojfrainlhisWorld: 1 carsJ 
R i not 

122 JEi, if. 

yfo L T F E 

it, ""/""•*'''"" "^"""'■- ' '=™>i'"'^'i ini 

j""", /" '■"= Evening anJ Niirlit. While I wa^ aile™ 

/-;ardVDY,>A„. Whc„l waM.mj, Soul was 
fore CMIJ g=, out o,' my HeJ ; And as fcr.u x, I wa/drcf M 

Jon, .„ F^v^cy as ,h. M Evening , apVdid wi.l, "fp, k'^^ 
f„. „n S ,^^"'f "S "■'' '»"»''««' to t>'«l. for Life or Deali" 
I badVLor,^^ ^"^ J;to.u,.ge mo frn,„ thi. blcflid Work. 
«>w», and d„(omin,armll«:,! mrk anioni? the Heaihen AnJ 

DaJtf^kFp "''""''^^P^fl'^E. 'h'tGod vvould make tl,i= /* 

Preach "Y°rit^"' '""" *" '"■'==== ''P- ^''^J "'"^"'^ ° -' 
preach!,. 5. Yet (hli there appeared nothing of ibe rpecial Pow- 

'."eo? anTr T\ i''!"''"' opinio tbetn it, tie ™, 
R fl 11 / °'''^=[';=<1. A=A<^">-! were n.ore>U- tfcai, before • 

wesk and weary, and my Soul born down wjd, Pernk-llTv hT' 
(empted me to ihc comrary J-/cvij 

^«l,™nt of luf, People, ,bu„t ,5 Mil„ "^Th:vVelt:rd 1 

0/ Mr. Davit! Brainerd A.D. 1741:. |JJ 

''firnttny Time in Prayer and Meditation by the Way, Near 
N ,"h,7F=-l>'drromA/.<*. •>. 3-- God wa.p!^a.d« afford 
me fome Degree of I'-reedom aid Fervency. Bleffed be God 

'''ilt:fTu^\T^T.\u.-^ .jMiie, Wcftward, over 
ahTd t Motui', toa NotnberofVj.^. . ""J^da" 
near TO ot 'em : Preach'd to 'era in tho Evening, and lodg d 
"™th mt.- Wjsweak, and felt fomething dtfconfolale : 
1 =. c^l have no Freedom in the Thought of :t„y other C,r- 

f,„„ of the H=.tb«n, and all my Hope wa. 1., Cm ■ t^"J ^j"" 

otfuff« me .0 plcafe or comfort my felt with Flope. of fe.^ ng 

l"L„d", tetnrning to my dear Acqnailtancc, ai>d enjoying 

"fTL'^nT.;°Sy. he prcach-d to thefe IW/... ^ -^ 

then returned to the Irilh Setdetnent, and '""= P^"']^^^ '°;. 

numerous Congrcpation : There was a conftderable Appear 

r=o Awakening in theCongregationThurfdayhereturned 

Home exceedingly fatigued and fpcill; fitll tn the fame iTame 
?S.Sa,Jo'^^l.evlorld.and fblieitou, forthcAdvancetnen 

nf Chtift's Kingdom : And „n tin. Day he f,tv. ihn., I havl, 
" f-lt this Week, moreof(heSp.r,tol!.ft/r"""" ™' 
« that, perhaps ejer before ; And yet io deftrous to fee i-xm s 
- P.ofperity, .ha. I was no. fo to leave tbis bcene of 
.■ Sotrov, 1 1 ufed to be."- The two remaimng Daya he 
Week, he wa, very ill, and e,te> ou, of Wandr.ngs D^lneS, 
snd wlnt of fpi.itual Fervency and Sweetneft. On .he Sabbath 
He was confined by Ilinrfs, not able to go «nt to preach, Afle 
ibis his Hindi inercifeiJn pen him, and be cotjlinued very ill 
all ihc Week i * and fays, that " be thought be never before 
" endured fuch a Scafon of diitrefSllgWeaknefj ; and that hts 
• «' Nature wa^fofpcnt, that he could ncilber ftand, lit, norlie 
>■ with any Quiet ; and that he was exercifed with extream 

■ ■ Faintnefs.aid Sicknefs at his Stomach; and that bis Mind 
" was as much difordet'd as Ms Body, fecmmg to be ftupid, 
" and without all kind of Affeflions towards allOhjsa) j and 

■ 1 yet perplex'd, toihink, that he lived for nothing, that preci- 

■\ Sec Mr, Bromri'i Narrative it ihc End of his Ordinniim 
Sirmm, Page 34- , , ... 

» This Week, on Tucfday, he wrote (he 4th LH» added 
at i. sfc? 

124 iSl. 2f. 


' fom. p=cul«, Temptations. ■•- Conceiaing the i,e" 3 

Days be wr,t=s:.h», " OnUrdVDay A^, j.^ ^SvErSl 

po.. But, tho' very weak. lvifi„ciL%.S'thtf 

r'« ""."^ '°^ '^" ftre,.gth=,fd vdilj beyond H 

dom and Fervency in ^ddrcffing ,bm , <ho' I had „?| 

wlioleUtBe, TowardsNight, was extreamly weak, faint.fioa 
jnJfdl ofPam. And thus I have continued much !nh"f^ 
itatetbat I was in laftWeek.tbrough the n,oft of tSs t b^K 

unaUe to pray tn .he Family. I am obliged ,o let all d 
rbaugto and Co^ecrna run atRandom ; for I have „ckS 
f r^"' '"-J."-<';'«^.o.rray; And this .nuralW- 

h rfci^ f ■ \^"'" '" ™/ '■«" "'"= ^ Man that Lf !i 
" i ,if^ f e'"l^J^-'!»ed ,n faall Bc«r, unhappily gol,v- 
adrift downa fwjft Torrent. The poor OwneVfianA en 
tbeS ore. and l»i., and laments h/Lofe.- B^fl l" 
my all feem. to be adrift, and I fiand and fee it, I r « 

Sr /?,'.' ™.'"™'' ">"'=f«- fo diver, ly "4 
r . . ' ''''" " "'^ '^"■"'=Time I am afraid, and aftrtl 
fedas,ilwa.gtnltyc,f,beM,r,mprovementofTme. aSJ 

Waf offpendidg T,me, thatlbave no Peare ; tbo' I havS! 

O th^tr d ^i''^-°'«°^>' «™P™- .ttobet'tetPurpX- 
" Olh« God would pu}. my difireJlid Slate. ' 

The tis:t tliree Weeks after this, bis lllneft w« not fo eit- 
reme : He wa. ,., foj^e Degree capable of Uuftner,, " b pSb- 
hck and private ; f ahho he had fonte Turi,s where, bislndif- . 

'Trj7:':fji ' ^™' ^^^^=^ ■■ ^ »= ^"-^ - •'■' %-. ; 

StrengthofMmd: He often e^jprdlea great Longings io,Z 
Enlargement of Chrifl's Kingdom ; efpedallv bv heUl 
i... of .be Heathen ,0 God r'eefp'eakf ™ h , ^ oMh sa" i 


c/ Mr. David Bra'ffierd. A. D. 17^4;' iij 

God requires, as he, He fpeaks of his feeling more dead than 
ever to the Enjoyments of the World . He fometimcs mentiosis 
fpeciaJ Afllftancc that he had in tills Space ofTinie, in preaching 
to the IndidH!, and of Appearances of religinusConcera among 
them. He fpeaks alfo of Aflifiance in Prayer for abfentfriends, 
and cfpccially MinHlers and Candidates for the Mijiiftry ; and 
of much Comfort he enjoy' J in the Company of fomcMinifters 
that came !o vifit him. J , , „ ,■ r 

Saturday, ^£ff. I. Was fo far ftrengthen'd, after aSeafonof 
treat Weaknefs, that 1 was able to fpcrd two or llnec Hours in 
writing on a divine Subjcii Knjoy'd lomcL'omfoit andSweet- 
nefs in Things divine and facred .• And as my bodily Strength 
was in fome Meafure teftored, fc my Soul fecm'd to be fomc- 
what vigorous, and engaged in the Things of God. 

Lords-Day, Rlfl. I. Was enabled to fpeakto my poorin^ianj 
with much Concern and Fervency ; and I am perfwaded, God 
enabled me to exercifeFaitb in him, while [was fpea king totbetn. 
I perceived, that fome of them wete afraid to hearken to, and 
cmbtace Chrijliaakj, left they (hould be inchantcd and polfon'd 
by fome of the Powfwi : But I was enabled to plead with them 
not to fear thel'e ( and confiding in Gud for 8.ifety andDclu'er- 
ance, I bid a Chalkage to all thcfc J'siu*" of Durloicp^ lo do 
■ their wotft upon mc firfi ; I told my People, ! was a ChnJIiim, 
andafk'd them why the Pswsiui did not Bewitch and Poi foil 
me I fcarcely ever full more fenfible of my ownUnwonhiners, 
than in this Aaion .- I faw, that the Honour of God was con- 
cerned in the Affair 5 »nd I deflred 10 be preferved, not front 
fetfifll Views, but for a TeSimony of the d (vine l^ower and 
Goodncfs, and of theTruth ofChtiftianity, and that God might 
he glorified. Afterwards, 1 found my Seal rejoice m God for 
kis afliaing Grace. r- , , j 

I [ After this, be went a Journey into Nrw- tnglaitd, and wat 

ablent from the Place of bis Abode, at the Forks of Dtlawsre, 
about three Weeks. He was in a feeble State tbegreater Fart 
ofiheTimc. But Ifi the laKct Part of the Journey, he found 
he ealncd much in Health and Strength. And as to Ibc .'llalc 
of his Mind,and his' religious and rpiritnulKxcrcifcj, it w,;i3 much 
with hiro as bad been before ufual in Journcyl ; fxcepling thaS 
theFramc ofhisiWind fwaicd moieRcncrilly to be comfortable. 
Bat yet there are Cemplaintsof fiimc uncomfortable Seafdni, 
want o( Fervency, anil want o«- Retirements, and Time alone 
with God. In 'this Journey, be did not farget the Indtml ; 
bat once aod again fpeiks ot bii losijins for their Convsrfion. ] 

W ednafd,^y. 

126 Mt, 27 

?** I, I F E 

WednefJay y,^, ,6. Rode Homc,to theFork. offt/.™,,. 
What Rcafon have I to bleftGcd, who has preftrired mc ™i 

<;fe™ *si W«tei / MyHcalth likewife JB greatly recovcr'd * 

?c f;™r:^ ;!=^-.™^ "^ ^" '" «°^ = ^^'^ ■= ^" >^^^ 
r:";fG:rdirt;;hTi:L^" '^^^-^ M,so/.dirco„^ 

Iridsj-, 4V;K s8. Spent the Day in Prayer, ReadinE am 

D H,e.cfthe E„larg™™t of Chtiil'. Kingdom by 'Zv^ 
™f«n of, he Heathen, a.d that God would mate L.ciTi 

[ The next Day, he fpeafc of the fame Longirgs for the Ad J 
v.„een,™t of Chr R-s Kingdom, and the Cottverloo of the ^.1 

cfh«l,eJo.mey,„g hisMicd (rem that De™ of 
I..nj,ged„efc i.,rve„cy, W„chfuteeft, if,, which be nove^ 
before. A„^ .!,e lik<= Con.plaim. ate continued <ii. ^extDav H 
rattl^fot"'' 0.W , Wa. engaged .bi= D.y in malti„g^:yf 
rat^ot, for nny !n tended Tourney loS./^^^imi : Wi,i,drew ft I 

to piead for thrd,„nrfroftnceto go withise to the poorPaMori 
to v,homi was going to preach ti.e Gofpel. ToJrd7Nlah 'i 

cett"' n"r^"'^L "•' •"" Mother B,™r.;hota^l 
come at mylJefi re, tb be toyCompanion inTravd to thci^LT ^ 

IXZ T "" ""r"/ =""'■ ^ '"'t'God made his C™ erfoion. 1 

WorM V '""■ "^'r?"'"' '' ^*'"'^^'' «""= dead ,0 he ] 

sndtMs made me look withio my felt, and gave me ama.aff 
£enfeofmyGuitt,ingratirurfe,i,riMife,y, ='E™t«.I 

rndday, OSf*. J, Set out on my Journey, in Con,™n, ' 
w,.h dear Brother A',™,,, and my InLpre.ex^'and r^^TuIt 
tjT\''T "" ^o"'--'-"''"— Travelled about « Mi el' : 
™d lodged m one of the laft Houfes on o«r Road ; after whh-^ 
th«5Wa=„olh,ng but ahidecui and howling mikr.lfi "^ 


<!/JWr. David BrsJRert],' AD.xf^^, la; 

Wediiefday, 0<5j5. 3. We went on our Way into the 
WiMernefs, and found the molt diflicull and dangerous travel- 
ling, by far, that ever any of U3 had feen ; we had fcarce any 
Thing elfe but lofty Mou ntains, dscpValleys,ahd hideousRocks, 
10 make our Way ihro". However, I felt ftme Swcetnefs in 
diviheThings, part of the Day, and bad my Mind intenfely en- 
caged in Meditation on a divine Subjca, Neat Night, my 
leafi that I rodo upon, hung one of her Legs in the Rocks, and 
fell down utldermo; But thro' d ivineGoodneft, 1 was not hurt. 
However, fhe broke herLeg ; and being in fuch a hideousPlace, 
and near 30 Miles from any Hoofc, I faw nolhing that could be 
done to preferve her Life, and fo was obliged to kill her, and to 
profecute my Journey on Foot. This AccidcDt made me ad- 
mire thedivineGoodnefa to me, that my Bones were not broken, 
and the Multitude of 'cm fill'd with ft.<.«B Pain, Juff at Datk, 
we kindled a Fire, cut up a few Bufhcs, and maflc « Shelter ovei 
out [leads, to fave as from the Ftolt; which was vety hatd that 
Night i and comraitting our {elves to God by Prayer, we lay 
down OB the Ground, and llcpt quietly. 

[ The nest Day, they went forward on ihelf Joutney, and at 
Night toolt op their Lodging in the Woods in like Manner.] 

Friday, Oi!f»5. J. We arrived at Sufqunhannsb River, at a 
Place called Opihslhaupaitg ]- Found there ii ioiiMO Houfes : 
After 1 had fainted the King in a friendly Manner, 1 told bim 
my Buftoers, and that my Dcbte was to teach l\ii:mChrifiiimitf.. 
After foiiie Confultation, the /Wmm gathered, and I pteach'd 
to 'em. And when 1 had done, I aiked, if they would hear me 
again. They reply'd , tbat they would conhder of it ; and foon 
after fent me Word, that they would immediately attend, if £ 
would preach : Which ! did, wiihFreedoni,bolhTimcs. Whetl 
I alked 'em again, whether they would hear me further, they 
«plj 'd , they would the next Day. 1 was exceeding renfible at 
the Impofrsbility of doing any Thing for the poor Heathen with- 
culfpecial Affiftance from above : And my Soul fecm d to relt 
oh God, and leave it lo him tt> do as he plcalcd in that which J 
fiiif was his own Caufe : And indeed, thto' divine Goodnefs, I 
hid felt foroething of this Frame moll of the Time while I was 
liavelliog thither s and in fame Mcafuic before I fet out. 

tf'ii Ml. 27; 

2^f L I F E 

Iniiam ■ And In ihp Afi. '^^n, preact d again tot 

Houfe, and "„Vm tm ""Zc Tt "='" ''^™ ^""'^ 
("ng-^pon, 'till Monday. IZ^^J^!*; r lV''!r;";"fi '^ 

S' '° P'=?''"g<^ ^"d «™eta nv Soil I tf^^ 

Hoar in recrct KeiiremEnf . „,. ! m ^ ' "' """" <*sd in 

fo>. W. for the CSnf r '"' *"/"'■'« »"> -H«r, 

Miniftcrs ,™d P^orie and tT^V" T' '2''^"=^- -^'^^ 

Tbough, cncMiS'wl.Wj5rrt™ann°'»H'^.'"^ *';"'''' I 

" it is, to have ,he AffeaL."'„,i,l?l™>'/'"".'"'-< Death 
■' fott nf Darknefs and r^nZ , ""*" =" God, bvRea- 

'• ^''^'K-,., Sfo , ; Tf„'r,d°h';^t=^ <^».s.«ia,?„ _ 

preaco'd twice tn th, ; r ™™ ■ However, he 

C*.^,y.„,V^. ]„ ,(,^ J,, t;^^? ^_^>= ^*j.<s,™, ,he7 made .gainfl 

""•yet 1.1 at the fe™l tIT .L'lTf ° ^^^^ W^^-G"'*™'/, 
Monday, o^,i T Vt . u"* '° "i"'^« « O"!- 1 ■ 

=Bai=,il Cbrilfia4; "$;;'^^"™™ '" a„feer their Of^.-^iJ 
left of, b, Arter„/on in jJeaZ/'"! p*"'' ' ^"'i »"= fpentlhi' 
Momo-wml very earlv,h,„ "^ri ^!,''^"'' '""""linB to <';. 

the iord for ,)i his gXcZ ^ "'^ M=d.ta.:on. Btelftd , ' 

commending out felv.„,„t-jT '"""^ '!•'"»!== Morning, aniJ 

travel W with ^rt-t «., 1 . . u ^' ''°'°™^'^''"'^"'« !• aniij 

ciear and comfor jahV ri ' ^^'^ "^ ^^**^^- -^ ^ad fame?" 

fr"t G.d plfft^ved u^; '-^' ^'^''^ *l^eW.IvcB Wwi'd Lund uf 

(j/M?-. Di^id Braincrd, A.D,i;44. 129 

[ The next Day, they rofe ^earl)', and kt forwaid, and fra- 
VClIefl that Day, 'tili they came to an Irijb Settlement, where ' 
Ml'. Bfsimrd wiisacqiiaintedj. and lodged there, lie fpeats of 
fiiTiieSweetnefs in divineXhingSa andXhankfuliief^ EyGod'for his 
^ii:3odnefs fo him in *5iff Journey, that he fek in his Heart iij the 
Kvening, thn' attended with Sbame A>f his Barrennefs, On 
riiLirfday, he continued in the fame Flacc » and he and Mr» 
!'>yram ■^ireached there tt>thfi People, J 

i'Viday, Osish, 12^ Rode Home (o my Lodging j where I 
{i:<ufcd out my Sou] to Gad in fccret Pruyer, and endeavoured 
10 b'er& him for his abundantGoodncfi to me in my ]a(cJournty* 
[ Icaict tver eiijoyed moreHcalih i at lea{t, of lakrYcars ^ And 
God matvellouJly, and altnoft miraculouJly* fupported me under 
[heFidgufa of theVVay, and TravcllIngoiiFoot. BlelTed be the 
Lord, thatconfuiuajly prefervcsme in all J117 Ways. 

\ On SaCurdtSy^ ht; went again to the hipi Settlementj to 
!ir-ii>^ the ^abbatb there^ his Indtsm being gone.] 

Lord's Day, 0^i?A. ^4* Was much confuled and perplexed 
i[. my Thoughts i could not pray ; &nd w&aalinoft difcouiaged, 
tbinking ! fiiould never bt iUilc to preach any mpjrc. Butafter- 
wards,^ God was pie a fed to j^ive me' fume Rclii:f frnm thefe 
ConfufionS : But Hilt I was aHaid, and even trembled before 
God. I went to the Place oF publitk Worfiiip, lifting up my 
Heart to God for Ailiflance and Grace, in my great Worl: : 
And God was gracious to me, and helped me to plead with him 
for Holinefsjand to nfe the fl'rongeft Arguments with himjd;awit 
from the Incarnation and Sufterings of Chrlft for this vcf^ End, 
that Men mlglu be made holy. Afierwards, 1 was much afiiftfid 
in preaching. ■ I know nut that ever God helped me 10 preach 
jtiamore clufc and diftinguifbingMann^ r for thcTrial of Men's 
State. Thio' the infinite Goodnefs of God, [ fek v/h^t Ifpake j 
and God enabled me to treat on divine Truth with uncommon 
Clearners : And yet I was fo fenfible of myOeie^ts inPreaching, 
ihat I could not be proud of myFerformanpe, as at fome Tirries ; 
And bleH'ed be the T-ord for ihiii Mercy, in the F-vcning, I 
Ifltig'd to be entirely alotiC, to blcfs Ciod for Hclfi in a Time o£ 
Kwreinity ; and longed for threat Ocgrcea of HuliiiLfs, that I 
might fhiEwmyCratUutle toGud, 

[ The next Moining, tie fpttil fome TEme before Suti-tife in 

Prayer, in the fame fweet and gra[qFul Frame of Mind, that he 

had been in the Evening before : And afterwards went tohia 

hkiGni^ and fpent fgxne Time in teaching and ejchottrng them.] 

S 2 Tiiefday^ 


I JO Mt. 27; 

th LIFE 

Turfday, OM. 16. Felta Spirit of Solemnity and Wairf," 
Mneft ; was a (raid Ifhou Id „ot live f, aivd a«j„ Go d ■ Loom 
for more Iiitcnfcnefi and Spirimalily. Spent tiK Day in wfj 
Jng ; freqirenliy lifting upmyHean to God for more Heaven' 

i , n ; '" '''= Erain&Hijoyed fvvce! AffiffanK i„ Pra.« 
and lUirHtd arid pfcadcd 10 be as holy as the bleffed JmAt 
Wc<IW M,n,fte„a! Gifts aid Graces, and Kucceft in 
Wort r Was fweeHy affifed !n th. Dat'y of Intercefflon, , 

a;;dotift.r;;iLt:'r' "■'^^^-"-"^'^ ^^ ^--^^i-' 

tw^^™ rajl]" '"" """" °' "= '■^^ ^""- °' ^i-'^. '. , 

id "'V'^"''°""=f' i '"•' f'^lt "')' S»ul melt and mourn, thaVk 
h.d [,„Wa,,Jg™™l avery erncions God, who was Km kind . 
o me, „otw,thfland,ng all my Unwonhinefs. My Eorjl cn-'i 
joyed a rwoc, ieafon of bitter Repentance and Sorrow, that" 

«con rledtome ,n l„s de.r Son. My Sod was now tenderl 

and afraid of that in every Aaion and Thought. * 

[ I he four ne:itDays,we.e manifeflly fpent in a moil conte 

Teodernefs, Wa,chfol„efi,Diligenee and Self-DiffiJonce But' 

he complains ofWandrings of Mind.Languot of Affections y,. 

fte^f?r''T^* ''"'*;'*■ ^''" ?^°™' "^^^° »CP=optei 
' J'r™ on iarth ; longed much to l:are this gloomy Manfion ■ 
but yet found the Exercife of Palience and a'fignatioi^ AndaS 
f retorted home frora the Indian,, fpem il*\.bo)e Time ia! 

talon sione in Pr,ytr ; was enabled to cry toGod will, aChild J 
Meipiti, forthe Space ofnear an Hour: Enjoved a fwcell 
Freedom in flipplicaling for my fetf. for dearFrieudi,MlniS' I 
C Irh F T- ', "° l":'P^""E f"'- 'l^'" Work, and for tha] 

^tt^^X ''"'" "'= -ii-^y-rre,fn,God-.i 

Thurfday, Or(,i. ,;, Was bufy in Wtiting. Was verv;! 
1™ ,b c of my abfolLtcDependanee on God in allRefjeas ; iiWf 
llk'.°n ■ , ""'^H o "'"/^ Aff^'".<l>" 1 have fuffieient naJ 

was a facred Text that 1 faw the Truth of. *= ■* ^ ? '(I 


e/ Mr. David Brainerd. A,D. 174+. 13 1 

Friday, OiUk 16. In the Morning, my Soul was meUed 
with a Senfe of divine Goodncfs and Mercy to fech a lile un- 
wonhy Worm as I : Delighted to lean upon God.snd place my 
whole Truft in him : My Soul was exceedingly grieved for 
Ein, and prized and looged aflerHolinefs i it wounded myHeart 
deeply, yet fwectly, to think how I had abufed a kind God. 
I longed to be perfeflly Holy,lhat I might not grieve a gracion! 
God; mho will continue to love, notwilhftandinEhis Love is 
abufed : 1 longed for Holinefs more for this End, than 1 did lor 
my own Happioefs fake ; And yet this was my grcateft Happl- 
ncfs, never more to dilhuisour, but always 10 glorify the blelTcd 
God. AfterwardSjtode up to the ladium, in thcAf(ernaoo,£;f:. 

[ The four next Days, he was exercifed with much Difordet 
andPain oi Body,with a Degree of Melancholy andGloominefs 
of Mind.bicterly compliining of Deadnefs andllnpcofiublencfj, 
yet mourning and longing after God. J 

Wednefday, Oitib. 31. Was fenfible of my Barrenner*, and 
Decays, in thoThings of God : My Soul fail'd, when I remera- 
ber'd tlw Fervency I had enjoyed at the Throne of Grace. 
Oh ( I thought ) If I could but lie fpiriiual, warm, heavenly- 
minded, and affcaionately breathing after God, this would be 
better thanLife to me ! My Soul longed exceedingly fotDeath, 
to be ioofed from this DuUnefs andBarr<!nners,and made forever 
aflivc in the Service of God. I feemed to live for nothins, and 
to do no Good : And Oh, the Burden of fuch a Life ! Oh, 
Death, Death, ray kind Friend,haBen and deliver rae from dull 
Mortality, and make mc fpiriiual and vigorous to Eternity. ^ 

Tiiurfiay, Nnimbtt j. Had but little Sweelneft in divine 
Things. But afterwards, in the Evening, felt feme Life, and 
Longings afld^God ^ I longed to be always folemn, devout, and 
heavenly-minded ; & was affaid to leave off prajing,left I fliould 
agaio lofe a Senfe of (he fweet Things of God. 

Friday, Niji. ^. Was fill'd with Sorrow and Confulinn, in 
the Morning, and could enjoy no fmcet Senfe of divine Things, 
nor gel any Relief in Frayer. Saw 1 deicrvcd, that every one of 
God's Creatures (hould heletlooft upon mc lobe iheExecutio- 
ners of his Wrath againft me 1 And yet ihcrein r faw I deferved 
what I did not fear as my Portion. About Noon, rode up to 
the ItMmi ; and while goiiig, could feel no Deiires for them, 
•ltd even dreaded So fay any Thing 19 'em ; but God wis 
plesfed to give me &105 Ft esdoni and £nlargcnieot, atjd luade 

lii MfAf. 


the Star™ comfortabic torn,. I„ ihcEv5ning,tadEdw»M=nt 

fcit for .here ma,y Weeb paff, h.v. been .r.nfiem & Ihortl 
andibeEfeaterP.rtofmyTim. fes b™ fiil'd up with D«V 
mfe, or Struggles w.tli Dcadnefs, and bitter Conflias with Cd^ 
ruptlon I have founJ mj. fdt cx-ercifed fordy wLth fone partH 
cular Tiling, thsti itought my ftif moil of all fre=d ftom, 1"^ 
!bm I have ever found ,r, when J have iho't (hcBatlle wsi overA 
and he Conquell ga,j,ed, and fo let dawn my Watch, the Eae-J 
tny haa rircn I. p and done me the greiiclt Ini urv f 

Sa(urd.y, Ata. 3. I read the Life andTriah of a godlyMa J 
and wa= much Ivarm'd by it ; 1 wondered at m). paftbJdnefalB 
and was convinced of it, ,h>n over. wL enabled of 
confer, and bwa, my Sm before God, withSelf-abhorrenee. I 
_ Lord ,.Day, JV™. 4 Had. I ihinfc, fome Exeictfe of Faffhl 
Jf/T'd'r "T'"^^ i-<'"g'dta be Spiritual. Had eun"^ 

flderabfeHelp =u preaehu>gto my poor«™ .. Was encou^a.ed- 
With them. Bad hoped that God deligned Mercy for theia, '' 

the M«tn,g ef the Pr^h,m^ (hero ; and waa gene from keml 
mere thanj I-ortrnght, He feem'd to enter oa this Journey' 
«.th great Eeluaance i fearing, tha, the Diveifcns of it woulj.f 
proye a Means of coohng his religiousAfleaions,^ he had found ' 
W other Journeya. But yef, in thisjourncy he hsd fome fpecijl 
beafons Kherco heciijoyed cMraordinjry Evidences and Fruitji. 
Z ,wl T S"=.'«f ■■*""■ . He was greally fatigued and eKpofe*-; 
f™ J°'"r ''i ''3'^"" '""I Storm, .. And ».hen he returned'' 
from h!e^-Y,rktoNtm-J„,,, on Friday, was taken very ill,, 
atld was detained by his lllncfs fome Time,] 

Wetjoefday N«i. 3 r. Rode from Ntwari to -RocMlku! it,. \ 
the Cold and «as almoll overcome with it. Enjoyed ftmei 
Swee nefs jn Convetfatior, with dear Mr. >«, „!,^i|^ I J^"? 1 
vvithbnn : My Soul Joyc= the People of God, andefpecially" t',^ 
MmiftersDf JcfusChtift, who fed the fame TrisI, thattdo. 

1 hurfday, A.„. 12. Came on ,ny W.y (,™ £,.Wror to: - 
D,Uw^t River. Waa very much difordered with a CcJd at d A 
^n in ray Head. Abent .6 at Night, t loft my Wayln tht 

JMd gf tils UT4mmtsn Strmm. 

(!/ Mr. David Btaincttl. iA.D.i744j Y35 

tViMerncfs, and wstidereJ over Rocks and Mounfains, down 
hideomSteeps, thro' Swamps, and mo(t dreadful and datlBerous 
Places.- And the Nigh 1 being dark, fo that few Stan could be 
feen, !_ was greatly expofed : Was much pinch'd with Cold, 
andidifirefa'd with an exlreaoi Fain in my Head, attended with 
SioJtnefi at my Stomach ; (o that every Step ! look was difttcf- 
fifig to me, ! had little Hope for fevoral Hours together but 
that f mult lie out in the Woods all Niglif, in this diHreffed 
Cafe.^ But about 9 o'clock, I found a Houfc, thro' theabun- 
naniGaodnefs of God, and was Itindly cntcriain'd. Thus I have 
ficquently been expofed, & fomttimcslain out the whole Night ■ 
but God his hitherto prcferved me s and bleflcd be his Nams^ 
Such Fatigues and Hardfliipsaa tlicfe ferve to wean me more 
from the Earth ; and, I iruft, will niaie Heayen the fweetcr. 
Formerly, when I was thus cxpofcd to Cold, Rain tSi I was 
ready to pleafe roy fejf with the Thoughts of enjoying a cora- 
fonabie Houfe, a warm Fire, and other outward Comforts- 
but now thefe have lefs Place in my Heart ( thro' the Grace of 
Goci ) and my Eye is more to God for Coillfiirf. In this World 
I expea Tribulation ; and it dcjcj notnow, >s formerly, appear 
ftrange to me ; I don't in llitli Sealinii of J)h]ieulty natter my 
felf that II wdl be better hsicifter ; but rjlber much 
worfeit might be; how much greater Trials others of God's 
Childrenhaveendurei J and how much greater pre yet por- 
l«ps reibrved for (lie. tjleill-d be God, 'that he makes the 
Thoughts of my Journey's End and of my Didbluiioa a great 
Comfort to me, under my iharpeltXrials ; &fcarce ever lets thefe 
Ttionghtsbe attended with Terror or Melancholy ; but they 
are attended frequently with great Jov. 

Friday, Nm. 23. Vifited afick Man ; difcouifed and pray'd 
■with him. Then vifited another Houfe, where Vis one dead and 
laid out; look'd on the Corps, and longed that my Titne might 
come to iipart, that 1 might be rojli Chrijl. Then went home 
to my Lodgings, about one o'Clock, Felt poorly; but was 
able to reid, moil of the Aftexauon. 

[ Within the Space of the ncsl twelve IJavs, he p,iHi:d under 
many Changes in the if'raincs and Extrclfea of his IVIind, He had 
many Seafons of the fpecial /nfluencomf God's ''pirir, animat- 
ing, invigorating, and comfortitig him in the Ways „f God and 
Duties of Religion ; but had fome Tunis of great Deieaion 
and Mclanclioly. lie fpciit much Tlrat, within this Spice, in 
hard Labour, with othar, tc make for Iiimfsif a little Couage 

IJ4 Mt.'if- 

TAj L I F E live in by himfelf thro' the.Winter. Yet he freqviqctty 
preached to theMMi,&: Tpcaks ofrpeckl Affittancc he had from 
Time to Time, in addrcffing hiinfcif to them s And of his (ome- 
times having confiilerableEncouragcment, from theAttention they 
gave. But ooTuertlaj'£)«!OT*.4. he was funk intogreatDifcou- 
ragementj to fee 'cm ( mpft of ^em ) going 'o Company to an 
idolatrous F^afl and TiajKi, after he had taken abundant Paini 
¥?ith tliem to diffwade 'em ftoih thefe Things. ] 

Tliorfday, Diiimb. 6. Having now a happy OpportunitJ' ol 
being retired in a [loilfe ot my own, which f have lately procur.* 
*d and moved into, and cooftdering that it is now a long Tim« 
fincelhave been able, either on Account of bodily Weaknefs, 
or for want of Retirement, or fome other UJfiiculty, to fpenii 
any Time in fecrct Faftlng and Prayer ; confidering alfo th? 
greatiiefsofmyWork, and the extream Difficulties that attend 
it : Ai:d that my poor hdium are now -wurjhipphg Devils, not- 
withifandingall the trains I have taken with them, which almofl 
overwhelms my Spirit : Moreover, confidering my extremcBar- 
reiinefSj fpiritual Deadnefs and Dejedion, of late i as alio thfl 
Power of fi^rne particular Corniptions j i lat apart fhis Day for 
fecrct Prayer and Fatting, to implore the BEeiTing of God on my 
fell, on nay poor People, on my Friends, and on (he Church of 
God. Atfirft, J felt a great Backwardnefs to the Duties of thff 
Day, on Accom^t of the fet-mtng Impollibiliry of performing 
them; Bjt the Lord helped me to break thro' this Difficulty, 
God was pleafed, by tlie Ufe.of Means, to give me fome clear 
Conviction of my SJnruineis, and a Dilcovery of tk Piague af 
my ezva Heart, more affefting than what I have of late had. 
And efpecially 1 faw my Sinfulnefs in this, that when God ii?,d 
■withdrawn himfelf, then, inflead of livingand dying in Furju'n 
of him, I have been difpofedlto one of thefe two Things j ei- 
ther ( firfl J to yield an unbecoming Refpetil ro fome carthlyOb- 
je£ls, as if ffappinefs were to be derived from them ; or (2dlyJ 
to be fecrctly /ratuarj^ and impatient, and unfuitablydefirous of 
J?w/^, fo that [have fometimes tho't i could not bear to thint 
my Life mnft btlcngrhen'd out. And that which often drove 
me to this impatient Defireof Death, was aDefpair of doing any 
Good in Life ; and f chofe Death, rather than a Life fpent fot 
Nothing. But now God made me fenfible of my Sin in thefe 
Things, and enabled mc to cry to him for Forgh^efi. Yet 
this was not ail L wanted ; for my Sou! appeared exceedingly 
poilitted, my Heart feetti'd hke a Neil of Vipers, or a Cage of 


0} Mr. David Biainera; A.D. 174+; 

em and hateful Birds : And therefore I wanted (0 be pn- 
, ilicd Jj tilt Bhed nf Sjirinilins, that dianfilh fram oil Sm. And 
I liis, I hopc.l was enabled to ptay for inFaitl), 1 enjoyed much 
more Inlcnfeners, Fervency, acdSpirituality, than I ejipeaed; 
Hod was better to roe than my Feats. And towards Night, 

I felt my Soul rejoyce, that God is unchangeably happy and 
florious ; that he will be glorified, whatever becomes of his 
Uieatules. 1 was enabled to perfevere in Prayer '(ill ibmeTlmc: 

II the Evening ; At whichTime I faw fo mucliNced of divina 
Help, in every Refpcdl, that 1 knew not how to leave olF, and 
iiid forgot that 1 needed Food. This Evening, I was much 
jlHfted ia meditating on i/af. lii. 3. Bleffed be the Lord for 
my Help in the paft Day. „ . „ . , 

Friday, Dimni. 7. Spent fome Time in Prayer, in the 
Mriraing ; enjoyed fome Freedom and Affeaion in the Duty, 
.lud had longing Defirea of being made fsithful ti ihi Diatb. 
Spent a little Time in writing on a divine Subjoft ; Then 
•.ifited the hMilnu and preacb'd to 'em. But under inexpreffi^ 
'lie Dejeaion : I had no Heart (0 fpeak to them, and could 
not do it, hut as I forced ni? fell : I knew, ihcy muH hale to 
heat me, as having but juft 50! Home fiom their idolatrous 
tXlft andDeS'il-Worflilp.— Inthe Evening, had fome Free- 
Join in Prayer and Meditation. 

Saturday, Deem- 8. Have been uncommonly free this Day 
from Dcjeflion, and from that diftlciiiog Apprehenfion, that 
(could do nothing: Was enabled to pray and itudy with fome 
Comfort ; and efpecially was affifted in writing on a divine 
Subjea. In the Evening, my Soul rejoyced in God ; and 
Ibkfa'd his Name (or fhining on my Soul. O the fweet 
and bleil'ed Change J then felt, when God irssihl m ml if 
Osrknep ifHO his marvelhut Light / , 

Lord's-Day, Df«;ri. 9. Preach'd, both Faits of the Day, 
-t a Place call'd Greenwich, in Niw-Jcrfe!, about loMiles from 
my own Houfe. In the firft Difcourfe I had fcaice any Warmth 
ot afFeflionale Longing forSouls. !n the Intermiffion-Seafon i 
-ot alone among the Bulhes, and cried to God for Pardon of my 
beadnefs ; and was in Anguiih and Bitlemcfs, that I cou^ not 
addtefs Souls with more Compafllon and tender Affeaion t 
fudged and condemned my felf for want of this divineTemper : 
I'ho' I faw I could not get it as of ray felf, any more than I 
lould make a World. In the latter Exercifc, bleffed be the 
Lord, I had tome Fervency, both in Prayer andPreachlDg ; and 
efjecially in the Application of my Difcourfe was enabled to 
' ' ' X addrefs 

jjS 3it. a 7. 

y& LIFE 

add/sfs precio^ Souls with A fe Si on. Concern, TmJefaers jod 
rt^onun.t,. 1 hs Spirit of God, E .hi,k, was there ; a= the 
i, were apparenr, J ears running down manv Checks i 

Monday, £1..™ 10. Near Noon, ! prMch'd^gain : Qoi 
gavs me fonc Affilbnco, and enaUed mc to be in ftrae De«^ 
/ar.hM i fo that r hd Peac= i„ my o«,„ Sofl, and a very co^ 

away fromCr«w;£*,aa<l rodeHorae j attived juft in fbeEvenins 
By.h<iWay my Son! bfcft'd God for his •CJoodncfsTandll 
Woy«d, that fomueh of my Work wa=do„e, and 1 fo mlel 
.™„ my bleffcd Reward/ BM,d 6. God'for Gra«r.a 

Tuefday, !>,„;„. I r Feft ray poorly in eoJy.beio^ mud* 
««dani worn out Ihc !ail -Might.' Was aiSfted i,; &„,! M„al 
my Brcsit, that had not much Eefolution in my Work, oi, J 
fcow Ilongfo, thst World wh.r,th. ,>>,m-y are atlefl ' And veil 
thro- the Goodneft of God i don't now feel impatient. ^ } 
Wed nefday, Dium. 12. Was again very weak - ba fnm^',1 
^hataiilfedin fcc,« Prayer, ..A..t.l2 2T h^l^Z^ 
Sweetnefs .0 cry C™, £,rrf»r.^ C™,. £,,,^72^3 
j»,ri/y MjSoul^^.i/,r5,r;, for ,4, /;«VG,;/ oS 
^ebgh.Srl ,t ,s topray nnderTcoh fwee. Influence P Ohwl 
modi belter is this.thsn one's mcimnFt«>i 1 I had^t thkTf^^f 
noDifpofitionto^at ( tho' iate fn L Morn ng rfo'r'SMyl 
Food appea. d wholly TaH!o6. O how much \m\rt"^L^A 
tha„ ff,n,, than tl,Q fweeteli: Wine I— I vifiici „„IJJZ7^^m 
totbe/w™, in tho Afternoon, but nndf'lch D^ ffi^o^nf 
Found r^yl,urpr,„r under fomo Concern for hi, SouifXhl 
w.! (onre Umfort to ma ; and yet fill'd me with r,™ Care 1 
1 longed greatly for his Converiion j lifted up ravHeart to Goi 1 
ZTJt: ' ™%'"'^'."S .0 him .. C.meHoL,Ld ^ou :d 0^* ^ 
my Soul to God for h™ : Enjoyed fome Preedora in Prayer | 
and waseiMbied.I ibmk, to leaveall with God. '"''"' >■ 

Til'"Hay D,am. 13. Efideavoured to fpend the Day ire and Prayc, ,0 nnplorc the divine BleirLg, rao'e efpct - 
>ity r,n my poor People; and in particular, IfLht/or con- ' 
vertmg Grac. or my h„rpr,>,r, and three oj four m re un « I'l 
fonte Concern for the.r SouU. Iwa, much difordered in ,b" 
"r"^an^r '?'^=' '■uthavingdeter^inedtofpendtbeD,; '' 
inth,.Mannor,Urlempted,t. SomeFrcsdora I had in pleadinR 
forihefe poor concerned Souls, feveral Times i and wL i"! 
«-.««ltngfo, (hem, t epjoyed grsiitei fwdgm ft gra 

ihlngfomuch as for '"f " J™ "^^ "J,f .^™ ;,, , bad moftS=nte 
andTheVilenersl then found m^ywyti j ^^^^^^^ 

of, were FriJo, and /™;'''"5 J?°iS^ to think 

God. The former of thefe cuifed '"iil^"'" ^^ „, „erf.rniin? 

of writing, or ^"^^'X^CZ'^l^f^^^'Z^ ' «'""'' 
fomeothergre«Work,thattnyK™c"J _, ;„„ 

be dead. M/,S7'*"="'ASt'rM'ranper. With this, find fomucho l»"™"=" wand line Thoughts, 
■ "nd'tbe'other Evil VfT and c^ ready tog - over Hrf^i^S 
I was ^'I'noa^vcrwheln.d, JJ "= - / ?^,^ ^ „„ad 

after aSpi''''"/ l?7°"f Vfld ttou^t 1 «>= "><■« *^""/* '*"." 

„,^ Ma,: Yet after all ^7 fe""™='f'^ Qood, and taugM 


knew not what to ff '",' p'^rtoaddrefi theip Confcicnccs, 

^Ji: of Tot g" eal De^trit^D^Ut ab'out ever .... or 

IHecontinueduttdcr the fame D.] Day.] 

ti .« Was fo ovMwhelmed with De- 
Lotd's-Day, Dtcim. <«• y^^;!" iio„„M forDcatheKced- 
:eaio..,that I knew not f." '° ^^i, „ ^od ib, Flo.h were 
ingly ■. My Soul was/.^^ 'f' td, TS'd, *« my Soul was 
eady to Jr™.™-- 1 wf f" ■""^'^ S my Thoughts f«ed it, 
Z /kind of Hnrronr : I «";! ""J^^'^.h^nt Fluttering andDi- 
p,ay«. for the Space °f .™' "^f '^'^j/^ "t j did not live toGod = 
arakon: IWS«x«^^^^^^^ State s but would 

I had no diftreffing ^^ff^.T^l ^l,M polBbly know) mto 
have cheerfully ventured { as fi" '' the'feA'™, IBS' 

Bernity, Whiktwas g-B -bto^^.^^^_^^^^^^ 

Sout was m Anguilh i I W.IS lu o ^^ ^.ts 

I3S m.if. 

raj L I F E 

And in,I..J I wa. enabled fp= k if ^t" '■^"-^'^' '"f" ■ 
prauchcd .0 another C™p,ny of (hem Tutlr'"^ 

tHanccm writing o„ a diWn= Subiea *""* ^*5i 

' flutaiWr fd r^'^ P " '" """= ''"'■= ' . 
me tD fpeafc wi,!, Warm h M T, '^"™'=?' ^"dtJod '=elp-<l| 

wasonly undc-r Convifl™ „f hi/joftSa^. ?T?„d ™.' ''r*- 

«wmccd of tl e Ccr ;I o? ,\ ■ ,""" f'', "-^P'^""! r=™-di 

in Prayer and TbanF^ n,^ ' ".f <)>':»> >mtt of th= Evening 

WcdnE'-!,,. 75 ■.""''""""Sf'lw/ of dune Grace 
»« alfo ro bJA hia Nam' or ^J. '^ ?" "''' P""'^ '^''''P'^ i 


d/JWr. David Brainerd. A.D. i^f' '39 

, I, mv Spirit for tlic Salirition of thofe ptctrfous Souls, and 
,h, l/nlafgemciit of the Rcdeetnct's Kingdom among them. My 
„,1 holied iiiGod for romeSuceefs in my Miniftrr ; And b]eiied 
I, Ids Name for fo much Hope. .^ , t-l . 

rhurfJay, Dmml. %c. Was enabled (o viEt the Throne <i( 
I , , a,T Ircqucntly, this Day ; and thio' d.vme Goodnefs ejijoy- 

, ail Krccdotn and Fervency, funJry Times: Was much 

jliulcd in trying for Meicy for my poor People, and felithear- 

I lulnefs and Hope in my Requella for them. [ fpMt much of 
llic Day in Wiiting i bu! vm enabled to iiiitrmix I rayer with 
mv Studies. . , r^ I _. 

Fiida¥,£'ft™*.2i. Was enabled sga.ntopray wilbl' fcedom, 
Uhearrolnsfi.and Hope. God *a> pleaftd to m^ke the Dni, 
comfortable and pleafant to me ; fo thlt I oehghted to pcrfe- 
verc, and lepcatedly to ens-age in it. Towards Noon, viiited 
my People, and fpent the whole Time in the Way to them in 

' Prayer, longing to /«tfoP™<"/G.^ among tnem. as tnere 
.ppLMfat^efhingofitthelaftTnefdayi and ! found .1 fiveet 
10 reft and hope in God. F«ach'd to them twice, and at two 
diiHnfl Places : Had confiderablc FrocJoni, cich 1 nilc, and 
fohidmy/ii(«-/.r«<r. Several of 'cm followed me Iromone 
Place to the other: And ( thought, there waJ fonic 'l""""'"" 
llMcnce difcErnable amongft them. Tn the Evcnrng.was affifteli 
iti Prayer again. BlcEsd, falefftd be Ihe Lord, 

r Very much the fame Things are esprefEsd concerning his 
Inward Frame, Excrcifes, and AiTiftances on Saturday, as on 
the preceeding Days. He obferves, that this was acomfortahli: 
Week to him. But then condudcs. Oh ! rhat I hadnsRiifm 
t, comtliM nf math Barrnmf:. Oh thit Ibirt wen n, vatnTbt ti 
md ml McSikyu lidging ""■'*'" ""«• ^*' ^'"^ ^'"^' *™ ^l"!^ 
fir Ibat JVurld, wbtr, thiy rifi ttct Da) mr Nilhljayim, Hsif, 
liohi, H'h, u Ihi Uri Gti Alm^^hty, &e. On the following 
Sibbath, he fpeaks of AlTiftancc and Freedom in his pubhck 
Work, but as having iefs of the fenfible Prefence of God, than 
fiequcnlly in IheWock plft: Cot yet fays, hisSoul was kcptfrotn 
linking in Difcouragcmeht. On Monday, again he rccm d to 
enjoy very much (be fame Libert r and I'crvency. ihro' IheDay, 
that he enjoyed thro' the gtoatctPart of the prcceeduigWeek.*] 

' Th^s Day hi; wrote the fifA mur added at the End of 
thisHiftory, ,. .e^ Tu*y, 


>40 ■lEt.i'!. ,5'-^« LIFE a.D; 

TueMsj'.Bmmiis.Enjoyd very little qEictS!™ lafiNwhfc 
br Rc»C„. .( l,„J,ly WMkucft, and th. dofencft of \ StS 

I w.>,<Jd,el,i.Jwicb.l.= divine Glory and Happinei mi,A 
joyed ihac (;,„l «.=sGod,& ,h=the was uDchingeibi; pcflif.3 
Of td,ry ,n<t liWlcdi.ef.. Tho' God h.U ^y 4" »"i1 

•BH Wenkners, m continued Meditations on LuhiilAl ■j.SM 
lb>f> thu. year, 1 com, fidhg Fruu, &c. My Meditations WW 
w«t > and I wanted to fci before Sintieis tlieir Sin andDang^ 

[He continued in a very low State, as to his bodily Heallji 
for fomc Days : Winch feni! to have been a gre« flindrand 
fohim in liM lelijioui Kmtrtirc. md PuiCuits. But yet fjeeJi 
liwfltt (jBir llfi!''* i>l di«loc Afnrtancc, from Day to Davl 

I mie« (In, Wt.^k (,> I,., hdim, ; and there appeared ftiH fomof 
Cancm, ,n,ongtt them for rheirSouIs. OnSa.urday, he rodeZ' 
llie _//■>> bettlcmeni, about 15 Miles from iiis Lodaine^ in orde3 
to fpcnd the Sabbath there. ] ^='ogi"&.ui orded 

Lord's-Day, £>,„mJ. 30, Difcourred, both Paris of the DavJ 
Irom Jfflf f viu. 34. IFhofcivir will am aft^ mi, &c. God eaia 
mc very great Freedom and Cleatnefa, and ( it, the AfcerrfooS 
cfpecially ) conCderable Warmth and Fervency. In the Even"! 
inK iilfo, had very great ClBarnefs while eonvernng wilh Friendal 
on lijvme Tilings : f don't reraembcr ever to have had raorsj 
EfarApprcbenfions of Religion in myLife ; But found a Strua-' 
gle, in (be Evening, with fpititual Pside, I 

[On Monday, he prcach'd again in the fame Place withJ 
JTccdom and Fervency J and rode homo to his Lodging ■ andl 
arrived in Ibe F-vening, under 11 confiderablc Degree of bodilv i 
Jllnek, which conllnucd the two nest Days. And he complain* ■ 
much of fpirimal Empiinefs and Barrennefs on thofe Days,] 

Thuf fday Jamofy 3.1 744,5, Being fenfihle of the great want 
oioinnelnfluencfs, and the out pouting of God's^piritjlfpent 
Ihl. J)ay m Faffing and Prayer, to feck fo great a Mercy for ray 
icji, aim my poor People in particular, and for the Church of 
'jo" inRcncral, In the Morning, was very Lifelefs in Prayer 
and could gci fcarcc any Senfe of God. Near Noon, enjoyed 
'nine Iwcei Freedom to pray that (taWillif. GiilnDght in every 


if Aff. David Braincrd. AD. 1743. 14*, 

Hcfpcfl becoiKe mint : And I am perfwaded, it was fo at that 
'Fime in fome good Degree. In the Afternoon, I was exceeding 
weak, and could not enjoy much Fervency in Prayer ; hut fcK 
,igre»t Degree of Dejeitlon; which,! believe, wan very much 
owing to my bodily Wcaknefs and Dffordcr. 

Friday, 'Ian. 4. Rode up to the Iniam, neat Noon ; fpent 
foiiieTijnetheie under greatDiforder : IWly Soul was/«n:4 ^om« 
injo fl'M4;^a(8rj,aBd [ was almoft overwhelmed withMelancboly. 
Saturday, Jan. J. Was able to do foraclbinB atWtuingi 
but was much difoiderctl wilh Pain in my Head. At Night, wan 
iliKrefs'd with a Senfe of my fpirilual Pollution, and ten Thou- 
fmJ youthful, yea, and cbildifii Follies, that no Body but my , 
fdf bad any Thought about 5 all which appeared to me nov/ ,- 
Irclh, and in a lively View, as if committed Y^fterday,and made 
inv Soul alliamed before Cgod, and.caufed me to hate my felf. 

Lord's- Day, Jan. 6. Was fiill diltrefs'd with vapoury Dif- 
eiders. Preached to my poor Jna'iflW ; but had little Heart or 
Life, Towards Nijjht, my Soul was prefs'd under a Senfe of 
mjUnfailhfulnefs. O she Joy Si Peace that arifes from a Senfe 
of haimg tila'm'iiMx'cy sfGsi It ii failhfai ! And ()h,lhoMifery 
and Anguilli that i'pring from an Apprcbciifion of the contrary ! 

[ His Dejection continued the two next Days ; but not to 
fo great a Degree on Tuefday, when he enjoyed fome FVeedom 
and Fervency in preaching to the lnikni.'\ 

Wednefday, Jan. 9. In the Morning, God was pkas'd to 
remove that Gloom which has of late opprcfs'd m^ Ildind, and 
gave me F'rcedorn and Sweetnefs in Prayer. £ was encouraged 
and flrcngthe'd, and enabled to plead for Grace for my felf, and 
Mercy for my poor Indiam 5 and was fweclly affillod in my 
InterceiEons with God for olhers, BIcfl'ed be his holy Narao 
forever and ever ; Amen, and Amen. Thofe Things that of 
late have appeat'd moil difKeultand almoil inipoffibie, now ap- 
peared not only poffible, but eafy. My Soul fb much delighted 
to continue inftant in Prayer, at this blelTed Seafon, that 1 had 
noDefirefor my nittjf^iy Fad: even dreaded leaving cffpriving 
at ali.lcft I fliould loiethisSiiiritualily.and (his hleilbdThJukf.d- 
nefs So God which [then felt. I f«l[ now quh(( willing (otive, 
and undergo all Trials ibat might rtmJin forme in a World of 
Sorrow; but ffill longed for Heaven, ihut ] might glorify God 
in a pcrfefl IVSanner, O amt. Lard ji/m, cMit jukily. Spent 
the Day in Reading a little ; and in "fome Divcrlions, which I 
was neceffitaled to take by Rcaliin of much Weakners and 
Diforder. In the Evening, enjoyed (broeFnedom and Intehfe- 
cefs in Pi3)-cr. ' [Tfi^ 

y^ai- Mt, zf. 


f The three remaining Days of the Weelr I,- «,- 
and f=.b,c.,B„dy , but'«ve^,h= J'^onVStd X Z 
fame coiaforfabJE fwcct Frame of Mind, as i, ev„rS, w il 
|«fday, O. th. Sabbath, th. S«.eett.e'6 ^H'S aS^ 

fijfhcf jn my Studies or Devoilon^ ■ And f„ ,k^ J^'tle irceioJ 
W ],«for „„yThi„a,„ ,„i, W„M Id L- Grace rfi; 
Jieartft Appruacha ; and even X„! L^ DcalliinUi 

. World of Sorrow, a™ „i li,LT T > '"J'"'^ ' ™"' '" 

™. owio, ,tfi; to ^odiS;trt^t^^'^;r/DS?,]:J 

fcquemly and i=rve„tly thlnu ut a„H „ V° F? ."'™ 

(j/ Mr. David Braindfd. A.D.I745' H^' 

Ikifiis me to Labour and Study far hira ! He does but ricihi his 

I'twiijwhtB I am enabled in anjMeafure to praife hinijlabour for 

T klui, anil live to hira. Oh, how coinfortable and fweet it is, 

III feel the Affiffance of divine Grace in the Perforoiance of the 

IJuiicB (Jod has enjoined as I Bttfi iht Lord, O m> Sm/. 

Il I Tlit fame Enlargement of Heart and joyfulFtame of Soul 

^V.>atini5cd thro' the nest Day. But on the Day folbwJHg it 

ki'jiito decline i which Decay feenu to have continued the 

mliulcof the nentWecli; Yet he enjoyed fame ScafolU o£ 

Iftcisl and fweet AITiHancc.J 

Lord's-Day, >s. 27. Had the greatell Degree of inward 
Anruilh, that alrnoli ever 1 endured : I was perfcflly over- 
(vl.cImcJ, and fo confufed,th,it after I began to iifcourfe to tha 
hiiinns, before i could fioiOi a Sentence, ibmetimea I forgot en- 
tirely what 1 was aiming at ; or if, with moch difficulty, 1 had 
rccollcfled what I had before defigned, ftill it appeared ftrane=, 
and like fomething I had long forgoiten, and had now but aii 
Impetfea Rcmtmbrance of. [ know, it was a Degree of 
UiHraaion, occafion'd by »a);Dury Difardcrs, Melancholy, 
fniritual Defertion, and fome other Things that patlicularly 
frefs'd upon me, this IViotniEg, vvilh an uncommon Weight, 
the principal of vfhich refpcaed my hdUns. This diftreffing 
liloom never went ofFlhe whole Day ; but wasfo far removed, 
that 1 was enabled to fpcak with fome Freedom and Concern 
to the Indium, at two of their Settlements ; and I think, there 
was fome Appearance of the Frcfence of God with us, fome 
Ecrioufnefs, and fcemiog Concern among the JjlAasj, at lealt a 
few of them. In the Evening, this Gloom continued ftili, till 
Family-Prayer, » about nine o'Clock, and almol thro' this, 
until I came near the Ciofe, when i was praying ( as I ufualSy 
do) for the Illumination andConverfion of my poor People i an4 
(hen the Cloud was feattei'd, fo that I enjoy'd Sweetnefs and 
Freedom, and conceived [lopes, thjl Sod deiigned Mercy for 
fome of them. Tiie fame I enjoyed afterwards ill fectetl raycr 5 

» Tho' Mr. Braiatrd now dwelt by himfclf in the foremen- 

■ ■ tiotl'd littleCottage.which he had built for his ownUfe,yet 

tliat was near 10 a family of white People with whom he 

had lived before, and with whom he ftill attended Fannlj- 




tht H^E 

in which prccIousDuty 1 had for a confiderable Time Si 
ncfs and Frcedcin, and ( I hope ) Fairh, in praying for 
fiiypoor Indiam^ and dear Pritnds and Acquaintance t„ ,.. 
England ioi elfcwhere, anti far the dcarlnrcteH of zi'jiil 
general. Bk[! th Ltrd, my Ssal, and fmit ait all 

£ He fpenf the reft of this Weefc, or at Jcaft the mod of tU 
under DcjeSion a.ndMelsncilolj : Which on Friday rofe tof 
eiitrcani Height ; he being then, as ho bimfelf obferves, nj 
csercifcd with vapoury Diforders. This exceedingGIoaini 
tontinued on Saturday, 'lii! the Evcning,when he was igaifl' 
lievcd in I'amily-Praj-er ; and after it, was refrefli'd in fectit, 
and fels willing to live, and endure Mardfliips in the Caufe 3 
God i and found , his Hopei of the AdMncemcnt of Chrilft 
Kingdom, as alfo his Hopes to fit ibe Pswir nfGsd among tin 
poor hdiiuii, confidcrably raifcd. ] 

^ Lord's-Day,^ft<. J. In the Morning, 1 was fomcwilat ti> 
licved of thai Gloom and Confuflon, that my Mind has of lal| 
heen greatly cxerrifed wilh : Was enabled to pray wi:!i fottti 
Compofure, and Comfort. But however, went to my /Wfsi* 
trembling; for my Sou! rintmhidthi Wtrmiasad and the gA 
( I might almofl fay the HM) of Friday lafl ; and ! wasgreatf 
afraid 1 Ihould be obliged agaiji to drink of thatCc/i sfTremUmtl 
which was inconceivably mere hitter than Death, and made ml 
long for the Gravi! more, unfpeakably more, (ban for hid Trcii 
fares, yea, inconceiyably more than the Men of (his World loil| 
for fitch Trcafurcs. . But God waspleafed to hear my Cties.anl 
to afford me great Aififtance ; fo that I fcjt Peace in my own 
Eoul ; and vvas fatisfisd that if not one of the Indians ihould hh 
proH'led by iny I'reaching.but fliould all be damned, yet 1 ihoulj 
be accepted and rewarded as faithful j for 1 am perfwaded GoJ 
enabled me to be fo.— Had fomo good Degree of Help after. 
Wards, at another Place; and much longed for (ho Conveiiioll, 
•>{ lllc poor hdhK!. Was fomev.-hat refrcihed, and corafor'able, 
towards Night, „„d in the Kveniog. O that my Soul mishft 
praife the Lord for his Coodnefs,--- .EnjoycJ foMcFrsedom ifl 
the Kveniog, in McdilaJion on Luii xli'i. 14. 1 

[In the ihree next Days, he was the Kuhic£l of much Do 
jeaion ; But the'three remaining Days of the Wcclt ib-m (L 
have bee.) fpcntH-ith much Conipofure and Comfort. On th? 
next babbatl), he preach'd at Grimivich in Nau-Jtrfiy. In thr: 
tvonfUg, be todeeii^ht iMiles to vilir aiicic Man at the Point of 
Uealh, and fflund bini Sjicjcliltfs and Seiiftlcfs.j 


e/ M-. DaviiJ Brainerd: A.D, 174;: MS 

Monday, Fib. it. About Ereak-of-Day, (he ficJt Man 
«cd. IwasafFeaedattheSight: Spent the Morning with the 
Moornera ; and after Prayer, and fome Difcoutfe With them, 
I rclurtied to Grtinwkl!,inA preached again iiomPfil. Ixxxix 1 5. 
And the Lord gauo me AiTiffance : 1 felt a fweet Love to 
fouls, and to the Kingdom of Chrifl ; atid longed that poor 
Snttets might imu. tkjcyfi^t S,mli. Several Fetfons *«e much 
tfefled. And after Meeling.I was enabled to dlfcourfe, with 
freedom and Concern, tofome Pcrfonsthat apfititd to me under 
[pirllual Trouble. Left ihc Place, Twccily c.niiH.fed. anJ^roj c 
L= to myHonfe about » Uilea didant. Ddcom f,-d rSFj .etfds 
,iid inculcated divine Truths upon fome. In the Lvemng, was 
m the moil folemn Ftame that almoft ever I remember to have 
rxpctienced: S know not that ever Death appeared more reaf 
!„ me. or that ever I raw my felf in the Cond.tion of a dead 
Corpfe, laid out,and drefs'J for aLodging m the fdent Grave, fo 
evidently as at thisTime. And yel I felt exceeding comfortably . 
Mv Uii was ccmpofed and calm, and Z)«J* ''ff^'^^,Zt 
„t a Sti«e. I think, I never felt fucb an un.vetf,.! Mort fica- 
, on to alf created Objcfts a, now- Oh how gtca. an f,.lcmt, 
:, Thmg it appeared to die ! Oh, I10W ,t lays the Br;^>'-^lll »» '°"' 
in the DuKI And Oh, how va.n and tt,an,g d.d the K.ches 
,h.lrs,andPleafuresof the World appear ! I ""W "o , I 
,larenot, tom«h as think of anyolth™ : iotD^f,D«''b, 
lolcntn ( Iho' not frightful }C../A appeared "*^ Ooor. Oh, 
1 eould fee my felf dpad, and kid out, and mclofed ,n '"yCothn, 
,„d put down into the cold Grave, with greateft Salemn,ty,but 
vihont Terror I I tpent mofi of theEvcnitlg, m convetfing 
uthaJ=arChrimanF?iend : And.blelTedhcUod ,t«as a cem. 

Portable Evening to us both.-^- What ate ^'^^^^ ^^,^^^1 
Comfolls ' What are Sorrows ? What are DiftreiTts i /M 
W ;-/™rr ; It mmks, lb., ibey v,hkh u,..p,b, m iW ihej ■L.,pt 

j.Si Amen.-Bleir=d be God for the Comfort, of the 

''Tuefdav Fd. t^. Was exceeding weak ; but in a fweet 
te^etcompotcd Frame, moll of the Day : !■ elt my H.arl 

Diforders ; but ftill enabled ta maintain Sokminty.and I th.nK. 
Spitiwlit)'.. ^ ^ J Tucfi'si',. 


tiS J^t.2j: rfo LIFE 

g!.ij.a: Enjy'd Health, .ndft«Jo„i„ ^,wl,k: Had, 

Week m rom= Mwfure ; Wh>E 1 fd, o„ Mcndpy jl 
PrS"°l'/'" f™\^°"«''"^Ws iiegrce, ever &cj. '■ 

I.h.d .,.„ . :„e. ScnVe^of ..^.S G.{f /r Gor/d'f 
S0..I was encouraged, wafm'd a„J quicken'd, and myDc 

n«edlo<,g,„lVerand Medi,„bn, imc™;.;„g .V ^I h 

from ;, ? T' "r'"'"f '" '"^ '1'^"'='' i-y ^''y 'rhi"s L 

from fc, fwcct a„ Ex.K^k. I i„ng,j ,„ ^„^,^;^ , J J' 
then «.d,i.,=J upo„, ,0 ,b= World of Si/ncr... fo Lw7 

jnan mrjt «.c. 1 1 be Aftanooo, i( picafcd God to lV;,„. , 
Erea,Fr..d<,m .„d Fervency ;„ nr, J w "eli 

?,t r A J • ^ "'' fcarce..7er e.iatled to ofFer the fri 
Grace of 0„d ,„ p=ri(hi„g Si„„er, wirh more Freedom 1 

joj'cea, that he was Gij mir all hUffid F.,„„^ . v.\. .11 

Jausij, croudcd ii-.!h f^,^ .; "'ffjuriyir ; but was te»il 

1 crouaca With L.j.-ni>aj,_r mJ Convctfaiiwi, »ail Jongcif 

io/ JVfr. Divid BrainertJ. A.D, 1 745, ^y, 

(,> Ii: more alone with God. Oh ihit 1 could forever blefs God 
for the Mercy oi this Day, who m/wirei mi in tk Jiy tf ay 

I The reft of this Week feeros to have been fpent under a 
Decay of lliis Life and Joy, and indjfttefling Confliils with 
Corruption ; but not vrithout forae Seafans of RefreihmeOE 
an J Comfort'} 

Lotd's-Dsy, i^rf. 14. In the Morning, was much perplex'd : 
My Inltrprmr being ahfcnf, I kjww not how to piform my 
Work among the Indiam, Hywcvcr, I rode to the Ind'iaiUf got 
a Dutch-Man to Interpret for mc, iho' he ivas but poorly qua- 
lified for the Bufinefs. Afterwards, 1 came and preach'd to a 
few white People from Jshnv'h 67. Here the l.ord fcemed to 
unburden rae in (ome Meafure ; eipecially towards the clofeof 
my Difcourfe : I felt h'lecdom to open the Leu r/ Chrifl to his 
own dear Difdplii : When thereft of the World ferjaku him,, 
and tasfarfahiTi by him, that he cills them no more, he then 
tnrr.s to his own, and (ays, W'll J' al(' it """""f ■ ' had a Senfe 
of thefreeGiacoof Chrift to hiisown Pciiple, in fuch Seafons 
of general Apoftacy, and when Ihcy them felvcs in fame Mca- 
fure backflide with the World. O the free Grace of Chrift, 
that hi! feafonably minds his People of their Danger of Bael' 
fiktiag, and invites them to perfevere in their Adherence to him- 
fcif! I faw that isi-*/JJ*»^ Souli, who feem'd to be about iojo 
awiy with tht! World, might return, and welcome, to him tm- 
midiatilf i without any Thing !o recommend them ; nolwiih- 
ftatidingall their formerBackflidings. And (bus myDifcourfe'was 
fui ted .to my own Soul's Cafe ; for, of late, I have found a great, 
want of this Senfe and Apprehenfwn of dlviiicGiace j and have 
often been greatly difirefs'd in my own Soul, bccaufe I did not 
fuiiably apprehend this Fianlain iptn'd In purge amaySin ; and fo 
have been too much labouring for fpirilua! Life, Peace of Ccn- 
fcience, and progreffive Holinefs, in my own Strength: But 
now God (hewed me, in fomc Meafure, iisjfrmof all Strength, 
and ihs Fauntain ai zW Grace.— In the Evening, I felt fokmn, 
ri:vout, and fweet, rcHing on free Grace for AfUftaacE, Accep- 
tance, and Peace of Coofcience. 

[ Within the Space of the next nine Days, he fiitl frequent 
refielliing, invigorating Influences of God's Spirit; attended 
withComplaint of Dalnsfs, aiid withLongings aflsi fpititualLife 
u.^d holy Ftrrvency.] 

fiS' Mt. if: 


WedntHnj., J^^ftA 6. Spent mofl of the Day in preparift 

TL? / "■'\''.' ™« in i'ly Journey. I bok'd t. Go! 
S' ifZ '^^'"S.^f -ifi'^-l by fom= Friends, ft^e ofl 
S?cri '^^ r*° "u'j"'^ ^"'"'''^ S™v.d that I w,B .botti 

«lkd l?!^-""."" ■" "">■ "'"■ ^''"= '■" Providence w1 
^™thl '•™°f ^« s g™t Comf„„; and 'tis GcD th«f 

^mSml,andf,Tg,tn3tiiUI4, BiTsifit!, ' '' 

[The next Day, he ftt out on his Jonrney ; And it wbA 
.W fve Wceb fcefore h= rcturnej,- The fpecul DcL fl 
.!n.Ji.„rney,he hinifeif decides !„ hisDiatffor-^ 

Serin l^^'T'rfr'r"' '^'^ ««"E with a ccL inl 
Mmifierin Ar™-£»fW. he Cjs thus, C^fr^^J ™(4 i;„ i, J 

r,,^ &;l* G«^ tc,//>fW ;,, ,//ir A,V G/,,/ H= firft went into ' 
^i™u,Pa„sof A'™.>/,,,andvifi,ed r«er.IMi„ite,s . L" 
An^ then wen, to A'^-Kri ; .nd fen, thence into N,w-lZ- 
»,^, going to var.Du, Parts of <;™««;V« : And then returned . 

iZl '"f""","'P'''"" „f' ,«'«. He reems,\r the moH P.rt, fo 
have been free from Melancholy in thi» Journey ; and n, n^ 

tion,, :ind h,s preaching fometime^a.tendcdwilh very hopeful - 

* In r"^'" ='=,''»,^^ ^'%". by what afterwards appears, 


ij/ il^/-; David Buineri !A.D.i745j ^41^ 

AiM'f^^rances of a good Efte£^ gh (be Auditory. He alfo h^d 
niiiiiy Seafotis of fp^cial Comfort and rj7iritua] RefidhmerLrj in 
(Jmivc r ration witii Miiiiflers and other Chrlflian Pricndsj atli 
tlJu Jn Medication, and Prayer by himfelf alone.] 

f1;if[ird&y, ^j*fi/ Tj. Rade Home to my own Houfe at the 
t . I I . af Dilawate : Was eoabled to rcniGmber the Goocfnefs of 
ii.r _'.ord,who hasnowpreferved me wliUc riding full 600 Miles 
in this journey j has kept me that nor|?oriiiy Bones have been 
koken. Blefled be the Lord, who hnt prc-fcivcc! mc in tin? 
tdious Journey, and returned me in Siifviy in my own Houfc, 
Vctily *ciE God ihac has upheld msj and guarded my Goiiigi. 

Lord's-Day, ^pril 14. Was diibrdercd in Body wiiFi ttifl 
ratiguesof my Uiejouiney ; but was ensbied however to preach 
to a conriderable Airembly of white People, gathered /rem al! 
Fans roand sboutj with fome Freedom, from Ezd. xxxuu ir. 
As 1 live J faith the LoTit God^ &c. had much niore ASHKance 
ehanl cxpe<!^ed. 

[ This Week, he went a Jourtiey to PhUadtiphk^ In order 
toengap;c the Gi'tJif^Mflwr there to ufL' hiii [ntcrefl: with theChitf 
Man of the Sin Nurhns,, ( with whom he m^iintaincd a flrlit 
Frlendflitp)tha; he woulJgivx himLcave to live atSfl/yi/.'/^JWM.^v 
and inflru£t the IndidTij i\i:n are wfthin their Terriroiies. * In 
his Wa,y to and from thcncc, he lodged \vhb Mr. Beat}', a 
young Prefhyterian Minifter. ' He fpeaks of Seafons of fwett 
fpiritual Relreflitnent, tlrat he enjoyed at his LodgidgsJ 

Satufday, j^jOr/^ 20. Rede wiih lAr.B^aiy to Jhingto^, to 
attend iVlr. Tr^isf's Adminiftration of the Sacramentj actOifditig 
to the Method of the Church of Smiand^ Whtn we arrivEd, 
we found Mr.Trist preaching ; Afterwards ] preacb'd aScrmoii 
from Maiih. v.. 3. Eieffid are the Psttr in Splrht Stc- God was 
pleafed to give me great Freedom aad Tt^dernefs, both inPfai- 
crand Seimon ; The Affirnibly wau fwcetly lueUedj and Scores: 

* The Indlnfii xiSufquahannaJi are a mJx'dCompany of many 
Nations, fpcaking various Languages^ and fci^ of 'em pro- 
pcrivof the ^ix Nation:, Bue yet the Country having 
formerly been cont|iicred by the Six Nutisnt-, ihej" claim 
the Land ; and the Sufqushsnjjah-Mknt are a fcind of 
Vafi'ais to thtra. 

fto JEl,,2Sii: 


WW^If m^Mrs R was, as I ,heB hopEd and wa= afterw,,,, 
a|TOclintly a.isfied by converfing wiih them, a fl^„rJ ftZ 

n.= cxh.nfted, fo that 1 could fc.xcely fp^fc Id Ve? " 
could nothejp rejoicing ill God. '<>"". jei 

Lords-Daj, ^/nVai, In the Mofning, was calm arl com. 
poW and h,d fcHK ou.-going=of Sou. .ffe'rGod i„ tJ^ 

h,s CJl.Hrcn might bs.„,e,-,.,nM with . /V.y? „/- J, nil 

Mr 3» . m Iho Seafon of ibcAdmiuiftrarion of theOrdinant 
Mr. 3Mr, preached to tht MaltErade .brond, who could „ 
half havscrouded into .he Mecting-Houfc. I, iheSeafon of 

t™ Fa^he 'f™ T' .t-rO^J. People, wbc.,7hej ftaji „5« 
In^heA ,™ J pr«ci,'d abroad ,„,h= „hol= AffeniWyS 

p^afcd ,gam ,o g,v. mo very gr/„ Freedom and Clearnefi f 
not fo much Warmlb a. before. Howcver.lhere vn/ tuofl 

'l,d Prl."""*"^"^''^^ '='ift"pn, t.GodSy"' 

bJ P;='"'°""'l'=r=. h=rprafeof much bodilc Diferderl 
bui of fomc Degree, of fpiri.ual Afliihuc. aud Frc'do". j 

foS'^r.'^frt M "'."'■=' ™'' = '^^^'l'-" Friend wi.ta 
; cry great Oc£r«. Aflcrffards, was ehaBJcd tp pray fer/ 


(1/ Mr. David Braios^d; A.D. ly+ffi isY, 

and to rclv on God fweedy, for sli Thities pirtameg It 

::i Gidlmfi. Juil in the Evening, wasvifilcd by a dean 

' llinttian Fricud, witb whom [ fpcnt an Hour or two in Con- 

1 Mifttion, on ihc very Soul of Religion. There ale many »Ub 

«hom t can talkniMi Silis>"i ■ Bi" alas, 1 (ind f™ with wbora 

|uutoll:iJ«%"»''/''/' But, blefl'ed bethe Lord, thereare^ 

(jinc that love to feed on the Kernel, rather Ihan the Shell. 

r The next Day, he went (o 'the IriJIi Selllement, often be- 
lore mentioned, about is Miles diflant i whoro bo fpent tbn 
llbbatb, and pteacheJ with (oni= coubilcrablc Affittancc. On 
Moiiday,he teturiied,in 4 very wcakStatc,to his ownLodgings.] 

I Tuefday. jfpri! 30. Was fcarce able to walk about, and wai 

obliged to betake my felf to the Bed, much of the Day ; anJ 

li,cnt away tlsc Time in a very folitary Msatier i being ncithet 

Itilc to read, meditate, not pray, and had none to converfe 

I witii in that Wildemels. Oh, iiow heavily docs Time pafs 

j uray, when I can do nothing to any good Purpofe ; but fcem 

I tlitieed tottifle away precious Time ! Hut of late, Ihavcfeen-f 

I It my Uuty to divert my felf by all lawful Means, that 1 inir be! 

Ilit.atlcaft romefmallPaitof nry Time, to labour for God. 

And here is the Diileience between my prcfent Diverfions, and 

(liofe I once purfued, when in a natural State. Then I 

made a god of Diveitions, delighted in them wilh a Negleft of 

Gon, and drew cay liiglitft Satisfaflion from ibeni : Now I ufe 

Ihtra as Mmm to help mc in Ihhg » C?oJ ; fixedly delighting 

„ Him, and not in them, drawing my bighcft Sai.sfaaion from 

I Hitit. Ilicn tliey wcie rov M ; now they arc only Means 

I iiading to my All. And thofe T^liIngs that ate the greatefl Di- 

I veiGon, when puifued wilh this View, don't (end to hinder ,but 

protiiote my Eijitituslity ; and 1 fee now, mote than ever, that- 

ibev are abfolutcly nccellary. 

Wednefday, Afoy I. Was not able to fit up more than halt 
iheDav; and yet had filch Recruits of Strenglb fometimcs, 
that I was able to write a little on 3 divine iiiibjea. Was 
grieved that t could no more live to God. In Ihc hvening, 
lad fome Swectncfs and Intcnfcnefa in (ccict Prayer. 

'Thurfday; Msy 2. In the Evening, being a little better in 
Health, ! walk'd inlo the Woods, and enjoyed a fweel Soafon 
of Meditation and Prayer. MyThougbis run uponP/o/,xv."-'5- 
llhatl bifatislid, whm I swaii viitb (iy LAhnifi. And it was 
iQdsdapreciousTKttoms. lloiis'd '» P"''^'^'' '" "'.^'^y* ' 

i^i' j^it is: 

'ne LIFE 

^^?-' ^r"l'' '""''' '" ■"'' ^^'^y ■^"* ■"«''» =11 fce mdd 
»ii^f,nE f"=h precioM diuineTruths.iis J had then aVie«, jl 
Keljih of. MyThougbrs were exceeding cfear,and rav Sniiid 
xefreaeJ— Bleffed be .h. Lord, .haf i™ m,tr& pS 
Wcainefi now for many Days together, my Mind it ™tT 
my, as at fome other Times. . j « .. iiutg 

tfieMarmng: Had fome FrKdon,, Slrengtl,/a„d SweeiDl 
^P«yer. Rode ,o .nd fpent feme TirSe with n.y 7W^^ 
In the Evening, jgam feiiring into the Woods, I criioved fol 

Tt„^ !2'^ ''"'" "'*?'']'s wete fpent in much wesknefs of Bad4 
Bm y« lieenjojtdfomeAmKance in pnbJidjsnd privateDu.ien 
and fem= la have rfn.ain'd free fro,^ Melancholy. 1 "'""'=«' 
Tuefday Afc^ 7- Spoilt 'he Day mainly in ™ii^„p,„,- 
Ktron for a Journey into the Wildernefi. Was Mi wfak a^ 
concerned howl Should perform fo <iiiEcdta }ou nT^ Spe„J 
feme T.raom Prayer for ,he divine BIcffing.Dlrea,™ a"/ 
^Tefrrn""^ -'e„dcdJonrney , but ^aot/d bodij7s,r"ng: 
to fpend the Day m f aftjog and Ptaycr. -^ ""cngB 


jWhls Way thither thro- a hideous Wildernefa ; where aft 
I having bdg'd one Night in (he open Woods, he wrovertakL 
With. North^fcaKerly Storm, in which he «. .Imoft dyl^l 
ptria. Having no Manner of Shelter, and not being abk tab 

I Zt"th'?.;: ?"'' "■ ^r' "= '™'^ >■-= "o tSmfo if h^ 
S; J; .If ''='™""i » 6° forward, in Hope, of rae.tina 

live theNight Ihro- : B„, d,eirHorfes bap-ning to have eatMfo 

(for want of olherFoodJ at a Place where , hey k4d the S 
were obliged to drive 'em before thera.and travel onFoot unii 
^ro- iheMercy Of GoJ (j.ft a.Du(k),hey came torB,rI-Hii, 
I II '^={ ^'"'KJ'' jbatNight. After he cW toSiv/^X "i h^ 

Sft na TOhi.^ S=" <=™<""= f ^^"h^lan^ -, raw fonie of, o 8 
Wn 7"''«;^"J preached todift-ercntNauons. by different' 
Intepictcts. Hewaa fometimes much difconragLi/and funfc' 

'afiKr. DlvidBra!iSfi3', A.D; i J45; r'jjs 

'to Chriftlanity. At other Times, he was encouraged by the 
DIfpofition that fome of thefe People man Ifefled !0 hear, and 
Willingoefs io be infttuaed. He here met with feme that had ( 
formeily been his Hearers St X/iumumni, anii had lemoved hl> 
thcr i who raw and heard him again with great Joy. He fpenc 
■ Fortnight among the hdhnt on this River ; and pafa'd ibro 
cunfiderable Labours and Hardfhip!, frequently lodging on thej 
(Siound, and fomelimes in the open Air ; And at length he fell 
t«treme!y 111, as be WM Riding ill the Wlldcrnefi, being feiMl 
wiih atiAgue, followed wiih a burning l''i:vcr,;inil eslreinePainj 
In his Head and Bowels, allcnded with n great Kvacualion of 
Blood i fothathctho'themuftbavepErilhedln IheWlldemefi: 
But at laft coming to an Mim Trader's Hutt, he got Leave to 
(lay there juod tho' without Phyfick or Food proper for him, it 
pleafcd God,after about aWeek's Diftiefs, to relieve him fo far 
that he was able so ride. He returned hometvatds froin Jm- 
tauls, an liland far down the River ; where was a eonfiderablB 
Number of hJumi, who appeared more free fromPrejudices a- 
aaiiiif Chriftianity,than moft of the other Mian,. He arrived at 
"lieForkl oWtlimrt on ThurfJay/Wny jo.alter having lode in I 
Ihisjourncy about 34oMiles. + He caraeHorae in a very weak 
Stale & underDejeaion of Mind ; which was a greatHiivdrance 
10 bim in religious Exercifes. However, on ihe Sabbath, after 
having pteachM to the Mhn^, he presch'J to the whiU People, 
with fome Succefs, from JT". liii- >o- »''* U plisjtillhi Lirdlo 
knifi Mm, i^e. fame being awakened by his preaching. 1 he 
nejit Day, he was much exercifed for want of fpmtoal Lilo 
DndFvvency.l , _._ -. ^ 

Tusfday, Yanf t. Towards Evening, was in Diftreis [or 
God's Frefencc and a Senfe of divine Things: Withdrei» niy 
felf to the Woods, and fpent near an Hour in Prayer and Me- 
iililion; and I think, the Lord had Compaffiotl on me, ant! 
pvc me fome Seole of divine Things i which was indeed ro- 
frcfhinB & quick'nmg tome : MySaul enjoyed In'.enfenefs ami 
Freedom in Prayer, fo that it griev'd me lo leave the Place. _ 

Wcdnefday, ?»« 5. Felt thirfting Defircs alter God, m 
the Morning. In the Evenitig,enjoycd a precious beafon ofBc- 
tjrempDt ■ Was favoured with fome clcaf and fweetMcditatioiis 
upon a factcd Text ; DivincThings open'd with Clearnefs anS 

f T!)is Is the Journey which he occafiooally mentions in his 



•Mf.m FE 

Certtimy, and bad a- divine Stamp upon tliem :~ My Soul m i 
alfo EiilarKcd and refrefliM inPrayer i audi delighted toconrinm 
in the Duty ; and was fwcflly affifkd in prayin|r forFdloiir* 
CliNHIaiiSjaDdciiJ' dear Brethren in the Miniftry. ElciledbM 
llie iJcar Lord for fuch Enjoyinciits. O liow fweet & precis 
it is, to have a ciear Apprchenfioti & teadcrSenfe.orthc A/iS 
0/ Gtdlim/i, of true Holiiicrs, & Likencfs to she beft of Beini 
O what a IJIoffednefs it is, to be as much lilce God, as 'lis r ' 
Me for a Creature to be like Ins gieat Creator ! Lotd, giv 
■mvKof til/ Liimif; : 1 ffiall bcfiliijlij, ■whm lawahmil/ii 
Thurfdaj., Jmi 6, Was cni!agcJ, a confiderabiePartof 1 
DaT. in Meditaioti and Study oti divine Subjefls. Enjol 
fame fpecial Freedom, Clemief!, and Swectncfs ioMeditatil 
O hovr refiqiliing it is, to lie cnabktl to improve Time well ' 

[' Tlicncxt Day, he went a Journey of near fifty IWilesJ 
Xl/hamini, to afllil at i Sacramtnlal Occailon, to be attended? 
Mr. Srtj/s tVfccting-Houfe ; being invited thither bv hit ' 
bis Peppk, ] ■• 

Saturday, June 8. Waj exceeding weak aud fatigued wi3 
Riding in the Heat Ycfterday ; Hut being dcJired, I preacljctj H 
the Afternoon, to a crouded Audience, from Ifm. xl. i. Cimm 
ye, Csmfirt yc m! Piapl,, faUh yaiT Gsi. God was pleafed 11 
give me great Freedom, in opening she Sorrows of God's Pcm 
pie, and in fetting before IliemcomfortingConfiderations. Aai\ 
bicffcd be the Lord, it was a fwcet melting Scafon in the Affegij 

Lord's-Day, Jw.g. Felt fome longing Defires of the Prej 
fence ofGodtnbc withhisPeopleon the folemnOccalion of tH 
Day. In the Forenoon, Br. Balj preat:hcd ; and there appeatj 
ed rorac Warmth in the .^ffcmbly. Afterwards, I affifted intS 
Admniiftratinn of the Lord's Siippet : And towards the clofe fl 
it, I difctiurfed to the Multitude aliinfsri, with fomeRefetenij 
tothatfacred PairagcZ/af. hii. ,o. Titit pkaftd tbiLsrd it IrA 
Htm. Here God gavo me great AdMance in addrefflngSinnwH 
And the Word was attended ivith amamngPower j manyScotesI 
if not Hundreds, in that great Af&mbly, confiftiogof three il 
( tour T houfand, were much affefted ; fo that there was a s.<rf 

irmt Msumng, lih if. Msurning cf Hadadrimmon. Ij 

Ihc Evening, I could hardly look any Body in the Face, bM 
MM re of the Impcr/effitins r faw in my Pcr/ormsnccs in .thj 
Day pafi. • ' ■ 

tf Mr. David Braiiierc3. A.D'.' » fn,'^. 4 £S 

■;? ^"^tJllZlthM LiJ;,. Aud bled-ed beGod,there 
Refrdtant among 6o4'. P«el= I. == .^^ ""i'"' "=^''' =■"* 
''TrrS; 7«'"- Spent the Day mainly in Converfation 

wi-h dtr Ch-^ft an,Friends.. »P<J m-i^\ ^-^^r"' ^="^1 
B,,h dear ^n . , ;■ , ^ j^fl^aile iti*. tn keep Company vt-ifll 

,S:^I!Sifd°n^TheWeO,= ..«.».'^W;f,^^^ 

i:„^'rS.^r/^fM nd', in rlvctll Minifters i/tbofe Part,,] 
toruble Mate o. ivi.n , s j^^.Bmnmck with a 

A- »-7 r/^ towards tht Sea. f n the Afternoon, to a 
Pla« Called c™^f<rr,, and meeting with a retioua IWit^idcr, 
n' M^mL I lodged there with him. Had fomci tnl^rgc- 
^^t^ttnd fL cm in Prajet with a N«mbct of People, 

+ Mr. Brained having, when at ^'fi'^^J""'^ ^"fl^'-l 

^ a Friend . h,\,{BA,<m of Fafls '^^^^ing hisLabours w th 

the JW««and Reception among "l™' -'"^ 'J^ ^PJ- 

of Time between Nov. S- 17«. =""' [•"'. 'f V£'wZ. 
« View toco;mca his Warr.r/w at the Lnd of M ■ i^™ 
force's Ordination-Sermon, and b,s J™™ ; '" C/^ ' y 
JhonUevel be reprinted) condud« the f™=*™,'™ 

jkf.V; i Ja ™y firjl yifi t> the Indians =» ^ew- Jtrjey, 

™.ri,W, ;ltowr (4a( i hm, ripr,fmlld <n my pt,nUd 
■ Journal. 


S A R T 

igS Mf. 28. ; 

na LIFE 

Part VIL 

From his firft Beginning to preach to thb 
Indians at Grofweekfung, 'till he reH 
turfid from his laft Journey to Sufqua4 
hannah ill mth the Confumption,whereo} 
he died. 

I VV wherein he had his greateft Sum/,, [n his Labours for 
gMcl of Souls, and in his particular Bufincis as a 
Miffionary to the 7w™/. A,i Account of which, if here puh- ' 

./h d, would doubtieft b<:very entertaining to the Readsr, after 
he has fee,, by the preceedidg Parts of ,his Account of his Life. 
Dow great and long-cominired his Delires for the fpiritua! Good 
ot this bort of People were,how he prayed, laboured, & wrefiltd 
"11 »j "i"'"''' '"' '*''"'='' ''""''eif and lu/ this End. After' 
alJ Mr, iro^fr^'r agonizing in Prayer, and travailing in Birth, 
ft, theConverfion of hdia,,,, and all she Intorchsngcs of his 
"i(=d Hopes and Expcaati<,ns,.!.nd then Difappointments and 
UdMuragemcnts i and after waiting in a Way of perfeveritijT 
irajer, Labour and Suffering, as It were through a loneMV*; - 
3t length the Z)^, dawn. : m^phg cmnu«for% Nighl.iui Jc', ' 
«»<i ,n It, M^rmrg. H, „«( f„,l, „,^;„^^ yj^ .^Jj, 

w,li h:m. The defired Ev^nt is hru't to pafs st lafi ; fam at a 
J ime^ln a Place,and uponSubjeas.that fcsrce e7er enter'd into 
f '?■ ^f^n Accomn of this would undoubtedly now much 
^ritlfy theChnfiian Reader; And it lllould have been here in- 
erled, as it ftands In his Diary, h,d it not been, that a parties- 
Jar flccounl of (his glorious and wonderful Succefe was drawn 
upbi Mr B™B.,^himfeJf, purfuant to the Order of the ho- ■ 
rourable Socielyin S^k^d, and publiih'd by him in his Life- 
(jaie; wSich Account ins nji have in their Hands"; andjbein- 


i/ JWr. David Brainerd; A.D.ty4jJ. i^f 

ftfting i( here would too much fwcl! this Book, as was fiid 
before in the Preface. However, 1 look upon the want of thia 
Account here, a) a real DefeiSl in this Hiftury of Mr. Brahwif^ 
Lite > which, I would hope, ihofe of my Readers, who are not 
already poJTefs'd of his publick 7flarw/, will fupply^ by procur- 
ing one of thofe Books, that they miyii't be withaut that whicl* 
in fonic Refpe^ls is the molt remarkable, and to a Chtiftiatl 
Mind would be the moft pleafantFart of the whoIeStory. That 
rheReader who is furntlh'd with one of thofe Hot*j£s,may knot* 
the flufi where the Defcfli of ibii[Iifloty arc to be fu pplied from, 
thence, 1 ihall either cxprcfly oWcrvc it as ! go aloiij;, or elfe 

mafce a dalh or flroke thus Which when the Reader iinda 

in this 7th Part of this Hiftary,he is to underfland by it, that in 
that Place fon^cthing in Mr. Braiairi's />Mry, worth ofiferving, 
is lift nut, hecanfe the fame for Subilancc was publifiied before 
in his printed ^citrnaLj 

WeJnefdajf yirai rg. 174.;, Rode to the Misnszi Crafwtit- 
fmg : Found fsw at Homo : Difcourfcd to thsm however ; and 
obfetved them very fcrious and rirtcntive. At Night 1 was cx- 
treartily worn out, and fcarcc able to walk or ii[ up. Oh, how 
tirefome is \L!n\^ 1 flow d uU the Body ! 

Thuifday, Jsmt 20, Towards Night, preach'd (o the Wr'sw 
again j and had more Hearers than before. In the Evening, 
enjoy 'd foine Peace and Serenity of Mind, fome Compofureacd 
(Jofefort in Prayer alone; and was enabled to fift up my Head, 
With fome Degree of Joy, under an Apprehenfioa tiiatray Re- 
demption draws nigh. Oh, blelTed he God, that there reniaina 
a Rel^ to his poor weary People f 

Friday, Jans 11. Rode toFreihilJ^toicsMr.IVilliafnTfTTninti 
an:J fpent thi; Day comfortably with him. My finking SpiriiD 
were a little raifed and encouraged i and I fell my Soul breath- 
ing after God, in the midftof Cbriffian Converfation. And irj 
the Evening, was rcfrefh'd in fecret Prayer : Saw my felf a poor 
vsprthlefs Creature, without Wifdom :o diredi, or Sei n«th to 
hejp myfeff. Oh, bleHed be God, that lays me udder a happy, 
a bleiled NecciTjty of living upon himfelf ! 

■Saturday, Jujii Z2. About Noon, rode to the h/!jiifts again i 
and ncarNight, preach'd to 'cm. Found myBody tnuchiirengih- 
cn'd,aiid was enabled to fpeak with abufidai)tPlaItjnefs& Warmth. 
And the Power of God evidently attended the Word ; h that 
fuhdry Perfons were brought under grealConcern for theirSouls» 
and made 10 (hed many Tears, and 10 wifh ■ (or Chrift 10 fr»a 


15S ^t- is? 


them. My Soul was much refrcOi'd,and qafcion'd in my WotM 
antfl could not but fpend much Time with them, in order t« 
open Iioil) (heir Mifery and Rcmcd f. This was indeed a fwect 
Afternoon io me. WhiJi riding, before I came to the /W/m, 
my Spirits wcieierrefti'd, and my Soul enabled to cry to Goi 
almoftfncclliiniiy, for many Milca together. In theEveniile 
alfo I found the Confolations ofGod were not fmali : I was theft 
willing 10 live, and in fonie Refpefls defiroos of it, that I migt 
*o fomething for the dear Kingdom of Chrift ; and yet Dei; 
appeared pleafam : So that I was in forae Meafure in a S(rt 
between two.having a defire to depart. I am often weary l, 
tliis World, and want to leave it on that Account : But Y* 
delirablc to he drawn, rather thsn driven out of it, '. 

f In the four nest Dnya ii nothing remarkable ia his Diari', 
but what ia in his puUitk Journal, j 

Thurrday,5'Mti7.- — MfSouI rejoiced jto'find.HialGod ens-, 
bled me to be faithful, and that be was pfeafed to awaien Ihefoi 
poor Indiam by my Means. O how Hearr-reviving, and Soill- 
lefrefhiiig is it to me to (ire the Fruit of my Labours ! 

Friday,7aw58, In iheEvening.mySoul was 

my Heart liftrd up to ISod in Prayer, for my poor hiims, m»' 
Self and friends, and the dear Church of God. And O how rc- 
frefting, iiow fweet was this ! Elefs the Lord, O my Soul, and 
forget not liic Uoodnefs and tender IWercy. 

Saturday, Jiitiiig. Prcach'd twice to the W/ani ; and could 
not but wonder at tSeir Serioufnefs, and the Stridtnefs of their 
Attention.- — BlelTed be God, that has inclined their Hearst 
to hear. And O how refrefhing it is tome, to ffc Ihera attend 
with fuch uncommon Diligence and AfFcflion, with Tears in- 
their Eyes, and Concern in their Hearts ! IntheEvening.couId. 
not but lift up nny Heart to God in Prayer, while riding to my 
Lodgings : And blcfii^d be his Name, had Affiffance and I'rce- 
_^Qni. O how much inlir ihan Lifsn the Prefence of God 1 

[ UlsDisrs gives an Account of nothing remarkable on tho, 
Iwo next Days, befidts what Is in his publicJc Journal ; exceavf 
inghis Heart's being lifted up with Thantfulnefs, rcioicing i 
God, tsV.] 

Tudday, ya/y 2. Rode from i\iel>idims toBntsfwiiiy near +oi 
MilcB, and lodged there. Felt my Heart drawn »ut after GottJj 
in'Praytr, almoft all the forenoon j efpccislly while riding/ 


ef Afr fikvid Bfaiflerd. AXiA'j^s'. is 9 

And in the Evening, could not help crying to God for ttofi: 
poor Mkai; and after I went to Bed, my Heart continued to 
r.o out to God for them, 'till I drop'd aflecp. O blciTed be God 
thai I may pray I 

[ He was fa beat ont by conBant preaching to thefe Mieai, 
yielding to their carnelt and importunile Dcfires, that he found 
it neceffary to give himfelf fome Relaxation. He fpent therefore 
ibouta Week in Niat-yir/ir,iha he left thcfc Mims, vifiting 
fevcralMiniftets, and performing fome ncctH'ary Hulincfi, before 
lie wont to the Forks of Dthwar4. And tho' lie was very weak 
inllody, yet he feems to have been Krong in Spirit. Onh'riday, 
Julr r z. he arrived at his own Hou fe in theForlts of Dc/awari -, 
continuing flill free from Melancholy i from Day to Day, cn- 
loying Freedom, Affiftance and Rcfrefliment in the inner Man. 
Rut on Wcdnefday, the nextWeek, he feems to have had fomo 
melancholy Thoughts about his doing fo little fat God ; being 
io much hindered by wealciicfstif Body.] 

Thnrfday, July 18. Longed 10 fpcnd the liiilc Inch of Time 
1 have in the World more for God. Kelt a Spirit of Seriouf- 
nefs, TcndemersjSweetnefs, and Dcmliiia, and wifli'd to fpcnd 
the whole Night in Prayer and Conimunion with God. 

Friday, July 19. In the Evening, walked abroad for Prayer 
and iClcditatioo, and enjoyed Compofurc and Freedom in thefe 
fwect Exercifes ; efpecially in Meditation on Rev. Hi, Jl. Him 
tbsi cmrctnieth,will J mais a Pillar h Ihi Templi of mf Gidiic. 
This was then a delightful Theme to me, and it refrelhed my 
Soul to dwell upon ir. Oh, when fhall I f « «» inurt tut from 
the Service and Enjoyment of the dear Lord I Lord, haft* 
the bleffed Day. 

[ Within the Space of the next fa Days, he fpeaks of much 
inward RefteQiraent and Enlargement, from Time to Time.] 

Friday, Jiily 26. In the Evening, God was plcafcd to help 
me in Prayer, beyond what I have experienced for fome "^''nc ; 
efpccially my Soul was drawn out tor ibeEnlargementof Cbrift's 
Kingdom, and for the Converfion of my poor People : and my 
lioul lelied on God for the Accomplifhment of that great Work. 
Oh,he« fwect were theTbougbts of Death m me at ihisl ime ! 
Oh, how I longed to be with Chrift, to be imploycd in (he glo- 
lioua Woik of Angels, and with an Angel's iieedom, Vi|ovir 
Y 3^* 

i6o Mt, 28, 


tf Jlfr. David Btaincrd. 

A.D.i74^. -161 

and Delight ! AnJ yet how wiiling was t (0 Bay a wliiltJ 
Earth, that I might do fomcihitig, if theLord pleafed, iat\ 
Inlereftin the World ! My Soul, my very Soul, longed fori 
Ingathering of the poor Healhsn j and I cried loGodforil 
moft willingly and heartily ; ar:d yet becaufe I could not but t 
This «ras a fweetSeafon \ for I had feme lively Tafie of HeM 
and a Tejupcrof Mind iiiited in fome Meafure to the EmpW 
oients and Entertainments of it. My Soul wat grieved to la 
the Place ; hut my Body was weak and worn out, and it 1 
near nine o'Cloct. Oh, I longed that the remaining Pat) 
jnyLife might be filPd up with moreFervcncy and Ailivity inl 
Things of God ! Oh the inwirdPcace.Compofure, andGod-f 
Serenity of fticb aFramc I Heaven mull ntedsdiffer from thisfi,_ 
in Degrec.and notinKind. Ltri,itti>- glvd muhi, Breed if Lin! 

£Much of tliii Fi-imc fccin'd to continue the next Diy.l 
oMl's-Day, Jul) 38. In the Kvenjng, my Soul was melttd, 
and my Heart broken, with aScnfeof paft Bai-tennefs and Dcat, 
nefs : And Oh, how I then longed to live to God, and bridj 
forth much Fruit 10 his Glory \ * 

Monday, 7a/j. 19, Was much (KerciCsd with a Senfc of 
vilenef!, with Guilt and Shame before God. 

[ For other Things remarkable, while lie was this Time t| 
the Forks of Dilawars^lht: Reader mull be refer'd to his publick 
Jiarnai. As particularly for hisLahours andSuccefs there among 
the in^atj!. 

On Wcdnefday, July ^i. He fet outon his Return to Crtf- 
iMf*/iii/,and arrived there the nextDay, In hisWay thither,l)| 
had longingDclircs that he might come to \hsMlms there, in till 
fuhejss/thi BhJ/iiif sflblGsfpitsfChri/l ; attended with a Sen^ 
of his own great VVeafencCs, Dependance an^ Worthlefters. ], 1 
Friday, Jugujt I. In the Evenit;g, I retired, and my Soli 
was drawn out in Prayer to God ; cfpecially for my poor Peol 
pie, to whom [ had fent Word that they might gather togethefl 
that I might preach to 'em the next Day. I was much enlarge! 
in Praying for their favingCon-erfion ; and fcarce ever fouii? 
my De/ircs of any Thing of lliis Nature fo fcnfibly and clearly 
(to ray own SatisfaSion) difiniercfled, and free from feffiH 
Views, ir fceniM to me, I Jjad no Care, or hardly any llchst 
to be the Inftr ument of fa glorious a Work, aa I willi'd anil 
pray'd for among tlw hdkns ■ It the blefftd Work might bo 
accomplifhcd 10 the fionourof God, and the Enlargement of 
the dear Redeemer's Kiiigdom, Ihis was all ray Defire and 
Care ; and for this Mcicy I hoped, but witii Trsmbliog ; for 1 


felt what W KiprefTes, Choptirix. 16. My nfinj Hopes, re- 
rucfling the Conveiiion of the ladim!, have been fo often daOl- 
cd, that my Spirit is as it were broken, and Courage wafled, 
tail I hardly dare hope. . 

f Concerning his Labours and marvellotis Succefs aBiongtt ths 
}adm!,hJ the following 16 Days, let the Reader fee his puhhcfc 
Ymrno/. The Things worthy of Note in his Diary, not there 
nublifhed, atebis earneft and iropottunatc Prajets for the /s- 
&w, and the Trmatl cf bh Seel firr them from Day to Day i 
and his great Refrethment and Joy in brh-lding the wnndcrful 
Mercy of God, and the glorious Manileilations of his Power 
and Grace in hi! Work among tbrm; and his ardent rhanlcl- 
oivinEa to God ; his Heart's fejojciiigin ChiiH, as King ot 
his Church, and King of hia Soul ; in particular, at the Sacra- 
ment of the Lord's Supper, at Mr. MtNi^k's Meeting-Houfe j 
aSenfeofhis own exceeding Unwortbinefs ; which fometimca 
was attended with Dejcaion and Melancholy.] 

Monday, ^iig- 19. Near Noon, I roJc toFnMi, and 

preach'd to a conJiderableAflcmbly, iroinAf<.((6. v. 3. It plcafed 
God to leave mc to be very dry and barren ; fo that 1 dun t rt- 
niebber to have been fo firaiteu'd for a whole twelve Monih 
iiaft God is iuft, and he has made my Soul acquiefce in his 
Wil'l In this Regatd. 'Tis contrary toFliJh ^nd BUto be cut 
off from all Freedom, in a large Auditory, where their i.xpeila- 
tioil! are much raifed ; but fo it was with me 1 AndGod lBlp«! 
me (o fay ^min to it i G«d h <h,mU of th, Urd. In theEven- 
ing, I felt quiet and compofcd, and had Freedom and Comfort 
jH feciet Prayer. r . i-i on 

Tucfday Aug- 20. Was compofed and comlortshlc, ItiJl 
in a refisned Frame. Travelled from Mr. Tmntnt's in FrMi 
to UliAith-Tcwn. Was refrefii'd to fee Friends, and relait; 
to them whatUod had done,and was Kill doing among my poor 

""" Wednefday, Mg, 11. Spent (he Forenoon in Corrvirfatioti 
with Mr. Dkimfm, contriving fomethiog for the Settlement of 
the Indian, together in a Body, that they might be under better 
Advantages for Inftruaion. In the Afiernoon, fpent 1 ime 
sareably whh other Friends ; wrote to roy Brothet at College : 
But was grieved that Time ttirl sway, while I did fo htile for 

y » 


W^ ^t.2i; 

ne LIFE 

in God. Had j'kS>.^/(„ y. compofed .nd rsfrefill 
and(ht,Soul-r>,fre9,ingTh,„,?si M feei ?h n •^=^"'™'. 

.h.£.i„ig.*'j,r.h:L;;d' s:;a ^"^'"'■" ^"-'-^ 

h= r«„rn.d JSjlt ''™ ""•'■« to&/y„.W.i. before ' 
^ the Way „m,ffi£ " j' '''"'"' "«''^»"5'.going round ■ 
or <ii /W/™ ?wh rt ft r„rr. "''™„'Tj''r '" "'= Chiefs 
of his «.e<:d;„g Unw™h ' ft ^k/^- "^I' .'"'' ^"■'' ^ ^''-'^ 




s^ M-. DaTid Bramerd. A,D. 174-5, iS^ 

WcJnerday, S^fK. 4. Rode rj Miles to an M/!, Settlcmenl. 
.ml pieach'd therefrom iois xiv 2J.— ..^n^>« »*fi ii iSsjm. 
1 :i>d was pleafed to afford mc fomc Tinaerni-rs and Eiilargi;- 
iiicist ill llic Srft Prayer, and miith Frecdonl,as well asWarmfli, 
iti Sermon. Tiicre weire many' Tears in the AffcraUy : The 
I'eopleof God fceined to melt, and olbcrs to be in fomc Mtat 
fure awakctiM. Blcffed be the Lord, (lut Icti roe fee his Woiii 
[;of:lg on in one PJace and another. , ... 

[ The Ai:coiint far ThurfJay ii'the' (IttiS for Subft»hcirM iii 
hiipuWick Journal.] 

Fridar, Sip'' 6. Enjoyed fome Freedom and intenfejiefs of 
Mind in Prayer alon e i and longed lohavcmySou! more warm'ij 
with divine and lieavenl)' Tilings. Was fomewhal melancholy, 
towards Night, and fongod to die and quit a Scene of Sin and 
Datknefs ; tut was a little fupponed iti Prayer. 

[ This Melancholy continued the nextDay.J 

LordVDay.Sf^ii. 8. In thc^Evating.GoiJ was pUafed to 

enlarge me in Prayer, and give me Freedom at the Throne of 
Grace : I cried (o God for the Enlargement of his Kingdom in 
the World, and in particniar among my dear People i was aKo 
enabled to ptay for many dear Minittcrs of my Acquaintance,' 
hoth in thcfe Parts, and ia Niw-B«ghirii ; and alfo for other 
dear Friends in New- Eng/mii. And my Soul was fo engaged 
and enlarged in that fweet Exercife, that Ifpent near an Hour 
in it, and knew nothow to leave the Mercy-Scat. Oil, bow 1 
delighted to pwj- and cry to God? I faw, God was both abb 
and willing 10 do all that I defircd, for my felf and Friends, and' 
his Church in general. I was likcwife much enlarged and affitt- 
cdip family-Prayer. And afterwards, when I was juft going 
in- Bed, God helped me to renew myPetitions withArdency and 
Freedom. Oh, 'twastomeablcflidEveningofPrayei .' fllefs 
thei-otd,0 my Soul. 

r The next Day, he fct out from the Forks of Dtlawart fo 
go to Su/^ailiaiiiali. And on tile fifth Day uf his Journey, he 
arrived at ihaamdhi^ a large IniSan Tomn on Su/qMhanmb^ 
River. He pcrfotni'd the Joo'ncy under a confiderable Degree 
of Melancholy, occafion'd at fitfi by his hearing that the Mara- 
vim were gone before biro (o^he Sufjiuihmmb-hdhtii.] 


1^4 ^/. 2g.- 

^ht LIFE 

Saturiaj-, :iipi. 14, [ At Sheumiik, 1_ !„ ,1,, £„.„.„" 

niySouI was enlarged and fwc=t)y cng4ed inPrayer ; efpcSj, 
fh..Gop would kt up hi.Kmgdcm i^ fhisPlace.lhcre the S 

alK this for God for his Glory, and btcaufc I longed fot ili. 
En!are™en.ofh,= Kingdom, to the Bono., of hi, lar mZ 

ftZ * T ° ^f "f "" 8=-=^"=ftf>=='i™. that be k„^« 
Jt was *„ dear Caofe, and not my own, that engaged ravHcai-t 1 

Gbry ofth,^.r.iUjr.d Nam.. I could not but hop.,T,r,*£ 
God would l,™g m there ,nire„ble, wicked M«x: Tho' 
there appeared lite humanProMilitj. ,f ;t j for ,hey were ihen 

^M <^<^' agm,fl H,p., that God wn.Id be glorified, tha God' 
Name would be glorified by thefc poor M™,. com^ued 
ong m Prayer and Praife to God ; and tad great Freed 0^ En- 
LlfT'"' T ^l"^f\ ™™bring de,rFriend= in JV™-£.^- 
1™ lit "A'" ^ri'? ■ "^ ""' ^""8=- Wa. entirely frfe' 

_ [m^Dmry from this Time toy.?;. 2i. ( the laft Day of hia 
Continuance among .bo M,,.- a. *«/j«.to,.i) is not legible , . 
by Reaftn of ,hc Badneft of the Jok, I, „^, i„;,^i,ly wr[t en'' 
VHUh the Juice of fonie Berries found in,heWood=, Li^^P- 
other J„t m that Wddernefs. So .ha, for thi= Spa« of Titno 

On Monday &^,, ^3. He left the l„£an,, L order to his. 
Return to the \ orfa of D.l.^u-,r,, in a very weak Slate of Body 
D^":,.;. jrt^f ^""' «'.'chco;;tinued ..etwo r."*, 

Wedoefday, S,pt. ij. Rode ftill homeward. In the Fore- ' 
noon enjoj-d Freed™ and Jntenfenef^ of Mind in M.d ta^i". ■■ 


if Mr. David Brainerd. A.D.i;*^?. '163 

Thuirdav, SiPt- >6- Was fiill much diforder'd in Body, jni 
.He to ride but llowly. Continued my Journey however. 
Unc, arrived at ihc Jri)!> Setlkment, about 15 Miles 
l.oin mine own Houfe. This Day, while riding, 1 was much 
txercifed with 1 Senfcof my Barrennefs i and venly thought, 
iluTcwas no Creatnie that had any true Grace, but what waj 
,„„re fpiritual and fruitful than!) I could not think that an? 
of God's ChlUien made fa poor 5 Hand of living to God asl. 

Friday, Stft. 11. Spent confider.bleTime, in the Morning, 
,„ F yer and^Praife to^od. My Mmd was f-f «'''''"«"[= 
in the Doty, and my Heart iix fome Degree warm d W'lh >Senfe 
„f divino Things: My Soul was melted, to thmk, 'l'=tG.^*«i 

inn all my Batrehnefs and Dead nefs. My Soul was alfo .n fome 
Meafure enlarged in Prayer for the dear People of tny Charge 
.= well as for ofher dearWends. In 'b'Ater-^^y^'f .'°^J 
Ohrifiian Friends, and fpent iheTime, I think, profitably 1 My 
[fcattwas waitn'd, and more engaged '"'i^' things of God. 
In the Evening, I enjoyed Enlargement Warmth, andLomot 
in Prayer ■ Mv Soul relied on God for Affiftance and Grace to 
enable me to do fomething in his t;aufe : My Heart was drawn 
oat in Thankfulnefs to God for what he had done for his own 
Glory amongmy poorPeople of ktc : And I dt encouraged to 
p.oce'ed in bfa Work, being perf^-aded of his Power,and hoping 
;;, A« might be further r™«W, for the Enlargment of hi3 
d earKingdom : And my Soul r^j^y..^ mh^. -ftht G\p <! G.d 
n Hope of theAdvinam=nto( his declarative Gloty in. he 
World, as wril as of enjoying him in a World of Glory. Oh. 
blclTed be God, the living God, forever 1 

r He continued in this comfottaHe, fweet Frame of Mind, 
the two next Days. Oo tbeDay following, he went to his own 
Houfe, in the Forks of Ditsmar,, and continued flillm the fame 
Frame. ThenexlDay, which was Tuefday, he vifiied his /«- 
j,„„, —Wednefdayhe fpcnt moftly in writing the Medita- 
tions he liad had inhislatejourney to So/fUflWa*. On lh«tl- 
dav he Iclt the Forks of Dihwirt, and travelled towards U.J- 
Jek'">i. where he arrived on Sa.urday ( Omh. ^) "d cont,- 
tiued from Day to Day in a comfortableState of Miod. Tbeie 
is nothing material in his Diary for this Day and lbs nest, but 
what is in his printed "Jsusrasli 


'ise Ml. 28. 

ns L:I iF E 

Monday, Os.i. 7. Beinp calkd by (he Church and Peopd 
Bl Kaflhamptman Ung-ljjand,^!. Member of a Council to 
affifl and advifc in Affairs 0/ Difficulty in ,1,11 Church, I ft, o„( 
on myjouroey tl:i5 Morning, before it was Weil, a„d „,. 
yelled to Elijah,ih-T,w^, and ihcre lodged. Enjoyed fonn 
Lomfort on tJicRoad, in Convcifitioii with Mr. Williamtti ~ 
irat, who was fciit for on lire fame Builnefs. 
_ [ He proreei.ied Ilis Journey with theoihetMJnifters that wi 
few fori and did not return rill Oa»S. j+. While he wisi 
JH:/i-mi7,pim, the Jmporlance of she Bufinefs that the Court? 
werecoine upon.Iay with fuch Weight on his Mind, and he *j 
to concerned for the Interett of Religion in that Place, that I 
Slept Jiuthttle for feveral NighfsfucccJSvely. In his Way «{ 
and from Es/l-HanpUn, he had fcveral Scafons of fweetRefiefli. 
ment, wherein his ioul was enlarged and cerafoited with divinu 
l-onfolations, in fLCrct Retirement s and he had fpecial AJEH- 
ance m publick minilferial ferfotmanUB in (he Houfe of God ., 
a»d yet, at the lame Time, a Eenfe of extreme Vilenefs and Un-i 
prcfitab.eneft. He from TinietoTime fpeaks of Soul-refrcflli 
ment and Comfort in Converfiiion wkh the Minifiers that Ira-, 
veiled wnh hjm ; and fcejns 10 have little or nothinE of Melan-, 
tholy, t,l he came t.o U.e Wefl-End of Lc^-ifa^^, in hi, 
Keturn. After thar.he was oppreflcd wilbDejcdion andGloomi- 
nef! of Mmd for fcveral Days together.- For an Account of 
(he f^our firil Days after his return from his Jimrnoy, I refer lb? 
Kca.ler to his pu bbcli Jmrnni. 

Monday OM.iS Had anEvening of fweelRcfrefhins; 

my Thoughts were raifcd to a blefled Eternity ; my So!,l wa 
melted svi.h Dcfitc! of pcttea Holinefi, and perfeai/glorifying 

Tuefday, OB,!,. 29. About Noon, rode and view'd tie 
yrtiteiM Lsnds at Cro,*jrry : Was much dejefled, and prrealv 
perplcjicd ,n Mind : Knew nolho* 10 fee any liody aaain my 
Soul was fo funi wiihui me. Oh that thefe Trials might mabe 
nie more humble and holy. Oh that God would keep me 
Ufcfufnelr ^^''' '° ""'"' Dejeaion. which may liindcr my 
_ Wednefday, OiM. 30. My Soul wis refreflted with a 
View of ihcComiuuanceof God's bleffcd Wort aiaunc the 

Thurfday, OOoh. 31. Spent mod of the Day in Wrilioj ■ 
Enjoyed no! much fprri.ualCcKjfort , but was „(,■& much funt 

with Melsnchoiy asac fonjo other Ti 


0/ Mr. David Braincid. A.15. 1 743-' ' S? 

\:,:i,« Wsii. t. rSeeihepubHcfcys"™'!'- ], 
t d^y ^ J. ^ Spent the Day with ,heM««, .nd wro^ 
,,™Thni of Importances and '"S'" " "^^ "°" "L'f ,fj 
■ r could do in this prcfent feeble and ,mp«fcaState. 

1 ffi» ,. &i. r Seethepuhlick7»urr.a(. I 
xflfdav nX I He left the Iniiam, and i^etlt tha rematn- 
I . P r S'rhi/weefcin travelling to v-itioujParts oW.w-7<^r/ey, 
l''«P^'^" * ,S-ffi» for the Ufeof ih.lniim:, and to 

I*"""''** TjCt Reftelhmen, a«d K.tlerlainment with 

^S fS::^ ^T'hi; S» fleetly jn„, wed, .^^ 
' rgcd bi^ Mind clear, his Spirit refreM wtth d,vu,e_I_ruth.. 

hisHcait's litinf! eu- 

.....ed with divine Truths, 

;"nd"hi; H<^<t^' I'^rnini whhln hi^Mi'' *' »■«' *? "" ^^'""^ 


llie Forenoon from i Gsr. 

Preedotn and Fervency in 

nr.dfeem'dtohe inilieAilembly: ,.-....-.-_ „„-i,-i 

tjooieemuio _ ijifni. ]|, the Aftcfnnon.prcach d 

.eborenuon™ ..-- ^^ ,^^ Prefence of 

reedotn and Fervency 'f my " '•_ ^„ A„, „,„afFeaed.aii.l 

Numbtta wcreafFeae<i,aTtil 

' f^n in the firit Praver anJ poured out my Soul to 

;;^^rSw"fMLd, aAvingG.dalfoam«cd 

""r'Ttanc".' D>y, he went to &^-T,wn on i™,-//&»J, t. 
[ V"' "^ "'/' yj , He fpeaks of fome fweet Medi- 

,.,;.», ,hP Confideration of tbai bhfsful Day. ] 

cfofsthcFetry by Reafon of the 

with the Confideration c 

T^fU^w l^ev K. Could not crt . . ^^ - 

ment at the e erry ^ , ^^._^^^^ Bweetnefs inMeditaUOn .and 



Violenceoi the Wind 
e Verry-Hi 
fnfl wave me fome Satisfaction ^- 

^ up 2 Heart to God in the mldlt of Company, 

fomrwere drinking and talking profanely, which Was n- 

^d,f>feftome yet my Mind was calm andcumpofod. 


Grace 1 i'w^' '"""■ ^ . ",r-A 

1 was enabled 10 fpend in the Se^iceof God. 


J 63 ^/. a 8. 

ns LIFE 

Saturrlay, A^ffTT. 16. Grofa*^ ^heFerry about t«rt o'Clock 1^-1 
ti^ed at Elixdptib-Toioa i;ear Nigiif. Was in a calm coiaOisi 
Ffameof Mind, and felt an entire Refignation wilh Rcfpfefl'J 
a LofJ Uiad lately fuftaiDV, In having Ely Horfcftoilcii from I' 
thc)aRWednef[fayNrght,at NawTimin. Had fomcLoogini 
Sotll fo/the difar Pccjply of Blizaktb-Ttwn, that Gad wbl. 
^>B»'alii ir> Jjljrit upon thenisand revivi hisSf'ori amongfl thk 
■ [ Hefpentihefour next'Days at Elii^akih-Tawn i fori 
nioft Part, in a Free and Camfortfible Stati: of Mind, inten J 
engaged in the Service of God, and enjoying, Kt fame Tiri^ 
the fpccial AHiftances of his Spirit, OnTii jrfday, this Wee l« 
lode ioPrt£hUj3,ni fpent theDay iiRder confiderableDejetaic^ 
'Friday, ^»i;. 2 4, Rode to Mr. Tmninl's, and frrm ihenci 
Cfo/wieifm^^ Had littJc Freedom \n Meditation, while rjj; 
wliicil wasaGrief and IJiirden to my Saul. Oh that I coniij 
up all my Time, whether in the fiaufe ct by [he Way, foTGdL. 
I was enabled, I think, this Day to give up ttiy Soul so GodJ 
and put over all my Concerns into his Hands ; and found [anjM 
real Confolatiotl iil the Thought of being entireiy at the diviilj 
Difpofal, and tiaving no Will or Intercd of my own. I have (j 
ceived my ai! from @ad ; Oh that 1 could return my all 1 
Gnd. Surely God is worthy of my higheftAiftaion, and mj 
devout Adoration : He i^ Infinjtsly worthy, that I fliould md 
him my latt End, and live forever to him : Oh that I miil 
never more, in any one 3tiftance,live to my fclf. 

Saturday, NaVr 23. Vifited my People ; fpent the Day Mia 
them : Wi-ote fomc Things .of fmportancc. But was pr^ 
much dejcflcd, mofl of the Day. ■■ 

[ There is nothing very material in hlsD/jr/forthefcut^H^ 
Days, but what is alfo in his puHick ymrnal. ] 

Thurfdiy, Niv, 2S I enjoyed feme divine Comfori 

and Fervency in the publiek Exercifc, and afterwards. i!t|| 
white ridit^g to my Lodgings, was favour'd with fotne fw^fl] 
Meditations on LuL ix. 31. ff/js fpptatd in Ghry, and j^& 
of his Deuafi, wbiih he Jlisuid acampiijb oi Jerufalem. '|^ 
Tho*ts ran with Freedotli, 5nd i Jaw and felt what a gloll 
Subjea the Dioth^ai ChK I s r is for fkri/iad Souls to dwell (| 
it! theif Converfation. Oh, the Dtiih of Chkist ! Hs^ 
finitely ^rif/jtir / 

[ For the three next Days, fee the publicfc Jaarwl.] 

Monday, a.v«o. 2. Was much afFefled vvith Grief, ti)att 
bad not lived mute til God ; and ft]: firong Refolutions lodtlrf 
bk my Diiigtnce ia m J Mattel's fervice. ■ 

r Afia 

ef Mr. David Braiiierd. A.D. 1745. 169 

[ After this, he went to a Meeting of the FrtHyWf, at a 
Place \i\NffW-JirJiy^ca\\tiCsnne£iicut-Pa^mj ; which occafion'd 
hisAbfence from his People the reft of this Week. He (pcata 
of fame Eeafons of Sweetnefs, Solemnity andrpiiitual Afl'caion 
ifl his Abfence. 

Lord's-Day, Decmi. 8. See his publick yaarM/.] 

Monday, Deetm. 9. Spent inoH of the Day in procuring 
Frovilioni, in Order to my fettitjg up Houfe-iictpinp among 
the fe'janl. Enjoyed little Satisftilion thio' the Day, being 
very^niuch out of my Element. 

Tuefday, Deamk to. Was cng,i[i;rd in tht! fame Borinels 
a; Yeftcrday. Towards Night, got into my own Houfc.* 

Wcdnefday, Z)«M. IJ. Spent the Fcrcnoou in neceflsry 
Labour abotrt my Houfc. In the Afternoon, rode out upoa 
1 Bnlinets, and fpent the Evening with fume Salisfaflioti among 
Frieads in Cgnver&tion on a fetions and profitable Subjefl, 

[ Thutfdiy, Dicm. i«. See his puUick Jmmall 

Fiiday, D(«ra. 13. Spent the Day mainly in Labour about 

my Houfe. In the Evening, fpent fome Time in writing 1 

I but was very weary, and much out-done vsith the Labuur of 

the Day. ,1 1 T t 

Saturday, Dmm. 14.. Rofe early, and wrote by Candle- Light 
fome confiderable Time ; fpent molt of the Day in writing : 
But was fomewhat dejefled. in the Evening, was excrdfcJ 
with a Pain in my Head. 

[ For She twonextDsySjfec his publictyjiirna/. The remain- 
der of thiaWecfc he fpent chiefly in writing : Some part of the 
Time undeiaDegrce of Melancholy ; but fome Fattof it wilh 
a fweet Ardency in Religion.] 

Saturday, Dttim. Jl ■ After my Labours with the Is- 

mm, I fpent forae Time in writing fome Tilings divine and 
fokmn i and was much wearied with the Labours of the Day ; 

* This is the Mrd Houfe that he built to dwell in byhim- 
fclf among the Jitdinsi .- The firft at Kauvmmut in the 
County of Mam ; the fecond at the Forits of Dthwuyt 
in PaJihmia : And now this at Cnfmdjkng in tlcvi- 

^"^^'^' z J found 

lyo /St, 1% 



found that inySpirits irere extremeiy fpcnf, and that I coultl L 
r\a more. I am coafcious to my felf that my Labours aW^ 
pcK anJ cooftant as my Nature will bear, and that oritini 
j-ily I [JO (D thcEntent of aiy Strength ; So that t do all 1 1 
Hut ihe Miferv is, 1 don't labour with that heavinty TemtH 
thajiingk rCyc to [bi-Gittjof God. that I long fur. 
. ■ [ Lurd's-Osy, Dicim, is. See the publick Jtufnal.] ' 
Muiidjy, and Tuefday, flmm, 23 Ss 24.. Spent thefe Di 
ill Writing, with the ulmoH Diligence. Felt in (he mainj 
fweet Mortification to the World, and a Delitc to live audi— 
bout only for God ; bitt wanted moreWarmth andSpjikualitff^ 
a pioie fenfible and affeaionate Regard to the Glory of gSl 
r WednefJiy, Die. sj. See the pnblicit Journal J 
Tlviir««y, uid Krltliir, B/«». 16, fc 2j Lahourod hj/i, 
Bludici, f.. (he iKninll .iliiiyKtreiiglh : And tho' I felta ftea« 
IJlfiLililiiiH ol IVIjkiI t.i lire to God, and that I bad tiolhingl 
thil Wr,i|,l to live tor ; yet i did not find that fcnfibleAffcai^ 
ill ilicSetviceof God, ihitl wanted toBavBi myHeart fton 
barccn, tho' my Head and Hands were fbll of Labour. 
[ For the four next Djys, Tee bis publick Jmrnalfil 

^ WedneCJay, Jununri i. 1741,6 1 am ihisDay begfffi 

li:nga Ncio-Ymr ; and God has cMrled use thro' mimcroii' 
Ttiils and Labotirain tbs pift. He has amazingly ihppoitji 
my feeble Frame ; for hmiag sHamid Hilp n/ Gon , 7 uadiniC 
lithh n„y O ihat I niigbt livenearerto God, this Yesr.thaa 
I d[il the laft. The Buhners t have been called to, and enabled 
to go through, f knotf.has been as great as Nature could beair 
tip under, and what would have hiiili: and overcome me quite 
Without fpecial Support. But Alas, Alas ! Tho' I have dono 
ihjtLibogr!, and endured the Trials, with what Sfirit have I 
done (hooiKi, and horn the other ? How cold has been tho 
Kriineofniy Heart ofKntirrwj ! And how little hare I fenfibly 
isyid the Glory of God, in all myDoings andSotteriogs ' / have 
founti, that 1 could have 00 P.ace wiibiut filling up all my 
Time with Laiieurs ; and thus Ntcfn, ha, hett hid u/iiii ,.-,1 ; 
yea, in that Refpca,! have loved to labour: But iheMilerv is. 
F could not feniibiy labour /ir [ would have dont. Majt 
I for the future be euablcd mote fenShly to make the Glory o( 
God my nlL ' 

• On the hrft of thefe Qays he wrote the 6ih£rt/fr here pub- 
iilll'd at the End, o. it's 


«/ Afr. Da»i(3 BrainertJ, A,D. 174S. iji 

[ For the Space from this Time 'till the nsxt Monday, fee 
(he publick 75Jfaai3 „,,,,. 

Monday, >k. 6 Being very weak in Body. I rode foi my 
Health. While tiding, my Thoughts were fweetly engaged, 
for a Time,iipon thiSlmi cxt cut nf IkMumtam mthml Hand:, 
vihkh trail in Piml ^n before it, aDii-waxidgriat,mititaml 
I auriat Mi>!atais,i.v.ifilMlhiwhtltEarlli: And 1 longed tin! 
Iksus ihould tail m himfttf liii gri") l''Wir, and tii^n to Ihi 
Ends if tht Earth. And Oh, how fwect were the Moments, 
ivheiein I Icit my Soul w.irra with Ilupertof ihe Enlargement 
of the Redeemer's Kingdom I ! wanted ilolbiug elle hut that 
Christ Ihould rtign, to the Glory of his blcll'cd Name. 

E The next Day he complains of want of Fervency, ] 

WedoefJay, 7u». 8. In the Evening, tnv Heart was drawn 
out affetGod in fecret : My Soul was refrcih'd and quioken'd ; 
and I icult. Faith was in Exercife. 1 had great Hopes of the 
iDcatheringofprcdoai Souls to Cbrift j not only among my 
own People, but others alfo. I WW fwceily rehgned and com- 
pofed under my bodily Wcakncfs ; and was willing to liveof 
die, and defiroas to labour for God to the utmoB: of Jny 

'■Thurfday, ^sn, g. Was ftill very weak.ahd much cMrcifed 
with vapoury Diforders. In the Evening, enjoyed (ome En- 
largement and Spirituality in Prayer. Oh that [could always 
fpend my Time profitably, both in Health and Weaknefs, 

Friday 'Jan. lo. My ^oul was in a fwect, calm, compofed 
Frame, and my Heart fiird with Love to all the World ; and 
Chriftian Simplicity and Tcnderijefs fecmed then to prevail anJ 
seiEO within me. NcarNight.Virned a feriousBaplili-Mimflcr. 
and had fomeagrcableConvetfaliua with himj and found that 
I could tafte God in Friends. 

[ For the font next Days, fee the publick yiitrm!.] 

Wednefday, Jati. ij. MySpitits were very law and flat,and 
I could not but think i was aBurdcn toCJod'-sEarth ; and could 
fcaicely look any Body in the Face, thro' Shame and Senfe of 
Barrennefs. God pity a poor mlprofiwble Creature. 

f The two next Days, he had forae Comfoit and Reffefe- 
BiM!. for ths tW9 fatorinE D»y», fee 't^e 9Mi<^^ 7'"™^ 

172 3it. aS. 


The next Day, he fct out on a Journey to HUfaidh-'Tatiift 
to confer with tlie CarrtfptniiinU at (heir Meeling dieic ■ |o|a 
enjtij'cJmuch fuiritaal Refj efliraeiii fum Day to Day thrauod" 
this Week. Tho Things expreffed m this Space of Time, .in 
fuch as thefe ; Serenity, Coinpofurs, SwcetEefs and Tendottmi 
of Sou!; Thankfgiving toGod foi his Succefs among the /Wja* " 
Deijght m Prayer snd Praife, fweet and profiiablc MeditatioM 
«(l Hrious divine Subjefls, Longing for more Love, far moj 
Vigour 10 live to God, for a Life more iotirdy devoted totioJ 
riiai lie miglit fpend all his Time profitably for Cod, and in U 
Caufe ; converling on fpiritual Subjefls with AiTeaioa ; aj 
Lamentation for Itnprofitablcnefs. 1 

Lord's-Day , ya«. 26 [ ktCsmtailul'Parms.J Was calB 
and compofed. Was mido ftiifibloof my utter Inability & 
preach, without divine Help; and was in rome good MeafutJ 
willing io leave it iviih God, to give or widi-hold Affiftance, ib 
he faw would be moif for his own Glory. Was favoured witwl 
a confiderablc Degree of AiHiiance iti my puWicfc Wort. Afi«| J 
puhlicic Worihjp, 1 was in a fweet and fotemn Frame of iMiai 
thanltful to Sod that he had made me iiifomc Mcafme faiihfub 
in addrelEng precious Sonls.but grieved that I had been iiomorj 
fervent in my Woil: ; and was tenderly alFcaed towards ajj 
the World, longing that every Sinner might be faved j aad 
could not have eniertain'd any Eitternels towards the wurirt 
Sncmy living. In the Evcning.rode (o AVi/^jto/j- Titos ; whila, ' 
Tiding, was almoit conttantly engaged in lifting up my lifari tnj 
God, left I fhould lofe that fwcet heavenly Eotcmiiily and Com-Jj 
porute of Soul r then enjoyctj. .-Iftcrwards, was picifed, to] 
thinic, that God nigneth ; and thought, J could never be un* J 
eafy wilhanyof hisOifpenfations; hut mulllje entirely Satia- 
died, whatever Trials he ihould caufemeor hia Church to en-, 
counter. Never felt inori Eedatenefa, diuine Serenity andConi..| 
pofure of IWind ; Could freely have left the dearcft eiribly J 
Fiicnd, for tile Society of Jitgih and Sptrks if juji Mm madiX 
perftlt: Mv Affefllons foar'd aloft to the bleffed Author of-: 
every dear Enjoyment : [ view'd the EraplinefiandUiilalislac- 
tory Nature of the liioft dcfirable earlhly Ohjif/is, any further 
than God isfeen in them : and looged for aLife ofSplriitiaiity 
and inward Purity ; without which, I faw, there could he no 
true Pleafure. 

. r He retained a greatDcf fee of thisexcellcntf'rame ofMinJ, 
ttH: (bur next Days, As to his publiekServicts for and among 
Ihshdkns, ifii hisSuccefs in thisTiniCjfee the pubiickyaarW. J 


ff/ jWf-. David Btaln'erd. A.D. 174G. 173 

ttaturday, Feb. T. Towards Night, enjoyed foHie of thedear- 
' til 'rtioughts on a divine Subje^ {iji%. that treated of I Cor, 
(3,-16.) that ever I remember to have had upon anySub- 
ihI wliatfoev^r i and fpent two or threeHonts in writing them» 
I was rdVcBi'd with this Intlnfenefs : My Mind was fo engaged 
in tlitfe .llcditatioos, I could fcarcely turn it to anv Thing dfc ; 
■lid indeed I could not be willing to pat! with fo fwcet an Eai 
ln'taiiinient. - — ^*'— 

Lord's-Day j Feb, 2.^-^1 — ■ After puhlickWorfliip,my btidily 
^tiength being much fpent, my Spirits fnillt anU7.1n^ly ; andcf- 
nccially on hearing that i was lb yeneially taken to be a R.Bmdtt 
CktfisUd-^ fent by the Papifii to draw the Indiam into an Infur- 
redion againft the ifnf /;y*, that feme were in Feaf of me, atitl 
others were for having me taken up by Authority and puniOl'd* 
Alas, what ^vill itot the Devil do to bring a Slttt and Diigrace 
on the Work of God I Ob, how holy and circutnfpei^ had X 
need to be I Thro' divine Goodnefs, I have been enabled ta 
jr.\Tid ray stfJ7 Bujimfi^ in thefe Fatts, as well as elfewhcre ; and 
to let ad Men and all Denominations of Men aione, as to theic 
Parly- Nstioar ; and only prcach'd the plain and ncccfliify Truths 
ofChri/iiauity^ neither inviting to nor extluiling from wy mlitkg 
hny, of any Sort or i'erfwalion whatfocver. Towards Night, 
the IvOrd gave me Freedom at the Throtie of Grace, in my fitft 
Prayer before my CaiuhHkai L,tiiut& : And in opening the 
xlvi. Pfsltn to my People, my Soul confided in God, alttro' the 
wicked World (bould (lander and perfecute me, or even con- 
demn and execute me as a Traitor to my Kin;f and Country. 
Truly God is a prifiiil Htip in Time of Trtnbli. [n thsE vening, 
my KquI was in fome Mcafurc comforted, having fome Hope 
that one poor Sou] was brought Home to God this Day i thtt* 
the Cafe did by no Means appear clear. Oh that 1 could fill 
up every iWomcnt of Time, during my Abode here below, in 
the ijervice of my God and King. 

Monday, Fib. 3. My Spirits were Sill much funk with what 
I heard the Day before, of my being fufpefled to be engaged in 
ihe /■rtfrjja'.-r'r Intereft : It gricv'd me, that after there bad been 
fo muclj Evidence of a glorious Iftrk if Gran among thefe poot 
ladinni, as that the moft'carnal Men could not but talce Notice 
of tlie ^ts^lCbaftgs made among them, fo many poorSouls fhonld 
ftill fufpea the whole to be only a Ptpifll Plot, and fo c:H an 
awful Reproach on this- blelTed Work of the divine EPIEIT ; 
and at the fame Time wholly exclude thcmfelves from receiving 
any Beucfiiby this divine influence. This pat ms upon fearch- 

IH -^t. 28. 

& L I F E 

iBgwhertier Ibad ever dropM any Thing inaJvcrfetitly, th 
might give &m/m 10 any !o fufpcfl slat I was Hiriing op.J 
/niA'flB. againftthe .ffnj/,;^: And could think of Nolhing*,'? 
Jefs it was my attenipiiog fomctinies to vindicate ihs Rightifi 
the Indian!, and complainijig of the' horrid Ptaflicc of maisl* 
(he laSans drunk, and ihcn cheating ih em Dut of thei rLantts -.., 
otherPropcrtiCs : And once, 1 remcmbred, i had done this wiiji 
(00 niuch Waimth of Spirit. And this much diflrefs'd ma 
thinking that this might poflibJy prejudice thcro igainft m 
Woik of Grace, to Iheir ererlafiing Dcflruflion. God, I U 
licve, did nne good by ihis Trial i wbich fervcd to humbJe m^ 
and (liew me the Neceffity of Walcbfuloefa, and of being uiib 
ai a Strpml, is vicW 3S hermhfs at a Dim. This Exercife Jed 
me often to the Throne of Grace i and there [ found fome Sup- 
port : Tho' 1 riiuld not^et the Hurdcn wholij removed. Wai 
affiftcd in I'rayer, cJiiccially in the Evening, 

I He remained ftilt under aDegree of Excrcife of Mind about ., 
rtis Affair ; which continued tohave the fame Effea upon himj" 
to ciufe him to reflcii upon, and humble hirafcif, and frequenti' 
the Throne of Grace: But ftion found himfelfmucii more rn-tj 
iievcd and fupponed. He was, this Weet, in an extremely 
weak Slate, a nd obliged (as fee exprefe it } (o conftimi cmjiiira' 
hit Tmi itt Dhtrften, fit Ms Hnilh. 

For Saturday, Fib. y. And the Sabbath following, fee nil 
publick jfournal. 

The Monday after, he fet out on a Journey to the Folks (. 
Dehusri, to fifit the hiiaw there. He peifortn cd the Jour 
ncy under grcafWeaknefs, and fomeiimes was eicrcifed witl 
mucb Pain ; but fays nothing of Dcjeftion and Melancholy., 
Hssrrivcd at his own Houfe at thi forh, on Friday. Thtt! 
Things appcriaiuiiig to his inward Frames and Exerclfci, ex3 
prefs'd within thisWeek, are fweclCompofurc ofMiiid,Thank-; 
fulncfs to God f(.r his Mercies to him and others, Rclignatiotl 
lothedivijieVViiljComfottinPraycrand religious Convcrfation J 
his Heart drawn out after God, jiid affeded wifh a Eeufsl 
of his own Eajrctmefs, as well ai the Fulncfs and Frecntfs SB 
divine Grace. 1 

Lord's-Day, Fti. i6.. In the Evening, was in afwiel 

compofEd Frame of Mind, ft was exceeding refiefhing andl 
cpoilortabie, to thitit, ihitGod bad been with me, affording me 
fcme £0i,d Mtifoie of Affiftjnce. I then found Freedom aiidl 

Sweettiefi t 

ef Mr. ViM Bmneri', A.D.1746. 175 

llwccftiefsinPraycrand Tbankfgiving toGod ; and found mf 
[Kiilil fwcetly engaged and enlarged in Prayer for dear FrieniJs 
llnd Acquaintance. Blcfied be the Name of the Lord, that ever 
|| am enabfed to do aojThing for his dear Interelt and Kingdom. 
F filcffed be God who enables me to be faithful. Enjoyed more 
Itcrolution and Courage for God, and more Refrefhment of 
Spirit, than 1 have been favoured with for many Weeks paft. 

I Monday, Fib. ij I was refreflietl and encouraged: 

IKouttd a Spirit of Prayer, in the Evening, Btld cottieft Longings 
f bt the UlurBination and Coiivcrfion of ihefc poor Indimu. 

[jTnefday Fii. l8. Sec the publick Jiurnsll 

Wednefday,frf. 19. My Heart was comforted and re- 

f cfii'd, and my Soul iili'd with Longings for the Converfion of 
llie Intliani here. , , .. , 

Thurfday Fib. 20. God was plesfed to fupport and 

tefrelh my Spiritb, by affording me Afliffance, this Day, and 
lo hopeful aProfpea of Succefs ; and I returned home rejoycing, 
and bleffing the Natiic of the Lord s and found Freedom and 
Swcetncft afterwards in fecret Prayer, and had my Soul drawn 
out tot dearFriends. Oh, how blelTed a Tiring n it,lo labour for 
God faithfully, and with Encouragement of Sueccfs ! Blefled 
Ik the Lord forever and ever, for the AfSdance and Comfort 

oranted this Day. , „ , , , f , j 

Friday Fib.%\. My Soul was refreih'd and comforted, 

and I could not but blef5God,who had enabled mo in fome good 
Meafure to be faithful in the Day palf. Oh, how fweet it is 
tobefpcutaiid wornoutforGod I 

Saturday, Fib. i%. • My Spirits were much fupporte!, 

tho' my bodily Strength was much v?afted. ^ Oh that ijod 
would be gracious (o the Souls of thefe poor Wiom. 

God has been very graclousto me this Week : He fe^fSf^Wed me 
to preach every Day i and has given l«e fome Affliance, and 
encouragingProfpca of almoft every Sermon. B elkd 
he his Name. Divers of the white People have been awaken d 
this Week, and fundry of the hiimi much cured of ibm Pre- they had conceived agjtiift Chrifttaiiity, 
and tome teem to be really awaken'd. 

r Lord's-Day, Fit. 13- Sec the publick ^ssr^l 
The next Day, he left the Forks of B.;<r.«fi«, to f tit;'" *a 

'j^e ^v„2 8; 

lis LIFE 

keal^vM there ; bai preach'd by (he Way cvefy Day, ncenH ' 
JflS-One ; and was fcjcralTimes greatly affiiied ; ard'iia,! nii'rl, 
inward Comfort, and earnefl Longingj to filj up all I , T. . 
Willi ihe Service of God. He urtcrs fuch Exftcffions 
after Preaching ! 0« ttat imm b, insiltd it fl,ad li, 
■Gtd faittifutty, te mi Jywg Mimmt. Oh how /hint it u.iB 
tij0l!iwi<ifilfKhtily fsT Gtd, and in his Caufc, and t, ahu 
^rsmjel/ijh Mstivs! in my Lahan } 

; For Saturday and Lord's- Day, March i & j. Seethe pi 
lick yiurnal. The four next Days were fpcnt in greaf b 
Weaknefs i but he fpeats of fomeSeafon! of confidcrablc iiiwan 
Comfort. J 
Thurfday, Mante. 1 walked alone in (he Eveniii 




of late enjoyed : Mj Snlll rrjuyccd in wy Piigrimage-Stat!, anl 
I was delighted with the Thoughts of labouring and mo'ariJ 
mrJmfi for God : Felt foine longing Defires (o preach tid 
Gcfpei ro dear immorlai Souls ; and confided in God, that j 
would he with mi in my Wotk, and that he xivir wauMUavis, 
fir foil mf, td (he End of my Race. Oh, may I thtain Mira , 
Gsdm hefaiihfal, to my dying Moroent. 

Friday, Marih 7. In thi; Afternoon, went on in my Wojfl 
witltireedom and Chcarfglnefs, God affifting me j andeniov^ 
Comfort in the Erening. '^ 

[ For the twoeext Days, fee the publick>«™o;,] 

Monday, March lo My Soul was refreCi'd withFrei 

_domandEnUrgcm<;nt,and ( I hope ) Ihe lively ExHcife of Faid 
ifl lecfet Fraycr, this Night ; iWy Will was fweelly reflgacd % 
the divme Will, and my Hopes tefpcftiog the EnlargetnestiS 
the dear Krngdom of Chrift foniewhatiaifed, and could comn ' 
.itw 1 Caufc to God as his own. 

■ [P"/^"'''^'?'' ^° 'i"^"'''» "^ ''=""! Sweefnefs anil Spiritualil 
IB LtiiiftianConverration, On Wedocfday, complains (hatffl 
enjoyed not much Comfort and Satisfaaion, thro' the Daf 
becaufehe did but little ior God. On Thuifday, fpentcoti 
aetable 1 ime in Company, on a fpecial Occalion ; but in pS 
piMity, bccaufe without flvoury religious Converfation. 
JTiday bjiurday and I.^rd's-Day, fee the publick Jiunuil. , 
fa the forniM Part of the Wccic following he was very ilj 
aad alio ttnder great DejeSion j beir,g, as he apprehendJ 


c/ J54-, David Brainerd. A.D i;46, 1^7 

rendered urferviceableby hisTIlnefs, and fearing Ihat he fhould 
iirver be Serviceable any mare ; and therefore txcefidingly long*- 
.J [or Death. 'Bot afterwards was more encouraged, and f.ife 
i|i|!eared more defirable ; becaufe ( as he favs ) he had a little 
\iiwmif Hppt, ihnthiimght httij^ful inihtWsr'd,, In the latter 
Part nf the Week, he was in fome Meafure relieved of his III- 
ftcfs, in the Ufe of Means prefctibed by a Pliyfician: 

ForSatutday, andLotd's-Day, Arfdrch 12, and 23. Sec his 
publick yaurimL] 

Monday, Marck 24.. Aftet the ImUms were gnni fo 

Ihcir clear their I-ands, I got alone and poured out my 
Saul to God, that he would fmile upon thefe feeh'e beginnings, 
ind that he would fettle an /wjaifln Town, that might he rt.-I^^JUfl* 
tslti of Balinifi \ and found my Soul much refreflied, in tbefe 
K'titions, and much enlarged for Zfj'j's Interei^, and for Num- 
btrsofdear Friends in particular. My linking Spirits were re- 
vived and raifed, and I feit animated in the Service God lias 
calied me to. This was thqdeatell Hour I have cnjuyed for 
tiiany Days, if not Weeks. I found an encouraging Hjpe, 
that fomcthing would be done for God, and that Gad would 
life and help me in his Work. And Oh, how fweel were the 
Thoughts of labouring for God, when 1 fcltraySpirit andCourage, 
jiid had any (lope that ever 1 fhould be fnccccded ! 

[The next Day, his Sihial-Msfler was taken Sick with a 
Pleurify i and he fpent great Fart of theRemainder of thisWeek 
in tending htm : which in his weak State was almoft art over- 
bearingBnrien to him; he being obliged conltantly to waif upon 
, him, all Day, from Day toDiy,and to lie on the Floor at Night. 
His Spirits funk in a confidctableDegree,with his bodily Sti cngth, 
under this Burden. 

For Saturday, and Lord's-Day, March 2p, & 30. Seethe 
publtck JewnaL 

Monday, A&rii 3 1 . Towards Night, enjoyed tome fwcet 
Meditations on thofe Words, /( li gtsd fir mi U dravi mar la 
Gsd. My Soul, ! think, had fonic fweet Setife of what is iis- 
tcnded in thofe Words. 

[ The next Day ,he was extremely bufy in tending the School- 
Mafier, and in fome othet necefl'ary Affairs.that greatly diverted 
him from what he looked upon as his proper BuGnefs : But yet 
fpeaks Bf -Conifort and RcfrEfhmetit, at fume Times of the 

A a 3 Wednefday. 

2Et. a8. 

1h LIFE 


I Nuiql 

W=d„efJ,r4,„;, Was fDmcwhateMrcifd with a fpirlttr 
Jefs Frame of MiijJ. Was , li.tle ,elie«d and rrfr.ih'd io ||i,' 
EvtnmE wilh Med.tatjon alone in (he Woods. . Bi!l ilas, ,ii». 
Days p«rs away as the C/m// 'Tis but little I do, or can il, 
tliat [urnstoao)' Account ; and 'tis my conftant Mifety andBuf,' 
den, that I am fu fninlcft in the VineyaKl of the Lord. Oh t'~ 
1 vmSpint, that IinigfitbeadiiveforGon. This f I thiiL 
morchananvTIinigdrc, makes me long, that thi, corm!^ 
m\f\il fill an Jiuiirr«ptiim,an6 this marlalput sa hnmtrtality, 
delirerine Irora Uogs, Feltcrs.ajid a BsJ, i/Dtalh, tbstimpd 
my Service fur him. " 

[ The ncut Day, he complains bitterly of forae Exerdfes ' 
LiiauptiDt) lie found Jnhiiewn Heart,] 

FtidayJ Af-lli.. (;,,„,t Mi„((„f ,|.e D.iy in «rritit,,T on . 
XXII. 17, Aal wlufimtr will, &c. Enjtjycd fame Freedom 
Etlcour.igcraent in my WorJ: ; and found fomc Cotnfcrt 
Com pol Lire in Prayer. 

SaluKtay, j{pril 5 After pubiick WorOlip. 

of my dear Chudian Indkm ama to my Houfe;'with wl 
J fdt a fweet Union of Soul : My Heart was iiiit to them ■ 
Ican'lfay, nisvcfcllfuchafweetand fervent Lmilotbi 
Ihr,^ fur fome Time pjft : And 1 faiv iti them Appearatu 
(he Tame l,uvc, This gave me foniething of a View of the u 
vc[>ly Siate i and panknlaily that Part of the Hjppinefi of B 
Vfii, which con/ifts in the Cammumn cf Saintt : and this 
^eifling tome. 

. r For the two ntxt Days, fea the pubiick 7™™/. 
On Tiief.lay,he went to «M«tinf ol the Prefbyterv appointeil 
>t khf,l,ilh1,u,„. li, his Way thither, he enjoyed fom= fwee 
Mcdraluns: I!ut afltr he came tburc, hs was (as he cxprefiij 
It) ':i:\'! ■oupar, a«im,imchs>f, a^;i mjir ai awful C !em thai' 
opprefl'ed his Mind. And ihis conriniied Mil Satuiday-Evenine 
when he bissn to hive fp,i.,e Relicl and Encouragement. fB 
fpcm the Sab!wth at iVoto.///«j ; where he preach'd to 
;\flemblyof DuUh and l'.ngr,p,, and enjoyed coofiderable 1 
(7c(hnlC0tan;i Camfcit, boih in piiblicfe and private. In 
Evening, he returned 10 F.h'ffiisth-Tsjvs.l 

MonJay, ^W/ [4. My jpiri,, tliis Oav were raifed and reJ 
frefii'J, anJ my Mind compoftd, (a ihat I was in a comforlabla 
fffamcof Boul, jnolt o! the IJay. i,j ,be Evening, m)' Head wai 

B/Jkfc. David Erainerd. AiD.iyi*. 'I^J 

r,lrjr, my Mind ferene ! I enjoyed Sweettiefs in fecretPrayei-.ind 
' M™itationonP/i/. Ixxiii.iS. Oh, how conifortablc, 
, liceiful, and yet folemn do I fcel when i am in a good Meafuro 
lircd fromtbofe Baoips and melancholy Glooms, that lolten 
, LlMur undet! And bleffed be the Lord, 1 find mj fclfro- 
Uicved in this Refpca. , . 

^ Tuefday, April IS- My SouUonjeA for more SpiHtuality , 
find it was my Burden, that I codd dpnomore for God. Oh, 
Imy Bartennefais my daily Affliaionand hcivy Load ! Oh, how 
IptecioMisTime: and how it pain, me, to fee It Hideaway 
lUile I do fo very little 10 any gotid Putiwlu ! Ul. lh»tt.od would 

llnake me more fruitful aniKpiritual 

I [ The next Day, he fpeaks of his being almoft overwhdmeJ 

I with vapoury Difatders s but yet not fo as wholly to deftroy the 

1 Compofnic of his Mind,] - 

I Thutfday, ^pril .7. -fenjoyed fome Comfort tn P;»y=r. fo"'« 

Freedom in Modi.ation. and Compotute m my Studies. Spent 

feme Time in writing, in the Fetenoon. In the Afternoon. 

Tnt ome Time in Convetfation with fevcral de.r Minlftets. 

' the Evening, preach'd from P/nl Ixxin. *S. Bu.u „ ^,.J 

L ™. ,c ir^rftar u G„l. Oed helped me to feel the Truth 

t of my Text, both in the iirft P«yet and in beinann. I was 

enabled to pour ont my SonI to God, with great h reedora, i er- 

I vency, and AfFeflion : And, blelTed be the Lord, .t was a cotn- 

forub e Sealoi, to me. I was enabled to fpeak with Tendernef^, 

and yet with Faithfuloefs; And divine Truths feemed to fall 

wUh^Weight and Influeoce upon the Hearers. My Heart wa, 

Sted for the dear AHimbly, and 1 loved every Body in it ; and 

eatce ever felt more Love to itrrmortal Souls m my Life , my 

Soul cried, OI>thcatb, itar CrmWis mght m j^id! Oh that 


*LoTdVD:,°Tri3-. J. Enjoyed f„meFrecdom,.nd I hope 
E>«rctfeof Fattlfin Prayer, in the Mormog , fP^'^'V «l>e» 
1 came to pray for 7Jm. I was free from that gloomyDifcour- 
Lement, .hai\o often opprefles my Mind ; an mySoul rejoyc- 
1 ed in A Hopes of Z/w". Profpeiiiy, anJ the En argemem of .!k 
I dea^KinEdom of the great Redc^er. Oh that hts Kingdom 
might come. 

X This Day he cntet'd into the zgrAYeai "^ >>'» ^|^'|,„^,y,^ 

^t. 29; 


Monday, ^^H/ii. Wa, cojiipotd and comfortabb ijiMli 
moft af IheD.j. ; Was mercifully ir«d f,o« ,hofc glcpmyD/ai 
Jhaci am frequently exerdfed with: Had iWoin and cSi 
'7'=" ^,"y«' f=*s«' Times ; efpecially had fbm= rifina H,Z 

were iheft Hopes to my Sou] r Oh that th. K.ngdomof C 
dear Lord m.ght c™t. Oh th.t ,hs poor /aJ™^ might quia 
ly fie gathered in, in great Numbers. '"'b^it quiij 

TucfJay, ^'I-'Vm. My Mind was remarkably free, thisDll 
fijmraeUcholy Damps and Glooma, .nd animal d 7 ' 

^r /r- /'"'k""k-'"'="' ^'S""^ andRefclulion in th=^ 
vtce of OacN thai the Mountun, feem'd to becoiiie a W„m H 

and fer™iRefal„tirai„ my Lortl'. Work ! In ths EvenjrA 
niy Soul was refreih'J in feerct Prayer, and my Heart dram oul 
for iildlmgs ; c(p«i,lly for Ihe Church of S.d, and i, J 
Imereii among b,™„ p,„pje, ,„d for dear Friends in r™ J 

brghtlS^^tirr'^"'"'"^'"'' ^' ^"""^ ^™'= 

[IntbisconifortablcreiveiitFramcofMindheremain'd tb 
iwo next Uavs. ^ 

lJ?'"n ^'""■.■^7' T"' '"ll™;"^ »''^. Friday, Saturday 

lUldVDay, and Monday, f« his publicl; ymrmL ,0% 

Tuerdayhewentto£;f/ito-j;™, ,0 attend the meeting ofl 
^e ft-,jS>r,rj, there : And feem'd to fpend thz Time, whij? 
atfent from hts People oa ibis Oecafion, in 4 free .nd comfore 
able State of Mind. ] 

Saturday, Jl/ay 3. Rode from BUfaheth-TowT, home (0 mJ 
feople, atorne»rCr^™i,rr,i whither they are now removed,! 
and where 1 hope, God will fcttlft tb™ as a Chriftian Coosre'f 
Kal.Dn. Was refrejh'd in l.fiing up my Heart to God, whiii 
lidmg; and enjoyed a. hankfulFrime of Spirit, for div ne Ka-I 
vours ,ec«v'd the Week paft. Wa, fomewbat Itneafy an? 
dqeaed,m,he£ven.ngi having no Houfe t,f my owQ io r3 
imo in this PlacL-: But God was my Support. ^ 

f For Lotd's-Day and Mondsy.See the publickyso/w/. ] 

Tuefday, M,, b. Eojoy'd foms Spirl' =.^<i Courage in my'l 
Woik ; way,, a good IWeafure fr.e from Melancholy : BlefleJ 
ce God lor f reed Dm ffom this ZJmj*. ' 


0/ iWr. David Brsiaerd.' A,D.I746. iti 

Wednefday, Mn^ 7> Spent mofl of the Day in writing, as 
lllfual. Enjoyed (ome Freedom in my Work. Was favoured 
'with fome comfortable Meditations, this Day. In theEvening, 
[ was in a fweet compofed Frame of Mind : Was pleafed and de- 
lighted to leave all with God, telptaingmy fclf, for Time and 
[ tiernity, and rcfpefling the People of ray Charge, and deat 
I friends : Had no Doobl but thai God would lake Care of me, 
I ind of his own Intereff amotig my People : And was enabled to 
I ufc Freedom in Prayer, as a Child witb a tender Father, Oh, 
I how tweet is fnch a Frame ! 

I ThutfJay, Msy 3. In (hc'Evening, wa! liimcwlwt refrcfli'd 
[with divine Things, and enjoyed a tender melting Frame in fe- 
1 cret Prayer, wheiein my Sou! was drawn out for the Jntcreft of 
Zim, and comforted with the lively Hope of the appearing of 
I the Kingdom of the great Redeemer. Thefe were fweet Mo- 
ments ; 1 felt almoft loth to go to Bed, and grieved that Sleep 
was necelTary. However, 1 lay down witb a tender reverential 
Fear of God, fenfible that hii Fmioui h Lift, and liis Smiles 
better than all that Earth can boaft of, infinitely better tbiB 
Life it felf. 

[ Friday, Miy 9. Sec the publick jBOrM/. J 

Saturday, May 10. Rode 10 Allm'i-Titiin, to afTift in theAJ- 
miniftrationof theLord's-Supper. In the Afternoon, preach'd 
from Til. ii. 14. Whi ga^e hiviftif fv m, &c. God was pleafed 
to carry me thro' with fomc Competency of Freedom ; and yet 
(o deny me that Enlargement and Power 1 long'd for. In Ihe 
Evening, my Soul mournM ,a,jd could not but mourn, that J had 
treated fo excellent a Bubjea in fo dcfeilive aWannerjthatl had 
born fo broken a Tefiimony for fo worthy and glorious a Re- 
deemer. And if myDifcourfe had met with the ullnoftApplanfe 
from all the World ( as I accidentally heard it applauded by fom» 
Pel funs of Judgment ) it would not have given me any Satis- 
faaion ; Oh, i, griEVed me, to think, that I had had no more 
hoij Warm, hand Fervency, that 1 had been no more melted 
in difcDurfiiig of Chtift's Death, and the End and Dcflgn 
of it 1 Afterwards, enjoyed fome Freedom and Fervency in fe- 
ctet and Family-Prayer, and longed much (or the Prefencs of 
God to attend his VVord and Ordinances the next Day. 

Loril's-Diy, May ! I. AffiHed in the Adminiftraiion of the 
Lord's-Supper ; but enjoyed little Enlargement ; Was grieved 
and funk with fame Things I thought untlefnable, bfi. In the 
Afternoon, went to the Houfe of Qad weak and Tick in Soul, 

1 £2 ^;, 29; 

nt LIFE 

as Vf'iM as feeHe in E0J7 : And longed, (hat (he People i 
^ erikrtafii'd atiti edified wilh divine Truths, and tlist aniL 
fcrvejit Teltimony might be bnrn for God ; but knew ittSil 
it was puflibiefor me to do any Thingof that Kind, toanjjio! 
Purpofc. Yet God, who is rich in Mercy, was pleafed to ^ 
me Affiflance, both in Prayer and Preaching ; GoJ helpeWf 
to wreflle for his Prcfence, in Prayer, and to tell him, thai 
had proniifed. If tin twn or tint are mtt tsgithir m Mi AwL 
thire he wmM hi in iht midfl nf thim ; and that we were, at lei 
fome of us, fo met ; and pleaded, ;bat for his Truth's fako f 
would be with us. And bjeilcd he God, it was fweet (0 m 
Soul, Ihtis ro plead, and rdy on God's Promifei. DtfcaurfjJ 
upon Lui! i?r. 30, 31. And liWd,thiri talhd viith Mm tivaMd 
aihieh mrt Mufes and Eliat ( win appisniin Glary, and j^ 
nf his Dictajt, which htjhiiiid aamplifl «( Jemfalem. EDjoya 
fpciialFrcciluai, fj om [bcUeginnIng to the £nd of inyDifcounj' 
without Interruption. Things pertinent to the Subjea vm 
»bur.danliy prefented to my View, aird fuch a Fulncfa of m3 
(er, ihat I (carcc knew how to difmifs the various Heads 4 
Parliculars I had Occafion to touch upotl. And, bleffed bit 
lord, il was favoured with fonie Fervency and ."ower, as weff _ 
Freedom ; fo ihar the Word of God feem'd to awalien (heAi 
lention of a fiupid Audience, to a conilderaWe Degree. Iwjl 
inwardly refrefll'd wilh the Confolationj of God ; and CDirlJ 
with my whole Heai t fay, Thu' ihirt hi ns Frail In the F'mt,h\ 
yit vtiH 1 ffpyu in ibe l.crd. After publick Service, waa rcfi 
wirh ihe fweet Convcifation of fome Chtjfiian Frieiida. 

[ The four ntxt Days feem (0 have been molliy fpent S 
fpiritual Comfort and Frofir. j 

Friday, jWy 16. Near Night, enjoyed fome apceable 
fivcet Conveifaiinn with a dear Minifter, which, I truft 
blcfs'tltoraySoul : My Heart was warmed, ami my Soul erf 
gaged to live to God ; fo that 1 longed to ejicrt my felf witB 
more Vigour, than ever J had done, inhisCaufe: And (hoH 
Words Kerequtctiiingtomc,a«;au»Bj Father glct ifiid^ thi 
}ilrit:gftrlhmsch trsit. Oh, my Soul longed, and iviit'd,arl 
jjray'd, to be enabled to live to God with utmoil Conftancf afl 
Ardour! In the Evening, God was pleafed to flrine upon me It 
fccret Prayer, and draw out my Soul after himfelf ; and 1 ha 
Freedom in Supplication for my felf, but much more in Inte^ 
teEiiii for oihei! : So that 1 was fwectl j CDnftraia'dtofaj.ijr/iS 

o/Jtfr. David Bralnerd. A.D. 1746. iBj 

|t/> mt aj then vlilt ; A os thm will with me : E^i Oh, pn- 
flKli IhinceviaOuifi. Zian is thim ; Oh ■ai/il Ihim Her ittgt ; 
\ Ob lit ibl Kiaidlm cimc ; Oh lit thy iliffid htereff il sdmmid 
\b till H''rl<'- When I attempted to look to God, refpefl- 
I (lie my worldly Citcnmfiances, and his providenlial Deal- 
"UnM wilhmc, inRcgsrd of my fettling down in my Congregatl- 
L which feems to be neceflarv, and yet very difficult, and 
|IIon'.-ary tomyfa'dlntcBtionfar Yean patt, as well as my 
t Difpofition, which has been, and Hill i., at Tiroes cfpecially, to 
I ,0 forih, and fpend my Life in prenchinR thebrifpel Irom PJice 
io Place, and gathering Soul, o/o'./ 10 JliStls the peat Re- 
ilcemer s when I art^pred to look to God with Regard to 
ihefe Things, and hisDefigns concerning me, I could onl] ijy. 
.ThiWili cfthilori tedm: "fit ™. sMmh" /tr- me. Ibc 
I firae Frame of Mind I felt with Rcfpefl to another iraportart 
1 Affair 1 have lately had fome ferious Thot's of : I could lay, 
with urmoft Calmnefs and Compofurc, LtrJ, if stit 'p'JI f'r 
Ih, Ghr,, lit tr^i prcceed in it ; biit if thm fie/f that ,t wll tnj.l!y 
Jifl hinder m Ujef^H' "'*/ '^"'f'' °'' t^1"'t'"yf"''"^'"l- 
I fLll I wJ,, i,fp.{lini Ms mrtd,i,f<sth C„«^ll.,n„t^t 
1 m\ hiR mpadlali mi tt de Silvia f>r G,i ,« Ibl ff^'"'' ^"^ 
hleffed be God, I enjoyed Liberty in Prayer for my dear Hock, 
I ,nd was enabled to pour out my Sou! into theBofom of a tender 
Father ; My Heart within me was melted, when I came to 
plead for n:/ dear People, and for the Kingdom o tbriH .n 
Lnerai. Oh, how fweet was .his Even ing to rn, Sou 1 [ knew 
not how to go to Bed ; and when got to Bed, longed lor 
fome Way 10 improve Time for God, (0 fome excellent 
Fuipofe. Bliji the Lord, O my SiuL ,., 

Saturday, Ms, sp Walk'd ■.>^' =■> the Morning and felf 
much of the fame Frame I enjoyed the Evenmg before .Had 
my Heart enlarged in praying for the Advancement pt the 
Sgn^omof Chrift, and foimd ut«oft Freedom m leaving all 
my Concerns with God. ,„ „„ 

IiindI5,/™«(tobeai. e«eed>ng ■»■"*";«'' ^? 
fplritual Fervency and AtFefiion : Buc when God enab me 
(enSbly to find that I have done fomethinB fir «"■ ' ' ^: 
frefhes and animates me, fc that 1 could break ihto all Hard 
ibip! undergo any Labours.and nothing fecm= roo much either 
rdoettoflffer.' But Oh, «^^' ^ ^c^tlnt is, .o«.rve,.nd^ 
ftrlve ■ to be always io a Osrn, and yel do N^thsng, or at leaffi , 
nothing V God 1 Alas. ,^las, th»t Time files away, and i do i 
fo little for God! ^^ Lgrd'a-Day. 


184 Ml. 2 J. 

ns LIFE 

Lord's-Day, May 18. I felt my own uHor Infufficiencji (01 
my Work : God maiJc me to fee, that I waa ^Cbiiel j ytajiiijl 
I was a FfsL 1 difCiJurfed, buth Psrts of thr Day, frotn Hnfm 
iii. to. Bfhoi4i J /IfiJid &t tht Dour, and kjiocA, God gav^M 
PreedDin and Power in the latter Part of my (Forenoon's) f ' 
CDUrfe \ ahho', in the formef Part ai it, f felfpeeviih and [ 
vqked with the uninanncrly Bchaviotir of the whiti People,1 
ctouded in between my People and me ; which proved a gS 
Temptation (0 me. But bleflid be Got), I got thcfe Shacl? 
off before the middle of my Difcourfe, and was favoured 1 
a fweet Framcof Spirit in the latterPart of th. E:iercife ; 
full of Love, Warmth, and Tendetnefs, in addrefling my d'gl 

People tn the rntermiffion-Scafon, could not but dif. 

courfc to my People on the Kindntfi and Patience of Chriftiii 

flending and kmdhg at till Dasr, &c In (he Evening, J 

was grieved, that I liad done fa little forCiod. Oh thai I cou,* " 
be a Flomi ef Fire in the Hcrvice of my God, 

[ Monday, May 19. See the publicJc Jmrnsl. , 
On Tuofday he coiaplains ofWam of Freedom aniiCojnfoi 
tut had (ome Retii* of ihcfe on WecJnefday. ] 

Thurfflay, May 12. In the Evening, was in aFraiae fom^ 
what remarkable : Had apptehended for fevcral Days beforoj 
that it wasihcDefignof Providence I ihouH/sH/, among ray 
People here ; and had in my own Mind begun to make Pfo^ 
vifion for it, anti to contrive Means 10 hattcn it ; and founj 
my Heart fontcthing engaged in it, hoping I might then enjoy 
more agrcableCircuroftanccs of Life, in feueral Rcfocas ; And 
yet was never fully ilctermined, never quite pleafcd with the 
Thougilts of being fettled and confin'd to one Place. Nevci- 
thelefs J feetn'd to have fome Freedom in that Relpeci.becaufe 
the Ccngregalion I thought of fettling with, was one that God 
had enabled me to gather from amongfi Fagant. For I never 
fiiice I bejan to preach, could feel any I'teedom to tnur ;«. 
tlhir Mia'i Lahiirs,and fettle down in the Miniftry where the 
Ctffelwaipriachcdttfiri ; 1 never could malte that appear to 
be my Province : When I felt any Difpofilioii to confult my 
Eafc and worldly Comfort, God has never given me anyLibcr- 
ly in that Rcfpea, either fince, or for Years before 1 began 
to preach. But God hivii^g fucceeded my Labours, and made 
me inftruraental of gathering a Church for him among lliefe 
hi'ans, 1 was ready to thini;, it might be hisDeSgir to giveaie 

of Mr. Bavid Bralnerf. A.D. 1 746; "» »S 

, nulet Settkment anda ftatetl Home of tny own. And this. 

™M rlnahe late frequent Sinkingand Failure oftny Spirt.s, 
h Need! ft«<i inof fomeagreablc Sooety, and my great 
Dcfie of enjoying Convenienc:i=s and Opportuntttes or p ofi- 
"ble Sludiei,was not altogether difagreable to me ; A tho 

ffill wanted to go about far and wide, in order 10 fpr ad the 
lSd"Go?p.l among benighted Souh, ^J' '«-'=„'^>^ ,',rfi 
had been fo willi-ig 10 fettle n "r.i'"'=,^ 'i ■ ? 'Xk But 


«= even to Death it felf, if it be but tn 'hyi,""^-^' »"■' ° ^ 
even >" " , ,', , j ( the (ameTime 1 hid as quick 

«< mote thy Kingdom. '^°; "'''J^^h, Comfort., as ever I 

S nTfi^ , whiTrtho^ght I might be likel, to e^jny ,n C=n 

Mt. ag; 



Life appeared valiiabls and de.r to me, yes I did furrendef 
reflgn my fcif. Soul and fioiJy, to tb= of God and 
motion cf Cfitift'a Kingdom ; tho' it (houJd lie it] til, I 
m™ all. And I couW not (Jo any uther, becaiife 1 ( . 
w.]/ or chufe any otiier. I was conftrained, and ,,« d. 
Jay, BuTiKiU, Ftimds and tarthtf Camfms,thi diarel! -fill,', 
ail, lb, v,ry dimfl, ifih, U,d aill, fir is ; MiK, Jduu ; n 
jpnimj Uf,^ 13 my jatiji Mtmtnis, in Cavej and Dm. 
Jianh, ,/tbi Km[dii,i ,f Chriji m^y ibeuby hi sdvantci- . 
ejlraordsnary Frtfdoni at tills Time m pourinp our my Si.ul a 
Ood, for his Caufe ; a„,l efptcially tliat his K.ngdom r 
e= CMcnded aiiiQBg the YsAW, far remote ; and ! had a 
and ftrong Hope, thaiGod would do it. [ cuti tiniietf me&Ws 
With God in Prayer for m.y dear litlle f'Vi ck here ; and mc 
Blpecially for ths /oi/imj clfuwherc j la well m for dcarFritn J* 
in OHE Place and another ; 'dlt it was lid-Time, and I fear'J 
Ifliould hinder (he Family, ^c. But Ob, with wiijtReJai!. 4 
tsncy d.d i find my felf obliged io conCume Time in Steep I 
ilongedtobeasfl F/aMf,/-F;r,, continually glowing in lb 
divine Service, preaching and building up Chtifl's Kingdonh 
to rny lateft, my dying Moment. 

Iriday, Msf 33. In the Morning, was in the fame Frauui, 
ol in the iCvening before. TheGlory of Chrift'sKina- k 
dom fo much out-ftooe the Pieafere of earthly Accojnmodsll- f 
Offi and Enjoyments, that they appeared comparativelyNothing, i 
tho' in therrifeli'ca good and defirablc. My Soul wasmeltsj^ 
in fecret Mediwiion and Prayer, and I found my felf divorcci ' 
from any Part in Ibis World ; io that in tl.ofe Affairs ibatfeem'j ■' 
of the greatelU mpoi tar.ce to me, in refjica of the prefcnlLife, ' 
and Ibofe wbetcm the tender Poivets of the Mind arc moft ' 
ftnfibly loMch'd.Icoeldonlyfay, lb, mu tf thi Lsrd h dmt. ■, 
But juft ihe fame Tilings that 1 felt (he Evening before, f fell- 
now ; and found ibo fame Krectiom in I'rayer for the Pcopl*.! 
of my Charge, for the Propagation of the Gofpd among the- 
Jsaaai, and ior the Enlargement and fpiritual Welfate of Zki 
in general, and my ilear I'riends in particular, now, as 1 did 
then ; and longed to burn out in one continued J'kme for Go4, 
Reiain'd much of the fame frame through the Day. In th» 
Ivering, wasvidted by my Brother Jtkn Braina-d: The firfl 
Vifit I have ever received from any near Relative, fince i havj 
ieena MiiTmnary, Felt the fame Frame of Spirit In the Even- 
ing, as in the .Vlorning ; and found \\iU il wai gaid far mi U 
draw 7,m If Gicl, and leave all my Commn and Burdens ttfjtli 


ef Mr. David Brainerd. 

dim. Was enlarged and refrelh^d in pouring out my Soul for 
ihr Propagation of the Gofpel of the Redeemer amt>ng the 
diftant Tribes ol Jndians, BlclTed hs God. 11 ever I fill'd up a 
I )ay with Studies and Devotion, I was enabled Co to ^11 up this 

fisturday, May 24.. ■ — Enjoyed this Day fomething of 

the fame Frame ol Mind as 1 fell the Day before. 

[ LordVDay, Mif 3J. Sec the publick Jiurnal. 

Tfrts Week, at Icaft tho former Part of il, Iw was in a veijr 
weak Stare : but yet feems to htvc been free rromMclincholy, 
which often had attended the failing of his bodily Strength. Ho 
from Time 10 Titne fpealcs of Comfort and inward RelteBi- 
ment, this Week. 

Lord'i-Dajr jfiiw I. See the publick /mrnii;.] 

Monday, Jiai 2. In the Evetiiirg, enjoy'd (bme Ftesdora 
in fecret Prayer and Meditation. 

Tuefday , Juni 3. My Soul rejoyced, early in the Morning, 
[0 think, thatall Things were atUod'sOifpofal. Oh, it plejfcd 
me, to leave *ein there ! Ftit afterwards much as I did, on 
Thurfday Eirening, j(/oy II. lafti and continued in this Frame 
for feveral Hours. Walked out into tlic Wildernefs, and en- 
jiyed Freedom, Fervency, andComfort, in Prayer : And again 
enjoyed the fame in theEveniDg. 

Wednefday, 5'on< 4, Spetst the Day il! Wtidog, and en- 
joyed fome Comfort, Satislaaion, and Freedom in my Work. 
In the Evening, I was favoured with a fwcct rcfrelhing Frame 
of Soul in fecret Prayer and Meditation. Prayer was now 
wholly turned into Praife ; and I could da little elfe but try to 
adore and blefs the living ©od: The Wonders of his Grace 
difplay'd in gathering to himfelf a Chuich among the poor Ja- 
dim! herc,wcre the Subjeft-Matter of my Meditation, and the 
Occafionof eliciting my Soul fo praife and bicfa his Name. 
MySoul was fcafccever more difpofed ro inquire, WAai 1 /hmld 
nndiT tt Gsdfir all bit Bimjili, than at tllis Time. Oh, I was 
braughtinloaSirait,afweet and happy Strait, (0 know what 
to do! Hanged to rnake fome Returns 10 God ; but found I 
had nothing to return : I could only rejoyce, that Gon had done 
the Work himfelf ; and that none in Heaven or Eaith might 
pretend to {hare the Honour of it with him j [could only be 
glad, that God's declarative Glory was advanced by theCoa- 
veilion of thcfe Stiuls, and that it was to the Enlargement of 

i83 Mt, aj; 


his Kingdom in (he World : Bui faw I was fo poor, i 
i had BQihing to ofFer lo him. My Soul and BodvMhro' Grja 
I couid ciiEarfully furrender to him : But it appear'd ffim^l 
Iha was ralher a Cllmljer, than a Gift : And isothing could 1 d* 
10 glorify hjs dear and blcffcd Name. Yet I was glad as Healtll- 
Ihat he was unchsoeeably poflided of Glory and Bleffcdneft; 
Oh that be might be adored and praifed Ijy ail his intelliseni 
Crealiires, to the uimofl of their Powers and Capacities. Mj 
Soul would have rejoyccd to fee others uraiC: hitn, tho' J coul 
(lotiolhingtowardiiimy fclf. 1 

f The naxt Day, he fpeaks of liis being fuhjca to fomeDe. 
grce of Melancholy ; ijut of bcitig fomeiliing relieved in t ' 

rridfl)-, 'jsailj. Sec the publlcjt Jiaami. ] 

Saturday, yoor 7 Eode to Fruhtli, to affift Mr. T/u*' 

m«in the Adminiftration of the Lord's Supper. In the A? 
ternoon, preach'd from Pfst. Ijtxiii, 28. God gave me fbn(l 
Freedom and Warmth in ray Difcourfe ; and I triift, hit Pre. 
fence was in the AHimbly. Was comfoitably conipofed, and 
enjoyed a thankfuU'rame of Spirit i and my Soul was grieved, 
Ibat Icould not lender fomething toGad fothisBencfils bellow- 
ed. Oh that 1 could be fwallowed up iti hia Praifc I 

Lord's Day, Jvni 8. Spent much Time, in the Morning, 
in fecret Duties ; but between flope and Fear, refpeaino tlic 
Enjoyment of God irr the Buiinefs of ths Day then before as. 
Was agreeably entcrlatn'd.iti theForerMon,hy aOifcourfe from 
Mr. Tismnr, and felt fcmcwhat melted and refrefii'd. In the 
Seafcn of Communion, enjoyed fomc Comfort ; and efpccially 
infervingonc of the Tables, Blelied he the Lord, it was a 
"nm if Ri/rijlihi to me, and [ IruiV, to many others. A 
Number of my dear People fat down by themfelvcs at (he 
laft Table ; at which Time God feem'd to be in the midH of 

(hem. And the Thoughts of what God had done amon 

thetn were rcfreOiing & melline to me. In iheAfternoon.G 
enabled me to preach wiib uncommon Freedom, from 2 Ccr. 
10. Thro' the great Goodnefs of God, I was favoured with 
confiant Flow of pertinent Matter.aiid propcrExprcffions,fro„ 
the Beginning to the End of my Difcourfe. In the EvetS 
mg, I could noibut rejoice in God, and blefs him fonhe Mani 
fcftalions of his Grace in the Day pafl. Oh, it was a fweet anu; 
foisnin Day and Eveuing I A Seafcn of Comfort to ihe Godly, 

c/ Mr. David Brainerd, A.D. 1743- 189 

,ndof AwakningSofome Souls. Oh that I could ptaife tto 

''''MoEday,7»«9.EnioyM fomeSweetnefe infecrelDutks,— -; 
Preach'd .1 ecottcludiig Sermon from G^. V. M- ^"^Eb?cI' 
^"Myj,bG,d,l.c. 'God gave pre Enlargement and ba- 
rney inmvDifooutCe; fo.hat l«s enabled ^ fp"!' "f 


wherein I h^^"= f"""'' Affiftance in add.efIinBOlhers,atidi.wect-. 
nelsininy owiiSoul. 

rOnTuefday.he foitnd htrnfelfrpent, and tls Spirils exhsnft- 
tdby h-^ late Z;bou„ ; and on Wednetday, of va- 
pouryDiforders, and Dejeffion of Spirit, and of enjoymg but 
little Comfort or Spintualrty. ] 

Thurfday, J«m XI. In Ihe EvenioB, enjoyed Freedoro ot 
Mind, nd fcme Sweetneft in fecret Prayer : It was a debtaH. 
'Teafot^ to me ; my Soul was enlarged in Prayw fo. my own 
Peop", and f^r the Enlargement of Cbr>rsK,ngdo^.>i 
.loeciallyfol the Propagation of (heGofpe! among 'he /«rf.^^r. 
back in the Wrlderneft. Was refrefh'd in Prayer f^r doar 
|>ends nW™-£.^;^"rf, ^nd elfewhcre : I found .t fweet to 
prT'> 'W= Time ; and could with all my Heart fay, h u g.oi 
^^X'TJu^^Icameaway from the Meetmg of 
the ;S;.^th's Uay, rejoycing and bliffing God for h,s Grace 

B'.£ in h idmlnilfration o( the Lord's Supper. 1" *e Af- 
f .loo nreach'd i but almoll fainted in the Pulp.t 1 Yet God 
fi enXu'd mewhen I wasjuftgone, and enabled me to peak 
b rWor with freedo.^. Fervency andApplicat.on t.. theCon- 
f ence Ind praifed be theLord ; 0«« ./-"«<«/' i «' "^f 

r L I enioved folne Sweetnefs, in and after puMickWorQnp, 
Cwa e" r/am ly "red. Oh. how nrany are the Merces of the 

Lord . ■?rZ iL-'/— i^k'". b^lncr,a{.ttS<ruf. 

nrd'/oiv 7^15- Wasinadej=a=d fp.r.tlets Franre, 

.hatTcouHlVt-Lld u7™y Head, no! look any Body .n the 

igo M.I. 29." 


Jace, Adminiftred tlie Lbrd*3-Siipper at Mr. ft^aht's Defifl 
And found my felf in a good IWeafurc unbuiden'd and reltiBVL 
of my fire^ng Load, when ! came to alk a BleJHng on thflBlf 
irents : Here God gave me Enlargement, and a tender aftea 
lioiiaie Senfe of rpJrittialThings i fo that it was aSeafon ofCoift _ 
fort, iafomeMeafurCjtQ me, and I iluft.raorc fo to others. ]|l~ 
the Afternoon, prcach'd to a vaft Multitude, from fon. xxii^ 
17. Jnd whsfiltiir viiU, kz, God'hdped me tooifera Tefttt 
inooy for himfelf, and to leave Sinners ineJtcufable in negledlijr 
his Grace. 1 was enabled to fpeak wiih fuch Freedooi, Fiuesi 
cy, af.ii Clearnefs, as commanded the Attention oi the Gie»|] 
Waj extreamly tired, in the Evening, but enjoyed Compoforj 
and Sweetnefs. 

Monday, Jmc 16. Preach'd agfin s anrf God helped 1 
amazingly, fo (hat this was afweet rdrefhing Scafan to mySoi 
and others. Oh, forever bleil^i be God for Help afforded 
this Time, when my Body was fo weak, and wiiile there wa«: 
ib large an AiTembEy to hear. Spent the Afternoon in a CiH 
fi^fttahle agreable Manner. 

f The next Day was fpent comfortably. 

On Wciinefday, he went to a meeting of Minifters al 

Thurfday, Jam 19. See his publick Jsarml. " 
■ On Friday and Saturday, he was very much amifs ; but yet 
preachM ro his People on Saturday. His Illnefs continued on 
iheSabharlij but he pieach'd, notwithfianding, to his People, 
boih Pans of ihe Day ; And alter the publick Worfliip waa 
rnded, he endeavoured to apply divine Truljjs to tbeConfcien* 
ces of fome, and addrcfs'd rhfim perfonally for that End : Se- 
veral were in Tears, and feme appeared much afFeiled. Bnl 
he was twremely wearied with the Services of the Day, am 
was fo ill at Night, thathe could have no bodily Reft ; but rev 
^aiks, rhat God luai his Svppsrt^ and that hi luai tint left defii'^A 
iutc ef CsTTiforl in hint. On Monday, he continued very 111 ; bul 
fpcaks of his Mind's being calm and compofed, refigned to (h^] 
divine Drfpenfations, and conlcnr wilh his feeble State. , And^ 
by the Account be gives ofhjmfelf, the remaining Part of rhis 
Week, he continued very fceble,and for theaioit Part dcjcdlcd 

* The publick Journal that has been fo often relti'd to, 
concludes with (he AccountofthisDay, 


«/ Jl?;', David Brainerd,' A.D.iy'45. igi 

I cd in Mind, and enjoy'd no great Freedom nor Sweernefs in 
fnirirnal Things ; excepting that for fome very flrort Spaces of 
Time he had Rcfrefliment and Encouragement, which engaged 
his Heart on divine Things 1 and ibmetimca his Heart was 
melted with fpiritual Affeaion. ] 

I.,ord's-Day, Jmii 29. Freacb'd, both Farts of the Day, from 
*J3h.ttlv, lEf. Tet a littte whiU, titid the IVnrld futhtjiena mau^ 
&c. God was pleafcd 10 affiffl me, to affotd me boih Freeiom 
aLd Power i efpecially towarda the clofe niiny nifroiirfeSjbnrll 
Forenoon, and Afternoon. God's Power appeai'il in the Af- 
fenibly, in both Exercifes. Numbers of God's People were 
refrcih'd and melted with divine Things j ono or two comfort- 
ed, who had been long under Diflrefs : Conviflions, in divers 
[ufiiinces, powcrfidly revived ; and one Man in Years much 
awaktti'd, who had not long frequented our Meeting, and ap- 
peared before as fiupid assStocfc. God amazingly renewed and 
knglhen'd out jny Strength. I was fo fpent at Noon, that 1 
couldfcarcewalk, and all' my Joints trembled i fo ihat 1 could 
not fit, nor fo much ai hold my Hand ttill ; And yet God 
firengthned me to preach with Power in the Afternoon ; alllio' 
1 h^d givsn out Word to myFeople, that I did not expcfl to be 
able to do it. Spent foBlc Time afterwards in converling, 
particularly, with feveral Perfons, about their fpirit'Ja! Elate ; 
5[id had fome SatisfaHion concerning otic or two. Praj'd af- 
terwards with a lick Child, and gave a Word of Exhortalion. 
Was affifted in all my Work. Bleiled be God. Rciurned 
heme with more Health, than I went out with ; althn tny Lin- 
nen was wringing wet upon me, from a little after icn in ihc 
Morning, 'till paft five in ihe Ailernoon- My Spirits alfo were 
qonlidetably rcfreih'd ; and my Soul rejoiced in Hope, that i 
had through Grace done fomcthing for God. In thcEvcning, 
■walked out, and enjoyed a ftveet Seafou in ftcref Prayer ani 
Praife. But Oh, I found the Truth of the Pfalmill's Words, 
JHy Gminifi tsundiih ml Is This' 1 could not make any Re^ 
turns to God ; I longed to live my to Him,and to be in Tune 
for his Praife and Service forever. Oh, for SpirKuality and 
holy Fervency, that I might fptml aiti bifpmt [or God, to my 
lalett Pi/lomcnt ! 

Monday, yam 30. Spent the Day in writing i but under 
much Weakncfe and Diforder. Felt the Labours of the prc- 
cecding Day ; allho' my Spirits were fo rcfrcth'd the Evening 
hclorc, that I was not not then fenfible of my being fpent. 

C c Tuefday, 

1^2 Mi, 29; 

7^-^ L I F E 

Tuefdayj Juiy r. In the Afternoon, vifitedj and pTeacli'4| 
jny PeopJc^ irom ii'c^. Ix. 27. on Occasion df fome Perfoflj 
]ying sE [he Point of Deaths in irj" Congregadon. God-giv' 
ms f^me AiBftance ; and his Word made fome ImpKfRcfns 
(he Audience* in general. This was an agreable and'cO] 
fortable Evening to my Soul : My Spirits were fumcwhat t 

frefli'd » vt'itli a (znaW Degree of Freedom and He3p enjoyed-! 
my Work. 

[ On Wcdnefday, he wetitto Nizvatif to a Meeting of \ 
Prfjhyiay : Complains of lownefs of Spirits i and greatly ■] 
mcnts Ilia rpcnding his Time fo unfruit fully. The remainia 
Fart of the Week he fpent there, and at Eif/tihih-Tewn ; 
fpeaks of Cormfort and divine AfTiftiince, from Day to Day'l 
But yet greatly cuniplaiiiii for want of more Spirituality. ] < 

Lort^'s-Day, July 6. [ At EUfoheth-Tswn ] Enjoyed forn* 
Cnmpfifure and Herenily of Mind, in the Morning; HeardMa • 
Dicksnf^n prcachi in the Forenoon, and was refrefh'd with hu 
Dirtourfe ; was in a meltiuj^ Frame , fome Paft of ihe Tim« 
of Sermon; Partook of the Lord VS[;ppcr', and enjoyed foma. 
Senfe of divine Things in that Ordinance. Jn lire Afternoon, Xj 
preached from E^sh. xxxlii. 11. j^i i live, fattb ibs Lord Gcd^ * 
&c. Gad favour'd me with FreetJomandFervency ; and lielp- 
ed me to plead his Caufe, beyond my own Power. 

Monday, ^uly 7. My Spiiics were coniiderabJy refrcflj'v ^nd 
raifed, in ihe MornJng. There is no Cornfort, I hnd, in any 
E^joymunr, without enjoying God and being engaged in h[3 
Service. In the Evening, had the moft agrecabia Converfaiif 
thstevcr ! rcajember in &IL my Life* upon God's being oU 
fl^/, and all Enjoyments being jufl: f,&fl^ tons which Go I? makfi 
thcm^ and nonrore. 'Tl? good to begin and end wish Gofli 
Oh, how does a fweet Solemnity lay a Foundation for irufl 
fJeafme and Happinei^s ! , 

Tuefday* yn/y S. lloda hotnc, anil eujoyed fomcpgrecabf 
Meditatjonsby the Wa.y. ^^ 

Wydnefday, ftdy g. Spent the Day in writing,et^jo^ecIfomS 
Comfort ancJ Refrcflinifntof Spirit in my £vening-Reti;cmenti 

Thurfday^ Ju^y to. tipcnt mofl ofiheDay in wriuug. Ta 
wards Nigti^, rode to Mr. TsPm^nt's i enjoyed fome agrceat 
Convcrfation : Went hnmc^ in the Evening, in afolemii fwe 
Frame of Aliiid ; w:;s refrcfh'd in fecret Dmies, longed tcJiv 
wholly and ciily fQi Guu, and fiw plainly, theie W3s nothing ir 

0/Afr. David Brainerd: A.D, "iy^^, 193 

0,e World worthy of my Affeaion , fo that mv Heart was dead 
t"all below ', yet not thfo^ Dejeaion as, at .fomc Ttmes, but 
from ViewsofabeTier Inheritance. . 

Fridav Jubii. Was in a calm compofcd trame, m the 
Mornin^,' efpedaliy in the Seafon of my fccret Retirement l I 
S I w.s well plLfed with theWill of G.d,^hat.vtr tt was, 
X0.IA h., in all Refpea. 1 had the. any Thought of, ntend- 
Ltoadminftor the Lord VSupper the n.xtLord'sDay 1 look d 
to God fothi.Prefence and Affithncc upor. that Occaho..; b. 

the to give me Amitnn.c, or not. Spent '^'1';^': l""l^' \ ", " 

CmS.tion with them; thinking it not belt to preach, by 
R i^afon that many of them were abfcnt. 

erV mrCo„y»a.ion, == f'^P^'^'"' V " ">= ^^"»™f ' J 
d fc™rM, bo,bPa»so[!h=Dav, torn Rm.«. ^S-ft'^'' 
JXJ^rd hrmrOpwi:, &c. God gave m= fome Affia^ncc'n 

VVord I fruha. .hi.^.»ll "grrolMe S»r,u,. Afc.wMd^kd 

,:on of !l,=nifc;vK .o God. TWs ™a= a bcafon both of bokmm 
ty .nd S»>.ewd=, and God ft=m'd lo b« „ '*' ™* f "'p ^f^; 
iLnad 10 my Lodging, in thctvenrng. m :. comforubletrami: 

''Tor°dtD.y, 7.;, 13- In ibe Forcnoo., difcourfd on tbe 
ii^iV 1m, Li ih. vi. 35. God s,v=o,e rcmcAffitoc. 
f "m of ny DKcourfe cfp«,.lly ; .nd ibcrc .-PP"!, °™= 

ray Sod alfo wasfomtwliM rcfrelli'd. Adffl.nLftred the i-=c«- 
SLt cf the Lord'. Suppe. to thiny-oite Fcrfcns of (he Mmnu 
Sf™>d.ob.pref'nt io thijOHjn^nce. 'h^C™-- 
.■«ots were fmcllymeltEd and refrelh'd, moil of them. Uli 
how th mel d,e™ when theEkatent. werefltll ttnecv^rf ! 
Thetrwarrcareelv adry Eye amongft ttetii, wbet, 1 took off 
th C^^/^dS«ed^h/,« th¥SrmbcbofCH.„.r's*«^^^^^ 
M.^^ Having teEed a little, after the Adtr....flm>on of 
rkot^em, Irftedthe Cotnmunic.n,, atxl fonnti tletu 
generally ia a fweet loving F,.™e ; not unhke wh.t ^ppear <I 
Long tb™ on thefortnet SactamentalOcea ton. on ^?r, .y- Afternoon, difcootfed upon .,™mf f. H^^r^'fXVSn 
B.firASMol thote who do fo, trom the fa^,e.f,r/a mf Jed on 
b the Forenoon. Thia w»s bkc-vifef" »£'«»^1<^ S'^f^^^'j^^ 

'i94 ^'- 2g.' 

Ibe ■LIFE' 

SeafofiofmuchTeiitooefs, AffcaionandEniargement in d^l 
v^paScrvicc: And God, I ara'd ourAffemW J 
With his ,iin„e Frcfence. r rcmimed horns much fpent, vet 
igoicmg in tbe Gooiincfs of God. ' 

Mondaj., >/^ 14. Went to tay People, and difcourfcd ID 
them UoxaPfal. c.x.x 106. 1 haiii frntrn^nd 1 willpirfcrmisMtk 
QbfH«d. ,. Th.tallGod'= ■J.^i^enuc, Cominaiidt^eati 
WYf""-"- 1- Tint God's People have/K,^™ to fe» tllctn | 
and Ihisihsydoefpecially at lh= J.ord's Table. There appear'J 
.0 be a powerfiil divine Infliieoce on the Affembly, and coni 
dc;Ahlei„p,lling under the Word. Afterwards, i led them^ 
a Beiicwal of their Corenanl: before God ( that they wota 
ytjjch OTcr thcrofelves aod one another, left tlicy fhould 3 
into Sin, ind Jiflionoor the Natni: of Chtlft 1 Julias 1 dkioi, 
Moi,d4y ^pril 18. Thi. Trinfiiilion was attended with ^reat 
fcolemmty: /;„d Cod feni'd to ot^n itby^citing in themi 
J-car and Jcjluufy of thcmfelvES, left they fliouid Sin a^aij 
God ; f.. that the Prefence of God feem'd to be amongft us 
this t-onciulion of the Sacramental Solemnlly. 

[ The next Day, he fct out on a Journey towards Phlkdu 
fhja ; from whence he did not return 'till Saturday. He -xan^ 
ihis Journey, and fpatt the Week, under a great Degree of' 
lllneli of Body, and D<!Jcaion of Mind.] 1 

Lord's-Day, 7«,> 20. Preach 'd to nsy People, fron ' 
>4. j:vii.24. Falb,y,}v,mthatth,,B>fiwhm thouhM givim 
me, i, mil, mi, wh„; I am , thai tity ,„„, hlM mf Ghry, whicA 
ihm b.J} fmm «,. Was helped to difcoinfe with great Clear-?, 
ncfs 3iid I iainiiefi in ,!)c ForconB. In the Aftt^noon, cnjoy'd-l 
fa™ rsnderriefs, and fpake will, fome Influence. Divers weW- 
10 1 ears i and (onie, to Appearance, in DiHrefs. . 

Monday 7«/r 41. Pftach'd to the /»A™, chiefly for thS' 
Cke of /omc A'«»f..7. Then prnpofed my Defeu of rating a>i/ 
Journey fpeedily loSuJqm!«!,!«ab : Eifiorted my Peopb to prap' 
(or me lh,t God woutj be w.ih mc in tbaljourney, &c. Thci' '■ 
ohof.divcs Perfonsof (he Congregation .0 Iravd with me. 
After^rd... ffcnl 7 ,n,e in dtfcgarfiug 10 tie i5™f,„,and was 
fonrewb,, ei.coi.rngcd with .hem. TooJc Care of my People's 
War Dufiuefe. and w.s not a l,(lle exercifed with it Ha* 
- '"'^ D=gree of ^.onrpofure and Conrfortin fecret Retirement. 
_^Tuef;„,;., J,„, ,.2. Was in a dejefled Frame, moft of the 
Wy ; ^^ :.":e.; I., wear out Life, and have it at auEnd ; i.„t had 
ra"Vr,, ; i"- '■."T'-^'^,°"'»'"' "-winsout LikfcrMa, O!; 

cf Mr'. David Btaineri!. A.D. 1 7+fi. 1 1^ 

1 I The ne^ttDay, he went to EUfaklh-Tcvin, to a Meeting of 
,1, ' AWy : ani fpent this, and Thurfday, and ti« orrncr 
:,i.,f Friday nnde' a vety great Degree of MeUnchdy, and 
, . .xTdingGloominefs of Mind j not through any Fear of futaie 
; iniment.hutas being diftrt!(r=d with a Ecnfeletneis of all 
, r. that the whole World appcar'd e,r.pty and gi^-^J " 
k„„, Girt, in the lattetPartof Friday, he was greatly lel.ev d 
uiJ comfoirted.j 

U^ntena'I^e^^ Heart were „0. fad .. in '"f' P-S/j.^W 1 
lome Sweemefs in lifting up my Heart toGod. R" le U. mc to 
„,^P™le and was in a comfortaUc pleafant FratEC by the 
V»Ti^ySp",it5»ere much relieved of thdr Bu.ien, and I 
iclt free to go throagh all Diffieulties and Labours m my Ma- 

"°Lo^ VDay. July 27. Difcourfed to my theFore- 

r God helped mein the latter Part ot my Difcourfe, and 
,;i Power of God a„pearM in tho Affeml.Jy. In the Afternoon. 
Mcoui^d from £.fexiii. .J. Here alfo I enjoye Tome AM- 
■ce and the Spirit of God feemed to attend what was fpoken. 
(', that there was a great Solemnity, and foras Teat! among !n. 

" Montyt'yS .8. Was very weak, and fearce .able to per- 
form any Bu5ne& at all ; but enjoyed Sweetnef^ and Cornlornn 
t^ctjboth Morning and Evening ! «nd «= «7°f=^/"J 
comfo«ablethro' the Day t My M.nd was mten e . J rny 
ll=.,rt ferrent, at leaft in fome Degree, m fecret Duties , anU 

TuefdavfV/y^g. My Mind was ohearful and free frot. 
, melincholy Damps, that I am often eKrcfed with , Had 
f-«iont in looking up to God, a. fundry 1 '™' '^ *£ J^\^ 
I., •beEvcnins, ! enjoyed a comfottablc Sesfon in fee etP ayer, 
ta ev' °P!-J""h God for n,y own dear People, thath. 
w ,uld carry oUis own blcffedWo, k among them ; was afTrftetl 
„"h in praying for the divinePrefence toattendmem my mtend- 
//^i uVyto B./,..4™.A i was alfo helped .o-mmb" 
rica Brethren andVricnds in T^,.,- England ;. fcarce icn w how 
to leave the Throne of Grace, and it grieved tne that! was 
obliged to go to Bed ; I longed to do teething for God, but 
knei not h.w. Bkffed be God Icr Ibi. >Kriom from Do- 
i'^-'^si' Wedacfday, 

'•1^)6 JEl. 2g; 

ris LIFE 

Wednrfduj', ^sfy 30. Was nncommonlji comfortable.^ 
in Bociy 3nd Mind j in ihc Forenoon efpecially : My Mind I 
folcniii, Iwas affifJed in my Wort, and God /eemM to be mi 
(D nic ; fo (hat ihc Day was as eomforcable as moil I have en 
, joyed for fome Time. In (lie Eveniog, was favoured \d 
Affifiance in feere( Frajer, and felt mucli as 1 did llie EvenM 
btfore. Blcflid be God for that Frceilom I then cnjoveii at^ 
Throne of Grace, for mf felf, my f eoplo and my dear Friciii 
Il"S"''f'r mete draw nmr It Gcil. " 

[Herecmsto have continued very much in ihc fame fi 
comiortabk State of Mind ilie next Day.] 

^ Friday, jSasuJI i. In Ihc Eicning, gnjoyeii a {west Seafo? 
in ftcrct Prayer; Clonda of JJirkjiefi and perplexing Cat » 
wcrcfivcetly tLiiiitr'd, aiid u'bthing anxious rcmain'd. OJi 
how ft-renc was my Mind at this Seafon ! How free from thai'. 
Mraaing Concern I iiave often felt [ Th Wilt he dent, was 
Petition fweet to my Soul ; and if CJod iiad bidden me cbnl 
for my felf ,n any Affair ; I (},ould have chofen rather to fiavi 
leier d ihe Choice to bin, ; for t faw he was infinitely wifcj, . 
andcouidnotdoanyTiingaiiiifi, as I wan in Danger of doinjIS 
Was aflifted ID Prayer, for my dear FJocJc,that God would pto-S 
mote his own Work among them, and that God would go with' ' 
me m my mtendcd Journey to Sufsuuhsrmub ; was belpcj to 
retxiembet dear Priends in N,w-Engtani, and my dear lirethrel 
la tbo Mmittry, I found enough in the fwcct Duty of Prayer U 
havcengjgcd me to continue i„ it the whole Night, would mi 
bod. y State have admitted of it. Oh, how fweet it is, tobi 
enabled hcaridy to fay, Lori,mt my Will, iul thine hi ditu I 

Saturd.,y, Jug. I. Near Niglit, preach'd Ua^MMh, xi. iA 
W as, coiihdcrably helped; ,in-l tile Frcfence of Godfeem'dl 
befomewhat remarkally inihe Aircmbly ; divine Truths mad] 
Iiowerful Iinprcffioiis, both upon Saints and Sinners. BlelTd 
Be bod for fuch a Revival aijiong us. in the Evenini^ 
very weary, but found my Spirits fupported and refreft'dr 
Lord's Day, Aug. 3. Dircoutfod to my People, in the F 
noon, from Chf. iii. 4. Obferved, that Lhrin is the Believer'! 
U[,, God helped me, and gave me his Prefence in this Dif' 
courfe ; and it ivas a Seafon of confiderahle Power in thcAffcm- 
tly. In the Afternoon, preach'd from ioitxix 4.1, 42, ■? en- 
Joyed fome Affilfance; tho'notfo much as in the Forenoon. 
In iJie Evening, I enjoyed Freedom aisd Swcelnefs in fecre*. 

Prayer ;, 

fdivct ■ God enlarged my Heart, freed me from melancholir 
Itiunpsi and gave me Satisfaflion in drawing neat to himfelf. 
I Oil that my Soul could magnify the Lord, for thefe SEafons ni 
UroporureandRefignatioiitohisWill. ^^ ^ 

Monday, A^. 4- Sfent the J)ay,n writing ; enjoyed much 
freedom and AiTiftatJce in my Work : Was in a compofcd an* 
; omfortableFranie.mtjftof the Day ; and m theEvenmg et>joy- 
'ed fome Sweetnefs in F"y«. Elelled be (aod,tnySpr,ts wese 
,et up, and [ was free from finkin.; DaiT.l>. ; as 1 hft'";been m 
general ever fince 1 came from AVi/.toi-'/™- l.ft. Oh what , 
letcy is this I , , I- 1 

Friday Af. 5- Towards Night, pre,ich'd at the b untttal 
none of my Chriftian,, from IJuh Ivii. 2. Was oppfelled with 
he nervous Head^Ach, anJ confiderably deieBed : However. 
Ind a httle Freedom, fome Part of the Time Iwasdifcouriing. 
Was cxiteamly weary in the Evening 5 but notwithlianding 
cnioved fome Liberty and Chearfulnefs of Mind in Prayer , and 
(oiind iheDejeaionthat lfeaicd,much removed, and mySpirita 
conliderabiy tcfteill'd. 

r He continued in a very comfortable chearful Frame of 
MfSd the neJitDay, with liii Heart enlarged itl the btrvice of 

Thutfday Aug. 7. Rode to my Houfe.where I fpent the laft 
Winter, in order to bring fome Things i needed for my Sufqm- 
ham<,h Journey : Was refrefli'd to fee that Place.which God fo 
maivellouayvifited with the Showers of his Grace, Oh how 
amaangly did ihe P'""' 'f ^od often appear there ! BU{> Ihi 
Lvi, O my SmI, fl"<i foTS'l «" «" *" Emtjili. 

r The next Day, he fpeaks of Liberty, Enlargement, and 
Sweetnefs ot Mmd, in Frayerand religious Cooverfation.] 

Saturdav, A«g. q. In the Afternoon, vifited iny People ; feC 
their Aff^iirs in Order, as much as pcfKble, and contii.ed for 
them thcManagementof thcrwerldl, Bufinefs J D.fcourW to 
tbemi.afolemo Manner, and concluded with Prayer. Was 
coniporcd, and comfortable in the Evening, and foinewhat fer- 
ve-it in feciet Prayer : Had fame Senfe and View of the eternal 
V/orld, found a Serenity of Mind. Oh that f could magnify 
the Lord any Freedom he affords me in Prayer. 
' I ordVDay Au>. 15. Difcoutfed to my People, holh Parts 
1,1- ,he Day, Irom Jm iii. t ;. In difeomfu.e ol li.f>«tm„.m^ 

'i^S jiV, 29; 

S& H F E 

£hj? Forenoon, God helped me, fo that my Difcourfs wss fcatcji^ 
ing, fome were in Tears, both of (he Itidiant and white People 2 
and the Word of God was attended with fotne Power, in iJh 
In'trtniJUton-Seaibn, I was engaged in difcouriiitg ta fome in tifi 
tier in their B^ptifm ; aa well as with Otie wht> had thenlatnii 
met with iortiti CaraforE, after fpiritual Trouble and Difirefs. 1|' 
the Afternoon, was fomewhit affifted again, tho' weak ai 
weary. Afterwarda iaptiiiid6 Perfons ; 3 Adults, and j CI 
dten. Was in a coinfortaMe Frame in Ihe Evening," and 
JQlxd ibm« Satisfadion in fecret Prayer. I fcarce ever in 
Life felt ray felt fo fall of Tenderncfs, as this Day. 

MaMiy^ Jug. 11^ BeingahotiE to fet out on a Journej? 
SufiuabanJiiih Ibcnext Day, with Leave of Providence, 1 fpi 
fpme Time this Djji in Pmyei' with my People, thatGod wp^ 
blelii andfucceedrayilltendcdjourncy, that he would fend fbn 
bis hfclltd Sipiiit with Ills VVord,^aiiJ fcEuphia Kingdom amoni 
the poor Jtsdittm in tbe Wildernefs. While I was opening alj 
applying Part of the CXih & iidi7a/nrr,the Pawer pfGtilkem' 
10 defcend on the AfietnMj in foirie Meafure ; and while I w 
making the (irft Prayer, Numbers were mEltcd, and I foai„ 
(bme iilTeaibnateEnlargementof Soul my felf. Preach'J iroEiJii^ 
iv. jj. God btlpeJ me, and my Interpreter alfo : There was i 
Uiafciiig and melting among us ; and divers, I doubt^ot,lvcre in; 
(brae Meafure ///si* with ihi Hitf Ghsfl, Afterwards, Mr. 
McKnighl pray'd ; I then opcn'd the two laft Stanza's of ihs 
Ixxlid F/alm ; at which Time God was prefent with us ; cfpcn 
■ cially v.hile I infilled up™ thePromifo of nil Nalhm Ueffmg thg 
great REriEltMEs: My Soul was refrcih'd, to thini, that 
this Day, this hleil'ed glorious Seafon, fhould furcly come ( and 
I truft. Numbers ol my dear People were alforcfrelii'd. After- 
wards pray'd 1 hnd fonie Ifreedom.but was almoft Spent :Theft 
walk'd cut, and left my People to carry on leligious Exercifej 
among themlcLves ; They pray'd repeatedly, and fung, while I 
rcfted and tcfrefli'd my felf. Afterwards, went to thcMectingi 
pray'd with, and difmlfs'd the Affembly. Blffl'ed be God, 
tfi[s has been a Day of Grace. There were ilnany Tears and: 
aff*£tlDDate Sobs among tis this Day. in the Eveninj?, my 
Soul was refrcOl'd In Prayer : Enjoyed Liberty at the Tlirons 
of Grace, in praying for my People and Friends and thcChutch 
cf God in general, Blifi Ibi Lsrd, Oay Sua!. 

f The next Day, he fet out on his Jourtiey towards Sufpa- 
imnnh, and fix of his Chjiitian hdiani withhim, whom hehaij 

• choCaj 

of Mr. Civid Braincsrd. 'A.D, 'ijA^. 199 

» t V.-. rnni-reaation.aa thofe that he j aigei moft fit 
,l,„l,,„ out o ta6^°''S he was EoinE upon, He took h« 
„, jilift him in theBufinefs lie *»= S"'nE P Sufa^h<mn:j!' 

,,,,,,, fard„wnalong.wh re bV the ^^^.^j^, . ^„j f„ „a.ei 
klow the Country mh^o im J| , . ■ . -^^ jUho' this wis 

,|, the River to the ^"*'"' "'^"'"?|,j the hugeMountains. 

i„d hideousWildernefs.that ™" " , (,„nily riifficukand 
,h,h in Time Pf_^';=,.^^^lXVL araV/,/L«, . Pl.e= 


' = j.v Au> 16. [ At c;«ri/?s™ ] It being ^ Day kept 
Satufday, ^H- '<Vi, >• . I nf,™ was. as pjcpatatory to 
h, thePeople o( the Place „^f '= J °™ T „ied ; heard Mr. 
I Celebration of the ^^^^J^f^^^H Qod gave me lome 
Trtflipteich ; »"i*'="l"" „a VTl„ed me to difcootfe with 
pod begtee of Freedom. - h^lp^^^^e Je- Afterwards. 
Warmth, and ^Ppl ="'°" f ';= ,V°^ „j f ,„tlhe Evct.- 

nsfaaion. ^;hSf-"pf "r?: rFrS a; well as lor my 
ioraewhil enlarg'd m P"J" Jed Mr. TrMi's Preaching, par- 
.. felf. l"'l'=/°'=^""' ffive of my People alfo corSmunt- 
' took of the Lord's-Supper, hve ot my f |„ m=nt 

I earing in this ^o J "'^ "^ion. In LAftetnoon.p^ach'd 
.udO«t-goiog of Soul '" '^'f "";";t fo „„ch fenhbleAiRftance 
UamEzik. wxiit. ir- tnjoyeo »"' to fotne Fervency m 

L the D^y trfo'= =,^™7"'X olwh t co^ounded in'the 
addrefEng '^'""f ^"l';^^ h.d d™" ''"'"^ "' ^'b'"?'" 
Evening, ''"^"'if fc"!M,eftment oi Spirit in 


fomething -newed hef«e^ ^^my Way towards P..n.,^^^ 
that 1 hid little Comfoit. 

D d 



ri&(( LIFE 

6j Mfn David Bramcrd- A.D. 174*. 


Tuerday^ Jug, 19. -Rode forward ftilJ ; and a* Njglitlodl 
by iheSidc of SufquehanrtMb* Was west and difordei'd^ h^ 
this) and the prcceedipg JJJiyjajid faund my Spirits confidcriM 
damp'dj meetifig with none thai I thought godly People. 

WedneliJay, At4^, 20- Having lain in a cold fweat a!]Ni|_^ 
I cough M rrnnjh blood)' Matter this Morningj gnd was uttdi 
great DIforder of Body, and not a little Melancholy ; b)| 
what gave mc fome Encauragement, was, 1 had a fecret Hoi 
that I might fpeedily get a Difmiffion from Earth snd all S 
ToiJs and Sorrows. RoJe this Day to one Chamhrs'%^ ug 
B}jfquiihan*icsb^ and there lodged. Was much afflidted. 
Evening, wiih an ungodly Crew, drinking, fwearitig, &c, 
vhata iieli it WQuld b?, to be numbered with the Un^s/ii 
Enjoycil fuiiic Sfntciiblo Convcrfiitian with a Travelle 
fnniM to hav'D fumo RcH/h of true Rchglon. 

Thuifihy^^/f/ig. M. Kudcif^ the Ri^qr about j^MilesjSifl 
ihefclodj^'dj in a Family that appeared quite deftitute of GojjJ 
Laboured to tJifcourfe with the Man about theLjfc of E.eligioiij|' 
but; found him very attful in. evading fuch Ccnverfaiiotj, 
OhjWfiat a Death it is to fame, to hear of ihg Thingi efQoD \ 
Was out of my Element ; but was not fo dejected aa at foinflf 

Friday, Ju^, 22. Continued my Couifeup the River ; nvf 
People now being with me» who before were parted from met 
Travelled abuvu all (he EngUJ)} Settlements j at Night, Icd^^i;d 
in the open Woods ; and flept with more Comforf^than wbilo 
among ati ungodly Company of white Feople, Jiiiijoyed fonio 
Liberty in fcctet Prayer, this Evening \ and was helped to rc- 
merabjir dear briendsjas well as my dear Flockjsnd theChurcii 
of God in general. 

Saturdays j^tfj. 23, Arrived at tJie /Wian TowDa c;'.!!ed 
ShaumGk'm^^ ncnr Night. Was not fo dtjti^ed as forir.:- 'v j 
btityet foincwhat exercifcd. Felt fomcwhat carnpofcd i;i ihu 
Evening j enjoyed fotneFrecdom in leaving mv Ml v/it.hQi'D : 
Thro' the great Goodncrs of Gcd, i ef^joyed feme LihtiL j of 
Mind 5 Was nat dIflrcfL.'d wUh a Dfrfpondency, ss frequently 

Lord's-0ayj*yfa^. 24. To wards Noon, vifitcd fumecf the 
Vikvjans^ and difcouifed with them about QjriKiani!7- /ii 
file Afterncv^n, difcourfed to the /tifffjand others^ upon divine 
ThitJgs I who feem'd difpofed to hear. Sp^nt moft of the Day 
ill thefo Exercifss, In the Evening, enjoyed feme Ccxnfori 
andjSiHuffldtion j afid efiiecially had foinc Sv-Tetnefs in fecret 

f [Vaver ■ This Duty was made fo ag^^^ble to n:e, that 1 bvci 
^ Sabroad..d'r.peatedly.ns.geinIt. Oh. how comfot- 

*^'i'. '^ h' ''^1?'7 Vpen^'cit or the D.y in writing. Sent 
^'" P^' vLt were wiiLc, to talk with the hdim,z^^ 

bk Number cf Udm^ .; ^^i™ b^'H ■"= .Jfomc W.mih 

and Powei. i M UMcourie l,' ,i,t TiiiDRs now af- 

„«de them appear very f'="'="=V 'JT&,, A^ ihc Tim. 

of my firft Vifit tothore i-^'^J Vi c -d out my l-'eo- 
(>.,, wK» wore .ben pKrcnt,<^B«<=^ „f,en,M i 

God ; which ,h.y did. ,' ™"^' -^S!, Ki.p.domhere 4 

Head and Ntck, and conld have "° ^ ; 5 gathEring, 

Kmoak was ftill the fame; ''"'' ""'^^'S^ ,ny long Time: 
r could n.Uber Uvc xvitbin Dnors "»' J' '^^ ',^^='a;, Abroad, 

to'do any Thing to .ny F-P^f-p^^^,,^^^^ „,, „„aer gr^t 
Thurfday, A|. f- I"Xrk Was .ifiied by fomc who 
ConceinofMindatantmyWn'K. J th(! Afwr- 

dcSred toh«r mc preach i "i'ff " '^ '^ ,0 Dcrlwade '«n to 
„™n, «"l>'"»f r77^;"trntr eil'i^^ n. of Cl^rifi. 

ioi JStt 29.' 


cnly fpesk to dry Esim^ but could gfve thtfm no Senfe of nr]ja( 
ilfaid. My Eyes were up to Goo /or Help : I could hi^ 
'the //^flf i was Ais i and if done* the G/sr/ would he hit. 

Friclay, yfti^. j^. Fdt the fame Concern of Mini), as llw 
Day before* Enjoyed fojrte Freedom lo Prayer, and a Satlt* 
ftdtiou to leave all with God. Travelled to the Dilawiru, 
found few at home : Felt poorly, but was able to fpend fomi 
Time alone In teadingGod'sWord & inPrayer,&enjoyrd fon 
Eweetncfs in thcfe Exercifes. In the Evening, was afTtfted j 
peatedly in Prayer, and found fomc Comfort in coming to | 
Throne of Grace. 

Saturday, Jfg- ^o. Spent theForenoon in vifitiogaTrflt^ifl 
that came dowti the River y?fjf j who appeared as ignorant J 
any Isiian. In the Afternoon, fpcnt fotneTime in WritJE ' 
Reading and Fraver- 

Lord's Day, Af. 31, Spent much Tirae,m tbeMorninjii 
in fecret Duties : Fouod a Weight upon my Spirits, and eolll 
not hti\ cry to (jod with Concern and Engagement of Soti 
Spent fome Time alfo in reading and expounding God's Wort 
to iiiy dear Family, that was with well as in Sitiging am' 
Prayer with lliem. Afterwards, fpaie the Word of God, «l 
fomc few ot the Hufquahnnnfih'lndiaas. In the Afternoon, fe[? 
very weak and feeble. Near Night, was fomething refrefll'f 
in Mind, with fome Views of Tilings relating to my gres 
Work, Ob, how heavy is my Work, when Fnith can't (alg 
hold of an Mniihly Jra , far the Performance of it f Manj 
Times have 1 been ready tn fink in this Cafe. Bleileii be God,! 
that I may repair to a full Fautiiiiitt. \ 

Monday, Siplimlir t. Set out on a Journey towards a Plaeoi 
called Thi grist l/lmd, about 50 MileEdiftaotfromWjfliimsiM^,| 
in ibe North-weaern Branch of Supjaahmmh. Travelled rotnei 
Part of the Way, and at Night lodg'd in the WooJs. Wail 
exceeding feeble, IhisDay.and fweat much the Night followingJ 

Toelday, Sipl. 2. Rode forward ; but no faficr than myi 
People went on Foot. Was very weak, on this, as well as the] 
prececdingDajs : Was fo feeble and fair)t,that I fcar'd it wouuj 
killmeto lie out in the open Air ; And fome of onrCortipanj;! 
being parted fiolftus, fo that we had now no Ax with us, lila^ 
r.s> Way but to climb into a young Pine-Trec, and with ray. 
Knife tu lop the I!ranches,and'fo made a Shelter from IhcDew.,! 
Hut the Evening bEing cloudy and very likely for Rain, I vrm 
(liU usidcr i'cars of being extremely expofed ; Sweat mucfeirt, 
ffcs ^figllt, fo that my' Linen was almoft wf inging wet all^ 


ii/JWr. DividBralntrd. A.D.1746. 203 

MInht I fcarce ever was more weak and weary, llian this 
K ng, when 1 wa. able to fit up a. all, Tb,. was a molan- 
Civ Si uation I W-.S in ; but I endeavoured to my fe f 
;:.,,bConfidcrations of .be Fofflbiiity of m J bemg ,0 much WOtfc 
L'iicumftances.amonga Enemies, Es'i- 

w"nefilay S,pt. I Rode to the Or ™.r<-Town ; found 
.livers drinking and drunker.. Difcourfed w,th fome of the 
r^l about Chriffianity; obfexved my /-./.-?"''- much en- 
g ged and affifted in his 'work : Some f«W Perfon. feetn d m 
h=!r with great Earuennefe and l,nB>R.ment of Sou . Mou 
Noon,todetoafuiaUTown of m.™««, »™''«^™" 
diftan ■ fpMl an Hour or two (here, and returned to theDrfa- 
tirr-Tnwn, and lodged there. Was fcarce ever more con- 
rndTdwi"haSe«fe'ofmy awnUnfr.itfulneft -,J Unfimer, 
fo, niy Work, than now. Oh, wbatadead.hear .efs,barr n 
unproEtabie Wretch did I now fee my felf to be ! My Spir t, 
were fo low, and my bodily Strength fo wafted, that I could 
rnoThing'at alL^Ar dngth, '-B -^^ ^L iStgh.'' 
down on ; BM,-StU ; but fweat much, the whole Wight. 

Thurfday, V. +• DifconrfuJ with the Www, n the 

Morning, IboutChrifHanily ; my hurf,,,,,, afterwards,cat- 

^rng on the Difcourfe, to a confideraHc Length : Some few 

ISredwell-difpored.and fomewhat afteaed. Left th.sPlace, 

a returrd tow^ards Shmm,ti«g ; and a, Night lodged ,n the 

Plsc where 1 lodged the MondaJ^Nighl before t Was in very 

uncomf'««W« Circumffances in th<= Evening,my People being 

he.a d, and not coming to me 'till paft .0 " N.ghn Jo th, 

J hd no Fire to drefs any ViBuals, or to keep me Warm, or 

keep off wild Beafts ; and I .m fcarce ever more weak and 

worn out in all my Life. However, I lay down and llept be- 

Tore my People came up, expefling Nothing elfe b.t to fpend 

the whole Night alone and without Fire- ,j r „„. 

Friday, *f°. S- Was exceeding that! could fcarce- 

,y fl e ^ t f em'd fonre.imes as i f I muft fall off frotn myHorfe 

and he in the open Woods: However, got to SiW.y, 

owllds Night 1 Felt fomething of a Spirit "'Thaf Mnels 

that God had fo far relurn'd me : Was refren, d, to fee one 

of my Cbriftians. whotn I left here in my latP Lxcurfion . 

Sainrdav Sat. 6. Spent the Day in a very weak Stale ; 
CouXng^nd fpitting Blood, and having little Appel.te to any 
Si hid wit'h me: Was able to do very little, e.ce t 
difcourfe a white of divine Things to iriy own People, and ,0 
f few I m« with- Had. by Hiis Tme, very httle L^feo 

204 ■^''- 29? 

Ws L I F E 

Heart (o fpeak for God, t6ro' Fceblsncfa of Body, and Flalncl 
bfSpii-ics. Wai fcarcely ever more afliamed and confouiiJcil 
inmyfdf, than now- I was fenfible, tiiat thcie wereNum- 
hers of God's People, vihakncwl was tfien out upon a Deli|iii 
(or at lelfl the Pretcnci:) of doing foraoihing for God, and in 
his Caufe, among the poor hdlsns ; and they were ready 10 
fuppofi;, that I was firvM in Spirit : But Oh, the hcartkli 
Frame of Mind that I felt, h[l'd in; with Confufion ! Oil 
CfmElhouglit) if God's People knew me, as God knows, lliej; 
Jwould not think fo highlj' of my Zeal and Rofolution fo« 
God, as perhaps now they do 1 I could not but delite ihi^- 
flioiild fee how heartlefs and irrefbluls I was, (hat thoy migfit 
1 be undeceived, and nptlhpii'sf mt absvt what ths^ cw^ht A^ 
ihini. And yet I thought, if they faw the mmoft of myflarfj 
nefs and Unfailhruiner!, tlieSinallncIs of my Courage andR=-, 
follitioii for God, they would he ready to Olutme out of theitf 
Doors, as unworthy of theCompany ort'rscndfliip of ChnftL'aftj,J 
Lord's-Day, S<jw. •j. Was much in the (inle weak State (jf 
Body, and affliflcd Frame of Mind, as in the preceedingDayi 
My Soul was grieved, and tnourn'd, that i could do nothing 
for God. Read and expounded fome Part of God's Word id 
VBy own dear Family, and fpent fome Time in Prayer with 
them J difcDurfed alfo a little to the PojaKj : But fpeat the 
Babbath with little Comfort. 

Monday, Sept. 8. Spent the Forenon among the hiiuti-n ; 
in the Afternoon, left Skaumokwg^ and returned dow.i the 
River, a few Miles. Had propofed to have tarried a confiJe- 
rtiblc Time longer among the innhni upon Safquahimntib, but 
\vashindred from purfuinj; my Purpofe by the Sicknefs that 
prevaijcd there, the weakly, Circamltances of my own People - 
that were with me, & efpecially my own ejrtraordinaiyWeak- 
jllefs, having been exerdfed with great no£furnaI Sweats, and] 
a coughing up of Blood, in ,'tlinolt the whole of the Jouroey ; 
and was a great Part of the 'Fime fo feeble and faint, that it; 
feeni'tl as :ho' 1 never flKuild he able (e reach home ; and at i 
, the fiuncTJme verydeilitnie of theComfortsSf evenNecciiaries 'i 
oILifc -, at leaft,what was nccefiary for one in to weak aState. ' 
[n this Journey 1 fometinies was enabled to fpeak the Word of 
God with fome Power, jind divine Truths made fome Imprcf- 
jfinns on divers that heard me ; -fo that feveral, both Men and 
'Women, old and young, fccm'd to ck&vi in wr, and he well 
dlfpofcd towards Cbri/tinniiy j but Dthen tftcchd and flouted, 
Vi'JaichdampMthofe who before fcetu'd friendly, at kaftfome 

d/ Mf. bavitl Eralnert]. A.D. 174S.' Soj 

of them- Yet God, at Times, was evidently prefent, aflilSing 
inc my Interpreter, and Other dear Friends who were wltlt 
me '■ God gave, fometimes, a goadDegree of Freedom inPray- 
t for the ingathering of Souls there ; and I could not buten- 
IcrtiioaftrongHope, that the Journey fliould not be wholly 
(ruitlefs Whether the Iffue of it would be the fettitlgupChrift s 
Kin-'dom thtri, bt only the dtawing of fome few Perfons down 
10 iny Congregation in Niw-Jirfiy ; or whether they were' 
now only preparing for fome further Atlcmptl, (hat might bt 
made atnong them,[ did not determine : 1 was pcrfwadcdi 
the Journey would rot be bK. lUeilcd be God, that I had 
anr Encouragctocnt and Hope. 

Tuefday, Sept. g- Rode down the River, tiear 30 MdcJ. 
Was extreme weak, much fatigued, and wet with aThunder- 
Stotm. Diftonrfed with fome Warmth and Clofenefs to fome 
poor igtioraot Soiils, on the Li/i aitd Piasr of Siliiim ; what 
were and what were not the Ew:lmc,! of it. They fecm'd 
much attonifh'd, when they faw my InJwns aik a Eleffingand 
Eive Thanks at Dinner; concluding tfota very hightvidence 
ofGraceintliomi But were aftonidied, when I mfilled that' 
neitherthat, nor yet iceret 1'ri.yer, was any fore tvidcnccof 
Grace. Oh the Ignorance of Iho World ' How are fome 
empty outward Farm, that may all he inlirely /,)/>», mlliaken 
for true Religion, infallible Evidences of it! The Lord pity a 
deluded World. ; . 

Wednefday, Apt. 10. Rode near twenty Miles homeward. 
Was much folicilcd to preach, hut waa utterly unable, thro' 
bodily Weaknefs. Was extremely overdone with the Heat 
and Showers thlsDay, and coughed up confiderable Blood. 

Thurfday, ,S!;>r. n- Rode homeward ; but was very wealt, 
and fomelimes fcarce able to ride. Had a very importunateln- 
vita'ion to preach at ai«cetlng-i^oure ! came by, thePeople ber 
iuEthen gathering ; but could not.byReafon ofWeaknefs. Was 
refened and compofed under my Weaknefs ; but was much 
esercifed with Concern for my Uompanionsin Travel, whom 
I'had left with much Regret, fome lame, and fome fick. 

Friday, ,Si(!. 12- Rode about fifty Miles i andcamejuftat 
NiRbtloa Chriftian Friend's Iloufe, about 25 MilesWeftward 
from PhihMfh:a, Was courlcoufly received, and Jtindly en- 
lertaln'd, and found my felt Riucij rcfrcih'd m the midfl of my 
Weaknefs andFatiguss. 


'&v$ ^L.29. 


SatuTday, Sept. 13. Was fiill agreably entertain**} wit] 
Chriftian Friend£hfp,and allTijings iieccITary for my weakCir 
cumftances ; In the Afcernoon, heard Mr. Treat preach £j 
snd wa^ refrefh'ii in Ccnverfation with hinij in the Eveningi 

Lord's-Diyf Sipl. 14. At the Defiie of Mr. Treat and rt 
People, I preach'd buth farla of the Day ( but fliOTt ) frOI 
Lu^.'Xiv. 23. Ged gave me fame Freedom and Warmth^ 
my DifcQurfe ; and J truft, helped me in fome Meafute to b 
hour mjinglmefx of Heart. Was much tired in the Eveninj 
but was cofnforted with the moft tender Treatment I ever 
with in my Life. My Mind^ thro' the whole i>f this Daj 
was exceeding calm ; and 1 could aflt for nothing in Pfflyd 
with any Encouragement of Soul, but ihat the W%U of Gi 
Tnlgbthsdmi-, -< 

Mnnday, i"^/p^ 1^. Spent ihe^wholc Day, in Concert wfi 
Mr. ^^'■(^■^ it* iiiidtavours (o compofc a Dift'erenccj fubfiftifij 
between certain Pcrfons in ihc Congregation where we noV 
were .- There feeui'd to be a Blefiing on our Endeavours. Ij 
thcEvcning, baptized aChild ; Was in a calm compofedFrajin 
and enjoyed ( | truflr ) a fpiritual Senfe of divine Things, whili 
admlniftring the Ordinance, Afterwards, fpent the Time i 
religious Corjverfation, 'till late in the Night. This was indet 
a plcafant ^greablc Eveoing. 

Tuefday^ Stpi. 16. Continued flill at my Friend*s Houfej 
about 25 Miles Weftward of Philaddphia. Was very weakj 
vmrthle to perform any Bulinels, and fcarcely able to fit up. 

Wednesday, Sept- 17. Rode ioto Philadelphia, SuH veryj; 
weak, and my Cough and fpitting of Blood continued. Enjoy- : 
ed fome agreable Convefraiion with Friends, but wanted morei 
Spiritual it J'/ 

Thurfday^ Sept, 18. Went from Philadelphia loMr. TrmtU 
Was figfeabiy entertained on the Road ; and was in a fwe< 
campnfcd P'ramcj in the Evening. 

Friday^ S^pi- iq- Rode from Mr. TV^ai'a to Mr. Steckfon'A 
at Frincs-Tcivn '. Waa extre;:m weak, but kindly received and 
enlertain'd. Spent the Eycning with fome Degree of Satia- 

Sai:urdayj S(pt' 2o. Arrived among my own People, juflat 
Night 1 Found 'cm praying together ; Went inland gave them 
foiac Account ot God's Dealings with me and my ComiJanions 
in thejourney i which I'eem'd afFe^ling to them. 1 then pray'd 
wiih tlicm, and thought the divine Prefence was amoitgfi: ua ; 
iljvcfs were malted into TeaiSj and feem'd to hive a Senfe of 


A.D.I 746. 207, 
I T% • *rT m^nt I was oblised foon to re- 

Lir to my Lodgings, aM '=" " p . ^^^ pgjiij of ano- 
frhus God hi, "^f If'lr'^rmd re.u nedme again i. Safety, 

t .Loti fuppoited me Bodet Ihem ail. 

Part VIII. 

Lf/,r his Return from his lafi Journey to 
■ ■^Sufqua]iannah,^^«ftV to Death. 

I 0. 5 „T/d y, Wi.b very littl. ln<c-L^pl»n : 

I Eut henceforward h.sauyisjv ^^ j™, as either 

I Illnrf. ; """"=' ''"fiLr 0° no. wTr.ble to be». the Bur- 
I not tobo capable of wr. .n|, « ™' *4, ,;, ,e.oll»a, ««? 
I aei of a Care fo ^™»^"''.fZ o^'^^^d digeft i<. '"^ '=' <'»''" 

I was not who Ir f gl'Xic. in it the mofl mMcrial Things 
I ;rSr;i?'ht DcTttn^h. Re.det.n. fee a— .^;] 

. Mr. «*.p-f,,"^^''/?,^£?;&i'rv:';i^ 

■ Cfl/i fjys as follows. " 1 have i^tw ™« ^^^ 

./wife, ."d godly put npon *= ^^^'JJ^K-^nge hin.- 

« felf into an.^"?'' •/ ^'Sf, / " 'L 'nlrv of his hourly 
.. in<heTin.eofhi=He»khtom keaD.flJ ^J_ 

" Me, an^ finding much Bentfit by it. v. ^^.^^^^ 

;o3 X(. SS' 

«i LIFE 

I/jrdVDay , Sipt. l\- 1746. I was fo weak I could 
pieich, nor [■retciid to ride over to mj' People in sheForeiiDOlJ 
)n the Aflcrmion, rode out ; lit in my Chair, atitl diC^iirlil 
tu inyPcople frnmSom. xiv, 7,8. I v.a: ftrtngthcn'd and tielpld 
in my Difcourfc : Aiid thclc acptru'd ftuncthing agreaMfl^ 
tliK AfVflmblv. i returned to my Loi^ginga cstremtly tir«(l 
but thanlihjl, that 1 had been enabled to fpeak a Word to 
poor Heo|;>Ie 1 bad been fo long abfent fiotn. Wae ablc'-^^ 
ilccp very little (his Night, tbro' Wesrinsfs ard Fain. 01^ 
how bleiled fiiould I be, if tbe little 1 do were all done wjj 
ligiit View's 1 Oh tli^t whtthf* 1 fivij mij^ht Uvi is ihiJLord^ 

Saturday, Sipt, 27. Spent Ibis Day, as well as tbe wis. 
Wceic pail, gndev « great Oegfee of bodily Weiknefs, exjj 
t\[cA with a v^olciH CpURhi Btitl » conHdcrable Fever ; badf 
Appetite to unyK bid ijf I" o^itl ; and Irctjuently brought upv 
I «■!, .11 luijn ^h"i 4t WAA ii.j\7n s^and oftentimes had little Blid 
in Itiy Betl, by Keafcjn of fains in niy iJrcalt and Back : 
able, however, to ride over to my People, about two Mil( 
every Day, and take feme Care of thofe »dfc were then B" 
Work upon a fill all Houfe for me to lefiJe in Hingft the/»^j- 
fiflj. * 1 was fotnetimes fcarce able to vralfc, and never ablu 
to lit up the whole Day, thro* thelVeek. Was calm and cojii* 
poled, and but little ejtercifed with melancholy Damps, as in 
former Seafoiis of wtakticfs : Whether I ihould ever recover, 
or no, fecm'd very doubtful ; but this wasraany times a Corn. 
fort fn me,thatLi7£ dvi^Diath did not depend npan w^ Choice, 
i was pleafed, to.liiink, that be who is infinitely wife, had the 

** fcience prefs'd» by the Power and Dcluiiion of S^itm^ 
*^ to-make and take the fatne daily Survey of his Life in 

* "■ theTime of K\i $Uknifs'. By Means of which be fpent 
" his enfeebled f^'pirits, caJi on Fuel to fire his Sicknefs. 

* * flad not a friend of b [s eonvinccd him of hts erronecm 
' ' Confcience mi fielding him at thatTuae,fec bad murder'd 
*' hisBQUyjOutofCoiifciencetofavehisfiouland toprefeivB 
^^ his CJraee. And do you think ii//e were theMotions of 
** Ood'sSpiritjVi^hich likethofe£?£i/7j,i?s-v.iK- 9, 10. Had 
*' FSces I'lksM^fi, but had Tails like ^f!?r^;eflj,and litiiigi 
*' in their Tails r^* 

* This was tbe f^tjrifj Houfe be built for his Refidcnce a- 
mong tbe hilhi!!. Be/ides that at KaitnauTneek, and that 
nt tbe Fork? of Dskujme^ and another at CraJtueskJitTigf 
hi built one ijow at Crctnbsrr^. DtfCerrninatioii 

0/ iWr. David Brainerd. A. 15.1741;, JOj 

Oetcrminatton of this Mattel s and that I had no TruuWc, to 
confidcr and weigljThinBS upon all Sidcs,in order 10 m=ke the 
Choice whether I would live or die. Thus my 1 ime was 
Confumud ; I had little Strength to pray .none to write or read 
and fcarce auv to meditate ; But tliro' divineGoodncfs,! eou d 
with iTtDat Conipofuro look Di«th in the tace, and ircqneiitly 
ii-ith fenfihle Joy. Oh, how bleiled il is, to lie ImUluahjpr,- 
f,«.,i for Death ! Tbe Lord grant, llutl iniiy beotfuiiff ^M- 

'' Lor'd's-Day, Stpr i8. Roile td my Pfiplo } nnJ tlio' under 
mueb Wcikneft, attempted i.> prcneh.lfom 1 v IJif- 
courfed abJuthaUan Hour; at which btafori divine FoW« 
fecm-d to attend the Word : Bat beinf; extreme weak, I was 
obllaed to defift ; and aiter aTurn of Sfaintnofs, with much 
Difficulty, rede to my Lodgings; where befaknigniy fclf to 
CElvBed.IIay in a burning' Fever, and alm.S ichrmn, for 
feirial Hours; 'till towards Morning, my b ever went oBr 
with a violent Sweat. I have often hten fevenfli, and unable 
to relt quietly after Preaching ■, but this wa, ihe moft fevers 
dhtrclTmETutn, that ever Preachinp brought upon me. Yet 
S Mt perfeaiy at Kelt in my own Mind, beeaufe I had iriade 
jr,y utmoit Attempts to fpcak for God, and knew I could do 

""Tu^fday. SM. 30. YoKerday. and to Day, was in tbe 
,'rmcweak State, or rather weaker than in Days paK ; was 
fc.:rce able to fit up half tbe Day. m a cornpofed Franio 
of Mind, remarkably free from Dejeaioa and melancholy 
■l^mns ; as God has been pleafed, in great Meafore.Jo deh- 
v.-r nie from tbcfe unhappy Glooms, in the general Lourfe of 
,uy prefent weaknefs hitherto, and alfo from a peevift froward 
Sp r t : And Oh, haw great a Mercy is this I Oh th« I 
.Iways be perfeflly qukt in Seafons of greateftWeaknefs.ahho 
Sre Ihoidd Jk and fail. Oh that I i^^V ' «7= ';=. '^ = 
with ntmoft Sincerity to by, Lo^P. »« t«r «-«, *"' '*'"' 
J„„, / This, thro' Grace. I can fay a. prefent, w,,h Eeftard 
Life or Death 1 Til Lcrdio ^ilh mt m fuim gsiil ,1 btt bifhi , 
that whether lliveor die, 1 may j/m/y Aim, who is ii.-.rK, ., 
rtcihc B/</K«, "i Ham, aid Dmmim f>riv,r. Ami 

laturda?, tot. +■ Spent the forme, l^ar. oi H- ^cefc un- 
der a sreai Degree of Infirmisv and Diford,r, as I nad done 
feveral Weeks before : Was able howcve.;^tD Iide a httic every 
Day, altho' unable to fit up half the Day ■tdnhnrlday. 
Took fome Care daily of fumePerfoni at vi'oikiipm rajHuufe. 
E e a ^'^ 

Ml. 29: 

5?; L I F E 

■i/ Mr. David Efainerd. A.D. 1746. 


On Friday, after Noon.fuunJ my felf wonderfuljjr tevivcd imj 
ftrcngihcji'd ; and having forae Time before given Notice to 
my People, and tbofe of 'em at the Forks 0/ Delaware in parlii 
cular, that 1 defigoed with Leave of ProvidEnce, lo iidiniaiilsf 
ths Sacrament ol Ihc Lord's Supper upon the firft Sabhath in 
O^ehtr^ ihe Sabhath nowappraaching^ on ^>iday-Afie:nooaI 
preacii'a, preparatory to theiactsment, front 2 Cor. xiii. », 
Finifting what ! had propofed to oiFer upon the Subjcft ^ 
Ejbbath before. Tiic Sermon was bicfs'd of God to the ftirrktt 
up religious Affeaion, ami a Spirit of DcTOtion, in the PSK 
pis of God ; and to tlic greatlv affefling one who had idS. 
/ii^An from God, which csofed him to judge and condcSl 
^limfeif. I was furpriiingly flrcngthncd in my Work, while t 
was fpeafcing : But was obliged immediately after lo repair ta 
Bed, bcin.i now n-movcii into^nij own Floufe among the bt- 
iiam ; which ga»c me fuch fpeciiy Relief and Refrcflimeal- 
asr could not well have lii-'d without. Spent fcme Time of 
Fjid.iv-Night in convcrfing with myPeopIc about divineThinB, 
as Hay npon my Bed ; and found my Soul refiefliM, <ho' m» 
Body was weak. Tins being Saturday, I difconrfed patticu- 
Iirly with divers of the CoiHmunicinU ; and tllia Afternoon 
prejch'd from Z«i. lii. lo. There feem'd lo be a tender 
Meltmg, and lieartjr mourning for Sin, inNumbers in liieCon- 
gregation. My Soul was in a comfortable Frame, and I en- 
joy'd Freedom andAffiftance in publick Scryicc : Was my fel/, 
as well as moftof the Congregation, much affcfled with iha 
humble Coufeinon, and apparent Brotcu-hcartcdirefs of tha 
forementloncd BaciJFJer ; and t:ould not hut reioyce, thlfr 
God had given him fuch a Sei.fe of his Sin and UnworthiiJef ^ 
Was extremely sired in the Evening; but iay on my Bed, at 
oifcourfed to my People. 

Lord'.-Day, Ojili. J. Was dill very weak; and in tl 
Morning, confiderably afraid I flroLrid nor be able to go (hri 
the Work of (he Day ; having nmch lo do, both in piivalc ahl 
pubhck. Difcourfed hefore rhe Admin ifttalion of the Sacra- 
ment, from Jj*. i. ag. BfhMike Lsmh ofGsd, that Mkdh 
"MJflj lb, l,m sftti IfatU. Where 1 cjnftdered, I. In what Rc- 
(pcasCtoiii is called theZffwi efGed ; and obfcrved that he is fo 
called, (^ ! ) From the Parjy and hnxmcy of his Nature. ( j ) 
Siam'eKMeeiififi-l.niPmim!! under Sufferings. ( 3 ) Fr.ini 
bis being ihat Almement , which was pointed out in she SacriRu 
« Lsniba, and in pHticular by the ^a/i.J^J Lamb. II. ConK- 
«ercd tow ana its what S tnfe he ^aktt awgy Ike Sin ofilufVsrtd .■ 


, If J rh,t the Means and Manners in and by which 

^""r"''"trin'% rr. S."ntf' ecfr: .11 the world 
to take away the Sin of '«/^"^"'' (,„ ^im, bat becaufe, i 
,1«11 .Buclb ^ift'^'f^T.Ti.ol^^^^ for the Sins of thl 
He ha.doneand ^'^^"^^ !fX^S^L\ He .R^/ly doe= 
World, and foto redeein "'', ™°;T.- '^nj HI- Confidered 
,.ke away the S-,;^.^= ^^fdeTiStvc our Sint taken away. 
bowwearetof.Mh.m,.nordet» Sy imghi^ W-" 

fiderably melted ^''^^Tfl"\\P'ZoB«t<>r,e>Uo Com- 


municants, of the i»tor, bdides fli ^^^ 

v^hitePeople. Iif«md<oheahclon o ^^^ 

G.atjeiandNumbersfeemd torjyc ^^^1 

fceet Union and Hatmonyjhen ' Pf ""S™ , J, ^,;,X of 
l,,„p,e I My 9»"lwas '^<'^^'f^ Sraml.could fcarcely 
the whilcPeople, with me. ^i " <"= jo^ods but was fop- 
„et home, Ibo' it was not ™°« 7,°/° „ ° Jed ; where } 
;„t,ed and led h, -V'm^fn the E 'ing ; a'nd then w.s abit 
hry in Pain '(ill fomeTime m "l^/''^" . ^' ,;,i,D,y fp^nt 

to Bt np and difconrfe "''^Fnend,. Oh,how ^>t y^ P^^^ 

si::^o:e!;:*=^?srisr ^soiwLefr..., 

tho' my Body wis weak. 


tt, E!ifikth.T.^«, '°f"fi''^^Z:J,«,-r.ri. He cOB- 

!!:^eTLfr;rr^X— ^'''-"^^^"^■^ 

nr. I ,, Towards Nieht waa feizsd with ati 

Satarday, OM-^}- 7"'"' '.h Fever and confiderabls 

Ague , which w-f°"™^^^;^ ',Vin nt&, and wa« alhamedto 

the LIFE 


2ii ^t, agl 

1 ot Bufincis to Jetcrmine whether T fliotild live or die. J 
IWife felt peculiarly fatisfial, while under this uncomrtibn 
greeof DifurtJer ; being now fully coov'jficed of my being rca 
weakj asid unable to perform ray Work; whereas at ctlirr 
Times my Miiid tt'is iverplcx*d with Fears, (bat I was aMiC. 
improver of Tim,-!, by conceiting I wasfick, when I was ll»r 
in Reality fo. Objhow prcdotis is Time f And how guilty li 
I jnakes me /eel, when I think ! have t] iflcd away and mifi: 
proTcd itj or neglcflcd to fill up each Par! of it with Dutv. 
the utmoit ofmy Ability and Capacity ! 

Lord's-Day, Ocfo*. 12. Was fcarcc ahle to fit up, ii^ 
Forenoon .- In the Aliernoon, attended publick Worlhip, 
Was m a compoffid and gomfortable FraiHe. 
LordVDay, Oi-O*. 19. Was fcarccly 'able to doanyTfijS 
■ at all in (he Week paft, excerpt tliat oji Thurfday I rode ojj: 
about lour Miles ; at which Tims i took Cold. Asl *3:a ' " 
to dolittleor nothing, fo I enjoyed not much Spirituajity, 
liiely religious Affeilion i tho' at fonse Times I longed m:" 
to be more fruitful and full of heavenly AtFcdtion ; and 
grieved to fee the Hours Aide away, while I could do nothiii] 

for God. Was able, this Day, to attend publick Wo] 

fliip. Was compofed and comfortable, vrilling either to die 
jHve \ but found it hard (0 tie leconeijcd to the T'tro'ts of livil 
TJfikfi. Oh that! might never live to be a Burden to Goi 
Creation J but iliit I might be allowed to repair Hmr, whi 
my/y'diif/;/??^ Work is done. 

[ This Week, he went back to his Indians at Cmnbirrj, L, 
fake fame Care of their fpiritual and temporal Concerns : Aiv3 
was much fpeni wiihrUing ; tho' he rode but a little Wav iffl 
a Day.] ■" » 

Thurfday, Octib. 23. Want to my own Houfe, and f^i 
Thing,! in Order. Was very weal;-, and fomcivhat rnelarfl 
choly; Jjaboured tudofomcthioK, but had no Sttcnglh ; 
wan forced to lie down on raj Bed, very (blitary. 

Friday, Ociil, 24.. Spent the Day in overfeeing and dircfl,^ 
ingmy People, about mending their Fence, and fecuring (htffl 
Wheat. Found, thatall tlieif Concerns of a fccularNatu^ 

.depended upon me ^- Was famewbat refrcili'd in tb| 

Evening, having been able to do romcthin^ valuable in itil 

I Day- Time. Ob, bow it pains rac, to fee Time pifs aws^J 
when i can do noihiiig to any Purpofe ! 1 

0/ Mr. David Btaiuerd; 

I S.rlurday, O^t^J- '5- ™ted feme of my People i fpent 
LneTm,; ir, wtiting,and felt much better rnBody.tbanurua 
"vtenit was ne.r Night, £ felt fo well, that I had Tho IS 
„t rapoundinE : But in iheLvenuig was mucli d.fordcred agam, 
,n; 4nt llie"Nipht in Coughing, and Ipnting of Blood, 

1 ord's-Dav, Oclii. id. !n the Morning, was eMeeding 
,r'- ■ Spent the Day, •till near Pain to fee my pool 
■ .Ui,' wandring a! Sbaf tilt htwing a Sb,phi<-d, wart|t)g ai^d [ 
• ■ to fee me able to preach to (hem before Night : It 
not but dilirefs me, to fee 'em in this Cafe, and to And 
,„v i.lf unable to attenipt any Thing fot their fp.rltua Benefit. 
Hut towatdsNigbt, finding my fclfahttle better, I call d .hern 
„,ether to my Honfe, and fat down and read and e-poonded 
;J|„i V J -—16. ThisDifccnrfe, tho' delivered in much 
VVeaknefs was attended with Power to many of the Hearers ; 
ifrecisllv what was fpoken upon the laft of thofe Verfes ; where 
uf.Hedon the infinite Wrong done to Reiigion, bv 
\^ Lkt become D»r^"</i. m.^i 0! I!n.«g i'/'-f^"-. *= 
m ny n the Congregation were now deeply afFefled with a 
fe of their Deficiency, in Regard of a fpmtual Converfatr- 
e„ that roififct reeommend Religion to others, and as a bpitit 
of Concern and Watchfulnefs feem'd to be excited m them ; 
k there was one, in particular, that had fallen mlo the bm of 
Dtunkennefs,fome Time before, who was now JfP^ ■;<;»- , 
vincedothisSin, and the great Difhononr done t<=R=l^£'°"' 
hv h^s Mifcotldna, and difcovcred a great Degree o( Griel and 
CoGcernon that Account. My Soul was refrefh d to fee 
Z. And tho' I had no Strength to fpeak fo rnueh as I would 
have done, but was obliged to lie down on the 13cd: ^t et I le- 
iovced tofeefuchanhumbleMellingintheConsregation 3 and 
That divine Truihs, tho' faintly delivered, were attended with 
fo much EiBcacy upon the Auditory. 

Monday, oLi ^7. i-p^"' <b' D^y I? "'"^''"f ,lt 
dlreaing ibe M;«.r, about meBdlngtheience round ttor 
Wheat ■ Was able to walk with them, and eonttive their Bu- 
f.nefs all the Forenoon. In the Afternoon, was vifited by two 
dear Friends.and fpent fomeTime in Ccnverfstroh with th=m 
lowards Night, wa. able to walk out, and take Care ot the, 
JW/.« again. In the Evening,enjoyed a very ?»«'" '''^,^^'^' 

Tuefday, 0:t'.i. 28. Rode to Pns«-T™-,, in a iery_-^eaK 
Etare: H^d fucb a vio!=n,Feve,,by tlteWay, that ! was forced 
to alight at a Friend's Houfe ; and iic down (or fom. 1 .me. 
NcitNight.was vifited bjMr.5r™<, Mr.fcty,«pdh,. Wt^. 


114^ ^ll 23." 

■His life 

and another Friend : Ms" Eplj-ifs were refr elh'd, (0 fee them i 
but 1 was fufprized, and even afhamed, that they had taken 1 
I muchPairs as to ride^o or ifoMiles (0 fee me I Was able.tq i 
up moli of the Evening ; and fpeni the Time in a very cqtn 
Portable Manner with my Friends. ^ 

Wednefday, Odd, 2g. Rode about 10 Miles, with nir* 
Fiiendi (bat cjnic Yefterday fo fee me } and then parted witli 
(hem, all hut one, who ftay'd or; Purpofe to keep roc Compa- 
ny, and cheer my Spirits. Was extreme weak, and very 
feveria, efpcciiUy towards Nighl ; but enjoyed Comfort aai 

Thurfdiy, O^jf. 30, Rode 3 or 4 Miles,tu vifit Mr./Ts/tH 
Spent fomeTknejsn an Convetfaiion ; and 
tho* extreme weak, enjoyed a comfor tahje compofed Frame of 

Friday, OtM, 3 r . Spent (lie Day amongFriends, in a com- 
fortable Frame ol Mind, tho' exceeding vpeak, and under a 
confiderabje Fever. 

Saturday, .Nimmhr i. Took Leave of Friends, aftM 
having fpent the Forenoon with them, and returned Home to 
my DwnHoufc. Was much .difonJcrcd in the Evening, and 
cpprefs'd with my Cough t which has now been conftant for a 
long Time, with a hard Pain in my Eteaft, and Fever. 

Lord'f-Day, JVsi/, 2. Was unable to preach, and fcarccif 
. able to fit up, the whole Day. Was grieved, and almoii funl<, 
to fee my poor People deiiilute of the Means of Grace ; cfpe- 
cially confidering they could not read, and Co were under great 
Ditadvanlages for fpending theSabbath corofoitablr. Oh, me- 
( (bought, I could he contented to be (ick, jf my poor Floci had 
a faithful Faftor to feed them with fplritual Knowledge. J A 
View of their Want of this was more afflifiive (0 me, ihati all 
my bodily lilnefs. 

Monday, Niv, 3.- Being now in fo weak and low a State, 
that I was utterly uncapable of performing my Work, and hav- 
ing liiile Hope of Recovery, unlefs by much Riditjg, f thoiigh! 
it inyDuty to take a lengthy Journey IntaiV(i!;-£u^i!ni,and to 
divert my felf among myFricnds,whom 1 had not now ken for a 
jlong Time, And accordingly took Leave of my Congregat ion 
this Day.—- — Befotc I kit my People, 1 vifited thero all in 
their rcfpe(aiveHQufeE,and difcourfcd to each one, as J thought 
mtjft proper and fuitabje for their Citcumfiances, and found 
Igieat Freedom and AHiftance in fo doing : I fcarcely left one 
Houfe bu t feme were inTesisi and many were not only ifiiaed 


of Mr. David BrainrrU: 'A,D. IT+Sf ITS 

with my being about (o Umi them, but with the fc^emn Jii 
rXl made them upon divine Things; for I was helped to , 
tet™»ir-'rS?;r,7.whaeIdifcourred lothem. When had 

thuigone through my Congregut.on ( wl>f ^2 KhIT 1 left 
thoDav 1 and had taken leave of them, and of the School, 1 left 
H m a ,d rode about two Mile., to the Houfe where lived 

„.heS„,u,.,« paft, and there lodg'd, Was 'f'^"> d th,s that I had loft mjCongrcgatlon fo well dlfpofed and 
aftcaed, and that I had b<.,u fo much affift-.-! .1. »«kina my 
^r^i-fvvel-Addrefias to them. . , , ,, - ,. 

Tuefday, «"• 4- ^«^' '" "^'*"*'' »"'' '"^K '' *"* 
Mr. Phrfm ; continuing ftiH in » vety weak Slate. 
Wednefda^, N:^. 5- »"<!= '" ElifabHh-T.ron ; .nlen .,|, 

;.sfoon as poffible,to profccuta myjourney intpAr™-£«i/Md . 

B.Twas, in anHouror two after myArrtvaI,tak.nmuch worfe. 
After this, for near a Week, was eonSned to tny Chamber. 

..d mott of the Time to my Bed ; And then fo fjr rev.vcd as 

^obraUe to walk about the Houfe ; but was fliU confined 

™fi?h?Snini:of (his extraordinaryTutn of DiforJer.affer 
„y comin? ™"i/«to*-?-«n,., I w.„ enabled thro' Mercy to 
MitSra^calmcLpofed and patient Spirit, as ! had heeu 
So from the Beeinning of my Weak«eft. After 1 had bee.^ 
L £;*to*-5™. about a Fortnight, and had o fat recovered 
hat I was able to walk about Houfe, upon a Day of Tbaukf- 
riving kept in this Place, 1 was enabled to rccail ""d recour.t 
nirthe Mercies of God, infuch a Manlier as greatly afieflci 
TandM°dme [I think ) with Thankfulnefs and Praife to 

?m„ng tl^^i '-'^'"^ '^^'-'"Sen>entof bis dearKingd^^^^ 
Mv Soel blefs'dGod for what he is in himfelf, aad adored h,m, 
S he ever would difplay himfelf to ; rejoyccd,| 
;S he was God. and longed that all fiiould know tt and fee^^ 
Ind r^^yce in it. Uri, i^fy ^^J 'V' ,«"' '^^'^''.'t *"* 

Crv ofmv Soul. Oh that MF,cfk mtgbt love a,id ptaife the 

bleffed God : That he might have all pollible Honour and 

f^iorv 'rom the inielhgcnt World. * 

Alio; ?ht comfortsbleThankfgiving.Scafon. ^'p'^f^^f^^. 

ioyed Freedom and Enlargement and Lngsgednefs of boul la 

About liiis Time he wrote the 7th£.Wr, publiihcJ at 
(he End of t-Bis Accoutit of hii Ldc- J ■.f « ^^^^^^^ 

21$ '^i. itj. 

ni LIFE 

Prayeri and was enabled io intercede with Goil for my cfear 
ebitgregatioHj very often for evciy Family, and every Ferfon^ 
in particuJar ; and it t^jis often a great Comfort to me, ibn! I 
could pray hcarfj^toGod Tor [liofe,to whom I could nut t'ptui:^ 
aoJ wiioml was not allowed tp Tee. But at ofhet Times, my 
Spirits were fo flat antl low» and my bodily Vigour fo naucb 
wafled, that I had jfcarce any AiFcdllGns at alL 

Id DtK^mler^ I had revived fo far as to be able ta walk atnoacj,, 
and vifit Frienris, s^nj feem'rl to be o" the gaining Hand with 
Regard to myHealthj Irithe maintUntil Lord's-Day Deiimh,%% 
At whichTime I went to the piiblkk WotfhJp ; and it being 
Sacrament. Day, I laboured mticb, at the Lord's-Table, W 
bring forih a certain Corrupllon, and have \\Jlain^ as being ^n 
Enffity to God and my own Soul | and could not but hDpi:,ibiit 
i iiad gain'd ff>nic .S(trnp;ih npainft lliJs, aa wcllas oshet Cmruii- 
tloDs ; and felt ftinit; IjHik(;i]in:l'B uf I.lcartfor my Sin. 
' ■ After this, having perliap; takeii fomc Cold, I began to de- 
cline as to bodily Health ; and coMinued to do lb, 'till the Jattrr 
£iid of JanucTff 1746,7. And having a vioient Ccugh, a coK" 
Sderable Fever, acid afthmatick DifordeJ-, and no Appetite for 
any Manner of Fond, nor any Power of DigEftiouj ! wai: rerv 
duced to fo low a State, tbatmy Friends ( I believe ) gtucialjy,' 
defpaiied of my Life j. and fame of them, for fume Time togC' 
thcrtthougbtlcouidfcarccllveaDay to an End. In this Tio^e, 
I could ihinlt Df nothing with any Application of Mind, and * 
ftenn^d to be in ^^reat Eyleafurc voidflf sll AfFeS[on» and was 
exeicifed wiihgrsitTemptationsi bji yet was not, ordiiijsriJy, 
afraid of> 

On Lard '4- Day, Fah, g. Tho' in avery we3k;ind lowKtafe, 
' 3 Enjoyed a cor<ficiei;ibledeal of Conifoit and Swt^etfiefs in tl vine 
Things s and was enabled to ple^d and ufe Argunicnis wiih 
God in Ftaycrj I *bink,with a Cbild-lifce Spirits That Pj:I;a-B 
of Scripture occi^r'd loiiiy Mind, and gave megreatAffiO: iict> 
j/jef being Evil, imiij }mM to fi-UB g$ssi Giftj t» pur UAhhcnt 
ibffv/ much mors will yojif hsavtniy Faihar give, the hoiy Spirit ts ; 
tbf!7t thill ttfh him ? This Text 1 was' helpM to plead^ and iF:fift 
tjp&n I and fdW the divineFaiihfulirefs engaged for dealing ^vjth 
j^e better than any eaiihly Parent cdii do vviih his Child. This 
Seafon To relrefh'd aiy Soutj that my Body fecm'd alfo to bt a 
Qaiflcr by it. And from ;lnETims, I bijgan gradually to amend. 
Ard ai i recovered Ibins Sim^gchj Vigour and Spirit, I found 
■ IE Timca foiiQC FreflQom and LXit in the Eicerchss of Devotions 
ana ['*uw Longings arierSpiiiiuality and aLifeof Ufefulflefs ta 



(/ Mr. D"''- Brainerd. A.D. 1 7.17- 
, u . Pi.ilMmcr ■ AUhci' at °thEr Times, 1 

w.s »fal y bMren .« 'f^= ' „,„„ „ „y out, Oi ri-.* 
l-hing. of God i '"X i.T^^ ' OMtat Cod Ud «km mo 
,, ^«««f "'"='" ^;''Kte&, with >fud<icn ftrcks, .h« 
I miglie not Iu<'e bcsn unier " "^""^ f J g, much pe- 
Di Jrlion= ! Oh .b.t I h=J -™ j"ti Jro lit* PutFofc ! . 

( having b=eu ""^■'^^"'t " ii rlVwi-T™". M/ 

ownCongrejatio. i ^"^ ''""f;'' f^T C k, ^1 e"'^"] . 
Thi=rcfaih>dn:y SouU 17^""7 X a ,.al, thankful 

y=,«.»(Itiuft) tW='dofG"<l^° ™ \„j „ore concerns 
t,te.pbothHc>rt>nd L.f.pur«^.«d^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^ ^^.^ 
cured me to rrfka on my pm iJ ^.^^^ ^^,; ^„„„, ,hy 

I had not ma.nt^.u'd mo = ^'"™";^ ^ , g ;,;„ „£r= oftci 
eS:?,"rS^C"^;et;iXlta'e,toofw. ™adc t, 

fhipi which W8! the fvrflTuiiel «=»"»'= God tarry nte (too' 


siS ^t. ig: 


ftortd (0 ihe Miiiifterial Wori : Felf, I think, foiae ^pli) 

and Life, to rpeak forUnd. 

WtJirefday, Manh 1 S. Roilc out wilh i Dcflirn tn vifil 

People : And the Jicxt Day arrived among tiKOX : Was tini 

great Deje6bion in my Journey. 

On Friday. Morning, 1 rofe early, walk'd about among 
People, end inquired into their State and Concerns i and foufl 

m additional Weight and Burden on my Spirits, upon heaii^ 
fome Things difai^rccabler I eodcavonr'd to go to God i 
my Diflrcfles, and maJe ftime kind of lamentable Complai 
and in a broken Manner fpread my DilEculties before Gi 
but notwithftanding, ir.yMind continued very gloomy. All 
ten o'clock, 1 cal I'd my People together, and after liaviog 
pliin'ii and funj; n Ffalm, Iprny'd with tlicm.- There ' 
confiilcrahle deal of Afic/linn iiinnny ihcni ; I doubt no 
fyriic infl-ijiccvi, tliat wliich was more than mccrly natural 

f This ivaa the l^/i InUrvisvij that he ever had with L»^ 
People. About 1 1 o'clock the fame Day, lie left 'cm ; and' 
the next Dap, came to EiiJaitlb-To-am i his Melancholy re- 
maining (iifl ; And heconrinued for a conlidelable Tinse under 
a great Degree of Dejeflion thro' vapoury Difortlers. J 

EalurJay, Mmbi^. Was taken this Morning with violeni 
griping Pains, Thefc Pains were extreme, and conffant, for 
fevetal Hours ; fo that it feein'd impoiiiWe for me, vritilout 
a Miracle, to jive 24 Hours in fuch DiRfefs. i lay confined 
to my JJd.the whole Day, and in tiiftrefnng Pain, a!l the 
tormcrPartof it: Bat it pleafcd God to blcfs Means (or tijc 
abatement of my Diftrefs. Was exceedingly wcaicen'd by this 
Pain, and continued fo for feveial Days following ; faeing i-x- 
ercifed with a Fefcr, Con(;il, and noflurnal Sweats, in rliis 
(liftrelled Cafe, folong as my lieail was free of vapoury Con- 
fuftins, Dmi// appeared agrecahle to me ; [lont'don it as [65 
Jiiud of Toils, and aa Entrance ;n[o a Place whire ibe ii-mrf 
artalrtO ; and, I (hinfc, Ihii fomeRehni of the Zntcrtaiu- 
incnts of the heavenly .Siitc ; fo that by thefe I was allured 6;,J 
(JratVD, as well as driven bv tJiebatigucs of Life. "Olijioti' itai-r =■' 
it is, to bedraivn by Defires of a Slate of pcrfefl Holinefs ! ' ' 
» Saturday, /ffr;; 4. Was funk and dcitQed, very refflcfs anii 
utieafy, by Rcafon of tin; MiHmproveiiient of Time 5 a::d 3 :f 
knew not what to do r i hinged to fpend Time in Faftuiga'tiJ 
fVayerj ihjtl rafgti be dtliytrcd from Ipdplcfice and Crfdni-fi 

0/M-: David Bfaitietti: A.D. ij^^) aij 

I in the Things of God ; but alas, I had not bodil, 
I "rthefeExercifes! Ob. how bleffed a Thing.! .t, to cnjoy 
T I'eaee ot Confcience ! But how dreadful is a Want of inward 
Peace and Coiapofuri: of Soul ! 'Tis impoffinle, [find, toen- 
t joy this Happinefs without ridiimhi Tim, and maintaining a 
|fpifiiuai Frame of Mind. 

t LordVDay, April S- If gntvcd mc, (n find my Wf fo io- 
conceivably barren. My Soul ihirlW furl.tace : Hut alas 
haw far was I from oblaining what I Taw fo e,ceedii,E ''("ll^nt 
Iwasreadvtodefpairof tvcr bein[;» holy Creiituie s anil ytt 
mvSnul wasder,.tousof/.J/»u.;«g l,^fi "'*':'"'"• !"" "'T 
I d^d I fee my ftlf & fat from «»ainf ep^rihmdcd, «r bmf. alriad) 
W,S, as at this Time. The Lord's Suppot l'\f}^". »»? 
' Siniftred, 1 attended the Ordinance : And tho' Ifaw m my 
felf a dreadful Emptinefs, and want of Grace, and faw my felf 
a, it were at an infiuile Diftance fforn that Purity, which .a 
h,comin(r the Gofpet t yet in the Selfon of Communion, efjie- 
c ay in' he Time of'th'^ UiUtibutionof the Bread, I <njoy,d 
foute Warmth of Airetlion. and fell » trnder Urn 
Z« ; a..d, I ti^ik. « ihofilorious Hcdernitr .hi= hrjl-hm 
amouE them. I endeavoured then to !,r.«gf>rlh mine >nd*ii 
EmmU>,<n,iii,ythmhfmh;m; and found great !■ reedom in 
beaai UK Deliverance from this fpiritual Death, as well as m 
a fking divine Favours for my Friends, and Congregation, and 
the Church of Chrift in general, 

Tuefday, ^/r;; 7. In (he Afferaoon, rode to JV^wi, in 
order to marry the feev. Mr. DUhfn f ; and "^ ^^^f^p'^S, 
performed that Work. Afterwards, rode home to El<fM', 
SiBu,, in =1 pleafaiit Frame, fi^ll of Compofurc and S^ctnefs. 

+ Thelste learned and very excellent Mr. Jon a th ah 
^ DtcKi«so.», PaftorofaChurch in EBfrlM-T>um^^<^- 
Cdent of the College of Wm-7..>y,_and oneol.heCorref- 
Indents of the honourable Society in SM for propa- 
paLsamftiaii Knowledge t Who had a great Efteem 
for Mr. Brsintrd, and had kindly entertam'd him in hia 
%1 during hi/sickuefs In the Winter palf; and who 
after a fhurt lllncfs, died in the next enfiung Qaikr, twa 
pays aftej Mr. Bfnimd. 


210 Ml. 



Ttorfdiy, April 9. AtKiiiicd ihc OrJiiiaCon of Mr Tiultn 
anS aftciwards the Exijhii:,ition of Mr. Smith ■ Was in antml 
fortable Frame of Mind this Day. and felt ray Hnn Ithlnkl 
foractime! in i fpiritual Frame. f 

Friday, 4!r,7,o. Spent the Forenoon in Prifiytm^/ ^^d 
^e&: I,, tlie Afternoon, rode to Eli/.htt-liu,/. found .Blii 
BrMher/»4, th«e ; i Spent fome Time in C^velfation v!usil 
Wm ; but was cvtreme mat and ont-done, my Spirit, cociiV 
. derabjy funic, and my JVJinddejcaed. '-'''' '■"""1' | 

Monday, 4,r// 13. Affifted in examining my iJwfer. 
tne ttentng, was in a foltmn devout Frame ; but was muB 
orerdone and opprefs'd with a violcnl Head-acb. 

Tucfday, vf/,!Vi^. Wiis able (otta little or nolhino; ■ SneS 
fomc Tinio wiib Mi. Spam and other Friends. This 
my fintflrr went III my iVi^ple, 

Wcdneid.,y, 4W/,5. iiound fonte Fr«doni at (HeThronJ 
of Gtaee.reveral Times tfj.5 Day. In, the Afternoon, was veri 
weak, and fpent the Time to vejy little Purpofe ; and yet* 
Ihe tvemng, had ( I thought ) fome religious Warmth and fpS. 
Jitual Defiles in Prayer : MySoul feem'd lo go forth afieiGod 1 
and lake Complacence .n his divine Perfeaions, But alas"3 
nfterwatds awfully letdown my Watch, and grev? careleft ani 

Thurfday, April 16. Was in hitter Anguifh o[ Sotil. in thU 
Morning, fucli as 1 have fcarce ever felt, with a Senfe of girel 
an4.Gujlt, I continued in Dilirefs the whole Day, attemptine 

^ Wjl 

« A worthy pious young Genilerann ; wiio lived in (hcMiJ 
inffry but a very flioitTime: He died at SlralfiM it/ 
Cm,ficliM,th<:Diimlir following hisOrdination 5 bcioff i, 
Jittle while aftorMr, Bralt^d'e Dmbit Nmiar^itigi 
He was tatea ill on a Joiiriiey, returning from aVilit 10 hial 
^ h fiends at m/lia ( in the MaffacbvfKti J which, as I taka] 
It, was his native 2\K^,mAHaTv,itd-C,Um the Place of hisi 
Jlducation. i 

i This Brother of his had been (ent for by t!Ri:C!rri!tmdmis\ 
to take Care of.aad inHiufl Mr. Srmu!d\ CongreKationl 
of Minm ; he being obliged by bis lUnefs to be abfentl 
irom ihem. And he cojititiutd. (o take Care of them "tilb ' 
Mr. Bratmr^i Death : and fincehls Death, has been 01- 
darned hiiS^cJtr in his Miffion, and to iheChatse of his . 
s-ongrcgation i which continues niuciitofioiijifliiindsc.. 
his pafiofal Caie. 

^/ Jkfr. David ErainsM; A.B.i'!4^, sn 

3 ntay whete-ever I went ; 8= indeed could not help fo doinj ; 
ut loak'd upon ray fclf fo vile, I dated not look any Body in iho 

fl'ace ( and was even grieved, that any Body fliould fliew mc 

f „iy Refpefl, er at leait, that they flwuld be fo deceived as to. 

1 ibinkl defevved it. 

Friday, ^j)r;; 17. In the Evening, Could not but think,that 
(led Iie)pc6 inc to draw icar is tht Thrmi cfGran, iho' mott 
unworthy, and gave roe a Senfe of hii Favour ; which gave me 
iTisxpreffiblcSupport andEncouragcracnt ( ihn' \ fcaicely dated 
to hope the Mercy was real, it ainwtii'd fu %\<M: Yet could 
not but rejoycc, that ever Ciod Ihoiilil difeovor liii rocnntllcd 
[I'ace to fuch a vile Sinner. l>hamc and Conrudoil. at 'i1niM# 
cover'dme; and then Hope and Joy and Admiration of divino 
Goodnefs gain'd the Afcendant. Sometimes f could not but 

! admire the divine Cjoodncfa, that the Lotd had not let me fall 
intoaillhegroReftvileft Aaa of Sin and open Scandal, that 
could be thought of; and felt my felf fo ncccflitated to praife 
God, that this was ready for a little while to fwailow up my 
Shame andPrcffure of Spirit on Account of my bins. 

[ After this, his Dejcainn and Prcfl'itre of Splril returned ; 
and he remained undcf it the two next Days. J 

Monday, April io- Was in a vetydiforderedState.and kept 
my Bed moft of the Day- I enjoyed a little mote Com fort, than 
in feveral of the prcceeding Days, This Day I arrived at ihe 
Age of 39 Years. 

Tuefday, April 11. I fet out on mvjourney for Nm-Erig- 
hnd, in order [ if it might he the Will of God ) to rceovct 
my Health by lidiiiu : Tiavdlcd to NcwYiri, and there 

[ This proved Viis final Depatturc horn Niw-Jttfiy ^ — : 

He travelled (lowly, and arrived among bis Friendj at Jisii- 
HaMam, about the beginning of Msy. There ii very little Ac- 
Count in his Diarf, of the Time that pjfs'd f'lm his felting out 
on tbis Joutncy 10 May 10. He fpcaks of his fometilines find- 
ing his Ikaitrejoicing in iheglorioua PeTftflions of fjod, and 
lonffingto livcio him ; but ciimplatns of the Ui.hKednefa of 
hisl'ho'tSj and their beingcafily diverted fiolg divine Subjeft?, 
andcricsoutof hisLeanceft, as lelUfjingagainfl him, in the 
londclt Manner. And concerning thofb Divir/nm be was oh- 
liited SO uit for his Health, be fays, that he fometimes found he 

* could 

'S*' $°- 


couri vie Diverfiam whhJr:gUii/i nf Bmri, aiming at n 
Ciory of Gcd ; but itjlf lie alfo found there was a NecoJHB 
of great Care and W(itchfuJnc&, left be flioulil bfe dm fplrii 
taal Temper of ftjmtl in. his Divcihons, md lett they fliouil 
degenerate into *hM was meetly fclfifli, withoal any fopKff 
Aim at.dn: Glory of God in tSjeoi. J ■-* 

-^rd's-^Day, Mafio, f At Hai-Limi) I could not t 
feel remeMcafure of Gratitude to God at thisTiros (whcieii 
wasmuch cxeicifcd ) that he had always difpofcd me, in mvl 
iii%,to infift en the great Doarincs of Rsgmtratim, ihi Ni^ 
Criasuri, Fanhtn Oinfl, pmgrifftve S<i<!ctifit&hn, fuprimi U 
ti Gsd, bvni miircly ti the 6k<-) ff Gii, khg mt our cwn, mm 
the hke : God hu helped nic to fee, in the fureft M^'ime!/ 
from 1 in: 8 10 Time, iliai ihcfi-, and the likeDoariiie3,neccira- 
rrly LoniitaeJ wjiji ihaji, arc them/;. Fimdathn of Safety and 
Salvation for perithiug Sinners ; and that thofs divine Oif-jcri- 
tions, which are confonant hereto, are that miMfi, !i;^:hsm 
jJ>uh as ManJhMfa th L,r4 : The ExCTcife of tlKfcGsd -hk*' 
reraper!, mhcie.n theSouIaflsin a kind of Concert with God, 
and would be aad do every Thing that is pleafing to God i 
1 his, i faw, would (land by the Soul in a dying Hour ; Fot 
Gcd intift, 1 think, i/fflj Hiinfdf, if he cafeaway his ewn 2,mn, 
^ven the boul ihat is one in Cefircs with himrdf. ■ 

Lord's.Day, Mk, ly, (At MUl!„il,n ) Spent the Forenoon 
at Hcme.bcing unable ro attend the puWict Worfhip. At ib;s 
1 ime, God gave mc foaie alftaing Senfc of my own Vile- 
Mfs, aad tbe tsceeding Sirinlnefs of my Heart ; that thita 
feem d to be Notlung hut Sin and Corruption within roe. Z™- 
■mtUbkk,v!h:,al,sf,'d!!„ab^t; my want of Spiritualilv and 
holy living, my negkaof God.and living to rav KA— AV the 
Abonimaiions of my Heart and Life feem'd to' be open to'mv 
View; and 1 had nolhioE to fay, bill, God *, mirciMioit 
?.'"'f. ■■■.—— ^ '^wardtNoon, I faw.that theGrice of God in 
(.hri(tiiii:finircly free towards Sinncrj, and fufh Sinners a- I 
was; laifoCiiv, ibatGnd is the fuprcam Good, that in hij 
Piderce IS Liic ; and J began |o long to d,e, that 1 ini^ht 
ki ''•'!» M"i, in a (late of Piecdom from all Sin. Oh, howa 
foial Oiimprt- t,J liis Eficelieney rcficUi'd niy Sovil I Oh hotv 
WDrthymh. bitpd God to beloved,adored, and delighted in, 
(or himff I! , fur bis own divine ExcellcuclK. 

TI,o> I fdt much Dulnefs, and want of a Spirit of Prayer, 
Ibis Week : let r bS ion,,: Gliinpfcs of the Excellency of 



e/Afr. David Brainerd. A.D.iyj^>j, aaj 

dWint Things ; flnd erpccially oneMorningj infecret Medjtii- 
tion and l^rayer, the Excellency and Beauty of Holinefs, as a 
Likenefs JO the glorjausGml, v/is Co difcovercd lo mc, that 1 
began (o long earnefily to be in that World wlicrc Holincrs 
dwells in Perfedicn : And I fccm'd to long for this pcrfedl 
I Holinefs, not fo much for ihc falcpof my own Happitiefi Calibo* 
J {&\v chsvly tliat this -ivus tbc^rcalcti, nn^thc only Plappincff 
oFth(rSouIj as that I iiii^liC plealb Cjgcl, livi: intircly m hiaii 
and glorify him to the iiliiiolt Isltctdi uf my uiioiul Powcri 
and Capa[:ities. 

Locd'&-Day, May '2,\, (At Lmg-Mtadtw in Spri/ff^fiiU) 
Could Jtot but thJnJ;^, as I have oflcn rcniiirkM lo oiiijcis, tliBC 
much more of true RrJighn cojiGfis xtidup IJa'fiilily, HrskiHfiiJi 
cf Hearty and an clafmg Ssnfe ef BuTrenn^fi end want ef (Jraa 
ajid Holineff^ ihaa mo)J xvlio are called Chri/Iim!, imagine ;; 
cfpEcially thofe who have been cftccuieJ the Converts of the 
]:.>ig Day ; ijiahy of whrm fcem to kmsiw of n&oihtr Religion 
liiit elevated Jsys and J^eSisms^ arifing only from fomo Kliphw 
of J meg inai ha yor Tome Siigggjiian rnndn tn l|icirMind» tifCkri/i*A 
lining ibsir\'iQad^s ievin^ ihtrriy iiiiiJ tlic Lkc. ' 

[ On Thurfday, JJ/ay aS. He came froin Lor^' AUadatv ii* 
2^efthampion i appearing better liian, by hia Actumit, 
he bad been in tlie Winter ; iEnfeatJ fo well, iliat lie WTi:i able in* 
riJe 25 Miles in a Di^y^and to walk half a Mile ; and apjicareJ 
chearful, and free fron^ Melancholy : But yet undoubtedly, 
at that Time, in a cotifirmtdj incurable Confumpiion- 

1 had had much Opportunity, before thifl^of particular Inlof- 
mation concerning him, from many that wcrt well actjiiiiinted 
wttii bitn ; and had my felf once anOpportonity uf canbdcrable 
Converfatlnn and {bme Acquaintance with h\m,^tNiw-Hii'i>is, 
risar trtqc Years beror<;, in the Time of the Csinm^M^/mcNt v/hen 
^e offered that Confcffion lu the Rcdtor of the College, that 
has been already mention'd in this Hiftory ; I hcing one he wai 
pkafed tlien fevcral Times to confulton that AlViiir : But now 
Ihad C^pportnnity for a more full Acquaintance with him. I 
found him remarkably foclablCjpkafant, and cnicrtaininj^ in his 
Con^^erfation ; yet folid, fayouryj fpiritualjanJ very pioiii^ble ; 
appearino; meek, modefi, and hujnLile, far from any Stiffuefs, 
Morofenefs, fupcrffitious Dcrtiurf^nefs, or afl'irded Singiularicy 
in Speech orBfihaviourjaiid fecmJngto naufcatcall fuch Things. 
We enjoyed nOL only the Benefit of hia Converfation, biit had 
the Comfott ati>i Advantage of hearing him pray ia theFatJiily, 
: G e froan 

aJ4 Xi- 30. 



frwn Time to Time. His Manner of praying' was very agrc- 
^ ' itSe ; mnft becoming a Worm of the Duft, anJ a Difciple ti^, 
": Cbritt, addreffing to an infinitefy ^real and holy Godj and Fii- 
thcrof Mercies; not with flL-rid Exprcfiions^ or a fiudy^d Elu' 
qiicnfie ; net wiih any iniemperate Vehemence^ or indecent 
IJoldncfs i at ihc grcaiefl DiJUnce from any Api^earance of 
Ofientatioji, anti ffoin every 7"i]ingthat might look as tho' hi 
meant to recommend hirafelf to ihoftf that were about huj3,orfs6 
himfelfoftto their Acceptance i free too from vginRcpetitioni*. 
without iiupertinentExciirfiQnSjOrneetilersmuliJpIyiiig&fWordJi 
HeexprcfTcd himfetf with tiie llriitefl: f ropriely, with Weight,' 
and Pungeiicy j, and yet what his Lips uttered feem'd to floflf 
from ^tfulmjt i>fhis Jiisrt^ as deepljn; imprciTed with a greUt. 
andfdcinn Scnfo olour NeccITities, UnwortJiinefs, and DepetM" 
tinner, *nd or Oad"* infiiiiic (Jrciliicfs, Excellency ariJ SufiiJ 
ebiicyi rMthtr tlwii iiiLtrly from a warm and fruit/u] Brain(l 
pouring out gfwd LxpreiUont. AnJ I know not, ihat cverf 
h^ard ijim To much asafk a BleiTitiJor return Thanks at T,ib]e 
but there was fomcthing remarkabJe, to be obferved both in thS 
Matter and Manner of the Pcrrormance. Jn his Prayers, hft 
infiftcd much on the Piofperit^ of Zwh, ihc AdvanccmcriE ofl 
Chrift's ECingdora in liie Worldi, and the t'louri/hlng and Pro? 
pagatioij oi Religion among ihe Indiam, And he generaiJj^ 
made it one Feliiiaii in his Pra}cr,^iaf ws ffur^Ai hj/ cut-I'tve oia 

Lord's- Day, ^sy 31. f At NsribampUn^} I hadJittle inwaf3 
Swectnefa in Religion, mofl oi the Week paft ; not rcsJifin^ 
and beholding fpirjiually thcfj/jrj cfQcii^and i/je hhJfedUedeirner^ 
fiom whence always arife my ComfarU and Jsp in Keligion, iH^ 
] have any at all ; And ii I can't fb behold the ExccJIencies aiij 
Perfettions of God, :is ^0 caufd ma to rcjoyce in f)lm fcr whiL 
he is in bimfslf^ I have no foUdFoundattoti for Joy. To rejcyceiSL 
only becauCe I/apprehcrnl Unvp an Interc/i ia Cbnji^ and fhttlffl 
bg fifi&jly favefl, is a poor mean Bufincfsindtcd. 

[ This Weefc^ he confullcd Dr. A4athir^ at my F^ouTe, confl 
ccrnin^his IlEnefs i who plainly fold him, that there v/eregrea3 
Kii'ic^enffis of his beJnc; in a cr>iifirmed Confumpiien^ and thata 
hccouid ^ive him no Eiicouragtment, (hat he flmuld ever re-fl 
<fi■v^v. Hut it (c^^med not to occafion the ieaft Difrompofura 
irS HiiTij jior to m^l^eany Manner of Akeraticn as to [heChear-^y 
"fflliicfsand .Scre.-jnof hia Mind* or the Freedom Of Fieafinl^ 
licfaofhifi Coijvcrfdiion.j 

of Ur. t>avid Brainerd: A. B. xjlf' a^5 
v.,i»^ nap ^uTii Tr Uv Attention wasgreatly engaged* 

:j„,.ft n,y Body, in iny w=»k S a,e Ha». h" . u= 
IJrare is exceeding prec bus iiidsca ; that it is very lars , ai^a 
ta lb r" b ^= very foall Dcg..= of ieeveo where .he 

e:.ccedmgpt«ioui tome •. ' '>=J '=™ \ ,^' ,f , r„ ,be Prc- 

K=^« rw ready ia /,//.? r., /:/.W «.W 7^ ; and conclude 
S/ u ■/fW', cLi k L ilar Li pnmus I, hm, h, will pr,m, 

, ,1 .1. which was fo agreshle to his own will ; iho Ihc 
r He wi>.jdviWbyPhjficUns ftill lo coiuime Riding, as 

3.d be hclpM !0 him lnhbwe.k and b» ] 

divers Mbiftcrs on the Road. conMcrnble Tim= 

fliaio™. if God raw fl< .bus <?,f ^X- . r'Day, fon^™''=' <^- 

Friday, y-""- ' ="'"Abfovfd > Si-- J='/'. 1"" 

ii6 JSi, 



Lord'i-Day, yaMi4. 1 enjoyeilfame EnJargcinehe XSweeSi 
nefs in Family-fraycr, as well as in fecrcf Exercifa ; God an* 
pear d excellcat, hh Ways full of Pleafute anil Peace, and St 
I wanted was a Spirit of lioly Fervency, to live to him. 3 

Wcdnefday, yew 17. This, and the two preceding Davi.j 
I rpene mainly in vifiling the Miniftcrs of the Town, and wa 
treated wilfi great Eefpefl by them. 

On Thi.rrday,yn»f iS. I was taken cxcccJing ill.and bro't.M 
the Gates of Death, by the breaking of fuiallUlcere in myLunssi 
as my PJiyfician foppofcd. fn ihis exlrcmc weak State f contf 
lined for feveral Weeks, and was fremiently reduced fu low m 
to be ultetly Spcechlefs, and not able fo much as to whifper* 
Word; and even after I had fo far revived, as to walk aboul! 
Houfe, and to fie,, out of Doors, Pwas cxercifed every Dip 
Wllba faint Turn, which continued ufually four or fivcHoa 
at which Time!!, Ili-.M was not uLlcrly Spcechlefs, fo but thai 
J could fay lis or A/f, yet f could not converfe at all, nor rocaS 
one Sentence without mailing Stops for Breath; and divEtii 
1 imes m this Seafoii, my Friends gathered round my Sed m^ 
fee me breathe niy laft, which they Joot'd for every Moment ' 
asfmy felf alfodid. ' ' 

How I was , the firlj Day or two of my Illnefs.withRegard ID. 
the Fxercife of Ab/m, J fbarcely know j hut I believe f was, 
fometbiOg fhstrer-d with iho Violence of she fever, atTimca ^ 
fJut the ihitd Day of my Dlncfs, and confiantly afterwards, la, 
four or fivo Weeks together, f enjoyed 3: much Serenity 
Mind.andCfeanicfsof Thought, as perhaps 1 ever did in t 
Life; andlibink, ray Mind never penetrated wilhfo macll 
Aife and freedom in [o divine Things, as at ihis Time ; and 
^never felt f(, capable of demoiiftrating the Truth of many ' ' 
IjSorlant Deft, i ms of the Gofpel as now. And as I faw eleai 

Tin ™','Lr '"'■■■ S'""^"^''""''- "l-'^'' =r=iu(11yftiledtlia 
DOCTRINES of GRAC£; fof fawwith no lefs QearneftI 
that ihe Effiau of RiUgim canfiffcd in the Soul's Cs«f^mlt il 
OoD ar.riaaing.boveallfeffifl, Views, for to GAry, loiirinl 
tiibe/iri,,,,. iolii.ef5W«, and pleafe and honour tim in A 
Ihings ; and ib.s from a clear View of his inKnite E:!cell4uc« 
andVVnrih.ncfw,, /,,>/,//, ,0 he loved, adored, worfhipped.aj 
ferved by all „,„,|,j,s„; Creature,. Thus I faw.that when aSoul 
;.wrGnd «„h a fapreme f.ove, he therein a& /* (ho hklTel'H 
!-.od himiirlf, who moltiulUy loves himfeif in that Manner s3 

.if.T- 1' ^ , f f"'"'* ""' '"' ""= ''™'n= °"^' ^"^ he Jong*' 
lh,tGod(hoddbi.^i,.,yF./, ,„i ,,J„j.c„ ,„,hirk thai he ll 


e/ Mf. David Braiead. A.n,i747. 117 

undKupably polTefs'J of the hiftbell Gbry .nJ f^leiledntf., 
heicinallb he ads niLW/miHy toGodtIn likcManner,whe„ iho 
Sold is fully rrjiiiiid », and rells fatisfted and contciiled vMh the 
divine Will, bcie il is alfowJi/oraisJ 10 God. . , „ , 

I faw further, ihat as this divine Temper, whereby lh= to 
exalts God, and Heads Self In the UuH, is wrought in the Soul 
by God's difcovering his own glorious Ferfcatoua mlhi^ici 
Jj./u, Cbrifl to it, fay the fpecial IilDuences of . he hoiy Spirir, 
L he cannot but have R^ard I, it, as his own Work ; and as 
if, his Image in (he Soul, he cannnl but lake D</^f*" tn it. 
Then 1 law aEaiu, that if (iod fliould IligiU and Kjett hi, own 
moral J»ioj,, be muft needs J«y hmf.lfi which he cannot do. 
And thus 1 raw the StMiity and Mallikhif of ibis RehEmn.aml 
that Ihofe who are truly pofi.fsM of it, have the moll colnpkat 
and fatlsfyine £^7V.K! of their being mie.eM mail the Be- 
nefits of Chriifs Redemption, having their Hearts r^ArmrJrt 
him ; and that thefe and thrfeonly arc qualified for ihe tmploy- 
menl! andEnter tainments of God'sKingdom of Glory ; as none 
hut thefe have any Relilh fur the Buhnef. o Heaven, which is 
toafctibeGlory to God, and not to ihenifelves ; and hat Gorl 
Ctho'l would ipeak it with i;icat llcvercncc of Im Name and 
Perfeaions) cannot, without dcnyius himfelf, finally caft fucft 

"The ncJit Thing [had then to do, w.,s to enquire, v:h=.hcr 
Ibis was ^,y Religion : And iicte God was flcafed ■" help ir.e t<^ 
themofteafy Remembrance and eri.ic.l R«,ew f what nad 
pafsM in Courfe. of a religious Nature, ' "«'. fc--'"-'' "^ ^^J^'- 
tet Years oi my Llfu : And allho' I conld dilcover much Cor^ 
ruplion attending my bcft Duties, many felhlh Vtew, .nd c r- 
nal Ends, much fpiiitual Pride and Self-Exahal.on, and in- 
mmerable other Evils which conipafs'd me about 1 1 Ciy,altho 
] now difccrned the Bins of my holy Things, as v.el! as olhe 
Aaions,yet God was plofed, as I wk ieviewmg,<iuick y to pu 
thy,Qs^LnoMXotDot.K byfbewingme.thatthad, from 
Timeto Time, aded above the utmofl influsnce of meet bell- 
Love; .hat! had louKed to pleafe »nd glorify h.m,i,s my highrft 
Happioefs, t£fr. And this Review was thro Grace allended 
withaprefeotFeeliuK ol the fame divine Temper oM.nd; I 
Teltno* plcafed, to lldnk of the Glory of God, and longed or 
Heaven, as a State wherein I might glorify God [•"fealy, » 
ther thanaPlaceofHwinersformyfelft And this l;eel."g°' 
the Love of God in my Heart, which [ Ifull t he bp.r.tof l^"" 
excitri ia me afrdh, was fufScicnt to g-vc: me full batisraft'""^ 


ne LIFE 

ef Mr. David Brainetd. A.D. 1 747. 


and makfi me IaDg,3S I had manyTimes before done,fo Uc wifN 
Chrift . I did not now wan( any of i\iz[iiMen ^tigge/tioni^vt\w\ 
many are fo plcafed Willi, War Ciri// apio' k'u Bintfiu ariM 1 m. , 
?"*i3/ Gadlpaei Me, E^'i-. (:i or^fer 10 give me Satla'aflioii abuin 
my State : Ko, my Sou] nowabhRr'd IhcfeDeJufions cf i'tjrfifl,, 
ivliich arc thought to be the immediatiWknifi sftht Spitil,vimt 
t^erc is nothing but an empty Suggiffim of !izen2.\nVsi\,vihha^ 
any fjraciotis Difcovery of the timW G^ry, or of the Sji;V;Vi 
Wriili tbeirowoHearts: I faw the awfuIDehjiion of this Kir ' 
of Conftdences, as wclj as of the w'holt- of that Rcligien, tvhic 
ihcy ufualiy fptingfrom, cr at leaft are the Attendants of; 1!" 
falfi Religion of the ]ate Day f [ho* a. Day of wondiousGraiS 
the hmgimiimij and litipreffions made only on the anitji 
Affiaions, liigether witfl lltlt fuddtn Snggcftions, made 
ihe Mind by Satnn^ Iranj/orMri inia on Aji^ei of Li^hl, of o 
lain I'.idlj not rcvt-iikd in Sctipturc : Thefc, and iiianv liJc, 
Things, 1 fear, have made up the gream Part of the teiigiotil 
/ippearances in many i-'Jaces. 

Thefe Things [ faw with great Ciearnefs, when I was tho' , 
to be dying. And God gave tiie great Concern for liis Ciiurd 
2nd tnlerelt in iheVVorld.tat this Timi! : Not fn much bccani^ 
llie late remarkable Inllucncc upon the Minds of Fooplew»4 
abated, a-,d almolt wholly gone, as becaufe that falfc Religion^ 
ibofe Heats of Imagination, and wild and felfifli Coitimotion^ 
of the anitnal Affcilions, which attended the Wotk of Grac^ 
had prevailed fo far. Thit U'as that wldcb my Mind dwelt up^ 
on, almoft Day and Night : And this, to nrte, was the darilcffi 
Appearance, refpeaing Religion, in the Land ; for 'twas i 
chiefly, that bad prejudiced the World againft inward Religion^ 
And 1 faw, the great Mifcryofall was, thatfo few (^t, anyMaiiJ 
Iter of Diffirmci between thofe fexercifcs that were fpiiitual an|^ 
holy, and thotl which have Stlf-Livi only for their Beginninij' 
Center, and End. 

As God waspleafed to afilird me Clearncfs of Thought, and] 
Compofure of Mind, almoll continually, for feveral VVeefc^ 
togcthor,undermy grfatWcatncfa i fohecnabkd lae, in fomas 
McafurK, to improve my Time { as \ hope ) to valuable Fur-L 
pofcs. 1 was enabled 10 wiiii; a Number of impprtant LitliriM 
to Friends in jcmole Haces »; And fometimes I tvrole whei<v1 

» Among tbcfc arc the eighth, ninth) and tenth Ltltcrs, at j 

the End of ibis H.aory 

if,- 3??. 


I „■•„ Srfechlefs ■ i e unable to maintain Converfation with 
, Boi; ■ lo- ;e',baps [wa= able .0 fpeak . Word or two o 
a /to be heard.- At this Seafon al o. f ''= ' «!= ""^""^i^; 
K,/!.:,, I read with Care and Attenlton fome P^P'" ° f ^ ™ 
i,4w-s, lately cotne to Ligbt, and "l^Gf ^-^ J"' ' " ^ J^V 
And as i was defired, .ttd greatly urEed,roade f™=^;' ™°"'. 
where the Se„re was left '>''^' «>' '^V \Z °h.ZlZ 
Kefides this, 1 had man, Fi^Mfr/t; W"'',;:^™' ™R.d„ir 
ab'etoft^eak I always ccnveiftd ot the Things of Religton . 
d^ras'pecoliaiTy di[pof.l and a«cd in ^l^^^^l^^^^^ 
the tr.. and /.///Religion of the'l nnes : } hc« w . f a ce any 


which ia neceffary in order to a l^tving F'f, ""f'^'J^™' 
DMcukr of being brought to this, and the great Danger the e 
;; ^ktfon> taking up with ro<ozS-!f-r!sl>l"uapp«'ranc, o! I. 
Tb X" ' I ;W= i cflKdally dwelt iipon, e ngperftvadd t^^^^^ 

Mutolndes perifl, in thisbidde,. Way ; and 1===-^= /" ''" ^^ 
faid front tnoft Pulpits to difcover any Danger h=r ■ So 'ta 
FetfoosbeiiiE never eiFeaitaily brought to d.e m ihemfebes 
are neeiuly united to Chrifi and fo pcrifh. I alfo difcoatfed 
m c , on Mbafl take to be the EfTcnce of true ^'^'^^''f'l 
vouring plainly .0 defcribe that God-l.k= Tetnp« and Di(p 
tiencfSoui, and that hcl, Canvetfat-on and t!eh»v»or 1 « 
may juftly claim the ri.nuur of h>«"g f.od or ,. O .gu,al 
ZlAtJi. And 1 havcReafonto hjpeGud Weff.dmy Way 
ifdiSingl diffingnilhuig. .»f-,^. ^-^ Minlfters and 
People; folbat my Tune was not wholly W.. 

[ lie was much vlfitcd, while in Bfn bf ""-"y P^'P^"; "^ 
CO liderabkNoto and ligure. and o the beft Charate ana^y 

fonte of ,h. firft Rank: Who (hewed h.n, >^""'""^;^"^X^ 
..nd appeared highly plcafed and en icrtamed with hisConverrtiop. 

And b'ftdes hisleing honoured with '^^ C^-pany ud R J|,c t 
of Miniftets of the Town, he was v.fed ^f /-"^ ^^^ 
niflers from various Pa.ts of the Contttry. An » ^ a^ 
all Oppottunides to.d!rcourfoof,h= j-"'-,^ { ^l^J^^^ to 
■ „.>;OiiitT Ch-raaers of true Epititual a,id l^cligiuo, -t^" 

^30 Ml. 30. 


confifiing iii,or ariiiiig from Fmpreffians on 11ieImapnafion,ainl 
fiiiiin and fuppofcd immediate Suggeffions of 'i'raehs, not 
conujncd in tlleScripture, and (halFailii which confiBs primatily 
■ in n Peifoif a iiliivhi tim/ Ciri/i diid far bm in ' 
So what ho faid was for ihe mod Part heard with uncDinmoil^ 
AlleniioD and Regard; and his Difcouffes and Reafonings ap-' 
pearcd manifcfiiy to have great Weight and Jnfl[ience, witjS 
many (hat hfreonverM with, both JSJiniflers atid others.* 'f 
Aifo the Honourable CoaunhTioners in Biflen, of the inco^ 
porateil Society in Liniim for propagating tlie Gofpel it! Mtf 
£n^raiKrand Farts adjaccnt,having newly hid committed to 'em;-' 
a Legacy of the late Ret. and famous Dr. Danid Jnilhas o( ' 
ZmAs, for the Support of (jw MlffmatUt to the Heathen, wefij 
plcifcd, while he win In BilJtH, to confult him about a Miffifiii 
10 thtife Wmhi cnllni the fiix Nalims, particularly about fho 
Qualilitatiuiiwnpiiliie ill ;, Miilinniry tu tliofe ladisni; ajiS 
were lb CitisfiL-J with his Sentiments on this Head, and ha;) 
that Confidence in his l-aiihfuliiefs and his Jtidgmert and Dif- 
crction in TiHnf! of tiiis Nature, that they dciired him 10 undet- 
taketohndand lecomtiicnd a couple of Perfon! fit to be einpbyed 
in this Uulincfs ; and very much left she i\faHer with Ijlm. 

Likcwife ceitfun pious and gEnerouHf difpofcd Gentlemen in 
BtftiBi, btjiig rao«J by the wonderful Narratifeof hiiLabo^jts 
and Succiifs among (he ItuiM/,,, in Ntw-J^fc,, and more efpcci- 
nlty hy thcif Conveifjlion with him on the fatne Subjeia, toolc 
Opporfuriiiy 10 cnoiiire m.irc paiticuiarly into the State and 
Nr.«ffincs of h-s l-gngrcjation, and the School among the /n- 
AW, wilhacharitibls Imeniion of contributinn fomethioff of 
their Subftaot-E to promote the (xccllent Defign of the Advance--' 
mem of the luttjfffs of Chriflianity among the Indiims ■ andj 

uiideiHandiiH>iliat there was a want of Bibles for ihcSchool'thrCBi 
Dozen oi H:l>:f! wrie immediately procured, and 14,/. in Bi]J,f 
(of theold 'Jcnour ) given over and ahovc, btlides niore lar£ft 
Benefaaiont mjJc afterwflrt!?, which I iial] have Occafion tS 
meniion in thctr proper Phte. 

• I have had Advanta<!f for the mors full Information of his 
Cotldua andConveiialion, the Entertainment hemetwilh, ■ 
•nd what pafs'd relaiingto hiinwhile in Bsp„ ; as he was 
confttnlly attended, during bis Continuance there, by ono 
o/ray Cbildicn, inoidsr to hisAffiftanceinhi! I'lbefs. . 


«/Afr. David Bwmerd. A.D. 1747- »3i" 

. n ■ J., B,ttnration ftcm his cxtreamly low State in 

^'•f'"? .0 abroad "gl and ,0 u.vel, w« very un»- 

JJ.yi-w fo as «» |"J''™^^^^^^^^ My Daughter who Waa ^ithhitr., 

pedted tohimandhis f iieu" • [^ /"j^^jyim n- " ' 

^^H.esthu.conce,mngh™ Letter d^J^,^_^^^^ 

« OuThuTfday,he was very m w „.,;]„„,. So be 

" ^''^ ■'" d' 'rKt:tE ni-g whS^ b= % «- 

<« remained "" ™"" ^;r^ v„„ii' was ui> with h m 'tillono 

« tJt two o'clock, expttMgf^VE J HenJ ^vas hitler, 

.. Sabbaih Day he was » J^^^-'y/^'f,,,, „ i,;, li.eaft, much 
., but very full of Pam^tldc-e^^^^ h, wa« better nput. al! 

" Accounts. L^" _N^ ^^l^p ,,,„ fty,,he has noHopM 
" ''f^Tifernor'does ho think it likdy he ™ill "« ™ms 
;; :lt of" chamber ■, ±^' ■« fays, he may b. able .0 cotn. 

In another Letter j p,i„^,orfevcr, finco I laft wrote, 

•' as btfoie : Yet M e«i i ^^ , ,,„ ,^, 

.< faint, expeaing every Da, w. be tu't.^^y^^^^^ 

« ^,fM.fir .^ «'«^ Ar » '^ ^f^^^ „, Morning int, 

.< ToWB, ^n^™"^'"' h'^' "m"uvei for he lay twoHouts, 
.< ne«t«ipeaedltouW.ecrimtaave, ^j^^^j^^_. 

" ^ <hey thought dymS>On=™.d^r^ ^^ y ^^^ ^^ 

.. he was ahve, or not , ne wa» ^^^^^ 

» Time : But now is much a. he was heto e ^^^.^_^^ 

.. thinks, be «mJrop 7?'" t'^J'Jh LD,/.fa.;«, =^ 
.. fays, he """fjl' ="^3^'!h, "ever had anjConcep.iot, 
.. what he felt to Day ^'J'^lf^^^Xb. alLvi, and yet f« 
<. weak as he is from D y Day- ^^J^ ^^ ^^ ,;,^ 

. in| „o diRteiEng Feat,, ";;'„'"";;,,,„ Kf,, when h= 

His Phyftcian, the ^"-;,;Xi/fc^ ", "<'il-<=^ W^ ''"*'- 
virned him in htse^tiream Ilkie^ in « /'^ , ^^^ ^^^^^ 

ingfo fuddenly -';>„! „^'^f>,"'h7been' longga.herins 

2^2 M,l. 3P', 


lion'fi Pjiliigc in his Diary) and ihirs ilifehargmgand diffliiTnij 
(heir purulent Matter , wiiici?^ wliile Nature was iaboarina 
end (tmggling to ihtow ufF (that couM be done no Dthttwifc, 
than by a gradual ftraining of it Ihro' ths fmall VpITcIs of thofo 
vital Parts ) This nccsScJn'd an high Fever, and vioIcntCough- 
ing, and threw the while Frame of Nature into the utmofl 
Diforder, and brought it near to a Diiloiution, But fuppofed, 
if the Strength of Naiuri; held 'till the I.uiigs had this Way ara- 
dfcally cleared ihemfelvesof this put id Matter, he might revive, 
and cotllinue better, 'till new Ulcers gathered and broke ; bit 
then would furcly fink again ; and that there was no Hope of 
his Rc!:overy ; but ( as he exijrcITed hiinfelf to onir of myNeigSl- 
hours, who at that Time faw him \Tr-Siiflon) he waaas certamlf 
a dead IVIan, 38 if he was fl]ot through the Heart. 

Hut Ci it wai orrlered in ilivinc I'rovidoncc, that the Strength, 
of Nature h^td iiot lIitous.'li this great Conflifl, Jb as iufl to 
cfcapc tbc Grave at that Turn ; and then he revived, to the 
Aftonifhment of all that knew his Cafe. 

After he began to revive, be was vifiled by his youngeffi Bro- 
ther, Mr. Ifrad BmiterJ, a Student at Tali-Cdlqi ; who hav- 
ing heard of his extreme I llnefs, went from thence to Sc/?5ii, 
in order to fee him, if he might find hira alive, which he but 
little expedled. ► 

This Viflt was attended with a miiture of Joy and Sorrow to 
Mr. Brainird. He greatly rejoyccd to fee his Brother, efpecially 
bBcaufe Fie bad detired an Opportunity of fome religiousUonver- 
ration with tiim before he died. But this meeting was altendtd 
With Sorrow, as hi^ Brother broughc tohim the fottowfulTidinga 
pf his Sifter Sptacfr'sDezih at Hadiiami 3 Sil!er, between whom 
and him had long fubfiited a peculiarly dear AfFeaion.and muctt 
Inlimacy in fpiritual Matters, and whofe Houfe heufed to maia 
his Hume, when he went to /foiifom, his native Place. Ha 
had heard notliing of her Siclcncfa 'ijll this Report of heiDeatli. 
But he bad tbefe Comforts, togolher with the Tidings, viz, » 
Confidence of her bsinggonc to Heaven, andanExpeaatiooof 
his foon meeting her there,— flis Brother continued with tim 
'till he left the Town, and came with hira from thence to 

Concerning tbe laB Sabbath Mr. Bminird IftnX in B,)yfw, he 
writes in his Diary as follows,] 

Isold's- Day, .Jk/j, I g, I wasjuUablctoattetid publicltWcr- 
Clip, being carried to the Houfo of Ood in a Chaife. Heartl 
Ur.SdW/ preach, in the J''oieriooii ; Partook of the Lord's- 

Supper ' 

r/ Mr. David Brainerd. A,D. t74>;. 133 

"Supper at this Time. In this vSaeraraent, 1 faw aftoniniiiigdi- 
vine /F/fl>m difplay'd ; fuch VViffiom as I faw required the 
Tongues of Angels and glorified Saints to cciebiats : It feera'd 
tome, I never fhould do anyThingat adoring the infinite Wif- 
dim of God difcovered it) theConlrivance of Man's Redemption i 
until 1 arrived at a World of Ferfeamn ; yet I could not hdp 
flrivins to call iipm my Sod and nil vjillm m lo ikfi the Nami if 

Cud — In the Afternoon.heard Mt, Pimi preach,-- I faw 

nioreof God in iaeWifdm difcovered in the Plan of Man's 
Redemption, ihanl faw of anyothct of his l-'crlcflionJ.ibrough 
llie whuk Day. 

f He Sefi Biflm the jiextDay, But before ho came away, he 
had Occafion to bear a very full plain and ofcnJi/lmtnf againit 
that Opinion, that the Efia^i of faving FtM lies in tif^'ig 
thBt&nJi dlti fsr mi in parlkalar,ind tliat this i! tbe/r/i'Aa ot 
Faith ma true Believer'a clofing with Chrift. He did it in a 
lonlConferencehe bad with aGenlleman, that has very pub- 
Sickly and flrenucully appear'd to defend that Tenot. He had 
thisDifcourfc with him in the Prefence of a Number of coiili- 
derahle Fcifons, who came to viiit Ivir, ilrsrmfJ before he left 
the Town, and to take their Leave ofhini. In which Debate, 
he made this plain Declaration (at the fame Time confiimmg 
Khathefaid, bv many ArgumeiUs) That the £J,^r<of feymg 
Failb was whoUf left out of that Difimma of faving tauh 
which that Gentleman hat publifbed ; and that the faith which 
he had AfiMd, had nothing of Gob in it, nothing above Na- 
tuie, nor indeed above the Power of the Devils ; and that all 
feh as had thu Faith, and bad ii. hll,y, tho' they might have 
Ibis to tievet b high a Degree, would furslv perifh. And be 
declar'J alfo, that he never had areatef J/Jarnil of the taljl- 
„,[> of the Principles of thofe that maintained /m4 a ts'tli-^™ 
ol their daneeious and deftruaive 'Fendeiicy, or a more atitit- 
ingSenfe of the great Delufion and Mifery of thofe that de- 
pended on getting to Heaven by/xrA a Faith (wbiie they^had ™ 
Ltoltban he lately had when he was fuppofed to be atthePo.n! 
to<ft't,and expeacd evetyMinutcfopatimto£w.;iij.-~-— *"■ 
Bramrri's Difcoutfe at ihis Time, and the fotceabkReajomngs. 
b, which he confirmed what he alierted, appear'd to b^ g'«t'y 
10 the Satisfaaion of thofe ptefent ; as (cveral of them toostUa- 
eafiiinexpreay tomanitefttshini, before they took ^'■^1'= oE 

H h 2 


SJ+ Ml. so'. 

fht LIFE 

or NIQIf 

. InrU 

Whan tills Cooverfation was eiideJ, hiving bid an jffefllii. 
Sale Furewel (o his Friendi, he fet .lui in the Cool of (he AT- 
tcrooOD, on hij Journey liNmthampUn, altendcd by hitBioilni , 
and my Daughter that went with him to Sc/lm; andwuulJ 
have been accompanied out of the Town by a Number ofCit-n- 
tlem.en, befides that hoiiourable Perfon who gave bim his Com • 
piny for feme Miles on that Occafion, as a TeHimony of ilioii 
Efteem and Refpcflihaci not his Averfitm !o anyXhingof I'Dmi 
and Shew prevented it. ] 

Saturday, 7ir/|r 15. 1 arrived here at Narthamptm ; hi 
fct out from Bsjimi on Monday, about 4 o'Clodt P. M, 
Journey, I rode about 16 Miles a Day, one Day with aiiothjf, 
was fometimes cjrtfEracly tited and faint on the Road, fo tliU 
itfeera'd impifliblc for me to procce.) any further: At oilit( 
Times I uvaj confidctaWy better, and felt ramc FreetJom bold 
of Body and Mind. « 

Lord'a-Day, J<ily %&. This Day, 1 faw clearly, that I (honr A 
never be happy -, yea, that God binsfelf could not make me hsB*^^ 
py, unlefs ] could be in a Capacity to pliafi anii glarifi him t0 
ivir: Take away ibh, and admit me into all the fine Himi»t 
that can be conceived of by Men or Angels, and i fliouH fHII 
be mtferabh forever. 

[ Ttio' he had fo far revived, as to be able (0 travel thut, 
far, yethemanifefted ijo Expcftation of Recovery: Ha iun- ' 
pofed, ashisPbyficiandid, that hij beini; brought fo near (0,1 
Death jt Se/?m, was owing to the brciifeing of Ulcers in hij. ' 
Lung, : He told me, that he liad had fcveral fuch ill Turns be-T 
fore, only not to fo high a Degree, but as he fuppofcd, owing'^ 
to ihefameCaiEfe, w'». the breaking of Ulcers; and that ha 
was brouglit lower and lower, evsfy Time ■ and it apjieare:! , 
(ohiln, that in his lajt Sicitncfs (in Bcjari] he was brought aj - 
Sow as it was poiiihie and yet live ; and (hat he had not ths . 
leaftExpeiaalion offurvivinj; the nextRelurn of this breaking ot»' 
lllcers : Bud fiiil appeared per/cdtly calm in theProfpea ofDcaih, '■ 
On Wednerday-Morniiig, IheWeek after he came taNcrlh- . 
dmp/ou, he look Leave of his Brother //ra;/, as never expcainj ' 
to fee him again in this World ; he now felting out frora hcnct 
on hts Journey (0 Niui-Ha^sn, 

When Mr. Srojefrrfcitnehilhcri he hsj fomuch Slrcngtb 
IS9 !o be able, from Day to Day, to ride out two or ihreeMiles, ■ 
snd to return j and foHielimct !o pray in thehamily ; hut from ' ': 
this 1 ims he gradually, Nt fcnft!)!;, tlresvsd. is K-came weak- -• 
sr and weaker, 

e/ JWr. David Brainerd, A.D, 1747.' IJ5 

While he V(as here, his Converfalion from fi.« to laR wm 
,„„ch on (be fame Subjeas as it had been when in B./ffl ; U. 
w mucbinfpeakingif theNatuteot ,r„. B,/,^.™ of Heatt 
^u'praaiee, as diftinguilhed from it's various t,VW«« 
™-rffnghi great Concern, that the la.terd.dfomuchpteva, 
" m ny Flacel He often tnanifened h s great Abhoirence of 

loured of. and had any ( tho- but . re.1,0 e ) 1 endency ,0^^ 
ZmiaJm ; of all fuch Notion., a. feem'd to dnnnnflrtheNe- 
X of HSi;ner»of fJfe,t.rtoaba,cMen> R.K.r 'jj ';»Conn- 
n,andsofGod,an<l a Itria dtlifcnt n..J unlvclLl ' "^ » « 
Vertne and Piety, nnder a Pretence of deprec.atn.g our Wnrfcl. 
and ■Magnifying (Sod's free Grace. He fpake often, w>il.n>uch 
DeteftaSn! of fuch and ptetend.d 2J;/,« and 
7» a have nothing of the Nature oi Sa.a.ftta,.,„ .n thetn, 
/nTC't ;"d toStriinefs, Tendcrnefs, and Dihgence ,nRe t- 
Ln, and Meeknefs and Benevolence towards Manktnd and 
f, Humble Behaviour : And he alfo declared, th.t he looked on 
"ch pSiended HaMin a. worthy of no Regat , <l«' ™;°' 
i^anifefled by M,d,ny of Cndua and Ornvvfalm. He fp^ks 
o^ten, with Abhorr/nce, of the Spirit and 1 ra .Ue *■; •'I'l "'• 
amoOE the greater Part of Sf/iaraJr/Zr at Ih.s Uay m the f.and, 
TrSarly! thofe in the eaLn Parts of C».rfl,r.( , ,n thetr 
condemning andfei>arating fromthe/<..di.fM.n,ltty &Uurchas, 
'heir c"yn| down L,.--«-»^ & a U.rnd Minift-y, •I'^'^N^"™ 
Ll at^ iLXuCailx^ (he Work of theMinittry,and theFotward- 
„. s oTil%« to fee up (hetrtfelves as puWick Teachers H= 
h d been much convetfant in the Eaftern Par. o( C™,«..<hu, 
native Place being near to it) jvhen the fame Prtncpks, Noti- 
""aud Spiti. began to operate, which have f.ncc P«v, ed (0 a 
heater Height ; and had Acquaintance Vfllh fotne of thofe Pet- 
fon who ate become Heads Li Leaders of the Sj^of' i he 
So been converfant wi.hPerfons "f '"f f'"'^?^ f,"^: ' 
Ld Iheatd bin, fay. once and again, he knew by hts Acqu tn- 
fance with this Sort of People, that what was cbicfly and molt 
TneraUy ioRepute ^ong (*<™ as tl.ei'.«.<r »/C»'«""/''^''=,^" 
S"ly V-«' Thing from that true vita I .ety reconrm^^^eJ 

nifefted , grestDiilike of a Difpofitien in Perfons to much Ncjt 
::?;/,: In Rehgion,andaffeaing.obeabu„^an.,nprocla.^^^ 

ingandpubhfhing their "" ■^'/''"""'- ^°;ft ans fnea"- 
Thnebadid not CDndemn. but approved "f ^httll.ans fpeak 
,[ tbait oisa E.petietice6.p»r»»« 0«afians.»nd (« fom=P«- 

i^e Ml. 30; 9?# LIFE 

foDS.-withdueModeByandDifcredon. Bn Mmfcif {amtWnm 
Willie at ray Houfq, fpakcofiiis own Experiences ; But ifwll 
aiways wilji apparent Rijirve, and in the Exercife of Care qit 
Judgment with Rrfpefl toOccafiDns,PcrfDns, and Cifcumn«[» 
ces. He mentiori'd fome remarJcabie Things of his own relirf 
cus Experience to two yqungGentJctnen, Candidates for tQ 
MinifitT, who watched with him ( each at a diffcren! Tim* 
when he was vety low and not far from his End ; Euthedcliri 
both of them noi to fpeafc of what he liad told them 'till flrtJ 
kh Desib, J 

Tlic Tiling! which were the Subjefl of tfeit Debate I itiej!. 
(ioned before, that he had wilii 1 certain Gc"ntlemaii, the Day 
be left Bsftm, feem'd to lie with much Weight on his Mini), 
after he came hither j and he began to write a Littir to dm , 
Gentleman ; tsprc(Iin|t hij Scnlinicnta ciincerninf; the dange-'-' 
loua Tendency of foiiii; of the Tenets he had exprelTed in Cgo- 
verfation, and in the Writings he had publifhed ; witiltheCon- 
rideralioLi! by which the exceeding hattful Nature ofthofeNg^i 
tiotis is evident ; hm he had not Strength to finUh his Letter, ,t 

After he came hither, as long as he lived, he was much IB,' 
( ipeating of that futute Profpetity of Z;«5, that is fa often fote- 
told atid promife<i in the Scripture : It was a Theme he delight-, 
ed to dwell upon ; and his Mind fecrn'd to he cairied forth/ 
withearneftConcofn about it, and iotenfc Dcfires, Ihar keli-j- 
gion might fpeedify and abundantly revive and fl.,uriih ; iho' ha,, 
had n!)t the lead Kspeaation of Recovery ; yea, the nearer' 
Death advanced, and themot«.tbe Symptoms of it's Approach, " 
jncreafed, liill the more did hisMind feem to be talccn up witfi^.. 
this Subject. Hetoliiaie, wlieji near his End, that " he tie- j 
*' vet in all his Life bad his Mind fo led forth in Dcfires and,, 
I" earnelH'raycra for the fl..uri(hing of Christ's Kingdimvii-' 
" Earth, ashncehe was brought fo exceeding low at iJg/?jii."i 
He feera'd much to wonder, that (here appcar'd no more of a!.., 
Difpofilion in M [niters and People to ptay for the flomifllingf 
of Religion thro' the World ; that fo little a Part of theitPray- ■ 
errvtas generally taken up about it, in their Families, and elfe- 
wS-.ere ; and particularly, he feveral Times expreffed bis Won- 
der, that there appeat'd no mote Forwardncft to comply \yith 
Sib PnfaJ'nl lately made, in 3 Memotial from a Number ofMi- 
•niliersin Stolisnd^isii fent over into A«riVtf, for asi([i/<i:rraor- 
F diaary Pnitr, among Chrili's Minifters a^id People, for the 
I (om'ni tf GliriJI's Jimilm : And hs ftnt it as his dying Aifeice 


d/ Mr. David Bfa'mertl. A.D, 1 74 7, aj ; 

(0 W mn Cmgregaiiia, that they Choald praaife agttablj to 
tliat Fropofal. f 

Tho' he was conftantly exceeding weak, yet there appear d 
in him a continual Care well to improve Tim(,and fill it up with 
fomethinn; that might be pioStable,aiid in fome Refpedt for the 
GloiyofiJodor the Good of Men i cither profitible Convcr- 
fation.or writing LctteiB to abfent I'ticndi, or noting fomethins 
in his Diary, or looking over hii fotmct Wiitmgs, cotreiamg 
Ihcra, and ptepaiing them to be left in (Ivclhndi of otlnew M 
his Death, or giving foine DircdliiinlcuncorninK "iutlire Coil- 
ilsaing and Management of Sria I'onpir, ur I'iuipluymtnt 111 
iicict Devotions, He feem'd never to be cafy, however HI, K) 
h: was not doing fomething for God, or in Ills bcrvioe. 

After he came hither, he wrote a Priface to a Dinry of the 
famous Mr. Shipaii's ( in thofe^ Papers beforc-raenlion'd.lalely 
found) having been much urged IQ it by thofs Gentlemen in 
BiHsn who had the Care of the Publication : Which Diafjf, 
Willi his Prifaci, has lince been pnbliJIicd. J ^ 

In his Diary for Lord's-D>y, A»g«li 9. He fpcaks orionjins 
Dcfires after Diaib, thto' a Scnfc of the Enccllency uf > Siaio 

of PtrfeSkl, „ , , , ,. 

Ill his Diary for Lord's-Diy Aug. 1 0, tie fpcakj of ins 
having fo much Refreniraent of S«bI in the Houfe of UoJ, that 
it feem'd alfo to refrefii his Bsij. And this is not only noted 
in his Diaty.but was very obferviblE to others i it was very ap- 
parent, not only, that his MnJ was exhileraled with inwartl 
Conrdation, but aifo that his uii^W Spirits and Uiiij Strength 
feemed to be remarkably reliored, as iho' he had forgot hii 

Illncfs But this was the kit Time thai ever he attclldeJ 

publick Warfliip on the Sabbath. 

f His Congregation, fince (his, have with great Chearfulnefs | 
and Unanimity fallen in with this Advice, and have praiti- 
fed agreibly to the Propofil from Salkad ; and have at 
Time,?, appeared with miconmioil Kngagcdnefs and her-j 
vency of Spiilt in their Meetings and united Devotions, 
purfuantto that Propofal : Alfo the L'relbylerlej of Niw 
Tirk, and Neiu-Brunfwid, finee thi<, have with one Uon^ j 
I'tiu, fallen in with the Propofal, ai lilteivifc fome others of 
G' ,'3 People in ihofe Farts. 
;!- ■ lit of this /■rc/ucj is iiifcrtd in the /IfpivilUto thia 

■'"'!"'" " ■ ■ Oh 

23'3 -^t' 30* 


of Mr. DavidBramefd; 

OnTucftJgy- Morning that Week ( I beiog abfent on a JoUM 
flcy ) he prayed with my Family ; but not without niuc|| 
I>iffiCLiIty, for want of bodily iJtrength : And this wa& the IjW 
Family- Pxayer that ever he made. 

He had been wont, '(ill now* frequently to ride out, two of 
thre« Miles j Hut this Weelc^ on ThuiMay, wis the hftTimt 
be ever did i<s,^ ' 

Lord's-Day, jfug* 33. Thi5 Morning, I was confiiIcrabf)» 
fcfrelh'd wilh the Thought, yea, the Hope and Expectation Qf 
[the Enlargemini of Christ's Kingdom ;^ and 1 could not bill 
:hope, the Time was at Hand^when^fl^yM the great would /dl^, 
and rijt no murt : This led me to fomc rpiritu^l Meditatiom, 
that were very refrefliihg Id me. I Mvas vtiahle to attend ptih^ 
lick Worfhip, cither Partol iln: Dsiy ; but God was pleafed ta 
affuril nic I'ixcdiitfa and Katisreitwn m divine Thoughrs. No-* 
ihinj; To lefteHie^ my Soul, as when I can ^^ /a God, yea, ti 
God tf!j ixcuMng Joy. When he is fo, fenfibly, to my Soul, Oh, 
how unfpeakably delightfLl is thii ! 

In the Week paft, I had divers Turns of inward Rcfrefhing; 
[ tho' my Bciciy was iiicxpsefltbly weak, followed coniinually 
with Agues and Fcveia. Sometimes my Sflul eenter'd in GoDp 
as my onlyPsrtifio j and [ felt thatlfliould be forever unhappy,; 
if he did not rti^n : \ faw the Sweetneis andHappinefs gf being 
^hli PubjcS, at hh Difpol'al : This made all my Difiicultie* 
(quickly vanilh, 

From thisLord's-Day,^;^. Aug,\'^l was troubled very much 
with vapoury DifordcfS, and could neither write nor read, and 
could fcarcely live j altho' through Mercy, was not fo mucli 
opprcfs'd with heavy Melaocboly and GJoominefe, as ac many 
other Times* 

[ 'Till this Week he had been wont to lodge in a Room 
above Stairs; but he now grew fo weak, (bathe was iio loiiger 
able to go up Stairs and down; P'riday jfj^^. 28. was the laif- 
TJme he ever went above Staire, henceforward he herook hlra- 
felf 10 a lower Room. ' 

On WcfJiicfday* Sepimhir j» Being the Day of our publicfe 
I I^ifiurcjhe fcem'd to be refrefh'd with feeing thcNeighbouring 
Minifterathat came hi [her to the Leaure,and exprcfa'd a great 
Defire once more tn go to thcHoufc of God on thaiDay : And 
accordingly rode tothe Meeting, ifid attended divine Service, 
while theRev. Mr, ^psitrfn/f^tif ii?fl/;&^pre&cl3*d, He fignified 


ibat he fuppofed it «o 
t'l-d Hicpublick WoilhJp 
i\yc [.lit Time 
O.T the 

be the iaft Time that ever he fliould iit-, 

it proved. And indeed it was 

Time that ever he went out at our oa 


sl'turlv". Evening ncjct following, he was un.xpca- 


I^ Brother br.u,h. him I...0. h. .--..Wr..u,v^ 1 -^ 
;/.r>^ ^ud particularly his Diary thai he had Upt Iw nmnjr 

T,.rd's-D.y, I began to ,e.d f™a of n,,- pnvat. 

Uv rcfrcfli'd wiih what I mci wicli in ilicm. 
-IWondav Si? . 7- I proceeded f.= ili« in («; iiig mj "M P"" 

lt%'.^hi.h without W,u,„,h.c=nc.uuc^ 

Th^s EvtiiisiE.when 1 Was iji great IJiltjiH ol o«'yi '"?, 

thing for ^°^' 
^'tll; E™.W. havin, now ^it. mnoh D='.bera.icn c^nfider- 


«40 ^1' 30- 

yjf L I r E 

honouriblo CooiuiiJtionere in Btjliia, of thtCorporatftjn m: 
Aufor (he PropagaiioD of the Gofpel in Nnu- EvglemI 
Farts aJjacent, ma. [he fixing uprai and recommending Iwu 
feifbris proper ta be i improved as Miffionarics to ihejw Niu[ 
(Mill, he about (his Timr wfote a Letter, rmommendlng IWH 
young Genllemen of his Acqujintance to tliofe UonmiiffionHlJ 
viz. Ml. Elihx Spesiir of Eafi-Badiam, and Mr. Jaf StrM 
of NsrIbsMptsn. The Coramiflionei! on the Keceipt of tliisLoS 
.ter, clicer fully and tinanimouHj' agreed lo accept of and etnplffl 
J tbePerfons he hii reconimnided : Who accordingly have fill 
waited on the Cominiffioncrs to receive their Inflruaions ; V— 
fiuffuant (o iheif Iniiruaions, have ipplied ihEmfeives to a im 
paration for the Bufinefs of tbtir Miflion, in the Manner n 
which they direfled them ; and one of them, mis. Mr, Spmitr, 
hia been (i.icnin])' orilriiiicrl to Ijiai Work, byfcveraiof thelWi- 
Eificts u( llijhu, ill tl« I'rcfcncc of an licclefiaftical Couticij 
convcnc.l for tliatf cirpofe ; and is now gone forth to the Nation 
' cf ihe Omdaes^ about 170 Miles beyond jllitBaf. 

He alfothis Weeli, ws. on Weinefday, Sipiimi, 16. Wfofs 
, a Letter to a particular Gentleman in ksflux { one of tbofa 
charitable I'erfons forementionM, who appcar'd fo forward to 
coniribule of t'leir Bubffaiice for ibc promoting Chrifflanity a- ■ 
laofig lile Indians ) relating to tbeGromh of tbe /tiJriinSchoo!, 
and the Need of another Schaol-Maftet or ftmc Ferfon to afliS 
the School-Maftcr in iBftruaing the AA'as Children. Theft 
Gclitlemen, on iiie Receipt of this Letter, had a iWeetin?,and' 
agreed with greatChearfulncfs to give 200 Pounifs ( in Bills, of 
(he old Tenor ) for the Support of another School-Mailer ; and 
defired tiie Rfv. Mr. Pemkrtiu of Mmr-nri ( who was then 
at Bs/im, and wasalfo, at tiicir Defire, prefent at their Meet- 
itlgj as foon as pofTible to procure a fuitable Perfoo for thatScr- 
vice ;^ and alfo agreed to allow JS i'ounds to defray fome fpsr 
cialCharjes, that were retjuifite to encourage the Mifiion to 
the Six Nmims (bcfiites the Salary allowed by the Commiffia- 
ners ) whicli was alfo done on fome Intimations given by JVlr, 
Bn insfd. 

Mr. Braiatrd fpenl himfelf much in writing (hofe Letters, 
being exceeding weak : But it feem'd to be much to his Satis- 
faflion, that be had been enabled to doit ; hoping ibat it was 
fomctbingdone for Goo, and wiiich might be for the advance- 
ment of Christ's JCtngdom and Glory. In writin» the lali 
of ihefe Letters, be was oblijrcd to life tlie Hmd of "another, 
not being atiie to vfrite himfelf. 

. On 

c/JWr. David Brainerf; A, R ly*?' *^ 

•..thcTburfdayoE to Week {i^puf- ^V) ™^= "'|'"^J 

...hat ever he went out of his Lodeins Room, i l-at 

..Cbe ™:;a!l°^.eJ by his Bother ^"';^- ^j^ ;^" ^ 

Z)r>.r / Atld^ftomTime '"Time, -t.l>= l=v^'jSt,p '.nd new 
S,.,{,pto=n. of the fenbble APP™'" J "f ; ^ t ' Uat- 
f„ far from beiog funk "'■'^l'"'' f ' ' ' '"Ij" ', „ ApP-^^ance. 
eJ, and made morecliearful ; as 1^^' ''|''™;,t, .,j; „,, v^lien 

...d minutely givin, Dj^f ™;™X , w Jead. And 

knfol}, t,di, i and 'P''''^'" " leave the Body, only 1° B« "<1 
'■iraS;V"rro';.oHTrr:4:o;^'«-Jutan'd Advance- 

a lit.le.myTho't. turned tb.s ; Hm »>' f /™ ^^j '„ „„ 
Gcd, andh,.af« hm I Up"" Jj^;' J " To wU ray '^hole 

Soul i»-=f « ?;£;/u t-l^ch it was fuffiett^^ ag»in 
Csd,!i!a!iyM""'"'f!'-"' ' H„.unaninlfanty appwr'd 

the blefied Robe, of '^"■''^'■^f 'f '''>fZTnfi tcExcellency 

of God, and my »onl «"' ,,-,.„;,,,,_ Heaven ; but in- 

aantly the Tho't returned, 'Z^' ' f "™ ''hoVl'oneed,thac, 

Godfhouldbe i;'""fi5'i°"f°s ,1 5i,^,Vfl;„rIc3Eed not 
Eternity,i(Godmi6htb= glonfi I BMyJm, ^ ^^^^ 

for: Tho'lwasthcn '" '^'^''^''^l '/,!:,! nilefe, as long as' 
willing .0 ,l.if,ff i" '^»' Sta e ''^^'^^^^':^,,,i retny 
he pleafed I (bould eont.nue m it, J lie t. If ^^^^^ 

34* ^'. 2"'' 

ni LIFE 

fw*et, and I longed to lod^c my weary Bones mit : But C 
that God might be glsrjjttd I tliis was the J3uriien of a][ liiyC 
Oh, ] kii::w, I (hould be a^ht as flii Angel, in Heaven j _ 
that J flinuld hi ftrip'd of my fillhyGarmsait / So that there w;l( 

TiO Objedtion — But Oh, to Itt^t -iuiprmfe Ged more, ttl 

ffha/e him for ever I This jiiy Ijoal panted after, atld even nawl 
pants for while I write. Ob. thai Co^niight be ^/mjfi-J in tht 
whole Earth. Lard, In thy Khgdtm amt. I longed for a Spi- 
lit oi Fnaihingia dercend.atjtj relt on j^iBi/^^rj, that they might 
addrefs tire Cojifcieiices of Men with Clofeircfs and Power. | 
faw, God had the rffidui cf thp ipirit j and my Soul Jtjiiged it 
{hotiMhtpoured frsm ankigb. 1 could not but plead with Goil 
for my dear CsTtgnj^atm, (hat he wDuhl prefei vc it, and not 
tuStr.hiigrtctlNami to lole il's Ciliirv in that Worfcj MySoul 
ftillionginij, that fc'orf niij^ht bt gturifiiii, 

[ The extraordinary Frame, that he tvas in, that Evr!ning, 
could not be hid; hi; Aditiih fpaii tut nf iht Mimiamc of htt 
^iffTfr, cXprcfling in 3 very affei^ing Manner much the fam* 
Things as arc written in his Diary: And among very many 
other (XlraotdinaryExpreJIions, which be then uttered, were 
fuch as ihefe; " My Biavnt is lo phafi God, sni glsrify b'u::, 
*' at^d give all to him, anti to be whoiiy devoted to his Glory ; 
" that is the Heaven E long for ; that is my Riiishn, and 
<f that is roy /?a;S^i'M/r ; and always was ever ftnce J fuppofe 
" I had any true ficligion ; and all ihofe that ate of ihiit Kc- 

" liginn, (iall meet mi in Heaven ■ [ don't go to Heaven 

I " to be advanced, but to give Honour toGod. 'Tis noMattep 
," where Iftail be (htion'd in Heaven, whether I have a high 
I" or a low Seat rherc ; but. to love and ploafe and glorify Goil 
■' is ;d I : Had I a Thufsytd Sauh, if £hey were wortir aiiy 
■' Thinu, 1 would give 'email ro God ; but 1 have noiijing 
** to give, when all is done. - — U IshnpuiTible for anv ra linn af 
" Creature to he ij^;.y without ailing all /or Gsa'.' God hirrt- 

'* ftif could i^et make hinj happy any other Way, 1 long 

*^ to be in Hearen, prar/rng and ^/Dft^Vuir Goo with the holy 

'* Angels : All my D..-fire is ro sl"lfy Gob. ~ My Heart ■ 

(" g"e< out to the Suryii:g Finn ; ii feems to me a ili/smili 
** Place : but Oh to ^hrify GoD ; that is it ; that is abovs 

«> all 'Tis a peal Comfort tome, lo think, that I have 

,'' dotie a littlc/jr God in the World : Oh ! 'tis but a turj 
'• /mall Matter] ytjt I hmf done a little; af.d ! lament it, 
,?' that I have not iJoiie ipsri forliiin.-^ — Thcje it nothing 

,i in the World worth living for, but Mr,^, :.^i frnMr-lS 
.< G,<r, tr^'i, doing theWork that Cir;/; d,d I fee nothing 
" elfeinlheWorld, that can yield any Satisfaaion, befiie. 
" IMm is God, */«>? kirn, and d^ing Ins whoIilVM.-- — -. 
» Mvieatettjoy and Comfort t.r i«., to do fomethmg or 
<. pro-noting thdmerefl of Religion and theSouls of at 
.' Perfons ; And ««r, in my lUnefe, while 1 am full of Pa.n 
.. and Diiheft, from Day <o Day, all the Comfort have, is 
" nbdng able to do foote littlo Ch.,, [ o, fmal Piece o. 
« Work] for God ; either by^ fomething that t fay, ol by 
*' writimr or ftmit: utbflr Way," 

H i "fr'niingled with thefc and other like E«prelKonvnany 
mtheltcal Co.M, to Ihofe that wete abont htm ; parttcilatly. 
i my Ct^ildren and Servants. He applied htmrdl to fome of 
myyLnger Children a. this Titne ; ca hng them to htm and 'em one by one V fetting before them, in 1 very 
pi n Manner, the N.ture and Effence of true Piety and its 
Cat Importance and Necellily ; ■^^'"'< I? ^"■''"g 'f','" f' 
^o reS in any Thin^ (hort of that trne and thorough Change of 
Heart and a Life devoted toCiod , """''^■"-E *™ »"day 
"act in the great Bufinefs of Religion, nor in the Icaft to delay 
" enf„rci,?g his Counfd* with this that his Words were ,h. 
Words of a d,«gAia^ : Said U, " Hhall d^ here.aud here I. 
" (han b= bu'ried, and here yon will fee "7 Grave^nd o jou j 
.. remeBiber what I have faid to you. -"" f-°""'f'f'"''l: 
" And'tisfweetto me to think of ttermly ; the Endiefocfe 
« of it makes it fweeti But Oh, wbatfhall I fay to theLtet- 
" nitvofthefflcWi' 1 can't mention it,iior think of it. llie 
.. Tl ought is too dreadful. When you f=e triy Grave, then 
" remember what I faid loyoiJ while I was ahve i then think 
.. with vour felf, how ihativlan, that lies in that Grave, couil- 
" feli'd ind watncd me to picpare for Death. . 

Zb^, f«»^d to bo marvellouily "'"gthen'd, hrough 
the i wa dVigour aodRefrefhment of h sMtti ; fo •h^'.^l'h"' ' 
before be waffo weak that he co«ld hardly titter a Santennc 
y now he contimrcd his moft affeain^ and profitable Difcourfc 
us for more than an Hour, wi.h fcarcc »"/ I"''™f ^^ 
and faid of it, when he had done, .< «,« Ih. laji Sirman that 

""TCs^rtrliTdr:ty Frame of Mind cominurf tli. nextDay : 

of which he fays in his Dit'i a» follows,] f„„i,,, 

Lord's-D.y S./-*. M. Wa, iliU ma weet and comfortab^ 

Frame; a ad was again mdti^d •«^^ Def,;e= that Gcd might 


2t4 S^' so- 

ire; LIFE 

f be ghrifiidfiai wi(h Loggings to lore and live to him. Longi 
for the Influsnces of the difine Spirit to defcend onMm/Jiri, 
9 fpecial Manner, And Oli, I longed to be with God, to *»■ 
iM ill Glory, and to bow in his Prcfcnce ! 

[ It appears by what is noted in his Dkrf, both of thisDaj-, 
and (Ik Evening piececding, (Ijat his Mind at this Time wai 
raucb imprEfs'd with 3 SiDfe of the Importmce of tfic Work ol 
the M'al/Irf,a,6 the NeciJ nf the Grace of Ciod, and his fiiccia! 
fpsritual Affittancc in this Work : And ft alfo appeat'd in what 
iic exprtfTcd in Comeriilion ; particulaily iii his IJifcoutfc K 
his Brother J/rai/, wllo mas (lira a Memijer of raU-CsUigt al 
NtK'Ha^£Ji, and had been jirofecuting his Studies and acade-- 

j mical Excrcifes there, to that End, (hat he raight he fitted fop 
the Work of the Minittry, and was now with htm.» He now, 
•nd from Time to Time, in this hii dyins State, tecoEn mended 
to his Jtrothcr, a Life of Sell -denial, of VVcaiicdncfs from the 
World, and Ueiotedntfs 10 God, and an earnctt Endeavour to 
obtain much of the Grace of God's Spirit, and God's gracltus 
InfiuEnces on his Heart ; reprefsnting the great Need which 
Minifters ftind in of them, and the unfpcakahle Benefit of 
theitl from his own Experience, Among many other Expref- 
fions, he raid thus i " Wlien Miniitm feel thefe fpccial 01a- 
« ciouB Influences on their Hearts, it wonderfully afTirts than 
" to come at the Confcicnces of Men, and as it ifete to hmi]z 
" thcra withHands i whereas, without them, whateverRcafen 
" and Oratory we make ufc of, We do but make ufe aSSiuiKM, 
'* inflead of Hands.*'} 

; Monday,. ff</li. at, i hegan to correfl a llflie Volume of 

■ my private VVritings : God, i believe, reniarjcably helped me 
in it; my Strength was furprralngly lenglben'd out, and my 

jThoiif his tjuick anil lively, and my Soul Jefrefli'd, hoping it 
might be a Work ibr Uon. Oh, how good, how fwcct it'ls, 

■ to labour for Go K I 

' This yonng Gentleman was an ingcnious,ferious,fiudioU3 
and hopefully truly pious ferton : There appeared in him 
many (iualities giving Hope of his being a great BIcffing 
inhis Day. But it has pleafed God, flncc the Death of 
hll Bnibir, to take tim away alfo. He died that Winter, 
at NiwHaiiin, on Jan. 6. 1747,3, of a nervous Fever, 
after about a fortiiight's lUneft. 


c/JW)-. David BraititttJ. A.t).i7+7, iq 

Tuefday, Sspt. ii. Was again etBpIoycd in reading ani 
coneaing, and bad the fame Succefs, as the Day before. I was 
exceeding weak; but it feejn'd to refreih my Soul, thus to 

'^VednTfiay, Sept. 13. I fioidi'd my Correaions of the littlo 
Kecc foremention'd.and felt uncommonly peaceful ; It fecm d 
as if I had now done all my Work in tliis World ,and flood ready 
for my Call to a better. As long as I fee any Thing to be done 
for God, Life is worth having : But Oh,how vamand unwor-l 

thy 'tis, to hve for any lower End I Th,» Day t ini.ted 

a Letter, I think, of great Importance, to the Rev. Mr. B,ram 
in Niw-ltrki ■- Oh that God would blefs and fuccecd IhatLet- 
ter which vias written for theBtnefic of hisCburch I * Ol) that , 
God would tvih ll" ^»"' "/ Levi, that his Glory may be ad- 

^,a^ccd I This Night, I endured a dread fol Turn, wherein 

inv Life was expetted Scarce an Hour or Minute together. But 
Lilefled be God, 1 have enjoyed confiderable Sweetnefs Jn divnic 
Things, this Week, both by Night and Day, 

Thurfday, Sm. 24. My Strength began to fail exceedingly i 
which look'd further as if I had done all my Work : However 
1 had Strength to fold and fuperfcribe my Letter. About two 
I went (0 Bed, being weak and much difordered, and lay in a 
burning Fever 'till tSTight, without any proper Reft. In the 
Fveuiog, I KOt up,baving lain down mfooie ofmyCIoallls; but 
was inthegreateftBiftrefsJhat ever I endured, having an utl- 
common Kind of Hiccough ; which either ftraogled me, or 
threw me into aSliaining to vomit ; and at the fame Time was 
dilhefe'd with griping fains. .Oh,!he Diftreft of tbisEvening I 
1 had htileEspeaation of my living tlic Night through, nor ) 
indeed had any about me : and 1 longed lor the fcA'Jif Mo- 

,„„, I I was obliged to repair to.Bed by 6 o Clock ; 

and thio' i^lercytlijoyedromeRcft; but was gnevoully dif- 

ItelVJ at Turns with the HIceough -. Mj Saul breath d 

after God, while the Watcher wss with me:~mmpall 
I ami to G,i, asm U Gcd, ray txlltding JsfF Oh fir ki U'Jf!4 

' Friday, Sipi. 25. This Day, I was unfpcakably weak, and , 
lillle better than bpeechlcfs all the Djy : Howe-er, I was able 

It was concerning tbeQiialificatipns of Mimflin, and Ihe 
Examination and Licenl'mg of Caniidsm for ibe Woik of 
the Miniilry. 

jE/. 30: 


10 write a Irttls, and fdf comfoita!)!)' in foine Part oF (be Dty, 
Of], it refrcflictl roy Soul, !o tliiiit of former Tilings, oiDcfitit 
to gbriii God, of the Pleafurea of living to iiim I Oh my it/iA 

J Gff?, 7 flm fpiidily amiTig is theSj 1 hspe ! Ha/icn ihe Day^ OLor^A 
7/ it ii tbs ilefftHt'ill ; Oh tcmi. Lord Jifiil, etmt quickly. Arntn- * 

Saturday, Sipt, :zS. Ifelt the Sweetnefs of divine Tliiogt 
tiiis Forenoon ; and had ttie Confolation of a Coilfcioufilcra thr 
Iwas doing fomElhing for God- 

,' Lord's-IJay, Sipl. 27, Tiiis was a very comfortable ] 
to nij Soul i I think, i imKi! will' Gid, I was enabled to tii 
up my Seal la God, eaily ttiis Morning ; and wbilo I bad littT 
bodily Strength, 1 found Freedom to lift up my Heart to Ga, 

jfor my fclf and others. Afterwards, w»s pleafed with (beThuugbS 
ofrpeedily cntring into the unfern World. 

[ tirlyrhit Moriiiiifr, as iNicof the family canic into (is 
Room, be cufrcfs'J liiirlfelf llius : 1 kave had man Pleafurc Ml, 

lAlsrnia^, thun all tin Dnttk^xis in Ihs WerU enjey, if it witl- 

/ill txtrailid I "— £0 much did he efleein tiie J^ sf Failih 

above Ibc Pltofttrti of Si:i. 

He fslr, that Morning, an unofaa! Appetite to Food ; with, 
which his Mind fecm'd to be txiilaralid, as looking on it aSign 
tit (be very near Approach of Benth ; and fuid upon it, / U'^i 
hrn HI a Sabbatb-Day ; and 1 bavi Riofan is thijji i vmi ntw-. 
hum m aSabbath-Day j iff 1 htpi IJ&all die on l*ir Sabbath- Day ; 
IJbsuld ksi upaa it m aFasisur, if it muf ti tin Wilt of Gad that 
it fimid icfi ; J /stj^ far thi TImr. Ob, why is his Chariot To 
long in coining ? Why («rry the Wheels of h is Chariots > J am 
viry uuitiijig to part ■with all : 1 am ■millifi^ ta part with my dear 

'iifBlAfrJohii, find niti^r ia fee him again, ts go la it farivtfwith 
thi]LoTd, t Oh, when j^olhtre, bmivitl Gad's iiar Church on 
Earth hi u^on my Mind I 

* This was [he IsK ihat ever he wrote in his Diary wiih his 
own Hand : The' it is continued a little farther, in a bro- 
ken MaiiiiL-i ; wrkttn by his Brother Ifratl, but icdiiej 
^i^i bis Mouth in this bis weak and dying State. 

\ Hehadjbefoiethis.sxprefs'd a Dcfirc, ifilmigbtbe the 
Will of Gad, to live 'tih his Brother returned from litw- 
Jtrfey: Who,wben he went away, intended, if 
perform bis Journey and return in a Fortnight ; hoping 
once more to meet bis Brother in the Land of the Living. 
Tlie Fortnight was now near expired, it etiding the next 
Bay, Aftsrwatds 

c/Mf. David BrainertJ." A.D.1747; a+f 

Aftcrwds, the fame Mornine, being .fed, howhedidho 

fZ )iZTfJh .llr^yFrlindt r '^11 it, l^-orUi, nolhi„, 

m??l„.f!andperfca glorifying JnJ enjoying Gnd,mjnilcfted 
ofHobnrbanapenc S ' l^ ^.^ j (;^j,^j,„rM «/ iht 

T"Tn'.f7nitrD.,>f 7«kntm, kadi 10.1 ^'-"to- 
Pay 4 Diatb, miti'i "^'1 J ^i , Time fpakc of his 

"". , lTL.f sLp. lw„skdt,ltyfor iUp^r<'>e out of 

nous Advancement of j, ^ ^„ a, Qii- 

"""Ttl^t^fZl'd ilzl-riL Ti.. .ftU Ch.,tk, 

,,, *.„.ti, »i.^" -"^^'^f ( 'p/;^J ?,;, Xt he Giould, 

i„ H/ctv,. ('=<= ,Ir\:^f,L,ais i And .he Confideration of 

M, alio ttill dwelt much on the gteatlmportance once , 


24-8 ^i- 30; 


had. fame Acquaintance with, and whofe fincere Fticndfiilp lit 
was cODfitlent of, that he might convctfe freely with them OS 
ihat Subjeft, before he died. And i( fo happened, thathohiij 
Opportunity with feme of them, accoiding io his Defirc. 

Another, Thing that lay tnuch on hisHeart, and that he fpalcj 
of, from Time to Time, in, thcfe neat Approaches of Death) 
was the fpiritual Profperity of bij own Congregation ofChrifliia 
hdia!u\a i^iw-Jirfij/ : and when he was with 
^ pei:u!jar Tcnderncfs ; fo lisat his Speech would be piefenllj 
interrupted and drowned with Teats* 

He alfo exprelTed much Satiafaflion in the Difpofals of Pia^ 
viiJencc, with Regard to the CircumftanMs of his Death ; pai- 
ticularly that God had before hi; Death given him the Oppor- 
tunity he had had in Btfim, with fa many conriderablePerfont, 
(Miniflera ami oihern, to give in Im Ti/limny for God, and 
Hjailill (alfc Rtlipon, and many MiHaJtes that lead 10 it, atiit 
pioniotc it ; and there to lay before pions and charitable Gen- 
tlemen, the State of the/srfBjj, and theitNeceflities, to fo good 
Kifefl; and that God had fince given him Opponiinity m 
write to them further concerning thefc Affairs ; and to write 
other LcLters of Importance, that he hoped might he of gooi 
Influence with Regard to the State of Religion among the Indi- 
mi, and elfewhere, after his Death. Heexprefs'd greaiThank- 
fubeft to God for his Mercy in tbcfo Things. Healfo men- 
tioned it as what he accounted a merciful Circumftance of hia 
'Death, that he ihould die hen \ , And ipeaJrmg of thefa 
Things, he (iiii,Gsd!iaiigrmudhim aSibhDefiri ; and figniiitd, 
ihatnow he could with the greater Alacrity leave the World. ] 

J The Editor takes Leave to makethe Remark, thai when, 
Mr. Bmincrd was at S'JIm, ficfc nigh unto Dtath, ' 
it was with Reludlauce he thought of dying in a I'lace, 
Ithcrc Fmsra/s are often attended with a Patnp & Siaui,, 
which [ efpeelally on Occafioli of his own ) he was very, . 
avcrfe to any Appearance of : And tho' it was with faniej • 
Difficulty he got his Mind jccondled to the Profpefl thw 
before him, yet at laft he was bro't to acqutefce in the; 
Divine Will, with Refpefl to tliis Circumftance of hiit 
Departure, However, it plea fed God to ordsr tbirEvent 
foil to gratify his /Jf/?.?, which he had exprefs'ii,, of. 
jgettrng back to Na'ticimptm,with 3 View particularly to; 
■ ■ !rin(!ite Kent and privaie BurM, ; 


e/ Mr. DSvid Btaroerf. A.D. 1747: s+Si 

Monday, Sipt. Jg. I was able to lead, arid mske fotne few 
CotteaionlinmyprivateWritingSi but fo,,T.d I C"^'^ ""f 
write, as I had done; I found my telf fenhh y Jechned m all 
Eefoeas. llhas been only ftom a little while befote Noon. 
Sout one or two o'Clock, that I have been able to do any 
Thins, for ibiBe Tintopaft : Yet this relreth'J m, "«">. 'hat , 
, could do any Thine, "'l"" P''^«"^'= "' P'""'' "'" ' ^^' 
*'t Tte Ev-enlng, he was fuppo^'d to be dyin, : He tho'.^.. 
hiifelf, andwastho't !b by thofe «>>» »f "''™"^™r..,^ 
fe^'d glad Jt the Appearance of the near Approach of Death. 
HewasamoftSpeeehlef,,but his Lips appeat'd to move ; and 
rneTha. fat very'near him,beard h^ Tuch Expreffions^ 

tbefe, c,», i..rjj.fuu ^';-*',7;;;i°''; ^,*Lmtd 

SS i^'r'Si'nVh::^ »::;. fot'g'ne. And'in eKpreffi^ 
'Xthe foundTnthoFrameofhis Mit.d at heM 
r .t „ <™,„J ,n inpinreffiblv ftveetLove to ihofc that he looit-l 

made with hitn; bckW, n,, hhia^d ,ver, tf'rd <,nd M y 

(hat eoirfH^nrdrmh' dill Htarl. r,„,„t m 

On the EveniuE of the next Day, ««• Tuefd4y, Siptemb-n- 

leede ' wi'H fome Freedom of Speech, togive htsdy.nECouti- 
fJstoiofe two youngGentlemen fore.,net>tioi.ed, re atmg to 
Ih i F«parafonL.\t.dFrorecu,iot. of that .P"'^-'! "' 
heSry they weU deftsned for ; and u, P>rt.cular arneftly 
re-iommended to 'em freqttent fecret Fafl,.e '"^.^'Z^^f^l 
,„f™=d his Couniel with Regard ,0 'l^.' /™ ^ '7r^ftt-, I 
«„ of the great Comfort and Seneht oftt ; '"''.'f « ™ ""^^^ 
fe^Uld notLnliao, were it not thitl am a^;«J ?"&«• ^^ 

250 ^i, 30; 

ne LIFE 

after he had iiniflied Jiis Counf^I, he made a Prayer, in the AuJ 
fdicnce of uaall j wherein, belides praying for this Family, I 
his Uretiiren, and thofe Candidates tor the Miiiiftry, and foi^ 
liiiowLi Congregaiton, Jie carneftly prayed fof the reviving an4j 
fiourifbing of Religion in the WorJd, 

'Till now, he had every Day fat tip Part of the Day ; 
after thi^, he nevet rofe from his BeJ. J 

Wcdncfday, Sept* 30, 1 was obliged to keep my Bed ihi 

whole Day, thro'Wcalcncfa. Howeverifcdecm'd a littleTiiT 

and With the HeJp of my Brother, read and correiSed ab. 

Do^en Pages in my M.S.givfng an Accounc of niy Converfioig; 

Thurfday, Olisb. i. I endeavoured again to do fomeihing iy 

Way of writing, but foon found my Powers of Body and Mind. 

utterly faij. Felt not fu fwectty, as when I was able to ^tt 

'fomething that J linped w^iilcJ do fume Good. In the Evenings 

wan (Hfcon^ptifcd and whoily delirious $ but it was not long ht^ 

fore God was pleafed to give me fomeSieep, and fully compofed. 

my Mind, f Oh, bleflcd be God for his great Goodnefa rome, 

fines I was fo low at Mr. Brom^fld's, on Thurfday Jane xS Jaft 

P&rt. He has, except tbofe few Minutes, given me theclear 

. £;cercife oF myRcafon, and enabled me to labour much for hiva^^ 

'in Tilings both of a ptiblick and private Nature j and perhap 

lo do more Good, thafi ! fhould have done if I had been wel^j 

befides the comfortable Irifiuences of his bleffed Spirit, witt^ 

Vifhich lie has been pkafed to refrefii my Soul- Ma^ hit Namffl 

have aEI the Glory for ever and ever. Amen. 

Friday, O^s^. i. My Soul was this Day, at Turns, {weetlyA 
fetonGcD : 1 longed to be vjkh bim, that I might bsb6lii hitj,^ 
Glsry. 1 felt fweedy difpofed tocortimit all tu hfm, even my 
deareft Fiieiids, my deareft Flqck, and my abfent Bforher, and 
all mv Coticerna for Time and Eternity, Qh that hiiKhgdam 
might come ir> the World ; that they might all fove andgloiii"^ 
Jiim, for wh^the isin himfilf ^ aiid that the hlcfled Red eerr>ef 
might /« $f thf Travaii ef hit Seui, and h£ fdfiijxtd^ Ola, cotm, 
JL^fdysfus^ corns quickly. Amen. * 

f From ihiaTimEforward^ be had the free Ufe ofbisRea- ■ 
fon *til| the D^y before hJsDeath j excepting thatat fome- [ 
times be appeared a Hrtls Joft for a Moment,at firH waking 
OUT of Sltcp. 

** Here ends bis Dkr^ : Tbefe are the /d/? Wcrds^ that ara 
written in it, cither by bis own Han^> or hy any other 

e/M". DsVtdBrainerd. A.D. 1747. »^*' 

[ JheP«tS^enmg ^^ j^^^^^^^, ^ Wcck after tb.T.mB 
7.^. from ^7-^;/ It^ „rrjh7n he w.nt a^a^. And .h.' 

«r<,r(™(l *«.- I^mwiltme lo tort w,lh all m, h,>n,l, . I 
.umZJlart wM r,y dmr B»Ii<r John ; M>' J hv, h<« , 

away ihi= my de.r Chiltl b, Dcj.h, on ths i+ >.f Fiy-xji. 
!,Bt touting i if<« » "sort Illntft of five Days ; ... iU= 

'he Spirit with Mr. i!.™r</. f \'» , "„ W.1', 
tikt., Ure of, and tended hin, 10 ..(« "}^'f' 

beciufeflislaolt'd onhin. « »n cm. net be.vant ... > 
fuTchrift. 1" tl,i.Tin,., he h.d much ConvcrfaUMn wi I. 
her on Things of Rdig.»n; and in h« dy.nst.«=, often 
.'paft'd .. S=,heTP.r.nts,hi. grc«S..isf.6^.o..concernuT 
h'r.rue Pitty, .nd his Co.rfdence that ,= n..uU m. 
h n Heaven , and hk high Opi,.io„ ,;fl>er. ...t o.. y 
. ,rue Cht,Ili.n, bt=, a very nnine.U b.,., 1 «"<;;" = 
Koulwai. uncotiimonly fed snd enter.....'d «"" J .""S 
,h«appataintathe moK fpi"'"»' '^''1'"' '"'";'' ^-l'; 
nKuifhinsP-cs of Migion l ...H one « helsmpet 
„f he M.nd «>= fitted to deny her fdl for C.od,.nd to do 
Good, beyond, any pnng Woman wh.ifoever (l^..t hsi 

vpKd tn Gud, in Ihc totitfc of htrL.fe, m>ny ^'"''fo ^ 

t^i 'JEU ^ol 


Bible in hsrHandjhe iexprefs'd hirhfelf thus ; Gh^hat dt&rBki 
thai hv/ly Bosk ! 1 /baiipan fu it fpen'ii ! The Myfitrits rAtfH 
are in it, and thi Myfleries of God's Prsvidince^ wiUheaiiuh- 
foldti f 

Hh Diftemper now very apparently prey 'don his Vitals maft^ 
cxiraordinaryMatinei i Not hy afudden b^eatiDg of i7/((f * in his 
Lungs,asat£fi'/?flWjbutby a conftantDifchargeofpuruIentlMEattcrfc, 
in greaiQu ant [ties : So that what he bro't up by ExpttSof ation 
fccm'd to be as it were Mouthfuls of almoft clear Fvj ; whid 
was attetitJed with very greai inward Pain and Uiftrers, 

On Thurfday, OSJob. 6. Helay,for aconHdetable Time,a» 
if he were dying. At which Time, he waa heard to utter, in 
broken WhifperSi fiich Expieifioni bb thefe j Hg tt/ili csme^ hi 
ivUl not tarry,— (JhaHft^n i# inGkev,~' 1 /ball [saa gkrifyGsd 
withtiii An^itf,^— But ;ificr ftjine "I'imc he revived. 

The next iJay, Tfr';E. Wedncf(lay,0^,)A. 7. Hia Brother yu.6» 
arrived, being rcturjieil tram ^ew-ysrfsy j where he ha^f been 
detained much longer than he intended, by a mortal Sicknefa 
prevailing among theChriftian iW/jJftjjand by fome atlierThings 
in their Circiimitancea that made his Stay wiih ihcm nccefTary. 
Mi-. Erninerd was affeiSed and refrefhM with feeinj; him, and 
apps^arcd fully faiisRed with the Rcafons of hla Delay ^ feeing 
the Intercft of Religion and of the Eoula of \\\t Peaplc required 

The next Day, Thurfday,Q*f?j*. 8. He was in great Diflcefs 
and Agonies of Body ; and for the bigger Part of the Day, wag 
muchdifordered as to the Esercife of his Keafon. In theEven- 
jiig^ he was more cortipofcd, and had the Ufe of his Reafon 
Well i but the Fain of his Body continued and incrcafed. He 
told rac, it was impoflible for any to conceive of the Dillref;; he 
felt In his BreaQ. He manifefted much Concern left ho fbou^d 
diftjouontCaod hy ImpaiJcrce, under htR extremeAgony 5, which 
Was fuch, that he faid^tha Thought of enduring it one Minute 
longer was almoft infuppoctahlc. He dcfircd,ihat others would 
he much in lifting up their Hearts cnntinuglly to God for him, 
ihat God would fupporC him^ and i^ivc him Patience. He iig- 

foreSicr Death; and faid on her Deatti-'Ued, t^iat Jbehsd 
mtftin ont Minuis far ftviral Ttar^f whirein p}t difirsi io 
fivi one Minute hnger^ far thi Jiiki f>f arif other Good in 
l.\fct hut (ioJis Goed^ living t9 Golf end dmg what tnigbt hi 
^sf hit Gh^'jf- 

cf Mr. David Br&inBidr A.P. 1 74,7.' ' 'fjj 

■fi ^ (Kat hEesnefted to die that Night ; but fctm'd (o faar 
rf:!; DcUy :^^^^^^^^^^^ ^'^H-on of hi. Mind .ith K.,«.. 
to Death appeared fiiU the f-mfi that it haa b«n alUIon^ MA 
nniw t&6 his bodily Agonies. y« the Imereft . /..« lay 
S^irwiZreat Weight on hi. Mind j as appeared by ^.n.c cnn- 
^2= DIfcomfe he h.d that Kvcnitig with the Rev. Mr, 
Sf cJoi the>^ouring MInlftcr, (who was then ^t, 
S ^oncernitig th. great Imparlance uf tho Work o^ the^l - 
I ^ Frf. And afterwards, when it WM very l«o m ihcN ifeht, 
hfh'^d rn^ch Je" r-'-^^^^'- l>H.;^"Mfo with h.« 

Brother >.t c^^fce^nh^ hi. Con,re,.|ion '» ^-jW'/v:,; 
Ihe Intereft of Religion amoi)^ the Ind,af,f. la Hie !»»•' ^" J 
of the NiRht, his bodily Diltrefs fcemeJ to rife i^ » g «LDf 
HdilthaLver , to thofe then .bout l'|-. «'>.t.» 

Mi to mean that they wsre not awire vthit. bsdilypvn mann 


M^hRfiKa wa. ftew .« hi. Memory" I", -^.r-*r-.^f 
„tol tf :r,h. Monday fon™m«, 'f'" f "^l".,';'; *'' 

oi People. 






'Sme further REMAINS of the Re^ 
Mr. David Brainerd, 

[I.] A ScBSME of a Diihgue between the variousPoEifi 
and j^fiSjsBj of the Mind, as they are found aJtq 
nattly whifpcringin iht godly Soul. [Mcntion'd in I' 
Dwry, Feb. 3. i;,j.4. ] 

'• 'TT^HE Vni!r /landing introduced, (t) As di'fcovering it'a, 
I own Escelkncy, and Capacity of enjoying the nwft 
■~ iiiblime Pleafure and Happinefs. (2) As oblirving 
Jt^s DcEre equal 10 it's Capacity, and incapable of ijcing fstisfi- 
ea With ailyTi)i(ig ihat Will not fill it in (he LimoflExtcnt 0/ ic's 
Exeicife. ( 3 ) As finding it felf 1 dependeot Thing, cot Self- 
fufficient i and confe^uently unable to fpin Happincfs ( as the 
Spider fpini ii's VVtb) ouc of it's own Bowels. This Sclf-fuffi- 
cicncy obfemd to be the Propeily ana i'retogitive of GOD 
alone, and not bslonging 10 any created Being. (4 J As in vain 
(celling fublime Picafure, Salisfaftion.and Happincfs ideqtiateta 
il's Nature, amoiigft created Ucings. The Search and Knuw- 
Itdge of ttie Tiuth in the natuii! Woild allowed indesd to be re- 
ftethillg to ibe Mind ; but (iill failing 10 afford compleat H;™- 
pinefs. (5) Asdifcovering ihc Excellency and Glory 0/ GOl), 
that he is the Fountain ot Goodnefs, and Well- Spring of Happi- 
ncfs, and every Way fit to aufwer the enlarged Dehres andCrav- 
Ingsof our immortal Souls, 

I. The Will inligduceii, as necelTarilv, yet freely cliufing 
ihiaCiOD for it's fupienic Happincfs and only Portion, ft;l.f 
a.5the bdl Good, Iris Will a, ii,t beft Kuij for intelliper.i Crea- 
tures, and rejoicing thai GOD is in every Refpeft juft wbathc 
is j and withal chufiDg and delighting to be a dependent Crei- 
lure, alwajsfubjeatothisGOD.nol afpiiing afcerSelf-foaici- 
ency and Supretnacy, Iju ( gcquicff jc^ in ihc i:oilt»ry. 


3. Ariltnt iawor Difirt introduced, as paffionately lonsinR 
to pleafeind glorily the Divine Being, to be in every Kcfpedt 
conformed to him, and in that Way to enjoy liini. This I^ovo 
or Defire reprefented as molf genuine ; not induced by mean 
and mercenary Views ; not primarily fpringing from felfilh 
Hopes of SaWalioli.whcreliy the divine Glories would he Sacri- 
ficed to the Idol Self ; not arifing from a n«vi(h Fear of Diviiio 
AngeiinCafeof Ncgkdt, nor yet liom Wopm of feeling ibc 
Eweetnefs of that tender and plcafanl Pafftnn of l.ovc in nnc'. 
ownBresft ; but from ajultKiicem o( the briniteciui.( >lijr(l liolov- 
sd. This i.i/f further rcprcfcnlcd, J«; atlnido.l with vehement 
Longings after the Enjoymentof il'» Objeft, but uinblo toHlltl 

by what iVlcans. . , • , , 1 1 

4. T\KVaiirfianditsi, again introduced, asinforining(i.)ilow 
God might have been enjoyed, he muft necefTarily have 
been enjoyed, had not Man fin'd againS him ; that as there waj 
Kmrahigi,Likeni!s,mi.Ij>wfa there mttfl needi beEnjoyraent, 
while there was no Impediment. (2,) How he may he ei.- 
itjved in fome Meafore Dovf. urK. by the fjmr kmwMi' 1"" 
Vettine Lika.h and i«/, which will be atifwet'd With Kolurn. 
of £cM. and the Smiles ol tJod'. Counteiuiiice, wllleh ltd 
belter than Life. ( 3. ) How God may lie prrletlly eil- 
joyed KK. by the Soul's pertedl hrcedimi front Sin. Hll. 
perfta Freedom never obtain'd 'till Death ; and thciv n..l by 
any unaccountable Means, or in any unhoard-of Manner ; hut 
the fame by which it has obiain'd fonioLilconcIs toandbruition 
of God in thisWorid, mx. a dear ManifeUalion of him. 

e Hity Difin appears, and eiiqviitci why llle Soul iniy nut 
bepcrfeaiy holy ; and fo iie.ltdt in IheJCiijoynient oKJo.l heir j 
and estprefles molt infatiableThirdingi alter lutih a 1cm per, in J 
fuch Fruition, and moH confumtnate lileliediwts. . 

6. n«dtr/lamiiiig again appears, and informB, that LiOd 
defigns that thofe whom he fanaifies in Part here, a''^'"""''^' 
for immortslGlory,fliall rarry a while in this prclent evil World, 
that Ihcir own Experience of Templationa Uf. may teath eltl 
how great the Deliverance is, which God hal wrouuhl for cm, 
that they maybe fwallowcd up in 1"hinlc(ulncf> and Adniira- 
lion toEsernity ; as alfo that they may be iiiitfuineilial ol doing 
Good to their Fellow-Men. Now if they were perfeSly 
holy Wi. a World of Sin would net be « fit Ihibltntion for 
them ■ and further,ruch M anifeKiilio!" of ti ud as are nectflary 
compieatly to fanaify the SonI, wuuld be iiirupportablc to the 
Body, fo that we can't fii Gii mi livi, 

' LI 7. flsfy 

ng UFE 

7 Jjfcly Iffipaiiffiif ism'Kl introduced, compUining of ificfill 
ssn-J Sorrows of Life, and aimoft repining at the Diftancc of- 
.Stale of Perfedtionj Lneafi' to fee and feel the Hours hanp, 
dul] and hesvy, and almoit concluding that the Temptatloini 
Hard^hipE^ Difappoincmentsjniperfeiaion-^, and (ediousEmpIoy- 
rnenis of Life will ntvcr come lo a happy i'eriod. 

8. TtTidir Cunjcitnci comes in, an^ meekly reproves tho 
Compiainta of 7m^i3nVnfe j urging how careful and watchful wa 
nughi (D he^ Irft wc iliould offend the divine Being with Com* 
plaints i alledgirig alfo ihe Fitnefs of tjur waiting pacienily upaa 
God for all we want, and that in a Way of doing and I'ufferingi 
and at tlip fameTime mentioning the Barrennefs of the Soul, 
how much precious Time it mifimproVcd, and how little it hai 
enjoyed of God, compared with what it might have done ; ai 
shu fuggtfiiii^ Iinw JrcijucjillK impatient Complaints fpring 
Jtom nothing better ihnn ^ctf-love, want of Refignatlonj and 
Q greater Reverence of she Divine LJeing. 

g, Jjufsmmt or /$afid Mind ntTit a^ii^ats^ End duly weigbS' 
the Complaints of Jr/ipfjli/nce, and the gcntls Admoniliana o| 
Under C^rtfdiTice, and impanially dctetmincs between 'em. On 
the ctfie hand, ft conciudes^ ihat we may always ht impatient 
wiifi Sin ; and fuppofe^, that we may alfoivith fuch Sprrow, 
Pair* and DifcGuragcmert, as hinder our Furfuji of Holluefs, 
tho' they arlfe from [he wcalcnefsof Nature, It allows ns to 
be impatient of the Diftance at which Wfi itand from a State 
of PerfeSic^n and BIcirednefs. It further indulge* Imppiience 
at the Delay of Time, when we dcfire the Period of it for no 
other End than that we may with Angels he employed itj the 
nioft lively fpiritual A^s of Devotion, and in giving all pofHble 
Glory ro him th^t lives forever. Tenspiations and finfullm- 
per/ei^ions, it thinks we may jultly be uneafy with j and Dif- 
isppcintments, at Icaft shufe that relate to our Hopes of Com- 
munion will? God, artd growing Conformity to him. And as 
to the tedious Employments and Hardfiiips of Life, it fuppofes 
fome Longing for the End of *cm not intonfiftent with a vSpiric 
of Eaithfulnefs, and a cliearful Difpofition to perform the one 
and endure tht otiier : It fuppofcs, that ^ faithful Servant, who 
fully dcfigns to do all he poiTibly can* may iiilt juftly Jong for 
the Evening; ar;d that noriitionalMan would blame hrs kind and 
lender Spoufejf he perceived her longing to be with him, while 
jetFaithftilncfs &Duty to him might ftill induce her to } jeidjfor 
the prefents to remain at a painful Difiance from him.— On 
the other Handjit 3pprovt;3 yf theQaution, Care and Waichful 



ef'Mr. David Brainerd. ajj* 

T\iUoi ttndif Cinfdit!ce,\t^ thcDivinc Bemgfbould he ofFcnded 
with hnpatient Complaints : \i acknowledges the Fitnefs of one 
Tvsitjttgupsn Gady in a Way of patient dojng and fufFsring ; But 
fuDpoffls this very confiftenr with ardent Defires tu f/^p/irt andia 
he with ChriJ> [towns it fit thsi we fhculd always jt:mcmbeE 
ouroWd Barrennefs,aiid thinks alfo th:it we fhould be lmp.if!i:nt 
of it, and confsquently long tor a Stare of Fictdom fiom it ; 
End this, not fo much that we may feci the Hiippincfii of it, bnt 
that God may have the Glury. It granti, (hut impattciit Com- 
phinta often fpring from Self-love, imdWjni of Refii'.naliiniand 
Humility. Such as ihcfc it difapprrji^cB i and ilclctniiriti, w« 
iliould be impatient only of Abfcncc (romGoil,,^: Ilin.intAfroiii 
that State and Temper wherein we may moHglorlly him. 

TO. Gufily Seff^BW introduced^ as makii^gher fad Moan, not 
fo much that fbe is kept from the free i^ofleiEon and fuli Enjoy- 
ment of Happiiicfs, but that God mtifV he difhonoured ; ihfl 
Saul being {till in a World of Siu, and ilfcif imperfetS. She 
hercj with Grief, counts ov^rpalt Faults, prcfcni'J'cmptatiDnE, 
and Fears for the future. 

ji, Hope or h/y Ccn^-^^wfit appears, and fccmii pPtfwaLlof) 
that uothing /hall xvcr ftparati tbi Houi fern tht i.ivt tf OU iii 
Cbrijf Jefus. It cxpeiiits divine Afliftanct: and Grace hiflicicnt 
far all the doing and fuffering- Work of Time, and that J)eath 
wilt ere long put a happy Period to all Sin and Sorrow i and 
ib takes Occafion to tejoyce. 

11. Godlf F tar ^nx holy Jealaufy here ftcps in, and fuggcfls 
fome timorous Apprchenfions of the D.ingtr of Occ«?plion ; 
nientiona the DeCfiitfuinefs of thu Hearty tlicgrca* Influence of 
irregular Self Love in a fallen CreaiuTO ; enquires wlicthtr it 
fetf is not likely to have fallen 'v\ with Delufion, lince the Mind 
is fo dark, and folitrle of GODttppears to the Soul j and que- 
ries whether all it's Hopes of peilevering Grace mayn*tbePre- 
fumption, and whether it'& confident Expectations of nieeting 
Death as a Friend, mayn*t iffuo in Difappointment. 

13. Hereupon, ^{7??(f7i(!n appears, and minds ihc PcrfoD of 
his paft Experiences j as to thu preparaiory Work of Coiividii- 
on and Humiliation ; TheVittwhclluen hat! of the ImpufTiljility 
of Salvation, from hjmfetf, or atty creaicdArm : ThcManifeffa- 
tion he has liJcewife had of the Glory oi GOD in Jifm Ch7iJ} : 
How he then admired that Glory, &nd chofc that (jOD forhk 
only Portion, becaufe of the IS-^xcclloncy and Amiablenefs hedif- 
covered in him ; not from flavifh Fear of being dJimned, if he 
did not, nor from bjfr and mercenai y Hopes of faving hlmfelf; 
I. i a bnt 

35 S 




but from a j uft Eftecm of that bcautcoHS and glorious Objc£l \ 
As alfo how he had ftum Time toTime rejoyced and acoTiiefccJ 
jn GOD, for what he is in hinifelf j being delighledj th,it he it 
infinite in Holiiiefsj Jurtice* Power^ Sovereignty, as well aa in 
Mercy, Goodnefs and Lave : How be has likewife , Scores of 
Times, felt his SoulmouEii for Sin, for this very Rcafon^becaufo 
it is contrary and grievous to GOI3 ; yea, how he has mourheJ 
over one vain and impertinent Thought^ when he haj been fa 
far from Fegrof iJie divine vindnSive Wrath for it, that on tha 
cutttr^ry he hasenjdjed the higheft AfTurance dI the divine eve^l 
Jafting Love ; How heliss, from Time to Time j delighted .in 
(he Commands af Godj for their own Purity and Perfeftion, 
and longed exceedingly to br conformed to 'em, and even lo.b? 
holy at GOD ithtiy ; and counted it prefent Heaven, to be of 
a heavenly Temper : Huw hclws frequently rejoyced^to ihinJc 
of being for ever fubJcfS to, & dcpcj^ident tin GOD i account-, 
jug it iofinitciy greater Happijiefs to glorify God in a State q£ 
Subjaflion lOj and DepeDdence on him, than to be a g^^^^ hini^ 
hlf i and how Heaven it felf would be no Heaven to hinijif h<i 
could 113C there be evcryThJng thacGOD would have him he. 
i'4. Upon this, Spiritual Stnjathn being awaked^ coreies in^ 
and declares that She now fetis & iajhs that iheLord is ^rachuii 
that he is the only fuprcme Good, the only Soul-faij^lyiiig Hap- 
pintis ; th^t he is aconiplcat, felf-fuffident, and almighty Por- 
ttfin. She whjfpers, Whsmhave lin Hesven but this GOD^ 
this dear and blelTedPorcion j and then I'j nsae upen Earth I defire 
belides iiim. Oh, 'ti^Heaven^to pleafe him and to hejiift what 
lie would have me be ! O that mySoKl vitir^hily^enGidh holy : 
O Eha ! i r was pure, as Chrijf if pure i and pirfiS? as my Father m 
Hcavsn ispsffiil. Thefc are the fweeteft Coniniajids in Clod's. 
Kook, -kW others j and fliali I break 'cm F Muft I 
break 'ein ? Am 1 under a faiaJ Neceffity of it, as long as i livis 
inthisW^rld? Oh aiy Soul ! Wo, Wo is me, that \ am a; 
Sinner ! Becaufe I now neceflkriJy grieve and dFetld this Welled 
(:?OD, who is jnli/iitcin Goodnefs and Grace. Oh,nnethinks, 
ftiouJd he punifi) mc for myfiins, it wuuld nOt wound mylieart 
io deep to offend him ; Bat, tho' I fin continually, he continu-. 
ally repeats his Kifldnefg towards me I Oh* meihinksl could: 
bear any Suffjring; butliovvcan I.bcar to grieve and dilhanour. 
this bIciTed God [ Htjw fhali 1 give ten Thoufand Times more 
Honour to hijii ? What fhali 1 do, to glorify and worlhip thia 
bef^pf Rcings? O that i coujd conlecratemy Tdf^SouI andBody, 
to his Service for ever. O liiat I cuuld give up my kU m him,. 



of Mr. David Brainerd. 1^^ 

fo as never more to aftempl tube m^ own, oc fo have anyWill 
or Alfeftjons (hat are not perfEflly conformed tohii. But Oh, 
Alas, Alas I 1 can'!, I feel I can'l, be thus etltirriy devoted to 
GOD : I can't live and fin not. O yeAji/ ye glorify hint^ 
jnccffanlly : If poffibfe,eJrcrt your felves ftill more, itimorehvo- 
ly and ardent Devotion : If poffible, proftrate your fdves ftili 
lowtr before the Throne of the bielTed King of HeaMn ; I loog 
to bear a Part with you, and if it were pofflhle, to help you. 
Yut when wc have done, we (hall rot be able to offer the (etl 
ThoufaniJth Part of the Homage he is wofthy of. While fpirl- 
tua! Siafatim whifpered ihefe Things, Fmr and Jielmfy weie 
sreatly overcome ; and the Soul replied, iievi ! iiiiw,and am 
ef/hrtJ, kc. and again it welcom'd Death as a Friend, faying, 
b Dtalhtwiirththy Sthg,Sa.':. , , ,, 

jc. Unaliy, H'k JJi/i/nn™ concludes the Difcourfe, fixedly 
determining \i Mlrai Mrd iifiirCOB,ini continually 10 putfue 
a Life of Conformity to him, And the better to purCue thiF,jn- 
ioining it on (be Soul always lo remember, IbalCjOD is the on- 
ly fource of Happinefs, that his Will ,s the only Rule of Riai- 
tiitm an intelligent Creature, that Ear lb has nothing in it 
drftable foi it felf.oi any further than UOD is feeti in il ; and 
that the Knowledge of God in Chriff, begetting and maintain- 
incLove, and mortifying fenfual and Eefhiy Appeiites, is the 
Way to be holy on Earth,; and fo to be altempeted Io the com- 
pieat Holinefs of the heavenly World. 

ril 1 Some i^wffly and iefponiing Thougbts of a Sou! 
' under Comiaims if SiUt and Concern for it^a eter- 
nal Salvation. 

I I Believe, my Cafe is>^ulai-, that none ever had fo many 
i ftrange and diffstent Thoughls and Feelings as I. 
2 I have been concein'd Hiuch Isigtr than many «/j(rr, that 
I havt known or tcad of, who have been favingly imtrnd, and 

vet I am left. . , , _- j 

3- I have loiii/lMii the Power of CsOTrflisw s longTmc.antI 


4. 1 never Jhallbeconvclted, wilhout /7«ifffr Convittions, 

and rrMKi- Tirrsi-J of Confcience. rri.- rj .r,J 

''- ■ ■--^- atihcG/tryofGoDmanj-Tbingliio, and 

5, I don't aim 
ikctefore I can'l hope for Meri;y. 

, The 


» L I F E 

6, idon'i TcetJie Evil Nature o!Sin, nor the Sin of myiM* ' 
ijurt i and tlierefof e 1 am diicouraged, 

7. Tile laorel^rim, the moreWJmJ aod iardmy Han ii, 
and the worfc I grow cominualJ}'. 

S- I fear, -God never fliew^d Mtrcy to one fo ttV/ as f. 
9. I fear, I am not ihltltl, and therefore muft perijh. 
10* I fear, the Day of Grace IE ^(^ with mr. 
11.1 fear, 1 havF committed the uitpardmahk Sin, j 

12. J am an sld Sinner \ and if God had defigned Mercy fei? 
ine, be would have called me Hottie to himfelf haigts. now. 

[ III. ] Soim Signs of Csdiincfs. 

The diftinguKhing Marks oU traeChriHian, taken k,^, 
one of tny old Manufcripta ; vrhere I wrote as , . 
fth and ixpirismed, and not from any confiderable 
Degree of doi^rinal Knowledge, or Acquaintancai' 
with the Sentimetits of others Iti this Point. "" 

H ^ '"' ""^'^ -SiMtt/jjf^i of the Glory snd Excelknty oi 
'■■^ Gob, that he is moft worthy to beloved and plajW 
for his own divine Perfeaions. f/s/, CXLV. 3. 

2. God ii his Psrihn. Ffal. LXXIH. 
G/»r>, hie great Concern. Maith. VI. 2j. 


25. And GoD'sjl 

3. Htlinifi is his Deligbl ; nothing he fo much longs for,asta 'A 
be holy, as God i: holy, Phil. III. g, i-^. 

4. S/o is his greateft Emmy. This be hates, for it's own; 
Nature, for what it lain itfcif, being contrary to a holy GOD. 
>f. II. I. And cojifcquently he bates all Sin. Rm. VII. 24.,, 

I >4. III. 9. *;; 

5. The iaiKj of GOD alfoaie his Delight. P/oACXrX.97. 
Rim, Vli. 22. Thefeheobferves, not outof ConRraint, from,; 

fl fcrvile Fear of Hell ; but ihey arehisChoice. P/af.CXlX. jo,: i_, 
Tbc Hria Obfetvance of them is not his Bondage, but his great- * 
efl X-lbeily. V!r. 45, ^< 


ef'M'- David Brainerd, 

[ [V. ] LETTERS, written by Mr. Braiseri » 
his Friends. 


MR. Brakird had a largcAcquaintancc ami Corrcfpondance, 
efpecially in the lalier I'arl ofhiaLife, and ho did much 
at writing ijHifj to hisahrcnlh'riendl 1 hulthe imrfl id hii Ac- 
quaintance living at a great Diltiiicc (toni me, 1 have not heen 
able to obtain CopiM of many that be Vl'rotc: However, the 
greater Part of ihofe which i have feco, are fuch as appear to [DO 
of profitable Tendency', and worthy of the publick View : I 
have rhtreiorc here added a few of his Lettin. 

N. B. Several of ibefe which follow, are not publiDied at 
large, bccaufe forae Parts of them were concerning parlicular 
Affairs of i private Nature. 

No. I. To bis Brother 'jshn, then a Student at rsk-CllSlil 
in Niw-Havin. 

KamaUBtiii, April 30. 1743. 
Dfiar Brother, 

ISilould rell you, I hug Ufa ys", but that my ownExpcricnce 
has taught me, there is 00 Happinefs, J: plenarySatisfaiSion 
to be enjoyed, in iarlhls\FrimiH tho' ever fo near and i!ear, or 
in Jny other Enjoymenri that is not Gon himfell. Therofore, 
if iheCotit/oWGroff KVoulJ heplcafed gracioudl' to ijforil us 
each hh Prcfina and Graci, that we may perform the Work, 
and eniitite the Trials be calls us to, in a moft diftrefTing tire- 
fonie WilJerneis, 'till we arrive at our Journey's Hod ; the lo- 
cal Diftance, at which wcarc hcU from each other at the pre- 
sent, is % Matter of no great Momccitor Importance to either of 

m, But Ala! I The Pretence of God is whasi vrant. 

1 liveio the moft lonely melancholylJe/;'-;, about iS Miles from 
Aiimy (for it was not thought bell that Ilhould go to Dikvieri- 
Eivef, as I believe I hinted to you in 1 Letter from Nim-Ynri,) 
1 board with a poor Stiuh-Mun : His Witecan tallcfcarceaoy 
Bnilijh. My Dill coohfcmoftly ol Fdalty-Pui!ding,boil'dCorn, 
and Bread baked in ihe Allies, and fjmclimea a lillle Meat and 
Butler. My ijj^rw^ is a little Heap of Straw, laid upon fome 
Boards, a little Way from the Grguiid : I'or it is a Log- Room, 

V Jthout - 


Kf L I F E 

withoDi any Floor, that I lodge in. My Wari is exceeiiio|! 
haid.and difficult : I travel on Foot a Miie and l]alt, the w(irn 
of WaVj ainioE daily, and Ijack again j for 1 live fo far fromj 

my h{jhm, ■ I have not fecn an Englijh Peifon thlsMonth.- 

Thf^fe, and many other Circumftances, as uncomfortable, atlcivd|| 
me i and yet mj ffirhnolCetifiiils and Difirtjfei fo/ar MwiJall 
thefe, (liat I fcarce think of ihcnj, or hardly mind but that I 
ainentertain'd in the moft fumptuous Manner. Tile LorL 
grant Ihatl may learn to ad!iriHsrihijl,ai<i(ssiSiM!r t/jEaUl 
Christ. As to my Kvcctfihias^ I can^t fay much as yetJ 
The Wioni fecni gepieraliy kind, and well difpofcd towards ms* 
and are moftly verji alteBlivc to my Inftrudiions, and fseill 
willing to be taught further : _Two or three,"! hope, are undet 
iome Convi^inni i But there feema to he lilrleof the fpecial 
Workings of ihc di^-iiic Spirit auicjn(^ them yet ; which giveir 
momany al!r!iiL liiikiiig Unur. Sometimes I hope, God hsa 
abundant JBIeflinj^s in Siere for (hem and rtie ; but at other, 
Times I am fo over-whclnu-il willj Diftrefs, that I can't tic how' 
bis Dealings tvuh me are cordiftent with Covenant- Luve and ' 
Faithfulnefs, and I !ay, Sursly bij Urtder Mirciis art tkajj gsne 

fur rnir __But Imwever, 1 fee, I ntiJid all this Cbcftijtmist 

already: 'Tii^tfodfirjim^iiM I have endured Ihefe Trials, and 
have hitherto titrle or no apparentSuccefs. Don't be difcou- 
raged by my Diffreffes : I was under great Diflrefs, at l\lr. 
Fepirofs, when 1 [^w yon lall; but Gsd bus lien ivith mi sf a 
Truih, fince rbat : tie helped me fomettmea fweetly at iW- 
J(lami, and ellewhere. l^utlerus alwa is remember, that we 
mufi thrsugh muih 'i rlhiikiiai enter into God's eternal fCrn^doLii 
of Refl and Peace. The Righteous arc fiarctly bid : Tis an 
infinite Wonder, ilisl m- bsve well-grounded Hopes of being 
fsvttlat all. For my Part, 1" feel the moll m/^ of any Creature 
living ; and I am lure fometimes, there is not fuch ahotlier ck- 

ifting on this Side IJil'. Now, all you can do for me, is, (o 

pray inceilantly, :hst God would make trie humble, holy, rc- 

iigneJ, and hciveniv-iiiinded, by all my Trials Bijlrmr 

in ibt Lcid, c:r.dlti ihs PoivEr of hh Mi^bt. Let Us run, vjrejUe 
and/^ir, ihat ive may win the PrjKc, and obtain thai compicat 
Happinefi, robe Htii as Gsdis Hoiy, So, wlDiingand praying 
that yon may advance in Learning and Grace, and be i\i fuf 
fpecial Service for God, I remain 

Your affedlionalc Brother. 

No. J,. 

t} Mr. David BraineriJ.' VJj 

No. 3. Tt> his Brother Jebn^ at YfiU-Collegt in Ntw-llavm, 
Kaunaumcfclr., Z>j«w^rfr 17, J743- 
Diar Brother, 

I Long to fee you, and know how you fare in your Journey 
thro* a World of inexpreflible Sorrow, where we arc cnm- 
pafs'd about with^jnitj, Confujioti aiK\ t^tnatian af Sjilril. lam 
more weary of Idfe, 1 think, than ever 1 was. The whole fVorld 
appeal! to me like a huge Faiuuia, n vaft empty Space, whence 
nothing defirable,or at lealt falisfnflory,can pofiihly be derived ; 
and I long, n'fljVy to dii more and more tn it \ even tlio' I ob- 
tain not that Comfort from fpirftual Tliinfiff, which I earneWly 
defirc. IVcrlily Plealures, fuch as flow from tJrcalners.RifhcJ, 
Honours, & fenrualGratii]cations,are infinitely worfe than noiie- 
May the Lord deliver us more and more from thefe FanitUi. I 
have fpen t moll of the Fall and Winter hitherto in a very weak 
State of Body i and fometimes under preiling inward Triali 
and fpiritual Conllifls : but itavh^ ohinin'd Uelfy /rem God, 1 
isulmi to this Dny ; and am now fnmething belter in Health, 
than! was fometime ago. f find nothing more conducive ta 
a Life of C4rr>?jairi()i, than a diligent, indufliioui and faithful 
Improvement of precious Timt. Let us then fiithCully pot- 
form that Buhnefs, which is allotted to us by diviucPloviileiWB, 
to the utmoft of our bodily Strength, and menlalVigour. Why 
fhould we fink, and grow difcouraged,with any particularTrials, 
and Perplexities, we are called to enconntcr in the World ? 
Dtsth and Etimitf are juft before us ; a few lolling Hiilowa 
more will waft us into the World of Spirits, and we hope (thro' 
infiniteGraoe ) intoendlf^fs Pleafures, and nnintcrrnpted Reft 
snd Peace. Let us then run wUh Pitsititlc Shi Raci fit tirftti sii. 
Heb. Kii. 1,2. And Oh that we could depend more upon the 
JriiiV GOD, and lefs upon onr own Wifdom and Strength. - — ^ 
Dear Brother, may thcGoD cf all Gmu comfort your He^art, 
and fucceed your Studies, and maie you an infirument ofGood 
to his People in your Day, This is the conflant Prayer of 
Your affcftionate Brother : 

David Brslntrdn 

No. 3. Tr> his Brother IJrsi!, at HaiMam. 

Kautiaumcekyon. Ji. i743i4 
My Dear Brother, 

, 'THere is but aiM Thing, that dcfervcl our higheffi 

■•- Care and raoft ardent Dcfires \ and (hatis, that 

(temay SDfvirathe grcatjEnrfjfor which ffe were uiaiie > fia-'o 

Mm f'wi/i 


ns LIFE 

"urwir, laic Weed slut jou fiith/ully j,ey!om the £«>w} 
you have ,0 dc m the World, from a Regard to the C.wA 
5" "JUIJ ; and not from an ambitious dcfirc of being dicemcd 
I *e(i« than oiher,-. Wdfliould alwajs look upsn cur ftlvsa a 

j/ar,/, (batGan, who has given us ourBeinss and all ourCow 
forts, and do all il,= Gwrf, we pofTibly can, lo our Fill^.JHim 
Wh,I=we h./e =n .he World : And veriiv Life ij not wotth lh«Sa 
.having, .f u be not imprevtd for ibi. noble End and PurpofeUT 
Yet, ahs, how htlle J:, this thsught of among Matikind I Mod > 
Men (ecih 10 Am ts tbmfclw!, wilboul: much Regard to tha 
Clory of God, or the Good of their Fellow-Creatujes i lh«y ' 
wrneftlj. defire,and eageri)- purfue after theRich^.theHonourJ, 
and the Heafiire! ofI,ife,as if shcy really fuppofed, thatWealth. '' 
or uttatneft, or Mcrriiiient, could ta,ke their immortal Sou)! ' 
^'^T: >■;'' "'"' "'"" '="'= "'"' ''''»rive Drtam: are thefe ) 
And hDwMiferable will Ibofe ere long be, woo are not a™^ft( 
out of them, ID fee, that all their Happinefs confifli in i\m«, t, 
OOB, and becoming hd, a! hi is hily ! Oh, may you .:ever fjH , 
into the Icmpcr. «nd Va„i,ic3, ,|,c Scnfuality and Folly of th> ' 
pjefen. Wor d. Yo.r a,e, by divine Protidence, left as it were 
B/«-.nawide VVotld, to aS for your felf : Be fure then tg 
leinember, tis a World of Tmflalii„. You have no carthlf 
P^unl, to he the Means of forming ,our Youth to Piety atiS 
Venue, by the.r pious Examples, anti feafonableCounfels ; Let 
lb.s then excite you with greater Diligence and Fervency lo 
Jookup to tht I'atbir ifMinm for Grace andAffillance Jgainft 
a!1 the Vaniues of theWo,!,!. And if you would glorify God, 
atlfwer his jufl Expeaationsfromjou, and make vour owa 
Soul hsppy ,n ihis and the coining World, obfcrve ibcfe feW 
p,r,£),m i tho' not from a Father, jel from a Brother wh» 
« touch d wuh.» tender Concern for your prcfent and future 
Happinefs. A[,d^ 

7-/'fi "^°'''° "P™* '"'^ ^'''y ^nJ^avour to' praaife a 
I-I)e 01 hmsufrifs and flrifl Sabriity. The wife Man will tell 

your felf. 

-4™ be careful (0 make a good Imprcvmal of prtciouj 
iTr ^f""J™«^fc f'"'" labour, fill npyour Time in 
Rtatfjilg Medilanon, & Prayer t And while your Hands a,c la- ' 

touring, 1« your Heart he emplDjcd, as much w poUble-, in 
divine 1 hijughts. 

furtbir, lake Heed that 


»f Mr. David Brfilnerd, 


GOD'S Servants, placed in GOD's World, lo ilo his Worle 1 
and accordingly labout faithfully for kita ; not with a Defign 
to grow rich and gtem,bilt to glotifjGOD.aud do all thcGood 
(ve poffibly can. ,, . r , , 

Again, Never expeft any SMssfaUmn or Hnppwijs from the 
Iferld. If you hope for Happliiefi fn the World, hope for it 
from God, and not frmi the World. Don't think you flvlll 
be more hafpy, if you live to fucli or fucll a St.ile of Life, if 
you live to be for your fclf, to be fettled in the World, or if 
youflmtiid gain unEftate in it : hut Ini.k upon it that yoii (Iwll 
then betoiSfy, whenyoucjn he confl>nlly cniploy'd fotCOl), 
and not for your felf i and defire to live in Ihi! World, only 
to da and hffif what GOIl allots to you. W'ben you be 
of the Spirit and Temper of An^ds, who are willing to come 
down into this lower World, to peiEorm whir God comnianilsj 
Ihcm, llio' their Dehres arc hiaviitly, and nut in theicaft fet on) 
jorrHy Tbitigs, then you vpill be of that Temper that youl 
ought to have. Csf. 111. I- ,,,-,„, 

Ones miri, Never think that you eiin live to GUDby js/rr 
tttiTi Power ot Strength ; but always look to, ami rely on him 
for AITiKance, yea, lor all SlrcllglhindGiiicc. 'I'liercii no 
greater Tralh, than this, Tiat wi cm tlimlbing, nf tur fthis i 
Job. Kv. J. and 2 Cor. iii. 5. Yet nothing hut our own i'.v/n- 
rimci can eiFeaually teach it to us. Indeed we are a long 
Timeinlearning.that uU ouiSttcnjth and Salvation is inGOD, 
This iia Life, that I thick naancsmitrUi Man can pofEbly 
live; and yet it is aLife that every ^oiffy Soul it preffing alter, 
in fome good Meafure. Let it then be your grsat Concern, thus 
to devote year (elf and your all to tjOD. , 

I long to fee you, that 1 may fay niucii more to you than I 
now can, for yonr Benern and Welfare ; but 1 delirc to com; 
niit you to, and leave you with the F^iihir af AMiiti, a^d 
GsJef ailGraii; priying that you maybe direaed Wilj 
tjjro' an <iiif Wsrid, to GOD's htavtaly Kingdom, ' 

1 ani your afftaionate loving Brother, 

David firiiiritnl, 

No. 4.. To a rpecial FrientJ. 

The Forks of Dilnwvi, July 31. 1744. 

("^■"'"'1' the greatell, the Dobleit I'leafure of intelligent 

^ Crcatuies muff refult from theirActjuaintanee witbliio 

MeiTed GOD, and with their own rational and immortalSoulii. 

M m a An! 



Aud Oh, how divinely fiveet and cnterfaining is li, to look lii« 
to our awn Sou!s, whet) we can fj[id al} our Powers andFnfliorii 
united add engage*? in Purfuit after GOD, otir whole Smili 
longing and paflionately breatiiing after a Conformity to him, 
and the fallEnjoymentof him ! Verily ihete *ic no Hours pafl 
away with Co much divine Pleafure, as tiiofc that arc fpcnt in 
Communing wilhGOD and onr own Hearts. Oh, how fwci) 
is a Spirit of Devotion, a Spirit of Serioufnefs and diviiieSolcm" 
nity, a Spirit of Gofpcl- Simplicity, Love, Tendcrnrii I Ohg, 
liow deiirablcand how profitable to the Chriitian Life, is aSpi* 
rit of liolj Watchfuincrs.fcgodljjealoufy over ourfelvcs; when 
out Souls are afraid of nothing fo much as that we ftall grieva 
and oiFcnd the HeBcdGOD,whom at ftchTimes we apprehend, 
or alleafl hope, to be a Faliir mil Frtind ; whom we thch 
love and long to plmfi, I'albcr than to be happy our lelve?, oi iti 
Icaft wc ileliglit to derive our Hjppinefs frcm plcafing and gitj- 
riffiiig him ! Surely this is a pious Temper, worthy of thtt^J 
highcJl Ambition and clofcfJ Furfuir of intdligen) CrcaturiB ^ 
and holy Chriftians. Oh, how vaftly fuperiour is thePieafure, ' 
Peace, and Satis faflion derived from tbefe divine Frames, ta^ 
that which wc ( alas _) fomelimes puifucin Things impertinent 
and trifling ! Our own bitter ExperittiM teaches us, that in 
tie mii/1 if fiah Lmghttr the Hiart i; firroKful, antf there is 
no tracSatisfaaion but inGOD. Buf.alas ! How (hall wi ob-yj 
tain and retain this fweet Spirit of Religion atid Devorion 3i' 
Let us follow the Apoflle's Direiftion, Phil, ii, 12, and labour" 
upon the Encoursgenient he there mentions vt/-. 13. For 'tis 
GOD only can afSird us this favour t and he willbe/oK^*( 
/s, and 'tis fir we fimuld wait upon him for fo rich a Mercy, 
Oil, msy the GO I J of allGraecafFjrd us the Grace and influ- 
ences ot his divine Spirit J and help us that we may from our 
Hearts eltcem it our greatefi Liberty andHappinefs, tbatioij-, 
ih^ lijg Um^ iH! may iim u ibs LORD^ or itthaher wt die^ w* \ 
may JU Is iht LORD ; ihn'm Li/ianiDmlh wsmiyhshi!. 

I am in a very poor State of Health; I ihinlt, fcarce ever J 
poorer : Bur, thro' divine Goodnc^ ; [ am not difcontented 
under my Weaktiefs, «nd (j'onhnemenl to this Wildeiiiefs ; I J 
blefsGOO for this Retirement: I never was more thankful 
for any Thing, than I have been of lite for IheNecclEty 1 an(. 
itnder of Self denial in many Refpefts : I love to be a Pilirm 
and Slraaftr in this VVilderneft : It fccm! molt fit for fucha 
poor igniiranr, worthiefs, dcfptfed Creature as I. 1 vvould not 
tbanj^ my piefent Mijjlm for any olhef Bufinefs in the whole. 

World ^ 

- ff Mr, David Brastieril,' 


World. I may (ell you freely, without Vanity and Oflenti' 
tion, GOD has of late given me great Fiecdom and Fervent;/ 
in Prayer, when 1 have been fo wcat and feeble, ray Nature 
fcem'd as if it would fpeedily diffolve. ! feel as if my all was, 
loft, and 1 was undone for this World, if the poor HMlhm 
mayn't be converted. 1 feel, in general, from what 
I did, when 1 faw you lift ; it leall luore crucijiiil 10 all theEn- 
joyments of Life. It would be very rcfrcfhing to fee you 
here in thisDcfcrt i efpccially in my weak dilllonfolate Hours: 
iJur, I think, I could be content never to fee you, 01 any of 
my Friends agaiti in this World, if ( iOl) would blefunyL*- 
bou rs here to iho Convethon of the puor hiiam, 

I have much that 1 could willingly comniunklte to yt)11, 
which 1 muft omit, 'till Providence gives us Leave to fee each 
athcr. In the mean Time, I reft 

Your obliged Friend and Servant, 

David Braimrd^ 

No. 5. To a fpecial Friend, jMinifterof theGofiicl in 

The Forks of Z)</imiarj,Dccenib. 14. 1 744. 

Rev. and dear Brother, 

J Have little to fay to you, about fpiritiial Jap, and thofc 
1 MtRsiRtfriJhmenIt, & divine CM/s/arimj, with which I 
have heen much favsut'd inTimespaft; But this lean tell you, 
that if I gainExperience in no other Foint,yet I am fure I do in 
this, OK. That thefr</«i( Wiild has nothing in it la Jaihly an 
immortal Soul ; and hence.that it is not to be ilipidfer il frlf, 
but only becaufe GOD may be/fM & [ttvid'm it : Andl wifll 
(could be more patient & willing to live in it foi <A;i£W,than 
Icanufually find my felf tohe. 'Tis no Vcrtut, 1 know, to 
defire Death, only tp be freed from the Miferies of Life : But 
J want that divine HOPE, which you obfcrved, when I faw you 
laft, was the very Sinnew! of vital Religion. Earth can ds us 
m Gjoi/, and if there be no HOPEof our lijtof GxidmEarth, 
how can we delire to live in it ? And yet we ought to delire,or 
at leaft to berelign'd, to tarry in it i bucaufe 'ris rhe Will of 
our alwife Sovereign. But perhaps thefe Thoughts will appear 
mdancholy and gloomy, and confequently will be very unde- 
firable to you ■ and therefore I forbear to add. 1 wilh, you 
mayn't read them in the fame Circuraftanccs in which I writo 
(htn!. I have: aliitle more to A and /afir in a dark difconfolata 


set ■ 

ne &rFE 

WofW s and Iheti I hope to be as happy as you ire " f ' 

fiiould a{k you to pray fop me^ were I worth your Concern* 
May ihe Lord enable us both Xoendure Hardntfs as gs&d Salditrt 
fl/"Jj'3Us Christ i and may we ^btsin Mtny sf God u bi 
pUhJal, to tha Death, m the Difcharge of our refpeaiveTrufii* 
1 am your very unworthy Brothcij, 

aati huffible Servant^ 

Dav. Brainirdi. 

No, 6, To his Brother Jshn, at College. 

Crofiveikfutig, in NiW'^Jirftyy Decern, 28- 1745. 

Very dear Brother, 

-T T Am in one continued, ptrpetual, and uninterrupted' 

■■■ Hurry j and diiriuc F'rovidciict throws fo much upon 
mc,that I don't Tec it will evci beotherwife. May I ehieinMtrtf .. 
p/GOD to h fmtbfb!,ta ihe Death. I can't kyji am weary of./*: 
my Hurry j 1 only want Strength and Grace to do mare iotf^ 
OOD, than I h^ve ever yet done. 

My dear Brother, ^he LORD of Tftavsn, that hai caTiled 
me ihro' many Tria!s, bh/synu i blefsyoufor Time^andEicf- 
HJtyj :ind fit yo\i to do Service far him in inls Church bclow» 
and to enjoy hig blifsfnlPrefence in hisChurch triumphant. My 
Broihcr, /helimi ispert ; Oh, Ici us fill ii up for GOD: Let 
wtsunttf>£ Su^erhgi of this pn/ent Time as nolhing, itwecan - 
but run Pttr Ract^ and fitiljh our Courfe with J^y, Oh, let US^ 
flrivctolive toGOD- I blefs the Lord, I have nothing todo" 
with Earih^ but only to labour hnntftly in i; for GOD, 'rill I 
iHial] Qccsmplifh as an Hireling my Day, 1 ihinkj 1 don't defire. 
(olive one Mjnme tor ai:y Thing that £arib canafFjrd. Ob," 
that 1 could live for rone but GOD, ■'till my dying Moment, 
1 am your afFefllonate Brother, 

D. Brattttri, 

No. 7, To his Brother IfmeU then a Student at Tale'ColksfT' 
in ^iw Haven, 

IiUJahtih-Ti)Wt!^Niii}''j£rJty^o\^ 2^^ I746».- 
Dear Brother^ r. 

THad dcsermined to make you and my other Friends ir* ^faH- + j| 
EnfgJaid 3. Vifit, this Fall; pardy from an earncH Dcfirel 
had to ffeypu and thcm^ and ipartly with a View to the Reco- 
very of itiy Health j which has, for more than three Months, 
p^ft, been much impair'd^ And In Order to profecuie this Pe- 

ef Mr, OavitJBfimerdJ 


fi^n, I fet oUC from my own People about three Weeks ago, 
and canie 35 faf as tothisFJacei wberc^ ray Diforder greatly 
iHcreaiing, I hive been obli[jed to keep Houfe ever fine?, until 
the Day before Ycft^rd^y ; at which Time^ ] was able to ride 
about half a Mile, but found my Telf much tired with thcjour- 
Tjfjy. I have now no Hopes of profecuting my Journey inta 
A*". E':^laadth\& Winter, tuppoiinj* my prefent State of Health 
will by no Means admit of it ; Aliho' J fini lhrt>' divine Good- 
nefs ttjuchbetler than 1 was fomcDays ago* yet! han'tStrength 
liow to ride mure than (en Miles a Day, if the ^cafon were 
v;^arm,£i fitfor me to travel in. MyDifordcr has been attended 
with feveral Symptoms of ^ Ccf>/iimpiic?i ; and I have been ac 
Time? apprehenfivej that my great Ghangt was at Hand ; Yet 
bleiTcd be GOD, 1 have never been eff'righui-^ bjt on (he 
conirarvj at fomt; Times much ^(rW^-^/ifif with a View of it'i 
Approach. Oh, the Biefiednefs of being delivered from the 
Clogs of Flefh and Seiifc, from a Bsdy ^f Sift and fpirimal 
Desth f Oh, the unfpe^kable ^wectnefs of bcin^ tranflated in- 
to a State of compleat Purity and Perfection \ Believe me, mff 
Brother, a \\vs\y View and Hope of ihefe Things will m'rileethc 

King of 'I'irron hJmfelf appear agreable. Dear Brother, 

Jet me inireat you, to I;ee[> Eternity in jour View, and behave 
ycjurfelf as becomes one that mnft fhortly^/w dn,^^fi»w)Tf e/ail 
Tififigi dstie in the Bsdy^ That GOD may be yoar GOD, a«d 
prepare you for his Service here, and his Kingdom ot Glory 
liereaftcr, ts the Defire and daily Prayer of 

Your affeiSionate Joving Brother, 

D. Bralnerd. 

No. 8. To his Brother Ifresl, at College ; written in thp 
Time of hJ3 extreme iJiiiefe in Bijiin^ a few Month before hia 
Death. . 

Bn/iotii June 39. I747. 
My dear Brother, 
TT is ironi ihc tides of Eternity I jiow addrefs you- I am hear- 
'* lily forryl thit I h-ive fo little Strength to write what I long 
'o much to communicate to you- But let me tellyoii^ my bro- 
ther, E-tirnitf is another Thing than we ordinarily take it to be 
in a healthful State. Ohj how vaft ajid boundlefs I Ob, how 
fis'd and unalterable I Ob^ of what infinite Import^incc ts it, 
that we be prepared for Eurntty ! I have been juft a djing, 
now for more than a Week j and all around ntehave thought 
mt fa : Cut in this Titnc I have hsd c!car Views of Elernity ; 




'»f Mr. David Brainerd.' 

4 71' 

have feen iTie ElenUnefs of the Gsdly^ in feme Mcafure ; anJ 
h^veltnig'ti ro ftiare liieic happy States as well as been copi- 
fprtali; (rtifficd, that through Grace, I Ihall dofo : But Oh, . 
what Aiiguiih is raifed jn my Mind^ to thinkof an Et'ermiy for 
thufe who arG ChriphfSi for ihofe who are iiiiiHakeij, and who 
biing their falfe H^-pes to ihe Grave wiih ihem ! The Sight 
Vas fo dreadful, 1 crjLitd by 410 Means bear it ; My Thoughts 
recoiled, and 1 faiJ { but under a muie affei^iing Senfe than ever 
be/ore ) Pf^ha tan iwfU taiih evtrla/iivg Eurmjigi / Oh, mc- 
thoughtj that J coii!d now fee my FrieRtfj, ih&t J might Wiirij 
them J id fee to It, they Jay their Foundation for £i£rfiiiy fure. 
And you, my dear Brother, I have been particularly concerned 
for i and have wandered, 1 fo muchDegledted convetJing with 
you about your Jpiritual State at tjur laHMcering, Ohjntj'Bro'* 
thcr,lct mc then hrfrcch jou jiuw to examine, whether you ar« 
indeed a niivCf£iti tire? Whetheryou haveevcr aSed above Jf,//? 
"Wheiher the G/sry of God has ever been the fweeteft higheft 
Concern with you ? Whether you have ever been reconciled 
ED ah the Perfections of God ; in a Word, whether God hai 
been your Porticnt am! a holy Conformity to hinj your chief 
Delifchc ? ff you cam't anTwer positively, confidcr fefiouJly the 
frequent Breathings of yourSowl : But don't however put your 
felf off with a flight Anfwer. If you have Reafon to think you 
aifi GrsciUpi Ob give yourfelf and the Throne of Grace no 
Reft^ 'liHGoD arife and fave. But if the Cafe fiiOuld he othcF- 
wife, blcis Cyf'ii for his Grace^ sJid prels after Holii^efs. * 

My Soul longs, ycu ihould befitted forj and in tlucTlmc 
go jnio the Work of the Adinj/hy. 1 can't bear to think of your 
going into any other Buli^efs in Life. Don*t be difcouraged^ 
becaufe you fee your clderBroihere in th#Miniftry die early, onz 
after another : I declare, now I aiB dyiug, 1 wouid not have 
fpent my Life cshtrwife ion the whole'VorJd. But I mLil leave 
this with God. 

If this Line fiiould^ to your HanJs fooD after the Date, 
I fliould be almuff dtliroua you fliouid fet out on a Journey to 
me ; \i may be, you may fee me alive ; which I fhoold much 
rejoyce injf But if you can't come, 1 mufl; commit you to the 
Grace. of Gyt", where: yuu are. Miiy he be your Guide and 
Ctiunfeiler, your Sandlifier and eternal Portion. 

' Mr. Bf'ij/jTjrt/aftervirardshad greater Satisfaftian concern- 
ing the State of hjs Brother's Sou}> by much Oppor (unity 
cf Coiivejfation with him Jicforehis Dc^ttb. Ohy 

Ohj my deaf Brothers flcefiefhly Lufftt find the inchanUtij 
Amufementi, as well as corrupt DsJiritut uf the ^(ctufii Day j 
and ftrivc 10 iivs ts GOD. 
Tate this as the in/i Line from 

Your aiFc£tionate dying Erotherj 

i>i Btaintrd. 

No. g. To a young Gentleman, ^CandidaufoTilno Woffc 
oi the Aditti/iryj for whom he had a fpccinl Friendfttlp i ilfa 
written at the fame Time of bii great Bliicfi and tiCAnicfd ta 
Death In Bsjfort, 

firy diar Sify 

HOvf amaiing 'tis, thaf the Living, who inow 'ihtf 
mu/f die, fhould riotwithftanding pat far away the evil 
Z>iiyj in a Seafan of Health and Profperisy ; and live a( fuch an 
awful Diftancc from a Familiarity with the Grave, and the 
great Concerns beyond it 1 And cfpccially it may juttly fiil ua 
with Surprize, thai any whoftM indu have b«n d i vincly ^nU^hl" 
ftiii, to behold the importsnt ThinjP:! of Etanity ni ihry urc, 
I fay, that fuchlbould live in ihia Manner. And yet Kir, how 
frequently is this the Cafe? Haw rare arc the [nttancei of 
thofcwho live and aft, from Day alo Day, aa on the Verge of 
Mttrnity ; ftriving to fill up all their remaining Moment^ 
in the Service, and 10 the Honour of their great Majhr ? We 
infcnfibly trifle away TVjtj/, vi^hile we fecm to have enough of 
ii; and are fo flrangely amufcd, aa in a great Mcafure in lofe^ 
Senfeof the Hfl/wtf/j and blclled Qualifications nci^crlliiry ti* 
prepare us to he Inhabitants of the heavenly Paradift. But 
Oh, dear Sir,, a dying Bed^ if we enjoy our Rcafon clearly, wil! 
give another View of Things. 1 have now, for mope tharr 
three Weeks, lain under the greatsfiDegree of Weaknefs j the 
greater Part of the Time, expeaing daily and hourly to enter 
into the eternal World : fometimes have been fo far gone, aa 
to be wholly ^pecchlcfs, for foinc Houra toi^cihcr. And Oh, 
■ of what vaft Importance has a holy fpiriiual Lift appcftrM to mc 
10 be in this Ecafon ! I have longed to Call upon allmyFritnds* 
to make it their Bufinefs to live 19 GOD s and cfiu-tiaiiv all 
that are defigtied for, or engaged in the Service of i)\cS^n£fciafy. 
O dear Sir, don^t think it ctioujtb,tii live at ihcRftle of ccmmoa 
ChnjHam, Alas, tohow little Purpnfe do they often cmv^rfe^ 
when ihey meet together ! The Vijiti, cvtn of (hofe who are 
called Chfiftians iudecdj are frcquqully extrEips barren : And 

■if lR.„ U'j^ 

^h \ 



Ws L I F E 

e/"JWr. Dsvid Brainerd. 


Confcisnce can't "but condemn us fat tke Mifimpfoveiiftlil 
o/Time, whJIcwe have beencooveifant with them. But lli 
Way to enjoy the divine Prcfence.and be fitted for diftinguini- 
iii|Servicc forGOD.isto live aLJfc o! grailDnjiliit & cmjltmt 
Siif-Didiealka to him j obfemng the Motions and Difpoliti- 
onsof our own Hearts, whence we may learn the Cortuptiont 
that-lodge there, and our eonftant Need of Help from GOD 
(or the Performance of the teaft Duty. And Oh, dear Si t, let 
me befeech you frequetniy to attend the great and preciousDni 
lies of Jma Fa/ihg and Praytr. ' 

I liave a fccret Thought, from fume Things I have obreiveJj 
'u w ™^ perhaps defign you for fome nngular Service in 
(he World. Oh then labour to be prepared and qualified tl> 
do much for GOD. Read Mr. EdwarAS Piece on the Jf. 
fmim, again mi again ; and lahour to diflingmfl, clearly upon 
Expericnccs&AffeilionslnEeligionithatfou may make aOiffe- 
fence between theGo/af& the ihiningDrj/;-) I fay, labour here aa 
ever yon would he an ufi^.,1 Mirnjir ai ChM : For nothilie! 
has put f«h a Stop to the Work of GOD in the hie Day m 
the falle Rehgioo, the wild Afteaions.thit attended it. Suffer 
me theielore, finally, to intreatyou earneftly toji'w mr filf 
to Prayer, to Reading and Medilstion on divioeXtuths : Strive 
to penetrate to the floitom of them, and never be content with' 
a fuptrficial Knowledge. By this Means, yourThoughts will 
gradually grow weighty and judicious ; and you hereby will be' 
polTeircd ofa valuable Tri^fur,, out of which vsu may pioducq' 
Tims! aiw and M^ to the Glory of GOD. i " 

AriA hov: 1 ammnd yoii It thi Grate af GOD i carneKl/! 
deflriiig, that a plentiful Portion of the divine ^firjV may reft'J 
upon you i that you may /im (j COD in .wrj. Capacity of/ 
Life, and do abundant Service for him iji a puUici, if it lie hia^ 
Will i and that yon may be richly qualified for the h/jeiilanef 
tflbi SattiUii, Liibt. 

Ifciiteexpeftto fee your Face any more in the Body; 
mi therefore intrcat you to accept this as ihe laft Tclcea of 
i-ave, from 

Yout fincerely afieflionate dying Friend, 

Diriiid Qrahtrd, 

P. S. r am now, at (he dating of this Letter, ccnfideraWjr 
recovered from what I was when I wrote it ; it having lain by 
raeiumc rime, for want of an Oppottiuiity oi Conrej'mice i 


it mi written in J«>'. ■ 1 ^m now able to ride a little 

:*n™ am removed 'into the Country : But I have no mo,c 
T-meflationof recovering, than when 1 wrote, iho am a 
IXfrrrorthe ptcfet,'.. and thetefcre I flill f^b p.y 

'="> D. B. 

■ No. 10. To his Brother 7(ia, at BriS;!, the Town of 
Cb,IffianM.-„inWu,-7<r/«; written "'=7' =^' ^'>;; 
when he was there on the Brink of the Grave, m the bummer 
before his Death. 

Dear Brother, , _. 

T Am now iuft on the Verge of Eurmly, ei.pea,ng very 
I fceedilyto^ppear in the unfeen World. "«1 ""^ f^'J 
no more an Inhabitant of £..r*,and fomet.Be. earneftly long 
to impart ^d h ^ith Cbrift. I bleft God.he has lor fome 
Given nie an abiding Conviaion, that it is tmpoflible fo at^y 
m onalCrearure to enjoy ttoeH.?;™./, without bnng y 
divmduHm. Undet the Influence of this Conv.a.on I have 
irfome Sure aBed : Oh that I had done more fo ! 1 fsw 
b"ot'rb' E^c^UrncT^ Neceffityof ™, LHe ; bu, „^^^^ 

in fuch a Manner as now.when I am juft l>'«"g^' ° ^f '='°" 
of the Grave. Oh, mj Brother, purfue after abnijs , prels 
"owa dsZhleiled'Mark ; and !e, your thirlly Soul contmu- 

AlCherehaa been a great deal of Mffif '".^JS^' 
of which lam alhamed. and for which my bou! '= t""^'>'!°^^= 
e eTvV=w= Yet, bleffed be God, 1 find 1 have really had, 
fir the mofl patt. fuch a Concern for hh Ghr,, and the Ad- 
lancemTnt J bk Ki^id,^ in the WotlJ, that it ,s a Sa.isfaa.or, 
to me to leflea upon ibifi ^"'"' 

And now, my dear Brother, as I muft prefi you to purfue 

youtHeslthwill allow, .nd to hve above the Rate o c.«m.n 
lhri/l,an> : fol muft in-reat yov. folemnly to attend to jou 
f„W,V4Work; Labour to diBinsoilh between rr<,< and Mi 
Religion: And to that End, watch the Mot.otjs oi Gods 
?;;l upon your own Heart , look to W. for Help ; and m^- 
partiallv compare your Experiences wuhhia f^'/j ^'f f^i 
Lw»riionthe ^pnhn^, where the Efle.K. and foul o Ke 
N n a iiyiJ" 

ligion'is cUarly dlflingnifti'd from felfe Affeflions. « Valiw 
wligious ysj, according to the SuhjiS-MntUr of them ■ Thcro 
are many tbatrejoycc in tlieir fuppofcd 7„fi:fitatm: butwhat do 
thelejoys argue, but only that they tcvi tbtmMvn ? Whereas In 

»/ra/;^i bleffc! God for his Holjnefs, SoMreigMy, Power 
FanhMneft, and ali hi. P«feaio„s ; /dore, God. thatT' { 
what he ,i, that he is imchangtaUy pofTeft'd of infinite Glory, 
and Happinefs Now, when Men thus rejoyce in ,h= PirfJr 
«i»*s/ ffsi and ,n the infinite Excdlency of the [f„ ,f L 
^au,n h, Chr.Jl^ai i„ ,^, |,„iy C™^,„J,of God, Which ar, 
a Tranfcnp. of his holy Nature, ]oy, are divine and d 
ritual. Our Joys will ttsnd hy ut at the Hour of DmH if L 
em be then fatisfied, that we have thuj adcd zhave fil/, a„d 

• I had at fiift fully intended, in publifhing this and the have fupprtfi'd thefePafflgcs whereia 
my JVams ,s racntion'J, and my Difiiurfi ct r,/,>,-,„, ^f. 
/;A««recommL-,.ded : And am fennble.that by rayduiuE 
ctherwife, [ ftall bring upon rae the Reproach of fome! 
But hsw much faevcrJniiy be pleafcd Wiih theCommen- 
dation of any Performance of mine ( and I con/eli, I 
tHeetn the Judgment and Approbation of fuch a Perfon ra 
Mr. Br^,„ril, worthy lo be valued, and loot on my felf 
?3 highly honoured by it ) Yet I can truly fay, tbeThings 
Ihat goirerncd me in allcnng my foremen tioa'd Determi- 
nation wilh Refpcfl to thefe PalTagH, were thefe two. 
[10 What Mr.BrafflWhcrefaysof Ihat Difcoutfe, flicws 
•very fully and parricularly what fiil Nolkm were of ex- 
perimental Religion, and the Nature of irnc Piety, and 
how far hi was from placing it in Irapteflions on the Ima- 
ginalion,or any enthufiaflicaUmpuIfc, and how cfTenlral 
II) Religion he eftceiri'd holy Praflicc, (gc. Ut. For all 
that have read that Oifcourfe, know what Sentiments are 
there exprefsM concerning (hefe Things. ^ ^ j Jj^jg^j^ 
that the jippriiatim of fo apparent and eminent a Pripnd 
and Example of inmrd vilal Religion, and eranidical 
Pielymihe Height of it, would probably tend to^maltj 
thatBcri more Serviceable ; cfpecially among fome Kinds 
ni jealous Perfuns, wbofe Benefit was efpecialiy aim'd 
pi in ihe Book; fome of which are prejudiced againlS 
It as written in too kga! a Strain, and oppofing feme 
ihmgs wherein tile Height of Chriftian Experience con- 
».H> 'W seffiJing %a build Men up on Ihpir ownWori?. 

e/ Mr. David Brainerf. ^275 

in a (lifinterefted Manner ( if I may fo expiefs it ) rejoyced in 

the Ghry of the bleffed God 1 fear, you are not fuf- 

ficiently aware how mut;h Mfi Religion there is in She World : 
Many ferious Cbtiftians and valuable Minilicrs are too eaflly 
impofedupon by thisfalfeJSVsat. Hifcewife are not fen- 
fible of the driaifal EfflCl! & Cm/(}Brt«> of this falfeRell|ioii. 
Let me tell you, 'tis tiieDivi/ tramfsrmid inlr on -iis" '' "I'" '? 
■tin a Brat of Hell, that always fpnngs up wilh every Revival of 
Rdigion, andilabs and murdeis the Caufe of God, while it 
pafl-es Current with Multitudes of well-meaning People for 
the Height of Religion' Set yourfelf, my Brother, (o cruDi ail 
Appearances of this Nature, among the Wiam, and never en- 
courage any Degrees of Heat without Light. Charge my Peo- 
ple in the Name of iheir dyaif: Miii/ler, vca, in the Name of 
Him mhiwa! iiaiandis a/ live aoil walk as becomes the 
Gofpcl. Tell them, how great the Expeftattons of God ami 
Ins People are from them, and how awfully they will wound 
God's Caufe,if they fall into Vice ; as well as fatally prejudice 
olhcr poor Jniiww. Always infift, that iheir Experiences are 
renin, that their Joys are iihftni, iltho' ihey may have been 
rapt up into the Ihird Htavmt in their own Conceit by them, 
unlefs the main Tenour of their Li-oa be fpiritual, watchful, 
and holy. In preffing tbefcTbings, ThmJhaU htih fmt thj jAf, 

sni Ml thai hear thsi ? ■ , , . , 

GOD knows, [ was heartily willing tohaveferved him/oijftr 
in the Work of the Miniltty, altho' it had flill been attended 
with all the Lahmn and Hardfiipi of paft Years, if he had feen 
iit that it (hould be fo : but as his Willnowappears tithciwife, 
1 am fully content,and can with utmoftFrccdom fay, Tbi SVill 
cf ihiLsrd h dm. ItafFeasrae, to think of leaving you m a 
World of Sin; IWy Heait pities you, that thofe Storms ano 
Teropefts are yet before you, which, 1 truft, through Grace I 
amalmoff delivered from. But Gid Uva, and hkpd bl myReci : 
Heis the fame almightyFriend i and wili,I tmff, be your&uide 
and Helper, ae he has been mine. 

And now, my dear Brother, 2 ammnJ ym « God ar.d m 
ihe Ward tf BIS Griici,hihich it aUi In htiildym up, aid lii.-i yiii 
MiiitMU amr:g ell thm that arijmmfild. May you enjoy the 
divineFrefence,hoth in private ani) publick ; and jniLy litJrmi 
tfymr Hmit ii modiftrmg, by ll" 'k^t Hand ti ibi mighty Gsi 
aHacob. Which arc the paflionale Dcfires and Prayeis of 
Your affeaion»te, dyins Brother, _ ' 

Dsmi Srmnird. 

2;6 ^ Eefleflions B»iJ GbfeiVations 

Ott tie precitcling Memoirs. 


A N 


Co/itaining fame REFLECTIONS am 
Memoirs of Mr. Brainerd 

I- TT 7 E hive here Opportuniej', as I spprebcnd. In a Ptry 

W lively Itijhtiii, to fee tlic Nslurt of trut Reii^iem ; 

and tie Msnisir of it's Optralim, mhm exttnplified 

irt a tigli Di/^rii indpezL'irfjU Jixiid/i. Particulady il may 

be worthy to be obferved : 

I. How greatly Mr. Brmnird's Rdigioti difirii from that 
Bffonie PretendEfs to ihe Eiperinice of a ciiar fFsri of failing 
Cenverfian wru^t oo tlieir Hearts ; who depending ai:d iiving 
nn tlial, fettle in a cild,t!irilefi ii carnal Frame of Mind; and in a 
Tfegleft of thorough, eartiefl Religion, in the ftated Fraaice 
of it, Ahirto' his ConvifHens an^ Coitverfion were in all Ref- 
peils exceeding clear, and very remarkahje i yet how far was 
he from ading as tho' hs lliought he had lal drsugh his Wtrk, 
whet! once he had obtained Comfort, and Satisfaflion of bia 
Intereft in Chrift, and Title to Hearen. On the contlarj', 
thatVVurt on his Heart, by which he was brought to this, was 
with him evidently but the Blgming r/ iii Wsrk^ his £tft 
entiing on the great Buhnefs of Religion and the Service of : 
GOD, his iiril felting out in his Race. His obtaining Reft of 
Soul inChrifi, after earneftflriving ID enter in at the ftiaitGale, 
and being violent to take the Kingdorn of Heaven, he did hoc 
look upon aSiputting an End to any fuitherOccafton for ftriv- 
ing and Violence in Religion ; but ihcfe were continued ftill, 
and maintained conflanlly, through all Changes, to the very ■ 
End of Life. Hifi Work was not finifhed,nor litsRace ended, 
*tiiIUfcwas ended tagreeable to ([cqucntSiripiurs-Rg/frt/tntali^m 
of the Chrif^ian Life. He continued prcfling forward iii a 
conffint Manner, forgetting the Things that were behin*3,anil 
rsichiilg forth towards tho Things that were before. HisPaint 
acd Esrneftnefs iti the ISnfinefs of Retigion were rather increaf- 


•d (ban diminifhed, after he had received Cotnfort and Salis- 
faaion concerning the fafety of bis Stale. Thofe "i'vinePtm- 
cjples which after this he was aauatcd by, of Love to (jUU, 
and Longings and Thirftings after Holineft, feem to be more 
effiaual to engage him to Fains and Adtivity in Religion, than 
fear of Hdl had been before. ,,.„,, t 

And as his ConvciCon was not the End of h,s Werk^ Of ot 
thcCouifeofhis Diligence and Strivings in Religion ; fo nei- 
ther was it Ihe End of the Wiri cf ibi Sflrit of GOD M ha 
Heart: But on the contrary, the Beginning of tbatWorJc; 
tbs Beginning of his fpiritual Difcovcries,8nd holy Views ; the 
fitftDawningof theLiglit, which tbencefoiwatd inctcafed more 
and more ■; the Beginning of his holjAlfeaions, hisSorrow for 
Sin, bis Love to GOD, his Rcjoycing in Chrift Jcfus, his 
Longings after Hoiincfs. And the powerful Opeiations of ths 
SpiritolGod in ihefe Things, wete carried on, from the Day 
of his Converfion, in a continued Conrfe, to his dying Day. 
His religious Experiences, his Admiration, his Joy and Praife, 
and flowing Affediions, did not only hold up to a confiJcrable 
Height for a tew Dais, Weeks ot Months, at fiifl, whilcHopc 
and Comfort were new Things with him ; and then gradually 
dwindle and die away, ''till they came toalaiofl nothing, anil 
fo leave him without any fenfible or vemaikable Expetience of 
fpitiiual DifcovctiES, or holy and divine Affeflions, for Months 
togeiher ; as it is with many,who after thcNewncfs of Things 
is over, foot! come to that pafi, that it is again with 'cm very 
much as it is tiled to be before their fuppofedConveifion, with 
Refpea to any ptcfent Views [)fO;OD'sGloiy,olChrilPsExceI- 
lency, or of the Pcauty of divine Things ; and with RcTpedl to 
any prefent Thirftings for GOD, or ardcntOut-goings of their 
Souls after divine Objrfls ; But only noiv and thtn they have 
a cocifortabk-Rcflcaiori onThings Ihey have met with InTimes 
pan, and are fomething affefled with them ; "and fo tell cafy, 
lislnking allThings are well 5 they have had a good rfcor War*, 
and their State is fafc, and they doubt not but ihc-y (Ksll go to 
Heaven when they die. How fa» olhcrwife was itwilh Mr. 
SrofmrJ, than it is with fucb Pcrfons ! His Expeticnres, ia- 
licad of dying away, were evidently of an incresfing Naiuic, 
His fitft Love anO ttber holy A(&i3ions,even at Ihe Heginning 
were very great ^ but after Monliis and Years, became much 
greatei, and more remarkable ; and the Spiritual Exi-icifes of 
his Mind coniintied exceeding great (tho' not equally fo at all 
Timct.yct ufually fo) withoirl indulged Reniifncli and without 






Refieaions d«<J Obfervations 

tiabitual di&indjing & dying away, even 'till hijDeceare. They 
began ina Timi: of gcneralDeadnefs allovcr thcLaiidjUnd were -*■ 
greatly ijicieared in a Time ol general Reviving of Religion. 
And wlien Keiigiun decayed agaitl, and a genera] De:idnefa 
reforned, his Experiences were flill iept up in tlidr Height, 
3nd ills holy Exerciies maiiilaijied in their Life and Vigour c i 
and focDdtinued to be, in a gcneial CoutfeiWhetever be ivaSj^^ 
and whalevet liis Circumflances were, aniooe Engiijb and /07 
dhm, in Company and alone, in Towns and Cities atldin thS 
l)owlingWildetiii:li,lnSicli.nefi and inHeallli, living an ddjingj 
Tbis is agteablc toScripiurcDcfctiplitms of itue and nghtRSi 
ligion, and of lIicCbtiflianLile. TheCbange, ibat was wtongKf 
in him at his Convetfionj was agreable to Sctipture-Reprefeoi 
tatiotis o^ that (.hange which is wrought in tice Converiion i 
agrcat Change, and an abiding Change, reodring bin a new 
Man, a ncwCieatiiic: Not only a Change as to Hope and^ 
CojJifort, and an Apprebetifian of his own good Eflate ; and ^■ 
tranficntCbaiige,coni;iii»ginhighFlight!,ot paJiingAffeaions ;! 
but a Cliangeof Nsluri^ a Change of the abiding Habit and' ' 
Temper of bis Mind. Noi' a partial Change, meerly in Poinc 
of Opinion, or outward Reformation j nioch lefs a Change 
from one Error to another, or from one Sin to another ; but. 
an univerfal Chiinge, both internal and external ; as from cor- 
rupt and dangerous Piinciples in Religion, unto the Belief of 
the Truth, fo ffOtn both the Habi ts and Ways of Sin, unto uni- 
verfal f^olinefs of [leart and Praflice 1 from the Fewer and, 
Service of Satant «tnto God. 

2. Hii Religion did apiiarently and greatly Hffir from that 
of many high Pretenders 10 Religion, who are Iretjiiently ac- 
tuated hyvthtmmt Enacicm of Mind, and are carried on ina 
■ Courfe 0^ jkddtn aniSJmtie Imfr/ffimi, and foppofed high lllii- 
miaatims and mmciiiiili Diftmtriis, and al the fame Time are 
Perfons of a vfritfeEit Ztat, net nccojdhg to Knowledge. 

His Convlciionj, preceedinghis Ccnveriion, did not arife 
ftom any frightful ItnfTiJfms m tm Imnginslkn, or any cJClcinal 
Images and Ideas of Kire and Brimftotio, a Sword of Vengeanct; 
drawn, a darJt Pit open, Devils in terrible Shapes, Uc. ftrongiy 
fix'd in hisMind. [dis Sight of bis own Sinfulnefs dtil not con- 
lift in ar.;, Iraiigination of a bcapof loathfomejmaierial Fikhincfs 
witbinhim; cor did his Sciifc of the Hardoefs of his Heart 
confirt in any bodily feeling in his Breaft fomeihing hard and 
heavy like a Stcne, nut in Enj loiaginauons whatever of (iicb 
a Nature. 


His m 


On ih frecieikg MemoifS.' 


Hia firft Difcovery of God or Chrift, at his CoiiverGon, wja 
not any ftronii Id^a of any tuternal Glory or Brightncfi, oi' 
Maicffysnd Beauty of Countenance, or pleafant Voice ; not 
was it any fuppofed immediate Manifefiation of God's Love 
10 Im in particular ; not any Imagination of Cbrift's fmiliug 
Face Arm! open, or Words immediately fpokcn to hira, as 
by Name, levealiDg Chtifl's Love to him; eiiher Words of 
Ecripctirc, or any other ; But a Manifeftation of God's Glory, 
aisd the Beauty of his Nature, as fupreoiely excellent in it felf ; 
powerfully dfawinB,and fweetly captivating hisHeart ; bringing 
him to a hearty Defire to enalt God, fet hira on the Tijrone, 
and give him fupremt Honour and Glory, as the King ami 
Sovereign of Iha Univerfe ; and alfo a ncwSenfe of the infinite 
Wifdoai, Suitableneft and Excellcni:y of the Way of Salvation 
by Chrift ; powerfully engaging his whole Soul fo embrace 
'this Way of Sabatioji, and to delight iu it. His firflba]ih did 
not confift in believing that Chrift loved him, and died for him, 
in particular. Hit fi.fl: Comfort was not from any fccrct Sug- 
aefti«ti of God 's Eternal Love to him, or that GoJ was recon- 
ciled to him, or intended great Mercy for him i by any fuel) 
Texts as thofe, Sm, U tf gsii Chiar , tin Shtau firiivuithut 
Ptar mly 1 am thy God, &c. ot in any fuch Way. On the 
cotitrsty, when GOD'S Glory wasiiift difcovered to him, il: 
was without anyTbouKhtof Salvstioaas bis own. His fitil 
Experience of the fanaftving U comfotting Power of GOD'S 
Spirit did not begin in fome bodily Sinfatiun, any pleafant 
. warmFeeling in his Ereaft, that he ( as fotjie others J called the 
Feeling the Love of Chrift in hira, and being full of the Spirit. - 
How exceeding far were his Expetiences at Ills fiift Conveiiion ■' 
from Things ef fuch a Nature I 

And it we look thro' the whole Series of his Expctienct!, 
frora his Converfion to his Death, we (hall find none of this 
Kind. 1 have had Occafion to read his Oiory over and over, 
and very particularly andctilically to review eve ryPaJage in its 
and! findnooneliiltance of a ftrong Impteffion on hislina- 
gination, through his whole Life : No Inttance of a Brongl)r 
imptefii'd Idea of any external Glory and Btightnefa, of any 
bodily Form or Shape, any beauliftll IMajeftick Countenance -, 
No imaginary Sight of Chrift hanging on ibeCtofs, with his 
Blood ilreaming from his Wounds; or feated in Heaven on 3 
bri"ht Throne.with Angels and Saints bowingbefore him ; or 
with a Countenance fmiiing on him ; or Arms opcc to embrace 
hiia: Na Sight ut Huaven, in his Imaginatioi), with Gates of 
■ - i - O ViiA, 


Reflexions aniiJ Obfervations 

Pear), and Golden Streets, and vail Multitudes of glorious h 
habitants, with (billing Garments; No Sight of tlie BookL 
Life opened, with his Name written in it : No hearing of llil 
r*e« Mufick made by the Songs of iicavcnly HoHs ; No hcaf 
ingGador Clirift imrnediatcly fpealciugto him ; nor any fud- 
den Suggeftions of Words or Sentences, either Words of 
Scripture, or any other, as then immediately fpolcen or font 
to him: No new objeiiive Revelations,no fudden ftrong Sug- 
geflions of fecrctFadis, Not do I find any one Inftance in all 
iheRecords he has left of his own Life,from Beginning loEnd, 
of Joy excited from a fuppcifed iTriTnii/wtiVfhatfsol iheiipirijtj 
cr inward immediate Suggetiion, that his State was furejy 
good, that God loved him with an overlaftingLovt, that Chlift 
died for him in particular, and that Heaven was his ; eiihcr 
with or without a Text of Scriphlie ; No Inliance ofComfort 
b^ a fudden hearing in ujjon hisIWind, as ibo' at that very Time 
dtreflcd by God to hira in particular, any fuch kind of Texts 
as thofe i Fear ml, lam mith ihei i—liis ,mr talha's .xi 
Fliajm te give jsa ttc Kingdcm ; — Tm have ml Ma mt, 
hut I havt thsfm yiii ; — } ham callii live hy thy Nami, thm 

eft m'wi i Btfift thsu wsji ftrmii m tht Btlly, I hem 

lhti,hc. No fuppofedCommunion & L'onverfation with GOD 
carried on in thisWay ; no fuch fuppoftd Tafting of the Love 
ofChrift. But the Way he was fatisfied of his own goodEflate, 
even to the entire aboliftiing of Fear, was fay Feeling within 
hjmfelf the lively adlings of a holy Temper and heavenly Djf- 
pofiiioi!, the vigorous Enercifts of that dlviiicLove, which cafii 
, out fear : This was the Way he had full Satisfa.aionfoon af- 
I ter his Converfion ( fee his Disry on Oclib, lS& 19. 17+0.) 
And we find no other Way of Satiifaaicn through l:is whole 
Life aftcrwaidt ; And this he abundantly declared to be the 
Way, the only Way, that he had complete Satisfaflion, when 
he looked Death in the Face, in it's near Approaches. 

Some of the Pretenders to an iirimeiiiaie Witnefs by Huggefli- 
on, and Defenders of it, vjith an afl'amitif ConhJence, would 
bear us in Hand, that there is no full AlTurance without it ; 
and that the Way of being fatisfied by Signs, and arguing at] 
Interifi in Chrift from Sandlification, if it will keep Men qui- 
et in Life and Health, yci will never do when they come 10 
llil : Then f they fay ) Men nnrfi have immidMi Wituefs, or 
clfc be In a dreadful Uncertainly. But Mr, BrmWa'sEspeti- 
ence is a Confutation of this ; for in him we have an Inftancc 
of one that poifefi'd sa conSiiiuaBd unlhateg an Affuiance, 


Da fhe frscteMng Memoirs ' 


tihro' tba Courfe of his Life, after Converfion, as perhaps can 
be prodaced in this Age i which yet he ubcain'd and enjoy'd 
without an}r fuch Sort of Ti/iimonf, and without all Manner of 
Appearance ofit,orPrctence to it ; yea, while utterly difciaim- 
ing any fuch Thing, and declaring againft it : And one whofe 
Afl~uiaiice,we need notfctupLe to 3JKrni> has 33 fa,iraC]fiim,3nd 
as juS a Pr^tenfion to Truth and Genuinencfs^ as any that the 
Prctca'^ef* ta immedisle t^itnf/s can produce: And not only 
an Inftance of one that had fuch AfTu ranee in Life, but had it 
in acoijftant Manner in his laft IlhiufB ; and p>irti^:uIaTiy in 
ths latter Stages of it, [lirnugh thofc hli Moiitlit uf hit Life, 
wherein Death was mure fenfihly approacliing, witViout the 
teaft Hope of Life : And had it !oo in it's Fulmfs, and in the 
Hdght of it's Exercife, under thofc repeated Trials, that he 
had in this Space of Time ; when brought from Time toTime 
to the very Bt'wk of the Grave, expe^^ing in a fewMinutes to 
bein Eteniiiy. He bad i/^e full jjfurancc of Hspii unia the 
Mad. When on the Verge of Eternity, he then declares h\% 
AfVuranee to be fuch 3s perfefllji fecluded all Fear i and; not 
only fo, but it manifeftly fill'd his Sou! with exceeding Joy : 
He declaring at the fame Time, that this his Coiifolation and 
good [-lopc thro* Grace arofe wholly from the Evldinct he haJ 
of his good E^ltate, by what he found of his San^S-ificatiofi, or 
theExercife of a holy heavenlyTcmper of Mind^fupreme Love 
to God, td^c and not in ihe leail from any immsdiute Witnefa 
by Suggeftion : Yea, he declares that at thefe very Times he 
faw the awful Ddufion of that Confidence which is built on 
fuch a Faund.Ttion, as wcU aa of the whole of that Religion 
v/hich it ufually fpringj from, or at Icafl is the Attendant of ; 
and that his Soul abhoi*d thofe Delufions : And be continued 
in this MindjOfien exprefling it with much SoIemiiiiy,eveii 'till 

Mr. S^^'fl^J'd's Religion was not /^/^ and mefc^nafi : Hi* 
Love to God was primarily and ptiticlpally for the fupreme 
Excellency of his diub ^d(arf^and iiotbmjt on a preconceived 
Notion that God loved Aim, had received him into Favouijarid 
had done greatThinga fur ^rm,or promifcd grcatThings to him : 
Sohisjoy was Joy in God^and not in himself. We fee hy hia 
DlaT} howj from Time to Time, through the Courfe of hi* 
Life, his Soul was fill'd with Jneft'able Swcetnefs and Comfort. 
But what was the Spring of thi^ ftrong and abiding Conib- 
Ution ? Not fo much the Coiifideration of the furc Grounds 
bs had to think tliat bi& State was good, that God had dcliveretl 
G o a hiiii 


RefleaioEis and Obfervationt 

Oh ihs preciidlng Memoirs; 

him from Hell, and ihit Heavin was bii ; or any Thotighfi , ' 
concer^iing his own diftinguiflle^i happy and exalmd Circum- 
ftanccs, as a high Favourite of Heaven ; Bat the iwee; Medi-^. 
tatJ&ns and entertaining View's he had of divine Thiogs withui 1 
himfdf -f the affecliiig CDnfiJcratjoris and livdj Idt^as of God'3^!| 
infinite Gtory, bis uncllarjgeiibJe Bleiledneis, his Sovereignty, ' 
2nd universal Dominion ; togcllier with the fiVtet Kxercifes 0^ ■ 
Love to GOD, giving bimfeif" up to him, abafing hitnfelf be-iJ 
fore hini, denying himCelf forhlin, dependiog upon him, a£ling;;3 
fofhis Glozy, diligently fcrving him i tind the pleafing Prof-^ 
petts or Hopes iie had of a fiacure Advancement of the King 

dom of Chrift, £5^f. 

It appears plainly and abimdantif all along, from hisConver-l 
fion tn his Death, that that Beauty, that Sisrt of Good, whiclr 
was the great Olijcifl of the new Acf\(c of his Mind, the nens 
ReliOi and Appciiic pjven him in Convcrfion, and thencefoi'^ 
ward inaintJtjn^d and increafcd in hia Heart, was HOLINESS^! 
Conformity to God, iiving toGod,and giorifying Him. This 3 
was what drew hisHijaft J this vitas the CenterofhisSoul ; ihiai" 
was the Ocean to which all the Streams of his religions AiFee-i 
tipns tended ; This was the Objeiil that engaged his eagerr 
thLfft^ng Defiles and eaxncft Purfuits : He knew no true Excel-: 
lency or Happioefs, but this : This was what he longed for,., 
niott vchemcjllly and cooflantly ott Eafth ; and this was with .: 
him the Re&uty at^d Blefi'ednefs of Hsmten ; which made him {o^;: 
much and {^^ often to long for that World of Glory ; it was (O^J 
be petffiSl] y holy, and petfe^ly txercifed in the holy Entploy-- 
nicnts of tilijaven ; thus to glorifyGod and enjoy him forever. 

His religious lllumiuatioiiS, AfFedtions and Comfort feem'dy 
to a great Degree, to bs^ttendcd •^I'^EvangtUial RumltiaUm ^ 
conflliing in a Senfe of his o«in nller lE!foSiciency,Defpicab]e- 
nefs andOdioufnefs ^ with an anfwerableDifpolition atldFrame 
#f Hf art. How deeply riffL'dtcd was he almoft continually with 
his greatDeleifh in Religion; with his vatt Diftance from that 
Spijitujliiy and holy Krame of Mind that becami: him 5 with 
Ills Ignoiance, Pride, Deadnefs, Uofteadinefs, Bairennefs ? 
He was not only afFcftcd with the Rememhrance of his former 
S^nfolnel's, before his Converfion, but with the Senfc of hia 
jircfcnt Vilcnef and Po'Iutran. He was not only difpofed to 
thinli: meanly of himfelf as bifori God, and in Cornparifotl of 
him J hut QfTistj^li Mtft, and as compared with them : He was 
a;jiio EhinfcotherEair. Is better tlian hej yea, to look on himfelf 
as ttt ajcjneli and iciit of Sjinis ; yesj very of(ci», as the 


vileK Slid worft of Mankind. And notwithftandtng his ereit 
fnyThTnglhathe is tnore frequently affedcd and abafed with 

m Love was not meetly a Fondnefs and Zeal or a Fatty, hu^ 
anuiiivetfal Benevolence; very often txcrctfcd in he molt 
fenrSTd ardent Love to hi, grealeit Oppofers »nd tncmie . 
ffi Lov:"and Mectnefs were not a meet l-retence ^; on- 
ward Proleffion and Shew ; but they were ^tf'""' JS: 
ntanifofted in expenfive and painlul Deeds o( Love and Ki.d- 
Tf"; and in a tneekBehavioor.; '^^ilr -"'^«i"S J""' ""f" 
"be Eteateff Trials, and hiimbling lnn.fdf ""en at the Feet of 
Tol ft™ whom hefnppofed he had fuffered moS ; a^d from 
Time to Time, very frequently praying for his Enemies, ab- 
horTtnglheTbonghts of Bitternefs or Refentment towards 
rr I fcatcely know where to look for a,>y parallel Inftanee 
S-denial, i/.l^efe Refpea., in .he prefent A^e- H= was 
sPerfonofgteatZeal; but how dtd he ahh-r a bitter /c,tl, 
La U=nt it where he faw it ! And tl,o' he was once drawn 
Lto fcme Degrees of it, by the Force of ptevailing U^tam de. 
S it were in bis Childhood ; yet how did be B^ "^o"' «'* ^ 
Heart brnifed and broken in Pieces for it all hiaLi e after ! 

Of how>/( and tmdir a Spirit was he 1 How far were hia 
Ex"erien«s,'Hopes,andJo,s from a Tendency fi"^"j '-""?'- 
fy and harden him, to lefTen Convia^ns ,nd Tendcrnefs of 
Conlcience, to caufehim tobelefsaffeaedwnhprerent and 
i;ftS,n=,andlcfs.onfcienUons with Rcfpefl ,0 future Stns. 
Lre eafy in the NegleS of Duties .hat are ."""Wf "•= a"* 
. inconvenient, more (low and partial in complying with dilBcu t 
Commands, left apt to be alarmed at the Appearance of hi. 
awn Defeas andTranrgrcitos, mereeafily induced to a Com- 
pliance with carnal Appetites! On the contrary, ''<'«"=j''^= 
wasbisConfclence ! How apt was his Heart to fmltc Imn ! 
How eafily and greatly was he alarmed at *=. APP"™'^^^ °! 
moral Evil I How great and conftant washis Jealoufy over 
te wnHeart! How ftria his Care and Wa.chfulnefs agamft 
L ! How deep and fenSble were the Wounds that Sin made 
in hi. Confcience I Thofe Evils that are generally ace»mted 
fmall, were almoli an infupporiable Burden ^h™! ^^fj 
bis inwaidDeficiencies.hi. bavingno more Jjovc.toGOD.bjd- 

KtBi&MasiKii ObftrvadoBs 

jrg witliin hjmfelf any JlacknEfs or Julnefs in Religion, any 
Unfflcadinefe, or wmdriBg Frame of Mind, &c. How did (be 
ConMsration of fuch Things as thefc opprefs and abafe him, 
and fill him with inward Shame and Confufion ! HisLove mil 
Hcpc, iho' ihey were fuch as eaft out a fcrvile Fear of Hell, 
yet they were fuch as were attended with.and abundantly chc- 
rifti'd and promoted a teverential filial Fear of God, a Dread 
ofSinandof God's holy Difplcafara. His Joy feem'd truly 
to be a rsjoicing with Trembling, Hii AITurance and Com- 
foit difered greatly from a falfe enlhufiaftick Confidence and 
Joy, in that it promoted and niiineained Mourning for Sin-:' 
holy mourning, with him, was not only the Wotkof an Hont 
or a Day, at his fitft Convttfion ,; but Sorrow for Sin was likS 
a Woond conflantiy running: He was aiWourner for Sin allhiS 
Days. He did not, iflcr he received Comfort and full Satia- 
fattion of the t'oigivenefs of all his Sins, and ihe Safety of hia 
Stale, forget liis pafi Sins, the Sins of his Youth, that wem 
commuted belote his Convctlion ; but the Remembrance of 
them, from Time to Time, reviv'd in his Heart, with renew- 
ed Grief. That in Ezet xvi. 63. was evidently fulfil'd in 
him, Thai tfisa msffirmi'niir, saJ ii an/iiaatitl, Mdnmimpin 
thyMsMhovy mm, bitauft if thy Sbami ; when lam pacified 
tiward tha fir sU that thm hsji dm. And how laftingly 
did the Sms that hccommilted alter his Converfion, affeftanil 
break his Heart ! If he did any Thing whereby he thought be 
had in any Refpeadinianoured God, and wounded thelntercffi 
of Religion, he had never done with calling it to Mind with 
Sorrow and Bitternefs : Th»' he was alTured that Goo hail 
forgiven It, yet he never forgave him&If : His part SoirowB 
and,! ears made 00 Satisfaflion , with him ; but Bill the Wound 
renews and bleeds afrelh, again and again. And his prcfent 
Sins, that he daily found in hirnfelf, were an Occafion of daily 
fcnfiblc and deep Sorrow of Heart. 

His Religion did not confili in unaccountable Fllghsi and 
vcUsnml Pangs ; fuddcnly rifmg, arid fuddenly falling i at 
fome Turns eaalted almoft to the ihird Heavens, and then at 
other Turns negligent, vaiii,oarnal, and fwallowed up with the 
World i lot Days and Wcefts , if not Months together. His 
Religion was not like a blaiingMeleorjOr like a flaraiogComet, 
( (ora waniiringStar,as the Apoftleyo* calls it, vet. 13. ) Hying 
^tiiro' theFirmaraent with a brightTrain s & then quickly going 
out m perlcaDarknefs : But more like the fteadyLights olHea- 
venj that are conBant Pjinciples of Light, tho' fonictimes hia 


0»' ths prsceding Metnoit*. 


>»Ith Clouds. Nor like a Land-Flood, which flows far and 
wide, with a rapid Stream, bearing down all afore it, and then 
dried up j but more like a Stream fed by livingSprings ; which*! 
tho' fometimfSincreafed by Showers, and at other Times di-' 
miiiiihcd by L^rought, yet 15 a iofjjittnl Stream. 

Hi5 religious AiFedtions and Joys were not like Ihofc of 
fome, who have Rapture and migliiy Eniotioni from Time to. 
Time in Csiw^iatyr i i^ut have very little AHeflion in Rttjrementi 
and fecret Places. Tho' he was of a very fociabJoTemper, and 
loved thcCnmpany ofSaints,and dcliphlcd vzty nuich in religi- 
ous Convetfation and in ftjcial Worlliip j yet his warmelt Af- 
fedlions and, (heir greateft KfFedU on animal Nature, and hia 
fwectei^Joys, were in his Clofc£-Dev&tions,and folitaryTranf- 
aitJons between God and his own Soul ; as is very obfervabla 
thro* his whole Courfe, from his Convctlion to his Death. He 
deligbted greatly infacrcdRetirements j and loved to get quite 
away fromall the World, to converfe wiihGoD alone, in fecret 
Duties. . 

Mr. Braincrd'i Experiences and Contfofts were very far 
from being like ihofe of fttmc Pcrloii!^, which are attended with 
a fpiritual 5fltw/y, and put an End to their religious Dclircs and 
Longings, at leafi to the Edge and Ardency of them ; rcfting 
fatisfied in their own Attainments and Comforls, as having ob- 
tained their chief End, which is to extinguiih Iheir Fears of 
Hell, and give 'em Confidence of the Favour of GOD. Efow 
far were hESteligiflusAf^"<;i^ions,Refre£hments, & Satisfafhons, 
from fuch an Operation and Influence as this ! On the contra- 
ry, how were they always attended with Longings and Thirrt- 
ings after greater Degrees of Cwtfcrmily vn^OTj ] And the 
gteater anri fweeler his Comforts were, the ttiore vehement 
were his Deiircs after /J^iiac/r. For 'sis to be ohrerved, tint 
hisLongings were notfo much after joyful Difcoveries of God's 
Love and clear Views of his Title to future Advancement and 
etetnal Honours in Heaven \ a& after more ofprelent Holinels, 
greater Spirituality, an Heart more engaged for GOD, to love 
and exalt and depend on him, an Ability better 10 ferve him, 
to do more for his Glory, and to do ail that he did with more 
of a Regatd io Chrift as his Righteouiitefs and Strength i and 
after the Enlargement and Advancement of Chrilt's Kingdom 
in the Eatth. And hi* Deities were not idle wifliings and 
wouldingE, but fuch as were powerJul and efi-eflual, to ani- 
mate him to the earneft, eager purfuit of thcfe Things, with 
uttnoft Diligence and uniaintiiig Labour and ijslf-denial. His 



Reflexions esi Obfervations 

Oh the frccseimg Memoifs," 


Comforts never pot an End to his fccking after GOD, and 
iirEving to obrain his Grace ; but on the eontraryj greatly eij- 
. £agcd and ejilargtd him therein. 

His Religion did not cojrfili only ini'jK^^fWffW, with out ^rai- 
ike. All his inward illutninatiuns, Affedions and Comforts 
iteal'd to have atiireil IVitdency toFraaicc, and to iHuc in 
it: And (his, not meetly a Prafiice fl/^fl/rVj;/)' good, free front 
grofs ASs of Irrcligicn and Immorality ; But a Praflicc fsfit 
lively Holy and Chriftian, in a feHous, devout, litrtTible, meek, 
merciful, charijable, and beneficent Conveifalicn j nt^king 
(he Service of GOD, and our Lord Jefus tjhrift, the greatBU- 
linefs of Life, which lie was devoted to, and purfued with the 
greatoft Earnelinefi and Diligence to the End of Ills Day), 
thro' all Trials. In bint vtas to bo fern the right Way of be- 
ing Hill! hi Ritipim : His Liviliiiiji in Religion did not confift 
meerly o[ mriiniy in his Ijciog lively with tiicTongae, but in, 
13riJ ; not in being forward in ProfefEoo and outward Shetv, 
and abundant in declaring his own Experiences ; but chiefly in 
being ailiveand abundant in thcLsbonrs^^l Duties of Religion ; 
naf ^ihfuiiti Bnfmifij h\itfervKl in spirit, ferving tij£ Lsrd^ 
and /living hii GiniTalion, nccsrtliti^ tu the Py til s_f Gad. 

By ihefc Things, many high Pretenders to Religion, andPro- 
fefl'orSDl extraordinary fpiTlmal Experience, may be feofible, 
that Mr. Brainiri did greatly condemn iJdVkindof Religion; 
and liiat nor only in Word, but byE!tani|jle, living and dy- 
ing ; as the whole Series of his Lhriftian Experience andPrac- 
tice, from bis Couvetfion to his Death, appears a conflanlCcn- 
demnation of it. 

It can't be Dbjc[5fed,that theSeafon V!\iy he To much dlllLked 
the Religion of thefePretendeis, and why his own fo mocb dif- 
fered from it, was, that his Experitncei weronot clifir. There 
h no Room to fay, they were otherwife, in any Refpe^t, 01 
which ClearnefH of Experience has been wont to be infifted on; 
whether it be the Ckarnefs of their >nrwrff, or of their 0-iier, 
inA the Method his Sou! was at firft brought toReff ai-.d Com- 
forr in his Convcrfion. 1 am Ur Truro thinking ( and fo was 
he) rhatCltatncfsof I he OrAr of Experience is, in any Mca- 
furc, of equal Importance with the Ciearnefs of their hlalurs : 
I have fufficiently declaretl in my Difcourfe on Reii^istii^^clli^ 
*w f tvhich he exprefly aj>proved of and ret^ommendcd ) liiat I 
don't fnppolc,a (enChle DiffinSnefs of the Sfijiof the Spirii's 
Oporation jnd Method of fuccefTive Convidfions and Iliiimira- 
ticns, isineceffiiry RetjuifHc toferfons teing received in full 


Charity, as true Saints j provided the JVafirff of (be Thin jt 
they protefs, be right, and their Praaice ajieoable. Nsverlht- 
lefs 'tis obfeivable, ( which cuts ofFallObjc^ion from fuch as 
<" ; would be mofl anreafonably difpoied to objoit and cavil in (he 
I prefentCafe ) So it was, that Mr. SVffiwf^'s Experiences were 
not only clear in ihelaltcr Refpcif, but rcniarksbly fo !u tile 
former : So that there is nut perhaps one Inftance iniiveHun- 
dred [ rue Converts, that on this Accoujit can be parallerd 
^ith him. 

It can't be pretended , that the Rtafon why he fo much ah- 
bor'd and condcmtied ibe Nofioit! and KxpeiicnCei of thufe 
'whofejff;? i'jr'rt conlifis in believing that ChiKHi /*«>/, and 
that Chrift died fur ibem ; without any previous I'xpericiice of 
Union of Heart to him, for his Excellency, as he is in himWf, 
and not for his fuppofod Love to them ; and who j udge of their 
Intereft in Chrift, their Juffilication, aiid GOD's Love to 

ilbem not by their SanSification and the Exercifes and Eruits 
ofGrace, but by a fuppufcd imm^iplt Witnefs of the Spirit, by 
' inward Euggeftion ; 1 fay, it can't be pretended, that (llcRca- 
fon why he fo much detefted and condemned fuch Opinions 
and Experiences, was, that he was of a too ll^o/ Spirit i cither 
that he never was dead to the Law, never experienced i thoro' 
Work of Conviftion.was never fully bronght off from his own 
EighteoufnefE,and wean'd from the eld Ctyveuant^hy a thorough 
iigal Humiliation ; or that afterwards, be bad no great De- 
gree of tvangiliial Humiliation, not living in a deep Senfe of 
his own Emptinefs, VVretchcdnefs, Poverty, and abfolule Do- 
pendance on the meer Grace of GOD through Chiifi. For 
hisConviaions of Sin.preceeding his iirftConfolatit^ns inChria, 
were exceeding tieepand thorough ; his Trouble and Exercife 
of Wind, by a Senfe of Sin and Mifery, very great and long 
continued ; U tbeLight let into hisMind at hisConveiliotl ani 
in progtefivc Sanaification, appears to have had its genuine 
humbling Inflaence upon him, to have kept him low in bi« 
DWnEyCE,not confiding in himfelf, but in Chril!, limtg h the 
■^ ]:aiAsfthi SansfGOD,mil»kMS fit tbs Mircisf thi Lard 

f Jijm » iltraat Lift. 

Nor can it be pretended , that thcRcafon why he condernnsiJ 
tbofe, and other Things, which this Sort of People call the very 
Height of vital Religion and the Power of Godliucfs, was.thac 
he was a dead Ciri/lisin, and lived ia till Dark (as they exprefs 
' thcmfelves ) that his Expericucei, tho' they might be true, 

were not grest i thit he liid not live neat to GODj hatl but a 
p p fmalJ 

23? Refleflions W Obftrvisions 

fmall Acquaintanw with him, and had bm .dim Eight of ftf* 
nuial Thim;, If a„y, after they have r«d the p,ec«dins 
Aceomv.or ivl , i(™,rf! Life.will venture to pretend thu.! 
Aejwill only mew ,hat th,, tUmf.lm, are in the Dar*, atlj 
do indeed ^m Darks,/, frr Lighi, ami Lig/Ufsr Barhe/i 

Tiacomillon with lh;i Sort of People, if there i/any one 
Whom they can't deny so exhibit goodEvidencoa of true God- 
linefs.whci yet appears to dinike theirNotionii,Js condemn ihofe 
Thizigi wherein ,hcy plate theHeight of ReJigtDn.toitifinuate,- 
that Ikiy^r, a/,md sftb, Ct,fi, and haue a Mind a ctirry Pa-', 
■<i^r,mtbth,mdd, and the lite. Bm I prefirme, ihi. wirf 
no, he pretended concerning Mr. £r«WJ, by any one Perfon 
that has read the preceeding Account of hisLife. It muft needs 
appear aTh:ng notoriouitofuch.thst he was an extraordinarr 
and almoft linparallei'd Inftanee ( in thefe Times and theft 
Farlio/ihe World) of the contrary Difporuion : and iiaf 
whether we confider what he has recorded of his inward Ex- 
pintutt, from Time to Time; or his Pi-eil!ci,haw he in Fafl 
took up ana embraced the Cr,/s, and bore it conflantly, i„ 
his great iel -Denials, Labours, and Sufferings for the Name 
ofjefusjand went on wilhout fainting, without repmtins. 
^ rep.ning, to his dying lUneft , How he dii not only, from 
riioeto Time relinquia and renounce the WlirW ficretly, 
in h.s ISeart, with the fgll and fetventConfentof all ihePowerl 
o his Sojjl ; but openly and aflually forfook the WarM, with 
It s Poflvllions, Delights, and common Comforts, to dwel! as 
itwere ^v,rlj wild Beafls, in a howlingWiidernefs ; wilh con- 
ftaniCbcarla^nef., complying with the numeious Hardfhip. 

Jfktf 7f'""^^T}:"'"'- '"P'^ol' >heKingdoL 
cfh^ Redeemer.. And befides, it appear, by the proceed- 
ing Hiftory, that he never did more condemn iho Things fore- 
msntion d, rem hsd a greater Senfe of their Delufion, per- 
nicious Nature, and ill Tendency, and never was more full of 
Pity 10 inole that are led away with ,h™, than in hi. lad 
I!bors.andaiTimeswhen be had the nejreftl'rofpea of Death. 
fupp3fed himfelfto be on the very Brink of Elernity.atid locked 

ThinLt '™" "'"'<' ^i "S^' he never fhoVld have any 
Thing moro to do with. Sorely he did not condemn thofe 

.Im- , "!! ■ ' '?'" ^^'""^y "'"='' "' Mr.i(™«rfs Sen- 

we have hi deliberate and felcmn Tho't, on this Subjeflfftir- 
llMzppesringb; his /.„/,„ ,„ Uu Shf^d; Dmy, before 

On the preeadstt^ Memoirs* 

En^Qtioned ; wbich, when he mote if, lie foppofeJ To be ( ai 
itproved) one of the/fl/?Th[ng» he fhouM ever write. I (hill 
bere infert a Fart of that Pnfact, as follows. 

*< Haw much Strefs is kid by many upon fomc Things as 
«' being Effefla andEvidcncea of exalted Degrees of Rtligion> 
** when they are fo far from being of any Impnrtanctj in it, 
<s that they are really irreligioui^ a Mixture ciSiSf'Lsvt,Itni3' 
** giijBtknyJinA fp'ititmlPritJff, or perhaps ihe Inflticrice of 
** ^fliflB transformed into anAngcl oiLight i 1 Tiy, how much 
'' Strefs is laid on thefeThings by m^iny.I Hiiill nut ilf^tcriiiini;: - 
«* ButMismuch to befear'd, that while GOD wiicarrying 
<* oti a glorloua Work of Grace, and utidoiibtcc^ly paihuiing 
«* a Harveft of Souls to himfetf (which we fh.: uW iJways rc- 
** member with Thajikfuljiefs) Numbers oforhera ii^vt ^t the 
"' Hime Time be«n. fatally deiudcd by theDevjeea of iheDtvi?, 
" aiidth*;ir own corrupt Hearta. Ii is to be ifur'ti^ that the 
" Cttivsr/tsm Kii foffie have no bctcer Foundation than this j 
'^* wa- That after ihcy have been under fume Cunccrn for 
'' their Souk for a whilCj and it may bemanlfeftcd fome 
a very great and ut^commun Diftrcfs and Agonies, ihcy 
«' have on a fudden ivsas'mid ihfyp-KCnB.iiT,in fDmePofiuic 
s' or other i perhaps on theCrofej hlcedirg and dying (or thtir 
»' Sins 5 or it may be, fmilirigon them, and thereby fignify- 
*=' ing his Love to them : And that ihefc and the I ike Things, 
*' iho' fflcer Imaginations, which have nothing Spiritual in 
f' them, have inftantly removed all tlieir Fears and DiftreJTefi, 
** fill'd them with Rapturci of Joy, and made them imagine^ 
*= that Ihcy loved Chrlft with all their Hearts j whetj thcBot- 
" torn ofall was Nothing but Sdf-Uve. For when they ima- 
" gined thatChrifth^d been fogood to them as to fave them, 
*' and as it were to Tingle ihcn^ out of all the Wofld, they 
*== could not but feel fome kirtd of natural Gratitude to him ; 
^* altho' they never had any fpiritual View of hia divineGIory, 
" Excellency andEeanty, at^d cotifcquently never had any 
<« Love to him for himfelf. Or that inftead of having fome 
*' fpch imaginary View of Chrifk ai has been roention'J, in 
«* order to remove their Diflrcia an<i giv? them Joy, fome 
** having had J Paflflge, or perhaps many PafTauta of Scripittrt 
*' brought to their Mindi with Fawtr ( ni they cxprefa it ) 
" fucb fiS that, Jea, ht cf gasd Cbtsr^thy Sins art forghen thee^ 
■s and the like, they have immediately applied thefe PafTages 
s' to tbmffhiit fuppofing thai God hcieby mamfefted bt» 
«« p»£uliar Fay^r W H?ftni « If mention'd by Name : Never 
F p 3 Gonfidcringi 


Reflections aad Obfervatiohi 

'= eonfiJering, that ihcjf ars now giving Hted to new Rew^ 
" lations i there being iio fuch Thing rcvcil'ti in the Word 
'•^ that ^.&rj or ?6j/ particular Petfan has, or ever 
" (hall have hji Sins forgiven ; not yet rEmcmbfing, that Srs- 
*« /jra can, with a great deal of feeming Pertinency (anti per- 
" baps alfu with confiderable Power } bring Scripture to the 
•' Minds ofMen,ashediii to Cbrift himfelf. And thus thefe 
" rejojce upon having forae Scripture faddeoiy fuggcHeii tti- 
" them, orlmprefe'd upon their Minds, fuppoling they atc" 
" now the Children ofGod, juft as did (he oiher upon tbeit 
" imaginary Views of Chrift. Ani! 'tis faid, that ftnie Cpeal' 
' ' of feeicg a greatii^if, which fiil'd all the Place where thq 
" were, and difpel'd all their Darknefs, Fears and OiftrcfTe!, 
" and almoft ravilliM their Sdali. While others have had ii 
" warmlf fujigcftedto Ibcir Miniis, not by any Paffage oS 
'* Scripture, hiit as it wt re by a fVhifper or Voice from Hea- 
• ' ven, Ihiil GsA kvis thm, that Cbrifl is than, &c. which 
" grouiicllef! Imaginations and Suggellions of ifafan have had 
" the fame EStifl upon them, that the Delufions before men- 

" »i»o'[thad on the others And as is the Coiwetflon 

" of this Sort of Pcrfons, fo are their jifUr-Bupirhaai ; the 
•' whole being built uponTiiiagioation,lJrongimpreinons,and 
" fuddcn SuggcHiona msdetij their Minds: Whence they 
*' are uftjally extreme confident (as if immediately infermed 
" from God) not only of the Goodncfs of their own State, 
" but <if iheir infallible Knoivledgc, and abfolute Certainty, of 
*' ihe Truth of every Thing they pretend ttr, Hoderthe No- 
'^ tion of Religion ; and thus allReafoningwilll fome of them 
'* is utterly excluded^ 

,1 ." But 'lis reisarkablcof ihefe, that liiey are txirmel) hfi~ 
i' lunt in Regard of true Poverty of Spirit, Senfe of exceeding 
" Vilenefs in thcmfelves, fuch as frequently makes truly gri- 
'' cious Souls to ^raan^ hein^ bur^in'd'^ as aifo in Regard of 
" Mctfciicfs, Love and Gentlenefs towards Mankind, Ten- 
*' dernef^ oFConfcieisce in tbeir ordinary Affairs and Dealing! 
*' in the World. And 'tis rare to fee 'em deeply concerned 
" about the Principles and Ends of their Aflions, and under 
" Fears left they fliouM not eye the Glory of God chiefly, 
•■< butliveto Ihcrnfelves; or this at leafl is the Cafe in their 
.'-^.' ordinary Conduof, whether civil or religious. But if any 
!')' one of their panicuIarA'ariaai, which iilctrZeal hasefpoufed, 
"' bcattlck'd,thcyarc then fo confcientious, they muff hum, 
" if call'd ts it, fui i!:e Defence of It. Yet, at the fameTime, 

** when 

ord H 


On tht ?Hf«t^(»£ Memoirs.' 


.. whBn they are fo «trffl«Jy ^'pl"' >" Eegard ot J=r<i F«- 
■. nus m'L,r, which have been mention d tbey ate 
.. uf^allyfull of 7^al, Concern and Fervency "> ^^ Jh^ = 
" Of Re i-ion, and often iifcmfi of 'he-T. w.hmachWarmrb 
.. and EiW^"': A„d,othore.vhodonlknow,ordo,tt 
.. confldcrt wherein the £#«« of trueM.g.on =™<*= '^«- 
" in beiJ »»f>rmd t, tl,tlmai,^fChr,/i, trot m Point of 
.. Zealand Fervency only, b.t in »" -^'^^^ T™P"V;f, 
« Praaicesi 1 fay, to thofe who don't duly obferveand dll 
.< lioguidr, they often appear like the Bell ot Men, 
•Tis common with this Sott of People to ^y, i^f ^"''' 

Se luccefs they have, ir, the gr.atAlFcaions that are ft.rred up 
in G.d's People fsV. but to inlinuatc, on the eont ary that 
hiU^'twilhthmOppmmH; and particuLirlv, that <^0!l W' 

it u lh, WiUofG,d thai lh,jlh>M l„p<.l .f™-. <^',l» I'l' 
Pi,pk IhiM hrfakB 'm ; and that m w»« Sucsip l< l'''i' 
fJid to attivi th,irAimmflr,thm.- But where can they find an 
Infhnce, among all their ,noft ilamiojr r^fl"''"^'^^''}^^^? 
fealed with fo unconteftiblcand mnd.rful Succefs of h s i.a 
bours,asMr. J3«;«.^, not only in qmckenrng and comfortinS 
God's Children, but alfo in a Work of Con«aion and Con 
verfion { which they own has in a great ^eaf"'^ ="r=^ for a 
long Time among themfelves ) with a nsoft vil.ble a»d afto 
nifhing Manifeftalion of God's Power, on Subjeas fo u p e 
pared, and that had been brought up and lived, fo™=°f 'J'™ 
loold Age, in the deepefl Prejudices againftlhoveryfirftPrm 
ciples of Chriflianity ; the divine Power accotnpanyjng Wa 
Labours, producing the mod remarltable and abiding Change, 
turningthcWildernefs into a fruitful Jield, ^""i "''S'.fi that 
whichtas aDefart indeed to bud and bloflom as tbeRofe? An* 
(his allbo' he was not only otie of their greatelt OfpjniT.tnn 
their Errors; but alfo one of ihofe they cal the (?.ri^«I A^ 
«f/fry i firft esamined and liccnfed to preach by /uJ> '^"""'"' 
and fent forth among the Heathen by /«i MmM: 1 and « 
letwarus otdained by fuch MM/lir, ; always (lirea=d by tn.m, 
and united with them in theitConaftories.andAdmmift-ations. 
and even abhorting thePraaice of thofe who give out,H.t« im 
ought to be renounced and fcparatcd from, and thjlt 1 eacu"* 
may be ordjincd by Ljj-Mcn. 



Refleaions and Obfervnciont 

It cannot be pretended by thsfe Men, ihit Mr. BramriX 
eondemned llieir Religion, only becaafc he wa mtatq^i„ui ' 
Vnth tbrn, and had not Opportunity for fall ObfsfvitJonuf (he ' 
Naturc,Opetation& Tendtncy of .heit£*^„;„f„ : rot he had 
abundant and peculiar Opportuniticj of fuch Obfervation and 
Acquaintance ; He lived througk ihs latt exlraordinify Time 
of rehgious Commotion, and hw the Beginning and End, ihs 
Good and she Bad of it : He had Opponuniiy to fee the vari- 
ous Operations and Effefls, that were wrought in this Seafon, 
more <rf«/W>, than any Perfon i iinow of : His native Place 
was about the middle of Cmnimm ; and he wai much con- 
verfantin all Parts of that Cvlony : Ho was converfant in the 
tafttrnPartsof ir, after [he Religion, which he condemned, 
began much to prevad ihere : He wai convcrfant with the 
Ecaious People oniw^- IfanAJrmi oncEad of the Ifland to the 
Ether i andidfo,nA'„„ y,,/^,, tr^i P,„„fiha„ia ; will, Peo- 
pic of vanmiJ Nations : He had fsroe fpecial Opportunities in 
fome Places in (his Prorince ( M„Jach,.r„„_Ba,) where has 
been very much of this Sort of Religion, and at a Time when 
Itgrcally prevailed ; He had comerfed fedifpult-d with Abun- ' 
daticE of this Kind of People in various Fart,, as he told me ■ 
and alfo informed me, that he had (sen fomethiiis of (hefime 
Appearance, in lome of the lid'iani, whom he had preached lo, 
and hifl Opportunity lo fee the beginning and End of them. 
And bcfidts. Mi. BrsiKrd could fpeak mare feelingiv and un- 
dcfttandingly concerning th=fe Tbirgs, beCBufe ilieie was once 
a Time when he was drawn away into an Eaeem of lhcm,and 
for a ftort Seafon had unilcd himfelf to this Kind of People, 
and parlook, hi fome Refpedls, of their Spiiit and Behaviour. 

But f proceed to another Obfcrralion on the foreaoinK 
Memoirs. ' • a a. 

II. This Hlfloryof Mr. BraiWrVs may help us lo tnalte 
U!/lit:aunt among (he high religious j^,a™irj,and remarJcable 
Imprrffum made nn the Minds of Perfons, in a Time of great 
Arvj*,r.rJr»,a!id Rivhahf RiUgim ; and may convince us, that 
tiiSrearenot only Diffiniabns in TSwrf, invented to fave the 
Ctedin.f ptetentled Revivals of Religion, and what is called 
Ihi Exf,r,,„„ „f ih, Opiralimi tf th, Spirit ; but Difiinaions 
Ibatdoaauall, tulre Place In the Courfe of £sijj|(j, and hav{ 3 
real Hnd evident Foundation in Fc^. 

Many Jami ii/i// confound Things, blend al! (ogether, and 
fay, 'TzialUiiit i'ti; all if thijami Strt, So there are many 



Ofl ihs prittidiKg Memoirs, 

iiiat fay concerning the Religion moS generally prevailinij 
among the ^s/isrur;/?!, and the Affeflion! they manilcft, Tjj 
ihi jam that woj M mir tic Lmijivm Tiari fl^J- And fome 
that have read iVfr. Brainfir^'s Journal, giving an Account of the 
extraordinary Things that have coma to pafi among Ihchdiam 
in Niw-Jirfiy, fay, 'Til niidattis tht fami Thins '*"' 'ppt^'i^ 
is mm; Piacii araonj/S tMnglifh, vahiA tm new previd naught, 
ftd ami l» that whish ii wcrfi than xnthing. And all the Reafort 
they have thus to determine all to be tht/nmt Ifcri, and ihi 
fim Spirit, is,that (he one manilefted hiBhAITcaions.and fo do 
the other 1 the great Affeflions ol the one had foine influence 
on theit Bodies, and fo have ihe other; the one ufe (heTernia 
ConmEiiaVfConvtrftuns Uumlititisn^Camn^ to Chr'i/I^DiJtamfiiti 
Bxpirimns, Sjc. and fo do the other ; the Impreliions on the 
one arc attended with a great deal of Zeal, and fo it is with 
ihe other ; the AfFeflions of the one difpofe *eni to fpealt 
much about Things of Religion, and fo do the other i the one 
delight much in religious Meetings, and fo do theother.— . 
The Agreement, that appears in thefe, and fuch like Things, 
make 'cm conclude, (hatfurelyall is alike, all is the fame Work. 
Whsrca3,on a doferlnfpeaion &c-ilicalEicamination,it would 
appear, that notwithllandina an Agreement in fuch Circuni- 
flanccs, yet indeed there is a valt Difference, both in Jijjmct 
and FruitI, A confiderable Part of (be religious Operations, 
th at were fix or fcvt n Years ago, efpccial ly towards the latlerPart 
of that extraordinary Seafon, was doubtlefs of the fame Sort 
wilh the Religion of the S(;.ar<«iy/i ; but not all : There were 
many, whofe Experiences were, like Mr. Braiiiir^t,in. ajudg- 
ment of Charily, genuine and inconteflible. 

Not only do tiitOppofers of all Religion conflRlng in power- 
ful Operations and AiJiaions, thus confound Things ; hut 
msnyof ihsPrittnilin la fuch Relii^ton do lb. They Ihat have 
been theSubjcas of fome fort of vehement, but vain Operations 
on their Mind, when the,! hear the Relarion of tfic Expe'i- 
cnces of fome real and eminent ClbrilHans, they fay,Tbcii llx- . 
periences are of the fame fort i So they fay, they arc jult like 
the Experiences of eminentChriSians in former Times, which 
we have printed Acceunts of. So, 1 doubt not, but there art! 
many deluded People, If they fliould rcaii Ihepreceedinj Ac- 
countof Mr. Br«WJ's Life, who reading wiihoutmuchUn- 
dcrftanding, or careful Obfervation, woulJ fay, without Heli- 
taiion, that fomcThings which Ihcy have met with, are of the 
Tsry fiiHt Kind witSs what ke cxprefles : When the Agreement 


Eei!e6:ions md Ohfetvauons 

is only infomegeneralCircumRanccSjOi' fomeparticularThjn;^ 
th^ are fuperficial, and bebnging as it were to the ProfeSioj 
ind OtJt-fide of RcligBO ; buc the inward Temper of Mind 
and ttie Fruits in Praftlce^ ^re as oppofuc and diflant a^ Eaft 
and Weft. 

Many hoKsff gssd^ta^As alfo, and /rirs Chri/iiam, don't ve/y 
well know how lo make a Difference. The glH^eritig Appear- 
ance and glaring L^tjow ol falfc HcJigion dazzles tbeir Eye& ^, 
and ihcy fna^eEimes are To d<:iud<.'d by it, that tha^ look on 
fonic of thefe lmi]rcfliuns, which H}'pDcri'[t:s tell ofj as th9; 
bnghtefl ExpeEieiiccs. And thu' ihcy bsve Experienced nO 
liichXhings ihtiii/t;lvi:Bjthey think, it is becaufethey are vaftljr 
lowef in Attainments, and but Babes, in Comparifon af jheta 
fflatning Chrifiians- Yea, fpmetimCa frcm their di£feiing w 
much from (bofe whn make fu [>reiit a Show, they doubt whe-. 
ther they iiavc any Cr.itc at a]!. And it is a hard Thing, !? 
bring many well-meariing People to make proper Diftinftioits 
in this Cafe ; and efpccially to maintain and fiand by 'cm ^ 
through a certain Wcsknefi ihey unhapply ]abcut o/j 
whereby they are liable to be overcome whh the Glare of 
cutward Appe^ranc^s^ 7'hu5, if in a fcdaie Hour ihcy ate 
by Reafonin^ broughito alli^w ftichand fuch Diftin^tlons, yet 
the next Time they come in the Way of the great Show of falfe 
ReligioPj the dazzling Appearance fwallows them up, and 
they are carried away. Thus' the Devi], by his cunning 
Artifices, eafily dazzles ihe feeble Sight of Men, and puts 'em 
teyond a Capacity of a proper f^xcicife of Confider^iticOj or 
hearkning to iheDidYaics of calmThought h cool Underihnd- 
ing. When they perceive the great AfFcdUon, earneit Talk, 
firong Voice, aflured Looks., val± ConfidencCiandbnidAiTcitr 
cns'j of thefe empty afTuming Pretenders, they are over-bojn, 
iofe ihe Pofreflion of iheir Judgm^ntj and fay, Sursly theft 
JHfn art in theRight^ God is zvifb 'em of a Truth .- Bnd ib they 
are carried a'v^'ay, not with Light and Redfan, but ( like Chil- 
dren) as it were with a firong; Wi[jd, 

This cDvifoiinding all Thinj^s together,that have a fair Shew, 
is hut afting the P&rtof aChild, that goj/ig into a Shop, where 
a variety of Wares are expafed tuSalc (:iU of a fblning Ap- 
pearance ; fomeVcfiels of Gdd and f-ilver,and fomeDiamands 
and other precious Stonts ; and other Things that are Toys 
of littleValue ; uhich are of fume bafc Metal gili,orGlafspo- 
lilhed, and painted with cijrj'ousCo]Qurs,orcot likeDiamondsJ 
f^iould efl:£i;in all aljkf ^ Zi'A give as gic^t a Piicc for ihe vile as 




0» Ihe frece'dkg Memoirs.' 195 

ibl the precious : Oi 'tis like tlic Condua of tome unfkilful 
ia(b Fctfon, who finJinp himfilf deceived by foine of ihe Wares 
he tiad l>ouglitai that Shop, flionld at once condudc, a)l be 
there faw was of noValcc ; and purfuant to fuch aConciuJion, 
when afterwaids he has true Gold and Diamiiods cfFercd him, 
enough to entich bim and enable biin So live lite a Pfiacc all 
his Da) b, he (hould throw it all into ths Sea. 

Em we mtifl get into another Way. Tlie want of tJiftin- 
guifning in Tilings that appertain to cxperinicnla! Religion, i« 
one of the chief Miferics of the profeffing World. 'Tis at- 
tended with very many inofi difmai Coofequenccs ; Multi- 
tudes of Souls are fatally deluded about ihrinfelvcs, and their 
own State} and fo are eternally undone ; Hypocrites are con- 
firmed in their Dciuaons, and e^iceedingly poffed up witll 
Pride : Many fnicere Ciiriftians are drcadfally pcTplexed, 
darkened, tempted, and drawn afide from the Way of Duty ; 
and fomctimes fadly tainted with falfe Religion, to the great 
Diflionout ot Chriiiianity,and Hurt of tiieir own Souls : fome 
of the moft dmgerotis and perniciousEiicmics ofReligion in the 
World ( tho' called bright Chriilians ) aro encouraged mi 
honoured; who ought to be difcountenanced and fhun'd by 
every Body : And Prejudices are begotten and confirmed in 
vaft Multitudes, agaiiift every Thing v?herein the Power and 
Effcnce of Godliiiefs confilfs ; and in llieEnd Udlm.& Atheifen. 
are promoted. 

]II, The foregoing Account of Mr. Bfswtri's Life may 
agord Matter of Conviflion, that there is indeed fuch aThing 
as ((ue apsrimmtal Riligic!,, ariiing from immediate diuiae 
In fiueticcs,rupcinatu rally snlightniog and convincingthcMind, 
ani powerfully imprcfrmg, qniciteniiig, failflifying, and go- 
vetnin!! theHeart ; which Religion is indeed an amiable 1 hing, 
of happy Tendency, and of no hurtful Confequence to human 
Sscitiy i notwilhaanding theie having been fo manyi'retenccs 
end Appearances of what is called experimental vital Ke- 
ligion, that have proved to be nothing but vain, ptmraous 
Jintbufsafm. ,. i /- r 

!£ any infift, that Mr. Brm„iri-t Religion was EnlhMm, 
and nothinc iut a flrange Heat and blind Fervour of Mind, 
I arifing from the flrong Fancies and Dreams of a notiooal 
whimfical Brain ; I wouid aflt, if it be fo, that fuch Things aa 
thcfe are the Fruits of Enlhuriafm, vix. a great Degfee of 
HMcfty and Kinflieity/mcere and earneft Dcdfcs andEndea- 

If ! 


Rcfiedions ajtJ Obferrations 

voTira, to know and d* Vfhatevcr is right, and to avciicJ «very , 
Thing that is wrong ; an high Degree of Love to God, De- 
lightinthc Perfeftians of his Nature, placing ibe Happineft 
of Life \n him j not only In contenipUling him, but m being 
sftive m pleafirg and rervinghimi a. £rm iiad undoubting 
Ed]«f iji th.^ Mijfiih^ as the Kavioiirof the World, ibe great 
Prophet of Godj and King of God's Church j together with 
great Love 10 him, Delight and Complacence in the Way of 
Salvation by him, and lodging for ihcEnUig«iiicnt of hisKing- 
dom ; earncft Defirea that God may he glorified and the 
Jt/^^dA'fi Kingdom advanced, whatever Inftrumenta are madj^ 
ufe of; uncommon Refignation to the Will of God» and tha^T 
under vafl Trials ; great and univerfal EeBevoIeiice (o f^anTM 
kiiid, tes-chijigallSortB of Pcrraoswithout Oiltinttionj maiii-rS 
feftfld in Swectiicfs of Speech and Jichaviour.kind Treatinent,. 
Mercy, Ijiberality, and esrncli leeking (he Good of the Souls;" 
and Bodies of Men 5 attended with extraordinKry Humility* 
MeeknelsiForgivenafs of Injuries, and Love to EtiemJes i and.^ 
a greatAbhurreflce Qf a contrary Spirit andPra£tice ; not onlj^^ 
as appearing in others, but wbereinfocver if had appeared mv^ 
himfelf; cauting the moft bitter Repentance* and BrokenneftM 
ol Hejrt on Account of any paftliiftances of fuch a CondmStiv 
A modeltj difcreet & decentDeportinent, among Superiours, 
Jfiferjours and Equals ; a mof^ diligent Improvement ofTfm?, 
and earneftCats to lot no Part of it ; grcas Watchfulnef*. ' 
againft all Sorts of Sin, oftleart. Speech, and Ad:ion : And^ 
this Eftampleand theft Eade^vours attended with laofl Iiappjr 
Fruits^ and bleiTedEftetSj on otherSj in humanizing, civitizing^ 
and wonderfully reforming and trflnsfoimicig (bmeof the nioft 
brytifh Savages ; Jd!e, Immoral, Drunkards, Murdereis.grofs 
, Idolaters, and Wizards ; bripging them to permanentSobriety^ 
Uiligeneej Devotion, Honefty, Coorcientioufnefij andCharrty ; 
And the foregoing; amiable Virtues ^rni fticcef^fii! Labours &U 
ending: a( laft in amarvellou3PcacejUBmoveab]eStauility,Ca]m- ' 
nefs, and Rcfiifnsiioq, in the fenfiblu Approaches of Dca;tb ; 
with Longing foj- thcHeaveniyStaie ; not only for (heHnnoacs 
and cirCymJ! .mini Ad^'^ntageiof it,but above al! for ihemur^i 
Perfeiftinn, and holy aod bJelTedEmployments of it : And thefe 
Tilings \x\ :^ Pcrfon irtdifputably of good Uoderftandiij^; and 
Ju'gnient: Ifay* if all ihef.: Thiols are the ^xmt% oi Ertihu- 
fiafm, why fiioiild not Enlbi/fiiifm be thought a deniable Hndg 
excellent Thing ? For what <5af> true Religion, whiLt can the 
tell Philgfophy do ini?re ? U Va^ontsand Whimfy Wii! luring 
. ■ ■ Men 

On iU pncssding Memoirs.' ^5^ 

M«.totl.cmoffi thorough Vjrt'^^ .^tf t*^'' "^^ ^^^^^^^^ 
fmitfulMoralltv i and will mamtam it throKgh aCouxfe a Life 
/mnded with many Trials ) without Affeaat.on or belf Exj. 

It would perhaps be .Prcj«d« wuh f°m=,»E" "" T^rof 
ofMr, B™Lr^'sMigbn, ifUhid begun m <1 " ^ ™' °* 

ir; ht"^:;. ': 'vr^ror ,e;.a. D«d..M^ h. 

,0 deteirainc that ihers is notbmg m 3 1 ibe Ta,k ab»"t ta,| 

rhrii Aic becsufe manv that pielcnii to thcic i Bings, ^"^ 
ft tush b others tohlv. b Jntb= Suhje* of '™.n"™ff 

of i ■;„ .biding Change, a fi«..™n 'Z^* ^^^^ ; ' '(* 
w I nf GOD- ihsFrutsof f^=h ExpeilwCK through 

JJ^bleftid lilue and Event of it iu Uio a„d Dealll. 

IV.. Th. p,.c=ed!nsHift.ry 5™ '» "f^-f'^f ^^n^tl 


RefieSions aHd Obfervatlons 

Os tie picli™^ Menaoits, 


that JbcTC is Trmh, Su^itance, or Value in the main of Mr. 
£raigtrd's Relinicn, it will undoubtedly follow,tlia( thoft Doc- 
ttiuea iiredivias ; Since 'tis evident, that ihc wlwle of it, from ^ 
Bejinning to End, i> according to thai Scliemc of Things 5 awA 
built Bii thofe AppreiietiiionSi Notions, and Views, tliat are^f 
produced arid cftubiiflied in the Mind by thofe Do£irines, Ha , 
was brought by Doi^ritieaof this Kind, to his Atyakenitig, atid j 
de^p Concern about Thing!i of a fpiritual and »letnal Nature}, 1 
and by thefeDoflrines his Convictions were maintained antT^ 
carried an ; and hitCimverfion was cvidenti}' altogether agreed 
able to this Scheme, but by no Means agreeing with ihe con>P 
trjrv ; and utterly incoufilfent with the jdj-inrnjan Notion of 
CtmverJton or Repentance. HisConveifion was plainly founds- 
cd in a clear ftrong ConviSiotl, and undoubting Perfwafian . 
of the TtBth of thofe Tliinpis appertaining to tliefe Dofltines, j 
which Artnlnmni moii objcii againfi, aiid which his own Min4 
had contended moti about. And his Converfion was no COrtf 
firmiiig and perfciiing of moral Principles and Habits, by Ufc 
and Praflicc; and his own Labour in an induftrions (iifciplin- 
inghimfelf, togcllier tvitl) the con curriog Suggeftions and con- 
spiring Alia of GOD'S Spirit ; But entirely a fupcrtiatural 
Woflc, at once turning biro fromOaricners tu marvcllousLight, 
and from (he Power of Sin to theDominion of divine and holy 
Principles ; an EfFcfl, in no Regard produced by hit Strength 
or Labour, or obtained by 4u Vertue i and not acconiplifh'tl 
'tilihc wasfirH brouglit to a full Conviflion that all his owa 
Venue, Sirength, Labours, and Endeavours could never avail 
any Thing to the producing or procuring ibis EifetS, 

Avery little while before, his Mind was full of the fame 
Cavils again ft thi;J>.aiinei of LiOfJ's Sovereign Grace, which 
are made by Jrinimons ; And his Heart full even of a raging 
Oppofition to 'cm. AndCJOD was pleafed to perform this good 
Work in bimjuit after a fulliind had been put to this Cavilling 
aodOppofition ; after hcivascniirely convinced, that he was dead 
in Si 11, and was in die Hands of UOD, S3 the abfolulely fove- 
leign, unobligeJ, fole Difpofer and Author of true fjolincis. 
GOD'S fliewiiig himiVIercy at fuch a a Confiimation, ' 
that this was al'reparitionforMttcyi&confequenlis, that thefo ; 
Things which he was convinced of, were true ; While heop- 
pofed lliefs ThiiiKS, he was ihe Suhita of no fueh Mercy; 
tho' he fo eamefllv fiughi it, and prayed for it wiill fo much 
Painfulnefs, Cj,c and Srrii'.iiiei! in Religion : But when once 
his Opporiiion is fuliy fubdusd; and he is bwught to fdboiii to 


the Tiaths, which he before had oppofed,with full C<inv,au)„, 
hen the Mercy hefougbtforis granted, abundant Light 
L^ atEvidettcf and exceeding Joy, and he teaps the fwee.Fr„,t 
^il,\\ bk Li^e after.St in the Valley of the Shadow of Death, 
"'a his ConvrKothe was brought to fee the Glory of that 
Way o Salvation by Chtift, that is taught ,n wha.ateca ed 

Jovand Gontplacenctr, to embrace and acquiefce tn 'h»t Way 
of Salvation. He was in his Converfion, it, all ^^^f^^'^'" ' 
^o. ofe V?ews, and lh« State o( Mind, which ihefeDoanne, 
ftew to be neo ffaty. And if his Coi.verliun wa, auy rcalCon- 
Son° or any Th ng belides a meet Whim, and if the R h- 
g „ of'his Lit? was a^y Thing elfe buta belles oi reaks o a 
IhimacalMind, then this one grand I'tincpe, "^f^it, 
nend! the whole Difference bctwean CahmxIH and Armm, 
rundei1>hle,«^. That the Grace or Vertue of 'rulygoodT 
Mei° not ooyd.ffersfrom the Vertueof others ,™l>«r^^.buti 
f^en i" W.t«.. aU KM. If ever Mr. B™«rJ was t uly 
. , ,rfr„,„ Sin to GOD al all, or ever became truly Rellgt- 

the Time when he fuppofed it to be : The Changs he thui 

rcps'd under, and he was then apparently fi.ft brought to 
hjKind of Rehgion. that ren,arkable "™^>!^;,r;J[;-r 
otM.nd, which he held al his ^'^^ l^'f J^\^r,l'-Z.^ 
[hews it to be different, in Nat^" urJ Kmd from all <n^' ^■'"=^' 
news It to " nf before. It vfas ev dently wrought at 

vir.cin^ II in .Temper : For it was fooo atler bis 

a^'Th" bee rcLakabl foil o%lafphemy, and a vehement 
Ccifoenr,;X™?tagainftGo^nd great Op 

B:;:^^as«;^Sr::^:^^r::;r^f £ 


'^c^able'ofjudgfng : he l.i Opp«tun.,y »k— ^H^^f^f, 


Reflefcioni sHd Obfsrvatiofis 

praflifeJ a great deal of Religion before, was exceeding ftri^ 
and eonfc[ciitiou5, and had continued fo for a long Time j 
had various religious Aiudtioiis, with which he often flattered 
tiitnfelf, and tbmetimes pleafcd himfelf as being aavf in a good 
Eflate; And after he had thofe new Experietices, that began 
in his Converfion^ they were conlinueti to the End oi hisLife; 
long enough for him thoroughly to obferve their Nature^ and 
compare 'cm with what had been before, Deubtiefs he was 
{Oinpsi tutniii J and was at leaft one of fo good an Undeilfand- 
ing and Judgtneots as to be pretty wcl] capabk of difcerninj 
and comparing the Things that paiTed in hia own Mind. 

*Tis further obfervable, that hi j Religion all along operated 
in fiich aManner as tended to confirm hisMind In thcDodrines' 
of God's abfolute Sovereignty, Man'fl univctfaland intite ISC'- 
pendance on CJod'fl Power and Grace, ^c. The more his Re- 
fcgion prevailed in his fieart, a[^d the fuller he was of divine 
Love, and of clear and de'ightfulViewsof fpiritual Things, and 
the more his f-ieart was engaged in God's Service ; the more 
fenfible be was of the Certainty and {beE>:celIency and Impor- 
tance of thefe Truths, and the more he Vi^as aftedted with thern 
and rejoyced in them. And he declares particularly, that 
when he lay for a long while on theVeige of tiie eternal World, 
often eNpc£tingto be io that World in a fewMinules.yet at the 
fame Time enjoying great Serenity of Mind, and Clearnefs of 
Thoyght, and being itiofl apparently in a peCLtliar Manner at 
a Diifance fi^om an enthuflatiical Frame, he <si thai Thne/avj 
tharly ibeTiJilh fl/ ihofe grtatDoiJrinii ofthsQofpii^iuhUh dfeju^lf 
IJiUd the Doi^rlncs of Grace, sndmvsr feh himjtlf f& iopiiiiit if' 
J/7«!)ti/?rfltfn^ tbi Truth ofihtm. 

So that '[is very evidejtt,Mr.5rfliBtfrJ's Religion was wholly 
correfpotident to what is called the Calvinijlkal Sihstne^ and 
VV35 the Efled of thofe DotSrincs applied to his Heart: And 
certainly it cannot be denied, that the EfF^fft was good, unicfs 

we tLiin Acheifls, or Deifts I would all;, whether there 

beany ftich Thing, in Reality, as Chrifisart Devstisnf — If 
there be, what is it } VthiK is its Ni^iure ? And what its 
juflMeafore? Should it not bein a great Degree ? We read 
abundantly in Scripture, of loving G&d with aU the Hearty vjith 
all the Ssulf iviih all the Miitd^arid vikb ail the Elrtagih, of Ds-r 
lighting in Gcd^ o[ Rtji^cing in tht Lardt Rijoycing Tvitlt "Jiif 
siafpifiiiihU and full >if Gkn^tbi SouPi Magni/pig ibeLerd^ 
nir/ling far God, Utrngriag and Thirfliat aftir Rigblm'frifi, 
tkt Sigti irmiing far tbi Ungini it bath is Gui'i Ju^zmtUt 



0» ihe frtcet^itg Msitioi 

30 1 

Praw' H G'd wilh Grminis that romM h, ultirii, Mmrmf 
r,r Si^mithairikM Heart avd to^trk. Spirit, &c. How f„ 1 
i, the Book of ffalBis, and other Farts of Scripture, of foci. 
Things astbtfe ! Now wbereirl do thefe Tbtnss, a! exprefs'd 


by and apn'!ariilg m 

Mr. flrdjnu'-i', either thcTbings thim&ives. 

rtheirEffeasand Fruits, differ from tjic Scnpture-Repre- 
ient»t'.insF Thefe Things he was brought to by that ftrange 
and wonderful Transfonnalion of the Man, tvhich he ca led 
his (knvirfia^ And don't this well agree with what IS fo often 
laid in Old Teffameot and New, concerning the gimnz sf 
fl^/w Hiort, trmliH " "f*' «P''"''' " ^""^ r"'™"'" '*' %- 
ril,f th M!nJ. I, bii-l funaifad thrmglxitit, buommi a ma, 
Crislmt &c >. Now where is there to be found an jSrmntaK . 
Converfion orRepentsi)Ce,conliiting in fo great and admirable | 
a Chanac ' Can iiieArmiriintn produce an lolfance, witlnn this 
A.e audVo, plainly, within our Reach and View of fuch a 
Reformation, f„ch a Trausfotmation of a Man, to Scnpturat 
Devotion Heavenly- Mindedneft, and trucChriftian Moraljty, 
in one that befeie lived without thefe Things, on A,:tt,t,t of 
(fefrPrtnoiples.and through the lofluence of the.rDodlrlnes 

And here, is worthy to be confidcrcd not only ihetffea of 
Cal!,;i,/!i!al Doa,\na { IS they are called) on Mr. Urat'^ril 
himi'elf, butaifothcEfreaof the fame Doatincs, as taught 
and inculcated by him, on «fe». 'Tis abundanlly pretended 
and alfaled of late, that thefe Doarines tend to 
ll.ever, Foondations of all Religion and Morality, andtoen- 
C'vale and vacate all reafonable Motives to the Exercife and 
rr.a,^c of them, and lay invincible Stumbhng-Biocki be- 
tore IrSM to hinder their embracing Chrtllianity 1 and that 
She onirary Doarines are the ftuitfulPrincipl!! of Virtue ard 
Goodiiefs, fet Religion on it's right Bafts, repiefcnt Jr man 
antiab.e Light, jii.e it's Motives their full force, =•"! /com- 
mend It 10 the Reafon and common Senfe of Mankind.-- But 
w^ere can Ihev find an Inftance of fo great and hgnal an ttedl, 
tjf Their Di^arir,es, in bringing hfiMi, who B-ere at iich a 
D,[i»nce from all that is Civil, Hunaan.SobSr, Rational, and 
Corifdan, and fo full of inveterate Prejudices thefe 
Thintts, to fuch a Degree of Hainaoity, Civility,^Kterci eof 
Reafon, Self-denial, and ChrlHian Venue .' .f™.««w place 
Reli£lonin^™/rf/; Let them bring an nffance of the, 
Doarines producing fuch aTraosformalion of aPeople .nlointl 
cimr.aJ. 'Tis ffrauge, if tb^ Alw.ifc God fo orders i hiep 
in his Frovideiicc, that isafoaable and .propa Mat,!, and btt 


ReBeffians and Obfervations 

Cs the preees^iHi Meraoinl 


cwn Mmos, which hehimrelfSiasappoinfEdjflioulJ in noj:nows 
rcmarJcablc Inrtaiice be i]:tftr>jnK-iif3l (o produce fp good an Ef- 
f«£t ; ^nEflidJ ia agreable lo his owciWord & iViind, and that 
VCTjiiFeft far wbicb he appointed thefe cxcelkntMeans i that 
I they Ihould Jiot be foSuccefsfuljas thofeMeaiis which are. nsi his 
owii» buE very conurary to 'em » and of ^contrary Tendency; 
Means tbst src in then^feives very abruitij and tend to rool all 
Religion and Virtue cut of the World, to .prtimote and efia- 

ibliib Infideiit^',3iid to lay an infiiperable Stumbling Block he-- 
iojc P again, to iiii:der their embracing the G^sfpt I ; I fay, if 
this be the trite State of the Cafe, \is certainly pretty w&n^ 
derful, and an Event waithy of feme AtEeutiun. 

I knoVF, tliai many will be ready to fay, /( h tw fisn fit, % 
f^hry in ibff^ork^lhdt kai in^Hwm'tamntigMr.Biamem'sInGmnti 
'Tis btii Is ivBtt end Jtt iht fittal Evmt \ Itmay h, all wilUsmt 
U mlhing by ftrj by i To VTbiel) J anfrt'er ( not to tnfjft, that it 
will not /0II0W5 acccrdii;g to Jrminiati Principles, they are not 
'nowtrueCbrifiians»rea!Iyp!ous& godly, tho' ihey /JW^faliaway 
at]dcome to nothing) that 1 never fuppcfed, evcty one of thol^ 
J/Ti/wflf,whoinProfeiJion rcriounced their Heathcniftn fc vihbly 
etnbraced Cbriftianily, and have had feme Appearance of 
Piety, wili finally prove mie Converts : If two thirds, or in- 
deed one half of 'em ( as f teat a Proportion as there ia in the 
Parablcof the SVjjfiV^i'mjftculdperfcvere ; it will be fuffici- 
ent to fliev^ ihe Work, wrought among ihem, to have been 
ttuly admitsbie fltid glorions, Bui fo muchof Permanence of 
their Religion has already appearcdj as iHews it to he fomething 
elfe behdes art /ati/isn Humour (if good Mood, orany tranfienE 
Effcdi in the Conceits, Notions, and Affedlions of ihefc ignO' 
rantPeople, excited at a particular Turn, by artful Manage- 
mertt. For 'tia now more than ihrtt ]^eflrjago,lhal thisWojk 
t began aninng llitjn^,anil a remarkabkChange appeared in many 
of ihcni ; tince wlii£:li Time the Number oi vifible Converts 
lias greatly increaftd ; And by repeated Accounts, from feve- 
lal Hands, they fiil! generally pcrfevere iiuliiigent Religion and 
i!ri£t Vcftue. 1 ihinjc worthy to be here inferEed,ai^!rcr from 
ayonng Gcntl(;nian,a Candidate for theMiniltry, one ofthofe 
before mentioned, appointed by the hotloutableComniinionets 
in^c/lcti,-i& ^^iI^!0^arics to thcBeatbenof ihs Sipi N^litins, fo 
called J vho, by their Order, dwelt with Mr. yakn Braimr^, 
«mong Ihefe Cl-nlliian /nJrflrj, in order to their being prepared 
for ihe Bnfincfs .F their MilEon. The Letter was tvritien 
ffcm hJs Parefltsheiein A^i?r;*£?ffr^it!Vj& is as follow?, 


Btlhd, in Mm-Jirfiy, Jan. I4- I74-J.*- 
Hononted and dear Parents, u b ^ . 

« » Ftei a long and uncomfortable Journey, by Realon ot 
A " bad Weather, 1 arrived at Mr. Brainird'a, the 6th 
-< of this Mam i where 1 delign to Kay this Winter :Antl 
" asvet, Hpin many Accounts, am well fatisfied with tiiy 
<. coming hither. The State and Circumftances of the /»- 
« aVMj, fpirltujland temporal,much exceed what Icxpeaed, 
.. I have clideavbured to acquaint my felf wtth the State of 
" (iiehdiam in general, with particular Perfons, and with 
.< the School ; as much as the fliort Time I have been hero 
" wotjld admit of. And notwithftanding my EKpeflations 
« were very much raifed, from Mr. Dnid BromPd s jour- 
" nil, and from paiticulai Informations from bim 5 yet 1 , 
>■ muft tonfels, that in many Refpefls, itey arc not equal to 
>' that which now appearsm me to be true, concerning tlrel 
.< eloiious Work of divine Grace atnongft the hdia>,!. _ 

<> The Evening after 1 came to Town, 1 had Opportunity 
<= to fee the hdian^ together, wbilft theRev.Mr^r(/«r 
" nieach'd to them 1 At which Time there appeared tl very 
« Lneral and uncommon Serioufnefs and Solemnity m the 
.' CengiegaMn: And this appcar'd to me ttj be the Eftea 
.. of an inward Senfe of the Importance of Truths. 
<i and notbecaufe they were hearing 1 Stranger: Which was 
.< abundantly confirmed to me the »ea babbath, when there 
.< was the fame devout Attendance on div me bervice, and a 
.< farpiizing Solemnity appealing in the Performance of each 
.. Part of divine Worfhip. And fome, who are hopefully true 
. = Chriftians.appear 10 have been at much enliven' d 
" and comforted ; not from any obfervahleCommotions then, 
.< but from Converfation afterwards: And olheis feem d to 
" be under prefiing Concern for their Souls. I have endea- 
« voured to acquaint my felf with particular Perfons i many 
" of whom feem to be very hiimbk and growing Chriftians_; 
" altho- fomeofthem ( as 1 am informed) vjete be fote their 
< I Converfionmoflmonffrouny Wicked. 

« Religious Convcrfation feems to be very pleafing and 
« deliahtful to many, and efpecially that; which relates to 
.. the Exercifss of the Heart. And many h=re don t feem 
" to be real Chiiilians only, but growing Chitflians a»0 ; 
<. as weU in doflrinal, as experimental Knowledge. Behdffi 
" mvConvev ration with patticularPcrfons,! have had Uppor- 
«. [unity K attend upon one of Mr, Breiwrri's 


Refieflions and Obftfvations 


*' Le£t«res ; where I was furprizcd at ihcir Readinefa in 
'* aniwering Qiieftioiis which they had nut been ufcd to ; 
«f Aldio' Mr.iJrffJniri/ complained tnuch of their uncommon 
i *' Deficiency. It is furprizing, to fed ihjs People, who not 
«' bog fince were led Captive by Satan at his Will, and liv- 
" ing in ibe Fradiice of all manner of Abominations, wiih- 
**' nut the leaft Senfe even of moral Honeftyj yet nowJivingi] 
*' foberly and regularly, and not f«eki:ig every Man his own,' 
** but every Man, in fame Seiife, hia Neighbour's Good ; 
" and to fee ihefe, who but a little while pafl'^ knew nothing^j 
** of the true GOD, now v/orfiiipping Him in a folen^n anij 
** devout Manner ; not only in publick^ but in their Famt-'- 
** lies and in Secret i whkh is manifeltly the Cafe ; it beini^_ 
*" a difficult Thing to walk out in the Woods in the Morn" 
f' ing, without diiturhlng Pcrfona at their fecret Devotion* 
.** And it fpcnis wuiuicirful, tliat this {hould he the Cafe, not 
»' only with adyjc Perfonsj but with Children alfb- It is ob- 
«' fervable here, that many Children ( if not the Children ; 
«* in general) retire into fecrel Places to pray. And, as fair 
«* as a: preft;nt I can judge, this is not ihe Efecl of Cufiom 
" and Fafhlon, but oi real ficrioufnefa and TboughtfuJiiefa 
^** about their Souis. 

*' I hsve frequently gone inio the Schawl, and have fpcnt 
*« confiderable Time there amongfi the Children ; and Bevc 
'« been Tiirprized to feei not only their diligent A (ten J^ncs 
•* upon thcBafinefs ef theSchoQl,biit alfo the Proficiency they 
" have made ii3 it, in Reading and Writing, and in thsir Ca- 
*^ techifma of divers Sans- It fecir.s to be as pleafing and as 
[ ** na^uralito thefe Chiidren,to have their Bs^ks in theirHsnd*, 
*f as it does for njany othera to he at P/cyr 1 have gone into 
s' an Houfe where there has been a Number of ChTldren ac- 
«' ci den tally gathered together i and obfcrvci, that every cr<e 
** had his Book in fj;s Hand, and wts dilii^ently ftiidying of 
*' it. There is to ihe Number of about thirty of shefe Chil- 
dren, who can anfv^er to all the Queftinns in the Jfcm- 
** liy's Caiiibifm ; and [he bigger Fart of them are able to do 
*< it wiih the jprop/j, to the fourth Cominandment, I wiflj 
** there ivere many fuch Schools : I confefs* that I never v/as 
** acquainted with fuch 2k one, in many Refiieds. Oh that 
*' what God has done here, may prove to be the Beginning 
*' flfa far mare gloriyus and c^tesifis';: Wotk of Grace Ernong 
'= the Heathen. i am yyut obsdicntaniJ dutiful Son, 

« P. S. Since 



OnlispmeeJingMsmoin. 305 

" P S. Since tilt: DateofthiEi I have had Opsjoriumty to 
<. attend cponanolherDf Mr. S«;«Ws cilcchcticalLcauics:' 
'< and irulyJ was convinced, that Mr. BtakirdMnatmm- 
" okin before qf his People's Defeas in ariweriiig toQucai-, 
<■ on5ptop(>fed,'w:thoutResron:Foi althc' ihs.r A;a.«T 
" at that Time exceeded my Expeaations very much j vet^ 
"their Performances at this Leaurs very much emed«l 

Since this, we have had Accounts from Tune to 1 me,an<i 
toe very late, which (hew ihat Religion (till contmuts rn 
profperous and mod dcfirabie Circirmftanccs among Ihe.e 

' V. Is there noS much in (he preceetiiiigMemoirs ofMr. Bwi-. 
nirdla (each.and excite toDaty,UB who are called to th'Work 
of ihsMimjlry, and all that iKCaniidaU! for that great Work! 
What a deep Sent did he feent to have of the O real ntft and 
ll^portanceof Ihat Work, and with what We-gh dul rt he 
on his Mind I How ferihble was he of his own I., 
for this Work i and how gteit was hii Dependanceon God a 
SiifSciency • How foiicitous, that be might be fu.ed for it 
And to t4 End, how much Time did he fpend m Prayer and 
Faftmg, as «ell as Reading and Meditalien i j-,v.»^ hmfij 
ti,lh,(cThl«it ! How did he dedicate hiS whole L.fe, all his 
Powers and Talents to God s and forfake and renetmce the 
%Varld, with all it's pleafingand enfnaring EnjormEnts, that 
he might be wholly arUberly, to ferve Chr.ft in this Woik ; 
and to ?toA him ih, h.i Mm tin, « U a^ S./i.r, under *. 
CmJ 'fcurSahMml With what Solicited., holemnlty, 
and Diligence did he de.o.e himfelf to Godonr Ssv.our and 
feekhis PrefenceandBkffiag in fecrer, at .he Time of his 
Or£n<„k« ! And how did his whole Heart =p=" .'l^""""- 
ftanlly engaged, his whole Time emplojed, and his whole 
" ren«h fpent inthe Bufoefs he then foleinely undtrtcok and 
v^a pebUckly fet apart .0 ! ~ And his Hiftory fhews ns the 
"ght Way Zsm^fi in the Werk ef the M.mary, He 
,f a= a refolute Soldier feeks Vidory, ma Siege or Batt e ; or 
as a Man that runs a Race, for a great Fr«e. A»imat d w h 
Love to Chrift and Souls, how did he Ifon.'.^.tl,, 
not only in Word and Dofliine, in pubhck and privale.but 
inWJ<" Day and Night, ^r.Jilhi u,ilh G.dmkcrct, and 
™.,-% in fl.X*, whb onuttetable Groans and Agonies, rr»- 
i; Ch4 «'r. finnd in the Hesits of the People ^o 


Eefleaions Md Obfervatiohs 

Wemdixi MemoijB. 


wham hs was fent I How did hcthitft foraEleaing on his 
Miniftry i and walihfir Scull, u cm that noli givi Ammt ! 
Jioir dii hi t'f'rth if !h! Slrmgili 0/ ihi Lord Gad; fcekmg 
and dependiDg on a fpecial influence of the Spirit to aflift anl 
fucceedhim! And what was the happy Fruit at laft, though 
aflcc long wailing, and many dark and dlfcouraging Appeaf- 
anMB I Like a tlue Son of 7a«*, he peifeVEldd in wreftUng, 
tliiaugh all theDarknefs of theNight, until the breaking of the 

And his E:iample of labourlngjpfayinE.dEnyinghimfelf.ani 
endudn;: Haidnefs, with nnfainting Refoliition and Patience,' 
and his faithful, vigilenc,and prudent Condua in many other 
Eefpeas (which it would be too long now particularly to I6-. 
'cite ) may afford Inftrvaion to Mip^nria in patticukr. 

Vi. The ftircguiiiE Account of Mr. BraasrJ'! Life may 
aP.ird Inftruaion to ChrilKam in gmtral ; as it (hews , in many 
Kcfpefts, the light Way of ?MiSr/i»f Religion, in order to 
oblainln^ the fijiiJiof it, and rccciring the DMtpi of it ; or 
how Chriffians (liould rta the Rati, Jit bifft thm, if they 
would not run h vain, or ran as tititcrtainly, but would ho- 
jiour God in the Woild, adorn Iheir Profeftton, be Service- 
able to Mankind, have the Comforts of Religion while they 
live, be free from dilquteting Doubis and dark Apprehcnfions 
about (he State of their Souls ; enjoy Peace in the Approaches 

of Death, and fii:ip> ihiir Cmrjiimlh 7»J In get^eral, he 

reach recommended, for this Purpofe, the RtimplianifTnni, 
great miiiinn in the BuSntft of the Chriilian Life, mtchful- 
mfs, &c. And ho very remarkably excraplify'd ihefeThings. 

Bur particularly, his Example and Succefs withRegard So 
one Duty in fpecial, may be of great Ufe to bothMinifters and 
' private ChriHians ; [ mean, the Duty i>i fltrclFa/ltBg. The 
Reader has fceo, how much Mr. Urainird recommends this 
Duty, and hov/ frtsjucntif he exercifed himfelfiniti Nor 
can "it well have efcap'd Obfcrvation.ho* much he wasown'd 
and blefs'd in it, and of what great Benefit itevidently was to 
his Soul Among all the many Days be fpent infectetFaiting 
and Prayer, that he gives an Account of in his J)Mry, (here i) 
ifcarec an inftance oFone,but what was eichcr attended or toon 
followed wiih apparent Succefs, and a remarkable Blefllng, 
in fpecial Incomes and Confolacions of Clod's Spirit ; and 

very often, b= fore ih= Day was ended But it iBuft be 

iibfetvcd, that when be let about this Duty, lie did it in good 

pjtn?!! } 

Ea,n«ftM/"*r;Kho( the Spirit of >.*, «ho 

Vll. There is rntich '^'^ ;^'^^^^%:^'::tT ^S- 
and encourage God's People to earnettt-raK __j , 

vours for .he ^^----'^f B;.STt - an e.ce/en, Ex- 

''"V" IhifRet a ■ He ug t the Profperit, of Zj™ wrih 
ample in this KBipett . ne 6 ^ i,is chief Joy. 

„11 his Might ■ He prefer d J»'J'™ ■ , ^nd how 

How did his Soul long ft; ";^7/ji ^'c^ ^for it ! A»d how 
earnefily and often du he wrehle wltn f^^„ ,„ be carried 

. t^i^^:;^=?J^SE5-":3r' 

■em, to be much ,n i-fj'^l^J^Z Revival ofReligion. 
pouring of the Spirit of L-od.and «ilenn. ^^ ^^^ 

\ eonf^fs, 't-'' God's g.ving a mur:!, °f a ^p ^^^ .^ 

this Mercy to fo eminent Servan o ^ ^^^^^^^^ ^ 
foextraordinary a Manner. "Owtn ^^ Tlme.thro- 

of Bool, •°=E°"i^=;"F"?"7Th;g, among others, v,hieh 
theCourfe of ,'V*';''tL GodhasaDef.gnof acconrplifhing 
gives me great Hope, ^^^' ^""Xtereft of his Church before 
fomething very glorious for ';='"{';, ives motoEn- 
long. One fuclj l"ft=f «;= '^' '„ c'," formal Prayers o! 
couragement, than *= ""'.^^^^'.fi" f nd Prayers for the 
Thoufanis, AS Mr. £r«.«^ = M-^ ^^^ i,,,,rdi.^rr. ' 
comingofChrrft'sKmgdolD,werev,ry;p ^^_^ ^^. 

fo, I think, we may reafo b y "0 ' ^^^^ ^.^^ ,„„,. 

cited tbofe DeSres and Prayets, mil an .^^j^^ ^j^„,,_ 

do I think it worthy to be taKennos! r ,] ^„i beyond 

.hat he had his Heart { as he dec! r d ^nu ^^"f^ ? ,„ 

what had been before, drawn out '"^'"B ^ j,^„ ^ewas inl 

rteFlourifhingofChrift's ^'"f ™ ™ .f^"^-,' d;i„g Breath he 

, .„, Approaches of f "'V.itloar "ng Soul nto the Bofom of 
rfidasit were breathe out hrdepar..ngbo_^^^g^^„,. 

^(.Redeemer, in P-?^" ^ ^a ^loon btjin .0 be ful- 

eaipiiinsm a ^"^e^'^T'V^Jl wbicfe he in his dying Bt=te 
fled. And!wiihitbs-t(teThoisv,Wcanen '^^,^1^^ 

jjjg RcSedions mid Obftrvationa 

txpteffed of tbal 5xp)icitAgresineiit,an(I viiibleUnion ofGod's 
People, in extiaoidinary Prayci for a general Revival of Reli- 
gion, lately propofed in a Meinoriil from Satlini, which has 
ieen difpcrfEd amojig us, may be vel\ confHeied by thofcthat 

hitherto have nolfcen fit (o fall in with that Fropofal. But 

J forbear to fay any more on this Head, having already largely 
publilhcd niy Thoughts upon it, in a Difcourfe written onPar- 
pofe to proroofc that Affair ; which, I conle6,I wiil) (hat every 
one of BiyReadcnmight be fupplied wiili ; not that liiyHotiour, 
but that this excellent Defign might be promoted. 

As there is much in Mr. Bmirmd't Life to encourage Chri- 
ffians (o fcek the Advancement of Chrift's Kingdom, in gene- 
ral ; fo there ii, in particular, !o pray for the Converfion of (he 

' Itidlum on Shis Continent, and to exert Ihemfclvcs in the Ufe 
of proper Mcana for U'a AMompliftiment. For it appear), 
that he in hia nmitter.iblc f.utigings and Wrefllings of Soul fsr 
the FlourJIhiiig of Keligion, had his Mind peculiarly inleol 00 
ihe Converfion and Salvation of thcfc People, and his Heart 
more erpccially engaged in Prayer for them. And if we cojifi- 
dcr the Degree and Manner in which he from Time toTime, 
fought and hoped foranextcnflveWorkof Grace among them, 
1 thill k, we have Reafon lo hope , that the wonderful Things, 
whichGod wrought among thera by him, are hut aForc-runner 
of fcmcthin^^ yet mlEch more glorious and extcnfivc of that 
Kind i and°(his may juflly bean Encouragement, lo well- 
difpofed charitable Terfons, to hsnsur thi Uri iiiith their &ub- 
flancc, by contributing, as they are able, to promote the fprcad- 
inj of theGofpelamonglhem i and this alfo may incite and en- 
courage Gentlemen who arc Incorporated, and intrufted with 
theCarcandDifpofoloflhoftiibcialBcnefaaions, which have 
already been mtde by piousPeifoos, to that End ; andlikewife 
the MiiTionariesthimfelves, that are or may be employed s and 
it may be of Diteaion unto bol!i,as to the propctCJualifications 
ofMifTmnaries, and the proper Mcafures to be talcen in order 
to their Succefs. 

One Thing in particular, I would take OccaEon from the 
foregoing Htffory to mentiimand propofe to the Confideration 

lof fnch as have l!ie Care of providing and fending MJpcmriis 
amoDgSavages J viz. Whether it would not ordinarily be hefl 

I to fend (tuo together ? 1[ is pretty manifeff, that Mr. Brnimri's 
going, as bcdid, alone into the howling Wildernefs, was one 
great Occsfion of fsich a prevailing of Melancholy cnhisMInd; 
Which was bis Eri.aicftD;faJvsiitage. He was much in fpeak- 


ine of it hinifc!r,whenhe was here in his tlyingSute s and ex-, 
crelTcd htmfelf, to this Pnipofe, thai core could conceive of 
the mfadvantage i MifKonary in fuch Cireumftances was utl- 
der, by heio^ alone; efpccially as it ei^P/'J Jiin to D-fcou- 
ra^ement i.nd (viclanchol, ; And fpokeof theWtfdom ofChnfi: 
in°fending forth his Difciples by Two and Two ; and left it 
as his dying Ad vice 10 his Btolher, never lo go to SuM«mh, , 
to travel about in rhat remote Wildsrnefs, to preach to the j 
hJiam there, as hs had often done, without the Compinv of a 
Feliiai-Milfimafr. , - i, tr j 

VIII. One Thing more may not be unprofitably obfctvcil 
in thsprececding Account of Mr. Braintrd; and that is the 
/sms/and rimariabk Difpijsl cf divine Providence, with llc- 
oard to the Cirmmllencis of his lad Hcknefi mi Dialh. 

Tho' he had been long infirm, his Conftitutioti being mnctl 
broken by his Fatigues and Hatdfhips ; and tho' he was often 
btousht very hv, by IHncfs, before he left KaunMmid, and 
alfo While he lived at the Fo,h »/ Dilam^u : Yet his Life 
was prcferved, 'till he bad fecn that which he had fo long 
and greatly defiicd and fought, a glorious Work of Grac= 
among the M/™r, and had received the wiflred ot BlefTingof 
God on his Labours. Tho' as it were i» Uwlij f/(, yet he 
lived to bcliold the happy Fruits of the long continued Travail 
of hi! Soul and Uhourof his Body, in the wonderful Coiiver- 
fion of many of the Heathen, mi the happy E&a of it m the 
great Change of their Converfation, with many Cltcumlbnces 
whichafFordeda fair Profpefl of the Ooniniuance of (jod a 
BlefEng upon them i as may appear by what I fhallprerently 

further obfeive Thus he did not difarl, idl bis Bfl> 

had fun Gud'i Sahatim. , „ „ u ,.i.,„ 

Tho- it was the Fleafureof God, that hefhould be taken 

off from his Labours among that Feopie whom God bad made 

him 1 fpirltual Father to. who were fo dsar to him.and whole 

fpirituil Welfare he was fo gieatlyconceioed for i yet this was 

not befotethey were Vftll initiated and inlifuaed in the Cbtll- 

tiar. Reliaion. thoroughly weaned from Ihcii old hcalhenilh 

aod brutiih Notions and Praflices, and all I heir Prejiidice? and 

Jeakffllies, which tended to keep their Minds unfettlcd, were 

■ fully removed ; and they were confirmed and fiRod 10 ine 

ChriftianFaiih and Manners, were forraedmtn a Lln.rch ImO 

cccler«fticalOrdhiances ard Ditcipline introduced & ioitlea , 

were brought iato a good V/ay with Rf^fpea to the Lducation 

of Childico, bid a School- MaSdr ftn: to thMnm I'rov.tknce, 

Eefieaions sfli Obfervations 

I ; 


cxcdkBtly cualifted for the Buflneft, and h.d a^School fetuj. 
'S IfabllfteJ, i" f"'! OiAt., among then, ; Md been wd 
br«S'fffrom.fa.^^ fo™» Idle, ft"ll»E> ^''"■'^y'f ?' 
!,"„,■. had removed ttom ihdr fcrmtr tatteied unccrtMn 

f™d Piece cf L.„d of (heir o>vn 5 were mtroduceJ .nto he 
WW living bvH.fb.ndry, and began ,0 e^peneirce the 
Benefits of itfw/. Thrfc Thiags were bnt )ull bjaught to 
nrhv h-^ iptletaisablc Application .nd C«e, and ihei. ho ws. 
fatn'offfroi b/work b', Illneft. If '1-^= h.d been bu a^ 
nule fooncr, they wonld by no Means have been fo well pre- 
B id for fuch aDifpenfation ; and it probably would h»ve bocn' 
S"fpoaka% «-e .'c. ,!,. Hurt of their fpiritual Intereft, and of 
the Caufe of Chrifljanity Btnong ihcm. , 

TbrTims and Cirrumflanccs of hi. lllnefe were fo or- 
dered ihrhc h.J j.a Opportunity to linifh hl. 7.»™^A and 
deied, innl nc ^ ij Account of the marvellous 

£S 1 v ^ P.-r aid Oic. an,ong,h=i»j;.« in AW 

Thing of gte" Confe,uen«, and there ore urged upon h,rn 
A he C.r4.«A«/;, wh. have honout'd h.= Journal w,th a 
Priace tL world being particularly and juftly .nfortrred 
„ ta kair by Mr. ErM, before l,i=Dca,b, a F™"d^"°n 
was htr.b, hid for a Conc-m in Mrs for that Caufe, and 
proper c/re and» to be taken for '"e ma,nta,r.y,g tt 
ThIrnU Death, As it has »auatl7 proved to be of gteatlnfla- 
^ne sndBeuefit in ihisRefpea ; it having elated and engaged 
X in thofc Pat.=, .nd alfo more dittapt Part, of ^w«J, to 
Ser l«.r'l«= fj the upholding and prcmotmg fo good and 
eloriou. a Work, remarkably cronins the.r Heart, and Hands 
I, that End : And pot only in A^mia, bu tn trM( Sr,tc,«. 
there that J.urn.l { ^.bi.h i, thefame that have earn.ft , re- 

romn^ende/ to my Readers ''' V'^t^Ttl L\ tl 
beenanOcofionof fome largo "'flf^^' 
nromotinH the InleriftofChtiHianlty among the J""""'--:" 
^r »™Wribad been ,aken lllbu.a li.t o fooner, he had no 
L; able to compleat thi.hi= Journal, and prepare a Copy for 

"hJ^; no. t^ken off fron, the Workof '^-^'"'y^^^^, 
hi. EeoDle. 'till his Xr«t,r was in a tapacity and Lircum 
ll^Xflli fcnn in hisCe of them : Wh^ "-= f^™ 
in the llko Spirit, nJ unc'cr whofc prudent and '^.thful t_a^= 
Ills Congreg.tion bis fiouiiOiEd, jnd been very h.ppy, imce he 


■ ~ i 

D» the frecetiitis Merooiis: 

J i„i,lj could not have been fo well provided 
I=ft thf 5 '1'^ ^7Mr'Z-«"/h.d been difabled fooner hi. 

S:r;e?;TLf.ra. b': r sr.ithh. .^aiconr^p- 

Thn' ti, that Winter (hth= ay M ^^ ^^/^^^^, 

£/,>*<(6-r.™,h= continued for a tons 1 ^^ ^^^ ^.^ 

loJstate fo that h- W « J^™« P ^, ,,„„,j 

S,„e was f";-'™^;/':^J,f ^ ;'L"e wa. fparod a while longer , 
ivE aDaytoan > 7" ' - ii^.J„f,f, being com= 

l,e lived .0 fee bs f 'J^'; " '^, .^ ^,t, .fjil, himfelf had 
tofucceed hrrn "'"^^^^^Examinatran and Introdrraion intt, 
Opportunity to airft '^^^^^ ^ ^oudua of his dear People 
hi, Bufinefti r'J°iil°„'^™andoooUputConfide.,cein,and 
,0 One whom bewll knew, Inflruajons and 

"cha^;:frdrde;"wScare h'.could leave his Congtega- 
tior, with great Chearfulner.j^^y^ Info ordering of 
The Providence tJt '^°, " , j ,,vj j Tourney into A'sra- 
„, that before his Death he a™" «>== i^J^^/Refpe^, of 
£„j/.„^,and f»J" f^ "nf;,lceto.heln.ereil ol Religion, 
very great and happy >-o.o'eH J g ,his Means, aa 

, Jefpecially among ^ "^/^ Pf„„ Acquaintance with 

has been o''f«"^VT .r^^d IniSuence, Minifters and others, 
manyPetfons of Note and Muen^^,^^^ Part, of the Ccun- 
belocgmg both ."the o«r^ ^^^ ^^ Advantages .0 bear 
ay i and had Opportunj ^^^ ^ ^ ,^^f, f,,rg 

aTeftintonyfo C^odandu e b^ ^^^ p,,nicious to th= 
Appearances of it that wve V ^ J ,^5 p,oy,. 

denccof God i=Pf"™';'' , fo, true Religion ; su^- ThaS 
„f ,be Teitimony ^e *^"= '';; ^e g""'. and'contrnued for fa 
he ilrerew.sbroughtfo nea tt.el,« . ^^^^ from Tin»e 

„,g a Time on the v 'r^^^^^^ ^^ ,„„k'd on by other., a. 
,oTime,)oDk'don himielt, an ^^ ci.curoftances 

jdf leaving the Word 5 '"^'^'^"^ ^3.,!,,^ ;„ hi^Tho'ts 
iefhouldhefopart.cular!yd.ett=U ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ 

,„d V,e..sof Rd.g.on> <» f -S;'^,y,,„ . ,^ that after 
the falfc, wrlb fuob '-'^f "'i^/ j furnriv/insly reftoied and 
.his b. Ihould be ""'^f; [^;°„ „ Jerfe fTeely ; and have 
ftrensihned, fofat « "J^V, occafions V> dsclaie t^e benti- 
fuch Opportunity, and (pecia^ ^Jt.*.""" ^^i^ 

Vii EsfieQJons tmi Obfervations 

merits he had in thefe, whici) were, to haman Apprelieufiou, 
Z,iymf, CitcumftancK ; anJ to b«r bb Tcffiraony concem- 
L the Nature of tme RcligiGn, ar,J c™«rn,n| the rai <:fc«- 
Vo.sTeideoLyoI it's moft prevalent Corrnlerta. ar^l falfe 
ZpearariK! ; as Tilings he had a fpeci»l,dear d.fttnaV.ew 
ri at !h"t T.n=e, wher! ho cxpafled !a a few to b= 
in Eternity; and the CertaiDtj & Impoiunce of which were 
then, in a pKuli»r Maiuier, imptofsM on his Mind, 

AmpnE .he happy Cortftquence. of his gomg to ^f ""'7" 
thofeTberalBeneraaio-s ih.t h«e be=n '"'^""™ '^' -^^^^'a 
wL made by pious difpof.d Ferforr,, for the ma,„<a,nmg and 
promoting the int«.ft of Religion among h.s People And 
Bifo the ro=etii,e of a Number of Gentlemen in W'-,f No<e 
and Abimy. tocorrfnlt upon Meafutc for (h« Furpofe ; who 
ZtT^^Mi by their Acqiraiirtsnce and Converfat.m 
Mr B™W.-n' byrhcAceoent of the greatThings God hai 
wrooabt by his Minifiry. to unito themrdves, that by ihm 
;oint EBdeavours and Contributions they miehl promotB ths 
fensdom of Clrrift, and the fpititual Good of their Fellow- 
Creatures, among the hdiam in N,v,-Jerf,f,mi^\Sewym. 

It was alfo rcmarksblr, (hat Mr. ariinird fliould go to 
tifltn, at tbm Tina ; aftsK (he h.noutablc Commiffioiiars 
thtrc, of the Corporation ia LinJm for propagaimg the Gofpel 
iQW™-£wlai.J and Parti adjactnt, liad rscdved Dr. frU- 
tim't L.fi8(;y for tlie maintaining of two MifKonaries among 
theHeaihep ; and at a Time when they having toncludciS on 
a Miffion to the IruSims of the Six-li^tlons { fo called ) w«b 
lookinE out for fit Perfons to be iraploycd in that Important 
SeivicJ. This proved w Occafion of their coramitting to h.m 
the Affair of finding and recommeodinE fuitable 1 erioiis ; 
Which has proved a fusccffol Means of two F«rons being 
found mi afltially appointed to that Bufinefs ; who fern la 
be weU qualified for it, and to have iheirHearts greatly engaged 
in it : One of which 1»! been folemniy ordain'd to thatWork 
in SoJIon, and is now gone forth to one of thofe Tribes, who 
have appeared weUdifpofcd ro hisRcception : It beins judged 
not convenient for tho other to go 'till the nexl Spring, by 
Reafon of his bodily Infirmity. * Thefa 


I The Appoin-mont of rhcfe Gentlemen to this Miffion 
has been hilbifti much fmiled on in FrovidcDcc i as in 
Other K.cffeia», fopirtitularly in the wpndefful oiKHing 

«1. would have been prevented - ^«,^^; Qr if af.e. 
&as brought fo ne« ■" "ea h in W™ 7 / y_^^,^ ^^ ^ ^^^ 

S.M at aTime when not on y *=;°^"'^^ ^^ but jutt afterr 
wete reeking MilEonartes » '^^=/;;,*f hi 1 abours and Suc- 

hts >»rn.i, '""'^S e'7LTh«n re ived and inS*- : 
cefs among (he AdMiir.hadoetn (i,^ M.nds of faious 

Whereby hi, Name «' ^"™'';,,', ,Vy, Perfon, and the 

P^pk were well prepared to ''"'"^ • ^hemfelves far 

TTftim«nyhe .here gave '« ^^V, , ^ol Religion in his 

the upholding ""■'/'"""'ftStTjil-,. eir.«here°-, a.d to 

Congregation, ''"V^leorninrtbe %-'ifa'i™= "' ^"^^^ 
tegardhis Judgment coneon.ig ^ ^^^ j,^ t,ad 

naries, f^'- "^=^f,f "/wr^ y ito Ne«-En,l.,i, but 

intended tohatre '^'',''=,^'%J Xc^eufeof his Ulnefs) ttw^'ld 
„as prevented by a fuddengrc^anct. ^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ 

not have been JAcly to have been in "' X ^ ^, jetained m 
"Effea 1 And alfo =' "^^ ''^^;,°\^r,:y Hou.e, \l intended t^ 
Boftm; For when ^%,^„'l™ Sit divine Providence by 
„^ke but a -">,»?:* ^'Xrcdetain-d hint long .thereby 
bis being brought '" '™'rjifs own gracious Defig.>s- 
to make Way for ^''^ ^^'X.markable in fo ordering, that 
The Providence of God was rein ^^^^ ,( 

aUho' he -^^re^'^^Sdh wcoTd ever come alive out 
was not in the leaft f t"^" ,™f„.i„ „vi^ed, and was prc- 
Tf his Chamber ■, yet he ^"'^^"'X. he had OpP»'t""''y <° 
ferved feveral Mcntl,s »S" V^° ti ' oungerBr'fe^^ before 

lent aDeflgn ; brfidcs '^e B="««^'^ ^^ Chearlulnefs have 

of Perrons «^f*;„tTe"rr-i^i'"''-'^^t,-' 
rnr'/;;4«H.l°— aUnftderab. Fat.of h. 

Eflate to this Inieteft. ^ __ StaSe 



Reflections and Obferva£Jons 

State, and might leave with h;m fuch Inftruaions and DiretjJ 
ijona 39 were rcquifue in order to their rplritua] Wdfare^ 
and to fend to ;h&m his dying Charges and Coniifels. Ar\d 
he had alfu OppottunUy, by Means of thla Sufpenfioji of hi* 
D<:ailij to find and recommend g Couple of Perfons fit to be 
emfFloyed tuMiJien^rui to the Sin Nalions, as had beendefired 
of him. 

Thus, altho' it was the PJpafure of a foverdgn God, that 
he fliotih! be ukep away from hie Congregaiiorij the People 
that he had begrjtten through thcGofpel. who were fo deal 
to him i yet it was grnmed to him, chit before he died he 
fhoTild fee them well prtwUgd for^ every Way : He faw them 
provided for With One to inftrya them, and takeCareoF theic 
Sods \ hia own Brother, whrun ht: cuiiJti confide in ; He faw 
a good FoufiJ^ilion I;*ici for ihc Support of the School among 
ihciii ; thofe Things that before were wanting in order to it, 
b^ing fuppli&d ; And be had the Profpctt of a chaTJtahk Sajtiy 
being cltafahfiied^ of ab'e sand well-difiiofed Peifcns, who feem 
go make (be fpiritual Iiuercft of bis Congregation their own ; 
whireby he had a comfortable View of _thejr being weliBpro- 
■vidcd fnr, for the future : And he had alfo Opportunity to 
leave a,Il his dying Charges wiih bis SucccHbr in the L'aiioral 
Care of his People, and by him to fend his dying Coiinfels (a 
ihem. Thus God granied him to fee all Things happily fettled, 
or ill ahopefi:! VVay of bein(* f^i before his Deaih, with Re- 
fpci^t IP Illy liear Pcop!e — And wiiereaa not only i:j's ownCon- 
gregationj but (he SquIs of tijc It^d^^m in Narih- jdm^rtca in 
geoeialj were very deartohimj and he had greatly fet his 
Heait o!i the propagating and exceiidiisg the Kingdom of 
Chrilt among'etti ; God was pJeafiid to granrto him (however 
it was hjji Wi!l, that he fiiaiild be taken away, 3nd To Jhould 
not be {be tmuiedjate Inftrunit^it of their iuftrutflion and Con- 
verfion, yet ) ihat before his Death, iiefhould (tc unexpe£ted 
cKtrJort^inary I'iovilirn siiade for tins alfo. And 'tis remarka- 
ble, that God not oniy ailuwed him to fccfuch Provifioninadc 
for ihe mainramlng tht Intereff of Religion among his own 
PeopJCjand tbel-'ropagfUiuii of ii vlfcwhere j but honoured him 
by tnaking him the Means or Ot:czfion nf it. Su ihat il iq very 
probable, huwevei Mr. Brainsrd, during the lail four Months 

(of his Li(e, Wa5 kirdinarily ifi .an cT^tremdy weak and lowKuEC, 
very oficji fcirc^Iy able to Tjieali ; yet that he was made tha 
Jniliujijitnt or Means of t^iizh niQio Quod jti ilm Space uf 



Ob tU p-ecttiing Memoiirs; 3 1 i 

^T' , TWm<, wherEin appwrs the tnercifal UifpoM of 
, Anothei Thing, wn^E n H ^ |j^ jy ^^ 

"' t""/:^rCc m. 1 veXf a™ for ,he Benefit of , 

p«s, and (or reviewing ihe '^"^ ' ™" ^^ ^„„ f^pprcfs'd ; 
ho weld .r Uft We ordered *=™ '^ "^^.^ I, ^^^ of 
Bal after Ihis. he the more roiHuy y e'"i- ^ 

bis Fri=nd., »nd ^.3 billing .0 leave *™ " 'G^-fGlory : 
be difprfcdof . .bey .h..eHt 7g^^;Xl 1 ?hllac»r,L 
By which Mean., *< fe,^ *«.^'. ^''{f^^' " ' .. Whereby it 


be accomplifli'd after his Death. 

If „efe„c. of ^r. J.i«r^;. Da.* b= d^Jy 
conSdereJ.ldoubr not hu! tHey Will be ™"*'™'= p j u. 
Sl= I„ft.„eeof God'. F.,herlj C"=. - ^ovenan -Fa. 
(„l„eft towards them that are devoted to >='"> .^"; '"^^^^^ 
fcrve him While ih=y iive ; whereby fe «" r ' -' f^J' 

'lo^D 1 and both in Life .ndD«,h they .re own ij^^^^^ 



RefleftioDS fflni Obfervations £i?f. 

nas much rn taking Notice ( when neir his Enil ) of (he mer-"' 
/dfu! eircumitaiicei of his Death ; aadfaid, ftom Time to 
TiBie.lhai Gtd had panted him all bit Difiri. 

And I would not cotcIuJc myObfeivations on (he merciful • 
Cirtamttaticcs of Mr. Bramtnfs Death without acknowleiig- 
ing withTdanJcfuIners, the graciousDifpenfalion of Pmvidence 
to ine and my Family, in fo ordering, that he ( tho' the oidi- 
nary Place of his Abode was more than 200 i^iles diftant ) 
iCmuId be caft hither, to my Houfc, in his lat! Sidtnefs, and 
fhoold die here: So that we had Opportunity fof much Ac- 
quaintance and Converfation with him, aod to Ihew himKind- 
nefs in inch Circumiianees, artd to fes his dying Eehaviaur, 
so liear his dying Speeches, to receive his dying Counfela, 
nnd to have the Benefit of his dyingPrayerSr May God in in- 
finite Mercy grunt, iliat we may ever retain a properRcttlera- 
branceofthefe Things, and make a due Improvement of the 
Advantages we hafc hsd, in thefe Refpefls ! The Lord grant 
alfo, that the foregoit^g Account of Mt, Brainird's Life and 
Death may be for the great fpirilual Benefit of all that Ihal! 
read it, and prove a happy Means of promoting the Revival of 
true Religion in (htfe Facta of the World. A M I H. 


f 3 

3 ^. 


£ R^/ltJ. Pag. 5;. 1. 14. ,, refreflr'd. Pag- U%- 
Warg. Not. Lin, nil, t. Dajs teforc. 

Ji OOKS printid for and foldly D. Henchman <tt 
his Shpovlr agoinfi the Old Brick Metting-Hmfi 
ill CornhiU. 

QT^ii^ri', Safety of.appearii!g in thcRiihleoufaefa of Cbiift, 

O .- His Guide to ehrifl. 

Shtpfffi Siticere Convert. 
-'- Sound Believer. 

jStihm-^ Wifdom of GOD inlheRedemption t>f fallenMai., 
..- Difcourfes from fi™. viu. i+. Setting forth the cleareft 
and (utell Marks of our being fo led by the Spltti f of (job 
- as to dcmonllrate that wo are tho Children oi God. 

Pmhirm'> Praflical Difcotirfes, 1. The Dignity & Glory 

of M^tSinritive S<ate. 11. The Nature ar>d N'ecefflty of 

• limrfm. IJI. ThcReafonah),ngloobtamSat- 

vaX, IV. The Method of "ivlne Gtace m Uonvetflon. 

V The Nature and Obligation of R,ccmns Cbfrft by Farth. 

VI The Duty of imitaUng the Exjriiple of tasisT, 
Vli, The Folly of Icfmg.the Smi for the Ga.n of iheSPlrtf. 

Dr. ^sfi's Guide to Prayer. 

An Account of the Life and Ddith of Mt>, Elii»m 

The Marrow of Modern Divinitr. Touching the Cove- 
Bant of Works, and the Covenant ot Grace In a Da-. 
Lue between a Miniiterof the Gofpel-a Legahft - ar> 
Antinomian — au'i a young Cbriilian. 

Dr. aimms Difcouifcs on the Itsoomptehen&blBnefs oE. 

Spiritual Songs -Or Songs oi Praife, with Pe.ite.tiat 
Cries to Mmgky GOD upon feveral OccafLU,. Togrthec 
with the EoKG of Songs wUieh is Solomons. 

' Hichi's Doubting Ciripm drawn so Gheist. 

lirhf. Nature ani Neceffitj of the ^'■^-^'"'^^^^^^.^ 

BOOKS Sold hy Di Henchman; 

Edwardi*^ Humble Attempt to promote explicit Agree- 
ment aiJQ vifibJe Union of God^s People iji exiraonimiiry 
Prayer for the Rivival of Religion &<::. 

Bn/mgs's Good GDvernment of Chriflisn Famiiiea recom- 
mended. With a DifcQurfe of fecret Prayer, 

f^risht's Treatife of bcirg born agaij), wUhout vvliich 
ISO Man can be favcd. 

Jikine*i Alarm to the Unconverted* 

F:ix on Time and the ^nd of Time^ 

£ri£ei*s Seven Sermon^. 

Mssiiy {"Jofhua) Fraflica! Difcourfc concerning ihe Bene- 
fit Q*^ Communion with GOD in Jiia Houfe. 

Mather's Apology for the Liberty of the Chuiches ■ ill 
l^ewBfigiand. To which is prefiji'd a Dlfcoujfe concerning 
CoPgregntional Churches. 

SsrHnrd's. Sermons on feveral SubjeHs> vh. A Confirma- 
tion of the Truth of (he Chriftian Religion. Compel ihem 
tQ come iiu The Chriftian Heio, or the Saints Vidlory and 

Willjsmi (Sslomm) CHuraT the King and Witnefs of 
TkutHj anJ the Nature EKCclleticy and Extent of his 
iiingdom as founded in TatiTHand only pioracted by it» 

Some Remartable PafTages in the Life of the Hob. CoJ, 
Jamg» Gardner, who was Bh'm&t, Prsjsti-Pefii, With 
a Sermon by P. Dodkidge,D. D* 

Meditations on fcvera] diyinfiSubjeSsr I. The Humanity 
of C^rKiBT- II. The ExttJifivenefs of God's good Defigft 
in ielllng Jsfeph into Egypi. III. Chkjist the Kin^ fitTJng 
at his Table, IV, Of the Love of CHRisT and faving 
Knowledge of it. With a Letter tp a Friend, 

